2V>. 7. REPORT of the SUFFOLK GUILD O F RINGERS for the Diocese of St. Edmundsbury and Ipswich for 1928 LIST OF PEALS RUNG Jllso RULES AND LIST OF MEMBERS for the Year 1929 E ast A nglian Da il y Tim s i Co. L td. CHURCH BELL ROPES, Clock & Chiming Ropes. JOHN PMTCHARD, Manufacturer of Ropes for the World’s Record Peal and Principal Churches and Cathedrals in the United Kingdom. Flexible Ends. Splicing and Repairs. Grave Straps made to order. SWAN STREET, LOUGHBOROUGH. Established 1820. Telephone 630. ALFRED BOWELL, Church Bell Founder AND BELL HANGER, WYKES BISHOP STREET, IPSWICH. Bells for Churches, Clocks, Colleges, Schools, &c. Old Bells Re-Cast or Re-Hung. {F}ells Juried on scientific principles. THE ONLY BELL FOUNDRY IN THE EASTERN COUNTIES. All Members of the Guild Should read the 2?itlfoI!i ifhronidr & Memtnj Which publishes the Reports of Meetings, Peals, &c., of the Suffolk and other Guilds. Every F r i d a y . Price - 2d. Secretaries and Conductors are asked to send the reports of any matter relating to Bells or Ringing as early in the week as possible to :— Vhe EDITOR, “ Suffolk Chronicle & Mercury,” Carr Street, IPSW ICH , R. BENNETT & SNARE, w. Cfyurcl) Guilders and Contractors, NEW STREET WORKS, IPSWICH. Just completed extensive repairs to the following Church Towers in Ipswich : St. Helen’s, St. Peter’s, and St. Stephen’s. No. 7. REPORT of the Suffolk Guild of Ringers for the Diocese of St. Edmunds- bury & Ipswich for 1928, and List of Peals Rung. Also the Rules and List of Members in June, 1929.
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