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Djvu Document Vol. 7, No.1 - 2, March - June, 1993 27 A Review of tt Ie RI lopalopl 101 i1li (eoleoplel a. eelal Ilbycidae) af Nartll alld eelIb al AI Ilei ica Edmund F. Glesbert 9780 Dlake Lalle Beverly Hills, CA 90210 and John A. Chemsal< Entomology & Parasitology University of California 201 Wellman Hall Berkeley, CA 94720 Abstract The tribe Rhoplllophorini is reviewed tor North andC-entral America Keys to genera and species are provided, and known species are redescribed. The genus Rhopalophora Audinet-Serville is revised to include 16 species, WIth the followmg additIons: R. sernpenmsn. sp. and R. yucatana n. sp. are descnbed from MeXICO; R. rUgLcolhs hOl1Orei n ssp is described from Baja California; and R meeskei Casey, 1891 is restored to species status New synonymIes are: R. mcrustata Chevrolat, 1859 R. tenuis (Chevrolat, 1855); R. laevicollis LeConte, 1873 R. cltpricollis Gnerin-MlmeviJle, 1844 Distribution maps are includedfor the more common species. The subgenus Ischwnodonta Chevrolat IS raIsed to genenc status, and includes 3 species: 1. serripes (Bates, 1872) n. comb.; I. versicolor (Chevrolat, 1859) n. comb.; and 1. mexicana n. sp. from Mexico. Cosmisoma Audinet-Servilleis revised to mclude 6 species, with 2 newly described: C. militaris n. sp. from Panama and Costa Rica, and C. ,haptos n. sp from Panama and O>lombia. New synonymies are: C. nudicornis Bates, 1892 C. martyr Thomson, 1860, and C. alboscutellata linsley, 1935 =C. reticulata Bates, 1885. Cycnoderus Audinet-Serville is newly recorded from Mexico and centralAmerica with 6 species: C. virginiae n. sp.. C. copei n. sp., C. liuidus n. sp., C. breuicolle n. sp. from Mexico, and C. guatemalicus n. sp. from Guatemala. Cycnoderus barbatus Gounelle is recorded from O>sta Rica and Panama. Anew genus, Muxbalia, is proposed and tentatively placedin the Rhopalophotini, and M. monzoni n. sp. is describedfrom Guatemala. Ozodes Audinet-Serville, andLissozodes Bates are removedfrom the RhopalophOlini and placed pruvisiOllally in the NeC}'dalopsilli. Rhopalophola cup, icoUis, R. longipes, R. serripennis, Cycnoderus virginiae, Cosmisoma rhaptos, and Muxbalia monzoni are illustrated. Introduction fauna nOl th of South America has been largely ig- nored. Since theefforts ofBates(1879-1885), new taxa The tribe Rhop_alo~horiniis found ~rimarilv in have been proposed only by Linsley (1935, 1942) theWestern Hemisphe~(atpresentcon;stingoft 19 species in 13 genera) with only 3 genera occurring Adult specimens ofRhopalophorini are often en- elsewhere: Ampherlwe Newman from Australia, countered in large numbers, uswlIly on the flowers of Pelossus Thomson from Mrica, and Dymorpho various plants, 01 on dead twigs and blanches. Mem- bers ofthe tribe appear to be diurnal. cosmisoma Picfrom China ~Aurivillius1912; Gressitt This revision deals wit.h members of t.he t.ribe 1951). The group is predrnrinIDltly NeotIOpEal with found from North America through Panama, these :::~~~~~er:~g~~~~rt't;~~t~~~i:;~~:~~:t::~ limits being strictlya matterOf convenience. CladiStic These species were treated by Linsley (1964), but the analysis has not been considered due to these geo- graphicallimitations. PortionsoftheSouthAmerican 28 Insecta Mundi fauna havebeen studiedLy Zajciw (1962), MOlIne and diffCI fwm othcIs in that bibe by the fOlln of the Magno (1988), and by Monne (1989) pronotum, different style ofprosternaI sexual modifi- For the geographIcal area under conSIderatIon, catIOns, the exsertedpro- and mesocoxae, andfrom all the tribe Rhopalophoriniconsists ofsix genera and 33 butllluxhalian. gen. bythe graduallycla'latefemora. species. In the preparation of this work, over 3000 Martins (1975), in attempting to clarify the status of specimens 'tvere examined. Data on the material several genera in the Rhopalophorini and examined for the less common species is listed indi- Tillomogphini, pointed out the close relationship of vidually, disbibutiOllal maps have been providedfor Ozodes, lvTeozodes Zajciw, Parozodes Autivillius, species collected in a large numbers of localities Argyrodines Bates, Aphysotes Bates, and Epropetes DepOSItIon oftypes and speCImens ill illstItutIons and Bates, but did not choose to reassign these genera private collections are indicated by the following tribally at that time. Of these genera,Orodes and abbreviations: [AMNH] = American MuseumofNatu­ Lissozodes (of which an as yet undescribed species talHistmy, IBMNHl TheNatutalHistmy Museum, OCCutS in Costa Rica) OCCut in the the area of this London; [CAS] - California Academy of Sciences; study, and appeartobe closely related to Euclwra<;sw; [EG] - Edmund GIesbert; [FH] - Frank Hovore; Audinet-Serville whIch IS presently aSSIgned to the [FMNH] - Field Museum of Natural History, Chi Necydalopsini.Untilthetribalstatusofthisgroupcan cago; [GNI - Gale NelSon; [llliJ - Henry Howden; be definitely resolved, OZodes and Lissozodes are [lIS] Henry Stockwell; [JAG] John A. Chemsak; placed into the Nee)' dalopsini. [JB] = Joseph Beier!; [JC] = James Cope; [JH] = Jeff The six genera of Rhopalophorini occurring in 'Huether, [JM] JoseMonwn; [tJ""W) JamesWappes; North and Central America may be separated as [RB] - Keve Ribardo; (I ACM] - Los Angeles County follows' Museum of Natural HIstory; [MNS] - NatIonal Museum of NaturalSciences, Ottawa; [RP] Richard Key to the Genera of Rhopalophorini Penrose; [RT] =RobertTurnbow; [RW] =RickWestcott; in North and Central America [SU] Stanford University; crAM] Texas A&M University; [VA] = University of Arizona; [VCB] = 1. Meso and metafemora abruptly clavate beyond Umversity of CalifornIa, Berkeley; [UCD] - UnIVer­ middle (See fig. 1) 2. sity of California, Davis; [UDV] Universidad del Meso- and metatemora graduallY clavate (See fig Valle de Guatemala; [UK] = University of Kansas; 12) Muxbalia [UNAM] UnivetsidadNacionalAut6nomadeMexico, [VU] =University of Utah. 2. Elytral apices truncate or sinuate-truncate. An- tenna I fourth segment. much shorter t.han third Tribe RHOPALOPHORINI Lacordaire (See fig 1) 3 Lacordaire, 1869:109 (as Rhopalophorides); LeConte, Elytral apices acuminate or rounded. Antennal 1873.307; LeConte and Hom, 1883.292; Leng, 1884.114; Knull, 1946:187; Gressitt, 1951:315; Linsley, 1964:187. 3.(2) Elytra bearing distinct transverse pubescent fas- DESCRIPTION: Formparallel-sided. Headwithfrons ciae at base and middle Rho;alor;horella large, Oblique, concave; eyes finely faCetted, deeply Elytra lacking transverse pubescent [~ci& ......... emarginate;mandibles acute; antennaeslender, elon .................................................... Rlwpaloplwra gate, withouta poriferoussystem,segmentsunarmed; palpi short, equal, last segment oval, not dilated. 4.(2) iilltennal fifth segment bearing a tuft of hail' Wee Anterior coxal cavities small, not angulate, open setae, other segments sometimes tufted. Hind behind Legslong, slender,femorausuallypedllnclIlate legs laeking tufts of setae Cosmisema and abruptly clavate; tibial spurs small. Stridulatory Antennalfifth segmentusuallylackingtuftsofhair­ like setae [exeept Cycooderus harbatus, which surface of mesonotum large, undIVIded; scutellum has hind tibiae and tarsi also tufted] 5. small, obtuse. Elytral disk flattened, especially near base. 5.(4) Antennae ofmales 11 segmented. Elytradull,punc­ The Rhopalophorini may be recognized by the tation fine, dense, uniform. Pronotum at most slender, somewhatflattenedbody form, slender, elon­ slightly longer than wide. Femora at least feebly gate antennae, and usually pedUnculate femora. asperate at base lscf'uonodonta Ozodes Audinet-Serville and Lissozodes Bates have Antennae of males 12 segmented. Elytra shining, been previously included in the Rhopalophorini but punctatIonmoderatelycoarse,Irregular. Pronotum Vol. 7, No.1· 2, March· June, 1993 29 at least 1 li3 times as long as wide. Femora transversely, somewhat narrowed behind apex, smooth, not asperate at base Cycrwderus pubescence, if evident, moderately dense, trans- verselyappressed, usuallyinterruptedat middle; Genlls RhopaLopbora Alldinet-Serville punctation absent or mostly obscured. Length 8- 15.5mm 2 Elytra subdepressed or not; margins often at least 18~: Rhopatoplwffi l'.udinet Serville, 100; Chevrolat, somewhat asperate; punctures usually coarse, ;ot ~hsc'lr:d (See fi~ 3) Pron~tum lac;ng :­ mc sculp unng; pu escence, i presen ,usu Gounelle, 1911:99; Knull, 1946:227; Linsley, 1964:188. y for;i~ n~w vittae; punctation usually evi- Rb6polilpborlls, I.e! :Onte, 18'1:3'311/; I.e! :onte and Horn, den. eng -J:lmm ~6 1883:292. D:n.0PWl I.e! :Onte, 1850'19 (Type species' Stenocorus 2. (1) Integument with strong metallic greenish reflec­ longipes Say, monobasic). tions a enda es metallic bluish. Pronotal u- a ora a ora' uriv' 'us (Hidalgo, Guerretu) R. eximia Bates DESCRIPTION: Formslender, somewhatdepressed; Integument without distinct metallic reflections 3 integument usually blackish, often with pronotum red. Head moderately prolonged; antennae filiform, 3. (2) Pronotal pubescence indistinct or obscure. lntegu­ at least as long as body in male, shorter in female, mentbrightly, distinctly I eddish 01 angeandblack. punctulate and sericeus, nearly always eleven seg­ Pubescence of elytra and underside obscure. mented, basal segments slightly swollen apically, Length 10 llmm. Guatemala .. ........................................ R. nigriventris Bates Pronotal pubescence distinct, whitish to bright or ronotum unarme ,usual yonger an wi e. ute­ ange. Elytra and underside densely golden or Hum small, triangular; apex obtuse, notched. Elytra whitish
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