Scania Annual Report 2009 Report Annual Scania Driver Appeal Pr Appeal Driver Pride Quality O Du C Tivit Y
scania annual report 2009 scania annual report ANNUAL report 2009 trucks buses engines services Financial services pride quality driver appeal prOductivity sustainable develOpment Scania AB (publ), SE-151 87 Södertälje, Sweden. Tel: +46 8 55 38 10 00. Fax: +46 8 55 38 10 37 For more information: 2010 Tryckeri, Gavin Anderson/Trosa 1598286/4/Kreab This English version of Scania’s Annual Report is a translation of the Swedish-language original, the binding version that shall prevail in case of discrepancies. Translation: Victor Kayfetz, Scan Edit. The Financial Reports encompass pages 62-130 and were prepared in compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The Report of the Directors encompasses pages 4-50, 57-65 and 129-130. The Report of the Directors and accompanying Financial Reports also fulfil the requirements of the Swedish Annual Accounts Act and have been audited by Scania’s auditors. Scania’s Swedish corporate identity number: Scania AB (publ) 556184-8564. Photographers: Stefan Almers, Carl-Erik Andersson, Stefan Bohlin, Dan Boman, Oupa Nkosi, Unless otherwise stated, all comparisons in this Annual Report refer to the same period of the preceding year. Jonas Nordin, Silvio Serber, Tedd Soost, Göran Wink and Bryan Winstanley. Illustrations: Carl Berge and Semcon Informatic Graphic Solutions. 1 cOntEntS operations Scania’s objective is to deliver optimised heavy trucks Statement of the President and cEO 2 and buses, engines and services, provide the best total Scania in brief 4 operating economy for our customers, and thereby be Strategy 6 the leading company in our industry. The foundation is Scania’s modular product system 8 our core values, our focus on methods and the dedicated people of Scania.
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