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The effects of pollution on freshwater resources

Lim, R. P.


Lim, R. P. (1987). The effects of pollution on freshwater resources. In AMIC‑CDG‑COMCON‑UKM Workshop on Mass Media and the Protection of the Environment : Kuala Lumpur, Sep 28‑Oct 10, 1987. Singapore: Asian Mass Communication Research and Information Centre.

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The Effects Of Pollution On Freshwater Resources



Paper No.9 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

•i * *o^


R.P. Lin

Zoology Department

University of Malaya

59100 Kuala Lumpur

Malaysia ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library


Water is the life blood of all living things on this planet.

Civilisations were created in areas where water was plentiful and

many present day settlements can still be found close to water

sources. Although three quarters of the planet is covered with

water, freshwater represents less than 3 percent of its total

volume (Table 1). The distribution of this resource is temporally

and spatially uneven and this makes its exploitation difficult

due to the heterogenous demograhic patterns of the human

population. With the advent of industrialisation and large-scale

agriculture to meet the needs of a burgeoning and materially

sophisticated population the demands on the planet's finite water

resources has increased tremendously. Not only do industrial and

agricultural activities consume water but they also cause the

deterioration of water resources through the input of pollutants

such as organic matter and poisons. The degradation of water

quality reduces the availability of water to sustain increasing

economic and social activities. Such perturbations also cause

changes in the ecosystem to the detriment of its inhabitants and

terrestrial life forms that depend on water for survival.

In order to understand more fully the implications of

pollutants on our water resources an insight of the the

hydrological cycle would be pertinent in understanding the

process by which water is recycled in the biosphere. Further,

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freshwater systems under undisturbed conditions would provide

some perspective of the_ naturnl rnnriifinn of vnrrr rnnnrrn mid

its regulation in supply. Next we can look at the effect

pollutants have on water and its biota. This change in water

quality will affect the utility of water resources. In addition,

activities on land such as logging, mining and urbanisation have

tremendous disruptive impacts on the regulatory capacity of rivers because of the close connectivity between the land and

water phases in a watershed. The River Basin, as a case

study, will serve to illustrate the impact of pollution on water

resources in a basin.

The hydrological cycle

The finite water resources on this earth can continuously

sustain life activitiesonly because of the hydrological cycle.

This cycle consists of several processes involving the movement

of water from the atmosphere onto the land and oceans where it is

stored for various lengths of time before it is recycled back to

the atmosphere (Fig. 1). During its cycle water goes through

three phases: precipitation, evaporation, and surface and

groundwater runoff. In each phase water is transported,

temporarily stored, and undergoes a change in its state (i.e.

gaseous, liquid and solid states).

Water is evaporated into the atmosphere from land and its

water bodies, and the oceans. Evaporation occurs directly from ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

precipitation, precipitation intercepted by vegetation, oceans,

lakes and reservoirs, rivers, and plant transpiration. The rate

of evaporation in each site is influenced by a multitude' of

dynamic environmental factors.

Once the water reaches the earth's surface it may be

transpired by plants, may run over the surface of the land into

streams as surface runoff, or may inflitrate into the ground

(Fig. 1). A large proportion of the intercepted water and surface

runoff water is returned to the atmosphere by evaporation. Much

of the inflitrated water may be temporarily stored as soil

moisture and evapotranspired while the remainder will percolate

into the deeper zones and stored as groundwater for longer

periods. Groundwater is continually being renewed through

absorption by roots of plants, outflow as springs, and seepage

into streams. The runoff phase" is also very complex and is

influenced by the vegetation, geology and pedology, and climate.

How clean, clear water is maintained i

Although tropical humid regions of Southeast Asia receive a substantial amount of rainfall every year, much of this

precipitates during the monsoon seasons which may extend over a few months. This often results in higher river discharge during

the wet season and reduced discharge during the dry season even under undisturbed forest conditions". However, the amplitude of discharge over the seasons is relatively small compared with


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denuded land. The smoothening out of variations of flow is

greatly influenced by vegetation. The great moderating ability of

the tropical rain forest comes from the fact that the dense

multistoried canopy intercepts raindrops and reduces the rate at

which it reaches the ground surface through a complex process of

leaf drips and stem flows. This allows sufficient time for the

water to percolate into the soil to recharge the groundwater

reservoir. Surface runoff is also reduced. During the dry period

much of the water that flows in rivers and streams is derived

from the groundwater reservoir.

Clean, clear water in undisturbed rivers is maintained

through the efficient nutrient cycling of the forest which

reabsorbs much of the inorganic ions leached from litterfall. Its

nutrient status would largely depend on the geological makeup of

the watershed. The vegetation" also plays a vital role in

preventing the direct impact of raindrops on the soil surface

causing erosion through the loosening of soil particles. Clear

waters and channel volume is thus maintained.

It is clear that vegetation within a watershed is imperative

to maintaining clean rivers and hence sustainable water


How we pollute our water resources

Economic and social development not only demands greater


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amounts of water but also causes degradation of water resources.

Rivers are commonly treated as convenient dumps for effluent

produced from domestic, industrial, and agricultural activity.

Effluent produced can range from organic material such as food,

faeces, agricultural wastes, to poisons like heavy metals and

pesticides, to erosional material like sand, mud, and silt.

Fortunately, rivers are capable of processing some of this

material through oxidation-reduction, absorption-adsorption, and

precipitation processes. These involve physical, chemical and

biological activities. However, this capability is limited and

any excessive loading of effluent will result in the breakdown of

the system. Groundwater resources can also be contaminated by

persistent poisons produced in industry as well as those used in


The main types of * pollutants produced in developing

countries are domestic and agriculturally based effluent. This is

due to the inadequacy of sewerage treatment facilities to cope

with rapidly growing populations. Industrialisation and education

has resulted in large rural urban migration to service the

industries. Often this leads to the development squatter areas

with little or no sanitary facilities. The river thus serves as a

convenient sewage facility.

Organic matter places high demands on dissolved oxygen

during oxidative breakdown to inorganic components. Under normal

circumstances, such as undisturbed watershed conditions,

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dissolved oxygen is sufficient for aerobic oxidation with the

release of harmless, odourless carbon dioxide. However, when

excessive organic matter is inputed into rivers, anaerobic

oxidation (putrefaction) occurs with the release of toxic and

odorous gases such as methane or hydrogen sulfide which are

lethal to the aquatic biota. Depletion of dissolved oxygen is

detrimental to the biota as it is required for metabolic

purposes. Organic matter is also rich in nitrogen and phosphorus.

When oxidised these nutrients become available to the algae.

Under natural conditions these nutrients especially phosphorus

are low enough to limit production of algae and thus maintain

clean, clear water. When this nutrient limitation is removed as

in most polluted waters algae grow excessively and form surface

scum which inhibits the production of oxygen throughout the water

column. The resulting anaerobic condition leads to the

degradation of water quality and generally upsets the stability

of the ecosystem. *>

Domestic sewage also contains pathogenic viruses and

bacteria which can be hazardous to water users. Apart from

domestic sewage, pesticides can at very low concentrations in the

water be lethal ly or sub-lethally toxic to aquatic animals. Their

long term effects on man are unknown but it is speculated that

they may be carcinogenic. Heavy metals at high concentrations can

likewise have an insidious effect on living organisms including

man. At low concentrations they act through the food chain.

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The Basin — a case study

To illustrate the effects of anthropogenic activities on

water resources the Linggi River Basin is taken as example. This

basin is located in Peninsular and forms part of the

state of Negri Sembilan. It is a rather small basin with a

drainage area of approximately 1,399 sq. km. The river comprises

two main branches, the River and the Linggi River (sensu

stricto) with a network of tributaries flowing from their

headwaters in the Main Range (Fig. 2). The water flows eventually

into the Straits of Malacca. The Linggi River is a relatively

fast flowing and shallow river with a mean water depth of less

than one metre in the upper and middle reaches. Marine intrusion

occurs up to 28 km. inland. In terms of landuse the basin is

dominated by agriculture especially rubber and oil palm (Fig. 3).

The basin can essentially be divided into two regions based on

economic activity. The Linggi River sub-basin is highly developed

with intense urbanisation and industrialisation. town,

the state capital, and Industrial Estate, the major

industrial centre is situated in the middle reaches of this

river. The Rerabau-Siput River sub-basin is essentially, rural with

rice farming and rubber small holdings as the main economic

activities. Deraographically, the Linggi River sub-basin is

experiencing a JLarge influx of migrants while the Rembau River

sub-basin suffers from out-migration.

The Linggi River is very important to the basin as it


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provides a major portion of its domestic, industrial and

agricultural water supply. It is also used for subsistence

fisheries, navigation and aquaculture. However, the basin is

unique in that the Linggi River is one of the most polluted in

Peninsular Malaysia, and its drinking water is drawn from the

most polluted reach, just downstream of Seremban town. Its water

resource is limited by the size of the river. In addition, it is

an economically active basin due to its proximity to the Kelang

Valley, the main centre of industrial activity in the country.

Sources of pollution

Two types of sources of pollution occur: point source

pollution, and non-point source pollution. Point sources of

pollution come from domestic activity in towns, agro-industrial

wastes especially from oil palm and rubber processing, industrial

effluent, waste from livestock production, and sediment due to

land clearing activities like housing development projects and

road construction. Major point sources of pollution are located

on the Linggi River (s.s.) (Fig. 4). Non-point sources of

pollution consist mainly of nutrient and pesticide runoff from

agricultural land. Typical sources and types of pollution are

given in Table 2.

The total estimated volume of daily effluent input to the A river system is 66,364 cu. metres, or an equivalent Biological fv*

Oxygen Demand (BOD) of 16,628 kg (Table 3). The main contributor

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is domestic sewage at 10,550 kg/day of BOD. This comes mainly

from the Seremban Municipality which contains 45% of the basin's

population. The dominance of domestic sewage is due to inadequate

sanitary and treatment facilities especially in squatter areas.

Water quality

The water quality at various reaches of the Linggi River is

dependent on the type of landuse, effluent inputs, and recovery

at particular reaches. At the headwaters where the area is

forested, the water is. clear and clean with very low nutrient

status, low'BOD, and high dissolved oxygen (Table 4, Figs. 5 &

6). As the water flows towards the sea its quality deteriorates

with increased nutrient status and BOD, and decreased dissolved

oxygen. The deterioration of water quality is greatest just

downstream of Seremban town. Its quality recovers somewhat

further downstream before flowing into the sea. In the more rural

Rerabau area where rubber and rice growing are the main activities

water quality does not deteriorate much with fairly low BOD and

high dissolved oxygen.

Water use

Water for domestic purposes is tapped and processed at four

facilities (Table 5). The main facility is the Linggi Water

Treatment Works at located about 8 km downstream of

Seremban town supplies about 80,000 cumecs/day to the Seremban


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and areas. However, the deteriorated condition of

the water poses several problems. Firstly the cost of production

will increase with the elaborate treatment method needed to make

the water portable (Table 6). Secondly the wastage of water

during processing increases with the degree of deterioration in

water quality (Fig. 7). For example the percent wastage increased

from 10% of raw water abstracted in 1966 to 25% in 1983. Thirdly,

the probability of enteric diseases is greater due to the fact

that a substantial amount of untreated or poorly treated domestic

sewage is dumped into the river. Mean coliform levels are 40

times greater than that stipulated by the WHO. In contrast the

Pantai Water Works which draws clean water in the upper reaches

requires little treatment (Table 6).

Development and conservation - maintaining a balance

It is without doubt that development must continue in any

country, but prudent development is the key to optimising the

conservation of one's resources. In the case of the Linggi River

Basin development has proceeded headlong without much concern of

its impact on water resources. In the 50s and 60s.the Linggi

River adequately served the needs of the basin; its water was

then clean as industries were not developed. In the late 70s and

early 80s development proceeded at an unprecedented rate.

Concoramitent with this, populations increased mainly through

immigration. To cope with this, urbanisation- grew with the

establishment of housing estates and squatter areas. Two things

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have resulted from this economic and social change: increased

water demand and increased pollution to their very source of

water supply.

How can one strike a balance between development and

conservation? Resolving this is very complicated as it impinges

upon political, economic, social, and technical issues. In the

first instance a comprehensive management strategy for the basin

must be drawn up. This strategy should include policy essentials

such as a. having a long time frame b. being capable of dealing

with contingencies, c. being capable of accomodating the

excerising of political judgement, d. allowing for refinement

with time, e. considering changing patterns of behavior, f.

having good implementation plans consisting of a decision making

structure, national priorities, administrative structure, and

rational legislation (Nakamura 1986). The challenge will be to

resolve issues pertaining to the supply of adequate clean water

for continued economic growth of the basin with minimal

degradation to the environment particularly its water resources.

Thus any development activity must be evaluated in relation to

its overall impact on the water resources in the basin. This

evaluation can be based on the Environraental__Jjnp^r±_Assessraent.

An overall water resource policy should be formulated so

that management of water resources may be optimised. Presently

there is the uncoordinated exploitation of water resources by

government departments and the private sector resulting in


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conflicts between users. Water related departments, in addition

have little jurisdiction over land development matters which

often impinge on water resources. This policy may be implemented

by an authority which has jurisdiction on land development

matters that affect the water resources of the basin. Furthermore

this policy will enhance the enforcement of pollution related


The implementation and enforcement of pollution laws can

greatly enhance management strategies. Malaysia has several water

related and pollution laws, but these are not fully enforced due

to economic, political and bureaucratic constraints. Close

monitoring of pollutant inputs and prosecuting offenders will

alleviate the further degradation of water resources. Water

quality standards in rivers should also be set. Presently only

effluent standards have.been se-t, but this does not solve the

combined inputs of increasing numbers of industries which may be

discharging effluent within the standards set. The implementation

and enforcement of land building codes will also greatly reduce

erosional load in the river.

Improvement of sanitary and sewerage facilities especially

in urban centres like Seremban will greatly reduce pollution of

the river. In addition, cottage industries and small scale animal

husbandry activities that pollute should be relocated to areas

with proper treatment facilities and preferably away from rivers.

This however, can be an expensive exercise, and is disruptive to

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the social structure. It also requires great determination on the

part of the decision makers and impleraentors. Such an exercise is

possible as is exemplified in Singapore where the once polluted

Kallang River Basin was cleaned up over a 10 year period. Today

fish inhabit the waters and the waters are clean enough for water

related recreation. The driving force behind the project was the

prime minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.

Locating new industries in industrial estates with proper

treatment facilities will also greatly reduce pollutants into

rivers. Also attracting less polluting and water demanding

industries will further alleviate pollution of water resources.

Concluding comments

It has long been acknowledged that environmental problems in

developing countries are more diverse and diffused compared with

developed countries (Nakamura 1986). These problems include

excessive deforestation leading to soil degradation,

environmental pollution caused by poorly regulated

industrialisation and urbanisation, and large r.ural-urban

migration. Resource planners and decision makers have thus the

unenviable task of developing a comprehensive strategy. Due to

the complexity of issues involved, the formulation of a

management strategy would require inputs from a diverse spectrum

of expertise. This requires the development of appropriate human

resources who must be familiar with the local socio-political

J 13 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

situation and the aspirations of the state and nation. Good

management strategies must include their practicality in

implementation based on economic and political considerations.

The full realisation of management strategies is dependent

on a number of factors. Among these are firstly, an understanding

of the long term impacts of unmitigated pollution on water

resources, and the consequences of this to the future development

of a particular basin by decision makers. Secondly there must be

the political will among decision makers to be fully committed to

the management of the basin over a long time frame. However, the

implementation and enforcement of management strategies can only

be accomplished only if there is the development of

administratively and technically trained human resources. The

role of the public is also crucial to the success of any

management strategy. Quality of life should not be perceived only

as monetary gains at the expense of the environment. Institutes

of education, environmental groups, and the mass media can play

an important role in educating the public on the importance of

conserving our environment and resources not only for ourselves

but more importantly for future generations.

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Reference Cited

Nakamura, M. (1986) : Policy analysis perspectives in environmental planning and management. Expert Group Workshop on Environmental Planning and Management for Local and Regional Development, Japan. November, 1986.


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Table 1 : Relative volume and Renewal periods of water on the earth.

Percent of Total Renewal time

Ocean 97.61 37000 years

Polar ice, glaciers 2.08 16000 years

Groundwater 0.29 300 years

Freshwater lakes 0.009 - 1-1000 years

Saline lakes 0.008 10-1000 years

Soil and subsoil moisture ( 0.005 280 days

Rivers 0.00009 12- 20 days

Atmospheric water vapour 0.0009 9 days

Extracted from Wetzel RG 1975 Limnology

ft Table 2 : Sum-nary of the activities of industries, effluent generated and their disposal in the Linggi River Basin.

Factory/loccStion Major raw Material Water Effluent Disposal Receiving

material input output source type method stream A T T Textile/Textile Products E N T I Chempaka Textile, viscose, cotton, O yarn, spinning dye water chemically Simin River N :

Senawang polyster, dyes

with other treated T

chemicals h e

S i Kim Fashion, acrylic, cotton, socks, caps, dye water chemically Simin River n g

Senawang wool, oxford, pullovers, hand- treated a p

nylon, dyes gloves, yarn o r e


Chemical Industries o p y r i Union polymers, vinyl acetate, synthetic resin waste water chemically Simin River g h t

Senawang vinly acrylic, emulsion treated A

surfactant, c t

polyvinly alcohol a p p l i Electric and Electronic Products e s

t o


NAITO, Senawang paper cartons, transistors, waste chemicals untreated Simin, River h e

acetone silicon diode acetone, etc u s e

ABE HOICME paper carton ss, electronic waste oil untreated Simin River o f

iron, brass, copper casings, press t h i trichloro ethylene buttons s

d o c

Metal Industries ; u m e

taps, showers, acid water untreated Simin River n

DORF, senawang metal components, t .

glue, lubricants N a n y

Seremban Metal, metal components wire nails waste water chemically Simin River a n

Senawang treated g

T e c

Food Processing Industries h n o l Chung Weng, caramel, salt, soya sauce waste water untreated Simin River o g i

Senawang soya bean, wheat, bottled chilles c a

vinegar l

flour, flavouring, U

saccharin n i v e r Senawang Edible fuel oil edible oil waste water untreated Simin River s i t y

Oil Sdn. Bhd. L i

Senawang b r a r y Table 2 (Conbd.)

Factory/location Major raw Material Water Effluent Disposal Receiving material input output source A

type method stream T T E

Poultry Related Industries N T I O

FAMA, Senawang chicken meat processed meat waste water untreated Simin River N :


Far East Food Pro- chicken feathers, poultry by­ h waste water untreated Simin River e

ceasing, Senawang dried fish products S i n g

Tjjnber Processing Industries a p o r United Plywood and wood, glues e plywood waste water untreated Senawang River C

Saw Mills Sdn. Bhd., o p

Senawang y r i g h t

Rubber Based Industries A c t

Dunlopillo Malaysia string frame, coco— foam rubber waste water primary Linggi River a p

Sdn. Bhd., nut fibres, plastics, with chemicals sedimentation p l

t i Seremban wood slots rubber, pond e s


chemicals o

t h e

Dunlop Sports sulphur, zinc oxide, golf balls waste water untreated Simin River u

surlyn, latex cut, s e

polybutadiene o f

t h i Industrial Rubber P.V. latex, calcium rubber gloves waste water — Simin River s


nitrate, HC1 o c u Slaughter House m e

T n t .

Veterinary Dept. pig and cattle meat waste water untreated Simin River N a n y

Miscellaneous Industries a n g

HSR Johnson china clay, lime ceramic wall waste water untreated Simin River T e

tiles c stone, silica sand, h n

sodium trypoly- o l pho'sphate o g i c a

wd.-iLe water untreated Simin River l

Pantile cumunt, colour U

oxide, sand, zinc ridges with colour n i oxide v chip e r s i t Seremban fibre duraband glues, corrugated paper waste water untreated Simin River y


cartons i containers ink, laminar film b r a r y Table 2 (Contd.) A

Factory/location Major raw Material Water Effluent Disposal Receiving T T E

material input output source type method stream N T I O

Palm Oil Mills N :

T h

Guthrie Palm Oil fresh fruit crude palm oil River waste water two stage Siliau River e

S i Processing Sdn. brunches and palm kernel and sludge anaerobic n g a

lagoons p o

Gan Teng Slew fresh fruit crude palm oil Kundor Besar waste water anaerobic Kundor Besar r e

Realty Sdn. Bhd., brunches River . and sludge and facul- River C

Rantau tative ponds o f p y r i g h t

A c t

a p p l i e s

t o

t h e

u s e

o f

t h i s

d o c u m e n t .

N a n y a n g

T e c h n o l o g i c a l

U n i v e r s i t y

L i b r a r y Table 2 (Contd.)

r Factory/location Major raw Material Water Effluent Disposal Receiving A T

output source type method stream T material input E N

Rubber Factories T I O N :

Lam Seng Manufactur- cup lumps SMR 10 Bating Penar waste water untreated Batang Penar T

ing Sdn. Bhd. rubber sheets h SMR 20 River River e

Seremban S i n g

Nam Hong Trading cup lumps SMR 20 Linggi River waste water untreated Linggi River a p

Sdn. Bhd. Seremban tree laces SMR 5

sheet SMR 10 C

4 cuttings SMR 50 o p y r i Lee Rubber Co. Sdn. cup lumps SMR Linggi River waste water anaerobic £ Senawang River g h t

Bhd., Seremban tree laces USS (s.s.) facultative A

ponds. Half c t

treated and a p

' / recycled. p l i e s

SMR 10 Simin River waste water treated Simin River t

Seremban Estate cup lumps o

,S^R CV t Factory, Gadut tree laces h e

River latex u s e

Malaysian Rubber field latex Latex cone- Kayu Ara waste water untreated Kayu Ara River o f

Development Corp­ t entrate skim River h i oration (MARDBC), s


Ulu Ara o c u Gan Teng Siew Realty field latex SMR Kundor Besar ^waste water anaerobic Kundor Besar m e

Sdn. Bhd., n River pond River t .

N a

Sua Grensing Estate field latex n y

Factory, Rantau RSS — waste water untreated Linggi River a n g

Siliau Estate field latex T e

crep Siliau waste water untreated Siliau River c Factory, Siliau h n o l Atherton Estate field latex o g i Factory, Siliau latex cone- pond and waste water treated Siliau River c a l

entrate JKR water U

Tampin-Linggi Estate field latex n i RSS, SMR, USS — -waste water untreated Linggi River v Factory, Linggi e r s i t latex cone- Rembau River waste water recycled Linggi River y

Kota Trading, field latex L i Rembau entrate skim, after b r a

SMR treatment r y ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

Table 3 : Estimated amounts of pollutants generated in the Linggi River Basin.

Vo1ume BOD mVday kg/day

Rubber processing 39,132 2,125.0

Oil palm processing 503.2 368.9

Industries 2, 179 3,584

Domestic sewage 24,550 10,550

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Table 4 : Mean values of chemical parameters analysed between January 1903 - January 1984 in the Linggi River Basin (pll - median values are given).

Li nggi river ( s. s ) Parameter Stations 1 2 3 4 5 pH 6.04 5.60 5.34 5.46 5.21 Specific conductivity umho/cm 25°C 29.30 32.73 4 3.08 86.77 78.46 Dissolved oxygen (mg/1) 8.27 7.46 4.05 2.08 4.65 BOD (mg/1) 1.17 1.38 9.12 11.87 7.12 Permanganate value (mg/1) 1.42 2.46 5.72 6.088 4.90 Orthophosphate (mg/1) 0.006 0.012 0.222 0.323 0.122 Ammonia-nitrogen (mg/1) 0.13 0.12 1.0 5.17 2.64 Nitrite-nitrogen (mg/1) 0.0002 0.0004 0.003 0.004 0.011 Nitrate-nitrogen (mg/1) 0.07 0.10 0.17 0.35 1.06 Silica (mg/1) 18.66 18.52 17.18 13.76 12.08 Alkalinity (mg/1) 25.91 30.73 42.36 81.00 46.09 Chloride (mg/1) 3.34 3.53 7.75 9.90 9.40 SIMIN RIVER Parameter Stations 6 7 3 , pH 5.31 5.94 5.17 Specific conductivity umho/cm 25°C 24.10 422.00 71.60 Dissolved oxygen (mg/1) 8.01 3.65 6.44 BOD ((mg/1) 1.03 13.98 5.83 Permanganate value (mg/1) 0.39 9.20 2.09 Orthophosphate (mg/1) 0.014 0.24 0.04 Ammonia-nitrogen (mg/1) 0.147 12.56 0.603 Nitrite-nitrogen (mg/1) 0.001 0.003 0.007 Nitrate-nitrogen (mg/1) 0.17 0.21 0.87 Silica (mg/1) 12.10 9.67 10.61 Alkalinity (mg/1) 16.60 101.00 24.60 Chloride (mg/1) 5.69 26.44 11.25 KUNDOR RIVER Parameter ^. Stations 5 10 11 12 pH 5.37 6.38 6.05 5.48 Specific conductivity unho/cm 25°C 135.20 690.0 212.00 64.86 Dissolved oxygen (mg/1) 3.72 3.41 6.19 6.78 BOD (mg/1) 21.36 117.71 12.31 6.48 Permanganate value ((mg/1) 4.30 24.29 8.62 5.76 Orthophosphate (mg/1) 0.087 2.19 0.403 0.119 Ammonia-nitrogen (mg/1) 9.70 30.17 2.95 0.76 Nitrite-nitrogen (mg/1) 0.001 0.083 0.024 0.003 Nitrate-nitrogen (mg/1) 0.19 1.30 2.51 0.544 Silica (mg/1) 7.87 — 10.70 8.24 Alkalinity (mg/1) 128.0 519.60 183.50 38.43 Chloride (mg/1) 10.80 55.30 28.00 10.61 REMBAU RIVER Parameter Stations 13 14 15

PH 5.16 5.13 5.03 Specific conductivity umho/cm 25°C 49.36 42.33 45.83 Dissolved oxygen (mg7l) 6.05 7.16 6.58 BOD (mg/1) 2.63 2.52 2.75 Permanganate value (mg/1) 5.63 3.69 3.19 Orthophosphate (mg/1) 0.015 0.019 0.043 Ammonia-nitrogen (mg/1) 0.381 0.30 0.31 Nitrite-nitrogen (mg/1) 0.001 0.002 0.003 Nitrate-nitrogen (mg/1) 0.130 0.35 0.53 Silica (mg/1) 17.06 12.13 r0.47 Alkalinity (mg/1) 42.40 34.00 24.18 Chloride (mg/1) 6.22 6.22 7.80 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library Table 5 Domestic water treatment facilities, production capacities, and water sources in the Linggi River Basin

Treatment facility Capacity Source (million litres/day)

Linggi Water Treatment Plant 63.7 Linggi River

Terip Water Treatment Plant 42 Terip River

Pantai Water Treatment Plant 17 Batang Penar River

Pedas Water Treatment Plant 7.3 River

' Table 6 Treatment processes in the Linggi and Pantai Water Treatment Plants

Pantai Water Treatment Plant

1. Clarification 2. Chlorination

Linggi Water Treatment Plant 1 . Screens 2. Discarding facilities ^. 3. Cascade aerators 4. Sedimentation 5. Sludge blanket type tank 6. Rapid sand filters 7. Chemical treatment - lime - alum - sodium silicofluoride - chlorine

\. Fig. 1 The hydrological cycle A T T E N T I O N :

T h e

S i n g a p o r e

C o p y r i g h t

A c t

a p p l i e s

t o

t h e

u s e

o f

t h i s

d o c u m e n t .

N a n y a n g

T e c h n o l o g i c a l

U n i v e r s i t y

L i b r a r y ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

Fig. 2 : The Linggi River Basin, Negri Sembilan ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

\Z2 Rubber |;:;;j;:|| Oil poim

|,.»t j Podi

Miscellaneous crops j^-fi'jj Forest reserves

•-~-r Swamp

Settlement and industrial

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Kilometres


Fig. 3 : Landuse in the Linggi River Basin, Negri Rembilan ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

Rubber mill

fe^P^r Polm Oil mill

Rubber smoll-holder's processing centre

Industries generating water pollution


Motor and engineering workshop Industrial estate


Strait of Motacco

8 10 Miles i ' i—r1—i—h r1- 1 1 8 10 12 14 16 Kilometres

Fig. 4 : Major sources of pollution in the Linggi River Basin, Negri Semb i 1 an ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

Fig. 5 : 'Sampling stations for wateX quality analysis with reference to Table 4 ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

Fig. 6 : Profile of water quality parameters at various reaches in the Linggi River Basin, Negri Sembilan. ATTENTION: The Singapore Copyright Act applies to the use of this document. Nanyang Technological University Library

4 Fig. 7 : Percentage and volume of water wasted during treatment at the Linggi Water Treatment Plant