* Onijto ^ NUMBER 38

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* Onijto ^ NUMBER 38 * IUTTEBAI VJU 4 * , * 9 3 4 ^ VOLUME 11 * ONiJtO ^ NUMBER 38 Washington, Friday, February 22, 1946 Regulations shipment to Hawaii may be credited CONTENTS against not more than 15 percent of the amount of rice required to be set aside REGULATIONS AND NOTICES TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE during such month: Provided, however, A griculture D epartment: Page Chapter XI—Production and Marketing That credit may be Claimed against the Set asides: Administration (War Food Distribution set-aside requirements for February, Pork, increase (WFO 75-3, 1946, for all deliveries between February Am. 27) _____a___________ 1881 Orders) 1 and 22, 1946, both dates inclusive, of Rice (WFO 10, Am. 15)______ 1881 [WFO 75-3, Arndt. 27] brown and milled rice for shipment to A lien Property Custodian: Hawaii, although in excess of said per­ Costs and expenses incurred in Part 1410—Livestock and M eats centage, and for all deliveries between certain court actions: -PORK SET ASIDE INCREASE said dates of brown and milled rice for . Illinois, Wisconsin, Ohio, and shipment to Puerto Rico* and the Virgin War Food Order No. 75-3, as amended Michigan_______________ 1923 Islands, if a certificate with respect to (10F.R. 6499, 7789, 8949, 9422, 9992,10165, New Jersey (3 documents)___ 1924, such deliveries in the form prescribed in 11225, 13679, 14685; 11 F.R. 1559), is fur­ 1925,1926- Appendix B hereto is filed with the Ad­ Civil A eronautics Board: ther amended by deleting the figure “ 7.5” ministrator of War Food Order No. 10, appearing in the table at the end of par­ Aircraft certification and iden­ United States Department of Agricul­ tification __________ ________ 1883 agraph (b) and in Appendix A and sub­ ture, Washington 25, D. C., prior to, stituting in lieu thereof the figure “ 10”. ■ Certificates: March 15, 1946: And provided further, Aircraft dispatcher; aeronau­ • This order shall become effective at That if deliveries within said, dates to tical experience_________ 1883 12:01 a. m., e. s. t., February 17, 1946. persons other than governmental agen­ Air-traffic control tower opej- With respect to violations, rights accrued, cies of brown and milled rice for ship­ atOr______________ ^____ 1883 liabilities incurred, or appeals taken, ment to Hawaii are less than 15 percent Civilian Production Administra­ prior to said date, under War Food Order of the amount of rice required to be set tion: No. 75-3, as amended, all provisions of aside for February, 1946, deliveries be­ Alcohol, cane (L-353)___ 1886 said order shall be deemed to remain in tween February 23 and 28, 1946, both Priorities system operation: ny­ full force for the purpose of sustaining dates inclusive, of brown and milled rice lon, surplus fabric, disposal any proper suit, action, or other proceed-' for shipment to Hawaii may be credited for linings for low-cost wool ing with respect to any such violation, against the set aside requirements for items (PR 13, Dir. 5 )______'* 1885 right, liability, or appeal. February in an amount equal to such Streptomycin (M-30&, Sch. ll9 ) _ 1887 deficiency. (E.O. 9280, 7 F.R. 10179; E.O. 9577, TO Suspension orders, etc.: F.R. 8087; W.F.O. 75, 10 F it. 4649) (ii) Deliveries in February and in each Fleischman, M. R., Co______ 1885 succeeding calendar month by any miller Johnny’s Sportswear Mfg. Co_ 1884 Issued this 15th day of February 1946, in any State other than California to Miller Bros. &~Libow_,______ 1893 persons other than governmental agen­ [ seal] G. T. Peyton, Style Undies, Inc__________ 1884 Acting Assistant Administrator. cies of brown and milled.rice for ship­ H ome Owners’ L oan Corporation: ment to Puerto Rico and the Virgin Repurchase requests._________ 1883 [F. R. Doc. 46-2669; Filed, Feb. 18, 1946; Islands may be credited against not more I nternational T rade, Office of: 12:46 p. m.] than 40 percent of the amount of rice General licenses; exportation required to be set aside during such of relief shipments, “RUS”_ 1884 month: Provided, however,,That credit N ational W age Stabilization IW FO 10, Arndt. 15] may be claimed against the set-aside re­ B oard: P art 1432—R ice quirements for February, 1946, for all Building construction indus­ deliveries between February 1 and 22, try, standards of approval RICE SET ASIDE 1946, both dates inclusive, of brown and for increases________ 1883 War Food Order No. 10, as amended milled rice for shipment to Puerto Rico Office of Price Administration: (11 F.R. 1088) is hereby further and the Virgin Islands, although in ex­ Acids, imported tar (RMPR 192, amended: cess of said percentage, and for all de­ . Am. 4 )___________ ;________ 1889 liveries between said dates of brown and Adjustments and pricing orders: 1. By striking § 1432.1 (c) (3) and milled rice for shipment to Hawaii* if a Allegheny River Mining Co. substituting in lieu thereof thé follow­ certificate with respect to such deliveries ing: et al______________ 1900 in the form prescribed in Appendix B Altheimer and Baer__________ 1905 (3) ti) Deliveries in February, 1946, hereto is filed with the Administrator of Arctic Refrigeration Co_____1907 and in each succeeding calendar month War Food Order No. 10, United States B. V. D. Corp_________ 1906 by any miller in the State of California Department of Agriculture, Washington Bestform Foundations Ine__ 1907 to persons other than governmental 25, D. C., prior to March 15, 1946: And Bishop Products Co__ .____ ¡_ 1904 agencies of brown and milled rice for (Continued on next page) Blumenthal, Irving__________ 1906 1881 1882 FEDERAL REGISTER, F r i d a y , F e b r u a r y 22, 1946 CONTENTS—Continued CONTENTS—Continued O ffic e o f P rice A dministration — p ag® W ar A ssets Corporation : Page FEDERM^REGISTER Continued. Sale of government-owned plant Adjustments and pricing or­ equipment in contractors V, '*** ¿r ders—Continued. plants----------------- --------- 1893 Radiol Co______I ___________ 1901 W ar Shipping Administration : Ravenna Metal Products Co_ 1899 Contracts for carriage on vessels Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Refrigeration Service Co____ 1907 owned or chartered by WSÀ_ 1893 and days following legal holidays, by the Seaboard Glass Bottle Co___J.901 Division of the Federal Register, the National Textron Inc___________ 1909 CODIFICATION GUIDE Archives, pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, Thomas and Betts Co_______ 1898 A numerical list of the parts of the Code 1935 (49 Stat. 600, as amended; 44 U.S.C., . Tri-Level Mfg. Co___________ 1905 of Federal Regulations affected by documents ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the Union Underwear Co., Inc___ 1906 published in this issue. Documents carried Administrative Committee, approved by tha United Refrigerator Mfg. Co., in the Cumulative ^Supplement by uncodified President. Distribution is made only by the tabulation only are not included within the Inc_____________________ 1909 purview of this list. Superintendent of Documents, Government * Van Raalte Co________;______ 1907 Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Walters Mfg. Co_l —________ 1911 T itle 3—T he P resident: Page The regulatory material appearing herein is Chapter II—Executive orders: keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Wesix Electric Heater Co____ 1902 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Westinghouse Electric Corp_ 1903 9697 1_______________________ 1892 to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Wichita Engineering Co____ ’1903 T itle 14—Civil Aviation: amended June 19, 1937. * Bituminous coal; delivered from Chapter I—Civil Aeronautics The Federal R egister will be furnished by mine or preparation plant Board: mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 (MPR 120, Am. 152) — 1889 Part 26—Air-traffic control- per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Cotton textiles (SO 131, Am. tower operator certifl- vance. The charge for individual copies cates___ ;_______________ 1883 (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the 13)________________________ 1888 size of the issue. Remit check or money Footwear, rubber (RMPR 229, Part 27—Aircraft dispatcher order, made payable to the Superintendent Am, 5 )____ _________ *—___ 1888 certificates_________ 1883 of Documents, directly to the Government Fuel oil, gasoline and liquefied Part 43—General operation Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. petrojeum gas (MPR 88 rules____________________ 1883 There are no restrictions on the republica- Am. 41)______ 1887 T i t l e 24—H o u s in g C r e d it : tlon of material appearing in the F ederal Furniture, metal household Chapter IV—Home Owners’ R egister. (MPR 188, Order 8) _______ 1894 Loan Corporation: Hardwood lumber products Part 401—General__________ 1883 (MPR 538) — ____________ 1890 T i t l e 29—L a b o r : NOTICE Iron and steel scrap (MPR 4, Chapter VI—National Wage Am. 5 )____l ________ 1888 Stabilization Board: The 1944 Supplement to the Code Lead, primary (RPS 69, Am. 7) _ 1889 Part 803—General orders___1883 of the Federal Regulations may be Molasses, Imported industrial T i t l e 32—N a t io n a l D e f e n s e : obtained from the Superintendent blackstrap and invert (SR Chapter IX —Civilian Produc­ of Documents, Government Print­ 14F, Am. 13)_______ 1891 tion Administration : ing Office, at $3 per book. Platinum group metals and Part 944—Regulations ap­ products (MPR 309, Am. plicable to the operation Book Is Titles 1-10, including 1 )_ ______ 1891 of the priorities system— 1885 Presidential documents in full text. Potatoes, seed; 1946 crop (Ad­ Chapter X V n i—Office of Sta-, Book 2: Titles 11-32. min. Notice 22)_________ — 1894 bilization Administrator, Reconverting manufacturers, Office of War Mobilization Book 3: Titles 33-50, including a individual adjustments (SO and Reconversion: general index and ancillary tables.
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