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Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

7-29-1899 Las Vegas Stock Grower, 07-29-1899 The Las Vegas Publishing Co.

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rm EL ' "St B""TSS w a (i H ; M fj mm it U H t - tl M tltNi UN V AND STOCK GROWER.

Sixteenth Teir-- No iil EAST LAS VEOA8, WKW MEXICO JULY 20. 1800 $200 Year REVOLT IN NEWS OF THE WAR. timmimtrmummmtimmnmmtimmmummiij ICt'ptttriiit Injr Simula rU -- Ijij Inu a SAN DOMINGO ChMc In Ltiguim ! Hay. GREAT CLEARING SALES Manila, July 2H. In compliance an received with order from Madrid, all cjfHxli l lie .spHiiih transport Alva will pro- of HUiiiincr ceed Iroin Manila immediately to the arc' now going on at Death of President Heureaux Caroline Ixlanda in order lo lepatnale the garrison and Inhabitants of Hailed With Joy By the inland. Exiles. Theie is great inteieiit manifested In the Mist attempt of a rntde ijoet to ful low ti.e movements of the nrmy. A boat left Tam'ay noar Tagutg, ai the The Plaza, - Las Vegcs. s ONCERNING RAMON CACERES iiontiern end of J.aguna üe liay, this inoruing, after making connection with the land wire, and succe-sfull- laid Ho to (Jet eighteen miles of cable. It is expected Sure Some f Those Ilnrnins. 3 the cable boat will reach Calamita to- Prime Mover In the Revolution. night. rt .i.imn(it()N, July 28. The war da H 2X74 Cars Furniture just arrived. Well Born and Possessed partmeut l bin morning received the of Wealth. llrst ollicial leport of the capture of 5iiiiiiiuuataiiiuiuüuaauutiuuaaiimuiuuuii; Calamita lo the following cablegram from General Otis: ''Hall and a thous- and men raptured Calamba, an Import, , Capk II AYTI-iN- July 28 The fun am strategetifl poMtion In Laguna d FIRST NATIONAL BANK, ml of PreMdent lit ureau took place Hay yestcrdsy, driving nut ami insur- gents. The command was composed Las Vegas, New Mexico. at 6 o'clock last evening In Santiago de of portions of the Fourth cavalry, Ion Caballeros. The population was Twenty-liiB- t infantry, Washington vo- ppnlc was lunteers, trausporteii la launches and stricken but thtre iio disor , Joshua IUynol!, President. chbcih-n- a der. A report tiMa teen received here gunboat accompanying. The CBHiialtles were; Privates Charles (Jlee-sup-p J. W. Vice President. that I lie adversaries of Die government of the Pourtli and McDulTy, com- A. 11. , Coi-oor- Smith Cashier. attacked Much last night. pany li. of the Twenty-first- killed; al Newt (it the dentil of President lieu Thomas Totten company U, of Fourth, mortally Pri- rMiu wits hardly credited by the people the wounded. vates Michael Sheridan, Herbert Trs-ce- Interest Paid on Time Deposits.- - generally until evening, when un- Napoleon White, company K, doubted conlli niitli'ti was received. Tweiity-llrn- t regiment, wire seriously Dcpository of Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Rail-roa- d There wat great rejoicing among the wounded ; Private Hinds sod l'lum-me- r. Dominican exiles, many of whom live company and baiivon, com panv C, Fourth regiment, Philip, com- (.'upe around Hayhen. These exiles pany II, Chrhtle mid llollister, coin Special Alleniion Given tn New Mexico Collections. who were driven out i f their country psny I), and Ashlaud, company ', by Heureaux, ate preparing to arm Htid Twenty-llrB- t regiment slightly wound enter Dumltigo, where they ex- ul The imuirgent casnnlties are un- fanio known. Forty Spanish prlaoners were pect chief, 7UT. their lion Juan Isidro releaned; a Spauih gun boat, in good J. HGRNKNDGZ, Jimenez, tu join them. The Domini- condition, long sought for lr, the bay, can government in making preparation was raptured. 'I hia town was directed on large scale to maintain itiself. as the objective for Law'on when he Iyive I Stock Broker, captured Santa Cruz and lunches in WHO CAt hllhtt is. April but whs unable to leiauh the town Will el andbuy Cattle, Sheep, Horses. by bouts on account of shoal water " New Yukk, July 2S The Time l'irrrpnnilnr PH. Hail! LuVrju, S M. aya: Kmnuu (Jaivies, murderer ol ollill. President Heureaux, of iau iJnniingo, Itt Increase in .VsscHHinent. 1 about o year of age and U cm JicKKKiiHiiN Citv, Mo., July 2S The liecied Willi one of the richest families state board of equalization has com- of that republic He li .i graduate ot pleted the work of iissesHing the bridge, "SANTA ROUTE. lieosselaer Polytechnic Institute, of telegraph and railroad proeriy of the FE Troy, N. V. tule residing In Troy he state for taxes IH'.i'.l. The Increased Atrhliwin, Tuftka A Nantt tTm, AlUnllr A P.rlflr R. K. of ( Kjr. Blamed I.ll'le, a Weshny adopted amounted to about 13.0iMi,(M over last luir, uliimla hnhU t Vuaihara CaliluriiU Kr. daughter of the hue Mr. and Mr. .! S. yar. The street railroads bear about ('aceres his wife 10 UXMXW or THROUGH SLEEPING CAR SERVICE TO ll Hake. converted that amount. The Increase property Into can ft. lie oiten said that Is from S'.H.UtiO.liOO to 105,00(I,(XX). as mu as an opportunity offered he Chicago, Citv of Mexico, , Fan lilcgo and San Francisro, wi ul J go to San Hointngo and Inaugu- Four N'i'ifHK-- ICx'iitI. rate a r,Vulutiou. He started no the IHi.timouk, M1., July SS. Four Blo toUAlVtsTON and the prlnrll polntala Taa. inlbBlon a weeks ago, lew leaving Mr, negroes, Cornelius tiardner, John My-e- r. H. llOl lillTON. W. J. liLAC'K, 'aceres here, t Friend of Carceres are ('liarles James and Joaeph liryau, Ausar, El Tahu.Tx. O P. T. Act. , T'pks. Knm. cmilliteul he took precuunous to Ikoh.l Insure were hanged Id the jail yard today, the Th tnt ft tn th ri"' pi.iulritil lln. All leu li lrin .,ui..rn nh tt escape. Hrnki-i- i truiri-- l k rar iiTOtinmnt. Kor full lufiiiuiMitou sud limt three fur criminally atxiaultlng liint -. rale, Annie Itnley, colored, ajed IJ, and Ui!ii4 laiUi for itjliipem, ai!fri- Yood denier Inyinjf .H TITtS.G.B ILivsM.irk A:. ní. are In a lliyan for U a murder of Mary Pack, Ol.RrO.I,. HKOOKS, cmu um Vr supply of wood for vtlnUr use. eulored, with whom lie had lived. l.iv BUtca Aa ftt.i.1 i. )t WJDEtCLY Ol'TIO ÜTOJK OUOWCU

" HAPPENINGS. I The Y" it Messrs. Kobh, who r'-- I .. tnnl. ceitlyleft hern for the coast, will" on Angi les tnat they are having itnins of Intrt Onthered Arouni from I. La Vegn and Vicinity. a line titu. liren ) faitaus. formerly coimecttHl v i: im I i;i A V 8 1A1 1.V . wuh I iiKOrrii;' i rens room, nrrivet nru:nTH, wife I. OCA I.. in the city yeslerddy with Ins from mo nirsiGY, Mnroln, N. M. V-- , Wool cups aie H" coining in at a Aibuipier- - 1'li.vd WhitBon and wife of r m lively r.'te. frUt symptom mein torriJ liv-- mi i cloíJ conJlt.on to Ft. Wayne, Indiana. U otlow wc o warm Imt Wesl iiie have none Thfyiboroanfas pnl htalth The Inris alitt.e l.un;-- 1 llbowtlu wbcie they w ill J .In tlie U o tie vcrthclcs. pir nd m.Uhü ouain coutmi. theatrical company. t M ('. .Ih i; regrets the. death f a 1!. rnie Marcos, the little son of Mr. f iv.inte .lers-- y row. 1 and Mrs. L. J. Marcus, lelt yesterday í r at w.iik beautifying tha ou a von ' pninffiv R11HR8 Wise residence mi Douglas avenue. fr 1 Mrs. Linde and Mrs. Moses. m I). ('. ifiti rs, alter n week's lay MI (i. K. Tame, .,pi rluteudeut of Illness, Is ugam alilo to Strf nZ;hr ni the Stomaih, on account uf the l'ost... telegraph company, has QulcVIy removí! tlir Symp'oms, l fouHMiPfi. Bowels nd Promotos Func b.eii in the city for a couple ot CvcJUMt the Livrr and d8 A few A rar to i l of Tex is watermelons iir looking company Interests. tional Activity in tht KUr.f y. das after t 4 was t. ... Tr..1if. TrtriTW i ,ved In Hi city and vlMt-hi- rf yesterday, C. M. .Jordan, who has been d d among the grocers lr. In Body nJ Braio. amui his brotliei, Arthur N. .Ionian of has returned to bis home In Delgado and wiíe, (if Ito tliis city, Augustm Mmn.iipoliH. Me was greatly pleased SOLD EY ALL CHUTISTS. lie t'iw'lr, lo t one ol their little twin with L-.- s Vegas and New Mexico. niv li.oo Bottle. children y est rd.iy. I itermeut took tn L. Mellen, toil iy. At tlie I'laz hotel: A Philadelphia lUltiinore, Md.; I'.. I'.rown md wife, Oeorgo Sost'ii in, of the O'Hryan , M. Ilrogan and Anna meat maik'-t- hays on arc mnl of M..Ih Kan.; 1'. T. (itrrett, Las not being iil'le to secure b suitable ri i M. l'.iul, (I ; W. S. Counetl, Denye. hm hi w 111 he compelí. U Cn.c lr I bulhes. Scyder, wife of Jacob dilTereni-- In weiulit, size and height utore markK nis for awhile. Is preparing for Mrs. .Iscoh his Charles llli'ic hard oldest engineer between the two was plainly 1'eeos river in Snyder of Topeka. the TI. civil suitof Lewis ts. llugeuholz, r,ii,er inn dowu tlie Is lint this was not all. St til a few a number cf .t run on the Santi he, neie for breach of contract, wai; tried in the Interes', of htinselt and r.-- further louth standing Cold and will vsitii g Mr. tu d Mrs. Murray. lu. Ige Wouster'a court this ufterrmon. hardware lirma he representa, lie Hunt wan ei uine 101. made In IS'S v.--r l p. I',, hue thiKS anu The two new Dhkbon rendered a et in favor of ke iu Kobw. and- more- SKO.- liri A jury passenger Service out of Upi.kj jviura plaintiff for ÍI0O Mr. Mil lib mag Llncolu before returning. design) d for r..,l Kith the Haldwin it w ecpilpped wllh electitc neau for plaintiff. Mr. Ilandr. who has been traveling here, are hi.rdlv more than ha'f as large. All t A imd electric lamps In me caos. sweet little New Mexico In the Inler.xt lights tlm engines mentioned are iu good con - Juan Lucero, the in southern ar- NJ'.I have been - - babe f Mr. and Mrs. nf the Sutilhweit lluildiiig, Loan and KnolnesHDS and dltion. The engine made lu lb.H is ap- , work on the lito (rande di on Antonio Lucro, of the west side, died Suviiirs assoi-lation- IS expected Home slgned to tlv i.ermanentlv out of service started overland vision and were t out from lure last en-- v A I ist evening, filer an illness of several la a day or two. lie account ol I's limited capacity; the r They will run In and out ol ?an uVuilk.lilM In IllllcH V' .l.iv. of riioli r infantum. The Inter- - from itosviell a few days ago. night. (I" IU1UOI.II.. In la - I are nl an - at 2 Marcial. loth of the engines of emergency and is valuable only on inent took lilac- this afternoon Al the Castauedi: M. Well, St. ar in.wr oh- - older and iiglner lypt than grades are compara- o'clock, at the west Bule Catholhr church - M St. Louis; A. L Mel divisions where I.iml- Ilairis. l ig Introduced on the mountain oivis of Md.; . W. Joliusin, tively light; the in. inster ll.ilJwu There are a number of intestable len. Hilt (more. t ins. rpouifil- - - - " In sneak tlitevts In the city, who make St. Loóla; O L. tile. ; A. I. K whose arrival in Las llir- I'icnriii sjj If" A. tlon for present lrilli and dem ii'ds. th"ir living by remuving locks from Frr. liland Alcli.soo, W. J.lanu Ve?.)s is noted In another item sell-lu- New doors and other like methods Biid g I'lattshiirg. M .: M. A., gone to the employe' hospital near this on Bulldir.É Notes. them to the second hand dealers. If Mexico. city. Last winter Mr. Foote fell the Hro. me contemplating pot put lo.-k- s Mo., is stop kn.-e- . It has both- 0 night they should be behind A S l'.rv of l'lattsüurg. Ice and Inj irtd his ting up a wareli' tiae lu the rear of their Ihey couldn't remove ti ts s ee-il- plug at the Mont zuma for a couple of ered him ever fclnce and will be given liria if stieet store. utreets ny hib around and compelled to llx up tlie city weeks. He la accompanied medical treitment. On gelling T. J. Kay wood Is thinking siriously and will ciiaige of the In the inli rim young relatives, li.uiid Atchisou again, Mr. Foote take about pu ting up h stoichoue In the is a I' Kit SDN AL A llland. ouig A.chiBOii round house at K iton. reir of hit: place on l'.rlilge street. of the noted David Atchison, schedule on (he A. L. Mol i n has tone to I'll' bio, granilcou Tlie combination Sume of the new store rooms on whrni the city or Alitits .o in I olnl'ado after Colorado & Southern, effective Aurum Hit tge street Bre ready for th" plaster- I I I he (Violado At the New L. Ni.thun, Kan named o ticen announced. ers, and tw o of them are already rented. (,uc: will sas y . Mu. t'aliiB on the old line i:iLtto.D. Sou heru Work has been resumed on the bis 1...... ul T ill) a. ill. lll.d 2 P. ID, L. Milz'tiu her h it yesterday lor l i.mli.ciur (iu.hrle. wife and child i n" - house on Fighlh street and irnr 6:10 p. Ill home In Kansas Cuy f om t'hanute. Kan. are lure to spend and ground w is broken for the Van l'etteu will leave Denver The Mitres M 111'l.rlield of SjiiU Fe t vac i. ion. The Smt.i Fe trains residence y Hlerday. nod 7 p. m visiting lu city. who has been suf- - ar H:10 a. in. Mi, ni .V Xahiu are receiving bids for lire the I'nuineer Lwles, ano o urn- - Trains will Hinveal 11:1 a. m. one stoiy uud base- - .James Abctcroinbte, merchant at fn log tiom an attack of yellow J the t teclion of a P. m. In the rear of their Anion Chico, la lu town. i Ice. is slowly getting better. meiit warehouse F.iiKine No. 13 pned out of the building on Mrulge street, it will be of Mrs. 1!. The Alcoa, bo h conductors go Henry Levy, brother brothers round house lale yesterday afternoon Plxin feet. Thus the Improvements gone to Denver. on divihion. have taken a lay oil to on. llrash, liaa this stood for a f.-- minutes on a side merrily : Mo. and Chillicothe, e, keens V. Vizelti. Ir.iVe'liii sunerlutendent visit their pireiits track close by the turn-tabl- lnno If ihe nresent ra e of building 1 tM3 d as It (.( the llarvi-- liouae j nteii, In the The new passenger locomotives have enough, engine No. up, for the balance nf the year, has is city today ix:íi Inch cylinders and inch drive for the moment a flemonslr ilion been since January 1st. and there been will, the year C. Haca. w. -- county eoiiiinis are three drive wheels or change that has every reason to believe it F. de wheels There of the advance a qu of his of engima in Ih'.M will witness Very lieir .rier .loner, is in Las Veaa today fruiu vu each hide. made in the manufacture put lu new lul'ditigs years. It was turned a million dollars home at I. a CueBta. ( L Lllicott, well and favorably the past twenty in the twelve montiis. works In the fall Mra. E II. Salaz ir and baby arrived known to the citizens here, has been out from the Haldwin engiues 11 t;. two mm umt. morning from S.tnts l'e, where assigned a plsce in the local machine of 1WS and is one of the heavy uaniiin lost i this It-- so y close by during hi camping out above the Ilo: have been visiting. shops, lie arrived Irom Kalon yts'er-da- on this division, lfight t icy j from They strayed away from camp, afternoon. close. In that one could imp Springs. Rafael memoir of the lower - I W - l (allego, u. lender to the nllot of another en- D IhlUkS, line COasiug- .uuiv. lioUMtofthu b glslatnre, is here from L K. Koote, loieiuan of the Santa l'e ,K" giiie-slo- No. 712, nccntly Dodo Mcnnet is busy "P Dodge City, was in Las i.d eiiguie rP"'lll: hia home In Los Alamos. round house at from the tor enlist-me- ut He turned over to the SanU Fe tices calling for volunteers Vegas afternoon. his g ' H. Wallace, wile of the yesterday nv-'d- recruit-li.- Mm. lm suit K l'acilic. F.ngine 712 was for the Philippine at the uf Üaula IV, l.oi bfctu assigned to the fine.iiiai.ahlp of uüícc. seeietaty, i..u) i.... vciim I ef ore iu iSHH. The 'rieovi led from a recent IIIikbs. i ho round hoiiB.i tt Uuton. Weekly Optic and Stock Grower

Sixteenth N o 21 Tear, EA3T LAS VEOAB. NEW 'fEXICO, JULY 29 1800. $3 00 a Tear

In-- ON PLAN, erect oi r grant-Secreta- ry INSTALLMENT the dwelling will be TALKED OF AGRICULTURE. More About Ketchumj. A to have de- - ed without opposition, the ler ifnui A special j Did telegram from Fort Worth, ctded to defend liln course by piecemeal, Tim Orno Is gralilled at the awak-H- e Proressor KefTor of tho Territorial ' Texas, giving an account of the Ketch-u- m gave out a statement the other day ened public In au- Agricultural College. fsen'imetit favor of I. family, ssy: thoring that he originated a plan to ttful and attractive homes, which this 'rof Keffer of the agricultural col There are three Ketchum brothers end the Spanish midiera in Cuba to controversy has shown. A city la what lege at Me illa Park, left yesterday l!erry, Tom and Sam. They located their uative land and th i' lie saved the IU citizens make It. If they take pride for Santa Fe, going from there to ex- near Knickerbocker about twenty government nearly half a million dot lo It, and to the extei.t of their means amine the work of the experimental miles northwest from San Angelo lars by employing the methods he sng a. id ahility endeavor to adorn it. it is station at Azttc. During bis stay or twenty years ago. Tiny tngigtd In gemed. certain to become so. Experience haa neatly two days In I.ns Vegas he spent the cattle busln-s- s and were prosperous, Mis next move, It I. said, will be to demonstrated it cost but If little. much of the time at the experimental all three accumulating much of this make, public correspondence which will anything, more to make a building at- station near thisciiy as the guest of world's goods Especially aid ilerry shut tliHt he had nil along favored tractive on the exterior and such at- Mr. Thortiblll. Ketchum succeed and as a result of his 'tiding more men to the Philippines, tractiveness need In no wise be at the "My trip here at this tl ne,sald Pro- frugality is today ona of the richeti til face of the opposition of (he presi- BícriüCM of convenience In the l.iteilor fessor KefTer yesterday, ''Is in ful- men Iu that portion of Texas. lie dent and (Jeneral Otis. Another In- - arrangement. Ii. Is a mistaken Idea fillment of my promise to pay three or owns three ranches ami atvvit 3.500 or tallment, it I said, will come later to that plainness ami simplicity of exterior four visits a year to each of the experi- 4.0" O head of cattle, besides bunch of hnw tint lio win not responsible tor Is y nonunions with cheapness He. mental stations. I find that this thing sheep. His wealth is estimated tie the b id appointment which sides a house attractive on the t nuni exterior of managing a station by letter at a about 1100,000. lie has made an excel in toe suffering of an many Is always a better Investment, for ills distance of SIM or "HlO miles has Its dis lent citizen, is well liked by all and troop during the Spanish war. more desirable for rental purpobe and advantages. the depredating of his two Tin re wtll be quite a long series el will sell when the unsightly st.uciure 'Our friend, Mr. Thornhlll, had writ brothers, who began their downward th''se Intérnenla, if the piesent plana would not be noticed. too. where S. ten repeatedly to ma that the drouth career six years Bfo. Since then they are carried out, all tending lo aliow groups of houses are to be constructed, and cold weather played havoc with have been the leaders In at least a half that runny of the things for which the how easy to give each a separate feature. the farmers here. I find that he has dozen train robbeiles. secretary has lieen blamed are propeily to that while of the same size and cost, not overestimated th damage. The The death of Tom Ketchum, who la chxrue tble lo other ollidals. yet they will appear as different as if farm at the station lasri every evidence telieved to be the original "Hlack Jack ' The secretary's originid Intention each had been p-- wsi built by a separate of the unfavorable season. !n fact numerous engage to rua'te one complete statement the sou. has beeo.n pitted lu the experimental work here this sum ments with olllccrs, but it Is believed day after his retirement, giving the de- nicr has ben an entire failure for the here he Is alive. Ketch, fense of Ms condui t during the entire Condition of Santa Fc County that still Sam reasons mentioned and our experience um Sunday just before hi death period as secretary of war, but he bag r.. numero, present member or tie hit. is all of the negative order. We do in New Mexico, stated be was a evideutly come to the conclusión that upper house of the legislative assembly that not expect to harvest grain of corn brother to "Mack Jack" Ketchum. hi statements will be more effective If tor ."an Migud county, has returned and as for the small grains they have Sam Ketchum was 30 years apa made u,ou the Installment plan. Ex. from a two days' visit among family of menus in a una in county, lie says not amounted to anything. and single. Tom Ii about 35 and la he l'rof Keff, r was standing in front of also unmarried, whila Kerry ) married 1 Olt ;)()!) IIU1LIMNGS. that finds a general complaint on the part of the people concerning ex the Hotel Castañeda grounds at he was and ha a large family. The latter la At the meeting of the city council the tremely heavy rate of speaking. Sonii .ie stated that the much respectad and does not counte- Wednesday night, a somewhat lengthy taxation, which is now six per rent. This, atieini t to start the gracs there was nance the deeds of his two brothers. In discussion took place as to the duty of added to the allure of the crops, has busi-ue- s failure and that further endeavor recent years he has not permitted them the building Inspector of the city, lo caused to be very dull and creats a scarci- would probably be postponed until next to come about his premises. issue a permit to Mrs. Fannie Coleman ty of money among the people general- spring. I'rof. Keffer shook his head in During the last few mouths the Hlack and A Strauss toereet four buildings on ly. Owners of property the allirmative and said: Jack gang has brought terror to the North Eleventh rtreet near the secure small rentir rents and ar compelled to pay extreme- "Well, it Wvaild seem the wiser plan whole western aictioii of Texas and to ofthecitv, (heir application for such ly heavy taxes, with t let the seeding go until next year. In bold have been their movemenit that permit not disclosing any plans or the result that the property Is In reality non productive. our experiments with grass seed at the the Southern Pacilio and Texas and specifications or the mmnur of con- The llnimclal situation la Fe Las Vegas station this year the grass Pacific railway companies have placed struction. I loth sides were represented Santa county, therefore, la anything but did not start to grow until after the h Mtvily armed guards on all west bound utid quite a number of large property p roseate und the fear Is openly ralos began and Is coming up very ir trains to prevent a hold-u- that has owners in the city were present to offer expressed among the people there that the county regularly." been in contemplation for sometime. their objections tn I ersou. The grist n, ay become bankrupt. One of the Improvements that will The rendezvous of this notorious of the w hole controversy is the fe:ir on be made at the local experimental sta- gang, the Crispa mountains, is about the of adjacent property owners 1 00 miles (rom El put tion this fall the enlargement of the southeast Paso. and residents of that portion of the Don't Want to Sell Now. is To t lie Kililor of Tun Optic. ) that sutliclent water can city, that these buildings are to be a reservoir, Rough Rider Recognized. Las Vkciah, N. M .July ti. l wish be stored to tide over the season of cluster of cheap, Insecure and unsightly Albert C. McMillan, a young Hough t'irough the medium of Tiik Optic lo drouth. Hider who enlisted from New York dwellings, r tleciing neither credit upon convey lo all Interested, that my prop- President Saunders, of the college. McCltn-toc- k the owner or the city and Inviting per- City and served i;ndcr Captain erty, lota It, 10, II and 12, hi'lsite, facing who accompanied l'rof. Keffer, left IS, to- haps, an undesirable class of tenants. lu troop received a telegram Montezuma is not for rule, I have Wednesday afternoon on his return. Mr. Strauss lo the contrary Hsserled day from his father. Informing him had no w ish to sell any of my property he intended up that he ha been appointed a first lieu- that lo put both In this, mean city" hon- Distinguished Scientific Party "no since the tenant In one of the new volunteer regi-mun- ts and attractive buildings and About the middle of August scien-till- c orable mayor and council are deter- now being organized. Albert agreed to submit plans of one of them party composed of twelve people, mined that this healthful and beautiful will accordingly leave Las Vegas with- to the inspector in support of his state at the bead of which will be Dr. Salis- city shall own Ita water works and out delay for his tome iu New York, nieut. This the ordinance of the city bury of the Chicago University, one of sewerage. No more high priced filthy lie came here a (ew days before the requires hlui to do and it is the inten- the foremost geologists in the world, waters. Itougu Ulders reunion tn company w ith tion of the ciuncll to hold all citizens will visit Las Vegas. Ci'y lathers the people are with you, Colonel ll.'odle, whose guest be had to a rigid compliance with it. The Miss lllca of the Normal University go ahead without fear of the Towers of been at the Crown King mine at Jtriggs, council iu a spirit of fairness to Mr. will Join them here and the party will old Kentucky. Ariz., and was so well pleased with the 4 V Strauss decided that upon a presénta study the geological formation of the David Thomas. town and climate he remained tion of his plans, a permit would be country from Laa Vegis to the Hurvby that afterward. Ills friends generally Issued for the erection of ana of the M. Romero, of El Porvenir, has start- - resort, here will rejoice with him In his appoint- contemplated dwelling and au oppor-led- a force of 100 men lo work, rebuild Every year this section of the south ment and wish hliu great success in bis tunity would thus te given htm to Ing the road up the (Jalllua canon, weal It exciting the interests of telen-till- e lie military career. show bis goo I fall h iu this mutter. If is plaimiug the road on higher ground, men, and researches sre being made the privilege thus accorded to turn is so thtt hereafter there will be nodanger which will redound to the advantage of The cryl: g infant is loveliest la not. abused, the be.ueary ptduilU to I from washouts. New Mexico. 4 V OPTIC AND IJTOCJC UHÜAVJ'üí

1 nutl-- f pay of and a Hfth part i n efuimí and aweara that Ilia properly of 1,2'. head b iard ordera that an order ba ine For the interest nrrirui. tin bm, In Mora county V iniC A bi-- M iiii'lraton lo pre-e- hlmeir of lie ptiri'ipal iletite in certilloale il intti i.ipI .Vi- Uf lh llnarrl of l'rnimlalinere of the aluu in t'oitat county and In f lie the board ami hla bmid fl l.eit out .1 pui inula on tda ilnilar. a4Meii For llie r at m loir rn at. t i.f tha buarl f.f CoiMM of Mor. aka that they be abnerl and tlia iinnrd wiih anoihrr bon'lnian and tha bond of aliatea til aaiue. Mr. Oni.rea remaina cancelled. pul líe lamí f ir apacinl acrvicsa, .1 2d 1"0 o tue lioard approaea tha rertinVatea J e Ikriiai'ln de Iii rrera taae abated for unlit on the Monday, July 3, I It of VV, H. Wilcox, he liavmn preenled hU I In lha aum of .t I ' aft hnr the Hilvert Ity Nórmala luid, rilix) "t-la- on Morning Heatiuu. alll'tnelt that aa d a I d animal were killed Now tha board appoints rreciliano milla tlia dollar. To Hi lab Ihe Normal achri d at l.aa Ve- w iii Mora county aud nut lu any other cnun-t- aa justice of Ilia peace if precinct No. Toe court aa op d according ..'.O-l'i- tj al N of raid gan, i on rlmlar of r.'vioua eeaanm and therefora Ilia ame are art roved. I'l end icani r Martillea roiiBtatile ta jonrnti.rnt run-pno- prei-utr- t r or Ininl, .2 I"" milla nn lha 1'reaent, me liona, l.ucaa Maetaa and .No c une, Ui A.. T. it M K. It. K cattle ; Ihia Julian Naranjo taxer, abatai In tha auüi dollar cmmi-ai- - ut-i- '''ilu end appeal to board about tha I. Freuoico 1 l í i 1 For ahrep fund, .2 per h a t.y A. levy that haa bent made to an t tha (.ir ,. Mi Innitm. ilelk, IMrga, J For echool lunit, .1.1 mtlla nn !h" iluller. ; y aald peal la protocoled In tha re(iatera Accntiut approved and paid lo Hemetrlo deputy Kelael Homaro Lopez, ahenll, ai aenetal county fund. ..'ló milla cm liia I of tha () ilntnua a exaujirer, live daya. r'ur by hie di pllty, Modeio Oarci. ha pre boar!. 4 ll 1 Hi '1. For court litntl. milla on the dollar. v u a proceeiisnga I end approved, Now tha court takra a recaía mi a ilay, I irrr? rí to unman Val Irs y Martillea In For the ulul en! ni b li ! and current th board IJourns until 1 o'clock o'cluck In tha afternoon. Abated thru the mm of $ .!.". .ft nulla on tha ilollar. . Afternoon Her.ion riot-la- r. ni. Abated to ttenoveva (."aaado for Ism, For jiilj(eiiieiil fu'.id, ft nulla on the A fiernoon Nmli ti. Tha cui.rt waa operierl acronlliiK to ad- ÍIPI. The i ourt waa opi ned ercordlng to journment of the mornlnfr aeaaion. Accnunt approved to J Hamon TrnjUlii, Fur roada fun I. .2S milla on the dollar. rompí the ac-o.- . 1ft of cii.rni..j? ion I'tearnt. freaint, tha oillrera which deputy aheritf . for aervicea renderr-- F. r me tniereai of county banda, tneii It ia priKfedud to thediipao-- t( a 4 r.i. nulla on the duller. tneoilneie ho cniopoe tbe tame, it is , .linrf to ft.'ci nnt preerre pmce dn-- to of huHine-e- To Nicanor ArK'irHv. aeraioea aa Judn9 For trie court tintiaa iiiaurauce fuud, .35 Mot Ilia court o dera lh of the Now comea Ilietro Montura, and through of eieciion Nov. , laiw. nulla .m tha d'il'kf jutic li ti. piecinct No. .', by m ana of an an atlldavit awaara miva that ba To I no Maea, aaaeaaor. for cumiuletlon For repair on pulilio biiltdiriiia, .'2i nulla if lie t or I r given by tlili lo aaid juat-ic- of ten head of caula aaMeaaej. more than on liipior llcenaea, iuerchandiMn and on ha dollnr. d no . i llie pec (at aald prrcinol, ta opeu a r al baa. a' Iheref'or awrara that he haa tan p. t'ri.t-O- For tbe aperlal fund of actio district Ihtl kaili In l.n Vrgea which liu bren auch prop-rl- y, therefor Ilia board ordo. a Atiateil lo Marcelino Martillea for the No 11, l'i nulla on the dollnr. hy noma individiiala, ttopping (he that aald rallie be attated. f limarme jri7; 7.11; A pprovr dar iouni : citott , y"r: I Now Leonardo j.7-i- lt-')- of public tienen, by a fence having teeii put tbe h"ard ordra Hurtado !'.-- ; ; tVW3; l'M, To Francirco ord iva. janitor tha lo- - year l ''.i. air fa, anil according to un order given the auai of (VI the .l 75. T tl, .f .ll U2. Ciiurt hi. ue for llio niontha of April, May l for hy ihia board, or belter ant hy nur Aoalei to Naraiao V'ald.i tha aum of Acronnt at proved lo Dr. J. W. Kenliey and June at (III per month. ,l:l. pie Wceesnre uev- r waa tervrd on account Mi in I .!. for n. elicit. ea lor priaouera, 7.íí"i. To Kafa l Homaro y Lope, abarlo, f r A bare. I 1 (I jadalupe Alcon in Ilia auto g ra of there iii n t juaitoa of tbe peace In Now ttie couit adj iiirna until a. ni. huarrlit prlon aud teraicea aajoler (he IM'.'I. 11 .V). I t precinct. Now, i heri-- f ira eid hoard of for year A pproved, and guard. order tliat rai he openrd aud tila 1 o icio I unan in the aum or J.ll.i Joarph B. W airona, Prea To I lerna de K imeru lor waxhing prla-oner- a jualii e of ihe pe ice 4 ordered In on ea t r tl.a year Iwn Atteal : cluthea and blankela, Ü13. 1 ( o iii re I by 'lila I oir.l aud tba order ex- i irl o Arellano f'.'i for tha )eura lilo Mel.-n."i- , clerk. Now tha board aplioinla Alionan Homero tended by the me k. I.M!'7, lM'.'H a 11 1 IMe.l. ly i'ejro A. llrt'Ka, deputy. aa cadet f'om Mora county to att-u- lha Abnteu.e it having I en inailn to Fran N ia apiiiovnt account: Military limtltute at I! iav. ell for period y now I.uario I'acheio, proliaia ju liia, of two year. clcn Hunchex forrea in in 7, I 11. ral I j'li.'e M Friday. July Pull-ll.hii'- g tfm lex-- e of AÍlatfi aria Aruiijii have ben aa pi obata ol ira o.iuoty Account to the Laa Vegta left miller coi.Hld'-rit- n A to for the imililia of rtprii, Mav end June. Moruing t'o., ;! 4'l. t'erlrt hedillua aa p r t pial gallon made I (.'") year 0 ; mil je, 2 ul. Toiha The court waa opened according to ad-- j To Fraiii'ieco t'ach'rn, aarvlce aacniin-i- v at 'A) repta per a- ra aama aa juilaa or eieciion lu preoioct No. lUtniiieut or previoua temlon. coiiimiaioiif r fur the montha rf April, Tu Benigno t u rrl, rl.Ilia) ripial xed In .1 for I eyi r : i'.ei-nt- , ilie 1,(11; who coinpuee the May and June at J'il per 'ear .n). o. 12 va ata 2.110 p r arre In Imi arre.. .Now iiiea aeveiai cilinrna of pririncl same; board proceeda til h Mileage, ai. 2u; i.aiauce .'. Toiul, leal at u iheti the the ord, Now the ho r , according to a petition No tlirouKb a iieti'lon. akii K that an of hiiKliiaa. M iH. pieaented tu thia lioard, Informing tba order to Hnnoii Vahlii orderlnv Now In tbe achedulea of M'. St. Vuiin To Joaeptl II, WatrolM, aarvlcee aa cuuu- - ama tliat In prec. net N ID, ni lilla comí bim to vacate tie public road a li rb leada wera left for the boar I ly ooiiimiii-n-- for ibe uiuinlia of April, at. that couiteratioa t y ,1 n aa I na 1 lo fia l'larlta tie Aitua Nria tha north f year lMct, Mav at tl J une al 2o0 ier year. .i(J Mileage, a placa Koowo l.a aliada io - almtra and eipialtana r lha liordlio a A'rjamlro Pedia baa to the Mura rirar, at ill upper aide o- the .Vh), and the buaril otdi-r- the collt-cti- to i;'b .lance owed, tU Ml. Total. IS Mi. put obnti ucuona on a public road, making creek, that plica alae bavin b en n. liver Mr. ht. Vran the an in ol till 42 To Lutraa Me"aa, ivmnii coiii'iiiNMioner. n , Iba roa J loo narro w by a f u e knowp, and mat never befoie haa be aha bavit'K paid her tax-a- and it ia oiiiered for the niontha of Aprli. May end June a'. now M be n julón but b !) niik'ng it Impoa-aibl- a botlieird by am bidy unlll thai the aald aum be delivered by tbe collectcr. 2o(l per year, .' deae, t1; balance Inn I on Ml. Ml lo turn wim freight of lung tiiuor ,11 Siinoo Valdex boiiKht tha the Now to (l.brlel I r u j In, bia taxianot owed, 12. Total. Í2I and being tuj uiurb tu fraiKbtera upper a da ( iba roa I. it haviiiK ha-- n a ild been abated lu exemption aioce Now ii e court a I Journn until toniuriow dalrtmut waa baviuir llierefora 1 ak of )uU that an order lia witb tha ondrralandlnK tha. thrra IhmI, Ii7 and 1", the bi ard after fon- atV a. m. Ai proved, ylaao, if you plrn-e- . o Ihal tba toad be auch road, therelor Iba court In thla mat- al leriuK the mailer, flu I tbey never were J aeph B. W airona, Freí. left l ie an .uli for publlo trault. ter ordera the clerk to extend an onler to abated aud therelor It la i nl-ri- -d that a Atteat: rferpTtfuliy. tha Juallce of tha iieai-- of precinct No. 5, lotai he, abated f ir aai l yeara unleaa II Tito Meleinlet. clerk. Dvi Ider o Mrtinx, orderiiiK that 'aid road ba vacatml doetiu't reach taxaliuii. By l'edro A. Ortega, Infornimt. I, uia U Me di a praicnta lilmarlf luf r Account app ove I to M. Wtroiaa & Co. I I pr Haluiday. 8. No Iba h aid In ral inloriiiitiun or-ti- the Hoard an aereara that tha for ariiclea obtained by the county ac- July lsS. a tba rlerk ti extend an oritur lo tul of the ealata of tba late Joee Calilo cording; in actwuut pteeiited, .'lil.7H. Morning Hmilnii. Medina divided between ilia bena rJ jimlica of aald prai lnct ao that uld road be araall To Ainlirorlo rujilln. hervicea aa Jiiiliee Tba court waa opened according to ad- nía la wide at laaat rtU an 111 aud tie eiiate ba nutb'ugto aaae.a for tbe of eli ctiun Nov. 8. 'US, tmiub. y journment ol previoua aeali n. la by year s'M, aud that the prnperl be aa. 1 , o d tnat aaid ordrr ba given the Tu Kreeland, for llxing bara lor tha Pri-eiit- the iilll itra who compose lha del k. ri atae I to ilia bena Indi d ia l an I tha uae of llie ci unly, l .'J.". property ba aaaeaaed aan.o. liia board procerdid to the diapalcb Now abatement in ida to Manuel I'bavei boar.l ordera that tbe Abated tu Au oiiiu Joaeliujdlo for lM.I, of buiiitiaa, ( f rhe heira. r tba year lo the anuí blf of aid in Approved acrcun'-a- ; l.i The board now adjourua until torm rrow B. laxra aud tlie rnllMHor will ba not Ibd ol Abated to Juan r'andoval for 1'X, To Jo a U. Mon i 1 . aheriff ol Han M- tbe aauia and avitl ta Kiaeu credit In b a nuil ni ok al t o'clock e Approved. , and fur 1MH, J'.'.i. Joi-ep- VV iguel couli'V, loi hoardit'g Arva-- Maeataa, II. atroun, 1'ica 1 arrmiul in ronfi rnuiy. Now hMiulpula r mÍiIIii. J lill' e of the priaoter tl Ibia c uiity, lor May and June, Aimed tu Manuel K. Valdi In real Atleai: peace of pi ecmct N . 21. pre-ent- a himaeif tM.M). fT.'i. llo Melcndea, k. t eaiNta the aum of l rle fore i he bo ,rd ai d me k a bia re ig nation lo Kl Indepeiuliente for p jalera lor tha Abat-- f . e Ity l'edr i A. Ortry;a, aeputy. to l. i l.alubra da Crake r li aaaatd and Ihe board acctpiaibe colla It r. ! .Ml 1101 year tame. TiJu-eM- a rlanchex a wagon HIM for loan Abali'd ti Jauinlo HivlaMe for I tha lhuraday, July 0, 1WW.. Account approved lo K (iiiiu!a ielleir a of wo d for the j iil, 1. aum iftl.VI. for two pick baiidlea f ir tha uae ol lha M Hra-lo- To Jeaua a. Mancbex, btUnoa aa judge now Ijouru July 5, Morning , ÓO a. Ihai'i int a until ci. uuiy ecu ni JiMiiraof of rei-ir-ilini- i, 1. lM'.HI. Tha court waa opened accjiding t I he and j road auperviaor I'o Mnnii'-- Vaietio, judA of reglaeration A pproaeil, of previuiia aeaaion. for one year. t'. Nov. M, 1MH, 3. Kura Meettaa, prea. pro teiu. 1'ienent, the olltcera abo c .mpoae the Abated In At;apito Aleylia, Hr., lor l'J'.l To Haul t'aililla, ralary aa a lio il aupr- - A'teat: r.aiie;it la procreded lo 'he diapatch of Ilia aum of t2.. In erileut for the inoiiiha ol Apiil, Mav 1 lu. Melen li r, clerk. bU'ineaa, previ lia proc edni(a bating Alai d lo H. Fl orh-ii- n tba aum of auil June, ilob; aa board of examiner, 2.'i; Hy 1'eJro A. tl.tega, d puty. been lead and ai p nvd. 1 l0, raiard by the board by tuintake for almiiji". J;l 41. W. be- Now H.Tipiou preaeiila bnuaelf v.i.i. To Juan h. Mariiiitz. treaaurer aud r, Wedneaday, July li, lNHII. a fóle the board and aika for a tax abatement Ai'coui t a ipr veil to l,ulwl Win. I fold I'.r atainpa. and paper b MoruliiK Heaaiou. in the uin of "ti, he vil f for a pump for llie county, $:(!. from pril 5 to July 7. 'mi. H 7.i. iloiil la lha amount In bia acliedule and tbe Abat d lo Ihe ealata of Manuel eiaildova' Tba court waa opened according lo ad- Abated lo S ii v ador Kivera for 1H'.3 In ame la alm o I lor the tear lv.Ki. In 210 for lr'.i7, and for JMM in 21(1. the eutu of t'2.i'. journment of prevloiia aeaaion. 'lallclaco Mar inei y Trujlllu waa abated Accnunt aoprnved lo niiioiiio Moutoya, I'rrHent, tbe Hone. Juaepb B. VV'atroua, The hoard now ordera tha county in the mill of of t7l for Ibe vear 14'. II. Jii'lge of real-tiaiio- lu 1KW al. i.ucaa Macntaa and Krancivou Abated to rranctaco A. I.ujiu, Jr., in To Titu clrrk, for Iba niontha to ptoceed In o- tiforniity with the ; Homeru t- per cent matte by board aa by r'ecbecu, coiniiiiiiuuera Halnel the auiu ol iM -r ol Apnl. May ai d June, at pur year, the reiinrrd y I. op a, aherlll, by hla deputy. Modeatii law, and aald order ia extended lo tha aa-te- I o J..e M auuel Olivaa In tba aum of (inn; fur alampa, 1M.7.). Uurcia; Tito Meleudea, uleik, by bia fJU for IM'.i,"). To the New Mexican lor .r. deputy, Fuuro A. thite The court now takea a rrcaaa uutll 1 (rla. to Kreiiciaco Wartlufi J l.ucnro in the li oka, ui; 2 laj acbedulea, M ; previrnia proceedtiiira ware aud 1 o'ctLck p Tbe read a i oi loS lot "'.Hi, W p ill tax II. ta, Iii. in. ; in ill. approved tlieu tbe hoard proceeded to tbe N court a until I Now a receaa 1 Alternoon rtaaalon. of iw iha lakea receta llie court takea until diaiatcb i.'. lock p. ui. a'c'o k p. ni. o waa opeood according Now li. buluui-- of Altairaca A run Jo The nirt lo ta lha ran. Afternoon beaaiou. Afternoon Heaalon. ad jourunieut ol in- ruing aeaiion. taken Into cunileraiion and Ihe compoae llie a abated according, lo .be petition end The court waa opened according to ad Now tbe court ia opeued according to ad- I'rebeiit. otticera who aaue ; i br n hoard proci eited to the h atll.IuVH praarntr-- hy her. jnuruiiienl uf ibe nioridug aeaaioo. journment of morning aeaaion. tie . Moo-toy- of bualue-a- Now lha board appoluta Manuel a 1'ieaeiit, tlia ottii who compiiae tha Iba i aim the aia l'reaeut. ciinT'oia appruveJ paid B. A. Ho- uouetat of preoiuct No. A acoordlua aaiue ; touu It la proceeded to Ibe dinpelota aaiue; It ia proceeded lo tha diapalcb uf Accoui.t aiid to to a pelltian pi eaeuled, aud hla boud la of bualneHl. mero, conirnu. loo aa aaeeavur for the yeara and spproved Abate! lo Joaa lunado de Herrera tu Now tbe board ttxea leviea of Territorial iv.i.i and IS'.tl, 10 71. Bina ii Now Ibe bouul appoint! V ictor (Ja lle(r a tba nun of M for IMIU. fuuda for the Mat tlacal year directed by Acci uut appruved lo Ontlegot, aa interpreter of Ibe b ard of county Alialxl to faconuo Alo n lor the fo- the lerrilurial auditor lo the beard of aa aaaetaor lor Is'.' 7 and IS'.'M, f I I'll 7l. ra to preaenleU lio, ÍN'.M. ÍKIIi; 1.1U3, Mora coutitv , via: traunlaie uiatter in. vim via: I beTore the h .ard lhSi 2U0; la'.li, 7.1; imal (wi. For territorial pui poaca, .6 milla on the o F, A. (ionxalea, aervlcea aa justice ol Now V. II. Wilcox prearuta an allllavit To iKna lo piei.cli-- lor Im','7, dullnr the i ea' e in felony uní, 7. li. To Victor Ualicgoa, aa inter-prctir- to be abated aud i ijuaiixed In loutoriuity To l.uaclo Manchi x for l"1, . For Term rial liialitulluiia, .3.10 lUOuillla aurvicea lu o( county ooiHiuia-aioiier- a, aud tha board the l i senile N"W Teodoclo tlollal(,a preaenu himaelf on the dollar. the ant aiuaiiaea one - uiaii'a taxra nu Iii aerea at - .V) per acre and (U'alrea to make it known to Ibe board Fur charily Inatitulluna, ut I II a on day, 1'aiit : ra at ill) ta per acre. ba retiree ax boudameu of Abel Mon-diao- the doib acuounta and tha if iliat r To Now I. C lieual prieeute liiuireif conxra'ile tf precinct No il, and For cai.llul fuud, .0 R'U ini'll nn the llenielrio (Jmnlana. f!l, fore I lie boat d by M ana ut au alll lavit aiika titat i. ia boid be cane, lied and tbe dollar. ( niliuu-- on l.uii W.KÜÜK.L.Y OJfX'iCJ AIMU H'X'ÜUiC UKOWJÍK

HERE TO RECRUIT. An Inhuman Brute, Hay Picnic- - VOLUNTEERS l'edro P.arela Is now a prisoner In the Last evening party of young ladles Lieutenant Coleman of the Thirty fourth county j.ill charged with the crime of and gentlemen enjoyed a h:iy picnic" Nous In Kom-rovill- e, Town. Incest. Ills eighteen-year-ol- d daugh- to taking altvig nice re START HOME ter, Antonia I'.aroU, soon to become a freshments and all expiPRS themselves Coleman and Lieutenant Sherrnrd mother, being the Victim. The tiuth-fulnes- s ss having a big time. Abe Levlson, both of the Thirty of the charge Is denied by both A big plat form wagon was secured In Las fourth Infantry arrived Yegs lUrela and his daughter but those In- and filled wllh bay. The young people Otis Calles That lie Is Getting a this morning from Santa Fe and open terested in the case have taken steps to who composed the purly were: Mallie ed a recruiting ol!!c" In the Mslboeif Move Orders From pnmecutw li i tt snd bave had guardians lllaekwell, Laura. Helen, l'.va and Ada. building on Fountain square. Dr. appointed by the probate court for his prlnger, Helen and Father McNalr, txsmlnlng Smith has been appointed children, the mother having died sev- Itella lionera and Mary La Hue ; Meiers. surgeon and a number of applications eral years ago. Delgado S. It. Davis. Albert Kosers. Ned and were received before the ollU.e was In y Lucero was appointed guardian Hal líaynolüs. Ollte Kirickson, Jack fact opened. RAN INTO A HORNET'S NEST for Margarita ISarela; K. F.s- - Mennet, McMillan, Nichols and Mitch Lieutenant Colcr-ia- stated this morn quibel, guardtan tor Isalad liare- - ell. ing the physical examlnai ion pre that U; FrancUco Arioljo, guardian Jua scribed is o' the most r i K Id sort, il, e fr nita liareis: lllaslda Hernandez for On a Business American a Fill- - aim being to secure young men who are Soldiers Strike Antonia ltirtla. Krstluo liareis, Sanders and Professor er as neat physical perfection as It is pos- pino Stronghold-Oth- young son, was adopted by Catartno KelTer of the agricultural college at sible to secure thsm. News. Sena and wife. Mesilla Park are In the city today and "The Thirty-fourth,- - he stated, "is The probate court aUo appointed together with It. F.. Twltchell, who being recruited entirely in the western guardians fur the three of was recently appointed a member of states and territories and will be acrark chl.dren rt. lionifacio Mares, who was convicted the board of regents, paid a tiip to the Washington, July Three cable mililaiy organization. All the field at re- the laat term of court of the crime of experimental station north of Las messages from General (Hit were olllcers are regular army men. It will e and sentenced to Qve years in the Vegas. It Is understood that some im ceived at the war department today as have 1,309 privates and fifty olllcers r( penitentiary and who appealed his case provements are contemplated. The follows: "The following is from Cebu when recruited to Its full strength." today: Ilandit from the Cebn moun- but languishes In Jail, not being able to visiting gentlemen will doubtless dis A number of recruits had offered Xlr. tains, are robbing and Impressing peo- st cure bond pending his trial. cover during their visit here thst themselves at Santa Fe, he said. Four Is a man of very consider- ple of the coast towns. Monday Lieu, The hearing for the custody of the Twltchell had been accepted and fifteen rejee'ed. Is a when te nant Moore with detachment of the minor child of the late Daniel K miero able energy and "'whole team" "Very few of our Hough Klders," he aggresslveneis are needed. d was argued probate court. An uncle and Twenty-thir- Infantry, while scooting continued, "are abl" to stand the physl- - in 111 were tired upon from of the child petitions for its custody the mountains, cnl examination necessary to enter the Doesn't Believe In Strikes-Th- e fortified ; one private There are seven witnesses on one side strongly position Thirty-fourt- h on accoui.t of the priva news that the mei.seiiir hoys In of the case and five on the other. whs killed, name not given. No other lions undergone by them In the Cuban New York City are out on a strike wns casualties. The enemy's loss was five campaign. A number were wounded received with a good deal of loierest seven captured. Kelt The Dead . bandits killed and and that fact would operate against Sam Ketchum, tiie train robler who by the Las Vegas representatives men. hus enlisted about five hundred them. Then nearly all have been shak was wounded In the tight at Cimarrón We couldn't do (hat here a III ta Wallace Is still south and has about ing the past winter and spring from a week ago died at the penitentiary at bit," said the Western Lnlon boy, as he four hundred. Lockett is Dow enlisting fever contracted in Cuba." Santa Fa Monday He la supposed to handed a mess tijn to the telegraph edi- and has over four hundred applications, Lie itenaiit Coleman stated that his have been born and rained in Tom tor. "Why, we'd lose our Jobs in a num- which aro coining in rapidly. Might stay here depended largely on the Green county, Texas, a'id at tne time minute." raise here so additional regiment ex- ber of recruits that can be secured In of his death wa about 43 years old "Then you don't believe in strlkis?" this vicinity. clusively of volunteers." lie has a brother living at Han Angelo, You bet 1 don't," said Hell Is in Up to 4 o'clock this afternoon eight The Colonel referred to who Is quite a wealthy cattleman and the young America as he darted from Thirty-sixt- h out of thirteen applicants had been command ot the infantry the body will be shipped there for TllK Ol'TIU olllce, and mounted his Thirty-sevent- favorably acted upon. They were: and Colonel Wallace of the burial. wheel. Colonel Lockett Is iu command Smith Orwick, William J. Love, Felipe Sim Ketchum followed the range for llosklm-iiise-ltank- ln Co., (Ltd.) of cavalry regiment that will be J. Sandoval, Joseph F. Carno, Frank The several years and then began to gamble. up pleasant partnership to- raised in the I'hilipptnet. W- McKay, Earl F. Tyler, Frank W. broke the lie followed a sporting life until, five "The storm has abated. The Sher- Schenk and Daniel D. darkness. day that has existed between them for man la coaled and leaves todav with all years ago, he joined his brother, Tom upwards of two weeks past and, like the troops from California. The Grant Ketchum, ' liliH-- Jack, "and hat doubt the Arabs, folded up their tents. In- is being coaled and leaves in about four An Enjoyable Evening. lets been connected wlh many of the stead of stealing away, however, tents, days with troops from North Dakota, A most enjoyable impromptu crim-- perpetrated in New Mexico iu b were loaded in and V yoining and Idaho. The MinnesolHS baggage and ibles are preparing to leave on tho Sheridan, was given last evening id the par the past few years. Tom aid Sam are on a box car at the Hot Springs station us so in as the transport can be unload- lors or the Castañeda. Mr. Gross of suppos'd to have been the men who and landed safely In Las Vegas. The ed and coaled. Other volunteer or- St Louis, who is a most excellent vo- killed young Ilerczsteln at Liberty and p iriy has had a delightful experience ganizations will leave as soon as calist, sang several line selections and ro .bed his store. is also likely that transports are available." It camping out and was loath to leave lis Mls Knickerbocker charmed her audi he whs connected with the train rob' pleasures behind 8KNL Til KM IIOMK, jl'ICK. tors with "Angel's Serenade" and other bery at rolsom a year ago and may Washington, July 2h General pieces that amply sustained her high have been connected with the robberies Ord'rl Out Troops. Otis has been cabled to send the volun- reputation. A. L. Kruegnr, who, It that have nccuried during the past few ItniM iNun a m, Ala., July 2d. Hen home as rapidly as possible. Helen, l'uustill, a negro who killed teers seems, is a master of the violin, accom m )tiths at Gallup, (loneta, Las derson Jus Vegas and Trinidad. tice of the Peace J. K. liamilion at panied Miss Knickerbocker In the ren Itlouut Springs, last Friday night, while Amusements. ditlou of the "Dream" by playing an Train No. 8 was live hours late this resisting arrest, was captured at Cull The Hose Stillman Comedy company obllnato. Mrs. Denton, wife of the man last night. When ( tie news reach morning on account of a washout that ed Springs a mob formed to go will ula v the Duncan a House i manaorer of Castañeda, presided at Itlount at Oner the occurred last night near Laguna. The to lynch 1 y Cullman and unstlll. the the entire week, commencing Monday, j the piano In a miinut r that won con-Jul- train whs stopped at Gallup and the mob left Itlount springs on a north 31. A new comedy will be pre--I gratulation and admiration. Mrs. passengers notified of the delay, which bound passeuger train at 1 p. in. today. sented every night. Monday, "Com- Hill, the well known elocutionist, The governor has ordered out the inr- - was at first estimated at twelve hours. mlngham rifles to protect the negro. forts of Home, or A Crazy Idea," ore of recited several pieces most effectively. The time was more than cut in half by the best farclal comedies ever written Emmet Carter sang "Oh! Tromlse Me," the energy of the railroad people In temporary Huya It Wum CuiiikmI Fruit. will be the bill. Kalph Klggs, com- ' Love Her the Same," with conatrui'liiig a track. It the and I Just seems from all accounts, that a short London. July 21 Much excitement edian of the company, has made equally telling effect and was heartily ap- bridge was uudermiued. has been caused here by the mysterious as great a bit through the west as Hose plauded poisonii g of a score of guests of the Mllilman. will be seen to advantage Among present were: Mr. and F. M. Johnson, who lias charge of ('un h'Uel, whu h, it is alleged, was and those fruit,. W. " Mha Lou the parly of government surveyors due to American canoed F. In a "A Crazy Idea Among the plays Mrs. Gross of St. Louis; Etta HarHett of Philadelphia died during to be presented during the week will be Carter of Jefferson Cliy, Mo j Miss now engaged in correcting the error In the night. The fruit was eaten a wei k found some new comedies never before Knickerbocker, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. the west boundary line of the Las ago All parlcok of it were made III. given In Lss Vegas. Denton, A. L Krueger, Emmet Carter, Vegas land grant, arrived Iu town laH one dying on July "Int. The medical Mr. eveuing Iroin the scene of the survey certlllcaie anliiied gsstro-entriti- s as Monday tilgbt ladies will be admitted Mrs. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Gortner. day or two cause of his death. Whit-mor- and will remain here tor a the free when accompanied by a paid re- and Mrs. Dixon, Major and Mrs. e. before returning. He Is accompanied served seat ticket purchased before 6 W. K. Elter and F. H. Lowell o? ! ov J W. Purman, a member of the Call at the dleam Laundry for a fan. ' p. hi. on day of sale, at the usual plact. Kansas City. j party.


LOCAL HAPrENINOS. H All.ltOAD. MAKING BIG IMPROVEMENTS. Hiil is stop- A heavy and hall storm prevail- Walter well, of Nickerson rain Tho E. Romero Hole and Fire Company's Item of Interest OAlhered Around ping at the New Optic hotel. ed in thecountry southof here early last New I ire Apparatus and Building Vegss Las and Viclnitv. Juan Silva and family, returned home evening. The (Jallsteo river was again Improvements. today after spending a couple of weeks at flood tide and the wstchman sta- FKOM Tl TMiA Y'8 DAILY The members of the K. Romero I!"Re at Kl l'orvetur. tioned there held both 22 and 2 for at tern-prar- yery new LOCAL. hours until all danger to the y company are proud of their Miss (.race Page of C'.IO Lowe ave- (Ire equipment and elated over their Juke I '.lock returned morning to bridge had passed. In and this at. exlt-r.nio- nue, Chicago, is visiting her mother quarters tl.e a Raton. around Lamy, it Is said, the storm was Improved with the Montezuma ranch. just added to their building. They üenlgno Homero ha a very pa'rlolio accompanied by heavy nail. At the Central hotel: W. I'. Clow have a building H'M feet, amply sufll-cle- nt display In trie) arrangement of goods Is encroaching on the in lilsuee, Ariz ; S. II. Devln, Ottutuwa, The to accommodate their new appar- Ins show window la the Vender block. Iowa; II. It. McKernan, Kl Paso. tracks of the Pecos Valley and North- atus and provide a comfortable hall ,'or eastern railway at the gravel pit in tlr-t- - A suite of three room i, next to those Dr. Henderson and wife came down Hireling imposes. The floor is by hlin In Klhl-bcr- g 11.1 (1 y county and the company will cut at preterit occupied the fri'tn Kl Porvenir today, where they being whitewashed and painted and occu- anew channel for tl.e Fred 1 r block, are being tilled up for have been spending several weeks. rlvir. 1m up-- il.xii la beli.g I',x d up in the pancy by M. Jtrunswiek. Metidenhall of iloswell wilt h ive charge ami paper hanger' very The Q.iluley party, who spent the painters' best City Marshal Murphy of the work and will use lifle n teams In meeting room a closet Pierce has rainy days In the mountains but en- stjle. the at the place as soon as the ground Is par been working on the big road scraper joyed the trip hugely, have returned. has In en provided lor the dress vie for the pist few days and Is rapidly sulllclenlly dry. uniroiins. Down stairs is a closet for Rev. Lowrte and bride returned to- getting the streets In simpe again. A newspaper man of Kansas has old hose and materials and a hose dry- day from few Oays' outing at Kl Por- Fr. Defourl, parioh priest of the west venir. given the follolng reasons why ing rack. engines are as "she." Tney The Improvements to the building side, will hold a vesper service at Agua F. II. Pierce, superintendent of the spoken of V. tonight musí at 8 o'clock wearajicket, an apron, shoes, ho-- e, and new fire equipment will cost the trca and Agua Pura company, returned this af- morning. peo and drag a train them; they have company about ?I.(K)J The greater Tomorrow tlie ternoon from a short trip to Colorado alter pie celebrate thü feast of St. Ann, the springs. a lay, need guides, ride wheels, will not part of this a i in lepresenta what the patron town. out for and sometimes thrllly members have saved, covering a saint of the lies-si- e turu pedestrians Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Cooley, Miss an- In foam and refuse to work, they attract period of several years, from giving It's common remark referring lo ii nil their visiting friends from business houses in La Vegas that men, are sometimes very contrary, .'id nual balls, from private subscription Michigan, spent the day above the Hot by ''they do twice as much busluces at the Springs. it always takes a man to manage them. and Iron) lines paid in members ior not attending meetings. back door as they d at the trout.'' this Wm II. Hrntlbury of Topeka, Khs., Passenger engines Nos. 8X1 and Hill new is a well whs well Illustrated today In the Rosen- The tire apparatus built is visiting the family of K. W. Orant, have been shipped from Topeka for wagon, with brass trnnmiugs. Its thal establishment where half dozen resident engineer, on Third street, In Las Vegas and will arrive here In the men were busily engaged loadiDg up this city. equipment consists of a xpa.-- for 2,000 course of two or three days. They will 2S-fo- twelve wagons goods one pur- feet of hose, one double extension ot with for Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Hayuolri and he in ed In south of here chaser. the service ladder for use on Miree story build- family of Canon City, Colo., arrived in They are peifecily new, having just N. L. A Co. ings, two fourteen fool ladJets, six Rosenthal are abo it Las Vegas this afternoon on a visii to been received from the Dickson Loco- ready ti move one (Ire buckets, two New York fire lan- door north of iheir their relatives here. motive workt and are of the heavy type present locution on Railroad avenue, terns, four oil torches, axe and crowbar, E, II. liradbury, contractor, of Kan-st- s of engine. Their drive wleels are the room being In finished condition. two nozzles, tool box with wreimhe, City, pained through this place yes- slightly smaller thau those on the Rosenthal & present location will hatchets, etc. In addition to these are IV terday to view and bid on some railroad now in use but it is believed they be occupied by Mrs. Knnestrlck, dress- two chemical fire extinguishers, each will be even more serviceable in climb-lu- g (joodall'a work down the line. having a capacity of live gallons of maker and milliner, and drug the bteep grades. atoid Is billed to move into the room Mrs. M. M. Jacobs and son Myron chemicals equal to forty gallons of no occupied by Mr. Keuestrick. left line morning for their borne in A. L. Conrad, the radwny agent at water. Six extra charges are carried Chicago, after spending the pest two or for and they can be readily charg- Frill Kggert, who lives at the Canon Albuquerque, received a letter from W. them three months very pleasantly as the ed at any drug slore. Largo, whs In Las Vegas today, having J. Mack, the general passenger agent guests cf Mrs. X. L. Rosenthal. The wagon ran be Q'.ted with shafts brought about 1,0)j pounds of apples of the Santa Fe, stating that a rate of double-tree- s Adolpli P. one-hal- for one horse or for two and plums from his home place lie At the Plazt hotel: one and f cents will be given Orzelachowuki, de Luna; V. U horses and is to arranged that changes quickly disposed of them and the peo- Puerto those visiting Albuquerque during fair ; 1 can be speedily made. will be haul- ple ,'cried for more." He says his Stamp, Kuid, Ok W. II. Patenter week that Is, from Sep'ember to 23. It ed to Ikes by the (ire boys the same as peaches will be ripe and ready for mar- New Voik; Howard Reliefer, Vancou- This is the same rate given to the Rough ver, It. C ; W. the old cart for a while, or until the ket on or ab nil the loth or 12 h or Charles Lewis, Watrous; Riders' reunion at Laa Vegas. The August. P. Coleman, Kansas City. president of the Fair association, company can make arrangements to provide expense of keeping a Hranch & Marktiam Ed. Lester, who is well and favorably through W. F. l'owars, Is now figuring for the reopened the horse. known as a first class, competent drug-gis- t, with the Wells-Farg- o Kipress com- Opera lunch counter yesterday iindir The company deserves gteat praise most favorable auspices ex- expejts to leave Las Vegas on or pany for free express charges to all and served for the enterprise shown and should re- ceedingly acceptable meals good about September 1, fur the east, where those from the outsidedesiriug to make to a ceive every encouragement at the hands sized clienlage. Tim circuin-stance- s he will locate and establish himself in exhibits at the fair. adverse of the citizens of this city, pro- business. While his many friends will that surrounded the recent Two wrecks occurred Sunday on the m m daui- - be sorry to lose his society and that of prietorship have hid the result of Santa near Flagstaff and Recruits From Albuquerque-Trai- ging the busluiss, but yes- his nuble wife, yet all will join in the trade et Williams, Arz. A telegram from No. 2 was nearly four hours terday was even wiihlng tltn great success. better than thi new Flagstaff says: " The fourth section of late this momma, not arriving until proprietor had reason to anticipate. Mr. Hunter the Montezuma res- of a freight train ran Into the third sec- nearly H o'clock. Among its passen- One special taurant, Kl o of the features ol the meals leaves on Thursday yla tion at Angel, a station twenty-tw- gers were W. P. Oalbreath, Charley at the Opera lunch will be Paso for New will counter the Orleans, where he miles east of here, this afternoon,, badly liraticht and Mr. Richards, who were coffee, which Is of a most excellent enter the employ of, the T. & P. rail- wrecking one engine, piling up the ca- on their way to Fort Login, Colo., character and will road, having charge No. 2 on sec-lion- , tickle the palate of of wharf boose and several cus of the third thirty-fourt- the coITee lover. where they will j ilo the h the watt r f rout. Mr Hunter is art old and killing Kngiueer Hatrd of the volunteer infantry. Mefsrs (Jalbreath There la a squabble down man, plied at La Cuesta river having on the Ohio and fourth section. The fireman jumped, and ISraucht are printers by trade and over the ol'lce of Mississippi He in tctiool director. It rivers. has been the escaping with a few bruises." Another have been working on the Albuquerque see m Democrats were duly employ that elected of tne Santa Fe road at this leiegr.uu from Williams, describing Ctlizun. at the last school election and place returns his first love their but to with anotlur casualty, says: "A Santa Lieutenant Max L'ina was iu Albu- election duly to Repub- every certified Their evidence of sitlofac'ion. freight train was wrecked this querque yesterday afternoon, leaving lican opponents, however, went b fore McLel-lau- , At the Castañeda: C W. (oo.liander morning near the east switch at last nignt for Phoenix, Ariz. He se the county school superintendent d ai and wife, C. A VanVelzer and wife. a siding on the mountain side, nine cured the three recruits mentioned and were by him appointed as directora Ft. Scott, Kan.j .1. !).. Cordova, Trin- miles west of here. Twelve cars were two others. Riders, whose The county school superintendent, It is idad, Colo.; II. J.Shull and George T, thrown into the ditch, six of which applications have been referred to said, has no authority to appoint di- Williams, Denver; W, D Reniken, were loaded with oil tanks of the Washington on account of being older rectors, only lu case a v tcancy cccurs Watrous; Walter lildwul', Xiikersun, Union Tank line, three cars of nails than the age limit set by the law under ami his action in appointing is seveiely Kan.; W. O. Schuellle, Sant Fe; Fred and tne car of canned goods, line which the recruiting is being carried uu. criticized. Meaim hile the Deniociatic eric W. Sanders, Mesilla Piirit, N. M.; brakeman was Blightiy injured. The directors rrfinxt lo turn over the tiTcc; ('. MacfarUn, St. Louia; Mrs. Henry L. wreck was cai.sed by a broken car The force of clerks at the assessor's of their ollice to the supei iiitendtuil'a Kiemer and Mrs. ieoig Wolf, Louis- wheel, The track was blo"kaded tor ollice liv UckitJ tho schedules of a puinlees. ville, Ky. ten hours. " precinct No. 2'.l (Cast Laa Vegw-)-. WOE.EJICL.Y OrriC AHI) HTOCK ÜltOWEli 7 COLD BLOODED IS CLACK JACK DEAD? NEWS OF THE . BOOMING FRUITS. Discussion of This Question Started by Whteler Discharged From Custody Alarm A Phoenix Business Representative Visits Sam KeUhum's Remark. at El Pato. Los Vegas. MURDER The Denver papers are Indulging in Wheeler, who wat arrested at Halen (ieorge Htixton, a representative of fairy-lik- e speculations regarding the for supposed complicity with the Fol-so- H'Htou A Co. of 1'hienli, Art., was In present whereabouts of Tom Ketchum, train robbers, has been fMschargfd the city today, looking after the ship, alias 'Ulack Jack." When Sam Ketchum from custody. Just before his release ting I nt erects of (he llrm. Some wtrk Committed ot Cleveland By was arrested he is quoted as having he sud : ago the Harvey House system made Non-Unio- n made the remark: "Von will never "lust such arrests as this make train arrangements with lit'xtnn t to. for cstch illcck Jack. He Is deitd " robbers. 1 have ben arrested before supplies of fruits and vegetables grown Special Oilicer Iteuo, whose vision for train robbing. Just because I came In the noted Salt Hlver valley. The hasu'l as yet assumed its normal char- up here from Silver City with Me- agreement or contract entered into U acter, is quoted In the Denver News as diums la no evidence that I belonged one of the means by which the linn u surmising that the alleged dead outlaw to his gang." enlarging the scope ot its shipping bus- MC3 TRIED TO LYNCH whom tin leei iheil Willi great parti A Special telegram to the Denver i Ineaa. Mr. liiistiiii hUo hopes l inlrc-pape- rs cularity as Mc;iiiils, weight 200 pouuils, from Springer on Thursday I rluce to Las Vegas dealers more thor- - etc., etc,, probably was none other than says: ouiihly the merits of the produce "lilack Jack" himself and that the "It is not known why Wheeler was handled by him and his visit here was Potlce Repeatedly Dispersed other outlaws buried his dead body In released, for he was In continual com- primarily for his purpose, the Crowds Arbitrators order that it might not fall Into the pany with Mediums or Franks while Mr. lluxton y sterdsy afternoon Vis-l- n posse they were here, hotel at Give Up In Despair. bands of the The Denver News and at Cimarron, aftet d the Montezuma the Hot at this late date says: Wheeler was released from the pest Springs and made a contract lili Mr. Keno sent a telegram to the rail house, where be was taken by the Manager ( renleaf In speaking of way oilices here stating that a squint- - authorities to await his recovery from fruit shipments from his section, Mr. eyed man had been shot, he also Ü., and smallpox. Wheeler bought a to Ii ii xi on said: CLEVKI.AND, July 21 A fifteen added body had been secured. ticket that the ex-pr- Tear old boy named Cornzwich was itiot I he Impression has preval ed In Denver, Santa Fe yesterday, but checked his "I llnd.ou investigation, that the and instantly killed by a non. union theretore, that the man who was rap- saddle to Silver City." rate works to our disadvantage-Californi- a was same as one be- l".l conductor on Orange street this alter-noo- tured not the the A telegram from Faso dated July fruits get rate of four lieved to beej how- have killed. Now, 21 s ays: cents a pound, wfl'le Arizona people Coroywlch wai a passenger on a ever, according to Mr. Voting's state Hroadway car and made i remark to ments, the detectives are led to believe "ltcporU, said to be reliable, have pay four and a half cents. We should, Conductor Hatph Hawley of No. iu:i that another man was killed and that been current here for several weeks at lesat. be on an equal fio'lng with liolivar etreet. Cornzwich then alight the body had been burled In ord r to that members of lilack Jack's gang Cali furnia. I have no doubt ilia' when any of Wells-Fa.g- obliterate trace the gang's Iden have assembled some- this maMer Is explained to o ed from the car and the conductor got tity. la the mountains in locality are preparing people t le rate will be i q nUbly off and followed him. Near Perry The intelligence that the "dead" out where this and lad looked Hawley to hold up a train. adjusted " street the around at law was squint-eye- d is evidently pos to be by surprise, all pas Mr. lluxton left on No. 17 this alter-noo- n and the latter pulled a revolver and thumous, as from all accounts Ken o "Not taken senger on the Southern Pacific for Santa Fe and In; in there le shot Cornzwich through the head. The didn't get close enough to observe the trains Texas Pacific railways are will Visit Aluuquerque, Socorro ana weapon was Bred at short range and color of the of any of the out' and the md eyt now carrying guards. The other southwestern points, lluxton Jfc Comzwich died almost instantly. laws. armed sheriff's o III re here has nut been y Co. are energetic aud s fe business uiiu Patrolman Hellman, riding upon the The supposition is that Ulack Jack bar, placed Hawley under arrest. He untitled of the supposed proximi- aud stand hlgii in i lie business world at was killed about a year ago. The Wells-Farg- o was taken to the Central police slat Ion ty of the outlaws, but the o Ulcers said Phoenix and in Arizona. people were so thoroughly con- An immense mob of people, enraged at today trouble was anticipated. the shooting, qulckiy garnered at the vinced of this tact that they paid the that Ulack Jack himself is supposed to have scene and Hie police charged upon the reward otTered by them to the parties Report of the Condition made The been killed." Las Havlima Hunk, at I .as Vetean, crowd and several arréala. claiming of tlm Vena tnuli partially dispersed but soon it. Notwithstanding this, N. M., at the cline of buxliicss July 31, another congregated. Anoter car there are a good many people scattered Married. HKHoriU'KM. coming; down Orange street was through the southwest who doubt the On Sunday evening, July 23, by the Iwin and illmrounts t tMM .I I'erry ". was stoned at street. The police correctness of the fact. Sam Ketchum's Rev. F. Kellogg, at the residence Ural elute John Hun Nat l st again charged aud the mob dispersed. is enigmatical can only be Canil, with Mliiuel liank... The stale board of arbitration has tie. reuiatk and of li. M. lilauvelt, Oscar Land and cided it cannot bring about a settlement interpreted in the light of snbstquent Miss Llllle Davis. Total tne.r.i h of the strike by bringing the ouV'tsli ol events. It Is more than probable, bow The bihle was attired In white. Miss I.IAHII.ITICM. no the liig Consolidated and the strikers ever, that he is a member of a regularly Nellie Wlmber acted bridesmaid and Capital t M together and talk over grievances and orgauued band of outlaws and train !. will either Hbandon all etlorta toward Mr. Don Darkness ai groomsman. At t'iKllvl.led protlla W settlement or order a public Investiga robbers. This Is shown by the remark the conclusion of the ceremony, the Ih'iKMlts M tion of the strike President hverett made by C. II. Young, manager of the bridal parly and guests sat dawn to an today emphasized a written statement Wells-Farg- o company, on bis return to elegant repast. Total t given to the state board of arbitration Denver, as worthy young couple will make I'minty of fan MIkiu'I I (Naturdiiy, by declaring the company follows: This Territory of New Mexico i would refuse to receive a committee of "Ketchum Is an old timer and he has their home In Las Vegas and Thk Or-Ti- c I, l. T. Iloiklnx, treasurer of the ulnvu-nuiue- il employes. a bard face. He Is too sly to give his joins with many 'friends in wishing lunik, do w ileum y sweur tliut the former my companions away. He will not talk litem continued happiness and prosper- auuve statement la true, to the Iwit of ity. knowleittfe unit U'llef. Woolen Mill Proposition. about the robbery and referred to bis m II. T. lloxKIN. TrauHurer. comrades merely as chummles." Low Hulmcrltail anil sworn to Itefore me thin -- lit .1. S. White, of the firm of J. 8. White Railroad Rates. Superintendent Hurley of the Santa lay of July, A. I. Iuu. & Co., of Sigourury, Iowa, writes to V. II. J V. Notary Public. Deafuaas Cannot Ha Cur al Fe was In Albuquerque Saturday and ami' ah parties In this city offering to sell or Correct Atlext : by local applications as Ibey cannot the Citizen says: trade a woolen mill. The letter states llctuY (iimr., reach the diseased portion of the ear. "Mr. Hurley Is very enthui.labtlc over I'. It. JANI'AHV, would ten cars to haul the that it take Ttier Is only one way to cure deafness, the new program to be put Into execu- W. L. h.m fcrrr, machinery. The mill has a daily ca- - and that Is by constitutional remedies. tion by the Territorial Fair association Ulrtrtora. rmctty of sixty pstrs of blankets, 100 Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- of the mucous lining of Eus- this fall, and stated emphatically that 150 of yam dition the yards of flannel and pounds tachian Tube. W hen this lube la in the Santa Fe railway can be depended will make blankets, llannels, jeans, felt tlumed you have a rumbling sound or upon to give exceedingly low rates to en- "How to Trap Wolves' lot;, tweeds, skirting und will work fine imperfect hearing, and when It Is all Fair visitors from outside towns." or coarte wool or cotton. The present tirely closrd. Deal liens Is the result, aud u ii I ens the intlamation can be taken out owners came into possession of the mill aud tiiia. tube restored to Its normal Mr. iiennahan, the blacksmith, who 8 --- 4 through foreclosing mortgage, the condition, hearing will be destroyed takes great pride In the garden culti- owner of the mill having died shortly forever; nine cases out tf ten are vated by him at his shops, complains of caused by Catarrh, which is nothing after the mill was started up. The the after-dar- k depredations of some but an tnl'amed condition of the mu- property can probably be purchased for cous surfaces. persons who not only steal 10,000. We will give One Hundred Dollars but destroy the vegetables. Mr. lten-naha- u new for any caue (caused by ca- T compelled . The mill, It is claimed, is brand of Desrness sayt the parties are V rimili.r ! i x i rli nwu uappur be by and running at its full capacity will tarrh) that cannot cured Hail's to steal la order to live, he would pie-f-er luiu eulMliiuiio eul liee. Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. COti'MUKlTt, K00 A Limited. give employment to men. Any iS: that they make their wants known, F. J. Chksey Co , Toledo, O. Knw,.ii - ia;w York Optio readers who are interested may Sold by Dniggiats, 7.";. so that ihe wanton destruction of gar- write to above address. liana Family ' ills are the bent. den si nil may ceuue. wisinicia orno and utock ouowku

i - i i . ri - ; - LOCAL HAPPENINOS. Mrs. J. II. Clotfe'ter. with her son, MldWinivr p jfiwn i 01 i e in one ktliclot anowiroRe mm ( ity, Kansas, - Lloyd, of Kansas arrived miwtt and ptesnir- in RARE OFFEPI ltema of Interest Oathared Around yesterday for n visit with Mis. A. I), A the hands of a wcttmn. ' It is tlie snowlcdiie of Vegas and Vicinity. liirdsail and family ). Tor-trai- Lai (s lirr own jtatnre, lo I own A F.l-nIi.- l Hle I'antrl rtifuf-tuna- le nl tip and Itoman Trujill, father of the mike copied and t nisi gcd from any ( hi- I'KlIM SATIKPAY'S DAILY. home - treatment young glil who diad recently diseases pecu- lo, tinlypp oe dafíiinrrolv pa .. from the effects of being struct, by a I I I fe Till te is a i'Mt llronko MltchiT, from fírao? county, stone, arrived in the city today. " Jy J no du al ' home ha, bfen discharged from tlie Terillo-ria- l II. M. I'orter, the well known cattle- V W f. txHik that tcsihra II IN (ff II this. It is Dr. la order to lotto. Ince nnr work will asylum at this place as In night A-- llfa-sis- insane man, came from the south last 'f, V firrre's Common maks for anions a s 5'ortralt. I'i ay-o- cured. and is at Sprlugr-- á today. He will V Vi MaJirat Watsr Color, Oil, Odette or Sfn Over l'slel, In anx- probably be In Lúa Vegas tomorrow. Adviser. M"rd, Our portraits ara nf a Striking Iliit family Alhtiq'irrq'ie art American homes contain copie ious to know the address, of Charles L. Mr. and Mrs. Anielto Abeytia of off.niuthis work. It used to co- -t $i v; now it I ibeni'M sml tin Most Artistic r In. copy .. nd 31 pli-lur- sick-it-n- Hot pap-- r coveted on (If' Doran, on Recount very -i is Urr. Isli. Small returned of senium Santa Fe arrived in ttie city today, one rent stamps. In mvrr minimi; only, to iti a tiit . If o si'hl th a i or alts of your in t. is laiully toiru. called here by the very serious illness fHr World I tthpetimi v Medical N. V.; i'rench cloth htn.tmj, . liier, uoólor. el.lMid . tut It I', r'C , h'd-d- ti Mrs. Haca tiPl!o. The hill round Santa Ke were of their daughter, Eugenio h ofT- -r 31 stamp. t km ad van i of our at om e. Lo . il In foi Friday morning, and the H. A. Homero and Antonio Archu 1 ais ifirat ooor tens rii m-- m mi-ni- cal repis ntillvis wanted. i n ruto for all i nkne hark moun- 1 uniailmir town without the ground of leta arrived on No. this afternoon and disease of the delicate oigan di'ttnctly tain and lull, hid somewhat of a from their home at Watrous ana after frminine. That medicine is Dr I'letce's Natural Art Co.. 243 Main St., Dallas, Tex. Omina; the past strange The humidity was In Vegas will Prescription. appearand. transacting business Las thirty yesrs many thousands of women ID i degrees, something very unusual for return tonight. have used it with marvelous It strengthrrnlt. and Fl-- z impntls health, vuror, virility, that section. At the hotel: C. A. Kent, bur-den- s elasticity to the otran that tear the ATTENTION! i'ueblo; Liberty; fil fur wifehood and The new lioaii wagon of the Homero Chrlstobal tiarcla, of malernitv It Don't TriiKt Your Phot- to Uilirio Itaihal, I'ecos; Hohert Martin, inothethood. Taken durum the period of Arti. Fire company arrived today and taken coming of bahy eay D hI Direr: with tha 4.1 tmt. 1). gestation, it make the to the writ aide from the freight depot. Kngle; Miss Kathryn Cregory, I. nd almost painless, it completely ban- M wi I Mink li unvonf -- wnflinR rm a the re- P.. i It wan viewed hy many with Interest as liisoell, Chapelle. ishes the pain and misery that are I h .Id Lin Oii.ikM Rv)X Oil her womanly I'oKTRAIThiK KK U ill- - Den- sult of a woman ncR leetitie I' AhTKI. Of I'.sAfioft It was hauled through the street. The At the Castañeda: W. N Nye, health. An honest medicine denier will ir oin'f onr miinrirr wuk Kxurt fc. meinhcr of the company have reason ver; Matt liohcrtBon, St. Joe; A. C. give yon what you ask for, and not try to 'H-- s( h'hlv irtiMie Hni-- nu. prmnit tm- - you to take some infi tior substi- turn mm tt d, new Slower, Arlington, Cal ; L. L. Lyons, persuade if tli it gunraitiPi tti to feel proud over their acquisi- tute for the little added prof: he may your ImIo at nin, tion. Denver; Alfred I.. IVckhaiu, New make thereon. Voik city; K. D. Milliard, San Fran- Mrs. RehaiTtier of Hrivman'.r.iirtj North. ARTISTS' UNION. KC'i.V; The F.ast Vegaa postotllce in mpton Iilo, fu., writes: "It is wuh pleasure cisco; Ira 1. (iood, St. Louis; W. Jl. that I write to let you know tlie ao-a- t k l I making an assignment of the unpaid and the loenl have lr)in vouT , boxes t ) parties who have long teen Moore, Kansas City. eU.lteainient si home. 1 was troubled wilh NOTICE female weeklies, ha.l püins In niv all t"e for boxes Every box In At the New Optic: M. T. O Connor, so 1 couldlkrvA he in av'tl'-- willing the tone, uniiientne iievrrr that Í tK-- 1 tried durcrent doetors hut they Chicago; It. McNeill, Kbdsh at nitrht. a- - olllce p',d a lull quarter's rent last F. City; help Tlicn mv hn.Pand Ka Ur. ini rxrrnt M. lirniiNwlrk. íf I caild not in. M quarter and every box this quarter Is Mrs. Beach and son, Dumont, losva; Píete' Common fteuse Medical Adviiu.r. and t ir;iH. . .. hii h to w rut II it lililneed me to try If. I'ieree'a medicine. Alter full, though a tew delinquents are be- M Trailer, Albuquerque; H. M. rtay-sinlt- taking "ta Hi ' tavome Preacrlplioo' I. WINTKHMTZ. fcwJ ing left by changing the locks and as- l'lttsburg, l'a ; Florencio Mar- 1 Icel like a new woman." constl- - z, Hi M.;-I- . F. Dr. rieree's Pleasant Tellets core signing to new rentéis. tini vuelto, N. Mulhern, Constipation is the cause of many F.I Sation. K. It. liranch and (ieorge Markham lUton ;C. W. Hrowne, Faso; J. F. Cure the cause and you cure th and Pacific lnxa-tiv- Texas Mat hi, Denver. disease. One "Pellet" Is a gentle have formed a partnership and will and two a mild cathartic. Druggist open up the Opera hoiisa short-ord- er HAILItOAI). cU them, aud nothing U "just as good." The Great Popular Route restaurant. They have engaged Jim Engineer George Wheat has quit Between I lie Ksst and West. leaver as cook and as both are experi- service at this point. bM-- Word has received that Mrs. HIIOliT LINK TO enced men In the business will doubt- General Manager Fny went south Mark Elliott's condition Is con- Naar Kt- - I.ouls, Chicago less do well. Mr. H audi for eight yesterday afiemoon. siderably Improved, hhe Is now In her Orlua, Kana years ran the Nickel Plate restaurant t ill, Naw York. Waahlngtna and Machinist John Donahue has resign old home in Mmsouri, where Mr. F.iliott in l'hoenix, Arizona, aid has been In is In attendance her bedside. All in Xortli, ed from the service here and gone to at Points the Eastand Southeast the business Id other places. Cortland, Ore. On account of the blockade by reaajn I'K.KHONAI.B. of the wash-ou- t at ltotarlo, passenger Fngineer C. Welker left last Dight hiitlylM-twi-r- DiíMiim, cars have been at a premium on til s ht. ThiIh. Kt. Worth. David liaca and family have gone to fur Huston, via Chicago, on account of i 'a to nuil i a n h itl.,ul-- Murnltull end of the road and the Hot Hiui Nitw (.rlt-uii- without i'Iiuhk", Santa Fe to reside. the serious illness of I. Is mother. was reduced in consequence to Holld T:-i- ati frum K! Fw lo'M, l.ouU H V. Taylor of Cerrillos is stopping Engineer Shaw and Fireman Farsons Duty one car. r"jitt it 14. Hur1 t'oti-Mt- ii at the t'ei.tml hotel. arrived yesterday from Laruy, with en ions. Hi- - tlMt your licUrtK via The Santa Fe has on Its pay rolls at 'Ifxitsi fit I'lirlflr KailMxy. I' or niiii.s. Hint IUVI They to x, ittl htft.r-it- Mrs. F.mll liilio and children of gine in charge. returned the shops In Cleburne, Texas, 510 men. tttliii ticUt h, r:iit" it hII ntpiltil day. I hi, rttlloii or ulln-- ny of thr 1 It kfl tiranta, New Mexico, are In the city. This Is exclusive of the trainmen, who Am niM, or James Fry, a member of the car B. F. OAHHVSIIIRK, Ij. 1j. Lyon, of the Colorado Tacking number about 2ixj. The pay roll for n. W. K. A I. A., Kl I'mci. TvxsirS. force at ti.illnp, fell while handling K. P. THKNKIta fm: aú Tk Ak . company will leave tomoirow for h'l the present month Is estimated at tn lallna 1'orvenir. the endgate of a car Hiid broke both Ü7U.UU0. bones in his right forearm. Dr. Cunningham returned thia morn- Work bat been resumed on the rail ing from week's trip to bis ranch near A very pretty advertisement In the saw in the local yards, a gang of up- ca'-nd- Magdalena sliape of a ar for the remaining wards of twenty men being employed. six months of IH'.i'.l, has been Issued Work, 1 J F. I Varee, agent for the Mutual It is said, has accumulated so sllli , from the passenger department of the Hie prospects Life, left for Mora today on a policy that are that the saw will mutila Fe. be kept busy for several months. writing trip. Chief Train Dispatcher Hristol will The blockade at Hosarlo station, Mian luer. Uice will leave tomor- I. arrive home totilulit from a trip to the caused by the waahlng out of a bridge E. Wliltmnra, row for the Harvey resort to spend a Grand Canon. Ileseutthe word on In located near there, was rained yesterday Uiilllini Sprlnits, Hau Mltruel fount jr, S. M few weeks among the tnountaina. advance of bis arrival that he hada by the construction of u temporary Fur mark. rpo ImiMi S f)nrs hrtind C. W. ISrowne, the Kl I'aso represen- tine earEí time. bridge. Four delayed passenger trains uielel on lell eur. " ' " '' ' tative of the Krowne-Maiizanai- es Co., Fireman Trask was taken quite III at arrived here in quick procession one U buai-Qes- in the city today, atteiidinir to Albuquerque a few days ago and Mr. after another at about 7 o'clock laht KKANK A.ltOY, tuatteis. lllackburu, an employe of the Santa Fe evening. The llrst section was heavily I. O. l.a l'ui'v, Mora t 'ouiity. N. M. A. Vn. V. ltllV. Hanire Maimer. Meunet, the well known traveling I'acillc, 'llred" for blin on the return to loaded with express and passengers nnd bprliiiíer. New Mexico, man of the llrowue-Manzanar- Co., Las Vegas. contained refrigerator car loaded with limine alesteno and djo llonllo, Mura Co N. M. came lu this morning from an extended Albuquerque Journal: The railroad cantaloupes from l'hoenix, Arizona. trip on the road. yards were kept lively yesterday by the It was followed by a section of empties, futile branded jf? Not keep up which, 11. K. Twitched, attorney fur the trial and ' breaking In" of the two new after laying over here a few up "S1-- nept and toc-- ! '. in..) 11- Santa Ke railroad In New Mexico, re- Nos. 4 6, Fngineer minutes, precedence on its journey Cstlln l.nindel ty all Dixon engines, and U. to go turned thin morning from a legal trip lee, with Fireman Armstrong are with eaatward. A third section was a'ao In tills liruinl. heavily loaded Willi pubaehuer. The t ) silver City. He reported great bus-loe- s while are. En- uud- -r the former, in the latter two sections carrying puüciKert laid Two bit activity In lively little city. Allen and Fireman Schopper. tM,sri'kC:r thtt gineer over bere for supper. Horses Ilmuilo.l pTl, il nboidder VAPJEKIiY ÜIT1C .A. 1-- Z eiTOUK UltüWÜJí

wound, off his RENO S BUBBLE BUSTED. csed the then took SUGAR BEET CULTURE, j ithes ami put luni In lied. Mcl'ride Governor Prlnca Urging; Desirability i FGrt 14 CENTS? sent boy to for an otlicer, the 11- Ki. An the Cimarron - it...... I Elizabc thtown Correspond- Mcl'ride staying at home guarding the of New Mexico. ent Tells an Interestln man. This morning he was t.ikeu to !,- - lovernor liradford l'rlnre of ,r ...! V.. I tt t M t Story. Imrron. There are lots of reports lie .viiinai u. iTtttr Santa IV, stopped over In Las Vegas 2! f. :,.r . ., log ciiculaird. This statement is fiom t .( .ru a ,ti Mit.., bet ween trains this nfirnoon on his - t .f'T ..r I . Details the Capture oí Ketchum one of the and la coi rolierated by Itro .,t i w. r . return from a busittss trip to New r I i: j Hank rr f 4 -- others. T- m s .,..(. other News of the Rail- Yor !'! - While tn Co'lum Mr. itm .!! road Rotters. The IHnvtr News Friday moiulng I'i luce called upon oU. lab uf i he A tuer- Z1 :;:i:!i:..,.v.v::,;:i w lr ' eajs: tean licet Sugar company to urge upon m X I 9 i "tl- invitsi ir 4 Correspondence to Tu r. Orne from W Hh relerenre lo n conilict in re I lo in the desirability of establishing H rzKv:z"&:S:i':ii F.ltzabethtown, datea July I'J, cur por's as to the number of muheis hit J factories al Las Vegas, Santa Fe and til ni a II. ( V lacitf tt. olorado end Southern Ml H robórales the reports that have been Albuquerque, and a rellnery at a cen- It 1 A. RlltH MIB I It., Lt I F . circulated concerning th? conduit of otliciaia say II. ere is no doubt that one man has been c ilU'.t and one raptured. tral location. Special Otlicer Keno V tmMtmvmtiMf? of the Colorado t lia'.uy. sixrrt.ii y to superintendent "I wanted more epeolally," he said, Miuthern railroad both during mid afler llunaway, produced the telegram re "torall the attention of the company to the fight Ht Cimarron, ived from Heno, July 17 giv lirother odirers Audit the large rmoiiut of idle labor availa- f f"" 1' "" T f7 ."" of lleno in llenver and have ing an account of the tiattle of Sunday J eiewhere nii;ht. Thin slates definitely that the ble in the commuitillttt mentioned. In rushed to his rescue in th l)enver body of a dead rotilier was picked up, (ermany, w here sugar brete are raised, papers, extolling is uerve and bravery. and the olliclais express coi.lldenee in the process of weeding and cultivating Tlitc (H-ti- ! has no iulerest in (lit con- the correctness of the i tj f rmatiou. is done by women aud chlidino. In Loa CÍ1 troversy mme to hey do not believe that Sam Ki lrtinm, sW than Rive the true s man oursec'iounf New Mexico, the same the wounded prisoner, the mini vv.-r- -a Hi imsisj facts id the cane. The following cor- Is em- iniwi Mr- who is supposed to have ben killed class of labor available and its iimmI to Is rvlutt nn - M m I n ? respondence is therefore valuable, una hey are sure was would prove a great llnancial Ihft KnI, ror ule t v U tulu the latter Mediums, ployment V (.Irr lv r ni J is written in allhonesty of purpose by las Franks. benelit f'o that, in addition to so l aud ft gentleman Mho dots not ordinarily That the olll-tal- are placing too climate, we cau urge the labor factor correspond for the newspapers: much conlldeti'-- tu Ileno's early story, as an Inducement (or the location of F.l.l Vhktii town, July I'J. Report giving the details of the supposed factories.'1 ' with of posse, self-ev- " cf interview one the and atli of one of the outlaws, is i Mr. I'M nee was aware of the fact I ono Unit was in tho light In IVan can dent. that Morl'Z Weinrlch, the sugar torn-- I on: the meeting of the two paule lames Mct'.rl Ih, living ou the ranch ai.y's representative, lecutly vudled w:.8 sudileii, neither knowing the where of llenrv Lambert, where Ketchum the New Mexico points mentioned but abouts of the other The robbers were was apprehended, claims the reward ol stated that, of course, the company hud unpacking their horma when the poena the capture and has placed it lor received no report from him as yet. came upon them. They were about 75

yards apart, lloth parties commenced d Co i Stale Marshal Foraker has Found Prospects Good-J- . firing at about the suine time. Smith returned to Springer and Is superin- h. luncao relumed this moriilug was hit first, then l'arr was hit, fulling tending the operations of the posses. from a trip to Albuqueru'ie In the r . , ...... ii ;.. . ..i..,, i.j on Smith; then Love wiu hit. At lhl Among the articles found In Ketch- - Intercut of the Southwest liutiding, tune one of robbers was hit fell the and urn's clotldng was the revolver referred Luan & Savings association of this r to the ground. Smith called to lieno to to ku the F.II.abetb.lowu correspondence. city A. N. Juidau, attorney for the lib?. come and help In in. a Furr was on hi n It is a with slag handle. couipauy, wld remain jver tor several POTATOES o and he could not move. Kctio rolled Kudo now has It In his possession, to days. off left, leaving ar-r- li' e," l'arr Smith and the gether with a Hue Waltham movement .Í..U .rim B.r llldMii. I "The prospects for lntrodui:ing tha I fur prlM. Ilnrfr-i- il li..k, IV d. ad and wounded o the Qeld. (lafl, I 102 429 Albuquer-que,"sal- watch. The case is numbered Southwest to the people of d l'.rN,fllMllSnlUlllI tea lieno got to Cimarron that night and aud the movement 1,017,037. Mr. Duncan, 'promise very iiwirvñrvwynrYrY(l left for springer next morning, i'arlles svvwv Complaint was sworn out In Springer well indeed. Itualm ss seems to be good wanted lieno to return and help get the m $Elt 0IRFCT TO THf FAHMFW, by W, II. Heno for liruce Wheeler, alias in the Duke city. Our attorney, Mr. liéwdusl Htsw.1 l..tri(Ut.1 Hoaid dead and wounded night he that but un- well-wish- flu. iU I!. W. heelfer, on the charge of Jordan, found an old friend and er Hullrr té. refused to go back. He n'JHtmM arnvtd at lutlmi-ddton- , 'rum-packe- 4 lawfully detaining by force aud iu the person of Judge r, Springer, where he found Marshal For obstructing and preventing fiom the two having beeoaiquainted nker, illi whom he had an interview Hi (H hi r fli t passage United Slates malls ou or " II 'el tli'ifUe X the in luluueapolis ei- M4S nlK imw uti.l get a j e ..tK3i' Foraker Heut Itnio back to Cimarron to 1 V ' about the It b day of July, near Fob IiM'I i tiT r mi smrV itt.1 mi, Alt, 111. join party and go pursuit of the toeVSTf MWSl aHeMM eUeeert to aVrsMS. the in aoiu, N, M. l be complaint was made Mr. Manger, a wool bioker resident Oaj fa ( thai I 'Xmi he go with robbers, but did not the before United Stales Commissioner Sea- - here, bought five car loads of wool from To Mth Prtr.m: party, rein .iuing in Cimarron. On berg. Ketchum was also brought the Itrowue-Manza- n ires Co., tha other nAnth the night of the ISth, about It o'clock day, shipment of the same before the commlNsloner end made levin, fi'rihr t.'.V t young Mcllrlde and 1'eail Clans, both today to Boston. ulli-r- fl charged first with killing two United r SIT H.O..W, : M. Hi. Creek, id I lea above Clin fiv ti UiKi.iiii o,. ei..-- ", 0 If It of Ule twelve Stales deputy marshals, second with Citizens are putting in spouting on eM. tit Cn, ,tk.ILaVtrin arroti, (Mine to the hotel at Cimarron delaying United States Uial.s, aud third their houses lii order tj catch rula Sin. W.if.n. Il.ia-l..- . staling that o;ie of the. robb.-r- wag at II. Itrlll. " ou territorial charge of murder and water for domestic use. One dealer i hrlil. Ti. en. M0 (HUH Ih "(." home, wounded, l.jfitv Itftlf H ( ll--- Mcllilde'a and wanted tram robbery, tie pleaded not guilty put in l.tKKi leet of spouting in the last lfs.r't an olllcer. Keno was persuaded to go to all three of the charges. lea days aud other dealers are doing tto sJ IU faay itUetl.l míu u f M back with the boys to Ule Creek, leav equally as well. ing Cimarron about 12 o'clock, and lleno. Mclinde and Clan took the Tells of Heavy Rains. wi undi d man to Springer this morn C. W. lirowue of F.I I 'ano, who Is In Adüi!o Mark. fl wed I li"'tm lli tap rl 4 KHAIIStR' LI0U10 tHIHatl ur Hint lteno stated that by the de.cnp the city today, attending tc matters in lü S M..l lr..m tlli'k.ifV ixa 4 tlflltMrt Irawn r. lug. I ai-- . and o- -t lhi Ilia "I'I 'tul f Hon he had, the man waa Sain Ketch connection with the Illaticliard estate, I I lr. It HO., lllit-- u, I aw If yoo are with dogs or L. h.U urn. The robber was shot in the left tells of a terrifio rain slot in thut hh- - tioutlt olu in your fl learn bow 10 make sod was sailed City vicinity Thurs ue IVitrmm-fit'- enf aim above the elbow, the bone Siler and ledl t fui rfti Ml t v all shatter J and he could Dot use his day. Antidog Sheep Mark, CiM9' Ala. Mc "1 understand," said Mr. Hrowne, biood-ihiral- Kmiia cliy, arm. The prisoner came to the Tbe Di'- -t dogs will run ir. biiiirmu, llride ranch, wanMng something to eat "that a big stretch of railroad track was away from sharp so marked. We bate There was no one at home hut Mis waahed out, the cars being ut one end uaed tt in our tWka for Iw.u y years e lib Mcllrlde. The man had a gun tn hla and the engine at Another. Wd passed not a alngle loss from tbat source. It will ñ Small Thresher boot top and she was afraid, lie told Superintendent Hurley's car on the staod the must crucial teal. L'oala ! on up F.I ttien 10 cents a Relloo tu make It Meter Will lt,r.h stll ta lid uf sttai l) he wouid not harm her and she main track coming from l'aso. C her tila lM be)l, 1 1 UeVU reat-- ut all. Formula sent to any ItMS gave him something to eat. Soon Mr Mr. Hurley waa southbound, evidently Ul in AiMtUM S, address on receipt uf 1 (10. urobeaera ,," in. They asked him on his way to the washout. f Mclinde came pledged to out of nroceas tu others in r.nd dioe mo i ne uuesliou ard the only answer "Heavy rains also fell Socorro f..r frM fur leal than above amount. ieielMeTKMxi Oeeiftluf, got was he had seen trouble vicinity. At HI l'aso some rain has they that H. 6fl Ctt M'fl. Co hu was one of the fallen but not near so much as ibe peo- L Oldfield, McUiidd suspected Paoina, Wis. i- frlMii. lio.. WW. -. ,U lUn fartner't mhhf irt. lie cut oiinii the and ple there would be pleased to see." Wi E. lhuulmé Av.. U icblU, Cftb.

1 10

LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Marry K lly returned Saturday from At the New Optic: O. H. P.lshop, Superintendent Hurley is In town to-- d a past A trip to Topeka. Sprlngerville, Arlz.;Gu'S Hood, Frisco, ly, alter being absent lor week on llms of Interest Gathered Around Adolf Grz lachowskl came lit today N. M.; Flint Stone, Luna, N. M ; (i. II. the road. La Vestse and Vicinity. from Puerto deLuim. Fiirsho. St. Louis; S. Cammoskf. Chi- Mrs. Doty and Miss Doty left this Colo., wliere Mr. Dli k Lowrie and party left today on cago; W. S. South, Denver; T. II. morning for Thatcher, FliOM MONDAY H PAII.Y. as a a picnic to Fl Porvenir. Devln, Omaha. Doty Is now located permanently LOCAL station agent of the anla Fe. Mr. Mrs. Wheat and Miss Lizzie Walsh At the Plaza hotel: James Dough- Horn, Mr. Mra. Hoy Doty had been night clerk at the sU-tir.- -n List evening, to and .ent today at the Hot Spi Intra. erty and daughter, ht. Louts; A. Augusliu Delgado twin boys. Sclirader, Albuquerque; H. r. Davis in this city at'd Inter relieved th AV. E. O'Leary and K. L. Ilsmblln ngeut at ( hapell. His health The street car truck Is being repaired and wife, Albuquerque; W. D. Patter- station left today for the Harvey resort. is said to greatly Improved since la number of places damaged by the son, Keokuk, Iowa; Fred L. Hrsun have tllock, Las Vcgss mer work night. recent rains. Jake former Puerto de Luna he relinquished at chant, now of Katon, Is In the city. now t Castañeda Alfalfa growers are waiting for the Wm. Woods, who spent a couple of It is stated th the It. hotel (roímos net v not be seeded to weather to settle to that they may bar--- I A. K:stler, formerly proprietor of weeks in the city ou his summer Vaca- blue any more year, the their crop. Tiik Optic, Is reported to he In Den- tion, left Salunlsy for El Paso, wliere ttras this for ver, Colo. he has a pusltiou with the First Na- reason that the gras, if etsrud, nvy A. Weil today purchased a good team not have gained sulllcieiit headway at wagon M. C. de Haca, superintendent of tional hank of city. of horses and a prlng from end of grow ing season to stand public Instruction, Is in the city from Fred Hraun of Puerto do Luea, who the the parties who arrived here overland from the frosts oí wlnUr. Consul rabie Santa Fe. had been stopping at Harvey's ranch Albuquerque. doubt has also been expressed regard- S. I'raegi-- Koswell passed for the past wei k, returned from there I. Chapman, a local artist, bas on ex W. of ing the of the siihlnigation to yesterday, lUln fell almost every day, anos hibilioii at Ahramuwsky & Murray's through the city Saturday en route schema that has bien installed. Ills during his trip and In I his respect he hand painted familiar scenes In the anta Fe on business. noticed as time goes along that the was no more fortunate than Las vicinity of Las VegRs. White the Face Maker leaves tonight of water Is bringing people. evaporation the Contractors commenced the work of for Huton and expects to be absent for up the xlkail lu ihe Soil to the surface, y W.G. Hroreiu, of II irkl i id, O iio excavating to-da- for a cellar under the the next week or ten days. so that while patches are to be seen at member of senate "3.1 general as. lore room iu the C rocket? building, to Miss Lizzie Walsh of Albuquerque the various places, Wllh sui lnce irrigation be occupied bv James A. Dick. arrived in the city Saturday night on a sembly of Otilo from the 32 I district. Is the tend ney would be to drain the in the city, with his wife and daughter, It seems Tiik OTTlc'slnformaut visit to her old time friend, Mrs. alkali out of the top soil. Km ovldeot that tor the benefit of Mrs. Itroreiu's health whs mistaken or misinformed regard- heat. that the adornment of the grounds at They are stopj Ingat the Kice residence ing the nuptial engagement of I. V. Ilusfikopf, of the people's Store, the Castañeda has uot been as Sabino on Lincoln avenue. Komeio to a west sido young lady. now permanently residing In St. Louis, as anticipated ber a use of clim- Harry Devin, who pitched lor the Julius Graaf and Julius Abratnowsky Is to be married soon to Miss C. Koher atic and other conditions. Las Vegas team In the territorial w-- re tills afternoon admitted to full of that city. league lu lsU, Is In the city. Since membership iu the O. C. Shows. the Central hotel : D. W. Hoover, to It. At leaving here Mr. Devln has taken upon Want Enlist. The order is Iu a nourishing Gascon ; Eugene Henry, Topeka; 11. Is recruit-loi- r condition. J. himself the responsibilities of a family, Lieutenant Coleman, who Thomas, Chicago; James W. Freeman, Thirty-fourt- h vol- The tenuis from Harveys, F.I I'orve who will follow him to this territory soHlers for the Colo. New Mexi- nor and the Upper Gallinas are travel- Denver, when he gets located, unteer loraniry in northern ing the road through Kearney's gap, Mensrs. W. L. Crockett, Howell Olv-e- co, Is now In Saot.i Fe. He wired Colo- C 0. Bella has purchased of Ed Mc pending repairs on the road up F. C. Hraun and the Misses Lude, nel H. C. Haukin of the natloual guard, the Cracken a ranch between Liberty and canon, maun, returned yesterday from the today, asking for Information as to the Fort Sumner and a good sized herd of Harvey resort. number of recruits that will probably A train of eight empty Pullman cars sheep and Sunaay, a good left with be secured In Las Vegas. The war paused through the city eastward bound Mrs. John Zimmerman, who has wagon team and for the ranch, where spirit In this vicinity is glowing ata from the coast where they were taken to been visiting her mother In this city, be will personally look the Inter- after bright beat and thirty-nv- e or more" accommodate the N. K. A. excur-- returned to her home Iu Santa Fe yes- ests of his new venture. sionints. terday afternoon. yuung men have already signified their Miss Etta Lou Carter arrived this willingness to go to the Philippines. The Springer Stoc k man says Miss Florence Glldersleeve, who has that afternoon from Jefferson City, Mo., on Late this afternoon Colonel itanklu when arraigned before the United been visiting Iu the city, the guests of a visit to her brother, Emmet Carter, received a second telegram from Lieu- (states commissioner, Sam Ketchum the MiBses Springer, returned to her day cleik at Hie Castañeda. Miss Etta tenant Coleman, stating that be will be entered a plea of not guilty "iu a digni- hume in Santa Fe Saturday. la an accomplished young lady and will in Las Vegas on Wednesday or fied way." So! James Clay, accompanied by Mrs. undoubtedly prove a great favorite. Will C. Schnepple, a former Itough Clay, left for (i lailaluplta, in Mora She Is stopping at the Castañeda. Uider, Is Iu the city today from Santa county, taking as passengers Mrs, II. S. Lutz, agent of the Santa Fe Another Wool Purchase. F'e. lie I now engaged In buyiug hides Meyer and daughter of that place. railroad at ,santa Fe, has resumed bis The Albuquerque Citizen says tt at for a firm w ill Santa Fe and return to Neil Owsley, who has been working duties after a visit to his parents in William Mcintosh and Angus McGilll-vra- y, fiat city tomorrow. in Uoseberry's restaurant, has been Jacksonville, Pa. Mrs. Lutz and fam- whose ranges are east of that city, Wagner it Myers and F. J. (iehring called to his old home In Missouri by a ily and sister, Miss Jones, also returned have sold their wool clip, amounting to will, until further uotlce, close their serious acctient that befell his mother. home this week from a visit to relatives about 2U0,(KJ0 pounds, to the Ludemanu stores at 7 p m. excepting James Doherty and daughter arrived lu Kausiis, says the New Mexican. Wool Company of Las Vegas at 14 Saturday's, railroad pay day and the In Las Vegas Saturday from his home It. C. Kaukin received a letter today cents a pound. The wool Is the pro llrst of the month. iu St. Louis. They left yesterday for from Uev. George Selhy, dated at Los duct of llocks of Merinos that are con- Williams Hi os. of Ithaca. N. Y, Mors, where they will visit with rela- Augeles, staling that he (Uev. Selby) siderably above the average. George desire the poslotlice address of Alfred tives. will uot return to Las Vegas until the A mot made the purchase on behalf of Sttnson who, some time ago, conducted D. C. Winters, proprietor of the 10th or 12th of August. Mr. Sel by 's the wool company. The purchase has a book atore at Fast Las Vegas. Who I 'laza drug store, has been quite HI for many friends will be pained to learn already been shipped in curs to this City. van give the information ? several (lays from an attack of cholera that he bas been con lined to his bed for hi; day The sovereign camp of Woodmen of morbus. It is to be hoped that may a or two since arriving lu Los Au- The camping ground of the Messrs. the World of Sania Fe is contenting speedily recover his usual good health. geles but on the whole, fortunately, bis Co. was visited the condition is some better. claim of the heirs of Louis Digueo for Mrs It. F. Claik, who has been visit- Sunday afternoon by a party of Las 11AILKOA1). Insurance to the amount of ,100 on ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stouer Vegans, among whom were: Messrs. the ground that Digueo committed of this city, since last March, returned The Topeka Journal nays that the Holllngsworth, UiibcII, Davis, smith, suicide. yesterday to her home In Des Molues, Santa Fe road is accumulating 1 rge Held, Prentice and Jack Menuet; the The Uwu social that was announced Iowa. She wag accompanied by ber quantities of coal at that place on ac- Misses Hothgeb, Stonewall, Wilson and for Thursday evening next at the little sons. count of the strike lu southeastern Hogers, and Chptaiu and Mrs Austen. residence of W. V. Long by the ladies' At the Castañeda: H. W. McCandles, Kansas, fearing that supplies may be The trip was made without mishsp, ex-- . -- missionary society of the M. K. church, Atchison; J T. Templetou, St. Louis; cut o IT entirely from thai aource. cept to Mr. Davis, whose horse, in ford- has been Indefinitely postponed on ac II. M. Porter, Denver; A. S Haukin, A train load of mules for the Philip- ing the Gallinas river, became almost count of the uusettled condition of the 1'opeka; Frauk A. Towusend, Denver; pines passed through Las Vegas Satur- unmanageable and besides nearly up- weather. J. M. Wells, St. Louis; A. K. Lanier, day evening. A passenger coach was setting the buggy broke the shafts lit PFHMINAL. Chicago; T. 1). Williams, Guaynias;P. attached to the rear of the train and his plunging. The camping party was Miss Louise Winston of Watrous Kleiilcr, Kingston; W. C. Schnepple, carried a lieutenant of the regular army found to be enjoying life and claiming paused through the city en Al- route to íta ta Fe; George E. Huxton, Plioetiix; and a detachment of tweuty-Qv- e or to bave Immunity from rain storms buquerque today. j C. J. Wall, Chicago. more men, that have prevailed all around llo-iu- . W10Jí:íCL.Y ÜITIO AND UTOCK üliOWEfi 1 1 KETCHUM, RECRUITING SOLDIERS AN INCIPIENT BLAZE. Doctors Cau't Information Concerning the Work Now It Started In the Heart of the East SIJa Going on In New Mexico, Business Section. IS DEAD Considerable Intenst Is being mani- The blaze from a defective lamp in Cure It! fested In Las Vegas conrern'ng the Plttenger's wall 8 .TO piper stor. about Contagions blood jviison absolutely foi the tht'ty-fou- t th volunteer o'clock last night, threatened for a few Iteyond the skill of th doctors. They Inlantry. Lie itenant Coleman, who minutes to ma'ie lively work fur the tite may coo a patient, for years on thoit( blood Poisoning Ensues as a Re- has chame oi the enlist nn-n- l at, this department. It seems that limp, the mercurial end potash remedies, but he' His place, has not Hi jet stgnllleii the loca-Ho- n which greatly resembles a sult of Wounded student lamo will never rid of the disease; on the' of his ntllre. 1 h Is now In If Arm- - lieutenant its mechanism, had J tnt been liiltd other hand, bis condition wilt growi at Sania Fe, where he has opened head-quarter- s with oil and when lighted llared up to- steadily worse, ti. S. S. is tho only cure In th old armory building on ward the celling. Immediately beneath for this terrible affliction, 1mcbiio It is the only r"medy which gia-- a direct tiv the Fort Marry reset vatlon. He I Ihe table on which the lamp stood the EODYSHiPPEDTO SAN ANGELO the rnuso of tho liiscaso and forces it accompanied hy K. A. II7.en and A. floor wbs strewn with trimmings of from the system. U'vcnson, enlisted men in the thirty, wall paper. The lamp was thrown Into I was aiTol. with Rinnd and in fourth. He will be in Las Vegas Wed- the opposite corner of ihe room where best disonm did ma no K'""1. Itwanrh I took . r nesday or Thursday. there wa les chance of llo-l- treatment faith A Brother Will Take Charge of combustion fully. I n fart, t iwemet Lieutenant Coleman Is quoted as say- and In the space of a very few tnlnubs lit llfl wnrai sil th' Died On lire rrt --a while. I t.wll almost ing that recruits are arriving on almost the department did the rest, an . V every a call erf. 1.1 oo.ll Monday. alarm having been "" 7 "... every train at Fort L"i!Sn, but the gov- Immediately turned pwni In the"ti ernment is especially anxious to get as in. T Mr. and had no rftVol whatever. 1 clll many recruits I rom New Mexico as The damage done was slight and was hea rtned, for wlIt caused principally by that t neveram'I Last evening's Albuquerque Citizen possible, because msny of them are water and smoke. cured. At the advtr fil kble to speak Spiulsh. will be a An alnim was also turned Into the a friend 1 then contained the Information that Sam This 3: H. St.. toI"Itn anil west side lire MS s Ketchum, one of the Kotsor.i train rob- great advantage to the regiment when station, but the llalli prTe. r.nttnupi1 th madhUne. snd It ennfd ivmnilfiflr. Imll1 I in were quickly subdued the Itmucro boys m' bers, had d til In the peti'tentlary at the Philippines. At noon, yesterday, luir no iiiv hfnlthaiul my iitalit' Santa Fe. today a hfleen applications had been received were telephoned to the effect that their Alth'iiiifh this n ln atf... I haTe lo'Vel TiikíM'tio wired Tel had a KU of tll dlaeas to return. telegram of Inquiry to the No Mexi- by Lieutenant Coleman Among the services were not Deeded. A. K Nswaast, Staunton, Va. can and applicants ate a number wiio have seen The store In which the lire orliju i!ed this afternoon received the l con t inul is located In the of It like self destruction to following: service and several Hough Kiders who midst the business to tnke potash and mercury; besidei "He died Monday. The body will lie went throng the Cuban campaign. section of Ihe east side and if binned totally destroying the digestion, thej hipped to a brother at San Angelo, Two men were enlisted. Tiny are would have b en the cause of serious drv up the marrow in tho bones, pro Frank L. Dowuie damage to adj doing ro, erty. during a stiffness nnd swelling of thr Texas." and Vernon It. Short, joints, causing the hair to fall out, and The news was received at Albuquer- bot.i of fanta Fe. They are strong, completely wrecking tho system. que In a telegram to Marshal Koraker, stalwart, Intelligent looking young Birthday Party. mating that Ketchum had died of blood men. Little liuth Schlott entertiined the poisoning after sulTerlag Intensely. II Dr. J. A. Itasile has been appointed following young folks on yeslerdy S.S.S.rfhoBloo(i was Id examining surgeon on wounded tho light near Cimarron for the recruiting afternoon, the occasion of her bi guaranteed Purely Vegetable, and in Sunday, July 13. Ills left arm station at Santa Fe. seventh birthday. The dining loom the only blood remedy free from thewe haltered near the shoulder by a bullet. Lieutenant Luna has established a and tables were decorated in l ink and UnnLrei''us minerals. on nt sent fre A few days later he whs at recruiting olllce at the Highland hotel, gieen, and the favors were roncea. ed In Honk bj c.ptured Bwifl Specilio Company, Atlanta, (a the Lambert ranrh, whither he bad Albuquerque. He is accompanied by a black bird pie uu caused much mer- drifted to search of food and ineolcal A. L Perry and II. F. Walters. During riment: Notice. attention. Luna's absence lu Arizona, the Albu- Kdith Kinguley, Jennie lledecock, All persons tire hereby not lied not to Keichum was tiiken to Santa Fe querque olllce will be in charge of Ernest Daily, William and Claiie Kong, a ivat'Ca any mdit whatever to Mis r1. () Thursday and lodged m the peniten- Perry. ler, Maria and Silva Pachel, Ituth Ed- .stew it in my name i.a she. on the morning of June 21th. in the city nf safe-keepin- The term of service for which re- wards, Mossle York, Mary Kline, Mln- - tiary for He was about Las Vegas, voluntarily left my riw rn 40 years old and was a native of Texas. cruits are wauled continues to June 30, don and Fnld MiWie, Hessie Chippille, and board ai d refused to return As stated, bis brother lives near San I'JOl. Applicants for enlist men!, must Ilegal Itobinsou, Mabel II 11. Katie S. ). STKWAIIT. Angelo. be between the ages of IS and 33 years, Y illlama. Ci ce, N. M. July 7. 'I'll w.:tw Marshal Fornkfr rtates that be baa no of good character and habits, able-bodie- further news In regard to the surviving and free from disease Persons tram midie ra and that the several posses who are not physically perfect will be ri jet-ted- , It will be a or have all been e tiled In, having and wate tune ( . . the trail t I i ry been lost In the mountains of Union for those knowing themselves unsound county. to apply. M irried m vi will not be en- Wo arts tho Largest Wool Commlumlon Houmo in tho Wmmt corn-pan- upon Captain Kiliotr, oT the express ), listed except approval of a regi- We have he ntnat eteniv and hewt li&ditsl lofra. Vi a havs tha who was In the Cimarron battle, mental couim mder. No person under brat faWhtlea tur hmiOUnir ami ahowlntf sna-k- nf wim1. 18 years of age will be '1 he liianuriu'l urt'r .kltf a ualttily of vimA fiar any pinTo"" was expected to reach Albuquerque enlisted or rraiiMi to ii iHS'ttiiNf tin knows w cut) auppty him nay grutl uf wtsa iu last evening. ; a-- minors between the ages any quantity h muy ilmiliv m or IS and 21 will not be enlisted or Wmhmndlm 1B.OU i.OOO lb: ot Voope roar, without ai:d nevr fasltlla a Miund of i: on tho atrea. W e D.t week biiyars; I'liillsm in Denver. the written consent nf IHE BVrtHS COME TO US. Dknvkii, July 23. The Denver Ath- father, only surviving parent or b gaily v 0 i AU thM things are lo th ai'.VMiitavn of iHo(.h n vonsln wo. a U US. letic club exhibition last eight was appointed guardian. All soldiers re- W Mmho A tiv o on Oonmltmntoném, largely Hti ended, one of tho spectators ceive from Ihe government, ;rj addition and ehartra nl the low ruin of I ,er ef it. iw-- r annum on sama. W being the celebrated Hat Maslerson. arti aewiinf!( Inn f rv to a I who U us. w i niail to their pav, cl beddmir. furnish ta enuaiuu The tirat event was a bout of ten rounds rations, tthing, i.u I kt I . Ot H llkcl l AK t i l II t. whh h k.i-.- you rally I Hi 1 on the wimI Lei ua i now wnera you ant and what l'addy Maloney medicines and medical t1 aitualum. between and Jiuimie attendance. F you uuve. Coghlan, the latter being a Denver Y'heneyr a soldier is honorably dis- sport. SILDERMAN At the conclusion of the ten charged at Ihe expiration of his en VV Í v BROTHERS, touuds agreed upon, i he referee decid- if ."V;--. MiuhlgmnSI. CHICAGO, ILL. that the event was a list uieiit, or on account of disability not id draw. Tim 1 second was a canted by his own J J event bout of twenty misconduct, his Vvw t Z hi MÍ í TT )sJN round between Corbet t of Denver and travel pay is ampift to carry him to the " m ni t h ex IWIIy Katchford. Ilatchford was given place of enlistment. au;i the decision on points r. TEIC A letter was received yesterday after-da- y KtvIc'h Wre l'rlvato. U who vtrrr ntsiii t ftatinlly awlilnr. H nh.rtilil baikiubiy rrrtl afternoon by J. C. llrotnag m writ-te- u wh'fi It t'itiff ! the itit f vi lih't 'm1 hatrituasa, A UMtu'a Uf Nk.w Youk, July 23. It was decided fwl Uil of hif wll IViitl fiilnllj' itf li'li (its- - v Hroina-ge- y to-d- from by kIk1 ttl lno tincar orrarrtavw ay by Mrs. Robert. (J. Ingersoll and Springer, Howard uhU (jultl fí' 11 -- " daughters that the cremation of Inger- and Joe Joauel, stating that ey 1 TV X i vsntSi-e- ,.t .ni l il'i nf it' 'it i.' soll body will be postponed until had spent Sunday among acquaintances WEIIAVEHO AGENTS. Thursdty. The funeral rmm ceremonies there and were feeling in tip-to- p shape. m'II all amnl Arrv mr were tl t whtflraitls prlfr). this afternoon private. Bin tut riy ' rv f"r im1n-tatio- ti The boys s re start! g out well We t -- and i 1 ifuarmn'-- vtsryihliitr. W &ar I.U t Urn uf tul K flvle promise to make the Journey tlikf i I A good many people don to St nf tinti-.- i leiin'C fif tfteno Htnam BU.! Hun. t want to Ka. A.i..-tu-T- Twsanriiic i mxf IBam Ill l j lltttlaf Utitll TfHI iTft our Ise4, arW til i M (uMti without a dual lik flMtiU', t ul Malla. Maul) tun . if it is opposed 'Louis great of dilll. bHUftcU IWilS, 1 tifWMit.iiv K. know the truth, to their BMMvxa awl taiat Mai lav fTM-- tn It'i IHi" Pnui, fuktMui, Imi foollfih prejuifice8. tliitV. fni im rvwry may aa utkémmll fast fVU. tturan Curiar 4 IIvmu Aig. int. W. B. U, LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Thos. .1. Ityan. of Chihuahua, Mexi- Switch engine 'l'M2 has been returned HELD TO GRAND JURY. co, Is In the city a guest at the Tina. from the repair shops at Katon audi H. Proprietor of In local W. Cate, Enlwhlls the I erne of Interest Gathered Around II. J. Shull of Denver, la stopping at doing duty the yards. Opera Houm Cafa. La Vegas and VlclnltY. the Castañeda, He Is hereon a pleas- James I'ullem, who worked as an o ure trip. wiper, bus resigned and la now en- W. II. Case, formerly proprietor of From Wrdna Pally. 1' Mr. Jake Oros, accompanied by gaged in driving a laundry wagon. the Opera House Cafe, ha been held LOCAL. Mrs. Hill and Miss Carter, went out to George Weathers, who has been lay- by Judge Woosler under bond to the l.rowne-Maii7.niare- 1X) answer grand T h Co. ship the Springs this afternoon. ing o IT tor a week past on account of a amount cf f to to the prd a car load (2i,(XX) pounds) of Ool Jury to the charge of obtaining goods 1'.. S. Ilach and wife, who have been sore arm, has Hg mi reported for duty. yesterday. under f ilse pretenses. Up to noon to to eastern market viRiting family of M. L. KiiglneOuH, which had been In the with the day he bad failed to give the requited It. II. Waugh, whll nn his wsy to his n for home at at for has been Cooley, lelt last is tit their shops Kalon fetalis, bond. home Id Arizona, stopped o(T yesterday Is a sis- to Cerillo to take the Waldo coal Colorado Springs. Mrs. Itach lent The li'igatlon entangling the defend for a few day' visit to his inter, Mrs. Cooley. run. ter of Mrs. ant has been In progress for a week past II. II. Wheelock. road-mast- II. (J. Craln, who has been a trusted Mr. Fred Johns, wife of the er and Is now transferred In Its entirety On his recent trip to Silver City, Col-o- i' Hank Km of employe of the big National of of the Grande division to the curt. Garm-h-- and el Twltchell secured a numtxTof fine d'rict Commerce of Kaunas CitV, is a guest at the Santa Fe, died at Kiucuu last week attachment proceedings were instituted specimens of copper-bearin- g ore, which the Castañeda He promise to remain of appendiclli. by Graaf it Moore, groceryun n, on the demonstrate the of the here sume richness Santi for time. The coal chute at the round house Is belief Mr. Case Intended leaving Klta district. fiat 1'aul YVeilandy, after eighteen years completed, coat of paint having just the city. Two li unks and a box lying in In The rains have left llrldge street a of travel la the territory, representing been administered. There are upwards the depot were attached undr-- a clum very rough and uneven condition. John L. Iloland, stationery company of of twenty bins on the east side hut only for 100. 1 he defense claimed that the Some work Is now being done toward St. Louis, has gone into business for eight on the west side. trunks and box in question to holes ap- filling up the chuck that have himself In that city, and Is succeeded DivisloiiFnremanGlbbons has Issued a Mis Case, whowa about lo go ou a peared. Itrldge street ought to be Weilandy, equal by his brother, Frank bulletin staling t'mt M attention has viaii to Denver, and thai Mr. Case in- paved, as It traille i heavy. ly as say he Is a popular, but the ladies been called to the fact engines st- tended to reinal, i In Lbs Vegas. The handsomer man. that A patch of skylight now appear riving at Albuquerque have their flags proceedings, originally instituted In where the old adobe building stood, op- At the Castañeda : George E. Lin (lying anil headlight burning. '1 he Judge Wooster'a court, were transfer- posite the San Miguel batik. The ef- coln and wife, New York City; practice ihould be reformed red lo the disi net court on account ot 1 a odd until one F. II Wlelandy, St. Louis; O. F. fect just little bit The following changes In operating the amount of the claim and the trunk accustomed to the change. That Kulius, Denver; (i. K. 1'aine, Han divisions have been otlicially announced and box were delivered over lo the I too good a corner to stand idle very City; 11. G. Cram, K annas City sheriff. , oi by the general mana.eiof the Fe, long, F. M. Johnson and J. W. Purmcn, The legal proceedings then revolved however. to takeeiTect August 1: Washington, D. ; Carrie Chapman, on a criminal-charg- of obtaining goods The mail box that has stood at the The I'auhandle division will be es- Hot Springs; Macfarlan, St. Louis. under falso pretenses. According to depot was moved yesterday to a loca- tablished, extending from: to hotel. New Optic: Ily A. Wolf, St. the evidence adduced at the prelimi- tion front of the Castañeda In At the Mulvaue, Kan , to Kuglewood, Kan. I L nary bearing before Judge Woosler, expl tnatlon of the change It said the Louis; Jackson and eisler, Denver; Mulvane, Kan , to Caldwell, Ku. east-boun- Greu-vill- e the defendant W. II, Case, had given a postal clerks on d trains com- V. S. Ilarber, Washington, I). C; Wellington, Kan., to Amarillo, Tex. mortgage on his restaurant stuff to M. plained that the box was too far away. II. Hays, New Iledford, Mass.; AUica, Kau., to Medicine Lodge, Kan. N. Chalilo for money advanced. Later, The new location place mall clerk on Mrs. A. Wlliam and daughter, Kl Wellington, Kan., to Hraman, O. T. In order to secure Graaf !fe Moore, who west bound train to equally as much Paso; Mr. I). II. Jones and daughter, The Oklahoma division will comprise sold him groceries, be gave a bill of Inconvenience. Kuipnrla, Kan.; William K. Gray, the lines from: ale for the goods. The defense " I have never at any time, In my tjueretaro, Mexico; II S. Arnold, Tecos; Newton, Kan., to I'urwlt, I T. saaie Coleman Levtsou, was substantially to the effect that twenty years rtvdence in Colorado, Stierrard and Abe Wichita, Kan., to Pratt, Kan. V'' r Thirty-fourt- Graaf & Moore weru In reality third Been the prairie and hills a green In Volunteer Infantry. Florence, Kau., toWlofleld Junction, parties to mortgage, there-lor- e that ktale a those I tuw coining Geo. T. Lincoln, representing John the and that Kn. no offense bad been committed through New Mexico from the state O. Goodenough, selling agent for the Augusta, Kan., to Mulvane, Kan. under law. Judge Wooster held line down," said George T. William, Mergeuthaler Linotype company, was The line from Wtnlleld to Wellington the Gtaaf & Moore were not third inerchandiae broker of Denver, in tifo city today, leaving on the after- will become a part of the Southern Kan- that parties and the affair was a proper Ol'TlU man. He tld ba was noon train for Albuquerque, Mr. Lin- sas Division. that loan subject f Investigation by grand much surprised at the rapid growth Las coln came to Colorado prior t the HO', The line from Lawrence to North the jury. The fact that the good had Veg-sww- making at. d predicts fur It engaging In the newspaper business Ottawa will be added to the eastern under an alleged worth- a great future. and la still connected with the editorial been secured less bill ot sale constituted the presum- hay staff of the Inland I'rinter, the best Jame McAllep, who been stop- ed false pretense. Harvey' Journal published In Its line. Mr. Lin-col- a District Court. ping at health resort, came The contents of the trunk and box down today and will leave for his home is accompanied by his w ife and is In the Qiatrlct court ttie time for tiling a bill alBO II gored In the litigation, especially in Maine. He was accompanied on the ou hi way to the coast. preparing and of exceptions vs. in the attachment proceedings. The trip by lieu Kltrlgeorge, who Is Stop- IlAILItOAD. in the case of the Territory Nicanor Herrera, was exlendtd ninety days by prosecution waa of the opinion that ping permanently at Harvey's. 'I tie F.ngine IMO has been sent to liatón they contained property belonging to young men came Galli- order of tha court. twj down the for repairs. the restaurant. Access to the trunk Trinidad Homero, jr., ha brought na cauuu on horseback and made the Hugh Iliekerson, engine inspector was iiot obtained however, until after journey without Incident or mishiip. suit against Koman Homero and wife helper, I sick at the employee' hos- the sheriff secured possession, when Mr. KlUlgeorge says workmen are busi- to recover goods. pital. they were broken open under the au- ly engaged In chopping timber with Harriet S liernhoft ba (lied suit for Joe Trlmarco, employed in the sand thority or Chief Justice Mills. It wn which to replace the warhed-ou- t hrtdg;t severance of the lies wnlcb bind her to house, has been on the kick lint for sev- found that they contained clothing of case of V. A. Given v George Oswald K. liernhoft, alleging abuse. The eral days. both Mr. and Mi. Case and a few arti- Sostmau was completed before Justice Casaferino Caballería de Haca has also cles may or may nut have Mr. lilackburn of the Santa Fe l'a that figured of the i'eace Tafoya yesterday after- come to the conclusion that so far as tu belongings of the II red gin Cú on the restaurau'. noon, the decision being given by a jury cillc ei the return from her present husband I conceited at Albuquerque Monday. The trunk and box have since been of four men to the plaintiff. Mr. Sost- - least, that marriage I a failure and turned over to their owners. tnan contended that the lien be held Illlailo M. Homero, who ha been ask to hive the nuptial knot untied One of the feature of the procee- on the building occupied by Miu on woiking as line borer at the round that bind ber to Kustacto Homero. ding was an Inventory of the goods of i huilón la Invino nfT al"lr Krlde street was good to August 1, Hlcardita Haul de Stuart la desirous of the cafe and lunch counter in order to l'JCX). Mr, Glveua, the owner, was of tie Machinist Howard, employed in the living out the rest of her existence determine whether the article there opinion that the lien wag up August 1, local atiops, ha relinquished his post by the will or wishes of ber tallied with the list as given In the Ib'J'J. lioth parties agreed ou Fred tion and will leave town. liege lord, S. Oscar S'uart, and seeks a mortgage and bill of sale. The prelim-- . Destilarlas, Alaracio Sena, Alfred Will Freight traille on this division of the divorce at the hand ot the court. Inary waa only concludid lute yester and Ludwig Weld a juror and they Santa Fe ha picked up a great deal in Win. Kroeulg baa Hied a suit In day afternoon. decided that the lieu was out August 1, the past week or ten days. ejectment against Juan Trujulo. in City. 1HUU. ltlf Fire dcriiuui Charley Anderson, a well-know- n local 1'kklin. July 2 IV A great Hie la PKKhONAL. railroad man, Is now in Sun Francisco, Taken UN Vacation. raging in Marclenburg, West Prussia. 2rt. A noon representing where he Is working as Washington. July President t forty house bad been razed. F. A. Townsend, the a freight brake- Mckinley and party left Washington at Fire brigades from Dantzslcand Killing Is In American Tobacco company, the io n. Mrs. Anderson expi eta to leave a o clock this afternoon i the I'enusyl were summoned to assist in subduing city today. here shortly to join her husband. vaniu railroad tor Lake Ctiamphtin. the lire. 'VOHKLY Ui'iMU A.N IJ WX'ÜCJJC ÜKOWEB 13

Off It I a, I, do de lo ti i'ino, y I dura crédito en A hora corle se pnrroa basta mañana ano de IHÍ'5, J2 5; y por el ano de lí'i, mm nii Ciífil en cnotoniildad. a las It. am. 225 K pro- - i H. ii'ii'l Val. Ir, en A probado. Abora ae tire-en- Kq'ilpu'a Triijillo, 1 raía, 75 (1). p- t 'mil linnil fnut 1'i.urlll I'liue. pie. la la suota de A'e Jesrph It. Watrou, oca le del precinto No 21 y hace su a Lux lire de Kraker, por Tilo Melendea, Cie-- l lente. resigna l n Como tal y ti cuerpo, aerpta l ano ioh. K'crihen t. miiM. To To Maes, ase..r, .i;s. Hchajtdo a Jacin oiUoiartr, por al ano l'..r l'tdro A. tlriega, diputado. ( lien-- a anlo'.siU. a K quipula (lalleg a 'I l í e 1IÍX7ÍI. da I.i'.ih 150 o lila (i eg .a, ees.ior, ( la unía de (I Jueves, Julio II, IMi.iu p..r dos cabos de talache, para uso tlcl con- Til Lucas Mae. lis, $) Ahora la corte a prorroga, htst al il r dado, ftil. "I VV & Hslon dn la ti J.teeph atrini. Vió d Julio, A, D. lli Aprobado Mioim. rii rvii lo romo )e ne paa y ev omi'l'i Ti l'.ih-c- o. $'l Ateeto: Lora Maia, t,a cote fue abierta, según prorroga de Jopervlsnr de cstninos por un ano. 1.5. 'loKslae' Homero y Lop- r, jíon. Tilo .Meteiidea Vrea, protetu. I sei m auterio. Relie Julo a Agip'to Abeytia rvr., poi To "M r',.rle.a no, I'resenle Iimi ot1ils'es o,oe eorrtrwteer la la stima de ''. 1 m d- To lírnsolo 1'sclnco, Por euro A. Ortega, I) ptitido. sins, se proceije al - cho de ne o io Ilelisia a M. Kloershelin la aunia de ti I Vi. Ti til(''Las V Publishing Co., ÍI'H). bebiendo snl i los proctdimlenlo laidos y según eabido p el cuerpo, por equivuc i firm ir T i lar. 1). Romero, l;l. apreba t o por will. ti Sttitiou Psl.l o.t of judgement fond: da la Mauei.a. Ahí ra, se niélenla VV. U. 1 Ipti.n ante el Cuenta aproliadn a Ixdewig Win Cllmil, To l it I II. Mi. Viain, Ij5. Mlercnlea. 5 da Julio, A. I). 1'). coerM y pida ser rehsj tilo en la anuía de or una pompa para el condado, :il. l o Hn Mi( National b mk of Laa V- I.c (.'orle fue abli-rl- sogun prorroga de la t lio, que ha too asesada doide can- Kehijii a el estado da samiel haudoval ega, tr. seion tidad en su e.dule. y el mismo ba ido ra en 21'l, por y p..r 1MH ea 210. I H antrior. i Paul II Vraln, Pre-eni- e l"a . tu Joseph H. Walr IUS bajado por el ano de l'.fit Cuenta aprobada a A n'ntilo Montov a, 'I' ust Nstlinal bank of La Vegas, I,iica Maeatas y Kraitciaro 'achico, Kram Martines y Trtijilio, fue reba- jues dn liegmiracion en a.1. ir r'ta.. ii7'2 fin CfinilMonsrlCi It T rr, Al- ja la en la suma de por el ano IWHI A I lio Meleeilee, I scril.ano M,r loa me Hif irl 'm,'r n 4'.. 3. A. Caiiulli, J.'.i'i guacil Muflir, por su diputado Iter. ilo a Krkocisto A. Lol m to esdeAliiil. Meyoy Jumo, a rsson de $.1(1 is'.'i, :! lo H. II Remann. (larc a, lito Melfndi a K o ihtno; por l'e-dr- n 'T tlMi. el ano, Iiki, por Uainna 75 M A I7. A Jo-- e Manuel por .i l ase- - To itul lirr.i,t. A. ()rte dipiliado. Loa pr tc-dii- en Olivas, ido en 20 Al Nuevo Mex! ano, liro de - c,o. por el ano Ikü.V 17 ; 2U l o Te ido !u (Jornal- i. t a previos fueron brioa y aproiiad.a dea-d- a amieiilo 2ih) Ce.lulas (.10; lletas da Tu ix Martin -- r, 40 luego ta pr jee la al despicao da nego. Kranriaco Martine y I,u sro, en la suma apitsrion ! I H i To K r t Nati nl hunk of In Vega, cio. da fo.'i por Abors, la I orte tuna un receso basta Ahora, aobra el negocio da Abora la corts loma un basta la la I de la tarde. Altaraoa 1 Tu M. Minnie rfc Co , tn., Armij i, a tomo solí a consiileiacuin y la de la larde, Hclon de I larde. T. K Iw .r I II oiry, $5 re ajada según I petición, Heslon d la La se según - misma las Tarda. Corta atirió pruiroga da la Tu Mrl'hea A- Me smutty, . y una declaraclou jurad t presentada por La C" ri fue abierta tejun prorroga da sesión de la mañana. 1'sld (Hit if echn.t' - the futid: lia. la se-- l .n de la manan, l're- antes loa ollmnies iiua componen la To Padilla, LM 55. dalle-go- s Ahora el cuerpo nmnli'a a .Víctor a Ii i misma a proce leal despacho de uego los. f - I. eoiir, que componen la I'e'd tint th cunt- fund: interprete .let cuerp i t!e ComllonaiPa, minina, lu go se A hora el Corle Aja las Uvas d los K n Tu J B proi a le al dtspacho Marine, fs. pa'a ipie t'aluscu nisterlas presentadas lie riego- ts. ib Ten iioria'e, por el ano To to- -c ., Tito.i ante el cuerpo. llelin Jad a Jose tinado da Herrera, en rigido por el Audit T Territorial a ate lh luí rl now ndj iur.i nntll the next Ahora el Sr. W, II. Vilcox, presenta on la suma d t4 eir Iwn. Cuerpo del Coidaoo de Mora a satier: term. Approve1, juraiu-nl- o y Igua- Iteti-jid- para qi.e sea rebajado a a in Alcon. p r los enna rara proposiloa leritrialas..O inilavo en Joseph II. Wairous, Pres en I, y cunrpn al lado conioriiii.ia ei tatiaia a saber. lHiq, 1 o:l, ; el i eso. A s Hilo; (.tú tift dn lio nr. en Imi, a i) el acra, y los lwtó, t 'Ot; lHli, 75; l.'N ft.V l'sra Inatitucloiies Territoriales 110 1(X Tilo VI. .leude ( lera. io.i. demns a A Ignacio rlambeí, por 1VJ7, JH!W, tu ais os en el peso. It y l'mirii A. Ilili'kil, Deputy. Ahora, el Hr. I C. Deuel, se pie nema an- rara iustniiciones caritativa i ta el cuerpo por medio de una dec a ación Ahora, se prtaAiifa Teod'iro üoiifalfa, y mllavos en el peo. jurada, y Jura qna la propl-dn- de l'i t ra- hace Haber al cuerpo que no desea ser mas rara tilo contingenta del Cspitollo, pmiriinniKiTiM ini"'.i.Ki ces tiie tiene as sadas en el condado de risJor de Aiiel alotnl.agoii como condesta- 51 ion mllavos en el peso. Mora, laa tine atetadas en ft condado de ble, y el cuerpo oideua que una r ara ago del Interea y una quinta par y orden asa lit 1 Cii(irin itij f 'umtetunedoa da Condado Ciilfsx, pida sean raosj tilas, y el cuer- expedida noiilli-aud- al dicho Anal Moa le del principal en certificado da deudas NI UNI Ut-- l (tildad i da Mola. po retisja las mtsoiaa drag in, qu se présenla rl cuerpo y t mi aro ea el tiran. l aiite 1 Ahora, el cuerpo aprueba loa certificados flan-lidi'- a r cuerpo que aea llenada con otro tiidor, v la lfr rara reitibua ,r de lerrenna VV b pie-seu- lA del rtr. H. io x sien In que Uonralf queda cancelad i. pubUcoa por aemiclu especíele S Julio, 1 honra da 'o su juramento, que diebns anima- Josa Ignacio de Herrera, fue rebajtda niilsvo en el tieso Hei-lo- da la Mallaua. les aileestrea fueron instsdos sn d c n da- por al ano de la suma de 100. Para la escuela normal de Hllvcr City, y condado, el peso. I.l ( mu lin abierta según mi proroga do da Mora, unen ningún otro All ira el Cuerpo nombra a l'reciliano niilavo an p t laa qu la i de la serion eiitenor. ir lo siitu luimisa dan arrol.a ls. Ssl't iuo da pa del precinto No. 1.1, y a Para acabar dad Normal da j V0 Usl inl en el peso. Prerute-i- . loa ii us Lucas Maeatas y Ano a. se presenta la Lninnanla del a. Nicanor Martiu s con testable del dicho Lts Vaga, av.ia Fraocist l'ai'haco oiiuiiHÍoi.a loa, Tiu T te n, r . n li t. i atentn oe esie precinto I ara rondo da Keora, inilavo en K cril ano. por fedro A. Ortega ru-r- ri aobra la lee que les han hachi, y Julian Naranjo, fuá rebajado aa la suma el peso. diinitado, y Algua la tal apelación qurd s protocóla le en los ae (.si, por Pera fondo da ovejas, .'i por cat aba. Hitfal Komeio Loiii, mis. al t il Mayo', poraudltiutatin, leg'Btroe de eita cuerpo. Cuenta apruti da y pig-d- a a Demetrio Para fondo da asouala, .15 mllavos ea M.idf.ioOiroia. ba-t- a L'ia pi ucediiitiei.t 'a pretto fucrou Irl.loa y Ahora, la corte toma un receso la Qu.i.tana. coin i exmiuador da Maaatroa peso. I general tía comía ,.m tulla- - apn vaooa doda ItiHaO el cu-rp- o e proro- de la tarda. & diaa, a i5 rl día 5. rara loado jo go tmueriiutamcnte pal a la una de la larde. Human Valdei y Martinet roa ea el peso Healon de la Tarda. fondo da corte, 45 mllavoa en al Henlon da la Tarde. an la suma de (225. Para prorroga Rebajado a (Janoveva Casaus, por al ano peao. a I.a corte fue abierta, tegua da La corta atirió aegu prorroga de la mañana. aa iwi eu I4U. Para rondo tie nuches aa noma an ex man la sesión de la .5 peso. acNinii da la nía. Presentes los oficiales qua componen la Cuenta Aprobada, J. Ramon Truiillo, pensas corrientes iiii'avos en al loa ortcialra q le la oe . en frénenlo rouiiotim ni ame, dede luego a proceda al despa- Diputado Alguacil Mavor. por servicio raía iuuuos jutuius miiavoa ei ne prot'i-dtia- n gotoo-- . pe o. niiama d'p(iiio da negó I a. bachos según cuenta presentada, 24 frO. A I dri cho de .3,1 llora, corta urdeiia al J'l da paz Ahora, aa preaenfa Diego Mi litoya y ba- - A Nicanor Arguell", se vicios couio juax para lomaos ue camino, miiavo an precinto (l. o, por me1lo da una ord. n el ,eo. V if 1 1 jiiraoiaon. jura r dice 4na llena asesa ds rlarulon Isov. o iM, 2. dada por h.. .1 dicho Jues de p.a. , ,, por tu A Tito Mees, Asesor por Coniislnuaa aa Para fon los de ItiUree da bono da con de l.cuo precinto para Ue un eu rto nutlí. ,1, prol,,,, d, tor licencisa d' Licores y Merceno as y as dado, .15 nula ros 11 el pea caiimiuq e c... doce pira L.a .,oa , Ull,J0 ta ni 7'J.NJ Para fondna de asegúrenla an la casa V?.,, cuorpo olden, qua d.cha raen tas. ,;I5 peso. tía ti lo la.pado por aiuo a Rehsjado A MarceMta Martines. p..r lo de corle, mllavos en el 1 aean rebajadas, - ndo Hur-tsd- aa reparar loa ru- t rl aiuloy aiaj IrmiMio pubpr.o, Ab el cuerpo o dsna a I.e insr lo o ano. lirlllantea. imtl 7t7: IhUI, IW): H.V Para fondos tdin'1 y arun ira .25 en el por tuadlii de un cerco, ai oidcn antea la soma de $: por el ano ii l '... SV7Í: lHiirt. 14 05, l!i7, 5 IW; JMal, .l 75; bl'coa, mllavoa iteao. por cuerpo, o tiwj r diebo p Pera fondo especial del distrito dada ele r K bajado a Nsri'l-- o Vsld g la suma da total VI esWr a 11. 45 i a en el nuHMii oa prtdce4.irea, nua. fue rvida hull. Cuenta apiobadaa el Dr. J. VV. Kenney, No. n avi luso. a eu ftH en A Francisco por no tia.'ier ju de paa dicho prrciuto. KeliHjsdo a Uiiadnlnpe Aic n, en la sa- D T medicina a lo prisioneros, Abura cueutaa aproi.a las: A la casa de corte por b'ira, fi.r lo tanto dicho cuerpo nrdttna, ma de t..r el ano de Abora la corla s proi r go ásate las 9 a m Corduva. Janitor da lina diclio camino ara alilxrto, y rl jut e da suma de I5 Aproiiailo. loa me e de Abril. Mayo y Junio a l:l rl A Benedicto luirán en la mea, pii. t ata o.'ditnado daban rio or la- por el ano Atesto Jesepb B. VVatroue, t.iv. cu- y de I!' A Kat'ael y Loper, II ma- - nado por ente rpo, la urdt a exteudl A 05 por lo anos da Tilo Me eiides, Presidente. Romero alfiler Cirilo Arellano en por y ser- da por el escribano. 18'.i7 lHuy Ktcrtl-ano- yoe, maiiteiicinu da ltiH v gu sM'iS 5"). K lm)t beba a Kranclaco Huncbi y To- Ahora, cuentea aprobadas. for fedro A. Homero, Diputado, vicio como care- tero ir.lia a, n A de Homero, por ropa de rrea, en troinedad ra ahora, las Insacl't-- A Iguai lo l'acheuo, jileada frVnebaa, aér- t'larita lahr s ue AltMKructa Arimjo lian ido de del Heslon de la Manan. prisioneros, f lubar fraxtdas ! Jdaa ele os coiuu Joel de pruebas cuídalo cuerpo a e por tía Jo lifi.ijnl.i i t;arlimrie de Mora, por los meses de Abril, Mayo y Vlen ei 7 de Julio A. D. Abora, el noiuiu inórenme 11. per di.lo, aegun l(uul tiuie ito beefao a 3Hta. el MI ano, .'i0; uitllaju, La corte f.e abirrta eguo prarroga da al c. lado de Mora, que atienda a la Jumo, a raíou da al lis Hoswrll, a Alf .nso acre. 4 OH. la sesión auter.or. iustitucion iiiili'sr l'lit-arr- el de anoa, A f petoa Igualado mi-m- o los otlclule que compinen la Homero ior termino t Al nomo juca ds elección, en rl publi n propiedad raiK, a 00 el auie eu IIXI 8, por ÍH'.'S. 00. misma, desde luego se proceda al dnspa Cuenta aur. liada a la compaiila f preclnt i o. el ano de ti 7u 4'). aorea. Aboia se presentan ario riudailaiioa del cho da lleudólos. cista de Lía Vega prr-av- ol A ;o, como Ahora, el cuerpo svgun una peilcli n por -- pulhdoo Abura en cédula de la rlra Hl. Vraln Francisca Paclie ervlclo precinto No. 0 lo dio da una p lo me es Abril, da a esl cuerpo, Inf.iruiaudu al un ni tiendo one una orden aea xoedide a Hi- - que luerun dejadaa para el nuuiisioiiado ir de iltiu No. 10, con- v Jumo, a rsíou al ano, é iniiia-j- a iuo ipie en el precinto de eta ukhi VsIdrK, O'ileiiandole quadsaicupe si Cuerno a rebajado y Igualado por el ano de2isi i y a (. o i 20 y balance del ido 12 M, $U 70. dado eu el lugar com culo com la Canada publio i que ennduca d la plte.Ua da InliS en rl Cuero i irdei al t camino I H W vicio co- de 'i'io (Jordito, un ciorto Alejandro Fadia el al Rio de Mora, lector da entregarle a rtra Wt. Víala la A J aepb airona, aei couio da Agua Negra por norte por Mayo y Junio a raaon tiene pueatas obutruoli nca en el camino al lado da arrlbs del Arroyo que ea lugar unía de ll'J 42 siendo qua ya babia paga misionado Abril, publico, es decir muy retrecho el y que aua tasaciones, y se ordena aa autriegua de JiW por ano, $50, millaje ), balance dtjaidu en dolida siempre ba sido recouocido do í M). camino cou un oerco en aioboa ladoa qua lamas ba sido estorbado por nadie, ha. ta dicha auiua por el Coleen r. debido 12 lar-ata- , comisionado, loa impide da voltear oou fleta de uiadrra que el ucho Hunoii Valdrá compro Ahora, a Urabiiel Truillo, alendo nua A Laoa luaesta, ror abora A lull, Mavo y Juni", a ras. .11 11 e y kinndo mucha deiriiiiunto para los la del lo ,ie arribe de al camino, desde al ano de ISiMi U. y U3 no le retíala nieaea da jlnlt-roa- , pí llria le 200 al ano millaje !!, debido por lo tanto lo da vJn. qua t pi- riendo qua e ven lio culi al vouociuiienlo bau'U exempeion, el cuerpo dast'oas de MI, lance llan una orduu si lo lieu n a bien p ira que el el oil no, luego la considerar el negocio, bailan que uui ca iiiau, JJ1 50. que allí estaba tal ta deda la col ta o prorruga basta Oiuna cainiuu sea dejado auliciaute amplio para en I ordena al Ksnr bano lúa rebajado por lo lanío, se onuua que Abora corte asunto s U, pueblo du-no- auos oa a la Aprobado. el transitu del s orden al da pax del sea rehejado en total desda - da x'rnder una Juea Joseph H- Watrou, Kenpetti 'Mamante, No U. ordenándole que diebo ra siendo qu no le alcana la laasciun. Atesto: precinto Sí Co, Meleodea, Prealdiuta. Desiderio Martillea, Inf iruiaula, mino aea desocupado. Cuenta aprobada a M. htrausta Tito yues-tr- o según Ahora, 1 cuerpo en dicha informanlnn , l.u's U. Mfdma aa presenta anta por artiruloa dadoa al condado, lCrribano. a presentada. 'W 7H. Por Pedro A. Onega, Diputado. le oí deua al Khui ibauo de extender una or-d- en Hou cuerpo, Jura qua laa propieda-de- ementa al uea de dicho precinto para que ii del estsdo dei Uñado Josa fablo Medi- A Anitirosio Trujillo, serví jlo como juel cho cantillo, sea alilcrt i aúneteme aucbo, na, todas están di les entre lo here- de oleccioti, No. 8 11 ri- Heslon da la Manan. di. A L. Kreelaiiil. por componer unas ha alíñenos Mí pies, y ne ordena qua dú:ba or- deros, y el no tiene nsda que asesar e de D. lSílU. y nara uso dol condado. II H.bsdo Juil.i A. den sea expe. Iloa por el eiti'tiiieuo. pores'aanoda 19 que la ptnpiedad rrss La corte fue aegtiu prorroga diml-uiui- abierta Ahora, la'.aj. becba a Mauuel aea anegada a lea herederos, iuills u li.oajado a Autuuio Josa Trujlllo, por Chafe, .!4. la sesión auterlor. ! or qua se la pro-- I el ano lülnl. por el ano l'.xi, en (mm de la mitad de y el cuerpo lroa por titt-b- - A U. Himloval. rebajado el e ) tHHactou, y el colector seia notilice- iedad saetada a tita herederoa. Juau ( 'out iiiiiiiilii 111 la larlna i 'tiloi-i- Wi3Xüi-Lr.Y orno aiid gtoc; ir qboweu An Aniprlcan Rullnml In hlna. i hihih-ni- mm oMiMiM Hunting 1 ll. Clarettes. Strong and Moneyed men from the 'tilted Si airs rnüiMlx) Dfc MOitA. An i xlrfiiifly tliln Htid mil u lati'J-- I Vell have (ccurnl a franchlne for building a n kiln 'ciiiuuiptivi gut nlT of No. 1 railroad from Hung Kong to Man Kirn, ,1,1 Imin'lo le la I nil I iHnrec I Great Chang in Health Sine a i,hv(ii;i r Irnin I liia altcrnooii ami i nt China, distance of tie irly M) nubs. Taking Hood's Sarsaparüla In lei railroads Hro necessary to a na- I'rii i'fl I' I'll" rnoip 'Mil U down liMilrnatl avpnun on a hunt for I tion's prosperity, health is still more pro íli tie (ocio. ) iiiitif, ''l dpch (J J.l s. A sick man ( r"li'li-- .' Mimtato, No Other Medicine Can TUo Its necefsary can't ii..t. . 1 epi- hi "I cml'iil'i d H m M 'iiin-1- '1 hinl hHt'er he hunting an money II there are a thousind railnmls. lai mavir di , a a Blood I m A Mn-- I nc. Placa Purifier. p r nni-- n d n" taph Instead of clii iri'tti ft," remiirked One of the reasons why Ameiica ia an ( e cornlulo r Muyo y .limlu " My little girl was thin and nit kly, but lirojirepslve is in every rn rt an astute 1ml itnff'iit'pr Mot the f"ct that .i i .i'. t)t'in'!'r. he has been taking Hood's Ham par Ilia druir store is sold llmtetter s stnmacn A hi I il.Mniiilir!tn vli el wanted, i"r ir then the conumiptlve la liua-ha- ni Kit ten, that celebrated tonic, for - :i and now she strung and well. My the r hi- it '"i. to have plenty of natU In his collin, weak, appetizer fur thu dyspeptic and A .li'tu Vtmii Hin-b- c p r un e.rro cle haa takn Hood' 8rNparilta for I sedative fur nervous n parn i B'i el 1. hem e hl Soreneni of the lurii; and bowel complaint the It is taken un J wilh great success by thousands of meo A Jm W. S'i'ifiivit, biU ni and It has helped him grpally. Other dp leNtrni i ii pi. and women who are run down, pale jil-- s a Itun on liMmlirrlMln'i memhnrsof tbs family have derivpd ben- A Mrml Vnlerm, il riltrrio navlna Ort and weak. It Increases the weight, and I ."' 4'ntiKli Kpittril 219 Nov. 1 efit from It." Mna. Amt Wii.rox, the gall) Is permanent and subi-taulla- A siii 1' i iHl'. 1 r " run anperin'm M;itiaeer Martin, of Inn Pierson drua North Third fltrcet, Ball IkeCily, Clah. li m. e d Atiril, Mr.i' ) J"-n- iiii .i.f ns hn Is havlnjf a aro never a bottle of a a man 8' film, mil riiT, o rt p jnriunaiioi ?li store, lnformi that "We without The suit tailor makes hum átame II treat run on t'h imbi rlain's Cotiih Hood's Pamnparilla In our hotiae, for no lasts as lot g as his suit against him. v la, A Juan H. Murium, te..rrii r tor fl v other mpdiiine can take lis place sa a 5 Heinedy. II nella bottles of that p r i itn'P' I'l't"! y rP-;,- Abril a blood puriflpr and health restorer. W You a sume no risk when you buy 7 Mm tH T'i medicine to one of any other kind, imd Julo la rexult Chamberlain's colic, cholera and diar- a Salvad T rn Il then And that good hrnllh thpfenoral lic,jnl,. liinti finrn glvei (rent atisfiicllon. In rhoea remedy. K . (oodall, druggist, n d t .''il of taking It. My a;ed gramlparenta hare I, 1 -i 1 dp la) of U grippe there is nothing like will refund your money If you are not Kl cii) n luira da r aenr oaed It for yean, and would not he with- rondad, par 'i"" ir.Hi(i t ri c.miI hiii ili.l I'll imherlaiu'r Co'iuh to stop natixlied nfitr using it. It is every- l cu-rt- out It." Mi!stK Mt'RnocK, llrhrr, t'tah. mu el p ir l icnm hecho ior the cough, heal up the sore throat and where admi'ted to be the niont success- It. hi riiifi 'il i'"r my melia "(ii i li ful remedy In use for bowel complaints i u I In il eli a.e,.r. Ininjs and give relief within a very Hood's Sarsaparüla 'ill In and the only one that never fails. It Is A tim u ''rm i' i u i rw'Mu lnl short tune The sales Hie crowlpg, la til Peat In fnrt th One Trim lllmxl Pin Iner. pleasant, sate and reliable. 1 111 III IHi'lii. Snlil byall ilrm: jist. t'rlie, f); an for fV 1 Turd-- . and till who try it are pleased with Ita n no I) S. Itosenwald ,e has 8i -- I arp only of Albudueru Chicago 1 1 tlie pill tti Inks I, rt fu l i tn u r prompt action. south 'ally j; r rn( IIIIOOU S I HIS win, In Mr. r'iei-he- d a mm n di I m u nii. Calumet. I'or s ile by K I). (noliALL, HooiHSarsaparilla. HHociatd biiHlnes with I'llhíii"- - I"" i t 111" HU" Pomponen In InugiHl. of under the (lira mime of 'Ii-- c pi in al ivlio 1 men from Wid-ih'mU- v uiimna, da luego p'c iH'i' wen'y Santa I'elett Fhsher & Kosenwald. ill IH'O 'IK. If sili nee in giiloeii lliey oucht to morning to woik on the La Cm ma i r t adu y I nun la a II A. mu nor lm Bioi dn i.'i y have a mint in M. Lonln. Vela pass Improvements of the Denver 1 lt lirli-a- Miinlha Ml, ' Hill '! 10 - Si tiio liraiule railroad. A special car Are ni st likely to lind your blood Im- Cumin a I'l l H: U le o i l'or a cle-i- complexion, bright spark- pure and lacking the red corpuscles it "I'1 was attached to the train for their ac Inn i nmo ac or P f ' " T ling eye and vigorous (tigiHilou. take whli h enable It to carry noui ishment l ii Tit I'nicK t.v Asm Hitti- its. nuts commodation. tin) c It tie to nerves and in her organs. There- K A. O aervi io 'linn Juca d ivntem in perlect ortler. Sold by Murph- you feel weak, tired and p ' ni'.il Krmi'i, $7 la IHIllmna Away. fore halléis piiz. mini y-'an I'etten iMug Co. divan and are troubled with spring humors, Vli iiir (islii-- . mril'im iii'no Inter- It is certainly gratifying to the public iIh I one il i n iiiKinn un ill. $:l lielh'f is given by llooii'a Saraaparllla lope be-lu- In A Heuetri-- i Amlzett is tn iklii'( preteiiHlnris to K to know of one concern the land who vitaliz-- s Alina, pigidn: generous which purines, enriches and (Julnt ii a '.! a summer retort, ami there is ta k are not afraid to be to the the blood. 1 needy and suffering. Che proprietors A ilo MnM aenr, of building a A Him Uii.ijiH, rx a ,t. i'M 70. theie. of Dr. King's New Discovery lor Con- Hood's Pills cute blliouaness. Mailed A Luca M n, n sumption. Coughs and Colds, have gtveu for 25 cents by 1- Hood & Co , Lowell, v , 0. A Ji--i p'i H. m rnu-- A rrlaliirul lilmntpr away over ten million trial bottles of Mass. A Krain I'n-l- i iu'ii 'u. is". Will often cauie a horrible Horn, this great, medicine ; and have the satis, A Ku ii rn y t'ldl HhII L'i't, Scald, Cut or I'riitHe. hucklen'a Arni- knowing has absolutely 1'. A KrwiiiMM-i- i t' ni vi, Y.H. faction of it F. Morgan, general lire stock ca Salve, In I hopeless cases. A Ixuai'I'i I'a.-- ""'. the best he world, will kill cured thousands of agent of the Fecos Valley railroad, Is A la C'oiUiiiiiii 'j' VpR', the pain and promptly he il It Cure Asthma, Krouchttis, ll'iarxeuetis and all l'uliitili ( exhibiting an automatic car coupler. f i m I )ld Sores. Fever Sores. I'lcers, Itolm, 'llNenses of the turoa', chest and limits A ljlr t I) K I'lirlU, t II Kelnns, Corns, all Skin lOruptions. llent are sorelv cured by It. Cad on Murphy-Va- n It was Invented by a named J. 1'nir il ri Kin 'In l Jul 'In : 1'ilepiire on earth. Oulv 25 eta. a box. I'etten Druif Co. and llrowne & W. lillespl. A 1'am 1. Ml. Vr,ln. tv:t Cure guaranteed. Sold by llrowne Matizinuiea Co., get a free trial bottle. A p iIm Al igurl (Is L. Vmm, Huihm and ManziiiHtes Co., and Murphey-Va- n Kegiilar size, fifty cents and 91. l'very S.rail. I.IU WHilrir. V Drug Co. A H.ul I Ht . ra'n tHIO. I'etten bottle guaranteed or price refunded. You can't keep a good thing down. Ve-K- . A l prima i' It tuco N I News of it travels fast. When things Pi A succe-fu- l nurce Is nn np-t- o date It. J. Donahoo and Miss Mary Chew-nliii- r aie "the best" they become the best A J A. t;V soolhes.iyer. were niarrit d at Koswell by l!ev, selling." Abraham Hate, a leading A II 1). Knlukxi li. W. Kead. druuifiMt of Kelleville, (J, writes: "Flei A M k 1 A. Ut-1'.- , l" I'hnt 1 hrnlililna-- l'pHdalin. trie Hitters are the beat selling bitters I A I' ml i lo l Would you, you I people who (tiller have ever handled in my twenty years A Ki 1.1 I0. (juirklv leave if used want to let the Mr 1'iilg I y I I". Dr. King's New experience. on Know why Most A i" l.n. r aim i N nnil it Lai V'i'k. Life housnnds from rheuinatlsiil anil sciatica know i 'JIM. of biiITiti rs have (iroved their diHeaaes beinn ia disordets of siomach. maich that Chamberlain's I'aiu lialui re- A l. 8riU-- n iV C. . .tisi) lens merit lor Sick and Nervous llei.d-echc- liver, kulneNS. bowels, blood and neives. A Kilwirl lliiri, .i They (nuke pure blood luid lieved me alter a number of other Klectno lilltera tones up the stomach A kn PliiB n I il 'iiliu I t, strong nerve and build up your health. medicines and a doctor had failed. It regulates liver, kldueys and bowels, Tagii'lu d I 'oniln d ual : K iy to take. Cry I hem. Only 25 cts is the best, liniment 1 have ever known purlliis the blood, strengihens the A Mini I'till I. 1J - Money hack If not cured Sold by neives, hence cures multitudes of mala- A .luí i II Martin. ilk'i'l i J full') of. .1. A. DdDukn, Alptiaretta, (u. p X Jiro ne and Man'inares Co., and dies. It builds up the entire sys'em. d i' il' o, have , Thousands been of rheuma- A Til ' M.ti-i- ni ml i de fondo dp con I'etten King Co cured I'uts new life and vigor lulo any weak. dudo. M. tism by this remedy. One application ickly, run-dow- n man or woman. Only Alinra In inri piorr un lu W. V.. Thorne, civil engineer of the relieve the (liltl For sule by K. D. r0 cents. Sold by Murphey-Va- n i'et- A p otn-i- l iti( proilnri tn'lulll1. ItoHwell Ltud it Water company, left (jiMU'AI.I., Druggist. ten Drug Co. ami ISrowne .V Man. mares ,11 tu: J.i.i ( li It. Uut ii. i., Co. (iuaranteed. Ti n M lpinli'i, I'ritHid nm. 'or Auburn, C 1., to take the position la hope for any man who 1'iTib li ' i. in There wuiiig i, of inagcr of the (oíd ling mine. Oeorge M. (iaitlier, a cattle buyer i or l'eiiro A. ili liiputn l . a willing to uuleato what he thinks he from Kl Paso, has an option on Keep your system In perfect order knows. secund i'iio cometí areu't intligiiaiit HVO seres of land two miles from and yoit will have health, even In the - In n ii iiwiii ii tt hunil is lu- 'Che fi1 !."' VITALITY, iqnri nr most sickly SHaions. occauicn il 3"in. Ill"- U v use i. rii IOSTVIGOR íante llif ktiow if tl.ey (lnlu't in viltt It of l'rlckly AHh Itnters will insure ? if 8 ü L'ú ANO MANHOOD tin v nifttiit lo. vluor and regularity in ail the vital or- .a31 gans Sold by Murphy-Va- n 1'itteii Cures Imi'otencyjNiirht Kmlsslons and in warm I'rukly Asli llillrii Drug Co. wasitiii'r ülacaaca, all effects of self- - Skin Diseases. hi lp your Hiaylng iiialiil s. W urkeis iibiihc, or excess and India-- t Tor the speedy and permanent enre of who iim) it oociinl miilly atai'il I lie Any girl who refuxes a spaikitng dix. re tion. A m-rv- o ton Ic unil tetter, salt rheum and eczema, lit . Cham' lielter and wre les IíiMbubiI ut ni;(hl moiiti ruga ;emeiit ring must be stone IiKmmI liulldt-r- Ilrlnga the berlain'e Kye and hkin Ointment ia Sold, i:o. by Murphy Van lvtiru lrtig b Ind. pink plow to pale cheeks and without an ettial. It relieves tlie itch-iti- rewiii-f'f- t On fl fif vniito. and KiiiHitiiig ulmoht instantly and "liiHldnrs" In tlie Btork market The üucalin' arinca 9lvB mail UOo per 1kx; V Ixixes its coritinueil nse effects a permnneiit ure tliu ' Hftt--r cure. also lambe" thu "bi'ais" tune Ina IIkkt Slv lo ins orld f r Cut for -.- AO; with a written riiarun-to- o It cures itch, bur bur's itch, tticm In . B lilHP", lore, Uli!r, Hnlt Hbeiini, Kevpr to or rcriiiul scald head, sore nipplea, itching piles, rlori, IVltpr, ('na.w.l HninU, Chlllilnim, 'iirs the nionoy. chapped hands, chronic iora eyes and more a Iovch a lh Curni and all rWIn Kfintl n, in i pnnl-ttve- ly gruuuluted lids. The iiihii wotmin cura pile, ur no pay rpiiuired. it in NEHVITA MEDICAL CO. lesa lt) likes Iiit faults, 'l'lin more a guaranteed to p. re prfnnt atitfactlon or Clinton A Jackson St ., CHICACO, ILL. Ü5 Ur. f'ady's Cendlllon I'owiTcra for vir-tu- ts iiicupf rpfiiiit'pd. I'rioa cent er box Moinan loveB u inau tho more like Mmphey-Va- n i For aala t y Uurpkav-Va- u f'etten Drug For sale by Fctten iiorscH ure me ocm uinic, luooa (Hiriiicr stem his faults. Co.. an J Urowu JL Uauaauaxua. Drug Co.. Las Vegas, N. M. na.i vcruilfuso- - I'ricc. SccsU. ik.U!3V