Private Presses & Illustrated Books

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Private Presses & Illustrated Books Blackwell’S rare books PRIVATE PRESSES & ILLUSTRATED BOOKS Blackwell’s Rare Books 48-51 Broad Street, Oxford, OX1 3BQ Direct Telephone: +44 (0) 1865 333555 Switchboard: +44 (0) 1865 792792 Email: Fax: +44 (0) 1865 794143 rarebooks Our premises are in the main Blackwell bookstore at 48-51 Broad Street, one of the largest and best known in the world, housing over 200,000 new book titles, covering every subject, discipline and interest, as well as a large secondhand books department. There is lift access to each floor. The bookstore is in the centre of the city, opposite the Bodleian Library and Sheldonian Theatre, and close to several of the colleges and other university buildings, with on street parking close by. Oxford is at the centre of an excellent road and rail network, close to the London - Birmingham (M40) motorway and is served by a frequent train service from London (Paddington). Hours: Monday–Saturday 9am to 6pm. (Tuesday 9:30am to 6pm.) Purchases: We are always keen to purchase books, whether single works or in quantity, and will be pleased to make arrangements to view them. Auction commissions: We attend a number of auction sales and will be happy to execute commissions on your behalf. Blackwell’s online bookshop Our extensive online catalogue of new books caters for every speciality, with the latest releases and editor’s recommendations. We have something for everyone. Select from our subject areas, reviews, highlights, promotions and more. Orders and correspondence should in every case be sent to our Broad Street address (all books subject to prior sale). Please mention Private Presses & Illustrated Books Catalogue when ordering. Front cover illustration: Item 183 Back cover illustration: Item 93 SectionOne PrivatePress 1. (Alembic Press.) WINCHESTER Folios. Winchester.1982,6/50COPIES,theprinterhas usedleavesandgrassessourcedlocallytoWinchestertocreateveryeffectivemulti- colourimagesasabackgroundtothetextpages,pp.[26],large4to.,originalpale greywrappers,frontcoverportrayingtheAlembicsymbolinblue,fine £40.00 2. (Ashendene Press.) LONGUS. LesAmoursPastoralede DaphnisetChloe.TraductiondeMessireJ.Amyot,Editee etCorrigeeparPaul-LouisCourier.1933,ONEOF290COPIES (ofaneditionof310copies)printedinblackandredon Batchelorhandmadepaper,4full-pageand24smaller wood-engravingsbyGwendolenRaverat,thelargeinitial lettersandparagraphmarkshand-drawninbluebyGraily Hewittandhisassistants,pp.[iv](blanks),[iv],163,[5] (blanks),imp.8vo.,originalqtr.whitevellum,lettering withinpanelsonthebackstripandthefrontcoverdevice allgiltblocked,lime-greenboards,vellum-tippedcorners, bookplate,untrimmed,boardslipcase,nearfine(Hornby XXXIX) £1,700.00 3. (Ashendene Press.) ST. FRANCIS. Unmazzettosceltodcertifiorettidelglorioso poverellodiCristoSanFrancescodiAssisiinsiemecolcanticoalsoledelmedesimo. 1904,ONEOF125COPIES(ofaneditionof150copies)printedindouble-columnon Batchelor‘HammerandAnvil’handmadepaper,thechapter-headings,largeinitial letters(designedbyGrailyHewitt)andshoulder-titlesallprintedinred,10wood- engravingsbyCharlesM.Gere,afewgatheringsstressed,pp.[vi](blanks),40,[6] (blanks),folio,originalcreamlinen-backedlightblueboards,printedlabel,title printedinblackonthefrontcover,untrimmed,nearfine £1,200.00 4. (Black Sun Press.) MACLEISH (Archibald) Einstein.BlackSun Press,Paris.1929,FIRSTEDITION,ONE OF100NUMBEREDCOPIES(ofanedition of150copies)printedinblack andredonVanGelderhandmade paper,thiscopyunnumbered,being stampedH[ors]C[ommerce]and reservedforpresentationpurposes, frontispieceofMacLeishbyPaulEmileBecat,thetissue-guardpresent,pp.[30],4to., originalprintedcreamwrappers,untrimmed,tissue-jacketsomewhatdefective,fine (MinkoffA23) £500.00 1 blackwell rare books Thehalf-titleinscribedbyMacLeishbeneaththeprintedhalf-title‘ToBob&Odile Lovettonthe12thdayofJanuary,1930whenallthoseyearsreturned.MyloveArchibald MacLeish’. 5. (Brewhouse Press.) TEW (David) SewsternLane.CalligraphybyMaureenHallahan. DrawingsbyJillYork.Wymondham.1975,XXXVI/100COPIES,9illustrations,usually colourprinted,byYork,thetextreproducedinacalligraphichandbyHallahan withthetitleandlargeinitiallettersprintedinred,pp.[ii](blanks,32,4to., originalmaroonmorocco-backedorangelinensides,letteringtobackstripandthe calligraphicletteringanddesignonthefrontcoverallgiltblocked,endpapermaps, clearplasticjacket,fine £100.00 6. (Camberwell Press.) LAWRENCE (John) ASelectionofWoodEngravings.(Foreword byPeterGuy).1986,7/20 COPIESOFTHEDELUXEISSUE n(ofa editionof100copies)signed bytheartistandinscribedbeneaththelimitation‘ToIan[Jenkin],withaffectionate goodwishes’,144engravingson38pagesandafurtherengravingonthetitle-page, allbyJohnLawrence,pp. 53,[3](blanks),folio,original qtr.blackmorocco,backstrip giltlettered,brick-redboardswithacloselyrepeatedpatternofanengravingby Lawrenceprintedoverall,browncanvasdrop-downbox,fine £535.00 Withthesetofthe4printsofthefourseasons,eachindividuallysignedandnumberedby Lawrence,looselyinsertedinthebox. 7. (Cambridge Christmas Books.) BARKER (Nicolas) ThePrinterandthePoet.AnAccount ofthePrintingof‘TheTapestry’baseduponCorrespondencebetweenStanleyMorison andRobertBridges.[PrefacebyBrookeCrutchley].Cambridge,PrivatelyPrinted.1970, ONEF O 500COPIES nprintedo BasingwerkParchmentpaper,witha4-pageinsetofsample pagesofthepoemprintedbytheBodoniPress,pp. [vi],44,roy.8vo.,original maroon cloth-backedpalegreyboards,backstripletteringandtypographicdesignatcentreof frontcovergiltblocked,fine (Crutchleyp.37;Appleton372) £55.00 8. (Cambridge Christmas Books.) CRUTCHLEY (Brooke) APrinter’sChristmasBooks. WithaForewordbyEuanPhillips.Cambridge,PrivatelyPrintedattheUniversity PrintingHouse.1974,FIRSTEDITION,[ONEOF500COPIES],title-pagedeviceby ReynoldsStoneprintedinred,14illustrationsselectedfromtheseries(onefolding, onedouble-page)ofwhich4arecoloured,pp.[ii](blanks),42,sm.4to.,originalqtr. midgreencloth,backstripgiltlettered,midgreenandwhitepatternedboards,fine (AppletonStanleyMorison396) £40.00 Thepunningtitle-deviceisadaptedfromReynoldStone’sbookplatedesignforBrooke Crutchley. Aretrospectivevolume,consistingofadescriptivelistoftheseriesofCambridge Christmasbooksproducedfrom1930-1973.Thebookwasalsoproducedasthe catalogueforanexhibitionoftheseries(ofwhichitformsthelast),heldattheSt.Bride PrintingLibraryinthewinter1975/76. 2 PRIVATE PRESSES & ILLUSTRATED BOOKS 9. (Cambridge Christmas Books.) CRUTCHLEY (Brooke) Two Men:WalterLewisandStanleyMorisonatCambridge. (Printer’sPrefacebyBrookeCrutchley).Cambridge, PrintedforhisFriendsbytheUniversityPrinter.1968, [ONEF O 500COPIES?], 2full-page3-colourline-drawings byDenisTegetmeierofLewisandMorison,2pagesof facsimilesand4portraits(3fromphotographs),the title-pageandanexampleofapress-deviceprintedin red,7specimenleavesofbooksproducedbyLewisand Morison,eachtippedtoabluebackingpaperwithprinted captionopposite,pp. [vi],48+(Specimens),8vo.,original qtr.scarletbuckram,backstripgiltlettered,Reynolds Stonedesigneddarkblueboardswithoveralldesignof themainsubjects’initialssurroundedbyfloralborderin white,boardslipcase,fine £60.00 10. (Cambridge Christmas Books.) (CRUTCHLEY (Brooke)) TheUniversityPrinting HousesatCambridgefromtheSixteenthtotheTwentiethCentury.Cambridge. 1962,ONEOF500COPIES,printedindouble-column,UniversityPressdeviceonthe title-page,framedbordertotheIntroductionandthefirsttextletterallprintedin terracotta,8illustrations,including3colourprintedplates,pp.16,oblongroy.8vo., originalterracottacloth,letteringonbackstripanddesignonfrontcovergilt blocked,marbledboardslipcasewithbrownleatherlabel,nearfine £45.00 11. (Cambridge Christmas Books.) DREYFUS (John) ItalicQuartet. ARecordoftheCollaborationbetweenHarryKessler,Edward Johnston,EmeryWalkerandEdwardPrinceinmakingthe CranachPressItalic.[PrefacebyBrookeCrutchley].(Printed attheUniversityPrintingHouse,Cambridge.1966).ONEOF500 COPIESprintedonSaunders’handmadepaper,10illustrations andfacsimiles,including9collotypes,pp.viii,52,roy.8vo., originalbeigecloth,lightlyrubbedbackstripgiltletteredon brownground,overallart-nouveaudesignofrosebudsinlight anddarkbrownwithintertwiningdarkbrownlinks,slipcase, fine(Crutchleyp.33) £150.00 12. (Cambridge Christmas Books.) MORISON (Stanley) TalbotBainesReed:Author, Bibliographer,Typefounder.[ForewordbyBrookeCrutchley].Cambridge, PrivatelyPrinted.1960,FIRSTEDITION,ONEOF500COPIES,frontispieceportraitand 15illustrationsandfacsimiles,themajorityfull-page,wood-engravedtitledesign byDavidGentleman,pp.[ii](blanks),[x],80,imp.8vo.,originalmarooncloth, backstripgiltlettered,ovalpaperlabelwithportraitonthefrontcoverwithingilt border,fine(Crutchleyp.30;Appleton213) £70.00 3 blackwell rare books 13. (Cambridge Christmas Books.) PISSARRO (Lucien) NotesontheEragnyPress,and aLettertoJ.B.Manson.EditedwithaSupplementbyAlanFern.[PrefacebyBrooke Crutchley].Cambridge,PrivatelyPrinted(...forPresentation).1957,ONEOF500COPIES printedonhandmadepaper,EragnyPresswoodcutdeviceontitle,wood-engraving ofPissarrobyGilbertPolliotand11otherillustrationsprintedondifferentpapers tomatchtheoriginals(allbut2ofthemprintedfromtheoriginalblocks,onetipped in,6ofthemcolouredortinted,andoneon‘Japvellum’heightenedingold),pp.viii, 16,(11Plates,i.e.[17-38]),39-52,f’cap.8vo.,originalqtr.palegreyboardsechoing thatofEragnyPressbooks,backstripletteredindarkblue,boardsidespatternedto adesignusedbyLucienPissarroforthetwoEragnyPresseditionsofPerrault,very good(Crutchleyp.29) £220.00 ‘Thereareflawsinthislittlebook...butallinallitmaywellbethebestoftheseries. Itsscaleisright...thereproductionsofPissarroprintsfromtheoriginalblocksare wonderfullyaccurate...BythismemorialtotheEragnyPresswewentsomewaytorepay
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