2018 Trust Women General Election Voter Guide

Trust Women’s Vision: All women will have access to health are, including abortions, regardless of where they live or their ability to pay.

In July, we mailed a candidate questionnaire to each candidate running for office in the Washington state general elections, regardless of affiliation to any party or organization.

Below you will find the questions asked to each of the candidates, as well as a key to the Voter Guide itself. “Yes” and “no” answers, as well as any additional comments about questions asked, are included in this document.

The voter guide is listed according to position and by district in numerical order per each position. For example; if you are looking for Washington State Representatives in district 42, you would first look in the section of Washington State Representatives and follow the chart down numerically until you find District 42.

We hope you find the information in the 2018 Trust Women Voter Guide helpful in your decisions for the General Election on November 6, 2018.

Trust Women PAC Post Office Box 3222 | Wichita, Kansas 67201 | 316.425.3215 | www.trustwomenpac.org

Trust Women PAC is not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee Below, you will find the answers asked to each of the Washington primary election candidates.

1.) Do you support a woman’s right to safe, legal abortion care? 2.) Would you oppose legislation that attempts to restrict a woman’s constitutional right to make her own medical decisions, including her decision to have an abortion? 3.) Would you support legislation that protects women, doctors and other reproductive health providers from harassment, threats, violence, and intimidation? 4.) Do you support women’s access to all FDA-approved birth control, regardless of age, religion, geography, or income? (FDA-approved forms of birth control include, but are not limited to: intrauterine devices (IUDs), Nexplanon, birth control shot (Depo-Provera), birth control pills, hormonal patches, vaginal rings (NuvaRing)

Voter Guide Key Y: Yes N: No U: Undecided ?: Candidate had a question they addressed with a comment *: Denotes a candidate as an Incumbent VRP: Voting record pro-choice VRA: Voting record anti-choice VRM: Voting record mixed

Trust Women PAC Post Office Box 3222 | Wichita, Kansas 67201 | 316.425.3215 | www.trustwomenpac.org

Trust Women PAC is not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee Voting Candidate Office District Party Record Responses 1 2 3 4 Additional Comments: Jeffrey Beeler US Rep Cong. Dist. 1 Rep Suzan DelBene* US Rep Cong. Dist. 1 Dem VRP * US Rep Cong. Dist. 10 Dem VRP Joseph Brumbles US Rep Cong. Dist. 10 Rep Rick Larsen* US Rep Cong. Dist. 2 Dem VRP Jaime Herrera Beutler* US Rep Cong. Dist. 3 Rep VRA Carolyn Long US Rep Cong. Dist. 3 Dem Christine Brown US Rep Cong. Dist. 4 Dem Dan Newhouse* US Rep Cong. Dist. 4 Rep VRA Lisa Brown US Rep Cong. Dist. 5 Dem Cathy McMorris Rodgers* US Rep Cong. Dist. 5 Rep VRA * US Rep Cong. Dist. 6 Dem VRP

Douglas Dightman US Rep Cong. Dist. 6 Rep Pramila Jayapal* US Rep Cong. Dist. 7 Dem VRP Y Y Y Y Craig Keller US Rep Cong. Dist. 7 Rep Kim Schrier US Rep Cong. Dist. 8 Dem Adam Smith* US Rep Cong. Dist. 9 Dem Sarah Smith US Rep Cong. Dist. 9 Dem

State Rep Derek Stanford* Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 1 Dem VRA

State Rep Josh Colver Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 1 Rep

State Rep * Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 1 Dem VRP

Thoughts: 1. It's not my place to tell someone else what to do with her life, body, family, etc. 2. More human life is lost each year through abortion than by all other causes of death combined. In my opinion, this is an epidemic. 3. I believe that the abortion clinic is not the place to address this epidemic. I believe more resources and focus needs to be placed on preventing unwanted pregnancies. a. better education b. better access to State Rep contraception c. better support to women in Matt Seymour Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 1 Libertarian Y N Y Y crisis

State Rep Debra Blodgett Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 1 Rep

State Rep Colin McMahon Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 1 No Party

State Rep * Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 10 Rep VRA

State Rep Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 10 Dem

State Rep * Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 10 Rep VRA

State Rep Scott McMullen Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 10 Dem Y Y Y Y

State Rep * Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 11 Dem VRP State Rep * Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 11 Dem VRM

State Rep Mike Steele* Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 12 Rep

State Rep Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 12 Rep

State Rep Ann Diamond Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 12 No Party

State Rep JD Greening Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 12 Rep

C. Keiki Stacy State Rep Weigle Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 12 Dem

State Rep Valerie Sarratt Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 12 Dem

State Rep Alan Fahnestock Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 12 No Party

State Rep * Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 13 Rep VRA

State Rep * Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 13 Rep VRA State Judy Warnick* Senator Leg. Dist. 13 Rep VRA

State Rep Sylvia Hammond Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 13 Dem

Jesse Hegstrom State Rep Oakey Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 13 Dem

State Rep Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 14 Rep

Additional comments: I am running for office to address racial, social and economic inequalities at an institutional level. As a member of the leadership team of the Columbia Gorge Women's Action Network, I will continue to encourage and train women to run for office and participate in voter education and outreach efforts. I believe in a universal health care system and economic equality, both of which will guarentee rqual access to reproductive services. I support protection of women's healthcare decisions from government, corporate, and religious interference. I plan to support legislation to ensure fair employment practices, child care services, and universal health care, and will State Rep promote evidence-based solutions to Sasha Bentley Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 14 Dem Y Y Y Y homelessness, domestic violence and abuse.

State Rep Kathy Coffey Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 14 Rep State Rep Liz Hallock Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 14 Dem Y Y Y Y

State Rep Garth McKinney Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 14 Rep

State Rep Noah Ramirez Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 14 Dem

State Rep Chris Corry Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 14 Rep

State Rep Earl Steven Lee Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 14 Dem

State Rep Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 15 Rep State * Senator Leg. Dist. 15 Rep VRA

State Rep David V. Taylor* Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 15 Rep VRA

State Rep * Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 15 Rep VRA

State Rep A.J. Cooper Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 15 Dem State Bengie Aguilar Senator Leg. Dist. 15 Dem

State Rep Jack McEntire Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 15 Dem Y Y Y Y

State Rep Mario Martinez Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 15 No Party

State Rep Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 16 Rep

William 'Bill' State Rep Jenkin* Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 16 Rep VRA

State Rep Rebecca Francik Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 16 Dem

State Rep Dan Mildon Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 16 Rep

State Rep Everett Maroon Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 16 Dem

State Rep Tanisha Harris Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 17 Dem Y Y Y Y

State Rep * Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 17 Rep VRM

State Rep * Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 17 Rep VRA

State Rep Damion E Jiles, Sr. Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 17 Dem Y Y Y Y State Rep James Tolson Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 17 Dem

State Rep Kathy Gillespie Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 18 Dem Y Y Y Y

State Rep * Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 18 Rep VRA

State Rep Larry A. Hoff Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 18 Rep

State Rep Chris Thobaben Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 18 Dem

State Rep Brian E. Blake* Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 19 Dem VRP

State Rep Erin Frasier Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 19 Dem

State Rep Jim Walsh* Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 19 Rep VRA

State Rep Joel McEntire Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 19 Rep

State Rep David Parsons Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 19 Rep

State Rep * Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 2 Rep VRA

State Rep Anneliese Feld Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 2 Dem

State Rep JT Wilcox* Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 2 Rep VRA

State Rep * Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 20 Rep VRA

State Rep Richard DeBolt* Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 20 Rep VRA

State Rep Brennan Bailey Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 20 Dem

State Rep John Thompson Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 20 Dem Y Y Y Y

State Rep Mark Smith Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 20 Indep

State Rep * Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 21 Dem VRP Y Y Y Y State Petra Bigea Senator Leg. Dist. 21 Rep State * Senator Leg. Dist. 21 Dem VRP VRP

State Rep Lillian Ortiz-Self* Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 21 Dem Mario Lionel State Lotmore* Senator Leg. Dist. 21 Rep State Rep Petra Bigea Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 21 Rep

State Rep Amy Schaper Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 21 Rep State Scott West Senator Leg. Dist. 21 Indep State Riaz Khan Senator Leg. Dist. 21 Dem

State Rep * Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 22 Dem VRP

State Rep Beth Doglio* Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 22 Dem VRP

State Rep Allen Acosta Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 22 Libertarian

State Rep C Davis Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 22 Indep

State Rep * Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 23 Dem VRP

State Rep Dave Comeau Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 23 Dem

State Rep Sherry V. Appleton* Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 23 Dem VRP

State Rep Becky Erickson Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 23 No Party

State Rep Mike Chapman* Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 24 Dem VRP

State Rep * Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 24 Dem VRP

State Rep Jodi Wilke Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 24 Rep

State Rep Jim McEntire Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 24 Rep

State Rep Julie L. Door Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 25 Dem

State Rep Brian Duthie Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 25 Dem

State Rep Jamie Smith Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 25 Dem

State Rep Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 25 Rep

State Rep Ned Witting Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 25 Indep

State Rep Kelly Chambers Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 25 Rep State Rep Emmett Smith Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 25 Rep State Senator Leg. Dist. 26 Dem

State Rep Naomi Evans Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 26 Rep State * Senator Leg. Dist. 26 Rep VRA

State Rep * Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 26 Rep VRM

State Rep Connie FitzPatrick Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 26 Dem

State Rep Joy Stanford Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 26 Dem

State Rep Jesse L. Young* Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 26 Rep VRA State Indep People Bill Scheidler Senator Leg. Dist. 26 over Party

State Rep Marco Padilla Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 26

State Rep Randy Boss Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 26 Rep State Marty McClendon Senator Leg. Dist. 26 Rep

State Rep * Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 27 Dem VRP Y Y Y Y

State Rep Jake Fey* Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 27 Dem VRP

State Rep Kyle Paskewitz Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 27 Rep

State Rep Donald Golden Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 27 Indep

State Rep Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 28 Dem

State Rep * Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 28 Dem VRP

Richard (Dick) State Rep Muri* Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 28 Rep VRA

State Rep Maia Espinoza Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 28 Rep

State Rep * Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 29 Dem VRP

State Rep Terry Harder Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 29 Rep

State Rep Steve Kirby* Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 29 Dem VRP State Steve Conway* Senator Leg. Dist. 29 Dem VRP

State Rep Melanie Morgan Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 29 Dem Y Y Y Y State Pierre Malebranche Senator Leg. Dist. 29 Indep

State Rep Janis Clark Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 29 Rep

State Rep * Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 3 Dem VRP

State Rep * Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 3 Dem VRP

State Rep Dave Lucas Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 3 Rep

State Rep Tom Taylor Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 3 Rep

State Rep Kristine M. Reeves* Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 30 Dem VRP State Claire Wilson Senator Leg. Dist. 30 Dem State Mark Miloscia* Senator Leg. Dist. 30 Rep VRA

State Rep Mark Greene Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 30 Rep

State Rep Mike Pellicciotti* Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 30 Dem VRP State Tirzah Idahosa Senator Leg. Dist. 30 Dem

State Rep LIndepa Kochmar Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 30 Rep

State Rep * Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 31 Rep VRA VRA

State Rep * Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 31 Rep VRA State * Senator Leg. Dist. 31 Rep

State Rep Victoria Mena Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 31 Dem Y Y Y Y State Jeff Benson Senator Leg. Dist. 31 No Party

State Rep Mark Boswell Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 31 Dem

State Rep Steve Skutt Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 31 No Party Immaculate State Ferreria Senator Leg. Dist. 31 Dem Y Y Y Y Thank you! State Senator Leg. Dist. 32 Dem

State Rep CIndepy Ryu* Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 32 Dem VRP State Rep Frank Deisler Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 32 Rep State * Senator Leg. Dist. 32 Dem VRP Y Y Y Y

Diodato (Dio) State Rep Boucsieguez Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 32 Rep State James Wood Senator Leg. Dist. 32 Rep

Additional comments: I believe that a woman's decision to get an abortion is one of the toughest decisions she could make. Therefore I believe that decision should be made free of harassment. I also believe that a woman should have access to all forms of birth control so State Rep she doesn't have to fIndep herself in Keith Smith Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 32 Centrist Y Y Y Y this difficult position.

State Rep Lauren Davis Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 32 Dem

State Rep Chris Roberts Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 32 Dem Y Y Y Y

State Rep Tina L. Orwall* Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 33 Dem VRP

Mia Su-Ling State Rep Gregerson* Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 33 Dem VRP State * Senator Leg. Dist. 33 Dem VRP Y Y Y Y Thank you! State Charles Schaefer Senator Leg. Dist. 33 Libertarian

State Rep Anthony L. Lamb Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 33 Rep State Kun Wang Senator Leg. Dist. 33 Indep. Rep State Lois Schipper Senator Leg. Dist. 34 Dem

State Rep * Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 34 Dem VRP

State Rep Eileen L. Cody* Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 34 Dem VRP State Sofia Aragon Senator Leg. Dist. 34 Dem State Senator Leg. Dist. 34 Dem State Lisa Ryan Devereau Senator Leg. Dist. 34 Dem State Shannon Braddock Senator Leg. Dist. 34 Dem Lemuel W. State Charleston Senator Leg. Dist. 34 Dem State Annabel Quintero Senator Leg. Dist. 34 Dem State Debi Wagner Senator Leg. Dist. 34 Indep State Hillary Shaw Senator Leg. Dist. 34 No Party State Courtney Lyle Senator Leg. Dist. 34 Rep State Darla Green Senator Leg. Dist. 34 Rep

State Rep * Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 35 Rep VRA State * Senator Leg. Dist. 35 Dem VRA

State Rep Drew C. MacEwen* Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 35 Rep VRA State Irene Bowling Senator Leg. Dist. 35 Dem State Marco Brown Senator Leg. Dist. 35 Rep State John Martin Senator Leg. Dist. 35 Rep State George Sevier Senator Leg. Dist. 35 Rep Additional comments: I would also State Rep support similar free access to HPV James Thomas Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 35 Dem Y Y Y Y vaccine.

State Rep David Daggett Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 35 Dem

State Rep Nik Grobins Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 35 Dem State Bryan Simonson Senator Leg. Dist. 36 Libertarian

State Rep Gael Tarleton* Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 36 Dem VRP

Noel Christina State Rep Frame* Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 36 Dem VRP

State Rep Matt Dubin Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 36 Libertarian State Reuven M. Carlyle* Senator Leg. Dist. 36 Dem VRP

Sydney Gillman State Rep Wissel Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 36 Libertarian Y Y Y Y

State Rep * Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 37 Dem VRP

Sharon Tomiko State Rep Santos* Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 37 Dem VRP

State Rep John Dickinson Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 37 No Party State Rebecca Saldaña* Senator Leg. Dist. 37 Dem VRP State Beth Broadway Senator Leg. Dist. 37 Rep

State Rep Tamra Smilanich Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 37 Indep

State Rep * Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 38 Dem VRP State Rep * Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 38 Dem VRP State John McCoy* Senator Leg. Dist. 38 Dem VRP

State Rep Bert Johnson Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 38 Indep State Bruce Overstreet Senator Leg. Dist. 38 Dem State Savio Pham Senator Leg. Dist. 38 Indep. Rep

State Rep Randy J Hayden Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 39 Rep

State Rep Eric Halvorson Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 39 Dem

State Rep Ivan Lewis Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 39 Dem

State Rep * Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 39 Rep VRA State Elizabeth Scott Senator Leg. Dist. 39 Rep State Keith L. Wagoner* Senator Leg. Dist. 39 Rep VRA State Claus Joens Senator Leg. Dist. 39 Dem Y Y Y Y 2.) Up to 20 weeks State Jamal Rabieh Senator Leg. Dist. 39 Indep

Robert J. State Rep Sutherland Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 39 Rep

State Rep Mary May Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 4 Dem

State Rep Ted Cummings Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 4 Dem Y Y Y Y

State Rep * Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 4 Rep VRA

State Rep Bob McCaslin* Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 4 Rep VRA

State Rep Rud Browne Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 40 Dem

State Rep * Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 40 Dem VRP

State Rep Michael Petrish Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 40 Rep

State Rep Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 40 Dem

State Rep Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 40 Dem

State Rep Tom Pasma Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 40 Dem Y Y Y Y State Rep Daniel Miller Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 40 Rep

State Rep * Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 41 Dem VRP

State Rep My-Linh Thai Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 41 Dem

State Rep Michael Appleby Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 41 Rep

State Rep Wendy Weiker Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 41 Dem

State Rep Tim Cruickshank Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 41 Rep

State Rep Nathaniel Deily Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 41 Libertarian

State Rep Tim Cruickshank Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 41 Rep

State Rep Additional comments: Thank you for Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 42 Dem Y N Y Y advocating for women!

Luanne Van State Rep Werven* Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 42 Rep VRA State Tim Ballew II Senator Leg. Dist. 42 Dem Y N Y Y State Pinky Vargas Senator Leg. Dist. 42 Dem State * Senator Leg. Dist. 42 Rep VRA

State Rep Justin Boneau Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 42 Dem

State Rep * Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 42 Rep VRA

State Rep Dean Berkeley Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 42 Rep Y Y Y Y State * Senator Leg. Dist. 43 Dem VRP

State Rep * Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 43 Dem VRP

State Rep Dan Harder Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 43 Rep

State Rep * Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 43 Dem VRP

State Rep John Peeples Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 43 Rep State Dan Harder Senator Leg. Dist. 43 Rep

State Rep Boris Joffe Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 43 Indep State Rep Claire Torstenbo Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 43 Rep

State Rep * Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 44 Rep VRA

State Rep * Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 44 Dem VRA

State Rep Jeff Sax Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 44 Rep State Steve Hobbs* Senator Leg. Dist. 44 Dem VRP Y Y Y Y State Doug Roulstone Senator Leg. Dist. 44 Rep

State Rep Jared M. Mead Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 44 Dem Y Y Y Y State Jeremy Fitch Senator Leg. Dist. 44 Libertarian

State Rep * Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 45 Dem VRP Y Y Y Y State * Senator Leg. Dist. 45 Dem VRP State Dale Fonk Senator Leg. Dist. 45 Rep

State Rep * Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 45 Dem VRP

State Rep Michael Curtis Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 45 Rep

State Rep Amber Krabach Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 45 Rep

State Rep * Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 46 Dem VRP State * Senator Leg. Dist. 46 Dem VRP

State Rep * Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 46 Dem VRP State Beth Daranciang Senator Leg. Dist. 46 Rep

State Rep Jeff Patton Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 46 Rep

State Rep Jerry Zeiger-Buccola Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 46 Rep State * Senator Leg. Dist. 47 Rep VRP

LIndepsey State Rep Shumway Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 47 Rep

State Rep Pat Sullivan* Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 47 Dem VRP State Mona Das Senator Leg. Dist. 47 Dem

State Rep * Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 47 Rep VRA State Rep Ted Cooke Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 47 Rep

State Rep Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 47 Dem

I am pleased to respond to your candidate questionnare. Women have their own self right to control their life, their outcomes and exist within their decisions. Whether that involves career, educations, cosmetic alterations and yes, reproductive decision. In this 21st century there are many choices available - birth control, condoms and including cessation of prenancy. ALL are to be fully protected and made available. Public and legislative (all state and federal bodies are male dominated) to cease abortion are fallacious. They are fallacious in that trying to legislatively control - or in the court of public opinion - that option can be controlled is silly. Many OBGYN will simply not comply. Worse "backyard" perhaps Mother dangerous techniques will always remain available. Birth controls, women's reproduction are not easy decisions. I will step aside from the ideological, political, religious arguments here. Will only state a women's right of State Rep equality and choice in her decision authority - James Dillon Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 47 Indep Y Y Y Y without inane restrictions. State Bill Hirt Senator Leg. Dist. 48 Indep

State Rep * Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 48 Dem VRP

I have been a consistent supporter of a woman's right to choose and to have the full rane of reproductive choices available to her. The idea that government should involve itself in what happens to a person's body is the antithesis of freedom, and is a relic of times passed when women were treated as property. Abortion is a part of comprehensive health care, and health care is a fundamental human right for all people, and must be protected as such. I have contributed by endorsing and financially supporting candidates and agencies that protect the State Rep rights of women and girls to access and afford Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 48 Dem Y Y Y Y legal abortion. State * Senator Leg. Dist. 48 Dem VRP Y Y Y Y State Senator Leg. Dist. 48 Dem Y Y Y Y State Ken Seal Senator Leg. Dist. 48 Rep

State Rep CIndepi Bright Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 48 Dem State Richard Bennett Senator Leg. Dist. 48 Rep

State Rep * Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 49 Dem VRP Monica Jurado State Rep Stonier* Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 49 Dem VRP

State Rep Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 5 Rep

State Rep Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 5 Dem

State Rep Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 5 Dem Y Y Y Y

State Rep Ryan Dean Burkett Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 5 No Party

State Rep Paul Graves* Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 5 Rep VRP State Jessa Lewis Senator Leg. Dist. 6 Dem

State Rep Rion Ametu Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 6 Dem State * Senator Leg. Dist. 6 Rep VRA

State Rep * Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 6 Rep VRA

State Rep Kay Murano Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 6 Dem

State Rep Dave Wilson Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 6 Dem

State Rep Jenny Graham Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 6 Rep

State Rep John W. Aiken Jr Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 6 Rep State Karen Hardy Senator Leg. Dist. 7 Dem State * Senator Leg. Dist. 7 Rep VRA

Jacquelin State Rep Maycumber* Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 7 Rep VRA

State Rep Christine A. Ives Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 7 No Party Y Y Y Y

Randall (Randy) State Rep Michaelis Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 7 Dem

State Rep Mike Bell Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 7 Dem Y Y Y Y

State Rep * Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 7 Rep VRA

State Rep Crystal Oliver Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 7 Dem

State Rep Phillip R Lemley Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 8 Rep Sharon Raye State Brown* Senator Leg. Dist. 8 Rep VRA

State Rep Gregg McConnell Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 8 Rep State Ryan Cooper Senator Leg. Dist. 8 Libertarian

State Rep Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 8 Rep

State Rep * Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 8 Rep VRA State Leo Perales Senator Leg. Dist. 8 Dem

State Rep Shir Regev Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 8 Dem

State Rep Christopher Tracy Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 8 Dem

State Rep * Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 9 Rep VRA

State Rep * Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 9 Rep VRA

State Rep Jenn Goulet Pos. 1 Leg. Dist. 9 Dem Y Y Y Y

Matthew State Rep Sutherland Pos. 2 Leg. Dist. 9 Dem

3.) I support prosecution of anti-abortion vigilantes under civil rights laws and normal criminal laws when these apply. I would support congressional hearings to publicly investigate assaults against clinics, patients, and staff. I don't support secret FBI investigations because the FBI cannot be trusted to act in the interest of women. Nor do I support measures to prohibit protest within a designated distance of clinics, because laws restricting free speech and the right to protest will always be used against feminists, unionists, demonstrators against the far right, etc. A strong mass movement is the best defense against right-wing anti- abortion crusaders. 4.)I believe that a woman's decisions about her reproductive life are her own to make. This is not only my personal belief but also the position of my party, the Freedom Socialist Party, and is not subject to change or bargaining away! This basic human right is crucial for all women, but especially poor women, immigrants, and women of color. I am not just an advocate but also an activist for reproductive freedom, most recently as part of a counter-protest against a defund PP rally called by Joey U.S. Freedom Gibson and Patriot Prayer on June 9 in Kent, Steve Hoffman Senator Socialist Y Y Y Y Wash. U.S. Sam Wright Senator United States Human Rights U.S. Mike Luke Senator United States Libertarian Additional comments: We must protect reproductive health services for the welfare and health of America. Opponents of women's health rights can pose a tough battle, but it needs to be clear that these services do so much for the health and of our country. I will make it clear to Republicans who bring up a bill to revoke reproductive health rights that the commitment to sexual health education, advocacy, and clinical services are a vital piece of our country and U.S. should not be overshadowed by the far Clint R. Tannehill Senator United States Dem Y Y Y Y right's will to impede on women's health. Roque "Rocky" De U.S. La Fuente Senator United States Rep U.S. Charlie R Jackson Senator United States Indep U.S. Jon Butler Senator United States Indep U.S. Mohammad Said Senator United States Dem U.S. Don L. Rivers Senator United States Dem Y Y Y Y U.S. Keith Swank Senator United States Rep U.S. Dave Bryant Senator United States Rep U.S. Ron Higgins Senator United States Rep U.S. RC Smith Senator United States Rep

U.S. Additional comments: I believe this is Matthew D. Heines Senator United States Rep Y Y Y Y a state, not a federal issue. U.S. Joey Gibson Senator United States Rep U.S. Dave Strider Senator United States Indep U.S. Glen R Stockwell Senator United States Rep U.S. Standup Alex Tsimerman Senator United States America James Robert U.S. "Jimmie" Deal Senator United States Green U.S. Maria Cantwell* Senator United States Dem VRP Jennifer Gigi U.S. Ferguson Senator United States Indep U.S. Brad Chase Senator United States FDFR U.S. Art Coday Senator United States Rep U.S. Matt Hawkins Senator United States Rep U.S. Thor Amundson Senator United States Indep U.S. Tim Owen Senator United States Rep U.S. John Orlinski Senator United States Rep U.S. George H. Kalberer Senator United States Dem U.S. Susan Hutchison Senator United States Rep