Weather T ajn. ttopcntun 71. tytfr to- Today •8J8JVV HHU£Ht> OMlOTfW MS Thursdayhd . HiHigh todaytod In thh eM Ms. 24,350 Low tonight In the Ml. Lew Red Bank Area J humid tomorrow and Thursday, high 75 to M. See weather, page IT Copyright-The Red Bank Register, Inc., 19B. 1 DIAL 741-0010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS

SS NO 11 tuiut dtlly. Monday throufh Friday. Saconl Clan Po«UH TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1965 »B, JNU. Jl Paid M Sea Bank aaa at AldUionu MUUnj OKlcea, 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Kill 219 At Missile Launching Site YietCong Raiders Silo Fire Toll at 47 SEARCY, Ark. (AP) - Air special gear to help their breath- tails of a sudden blast, fire and Air Force Tescue teams In SAIGON (AP) — A large Force rescue teams recovered ing in the smoke-clogged silo, smoke. asbestos suit! climbed down in- government force attempting to the bodies of 47 civilian con- worked through the night bring- The men in the tube were to the 155-foot deep launch com- relieve the besigtd special struction workers during the night ing the bodies to the surface. civilians working to update the plex and carried bodies out of forces camp at Due Co has killed from a Titan II missile launching The Air Force said the Titan physical plant of the missile the upper leveji — about 45 feet 210 Viet Cong in a "battle ol site wracked by an explosion and II in the tube, an intercontinental below ground level — of the sizable proportions" that is complex, part of a ring fire yesterday. ballistics missile capable ol smoking tube. continuing, a U.S. spokesman Titan H launching sites An Air Force spokesman said delivering a nuclear warhead 6,- reported today* central Arkansas. About 100 relatives, clustered he thought that was all of the 000 miles, did not burn. Government casualties '— in- The four Air Force crewmen n small groups and talking bodies in the underground con- It was not armed, the Air luding American dead and in the control center of the com-quietly, waited under a full moon crete silo. Force said, and there was no wounded — so far are "moder- plex — the most distant point in the warm night air for word danger of a nuclear explosion. ate," the spokesman safd, but But searchers planned to make from the launch area — got outon the rescue operation. Air added, "I describe them as a further probe of five feet of Cause of the blast and fire unharmed. police kept everyone about one- moderate only because of th water at the bottom of the was not determined. At least eight other Air Force half mile from the tube. large number of troops in tube. Two men escaped with minor men and a number of civilians The first bodies were brought volved." The Air Force said all the burns from the fiery launching working above ground were not out about 7:20 p.m., about four victims apparently were asphyxi- tube, bringing out sketchy de- harjned-by the blast. hours after the blast. The spokesman said the Viel ated when the blast and fire Cong casualties had been con- sealed off their means of escape firmed by body count. and filled the complex with He reported two governmeni smoke. For New Regional High School tanks had been knocked out bui The Air Force originally said »aid the government force it believed the explosion and fire captured 74 Viet Cong weapons. trapped 48 men in the silo. The government force was bat- Later, another Air Force spokes- tling its way westward along SITE OF DISASTER — Thii is rte Titan 2 missile silo near Se-arcy, Ark., where fire man said the figure should be Rt. 19, the east-west highway less definite — "about 50." Pick Marlboro Site broke out yesterday and trapped about 50 men. At of this morning, 47 bodies had through the central highlands, in Rescue teams wearing asbestos FREEHOLD - By a 7 to 2 vote the Free- While Manalapan had had a preference, an attempt to reach the special been recovered. , suits and gas masks, and using hold Regional Board of Education decided last it was not disclosed until last night how fat ijorces camp five miles from the night to build its third high school in Marlboro a commitment there had actually gone. •Cambodian border. The board directed its secretary, Frank L. rather than Manalapan Township. Its garrison, now numbering Witman, to Inform the architects, Radey & 12 U.S. special forces advisers State Patrol Is Urged The board's two members from Howell Radey, Camden, of the selection and to urge and about 150 South Vietnamese Township, Norman Rucci and Ambrose Jen- them to proceed with plans expeditiously. and mountain tribesmen, has nings, dissented. While Mr. Jennings gave no When Irving G. Eggert, board vice presi- been under siege for 67 days. reason for his opposition, Mr. Rucci accused dent who offered the motion to choose Marl- The Communists attack the camp the majority of giving in to local partisan in- boro, asked Mr. Witman for an estimate on nightly with mortars and small terests and said he would follow suit in the how much time plans will take, the latter re- arms. future. plied: Since early yesterday Vist Ask Probe of Poaching "This is as good a time as any for starting "They will probably have to start from • Cong forces have been hitting partisan voting, partisan decisions on local scratch. They have been two months on plans the relief force systematically as By FRANK W. HARBOUR menaced sports fishermen in that the commissioner advise him —Leonard Nelson, president of lines instead of on a basis of what's best for so far for a building at Manalapan and have H tried to cover the 30 miles be- "There may be a need in the Sandy Hook waters. whether new legislation is neede the North Jersey Fishermen's As- the district as a whole," he said, "and I'm said the ones you prefer won't fit on th« tween Pleiku, capital.of the 2ndnear future for new legislation, Marine Life so that'a bill, if warranted, ca sociation, Belford, said the asso- perfectly willing to do the same in the future." Marlboro site." Corps area, and Du Co. but the immediate need is for The theory behind the state be introduced when the legisla- ciation does not condone illegal In its decision, the board, reversed a pre- Mr. Eggert, who is from Colts Neck, said • The government force was re-Jaw and order." prohibition of drag-netting is that ture reconvenes Nov. 8. drag-netting and will not support vious unofficial agreement to build on a 64- he doubted that new drawings will require ported fighting about seven miles That was the position yester the practice endangers several —David H. Hart, Cape May any Belford fishermen, financial- acre Manalapan Township, tract which it another two months, however. He then asked east of Due Co. day of Assemblyman Patrick J. species of marine life and is a chairman of the state Fish am ly or otherwise, who are charged owns, Instead of on the 43-acre site it also what other preliminary steps must be taken The l/.S. spokesman gave thl' McGann, Jr., Lincroft, who de-threat to sports and pound fish- Game Council, announced that h< with the practice. holds at Rts. 9 and 520, Marlboro. That a before authorization to build may be asked at account of the action: clared that lawlessness, such as ing. will request today that Commi Conceding that the netters are switchover was in the making was reported a public referendum. Viet Cong snipers opened up was seen in the "rum-running As a result of the recent inci- sioner Roe provide high-powerec (See POACHING. Page 3) exclusively in The Daily Register June 28. See SCHOOL Page 3) on the large road force early days," will not be tolerated along dents, action was taken on sev-speedboats and helicopters fo yesterday. By early afternoon Monmouth's coastal areas. eral fronts yesterday: the Sandy Hook area, on a tem- the lead elements were heavily At issue is the question of —Mr. McGann suggested that porary basis, to apprehend drag Bedell on Bridge, Library: engaged. drag-net fishing in Sandy Hook County Prosecutor Vincent P. netters. Just before dusk the Viet Bay and along the shore to Long Keuper launch an investigation. —Charter boat captains, operat Cong hit another part of tiie Branch. The practice is illegal, —The assemblyman also wrote ing out of Highlands — where thi long column. A force estimated in New Jersey waters, up to. theto Col. David Kelly, head.of the sports fishing boat "Evflfpa" wa; - -•t-abofut 159 'guerrillas directed Wo-mile limit. ' ' ' state police, asking that the' slate ci'eosoted"Saturday at Jjie Hig] Although it has been going on law enforcement agency work lands Basin — reported that pe- One Hearing Deserves Another heavy fire from mortars and reeoilfess rifles at the trucks, to some degree for many years with local and county police in titions will be circulated. tanks and armored personnel the practice was spotlighted dur- the matter "since the problem To The Governor By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON set it up as some part of a po- Poling under the bridge, he moval of the bridge, all four Re- carriers in the governmen ing the past week as a result of transcends local bounds." The petitions, basin owner Jo- FREEHOLD—One public hew litfcal horse trade. Perhaps there said, was rotted and unsafe and publicans agreed. At the same column. two incidents. Strengthen Patrol seph Renzo told The Register, ng, said Eugene J. Bedell, Mon-is' iomething to come about do- the decking was breaking up. meeting Long Branch Councilman mquth County's only Democratic Recommended , Two tanks were knocked ou On Thursday, a state agent at- —Mr. McGann communicated will be delivered to Gov. Richar ing something for one interest or Edgar Dinkelspiel attacked the freeholder, last night, deserves •.and one armored personnel oar- tempted unsuccessfully to arrest with Robert A. Roe, commission- J. Hughes and Commissions another in return for dropping Closing of the bridge and its plan, urged a new bridge if the another. » -• i rier was destroyed along with a drag-net captain, and Saturday er of the state Department of Roe, probably within 10 days opposition on the bridge." removal, he said, had been old one couldn't be repaired, and -ji truck and a 105-mm howitzer. night the boat used by the agent Conservation and Economic De- asking that the state beef up the Reacting sharply to news that, As director of bridges; Mr. Be-recommended by county engineer chided the Republican freeholders Late yesterday afternoon a was found filled with creosote, in velopment, asking that the Divi- coastal patrol, provide it will while he was on vacation re- dell said he ordered the wood H. Elroy Martin and had been to think of election day and do U.S. forward air controller re- what police say was retaliation sion of Fish and Game's coastal more funds and modern equip cently, the four Republican free- span, with black top decking, fully outlined to the board. more for Long Branch. ported he had spotted a Viet by the drag-netters. patrol be strengthened. ment, and enforce the law! holders had rescinded a plan to closed as unsafe more than three When Mr, Bedell made a mo- On July 27, with Mr. Bedel! ab- Cong battalion. The Air Force The netters allegedly also have The assemblyman requested against poaching. demolish a county bridge at Long months ago. tion July 20 to take bids for re- (See BEDELL, Page 3) flew 50 sorties in the area and Brand and would hold a public kept up air strikes today. But hearing, Mr. Bedell said: sniper fire continued against the "Good. It they want to have a long column. public hearing on a relatively un- important thing like this, okay. Long Branch Ave. Bridge Efforts were being made to MCAP Group Accepts move out the dead and wounded. But we can also have a hearing One U.S. F100 Super Sabre was on the county library issue, too. •hot down. Rescuers found the That involves many thousands pilot's parachute but intense more people and hundreds of Seen as Fitting Into Plans enemy fire prevented further Director's Resignation housands of dollars, and needs public airing. m search for the pilot. LONG BRANCH-A new bridge favorably, it was learned, but I to write to a number of federal A U.S. Marine tank position ASBURY PARK - The executive com- TO CALL BOARD "I was a gentleman two months to Monmouth Beach at Long they wanted to see more details and state agencies for informa- was hit by about 20 rounds of mittee of Mohmouth Community Action Pro- Freeholder Director Joseph C. Irwin, ago and agreed not to press for Branch Ave. would fit in well concerning future plans. tion. mortar fire about a mile south gram, Inc., in closed session last night, ac- MCAP president, said he will call a special a public meeting on our change with the forthcoming master plan City James F. Roose- Of serious question at the of Da Nang Air Base today cepted "with regret" the resignation of Mrs. meeting of the full 54-member board of in library plans because the and would amply replace two velt, who was absent from the meeting, it was learned, was others asked me to, and gave as One American was killed and Joseph Schofel, Deal, who quit the $10,500 trustees on Monday, .Aug. 23, to approve the inadequate bridges at Patten and meeting, was directed to write how the ship and park would surance that everything would be four wounded, but no tanks were post as project director under heavy fire last executive committee's actions. Valentine Aves., City Council was to Charleston, S. C, and Galves- fit in with the general neighbor- reported damaged. explained and action would be told last night. ton, Texas, where similar plans hood renewal program. Two week. "We feel Mr, Taylor is in a. position to The Viet Cong mortars opened taken. have been completed, to obtain steps of five already have been The committee passed over the second-' carry on without criticism," Mr. Irwin said At a special closed session with up from the nearby village of Nothing Happened additional Information. completed in the program, and in-command, Rodney E. Mott, Long Branch, in announcing the appointment. the Planning Board, council was Cam Me, which the Marines had "But nothing very much has Specifically requested were sources indicated that Charles MCAP planning co-ordinator and named Jo- Mr. Taylor will hire someone to fill in advised by the board and its partly burned out after they happened, so there is still need cost analyses of installing the E. Polk, Planning Board chair- seph E. Taylor, Neptune, the organization's as administrative assistant during his interim planning consultant that by elimi- received sniper fire from the for the meeting to let the public ship and figures of revenue gen- man, questioned whether the administrative assistant, acting project di- appointment, Mr, Irwin said. nating the bridge at Patten Ave. village. know why we need two libraries and building one at Long Branch erated by the ship as a tourist scheme would be contrary to the rector. Mr. Mott, ordered fired as of yesterday Other Marine elements in the instead of one, and why they Ave., more of Manahasset Creek attraction. He was also directed over-all program. Mr. Taylor will serve as the anti-poverty in a July 26 letter from Mrs. Schofel which area fired back with machine should be built where we plan could be opened for dredging. _agency^top_ administrator, with no hike in Jjgured^romjaenjlxinjhg..^ guns~nmr-«raiiery, aim UBI Hisf 56,375^allfyruntif a projecT^cwecror^is^"- her resignation, continues in his $10,125 post, j Cong fire stopped. Viet Cong named. Mr. Irwin said. On the Valentine St. bridge, area could be opened with low- k casualties, if any, were un- Moving swiftly to fill the top spot, the which links Long Branch and :r cost to the county in this way. ' known. executive committee — which includes eight Mr. Irwin sajd an executive committee Monmouth Beach over the They asserted that additional uarmetilf aeffiry review of Mrs. Schofel's complaints against or nine members depending on whether Dr. Shrewsbury River at Manahasset dredging of the creek is im- Mr. Mott, scheduled for last night, was Harrold Murray, secretary - treasurer insists Creek, Mr. Bedell said he cannot perative. pushed into the background by her resigna- Weeds Seen on the resignation he submitted yesterday- understand the GOP change of Both bodies met with repre- p tion. will .meet Monday at '8 o'clock to interview heart. sentatives of the Long Branch Destroyed by Fire applicants for the job. (See MCAP, Page 3) "It doesn't make sense," he Battleship New Jersey Commit- LONG BRANCH — Fire destroyed a garment factory early Polluting tee, which seeks to have the war- aid, "unless they are trying to today but a cabinet factory in the same building went virtually ship permanently grounded a few undamaged. hundred yards off the Cooper For icy Pond Flames ravaged the Waldman Manufacturing Co., Inc. Ave. beach. plant at 23 Emmons St., but missed the Acorn Wood Products MIDDLETOWN - Sanitarian The committee wants the ship factory in the same building. The Waldman firm is In the top John W. Greenham last night Wants Union Beach Probe Report placed there, when it is decom- •aid he will flush dye through missioned, to serve as a tourist top floor of the two-story concrete and steel structure. The a Poricy La. home that he cabinet factory is on the ground floor. a verbal report, Mr. Heckelmann attraction and focal point for a suspects is dumping sewage into UNION BEACH — Two ques- his budget requests for $500 sal- ter last Thursday that he would The fire was reported at 12:04 a.m. declined to reveal what he had recreational park as well as a foricy Brook Pond. ions remain unanswered here: ary increases this year and up-have a discussion on the investi- Fire Chief Robert Volmer said an investigation into the been told. He emphasized only barrier against beach erosion. Mr. Greenham would not' dis- —What did the county prose- dated equipment had been gation with Mr. Heckelmann Fri- cause of the blaze would be launched today. He deferred es- that the investigation was not of close which of the approximately cutor's office investigate? slashed. He praised the efforts day, preparatory to council dis- Both the Planning Board and timating damage. —What did the probe uncover? the police department. of the men on the force and com- 50 Poricy La. residences he cussion last night. City Council viewed the proposal No jnjuries were reported, as some 65 firemen and 11 Councilman Frederick Heckel- plained that the publicity had suspects. Ronald Harpootlian, co-owner Officers Named pieces of equipment from all nine city fire companies battled mann, police committee chair- of Flair Manufacturing Co., 601been "a low blow from local [i However, he said the suspected In related action Mr. Heckel- the blaze under skies heavy with rain. man, failed to provide the Union Ave., reported last night businessmen." effluent bears only a very small mann recalled that most six- The fire was under control in about 45 minutes, the chief answers last night. that he had not been contacted part of the blame for the lake's On his conversation with the month appointments of special reported. Leveling sharp criticism at le- by county detectives since the Index pollution. prosecutor's office, the council- police officers had expired and Chief Volmer said the flames were confined to the southeast al businessmen who instituted conclusion of the investigation Bullrushes are the main vil- man had this to say: moved for reappointment of 16 Page corner of the second floor. Quantities of cloth and other ma- ^ lain, according to Mr. Greenham. :he probe and at others who com- last week. "Mr. Harpootlian's request was officers with terms to expire Allen-Scott « teria) were scattered in that section, he said. He said the rushes snare bits of plained of vandalism, theft and Mr. Harpootlian filed informa- accepted as a search for informa- Dec. 31. Amusements IS The building is owned by Joseph Rassas, 686 Morford Ave. vegetation which rot as they assault within the borough, Mr. tion with the prosecutor's office tion. The county prosecutor These were approved as were Births 1 Abraham H. Waldman, 235 Albert PI., is president of the stagnate. Heckelmann charged that "ac- July 15, leading to the inquiry. searched for information. I re- the appointments of two addition- Bridge 10 garment firm. Lester Schelesinger, Allenhurst, is owner of If the dye test confirms the usations were blown all out of He told The Register he will seek quested a report and was in- al special officers. John Chamberlain t the cabinet factory. suspected home does drain into iroportion" by some news arti- information on the results from formed that the prosecutor's of- Named to the post last night Classified IS & 17 Mr. Waldman said his firm was under contract to the fed- the lake, Mr. Greenham said the :les. Vincent P. Keuper, county prose- fice did not investigate trje local were John G. Dayback, 35, of Comics 17 eral government to provide military caps for all branches of homeowner will be given 10 days Noting that newspapers through- cutor, today. police department." 18 Haug St., and Harold W. Pha- Crossword PuaW 18 the service. These were the only items being manufactured to disconnect the illegal hookup. out the state had carried cover- There were no comments last Chief Gawlor told The Regis- len, 35, of 416 Lorillard Ave. Editorials there. Ask Advice i ge of the reported vandalism, night from other administra- Events of Years Ago The plant employed 35 persons, he said. The firm had Mr. Greenham recommended Reappointed were John Gar- the councilman did not state tion officials. Mr. Heckelmann's Manager Operator Wanted HerNodc been located in the building 11 years, he added. asking Rutgers University ex- ney, William Clohessy, Robert which articles were . allegedly lengthy criticism of businessmen Leon's Beauty Salon, 105 Mon- Movie Timetable II Inside the factory, scores of caps lay limp on charred perts if there is a selective chemi- Erven, Robert Fraier, Joseph blown out of proportion. and the press was accepted mouth St., Red Bank. 741-6150.- Obituaries benches and in pools of water on the floor. Damage was don* fi cal that would kill the rushes Jazikoff, William Kolokziej, John Verbal Report quietly. Adv. Sylvia Porter _„ to the some 130 pieces of equipment in the shop. Large presses but not hurt wildlife. Lambrecht and Albert Niola. Disclosing that he had asked Budget Cut Sport* 14, 15 Currently the balance of nature Also LeRoy Purdy, Jr., Joseph and sewing machines were overturned, and a portion of an air- or a report on the investigation Swedish Massage b not keeping the lake clean, The councilman, conceding that Scalone, Alfred Wilson, William Stock Market - 4 conditioner in the false ceiling had crashed to the flow. from Monmouth County Chief of the department is undermanned, according to the sanitarian. Fish Reducing Equipment Young, Mrs. Ruth Durko, Mrs. Successful Investing ..18 A smalt amount of damage, mostly by water, and smoke, Detectives John Gawlor and ac-underpai. d and lacking„ in ade- Call 741-8881 Florence McIIrterney, Mrs. Betty, Television It was done to a corner portion of the ground floor, an area used (See (POLLUTION, Page J) knowledging that he had received qujte equipment, contended that Adv, <, Scholer and Mrs. Jean Walker. Women's Newt „ _. > by thj garment firm for storage. ', Y 2—Tuesday, August 10, 1965 THE DAILY REGISTER N|w Jewey: Cloudy,; liumM, Democratic Club chine* of a few brief ihowers Reckless Driving Charge thli morning, gradually Meaning fair and lesi: humid during this Tabledin UnionBeach afternoon. Warm today with high Is Weighed In Raritan crat, Councilman Bernard J, In the mid to upper 80«, Fair, 0NTON BEACH - Councilman Crane. Mr. Cassidy, »tepped in RARITAN TOWNSHIP-Magis- shoulder of the highway, < on-cooler arid more comfortable to- Paul J. Smith cast a decisive with a tabling motion and wag trate Harold Stern reserved deci- tinued ahead veering from thelniRht, lows ranging from low to "no vote" last night, permitting backed by Coundlrhen William Bion yesterday in the case of a shoulder over to the fast lane mid 80s south and coast to 50s Organization Democrats to ta- J. Langan and Arthur Lembo, youthful motorist charged with and back, passing other cars on elsewhere. Fair and pleasan- ble a second attempt to gain a reckless driving by the State Po-i the right and finally slamming In Wednesday with the high uppe; variance for Club Democrats. The issue can be reintroduced lice. I to the dividing concrete barrier. 70s to low 80s. Mr. Smith, seated on the gov- Aug. 23. Maybe I don't understand the Represented by Harold G MARINE erning body last year through Mr. Cassidy questioned wheth- psychology of teenagers," the Smith, Perth Amboy attorney, ' Cope May to Block Island: persistent efforts of Hie club fac- er any members of the zone board jurist said as, at least tempo- defendant countered that he hai Small craft warnings are dis- tion, could have deadlocked the had vested interest in voting for rarily, he denied a defense attor passed no cars on the right. HE played for possible gusty winds voting with a favoraMe ballot. the recommendation. He was as- ney's motion for dismissal basec testified that he had left the road in scattered ihundershwwers this Mayor Maurice W. Oakley-gave sured that none of the voting on reasonable doubt. way only once prior to the ace morning.' South to southwest every Indication of favoring' ap- members of the board are menu, Facing the charge was Bernan dent to pull into a restauran- winds- 10 to 12 knots today with proval rf the variance, sought bers of the club. Robert Deckei* Taylor, 180 Ocean Ave., Laurenct parking lot and continued bac, occasional gusts, shifting ti to establish a clubhouse for the he was told, had been a merB» Harbor. Trooper George Seitz onto the roadway when he saw northerly 15 to 20 knots thii Democratic Club. His tie*reak- !ber at one time but had paid no Keyport Barracks, armed wit that a friend he was seeking was evening, and running north to ing vote could have defeated the dues in nearly a year, thus the statements of a marriei not on the premises. northeast IS to 20 knot* but with tabling motion, paving the way lapsing his membership. higher gusts during Wednesday. for a vote on the tpprwing reso- couple as witnesses, made the Blowout Claimed 250 Votes charge after an accident on Rt, A few showersor thundershowers lution. He said that a blowout cauiec The Issue is seen as posing » 36, May 2. this morning or early afternoon, his steering wheel to lock and hi Councilman Philip J. Cassldy decided threat to Organization Witnesses for the state were clearing later today and tonight, pressed for further study of the car swerved from the right lane, and fair Wednesday. Visibility Democratic candidates In the No- Mr. and Mrs. Alann Popocchla, across the left lane and into the Board of Adjustment's certifica- vember election. Ranking club of* 17 Bayshore Manor, Keansburg, one to three miles into afternoon, FOR THE YOUNG — The Stainbach Company, Aibury Park, hai unveiled The Mustang tion that all concerned residents divider. ficial* contend they can swing They stated that the accused, lower in patchy fog or showers. had been notified of the club's Robert Olsen, Main St., Mala- Shop, a new boutiqu* ro "jetl tho merchandise young America i» calling for," accord- some 259 votes away tram ongajh with flashing signals on his car, Visibility improving to five miles ajiplloatlon. The board's recom- wan, a friend of the defendant, or more later this afternoon. ing to Michaal A. Slovak, S+»inbaoV« vice president and general manager. Tht ihop, ization candidates to either In- came from their rear at a high testified that he had followed the mendation to council specified rate of speed—while their own High during the past 24 hours, wiftt a gold and red period decor, take* up a large section of th» main floor onc» that notice had been furnished to dependents OP Republicans, Dem- Taylor car from Laurence Har- 84. Low, 69. Ooean temperature, ocratic council candidates tost car was doing 55 miles per hour- bor and was about two car occupied by the greeting card teoriofl, now upstair*. It will MJI doiHiing, acc«nori«j, the interested parties as required passed them on their right on the 70. by ordinance, Patrick 3. McGann, November just edged out the lengths behind him at all times. TIDES and o+hw items in demand from young men and womtn. Plant call for similar Muj+ang GOP. This; year, there are His testimony agreed with the Jr., borough attorney, said. Sandy Hook Shop* in the Red Bank and Brick Plaza i+or«. Mr. Slovak it ihown, foreground, with- Conditions Met Independents on the ballot a ._ defendant's. TODAY - High 7:41 p.m. and both are recogrtiied as Demo- Mrss Mary Leu Thompson of Avon, a membe-r of the Muitang Pans/. In r«ar «r« Mi*i The recommendation was con- Magistrate Stern remarked, In low 1:27 p.m. crats. ditional, upon the club providing reserving decision, that he want- TOMORROW - High 8:05 a.m. Linda Grosser of Asbury Park, left, and Mij* Carolyn Bonney of Interlaken, panel mem- parking and renovation plans as Contacted late last week, or- ed to give thought to a few as and 8:20 p.m. and low 2:09 bers, with Charles J. Wefbar, Stetnbach'* m«n'« department buyer. Musical talent from well as proof of Intent to pur- ganization mayoralty candidat* pects of the testimony, He ex- and 2:13 p.m. Steinbach's "Discovery" radio program'will perform at tho these rtorai from 2 to, 3 chase. These conditions were met Alfred C. Hermessy, Jr., now GEORGE W. BUCKELEW pressed bewilderment over why For Red Bank and Rumson the two cars, with no previous p.m. each day thit week and tomorrow and Friday from 7 to 8 p.m. last night, Mr. McGann advised. borough clerk, reported »«t h» MANASQUAN — George W bridge, add two hours; Sea was maintaining a "hands off Euckelew, 69, of 1)8 LakPwood agreement to do so, would pul Bright, deduct 10 minutes; Long Councilman Frederick Heckell- into the restaurant parking lot mann moved for approval, gain- policy In the current hassle be- Ed. died Sunday at home. He was Branch, deduct 15 minutes; High- tween nhe two factions. the father of Mrs. Judith A. Hunt and then continue on without lands bridge, add 40 minutes. Survivor Tells of Terror ing a second from a club Demo- of Colts Neck. stopping. Both youths denied al- Born here, Mr. Buckelew had so that the Taylor car was lived in the shore area all his equipped with any type of flash- Health Officer In High Seas Murders ECOM Made Record !ife. He was a real estate broker ing equipment. 40 years, and developed Cherry KEY WEST, Fla. (AP) — A three shots into his sleeping body, MONMOUTH MEDICAL Quay Cove in Brick Township. To Resign rosy-cheeked young seaman Burywaise continued. Long Branch Besides his daughter, Mr. Arrest Two rested today for the first time "I ran up the stairs to let the Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Luscz, Small Business Pacts Buckelew is survived by his wife, since three of his fellow crew- captain know," he said. He found 19 Poplar St., Keansburg, daugh FORT MONMOUTH — Pur- Top-dollar award to a small busi- Mrs. Adelaide Murray Buckelew; In Raritan men were shot to death in their the captain dead, lying cross- ter, yesterday. chases for supplies, lervices, and ness firm was for Countermea- two other daughters, Mrs. Gail In Beating RARiTAN TOWNSHIP -Town- sleep and his captain apparently ways the bridge. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Foshay research and development made sures Set AN/VLQ-1 to America^ M. Graham of Wilmington, Del., stiip Health Officer Dr. Marc murdered on the bridge and Burywaise said he bolted aft 317 Bath Ave., Long Branch by the U.S. Army Electronics Electronic Laboratories, Cotmar,(Jf and Miss Doras Buckelew of Mi- .rohn said last night he will sub- thrown overboard. and ripped open the hatoh to the daughter, yesterday. Command (ECOM) here, during Pa. With spare psrte and techni- ami; a sister, Mrs. Gladys Capo- Of Youths mit his resignation to the Board "I'm lucky to be alive," said cramped chain locker, a dark Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pine, 285 fiscal year 1965 made record cal data and literature, the con- bianco of Belmar, and a grand- SEA BRIGHT - Two youths of Health if requested. 17-year-old Elvin Burywaise, a damp hole too small to stand in Bay Ave,, Highlands, daughter, contributions to the small busi tract was worth $4,140,000. Sev- son. have been arrested, and a war- Mayor Marvin Olinsky, board short, slight Honduran who spent He said he cllmlbed inside yesterday. ness and labor surplus commu- eral contracts In excess of fI Services will be tomorrow at 11 rant issued for the arrest of a president, said the request will 18 hours hidden in a chain locker snapped the hatch shut and sai FITKIN nity of the U.S. million were also won by small a.m. at the Robert C. Neary third in the beating of two other be made. intil he was rescued from the on the anohor cahin. Neptune The ECOM contracts to small firms. Funeral Home, 39 South St. youths on Ocean Ave., here, Fri- At last week's board meeting, iflWoot freighter, Seven Seas. He said he did not hear the Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bunke business and labor surplus area All ECOM purchasing offices Burial will be in Greenwood day night. the board asked Township At- An armada of ships and planes shots that killed two more crew- 17 Kiawa Ave., Freehold, daugh- industries located throughout the are staffed with Small Business Cemetery, Brielle. Magistrate John P. Weir said torney Philip J. Blanda, Jr., to searched for the man Burywaise men—one found face' up in his ter, yesterday. country totaled $227.4 millions, or and Labor Surplus Advisors who oseph Van Houton, 19, of 22 determine whether the health of- said was the killer—a Cuban ref- ibuirk and the other found on the 36.7 cents out of every dollar are available to counsel and as- ALVORD B. PALMER Dartmouth Dr., Haslet, has been icer's services could be termi- ugee who talked longingly oft* his deck where he had been sleep- which the command awarded to sist small business and labor sur- FREEHOLD - Alvord B. Pal- charged with assault and bat- nated under Civil Service. His ife and three daughters still on ing. profit organizations. According plus area concerns wishing to do $500 post here is part-time. 1 Woman, mer, 80, for many years com- tery, malicious mischief and aid Fidel Castro's island. Their identities were not es to Gene Sarll, chief of ECOM's business with USAECOM. In ad- posing room foreman for the ing and abetting an atrocious as- Dr. Krdhn recently accepted a They were looking for a green tablished. Small Business Office, small busi- dition, these advisors recommend Freehold Transcript, died Sunday sault. $12,009 full-time position as Mid- and white skitl, apparently low- 24 Men ness firms received $107.4 mil- to contracting officers those pro- posed purchases which they feel at his home, 10 Club PI. The magistrate said James dUtown health officer. He has ered from the Seven Seas late lions, or 17.4 cents out of every should be reserved for the small A Mr. Palmer was a former fire .intott, 18, of 23 Lakewood Ave., been unable to attend Raritan Saturday night after the murder dollar awarded to profit organiza- Pollution Join Navy business and labor surplus com- j chief and tax assessor and a for- Keansburg, has been charged Board of Health meetings. spree. Two other crewmen from tions, while labor surplus area {Continued) firms received $119.8 millions, or munity. If the contracting offi- mer member of Goodwill Hook with atrocious assault and bat- "Because the health officer's the converted schooner, so far RED BANK - The U.S. Navy are dying and the decayed vege- 19.3 cents out of every dollar cer agrees, those proposed pur- and Ladder Company. He had tery. full-time duties in Middletown re- unaccounted for, may also be Recruiting Station, 19 Monmouth tation attracts flies. similarly awarded. chases are then reserved only for resigned last year as secretary The youths have been released quire most of his time, we will aboard the skiff. St., has announced the enlistment Dr. Marc Krohn, township the latter concerns. These reser- and treasurer of the Exempt in $1,000 bail each for a hearing sk for his resignation," said the During that two hours Satur- of 24 men and one woman from In making the record awards to health officer, and Mr. Green- vations are popularly called 'set- Firemen's Association, and was a Aug. 19, the magistrate said. mayor. day, the Seven Seas, which set this area. small business firms, the Elec- . life member of the state associa- Mr. Olinsky reported that the ham agreed on recommending asides'. Once made, award* can Magistrate Weir said he has out frqm Miami for a Tampa tronics Command substantially tion. post here will continue to be part this temporary measure: The WAVE enlistee, Miss Kath- only go to qualified small busi- issued a warrant for the arres dry dock, sailed due south toward exceeded the Department of time, at least during the bal- Raise the level of the lake by leen Margaret Rovegno, daughter ness and/or labor surplus firms. He was a member of the First of a 18-year-old Middletown youth Ctfba. Army's small business dollar-goal Baptist Church of Freehold and ance at 1,965. two feet, by regulating water of Mr. and Mrs. James Rovegno, Through its Small Business and on changes of atrocious -assault A team 'of federal agents and 1 assigned to the command by belonged to t h e Olive Branch flow through two cisterns, to Bingham Ave., Rumson, is train Labor Surplus Programs, the and battery in connection with Coost Guard officials searched some 28.5 millions, as well as the Lodge, F&AM, here. He was also drown the rushes. This would ing at Recruit Training Command Army Electronics Command has the incident. the weattierbearen freighter for small business dollar percentage a member of the Shade Tree be effective for one season only, (Women), Bainbridge, Md. goai by 2.4 per cent. not only complied with Congres- 3 Juveniles clue as to whether the murders Commission. Van Houton was identified according to Mr. Greenham, Upon completion of 10 weeks One significant fact noted sional intent that small business were the act of a crewman gone Born in Upper Freehold Town- through the registration number since the weeds would grow back basic training, she will return throughout the fiscal year just and labor surplus concerns re- 'berserk or an organized plot to ship, a son of the late Mr. and of. the car he was driving when Arrested next spring. home for two weeks' leave prior closed, Mr. 'Sarli said, was the ceive a fair share of the total Mrs. Louis Palmer, he had lived the incident, occurred, police said. SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP seize command and sail to Cuba. Adolph J. Vtargus, 154 Poricy to her next assignment. ability of small concerns to suc- contract made by the Govern- The three are accused of as- Burywaise, boyishly handsome, La., told.the Board of Health The 24 men are tramlng at the ment, but also has materially A here -85 years, - ; cessfully compete for high-dollar Mr. Palmer is survived by his day night by Police Capt. Day- said~there--had • been-no-htnt-of Iasf*"night tfiaf"ffie'lakT"fTas Naval- Recruit Center, Great procurements. A number of contributed to Preiident John- %' widow, Mrs. Olive Cottrell Pal- East River Rd:, Rumson, and ton Wilson and Patrolman Jerry mutiny. There had been no .argu- smelled bad for "about a year," Lakes, Hi,, where they will under- awards in excess of $500,000 son's "war" on economically dll- mer; & daughter, Mrs. Richard ames Thompson, 18, of Hubbard Subnitsky, have been released In ment, no drinking, no cam- but got much worse after heavy go seven weeks of basic training. sparked the record achievement. tressed areas. P. Taft of Summit; a son, Wil- Ave., River Plaza. ustody of their parents pending plaints about the captain, he said, rain July 1$ Enlistees are Eugene Abbate, liam S. Palmer of Long Branch; The Gifford youth told The iction by juvenile authorities. Burywtise said he was leaving In other action, the Health son of Mr. and Mrs. Generoso a brother, L. Barton Palmer, tegister yesterday that a third After the dispatcher at the Ea- he bunkroom about 10:19 Sat- Board approved a $225 outlay to Abbate, Buttonwood PI.; Ronald Malaysia. Singapore Seen here; two sisters, Mrs. James B. outh in his party, Gary Car- ontown Fire Department, which urday night, going on deck be- repair a fogger, as requested by Frederick Davis, son of Charles Hulse of Ocean Grove and Mrs. mody, 18, son of Police Sgt. John ;erves this township, received a cause it was too hot to sleep. Francis Grimes of the Mosquito Davis, Mountain Ave.; Francis Katherine P. Wakeley of Howell Carmody, fought off the attack- alse alarm at about 9: IS p.m., "When I was walking out of Commission. Edward Dowd, son of Mr. and Ready to Work in Harmony Township; five grandchildren, rs and carried him to safety :apt. Wilson ssid, a 16-year-old the room this follow Roberto Atig. 26 the board will discuss Mrs. Frank Dowd, Parkview Dr., and seven great-grandchildren, fter he had been beaten. local youth, found drunk by po- (Ramirez) was coming out dt the with the Township Committee and George Stewart Taylor, son KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia between the two governments, of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor, Services will be tomorrow at 11 Young Brent was treated at ke, admitted calling in the citchen," said Burywaise. purchase of the Shorecrest sewer (AP) — Malaysia and Singapore particularly in trade. Lafayette Dr., all Hazlet. a.m. from the C. H. T. Clayton & Monmouth Medical Center, Long ilarm. • - , .- • "He was walking very fast," plant.- • appeared ready today to work in Lee's deputy premier; Toh Son Funeral Home, Adelphla, Branch, for scalp and shoulder Three engines and an. ambu- Burywaise said. Also, Richard James Albe, son 'harmony if they, can reconcile Chin, declared that the cause- with Rev. Andrew Anderson of- cuts. The Thompson youth was lance answered the false alarm. Without a word, Ramirez Vanilla beans should not be of Robert Albe,*lg fire at No. 17," the firemen mate Aldrick Hones and fired cooked in a chocolate mixture. Mrs. Gloria Thomson,. Liberty f Indonesian aggression. be open to Malaysians." leased Sunday. oiind no blaze. PI., both West Keiinsburg; Owen Statements issued by leaders At the tame time Lee said he MRS. LOUIS LA PORTA Lat?r Saturday night, > 17- Ernest Bostrom, son of Mr. and J the two governments follow- hoped for diplomatic relations Mrs. Ernest Bostrom, Parkview and trade with Indonesia. BRICK TOWNSHIP - Mrs. 'ear-old youth from New Shrews- ing Singapore's sudden withdraw- Terr., Lincroft, and Harry Kelly Rose LaPorta, 80, died Sunday at liiry wa« arrested on Barker Ave al from the federation stressed "We can't allow that to hap- Keyport OK's Brown, 3d, son of Mr. and Mrs. her home, 116 Truman Dr., after for possession of beer in his car, the theme of coexistence and co- pen," said Rahman. "We would Harry Kelly Brown, Jr., Thayer • short illness. She was the Capt. Wilson said. At the same operation. take action." Dr., New Shrewsbury. mother of John La Porta of Mid- $16,000 Sum time another juvenile, this one "We row separate on terms of Indonesia was one of Singa- dletown. from Eatontown, who had appar- Richard Everett Burger, son of friendship," said Malaysian pore's chief trading partners un- ently been drinking, approached Born in Italy, Mrs. LaPorta Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Burger, Sny- Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rah til President Sukarno launched the car and was also apprehend- bad lived in Hoboken SO years, For Bulkhead der Ave.; Joseph William Rey- man. He underscored points ii his military campaign to crush ed. The third boy is charged moving here 11 years ago. She KEYPORT — Borough Council nolds, son of Mrs. Regina Detri- the separation agreement calling Malaysia. wltjf .beitjg a disorderly person, was a communicant of St. Domi adopted an ordinance last night zio, Shore Ave.; Jo Jin Irving for joint action in major econom- resisting \.arrest and interfering nic's Catholic Church here. appropriating $16,000 for construe- Swartz, son of Mr. and Mrs. ic and defense matters. ppp with an arrest. James Swartz, Jr., Morningside Besides her son, she is survived ioi n of new bulkhead at the Singapore's Premier Lee Kuan Democratic St. Ave., and Frederick Gordon Yew accused Rahman of forcing Zausch, son of Mr. and Mrs. ta; two other sons, Ernest La- JRgjepts the break, but he too stressed Frederick Zausch, Beaconlight Porta of Mount Holly and An- been set at $40,000. the need for working relations Women Set thony LaPorta of North Bergen; The state Department of Con- State Request four daughters, Mrs. Mae Sut- servation and Economic Develop- John Wilson Cox, son of Damon cliffe, Mrs. Margaret Giordano ment has allocated $20,000 for the KEYPORT — Borough Coun- Cox. Mlddletown-Lincroft Rd., State Parley and Mrs. Mary Migilaro of this work and bhe county $4,000. cil last night rejected a suggest- Middletown; Dale Russell Craven, Howard to Be TRENTON - Plans ware com- ion by the state Division of son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cra- place and Mrs. Angelina Barto- Plans call for replacing 240 feet pleted yesterday for fte Atlantic of bulkhead which has rotted Alcoholic Beverage Control that ven, Washington St.; Michael Jonucci of North Bergen; two Toastmaster City convention to be held by sisters, Mrs. Margaret Caruso of away. The bulkhead was installed it amend its liquor code to ex- George Kurdyla, son of Mr. and North Bergen and Mrs. Frances back in 1950. clude clubs, hotels and restau- Mrs. John Kurdyla, Edgeview the women's division of the Demo- Inaccone of North Vale; 11 Council expects to receive bids rants from the new 2 a.m. closing Rd.; Richard Anthony Matovcik, At Demo Fete cratic state committee. hour. FIELD DAY PLANNERS — Long Branch firemen will son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony grandchildren, and five great- for the work in several weeks TRENTON - Rep. James J. Matovcik, 65 W. Prospect Ave., The one-day meeting will be grandchildren. and complete the project before Council has reduced the closing compete in a field day Sunday. Checking plant for the held Sept. 25 at the Dennis hotel; hour for taverns from 3 a.m. to and Joseph Thomas Stryker, ton Howard (D-3d Dist., NJ) will act A Requiem Mass will be offered winter. Mre. Alice M. Dolan, vice chair- 2 a.m. •four-event program are, left to right, George Sico, Byron of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stryker, as toastmaster when the Demo- at 10 a.m. tomorrow in St. Domi- man of the Democratic state com- Anderson, chairman, and Sam Julisno. The program will CWngoroa Ave,, all Keyport, cratic state committee holds its nic's Church. Burial, directed by The state agency in a letter to mittee, and Mrs. Thelmj P. Sharp, the Van Hise & Callagan Funer'a Hurt in Crash the governing body.approved the be it a gad on the oceanfrc-nt, near the stadium grounds. Russell John Duckworth, «on $75 per person election year gala national commltteewoman, are co- Home, Rt. 70, will be in St reduction but suggested the of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duck- Aug. 26. ordinating the convention schedule Catharine's Cemetery, Sea Girti On Old Deal Rd. amendment covering clubs, hotels worth, Arnold Aye., Oceanport; and the 21 state commltteewomen and restaurants. Donald Paul Godshall, mn of The political outing will be held EATONTOWN - A 19-year- at the National Guard drill are serving as an executive coun- JOHN EVANS Council however, indicated that Long Branch Firemen Mr. and Mrs. Donald Godshall, cil for the affair. old Hopatcong youth was ad- McClellan St., and Anthony grounds in Sea Girt. The affair WEST,,LONG BRANCH - John it could see no reason to make mitted to Monmouth Medical Cen- Tomaine, son of Mr, and Mrs. will officially kick off Gov. Rich- A workshop and seminar will Evans, 95, of 10 Norwood Ct. any exceptions to the new law ter, Long Branch, with dead in- and ordered the letter filed. Peter Tomalne, Cherry St., both ard J. Hughes' campaign for re- open the convention after a cof- died Sunday in Allenwood Hospi- Slate Contests Sunday election although he has been juries received in a one-car ac- Long Branch; John Jarlus, son fee party. A "school for Demo. tal, Wall Township, cident on Old Deal Rd., here, PLANTING WHISKY BARRELS LONG BRANCH — City fire- sociation of the Long Branch of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jarlus, making speeches around the state crats" will be Initiated at the Born in Ireland, Mr. Evans Sunday night. LOUISVILLE (AP) - A dis- men will compete In an inter- Fire Department, a 600-man vol- Port Monmouth Rd., Port Mon- for the past 10 months. meeting. had lived in Jersey City before Police said the youth, Wayne tillery has launched a do-it-your- company field day Sunday. unteer association, winners will mouth; Harold Rudolph Peas*, "Monmouth County is delighted A luncheon will honor Mrs. moving here 30 years ago. He self project in raising wihisky E. Westee, of Reynard Rd., Ho- Beginning at 1 a.m., the four- be presented with trophies, Fire son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold to welcome citizens from all over Richard J. Hughes, wife of the was the husband of the late patcong, was the driver of a car barrels. Chief Robert Volmer, association Pease, Atlantic Ave., Matawan, New Jersey to this gala and we governor. In.the evening, a ban- Kathryn Murray Evans. :vent program will be staged on which veered off the road and The distillery set out 13,000 ;he oceanfront near the stadium president, said. and Richard John Tencnte, son guarantee all who come a good quet will be tendered Hughes and Mr. Evans was a communicant crashed into the woods about 150 hardwood seedlings In Kentucky, of Mr. and Mrs. William Tencate, time at our famous seashore," all Democratic Senate and As- of St. Jerome's Catholic Church. rounds. Mr. Anderson said Interest feet east of Wall St. many of them white oak, In about among all nine companies is high, Appleton Ave., Leonardo. Howard remarked. sembly candidates. Surviving are two sons, John Young Westee was unconscious 50 years, these will b« mature Byron Anderson of the Branch- Evans of Snyder, N. Y. and port Hose Co., chairman, said the with many firemen practicing for The congressman also stated when taken to the hospital by enough to turn out the barrels the four events. "We hope to DELAY NEGOTIATIONS that "when Gov. Hughes is re- James Evans of East Orange; the Eatontown First Aid Squad, in which whisky is aged, competition will include ladder New Sewer two daughters, Mrs. Kathryn raising, hose laying, a boots, hat make the event an annual one," RARITAN TOWNSiHIP — Of- elected with a Democratic legis- police said. Police said George "If someone doesn't start plant- lature, New Jersey will enter a O'Hagan and Mrs. Mary English and coat race and a bucket bri- he declared. ficials of Bayshore Sewerage Co. H. Vanderhoof, 24, of East ing the-m now on a large scale, new era of progress and tervice Pump Ordered of this place, nine grandchildren, gade contest. Judges and timers will be fire last night requested a threc^week Orange, a passenger, told them there will not be enough to sup- officials from West Long Branch, delay in negotiations for sale of to the people." and four great-grandchildren. Plans for the field day, the SEA BRIGHT - Borougfi Coun- Westee had been blinded by the ply commercial demands in the Oceanport, Monmouth Beach, the utility. A Requiem Mass will be of- irst in more than 10 years, were A star-studded show will fea- cil last night authorized the pur- >right lights of an oncoming car. years ahead," said Ralph Dupps, Deal and Oakhurst. The Township Committee, fered tomorrow at 9 a.m. In St, wmpleted by Mr. Anderson and ture the picnic on the sprawling chase of > new pump for. tha Vanderhoof was treated at the an executive of Ihe distillery. Each event will require a four- meeting in executive session, Jerome's Church. Burial, directed Sam Juliano of the Elberon En- camp grounds where Presidents borough sewer plant at a cost of hospital for minor injuries and The compuny has started or man leant. :ranled the delay. by the Buckley Funeral Home, gine Co. and George Sico of the once watched rfresn parades. $789. eleased. plans similar programs in Ten Admission Is free, Mr. Ander- The committee plans to con- Asbury Park, will be in Holy Phil Daly Hose Co. The f«mou» "Little White Counctlwoman Cedle Norton re- Patrolman James Sargent is nessee, Louisiana, Illinois and son said, solicitations will demn the company if no sals Name Cemetery, Jersey City. House" on the .grounds will also ported the pump had a cracktd investigating. Arkansas. Sanctioned by the Officers As- be made. agreement is readied. be open" for Inspection. casing and must be replaced. • I I Township Planners Poaching THE DAILY BSGiSTER Tuwday, August 10, 1965—3 (Continued) late development Talk operating out of Belford, the as- Political Signboards sociation president commented: OCEAN TOWNSHIP — Town- gineer, objected to ditch'gutter "This thing shoukt be resolved ihip Planning Board last night drainage plans offered by the de- through legislation, not force Plan Given No Favor"* tet a special Aug. 23 prelimi- velopers. He insisted a catch ba- The association cannot back «n nary hearing for request by sin drainage system be worked illegal practice." UNION BEACH - It appears mary, and general elections. The Standish Corp., Bangs Ave., As- out according to practice of the At the same time, Mr. Nelson likely that political billboard-type signs, he proposed, would have bury Park, to build 46 houses past two years. said his group will continue to signs will remain outlawed here. to be removed within 48 hours on a 28.38-acre tract off Bowne This proposed development seek legislation to have the state Club Democratic Councilman after election day. »nd Green Grove roads. would be on part of the trao set aside a specific area where Bernard J. Crane, seeking re- Councilman Philip I. Cissidy William Poznak, township en which formerly was Turner nurs drag netting will be permitted. election this November as an In- protested vehemently. ery. 19S9 Request dependent candidate, suggested "Political signs prostitute our Objecting to the plans were "Capt. Newman Mathls, head last night that Borough Council toning ordinance," he charged. School several neighbors wanting to of the coastal patrol, requested consider amending an existing "Even to consider them is a know why the development lots such legislation in 1959 but noth- ordin«nce to permit such signs complete violation of our buiid- (Continued) would have only 125-foot front- ing was ever done about it," for a six-week period before pri- ing code and zoning code." fine secretary said the key Is age while their properties were •Mr. Nelson stated, adding, "as It He remarked that the sugges- ipointment of a new superin- zoned for 150-foot frontages. is now, fishermen are being de- tion was being made only be- tendent of schools who may be- Councilman John Beekman said prived of a living." . MCAP cause Mr. Crane is a candidate come familiar with the school the division between zoning areas Mr. Nelson claimed that in 1959 [or council. Mr. Crane promptly system, draft an education pro- had to fall somewhere. state marine biologists did a re- (Continued) retorted that there are eight can> gram to present to the state com- Objectors wanted to know cost search survey showing that drag "We will come to that at a didates. missioner of education for approv of proposed homes. Irving Band- netting would not deplete the later date," he said. Declined Backing supply.of porgies. al, and work with architects on er, development realtor, said the Both Mr. Mott and Mr. Taylor Organization Democrats, vic- building details. The association official also de colonial homes would cost about expressed surprise at the latter's tors in the June primary, are op< The district superintendency $25,000 and up. dared that new state laws appointment. should be adopted requiring posed by a"full slate of Republi- has been vacant since June 30 Asks More Details Although Mr. Irwin told report- cans and by two Independent can- when Kenneth M. Frisbee re- charter boats in New Jersey and ers he had discussed the new setup The board advised Standish those in New York which work didates for council. Both Inde- signed to become a faculty mem with Mr. Mott before last night's pendents are recognzied as Dem- ber at the University of Maine. Corp. to revise its engineering (he Jersey shores to pay fees. detail to meet Mr. Poznak's ob- meeting, Mr. Mott said it waslocrats. Mr. Crane, offered Dem- At Mr. Witman's suggestion, the "This would finance the coastal jections and also apply to the patrol operation and eliminate news to him. He refusedfurther ncratic Club support in the prim- board authorized school auditor -.omment ary, declined, choosing to bypass Armour Hulsart to prepare basic Township's Sewer Authority the inequality between the char- since its approval would also be ter boats and the commercial Mr. Taylor said he hadn't an- the June contest and run inde- formation for a financial state- needed. fishermen, who now pay all the icipated the committee's action, jpendently in November. lent which also is required for rfo< fees," he stated. either. | Council, wjth little enthusiasm, approval by the state commis- Hearing at Marathon Land De- veloper's Newark, request to build Charter boat captain Otto Ruet LIBRARY BEGINNING — Groundbreaking ceremonies for the new Ocean Township "I am honored to be recognized i informally agreed to consider •ioner. by them," he said, "I will work . ' 24 homes and garden apartment* Highlands, on the other hand, library were held Sunday at Deal and Monmouth Rds,. Leaning on their shovels are, Mr Crane s proposal at a latcr The secretary said Mr. Hul- said the answer is to establish o make ours one of the best date. iart's final report must await on 35.03-acres bounded by Rt. 35, left to right, Morrit Acker, president of the public library association, State Senator programs in the country." W. Park Ave., Deal and Rollei hook and line salt water license Robert Griffin. Mi Poole Ave., completion of building plans and fees. Richard R. Stout, Mayor John J. Reilly and Murray Millar, vice president of the asso- The committee accepted Mrs. criticized council for its delays announcement by the achitects of roads was continued to the Aug Lines Cut Schofel''; resignation despite a In starting meetings. He pointed the probable building cost. 23 special meeting, too. ciation. Mr. Renzo charged that drag- move by Dr. George E. Steven- nut that after attending council 1,600-Pupll School Marathon had not properly no- son, Red Bank, to defer deci- netters have cut the trolling lines sessions for eight months he has tified property owners in the sion to the full 54-member As authorized, plans are to pro- of sports fishermen who got in yet to see one start on time, vide for a 1,600 pupil school in area, which is partly in the town- MCAP board, and a plea from their way and declared that "the .ast night's parley got rolling 25 Marlboro and a 300-pupil addi ship's industrial zone. 3-Way Pact On Water Chamber Gets 19 board members urging that netters are killing bottom life, J TVT TL 7 • minutes late, he noted. tion, plus an auditorium, at the Middlelbrook -at-Monmouth t be turned down. received an acceptable engineer- small porgies and fluke." Residents Leave year-old Southern Freehold Re- He said they drag the bottom, New Voice No Support ing report on its 25-house sub- The meeting was not opened gional High School in Howell at 18 to 20 feet, along beaches Set in Freehold Area Dr, Stevenson found no sup- division in its complex off Roller to the public for comments and Township. in the area and in the Romer port for his suggestion that Mrs. Road. The Planning Board gave FREEHOLD — Acting simul- ities and Brockway Glass Co., lo- questions until 11:15 when all The board has not decided Shoal and Flynn's Knoll. In Freehold Schofel be considered on leave preliminary approval subject to taneously last night, the Borough cated in the industrial zone of the but' Mr. Griffin and one other whether each building plan will Sports fishermen estimate that FREEHOLD — The Greater until the MCAP board considered approval by the Sewer Authority Council here and the Freehold township just off Rt. 33. resident had left the building. be offered to voters separately "pirates" make up to $200 or Freehold Chamber of Commerce the letter of resignation she sub- of drainage plans. Township Committee each intro- Under the terms of the 25-year, He suggested that council con- •r as a single package. $300 a day with the Illegal prac- has a new voice. mitted Thursday. Due to a corporate name duced two ordinances providing $145,000 installation contract pro- sider an earlier and prompt Mr. Rucci mad' It clear his tice. It Is the Mid-Monmouth Pan- As reported in yesterday's change and acceptable engineer- for a three-party water agree- vided for In the borough's ordi- starting time. This brought no imposition did not stem from any The skiffs will do about 40 miles ment between the two municipal orama magazine, the first issue Register, IP board members, as- ing changes, the Planning Board nance, it will supply the water approval. local considerations in Howell per hour, "a lot more than the of which was put in circulation serting that Mrs. Schofel had reapproved G and D Develop- for the glass company's fire pro- Township. two coastal patrol boats in the yesterday. Five thousand copies done the best Job possible un- Bids for a hydraulic end load- ment Corporation's nine-house tection under its present fran- of the 18-page slick-paper publi er and backiioe were held for He said — though he waited to area," said Dirk Van Nest, Lit- chise to service the* industrial der existing circumstances, •peak until after the vote on a subdivision on Whalepond Road tle Silver sports fisherman and Dr. Lewis cations will be distributed through sought to have her resignation study. A contract for the pur- next to Whalepond Gardens. G area of the township. chase will be awarded Monday, choice had been taken — that if past president of the Sunrise Rod out the chamber's 200 square- refused. Sidney Jaffe, president of the circles of equal size were drawn and D was Dario Construction and Gun Club, Red Bank. mile area. In a telegram to Mr. Irwin, Oakley announced. Freehold Water and Utility Co., •bout the two prospective sites Corp., owned by F. Davies. Because the patrol boats now Given Jibes Municipalities included in the they said that existing differ- Bids will be received that night has applied to the state Water it would be found that more chil Plan Approved operating in Sandy Hook are Greater Freehold area are Free- ences between the board and for material Io install drainage Policy Commission for a fran- dren live closer to Manalapan A minor subdivision of Eddoc, slow, George Aber, patrol game hold Borough and Township, Colts its project director "should be along Park Ave. Bids for road On Advice chise to service the industrial material will be accepted Mon- than to Marlboro. Inc. was approved to permit sale warden, went out Thursday in the Neck, EnglisJitoiwn, Farmingdale, resolved short of the acceptance FREEHOLD - Dr. Jacob Lew- zone of the .township. day, Sept. 13. He recalled that at a public of a house on one lot on Bowne "Evelina," a sports fishing boat Howell, Manalapan and Marlboro. of her resignation." A decision on Mr. Jaffe's ap- hearing on the site subject last owned by Robert Garlardi, New is, president of the Freehold Re- It is the same area of the Free- The telegram's signers in- Council, with some hesitancy Road, Wayside. plication has been promised for week a map had been posted Due to lack of further engi- Market. gional Board of Education, took hold Regional High School dis- cluded three members of the ex- on the part of Councilman Wil- the Commission's August 16 liam J. Langan, voted to accept with pins indicating the number neering data and Sewer Author- Net Cut some pointed ribbing without re- trict. ecutive committee, Louis Luna, meeting. He has contended that a freeholder proposal of a 35- of potential pupils in each area ity drainage approvals, hearings When Mr. Aber attempted to Highlight of the initial edition Dr. Stevenson and Dr. Murray, ply last night over his recent his company could provide the mile-iper-hour speed limit on Stone ML for the next two years. were continued to Sept. 13 for arrest a drag net captain, in is an announcement of the ap- and Bruce Robinson, Gene remark that "you'can't find nine water for Brockway Glass at a Rd. Mr. Langan, who resides at W Not Counted the $10 - million Greentree - at Romer Shoal, the captain cut his pointment of William Crabbe as (James) LoBiondo, William Rock, lower price than can the borough. |executiv e dire<.tor and manager 701 Stone Rd., said residents "But nobody counted the pins," Ocean, proposed by Atlantic Sea- net loose and fled, returning later men with brains enough to run Ivan Roper, Earline Bates, Rev. Notifying State along the artery would appreci- he said with an indication that board Home and Development with five more drag net boats this school system." I to succeed Robert Schulz, Jack Earl Jordan, Dr. Stanley Ravine, j to threaten the "Evelina," ac- Dr. Frederick Manasse, Florence ate a 25-mile pcr-'hour limit. The those advocating, the Marlboro Corp., and Jefferson Construction Asking that the president re- A' borough official said last son Township, who resigned after cording to Highlands Patrolman Peskoe, Rev. Joseph Gunning street, at present, is unposted and site had done away with the Company's 221-home Cold Indian quest the board's secretary night that the Water Policy Com- three years of service. Thomas Sutton. The Coast mission would be notified of the Philip Gumbs, Rabbi Philip residents have charged that cars counters. It developed, however, Springs Road development. Frank L. Witman to prepare a Mr. Crabbe comes to Freehold Guard was then called and the ordinances introduced. Goldman, Roy Graeber, Rev. speed along it, endangering the that he had not counted the pins Greentree's cluster development job description for the position ol from the New Brunswick — Rari- drag boats fled, police reported A copy of a letter to the glass Caleb Oates and Harriet Readc. lives of children. himself and was guessing at the will be on a 242-acre site. transportation co-ordinator, Irv- tan Valley.Chamber of Commerce probable numbers. Mr. Garlardi said on one boa' company from the Freehold Wa- where he was director of Alvin E, Gershen and Asso- ing J. Eggert, Colts Neck, said It also was signed by WUbert children covered registration ter and Utility Co. offering the membership services, He is 31 Russell, a former board member, John Tergis, from Marlboro, ciates Trenton, township planning "We need some one to think disagreed with Mr. Rucci's con- numbers with their arms and that service was made public at last unmarried, a native of Denver, who resigned when named di- consultants, were given a good about this position, sine* appar- Board Fixes clusions. As he has throughout, numbers on the other boats were night's township committee meet' Col., who attended the University rector of the Small Busines recommendation by Planning ently we can't Shink." he declared more students would not clear. So far, no arrests ing. of Missouri and is widely traveled Center, an MCAP-administered Board in response to a Wayne And, with dbvious reference to be closer to the Marlboro site were made. The borough's authorizing or- in Europe, Central and North agency. Pay Error Township inquiry about the com- Patrolman Sutton reported that Dr. Lewis' observation that "you even though many of them would pany. dinance calls for the construction America. Wires to Officials live in Manalapan. Saturday night four men came to can't find .nine men on the streets of a one-million gallon elevated The Mid-lMonmouth Panorama According to Mr. Robinsonn William J. Skelton, board sec- here to run a business like Gen- For Teacher "It's too bad," he told Mr. Highlands Basin in a maroon pick- water tank to be erected on mu is a feature of the chamber's similar telegrams were sent to retary, was acting chairman due up truck and dumped a five-gal- eral Motors," Mr. Eggert had LRucci, "that you didn't make nicipal property located on Or- current "65 in '65" campaign for Sargent Shriver, head of the FREEHOLD - The Freehold to the. absence of. Dr. Alex Mar: lon can of creosote onto the deck another remark.. Regional High School Board of "tyduf point in the public hearing chard St. In addition, an 18-inch new memberships. Irving G. Egg- federal Office of Economic Op- on, regular chairman. of the "Evelina." Witnesses got Asking that a night watchman Education agreed last.night, that or before the vote was taken main will connect the service to ert, first vice president, is mag- portunity; John Bullitt, director the truck's license number. A be engaged to supervise va- it had erred in fixing the salary tonight." the factory. azine chairman. Albert Neroni is of the state OEO; and Rep. seven-county police alarm is out. cant high school buildings, he of a new music teacher next se- Howard Woodward, from Ma- Freehold will guarantee a 500,- editor and publisher of the maga- James H. Howard, D-3rd Dist. New Registration mester at the Southern Regional nalapan, who had initially fa- Seeking State said: "Now that we're in Gen- 000 gallon reserve in the tank and ine. ~ N.J. School, Howell Township. vored building in that township, Highlands Police Chief Howard eral Motors' classification, I think the ability to deliver 3,000 gal Paid advertising sustains the Mr. Irwin said his inquiry In taid he switched because he was Monafian reported that because we can afford night watchmen." Ions per minute at a pressure of book and copies are distributed to the use of an MCAP car by As a result the salary of Wil- the license registration is a new fatisfied the new plan would pro- Aid for Study SO pounds per square inch. free of charge. Mrs. Schofel's 20-year-old son iflm Shoppell, Jr., will go up $400, vid» greater stability, one it will take the state Divi A trunk sewer line also will be will continue despite her depar- from $8,400 to $8,80Q. Addition Key sion of Motor Vehicles a day or constructed between the factory ture as soon as possible. Of Sewers two to trace it. 2 Hurt as Car, A secretary in the office of Dr. Key to it all, he said, would be and an existing borough line on Mr. Irwin said he anticipated John W. Gleason, the acting su- SEA BRIGHT — Councilwoman The damage to the "Evelina" Board Given the addition to the southern Park Ave. no difficulty in filling the proj- perintendent of schools, noted the Cecile Norton will apply for state has been estimated at $2,000. ichool. This would permit changes- Bus Collide Completion date for the project ect director's post, although the mistake a month ago and Dr. aid for a sewer feasibility study Mr. Van Nest triggered the in pupil assignments so that HAZLET — Two persons were is July 1, 1966, if the needed ap- $67,109 planning grant which Gleason asked the board to au- here. present activity with a letter 9,500 In more pupils closer to the exist- injured last night in a car-bus proval of the Water Policy Com- pays the salary expires in Octo- thorize a change. Mrs. Norton told Borough Coun- Sunday to Asemblyman Alfred v ing building in Freehold could cil that Otis Seaman, borough en- crash at Clark St. and the Gar- mission and the State Board of ber. MCAP is seeking a re- But the board decided to delay N. Beadleston asking for emer- den State Pakrway Spur. Health is obtained. Application Federal Aid newal of its federal contract, 1 go there and leave the balance to gineer would retain Manganaro, ;ency appropriation coastal funds action until its policy on salaries 1 Police said Dawn Aikin, 8, for the state's authorization will FREEHOLD — A $9,500 fed- he said. < be served by Marlboro. Martin and Lincoln, engineering and immediate action to stop — no one could find a copy at Lake Hiawatha, and her grand- be made after final approval of eral grant for purchase of educa- Mr. Irwin said the job would "If it was not for the addition consultants, to work with him on drag-netting. the moment — was researched. In the southern area," he said, mother, Mrs. Ida Kolle, of 18 the necessary ordinances. tion electronic equipment was ac- not be advertised "but we will the project. She said the study, He said yesterday he has Last night the change to a high- "I would have stayed in favor McClellan Dr., Middletown, were The ordinances introduced In cepted by the Freehold Regional let the vacancy be known to which could lead to sewering of earned that Mr. Beadleston is er bracket was put through with- ef Manalapan." treated at Riverview Hospital, both municipalities provide the High School Board of Education any number of people." the entire borough, would cost on vacation. He took his appeal out discussion. Red Bank, for minor injuries and township will pay $55,000 and the last night. Ignore Requirements From the audience, Donald about $6,500. to Mr. McGann who told The Mr. Shoppell was entitled to be released. glass company, $90,000 for the The money was sought for one Following the recommendations Nash, of Colts Neck, told Mr. The councilwoman said that Register later yesterday that he placed on the salary schedule at According to police, a Public installation. The company then of three new state and federal of Joseph N. Dempsey, MCAP Rucci that unless he drew his funds may be available under the will personally introduce legisla- a step equal to a master's de- will be billed for the water it assistance projects for which a attorney, the committee will circles with only a one-mile ra- state's Public Facilities Assist- tion in November "if a study of Service Co. bus operated by Rob- gree plus 30 extra credits. In- ses. former school superintendent, ignore i'equirements inpthe table dius, Marlboro would be more ance Act. She said the entire this situation shows it Is needed." ert J. Schwendel, Jackson, was stead he had been pegged one central than Manalapan under making a left turn off the park- Await Approval Kenneth M. Frisbee, had made of organization which narrows cost of the study may be financed "Right now," he said, "the step below. •ny circumstances. the state Department of way spur onto Clark St. when it Final approval in both munici- application before he left the sys- the choice to a county resident task at hand is to restore law tem June 30. The other applica- with experience in setting up And the way the Howell area Health. was struck in the rear by the palities could come on August Need Money? Sell those things and order." Mr. McGann is an tions still are pending. county-wide organizations, and Is developing, he predicted, it Council authorized Mrs. Norton attorney. 23. The borough will hold its you really don't need with a of the car v, public hearings at 7 p.m. on that To a question by Norman Ruc- will seek a person with ex< nay be that the Manalapan site to file the application for state Mr. Nelson noted that drag Daily Register Classified Ad. 1 date.,,.,. The...townshiD.^ ..wilLMa r ci, _QLHoweljjrownship, Dr. John perience in agencies similar to may never be used for a regional funds to conduct the^sUidu^^ •_ mngTis^DeeH~g6ingfofi~sTiicS JalLnow, ::; = watha. The Aikin car was going the public at 8 p.m. Both sets W. Gleasbri, the acting superin- =m 5tnerTusiness, the council 1945 but conceded that "lately It of ordinances could then be ap- tendent, said no matching local Mr. Dempsey has said the re- b "You may find that when you president, John S. Forsman, an- has gotten completely out of north on the spur. proved. funds are required. Neither, he quirements -were established /build a fourth school," he said, nounced the state Highway De- hand." At the same time, he Police issued Schwendel a care- said, is the educational program primarily by Mrs. Schofel "and "The best site will be somewhere partment will begin painting lines charged that "sports fishermen less driving summons and Aikin The water is needed by Brock- for use of dedicated federal mon- tailor-made for her." In lower Freehold Township, for parallel parking along Ocean are the greatest wasters of all" a ticket for not having his car way Glass mainly for fire pro- rather than in the Manalapan Ave. today. He said when the from the standpoint of depleting registration in his possession. tection. According to recent re- ey. The committee last night ex- •rea." program is completed, there will the waters of small fish. ports, the fire underwriters of the "This money is approved for pressed concern that the search glass firm have demanded im- use in our own program Intended or a project director would be Fourth Site be no angle parking permitted in "It's a proven fact that they Bank Holdup mediate expansion of its water for better opportunities for those :rippled by statements that the All board members are agreed the business section of the com- waste more than commercial facilities. in vocational areas who probably irganization's by-laws vested all that a fourth site will be needed munity. fishermen do," he declared. will not be seeking higher educa- uthority in the MCAP trustees. by 1969-71. After that, Mr. Eg- The state ruled against angle Mr. Van Nest disagreed. He Probe Continues The borough's ordinance ap- gert has said, new schools will parking since it has taken over proving the installation makes tion," Dr. Gleason said. Stripped of Power said, however, he will reconv (MARLBORO — An investiga- 1>e needed every two years as the clear this municipality's desire to At the catalytic July 26 meet- mend that the Motwnouth County tion continued here yesterday district continues to grow. expand its water service in the ing, the trustees adopted by- Federation of Sportsmens Clubs with little progress of a $19,700 Many months ago the board Developers Sue meet with state officials, associa- township for both residential and laws stripping Mrs. Schofel of holdup Friday at the Widkatunk industrial users. Bedell the power to hire and fire em- had set its sights on October for tion members and charter boat- Branch, of the Central Jersey The contracts provide that if (Continued) ployees without board approval. • referendum. For Plan Okay men in an attempt to work Bank and Trust Co., Rt. 79. "I don't think you can possibly and when the township wants to sent, Freeholder Marcus Daly At a meeting last week, the FREEHOLD — A suit to com- toward a solution for better con- No trace of the two disguised make it now," Mr. Whitman tib- establish its own. water service moved to rescind the motion to executive committee stayed pel the Marlboro Township Util- ditions for commercial fisher- gunmen has been picked up since •erved. for the factory, it can do so by take bids. He said he had been Mrs. Schofel from firing Mr. ities Authority to approve plans men. they drove off in a stolen car Sam Saunders, of Farmingdale, paying the cost of the borough's under the impression the action Mott, reversed her decision bar- for a water and sewerage plant after the robbery. Victims were •aid it was unfortunate that the investment, plus 10 per cent and had been fully explored with lo- ring incorporation of the Small was filed in Superior Court here the bank manager, John Doyle, say 1 board had delayed so long. up to (5,000 in legal fees. cal interests and had their ap- Business Development Center's yesterday fcy Oakwood Village, Guilt Denied and two tellers who were alone "We could have done this six If Brockway does not construct proval. board of directors, and took 11737 •Inc., of Rahway, and Harry Ret- in the small building when the months ago, or we could have an addition to its present plant Mr. Bedell said he is not com- nitial steps toward upsetting her sky of Hillside., president of the In Dope Cases gunmen entered. of your waited another three months," FREEHOLD — Three persons within the next five years, it has mitted against a new bridge in ruling that operation of neighbor- building corporation. State Police at Colts Neck who he said, "And it would have been {torn Asbury Park, indicted for agreed to refund the township's the future "If the need is dem- hood multi-service centers must NC IffllbSIQ yq Oakwood contends that the are investigating said one of the the same. It's top bad we waited sale and possession of narcotics $55,000 plus interest. onstrated," but believes that its remain within MCAP and not authority has refused to approve gunmen wore a woman's dress io long." after their arrest June 18, plead- dispensability was shown in the be entrusted to a committee of final plans, even though prelimi- and a wig, and the orner, a man's ed innocent yesterday before Mon- g act that it was out- of use three residents of the "poverty areas." No Minimum nary approval was obtained In -LEGAL NOTICE mouth County Judge Edward J. face mask. mask was later Fine Man months before even Mr. Dinkel- The actions were cited by Dec., 1963, from the former town- Ascher. recovered outside of the bank. spiel criticized it. both Mrs. Schofel and Dr. Mur- NOTICE TO BIDDERR ship Utilities Authority and the In Assault Case Sealed proposal! for student tram The three are L. V. Anderson, In the meantime he said, some ray in their resignations. pollution to school and athletic contest! Township Committee. MAY CLOSE EATERY officials at Monmouth Beach and will be received by Inn Board of Ed- 1112 Mattison Ave., and Donald FREEHOLD — Jerry Kidd, As reported in The Register ucation of the Township of Raj-ltwi, According to the suit, the pres and Florence Brown, 26 |£ De- fvlIDDLETOWN - Township Sweetman's La., Millstone Town- interests who favor development yesterday, Dr. Murray's resigna- 171DA Union Avenue at Middle Road, ent authority must approve be- Hazlfit, New Jersey on or before 2 witt Ave. All three are being Sanitary Inspector John W. Green, ship was fined $100 and was for greater boating activity in tion cited what he said was an P.M. August 1FUK.Y 1 fore plans may be considered by ham said last night he has issued placed on probation for two years the creek have spoken out in injustice by "some members of Specification* and bid forms rnny held in the Monmouth County tit, secured from the Secretary of the the Township Council Jail in lieu of bail. Trial dates an order that the Pancake House, yesterday by Monmouth County favor of the plan to leave the he board and others'' to Mrs. $>•: Board of Education at the addresa Andf says the suit' under new area unbridged. Schofel. He called for an "ob- fthown below. will be set in the fall. Rt. 35, must start work on cor- Judge Thomas J. Smith for atro- k Tht Board of Education reserves rules promulgated by the authori- recting septic tank conditions cious assault and battery. "If there Is to be a public hear- jective and unbiased review" of "tJie rl|bt to reject any and all bids. ty in June and November, 1964. GETS APPOINTMENT witiiin 10 days or the place will ing," Mr. Bedell said, "I hope he MCAP program. CHARLES 8. HOPLA, A jury convicted Kidd June 22 Secretary the builder will find it.impossible SEA BRIGHT - Walter Covert, be dosed. He said septic tank of knifing Guilliano Hernandez, these people and all tax conscious In the apparent hope that Dr. 171BA Union Av« at to gain approval. Joseph N. Fein- Jr. was appointed a special police waste is running onto the ground Hightstown, in a brawl outside of residents of the county will make Murray can be induced to AND mun oOMnmv Mlddla M. berg, Rahwty, represents Oak- officer by Borough Council last in back of the restaurant ami Millstone Township tavern themselves heard on this outra- change his mind, Ms resigna- U.M wood, night. polluting a ctreun. March 19. geous bit of politics," tion was not acted on tttt Bight. k THE DAILY REGISTER LOCAL SECURITIES 4-Tuwday, August 10, 1965 Quotations from NASD at approximately 1» p.m. Bid* are Into*! dealer prices. Prices identified by * are inter-dealer asked price*. Inter-dealer quotations do not include retail markup, markdown or Some Issues commission. Other asked price* have been adjuiUa upward to include approximate markup. Gain, But BANKS Div. Bid Asked | OlLAYAWAY Averages Off Belmar-Wall National 3.00 162 Central Jersey Bank* *,M 11 NEW YORK (AP) — Aircraft Eatontown National Bank 24'/ and airlines iisues posted good Farmers 5 gains yesterday, but the itock First Merch. Nat'I Bank .25 plus atk. (x) 8' market averages declined. First National Bank of Spring Lake 43 First National Bank of Toms River (x) 25 27 Trading wa» moderate. First State Ocean County Wi 13 Interest in the aircrafts Keansburg-Middletown 1.40 SO •purred by the rising tempo of Monmouth County National (xx) .11 the air war in Viet Nam. Air- N. J. National Bank \ lines have reported high profits Ocean County National. 375 BROADLOOM SALE for the lecond quarter of this Peoples National, Keyport I.M 150 year. People National Bank of Lakewood 160- Sea Bright National 1.25 Now is the time to loyoway the floor covering of your The market was higher in early 84 Trust Co. of Ocean County 50 trading but prices slipped and INDUSTRIAL choice while prices are at their lowest. Smart shoppers closed at ttieir lowest level of the day. Alkon Industries think ahead to the fall... shop now and save... be among The Dow Jones average of 30 Brockway* Laird Industrials dropped 2.74 to 879.77. Monmouth Capital (X) the smart set Standard & Poor'i 50O-stock tv- Monmouth Electric erage, which represents 85 per Monmouth Park* 13 cent of the value of all stocks N. J. Natural Gas* (x) Cash listed on the New York Stock Rowan HOW LfO'S PLAN WORKS Exchange, fell .21 to 85.86. Spiral Metal 22 Thli it LFO't imftiod far srimulaHitg carper The Associated Press 60-stock U. S. Homes builmH during the traditionally llow sum- average declined .7 to 327.9 with Walter Keade - Sterling EVERY 1 Oth YARD! USE OUR Winslow Tel. 5/16 mer monrhi. The lame magnificent carper industrials off 1.2, rails off ,4 ind SHOP-AT-HOME (x) Dividend fxx) Plui Stock •Paid thia year you may hove had your eye on far months utilities unchanged. CHOOSE ANY ITEM IN Is now available to you at an extra 10% FOR CARPETS Of 1,361 issues traded, 500 ad- •• cp ! Vn Tank C saving. This is In addition to LFO's custom- Uughlln losing about half a r>lllelt« Unit Alrc OUR TREMENDOUS INVENTORY. vanced and Ml declined. New point. Olen Aid ; suited Cp ary Jew price of fantastic purchases that 8%1 1965 highs outnumbered new lows Prices declined on the Ameri- aoodrlch U» Unn K nay dove already saved yen as muck m 774-3817 27 to 19. Ocodrlch (IS Plywd 41 SALESMAN WILL GIVE YOU can Stock Exchange, Volume Orace ('a UB Rub m 50%. Buy 10 yards or buy 100 yards . . . CALL COLLECT Ot AtP US Smelt 99'. Volume climbed to 4.51 million edged up to 1.36 million shares Oreyhound 2114 The mere yen buy, the more you save. 47 K THE 10th YD. FREE •hares from 4.21 million Friday. Gulf Oil . US Steel from 1.32 million Friday. Here Pdr MS | Wa»onlVico Me>t 39* ti 7S. The average* were dragged Corporate bonds were mixed 11 Cennt Ind MS Warn B Pic down by declines of well over a Inf Rind Wn Vn Tel and treasuries declined. tnt Bui Hch 184 WMtg Bl point by Du Pont and Genera' Yesterdays closing stocks: lnt Hirv mi White Mot PRIDE'S BENTON 100% lnt Nick »7H Woolwrh Electric. Acr ]jxi lnt Ttl*Tel I! Piper 39% Xerox Cp Aduni Ex I-T-I Ckt Brk 46 Tngit BhiT The steels were mostly lower Air Prod U John! Man SIS with U.S. Steel and Jones A Air Reduc Jonee A L NYLON PILE BROADLOOM Altec CP Joy M(i AlltK l*ud Keiier Al AllW Pw Kennecott Allied Ch Kopperi Co Replacing Allll Chal t Kreage, 8S Buy 30 sq. yds. af LFO's low price, Alcoa Kroger Am Alrlln I*h Port C Am Brk Hi 5* Leh Val Ind Typewriters $ Am Can LOF OUIe MS $4.99 sq. yd. Am Cyan Lm «CN*L Am M Fdjr 8* Llig A Am Mot Litt_ ;oon IInd Costing $3,500 Pay for only 27 sq. yds. QUICK Am Hnull »» LukenLk i Stt Am Bid Hack Trk Am T.1 Tri IS Magnavox FREEHOLD - Purchase of 28II 135 Am Tob M

House Hunting! It's open sea- Open Mon. and Fri. eveningg 'til 9 p.m. son in the Daily Register Class,-1| ASPHALT TILE VINYL ASBESTOS CAREFREE VINYL ENCORE VINYL fled now. •, Decorator Non- Lorgt Selection MarMi-Twted. RobbiiK Luxury waxing c < Solid Thru fc Thru 6 Textured | O Solid Vinyl 13 39 •ach Rt* 12c 9x9 tacll If perfect 19c •aeh If perfect 59e tack LINOLEUM LINOLEUM RUGS Vinyl Yard Goods -ARMSTRONG CONGOLEUM-NAIRN •< 9x12 ^ 99 PATRICIAN VINYL CUSHIONED INLAID New Eeenovinyl Famous Vinyl N»w CuthleiMd Corlon 398 Mnt Floor To B« i Horal-TwMd-Tiles •d To Your Floor. m. yd. tack Reg. 5.95 sq. yd. sq. yd. Introductory Offer SMndess widths . yd. DONT WALL COVERING LET A POPULATION CONGOWALL TILEBOARD CERAMIC ROXITE EXPLOSION Natural Stone 4'VHIgr, ,4x4 Board Mosaic Tiles CATCH YOU WITHOUT A CAMERA 98 Colors each Tile Reg. 5.95 •ach 12x12 1 x 4 Panels AND THE RIGHT FILM TO RECORD Llrl. foot 39 THAT HAPPY EVENT. COME IN AND GET THE LOW-DOWN ON HOW TO GET THE BEST SHOTS ... OF COURSE, ITS LINOLEUM AND CARPET AT FACTORY OUTLET (ASBURY. PARK RUG AND CARPET CO.)

IS WALLACE ST. 1400 ASBURY AVE. ASBURY PARK, N. J. 774-3817 ' \J lr-^ HDkUNK-747-2273-4 I Open Mon. to Fri. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.—Tues. and Sat. 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. •^" •"— —«• I. «—— —— —— ^ TWay, August; 10, 19 "If ha get* tiw tout*," tfae •aid, "I get *( back yard." STEVE ROPER By SAUNDERS andOVERCARD Well Known at the door. He wasn't rabid — we knew "Bowel," said Dilfanb. It's that all along — and at the' end SOMEONE taN9 KMV HKT fiVEH A I BUT WHY MKPOY WO HO EHEWES/ kind of cross between a bark of 10 days we moved back Into THIS SWITCH PLUS MC06RAT6 ELECTRIC SHOCK WOULD / HF HE EVER WAS IN THE RKXITS, HE By Police Departmentand a growl. the house and DHfarb moved FOR OUTDOOR POV*S"T( tttl Aim WITH A VKAK UZMZT I HAD SEEM A UW-A8IPM5 OTI2BH KEUY.'-AWD THE EXTEM SllPPEP UP MttE.XWR FATHER "What did he iay?" the out." i WSR YEASf MOW/ By WICKTEMPLE who retrieved nothing but other CORD OM THIS WORK' .. VMS SWIMMING asked. It's rather pleasant now, re- EASILY REACHES TO AMP THREW THI ST. Louis, Mo. (AP) — Some people's newspapers and door- "Bowel, bowel!" saikf Dilfarb laxing in the evening, listening M THE UM1ER/ 1 of us are born under a curious mats — 17 by actual count. authoritatively. to the screams as Dilfarb ter- •tar which endows us with an There waa Orval, named for "You keep that dog iin there, rorizes the neighborhood. I! ability to select the finest dogs the governor of Arkansas because buddy," said the cop. And you know? She's going to in the world. he wouldn't stop running; Jig- The upshot was that Dilfarb let me keep htm, on the condi- Over the years there has been ger, a dog who liked beer, and was quarantined — in the hous tion that I never again use the In our family a procession of collected beer cans. — for 10 days to make sure ni power that makes me a judge of brilliant, noble animals. There And now Dilfarb. wasn't rabid. No backward, n the nobility of a dog. was Leroy, the golden retriever, Ddlfarb doesn't collect any- walks. thing but trouble. He is part Now, as I said, Dilfjarb is wire-ihaired terrier and part very large and emotional dog Post Office cocker, the dog pound said.' I His bushy hair has a way o tell my wife this is the reason shedding. He's youmg am he is twice as big as either of friendly. He comes upi behim Is Seeking with Mr. Daniels, but said he Need Money? Sell those things those breeds. He looks like a you and bites you behind th Sale of $74,000 in Bonds would vote to approve the reso- you really don't need with a sheep, sounds like a bull ele- knee. lution because of the overload of Daily Register Classified Ad. )hant, smells like a pig and acts Employees work in the collector's office. Call now. ike a donkey. But he has character;. Thai'! what I kept telling my wife fo RED BANK — Under a special For Street Work Okayed Set Up Appropriation He has acquainted us with the first week when she had t(emergency arrangement with the FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - Mr. Silver's letter maintained An emergency approprialion every cop in our suburb. put up with Dilfarb's hairysnou U.S. Civil Service Commission, The township committee last that according to the Christie was introduced to allow a $2 an They've either brought him in the spaghetti. persons desiring positions in thenight approved the sale of bonds Engineering Corp., Freehold, the hour salary for a clerk in the tax home, looked for him, or borne Post Office Department will be totaling $74,000 as part of its plans are adequate. assessor's office. Funds to pay omplaints. On Bhe eighth day, 11 cami tested in the Civil Service room home to find my wifle in th street improvement plan. The committee instructed Mr. for a clerk presently employed Dilfarb's eyebrows almost of the Red Bank Post Office, 171 The bonds, dated September 1, Amran to discuss the matter with have been used up. Mayor Wag- ilind him and he's always run- back yard. She was ironing Broad St. Dinner was cooking on the ba will be sold by bid at the govern- representatives of the State Board ner requested the resolution, say- ning into things. He ran into the Examinations will be condjgjed ing body's August 23 meeting of Health. ing he would not sign any check -Who landlord's grandson, knocked becue grill. The television s< regularly Tuesdays at 1 p.m. and was in the back yard, thanks t< These are the first bonds to be Slankle Resigns unless funds were appropriated. :he kid down, and while licking Fridays at 6 p.m. The examina- sold under an ordinance passed in ;he boy's wounds, Dilfarb an extension cord. o In other business, the governing The committee reiused to re- tions will be conducted on a April of 1963 authorizing the sale scratched him. I rather hated to ask "walk In" basis, and no advance body accepted with regrets the lease the performance bond post- Serving;,. of up to $104,500 in street im resignation of James Stankle, ed by J and D Construction Co., The next day a cop appeared was going on. I knew. applications will be necessary, n LlneroM { bread?" provement debentures. South St., as a member of the Cresskill, for Stonehurst's Sec- although, according to Postmas- a Holmdal ter Fred Crlne, it would expedite The committee heard a letter board of adjustment. The resigna- lion 2. Mr. Wagner said that both from Charles Silver, Rt. 9, re tion becomes effective Oct. 1. Mr. • MaUwan A&Pdoes... uncOmKtion- the tests if application forms the committee andj Mr. Amran 5000 AB and SF Form 60 are ob- questing it Instruct the township Stankle's letter said personal would survey the site to see if all o Sayr* Weed* aHyi Jane Parker Bread tained ahead of time and brought building inspector to issue a commitments were responsible Improvements have been com • Newark Airport is made of the finest ingre- in prepared. building permit for a package for his withdrawal. pleted. en touts to Hewirk dients, blended and baked The first examination will be sewer plant at the site of a pro- The committee authorized the In response to a question from posed trailer park on Rt. 9. Your money i> toft with m . • . conducted next Tuesday, and on hiring of Miss Susan Barkalow, the audience, township attorney Frequent service. Low by experts. You'll lite it...... IS OUR Mr. Silver's letter said he hadHowell Township, as a clerk in Savings accounts Insured lap to Friday, Aug. 20, and regularly M. Raymond McGowan said the fares. Fast trip via or yotfll get your money BUSINESS $10,005. So* at today! thereafter. approval of the State Board of the tax collector's office at an present zoning ordinance does D9G!C ** without Question. The entrance salary is $2.48 per Health for the facility to service hourly salary of $1.85. not, in his opinion, compel de- Parkway and Turnpike- 200 families. Township engineer 4% ANNUAL DIVIDEND hour. Employees earn a mini- Commitleeman Leroy Daniels velopers to place lot monuments Ask bus operator about Eugene Amran told the commit- voted against the hiring saying at each corner of every lot. mum of 15 days' annual leave low east 10-trip commu- JANE PARKER COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY per year and U days' sick leavetee he requested that the permit he had been promised copies of Mr. Wagner said the planning per year. Life insurance and hos- be denied by the building inspec- the interviews for the positions board and Mr. McGowan are ter ticket. SAVINGS & 1OAN pitalization insurance are also tor because in his opinion the and had not been notified of Miss presently working on an amend- WHITE ASSOCIATION available. Selections are made sewer plans could not provide Barkalow's selection. ment to the ordinance' which MARINE VIEW service for 200 families. BREAD Highway 35, Middlerewn Hwv. 34, Atlantic Hlahtodt from Civil Service registers with- Mayor Norman Wagner agreed would correct this. 291-0100 out regard to race, color or 471-2400 :reed. Mr. Crine said.

says: WE'RE CLEARING THE DECKS FOR NEW FAIL MERCHANDISE! Fantastic Broadloom Close-Out Prices Include Installation and B.F. Goodrich Pad! Here's your opportunity to put truly ex- outstanding "buys" .., including nationally \ ceptional carpeting on your floors at less famous brands, together with quality pad \c9st than you'd ever believe possible. and expert installation at prices as low sjor this clearance we have particularly as $7.95 sq. yd.

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Our representative will bring samples to your home . .. will measure & estimate They just work away unnoticed, uhsung, producing without 1 ^'to"** P«amus Stone Diamond 2-5O20 ... Wayne Store CLifford Jersey Central Power & Light "AT-HOMEiSHOPPING" Eg* hot water that goes on and on and on and rNetw Jersey Power & Light "1 Box 55, Room 214 on. If you owned one, you wouldn't even know Morrialown, New Jersey it was there. As you use the hot water,, it heats up PHONI FOR SANDLER &!WORTH Get full information on a inore in a big hurry. And it works without quick recover]1 electric water "AT-H0MI-SH0PPIH6" heater from the dealer who ROUTE 35,IEATONTOWN'IRAFFK: CIRCLE EATONTOWN STORE: flame, needs no vents or flues, never makes a sound, displays this seal or mill this coupon for a free brochure. M2-2Z00 542-2200 or even a speck of mess, and can be installed Oir nprtMitarim will bring anywhere in the house. If you don't own one, Name_ lamplfs to your koiM . . . M9:OOp.m.,1ui.\Thm.,SaK9:30ajn.lo5:iOp.m. will mom aid •trlmirt* it might he worth a little thought. Street Adores., wlrkwt ebllaattta. Other Stores Rt. 22,jspr1nofield; Rt 4,|paramus;and Rt. 46, Wayn* Fellov OuTomr of Light to tkt Ntw York Worlft fair ." ' | Town. , ,KJ. J "How Are Yon Fellows Making Ofatr The Register's Opinion From Our Readers HM BigMer weteomef letten from Its leaden, provided they contain •Ignarure, address and telephone number, letters ifcouM be limited to *K words. Endorsements of political can. For Regional Planning dJdatM or commercial products are nof acceptable. The charge of favoritism leveled Instead of permitting itself to be- recently by the Ocean Township Plan- come involved so needlessly in local Appreciation ning Board agkinst the Monmouth squabbling, it would seem the board 259 Oak Hill Rd. County Planning Board in the area of would be better advised to direct its Middletown, N. J. industrial promotion, though denied staff to broader responsibilities affect- To the Editor: , , Members of the Fairview p;T.A. would like to thank you and unsupported by facts, was not sur- ing regions of the county. and your staff for the excellent news coverage their organiza- prising. Along these lines, particularly in tion received during the past school year. Your help and The county board is testing egg drafting of a county master plan and courtesy made my job as publicity chairman most pleasurable shells in its experiment of contracting projecting a county wide sewerage «nd wa* certainly appreciated. Mrs. C. E. Opdyke , # to be planning consultant for Freehold plan, the board and its director, Publicity Chairman and Wall Townships. Any shift of Charles Pike, have achieved an envi- 94 Broad St. weight, however slight, which might able record. ' Red Bank, N. J. seem to serve either municipality at the State law permits the County Plan- On behalf of the committee for St. James Parish summer expense of others is certain to raise ning Board, to assist regions, large and card party, I wish to express our appreciation for the sup- fury. small, in planning programs and the port given us by your newspaper in your very generous report* 11 ing of the activities of the committee In their efforts for a Since competition is so keen among- Monmouth board has always responded successful party. 1 am sure' your paper contributed greatly many towns for industrial ratables to to invitations in this regard. to the success. offset tax burdens imposed by resi- Mr. Pike says the county stands Gratefully yours, • . Dorothy Carroll dential growth, it 'is fair to ask if a ready now to aid any group of munic- Chairman county should be identified with any ipalities either in organizing their own one subdivision. planning staffs, or in providing staff Valentine St. Bridge g True, not all places are suitable for service. In the latter, of course, the every potential industrial investor. In county staff would require more per- U Madison Ave.,- ' Red Bank, NJ. fact, the practiced eye of the thorough- sonnel and the expense would be al- To Hie Editor: , ly conscientious industrial representa- located to the benefiting municipalities. Attention Edgar Dinkelspiell I have a, few questions which tive readily recognizes the advantage Herein would seem to be the logical I would like you to answer. , next step for the expanding influence First: What is the present condition 'of / th« Valentine available here or there to one or an- Street bridge? Can you honestly say that it }* now safe other plant and he couldn't alter these and artistry of an eminently qualified to ride and walk on? ; hard facts if he wanted to. organization. Second: Do you ever read your local newspaper? If Sylvia Porter: Your Money's you do then you would know as I' do that on March 20 of this year, the Board of Freeholders, your mayor and the mayor Untiring Public Servant of Monmouth Beach inspected this bridge and; were *H in agreement-as to its state of neglect. Middletown lost a valuable public honored Mr. Soden for his service. Stock Averages Debwtked Third: Do you know a traffic survey has Indicated that servant last week with the death of The squad noted at that time that he no hardships would result if this bridge was gone? Fourth: As a "well-informed" public offiical, did you Arthur L. Soden. had answered 7,000 emergency calls Typical headline from time to time on country is "pre-eminent due to long usage, financial news pages from coast to coast: historical continuity and the theories which know that the removal of this bridge would facilitate the To many people the name may in a 20-year period. "Stocks plunge . . . Dow-Jones average off • have been built around *it." dredging of Manhasset Creek, and thereby alleviate a serioui not be familiar for his service to the He also received a Good Citizen- 12 points." There is a tremendous disparity between water pollution problem? All I can say is thank God that we have a freeholder lik^ township often went unnoticed and ship Award from the Veterans of Realistic translation: The 30 stocks Jh point changes in the Dow-Jones average on the Dow-Jones Industrial the dollar-and-cents meaning of the point Eugene J. Bedell, who is watching out for the safety and welwp in fact was taken for granted. Foreign Wars for his untiring service stock average declined an changes—due to technical aspects of the aver- being of the people of Monmouth County. It's too bad that th« " Mr. Soden was a former fire chief, to the fire company and first aid squad. average of 91 cents a share age's construction. /' previous all-Republican Board of Freeholders neglected this charter member of the Fairview First All too often, service such as Mr. on that day. This is a loss, Because of this disparity, descriptions of bridge, but maybe it's not too late since that lone Democrat, of course, but considering the stock market's action—based on Dow- Freeholder BedeH, is now in charge of our bridges. Aid Squad and a 40-year member of Soden's, consistent and vital, goes un- the price level of most Jones point changes—are frequently highly Mrs. J. Joseph Gorman the Middletown Fire Co. noticed. stocks in this average, it's misleading. If you rely I on Dow-Jones point His record of service to both units Yet men like Mr. Soden fill an all hardly the calamity sug- changes, you can be thrown way off base. gested. The only way to get ai accurate picture of Says Langan Errs is perhaps unparalleled in the history of important part in community life. what is happening to your own stocks is to Another typical head- : 120 Victoria PI., the units. ' His passing is a sad loss not only line from time to time: look at their price moVes. Union Beach, N.J. Back in 1963, the first aid unit to his family, but to the community. "Stocks stage strong up- Because the Dow-Jones averages are so To the Editor: turn . . . Dow-Jones aver- often misused, they often give an erroneous The remarks attributed to Councilman Langan In The PORTER age rises five points." Impression of what investors are gaining or Register of July 27 over look a basic element in American Realistic translation: The 30 stocks in losing. When large DovrrJones point changes democracy: the right to dissent. Mr. Langan is certainly free Robert S. Allen, Paul Scott: Inside Washington thi« most widely watched stock average ad- are tied to the total maujket value of all listed to criticize Prof. Genovese's attitude concerning Viet Nam, vanced an average of 38 cents a share on stocks, they naturally mount into billion-dol- but the councilman doesn't seem to understand that it is lar figures. These figures exaggerate gains that day. This is a gain, but again Bcarcely every American's duty to analyze his government's actions, and exaggerate losses. of the proportions suggested. and criticize them, if necessary. Mr. Langan mates, "A pro- 1 A third typical headline on a day that There are other respected averages; those fessor has to teach the American view. To oppose America The Cost of Intervention stocks are falling: "Investors lose $7 billion of Standard and Poor, iMoody's, the major is wrong." But the American view is not blind acceptance in market value of stocks . . . Dow-Jones news services, for instance. But the special of whatever the government is doing at a given moment, WASHINGTON-U.S. intervention in the siderably higher total than, relayed to Repre- average plummets." reputation of the Dow)-Jones probably will nor are "government" and "America" synonomous. sentative Gross. keep it in first place. Actually, although the Dominican Republic has sn far cost at least We are a country of many views and opinions and ara Realistic translation: Investors lost noth- average is so imperfect; it6 30 stocks repre- $75 million—and the end is not in sight. According to this verbal report, cost of the able to express them freely. It would be a shame indeed ing of the sort. On that day countless in- sent roughly 37 per cent of tfce market value Ultimate cost is certain to be well over Dominican intervention to date is around $65 if a professor were penalized for making an unpopular state- vestors the nation over had substantial paper of all listed Issues and) over the long pull, $100 million. million — excluding the large outlays for ment. One of the freedoms of our land is that teacher* need the U.S. troops and the OAS peace-keeping profits on their stocks. If they sold, they it does show the basicttend of stock prices. This estimate is based not fear an oppressive government enforcing..*,, narrow point units. were gainers on the buying price In real Here are excerpts fnpm "The Exchange" on information from official terms; if they held, they had neither gains of view. Let's not endanger that freedom/by Equating every The $65 million reported to the senator table converting the Dow-Jones" average in and unofficial sources. Ex- nor losses. There are more than 1,200 .com- dissent from government policy as being "oppewd'ia Amer- breaks down as follows: $42 million for the points to dollars and cants per share as of : act figures and details are mon stocks listed on the New York Stock ica." . -. "• • • -•• V - Dominican military on both sides; $13 million July, 1965. i & difficult to ferret out. State Exchange alone. The market Is made up of Sincerely, for career civil servants on both sides; $10 Points $ per Pointer $ per and Defense Department au- these individual stocks—and additional thou- Howard Dean million for food, medical and emergency sup- - change chare change share thorities are either outright- sands listed on othej exchanges and traded ly uncommunicative or pat- plies to Dominicans on all sides. 1.00 $0.08 i. 25.00 $1.90 over-the-counter—and not of the 3d stocks in 5.00 ...... _.... 0.38 1. 30.00 2.28 | • entiy equivocal?————' — -A-distinctly-different- version ii- spelled -the- Dew-Jones-average.-- — —- - - In several instances, in- out by Assistant Secretary MacArthur in his In an Informative article in the August 15.00 1.14 '. i. 40.00 3.04 Events of Years Ago quiries have been answered letter to Gross, is follows: issue of its magazine "The Exchange" the 20.00 1.52 1 45.00 332 ALLEN with.the claim that data on , "In order to prevent a complete break- New York Stock Exchange debunks much (P.S.: After President Johnson's Viet Nam. these expenditures is "classified." ' ' down of the Dominican Republic's economic ( of the "pure nonsense" written about the Only official total so far ascertained is and governmental administrative machinery, speech, the stock market "soared," with the stock market "usually in completely good $47 miHion, the Agency for International Development Dow-Jones industrial - average' recording t faith, even by well-informed commentators." 50 Years Ago made available a total of approximately $47 "huge gain" for the wpek of 17.77. points. It was obtained by Representative H. R. The NYSE makes the point that the' basis million in emergency assistance. This figure What did this mean? An average rise of about Gross, R-Iowa, member of the Foreign Af- for the "pure nonsense" is the Dow-Jones Includes foodstuffs valued at $5.5 million, $1.35 a share for each of the stocks In th« The coachman of Alfred N. Beadteston of Rumson had » fairs Committee and forceful administration average of 30 Industrial stocks, which in this critic, in an exchange of $33.2 million for the maintenance of essential Index.) •' narrow escape from deith when the carriage in which h« vu correspondence with As- • public services, Including the payment of riding was struck by a train at Sea Bright. .sistant Secretary of State salaries to the career civil servants and the George Thompson of Navesink cut his throat with hii Douglas MacArthur II. military of both political factions, and $9 MacArthur's accounting million for such activities as project as- John Chamberlain: These Days am when he was felling a tree. The ax caught In a limb, obviously is incomplete. sistance, emergency work relief activities, slipped from his hands, and fell on his neck, making a twe- Not included are known and miscellaneous costs related to emer- inch gash. ' ' ' large expenditures. Fore- gency food and medical relief." most among them are: Cost Where WMfnketon Isn't Needed of the thousands of U.S. INVITING RUSSIAN ESPIONAGE — Th» troops sent to Santo Do- Senate Foreign Relations Committee's pre- MILWAUKEE, Wis.-Dynamic young To the task of using tax anoney to the twin prised roast beef, salads and dessert. mingo and still maintained cipitate action In recommending approval of Van Sickle, head of the Young Republica ends of eradicating poverty and discrimina- SCOTT there; upkeep of the Bra- the treaty with Russia to establish consulates National Federation, flew his new tw tion. Having lived through WPA days, my zilian and other Latin American contingents in the two countries is arousing considerable Cessna plane, his first solo flight, here own feeling is that federal money spent by 25 Years Ago comprising the peacekeeping force of the backstage bipartisan opposition. his home state of Kansas the other day and through a federal bureaucracy produces Organization of American States. Senators Bourke Hickenlooper, Iowa, help nerve up th»-iocaf nothing very permanent, j , William Snyder of Newark didn't like the kewple doll he These two items alone are privately ranking Republican member oi the commit- publicans. He made a The money gets slopped around; much won on the Keansburg boardwalk. He attempted to hurl it estimated by Pentagon authorities as likely tee, and Frank Lausche, Ohio, and Thomas speech built around a ter- of it goes into big social worker salaries and into the bay. The doll struck a Jersey City woman on th« to exceed $30 million. Dodd, Conn., Democratic committeemen, are rifying statistic: by 1968, he sterile office equipment, and people begin head, causing a scalp wound. It broke into several pieces, serving notice they will vigorously denounce said, one-half of the total taking it as a windfall rijght, not as a spur MacArthur's report to Gross does, how- one of which struck another bystander, breaking his glasses the pact when it is considered by the Senate. U.S. population will be un- to personal improvement (and self-sufficiency. ever, reveal two significant facts: and cutting him over the eye. ' Other senators also are planning to do that. der 25 years of age. The But the Milwaukee Voluntary Equal • Employ- —The U.S. is putting up the pay for the 25-and-under group will ment organization spends nothing on self- Atwo-thirds vote 1« necessary to ratify Albert Pontacarvo of Neptune was hurt at Bradley Beach irjiu»a^nd^ajeer^!yijian.je_isgnnel of both aggrandizement. It is afil business where sides—the^junta7Tey Brigadier General - of any- when a wheel from a car rolled onto the sidewalk and hit good chance to reject it. thing before the Korean Antonio Imbert Barreras, and the rebels un- The membership, wbifch began with the der Colonel Francisco Casmano Deno. The jjohnson administration is obviously War, and the only political 33, has grown to 170 firms which employ Fire caused $50,000 damage To q —These millions are being provided by tineas/ about the outcome. That is deemed reality they know will be 200,000 workers. The director of the whole residence of Samuel Katz of West Allenhurst. the Agency for International Development the reason for the suddenness with which the that of the Great Society CKAlttBERLAIN and the Welfare State. affair is Elmer L. Winder, head of .Man- (AID) — which administers the foreign aid pact was brought up in the Foreign Rela- power, Inc., who says h« "got to be presi- program. In other words, funds voted by tions Committee. After Secretary Rusk test- What hope, then, has any political party which tries to ground itself on the idea that dent because I stayed {the latest." Under Congress for foreign aid are being used by ified in its behalf last month, committee mem- Mr. Winter's skillful proclding Milwaukee is the Johnson Administration to finance the bers indicated nothing would be done about the man is a self-starter, charged with the re- sponsibility of making the most of himself alive with seminars of personnel directorsr Dominican intervention. matter this year. One set of seminars begetfc another down-the- AS MacARTHllR TELLS IT — A mem- by use of his own powers? It so happens Last week Senator J. William Fulbright, that Tom Van Sickle had brought his ques- line set: the second-level supervisory per- ber of the Senate Foreign Relations Commit- D-Ark., chairman, abruptly called for a vote tion to what in my book must be rated the sonnel men meet to discuis ways of eliminat- tee has "informally" been given a con- and the controversial treaty was approved. most hopeful city in the whole United States. ing discrimination in em]j)!oyment. Privately, Democratic and Republican For Milwaukee, months before anybody had To make things real, 170 Milwaukee com- senators are sharply critical of this rush begun talking about federal anti-poverty pro- panies have gone to thfe sohoo! guidance procedure. They are indicating the issue of grams, had addressed itself firmly to the counselors, particularly in {the inner core area the unexplained haste will be raised in the of the city, with job desqriptions of a quite Senate debate. idea of wiping out discrimination in hiring. Moreover, it had don* this on a purely specific type. The companjes need key punch Also slated to play an important role in voluntary basis that imposes no draining operators, secretaries, assembly people, and that stormy discussion is a blunt warning taxes and no looming danger of currency office machine operators,) just to name a against the pact by FBI Director J. Edgar 40-42 Broad Se., Red Bank, N.J. inflation on anybody. few categories. The school counselors have Hoover. been amazed at the new| types of employ- Estab. 1878 by John H. Cook and Henry Clay He has twice spoken out against it. The The instigators of what subsequently be- ment opening up in Milwaukee. "Man-mar- first time was before the House Appropria- came the Milwaukee Voluntary Equal Em- published by the Rodliank Reglitcr Incorporated keting clinics" are held, |there are periodic i tions Subcommittee considering the FBI's ployment Opportunity Council were Bob meetings inside the NegBO community de- W. HARRY PENNINGTON, President budget. The second was several weeks ago Stevenson, boss of the heavy equipment com- signed to show the valult of education to JAMES J. HOGAN M. HAROLD KELLY in an annual report on the major phases of pany of Allis-Chalmers, and Ted Smith, head skeptical or cynical Negro parents, and the Editor General Manager his famed agency's operations in the last of A. 0. Smith, which is famous for its auto schools are asked to give Special attention to William F. Sandford and ArtiuTzTKamin fiscal year. frames. Back in 1963 Mr. Stevenson and preparing young people lor job interviews Thomas J. Bly, Executive Editor Pointing out that Russian diplomatic per- Mr. Smith-called the 33 largest employers and to encouraging them to talk freely about Associate Editors sonnel are notorious for espionage Hoover In the Milwaukee area together for a bit of themselves. The measure! of Milwaukee's Frank W. Harbour - Charles A. Johnston told the House committee: soul-searching. The result was a pledge from success is its low unemployment rate of Mlddletown Human Mgr. J-'rfehnM Bureau Mgr. "Long seeking greater official repre- all concerned to do everything within their 2'/, to 3 per cent, which is what economists Member of the Associated Press sentation in the United States which would power to give a fair employment shake to call, "normal friction." [ The Aiipoclnted PrpM In entitled exrlualvoly to th« uie for republfcatlon all of the local news printed Jn this be more widely spread over the country, Milwaukee's minority groups. This was of Imitation is the sincerent form of flattery: newspaper aa well art nil AP news dispatch pa. a cherished goal of the Soviet intelligence particular interest to Milwaukee's 90,000 Ne- i 44 major Chicago employers are just now Member of American Newspaper Publishers Asioc. services was realized when the U.S. signed groes, who constitute about 9 per cent of picking up the Milwaukee' Idea, and Madison, Member Audit Bureau of Circulation an agreement providing for the reciprocal the population in the greater' Milwaukee Racine, Kenosha and othor Wisconsin cities The Ited Bank ittglitrr, ync, [usiimen no financial establishment of consulates in the two coun- region. have also followed "suit. This sort of thing rejponslhUltlea for typOKntphlcal Hrrom in ailvertlaemnnts, tries. One Soviet intelligence officer in com- but will reprint without charge, Unit part of an artver- What is particularly hopeful about the could be done practical]^ anywhere in the radio talk-shows with a soFtttTon* Uflpment In which the typujrrniihlca! #rrur occurs. Ailverllaera menting on the agreement spoke of the wonder- Voluntary Equal Employment Opportunity nation. One is tempted to (guess that it would irifl plM*ff nnllfy IMP management Immedlilely of any ful opportunity this presented his service and world's problems!" %? arror whtrh may ntciir. Council is that it never once slackened its spread farther and fastjer if Washington, that it would enable the Soviets to enhance pace after Lyndon Johnson put Sargent D. C, would only desist and let the volun- Thli newipiper aiiumai nt> riiponjiblTTtlei tot •tmti- their intelligence operations. taenta at oplnim \p latten trom Ita rtadtra. Shriver and Franklin D. Roouvelt, Jr., to Urisric genius of t free peoplt hike over. 6—Tuesday; August 10, 1965 „ ' - • •n f Recommend Use Permit For Schoen THE DAILY REGISTER Tuesday, August 10, in charge of the booths cocUln- OCEAN TOWNSHIP — Zoning U, line* th* three businesses to erect a display for pools, t Ing tancy goodi, borne baked I hound in tftii building Bad toilednon-penmiurve "g pleasure in t(ie rear with her dog is Barbara Savaiko, I I, a summer visitor to the Short from side, and rear setback variances have returned from a| trip to were Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips, Europe. The group visited Portu- Hoboken. Sponsored by th« Long Branch Lodge, Knights of Pythias, th* event was part 202 Highwood Rd., Oakhurst, and gal, Spain, Italy, Switzerland and of the erfy's Summer Festival. : ' Mae Elizabeth Weiland, 220 High- France. The trip was pirt of the wood Rd., Oakhurst. After a site school's summer schedule. inspection, decision will be given Playground Talent 7:30 p.m. In the municipal band the River Street School faculty, Aug. 19. Accompanying Mrs. Stockham shell at Marine Park. and Miss Rosalind Rosenfeld John F. Lennon, 247 Harvard were Deenie Bernard, Lyn Jacob Show This Thursday From the playgrounds at Me- who teaches a Middletown Vil- Ave., Shadow Lawn Manor, was and Peggy Young, Fair Haven; RED BANK - The Parks and morial Park, Oakland Street lage School, will assist. Win NtwMrry's KmOMi CHerjt granted a variance to add a faro Marsha Gilmour, Bonnie Gortin, Accwnl, you url tlmt «n* *Hwt Recreation Department's first an- School and the high school, there 'lily room to his home if submitted Holly Hal torn, Sandra Hiely, Jane NEWBERRY'S ... it nwkn iMwMf M tay> nual talent show will be presented House Hunting! It's open sea M Ml al iw Inn wtttl ym II plans are followed. Nagle and Marjorle" Wotoritis, will be about 50 performeri. DOWNTOWN RIO IANK want wtitn yw nwd It. Superior Pools, Inc., 1008 Rt. Rumson; and Debbie Learn by youngsters of the lummer The show will be directed by son in the Daily Register Clasal W««. nd FT). Iva 'HI f 35 Wanamassa had its request Shrewsbury.- playground program Thursday at Louis J. Manhello, a member of fled now. John A. Cole .SOUTH ORANGE - The i pointment of John A. Cole •Mistant to the vice president diarge of instruction and direc- trf grants and projects at Se- HaJl University has been an- Bounced by Bishop John J, Dougherty, president. In his capacity as director grants and projects he will assis the faculty in the acquisition grants and supervise their ad- ministration. He will also serve •a an ex affirio member of the Committee on Grants. Mr. Cole received a degree commerce and finance from Pennsylvania State University and was awarded Ms MBA de- free by Seton Hall. He has been assistant professor of market- in the Seton Hall University School of Business Adminis- tration since 1958. He is past president at the MBA Club of the Seton Hall Alumni Federation and resides at SI West River Rd. Rumson, •.-;';. ' :•-.•- ..--'• •...

Named Field Engineer ,;.,••! /..'. , •;

.Custom J&eeferie^^SBiSngKiiffi^ yours free if you buy a new, flametess electric range by September 25, and install it by October 9,1965.* Why procrastinate? Besides the bonus gift there's the best Leonard E. Noud MIDDLETOWN - Leonard E reason in the world to switch to electric Noud, of 3« Gerald Ave., hu been promoted to field engineer- operttions—for Shell Oil Com- cooking-it's much easier to be a better pany's Eastern Marketing Re- gion, H was announced recently by F. H. Staub, vice president cook. It's so precise you ei the region, which extends from Maine to Virginia. don't need a double boiler City Boy, 9, Visits Alexander Family EATONTOWN — Mr. and Mn. for delicate sauces. Vege- Samuel J. Alexander, Campbell Dr., have as a guest in their I home, nine-year-old John McEl- tables cook in less water, " roy from the Bronx. John is one of the children to the area who taste better. Meats shrink cation Uirough the Herald Tri bune Fresh Air Fund. The White Sands Beach Club, JBsrfeet-, Long' Branch, has granted John guest-privileges during his1 stay with\ilfr. and Mrs. Alexander. baking becomes a habit. All Richard Wilcox Joins 1st Infantry Division because you can rsgjda^e elec- FORT RILEY, Kans. - Army Pvt, RlchardjV. Wilcox, son of tric cooking heat much more Mn. Joan B. Wjlco»^)37' New- field St., East Oran&e, N.J., was assigned to the 1st /Infantry (DM accuratelythanflame.Biiynow •ion, here July 23/ :L , Wilcox, a Muck driver In Com- pany A of the division'^ 1st Sup- ply and Transport Battalion, en from the dealer who displays tered the Army in OctoberriSM^ and completed basic combat training at Fort Dix. this seal and get your bonus gift. His father, Stanley M. Wilcox, lives at 111 Abbott Ave., Ocean Grove. 'This offer is good only vrith '.CANINE AUDITIONS RARITAN TOWNSHIP - The ranges to be installed on community theater, Summer Hor- izons, will hold auditions for large JCP&L/NJP&L lines. «haggy. dogs, Friday, at 8 p.m. in the high school. The dog cho- sen will be cast in' the role of .Horrid in the musical "Camelot.1 Follow the Tower of Light Jersey Central Power &light /New Jersey Power & Light totheN.Y.WorWsRur •S»0U»3|OA •f |ood 'rtu[4d« m '«i9»A9* OOO'OI own MOUI ujWoo Xpamti •ppqH jo W|f sqj wurfj aww) t»||uj • • •'•; •;•- By WALT tiBELY Rugust 10, POGO | Motorist Says Statp Police THE DAILY REGISTER*

NEW SHREWSBURY - Chris- Edward Piechot*HechottL. East RatherRmhftr- Nemetb,. 17, <* 27BA Ticetown DOG BITES GIRL tos L. Netelkos, 23, of Passaic, ford attorney for Mr. Christas~ ° , ltd, MorganviUe, pleading guilty told Magistrate Marvin E. brought out on cross-examin«< to weaving in and out o( traffic, SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP - Sdtaefer there was no reason for tion that there was no evidence of {>aid a fine of J15. Joanne Hawxhurst, 6, of 118 Bel- summons he received from calibration of the trooper's speed- shaw Ave. was bitten on the leg People bought 565,000 new State Police on the Garden State ometer since the alleged viola- yesterday by a dog belonging to Parkway. tion. one-family nouses in 1964. Of Leonard Russo of 78 Belshaw Accused of speeding 70 miles Magistrate Schaeler reserved this total, 120,000 were in the Ave., Police Capt. Dayton Wilson an hour on the express highway, decision. Conviction would, under $25,000'or over price range. Mr. Ohristos and his passenger, Division of Motor- Vehicle rules, reported. The little girl was Martin Kemp, 20, also of mean an automatic 30-day sus- The name of a winemaker at a taken to Riverview Hospital, and winery in Hammonsport, N.Y., Passaic, testified Biat their car pension of Mr. Christos' driver's the dog has been tied up for 10 license. i9 Richard P. Vine. never exceeded the 60-mph limit. days for a rabies check. No "The trooper couldn't have Thomas M. Briel, 16, of Tren- Need Money? Sell those things charges have been filed agai clocked us; he was accelerating ton, who pleaded guilty at care- Mr. Russo, the police capt behind us all the time," the two less driving leading to an accl you really don't need with a less onvmg leading 10 an Boa- J"~ • ~y — said. men agreed. dent, was fined »10. Albert A. Daily Register, Classified Ad.



p is about to enter the Escola Superior de D Senho In- Exchange Student Visits Rumsqndustrial in Rio de Janiero as one of 30 students accepted from 300 RUMSON — The Brazilian stu- American Field Service exchange "winter" vacation with the applicants. We ••• .•/-. student who spent the 1962-63 Charles Edelmanns, of 54 East dent who spent a school year He hopes to spend one of the school year attending the Rum- River Rd., his American parents with a Rumson family two years four years which his industrial son-Fair Haven Regional High during his original visit here. He «go returned for a brief visit. design course requires attending Flavio De Sa Carvallio, the School, returned to spend his arrived on July 27. the Parsons School of Design in Sometinies Cause New York. During his 10-day visit here he met with school of- ficials to discuss the prospect. T : 7; His trip to this country was be- set with difficulties, however. ' " FAMILY "Hitchhiking" by Brazilian Air Force Transport from Rio to Washington, the first plane de- veloped engine trouble, and was FIGHTS forced to return for repairs and begin again the next day. The trip took six days, and each night Flavio and a fellow AFS Well, not really. But once In a whllt ' student were obliged to disem- a few bain do get ruffled among bark and spend the night in whatever city the plane landed. tome of our •ubacrlben when aome- one In the family wrinkles or mis- In AtJanta, Ga., the boys were unable to find accommodations placei a lection of The Register. for the night and slept "under a billboard." We're happy to have such avid read- Two days after he finally ar- rived at the Edelmann home, he en and we invite you to become a awoke with the mumps. regular aubfcrlber of The Register He left for Rio Saturday, tak- too by having It delivered to yonr ing an air taxi from the Red home for only 40c per week. You'll Bank airport to Kennedy Interna- tional Air Terminal and from like It each and every day. Call there to Rio.

HI TO MEET IN NEW YORK MEW YORK (AP)-^The Inter- Yoo'N Find tots To Ukt In LATIN FAREWEU Flavio Da Sa Carvalho, a student from Brazil, waves goodby +0 national Theater Institute is to hold its biennial congress in New his American "parents," the Charles Edelmanro of Rumson. Bavio, wbo spent the York for the first time in June, 1962-63 school year as a guest of the Edelmanns while attending Ruiroon-Rair Haven 1967. . Hie Daily Register Regional High School, returned for a 10-day visit. Ha left for Rio de Janiero Saturday. The group, representing 59 na- RfDIANK - 741-0010 tions, accepted the invitation at recent OBnvention in Tel Aviv. Organized in 1948 under sponsor- ship oTUNiESCO, the Iltt serves as an information exchange cen-

Something new has been

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WWII 1 mv ^JJL * • * ************************ ************************ 4.00 English Bone China Cups 'N Saucers..CASH PRICE 1.88 59c Unen Napkins - White & Colors ...CASH PRICE 4 for 1.00 1.50 Candle-Lites In Three Sizes CASH PRICE 3 for 1.51 9.00 Ricco Lace Bowls CASH PRICE 4.87 3.50 Washable Children's Animal Purse..CASH PRICE .97 5.00 Large Ceramic Cookie Jars CASH PRICE 3,53 ************************ ************************ ? i •K urnZIPPEnR *. t 24x36 WASHABLE j Utility Bags I Tur-Type" Rugs I It's new Touch-Tone* calling. Tap the buttons twice as * * * - * fast as you now dial. Musical notes trigger electronic NAVY OR BROWN. impulses that speed your connection. It's the newest and i RES. PRICE 5.00 EXTRA I quickest way to telephone. ' ' YOU SAVE 2.53 I SPECIAL! Add only $1.50 per month to the regular telephone. w,,arges, plus a one-time connection charge, and you're enjoying CASH PRICE 1.65 i; CASH PRICE 2.47 J Touch-Tone service on your residence line—including Touch-Tone service on all extensions. Business rates are slightly higher. Choose from a variety of colors and styles ************************ ************************ Toorder, just call yburTelephone Business Office.

LOWER LEVEL — LOWER PRICES Nwr Jersey Bell t • ^ Steele Miss Cornelia Riker THE DAILY REGISTER Tueidty. Augatt 10, Engaged To Married in Lebanon Beach Club Luncheon Philip Dorn RUMSON - Sir Frederick and attended BriardirT College, Briar- To Include Style Show . LITTLE SILVER - Mr. and Lady HervejwBathurst, Belknap cliff Manor, N. Y., and made Mrs. Augustus L. Steele, 45 Sil- La., announce the marriage of her debut at a dinner dance at MONMOUTH BEACH — A lun- and Jane Glover, Locust. verjide Ave., announce the en- Lady Hervey-Bathurst's daugh- the St. Regis Roof, New York, :heon-fa»hion show will be held Members of the club who will gagement of Mr. Steele'g daugh- ter, Miss Cornelia Riker, to Dr. in 1960. She was a member of omorrow by the Monmouth model will be Mrs. Raymond M. ter. Miss Ftye Steele, to Pfc. Henri Emil Chehab, son of L'Em-the Junior Assemblies and is Beach Clu? at 1 p.m. at pool- Tierney, Little Silver; Mrs. Wil- Mulip Kenneth Dorn, U.S. Ma- ir and Madame Emlle Henri member of the Colony Club. ide, Ocean Ave. liam O'Brien, Red Bank, and rine Corps. He is the son of Chahai of Beirut, Lebanon. The Dr. Chehab, a graduate of the Mrs. William J. Schooley, Mon- Miss Christio Gardellt, Rumson. Mr. and Mrs, Daniel W. Dorn, marriager-"toQkplace Aug. J in Jesuit College of Notre Dame mouth Beach, is chairman of the 33 Meadow Dr., Shrewsbury. the CatfhedraACfturah of St. Louis look his French degree of doctor vent which will feature i col- Miss Steele, daughter also of in Beirut mjHie presence of the in medicine in 1962 in Beirut. Af- ection of fall fashions from Bnai Brith Chapter the late Mrs. Grace F. Steele, Immediate families. The -cere- ter his internship at Johns Hop- Dainty Apparel, Asbury Park. wsw ^dilated in 1964 from Red mony was performed by the Most kins' Hospital, he went to the New Committee aides include Mrs. Plans Fall Event BanktPgh School. Rev. Eustace Smith, Bishop of York State University, Downstate Harry Lane, Jr., and Mrs. Fred MATAWAN — The Bna! Brith Beirut. The bride was given in Pfc. worn, also a graduate of Medical Center, and the Roose- Strype, Monmouth Beach; Women, Ayelet Chapter, Bay- marriage by her bibfcher, John the class of 1964 of Red Bank velt Hospital. Dr. Ohehab at pres- . Richard Shanley and Mrs. shore Area, will sponsor a fash- Lawrence Riker, ol Rumson. High School, to ««rving with the MiH Faye Steele ent is accomplishing his chief- Robert Boyle, Rumson and Mrs.ion show and dinner Oct. 20 tt First Marin* Brigade «tattoned! Mrs. Chehab is the daughter of residency at the Crattenden Hos- William Barnes, Long Branch. 7:30 p.m. in Bamm Hollow Coun- In Hawaii. On completion of his ACCEPTED AT MARYWOOD the late Dr. John Lawrence Rik- pital in Detroit. Junior hostesses will be the try Club, Sunnyside Rd., iin> tour of duty, he will Join Ws BATONITOWN - Miss Marg er of New York and Rumson. After a wedding trip in Leban- Mjsses Lynn Schooley, Peggy croft. She is a graduate of Mi« Hew- on, Dr. and Mrs. Ohehab wil! Dorment, Libby Strype and Sue Tickets are available from Mm. father and brother in busing ret MtaJialowski, daughter of Mr at Dorn's Photo Shop, Red Ban¥. itt's Classes, New York City; make their home in Detroit. D'Allessandro, Monmouth Beach; Harvey Gold, 56 Ingram Cir., or and Mrs. Heliodor Michalowski Maureen Maloney, Mary Shaheen Mrs. Samuel Wexler, 12 Ferltnd 9 Meadowbrook Ave., has beer VISITORS FROM FLORIDA nd Nancy Lennlhan, Rumson, La., Matawan. aocopted into the class of 19SS LITTLE SILVER. — Mr. and at Mairjwood College, Scrartton MM. Beckwith Hewitt, formerly of Miami, Fla., »nd now of Fort Pa. • V Myers, Fla., «nd Key Largo, Fla., She is a 1985 graduate of Red You Can have been visiting with their son- 8*nk Catholic High School. In-lu)jiand daughter, Mr. and REDUCE! Mrj.™omas Mount, 31 Rumson Making cocoa? Heat a clnna PI. mon stick with the milk. HI fw» II yw IMVI frrtd Ilf Mlliol Cull and Phyilcil Control for B«H«r Living oik about wr Mra. Frederick Branson Bodholt cuttamlitd n- (The former Diane Marie Jacko) 747-9400 tfucMf program 1(1 I. Newman Spring Road •Klmola Rid lank IS own* to (Next to AtP—Fre« Forking) lint N feyl. HUFFMAN*/? BOYLE Diane M. Jacko Wed st FINE HOME FURNISHINGS and BROADLOOM To Frederick Bodholt REEDS JEWELERS 31 YEAR RED BANK — Miss Diane Miss Charlotte Chamy, Inter- Marie Jacko and Frederick Brun- laken, was maid of honor. AUGUST Rt. 35 Circle, Eatontotm — 542-1010 son Bodholt were married Sunday She wore an A-line floor-length in St. James Catholic Church. gown of off-white silk linen. The ADVERTISEMENT ADVEHTISESTENT Parents of the couple are Mr. Empire waistline was accented ind Mrs. William T. Jacko, 34 with a blue velvet sash. Her head- DIAMOND SALE piece was a matching velvet Birchwood Ct., New Shrewsbury, DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT and Mr. and Mrs. Irving Bod- bow. She carried a white basket, holt, 6 Carlton Dr., New Shrews- trimmed with a blue bow, of A 14K GOLD RING Up Baby. white snider pompons and ivy. Ni Monty Dmra bury. ti.M WMkiy $7500 Jeffrey Bodholt, at home, was HIIIIS COLLECTED BY RRS. DAN GERBEH, MOTHER Of 5 Rev. Ambrose Donehue, of the Franciscan Fathers, officiated at best man for his brother. Cereal and two Oatmeal. All are DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT g the double ring ceremony. Organ- Ushers were William T. Jacko, B 14K GOLD RING ward your house? delicate in flavor ... and delight- ist was Rev. Florian J. Gall. Jr., at home, brother of the bride, fully smooth in texture when No Menty Down When buying A reception was held In Lin- and Gregory Bodholt, at home, tl.M wnkir maternity clothes, mixed with formula or milk. croft Inn, Lincroft. brother of the bridegroom. I it's wite to buy The bride was escorted by her Important P.t. In the matter of nu- Mr. Bodholt, also a Red Bank DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT the size you normally wear. You'll 'ather. She wore an Empire A- tritional benefit*. Gerber Cereals High School graduate, attended C 14K GOLD RING | find modern maternity clothes are line gown of off-white silk linen, are enriched with iron to help Monmouth College. He will com- No Mm*y Down well-designed to take care of your which featured a detachable chap- O.M Wnkly build good blood and B-vitamins plete his studies at Florida State expanding girth. And do buy the el train. to aid appetite and growth. University, Tallahassee. prettiett onet you can find to Wears Mantilla • He also served tour years in please your proud husband and MONET BACK GUARANTW Bottl«-f«»dlng facts. A couple of Her mantilla was of illusion the U.S. Air Force. iou feel good. edged with Chantilly lace. She Following a wedding trip to "tried-and-true" rules that may be SM air lara.* MlteMM »f fint helpful: carried a missal and bouquet of Martha's Vineyard, Mass., the Mere shopping ttrattgy. If you Mrs. Thomas S. McGrath, Jr. efll dlamondt from *40 t» $1,000. • If you hold baby as upright spider pompoms, stephanotis and couple will reside at 337-4 P ixwmble baby's layette gradually, {The Former Rosemary Schenck) as possible, hell be less apt to ivy. nell Cir., Tallahassee. you distribute the swallow air. REEDS JEWELERS co«t over the • Bottle should be tilted so nip- 40 IROAD ST., RID IANK months and won't ple is always filled with milk, an- Miss Schenck Is Bride Diamonds Designed to Delight Her! 717 COOKMAN AVE., AS1URY PARK wear out your other air-swallowing preventive. OHN WID. anil FRI. MlftHTS welcome with • BMUJAKT BRIDAL PAIR yoiir purse. Be- Crowing poinli. Because babiei Sure to set her heart on »r» sides, it's fun to Of Thomas McGrath grow so fast the first year, they — seven sparkling diamonds browse and delight in those dar- need plenty of NEW MONMOUTH - Miss Mr. McGrath escorted the la 14K gold settings. ling baby things. protein. Gerber Rosemary Schenck, daughter of bride. She wore a floor-length !4 Carat of Diamonds, Strained Meats gown designed with a lace bod- NOW I CAN USE MY When your "bUittd •yant" Mrs. Faulkner H. Schenck, 136 are high in pro- Seventh St., Belford, became the ice, round neckline, long sleeves, $129 makes his (or her) debut, it will tein and also con- and peau de sole skirt. A crown Charge hi * be no time at all before he'll be tain significant bride of Thomas S. McGrath of sequins and pearls held her NEW RECIPE BOOK! on Atreal. Once estabiiihed on this amounts of iron Jr., here on Aug 7. four-tier shoulder-length veil of imJntant basic food, you'll find and B-vitamins. Made from spe- The bridegroom is the son of illusion and she carried a cas- GsFber Cereal Sines perfect foi cial cuts selected by Armour, Mrrand-Mrs. Thomas S-.-Mc- cade bouquet' of white roses, cen- introducing cereal variety. (The m*. they're processed by an exclusive trath, Sr., 574 Hopping Rd. tered with « white orchid. •^T 65 BROA.lewderD ST* . small-size boxes are great for bird- method which removes most ol Belford. Mrs. Daniel Slover, Jr., Port MONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER ^ size appetites.) This compact sex- Rev. Charles F. Kelly officiated EATONTOWN RED BANK the fat and insures a smooth-to Monmouth, was matron of hon- Optn Mendoy thru Frldov Nlghtt OPM WM. a Frl. Nights tet contains Rico Cereal, Barley, the-tongue texture. Gerber* Babj at the double ring ceremony in or for her sister. Her floor-length Mixed Cereal, High Protein Foods, Box 72, Fremont, Mich. St. Mary's Catholic Church. Empire gown was styled with a f a\ because of white silk organza bodice em- broidered with aquamarine daisies and green leaves, with Crown bell-shaped' three-quarter-length sleeves. An outline of green vel- DID YOU KNOW FACTORY vet ribbon and bow separated the Kitchens! aquamarine silk organza skirt. LUCY'S OUTLET Her headpiece was a duster of Thar Shrewsbury Decorators aquamarine flowers and she car- ried a colonial bouquet of yellow carries all the latest deco- carnations with white 'lace and ribbon. rating innovations, such as Robert Scheller, Scotch Plains, window beads? That we have was best man. Ushers were Ron- ald McGrath, Keansburg; Ronald available any type of window Quinn, Orange, cousin of the bridegroom, and James O'Don- shade you might desire in- nell, Port Monmouth. cluding fabric laminated Following the reception In BaJ- bach's Restaurant, Keansburg, shades? Pre-Season Clearance the couple motored to Atlantic City. The bride and the bridegroom 8 are graduates of Mlddletown — THOSCMI&RA* Township High School. Mrs. Mc- SHOP-AT-HOME-SERVICE BLE CABINETS WITH Ladies Grath also was graduated from Asbury Park Business College 747-4422 NO STORAGE and Is employed by Schottland Mills, Red Bank. DAILY 9 to 5:30—FRI. "TIL * WOULD MAKE ANY The bridegroom is employed by 468 Broad St., Shrewsbury GOOD COOK SICK. SKI JACKETS the New Jersey Boiler Repair NOW EVERYTHING Company, 'Newark. HAS A PLACE-u FUR TRIM VANILLA — RIGHT HERE — COOKIE


KfiOX % THE bAJLY REGISTER He U t member of the MiHttryi 10-TWay, Augiwt 10, 1965 \Decorated Air Tranaport Service. HONOLULU, Hawaii — Muter The lergeant ii a graduate of Bridge Column Sgt. Paul D. Nichols, whose wile, W. H. AdamMn High School, DOFALSE TEETH New College Level Testing Shirley, is the daughter of Mr. Dallas. > In some hands you plan to set and Mrs. O. M. Goodman, 15 Rock, Slide or Slip? Monmouth Ct., Middletown, N.J,, The record life-span for a tiger FASTZETH, an Improved powder up a long suit, draw tramps and to be sprinkled on upper or lower The Hand has been decorated with the U.S. is believed held by "Dacca," plates, hold* false teetb more firmly Program Offered by USAFI then run the long' suit. In others, Air Force Commendation Medal who died at New York's Bronx in place. Do not slide, slip or rock. North dealer No gummy, gooey, put; tute or PORT MONMOUTH — A newl subjects for colleges and univer more levels. you leave the trumps alone since at Hickam AFB, Hawaii. [ Zoo at the age of 20. feeling.FASTEETHlsalkalliif (non- Both jides vulnerable acid). Does cot sour. Checks "plat* jomprehensive college level test sitie' s throughou' ' t' "the countr'"y The examinations are In five your plan H to crossruff. When NORTH Sgt. Nkhofls was awarded the odor breath". Get FA8TEETTB *t which in recent years, have ex- basic areas of liberal arts: Eng- you can adopt either plan, test 4AK653 medal for meritorious service as The average life expectancy of drug counters everywhere. ing program to evaluate achieve- V J82 ment through independent study pressed a need for college level lish composition, social sciences- the side suit before you make 0 KJI072 weather observer at Hickam. an elephant is about 45 years. for credits toward liberal arts de- tests to evaluate knowledge history, natural sciences, human- ' • None your choice. WEST EAST grees, has been initiated here un- achieved through correspondence ities, and mathematics. Each of When you win the first trick * Q 10 9 74 * j der auspices of the United States and television courses, or gained the tests requires 75 minutes, ex-


TOK-TTK MJtCKWMl for 8.99 2 for 15.99 650x15 1far 9.9 9 2 tor VO9 for 11.99 2 for 20.99 670x15 1for 11.9 9 2far 20.9 9 7TOxl5 1 for 13.99 2far 25.9 9 for T3.99 2 for 25.99 760xTS lfarM.99 2far«tfl» LIBBY TOMATO JUICE TIMELESS M.ACKWAU. 19* TVBEUSS BLAOCWMl 11 for 10.99 2 for19.9 9 600x>3 1far«M9 2 far far 13.99 2 for25.9 9

CIRCUS DRINKS M priew ftm M. In •* U3 H X*9 fm *n tmi < }m m. K s CAMPBELLS VEG. SOUPS 8 :r 1 TVKLSS5 WttrrtWALLS — ONLY 2^9 MOM NR TIME

BABY FOOD «™u 10 89 VAHMRBH.T SMFETY-HYLOM TIRES CARRY OUR EXCLUSIVE I-WAY TB-MONTH WEAROUT AKD ROAD HAZARD GVARANTtf fuitnl the Head lueiirinj ant, plim nil rojul haurda such M rmrh brnitn, ^aw oric, blovoals Xone brai«e<, impart breaks and rearmtxlmint, NESTLES KEEN— 4 1 dekcu. l.H Hie tire should wear out, when nwd ki notmul drivinn (with 2/32" or lew ol tread depth remaining), anytime during the guursnlcfd period, vra will replace IEAF SPINACH 10 99 the tire at the same percentage off the current telling price of a nevr tire at . the total minb«r of montrn o

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CANTALOUPE WHEN YOU BUY YOUR TtRES AT BAMBERGER'S SUGAR IWIIT EXTRA FANCY PLUMS PEPPERS • btsraHation by expert* . • Rotation erety 5,000 mUt* • hMtctwre repair far the We of the fire

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SECTION TWO TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1965 7e PER COPY See LBJ Action in Water Crisis By WILLIAM HENDERSON the officials to the White House drawing on the basin for water. fort to preserve what water is on son for federal aid in building • conference after Secretary of the Gov. Hughes has been claiming hand. It was learned that he may pipe line from Niagara Falls to WASHINGTON — President Johnson plans to ask Congress Interior Stewart Udall made a for the past month that New place the entire state on emer- New York City. for an emergency appropriation hurried study of the water short- York is taking more than its al- gency notice as a further pre- It is said this project would to be used in helping solve the age in the three eastern states. lotted share of water out of the caution. take six months but with federal water famine which has stricken Udall warned the President that, Delaware. PUn« for Wells funds and extra labor the chief parts of New Jersey, New York despite the attempts to conserve Before the week is over it is Hughes also plans to executives believe a crash pro- and Pennsylvania.; The amount water, .the plight has become expected that Gov. Hughes will have wells bored in south Jersey gram could be finished in much was not disclosed. desperate. announce itill stiffer restrictions and to tap several large lakes less time. on water consumption in northern in the slate. The Register learned that the Right now. The Register was However, ai bad as conditions Jersey. The state's failure to save President decided to make this informed, the low water mark in In New York, where the water are in the Empire state, Armand 10 million gallons a day forced move as he prepared to meet the Delaware River basin is the drought has hit the hardest, Gov. D'Angelo, New York City'« com- Hughei to work out a third tomorrow with federal, itate and main source of concern. Jersey, Rockefeller and Mayor Wagner missioner of gas, water and edict inside of a month in an ef- municipal officials in the White New York and Pennsylvania are are ready to ask President John- electricity said yesterday it would House to discuss the water crisis not be urgent, at the present effecting the tri-state area. time, to invoke "shaveless Tues- days" and "bathless Thursdays" The funds, which, it is expect- as conservation means. During ed, would be forthcoming with Highlands Board Studies another drought several years little or no opposition from Con- ago, residents were asked to skip gress, would be- used in making shaving on Tuesday and bathing quick surveys, tapping new water on Thursday in an effort to save sources, building new water sheds water. TEMPORARY LOSS — The Marlboro office of the Centra*! Jersey. Bank and Truvt and pipelines which would siphon School Addition Proposal Industries and residents do Company, which wa* held up by two armed gurrman Friday afternoon and robbed of the water into the drought sec- HIGHLANDS - The Board of Aug. 18 for i special meeting to increase on th* Class A lunch tions of New Jersey, New York face new water restrictions. Education is mulling a recom- discuss the matter. and the sale of a la carte items. $19,760, is reimbursed in full for its loss just one business day after the holdup. Left and Pennsylvania. There have been reports that if to right are A. M. LaQuaglia of Perth Amboy, claim manager for the Co«Hn«ntal mendation by Joseph R. Bolger, The testing program during the —A total of $7,963 was received the drought continues, the city's Desalting Possibility administrative principal, to con- 196445 school year indicates an jn federal aid. during the 1964-65 water supply might be shut off Insurance Companies, which insured the bank; George J. Dittmar, Jr., of Freehold, average score just above the na- The feasibility of constructing struct a four-room addition to school year. for two or three hours a day. insurance agent presenting the check to John J. S. Doyle, manager of the Marlboro plants which would take the salt tional norm, the report notes. the elementary school. office, and Charles W. Mandeville of Matawan, vice president of the bank. Mr. La- out of ocean water also will be "Therefore, we should continue talked over at the President's In his annual report, Mr. Bol- Quaglia apologized to Mr. Mandevflle for the "delay," stating he wa* out of town to press for better quality of meeting. ger called for four additional education and be more demand- 2 Errors Discovered Friday or the check would have been delivered that afternoon. It Is estimated that each such rooms to house one classroom, a ing of,our children," the report desalting filtering plant would pre-school room, library, and an states. cost about $3 million. audio-visual music room to serve Other comments on curriculum: In Salterns Mill Sign Sitting down with Johnson will as a general all purpose room. —After- several months of re« be Govs. Richard J. Hughes, New Other major recommendations IMLAYSTOWN - It takes two But the sign had two mistakes. view by the faculty and adminis- Jersey; Nelson A, Rockefeller, in the superintendent's report: a wrongs to make a right, at least TOie first to be noted vm «n ^edell Would Mediate trator, the present series of Eng- New York and William Scran- "complete" salary guide for all under an example of the state improperly formed printed "n" lish and history textbooks is in ton, Pennsylvania. "With them will professional and non-professional conservation department here. in one of the words. It was ine with the Henry Hudson Re be Mayor Robert F. Wagner, New school personnel and instillation spotted by i work crew and was gional School and will enable'the As noted yesterday, the state York; Mayor Thomas J. Whelan, of a fire detection system in ac- has erected a blue and gold remedied promptly. cordance with state regulations. local district to keep abreast of Freehold Demos' Split Jersey City and various health roadside marker in this Mill' (But the other, a misspelling Pay Guide Session modern methods. and conservation department stone Township community t o of "Salter's" in one of two places FREEHOLD — Monmouth June. He stays on until a suc- no means of entering candidates heads. The board, acting on the guide —The Child Development Cen- identify the site of Sailer's Mil where it appears, escaped un- County Freeholder Eugene J. Be- cessor is chosen to replace him. under the party label' for th President Johnson summoned recommendation, set Wednesday, ter (Head Start) program estab- and to erase impressions fiat noticed until observed by i news- dell confirmed last night he is Meeting Awaited mayoralty or the open counci lished this summer will prove to New Jersey forefoears of Presi- paper reporter from « photo trying to mediate a dispute which The time is ripe for a nomination. be in "excellent investment' dent Abraham Lincoln were of yesterday. threatens to bar Freehold demo- meeting of the local executive . Edward W. Geiger, candidate for th» years to come. . poor and lowly stock. crats from having nominees for committee because of the resigna- the other council seat to be filled, —The purchase of new audio- "Thanks for the call," said an Detective Bureau visual aids equipment will "great- appreciative state aide at the mayor and one borough council tions of Leonard J. Conway as yesterday denied he plans to quit. •eat in November. candidate for mayor and Jerome He said he will have a state- ly aid" the instructional program. Accepts Pay department In Trenton. She as- Powers, for a council seat. ment today, or tomorrow, settin, —The library continues to grow sured a correction will be made So far, the lone Democrat on both in the number of books and soon as possible. hQ county board acknowledged, But the JFK group says it won't rumors of his withdrawal straight, circulation. J. Owen Grundy, of Jersey hi las had no takers on his consider any business unless Mr, "I'm in to stay," he declared, Is Formed By Cut to Take —The new mathematics series o! Irs to mediate though he added Reynolds first resigns and a new Asked if he was reluctant t ( City, secretary of the historical w | was "well received" and repre- society of Hudson County, takes hitRfre wils l continue to be available.! chairman is elected. And Mr. run alone, Mr. Geiger said it would present no problems, am sents a "great improvement" in School Post credit for having the state re- Speaking at a meeting of Che Reynolds says he won't quit un- the field. FREEHOLD — One of two search and mark the Salter's newly-formed John F. Kennedy less both sides can agree on a Mr. Reynolds declared: Keyport Police t On the subject of activities: men offered appointment as as- mill spot. But as a newspaper Democratic club, it was learned successor who is not aligned "He won't be alone. He'Jl be oi —A school paper was produced sistant principals In the Freehold editior, he disclaims the spelling Mr. Bedell urged sacrifices and with the JFK unit. a ticket with great men like • KEYPORT. - Another step rather than purchase them out- three times during the school Regional High School system has mistake*. compromises in the name of unity If the committee doesn't meet, Richard J. Hughes and our coun- toward revamping of the police right. . year. accepted despite a $400 reduction and cited personal examples pre- the Democratic Party will have ty candidates." Richard Sailer was the father- department was taken last night The police committee also will Other areas covered in the re- in salary. But the other, who viously unmentioned as illustra- ing4aiw of Mordecai Lincoln who with the creation of i detective study possible parking restric- port: would havt lost about $1,500 has tions. was greatgreat grandfather of bureau. • tions on roads leading to the Six .—The cafeteria improved its s»id "no." Earlier this year, he told the Borough'Council adapted in or- Corners intersection. financial deficit with i five-cent the great emancipator. The board received i report new group, there was dissensioi Sagotsky Raps Title dinance creating the new agency. Mordecai Lincoln, and a broth- last night that John Lackey, an among some county Democratic Formation of the bureau had er, Abraham, were blacksmiths English teacher who has been leaders over the top leadership been recommended in a depart from New England who migrated named assistant principal for the and he was asked to contest the School to Get Land; lo New Jersey and for some Given Freehold Club meht survey made by the Inter- Freehold building, has accepted. candidacy of P. Paul j^ampi for years operated Salter's Iron FREEHOLD — Borough Democratic chairman Abe national Association of Police rejection as chairman Mr."Lackey, whose salary as Works. Mr. Salter was a leading Reynolds has labeled a local Democratic club' the "Sagotsky Chiefs. apr. Bedell said he gave the * teacher has been $8,900, will industrialist of the area. Democratic Club." • The bureau will be headed by Mayor Issues Protest idea serious thought, because he a sergeant. receive $8,500 in his executive po- Mr. Grundy fa a great-great- And yesterday, the borough attorney, Harry Sagotsky, UNION BEACH - Overriding The mayor then opened his would have liked to have become Promotion Expected sition. In addition, as assistant reat-grandson of Mr. Salter. He the former party leader at whom the dig was taken, replied: objections from Mayor Maurice campaign against the move, principal he will be on a 12-month chairman and believed he could Although no one has been des- reveres a letter from a grand- 1 "Which club is he talking about? I incorporated every W. Oakley, Borough Council last maintaining that action on it contract instead of the teacher's have helped the party, but re ignated to head the unit it is ex- daughter of Democratic club this town .has had since 1949." night approved conveyance of should await results of a survey 10-month agreement. President Lincoln, jected the idea. pected that Patrolman Frank Mrs. Jessie Lincoln Randolph, To prove his point he showed the original papers of two borough-owned lots to the being conducted by Mr. McGann Refusing the, same offer was He said he had had the coun Wscillo will be promoted to ser- which hangs on his library wall, the regular Democratic Club, from 1949, the Young Demo- Board of Education; , and August F. Postel, borough Joseph C. Callaert, a math teach- •el of Rep. James J. Howard, geant. indicative of the pride they share cratic Club and the Women's Democratic Club, of 1953, and The lots, adjoined on two sides engineer. er, who had been offered the as- himself a freshman Democratic He has been functioning as Bie in family lines: the John F. Kennedy Democratic Club of 1965. by school board land, is proposed Although assured last night by sistant principalship at the South- office' holder; and also the ad- department's investigative of. Mr. Reynolds was referring to the latter club, the name as a recreation site by school of- Mr. Postel that the two lots ern School in Howell Township. "I love to dig out genealogies," vice of Gov. Richard J. Hughes. 'icer. , . .' . of which he declared was taken without authorization from ficials. ••••• would have no effect on road His income as a teacher had been she wrote, "and am glad to say Delays Running In other police matters, council any member of the late President's family. / Despite a 5-1 vote favoring con- planning for the area, Mayor $10,000, Including $8,900 as a that as yet I have not had the held for study one bid for leasing The freeholder said he decided "Not necessary," Mr, Sagotsky said. "I have advised the veyance—with Councilman Fred- Oakley continued to protest. He teacher and $1,100 extra income sad experience. , .that Will Rog- of two new patrol cars. that it would be better to hold incorporators that the name is a public name and permission erick Heckelmann dissenting — challenged that the Planning rom extra-curricular supervisory >rs seems to have had (from a Stipub Motors Inc., this place, off his own candidacy, to pos- for its use is not needed." Mayor Oakley slruggled to defeat Board recommendation did not jobs. stage story). . .that he once has offered to lease two cars to sibly next year, and pi"t forward Jumping from the defensive, Mr. Sagotsky went on the measure'with'a veto. Patrick contain a block number and No action was taken by the 'paid a man to look up his the borough at a cost of $188.50 hjjfctrongest effort for the ticket attack. "I was incorporating Democratic clubs and working J. McGann, Jr., advised that he therefore the lots were not ade- board to replace-Mr. Callaert. genealogy and has been forced •per car per month. doubted this could be accom- quately identified. hSSGed by Gov. Hughes and in- for the Democratic Party when Mr. Reynolds was a registered With regret, the board accepted to pay him ever since to hide It also offered to purchase an plished, but agreed to' research cluding Mr. Campi as candidate 'Republican." Mr. Cassidy countered that de- the resignation, effective Jan. I, it.' " for another freeholder seat. old patroi car from the borough the point for legality. "Not true," replied the incumbent chairman. "I did vote scribing them as lots six and of Forman Naylor as transporta- Similarly, he suggested, the for S250. , in a Republican primary about 1928 in Asbury Park, in favor The vote ends months-long de- seven on Sydney Ave. was suffi- tion (bus) co-ordinator. Mr. Nay- iactions in the JFK club, headed Plan Leasing bate on the issue that first found of an old friend, Walter Haight, and maybe sometime from cient as all members of the gov- lor is moving from the area. by Councilman Tobias Mayer, and Council plans to retain one car Councilmen Philip J. Cassidy and erning body were fully aware of Main Burst 1936 to 1941, when (E. Donald) Don Sterner got me a job in At the recommendation of Irv- Freehold's regular Democratc now used by the department and William 3. Langan opposed to which lots were being discussed. the highway department. But I've always been a Democrat ing G. Eggert, the board's vice dub, loyal to the borough's Demo- lease two new one*. ' ' ... conveyance... When the board and everybody knew It." Thomas Corrado, school board president, Frank L. Witman, the Damages cratic chairman, Abe Reynolds, Councilman R o t> e r t E. Hart- threatened to develop both par- member, sat quietly through the Mr. Sterner, chairman of the county Planning Board, is secretary, will draft * job de- can help by setting aside personal man, police committee chairman, cels of its land, leaving the bor- debate, leaving when the ballot a former state highway commissioner and ex-state Republican scription based on present and disputes. said a survey has disclosed that ough land fenced-of{ and un- was officially recorded with Mr. future needs In the next five Street, Yard chairman. tended, they reversed their McGann's opinion on the mayor's Mr. Reynolds continues as chair- it would be more economical for years for use In screening appli- MIDDLETOWN — Utility man by virtue of a split vote the borough to lease the cars stand. attempted vote. cants to replace Mr. Naylor. crews worked through the night — 7 to 7 — for re-election in last night to repair water main nd electric service connections Arrest Man in Newman St., River PJaza. Addicts Learn Self-Control at Daytop Village Police said a 12-inch Monmouth Consolidated Water Co. majn for Speeding, Last In A Series tricks from 'the street.' noted Larry. to accept it. Maybe someday 1 A Puerto Rican, Luis's job is "K drugs and narcotics_ f By JACQUELINE ALBAN With direct, unexpected candor, What do the addicts "have to will." to interpret for some of the _cul- uj>det_ft*==!e=ss=SOTr=wfflf Carrying Gun Narcotics create a fantasy the resident-addicts I met and get down?" At Daytop, every privilege must forget it," said Larry 4; 30 p.m. world for the addict — a shadowy, talked with at Daytop analyzed program. These do Gray. "Instead of concentrating EATONTOWN — A Newark It undermined and washed counterfeit; an escape from dis- i receive letters — having visitors not speak English, but will enter on living without It, as we have man diased by a state trooper g away the front steps and part of appointment, anxiety, failure, and you get what you pay for. — sleepinli g in a singlil e bedbd , rathh- kindergarten in the fall. to do here, the addict would the porch on the house, under- :^an—BL_3 here "is You have to,face up to life and Many of the residents who will be spending all his waking hours speeding was stoppedunacnargeu er than a double or metal bunk mined a tree which fell onto the discipline. the only cure that will work for its setbacks and disappointments, bed — having a room of one's soon be ready to live and work figuring out how to get to the with both a motor vehicle law se, and brought down an At Daytop Village, Staten Is- 5." not run away in fear 6r crawj in- own. on the outside expressed the stuff." infraction and carrying a con- electric utility pole. land, where four Monmouth "We're like spoiled infants who to a shell Some things can be The married resident-addict same sentiments cealed weapon in his car. Robert When the newcomer addict first The gushing water also washed County residents are seeking drug were never made to accept re- changed, but those that can't, must show signs of emotional ma- Berillo, who wants to remain in Magistrate William S. Throck- arrives at Daytop, "he believes out a 20-foot stretch of the road- rehabilitation, the adict — de- sponsibility," stated Larry Gray, must be accepted. turity before his wife and children the Daytop program, helping there is dope available or .there morton accepted the way, part of Mr. Fiordland's rges prived of narcotics and alcohol a 23-year-old Brooklyn addict who Those were some of the answers are permitted to move in. other addicts. Hugh D. Reyi wouldn't be so many like him front yard, and kit a six-foot- against 33, — is exposed to cold reality and once "split" for several days and from Daytop's 61 resident-addicts of Newark, and committed him For James Germano, 23-year- In the talking stage is formation here," »aid Larry. deep hole where the break was. forced to face up to himself, his came back because he "didn't ranging in age from 17 to 37, who to the Monmouth County Jail in old Monmouth County youth, of a netwoTk of action commit- During the worst of it, water Mipalbilities. have it all down yet." call each other "brother" and Saturday was a red letter day. tees to be called the Selected "When, he realizes we are try- was a foot deep in the street. lieu of SI ,000 bail for hearings. "sister." ing to lick the problem ourselves, The exposure — calculated, re- "t knew as soon as I was It was the day his wife joined Panel Attacking Narcotics Patrolman Howard Collins in- A date for the latter 'hasn't yet without narcotics, he then de- lentless, probing — is accom- back on the street that I din't One 17-year-old, four-month him at Daytop. (SPAN). vestigated. taen set. cides that anything is better than plished through painfully honest fit in anymore," he explained. resident here who has been in fwrboper Raymond Castellano, as- "We've been separated a long SPAN'S function would be to jail or going hungry — for the Firemen of the River Plaza /Brbal "encounters" *- group de- 'I had learned that much about jail several times and federal signed to a special highway pa- tinie," he said. "There will be a spread Che word on the Daytop time being only," Larry went on. Fire Co. removed the tree and trol squad, brought Reynolds to >ate sessions. myself here. But not enough ihospitals "for the cure" told of lot of adjustments to be made concept, sell it to organisations assisted at the scene. There was a halt at 12:10 am. and reported It's a people-to-people program to live with mature people out his frustration when he wasn't before we know and undestand and communities, and educate "Finally, if he really wants no one in the house at the time. • discovering a gun, a .22 caliber it Daytop — addict supporting there. I'm sticking here until I designated boss of the service each other enough to try it again industry to accept rehabilitate/1 to 'Wok the habit' the addict- No injuries were reported. revolver, fully loaded, during a addict- — addict policing addict have it all down." crew. together on the outside." addicts for employment. helping-addict concept starts to get to him. If it doesn't, he routine inquiry. — addict probing addict — addict Residents who "spljt" and re- "I was convinced I really de- "But. everybody here will help Its membership would be com goes back where the actdon is." judging addict — addict learning turn are relegated to the. most served it because I had worked us," he added, "because if we prised of private citizens, pro- $4,552 Piano No Business ind maturing with addict. menial tasks at the center, no harder than anyone else. When make'it — it would mean they fessionals, clergymen, and reha- "If It gets through to him - Deception, cunning, false excus- matter how far they had pro- I didn't get it, I resented it — could make it!" bilitated addicts like Robert Beril- he stays. And to stay means to Contract Issued •EATONTOWN - With no busi- is, self pity — familiar ruses of gressed up the job ladder before but good — and said so,", he Three Working lo who said he wants to give walk out at here someday a MATAWAN — Niesen Mu- ness before it, the Planning Board he addict — none of them work leaving. 1 emphasized. An addict is considered ready dope addicts a new start in re- more mature person able to cope sjc £>nter last night held its shortest meet- iere. was There are no bars at Daytop. "On (he outside, I would have to work on the outside after turn for the one he received at with whatever happens out ing of the year, adjourning at awarded a $4,552 contract last Robert Berillo, an 18-year-old Anyone who wants to — can chucked it all and shot dope, be- about 15 months of Daytop thera- Daytop. there." 8:12 p.m. aw York addict who has been leave. The policy is to be es- night by the Regional Board erf cause I would have been con- py. Three residents now are What do these people "who "That's what Daytop is aH At the suggestion of member 'clean" at Daytop for 14 months, corted to the ferry and out of vinced I am a failure and will working in Head Start programs have been there and back" think about," he concluded. Under a Education to supply eight pianos Albert F. Carelli, Melvin J. Kohn, ias had this to say: the area as a protection for re- always be one in • anything I • i Staten Island schools. of drug rehabilitation programs proposal submitted to the federal for the school district. •board chairman, reminded the "We've all been there and back. maining addict-residents. try. Pifiic that the planners meet Of the work, Luis Martinet, offered today In fedeml and state Office of Economic Opportunity, The firm was the lowest of two There isn't a trick we don't know "If a guy is picked up In the "But here," he dedared, "I a* 8 p.m. the second Monday of 27-year-old Brooklyn addict who hospitals and institutions, which 20 Monmouth County addicts bidders on the equipment. — a lie we can'ple — doing rather than the "cold turkey" Daytop for one year, to serve a $1,832 pad to iiippty a folding t's like looking in a mirror when be a Daytop guy or the whole was off base. They say that's something.for somebody. For me, withdrawal imposed on new resi- Rd. _^ _ Jfli . . * _ ma :•. . ft I • • ". BIB L. - — .. . as the nucleus staff for a rehabil- stage for the Slrathmore Elemen- one comes here full U program vrfU get a blade eye,"the way Me really is, and I haw tint', lomething." dents of Daytop? itation center in this county. tary School. \ i2*-Tueed«y, Attgu* 1O,J963 ANDYCAPP ii. general chairman tot tfap Mrs* ViiKfflt • —••»•»•W irm'--"r— "-/."•;. # Church Sets fiatt*. Other chairmen include: In charge of financear t Jane* THE DAILY REGISW Malone, Englishtown; Thomas -'.•••-,- * . -*^~ Food, John TUtUI, Everett; cream man. '•''" game* of akjil; Jaoiaa Behrman, Rosso,Ruaso , Colts Neck;; Mr*.. Fraudraud s Its Country Colts Neck, and Edward Mc- Weiss, Holmdel; special, Mm, Coulf, Englishtown; clams and James Behrman, Colts Neck; Mrs. Harvey Holland, Marl- refreshments, Joseph Compoly, Mrs. Salvatore Cavalerro of boro, and Mr*. James Malone, Fiesta Dates Morganville, and prizes. Mat* Everett, and Frank Foley, Engliahtown, are In charge of MARLBORO — St. Gabriel's thew,GiH, Middletown; William Englishtown. publicity. Catholic Church on Rt. J20 here Kattner, Colts Neck; and Vin-Norman Janwich, Wickatunk, is aml wil Be modern with will hold a country fiesta on itscent Pomarico, Holmdel. in charge of parking, ' grounds Friday and. Saturday, Mrs, John Dorby of Bradevelt Ham Stolr, Marlboro, Is elec- Aug. 20 and 21. is in charge of special attrac- trician. tions along with Mrs, John MOEN Children's special events 'Will Bernard DombroaW, Matawtn, Nigel of Cote Neck; country with Philip Inglis, Morganville, ^AUCfTWlTHAWTUtl, nclude a rodeo tt 7 p.m. andstore, Mrs. Rod Hofer, Marlboro; and Joseph VoU, Wlctoatunk, wiU a magician at 8 p.m. There drcui, Mrs. Salvatore Trente- handle the grounds. John Blau- will be a cmntry store featuring coste, Everett, and garden, valt, Cote Neck, will be left home made and hand made terns, a garden shop, cake booth Task Force Starts Work At Fort Faces Hearing and circus tent. Michael Guadagno, Colts Neck, FURNITURE FORT MONMOUTH - The a 30-member Value Engineering conduct minor experimental fab- On Gun Charge Task Force program to study ra-rication and tests in connection day morning by Patrolman Rob- deputy assistant Secretary of De- M1DDLET0WN - Christian P. ert Schnoor at Wilson Ave. and diosonde systems. with proposed solutions. Olsen, 19, of IS Oak; St., Neptune, 10 BROAD ST RED BANK • 7.I7-1OOO fense for equipment maintenance John W. Weseloh, chief of th Cherry Tree Farm Rd. The Task Force, to be In opera- Is being held in the county jail Acting Police Chief Raymond and readiness, George E. Fouch, tion (or a tout of six weeki, is EC0M Quality Management Of- gave the keynote address opening fice, is the task operations direc- pending a hearing Thursday in T. Walling said Olsen was hitch- Visit our Complete: comprised of representatives of hiking when the patrolman the Department of Defense Value tor. Other member* of thMunicipal Court on charges of Gtorgt K. Fielding EC0M element include: stopped him on a routine check. Engineering Services Office, the carrying a concealed weapon and Chief Walling said Patrolman * Cionfract Dapartmant * Fabrtc Dapt. HmiMaVaaa' Heath* Air Force, Navy, NASA, and the M. B. Sharenow, R. M. March falling to give a good account of Schnoor found a gun hidden in * 14 Ceaiar A*e., AH. HlghliMb U.S. Weather Bureau, as well as graber, A. C. Peterson, K. C. * Decorator Dapartmant 1*14113 the Canadian government and Steelman and L. E. Clark, of th himself. pair of folded tromera being car- A private Industry, along with the Atmospheric Sciences Labora- He was arrested early yeater-ried by Olsen. ' USAEC0M element, tory; A. C. Arabs and I. F. Fran- WARD Brig. Gen. W. C. Franklin, de cis, R & D Directorate; and E. J. pifty commanding general tor op-Neaiis, B. A. Reed, S. H. Smith erations, in behalf of the Array and Louis Bianco, of Procure- Electronics Command, hosting ment and Production Director- the group, welcomed them to Fort ate. RIVERSIDE Monmouth on their arrival in the At the opening meeting, the 100% REBUILT Evans area. group was briefed by E. F. Mitch- Also attending the opening cere- ell, plans and operations chlsf COMPANY ENGINES monies was Richard E. Bfeden- of the Combat Surveillance and PARK • MD IA.NK • IKICK TOWN bender, director of the DOD Val-Target Acquisition Laboratory; ue Engineering Service! Office, Col. J. R. Nickel, director of the 0«w 200 brand MW The task force's mission is toElectronics Warfare Laboratory; ports Moflwl examine all elements of current and J. M. Lebadda, chief, Atmos- Fm 5OO-m3. died radiosonde systems and "to bring pheric Sciences Laboratory'* met their skills to bear on the prob- al system branch. UP TO S2M lem o* reducing system costs Mr. Fouch and Mr. Bidenben- while retaining or improving op- der, prior to returning to Wash $157-s. eration and reliability." ington, joined the members for It Is anticipated that the memluncheon at the Hexagon and then bers will devote their full time heard a briefing by J. A. Macin NO MONEY DOWN ... through the end of September to ko, program analyert. Manage- work with the task force, except- ment and Administration Systems IAT0NTOWN, N. J. ing for a two-week intermission Department. 0pm tvtry nlr» 'til 9:30! when they will return to their dutv stations. They will also Arrest Man

• LATERAL * On Warrant M1DDLET0WN - Matthew J. DRY WELL ww ^CESSPOOL Hogan, 11 Chirles St., Port Mon- SERVICE •] CONSTRUCTION mouth, was arrested here yester- SAVE! • BACK-HOE day on a bench warrant Issued tufU • S*»H« Tanks by Rarltan Township Magistrate tumpti and Cleaned DIGGING Harold Stern. The man Is charged with fail- FAMOUS CHARLES H. WILSON Ing to appear in Raritan Munici- pal Court to answer a charge of 3» PIACH STREIT 741-1846 careless driving, police reported, NIW SHMWSiUJtr adding that he waa releaaed after UT1CA WHITE posting $«0 bail. PERCALE SHEETS

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MlOP Red Bank Wednesday and Friday Nighu 'til 9 — Asfaury Park Monday, Wednesday, Friday Nights 'til 9 DAILY UEGISTCR TELEVISION • THEATER • MOtBES • MUSIC • DINING OUT Tuwfcy, Augurf 10, 1965-13 Five Old Men' Wevision Highlights PlayatMSC At The Mwies (4) - Mr. Novak. "Honor tnd driven Mrs. Alving, her supporting cast is EATONTOWN - "The Five AH That." (Repeat). Uneven but provoca- so effective, they manage to impress the Old Men," dance band composed RED BANK Cinderella 3:45; 1:00; 10:3D: Truth tive episode about a trouble-making student characters of the bigoted Pastor, the doomed of local youths, appeared last About Spring 2:00; 8:30. who enjoys the power be wields over his CARLTON- HIGHLANDS Oswald, the unscrupulous carpenter, and his week at the Monmouth Shopping Yellonr Rolli Royu 2:00; T:10; 9:25. classmates by thumbing his nose at authority. daughter Regina, Indelibly on your mind. Center with Jerry Lee Lewis, TV EATONTOWN MARINE- -.t HE AT RE S-J None But the Brave; You Principal Burgess Meredith treds a very 10-11 (1) - The Doctors and The Nurses. and recording star. COMMUNtTY- hazardous path when he tries to combine Von Ryan'i Eipresi 2:00; 7:12; 924. KEANSBURG * Comfortably Air Conditioned it "The April Thaw of Doctor Mai." (Repeat). The quintet is also scheduled to CASINO— understanding with discipline in handling the No television fas will be surprised at the DRIVE-1N- appear with the Yard Birds, Eng- Whtt'a New Puiayeat ft:27: 12:21; Tickle Ma 3:30; <:40: 9:15 I Saw * NOW PLAYING * brewing unrest. outcome of this romantic episode, but the lish rock group, in their first Who'i Cot the Action 1«:35. What You Did 2:00; 8:30. 7:554o conclusion (11) — . New ladies will be Intrigued to find the dedicated American appearance at Conven- LONG BRANCH MIDDLETOWN rantani U RERFDRAD BANNK THE YEAR'S MOST GUTTER York Yankees vs. Minnesota Twins, from Dr. Tazinski (Michael Tolan) falling in love tion Hall in Asbury Park. BARONET- TOWN- Yankee Stadium. Famlly Jewels 3:40: 7:00:10:20; B«ven Famlly Jeweia 2:00: 7:00: 9:30. with an icily beautiful htdy doctor from The group, old in name only, Slaves it. the World 2:00; 8:40. • ?.»*» G> - Hollywood Talent Scout*. Finland (Diana HyJand). consists of Tony Maida of Red HAZLET Marine* at 2 FREEHOLD LOEW'S DRIVE-IN- A* ||fi first celebrity guest, Steve Allen 10-11 (4) - Hullabaloo. (Repeat). Frank- Bank, drums and lead singer; FREEHOLD- HOW to Stun a Wild BUInl 8:i: EvMlngi7 ft f: intitxJices singer Michael Dees to the le Avalon hosts the show for the younger Dave Cruise of Hazlet, lead gui- Ciniirtlla 2:15; 7:45: 9:50: Golden 12:47; The Manchurlan Candldatt Hoiaeshoa Revlei i 2:00; 7:00; »:05. 10:3». rostrum. But the novelty of the hour comes set, and the rouser of the hour is the tar; Lou Dombrowski of Shrews- PLAZA— ASBURY PARK I I I next, when film director Daniel Mann shows ten-song medley of tunes by John Lennon and bury, bass guitar; Frank Viola of In Harm< Way 2.05: 7:05: »,55. up with a -screen test of Israeli actress Gil* BARONET- Paul McCartney sung by Fraride, Barbara Hazlet, organ, and Nick Migliac- EAST BRUNSWICK STARTS SAT. Golan, and brings on stage for a chat. Zorba the Oreek 7:30; 10:00. McNair and Joanie Sommers. Other spots cio of Red Bank, saxophone, LYRIC- TURNPIKE- Leslie Uggams, Carl Reiner and singer" Frank- INDOOR—Family Jewela 7:30; 11:20 CARROLL BAKER include solos by Barbara and Joairie, a What'a New Puasycat 2:20; 7:30; t:<5. Pun In Acapulco 9:30. ie Laine, the other scouts of the evening, in- ballad from those British folk singers, Peter MAYFA1R- OUTDOOR — FamilyiJewels 8:40 "HARLOW" troduce vocalist Lola Fisher, The Apollos, and and Gordon, and songs by the Supremes. Von Ityan'i Express 3:10; 7:20; 9:60. 12:30; Pun In Acapulco 10:30. writer Gary Marshall turned comic lor to- SAYRE WOODS (Color). TV Mailbag PARAMOUNT- SAYRE W00DS- night. Bound or Muaic !:w; 8:30. 1MJ.-J9 (11) — Merv Griffin. Actor Marriage Italian style 7:25; 9:25. 8:JM (7) — McHale'i Navy. "Instant By STEVEN H. SCHEUER ST. JAMES— Wonderi of Switzerland 7:00; 9:10. Robert Horton, actor-comic BiUy DeWolfe, Democracy." (Repeat). A wacky outing. My Pair Lady 3:30; 8:30. MENU) PARK STARRING comedienne JoAnne Woriey, comic Dick Question — I heard an outrage- COliJNGWOOD CIRCLE Binghamton joins forces with McHale for CLNEMA- IHGRID BERGMAN Cavett, and novelist Nelson Algren, join Merv ous rumor which I hope is just SHORE DRIVE-IN Whal'g N«w Pmaycat 2:00; 3:50 a change, in an effort to get the natives to Von Ryan's Express 8:30; 12:00; Wild IEIBI8RIS0N help them overhaul a nearby airstrip. When for the song and chatter tonight, that, but judging from past shows 5:tO; 8:00; 10:00. on Ui» Beach 10:30 PERTH AMBOY Ensign Parker takes it upon himself to ex- 11:15-1 (7) - Nightlife. George Gobel and on TV, thpre just might be some FARM1NGDALE truth to it. I heard that "Gfyrtis" AMBOYS DRIVE-IN— (UK DON OMtt tSC«n plaitjjtthe basic elements of the democratic his long-time show-regular, Peggy King, have FLY-IN DRIVE-IN- Cartoon 8:30; Family Jewell 8:36; protWs to the witch doctor, new problems a reunion.on Les Crane's panel. Dave Gar- and Ifnogene Coca's old lemon of Famuy Jewels 8:30; .u:io; Beach 12:31; Who'a Been Sleeping iin My 1 Blanket Bingo 10:30. Bed 10:18. -• •rise. Jacques Aubuchon is very good as roway gets his moment, actor Cliff Robertson a show titled "Grandl' were go- IN COLOR comes on for a chat, rock 'n roll singer ng to be incorporated and be- NEPTUNE CITY MAJESTIC- the jungle medicine man, Famlly Jewels 2:30; B:05; 9:411 Ml (9) "Ghosts" by Henrik Ibsen. (Re- Neil Sedaka performs, and the comedy team come one comedy series titled NEPTUNE OTY- Seven Slavoi vi. World 4:10: 7:50. " 1 of Fiore and Eldridge put in another ap- "Glynis and Grind!." How about Von Ryan'a Express 2:06; T:30: 8:30. LAST DATr peat). A compelling BBC production of Ibsen's WOODBRIDGE Rr. 35 or Polmar Av«. —i drama on morality versus convention's de- pearance. the f«ots?-Mrs. G. F., Betten- BRADLEY BEACH PALACE— DRIVE-IN- JERRY LEWIS 11:M-1 (4) - Tonight. Next to the last dorf, Iowa Famlly Jewela 8:50; 12:20; who'! VIS I votion to false gods, is highly recommended Family Jewela 2:20; 7:20; 9:20. night for pinch-hitting Joey Bishop, and his Got Uia Action 10:45. theatre fare. Although the famed Greek Answer — Outrageous is just BELMAR TOWN scheduled guests include singer Bifly Eck- House Hunting! It's open sea- MIDDLETOWN "THE FAMILY JEWELS"lEWELS"]! actress Katina Paxinou dominates the play Wie word for such a rumor. Both RTVOLI- • MIDDLE (71.1020 I with her melodramatic portrait of the duty- stine and Warren Bellinger this time (Color). 'Glynis" and "Grindl" were flops In Harm's Way 2:10; 7:10; 10:00. son in the Daily Register Classi- first time out and will not be SPRING LAKE fied now. Starts Tomorrow 7p.m. revived as a joint venture. As RITZ- rnrninm Complete Program Listings you probably know, reruns of Marrlage Italian Style 7:00; 9:05. ATLANTIC "Giynis" are filling the "Lucy" MANASQUAN THEATRE Channel 2. . WCBS-TV Channel 5 WNEW-TV Channel I , jWOR-TV slot for. the remainder of the ALGONQUIN- Alliulli' HluliUuls—Trl, JUl-HIU I Baw What You Did 2:30; 7:35; ChioaeM. . WNBC-TV Channel 7 . WABC-TV .ChuntfU, .WPDC-TV summer. »:3S. BRIELLE LAST TIMES TONIGHT Monmouth Ceuntv'i 11—Weather—Vlvlon Farror TUESDAY 4— Newt—Geoffrey Pend Question — There's ,a British MATINEE TODAY AT 2 Niwcit and AFTERNOON e:M 5-Metropoilton Memo MOTOR-VUE— Z— News— Jim -Jensen 7—Film—Bloodlust- Shenandoali S:U; 12:00; Robin ft ttaa Most Modern U;M actor I strongly feel covfld be- 5—Astroboy—Oorioon Robert Reed-1 hr., J5 mln. Seven Hoods 10:40. Theatre Mfe-Strlol 7—Local Hews—Van Sickle 1:05 come a bog star If he had more y Bluff—Gome 9—Trails West—Drama I—Film—The Well-Groamed Bride— exposure on TV. His name is BRJCKTOWN • SMOKING Rmd-ComWy 11—Superman—Advenlura Olivia dt HOVIIIOIKMO mln, Memory Lone—JM Frmtdln BRICK PLAZA— W-Bectmnla at Work 1;15 John Leyton. I recently saw him Tattooed Police Hone 1:00: 7:00; LOGE ll-Cortoon*-Ctilldrm i:4S • / ' 4-Fllm-Ooy-Tlme wife- ' in the Frank Sinatra movie "Von 9:03; Cinderella 2:1&; 7:43; S:M: 11:15 7—News-Bob Young Tyrone Power—1 hr., 35 mln, • ACRES OF 2-New> 7:00 ln Ryan's Express" and on TV in POINT PLEASANT 11:W l:n J-News-Wolter Cronklt* law Uoves Me Not- ARNOLD- FREE J-Seor* tor Tomorrow a drama on "12 O'clock High." 4-Nevn-Huntley, Brlnkley Blng Crosby—1 hr., 35 mln. 4-1'II Bet-Goma In Harm's Way 2:05: 7:05; 9:SO. PARKING 5-Soupy Sales-Vorlety 4:it What are his plans for the im- 7—Father Knowi Best BAYHEAD 7—Passport 7T-Dooimtntary I-Flim— It's A Great Llfe- Plus - "Truth About Spring" ll-aiKtmreo SOO-Bg* Wtover mediate future?-M. D., Minne- 9Wt9Wtorrh7ah n andd 33on Joe Morrftoa—1 hr., II mln. 11:« LORRAINE— II—Woody Woodpecker WEDNESDAY apolis, Minn. »-Guldlnfl Lrgfht—Strhnl Family Jewela 7:20; 9:30. lJ-World History I MORMINS STARTS TOMORROW 11—DIcK Tracy-Cartoon Answer — Leyton's featured 7:M <:N LAURELTON MATINEE AT 2 11:55 2-Eyeon New York role in the "12 O'clock High" 4-Newi-Ra/ Schsrer 7-New» DRIVE-IN- 4—Mr. Novak-Drama. CM Von Jljan's Exprees S;«; 13:20; Wild l:M 5-Welli Faroe—Western segment tMed "The Trap" made *-Leov« It to Beav«r I-Sumnw Seme«t»r on the Beach 10:45. 7—Comhotl—Drama 4—Film Feature ' many fans sit up and take no- ""JAMES • n i * LAST DAY ——-1 «—Bochelor Father-Comedy LAVALLETTE •—Film-Not of This Eorth- 7-Pnlect Kmw-Eduoatlon tice. Oiir maifbag has received 5-cnrtwns-Chlldrm Poul BlrdV-90 mln. • LAVALLETTE— 7—Rebu»-Gome 7:M II—Bold Joumay-Travel I-News and Weather many letters asking about him. Operation Crossbow 7:10; 9:20. STEWART | 'What's New Pussycatr| H—Film—Million Oollor Manhunt— catoujtowiu 4-Todoy Ley*on started out as a rock V Richard Dennlng-M mln. I'M SEASIDE EATONTOWN DRIW-IN 1:11 7—Cartoons— Children ll-Baetnll-Ycinkees vi. Twlnt 7:15 roB singer and was more than a COLONIAL- ••onve-iiM — 1:00 *-""" • i:» 5-New> moderate success in his native Famlly Jewels 7:20; 9:25. Starts Tomofrow! t-A>955 film titled "Lucy Gal- 77Matl 4:8 11:15 4—Concentration—Game ant" which co-starred Miss Wy- STARTS mm mim 4-News—Nancy Dlckenon ?-Fllm-Not of This Earth- •-Family LMng-Sodology TOMORROW Paul Birch—90 mln. man and Chartton Heston, not J—Sea Hunt—Adventure 11:M 7— Newt-Bill Owen Hudson. The movie is available 4—Film-One Touch of V«mJS— 4-Tonlght-Vorlety ' • 11:15 Ava Gardner—90 mln. 11:30 « 11-Mock and Myer-Comedy for TV showings. EATONTOWU 5-Sandy Becker 11—Sports—Bob Wolff 11:15 11—S»j-*comber Bill 5-News S434201 jflPV ilB© Il-Posslnj Paroife-N«bl« 11:M (For an answer to your ques- 1—p|Ki-Volley of the Glonts— 11:» 3—McCoys—Oomedy tion about any TV program or Woyne Morris mln. 4—Jeopardy—Game 7—Film—Domino Kid— 11:55 5-Holl or Fun-Fred Hall actor, write to Sten/en H. Scheu- Rory Calhoun—1 hr., 25 mln. •-News ond WMttier 7-Prlce is Right-Game Lait Day Today • o—Firnld* Theoter—Droma , Television Mailbag, in care »—Mike Douslos—Variety lN John Wavira 5:30 Il-Canil Corbtft-CMIdrMl ftis pajier.) 11—Thre« Stooges—Comedy DrE nrive-iN TJ—Charily Bailey—Children In Harms Way EVENING Delightful and speedy topping COLLINGSWOOD i:W ;or fresh fruit: a package of 4-N«w»-MacN«ll, Prtttmm Three Failures Make S-Mlckty Mouse Club cream cheese blended with a 11-Nivn-Martln o'Horo half cup of commercial sour Plus at Shore U—What's New—Children cream. ' Drive-In II—Local News—John Tlltman A Successful Lyricist 4:25 7—weather—Ken Rabat Goody"); Harold Arlen "WILD ON By BOB THOMAS of the Paul WWteman organiza- Old Black Magic." "Blues in the THE BEACH" **•••*••••• AP Movle-TV Writer tion. Night") Harry Warren ("Jeep- 5MOKINU »v.iiura at his beach home one morning. tried to be a singer and failed, t He has also collaborated with NO EXTRA CHARGE "I've been lucky to have been tried to be an actor and failed. himself on such ACRES OF FREE Winner 3 yunr able to collaborate wtth some of PARKING AT OUR So I just naturally fell into lyric "Dream," but he seldom writes Academy Awards the best song writers of my gen FRONT DOOR writing." music any more, Anthony Quinn eration," he said. "I think I've piano and it's hard to demon- 24 HOUR PHONE RESTAURANT This is the deprecating analy- worked with most of them, ex- strate songs when you don't," SERVICE AT ALL "ZORBA the GREEK" sis by Jdhnny Mercer of his lat-cept Richard Rodgers." he explained. THEATRES ter-day career. It doesn't take TONIGHT Some of his partners and the In recent years Mercer has AIR-CONDITIONED into account that he may well fruit of their labors: Richard been in heavy demand for title "The Fabulous" be (he most successful lyric Whiting ("Too Marvelous for songs far movies. ~' Jerry Uwl> writer practicing today. Words"); Jerome Kern ("Dear- from his lyriotaing of "THE FAMILY JEWELS" NfCKIE DON MeBow-voiced. Mercer is 55, ly Beloved"); Gordon Jenkins Reason's ','Laura." — ALSO — (P.S. "I Love You."); Hoagy LONG BRANCH •ft but seems little changed from producers call me ajl the CarmWiael ("Lary Bones"); 7 SLAVES VS THE WORLD" the days when he and Jack Tea- f with offers to write songgs •k, Matty Ma In eck ("Goody QUARTETTE garden intoned the blues as part for theiir picture titles," he said. •k. FEATURING "1 turn most of them down. I think it's silly to write a song Lent Day Today TREAT THE FAMILY TODAY {JACKIE HILL * that doesn't mean anything, just "Cinderella" The Glass Menagerie so you can plug the picture. I 1 Yoir •»«*..•* —MM43* dont need the money." ' ••••••*•••• paranioiiMt Will Start Tomorrow SUMMER VACATION SUMMER KIDDIE SERIES •> ASBURY PARK HAZLET — Summer Horizons, in the depression years of the Ramtan's Community Theater, 1930's, its message and special TOMORROW AT 2 P.M. EXCLUSIVE SHORE AREA ENGAGEMENT opens it's '65 summer season to- signifigance can be applied to H.75 presents the . morrow night with Tennessee the 60's and Its problems. WINNER OF 8 & RODGERS-HAMMERSTHN\ William's "The Glass Manag The set for Glass Menagerie TOWN POMMUNity FEATURE OF THE WEEK AWARDS erie." ~* has been created to exemplify MIDDLETOWN • MinniF M EATONTOWFATnNTnWNU ACADEMY ROBERT WBE, O Roirlarde of The Summer Horizons' players the main theme of the play. It Includlnq will present showings of the differs greatly from the original DON KNOTTS BEST PICTURE PRIME BEEF "Glass VManagerie" tomorrow setting used by Mr. Williams. JOHN WAYNE Bamanda and Thursday at Raritan Town- In the past, many set designers "TARZAN'S ship High School auditorium, 419 have changed the original set of by th» famoui European chef, Middle Rd. Curtain time will be 'The Glass Managerie." The "The Gaorg* Varo, who escaped at 8 p.m. Summer Horizon set is unique in {ram bahind tha Iron Curtain. LOST "BIG NOW at Enjoy a variety of American 1965 marks the 20th anniver- its abstract setting. sary of Tennessee Williams' first Incredible 2:30 & and Continental ipecialtiei in The director, George J. Del- Hi B:30 charming surroundingii onca a Broadway presentation dt "The monte, has woven Sie original •• landmark of tha Amariean Glass Managerie." Since then script and concept around Mr. Limpet SAFARI CIRCUS" Revolution. fennessee Williams' p 1 a y •, this different setting, the cast ErnlaJpiMerciirio at tha piano 'Street Car Named Desire," includes Joanne SiWer, in the NOW Ot Children Umfer 12 ftvM., Fri. end Sat. Nlghh) The Night of the Iguana" and rale of Amanda Wimffieid; Sandy DOORS OPEN 1:30 • SHOW STARTS AT 2 2:30 & SI Ar All Hum 'Sweet Bird of Youth" have Hunt, as her daughter, Laura; Art axhibit on display. — Abo at Each Theatre — 8:30 ROUTE 7? MATAWAN brought him into the ranks of Michel Thomas, as Tom, the CMC* ftnmtd ftm* Now MM America's great playwrights. Al- younger brother, and Joints''4r —ARE AT ANY— Rei.jvationi—544-3391 WALTER MADE . CTIIUHC THEATRES though the setting of the play it Bujdi, u Jim O'Connor. COLOR CARTOON CARNIVAL Freehold Op«ni Harold Dancer, Jr., Win!

14- TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1965 Feature on Chin Whiskers

It wai the second straight year ninth race with tony Abbatiello FREEHOLD — Harold "Sonny" in the sulky. Huarte in 1st Jet Workout; Dancer, Jr., may be on the verge that young Dancer has accom- Dancer wai one of three dou- of a monopoly at Freehold Race- plished the feat. He won last year's inaugural with True ble winners at Freehold yester- way. day. "Sonny" also won with Mer- Four All-Stars Join Giants The youngest member of the Forbes. He also won the $6,000 famous harness racing clan won Sampson Pace last year with Chin cury Don in the third race, pay- Weeb Ewbank, "and went over PEBKSKILL, N. Y. (AP) - the featured $2,500 Inaugural Whiskers. ing $4. Chin Whiskers returned our play book. Quarterback John Huarte, the Pace at the historic Monmouth True Forbes was on yester- $2.80, $2.60 and $2.60 In beating "John did not have his book New York Jets' No. 2 draf County track yesterday afternoon day's first of 60 daytime racing Singing Water and Hajperic to with him at the All-Star game as choice, went through his firs with favored Chin Whiskers. cards. He finished fifth in the the finish line in 2:09.^| workout with the American Foot- I figured it was more important But all the prices weren't short. ball League team yesterday. for him to do his job out there. With a record opening day and The former Notre Dame star, "He has a lot to make up but weekday handle of $708,232 set- voted most valuable player in I am not going to rush him. ting the example, longshot bet- Friday's College All-Star gam Huarte will play in this week's tors had an enjoyable afternoon game." against the Cleveland Browns, as Runnymede Meg ($15.40), drilled on ball handling, calling In Friday night's pre-season Beam's Choice ($28.80), Marcia signals and pass plays with an exhibition with the Boston Patri- Tass ($33.40) and Doctor Chief ots in Allentown, Pa., Huarte will other group of rookie backs. ($14.40) all defied the chalk play- - "I had a four-hour meeting with share the quarterbacking with ers. . .' him on Sunday," said Mike Taliaferro and Joe Namath. Favorites Hove Moments Ewbank cut offensive tackle Ralph Farmer of Wisconsin and But the favorites had their mo- defensive back John Sklopan, ob- ments, too, The daily double of tained in the pre-season trade 8-4, engineered by Austin Thom- Seaboard as, paid $21.20 with McDaniel with the Buffalo Bills. O'Boy ($6.80) and MIsftfGlrdle- In Fairfield, Conn., four New tree ($7) taking the W& two Opener ToYork Giants who saw action in races. last Friday night's All-Star game It was a good start for Thomas in Chicago joined the National who comes to Freehold with the Mets, hO Football League club at its train- EASTERN DEBUT FOR YACHT — Urry S 6,80 f 00 7M American Soap'Box Derby. ($14.40), with Wilmer Butler in Maverick (Zendtt 1,00 2.80 methods, the new boat features sofa that converts to a double of 250 hp V-8 (2.5-1) Interceptor just before the semnfinais. John to to first base — andGreat Jay (King) 2.10 rugged construction and luxurious bed. The entire deckhouse is Marine engines. Additional Inter- Robert E. Logan, a 12^year-old the sulky, copped the last race. Also Starttd—Mr. Streak, Mloa Alton, ArWe of York, Neb., had the best Steve Buttertfield grounded out to appointments. The hull is double eighth grader from Woodland In the feature raoe, Chin Whisk- Talent and Ernest. inished with matched mahogany ceptor engine options are also time of 27.04 in the first round. second to end the game. Scratched—Hustler. planked of Philippine mahogany panelling and decorator selected available as well as a full line Hills, Calif., won a special award ers came from far back at the 2ND Race—Pace; Clmi-; *l,00O; 1 rn. Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. 8. MMa <1> F. H. GUntl (0) over marine plywood on white draperies. Wall to wall caipet- of Gray Marine gasoline engines for Hie best brakes, an honor top of the backstretch to over- AB R H AB R H Miss al'rdittraa (Th'a») 7.00 (.10 3.80 that takes second place when Samuel Logan, won his local-lev- 3 0 1 Horr.Jb 2 0 0 oak frames. Fastenings through- ing is featured throughout. With the extensive, but stand- take the early leader, Homeric, W. J. Counsel (Muntz) 9.40 4.20 compared to the $7,500 college el championship at- Santa Ana, Jicklt>n,2b 3 0 <1 Hara.p 3 0 0Bobby Star (Hancock) . out are bronze in the best marine The owner's stateroom is aft ard, equipment, the Trojan 42 who was driven by Harold Story. Farrell.lB • 0- -2 -F»m'lary,r - T 3 O Aim Stirted-Navy Jet, K«lly Boy, scholarship he won by, finishing Calif., and was one of the smaller Tinko.rt _u«s« Senorlta8«m>rlta, BrBrighl t Count and tradition, as is the balance of the and features standard household Motor Yacht lists for a surpris- Singing Water, with Richard JUWut.v 0 l Carion.c! 3 0 3 first in the last heat of the Der-boys among the 252 competitors, 0 <1 J»ck'b«cy,lb 2 0 0Sonny Clnco. construction. sized twin beds with six-inch ingly low $39,160. Muntz driving, also caught Ho- FI«Ub 0 OFalatlco.c 3 0 0 (Daii, Doubl. W Pall BI.J0) >y Saturday. Gave Up Baseball PMI.M 1 0 Butterfowd: Cincinnati .... 62 49 .559 2. Jack Qesualdi; ~3. Rober- • t• *Bogltolo- - -. acting as host each weekend at Schaefer Center. $42,241, $5,651, $47,656. ard Robinson. Square Garden went ahead with Time :12.4. Phila'iphia _ 5853 .523 12-year old, 40-yardi -1. Bruce Hoven- Pittsburgh _ 5955 .518 .J^-Jiglg-g^^Jtjt;JLJjna JUJL SL_Louia_^ announcingg ^ program "oTThree ve»e. Tifne- n. 40-yards—1. Fred Pellan- 10-rounder10rounders foforr Au^ 2244. no"•; 2. Joe ,Asclone; 3. Mike Barker. Chicago 55 60 .478 The main event features New Time: :24.(. Houston 46 64 .423 'I17fI t • RQAQTEST INSPECTION ll-year old, 40-yards — 1. Tommy FacKefs OuQaJHaRe Dp rorXosTT York light heavyweights Jimmy Caramanno; 2. Sklppy Edwards; 3. New York .... 34 78 .304 30 John Wendleken. Time :2!>2 i * A.M. to S P.M. Dupree and Johnny Persol. The 15-year old, 40-yardJ—1. Kevin Kep- Monday'a Result* .. other bouts match welterweights Mer; 2. Paul Bavoth; 3. Dave Calafato. Houston 8, PhiladelpttKifj 193 E. Newman Springs Rd. Time :24.1. Billy Collins of Detroit and Pete 16-year old, (0-yards—1. Phil Porcelll; Time—Two Years of Second Place Only game scheduled (Of Railroad Avanu* Toro of Puerto Rico, and middle- 2. Al Valentine; 3. Louis D'Amlco. Today's Games ""line :21.3. Aibury Park—Call 774-6800 weights Bobby Cassidy, Levit- (ilrti (One ot a Series) drill let a defensive lineman all three quarterbacks — Starr, for years, has retired along with Pittsburgh at San Francisco town, N.Y., and Ossie Marcano, 4-year old, 25-Feet—1. Lisa Lorenr.: 1. knock him off balance. Red Bank —Call 842-2500 Cathy Scalera; 3. Nancy Monaco. Time: WEST DE PERE, Wis. (AP)- Zeke Bratkowski and Dennis Cla- punter Jerry Norton, who has Chicago at CmCihnati, N Puerto Rico. Make no mistake about it. ridge but wilt give Claridge a St. Louis at Milwaukee, N ft^year old, 26-feet—1. Joan Wlddis; A hound dog ran out on the prac been replaced by ex-Giant Don 2. Pat Maloney: 3. Sandra Gallucct. tice field in the middle of a Greer Lombardi is driving his Packer good shot in the pre-season Chandler. Philadelphia at Houston, N Time :0&.0. club to make up for lost time — games. The prize 1964 rookie New York at Los Angeles, N 6-year old. 20-yards—1. Wary Jo Bay Football workout. Player; The strong defensive unit is Lorenz; 2. Wendy Ann Ruggerlo; 3. two years of second place. from Nebraska never did play Wednesday's Games "'ensy Llnleweikl. Time :22.l. and assistant coaches tried fo yel intact, except for left linebacker "Think We Can Win It" last year due to injuries, Pittsburgh «(t San Francisco 7-year-old. 20-yards—1. Carol Chasey; him off. Dan Currie, traded to Los An- 2. Pat Merluicl: 3. Dais Monaco "We think we can win it," said St. Louis at Milwaukee, N Time :17.5. "Gadoutahere," growled a rasp Boyd Dowler, a flanker, will geles, and Jesse Whittenton, who 8-year old, 20-yards—1. (lie) Nlckl Lombardi. "You say we're' lia- Chicago at Cincinnati, N ing voice that could belong onl; move to split end to give Max retired. Once again it will be Trezorlou. Margaret Maloney; 3. Deb- ble to be the favorite? That'6 all Philadelphia at Houston, N bie Mestor. Time :14.6. - to Vince Lombardi. The houn McGee a hand and Carroll Dale, Willie Davis and Lionel Aldridge »-year old, 2»-yard»—1. Mary Malo- right. I don't mind being the acquired from the Rams, will New York at Los Angeles, N ney; 2. Mia Scatutochlo; 3. Claire put his tail between his legs an at the ends and Ron Kosteinik Lorenz. Time :14.1. favorite. We have the best talent take over a flanker, backed up 10-yeir old. 20-yardj—I. Dlanr El ran for his life. we've ever had in camp. Every- and Jordan at the tackles. Dave Banolmels; 2. Laurl Swoetwood; 3. by Bob Long, a promising second' Robinson moves into the regular Lombardi puts up with no non body said we had a poor draft Karen SUllman. Time : U.S. year man from Wichita. ( line-up at left linebacker with 11-yeayr r o[dold, 20-yardJoyards — 1. Janet sense, even from dogs. He run: but these are the best young foot- Three Share Chasey; 2. Theresa Falcone: 3. Mar Lombardi insists he is not con-Lee Roy Caffey sliding ovar to Jorle Moog. Time :[2.2. a tight ship. Let a back miss ball players we've ever had." 12-year old, 40-ynrds-l. Bttty nones; Because experienced men like cerned about the loss of Ronthe right side. Dependable Ray 2. Diane Savoth; 3. Patricia Dalton. hole, a blocker miss a block oi Kramer, veteran tight end who Nitsohke will be in the middle. Golf Crown Time :2T.«. a receiver drop a pass, he hear: Jim Taylor, Bart Starr, Paul 13-ycar old; 40-yards—1. Susan Bert- Hornung1, Henry Jordan and For-played out his option and be- DEAL - Jack Carson oftfest- • ALL WORK GUARANTEED lesen: 2. Oonna I.lnlowski; J. Sara about it right now. came a free agent. Marv Flem- Herb Adderley, an all-league Grossman. Time :25.6. rest Gregg still are key opera- back, has the left corner job mont, John Josaphson otrEcho 11-year old, 40-yarcia — 1. Pat F>r "Keep your feet. What an ing, 6-feet-4, 235-pound fierce Lake and Lloyd Monroe of Es- rara; 2. Karen Johnson; S. Loulsi you doing down there?" thi tors, many do not realize that nailed down but Lombardi is run- Wendleken. Tlmt :28.2. Lombardi quietly has been re- blocker from Utah, wilt take sex Fells aid fired 74s to shart • FREE TOWING SERVICE 15-year old, 40-yanfs — 1. Mlchele coach-general manager bellowei over. ning a competition between Bob Peflaiianp; 2. Joan Shrlver; 3. Mary building the Packers. Jeter, former offensive end, andfirst place yesterday at the Holly- Piper. Time :».<. when a blocker in a one-on-oni The offensive '.ine, rebuilt last There are 10 second-year men Doug Hart for the right corner wood Golf and Country Club in • URGE STOCK OF year, probably will have .Bob the assistant pro weekly tourna- on the club, six thlrd:year play- post. Willie Wood, another all- Skoronskl at one tackle and Steve ers. Probably four or five rook- pro, is the free safety, 'as usual. ment. TRANSMISSIONS REBUILT ies will make, It. That adds up to Wright, a second-year man from The tournaments are heM once 20 of the 40-man regular season Alabama at the other. Dan However, Hank Gremminger at each week at different country • • ENGINES roster. Grimm and Gregg will be the strong side safety has a fight on dubs. Tills was the first tima ON HAND guards plus Fuzzy Thurston and "We lost three games by toto - his hands from Tom Brown, the that the event had been held In Possibly Jerry Kramer later on. See Professionals -L/ct Sears factory - trained tal of five points," said Lombar- former Washington Senator base- the shore area. All previous mechanics install a re-manu- di. "Baltimore beat us 21-20 and Kramer is working himself in- ball player who may turn out to events were contested In North- ifactured Allstate Engine at 24-21 and Minnesota beat us 24- to shape after a series of opera- be an outstanding defensive ern Jersey. Sears low prices! Just ask any tions. Center Ken Bowman fig- player. [ 23 on a missed point after. Still Deiadlodked in fourth place wert iSears automotive salesman ures to get stiff competition from we tied for second. With new seats boosting the Wayne Yates of Spring Brooli about our low engine insUHa- rookie Bill Curry of Georgia Offense Built on Running home stadium to a seating capac- and Bert Burdtck of Mtaiuin STAN'S e ^U rates. Tech, who has been with the Col- The offense again will be built ity of 50,837 there Is great opti- JRidge with 75s. Tied foMsixth »•• lege All-Stars. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS searg-Automotive Center around the running of Hornung, mism In Packerltnd. They want were Paul Moran of the' host 431 IROAD ST. SHHWSIURY 747-S4SI 1MB Htrr. IS—Moo. thru Sat. 0:304:30 Taylor, Tom Moore and Elijah Masters, Norton Retired another championship game In club and Dan GoMing of Twin Pitts, lombardi plans to keep Norm Masters, a regular tackle their stadium Jin. 2. Brooks with 78s. JerseyShoreStreaks Extended t 12 Matches CaHeton PUyeffg THE DAILY REGISTER Tuw&y, AupurtlO, By MiddleUmn, Long BranchesPlayed In Freehold Raps Lakewood, The Middletown A.C. and the Long Branch got the winning Mlddletewa (11) HeweU *«•!» . Net Tourney AB R H R H LAKEWOOD Freehold whose throw .to second was offtory when the Middletown Wild- Both pitchers hurled the Long Branch IAMA both ex tally, against Forsgate Saturday 110 H. Hlll.Sb 4 10 LITTLE SILVER — The Dombunched all of its scoring into the mark, allowing both runners cats could only muster six men 0 innings. Winning pitcher Je tended their winning Jtreaks in in the third inning when Pat DayJB'ka'w.rlp 110 J. Hlll,tr Abdella,p 10 0 Glum,in Santelle Tennis Tournament con two innings yesterday to defeat to be safe. Singles by Evans and for the Northern Divison contest. Dowd struck out eight, the Jersey Shore Baseball singled, went to third on a two-Beatr.p 3 l o Wlllch, tinued lait week with 12 flnt WB'kalew.ll 4 1 Morgan, cr Lakewood, 8-3, in the first game Hill produced two tallies while The Rangers and the Ws will mly one and gave up just 1 League over the weekend. base error, Brad Behrman walked Cepalbo,3b 3 1 Walling, rf round matches being contested. of a best two-out-of-three post Waiting's sacrifice fly netted the meet at 5:15 p.m. Saturday in nits. Chieoo fanned seven and the two runners pulled off a Nauden, lb 4 1 Leon.Sb Middletown pushed its string to Dupree.c Brown,2b Of all the matches, only four season playoff series in the South- third. the first of a best two-out-of- issued three free passes. double steal. Osnato,2b fjord on,p went past two sets. seven games by sweeping a dou< ern Division of the Ed Carle ton Lakewood came up with all ofthree series that will determine Lakwood clinched Us Long Branch unloaded the 2 2 bleheader from Howeli Youth, In men's doubles, George Memorial. Baseball League. its runs after two outs in thethe post season champ. The sec- iver Ocean Township when heavy artillery in the first Inning V 13 4 JS 10 5-4, and 13-10, yesterday, Long Wright and Jim Hill outlasted bottom of the fifth frame on broke loose for seven runs in i against Belmar when its tint Ulddletown 1 10 2 0 0 »- The game was shortened to five ond game will be pjayed Sunday Branch's skein reached six when Joe Weber and Dick Waters, 8-6, singles by Larry Valentine, Bob top of the fifth inning. Four i three batters, Paul D'Angelo, Howell Youth J0 II 111 0—10 innings because of darkness. at 2 p.m. with the third game, it defeated the Belmar Sparks, M. 104. and Whitney Crowell Homer, Butch Belltrand, Lou No- gles, three errors, a walk and| Frank Haviland and Vern Paul- Lakewood and Freehold will if needed, scheduled to follow 17-3, yesterday after edging Fors- and Bruce Edington defeated Jim vak and Bill James. Richie Myer sacrifice produced the runs ' son, hit consecutive home rum. Fersgale <4> B. IAMA (I) meet in the second game of the immediately afterward. gate, 5-4, Saturday. Utwln and Len Temko, 5-7, 5-2, then filed out to center field for gave live winners air 84 Bob Prall hit the fourth Long ABRH series at S p.m. tomorrow at The Bears picked up the win- In other action yesterday, the 4 0 0 D'Angelo,rf 4 12 8-4. the third and final out. ige. Branch homer of the game when Duelal.Sb 4 12 4 11 Freehold. If a third game is ning run when, with one out, Lar- Manasquan A.C. downed Fors Moran,2b > 1 2 Paulson.2b 4 11 In mixed doubles, Sheila Link ' Weekend Games he clouted a four-bagger In the needed, it will be played Friday ry Mayer singled and went to sec- iLeon set down 10 Twin gate, 10-8. On Saturday, Howell 3 1 1 McCarthy 110 and Dick Long won over Herbert second inning after Bob Siemera Maion,p 10 0 2 0 0 at a site yet to be determined. Of the two regular season di ond on an infield out. On a hitjatters on strikes and • Youth blanked Holy Family, 1-0, Nelson,lb 3 0 0 Mc'gMtn,lb 0 0 0 Gandel and Nancy Nagel, 6-4, 6-8, visional champions in the Ed [our in his stand out perfa had singled. 3 11 Day.lf 111 Freehold clinched the verdict and run play, Lofton Swanger and East Brunswick downed the Kolo.c- 3 0 1 Sleroen.lf 0 0 I 6-4, while Sue Beaton and Irwin Carleton Memorial Baseball singled to right field to send Freehold jumped on Twin '. Belmar Sparki, 1-0, while on Fri- Howell Youth earned its victory Kates, rt 3 0 0 8ehrraan.3b 10 1 Vogel downed Kathy Pregnali and with five runs in the fourth in- over Holy Family on Saturday in Beekmaa.el 10 0 League, the Raritan Beans, the Mayer home with the winning »s starting pitcher Greg Willi day night, Forsgate edged Howeli DeSarno.p 3 0 0 Al Hochster. 6-4. 0-6, 6-2. ning after getting three in the Northern Division titlist, was the Tin. for five runs in the first two Youth, 3-2. the sixth frame when Greg Walling MEN'S 8INO1.ES third. tripled and Buddy Morgan 29 ~4 ~i| B i 1 onlly one that survived Hie first The Rangers' only marker came nings and then concluded Middletown scored all of its Flirt Botuid Tom Brereton opened the singled. ForsraH _.. .0 0 0 3 1 0 0—4 Jarre Vtracela def. Tom McCoskey, round of the post season plajv in the first inning and was un- ^coring with a pair of talles j runs in the bottom of the sixth u n. IAMA _ 4 oiooo *—« t-4, e>5. fourth by reaching base on an afifs, and that took 10 innings earned. With two out, JohnCusano the fourh. Inning when it edged Howell in Herman Hill limited Holy Fam- SB—Dustal. Palumbo. Marshall. Rapp def. Joe Weber, t-1,error. After John Brown fanned, (-1. The Bears edged the Raritan walked. Then, Dave Chieco's Two free passes, a ily to two singles, by Bill Collins Dick Zejdln del. Herb OanHel, 6-2,Butch Evans walked and Jack the first game. Singles by John Belmar (It L. B. IAMA (17) Rangers, 2-1, Sunday, while choice play and a single try Ji in the sixth and Bart Lo'mbardi AB AH A3 RH Hill cleared the bases with a tri- grounder kicked oH Gary Tuck- Mottine and Wit Buckalew and a 1 Olto Pribram def. George Hrlvnsk, Hill netted two runs in the fii| in the seventh. _ . •» l,3bis 4 0 1 D'Anjelorf 3 6-3, (-2. ple. Greg Walling and Ted Clay- third place Lakewood defeated er's leg into rightifield. Vinnie walk to Jerry Buckalew loaded Yesterday's' Results Hlndley.2b 4 0 ' Haviland,ct 3 1 session. In the second, a 3 0 1 Pauls-oe,2b MEN'S DOUBLES ton kept the threat alive by Ocean Township, the regular sea- Battlagi's throw back to the in the bases. Reggie Nauden's dou- MMdletown S. Ilonrll Youth 4 (1st) nisi Round to Ted Clayton and one Mtcdletown 13, Howell Youth 10 '!«> Van PelMb 4 0 1 McCarthy, o 1 Dick Long and Julta Planter! def. getting singles. They both moved son Southern Division champion field got away from shortstop ble drove in a pair of markers. I,. B. IAMA 17, Belnwr 3 .1. 2 Day," 1 John Crowell and Bill Fearer, «-J, tvi. 8-3, Friday. hits by Butoh Evans, Greg WaJ A bloop single by Alex Osnato Manasquan A.C. 10, Foraiate S V'nDyke.cip 2 6 O'H:'t/ghHn.l' b 0 0 Oeorge Wright and Jlra Hill der. up a base on a wild pitch and Dan McDougall to allow Cusano . ' Saturday's Results P'culto,H,3b 4 0 0 Beehrm'n,3h b I Weber and Dick Waters, «•«, 1-8, 10-6. then scored on Howie Hellrnan's •In other action, Jim Leon hurled to score. ing, Howie HeHman and reloaded the bases. Back-to-back Howell You!* 1, Holy Family 0 DeWltt.rf 0 1 0 Bleekra' 3 Pete Ron and St«v» Uadtr der, I.. B. IAMA 0, Forsaalo 4 Rlckctts.p 0 0 0,le f 3 1 Rapp and Harry Kearn, e>4, S-2. infield out. a noJiitter to lead fourth place The Bears evened matters in roduced three more tallies. singles by Brad Dupree and Ken 8'enson,p,if 3 10 Prall.P J Freehold (8> Lakenood (3>l ft- Eait Brunswick 1. Belmar 0 Havena.p 0 0 Bill llarerman and Ray Carer der, Freehold to a 7-0 victory over the bottom of the second when Bullivant produced the final three Friday's Result Ser|e White and McCoskey, »l, (-<. In the third frame, Brereton AB R H AB B| 3, Howell Youth I MIXED DOUBLES also started the activities, this Twin Boros in the Southern Di Battlagda walked, stole second an Brown,2t> 1 1 1 Larry VaJen- markers. n > a 31 IT 14 First Roaad Evane.rf 3 3 tlnt.lf 3 II time with a single. Brown then vision and tiie Atlantic Highlands tallied on Tucker's hit and run 3 1 2 Hom(r.3b,2t) 9 The nightcap of this twinbil! W Belmar 0 11 000 00—3 Sheila Unit and Dick Lone der. 0 0 BemitaiM R. B. Tire .___..— It L. B. IAMA 3 4 1 17 1 0 I—IT Herbert oandel and Naney Kafsl, fl-i,grounded to the second baseman 4O9's was awaided a forfeit vic- single. 1 had numerous interesting facts. Holy Family 13 .IN M, tM. WalllnK.lf 2 Novak, Foragale ~ .BU 2B—McCarthy, Day. 3B—Delss. HR— Joan Utwln and Jim Lltwln der. 0 0 0 Jemes.rf ol A total of 23 runs were scored, Mlddlrtown .114 D'Anrelo, Haviland, Paulson. Prall Nancy Haisrman and John Cronvtll, Clayton,cf 3 11 Beckraan. ol ZZn Dels!. ol but the two teams managed only Howell Ynitk _ It T-«. ex. Hellman.o 3 0 0 Mye.-s.5b Eiatt Brananick Sue Beaton and Irwin Vosjel der. Wilt,s» 3 0' ' i ol five hits between them with How- L. B. IAMA —"u Holy Family (» Howell Yealfc (11 Kathy' Prepiall and Al Hochster. «-4, Uon.3b J 0 1 l #11 Youth getting just one. Three Belmar Sparks u .491 ABRH ABR H 0-1. «•!. Brereton.p 4 1 LVal'tVlbp 3 0| . a .181 Bertha,Ba 3 0 KK.. Hlll.p Lynn Hagerman and Don Houghton Roberts Zeros Phillies 8-0; Manasqoan A.C. —-.. Middletown pitchers gave up 16Ft. Honmoritk .101 Collins,2b BBrown,3b def. Helena Hipi and Phil Her 27 I S 23 walla and there were three er- Wath'ton,3b 0 WWallrng.ia r H, 6-1. Prtehold « 0 * > J Howell Tooth (4) Hlddlelowa (!) Lewls.rt 0 ikewvxid •« 0 0.;» J rors by the Middletown fielders. AB R II ABRH Lan8/ 0 tforran.ef 2B—Homer. Evani. 3B—l*rry Val H. Hill,3b 1 2 (12 Delgado,lb 0 Mllllch.rt Int. Hill. The winners clinched the ver- Leon, 2b 0 0 J.B'kelew.rf 3 10 Ennls.lf 0 LA's Angels Nip Indians 9-0 . diet with nine runs in the top of 0 0 W.B'kalew,!! 3 0 2 L' 0 1 Leon,3b ' American 11 Ruferi ID Inn <» Walllni.p 1 Nauden,lb 2 0 1 Marlarlty.o 0 0 Hillman.s ABHH AB1 the seventh. Nine Middletown Morgan, cf 0 0 Capilbo,3b 3 0 0 8zyarto,ph 0 0 ASSOCIATED PRESS larly'distressing to Hie Phillies National League since June 5, Btrgen,3b o 0 Mllllch.ll _ _ • Osnato,3" ' -b J 1 Robed ee.p 3 0 0 Jb&no,2b 2 McClL batters were Issued free passes, General Manager John Quinn since Manager Gene Mauch 1961. :uiano,c[ 0 - . 3 10 Dupree.c 3 1 1 Wins All-Star 1 0 Howard, e there were two errors, a bases J. Hlll.rf 3 0 B'livant.p 1 1 1 22 0 2 of Philadelphia said Robin Rob- said only the day before, in dis- Tony Gonsalez had three ofChleco,p Hellman,e 3.0 0 2 0 0 Holy Family .."OH 00 0 0-0 Black, c 0 0 Dowd.p loaded triple by Nauden and a Howell Youth _ cussing the team's chances for 4. 0 1O B'(a»]ia,rBzalectd.ltb erts did not fit. into the Phillies' the hits off Roberts, one of them D'A' 4 0 0 Tucker,2Tuck< b two-run tingle by Gary Snover. 26 4 21 0 8 3B-Wallinf. Contest^ 10-1plans. startling a pennant drive, "it's a double that sent Rich Allen to N'dein.rr a o o HIGHLANDS - A 14-hit bar- He was wrong. now or never." third with two out in the sixth N'bacher.rf A 0 0 rage by the American League All- The Phillies discovered just It also was an encouraging inning. Dick Stuart, however, Stars buried the Nationals, 10-1, how wrong Monday night when beginning for Roberts, who left popped up, ending the threat. Rangeni 100 000 000 in the fourth annual Middletown Roberts, making his first Na- Orioles because of dissatis- Houston, meanwhile, knocked 010 000 000 ll Freehold Entries Youth Athletic Association Boys' faction at being used as a spot Freehold (7) tional League appearance since out another veteran Lou Bur Twin Bono (0) Division All-Star game Saturday starter and a long reliever. AB It H AST Ind Ractns Day - 60 Day Meeting Sixth Race—Pace, Cond., 1 mile—Purse 1961, shut out his old team on dette in the third inning. Bur- Dolger.c 0 Brown,lb afternoon at Kavookjian Field. four hits is Houstons' 8-0 tri- "I thought lit best to sever my dette, now 2-5, was battered for 0 Clayton,cf Daily Doubles 1st and U Events 4:05 P.M. 0 Ladctttrt Twin Doubles Ith and 7th • lib and 10th The winners were led by Jimumph. status now," he said at thefour runs in the first inning, two 0 Evani,iT t-Mattle McKlyo W. Zendt \ 1-1 time, "So I could get a real op- J. Del'do,lb J 0 0 Brereton,lt .o| Vosk, who collected a double and Quinn made the comment on a single by Joe Gaines. Bob Lam'ion.3b 2 0 - Pott Time-2:M P.M. - 5—Paton Boy H. Dancer, .Jr. 4-1 triple at the plate and also fanned about two weeks ago after portunity to pitch elsewhere Aspromonte also scored on, the Oolden.ib 2 0 0 2-Direct Bee M. Hubbard S-2 H.Del' 2 0 0 Hill,In ol First Kaetv-Paec, Claiming, 1 mile—Purse J1.0M eight men in his three-inningearning that Roberts was inter- next year. If I continued in myplay as Gonzalez threw wildly to Tion.n 1 0 0 Hellman.s : ol 4-Yogle H. Sowash ' 5-1 stint on the mount. Mike Nicho- current role, I would assume by Hen'sftn.p 0 0 fl Leon.p S—Exclusive E. Myer ested in rejoining the team with third. Wllllami.p 3 0 0 Mount.3b 1-Peggy A L. PuntolUIo (-1 las had a perfect day at thwhice h he spent his first H ma-the end of the season 1 would In the only other game. Dean Witt,11 t-MM Judy Song L.A1OSJSO M (—Beauty Eden C. Howard 8-1 plate, going three-for-three, in- have put in my last year of *-Amlss Kent I. Lubar 4-1 jor league seasons. Baltimore Chance pitched a two-hitter as 19 0 0| 31 7| 7-<3reek Star E. Myer 8-1 cluding a triple. had just released the deter- baseball." the Los Angeles Angels whipped Twin Boros O0C 4—Jnnette | W. Zendt S-l .330301 1 M-l Roberts won four consecutive 7-FI«ey SUr H. Hall t-1 8—Peggy Oregona E.Manslleld The Americans wrapped up themined right-hander at his own Ceveland 9-0. Chance, evening verdict in the third inning when request. complete games at the start of Ms record at 8-8, allowed only 1 1-Lda Star Paul Casey (VI Also Eligible: d (8) Ocean this season, then dropped seven t-Spot PoWer W.Page U-l J. M. Mark H. Camden they pushed across four runs to Roberts finally made a deal one baserunner after Ohuck AB R H n, take a 6-0 lead. A walk to Rich last Thursday with the Astros, straight before leaviing the Ori- l Anton,is,3b a 01 *—Success Ver* No Driver U-l Hinton singled in the third. That 2 0 3 "" Seventh Race—Pace, Cond., 1 mile—Purse $1,1M Morford, singles by Chuck Mc- who had to pay the Orioles only oles with a 5-7 record. Balti- was Leon Wagner, who walked Myerf,3b 3 I Sylverter.ct 3 Also Eligible: NovaK,p 2 more is the only other team he iri*t IIVBJ »• 4:» P.M. Lean and Don Henshel, Vosk's the $1 waiver price. in the sixth. Belltrand,cl 3 0 2 Murphy, rt ,o| Hileona H. Sowash has pitched for In the majors James, rf 1—Space Age W. Hubbard t-1 two-run double and a triple by The 38-year-old Philadelphia Joe Koppe, Joe Adcock aw L'attne,3b Lovely Newport No Driver besides Phlladeptiia. D' « 1 0 Llp«tz,2b o il ' 7-J Nicholas netted the markers. area resident was superb in his Beckm' 4' X 1 Kanapole,Jb 1 Ol 7-Llvlng Faith I. Quinn Willie Smith homered off LeBursteln.c 3 11 Rowett.rf J Second Race—Pace, Claim,, 1 mile—Purse $1,OM 1—Adlos Judy H. Sowash 1-2 Vosk put the Americans In first effort. He walked only one While with the Phillies, he Stange, but starter Sam Mc- Klnj.c a front, 9-1, in the fourth inning batter, allowed only one to was a 20-game winner for six Llppftone,p > J:« P.M. 2—Bervaldo B. Evtlslnr S-l Dowell was around long enough when he blasted a three-run hom- reach third arwj threw a rela- straight seasons, from 1950 (-Flashy Might 1-1 to suffer his eighth defeat 30 S 9| 39 7—Camden Worrlor W. Hubbard S-2 E. Mya- er into deep left field after Mor- tively low total of 98 pitches. through 1955. His victory over lakcwood 0 10 0 7 0 (-Watch Key W.Long 7-2 ll—Symphony WhlskersH. Camden S-l against 12 victories. Ocean Twp. _.l 0 0 0 } 1 ford walked and McLean singledg . The performance was particu- the Phillies was Ms first In the ft-True Guinea F. DiGlrolamo S-2 4—Senator Rocket H. Dancer, Jr. in Americanns! (10(10)1 Nationalsi (1*) C. Smith, Jr. ABRBRHH ; ABRH 5—Corporal Adios 5-1 S-rAfton Duke ^t, Hubbard ". t. tin Uahootyph. 1 I I J-Red Rain A. Thomas / •i Smith, •---0 0 Vasto.cJ• b Weekend Sailing Results Also Eligible:, CTKarola,a« 0 0 Kornek,»> 4—Mercury Mischief R. Muntz 8-1 0 Mlh.0K.3b Rockman M. Thompson l l Graebner, Moffitt Win, ATLANTIC HIO11LANUS VO Knapp,.Huntsman, WDR. t-Stster Adloa H. Sowash Poracky.p 1 0 C0Tle,3b 1H oreco.Jb 1 0 atallals,3b Cntlstaa; Acutllftrles HOOD PUSSIES 1-Nlta T W. Zendt 1M Eighth Race-Pace, Cond., 1 mile—Purse $1,MO M'Lean.lbp 3 2 Dlek'sorUb Clais A First Bac* scnmeic.ib l 0 L.PlDrlo,lb 2 0 0 1. Stan Roaf. Islandta. Raritan YC: 1. Jack Allen; 2. Borden Hutu; Also Eligible: 4:55 P.M. Voek.3h,p « 3 8'ch]rshyn,ir 1 0 J. Fred BaroTf, Holer, Rarllan YC; 3.Doug Raynor; 4. Ken Altreuter; Harlan Lassit Nlcholaj,lb 1 3 2 0 Take Wightman Cup Fosster Tallman, Trumbull III. Rari- Jack Kline: I. Dick Oale; T. Wan W. Thompson 2-Sweet Shllah W. Hubbad 5-1 2 tan YC. Cornell: lard Stender, WDR. : Walu,2b a 1 M.norlo,lf « 0* Second Raw Rawhide Jim M. Hubbard 1-Coait Patrol , M. Martyaiak 7-3 McD'ald.rt > O 0 Kauirm'n.p 2 0 CLEVELAND, Ohio (AP) — Among the spectators was Claaa B roxworUi.rt 10 0 H'drlcks.p 1 0 0 1. J. D. Scott, Marguerite 11, Mon< 1. Allen; 2. Raynor; 3. Hance: 0 0 The United States will keep the Mrs. Hazel Wightman, 78, ofmoutu Hills; 2. Dr. Charlea Shoe- Oale; 5. Altreuter: 8, Kline; CorrH llilrd B«»--Trot, Coni.. 1 mile-Purse H.M9 *-Wll!ie Winkle A.Thomu 1-1 Palaaano.c 10 0 Webb.p 1 Tom Koblnaon. WDR. urlnr.j 1 O 0 BheppinU 1 1 Wightman Cup for another year Chestnut Hills, Mass,, who IMHsr. Venture, Raritan YC; 3. Charlea T-Effle Kllnli " r.Lubir ~ "5-Mltchell.1ltchell.c 11111 1 Tho'p«on,»» 0 Allaire, 'Tempest,' Monmolifn BMt L'luti. BLUE JAYS • 2:M P.M. Olua 0 JicaiafvevioHenachel,chl* i t J O JJ PMhP.Mah'ey.pP.y' h 1 0 0 because Carole Graebner of started the tournament in 1923 First Bace : C-Edgewood Heather J. Moloar 1-1 HIHr ISSO 0 0 1. A) Santanlello, Bolo, Atlantic High- I—Flame Song J.Quinn M HlHurtcr BeaohwooJ, Ohio, scored a key and donated the silver cup lands YO: 2. H. J. BrUtuM, Corlnne, 1. Betty Howie; 2. Midge Beecher; 5-Carollnlan B. Marrber S-l 0 0 Luddy.c 0 0 Bob McCutcheon: '«. Lee Hance; 7-BobMtU H. Dancer, Jr. 7-2 10 0- —Blanehl.t • • f• 0 0 victory in the 5-2 triumph over Which boars her name. Atlantic Hlfhlandi YC. 3. none. 4-Dlamond Dale J.Qulnn 1M 1 Campbell,cf 1 0 0 Jets Boat No. 2003; «. Bill Hitchcock; t—Hazy Hanover B.McKenna 1-2 1 0 Britain's finest women tennis David Allen; 8. Harry Mahoney; pi alaw'akl.lf l a 1 2 0 0 The American's have won the District 1 thsunplonshlps Oale, WDR. 1-Dr. McBeth C. Howard $-1 8-BushHill C. Smith, Jr. 1M 0 0 0 0 0 1. Bill Watson, Plnel Lake SC. 3-1-2, Olcott.rt o a players. rjecood BAce »-JeffK B. Marrlner Also Eligible: Magjlo.rr 1 cup 31 times to Britain's six. In-&; 2. Tom Gibson, Monmoulh Boat 1. Hitchcock; 2. Beecher; 3. Allen; 1-1 Bltbel.rt 1 0 0 But the honor of actually Club, 2-2-3, 7; 3. Bob MOM, Raritan Boat No. 2003: C. Hance; S. Howie; 4-Nipper Jim H. Camden 8-1 Amotson's Elsie G.Crslttl Jaeobaen.rT 1 last year's matches at Wimble- YC, 4-3-1., Tk. MCCutcheon; 8.' Mahoney. : clinching the international tro- t-Shapely Xoiilse M.Marrynlak Atom Time J.Marks don, the Ameican also won 5-2. Blue Jays SHREWSBURY BMLDfO an* YO lt-1 phy for America for the fifth 1. Flp Chlnnock, Fair Haven Balling COMETS First Bace S-EdtM Regent G.Klng 1H Nationals _. JI1O 0» 00O-1 J 4 Jlub, 1-1-1, J!4: 2/ Steve Vowlnkel. Also Eligible: Ninth Race-Pace, Claim., 1 mile-Purse tl,Mf straight year went to Billie Jean Pair Haven SC, 2-2-2, 0: 3. Pete Chin- 1. Doug Stives; 2. Art Foi; L : merteana « -lli •310 OOx—10 14 2 Moffitt, the U.S. No. 2 player. nock, Fair Haven BC. 3-3-3, 9. Waters. Clever Kathy J:» P.M. IB—Voslt. KB—IHcklnacm, Nicholas. Hecond R«c« W.Pagel Miss Moffott, a 22-year-old Bishops Record 1. Bd Ryan: 2. Stives; J. Ulght Salty Air 2—Success Play R. James S-l HR-Voek. TWO RIVKR nEOATTA B. Eviblzor . from Long Beach, Calif., out' Final Race Waten. 4-K Nolet H. Fleming 7-2 Wood Punsles WOOD PUSSIES lasted Elizabeth Starkie, Eng First Baice Fourth Race-Pace, Cond., I mlle-Pnrse $1,M» 5-C. P. Star W. Zendt S-2 Exhibition Win 1, Pete Borchard, SSYC; 2. Charles 1. John. Bertelien; 2. Stlmpf Freehold land's No. 3 player, 6-3, 6-2 in Raynor. MBC: 3. fitlmpaorr Brown. Brown; 3. Carey Smith. 1:15 P.M. 1—Katies Dream SSYC; I. Jack Allen, MBC; 5. Carey E. Ferry S-l the opening singles Monday. SPRING LAKE — In a special Smith. SSYC; 6. George Cornwell. Second Bace 7-Sandy Leo H. Camden 5-2 J—Circus Candy I. Lubar (-1 exhibition game, the St. Mary's SSYC; 7. Ken AltreuUr, MBC; 8. John 1. Brown; 2. Art Poole; I. Smith. Raceway "She played well and wanted Bertelsen. SSYC; 9. Borden "Brub" BLUB JAVS 2-Lucky Acres W. Zendt 1-1 (-Mac Adlos F. Jaeger S-l Bishops, who finished with a 12-5Hance. MEC; 10. Dick oale, MBC. First Ifece to win it," Mrs. Margaret Os- 1. Alice Roblnaon; 2. John Cocker; •-Santo Hudac H. Dancer, Jr. 4-1 7-Jay DUlon No Driver 1S-1 Trackman's Selections record in the Middletown Youth Blue Jays Geoff Bourne. ; dome duPont, American team 1. Bob McCiilcheon, MBC; 2. Midge S-Jessle Bell W. Long t-2 8-March Knight Athletic Association American Beecher, MBC; 3. Alice Robinson, Second Race C. Howard lt-1 captain, said of Miss Moffitt.'s 1. Cocker; 2. Bourne; 3. Ellen Savl 4-Mona Marvel I. Lubar 8-1 Also Eligible: Exclusive League, defeated the Spring Lake SSYC; 4. Pirn Gale. MBC; 5. John Amiss Kent performance. Billie Jean lost a Cocker, SSYC; S. Lee Hance, MBC: 7. ICRNABOCTS 1-NobbyRobby B.EvUslzor M-l Miss Julia Cobe R.Handxk little League All-Stars, 14-3, last Jon Wye, SSYC; 8. Sam Altreuter, First Bace S-Amwotthy No Driver U-l Miss Judy Song singles match on opening day. MBC; 1 Doug Yorke, SSYC. 1. Ann Meltzoff; 2. Randy Houler; Marty Parker L. PuntolUIo week. Laurie Aymonler. t-Dalsey DUon E. Mansfield ' ' 1H Corporal Adlos Miss Moffitt then teamed with The Bishops were led by the tfHRKBKRUnV ItlVKH YC Second Rae« Mrs. Karen Susman of San Die- Predicted Log 1. Houser; 2. Aymonier: S. Xld Also Eligible: Tenth Race-Pace Cond., 1 mile-Purse Sl.Mt Camden Warrior pitching and hitting of Len 1. Reid Hirrlson, Shrewsbury: 1. Molkc. Captain's Daughter C. Chappel Watch Key go, Calif., to defeat the English Glowzenski who struck out nine Dr. Anson Hoyt, Rumion; 3. Paul 5:45 P.M. Francois, Red Bank; 4. Joseph Scherer, NAVESLVK SAU.INO SOCIETY FInlta M. Hubbard team of Mrs. Ann Haydon Jones batters and garnered two hits in Fair Haven; 5. Henry Pechsteln. Man- 7-Senator Sattie H. Camden S-l Bob Mite WOOD Pl'SSY and Elizabeth Wade 8-3, 8-6. the six inning contest. haaset, L.L; 6. Sophocles Logothetlir. First Baee Fifth Race-Trot, Cond, & Clg., 1 m.-Purse $1^00 2-Knabe No Driver 4-1 Hazy Hanover Manhaaiet. L.I.; 7. Ellas Safle. Rye, 1. Don Colyet; 2. RuHtn Cookl In an earlier singles match, The game was pu' aw*Y '" tneN.Y.; 8. Charles Schmidt, Rumson; 9. Gordon MaxLean: 4. Richard Anderaoi 3:40 P.M. 4-Cherokee Kid W.Dili S-3 Flame Song Lewis Prentice,' Rumson; 10. Ellas 3. James Craig; 0. K«d Shaw; (—Rosies Dream J. Marks S-l Mrs. Jones, Britain's southpaw first inning when the winners col- Kalll, Manhasiet. L.I. Byron Selder. Second Race ace, shocked the crowd of 4,822 lected eight runs on seven walks MONMOI1TM BOAT CLUB •-Betty W. Diamond J.Qulnn KBytnm ti. uancer, jr. 1. MacLwn: 2. Selder; 3. Colyer; 4-1 y wancy^iucney TJT arennree Tnisr qcJuJ.^cajK;_l_JArjderson. 5-Chrlstine Wick B. McKenna BUhoin First Race 1-Shake Up J.Marks S-2 Santo Hudae Dallas, Tex., America's top 1, Wlm Verkooyan; Frank Frederick- 8—Grace Song E. Mansfltld 8-1 ABRH AB R BCM80N YACHT tXUB X—Sonny Frost No Driver 5-1 Betty W. Diamond player, M, 9-7. M'D' 4 2 22 Newman.3b 4 0 son, WDR. ARROWS 7-WUIa Valley F.Jaeger - (-1 S—Star Barnes W. Pagel U-l 2 O 0 2 (I Second Bace Lone Elm Star Mrs. Jones, 26-year-old wife of U' 2 0 0 Klng.c 0 i. Prederlckion; Verkooyan, WDR. 1. A. U Register: T^EdwIn KUwai 4-Worthy Oaks W. Hubbard Also Eligible: Mitchell.c 4 12 Streetilf < 0 LIOHTMNGS Jr.; 3. Don Summa; 4. John Ataooi 8-1 Sonny Frost an English paint company exec- First ItacA •-Specialist C. Smith Jr. • Flasher M. Thompson Gl'xenskl.p 3 2 2 Marculla.p 5. Henry Mercer. 8-1 utive, also scored the other Brit- G'steln,3b21- - . > 4 -10 Rlce." p 1. Arnold Schwartz; 2. Jim Heron: BLUE JAYS (-Billy Ray G. King 10-1 Vola Way H. Sowash Paton Boy McD' 2 2 2 Saxon.lh 3 3. June Methot: 4. Irv Lewis: I. Bob ish victory. She upset Miss Mof- Nord; & P« Corr; 7.. Ted Marko; 8. 1. Elvon Harvey. Jr.: 2. Hank O Yogle Tho' 111 McMullln,3b 2 Harold Beck: 9. Boat No. 9233: Sandy fitt 6-2, 6-4 Saturday. U' 2 2 1 BMnn.rr l berUon; 3. Flip Haebler; Elaine U collected nine hits in 29 trips. P Halloran,2b 1 0 II Pittrno.rt 1 Huntsman, NDF; Roy Knapp, Al Miller, Donnell, D6Q. The blonde Mrs. Jones, who Ryan.3b O WDR. FINNS Cincinnati's Pete Rose ad- Space Age Brsw1n,2b 3 I 2 Becnad Race Satordar Oliva Moves Into Thick has played on every WigMman M'Mullln.rf 2 OD 1. Heron: 2. Methot;'3. Schwartz: 4. 1. Bassltt Wlnmlll-2. William Ha Adlos Judy Palewskl.rl 1 1 0 Corr: 5. Nord; 6. Marko; T. Miller; vey. vanced one place to fourth on a Living Faith team since 19S7, was picked the Of Batting Race seven-point pickup to .321 while outstanding player of the three- 30 14 1! 21 2 Coast Patrol day tournament. Bishops S 0 0 4 2 O -1 NEW YORK (AP) - Tony Face Yanks Tonight Don Clendonon, Pittsburgh, Willie Winkel All-Stars _ ts 10 0 0 1— Oliv* of Minnesota, picking up The Twins, leading the AL pack slipped two places to filth at 8 Sweet Shllah the slack caused by, an injury to by eight games, move into New ,317. K Nolet (lugger Harmon Killdbrew, has York tor a threeigame series Deron Johnson of Cincinnati Success Play Also lifted himself to withdn jtrik- against the Yankees starting to- the National League's runs bat- Circus Candy lrvg distance of the American night. ted in leader with 92. He drove League batting lead. Felix Mantilla of Boston is the Senator S«ttl» Cherokee Kid Oliva is the defending AL bat runner-up'in the AL batting com- In live runs last week. 10 Knabe ALLSTATE ting champion. He won the title petition with a .310 mat*. He Rocky Colavito, Cleveland, as a rookie with a .331 average had live safeties in 17 tries last paces the AL in RBI with 78. A. H. BUSINESSMEN'S (Simmer) FENCE CO. last season. A month ago, hisweek, and his average did notColavito, Killebrew and Detroit's A. H. R. C. W X NAMATH, HUARTE chances of successfully defending change. The Orioles' Robinson Willie Horton share the home run caaueo'f Eaeo Servloe . 2A 1A 1625 Stare Highway 35, Middletown bis championship appeared slim. gained nine points with 13 hits lead with 23. ffiUefirew suffered Brite'a deanera . -*•—. 23 18 BuMfe Moreraj XV, 1B1 SPECIAL SAU FULL LINE OF His average oh July 9 was .275. in 34 attempts. Jo« Brown'a Team :.JSV4 l»l dislocated left elbow a week StrauB Bulck _J» » Boston's Carl Yastrzemski was San Francisco's Willie Mays go and is expected to be side- Bodon'a Ilectrte -. » 30 Doweled End POSTS RAIL (he leader with .340, so the 240 CLUB — Tom LaP*re-H4, Oom Fencing was the most productive bats ined for another week. Amont.HH Bud Roaa-200. White Cetfor, II H. Twins' outfielder trailed by 65man among National League Section Full Round./, FOR A.EL.CHAMPION BILLS points. leaders. He slammed sue hom- I Roll Pet Section Pldiid UP Pool Enclosure RUTGERS STADIUM At .385 Pace ers, lifting his leading total to For a limited time only Since then, Oliva has hit 30. In addition, he moved up at a .385 pace, collecting 60 hits from fourth place to second in NEW BRUN5WICK.N. J. in 130 times at bat. He has raised batting on an over-oil showing of SATURDAY. AUGUST21, 2RM.TICKETS his average 32 points to .307,14 hits in 30 tries, a .467 pace. $7. $5 & $3. AT THE RUTGERS GYM. NEW climbed Into a third place tie This enabled him to gain 12 BRUNSWICK. N.J. AT JETS OFFICE. 595 With, teammate Jimmy Hall points to .328. ALIGNMENT MADISON AVE.. N.Y.C.OR SHEA STADIUM. and Baltimore's Brooks Rob- Clemente at .141 inson, and' is only IS points be- Roberto CJemente of Pitts- Frank Porter's Ester* B*k> Vtrrieal Shadow Srockafe BEIHTT COLLEGE FOOTBillHAll OFFiME hind Yastrzowki. burgh, (ha pacesetter, increased BANK TERMS UP TO 5 YEARS TO PAY Tickali locally at . Yastrzemafei slumped 1( points his average two points, to .343 aDONNEU TRAVEL AGENCY to .342 in last week's games, with 10 hits in 27 at bats. Hank Red Bank Tire Co. Fw that tUffcmee In fenclBj, (em* aid we our cenplel* stack BR(MD STREET AND RECKLE88 PLACE -741-6080 managing only three hits in 23Aaron c* Milwaukee dropped SHREWSIURY AVINUt 747-3404 NoTV in Mttiopoliun Am time* at bat. on* notch to AM at .323. H« OptR Monday Him Friday—11* «S p.m.i Sat. t« 3 p.m. '^.n. CALL 671-0880 FOR8AIE THE'DAILY REGISTER AUTOt^TO 8AUE TRUCKS FOR SALE BOATS AND ACCEMMUES HELf WANTED FEMAU HELP WANTED MALE ^Tuesday. August. 10, 1965IMS BUICK SPECIAL —" Fow-tloor X SALXeMANRBPAKAM Sharp. Reduced. McCARthy CbivroM. ruu, tiui, IMTOICAI. (sct — Salary plu comm-UMon, plui aut MUMT MlddKMm aHowun. Ben (n>m dlract Iea4 anti KEYPORT STORE ONLY w IBM PORD — Falcon FutuM. exoellMit 1 '"" service calls No canvaselnr reaulrn). ANNOUNCEMENTS condition. Ajkln» $2,000 or beat ofler. U<4 CUXVROIXT — tt-ton pick-up, Car et»enUai. nv«-day wrai, anMitnt LOST AND FOUND Call 787-0476 after 6 p.m. Sii-cjllndsr, IU9S. UcCARthy aim PART TIME—Momlnj-i. OeMral Ksowl contfmny beneflu. Xxpetnlenee not ne IF YOU .MEED FURNITURE • AND MONEY let. 291-llOi. rURNITURE RIFINIBHINO — Cabinet edge of bookkeeping-. Apply In person, esaary, will train ambiUous, man. Ap ]Mt NOMAD STATION WAOON work, antiques restored. Call TST. Western Burgers. RC 35, Mirda." Any information, call 542- 1061 DOD&E LANCER STATION WAG BrancJi. AND PAPER HANGING periencs preferred In eleotronlo solder permanent poaltlon. Must be expert •WAREHOUSE DEPT. H6. Liberal reward. ON — Priced right. Call 842.3201. fng, wlHoff, or spot welding. AppJ: enced and have ojvn tools. Liberal eom 542-4400 1957 OMC — Three-ywrd-body dump, Hoagland Instrument Co.; 85 Cheltnu pany benefits. An Equal Opportunity And Save! 1961 OLDSMOBILE — F-85 Walton crude and snow-x»kn*. Very food condl. GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHER — We(! Bt., Red Bank, between 2-4 p.m. Pleas. Employer. Apply Mr. Scott wagon. Reduced. McCARthy Chevrolet. tlon. 787-552S. dlnss, family and children's portrait do not phone. AUTOMOTIVE 201.1101 a specialty. Call alter 0, 26I-O*t1. MONTGOMERY WARD New — Used — Trade-in* — Floor SampUt KITCHEN HELPER — 5V4 day week. AUTOS FOR SALE CORVETTE—1954—CLASSIC MOTORCyCLES DRIVEWAYS, ROADS, AND PARKIN' Apply in pe-r&on, Brootuiale Nursing ORIGINAL AND REASONABLE LOTS — Bwept clean with our mobll' Home, Hwy 35. Hailet. AUTO CENTCR Factory Close-oufi — Returned — Odd Stock *3 OLDSMOBILE — Holiday coupe, 775-0303. 1966 1KOTDA CB 160 CC — Bupe: road sweeper. No Job too large or too utometl" iui Odd Bad* Priced from $ 5 $10 DEPOSIT 1058 METROPOLITAN NASIf — Needs 787-4611 WOMEN MAN WANTED — Apply In person, RK [cCARthy Chevrolet 291-1101. lome work J50. Call before 12, or 812 0133. » Living Rooms J $75 a«er 5. 291-0336. HEADQUARTERS FOR BMW* - Tht W« will appoint t*o women over 3( Bank Spring Servjue, TGI sltrewsbui WILL HOLD ... HEVROLET STATION WAGON — •'BETTER 13VXNO" n*Bt apjwaring-, with car, lo work loeai Ave,, Shrewsbury, N.J. m Powftr steering. hrakeB, riullo, 1063 ?dONZA — convertible. Sharp. Rolls Royce of motorcycles and foi Remodeling - Additions • Alteration; Lftlnbrettu, m© Cadillac of moto ly, five-day week, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. delivei EXPERIENCED TRUCK DRIVET Badroom Suites *7J5 AND PAY AS •at'er New tires. Excellent. Clean Kprtnced. McCARthy Chevrolet. :ootera. Boat, Ski and Scooter Cente Paneling • Plaster » Sheet Rock Ing ff-ft* to new mothers and explaining OVER 20 — CV, days. Btart J100 weekly. 195 222-0674. 291-U01- 75 White St., Red Bank. Masonry - Carpentry. Parents New Promotional Program Steady Job. References. See LudwUT > DinatUi . $25 LITTLE AS Call 201-11U. Permanent position. Name* and ad'Voei, Morganvllle. 591-9132. AMBLER — 10CO four-door sedan. 1963 CHEVY JI STATION WAGON — CUSHMAN MOTOK SCOtyTER - dresnei furnished. No canvassing. Sale Innariprlng Mattraisas $ 1.25 Weekly :75. Can be seen .8 R.m. - i p.m. M Six-cylinder, Btandard trttnfim»»Klon. Ex- »J. Call after 8 p.m. CLEAN CELLAR*. YAHDS, OAIiAQ experience Helpful, but not necesanry EUXTTRICLAN — Must be mechanical- ' Bunk Bads, oak or mapla hurch St., Spa might, or by appoint- cellent economy, eaiiy to handle. MU1> 787-6307. — Have truck. U(hl hauling. Call afte Average «arnlnga *75-|10O weekly, Fo ly Inclined. Apply tn peawon, B5atontown tent. Call 747.4974. LER CHBVROIiBT, INC., MaUwai), ~ p.m. 741-J14». personal Interview call 787-5816. Television, 50 Hwy 36. Eatontown. ' Odd Draissrt CHOOSE FROM 10 LOVELY 506-8000, FIItBI'UiCES A BPEOIAJJTZ — Al 9 x 12 Rugi . fw I6j CHEVY II — Nova, two-door hard- MOBILE HOMES types ol masonry. CHARLES B0WZR WOMAN FOR DAYS' WORK — Refer- PART-TIME WRITER > Studio Couchas & Sofa Bads $59 Cancelled and Used ' er. ' TowerelMft, radio, six-cylinder, MERCEDES BENZ — 1!>59. Excellent Contractor. Call 717-M7S. ences. CaOl winced. McCAHIliy Chevrolet, 291-1101. condition, low mileage, Becker A, M,- 1 747-4H7 About three nights a week. Hours • Hollywood Beds $39 3 Room Outfit, BUDDY TRAILER — 'BjlO . Eioellen PKOTBCT YOUR, AflPHAW INVEBT- proximately 8 p.m., to 1 a.m. Musi F. M. radio. 775-2371. condition. Many extras including RN WANTED — For Nursing Honr nave car. Must llvo In Bayshore area. > Refrigerators $59 JINAULT FEUGEOT fll.G. I!ft5 PONTIAC — Hydro-malic, 8lx new conditioning. Call 787-7968. MENT. Seal your driveway or parking Priced from $175. AUSTIN HEALBY SPRITE tires. Clean. $200. Call areas now. Guaranteed protection from Weekends. Vicinity Holmdel, For U Borne professional writing experience > Odd Chairs $10 M0N1IOUTU MOTORS 812-1370. EATONTOWN — 1963 Eirly American destruction by gas, oil and other harm- formation call 747-2017 or 264-3348. required. Phone 671-22W between wy* 35 542-2414 Eatontown New Moon. 50x10. Features two bed-ful materials. Call today for a frts and 6 p.m. AND MORE — LOTS MORE SAVE up to 60% 1956 CHEVROLET — Four-door Bel rooms, woJMo-wall carpeting, kitchen estlma'.e. 741-3221. BALES OIRL — Clerical worker. Sal UK "POOTIAC STAR CHBJF — Ver.Air. Excellent running condSHon, CaJ) wfth matched! appliances and both. All ary plus ootnmfeslort Many company SALESMAN — To sell building ma ood, condition, full po-.vcr; new tlrej '41-2fi5a, after 4. In excellent condition. Flnanolrjg ar WINDOW SASH — CORD REPLACED benefits. Pleasant worloing condition* tarials for Inrgt central New Jeriej FREE DELIVERY For Appeijihnant 150. Call 741-258-1, ranged. Call 542-4673 anytime. Call 40 hour week. Working knowledge t lumber and mlllwork company. Incen FIELD FURNITURE 1963 ALFA ROMEO, Sprint coups 1600 671-0006 sewing helpful. Apply The Blnger Co., tlvn basla. Reply to "A.O." Box 520, and eall )62 PONTIAC Catalfna convertabl Itcduced. McCARthy Chevrolet, 1964 VINDALE 10x55 — With ex-pando. Monmouth Shopping Center, Eatontown Red Bank. 7-11 E. Front S». utomatlc tr.innril.isi™, power stMrtru 291-1101. Wall-to-wall carpeting in living room FREE STORAGE 241-3020 owiir" brakes, radio, heater, $1,650 CHAMBERMAID — Apply In pe™°n MAN WANTED — As helper on de Kiyport, N. J. 11)03 VOLKSWAGEN — BtailoA waffOJb ami master bedroom. Kitchen with EMPLOYMENT Must have transportation. Sunset Mot1 livery truck. Must have driver's license 11-2215. Good condition. Call 264-8664, after 6 (separate dining room, bath and aecon Hwy. 3S, Holmdel^ Prefer man with previous experlencf Open Monday and Friday — 9 A.M. +» • P.M. DM CHRYSLER. HA.BI YTOP—« ood fub p.m. bedroom. Furnished If desired. Whe HELP WANTED-FEMALE detiverJnR appliances or furniture, Cal new was £8,000 Selling for best offer, REGISTERED NURSE — Or Uoen&ei 1 er, upholstery, battery, brakes, radlt IW>5 CIIKVROLET *— Impala co'nvert- ~ I 787-0476 after 6 p.m. for interview, Albert Burdge * S Tuesday, Wadnasday and Thursday — 9 A.M./to • P.M. Ixcpllrnt mechanically. Hurry. 51B5 OPERATORS WANTED — For newPractical Nurse. 11 pun. to 7 a.mInc., 24 Clay, Red Bank. 741-O8EM. 12-1020. lhlf, 327-V-8. Automatic, low mileage, Bealty Salon opening In K*anaburg on Information 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. River Saturday — 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. excellent condition throughout. 741-M6S. 1063 VAGABOND — 54H0 crest Nuraflng Home, 31 C3iapln Ave. S6T*CliEVK0L.ET. Bel Air, meon, Ona bedroom, many extras. Sept. 1. Call 7S74660, between 9-5 foi WESTERN BURGERS !)K1 CHEVROLET BISCAYNBi STA- Call 7M-3237. Interview, Red Bank. SPECIAL TERMS TO: tx-cyllnder slandnrd, radio. Reduced. TION WAGON — 1.200 mJlea, standard IcCARthy Chevrolet. '-'01-1101. 10x60 FOUR—ROOM TRAILER — WlLl. TRAIN WOMEN — For steady COOK—HOUSE WORKER — 10:30 Has a few openings for full and part • World War II Vats transmission, sIx-cylindeT. 25-montll OK good paying positions In laundry de- 7:30. Hive days. New bus line. R*fer IG 1KA -^ TF 1500. Wire wheels, Tiuii guarantee MUIXER CHEVROLET Perfect conditton. Call after 5 p.m. inces. Call 842-133% time countermen and kitchen helpers. • Korean War Vets /.. nd heatrr Tonneau cnvpr. Good con INC., Malawan. 506-8000. 201-6047. partment, only tnose wining to wor* ;8 or over, desiring steady work with Itlon, Best o/frr. W-OTTCl. and seeking: lonj term employment PULL—TIME GENERAL CLERK — a look to the future. Apply In persi • Serviceman and Ex-Semcamen ' 1SS8 CHEVROLET — Twc-door Impala, need Kpfry. Free medical and surfflcaJ Apply In parson. LIKIe silver Mike'*, Route 33, Middletown. MS CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE — V-8, Mil power. Call WANTED AUTOMOTIVE hospltatizatlon. Paid vacations. Apply ipposte RP. station, Uttu Silver. See Mr. Johnson —< Veterans' Advisor ew'lop and paint. Must pa Been, Neat, 787-7727. STAR CLE1ANEHS & LAUNDERERS, SALESMAN — Minnesota Mining & !50. riione 7U-OH6. 132 Myrtle Ave., Long Branch. PBX OPERATORS ~ Openings durlnf Manufacturing Co. desires gales repre- T9KTCHEVY~II, Nova four-door WE PICK Up JUNK CARS — UBBL 3 to 11 and 11 to 7 shifts. Good op- 62 RAMBLER STAN1M.RD SIX part* for aale, Twlnbrook Auto Wreck- sentative. Salary and commission; in- SITUATIONS WANTED-Female FOR SALE Reduced. McCARthy Chevrolet. ing. Call 747-0262 or 642-2235. portunity for long-teirm employment, come potential five figures. Three years llpnt. Economical. $600. 291-1101. DRESS MAKERS "lall 741-47O0. successful sales experience and college 842-H20 background desired. Send resume to WILI, CARE VOn CH11IMEN or to. 1063 C0RVA1K, Bpyner Coupe, four- OR OPERATORS JPEHATORS — Sinter Machines. vallds tn your home by day. Own trans- STILL $2 ORB'IWT — Fa] Mane, black two- 1058 OLDSMOBILE 8! — Four<100r AUTO PARTS-REPAIR Steady wort, Union shop. Little W«t Mr. George, P.O. Box 5044, Trenton, )or sedan. V-s. stick, Rood tlrM. Ex- N.J. An Equal Opportunity Employer portation furnished. Call evenings. 747- Ye*, we still charge only » per win- sednn, standard shUt. Power ateerlng, Mfg. Co., 225 Jeflorson St., Perth am. dow to install our. combination itorm silent condition. 666.6830, After I p.m,heajon. Call 531.4608. " 1W4 CHEVROLET — Six cylinder en- Pleasant, tulltlme, study worn. Ambon. id weekends. IRONING ATT HOME — WJH pick UP and screen windows. Expert Installem 1950 CHEVROLET — Bel Air, bliw gine. *25. Completely rebuilt. Call 220- MEN that have the know how, too. BaveJ 983 CHEVY II WngoD. Automatic, aodan, • four-clour, «1 it-cylinder, power EATONTOWN DRESS MFG. an4 deliver. Call 747-53-11, alter :educed. McCARthy Chevrolet. steering, stick shift. Low mileage, 2m. HELP WANTED-MAXE FUU. OR CART-TIME 4 PROWN'S 291-1101. wliUewftllii. 747-2130. vork as long as you want, $3.29 per BOATS AND ACCESSORIES PHONE 542-3555 MECHANIC — Mount English Sale: SHIRTS — Wa*«t and Ironed In ray33 Broad St. Red Bank 70-7600 IOTIHU-LMAN MINX — Convertible 1959 STUDEBAKER LARK ir. Call Mr. Kmmer, 697.8637. home. Will pick up and deliver. Call SKts — Cypress nardera. Full ftanana "our-speed floor shift. Excellent condi- Co., Ford Dealer, Red Bank, Flvs da] 7874936. door sedan, like new. Call 1964 JOHNSON1 ELECTRIC 28 h.p. mo- AVON BELLS IT SELF — Pull or week. We pay hospital, surgical, - ant BATCH MAKERS — No experience Miters. Call gn. #93. Call WM-7876. 7S7-J127. tor, and U14 M.F.O. Flbers-laa run, part lime. Territories open lor women pension. 741.6000. necessary. After short training will re- WILL DO IRONING — In my home, 8720243. about with controls and cover. Will who are Interested In having a Rood !!fW3 BUICK- Special, convertible, 8 CHEVROLET 1064 — Malibu convert ceive liberal hourly ratea.'. Willing to STEADY CUSTOMERS WANTED. Call TWO GREEN GU LISTA N KU09 — yllnder radio, heater, power steering, sell motor or boat. First 1265 (or teady Income. Experience uoaeceiiary. OJTOMOBILE MECHANIC — Expetl work shifts. Apply Atco Ceramilcs Corp. ible, automatic transmission, radio, Call after 5:30, 531-3478. !all 741-4343 or writs Mrs. Margaret mce in Chrysler products preferred, Hwy 35. Keyport. 229-4354 after 6 p.m. lOxlS and 12x17. (20 each. utomatlc transmission, lew mileage, heater, power. Excellent condition, iulotta. Box 190, Red Bank. ^ll Freehold Dodge, 463-6334. IRONINq done In my home. Will pick 842-1429 me owner. Will sacrifice. Can be ^tn Phone after 7 pum. 711-2041. 1963 17' RED—White, fiberglass boat, 50 WANTED — HELPER — Experienced t Shea's CHKO Station, Ocpan Ave., 1ECRETARY — Must have legal *x- UJTO MECHANICS — We hav« n«e up and deliver. Call HIOHCHAIR — And four^tpawer *h«t. speed. Reduced. McCARthy Crievrole't, h.p. Mercury electric started: with trail- In bumper replacement. Call 741-0910. 7S7-5753. Irs Bright. t1,3S). er, accessories. 204-1463. 20 K&i, tank. terlence. Salary open. Call or good mechanics. If you are ona SJI KiwseJI OldsmoWJe Body Shop, ICO Ntw- excellent condition Beat offer. 291-1101. 747-3730 llssatlsfled with present pay, fringi •1ERCEDF.S BENZ SEDAN — Mftchan- 221 ATKIN AUXILIARY SLOOP— FUo man Springs Rd., Red Bank. cally perfect. New upholstery. Must •BEACH BUGGY"—1964 Jeep Wag- benefits or working conditions, come on SITUATIONS WANTED - Male oneer. Four-wheel drtw, free-wtujedlng heel, 30" dra/t. 25 h.p. Inboard. Cabin 3ENTAL ASSISTANT — In Mlddle- down to FftH Motors, Dodge Dealer, C0RDOVOX OR ORGAN PLAYER to REASONABLE ell for college. Bent off" over 1395. sleeps two with: head, galley, loads of AWH area. Experience not neceasarr. 3atontown. Or call 612-1117. Ask foiplay In group. 284-4430, bubs, power steering. 12,000 miles, like RETIRED GENTLEMAN WISHES •U-OISi. „ new. MVLtliEiJl CHEVROLICT, INC. storage space, ample anil Inventory. •A.a.". Box 520, Red Bank. 'alenno. -atter six. Is what folks call RED BANK LUM- 957 CHEVROLET — Good cofrflMod. In water, ready log o. Bee anytime at clerical pojltlon. Payroll* bookkeeplnf. BER'S policy, and you will find u* Matawan. 566-8000. Fair Haven Yacht Works. Full price EXPERIENCED SAliBSLADr — In 41-1633. so on either small or large porobaseJ. few 1965 motor. Call jhlidren's apparel Tor fine specially MEN MANAGER Stop In and try us. We sell all manner 787-2069 ,963 CHEVROLET IMPALA *- TwA- only $2,200. Phone 747-3010. Evening! ihop. Contact Mr. Wechsler, at 747- Experienced only. Opportunity to grow door hardtop. Bank will finance *13W> 741-OOS0. 1600. ol good uilDgs for the home. 363 CADILLAC — Sedan do vllle, all at $11.60 a week. Call collect, RA 1-7100, IOW MANY HOURS DO YOU WANT rith new dynamic aupermarket. Full FINANCIAL ondltloned. six-way seals, power win* ">ASIS MOTORS, Rt, 9, SayrevJUe. 14' OWENS — Runabout speed boat, 3BX OPERATOR — For nlgW. sbltt, TO WORK? :ompany benefits, good salary. Apply RED BANK LUMBER mvs.'Reduced. McCARUiy Chevrolet, 18 h.p. Evlnrude. Excellent condition. Hg W., 56 Newman Springs Kd., Red .1 p.m. - 7 a.rn steady work, good guaranteo three dollars ;ank. See Mr. Robert Vignoli. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FJ1-1101. 961 CHEVItOTJET IMPALA — White Ready for water. $200. 741-5812. •pportunlty. Call 741-*7O0, ' Corner Pearl and Wall 8U.» Ked Bink convertible. Must sell, make oPBer. 1983 281 REVEL CRAFT CABIN CRUIS- ier hour. IXPERIENCED — Two ca-rpentwiT PACKAGE MQUOR STORE — Am- 364 .CORVAIR CONVERTIBIJ: - Original owner. Excellent condition. 671- COMPANION — HOUSEKEEPER — The low overhead luralwr yard. utomatlc transmission, radio, heater. ER 210 Chrysler engine. Sleeps four. Care tor semJ-lnvaUcl woman. Two inTnllmlted amount of hourf. Mak* as 'etnlck Construction Co boy area. Ideal for couple, 210,500 plua WINCHESTER SHOTGUN — Double 1,450.' Call 741-T41R. Head. Galley. Many extras. In very ramily. Six day week. Bleep-In. 912-2721. men ai you wlah. Must have car. fln-isoo. itook. Call 649-IB37. :064 CORVAIR MONZA — Coupe, auto- good condition Oan be seen at Zobet's Ills la not construction. Call 741-4019, set of barrel*. )57 -OLDSMOBILE 88-Conveitltrte. (tood latlc. Reduced. McCARthy. Chevrolet, Marine Service, Sea Bright. $5,900. For TELEVISION REPAIRMAN — Must BBJER, SODA, SELTTZKR DISTRIBU' 78I-5.VW 5dy-.and motor. $200 or best offer. 291-1101. more Information call 291-3195 after 6 NURSE IERVICE STATION ATTENDAJJT >e- expeJiienced. Vacation and holiday* TOR BUSINES3 — Home delivery all 787-4336. p.m. ^ill-time, married, and experienced, with pay and other benefits. 642-0403 routes. Cash and Carry service. 1964 UONBL TRIAIN SET — EteoWc, com- 964 OHEVKULE MAUBTJ — Nlne-pae- Industrial, RN ipply in person. LIncroit Easo, LAn- after 6 p.m. Ask for Jim. truck. Can purchase or lease present plete, full scale. Outlltbed«<. man)* G * f D—Wire wheels, tonneau, TF lenger station wagon, 155 ti.p, sixIK', Ifi59 OWEKS EXPRESS—Lapstrake. •roft. N.J* real estate. Excertltnt opportunity, 787- accessories, Must sell, MOtMct. M3- »0 engine. New top. ruga, tandard transmission, radio, luggage 220 h,p. motor. Stand-up head, sink Days 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. 2222. OOM. S71.222T. cannier, with factory-new guarantee. utove, Icebox. Sleeps two. T\d.y Excellent career opportunity In large 3EKVICE STATION ATTBNDAMT — IHORT ORDER COOK — Excellent REFRIGERATOR — aas: TV set, new MULLER CHEVROLET, INC., Mala- equipped with berth. {Ml 797-530S. lew plant. Must have Industrial nursing Must have mechanical exp«rl*nc«. Ov«r LAUNDROMAT FOTV SALE Call '59 FORD — Ftour-floor. Stick! Body . Oall after 6, 747-9728. . 'ear-round position. No phone calls. after 6 p.m. tube; Baldwin spinet, like new. Beat id upholstery eoon. Tfcres and engine wan. 566-8000. *2.200. ixperlcnce. BS degree desirable. At- offers. 229-9138. ractive starting salary and company- tfSHWASHER—KITCHEN HELPER — 787-1717. Ir. "As In," SSO. 741-24% 963 FORD GAUiAXIHJ CONVERTIBLE 33' SEDAN CRUISER—Twin 118 h.p. aid benefits Including all Insurances, .pply in person only, between 2 and B ;UT ULADIOLUS — WhoUUJt IM P Flagship, 2-1. Both hull and englnta in teady, good, year-round employment. FOR QUICK BAIJE — Luncheonette, I5T CHRYSLER — $300. Phone i) to 5 ower steering and brakes. Two eJttra inlform allowance, etc. Modem air- rVpply In person before 12 noon an( lully equipped for business rigfrt now. retail. Call 717-S211. Corner Ix-IM Kd. 9-2S54. 7 to 10 ima with snow-iires mounted. Oall 671- excellent condition- Reconditioned tWfl conditioned office. Convenient location ,m. and after 8 p.m. Howard Johnaoi and Phalanx Rd., CoHs Neck. seanon. Wall-to-wall carpeting in lounge, twtween 2:30 and 5 p.m. and attcr 8 F"or further particulars phone Paclter'a 741-O3S2. 923 after fi. In north shore area. For appointment p.m. Howard Jofcnww, si. 35, MJddJ«- leal Estate Exchange, M2-02<3. r equipped galley, sleeps five. Will con- call Miss Trahman at 264-8700 or write test au rant, Hwy, 39, Mid die town. YOU'LL NEVER fi.1 "^ONTIAC. Catallna converge,OLK£sWA&E' LA&ENN 91965. Low mileage. sider real estat« property tirade, $5,000, Personnel Dept. itomatlc and power steering. Reduced. price, like new. Terma. 787-5500, The" Ki"i buy a quality storm and tcreert com- cCARthy Chevrolet. 291-1101. S71-2360. OR.TER AND MAIENTEttANCE — MORTGAGES MARINE SUPPLIES MATTEL, INC. Leady work, with bencflls. Must be ADV6RTISING MANAGER bination window for any less. JS.44 er 58 CHEVROLET IMRVLA * While D6i CHEVROLET BROOKWOOD — Everything for the Boatman. New Jer >bar. Phone 223-1415, 10 to «. WHITE ALUMINUM: Jll.M. durlllf our avertible. Automatic, V-8. 5475 orVagon. Reduced. Call McCARthy sty's largest marine supply houss, Toy Makers Ixperlenced only. Opportunity to grow PIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES tout Anniversary Sale. let. 2D1-1101. AliESMAN — We are looWnff for ftvllh new dynamic Supermarket Pull AVAILABLE — Edwin B. Stark, Real offe r. 671-0303. Evlnrude Sales and. Service [wy. 35 Holrfatl man with dlrect-to-consumer selling ex- :ompany benefits, good 'salary. Apply ;state & Mortgage Consultant. 261-0333 THE BOATMAN'S SHOP M&illng address! PROWN'S 1019 CHEVROLET _ New tires perience. Company in ita 60th year in Slg W., 56 Newman Springs Rd., Red 32 Broad St. 65 <50RVAIR COUPE 4* Radio, heate lattery. Make orfer. Phone 24 Wharr Ave. 741-5780 Red BaDk PO Box 98, Hazlet, New Jersey contracting Held. Will fully train man lank. See Mr. Robert Vlgnoll. her extras, 1.600 miles. Original 671-5345. (Open Sundays and holidays, 9 a.m, elected. Car necessary. Be bongable, 'ice; J2257, now S1757. McCARthy to 1 p.m.) OUNTJERGIRtSMiist tie 18 or over. MERCHANDISE COPY MACHINE - Apeco •yttematlc 1962 BUICK LE BABRE — Excellent \xll or part time, steady employment. Milling to work evenlngn. Salary plu model, perfect condition. New 10*4. hewrolrt. 231-11(11. 18' OPEN INBOARD — In water, 78 ^ar expenses during alx-month trairvln HELP WANTED-Male - Female Original coat, W30, now «5S. Celt Ml- 5 t PONTIAC — Two plus two, 42n condition Private owner will arrange Apply In person, Western Burgers, Rrt FOR SALE 4008. Buslnes hours. *» , X'iiriTUVU — -TWO plUS IWO, llnanclnp. Call 741-4292. h.p. dray Marine, run* good. Bought 35, Mlddletown. 671-OT87. seriod. Increases commensurate with our-flpeeii. New car warranty, larger boat. $350 or best olfer.. Call Lblllty there atter. Call 775-0706 Toi cp. Must HOUSEKEEPER — Uve in. Permanen w ANTIQUES — Brlck-a-brac, furniture, nuncp. Must anCriflee, Ownrr i 1961 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE — 787-4839 after 6. appointment. Evening interview can HAIRDRESSER TAKE A ROLLER TV, etc. Call *..,*.. 842J666nil 1P«C. Black. A-l shape, all power. $2,100. position. References . required. One Inarranged. -ixperl enced. Five-day week. Closed \nd lome floor and deck paint ($4.95 Wl 'CHEVROI^ET — Forward control Call 787-5528, after 5 p.m. 28' B. SLOOP — In the water, ready [amlly. tXM 842-0308. londays. Vinmar Haip Stylist, Ldttlc L gal) and make a nice job ol that 591-1163 to sail. Asking $998. Call Silver. N.J. 741-.789. ration waffon. Sacrifice. Reduced. Me 1065 IMPALA DEMONSTRATORS ~ 741-8952. WOMAN — Knowledge of bpg AUTO DEALER ellar or garage floor In jlj time. PiAINT SPBAYEK — l h.j>.; lander- ARHiy Chevrolet. 291-1101. Savings up to S1.000. McCARtiky Chev* arid typlmr. Wirlte experience and salary COUPLE — To operate motel apart PS: We just roll-painted our store frlnd&r; cutting torch; regulators; >56 XADILLAC — Four-door Sedan da rolet 291-1101. 1963-UT FIBERGLASS BOAT— 1910-40 enpected for five-day iveek-, to '3^'* ' PAHTS MAN ment house. Free furnished apartmen :ioor in gray. hoses; nuts: bolts; pipe and electrical Hie- Very soot! condition. All power. h.p. electric Atari motor; trailer, equip- Box 520. Red Bank.' awe excellent opportunity * for ih plus salary. "Must be capable of doing RED BANK LUMBER mtlngl. J125. Call 74T-O44.7. • :usfi sell. J25O or be&t offer. Call ment. Beat offer. 7(7-3771. ight man, good salary, commission, Ight maintenance. Call 229-0200 for :ifrC 6 p.m. 74I-«3K7. TRUCKS FOR SALE .ppointment. Corner Pearl ani Wall Sta., Red Bank BIG SAVINGS NOW SAILBOAT AND BAILBOARD RENTALS vacation, and many other benefits. 741-5500 •82 -VOIJKSWAGEN CONVERTTBLE *- CLEARANCE — Used sailboats and Must be able to operate on own ability. BARB fllMPLOYMENT AGBNCY The Low Overhead Lumbar Yard during our 401h ANNTVEHSARr SALE. UK snow-tires. Good condition. Call ATTBNTWiN ALL CONTBAOTORfl outboard boats. New .LS-13, Sea Gull and SECREMRr Contact Mr. Forahay, Bay Forahay ualiHed Personnel For QuaJity OrderL Lamp shades and lamps drastically re- 2-1378, between 8 and 9 p.m. Ioadpaioker—20-yard Oarwood on 1959 Sea Snark aailboatn, Fontlac, 289 Broadway, lAmg Branch. 10 Broad Long Branch 222-4747 "HE ATTIC — Buys and tells any- duced. Giant savings on intirlor and InternatUoivaa R 190. One onTy. Thta la a MONMOUTH MARINA Inquiry will he kept confidential. hing of value. Entire household con- exterior paints. Storm and screen win- 63 ;SKE—Jaguar, White coupe. Br» trough trade-in and excepilonakiy (« ./Mt St., Monmouth B«ich. 222,H92 TO THE ADMINISTRATOR enta purchased. 33 Third Ave.. Lonf Iowa In while, at lowest prices «rer. llertHEondttion Ona owner. Law mAl«. lean. Call Stan, 74T4787, M. TANTBD DISHWASHERS AND POT FULLER BRUSH CO. 3ranch. Call 229-1146 mornings only. :e, -*miy equipped, never raced. BM* 3CHWAHTZ A SONS, 141 W. Trent »., CARRY CRAFT SAVAGi ASHEHS — Apply in person, Mon. ave openings tor full and part-time PROWN'S 'IcfQfc 53,300. 741-73W. Ted Bank, Boat Trailers :inlmum three years «xperlence. Bx- reugti Pr. at Bell Labe Cafet&rla. ien arid women. Earn $3 per hour, YPEWRITERS, ADDING machine*. 1H W. Front St., 2614430 Keyport illent opportunity. Liberal hours with l makes new or used. Guaranteed. 32 Broad Bt. Red Bank • T41-TJ00 HIPPINOrRKCIHVING. - v- ' WA.HK-. itereated, call 747-9449 or 787-3298. tus f25. Dorp I co'e. 101 UonmouLQ LMHTNING — NO..1358 — Excellent ill fringe Benefits. PhonrrPerWnntl oUSBMAN — South Jersey Sur(4aal, IKINDIVINO EQUIPMENT- — -AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE sailing condttJon. Two suits of sails. ept.. Rlvervlew Hospital. 7U-370O. ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Next to theater. 7*7-0485. plets outfit. Including wet suit. B. Front at, Red Bank. irery order Jk applicant our speciality. 741-3215 Call after 6. 741-6035. 3ENTAL ASSTSTANT — Three days. White St. Shrewsbury 747-3494 inUMnoif — J3 h.p. Juvlnrude Personable, local, young lady. Must RENT A TV electric. Fully equipped. Great condi- lype between two offices. Own trans- MEN JHORT ORDER COOK—For lunchoon- (Morc Classified Ada tion, sacrifice at $400. 747-3588. portation. Write, "A.Y.", Box 520, Red stte. Steady position. Experience re- Portable day. ween. BAYSHORE TV. 5mK. [Ulired. Call 741-7616. - 36 Church St.. Kcinsburj. 787-4(00. On The Next Page) 30' RICHARDSON CABIN CRUISER — UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY TREMENDOUS SAVINOB — On all 1988; 125 h.p. Chrysler Orown engine CHAMBERMAID -r Apply "In person. MEN/WOMEN Lype dixtrs and windows. Oall 860-9000; with hydraulic .reversing-,- sleeps four; Holly Hill Motel, Rt. X, Wot Keatis- After o p.m. 26<-1676. enclosed stand4>p head with sink and urg. CALL m lull-time night and women part- COMMERCIAL RENTAL* |AUTOPORTUSA- vanity. Galley with sink and icebox. Ime nights. Janitorial and office clean- May b* seen at SnuK Harbor Mairlna, PART-TIME BALES—Women 18 to 68. tig Jobs In Mlddletown buildings. Good 40 YEARS Rt. 35, Keyport. A«kinr $2,000 or pos- any flexlbfle hours. Service your lm- "ay-advancement. We will tran. Must a long tima and we're proud of It. sible trade for smaller boat. 212-770-3473. iwdiate neLghoornood or nearby tftrrl- 531.3200 lave car. Bring BirUi or Baptismal ve during our 40th Anniversary Sale, f63 Rambler American p«rw eotiw™ $725 8 ft.m. to 4 p.m. ory on home route service. Over 400 IDRVICB STATION ATTENDANT :ertillcate to Interview. Apply Wednes- ITB ALUMINUM storm and screen ouaehold, chemical and cosmetic prod- 'ml time, experienceerienced only. Apply In lay evening August 11, 6:30 to 8:30 ndows J1J.44. Count the number you 20' CABIN CRUISER — 35 h.p. motor, cts as Fuller Brush lady. Average erson, C A TJJ Commuter'* ServicSrvice i.rn., Harmony Bowl, Rt. 35, Middle- OFFICE 1960 Austin Healey 3000 .a™,., $1095 and trailer, $750. Call after «!30 pjai. .50 per hour commission. Areas avadl- !enter, 47 Sh rabury Av»., Red Bank. own. ieed and save BIG money NOW. B 787"fl6«> ilel Keyport to Highland* alon« shore. all 741.4760 during day; 29M6S7 alter SALES—Part time or full time, JVICXI- PROWN'S 30' RICHARDSON CRUISER — Sleeps p.m. )le hours. National company haa avail- 12 Broaii St. Red Bank 741-7300 SPACE 1^65 VW Convertible R.cOnditicn.d, n.w t<.P $1195 four. $1,600. Call trie home route selling and service KITCHEN CHUBS RECOVERED — 872-IU74 . PART-TIME WRITER tenlngs. Average Income $2.40 to S4 Dinette sets and bar stools. Monmouth Host modern offlcei 27' SHELTER SKIFF ~ 185 h.p New •er hour. Car necessary. Call 741-4760 GENERAL dinette, 116 Monmoutli St. Red Bank. 1359 VW SunrOOf Recondition.!), v«ry good $695 .bout three nlgbts a week. Hourg ap- urlng day. 291-1687, after 7 p.m. •41-8833. just completed. condition. $3600. In water. roxlmately S p.m. to 1 &.m. Must Available for i 8421866. ave car. Must live In Bayshore area. HEET METAL MECHANIC — First THE OOLDBN DOOR I9J8 ZOBEL SEA FOX SKIFF — 19'. lorn* professional writing experience Uass only. Steady Job, and good pay. ASSEMBLY New to "U" clothlnK. Elegant Junk, Immediate occupancy. White Volkswagen u* mii..g. $1250 Best otifer over $250. Can be seen at •equired. Phone 671-2250 between i ll and apply in person: Engineers gttts. 771 River Rd., Fair Haven. Hours Central fled Bank Anglers Marina, Sea. Bright. 222-2565, md 8 p.m. [eating A Cooling Co., 360 Broadway, 10 U> 4, Tues. through FrI: Sat., 11 to 3. K>ns Branch, 222-3035. Business District ' USED CARS WAY BH.OW RETAIL after 6 p.m. IBAUTICIAK -^ Mrust have experience, WORK STAINLESS STEEL COMMERCIAL 22' INBOAHO — U5 Mormity «n|[lne. vtth manager's license. Apply In per- IARBER WANTED — 100 Ittrst Ave. First and Second Hhirts FIVE — DOOR REFRIGERATOR — IDEAL wllh waller, A-l condition, S800. Call :on, Tony's HOUSB of Beauty, 81 Bright- .tlantlc Highlands. J395. Call 787-2222. «I«r 6:30 p.m. 264-3231. m Ave., long Branch. 29I-9641 18 years and over. Ble&dy work. Bus transportation provided. 'ALNUT DINETTE SET — China LOCATION 1961 LUHR3 — 27' Cabin Omlwr, 1U. ASSBMBUERS — Experienced and. In- UUtDBRER AND HANDYMAN - To :losct and buffet. Good condition. 170. 872-0500 h.p. Radio, many other extras. Asking experienced. MberaJ employee benefits, vorlc In Rumson, one day per week ipply in person, Aug. 11, 12, 13, 9 to 47-31D2. • Central Air Conditioning 14,000. Ca.ll 74T-O980. rood "working conditions. Apply fceitween •ear round. Call a42-H66, alter 7 p.m. 12 or ftt o 7 p.m. 1 > and 11 a.m. and 1 and 4 p.m. The WE'RE SHOUTING . • Belf Bervlct Klevator RT. 34 & SCENIC DR. HIGHLANDS, N. J. IB GKA6TROPJ — Fiberglass, 1961 Rowan Controller Cd., 26 Bridge Ave,, ROUTE MEN about our new, low priced white aJu* • Private Parking 8pu» model, 65 Ixp. Mercury. Fuly equipped, Xtd Bank. lontaet E. Vojel, New Shrewsbury electnlc starter, canvas canopy Sacri- 'ULL OR, PART TIME. STEADY loro Hall, 556 Tlnton Avt,, New Shrewi- mlnum storm and screen combination • Rept Heaionable fice. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 741- 'EAJl-ROUND WORK. NO LAYOFFS iury. window. It has everything. $11.44. In- • Insp«t and Corapu* 4105. CASHIER WANTED JAR.N *1Q2. OAR AND PHONE RJ3- itallatioi optional. Triple track E Z Ixperlence necessary. Must be able to IUIRED. CALL 462-1074. lie, too. That's right, only (11,44. ork weekends. Apply In person: COM- MUNITY THEATER, KATONTOWN. EXPERIENCED FURNITURE MOVER XBAL ESTATE SALESPERSON — PROWN'S BUSINESS NOTICES wanted for local moving work. Oall for kfust be licensed. Full time. Office la 747-1100 EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES . itervlew. Albert Bume 4 Bon. Inc.,nember of Red Bank Multiple Listing •2 Broad 6t. Red Bank 7 tions, additions, painting, masonry. A.I.P. Serving all Kew Jersey •(^PLYMOUTH ».K) V-e, Stand. Trons. '«PLYMOUTH U.90 ployes benefits. pair. Moderate prices. McCARthy Small lobs too. 691.9714. • -Belvedere Sedan '64 CADILLAC S27.1O Fury Hdtp. "1200" Deluxe Sedan Chevrolet. Atlantic Highlands. 291-TOOt W FALCON J9.») Convertible, Air Cotid. 'oIT-BIRD »7.S0 HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Insurance Plumbing & Heating T 3 Dr., Automatic •64 OLDS J13.20 Landou Hdtp. CORP. Auto. Transmission tt+TEMPEST J8.4O Jet Star #1 Hdtp., •42 BUICK 57.60 ABILITSr—SERVICE — DepEndablllty PLUMBING — Heating and bathroom *• -fiedatif Automatic $1555 remodeling. Full Power Skylork Hdlp. Rt. 35, Mlddletown when you insure your HOME, AUTO, tUCHEVY $?.J0 •63 COMET S9.20 Monmouth Shopping Center, Eatontown or other lines or insurance through '62 OLDS SJ.10 !Eel Air, Full Power VlllooDr 4-Dr. "1500" Super Sedans SALESMAN WANTED — Salary plui ARMSTRONG AdENCy. '741-4M0. CORRIGAN'S S4XHEVY 511.30 Stallon Wooon "flfl" Convertible commission, also auto allowance Rive- 1Z7 Oakland St. Red Bank 747-27W ~ *. Impala Hdlp., '63 CHEVY $10.90 '62 CADILLAC J9.70 day wftek, Excellent opporuadty far Moving and Storage —- Full Power Super Sport Sexton DeVllle, advancement and many company bene- Roofing, Siding and Insulatloa tUPONTIAC Sia30 $2135 fits. Car essential. Bxpeniience not re- LIGHT HAULIWJ — Furnishings, Convertible- Full Power .'•.' Corallno Hdlp., '63BUIOK 19.90 quired. Will drain aanbitiou* man Ap- refrigerators. Fragile Items, will fasti) OLSBN OO. INC. Rooting, Full Power ply The Singer Co., Monmouth Shop- anywhere. Call 542-1403. lnsulaUon Installed and LcSobrc Hdtp., .'62 FORD J4.9O ping Center, Eatontown. for 10 years. 778-0708, 291^ '24 BUICK S14.4O Full power Galaxle, Full Power "1500" Super Station Wagons Electro. "225", '63 CHEVY S10.40 • Nursing Home '61 OLDS $6.10 A MAN - AppJy In person. ;;: Convertible Impala, 4-Dr. HOLMDEL NURSING HOME — Ac- MfPONDAC St3.50 Stallon Wagon "»8" Hdlp., Air com). ITREE TOWING credited for skilled nursing home Bonnevllle ConverNblfr $2343 193 E. Newman Sprints Kd.. '63 CHEVY W.tO '61 IMPERIAL t5.» care. Hwy. 34, Holmdel. O4S.12O0. r VS4 CHEVY $11.90 Impala Hdlp. FORK-LOasp T MKOHANIC — JDiperT. Red Bank • 841-2500 ^ Impala Convertible Hardtop, Full Power ORDER NOW AT enced with leading* (ork lift ftrm Pleas- '63 BUICK W.n •61 T-BIRP 57.80 ant condition*, full Union bencHU, Nursery Stock PROWN'S WBUICK SI4.S0 Skylark Coupe «t«ady work. Call Am.rican Bandlini —Riviera Hardtop HordtopSpecial , plaFuln lfo Power ser-r Auto and Truck Rental AMERICAN HOLLY — NamBd, tl 25 32 BroaRugds SCleaned-Sbamt Red Bank p 744*500 "A3 OLDS Jll.m Equipment, MA i-I(m. a pot. HOLMDEL NURBEIUE8 WF0RD JI0.70 "?B" Hdlp., . vicemen, now fake AVIS Rent a new car or truclc. Low your car oversea! SHORT ORDER COOK—Experienced. Newman Springs Rd., Holmdel. FLOORS CLEANED WAXED - ^ Calaxle Hardtop Full Power nues. Mapla Ave.. Red Bank. 747. your home or office. Call 291-2137 f KWrCHEVY $11.60 financed anywhere Night «Mft, S-12. Apply: Sonny., Kei. 0308. T74-52U. Sally 7 a.m.-10 p.m. '63 MERCURY 58.80 In the worl' laurant. Hwy 36, Billon] appointment. Work Insured/ ; Super Sport Hdtp. Hardtop, Full Power Odd Jobs PRESSMAN - Held-Jlbors and IIUIB AIITOPORT U.S.A. Slant prunes. Experience necessary. Building Contractor K^SSS^.TlJS?;10* »'•'"• sidewalks, Tel. Answering Servlc* Steady work for reliable man COM- HOUSB PAINTINa, carpentry. Rea- MBRCIAI. PRESS, call 7«-»li. BUILDHR — New homes, room aa- sonable Itatel. 747-158!! or 721-5287; dlUons, basement and attic rooms, LET UB BE your AIR—CONDrnonma — Service men [lichens, garage, repairs and altera- Painting and Decorating 872-0500 wanted. Steady Job, and good pay, call tlons. Herbert Elgenrauch. 741-5201. BRADLEY ind apply topenon : Engineer! Heaanf u. «k HILL — Painter Interior and & CoMng Co., 36fi Broadway. LoQx •Itarior. No Jobs too large or too Rt. 36 & Scenic Dr. Highlands Branch. 5M-3035. ' Diamonds Bought or Re>t$led jmall. Very wmmable. Can 22S.I3U Wet Watch Repair K1T0HIBIN HELPER - Some expert- INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR paint- ftT. 35 (Cor. Springwood] NEPTUNE. N. J. 4 TO 6 WEEKS DELIVERY snoe necttMaxy. Informaiion 30 a.m. to M us War the diamonds you don't Ing. Also decorating. Our prices art p.m. RAvtmnfl Nurainc Home 31 wear or In m testyli thsm tot you cheaper than theirs. Call Stuck Paint- CbtplB' Ave., Red Bank. personally. lUusslUes, 3a Broad »t ing Co. for free estimate. 741-iWO FOftSALK WANTED APARTMENTS THE DAILY REGISTER H0U4ES FOR HOUSES FOR SALE. HOUSES REAt ESTATE WANTED . aiA muHeal losvumenu THREE-ROM — rumut*! or tutu. COLTS NECK RJRJUUX MTATB1" MA5UR OIL wutai a. Ttnur. KW stall «.. ; ' BMutf aeutmtM, CmtnJ kxa&n. it Tuesday, August 10, 1965—1 8EACH EXCLUSIVt ' It for flagstone flnUhlng. It wUl pro- •rood. aSJ-SUO HEW HOMES - S26,flM UF . 1O1 T duct a hlfh •h«n which It «U*r and 4Ulrt at" 122 Hanllm Rd., blloif I BANK REPOSSESSION J. D. ROCHE. Raaitor. What ?«u Want twater repellent and will make your BEA BrUOKT — four rooma In duMK. HOUSES FOR SALE Loag Brld(« Ad.' Colts Neck M5-(B5i $14,990 CaH flagging sUr ta Keep clean. Llit; |8.M Ideal for coupu or ntlnd, AvaUabU VETS NO DOWN Multiple Lilting Servfet WALKER * WALKER, RwOfff til. Our price: $5.M. Quart!: $2.10. PETS AND LIVESTOCK October 1. Year round, Call M2-313B. Quaint Caf>e Cod Ml Broad St Shrawibury TU< Our price: ItW. A chtmcft of a lifetlmi to buy two-year ATLANTIC HIOHLANPS — Fourld 206 Hwy. 35 Vt drill town ffh-S THRBr ROOM FURNISHED APART FHA Homes For Sale old, three-bedroom split, r«cr««tlon Worn C»P« Cod. TUiM hath, cHy «*w«r- Large family? Mother-in-law liv- ADORABLE COLLIE PUPS — MBNT - M w. Ber»«n Pttce, Rtd ARK YOU IN TEOUBLE? RED BANK LUMBER Registered. All colors. Sable and Bn.k. room, sartse, a very choice location, IB«. low Una, OU1 291-0S16. AA>Ung ing with you? See this knockout Corner Peart and Wall Red B&nk tricolor, and blue merle. Five wee] aewen, two blocks to bu«. BmJc has S12.800. old. Call 462-(221, APARTMENT — Four rooms and bath, AS IS - ALL CASH - it hounti left, will icil directly to you of a home today. Alt spacious Behind In nwrtciigt paymsntli Hl-5500 heat and not water lupplled. Inquire at reduced price of XIT.500. JUSTED LISTED! Artistic ranch home Call ua now, we will buy your horofc The low overhead lumber yard. COLLJE PUPPIES — Sire a chmnplo """ Be«ra St., HazKt. secluded In many trees. Plot 125'xiHrJ". rooms. Entire yard enclosed with WALLPAPER your room for $19.70, Sabl« and white. J5O and up, Ci NO FHA FINANCING ALREADY F.H.A. APPROVED Foyer. Living room Hl'xiv with co- cyclone fencing. Storage shed in HANLEY ASSOC, INC. / . labor and materlali complete. Pilce RARE RIVERKRONT TWD — Thm A rare buy la yours If you hurry. lonial panelM tlreplflcc. Korirrul illninK 671 •5383. coven H single rolls wallpaper and rooms, lurnlshtd, all uuiltlei, 239-oaiB, 3SS-O00065 2 Family—421 Fulton St Three-bedroom lovely ranch. One extra room Deluxe kitchen, ctfctrlc r;iriKP. rear of property. Low taxes. Ex- 1 C5ERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIK3 aftar ^4 p.m. Ellzttttlh—IS.1M. WOODED ACRE LOT — Privacy. paper hanger * labor. Larger rooms AKC registered, excellent bloodlln JMMS79 let Broadway It room in attic. All modern through- (llsliwusher. nrfakf.iHl ai>';i. Trirer twin tras include aluminum storm Would consider problem site. OU1 5M- •lightllihtly hlhthlehterr . KLARIN'KLARIN'SS , 38 Mon- Freehold, 462*828 atler 6 p.m. HIOHUINM — four rooms, *S0 pi: Kwport-«10.42S. out. Very nice location near every- bedrooms, two tiled baths. Ua.vm*nt 8754 evenings or weekeiwln. mouth Bt, Red Bank. 7*7i3838. month All utilities. Kfimeromn. Two-car p;iraKP. All tx-anli- sash. Vets no down. Non-vets BOA<3LB PUPPIES — AKC registered 3J-1WWS 30 Appletoa Av«. fLllly deoora-lea. TIt.A>NSFEIVREn OWN- $30 and J35. Also beagie mixed breed m-iwt Leonardo—dO.SOO. ONLY $13,000 ER ASKING S.1UXO. STANLEY K. $490. 810. Call anytinu. 53S-OT44. MODEHN FTVE ROOM apartment, two J5-19T472 *» »• Henry St. Vets no down. F.H.A. only $400 down, HAMMOND bedrooms. $100 per month plui utllltlei Linden—J1S.000. tSt per month payi everything, DOWNS., Rwltor, Shrewsbury. 741-1017. AIRDALB—Pldlireed, all papers. Or Hwy. M, Port Moaraouth. 515-0630 or 3HM885 3M Rockwell Ave.. HICAUTIFUL KEU BANK HOUSK - Flock Silo, yaar old. All mom, Onod pet. Neei 2B1-&T39. Long Braraa— Tho Berg Agency home. Best Qffer. 7U-B77O. BEACH A&ENCY P'oof betirooms, living room, 5 nrtur 7 p.m. Daily 9-9, Saturday-Sunday 10-7 , DISPLAY IN THE SHORB AREA. Shrewsbury. 741-6747. WATERFRONT APARTMENTS — New Plainrield—$14,500. All paymrnta are approximate and Ulna-room furnished garden apart suW»ct to VA-FHA approval. y COLUE PUPPIES — AKC registered Colonial npllt, four Urgn bcriroom.i. ItlVKItFRONT - tmmncul!\te. seven. rnents. Patios, air condlUoninl and TV. Look for FHA Sale Sign u 1 Be Rebuilt NEW AND USED Bellhaven atoek. Call Weekly or monthly rates. NAUTILUS 2 j ha'H«, (oyp.r, family nmm, JKIUPICII r^on> riiiidj, J'lpT-'J fr>r (h* lvrtat.ln^ fa ml' 787-1393 APARTMENTS. Dial 852-0505. Set your oi»n broktr tor dca, Uvins room, dining room, electric ly. with threo twln-s'ZMl biwirtKuns, two Use our rent&l-purchui plan Inspection «ni» Information PAUL P. BOVA kitchen, two-car gam go. Picturpsiu« ' I liatin. large sclTirp kitchp-i, pan- COLTS NECK - The silo .on for piano* and ortana, POODLES - AKC rejUtBred, hum BEACON BEACH — Modern, flv«.romn wooded lot. Extras. $2S,!VW>. Tall fi71-0W! 1 n, flropiar,- In HIP living rn«ni, brea. Sir* a show dpc. Very reiaoi apartment, two bedrooms. S125 plm Following homei will bo re. 671-2544 nni formal rtinlnc r'»m. Twn rar at- the Charles D. Flock and Sons able. B«!or« 5. WE 8 0151. After electricity. Call 787-1MM. TARTKFIILLY REMODELED From $12 per Month WE 8-2SJ3. paired and bear 6 Month To-fltnry In Red Hiink. Uving rtwm MADISON TWP—ARCADE GAKDSSNS. with fireplace, (ormal dining rn., Open dally til 9 p.m. Sat, til « p.: GOING AWAY? 1- and 2-bedroom apartments Prlvat TRADE YOUR HOUSE IN STRONft AGENCY Realtivr, MS ITni- weeks. Boarding, battling, grooming. pool. Rt. 9. Model. Phone 7M-I'1». FHA Structural Warranty., lovely oit-ln kitchen, tour hnirodmn, pi'ct Ave. IJHle Silver. 74H&OO. kept red beauty. Fully powered. »71! BRIQQBON KENNELS, 741-3310. \K modern liatha, haseinnnt. Hurry Corner of Main St & Mattlion A ons Branch LONG AS 30 YEARS TO PAY $16,500 and cxll 1 At Jl7,«)0. WLAKJER & POUR nilICK APARTMENT X'NITS-- The milking barn and dry stock - ADORABLE KITTENS — Free to WALKER, HeflUor.% Hwy 3.'r, Shrrwi ftirnl«h*'(l, fully rented, aci»ralc mi'tPM, pens should be completed by the PR 5-9300 good horn*. Call FORT MONMOUTH FHA will pay roa»t>nable and MIDDLETOWN bury. 7O-5212. 2<-Honr Rrrvlcc (i[[ sip'Pt p;irkit)K. AfiR'.nnWlcn avatl- 741-8181 1 end of October for the 70-head'l TAPPAN GAS BAiNGE — Purchased PERSONNEL WELCOME down puts you In Oil a thrf< -b«'(l- a hi P. Prlcri for quirk nalo u $H,9O0. bilt MV« uacd, tor *16». CaH PONY — Three years, untrairtefl BEE customary financing and clos room home, only itx years old. l\i Bl(» FAIR HAVEN COl/)NrAI, One A l-'ltKK MAKKKn AOKNOY, IUHH'H, Holslein dairy herd. M2-»88( OFFER OVER S5O. Call baths, 11x15' kitchen^ enclosed porch. year old, .mi owner Ir;in*r*Tto;|. W'il WI|R HT41»nTl 7874085. NO RENT FIRST 30 DAYS ing cotti. Full, dry baae merit, Attractive ares, siorlflre. Four bfdrooms, 2M, batlis, A $75,000 fire July 24 that 1947 BELLANCA — 60 hra since mi Check these extras: netr schools and nil convenience!. paneled den with fireplace ant licinu'd LOVELY ItANCH Well lnnnltnrs, Ml full cnllar, $21.Wrfl. 7i1-Tlfl6.__ WE ARE 40 GOLDEN COUJE PUPS — AKC. Mu One-site parkins Haslet—Jn.'.OO. Open 8 &.m. to 8:30 p.m. Blvrr ltd., Fair Hiven. 741-7^«. 435-acre farm on Flock Rd. « years old. Save during our Annlversa! be aeen to be appreciated. Six wee! 3S-213S1! 30 Sylvia Tirrace Membar Multiple Ustlng FOU THK MO PEST FAMILY - W* BETTER THAN NEW! Kour-lipilroom offer thin tiireMiHrwiT,. one bath. Sale. Triple track aluminum storm 1.1 old, SJMU. Call 671-5488. / ELMWOOD OABOKNS PREEHOLD-LAKEWOOD AREA 1 Charles Hagerman, a local •creen combination window* 10.14. K.i 35-207 J51 sya oak Hill i^,. home In St. Leo's Parish. Family room, Urookvlew Ranch Homt . Excellpnt 240 Lons Branch Avn, (Comtr Jollae MWifl'town—119.100. Beit buy.' Pour-bedroom colonial. Two with flr<>pJaee, livlnp room, dining ronm contractor, will start work on the folding doors S7.M. Olass bathtub a: C.F.A. PERSIAN KITTENS for Supt. 229-WM years old. Vk tlltc! baths, lull cellar, l,elosur«s J25. (Cash and Carry). 353-01UJ7 1016 OFassmira Ava. elt-ln kitdien. two-r:ir garage. Many Owiiir nski'nn » MODEST Jlg.WO. fnnly Call Ocean Twp.-Jl8,000. formal dining room, attached garage, ettris. J31.9O0. REDDEN AGENCY, barn rebuilding by the beginning MASaAR-filLVBR dlshwuher. $600 down to auaMtled $800, down, and approximately $i,5n.'_'i PROWN'S 352-010OOT 1 Locuat St. buyer. No closing costs. Should be Realtors, a(lt-MapIt' Ave, corner Ffr per ninnth. aui)jpri in ciualiflcatlon.) of September. .;„• PONY FOR SALE Atbury Park T7iV430O OKI Bridie— S15.8M. PI.. Rcit Bank. 741-f)2(H. 32 Broad St. Bed Ban* T41TM Inquire at Brookdale Farm, Llnop Evas, and Sun., Marc Masaar, 531.291, seen, Full trie. tlS.BOO. Ajk tor Mr. Hideout 35-191161 S Nelson Ave., Plscala. STERLING THOMPSON The fire was caused by spon- PIANO — Baby grand. Rebuilt Hnt-ln kitchen. 2( ft, rec- brother Richard is In partnership 4 SPECIAL BARGAINS BOSTON TERRIER - Male. 21 month monthly on lea*«. JOHN U MINTJOH, reaMon room, l'i haths, two-car garage, LOTS AND ACREAGE IRWIN'S open nltfits to 9 owner, pivon* M2-35O0. 352-01M0I lfl Juns Bt., PRICE REDUCTION , . . , MUST on an oversl^-d ftf"1 your now humi- with their father, dust ignited 1 Re£i4tored AKC. Needs a boy. Reaso souta Rivar—J1I.025. SELL. Four btilrooms, two baths, liv- WAS NO able. OaU W1-33S6. liED BANK — Three rooma and b*th. now. CaU 871-3311. Priced lo sell at $380 3-Piece sectional living loom, 3S2-01(Ot> tng rooni, recreation room, baHomeiit, only S19.5O0. WALKER ft WALKEH. LAKEFRONT PROPERTY — when the straw they had beefl BOX BTAIiB — Homes boarded. Oa! Unfurnished. PrivUe entra-nce. JavtiV and rarag« ... (or the lamlly In of '^ acre. Local area. foamf jeata _...$ .Die Aug. IS. CtU *Ker S p.m Ttt' need of room, but on a low budget. ltp.vltor«, Mlrldlftown-IIolrndfl. Mulllplf chopping through a machine for |180 2-Piece nylon modern living HUI (Mlddletown) a.rea. Fenced paatu S243 Listing's and Trade-ins. Bend for cala- aa-mr room .'- —-1 747-9369. Only $18,800. (and leRVQ tho financing 1"B. 671-3311. bedding under the cows caught fl30 f>-P\ece> dfnrttf, rhoipo of HIG-HIAKDS — FuniWifld, large Uvim SITRY"— FTVB huUdlnj niree m — FIVB or all. 3-3 bedroom BRING YOUR ROLLERS RED BANK—Button Park Apartmew parking are* Call 8T2-1773. (Just North of Lily Tulip) tre«a alfcade this modem hom«. Over kers p)»fts«. homes, furnished or unfurnished, from '/a aore of fine lawns and landscaping. »5 to M75 per mo»lh lor lncomlnt NEW WINPOW SHADES . Branch Avanue. 3 k 3V£t room apar 3&000 &Q. IT. UOHT manufacturing 264-7010 1 "FAIR HAVEN — Near river. Small Need Money? Sell those things Put on wrille you wait. As low as 98e mflnt Rent Includes all utilities exce loiu (or leimo Cm bs j eased acparate- Eight spacious rooms. Four bdiroonui , personneL T1UC BErfe AOBNCT, Kt. electricity. Call superintendent. 747-2681 WATERFRONT , . . .NATURAL 2!i balha. TV family room 13'JI23', Colonial. Has large living room with Any size up to largest, picture window containlng about 3500 no. it per Broadloom In the living room, dining dlnltvg area, two nice bedrooms, i\<, IS MlrtdlBtown. H71.1ft00. you really don't need with a Free rustless eyelet, free crochet shad WOODED ACRE surrounds this Im- ba-Uu, laundry, porch, and garage. Low lftO'xloO' TO ONE ACRK — Wantfd pulL Custom made shades, scallop - RED BANK maculate ,three-bedroom, Vh bath*, room and halls, A hom« yoiiMvlU bo Daily Register Classified Ad. BEAUTIFUL BROAD ST. — Air con COLONIAL. Formal dining room, large proud to own! EXCEPTIONAIi'V^LUE! taxes. Price SH.000. McAUSTfiJR by private buyer Middletown township Fringe, any type, rrornpt delivery. Enter a World of dlUoned offlc*. 1,000 sq. ft. to your ONLY Jf29,£X)0. STANLEY K. DOWNS, AOKNCY Realtors, 109 E. River Rd., or vicinity, with utilities. 787-1130 after living room with fireplace, npotlesg 6 p.m. CaH now. "PROWN'S ELECTRIC LUXURY ord«r. R«d BIT*. 74MB05. basement, 8x12 cabin under tho trees, Realtor, Shrewsbury- 741-1017. Uumaon. 842-18M. RED BANK -> Hwy 30, near Molly Swimming, TiBhtng and boating from 32 Broad St. Red ^ank 741-750 Pitcher Inn, ona or two rooms, with your own yard will make this a family NUBBIN By JIM BURNETT and GEORGE CRENSHAW MOVING — Must sen. 8o»-»«a, . CANNON POINT Parkinr •uItaJh[a for rofr[ dream come true. Asking $34,900. TV. like new, $80, 9aS3 ru*. 510. Man fice, llo up. Sfi crowelt other Items.. InouJre 134 Wyckoff Rd, Klversld» Ave., 7*1-4030. STERLING THOMPSON Apt No. .14, Eatontown. Sunnyb"" VILLAGE And Aasoclitea-KoaiLurn DO YOU Gardens. *239 SPRINa ST. 11,000 SQ. 5T. — GROUND—FLOOR Midflletown, N. J. 201-747-5600 FACTORY SPACE In Long Branch •TO BRU9M YOUR UOW COME H6 KNOWS GENERAL ELECTOIIC RBFTtlGl STUDIO Call after 8 p.m., -Wl-OWO, RED BANK-RUMSOM ana mtlei TOR with PKEEZEB. In A-l condltlo around. Complete listings, homei Immediate MJ« fit. 747-2308. ONE 8TOHE IN MrCDLETOWN SHOP! SO MUCH A0OUT MB? ONE & TWO BEDROOM — Hwy 35, & mile north of Red Bank farms, businesses. Member multiple OHiADJ LINK PENCINO APARTMENTS N«xt to Pharmacy, Beautician, Physi- listing service. Large private parking LaX£e distributor has leftover Grom. A cian. T*l-5060. lot. vslopment. G*lvanl»d ohjJn-Unk ren from In. Must Sacrifice 1 Installation RAY STILLMAN, Realtor terma arrmnted>.Ca*l 7414TO0. $97 "our 47tli year-- Fltmeless tlectrlc frealfn^and eooVln, HOUSES FRR JRENT, „ y. 35 anreffubury 741-8600 EXTERIOR PLYWOOD pl«nty of off street parking. SIGHT ROOMS — 1% bsihs. SpUt INCOME EIVERFRONT — Thres houi- U 'or boat*. Kxtnrlor fir plywood MODEL PHONE 741-3953 level. Screened porch, diahwuhe*, Jlf5 es, three acres. 124 Leonard. Ava., very reasonable. Call ua lor price! ptr month. Call 6T1-9320 attar 8:30 p.m Oceanport. M.600 Income plus vacan W« itock; 24"x48". 36"x48" and 48' STATEWIDE MANAGEMEN BAST KEANSBURG ^ Five-room Itir iv*(er/rt>nt land, approximate 700' road 96". We stock It in thlcknssaaa of & nlshtd twttaeaches, boating, flahlni and Monmouth MIDDLETOWN — Three -bedroom Jhopping Centex . . . one block from HAIR HAVEN BUNGALOW - iaeai anth, located In nice neighborhood, FREE — A four-compartmttit eltcfcrl the West Gate of Fort Monmwith , . . tor couple. Available lmmedlat*ly. OaU jiving room has air conditioner. Ask- freezer. Needs some work. CaJl betweei within walking dlitanca of eipreii H7-3735. Inff J15.5W. Principals only. 747-3M9. 8 and 6:30. 741-9166. buaei to Newark and New York City • ALL-Elictrlc kltchem with G RANCH HOUSE — Six-room. Trtrte- FOUR—BEDROOM SPLIT — IVJ baths, DUCATI 1985 — 250 OC, range. OE refilierator. GB AIR CO1> ledroom, patio. 1% Hollywood baths. wall-tr>w«.ll carpeting, aluminum front 842-3720, after D1TION1NG. Ampli oft-atreet U ' ' Spaolous grounds with flowers. 916.4733. tfewly deconttd. In MJddletowa 671. 6 p.m. ting arau. HIGHLANDS—Three-room house, fur- 9171. nished, raa heat. Two short blocks from lAVl'LE SILVER — ImmedJata occu- PAINTERS LINE shopping. Reasonable. Adults. 3S Center New In stock TRADE MARK Interli APAKTMKNTS pancy. Three bedroom ranch. Prestige pasteli. only I4.8A per gallon. 41.19 pi ocation. Plot 125x375. Fully automatic 1122 MONTH ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Four bed- 20x40 awimmlne pool. Call owner, 741* rooms, »ami». Newer home. *175. Call 3053 or 741-1676. IK-BOOM APARTMENT atttr 5 p.m., 2DI-3KSI. '"" RED BANK LUMBER (TA'O BEDROOMS) EXCITING FOUR—BEDROOM HOME Corner Pearl and Wall, Red Bank (160 UONTH MONMOUTH BEAOK — 10 OH* Cir.on lovely wooded lot. In excellent con- 741-5500 Three-bedroom home, 1^ baths, ga- Jlttoti. Many extras. Sale price. $31,900.1 The low overhead lumber yard. TIUDB HEAT * EOT WATER front and re&r porch, oil hot J.Ti. ROCHE, Realtor, Long Bridge THE PHANTOM By LEE FALK ,watar..., ltoxllio, sept. 7-June 1. Rent Rd., Colts Neck, Multiple Llstingu, Wtj- MAHOOANY BREAKFRONT, $75-HI«i 49M a-toed sola, 165, Formica Mtchen se Rentlni Office on Premliti. ;12O a month. Call after 6 p,tn., DE2- $30. Must sell. Best offer. 747.0533- an. BANK VICINITY — Brand new I I YOU WOULD CAPTURf ] CORRECT, j, TO BEUEVE-SUCHPRWa-UH-i TOIL: M2-K54 FURNISHED — Immaculate aeven- three-bedroom ranch on beautiful fi- THERE HE GOES.' HERO, THE IVHITE HE'S THE "SVOU ANP J TWO 1965 CITIZEN—BA'ND RADIOS— acre woodeii lot Fireplace In paneled STOIUION ? TOO BAD. \ NOT SO YOUNG Call room iplit level in Oait HUI leotlon WANT TEN MEN- PHANTOM'S?7 ARE MEM OF ECTINa: From Red Sank, Rout oi Mlddletown. Offered at *2TO per 22' recreation room with sliding doors THE WORLD- SO YOUH&- ENOUGH 787-4011 35 to Tinton Ave-. turn rliht on Tl moMh. Three bedrooma, 2& baths, to patio. Kitchen with built-in appli- -I MUST 6ET THAT 12 GAUGE PUMP JC HIOOINS SHOT- ton Av«., ipproximataly f,O00 ft family room, Hreplace, screened porch, ances. Living room Hx20, dining room. STAUION/ ROOM APAR' Oil for appointment. HALL BROS., NEPTUNE — Invest In this modern MBNT — Fully air conditioned, nei Le&uorfl. 813 River Rd., Fair Haven. three-bed room ranch. Nice AL'S YOUR MAN aJi transportation. 21 Leroy Place, Ri 41*7686. fenced-In yard. House has Bur* A] Howel] can estimate a pore! Bank. Call 741-1OG3 or 747-W66. RENTALS — SEASONAL — YBARLY values for good living. 653 enclosure, vestibule, gutter work am ELLA WILTSHIItB. Realtori R6., 77fi-406O after 5 p.m. many more home Improvement neede 480 Ocean Aive., Sea Brlsht 8(2.0004. TWO-BEDROOM CO-OP—569 a month. You can be sure -of expert workmanship .ITTLE SILVER — Completely [ur- All utilities except heat. Tiled bath with and IOT^ prlceg. Arrange an appoint- ha Ncn-r P*ort and bus to shopping JliJoiiJ3ilic^_.J3tiee__iie(lraoma._JwJwp when you save money, • >aths. All appliances. N*fl7r~school~CaT 1(2-3159. OCEAN TWP. - West Deal. 2J4-year PROWN'S URNISHBD COTTAGES — For r«nl old seven-room Colonial, 2Vi baths, HOLMDEL-KErPORT AREA »r scnool t&rm Teachers preferred, basement, two-car garage, living room 33 Broad St. . Red Bank 7 'or appoIntmGnt, call 291-1544. with floor to cell iny fireplace. L ANTlgUE8—Furniture, china. G-REA' |30'a. 531-4135. LY REDUCEP. Moving. 268 Route ^ IOU8B — Six rooms, In Mfttawan $95 UP Near Strathmore shopping area, Con MIDDLETOWN — Owner must Etnt lenient bus service to all points, north nine-ye ax-old rent*. Tliree bedroomi, FINE ENGLISH BOXWOOD BUSHES. ' SWIM CLUB FOR TENANTS ml Bouth. 583-1341, between 7 and 8:30 1% baths, eat-In kitchen. Living room Appronlmately 200 2'x4' hlgk. CaJl 74 with dlnlnff area, full basement, Btormn By GEORGE SIXTA 4603 for Inspection. TUBE HEAT. COOKING GAS, HO' and soreens. Sewers. Nice area. A-l WATER AND AIR CONDITIONING UNFURNISHED THREE — BEDROOM condition, move right tn. $16,800. $700 HOUSE — Two barths und recreation down. Cfcll 747-0682. MACHINERY FOR SALE .V. ana phons outleli, 12 cu. fL r room, llnlshei basement, Lwue, 1150 OH-OH- rlgerator, parking and walk-in storagi monUi. 74M152. CEMENT MIXING MACHINE — (Ow acllltlea. Spacious rooms, largo closet RED BANK — Three or four bedroom bag oonoreta) or molco- mixer. Walk to shopping plaza, buses, school iome. Living room, kitchen, family wurrs STUCCO HOUSE — with black SHE'S 741-2751. room, garage. Convenient location. jlUo BEST DIRECTIONS: Garden Stnte Exit 117 per month. THE McQOWAN AGENCY flhutten, two-car saran. Excellent DRIVING! o 38, east on 36 to Airport Shopping fled Bank. 747-30OO. AROUND.' THE BACK MERCHANDISE WANTED Plaza, turn left, then two blocks to condition. Near high achool and down- mndsl apartment. From 35, (J. M. Fields) to Hazlet Ave., turn lift on town Red Bank. V«ry reasonably WALL OF THE GA- CASH WE BUY Middle. Re!., straight ahend. 254-1816. WANTED TO RENT Furniture, appliances, hounewares. Any priced for quick ml«. must move GE MAKES A MICE. thing & Everything. 364-^532. RED BANK—Modern three-room apart REFINED ELDERLY gentleman—Des- ACT NOW! Ton dollar paid for electrn -lent, bath, all utilities. Near centei slrw room, first floor, with meals. loon, pieasa call 741-200} from 9:30 and all pre-19iu trains and toy catalog] ! town. Reasonable. 747-3630. Vrite "A.K." Box 520. Ited Bank. 774-3710. RED BANK — Apartment, suitable fc to 11:00 a.m. and 671-1401 from CASH for old toy trains, trolley can couple. 1C6 Shrewsbury Ave., Can FURNISHED ROOMS and cast Iron toys made before 1940, icen anytime. p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 7<1-19M after 6 p.m. SEVEN AND THREE ROOM8 — Ga- SINGLE ROOM" IFEED PIANO — To. utart bcglnnei rage, yard, pchoolH. Near beach. Call Five minute walk to town. Must be cheap. Call evenings 787.6012. 123 :Sprln{jf Bt. O-RBAT VAL.USI Attractive split level. 462-4730 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Four largl LARGE CLEAN NICELY FURNISHED FJve bedrooms, 2^ baths. Family room rooms and bath, all utilities supplied. ROOM — Men only. Call 23'xU'. Paneled living room. Dining APARTMENT SIZE - Refrigerator in 747-2*109. room. Large kitchen, new electric good condition. Apartment al» ainft Third floor. Call 291-9085. anse. Breakfast area. Full basement. with cabinet*.. Call J471M1. HIGHLANDS — Three-roam apartment, 'URNISHED ROOM — Gentleman. Call Two-car garage, ^i acre- many trees. furnished. All utilities. S72-9892 2fl Nava- Lfter 9 p.m. All day Sunday. 741- Fdna play area for children. Ea.r]y »lnk Ave.. Itwy .18. ,023. POSSESSION. SUE THIS BARGA1NI HOUSES FOR SALE J23,06O. STANLEY K. DOWNS, Realtor, MARK TRAIL By ED DODD TWO—BEDROOM GARDEN APART- UARGE FURNISHED ROOM For Shrewsbury. 7*1-1017. MENT — In Ke-ansburg. Air cond couple. Located In beautiful Shrewd- 1T1.L BE LATE Y I HOPE yDU tloned; heat and hot water supplied iry. For more Information call 741- LONG BRANCH — One family, Inquire Apt, 18, Hancock St. Avallabl 57 BEPORE WE GET BACK,/ HAVE SOOD MORE LISTINGS SHOWN rooms. Three bedrooma. Good location. MARK.;.IT'6 A LONG WAV S. LUCK.' COMFORTABLE ROOM, private faml (13,000. Good buy. Day*. 322-8420. Eve MORE LISTINGS SOLD y, business lidy. Convenient to tr&IQ ndngs. 222-4354. TO TVS wsTracr opeice/ REAL ESTATE WANTED md bua transportation. 741-6338. WHEN THB HONEYMOON IS OVER— HO LAKOE FURNISHED ROOMS— Why not return to a coxy jlttta ccxtagt I utilities Included. Private t>«h and of your own. W« have a d&rllnK threu. trance. H block from buslneas center bedroom hillside randier shaded by id bmllne. 53 Wallace, St.. lied Bank. lovely trees tn an excellent Little sllvai WE NEED YOUR neighborhood. Entertain your family HOUSE TO SELL and rrlenda In a beauUful pine-paneled REAL ESTATE FOR SALE gameroom with butft-ln bar. Living LIST WITH room 12x31, gorgeous new bath, stream- HOUSES FOR SALE lined kitchen ftnd tUa«h«4 garage. An Thru The Red Bank Area exceptional buy at tlB.tMO. Call ua and [HRJI'B A THREE—aBDROOM — 3^i aak about financing. ELWOon A. ARM^ Multiple Listing Service >ath Oak Hill honre In beautiful con- 8TP.ON0. Realtor, MS Prospect Avi., ppleLwok Agency •Uon Including; a paneled game room 14ttle Bllvftr. 741-4500. Sga Page 216 in thi «0 HWY. 35 MIDDLETOWN mil • basement, with car- — Eight-room W Isvel plui iBtlnf throuthout Vtry d*s1 Table at 3H batha, laundrylaund , ctrpttlng*rp*tl , two-catwoc r Yallow Pages, 671-2300 04,000. APPLBBROOK AOENOY, 650 garage, alldlng filan door to patto* H yry 35, Middle town, 671-2300. ten, CT.50O. By ownir. 74T"*" • BEACH REVENUE have no tine to learn.'Tt seems to me that tax-exempt municipal j SEA BRIGHT - Counoiima DAILY CROSSWORD are my best bet; Do you agree, John J. Rcknally reports thai Artoss 4.Bcfora «. Bowl- and it so, would you list a few fteak? 1. Arrived 5. Faces. shaped bbrough beach revenues axe down 5. Jargon 6. Armadillo cavi- available Issues with rates?" 9. Might T.One HM tiatara no Suecessful W. G. $3,8M as compared to last yeax ties 10. Musical of the 26. (3u>fnl. nanMaHH A) I certainly agree that a tally. He said the beach had Leeward anP« vWUU" J drama cal good backlog of municipals is taken in $42,984 by Aug. 16 last 12. SUly Islands com- highly desirable for a man in try year. Total beach revenues yes- 13. Nautical 8. Track pounds your tax bracket. I don't feel, 14. Beige 9. Penetrate 28.1nter- Investing however, that you should cul terday amounted to $39,129. 15. Continent 11. Exclama- Amerl- 1 Lawry*s 16. Primary tion can ' |Roger E. spew By ROGER E. SPEAR I yourself off entirely from com- color 15.1al!et group; mon stocks since these will give 17. Evergreen 17. European abbr. 36. Hebrew- Q) 'T havevsix shares of In-earnings and Xerox a high 55 you a measure of protection new 18. French thrush 29. Mast measure ternational Business Machines, times, I believe that you migh against inflation which no fixed pronoun 20. Name 30. Tapestry 36. Capital of and I am tempted to sell these well make the switdh, provided income securities can possibly do. 19. Debtee 21. Rodent 31. Irish poet Latvia and buy Xerox. What would you you can assume market risk and There are a great many avail- 22. Endow and 38. familiar Seasoned 24. Reno advise?" H. C probably greater volatility. able tax-exempts to choose from. ITITE 23. John native novelist vet* For you, I suggest Chicago, III. Garner A) This is a very hard one to Q) "I'm 46 years old, a man 27. Deek 1 i 4 & 7 B answer. What you are asking me ufaoturer's agent, and in the 50Water Rev. 4'/4s of 1977 to yield Pepper protectors % 3.15 per cent, and State of Texas 10 is whether you would be wise per oent tax bracket. I know 20. Man's i II to exchange one high-priced stock 3V4s of 1986 to yield. 3.20 per nickname nothing about common stocks and cent. li I) in a specialized field for a rela- 32." tively higher-ipriced stock in an (Mr. Spear cannot answer Kapital" MARY, CAROL IN 'DOLLY' mail personally but will answer 33. Container |4 it even more specialized field. NEW YORK (APHBotfh Mary all questions possible in his col- OR for wine % Some analysts believe that 34. Trial 16 1/ lit Martin and Carol Charming are toumn.) I HOT WAI % Xerox is at about the state where prints of appear in the London production negatives A BM was 10 yeans ago, and that 38. Price % growth will exceed IBM's of "Hello, Dolly!" 37. Fragrance 4i il r the coming years. It is quite Miss Martin, who is setting .38, Broader ;rue that IBM has seen growth boxoffice records in national tour WHY PAY 39. More :Iow down—due to intensified of the musical, is to initiate the Infrequent % N :ompetition^to probably a ten Dury Lane presentation in mid- 40. Culture ' Jo SI Si ler cent earnings gain in 1965 to MORE? mediumi winter. Miss Channing, who cre- «. Wither \A round $13.50 a share. Xerox ated the role on Broadway and 42. Without: may gain as much as 40 per cent joins the national company when poetic » o a possible $2.65 a share, Both Miss Martin travels with another DOWN 54 companies are ably managed and troupe to the Far East, is to X Interest re expert marketars. move into the West End .exhibit 2. Adjudged next spring. 3. Chefs TTiough IBM sells for 35 times concern 8-10 Tavern Noise Contract [)rder Drawn LIQUIDATORS MIDDLETOWN Protested In SEA BRIGHT - Joseph Mat- ice, borough attorney, last night 69 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD., SHREWSBURY Route 35 and Sea Bright /is authorized to draft specul- New MonmouHi Rd. SEA BRIGHT — Councilwoman ations for a garbage collection FABULOUS BARGAINS >cile Norton last night com- ontract by Borough Council. New Shrewsbury! this surprisins stuff has^less bite—more pep—than ilained to borough council about plain pepper! A subtle blend of black pepper, mild he Ebb Tide Tavern, on Ocean Mrs. Cecile Norton, committee af Route 35 green peppers, sweet red peppers, spices, seasonings. Vve., here. hairman, reported the present THURSDAY 10 A.M. Shrewsbury Ave. Sensational on eggs.chicken, burgers, fish, salads, top. Mrs. Norton said noise emlnat- ontract, held by Michael J. Sta- ng from the place is "impossible ola, Inc., will expire Oct. J. to put up with." She said a noisy xmdition is created there late at light. Mrs. Norton resides near he tavern. The councilwoman said she luestions whether the liquor li- :ense held by Ebb Tide was is- sued properly. She said the li- cense was issued for a restaurant ' COMPANY ind bar. She added that she »ARK • »H> IAMK • MUCK TOWU loubts whether it is operated as restaurant. Robert Redficld, borough build- Ing inspector, said he issued a troilding permit to the owners, as estaurants are not ruled out of he zone where the Ebb Tide is ocated. He termed the place a "honky tonk" and agreed with Mrs. Norton that it is the source of much late-night noise. "As long as ifiey have a potato chip on the bar," he said, "to me, it's a restaurant." Mr. Red- field said he believes the bar is not in its proper zone but that IF YOU'RE AGE 16 TO 21 ONLY! a legal opinion would have to be rendered on the matter. Council held the issue for study. ENTER STEINBACH'S City Woman SWEEPSTAKES — WIN Hurt in Crash MIDDLETOWN - A Jersey :ity woman, injured in a two-car ccident on Rt. 35 here yester- CONVERTIBLE ! lay, declined medical assistance, police reported. MINER SUPPLY CO Patrolman Ronald Lundrigan • Honda Motor'Bike said Mrs. Mae Dolan, 58, passen- ger in a car driven By Mrs. Doro- • Surfboard thy N. Brassell, 56, of 121 State- sir PI., suffered a bump on her • Tape Recorder head and complained of neck SouHi of pains. • Stereo Portable Record Player Hw KRUPP Mrs. Brassell's car was struck in the rear by one operated by Arthur J. Brittain, 17, of 35 Ack- • Sony Portable TV r Dr. according to the officer. • Spanish Guitar and more—30 prizes in all!

i4(r» ANNIVERSARY Simply enter your name ai any Steinfeacri •tor*, or participating Ford d»al«r — that is aJI you do! Nothing to buy! Sweep»+ak»« ! SALE dotes midnight September 18, 1965. Only on* entry allowed per person. Not op«n te ONLY A FEW DAYS LEFT employees of Steinbaeh Co., it< advertis- Look at These Values ing or publicity agents, participating Ford 5 dealers and their employees, the judging PAINT group or their immediate families. ON ADVERTISED OFF «•>• I IE]LINE OF PAINT Get Entry Blanks at ALUMINUM VUDOR COMBINATION BASSWOOD PORCH These Ford Dealers SCREENS WINDOWS AM West Side Garage, Aibury Park • . • MIN. 6 uiu L mK •" Stock On WINDOWS Tom's Ford Matawan, . . . Cameron- the Mod Look of Tartan 1NST. OPT. 8' Hand 20off Roberson Co., Freehold . . . Giger Ford, Belmar . .. Kantor Ford, Farm- is off to a fast start w WHITE ALUMINUM ingdala . . . Howard Height, Mana- CHAIRS at COMB. WINDOWS squan . . . Kroll Motors, Long f, Here are the tartan skimmers that set the pace for the On DRASTIC MIN. 6 WINDOWS Branch . . . Mount English, Red Crowd, All wool winners that take the curves beautifully 1144 INST. Bank . . . Larson Ford, Lake- . . . flashing stop-look colors . . . sporting the latest neck- I I OPT. REDUCTION wood . . . Conti Causeway, lines, and back zippers so you can step in without mussing Manahawken . . . Lakehurst ALUMINUM • hair, and go-go! Sizes 8 to 16. BACKYARD Motors, Toms River ... each, 20.00 STOCK AWNINGS SPECIALS Point Pleasant Motor Co., Pt. Pleasant. .STEINBACH'S SPORTSWEAR, Str.ot Floor, also Asbury Park, Brick Town Nationally AT OUR REAR Advertised V Brand 20.; ENTRANCE

TUMS • HU DIUVKY Come hear . . . Wed., Aug. 11 Shoulder bags are "in" Mtf ami Sahnby t A.M.-S:M P.M. VMmtfey mi Mday 'HI f P.M. 1) THE PUBS — 2 to 3 p.m. Seen swinging from the smartest shoulders in town — great LIBBY & PHYLLIS — new Seton leather bags with adjustable straps so you can 7 to 8 p.m. carry them, too! Black, Espresso, Haystack, Green. • • a in tht SUinbaeh parking lot at th« R«d Bank Star* 32 MOAD ST. 741-7500 «D BANK tax free 9.00 and up CUAD Red Bank Wed. & Fri. Nights 'til 9— •OIMXjr Asbury Park Mom, Wed., Fri.'«! 9 STEINBACH'S HANDBAGS, Stra.t Floor, al.o Asbury Park, .Brick Town