Volume 63, No. 4, April 1963
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CAMPUS AND COMMUNITY FRENCH CONSUL EXPLAINS MARK PRESI DENT EMERITUS HIS NATION'S POSITION JACOBS' PASSING JAN . 26 Ray Melillo, '64 The death of ,President-emeritus J a French President Charles DeGaulle cobs on January 26 brought a mood of plans that within the next 10 to 20 years France will become a powerful poITtical sorrow to the opening activities marking entity i'n its own right and an atomic the hundredth-year anniversary of the power as strong as the United Sta~es or College. the 'Soviet Union. He was considered to be a pioneer in So declared Jean Savelli, French con the field of business education and until sul general of Boston, in a speech March his retirement in 1961 was actively in 5, at the college auditorium. volved in the direction of our college. "I don't think the United States should be afraid of this strong Europe," he said, The story of the rise of Bryant and "because it will be democratic, it will be Stratton Business College; the merger a friendly power, and the United States with Rhode Island Commercial School; should accept it as an equal partner." President -Emeritus and the eventual incorporation of it as Speaking under the auspices of the HENRY LOEB JACOBS, Ed.D. an eleemoSY'nary or non-profit institution World Affairs Council in a program that 1875 - 1963 has been told many times. was 'Part of Bryant's centennial celebra tion, the consul said that this dream has An oil portrait of Dr. Jacobs hangs in He is survived by his son, E. Gardner been pursued by General De Gaulle since t he College Library, a gift of t he Bryant Jacobs '·21 and his daughter, Dorothy the close of W orId War II when all College National Alumni Council in 1958. Jacobs Lederer '18, as well as two grand ('Continued on Page 3) President Jacobs will be remembered children and four great-grandchildren. fondly by many Bryant alumni who came State representative James H. Kiernan Class Day and Commencement under his tutelage at Rhode Island of Providence was the sponsor of a reso Commercial School and at Bryant and lution of sympathy that was passed by Activities Dates Moved To New Stratton Business College. the State Legislature giving note to Dates for 'Class of '63 President Jacobs' passing. An announcement in the April 5 issue of the Archway has notified students graduating this year that new dates for commencement ac tivities have been set. HOMECOMING -- MAY 18th It has often been difficult for some student's parents to attend Reservations are already coming into the Alumni Office for this these activities because they were year's Homecoming activities. held on a Thursday and a Friday. This year the Class Day exereises Space limitations in this issue make it impossible to include a reser will be held Friday, J uly 26, at 2 p.m., which s'hould allow travel vation form; however, you will want to know that costs have been time for parents coming from near kept to a minimum-$1.50 for Lunch and $5.50 per person for the by Sltates. Banquet-Dance. The evening activities will be held at The Old Grist The Commencement Ball activi ties win ,be held a·t the Sheraton Mill in Seekonk and your Homecoming Committee requests that you Biltmore Hotel F riday evening. send for your tickets right away. We are limited to the number we Commencement Day exercises may reserve. Concentration on reunions of the classes of 1913, 1918, have been scheduled for Saturday, J uly 27, at 10 a.m. in the Meehan 1923, 1928, 1933, 1938, 1943, 1948, 1953, and 1958 is now in progress Auditorium. and it is hoped that many representatives of these classes will be The European Tour, announced present. Your copy of the 1963 Alumni Directory will recall to your in a previous issue of the Bulletin, minds the names of your classmates. will depart on schedule under the direction of Wallace Camper for a A special Centennial exhibit of early textbooks, office machines, and forty-one day tour. costumes is being gathered for display. Seniors who graduated in Janu ary, as well as those completing More details will be sent to you as YOUR Homecoming reservations degree requirements in May and July, will receive complete and full are received. See how many of your classmates you can invite to come instructions late in J une. with you! Bryant College Alumni Scholarship Fund Loyal Braves and Squaws Who Sent Wampum 1892 1943 1957 Charlotte G. Burlingame Claire V. Bercovitz Peter F . Carando J. Wakeman Jennings Carol S. Chavis 1902 Donald J. Mullen William C. Coffin *Richard P. Bliss Arthur T. Connor, J r . 1944 William J . Franks 1909 Irma Z. Zajac Eugene Gadai Artacky Berberian Paul E. Kyllonen Paul J . Lowder 1913 1947 Charles and Irene G. Wielgus Matthew Park, Jr. Edith S. Scully Raymond J. Peach William J . Pfeiffer 1919 1948 Peter F . Russo Ada A. Marriott Morris Cofman Mary T. Morris Anthony A. Pompei, Jr. ·1958 1920 Peter G. Barilla Nora B. Mulleedy Thomas M. Davies 1949 Barbara C. Klenke 1921 Edward Dombrowski Joan Leonard J oanne E . O'Neill William J . Fox Gary and Karen T. Remley Dorothy B. Heintz Robert Resnick 1929 Edwin H. Keast Francoise St. Arnaud Harry J . Bardsley Robert and Barbara B. Gene D. Wood Edith M. Brown Kinneburgh Raymond H. Hawksley Anthony J. Paolino 1959 Joseph We in J ames and Marie R. Brennan 1930 Joseph and Kathleen C. Marshall and Edith C. Fowler 1950 DeFusco 1931 Lt. Russell M. Brown Douglas A. Filley Julius and Joan M. Ghio Kenneth H . Mason Anna Bozaro Frank J. Marasco Robert McGivney Eliza:beth A. Reynolds Philip T. Newbury Edward S . Misiaszek 1932 Harold N. Patch Lucia C . .Monti William H. Peckham Helen S. Bochenek 195·1 1934 Edward H . Clarke 1960 Olive A. Baxter Irma E. Dembroff James and Marie N. Beesmer Rouel H. LaBelle Robert E. Knecht Donald P . Coughlin Anthony P. Longobardi David R. Pierce Rita V. Hutchins tDavid A. Shaker J ohn Rogers, J r. Carmella Pecoraro Joel R. ,siering 193'5 1952 Mary Zainyeh R. A. Bigda tJ ohn Recupero tFayne G. Seney 1961 1936 Matthew J. Boland Grace R. Aldsworth 1953 David R. Brown Anne N. Blaszkow Albert and Rosemary G. William t. Buchanen Major C. Leonard Crawley Avellino J ohn A. Cummings Madeline C. Gingrich Garry R. Coleman Marcella Lenky George W. Gange, Jr. Clifford R. McGinnes 1937 Frank S. Kelley A. J . McNamara Edward W. Bouclin Arlene B. Koch Joan M. Oleskiewicz Pauline 'M. Martin Margaret W. Lawson Vivian L. P otter Edward E. Magner, III Margaret Schamenek 1938 Norman T. Mitchell Annette M. Walsh Raymond A. Savage, Jr. 1962 Venita C. Tomasso John F . Bakel' 1939 John J . Campbell Paul Filipowicih 1954 Patricia Carbone Louise K. Harkins Peter Conklin 1940 Judith L. Harrod Marion S. McKinley Raymond J. McKenna Janet E. Walker Judith R. Lombardi Anna Mignanelli Jo-Anne Nordstrom Albert H. Stanwood 1955 Robert J . Pye 1941 Arthur E. Blum Marcella Zacca Edward A. Galiskis James H. Bryson Edward J. Lis Bruce M. Murphy Administration Frances H. Plasmati 1956 Dr. Charles H. Russell 1942 Charles and Helene D. Bradley Bal'bara '8. Levy Maurice R. Cote *In Memory of Dr. Henry L. Jacobs Catherine K. Long Edward 'M. Groves tTo be matched by General Elect ric May G. Yates Joan D. O'Leary Foundation French Consul Advice from Henry Lee BRYANT HOST TO RHODE (Continued from Page 1) As Interpreted ISLAND BUSINESS Central Europe was recovering from By JERRY FORMAN TEACHERS ASSOCIATION the destruction caused by the war. If in class you're dull and slow, ALUMN I INVITED Mr. Savelli said that an important step Study. was taken when the European Economic If exams are causing woe, The Fourteenth Annual Convention for Study. Teachers of Business Education will be Community was formed, in which France For if here your marks are low, held on campus in conjunotion with the was a "driving force." When you die, the place you'll go Centennial Year activities on May 4. Will be very warm, I know, The conference theme is to be "New France wants 'Britain as a part of "this So Study. Horizons in Business Education". new Europe," Mr. Savelli declared. Featured speakers at this centennial He stated that negotiations for Brit If your life is sad and blue, associated affair will ·be Rhode Island ain's entry into the Common Market Study. Governor John H. Chafee; Rhode Island If your uncle gets the "Flu" were not terminated at the command of Commissioner of Education William P. Study. Robionson, Jr.; President of the RI'BTA General DeGaulle 'but because "Britain If you cannot find your shoe, Robert Scanlan; Bryant College Presi after six months of parley had made no Or your sweetheart isn't true, dent E. G. Jacobs: and Rev. Msgr. Arthur progress toward agreement." This is the There's but one thing you can do, T. Geoghegan, Superintendent of Dio Study. reason for General De Gaulle's recom cesan Schools of ·Providence. mendation for postponement. If it's bright you wish to look, Dr. William Selden, Business Educa "The door was not shut on Britain," Study. tion Consultamt for the Commonwealth If you want to learn to cook, of Pennsylvania's Department of Public declared the consul general. "It is still Study. Instruction, will chair a panel concerning open." If you're in a lonely nook business education as seen by a state When assaulted 'by a crook, supervisor.