Hurley's serves tasty grub, drinks C2 C Peech croons to Off Limits crowd C2 Wednesday Singer cracks jokes at coffee shop C3 NTERTAINMEN1H Oct. 4,2006 Jackass' jolts moviegoers CIO

Breakin' out the biodiesel I've always been a fan of classic cars. After my newly LAND0NM0BLAD licensed little brother wrecked, Staff Writer his car and the prospect of a new vehicle arrived, it dawned on me that I could pair my "Cor most bands, love of curvy old cars with 17 gettingget dropped sustainability by suping up a f§||||| X from their classic Mini Cooper to run on ^00 J would be nothing short vegetable oil. of a nightmare. For Reel Sure, I'd have to find one of Big Fish, it's been cause the models that run on diesel i for celebration. and get a mechanic to make Upon hearing the word ska, some sizable modifications, but HHHe people may react with a wince, the fuel would be free, as most thinking back to a brief hiccup in mid- restaurants are willing to part '90s radio when bands such as the Mighty with used grease. Mighty Bosstones and the Cherry Poppin' My friend Dave, i DaddieS were in regular rotation. But even coincidentally a classic car \ though mainstream audiences soon grew guru, convinced me the idea \ tired of all the horn lines and upstroke wasn't as bright as it seemed. \ strumming, the genre has remained Pure vegetable oil turns I alive and well, despite disappearing cars' oil into sludge. Although 1 from the spotlight. it's not free, biodiesel is a more Southern sound alternative fuel. The fuel California-based can be cooked up easily for W\ ska-punk band nearly half the cost of regular Reel Big Fish has diesel fuel, Dave told me. been around since Car guru Dave knows about 1991 and is showing alternative fuels because he is down- working with the Society of The band flirted with mainstream Manufacturing Engineers success back in 1996 with its on getting permission to "Turn the Radio Off," make biodiesel for the which spawned the hit single "Sell University Farm. Out." However, any band whose Once the project gets off lead single includes self-mocking the ground, tractors will be lines such as, "sell out, with me powered by cleaner-burning tonight / the record company biodiesel. The hope is that is gonna give me lots of money soon anyone with a diesel car and everything will be alright," will be able to buy biodiesel. is obviously not cut out for fame. Diesel cars made after 1995 The band seemed to be aware can run on biodiesel with no that its success would be fleeting. engine modifications, and older diesels require only Unfortunately, not everyone was minor changes. laughing. The group of manufacturing "We had people coming to shows majors hopes a sustainability who were all pissed at us and calling grant will offset the cost of the us sellouts, and I was like, 'Have you equipment needed to produce even listened to the song?"' said Aaron biodiesel. The equipment will likely be bought from AGR, please see FIShT CS LLC, a Chico company formed by a recent Chico State grad. A fun side-project is turning glycerin, the byproduct of biodiesel production, into soap and selling it in the A.S. Bookstore. The soap bars may even be stamped with pin-up girls and marketed Bands sound off to as "Dirty Girl Soap" (my replace ruined gear suggestion). I mean, why not? Axe makes soap to help dirty KARI NELSON followed by The Expendables, a Santa Cruz Staff Writer surf culture boys get clean. reggae band. Ryan DeMars, But back to biodiesel — "They're all very committed to the event," bassist for The what I can't figure out is why When members of Sacramento-based said Dallas Oliver of Wild Oak, who was Expendables, strums a set in the it hasn't caught on sooner. alternative band An Angle agreed to help raise helping to take donations. Free Speech Area Dave offered sarcastically, money to replace lost instruments, they hadn't Raffle tickets were sold for prizes at the on Friday night. The free "Remember, people are stupid." planned on sharing in the victims' experience. show, and all the proceeds went to Music benefit concert, Sure, but most people are The band lost most of its gear when its trailer Risjng. Founded by U2 guitarist The Edge, sponsored by Wild motivated by dollar signs. got broken into in Sacramento just four days Music Rising seeks to replace instruments and Oak Records, raised Consider how much trucking before its show Friday night at Chico State. gear lost during Hurricane Katrina. money to replace musicians' instru¬ companies shell out annually The members awoke the morning after a Wild Oak staff members paraded through ments that were on diesel fuel. The cost could show to find their trailer had been bashed with a the crowd wearing Mardi Gras masks and damaged during be halved and America's air sledgehammer, and their guitars, amps, speakers, beads, waving raffle tickets in the air to Hurricane Katrina. cleansed by switching to cables and other equipment were gone. encourage the audience to contribute. biodiesel. They never expected something like that to Between songs, Anaya helped promote the I'm not going sit here and happen in their own hometown, lead singer cause, encouraging people to chip in for a ticket. speculate about conspiracy Kris Anaya said. Music industry major Kayte Olsufka theories about oil companies Nevertheless, the show went on. With thought the benefit was a great idea. trying to keep biodiesel off borrowed instruments and sound equipment, "It's great any time you can use music to do the market, but it makes me An Angle took the stage as the second act in a something positive," she said. scratch my head. benefit concert put on by Wild Oak Records, Last year's benefit concert was for the American a record label at Chico State. The band

Monica can be reached at was preceded by Chico band Stateside and please see BENEFIT I C5 [email protected] ( stafffavorites :)

MUSIC • 's. GAME • I've played it since third grade, BULLDOG • Traditionally bred for Future but Sex/LoveSounds lives up to its I've never beat Oregon Trail II I've bull fighting, bulldogs have excess billing. He's not only bringing sexy died of cholera, accidentally shot myself skin, which adds to their adorable back; he's doing it in style. Not to while hunting, been stomped by buffalo, appearance. They have the second- mention there's the so JtVTIN i !Mi:M heavy hip-hop I've never stayed alive long enough strongest jaw of dog breeds, which production I love. to navigate my Conestogs wagon down guarantees your safety. The loyal those rapids and stake my claim to personality is unique to bulldogs. As an - Zuri Berry the West. Then again, I already live in owner of several, I would recommend California. one to anyone on the market for a - Sharon Marie Yep companion.

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