Wareham at a Glance

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Wareham at a Glance WAREHAM AT A GLANCE INCORPORATED: FIRST TOWN MEETING NEPINNAE KEKIT: July 10, 1739 August 6, 1739 Summer Homes TYPE OF GOVERNMENT POPULATION Charter Winter: 22,000 Open Town Meeting Summer: 44,000 Town Administrator 5 Part-time Selectmen VOTERS: 14,724 TOTAL AREA: 39.7 Square Miles COUNTY: Plymouth WATERFRONT: 25,408 Acres - 54 Miles VALUATION FISCAL YEAR 2010 TAX RATE FISCAL YEAR 2010 Town Real Estate $3,555,368,010 Town of Wareham $8.11 Personal Property $108,737,680 Wareham Fire District $1.63 Total Valuation: $3,664,105,690 Onset Fire District $1.62 CPA (Community Preservation Act) 3% CPA Surcharge: 1) Commercial and industrial property 2) Residential property parcel value in excess of $100,000 State Representative Susan Williams Gifford 2nd Plymouth District Room 542, State House Boston, MA 02133 State Senator Marc Pacheco 2nd Plymouth District Room 312-B, State House Boston, MA 02133 Representative in Congress Barney Frank 10th District 558 Pleasant Street, Rm. 309 New Bedford, MA 02740 Senators in Congress Scott Brown 2400 J.F.K. Federal Building Boston, MA 02203 John F. Kerry One Bowdoin Square, 10th Floor Boston, MA 02114 In Memoriam Mary L. Holmes December 31, 1930 – April 8, 2010 Faithfully served the Town of Wareham as a school nurse for the Wareham Intermediate School for many years. Richard Lamothe March 23, 1950 – January 30, 2010 Faithfully served the Town of Wareham as a Municipal Maintenance Worker for many years. Alice E. Purcell January 8, 1917 – May 4, 2010 Faithfully served the Town of Wareham as an employee of the Building Inspector’s office for many years. Bertha Taber March 19, 1916 – January 9, 2010 Faithfully served the Town of Wareham as a Cafeteria Worker for many years at the Decas Elementary School Marjorie Teitelbaum September 23, 1931 – July 13, 2009 Faithfully served the Town of Wareham as a member of the Open Space Committee, Committee Preservation Committee, Minot Forest Committee and also a delegate to the Plymouth-Carver Aquifer Advisory Committee Ralph R. Thompson October 29, 1943 – October 3, 2009 Faithfully served the Town of Wareham as a member of the Board of Health for over 25 years where he served as Chairman. ELECTED TOWN OFFICERS BOARD OF SELECTMEN Margaret Jane Donahue, Chairman 2011 Walter B. Cruz, Sr., Clerk 2012 Brenda S. Eckstrom 2011 Stephen M. Holmes 2013 Cara A. Winslow 2013 ASSESSORS Steven F. Curry, Chairman 2012 James G. Makrys 2012 James M. McCahill 2011 Dorothy L. Vicino 2011 Maryann D. Morse 2013 TOWN CLERK Mary Ann Silva 2013 SCHOOL COMMITTEE Clifford W. Sylvia, Chairman 2011 Kenneth Fontes 2011 Rachel E. Gillette 2012 Geoffrey W. Swett 2012 Rhonda M. Veugen 2013 TOWN MODERATOR Claire L. Smith 2013 DEPUTY MODERATOR Benjamin C. Donahue 2012 CONSTABLE Steven P. Coughlin, Sr. 2011 HOUSING AUTHORITY State Appointment Pamela Sequeira, Exec. Dir., (Bd. Of Dirs. Appointed) Donald B. Hall, 2015 Martin L. Benoit, Sr. 2012 Donna Marie Barros 2014 Patricia Harju-Zimmer 2013 UPPER CAPE COD REGIONAL VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL DISTRICT SCHOOL COMMITTEE Kent V. Pearce 2010 Robert N. Fichtenmayer 2012 BOARD OF SELECTMEN APPOINTMENTS TOWN ADMINISTRATOR COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC Mark J. Andrews ................................... 2009 DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Jean Connaughton, Chairman ................2012 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION OFFICER Sandra Besse ..........................................2012 Mark J. Andrews ................................... 2010 Whitney Beers-Schmidt .........................2011 BIKE PATH COMMITTEE Rudolph A. Santos, Sr. ...........................2013 Lois Fountain ......................................... 2012 Jo Jeffries ...............................................2011 Michael G. Langford ............................. 2012 Robert N. Fichtenmayer .........................2012 Louise Paolella ...................................... 2012 David Smith ...........................................2012 Dale G. Scott ......................................... 2013 Stephen M. Holmes, Selectmen’s Liaison BOARD OF APPEALS COMMUNITY EVENTS COMMITTEE Kenneth R. Ferreira, Chairman ............. 2011 Susan Ricci-Sohn, Chairman .................2013 Michael A. Martin ................................. 2014 Lori C. Benson .......................................2011 David A. Sharkey .................................. 2013 Linda Gay...............................................2011 Mary Scarsciotti .................................... 2012 Walter B. Cruz, Sr., Selectmen’s Liaison Richard Secher ...................................... 2015 Wilma Engerman, Associate Member ... 2011 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION Stephen Holmes, Selectmen’s Liaison COMMITTEE Nancy Miller, Chairman ........................2011 BUZZARDS BAY COMMITTEE Donald Hall ............................................2013 John J. Sanguinet, Planning & Resource Mgmt. Sherbie Worthen ....................................2011 Dir./Environmental Certifying Officer Anne Marie Brooks ................................2012 (Delegate) Sandra Slavin .........................................2013 Mark J. Andrews, Town Administrator Angela Dunham .....................................2013 (Alternate) Brenda Eckstrom, Selectmen’s Liaison CEMETERY COMMISSIONERS CONSERVATION COMMISSION Andrew Griffith ..................................... 2011 Kenneth J. Baptiste, Chairman ...............2011 Christian J. Consoletti ........................... 2012 Douglas S. Westgate ..............................2011 Nancy J. Miller ...................................... 2010 John Connolly, Jr. ..................................2012 Mark Gifford, Municipal Maintenance Director Louis C. Caron, Jr., ................................2013 (Ex-Officio) Manuel S. Barros (R) .............................2012 Debra Paiva (R)......................................2011 CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE Donald J. Rogers ....................................2013 Alan Slavin, Chairman .......................... 2010 Mark Carboni, ........................................2012 John F. Houton ...................................... 2010 Sandy Slavin, ........................................2012 Leie Carmody ........................................ 2010 Brenda Eckstrom, Edward Pacewicz .................................. 2010 Board of Selectmen Liaison David Smith ........................................... 2010 Michael L. Jones .................................... 2010 CONSTABLES Linwood A. Gay .................................... 2010 Steven P. Coughlin (elected)..................2011 Mary Ann Silva ..................................... 2010 Richard J. Coletti ...................................2011 David Begley ......................................... 2010 Charles T. Devlin ...................................2011 Donna Bronk ......................................... 2010 Cynthia A. Follis ....................................2011 Brenda Eckstrom, Selectmen’s Liaison Gregory S. Kamon .................................2011 William J. McCusker .............................2011 Robert E. Short.......................................2011 Robert A. Tirrell .....................................2011 Herve W. Vandal, Jr. ............................. 2011 Elizabeth Morrison, Deputy Clerk .........2009 Michael Diesso ...................................... 2011 Shelley R. Andrews ...............................2009 Joel C. Thomas ...................................... 2011 Geraldine Barros ....................................2009 Patricia Evans.........................................2009 COMMISSION ON DISABILITY Anne Hunter ...........................................2009 James B. Newman, Jr. ........................... 2011 Lois Letourneau .....................................2010 Bruce D. Sauvageau, Selectmen’s Liaison Mikala T. McCane .................................2010 Deborah J. Rose .....................................2010 COUNCIL ON AGING BOARD OF Gertrude Sullivan ...................................2010 DIRECTORS Richard R. Boucher, Chairman ............. 2012 PRECINCT 4 & 5 Jim Eubanks, Vice Chairman ................ 2014 Lorraine Gregoire, Warden ....................2010 Lawrence Gaines (R) ............................. 2012 Kim McNair, Deputy Warden ................2010 Mary G. Mackey .................................... 2011 Katherine Britt, Clerk.............................2010 Thomas J. Monaghan ............................ 2011 Leonora Fernandes, Deputy Clerk .........2010 David Smith (R) .................................... 2011 Dennis Allen ..........................................2010 Yvonne Stone (R) .................................. 2013 George Choquette ..................................2010 Paul Ciccotelli ....................................... 2012 Wilma Engerman ...................................2010 Alan Slavin ............................................ 2014 Mary-Ellen Fielding ...............................2010 Liz McDonald ........................................ 2013 Theresa A. Gregoire ...............................2010 Sandra Fleet ........................................... 2013 Hannah Gregoire ....................................2010 Martha Strachan .................................... 2013 Meri R. Holden ......................................2010 Brenda Eckstrom, Selectmen’s Liaison Barbara Hunter .......................................2010 Diane Lazarus ........................................2010 ELECTION\POLL WORKERS Deborah L. Pfinister ...............................2010 PRECINCT 1 Jack M. Silva, Warden .......................... 2010 Carol Lynne Rhodes
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