Iigfzletter 93024--0240
P.O. Box 240 Ojai, Calif. iigfzletter 93024--0240 April 1992 V01.’ 11 NO. 4 The Children of Willis Conover Mikhail Gorbachev in ending the long tyranny by and in what was the USSR. ' But to my mind, no one did more to end it than Willis One of the unsung heroes of jazz is a handsome and beautiful- Conover. Administrations, Soviet and American alike, came ly-spoken Buffalo-born broadcaster named Willis Conover, and went, but Conover was always there. I doubt if he knows whose name is known in every country in the world but his the extent of his influence. I doubt if anyone does, and indeed own. That’s because, unless you listen to short-wave radio, you I doubt that anyone has even given it much thought. But he can’t receive his programs in the United States. Conover is more than any American, living or dead, created something heard on the Voice of America, a government-funded service that penetrated even an Iron Curtain like a fresh wind of qrose mandate forbids its broadcasting to the land of its spring. rigin, and thus Americans cannot hear Conover’s marvelous In a curious way, Conover -- the name is Anglicized from music shows, even though they pay for them. Since he taped something German, and one of his ancestors signed the the first VOA broadcast in December 1954, and it was aired Declaration of Independence -- combines a vast cultural in January 1955, Conover has probably been on the air longer cosmopolitanism with a deep American patriotism.
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