What Is Atheism, Secularism, Humanism

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What Is Atheism, Secularism, Humanism What is Atheism, Secularism, Humanism 8. Atheist/Secularist/Humanist Organization and Community Today Until the early 1800s, there were individual atheists and secularists but little or no organized atheism/secularism • Although much of (at least American) atheism/secularism persists as argument about/against god(s), it is also evolving into a social movement • Critique → Community → Culture • Like any social movement, the atheist/secularist movement consists of organizations, leaders, symbols, resources, and all of the trappings of a culture One of the oldest existing atheist organizations is American Atheists • Formed in 1963 by Madalyn Murray O’Hare, a plaintiff in one of the school prayer court cases • Active in legal cases about religious displays, religion in schools, and the rights of atheists • Tracks bills and laws regarding religion in all states • Has state directors in most U.S. states • Does not have local chapters but affiliate groups • Holds an annual conference (on Easter weekend) • Publishes American Atheist magazine In 2014, American Atheists launched Atheist TV, the first atheist television broadcast • In 2005 AA and several other groups united to hire the first atheist/secularist lobbyist • In 1978, several members split from AA to form the Freedom from Religion Foundation • Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor have been co-presidents for decades • The stated mission of FFRF is “to promote the constitutional principle of separation of state and church, and to educate the public on matters relating to nontheism.” FFRF claims over 30,000 members • Publishes books by Barker, as well as Freethought Today magazine/newspaper • Organized into local chapters, holds a national annual conference • Runs Freethought Radio and Podcast • Operates charitable foundation Nonbelief Relief (which had its tax exempt status revoked after it demanded the same privilege as churches) • Promotes “Atheists in Foxholes” initiative to celebrate atheists in the military • Holds a student scholarship essay contest Secular Student Alliance • “Empowers secular students to proudly express their identity, build welcoming communities, promote secular values, and set a course for lifelong activism” • Boasts 312 student organizations and 1,672 secular programs at schools (including chapters at Auraria, UC Boulder, and CSU) • There are also many atheist groups in other countries, plus the coalition Atheist Alliance International • “a global federation of atheist groups and individuals committed to educating its members and the public about atheism and critical thinking, and to supporting atheists around the world who are discriminated against and criminalized. AAI was granted UN Special Consultative status in 2013.” Atheist Alliance International (founded 1991) promotes atheist/secularist rights around the world and opposes religious abuses • Has campaigned against blasphemy laws in Greece, false god- men in India, and religious establishment in Nigeria • Supports the Kasese Humanist School in Uganda • Publishes Secular World magazine • Beyond atheism, there are many groups active in secularism, humanism, and skepticism American Humanist Association • Founded in 1941 by two Unitarian ministers, Curtis Reese and John Dietrich • Some of its earliest issues were religion in public schools and laws banning abortion • In the 1970s promulgated “Humanist Manifesto II” • Dismissed promises of immortal salvation and eternal damnation as “illusory and harmful” • Affirmed that “moral values derive their source from human experience” and that “reason and intelligence are the most effective instruments that humankind possesses” • Today identifies its key issues as defending nontheists and promoting humanism, religion/state separation, social justice, scientific integrity, and peace AHA maintains a wide variety of initiatives • Appignani Humanist Legal Center, with a team of attorneys • Center for Freethought Equality, for lobbying and political advocacy • Adjunct groups such as Black Humanist Alliance, Latinx Humanist Alliance, Feminist Humanist Alliance, and LGBTQ Humanist Allliance • Organizes local chapters, publishes The Humanist magazine and Free Mind quarterly newsletter Other major organizations include Council for Secular Humanism, Skeptic Society, and Americans United for Separation of Church and State • But beyond the big national/international organizations, there are many local efforts at building atheist/secularist community and culture • Atheist Community of Austin: operates “Atheist Experience” online TV show, sponsors Sunday brunch, participates in local blood drive, program to build ramps for disabled people, and Adopt-a-Street beautification project New York City Atheists holds social events, blood drives, stage and film events, author groups, and produces several local TV shows including Atheism in History, NYC Atheists, and My Road to Atheism • Sunday Assembly (originated in London) as alternative to Christian worship services • Denver has its “Secular Hub,” a chapter of AHA that hosts multiple groups and arranges its own events such as movie night, pancake breakfast, coffee gatherings, support group for substance abuse (Freethinkers in AA), and Recovering from Religion support group There are innumerable local and private projects, from discussion groups to podcasts and YouTube channels • The culture-creation/tradition-invention process has gone much further • Secular “holidays” like Darwin Day (2/12), National Day of Reason (1st Thursday of May), Humanlight (12/23), and summer and winter solstice celebrations • Programs for children, like Camp Quest, and books for children • Atheist/secularist life-event celebrations like weddings and funerals Atheism/Secularism in popular culture • Movies • Bill Maher “Religulous” • Penn and Teller “Bullshit” • Julia Sweeney “Letting Go of God” • John Mendoza “Blasphemy: The Movie” • Music • Dan Barker “Friendly Neighborhood Atheist” album • Matt Taylor “Tent Revival for Agnostics” musical • Various attempts to create or adopt a secular anthem like John Lennon “Imagine” or XTC “Dear God” Public outreach campaigns, with billboards or bus posters Invention of symbols and images No social movement has ever succeeded by argument alone • Like any social movement, atheism/secularism must be inspiring, positive, and appealing • It must be creative and diverse, addressing the full spectrum of human interests and needs • It must be social as well as intellectual • It must be political active and culturally visible, to combat stereotypes of immorality and untrustworthiness .
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