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QUANTUM MIND, OPEN HEART: the Healing Power of Non-Dual Awareness

QUANTUM MIND, OPEN HEART: the Healing Power of Non-Dual Awareness

QUANTUM MIND, OPEN HEART: the healing power of non-dual awareness

B. Raven Lee 626-818-8822 [email protected] www.integrativewisdompath.com

Ancient wisdom traditions believe all creation is energy and interconnected in a unified field of infinite potentialities. Discover how we are biologically hardwired to experience universal . Learn specific Tibetan meditation techniques to access the power of non-dual awareness and enhance your healing ability.

OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this presentation, the participant will be able to: 1). Delineate the difference between our egoic mind and mind. 2). Describe the relevance of the heart as an important key to our evolution of consciousness. 3. Name the power of non-dual awareness.

3). EVALUATION 1. Describe a principle of quantum mind. 2. Name three aspect of the heart in relation to consciousness. 3. What is the healing power of non-dual awareness?

Answers: 1. Quantum mind is non-local, unbounded, and experiences everything as connected together. 2. a. It is perceived as the seat of consciousness in spiritual traditions. b. It has the most powerful EM force. c. It is perceived to contain the key with a direct bridge to the third eye and universe. 3. It dissolves subject/object, resulting in a pure vibration of peace, love, compassion, and joy, which can penetrate and clear our deluded emotions and beliefs.

William James, regarded as the most influential psychologist, remarked, “Our normal waking consciousness, or rational consciousness, is only one of many forms of consciousness. If we “apply the requisite stimulus” to the mind, other potential forms of consciousness would appear.”

In 1835, Gustav Fechner, the founding father of western psychology, wrote of a higher spiritual life that “lies hidden in every human mind.” He believed that this ‘divine germ or seed’ of consciousness would enable humans to evolve from a physical body into the realm of the mind and spirit.

Thirty years before Freud, Karl Robert Eduard von Hartmann, author of The Philosophy of the Unconscious, wrote about the existence of a cosmic consciousness, which when fully realized was humankind’s ‘greatest good.’ C. G. Jung, the pioneer of transpersonal psychology personally experienced this field, which he called the collective unconscious.

Almost 150 years later, science is now providing evidence for what these eminent psychologists intuited, and what ancient wisdom lineages have known for thousands off years. Not only are we interconnected in a web of energy, our physical body, emotions, and thoughts are influenced by this collective energetic field. These findings have been shedding light on the energy and information flow that promote healing and transformation.

In 1985, B. raven Lee experienced a shattering trauma and was thrown into a major crisis. Immersed in despair and panic attacks. She experienced a profound awakening and glimpse of cosmic consciousness. In an instant, the pure bliss transformed her emotional and physical turmoil. This personal encounter sparked her passion to discover and learn about the healing power of spiritual consciousness. Following 30 years of immersion in science, Jungian psychology, shamanism, and meditation, B. Raven Lee summarized this discovery in the book, Unbinding the Soul: Awakening through crisis and compassion.


Science now affirms everything in the universe is made of energy. According to Einstein, even light exists as a bundle of energy or a quantum. This energy field is said to be entangled, interconnected and dynamic. proposed that the universe is an unbroken wholeness where mind and matter are not separate realms.

On the quantum level (the smallest, subtlest amount involved in an interaction,) the energy possesses special qualities. 1. Interactions occur independent of a localized signal. Objects can be move, changed, affected without being touched, or influenced by a local signal. This is known as ‘principle of non-locality.’ 2. Once two quantum particles are connected, whatever happens to one will influence the other, regardless of the distance and time separating them. This is known as the ‘principle of quantum action at a distance.’ 3. A quantum object is nothing but energy, which exits initially as waves and is not manifested in ordinary reality until it is observed as a particle. This is known as “principle of collapse of the wave. “

Contributions from the fields of energy medicine, quantum physics, biology, and chemistry have demonstrated that our bodies are an intricate, complex, and coherent system of information processors. The human body-field is a complex, structured network of fields that interpenetrates the physical body and underlies all physiology. Including our consciousness, and our minds.

Every emotion and thought has its own unique vibration frequency pattern. Valerie Hunt, a pioneer in the study of the human energy field, was the first to measure different vibration patterns during physical illness, interactions with others, and transcendent, spiritual states. The various vibrations produced by these states emit different electrical charges that affect the electromagnetic fields of our cells and their environments. Other scientific research has demonstrated that positive emotions produce electrical charges that emit faster and higher-frequency vibrations, which result in the body feeling lighter and more spacious. Negative emotions, such as anger, depression, and anxiety, produce slower and lower-frequency vibrations, and sensations of heaviness and density. Positive emotions give one the feeling of spaciousness and our white cells is filled with more calming chemicals and produce healthy immune system. Negative emotions are experienced as constriction and trigger stressful chemicals such as cortisol in our bodies.

Our emotions and thoughts activate chemicals and vibration patterns that send signals to our brain and the rest of our body, triggering chain reactions and affecting the electromagnetic fields of our cells. These include the cells in the heart, which act as a powerful transmitter and receiver of energy communication between cells, and between the cells and the environment. Emotions are powerful energies that organize, direct, and influence our perceptions, cognition, and behavior. Frenzied or frozen emotions can block and distort our energy fields. In order to achieve a sense of well being and harmony, we need to shift the chaotic or rigid emotional and mental energies toward a balanced state, which is central to cultivating higher states of consciousness.


Until 1992, academia had accepted the concept of mind, but had not provided a working definition. That year, a group of forty experts from divergent fields of study, including Dr. Siegel, gathered to ponder and describe the concept of mind. Their efforts resulted in the following definition:

Mind is an embodied and relational process that regulates the flow of energy and information within our bodies and within our relationships. It is an emergent and self- organizing process that gives rise to our mental activities.

Based on above definition, we can describe an anxious mind as a state of mind that emerges from the flow of anxious energy and fear-based information embedded in it. Healing occurs when we can modify the flow of energy and the information.

Quantum Mind is a mind that is interconnected with all of universe, dynamic, non-local, and influences other objects regardless of distance or time. Accessing this quantum mind field can generate healing.

ANCIENT TEACHINGS: Ancient wisdom has long known about this cosmic consciousness and energy field in our body. Tibetan, Vedanta, Taoist all teach about energy fields, chakras, channels, breath, and awareness to transform consciousness.

Bön is the indigenous spiritual tradition of Tibet. It has an unbroken lineage that dates back 18,000 years. Bön has shamanic practices that restore the balance of elemental qualities of nature, and that transform our reactive patterns. Bön's highest teachings is known as Dzögchen, or the “Great Perfection.

The Great perfection refers to our true essence, which is perfect, complete, and pure, free of karmic imprints and conditions. Our natural state of mind, which is our true essence, is beyond duality, beyond subject and object. With non-dual awareness, we return to our original wholeness that is already perfect.

Research neurologist, David Perlmutter and shaman anthropologist, Alberto Villoldo, regard Dzögchen as a practice that can alter the neural patterns of our distorted thoughts and beliefs. I.e., change our energy and information flow. These ancient practices can liberate us from the conditions that create hope and fear by transforming our consciousness.

According to Bön, the seat of consciousness is not in the brain, but resides in the heart. When the heart is open and connected to non-dual energy, the Mind is boundless, with ceaseless potential, and radiant with enlightened qualities. This is the healing power of Quantum Mind, Open Heart: the energy and information of non-dual Awareness.


Non-dual consciousness refers to the non-duality of subject and object. It is the direct experience and realization that all of the universe is one essential reality, and that all facets and aspects of the universe are ultimately an expression or appearance of that one reality.

When the dualistic mind dissolves into non-dual awareness, the brain, body and consciousness become an unbounded wholeness. There is energy flow of interconnectedness, coherent waves, embedded with information of interconnection, love, compassion, joy, and peace.

HEALING POWER OF QUANTUM MIND, OPEN HEART. When we open our hearts and consciousness to the non-dual energy of oneness, healing qualities arise spontaneously. We naturally experience a universal consciousness, and interconnectedness.

Heart resonance entrains the brain, expands our consciousness and deepens our healing capabilities, generating compassion for all. Scientists have started to map the biological basis of compassion/heart wisdom, suggesting its deep evolutionary purpose.

When compassion is generated: (1) Regions of the brain that are linked to empathy, caregiving and feelings of pleasure light up, activating the genuine desire to approach and care for other people. (2) Our body secretes the “bonding hormone” oxytocin, promoting connection. (3) The heart plays a central role in our cellular communication system. (4) The heart transmits electromagnetic energy (EMF), which extends 12-15 feet beyond the body. (5) Compare to the brain, the heart’s energy field is 60 times larger and 5000 times more powerful, making the heart most powerful generator of EMF in our body, and promote resonance with our environment. (6) The heart produces its own hormone (ANF), that regulates our thoughts and emotions. (7) Positive emotion of compassion regulates our heart rate, creates smooth, coherent waves, which promote sense of well-being. (8) Half of the heart cells are neural cells, which enables the heart to remember, learn, and make decisions. (9) Heart and brain share glial cells, the cells that bind our neurons together and are sensitive to EMFs, forming a powerful communication network that allows synchronizing our brain with our heart. (10).When our compassionate hearts synchronize with our brains, the brain waves can also synchronize with that of another person, forming a powerful energy field of and resonance.

APPLYING NON-DUAL AWARENESS TO EP. 1.For practitioner: Before beginning session, connect to heart wisdom practices. This will enhance the biofield and EP. 2. For client: guide person to breathe into heart, access a wiser self, and use tapping to ground this connection. 3. After EP session, practitioner connects to non-dual field, promoting calmness within and with client. Use tapping to deepen.

INTEGRATING INTO DAILY LIFE: 1. Each morning upon awakening, focus on heart and non-dual awareness, can use tapping to reinforce this connection. 2. Throughout the day, take short breaks of heart wisdom breathing. This promotes daily shift of our own energy field, and increases awareness of our reactions. 3. Before going to sleep, again rest one’s mind with calm breath in heart chakra, visualize the boundless space and luminous light filled with rays of warmth.

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