Kyoto University Graduate School of Graduate School

Kyoto University Graduate School of Informatics 2016 Kyoto University Graduate School of Informatics Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501 JAPAN Kyoto University

c o n t e n t s

Academic Programs■Outlines of the Graduate School of Kyoto University Collaborative Graduate Program in Design Informatics The Graduate School of Informatics provides graduate study ■The Number of Students to be Admitted by Department programs that lead to Master’s and Doctoral degrees. Taking into To respond to the complex needs of our modern society, Kyoto Participant Organizations Welcome to GraduateMaster’s School Program of InformaticsDoctoral Program account the many different aspects of Informatics, students are 03 University Collaborative Graduate Program in Design is Japan’s first Graduate School of Education (Division of Educational Studies), Gradu- required to take several compulsory credits outside their own Department of program featuring an integrated, five-year curriculum for “Design” ate School of Engineering (Department of Architecture and Architectural department as a way to encourage interdepartmental education. Science andList Technology of Departments, Divisions37 and Groups15 07 which seeks solutions by calling on knowledge from a variety of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Science, academic disciplines. This program aims at cultivating students who Department of Micro Engineering, and Department of Aeronautics and ■Requirements for the Master’s Program Department of Social Astronautics), Graduate School of Informatics (Department of Intelligence 36 14 deepen their expertise in their own disciplines while working together To receive a Master’s Degree, every student is required to earn at Informatics Science and Technology, Department of Social Informatics, Department with specialists in other disciplines as well as with stakeholders to deal least 30 credits from the courses specified by the departments; to ■Introduction of the Departments of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Department of Systems Science, Department of Applied with society’s variegated issues and create a new structure for the and Department of and Computer Engineering), and receive the appropriate instructions through the classes; and to pass Analysis and Complex 20 6 society of tomorrow. Graduate School of Management (Department of Business Administra- the course examinations and the assessment of Master’s thesis. To Dynamical Systems Students enrolled in this program conduct their studies around the six tion, Department of Management Science) Department of Intelligence Science and 09 encourage a well-rounded curriculum of study, students are asked to core disciplines of informatics,mechanical engineering, architecture, Department of TechnologyApplied take subjects offered not only by one’s own department but by other Mathematics and Physics 22 6 management, psychology, and the arts (in cooperation with the Kyoto Partner Organizations departments as well. City University of Arts) while also engaging in a variety of training and Department of SystemsDepartment Science of Social Informatics 19 Kyoto City University of Arts, NEC Corporation, Nippon Telegraph and 32 8 field work aimed at acquiring the ability to design society. In order to Telephone Corporation (NTT), Ernst & Young Institute Co.,Ltd., Panasonic ■Requirements for the Doctoral Program Department of Communications participate in the program, a student must first be admitted into one of Corporation, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, and about 60 members in A Doctoral degree requires original, high-quality research in an Department of Applied Analysis and 29 and Computer Engineering 42 11 Complex Dynamical Systems the five departments in the Graduate School of Informatics: Depart- Design Innovation Consortium (Osaka Gas Co., Ltd., OMRON Corporation, individual field. To receive a Doctoral Degree, students are required ment of Intelligence Science and Technology, Department of Social Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd., Sony Corporation, Toshiba Corporation, to earn at least 6 credits from the courses specified by the depart- Total Daikin Industries Ltd., Takenaka Corporation, Toray Industries Inc., Nippon 189 60 Informatics, Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Depart- Department of Applied Mathematics 35 Telegraph and Telephone West Corporation (NTT WEST), Nomura ments; to receive the appropriate instructions through the classes; ment of Systems Science, and Department of Communications and Both non-Japanese and Physics and working professionals are eligible for admis- Research Institute, HAKUHODO Inc., Yokogawa Electric Corporation , etc.) and to pass the course examinations and the assessment of Computer Engineering, and then can be considered for selection as a sion into the graduate program. Students may enroll in this graduate Doctoral thesis. Preparatory Course student and Regular student in this program. Upon school concurrently Department with their professionalof Systems responsibilities. Science 41 ● Website: completing the program, students of the Doctorate Program of Graduate ■Entrance Examination ● E-mail:[email protected] School of Informatics will earn either a Doctorate degree (Ph.D.) or a The academic year begins in April. In general, a Master’s degree ■For further Department information, of Communicationsplease contact: and 49 Doctoral Degree in informatics. As for the latter degree,certificate of the requires two academic years of study, and a Doctoral degree three Graduate SchoolComputer of Informatics Engineering completion of the Program for Leading Graduate Schools ’Collabora- years. Admission to graduate programs is granted to those individu- Kyoto University tive Graduate Program in Design’ is specified in the diploma. als who have passed the entrance examination of the Graduate Yoshida-Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Informatics is a cutting-edge interdisciplinary field School of Informatics conducted by the relevant departments. The Kyoto 606-8501■Information JAPAN examinationfor the is 21st held in century July and August. which Supplementary assimilates examinations information Tel. +81 75-753-4894,5500 may be held in Decemberwith and humans February. and society. Kyoto University Collaborative Graduate Applications for the International Course, in which the degree will be 56 Information International Course Program in Graduate School of Informatics Program in Design earned in a solely English language medium, are also accepted in Interfaces with the departments of Intelligence Science and Technology; Social Humans & Society Kyoto University was designated as one of the 13 hub universities ments, applicants can now take the entrance examination in English. International Course Program in Graduate 56 Informatics; Communications and Computer Engineering. for the “Project for Establishing Core Universities for Internationaliza- Within those departments, a wide variety of courses are now taught in Intelligence Science & School of Informatics Technology tion (Global 30),” which was launched in 2009 by the Ministry of English. Social Informatics Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In the initial Thanks to this, students willing to acquire Kyoto University Master and Academic Programs and Student Admissions 57 phase of this project, participating universities were called upon to Doctoral degrees can do so using only English. Note that the Interna- Analysis ApplicationDefinition of Informatics provide quality education according to their respective functions and to tional Courses Program is open both to Japanese and foreign students, Definition of Informatics 57 create an environment that makes it easier for foreign students to regardless of nationality. Modeling Systematization Informatics in Kyoto UniversityHuman is the study of information in study in Japan. The G30 program was coordinated within Kyoto Fundamentals in Infrastructures Informatics has close relations with a number of disciplines natural andModeling artificial systems. University and across all its participating graduate schools by the KU ● International Courses website: Society in the natural and human sciences. Applied Analysis & Complex Systems Science Profile Program. Informatics studies the creation, recognition, representation, It is developed employing contributions from many different Dynamical Systems Communications & collection, organization, optimization, transformation, ● Contact:[email protected] Applied Mathematics & Computer Engine areas :in turn, it can contribute to their further development. , evaluation and control of information in As an ongoing result of the G30 initiative, we have simplified entrance Physics (Student Affairs Division) complex and dynamic systems. procedures for foreign students and set up the International Course Interfaces to human and social areas, mathematical modeling and Program in the Departments of Intelligence Science and Technology, information systems are the three pillars of Informatics in Kyoto Social Informatics, and Communications and Computer Engineering of Informatics has human, social, cognitive, biological, linguis- University. the Graduate School of Informatics. To be admitted in these depart- tic, computational, mathematical and engineering aspects. It includes systems science and communications engineering.

0157GraduateGraduate School School of Informatics of Informatics GraduateGraduate School School of Informatics of Informatics0258 Kyoto University

c o n t e n t s

■Outlines of the Graduate School of Informatics

Welcome to Graduate School of Informatics 03

List of Departments, Divisions and Groups 07

■Introduction of the Departments

Department of Intelligence Science and 09 Technology

Department of Social Informatics 19

Department of Applied Analysis and 29 Complex Dynamical Systems

Department of Applied Mathematics 35 and Physics

Department of Systems Science 41

Department of Communications and 49 Computer Engineering

Informatics is a cutting-edge interdisciplinary field for the 21st century which assimilates information ■Information with humans and society.

Kyoto University Collaborative Graduate 57 Interfaces with Program in Design Humans & Society ●Intelligence Science & Technology International Course Program in Graduate 57 ●Social Informatics School of Informatics

Analysis Application Academic Programs 58

Human Definition of Informatics 58

Modeling Society Systematization

Fundamentals in Modeling Infrastructures ●Applied Analysis & Complex ●Systems Science Dynamical Systems ●Communications & ●Applied Mathematics & Computer Engineering Physics

01 Graduate School of Informatics Graduate School of Informatics 02 Kyoto University

Welcome to the Graduate School of Informatics

The Graduate School of Informatics is committed to its founding mission of

cultivating highly talented individuals with broad perspective and insight Informatics of School Graduate of Outlines Foreword to a higher level within the hierarchy, assigning it status as one through the pursuit of pioneering and creative interdisciplinary research and Computers and other information devices have become an area in the integrated discipline category and comprising four constructive contributions to the field of informatics itself. integral part of daily life. We now live in an age in which people are disciplines and 21 research fields of its own. As revised, that list more likely to read books or newspapers on a digital tablet than in shows that “informatics” was recognized as a distinct academic YAMAMOTO Akihiro the traditional formats on printed paper. With the spreading area, squarely on an equal footing with the array of other areas in Dean, Graduate School of Informatics popularity of smartphones, the telephone has evolved into the category of science and engineering, which includes something much more than a device solely for the transmission of “engineering” and “medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy.” What is voice signals from afar. If you own a digital TV, you have access more, the scope of academic research and education within the to a more diverse array of information content and are no longer Kyoto University Graduate School of Informatics now spans more limited to watching broadcast programs. If you have a smart card fields than the number of research fields shown under informatics with integrated chip technology, you can use it for a wide range of in the revised list. Measured in terms of its sheer number of faculty electronic payments, including even bus or train fare. Should you members or students, the Graduate School of Informatics is run your own blog, microblog, or video server, you can easily currently the sixth-largest of the 15 graduate schools now broadcast your own content. And if you use social networking operating at Kyoto University, and its activities encompass a services, you have fresh opportunities to reconnect with old broad spectrum of academic disciplines. friends. Furthermore, the fusion of varied sensor technologies with information devices facilitates the accumulation of large volumes Research at the Graduate School of Informatics of data—so-called “big data”—that are harnessed for a range of The Graduate School of Informatics aims to fulfill a role as a social, academic, and corporate business activities. These center for international research in the informatics field and as a activities in turn generate new data sets that are utilized by hub for community cooperation and collaborative ventures downstream activities, feeding a continuous process of involving private industry and academia with the public sector. To development. this end, it has aided the creation and advancement of informatics Informatics is an academic field that supports human activities of as a new academic field and is determined to foster pioneering this nature in an increasingly advanced, knowledge-intensive and creative academic research from an integrated perspective. world, and has itself evolved along the way. In this pamphlet for The School was founded with a focus in three core areas of study: prospective students, I explain the academic discipline of interfacing humans and society, mathematical modeling, and informatics as well as the activities of the Graduate School of information systems. To translate this three-pronged focus into Informatics in education and research. action, it launched six departments: Intelligence science and technology, Social informatics, Applied analysis and complex Informatics and the Graduate School of Informatics dynamical systems, Applied mathematics and physics, Systems In April 1998, Kyoto University created a new graduate school science, and Communications and computer engineering. These through the reorganization and integration of information-focused departments now promote integrated research in collaboration research at five faculties (Engineering, Science, Agriculture, Letters, with an array of other academic fields, including information and Integrated Human Studies). Because its scope encompassed processing, , digital communications, applied such a broad diversity of academic fields, we decided to incorporate mathematics, biology, cognitive psychology, control engineering, the term “informatics” into the name of this new school rather than medicine, disaster prevention, environmental sciences, use the established labels of “information engineering” or “information resources, and power generation and electrical engineering. science.” The Graduate School of Informatics is committed to its This pamphlet offers an overview of research activities underway founding mission of cultivating highly talented individuals with broad within the Graduate School of Informatics. This graduate school perspective and insight through the pursuit of pioneering and handles over 10 large-scale research projects each year. In creative interdisciplinary research and constructive contributions to addition, among research fields in which Kyoto University is one of the field of informatics itself. the top ten institutions as measured in terms of the number of Within the administrative context of academic endeavors in Japan, projects approved for MEXT grants, the Graduate School of the academic name for the field of informatics first appeared in the Informatics accounts for more than half of all new grant-subsidized List of Categories, Areas, Disciplines and Research Fields, which projects in more than 10 research fields. These records effectively the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology underscore its role of leadership in the field of informatics (MEXT) prepared for its FY 2001 Grants-in-Aid Program for research. Indeed, research these days has in general shifted into Scientific Research (“Kakenhi”). Initially, informatics was treated an entirely new mode compared to the situation back when the as one of several disciplines making up the area of multidisciplinary School was founded. Some projects, for example, involve fields within the category of integrated and innovative sciences. research on new applications for basic technologies but with a However, in FY 2013, revisions to the list promoted informatics stronger emphasis on social value. In addition, research has not

03 Graduate School of Informatics Graduate School of Informatics 04 Kyoto University

Welcome to the Graduate School of Informatics

The Graduate School of Informatics is committed to its founding mission of cultivating highly talented individuals with broad perspective and insight Informatics of School Graduate of Outlines Foreword to a higher level within the hierarchy, assigning it status as one through the pursuit of pioneering and creative interdisciplinary research and Computers and other information devices have become an area in the integrated discipline category and comprising four constructive contributions to the field of informatics itself. integral part of daily life. We now live in an age in which people are disciplines and 21 research fields of its own. As revised, that list more likely to read books or newspapers on a digital tablet than in shows that “informatics” was recognized as a distinct academic YAMAMOTO Akihiro the traditional formats on printed paper. With the spreading area, squarely on an equal footing with the array of other areas in Dean, Graduate School of Informatics popularity of smartphones, the telephone has evolved into the category of science and engineering, which includes something much more than a device solely for the transmission of “engineering” and “medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy.” What is voice signals from afar. If you own a digital TV, you have access more, the scope of academic research and education within the to a more diverse array of information content and are no longer Kyoto University Graduate School of Informatics now spans more limited to watching broadcast programs. If you have a smart card fields than the number of research fields shown under informatics with integrated chip technology, you can use it for a wide range of in the revised list. Measured in terms of its sheer number of faculty electronic payments, including even bus or train fare. Should you members or students, the Graduate School of Informatics is run your own blog, microblog, or video server, you can easily currently the sixth-largest of the 15 graduate schools now broadcast your own content. And if you use social networking operating at Kyoto University, and its activities encompass a services, you have fresh opportunities to reconnect with old broad spectrum of academic disciplines. friends. Furthermore, the fusion of varied sensor technologies with information devices facilitates the accumulation of large volumes Research at the Graduate School of Informatics of data—so-called “big data”—that are harnessed for a range of The Graduate School of Informatics aims to fulfill a role as a social, academic, and corporate business activities. These center for international research in the informatics field and as a activities in turn generate new data sets that are utilized by hub for community cooperation and collaborative ventures downstream activities, feeding a continuous process of involving private industry and academia with the public sector. To development. this end, it has aided the creation and advancement of informatics Informatics is an academic field that supports human activities of as a new academic field and is determined to foster pioneering this nature in an increasingly advanced, knowledge-intensive and creative academic research from an integrated perspective. world, and has itself evolved along the way. In this pamphlet for The School was founded with a focus in three core areas of study: prospective students, I explain the academic discipline of interfacing humans and society, mathematical modeling, and informatics as well as the activities of the Graduate School of information systems. To translate this three-pronged focus into Informatics in education and research. action, it launched six departments: Intelligence science and technology, Social informatics, Applied analysis and complex Informatics and the Graduate School of Informatics dynamical systems, Applied mathematics and physics, Systems In April 1998, Kyoto University created a new graduate school science, and Communications and computer engineering. These through the reorganization and integration of information-focused departments now promote integrated research in collaboration research at five faculties (Engineering, Science, Agriculture, Letters, with an array of other academic fields, including information and Integrated Human Studies). Because its scope encompassed processing, computer science, digital communications, applied such a broad diversity of academic fields, we decided to incorporate mathematics, biology, cognitive psychology, control engineering, the term “informatics” into the name of this new school rather than medicine, disaster prevention, environmental sciences, use the established labels of “information engineering” or “information resources, and power generation and electrical engineering. science.” The Graduate School of Informatics is committed to its This pamphlet offers an overview of research activities underway founding mission of cultivating highly talented individuals with broad within the Graduate School of Informatics. This graduate school perspective and insight through the pursuit of pioneering and handles over 10 large-scale research projects each year. In creative interdisciplinary research and constructive contributions to addition, among research fields in which Kyoto University is one of the field of informatics itself. the top ten institutions as measured in terms of the number of Within the administrative context of academic endeavors in Japan, projects approved for MEXT grants, the Graduate School of the academic name for the field of informatics first appeared in the Informatics accounts for more than half of all new grant-subsidized List of Categories, Areas, Disciplines and Research Fields, which projects in more than 10 research fields. These records effectively the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology underscore its role of leadership in the field of informatics (MEXT) prepared for its FY 2001 Grants-in-Aid Program for research. Indeed, research these days has in general shifted into Scientific Research (“Kakenhi”). Initially, informatics was treated an entirely new mode compared to the situation back when the as one of several disciplines making up the area of multidisciplinary School was founded. Some projects, for example, involve fields within the category of integrated and innovative sciences. research on new applications for basic technologies but with a However, in FY 2013, revisions to the list promoted informatics stronger emphasis on social value. In addition, research has not

03 Graduate School of Informatics Graduate School of Informatics 04 Kyoto University

Welcome to the Graduate School of Informatics

been limited to themes centered on the internet or other department. This educational scope has been further enhanced enterprise and has put emphasis on developing group-led Informatics of School Graduate of Outlines information and communication technologies. We are also moving through the creation of cooperative lecture courses with solutions through field-based (FBL) and problem-based forward with projects to broadly apply research findings to, for on-campus research institutes and collaborative units with learning (PBL). Additionally, through collaboration with universities example, the development of systems for implementation and use corporate research houses. abroad, it has established international internships in corporate in hospital settings and the development of instrumentation to Research activities are an inseparable component of education workplaces in other nations. On this basis, it aims to cultivate monitor conditions in polar environments. The School has also at the graduate school level, in both Master’s and Doctoral global-scale perspectives. been energetically involved in collaborative research with private programs. Immediately after enrolling, students take a course in In FY 2009, the Graduate School of Informatics created an companies, and in many cases the outcomes have been research guidance and begin preparing to write their dissertation affiliated Center for Promotion of Informatics Education, which in commercialized or led to the development of new products. In FY papers. While enrolled, most students—even those in the FY 2014 it renamed to Unit for Promotion of Informatics 2013, the School set up a new laboratory in collaborative Master’s program—will eventually submit a thesis after gaining Education. This Center is aimed at students enrolled in not only research, which has fostered pioneering research in collaboration experience with giving paper presentations and delivering the Graduate School of Informatics but other faculty and graduate with four private companies. conference presentations in Japan and abroad. The energy level schools as well. It has the purpose of promoting the study, The high energy level displayed by its younger researchers is of student research typically reflects the many awards and formulation, and implementation of university-wide informatics one of the School’s defining hallmarks. Many research projects commendations that students receive through conferences and education programs that will facilitate the cultivation of human are being led by young researchers. Additionally, many doctoral other venues in response to their research findings. resources with knowledge of information science, computer students have been selected as research fellows under the The Graduate School of Informatics has been pushing strongly to science, information-intensive social systems, and business, as Research Fellowships for Young Scientists Program of the Japan boost its level of international diversity. Including program-specific well as the ability to contribute to the pool of human innovation. Society for the Promotion of Science, thus getting off to a strong faculty positions, the School currently has 11 foreign faculty Graduate-level interdisciplinary courses have been integrated into start as leaders of the next generation in informatics research. members, and it offers multiple courses that are taught directly by the curriculum for students at the Graduate School of Informatics foreign researchers engaged in the most advanced research as as well. Education at the Graduate School of Informatics the Interdisciplinary Courses of Perspective on Informatics. Education at the Graduate School of Informatics is focused on Additionally, three departments provide international courses, with To Students Interested in a Career in Informatics training highly qualified engineers and cultivating researchers that many of the courses taught in English. This makes for an Informatics is a comprehensive academic field. Specialists in will be able to excel within the new academic field of informatics. environment that allows foreign exchange students to acquire informatics are prepared to make contributions in many areas of To help achieve this mission, the School welcomes aspiring credit without Japanese language mastery and encourages academic endeavor and to society at large. To foster effective and students not only from the fields of informatics, electronics, or Japanese students to strengthen their awareness of diversity and efficient research and development work on technologies aimed at electrical engineering—divisions and departments with a direct work with and learn from foreign peers. aiding responses to and solutions for an array of problems connection to ICT—but also those from a broad range of Among new education projects, in FY 2012, MEXT launched its confronting Japan and the wider international community, the 4th additional backgrounds, regardless of whether they have a Program for Leading Graduate Schools. The Graduate School of Science and Technology Basic Plan currently advocated by the scientific or humanities-based orientation. It also accepts Informatics began participating in the Inter-Graduate School Japanese government cites a need for research and development numerous exchange students from abroad and has prepared Program for Sustainable Development and Survivable Societies work on technologies that can be applied in multiple fields. As a courses that can be completed without prerequisite Japanese that same year, and in FY 2013 it launched the Kyoto University specific initiative, it has been proposed that research and language proficiency, as detailed later. The Doctoral program, Collaborative Graduate Program in Design. All are degree development be encouraged in the fields of simulation, e-science, moreover, enthusiastically accepts—as professional students— programs that were created to tie together graduate school and other forms of advanced ICT as well as mathematical science, individuals who have completed a master’s degree and are Master’s and Doctoral programs, equip qualified students with systems science technology, and other interdisciplinary technologies continuing with careers as researchers at private companies or powers of insight and creativity, and prepare such students for that can be utilized in multiple fields. These fields fall precisely research institutes. roles as future leaders on the global stage in a broad array of within the scope of informatics. Students that complete the School’s degree programs pursue industrial, academic, and public-sector careers. It is anticipated In closing, I want to point out that whenever the accomplishments YAMAMOTO Akihiro active careers in a vast range of fields. In addition to filling that the study of design in particular will evolve as an academic of informatics are applied to new fields of endeavor, the Dean, Graduate School of Informatics research positions in universities or corporate research institutes, field forming core foundational technologies for future society, and benefits are not necessarily limited to progress in such fields Professor Yamamoto obtained his B.S. degree from Kyoto University they also excel as high-level engineers in areas ranging from the Graduate School of Informatics has taken the initiative to help alone. Frequently, these efforts provide a new perspective that in 1985. In 1990, he completed Kyushu University’s Information Systems course for a Doctor of Science degree. Hokkaido University information and communications technology and manufacturing, foster this trend. In focusing so much energy on the training of in return enables the field of informatics itself to expand and appointed him to the position of lecturer in the Department of to broadcasting, and services. specialists, traditional doctoral degree education programs have grow. Achieving growth through that process will demand that Electrical Engineering in 1990, to associate professor in the same department in 1994, and to associate professor in the Division of The Master’s program provides a carefully crafted curriculum of drawn criticism for producing sheltered environments and students learn independently and interactively, as stated in Kyoto Electronics and Information Engineering of its Graduate School in education, which combines a vertical fabric of the six departments’ individuals that lack flexibility. Given this image, we are striving to University’s mission statement, firmly assimilate the 1997. In 2003, he was appointed to his current position as professor in the department of Intelligence Science and Technology of the specialized education with a horizontal fabric of common and cultivate “+ shaped” (“plus-shaped”) people—individuals that can latest informatics accomplishments, and master necessary Graduate School of Informatics at Kyoto University. advanced courses based on varied education projects as well as couple advanced expertise with the broad perspectives that give skills for the pursuit of research. The Graduate School of (In the interim, Professor Yamamoto also spent one year abroad in 1996 as a Ministry-of-Education-sponsored visiting researcher at the education and training projects that involve cooperation with them the power to design social systems and architectures. To Informatics is committed to creating foundations of support for Technical University of Darmstadt in Germany. In 1998, he began a private industry. The specialized education curriculum treats each achieve this goal, the Graduate School of Informatics has teamed the international society of the future, and it welcomes each and three-year stint as a researcher on the theme, “Information and Human Activity” under the Precursory Research for Embryonic of the six departments as an independent unit and links diverse up with an array of world-leading companies to present real every individual that aspires to aid the advancement of informatics Science and Technology [PRESTO] 21, a Japan Science and Technology areas of research together with the major themes of each problems to people on the front lines of the development as a young researcher. Agency initiative).


05 Graduate School of Informatics Graduate School of Informatics 06 Kyoto University

Welcome to the Graduate School of Informatics

been limited to themes centered on the internet or other department. This educational scope has been further enhanced enterprise and has put emphasis on developing group-led Informatics of School Graduate of Outlines information and communication technologies. We are also moving through the creation of cooperative lecture courses with solutions through field-based learning (FBL) and problem-based forward with projects to broadly apply research findings to, for on-campus research institutes and collaborative units with learning (PBL). Additionally, through collaboration with universities example, the development of systems for implementation and use corporate research houses. abroad, it has established international internships in corporate in hospital settings and the development of instrumentation to Research activities are an inseparable component of education workplaces in other nations. On this basis, it aims to cultivate monitor conditions in polar environments. The School has also at the graduate school level, in both Master’s and Doctoral global-scale perspectives. been energetically involved in collaborative research with private programs. Immediately after enrolling, students take a course in In FY 2009, the Graduate School of Informatics created an companies, and in many cases the outcomes have been research guidance and begin preparing to write their dissertation affiliated Center for Promotion of Informatics Education, which in commercialized or led to the development of new products. In FY papers. While enrolled, most students—even those in the FY 2014 it renamed to Unit for Promotion of Informatics 2013, the School set up a new laboratory in collaborative Master’s program—will eventually submit a thesis after gaining Education. This Center is aimed at students enrolled in not only research, which has fostered pioneering research in collaboration experience with giving paper presentations and delivering the Graduate School of Informatics but other faculty and graduate with four private companies. conference presentations in Japan and abroad. The energy level schools as well. It has the purpose of promoting the study, The high energy level displayed by its younger researchers is of student research typically reflects the many awards and formulation, and implementation of university-wide informatics one of the School’s defining hallmarks. Many research projects commendations that students receive through conferences and education programs that will facilitate the cultivation of human are being led by young researchers. Additionally, many doctoral other venues in response to their research findings. resources with knowledge of information science, computer students have been selected as research fellows under the The Graduate School of Informatics has been pushing strongly to science, information-intensive social systems, and business, as Research Fellowships for Young Scientists Program of the Japan boost its level of international diversity. Including program-specific well as the ability to contribute to the pool of human innovation. Society for the Promotion of Science, thus getting off to a strong faculty positions, the School currently has 11 foreign faculty Graduate-level interdisciplinary courses have been integrated into start as leaders of the next generation in informatics research. members, and it offers multiple courses that are taught directly by the curriculum for students at the Graduate School of Informatics foreign researchers engaged in the most advanced research as as well. Education at the Graduate School of Informatics the Interdisciplinary Courses of Perspective on Informatics. Education at the Graduate School of Informatics is focused on Additionally, three departments provide international courses, with To Students Interested in a Career in Informatics training highly qualified engineers and cultivating researchers that many of the courses taught in English. This makes for an Informatics is a comprehensive academic field. Specialists in will be able to excel within the new academic field of informatics. environment that allows foreign exchange students to acquire informatics are prepared to make contributions in many areas of To help achieve this mission, the School welcomes aspiring credit without Japanese language mastery and encourages academic endeavor and to society at large. To foster effective and students not only from the fields of informatics, electronics, or Japanese students to strengthen their awareness of diversity and efficient research and development work on technologies aimed at electrical engineering—divisions and departments with a direct work with and learn from foreign peers. aiding responses to and solutions for an array of problems connection to ICT—but also those from a broad range of Among new education projects, in FY 2012, MEXT launched its confronting Japan and the wider international community, the 4th additional backgrounds, regardless of whether they have a Program for Leading Graduate Schools. The Graduate School of Science and Technology Basic Plan currently advocated by the scientific or humanities-based orientation. It also accepts Informatics began participating in the Inter-Graduate School Japanese government cites a need for research and development numerous exchange students from abroad and has prepared Program for Sustainable Development and Survivable Societies work on technologies that can be applied in multiple fields. As a courses that can be completed without prerequisite Japanese that same year, and in FY 2013 it launched the Kyoto University specific initiative, it has been proposed that research and language proficiency, as detailed later. The Doctoral program, Collaborative Graduate Program in Design. All are degree development be encouraged in the fields of simulation, e-science, moreover, enthusiastically accepts—as professional students— programs that were created to tie together graduate school and other forms of advanced ICT as well as mathematical science, individuals who have completed a master’s degree and are Master’s and Doctoral programs, equip qualified students with systems science technology, and other interdisciplinary technologies continuing with careers as researchers at private companies or powers of insight and creativity, and prepare such students for that can be utilized in multiple fields. These fields fall precisely research institutes. roles as future leaders on the global stage in a broad array of within the scope of informatics. Students that complete the School’s degree programs pursue industrial, academic, and public-sector careers. It is anticipated In closing, I want to point out that whenever the accomplishments YAMAMOTO Akihiro active careers in a vast range of fields. In addition to filling that the study of design in particular will evolve as an academic of informatics are applied to new fields of endeavor, the Dean, Graduate School of Informatics research positions in universities or corporate research institutes, field forming core foundational technologies for future society, and benefits are not necessarily limited to progress in such fields Professor Yamamoto obtained his B.S. degree from Kyoto University they also excel as high-level engineers in areas ranging from the Graduate School of Informatics has taken the initiative to help alone. Frequently, these efforts provide a new perspective that in 1985. In 1990, he completed Kyushu University’s Information Systems course for a Doctor of Science degree. Hokkaido University information and communications technology and manufacturing, foster this trend. In focusing so much energy on the training of in return enables the field of informatics itself to expand and appointed him to the position of lecturer in the Department of to broadcasting, and services. specialists, traditional doctoral degree education programs have grow. Achieving growth through that process will demand that Electrical Engineering in 1990, to associate professor in the same department in 1994, and to associate professor in the Division of The Master’s program provides a carefully crafted curriculum of drawn criticism for producing sheltered environments and students learn independently and interactively, as stated in Kyoto Electronics and Information Engineering of its Graduate School in education, which combines a vertical fabric of the six departments’ individuals that lack flexibility. Given this image, we are striving to University’s mission statement, firmly assimilate the 1997. In 2003, he was appointed to his current position as professor in the department of Intelligence Science and Technology of the specialized education with a horizontal fabric of common and cultivate “+ shaped” (“plus-shaped”) people—individuals that can latest informatics accomplishments, and master necessary Graduate School of Informatics at Kyoto University. advanced courses based on varied education projects as well as couple advanced expertise with the broad perspectives that give skills for the pursuit of research. The Graduate School of (In the interim, Professor Yamamoto also spent one year abroad in 1996 as a Ministry-of-Education-sponsored visiting researcher at the education and training projects that involve cooperation with them the power to design social systems and architectures. To Informatics is committed to creating foundations of support for Technical University of Darmstadt in Germany. In 1998, he began a private industry. The specialized education curriculum treats each achieve this goal, the Graduate School of Informatics has teamed the international society of the future, and it welcomes each and three-year stint as a researcher on the theme, “Information and Human Activity” under the Precursory Research for Embryonic of the six departments as an independent unit and links diverse up with an array of world-leading companies to present real every individual that aspires to aid the advancement of informatics Science and Technology [PRESTO] 21, a Japan Science and Technology areas of research together with the major themes of each problems to people on the front lines of the development as a young researcher. Agency initiative). e

05 Graduate School of Informatics Graduate School of Informatics 06 Kyoto University

■Departments Division Group

Department of Intelligence Science and Technology P.09

Computational cognitive Cognitive Psychoinformatics neuroscience Brain and Cognitive Sciences communication (Adjunct unit)

Cognitive System Computational intelligence Collective intelligence Conversational Informatics Outlines of Graduate School of Informatics of School Graduate of Outlines Intelligent media informatics Language media processing Speech and audio processing Visual

Application of Multimedia (Affiliated) Video Media Network Media Media Archiving Research

Bio-system Informatics (Affiliated) Biological Information Networks

i-Energy: Smart Energy Management i-Energy: Smart Energy Management (Joint Research Chair)

Department of Social Informatics P.19

Social Information Model Distributed Information Systems Digital Library Information Society (Adjunct Unit)

Social Information Network Global Information Network Information Security Market and Organizational (Adjunct Unit) Information Systems (Adjunct Unit)

Biosphere Informatics Bioresource Informatics Environmental Informatics

Regional and Disaster Management Integrated Disaster Emergency Management Crisis Information Information Systems (Affiliated) Management Systems for Disaster Reduction Systems Management System Medical Informatics (Affiliated)

Information Fluency Education (Affiliated)

Department of Applied Analysis and Complex Dynamical Systems P.29

Applied Analysis Applied Analysis

Nonlinear Physics Nonlinear Dynamics Nonequilibrium Dynamics

Applied Mathematical Sciences Computational Mechanics Industrial Mathematics

Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics P.35

Applied Mathematics Applied Mathematical Analysis Discrete Mathematics

Applied Mathematical Modeling System Optimization Control Applied Mathematical Systems (Adjunct Unit)

Mathematical Physics Physical Statistics Dynamical Systems

Mathematical Finance (Affiliated)

Department of Systems Science P.41

Human Machine Symbiosis Mechanical Systems Control Human Systems Integrated Dynamical Systems

Computational Intelligence Adaptive Systems Theory Mathematical System Theory Systems Synthesis Systems (Adjunct Unit) Integrated Systems Computational Neuroscience Information Systems Biomedical Engineering Systems Informatics Biology (Adjunct Unit) Applied Informatics (Affiliated)

Department of Communications and Computer Engineering P.49

Logic Circuits, Computer Architecture Computer Software Computer Engineering and Complexity Theory

Integrated-Media Intelligent Communication Digital Communications Communications Systems Engineering Communications Networks Processor Architecture and Integrated Circuits Design Advanced Signal Processing Integrated Systems Engineering Systems Synthesis Engineering

Radio Atmospheric Sciences (Affiliated) Remote Sensing Engineering Atmospheric Observations

07 Graduate School of Informatics Graduate School of Informatics 08 Kyoto University

■Departments Division Group

Department of Intelligence Science and Technology P.09

Computational cognitive Cognitive Neuroinformatics Psychoinformatics neuroscience Brain and Cognitive Sciences communication (Adjunct unit)

Cognitive System Computational intelligence Collective intelligence Conversational Informatics Outlines of Graduate School of Informatics of School Graduate of Outlines Intelligent media informatics Language media processing Speech and audio processing Visual information processing

Application of Multimedia (Affiliated) Video Media Network Media Media Archiving Research

Bio-system Informatics (Affiliated) Biological Information Networks

i-Energy: Smart Energy Management i-Energy: Smart Energy Management (Joint Research Chair)

Department of Social Informatics P.19

Social Information Model Distributed Information Systems Digital Library Information Society (Adjunct Unit)

Social Information Network Global Information Network Information Security Market and Organizational (Adjunct Unit) Information Systems (Adjunct Unit)

Biosphere Informatics Bioresource Informatics Environmental Informatics

Regional and Disaster Management Integrated Disaster Emergency Management Crisis Information Information Systems (Affiliated) Management Systems for Disaster Reduction Systems Management System Medical Informatics (Affiliated)

Information Fluency Education (Affiliated)

Department of Applied Analysis and Complex Dynamical Systems P.29

Applied Analysis Applied Analysis

Nonlinear Physics Nonlinear Dynamics Nonequilibrium Dynamics

Applied Mathematical Sciences Computational Mechanics Industrial Mathematics

Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics P.35

Applied Mathematics Applied Mathematical Analysis Discrete Mathematics

Applied Mathematical Modeling System Optimization Control Systems Theory Applied Mathematical Systems (Adjunct Unit)

Mathematical Physics Physical Statistics Dynamical Systems

Mathematical Finance (Affiliated)

Department of Systems Science P.41

Human Machine Symbiosis Mechanical Systems Control Human Systems Integrated Dynamical Systems

Computational Intelligence Adaptive Systems Theory Mathematical System Theory Systems Synthesis Systems (Adjunct Unit) Integrated Systems Computational Neuroscience Information Systems Biomedical Engineering Systems Informatics Biology (Adjunct Unit) Applied Informatics (Affiliated)

Department of Communications and Computer Engineering P.49

Logic Circuits, Algorithms Computer Architecture Computer Software Computer Engineering and Complexity Theory

Integrated-Media Intelligent Communication Digital Communications Communications Systems Engineering Communications Networks Processor Architecture and Integrated Circuits Design Advanced Signal Processing Integrated Systems Engineering Systems Synthesis Engineering

Radio Atmospheric Sciences (Affiliated) Remote Sensing Engineering Atmospheric Observations

07 Graduate School of Informatics Graduate School of Informatics 08