TIN CAN, Collection

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TIN CAN, Collection PAOI tWELVB Bain ending tonight: pertly not obty to theaters, but at other rioady',weather Saturday: llttir rboage la temperature toolght, Sgt. William H. Chapman of places of entertainment. French Woman Hin I.«Mndre»8 Overseas U r g C S P 0 I 1 C 6 tnralag colder Saturday. 16S Summit street, Manchester, ‘Thli board also voted iM t night TRY A DELICIOUS HOT MEAL Member «f thf Audit A brat Town was A member of the ninth class to have a white line painted tn BaraM to Oireto^itlauB of soldiers to complete the new ¥ or Theaters the center o f iii^ain street from the Manche$ter—^A City of Vtlloge Charni Centrallrcd Meat Cutting and Fat Center to Charter .Oak atreet A t tha UBon the reconomendatlon of Conservation course established at Chief Gordon was asked to have (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Lt^C d. WllUem H. (Jollette, Pro- Scott Field,- III., parent radio the work done b., the State High­ MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY. NOVEMBER ID, 1944 Local Board Fears Re­ (CtaualSod A dvertU tis am ru g * U ) ten or of MUiUry Sclfctjce end school o f the Arm y A ir Forces way palntihg machine. VOL. LXIV., NO. 35 Tectlca o f the Manlius Schpol R. Training Command, by the sult If Panic Should Three applications were re­ Hartford Road Tavern O. T. C. Battalion, Cadet Pvt. Rob­ Air Quartermaster Headquarters ceived for the police department 378 Hartford Road - Telephone 3818 ert M. Bantly, son of Mr. tod A A F . Sgt. Chapman 1s now sta- Occur; Lbw P^roposed. and they took the usual course by Jap Shells Bracket U. S. Carrier Mrs. Ernest T. Bantly of 44 Por­ Opned at Topeka AAF, Topeka, having them referred to Chief FULL COURSE MEALS ter street, has been promoted to Kansas. Police will be assigned to duty Gordon for investigation. They Japs Send 35,^0 ^ ird Army,Surges be Pfc. of C Company at Man- at both local theaters, if a plan will be acted upon at the next We Also Cater To Banquets and Parties. Uua. N . Y. - ~ * The Mary Cheney Library on meeting. Main street and the Whiton Me­ discussed by the Police'Board last The radio system Installed In First Lieutenant James E. Hor­ morial Library on North Main night is incorporated in a town December, 1938, Is in need Of con­ vath of 15 Westminster road, a street, will be closed all day Sat­ ordinance. Commissioner Jay Rand siderable repairs and. this Is being Troops to Leyte Ahead in Offensive; bombartler has served' overseas urday, Armistice day. presented a rough draft of such done now. A general check of the 12 months with the A A F ’s oldest an ordinance and it will be taken system and the three cars Is to B-26 "Marauder" group, which has Rudolph J. Haupt, son of Mr. up for final aetkn at the next be made. Chief Gordon said that been\etted by the President lor and Mrs. Rudolph R. Haupt, of meeting. A fter it has been approv­ he. will secure the services of Long Fight Ahead "ouhitandlng performance of duty 119 Cooper Hill street, has arrived ed it will be presented to the Harry Starkel of West Hartfoixl home for a 21-day furlough, after In armed conflict with the enemy," Selectmen who will be asked to who helped Install the system in Seized serving for 11 months In the South Many Manchester and who has charge, T IN CAN, during a January IS, 1944 mission have the town pass an ordinance. Pacific area. He is a storekeeper over Rome Clamplno North and This question has been consider­ of the radio equipment of the^ Run Gauntlet of Harass-1 fJO F S U S B 3-c. with the U. S. Navy. South Airdromes, In preparation ed by members of the commission West Hartford police depart­ ing American Planes ter" the Allied landing! at Net- for some time and after a full dis­ ment. 1 Shake* Mud Shackles “ 2, 1944. Mrs. I-ols Parker Schlpul of tuno, Italy on January. 22 Stratford, has been renewing cussion on how crowds are hanslled And PT-Boatst Mac- O f Penicillin To Push Totjal Ad­ He U entitled to wear the blue friendships in town. Mrs. Schlpul at public entertainments iq town, Collection Germans ’ Rockets and gold framed Distinguished was formerly teacher of English the board united In stating that PROMPT 1 Acthur Has Enough vance to 10 Miles in Unit Badge, the only army award and civics at Manchester High it was time to act. DAY and NIGHT Troops at Hand to By Civilians worn above the right hand blouse school, and came to towm to vote Serious Situation Places; Artillery A ^ potoet. t on Tuesday. Chief Gordon met with the board Will Be Held Handle Enemy Forces. last night and declared that often Do Little Damage tive on Both Sides of. 8L Mary's Woman's Auxiliary many small children attended I r aan McLean, No. 2.12, Order of General Douglas MacAr-' Public Health Service Maas; Envelopmei will hold its monthly meeting In Scottish Clans, will meet tomor­ special showings at local theaters the parish house tomorrow eve­ row evening at 8 o'clock in the Ma­ and there was a lack of adults to thur’s Headquarters, Philip­ Doctor W ants Drug Have Been Plunging In­ Movement in Progress ning, promptly at 7:30. The host­ Friday, Nov. 10 sonic Temple. help them in case of an emergen­ pines, Nov. 10.— (/P)— (Via Doubt Nazis esses will be 'Mrs. Henry Avail to Combo At Pqinls Clos^tb Meta cy. He felt there was need of a Army Radio)—Running a to England fo r Weelts Mrs. Max Kasulkl. Mrs. Robert policeman to be on duty at these Please Have Your Prepared Cans In a Container Dougan and Mrs. William Steven­ The Beethoven Glee aub will gauntlet of harassing Ameri­ All Venereal Cases. At Speed Faster Than gatherings. Consideration was also Can Sustain London, NoV. 10.— (JP)—^ son. meet tonight at 9 o'clock at the A t the Curb. can planes and PT-boats, 35,- Concordia Lutheran church for a given to the proper care of crowds Sound; Rise 70 Miles. 000 veteran Japanese troops St. Louis. Nov. 10—(4’)— Recom­ Lieut. Gen. George S. Pat­ King David Lodge Of Odd Fel short rehearsal, after which they ton’s Third Army shook its lews will exemplify the flrst de­ will leave for Rockville to give a have »■ joined the sanguine mendations that penicillin be made RobotDrive concert at the Elks' home. available ter treatment o f syphilis London, Nov. 10.— (/P)— mud shackles and surged for­ gree on a class of candidates at battle for Leyte, Gen. Doug- The Germans for weeks have its meeting tomorrow evening at Buck's Corner lu MacArthur dUcloMd today m and gonorrhea to everyone who ward in a full blown offensive National BducaUon week was ^ 7:30 In Odd Fellows hall. A social —U s aigiial Corps Photo an announcement which indicates needs it were made today ‘before been plunging V-2 rockets in- Flying Bombs Continue today, capturing Chateau- time will follow. observed by the South school yes­ Corporal'Tom Humphrey, to 18» We t Center street, who Is now • Restaurant the batUe for the Philippines may terday • morning by "open house" a national conference on yenereal to England kt a speed (aster; -j, rp . _ Toll* House* Salins along with dozens of with the U. S. Army In France, is picliiieU above giving his flela be long and hard. dtocti$f. than sound and from arcs 70 nou*e* other towns and villages. A from 9 to 12 o’clock, when the jacket to a French woman to launder for him. The scene was near On the NOw London Tpk. RECAP YOUR TIRES regular program of school work Sobering M eet an Optimism So far. In the treatment to a k .ii. m Tammese cruiser (fiosUlon Indicated by circle) fall on both sides of sn American es- miles high but thus far have Blasted in London Res­ total advance of 10 miles was was carried on. Both parents and the Frenc’n city of Nancy. ________________________ ONE DAY SERVICE! The disclosure that despite all those particular diseases the drug carrier as the flto-top emits sir exhaust smoke screen during the second battle of the Philippine caused little damage, Prime made at places in the three-day FOR EXPERT Try Our Italian Food A<3erlcmn efforts ths Japwem has been limited to the armed cort idential Area in Night. children enjoyed - a pleasant end Specialties In Our New Minister Churchill announced drive along a 55-mlle arc around . WELDING pttMtabla time. Bring Them In in the looming . Have Them In the hod succeeded In replacing teelr forces and to special research cen- sea. Metz. CEDAR ROOM Evening! heavy losses suffered In 22 days ters. today in Commons. The Ger­ London, Nov. 10— — Doubt Nervous About New •Drive Police Court of fighting is having a sobering mans said V-2 an^ the earlier V-l. WIRING The daughter bom Monday at REAL ESTATE Suooeeees Justify Adoption was expressed today that . the Artillery pounded on both sides ONLY GRADE A TRUCK RUBBER USED! effect on the optimism which fo - flying robot bomb were being used a t Francis Hospital, Hartford, to ORCHESTRA The recommendations were of­ of the Maos (Meute) In Holland RANGE BURNER WANTED TO BUY — Single, lowed the comparatively easy Ini­ fered by Dr.
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