YOUNG ISRAEL OF HOLLYWOOD-FT. LAUDERDALE Yosef Weinstock, Senior Rabbi Rabbi Adam Frieberg, Assistant Rabbi Rabbi Edward Davis, Rabbi Emeritus & Sephardic Rabbi David Lasko, President

CHAYEI SARAH Mevarchim 27 Cheshvan 5781 ~ November 14 2020 READING Genesis 23:1 HAFTORAH Kings I 1:1 Nach Yomi : Ezekiel 46 Daf Yomi : Eruvin 97 Daf Hashavua: 24 SHABBAT TIMES Candle Lighting 5:13pm Shabbat Ends 6:11pm

Seating Rules in Sanctuary 1. Please sit only in an open row. 2. If there is access to the row from only one end, there can only be one group in that row. 3. If there is access to the row from both ends, there can be one or two groups in that row, but THERE MUST BE 3 EMPTY SEATS SEPARATING GROUPS. 4. A group is defined as members of the same household.

OUR YIH FAMILY…. Mazal Tov:  Tani & Rivka Friedman on the birth of their son  Deivid & Raquel Lutwak on the aufruf and upcoming marriage of their son Moises to Karen Saunders Welcome New Members:  Davide & Jamie Drummer Fox, Baruch & Ruth Jankowitz, Aryeh Rosenberg & Rivka Mandel

THANK YOU TO OUR SHABBAT SPONSORS Torah Dialogue: Roni & Stephen Kurtz in memory of the 18th yahrzeit of Roni’s mother Margery Leff

2020-2021 Bat class in formation We are currently planning for this year's 2020-2021 Bat Mitzvah class. If your daughter is in 6th grade and she is not on this list, please contact the shul office. If your daughter's name is on the list and you did not receive an email regarding the upcoming orientation meeting, please email [email protected]

Mia Ashkenazi, Margeaux Brisgel, Tohar Davis, Bria Edidin, Serena Fialkoff, Temima Girnun, Leori Kanoff, Anne Kenigsberg, Sarah Leff, Rebecca Levy, Eve Lewinger, Avital Prync, Ayla Resnick, Rebecca Rogatinsky, Penina Shoshana Schwartz, Aviva Sered, Isabel Snow, Nicole Tabbouche, Rachel Yusupov REFUAH SHLEIMAH

Cholim: Binyamin Simcha ben Adina Minya (Binny Ciment), David HaKohen ben Esther (Lev Kandinov’s father), Israel ben Rachel Leah (Izzy Sabo-Chanan Sabo’s father), Michal Dovid ben Shoshana (Meghann Schwartz’s father), Melech Yonah ben Gittel (Jonathan Kalish's father), Netanel Elan ben Shayna Tzipporah (wounded IDF soldier), Shmuel Guttel ben Rivka (Melissa Burger’s father), Shmuel ben Leah, Solomon ben Solika (Solomon Perez-Ilana Melnitsky’s father), Yehuda Arieh ben Mindla (Philippe Leiberman’s father), Yitzchak Chanoch ben Chana (nephew of Vanessa Shamah and Lauren Davis), Yitzchak Mendel ben Sarah Baila (Sammy Shapiro's father), Yoseph Benyamin ben Cochava (Ralph Sharaby’s son), Yussel ben Hinda Leah (Joel Bofshever-Dorie Ehrenreich’s father)

Cholot: Ahuva bat Friedel, Aviva bat Shaina Chana (Rebbetzin Dr. Aviva Weisbord-Rebbetzin Naomi Sprung’s sister), Batya bat Sara, Chana Ety bat Zirel Libah, Chaya Zelda bat Rochel (Carole Lynn), Devora bat Sheina Baila, Esther Shayna bat Nechama Mintza (Isabella Zummo's mother), Feiga Necha bat Pessel (Fay Lerner), Masha bat Ruth (Marcia Chonchol-Craig Barany’s mother), Nechama Chaya bat Sima (Mimi Jankovits' mother), Rivka bat Sarah, Rivkah Chaya bat Devora (Reva Shapiro, daughter of Debbie & Sammy Shapiro), Rivka bat Elka Libe (Mark Langer's sister), Sara Leah bat Rochel (Cynthia Lynn Haber-Cheryl Hamburg’s sister), Sara bat Leah (Jason Tache’s cousin), Sara Leah bat Bracha (Stacey Deutsch), Sara bat Aviva (Eliana Lifshultz), Shira Raizel Esther bat Mina Zosha (Ruth Messer’s granddaughter), Tova Miriam bat Devora Mindel (DV Kahn’s sister-in-law), Yehudit bat Malka (Judy Knoll-Zivia Gill’s relative), Yocheved bat Tzril (Joan Niad), Yocheved bat Henya Sheindel (Jessica Schultz)


Friday no registration required 5:13pm Light Shabbat Candles 5:20pm Mincha/Maariv Sanctuary/Social Hall 5:20pm Sephardic Mincha/Maariv Upstairs Rm. 1&2 5:20pm Mincha/Maariv Tent

5:32pm Sunset / Shkiah

Shabbat Morning by prior registration

7:00am Shacharit Social Hall 8:00am Shacharit Sanctuary 8:00am Shacharit Tent 9:00am Shacharit Social Hall After 9:00am Rabbi Moshe Parnes : Sefer Library Minyan HaMitzvot

9:10am Shacharit Sephardic Minyan. Upstairs Rm. 1&2 Rabbi Davis’s sermon: Where Did My Slice of Bread Come From

9:22am Latest Shema 9:30am Shacharit YP Minyan Beit 10:00am Shacharit led by Teens & Collegiates Sanctuary

~Shabbat Afternoon Schedule on next page~

Shabbat Safety, Security & First Aid -Safety- Thank you to Justin Stauber for the generous donation of the Lucite dividers used at all minyanim for the safety and protection of our members. -Security- Cross walk schedule: Stirling Road at SW 33rd Avenue Friday 5:00-8:00pm Shabbat 6:45am-12:00pm & 4:30-7:30pm -First Aid - AED (Automated External Defibrillator), wheelchairs, oxygen, reflector belts for visibility (from the OU), and other equipment in closet next to Social Hall. Additional wheelchair is in the entry to the women’s bathroom. Rain Ponchos are available in both bathrooms.


Shabbat Afternoon no registration required 2:30pm Early Mincha Beit Midrash 5:10pm Mincha Sanctuary/Social Hall 5:10pm Sephardic Mincha Upstairs Rm. 1&2 Rabbi Davis’s shiur between Mincha & Maariv: Tearing Kri'ah When I See The Kotel

5:10pm Mincha Tent

After Mincha Rabbi Adam Frieberg’s shiur: Did Sanctuary/Social Hall Avraham Create the Market for Botox?

After Mincha Daf Yomi: Rabbi Yossi Jankovits Library

After Mincha Shiur: Rabbi Jonathan Modular Hirsch 6:11pm Shabbat ends

OUR IDF LONE SOLDIERS Eitan Ben-Aharon, Emma Frank, Lauren Friedman, Zev Goldberg, Sara Shulamit Klein, Noa Markovitz, Nathaniel Melnitsky, Phoebe Zucker [Please contact the shul office to add a name to this list]

WEEKDAY DAILY MINYANIM Sun.-Fri. Nov. 15-20 Shacharit: Sunday 7:15am Sanctuary, 8:00am Social Hall, 8:30am Beit Midrash, 9:00am Sanctuary Mon. & Thurs. 6:15am Sanctuary, 6:45am Beit Midrash, 7:15am Social Hall, 8:00am Sanctuary Tues. Rosh Chodesh 6:00am Sanctuary, 6:30am Beit Midrash, 7:00am Social Hall, 8:00am Sanctuary Wed. & Fri. 6:15am Sanctuary, 7:00am Beit Midrash, 7:30am Social Hall, 8:00am Sanctuary Minchah/Maariv: Sun. through Thurs. 4:10pm Social Hall Sun. through Fri. 5:20pm Sanctuary

[Friday night candle lighting: 5:11pm]


D’var Torah : Rabbi Yosef Weinstock The Legacy of Their Teachings In Memory of Rabbi Dovid Feinstein z’l and Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z’l

There is a Talmudic statement that I find meaningful: אמר ר' יוחנן כל מקום שאתה מוצא גבורתו של הקב"ה אתה מוצא ענוותנותו Wherever you find a reference in the Bible to the might of the Holy One, Blessed be He, you also find a reference to His humility adjacent to it What this means is that if we want to emulate God, then we must realize that true greatness is only achieved when accompanied by humility. This also means that when one achieves greatness s/he must remain humble in the awareness that one’s accomplishments are gifts from Hashem and we pursue greatness not for purposes of self-aggrandizement, but rather to optimize our ability to serve our purpose on Earth. I am reminded of these lessons as the Jewish world mourns the losses this past week of Rav Dovid Feinstein z’l and Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks z’l. In my upcoming December bulletin message I will share some of the most inspiring stories that I have heard about these two men since their passings. In addition to their characters and their actions, it is their Torah - in both written and spoken form - that serves as their most enduring legacy for Klal Yisrael. This Shabbat, the Divrei Torah shared at the morning minyanim will be in tribute to these great Jewish leaders; as are my Dvar Torah and Dvar Tefilah. When the Jewish People lose great Torah personalities, it is incumbent upon all of us that remain to “step up our game” and grow with the help of the teachings that they leave for us.

Prayer as Conversation - and Conversation as Prayer An Idea from Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks z’l The in Brachot teaches: Abraham instituted the morning prayer, as its says: And Abraham got up early in the morning to the place where he had stood, and ‘standing’ means prayer, as it says then Pinchas stood up and prayed. Isaac instituted the afternoon prayer, as it says, and Isaac went out to meditate in the field towards evening, and ‘meditation’ means prayer, as it says, a prayer of the afflicted when he faints and pours out his meditation before the Lord. Jacob instituted the evening prayer, as it says, and he encountered [vayifga] a place, and pegia means prayer as it says, therefore do not pray for this people nor lift up prayer or cry for them, nor make intercession [tifga] to Me. Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z’l explained this Talmudic passage as follows: Abraham ‘rises early in the morning’ and ‘stands.’ When it comes to prayer, he is the initiator. Acknowledging that he is “but dust and ashes” he nonetheless utters the most audacious prayer of all time: “Shall the judge of all the earth not do justice?” That is prayer as amidah. Jacob, by contrast, ‘encounters.’ It is not he who seeks G-d on his flight from home but G-d who seeks him. The phrase the Torah uses just before Jacob has his vision of the angelic ladder is vayifga ba-makom, which in rabbinic Hebrew could be read to mean, ‘He bumped into G-d.’ There are spiritual experiences we have when we are least expecting them – when we are alone, afraid, thinking of something else altogether. That was Jacob’s vision of prayer. Not everything in the life of the spirit is under our control. The great transformative experiences – love, a sudden sense of beauty, an upsurge of happiness – happen unpredictably and leave us, in Wordsworth’s famous phrase ‘surprised by joy.’ The glory of Jacob’s epiphany is that it happened at night, in the midst of fear and flight. That is prayer as pegiah.

Continued on next page


D’var Torah : Rabbi Yosef Weinstock Continued from previous page

There is a third kind of prayer. Isaac is ‘meditating’ in the field – but the word sichah in modern Hebrew means not only meditation but also, and primarily, con- versation. When the Talmud says, in the context of Isaac, ein sichah ela tefillah, we could translate this phrase as “conversation is a form of prayer” – and in a profound sense it is so. Prayer is a conversation (between heaven and earth). But conversation is also a prayer – for in true conversation, I open myself up to the reality of another person. I enter his or her world. I begin to see things from a perspective not my own. In the touch of two selves, both are changed.

(From: prayer/)

D’var Tefilah

Two Ideas from Rabbi Dovid Feinstein z’l Friday Night Kiddush The Sages ruled (Pesachim 117b) that in Kiddush of Shabbat, one must mention the Exodus from Egypt. What is the connection between these seemingly unrelated concepts? Rav Dovid Feinstein z’l explained that Shabbat is testimony that Hashem created the world; the Exodus demonstrated that He not only created the world, but is constantly involved in the world and can change the “natural” course of events whenever He sees fit. Thus the Exodus was accompanied by many miracles; had Hashem taken us out of Egypt solely through natural means, as He easily could have done, skeptics might attempt to argue that what happened was no more than a series of natural events rather than the work of Hashem’s hand. However, the miracle of the Exodus teach us that Hashem is the Initiator of all events, even the seemingly “natural” ones. Thus we affirm every day in Shacharit that Hashem “in His goodness renews daily, perpetually, the work of Creation.” Each and every day Hashem causes the world to remain in existence rather than, Heaven forbid, slipping back into nothingness. (Excerpted from Rav Feinstein’s The Anah Dodi Haggadah, pp 20-22) Shochein Ad (Introduction to Shabbat/ Yom Tov Shacharit) “By the mouth of the upright You shall be lauded” Rav Dovid Feinstein explained that the mere act of an upright person’s opening his mouth to speak with honesty is itself a praise of Hashem, who is the ultimate source of honesty and truth in the world. The same observation can be applied to the remaining praises in this section: “by the tongue of the devout You shall be exalted” etc. (Excerpted from The Anah Dodi Haggadah pg 110-111)


WEEKDAY LEARNING IN-PERSON AND ZOOM view all classes, sign in to Zoom classes or visit our website


We look forward to welcoming the new members of our community at the preregistered event this Wednesday




U.S. Secretary of Defense Sees Iron Dome Missile Defense System in Tel Aviv During a visit to Israel, the United States Defense Secretary was able to see the Israeli Iron Dome antimissile battery that the U.S. Army purchased. With bipartisan support from Congress, Israel developed Iron Dome to protect its citizens from rockets fired by Iranian-backed terror groups. The Iron Dome missile defense system has saved countless lives and prevented incoming missiles from striking homes, schools and hospitals. The U.S. Army currently has one Iron Dome battery, and the second will soon be shipped to the United States. The U.S. Army purchased the system to help protect American troops. The U.S.-Israel partnership keeps both countries safer. Our partners with AIPAC, America’s pro-Israel lobby, in educating our community on issues affecting the U.S.-Israel relationship. We encourage you to learn more by contacting AIPAC at (202) 639-5200 or by visiting

YIH is a Partner Synagogue in the Orthodox Union SPIRIT program. Each program has a direct registration link. See for registration information.

Teach Florida hosted an election recap with Senator Tina Polsky and Representative Juan Fernandez-Barquin this week to discuss the recent election and how it will affect FL’s upcoming legislative session. Committee weeks for the 2021 session will begin the week of January 11th. Email [email protected] for a copy of the webinar or to join Teach Florida’s advocacy efforts.


COMMUNITY NEWS  Sha’arei Bina Virtual Open House, Sunday, November 22 at10:00am. Zoom information will be sent out only to registered participants. Call or email the school office: 954-927-5544 [email protected]  Chai Lifeline Toy Drive. To donate please call the CLL office at 305-956-9990 or email [email protected]  Shema Yisrael Judaic Lending Library in Hollywood. Free books for adults & children. Choose books from website and pick up from the outside bin. Contact Tamar 305-721-5880 for website details. Book donations accepted upon approval.  Tomchei Shabbos assists needy families in our community with meals for Shabbat. Mail checks to the shul, or donate online at  Bikur Cholim Medical Equipment Gemach: If you are in need of medical equipment on a temporary basis such as a wheelchair, walker, crutches, call 954- 894-8514 or contact  Babies and Mamas Gemach: to learn more or to volunteer or donate, please visit  Jeanette Levine Bridal Gemach. Contact Robin Andisman 954-588-7600 or [email protected]  Gemach Matchmaker: to donate to a needy Jewish family, please text/ whatsapp me Orit Sabo 917-359-5818. I will match you up with a family who will pick it up from you.  Young Israel of Hollywood synagogue section at the only Chevra-Kadisha-owned cemetery in South Florida: South Florida Jewish Cemetery. Special pricing available to YIH members & their families. Plots start at $3,300. Contact the cemetery office for further details or to make an appointment: [email protected] 561-264-4364

Donations for the Food Drive are welcome through the Young Israel website https:// foodbank

Gift cards are also welcome and may be dropped off