[email protected] THE RUN-UP January 1st 2011 hy? Why do we ask ‘Why?’? Arctic terns fly over One thing that I do know about running is that W 40,000 miles a year; the Dracunculus vulgaris no runners run all day, every day. Even for the most plant smells of rotting flesh; North American cicadas fanatical runner, running can occupy only a small have a life cycle of 13 or 17 years. But they do not ask fraction of a runner’s time. For the large majority of ‘Why?’. We ask ‘Why?’ of them. runners, their non-running activities are much more We also ask ‘Why?’ of each other, if we come important than their running. The answer to my across some apparently strange behaviour: Why does conundrum lies, perhaps, in the relationship between he wear a bow-tie every day? Why does she sing running and the rest of life. We shall see, perhaps. arias while gardening? Why does he collect Bulgarian I plan to write a thousand words or so each week stamps? If we feel bold, we might even ask the person about my running, with no doubt a few detours and directly. Rather more puzzlingly, we also ask ‘Why?’ of perhaps hiatuses along the way, as there are with my ourselves. Why do I continue to support Norwich City running. In the past I have always found it better to Football Club, despite decades of little achievement write an introduction such as this after I have written (that is, the football club, not me)? You would think that, what needs to be introduced (I have a slightly better if someone did something of their own volition, they idea what it’s about by then).