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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

3-17-1906 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 03-17-1906 T. Hughes

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lapproprlatMiBaa In prtiwntlfit SM ae-po- al WEEKLY NEW for fuuda. It in In a very aawl JOCKEYING THE TO THE a RATES way. Indaod, la whloh thar apply, BOOST TRUST GAME AMATFHR Ril I IAP!) thay oarry around oofdaa of m m Mwm alia YORK LETTER "Saaahliia." tbair oflMal paa, tor asaisrfii whk thay aak tba mtSaat iaa of PACTS AND PI4UHS4 PftOM THE oaa dtata, and than tha aawat haada WMT SHOW HOW TH INBhV tftf a llttla aard aahiag tha donor of PafiDENT MANUPACTURRR IS CHAMPION CONTEST the diaw to glta taaaa tha aadraaaaa OPPniMIO Y THg RAIUROAM Rockefeller's Hiding is of aay Mlad baitUa ihay kaow of. or UOOKi LIKR A WOAKTtO CON- of tmr hilad adait who la is aawd ol SPIRACY. raro atitration, protntaiag that Chieago, March It The great tn-ata- ar be prices for the blab ran. uf t. Made Further Matter thalr agoaU will at onc aaak cut Millard rAiampinaahlp louraa-ataa- ami test grna: svrag the blind garaoai, aad take them la CbaHaa H. Mar. of a wkoiaaaJa gro-eer- y aaaar the auaplcea of ta Ma-ttoa- tavltatioas bad been seal to of Ridicule. eharga. Taara la certainly no better dm, baa workai hmaaaatltr aw Aaeaclatlon of Amateur Billiard taan twenty of taa moat promlaeajt for anneal mr go tu eafor- - to aeaura plama Of chsaa A to than law rrara aa aattor Ptnrara of tba aiaaians Ka fyaa. If . can gat there, and to ratae oa tarUla ctaant of goad, bwt wilt bgla in the club rooms bllllaramta, bat only tbe ieUowtnsr Vhrat up and ebewr tb aawarari If wltnctit aaoctai of tha Chicago Athletic aaaoemtlaa sajeaa plajrara will take part la tba FRANCHISE VALUE GROWTH It (M l raatore taatr aigbt. Mono ap 1 hra a MaVaT Ha aad lor Mtaii, laat evealac. The mbiiK win be ad vnnnen a. jearrm, Nm paat to aa more atroaglr thaa Ua Mia, aamva awafaM unr HlRtad frae of charge This la th York; ft. A. mm Baa Fmmcieaat igbtleea a. The city mafcat mm a hettat; parareftrt'gawaa. awTf aaat Stat ttntt that ao adatlesloa ta charged prorialoa for taam, bw It ta haadla tkftm on aowat at rum dU-- ia a ennaAganaanip biniard toarnamant. Great City Has Paper Named Taa certainly ahoult not ha rarminaHaae. TSb Mtltgrd committee of the Chliago itJKsgSniTfiJi palled fcr lark of atmport. o soil a "Ii laa aama on aN goada aMtaa Athletic naaoriatloa waa of the oata-ia- a Ha aad OalrUl gsmaraat, of Caneajst. Sunshine-Ju- bate that a course woald help to Aa st Xik$ cllc o tha atraota, or to on Utajcftwturad by laJopwmant aktaia, hat there r sevwa alar, taara aleiwai. MhM H1m Kaflee. the pajMPMgaaA oaa gft taavt 'aaap m w ataaiamt ikrtie mteraat in th game, wilt a to be twanjtjsoa angles. Ifti dlrvc-tor- lax, MMkM a appeal far wwt 1 faaa mk tae inm n.ea. rata ananaa and tadacaa, tba aaw board of as th gymnasia's ia whten tka tenr-aame- nt H Mil e4d Wtt. "HMMW MM i Oataba to uadMaaU ua. lo coat ta thla arraajamaat. la to be held oaa ealy ka Bad Mi tb blind. 1 - "V ar AamaM traM to ga iaM C. r qmBjbttbk city. ta la nraa wpc uiu Wa wtU dMwmaf (Atdftd HMW Paeple Too Promttu9Ut. m aa an tao rawraada ea.ahms, kit awVCtaraafnVvC vawtt 9jrYHaHsm ww WHRBr1 UP (Ufa CsWt tor faar that najry wilt taaraaaa 4ha aal5at tu seiaiant Sold aa evt (sWfes OnMUflHgg. Wmav pWaS ara beetMtBg atom aai wsra oMtroJrMM AM pat Ha out of bupiaart. awtpetwl tor Uta amatcar alltlrd IVMif IsamA trafsf tW4 ilAsmffWm flpMMNI I- lit, and ha la faat buitdlttt ap a aayty la Tberaahre, we Joiwinc alang ran oa ram eiMmrkMiHili of thla country aa4 ott eranja1; ovary it-t-or Now Xhv ita tbat woa4 ta tht. claiming that Utar kaa aa tbrangk rune &r YJtyHlW.-- ri taa Mhaalr atata. It la alt witMa beat wa oaa, humbly obeying thafdio and oT paat ontSgatva SNoxt T'rawMMtt. Tha winner of tba toaraamawt will tadar- - this vrta tVa tba matkada , rata from to bapaata sir wrsp nirlaae wno are ehMKtf pursuing Mr. the poealbllltlaa. and arcn la tie tate of the grMt octopWL" of comMaad opuleaea. TaSe a car of soap from one of the fa poaaaaiBt of a ntgxMttei an eatr war ptay Km, mmm pro, AbtlKlaa. k may noaairaHt-e-d ramoat, Kab., March cky aoiid cap. wblcf. coat aboat 1. aay. inhn U. Kcehefeiler -- arc daMovwred that bf it. Thla Tor laauBco. a ear Of aaad era-- big Ctnetanall fnctoriaa ia wta trust, ailrar there be goramor of atate of Havr has fait In H. Ha wilt alao the hoMar coa-t- et while they bad procea aorv for tho drMrimlaatloe railroad tan from r trust aaaMae koaaa la.amoat ajata tba Omaha rata, ba booam Tb piayera entered for thla their k ii York. Hat aotae of Mr. HearM'a rates in all eiaaaea of baawwa Tha UaHimora ta tkroagh of the Braaawlek-Bal- Oolleadar oom are all watt kaowa, eaeept posted at ail tux apparent ahlnsI from 'if a factory farther ..aat. not la the paay Da rtts aad coararta do not. atlck. effaet baa boon varied, ant It haa tbat city to Praia ant at eaeetiy the trnat. vraata to sell goeda ta FYamont. cup, wblch he will hove to de- nreat, a youaa; anna, who Is eoaal4rad !ru Mr. Rockefeller's manelon. lit1 Tharr la a aabataattal liaa ta him seemingly barn moat aalatat aa ba aama rat Omaha anya for the maat nay laalOmaoa rata aad tbaa fend with success throe consecutive the "boy wonder" of rata city He m .um easily and aalely evading them by throughout tha wards of tha city twrea 'mavatade goods and taa prod- ahimasut. bat on a oar of caaaad tne local from tnaaaa to tl"s Before it becomes hie lnoonteta believed to have a good chance to among a rroniaot bla property The will tboae who vowd for him tor uct of Independent maaufaatorma. oratart from aa laawfaawtnt oaaaary In coal rates. rren.;at nana 1-- AO second prise win In this toaraameat if hla nervj skint a iauaMR from tar rear - sert mayor, many arc aaying Should peculiarity be found a aat- be a diamond studded repeating watch, hold ma-tea- t f hl own bona to that of relative aad that taa this at Mtmn, aiaa . taa rail Mb) t Oanaha a taa from ta Rock aprlnda, Wm.. ot Th eemallioB f the 1 taa waa a prrmaaoat white :hc other will b gold iu itnother atrvwt. thence cme.rgtag rat boom not varaal feature, k woald Indicate a is ebargwd and than t Weal rata toimtac. wh Omaha a aUdtag prle win bn too piau, fouHieabaeh one that It will a:oa be am--a conspiracy overpowering wagsl- - feu and diamond studded Chicago Ath- Itae. i aa unwntchsl street, not cor aad of Piemoat bum be paid taa railroad. rate of from ItJv to ft.M a t bala with the anchor name bar- -- "! I pa: ad. A notable folio war, Hon, letic aasoctatkoD medals Tb re will red rd by the sleuths, and freety made man hi way aa ho pleased, perfect Bird 8. Coier. whom tho Hahrat and la elected president of the horwagb et He made hla entrance and , SUPT. BURSUM AND Brooklyn aaoma a-- al- Us trom ;he Oti hesU to be oaaa Standard ready with Mi grant leader, tor Ooier PICKS ;'iar ra In the mo way. ladawl. rXtobSmi haa bitterly attacked tn tha boanl mm-agawen- t i will not any of them, hen THE PENITENTIARY a eatiafat'tion to asamt ta the FRENCH WOMEN AND urpriv bow. of aldermaa by H. C. latere, the lead MEN t ii i paeamattc of thla ltltltatlon. found that he ass a fnrcea In board. NEW WIFE nth ot bis own through Which la of tht Hearst the he Peters, It la said, fteted with tnr con ' and fro tike a mall packet, THE OPSERVER sent. If boh by tha order of Has rat Splendid Showing of This In- aOSE i underground region of the metro-i- t and th Muaictaal Owaerah'p laatne. IS CALLED IMPERTINENT WILL PLAY LAWN GAM seems to be nakaowa km to a now leagrn; It HE HAS JUST QRAWp THE 40TH x-r- ) tha Imktaadaat and stitution Through His large eite!. Conduit hav Moa wta oaa of Coiar'a not prefects that PRIZE IN HIS FAVORITO MATRI- '.tin! in uta thai want never drenised waa aaaailad, ahow lag that Loth ate BY ANOTHER OBSERVER WHO MONIAL LOTTERY ODD" PACTS t hi pbilocophy of city oStcmls, Management. MMm, MRP IS. Tb an - the deeply Id matter, I Vs PREACHERS AND HON twelfth .Casino Municipal d Nice, rained at tii) wby ia ware tNtareeted the ABOUT HIS HAREM. shouldn't th richest ta A Mt by two each uromlaaa' "OftABLK CITY OOyNOIL WILL anal open bfltrnameat for tb lawn l.tefl francs. There will gam Ua in- - world, mlllns f riiy, and ta tee have km loadara of a yoaag caaaa. abowa badty SOON FIX SOCIAL EVIL. leant olminatmsasp of the south of handeaana in i's sfhgtlint, wn private Its which btti OTgSajg, tuba be haa aad haa dona tnnoh damage airaaly HAD PLENTY OF FUN'S ON HAND pVanoa apagjad ia lb courts of uta laalea' k's aailMafl m n wbare sconce himself to arrive lo the Hearst beam aad increment. Xlaa Utm Tanaia Olab. yeaterday. 'nd mISad doat roles gf tlta . It cartons OmWr SJTJSJSt ( doslraa Rut beat to tod Another thing ajaiaat th Hearat no XSL tt or a It foMowa the tonraaments at Moat union da . Nswllag Bjl y. M. - on sporu sVhJWIBJBip gad r rf jM" boom ix tba dlapoaltlon of tha ilatat. araalden' of the tar- thlilopeilingr oamdlaa rUllroad Oarbjib sliM1Kfaiton. whloh attracted of the Law ?etret the aama means of iaaaWavlNW' ritormi pmltaaUarr board, rotana wJ wnu. and Ifca Scrtba, aa .J?LrL,H2rTT' Tenaia Wfll be enforcetl tir raaaagera to pitch In on tn) thing aad cferad TTL anUha moat pro-- JffllmMsasoas the davoteas of nntle n did tha old hBlamts ol everything, aa tfeoagh the mem bar tu Vegas rmm Santa lit. tha latuar waa maltln a frantic amah . Tl. gW.qBlaa big matches have and sit dl III be referred to i ? i d Ike Tmrrni t Committee, iiianx Chieftains who raaai la were afraid bey woald be forfotMfl atteadod tht regular maatlat alla for ta "dlsflwtl "nJBm?MTd T. w?1' md aw UVe into the aport. which arhoaa ii.' pages of romance, in (ha old-tim- e imniisaaarjr puaro awwaajr Ma th gob aoaWlSs t am ii S in Prance, or. at doejejofa ahaU b final The new If they didn't make eoene near mora r -- mip rrwaaasj wnt ywsji. enap m ortatd aervtee rule, both note!, appeared end dtaaoaaarwd la day. war Mr anatara cr? w jm least, waa played there as nsrly as feet behind tb ry mysterious way. eaoh Tnay f graafly j base line, will be strictly enforced afteiejd ad Id-- Attorney General M w2.wSV JhjwalaSg iXrjt tha fifteenth aantnrv. It area tha lav. d by th- secret " i.iix - discover) of tha authority take pleased with the condition of Wi ! 'aasm, Ulu Hull Amoaa th msanbers nf the Nice r wouldn't them to the Zrjf. i itu-i- wandering aad alt forHa IJIWn Tan n la CHtb. procvedlngs agalaat the merger cf the etltution and in eaceusan anaacasi i . . , 7 . TUt sm n are bla mnjeety, t'rrlovla com.. If thi tide of war ao, ahowlng ' .it.. swmhJ ttrrtea. in 147 tbere were 114 courts 1 he Xing r th Belgian, Prin- railway tinea. And which the ropcrt of Buperln 'Hf tk haraeH who ksow'te th tot attendants ii attains! Hum rb tbero wi the we having Hearat party ar tendeni Baraum revealed. Tha to kick. la Parla alone. The oldest tennis cess Clement ln of Belgium, th ih- - an ib state eukanVa taataa, iiaiaat. .u.ii with toii. hla Every- meat prepared up of court In the United Status u In New- Grand Duk- - ami Ducheaae or Meek ranging, or trying to arrangti. to the Srst i n Hi' h , i.j.l illaapiwarml u . , . ,, .aniMMMIIe Anewavv I two nam is wweya mmm port la aot even year leuburg-Schwerli- !. Duch-es- s ' ring juat thing In the ell... aad now in tho auMe, l ... nmaiun? ihu'i mnn.i aad slaty old. tbe Grand i :t)i' u i According program Mecklenbtirg-Hrb-wert- nm: wiii ioiit to In thaBl. and pntty soon, may bo. In lv 1'nlied to the the Anastasln ( : al.mji, And vents umit btm ik all and It aeoms o bo unknown to woo bu uown Town snapping, ao of th tcuroament will Ik u the Grand Iturhess of Hesse. r Slates. In ' follows u noibln ha nemblttl a them that the great mass of thing Balanaaa Fun. don't cam If the fear thing mov Oentlemvn'a single for th Meat r In. of dr - Nice Cup, of- CI uiow. ti h ii'.lfr what hail bnrontn go along Qonrial maintenance . 1 it.e2o.73 down in the bonorabii- city council valued at i.OOO franca; rand Duke Cyril and (I rand ' on tbU terrestrial sphere Wlll-iM- n; fered by tbe municipality ihn Wtp," whu would from rear t rear without any Cclag OonMita' anralnga no tneetlng room of Nic. Duk Boris of KuaaU, Prlnee Oeorg"' iiiili-- th-o- ladles' lmch-taubur- g. uw! pr.iaii liavlnx Ma. .Hirh.ulw a . . .1 .1.1 III,. Mlpnnvth. t'enltentlary Inpmne 14 OS "Mare you ever observed how aome alagle. for tka Ladles' Cup. de Romano.aky. thr Duke f .1 hU aray right Into very Improvement .46 people .rfterrd by A. O. Morgnnatern: many the foot. of lira lu Jiutt that claaa of j Pamianeat Ilk t mlsconsirae tao rtavar tke Duke de Hivotl ami ' '.( 'iix-- i In pur - doublea, for Oentlomea's r of ivrd kalfht llilni-- u Pith 11. BBTSklni mnrf nubile i wm- iimiin S14.S? and gentlrmons' raawks and eoaanot? tb other members of roynl and aristo Doubles cup. valued at l.ttH' - r Th hi Ik and owuntala of omciMln U put through paces 0ami no real e.S4S.U Now. as a matter of fact tha preachers francs crat ir bonaee Among tho nonlest- - can't the doublea. I '.in ill.. according i tb- I'anltea'ilar) salary . 3,41.11 of Albuauerque are dead Kgaiaat die mlaed for tk Mined Doubles ant are many promineo' A mr loan on the tight rope all the while without -- paaa-m-j Cup, offered by Oraad du Magliah playt-r- s wr full of lharo secret the public suffering seriously. In fact Penitentiary ConiHtlsaloners' social evil In any form thav wouWat tbe Orclc and htimaa foxaa made to Board be CaHatiaaRy wr such a bodge-podg- e baa ban craatad h4.M doing tblr duly to if iiri-m- l their way to aafaty aoma.itnaa public havn become a ahoy ware they ajdtAtad aad tt-- that matters notand TWINS OF EIBHTY ; fwat . dami-nton- HUNGARIANS WILL wt'hin a of taalr imraaara. crnay quIU of maat dassiing and Total . . I11.414.M still agitate the removal of tba n -- t the 0BLEBATE BIRTHDAY IN UNION f woaJd Hav baan laaa aor Supplies on . . . 4JMS.SS people from the heart of th "BTTLE COUNTY. confusing otriars. hand. 11-lo- hn I Aco-'UM- - BcrMtoo. Pa.. March or Hungarians if Aadrow Caraanta Had baas reoeivabli- . 3JS0JW city; l Scores from thla ills OLD TtMXtt. that btag tho t terms they Randolph Cooke Mary iu o.i that brought about tha rorlvaj could soettra from tb boatb city aad ttlttahatb trlct are quietly p reparian tn leave : 'hi- - Ceoke. th olaeat twins In the United bar la th near io np mytar!n of paat rata ORANT Total le lance Jlt.7SI.S8 ceuncil, and ilemaadwl that they b future take (Ml aa. FEDERAL OOURT fltatea, If not In tbe world, onle-- taalr realdeae in Union eotinty. N :n he King. It la a enrtow AcootiHts payable . . oB! tk asraeta. and I Ban t,10l hrt rtlu heated their eightieth M , 'i:'ldmo that thla dtaonrwry U STATE OOURT DENIAL. bare to state mu ita up t tnta aaat birthday yoeter says' the Trtalaad Adiertiaar. A - day. They war new nit- public at i ha aama time that the UoUe. March IS. Tha attorneys for UJJS(,0T kottefam city oaaoetl get a move bora near Hvrcalo, eoioay of Huaeguiana is being Total net baianee io K. , - h-- I aao-r- WpMora Y on March ISM XcIUm- d fotuidad there Triaload men are be- T UitSonx popla latrndMad ' th imprisoned laadara of th -- t In Uta war, of PJtUiW thwag it. e. ht addrUoa to tha above amount ? any v draw wlraa lhrough ta ttttua hVd oration, Moyar. Haywood and inclination to become married, kind the movement, and k will havo on hand." said Mr. P area, "there is . tH oreina to uuk eaew. up large i i . ondulia. Tha prwralllag atylo of today iwaaaniad patitleaa for sayg aad to ta time of tbe tleath of a aumber of reeolta 10 start now tram taalaUananea fand ap "flewerer. stac he that the of the Harem About a doeen of the rheir name forty yaars ago, wftb. i hiiociurn that tha eanMunma writs of habana eprptta to Judge da hoaorabla city council and tho rev- uaraau. pronrlaltd for tha preaeat flaoat yaar women ar preaeat Thay ait aaoet they tired th parental Th colony will be Mara iaa, Un-ta- at ! o 'ho lank and loan fmata !iatty of th United States dlairlct aw at aatae. Bme i nbont $10,00, mnking a total credit erend gaatlesnea will fix Ii eo the la ajswaooas drasssti. wtiea the saltan km county, some It aaay court The Judge tka matter an-n- r im tint tnay bar lived la thla city, and already have iiirktrllr ntak to bilav took penitentiary nearly St,090. 'eweet oreat ares' will kept eft lata enters. a critical eaawina-tlo- ho bo rapablp o aquemmg The petition conla Ins to the of It make or rather juat oauide tk limits of the ap haeneeteed there. The pro- - is' mlsht adriamMt. This is nttdoabtedlr flneet ahow atreeta I'll let It go at ihM. Let's go of the woman, aad when k has cHy, cosy asotaea ' irmigh lh untitMKrounii painagaa. practically the aame atatamaata aa the in a itttla home of thalr are Herman Deataca. Joaeait mt which the penitentiary has ever j rtr mad hla choice be take a eawUI tec own. atmpl Dame, John Kovao, Stefan Ktes aad A i t aupply oil ware mmk supreme wbre they litre a and aa uolUnKad of bfor the state tMl-iM- Bu: crll a tewaara hnjkalfcrr-ble- f tbr t)MU Sbl lo HlilJfA UJ SUV III the wsh from th poehwi. atM life oiBers. Tny etpect to get Um ma-- " raiaH waya John can do It conn, which Tuawlar refnaad to grant by aaail-can- rntBted h. h ii. kiaLorv t. atan und r turfed th tsaaptailaB It with a bow to tn lortaaM t lortty thalr i wrila. ihii One of their graadfatbsws waa the of raalaemu from th seal uuybod; MS the Bupertntandant "hlng a hurriwl depsrtar. am aaU. Taw Beids waa to Caldwell to- aatiainctlon to Bnraum and tbaa makes Rev. Parsons Cooke, who waa pastor of Las Animas county, and it PraitahUa Value. Orchard taken It ! I ' qpl. is Inaraailnfl day, anil tka MBiUn of ska hoard. handkerchief gift Is Abdul's props of a small Presbyterian obaroh la a understood that quite a deiesmtloa Thr or Klavanth avanur or to be arraigned before District netwwoeuy In O.AUOHTERS OF RgvOLUTION The other con grata late will anon natur Judge Prank Bmlth. under the Indict- thla connection tant 'h! wenn the Massachusetts village for more thaa leave. ULh avaatia" aa U la oailad by tha preaeat iisniiautury maaagantei.t can IN SESSION IN MAINE. new wlta and leave forty years. Tha other graadfather . ment charring blm with the Bangor. 3tt 'YHiowa. ahow bow veatod pun-i- or Ptttuneabarg. miw ahow about lioeeo of lmprov aw ant March li. Several Abdul spaads an enormous nmonnt waa Mark Btiere, who at cn time MBTHOBIoT CONVENTION ev-- . In In Iswgaly by hundred delecate t" tt:e aaattal meet- money in maintaining OP OR BAT acoumulati valua thla some In which has been produced "l his harem. owned all of the land on which the IMPORTAHCC Law Remalna Land. Mm ing of i urcat city. wKh Uta mora paAaafl of Judge Baatty labor of the convicts tbmaiva the state cmim of the Ordor Hla perfume bill alone amouata toirhrllag village of Morwlah, M. Y.,aow lniliaaapolla. lad.. March II On United States Dtatrtct whk- - Is of the Daughter of tue American ISO.tWo 3f of most Important 'roc jaartn'h avanua la tka atront I aad entirely paid for Thla yearly He employs about stnnds He donated land oa Which tbe state atiaetouary hi aftorsoon granted of hshaas - the Nwvi (.'antral wriu new Revolution, which op- here today, nnventtmss tjpiaoo-pa- thrigh which tho York corpus petitioned for by the attoinaya Included the flro brick plant, the servant, inriunmic dancer, niustciasw tbe Norwlfb court house now of tbe Methndatt i feaa nut H In have arrived hem aini a large attend- I .uilruad baan ruaalng ita for Moyar. Haywood Patttbcge. add toe which now readjr for th and Ttartes an also gave tbe land that was caarch of ladlaaa etmr aatd, has and a Is irxtght cawa from It'. John a to roof, th wa.'ks and other Uuprove-meat- ance eapertpd a' 'to convention, The s'liuu iiaust hla favorite for th-- ijulldlng of convened here The aflandsni ta on Monday whoa the mat- - the canal at that vk returnable Insti- in former years tli- ttiewtings of th wife one. moDtli tskinH tu sroaaen .mirii j very large, every mdc np ta traina at tha old Thir ter will be argued aad submitted about the grounds of the a aad dtatrtct of tu nth atraat atatioa. Tha traiaa with tution. atau councl! werm h. id in January, la rotation. The preaeat favorite tsj Th teteran twins are Inveterate '"lB ' 'praeatd The par pose of i hope iltimmy vuglna at thalr baad ara public would doitbtlvaa be In bit' the date waa cliaufiel In the Nnllde. a beautiful womaa of St. wtsti resyiers, and are keeping well posUd',U4' coMentloa Is to bring tog. 'her PLAN TO UNITE METHOPIST "Tho poai-lbl- e up th avaauc, a flagman on Mr, pierce. "In tbat Ii would be to mdm me wniirejr een ana ice : on the eventa nasi litaraiure nf uv 'wvivnw n aieirem omrer 01 MISSIONS IN JAPAN. tereated." continued s th. ' a larger nuailH-- r of it-- ' sati-- to attend nraebavrk preeadlng lhani. They go Md.. March IS statement or the earnings of tha eye in tne nareni mci iv fla, They car trnee heir lln th dlfereat organisations of tbe pace, Baltimore. The the the jv r th aoaatcn among rhurrh, i' itoaMtu' and ilioro would Methodist Mission Commisaiost convicts during the seven years which mHtng. Quarrels the women are fr eage bark to the landing ih Pi! the pastors' and repr.'nta - Joint post ywied i. ' in to - no raaaon wby hutuan ha- Ita of the council natl 'n trui-n- Kkran the sultan cannot always grin, Kath-- r lives from tba local churches and met here today at the Mount Vernon the institution baa con Inued under t on of a t. i tilt; storm and. i t,e of th Icaat Intalllgoacu ahould Bplacopal church, for present maaagwaieut Mr Bnraum waa p ueir sajuaiibiiag. tins peVles' societies with u tho Pino Methodist unfortunaely th- - v..,UJmr was not "ito-- t vi out and gat inonaala klllad by of union of appointed to the auprlntendncy in All th sultan's wives have the title noa car ana wct i of tbls atsfe the purport perfactlna th - ' itmk lit-a- c adver-i-ih-I much more favorabU- the time when I alow m ring aad fully the various Methodist mlaaloaa la May. Prom that month to the of hlgtvness Tbty ar for ' SHOW OP WISCONSIN ' Its. meeting waa bald The i BIO train', but thay do, hauev th oonetant th artualiv part uneducated and with practically Tk- INDIAN, CAPTAIN Japan. At the present time all preaeat day there has laa a tacnl rnnpters of ik "rdtr have made - "i'hM tha' la appllad to tha atroat. branches of Methodism are luorvase In he earnings of th roe no culture Mve yaars ago eevaral NORRIS. VISITS SANTA PE TliU tract and privilege cam to satenslve prvparn:i. for the of the moat lnt4liga. began learning! '1, Morris, rot.f of iiatke of r vlcta by month. "Prom May. 'i"aln work In that coun and In conse- month nt r nt of th dele- 21T4u!5!h.eJl,&' VandrMlt aad tha Nw York I l and ilnm to play th" piano, but nog oaa sue ,;. ' ,1. i11"' f"0 xavier inuiaa raaerratioa ta t. naming 11 , quence heir stregtn derided and im to Jaanary 1W tha in pat it pkiw y j M ' ntrii! from Hudaao Rlvar rail gates from of the ceedwd atgrnt reading uwh. "imwa Ariion. arrived In Beat ynatw the they lo not noeompliati aa much as toulml JI.IM.4I; IMC. IS.tSt.M. 1M1, .tr staf in mastering Terry evening T-- f Ua cara aad have arranged f a numltei of ball laat Srst day t visit with nwvwml ad. whleb ran paaatmgar they anould. church Interaatad 9t4,OS.OS:'. ISM, 14. t Abdul has had ain cbiidraa; sve will Ifidiaa yoatha The laat. sue la I function. . . half of the week be devoted to fron. his SJtCesdiag av down 10 CaaambaM atraat. ran ITjrta.S0; 1M.-OM- . rfa,ihtM. f.,. ...a. all hava reservation th - la the movuat are the Mathodlat S4J.Pt: 114. -. I ,B r show, whicn was stttm a Mat- tfcau to TkirtaMlh atraai with BIpUcotMl lpvd Is. o.-!- mJL.. United Status Indian solbsol her. Cap- plscopai. tha Mathodlat SI; to Marco ST.s4tJS. 1 It SBNATOR DEPEW tain N orris is one of Mggs-s- t raa. Tha laftahMura haa ordarad SouUi, the Mathodlat Proteataat. the Total. daya la In LAID UP POR SESSION. I laat three will be glrea :ko Now York Cantrai to imt Uta Oaaadlan Methodist, tha Ualtad shSl!J?aS,!ii.iTke dtaa la the country. H is over sis "Durlag these seven years It will Wwahlagtoa, D March over to the beach saow. which Is an feet tall weighs ISO pound racka Into a aubway. Bat tha Oaatml und a7vag!loal Aasoota-tlon- . at of the chlMraa aad abou. aya underground. Brethrtn the b seen man thla table tha' tha grand last nisht, JtSrat aaaaily la taw year, Judging from ' won't nut ham promtaeat - Swaatur Plan, for the Among the oa- e. the large aumber entries the It ewt an Iwtaana aunt, dslsflsa total of the earnings haa reached tint, vtstsMlly admitted that bis of and WILL BE ASKEO TO wuld who are attending the eoaferaaoe are atdarably 100,000. A rotnpanaoe Another queer Sght took pkte In Bumerou On animal seat hare for aa H would, bug atdloga over Saaaioi Depew, u III, sad nn-- s MODIFY RESERVE RULES. requiring Bishop I Cranston, cf rYashlnaton: New York the ther aigfet betWe one the show. Bar of Mr. Baranm's record wlta that a! perform hi oMctal He Tka prises ottared at tbe a eettle--r aw'tohea: and tha OMral aan W Miaalaa-Ippl- ; le to duties Dmbar of th on h a'J Bishop C. (iailoway. of predeeeeaom daring 's of Out ham's mushroom dabs. Willie twa combined ahowa if tha iMUta It ma tab tha bis ahuws tbat aeellaad to discuss tb- - nature of agg about forsHit riasrrr, and tboae llvlag adja hr Diahop A. W. Wilson, of Balti- the Bve years oeloie Mt burs urn as- aay Qlbb. and Mike Qpaa ware th alar II.S08. Bslda cash crises there are t.iimpart y aftar eoudaataailoa procaaaV lllaesa or t mmat ia r cent, hava auggeatad tbat the depart more; Bishop Kphart of United col-am- perform. Piigkttog savagely ta a the sumed ta maoajemeBt. it coat the way oa Ita cauatt. aatd his ir a asm her of caps and trophx to be; im. attar Drotr aopraiaai, in waiea clinch la the second rouaa. men net a asaia petk toned to modify Br:brH, and other territory from 63 to at cent per man M) Bis residence in New the eeaapeted for. It would axpad to raealva tha St fei: through tan ropea to the floor eoa af IU rallngs The Capltaa Mows iih or per day to maiatain th pealtaartmr. York, and reall a nick staa. PlsU m ready to aid in anything ssmalbte. r.todaat Itttla auat f wjmfm. Tim AMERICAN SCHOOLS OET aa wlth'jut breaking their hold, whore i aunt, but It la worth rally This amoaat Included such items does act aspect bta to raaoos bis PECULIAR OONBITtOMS but la under the impreaaaon a tidy CONCKMIONS IN SYRIA. cloitjoa. year they fought as dsap irately aa thapgh tbat )at maa-twain- a food and The first two dattes ta aeaate this seaaion IN NAVAL ACAORMY. saw hat amoutK. ana or inai Coaetanltnoplr March Th taa the) were still Is the ring. re- a moremeat to that end will aat Uamg is. of Mr. Burmim'a management this waa Beater Deaias Grttiatl OtHMrmee.. Tba 16, aluc ia tha raault of bold lag aad hare has acknowl- clung the r pea aad watched Waahlngtoa. D. C. Merch The pfOdu the desired resnlt'. tor the hfta American legation reduced to 14 eeau per day. aad Mew York. March IS. Or. I D feree to mldsblpesen at Anna poll bee reason h b growth of tha city. Tha city parte a yielding tf men fight b.- - space was have that irertmut is too edged a note of tb the years following he reduced th Mann, paiwletaa to Senator uepew. the in that prove high to pay tmr Ita own growth, pay tha ndmtJ-sto- a r eoasplrtag to s stasias rd buaily sasaaMt crMlg, aad will ' to American demand tot th- quickly fur 'hem by th epoc-tato- Inaraaaiag the per aiem aa low a IS s per assn who la III at his home In - cky. ri4rd of scholarship acco-dla- st to the stste- - give too iwaalty of ao latnucaaiy ia free of amy at BaimS. at aM It 8aai: aecaaagry Irttla ait mi to allmlaatwn vulue. It alao ahowa that tha that "1 have beam aloselv laentMcd wKh denied laat sight that th c adiiion of Msratary amnasart to thai ar ansaasnmsiea, whoa this ntadass eoaaigMweata for the Amerloaa aa of hla patwet Is srliiaal. for tb spanator to pnll the am met i aaroajahaiaata upon tha aahtia tb laathetloa pvaatdoat et the aasjaa cemmmaa oa nava amtrw, to- Its cearao, a plea of atop MheoU ia tfrbt- - apart. hat tnoa tb pmiaagoa la wfcaa tkay ara flrat pro-pona- beard from taa srst month or air. day Brtllmncy has beea diacoaragad paopk stay reserve atteatloa. ta Bu raaia'a management I regard him fSltlrwIy IMIsJrfaimU aad a sort of trade anion agreemeat asd that thata alwaya to t WORST STORM OP THE INCURABLE. TOO. aitad tha aaorgaoua rahwa W1NTRR IN HBW YORK. a an aautaalU osipeteat and " New York. March It. Money has sstmted to hoU all atdshtsotea U M. nYimama. the Swats Pe Ca haft ia peniten- Otw aohani bey eg that wiii wawdM islatar New York. 'March 11 Th aaeraat cussful s4miBattrator of the sail, stfsmg; aaelser. aat alg hava aa as g dead level, so far aa ciss ra Hal rimgmastsr. beadqnartera Raw Yr aMHlna.rr. storm of tha winter' bassaa her last tiary, and I ksow that In eaytas tail m ialot us Taper, tWHl sUver, Sesntg est corduroy paaua. Oaetasts tb ai at tmiaaiiia, was at wta I a - Tba ''idtahlnt'' pooplo ahow naa nifct ana eaatiaues today 1 only voice tt.e ntimeati of lb 4c. nwe to.) ii

agjaassssBsnssnssnam , ray ttd that the caesp he a bl Mra. W. H Haba and tftlo dattghtor INSURANCE MEN ne-ll- k air. aad It fast growln Into want to anta Pa tala moralag to MEET IN ALBANY. a piece of Importanc. He also re fted a faw daya wltb Mrs. f. B. Albany. N. T.. Marah J Probably AMERICAN TRAGEDIAN mark- - that n nHur ww to MMltotr. who waa termor I? Miaa Ontoa never haa a more imnarkable galher- - I ill he erected at ohm, aad that lb city Hate, aa tdrr daaglitor. mg or me inournnoe men been as. goin-- Local Haooeninocs Ads we J to put In a up to W. W. Stroas, tka wall kaowa car gambled under one angle roof than date water system. Several rlrb pontar aad ooatmator, baa goaa to that which met today In the state ihhu mm in mm mini Dium i rmiisnri snsswgnsi riiiwwBiiMiriniiiiiwwBi'iiwtTWiOTiiriir'' tribe hare boon mm there of 1st, Danrar oa Importaat matters ooaaaet' osfdtol In eonneetkm with the hear-- AND HIS GREAT WORK (Priony, Marou 9.) yesterday, left for Paso toft night. tho colonel mM, km M his opin- a wMh the estate hla brother, iurx on we needing amendments to - vh Um on B. fl. WthtOB. New MesldO manager A MHMttMMC hla brother- io that the omp wm destined for awmuei strong, disaaesd.t Inaurauos laws. The hearings Oil company, waa death was forwariad to him there, greater thing. X. Ohio, the Wll wore held before the Joint et Ik OMMineutal R Wharrt, of aeaorn. legislative laveetbmtlng committee, PhtMdelpbhi, Pa March wort never to exceed the aannnl net iiftiiaaaiii north thai "Manitoba," a aiivftla tta Beneelo F. Perea, mi haa arrived in the ett; and Intend tarata mn school superintendent of thl county, which drew upon Itself universal at Is tbe one hundredth anniversary of rent and revenue of the Institution, Harry Mroas, of 0. W. Strong rfortbern Puelnc railroad, gassed making Aimqueruoe hla future bosse. many nod Also that after the number there evening, aad am. Mai H Perea and wife, Mr. who profoaslonal tentkm by Its exuosurss of the the birth of Hdwia Porrcst, the greet Sen, left oa taa limited today for through tala elty laat baring para WMrrln. la a Irregular conditions snnoun ding the In exceed twelve, others were to be on board P. B. party In from l. Angelee last Bight, name, will t asooehyted with Dr. American tragedian snatrer-aar- y 1m Aagataa, where ba wflt be the Ward aad of business of iifo I nanmace comPauls and tba admitted only after having received of Barents friends. ad lira visiting friends hara tody. Hunter. will amest his They will go to ncrnallllo, thla even In thla state Many radical changes ho observed .with appropriate tbe approval of the majority or tit" Howard Clark of tba Beubum la- - Men. H. O. Bursum, aapar'.atMdant ru The Bro herbood of IosomoUve m tbe state Insurance law and In sxaralses at the SMwtn Forrest home Inmates, as well as of the managers ing, where tne wtll reeiae m tn nt iiee Tredtas: oomaany, left oa the of the Maw Mexico aoaltaatlary. waa tur. Tba an lor haa been ah PlresBta win give their anoal danoe kindred statutes are sroBonsd In tbe Holmeefaurg, Purest also provided that the pur MmBed today tor trtpto tha Nat- - I. iha city between irafoa tala mora-- inet on Prlsky cveniac , March Id. Prom ten tea 1II4B Sand whoa you Ndwln Forrest was born ta this city poses of the home were Intended to rsssrgatloa from tha ooonty for nearly four mild nje la Artteua. . lag. aa roots to hla heme at Swuia yMn the number of tkmets told it is safe ten bills under eonalderaUon. aad died here aad nowhere is his be partly educational aad self sustain sue-'ea-e memory devo-tlu- Tie Manoa or tao w. c. t. u. wui ra Bursas bad been dowa at m A driver on one of W U Trimble to any that the affair will be a Pull Particulars ef SHI. honored with greater Ing. aa well as e!mornary. an meet taaaawow- - aftaraoaa o'clock cheep In county ry way. than here. The Holmes-bur- g at t ramb Socorro A Co.'a cabi wan j.uied from bis la er Shortly after 11: home at never to encounts; idleness or thrir of Mra. W. W. Havens, Rob-- this forenoon, wna formerly m tba bono Through Louis Kornbcr:. the cut while driving on Now York ave- The Citizen has received notice Senator Armstrong, chairman of the Ndwln Forrest's leaaness ta nay who are capable tr Mhh street Johnson A Raad company by that Ooorge tfpeaee and N. S. Rose country residence and waa culled by any useful He leatb sits, Hot nue, tala morning, crossing insurance invostigatlon Ap- exertion. directed thsi 11 too Hrnaa on him 'Sortngb by Ulalu J. Mllla Kaadrtok, of at St. Uoalt. hara takoa a bridge. The team ran oaat an the have formed a partaerehlp for the pointed bt tbe state lexistature. called rook," which mme hla library be placed la the bnim tlteoaaa Now Maxwo Artaoan. Mora room ttmt by T. Y. praoUoo or law. oMee Matan-Ha- . It Is still known. The home now It of and tba vrcatad aremia to tha raar of Third street with nt tbe committee to order In haa exactly as was ia bis old house Um obaraa, In tba Maraard, oa Sjoth aad -- new the assem only nine Inmate. The present ott-esr- on 4 Hdaawal u Sacoad atrt. The citlsen riehea the law bly chamber of the oaoRol. to heala Broad snd Master street., ami talaaaoua nolo. On whorl waa firm aajoeesa the public hearing of arguments for of tbo home are. Preutdent, also thst there nbouM be erected "wawfc a vary rJwaajty Court Ous-tln- e - iwn tima. torn from the vehicle, hut aaide from Vnited StMea Marshal Prod t proooeed Justice Samuel neat and pleasant theater tot- private'' All matabota of Oomaaay O, a of Xlaa Must lasuranes T bom peon; president. Prtaadt Vara Hlldooraad. this, the runaway reunited In little rHMft has gone to gmfaula, f T., legislation, aa upon recent vice J. exhibition, both of which condition Ulaaj gamrda. ordarad to bo at taa arbo based tho Fred XI m merman : art aaaat tba largar part of tha ymn wUh or. Barton, who waa waated report the Armstrong treasurer, Samuel were carried out. The library, whith toaight at T:M o'eloek, for im( 1MI Alboo will A. Baca, contempt Barton of committee. S Sharp; secretary, H. War- t&mm aad la Barbae, C da the wonrt Interpreter, there for of court. Tbe waa well Frank Is beautifully boused, is today con lifittaJlBH action. oraar of com- - bo plaaaad to raoaat mar-- waa BManeta. Barton a ball filled when the ner; managers. BVerly, mar Br laara of bar annoaaced thla morning that after arrested at session waa Adam J. Pred sldered one of tho finest of Its kind majUtag ofwor. rla la Um Aagohm J. fl. Nalaoa, would nublloaUoa the court Is not opened. Besides a large llmmermnn, Samuel Oust Ine Thorn re In to lint he begin the aotual orfenre to anmoer of aenatora the country. WlliBat tfcmha waa tha only arraat or that place. A fow Alba.arqoaaat a Spaalah weekly pewspaper In kmjwu here. and Msemwymen son, ex -- Mayor Bdwln S. Mayor of there were reoreseutatlves of a score Stuart, How great Porreet' Vve of ht Ma hwi algM. Ma plan dad lPUty haTa racelrad "at homo" oards from Albuquerque, called the gHelto. Mr. SuvBnrernor M. A. Otero and son Wearer, Theodore M. Alloa aad Dr. country was, Is atmarent from his will, ( bMaaloaUoa la aoUoa ooart tbte nawly Mra. Malaoa, wairh Bac says will will he m Waabntgtoa aome time this of Insurance companies present, a can- - A. C. LumbdlR. tba wad dad that hla iMrr bo smeraem n noer or mwyors. dlroeuy la which ha ordered, tha there ahali immtwy aad waa ttea4 (I. Tha raad Look IMaok. Oal. neither repubUcan, ilemocrnUe nor weak, nad then will bo to New York Tbe home, which now bear h.a be read to Um inmates of the homo baa mm dag aa Ibo oolajrot. Haary C. warwach, formariy aowa non olty, where they will remain until or lBitroctly concerned with lasur- - name, waa by prtfwwr partlaaa la politic, and IBM taa s matters, large founded tbe will of aad the lurked public by an inmate KMari W. Rally, of Maw Tor, la Daily Mow and okjeet of nkw paeer will be to A pell s. On any they will sail and a crowd of BMwln Perrest, April I, ISM. pupil titor of tao Motaa. mala that spectators all parts Uw executed or thereof, the "immortal Dec at tba Alrarado for a law wall bora, but laUly coaaoetad get "somebody name, Ml from port on tholr tour meetns from of state. Ho nro7ldod the horn or Institu dr. kaowa hart." The tint who are Interested In tbe subject to that taraUon of ladeneadenee. as written wmi1I hy kl wlfa. who li oao of with tao Davar Tima aad tka Col- - Snelto. means "freo of apceftk." Bmropeen tour. tion waa to be for tan imnuort and by Thomas Jefferson, without ex our MtmaslMa aad partodtoal oaattta, paaeod Mrs. Bears R, MeMlc. auoreme vlos be oonaidered at Um meeting. Sena- insJeteaeace actors gat thf lwlWf prta. thnwah Tbo realdeata on tho north aide of tor Armstrong ex of aad actresses ion, oa every Fourth My of July, wm M MIMi. tba cfty tbo otbor day oa km way to avoaue, of Ue Pratornat MroUier stair d the oblt decayed by age or disabled by Infirm- Silver between Maatmd and of seeskm gave to be followed by an orwtlea under 'hf tvhihn: JnJfa. who roaoaiiy dff Daaajkw, Arts, to aeeopt a poaltUm oa Third streets, are more ooaruaed Uwa ra'IRtexpected here Monday mom- - the and an outline of ity He provide: that ttw Inmates fold of our National nag." rro-- n wnieh h aa ofwraUoa at tbo At. Joaanh'i R DotmlM paaar. Mr. WurnucK ta ever a to the number oa several intc March ink. ios Angeies, ine lines along the earing M for pafdeltl, raaidh; amtalas aatloMl fama aa a poat. Mia mail boaftea. Heretofore the pre end that oxcnlng the local memners will be oonduoted. reaWrlH. tka eoaratloa havlMXaomi iMMM of Ufa" aro In araaa at tba vailing numbers ware SIT. J17W aad win taoder a big reeention to tne It was decided to eonduct the hear oatlNly mteoaaafal. Noreroft prlntary In Maw York, aad SIT 1. hut now Utey are Slv, S1H lady. tag upon tho foJIowtng lines: Kostrie ien 8. atom, um wmi ihotb y n.rt racairad favorabia oommoat In and IIS 1. Out. J. Q. Caldwelf, lien. John c rnttereon left, wm nrohlbKlon of stock am col CUBAN PROSPERITY WAS awfrtd waroliawt, aaro ho la sot tka every part of the Maglleh aoaaktag however, Is hanny, for the number on mornftiK. for bis home at Marshall, lateral trust bond ownenhln. BAeh &fa4itt la Um aetfoa browgM world. They were publtahed origlaally am mmmh is correct, mit aa ta tne MMh., after a pieaeaat visit in the elty tioa of edpenaee: limllation of hwl alMi tba U ftarn In Um iltotrtet la the rieurer Tlmea Magaalne. other houses well, that's anotker with kht wife aad not, Leo Patterson. of these toutes Um raralflesUona wkkh ofurt, h abroBMlad la yaatardar'i tklg. Mr. I'aUerBon rematnod In Albueuer- - extend to other subjects, wI) toft, taken cli- ytrwHHg OitlMR. Tha L. tdora (Saturdayt February 18.) Mra. Paul Morton, wife of the proa-Mo- at que Utree weeks, and found the together, will practically cover the NEVER BEFORE EQUALED to M Look) hHara of Ooata. Beet tt-eet- tt maala w tbo city, at of the SnultaoM Ufe Aaanr-- mate vary muek to bis llkmg. satire field. It Is expected that the Vttlm k Parrr'a "Jorry from Kor-ry- ," tha Columbus hotel. Psmlly atyw. anea niaoolatlBtt, arrived from the xr, and Mrs. u. a. Maepaeraoa, public hearing will oonllaue for some ava-la- wbloh la aebadvlod for thto Ralab Hunt la up from W raao, via-Itln- g weal thla momlag, and n apondlng by Mlaa Mabel Strong, re time, as every notat Incorporated la k) a barrab farce oomody from hla mother and slatora, of North the iy in Um city, awaiting to leave turned mat niant from a ton days the report of tho Armstrong commit- Hatreaa, March Prosperity beea so rapid that tbe nearby Fkrld Hart to Katab. up to data aad eloaa. for Mexteo on train No. f. tonight. vlatt to Denver, vber Mrs. Macpher- - tee ta bills to nave com to tbla land ot nurseries rave been stripped of theli PoartoanUi atroat. and the various Introduced Money Gfcmr taarialilas ar tha faatara. Solomon Wotller rotarnod this Mra. Morton psaaad through the city oa and Miss Strong spent the time la the legislature, since the report ot aunabtoo to stay. has been locks of citrus trees enj the demand Vtm aonga, rharmtag glrla. fanny gooda going went ua laat Tuesday, aad waa In aeteotlna the latter s trousseau, the commute) pouring Into the country during the I tacreaslng. morning oa the flyer, from a was submitted., will be past year mjmadmaa aad many other featorat buying trip to New York. oa the rear aad of train No I. whleb while Mr Macpherson looked after carefully discussed. from tbe sale of the fiae It is predtetd tkat In five year eompaay. waa oa Tueaday securing hotel accommodatloas crops, as well as from foreign Invest aro tba el tractions of this Hon. Solomon Luna, who was at wreaked at ToJtec the of The large com pantee are Uw fdtrus fruit, oryx age, and M. maaagwr enjoyed AlMiqoerqne delegatloa of Insurance meats. The pheuomeual sugar crop ison Btlio, of the Cttbero Santa, re, yeeterday, oa bur'nees, re- night. The lady aad friends for the well represented by pomelo wilt be a close third tn the TrMtrag company, la city, from a couple of daye the Oaa-yo- n Elks, who to the coming their oMclals and of over ShO.OOOAOO, followed by the la the turned to the city laat night. at Urand tre atund able lawyers and will make a race with th sugar aad tobacco pro Qtftmro, vlalMag wltb hla brothvi He to- of Artaoaa. convention grand lodge of Whs deter tobacco crop as a close second, at A marriage llceuae waa leaned and mined effort to commit- duetion. Mr. Wll-ha- at- In Miss Strong convince tke (41,000.000, together InUada ramalalag aovaral days day to U Randolph aad rt Bfaao Bam, of Soeorro. district that city in July. with the largely Tkere Is a wonderful openlnK trad-Ib- Boat tee that some of the prorlsiOM ta tbe here filbtt atataa that baataeaa In the k M. Walling, both of Albuouer- - torney for the aavonth district, aa aad Charles White, whose eaaage-men-t Increased production of fruits, vege- tor growers of cattle, dairymen Hnea of pcoompanled by in taws already latrodueed are absurd table honey, gone and Had aad la all other 4MO. In the city today, una recently been announced aad has far to Land Is cheap: hog, poultry and imkttaee Cnbaro la good and that Prof. Maga K. Reyes. Prof. Re yea Ottlaen. united m war and prohibitive ta their character and prove tout Cuba, Is entitled to Its pet la Umls McRae. one of the snceoaaful Tbo win he would do great Injustice cattle can be grown with small ex- la amlltag poon tba pao-1M- B lived yosra Ml Paco, he a and Injury name of "The Pearl juf)rHy akoap raleers oa tbo khwaacla ahtlns, two la whore rlcgo In the near future. ot the Antilles." pense and yet Im- yoar. waa Ooneho band, - to tbe Instiranoe buafaess In this state. Cuban eat only f that, aaatHM this M bore today on btwlnaaa and bIbm- - coHHettod with the United States Marahal C M. For- One can scarcely cease wondering ported butter at from 60 to To MlaV Daebor, Particularly strong Attacks win be cents MRMM formarly HrO. and waa render of the ooneho or Aker HM Dewatlos Harry Cooper and at the enormous sunar and tobacco per pound. I 6C ne Ueef SI lo rent per pualle aehools at Prof. Moyee played bk-onbo- TOUey city. on the efforts to restrict ths crops again of the Dr. Laaghlln, New Mesteo manager the J. If. have returned to the before we arc amased pound and pig pork from 40 to so Togaa. waa vlattor tka g at ooe time with Sowm' bust nee of the Insurance companies. with shipment iMt a at for Iha Fraternal BrotbortMod, ro The Marshal, hlwssit. Has been at tho of a mlllloa crate and chicken from so t yaatorday, an route home now comemainiea it win be maintained that under the of pineapples, rent, cents Unmod UUp maraing from a bnalnaea and erflan tertsUSf United Slat tt ootirt at Santa hundreds of thousands W snd cmgs 10 to u cents per OMitoniM where lis baa aorv-Bi- g reoommendations of tbe committee, as lo, Irm m Mtondod rirlt to triu to Uat aca. Mho a band In Soeorro, Pe. wNnh the donuUss bare been of eoMMHttte, citrus frsttti nnd vege- dosen. while rice, with or tteTMlBt iWdtt MKkiHK lived peat two months. WiUc the Inoorporsted in the propeeed laws, K won- thousand whore aha baa fjcworaor Magormaa left Santa Pa, for the Haaers at various ninoss la table. There are still greater I ad acre of good rice land lying OalHnrala la the ofty, today, profagior pnr-ssma- territory. would be impossible ror any or tke Idle. an axlOMtve atudy of the yeatorday, at noon, for Roe wall, the ders coming when the thousands of from & to cents per poum: naat Htra iso plena from Learned Mra. Weill B. Field and Mine Ah Inrya Insurance oomnaalag to writs Other aahoel arttam for tba where be aoaa on bualnaaB, ad wiU a'f acre of budded ettrue fruits Oiat have thing are In proportion, and taken Mm)uii for hla studio. . bott, of this city; Mlgaas Htebobj nad more than about of new Moattu. ho flbaont from the capital for a faw been planted In the past fow years altogether tbe laboring man la M. Oar-1a- . At the avenue eroaelRg, Maes goeuU ol bnstnees h year. This would he ruin- reduced In the omo of Coantabla days. TUeras Jones, of ilaverMII. shall have come Into bearing. lit K . . f M L.. I lim- by " MlltlMw,n,MWU Hi n TVrH, e . of this momlng, when the Pe Miss Abbott, Miss Otero, of Santa ous, aa the total terminal tons W - - lut ,,, loeatod In a precinct aorth T. A. Walttmi. formerly In busi Saau and , new groves been MM, a. .111...... to- death, maturity, aggregate from These have plant r w nviA i u ml)ly III-- tha cltr. who oanaad the arraat of ness here, haa returned from loag ited came down the right of way Pe. who arc oa a tour of California. etc.. ed mostly by j Tale-g- American and other for hunger, and even then hla fsmlly Romero, u ward the depot, two boys, driving a are at Pranetaeo. They are IIW.000.OMI to SISO.ooomo a year juaa Romero, Orlego Beech. Oal. Mra. Wbltt.-- remains at how Saa eign tft tiers aad the development ha often goea hungry and half Martlaaa aad Padllla Marilnaa. the roast raaort for a few weeks to wagon, came very near meet lag the x peeled t return to Now Mexico the with the large companies. Tbe result naked aharaod with atoalna him. JuatK-- of aame fate that waa dealt out to J. coming Saturday. would be that their entire business pence dlemlaeed tha action Mr. and Mrs. Boughton and Mlaa W. PaiioB. at the Mountain Road Ckariea v. a. Ward, elty editor of ould eventually bo wiped out In a ROBERTSON DID NOT POROBR WILL DIS80R0E lli) Craig day. boys tba grovad that iha charge waa Helen Boughton. who have Iteen visit crossing, the other The the Lag Vegas Optic, but recently ad few yours. SEE ARMOUR'S BOOKS. IF COURT IS LENIENT. m Chicago. III., -- M Hott tutwarraated aad the complainant Ing Mra. C. Walker. Mra. Boagbton's had lust started an the Incline of the mitted to the liar aa a prartlclag at It is believed tnst no opposition will March T Butler, Mo. March Tho trlsl of hmjld tart poaae proceedings. mother, have returned from naga I crossing, when they looked north and torney, ai nt Sunday in thla city, be mrde by any of the large com er I son, special agent for tho gov Thorns M. Casey, manager ot mc i aw coming- - jorum ernment, declared In a letter pro- fj. Oloml and . K. aradl. who left drove, Iowa. ine train leaving tli - morning for his home, ac panies to the recommendation that Salmon bank of Clifton, which failed the lines )uet In Ime to ave them- companied ny Mra WUrd. who the existing management of all the duced In court today, that he decline! Inst summer or aawaral weeks ago on bualaoaa to the J. C. Hobelmer, a well known school waa, beoause speculation, m selves, wagon and horse. It No- to exnjilne any book or Armour A waa torWMa of the meroootia, teacher, of Owessboro. Ky., la herb been here for aome time paat visiting mutual companies shall expire oa begun before Judge dray of Jas south a narrow escape - prox- Co a packers dee I red him to tha city last night, aad aad will probably remain indefinitely. her pan ma, Mr and Mra. H. M. Tur- vember 18. and that all aviating- the bad per county, tbla asoralag. The ess.' m Mrs. J. P. Palmer, wife of the North to pledge would did oare to Col. I. A. Dy W showing the gentle- ner. ies U void: also that all annual mee- that the Information presents aome rather latareatlng feai tvMla Mr. Oloml not First grocery merchant, left not lie published by Roose- Bobjaet with Tha Cltlaan man courtealea today. street The i. ular Sunday concert at Tree ting, act for an earlier date be post- Prosfdent urea. It was originally act for Hal the thla morning for Yorkvllle. 111., velt, lie waa asked by Attorney Mil- rftwrnjagtatWa this morning, often Charles Rein ken, of Helen, a'opped where Hon Par waa not as largely attended poned until after November 1. lata before Judge Denton. At the openln her mother Is not expected to live. ler on behalf of Armour Co . If be It waa neverthalaaa off In Ike elty yesterday, VB route yeatenlu afternoon as usual, owing will tie away with the Lstwson men or the trial Caaey, through hla at HWOd for news. r'H mother Is SO years of would ay he had an opportunity to laarMod that both gentlemen enjoyed home from a visit to Chicago aad ijr. Plm o the m idr weather, but tho program ace, which haa ovirhung the life In torneya offered to plead guilty to u age. Regiment band urance situation like a black cloud. decline to tnke the Information If he charge of forgery If laianilliin tmnoaaely. and Mr. Olomi Wisconsin points. Mr. Retaken la of render by the Plret waa compelled to take the pledge that his sentence W Per the Wncfii if some who do not good any have It also will give those trustee who would he more five years In nice or orders the John Becker eomaaby at Selea. was lux aa aa that the president .would not publish it. not than eaiabUah-ma- at why they are required to i j&um wlSmwJd Usuv. R. - Baca waa In the city last understand gone be ,r. The concerts are prov are anxious to retire a chance to not the penitentiary. If tbla clemency pay a second ioli tax this year, it w Robertson replied thst he would of laohaahl A Qloml. itiariit from the Capital City for a abort 1b of mudh Interest to lovers of braes withdraw. say that lie ever bad the opportunity should be granted, Casey offered to stated that the noil tax paid somd surrender TS,0O8 which fee M member Both geatlomaw time. Mr. Baca continued on to So- band muig. and then attorney brought on tbe I! disappeared weeks ago was for the year 101, t the year Mafcmj that Um oawrtry corro county last night, where he goes Frank Pmtwr. who was located at DEBATE letter Robertson declared that the la the laat before the baak failed while ihiII tax now being collected m-dI- ley unrmmaa. and ln cnta a. combined bualntes and Bieaaare the Gallup a abort time ago, in the BETWEEN BIS OOLLBSBB. to entirely Attorney Oeneml Had and the pron wni'lng "0 year IMMl who letter referred another ftr In good condition. I rip. la for the Those of the Pe road, la now . Pa.. Marah I The matter. eeutlng attorney of Henry county con and ahota aro pay thla poll tax on or before flaau A. WWmHWMH, proprietor of the Mra. Mat Qreen this morning on fall to at Kansas 0Ky. and haa accented the throe cornered debate between n sen led to a plea, on those terra, but J. left of coming spring mu- of Ualverstty of Hule dry goode atore, the California limited for boa An- the date the position ..r ajjtlor and manager or tne rasentattves tba ASSOCIATION FUNDS WILL Judge Denton refused to accept It. mUoa ton will dlsquallded l on tbo limited this morning geles, to vlatt relatlvea a fow moatha. nicipal elc be Labor Mr. roaier km nm Pennsylvania, Cornell and Columbia REMAIN IN TREASURY. aad said the sentence should not , buying triw to Now I from voting anaalderMiUa acnerienee aa a news' will tahe place here this ersnlng nnd leas than twelve years. Thereupon a goods Mra. flreon waa torn In Lea Angeles to New York. March S. V. White, ArlL fhlle la tba Wg WWol'. and baa a htra number of relatlvea Willie riding his wheel home paper writer, aad He win mane noou It Is expected that there will be n representing the Prison Ship Martyrs Casey's attorney filed nn affldsvlt si Ur. WetamaHa waw Dave Watller aad living there. supper about 0 30 o'clock laat crea la bis iHtasnl noattiou. large attendance of atuduntg aad Monument association this city, haa HWlng that Judge Denton waa dl I- of Ijmu itattamt.' aad tUar expect to Joae waa lone oeeupaat ms. J. - Caldwell was precipitated Wtn. lMMt, fwoprletor or the alumni of the three universities pros been quallflMl from presiding over tbe trial Lneero the of Sec tan anxious to have traaafertvd to mdwpk fiw urono tomorrow. Sol or the chy .irlaon last evening. He to the ground, m the corner Uurers' I'naM store, on Mouth seeoud ent nt the event The question to the Naaaau Nctloaal bank ot Brook- on the ground thai he waa prejudiced Who avenue, ae a Mere "Resolved, U'aHUr another AlbueUeiUMeaH. waa arrested, rharaed with In toxica ond street aad Railroad street, wag as and around tbe be debated i: That Amer lyn. 115.000 witlek la hold to th credit Te judge authorised them to select ax-ita- ta catching In aerionaly to Mow York to buy gooda. don. Thla moraing he waa found reattlt of hla treuaers the this moHilwj. He haa been ican cities should seek the sotuttoa of the secretary of war la the sub-treasu- another pidge to try tbe cue ami the to raaoh homo tha early part guilty aerve Ave chain of the wheel. A lHta in his in the pa t week witu pueumoHw. an of the streei railway problem through cRy, being part attorneys selected fudge Oray of Jas- - and aoateaced to ill- - of this a of .si nast viaak. Mr. Walnmona pnr- day or any fine of arm was fractured, the left arm be la ln" rosoverlng from that private ownership and operation the total of fleO.uOO the raetlon per county. The same proposition of tduuimA a li. badly m wnn and woat extensive Btoek of Mlaa 9avkMte O'ttrton, of 0"Brian sprained aad one of the legs i. BUe Btatee tnat. nia Pennaylvania'a normative speakers appropriated by the state of Now a com promise will he submitted to HHrittK and nunmor gooda, and. ex- - Slatora, the Went Railroad avenue wrenched. He walked to a surgeon s preeeoi iilaMS. he naa nan roar ni win meet the Cornell men nore to York for tbo erection of a monument Judge Oray and hut decision in the WOtMHK BIB own wen raowH m -- milliners, haa returned from ax. oaaea and had the wounda ilreased tacks oi noettmottbt. night, while the nemtlve rantsssnU-Uve- lo the memory of those who died In matter la awaited with considerable 11. . Haeompanied Mrs. nwts, I naati Judgmeat. wilt ma make hla UonIb. whore ah boom several Colonel J. A. Wood, manager of the 8in of the University of Penney prbwn sblpa In New York harbor dur- Interest. It la hinted that tbe state HPftHg waaoaaoamaat to the ladla montha vmltlnc relatlvea and Miring (Mid Bullion Mining company. In the Mra. N u Ofeld and Mra. James vanls will debate with Columbia ia ing the Wnr of the Revolution. Tbe I after "the men higher up" in the Th nonlng Otttaan. Qoldeu district, and Charles O. Thay Grruasfei t back to Albuquerque from New York failure. thit and studying anting and summer mil gen object of tbe move was to derive an Poarl tktnnar, for a number of linery. er, of the same dlatrlct, are In the city Ml Paao lie other morning. The by i.jd New York, pur income the transrer of the rimd to ywra a lypeaetter nf this eUy. haa la the future, all claeaMed adver- fo ra fow daya. Colonel Wood stated tlemun bean to NAVY PEOPLE MAO a national bank, which Is a depository SIS CONTRACT FOR day. company waa Installing new chaatna t he atarine and summer stock beard from. The other tisements must be . paid for In ad that hla OVER RBOUOED PAY. or public money, secretary NAVY POWER PLANT. arlnelpal It good for We ury uoous Tan Wltta walking along the vance, thla rule being adopted beeauee machinery lu the mines as faat aa of rnoenix March . The however, Brooklyn. N. Y , 9. A con oa being lu formed of tne Waeulogtou. U. C. decided that this transfer March Hiraat of Williams. ArU., trip the amouat is usually too email to be arrived, and that when all had arrived store sill navy department haa begun to hear could not take plsro under the laws tract for $ISO,000 will shortly be of i. father. Mr Bohuts, wal aad fall through a window ol carried oa the hooka. However, thla and bad been put In place, the Oolden death Is wife's from commandant of mwy yard, who The require public moneys awarded by t')e navy department for went ot. tha Rock Island to tCI Paao latter that Q Jim 'a reeUurant The Chinaman rule apollea only to those who have mines would be equipped with aa nae have Just received tbe Instruction shall remla In tbo keeping or the gov the installation of machinery for rery angry, aad had Albmontta'i no maehiaery as could be round in t where b trrived In time to attend the not larae accouai. md burial, and accomnaaled from Washington to reduce all ernment treeenry. An attempt to central power plant at the Brooklyn amated. Hear I, la retalia- Raynolda, whose brother territory. runoral I Joabua S. daughters back to their in tbe way of matntenanoo and make uch a tr wafer as desired by navy yard. Thl represents the appll tion, aaaoaaood that he would leave tiled at Canyon City, Colo., on The J. W Steere Organ company, the ber. .ad n fhurs bomea in olty. to discharge many of tbe employes the Prison Ship Martyrs Monument cation of the principle ot cohosh Williams, and he promptly compiled day. through city of Sprtttgaeld, Mass.. baa been let the this t nasaed the thla or rrea to bring the cost of operation and association Would lead to an action ration ot power at any yards snd with his premier, and la now oa hla nomine-- route north. Mr. Ray contract for the new t.000 pipe organ The innerai and btirtui en Raynoid the banker or ennon Chy. uiotectloa of property wit hla the lim Mgainst the disbursing officer and ths naval stations, in accordance with tic way to aootaoro California Tha k mid waa In tH Paao when Informed for the Presbyterian church, the same it by on u recoMunendathma to navy Colo.. t : in city, yeeter- ml amour required the refusal bsnk receiving such fund made tbo ! wish htm In the land ( bur-tyin- being n dona'lon by Joshua 8. Ray plve that oal sucieas his brothers death, aad is now noon. was of congreaa to provide the urgent de ground of embertlemeul depart meat by a number of experts or Bow i fleae nolds It Is to completed by June day aft' The deceased ts and to attrnd the funeral. be r ftcivncy appropriation for tbe remain aome month ago- - The work will be 16, Im twenty-thre- wide, brother Joabua S and Jefferson John A. Orndorff, oit of Albert (i. I. Hovt ). deputy sheriff of San- will reel der or (be Oscal year. In Chicago. done under the direction of tke bureau pol-tleh- Raynolilx wall knowu New Mexlto Swedes Celebrate OrHdorff, a prominent r;'.lblloan waa In city y eater twenty feet high, made or quarter Tn doval lounty. the bankers mid tbey were In attendance Hear Admiral Coghlan, Chicago. III., March Aa for of yards aad dock, under which of Illinois, haa Jam returned oak, aad operated by a water motor. : .lav from Bernalillo. He slates that on the funeral and burial. The de- tif the MriNiklyn navy yard. "Tbe mer years the Swedish residents of breach of tke department also the frasn Ml Paso, from which liy he t lra-- r who There will be six slops on the great el ii. .f be forger ceased M years old and left u cffeci of the reduction or fund seri Chicago will celebrate Brlcaon day by central power plants at each yard will mining property of Hie Ima organ, on a well, on d. 'Maitad tba made hla escape from the oglrlal ton the two tbo mourn ously cripple the service; the balance a big meeting tonight. In the after be ope-ate- The specifications pre ttla Copper company, at pedal, eight wife ana ttve children to nis Mexican tile some day ago. by digging through with couplers There carry city I ror the machinery for the power Orn-fatb- er death H. waa president or he Colo is iusumcicnt to on maintenance noon the Swedish societies of tbe tared do Tulla. Mexico. Mr. Hi,-- walls, been will be a total or plpee The new has obtain. rado Mn i era' Association, and hla work In an efficient manner." marched to Humboldt park, where plant at the Brooklyn navy yard In Is of - agt-u- i president the II A Slevnter, tl-- insurance IJo.uio Presbyterian church will be A reported monument alx water B fortune put a nearly Mltnllar condiOon are they decorated the Brlcson clude tub agfmmny, tb financial beadquar-taS- 1. and i a telegram yeaterday from dedicated May Presby-taria- a every placed at the base of tbe boiler and appurteraaees, smoke- enmpany Bprlna-M4- . .'nived abort tiiim g)0 lie gave the from other yard and stations and wreath Of tba are at Mu. Hleyttir, wmi. with her dauichter waa two feed n d iioawimitl'i, or which he where From Pent .tenia it Is stated tatuc Thl evening there will be stack and Hue, water set, til. Mr. Orndorff xpaeta to with Monday. March 12. has been vlHitlng three montha a memtH . fBfVMO towards a new that the money at the disposal of the maa meeting with peche. music three condenser unite, water ana in a few days, where frit-n- Is to Mso and rflatlven In Florida, aay Thomas Kltislmmonn, of Raton aBON Olty aumc ror opera It Is expected sev steam piping, all accessary equip- ho hopea to moat hla wife, who haa churr at yard will not tne snd singing. that and kht- would leave laat In the city transacting buslneas. . engi- a lux that there nr " tion the electric plant alone for six eral hundred delegate or awediso so ment The estimate of the civil bora aojovnUaf eouthern Oallfor-Mi- returned sif ttbB'Tt iwki". t: night for home. The Journey from Altorne Kw. Ackerman braltli i, i QauMord. four mlgttty t.tint montha. to ay nothing ot doing other cletles In all part or the atut will at neer who haa been engaged oa tbld the paat yiar. ht-r- aiiout six days laat night from a two weeks' vinlt In ' Lovoll, of "orida cinsiiineit et " city, have returned after work devolving upon those in charge tend the meeting. Oovernor lienew, work places tbo cost of the project at Alfred auperlBtendeat Chicago. - It Is here t that Uov w. t h e along rivet and Ander- llfi.(K)ii. u Is possible the low , motive power oa the Mania ar- rumored .y k bunt tha of protecting public property, in ad Prank 0. Lowden and Ouatav i thst T. ernor Hageimau has usked for thi The Oood Oovernmenl league will in vMalty of SnMnal and n or Medical college will bid will oven lower than the rived from i ho aaat laat ntarat, and wmti Uw dltloa. it la reported, that the atatkm Rush he est he resignation Hun Rugeulo Romuro, thla evening In Red Men's hail i had a or la apondlng the day at the local shops of mt li Ji. tmar rt aort haviax Is left without tbe means of protsc the principal speaker the evening. ameant. The bids will be opened lu of Vegao. the territorial oal oil at 7:80 o clock sliarp. i bagged many weh-- Bevvy with g. u Bona, aapartatendent of I.aa hue im ami l tioa against an outbreak of yeltow the department, la Washington, Inapeotor. It 4 mat Chailee NeuaUuK was lu the city I maohlBtry on the VMM Pe roast also announced rootod l. TW brought back fever In tbe snrtnr nnd summer, and IMPORTANT CONVENTION on March SI. aoveruur will the roe Irom Oranta yeaterday, the guest of i Una, and Maater MacbaHfo Hloks, of the ask for i Item 'u a number nad i.erialn this l a feature which has more than OF CHRISTIAN WORKERS. oHt rials it. He west today. a shopa. Mr. Novell's head- - lunation of other territorial trie ad returned frit nds i ot tornottan. merely local effect. There Is ho way Purkerebum. W. March KILLINS OF SBRSEANT Urn local who held fat ofllros the Otero B. Ruppe left yeaterday V.. are at Topeka Mo la here under for J. T siivg, the aunerlnlendent of out of the difficulty. Ooaareae haa More than Sou delegate from all parts JOHN MeJENKINS. admialetratloa. Pe. where he goea to attend the meet aehoola .r Sshhovr) county, ann oeo-n-tr adjoining Word been llol A rrtere purpose of Inapoetmg the morning, made no prorlsioa for moot! a; th ot the state aad states are ha received at An of fire, this Ing sof territorial of pbar ot Trl-Stai- o l of loeel ahops. alarm the board collector and treasurer said deficiency, and there Is nothing to do assembled here to attend the brook. Ails., of the killing of Sergeant condition the shortly S o'clock, t maey. Sid to dmeusa the Umus ayatatn of after called count v was in the ultr ttita morning, but cnt dowa the expenses and make convention of the Young Men Chri Jokn McJenkln nt Port Apache last department to the rear of Cowroy's Oovernor llaarman. who has gone from HeinaMBo, and brought along Sunday svsning, nnd for mechanics, which la being ave tbe available funds go as far aa tkey tien aaaoclatioa. which will open bore sac's the Argu. oa the ttojita ameer, at the coraer of Coal to Roewsll on imataoaa. will return to with him ttosmtteravjlw money for de mar. Whatever cost may result from this afternoon. The seesios will onen after shoot lag McJenklns the nssa sVaamysl r at root. A rub- - city by tele- - nue and Arno pile of tbe territorial t aplui loasorrow after posit fron ileOMoee and tAxee paid in economy will be prayer service, which will he slu, Sergeaat Louts Lodes, remarked' reached the tomk baeoase tbl form of kave to with a morning announcing the lad limited aad dorel noon. f that cuaiT. Mr Sllvu sutss that followed by meeting for orauatsa "You brought It oa yourself, Mac," and tkit oped Into a large ateod blase, wbiob Attorney burne later. a of P. A- - Reynolds, which or Assistant United State ail aeequiaa of tno aemawio nrawmoi tion. In tbe evening there will be a then turned tbe gua oa himself aad waa eanae of the alarm. The -- Canyon City, f'olo laat the Medlar eturned yesterday from Santa are oeing uissgsw. pispurewry w BOX supper the defogatw put a bullet through his own head al hlaae waa aulaklr extinguished tsa irrMWtto FELL PROM OARS roseptlon and far jbfcjBt. aa of au fc where he had Men attending to wuiae imrnosss as- Mejenklus was killed. tbo result acute news eotumua of the r. AND BROKE AN ARM and members of tbe lrkeratmrf. Instantly Ioden of paianmnla The detwaaed The territorial legal mailers. Mrs. Jesaa MRvar. grane matron i on evening there la still alive, but haa regained con I Veaaa of March was ex Last Saturday, while playing sociation. Tomorrow a lirothor of Joshua s. aad Jet- - Ootlr I. Q. 0 Rlytko, awltehmnu ta tbe be Maatera amir of MOW tHOXieo. ion song followed by a seMucneas once, for only fow mo eepttoaaJly good. More than three quar-- yarua. raao, in sows box cars Hear th tee boo, will be a service, Rajraolda. the well known Paao A Stoma woatertt m lata morning bar annual trto of fell hi right meeting. In which A. M. Lathrop, meats, since he committed the deed. ters of the anace waa tMon aa wun fireight Saturday or W Rafam and Bsrl Pohwn and broke Hkera of Arbaaiioraae aad Ua was run uer W cars aurtuoa tines at arm wrioL says the chairman of the Interstate executive At the time of tne klUteK, thee were - latereailac articles aeisaerad from the MBBS. veguH ilhlTou akanter Is tha last above the Van nd an unofo of Attoraey ller- moraiaa. ag Um William News. He say that he baa commMtee. Washington. D. will no words Banned bet ween the two lar-rota- ry oolumna Bvealag citiaen, ant of Una of C Tmrt Rayaolda uT thai olty. and of The ComMiM James Smith returned laraeet fourteen chanters amy give a work of the paat but la th aaat they bad bad the uswily newe editor this tasuednc from a visit to hla the territory. T&e Silver ORy obanter learned a laaaou and wilt not review of the J. W. Rayaolda of Santa Pa. tkere aaula, annuui as year. Bishop John II Vlnoant will tnmbio and MeJenktM iNiea, hla Um had of the Optic aealected to credit Uw brother, M Pamtdtna. Cat. Mr. Smith m second la gmS ami AibMuotviue hi tub aiu wag roe! Uke brothora. demoted tmw wnrnmsT to the here who daily board dsllvsr an eddroes. The convent ton and It seems, iwtgg string; Mst aforesaid clippings to this paawr. waa nbasgt from olty a week third. Mr ttnsi r stales that a a followed baahluc dartatf the greater the trains ride. It will will close on Sunday evening w.ttk a lb worst of cvetwtkjjtg, A Mrtft writ-te- Ma gt Oomael W. J Murray, the well A. Maiam ft Co, are giving away wntor is da Im aatahttahsd at tke uasaHar aud fMirt of lite time, ad bit doaui a urn only be a queetmn of time until some farewell service and a final address in a book found a IuM'lJrdy, waa Mraaldeat of the TYaaioat Coun- - kaoWo mlaiag maa. retnmed to the six gross aetored kHea, and Is k wui inarosss on my way MR my ert-on- es severely Injured or by Rev A T. Plerson of Brook road. "I km to or canyon city, joaaaa ltr veaterdav frotn a few days' visit tew days the raauK wtU be lu number or eirlpln Ut the lerrllory to of them are the Mur-- killed. im. aTneSBwjBaBBmj who was in mwqaarane to the Orograrie camp. Ookinoi la red an asks all over tkv city. niisxm OOOOOOOCXXXXOOOOOOCOCOOOf will make you remembered "erer ra.t 4 there la a growing seMlMeet la taver oaV aa deputy assessor, continued of doing this as otherwise the public his posseeakm of the oiace. MAJOR GENERAL BAD MIXUPWITH AN AMERICAN "UK? I!2:3fcNAlUK uALt wouM very likely teak th Petltie Prepared. rala your Meals, aaead year spar mueh la the Mfat of opera Saturday afternoon. District At- HENRY C. CORBIN COMPLICATIONS ARISTOCRACY time In acquiring culture, aim at be- torney H. c Abbott prepared fta ap (Written fer Tha Cltlxsn.) ing the equals of your women. Look IS THE LEADER Tbare ar four men who could teil nikmtlon for a petition for a writ of all Ra waats to know to Merle, OOCOOODOCOOOOOCCOOCOOOOOW Into the matter of chivalry: it It mora tha dommltte madamus Judgr John It. than taking oft your hat in aa etevn--; about politics l coatrtbaUoni by watch writ la to diroct teiward AN- - In Albuquerque Last Night Row Where Inno- Mvery time InflrlcKy arises from In- They are fWasnster Gen- draws to turn over the boahn. aagata Sunday the ternational marriages people are SMVnA!S He and Not Aldrich Now eral Oeorge M. Cortatroa, who man- nad pnraahernaiia of the QMC of ns aged j Olea-vltl- e En Route from Frisco to heard other why Amer- rsrTo.?g Mr. Roosevelt's campaign seueor of Santa Fa eeuaty to cent Suffered and the to Mk each gentiemea-nuntiH- m rorateanana, iot T "Tom" Taggart by ican gtrli marry foreigners By for- they have mmmoM seaee. these girts of Indiana, chairman A. Collin, the anaaiatee eigners they an net to mm tlttes: of ours, even if they do want the heat. Regarded as Ruler of the Democratic Mattoaal commit- Oeveraor Hagermaa. Jefferson Barracks Guilty Escaped. it would be laeonsteteni for ua to many tee; Congraasnma Jassbh Weeks The situation will elear aaortiy, as We are told that aavaaoed Babcoak ot slmlrman of declsr against Interactional unions, wait tag on the threaheU In1 Wiscnuehi, H Is well eauhlmhed rule m this souls are of Senate. Congrdnnmnsi sm-pal- ga a a nation w am their fruit. They the HetmMleaa territory that th eemmlsslcn of th TELLS OP RECENT MORO UPRIMNG JUDOS POUND HARD NUT TO life for the proper tnearaattoaa. eg --Congressman CRACK Tho American u a greet crttlc. In cemmrttse, aad govavaor is prima-mal- e evldeaee that have been ao wis la th aaet that it "Billy" Kaaess Ctty, that be makes It his business to possible for them to eeeeat the , , Cowherd at the bolder thereof at entniea to taa la not ,, ,n.l.miMiniF who waa chairman of the Democratic noaseealon of the easee to which ba criticise every thing under the aim. average narewU: see to It. ah. my LU 1KIDU Msaaay. Merah IS. MIIbIi Ms Ha you many reasons why I'ULIIIUL Congressional Cam pake committee) has been appointed. will give MetHrea, mat tneee great soma nan; two years sgo. MAjer Oeaersl Hoary C rat row took amaa ysagjiiur our girls ibould b satlsftcd with til a habitat. V. s. A., steam panled by hla wit, her la tha rear of Orahom jpjgg man of their own "I.and of the Free:" Lm nVaaaBaValaJhal THE OBSERVER rere-tery- . eWwwSejPfeemamAkaauftamn fSJ I I B1II CL0E maid nad the aaajo general's m. a native. Imibb tin la perfectly satisfied that ha la a Soon be Main Question Ml) Braala House ilimBcrau arc entertug with MAKES PERI INENr REMARKS was ta AibnquirqB far fc aaart by name, was an innocent psrtkskwilt gruoter" wan in arary sea of the not object to, far It will be open to hopeful bsarta upon the rampalga time Iset night, aa rent from San la the aatray aad ha was tha tirjseT word raan foreigner. And h I r.C'iriimii Both Houses isr the Before oil. it will need ao Mag to sealer for the eleoUan of tha Sixtieth con- RBSARDINS Francisco to St. Loubt, where ha will eeversl "buaches of tves" haajsM Bui apt to proudly add, that "he knows lig titles. Let us eaaet or mirsetres gress. Jnogr artgga THE SO0IAL EVI-L- a coiaiaaad. Major Oeaeml by only AsAgaJs The selection f WANTS TO KNOW WHAT BE- bar iw heaven knows waa; how to treat women." every quality that any lard, dukw or of Congress. ot Qeorgu ns ehalnaan et .be cam- Corbia has just returned from the Armijo. who knew seta tag ahaat itNt la deaJ Mid la CAME OF THE CITY ORDINANCE. Tbare a araai to la priae coura pesamy uet. us paign commit te is .gaetarniiy pleas-- Phlllppiwu. where h was m eeav aeraa, wan be-ta- g there, Hr. arraatod nad nscuaed of furor of the American man. hat adopt for oar mattaea, "ifeMaase lag to lb democrat, eaaecisily ta "I'd to know. ' Close maM tor more than a year. He ea who took a paarh AntJsm things to MM about even Ilka said the ' at are a few be oblkes." And then our priaianw will MUCH OTHER TALK IN CAPITAL la t raeiaej wflwt at the party. Observer, aa he cocked hie feet upon rived in AJaaquerque o ffo, I ;, .( aad did not mlae tha mark; 0. R. Kel- titles." - not go abread tor husbands they will re said wiTHem n. Hearst the table, nad Mew th,- swobs from a a im mat we lere kmg enough to ler, a brakeraaa oa la Saata. Fa, wan A or dnfee, or a prince, la the a) Wtl. a en'ev4u ae meJ aOCsaP m tha event of the clear Havana, cetllagwara. "what has part ah at a lunch at the Alva ease arrested toe, aad ft devsiepsd that ha earn great man cnnlr-mn- n, ;inal descendant of m. t. vrmvwu select ton of Judge aten se muss of the ordasaao wuvemlnc lane counter, nad to submit to aa laaded oa most every oa bat tha U. C-- , It that la, he rune a need eaaaoe at Hare it. the commltte aboald not lack th social evil, which ao laterriew with a representative ot pqmplalaant. aad leet but net Mast, UUea remain od for Senator Hale at Maine, of we heard a ixlnt Under svry ruler hare for needful funds to earry on the few ago 1 ob- The Bveulng Ortlaen. comsaama s, wno In reseat-me- at much a weeks have of Keney it tieen robferrad without aMMewnt ran-o- DOES NOT THINK to give vejee to the alarm aad eampalga. Mr. Hearst ht n great ad-ml- eg, for served that we still hnvt the evil with "We had intended stopping a day or leneed the kassk oat the really eld ho man of ALL HOPE IS GONE with whlea sanaraee haa of aad has ooafbiance m the us, the ea In Bt weeks viewed title ooeatry'i war ana In the same old war. so at :he Oread Oauyon," said the ma- who auesSsdsd Rurope had their serttanlHas In true nhillty nnd tognclty at tit OeorgM I yesterday," sched- noMlliy ike foaader of family Ilk aetlvity, going forward la the dl- - poiktcan. noticed oeaunuei tae jor general, "but owing to the the C. 0.. girts of demi- earn-palle- d Such waa the eomploatmt, pmnslhsic some ATTORNEY U.EWELUYN STATES roetbMi of the orwat. geaatar uaie Uriggs "that the taa ule j? trains, which would have having bean a tree hero. And. Th selectloa of Jsdew as monde ware oat In sort as-- nttlre. too naa nggrnvntiag wwiah may aay sneer, hut THAT HE THINKS THERE IS dlpiemc .oally aiaoad the blame on MM Hsr us to spend much time eoaasinM one with a chairman recalls the fate whlea adlug up aad down the main stem of light through. I Jmigu Crawford wimsaUed Hbas to off glory A NOW FAVORS th general staff of the army, hat ovartoek Ohalrmaa Oawberd two there, we came oa ocandaau have lived of thla STILL OHANOE the berg, doing ueaeatrtnn stuata. la sX. or Perhaps; but warty ot that It net the way hla colleagues years ago. Cowherd, realising that sm en route to Laaw, rather vr slue. SINGLE STATEHOOD. It. fact, aU over the town. I noticed Jegsisen amrracka, gear St. Loam, court, straighten oat eaafcaWr and t ham have den more, they bare tried feel about They are an willing he wu making a hap ileal gght to believe the general staff ta tak- against them maanmg aad coaverntag with where t wilt uhe eosnmnnd." akumas justice m be worthy of their name. That the tremendous ware f I (Saturtmy, February 10.) ing aueh an Important step without oertAla gtint inns (t) evea. aewgaaner This I hew It panned out. Aesjefc la something, yon knew. "Neb Hoosevelt popularity, but he atuck to Speaking of the recent agamia Oloemy Indeed, wns the outtoek for authority from higher up. his post here la wuabtogtou did I uaderetaad that a certain ehalr repartc at a battle between United tried to thraugh a bauty hat oblige." haa been something bealdea yesterday aftsiaoaa; mare ex and man of the Snaaea committee of the tared mag that seme aa Ar an entr'y motto. statehood The snuatloa has been an the beet he could. So close did be State, troops and a head of Moroa, In lnaad gloomy wer th faees of th support- tremely miuilng one to the oalooker. stick to his ehairmaaahln duties that city council, la holding up tha or- the rhlllppiaes. Major Oeneral Cor-- mJJa who la tarn meded usea him. fte Now what did "living Hp to the dinance you. I say. I thought aaa In soaeludtj ers ef Jotatnre who stopped to read but up to Tfeuneaaay last congress he neglected affairs In hla own dis- mind wiacrtioad lea ft pVM ' aad that It name" really meanT Of entire, there Th jrvenlng Cttlsen's posted bulieUaa had silent, teat it might touch umt such la the ease, though just why might hare been Armije ami maybe hav been unprincipled sefeaa of great ket trict, aad when th voles had been "Tb reports of aa enaaamaebt be- displayed Surtax yaMeruay afternoon, off a powder mine. This moaillaatloa It wns round repub- say one should hold np aaytMag m tame oae dee lor th bunch ef haiiehv wee r counted. that a Hand iwmass. but Into even thee there rV-n,ke- tween United States troops and r pre-ease- d which announced that the of armien without apparent cause la lican had been elected to succed him this city, where they are so liberal lea that his Ito oottMad wtth instilled the real meaning of "noweei ef Meres, near Jote, at Meant Dale, at by mefority the ueaal thlag In Nurepe, but It la a that they give things away, 1 fall sundry stars aad vfra-teeaat- " very way every amendment had earned a In the boate. la Urn people or the ether "bilge la a real of thirteen ualacky number. swat to which Amertoan eyes are not Ccagreaeman understand. should not alum which left hht meatery hi von daughter great house haa Babooek, who man American ftutherltl In the least, as and of a However, prominent jotntur-- I aooHstomed. It Is true that there "Now. we legislated In city bad Frwu owed several aged the republican Oongreaaioaal ths arising the Mora has no mors ahM. aaalhar been taujht that h and ahe eta territory, refuse to beltnve exists In China a boycott against campaign years ago. a cannon ngainst this nodal evil; we this of wltaess it appears that a native. asrrtrW. to th ancestor who of the two baa taken slgnlSeance. as far aa the Filipinos ar that yesterday'a action meant th de American goods, and there have been pag oit of Cowherd's keek, and has paesed an ordinance, and we had the Uma Arajoa, was asked to puranMB a founded the how i a for hta aah a mob on attorney aad their clvltltatkm Is bin. state Attor Moisted attaeke missionaries. will again se draw up th ordinance - bottle of whisky. The native ddeJmea . Kept, feat of the united announesd that he net , would aa uprising ot th Hv- cr am standard snoum ve etc. ney Llewellyn, who waa In Albuquer- but nothing hns transpired that In the chairmanship. La- - what I want to knots-- is what has be than aad In a wordy controversy which cant the Senator jos In Mexico to do wita It u just thla thing that haa ao often que abort last evealag. ea remotest degree approached a caueua la to lift come ef It, aad why Is It not being Kw have ensued called Kslley a nam whkeh tltlad men socoeesful In winning for time Foiiette sxecetteaiy anxious the people of the United States and mai route to hla home In Las Cruces, from belli. Yet regiment after regiment Mr. Babooeh's political scalp-loc- k. put into effect T At say rate, even If was revested nad made a mora Is i r girlli. their civilisation moat dealrahle Santa Fe. In speaking of the matter, haa been dispatched to the Philip aad Babcock baa decided that seme tte ordinance baa not been passed. throw off his root wfcea Arajoa same about heredity that great pines, "to be near China la oaa of oae who lass preeartoua hold think tb fMcm, or The Moroa are religious faaatlcs, out of a aid abed with a slab of N. many ex said: " has a whoevw has wv4 ianir that shouktera ao "The statehood light In this eon- - troubl: It la asserted tbat the gen oa bis seat oaa bsve the rbnirmaa- - In the premise, should see Ignorant ai:d uncivilised, nnd tby Is his haad headed for the Ipalde of a ! explain ao aad la supposed to greas la yet, by nay eral staff haa carefully prepared plana shlp honors. He porpoeos to stay at to It tbat those of ths under world frequently get, or are supposed to get sahma where he works. "aea tha not over not em- minjr paradox ea. means. As bill now ttanee. It for an invasion of th Celestial home, thla summer aad toll, aad cul do not parade th streets daring tha inspirations from tsar propaeis, to oomaaakm saw Aradon so armed, ha y man geta the pire, every army poet Jieredl meane that a e m hardly be passed br the house ua aad throbs aad tivate his coaatltuaata. James S. day. aa I have noticed thege sMusc Ural go oat aad kill or aa giuoa, naa tney concluded that th aatlv waa aorag mi rough parentage war. y bla hla qualities, loax caaaaa retires from the stand he palpitate with rumors of Sherman of Xcw York. J. A. T. Hurl past few says, can't your paper" don't seem to hare nay partlcnlar to "butt in" aad help am fellow cam-tr- nhysljul. good net-awa- They moral and Our Is very unlikely, What aoea' It an mean? Is the ques- of Iowa, and James A. Tawuy of The sen be made aulek y choice as to which It mar he. ma a; Arajoa had aa each Inten- given ua haa taken, which but a i'i4 8rlnc haa not yet you must remember that Oklahoma. tion statesmen have been asking Minnesota, are mentioned na possible down fa elevator abaft, aad did not heHeva tfcat It they kilt they have tions however. So he fail upon Ara-ja- na which parent Ms- - lennlt knowledge to lndma Territory are atrook favor each other. Th preaidea. Is silent; st).caor. Hull aad Tawney say catrtt the met wards of the C O. obeyed the commands of their It la claimed, deHreryiat; a few qualltlea. But If a man's and prob- uxc the bad aad that their fortunes are nan Secretary Hoot, who Senator Hale they are not ambitious, nad the bammeaan nroMWt. and are ineretorc, upperouts and right jabs. A son Iml -- u iKKottio.i a man we wont ite, Is , alter-mm- h bad are ours, In matter. A telegram said "was HoldtP down the lid." abilities therefore, are tbtt bleesed. and f they get killed, tney mlxup thea took jtlae among the rest father, wo." cd to this of KETNER MAS ITS for iseclarc. "Like like waa sent to Washington yesterday by slleut. Secretary Taft. the head will he mud chairman. bellev thnt they will be rewarded of the assemblage, Waea the smiika and If a woman upsets Ullage and he the Wfcr Department, wilt not talk: sacriHclnK their Hvea, by being It was tmnA a number of joint staiwaoodltes. when Ohls Wants Qresvener. USUAL TRAGEDY of bailie cleared that U lighter who foWews her example. news waa Santa Fe. members of the abused general staff awarded a place la wu .Moaantmeuan AraJnn was badly worstrd and akme the received at Qensral Charles H- - O.osvenor la complacently exclaim, "Mke moth- requesting the senate to admit Kaw assort that they have been ordered promised lead of future life; so you In the woods, lie notified the pallee daughter." (Strange how sel-lor- n to Mibjart. dwiHsying a great deal ot equanimity BUTOHER HELPER SHOOTS NA Inspira- er, ilk Mexico atone. We would rather have rot the see, when tney receive these and to th best of bis reeel lection w hear. "Una father, like The late Seoretary Hay placed thla over hla defeat for renemlnatton In TIVE LUMBER JACK IN HAND tion!, thuy are akeolutely lndltfr.eflt Joint statehood, but anything Is pref- dm- - what hitl happvUMi. daughter "i nation before the world aa China's the Nfeventh Ohm CoMgreaslonal IN JONES' 8AL00N. ns to whether they kill or get Riiiea. up erable to tim present stata of nftalrs. met. vntm word reasaed Wash Judge Crawford summeu by dls Hut we meat acknowledge that re- chief chamtHoH and friend. He These Mom tribes are confined to Armljo. He Keiiey 10 "If Speaker Cannon will not pouglss, Ores-venor- 's The togging oamp charging fined f heredity la not a hard ami hut rule: gained for hkt government the ad- ington thnt tb Albert of Ketner has the arahipetnae f SaiH, and th Mo trench, and the conference committee long lime rival, nnd triumph- oome forwnni again with lu usual not for hitting Arakm but boasuso them are, vry odious parents who au agreement, as they miration of tha world, and there were roa aad Sum tribe often war among pMudod guilty to striklag serau exemplary offsprings. taila to reach fervid expression of Chiaeae grati- ed In the Ijineuetcr convention, periodical tragedy. A couple of weeks They are outlaws, to a Klly iave nrobnblv will. It simply means no of wan be ago n man by name Sloe urn beatseive. one else. He regretted very Much the Anil o we of another big word tude. Mot lb are to be friends th veteran slate the of eat, standpoint talk for us, Ariaona or Okla thai letter gan lucrative waa a six- - certain est from the absence of Kefley'i compaamn In environment. Thla helpa a little statehood takaai aerioualy. It alwava liaa bean to boom him for saute ibeuten to death with Filipino Km in ths oonuulnr serrMe. Tb gen shooter by a native bartender. Tab) of both American and drill court and expressed sorrow tor Arajon iu i not aueh a big help after ail. a part of the "white man's burden." sat loa. glare th American Invasion Inopportune arrival at tha saat orientals, whom helped eraJ wntched thslr efforts w.ih In time a ttatlv by the bame of Chaves, nad his for we flnd many enaea where the hat the he put a a jack In of the Islands, however, these different of hostllitlea. court thea aaJuOtneH. STXAffGFR CIIALLINGEI) befrleudeC have baled nnd de- terest for a few days, and then lumber the employ of the among wry heredity combined with the 0 aad stop to the proceedings by declaring Amerlcaa Lamber company, was shot trib have ceased warring The "lid." rrom all Imthmtlca, waa mom perfect swt- - spised him. No one is willing to be- prophets it environment rail FOR A MATCH RACE Umt he would not accept a conanlar in the band by m. n Oeorge. who wns themselves, and their have not oa very light yesterday. . we may on that lieve that this country contemplates mil! Then fall back appointment, even should ono b of- - working for the butcher supp'ylng devoted their time to 'Inspiring' lhem id word. orlKlnal m a war of aggreeeloa against the yel- troops, bat fashioned BARNETT A reran mm. meat for the lumber camps. to war oa the Amerlcaa while JOSEPH RECEIVES low hordes of Chins, if traditions - BACK FROM TRIP TO word we never really believe in WAHLQREN, AT During the past week Oeaersi Oros- - Aeeordlaa- to Dsnutr Sheriff Jose their attacks aad efforta la this line babies" one MESSAOE PROM were observed, America would be tha .re imklas: Into la ANSWERS AT veaor haa received two tetters from Padllla. who waa la the city Is are spasmodic nad there never has NEW CITY Kvry thoughtful aoul haa a taeale DENVER, AND of the aatioaa of the world to been any general movement oa the YORK ONOE. undertake a punitive campaign It Ohio, asking him to become a oandl night, with fJeorg. a rout to Los h i ties creatures, heredity aad Lunaa, part of these tribes to attack the would be ridiculous to suppose thst date for congress In two districts to place th prisoner In th . i:rronnient. at earn Urn In Ita life, Joseph Burnett. Albuquerque. S. M. ott?er thau bla own. This waa a com Valencia county tall, the shooting American troops, or Sght Amerlcaa AND AFTER THAT MR. AND MRS. -- China meant to sttsck the United ri i mo inherent demand for fnir Would you match Stranger O plimentary proposition. very, but took plaoe on Saturday night. In the authority on the lalsnds. It Is only BROOKS VISITED OHICABO AND . States. If China has ao grievously i i .11 yir being and - rovers among against Castlewood aad Froroaora. tot offeaed ua tbat the nation's honor Oeneral Orosvenor recognlssd Its lm- anioon or onaries joaes. rue men the restless element nad KENOSHA, Wig. Mill not be surprised If It were In on-- Uad pwrtaa to time make a fcoa a corner, during Overland race? cried mil for wnr, the public does not praetlcablllt. la replying to ' of been drinklax and wore them that from time .uiimH'K, too. the letters, said: cards, cmavss bad knocked sot aortic agalnat the Amerlcaa troops, (Signed) O. A. WAHwaan. know It, nor does congress. he Mr. Mrs. fJeorge L. Brooks, itHwe of us who predicate that a "There Is no law Ohio nor In chips on floor, nad ns he reached nnd invariably with great loss of life nad lu the east oa business nad pina aoul Is created lor every Infant telegram was received by There Is ua solution to the riddle nny of the states, so far as I know, to get them. Oeoraa let go ni sis- - to themselves. vlalted the - The above accompanied by a mlaing en- - ' at opens Its eye a to life, mnst oooa- pacer, In Washington until those highly thnt Suae eligibility of a candidate snooter. waener intentional or not. beyond ure. Joseph Burnett, owner of the planed a public In. the "They are clvlllsetma. la gineer, B. A Btats, have returaetl te or la er challenge Ood beeaitae of - rremi-ra- St to admit the tor congress to a in dls the bullet struck Chavea la the hand proper wsy Stranger o. today, mm a- a. residence the my opinion, nad tb only city, Mr. Brooke aaa near i heredity aad environ-i- to their coattaeaee. Th cracker. runs, It Is a but the wound was not oonsldered the aad ,iea,. reatures. secretary of tha Oreriaad race trict In wbleu he nnd to deal with them la to do aa t he today wading through aa eewgMf. nt aotu of ua may be shocked at was bos philosopher at 'the cross roads very common thing In sum of tb serious enough that the wounded man according self cos me association at Deaver, aad na It aa Amerlcen troope have doae. of mall matter which raaimml ' no very or cbaJteNgieg Ood, but store knows moeh about does states, notably hfew York, tor con- - should b brought here for a surgical ; latloa Idea promptly replied to by Mr. Harnett, rep- - to th recent reports from Manila oSwe JDvery Urn we ae-l;- the moat Influential senator or greaamen otvs rat loa. his during hie sheeaoe. ... (o It anyway. aa follows: to be elected from districts wlp 'em out of exist ear when they In Maw lnju".toe reaewtatlve. unless It be some taver In. on to The party snjeyed s weak Ood with tha loaat they do not reside but It has radllla cnatlaued Los Loans go after them." Messrs. Brctdm ami ed oaea who are pledged to keep the 1 know, In night, with prisoner, York city, where .11' ,re rhslli aging Illm O. A. Wahlgren, Denver, uato. never, so far aa lieeti done last his where Speaking of the rumors of war with some new soul admlnlst ration a secrets. Ohio, ought to be will shooting oaa Btats nttoaoed to imporvutu, .id indeed. If there la a Will match Stmager o against nnd manifestly, not be be held until the China, and tre "yellow peril." Major latag matters. They report ta the poor slum Venator Hale la on of the men turns, iiewaver enema: and able oe inreetignied by the grand, jnry. fiexte.) for each ot horses fer two racer ISM a corner. who United Stales senate. Oeneral Oorbtn aald thnt he waa of weather coaditioae, back east, Una, .iM?. ought to ba ohallenged. run rait the rTKHi nwr be. It at a reflection upon ii winner to Uhe nil. one rac to be Indeed, there are those who think oengreas the optaiea that the reported troubles ad buetaces booming la all Unas at t;very parem has felt retwweu at the Albuquerque and one during over the dletriat to elect him to PRESIDENT OF THE la Okina had beoa greatly magnlSod radrnvy. about the la that he and not Alarleh. la the ac outcMe of the coHllnes of hie own letter of tha old Meeala law load raoss. wire me aeeetMNeo or tus sennte leader; He does not am; thnt there was not the slight' "YWiile (a th enst." stntea Mr. in of tne father being vlalted on the these terms. recklessly district" CALEDONIAN COAL CO. danger of America going io wnr with Brooks, "l did kear msgeJliiBil. very emotion of refusal of sneak llahtlr nor aeenae ret .htidren. and this 1 Signed) JOSHtMl HARNHTT. It Is not unreasonable to believe that that country. say where, anything about stasahiiOil. lUinn was a challenge. Unnecessary Exasnsts, hla speech on Wednesday outgrew govern SAYS HE KNOWS NOTHINS OF A ami we are eoevbaced that the yseplw I know of but one thing that can willing match wtrau In the Uttnanetion of the ANOTHER SHIP GOES east ao care vary "I'm dead to from n serious conference of ,..e re day by COMPROMISE ADMITS THAT ta (he effete aai eeonrlte Ood and man, and that It as- - cer- meat's buslnass not a goes ASHORE IN NORTHWEST. as mueh, as w tie, o aaalnet either of tha above men' publican senate leaders. It is not unnecessary DEFENDANTS CAN C0MPR0 mm. not near ih.. doctrine of the l'erfnet Law. horses," said Mr. "but ot 'hat does witness the MISE IF THEY WI8H, AND San Fraacisco. Cal.. March If. Ad naemt statehood tor sHaer New Mk-- Kettt' ttoned llarnt. tain taut he voiced the satimeat and unwarranted gnendtture of thou THE UUh haa for lu two faetora. i want AlbtMHeraue to set something an overwhelmlna majority of the sea- - - TERMS ARE SUITABLE TO BOTH vice to the Mercimats' Mhchnngo lea or Arlsoaa its the pom isiaaa ( sands of dollars, m a great many ot ed aad Karma Cause and out of it. whether I win or rase, so i ate, without regard to the political di- SIDES. says that th steamer treasport those natoorats la the senate thnt Its departments, tha government Is raa-Idl- y iritect la tha meaning of Kama). The Wahhjren If he oouid ar-raa- viding line ashore near Port Angela, will care, aad they are afraid of the par- wired thtt recklessly axtravagaut, white in other t noiHImiily .lurlaratlon that wji are our own races, one her and one t On subject congress Is stirred Alexander Bowie, president of probably b. a total wreck. The crew agaraachlag power. two this things, especially minor things, par' in ents, and maka owr own heredity and MOO a corner on each racw. nreached Caledonian Coal eompnay. was the wer eaved. sad otherwise, of tbe weet." - Deaver, to a death that haa not bee simony some appears to i environment, changeu H our ehal- get my times city muuraay n:rnt, ror a snort nam, Oa leaving New York Oily, Mr JMM winner take si!, he could In years. Ita silence during recent mania with audltlag ontnala. A man Onllap oeattS. con-g.ea- a returning to tbe same night COMPROmTsE Mrs. Brook Mr tuts, rbated lenaea into same." weeks has been ominous. Whet, by Oeorge W. I EFFECTS and Urn many things that a ren-- the name of acutt. While hare Mr. Bowie stated tbat as Chicago, rewatalag tbev a few day, Among Stranger O has a track record of raves and ngltatea the atmo- lust bad an oxportoac thla hind ugnliloa of tn truw ot reinoanMuon Florndora, who haa been seen sphere with Its gyrations, no one t far aa ha knew there would be no set IN SUIT FOR ACRES and then they visited Kenosha, Win,, sow 1:014; He went to amrope ta the tnlerest of tlement of the famoua Caledonian re 640 which ctty geaaafaeturiag scent will do la thla: It will give the here, haa a record of white need be affrighted. Nothing serious Ubrary Oonrreas, la tb If we must stand on our MH. the ot and his bate oaae outside of the courts. of American Oyster Cufrtavr" true dignity. caatmwood. the other horse mention la the matter. It la when congress Mil of ex pens was paid w.thout OF LAND IN TEXAS MAKES A eg. the feet, If we have ever stood on In even "Howvr." continued Mr Bowie, company, of which Mr. Brtmke Is Urn own ed. Is somewhat of a dark horse, hat diseases vital things an murmur all but on item. That Item way MILE TRIP OVERLAND. Mir own feet, then is man a uod m Is lug beneath "we have ho of knowing what the prsmasat, aad lewb C. Brooks, dm la thn vesr brok Is given k track voice that there feel was for, inade.i in the pur other aide Intends doing it may be manager i. maklnn. But Heredity and Unvl 3:0DU Judging from this the surface. When Senator Haw nailing aad Seward B Harsoh. of tbe Harsrh general an eslaea "They ro;rd of chase in Paris of enm cards. tnst tsey win compromise ta cas. X. W. Haddea, ahm wtereeted hi ronment. you will cry out: duiie." it would look na though Stran maae hla seasatloaal speech en Wed- Item waa up y comp Bottling warns, has returned from growth!" If This held th As was stated in these columns. mines, whs la New York on Hudaoas. uro but ngeata for our grr O had a shade or two the best of nesday he was outwardly uaperturhed troller of the treasury n the ground Togas, where he went to arrange a 1 Saturday, it wns rumored tbst the be hi eapeetad to return umi live wisely today we will 1 may na a morning In Mny. His Involving 4u aad ta aad l.ut the "dark horse" do as aad calm that calling cards wer not a legal t by settlement of a cult jiut naturally gravitate to a good voice wns not raised above conver- cas would never decided the acres of lead, which Mr. Harsch and la s short time. manv "dark horses" have doae necessity. courts, but that a c.iu promise would with trtP, Heredity and environment In our neat fore, come from behind aad win under sation pimh. He might have bean bis father owrd On baataess ooaaested tb bin, for be effected lefji the case rsme to Mr. Stati th uKtelag saglseer. wiB life on earth. And thla good "oere wraps. discussing a private penalon trial. They had dlaposed of s section of ait) may be wisely a nil the xcitunsont be betrayed. ASSESS0RSH1P SQUABBLE issd in Tessa to a party, wno after leave taalght for However, such a race would be aa A prominent attorney, who la famil- or unwlaolv used by us after w get drawtng tor Albuquerque, and as van so powerful n personage ward lacked out of the deal, and - card IN SANTA FE COUNTY iar with the case, suil who enloy. the It w may bees wis last time - UmaiiiaraiMdi'n fSI 4J1 i a the president ot the United States . seat the derds back to Mr Harsch DR. WROTH LOST AU have CfWSjnftrrraa...... r I WWlge)W.u,u-- - , - - lawyt-n- only evolved atoag analsalslaa. smBadnsa confidence of the 'defendant In tb meantime, however, this party iiecauac we wer stated that in his opinion the esse PATtEMCe THIS MQftNfflG a certain line: certain temptations UJ Ue'dlaTm: aTendou. WRIT OF MANDAMUS PREPARED bad disposed of tbe mad to n imm ond i in net uarawi mn, l Male would be settled out of ooor may com la this new Incarnation. two a.i,f talk. arrep: thai nun of tha riiCIS ba Wsrtni-sdny- . TO EJECT THE APPOINTEE OF "The Caledonian people will w may to .L.hV! ed on the amount of money paid THINKS HOftMMlH SHOULD TIE and net know how oa? Up to n late boor. Mr. Har a eampromls. If tlio suit thvi returned - here. COMMISSIONERS. frron by tb party, ou th deal This THEIR MAM OR STOP K NOOK-IN-S bem hence we become black sheep. answer bo In l first nett had not received ait Campaign Contributions Investigated. ssld a lawyer, cla touch brought AUTOS. Rut what bearing haa all thla on the WeAlgren, rnattug tka plsintlffs. "but whether aiirh u com isecmd party afterwards suit his iclogrsm to Is House The sitsatkm la the stseasor'a office for to land, it waa to rase of lateraa'.lonal marriages? This, terms under which be would maks There a committee of th promise has beea offered th-- or not title tbe aad was spinas la of Representatives aa the last Saiurdar was At iw sotUa thla suit that Mr. Ha recti made Or. Jams H Wroth tbat what our girls are looking for the match. known I do not know, although I har, beard m SecaaHl ; pSeotloa of Presi- o'clock, Saturday forenoa. the board the trip to Tesas hla sutomobile south wsrd nobility, and this looking Is natural. Commktaa or the it rumored thai they I trended eeeklng wfmg dent, Vice nnd Members of county oommlesraevri of Sam a Ks The land involved lies s miles at reel shortly Imfor noon today instinctive, a sort of survival of the PAPER TRUST PEOPLE President s compromise." ta SM ,' In county convened. from nee: cot taa teem of barsce attacked lit test. They sr feeling about In the QUESTIONS. of Coagreri It haa a room down Chairman Arthur Neither side wss prepared to say the rallrosi station. TO ANSWER the a dingy little Seilgmaa presiding, and Commission id Mr Haraeh mad delivery anmm of Trotter A mwMnm .lark, these glorious girls of ours, to Washington. D. C, March thst Attorney Nell! U Klt-I- wa in Cli. were olmnring. Tha It.ln room, rarely veiled by any oae cl- er Jose lace Rojual of the third iu taut part of the trip by mall stage rriadteoad nad find the rlnht kind of the opinion ot Jnelos McKeaua U the New York with thla end In vlw, al roach, oa day. aad aeaacina about ta a amnaer wMam woman Ideal is ahead ot yarn, oh. States, oset the ehalrmaa'a clerk, for the triot la auendnuc. though representative of the defend la supreme court of th United commute averages meetings not BJdward Andrews, wb was appoint- a led maay bystaaasrs to beUeve that my brother! These beauteous creat oases against aata In the now famous sW , MamDT apiia-tereea- a today was decided the more than once a session. ed nsseasor by the bourd mday. to es. JJjT' T"llXu7 they would smash the rig ta whom we saortnoe so Mueh. paper trust, - urea for the wleneassa for the nil the vacancy iy a- most aay msmsnt. Tha looking qualities they fall answer ques- Yet this unimportant committee, canard taa .removal prom his would eventually be effected, sre for the holding thnt they should one ot the jokes of the house organ- of Aaaslaclo Ooasnles. presented his . peetloa of New Kentoo land for tha aorave were net hkehed aad thm to And In you. Of course they make tions propounded to them In the pro- by of the court room. nnd ha isation, la likely to he a great deal bond In the Sum of $vm. sigaad we asked wbom state of Texas aroused the doctor's wrath mistakes, when they no after till ceeding aaaluat th alleged trust A. B. Reaehaa pre- "If they give us the terms gave bis feettage In vrhemsat : nad Uo llarael. Bowl, teat to but wav down in their Innermost they brought by the overameat. The "i" r"".! . . V paratory for la the suit." said Mr MOODY KNOWS NOTHIHO Or. thought It they . mmA wwae. n ans marimaa iwa an to assuming charge of the naturally b no further words. Wroth aa ur not going after titles at all: cass oriainateu ubuui. oenoo to which he waa apaoiatsd. 'there would OF HIS OR ANY CHANBB te who nnd jest r looking for more culture, more Wisconsin. The Wlsooasiu cause for act km, but whether they In- Chicago, Attorney Oea- i lltiekl campa tana, there la no Declares Aapeintaieat Invelid. - Marsh II. aa much right oa taa streets ss aay gentlemanly were for want of Jurisdic- and tend to do thla or rot yim i- la a vwttnement. more dismissed mveatlgstton preg-ua- at District Abbotl. who was ersl Moody, when aahed today re eaataatly the eases subject ot more Attorney peal lion to know as wall as I At pres- other veatci to be batt Toey have lived before, these dear tion, while la the Minnesota with pocalbilHIea. The cum-jmltt- present, informed the ioard that ths garding the proapasta of change in ef wordy attacks by angry hersentan l dis- ent we aay efforts at I nlrle of ours. They raaihe what ths verdict of he court for the t wns know nothing of th cabinet, replied: "l am eot yet will start out with aa Inquiry sppotaimcnt rnadv by not vnlld. eomprom:e As a we con- who persisted in leaving their aaiaaeia eaildrea are la th Uvea of trict of Minnesota was aw need I po- - far are ready factor into tbe contributions mad for He nraasated tha cammigejaa of go ks leave the eabsnet nad waea aahttcaad. A large alsed crowd gaV women, because they have neraaas cerned w sre ready and will to I am. t aaaaanee it. ! do net lltlcal purposeg'by tbe big Insuynnce Oleavltle A. CWttas, who waa trial." wl ered araaad to Ibttea to the contro- a mothers before, nave you ever PATRICK BETS LONBER compaalea. Insurance omclala will by Oeveraor Hsgermsn to ba haow aaytaktg about aay chansos ta versy, aasaag them beksg aa ogksar the way llttw girls aarse LEASE ON HIS LIFE, right knew wondered at be called as wltossse , as will also assessor at Baajia Fe rouaty, ana also OiTOR CFOVrilTtOPICA I'm cahiast aad have no to who suceseded In quhatng the brtar-- their doll lea T Albany, N. Y Marsh IS. Governor Chairman Armstrong nnd Inquisitor g receipt from s ammrlty oaaipgaj for INDiCTBO POM PERJURY. aaythtag.' acted parties snd peace ngaia Il'a no aucb tbiag. you mag aeemre Higgles toany lasoed a further re- - Hughes of the New York legislature! A hood tar Mr CHln Th IntUr's Wm. D Mew York. March !. Col. The Baton Beeorter says: TaeSI. it is Just their sHbr vanity! Welt. prteve until May 1SU. la tbv ens, o. invemlgattng committee oatk of oakes wse aim iretcd by Mean, editor of Town Ponies, todsy at-te- at Rocky FactSc aosnetbiM Uhe vftftitr has ntayed an Albert T. Patrick, whose seatuace to Mor wtA the ooauaitte be coataat District AUomcr Abbo t, aad ths was Indicted for porjurr by the grand lula, Mouauls aad SUPREMACY OF STATE Important mm m the eroieUon of all death for the alleged murder of Wm. yth na Inquiry Into the contributions ma of the board was sailed to is mad kss cfmuaeaeed t ley tracks COURTS Ml UfHiELB. jury tm tadietsMat ksasd oa his ex- may M an from Prmtoa be Otmarraa. Taoy lt.-f- of us. an to date! You salt Marsh Bice, the governor has already by laearaae oompaales it propose tb fact that the receipt tar the bond 'stmmay la the recent trial of Mar-m- Waahtagsoa. D. C, Marati m h. pect ta vanity, bat It Is just that the girts are delsyed frwn Jagiury ltd to March ta take up the whole question of po-ltt- from the security comasay was ap- Haasaod. editor of CJotfler's to put the Iret three miles of Caleb Powers aasa wns decided br trvbur nat tha vary beat. The tesnwe la at the joint re- - iKIeal eeatribuUout, by carnoraitons, proved br Judge John ft. McFte. Weakly, who wns tried on tbe charge track by haad. aad attar the taring tha imareme caart of the United It Is ta year power to give them eaaat ( IMetriot Attorney Jerome aad U K atmsa the lavestlsjatloa . The board deellaed v raaogats Mr. of criminal ltbei of that will than aaa track luring ma- Massy aaanmt rowm ua taa east beat. You ahVornays tar Patrick, In order an ww, som Istercet lag dU-t- c Cotlias aa asssssor. but did recognise chinery, which will enable them to the ease waa sat remov the heat, th mr JM, aaa the saraest that he deeeeanleat of Lord S'Vf-TeemeT- aJwrv tiaM far asatiauaaoe of the tlasares may be agaertsd. it has not Its own appoint, Mr Andrews. Ths Br. William H. Bjarr. ssrgeoa far my it very rapidly The compuay hi able tram the ete to the toderal ta 7(1 hat yaaj can be the foVHeMr of irnssewiupi aa gwtlgii for n new trial yat been escMad whether pHy cam-sa- w mtter having bad charge of the books ta Santa Fe at Oaliup, was In th making haau to get Into Ctmar egejrt ta ease therutore w rsssaad-e- d a sauce bad, and da tueh aaeas as iiawiamg m Maw Tacit OKy. pslan wanagars sstaJJ he eniied; ant Wlet JWesSssMBfcrltl BC ijmv 04 Jfatveare'ift roe t th Keataehy ecaru. taile proiriittrtaa, toadrlag tokslattar-e- r VICIOUS AND ptwgngllaa COMMERCIAL CLUB " hmog n hard of withdrawing tc and cornoeatlon paid tt iatm aa coBtaaaptibla l faaat, aad the reaatt waa that rt llUfrlrlN tho create ra who waa anew anidievSMoa rKniUll UNPRINCIPLED reanoaginie tor tk oontcatg of the AND Imost anything Jeff acred the Morning .Twrnal and Ha Ilka can IRRIGATION of the of the I , story. SEALED IN CAR snow their oaafulnoM aad earn thatr ....--, - Mood-mone- It beat ae bow work-Ugne- a an agmon moll ram whtoh "Marguerite Bmyth. of Naw York, Journalistic Prostitute and Directors Will Undertake to I ' conte out. openly and aabiaahlngly as ANccossitymttn. bnck here oa a visit1.' aatg Mrs. iTcrrlfycricnceof Two ContQ"rntible Creature on thair deadly ooemiog on erary oeomv western. km that offer. Interest Electric Pnwtr ,1 "Marguerite Snythe I goat her," old man Weatern unionunaies in Ia closing ahould offer an analogy Tr&velin! aM BLOWS "mt Mofritot; Journal trfcpaastng n your space ur rourao you go. Tou need go ENTIRE HEART AWAY. for to this ta WAS SUPPBRCtR PB0M ' ! Import-an- r 1 io snoooi togeiner. ASTHMA Door" Pullman. eateat were not that the aw AN HAD SEVERAL TIMIbS of the subject la, or should of It Todh&cfu What waa her name before she W Jjfl wss TMIUATENEP SUI0I0E. j ACCORD TO J. A. STROMQWST self bo. snglaloat excuse and iat tho IN ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEM J married 7" editor of the Morning Journal should "She's not married. It's funny yon RELEAShD HlfRE LAST WIGHT amaaaaaanf mm i rememner net. Sunday afternoon, between z, to attempt to turn this Into aa advert!-- ana 4 o'clook. ta tmnsksa. Wewm Barf. Artaf t Well, what waa her name nt of himself on pratott he j before (TtMeeey. Marah IS.) 'ha that At '.""i night meeting of Ut Com sue ding. years, and aa old set-- 1 is now - or I moved to New td io.- thoee "marked for i martial club ib transaction nt AliAcddQiHs Tort" tier of that dletriet, having in VYswitesnay, Marah 14.) in most, 1 titer realded jutlce to those concerned latightet" iy the "Inner circle,'' I wii)eawn in n no car on a trans- - mem routine bnalnesk a director aroao and "Here sleeps the father of 30 chil and to ike tar rf rwegrvistve wish t tate as my honaat optoton paat thTriy-flv- e rtmt ,B boul u 1 aatonlahod ike nasavklage by asv Prtc dren." ta the inacrtatlon on an linear year, nurlng the past labor anran hurt tons Jn iimmI coo e anarohHit nr.At.uiuTi as if.r"rectf uouavin in hi und lu , Sandusky, 0 aua lombslea. To rear nf whirh ho hi, . aTLUsituation a person is n? Mr it my duty to the policy wnUld waete half n pound of poWdor ' near unpn to race to life a Mayor, rtayweomm tite Rln lie valley tributary to tnat, aught well nave bnea added, "He ftptaurant the Union depot. h' fd 'hi toward aad other on hts miserable carcass. Tha worn Irrlgatod by &H00 never mm a eaaaee before, killed hlmaelf with a shot gun, blow- - ,0u falsely aceHMt of the at Be Albuanertrve could bo to sleep lll'?!? J?n. f 'Hhan atarier that room poaslbly happen to him mean Of power msj a noi his breast aa Ooveraor ttwaenberg f Matho. of of an st'.nln imaa tnroaffn In ' .,r"l' P""" too wowM he the admlniatraiton of a few rrom plant Maybe the gaokera blame vena large as a man's flat, aad eat I rely tlw. "''"Onuerqiis city prison, virions MM unprincipled individual a eaatral elsctrlc iaoatod the underwent the painful swift kleka, applied to the portion ot in this city, nor h and south, sup- tarmns for the low prices the cattle learlag away the heart. ordeal such sn prow - io - who Sen over the edltorie! oo his anatomy beat suited for that par- LaMFACl raisers get. fteddtaa. who had i- nerceratlon produce. teas of to Morning Journal. ply power for Irrigation pumping from itffad " haadreaa of shallow well as average coat of from asthma, was heard to remark. other unfortunate. I gllnilkv . who been Foilowtag the iced of rmover Irmt mil mill Unit hum - nnhtkA year, sya "Did you at end the Aoc).!!.. annrnlnir "fii t. have fared tn the west hv tb II per acre pet aad that a ureaun, esagget Mepakttcan other labor-batin-g this uaohrtdgea sad, thanking yoo In tern kind uaoor vent Ion down lo Connecticut the other another night of suffering like I did J"' "fio:r,n?' and ot this would bring - -. 7- reoarla aad unmlttgatwl liar- anticipation beg to subscribe) myself i any last nlahl" wife. MMftta of It Ilk, who sabsMt mainly cultivation abottt three timaa the aera Ta homiu o niovtrag rat money yours for "be square dual, l "Oh. bo. Ihev wouldn't anssit sae alarmed, aad knowing that her hue- - lob, golden pavii m corporation huh and whoee aa now Is use, sod that It would sireeta aad barrel of money waiting motto tu that made ma famous by i A irTROtKtpUJT, population valley Those follows have part of money band had. oa several oaeaalaaa. that the f the the suicide, for some one to knock tho head In d Roproaanung the Weetern seat loo - we poor Socialists are trviag threatened left the bowse oa Nmi, HMraiu Mil. vis fed trtbs'ary to Albuquerque aiaay Umea .i Thursday rhomaa O'Brien dta- to get." and help taetneMvea. of Miner of the InouatrbH 'UAwker g on afternoon, for a short time. Callahan ul "To Hll Wttfc the restitution ." the over. Ac antmatod conversation con rifhc of HHween W and Harnatt found themseive. a few days Morning of tho World. iMvtmda gci.t on RBGEIPTS APPROPRIAT TO to sure aaeae ana to aaend the night Journal kM constituted t'eetf earning the project was then entered of the banks of the THE Hit nor Upon ago, abowt neanllees. no wot k m sight prosecutor, Jury, 4itiKtrjtM. N. X, Mara la, lKMf. It had OCCASION. a has band. her return Mbiic imm and roil into by the meatbara present and the Uino river esitt of Brawly. body and home some hundred e f miles d one, having airentfy by About to attended tbe poverty to the of the unfortunate man wax into and ootv pita pro and con. 'vttiPBtly been lposted there In Awar. It waa no to i mov dlecud ela! given by the Sunday seaeel SHhaa lying on tha flew, dead, with then 4emned the scented wttnoot neeordtng A FEW ITEMSOP That the phvn is entirety fstumble one yean and waa brought to view gun Uy. R" indtaBatnWe 'act. it took Thursday, and $4.ft waa cleared.--Fnllerto-wn a shot aad aehor lylag near usem uw wrwMiqr" of a aad tbat It would asaaa much to Albu by the cron.Mtns awar or the Tha Mjraoartloa Owt o travel on the cushions, bin hearing tn theirwnhown valley banks. The gold was In laaota. corraenxTndenoe Otagrtn Keddtflir lBr behalf It how GENERAUMPORTANCE qaarqno aad tha Rio Omode the Fall (0.) Bstgeaaat. pateed the muscle of tho gun to hts mrr tS.rt4' tr ,rln " boey bowline tor ibelr okyea. utaaiary to urm aMr eaaaot be gas heaviest of whlcn weigaod Lraajat Mao Ma u.i lag g BMre Ntteval SNtltllv of taa laltei any death) be fottaeomtaf jMw Ut There ara many Inindroda of twenty gaaad. u.iti Oalhthaa WHICH ARB HKITHER "SffiftAl-BI8ATCHB- sjrd. A the trtaaer with the poker. The body aad Harnatt i Mr. brought veJuaMe BUREAU DRAWER. ooorwei, wottW refer to tt u score NOR acraa of lead that under tan system oDrlen the a aawwaevae aigHi wita ' " lal a and to Intwley aao? H ia fieawotau T iksib-80RI- amM be Irrigated the! at present oait dMlteA the attntlred miles up the Santa F line. uunnBsruNBEfws," D Marha "Jadaa" Hamiho bte. Jauted heie ia the breast, aw of erina," "Mortwrona Anarch auT mut bo roaalied by water from tha riv the Imoarml Valley bank. !t rains woat be Meed ptaee. of here, and weta shortly after PROM WEEKuV so aaaay arwr aa Tvag a few neck alt ever the let.' "DyjasarRe," "Inner Mrele," er andor ftilettar clrcuminanea. The ia esUkallwl at not leas tkaa Sl&eW Reddlaff waa a n.omber of the Ma- - ""plBti eaatward in lively aameara ot the . "flta,' eta, tatt this la a deflherate nka of Um niub dlrectorn la to Inter- How tiitt gold eaaM down tk the awepeet. soak order, having a tare! la the Wl- - The salrrtB of th mn wer attempt to InBnence public opinion TPnm Carlsbad Argus: act tho AlkiwiHtWfiu JWectrlc Ugat as imperial vailev can only be sonloo-- var kxlge. la by l of iheir eorrowfui ANOTHER KIND OP ELEVATION. lie tarvlrea fe5'"? fltfStBtt the aecneed men and than B .1 Walker, who hna hast raturt)-- nmar company uism to ti ared. II la probably a dtwoaH made tag widow onto. He name to Lena .HraRg aattl at oat of tbe ao ttt fwri1 -- oompw or d poloa ftve aunac tee najycan dsys or nMd mm awa, feeis tat ke kM a mission county thittr-ftr-e thirty-si- x il Oallahaa Honvstt thaw detraction with from a inn to tho auaaMao man. their nad linen nt tenet ana., a mho. er M without tJM iermaUtv of law la trffiln Minw, lag aJoac the Ontoraao river, kefere utai n to afW Ike Mage." yearn amo, fad- - fre th.B T tbeai miwnavfl tna oarttMO ArgM wttas aonh and south from tuls dty. wa I with the OeWernm ,eHnmi 1 tvtdetfeed sy.ibe tact ntdtfcer roonrtar g If term- the paeiRc rauroad crossed "hmp; saw Mm rmrpr soJdiera. WneM a slilpmeat f ptck.. that that SNaay monMnx last, olaunlkg that they did so tha bjhmb be sakI ha wai nm waa eaaaged la the joapaei My or it RUIa eMM of Charley Coehraa, ranUalng cow pa I chaag the desert, aad the oM ttatm Irae led eeulaat take out aaetJter of PlgeoB Ridge, " row "lde door" w Mr mhw who er. tha mt re company uksii e battle and aeveral rtoNr wnagar d hlreHag of the aaaaderd Uvea on too of the moantat fnc n ahort neaa of the sywtonn, weald kaatoa to in' across tea eal!ey raised gi,$." otaara In that nortton of the conn- Imsa. taw both doors of their oloeed Oft and ether unlawful atpKragaitotia uiautaoe amvu Tnlk'a atom, strayed stall tod t vide 1 pumpinc awtatif oa In tiae day the miaiaf oaatng A pickeries try. After '.saving t'u army he set - 160 wtth a banaaad sc aaralaMwan haa from the mKaMe.' rey ex of capital, aT boon abla to preeeat irom MOMO ami waa not fosHM nnui their forms aa4 pump water for sloag the river reaatnbled those of grown at laet. Bring oa yoar aaeJIeeg ties in Una count . sin haa been rd a, IH1 of proof of their assertions and o'clook Monday afternoon. When paraosoa from the shallow Nevada today, but ware far rougher. living there, and in O.-a- coonty, ahtrmed looks, when, from which '. Mat therefore be publicly branded M iouna tna chiki was naattag shout walla that ahouad throughout the vnl-to- Balooaa and saw blrag bouses ailed ever slncf . with the exception of c - epaversBtloa took olace fifteen from a Ha the atreata. K image were frt atetonal trips to Calfforni and other learned that the ca- - had HHK and conspirators stalest tJ feat rim rock. Water can be faand most any 'MUUonair who faugh nra rara." neen aves of man who arc ana mutt he clothing having ennaht between two place Um valley at a depth of from and robberies often occurred. It mar aayt Andrew Cteraegt. states. sealed The train again moved In Maybe that's lawag. Both men mourn held U b Innocent until protud other-Wis- e otner rock, fully 20t) feel from the feet, but well are hav been from one of theee camps beeaaee they spend ae soliloquise tea to forty these much of their ORDER PRANOCAMBRIUAH tally. They were priaoner. con beyoad a ahtdow . f doubt. Thatr bottom of the cliff over which It bad naolaaa without a pumping system aa that tbla gold waa stolen and the thief time at mwateal comealee. Andy. - FORESTERS ABE SRQWINa slgnmeat of frelgat. whole Ju ideation spou the at fallen. Aside from a few bruises nod far as tirtsation purpose arc forced by clone purr- o leave It human boon.! Weeaeoeket, R. I . Mareh The teey knew not where. Maybe Boston, leged coafeeslaa ofru Orobard; a tha natural exhaustion of tho child It bidden, honing some day t com Tell ) to cheer an. Aariv Tarn It. udr rat o4BMl annual probably Now York. Theee were hor-ae- which bolag was aajajured. In Its waadortna It for beck. Hat doubtleaa there was an win coaveathxt ef the t "eontoMlon.' it atraady Of all the plans irrigation tho i.won stop wrttlng some day. Franco-Anta-loa- a a .1! order of Forea-- rifylng thonghta, because there waa tMacraoltod wont had traveled stance of over ten par-bfta- e other dasart tragedy aad another and lha ot oa caatrnt electric power plant is hag untested here with targe not a morsel of food or tip of water Pinkartoo dMatilva and mlkm. The whole country turned out tha most leasable aad economical nanaeieea grave, wit the gold lying SMOKE UP! tan a to built for the little wanderer. where It waa left all theee year. attendance. Tht oraanlsatioa U the In the car At the stou tLe fellows wambar of a fratarnliy wbtob oan b with tho anaaces for failure reduce! OUea SaaW af Koebeaiw hiamu aatgrowth of the ,r,etl to nitract the attention of a with moaty (to greatest power lu seceseloa of Court imgkl in aa dad. f to tho aMatoium. VUh his sawwili te the nice wood, aad W o paeeta; ey car Balkalay Canters Car Thlsves, COMMON BATTFRY SYSTEM Laioatalae fthla dty and other Priy tae lie I)wyt atanlty. ttouofal tYom Alar-- gordo Maws: supplied to ladlvtdaal Parnate nhtnla cmnng umwer ror waKer III era now sneaklBc eoorta In Hew atnr. I parenfly braked at the ear. noticed n AVaHa, who M Mmaalf H "buHdy wan' upAK each farm from a central eleo-tri- g hoaea; from " OMOcr Dudbnr of tha Naw Mexico FOR COLORADO TELEPHONES Woes ha wtll no to aha. kind from the graad lodge of Perot-- " d. owelnded he "had them, of Ua "Iiumt elrela of tha tain own Wouotad - power nbMt, tk btnd of a whole CarneU' to saw timber tar a tare new ooatlnued on. far both doors iBIf Police haa landed five urts- lew ef America. The order has eaatUtlteto of ta waat. baoliad by eammttnhy or a whole valley can bo Wen-loKto- n onnm In the jail nt this patca during (Tuesday, 13.) hars.HuHfvan corraanoHdeace, thousand members already en- - KhJ locked. tha mom S;aadaril Oil anally ayatem com-sti- a Marsh ' wi'"J wf Aockfllr'i ma jmuk two dejrs, all of am aorved. This PLANS (0.) Bntersrts. roHed. Tills eonventlen Iwlr g flrat , dlottragert of evet Co., and who eoonplrwJ with Oorare io8t atnotlaiUy all FOR NEW SUILDINQ 00 TO the ", Imltf t in VnUed mates outm on the adTOataffea CONTRACTORS ON SATURDA- ever hold, will be of great IraBortanae. 3 oraod. the prisoner, again mt MeDoimM of Colorado Bad Good-1- 3 Uw other system. Suftektil wk- - Y- Uncle ;ee Oaanoa haa been nsaaa- - n the oisanpi of braakbsg Into aoalad SHOULD BE COMPLETED BN a permanent law. and by-la- wiii.tnau io auravi in attention ol of I m MdMptag Moyar. najr-woo- d owee ured tor a af Svtm n I paster-b- y. date earn nnfl staling merchandise. TU tor can he dcvetoned at one to 1. talr uani. e m opted. They kicked on the car dffflSHhy; JULY rhat I yeMed. ml Pattthoe a4 romoTla men are thogght to form tin nmn- - 19 paly eg farm without we've heard of Onela Joe tn aide and It chanced to be tae tttati frew the Mate ta th doad of MlMMwoartatloa of water l lwol-bi- a year wa'm IhcNum to ttaiue. eoauHster of uie iretBht who waa intM wbmb nas nana etettHnx "We oxaact to have oar now build me DELAY LOSES GREAT lht and tJtly rotHtrdltaa of law, from imMnrogii earn In this WrtHitT far the reason that the water la lag reade to mora Into bv July 1." mBBswremaw waa made by a eirt! paselnK ot the time, and he wa a Haa aay oaglnear. mystified man upon ihla to a ta tb mobabla during tho mH, developed upon the land whereon it This wag the statement of 0. II. Ms-- Jtreatly learn ins i--i. . . I TREASUREPOR ARIZONA pas-saer- s Will uf mm; way la o had been carrying grati tbet '1 don't think ih nr men raptured were aaed aad therefjre, nt nil Mmo, Corn, aaatetaat engineer far the Cola-rad- e Daat forget to bctv the Moot "Sad)' kbow M U thair tutit. I takan nt Gulllnaa, la eoatrol of the owner; loan by aeen-Sf- An. in a ear where the sen is n fo a station on tna Tetcaaour cootpeny, this afim thins; ice edition nag both lwllv. that that have boon aa man) fcl t'aao laourhwestern railroad, uesr aad is redacrd to n noon aa ho la omea Archi learn how to WHILE M. 5. VINNIE WAS NfiQ0 doors were Intaot When the t eat the of are your ice nest summer. conductor l formed the men bv would aa Bfty otfam raadt to roe laforma-lo- a hero, by railroad men. and 'uraed over minimum, as tha water is only pump- tect i,aJtoMrc. gnateg at the plan lor TIATIN0, ANOTHER CARRIED ft g wa- not liberate them, and walked on ooucfrnlat tb killtuj of Artaur to I he oMccr. They gave the nnmaa ed needed; unequal dlvlekm of the r.ew honn' ot tho cempany here, The paper say there w a kumi OFF SOLD. Oo'lina. I InvMtlKttod moat of ol rrwyer Valioroug. the Injustice arising there- their hoece were crushed Start at km hvn and The other ter and which Is to k lorn th sou:hwst cor- W m,r,mt bouM other stared In the (uw When Uiatn myaUf anon Ual- - Is aHsolutely jtwny wl.h un- aTaST" inam the aad laarsad tiwtr three were pursued through the from done ner of Copper s venae and North A correaaoadeat, writing t ) akoot-lea- the, train nulled into tni cit;. tast nuht trorthlaaantaa. am notarally l iiuas motmtnm rr the omonr and der this system; there are no long Fourth street "Tea, some blamed idiot a . Angela " although - irt Lot Ihaawiner tram lngUui. iat about 7:30 o clock, and tbe dooi of 'coiifaaalotia.' bavll nrmod, worn atr- ditches to maintain at a great cost; "W will gl the plans to the con- carriage In one of halls." Aria, unaw date A March 10th. wn open, they wore prised 4ttd raptured ataaW handed. of a pumping plant the knew the wbh It alRMtat anpvrflunua to add that the initial cost tractor on Katurday, both here and y- not to hannen. ameclal U IBcar Grnv They said their name word, Is low en.tijih be within the moans t "Judge" mo IhU ia not tnr fint tlua ttat 3tmpU flte to jui we extiect rhat aetaal Hamilton at 'Severn! months sea M. fc Vlnnl and the conductor waited for ta men Imvo mado ow. gti! and bMntunW tho of almost etery isrmer In the valley wirl: will begin with-- i health Is aa good aa his. telling some bom to mllrnad the artlva goods o' boturlas friends to come out ot their prison Tna stolen havo not been found but aad the eflfcrtem-- and economy of i Mic fallowing. We ocm Manbora of the lr"adoratlcH 1 vceks are about vast pirate treasure, known were arreeted. but tbla aeemed e ti. Wtrn n search being made tor thorn. such a system Is so high and the to hu it completion, "Hasn't Mr. Nnroi hacMna. iaa(. to uf Minora to the aJkwa lu that da Kin rushed to ftil since her himself and some Phoenix fries), oom pared with their recent predict cost of pumping so low aa to sr we nr. i ,niiy hneband mode that 1 In va- apita of corpora! Iom)wnod jadne. OMaer Held Up an ttreet. in need of more room trlhe? tiaae." totaled in Coca! aland. the Pacific meat. They pleaded guilty to the t lie easily recognised by anyone Inter- She's braaaina nil the Mr. corrupt or error Ixtwl Jurlea, prJurM) Krom Nova,; 'ban our seat quartara afford. Ves, Vinnle waa oronrletor at grancy charge in police court, thtx Tuumcr1 bat ytm know money a, flnkartnn dotortlvic, "cunfeailona" N v Oallegos, ested at nil In Irrigation. In th nan time, we are going to talks." that time of the Pacific cafe la Dong-m- tiornlng, and were sentenred to ten deputy sheriff and, - by New t:-- obtalBod at tba rat of $200 per. aad was hold SkperimentH cntrled out the ((construct u large part of tie aya- and aim Uvea there. He waa days each off the atresia. Tht dbt Jailor imdr Sheriff Stroet, sin-tto- a SURE SliSN OP WARM toady of ))- - a Mesteo Agricultural Kxpcrlmenl tem The north Fourth street Mae WEATHER. gotlattng a trip with hi friends in not strike tb men a being so "aw- the vaiaablr aid carrl!oaa up hobo near Coney Inland Parkarabttrg. yallow raga of tha Journal brand, tha saloon. Wednesday night, aad have shown that pumping irriga will go un. i. r the grouad aad some of March n a a an Phoenix, who owned a map of the ful," either. There was something yields m- - greater prcsffC aa corn freight arrived laua afhiBd, which Indicated place eat aad In sight i.u- - aoenaad have roma out evtry time to deliver Ma coin to a aon-tlem- thm the other lines will likely follow. W train ranlamlav the drink ibm !". irrigation. in mlnntaa late, Whore treasures were aald cxperleBce without aa nar'a aa a itain on thatrj who needed mora aoooHtmo-ds!u- a cared to river For will also inula immediately laetalUMg the delay having been rant to car ye, the hatn auttn by VS obaraotara. WJton, at tho titnc of um than ba had money to buy. stance, ia one case, alfalfa hay la the what Ik known as th common bat-cr- rauaed snake about tweatv mile have been burled In years agone, by waa paradise U' OftadJ moon system With that aarvlce, there cant or here. The engineer say he pirates and Spanish refugee tram Croak atriko It waa sought The ws skiaging and Oallasjaa A FOREST RESERVE POR to Ihv tho door of tha Wtoatarn saw at a flush that tha inatramant wwan river water waa uaed. ami 16 01 ia no ringing of bell. AH one will noticed the engine lose apeed sud- California during the Mexican war of at wna denly, IndepeMdeaee. lint Mr. EASTERN NEW MEICO FdernlteH of Mtaara tha rrlmoa oom- - nointod at him wna a knife Inotoatl par ton when water supplied by have to do hi te take tfee receiver bat could Had nothing wrong. Vlnnte'a by IftvJug of a gun quickly' draw gun tmhtnlaf. The cost per ton bales, f down and the line ia open." " iM inree miRntea me friends fn:ied to ceiae to his terms as George Tracy returned Bunds rrom siHtod tha "law and order" and b hla train to a expedition In ot mlM ownora, thotr deputy ahariffh and and lovelet it at the middle of o, b. tav car, waicn was stattoaeo The new Colorado Telephone build-lo- g cm to a fall slop. looking out the Joint soareh the a six weeks' trip with the foreet r highway ghmit one mile from the farm, was will lie built on plane by eab wlBtlow the enRlneer saw treasure, and the matter waa for the serve laapec'or, Mr. N V. R. Reynold. hi tad one Robert HooMlwa, a man and esnlsined to him drawn mllllcns time dropped. Kaaaaa convict waa, by uaaana of inat a iMki evtdaaxiy held HP oi SbMT tor river water, ami .P1 tor Architect J Ia Lslrtere. It win he snake. ranKlaf from a foot to lea Ntyt tho Carlsbad Hon. They left wrong tuimpwd So far advantage ffeet in length. Thoumitids A few days ago he W.A hie rsa- - here JRsttary Diraala wad eoaalderaiJon of Ifoo, follow aad tltat ho would takd water the 3U16 feel, and three atnrJes, the third lta been Douglas II and examined all thH him to Jail belongba. go with the river witer. but only story lining Half cellar. This floor hilled and had etoafed the taiirant In and might have Hiountaln country in Chavet and Body IntlKMit to 8Mh a "ootifeaalofi" where ho Rnaeare wheels knowledge aad funds and awmbani of tho AVMrtarn the chnn Ik goad of funds wag maroa two CHttmaa could he soenrca uy us- will be occupied by battery and en- to that the eKinw was nowerieag to tZ2..L T.. counties. travellHg hundreds of miles water, whereas four cuttings gineering nnvy traig. rl meet heavily I'thiaratloa, IMng eroaaHKamltiatl ha, ad to too haatlle, with Qailojioa' gait ing river tteartMertU. Tbe second inii inn Ulte. I hd - -- l'ioolx of the E2JZ ivf polntltta- well water was The snakes came from - sartion" - ffootheaatoni - - - how ever, thing away at hla rib, ami landed wte secured when story will aUIn the basin afflee, tha amitk I tlinbrl' Nw- tha whola sell-la- map ami secret, but. heboid, on the rv ItnpH-oat- hind any g profft. with alfalfa while story nd were bound Mexico. They found enow three feet and of ftt men who ha( baett tks hara. Oalloaoa unod. The net the third will hauae the to the cooler north. venr night nnoa which the sale of his dWa oxaotly have a chill, ho per was f 11.13 pet tie-r- rt miners it is sure sign deep on the level In c wm wero Mbaimtat wIUhhh W t but at lie ton. "Iiello" girh and the operatfK af a of warm buaiHUMi in Denej wn came the Sacrament waa Mill Banking when the fHow tor water $11M per tn wcoUier, as as made north of Wk. In Otero county, a (ng ukad h alngW Other sere river and nit. reliable the flight of the Jjm Angeles fxamlner, with a full natlH. waa ioak 1.M 1 qacaa or a. "ootifMaloM" of almfwr vaiaa warn lnndod bahiad tha at tho acre for well water, a balance of When a.kri there was n likeli- wiw gets pege of tioa of which they visited also. eonniy hobo wUo IsoJils up article aad illuitratlomi the oajeet or waa imAn by ono Raaji, woraaldatit of tha Jail. The per acre In favor of the pumping from hood of th dlseanuauAtlBii of one or HMeovery unon tbe ohl pirnle roaort lae the trip for tbt any officers not le-hor- a Cohoae. N - Highly por minora' twfcm of Idaho Springs, of oar would bettor welts system A power Ike other or the two tshmaoae coatBt-nle- Y.. March 13. A nabar- of Cooal of of gold, ntirpose of ri mapping the and waanon gnu man laland a treasure Uon of coon try now wMh ana MeKluaoT, who waa aubaaajnantly his in play ftrat hoM Masai engine and a centrtfunt! opera; inf In Albuquerque Mr. who haa bean, an the upper Hud- sliver and Jewels, amounting in value, this covered - thaw uii afteiwmriM, else h will be pump, wna uaed, with coal at 14 per MoCara saM that he wag not pre- son for several weeks arrived la town - timber and making a report to the IHrovtaM to b a prtvata dKHI,- of th Ineky If got aeoardlag to estimate, from S3,QW,- s1Hftowr.. IraidtMit Moyeia of tha he off as ev aa this ton. Tbtnk, then, bow much cheaper pared to sa. Ha vent ared, however, reaieragy with a itory of a terrible m io $i9ueo,oo. ttovernment Mr RnynoMs net been oaa did. A horeewainptng mi the out woulu the pumping sys that he diiin't two compa- nght between a saaapiag and engaged the paat week in working ou Vostara rwderalkm of Miner at that arotty hare beta think that turtle "lm dltaavery waa mad tur the "ball-pan- skirts of ta dty would bo a in In Al- a bjacltanaka. The evidently the details of his report, which wftl be ilwa waa conJIsad in tha " tem had they had p wer supplied from nies would doing buslneaa turtle BrlUah yacht itaa Marine, owned and good rewedy for this son of ofwtuHm fur- found poor feeding tfee rxTorable to the maklug of forest tM day any hv-Ih- k a central electric power station, doing buquerque cry kmc one ronld in water and WHitRMtioed Harold W. 8. arar. an a fir without charge and would save tha county tho need br reserve whole boaet proforrod against Mm only sway with both the Installation of a nish a vei adequate service. went ashore for toad. The blachtaake ItwfJIahajMMi. A few days ago. tb of the mountain coun le xtneaae or footling thetn. stwi-.o- aa v it try weat ba ralaaaod at tho mi of that time steam engine and the usinx or Mr. McCain cipcts to leave for bis and the battle at one began. yaehL freatt from the treasure laland. on the M no charge, either true, or trumpod cap). hvadquarter- - at Denver tonight me snane was too quick for ta put into the harbor of Vnlnaralao, Settler-- i holding dalms, or others Ort Carlsbad freleet. turtle wa barittg deeded tract will not dls up, could ba found against him. Yrvm tlarltiUnJ Hun After the dlxcusiton of this very Im. and the latter unable to Chill, South America, for coal, and be BOY IN get a hold turned, bat will be pro- ' BngliM-ei- B. portent uumtlun at las, night's meet- RIPORTgD LOST with Its Jaws and the the find was telegraphed to San Fran- the timber Having t'UagUd their former Jul o M. Hall and W. H. MOUNTAINS SANTA tvrtle by only a limited number of Hanilcr to ing the members of thv Commercial NIAR PC evaded tho snake retreating cisco. tected aad ladly It Is small wonder tbat the nt down Maok river - goats, Tm-dg- Busiacio I'srrltlo, s boy about la to ita shell. At last the snake wra- yacht now on way to sheep or cattle or horses win rv j i . Inspect which club appointed a committee rompoaed "The is her Jtallat Ami ioriK.ra' tn of Colorado the ditch or a., left his father' bom pod Itself around shell waa hkigland ot be allowed to roam over the reserve mw-- ) ih from of Preaideut Hopewell. Secretary ers the aad with the tana of mllltoea nail thtlr alilTi in othci vtatt wsi.t Hlack river to aev-era- l pay r lf - in the u part of rianta F carrying It away when gold In hold, aad the stockmen will all a cer tin- farms under th- - P. 1. system U. I. Brooks, Wallace Hcssel the turtle man pirate and Jewels her termlaeil Bo; U hslked of thWr south ! for i.'iu for UA.I tn l.llu II Im I... t, Bmu.Um tain amount per per year to tho f Noa Ilfald to confer with the u.i niutintalns. head revi-ng- e i hlii Mmo a dwtueratp Hlack riv.r They t once ordered dm and and at Albuquerque Sleet rir Ughl Power the ptirpn. of rutting and bringing snaxe forgot caution and the turtle "Aad Mr. Vrnale of Douglaa. who government whet, allowed to range tempt I now that tbt iKKtom f the dUch from the - tiring made tu murder e Into town rnl load of wood. A grabbed It hit It to could not peranade in their stock on the reserve The IKiint wh r,- - it ,ravt-- Black r'.ver for company people oue my toe mauer and death. hla friends tho object of 'heir haired, legally or he ba no xea heard of for three Phoenix In time, and tho Phoenix amount will probably no SO cent fot Khorwiao, Moil feel In covered with a layirr ol them with a view to seeing what a witne the folio ins , days, hu i . her, Petronlllo Carrlllo, IMPORTANT TO partlea who procrastinated, are now cattle aad t or hi cents for goat ami coni-rete- jirt-wn- t ran be done NEWS ntMaanoat by I'lukorti.n Mefviand, to si'ouaga and also a pan m boy very, very sorry hurry. aheep. Ran aera will be appointed t It thnnigomjt That a flourishing farming com seat search of the Sal Order ettra copies of Moat Any they didn't MibUebjOd In th Rorky Mountain that leveled and that from town they "The Phoenht parties, two brother, look after the reserve and will r land t poaslbie munlty surrounding Albuquerque would must. Rts.ral miles thing's special lc edition. Bound to of febniary m, itM Tht- nn some ti to lie Imgatao av Chill, responsible government Nwa up be of great benefit t this city cannot found the the boy bad, and the be a winner. Will tell housekeepers made one trip to the republic of to the for tie ara of KedernlHn without harking wnier In the ditch . ob- young the Wntern ot It thought it rapes fot ng woot n hi burro, bow so save Ice. which own the Coeal llu..d. to safety of the timber, roatw ii w not lirtgaied. eo a to prevent the be denied and Is that Mlnara and thw the etwutlve would be feasible to run lines of a hut ajottnii i i trace uf lilm. The af- tain a concession to bunt for the and wood will not be rut without per board Implicated in th design of the dixit Irom netting too full nod cann the treasure, they to get It. miss km, set saenage am) central electric power system as far fair is myn. loan and is not yet clear. SPRINQ SNAKE STORIES. bat failed unices oil the claim of a laevdara will nevei ioave loabo alive " ing overflow. Tbla will The boy's iMnple am poor aad unable Bone corrupt oAoialt wished to Im- tier or oa a deeded tract. give ibomi Miutb of Hlack north ns Bernalillo aad south io lua New York, March 13 81m peon, And thw baaura anything t all 1 river watet empio) a nosrchiag party Jed prison one of tbe party, aad 'orce As stated settlers will not be ill for thin Ltwes. No doubt if the eyaiem waa in- to iinia of who baa a farm near Battery. known as to tho merit of th caae, enu IJo to la-- Hatarday no tbe htm to give up hla secret. They had turned in any way for the old plan ot Mr. Hall Htatvit s fasi aa the stalled aad run as proposed there afternoon to not even tho alleged "ronrcwitrn" of 'tit tyws of hir vherealutw had been re drove Harlem yesterday with a !?ad a narrow escape nnd came bacS to the Issuing script haa been abolished snd tools can be arcursd, t.uld soon be a trolley line following of produce. When crose ins: a humn in gtatea money Orebard lnlng pubilahed. g celved. United to get more and i tat belti all will on ia Hues of the power plant aad Broadway pike, AS- - - tr kinds be pat tbe not far from the try again. HEARIffS IN SANTA PE The rftl aiu! unparoonable ul thei-una- l at vnrlous point. Pagiaaer the farming district with the New fork Central depot, he was given panted In procrastination CASE the Weatern Kfdemilon of Miners 1 Col. u, K Twltcheii, assistant geav "Tears SE8S0RBHIP POSTPONED W. M. Reed loft fort be McMillan reser- metropolis of New Meaieo, a auoaen bump sod he dropped hla gad failure to obtain Mtttetent funds, The hearing on a petition fot a writ thai of being a tirugraativa worse plea-an- d eral attorney for the Santa Fa In Now aad. voir Momis) where he put a ot If the matter carried out as whalebone baggy whin. Ho tou ml It by A suneoasrul organlMUon labor, force Meaieo, it (inwn front Lea Veaaa pro- - enabled the lucky Bagllshman to get of mandamus brought tllenville ?at. of men at uorK. and thing nre goUtag tad carefully handled there is no after a ahort aearcr put Bowoaatlou gov- Calllne, CrippU- - uaiing for tn njsmtlug of and it la the a from the Chilean the appointed assessor of Ban lata Creek srrlk. which lively up re The big wtll reaan war it aooeld not only prove the Seooad dolllierau-i- provoked tbt Irak ho aigtnct court cm xonaay. March waip aocRot to he would be snre not ernment and stumUs on the big treas- la Fa eauaty by Governor Herbert J M m aa to stopped and all koM a decided swoccea from the Irrlgntloa-lat- a' is. ure. KaxenHaA, give made sorar to The Saatn k.- - number impor to com pell the county com an opportunity of "crushing" tha when com stand point, bat remunerative bo haa a of some sev- Waatorn rodwimioD wa'er the Avaloa dam Is tant eases omlng up this term, The weather began to moderate "It haa Man known for ailaaioner to approve the bond of of Minor. In pletcd A bo the roaaanny thus furnishing lb pow- at years waa Which force of ma will pat to among tbe moat Important being about Hooa. and while the waexm was enty or more that there Cltaa ae ana tat or of Saata Fe ooun laudable the ronaUta none on tn aume week. er aa well Irrigation lu New Mesteo tbe etandiBg a buried treasure oa Cooal laland, aad Ch United wan nost rebate sun Bawnat tbe road lu treat of arooerr aiore ty, waa postponed from 10 o'clock yea thw of jeered Is a vital matter and anythna; aa roajht waa some had' And 'ostites had hi, Jaatice abolisaed i,w by the ('(! iiittlon Coal company of la Harlem Jed astonished te tee been found. terday nteralng upon raeaeet of At and reodorad OAMI WAROtN OTIRO aa beneficial Ihla whip-crack- fought - leasable aad at hts wigffte, iiean tor the right to explore tomey OeneraJ Oeorge H byword, only had the eio.- of sol Oallup. aad a auanie W. PrRohard. HAS HROKCN RIMI toaeme ahaald not bo all wcd to fail later the whole whip climbed oat of tbe Island, but the old pirate gener- It waa heard before Judge John R. Idlfytag and atreoaibening the miaor frame Warden Hage . Otero wa through. well, orgaalsaUoa. the socket and crawled down the nat- ally kid their traaaurea pretty McFle of the First Judicial die trio The Weatorn rVdaratlOB able lo s'tend lo hla duties at his of-Ic- e ter ckeee, and the big find wa left to be made of Minors la now tho Jed nave bat the wits court at 10 o'clock tht atornlag. The onlr eouaoaiec in the t'apltol building m tawU sidewalk, how by tbe akigllanmaa.'' which st Ml hold ting agalaat A RICH FIND OP GOLD INGOTS crawled under the not. appeal ease of Aaattaeto Qontales. the the Fa yeattarday aJter an IMaoaa anna at ever, before be anwwfwrad county aeaesaor eorporatlOBa. who have already by that tha Jn no spirit of malice, aad with no the removed from broken rib aa the result of a mil aaake evidently had crawled out oa office by Jadgo McPte upon the charge aad mad tu do thetr lid1lag, over a loa. Ho la oaxearhBt weak deatre to anmae your- aradadlce, bat hat William fart, the tout necond tho road day before snn neeti a . Al . . Judges and lagtakviora. aspect the to miarsiy a a matter or puniic af Incompetency nnd aegleet of duty, gjovcrwr. to ooatlaao at work. street meat dealer, received a eeey of and want to sSeea aad wa troaan leerem. waa also noitaonM an It could not be Thorotor the adtolala of the MrVmera the Brewiey. CleJav News, uabluaad daring alffatt, wa deeiro to can attestioB to the laet JrVoewatlon of Minora now 'iff the and that Jed life heard nsttil the praaeat taeaMbent of must be SENT COMMItwtOrtt TO m vat I1 rhat the Inaarane prathtsat Hka flJaaaaBBB tt aBaaatlftaaaUdl BkaaJt tte heart of the nek imperial had niche! up taetead of the whip. OW IJfSwwBIf limIfeW toaajaBBeBaBj ng msfaai. tnwdufd In order thnt their orgaalaa- - PQRtrr RANCCRa ley, which ooatahM the tolkiwlng In tn New York the other day an ata b lied hrokofl M wears side whiskers. Mward Atidrewa, a dtnwcrat. ap .demur! and Oaate Wardsa Page B. Otata of aW tevesnag stety of th tadlng of gold MkfaiefMawiia4 Cincinnati, March A hoop aaake pointed by noard aaaaty ttM mad the condltloM of the rntnoes ta K yasiorday rrnnwhsiaMni aa ll. the of seat ingots valaad at about llOJJan: crawled Into Jeff Putnam's house yer Carroll, Hues' trav through bl deputy, a. 1. towarod. In order to do Una aaenami deputy game mag-er- a Jam the coast wardoaa to all tha The !angaria! valley haa prove a terday afternoon and ateneked theVnu-ba- r eling engineer, - Mill U In cJieage of of fully and without daagor of My bMo na the Uaeoia Raaorvo aa away who waa at the Far- the ssasaiof forest goM ail to or its ranetiera, nut tube attach to a library lama, wood hot snriaae in southern Mew See. BhonM the deetalea of the court mi ib proceoatog. pit Mir the roaatt of tha rogneut of aaaart-atoa- t that gold would be ftaeir dlsoevered ta supposing It waa auothor taago. Tna Mexico for riteuMiatfaem, a slight I he ha of OeiUn It will be moat ho manufactnrsd and mM4 cSclals. He Is Usm aad rwr than hkto nroaaraHf aotlateat noil was bsynad the af 9" ,,,rty a m!.J kVt, tnahe refllad Itself up ti'e a hooa. citltek of Brlfat'c dlataea, hat re-- an to AHdre-- ra teaeeft 4jet ttaouree. want, ho tMlbai and R ia eomntiaaluns magors 1 aeiaao. k for the aa tho wlleeat dreams of tha prooMJters of hoaaead np oa taWe and ttmek city, report him What fjmaafat will Uo m laajlsiaa this nofgrioaa woh ansa leumol new Heeerve. tho inmod t the and $ tht Jemet ta Irrlgatkie scoemc. Its faaga clear tkreagk Hie tube. It aelf ewajMerawty laamig-k- Ml ta haaKh: toai vavaV, thw end ta tmt yet. the city hut night from the went Mr Mho. a broths of Stoma fttha, w av w Urn asereiurtlle bnrtneng tn HARKETJLETTER Onbero,fgd aad states that ell Kaeg of tpnetnl OorroapoBdonoa AS TO "LID: ERE hwateet are peoeportng ta that par Local Uoa Happenings of New Mexioo. March . There WM g drop Mr. William a. wMMera of New of York, io,otw nad la anttto Wttripta hern, scoompanled by Mra. WwDder. week, (Tussday. March 13.) Ftwgoft will reave, thla eveutpg, on a laat frotn the wank nrevtoua: Miss K.'hM Moore of the tmsef arvtn trip to rjailup Deputy KVtim jgradea at THE TIGHTEST EVER Mnli! 4arlna the Mission left this morn I on it John Wiley ee n.oot an laft laat evening for MW nmwvew syi mm MWT H IfjTW weob, ang aoaw trip to City. place In Um lw bay hm froni lieaure Kansas wher ba will y tr - K. ,i tho of Oolo. ship- Turret. jm Angeles, custody of the flv car wtli iSt a-7- Meeker, r of raited States Old and raliforuia ped In by tanac the Monitor AM company. breakers recently taken is custody Beer, Teaued the ANOIBNT AND FIBROC SUUE LAWS , . beaefJl, sailing at UM. atocker Is lo Albunurqut on a buainevn trip. there by Ranger Dudley of the Now v.i - t w NFOBCgO AT VNI0NT0WN. PA. UIOJ H R Mentoo rot, formerly In the jewelry Mounted Police H im-in- on flret of the week, HOT INS AT AUL ON in thl city, has rturned Thla aftoraooB, a anmber of the "T' bat bad cmMry BIN JgMSS SknvHnwVVvVMnnnTr Bbbbbbbbbbbw99P trout n inline" trl,. to Kansas City, loeel marksman of the Albuquerque SUMOAV FAY FINKS aWtRV Mr and Mr. J. BmmniB Dsn Club, together wit lira. MwTlle 1?iVi, a!t Lt l wy feed iota. MONDAY MORNINsV ARRBSTINg pi left 5 TT jmmr m this morning Bennett, champion woman shoot -- LiSf" L?TlMtfcVK.":"i borne the for Coyote Hprlngs, trap " ' TRAIN ORKWkWA STRKNUOUS where they will enjev r of America, ware out at Qua 21r...... I . w,H'f. ao tnat moot of the gam wae an mi'init l the r hmL DISTRICT ATTORN lew rfs". Club's grounds, In Traction Park, fur II.: Cn blacW Colorado .lockera SY. ,oM M79 -- Mr. K Mamlel! and dmigMrr. Miss an exhibition shoot. Owing to Um vew'ldX" .U '"' 'ring Bum-lie- . rZl..ll ,0t stock cattle from vicinity of i.f, tut night r.o Iasj An- high wind and tl.e dual, the score the For ne thelt of a ring hel'Mgteg , liiiontwn, March 14 Sunday gel, were t it Svgauche. watghlag ffO agenda oM i tor abort sojourn on tu? Pacific high a they might other- to aa Albuguergue woman, n nta tows m a day or rest a wise have boon, but aunt aood amroa stolen last at 14.45; sleeker from is. Junta, at aad September ami pawned to L. O. Rosen i tO; cows from the Oesored.) plains, day ot arrest. William Hanfteld of Amarfllo. Tex., wre made, tn worK of M.'a. Bdaavtt ft The sect hut ieid. Oeorge Miller waa arrested hwtat fa.on to UM, fed steer from rat blue Iswa which few ha arrived la the raetcwKilla, and with tho sun. in bringing down alght depot by knew were on "clay ton- at the Constable .lames western Nebraska at SMI; milium the statute hooka are will mania several dara. tranaaetlna tho plcaona" being Kfpt ml h. ally good, but not up to aome of her The owner of the ring reple Istockora at to okiMhoma img eereroed ta the tetter. It Is uutina. it from pawnhroker it ll a ra of a new. young Abel K. provtouM rocora. lnet the bene and the Panhandle were Ihght.y rep-wi- and amblttou. Per, deputy laaureaoe - district attorney. Hon W H be onderatood why Mr. Koten- resented, feeders at UM to $4.40, Thomas H. Hudson commissioner, te In the city from Ollleawater, the alder to wit. aaya man h- - held Rwore out lh warrant for Mlllur 'and sotckera at 1M te $4Ju Veals who that If the tews are Ham a IV. la connection with busl- -, n "present" city council antiquated they of h! ogj e. from th Third ward, and who la B. McTague. engineer. iiavid rsuvnnceu is eonts. ami &' ones should he repeated. - I 90. - nut until Bishop, log loader, Bd . brnlg IT .The Sgnply of cat- they are he will enforce Walter O'Brtru. territorial cattle in- -' u?piy intpreated in the acbern- to aad MMl!Hn. teamtter. ail In vmcloy of th- ; mgrgtai ! y m them. 'or, at rlvud in Albuquerque from hnrr hr rlty porchaar thr water 'he 1", "ay Fayette Vegas, eonpany'r plant for 125vstx. aa Xttal mountain railway, came in from light killing steers aast gerkcr aad county la In a turmoil as a and will remain a day or Svery Monday marnmg two.ln transecting business Uklng certain eltlena thla morning Ketner thin morning, Mr. McTague feeeera; tsows and beefera atrong; 'salt scores heavy 10 a of arreata are dol- Gu 11 Ion, whera bo coitlg gad r. 11 Laoaalager. will vtait bis family, near Selen. for beef stem cent lower kungreds of H one of the promotem of Meal fed quaran- lars In Snee are colteeted, th. Savoy hot!, laft night for raaiiloBt of I ho Monro, Wla,, water about two week ft, white M sears. steers from hikw ami th last Alhu-guerq- t, Ht oonipnity. and who. in laat fatnrday'a Msbep and MeMlilln will sec tine line are selling at HM to ISM Juaticee of the peace and constable Tfo Louis, where nr. goes to vtolt today, highest rang year. are frlenda for s few week avatilag Otiaen, tatd that a ytar for a ooeple of days, aad then the thla in elevar. ago waa Sheep nag reeetnsg intent more la Cie f 'hurl F. Ham. w cattle buyer from be offerd the local water rsdjrn to Ketner. mmb laat week the arrest frvdsjorx plant The Nelson-McOeve- fight, which were liberal stnatesii empteyes of . Jt Witt-ree- d 1'into, Sunday in matron-on- . for coaalderafaly lima 'ttun they at 4!,OM head. Lambs the a aptit the arw plaos PhtladelphM. Is for operaiiaK eg visiting relatives and Mends, re- now aolling to tb dy. but n, takes in tonight. haded down a little, but eel wr trsiss feaggj. turning after examining nropotty and condi- Mfractfng wide attentten In sperttng frern fSJO to 6.0, a higher range Seme of jibe aggrieved the 8tfniew Dtttrist AMernty, th lo his bowe Hut night. ateseeer Justtee Who la In Clever, w. S. Hopewell tion of nnJna. cMHeaoed thai the elrcles. tome of the local sporie than the week before, but quah seeurmi ilte wnrntata as a step at sod the left tM Dtetrlct AUomey ten Mn Whe Fays a Foe Every Men. tnomiaciiei for a trip over tho nVwta Vm Prtc ttrai to him waa more than hare taken enough Intereat in It to wsj better. Aged sheep continued Hodsoa, whs is a wkn hrrange for telegraphic retama Irttm firm last week. The nut tor?iy Is attorney for the B. O. day Meaning. The company a jmt ,k. L. .i .no wieeta Mr. i.nrbatnMr. will find the ringMde. Th Cmrk pent room smeller than nenai for Monday, at railroad pnht th Mnse very ownae on the same dnv wai iCC O CliMOe.1 tB M,n,t get report s.M0 head; snd Hudson keeps up hla enmngg. . MSB OoiHRs p- - frwtie baa arranged ta a of the market strong la in cents ailllMllut- . In... ,h...... nionviiw a tho newly ,'ur kl..'9HV. i ' light by higher, Ineludwg Some druggist aag I Mioaaor of 1 ownty. h,w roumls. mme. Thr featvre iteisagsfjgfs of Hudson, and h., u iiMMtmtita. a,bt. Jlnt intn ptett w & ahlpment are now woo vmrw Mra. cotllna at from Mr. MelMe liannett, the chant todar froni the Fort keeping toshe Soars. The N.urlv every heepei of a drug store' teg the imttle ehine Miforts te gsegt m?2Z2L.Holhrook, pnhHehetl In cwlemmd woman tray show tar of Amerloa, who Collins dlstriet, eves aelHhg at UM. droggnta aay they won't eii even a f'rueea, roturned to Saain yaoter mt rr rcniuctmaery store has been nnrra aorietiea and he W. St. 'fl tl. 9 nteratng contemeorarr, of gave yearlings Me, to ! ttte of (oothlag ( oay raomrag. ttndtr date yireiervng afternooti aa exmw I iamb .U. syrup If all the st once. ww i movement rtave htMH, March 11 la a very ahnv waMeener. Uon Her prowsas with gun some aagtsa mm be SS.4.. rk babies In Fayott county abrirking Mr. ana Mra. U A- - Uuntiea paw at! -- of the ahot arc Clltmrd is Huaeen's lieu- - lew popumr Ilia valloy fCOO, ittue MMHsest Sprg W tbrun A)kiMHru. HaUtriy night, allowed ncooont" of the killing ay Meaning ii mr pfMona out ex a ewt ISJe. jmartMgs at witn cone. "tt it, the eatoroamaat af the Sua me saw or toaaoro, nandg, (ram. laat of Sergeant John MeJenklas at lton poeelMe II, left tod&r for the east In rmhera are net tested today i,m This town Is In the heart of th. iaw He cream, gems far f4o Alto. Col., what ther gnetnble has employed n small Ice ate., ant lkl)rJn FW!ii the nwther atator Apache at the hands of Kergeaat the mtereata ot toe powger honaa ewe at Is.TO to Sfr utmb Conneilsrlile coke region, wber. s "f deter rives who go rotnjul me proper yK and of erioea are not aa high, rehrtiveiy. on ooutrsafme of Mr. Httgboa. Umls lxdesi the tragedy, according to repreasiita. Marry Johnson, a focal ae large part of the population u foreign watrhlag the atore and ahopa. mis position la ateeamtlanaed k. the nllegod "specml eonvapondonce,'' murkewwin, score, wethers and ewes, on aeeouat of the sad sabbath th, t Hon. aad Mra, goiotnon lwa made the next best observance fore '! that rnat tiliia were lighter recent deelatea of Judge Jttha 0. ShOr taking plarf Sunday evening, waa breaking 10 large proportion of lamba oomlna in t--r to their home at I.m Lunaa !at out of the M of the clay steck. xtorekeepera preferred to tn Flttaburg to tec that paldlahed ixl In aad dealers are advlatag that partly . ywtrdy. They rode tin the Hyer to libitum verbatim the spheres, despite the high wind that cnarica Bouios, an Italian m ham. i around to his oglce every Mtm-- tobacco ia now universally ragnrdsd Holt) rook Argna March repro-- was blowing. flaiabed lamba be shorn and ted out . and drv rrom there to am t. and l has refused to close on Sunday. It imirning aad pay a Ana. Clifford a a neeaaafiy. J ducod In The Bventng Cttlaen few new building, being wen. haa .'mo a The Korber coat him at the rnte of Ilea a tn towns miles sway aad got out ta daya - - - - - I . HuaMy almost a day of terror Col W. M. Berger. proeieeat of the later After going the rounds of erected on North Second street, be Sunday for the past month to keep auri. i ranis " gM B'lco Townatte and Improvement Co all the Arlaona and Now Mexico pa- tween Copper aad Uteres avenues. Is STOCK SALES hla place of bsmisaaa open oa Sunday. waicMng waa in the city for a abort time, pers, and the through all the western rapidly approaching completion. The Hudson haa now tried a new move c n-- v When an ir: ;" hut Information la madej - ntght, on roots from Santa Fe to the aad tetaern papers tite account Anally wall structure far the Brtt story hna to increase his expense of kesgtng haWnlt fJZ- ut-- ft phy. roaches our catemmead morning pa- been completed aad are lock City. Mo.. open. Last Monday when Rentes ta - workmen Tarda. Kansaa smde minHna aumrvBsmi li VftmiT BTlShMaa At iKaUa.. a. I I neon per aa a 'yjrrf spoodeoce' ' from Hoi-broo- busily sNgaged building up March his customary trip irr Ieonard la of hm Vonna haa la tae .Sosne sales at Cetera to Justice Ctttinrd's n .ht m. Ihrrehy uvoidteg the heavy , ward mt the nrriviKd in the oity, and iMaatOa mak- The Argna should offer a, pro- walls of the second story. Wm com- entile at Kansas OUr. that week Oitee. he found that there were four mtetoThtw Jr. ing thla hla fntura name. Ma wit) test at such Journalistic enterprise. pleted It will be a credit to that per wane mar, Meaner. COM. kilter, formstkwi against him and three Only a small naundg. II tort(on of the church fere necpt R poaltloH aa elork In ona of Two runaways occurred on South tlen of Second street amt will wake HU Snloat hla clerk. This was for"eacl) people are supporting the movement the at ores hare. First street, last evening, one oe- - a very handsome and substantial store Wtahfroft & Co.. SagUfteba. Colo . m UwTmT ' Will Meats of the lirtf1 Conaorva. mwoHlnc the other. The Inet lealor room building. atogRgrg, m pouHde, u$. tlve ur inauraaoa eoniitfliiy, ift lK at the trouble was a none hitaned to Miss Mabft lleyn. aieter of Fred WUlUtott &. Co., SagUSOnft, Colo, ltt niRht for a short buattiaor trip to delivery wagon from the Highland Heyn, chief deputy aherllT of Ainu simaers, sw uounaa. 21.11. point in Arlaona. lis will Jtent marnet. Becoming fiigJitetisti, WaWrow A Co., where talk ntternae, has arrived In the city Trent fgguaahe, Coht , ll CONCEDE insurant to Ute ArttoHkna, r the freight depot, h deeded Toptfca, KnaatM, for g brief visit with attmhern. MO Mtmun, UM. NOTHIN0 TO 0HiNESE, Mra it. a. gteyaler and Onaithtor -t sewlh. colliding at Ooal aventie with her brother. Mies lleyu, who haa O. TL Stevens. Lft jnnm. Colo., it home hut night attar having the btttgy of r. c fleemolier, oaualng completed three years' term siocKors, gut pouhuh, gsamtiiler a ilsb. 'xn atiaent from tho ty three nad a the hor to do ft runs war he nurse at the Jane Str.mont boepit-a- l W. F. Thero. itaUr. One., a? cowa. anir nontna. They woro vieMax at PtHHl. not altogether ordloary with nureea been ap .s pennas, a.a tor nt Toeetn. has WRIT D tum klh.kuiAa. l m...ij. rtmnwnr Jtoraes. After thf meat pointed tv. r. Tsaro. onto., cows. ES EMBY, WHO KNOW! gee. auperlntend'jt of a new bo iiuir. it Mtaa Margaret lrobMeil. Jatar of waawn horao had passed, the pital Just openK ih that city nod af mm pounds, Mr A ffcMtg V mnJler nag dracaed !ta kmd to the A. Yant, u Hughe of paMatl tar a short visit with her brother will Hockr Ford. Cote. 20 cowa. power down the road, the other nay, for 811-vt- -r middle of the atrm and began book an pounds, 15. HON XI WIN DSN MY. I of tag return to Topeka to take up ber dn ft. MEMBBR OF QONORSSS FROM DE- 11 Is., city, where alt, la a gnaat of ing like a well trained broncho. ttea. A. Yant. Reeky Ford Cola., feeg-er- s. 'ZTnZ aumdaad i TROIT, WHO WAS nai imic:ata. paat and present, niMriw Attornoy and M . R. M. After about ihr minutes of thla kind The magnlfllcenee plendor at Mo pounds, U.0. FORMER OHI. ma of performance, it apin and vn the government Itaatf, Turtiit. took a around taw new atore of A. Fa her. the West A. Yani. Rooky Ford, Cote., 31 feed- - NS8E OfFIOlAL, SAYS IT WOULD i km pay - the block, finally bringimi no nt tta era. ran sg.o. have connived st thla unfriendly set, mot of day at the Amor- Railroad aveauo carpet and furniture pounds. BE WEAK AND HURTFUL yet Lumber company a Thura-!.-. own stable, The moat wagon waa A. Yant, Rocky Ford, Oolo. hut as proofa ar locking. It te lnn plant dealer, would be a oompllment to a ll . March and the geemuller rig was oaivae. 410 pounds, tg.lfl. OHINA WOULD FRRSUMK ON IT ..rtaln that the Chinese awrtwgstia f 15th. our atore will be cHy severs 1 times the slae of Albu p i badly wreohed TELLS ABOUT THE sn Fraorlaco wer at treat aware of ttutil 9 p. m. Klmon Stent. The querque. It Is a feast for the ye from H Badger. Rooky Ford, Colo.. 17 StRAT Mai i bulls. 1,116 pounds, M IS. he intended moveaaeat. amdteaed n road Avoauo Clothlor. Wesineseay, cellar to garret, each of the three BOYCOTT. gave Tin- - American Lomber company haa Harah it.) H. Badger, Rocky Ford Oolo, 1 and etarourngemeat. 1 shall not K. 0 Murphy, a prominent floors containing hous furnbMngs of r.'a.itiy e n.t'iii ii tno own or pay day drtiggiat calf. 110 pouaaa. MJO. it was in the Intereat their and of Ik every dlacrtpthm and atyle arrayed In WRITTEN BY HON. EDWIN DENBY, I r Vvoa. xiwudlag the day In H. I the coolie Whether purpose win pay oC on th lftth of A Badger. Rocky Fonl, Oolo the i ho city. fascinating display. place where Member of Congress . only - sn ii immth Thin It will b heifer, 410 pounds, UM. from Detroit; to ,ir- less rtearona eaav month eton- - whole house sul's are displayed la TtnirHday of thla monk. The Uon opened a big sale Some sale of western khetn and termer resident of Chine; former imoti of intrv into the osastry for separate IS h- morning with large and distinct scones; such :!- - Matthewa. an AlbtMneraiionn, 'bis a number of lamba. at Kansas City, thla etfieial of the Chinese gevernmsnt. adtni i'rt or a general re--' Mi. customers in the new store f A. Fa ber. . nn4 ll Bmory Davie of Uelan, am lu attndsncu. Monday. Marett 19ofi. f th. of enrlaetea, only ttoturna Nelson-MoQove- rn Teeeph Burnett and a party of four i. , be-fo- of Bgbt int. will bo The Ju Foy Ham a rv, taking too aammation r' local tlnteted Son., Formosa Ran., deetekm will be recwlvtvi tonight at Clark's hnntern and ntmrodn loft the 4t 'hu, he md; a coim K thi' board of pharmacy, now in city, Monday, for a week's hunting inmns, sz ponntte, Jte. AJtalrs In China are attract ing the iilearc. but ih-r- Iool Rooms, nr. West Railroad ave- rtntniv Ktigcn. th,- cgeluston awminu to aectire phertnooieta nue. aiong the Rlt (lrandc The party B. C. Mnttam. Monte Vistav Colju earnest aad almost fearful attention latt. fiTiirifi 0f Bract lo. lamba. IT U-- In nt) opinion It Jowgeoo Mitimy v ' the Whitney com- - left in two boats, wall stoehed with tn pound. of the world. Not etnoe ISOo has so would be both Mr. M .J. Wood, the lattttrHff gV H. M. I Mem. Memo cmo "mk Bd ytehj la apendlng a v ,Ie of dags In provisions, and will remain out aa long la Viata. serious a ooadilLm tn 6 4 fc"'"' lo a 4r iKmr f im vagna, ramnlnoa otmr thv 4g tawbtt. 4 ptHWea. $e.S& seemed to exist Cy Fe oo a bus! news mmeion for, a rrane is pieatltol. Owing to that storm empire prevails AN AUTHORITYIftlUHltl! Sunday in thla city, on her way homo i'. iionase, Marts, Kan.. (30 tossed aa ON CHINA. toy unoer pfmsmre hla empioyera. me nearness of anrng snmeient st. today. The situMtea Is umtakMedry of the heweau. from California. Sho wna the gnoat IVfrey ' lambe, Si noumte. S6.7V Any as H wrmhl llurka. representing "snake bite Juice whs taken ahmg - mtonded whti( here of her long Urn frlende. c npapfr w. Rsjgerton viewed with keen anxiety by our gov- The author of the aoeumpnny- company to- for any and all emergencies ; md u nouth, rah., 2 t' be. in the most liberal and trtewlly of Denver. U In the etty ernment- Trade bus already suffered ing article the Cbisose boy- - ir Mra. Geo. T. Qould day there Is some doubt exprsasad bjr the huniie. si pountia, $.w. t spirit, and beeanee of tfc fneHsR that I'rofrd 'jlram Ilndlay, attperlntetidant with hu sample. severely, but i beHere that the lives rot. Iron, isfwig Deaby, ropre '' There ara wlmimlll pomps g a friends left behind, as to whether the Tuesday. Marsh 6. IfiOfi. eertetn individual Chine bad been s.: ,nUU4 mructlOfl, will Kntvo short of our A terloan eltteemt itre la no sent stive tn sgjigjsag from Do-- a harshly that Hive forth water wheth- party will be able to atear otsstr of U C. Swlnk. Iteeky Ford. Colo., present ia deslt with wsmhj be ly for Ahkjogonkt, to attend a moot long enough danger. i trH. the sgjt o iirmer MlaJav a by ng - er the wind ntewB or mi, water ngf to renmlM oat a sag ewes, tn pouggs, sa.m China as evidenes of tna- f t;it. otoro County Toacbont' that The boycott of the American goods. e ler lntiy. who regfaseMtod the a report aaia nothing wan. W. I Booth, HdjWt'Jn, Kan., 3T1 - waskseaa sad truckling afvtuieaeeuc ad-- dr about theni. aa an outward sigu of hostllo dte- e Ihtlted State g (ShJim ter mnsy where lie will make an H. Ruppe. h e d V-- Masse, president of the territor In their demands. It tveatd he H J. manager of the Gallup lemfw, mi pott hub, puetttni, pro years .,r. on Tito Halatlooa of the 8pl rit- ial board of pltarmgey, returned n. c. la wortltr of the most tkwtf lived In the If by other and mora sxtravagant ual igeetrle Light mi Power owhimiiu'. but HattoB. Mania viata, coin.. found study. 'Mis weapon employed celestial tntfifra waa and Material' nigRf rratn qanta Fo where he T i anil ter e Head of returned heme on the flyer Utla mo ni- leg lambs. pounds, g.5i la consonant with the thuorlcs and 6 some tiuit .a the Ohines awatomg ' the nroaftodinMa tho meet been attending the two days' meet tar, 11. II. Monte ing dood ls S. after visit to the city m busi- Hntton. vuta, Colo. radltiona of On R fuels society. It Is, He It ia urged that Umatment af of the aovarninfttit of the board, at which the aevauui Gs pouRis. SSJO a "le ijmgaMr ths bast 9 xir l.aie ness. 31t lambs. or may become. Hamost aa authority In MsfctagtoM on the Cteem ana aorftaflnMe mimiauiM eiaowuaro in tmwya utti enmiidatea for pharmtewt's M. & g. Co.. dteaatren t the hmn Work on the J. M. Moore Realty certiflraiw Standard U AlHietw, to our trade aa SosttllUaa, yet wbject of t anrah. In the extreme, gMthg te tbtor y ty map la were examined, among them betnK Kan,, i,ot wethers, us pnnda. epi Chin. nmiMhM, rormar proreemK it is war. The OMmwe phiteee- - V V W VrmvmUsg ta ihssr swsibilHlufi-OMe- s ratiKio owner It Miss Matthewa of city, who mmte S.JO. net i " stesdnr but will be several months thla phere OMMtemn spirit t t are always tg wlltor of Corebntft" parltflt-pMin- hate and the at e, mershalietl (he highest verago M. g. jmiiitHhed wagon Mound, yet beforn It will bo ready lor dis- h of those Standard ft I Co. warfare, eunnteg by our eagrahia support af the ehgrge-- - the f te at wbaro ha tribution. W. C. ftmarflsW of aVrm Ran., 98 ewea. US pagnds, but with consummate smart, wtneh eae tiiao aa poetHMater, haa dta thay employ the keen edged weapon ot S Kteg teatUy. anbjected te ImtignKieit nrvd prm-an- t, City B. 0. Mnrsmey I Veaaa, Jtaatty Bros., I,7C W Mrs. D. n Coverdale, who, at and f as jumr, cio.. nltt-tav- y posed of hi nawtfMipar of psaee. 4er - tmm-hate- d is Bostas, and' Uu. of hulne lo la menverrn otmra. acoomna matmi. pottnoa, levy. wateh sa Hrtajr lEutiMea- aa the Amador Martinet, aud will mora to recovering from an operation ""it oi tne t The bayaott aa a asstsod of public to beaWR ntlssk la the west, Tatar are Mr. Ui city: Mr. td J. Ahreaa, Meghgtam Kan.. St year ralsm.aaea4Wae tbla ;y, where he may In tho naar for MHatit1e?tb at ft. Joseph's hos- nld Rofpe this protest la centtu lea old in China. The earlnatea frayed with murk use te epefiehes. pital, expects mil- otmumilng on to CHy lings. peungg, im. Tutor, atart a Spanish newepapor. to give her spring Slrrer Ii &, boyoott heggn tshaaghal waWt gran magaalne alleles, ., Bath ng linery mm utgnt Mr. .MMrphey O. Hafnos. Ctefnrueo. t imeha. Amerosa la The bafestt hato egeet vers At laat nlght'a meeting flood opening about April lat. ami leaving IU May IS, 1SW. fergiabie gad we can gg pteft of the Y. Lag powMte, IS.XI en Two terse meet before of that isstetea reAghed have Oovernment LoagtM. raaolnUoR waa T. Mayaard, the watch. Inaneetor tola uorning for hie home at ings as test MMUty a Wedaesitay, March T. were held and it wna declared Oaina. The srUate of for those and eg? the ao of the Santa Fe on iu4. esssin declaring agalnat por-rha- eoaat lines, the mt spatter Instances that tesy pad the . that If the United States aboo Id de jteeledsrs te wingMfcaaaa. out hajte y division from Altmquergwe to Wins-lo- H. Wens, Triaids.) Colo,. t7 of the Water company's prop-(fit- ewes. pounds, mand that China sign a new exclu but they were rtoteteg. sot hi prloe by Mayor returned thla morning from 0i-In- RCAVIS OF LAND QRANT s SaJO. the muned I- sion treaty a boyeott of Amerkaus snd onwned geae. Ail typical. where he "set" the watches of nil Scott - I,, g. Co., i, Animas, of these me, MrKH majority city a and a of tho FAME IN A NSW ROLS. Oato.. 1.001 yearlings, goods woald follow. Almost Immedi- it should be sated, la sharp oompe-tltte- council. Read proceodlnga of anid railroad employes at that plaee. pounds. Wetatevsr of truth there Sfcgy ha te Whiter Jnifa. who to la tie hoeprUU Jemes AtMbun Reavts, who sue-- ately similar statemaate were mmte with si aarter srogscls of other the general charge, li is cert eta that , qiwtiug in another column of today's Hangohow, rsoovering from an operation for ap- reeded in making such prominent chl Saotl U A I., g Co. i ns AMlmaa, In Ptooehow. Neucbwang, aattens. CsreaiB other artistes ot far every case in which s Oaasaaina flciilng citlaca. I Settlement), Bang- son pendicitis, la reported recovering rag--! sona aa Cohmel Robert O lagerson uoao.. yearllgge. s pounds, fftxi Singapore Straits competitive nature show go de- ha lecn maltreated en rylat a Saf lllatiop John Mllla Xondrlek, of the tit Cbefoo Calnkieag. proving crease. Kpiaropai idly and la es petted to be able to be John W. Mackay. Andrew (raecw F. Ridor. Las Animas. olo. 41 kok. aad ter this ommtry, many sesrag as churoh. who hal boon In M. ae fto the movement to have been Brecon The origin boycott not aerrorat day a, oeenpytng down to the store within v couple of and Henry Potter of New York be iambs, pouads, of the la aaaes might be addeerd tat isMgh a th city for Iteve Thursday, g, No such demand waa made clearly determines, nor lr pur- thf iMilpIt St. John'a Bpiacopai week. that he owned net only Tucson. Mareh lata. lu Chlnaanati haa sought by famgd to at a by government, on Mny pose only Sunday, olBclaltng Mtaa Amelia Stel lev, who haa been Phoenix, Freaeott, Albuquerque. Santa Loekbnrt L. 8. Co.. Ark nans Vul lur and I. quite clear. We know that vade otsr law and Wronggsflp ta e church. and at too ago ter. 478 ewse. M pouads. the faanoua Ju Fny decialon waa rea It caiat. and it is a .remarkable1 confirmation of a elaas of etabt. on at St. Joseph a bonpitai since Feoru-ftr- r re, au or Aruona and New Ment- &.. that ter our territory Mtinday evening, leaves tonight tor angerUig from a weak heart. left ion, baa again coma to light. He is Powers Hroe.. Nebraska, 7ST lambs, 13 pounds. H-70- . Hooorro. Rev. Koadrlck la of thta morning for her home at Mureka, eevsK to atari a woekiy aewepaper bishop Terpen lag. ltey, &za pnrtMiuR of rf hln iilocwse. htciadlag .all of New S D. The altltwte was fonn4 to be in uvwavy, no went reotatiy Arimauma THE COAL BISCOVikY roal. The inxportaao import a vnat amoagt of rssliirhji fin ti. . mmm. so pounoa, ag.H. the. coal Moan-tai- Mi .tco and Arlaona. too high for her here. from the New Mexican penlten-thwy- discovery to th Saddle aaUdiag eosMtrusgtea, fneit atVt, at FrWay. Maffgh 8, IN DBEK CREtiK BAS1M company great, M and Mrs. A. K. Nousbaum of Leopold Biho of Cubero arrived In an .aged and broken down man. t0. is ae it will faclil heavy expense, wtkerea. mMttteal g Clilcago, accompanied by Preatdent neavia considered one of the nikereoa, drawers, tote., & tate aad cheapen the cost of deretep-iu- g vehipmeat of the raw asatertel within Sweeney of tho federal 8mHlttg aad moat remarkable men of the ago. He ewes. St pounda, AND OTHER iTSMg OF ARIZONA fhelt large coppnr property in the the territorial bordora shsmld sappay Hfflnlng rompnay. wore In oity claimed the immense territory by rea- Fulheraoo, Prowers. Colo.. 4a3 same cailty. many of theae seeds, It ht hp eMtott the 14 pmtada. t4VT. NEWS TAKEN FROM THE STlLOBB for a hort I me, nignt. guests son of an old Spanish great. He pro- lama. these Held A weN as to agptel te last tho J. Arrasuy. Lamar, tote.. 47 SILVER BELT. duced numerous document whtok A shipment f ore from th- - devetopanest of valtathto mtfaegg of Mr. Ncusbautr.'s slater. Mrs Ivan CATARRH bunks, pounds. Astar Orunafrtld loaned good, but his fvrgery waa tutl-l-y tt tMi loan Copper company's proprtKs that thla rpMratlog aad Mra. Alfred Orunafeld John Manning, Deer Mine will be las The parly waa In the private PutlMrfU tHaooverpd. His boMneaa waa as- a rreeh farmer mndo to tW sajetter this week Qstite an tounding. He even TSLBSRAFHIO MARKETS, who was in town yesterday. coaSrmed mrpe or "ilaaeuner," and are tour of the sued the gorera ri a aamuat ore u arauaMe nhr anuthwost, leaving laat night for the meat for fta.mjNM far keeping htm the published in onr teat week's ainasaenr aa seoa as saunmreary Kgnaae dRy Issue openins Ave ' FRIDKMORE IS HELD SV City of Mesloo. from hla land. The ScMstberalftsMe Market. of the of a foot vets can ae Ha KiMMaa City, Mseah 14. --Cn(Ue re-- Osf OCssVJ (sSwat Jn5wVwtsT sews9w9w 4J$ we"w) XeMsnssT emviaa arreaawaeaie MEXICAN OFFHSIAWl. Tbosa having the walntra Albu- paid the swindler 9M.M for a. right ran sgg tho ore pteasg upon dump of ipsa. Tjwm; 400 atmahaena; Sold bp Mountain the A esjeeial diapatrh querque's public schools at heart are of we and the sttTer King MRfcfKg mcniu&x creek the Saddle from haarweii. tnarhet ataggy te strong. HaXlve lopprr oompaay. He mated that the dated Mareh Itth. says Tkg - agitating the Mtattor f pianlfgg dif- MMHpaay in ltnal cotinty coatrienteg The Five Points ooMtmnr I irt- seers iigfpgjg; aoutherg vela had beta aaWalsmtly ossssd to errag eaa oaxesus w uu tphh ferent varieties of shade trees around js,whi. iteavis operated aboot fteea cowa, in aavasaaimy or oreetiag a Mastee, the acbooi gatsaoa daring the cowing years ago. He was once a school tJe.M; mMihern permit of the eaal being mined In con- coaceotrartas pteat oa property rsrossd ta derrrer Tiimsas 4 he, native cows aad hetferg, queatlttee is ita is Frlatemer to Sheriff goring and anmnMr, togothsr wltk teaeeer in Downey. siderable aad which bow orger that a large aavtag miatht be i.W: stookers and feeders, uetng hauled try wagon to the saddle sang 'bis emtaty uatU taw mnwnl aatimiltteB lowers and ahrabhary. Prof. Clark 4.TS; balls ia aHMhhg to th asneater aa prooesdlngu xmae wish In matter, SNSAK THIKVKS Itfleftt.sS; calve Mountain asip w or taed thrmuth hu intoreatod htmsetf the T.SS; western fed ttmuiamau its ores. A and hopaa Improve tho looks of AT LA VEOAg. steers. ISJwtllJaS: The coal is of Sne anelity and the eedtfter asrpon te ea arowed in western fed ootvt. 4 aft the to the grounds woadarfally before the 4 sneak Ulef mvaoed the Oetmner-trh-ti itMJf vein carries but very little seat The prepare sttagta aad MrttwtUes for the . recelput, tpSO; Jail at Oaena Ornatew gad sljinftad opening club Vegas on fttngeg-eortu- lnep Importance jf the dtaaosgpy te not pteat of the next 'term, at Us MMttg. Matteaa. ret hte wjBhsggitmg t ctmm here wrthout O X. He paaa. SdJiftSS apprecteted except by the niaago'usnt Hon. Cromwell of Now York stole a railroad rang wethers. MtrsatMtes papers He has been aad Albuqnorgw. aad owner of mm-aove- iSMiassiBaaaaMaanaeaaBBnm II' in caeh end a number of trlaketa tHg.7: of the Saddle Mountain eorupaay It of iatmrpatattoa Art .tM); fad ewes. MJMNM0. warns Articles of the InperhMt BMoac of rwU Msnhring to Alfred Jjugfcirt aad ff that the liwr creek fttdd will waa hteploraitoa A Devetepmsnt com- ELY'S OHKAM tram w estenaivoly dtfvetoead amt) Csmstraettou la mWi Mate In thla ey. left teat night for BhlM the bilitare room of the etnb. Chieage "iaSte MsHest. be pany me publtehed te this name of the en Vegas ura4!m Mew York, i He auto opened afl the letters there te every reason kswera that ths Las Trasnnl rand. alter a vtait of about two thin Namagy a Spagifla, in the Mum ltCJpttte psMigtg, Nlver Beat, aad the wsieh SVsKAtor Tate Crettt-we- Cleao. at no output Cmrk aad weeks In the metropolis. Mr. li Swro to Oive vMan. i uJI dspaplment and aegttered tbem dtetast dale the will er la on of the mom tanmprwhmi eapreeeed aa doeiiediy atvg tiB over Snar. greatly of th ioaal are building from Law ramna and himself ggUIP AT 0NSK. the is asesiis ver arnmwd te. ttes tesTMinr. Svrtaan to Tsmeaah. wrthur well pleased progress Alba-marq- soothes, protasis M ma- - nSv with the bls, and the atoekara aadiisiiaws.; The BteMte Moaaiaia lateg While pees eat upsrsllwae will be ess ef the te rnkstvleSmL wai malrtM. awd said that auHabruue. U cor.- Catanli ami Aeeordlng to itdward Owheny, reggge. paay navrrew rasi m lar a h. la aoe gtadinc for a Sned to sstaing properties in Otebe laxtton Cessp, Nevada. Thai wltt the outlook tali-r- e gyoataoaa was in w.r a c,.jd tn th preasttent of Maatean snttselhajl' read for Ha4 the Ps4rotevm Mr4ftwf9Mg lftwtW , 1jWvw'lHstt gnuge traeh to be bulk from the mksea dtetrlet, the of She tamargema-fatM- r o ntltea arsd wtti earn tl.uSS. genaea Thsti rail-ws- y ittvmm ltt loac eatteedlMgly brlgjnt. iswtores the of auntgany, the Mexhwn Ceatral In tho hvwer bnaln to mouth ef n MUtny t)i-.M- lu; tern tta. the aoMu whte of future te ""he Deputy JStiina te fgwi. no ml te now rakhtg sraganeep UM Hsrrtmaa hnteraste arc to Utcm Marahal rrod dsr tMM barrete id Deer eraeh oa the line f Arisen A sestet ra Itaes beretcrSore hat Ittste with Aa-fas- taitllfcd Into the iioMrOS a eoaaected the urajsit. Snnarat Jtmoff retotted last night from Jteei oil a ismisa. Tblaiahout Hast era asjrrey. aavl It te eeid to be esasidetrad la a country where copper Cterax built an I. T. wlawe he took one Or. b.. it) eeu at lrmimi vt ttefeftNlllm h 1W nmta whb ee ameaat the CsnttraJ will the inteatiow of iht Saadie Mcrmtuls predhmttea te estgroesteg gmteral at enr; tailing soadn. asnj Itarim of ItofeMteta, who was wduted St enmpaeiy eteetrig rsMwey. k iirapainti i s to testall aa teyyfM. The resuurewa of Artpew me I ssBore lo the aagm in bt.rld-te-g there for contewpt of cenrt. Mr. st.) swrg'WBwa. werrvaet. new ' eve&im&.mmavfoippmi ears est. Bght Bar trawe- - juM r:'J:r!L lerm te rtVuWw' aWaS M ashgth. t wrstaar m mmm, ut u st fse Lee Vegas ft TssgfWsk . ot al btoeooms. caff of mbroMory Tb vott A.d tAk of It. Tko govomor k JBMK2 rOMT RVSERVK. NOTIOi. u HACA. wreath nr coronet of orage onnrio I m imimai or some other preferred Sewer, though loeroa aro odfOi wttk Mm band of tpoody imUob by tko ottcy of tko Permit: son-lock- o Apprlostkme for aralnc ptnk aaun. wtw twror Intorior H tho ntttor. la tko lottor m htfaUiiiara !ada!s'J WLOeUsWA PIJRmA Wfl OTHHO, mii brktos Ilk w tw Mr at MRtt ootorod Hotloo In given that nU nofdl-ontlo- rkatbaiM1 mIm oom-plot- horokr YORK la havs tow f tbe bridal nowers and a Mk rflfor lrni h anjrA tbat tk ktoaUOH l frow a gma oatt. poreon lntorreeor; NEW AAtnmi aHndpotnt. tk boat k koo for penafts to slaw. And ah etoionkMf in semewbere about tke oostuato. 11m tk cootntRo. borses and eboeii wkkln the Jemes terest or titt to tk Iron Mafic and veil may b partly tk turn, cover Old rot rAMM wm Md or trar Tk amonnt of wntor will JFASH1QN mr an. will rorest fteamfe (IwrtHx tko sea of meek Iron MmlHg CRntoMt BANTIAOO AXA.YA, al, Urn b of to kind otbor coatnmo k&vttw a aorod skirt b MMrbbnndant. tko Mont b M. M- - et whel Agar. of - must be submitted to U UeaMaaBaasam il flow-hu- t all MkMHbad tor In advanoo of im, that to th Wh ront uid in yin. Tk wktot dtnood tnu- 44pf(MH&e 9TH AeWlHWailtt eftlMUl 1 You nr kereby notlftoe that wj, oatfatdbehind m the only. and allohtly potatos. Uw draaory c tbortMliOA, tk ntadncta will rU ad Msrofc Jd, your In the Iron Maw LETTER train ro Mow Mealeo, en or botoro Amoal trom tko Dfiarwt Ooutt ef the The seeoad dross to to ommMotwI in potntod antMraod tb oror a road warNt at now, ami to 1M. mil m format to u regArd to Lode end Urn PJMak iron LoeO. sm bnnatkg - oouaty of the Buprom 00CO0Om500000000CX)0COG U th zoimk away" Mwfe, Mil If OM a rarll botoro of IrMk oroobot htco. tor aiioilaalr lituaada tk groolat row to be ohMrgud, ad Mod In tk UM trtAoitM Minhtg Me- to tk Oourt of 9rtuoTerritory of Niw Mwt-m- o bftv tow to one's Tko a) bow aloovoc an ot moo wnji In of woro aurtonltsral laodi. Tko to ueea msKing flw w mi n Meek forma be in allk. and bottoftc are aovtraor nrtoa a iMModmt nppro-prkUlo- upon afre-- I by Pltomona Pore 4 Otero, tk 18. tkls dress should be of th matert onffa of Collar nUoatton. wtll be fnrntokod New Mexico, hofo nended Two fdAaAaftlF SjagUaaaAdP K York. March There an by BarwmaA TaajVPsr style U wilt rv of Tohrot. for tk work It It eon bo, Addressed Above nomod la labor aMd improve' so meay of Mar girls who ar la. cotoni aad tkat - ee to the Hnadred Dollars this In pal bin erooo do flkloo any bC'tTMIIiy oorarod by tk depart- appear Jual now making a the great ileel-to- a menr Manx la the ratur. A town monta nem eold lodes, as will seooaeary A brio developed her "gotns atonntr mm weald bo pMtty for on nunt. THOMAS H wTITwARD, by oarUMcst. filed Oetober Itnl, im, hot the one to the mHt - SLJTJTZ: mm(r. whet shall I tef IB my away" gown trow dark ble poplin, m tnforoMi ovonlnt affair nnd ftftor- Aetmg Peretier. In th onto of tho Recorder of MM JTl. - It will eoet yon a oont to try t hard for Mir u ska was kavlnt ft or to Mi- wr anttAoio for amall done, inn net county, m to hold said fnkwa miMw it nt jnrod CbAssbestaiB't laniaeh end UrM orr Re-- l4 I rOWM MOgth OMftMHHt It madA wltk a clrmilar Wrt unoor Beetien UU. Jve sbsoiat HI snob matter, ngoapt It WSS nM Preeesals for Beef and Mutton. provleioes of th v?? iet?!:T,tL around mm or tare twos eo kAvteK from nanoi. and a bowo TAbMc, ead they ar IW w Oklef Oommtoaary. Doavor. vised Statutes of tk United Btotos, fto, they knew tke Amstntt of MMMMf to k tko ana ooajsupnojew. Owe Mlttfi01 aunt, lb Metal oMUpttlOw that will traction: a heck section with It! full wltk a traaiDAnmt rok tod onr toMR rronnioa Colo March 1, lved. Boalod p,truto betng the amount roeulred to how S!?T' TIT box-Pla- At soy Herrera, Jarsoilllo, Jtan a a la a trial it and ot b)M and at bow trlmmud Qt a tree sample dm "wre vertng tho year sndlng Deeember'M" Maaael '. tell on tk ftstur told. kor future eaa aIot for funttoklna: aad dell fresh un- - Mi porttoM of A Rirai year sieLisS RoiaoiA Qoaeaie do Maeoa. the rest.ieaee: but wo Win giv M general two circular wttk cluster wttk Iao fan. klftb crniOd THREE OF t$UAMftN7 beef aad mattoa oa btoek during intervals, all Akonld eomnbrt otmtanw.. ro- - mnety ,' a letter M nooslhls whtok will Ml ptalte MM at regular ot tko am OtHMtt of llaaard, was In town oomwwelng July 1, 19M, wilt bo And if wlthla dra atter thtc ?rrr? J", "Tr, . watnk warn to VOUO To Mm atrl tko: Mroa In tko OMtotry . oc notlco by pubMoAtloa youfcll or retus TriW be of MM tp to th Judgment Of lUUM iNU. Ibta wfcAk-- oetvod horo and At omeo oonwaiS' bfr. a low A. mom Mi tko (rant la IMKokOM atyto nod kn low oootal oWliAlton. jd earloa faHowtax soeta until 11 a. to contribute your proportloa ot suok our brio. Them ar Jbmw OrawYin Oornett of camp roK. is at your 6trfa. i,,S,,t, thai Iwkmg aasramvaly to th wddlag coesects tko two lda secttoag M m.. standard mouataia time, April t, ipmdHuro a a, ooownor. inter. 3lto.Vrto. appear of tko aMrt. in town today on Mid otolw waM beeemo tho d Mrujt, Msrbt Kefusia Ortls, Joe-- adds to tit P A MfSS net of Bis creek, was ra town ifM, aad then opened: Forts Acb la 4Mb skirt woa wont a ereoiy DANCING PROCK OR property of the subeertbera, MM I uaaaowa amrs ex Aiea with met woek on bootaoAtHyoeo (Ky.) aod laaehusA aad whloete Itarrachs untr Ahaya,to Aoaya. MADE IT HERSELF Ilk blenee aad a lrttl ooat of tko A Borurd N. Bectloa ak Juaa Polls Herrera iHOVeUteMHMtoClTal T, Ports aod Wlntmt. llil de roe Araaon, Ore- - Ma popti trimmed with laec band M. Prooosala will b raoolvoA aad HRrUWtT O. HROOKS. Area, Antonio goria Aragrm, nomuto Aragon, Mar-gartv- -i In. Tb. back bad a mm t tk eon Tartars hv opened at same time for fresh 0. M. FRANK. bf pubBswttoB, Jan, IMC-- Araaon. the unknown hr't of tor Mid bed two plotta at oaok sMo SooaMm of tk iVS.tortore to whlok aad mutton to bs dlivrd at these First M. torMlKK a broad oookl boa-pHU- t. a m WHI posta temperatur greater than mmedkH Araaon. Pells Araooa. so of th eAvaa tribes tke at not NBTISE OF BOIT. of Teresa tmea Manuel Aragvtihr daaa b&jkwmrd tttnilaif la biM IpplJnht aajkiect ceatfves, rsmlnds te dearees fabrenbeit. Information and their M. 19. aos real arst name to to the pumtlC oa aaob atoo of tko front, tko twUaoM mo of UW mtas soKeriag I eadured torniohed on appiHmuon. aw veto pes bolow bolng preoMul a ploM to Broeoeals be ankhowa, Trinidad Araaon, Dolorss Wo Mr tlroo moatiM trom inaammAoon eontalntaa should mark - Tfio l - 9,!Aroe, lmtevaa Aragon. Nostora Ar- tha lower aM cloalns sars W. M. Haor- ed. "Proeosels for Freeh Beef and iSL1 rm , oaf, tha ktaamrs.'' HiMivfaH ia.NT? wro www son. rtoretoo Aragon. Narctoo Ballej n. HMMla at tbe otblor wblek oouM bo men ef Oueklag. Me. "rfotklng Imtoed Muttoa." aad addreesed to unosraiwv A. Jos aaiiafos, son ot Manuel BaJIoIm; torml to rovorM. sloto faolag me utftt 1 tried Keetrte Sitters, three d or to oonMRiseary at poet to be sw- - Tsresa Ssisjur d ApeNe. book WW- atanuot JMfOs. jumm Bsiiejos do oawtil m tko oMtor of tko stilts ot whlok oomptetoly oared we.' plled. . K. Weet. U. - D. C. a. natottS. (Ottawa tko ook ab4 ftoot Tk Ourog oompielAt, dyeoeesla. bleed vs. ksoA. Jaan Booa, Otaudlo Baca. Juan titor Kefagta Can- - fall ltow alooToa woro of mh a dteerdOM mabtrta; NOTICE. Bar!, CsaMrt. tas and nod rtores Jm Aped. demrta. Jean CoAdetorto. cot ftiilakod at io lwr with ta weak xnd nervous to robust kecKk Fraaolseo otiitodi band AM frKIa of laot. (riHUAaleed by all drugfttota. Pries To Mury O. Webb, Ossele White. 8. & T9 Ln OaadetArlA. Domingo caadenrts. . Jw IS'-- A hririft wko eovM own oavorol V9C White, N. J. wrunmuist. it. TWTTTTatTi, t Mbmia OAaeiarla. the unknown wAlblag drMMtM had kr IraroUoic hK Bmlekee. Oeorgo ll. UaaoHon, Joka heir of OreftorlA CaBdektrlA do Cos- - m4o of gror andwbltoororckeekod TO IRRIGATE TEN on if. Brown, J. T. Kelly, a B You are barear Kellfled that the! sales, lanaelo Cbaee. VkHorlo CSbsver. ekovkK. mA4v wttk a el router ahlrt THOUSAND ACRES. Abraham. K. Q. Baldwin, their heir above hmed pwlhtlR, Tbreea BakMAr Jesus OhAvos, HJIas rJtaves. uenlio hurlnr A hasbllt MHftl ftatB4 from Tk lkewB HeaHy eompany ef m ailasleJetrntoM sad sMtsos. and an de Apodeotu has aommeMed an n uimvot, J'etra Araaon de Chaves, the bolt to foe, ftnoi ami bAok, and tko VH9 and Las Oruees have KM on norma emlmlng tatoroat or title to tton tor absolute direr atelnet you, unknown heirs or Permin Chaves, Id? aoellona trtMOd at tko lower XOMS aeros of laud rn tke Mimbres the Old Timer led Mining GUI". upon the areuaoc of ahMdohwom, And to Chaves, Jtuwltc Ohares, Joelr rowa. vaMejr east of Is soon to desertion, and praying for further and Maria, Chaves. Santiago Chares, juan- - frtjte vltk nmm'n To won Demlar and w waa a ptaln Mltalr ow In faooy eonotrHOt a canal ton miles long to You aro hereby notified that otber relief. Bo Ohavoi. Ptto Ortega de Domto )arkt labor Inuirov- - ihrM-qtMrto- Jrieoro. Irrigate Thla vroieot WH have exnefJed la and And you. the mi! defendant, are gaes, Pedro Doennutues y Montoya, ontlla. abort tks land. upon Old Lode, sib fiai collar and totter rotl. all (! add several theoAd nam of euttb meats the Timer hereby notlfled that unleea you Appear the unhaown heirs ot Clprleaa Duran Mining Dit. Oar-eaue- e niockin aUteklAK for vatod Hmhm to Lai a county. usted la th New and anowx th oompkilnt la eakl de CaadoiArls, Cecilia Ortega do tits iiimh tko county BentPImPe, and Terri- doonratloa. Wttk tko Mil WAA worn Utot. of on or before tho ltth day ot cla, Mariano Oarcia. Maria Oarcia v I One Hundred Dol A A 4UU . M 4 . , I - . . . . bkMMo eklo SexerM, Tstter, Bait Rheum, ten, tory of New Mexico. April. A. M. IfLa. WW, I HVPI. Will 1IMTW, MMBOI UTWTVUI. a rrwa illk ond aror will appear Iin, I JITH iiiriiBit irinMMi wttk eroam Bowooma Rfhg Wrm, Hers, lar for tke year 1M, as in BoraaUllo county, territory of Now Mafari UsrH. Teleofor Oarcia. Hojo by certificate filed November ttk. Moatoo, the MM alalaUlf will appiy Oarcia. BUMbto Oarcia. Toemo Oar Dollars for tk In the ttavallMt boo akonld b an Alt of UieM disease ere Attended 103; On Hundred to the court tor tho relief il intended cla. Pells Oarckv Adela Oarrw. Usat ia- - 1MM, will Appear by certlftoato nerbADI MAOO bv iDteae itceian, watoh to alawot rear a In tko ccmptotot aad Judgment will b n rtorcia. Palls Oarcia. child of Juan other ftklrt 0t of - 1M4, Oa tko stsntly relieved by Apptying Chomber- Hied November Uth, aad aaarhot yon by aemen. I to to old, or If nw. mlfbi bo of on of tor year ItM, as Mrd Usrria. who ral flrst nrae p or of in tola s aeJrre. aed by us eoauaeea ues Haadred Dollan tho W. al DAMK iDlaluilffs uaknown: tka uakaowa belts rutty new StcllUaw). art will aaaaar bv eerttflcAte filed De dark xood. A nMWbor ot proUy a tmrsaaMiii ure mat be esoetoa. Otorh of mm Dtotrict Court, of Lor-e-so rurcl. Cklaa MAres de omce of 1 nofHHMiry, a odd in nwt. cured wear tsw cember Uth. IMS. la the tks A. J. Mttoaoll, OarclA, Mbtrtin CtoAdaluolt. blowaoB will bo and Mid county. In order OaroJ. of ttM or moda voc-or- t had raatolad other treatment. Pries the Recorder of Altornor for ptomUff. omoe aad rMleaos, Reyes Aragoa do Jfcokot. yroforablr by an MM premises under rrorlaloa OomIs. elotb. Thla wtll ba n oovtRg to tko M oajito per boa. For sale to hold Mossews sour Amutiuerqae. g ttekaawa heirs of Jmus Maria Gon- - Hoop kor frow drugiTa. of Bertie jm4. Revised Btatuies N. M. atoa y BaatltbtoM, BMuardo OonMles. sow droaa nod ftlto 'United belaK amount re- WHWplWHMia RWAM Of OkXkOB Ike 8mlet. rertseto Reyes OobmIm, tllM FARMER AT 8ANTA quired to hold tke ssme for the your NOTIOE OF SUIT. aou!. "brl-'e- " oil over kor. Cteofn Roe Ml m. BablBA Ho whlok wrHoa OLARA PUEBLO REsluNS. ndlng November sist. iws. ueeem lUrrera. Atut w for to reoooUeR drwa. Samuel' P. Straeker. farmer at the moerauer Territory of Kew Mtoa, Comity of .ana Herrora, ueraabe Herrera, Julian may be ilAratovod frow bor Slot. lMt. aad jui Herrera, Herrera, MleaeiA A droaay affair HantA Omra wiebto and la ekargo of IfM. in the utetriot asurt. Juan Hr ! d rera, tke Santa Clara Indian reservation, Aui If within niaatr dars aflar this 'Vlllst-- 1. Btrtokler. the unknown heirs of Jooe Maria U to , y Jaramlllo, Herrera, A taakldHAbla fad mak ano'a has reirgTiMl, to date April 1. earning nod so by puMleAtlon you fall or re-- Plaintiff, IlerrerA Antonio wn on who AFTERNOON GOWNS I'erttrfto Herrora, Juan Herrera. Joso bkw. A ekarmlmc maid Mr. ifirseiier win return 10 uHiaaoma own oob-wobk-y ...-- I HOtrrOVa, OAVlao JiOrrerS woolly wr kor pesilloa Is under olvll and L. w.. . ui ln.iriliuliii.-- Mtrtaldar Hamual Uanniwlv Dolorltaa The terrloo ww - aprvv A"""T-a..rrx"- ;:! '... r: tUiiBj iiai-r- r.t.-i- n tMHdlworli to a lunokeon tend th will be fllleti by appointment by the lereat In Mid atolut will beoaeie th? er, ami miarH m. minraiM, i - - t& walat an ombroldftrod I I'rocopto " un- - molltr of Indian offle in washinKton. property or tne ubsribr under mis Minar.. iMdartAk it Krat andinrrer. iierrsra. the ttMarAr. Tita wai ultsliUy bolow Section SCSI. bhrietlAA Kent. I Known heir of UaltSMr Jaramlllo, the Uio HMftl, nttd tk roat of tk btotue Afflicted With Rheumatism. 0. U 8R00KB. hefeadanta. tmknown heir of Concepelon Jara- - mu workoti ont around It. Vnm It I wns aao am yet Afalatod wKb W. 8. BTIUOKLVR. The mm oefondanta, Catherine muto. unknown keirs of Oent veva 0iai,Lt. s a-- BfSa.a.H dtu ai 1 .1 u. rUBtllln fULalHm la pu tat! I In TitAri wont Entaoful lino of ra!Mlanoi rheuRMtlsm." says Mr. J. 0. Brne, First publloattotuJan. ad. lftW. mnciBjeir as rwnmHiai dsru ran.i i m,,V iiMOortlon. wlilt tko mh offoet roaok-a- ! Kor the leyaarold girl at danetng editor ot the Herald, Add I niton, la Isr. Mlnnm. ara barake naUftail tbat JaramiWo. the unknown heirs of Cre- - ui to tke Akoublm. A narrow school a ekArmlBR freak Is of earn dlaa Territory, "but thaaka to oun a ilt ha keen aommneil In the encio Jaramlllo, the unknown heirs ot ywk waa of tko Union tneka. wklle nan's vetllng, oomMned wltk rset bar Ala's Piln nsim nm aMo on CHARGED AGAINST rRobriot Oourt of tbe County ot ep Mnrnos Jsrsmllk). Craeenclo Jeramlllo dk iMOHkM IIboa woro annin velvet, and moossoHne brol-dere- d to to bosraess. tk Now Mexkso. by y Oallegos. Antonio Jftmmll'o. Joso rnnrlnt brown more ar d it ASYLUM Mllllu. TerritorT of ojwd on tko doMbonlfnd oioaoos. In all tk dainty sues dear to bMt rf III fienu." U trouelod wttk INSANE sow plaintiff, tkat the object of Mid Jsramlilo sen of Dolores Jaramiiw. y the glHlsh heart. rheaieAtt) . nrrc Pan Bum a trmi ak Is for the Mreoso of a sotttomwt Jose Meanel jaramlllo, ere- - vUk and to which rory brld kIvm reaches ankles, tks and y9y Jn oertala to he more than PIP UNTRUE, of the tkle and laterosia of eald cencio Jarntnilla y Ckaves, the un Tko frock tke - PORTS ARE A000RD. mrck aUontlen. correct lenxtk at preotnt for all girls DMAeee wtttt we nrowm reimt u m- INO TO ADVICES RK0EIVEO BY mtaera m and to certrJn rest eslsts known heirs of Balvsdor JHramiilo, forknas It U notwral tbat vary girt who kav roHcked tke ago of tke ferd. One aesHoatlOA rellovee tke OVBRN0R HABERMAN. deecribed ia saM coomielnt. title to Juan Jaramlllo, Botel jaramlllo, Un NkoobJ want roal woddlng droaa, pot teena. The aklrt to foil and roond psla. V sal by all rtruggtoto. which wa vested la plslatlff dutiag rada Laadavaeo, Jesus LandAvaeo. pretty bona droaa or an oxtra flno small group about tko Mm, ptaforwd by Mlos Praa- - tb egksieae of tho marrlssr com I Maauel Ijtsdavsao, Antsd IondsyenK", a looked In REPORTED ARREST OF The ensrses tmoollnc anlt, bat m roal Umia fldo Tke lower pert of the skirt la trtimned con Aodloms-- i. an mptoye In the ter munlty between htowelf and Bllea K Hefugto Landavaao, Maria Itoct. Ju gown, wfcfcb ak ran put CHENOWETH IN BOOORRO. Vegas. aad atoo for the ana Jaramlllo to Martin. Juaaa Mar.'. wadding wltk four wide tucks, about six Inches Oaetto-wot- ritorial Insane asylum at Las Btrlchl.r. deeed. e It Is reported tbst Howard M Mwoy a MOOMnto of is romantic apart bo-tte- uas one broad took alleging cruel treatment and rax man partition or said rest estat ltweon Maria Msru. NIcoIa Mar, Jesus ai Tks tb- - county murderer, has Joyou day of doya. ween tko4 yoke Oraat port on iMtd and M'd plaintiff and l'. Mcmim. trquiel MestA, ClAudto Ma mldwAy hot end the Ojo CnUonte. In So- - agentent on the of certain H been arn atod at ii. of WllUrd sen, .i.oia Maaon, OeUvtMtA MArqun. For tko girl wko eoa aRoril ther rrushM velvet girdle. Tke yoke Is ot up s rial and unraea c nnwttd wltk the Jenilaats said minors. rc in In pale noso. Of oowee, he win put were M. Ktricklor And Christina Kent and ci,im'ji do Mlrabal, Looalrea M at bnad boantrrul inaieriai ecru mousMllne. embroiderer hoop being extra Insiltutkm, ar untruo and lk and laoo wblok Ara inadu porUri iilne. lavenders. The broad tlX tgbi to from mor by Joaluusy than any Kraderlck H Kent: nnd that unless rales. I.i!irus MoraiM. the unknown oloks and as ho ftfty year in the prompted ly for tkkt t. Mott of tk nnpttel roller u knlshed with edging ot tho dltod. ka thing eia. oii nirr your appeaeaare In Mid heir ct .Minna Herrera d Montana. hefore htm. and ao further - gowna aro Mad In prineoaa atyio rmiiroldered mouseellno, and it also The above Is briefly toe aeciswnoi ult on or before the list day of Pilar Moilus. Sofia Molina, Juan Ha- for a appeal to tke raprom I wblek with Ha long I rata mat b worn has a scolloped trimming of narrow akaaae tho committee appointed by the heard Marcb, im, JuAgnent by dsranit win fael Molina. Justo MOiina, Luciano M court I Uy th akorter And Mooter womon to vol et ribbon of tk rHSSOtt brown. of directors of the Institution, st tb he rsdm-e- therein aaainst you. Una. Plat Ids Molina, OAvetaao M Una wheat tk prince wltkottt these The sleeves are of the doukla poKa, rnonoat of Governor Hnrman, to Tbat the saw nod foetomoe Molina. CerlHa Dara do Mo Always Kseps Ohamborlaln'g Cough Pelk-lac- o of Iobr lines and length wltk tke same narrow velvet, ana the ehsrges. Oovemor dress of phUntirrs ottoraey to W. B. Ima, Molina, the unknuwn would bo ooMpleUly barred. Tke Rsmsdv in His Heuss. report Cblidws, Aibunuruo, ii. M. bsln of Pranclsco Ortees, Msurino ending with the moussellne embrot ObftWber-Isln'- s yerdy received the "We wold not be without DAW ID- - extremely long , en W. X. Ortis. Miguel Ortlt, Juan Maria Otero. troina aro but of dory Homedy. ta kopt on of the committee, which Is about two onllRary anil Is to stand Cixutk It pages leagtk, Clerk of tbe Dtotrict Court. Ttboroio Padliht. Jos Mt.rr width made coi.ilOMlIy In our home," say doson typewritten In Padlll. Mlk hand writ-te- n February . ma. asnobvna ihm .by mean of nuder ruffles at who gown would be Inde-nenden- wmbodlos tesUmony. Maria Peralta. Jesus wishes a that Y. Kaaraoy, editor of t. and all tk Idill, ntHOtjti BMlttngA. reoepilea, yet useful W. th during In- ptwkMtton Fob. 17, nxnnwcv, own or jubk or pretty tor tke City. Mo. That la and verbal, taken the ilmt im ine muHiwn A bOAHllhll ROWB WAA Of "aXgOAt many afterwards. s a sum- Iwry vestigation. same of nearly joe itosHoro, joe itomero. juan t nst for duties iuet what ovary family hoHbJ k. Tke PUBLICATION. AUn trimmed with bte mer church dress or for a xarden every employs in tke asylum appear NOTICE FOR oto Itomero, Maria mtbedr, Jote Ba- - of" kt-p- t ut sand rAfly instant with silver thread. Th party, etc. a Rae printed nrffanny Wh m In the testimony. The committee In (Aitplkffliieti No. 175.) bedra .BeguBdo, Pranctooo HaUudiA. oMd, to use, a cold may be cheeked at the out model was wblok baring a wnit ground strewn wun mucn Its prelude to tbe testimony, states Department of tks Interior, Land Juun hbera. son of Justo SAbeUra eeure the tAteatk llk fit was out off floral design this sot and cured in time woro and OaadelarlA JerAmlUo whose real rosestke nomilar It beenm settledia in isrue ;ast tne airaira ot tne institution Omee, Banta Ke, N. M.. January 96, I suitably developed after hat gone fully, wore Rrsl name to plaintiff ttt be waist line and differed las seasoR would bo syetom. Tkl remedy to atoo without into that tke nurse 1S3R. Notlse hereby glvu that in to the unknown. Uttertlen AnnMed between skirt over pink lawn undersllp. A skirt In regard th handling Cshdetaria Babadr. AlUgntcla 8a tke a a peer for croup in CHimren. anu win examined to puretiaac of the laws ot tk United tr and la bodwe aoovo, u was gathered or tHAilod to yoK neptn an eon ef pattont And that Ute tmiK or tne iNatM. William 0. Tltthl and hi eo- - badra, unkuosn heirs of Concepelon litly prevent tho altaak wkn ntroa posi- BAbedra, draped over tke bust and having nun's tuaka about the bottom. hoarse, o. evtiu finding of tke committee, were tenant, ChnrlM K. llotlKln. vnote posb Padlll tie Baria Babedra. arm, kink ...... a.lj. I ,.t,.U. .Mt fu,t oa the child beoomw Mto Jeoe Babedra, Trinidaa Baie ndar tko neaked .J After creuny oough appears, wmoa tive aentmdtetiou to Addiemaa's offlee address to AthuqHftrqub, N. MM irafa! yoJtn of tke too out-ttao- s the dm, Jose BAbedra. of laoa and under sleeroa yoke of white vAleaetenBs an mly when the remedy is statement Is about to make apnUoaUon to tks Andre enohta oom Meted eostum. pink silk, nod be dene he Babedra, Keetor BAbedra, Ktlglo Bsle- - ami tke wltk a band of kept at haad. pwr sate ay su arar Oovornor Hatorman sakl that United States for a patent to th Anotkar brMaJ drees wsa of white miffiM sendlnir In a plastron front was fully satiafleri aoeuea lo- - dra, miaeA Bbedru, Deign BabetlrA, iiea tbat the Hodgotite" Pkuor Mining Claim, . wobH buw; tke aklrt kod bon wade of tke silk edged also with Ike laoo. tlena af tha nam war astounded. vated In the Bandla mlnlag district, ot JosnMa BttHokes, Beferiiut Biu-bes- pies bung soft fotos would give matter Jusnlte. Baackes, Bancbesy l ft and in would be a dainty design comet OIL MOVEMENT IN and tkat be not the ItomsJiiio county, N. M- - bstac th ft. Antonio nr tHOAno Ht tfny tko wabU. In 1- 1-- Herrera, Baaehec, Lupe tmka at wltk full aathered sleeves drawn SAN JUAN COUNTY. further attention, Tk committeeman K. -1 of the N. X. Beet. 21, T. id Nloaaor San A newt plain Umm bodio was inaiherod tlnv lacks flatoked with pink mik a Hintnmaat. which ceatomDmtos no recommendation regarding ta N.. R. 6 S. of B. M. P. Ii. and M. doval, JoeafitA Banders 1, Antonio Joso a deep girdle ot Inst! Juan BernA, Berne, th at tk bolt tinder imsds ana Mtae ruaies, eHker th- - aeTOlopmeat of olL natural discharging of employes of the The notlco of looatlott of eald Hod' Bern. Joeeslto wMi silk and wltk It woe worn a Hrea if the airl OAU afford a more gas water, oeen mart- - tutloH who had test I Hod adversely aotit etolm Is of raoord In tk oatos Rumalda Borna, Iriaoo Torres, Joso ktoos or urtoatau has HOMlMtM UtU bolero of point expensive drees for hsr reoaptlon. tkl ad. bonded by a number of mtorprlB- - and the eovernor said he did not know of tke Recorder ot Bernalillo county, M4ria Torre, Catron Hertrora: being to M4h to skirt. would be eaitaM etrtre itook iut lag people ot Parmlnnton. wko are what would be done in regard to wis at Albuquerque, in the Territory of porlioa of tk defendants In the lot Um Bfioe of both these areas iiihww aacktl ocoaaloaa. Par out eounaent ot tk ouieomi, and who are phase of the aKalr. Periodioaiiy, New Mexico, is Book J. Mtolac Rec above entitled cavum are hereby noti m bapond tko puree of our glrk, A door wear wtth this aown tkor should not afraid to risk some money In tke there have been charges sad stato- - ords, page Ms. fied that an appeal aa been sued out noattf dross eooM be nude of white be a Blueno bat of white enuion proposition. A verr few eitisons nav moata roaardlng tho altogod eruol Any aad all persons claiming ad by PlkMttena Pvrsa, d Otero, the MstnjalJM wklek eon bo knd In Tftrtons shaped to salt the too of tho woaror imbaorlbi'd owwh money to sink n treatment of patient la this lASlttu versbiy th mining ground, in, lode. above named ietorvenor Ia said onus Oriaas be made uvor whMe silk .. baII abH a ttawalAainaat thorough to aad decorated with pink rosea a.wwvaaa , . i w - - ttoa. vat after a reveetla promt or any portion from the ludSrmetU aad decree of the fciinoalron; prlnoeos ahoplng brlg ' nw, insreof. slip of atotM l . fund of live tnaea as mueb can he ttoa eaoh time, tho oaooerto had been dseorlbod, are hereby notlflad toot un. district oourt to toM cause dismissing otoaoly andjpnJftB. . - Ht kr nlA mras. foUowInx OATH Ben nB MArnvrAiMiri. easily itrured If the land hobJora In fouad true. U to probabt that bore- lose advr etoims are duly tiled ac- kor petition of inter lentton And Also Iko IkMg of the ngnr and faatesd the vicinity of ute town are promm Alter, suoh cbariM will b traad cording to law aad the regulations from tko Anal de.W In eald onus M tke book. Tho ontor aMrt, wkMk Psstsrs Ar Pussled. In giving tha company oil aad gM lightly thereunder, within tko ttm prescribed Ton4rd la the district oourt for tbe ha wntposed of nln gores eat sods In Tha roasarkabla recovery of Ksoaeih laaaas. a. sansiilirsMt body of land bv law wtth the Restaur of th ounty of BernaltUo, territory of New nomane style above tk waist , sod Malear at Vnasaboro. Mo., to the stib-- to dMlrtx) gjid th propasllloM made A Lively Tusels. UnRed Btotos Land Omee, Santo, Pa, Mecieo, to th" Bupraaia Court of the Mir V adlooted to tke ftgnre by blr leet of muok Intoreet ta th adlal to leas g a liberal on, says tko wltk that oM aamr of bhojmoo. tm-T- N. M la the ooonty of Basin Ft, Tor' Territory of Ni i Maxloo, and tbat by MNP W tno took to yoke length. A atunnlajr Aftemoon gowa is now rreternuy asm a wwo wrote o irisao. Parmlngton Tiin-Hueti- r, ritory of Now Moxtoo, tboy will be order of the said Supreme Court tha isMnr foil bolero la Added to tko .nai of bbusk hue trimnMd a He My ot Ms caes: "trntAg te sovow avobt all serious trouble wttk stosa- - barred by virtu of tk provtekMM of time for the return day of aaid Appeal Wtmm, wklek U shirred ot the skoni-- yUow kleoklln. The fonadotlOA of toBammatloa ot the throat aad oou FELL ANB BROKE aok. liver aad bewoss, take Dr. X!tf such statute. la saw court has been stended for dojs And at tke lower dn, And a tk drees to of black tsXU, Tollod gostion of tk lung, three doctor HIP AT BARN. Now Ute nils. They prfotiy tor MANUNU , OTBvl 0, ninety dayi from end after tbe mii JTlnswlMg bend eitoadlng About to with ehlffoa. and ovr tkkt Is tko gave me up to die, whoa, a a last re-so- William KL irwla. wko wa i tk alato tk ergAAS, w Knout paha or day of January, 1900; Mid appeal has nook in fancy coltor frt nod Joined biaek Iac. wklek hu a smell kwtvy I was Induced to try Dr. King's olty this weak from his ranoh la the dtooomrort. M at all drug stores. ueea teaen to rovers the judgment iiedVr th ami i a pointed baok tec-- 1 Ant In It. Tk bottom of tke foil now- - New Discovery and I am naapr w sou'Uwvutera part ot ino county, n6riOK. aad decree of Mid Dtotrict Court die tlon Atves a dIcasIos nnlsb. 'f?v un- - tB. .kirt hu three narrow raffles, not t eaM mi life.-- ' CltrOA th WOMt started on bis way home Monday ev CATTLE AHE IN mtoslag the intervening petition of I 00N0ITI0N, dersltwrea are fastened i the wrist, o-- in irAcefnl war. Mack refite coughs ah,' colds. broaennM, iomhih entng, )it stoppsd nil night at the PINE To Wilbur Dentary. his hairs, admin aid Intervener Bled a a Interpleader - throughout - whiu- thw nuff slMvwt are shirred onlu attand with a tlnr bond of black tta. weak lunaa. hoareeaess anu aa home of Iva ,CHBdlr, thro mile Tb eloakmea the soala- lstrator and aesians: to Mid ens. Uw- - . as rojototng use of !., tiuder fancy euNs nnd agAtn varvot ribbon. Tko prlnoee girdle of grippe. Ouamtoed at all drug stores east of Mrs the S writ! nor Block rn saettoa be You r harokr notified that I kav That unlaw you aoter your appr- - . proapwou at t ;.m. if preferred, white tB j,, i, partbtlly soncosUid by tk lc aad lldr. Trial bottle re. man. Tiieedar taorniag, wait in te the pros pec la tor tko most expended to labor aad improvement ane la said aaa so appealed vn the nabun rt. ihiAgee, bearletu And drap kcro jacket, whlok has a gradwftted bam. a isdtrhr toadlng to tk upper year ther have had la a long time. upon tko Kofua Lode, sltualod la th Supremo court of th Territory of d'ets omul i nsed. oollsr of tk Mockttn od the tower LIBHT DOOKCT FOR story of tko barn broke with klm, Cattle are coming out of tho winter New Pisoera Mtolag; Dtotrict, county Now Metric, on or hefore ninety daya fat, losses kav been A gown made for a very slight girl part of the bolero to also edged wttk silver oity ouunr. and he fell violently to the floor below, alee and and th of Banta re, Trrttory of new Modoe, from aud after tha ltth day of Janu- g comparatively nothing. Tke present year Ona Hundred to-w- waa uf tha ninir orAar sveaa de thla lovalv bMO. twi atatriat eurt convened la li ileloeatltiK his left hip. Dr. Lotfonie for tko im, ary, 1M, P: o or before the year big suocms will put (I1O0.O appear by hln Tko skirt waa developed with Th sleeves, entirely of Ike too, ate ver City Teetereay, wttk Praak wa called and tne injuries. mmm a and Dollars, as will day of April 1MM. iadgmeat by Js4s drsea very In good unan IMC, ltth gores ksvtag as larerted bog- - ualloed, the too being wonntod upon W. Parker oa tke benok. Tk dosket but It wilt bo two or tliree wk tt live stock owner certlfieat filed Deoember Silk. dotaalt or such othor Judgment in said wlall at ik hKk. A daaa alreulAr I niniiallAa. to tk lightest for Mver! terms, wh for he u Abw to g sround much. rial condition. in the oflics ot tb Recorder of said oamm a tao Bupreme oourt may deem county. In to hold premtiM Knnas with tucka followlAc tke lower The bat to be worn wltkoat tkl It to thoaght tkat court wUI oelr b order Mid. wan si to reader thereiH will be ren- - under provision ot Bee . Jto adaa nova Aa additkmal Hnnta ronnd drees is of yellow TusoAny, roUod on la seestoa for two or three woohs. tie drd agalaat yon aod oaok of you. the root, and tke fMneotloa skirt was I the Me. and has a wnvtog tnrnooM vtsd Statutes of to United BUiM CATRON ft OORTNBK. ml awev beneAtb rArds la tke I ostrich otoM dlroetly OYOT A SslsntlfHi Wsndsr. btBK amount required to bold tb M.. it. lia dnued year Baato Fa, N. alvan tha hnuaiM. ABd I tha klM OTOWA. A BATrOW bhtok VOlrot Tk euros tkat stand to Ra credit same for th tad lag Dmbr or npaaitonto attoraoya. aMiumuu ola-Ult-o three-qoAner- s shirt, onetrclos th crown, And a etogl Bockton a Aistto Balv a 1st. 1M. three nod the band make Ia wltaoM whereof. I have boro-MMt- o Tka laaio ta la eevea aotas sod la I alnk roaa rests on the rim ot too wonder. It X. Mulford. all over the wesi And If wlthla alnst dars nltor thto re-fu- my tostarer for the rajmna of Huebaadry. notice by puhUeattoa you fall or a subscribed bead as clerk of polnlod lower outline both hack an iaai Utt District OoerLot Bscs Jndi-et- m a lMelog cas to caatrtbul your proparttou of tk ad frool. Tito rnllnssi at the wniat miraosboro, 1a., ef ihywar your Dtatrtet, of tko Territory of Mow At Of HOAM worm euras, aa a eoowner, tAkoo up te looks to yoke depth to redluw sUk In Allver grey. Die full plies, tt ta auh Mtodeo, County Bor-nan- gown to outs, wouads, ch'.l xditrin said emim will ta ta and for tbe of the ton, Tko tot of the IskiH i aaead And aathered U the aares. batto. utoat. tuHrt baA k terrttory, STta day yoke oak raoum. Oaty Stc at LEVI STRABM property of tks sbsoribr uador sM sold that 1n onraAgo Met wttk of ls, wAtot Hud wltk trimming ef throe btalas and of Pebrwy, A. a IBM. pofl steeves to lh uotsw wiwwon wnn prow, af wide white velvet ot all drug store. W. loo BftikadnN OKOKOAt ALBXANDBR R DAMN. Inoor eumt from whtek esteod l.raauaiad width, a bolero Clerk of tko Dtotrlot Omirt moto4a ufa. It more besoming the UpMs surpllos root nil-ov- BTRONftUeV PAVefrB LAB First publtoatloa Ja. tf, 1H4. over a of VMAB RfitERVdlR PROJECT GO'S tow mart may lorsamess w we ww ga venlee Me, am am a mem Praak Bomera, formerly ooavduotor Conductor j. ctormloy, who has be mode oat j of the nmraraar Hanarmiin has AddrMd ft Une sod ike bodies aft.' trimming over the skeuidor oa tke rortk ead. and bk w bee mytag oft Mvorsl moaUis iiairjiv-W- ff t tho mear etyloc now o uopolAr. allk. embroUvred la sink And bordered a ktttor to th ggfiiy ot tk latorlor VI In -- Wa Taj VaMlftU. tow weeks aetlac tMismaitor. wltk Injuries reattred, k 9IBH - wail ma .ha ct Aitr- - nr old I with a Mrrew velvet ribbon. Tk MHpp ffterayPffaaravM bpaill 9. nppe'ntod for of aa AwahtoM, to gala Ta reBorvotr wojoot WW urgtog tkat tk ho been tnlamaetar t vfrk a tk iaaa. ar at da ahiffon. or tulle and wrii velvet borders tke bolero and (he north dlvtoloa. tk Raton division h feetoited to tk hair by mess of al trims ttu elbow sleeves chore a short Inttod BtAte lemsmauo ra'bcr a man wonM know DEMING ENJOYS the art of has aevcr been a breath of sasptcloe crone two er thrr MMiMg n peck animal and maiatala asalaat Morriaa and 4riaa times a week of rice, old sfccs and tbe like, from tWt In befor. Ssfc says that he will flay ball the which they SIX SHOOTER ROARED krtaaelf tha moantahitt than asw. wtd at soon aa he learned that in- beat a baste retreat. eiae. SPORTING.. coming summer with tha team that Thus in A STEADY GROWTH Uig Tha Una poJnta of foraatry dictments had been refturwftd aaaiaet will attendance and wHaswsmg will follow proper pny the most moony. Ho aaya "ne rerwmeay ware rjrwttd- - SHORTHORN FLED la time. Ow thing tkom two weeks ago, ha aMiftedthem Mint will Mrs. H. 1 mm, ...BREVITIES he play with tha Moos when mnn. r nare naaer stood, and that M by wire and thay promptly earna hare ao and Mrs. h. Wr. Dr. ami that no crlaataa or weak Mod Moth is treated ilka tha otaWfs tha! Mrs. J. A. MeLntMhMn, Mr. and) Urn. ACTOR FRISNB OF hmih MTU band. war ladtMad eosae to Las Vegas MAYOR SMVI0 Boarding Houses ajnly, for they will not be taken Into an threb chargea and draw a sat ' t;-- vrntna. Mtedamea m w. Xlefc, 8. ROSE BtVEN A TOUCH Pull and aMh. and bond In ary. umrg, OP tM sonrico." aw caac was flxa at flJMW, making at. 11. r, vmm of Ftank HliH LIFE IN TUCSON. Foraarer Tha Tifm Flame, a mar amwaaatioa ron. MM ; A. H. A New Cottages . Wtidioi epoke with gratl la tit $11,000. which wna promptly fur--; Tha Jersey city MRU ha lare-unwe- Dlm, Nellie Bespoken the of youthful ewMMfg of tha boraeMe. Smith. Uaeten - M t neation of tha cordial moaner In eat baeoball nark m ikm v.r : iJ id Shop a wti (Friday, Marah t.) A -- 1...... 1 . . . T. . . . the Bora, another v onMaster name; wnien waa raoairad by the aMatt 1.,mmy j t ' Misaaa Bdnn Melt, Sotma feyait. snort-boi- ri Before Completed. in tarm m tae omtnm i iw largest actaawsjice by sy team jsiat in deadly combat yesterday Kra. ani men of tha west at the recant coo van 1 m mer. uium Krnemor, Bra Dtxan tendorfont. actor wmii oi inf aa apiian uaao ant mis. afternoon on aa Improvised diamond and member of tbo tkm in Danver. Ha said he thmusbt Cattle company, with New Mettea of- - "Meaten Pato" IsVnraii. Mbjl Kennedy. Pay Ioaard and SB troupe appearlag In "tsrn Thorae.' pointa u si tna end of was CMId avenue, and aa Williams; tkolr of dMItraaaa In regard to See at Mlchardaon. Uncoin county, thwe hftteywaeght, la with an-- aad Messrs sterling aatlve or Milwaukee, rMleaate ac NEW WATER PLANT urn oat an in an errorleea (?) and highly euter COMPLETED iinpoarimn at tax far grading head omeo at Now York city, nonacewent that Htt nwnts m get hi mming game, tett rno. rattan. P. F. ltobia. malntaace of Matror D. t. name aad name in roreat ibbbi nnti nil Film Flams went William F Kirk honanrtst ia atml vrouaat sbk agaiaM iam anviaa ws game agaia. vmg docs ( sy OOWn to defeat br vmeufavfnttv CHILD LABOR BlFORnT" tha bad aottwd. mm that the fwwKry bnrean 117.011, this wna 1. again T la. an eaperienre last evenraat and salt dismiss low or of II to 14. Captain Awajla, OHIO which he Rpeeial Correspondence. wsmw aava naarty - ' LBSISLATURE will tna HHpftott of eat It la aJlagod by Judge Oatewood, tkr Old Cy Young la tnXtMg the hatha gt mt tae reatira Film Fmms, states sever fi.raei. aya so Tneaaa Denting, K. tla man ' that Cleveland. Ohio, March IS i M.. March 8 Thetcaay and sheen men from now on. attoraoy. that mis stilt waa Hot flaviana and la aaia i,. no has a team that are comtag worM The n isaa. He nt l.ingw umslar Ho nd constantly Increasing improve a large amount or money aa already brought for cattle that Hivina la now youna and rriak m Yama v. eeaters. puhllr hrarlag before th house dj thof, ughi miilsifd, aad a pair of I vuu and that be still entertains mlttee nn labor, on t la During becoming mora bona oolmeted from stockmen ainoa tfearged with conspiring to steal. or any of tha ether Cy Young, of tha nop or some day wining out the sev tha Reynotde la thirteen lack guns would not imr and wore apparent to the sago eye tna graaing remMtloaa want IbIa af. Lea Blvina Uvea at Amanita, Txas, vintage of "at. eral bor tdll opened hero today. Tna ta him now. ,f financings his team baa received orgaalsstwn W Mw cottage, which hare mot. After a snMcleut number of a promineat banker and atofX bro-- Christy Matbeweon hac tion proa oy nereaiMf sttop team. "or are onrticulanr in Uk tlm hamort;. Kirk, who wna gradually M almost imneroottdJaty rangcra nave boon placed in the aaid nor at that noint. and ramttffi to ha aaant for te teraated In the msaaor. which rnhtaa lalUnted bore more year is his muhp tmm.. .1 ago than a gfs l,c SHteg np the vacant ground the oaey will be mad In oonatnwt a mintonaire. K. A. Morriaa ,4 tarsal- - that ha la a saaeaaa m shown i'H tna FATHER UNDER ARREST BUT tha nt children that may be em- into tna myetorte ..f wastorg IIS, lu 1 ' w springing no Im nh m trails throngh toreet raeervea. dont of too HoTaaahoe ijwd and Cat- - trial Johnny McOrww ht to give the NOT AGOUSkW OF CRIME, ployed, from ' to years, tmieaa Wyatt arrived la this city fully ex nambers in inn. .... Ua company, with headquarters at younger Matbewsoa aa a mtcher. Albert Akin, the fatbur of the m- - cerilSontee are prodaead staling rknt pecting to every ctttsen weartna; r; I their parwats the notice f eve the tfmMlMt.i. Vls-'o- THE PINAL CHAPTER Portalea, M. M. This company owns Maaajter OrlMtn atttt ba. nt fant that waa msmfterefl and thoagWt are depsndeat on their a pah of pistole, a sombrero and a id yard aad sawn onsnarda " cniiiw ana raacnee lunng ware flfjsg gw bn. ro nave men mfffM anre by its support, aad amm limit mg to eight Sashy handkerchief shout the arch w m miia wall straat mother, near Lakanreod. r about town ar Improved, nlwj mm. !N m conmiva in now Meamo, aieo law omce, out rnRa aaraufU that hit aa niuiev tna number hour that ebtktrea on Mayor Rosa told the gaBmte voana PARKER MURDER j aurtit, January rUr trlly of gradual growth, mm m ranch property In Tama. baseball days are over. He did not Ttb. has been placed sixteen arc slhrwed to be am man weird tarn about the shoot lea to show dacloed of accompany on under arrest, accused of complicity lu pmyed. iron stay in the Old Pnabio evidence the team soatb ua aaya aad had ,h time and care speat on iktM, mI I KNSATIONAL OUOtC OF CftlMS, SERIOUSLY INJURED IN training trio. the crime, the Cnrtabad Argua, The hill also provide for the em so frightened the actor that bo asked b BUSHY ma arrest waa more In ployment algni nw water works, which promise invuiviN noitPKHY OF PFIOM ACOIDINT. ' srf, made ardor t femam tnaoaMora to be allowed to So direct to tho roast n 'onK eenired and greatly needed IMBrfT CITIZRN. Quite a serious aealdaot occurred TuTl" "LJ. l" to make thorough the Inveatlgattoa of or vrornanopa and raotortae, to aaaiet aad await too compaay Here. The the other waat of Polemn Krneat ma any mr-noe-e, the foroo facltUifs tor both heueo ami day bi . ' rac crime taan for other meaoat of mam laaaentoea. manager rarwaod satly wttfi tram-hlln- aardm. A aorreapondont witUag Ml snd and ttiu so; up tta to tha Tagy and Ms moOter wore on tholr Sinks dowlT 1 a moot of the omcere boHava Erery istior organ umt Ion in gneea Wystt permanent advertise Paao Times from fttlts InJS the state ataawed oaf the ment, mat an who ran may Ataeaoaamle. aadar Aim gulltloM. He waa arrested at la flavoring tbe bill aad manr of the rraln bor ymterday. tfo toatm p mil. la data of March f. relative to the Wank SSviS ate oM feome, Uata, h f Ha seventy-Su- e fVot aland-- . ;byonS7hK5e.i?r on a raeo. He is near Oklahoma orsjnnlaatlena will work wMk araat e and trniet and bad about ranalaad km vii Parker murder case, ays; frlRhtaked at a floak of sbcou. and 1100 stud vine torritorr. by Sheriff CHaant nasnmrt ergy wbleh con be seen for miles out "M"V 10 though lor the paMaoe of tke bill. Tha compeaarc when the play saded last or owa. Wtet ona might term tha final act tarnaii the buaxv over. Mr. Patusay brobt-- m of ttttly county, who brought him to moor organiantlona ar gmg Intareet- - nigar. in tna wnah Parker Htnraor a had hla arm 1 1 two pbtuea. wnnmn. eaaa will come un be Klph Mr putting la big forty mokoa "Huttona" Briggs, one of tha four tm r in n somber of other Mils, toech Than Jest g Wyau wna tkmhtng eawa to a aomewhat lanaatlonal eknw Mr. Popgoy reeelTOd a scalp wonad Ww tha grand Jury at tha tarn of tag upon - outside of town. In farm men traded by Cbioago to nrooMm ww wbor aMlona. but k.w- of of a tar tmap he would soon b au productai"tof an Tneaday aft era 00a at Cloudcroft, be-- bwWtw having her arm liftmen and It dlMrtct eourt. widen opened hero thorn ara rcmsl red n iMportant na kind, vml three mllM ta thought ateo tor Sheckard. rofufiefe to sign w?th a Monday. Tha father baa not tbe Joyias, wtw ftlsiaiigd aat of sown weat or in etty J. A. Qarr tora jaauoe or we leace KHaawl a number of rib. tne caua inbor bhi. yenro' growtk by haa bought WMIaoa. tha Snporbas and aami he wilt turn angntaet erimlaal amwamnaa. Ha baarme a tarrimt tto acre and la Martian in. with - outmw 11 pny i raekot met urrtaMa hsj draarlna: vowa Waah Parker, aa old and highly re BLOODY FI8HT IN WI0KEN- uniaae is attack mater- was n mono! prisoner from tha time PITTSSURO SASC BALL CLUB practical method, and (mod material, MININCI ially booMod. Makmey McCarthy, door. He oasnad the door and touad wna mHr-dere- ri BURO CAMP and ne wna placed arreat. for building up a, ttlri larger tarmlNg pwiea oitisen, wayuM aiw two under l the hOBSe emmswwa on 8nndy, April U, In WlekenbHrx. a minlnr town near of tha other man wfo flaarad In Ptriabnrg, Pa.. March t .Mtanrknar tract. Between thrm. wa mm all wi. INi, deal, PHta JohtHWN the vicinity of Weed, aonnty. Phoenix, waa the aeane of a bloody the are also he aging back wait A MOVE FOR SPITED. ll.Tle and Franh Iwagfc, Apparent fldently expecting to see proven thhi Lea ing ror more money. burg bane ball club waa gtven an en et.jmgod In aome the Green, deputy eherlS. organUed a dual between two Mexloant. aa a re B. M. Sunday baa alsosod of his tnuawatlc ovation, whati u atartiMi 'r a immi. Words ong snooted statement Doming sult of whlah Tom O'Rourke'a One olnn, gave way to mx twink- that poeee and out in aaArah of one of the partielpanla Tuiedo mam 10am aad substituted n oou ror Hot dpnnga tbm morning, in shoatsrs. In a ana. with proper treatment aura-de- atltied the Just ling powder wna baigg aHd mnrderar. Taking the M m a noapital at Preaostt. wIimn tha outatde of Pbilftdeipfcla. wher It of huahy bay homes, whtoh, wo eat bnr ball karoari ana? water, prod trail at the twety-rHin- elrems there la the Wyatt, flotj oaa Me n line fruit of other la In MarleoM county all. Paa-- waa announced d bouta neve, will get hla dray ovwr the aatMr tnle. from Oh ana vegetable a nay Imported from ana tha mnrder, the poeta fol would bo way aTOtuest consUratMa ta tha team this stago sbootittg vote) lowen it naiH tney eanw upon man quai nnoinas is tna man in awetmly, called off. Is lu a fair around with more rapldtty Antwerp I I rmaidered caaentionMly "natidmt'' In a California. r but the wounded man's name Is to osat tta promoters a lex of money Pnr thai could be heard for soverat Wnab. named Tom Gentry. Gentry waa or- not tu.i Boa. Mraag. sad it Is believed PHta-mir- g Nw people, bueiaeaa men wall per- that He ton in- - a dered give np, known here, The authorities reftMe to issue il) win league returned minntea httar to as health aoektrg from ovor to bat Inetead of sur two, mits Sghla tha clmmptousklp veetbjate the casualties. Ho r all the rendering, pulled his gun opened The after drinking liquor, be for to be haU there and fbl nr. leas aome mand ail country, are pouring Into town, and gan the club house can He UttteJ CHAMPION WOMAN TRAP yisr. unoapccled the stago haada Member of aad nra on the posse. The officers re- to quarrel and each eallcj tke need to cirruti anouid prevent. and tbe ftWMnttodatkMia far naw Vila - advantage any atanrrs ktg company awaiting He wa oar cliisone turned the ftr and Oantry was killed. other names. Thereupon. Bad- for other purpose. SHOOTER OF AMERICA hits are an too The killing of Harry In I heartily congratulated Ms bravery limited. Tha boarding one of the poaeemen waa K. ens draw hla knife and thrust it into Tnn M liriiri, mas'er mechanic for for house ara fall la named prise Bght re- and there aad and C. Ttdwell. and n complaint was sworn the braaat of hla antagonist. The lat by Prank la Hell baa the H if Fe nt Wluslow. waa a vie-- demand for mora, aeeail-aa- MenaVty. and sa for cottage, out naalnM Tidwall chanrlajc tar also drew a hnife, but hi t called In the Issuance of an order by Ms red 2. itor in he city yeaterday. ATTEMPT7"" tha now building art spoken for him with waa Mrs. Nellie Bennett, DARING tae murder of oantry, aitbmtgh It waa too quick for him. The blade the Sao Kmacisco authorise patting cltamaloa wo long before they are Snished. penetrated rang wound ht the ben on prise lighting there. What man trap shooter of America the recognlsad by eye wttnaaaaa t Dp-nt- y tha oad the and TO STEAL Demlug Is not booming, l Bnri-na- a only woman pow-de- INDIAN SCHOOL NOTES CATTLE hut what Sheriff Lae Oraan htmaalf. killed expected to prove ratal. If so, the nuthorltio should do would be to representative of a r far better. It la (trowing, slowly, bat will tlmrged put a ban on the retort who permit comptny in the tttatos, Oantry. Hon. J. H Wtiarton was m- - be with mnrder. United and with ever increasing tight conllnttg peruana, In AlbtMHer-u- e FROM THE PASTURES OF CATTLE auraae. to prosecute Tldwell and Jndge ted the to to It brutal tha world, is in Mr. Freak Contor. suervlaor of la. Brown ft Bollnace In Ciyod FIRST RUSSIAN PARLIAMENT. enotng. wan in Umjattn-Ran- d RAISER ON ara pattlag a Harry wna amployad to The referee responsible the Interest of the dian sohoota. has made a tour of In- - THE RED RIVER. large Irrigation power plant mites de for Tennys death na mueli as the man Powder company, tU fend well. cnu up bo-for- e makers of tha apeotion to the dny schools under tbe of Darning, and ara preparing to lid Tha oae Called the dutaa. who delivered the fatal blow ramoua Dupont powder, will (Friday, 'Marsh . at Juatiea of the Peane Meetloti members begin April and r eanrga or tuta aenooi. Aeeompanled acres of seoma - Ona of the meat darlttg attempt ist j.w in cultivation, 'may !laoa, Monday,Rell Tta. It the hilt to prohibit Sunday main until tomorrow, glvtng an axhlb- by Mr. Consor, h loft last nlgkt for nave developed watar supply at Otonderaft and baaoball In proweaa at oaUl stealing ever matte In Now a of waa Mtlerlr fouaht by botli eneetan May Kentucky wit introduced ii ton or ner with tha shot Crow Agency, Montana. 6.000 galtoae par minute, t . alda.v Flret loth. by gut. M etci an was mnda by unknown par under praviag timet).' Ignoranso voting peaa a member who wanted to set eve' tomorrow nliefneon at the Albu- Ir. William II. Todd, who fcas serv- stand, alto, they omv qnita aanaaiional at of will give with Tnbeau querque on Monday. Marah S. says the that have lat Tid-wa- because lit cut Charlie dun elub'e urounda si Trae. ed as agency Hhyatot&n ammts: lta and result! in tha acquittal of aula amall nmraaantaUon. the ft kmMH of trans for canala and laterals, am uexter's salary at a lime when Dexter tlon park. In eompeUtlon with soma of Oaaga Indlaiu) for n number of yeara Salon mi a Ttroxitnatlng twenty Most rlectioh nmeaj will lie nnder waa game beef steera frtmi mile, and the Thus ended Mat aat martial putyiHg a ao inferior It tne local craox aaota. naa roeoniiy been annwntoji asouor dkaiRred land en- - tha of that rule. high Mrs. in the paatura of Alex Wersonleli on coHiulsskmer reports new Moody waylaying, murdering trending Vezfetailve will be ameuad to heaven. The leawta Ilennett tha widow or a i phyalelnn for this agency. Ila spent 01 contigtimu to affair of bndc tor happened Dag' Dennett, lied river, a few mites aeuth of thht ine land tha canal. and robbing ami flnanoaa, to be a friend of the famaus woMera crack yeatartlay at two acliool and left last or over 8,000 naraa. object of AYh Pariwr. the at trap snooter. pravlmm eHlr- - Meadny Mr. WsMontek and The outing of One bill triages heavy tuxes on sal- - lore and the time threatened to who. to his evening for Igtlna, N. M , where ha tliU canal la ami thla eaaa oorUlnly nrovac costly ror death tbr yean son, Alex, went to the psaturo after to oatrh atom the the right an ofileer baa ht (lafanaing arlea of aorponthMi afliemu. make it Taaeau. it looks ami, waa perhaps wui mmieter to the neods of the Pn flood wntara of the Mlmbraa rlrar for as though hla throat will !m carried one of the bom known in ebki In soma boat onill to bsHawar and wmoh nia own urn while in tha perform vaat torawn hbb 10 be sanctioned. nurkmM Indiana Uwt mm! ton. I x ui puniose of addlUonat Irrigation out. tna weat. and has proved hemeIf an Mrs. they arrived, tbore were no salt 10 anoa of hla duty. Parliament win ha asked to act Mather X, Dnnaetta. wno has Thay enrw Buppiy. The nw fty water eompanr vtotenee Albunnerque fans armimthlse with adapt puolt of her fnmoua huabaui boon tsachlag bsteber. began to moke a port strongly against of property at this a4tal atHU fur ful saarah, ami decided cat- Iiavf pletnt their plant and are ngma. the Meadow City fntm. AJhuquarfitta After hla death aha took a her pros- - toughed on Febraflry at, has accept- thai tha rap-Idl-y. CRUSHED tle war stolen. Mr. Wsjrtoaiejfc oame making service conaeetfona vary TO DEATH Harly oaa nao agpenanoa wim base ball m una or worn as n maana gain-In- k a poattion n stew to ho taken aaalnat of ed in day school near to notify Sheriff; ami The teat of their Are hydrants Holes and other dependent prpiea. playera. the maiorfty of whom soam a livelihood, and has cine aalaad Phoenix. Aria., aad left taw nlchi for town to Ltttreil. i WHEELS Alex Jr., win made in a day or twe, to be In tbe same cktaa. when It rotnaa a national repnutlou. Uar heat roe-or-d now Weraotttrk. still continued' UNDERJHE mil prepared aires peasanta rigHt ear nwa. Mrs. Dagiett. bai aw nn nve foot band pwaer buy realty holdings pay-- to tneir Sdetity to any manager, team Is 148 out of a possible and boat soarehtag. After hit he disco to an easy lie. and a of frioad while btre cattle, which A town or aggrcgatioa. Money talks, sne has often been known to make IS erod tha taall of the ha OF FRCI8HT TWAIN IN THE monta. and all whm her ancceas In her new up with base ball ptaera, aa straight aad 47 41 poa- - followed, going s steep mountain YARDS AT RATON, THE OTHER It doea with aad oat of a ovary claaa of humanity, ijist year siuie ew. mr. ungual m, oatmg for about a mil. After rraceme tae A DIVORCE COMES DAY. ALBUQUERQUE FAKIR Ijtm Vegas Mrs. aaent. has top, be discovered a rktw, who, ap had the beat team la tha Bennett has for her tarvtiamr oompletad arraagemeou whereby he emit hwest, and tha people of the town the entire United States, and baa cap- baa pmreatly, waa gitwrdirag Che cattle. AFTER MANY YEARS Cornelo Qrlago. a laborer, with a JOURNAL CORNERED many secured work for MO Indians In tha thief discovered Mr. War snag secured winter bertha for soon or toe tured madals and nrisea for bar tne beet fields around Rocky Ford wn traek of the Snatn Ft. waa Placers, ao aa to have for aplondld work with aonlck, be made good tisbe ta getting to w them tbla tbe shot gun and Oohi. Thee will be supplied mostly froaad death under the beets of ITS HABIT OF MAK1N0 "SPEOIAl! Among those who aossmted tbe nae. uo ner lert nnnd wears a away over tke rork and bills, Wer A PHOtNIX MAN IN A KINO OF innta tram Ha. 7. Monday, In the she tae laaian aeaooia la the south- gun. f uisrATunaS IN ITS OFF18E.I oospitaiuy or too Meadow City en beautiful diamond won at the nalumai west Mr. Dajmotto souiek having no was unable to ENOCH AKDKN APPAIR. yaraa nere, aaya tna Raton has also several capture the thief Tna esttw, after ww" utiNuuiNono. musmats ounng tnc winter were club shoot In Chicago some time ago hundred Indian at work on Yuma 1 111 rinur Mm,i, the tifllag roleassd. started on a run barb tl... wnen ana defeated too then eaampwn anm and other public worfca lg A divorce salt with tm unusual Oraiso was taking a day off, and, woman aonih to tha gggtur. sM of taatlfUMi. waa "" and Ontebar I. na. Spring shot of America. em Artanna. He say that Indian ta stoiy Wk of It was triad In district tha wlineaaea I"""."From Vegas Optic. "er. I Snarls Ltitrell will are ao pains drinking. He m March I. is here and base ball win aoon bo In don't whimper," aaid Mrs. Ben bor Is very muob In demand. rourt yesterday at FaoanlK. says tha boarded an anat bound The Journal, of Albuouaroue. X season, In to oaptnre the thief or thieve as freight near the Harvey honee, and with the departtag of tbe nett. convention with a riinreaaat. otir ranaor. Mr. Calklaa. is bm Kepnbilcan. It was tha eaaa of Solo and a publlahed yeaterday morning two "6 chill of hero moat have been more than one cUnbod to tha top of a box car Here of winter, departfii Nash and atlve Tha Mvenlng Citlaon, "when with hla gass of large boye. planting w Baaaaai asalaat Biaabath miogeu v.aahingtoo talegrama, Lyons Wichita, Kan 1 am - One amn coatd hardly have maaa.ied in tha brnkeman saw him mm told him for whore they defeated by none mate marke- and seeding the farm and garoon. liaaham. The salt wm brought S 1 to drive ta been thorn t on to get orr. - obo of which quotes Oovomor had an offer to amy with tha Missouri nmn, uui never nave, nor will 1 Our taamanwa.ia cattle and ground or (Jaeertton of elgntaan yaara He did not. and the brake- Otero aa saying that Forager Valley tor ahoMkar. Pom gather. man nuahad him t the aaaocwtlon. stand bains dofbatod by a woman sunronng agon- - with bta stick, and - iraw an attack of tanning The separation of tha coup. amendment will ml- lit Tommy A 1 than finally threw Qriepo'a can off. not be mm llHrmt la talking of ngMing ahot in merlon. aw rather orowd iuuk piaoe in riiebw. 0010.. in 1888. V 11. - Qriego then the other quoting W. ChlHlem Jack PaliHer. the Bbutltah haawweiaht. of my reeorH of never having ban de- Our clerk, Dwyre. ht GOLD BULLION COMPANY Th nlatntlir. In It I teetltnony. said climbed down oft the as Mr. on the alck ear, falling a gew steps ! gut up saying it wilt. The alleged for the bsKvywofght chsmptousMp of leattMt oy a woman." Hat tbla wash. that there wa another man In the Olare telegram worm, t and started bank after hla on p. walk- is a pure fake, as 1 n" vrwjian mat ttppareut Mrs. HeHHeU. who has traveled from still cas! and tba hona and he gave hla - you oomlnaes. HAULING HEAVY MACHINERY. ing on the weat bound track. Ho Governor Otero lent In Winning- 7 coast to coast, and from Canada, to wife her chcioa. Ma had noma prop- ton, hadn't been long Denver put up FOR TRSATINS 00LS DIRT TO had walked about otta hundrad and t there for a e baa the imum on boa Maawo, ta a arm betiovet in tha araat ITS MINING CLAIMS. erty Uierf. but wHIt liar. V - ha left tlwt fifty feat, and waa paaalng the hear time, and while In Ua Vegaa yea- T mg ifHicuea af ail kinds and the warn, ana oaim it uw "greatest conn PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF Ilia wealth whan ha walked away of police - the fratgkt goln gaaat, when ha wan tcrtlay denied ever having aatit have strict order- to nrswent try In the world." r. C. Buoll of Baa Pedro, woo i in (insisted of the ahtthea ha wore and truck by 5fo. T, t any telegram from anywhere sar-- t! 'he boxers from even gtvinj sparring "Washington and Orwron nreaaat THE TERRITORY charge of the property hla blanket, train want bound, ' of tke Santa which waa coming into the station at ng that the Po raker anidndment H oAMiuunms. the opportunities today to Investor Fw aoM and oopper nt tnat Afior wandarlng about tha country S wouldn't pass. Up to the time V Mike Oradr hna renortad Mt that Naw Mexico presented twenty thb rale of about eight mllea an hour. at SUPER INTfiNDENT OF PUBLIC IN- - point, and wh is toremaa of ue lie name to Phoenix twelta yaara ago Qriago did not head the warning e" when ha was shown tha special for duty with the ('anglnals. He years ago, and one taking advantage roaawt unitoc sutau grand wry. at de- Iita nrnucTlON HADLEY SUBMITS and built himself a home which he wttlatles of No. 7. V to tha Optio yaetorday. which V carried a suit filial WRfc dyna- of litem now & taiikA Pe, al tha antdne of and oae would in abort time INTER E8TIN8 talked to a representative rod to protect by meaatf at lhl a engineer aaid that Foraker would mite and lyddite, w lm become I am STATISTICS. ISO the expected him to got ' aak for ikh axpeois to inuanendent. an route of tbo New Msxlaaa on oparalioNa dlrorca proaaadlnga. Ha aaUl that he -' tneei1ralaation Naw Mosieo mm on east now oompaay. on me traoK in time, lie did not at- of f umpires in lit season. from a tan months' trln In the mall last nlaht from of the Oold Bankm Mmlng eaw hla wife four years ago In Danrar. tampt to atop hU and Arlsona, he bat betlavad S If all tha ntayan who d innrngn memo tha and upon tmln uatll too late. tha throats tna eoaet country and north. tb same mail that brlnga so saM: He called her for tha purpoae of Pour cam of the passenger train Foraker amendment would pass, b to jump to the outlaws had dona so Just before hmvmg there I mat a amv "Calonat j. a. Wood, msaagr of aeelng hla two children, who warn yet t uy apeciw giemumaa" to our es tmeaod over the unfortunate wan be- S and has made no oxpresalon to lae circuit of bigejniated player could ueman wno nag just realised ;g,ceo contamporarr. the Ootd Rojttmi Mining company. living home. Ila waa In - teemed from Santa Pa at sluing the fore the train could atop. His lees S the oontrary. The Chllders ape- V very easily ha loerwu.'.i to twelva tram a fioo invaetasaat in regno. Ihmi talhlng in hla wife, who pointed waa $ Quotes claim, and Lna Tha OWae taeaived oVSeTg vera rat off and ha otherwise in clal Srtmnsr aa maklnx a S sixteen men to a team. real atta And thK same kind of commwnmatmn eais'the aM"TbMtra a man aaid from Prof. Mutter. y to outalde tha bouse and lured, and thoiutn ha livxt until territc speech agalnat tha ataiav a Fifteen nt'ndred Oght fang vialted oppurtunltlea still gst there.' oaatr, m now raoetvigg g larga grenn-th- h waa her knabnnd and that hat o'clock, Monday tug, hood bill. Terry euperiaiawdent of pwblle Inatraetioa. aaaraviaery. even he did not Aa Senator Spooner S MoOovarn'a training nBarters Tha exhibition ehoot tomorrow af tlm fatiowiaa' of fine Thore am am wa IrMlna. regain has not In - one itay tfrttic laiaiestlm ml. maohinory. otmeaionanaaa. been quoted tbe Aee- this weak. Terry waleotnos ternoon at Traction nark will be en Met la rarMte to about ton oar isads of this Hha said tnat ahe had beard that elated Prms as making any T the throng;; Billy Nolan. n fB tirely free from any charge tie nubile schools wbick ht tmtsm hnnsliad tha Santa other whatever or armory : bf Haaham gone CALIFORNIA Y. M. A. tae t ata-tio- had to WMhlngtoa and C e enaeca, and as ha is a Joint nana, is discouraging . lettors who and will be merely in tbe laUraot of Fa Omttral raflway. vb Btantoy having heard that b waa dead ahe MEETS AT RIVERSIDE. stntstoood man. nay way. this dw-- 7 wish to see the Battler work. the nrm Mrs. Bennett rewwasgita. bat Sam ntaosa of the) pmt are remarried. ruvarsida. cal.. Marob I a niohlv V patch wna probably na mueli Aa effort 10 get it will prove very baary. ago pieco weighing aloe Intaraatlna and IaatraitiM ofn Joe Baraatt to take that iateraetlag and tBm Tha plaint! If atarled to leave the a rag s tbe Otero diapatcb. 3' the management of A!buouore,u' she win mono rha local marksmes 1. otber otagle oleaes wemblag baa h bona and mot Perklas, who Invltad been prepared for tke twonty-8ft- jtmo naaa wui team look hturem from fire to atx toaa. annual eonvontioH of Mf ba taoad. Mr. to their caaaot be doubt him to atop and wake a vial. Ha did tha Thu Iff niTTIlltli Harnett aaya that he would like not'o l when on oonsldsrs her record for "Chariea Oiaaatm wf Saata tm baa so, Men's OarlatlMi Onlifar-nh- t, y remaining two weaka. The decree aasociatloa of TO ing oetter tnaa to take bo lob, but the lies three years. a the cosgnwt for bnulias lb innehin-cr- It which opeaa today. nt- - DEYELOP waa granted and was adjudged that hero The he doesn't think that h- from Staaley tatkm to Oeldea promises be ould give It his home belongs to him. Ha la a lenoance to larger Hum the proper alU.tUm. u would be it is doubtrvi ir the uianr win a m highly (tstoemed ever before nod every eoeoeiatton In ARTESIAN WATER ie PROMINENT COUPLE ARE I fi pteoe resident of this city out of toe city much ! tbe coming and ready for operation laaiee and la irtlve In reilgtoaa work. the state will be represented by dale-nte- summer. of sixty days, but uaaaatodly it win Among CITIZENS OF ARTESIA WILL OR- - JOINED IN WEDLOCK the prominent speak- 1 ne may n be ready at thnt time or tbsrsakoutu ers who will address SANIZE ST0SK COMPANY TO iawmakra a quietus ...I POXEST RESERVES ARE COSTLY the coaveatloa to the Weatena Baseball laagut' A This ta an important raterprio aad ara Chaplain J. A. Potter, U. S. A.: SlftK TEST WELL. Bernalillo . ea"lig fee.SS prosper statute i peadlnc bef r tha lows Manstay, Mara If. tit.fto will add matofiaily to the it Wfclter M. Wood Chicago; ('raves . . . 40 144 of 0. K. At a meeting of legislature problbfttng the game uu At tbe fjarmao Lutheran church IIM2 of sonthern Santa Fw coamty. It win ONE THOUSAND RANSKRS A. , a number who are Colfax .. . 7 HT, WILL ueer and r. MoCari of New York: asteu nunday, and as Lincoln Nog., , mwurday evening Mis Banma B 17JI0 es.50 give mptoyment to a large gnmbcr or E SMPLOYgD ON FIRST D. lutei in too matter of an at al Don. Ana 19 113 RI ooaerM Bearotary A. Lnteber of tempt water, reaay oarreg nla inn on dolph. daughter of Mrs. H. fl.tlft tft.W men and tbo who ara beet lafonami SBRVE SY JULY 1. Loa Angeles for artealan neld at from tbe Oread Bddy 141 the association, and Uw tbe ooatontee, save the neriaucia eeveath day of week passage man, and Mr. Bert Walling, 1,4U SO.Tt In fining matter predict thai it will or. the ta connected Oraat 31 146 iwv. Henry Kingman of Pomona. nows. ways and means for making a 01 toe measure witn the mbba" Lgaadry, were 14.140 be money making proposition Tbe following la an lows woii4 mean an ualtod Ouadalupt- - . 11 extract from a tost were dleousaed end to most promlalmr n ma mage. pjov. 100 i,m S4.ll company omtirols a largo ar of apeec anil It waa a little leggur. Wsrnlna ofSciatlnc, r b delivered la Washington. D. C, - Ltncola 10 15 4.4(0 84 puu-r- grounds aad take ATTORNEY tnougnt beat to form a stock com Ralph Hunt, who is in he city from A larg- number of friends and tbe rel M wilt wain oy Hun. airrord nnenot, unneg statag GATEWOOD Law H from i on pony and wake thorough last, a Bi Paso, aaya that all lads) base atives of tha oontmMluc nartiea wit IU HJ40 7S.0I four wells tarry tbe upi forester, department of agrtsulture. of MeKlnlny 13 171 at ton eommtttao waa uum m mum hall league have beer. rsmnHed In Bcaaed the coremoay. The bride waa .H DENIES CHARGES . after his return from attending .it d Mora ... 7 70 The asaohinery no living racolvod the the eitaaane of the valley aad secure tbe Pass city, and tha' rant base by Misses BASeltSo S.I70 41. St aVockman'a aatooclatlon at Donver, Otero 181 CO by Coloa el Wood tor but cosBsmny b nay suBecrrpooJu wbleh may be glvr- - ball war is likely to br ak Oat and Xuia Schrooder. and as tbe bride I0.NO 17 uomx: there - separator built upu ptatso PREFERRED ASAINST HIS OLI lewnra snan a aroWMMuoa. and arun moat any time Albuqu, lg and groom marched down the amis in 4t- a tM "lietore July 1." said Chief faeraa- - .qa reedy RiofyArriba M 71 tm poeiricatbwui ruiniaboi by Ontenut 5NTS, FOR STCALiNS OATTLE all barn bean given an opportunity to to give battle to amy team fa Bi Paao to tbe attar the wedding mare from 7.4SS 1TJS ter Oiffejrd Pfnehot, "1 expect to Boaaeveit . 14 117 Wood to the Marion MjeBttttty oom bare rnoM eu oapitan COMPANY. aaawonno, n stoex company w in M mm win pisoa a goeraaf m tha bank tbengrin eras blared Tha bride waa ,7U SIJS sors work sovera Saadoval . paay. of Marlon. O WMte Ml akeb i.oo rail at la the inmrnoMtod of tboaa having thus withwtt a string to It. attired In a beautiful troassau of white it tf Mae suss moat fore reeervM. There are (Friday, 9.1 Ban Juan M 101 7.110 61.11 orate affair, t I iitovel by eaperta tmr Marsh eubecribed. As soon m possible, a AltMaA rsming rct-u- d Ms lik and carried a large bouquet of iy 700 rangers amptoyod praaant, Following death 8na Miguel 70 110 that it wtii prove suo7anSi la hand at tt tha diapatth published Pteoe of mueated tand li in h it. blow in nttnele, Indiana ami Mkmoori whit carnatlaa. while the groom waa 11.40b 4IJ0 and ! think the number can soon be In Tha ITrajtlng CKIam enred by the company SanU .. 17 U .1M ling the sold placer dirt hat the ex reeterday and the teat last year, tbara was distrttntad la attired ta ttm oonvsational bteck. Tha r lt.M by Increased, awmc to tha raoidtty with reaardiag tha allagad wWe-- WwwWsl money 15 M 4JI1 61.10 tensive irtneer grooeda owned tb uiLUL 1 . 1 . 11,477,019 in this eoaotry and Fraternal Brotherhood orcnaetra fur mnrmtf n Bmrmag in u saio stealing of caUla by Thomas It Is us Men of those who ex Socorro U IIS 74SI 51.11 company. ""w uw Canada. On: of a total .f 7.WS mm the ma4e for the oecaakm and I ury nihd Tnoa . . "The haultag a vary dtSicuH tin rr tnratun tm gnning remiationB IMdemora, later dwaatok from Koe-- pressed themselves at tbe meeting, to 00 the tbla kMtgc, of whbsk tna groom la a 11 SS 6.1M 43.1 that were raosstly Imposed. Stockmen sooare and wtacel Torraoes 4S.10 denaJktng bat hi Otlsfariortlv weti. to the Dearer Hews, sad dated a franchise from the county racaa -- member, will newly tl St l.ttt Mas lg buaoaa limlaatr thara wore tender tbe wedded Dnb-- don by Osatraetor Ctessrm." are paying money at tbe rata of March 7, gives the following ddl commlastoners to furnish water for over 6,100 oiipt rwepuoa m reams tf HI MN S7 7t .fSNjvov two at ona mll and uadar. a two lodge almost a day for tbe privilege tloaal Information on tha subject : town of Hexaneia. aa sum it re-- Valoarla II 7.711 4S.SS u There were event "oogr water oalght. Thu happy pair were the HALF-MILLHS- of gmslug their berda ht foreet reeer-vatmna- .' Further dereloomenta oame today has aufkclent growth to make such a ttt Mote fa tha ltabove table. TITLE TO and timber." ciplonts of maay Mmatlial and useful EP-Th- la regard to the Indictment of Thomas soheiwa faaeiw. feather la a aratam of graded schools ACRES TO BE CLEAR e A Frank Rlllen. who waa nitAh far among thorn bektg maay Vesna groat af t,B0 Forest r Pinchot then want on to Prldemore. Lea Mvtna and K A. Mor- nloa tHHrinnlM of tha Imt was gray c era, la counted aa a reboot. lm d whoa beards wer. red milk bottles, baby earrisges, acres la nay that he wo-il- soon announce an on waoe before adjournment and no Ttsmniiri Tim Bverag day to have the mdtvtduai litam riaa the chare of oottsntraov to has gone lg hop Joiuiag rubber nipples and prsansts a Vka number of the V. wsamiaatMB po- TS doabt the committea wlU with south the of af sattted nt once. jtaa at Lams, of oandbwtoa for the steal head of eat tic from tha W meet gsviore, Msnm-la- g eaaneie of the whete territory ware sition harest reearro raager, sood tmessia. Our people should not sm lannt aad follow in thg Jaotstapa nature all of whmb. tho eeeratary af tM boari hna been na of and Caartan lJnd aad Oattw company, of f Brattanatoin. llMitasstStg bride aad kvaom ne I lit. Tata lac adas bota aaid that the larger tbe watt for the oammRUe to eat) waa embarraeser the rami nam poiaied reSsrao, and will naa nam all number thai wnion xTfoemovw waa mage nor. sjm thosuriH - beat poeeib&a graoe. and the traded town would apply would please Jndge thm, but decide beforehand wVtat to hewn amtuved Ma uaofai- canted with tin city ctetmn to title by ibm eattler and fch tha better a W. W. Oaiewaod. attoraay nrnw. bgt In balmy semtit As thoy ware hMvlag the church fbay sshoors The latter are suetamed Him. The dutiea of forest raaaer are eaoii oaa do, and sea any mambar of the be aaoat sixty smrs. dJBtrkt oeurt win tamt laaue dewatn far Bivlns sad M)rrta, toalgbt mock of Ms were met with a vert table rainstorm to saventv Menaa oa ssgawrfhsd. say to look out par an e committee, whose nan wo gfva: o1Jm aaaed imBre-va-e ooaahigi a re foreet Srea and dented lhvnt hla cliontit hod ad cuaalug wag ine averaaj of 114 oars tbe w that timber la not out or who away. bemt guilty any R. A Jdarbie. j. ft. Walsh. H X feme, and there fgn talk roai anowiag seat dlapatos from Laa Yoga. P of erimlaal aaaduot. H, of hrlaglng htm to by B.' If, BUgLIMiAMe A CO., of tna rami ssneata. and tbo iBteatma of A femamr drawn g salary of Iff nay and Ota a HowkJas, Retry L, Hugs. jTp. Vk rani life drtu)t frota that of the city lae smat board reaodMtad etalemeat that HayMse. Uve eoole. give rosaatet bavw-live- d iWMrtll Ml sWSfsftt AflMs fHfUllWI Miff rVtl LtdMtor. Otto rmaa Umwi draft wathao. A title to alt who wag or any aSBHsftrtsOTI UslsWSmnlBBBlSl taiabbW stmiUr difference agiat lu regard mrm gain; eriMmal AH. WeaBBBaat BBl ASSAY mail tag Umm and J. U. Tmr. flmCEM.W to anhi tha loads far a sarmd of too pdaHy ta tranafor of soV llm umntra at tbo fair um MT waa year aad to laaa drag to atbwr "WMt these won be roaulred t Oe irorn Pridoawe Mm, MartngbiL Tha Bsumrtant aaeatloa i How t and tm A. aarii4aodaat mt tha' ttHMi tim of Ty-- tend oa payment af a'Hwbrtod mam hmw xoajaDilag about the UlSh art Vm Msrrtu was twtitr of n stMihU watar tort )aa aa tha aamst kkma of, sfs w gtve to rural seaools adventagea fer oamat 1$ TtejeygBof paaBra aaUmpit. ewwtet tit buymg the s4ll torn ttw hVHri 9 mm anwiv M tw IWheatig an thu tUmSmOmmtakM to thoea of mtft wonM tHrlaa, JtMita Owlewood aaya My, Tun IvM HKAK there gotag went Umn mere lug. of the Santa Pe, and ciutiaa to Alba :mtim m,&K, HADUSt. mm wwa f un vaaaa, .? I1M LawreaSt.,Bavr.C4 of PnbUc Iisttraotioa dividual title have r boonstHifgtrao. IMHty"" Miwilmvtla9m Weekly Citizen Taw efregtowsly absurd sg ntoanraeutnlly brasen DECLARES AGAINST PURCHASING ffltoprp of tba Moral a Jmtttaj to virtually bar ao sHtheoriatten RirtH. saeefWH tor elty outeers. baa bwk Mfmdlstad br tba vansemr fBfisaa Mr ilM fhlrta botMaril parllaa of tba Thla la aa K abouKl WATER COMPANY'S PLANT rtir toot, e. l- - vm? mmu M b. m ab dlaiataraatwa vatr tor a woaiaat (rr aaoaaalty Maac a party eltr Vv3rid Pattr dakata ao aot of In Mwrarwitiaat, but thfr ntaaa taa aalaatlon of tb boat Interesting Meeting of Good Government League Y Dmikg Growing waa to nil oity oMaa. la ao war - rtahwMa ta othr la a grsiifjtng fact U not thnt fJenalna; proa- am lha ataa of tk paopia b haaN MM ba affaotlro Held Last Nlglit-- W. S. Burke Voted "No" mmmsnma her fwture welfare re brighter (as they here In tba aataatkm aaw atadloa of aa4MMaa. Any ona -- gate." tore In ninny years, nnd eoaainom mnnw wtebUHl to ba aa oCetal of tba elty aerarpaaBt aao Sitti Santry, the Chtcaao ftshter, a haalaotna water at ahltti While the town ta not on n "beem," there la la nmnlMTnrih nrhnlhT M aow aoiaa li withsSoortn dumcated arm. dletrnrsathd vtaltora to the elty My Against Adoption of Important Resolution. uk iowrR he by the proper iowtli and aa activity la all lines eaa bis bafora tbaj racawnr In a natit waded nod met tor4d W ffm or aot. aiaaa aaaia wwn. rwiTa Just reside thla gate a VfIKIMgv- - Inrywrsmenta eoatmunily going on. ajlffcataa: ia ar aartr wlUt wtteb be la aad If tlia party to iftajgae of troona amy a um r- - is a steady end marked increase la win In Ita artiaariaa kf will ba aonlnataa. or If tha P. J. n pftcbAr, haa h the art or abate troopa de-- ALDERMAN HARRISON GAVE SIGNIFICANT FACTS pwrtnAn. Tb continue to en- - wouia !lm". the merekaata aarty 4bkilia MtMtr otbar Mraoa. not thwa offarlnc. tinaerarrcd l y St. Loula to tbe Mil atrea o pay military honor to fer- - - letr stock o( goo; business bowses Mr mi Mrw more accwtfnblr, attfih taar amiocla- - Ptgn rlaltora on- tb HAr irty waukee team in tba American and enlarge. The Doming Orty Water oom- aaaala4 bavttAaaaaf laaaaBBalul thnv worn Jamea D. Ihtbody. the orack Ch 'mw juat comfjtotod on of tbe finest wator Tbaa arary aarty may alaea la aowunancm in am cngo athlete, Hirtiiniiiuiirtrivntftttirvit)Laat msed - haa deahted to Jok the ntoht at the meeting ef the evanwnent Uesfus the la the southwest TS Oemmg lea and nc- Mtatartal tha aartr ma ooaMatMMt, wnlla tba loolrlduai MeOraw tralatna hta man at a American ruateatanta felmwiflg reeelullefl by fu Vsnni Doah hall: aome at the Olanfla 1 ws )nWcil tJWifM atawy baa recently nompiet a iera eooumn o aaWt froat aUtaHato Ukmm whom trlanibibip ailed of the game He la one of OF t)F CON- - rater other are the mmff't "IN VIKW THE LUOID HP0P.T TH ALLKSED. ptoat aad nw machinery baa baa Installed, la or otbar or aamnnamsNm inoorva nannaitera coaohtet their neat niataoce ranaora nam win IHTION OP THE WATKR COMPANY'S PROPBBTY, THAT IT naaanaianna pinyera m a htt-no- n fmmi the cagocMy ftvr i bp mauurectere or ie mora lat. fa lata way aad la ao awar eaa tk will w tne atrengthen Ametloa'a cnaacoa to carry I WAS THK SINSC OF THIS MRKYIN41, AS AN ORGANIZATION, (MM It formerly was. Tba Luna Oounly t lie liee! aome of hegora. WK SHOULD NOT VOTE FOR THE PUROHASE OF 4mibt wast aianla he naaertnined, and tm; aeMiro WriRbt. new of the THAT THE Improving roreat the aouthbander WATER OOMPANVS PLANT." Tatoftwaa cOntpeay wo ready their llaa arallaWe olhetala. by MKiraw, baa made a toto-pft- n aicted ' Th reeetotten was nnanlmeualy enrrted, vrlto erdy en aHaeeniing a are rarnlahlag ttarir patrons wit aa good impreaamn ! favorable at the print lat trmlotng. Ho oermrta hta mawore V' vete; being W. S. Burke, Meming Journal, snrvk-- M b had aaywher. Th compear tratatna ramp of Omnia. that editor ef the and ve tain the to remain In bad In the awrnrag aa wee them to a th toaHn ef hla Ksetora. i nttm a large force of men at work ladlng lla llaaa Plant v Tr j lone aa ther like, ao they reoaft at l he Mimbv Hot 11 ta Jtynood Hot fsprrng'i. " Kvary acanot hmtae ahowM be wrrnemeed i a lovely Wroottar Krank Ooteh haa not glran tba ground by o'clock. The ttmet ItttttItftllltt)ttVIl-ttlllti- The ranah beats will barn oa-- n nn home of beoonllnjt a ort nsbtar retire by 1 a. m. under the Mewaw (Tuesday. Marsh 13.) north First street, was recently at the mrlt, lntmdtotr rrfc, lb whUn the aeboot eMhrrea wmM feel that they mercy action wlUt the nw Haw and wfil noon go Into training to take regime. The Fakir Mtaeswreaented FaeVt ot too atom, aiuwugh Chief mtereat. The wnrn m the aahoal ntrdena --n- cna-imiO- hM'.Hfnal an aoaaw of the ketvtae. Onr tasmcd mora tag contempo Jstofttosa and hta anllaat Ire laddies . ' . Th stock tudstr of Luaa eounty, which lira hmd anany to hare heme and what u vothtnav thnt I do rary, n over - fonght hard tho property. maob to welfare, la la bettor co wahj. naraM. a in beater know all tae aoh- to a kJatr'ni'a a mar beantlfW ' than a e of arnena and orahardar PHcher ScaoaMt la tke lataat aowrce ay Jan. Jonh Jeatrtaa, will there ever as Athuuneran rntor They had no water to work with ttaClWH boa before la many yara. Other Im- - wet th Jour It ha Arhef tmy, March Man. mM awe aome tanciiMe of trooole for the Mreeklm oiannaj be a aoeelelon of the arue rtnc" liar nal, had W. 8. Burke, its editor, at the The Vann Reselutten. iitarawwiil wttl ern)'in la the faw mouth that tag Ma-ga- e ant bviUaf In the city of Matn W t tetabtlsh and ntohi. Ke la kWdaag ont for more done and hoen done ht ma fine meeitoR of the 0od Ooremmeat After th aMaman's talk, which nroagarlty of Darning. Dealing nal money, rtng, Mr. la new wllnog to was wMt.Mwaar add to th matntatH aatinoi aarowm. the aaeey th$n. Jehriea laat ntohL and that paper, in ttn listened to latently, aa if the SsWKghi. m It down, If naMte wilt grroi rr--r were atmorbtog every It waa ftfigg St fwxaa who sold. hirtiy tire the heaount ef nteettog. ctosrty faked member word. Nawnny won him a ehanco. pres . Vann offered the iwtewing reeo-lotto- iliHitlt. reeeetly. want, no ntonnment ot shiwllmr haa mm the MKlaHttt of th wmsnhsrs Ucter iit 1 tkm tar thla aoaeen oa the PaoMc ent when tt atntae that the dleona' atone or MarMe. Iwt my awahlMt IMt, at tbe head com, Ma taMe Qrand Naphta fabn are hopeful ot night is "In view ef the tueid report of tha l3trioity For Th VaUy eeahtrMac the bent aaahag alon last enewvd that there ow nwmaat to thoir m-- tar sratre a Meean tfwe and at tne Inei an inaaioneo two tat taree-yoaeiol- on the ooeat the bronalit a pretty general aeattment in mvor ftondlMen ef the Water tbe baiter part of a year Tba OMaea m MM' Aftat Whan lh tree hn the peraaa town, now that John Oaneet m hte r!od grcfttrty, toe ssnse ,'jr watndt ehN hear t of nurohA4ng the water ayotom.' that it Vftt Wat aaw ac tba very ajroawat watara niM atuf whMmtl be ntran oat awMe Um nUtn people Jetntty Kilair and KM Mohftto of own nronrleter mhI ana therefore phta-Hre- The nrooiodtog of to mewing. ef thisf meeting, a an erganUatien. - being pur-sha- s af- AHianaeraaii la iwteaUal la the Weeme Tetaa a that they may ytawl them KM wake Texaa a fore TobOAM IMM for hta saae wit bom outlawed for whtok ar regMlarly nod aocsratofy that ws sneutd net veto fer the .BMd lawar aM)MHy of thla efty. aaaatrlan KannMfefeCity ftanavtiM in (he Ameri- It. totd la this arfeto, shewed eeeiUToty ef the Water company's plant" htod of treea." The rcaMutton waa promptly nut to Ml aver Um aoaairr baa aaiawaataatea that MOaHMCM, Mdeed, Uaden tree can afaorlettoa, hot ho hoht ont for that the senttnieato emreaaed by What nobler than lmttlHtg Nokoi la drhthlmc threa the mettiag Wr the proaldtog omeer. frata it ataMen eaa"W eSeaaiy afceUar nlrlM to toot ptresent were d6Medly onnaaed eenfal aftryal whthit will aire In in and anade aMoct of With eWlttr Ml ti of and wnf tmanlmoaaly carried, with htry aaotiawa of adjaeaat tartltory, Ike tow Ik hUMknnry.- - itufriVen yoara t- - eUB HllMlllf(' to tMrabawMnx the ht plant at auh far a hundred or mtm. Mw Dentontrorflto J1 TP" 5Wcey cae cxocnUoa, W r. DVH::l, Jltor bemg rary eilxat Ajao, Tba OltHMi ee etlHed m death! (km H with Mi wOgBr wl- - earMtont figure, awe thia will he mi W'lhA'hMd that Bhtalod K haa more gatarr at Twted and the foxy .Tow nrovon naith on Tuasduy. of th Morning Jonrnat, who was MUratWMi to faec m waat power: Twed hniThrmJ Qt. Nor. want at the dic- thf that the tnrw mm their hm ami knnraa mwr OrifJo ManadhUohr aaanrtil Nd FranJt tie April present, to rote according to th tk AwartoM loa)br ramaaay ntllbi, tba WaMrle fall; on earth did ho t. tates of hts employers, voting MO IM fwnnne'a bebhfe rate avtl froa Mteoklya. Now Oeeeont la hwk awch n hararnoa. The tjJtjl end rwwa tMaaany poaaaaaaa ao abaadaat ana Who mown n neM or ifnfwt ftower. tog landing pavw. Prtinti. a Informal Talk. for a PartoAnt to call, mulshed la t - After the chairman nn&oancpd aty-i- l ebaap foot, bat a fw rarda oletaat from Ita furu Or planta a tree, la aeere than aJI." 4(t Xld Herman ia totting to be eomo- aranli local arngrns1i ia The hweotog The meaeat hit mad thia canoe thlng challenger. Jnwt rcnuli nf the rote, Informal talk on New Hfiifci i of He one Csttoan. about forty ntembors of the atrhjoct. Mera. than, i aa by Han Johnaon. whan be etmok aetu hla third nmt to Joe hot the were made by several la bt aalvMloo of tba rallay above and On, Qoad Oererammit League mat laat preaeat. ouestloDs were asked of var- l'oww the (ity. Tha aqfl la ther. tba undarvrouBd flow the "covering no" evil. He hit from the inky lad la trying for a match night nt Red Han hall on OeM are New York to Chicago, and la hie own with NMeon or aViU. if they i ious matters pertaining tn the plant, a.41iar. aad with aheap power tbe deretowneat of amnio tarn an for th purpose of tonav 1m the report f dis- Poftulexr Dirctor orgnnhmtion. too. hHo down, uaoa wll then m the eport. RlttV rttatkm la aneured- - When a few exawfNaa abull bate renown. portnnt nrattors pertointng to the cussed, aad It wna tbe general I oaoe knew a aan of vwrr areat bnalneee o tare of thia city, especially the pur enUSfHtene tba laeta, the aattlanMmt of tha rallay will (K Hfe. waa amah Dick Padden la getting together a of the meeting that steps wMVdtMMK the hwt thirty hie eheee of the rrnter company Dtopei saouht be lake to nbaoiotoiy ahow with a ape enaaunjt almoat t ba mlraeale. Hoary Olewa.rra paaaawiwl no arra of ptayora at St. Pant, nnd Marvin Hart will he mntehad to aeuimi irfter. earn haaanaa he - ty at the price which majority ot np as the people are there, tbau the trattey will tettew . .. tk ki th (ana are already talking of a one- at Craorg CMrdner before th th oondiiton af th maina tby th t)aanflaatwmi neaeaanry te mane mm a mon w goon th membera of the city council .lo really are, aa everybody we riMiay netow town, amtainti, tae nm two4hte team, which would be Cbelaea. Maaa.. a. the latter mart and knows ir lor fatslwry director, hanoe he waa eoanamea wwn a rwry eaowajt C wered tor but wbjcu every them to he. a aoaalMwH mueh more any-- for any town. of thia month. Bhalern irportrng re- MKJMlaa. mimereue thaa targe numher of enmpanloa. eenn fair minded maa to the city ha sWitor Burn Speaks. KM ftH(irx4 who haa made a trip down there. men etui hare eoMinoravie price aat He waa a ribh of wealth: retired from bnaineee, ana Pttaher John Hhmer hn nnme into denoe in Hart, deefrtt the poor ahow peatedly deslarad nn exorbitant Mr. Murk mad n few remarks, to never avwlr-Uum- m commercial vhn took aten W poweilawd a'earpereai anpaaHy, hnt tt wna ef the the Mid at laM. and will otay with ing he made anamat Tommy am me. President Sulxai Absent, the effect that he waa not a doctor, II wli of AlbttqtierQtt and K has taken many wlta eoaaletad In hta the Milwaukee team next eeaeno. He la the absence of J. P. SeJaet'. the aoiUiftr a dispenser of medicines, but mm hind, tlta Mental 4tMltftantka atrongthen A. R. Stronn, secretary, aomtthlng about iliirltur Ita beaaneml Ufa than tlvat h laek mat ptinafuRlly an meetlBaa. He oarae ahonhl materially the Tost aharhey. the aallor, he been prw:aM. the that ho Inew water alwa8 altPtMllns the Urewora eonataHt viaHor MoQevstrn'r called the meeting to order, nnd, in and na be dwelt en "water" a ripple vilian H determined to InveatlRata tha Matter or ana"; at enfly and etayed to the watched oloawr to ( words, laughter was nettoeu on ilHR elaatrio power thrwuah tba rttltay. CafuWalan. iratning onartara aad aioka him a fw plntnt stated that the of the fsLa whleh way the majority rote wna goto. NorHrv. the who la go win over BcMHng N'oleen. Sharker meeting waa onltod for the dlectieslen of tho In attendance. He claimed openal St to play alwnya wont with It. He waa never hwwn to log to the Unfa Americana i acea Trry trnta for every one of the iHonoattton of rottog on bond that the report of Mr. iwtfle waa . A rang report ahawa tbat SI aomiMRlea lu hta when the wnaaeon waa aerrea arter Brat ana- - u touted on the raewe of hi fights aaye he norar eaw to purchase the water work for tn,-009- , the beet nTCCneMoa on water sod lihe mat mouth eiteont or ever nnd RdjenrnMl- - coaat aa one (he heat piayera city malaa h had ever read. imi . mIU ml tot ftnn year eapanaea the tiaoraaua mm tlia dtrooiura' meetlaK had him in iner eommien than be now ic. and he 4o rerrrd to the that aeeg i J t.tmLWiM. nnctlealiy all of whleh want to aeHelltmi. lte waa nweh Vtmealed hy corparatlofl manaxer 'Vtt here. bMlMlag teaoda. hnt no eawawton dnr Another Masting-- . 0 Chrlety MathiwaonT brothsr hag Ing msotlna; wnn mad on eat before adjournment. It waa. ' aetUemeRta be died. waa their favorite director, on the e the th It m tafUMaea alrtoaada and are to when he .He Hy the war. what haa of Bob boon given aevoral trlala by the Now everybody moved aad seconded that if claimed, mtva no trouble and waa hagn" a ght kiuter spinning to think antinf taaaeaiiad la other word, tbe aoat of Hfe Inattmnee Itreund. aa that he ritaatmmona? He Joet York Hatlenala t the training: eamp that the otsy btcfldtog prpoehnen was Mweting be bold at the Bed Men's meetinit or wif ror Af Inag tha Imprea-io- n la 4p he wattaned there mnat ba an aafbrexd daareaau perfectly aatrnflotl with the remit of ererj n the at Memnhln. hat he haa ahowu M a right n nad snob a bwfMing n hall on Monday evening. March ith. !. firie aaaoHRt. The Ufa laanraiwa nefctt la well Uh when he wna banded hta fS mMd stec for attendance gro that he ha diamlaawd hie rrldence yet of llng more than a when It in hoped that all side will ma people ev tne unnad atatea now Moid one whfnh caimed htm to no heme reoMn. iireaa m. fuirly promialng yemggaier. H lacin Aiearmsn Hsrfiaen Preeent. be represented aad the matter us boa notbheg won again diecaaeed. Howerer. sa for orery four rereona. It la no lonajar aaaaaai - eentrol. aad like th Mr. Streup stated thnt members of the The r a entenalvrty clrcu- dlahed ti by Matbew Oood Government ao re- U a paralatent beaUac of tue thleketa. ierful rttrrea the city council had been Invited to Lagne haa 7Z tartnia latod i ore Tebeau bad ottered elder. corded, organisation Ik )Hwed anvo no aonoitora: and ibonan u la tmety tnat Hew Mexican: On the Sth laat the Waahingt' lh' the be preeent, htu he regre ted to net) this mm m Marvin Hurt a place on hla bcuievllte being to purchaalng the Wattr jttjatemaUr aollottetlon would larnoly Inereaae depoatta, ioat contained nn editorial whhm foreahadowed tbi tmae. In Itoltlmor the newspapers ridleal' only one here, thnt Alderman iant at iteconri "Nothlnc to Harrteon from tho Puurth ward, nad property at such an enorMtaut price It .la not lu IA imaainiNl that preeent deanoaltora wowM tWH by the United atatoa eenate upon the Hnmlkon It.' la th, wny Tcbwati diapoeea uf the the Idea that Oaaa and Herford have price eonsldwrably greater in many cr-ree- t he naked to explain tbe a xy i hill, and which eventa proved to b spilt. As man th alderman eta ad far the t of aMiviaehax othera that It la joint teteheod r ixirt both hall from thnt water figures than tbe compaa offered to comment MM on anbject la yii town thla ought to ba taken aa nrMiy rotltlon of the council im tbe R. ami (tuna. The etpwnae of the aarlnn banka of Maaaa The of the th In sell to P. liochnlnger of Monroe. i qiuMliui giving the aucb - I 1jmi aa wna It The go New good evidence thnt Onna the name a year ngo, t ohjmata In KM n t.( per oent of the year 'a de aa Hertlnent today it when appear! Kulli did not with the f irniAtl aa li had on thia Wa., refeicnn- Im old yore, a'inuld lie n the cotirx (ine-ten- tb - it h York ruer1ean on aprteg flan of nod he Ihix being mnde ar only bIkjui of tuv Inanmaee ox- togtoat thing for the isath eongreea to would tbe train ' lrri Im trr.ran'tloa in !ut placet! IvipO t ni; ,t(tnll H-- tu lug n . nor did g MHlr Bveaing Oil lien OMhboMia Territory na one aiatn. Jimmy Oallnhatt ' tc '. Ufe iaaaranre ranreaenta Inraat oroation of and Indian h,- ' , Harritejn Enlighten Meeting. Artaona with "it Oblcngo Americana, which lernl" wtai'tii w r t n" BMjM; aa annual reduotloo lu' tbe eapenae nmmant af Maw Mexico aa a aeeond atnte. and to leare Al i man ilirrtu . v talk was ad mmn that the Johnaon Iragua haa - f oooaidorntloB. the New Meaican A bill before the .Icr.c tiiovting a TWO C Wfm J U: 40 ur cent not to b lightly aat aalde ont of pHMeftt Tile loal valuable piayera. Nn aul MEETINGS OF lanra will riot he done, in conference, thla paper la ot lature placlaa; onercm rerctn' on : vutH lai'-rt-k- t n r adrocataa tot 'i aalomoblllsta wrrylne mo In tht- - of (he pifutntmeu ot IMPORTANT BOARDS opmion. the waiter will he arranged aomebow Tui- - t tni'om matti laat tho tht est gght of any importance la - -- Hhere were three "million dollar" flrea month tor car owners. Tin- hilt pmrtifoi a lal coaisnit , tc . how cer- that the people of this territory and Artaona May Sun will be Jimmy !'ii aad neetfdlHs i 'he Journal of OoaMneroa, the grata e and Pr iucleeo between t'.tenae of $3 nn th- - marhlrn and 'ihtegs" in th wer have to yote apon tife WMMttoo of Joint etntehoon Drlti tad Sddle Hanlon. That la. If tsa tain c.uncll BOARD HF PHARMACY AND unfair 'Ore at Duluth and nut St. lwtla and tha tar-- ret ft foi (he chauffxir rlr-re- la limited awuna favoraul;, t, .tit Witter Supply dnrtna; the year Ire TMnH wttt It be? the au'heritlea will permit the con company. SHARD OF EOUCA rUan ir on the uninaured railroad uraMlaee af the OAR tent. tanding to sis miles an hour in iowtt tthculd TIOM. Tte unforunnt of ,e motor car vwaer be arreatt-- lie Me In adIan nvvernweat at atoawton, New Bramrwieh. Kew Keii-T.-nn- y bout ntnrted the report tinted tha the matter. tar could b sent to jail by a ay eettntry Hrat place, nnd brought up la Terit Ottr had a fire, llntlnnd a ff80j00 Are, u dealing ! per The UtrrltorU! board of phsruiac W,m Hah IrraKefftce Chrootale: Oerwatiy aiao that more flahta would b h lo luetic unlees hsd his iiecaa with by semi-annu- a fire. The other VH mparied n ahape 'Prlnco. hut the ohtcinla the council the Introduction of a bnann Ita al meeting yester- qajvtfand W$JM flrea with Mtl proUlewe. they am different mltted in him. The sentiment nit auto-- - again' bill fur an ordinance to taw riimei. in daatrurtlrefWM all the way frem t10,04 to own. In the may u- nrevnlled upon to allow tb etteti day moratog, in th Mks' Clui, ruooi in tnat nnuntrr from that taken ok it ottr mobllieta la at rang In Jersey tree franchise, although the ecntfMM bad nnly the nar,HermlllWi faarti. U night gnmc n continue The gght la ached-- tSwJMi to maned United fKata the immwI aathcwtGhJt awake at of the rsoktoas nets at I let Xw Utterly apurteeg years yet to rH ou Albuquorque, presiding - haVBvar. The Pwhrtmrr of 1mI tha srent Hal emetency uld fur the loei of the month. ylahst tbc op m'. broniht tttiiilylBft out tnethoda or Imaging the of tea m Yorhera, who dmrMrad ih tt oM fmnohls. This wm about n lug of th SOsaion, only Hfcreiary xi ttatare fire; the oemtwted fire leM of tne United Mate aerrloe lu order that there ahan h no aMcroneaioenia Yoonc Cor- - of th residents of Jersey Had mads yenr ago, and the bill wna referred to J. Pwher of Pe R u Mnr oo The Denver admirers of Sect and Ril.OaHntM. that Month waa appro xl ran tetr 3o.061. on the ierqtflttae t the traMtHtrtnthw companion. In bote who are still of the ootnrati that the roads of that stat a sgeadway. th watar oataiusUee. This cotumittee phey ot La Vegas, were preeent. A Tiffiw waa nothiHg that pent wwnld end a, oenflnsratloa atftlMj- - in charge ot mads a refert, becnuee a howl C. V Qerwawy the tnaUer now thoae he ia not all to the bad. .ire trying SOME SPRINS SNAKE &TORIE8. ne'er Porterftetd of Silver t'lty. ami la lito fwlinmty of iMW. ant flrea dwttroyed Riipros w weight to arrang for him with om went up all orer the city Kg tart ex- Moreno of Ijw Cruces. arrive, i nt ha peatal ni faint the propriety of IhereaclaK the 4ftRht Ky., March H -dale nthM. Im - nan. tending the franchise, and, aaain, for noon, and were In tu tho tnwtnly iHW&fiW worth of praperty the two oaan nltowauee of a letter from a Shlf to twohinla of an or id "TPrawaa, eaconn mtora a farmer, wring about a mil from nttendsnce . another reason Winter com petty afternoon. moralag to tytea. H; oMniariMn the tabraarr of lfrfett ufaowa an a enaee-- we tiranoh of he anbleat It will town, report eonrtotilp the The was spent It inakw thm Buddy waa a Strang in then advanced a iroptnrKion so sell. attending Yes- x Mhrmful rehroary. The Joarnal ef OttHtuuerea mafcea rodnolBg rather Hfn. who cut In the garutr nr to routine business nrtiba&ly'be with n view fit than fdOe mjoJant ago. will never which a hen aad a snake A special oontmitte wna annotated to terday afternoon the Ixxtrtl up daHHK d(M by flrea aereWt principals. out uok the total laat month'a American the wefshU flght ht the The snake cam confer with Water company as to etamteAtion for agaht. ntrtog heea nary sleep or row the lb of six applicants aad Cmmdma$l&2l9.Mv. to remove tofMrei 1 wn ef hla winter three pnea nn tor nuroaaae oertiltoAtoa aa TtharBiaetels m oUo. wooli ago up In nadotiet of esten-air- e once of nnd took atMrtoni eanw to And out what th plant oonht Tb Khpttoaato who have Raton Kepefter: It la a4erteed that the ianorwolgnt chumpie, n th poultry After H hnag arrive! went-er- a yard had bo bougnt ror. thus are K. Mmory of Ucli u, Ther are alx AnMwwn wonten who will go iron or of Iron uaneWle- - n world. snap ieoMl eanimnv far Davis doHa around there several day a oaht reported Ttmuneil that thoy Mlsa Matthews of Aibuoutrrnuc. and j bjM hrie aU hlatory. liwwnaa f thoir connection with wMa C 8Wy. aojtr htleoeitwu, ar io nnd (Kle anpoosed t to the 0 Ctiher Orlgor of th Moat on Amer m. th snake thogM ' (and the Jderma dwelt Mdwla a . winter of ijm Vegas shA MarMod change wrought m tb met half of th mat ftenM t tf worked on a terfte goal. Thla rant ican, suffered another perished, lie waa much surriatd to e ha forcibly on the word thought), from very grade, one-abl- eeoiliry in aeelal, lnteileotal nnd poHtlaal conditloaa ot of or la aald to h en of a tine and it ia fmprohahie that he will aoe it the neat worm day tt noticed offi Territsrlal Edusatsrs, Bea-aam- er oppressions msde to them from oh women ef Aaearicn, Th are aauabeth Cady our ef being oonrortod into Um high ant grade of hie io nlftr tlla aeaaoa. He la at th ohtohena were net afraid of the cials Wktor comgftay There will meeting any anaiss. nmt on Ptywwnth of the that th be a of the ter m 4aynHa Mnria Cklid. Mary A. Urermorc, Utgretln ateoi at a verr tow coot, ewhakir tower than Hot HDrtopa, but the hatha r doing that old old plant MMthi be bought tor ritorial wmrd of eduentiea tn ot- - rtock retKlle war aJwwj ftWM. at 'WULmm H. Anthony aad Mr. Julia Ward How. Of new HtaMumetared anywbr In IK OftMed fcatoa. Th aim uttig hen nad th Willing Sail. ftoe of Prof. Hiram lindley. territorial ! sewer. anoidoa waicn ut ta la critlcnUy HI. oh atone remain, or- - la MfaeUealtr MHHmMod In enantinV, na it to rrnagMy lie to At the sent meeting of coun of pntdlc Instruction, tlaaw. the tan and The AMtMMera Oriole, nn two, and hla patience wna rewarded the rrlBtondPt tfejr-- men omtht not remore It la cil," continued to osswtol buitdlns. Santa Pe. at fgf morning Mine Atttitoay went to Jala th other eoUmatod tbat ton thohoand t am hn to fly would ooil ttaoif Alderman Harrison in th ti Uur that aatnratioaa nt last. Th eanhe - o'clock, on nfternom of March If.. iont'ftf her fellow lahorera. The life ef Nina Itaaton tit106 lallroj4B0ltf yMtWi hlghoir than preeent aph la wna bis tntereetlng narmttrt- uf the "bar the their up la neat when tae wsncher gain onuwter propoattlon.'' ooard will also b in session u t he rercdtahUd. It la known from on end of tbe baa hall world. met the Alhn i would cover It aa "the Water io aeV chilly nnd the hen company through preeldent ostored the ltth Inst., ns tbnre la eoUKldcr- - America to the other, nad held In loving and grateful ClUaen- - Th Onlltornla ahun line qnerqui tontn, amateur team carefully aa if it were a setting ot lu ' Oroooa nnthr very to take U7B.ooii for. tha plant, nnd nbto bttstoese to attend to. V adtearatia m the heart of womanhood throughout th from AJamogordo to La Crueee haa not been laid on thnt. aa rot, haa not ranched a ga. Oato haa nnd aereral otters far Among the Important toplm ritVj ahlning atone in tha base ball firm supplemented hie remarks by stating nvmeed world. No greater heroea thene als woman - wno the hen nnd onnhe from vaudeville oonaMeraUoa wlU 1 than tba their, aa earn neopi heihr- AJhert Page on iww taey would aot take a cent lens be the select ion flvgr hlaaaad ih race, memory ot them will ever ago, ment. i eatat ear afternoon, a va maaagera. hnt do aot care about of the oourea of study for pub and the waa hritetaot of C. C. email two yeara aad who cant un Hi part of than thnt amount for th platt." the be' heritage Meaaing ecu th sonthcrn tb selling. lic Mhoota and also far teachers' j of to the which they lored I how' la Wneraa Oaeua Qranda. Metloo. la finishing city, and with plenty of "rooter1' to TOu council osrered br a majority 'he ' taoUlHto to b heid daring the sum 4 for which tber lived ind labored. H company. Hod Mr Small not been - of the board Sl.0OO. but the presi- th vwric for the cheer thorn on to vletory. defeated Monttcello, Pin., March It Hattla- mer. At this meeting. Prof, j r. Inhon m th work would have been eommenced on the the Star by the aoor of to i. they dent of tho Water oompaay tana nad t snakee wn never ao thick aa ther refused to socept that amount. Clurx. aut)' iniendmt of tbe cityl city HaTll Albuquerque moat have, the new ahort Itate. ere thia. have been thla aprion. Several oraag However, schools of A'uquroe, reoeatly ap te No it m claimed Herrera waa groves badly damaged by at a later meeting ot th apa howae cannot be done without, th awr aalnrno- - wmg Battling hnve been council, a lengtay cocnmualcsXioa wna pointed n (number of the board by) doped ho met Nlaon am. the climbing' the trees Oovamor llaserman, gad tnaion la a neoeaalty, th ctreeta mnat he New MeKlena: The Albuquerque Clllaen la The do was a4HUamtred with i ennhs received from the Water company. In vice itrothcrl to eat th tender buds. BotUiph. director of St Mlchaxl'x nl- - d croaalaga be made theae arc thing thnt to a mongrel ooaebinntlon of caadldntea for the good-iie- i najneh in the tow. how which Ihe company agreed to take ' lego, Pe, Ideoonaed). will More nnd cheaper water I needed, nnd eoottag city otooUon In Ha town. The Oitlaen la un the ever, Mentcan's food. SSt(,ooo for the plant. The council Sauu :ahi he done tiietoae: of in the Oates Mills. O., March 14 bis seat board member ur- diHiir - r then hy a majority other hmmr In the to aecure thla ineronae with ohoap- aft oagnt l be a good judge of wnnt ia oeat man v 11 lag cf lu membera ProsMsau, Hag- - Med raw anonks to hla players Painter la tbe only in the (being opposed solely by Ooremtr Herbert J. I, think the city ai.ould purchna the preeent water ftoonbilcaaa la the Duhe City are atrong wha wno Aldermen aecraury. 8uperialeau-ii- t rod they are to pnilura, but he nseoolatee beimrea th Ctocinanal Mnrrtoan IltohL gen crmnh; pinM, inn IM.(HNi w a Item of debt to add to tbe enough to carry the oomlna electlona K united aad with aad as these two ley. (J A bit very little witu them ot tne uem about n sank netoeaing the rubber tletnon still th he Himm Had members. Huh Qaor too, an Oov-erame- nt efficient work. library maintotod that Crvoas. president i h hma. Then, a member of the Oood and energetic He think thla trontmmt aw la tube of Jeff Putnam's lame high), pay ardaon of La of atf mmnjftg lWM(aWlMJ area were too agreed to l.oague la quoted by aa any Ing sS4a( fWW ow WnW board of regents ot the Agricultural the Journal laat that amount, or. In other war, sub- )t or hlfW all n aald about the league ia true of ail intelll-gan- rnhbtt In VirginlA two years ago ooiiesrs. c a. aoaamkor tivri Agaerding to the report Juat laeued b the mit the ptumoatUon to vote bonds at City, presldsMt of aitl ritiaeaa "All the of gomebeda ha rurttad Jaaec WhK saak attacked a airing of anaana to th board of dirai dlalntratd muhera there wr 4el.at9 ah In tbw Uaited ftotae rroa res groaorr atom, wna th appro" tag eky election to pay or ts rmrmai school, MMe ergauteatlon want la to be nbaolutoly to otr and meet sntuing front of a it not otr t.tisrmai aafe that th on th flret of January. 19N. The valnntlon ragohea son Id mVitgggd ao- - uaphyaiaisd. ItaOoo tor th Water company's ilfeW ef Las Vegas, president of th ty Kcititig money a boat. If Jnoes bewtrwr. propetty. la tb worth of lu at the prise the euemoHa total of UTtje. Omiparad with met eewta the Offer h should com sal his aoara or regonta of the Normal Uni- year thia unf4y enow as morenae of admliT hi Sire bond for hts safe K l. Parser. gnmi aupertnten- - Pacta From Expert. versity. Harper' tl B.MiN Weekly: The lore!an commerce of ami an Inereaae In the raluatton of &l.7:t.0t). return to Ipafftoad. dent of thewetter grasd division of Alderman Harrison farther enlight- Htatea aiwruanbaw potot I th the Santa re. nrrlved In the city last ened th meeting hy reading th re- UNITUD STATES 0114 fie (Twin) tuUh SUPREME nHnmtnr ear im. The total Import ef merehandiee Joe Dana and Slhe nigbt in hu private car and will re ports of water experts from various 0OURT JUSTICE RETlRUft Tnoumotrt Mowa Th Twenmeari poovcth-.- e did will lafet Los Angola on Uw nr that aa ihown by the Department of Oona tan u ntnln Ihroughcut the day on company leit uf (he country, tihowlag the ooet money th morting to tag place ututor -r- txluf-tion, Labor, u wna Jwt abHta ?tJM worth of order hvlaea lith. the of the Ufa of various Thla saeochue 1twice ot in United nterwi aa t rough Ita bureau of atatlatlc, . mtmth ef Pahrwary. There wore laMany order canvsa ht th basemu park. They main pipes In u-- els of States aupreme pmumiim. agaiaat $l.l7,06(i.oo la 1M0, nn arenuaa It! - scd the court, haa reached (be Uy pannl IMaga; on hoawtoam), or UM of the win g., twontr itmnAV-ih-at is, it tot- mains sufficient for proper pro- age limit Ut Iwoauso Mirlpi f ti0.OC.eet a year in th five year artmL fe8hi long. ir and is retire of wore romltUtnea made hy thoae riling on liraa an gtand the saoe tnat tection nad other points of vital In falling eyesight. He is now 70 ysarc K4a-h-o,ooo,oki ,f foreign commerce lg 106 were terest this particular time, Xd Mo wna of Mao, fiU Joe (ton ha gone taat tratolag at at bora In Msehtietu tbe fiRitruc trad with Hawaii and Porto Mri tKS tlr to Kultoinitt mains (Um aad is a graanat of th Yale rdeajmriy f territory lx Angotht for his coming batti nt OURK LUHQS aad reign and included la oar etatemanU (Twig) hind in use here for they are aot atoel Harvard law schools He wa ad i U All orer th United Matftj separation ro being thnt piao with Mike SulllrHa of fnreii trade vrlor ltoi. the lot I would nanroil ror UllfXI as tatd by an alleged coaetnMston mated to tho bar ta Whynveeo. Michi- awt $.K(.ooo,000. or mad hy th ronahlicnn ahae tor pnrttoipatio to th (Be wcnjarwuifnt caamnwnssit to ). gan, almut KoO.oon more thaa five Willie nMhyrall Is his sonrrlng part Dr.Kine's engines? th Journal tho other to la. He was a deputy na 1 sjohton party. U to Philadelphia, years, yuaj ago. and f mure thaa ten yenra ago- - iMle f th to hM th longest life la about twenty aletaat federal nnirshai aad aa assist on June 17, IS aad ot tbto yonr. nmtor the auapteee after which ther become aheointoir aat Mtwraar for awtol years in the l. useless, are oonatoatly aprlagtog toaha semutw Mtohigsvn, anta : The old mtltury aomotcry of too naUaanl reambHoM Ooiumtdn rkiltona ia ntonulng NlW dietrtot f nad than hnt at Vn DltM1m7 gad in many to be removed bswm a asato amtiav the laat etadintn thnt will ooet UJOO.ovo and auHitsMerteft cea bare elrssrtt aeurt judge. has ben abandon: aotdler bnrtnl there attrely. The expert all claim, la He toon sattohg tow Detroit with herty-thre- e will be bftrnt ant MMfin front. ?s ia llrer y wna yaae ago Home few year ataoa th AN Ms etoah haw nad apletulidly lh sad !. pastor Hem-berr- Mb mtm BeforM sa9 nwhhe work an h d to get r hand of d Jsma 8. nd Aahtoy Pood, greater removed, OMditton dsWPeaV JmWsjManTl sVmOjnmi asrnMS number of the Jodlea were aad the throwhh the winter and r m hotter orer the sr n'Jtts nrn1 am wna apgolntsd tin raattjilataa; g yaars. it win ulfeHatMrr to flit III win of least H4m onea wert 'tken up law week nad ahlpeW torrHefy than H the ansa Arrtoi to n'tmber of ilu. at sax at SmgftO a AoMteet' Onr itx Inches, whlto tern ef Mm jnatos tto sectors shnlot of Mtohtosn la :ay. gen-et- t tJnMJ JOOoJ yrnSargi JoaJ sapnVmJl amfi fnrfH thhl njaint, hv v to Sasta P. to he latorrnd This Is'nWhUy aa, tmsntoa. hot It U fact No tanda th IBmo A and lAWft g ft1 ISM hy Pro flleAL H . UfmA fjsLakmaii flmnl Umnsfsmseanr T inVrnmlt'lat wP et4 arsy easesaw to thjyvetanmot eia ry at that otao. The rmoalaa off toeai gthnnv cauld he Hsw)t hatory now t ctUmr atodiu hr atsawmedste HM peo- rXOKnTl' JlAOX. ssreetmn) t tanumrw swweipa Pit tod to hn auseema mn to im g iraiHyvtwo aolSlenr wer in thla ahraw tat. eatftv a th ftawwgor Utockmaa. ple. Th wnirsraaty elans te erect avowing he t'ridol rlnrrhw.