Proc. NatL Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 79, pp. 6419-6423, November 1982 Biochemistry

Metabolism and mechanism of action of 5-fluorodeoxycytidine (dTMP synthetase/5-fluorodeoxyuridylate/S49 cells/-deficient mutant) EDWARD M. NEWMAN* AND DANIEL V. SANTIt Department ofBiochemistry and Biophysics and Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University ofCalifornia, San Francisco, California 94143 Communicated by Thos. C. Bruice, July 12, 1982

ABSTRACT 5-Fluoro-2'- (FdCyd) is a potent in- version to the cytotoxic metabolite. As suspected, we find that hibitor ofgrowth oftissue culture cells. The major cytotoxic event the metabolism and action of FdCyd are more complex than appears to be inhibition of thymidylate synthetase as evidenced originally proposed, and we suggest that, in combination with by reversal of the cytotoxicity with thymidine but not deoxycyti- H4Urd, its mode ofmetabolism and cytotoxicity may be unique dine and by the effect ofFdCyd on pools, which is char- among currently available antimetabolites. acteristic ofspecific inhibition ofthis enzyme. The metabolism of FdCyd was established by using a method in which its cytotoxicity was compared in several S49 mutant cell lines having defined MATERIALS AND METHODS singleordouble deficiencies ofenzymes involvedin nucleoside and nucleotide metabolism. Our results indicate that FdCyd is metab- B. Ullman and D. W. Martin, Jr., generously provided wild- olized to 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridylate, a potent inhibitor of thymi- type S-49 mouse lymphoma cells (12) as well as the mutant dylate synthetase by two pathways: (i) sequential reactions cata- strains used in this study. The deoxycytidine -deficient lyzed by deoxycytidine kinase and deoxycytidylate deaminase and (dCK-), -deficient (TK-), and dCMP deami- (ii) sequential reactions catalyzed by cytidine deaminase and thy- nase-deficient (dCMPD-) cell lines are described elsewhere midine kinase. We have shown that metabolism of FdCyd can be (9-11). Starting with the dCMPD- and the dCK- cells, directed through the former pathway by inhibition ofcytidine de- dCMPD-/TK- and dCK-/TK- double mutants were selected aminase with tetrahydrouridine. Since cytidine deaminase ap- for resistance to 5-bromodeoxyuridine as described for the TK- pears to be responsible for catabolism of FdCyd in animals, our line (10). results suggest that the antineoplastic effects ofFdCyd should be Lack ofthymidine kinase activity in the latter two cell lines examined in combination with inhibitors ofcytidine deaminase. was confirmed by resistance ofthe cells to 1 uM FdUrd and by the inability ofa cell-free sonicate to phosphorylate thymidine 5-Fluorodeoxycytidine (FdCyd) is a potent cytotoxic agent in in the following assay. Approximately 108 cells were sonicated tissue culture systems (1-3). Because the effects of FdCyd are for 20 sec in 0.3 ml ofbuffer (10 mM mercaptoethanol/20 mM so similar to those of5-fluorodeoxyuridine (FdUrd) and are re- sodium phosphate, pH 7.4) using a Biosonik sonicator set at pI versed by thymidine, it has been postulated that its mechanism = 40. Cellular debris was removed by centrifugation for 4 min ofaction involves deamination to FdUrd bycytidine deaminase, in an Eppendorf Microfuge. The supernatants were diluted in conversion to 5-fluorouridylic acid (FdUMP) by thymidine ki- the sonication buffer to an approximate protein concentration nase, and subsequent inhibition of dTMP synthetase (4, 5). of 10 mg/ml, based on the absorption at 280 nm (1 A2N unit FdCyd has also shown activity as an antineoplastic agent in a 1 mg/ml). Each incubation mixture (250 u1) contained 2.5 number of experimental animal tumor models (6). However, mM ATP, 2.5 mM MgCl2, 5 mM NaF, 50 mM Tris-HCI (pH since the spectrum ofactivity and in vivo efficacy ofFdCyd was, 8.0), 10 tM [14C]thymidine (0.125 ,Ci; 1 Ci = 3.7 X 10"° with few exceptions, similar to that ofFdUrd and 5-fluorouracil becquerels), and 100 ,ug of protein. Aliquots were spotted on (FUra), studies of its mechanism of action and antineoplastic Whatman DE 81 filters. The filters were washed four times by effects have been largely abandoned. immersion in 500 ml of1 mM ammonium formate and then the Our interest in FdCyd was stimulated by reports suggesting amount of radioactive nucleotide bound was determined by that the proposed mechanism ofaction of FdCyd might be in- scintillation spectrometry. With wild-type cell extract, accu- correct or, at least, incomplete. First, FdCyd is a potent cy- mulation of [14C]dTMP was linear for at least 1 hr and with the totoxic agent toward FdUrd-resistant sublines ofP815Y (7) and amount of extract added. Extracts of both the dCMPD-/TK- L5178Y (3) that lack thymidine kinase. Second, the toxicity of and the dCK-/TK- double mutants converted <1% of the FdCyd in mice was increased by administration of tetrahy- [14C]thymidine to as compared with the wild-type drouridine (H4Urd), a potent inhibitor of cytidine deaminase extract. (8); if conversion to FdUrd were necessary for activation of All cell lines were maintained as suspension cultures in an- FdCyd, the opposite effect would have occurred. tibiotic-free Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium containing In this paper, we describe experiments to elucidate the 1 g of glucose and 0.11 g of sodium pyruvate per liter. The mechanism ofFdCyd metabolism and action in S49 mouse lym- medium was supplemented with 10% heat-inactivated (56°C, phoma cells. The approach used relies mainly on use of the 30 min) horse serum. For growth curves, aliquots ofduplicate mutant cell lines deficient in one or more of the in- volved in nucleoside and nucleotide metabolism that have been Abbreviations: araC, 1-,B-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine; araCTP, araC developed by Martin and co-workers (9-11). By simply testing triphosphate; dCK-, deoxycytidine kinase deficient; dCMPD-, dCMP the effects ofa nucleoside on such it is deaminase deficient; FdCyd, 5-fluorodeoxycytidine; FdUrd, 5-fluo- analog mutants, possible rodeoxyuridine; FdUMP, 5-fluorodeoxyuridylic acid; FUra, 5-fluo- to determine which enzyme activities are necessary for con- rouracil, H4Urd, tetrahydrouridine; TK-, thymidine kinase deficient; EC50, 50% growth-inhibitory concentration. The publication costs ofthis article were defrayed in part by page charge * Present address: Division ofPediatrics, City ofHope Research Insti- payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertise- tute, Duarte, CA 91010. ment" in accordance with 18 U. S. C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. t To whom reprint requests should be addressed. 6419 Downloaded by guest on September 30, 2021 6420 Biochemistry: Newman and Santi Proc. Nad Acad. Sci. USA 79 (1982) cultures for each growth condition were counted in a Coulter itory effects ofFdCyd (2), indicating that the toxic effects ofthis model ZBI cell counter at 24, 48, and 72 hr. The percentage drug toward this cell line were due to inhibition ofdTMP syn- of control growth is 100 times the slope of the plot of the log- thetase. Similarly, we have shown that, when S-49 cells are arithm ofthe number ofcells versus time, divided by the slope treated with ahigh concentration (10 times the EC50) ofFdCyd, of the plot for the untreated control culture (13). The 50% coadministration of 3 AuM thymidine permitted 67% ofcontrol growth-inhibitory concentration (EC50) was estimated from growth, whereas deoxycytidine was much less effective, with plots of the percentage of control growth as a function of the only 40% ofcontrol growth observed at 50 /iM (Fig. 2A). Par- logarithm of the inhibitor concentration. All additions were allel studies on reversal of the effect of FdUrd-a specific in- made at the beginning of the experiments. hibitor ofdTMP synthetase in S-49 cells (18)-yielded a nearly The ribonucleoside and deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate identical pattern; at 10 times the EC50 of FdUrd, 1 .tM thy- content of cell extracts was assessed by HPLC techniques as midine afforded 51% reversal ofinhibition whereas only a 17% reported (14, 15). FdCyd was a gift from M. J. Robins. FdUrd reversal occurred at50 ,M deoxycytidine (Fig. 2B). The pattern and H4Urd were obtained from the Drug Synthesis and De- ofreversal ofaraC cytotoxicity ofS-49 cells by these nucleosides velopment Branch ofthe National Institute. 1-,13D-Ara- is clearly distinct from those described for FdCyd and FdUrd: binofuranosylcytosine (araC) was purchased from Sigma and at 10 times the EC50 of araC, 30 ,uM thymidine had no effect [14C]thymidine was from Moravek Biochemicals (Brea, CA). on growth inhibition whereas 30 uM deoxycytidine restored growth to 55% ofcontrol (Fig. 2C). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION We have found that specific inhibition of dTMP synthetase Despite the antineoplastic activity of FdCyd against both cul- in logarithmically growing cells produces a characteristic, and tured cells and transplanted tumors, details ofthe biochemical perhaps unique, pattern ofchanges in NTP pool sizes (unpub- mode of action of FdCyd have not been established. Our in- lished results). A primary effect ofinhibition ofdTMP synthesis terest in this compound arose from the possibility that its mode in tissue culture cells results in a decline in dTTP levels that, ofmetabolism and cytotoxic action might be unique among cur- through direct and indirect effects on , rently available antimetabolites. causes changes in the levels of other dNTPs that are in good In principle, the cytotoxic effects ofFdCyd would result from agreement with reported models of allosteric effects on this one or more of three possible metabolites: FUra, FdUMP, or enzyme (19, 20). A decrease in dTTP is accompanied by a de- FdCTP (Fig. 1). Since FdCyd (EC50 2 nM) is some 103-fold cline in dGTP levels because the former is an allosteric activator more cytotoxic toward tissue culture cells than is FUra, we may of GDP reduction. There is often a smaller increase in dATP rule out the possibility that the latter is responsible for the ef- that presumably results from the release ofallosteric inhibition fects of FdCyd in vitro. However, as discussed below, FUra is ofADP reduction by dTTP even in the face ofdecreased ADP probably the catabolite of FdCyd that is responsible for its in reduction resulting from depletion of the positive activator, vivo activity. Conversion of FdCyd to FdUMP would result in dGTP. Ifthe blockade ofdTMP synthetase persists, a decrease potent inhibition of dTMP synthetase whereas conversion to in the allosteric inhibition ofCDP reduction by dTTP can also FdCTP might be expected to result in effects on DNA synthesis be manifested by increases in dCTP. However, we usually do in a manner similar to that of 1-f3-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine not observe increased dCTP until after the aforementioned 5'-triphosphate (araCTP) (16) and 1-f-D-arabinofuranosyl-5- changes have occurred. Changes in pool sizes ofribonucleotides fluorocytosine 5'-triphosphate (17). Distinguishing between have been found to be insignificant if the blockade of dTMP these possible modes of action is most easily accomplished by synthetase is truly specific. This pattern of characteristic demonstrating the reversal of cytotoxicity by agents that cir- changes that results from intracellular depletion of dTMP and cumvent or abolish the specific blockade. That is, the effect of dTTP is illustrated in Table 1, which shows the deoxyribonu- inhibition of dTMP synthetase can be effectively reversed by cleoside triphosphate levels in cells treated with FdUrd for 3 thymidine but only poorly reversed by deoxycytidine. The ra- hr, which under the conditions used causes specific inhibition tionale for these effects is that thymidine provides a source of ofdTMP synthetase (18). Note that, as described above, there thymidine nucleotides and thus circumvents the block whereas is a significant depletion of dTTP and dGTP, and a slight in- deoxycytidine must be converted to dUMP, which must com- crease in dATP; longer periods of incubation result in an in- pete with the inhibitor for dTMP synthetase; in contrast, the crease in dCTP (not shown). Ribonucleotide pools are slightly effects ofaraC and 1-,B D-arabinofuranosyl-5-fluorocytosine are increased after 3 hr of incubation (Table 2). Treatment of S-49 reversed by deoxycytidine but not thymidine (17). Cheong et cells with araC produced an entirely different profile of intra- much more effective cellular dNTP pool sizes: there is a slight depletion of dCTP, aL (2) have reported that thymidine was a moderate increase in dTTP, and very large (ca. 3-fold) in- than deoxycytidine at protecting H.EP 1 cells from the inhib- creases in both dGTP and dATP. As with inhibitors of dTMP dCK synthetase, araC did not deplete the pool sizes ofNTPs. When FdCyd FdCMP- *FdCDP- FdCTP S-49 cells were treated with FdCyd, there were no significant poat changes observed in the NTP pool sizes; however, there were large decreases in dTTP and dGTP and an increase in CD t dCMPD dATP-characteristic ofspecific inhibition ofdTMP synthetase pth A as is observed with FdUrd. FdUrd- H-fdUMP The above results thus show that the cytotoxic effect of I TK FdCyd on S-49 cells is primarily, probably exclusively, a result of dTMP synthetase inhibition. Nucleotides of FdCyd (e.g., FdCMP) are not themselves potent inhibitors of this enzyme (21), and the most logical candidate for the cytotoxic metabolite FUra is FdUMP. As shown in Fig. 1, there are two major metabolic FIG. 1. Intracellular metabolism of FdCyd. CD, cytidine deami- routes by which FdCyd can be converted to FdUMP. The first nase; dCK, deoxycytidine kinase; TK, thymidine kinase; dCMPD, path (path A) involves cytidine deaminase-catalyzed deamina- dCMP deaminase. tion to FdUrd and its subsequent phosphorylation to FdUMP Downloaded by guest on September 30, 2021 Biochemistry: Newman and Santi Proc. NatL Acad. Sci. USA 79 (1982) 6421 Table 1. Deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate pools % control FdCyd/ FdUrd araC FdCyd H4Urd dCTP 92 83 92 79 dTTP 18 145 14 9 dATP 119 320 165 135 dGTP 35 278 22 11 Wild-type S-49 cells were grown to a density of 2.6 x 106/ml and /A divided into 75-ml aliquots. The cells were then incubated for 3 hr at 370C with no addition (control), 10 nM FdUrd, 3 pM araC, 30 nM FdCyd, or 30 nM FdCyd/0.1 mM H4Urd. The dNTP pools were quan- titated by HPLC (14). Control culture levels were dCTP, 24 pmol per 106 cells; dTTP, 22 pmol per 106 cells; dATP, 20 pmol per 106 cells; dGTP, 9 pmol per 10 cells.

0 " dCMP deaminase-catalyzed deamination to FdUMP (22, 23). It is noted thatthefirst enzyme in path B, deoxycytidine kinase, 100 B is required for initial activation ofaraC, while thymidine kinase is required for activation of FdUrd, but none of the enzymes depicted are essential in the metabolic activation of FUra (24). In the discussion below, we describe results that elucidate the pathway(s) of metabolic conversion of FdCyd to FdUMP in S- 49 cells. The approach used was to determine the cytotoxicity ofFdCyd in mutant lines ofS-49 cells that were deficient in one or more of the enzyme activities presumed to be important in Q50 / _ the activation ofFdCyd (Fig. 1). The only mutant not available to us was one deficient in cytidine deaminase, but this activity can be effectively inhibited by H4Urd. If a specific deficiency greatly reduced the cytotoxicity of FdCyd, we concluded that the pathway involved was important in metabolism to FdUMP. Although it cannot be assumed that other metabolic processes in specific mutants remain unaffected, we were able to for-

0 mulate a consistent interpretation of the results that primarily relies on the effects ofthe defined enzyme deficiencies. The EC50 values for FdCyd in each ofthe cell lines used and, 100 _ where pertinent, the EC50 values for FdUrd, araC, and H4Urd C are summarized in Table 3. The authenticity ofthe mutant lines was verified by showing that cell extracts possessed <1% ofthe relevant activity as compared with wild-type S-49. Further, the TK- mutant is 1/10,000th as sensitive as the-wild-type FdUrd because thymidine kinase is required for phosphorylation to the cytotoxic metabolite FdUMP. Likewise, the dCK- line is 1/1,000th as sensitive to araC, which requires this enzyme in 50 _ the initial step leading to formation ofthe cytotoxic metabolite araCTP. Table 3 shows that elimination of any single activity involved in the metabolism of FdCyd to FdUMP has little effect on its cytotoxicity. Thus, individual blockade of metabolism via path A (H4Urd or TK-) or via path B (dCK- or dCMPD-) may reduce but does not prevent conversion of FdCyd to FdUMP. The log-

0 , Table 2. -7 -6 Ribonucleoside triphosphate pools log molarity % control FdCyd/ FIG. 2. Protection from the cytotoxicity of FdCyd (A), FdUrd (B), FdUrd araC FdCyd H4Urd and araC (C) by thymidine and deoxycytidine. Concentrations of the CTP 116 119 110 98 cytotoxic agents were held constant at approximately 10 times their UTP 110 105 112 94 EC50 values, while those of thymidine (o) and deoxycytidine (A) were varied. The concentrations and percent of control growth of the cyto- ATP 113 107 118 105 toxic compounds alone were FdCyd, 30 nM, 7%; FdUrd, 10 nM, -6%; GTP 106 121 135 115 araC, 3 ,M, 1%. Aliquots of the neutralized trichloroacetic acid extracts used in Ta- ble 1 were analyzed for NTP pools by HPLC (15). Control culture levels by deoxycytidine kinase. Path B involves initialphosphorylation were CTP, 230 pmol per 10c cells; UTP, 420 pmol per 10' cells; ATP, ofFdCyd by deoxycytidine kinase to form FdCMP followed by 1,250 pmol per 106 cells; GTP, 190 pmol per 106 cells. Downloaded by guest on September 30, 2021 6422 Biochemistry: Newman and Santi Proc. Nad Acad. Sci. USA 79 (1982) Table 3. ECrO values (molar) of FdCyd and related compounds in wild-type (wt) and enzyme- deficient S-49 cells Cell type Compound wt TK- dCK- dCMPD- dCK-/TK- dCMPD-/TK- FdCyd 2 x 10-9 1 x 10-8 2 x 10-8 3 x 10-9 >3 x 10-r 1 x 10-6* FdCyd/ H4Urdt 2 x 10-9 <3 x 10-8 8 x 10-6 H4Urd >3 x 10-3 FdUrd 9 x 10-1 1 x 10-5 araC 3 x 10-7 2 x 10-4 Stock cell cultures in logarithmic growth were diluted to 5 x 104 cells per ml and 1-ml samples were dispensed into the wells of 24-well plates containing the cytotoxic agents. Inhibition of growth by several (four-six) concentrations of each agent was determined, and EC60 values were estimated from the data by interpolation. Values reported are means of two or three determinations thatdid not vary by more than 50% of the mean. * Minimum concentration that inhibited 50%; higher concentrations were not more inhibitory. tH4Urd was constant at 0.1 mM. ical interpretation ofthese findings is that conversion ofFdCyd with H4Urd, should be reconsidered as a potential anticancer to FdUMP may occur through either ofthe two metabolic path- agent. ways. If this is correct, then blockage ofboth pathways should In most tissue culture cells, the cytotoxic effect of FdUrd is prevent the metabolism of FdCyd to FdUMP and significantly a result ofinhibition ofdTMP synthetase by FdUMP, with little decrease the cytotoxicity of FdCyd. By using the double mu- or no incorporation ofmetabolites intoRNA. FUra is converted tants and H4Urd, a number of different double blocks can be to FdUMP with resultant inhibition of dTMP synthetase but established. First, the dCK-/TK- mutant should prevent for- is also extensively incorporated into RNA (4, 18, 24). Which of mation of FdCMP and conversion of FdUrd to FdUMP, per- these effects is primarily responsible for the action of FUra re- mitting only accumulation of FdUrd as a nontoxic metabolite. mains controversial. In spite ofthe controversy, it is clear that, This double mutant was found to be extremely resistant to in tissue culture systems, FdUrd and FUra may behave as quite FdCyd, having a EC50 >10,000 times that observed in the wild different agents. In vivo FdUrd and FUra show the same spec- type. Second, the dCMPD-/TK- double mutant should pre- trum of activity at approximately equimolar concentrations. vent both phosphorylation of FdUrd and deamination of FdUrd is an excellent substrate for both thymidine and uridine FdCMP; one might predict an accumulation ofnontoxic FdUrd , and it is probable that in vivo FdUrd- is con- and nucleotides of FdCyd in this cell line. This cell line was verted to FUra more rapidly than it enters target cells to be found to be 500 times more resistant to FdCyd than the wild- directly converted to FdUMP. This has been recognized by type cells. The fact that the dCMPD-/TK- cell line is not quite workers attempting to develop agentsthat mightblock this cata- as resistant to FdCyd as the dCK-/TK- mutant may be due to bolic process and thus reveal the direct effect FdUrd may have some residual enzyme activity in the former or possibly to an- on dTMP synthesis without the RNA incorporation so prevalent other cytotoxic mechanism of FdCyd that is manifested at high with FUra. In animal tumor models, FdCyd also shows a similar concentrations of the drug; in this regard, FdCTP formation spectrum of activity and potency as does FUra, which is in should not be prevented in the dCMPD-/TK- cells and, at marked contrast to their differences in tissue culture cells. high intracellular concentration, might be responsible for the Thus, it is reasonable to surmise that FdCyd also serves as a cytotoxicity observed. Third, inhibition of cytidine deaminase source of FUra in vivo. Since mammalian cells do not possess in the dCK- mutant by H4Urd should block both possible initial enzymes that cleave the glycosidic bond ofcytosine nucleosides conversions of FdCyd and completely prevent its metabolism. (25), the metabolism must involve deamination by cytidine de- In the presence of 0.1 mM H4Urd, the cytotoxicity of FdCyd aminase to give FdUrd followed by phosphorolysis to FUra. If to the dCK- cells is 1/400th ofthat ofthe untreated dCK- line cytidine deaminase could be blocked, the catabolism ofFdCyd and 1/4,000th of that of the wild-type cells in the presence or would be prevented and its metabolism would be directed absence of H4Urd. In addition to demonstrating the require- through path B, involving phosphorylation to FdCMP and sub- ment for at least one ofthe two pathways shown in Fig. 1, this sequent deamination by dCMP deaminase to the dTMP syn- result demonstrates the efficacy of H4Urd as an intracellular thetase inhibitor, FdUMP. H4Urd is an effective nontoxic in- inhibitor ofcytidine deaminase-catalyzed deamination ofFdCyd. hibitor ofcytidine deaminase both in vitro and in vivo (26). We Further, the effect of the FdCyd/H4Urd combination on nu- believe that an in vivo trial of FdCyd in combination of an in- cleotide pool sizes (Tables 1 and 2) shows the pattern charac- hibitor of cytidine deaminase is warranted. Based on the dis- teristic of specific dTMP synthetase inhibition. cussion above, we expect that the antitumor effect of this reg- In summary, our results show that the cytotoxicity ofFdCyd imen would be quite different than that observed for FdCyd in tissue culture cells is due to the inhibition ofdTMP synthe- alone. Indeed, H4Urd has been shown to significantly increase tase. Through the use ofmutant cell lines and H4Urd, we have the toxicity of FdCyd in mice (8). This combination might be shown that the metabolic activation of FdCyd to FdUMP may particularly useful against neoplasms such as acute nonlympho- proceed by either (i) initial deamination to FdUrd followed by cytic leukemia that are responsive to araC (27). Further, since thymidine kinase-catalyzed phosphorylation, or (ii) initial con- the mechanisms- of action of araC and FdCyd are so different version to FdCMP followed by deamination. 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