Wolf Pride Volume 64, Number 3 6933 Raleigh Street, Westminster, CO 80030 December 21, 2012 Crochet Club helps out All State Choir Luna Ly Staff Reporter

Santa Claus is not the only jolly gift-giver around here. One club at Westminster High School did a large community service project that was not recognized last year. In hopes of warming families and letting people in the world know that there are helping hands out there, the Crochet Club crocheted hats, scarves and gloves for families who were less fortunate last year and donated them anonymously to a shelter for struggling teen- age girls. Club co-presidents and juniors Luz Ramirez and Rachel Smith have been active with Crochet Club since the beginning of last year. Smith got involved and even chose crocheting as her personal project for the Middle Years Programme. Spanish teacher Teresa Martinez makes the club hours flexible. Students who don't know how to crochet are welcome to join at any time, but are required to spend some time crocheting with her before doing their own projects. Walking into the classroom, they had their projects laid out in front of them. Bags, scarves, hats and dollies were neatly laid on the tables. Martinez, Ramirez and Smith have done a phenomenal work recruiting students from all sorts of backgrounds with a common goal to help the less fortunate get through cold times. "What matters is the change we bring about in a community. That's good enough," said Martinez. Much time is dedicated to creating these small things to donate to such important causes. However, the club members wish to exercise and belabor the fact that it is not about the recognition that is awarded, but CHAMPIONS: Jack Worthington and Ailee Rowe. Photo by Evelese Vigil the good feeling they have Evelese Vigil after they have donated the Centerspread Editor items they created. Even though no thank you cards Seniors Jack Worthington and Ailee Rowe Qualify for arrive, they do not mind. State Choir This holiday season, a wor- thy challenge is to adopt the How do you feel about the state competition? mind-set that Crochet Club Worthington: “I feel excited like I still can’t believe that it’s happening has created and deliver gifts to me” to people without writing Rowe: “I feel excited; it’s the best thing that’s happened to me. I’m in your name on them. shock.” Crochet Club's next orga- Explain the competition: nization to donate to will be Worthington: “You have to audition twice, then do a 10 hour practice military families whose par- for two days, and then we perform it Saturday.” ent or parents are off fight- Rowe: “Basically, the same thing. We are the third best in the nation.” ing for their country during Quote about choir: the holidays. Crochet Club Worthington: “That the people are amazing, and how the music is donating to their children makes me feel deep down inside.” in place of their parents. Rowe: “The emotion, and the tone in the music like how you can Watch for another project change your voice to sad or happy to fit how you feel in the music.” HELPING HANDS: Crochet Club enjoys working together. Photo by Luna Ly they are working on for the school soon.

AVID COLLEGE CORNER: A new monthly feature to learn about college opportunities Brayan Ochoa Verduzco Staff Reporter

Have you ever thought about college? What are your plans after high school? Do you plan to work the same dead end job for the rest of your life? Well, if you want a good job with great pay, you have to go to college. It’s proven that if you go to college for at least three years and get a Bachelor’s Degree you will earn double the lifetime earnings of someone who only finished high school. In order to go to college, you have to be a committed student, meaning you have to keep your grades and G.P.A. up, and show up for class and actually do work. SATs, ACTs, and grades determine what types of colleges you can get into, so try your best and good luck with those tests. School activities like newspaper, debate, and student government can give you a higher chance on the acceptance list. Don’t forget sports can also help because you can get scouted and/or get a scholarship, and the same goes for academic scholarships. So, what are you going to choose? You have the key to your future. You can choose to not go to college and only earn $973,000 in your lifetime or go to college, and potentially earn $2,671,000 in your lifetime. One of our literacy and AVID teachers, Abbi Heller in room B222, chose the col- lege life. This month, you will read about her college story and the opportunities that taking an AVID class can offer you. Photo by Brayan Ochoa Verduzco CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Heller: A graduate from Regis. Commentary Features Centerspread Entertainment Sports

Rihanna--page 9 Crushes--page 4 JROTC--page 8 Holidays--pages 6-7 Girls swimming--page 11 News December 21, 2012 Page 2 Attend college and make more money over your lifetime

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1: Heller was a normal high school student; she went to all of her classes, had good grades, and re- spected everyone. She even had plans to go to college after high school, and she wanted to play basketball and study to be a lawyer, teacher, or psychologist. Heller didn’t have a preference for what college she was going to attend, but ended up at Regis University. She said she was excited to be on her own and to start college. Regis is a small school; it’s a liberal arts college which offers a strong general studies cur- riculum. Heller was scouted to play basketball for Regis, and since she had a high ACT score, she got a four year academic scholarship. She needed to keep her grades up, which she did because she graduated high school with a 4.0 G.P.A. When she went to college, she and her parents couldn’t afford all of the costs, so she applied to be a R.A., which means she worked in the dorms. Her college life was pretty balanced and included day and night classes, tests, and those crazy college parties, but she had to pull away from most of them because she didn’t want to ruin or mess up her grades that affected her scholarship and basketball. Heller loved the college life because it helped her grow and mature. She didn’t want to leave college, but she had to graduate. In fact, she graduated with a 3.8 G.P.A. and was excited to start her new life as a teacher. What are your thoughts about college now? If you are interested in going to college, then plan to go. However, if you think you need some support in preparing and finding Source: Decisionsonevidence.com the money to pay for college, the AVID program will help you achieve you college dreams. AVID is a program at Westminster High School with a history of 10 years. It’s just like a regular class, but it helps you in all your other classes by either helping you catch up or move ahead. You learn to take notes and keep binders in order to be organized. They even have trips to colleges to show you what Vandalism college is like and what kind of scholarships you have a chance to get. Team building games and fun activities are also part of AVID. Alex Trujillo If you are interested in joining AVID, and want to apply, talk to your counselors about it, and see Staff Reporter Mrs. Heller in room B222 or Mrs. Roe in room A223.

Vandalism, when you hear the term, you think of de- First semester ends structed property and that is exactly what has been hap- Principal Mr. Lynch: pening to Westminster High School. What is your view on the first semester ending? Inside the Pride: This high school, believe it or not, is actually only three “First semester, I feel went well. We see morale im- years old. proving, and an increase in learning and focus. There Meet the reporters On the outside, it looks amazing, but when someone walks into this building, the first thing they notice is dam- is a significant downward trend in aged property. Damage is impacting the walls, the win- suspensions and fights from last Karina Barraza dows, and especially, the bathrooms. Every single one of year (almost half). Our students Staff Reporter the bathrooms has signs of vandalism. are responding, and teachers are Year 1 So, why is this school being vandalized? working hard to help us improve in Much of the reasoning has to do with tagging-related is- all phases of our work!” Explain why you joined the newspaper staff: sues. If you notice on the bathroom walls, you’ll see a sign Security Guard Brent: Susan Gilbert and Tat- “I joined the newspaper because I like to write, one day, and then, the next, you see that sign scratched off What is your view on the first se- dao Thoedpraiphauawau and I wanted to be more involved in the school.” and replaced with another sign. mester ending? The custodians at Westy do their best to cover it up, “I’m glad because the year’s pro- “Tell about something that motivates you: but as the week goes on, the same wall they fixed is again “My mom motivates me because she is my role gressing. It’s a good time for stu- damaged. The products they use to fix these walls aren’t model, and she has done everything for me, and I cheap. Sometimes the things damaged cannot even be dents because they are settling in, want to do better for her.” fixed, but have to be replaced, only to get damaged once and they know what it takes for our more, and the same process is continued. second semester.” Describe your favorite way to spend a day off: The vandalism spreads from one place to another. The Librarian Susan Gilbert: “Sleeping in, eating breakfast, watching mov- librarian Susan Gilbert noticed that this year’s vandalism What is your view on the first se- ies, and eating all day. Or hanging out with my in the library has increased even more than the last two friends playing Just Dance.” mester ending? Bach Nguyen and Nicole combined. “The semester started off slow, but Taylor She said, “I see it on the walls, in bathrooms, and on the end went so fast; I can’t believe Favorite music of the moment: tables; it’s sad. When one student damages property, it it’s over. It’s a major shocker for myself. It also has “I like to listen a variety of music like hip-hop makes all the other students look bad.” and rap; Kanye West is my favorite artist. Any- been really busy in the library, and this shows me stu- If you go to www.adams50.org/page/2499 you may thing with a good beat catches my attention.” take a survey and help give ideas or opinions on how you dents are getting their work done and not ditching.” would stop the vandalism. Senior Tatdao Thoedpraiphau- Words of wisdom you live by: awau: “If they What is your view on the first semes- mind they ter ending? don’t mat- “It’s been pretty interesting and fun.” ter, if they Sophomore Bach Ngyuen: matter they What is your view on the first don’t mind.” semester ending? Security guard Brent “I’m relieved the semester is ending. I think I have what it takes for my second semester to end even better than the first.” Sophomore Nicole Taylor: VANDALISM: A hole in the wall is one example. Photo by Alex Trujillo What is your view on the first semester ending? I’m excited. This means we’re half way finished with this school year. I’m in need of this winter break. Interviews and photos by Samantha Nunez Commentary December 21, 2012 Page 3 Progression of acceptance Savannah Murray , Features Editor ings today have changed drastically since our parents were in high school. Technology has advanced, Is 2012 the end? and so has the mind-set that people have when it comes to society and equal rights. Vince Alcon, a senior Jose Cuevas at Westminster High School spent countless hours campaigning for an event that could change every Sta Reporter aspect of the norm of lifestyles. He ran for Homecoming Queen, and Most of us have heard by now the crazy theories about the world he won. ending precisely on this very day, well it hasn’t. Unbelievers are vic- “My goal was to prove that Westminster toriously rubbing it in other people’s faces that they were right all is a very open community and Westmin- along, that the world was not invaded by aliens, wiped out by a solar ster High School is an open school, and  are, or that the movie 2012 was good at all, seriously it was bad. the administration will follow the kids Ridiculous theories about the end of the world seem to be rising and guide them where they need to be very o en nowadays. Originally, the prediction came from Zecharia guided,” Alcon explained. Sitchin, an author who studied ancient civilizations, and thus came Westminster students did, in fact, prove up with an expiration date for our world. Ladies and gentlemen, themselves. Students from all around the many other theories about the end of the world have been thrown community were nothing less than ec- out into the media before, and none have come true. static about the new Homecoming Roy- Carved into the Mayan calendar are dates that date all the way back alty. to August 11, 3114 BCE. Earth has not yet seen an in nite carving “Student-wise, I had great turnout. Peo- explaining why this one calendar has to have an end as well; it is a ple were responding greatly. ey were simple coincidence that it ends on this very day. like ‘Yeah! Go Vince,’ and I really loved “Since it didn’t happen in 1999, it’s not going to happen now,” said that. I knew that the student population senior Ali Starr. would be super supportive, and they Obnoxious theories have not only intrigued people, but also an- were. Even if they didn’t know me, they gered and even scared a few because of solar activity records. Data were super supportive. ose people, from the scienti c community did, in fact, support that during this PROGRESS: Vince Alcon changing images of Homecoming royalty. who weren’t super supportive, knew how year, unlike any other, we would have high solar activity. Regarding big of a step this was, and they just didn’t put in their two cents of words.” the end of the world, there is no mention of this being a threat to Sta -wise, the turnout was a bit di erent. “Sta -wise I got mixed reactions. When they announced that human life on earth. Obviously, there is a risk that these  ares will I got nominated for Homecoming Queen, a couple of teachers approached me, and they were like ‘Are wipeout satellites around the globe, but other than being in com- you okay,’ and I was like ‘Yeah,’ and they were like, ‘What do you mean? at’s an awful prank.’ And I was plete darkness for a short time with no internet, or phones, or any like, “Uh, I was campaigning! I’m sorry, but I wanted this!” Alcon laughed. kind of functional technology, we will be  ne. is goes back to how society has changed since our parents went to high school; adults were thinking Sadly, none of us would get to see how “Jersey Shore’s” Snooki ends that it was all a cruel joke, while students, our generation, were beyond excited that someone was standing up ruining her baby’s life. Ultimately, people will realize that these up for themselves and making a movement. false theories are released by people that want to either become fa- “People don’t react to change very well. Even though I know this school is open, people freak out about mous or sell their book and get rich. change. I think part of it was that this was such a big movement and a risk for me and the school to do it. Vanished are the ideas that a couple of movies about the end of the I think that was the big deal,” Alcon said. world implanted into our heads. Understanding that no man will Either viewpoint has to be proud that somebody from our community was strong enough to stand up ever know when we will all die is quite comforting. Nothing about for something they believe in. the theories has occurred yet, but maybe the theory wasn’t about “I’m  erce. I’m fabulous. I’m fun. I get down to business when I need to. I like to think I’m very comfort- the world ending: maybe from this day forth a new world, an era of able to be around. I strive for people to like me, and to like each other, and to like themselves. at’s what enlightenment, will be born within the old world and help turn our I’m all about,” he said. planet around. Vince Alcon you are the de nition of  erce, fabulous and fun; and you took a giant step towards stu- dents in our community feeling comfortable in their own skin. Inside the Pride: Meet the reporters Alexander Lee Sta Reporter Wolf Pride Policy Year 1 Explain why you joined the newspaper sta : Statement: “I joined Westminster High School Newspaper Sta because I wanted to try something new. Four years of high school may seem The Wolf Pride is created by the stu- long, but it will pass by quickly with a blink of the eye. is was a voluntary choice, and an open opportunity to enjoy something dents of the newspaper staff at West- new, so I took advantage of this opportunity to adapt and get to know more about Westy’s Wolf minster High School in accordance Pride. with the guidelines established by the Tell about something that motivates you: Colorado Revised Statutes 22-1-120 “Motivations come and go, some may be e ective, some may not. My motivation comes from the (Rights of Free Expression for Public people around me; whether it is good or bad, they are my motivation. Without this motivation, I School Students) when limiting expres- wouldn’t be who I am today.” sions which are libelous, obscene, or Describe your favorite way to spend a day o : otherwise unacceptable. The opinions “On my leisure time I like to spend my day o either working ahead in class, taking long bike rides, expressed in this publication are en- cooking, creating or trying out how to make new dishes, watching movies, or sur ng Youtube for tirely those of the students involved and new music.” are not intended to refl ect the opinions Favorite music of the moment: of the school administration and staff, “Ailee” by Heaven. the school district, or other offi cials. Words of wisdom you live by: “Listen, learn, and then let go.” “I said you can’t fall in love with me, but I didn’t say that I can’t fall in love with you!” “Life is like a gamble. You cannot win it every time. As long as you have this chip, you will always have hope.” Commentary December 21, 2012 Page 4

Tips to get your crush: For guys and girls He says: She says: Dominic Swanson Mariela Hernandez Entertainment Editor Entertainment Editor

1. Don’t be afraid to talk to her, start a conversation with her get to 1. Understand that it’s going to take at least a bit of work to get there. Sometimes a lot of work is know each other. needed in order to accomplish whatever you want with you and that ‘oo la la’ someone. 2. Say hello when you see her, and make her feel special. 2. Communicate with the person. It may feel awkward at rst, but realize that if your crush thinks you’re 3. Start to be friends; sit by her and talk to her. just trying to be friendly, he will probably want to talk to you. No matter how dumb you feel, eventually 4. Start to  irt with her, get her to start you’re going to have to try starting a conversation about something you’re both thinking that you like her, but wait until interested in. a week of talking to her. 3. If you want to be secretive, just smile shyly at him whenever you see him. Girls, 5. Break the touch barrier, ask for or smile so ly and toss your hair a little. Be yourself, but don’t act too embarrassed. give a hug. Just...go with it, and don’t overdo it. 6. Ask her to go to the movies (wait 4. Use body language, but don’t overdo it. If you’re talking to a guy, licking your until a week or two a er you break the lips supposedly reminds them of kissing. Don’t do this too much or they’re going touch barrier). to think something’s wrong with you, like you are badly in need of Chapstick. 7. Act like a friend, be very  irty, but in Playing with your hair a little bit might be a good thing too, but go easy on this a gentlemanly way. one. 8. Finally, at the end of the movie, walk 5. Drop hints. If you want to, hint to them you like them (a er you’ve been chat- with her little, then ask her to be your ting and all for a while...). You don’t have to invite them to go somewhere with girlfriend. you if you’re uncomfortable with that. But, eventually, step up and ask him to the movies. Tips Be very nice, generous, and gentlemanly Tips: around her. -Let it  ow naturally. Don’t force anything. You will never have a regular relation- Be very sweet and trustworthy. ship otherwise. Always talk to her. -Do the clock test! Look at the clock quickly, then look at them. If they were Focus on her and only her, no other watching you, their eyes will automatically follow you and you will end up looking girls. at each other. Good way to nd out if he likes you! Lastly, if it doesn’t work out, still be friends with her, you may get a -Don’t be clingy and don’t always hang around with him. chance later on. - e easiest way to get together with a crush is having your friend help you out. Don’t.... Precautions - Be stuck up. Never ignore her. -Stare at him 24/7 Don’t be too shy. -Lie about your interests to impress the person. Never change, be yourself. -Be overly obsessed. Don’t be upset if she doesn’t  irt back, she might eventually do so. Don’t move too fast or too slow. Lastly, if things don’t work out, don’t continue to obsess over her.

Peru bans genetically modifi ed food Colt Uland Sta Reporter

Last week, Peru made a ground breaking ban on something that is plentiful in the United States. It is something that we all take part in, and we don’t even know it. No, it is not a drug. It is genetically modi ed food! First, let’s look at what genetically modi ed food, or GMOs, are. GMOs are what would be normal fruits, grains, and vegetables that are genetically “enhanced” to supposedly provide more nutrients and other advantages to the consumer.  is doesn’t sound so bad, does it? Wrong! Very little research has been brought to the spotlight in the eld of GMOs, but that doesn’t mean we don’t know the e ects of them. In many scienti c studies with rats, there is a high amount of evidence pointing to the fact that genetically modi ed foods cause premature death, almost always from cancer. Seventy percent of all tested female rats, and 50 percent of all tested male rats died prematurely as a direct cause of GMOs in one study. One statistic shows that 93% of all U.S. soybeans are genetically modi ed. Why is this, you may ask? Well, weed killer that was being used on the unmodi ed seeds was actually so strong that it was killing the soybeans, so scientists developed a soybean that would be resistant to the weed killer. So now, the soybeans are being drenched in awful chemicals from the weed killer, and these seeds are being put into food that you eat. If it was killing the actual soybeans, how do you think your body will be impacted? GMO technology is also beginning to a ect the wild animal community. As of now, eight populations of insects have literally mutated in order to survive against the chemi- cals.  is very bad because they are beginning to become immune to diseases, which scientists did not even predict would happen as a result of GMOs. If the insects become too strong, this will impact an entire ecosystem. Peru made a very good decision by making GMOs banned in the country for the next 10 years.  e evidence is outstandingly against the use of them, and yet corporations around the world still take part in genetically altering food because it makes them more money. We are all involuntarily taking part in a worldwide science experiment, and if we ignore the signs now, the results will become apparent in human health. Features December 21, 2012 Page 5 Inside Students at Westy the Pride: Wolf Pride’s Commentary Editor Rachel Blake walked around Westy to talk with students of different grade levels to see what their high school experience has been like thus far. Meet the Reporters

Kenny Vandusen Krystle Bautista Junior Senior Are you involved in any clubs or teams at Westy? Are you in any clubs? “ROTC.” “Student Government. I love it! It’s very fun, and I love be- Do you like ROTC? ing so active in the community.” “Yes, it teaches discipline, and I was raised in the military What is your dream car? life, so I enjoy it a lot.” “A Ferrari. My uncle has one, and it makes me want one.” What is one of your favorite movies? Is any song particularly irritating to you? Monica Lopez “The original Rudolf. It was the first movie I saw as a kid, “Anything by Justin Bieber. My cousins listen to him all the Staff Reporter and I like the Abominable Snowman.” time, so I can’t stand him now.” Year 1 A favorite band or artist? Any advice for underclassmen? “Carrie Underwood. I like her because her songs have a “Don’t slack off! Keep your head in the game, and do not Explain why you joined the story behind them.” ditch any of your classes!” newspaper staff: Any advice for underclassmen? “Ms. Warren recommended “Don’t slack off.” me to be in the newspaper. I decided to join because it Teachers have would give me more experi- ence in writing.” Tell about something that lives, too? motivates you: Karina Barraza “My mom always motivates Staff Reporter me to get a good education, and I can worry about every- Do you know who is Erin Giebler? You may ask, “Is she the thing else later.” blonde short teacher?” or, “Is she the cheerleader coach?” or, Describe your favorite way “Is she one that used to be a Nuggets Cheerleader?” to spend a day off: Yes, that’s her, but Giebler wasn’t always a teacher, she had “I like to spend time with a previous life just like any other teacher in this school. Gie- my friends, it doesn’t mat- Diana Garfio Brandon Stanton bler started dancing when she was three years old at Gayons ter where, as long as we’re Freshman Sophomore Dance Studio. Growing up, Giebler went camping on Fridays having fun. Going out to eat How is your freshman year How do you feel about the after school. Chinese food, and then go- going so far? levels system? In high school, Giebler was on the poms team and she ing to the movies.” “So far, it’s really good and “They can be kind of con- played volleyball. For college, she went to CSU and stud- Favorite music of the mo- exciting.” fusing because a lot of ied business management her first year, then switched into ment: What is your favorite class people are on different levels teaching and studied Family and Consumer Science. During “I have been listening to this semester? at a time.” her first year, she danced for the Colorado Eagles Hockey Pierce the Veil and Bring Me “Art because I like to draw Are you on any sports Team, and then danced for the Denver Nuggets for two years. the Horizon, but I always and color, and Ms. Music is teams? She started working at the old Westy in 2007, where she have a mix of Eminem on my really cool.” “Football and baseball.” taught interior design, foods, and child parenting. She started playlist” If you could live anywhere What do you want to have coaching for cheer in 2010, and she had a dance class for two Words of wisdom you live in the world, where would accomplished by your se- years. She now aspires to start a poms team for our school. by: you live? nior year? Giebler’s dream vacation would be to Costa Rica and her “Live with no regrets, don’t “Nebraska because my mom “I want to have college dream job that she would like to do in the future would be to look back, but remember the lives there.” credits and be accepted to a own her own flower shop. Gibeler has a life outside of school, lessons you learned.” college.” just like you, she likes to hangout with her friends and family.

Plans for the holidays Smaly Chham News Editor Photos by Smaly Chcam

Yisa Kenndy (Senior)

What are you doing for the holidays? My plans for the holidays are staying home. Who will you be spending the holidays with? I will be spending my holidays with my family. What is your favorite part about this holiday? I enjoy spending time with my family and the food. What is your favorite food? I like tamales , green chile, and Spanish rice.

Alexia Lor (Junior)

Holiday profiles: Christmas What are you doing for the holidays? Hayley Lokken For the holidays, I’m going to family Christmas parties. Staff Reporter Who will you be spending the holidays with? PARADE OF LIGHTS: Students from Westminster High School’s National Honor I will be spending time with my family. Society marched in the Parade of Lights earlier this year. Christmas- What is your favorite part about this holiday? Christmas [Christ's Mass], in the Christian calendar, feast of the My favorite part about the holidays are spending time with family. nativity of Jesus, celebrated in Roman Catholic and Protestant What is your favorite food? Hanukkah lasts for eight days and nights Churches on December 25. Cheesecake Hayley Lokken Staff Reporter Traditions- Angelo Armijo (Junior) In the mid 19th century, Christmas began to acquire its associa- Hanukkah, the "Festival of Lights," starts on the 25th day of the Jewish calendar month of Kislev and lasts for eight days tions with an increasingly secularized holiday of gift-giving and good What are you doing for the holidays? and nights. In 2012, Hanukkah began at sundown on December 8. With blessings, games, and festive foods, Hanukkah cheer, a view that was popularized in works such as Clement Clarke I enjoy going shopping. celebrates the triumphs, both religious and military, of ancient Jewish heroes. Moore's poem, “A Visit from St. Nicholas,” (1823) and Charles Dick- Who will you be spending the holidays with? Hanukkah is a relatively minor holiday in the Jewish year. In the United States, however, its closeness to Christmas has ens's story, “A Christmas Carol” (1843). I will be spending my time with family and Michael. brought greater attention to Hanukkah, and its gift-giving tradition. Amid the ever-growing flood of Christmas advertising, What is your favorite part about this holiday? The Yule Log, the boar's head, the goose (in America, the turkey), it may seem especially fitting that the Hanukkah story tells of Jewish culture surviving in a non-Jewish world. During the holidays, I like the snow. Traditions- decorations with holly, hawthorn, wreaths, mistletoe, and the singing What is your favorite food? The lighting of the menorah, known in Hebrew as the hanukiya, is the most important Hanukkah tradition. A menorah of carols are all typically English. The Christmas tree was a tradition I like the cookies. is a candle stand with nine branches. Usually eight candles, one for each day of Hanukkah, are of the same height, with a from the Middle Ages in Germany. The crib with the scene at Beth- taller one in the middle, called the shamash, which is used to light the others. Each evening of Hanukkah, one more candle lehem was popularized by the Franciscans. The midnight service is lit, with a special blessing. on Christmas Eve is a popular religious observance in the Roman The menorah symbolizes the burning light in the temple, as well as marking the eight days of the Hanukkah festival. Some Catholic and some Protestant churches say it also celebrates the light of freedom won by the Maccabees for the Jewish people. Cherith Jonhson (Teacher) Long a favorite Hanukkah toy, the dreidel once had a serious purpose. When the Syrians forbid study of the Torah, Jews Information gathered at: http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/society/ who studied in secret kept spinning tops "sivivons,” or “dreidels” on hand. This way, if they were found studying, they could ELF MAGIC: At the Parade of Lights are students Minnie Talarico, Janiea What are you doing for the holidays? quickly pretend that they had only been playing. Ruscio and Olivia Gonzales. Photos courtesy of Marcia Roe. a0812112.html#ixzz2DdtIMwpG For the holidays, I’m going out of town. Sleeping, The Hebrew letters also represent Yiddish words that tell how to play the dreidel game. Each player starts with the same a movie marathon, grading, a festival, and it’s my birthday! amount of candies, chocolate coins (gelt), or other tokens, and puts one in a pot. Players take turns spinning the dreidel, Who will you be spending the holidays with? waiting to see which letter lands face up. Nun is for "nisht," do nothing. Gimel is for "gants," take the whole pot. Hay is for Kwanzaa is a holiday celebration in its 46th year I’m spending time with family. "halb," take half. Shin is for "shtel," add to the pot. The game ends when a single player wins all the tokens. What is your favorite part about this holiday? Many traditional Hanukkah foods are cooked in oil, in remembrance of the oil that burned in the temple. In the United Hayley Lokken this time of great social change for Af- by various people throughout Africa. and spicy sauces. I enjoy the break, and the routine, and sleep. States, the most widespread Hanukkah food is latkes, or potato pancakes, a custom that may have developed in Eastern Eu- Staff Reporter rican Americans, Karenga sought to During Kwanzaa, celebrants greet each Especially at Karamu, Kwanzaa is What is your favorite food? rope. In Israel, the favorite Hanukkah food is sufganiya, a kind of jelly donut cooked in oil. Israelis eat sufganiyot for more design a celebration that would honor other with "Habari gani," or "What's celebrated with red, black, and green. I love pie. than a month before the start of Hanukkah. History- the values of ancient African cultures the news?" These three colors were important The year 2012 will see the 46th An- and inspire African Americans who symbols in ancient Africa that gained Information gathered at: http://www.infoplease.com/spot/hanukkah.html nual Kwanzaa celebration, the African were working for progress. Traditions- new recognition through the efforts American holiday that is from Decem- Kwanzaa is based on the year-end Families gather for the great feast of of Marcus Garvey's Black Nationalist ber 26 to January 1. It is estimated that harvest festivals that have taken place Karamu on December 31. Karamu may movement. Green is for the fertile land some 18 million African Americans throughout Africa for thousands be held at a home, community center, of Africa; black is for the color of the Mario Cordova (Freshman) Pay it forward with random take part in Kwanzaa. of years. The name comes from the or church. Celebrants enjoy traditional people; and red is for the blood that is Kwanzaa is not a religious holiday, nor Swahili phrase "matunda ya kwanza," African dishes as well as those featur- shed in the struggle for freedom. What are you doing for the holidays? is it meant to replace Christmas. It was which means "first fruits of the har- ing ingredients Africans brought to the I’m going to New York for the holiday. acts of kindness created by Dr. Maulana "Ron" Karenga, vest." Karenga chose a phrase from United States, such as sesame seeds, Information gathered at: http://www.in- Alexander Lee Who will you be spending the holidays with? a professor of Black Studies, in 1966. At Swahili because the language is used peanuts, sweet potatoes, collard greens, foplease.com/spot/kwanzaa1.html I’m spending the holidays with family. Staff Reporter What is your favorite part about this holiday? Presents. Pay it forward is a constant state of doing good, a random act of kindness. It’s doing that good deed with the hopes that the Karma of doing good wards off any bad spirits. How to cope with holiday stress For example, if you pass a parking meter, and you see that the time on the meter has expired, you Monica Lopez Top 10 most popular put a quarter in the meter. You do a random act of kindness without expecting or hoping for anything Staff Reporter in return. Inside the Pride: Meet the Reporters gifts this season Somebody does a nice thing for you, and you “pay it forward,” by doing a nice thing for the next Are you stressed around the holidays? Recently lose someone close to you? You are not alone. Many of people stress Gisselle Burgos person. You could do something nice for a total stranger, and when they ask you how to pay you back, around the holidays for different reasons. Some of the reasons for stress is about financial stuff, family drama, and Staff Reporter Jonatan Rendon tell them to pay it forward instead. missing someone close to you. For some people, the holidays are something they just try to pass through. Year 1 Staff Reporter For example, I was grocery shopping and an elderly lady in front of me did not have a quarter for Losing someone special to you can be difficult, especially during this time of year. The holidays might even change the grocery cart, so I gave her one. She was so surprised at my random act of kindness. This is what a for you by having to change traditions you’ve had since you were little or just by an empty seat at the dinner table. Explain why you joined the newspaper staff: 10. Books random act of kindness is, paying it forward. We all have different ways to cope with these types of things, but these kinds of feelings should be dealt with in “Mrs. Warren was my literacy teacher last year, 9. Clothes healthy ways. The holidays are here again, and this is the perfect time to “pay it forward” to someone. Everybody and she encouraged me to join the newspaper 8. Watches There are some good ways to deal with stress and depression over the holidays in healthy ways. If you are stressed staff, so I decided to try it out.” is living through something different, and is very busy. So, the best thing you can possibly do for that 7. Pets person is to simply pay it forward. It doesn’t have to be a big thing, it could just be a small thing. Like about your family, there are ways to all get along for one or two days. You will have to accept the fact that you and our principal says, “If you take care of the little things, the big things will take care of themselves.” your family members will have differences, but the choice is yours if you want to be mature about the situation. It’s Tell about something that motivates you: 6. Digital cameras One of the most important things to remember about paying it forward is that it should be done okay to drop your differences for a day and have a good day. “I motivate myself. It’s my life, nobody else’s. Peo- 5. Gift cards with a selfless spirit. Paying it forward can simply be holding a door for someone or even positively If you are stressed about money, there is always a way to make the holidays great. Before Christmas shopping, make ple aren’t going to always be there to push you to 4. Earphones a list of all the important presents to buy, then make a budget for each gift. Christmas is not just about presents, it’s complimenting someone about their day. The littlest things can make a person happy and smile. This get somewhere. That’s why I depend on myself to 3. Video games more the thought that counts. The pressure of buying presents can stress you out a lot. Times are hard and you are get through school, and get my work done, and single act of kindness is very powerful and can affect a person very dearly; you don’t have to repay 2. Cellular phones them with something really big. not alone in struggling with finances, don’t let something out of your control get you stressed. push myself until I can’t anymore.” Christmas seems to be the best holiday where you can pay it forward, so for this Christmas, try Don’t forget about yourself. You deserve to have a good holiday and nobody can take that away from you. Your 1. Computers thinking of doing something nice for someone else. You can easily make someone’s day, and you’ll feel holiday plans might get overwhelming, so take some time for yourself, and get your head in the right state of mind. Describe your favorite way to spend a day off: great inside. You can easily do something for someone, and who knows, you might be the next person Take care of yourself and don’t let this stress make you a glutton on sweets and meals; the holidays won’t last forever. “Hang out with friends, or read a good book.” who will receive a random act of kindness. Let’s be realistic, the holidays don’t have to be perfect. Things change and happen for a reason, you will just have Paying it forward is something that is inside of everyone, you just have to do it. You can carry it on to accept it. This time of the year can be hard and stressful. Make sure you cope with these feelings that grow as the and use it forever, so why not use it now and do a random act of kindness? holidays get near. Features December 21, 2012 Page 8 Inside Getting involved at Westy the Pride: Meet the Reporters Westminster High School has a wide variety of clubs and activities for all kinds of students to participate in. From athletics such as basketball to mind workers like NHS, to fun and upbeat clubs like the Step Team, to communities of people gathered to support you and your future, like Theatre and ROTC. Westy puts forth a great effort to ensure that everyone can find an extracurricular in which to participate. Keep reading for examples of these to see if maybe you’d be interested! Photo by Cody Magerfleisch

Hayley Lokken Citizens of Staff Reporter Year 1

Explain why you joined the newspaper staff: CodyCharacter Magerfleisch run. There is a squadron com- “I joined newspaper because Business Manager mander, first sergeant, operations I thought that it would be officer, flight commanders, flight fun to get to write about “Develop citizens of character, sergeants, and other leadership things that I enjoy, and also dedicated to serving their nation roles. Most cadets are put in these and community.” That is the mis- leadership roles as early as their be able to inform and enter- sion statement of our very own first or second year. tain the students at Westy.” Air Force Junior ROTC unit (Unit The instructors each have a spe- RANK: Ribbons and pins signify status. Tell about something that CO-062), housed in rooms B013 cial designation, either the SASI decide to join, within a few weeks form. There is a special code of motivates you: and B015. or ASI, Senior Aerospace Science of enrollment you will be referring conduct that states how cadets are “My grades have always mo- The unit started in 1971 at the Instructor and Aerospace Science to every parent, guardian, teacher, to act and treat others while in uni- tivated me the most. I push old Westminster High School. The Instructor, respectively. The SASI and anyone else older than you as form. school has Color Guard and Drill is Lieutenant Colonel Jones, and “Sir” or “Ma’am.” Qualities like integrity and hon- myself to get the best grade Teams, in which there are compe- the ASI is Master Sergeant Temple. Cadets are expected to wear their esty are noted, and improved upon, that I can no matter what. titions as well as events where they Each cadet is given rank and uniform, which is issued within a while disrespect and irresponsibil- Going to college is also a present the colors during Veteran’s ribbons as they continue to par- few months of joining the corps, ity are disliked and looked upon huge motivation for me.” Day, parades, and other various lo- ticipate in the program, as well as each week and are inspected in with disapproval. Integrity First. Describe your favorite way cations and occasions. positions, national awards, and their classes, and their grades are Service Before Self. Excellence In There are only two instructors, trophies. The program teaches mainly based off of how well they All We Do are ideals that are in- to spend a day off: because the unit is mainly cadet- discipline and respect, so if you display themselves while in uni- stilled in ROTC students. “If I have a day off, I love to stay home, in my pajamas, and read a good book, and maybe even watch some Aspiring baseball on TV.” Favorite music of the mo- Authors ment: A new club offered here at Westy “I love both pop and coun- Interview with club member: is the Nanowrimo Club. In this try music, but at the mo- club, students from all back- How many members are there? Sophomore Sarah Zimmerman grounds and interests gather “There are 12 members.” Interview with club member: ment I absolutely love One to read and write novels. The Junior Amelia Salazar What do you like about it? Direction, Hunter Hayes, Nanowrimo Club is guided by What exactly do you do at meet- “I like that it just forces you to stay and Set It Off.” literacy and social studies teacher ings? What do you like about it? on topic and focused the whole Words of wisdom that you Kathryn Wiedenfeld. Here’s what “The kids have to write 10,000 “I like that I can be really creative” t i m e .” students participating in the words to participate, so you divide live by: club, and the sponsor, have to say 30 days by 10,000, and you will see Why did you join? Why did you join? “Don’t tell me the sky is the about it. how many words per day.” “I joined because I enjoy writing, “I joined because I’ve always want- limit when there are foot- Interview with Club Sponsor: and I get to imagine a whole com- ed to write a book since the 6th prints on the moon.” - Neil Kathryn Wiedenfeld How many novels have you writ- plete different world.” grade.” Armstrong ten so far? Tell about something else Why did you start this club? “Each student will have written What’s your novel about? What’s your novel about? “I have a friend who wrote 50,000 one novel each. They can even win “It’s called The Lost Rose. It’s about “It’s called Stage 1. It’s about how you’d like to share: words and it even got published. prizes for the best one. Prizes are a girl who’s in high school, where the humans have destroyed the “I am super excited to be You can see it at Barnes and No- $100, $50, and $25, and everybody she has lots of drama in her life earth, and then, some time later on the newspaper staff this ble and Amazon. You get to write gets a Starbucks Card. It looks re- even at home. But then later on, on they will have to fight for their year, and I hope that every- ally good on the transcript for col- she meets a guy and everything freedom. But it comes at a price.” whatever you want basically.” one enjoys it!” lege.” seems to just fall into place.” Reporting and photos by Evelese Vigil Entertainment December 21, 2012 Page 9

The 10 worst movies of 2012 put to rest or playing on cable GabbyRihanna Sierra Bridger Wingate be very afraid. You already know WASN’T as bad as some people ING AND FOOLISH. Quirky Editor in Chief Staff reporter the reason why this sucks. think, they just have motion sick- doesn’t make it good...this is said Six time Grammy winner Ri- 8. Wrath of the Titans: Better job ness) had…….OH, WAIT A MIN- evidence....and, THE WORST hanna has had a lot to celebrate Here’s a list.....like it. than last time, Legendary….But it UTE…….Wasn’t there one movie MOVIE OF THE YEAR IS...... this past year. Honorable Mention: Twilight: still sucks. I had the privilege NOT that tried to rip off the success of Rating: One for the Money.....was “We Found Love” was the num- Breaking Dawn: Part 2….could to see this in 3-D…I don’t like to Cloverfield?????? Rating: Here a bust....Oh and that other movie ber one hit in 20 countries in- have been good. COULD HAVE have my eyes hurt. So, Perseus or Comes The Pain.... sucks too. cluding the United States. “Dia- are the key words here. Instead the whatever his name is…..I’ll just 4. Paranormal Activity 4 (A.K.A 1. Playing for Keeps: “Hi, I’m Ger- mond” was number 1 on itunes script decides to be DISGUST- call him Sam Worthington. Sam Jump scares for the win): Boo….I ald Butler. I’m famous for shout- in 27 countries. INGLY faithful to the book and Worthington returns to defend his popped out of nowhere and scared ing words in the movie 300. Ever Rihanna isn’t just about her mu- mess up an ending in the mean- homeland from Ray Fiennes, with you….like this movie. I don’t think since then, I have had a really bad sic, but also about fashion. while. That final scene could have help from Liam Neeson. Rating: Paramount is going through a run at the movies. Especially this She is the only artist with two been SO GOOD, but instead was Crap of the Titans. money-making crisis like Warner movie. How about you explain it billion views on youtube. Her \ delivered as a cop out. Overall: 7. Taken 2: Taken 2 is like The Bros. Warner Bros. just lost Har- to the reader, Mr. Wingate?” This single, “Umbrella,” was the num- Vampires Suck. Hangover Part II. Same movie, ry Potter AND The Dark Knight is bland film-making. I thought ber one pop song this summer 10. The Lucky One: I don’t get why different setting. Rating: The same Trilogy…Paramount had a part in that this would be DECENT. And and dominated the United States everybody loves The Notebook. rating as Hangover Part II. releasing The Avengers…..I don’t now, IT’S A WORSE MOVIE pop, urban and crossover Bill- The only movie that I ever gotten 6. Red Dawn: Thor, the dude from think this was necessary. Rating; THAN JACK & JILL....DEAD board charts 52 weeks in a row. close to crying while watching was The Hunger Games, and Josh from BOO. SERIOUS. If you thought Holly- Just four years ago was when Toy Story 3….Don’t you laugh. Drake & Josh fight Asians. No, I 3. The Devil Inside: There’s a good wood could not get stupider, YOU this huge star was discovered and Anyway, the author of “Two people am not joking. This is a real thing. reason this is worse than Paranor- ARE WRONG...DEAD WRONG. now has a big influence on the fall in love, and then a tragedy hap- This remake is far off from the mal Activity 4. The worst ending Rating: SEND THIS MOVIE TO world with her dedication and pens, and they’re separated, and original. Rating: Red Dawn meets in a horror movie...it made me PRISON FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in the end they fall in love again,” White Porcelain. more mad than when they blocked hard work. is so nice to give us the story of a 5. Here Comes The Boom: Oh, youtube again. Rating: Worse than guy and a girl who fall in love…. look…It’s Kevin James falling and Breaking Dawn: Part II’s ending. EVERY TIME. Zac Efron might getting hurt and being stupid… 2. The Apparition and One for the be the only guy who has a career but THIS time finding that MMA Money: The Apparition sucked.... after High School Musical, and it’s worked for Warrior, so why not One for the Money is GARBAGE. a shame too…Vanessa Hudgens try it with Adam Sandler as ex- Katherine Heigl should just stop is SOOOOOOOOO much better ecutive producer? Well, thank doing these stupid comedy movie than him. Rating: It’s a bad one. goodness Cloverfield doesn’t have sand altogether go to dramatic 9. That’s My Boy: Before I go any competitors that try to duplicate roles...WHY? BECAUSE THIS further…Grown Ups 2…Be afraid, the success that this movie (which MOVIE IS UNGODLY ANNOY- Inside the Pride: Meet the Reporters F Colt Uland at a music and bookstore called Black and Read, Staff Reporter where I buy used CDs in mass quantities for un- Year 1 believably cheap prices. U Check them out if you Why did you join like rock n roll vinyl and N the newspaper CDs, board games, cool staff? T-shirts and patches, or rare books! So that’s pret- “I joined the news- ty much what I do on my WITH paper because I days off. To quote Peter wanted to try writ- Gibbons from the movie ing different things Office Space, “I did ab- than fiction stories, solutely nothing all day, which is what I nor- and it was everything I G mally write.” thought it could be.”’

What motivates What is your favorite R you? music of the moment? A “I feel motivated by “My favorite band ever is c an d y.” The Ramones, so they’re who I’m usually listen- M Describe your fa- ing to. My other favor- vorite way to spend ite bands are Screeching M a day off. Weasel, The Ventures, Helmet, The Vindictives, A “Well, it usually be- The Clash, The Smiley gins by sleeping un- Kids, Judas Priest, The til anywhere from Beach Boys, Iron Maid- R 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. After that, I en, and The Mr T Experience, along with a lot of usually play guitar at high volume. other bands.” After I sufficiently add to my own Words of wisdom that you live by? hearing loss, I go and eat some Lucky Charms. I often watch “Don’t worry about anything, just enjoy life go get the movie The School of Rock, a Slurpee, do what’s right in God’s eyes.” -The Smi- ley Kids which is pretty much my favor- Comic by Miracle Lewis ite movie. I also like to hang out Entertainment December 21, 2012 Page 10 knows exactly what to say, knows Austin Kerr’s dad’s office, to get- Bands on tour countless others. DeWall is used dorm in Ohio and move back to ting signed and preparing for a to touring and the antics that go Florida to chase the American how to go about it. That’s how Savannah Murray big tour overseas. Although their hand-in-hand with living in a van Dream. Carson is an expert on we got the tour, go- Editor-in-Chief popularity has expanded, they still with five other guys and meeting what has changed since the begin- ing overseas is something we’ve Features Editor have goals, and they still strive to new people every night. ning of Set It Off, and the struggles never done before; but our man- reach them. “Once you start touring you start they went through to get signed to ager Mike Mowery (from Equal Ever thought about standing “Everything has been getting realizing that there are great peo- their current record label: ) is incredible. under the stage lights, hundreds better and better and better, but ple out there in the world. Touring Vision Records. Our booking agent, he routes the of people screaming your name, there’s still a lot of hard work that really shows you that, and that’s “In the beginning it was all do tours, choosing where each date being wanted and known? Ever we put into this. We have our ups awesome,” said DeWall. it yourself- DIY they call it… Ev- goes, why and when. He books it, and downs… You’re never com- thought about chasing this dream? Cody Carson, 23, is the founder erything that involves being Set It sorts everything out, and makes pletely satisfied. When you are These next two guys did, and they of Set It Off, basically. After shar- Off- was handled directly through sure it’s solidified. Before we were completely satisfied, when you feel decided to do something about it. ing a mic with Alex Gaskarth of us. Since being signed, getting signed, it was like we were on our like you’re at the top, that’s when They got their band together and back in 2008, Car- bigger tours is easier. Our manager own. Now, it’s like we’re a family,” you should stop. Then, you can they went on tour. son decided to leave his college knows the right people to talk to, explained Carson. take a break from doing what you Zach DeWall, 23, is the guitarist Although they have love, come back, and people will for the Tampa, established a ‘fam- miss you,” said Carson. Florida band ily’ with the label and Set It Off have worked for four years to have their songs listened Set It Off. Set the fans (Set It Off’s to, their shows attended, and their It Off has been fan base is called the a band since videos watched. Maybe in four ‘SIO Family’) the guys years we’ll turn on our TV’s and 2008, and have still miss their families see a familiar face from Westy on been touring back home in Tampa. our screens. If you have the dream, non-stop since “The down side of chase it! their formation; touring is not being sharing stages able to see your family with bands such and friends as much as Red Jump- as you’d like to, but suit Apparatus, you know, it’s all about A Day to Re- dedication. It’s all member, Say about dedication and Anything, Chio- working hard,” said dos, There for DeWall. Tomorrow, We Dedication and Came as Ro- working hard has got- mans, Divided ten Set It Off far the by Friday, and JAMMING: Cody and Zach in concert. Photo by Catie Bailey past four years; going from practicing in their bassist Photo by Kristy Mercure Ask Mama Cub The death of a Rockstar Inside the Pride: Hailey Ottosen Meet the Reporters Dear Mama Cub, Staff Reporter Jon Rendon I like Westy, but I hate lunch. It is hard to get a Many people, including musicians have Staff Reporter good place to sit, and I don’t know what to do. been affected by the death of beloved Year 1 Help me. rock star Mitch Lucker. Lucker was the frontman of Suicide Si- Explain why you joined the newspaper staff: lence. Lucker passed away on November “I wanted to!” Signed, 1, 2012, due to injuries from a motorcy- Frustrated cle accident on October 31. He was pro- Tell about something that motivates you: nounced dead at 6:17 a.m. When he was “My mommy because she’s a strong and independent woman. She in the crash, he was wearing no protec- raised me all 17 years. She fought when odds were against her. She tive gear, and he had consumed alcohol shows no sign of failure. She works about 10 hours or more to get Dear Frustrated, before hand. clothes on my back, a roof over my head, and a hot meal on a table. Lucker had problems with alcohol in That’s what keeps me going in life.” If you need a spot for lunch you should try putting the past. your backpack on a table or on a chair near the As reported on Metal Injection.com, Describe your favorite way to spend a day off: “Sleep, eat, play video table. It helps save your seat. When the bell rings “He was an amazing man. He was a won- derful father and a great husband. And games, and all over again.” you should do the “Wolf Hustle” to the cafeteria, now he’s going to miss out on watching and if somebody tries to take your table when [his five-year-old daughter] Kenadee Favorite music of the moment: you get back from getting your food, just tell grow, because he decided to drink and “Right now I’m listening to Blink them your stuff was there first. You should also ride,” said his wife Carmadella Lucker. 182, and my favorite song is “Stay Together for the Kids.” try going outside. Or try meeting new friends to Lucker knew what he was getting him- self into when getting on his motorcycle. sit with! Approach them and ask if it is alright to He lived for the adrenaline rush that rid- Words of wisdom you live by: sit with them, or try making a conversation with ing a bike provides. “That the juice is worth the squeeze.” somebody new, and see how it goes. I hope that Many people lost their hero and inspi- helps! ration. To many, it was a huge loss. The rock industry has definitely lost not only a great musician, but a father and hus- Sincerely, band. Mama Cub! as told by Gisselle Burgos Sports December 21, 2012 Page 11 Wolves wrestlers back on the mat in 2012 Isaiah Santistevan Centerspread Editor there were a lot of good wrestlers but I came out on top.” The Westminster Wrestling team The season is still young and we is looking fairly tough this year. hope to see many more state plac- We have a returning state placer ers out of this fresh season. The Go senior Gabe team also has a new Grimaldo coach, Doug Fiefer. who took Sophomore Brandon Wolves! 4th in state Martinez last year. Why did you join Grimaldo wrestling? is currently “Because it makes you Photo by Isaiah Santistevan ranked 2nd tougher.” Westminster wrestlers take on Adams City High School in a in state for What motivates you? match at Westminster High School. his current Sophomore wrestler Joseph Bryan “Girls.” weight 170 What weight are you? pounds. “I am 145.” Swimming to glory: Wolves girls The team this year has a full roster What’s your record? for all weights except 220 pounds “2-0” and heavy weight. The 106 pound Sophomore Joseph Bryan swim team a splashing success varsity Why did you Abigail Macias each other. They all practice very dive, and try something new, that’s wrestler, join wres- Staff Reporter hard and are trying to master their why she joined the swimming sophomore tling? Walking beside the pool, the strokes and different type of dives. team. “It feels great especially Angel San- “Because it’s smell of chlorine hitting your nose The Wolves girls swimming team when I improve,” she said about doval- Bal- my sport, and I strongly, being focused to do their is a strong team even though they how it feels to be in the pool. tiera went am destined to job and what they have practiced went down 20 points in 5-0 this past wrestle.” for, diving in feeling like a fish the last meet. Every meet weekend at What moti- in water, trying to beat their op- is worth 100 points, and the Greeley vates you? ponent next to them, hearing ev- at the end, every point Central in- “My brother, counts. vitational. Matthew Bry- The girls Baltiera an .” agreed that said, “It was Sophomore wrestler Brandon Martinez What weight they are pretty hard, are you? close, and “I am 126.” are like fam- Photos by Isaiah Santistevan What’s your record? ily. They “4-1” said that the coaches are Sophomore swimmer Annie Piller great, and they Inside the Pride: teach them well. Every team member is glad Sophomore-Sunda Talarico Meet the Reporters to be on the team. Receiving encouragement from Abby Macias Sophomore Olivia Gonzales. Photos by Abigail Macias All the teammates a teammate to be on the swim- Staff Reporter encourage and cheer ming team, Sunda joined. “I love Year 1 erybody cheering and screaming each other non-stop during the being on the team, the coaches are they turn, and looking over their meets. During practices, every great, and I love my teammates; Explain why you joined the newspaper staff: shoulder to see their opponent is girl has different goals, it could be they are nice to one another. “I joined the newspaper staff to get better in English and because I love not there anymore. “Swim! Swim!” getting a better time or trying to At the first meet I was nervous, writing!” the coach yells. She keeps going, perfect a dive, but no matter what, but afterwards, it felt great being giving it her they all push in the water, it’s like I’m in my own Tell about something that motivates you: all, and then each other world; it’s my get away I enjoy be- “Something that motivates me is my mom’s expectations for me.” touches the as a team. ing on the team. My goal this year rough wall Sopho- is to get better, and I want to get 1 Describe your favorite way to spend a day off: and stops. more-Oliv- min. in freestyle.” “So, on my day off, I would spend it sleeping in, making the house clean, The crowd ia Gonzales Sophomore-Raeanna(Annie) then, having some reading time or listening to music.” gets loud, This was Piller and she her first year “I wanted to be on a team, I Favorite music of the moment: gazes back on the team. didn’t know what or which team, and sees Her goal for but Steve encouraged me to join “Pop, Regional Mexican, and Corridos.” the swimming team. The coaches her oppo- diving is to are understanding and give me Words of wisdom you believe in: nent barely be a beast good advice; they tell me to keep “What goes around comes around. touching the and to get trying and never give up. I had en- Always listen to your mother; she will al- wall. Sophomore Sunda Talarico over the fear couragement getting on the team, The West- of different dives “hit- knowing the circumstances I am ways be right.” in, I wanted to prove to everybody minster High School girls swim- ting the board.” For swimming, that I could do it! I am known by Something additional: ming team is beginning with a she wants to get 1:30 sec on the not wanting to get out of the water “I love sports especially softball and bas- strong start in their first meet 100 meter breast stroke, and keep no matter what, I have been swim- ketball.” with 10 more meets to go. Each improving her speed. She loved ming my whole life. My goal this year is to beat my times and never girl has their own goal, but every- swimming since she was younger one’s encouraging and cheering and she wanted to keep in shape, let me or my team down, I am con- fident.” Sports December 21, 2012 Page 12 The long road for Westminster boys basketball Brandon Trykowski asked the key to ending Sports Editor this early skid. than Rangeview and Although they dropped Aurora Central.” their first four games to Montijo said to his “I have failed over and over again good teams, there have players postgame at in my life, and that is why I suc- been bright spots in Fort Collins. ceed,” basketball great Michael their play so far. Starting Even though West- Jordan once said addressing his the season three days in minster’s varsity thoughts on learning from mis- a row on the road, they squad has struggled, takes. This quote can be found knew they had their they understand that hanging not only in the locker work cut out for them conference games are room here at Westminster High to start the season. Los- far more important School, but many colleges and ing two ugly games in than the non-confer- high schools across the nation. It the first two games, the ence games they play is a reminder that no matter the Wolves were determined to start the season. struggle, the only way to succeed is to play even harder in “We’ll learn from to fail, learn from our failures, and the third game. playing these good try again. Playing a very good programs, exactly George Washington how hard we have to After a sluggish start to the 2012- team, who went on a play to compete in 2013 season, the inexperience of short playoff run a year our league. We need this years’ boys basketball team ago, they wanted to to make the playoffs, has shown. However, the players at prove they can play bet- so we have to keep Westminster High School still re- ter than what they have our heads up and member exactly what the coaches shown. In the first half, keep working,” said tell them every year, “We make they frustrated a power- senior Berto Loera, mistakes to learn from them, but ful team, holding them the only player with you have to learn from them in to 29 points. However, real varsity experi- order to improve. Push each other a reoccurring theme ence on this years’ every day to make one another thus far, a rough third team. Westminster takes on Rampart High School in the annual Health One Tournament better.” quarter defensively al- It is a long season, so at Douglas County High School. Photo by Smaly Chham. lowed the Patriots to build a there is plenty of time to Despite four straight tough loss- 19 point lead going into the correct mistakes. With win. Third quarter struggles bit about the early turnover troubles es to start the season, the players fourth quarter. the conference games them again and they could never his team has faced. “Take care of know better than to drop their It was very similar in the still yet to be played, the take the momentum back, falling the ball and we will put ourselves heads in despair, but instead keep home opening loss to Boul- playoffs are more than in to 0-4 (non-conference) in the first in situations to win games. I make their heads high, knowing they der High School. After the reach, which is the goal of four games. the pre-conference schedule hard are only getting better. “We have best first half they have every player this season. “We have to limit mistakes, cause to learn, and prepare us for confer- to keep working harder every day, played all season, the Wolves The long road to the state the opponent to make mistakes, ence play. We don’t have teams like and push each other.” That is how trailed by only six at the half, tournament rolls on. then capitalize on their mistakes,” that in our conference (Fort Col- every player will answer when and looked to grab their first said head coach Jim Montijo lins and George Washington) other State spirit competition update Brandon Trykowksi go back and compete every year.” the other members. Sports Editor Despite taking first in league When asked about his first competition, the Wolves’ cheer spirit competition as a male As most high schools are caught squad couldn’t copy a similar story cheerleader, senior Vinny Wilson Girls basketball up in the action of winter sports at state, placing 21st in Colorado said, “Winning league was amaz- Brandon Trykowski four, taking them to 3-3 on the like basketball, wrestling and in the co-ed division. For the ing in my first year cheering, and Sports Editor season thus far. swimming, no one can ignore squad dominated by seniors, the being around other squads from Coaches say over and over, the “We’ve struggled with turnovers, the hard work of spirit leaders all team will take on a whole new ef- all types of divisions (Jazz, Poms, first few minutes of every game de- but if we fix that we can be a very across the state of Colorado. Espe- fort for next season after winter Hip Hop) was a great experi- cides the tempo of the entire game. good team,” said senior Hannah cially for those who attend West- sports brings an end to the 2012- ence.” Wilson also included, “I Getting a hot start can dictate the Massey, who has been Westmin- minster High School, who com- 2013 squad. got to see what I was going to do outcome of every game, and pos- ster’s most influential player so far, peted in their first ever state co-ed Although disappointed they in college because I am going to sibly a season. It was a fast start for leading the team in every major cheerleading competition. couldn’t triumph at state, the se- cheer at the University of North- the Westminster High School girls’ statistical category. Coming off placing first in the niors encourage the younger ern Colorado.” varsity basketball team in 2012. As Westminster wraps up the sec- league competition, hopes were cheerleaders to return in the future After all kinds of hard work, the As expected, the girls played very ond tournament on their schedule, higher than ever for Westminster and work even harder. first year of co-ed varisty cheer at hard in their first two games, win- they are setting to prepare for their cheerleading. “No pain no gain. Being the best Westminster was in many ways a ning two straight to start the sea- first conference match up of the “It wasn’t perfect, but compared doesn’t come easily,” said Ayers. success, and looks to be here to son. After running through Lin- season, when they travel to the to last year we performed as a “Cheer isn’t just for fun, they need stay. The 2012-2013 cheer sea- coln 63-33 on the road, the Wolves’ Pepsi Center to battle with the ri- completely different and improved to focus on cheering on the sports son ends when the winter sports clawed their way past Wheat Ridge val Brighton Bulldogs on January team,” said senior captain Kayla teams. However, their number one season closes out in February of in their home opener by a score of 3, 2013. Ayers about their state perfor- priority should be working hard to 2013. From everyone at West- 48-39. For full story coverage of Westy mance at the Denver Coliseum. be competitive as a team,” senior minster High School and Wolf However, due to an issue with girl’s basketball, stay tuned for the “There’s always going to be stuff we Karina Cerino-Castillo said when Pride, great job to all the cheer- turnovers, the Wolves’ girls squad next issue of the Wolf Pride. have to work on, and that’s why we asked what advice she would give leaders, we are proud of you! went on to lose three of the next