Origins: Zhongjing (150-219 Baked Licorice Formula Zhi Gan Cao Tang CE) and first published in Qian Ji , a supplement to Zhang’s Jin Gui Yao Lue.

Baked Licorice Formula (Zhi Gan Cao Tang), also known as “Restore the Pulse Decoction" ( Mai Tang), is from the Eastern , attributed to Zhang Zhongjing and first published in theQian Ji Yi, a supplement to Zhang’s Jin Gui Yao Lue (Essential Prescriptions from the Golden Cabinet). General Signs/Symptoms The classical pattern addressed byBaked Licorice Formula (Zhi Gan Cao Tang) is “ and yin deficiency taxing the .” This can arise from exhaustion due to overwork, or long-term stress that depletes the reserves of the central nervous system. Qi and yin deficiency taxing the heart manifests as a “knotted pulse”(jié mài), a slow pulse that misses beats at irregular intervals; or an “intermittent pulse” (dài mài), a moderate pulse that misses beats at regular intervals. Zhang Zhongjing considered sweating, palpitations, and chest oppression common symptoms of this pattern. Currently, Baked Licorice Formula (Zhi Gan Cao Tang) is commonly used for treating cardiovascular diseases such as: angina pectoris, arrhythmia, atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation, cardiac insufficiency, cardiomyopathy, coronary heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, myocarditis, pulmonary heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, etcetera. Primary symptoms include an irregular pulse along with palpitations and often anxiety. Other key signs and symptoms for Baked Licorice Formula (Zhi Gan Cao Tang) include: shortness of breath, irritability, weakness, and insomnia. Sec- ondary signs and symptoms include: spontaneous sweating or night sweating, constipation, dry mouth, dry throat, and dry skin. The tongue will be pale and shiny. The abdomen upon palpation will show epigastric focal distention, epi- gastric pulsations, rectus abdominis tension/hypertonicity, and a soft lower abdomen. Baked Licorice Formula (Zhi Gan Cao Tang) is also used to treat atrophy and lung consumption. Symptoms are cough with little to no sputum, frothy or blood-tinged sputum, shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating, difficulty breathing, and a thin, rapid pulse.

Actions 1. Nourishes heart blood and 2. Supplements heart qi 4. Harmonizes ying and wei enriches heart yin 3. Warms heart yang 5. Rescues and restores the pulse

Ingredients Latin English Percent of Formula Sheng Di Huang Rehmanniae Radix Rehmannia, unprocessed 28.0% Hong Da Zao Jujubae Fructus Jujube Date, red 13.0% Zhi Gan Cao Glycyrrhizae Radix Preparata Chinese Licorice Root, honey-baked 12.0% Gui Zhi Cinnamomi Ramulus Cassia Twig, Chinese Cinnamon 10.0% Mai Men Dong Ophiopogonis Radix Ophiopogon Tuber 8.0% Sheng Jiang Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens Ginger, fresh 8.0% Zhi He Shou Wu Polygoni Multiflori Radix Prepared Polygonum Root 7.0% Shu Di Huang Rehmanniae Radix Preparata Rehmannia, cured 6.0% Bai He Lilii Bulbus Lily Bulb 4.0% Ginseng Radix Asian Ginseng Root 4.0% General Indications / Modern Applications • Angina • Depression • Insomnia • Rheumatic heart • Anxiety • Dry mouth and throat • Irritability disease • Arrhythmia • Dyspnea • Lung atrophy • Sputum, frothy • Atrial Fibrillation • Edema • Myocardial infarction, • Sudden Turmoil • Body Fluid, damage to, • Emaciation sequella of Disorder, recovery from from illness • Fainting and • Myocarditis, sequella of • Sweating, spontaneous • Bradycardia disorientation • Neurasthenia or nocturnal • Cardiac insufficiency • Fatigue • Night sweats • Tachycardia • Cardiomyopathy • Hypertensive heart • Palpitations • Weight loss, • Constipation disease • Pulmonary heart unintended • Coronary heart disease • Hyperthyroidism disease • Cough, dry and weak • Hypotension Baked Licorice Formula Monograph © June 2019, Herbal Medicine Press Baked Licorice Formula 2 C diarrhea. with deficiency heat severeor Use with caution cases in Pale and shiny. F day. Two tablets, three times per D C P T rapid. tern, may pulse thin be and less. In the atrophy lung pat May thin be and also force intermittent. or Knotted, the pulse the • • • • • wei

Rescues and restores ying Harmonizes yang Warms heart qi heart Supplements heart Nourishes ormul ongue heart yin heart blood and enriches ulse autions ontraindications osa ge

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(zhi gan cao), zhi) and heart, the qi, the cinnamon (gui and supplement twig support Ginseng (ren shen) mon TwigFormula stances to used replace (ren ginseng it.] Zhang adds abit also of shen) (e jiao) dong) (mai men ish fluids andis so it replaced huang) di by Zhangwith rehmannia (sheng White shao) peony (bai adysregulationjust the surface of because the heart affected is and requires support. Baked Licorice Formula Gan (Zhi Cao Tang) pattern, the problem lies than deeper wei and Wei and shao) zao) zhi)(gui , shao) white peony (bai Cinnamon TwigFormula Cinnamon TwigFormula a person who already was deficientin wei Because this pattern seenby was Zhang to caused be by an exogenous cold invasion in sweating,with chest oppression, shen Formula Baked Licorice Formula also presentalso constipation. as mal sweating spontaneous (both and nocturnal). Thedamage to thebody fluids may andsigns symptoms are likely to accompany this pattern, such dryness and as abnor there aweak, is rapid and pulse cough with shortness breath. of Typical deficiency yin Cao Tang) is atrophy”.“lung is a pattern This advanced of lung deficiencyyin where A second pattern disease category addressed of by Baked Licorice Formula Gan (Zhi or thin, Baked Licorice Formula Gan (Zhi Cao Tang) able be will to help. sweat. there If acardiac is issue or shen the proper relationship between ying because the qiand blood have become depleted so that they can no longer maintain prolonged stress or overwork. Sweating acommon is manifestation this pattern of stitutional weakness, but the pattern can develop also from deep exhaustion after and blood deficiency contracts an external pathogen.Often thereis congenital con- Typically, this “taxation and insufficiency”of the heart arises when a patient with qi weaknessalized and insufficient blood and/orfluids. toused treat cardiac disorders and shen shen there Cinnamon be will TwigFormula most common manifestations are palpitations and an irregular pulse. Very commonly (spirit). Fluids, blood, and yang qiare insufficient all in this pattern. Classically, the challenging for the heart to pump blood with regular rhythm and govern the shen Zhongjing, there yin fluids, adeficiency is of blood, and yang in the heart making it cardiac weakness due to “deficiencytaxation andinsufficiency.” According to Zhang Baked Licorice Formula Gan (Zhi Cao Tang) the is primary formula for treating Formula Discussion Synergy of Ingredients qi is derived qiis from yang qi;ying , and honey-baked licorice root (zhi gan cao) . these exceptAll of white peony (bai disturbance. times, Baked In modern Licorice Formula Gan (Zhi Cao Tang) is wei are included Baked in Licorice Formula (ma ren) (ma seed and levels. levels. deficiencybecomes moresevere, involve will it the yang qi and blood. In the (Gui Tang Zhi ) that Zhang formulated Zhongjing to treat cardiac weakness , asini (e jiao) , asini with red jujube date (da zao/hong zao), honey-baked licorice root (Gui Tang Zhi base. ) is aliver is blood herb and not does nourish the heart or replen- (Zhi Gan(Zhi Cao Tang) amodern is version Cinnamon of Twig (Gui Tang Zhi five) consists of substances: cinnamon twig (Gui Tang Zhi ), and then augmented it to support the heart. (ma ren) (ma seed and cannabis , fresh jiang) ginger (sheng

are the not present apart of formula and the sub fluids are derivedfrom blood. Therefore,if aying and wei and disturbance, pulse. palpitations, irregular an and disturbance and the irregular is and pulse weak disturbances patterns in where there gener is (Gui Tang Zhi ) qiand ying qiand the heart can no longer control the (Zhi Gan(Zhi Cao Tang) to harmonizeying fluids, he built the formula upon type deficiency type sweating and . below [See for why asini , red jujube date (da zao/hong to the Cinna the to , ophiopogon - - -


Baked Licorice Formula 3 ------and ). The ). Baked handled in handled as reaching organs of zhi he wu) shou in the treatment treatment in the level of the lungs

that has been disturbed by by has been disturbed that is considered the strongest strongest the is considered was fluid over blood, the ac the blood, over was fluid favor blood over fluid. In the present present the In fluid. over blood favor - suf cannot heart exhausted an when in Zhang’s original formulation was formulation original in Zhang’s organ for governing the water through through water the governing for organ (Zhi Gan Cao Tang) Cao (Zhi Gan and ophiopogon men (mai dong (e jiao) (e is replaced with prepared polygonum root root polygonum prepared with is replaced is very effective at generating fluids. Prepared Prepared fluids. generating at is effective very level of the heart and the wei the and of level heart the . Both of these enter the heart. Rehmannia (sheng Rehmannia heart. the of Both enter these . is primarily to generate yin fluid in the blood. It ac- It blood. the in yin fluid generate to is primarily are more than adequately addressed by rehmannia rehmannia by addressed adequately than more are of stable angina pectoris with a Chinese medicine diag a Chinese with pectoris angina medicine of stable Licorice Formula Licorice are fully accounted for (and sur (and for accounted fully are ren) cannabis seed (ma zang both (bai bulb Lily enters he) passed). moistens and nourishes it so that is sweet It chest. the which from heart, the enters it so that bitter slightly and of and passage the stool also facilitates It heat. drains it Gui Jin the book, in his other Zhongjing, Zhang urine. , Cabinet) the Golden from Prescriptions (Essential of actions (bai bulb the lily characterized he) the ying shen of settling capable and It an is constitution. in a deficient pathogens exogenous the fluids in yin and nourishing for substance important heat. residual draining and chest nourishes he wu) yin shou (zhi and root polygonum pared cannabis to contrast In bowel. the moistens and blood prepared ren), seed (ma polygonum root ( (sheng di huang) of jiao) actions asini (e the both that assure to tion Applications Modern pectoris – A studyAngina was conducted with the objec efficacy clinical modified of the observe to tive complishes this by regulating and moistening the bowel, bowel, the moistening and regulating by this complishes fu is a major which through is absorbed that water the because reabsorption, Pre sooner. bloodstream the reaches intestine large the use. long-term for is safe and essence the secures actually (maseed properties cannabis of fluid-generating The ren), ofrole asini jiao) (e in supplementation same the accomplish to essentially (ma seed cannabis that burner upper the ren) emphasis the where But burners. middle and lower the of cannabis seed (ma ren) tions of asini - rehman combining by is played role this formulation, (shu di rehmannia prepared with huang) di nia (sheng huang) di huang) (shu di huang)rehmannia in substance is essential an and blood nourishing for herb shen the stabilizing it. govern and contain ficiently formula present in the is added substance more One In the version under present discussion, the cannabis cannabis the discussion, present under version the In seed (ma ren) ren) of (ma The function seed cannabis . he wu) shou (zhi Cao (Zhi Gan Formula Licorice Baked original in the Ta n g ) i - - - - - and in levels. It . So when So when . qi travels qi travels levels here be here levels levels are still in still are levels , though not en though , and wei and wei and wei and ophiopogon men (mai qi resides in the in the qi resides . This modern adaptation is made is made adaptation modern This . to in order omitted is typically , in be contraindicated to came on its own is said to restore fluid fluid restore to is own said its on , zao) zao/hong (da date jujube red with and, qi is carried on the thin (jin) thin the on qi is carried fluids ; ying revitalize yang. Of these four substances, cinnamon twig cinnamon Of substances, four these revitalize yang. enter cao) gan (zhi root licorice honey-baked and (gui zhi) to assist effects the heart formula’s zang guide the and yang heart twig the assists (gui Cinnamon zhi) heart. the - revital can It chest. the unblocks and also warms and (zhi root licorice honey-baked while yang, heart ize the both supplements strongly and is moistening cao) gan shen) (ren Ginseng qi. spleen and heart Rehmannia (shengRehmannia di huang) tering the heart directly, is nevertheless used to “benefit used to is nevertheless directly, heart the tering govern it help qi to heart the strengthens It qi.” heart the the shen blood qi and support to burner middle the strengthens (sheng ginger jiang) warms the middle Fresh production. of two the properties cloying the for compensates burner, jujube red with synergistically combines and rehmannias, ying the regulate to (hongdate zao) da of a deeper level with dealing are we though even cause, ying the penetration, pathogenic still invasion against external protection and disharmony reinforcement. requires fluids. yin and nourish and heart the enter both dong) of (shengrehmannia percentage diThe high huang) - nourish to given precedence the reflects formula this Rehmannia strategy. the fluids in generating yin and ing root licorice honey-baked with combined huang) di (sheng fluids,” and qi vessels with the “fill to is said cao) gan (zhi Ophio rhythms. normal pulse to the restore helps which pogon men (mai dong) in the vessels. It also “governs heart qi insufficiency” when qi insufficiency” heart “governs also It vessels. in the fluids. on qi travels that Remember palpitations. are there Wei is important to attend to the ying the to attend to is important yuan and blood, the with (e jiao) asini (e contained formulation original Zhang’s the yin fluids and blood of the heart are insufficient, the insufficient, ofare blood heart and the yinfluids the cannot rhythm normal and isqi of weakened, heart the of formula emphasis thisthe why is That be maintained. yin. nourishing and fluids is generating on cannabis seed (ma ren) asini The first, ingredients. two these for substitutes with removed is often as and such is animal product an jiao), (e keep wish to who used practitioners by formulas from The second, of free substances. animal products their cannabis seed (ma ren) pre or shipping to impediment or controversy any avoid lifetime, Zhang’s after sometime Additionally, scribing. cannabis seed (ma ren) unse to lead to was use it believed because long-term cured qi (qi loss) and possibly even damage blood vessels. blood damage even possibly and loss) qi (qi cured Baked Licorice Formula 4 ang) g n Ta The most common situations, as defined by electrocar by defined situations,as most common The zi) and atractylodeszi) zhu) (bai ; for dizziness, chrysanthe (chuan xiong); forwith deficiency yin edema, aconite (fu follows: for blood stasis, salvia (dan shen) Gan Cao Tang) in ischemic electrocardiogram. ischemic in Electrocardiogram effi were unchanged. The results also showedimprovement (43.33%) showed areduction, and five (16.67%) cases patients) (20%,discontinued of nitroglycerin use, 13 cases lower or stop nitroglycerin use. the 30cases, Of six cases patientsof with stable angina pectoris. It shown was to Baked Licorice Formula Gan (Zhi Cao Tang) common associated with arrhythmia diseases when using tion. A meta-analysis showed that clinically, the most tions, premature atrial contractions, and atrial fibrilla diogram (ECG), include premature ventricular contrac modern researchity of on had no effect. cantly effective, 46.67% were deemed effective, and 40% resultsciency are follows: as 13.33%were deemed signifi The results showed that modified amount, electrocardiogram and observation. ischemic were monitored, nitroglycerin well as as frequency and Changes clinical in symptoms before and after treatment thein study. The treatmentcourse of six was weeks. qiand deficiency. yin nosis of 30 patients were enrolled The treatment course was three months. The results (wu zi) wei dra ; for increased nocturia, (ze alisma xie). peel tangerine for phlegm and cough, hong) outer tangerine peel (ju gu) mineral (long (suanren) zao palpitations,and seed jujube hua (ju mum irregular heartbeats. of types cal drug to used treat and prevent different anumber of cal therapeutic effect of and rheumatic heart disease. ment include coronary heart disease, viral myocarditis, modified modified into two equal groups. The observationgroup given was electrocardiogram were and randomly selected divided patients with diagnosed arrhythmia by 24-hour dynamic Arrhythmia (Zhi Gan(Zhi Cao Tang) A study conducted was to observe and analyze the clini medicine treatment using amiodarone, apharmaceuti and the control group given was aconventional Western Gan Cao Tang) mula Gan (Zhi Cao Tang) has long has to used been treat arrhythmia. Themajor Baked Licorice Formula Gan (Zhi Cao Tang) – ) and (chuan ligusticum xiong); for insomnia ii (chen pi) (chen Baked Licorice Formula Gan (Zhi Cao

for the treatment arrhythmia. of 100 addresses the treatment arrhythmia. of ; for qideficiency, qi)astragalus (huang was modified, was wth herbs as added ; for excessive sweating,schisan excessive ; for Baked Licorice Formula (Zhi can reduce clinical symptoms symptoms reduce can clinical Baked Licorice Formula (Zhi iii Baked Licorice Formula

Baked Licorice For Licorice Baked and ligusticum ligusticum and and fossilized and fossilized for treat for and and ------

; - - Licorice Formula Coronary HeartCoronary Disease 48 cases of arrhythmia of 48 cases coronary in heart disease. Modi as well as the well as as relapse rate. There no was significant dif functions before and after treatment were compared hypertension and congestive heart failure. The left atrial treated with valsartan, adrug primarily to used address mula Gan (Zhi Cao Tang) polygala). zhi (yuan The treatment course 20days. was (huang bai) (huang anemarrhena rhizome (zhi mu) and phellodendron bark di) (gua stalk zi)(ting ; for qistagnation with chest distress, melon ling) insulting heart with edema, poria (fu (xiginseng yang shen), and aconite (zhi fu zi); for water fatigue, (dang shen) and codonopsis agitation on pattern differentiation: for heart yang with deficiency fications werewith made the followng herbs added based (CHD).heart disease In one study, dresses the treatment arrhythmia of caused by coronary vation group than the that control of group. adverseof reactions significantly was lowerin the obser tiveness rate the control of group 72%. was incidence The vation group 94%. was For comparison the total effec tion. treatment hypertension of with persistent atrial fibrilla mula Gan (Zhi Cao Tang) to clinically be effective for the Forgroup at 20%. These Licorice results showed Baked 2.5%, which significantly is lower than the that controlof However, the relapse rate for the experimental group was ference left in atrial function between the two groups. conductedwas to investigate the clinical effects of Hypertension with Atrial Fibrillation – Another study Baked Licorice Formula Gan (Zhi Cao Tang) significant effect; a total effectiveness rate for theobser deemed to effective, be and 6% were deemed to have no showed 62%were deemed markedly effective, 32% were Licorice Formula 91.6%. and four had cases no effect; a total effectivenessof rate werecases deemed cured, showed 16cases effect, good The treatment results showed the 48 cases,out of 28 hypoxia tolerance, and have an anti-arrhythmia effect. to improve coronary ischemia, improve myocardial experimental group prescribed was patients were randomly divided into two groups. The hypertensionof with persistent atrial fibrillation. 88 (Zhi Gan(Zhi Cao Tang) mula Gan (Zhi Cao Tang) Hyperthyroidism vi

v ; for insomnia, jujube seed and chives (xie bai); for deficient yin heat, – Modified – (Zhi Gan (Zhi Cao Tang) (Zhi Gan (Zhi Cao Tang) was used for used was the treatment hy of –Modern research of was used for used was the treatment of and the control group was Baked Licorice Formula Baked Licorice For Licorice Baked Baked Licorice For Licorice Baked ( specifically ad specifically in the in treatment suan zao ren) zao suan , lepidium seed , seed lepidium iv , American

was shown shown was Baked Baked Baked Baked and and ------Baked Licorice Formula 5 ------

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x was sig a con and Baked Lico – A study was – Baked Licorice in the treatment of su treatment in the can significantly improve can significantly improve

xi (Zhi Formula Licorice Baked

xiii (Zhi Gan (Zhi Gan Formula Licorice Baked – A clinical – study was conducted using – A study to observe the therapeutic ef therapeutic the observe to study A – for the treatment of elderly patients with with patients of elderly treatment the for For comparison the total effectiveness rate rate effectiveness total the comparison For (Zhi Gan Cao Tang) Cao (Zhi Gan ix and 37 patients were in the control group group control in the were 37 patients and (Zhi Gan Cao Tang) Cao (Zhi Gan Formula Licorice Baked (Zhi Gan Cao Tang) Cao (Zhi Gan (Zhi Gan Cao Tang) Tang) Cao (Zhi Gan Formula Licorice Baked (Zhi Gan Cao Tang) Cao (Zhi Gan Formula Licorice Baked (Zhi Gan Cao Tang) Cao (Zhi Gan Formula Licorice Baked that was treated with . The results showed that that showed results The atropine. with was treated that treatment in the was better electrocardiogram dynamic efficacy clinical total The group. control the versus group effectiveness total The was measured. groups two the for effec total the was 95.35%; group treatment the for rate remaining 45 cases were given atropine and troxerutin. troxerutin. and atropine given 45 cases were remaining treat the for rate effectiveness total a showed results The for the treatment of sinus bradycardia. 43 patients were were 43 patients of bradycardia. sinus treatment the for herbal the was prescribed that group treatment in the modified formula the treatment of slow arrhythmia was conducted. 65 out 65 out was conducted. of arrhythmia slow treatment the were and group treatment in the were of 110 patients given Supraventricular Tachycardia Arrhythmia Supraventricular Tachycardia efficacy clinical of the observe to conducted rice Formula rice clinical symptoms in patients. Both groups were able to to able were groups Both in patients. symptoms clinical in changes the were notable Most rate. heart the improve fraction ejection cardiac and function cardiac increasing group observation the in better significantly were which group. control the versus Cao Tang) Cao (Zhi Gan Cao Tang) Cao (Zhi Gan Formula Licorice Baked treatment the for group control the to superior nificantly of arrhythmia. slow were 60 patients arrhythmia. tachycardia praventricular using group a treatment groups: two into divided equally Tang) Cao (Zhi Gan Formula Licorice Baked tiveness rate for the control group was 72.97%. group control the for rate tiveness fect of of rate effectiveness total the be 91.8%; to group ment using group treatment The was 75.6%. group control the tive for the treatment of premature ventricular contrac ventricular of premature treatment the for tive group treatment the for rate effectiveness total The tions. was 83.33%. with ed The amiodarone. with was treated group control the and effectiveness total The weeks. was four course treatment was 80%. group of observation the rate Slow Arrhythmia Sinus Bradycardia modified for the control group was 73.33%. Additionally, there there Additionally, was 73.33%. group control the for study. in the reactions adverse serious no were – A study was conducted to observe observe to was conducted study A – Senile Arrhythmia clinicalthe efficacy of Gan Cao Tang) Tang) Cao Gan chronic arrhythmia. 60 patients were randomly divided divided randomly were 60 patients arrhythmia. chronic was treat group observation The groups. equal two into Formula ------was Baked was effec Baked Lico


was used in a viii Baked Licorice – Modified – Modified . The results showed showed results The . and a control group that that group a control and (Zhi Formula Licorice Baked (Zhi Gan Cao Tang) Cao (Zhi Gan and a control group that was prescribed was prescribed that group a control and (Zhi Gan (Zhi Gan Formula Licorice Baked (Zhi Gan Cao Tang) Cao (Zhi Gan – (Zhi Gan Cao Tang) Cao (Zhi Gan (Zhi Gan Cao Tang) Cao (Zhi Gan Formula Licorice Baked was used in a clinical study to test the efficacy efficacy the of test to study was usedin a clinical – A study treating 52 cases of hypotension treating study A – Hypotension using the formula for palpitations. 132 patients with palpita with 132 patients palpitations. for formula the study to treat frequent ventricular premature beats. 60 beats. premature ventricular frequent treat to study observation an into divided randomly were patients modified was prescribed that group Licorice Formula Licorice Gan Cao Tang) Cao Gan conducted. All cases had a blood pressure that was lower was lower that pressure a blood casesAll had conducted. included symptoms common Other 90/60mmHg. than of breath, shortness tightness, chest fatigue, dizziness, the for diseaseorganic wasno cause There syncope. and was 15 days course treatment The pressure. blood low showed results The courses. treatment four to up with a raise with cured deemed 35 were of 52 cases, that the least at by diastolic, and systolic both pressure, in blood a with be effective to shown 16 cases were 20mmHg, 10- by diastolic, and systolic both pressure, in blood raise effective total A effect; no case had one and 20mmHg, was given metoprolol. The results showed that modified modified that showed results The metoprolol. was given conventional drugs. Additions and subtractions to the the to subtractions and Additions drugs. conventional basis of presenta the on made individual were formula (Zhi Gan Cao Tang) Cao (Zhi Gan Formula Licorice Baked ness with clinical symptoms significantly reduced and and reduced significantly symptoms clinical with ness to deemed 27.27% were >95%; by reduced arrhythmia symptoms clinical improved with good effectiveness have no 13.64% had and 30-95%; by reduced arrhythmia and effectiveness total a changes; significant no with effect effectiveness total the comparison For of 86.36%. rate was 60.61% group of control the rate Palpitations was treated that group a control into divided were tions metoprolol medication Western conventional the with with was treated that group a treatment and ness rate of 98.08%. of 98.08%. rate ness tion. The treatment course was eight weeks. The results results The weeks. was eight course treatment The tion. 20 group of treatment 40 cases in that the the showed caseswere 15 effective, markedly deemed cases were a total ineffective, were cases five and effective, deemed control the comparison For of rate 87.5%. effectiveness of rate 65%. effectiveness a total had group perthyroidism. 80 patients were divided into a treatment a treatment into divided were patients 80 perthyroidism. modified given group rice Formula rice Formula Premature Ventricular Contractions Premature Ventricular Ta n g ) effectiveness in the treatment group was significantly wassignificantly group treatment the in effectiveness treatment the In group. of control that the than higher effective marked have to deemed 59.09% were group, Baked Licorice Formula 6 ang) g n Ta the effect of the effect of Viral Myocarditis Gan Cao Tang) Sheng Mai Formula Both Sheng Mai Formula Mai San) (Sheng Baked Licorice Formula Gan (Zhi Cao Tang) and Formula Comparisons group compared to the control group. edly effective).The results werebetter in the treatment were deemed markedly improved (15cured, eight mark group, the 25were 23out of either deemed cured or trocardiogram, and cardiac enzymes. In the treatment that to and after the treatment course. The results showed gram, and cardiac muscle enzymes were observed prior control the and group. no significantdifference between the treatment group ment with atotal effectiveness 86.7%.rate of Therewas group, the patients 60%of showed significantimprove trol group using modern drug therapy. In the treatment and anxiety. and Ginseng yin.nourish treat formulas Both palpitations, insomnia, ger to nourish blood the and has additional function to Gan(Zhi Cao Tang) on focuses the heart and stron is strongerbe to supplement qi. Baked Licorice Formula onfocuses spleen qiand heart blood. This formula will and blood. and Ginseng and seng Baked Licorice Formula Gan (Zhi Cao Tang) and Gin seng and Longan Formula (Gui Pi Tang) Baked Licorice Formula Gan (Zhi Cao Tang) and Gin this the in irregular discussed pulses of Baked Licorice Formula Gan (Zhi Cao Tang) have will ent generally deficient: as weak,fine, etcetera; whereas Mai Formula Mai (Sheng San), pres the will pulse between these formulas by is the itself. pulse For Sheng Formula Licorice cardiovascular much diseases of ety like Baked theize pulse. This formulais commonlyused for a vari supplements qi, yin, and fluids body to generate/revital Mai San) disorders. pulse ment of Sheng Mai Formula (Sheng with improvement symptoms in and physical signs, elec effective and safe for the treatmentviral myocarditis of group treated was with andcases acontrol 20cases. group The of treatment were divided into atreatment group consisting 25 of Baked Licorice Formula Gan (Zhi Cao Tang) Baked Licorice Formula Gan (Zhi Cao Tang) and for the treatment viral myocarditis. of 45cases (Zhi Gan (Zhi Cao Tang). A key way to differentiate Longan Formula (Gui Pi Tang) both tonify qi , known also as “Generate the Pulse Powder,” Baked Licorice Formula Gan (Zhi Cao . Symptoms, physical electrocardio signs, – A study conducted was to observe (Sheng Mai(Sheng San) on focus the treat xiv Baked Licorice Formula (Zhi

Longan Formula (Gui Pi Tang) Longan Formula (Gui Pi


- was was ------Dan) Heavenlyfor Emperor’s Formula ( Wang Bu forpulse formula Thepulse shen the and supported kidney, abalance between fire and water, the heartis By supporting communication good between heart and symptoms palpitations, like anxiety, irritability, etcetera. water becomes unable to support heart fire, resultingin become hyperactive due to exhausted kidney yin. Kidney on bothcuses the heart and kidney zang enly Emperor’s Formula (Tian Wang BuXin Dan) Gan(Zhi Cao Tang) on afocus the has heart zang fluids. yin Baked supporting Licorice also while Formula strengthens the heart and kidneys, and the calms shen mula (Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan) ity, insomnia, and stools. dry Heavenly Emperor’s For Both formulas can treat palpitations, anxiety, irritabil Heavenly Emperor’s Formula (Tian Wang Xin Bu Dan) Baked Licorice Formula Gan (Zhi Cao Tang) and etcetera. appetite, stools,of loose forgetfulness, obsessive thoughts, ) g n Ta will be thin be and rapid. will also addresses also spleen deficient symptomslike lack is tranquil. is Again, looking at the nourishes yin and blood, blood, and yin nourishes . Heart yang can ; Heav fo - , - - - Baked Licorice Formula 7 - - - - , , , 2007, 2007, , , 2017, No 25. No 2017, , , 2017. , -calming, blood-moving, and finally, qi- finally, and blood-moving, -calming, qi through the anus and an overabundance of non overabundance an and anus the qi through supplements yin fluids. It is very slippery and mobi slipperyand veryIt is yin fluids. supplements

(Gui Pi Pi (Gui Formula with Ginseng and Longan Combine Tang). Ren Tang) Zao (Suan with Zizyphus Formula Combine Yu Zhu Fu (Xue Formula with Blood Palace Combine Tang) Gui Shen Qi (Jin Formula Yang with Essential Combine Wan) Di (Liu Wei with Rehmannia Six Formula Combine Wan) Huang (Wu Formula San) Ling Five with Poria Combine (Sheng Mai San) Mai Formula Sheng with Combine (Xiao Chai Minor with Formula Bupleurum Combine Hu Tang) Chai Hu Gui Zhi Gan with Jiang Tang Combine (Wen Dan and Bamboo Formula Poria with Combine Tang) ombinations C l sefu U , 2017. , , 2014, Vol 6, No 26. No 6, Vol 2014, , , 2013. , , 2012, Vol 14, No 11. No 14, Vol 2012, , , 2009, Vol 24, No 12. No 24, Vol 2009, ,

xvi , 2008, Vol 23, No 3. No 23, Vol 2008, , , 2006, Vol 41, No 10. 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