iconEverything you need to know to help you beat Autumn 2008


Lisa Brooks formula to beat breast cancer Multiple Myeloma Nutrition in cancer care The Shadow Health Minister on cancer Boost your Immune System Emotional Freedom Therapy Resveratrol

The Unique magazine from cancer CANCERactive is a charity that aims to provide all people, regardless of age, colour, sex, race, creed or financial status, absolutely all the information available on cancer, its causes and possible treatments, so that they can make more informed personal choices and thus increase their odds of beating the disease.

The UK’s Number 1, and most trusted, source of evidence-based information on holistic and integrated cancer therapies, and on cancer prevention.

Easy-access, easy to read, easy to understand, jargon free, well-researched information. “People-speak”, not “Doctor-speak”.

Independent - an objective and balanced voice.


Geoffrey & Rachael Boycott, Former England Cricketer, now Madeleine Kingsley, Accomplished journalist, who currently commentator and his wife who helped him through his battle works for many national publishers, including, of course, icon. with cancer. Julie Kirkbride, Member of Parliament for and Will Champion, Drummer of the highly successful rock band, Vice-Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Cancer. Coldplay. Their album ‘Parachutes’ is dedicated to Will's mother Professor Carlo Leifert, Professor for Ecological Agriculture, Sara, who lost her battle with cancer just before its debut. University of Newcastle. Specialist in Child cancer Vivien Clere Green, A Natural Health Consultant for the last Dr John Millward commenced practicing as a GP in 1962 and 7 years she has run a practice in Henley-on-Thames and before continued for 30 years before opening his own clinic for that for 16 years in . complementary and allergies in 1995. Former mayor of Dr Rosy Daniel, founder of Health Creation and formerly Bournemouth. Medical Director of the Bristol Cancer Help Centre. Patricia Peat is a registered nurse. Following years of Dr Philippa D Darbre, Senior Lecturer in ,The experience in oncology, combined with research into natural University of Reading. Primary field is toxic causes of cancer. approaches to cancer, she now runs Cancer Options. Dr Michael Dixon OBE, NHSAlliance and ProfessorTrevor Powles, OBE, Former head Vice Chair of Prince of Wales Foundation for Integrated health. of Breast Cancer at Royal Marsden; now at Parkside Oncology Centre,Wimbledon with breast cancer Judy Evans, natural progesterone expert having spent the last still as clinical interest. seven years researching its benefits. Professor Karol Sikora, Professor of Cancer Medicine and Mr Nicky Henson, British actor who has conquered stomach honorary Consultant Oncologist at Imperial College School of and colon cancer. Medicine, Hospital, London where he was Clinical ProfessorTony Howell, CBE, Professor of Medical Oncology at Director of Cancer Services for 12 years. University of Manchester and based in the CRC Department of Koo Stark,American photographer, writer and actress living in Medical Oncology at the Christie Hospital. Britain's only London who has a strong personal interest in cancer after having Professor of cancer prevention. a double mastectomy. , Dr AndrewTresidder,West Country GP with the philosophy Radio and TV personality. Lost her daughter Caron Keating to to provide the best orthodox medicine to his patients and to use cancer in 2004. complementary approaches where appropriate. Mr David Jensen, Jan deVries, is a man who has been synonymous with expert TV and radio personality. complementary healthcare for over 40 years, both in the UK and Dr Diane Keith, abroad. He has 7 clinics, 5 health and diet centres plus 3 affiliated GP with interest in complementary therapies. clinics in the UK offering osteopathy to , herbal Dr Julian Kenyon,The Dove Clinic for Integrated Medicine and medicine to homeopathy and massage. Founder and President of the British Society of Integrated DianeYeo, former CEO and driving force in the teenage cancer Medicine. charity Sargent Cancer Care.

INTELLIGENT INFORMATION. INDEPENDENT VOICE. cancer icon magazine is produced by the charity CANCERactive. icon This magazine is dedicated to Catherine Woollams A magazine from CANCERactive Registered Charity No. 1102413 England icon EDITOR: Chris Woollams & Lindsey Fealey contents CONTRIBUTORS: 6 Chris Woollams, Patricia Peat, Madeleine Kingsley, LIVING PROOF Mark Simmonds, David Broom, Lisa Brook’s formula to beat Liz Butler, Charlotte Gerson with breast cancer Beata Bishop. 12 ART DIRECTOR: Jeremy Baker Nutrition in cancer care PUBLISHING TEAM: The Penny Brohn way Chris Woollams & Lindsey Fealey

All profits go to CANCERactive 16 Cancer Briefing: For information on how to Multiple Myeloma receive icon regularly, please 20 contact us as follows: CANCERWATCH Write to us at All the very latest world icon, The Elms, Radclive Road cancer news Gawcott, Buckingham MK18 4JB 30 Email us on CENTREFOLD PIN-UP [email protected] Our defences against cancer Telephone us on 32 01280 821 211

Visit our websites: 38 How Safe is your House? www.iconmag.co.uk A disturbing report on dangers www.canceractive.com at home David Broomexplains EFT We would like to thank all Emotional Freedom Technique doctors, nurses, health workers and practitioners who made this issue of icon possible 46

Every article and photograph printed in this magazine is the copyright of Mark Simmonds MP CANCERactive and may not be reproduced Shadow Minister for Health without prior permission. 48

IMPORTANT NOTICE The Lymphatic System While every attempt has been made to An often ignored vital function of ensure accuracy, neither the magazine, its the body staff, norpublishersaccept any responsibility for errors, omissions or consequences. NOTICEBOARD 50 Cancer is a very serious and very individual 52 News and views disease and readers must consult with experts in the appropriate medical field New Gerson Book Review before taking any action or refraining from any action. CANCERactive news The content of this magazine is in no way What’s happened, what’s 54 intended to be a substitute forany happening and what’s treatment recommended by a qualified medical practitionerorcancerspecialist. going to happen

Printed by: PATRICIA PEAT 58 Stones, Unit 10, Acre Estate, WIld- Our integrative nurse mere Road, Banbury, Oxfordshire 56 OX16 3ES answers your questions IT’S ONLY NATURAL Resveratrol FOR A REALISTIC SECOND OPINION

www.cancer .com EDITORIAL icon 5 The whole Truthicon - with no vested interests

his edition of icon from our charity Brohn Cancer Care, in their splendid new CANCERactive, brings the very latest building - still in Bristol. information on orthodox, complementary and alternative treatments, plus possible Never shirking from controversial issues if they can T benefit our readers lives, we have words from the cancer causes, from all over the world. Information you can use to help you beat your cancer. Conservatives on what they think should be done to improve cancer care in the UK. Shadow Minister We have our usual feature, Living Proof, where for Health, Mark Simmonds MP, has his say. And this time an integrated mix of all therapies was our main feature is yet more controversial. used to tackle a breast cancer. Then we have Frankly, it is a subject ignored by most Health Cancer Watch and all the latest research evidence - on all bodies, major charities and even the Government. Sometimes, from kidney to lung - from around the world. sadly, even due to vested interests. We look at toxins in the Even your oncologist might not know it all. We even have a home in our in-depth feature ‘As Safe as Houses’. You will short briefing article on Multiple Myeloma. Next, we have see, for example, that the latest research shows that the been asked by readers to cover the Energy therapy, EFT, dangers from Formaldehyde and Dichlorobenzene make our which attempts to tackle the issue that your mind is an homes more toxic than even standing in the middle of Oxford important factor in your health. So we have a brief Street and breathing all the pollution there. We bring you the description of what that’s all about for you - and one on ELT, latest research on cosmetics and toiletries too in a which explains how lymphatic movement is also an important colourful feature, Chemistry Test; frankly it’s research many factor in your health. other cancer organisations seem to ignore.

Our It’s only Natural features Resveratrol, the natural CANCERactive is a charity with no ‘Vested Interests’. We compound that seems to help in every area from cancer, to simply bring you the Truth, so you can make more informed anti-ageing to dementia. No wonder Pharmaceutical choices and increase your personal odds of beating the companies are racing to make a drug from it. On the food disease. I hope you find this magazine and the diversity of theme, we cover the Bristol diet - not that they are called articles really useful. the Bristol Cancer Help Centre anymore - they are Penny Chris Woollams

Reader Offer: Acupressure relief for chemotherapy nausea – free Sea-Bands to the first 100 readers.

Nausea and vomiting are common and often debilitating side effects of chemotherapy, but relief is at hand from the new Sea-Band Chemotherapy Relief Band. Sea-Band has joined forces with Penny Brohn Cancer Care and will donate 20p to them for every pack sold. Kenny’s son Paul. icon magazine is brought to you by the charity Sea-Bands works by applying constant pressure to the P6 Mile Walk are pleased to CANCERactive. We aim to icon acupressure site on each wrist, and clinical research has sponsor magazine as bring you all the latest our aims are to empower research information on shown them to be effective at reducing chemotherapy- cancer patients by providing complementary and induced nausea and vomiting systems by nearly half (1). accurate information on alternative therapies (not just effective complementary and orthodox ones) and on The first 100 readers who apply will receive a free alternative cancer therapies. possible causes, so that you Sea-Band to try: Please send a post card with your details can make more informed to: icon/Sea-band Offer, Sea-Band Ltd, PO Box 25, choices and thus increase Hinkley, Leicester, LE10 1DH. your personal odds of beating the disease. (1) Molassiotis A, Helin AM, Dabbour R, Hummeston S, The effects ofP6 acupressure in the prophylaxis ofchemotherapy- related nausea vomiting in breast cancer patients. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 2007, 15;3-12. cancer icon 6 LIVING PROOF Lisa’s Cancer-beating Formula

Surgery Chemotherapy and hormone treatment with drugs including Tamoxifen, Zolodex, Femara, Aromasin, Docataxel with AMG706, Xeloda. Radiotherapy Radio Frequency Ablation Radio-active Bead Treatment Slippery Elm Powder Iscador drops Vitamin C Vitamin E Fish oils Anti-oxidant compounds Liquidmushroom extract for immune system Naturopath’s herbal tonics Aqua aerobics Pilates Meditation and Guided Imagery Yoga, Reiki Reflexology LIVING PROOF icon 7

Lisa Brook was first first cycle and knew what pro-active in the process. diagnosed with breast was involved, I felt more Cancer conjures up such cancer in 1996, aged just robust. I lost all my hair and terrible fears, but this is my 33. After five clear years a felt terribly tired, but 12th year after being routine annual check anti-nausea tablets kept any diagnosed and I try to treat it showed a secondary sickness at bay. My mum was as a chronic illness – a tumour in her liver - the a great researcher into condition you can generally day after returning from complementary and live with, not a terminal her honeymoon. Yet eight homeopathic remedies, so I disease. My mother sadly brave and challenging took slippery elm powder to developed breast cancer years on, Lisa continues protect my gut from the after me, but hers was a very to feel well and, though medications which strip different, aggressive form. still in a cocktail bar of everything away, Iscador (HER2 Positive). A year after treatments, works full drops to boost the immune diagnosis it had spread to time as an online training system, along with many her spine, the next into her consultant for a major other supplements from a liver. bank. ‘As a couple’ she naturopath. says‘ my husband Jeremy ‘It was quite by chance that and I have always fought ‘Treatment in Melbourne was I met my English husband fairly aggressively good and fairly accessible, Jeremy in 2000. I had been together to find medical but wherever you are, I think working on a six week answers, what other tests you have to work quite hard project in London and, after we could have and the at finding good people changing a flight home to right people to work whom you like and respect Australia to an earlier day, I with. Jeremy has always and always asking the found myself sitting next to come with me to every necessary questions like Jeremy. It was his first day in appointment.’ Lisa, ‘What else is available?’ At a new job. I was travelling Jeremy and their three one point for instance, I was home to Australia and he dogs live by the beach, an told by one specialist ‘We was on a buying trip to Hong hour from Melbourne never operate on liver Kong. We swapped contact Australia. secondaries…’ You then need details and kept in touch for to ask ‘Why?’ and be quite a year despite being at ‘On reflection, it was difficult mentally, yet physically manageable for me to get through breast cancer at 33. I had no symptoms at all, but one day in the shower, I found a breast lump that was already 4cm and oestrogen receptive. I had a lumpectomy, four cycles of chemo, six weeks of radiotherapy and another four cycles of chemotherapy. Of course, it was pretty gruelling and very scary, but I’ve always had a great family and circle of friends. I think it’s the shock and the feeling of being backed into a corner with nowhere to go, that seems so terrifying. But I’m a pretty practical person so, concluding that I couldn’t change what I’d got, I just got on with it. The issue of children hit me pretty hard. I wasn’t with anybody at the time, but I had some eggs frozen at that point, just in case. They are still waiting. I coped pretty well, with only six weeks off work altogether. The fear of chemo, and not knowing what to expect, was worse for me than the actuality. Once I’d broken through the icon 8 LIVING PROOF

different ends of the globe. well have them done rather having ended up doing some and terrifying. Every day we We then thought we had than waiting until I got back work in the UK for my live with the thought of better meet to see if our to the UK. As far as I was Australian company, I had having limited time together, eight hour phone concerned there was no private health cover, and I which in some ways give conversations and emails particular anxiety about the could also access the health tremendous freedom of would be as good in person! tests. I felt fine and we were service as Jeremy’s wife. All choice… if there’s ever some He came to visit me in off to a glorious honeymoon the way through we’ve doubt as whether or not we Australia for two weeks. on the Great Barrier Reef. I found choice, flexibility and should do something special, Much to the surprise of expected the follow-up good access to experts we take this holiday or that family and friends – four meeting with the consultant needed. treat, we say “What the days after he arrived we to be a pleasant affair with heck!” And we go for it. announced our engagement. me saying ‘This is my ‘As I was feeling so well, and A few months later I took a husband.’ But talk about the tumour was odd-looking ‘April 2002 was a particularly career break from my job in going from one extreme of and quite encapsulated, devastating time for us: my Australia and went to the UK emotion to another: they’d there was some talk of tumour did turn out to be to be with Jeremy. We found my tumour markers whether it was indeed malignant and my mother returned to Australia for a had escalated and I had a malignant. So we faced six died six weeks later. In a race fortnight to be married in 5cm tumour on my liver. Poor weeks of uncertainty and against time, we got back to March 2002 - 60 people at an Jeremy – he’d signed up for more MRI and PET scans. see her a day before the end. old Victorian hotel by the lifelong marriage only to How did we cope? It’s one of It was a challenging time beach. find his wife had advanced those strange things that we seeing her fade and pass cancer. We were due to fly just got on with it. I away, knowing that I had few days before the back to the UK two days remember when I was first been given a similar wedding I was later. Faced with this diagnosed in 1996 thinking diagnosis. taking my mother diabolical situation we there could be no worse to hospital for her boarded the plane complete news to receive than “you ack in England I was A with scans and a have cancer”. I was wrong – treatment. As I was due for put on a series of my annual tests at the same recommendation to the fan- being told you have drugs to shrink the hospital, I thought that tastic Steve Johnston at the secondary cancer is tumour – all of which Royal Marsden. Very luckily, debilitating, gut-wrenching B whilst I was there I might as worked for a time – LIVING PROOF icon 9

Tamoxifen( a hormone little bit was so close to my referred to aliver specialist me has been finding the treatment), then a monthly diaphragm that it would Prof Roger Williams and right doctors, who transmit injection of Zolodex - which have caused far too much surgeon Nigel Heaton at the the right energy and shuts down the ovarian pain to “cook”. This is where Cromwell – both brilliant in attitude. Prof Sikora said function thereby reducing radio ablation has its their field. Both were very “Oh, you have so much to the production of hormones limitations, because all the positive about the possibility live for and you are doing so to which the tumour was possibilities depend on of surgery. I have two well. It’s great that you are receptive. As aresult, the location, access and aspect. powerful memories from also feeling well.” He was tumour started shrinking. At Prof Williams – one is his very positive about future the same time I was also ‘The next question was certainty that surgery was a options, and I’ll never forget referred to Prof Andy Adam whether they could operate good idea– a“must have” him. We have been SO lucky at St Thomas’ Hospital – to remove the last remnants. because I was so young. The both in the UK and in another wonderful man, When the liver tumour second is that just before I Australia with the wonderful who did aprocedure on the appeared, they said that they was to go into theatre he team of doctors that we have liver tumour called radio tend not to operate on wished me “good luck. been fortunate to meet and frequency ablation (RFA), secondaries from breast “because you will need it” have been willing to work which I’ve had many times cancer. My guess is that’s Prof Williams had a direct with us on pursuing different since – and always with good because cancer has usually approach but a very kind treatment options. success. Basically they go in travelled elsewhere in the heart! with afine needle andcook major organs if it’s reached ll this time we still the tumour with microwave the liver. It’s more unusual t the same time I did have our lives, radio frequency. Tumours for breast cancer like mine to also had a and I was working don’t like heat. It’s quite a spread to one contained consultation at the three days a week localised procedure, so place in the liver, and not A Homeopathic throughout. This was quite despite ageneral into the bones as well. I’ve A Hospital in Queen Square important, as it normalised anaesthetic, you are only in been so lucky that there’s and through them saw Pro- things. I didn’t want to live hospital overnight at most. been no further spread. fessor Sikoraatthe my life fighting cancer. It was My tumour was so large; it Working with both my Hammersmith. Prof Sikora just a part of my life, just an took four goes to reduce it consultants– Steve Johnston was fabulous and just so aggravation I had to learn to about 95 per cent. The last and Prof Andy Adam, I was positive. One of the keys for live with. Jeremy and I view icon 10 LIVING PROOF

it as something that comes, is weeks later, albeit moving though the frozen eggs happen. On the plus side you treated and goes away - until fairly gingerly! Given the remain. In the September, a are monitored very closely the need for more all-clear, we then decided to further spot was found on and it’s heartening to have treatment. This philosophy make the move we’d always my liver and I had another such individual attention. doesn’t lessen the pain when planned and return to RFA (ablation), this time in The whole process is pretty things come round, but it Australia. That’s been a great Australia. Another year intensive: for the first two does help you believe that decision which has given us a passed before a new tumour weeks I had to have hospital you are not going to die wonderful lifestyle living by on the liver was detected in blood tests every day – tomorrow. the beach and the Aug 2005. I had another sometimes several tests a day. opportunity for Jeremy to ablation treatment on that ‘The liver surgery was pretty open his own retail furniture spot and also changed to a ‘Throughout this time – in gruesome at the time, and I store, which he could new hormone treatment – fact throughout my illness, believe quite dangerous. It probably never have done in Aromasin. In Feb 2006, three my company has been involves being in intensive the UK, even after 30 years in new spots were found in the endlessly supportive. They’ve care for at least 24 hours. the business. Also in my liver which were also ablated offered me flexible working Jeremy tells me I was in a lot situation, I wanted the and by June 2006 growth conditions, working part of of pain but fortunately I support network of family was found in a previously the time from home and don’t remember too much and friends. It was hard ablated spot so it was that always saying that I should about it. It was very hard for leaving the UK as Jeremy’s more chemo was called for. take off whatever time I Jeremy to see me in intensive three daughters (all in their need. I could never do what I care and needing morphine twenties) are still there but ‘My oncologist in Australia is do if I had to be in an office for the pain. Getting to we try and keep in touch as au fait with many new trials five days a week. All I want is shower three or four days much as we can using phone, so, with a bit of trepidation for my life to be normal, and after the operation was a email etc. I know he misses and a lot of hope, I then work normalises life for me. massive exercise and you go them terribly. went on a Phase I trial with You often hear the idea through a lot of physio to docataxel chemotherapy plus expressed at cancer self-help start walking again. It’s ‘It was disappointing to have the trial drug AMG706 – a groups, that there must have amazing what you use your another tumour detected in new drug which works by been something wrong in stomach muscles for. But my liver only about a year angiogenesis - cutting off the your life that caused the knowing the tumour had after surgery, in March 2004. blood supply that feeds cancer. That doesn’t add up been successfully removed I’d hoped to get more time tumours. Going on the trial for me: I really enjoy my life was psychologically so well than that. So I then went on was quite a big decision, and and I’m totally happy with it. worth the pain for me. It to another hormone fairly scary too. At phase one I think I’ve showed my gave us a huge emotional treatment, Femara whilst still they are just determining employers that work is push. 60 per cent of my liver on the Zolodex injections. I what the right dose is, so it important to me, and was taken away, but within decided at this point to have feels you really are one step they’ve responded because 10 days it had grown back to my ovaries out so that I could up from a laboratory rat. they know I’ll do the best I full size. stop the Zolodex – quite a There’s a lot of can. When I joined them in hard decision, because it documentation to read 1997 I had a much senior job ‘Surgery left me with a 34 cm evoked the realisation that I through and they confront in another organisation so, scar across my middle, but I was probably now never you with every eventuality – of course, at interview they was back at work about six going to have children, all the worst things that can asked why I wanted this lesser job. I explained that I wanted to step back a bit after breast cancer. Being honest and open from the start meant that my managers and colleagues could work with me and the health commitments I had. I am convinced that this has made a huge contribution to me staying so well.

‘After six months on the angiogenesis trial my blood pressure started creeping up – one of the known side effects. So they pulled me off it. A scan showed I’d had some great results, but nonetheless a new tumour was appearing. This was a terrible emotional blow, but after picking ourselves out of the black hole we looked for what next available treatments there were. Luckily I still had no LIVING PROOF icon 11

symptoms and felt physically the liver function tests are well. I then started on an still normal. Perhaps the oral chemotherapy complementary ‘extras’ from programme with Xeloda – it’s carefully chosen practitioners a fantastic drug not only with cancer experience have because it’s in tablet form helped: I use a whole range but because it specifically of meditation cd's and I targets the tumour, so you learned some useful guided don’t get the whole body imagery visualisations at a side-effects of chemotherapy local cancer centre in Purley, such as fatigue, hair loss, when we lived in the UK. I nausea etc. find taking myself off to a good place in my ‘Going for one more RFA in imagination lessens the stress May 2007, I was offered of scans and blood tests. I’ve Sirtex Radio Active Bead had a lot of reiki, and I think treatment. It’s more it’s a good healing aid if you commonly used in bowel to believe in energy fields and liver cancer and is still fairly chakras. I’m currently taking new in Australia as a Vitamin C, fish oils, an treatment for breast to liver anti-oxidant compound and cancer. It’s delivered rather have just started on a liquid like an angiogram – they put mushroom extract from five a probe into your groin and different fungi. A feed radioactive beads to the naturopath with a lot of three week cycle. I seem to not otherwise have come targeted tumour site. So it’s experience in cancer work have a capacity for bouncing across. Above all icon has like having a form of suggested it as a good back, but then I also have encouraged me and given radiotherapy from the inside. booster for the immune such great support. me hope of increased They have to scan and map system. I also have survival. your liver carefully reflexology for relaxation, ‘I remember asking a friend beforehand to ensure that and because it can help of my sister’s who has since ‘When I’m bloated up on they can access the right site release toxins from passed away with liver steroids and bald, I still have and avoid any arteries. Again associated organs. I’ve cancer, how he coped and he Jeremy to say ‘You’re I was lucky to be a suitable looked into fairly extreme was really helpful. He said beautiful’ and he’s always candidate. It was just an diet programmes, but they “You’ve got to keep one step there, getting to know the overnight stay in hospital for just didn’t work for me. I try ahead of science. As long as medical team as well as I do. monitoring purposes. With to eat healthily; I’ve cut there is something they can Sometimes a partner can be that behind us, six weeks down a lot on meat and take try for you, that’s good.” left behind when the other is later we had a wonderful 12 more fruit and vegetables That’s so true and I never diagnosed, but the truth is day trip to Paris with some now, but I do have a forget it. Every time you get that you really both get the dear friends. weakness for sweet things. bad results, it is devastating disease. No one can I’d be miserable without and every time it’s underestimate the effect on gut-wrenching enough to you as a unit. So I recognise ’m still on the Xeloda them altogether. You have to knock you off the perch. how special Jeremy really is. treatment, and they’ve find what works for you. If Instead of automatically What the future holds I don’t found multiple spots on ever I write a book of my assuming the worst, you know, but of course the one my liver, which is experience I’m going to call I it “I’d rather have a have to hold off until you thing I want is to grow old beginning to resemble the have all the information with my husband. coat of a dalmatian dog. It chocolate biscuit.” Altering from the doctors and you Statistically, I should have could be that there is my diet has probably been know the whole picture and been dead three times over growth, but it’s quite hard to one of the biggest challenges what the options are. Many a by now. I’ve had more than read what is a new problem, – a glass of champagne and time we have been totally my nine lives. So I thank my and what a previously some chocolate always shattered with the news and lucky stars every day that I’m ablated spot. Two scans ago sounds a good idea to me! very frightened to think still alive and still feeling so the tumours were increasing, there was no hope. But after well. After having been but the last scan showed that ‘What has helped most I seeing the doctors and through what I have been they were on the decrease. don’t really know, but I have talking about options, more through, I think everything So I’m just in that waiting been very lucky with how my doors have opened on to around you becomes more stage again. I am working body copes following so possibilities. icon is also an precious which then full time, helping Jeremy in many scans and treatments enlightening and uplifting heightens your awareness – the business and doing going into my body. I’ve resource that provides so simple things like the grass aqua-aerobics, pilates, managed to continue much information in a single seems greener, the sky bluer meditation and yoga on a working, practically publication – real people and and the sunshine warmer. It regular basis. throughout and even with the very high-dose trial real stories. It’s helped me doesn’t take much for me to source and explore different appreciate the real pleasures ‘I’m told it’s extraordinary chemo, apart from the initial treatments such as of life like seeing the sun that I look and feel so well two weeks which involved photodynamic therapy, come up each day and being and always have. Blood tests intensive monitoring and useful supplements and thankful for the wonderful show that despite the testing, I had only four days dietary changes that I might people that surround me.. ‘ tumour battering my liver, of feeling knocked out in a icon 12 The Bristol Approach to Nutrition in Cancer Care

By Liz Butler BSc (Hons) MSc Nutr Med Dip ION Senior Nutritional Therapist, Penny Brohn Cancer Care

Introduction further information or guidance. That five-year cancer plan emphasises the might be ok if people understand what needfor more effective prevention of In mainstream medicine it is now well a balanceddietconsists of but most the disease plus earlier diagnosis and establishedthat dietary intervention people don’t, medical professionals treatment. In addition it makes can play an important role in the included. recommendations for improving the management of conditions such as experience of those living with cancer, obesity, type II diabetes, heart disease ecently, two documents have one of these being that cancer survivors andosteoporosis. Unfortunately the been publishedwhich will are given nutritional advice. According idea that dietary support may have a hopefully begin to change the to Mike Richards, National Cancer part to play in the management of perception medical professionals Director, this recommendation was cancer is still not very well accepted. R included in view of the findings of the have of the role of diet in the cancer While, thankfully, it seems less common recovery process. The first of these is seconddocument to be highlighted for a cancer patient enquiring about the NHS Cancer Reform Strategy1 here: the 2007 report publishedby the the importance of diet to be told “diet publishedby the government following WorldCancer Research Fund(WCRF) makes no difference”, still too many are the biggest review of UK cancer services andAmerican Institute of Cancer being sent away with the advice to “eat since the Cancer Plan in 2000. This Research (AICR), ‘Food, Nutrition, a balanceddiet” but without any Physical Activity andthe Prevention of icon 13

Cancer: a Global Perspective’2. This is the eagerly awaited second report by the WCRF and AICR following their original report published in 1997. It is the largest ever review of the research on diet and cancer with a rigorous methodology based on a series of systematic literature reviews for each cancer type.

Unlike the original WCRF/AICR report, the most recent document includes a systematic literature review on diet and cancer survivorship. Unfortunately the evidence is too limited at this time to draw firm conclusions on the best diet for those with cancer. Despite this the report makes the suggestion that people with cancer follow the report’s dietary guidelines for cancer prevention and this recommendation is based on the general knowledge, backed by research, that a balanced diet is beneficial to health rather than evidence specific to cancer survivors.

With two high profile documents suggesting that nutrition is an issue of importance for those with cancer, more health professionals may be persuaded to discuss this subject with their cancer patients. The difficulty they may face however would be to know what advice to offer due to their limited nutritional training. A solution for doctors and nurses wishing to impart dietary advice would be to refer to information produced by organisations with expertise in this area. No organisation would be better placed to meet such needs than Penny Brohn Cancer Care. Nutritional support at Penny Brohn Cancer Care team mean that this is possible. Whilst needs but with the recommendation Penny Brohn Cancer Care is widely keeping abreast of the latest scientific that they seek out a local nutritional regarded as the leading UK holistic findings is incredibly important the therapist if they would like in depth cancer charity and since its inception, limitations of many studies in nutritional support. For those people almost 28 years ago, has gained a large measuring the impact of nutrition on who are close enough to Bristol to visit amount of experience in supporting health is recognised and regularly in-depth nutritional support is those with cancer. During that time the acknowledged. For this reason the available through the Cancerpoint organisation has built a worldwide nutrition work of Penny Brohn service. reputation for its ‘Bristol Approach’ - Cancer Care is also informed by the a unique combination of physical, practical experience of staff and experts n the early days of the Charity the emotional and spiritual support using in the field. nutritional advice offered to those complementary therapies and self-help with cancer was more restrictive than techniques designed to enhance the any people visiting Penny it is today and was along similar lines health of people with cancer and those I Brohn Cancer Care will to the diet developed by Max Gerson. close to them. come once or twice rather The nutritional programme is still very than on a regular basis and much based on the principles of Nutrition has always played a M therefore for these people the naturopathy; however research and prominent role in the therapeutic nutritional information they receive is experience have told us that a more approach at Penny Brohn Cancer Care. relatively general and more educational gentle dietary approach can be just as One of the key aims of the organisation rather than prescriptive in its intent. effective in supporting people and is is to stay up-to-date with the research The nutritional therapists role in these much more acceptable to most. Above that relates to all areas of cases is to set that person on a path of all the nutritional advice and practical complementary health and cancer, healthy eating giving them a information given by the organisation, including nutrition, and the work of comprehensive set of guidelines that as well as the experience of the food in the dedicated research and information are to some extent tailored to their the Charity’s award-winning restaurant, icon 14

recognised that some people with cancer may require a greater intake of animal products, however the general advice is to keep levels relatively low at around 4 small portions per week. We would suggest that people stickmainly to white meat, fish and eggs and consume smaller amounts of red meat and dairy products.

With regard to the dairy issue, there is evidence that milkand milkproducts increase the riskof certain cancers such as prostate. The factors within milkthat may be responsible for their negative effect include saturated fats, calcium (which in excessive amounts can inhibit the formation of active vitamin D, a cancer protective nutrient), hormones such as oestrogen, and growth factors such as insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I). As of yet no studies have been conducted to assess whether the presence of dairy in the diet has any influence on cancer progression or recovery from the disease and until such research is available it is not possible to say that dairy products should be avoided by all people with cancer. However, given the fact that many people experience digestive problems when consuming dairy, particularly following chemotherapy, our general advice is to keep dietary intake of milk products to a minimum.

or those people removing dairy products from the diet the most obvious replacement food is soya Fin its various forms. The use of soya in cancer is an area where the scientific research conflicts to a degree with some papers suggesting the soya isoflavones inhibit various cancer processes and others suggesting they promote them. However, the negative studies tend to be based on laboratory research whereas generally speaking the dietary studies indicate that soya foods are protective against cancer. serves to motivate and inspire people. The Bristol Approach to nutrition At Penny Brohn Cancer Care we avoid The emphasis is on introducing new focuses on a plant-based diet with small recommending large amounts of any and exciting foods and ensuring people amounts of good quality animal one food and instead emphasise realise that pleasure and enjoyment of products. A range of evidence strongly balance and variety in the diet. food is still very much on the menu. supports the idea that a diet composed In relation to soya we suggest people mainly of vegetables, fruit, include a moderate amount as part of a wholegrains, pulses, nuts and seeds The Bristol Approach balanced diet focusing on the protect against cancer. The benefits of traditional soya foods such as tofu, these foods come from a range of to nutrition miso and tempeh, rather than the nutrients including vitamins, minerals, heavily processed variety. A person who develops cancer needs to fibre and a whole host of powerful gather their nutritional resources as phytonutrients, many with direct A key Penny Brohn Cancer Care dietary much as possible in an effort to anti-tumour activity. normalise the biochemical disorder that recommendation is the removal of sugars and refined carbohydrates from progresses as part of the disease. While small to moderate amounts of the diet. The biochemical changes that Equally important is the elimination animal products appear to be beneficial occur within a cancer cell allowing it to from the diet of elements that may for most people, the WCRF/AICR report create energy without oxygen further promote biochemical found that a high intake of red meat, (anaerobic respiration) more readily imbalance. In simple terms this means and in particular processed meat, can mean that in order to produce the encouraging the use of foods in their increase the riskof certain cancers. energy it requires for survival more most natural, unadulterated state. At Penny Brohn Cancer Care it is glucose is required than for a normal icon 15

cell. The cancer cell’s greater need for this simple sugar has led to speculation that a high sugar diet may encourage cancer cell growth and there is some evidence to support this idea. For this reason it seems wise to limit sugars and refined carbohydrates.

igh insulin levels (hyperinsulinaemia) are closely associated with high blood Hglucose levels. Insulin is a tissue building (anabolic) hormone and is known to encourage cell proliferation and inhibit apoptosis directly and through its potent stimulation of growth hormones such as IGF-1, discussed earlier. Insulin also encourages the production of pro- inflammatory compounds (eicosanoids) by influencing fatty acid metabolism.

This leads to one of the most fundamental facts on which the Penny Brohn Cancer Care dietary recommendations are based - that cancer is a disease characterized by chronic, low-level inflammation, a sign Fish oils are one of the supplements containing 8 to 10 portions of fresh of immune disorder. The association often recommended at Penny Brohn vegetables and fruit per day plus plenty between inflammation and cancer is Cancer Care, along with a multivitamin of wholegrains and pulses. It contains not a new concept, as it was in 1863 and mineral, a multiantioxidant and small amounts of animal products but that Rudolf Virchow discovered vitamin C. Other supplements may be limited red meat and dairy products. leucocytes in neoplastic tissues and first included for those requiring extra The avoidance of sugars and refined made the connection. However it is support such as probiotics for those carbohydrates is strongly encouraged only recently that scientific interest has with digestive problems. along with processed and refined really grown in this area. One of the foods, excess salt and caffeine and results of this deeper understanding of o summarise, the Bristol alcohol. Plenty of pure water along the link between inflammation and Approach aims to rebalance the with herbal teas and fresh vegetable cancer is the trial of anti-inflammatory body’s biochemistry and juices are recommended. Good quality agents such as fish oils as part of the regulate the inflammatory nutritional supplements are advised to treatment process. T compliment the diet. response. The diet is plant-based

Even though the WCRF/AICR found the research on diet and survivorship too limited to draw conclusions at this time, the studies already published have generally produced positive results. As the evidence grows it is likely that a stronger picture of the benefits of nutritional support will emerge. In the mean time, the WCRF/AICR has chosen to recommend a healthy diet for those with cancer. This is a great step forward and it is hoped that medical professionals will be motivated to act on this recommendation. Whether it is medical professionals or cancer survivors themselves, the nutritional guidelines produced by Penny Brohn Cancer Care, based on research and experience, are the perfect resource for encouraging sensible dietary changes and promoting wellbeing for those living cancer.

REFERENCES 1. Department of Health. Cancer Reform Strategy, 2007. 2. World Cancer Research Fund and American Institute for Cancer Research. Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective. 2007. icon 16

What is Multiple Myeloma? Multiple Myeloma (MM) is a form of cancer affecting the bone marrow. A major function of the bone marrow is to produce the white and red cells of the blood and lymph. The white cells are commonly associated with the immune, or defence, system. In MM certain of them (called plasma cells and normally accounting for less than 3 per cent of all the white cells) become abnormal and multiply rapidly. Plasma cells normally produce infection-fighting antibodies called immunoglobulins.

In MM they produce a protein antibody which doesn’t work and cannot fight infection. It often weakens the other white cells too. Myeloma cells can also spread into the bone itself MULTIPLE MYELOMA causing it to weaken. And their over-production can result in 10 per cent of all the bone marrow cells being plasma cells and this overcrowding weakens the other blood cells.

An Overview Overall effects therefore include: G a weakening of the immune system G a reduction in the production of oxygen-carrying red cells G a build up of protein in the blood G a weakening of the bones, particularly in the back and ribs, causing pain

MM is a rare cancer, hitherto felt to be incurable. Nowadays modern drugs and other techniques have helped control the disease in the body, allowing people to live with the disease in muchthesame way as, say, diabetes, and increasing survival times significantly.

MM is one of a number of related blood disorders called monoclonal gammopathies; ‘Monoclonal’ means that a single family (a clone) of identical plasma cells is causing the disease, while ‘gammopathy’ denotes that the production of immunoglobulins is abnormally high.

Systemic light-chain amyloidosis (AL) is a rare variant as are the far less serious conditions of plasmacytoma and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS). icon 17 Symptoms In the early stages there may be no symptoms, but eventually the symptoms come from the main problems:

Immune depletion: a tendency to minor infections especially urinary and respiratory Bone weakness: pain in the back or ribs; and even unexplained fractures. Pain in movement and arthritis-like symptoms Increased blood-protein levels: Bruising, nosebleeds, dizziness, headaches and even vision loss as protein levels build in the blood. Lowered red cells: Fatigue, anaemia and weight loss. Loss of kidney performance, increase liquid in lower limbs with resulting ‘heaviness’ and tiredness. Diagnosis Routine blood tests can quickly diagnose the disease – often before any symptoms have appeared. Doctors look for increased levels of immunoglobulin proteins, levels of normal red and white cells and kidney function, while both blood and urine samples can show increased protein levels

Imaging tests can not only diagnose MM but help determine the extent of disease throughout the body, its locations and how active it is. X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and positron emission tomography (PET) may be used for this.

Bone marrow aspiration and needle biopsy may also be used to show the percentage of plasma cells in the bone marrow.

In some cases oncologists may also perform chromosome tests on bone marrow. Causes the yeasts cured her – and 27 per cent of the children in the A number of causes have been indicated although nothing is child leukaemia ward she looked after. proven and there may be several ways of developing the disease. Basically it seems to be caused by toxins – chemical or biological. Treatments MM is not considered curable, but is treatable. The In some cases these result in chromosome damage, but in the treatments can be several and depend upon individual majority this is not the case. However, where there is conditions. New drugs are coming on stream all the time. chromosomal damage, outcomes are poorer. However, in the past some people have looked for ‘alternative treatments’ considering the benefits of the Links to toxins have been indicated in several worldwide orthodox therapies not worth the rigours of treatment. studies: Overall Pesticides, fertilisers and chemical toxins – There is a growing concern that pesticides and fertilisers can cause While patients should most definitely avoid compromising disorders of the blood. Papers have been produced by the EU their oncologists’ recommended treatment programmes, and by IARC to this effect. Epidemiology studies show a there is an argument for taking some extra, precautionary higher incidence of MM amongst farmers, chemical workers, steps around them. For example: sheet metal workers and others exposed to environmental toxins. 1 By cutting out exposure to environmental chemicals and pesticides Some people seem to have genetic factors that make them A. Eating organic foods from a known source more susceptible to such chemical toxins and even the use of B. Choosing a manufacturer of toxin-free household and everyday household chemicals and toiletry products has been personal care products questioned in the EU parliament and the California C. Avoiding in-home pesticides, herbicides and even legislature. animal parasite treatments (like some flea collars) D. Avoiding local pollution to your living environment – Parasites including yeasts: Parasites (including viruses, e.g. living near a factory chimney, a garage forecourt, bacteria and yeasts) weaken the body, steal important a mast, a chemical or steel plant, surrounded by fields nutrients and – in some cases – produce debilitating toxins. using pesticide sprays etc Some have been linked to blood disorders and cancer. For E. Avoiding contact with heavy metals such as cadmium example the case of an American Nurse who was eventually or mercury (in many vaccines) found not to have cancer, but bad yeast infection – killing icon 18

2 By detoxing your body of these possible contaminants A. Selenium (200 micrograms) has been shown to displace certain heavy metals B. The consumption of foods high in lignans, and ‘green’ foods like chlorella have been shown to bind to certain heavy metals and chemical toxins, and with adequate levels of beneficial bacteria in the intestine, clinical trials have shown these can be eliminated. C. Other Clinical Trials have shown that foods containing Indole-3-carbinol (e.g. broccoli) can displace chemicals and even dangerous dioxins

3 By ensuring you have no parasites, nor excesses of yeasts A. Parasites may be killed off with the use of a Chinese herb called wormwood, and a natural combination of herbs in a product called Parafree, by Neways B. Yeasts may be killed off by combining natural yeast killers, with an anti-yeast diet

Yeast Killers: Pau D’arco, cinnamon, garlic, oregano, caprylic acid, wormwood. Anti-yeast diet – avoid all sugar, alcohol, dairy, yeast products like marmite and mushrooms. Avoid eating fruit after a meal, and eating courgettes, marrows and squash because these ferment. The GERSON Therapy (See the Gerson Book review on pages 50/51) Readers may know the story of the Oxford Don, Michael Gearin-Tosh, who back in the STEM CELL mid 1990’s felt that the drugs on offer then were not worth the bother, and after much research, opted for the Gerson Therapy – an alternative, diet Overall - Chemotherapy is then often used in combination based therapy involving the consumption of organic foods with steroids, like pred nisolone and methylprednisolone. (as juices or whole), no meat, fish, animal fat, and no Other drugs called bisposphonates may be used specifically processed or packaged foods. The therapy also involves the for your bones. You may be offered any of the following use of coffee enemas to dilate the bile ducts and encourage drugs: the excretion of toxins. Michael lived fully for ten years before dying of an unrelated illness. On our web site Bisphosphonates – e.g.pamidronate (Aredia®) or www.canceractive.com we review his book (Living Proof – a zoledronic acid (Zometa®), are prescribed to help to medical mutiny) and have several articles on Gerson. alleviate bone pain and to slow bone loss. They can also repair bone tissue and reduce excess the calcium that often It is not hard to see why the Gerson Therapy might have a occurs in MM. positive effect on patients with this cancer as it is a naturally cleansing therapy. Importantly, it does not have to be seen as Dexamethasone - This is a potent steroid and may be an alternative to orthodox therapies. used alone or in combination with other like doxorubicin in the early stages of the disease.

Orthodox Therapies Melphalan, cyclophosphamide, vinicristine, Currently no treatment approach is considered to be a ‘cure’ doxorubicin are drugs most commonly used, sometimes in for MM. Current orthodox therapies do slow the progression combinations. All provide limited control, have side effects of the disease prolonging survival, and alleviating the and are covered on our web site. symptoms. New drugs and improvements are coming on stream all the time. Thalidomide – this drug became infamous as a medicine used in the late 1950s as a sleeping pill and to combat the Observation - In the early stages of the disease with few nausea some women experience in pregnancy. It was found symptoms, doctors may decide to wait and watch. If protein to cause birth defects by cutting blood supplies and was levels rise or anaemia occurs then they will take action. banned. However, those properties seemed appropriate in icon 19 the fight against cancer and in the 1990’s researchers Stem Cell therapy - High-dose chemotherapy combined discovered that thalidomide could be used to treat myeloma. with stem cell transplantation is becoming a standard US therapy for patients with myeloma and has been shown to Newer versions of thalidomide, e.g. lenalidomide greatly prolong survival. It is also used by the Karolinska in (Revlimid®), are more potent with fewer side effects than Sweden and is gaining popularity. It is an extreme treatment. thalidomide. The drugs seem to both inhibit plasma cell Stem cells – the body’s general precursor cells -- are obtained growth in the bone marrow and directly promote the death from the bloodstream or bone marrow and frozen. The of cancer cells. In the USA doctors use the combination of patient can then receive a high dose of chemotherapy that lenalidomide with low-dose dexamethasone for many newly destroys all the white cells including the tumour cells but also diagnosed patients, or for people who have relapsed. most or all of the stem cells in the patient's bone marrow.

Interferon - Sometimes interferon may be used after The patient can then have infusions of the frozen stem cells chemotherapy as a treatment to maintain the status of back into his/her body and bones and rebuild his immune remission. We have articles on Interferon on our website. and blood systems. The future This procedure involves spending at least three weeks in hospital and recovery takes several months. Two consecutive Bortezomib (Velcade®) is the first in a completely new class transplants two to four months apart have been shown to of drugs called Proteasome Inhibitors (PI’s). Proteasomes are prolong survival greatly. found within all cells and their role is to break down proteins. This makes them essential in a host of normal Researchers at Sloan-Kettering, New York are currently cellular processes like gene expression and message carrying. investigating tools such as microarray analysis (a test that Research has shown that inhibiting proteasome activity in reveals which genes are mutated) that will help doctors to cancer cells seems to block cell proliferation and increase profile an individual patient's cancer and determine the apoptosis or cell death. Currently bortezomib is approved in therapy to which a patient is most likely to respond. the USA for patients with resistant or relapsed myeloma. Hospitals such as Sloan-Kettering in New York have high Further reading: hopes for PI drugs and are investigating one called There is an excellent interview answering many of the carfilzomib. questions you will have on the MD Anderson Cancer Centre website More than half of the patients in clinical trials have achieved (http://www.patientpower.info/transcripts/mda111307.pdf). complete or near-complete responses. This then allows Doctors The interview can be downloaded as a video or as a to use stem cell transplantation as the target population of transcript. myeloma cells is smaller and can be overcome more easily. icon 20 CANCERWATCH

cancer. This shows that they have distinct genetic origins, and are different diseases”.

(Ed: Yet more evidence that one size won’t fit all when it comes to cancer ‘cures‘ - be they drugs or natural therapies. This research refers to breast cancer, but could easily apply to all cancers) Breast Cancer Patients increase survival with vitamin D We have frequently covered research showing the benefits of vitamin D if you have cancer, along with its benefits CANCER WATCH as a preventative agent. Now, in a new study, led by Pamela Goodwin, MD, Professor of Medicine at the University of Toronto, research concluded that “Our aim is to bring you the latest women with vitamin D deficiency at the time of breast cancer diagnosis information that can help you beat cancer” were 94 per cent more likely to experience cancer spread and 73 per cent more likely to die over the next 10 years compared to women with adequate vitamin D levels.

AN IMPORTANT NOTICE years has emerged from Cancer (Ed: Thanks to various UK ‘Health Research UK. Namely that there may be Bodies‘ and Cancer Charities telling TO OUR READERS: many ways to develop a cancer and people to keep out of the sun, that your cancer may well be as vitamin D deficiency has been As you can imagine, we receive a individual as you are. The CRUK study increasing - even in sunny climates large number of press releases shows that there is a biological likeAustralia. A weekin thesun about new drugs. Invariablythese distinction between breast cancers that can giveyou 40,000 to 70,000 state that drug X ‘increases depend on hormones and those that International Units of this vitamin icon survival’. We are concerned that do not. Apparently, (unlike the that acts like a hormone. Cancer this phrase misleads and creates an view), CRUK scientists previously cells have been found to have over-expectation in manyof our thought that hormone dependent higher numbers of vitamin D readers, being viewed as implying breast cancers, which usually require receptor sites. Yet the maximum somehow a ‘cure’ or a success in treatment with surgery and anti- ‘safe’ limit according to surviving at least five years when hormone drugs, originated from the Governments is around 2,000 IU’s neither is, in fact, true. Our policy same biological pathway as hormone per day with 400 IU’s the usual from now on is to refer to ‘an independent breast cancers, which are recommended levels. increase in life expectancy’ and, treated with surgery and chemotherapy. where provided, to state the actual If you cannot get 30 minutes in the increases from the research. We The new discovery provides the sun every day, take 1,000 IU’s, believe this is in the best interests strongest evidence yet that the twicethis if you havecancer.) of our readers who are almost subtypes originate from separate always patients. It reduces the pathways and could guide future Non invasive acupressure often-criticised elements of research into prevention and euphoria and over-claim whilst treatments for the cancer types as reduces nausea in Breast reporting accuratelyon new and different diseases. improved developments. cancer Cancer Research UK’s Dr Paul Pharoah, lead author based at the University of In a new controlled UK-based study, Cambridge, said: “We looked at five breast cancer patients undergoing LATEST WORLD CANCER NEWS genetic variants associated with breast chemotherapy who wore Sea-Band© cancer to see if they were more likely acupressure wristbands experienced Breast cancer subtypes to be found in hormone dependent or nearly 50% reduction in their nausea originate differently; are independent breast cancers. and vomiting symptoms. “One common genetic variant, FGFR2, The study, led by Professor Alex different diseases was strongly associated with hormone Molassiotis, specialist in cancer and Some research evidence for the theory dependent breast cancer, but weakly supportive care at the University of we have used in icon over the last 5 associated with hormone independent Manchester (Molassiotis et al. CANCERWATCH icon 21

Complementary Therapies in Medicine, Herceptin drug patients are treated with the ‘anti- 2007,15;3-12.), monitored 36 breast oestrogen’ Tamoxifen. However cancer patients undergoing their first combination produces Tamoxifen resistance is known to treatment with chemotherapy. They develop in some women and no one were randomly allocated into two better results seems to fully understand why. groups, receiving Sea-Band© and anti- emetic drugs or anti-emetics alone. ‘Not Women with an advanced and In a research article from a study by only did patients in the combination aggressive form of breast cancer may three German Universities, Rainer group show a significant reduction in have a little more hope following a 66 Girgert of the University of Gottingen symptoms of nausea and vomiting, the person multi-country clinical trial, an and team leader, stated that distress caused by these symptoms audience at the American Society of electromagnetic fields reduce the improved by up to 80% within the five Clinical Oncology heard in May 2008. All efficacy of tamoxifen, similar to days following chemotherapy. These the women tested had advanced breast tamoxifen resistance. You may not results clearly show that acupressure is cancer that had spread to other organs. understand the rest of their press a safe and complementary option in release, but they are all pretty the management of chemotherapy- The new drug works with women who convinced - and no one is doing related nausea and vomiting,’ said Prof have HER-2 positive breast cancer. This anything for breast cancer patients Molassiotis. accounts for between 20 and 30 per who might be affected - not even cent of all cases. HER-2 protein sticks to warning them! There is some evidence that anti-emetic the surface of cells making them very drugs on their own can actually hard to treat and encouraging the In the study researchers investigated increase suffering (Micheli, et al., Ann spread of the cancer. The new drug, the mechanism by which Oncol, 2002. 13(6): p. 840-65) and these pertuzumab, stops the HER-2 protein electromagnetic fields influence the side effects not only impinge on quality binding to cells. sensitivity to tamoxifen. In cells of life, they also cause some patients to exposed to 1.2 µT of a 50 Hz stop treatment. The women in the test had all be electromagnetic field gene expression shown to be HER-2 positive and had of cofactors of the oestrogen receptors Sea-Band© has long been known to been previously treated with was compared to sham exposed cells. relieve nausea and is licensed for use in Herceptin, but it had failed to slow the Using a gene array technology several treating morning sickness, motion disease. In trials, the administration of cofactors were found to be sickness and post-operative nausea, as the new drug halted the progression in differentially expressed. The expression well as post-chemotherapy nausea. half the cases, and in half of those it of the coactivators, SRC-1 and AIB1, Worn around the wrist, the Sea-Band© even shrunk the tumour. and of two corepressors, N-Cor and exerts a constant, gentle pressure on a SMRT, was quantified by RT-PCR. Both point on the inner wrist called the The combination of Herceptin and coactivators were expressed more Pericardium 6 (P6) acupressure point. pertuzumab is not currently licensed in strongly in the exposed cells while the Sea-Band© is available from the UK. ’Experts’ are saying that it expression of two corepressors Lloydspharmacy, Superdrug, Tesco, could even be given as a preventative decreased. The RNA analysis was Sainsbury, Waitrose, Morrisons, other combination to women who don’t yet confirmed by Western blots. The pharmacies, and the Penny Brohn have the disease but test HER-2 contradirectional changes in gene Cancer Care Centre. positive. expression of coactivators and corepressors by electromagnetic fields (Ed: Having read the press release a results in a lower sensitivity to few times, I have to wonder if tamoxifen. Electromagnetic fields may READER OFFER: Herceptin isthe ‘wonder drug’ contribute to the induction of everybody claimed in the first tamoxifen resistance in vivo. place. Thisreleaseimpliesthat it (Bioelectromagnetics 29:169-176, 2008. Acupressure relief for stops working unless you have © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc). See, I said you pertuzumab. Can thisreally be the wouldn’t understand it! chemotherapy nausea. case?) FREE Sea-Bands to the EMF’s reduce Genes can increase first 100 readers. the effectiveness of Lung cancer risk Sea-Band has joined forces with CANCER Research UK funded scientists Penny Brohn Cancer Care and Tamoxifen in Breast have pinpointed an area of the will donate 20p to themfor genome containing one or more genes every pack sold. Cancer treatment that can put smokers at even more risk of developing lung cancer. Their Not for the first time (actually it’s The first 100 readers who findings were published online in about the eighth such study) research apply will receive a free Nature Genetics. has shown that EMF’s can interfere Sea-Band to try. with the effectiveness of Tamoxifen. The international team of researchers, Please send a post card with led by Professor Richard Houlston at The We have covered the increased risks your details to: Institute of Cancer Research, carried out of breast cancer linked to EMF’s a ‘whole genome search’ for faulty genes icon/Sea-band Offer, Sea-Band several times. There is now serious that increase lung cancer risk. They Ltd, PO Box 25, Hinkley, concern about their effects on studied the DNA – the genetic material Leicester, LE10 1DH. treatment as well. that makes us unique – of thousands of men and women in the UK and the US. A very large number of breast cancer All of the people involved in the study icon 22 CANCERWATCH were current or former smokers. Around of lung cancer in people who have this should meanthat diabetes half were lung cancer patients and the smoked.” Houlston added: “Although goes hand in hand with less other half were healthy. these results need to be confirmed in . larger numbers of people, they suggest Initially they studied more than 300,000 that the genes in this region of the As regular readers know, the ‘tags’ – parts of our DNA that act as a genome interact directly with tobacco opposite is actually true! Inmost ‘roadmap’ to our genes – in the to cause lung cancer. cases, the female hormone, patients and healthy people. Eventually There are over 38,300 new cases of oestrogen, acts on testosterone to they narrowed the search down to two lung cancer in the UK each year. generate DHT, and this is the ‘tags’, or genetic variants – within the driver.) region of the genome called chromosome 15 – which were more Diabetes link to lowered common among the lung cancer UK Health Regulators patients than the healthy people. These testosterone – genetic variants have previously been act to reduce antibiotic implicated in lung cancer risk and and less cancers? roughly half the population carries usage either one or two copies of each. Men with diabetes have lowered levels Current or former smokers who carry of testosterone. Now a clinical trial Wrong reason – right decision. UK one copy of each genetic variant from the University of Sheffield has health regulators have ‘put a ban on increase their risk of lung cancer by 28 revealed that a topical, gel-based the overuse of antibiotics’ according to per cent. Current or former smokers testosterone replacement therapy , July 23, 2008. They with two copies of each variant could improve not only the sufferers' are concerned that doctors are increase their risk by 80 per cent. response to insulin, but also seems to prescribing the drugs for conditions People who carry these variants, but improve their sex lives as well. Dr. T. like sore throats, colds and coughs for have never smoked, are not at Hugh Jones trialled Tostran, a which the drugs are ineffective increased risk of the disease. testosterone gel and found that (Ed: shouldn’t UK Doctors know insulin sensitivity and erectile better thanthis?) , and are also Professor Houlston said: “We’ve found function improved over the course inclined to dish out too many of the that these genetic variants are strongly of 6 - 12 months. tablets anyway. (Doctors in the UK associated with lung cancer. Both currently write around 38 million smokers and non-smokers have a fifty- (Ed: If you have lowered prescriptions per year for antibiotics, fifty chance of carrying them but, testosterone, and oncologists costing the significantly, they only increase the risk persist inarguingthat around £175m.) testosterone ‘causes’ cancer, then CANCERWATCH icon 23

Nice is also concerned that this overuse ‘Based on the results of this trial, approvals were given for statins to be is resulting in an increasing resistance everolimus could become another tool used in children. to antibiotics, and they are becoming in our armamentarium and, in the useless against serious infectious future, kidney cancer is likely to be (Ed: This development is more diseases, such as Clostridium difficile. managed as a chronic disease with than a little concerning. Why can’t these types of treatment advances,’ said Governments direct funds into Now NICE, the National Institute for Dr Motzer, leader of the Sloan- child/parent education on eating, Health and Clinical Excellence, wants Kettering team. on why your children should not an immediate stop to the practice. be allowed to become Everolimus was well tolerated by overweight, have lessons in (Ed: Unfortunately, there doesn’t patients and the most common side schools, increase sports and so seem to be much of a plan on how effects were mouth ulcers, anaemia, on? We have already covered to do it. Nor does NICE mention the skin rash and weakness. research in icon that shows that enormous conflict between So here we have a drug that is better the effects of taking statins even antibiotics and your intestinal than the ones top Professors are for a short while are long lasting, bacteria, which recent clinical trials ridiculing NICE for refusing to allow out so what long scale research has have shown to be essential to your of the NHS budget, and even this does taken place if 8 year olds start good health, and to direct up to 85 not work in 76 per cent of cases. taking them? What happens at per cent of your immune system. - Fortunately we can say that for a age 40? And where do you draw But it’s a start.) quarter of patients there is a longevity the line? Will kids need benefit. Will NICE feel this worth cholesterol readings? Who knows Kidney cancer. funding? accurately what a ‘proper‘ level of cholesterol is - remember that low New drug, same problem (Ed: See our website viewpoint levels of cholesterol mean lower article ‘Drugs – an expensive habit’) levels of vitamin D, more In the same week as NICE is turning Alzheimer’s and greater down four kidney cancer drugs because cancer risk) they are not cost effective comes this Biotech firm from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer clones special dogs Center New York: Vaccine sees to sniff out cancer response in Leukaemia A Phase III Clinical Trial on Everolimus has been stopped, so clear was its A South Korean firm has successfully patients. success (Ed: according to the cloned four dogs capable of sniffing Hospital). Results were presented in out human cancers. The four black An experimental vaccine for patients May 2008 at the annual meeting of the retrievers were born recently and with leukemia produced an immune American Society for Clinical Oncology. cloned from a dog, called Marine, response in 60% of patients with trained in Japan to sniff out cancers. myeloid leukemias and myelodysplastic Everolimus, a once-daily oral therapy, Professor Lee Byeong-Chun of the syndrome (MDS) and also extended targets the mTOR protein, which acts as Seoul National University did the deed. survival without relapse, according to a central regulator of tumour cell new clinical trial results taking place at division, cell metabolism, and blood Marine is owned by Yuji Satoh, a head the MD Anderson cancer Center in vessel growth. It is currently being trainer at St Sugar Cancer Sniffing Texas. evaluated for the treatment of several Training Centre, in Shiba, Japan. other cancers including lymphoma and Muzaffar Qazilbash, M.D., an associate neuroendocrine tumours. Drug sniffing dogs have already been professor in M. D. Anderson's cloned for customs services. Department of Stem Cell The international, multicenter Phase III Transplantation and Cellular Therapy, clinical trial has found that the (Ed: Look out for breast cancer presented the results at the 49th annual experimental targeted therapy sniffing dogs in shopping centre meeting of the American Society of everolimus (RAD001) significantly car parks like those of Sainsbury’s Hematology in December, 2007. delayed cancer progression in patients and Tesco’s in the coming years. with metastatic kidney cancer whose They could be a lot cheaper, take The Phase I/II trial involving 66 patients, disease had worsened on other up a lot less space than the mobile which ran from 2000 to 2006, used a treatments. mammogram screening units and vaccine made from the PR1 peptide, a potentially deal with more types of small part of a protein found on the More than 400 patients participated in cancer. But just imagine the inside of leukemia cells. this study, all of whom had disease technique!) that had progressed with currently Clinical responses, ranging from available targeted therapies Obese Children? improvements in blood counts to sunitinib and/or sorafenib. Patients complete cytogenetic (chromosomal) were randomised to receive everolimus Let themtake statins remission, were observed in 36% of the or placebo. After six months, 26 percent responders, compared with 10% of of patients in the everolimus group had Incredibly, the wonder drug is now non-responders. disease that had not progressed, being recommended by the American compared to only 2 percent of the Society of Paediatrics for obese Child Leukaemia - three placebo group. The average difference children, starting from age 8. in progression free survival was four Apparently being obese at that age quarters are cured months for everolimus, compared to 1.9 means statistically you are more likely months for the placebo group. to die of an obesity related illness in Around three-quarters of children mid life. Only recently in the USA diagnosed with leukaemia today will icon 24 CANCERWATCH be cured of their disease, according to London School of Hygiene and Tropical Cancer drugs – research published in the British Medicine, whose study was funded by Journal of Cancer. charity ‘CHILDRENwith LEUKAEMIA’ is brain damage a side Scientists have developed a formal said: “It’s great that children diagnosed method for estimating the number of with leukaemia can be told that the effect? children diagnosed with leukaemia in numbers cured of this terrible disease the UK who are cured – meaning they are increasing. Researchers have now discovered that have no greater risk of dying cancer drugs seem to attack brain cells prematurely than children who never Child Leukaemia - and damage the central nervous had leukaemia, rather than using the system. Mark Noble and his team at the almost meaningless 5-year survival interaction with other University of Rochester in New York approach. have discovered chemotherapy can children reduces risk cause delayed brain degeneration, and The cure rate has increased from 25 per even short-term use of the cent in the early 1970s to 68 per cent in UCLA Berkeley have reported on their chemotherapy drug fluorouracil causes the early 1990s – and this figure is findings that attendance at a play acute injury to the central nervous predicted to rise to 73 per cent for group reduces child leukaemia risk (of system. (Source: Journal of the children diagnosed more recently. the ‘variety’ ALL) by as much as 33 per American Medical Association, 2008; The success of leukaemia treatment has cent. The researchers reviewed 14 299: 2494). previously been judged on five-year worldwide studies and concluded that survival rates, which increased from 33 infection from other children is a Some patients have previously noticed per cent to 79 per cent during necessary part of developing the that they have become more forgetful 1971-2000. For some types of immune system early in life. And a or lose concentration soon after leukaemia, five-year survival is as high strong immune system affords more starting chemotherapy – but doctors as 83 per cent. protection against leukaemia. have always denied any link, as officially they didn’t believe the drugs The team examined how survival has ALL accounts for about 80 per cent of could cross the blood-brain barrier. changed over the years and they child leukaemia and typically appears defined ‘cure’ as the point when the in the 2 to 5 age group, said the This latest research reveals that they life expectancy of children diagnosed American team. do, and that the damage is very real. with leukaemia returned to normal for Apparently, researchers found that their age and sex. In some of the studies, the figure was doctors have been quietly as high as 40 per cent. documenting the cases for years. There First author Dr Anjali Shah, from the is even a fear now that chemotherapy CANCERWATCH icon 25 may be more toxic to brain cells than it who will be the same person each time, SPECIAL REPORT is to cancer cells. just as they would be for face-to-face counselling. Some people prefer the Brain Tumours - anonymity of talking over the phone GM Foods - rather than coming to Islington to talk Chlorimipramine seems to face to face - after all, making the decision to opt for counselling and the whole truth? boost Gleevec effect coming to an appointment can seem a A lot has been written about GM giant leap in itself. Some are afraid that Foods. Now a full review article Research published in Int J Oncol. 2008 it seems a sign of weakness and feel from the Institute for Apr;32(4):829-39, shows that in that the good old British "stiff upper lip Responsible Technology can be experiments with brain tumours in rats, and determination" will see them viewed by going to where Gleevec was used, a significantly through what can be a horrendous http://www.seedsofdeception.co improved result was noted if period of their life. chlorimipramine was also added. m/DocumentFiles/145.pdf. It makes disturbing reading. Gleevec was originally designed and We are here to provide the ideal form trialled for brain tumours, but results of service for each and every one of the This review states that in the late were poor. Chlorimipramine is a long people who decide they need our 90‘s, and quite unusually, the established anti-depressant, that has specialist input. Every counselling FDA labelled the seeds ‘Generally also been tested for its effects in killing session is tailor-made to the needs of glioma cells. (See each individual client; after all, Recognised as Safe‘ (GRAS). www.canceractive.com for more everyone's needs are different. Normally to obtain a GRAS rating, details). This research seems to suggest detailed peer-approved studies that there is enhanced activity when The CCT manages to start counselling have to be completed - in the case they are combined. remarkably quickly - usually within a of GM foods none was. In fact, the fortnight of the initial contact. They FDA ruled that the seeds are GRAS Specialist free provide up to nine sessions of specialist as long as the manufacturers say cancer counselling for each client - be they are, and has even removed counselling for cancer they patient or 'supporter'. Each references to scientific tests from session lasts 50 minutes. (Telephone: reports! The US National Academy patients and those close 020 7704 1137; of Sciences has stated that this Email: [email protected]) system is seriously flawed, as to them have similar institutions in Europe Few people touched by cancer seem to BBC Health Website and Canada. know that there is a free counselling service available in the UK. The Cancer Deletes Complementary The fast track self-regulatory Counselling Trust (CCT) offers face-to- approval was heralded by none face counselling in London, and Medicine less than Dan Quayle, vice- specialist telephone counselling In March 2008, the controllers of President of the USA. anywhere in the country - both services BBCHealth (www..co.uk/health) Furthermore, prior to this, seeds are free of charge. The charity is the decided to remove all coverage of were not allowed patents, being only organisation in the UKthat offers complementary medicine! life forms. With the allowance to specialist counselling not only for those Although coverage was not enormous self-regulate went the unilateral with cancer, but for their families, (they had about 40 pages on this US decision to allow the food friends or work colleagues. subject covering all the major companies to patent the seeds. therapies, their pros and cons, evidence Unsurprisingly, GM seeds are "Talking to a counsellor experienced for their effectiveness, how to find a expected to be a major in cancer issues can ease the sense of qualified practitioner, etc), the BBC worldwide revenue earner for isolation you may feel and help you site is one of the most accessed sites in the US economy. find ways to face the challenges the world. ahead," explains the charity's chief Whatever the original claims, executive, Jonathan Lake. "Very Apparently, the site has been sent a often, for example, the cancer about 99 per cent of the seed deluge of letters and emails in recent now used is herbicide resistant patient finds 'being strong' for months claiming that complementary (80 per cent) or pesticide- everyone is an exhausting role, and therapies such as homeopathy and producing (20 per cent). In both needs to discuss the whole issue with cranial osteopathy should be removed. cases the farmers sign a deal someone who is trained to So at the outset large chunks of this that each year they will understand the strain they are under. part of the site were simply removed We help with all aspects of cancer, overnight and now, following recent purchase new seed, and using from diagnosis to treatment, post- cutbacks, it has been decided that, the herbicide resistant seed also treatment, recurrences and palliative rather than update sections of the site, involves an agreement to use care. We support people concerned for it should simply be removed the manufacturer’s herbicide. their children with regard to a cancer altogether! Farmers using seed have to sign diagnosis and have offered one off a contract agreeing to purchase 'crisis' sessions to all. As a public service company the BBC new seed every year. Should has to listen to your views, rather than they keep seed back, they will We are finding increasing uptake of the merely those of the so-called and no longer be supplied. This is telephone counselling service, which highly organised ‘quack-busters’. You potentially big business. provides pre-booked counselling by a can make your views known via dedicated specially trained counsellor http://www.bbc.co.uk/feedback/ The Responsible Technology icon 26 CANCERWATCH review covers the way such only looked for any effects from potatoes had pre-cancerous cell (ARM) could transfer into the the planned genetic change and growth in the intestines, beneficial bacteria of the intestine. not for any side effects or underdeveloped brains and organs One FDA report actually wrote in unplanned effects. Some and weakened immune systems. In capital letters that ARMwould be a experiments only tested the foods the other, GMpeas promoted an SERIOUS HEALTH HAZARD as they with five or six animals. allergic reaction in mice, could create a new breed of suggesting a possibility of bacteria immune to antibiotics. Often the ‘studies’ at the anaphylactic shock in humans. In manufacturers are kept both cases the approval research Already statistics are showing that, confidential because of ‘Business team used advanced research despite original claims to the Interests‘. This has already been techniques, none of which has ever contrary, herbicide usage is condemned by the Royal Society of been used with GMfoods already increasing, as are herbicide Canada. Dr Dean Metcalf in one on the market! So who knows resistant weeds. Government panel review said that what might turn up if similarly were he reviewing the GMfood for advanced techniques were used A number of studies using a journal it would be rejected, such with the other GMfoods? potatoes, corn, soy and canola was the lack of research provided. have shown liver damage in the One estimate is that 75 per cent of GMfood fed animals, while others Of course, there have been US supermarket food is now GM. have shown GMfed animals had independent studies. One showed impaired gene expression, greater that GMsoy had 12-14 per cent less he report is fully referenced mortality and more organ damage cancer fighting phytoestrogens. (127 detailed references) overall. Smaller babies are also However these are often countered and any independently observed. In other cases (for by other studies from the seed Tminded person with concern example with GMSoy) higher firms and the research waters are for their family’s health would incidence of allergies is noted. most usually muddied. send a copy to their MP (and EMP) immediately with a demand for a Perhaps most alarming is an ack in 1996, Dr Arpad detailed explanation as to why observation by Judy Carman an Pusztai was commissioned there are no proper controls in Epidemiologist and GMexpert by the UK Government to place before GMseeds are grown, when reviewing Food Safety Blead a 20 member and why GMfoods are sold in your Australia New Zealand conclusions consortium to develop a set of our country without adequate testing. about the safety of GMfoods, that own rigorous standards to test In the UK there must be an added they overlooked potential these GMfoods. His defined question over why the Pusztai problems including birth defects, protocols have never been protocols have never been cancer and long-term nutritional adopted. adopted. What benefit can the deficiencies. ‘A review of 12 British population possibly derive feeding trials includes none with Two research studies did cause GM from allowing improperly tested people, and one where the seed Foods to be rejected: (V E Prescott, foods onto our market and quite was not even tested with animals‘. Journal of Agricultural Food possibly into the genetic fibre of Tests usually only monitored Chemistry 2005; and Ewan, Pusztai our children? It is extremely effects after 7 to 14 days and then 1999 Lancet). In one, rats fed GM worrying.

Cancer Research with the disease. Cancer Research UK Cancer Research’s cancer myths hopes it will be a valuable interactive might be very different from ours. launches a blog to ‘bust resource for the public, the health For example, they tend to ignore community and the media. toxins in toiletries and the cancer myths’ dangers of drugs. If readers would The charity’s health and science web like to comment on their blog - Cancer research has launched a blog manager, Henry Scowcroft, and one of please feel free to use any of our using ’top science bloggers’ to ‘dispel the bloggers, said: "There's a material - you can go to the misinformation and confusion that bewildering amount of media noise http://scienceblog.cancerresearch often hovers around health and science about cancer, some of it based on uk.org and tell them the Whole stories‘. sound science, some of it widely Truth. Why not give it a try?) misunderstood. By writing this blog (Ed: Of course, that is exactly our and putting cancer stories in context, Macmillan merges with role and mission with we hope to help people separate the CANCERactive and icon) good from the bad‘. Cancerbackup Their ’blog’ is now live after a six (Ed: We have 2,000 pages on our The two cancer charities announced month trial run at the charity. It is web site dispelling the myths, and their imminent merger in May 2008. already full of posts on subjects like separating the good from the bad. The new charity will be called whether mobile phones are linked to I have a sneaking feeling that McBackup - no, that’s a joke. cancer, and if hypnosis can help people CANCERWATCH icon 27

The new charity will be called due to an accumulation of endotoxins The pancreas is the source of insulin, Macmillan Cancerbackup. leaking from the gut, was an important produced in response to excess blood and damaging factor in liver disease. sugar levels. Both sugar (from any The £75 million Macmillan will This would provide an inexpensive source, including refined grains) and undoubtedly take over the 5 million intervention in liver disease - and a Insulin have been linked to higher Cancerbackup. Macmillan has a large placebo-controlled trial is now cancer rates, as has diabetes. Cancer wonderful reputation for care and planned. cells have more insulin receptor sites concern with cancer patients, than normal healthy cells, as cancer particularly through its famous (Ed: Here is just another piece of cells demand more of their favourite Macmillan nurses. Cancerbackup evidence of the power of Beneficial food, glucose. provides information historically Bacteria. Well done Yakult. confined to orthodox therapies. All Unfortunately, we are no longer Pancreatic cancer is a difficult cancer to that may well now change - Macmillan allowed to 'eat a bit of dirt' as beat and also pancreatic enzymes are nurses have long understood everything is sterilised and thought to be important in cancer cell complementary therapies and their pasteurised. And if you do get ill, regulation. benefits to patients, and the Trustee the Medical Profession throws numbers of the new charity seem to antibiotics and other drugs at you, Common herb favour Macmillan. did run an most of which wipe out the article about Cancerbackup's funding beneficial bacteria you do have kills leukaemia cells just over 2 years ago asking how and thus destroy what semblance objective charities could be in of immune system you had. When better than drug recommending treatments when they will the Medical Profession wake had significant funding from up to the importance of a strong For centuries Feverfew - which has Pharmaceutical companies.* immune system - and the small daisy-like flowers - has been used thousands, yes thousands of as a tea for treating ailments like Only time will tell how the new charity research studies on Beneficial arthritis and migraine. Now researchers will approach the issue of Bacteria - including clinical Trials from Rochester University in New York complementary and alternative over the last few years? Read our have shown that in higher therapies, and new non-drug 20 key points that appeared in the concentrations parthenolide, the active treatments from other parts of the last edition of icon -andtakeas ingredient, kills leukaemia stem cells world. many strains of probiotic as you whilst leaving healthy cells intact. can, daily.) When the researchers compared it to * The Times (Simon Crompton September 23rd the chemotherapy drug cytarabine 2006) stated: “The Medical Journal The Lancet they found in turn that the drug criticised Cancer Backup in July 2006 for not Bladder Cancer – showed only ‘modest toxicity’ to the being more open about receiving 371,410 (9 leukaemia stem cells, but relatively per cent of its total funding) from the risks reduced by pharmaceutical Industry each year. Donors high toxicity to the healthy cells. include Roche, the manufacturers of the breast vegetables cancer drug Herceptin. This, said the Lancet, The US Government has put compromises the charity's outspoken view that Several recent studies have focussed on parthenolide onto its ’Rapid Access Herceptin should be more widely available and bladder cancer. In one involving a programme’, which is a fast track it undermin es the group's credibility and raises the question, 'In whose interests does the survey on the dietary habits of 1,100 designed to take experimental drugs group work?' In response, Cancer Backup people, 275 of whom had bladder quickly into clinical trials. insisted that it was open about its funding and cancer, researchers from the Roswell that its opinions were formed through a board Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo showed Meanwhile the scientists are saying of clinical specialist advisers in which eating just three small servings of raw that leukaemia patients should not pharmaceutical companies played no part. Whilst there is no doubt that this is the case, cruciferous vegetables (e.g. broccoli take feverfew (or any other herbal seeds of doubt are being sown that could dent and cabbage) per month can decrease supplement) without consulting a public confidence”'. the risk of developing bladder cancer doctor first. Lead scientist Dr Craig amongst smokers by 40 per cent and Jordan says that, anyway, a patient non-smokers by 73 per cent. would not be able to take enough of it to produce an effect. LATEST NUTRITION AND Whole foods (Ed: Fascinating. Here clearly is a LIFESTYLE FINDINGS shown to protect against herb that works: Naturally toxic to a rogue cell but, as we have lived Yakult Pancreatic Cancer with it for thousands of years, it doesn’t harm healthy cells. Next helps fight infection According to UCLA, San Francisco the researchers ‘pan’ the current (American Journal of Epidemiology) drug. Is it to be withdrawn? Then At the annual Meeting of the American eating a diet high in whole grains can they suggest that leukaemia Association for the Study of Liver significantly reduce the risk of patients could only get enough of Diseases, in Boston, November 2007, Pancreatic Cancer. Lead researcher June the herb active ingredient in a new research results on a preliminary study Chan said that their research had drug as yet unmade drug - haven’t suggested that the administration of shown benefits in heart disease, they heard of tinctures? And Beneficial Bacteria - in this case the diabetes and now pancreatic cancer. finally you shouldn’t take a herb Probiotic, Yakult - to patients with Researchers analysed the diet habits of without consulting your Doctor. cirrhosis of the liver, can restore the 2233 people, 532 of whom had Considering he knows less than immune action and increase the developed pancreatic cancer. Fibre nothing about nutrition (according potential to fight liver infection. UCL intake, whole grains and not smoking to the US Government - they are in has previously shown that infection were significant preventative factors. the process of giving out 900 page icon 28 CANCERWATCH nutrition books to doctors for this period and concluded that those who spokesperson. They could have added very reason) and therefore have seven to eight hours a night lose that by swinging your arms you move supplements, howis he going to weight whilst those who have less, or your lymph significantly, helping to advise you on a herb? For your more add weight. Those who get less clear toxins away from your tissues. information - herbs are not than six hours were 27 per cent more medicines in the USA. And, unlike likely to be obese, and put on 2 kgs on Interestingly, players with the lowest Europe, no health claims can be average; those who had more than handicaps (i.e. Better players) have the made for them.) nine hours were 21 per cent more likely lowest rates of mortality. to be obese and put on 1.6 kgs on Scientists discover average. Sleep has a proven influence Eating Breakfast may on hormone levels and too much or a second fatness gene too little seems to give free reign to make you slim? those that encourage us to eat. The Apparently more than a third of the researchers want sleep to be included population carries a rogue gene which in the list of factors forming the basis ‘Teenagers who eat breakfast are can make it hard to lose weight. It for a healthy lifestyle. slimmer than those who skip it’, works in conjunction with a second according to researchers at the gene discovered last year. The latest University of Minnesota. They followed study involved analysing 90,000 Karolinska gives 2,216 teenagers habits for 5 years and individuals across six countries. One in its approval for golf concluded, ‘While it is best to go for a 17 Brits may carry the double flaw - but healthy breakfast option, the evidence before you use it as a total excuse for Mark Twain may have thought it ’a seems to suggest that eating anything your excesses - research shows that the good walk spoiled’, but researchers at is better than eating nothing’. excess weight as a result averages just the Karolinska Institute in Sweden have three and a half pounds. now shown that golf can improve US Cancer Research longevity, by 5 years on average. Tosleep, Study on Prevention The study was based on a review of perchance toslim 300,000 of the country‘s golfers. A new report released by the American Researchers found that golfers had a Institute of Cancer Research (AICR) at A study by Canadian researchers from 40 per cent increased life expectancy its annual meeting in November 2007 Laval University, Quebec, published in when compared to no golfers of the provides health guidelines on cancer the US magazine ’Sleep’ has monitored same sex and age. ‘It is a low intensity, prevention. the weight of 276 adults over a six year 7 km walk in the fresh air‘, said a CANCERWATCH icon29

Based on the analysis of more than Researchers are studying exactly what ‘Health Threatening’. 6 further bottles 7,000 scientific studies by 21 causes this to happen. tested were organic and, somewhat international experts over more than reassuringly, 5 were found to be five years, the document suggests that The same cancer-causing factors in pesticide-free. On average, each bottle 3 areas are important: red meat may be responsible, or it of non-organic wine contained 4 may have to do with the chemicals different pesticides, with 24 identified G Choose healthy foods that are used for processing. in all across the 40 bottles. Some Researchers do know that bottles had as many as 10 pesticides in G Be physically active every day for at carcinogens, specifically N-nitroso them, and going for a more expensive least 30 minutes compounds, are produced when meat bottle made little difference. A G Maintain a healthy weight is processed and dyed. spokesman for PAN said that the use of throughout life pesticides ‘was a growing problem’ and Prostate cancer – warned of the cocktail effect. Under the healthy foods heading, researchers found that people should eat garlic, leeks and You may be surprised to learn that eat more plant foods (especially there are no EU safe pesticide limits for antioxidant-rich vegetables and onions wine, only for grapes and, worryingly, fruits; pulses; and whole grains) and these are already way in excess of the less red meat and especially less On the National Cancer Institute web limits allowed for other fruits. Rather processed meats. site you will find the results of some of unreassuringly, a spokesman for the their own research showing that eating Bordeaux Wine Board said the Red meat should be treated like more garlic, onions and leaks halves the risk pesticides were used ‘to fight grape of a small side dish. According to the of prostate cancer. Lead by Dr Ann illnesses, rather like taking an aspirin AICR report, people should closely Hsing the research also came out in when you get a headache’. Don’t you limit red meat (beef, pork and lamb) favour of lycopene from tomatoes too. just love the French? to 18 ounces or less each week. The quantity of garlic causing this Alternatives include fish and poultry. impressive level of protection was 10 gms or about two and a half cloves. Colon cancer linked to “We talk to our patients about their And it is better to eat it raw as the trans fats and poor foods red meat consumption,” said Sally benefits are considerably weakened in Scroggs, manager of health education cooking. Researchers from the University of in the Cancer Prevention Center, “and North Carolina have discovered that a we tell them there is new, more- Another study supports diet of fast and processed foods can be substantiated evidence that limiting a major cause of colon cancer. These red meat helps prevent several types calorie restrictionfor a foods are high in trans-fatty acids, and of cancer, especially colorectal there seems to be a direct link between cancer.” longer life them and developing colon cancer.

In recent issues we have told you about People who eat 6.5 grams or more of Scroggs is quick to point out to Harvard Medical School and their work patients, however, that the guidelines trans fats every day, are 86 per cent on sirtuins - hormones that are more likely to have pre-cancerous do not prohibit meat. Meat can be a produced in response to calorie valuable source of essential nutrients colon polyps than those who eat just restricted diets, and have an effect of 3.63 g of the fats. Trans fats originally such as protein, iron, zinc and vitamin increasing life expectancy. B12. were thought to be inert but are now known to be harmful. They are found We have also told you how resveratrol in junk food, crisps, many fast food “It all boils down to portion size, - a natural compound particularly high which is something people need to be products, certain packaged foods and in organic red grape skins - can even some ‘health bars, more conscious of in their diets. A stimulate these sirtuins. piece of meat, say 3 ounces or so (the Researchers made the discovery when they carried out colonoscopies on 622 size of a deck of cards), is OK several Now a new study (Journal of Proteome times a week.” volunteers, who were then interviewed Research) comes from Imperial College, about their diets. (Source: American London. Working with Nestlé, scientist However, the report cautions people Journal of Epidemiology, 2008; 168: took identical Labrador dogs and gave 289-97). to avoid all processed meats, one group 20 per cent less food than including hot dogs, lunch meats and the other group. The calorie restricted ham. dogs lived 1.8 years longer on average, and had less diseases like diabetes, CHEMICAL WORLD Researchers used to think the heart problems and arthritis. saturated fat in meat increased the chance of cancer, but current research Mobile Phones points to a number of other reasons. Pesticides and wine - Studies have shown, for instance, that criticised again red meat consumption increases the is nothing sacred? ‘Mobile phones could kill far more production of carcinogens in the Wines from top French Chateaux are people than smoking or asbestos’, says colon. Cooking at high temperatures ‘contaminated with pesticides’ an award-winning cancer expert. also produces additional carcinogens. according to a report by Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN). An Dr Vini Khurana reviewed more than Processed meats, which are preserved analysis of 34 bottles of French wine 100 studies on the effects of mobile by salting, smoking, curing or showed 33 containing pesticides, treating with chemicals, have been including some classified by the EU as CONTINUED ON PAGE 45 found to increase cancer risk. icon 30 CENTREFOLD PIN-UP

How to Boost your Immune System?

It is one of the most asked questions of our staff. People who want to beat cancer know just how important their immune system is. So let us have a lookat what you can do to get your immune system into tip-top condition. CENTREFOLD PIN-UP icon 31

Beta-carotene: 1 cup carrot Astragalus: Strong booster juice (24 mgs); 1 medium of immune system and helps sweet potato (10 mgs) it identify rogue cells. (MD 5 dried apricots (6.2 mgs); Anderson says it doubles sur- 1 cup cherries (6.2 mgs); half vival times). cup cooked spinach (5.7 mgs) Release the 6goodness from polysaccharides which help your foods cells identify one another; Take a Probiotic: Beneficial Exercise and has inflammation Bacteria are the directors of 1moves the lymph to take suppressors the immune system. Take a toxins away from cells, it MGN-3 (Biobran): multi-strain variety oxygenates the blood, and it bran/medicinal mushroom (Prebiota-7 or Neways increases levels of happy Zinc: 6 oysters (55 mgs), immune booster with clinical Advanced Probiotic, or endorphins and Human 1 medium steak (8 mgs); 4 trials behind it Yakult for shirota) Growth Hormone, both of tablespoons sunflower seeds Fish Oils: Reduces which can reduce levels of 96mgs); serving of All Bran inflammation and bad ‘bad hormones’. Do half an (4 mgs) localized hormones Eat Potassium hour every day - it does not Selenium: 4 cracked Brazil 7and magnesium-rich have to be strenuous. nuts (150 mcgs; 4 slices of wholemeal bread (60 mcgs); foods Sunshine Like lentils, pulses, jacket potato, nuts, whole grains 2can boost the immune and ‘greens’, bananas, system because it causes the whole brown rice, carrots, production of vitamin D apples, pears, papaya and from cholesterol under your melon. skin. Now thought to boost your whole immune system and even kill cancer cells. Raw Garlic: kills bacteria, If you cannot get 30 minutes stops blood supply to in the sunshine every day, tumours, cleans blood and take a supplement of 1000- 2 tablespoons sunflower boosts beneficial bacteria 2000 IU’s of vitamin D3. seeds (15 mcgs); 1 free range levels egg (15 mcgs); 1 chicken breast (10 mcgs) Eat your Add in some antioxidants 5natural herbs 3 Laugh Vitamin E: 2 tablespoons of Echinacea: Boosts white cells (take no longer than 8 8Laughter boosts the sunflower seeds (11 mgs); 20 immune system and moves almonds (8 mgs); 1 table- weeks then have a break as your lymph. So see friends, spoon wheat germ (3 mgs) watch old movies you like, old comedy shows, and go and see a show. Cut all the people and things out of your life that make you feel Lycopene: Tomatoes - 1 tin guilty, stressed or depressed. tomato soup (65 mgs); Let no-one put you down. 5 tablespoons tomato paste (22 mgs).

Vitamin C: 1 large red Don’t forget pepper (224 mgs); 100 gms it thins blood). 4 the most powerful Cat’s Claw: Boosts immune raw broccoli (90 mgs) 150 gms papaya (90 mgs); 1 large natural compounds: response and significantly orange (65 mgs) increases white cells. Resveratrol – in organic red grape skins; best as a supplement Polyphenols – in extra This extract has been taken virgin olive oil, and green from ‘The Rainbow Diet tea and how it can help you Curcumin – the active beat cancer’, a book ingredient in curries and launched in July 2008 by turmeric – Chris Woollams. best as a supplement To purchase a copy call Aloe Vera – full of 01280 821211 icon 32

A report by Chris Woollams icon 33

‘50 per cent of cancers are your own "Major cancer agencies have largely avoided the urgency of acting on what we know to prevent people from getting fault’ ran the front page headline in the cancer in the first place," said researcher Genevieve Howe at well known UK daily paper, early in 2008. Lowell. Apparently, we all eat badly, we smoke So it’s certainly not all your fault. And some Governments in and drink too much, we go in the sun and our world have even taken action on chemicals that ours we don’t exercise enough. continues to allow in common use.

It’s enough to make you retreat into the safety of your own The Government and top cancer charities, home and bolt the door. Unfortunately, inside your own in their infinite wisdom, are quite clear: home is where your problems really start. We are all to blame for our own potential demise. Warning: Your home can

Unfortunately for this theory, I receive all seriously damage your health too many letters from people who don’t smoke, do watch their weight, joined the Location, location, location gym, took up yoga, and gave up the People love to look in estate agents windows – 4 bedrooms, a downstairs loo, en suite shower, wonderful. However, top demon drink... yet, still got cancer. Pray of the list should come the most important criterion of all: tell, oh wise ones, ‘what causes the Location. other 50 per cent?’ If you go to UK cancer charity web sites, the causes of lung cancer may include asbestos and smoking. However, ow, I may have missed something here. But I vote for American sites will associate as many as a quarter of cases a Government every five or so years, expecting them with other factors – for example, diesel fumes. Breathing to take decisions in my best interests. Instead I toxic particles from diesel fumes will deliver the toxins to the Nwitness less and less sports fields at schools, poorer deepest recesses of your lungs from where they are quality foods in our supermarkets and high streets, electronic extremely difficult to remove. Epidemology studies show the devices everywhere, yet restrictions on natural food dangers of living near main roads and, especially for supplements. It took a revolt amongst MP’s to overrule our children, living near petrol stations. wishy-washy PM and Health Minister of the time and bring in a full smoking ban in public places, as they were against the You may of course head to the hills. However, in certain parts idea. And if it weren’t for Jamie Oliver our kids would still be of Britain, notably the West Country, areas of Wales and eating fat-ladened burgers and greasy chips at school. areas round Manchester and Glasgow, our land is rock-based and contains deposits of uranium. The decomposing uranium But the ineptitude doesn’t stop there. Unlike these wise gives off radon, a colourless, tasteless, odourless gas which people who dispense blame so glibly, we ordinary folk are all slowly bubbles to the surface through your floors. You could aware of something more sinister. Something the try opening all the doors and windows, but this is not too Government and cancer bodies should be protecting us from, effective as the radon 'sticks" to dust particles in the but prefer to procrastinate over or, worse, ignore. We know localised environment of the house. When you breathe in, about it. Why don’t they? these dust particles also go to the deepest recesses of your lungs and the radon decomposes further resulting in The evidence is there. Scientists, experts, toxicologists and carcinogenic activity. the like have researched and concluded. A good example would be the 2006 report from the University of on't be under any illusions about this. Several big Massachusetts, Lowell: "Environmental and Occupational studies in the USA, and the US Surgeon General, Causes of Cancer: A Review of Recent Scientific Evidence". have concluded that radon is the second largest This starts by referring to a previous and British report cause of lung cancer after cigarette smoking. produced 20 years or so ago by Sir Richard Doll and Richard D Indeed, if it combines with cigarette smoking, risks are Peto who attributed only 2-4 per cent of cancers to disproportionately multiplied. environmental and occupational exposure. Unfortunately this has determined our thinking ever since. Worse, new One answer, if you are worried, is to contact the Radiological evidence shows they are clearly wrong. Protection Board on 0800 614529 or visit www.hpa.org.uk/radiation. In the 50 page study from Lowell, researchers conclude ‘Many cancer cases and deaths are caused or contributed to Heading for the open countryside may not be much better. by involuntary exposures. These include: bladder cancer from There you must avoid a different hazard: Beware farmers the primary solvent used in dry cleaning, breast cancer from bearing toxic sprays. A farmer can spray a fruit orchard as endocrine disruptors like bisphenol-A and other plastics many as 15 times in a season. Not surprisingly farmers have components, lung cancer from residential exposure to radon, higher incidences of ‘blood’ cancers like multiple myeloma. non-Hodgkin's lymphoma from solvent and herbicide Those who live by the spray.... exposure, and childhood leukemia from pesticides’. The authors further noted that the mortality rate for all One lady I know in a beautiful Kent oast house had to shut cancers combined (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer) is the windows, even on a hot summer day. She developed the same today as it was in the 1940s, yet the annual rate of breast cancer last year. Pesticides and herbicides have been new cases has significantly increased. the subject of important papers in the EU. They have even icon 34

clearly stated that some are proven to be linked to cancer. are talking GM, that is) but you can infest the whole nation However the UKGovernment left pesticides out of their 2004 with WiFi? There is, as of today, simply no serious research on White Paper on cancer completely – accident, or ignorance, WiFi. Only recently the BBC investigative programme, or vested interests? Panorama, showed schools with WiFi had three times the You choose. levels of Electromagnetic smog that they would get from a full bean phone mast. Come on Government – wake up! ext, avoid living near power cables or electricity sub- stations. Leukaemia risk is increased. At least UK Although you may not have WiFi at home, your neighbours Government policy is now to stop new house may have it the other side of your shared wall. At my building within 200 yards of power cables (not that mother’s UKhouse, my computer tells me 4 nearby homes N have WiFi strong enough for me to access. (I’m still trying to we’re building many houses anyway at the moment!!) work out which one amongst them – in quiet leafy Epsom – is ‘Sexyboots’). Suffer little Children So, let’s assume we have chosen our location wisely. Now let’s make a dash for the front door and hope to escape this toxic outside world. The dangers can start as soon as you walk through the front gate. Moss killers, weed killers, ant killers, rose sprays: If they are harmful to the genes of plants and aphids why would they not be harmful to your genes?

The link between cancer and pesticide exposure is well documented. In one US study children under 14, whose gardens have been sprayed with herbicides, have a four times greater incidence of connective tissue tumours; in another, pesticides used to eradicate garden insects are linked with increased levels of brain tumours in children and, in another, with a fourfold increase in childhood leukaemia. Finally, avoid being down-wind of a factory, especially a As you may be aware, cancer levels have doubled overall in the chemical factory, steel makers, wood cutters/timber UKin the last 30 years. What you may not be aware of is that merchants or cement factory – all have been linked in the for certain children’s cancers they have more than trebled. USA to increase risks of blood and kidney cancers. Several research studies have shown that our children are Other Dangers you can’t see both more susceptible to toxic poisoning (because their Just in case you didn’t find that all scary enough, we now brains, nervous and immune systems are still forming) and have a new threat to our health growing unchecked by our are more likely to ‘contain’ toxins in their blood streams. UKleaders. No, not GM foods. Electrosmog. The good news so far is that ‘officially’ in the UK, you can’t have a school in or example in 2004/5 the World Wildlife Fund turned its the full beam of a ‘phone mast’. Precautionary advice, focus from pandas to humans and, looking for the admittedly. But it’s a start. We have to protect our little presence of 78 of the nastiest toxins in everyday life, cherubs at school. Of course you can end up living right next Ffound 65 of them in our blood streams. On average we to a mast if your local council says the mobile phone boys can have 27, and the highest was in someone from Glasgow with erect one in your street, so they may not be very well 49 (no comment is necessary). Worse, in a follow up study on protected at night. 80 harmful ingredients, children were shown, on average, to contain a whopping 75, while the grandparents only had, on Until a few started rebelling in late 2007, councils could not average, 56. Importantly, there was no difference at all turn down a mast planning application on the grounds of found between city and rural dwellers. These are inside your safety – just on aesthetics. However, the Government of home, wherever you may live. Taiwan know better. They have just ordered 1500 phone masts to be pulled down – and included in the official In children the following chemicals were most commonly statement are the words ‘causes health problems and found: cancer’. In icon you may have read the story of breast 1. Polychlorinated biphenyls from coolants, flame- cancer victim Eileen O’Connor and how she proved the retardants and plastics: known to affect nervous system presence of a cancer cluster and had her local mast removed. and linked to liver and brain cancers. 2. Organochlorides from plant pesticides to mosquito It’s also precautionary advice in the UKthat children should repellents: linked to male genital problems and hormone not use mobile phones for long periods. In Canada, their disruptive, oestrogen mimic effects Government has just ruled that children under 8 should only 3. Perfluorinated chemicals from fast food packaging, be allowed to use mobile phones for emergencies. In China, non-stick utensils, stain resistant carpets and furniture the Government there simply refuses to allow the sale of polishes - linked to bladder cancer. mobile phones as ‘strong’ as those in Britain. Frying tonight 4. Phthalates from plastics in bottles to children's toys, and was something that only happened down the fish and chip many toiletry bottles - known oestrogen mimics and shop when I was a lad. hormone disrupters. 5. Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers found in Then there’s the new designer must have: WiFi. How is it that flame-retardants in cars, furniture and TVs, and in clothing you cannot launch a new food, or health supplement treatments: cause severe hormone disruption and blood without proving first in triplicate that it is safe (unless you disorders. icon 35

Worse, not only is the problem occurring inside the home, IARC, the International Agency for cancer in Lyon, is about to it seems to stem from the everyday products we bring into declare ‘lack of sleep, and poor sleeping habits’ carcinogenic. the home. Research shows that lack of sleep reduces melatonin levels and this is linked (probably via two hormones that melatonin ake another deeply worrying study: In 2008, the seems to control – IGF-1 and Oestrogen) to increased cancer University of Washington (The Journal of Paediatrics) risk, probably directly and indirectly as melatonin is a studying babies between the ages of 2 and 28 powerful antioxidant too. Yet we know that EMF’s reduce months, has found that 80 per cent have blood melatonin levels similarly. Why is IARC not thinking to T declare EMF’s (from masts, mobile phones etc) carcinogenic? streams containing seven or more phthalates. The urine of babies who had been exposed to their parents’ perfumed Perchance it is that sleep cannot sue Governments, nor can it lotions, shampoos or powders had four times the phthalate pay for lobbyists in Parliament, nor mobile phone licences? levels of children who had not been exposed to those products. Children under the age of eight months fared the worst. Phthalates are known to be powerful and cumulative endocrine (hormone) disrupters.

Phthalates typically originate from plasticisers used to soften plastic - for example, to make plastic bottles surrounding shampoos and bubble bath. But they can also be found in plastic toys. California has recently banned the sale of plastic toys for children under the age of three. But yours in Britain can play with these toys or even suck on a plastic dummy or a plastic teething ring.

Recent research also showed that where plastics had contained hot liquids they released more phthalates, and continued to do so for ever after even when the liquid was cold – so beware thermos cups, plastic cups and beakers, or babies bottles.

California banned their plastic toys in 2007 not just for phthalate content but also because many contain another Some chemicals are directly toxic. Heavy metals like hormone disrupter Bisphenol A (BPA). You can get yours cadmium are linked to kidney cancer; mercury to leukaemia. from certain white linings in cans; baby can get theirs from a After World War II the worldwide production of chemicals plastic feeding bottle. was 1 million tonnes. Now it approaches 500 million. Some chemical compounds like dioxins are extremely, and directly, Canada has just banned BPA, full stop. Why can’t we? toxic. Other chemical compounds like phthalates, parabens and BPA can mimic the action of oestrogen when in the Direct and indirect cancer causing toxins body and have a number of serious and negative effects. They are called xenoestrogens and are endocrine disrupters. Before we continue, it is probably best to provide a little Oestrogen has been proven since 1994 (by the NCI in the ‘kiddies guide’ to toxins and cancer. USA) to be a cause of cancer – it fuels the fire.

There are a number of ways you can develop cancer. Suffice Of course there are ‘Government Safe Limits’ on each of it to say that there are certain toxins (radioactivity would be these hormone disrupting chemical ingredients. But firstly, a good example) that can have a direct effect on your cell, new research has recently shown some of these to be set way and cause a ‘rogue’ cell to be produced. They may be too high. Secondly, Governments approve chemicals in parts ‘external’, or ‘internal’ (for example, the free radicals you per million or parts per billion, but hormones are so produce from everyday living). powerful they can work at levels of parts per trillion – a thousand to a hundred thousand times less concentrated. You make about 200 or so ‘rogue’ cells throughout each day, Thirdly, Dr Ana Soto of the Tufts Cancer Centre in the USA but under normal circumstances your immune system mops has shown that xenoestrogens are cumulative in the body. them up. However if your immune system is impaired, they Individually they may all be below Government safe levels - stand far more chance of beating the system, and you are but cumulatively? The US Cancer Prevention Coalition covers then on your way to a cancer. There are many things that can research that shows the lifetime safe toxin level is exceeded weaken your immune system and are thus indirect causes of by the time a person reaches 18 months. cancer. Where ‘Cancer Bodies’ and Governments get their knickers in a twist is that they seem to only want to look at Key Contaminants direct causes. And ones that can’t sue them, or ones that don’t give them money. We finally make it to the front door. Here it is a good idea to adopt an oriental custom and leave your outdoor shoes So 25 years ago epidemiology studies linked smoking with outside. Why bring in the lead still found in traces on our increased risk of cancer, and warnings were put on pack pavements, or the germs, pesticides and herbicides into the labels. Science now has theories about how smoking may house and onto the carpets? Again scientific studies have have both direct and indirect effects, and we are past the shown that is exactly what you do! Carpets hold over a point of legal action by Tobacco Companies. But similar hundred times more dust than wood flooring and research epidemiology studies (for example from the Karolinska shows lead levels in carpet dust exceed those in clean-up Institute in Sweden) show that dairy is also linked to levels from toxic factory sites! Think about getting rid of increased risk of cancer. But farmers vote for MP’s. And there your carpets! If not, vacuum at least twice per week and use are lots of farmers. a vacuum cleaner with at least a HEPA filter. CONTINUED ON PAGE 42 icon 36

Toothpaste: can contain SLS, but the lining of the mouth is very absorbent to chemicals already. Main ingredient is Sodium Fluoride, a by-product of the aluminium industry and some traces of aluminium can be found. Sodium Fluoride has been used as rat poison in concentrated form. America seems to know of this problem. There, warnings on pack state: ‘As in all fluoride toothpastes, keep out of the reach of children under 6 years of age. If you accidentally swallow more than used for brushing, seek professional assistance or contact a Poison Control Centre immediately’. See the dangers of Fluoride in the main article ‘Safe as Houses’. Other ingredients can include Triclosan – perfectly harmless unless you mix it with water, when it can form dangerous dioxins. Chemistry Lesson

Let’s look at a few of Shampoos: can contain SLS the things you really or more likely Sodium laureth need to know if you are Sulphate. Other ingredients going to clean up your include methyl aldehyde (a home for real. form of formaldehyde) – known carcinogen, see Your skin: is a carrier not a above. Some anti-dandruff barrier. There was a lengthy agents, for example zinc debate about this in the pyrithione, are known to Moisturisers: can contain pages of the Times a few cause muscle weakness and propylene glycol, which in years ago with prominent wastage, spasms and nervous concentrated form is scientists saying that liquids problems. Other ingredients Industrial anti-freeze. It is on the skin could not pass include the wetting agents used for ‘skin glide’. It is a any chemicals into the blood DEA and TEA, which can solvent and easily absorbed stream. Obviously they release nitrosamines as they through the skin. In high haven’t talked with makers of to 40 per cent allowing more sit on shelves, especially if the concentrations it is a skin HRT or nicotine patches. chemicals to cross into the product is in a clear bottle irritant and has been linked blood stream. and left in strong light. with fatal depression of the Soap: can contain Sodium nervous system in babies. It is Lauryl Sulphate (SLS); used Shower Gel: can contain SLS ‘officially’ considered safe for because, with salt, it foams. It or its cousin Sodium Laureth use in cosmetics up to a 50 is a known skin irritant and Sulphate, which is not such per cent concentration level. has been linked to problems an irritant but more Other ingredients include with children’s eyes, and even chemically active with the ‘parafidium liquidium’ (as if cataracts. It has been linked other ingredients and can the Romans had this!?). Posh with toxic residues in the form compounds such as liquid paraffin can cause heart, lungs, liver and brain nitrosamines, which have sweat rashes and (Journal of American been linked to cancer. inflammation of hair follicles; Toxicology Vol 2 No, 7 1983). Prolonged use has been can be polluted with Of most significance is that known to cause eczema, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, SLS can increase the especially with children and which have been linked to permeability of the skin by up babies. cancer. icon 37

Hair Dyes: especially dark term genital use might be are definitely toxic, endocrine hair dyes can contain linked with some ovarian disrupters acting like paraphenylene diamine, cancers but recent research synthetic oestrogen in the which causes cancer in rats has not confirmed this. body. In one study covered in when hydrogen peroxide is icon, women who used present. Other ingredients perfume or perfumed include hydrogen peroxide products on their skin during and ammonia which is not pregnancy and then thought to be a carcinogen produced male offspring, saw but is a toxin. Cancers of the 11 per cent of these with bladder, neck, head and genital problems (size etc). kidney have been linked in The reason was assigned to a research to these dyes. chemical called DEHP in the blood stream. This has even Mouthwash: can contain up behind them is very been linked to testicular to 25 per cent alcohol. Has absorbent, so this is like cancer. Keep all perfumes and been linked to cancers of the having ten or twenty little perfumed products off your mouth and has caused death toxic patches on your body, if skin. when accidentally drunk by you are not careful. children. Can also contain Parabens: widely used as a Sodium Fluoride. Lipsticks: few even say what Nail varnish remover: gives preservative in many they contain. They used to off strong and potentially cosmetics and toiletries. This use colouring compounds like irritating vapours. One US is also a powerful oestrogen lead, titanium, zinc and report said that girls working mimic. aluminium but we are in nail parlours in the USA assured that this is no longer had higher levels of brain US research shows that the case in popular brands. tumours, although this might American women have blood They can contain isopropyl not be connected at all. streams containing 40 per alcohol, which can cause DNA cent more of these toxins damage; and propylene than their men. But we’re glycol. Applying lipstick twice going to catch up. a day will mean you ingest 22 kgs in a lifetime according to Now girls. Wash your face US research, but 2 lbs with SLS to ensure more according to WEN in the UK. goodies get into your blood No comment. streams, apply the propylene glycol, then the Shaving Cream: can contain Eye Shadow, face powder: titanium oxide, and finally a DEHA. This can be a now what was the warning smidgen of arsenic. All with contaminant of plastic on a baby powder bottle? parfum and parabens. That’s packaging. In animal Believe it or not but Finish how you do it. experiments it causes researchers found arsenic in tumours and can be a skin some makes of eye shadows. Is it any wonder Cancer irritant. Research reported that oestrogen levels in women Baby Wipes: often contain Sun cream: may prevent were rising a couple of years propylene glycol. cancer, or it may even make ago? Well you can always matters worse. Some contain take one piece of their Talc: powder is the cousin of titanium oxide, propylene advice to combat this: Have asbestos. Warning on some glycol, PABA, cinnamates and more babies and breast feed products says clearly, ‘Do not benzophenones. Research them longer! Fat is a use near baby’s nose or from Sweden and wonderful toxin and many mouth’. It has been linked to Switzerland has shown of these toxic chemicals will breathing problems but, even ingredients in the urine dissolve in it – so feeding in large quantities, there’s no several days later. After all, baby with fatty breast milk link to lung cancer. However you do rub it in to make it will quickly get rid of lots of there were fears that long disappear. And several of the them for you. The colourings can be based common ingredients are on titanium oxide, which oestrogen mimics. Sweden does have links to cancer risk has banned PABA. Personally, I never use them. One driver Nail polish: can contain in melanoma is localised xylene and toluene which are oestrogen. skin irritants and can cause liver and nerve damage. Parfum: is a funny word that Toluene is also a powerful means perfume; and here endocrine disrupter and your troubles really start. oestrogen mimic. Many also Nowhere does any company contain formaldehyde. The have to say what is in it, and problem is that your nails are it could contain any of about actually porous and the skin 50 chemicals. Some of these icon 38 EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE

Hardly a week passes without a information on energy therapies to motional Freedom Technique was reader contacting CANCERactive its website. UK medicine men yet founded in 1995 by a Stanford and asking if we can tell them again lag behind. One who doesn’t Engineering Graduate who anything about EFT. ‘There’s a man is David Broom. We asked him to became an ordained minister. called Gary Craig and we all get his tell us more about Emotional E Gary Craig is a remarkable character by e newsletter’, said one lady in a Freedom Technique and how your any standards. Whilst he does not cancer support group. emotions can make you whole pound the table for 'God' on his again. website or in his seminars, he mentions A couple of years ago I had to do a that he does come at this procedure speech on ‘How your Brain can from a 'decidedly spiritual perspective'. make you well’. For that I did a lot Gary had looked at 'Thought Field of research and discovered the Therapy' which he refined and work of people like Dr Bruce Lipton simplified to provide a quick resolution of and Nobel of negative emotional blockages to an Prize winners John Vane and individual's health and happiness. He Gunter Blobel. To summarise this quickly and persistently demonstrated briefly, your brain sends out his ability to eliminate stressful anxiety messages via chemical substances - and phobias such as flying or public these may be via nerve responses, speaking. He then went on to deal with hormones or simple proteins. There people with chronic illness, and has had are receptor sites on the success using EFT to assist clients with a membranes of all your cells that diversity of problems, including cancers respond to these substances and other degenerative conditions. creating, for example, localised Whilst it is understood that people hormones called eicosanoids, which should be under medical supervision for ultimately control the inner any serious illness, EFT offers no threat workings of your cells, even to treatment methods and can switching off the messages from complement most other choices of your DNA inside the cells! therapy.

Given that these chemical EFT is described as 'energy psychology' substances are made up of by Dawson Church, director of research molecules, atoms and therefore David Broom MIRCH is a registered at ACEF and this relatively 'new' subject electrons, a whole new world is medical herbalist, naturopath and EFT has arrested the attention of some of emerging on how energy controls practitioner who has been in practice our greatest medical thinkers in the the process. A depressed brain can for 25 years. He uses Vega Testing (food modern world. Deepak Chopra MD, actually result in a depressed & chemical sensitivity testing) and GDV renowned for his ground breaking breast cell and the production and analysis (Kirlian photography) to assist works on quantum healing methods, action of ‘bad’ localised chemicals his diagnosis and works from Hurn and Candice Pert MD, former research can be affected by chemical Forest Clinic in Hampshire. David gives professor at Georgetown University substances and hormones like frequent talks on health matters and school of medicine, both advocate its toxins, insulin, steroids and others, runs 4 seminars each year at the forest use. Bruce Lipton PhD, author of 'The and even your natural body energy. location. biology of Belief" did much original (01202-874149 or email: research and says that 'EFT is a simple We know for certain that cells [email protected]; powerful process that can profoundly communicate with each other. We Website: hurn-forest-clinic.co.uk) influence gene activity, health and know for certain that stress behaviour'. Others, like Dr Eric Robins releases ‘bad’ hormones which in say 'We see EFT curing medical turn cause your cellular membranes "Men go forth to wonder at the conditions all the time', and describe it to release ‘bad’ eicosanoids that heights of mountains, the huge waves as ' the most clinically effective control what messages your DNA of the sea, the broad flow of the rivers, mind/body practice in existence.' can send out. So suddenly we are the vast compass of the ocean, the proving that your thoughts and courses of the stars, and they pass by emotions really do control your themselves without wondering." So what exactly is EFT? DNA - and your health. The EFT teaches you how to deal with National Cancer Institute in USA emotional blocks which have lain agrees and now has added a St Augustine, dormant in the subconscious. number of important pages of Confessions Book X, chapter 8 icon 39

Energy points are stimulated by Freedom from pain her husband wasn’t there, suddenly tapping over the acupuncture remembered being bullied at school. meridians in a systematic process, using Pain is a warning signal initiated by the The bullies snatched her sandwiches the fingertips. At the same time brain. We can put up with it in short and dispersed them so that she couldn’t carefully formatted words are chosen episodes, perhaps, but can we do eat. In despair she secreted the to evoke the underlying emotion which anything about chronic unremitting chocolate where it could not be found may contribute towards symptoms or pain which affects the quality of life. and came to see this as her 'saviour' disease conditions being experienced One of the most common sites of pain, during times of stress. Once having by the patient. In general it is a gentle in the lower back is often caused by realised this and applying EFTshe process of observation, whilst gradually emotional restrictions and can be ceased to crave the chocolate and the peeling layers of negative scripting significantly helped by EFT. Many issue is no longer a problem. from the mind, and finally inputting chronic pains can be related to positive thoughts and phrases to suppressed anger or frustration so it is evisiting a buried emotional replace the negative. good to talk over and tap through to event does not have to be a the underlying factors. Patients are massive psycho drama and is like These are the tap points as illustrated encouraged to express the anger they rewinding a film but not on Gary Craig's web site emofree.com felt within the original situation and to R necessarily appearing in it. Some from which you can download free wind back the film of the event, see it practitioners will use role play information on his techniques. from a different perspective, and techniques and visualisation to help the observe the situation objectively. process. Many conversations can take Annoying symptoms can be dispersed place during a typical session, and there after a single session. Progress varies as can be sudden re-awakenings of with any form of treatment, but EFTis memories which have long been something that can be applied easily at dormant. home and without direct supervision once you have learnt the basics. Stress and anxiety are key triggers Repeating affirmations serves to with addictions. The many ways we reinforce the positive scripts which we calm ourselves are typically not only choose to develop, in place of the food, but alcohol, drugs, and damaging ones. cigarettes as well. When we’re bombarded with stressful situations TH = Top of Head EFT and Cancer the emotions that most often ride in EB = Beginning of the Eye Brow tandem with stress and anxiety are SE = Side of the Eye Recently on the Gary Craig website, centred on seeking comfort, and this is UE = Under the Eye there is a stunning article by Rossanna then followed by guilt. UN = Under the Nose Massey DC. Following persistent EFT Ch = Chin sessions for a patient with an angry For example, someone may start their CB = Beginning of the Collar Bone pancreas, Rossanna wrote, ‘She told me day focused and ready to eat all the UA = Under the Arm that her blood work and CAT scan WR = Inside of Wrists right things to keep their “diet” on findings were all normal, and quite a track. However, when a stressful trigger contrast to the first time they were It may all sound like mumbo-jumbo. occurs they automatically reach for taken. Her Doctors were completely something to eat. This feels good But using these phrases to alter existing dumbfounded by their findings, and thoughts and emotions, actually works. momentarily, but the initial good said that in all the years they've treated intentions have been undermined by patients, neither one of them have ever the emotions. Once having broken the A lifetime of believing experienced a spontaneous healing. rules, guilt kicks in and they enter the The mass atthehead of her pancreas I never cease to be amazed by some of comfort zone, which requires full was completely gone and she was indulgence! This negative chain of the chronic situations caused by parents deemed cancer-free.’ providing their children with negative events can last for years in spite of best intentions. scripts which can affect them Many people have a problem with their throughout their lives. Like the queens weight - especially cancer patients. For barrister who thought she was 'stupid' many, using EFTto obtain their correct Collapsing Beliefs because this is what her mother weight only requires identifying the constantly told her. Despite a relatively Our past plays a role in how we underlying emotions behind your perceive ourselves, and how we think illustrious career, this very intelligent personal issues with food. There are lady still felt stupid and paid the price others perceive us. The writings on our reasons why people overeat and why subconscious walls may be etched there for this in her relationships. certain foods can be hard to resist. A lot of our problems inevitably begin because we took on a negative Often the reasons are rooted in our comment years ago, and believed it. during childhood, because we hang on subconscious memories and behind to every word a parent says. The good news is that with EFT, you can them there are powerful emotions learn how to collapse those beliefs, and Franklyn Covey, author of 'The seven which override reason. Sometimes habits of highly effective people' wrote defuse them for good! people need to gain weight and the Social excuses are common, like the in 1988: 'I believe that giving 'wings' to same principles apply. From a our children and to others means classic for addicted smokers which tells psychotherapeutic point of view the them that that they have to smoke empowering them with the freedom to question is 'What is eating them?' rise above negative scripting that had because their friends do. Someone once been passed down to us'. He goes on to told me that for her to lose weight, it The root of the emotion will often would not be fair on her overweight say that tendencies running through reveal itself through the words or families for generations can stop with friends!! memories of the patient. A lady in her Then there are others like, "My job is so you, and that this change can affect 40's addicted to eating chocolate when many lives downstream.' stressful I just have to unwind with icon 40 alcohol" to which the practitioner ithin my own practice, from emotional restrictions and replies, ‘But does that have to extend which includes herbal poisonous legacies from the past. EFT to a bottle of whisky, 'every' night?' medicine, dietary & allergy will 'do no harm' and possibly help to assessments & bring us to a state of awareness from From this one can see how multi- W where we can see more clearly what acupuncture scanning devices, EFT has layered a weight issue can be. The played a significant role. Personally, I causes illness. bottom line is that things are not likely feel that comprehension of the to change unless the issues are underlying principles of this remarkable Sherwin B Nuland is a Surgeon and addressed both on a cellular, and therapy could revolutionise our Physician who teaches at Yale energetic level. understanding of the causal factors of University. Author of many best selling illness. As a traditional healer, my belief books on the body, he wrote in 1987 in EFT has been described as the most is centred in the core principles of 'How We Live' (published by Mackays of effective self-help technique of the 21st 'healing' which regard the body as Chatham, Kent) 'There are century. The manual stimulation of essentially a self-restoring mechanism. circumstances in which it may be certain acupuncture points by tapping Can we be sure that many of our possible for deliberate conscious on them with your fingertips is a 'inventions' including various 'drugs' thought to affect autonomic and mechanical trigger while addressing a might not be indirectly injuring us by therefore even cellular responses. If this specific negative emotion aloud evokes interfering with the body's natural is true of deliberate thought, how the buried emotion. For many who signaling systems? much more must it be true of the have tried this, the limiting beliefs in In my own EFT program I advise constant stream of mental processes the subconscious are defused and the patients to provide positive instructions that ceaselessly churn through our underlying emotional core issues to their body, to bring about minds, much of which lies in the realm dispersed. It will not change what’s corrections which are necessary to of what may be called the happened to you in the past, or remove restore the healing process. This subconscious' a bad memory. sometimes includes a healing statement which 'asks' the body to provide Training What EFT and other related fields can warning signals if we are about to do do is can change the emotional charge something which is against its better While Gary Craig in the USA provides behind the memory so it cannot interests. This may connect with certain excellent clinical training via his continue harming you anymore. foods or chemicals which are extensive DVD training libraries, Surprisingly you don’t have to “believe potentially harmful for that individual. (emofree.com), in Britain I can in it” for it to work. The approach is Above all we have to allow this natural recommend Steven Coburn, simple and not confounded with healing process to occur, by giving the ([email protected] or Tel: unnecessary jargon. mind permission to work gloriously free 01202 674636) The all new water mineralizer. Take out the toxins, add back the natural minerals.


A genuine ‘first’ in reverse osmosis filter design.

The Mineralizer purifies, Parasites eg. cryptosporidium G Automatic leak detection cut off alkalises and remineralises plus many more. system with audible alarm. your tap water, all in one go. G Price includes full installation by It then has the added benefit of our own engineers. The Mineralizer has all the supplying a unique combination G Specially prepared for benefits of reverse osmosis to of natural compounds to Natural Selection remove toxins from your tap produce living water with a water leaving it very pure. naturally balanced ph. Natural SelectionSelection Toxins removed include: The system fits neatly under TO ORDER RING Chlorine your sink supplying toxin free Fluoride mineralised water on tap. 02031 861 006 Heavy metals SYSTEM DIMENSIONS Or go to Nitrates/nitrites H 41cm W 24cm D 41cm www.canceractive.com Insecticides/herbicides G 12 month guarantee. click online shop/toxin free Oestrogen mimicking compounds G Easy change filter system. products. G Filter change required only once * Price includes full installation UK mainland. per year. Other areas - please call.


CONTINUED FROM PAGE 35 visitors and guests not to smoke in your home. Never allow Relax in the lounge and take a deep breath at the end of a anyone to smoke in your house. tiring day. Unfortunately, if the radon doesn't get you the formaldehyde might! Research from Cancer Research UK has concluded that the harm from passive smoking is much worse than originally 2006 Columbia University, UC Davis and Harvard thought. Females are particularly vulnerable, as the risks of School of Public Health study of teenage kids in LA smoking link to specific factors in the airways. These factors and New York armed teenagers with air monitor in are produced by the X chromosome. (In our DNA each of us their back packs and sent them about their normal has two chromosomes. Women have two X chromosomes A and men have an X and a Y. Thus women produce twice as daily lives. The top pollutants were not quite as expected. First was Formaldehyde, second was Dichlorobenzene. Both many X related airway factors).

Lead is another toxin that can enter through those open windows, although less and less as lead-free petrol is widely used now. However, the soil alongside major roads has been found to still be contaminated. Although it has not been proven to be carcinogenic it is extremely toxic to the nervous system, kidneys, blood system and cell reproduction. Lead is still found in paints made before 1980. Maybe it's time to brighten up your house. But nowadays lead comes into your home another way – through your water system. Tap Water Many people will shop organically, cut dairy and red meat consumption, eat more vegetables and chant the mantra, ‘You are what you eat', before settling down to a nice cup of tea in front of the TV. There is a weird irony about water in the home. Young lycra clad women on running machines have their plastic bottled mineral water about them at all times. A symbol of health, indeed fashion. Then they cook in tap water, or eat out in restaurants that do the same. these come from indoor sources. A long way behind, and Tap water will be covered in detail in our next issue of icon third, was benzene from vehicle fumes. Researchers equated – it is also the subject of an extensive chapter in my new the danger from the top two as being the equivalent of book, ‘The Rainbow Diet – and how it can help you breathing second hand smoke all day. beat cancer’. Formaldehyde is a class A carcinogen (the worst sort) and Tap water contains chlorine which reacts with organic may be present from a number of sources; for example, the materials to form highly carcinogenic trihalomethanes. manufacture of cheaper pressed woods (plywood and Harvard and other US Health centres have been very active chipboards), and from some fixatives for carpets and tiles. It on these chemicals, which are dangerous. is used to stiffen many fabrics like new clothing or upholstery and carpets. It certainly causes respiratory and eye problems Tap water may contain fluoride. Even the FDA has now and there are several research studies from 2004 and 2005 confirmed that this is a carcinogen. There are extensive covered in icon linking it to cancers such as lung cancer and research studies showing that it causes neurological leukaemia. The FDA in America supports this concern. problems and even brain damage especially in the foetus and Formaldehyde is also contained in many cosmetic and skin children. Pregnant women are warned about intake of and personal care products like nail polishes and shampoos. fluoride. So what should pregnant women do, Mr Prime It is found in household cleaning products, mould and Minister, if you force through laws to fluoridate all water mildew cleaners and even in furniture and contraceptives. supplies? Move home while pregnant? Formaldehyde has over 50 different synonyms used by manufacturers to hide its presence; for example methyl Apart from lead, water can also contain heavy metals like aldehyde. It has been banned in Sweden and Japan. Why not aluminium. Recycled water in major cities can also contain in the UK? oestrogen and drug levels you most definitely do not need, thanks to HRT, contraceptive pill and drug takers’ urine. So read labels and avoid products containing it; wash all new clothing before wearing it and leave newly carpeted and Increasingly, some tap waters contain chlorine-resistant curtained rooms a week or two with the windows open microscopic parasites. before you or your children sleep there. Always use 100 per cent cotton sheets and wash them before use. The safest solution is to drink glass bottled water from pure mountain sources. (Frankly, you cannot be sure that your Dichlorobenzene (1.4-dichlorobenzene) is used in solid plastic bottled water is not leaching oestrogen like deodorisers and mothballs, came second in the study. "Some phthalates into your pure mountain water, so be careful). households had very, very high concentrations and others didn't have much at all, said the lead researcher, who ‘suspects that toilet deodorisers were to blame’(!!) est of all might be to use a Reverse Osmosis (RO) Dichlorobenzene is produced from any of these fake, nice Water Filter – you can use RO water to wash utensils ‘smells’ in the household. or to cook. You can of course drink RO water – it is Bcommonly drunk in the Far East – but normal systems Of course, you have given up smoking. But have all those remove almost everything including the minerals and this around you? Certainly there is compelling evidence to ask makes it more acidic. Look for new RO systems that replace icon 43 the lost minerals and so return the water to its correct state VOC's are also found in paints, varnishes, glue for ceiling and www.canceractive.com/shop You can find out more on both carpet tiles, dyes, cleaning products, inks, perfumes, polish by going to or calling 01280 821 211. removers and more.

Pet Theories We have talked about formaldehyde, but other harmful and common substances include: Then you stroke the cat and pat the dog; dog collars and flea G Phenols: found in disinfectants, air fresheners, furniture collars may keep the pests away from your house, but they polishes and paint removers. But also in fragrances, nail too have been directly linked with increased levels of cancer, polish, lip balm, antiseptics, lipstick, mouthwash and other especially in children. Pet sprays and pet shampoos historically personal care products. contained pesticides (some have now moved to cut out the G Creosol: found in numerous products from paint removers worst). Don’t laugh, but you can always try feeding your cat and disinfectants to personal care products. garlic and brewer’s yeast instead? Or try rubbing the fur with G Benzene and nitrobenzene; these cross cell walls, clove or eucalyptus oil. The bugs will move on quickly! damage immune systems and are known carcinogens. Again found in a variety of products from furniture polish To reduce the garden bugs, look for more organic to personal care products. approaches: Vinegar pots kill slugs; good old fashioned fly G Ammonia: found in cleaners, furniture polish and fabric paper still works, French marigolds keep the aphids off softeners, but also antiperspirants disinfectants, beauty garden vegetables, and chickens eat the moth bugs that products, personal care and even baby products! descend from the apple trees in winter. Our Grandparent- food growers all knew this. Lip Service Don’t clean your home! Never mind the lounge! Worse is to come in your bedroom and bathroom. Ladies - it’s official. You mustn’t keep your homes so clean. In 2006/7 Euro MP’s were asked to vote on the REACH G The homes of ‘housewives at home’ contain 40 per cent project. This detailed that a number of everyday ingredients more toxins than those of their sisters who go out to work used in your home contained suspected dangerous chemical all day. ingredients. It wanted those ingredients sidelined, to be G Another study showed that the air in Times Square was 16 replaced by safer alternatives. times cleaner than inside supposedly ‘clean’ American homes. The problem is that the makers of household, cosmetic and G The American EPA statistics show that women working at toiletry products by and large police the safety of their own home have a 55 per cent increased risk of cancer over those products. And if their ingredients are not all inert, sadly our who work away from home! Government and leading cancer charities appear to be.

Most of the harm comes from Volatile Organic Carbons urthermore, our Governments adopt conflicting (VOC's). VOC's comprise hundreds, even thousands of man- standards. A mineral supplement to be taken orally is made and even natural carbon-based agents. Again some of illegal until you can prove it safe and ‘of benefit’. these are known to be direct chemical toxins; while others However, the same mineral ingredient in a lotion for are indirect immune system ‘weakeners’ and/or hormone F your skin that will still reach your blood stream is deemed disrupters. We listed most earlier in the section on polluted perfectly safe until you or I prove otherwise. children. Quite properly Euro MP’s decided certain ingredients should Research carried in icon showed that VOC’s can accumulate definitely be sidelined. The REACH bill was passed. However in certain parts of the body like your lungs, especially at the that is not quite how Brussels works. Nothing is ever that ‘junctions’, and can reach 400 times their original simple. First the Commissioners have to approve it. However, concentrations. Could this be one missing link in the recent Canadian finding that one third of new lung cancer victims have never been near cigarette smoke, even passively, and the incidence of the disease is rising particularly in younger women?

Toluene, xylene, trichloroethylene and l-trichloro-ethane comprise the majority of the solvent market. VOC's are ideal solvents and are also found in pesticides, disinfectants and household cleaners. If you walk down the cleaner aisle of your grocery store you can smell them in the air. The gases can pass through plastic containers; you absorb them by breathing, ingestion or, like the babies in the earlier Washington University study, through absorption via the skin. VOC's have been placed third by the American Environmental Protection Agency, after cigarette smoke and radon, as indoor carcinogens. icon 44 they were extensively ‘lobbied’ and decided that the EMP’s burns away. You may even have cooked with gas. Whilst old should reconsider their decision. Result: Mess. (Although, appliances, and especially those with a pilot light, are a thankfully, there is a feeling that REACH will be adopted one significant problem, all gas appliances can cause an increase day soonish). in nitrogen dioxide levels in the home. It hasn't been proven as carcinogenic to humans, just to animals, although it is In the USA legislature, 64 bills to ban potentially harmful known to significantly impair the immune system and have chemical ingredients have all failed. Now California has links to arthritis. decided to go it alone. We shall see what happens. You must vent your kitchen to the outside fully and ideally Some MP’s jump up and down, write articles and make have the gas boiler in a room completely outside the house. speeches. But we still have toxic ingredients all around us in the Otherwise, the by-products of combustion like nitrogen UK. And in a number of cases, the companies bringing these dioxide will rise through your home, ending up in your potentially harmful ingredients to our supermarket shelves are bedroom and they can exceed maximum limits set for the gas the very same ones funding some of our leading universities, in polluted city centres! professors, charities and their cancer drug research. till not tired, you pop into your office and flick on That’s how to make real profits – be a part of the problem, the computer; you have a fax to read too. VOCs and a part of the solution. (including benzene) evaporate from the computer Scircuitry, laser printers and fax machines in operation. And so to bed Keep all these machines well away from bedrooms and in rooms which are well ventilated at all times. Don't let your Finally, comes the really dangerous bit. It’s late, cold and the children play computer games upstairs. heating kicks in. Downstairs the gas boiler in the kitchen And so to bed. You switch on the TVbut there’s nothing good on, so off it goes and you get into bed, turning the lights off either side of the bed. Ah, a nice, warm, bed; at least the electric blanket works.

Have you considered that the cosy glow you feel may be in part due to the surrounding magnetic radiation? From the TV (turned off, or on standby), the electrical fields generated by the bedside electricity and the electric blanket.

At least the sheets and pillows cases are cotton, now washed in carcinogen-free products, the pillows filled with natural duck feathers not formaldehyde-leaching foamy, plastic stuff.

Sleep deeply in complete darkness and produce that wonderful melatonin. You may need it – you make less as you age. I know two UK breast cancer Professors who take it as a supplement every night 1 hour before bed. Unfortunately, whilst Americans can buy this openly in their supermarket that is one thing we actually have managed to ban in the UK. CANCERWATCH icon 45

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 29 American study study. Research indicates it increases the cells in the placenta, and can also links statin/heart drug result in infertility. Yet more studies have now shown it also alters combo to increased hormonal signalling in human cells. (Suzawa M, Ingraham HA (2008). The cancer risk Herbicide Atrazine Activates Endocrine Gene Networks via Non-Steroidal NR5A The New England Journal of Medicine Nuclear Receptors in Fish and reports (31st August 2008) that patients Mammalian Cells. PLoS ONE 3(5): e2117 taking a drug for high cholesterol doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002117. called Inegy is linked with higher than (http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3 expected cases of cancer. About 300,000 Ad University of California San prescriptions for the drug have been Francisco) phones. He has put the results on a dispensed in the UK in the last two brain surgery website, and a paper years. Only recently there was another (Ed: Now all we need is the UK to based on the research is currently research study that confirmed that ban BPA, and the USA and Canada being peer-reviewed for publication in statins 'hung around' in the body for a to ban atrazine and BPA, and a leading scientific journal. Primarily his number of years after taking them. Canada to ban atrazine! It is concern draws on growing evidence amazing really in a world where that using handsets for 10 years or Inegy contains two drugs - a statin they do all line up to agree to ban more can double the risk of brain simvastatin and a drug called ezetimibe a natural vitamin like tocotrienol cancer. Cancers take at least a decade which helps control levels of cholesterol which helps you!) to develop, invalidating official safety and its precursors in the blood stream. assurances based on earlier studies which included few, if any, people who US heart experts have urged caution. Don’t drink hot drinks had used the phones for that long. Only last year NICE approved the wider use of ezetimibe. As yet it is not known from plastic cups. Earlier this year, the French which drug might be behind the Plastic cups can leach toxic Biphenyl A government warned against the use of increased cancer figures. It may even be (BPA) and new research shows that mobile phones, especially by children. a combination effect. But, while 70 levels increase with temperature. Germany also advises its people to people taking the placebo developed According to Science Daily (Jan 30th) minimise handset use, and the cancer20105 taking the drug did - a 50 plastic cups or bottles holding boiling European Environment Agency has per cent increase in quite a short period. water released 55 times more BPA than called for exposures to be reduced. Amazingly Professor Heinz Drexel of the those holding cold liquids. We have University of Innsbruck was quoted in reported on the toxic effects and Professor Khurana – a top neurosurgeon the Daily Mail as saying that he 'wasn't increased cancer concerns of this who has received 14 awards over the sure that the effecacy of ezetimibe was hormone disrupter before in icon. past 16 years, has published more than proven, nor is the safety and he would three dozen scientific papers – admits not take the drug himself. He is, after The researchers also concluded that the that mobiles can save lives in all, the spokesperson for the European effects last - so if you put your plastic emergencies, but concludes that "there Society of Cardiologists. Is this not just a bottles and cups in the dishwasher, or is a significant and increasing body of little worrying? use them once with hot liquids, they evidence for a link between mobile will always leach more BPA into even phone usage and certain brain tumours". Oestrogen mimicking cold drinks thereafter. (Dr Mercola) He believes this will be "definitively proven" in the next decade. chemicals – Professor Khurana also noted that malignant brain tumours represent "a when will we heed Sun Safety - Free DVD life-ending diagnosis and the fact that A DVD has been produced in memory three billion people now use the other countries? of Becca Kaye who died last year of phones worldwide, three times as metastatic melanoma. Becca was a It may have escaped your notice but many as smoke. Smoking kills some five teacher at Lewannick Primary School last year California banned plastic toys million worldwide each year, and in Cornwall and her class wanted to containing Bisphenol A for the under exposure to asbestos is responsible for warn other young people of the 3’s. In April 2008, Canada banned BPA, as many deaths in Britain as road potential dangers of burning in the full stop. And that includes all manner accidents. His conclusions were that by sun. The DVD has already been of plastics where it is found, from some the time this is proven, it might be too distributed to all the schools in the baby feeding bottles to white linings in late to act medically. south west of England where cans. BPA is a proven hormone melanoma is being diagnosed at an disrupter. The Mobile Operators Association ever increasing rate - particularly with dismissed Khurana's study as "a 15 - 34 year olds where it is now the Now a common weedkiller – already selective discussion of scientific most common form of cancer. This banned in the UK – called atrazine has literature by one individual" adding he DVD is designed to be shown to been found to be linked to a number "does not present a balanced analysis" children and to teenagers and is of serious hormone disruptive of the published science, and "reaches available free of charge. Anyone with processes, in a similar way to BPA. In opposite conclusions to the WHO and responsibility for the care of the the case of atrazine, concentrations more than 30 other independent young is encouraged to send for a washed into the sea, although small, expert scientific reviews". copy via www.melanomaproject.com are enough to double the numbers of (Independent on Sunday; or by telephoning: 01208 75343. 30th March 2008) female fish occurring, according to one icon 46

treatments, and is a world greatest concern are five leader at treating many year survival rates. Only types of cancer; particularly 49% of cancer patients in Mark Simmonds MP rare and complex forms of Britain survive for five years the disease. after diagnosis; which is lower than almost all It is British scientists who European countries. If the Shadow Minister have been at the forefront UK achieved European-best of research into identifying levels of cancer survival rates many of the genes that are then 95 lives per day would for Health known to be associated with be saved; or over 34,000 the development or every year. Matching, or increased risk of cancer and exceeding European survival researchers based in the UK outcomes, must therefore be have been instrumental in the priority for Britain’s developing many of the cancer services. drugs and treatments to fight the disease. Additionally, we must do more to improve the quality ritain has always led of life for those living with, the way in cancer and beyond, cancer. The prevention; offering clinical journey for a cancer cervical screening patient can be long, B emotional and difficult and from 1964 and establishing the world’s first national the health service must be breast screening programme effective, compassionate and in 1988. A national bowel responsive to an individual’s cancer screening needs. I recognise the need programme will be fully for an increased number of implemented in the near Clinical Nurse Specialists to future, and the first young act as a link between the women are receiving a patient and the health vaccination against the HPV service, and to offer virus (which is known information, support and to cause cervical cancer) advice. As more people live this year. through and beyond their cancer they will need Britain also has a first-class assistance in rebuilding their network of charities and lives, returning to work and support groups that provide accessing support and emotional and practical information about advice and assistance for secondary cancers and I am those living with cancer, supportive of cancer link their families and friends, individuals continuing to and through the internet offer this support and and resources such as this assistance after treatment magazine we are able to has finished. access a wealth of information about cancer; here is no doubt that its causes, treatments the NHS has received and effects. vast additional Mark Simmonds MP was and he is currently working funding over the last first elected as the on the Conservative Party’s T I am proud of all these decade and it is now widely Member of Parliament cancer strategy. achievements, and want to accepted there are sufficient for Boston and Skegness see Britain continuing to lead resources in the system to in 2001. ancer will impact on the world in new and achieve our aims of almost all of us at innovative methods of providing a world-class He has since held Shadow some point during diagnosing, treating and cancer service, exceeding Ministerial positions in our lifetimes, either caring for people with cancer European five year survival Education, Foreign Office C as a patient, relative, friend and in my capacity as Shadow rates and improving the and International or carer. Britain is fortunate Minister for Health I will quality of life for those Development and was to have an NHS free at the work to ensure the country living with, and beyond, appointed Shadow point of delivery, based on has the resources, facilities cancer. Personally, I believe Minister for Health by Rt. need not ability to pay, and I and skills to achieve this. that Britain’s failure to Hon. MP am proud that the 2007 achieve these outcomes is a in 2007. Commonwealth Fund report However, despite these result of this Government’s ranked the British health achievements, we must not mismanagement of the NHS; His Shadow Ministerial service highest on quality, be complacent – there they have under-spent the responsibilities include efficiency and equity. remain areas in which capital budget by £1.8bn in cardio-vascular, primary care, Britain has led the way in Britain lags behind other the last financial year, and NICE, pharmacy and cancer many pioneering cancer European countries. Of productivity has fallen by up icon 47 to 7.5 per cent between and poor public health. adjusted to reflect the any, to pursue. 1999 and 2004. Coupled These resources will be used relative burden of disease. Alongside these with top-down targets, for both primary and We have outlined our plans improvements, we would excessive bureaucracy and secondary prevention; to to give responsibility for the like to see cancer treatment inequitable funding educate the public about allocation of NHS resources offered closer to home in allocations it is central the impact of lifestyle to an autonomous NHS specialist facilities and Government’s failures, not choices on cancer risk and Board so as to secure – as far one-stop diagnosis centres, resources, that leave the UK promote awareness of as practicable – equal access where patients could trailing other European symptoms and encourage to health services. receive the full range of nations on five-year survival. early diagnosis. High tests and treatments quality, accurate and Information required, without he Conservative Party accessible information is We know that information unnecessary inpatient stays have already essential and we would is key to improving health, or lengthy delays. outlined our work with the NHS from better understanding commitment to the Information Centre to the causes and risks of onservatives T ensure all cancer patients illness to treatments and NHS; it is our number one recognise the priority and we will ensure have access to suitable their side effects. We want challenge of the health service is fully information on their to see a greater use of providing world class condition at every stage of patient prescriptions and C resourced to deliver cancer services in the UK. standards of healthcare their cancer pathway, patient reported outcomes Demand is going to grow as among the best in the provided not only by cancer and would judge the NHS our population ages and world. We believe there specialists and GPs, but not on narrow process treatments improve. The must be three priorities for through community-based driven targets, but on the gap between Britain and healthcare; it must be professionals such as outcomes that are achieved other European countries patient-centred, it must be pharmacists. for patients. Put simply, we will not narrow unless based on delivering believe the NHS should be action is taken now. outcomes not meeting Increase Cancer Screening assessed on how effective it Britain has the resources narrow targets and there Britain currently offers one is at making people better. and the staff to achieve must be a greater focus on of the most comprehensive We would also like patients five-year cancer survival improving public health. cancer screening packages to be given greater outcomes amongst the best in the world. But take up information about their in Europe and a In cancer services in rates can be low; just 55.5% condition and the range of Conservative Government particular there are a of women in London treatments available so they would ensure there was the number improvements that attended for breast cancer are better able to choose vision and political will to must be made before Britain screening in 2005-06 and in what course of treatment, if achieve this goal. can offer a truly world class the same year the service. We welcome many percentage of women who of the objectives of the had been screened for Cancer Reform Strategy, and cervical cancer within the would maintain the previous five years fell to Government’s commitment 79.5% - the first time it has to investment in digital been lower than 80% for mammography and more than a decade. increased radiotherapy. Greater steps must be taken But alongside investment to encourage more people there needs to be a to attend screening, coordinated effort to reduce particularly minority ethnic health inequalities, increase and ‘at risk’ groups, by cancer screening, ensure providing more easily funding reflects the burden accessible screening of disease and increase the facilities, such as in provision of high quality, shopping centres and accessible information. pharmacies, and by ensuring those who have English as Reduce Health Inequalities an additional language are Those in the most deprived aware of their entitlement areas are more likely to die to cancer screening. if they are diagnosed with cancer than those in more Ensure funding reflects affluent areas. We aim to the burden of disease reduce these inequalities The funding allocation through a focus on formula overstates the preventative health. We impact of deprivation have pledged to create a relative to that of age, separate public health despite evidence to show budget within the NHS total there is a strong correlation budget which will be between age and cancer allocated to reflect than between deprivation deprivation, as there is a and cancer. Conservatives demonstrable link between have repeatedly called for socio-economic deprivation an allocation formula better icon 48 ADVERTORIAL The lymphatic system. A mysterious,

Whereas the cardiovascular system has the heart to pump blood through the system, the lymphatic system relies on the contraction of skeletal muscles, brought about by body movement and the mechanicsof breathing to help move the lymph. At night when you sleep, it lies virtually dormant too.

There are many factorsthat impair the flow of lymph G dehydration G lack of exercise G improper breathing G poor diet G and increasingly the effect of electro magnetic radiation (digital cordless and mobile phones, wireless computers)

All exacerbating a sluggish and congested lymph system.

A clogged, sluggish or weak lymphatic system prevents the body from circulating vital fluidsand eliminating toxic wastes, thus weakening the immune system, making us vulnerable to infections and diseases. Many people have badly congested lymphaticsand don’t even know it.

Inflammation is a symptom of stagnant lymph and is a contributing factor to many of today’s common illnesses. ife depends upon the good of every organ in the body. When circulation of the fluids working optimally, the lymphatic However, drinking plenty of clean including the lymphatic system clears environmental toxins, water, exercise, deep breathing and dry system. Without that, we wastes and infection from all tissues of L the body. skin brushing may well be insufficient could not live; yet the lymph in dispersing deeply congested lymph. system is one of the most over-looked and underappreciated The lymph system is a network of tubes systems in our bodies. throughout the body that drainsfluid What can be done to improve (lymph) from tissues and empties it the lymphatic circulation? Most people have a pretty good idea back into the bloodstream. Lymphatic of how the cardiovascular system fluid isthe interstitial fluid in the body functionsyet there islittle and the lymph system filters it by Electro- understanding of the vital importance moving it through lymph glandsor lymphatic of the lymphatic system. lymph nodes. It is one of the primary Therapy (ELT) is mechanisms which enable your body to an increasingly The cardiovascular system delivers defend itself against harmful bacteria, recognised and life-giving oxygen and nutrientsto all fungus, viruses and toxins of all kinds. now well of the body’s cells, which also produce established waste matter which must be efficiently Although there is 50% more therapy, removed. lymphatic fluid in your body than effective in blood, lymph is ignored or helping to The lymphatic system is the “garbage misunderstood by most people detoxifying the collector”, sucking up metabolic wastes until they get sick. body. and toxinsfrom the extracellular fluid ADVERTORIAL icon 49 yet vital function of the body.



ELT stimulates the movement of the Infrared Thermal Imaging, as lymphaticsystem by radiating an The lymphatic illustrated above. energy field rich in negative charged ions, which moves the lymph and system need no Some experts now believe that all dissipates congested cells and protein disease can be attributed to the matter in the body. congestion of energy flow due to longer be an blockages created by toxins in the ELT is a safe, non-invasive and easy to body. One of the most effective use advanced lymph technology that invisible, ways to keep yourself healthy is to effectively disperses blockages and keep your lymphatic system barrier tissues through repolarisation, circulating at its optimum level. and detoxifies the entire body simply immeasurable or by moving the lymphaticand FOR FURTHER INFORMATION circulatory systems. untreatable mystery PLEASE CONTACT: Dr Shamim Daya or Carol Brough at Its level of functioning can now be WholisticMedicalCentre measured energetically using the www.wholisticmedical.co.uk Bio-Meridian MSAS device and is 0207 580 7537 or email: visually demonstrated through Digital [email protected] icon 50 ADVERTORIAL Book Review

HEALING - THE GERSON WAY Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases By Charlotte Gerson with Beata Bishop

I was delighted to be given a first copy of this book to review for the UK reader. The Gerson Therapy has always intrigued me. We looked at it when my daughter Catherine developed her brain tumour - and the Gerson Community were honest enough to tell us that inflammation is a natural step in the recovery process and doesn’t always benefit a brain tumour patient. Next I met Oxford Don Michael Gearin-Tosh when we both shared a speaking platform. The Gerson Therapy helped him vastly outlive the predicted 18 months his Doctors had foretold for his multiple myeloma. (He passed away through a totally unrelated issue some ten years later - his cancer still well under control). I also went to meet Charlotte Gerson when I was on my way to a speaking date in America.

But I suppose the turning point, when my intrigue turned to genuine interest, was when HRH Prince Charles innocently stated in the middle of a speech that he had a very good female friend who had managed her breast cancer for some seven years solely by using the Gerson Therapy, and ‘wasn’t it about time the Medical Profession researched this Treatment properly so we could all know how it worked’. The attacks on him in the media were source Beata Bishop, who stated clearly I have written a number of articles on incredible - famous Professors basically that she’d been dragged along to hear the detail of the Gerson Therapy – they telling him to shut up and leave me expecting the usual rubbish but had are all listed at the end of this article medicine to them. While a second been pleasantly surprised by what I had and are on our web site – but then as group of Medical Professionals were to say on cancer - I was informed later we always say CANCERactive, our aim is quoted in the press saying things like by her colleague that this was praise to bring you the Whole Truth so you ‘Vitamin C doesn’t cure cancer’ or ‘How indeed. Beata developed her own can make more informed choices. could anyone suggest that coffee cured cancer 22 years before and, after the cancer?’. These latter attacks were orthodox approach had failed her, she THE MUST-READ BOOK simply ignorant - I had written reviews turned to Gerson with such wonderful on The Therapy and Gerson made no results that she helped introduce the This book is quite simply a ‘must-read’ such claims. So a Medical Profession Therapy to the UK. I also interviewed book for anyone who is interested in, paralysed by apoplexy and ignorance? Professor Lawrence Plaskett, vice Chair or has considered using the Gerson There must be something to this of the Nutritional Council who was Therapy, or for anyone looking for an Therapy then! adamant that the Therapy was alternative to Medical orthodoxy and fundamentally sound but just needed drugs. Moreover it covers not just Next, when speaking in London I had some updating. This was a task he had Cancer but Heart Disease, Diabetes, some rumblings in my audience. undertaken using the latest research Immune Deficiency disease, Asthma, Afterwards I was introduced to the back in the nineties. Lupus, Crohn’s Disease, Arthritis, icon 51

Migraine, Multiple Sclerosis and more – enough for you, or you may decide You need to be clear that the Therapy indeed just about any illness in this after reading this book that a ‘Living is a discipline; (and, Iquote): ‘The modern world; Gerson Therapy claims Proof’ is all the evidence you need. This Gerson Therapy is a finely tuned to help them all. And using the core of book gives you a fair choice. precision instrument, whose every it as a prevention agent is also an component plays an important role option. Other sections you will find highly and affects other parts. It is not for informative are the ‘Frequently asked everyone but at last, this book will at CORRECTING THE MODERN Questions’ chapter and the ‘Laboratory least tell you the whole story – and Tests Explained’ chapter – at least this ‘from the horses mouth’. WORLD IN YOUR BODY might overcome the Medical The twin principles of cause behind the misconception that Gerson Therapy is Ireally do hope someone does try to Gerson Therapy are those of Toxicity just about drinking a few organic put some research numbers on to this and Nutritional Deficiency. Both are vegetable and fruit juices with no updated Gerson Therapy. Ifeel it is very ever increasing in our modern world added science. sad that cancer patients are left in the and this book has a section on the dark about its abilities. Iwould add one current dangers that result in a This book is honest, and that honesty piece of maths of my own: If 30 per poisoning of our cells, including our extends to telling you that this Therapy cent of cancers (according to the World immune systems. Various toxic factors – is quite hard work – it even gives Health Organisation) are caused by from pesticides to aspartame, fluoride timetables for what to do and when. It ‘Poor Diet’, and the Gerson Therapy and EMF’s are covered, as is the also tells you what diseases can – but could correct just 1 per cent of those, deficiency of our modern diet. But the also what cannot – be treated. For roughly 1,100 people per year would key to Gerson is to understand the example some cancers do not respond benefit. This should be compared with effects of the depletion of Potassium if the patient has already had that £20,000 per year ‘wonder drug’ and the heightened levels of Sodium in chemotherapy. Herceptin, where the recent study our bodies. Readers will know I’ve covered in our magazine concluded covered exactly this many times in icon Finally, there is also a small history on that about 1,300 people would benefit. and in my book, the Tree of Life. the trials and tribulations of Dr Max Gerson himself – how Doctors who t is not my intention to take you Healing – The Gerson Way covers came to work with him were through the Therapy or any part of important elements of the diet, from threatened by the Medical Community, it. This is a book review – and if you juicing to meals (there is an extensive how case histories were misplaced and have any interest in nutrition and even Senate hearing notes altered. I recipe section) and from supplements healthy eating this is a book you should to the infamous ‘coffee enema’ – and have in your library. exactly what it all sets out to achieve. BUILDING THE TERRAIN (UK Medical Professors could do well to If I had a criticism (surprise might be a SPECIAL READER OFFER read this book!!) Moreover, the very better word) it is that the book did not We are very fortunate to have obtained criticisms about ‘keeping up with really mention the role or stimulation sole rights for the UK and we would be modern research’ leveled by Plaskett of Beneficial Bacteria in the gut, which delighted to discount this and others are more than addressed, increasingly seem from my research to comprehensive book for our readers especially as Charlotte goes further in be the Directors of the immune system. from £22.50 down to £20. suggesting that sadly some of the Indeed, it did not really mention yeasts, components suggested by her father in microbes, parasites at all – just a If you wish to place an order: the 1930’s and 40’s are just not as passing reference to Pasteur who Either go to www.canceractive.com and untainted or effective nowadays. This believed that modern allopathic the on-line Shop ‘Natural Selection’ book covers exactly what changes are medicine should be about destroying where you will find selected books and incorporated in the Modern Gerson the germ (the source of modern natural, healthy supplements you can Therapy. Whether the Therapy is more diseases), while Antoine Bechamp, his trust, all specially chosen as ‘the best of effective now, the same or less so ‘contemporary and ‘opponent’ believed the best’ from the multitude available. because of the changes is for you to what really mattered was the condition Or ring 01280 821 211. judge. You should also realise that this of the organism being attacked. is a Therapy, not merely a Diet and Unfortunately for the modern world, patients are advised what water to Pasteur changed his mind too late – on Other articlesthat have drink, to use organic food and even his death bed - where he said, appeared on the Gerson Therapy what toiletries to avoid. ‘The germ is nothing, the terrain on our web site are: everything’. One perennial criticism by the An Interview with Charlotte Gerson: Orthodox Medical Profession is the lack http://www.canceractive.com/page.p he Gerson Therapy is based on of controlled double blind placebo hp?n=710 eliminating all those factors that matched clinical trials or whatever is in damage or weaken the ‘Terrain’, vogue this month – but then the new The Gerson Therapy – an overview: whilst re-building the immune ‘tumour-busting wonder drug’ (their T http://www.canceractive.com/page.p system and the cellular environment to words not mine) we covered recently in hp?n=496 their perfect, clean and fully icon didn’t have those either – just Beata Bishop – Living Proof: functioning state. In this way, by research on how 45 people taking the http://www.canceractive.com/page.p healing the whole body, the authors drug had fared. So too with The Gerson hp?n=1401 argue, the Terrain can more easily deal Therapy – this book contains a number (includes ‘Your questions answered’) with any ‘germ’ that comes along. Most of case histories of people who usually ensuring everything is ‘recovered’ from a variety of diseases Michael Gearin-Tosh – Living Proof: functioning as perfectly as nature using the Therapy, and references to http://www.canceractive.com/page.p intended, is enough to kick out most many, many more. You may decide hp?n=300 diseases. anecdote and case histories are not i con 52 NOTICEBOARD - LETTERS, NEWS AND VIEWS

Dear Mr Woollams,

Hi there ntation in Oxford on I attended your excellent prese I am the webmaster and also a member of Guise Monday. Thank you. and Dolls. site, something that It is the support group for Head and Neck I spotted, via Dr. Mercola's web Cancer bas o your own website. ed at Guy's hospital. may be useful to add as a link t I attended .com the talk Chris gave at St Thomas’ Hospital It is www.cosmeticsdatabase last week. oup's Skin Deep the Environmental Working Gr l worth a look. It shows We now have our own web site at Cosmetic Safety Database. Wel ople would think are www.guiseanddolls.org.uk alarming data on what some pe . I have put a link to your si "safe" products te on our links page. r many miliar with Neways products fo We will be doing a review, Having been fa of sorts, on his talk. Jean tter informed and therefore Mead years I feel I am slightly be ows is impressed with the work Chris is doing. but am conscious cautious myself as to what I use Regards very that others are not so aware. B.L.

Yours E.I.

Dear Chris, I was at the Neways healthy show on Sunday and found your talk very informative and interesting. Thanks for sending me a link to your website. I have I bought your book ‘The Rainbow Diet’ and signed up found the information I was looking for, but through for the e newsletter, which I received yesterday. sheer interest and enjoyment I have spent most of this What I have read is again interesting and as a result I afternoon browsing the canceractive website! would like to make a donation to the charity. What a great site, it's packed with really interesting & Do keep up the good work. useful information. You and the team at canceractive Best wishes are doing a great job, really empowering the nation with informatio N. S n so that patients & others have choices & can make informed decisions. Well done to you all. Kind regards S.T.

Thank you for your wonderful magazine – i c o n – there is not enough inf ormation out there – and yours is truly brilliant. J.B.

Many thanks for sending me the latest batch of icon - I'm gradually sending it out and about via my shiatsu clients! Many thanks too for your help my nutritional medi- cine assignment - which I'm glad to say I managed to pass - I'm sure helped by your information! Kind regards and best wishes for your work Dear Chris, ade 3 Anaplastic J.M. I was diagnosed with a large Gr which had been caus- Oligoastrocytoma in June 2004 98, I believe if, I hadn’t ing systems since November 19 ything you need to got my hands of a copy of ‘Ever I wouldn’t be here know to help you beat cancer’ ments advised and I am now. I took most of the supple from Astragalus still talking most of them apart L.S.

All correspondence into our offices maybe considered for publication, unless otherwise specified by the sender. The Editor of icon reserves the right to edit any such correspondence. Beetroot cured my cancer!

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So much rubbish is talked But the science, the research, the Which ones repair DNA? about diet. The media is full of facts are out there.They just get Which ones heal? articles and books telling you lost in a morass of mythology, a Which ones are so effective, about this week’s wonder food, squabble between an extreme pharmaceutical companies are or to go vegan, or to adopt a orthodox view that it is all a waste concentrating them into drugs? South East Asian diet. of time and an extreme alternative Beetroot cured my cancer! view that diet can cure everything. And so much more. Disciplined, White grapes cured hers! accurate, evidenced. The lady down the road used You need better than this when apple pips. What is the truth? dealing with your own life. In fact, everything you need to You need and deserve solid know about food to help you The truth is that many people research evidence - the latest beat cancer. with cancer change their diet, from Harvard, MD Anderson, adopting one or two things they UCLA, Tokyo and Australia. And TO ORDER RING think benefit them, deprive this book uniquely brings it to themselves of things they enjoy you. Science. Facts. For example: 01280 821 211 and are doing themselves no good whatsoever. In fact they Which natural compounds stop NOW Or go to could be making matters worse. inflammation? Many a leaflet given out in your Which ones kill cancer cells? www.canceractive.com cancer centre is not much better. Which ones cut oestrogen? and our online shop. A complete waste of time! Which ones remove dioxins? All prices exclude postage and packing

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Peter Campbell Josh Monk Citipost

Citipost Ltd, the global mail distributor, sponsored a fund-raising event for CANCERactive, at Silverstone on Friday 4th July. Citipost, its partners Key Mail, Customs Clearance UK Ltd, Pack Post, Europa Worldwide Logistics and Intermec, and its clients raised £1500 at the charity Formula One Josh Monk's parachute jump. On 26th Qualifying Day. April 2008 Josh jumped from a height of 14,300ft (Normal jumping height is approximately 10,000ft). Josh said he felt a great adrenalin rush during the jump and afterwards felt very proud of his achievement. Well done Josh and to all your sponsors who helped raise a fantastic £645 Peter Campbell has completed his 8th Fire Walk (see photo) as well as a On 7th November Steve Randall parachute jump and taking part in the will leave England and fly to Marathon all in aid of Katmandu. Dominic Lewis will CANCERactive be running in the Adidas Dublin Marathon 2008 on 27th October Debbie Brooks Damon Hill and Carlos Iaconelli signed with three of his friends, a CANCERactive banner which will be Robert Hope, Matthew Mullen framed. Both items will also be and Alan Webber all raising auctioned off to raise more much monies for CANCERactive. needed funds.

RobBradford , Managing Director, Citipost DSA Ltd, said SILVERSTONE “At Citipost we’re committed to supporting the good work of CANCERactive, both as official distribution sponsor for CANCERactive’s icon magazine and through events like Silverstone.”

Regional Executive Debbie Brooks recently ran the Swanage Half Marathon in memory of her father who died of prostate cancer in August 2005. This is the third year that Debbie has run this particular race and raised money for CANCERactive. On September 14th, Debbie had a place to run in the Bristol Marathon for CANCERactive. Well done Debbie and thank you for all the fundraising you do to support the work of cancer CANCERactive. CANCERACTIVE icon 55 Have the experience of a lifetime helping others beat cancer!

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I have been diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. It is difficult to get an idea from Ask nurse Patricia Q my oncologist as to what to expect as he says we should wait and see how I respond. Everything I have read on it saysitisa really aggressive disease with few treatments that work. Should I consider going for alternative treatment instead?

I can appreciate the impression you have got from much of the information published to date but I A think the perspective is changing a little on triple negative cancer. Triple negative means that the cells are not expressing oestrogen, progesterone or Her2 receptors. Therefore the treatment approaches of hormone therapy and some of the newer targeted drugs such as herceptin and lapatinib will not work on these cells. We know the traditional chemotherapies can vary in response rates but especially when treated early there are recorded cases of women with triple negative cancer being cured with chemotherapy. There is also a trial taking place of Abraxene and Avastin which are newer targeted treatments about which there is a degree of optimism.

One American study gave prior to surgery to see what sort Patricia Peat is a registered nurse. Following years of of response the chemotherapy had; those that responded experience in oncology, combined with research into well went on to have a higher cure rate. They also found natural approaches to cancer she now runs Cancer Options. that if recurrence did occur it was within three years of Cancer Options is a specialised team of practitioners who diagnosis, and not the longer term recurrences we see with provide individual consultancy and coaching into treatment other types of cancer. and making decisions for all approaches to cancer.

If your oncologist is offering that to you it would give you Details of their services are available on: information about whether chemotherapy is likely to be a www.canceroptions.co.uk or by calling 0845 009 2041 successful option to continue post operatively, or indeed to consider more alternatives. If you do pursue the chemotherapy route, there are several approaches such as hyperthermia you can use to enhance the effectiveness of anything they throw at you. If you decide to exercise it and working with a good integrative practitioner or some choice and control you are then cast aside programme can both support you and keep you well. I without help because you do not fit the mould. hope that wider perspective helps. I completely understand your frustration and it does appear that as people are becoming more I have prostate cancer which I was originally informed and proactive the oncology service is not told wasaggressive,though confined to the A currently flexible enough to accommodate this. Q prostate. I refused radiotherapy and in Clinical trials measure effect in a very uniform way so it combination with hormone therapy I rules out other possible influences. However it is certainly embarked on a natural approach using diet and difficult for researchers to guarantee that other influences supplements. Since then my approach has done well, may not have been present. It is worth checking some of on occasion I reduced my hormones to lessen side the trials taking place in smaller hospitals as they may have effects. Recently my PSA has started to rise slowly more open criteria than the larger trials. and I waslooking at different waysof dealing with it. My doctor put me forward for a clinical trial but Your other point about not being able to top up your the research team turned me down on the basis that treatment is something I feel very strongly about. I think I had not followed the normal treatment route. I am the current ruling is ridiculous and immoral. We do not live absolutely gutted that I will not be allowed to access in an equal society unfortunately and to say that we all new treatments because I exercised some choice in have to dumb down treatment to retain equality is my treatment. Coupled with the newsthat we can’t ludicrous. It does not reflect access we have to other pay for treatmentswithout paying for everything services in life and the only society where that approach privately meansthat I have no orthodox treatment operates is a communist one. optionsother than oneswhich are likely to have very little effect. To compound thisthey are negative There are many cancer areas which are not serving people about my CAM effortswhich I firmly believe have well, the argument for more natural cost effective been just as effective and helpful without my approaches could not be stronger. But nobody is listening. damaging my body. I am sorry to rant on but it I hope, but am not confident that the future may bring appears the system just pushes you into a situation people more of an oncology service they are asking for whereby you comply with being processed through rather than one they are told they must have.

Patricia Peat can be contacted on 01623 438733 www.canceroptions.co.uk, or write to her at Ask Nurse Patricia, icon, The Elms, Radclive Road, Gawcott, Buckingham, MK18 4JB or Email her on [email protected] DID YOU LIKE THIS MAGAZINE? icon fromCANCERactive

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immediately after influenza infection, stopped the virus from replicating by altering certain factors in the potential host cells RESVERATROL of the human body (Journal of Infectious Diseases May, 2005). Anti-inflammation A study in the American Journal of Physiology (Lung Cell Mol So, what can’t it do? Physiol. 2004 Jun 4) using resveratrol in conjunction with quercitin showed that they stopped the enzyme production, particularly of cytokines, that could lead to inflammation in Resveratrol is the new kid on the block in supplements. cells. Importantly they did not interfere with the This natural compound does have significant and varied simultaneous activity of Tamoxifen, nor did it interfere with benefits but much of the research has taken place over the their activity, showing they could be taken simultaneously. last few years, so it is not widely known. While, as usual, This has implications for inflammatory diseases and mis-information and over-claim abound. particularly cancers like breast cancer. Resveratrol (3,4',5-trihydroxystilbene) is a natural phenolic Anti-ageing and calorie restriction compound found in trans- and cis- forms. There is a lot of One of the most interesting developments has come in the excitement (and thus research and web pages) about the area of calorie restriction. The Okinawans have the longest trans form, but little known on the benefits of the cis- form. life expectancy in the world. One of the major reasons for this Both forms are found in the skins of a number of fruits and (apart from their high mineral and low sodium intakes) is plants, where its prime function is to protect against potential calorie restriction – they consume up to 40 per cent less invaders like moulds and fungi. The largest concentrations are calories than even the Japanese of 50 years ago. found in red grape skins with about 10 per cent of these This is not the first time calorie restriction has been noted as a levels also occurring in blueberries and bilberries and even factor in longevity. The Norwegians had their food supplies smaller amounts in raspberries and blackberries. Many people dramatically reduced by the occupying German Military have lauded resveratrol as the major ‘health’ benefit during the Second World War, yet their restricted diets of fish component of red wine. A little understanding is however and lowered calories resulted in a 35 per cent overall health needed on this subject. improvement. Red wine is produced with the wine being made on the Research studies with rats show that calorie deprivation grape skins and certain types of wine - particularly from results in increased longevity: A 10-30 per cent reduction can damper areas of the globe – can contain up to 3 mgs of almost double their life span. Harvard Researchers (icon 2. resveratrol per litre. However, white wine and champagne are 2007) have even released a video explaining how cutting the produced having separated off the skins so contain little of food intake of any organism by 30-40 per cent can increase this compound. Worse, the use of modern pesticides and longevity. fungicides has reduced the need for resveratrol in the grape skin because it seems to be produced in response to the Calorie restriction has a number of benefits: threat of attack. So you get the double whammy – less G The end benefit is that the body is slimmer and leaner. resveratrol and a pesticide contaminated end product. This is Fat is a wonderful solvent. If you have fat stores around causing less and less of this beneficial compound in bottles your body, they will hold toxins, chemicals and hormones of mass-produced red wine, and stakes a strong claim for you would rather excrete. increasingly rare organic red wine. However, resveratrol is G Calorie restriction reduces metabolic rate. Your Power damaged by light and oxygen, so keeping the red wine on stations, or mitochondria, are not required to work as hard brightly lit supermarket shelves doesn’t help either, nor or burn as much fuel, so less waste products, toxins and free drinking a glass of wine in a restaurant which opened the radicals are produced. bottle yesterday! G Calorie restriction reduces insulin production, and this Research studies usually use concentrations of the compound reduces the risks of both diabetes and cancer. IGF-1 levels above 20 mgs and there is little research on its safety at are also lowered in the body – IGF-1 can cause the rapid higher levels. Supplements frequently use resveratrol from multiplication of cells. plants and herbs other than grape skins – notably Polygorum Cuspidatum. G But the important 'added discovery' is that calorie restriction increases the body's stress response-increasing GENERAL BENEFITS OF RESVERATROL survival hormones and, along with this, the body's ability to REPORTED FROM RESEARCH STUDIES INCLUDE: repair DNA and heighten cellular efficiency. Yeastand Fungal infections One hormone group vital to this process has been identified Not surprisingly, since resveratrol’s prime function in nature is as the survival defence hormones, 'sirtuins'. Whilst to protect the sugary flesh of the fruit against moulds, fungi Pharmaceutical companies are working on drugs to stimulate and yeasts, a study in Arch Pharm Res. 2005 May;28(5):557 their production, your eat-to-beat cancer strategy can be found ‘potent anti-fungal activity’ in the human body with improved by the knowledge that sirtuins are significantly resveratrol. This included destruction of candida albicans. stimulated by resveratrol. Another study showed that administering resveratrol IT’S ONLY NATURAL i con 59

A number of studies have been conducted by Harvard 2 In studies with breast cancer and astrocytoma (brain Medical School on nematodes, fruit flies and mice suggest tumour) cells, resveratrol has been shown to induce cancer that resveratrol can activate the survival defence enzyme (Sir). cell death (apoptosis) via p53 pathways. P53 is the gene that In one recent study involving well-fed mice, resveratrol repairs DNA. (Laux MT, Cornell University) replicated the calorie-restriction phenomenon, increasing 3 In studies with resveratrol and curcumin (Anticancer insulin sensitivity and reducing IGF-1 levels. It also increased Research 2004 March), these two natural compounds seem to mitochondrial activity and improved motor nerve function. stop tumour cell growth and induce cancer cell death in However the dosage used was 24 mgs per kilogram of body neuroblastomas by activating the p53 gene pathway. weight – equivalent to 1000 bottles per day of red wine! Drugs based on resveratrol are being studied for both 4 In a study of gliomas (Brain tumours) using rats (Clin Cancer anti-ageing and type-2 diabetes. Res. 2004; Mar) a concentration of resveratrol at 40 mgs per Not surprisingly there are also scientific studies that show a kilogram of body weight per day increased survival rate, by restriction of calories can stop tumour growth. exerting an anti-tumour cell deaeffectth and an anti-vascular effect. It was concluded that the natural compound is a Dementia and Alzheimer’s potent chemotherapy agent. One of the biggest problems in Alzheimer’s is the build up of beta-amyloid peptides which destroy brain cells. A moderate 5 In studies on Neuroblastomas (brain tumours) in mice red wine consumption has been found to correlate with resveratrol appears to stop cellular proliferation, and alters lowered risk of Alzheimer’s. According to the University of the cellular structure of the tumour cells leading to cell death. Basel – in a study on cell cultures – resveratrol increases cell It exerted clear ant-tumour effects (Surgery, 2004, July) viability through offering neuro-protective and anti-oxidative 6 MD Anderson looked into resveratrol in combination with benefits by enhancing the free-radical scavenger glutathione. genistein for their effects with prostate cancer. Prostate Macular Degeneration cancer is driven through an Androgen Receptor pathway, and A disease that is increasingly common in the elderly, macular these two natural compounds suppressed the pathway at degeneration seems to be caused by the action of free high concentrations. Alabama University have concluded in radicals on the retinal repair cells; Research from the Food tests on mice that it can be hugely protective against prostate Group at Ohio State University (R. King) has shown that cancer development, and also with female mice and breast resveratrol can combat this. cancer. Heart Disease 7 An Austrian study showed that resveratrol could prevent The World Health Organisation has suggested that resveratrol metastasis forming in the bones, from primary tumours can reduce cardiovascular risks by up to 40 per cent. It blocks elsewhere. platelet ‘stickiness’ by blocking the aggregating factors; it Summary prevents oxidation of Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) and So resveratrol is becoming a ‘wonder natural compound’. reduces tri-glyceride and cholesterol levels. Most importantly, Its powers include: it appears to reduce tension levels and can relax and dilate the arteries. G Anti-fungal, anti-yeast, anti-viral ANTI-CANCER PROPERTIES APART FROM THE ANTI-CANCER G Antioxidant – promotes glutathione BENEFITS MENTIONED ABOVE: G Increases longevity 1 MD Anderson have researched resveratrol extensively and G Protects against Heart disease, Alzheimer’s and shown in a number of studies that resveratrol can be a potent type-2 Diabetes force as a preventive and chemotherapy agent. They concluded that it suppresses cell proliferation in a wide G Anti-inflammatory variety of tumour cells, ‘including lymphoid and myeloid G Protects DNA, stimulates repair genes cancers; multiple myeloma; cancers of the breast, prostate, G Protects against cancer stomach, colon, pancreas, and thyroid; melanoma; head and neck squamous cell carcinoma; ovarian carcinoma; and G Kills cancer cells. Prevents metastasis cervical carcinoma’. They have found it to work at a number G Aids Chemotherapy results, whilst protecting healthy cells of levels, for example suppressing enzyme and protein production, suppressing cytokine production, suppressing To repeat, much of this is very, very new research and studies Cox-2 and the formation of ‘bad’ eicosanoids, stimulating with humans are minimal. The levels of supplementation are glutathione, and blocking various carcinogenic processes. It unclear, although high doses seem safe. seems to concentrate in the liver and kidneys and is converted TO BUY OUR SPECIALLY SELECTED RESVERATROL NOW to a sulphated form which then blocks the process of cancer http://www.canceractive.com/shop/product.php? at a number of stages. They have even found it to have productid=16234&cat=251&page=1 therapeutic effects. It can block the damaging effects of a TO BUY OUR SPECIALLY SELECTED CURCUMIN NOW linoleic acid-rich diet. MD Anderson have concluded that it http://www.canceractive.com/shop/product.php? has a huge potential for fighting cancer and it can also productid=16188&cat=251&page=3 improve the success rates of chemotherapy, appearing safe even in high doses.