584 Journal of , , and 1997;63:584–589 Prevalence of orthostatic hypotension in Parkinson’s disease

J M Senard, S Raï, M Lapeyre-Mestre, C Brefel, O Rascol, A Rascol, J L Montastruc

Abstract der abnormalities.12 For the cardiovascular Objectives—To investigate the prevalence system, reduced variability of the R-R interval of orthostatic hypotension and the nature and impaired parasympathetic control of heart of the postural events related to a fall in rate have been described34 as well as livedo in patients with Parkin- reticularis or oedema.1 The disturbances of son’s disease. blood pressure regulation remain less well Methods—Blood pressure was measured understood. Micieli et al reported a series of first in a supine position after a rest of at parkinsonian patients with postprandial least 15 minutes and every minute during hypotension.5 Nychthemeral variability of 10 minutes of an active standing up proce- blood pressure was also shown to be reduced dure. Orthostatic hypotension was consid- and some patients with Parkinson’s disease ered as present when a fall of at least 20 have nocturnal supine hypertension.6 Despite mm Hg of systolic blood pressure was evidence for the involvement of the sympa- recorded. Postural events which occurred thetic system in the autonomic dysfunction of during the standing test were identified Parkinson’s disease, the occurrence of orthos- from a questionnaire and self reporting. tatic hypotension in the course of the disease Statistical analysis was performed to de- remains controversial. Some authors have termine the relation between orthostatic reported the existence of orthostatic hypotension and disease characteristics hypotension4–10 whereas others did not find (duration, severity) and the use of an- this.11–15 The reasons for these discrepancies tiparkinsonian drugs. Ninety one consecu- can be summarised as follows: (1) there is no tive patients with Parkinson’s disease (48 consensus for the diagnostic criteria of orthos- women, 43 men, mean age 66 (SD 9) years) tatic hypotension, (2) including participated to the study. antiparkinsonian drugs are the most frequent Results—A fall of at least 20 mm Hg of cause of orthostatic hypotension, and (3) the systolic blood pressure was found in 58.2% occurrence of orthostatic hypotension often of the patients. Orthostatic hypotension leads to the diagnosis of diseases other than was asymptomatic in 38.5% and associ- idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. ated with postural events in 19.8% of the Thus in the present study, we prospectively patients. Symptomatic (but not asympto- investigated the prevalence of orthostatic hypo- matic) orthostatic hypotension was re- tension in a series of 91 consecutive patients lated to duration and severity of the with Parkinson’s disease. The nature of the disease and with the use of higher daily symptoms linked to orthostatic hypotension Laboratoire de levodopa and bromocriptine doses. The was investigated to construct a reliable clinical Pharmacologie analysis of the relation between the pos- scale for future clinical trials. Médicale et Clinique, tural symptoms (and the need for stand- INSERM U317, Faculté ing test abortion) with the fall in systolic de Médecine blood pressure allowed the identification J M Senard Patients and methods S Raï of six clinical criteria specific of orthos- M Lapeyre-Mestre tatic hypotension. A direct relation be- PATIENTS C Brefel tween the postural changes in systolic The study was performed on patients visiting O Rascol blood pressure and the number of clinical the Neuropharmacological Unit of the Depart- J L Montastruc events in this clinical scale was found. ment of Neurology with idiopathic Parkinson’s Conclusion—The frequency of orthostatic disease (according to the criteria of the United Service de Neurologie, 16 hypotension in Parkinson’s disease is high Kingdom Brain Bank ). Only patients with a Purpan University clear and sustained response to levodopa and Hospital,Toulouse, and it is possible to establish a clinical rat- France ing scale which could be used to assess the without recent modifications of their drug A Rascol eVects of drugs employed in the manage- regimen (all treatments were stable for at least ment of orthostatic hypotension. four weeks) were recruited in the study after Correspondence to: they had given their informed consent. Patients Professor JM Senard, who presented atypical neurological features Laboratoire de (J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1997;63:584–589) Pharmacologie Médicale et (cerebellar or pyramidal features, prominent Clinique, INSERM U317, autonomic features, laryngeal stridor, myo- Faculté de Médecine, 37 Keywords: orthostatic hypotension; Parkinson’s disease; allées Jules Guesde, 31073 postural symptoms clonus) suggesting that they had multiple 17 Toulouse cedex, France. system atrophy were excluded. The severity of the disease was evaluated with the Hoehn and Received 22 September 1995 Autonomic features are often encountered in Yahr scale.18 Associated medical conditions and and in final revised form 12 May 1997 Parkinson’s disease. They include gastrointesti- daily doses of all current medications were Accepted 22 May 1997 nal, sudoromotor, thermoregulation, and blad- recorded. Prevalence of orthostatic hypotension in Parkinson’s disease 585

MEASUREMENTS OF BLOOD PRESSURE AND HEART Because some of the items compared were RATE repetitive, concordance in the response of the Blood pressure and heart rate were recorded patients to these items was assessed by ê coef- using a semiautomatic device (Dinamap°). ficient, and internal consistency of the chosen Blood pressure was first measured after a 15 items by the Cronbach á coeYcient. A P value minute rest in a supine position. Patients were <0.05 was considered as significant. then asked to spontaneously stand up and blood pressure was recorded every minute for Results 10 minutes in the standing position. A decrease 20 mm Hg in systolic blood pressure was DESCRIPTION OF THE POPULATION > Ninety one consecutive patients (mean age: 66 chosen as the criterion for orthostatic hypoten- (9) years; 48 women and 43 men) entered the sion. Blood pressure measurements were made study. Twenty one patients were in stage I, 49 during the morning between 0900 and 1100 in stage II, 19 in stage III, and two in stage IV for all patients. All patients took their regular of the Hoehn and Yahr’s classification. All morning treatment and had a regular breakfast patients received levodopa (plus dopa- at least two hours before measurement of blood decarboxylase inhibitor) at a mean daily dose pressure. of 682 (551) mg. Forty three patients were also

EVALUATION OF CLINICAL EVENTS RELATED TO treated with bromocriptine and five received STANDING POSITION lisuride. Some patients were taking other The clinical events related to orthostatism were antiparkinsonian drugs such as anticholinergic recorded for the study day at the end of the drugs (n=15) or selegiline (n=19). Eleven orthostatism test. The asked the patients had arterial hypertension and were patient about the presence or the absence of treated with diuretic drugs (n=6), angiotensin symptoms which could be related to a fall in converting enzyme inhibitors (n=3), or calcium blood pressure during the current standing antagonists (n=4). No patients were taking any test. Recording of postural events was achieved antihypotensive drugs and 30 received dom- using a questionnaire which comprised eight peridone (mean daily dose: 60 (20) mg). subjective items (lightheadedness, dizziness, postural instability, vertigo, blurred vision, PREVALENCE OF ORTHOSTATIC HYPOTENSION fainting, asthenia, decreased hearing). For pos- A decrease of at least 20 mm Hg in systolic tural instability, only unusal instability was blood pressure values was found in 53 (58.2%) retained as this symptom could also be related of the ninety one patients investigated. The to Parkinson’s disease. Moreover, the need for postural fall in blood pressure was asympto- standing procedure abortion and of return to a matic in 35 (38.5%) and associated with at supine position was also rated and included in least one clinical event in 18 patients (19.8%). the list of events induced by postural change. When a 20 mm Hg decrease in systolic blood The questionnaire contained repetitive items pressure was chosen as the main criteria for (fainting and asthenia, postural instability and orthostatic hypotension, patients with orthos- dizziness) to test its internal validity and the tatic hypotension did not diVer from those consistency of patient responses. One unre- without it regardless of age, sex, disease lated item (decrease in hearing) was also duration, daily levodopa dose, or daily bromoc- included to test external validity. All additional riptine intake (table 1). The proportion of postural symptoms not included in the ques- patients receiving bromocriptine was signifi- tionnaire but spontaneously reported by the cantly higher in the group of patients with patients were also rated. manometric orthostatic hypotension (56.6%) than in patients without (34.2%). There was no STATISTICAL ANALYSIS significant diVerence between patients with or Quantitative data are presented as means (SD) without orthostatic hypotension for other and were compared using Student’s t test and antiparkinsonian drugs such as lisuride (5.7% ANOVA. The relation between the number of v 5.3%), deprenyl (25.7% v 18.4%), or clinical events and the fall in blood pressure domperidone (18.7% v 14.3%). The presence was tested by the Pearson correlation test. of manometric orthostatic hypotension was not Qualitative data were compared using the ÷2 associated with arterial hypertension or antihy- test with Yates’ correction or the exact pertensive drug intake (six v five patients). The Irwin-Fisher test. Data were analysed as severity of the disease assessed using Hoehn univariate. Only clinical events significantly and Yahr’s classification was significantly related to orthostatic hypotension by ÷2 test higher in patients with than without orthostatic were used to build a global clinical assessment. hypotension (table 1).

Table 1 Clinical characteristics of patients with Parkinson’s disease without orthostatic hypotension (OH), with asymtomatic OH (defined as a systolic blood pressure (SBP) fall >20 mm Hg without postural symptoms) and with symptomatic OH (both a decrease >20 mm Hg in SBP and at least one related symptom)

ÄSBP (mm Levodopa† Bromocriptine Age (y) % of men DD (y) H and Y Hg) (mg/day) (mg/day) Without OH (n=38) 64 (0) 57.9 7 (6) I:13; II:20 III:5;IV:0 9 (6) 611 (521) 39 (17) Asymptomatic OH (n=35) 68 (9) 57.1 7 (6) I:5; II:20 III:9;IV:1* 30 (9)* 590 (412) 42 (19)* Symptomatic OH (n=18) 67 (9) 66.7 12 (6)*† I:3;II:9 III:5;IV:1* 46 (17)*† 1069 (754)*† 74 (26)*†

*P<0.05 v OH. †P<0.05 v patients with asymptomatic OH. Values are mean (SD). DD=disease duration; H and Y=Hoehn and Yahr stage; ÄSBP=systolic blood pressure fall when standing; Levodopa=daily dose + dopa-decarboxylase inhibitor. 586 Senard, Raï, Lapeyre-Mestre, Brefel, Rascol, Rascol, et al

Table 2 Number of patients with and without orthostatic hypotension (OH) (defined as a procedure. Fifteen diVerent clinical events fall of at least 20 mm Hg systolic blood pressure) presenting at least one symptom related to occurred during the standing procedure in the orthostatism or needing standing test abortion 18 patients with symptomatic orthostatic With OH Without OH hypotension. Among these, only six symptoms (n=53) (n=38) RR ( 95% CI) were significantly related to the manometric Decreased hearing 1 1 0.86 (0.21–3.46) criteria chosen for orthostatic hypotension Lumbalgia 1 0 NC (table 2). By contrast, fainting and asthenia as Thirst 1 0 NC well as the need for standing test abortion were Dazzling 2 0 NC Tired legs 1 0 NC not related to the presence of manometric Heavyheadedness 2 0 NC orthostatic hypotension. This was probably Standing test abortion 4 0 NC Lightheadedness 6* 0 NC due to the limited number of symptomatic Blurred vision 7* 0 NC patients included in this series. The frequencies Asthenia or fainting 10* 0 NC for repetitive symptoms (dysequilibrium and Dizziness or vertigo 18* 1 1.95 (1.50–2.53) Dysequilibrium or postural instability 18* 1 1.95 (1.50–2.53) postural instability, asthenia and fainting) included in the questionnaire to test its internal *Found to be related to blood pressure fall. NC=not calculable. validity were not significantly diVerent. This The repetitive symptoms were regrouped according to the Cronbach á coeYcient (see methods). indicates that patients were consistent in Similar results were obtained for patients answering the questionnaire as patients report- with non-symptomatic orthostatic hypotension ing asthenia or dysequilibrium also reported (systolic blood pressure decrease >20 mm Hg unusual fainting and postural instability re- without postural symptoms) when compared spectively (93.5% (95% confidence interval with those without orthostatic hypotension (95% CI) 81.1-98.3) and 91.3% of concord- (table 1). In this group, 71.4% of the patients ance (95% CI 78.3-97.2) respectively). Fur- received bromocriptine, 5.7% lisuride, and thermore, as hypothetised, only one patient 25.7% deprenyl. The number of patients with and one without orthostatic hypotension receiving antihypertensive drugs or of patients complained of a decrease in hearing suggesting being treated with domperidone was not that the questionnaire was able to discriminate diVerent from that in the group who did not events related or not related to orthostatic present a fall in systolic blood pressure during hypotension. the standing test. Finally, taking account of the consistency of Patients with symptomatic orthostatic hypo- response, repetitive items were regrouped and a tension (defined as both a decrease of at least global assessment including six postural events 20 mm Hg in systolic blood pressure and the (blurred vision, postural instability or dysequi- presence of at least one postural symptom) had librium, fainting or asthenia, need for standing a significantly longer duration of disease and test abortion, dizziness or vertigo and light- received larger daily levodopa and bromocrip- headedness) was established. The frequency of tine doses than patients without orthostatic the need for abortion of the standing test did hypotension or with non-symptomatic orthos- not reach significance but it was included in the tatic hypotension. The severity of the disease clinical assessment because it represents an was higher than in patients without orthostatic index of severity of orthostatic hypotension. hypotension but similar to that of patients with The internal consistency of these six criteria non-symptomatic orthostatic hypotension was shown by the Cronbach á coeYcient of (table 1). The daily doses of levodopa and of 0.856. When investigating the diagnostic value bromocriptine were significantly higher in of these criteria for the diagnosis of orthostatic patients with symptomatic orthostatic hypo- hypotension, we found that when at least one tension than in patients with asymptomatic or postural symptom was present, specificity was without orthostatic hypotension. The high (94.7%) but sensitivity was low (34%). proportion of patients with symptomatic or- Specificity was increased (100%) when at least thostatic hypotension receiving bromocriptine two clinical events were present. Moreover, (27.8%) was similar to that in patients without postural symptoms correlated positively with orthostatic hypotension (34.2%) but signifi- the quantitative importance of the fall in systo- cantly lower than the proportion of patients lic blood pressure (r=0.541). There was no with asymptomatic orthostatic hypotension relation between the clinical score and Parkin- and bromocriptine treatment (71.4%). For the son’s disease characteristics or current treat- other indices studied (age, sex, and other ments (data not shown). antiparkinsonian medications), no significant diVerence was noticed. In patients with symp- Discussion tomatic orthostatic hypotension, the fall in The present data suggest that orthostatic systolic blood pressure during orthostatism (46 hypotension is often present in Parkinson’s dis- (17) mm Hg) was significantly higher than in ease. Symptomatic orthostatic hypotension is patients without postural symptoms (9 (6) mm related to duration of disease, daily levodopa Hg) or with non-symptomatic orthostatic and bromocriptine dose, and the importance of hypotension (30 (9) mm Hg). systolic blood pressure fall during the standing procedure. Moreover, it was possible to identify postural events directly related to the fall in CLINICAL EVENTS RELATED TO ORTHOSTATIC systolic blood pressure and to define a clinical HYPOTENSION score reflecting the severity of orthostatic In the group of patients without manometric hypotension. orthostatic hypotension (n=38), only four Sir James Parkinson in his first description of reported one symptom during the standing shaking palsy reported the association of motor Prevalence of orthostatic hypotension in Parkinson’s disease 587

features with symptoms suggesting the involve- in the general population older than 65 years of ment of the autonomic nervous system.19 More age.20–22 This high prevalence of orthostatic recently several investigators have reported the hypotension cannot be ascribed to age of the existence of autonomic disorders in the course patients as it was similar to that of large epide- of Parkinson’s disease (for reviews see Korc- miological studies. The relation between age zyn1 and Streifler et al2). Lewy bodies have been and prevalence of orthostatic hypotension found in brain regions involved in activity of remains a matter of debate. Two recent works the autonomic nervous system, such as the failed to find any influence of age on changes in locus coeruleus, dorsal vagal nucleus, and systolic blood pressure during orthostatism.325 intermediolateral nucleus but also in the Our results cannot be compared with those of sympathetic ganglia and in the myenteric and Gross et al9 or Kuno et al14 as these authors used submucosal plexus of the digestive tract. a passive head up tilt test to investigate blood Despite the clinical and pathological evidence pressure changes whereas we used active indicating that autonomic dysfunction is part standing. They are more consistent with the of Parkinson’s disease, many controversies 23% prevalence of orthostatic hypotension in a remain concerning the existence of orthostatic group of 23 patients with Parkinson’s disease hypotension as a feature of autonomic dysfunc- reported by Netten et al.24 Other factors are tion in the disease. In 1965, Fichefet et al now recognised as lowering blood pressure, reported a case of idiopathic Parkinson’s such as food ingestion, exercise, and heat disease associated with severe orthostatic stress.26 A role for these diVerent factors in our hypotension.7 More recently, other authors study can be discarded as all blood pressure have reported similar clinical findings.4–10 How- measurements were performed at least two ever, some investigators deny the association of hours after a normal breakfast. Moreover, Parkinson’s disease with orthostatic patients were rated in a room with controlled hypotension.11–15 The reasons for these discrep- temperature and were tested after a period of ancies are multiple and will be discussed sepa- rest of at least 15 minutes in a supine position. rately. The second reason explaining the discrepan- The most important one is that no definite cies on the existence or not of orthostatic consensus exists for the diagnosis criteria for hypotension in Parkinson’s disease is that most orthostatic hypotension. A systolic blood pres- orthostatic hypotension is due to the adverse sure fall >20 mm Hg is the most often used eVects of drugs. Despite the fact that no data criterion as it was shown to be associated with are available on the prevalence of drug induced an increased risk of falls, syncope, or mortality orthostatic hypotension, there have been many in hypertensive people. For other authors, the reports on the role of antihypertensive medica- added presence of postural symptoms is tions and of psychotropic drugs including required. The eVect of the diVerent diagnosis antiparkinsonian medications. However, anti- criteria on the prevalence of orthostatic hypo- hypertensive medications were not associated tension in large groups of people over 65 years with orthostatic hypotension in the study of of age was recently illustrated. In three Räihä et al.22 The use of antihypertensive drugs epidemiological studies, the prevalence of a does not explain the high prevalence of orthos- decrease in systolic blood pressure >20 mm tatic hypotension in our study as a similar Hg was found to be between 7.9% and 28% number of patients with and without orthos- but only between 2%-3% when the fall in tatic hypotension were taking them. We found systolic blood pressure was associated with that patients with Parkinson’s disease with postural symptomatology.20–22 For Parkinson’s symptomatic orthostatic hypotension were tak- disease, as far as we know, only a few studies ing larger daily levodopa doses than patients have reported the prevalence of orthostatic with non-symptomatic orthostatic hypotension hypotension. Singer et al found a prevalence of or without orthostatic hypotension. The effects orthostatic dizziness in 22% of 48 parkinsonian of levodopa (plus dopa-decarboxylase inhibi- patients but they did not measure changes in tors) on cardiovascular adaptation during blood pressure induced by postural change.23 standing in patients with Parkinson’s disease Uono found orthostatic hypotension in 43% of have been repeatedly investigated but remain a a series of 80 patients.8 Recently, Netten et al matter of discussion. Some studies failed to encountered a fall >20 mm Hg of systolic find any eVect of acute levodopa administra- blood pressure in four out of five patients with tion on cardiovascular responses to Parkinson’s disease diagnosed as having auto- standing.12 27–29 On the other hand, Camerlingo nomic failure.24 et al reported that a two year continuous treat- In the present study, we investigated the ment with levodopa was associated with a prevalence of orthostatic hypotension using decrease in blood pressure adaptation during both manometric and clinical criteria. When tilting.30 Although some authors stated that using just a decrease of at least 20 mm Hg in orthostatic hypotension is related to more systolic blood pressure, we found that 58.2% of advanced stages of the disease, they indicated the patients from our study had orthostatic that chronic antiparkinsonian did hypotension. This percentage was significantly not account for changes in blood pressure dur- lower when orthostatic hypotension was de- ing standing.431Thus despite some controversy fined by both a decrease in systolic blood pres- it is possible that high doses of levodopa may sure >20 mm Hg and the presence of at least increase the risk of symptomatic orthostatic one postural symptom (19.8%). Although our hypotension.32 However, the larger daily dose study was uncontrolled, the prevalence seems of levodopa in patients with orthostatic hypo- to be much higher than the prevalence reported tension can also be explained by other factors 588 Senard, Raï, Lapeyre-Mestre, Brefel, Rascol, Rascol, et al

related to the disease. Orthostatic hypotension various investigators have shown that the most was associated with a longer duration of the frequent symptoms of orthostatic hypotension, disease which is itself related to higher severity such as dizziness, can also be related to other of Parkinson’s disease and to higher levodopa medical conditions such as cataracts or tran- dosages. Taken together, these data indicate sient ischaemic attacks.20 21 On the other hand, that there is no clear evidence for a connection Ensrud et al showed that systolic hypertension, between high dosage of levodopa on the which is a known risk factor for orthostatic incidence of orthostatic hypotension. For hypotension, is not associated with an in- bromocriptine, the results are similar to those creased prevalence of dizziness.21 Furthermore, of levodopa. More patients with orthostatic analysis of symptoms related to orthostatic hypotension were receiving bromocriptine and hypotension is complicated when patients have the presence of postural symptoms was associ- chronic neurological diseases responsible for ated with high daily doses. This finding is alteration of walking or of postural balance probably relevant for the high prevalence of such as parkinsonism. In the present study, we orthostatic hypotension as bromocriptine has tried to identify the symptoms occurring repeatedly been reported to impair cardiovas- during standing procedures which were related cular adaptation during standing33 in accord- to a fall in systolic blood pressure. Only six ance with its sympatholytic eVects.34 However, symptoms were found to be related both to the this eVect is usually found after acute or postural procedure and a decrease in systolic subchronic administration and not after blood pressure >20 mm Hg (lightheadedness, chronic exposure to the drug.28 Furthermore, blurred vision, dizziness, vertigo, dysequilib- the percentage of patients receiving bromocrip- rium, and unusual postural instability). Be- tine was similar in the groups with sympto- cause of the limited number of symptomatic matic orthostatic hypotension or without patients, the frequencies for other symptoms orthostatic hypotension. A diVerence in the such as asthenia, faintings, and need for stand- number of patients treated with domperidone ing test abortion did not reach significance. or in the dose of this peripheral dopaminergic This could also be due to the presence in the antagonist used does not explain the results questionnaire of repetitive items included to found as these two indices were similar in the test its internal consistency. When repetitive diVerent groups. Whatever the exact responsi- symptoms were regrouped together, we found bility of antiparkinsonian drugs, the selection that the presence of dysequilibrium or unusual for this study of patients with a stable dose postural instability, dizziness or vertigo, blurred regimen for at least four weeks probably elimi- vision, lightheadedness, and asthenia or faint- nated most of the drug induced orthostatic ing were significantly related to a fall in systolic hypotension which is usually seen during the blood pressure >20 mm Hg. The need for first days after drug introduction or increase in standing test abortion was also retained to dosage. Furthermore, in none of these patients build the clinical scoring system as it can be had antiparkinsonian drug dosage been low- considered as an index for severity of orthos- ered in the past because of orthostatic hypoten- tatic hypotension. Once again, its low fre- sion. quency is clearly related to the reduced Another crucial problem with autonomic number of symptomatic patients we identified failure in Parkinson’s disease is that the occur- in this series. The presence of at least one rence of orthostatic hypotension in the course symptom was highly specific but not very sen- of the disease makes the diagnosis of idiopathic sitive for the presence of orthostatic hypoten- Parkinson’s disease uncertain and evokes other sion whereas the presence of two symptoms degenerative diseases such as multiple system gave higher specificity. The number of clinical atrophy. As repeatedly shown by postmortem symptoms was found to be related to the extent examinations, there is no clear clinical criteria of the fall in systolic blood pressure during the allowing to discard multiple system standing procedure and thus probably give a atrophy from idiopathic Parkinson’s disease, good idea of the severity of orthostatic especially in the early stages of the disease.17 35 hypotension. This particular finding in patients To try to avoid this problem, we only included with Parkinson’s disease diVers from what is patients with extrapyramidal features who did reported in less well defined surveys, in which not present additional neurological features no relation could be established between the and who had a sustained good response to fall in blood pressure and the occurrence of levodopa. We found that orthostatic hypoten- symptoms.20 These results allow us to make sion was more frequent in patients with longer some comments on the correct criteria for duration of disease. Although we did not orthostatic hypotension. When considering exhaustively investigate autonomic function in only a manometric decrease in systolic blood these patients, our results agree with the data of pressure, patients reaching a decrease <30 mm Orskov et al4 and Gert van Dijk et al31 and can Hg never exhibited postural symptoms. As the be interpreted as the progressive extension of variability of the fall in systolic blood pressure Lewy bodies to autonomic structures. during the standing test is high, choosing, as The second part of this study aimed to iden- sole criterion for orthostatic hypotension, a tify symptoms specifically related to the fall in decrease >20 mm Hg in systolic blood systolic blood pressure to define a clinical score pressure is probably wrong as it would select usuable in clinical trials. The clinical symptoms many patients without established orthostatic related to orthostatic hypotension are claimed hypotension.To increase the quality of the to be non-specific and to reflect a decrease in diagnosis, we suggest that a more adequate way cerebral blood flow during standing. However, to define orthostatic hypotension would be a Prevalence of orthostatic hypotension in Parkinson’s disease 589

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