OZ INVADED!! The battle for

A MODERN WARGAMES CAMPAIGN Depicting the Fictitious Invasion of Australia by the “Republic Of Red” Version 3.7, October 2014

Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia

Contents CAMPAIGN CONCEPT ...... 5 GENERAL BACKGROUND ...... 6 The Republic of Red ...... 6 Geography and Climate ...... 6 People and History ...... 7 Current Strategic Situation ...... 8 The Red Plan ...... 9 The “ANZAC Day Invasion” ...... 9 The Amphibious Lodgement ...... 10 “Plan A” ...... 10 RED Mission ...... 11 RED Starting Dispositions ...... 11 BLUE Mission ...... 11 GENERAL CAMPAIGN RULES ...... 13 Campaign Turn ...... 13 Campaign Turn Sequence ...... 13 Time ...... 13 Daylight, Night, Dawn & Dusk Turns ...... 14 Weather ...... 14 PLANNING & MOVEMENT ...... 15 Campaign Planning ...... 15 Campaign Movement ...... 15 Campaign Map ...... 15 THE MISSION PHASE ...... 17 Formations & Units ...... 17 HEADQUARTERS ...... 19 Command Points ...... 19 Activation ...... 20 Unit Reorganization ...... 20 Missions ...... 20 Independent Units ...... 21 MOVEMENT ...... 22 How Units Move ...... 22 Hex Capacity ...... 22 Road Movement ...... 22 March Missions ...... 23 Hasty Attack Missions ...... 23 Assault Missions ...... 23 Defend Missions ...... 23 Reserve Missions ...... 23 Sequence of Movement...... 24 Campaign Movement Routes ...... 24 Campaign Movement Rates ...... 24 REST & FATIGUE ...... 25 Operational Routine ...... 25 Rest (After Battle) ...... 25 Fatigue...... 25 2 | P a g e Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia

Recovering from Fatigue ...... 25 INTELLIGENCE, SURVEILLANCE & RECONNAISSANCE...... 26 Satellite & Air ISR ...... 26 Long-Range Ground Recon ...... 26 Integral Ground Recon ...... 26 FIGHTING TABLETOP BATTLES ...... 27 The Miniatures ...... 27 Basing ...... 27 Battle Location ...... 28 Generating Tabletop Terrain ...... 28 Orientation...... 29 Fighting the Battle ...... 29 Forces ...... 29 Defender Deployment ...... 29 Attacker Deployment ...... 29 Battle Objectives & Outcomes ...... 30 Battle Duration ...... 30 Withdrawal ...... 30 Surrender ...... 30 SPECIAL TABLETOP RULES...... 31 Tabletop Command & Control Rules ...... 31 Orders ...... 31 Orders Changes ...... 32 Electronic Warfare ...... 32 LOGISTICS ...... 33 Supply & Maintenance ...... 33 Formation Supply Limitations...... 33 Supply Routes & Logistics Bases ...... 33 Out of Supply ...... 34 Air Resupply ...... 34 CASUALTY RECOVERY ...... 35 Casualty Recovery ...... 35 Shattered Units ...... 36 ‘Converging’ Units ...... 36 Reinforcements ...... 36 ARTILLERY ...... 37 Artillery units ...... 37 Artillery Range – Campaign Level ...... 37 Artillery Range – Battlefield Level ...... 38 Artillery Command & Control ...... 38 Counter-Battery Fire ...... 39 AIRCRAFT ...... 40 Aircraft units ...... 40 Aircraft Ranges ...... 40 Aircraft Missions ...... 40 All-Weather & Night-Capability ...... 41 Aircraft Loads...... 41 Airstrikes ...... 41 Aircraft Casualties ...... 42 3 | P a g e Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia

Special Aircraft Types ...... 42 AMPHIBIOUS OPERATIONS ...... 43 ARMY LISTS AND TO&E...... 44 ADF & COALITION ALLIES ...... 45 ADF & COALITION FORCES (near future 2025) ...... 47 1st (AS) Brigade ...... 48 3rd (AS) Brigade ...... 49 7th (AS) Brigade ...... 50 Taskforce Pegasus (UKSI Brigade) ...... 51 Taskforce Bison (USCANZ Brigade) ...... 52 US Brigade Combat Team (SBCT) ...... 53 Coalition ‘Theatre’ Assets ...... 54 ROYAL AUSTRALIAN NAVY...... 56 ROYAL AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE (RAAF) ...... 59 RED EXPEDITIONARY ARMY (NEAR FUTURE 2025) ...... 60 1st GUARDS MECHANISED DIVISION (1 GMD) ...... 60 11th & 12th Guards Motorised Brigades ...... 60 13th & 14th Guards Mechanised Brigades ...... 61 1st GMD Divisional Assets...... 62 2nd MECHANISED DIVISION (2 MD) ...... 63 21st & 22nd Motorised Brigades ...... 63 23rd & 24th Mechanised Brigades ...... 64 2nd MD Divisional Assets ...... 65 3rd MECHANISED DIVISION (3 MD) ...... 66 31st, 32nd, 33rd & 34th Mechanised Brigades ...... 66 3rd MD Divisional Assets ...... 67 COMBINED RED EXPEDITIONARY ARMY ASSETS ...... 69 5th Independent Guards Tank Battalion (5 IGTB) ...... 69 6th Airborne Infantry Regiment (6 AIR) ...... 70 1st Naval Infantry Regiment (1 NIR) ...... 71 Other CREA Units ...... 72 RED ARMY GENERAL INFORMATION ...... 73 Command Structure & Disposition ...... 73 Unit Naming Conventions ...... 73 Unit Markings...... 73 THE REPUBLIC OF RED NAVY...... 78 Red Amphibious Capability ...... 78 Modernisation ...... 78 Red Capabilty Demonstrated ...... 80 RRN Major Combatants ...... 82 THE REPUBLIC OF RED AIR FORCE ...... 85 Air Lift ...... 85 Air Superiority / Ground Attack ...... 85 Rotary Wing ...... 85 RRAF Capability ...... 86

4 | P a g e Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia

preceding manoeuvre and task-organisation of CAMPAIGN CONCEPT formations, and tabletop games will have consequences for subsequent battles. Players will This mini-campaign is intended for use with the need to consider during table-top play that their Fistful of TOWs (3rd edition) rules (FFT). The forces are finite, and that battlefield losses on material that follows is intended to provide both sides will have ongoing effects. ‘Fight to the sufficient background material, rules and force last man’ actions should be rarer, with more lists to allow players to resolve a conflict realistic tactical decisions likely to result. between Australia and its coalition allies, and the invading forces of the (fictional) “Republic of It is my hope that players will become involved in Red” (the “Reds”). The Reds are a generic role-playing their forces, and that these will OPFOR, developed from a foundation of Cold- develop their own narratives as they distinguish War Soviet organisation, equipment and doctrine. themselves on the battlefield (or otherwise…).

The campaign is set 10 years into the future Due to the scale of our fictional conflict, (~2025) and the players command elements from campaign movement is likely to be conducted by the (ADF), and its Brigades, or perhaps battalions. The resulting allies; or from the invading ‘Combined Red tabletop battles will most likely be between Expeditionary Army’ (C-REA). The side that best multiple battalions or brigades, sometimes even achieves its objective wins. divisions (on a big tabletop!). The conflict is a limited conventional war, involving several divisions per side. On one side, The Tables of Organisation and Equipment the ADF has a small Defence Force and its (TO&E) and special rules have been written Coalition allies can only provide assistance from around the FFT rules. These allow for 1:1 small, rapidly deployable, forces. On the other representation of modern combat at a reasonably side, Red air and naval assets limit them to lodge high tactical level, and this level works well when only of a portion of their overall military strength. played using my chosen scale of 1:600 (3mm) miniatures. However, the lists, rules, background, The campaign’s aim is to produce interesting etc should easily transfer across to most rules tabletop war-game battles. These may not always systems that use platoons as the base movement be between equal forces. (if the players plan well, stand (eg. Modern Spearhead, Cold War they most certainly won’t be!) This provides Commander, etc). For really large battles, players additional interest over equal-points battles or can resolve the game using Companies as stands standard scenarios, with the campaign providing (rather than Platoons) the ‘context’ for tabletop battles. These will have

Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia GENERAL BACKGROUND

The Republic of Red The “Republic of Red” is a fictitious nation, created to provide an enemy for this war-game campaign. The background below is intended to provide some information on the country, its people and its motivations, in order that players can better “role-play” its armed forces in the campaign conflict with Australia.

The Flag of the Republic is shown below. Its simple design features the national colour. The central symbol represents a stylized version of the The country comprises a main island, surrounded main island and its topography (see below) and by a number of smaller islands. The Main Island also, coincidentally, resembles a symbol is simply known as “Red”, and its inhabitants are commonly used by NATO and coalition armies to known as “Reds”. represent ‘enemy’ troops.

Due to its geography as a volcanic island, the topography of Red is unusual. It is roughly ‘lozenge’ or ‘diamond’ shaped, with two mountain ranges crossing the island diagonally. The “Red Alps” run from northwest to southeast, and the “Claret Ranges” from northeast to southwest. The north of the country is largely

Republic of Red national flag tropical rainforest and mountainous, whereas the south is more temperate in climate, and the terrain Red vehicles and aircraft are marked with the Red consists of fertile rolling hills and valleys. A more symbol, shown below. detailed map of the country is below:

Red Vehicle & Aircraft Marking

Geography and Climate Red is a located to the north-west of Australia, in the Indian Ocean, as shown in the map below.

The largest city is the capital of the country, Red City (population ~5m) on the banks of the Red 6 | P a g e Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia River. Other major population centres are The British fought an insurgency against Red Rötburgh (~2m) in the south of the country (the independence fighters from 1953 until 1959, until German colonial capital), Redport in the north the British government agreed to a referendum on (~1m), and Rouge in the east (~1m). independence. The Reds opted for independence and the British withdrew in 1960. In the People and History following elections, the Red Republican Party Red has a population of about twenty million, as (RRP), a socialist group, won the vote. A series at the last census (2014). Islam was introduced to of RRP presidents have since consolidated their the island by Arab traders in the 16th century, and hold on power, and the RRP continues to govern as a result the population is predominantly the Republic in a notional democracy. Muslim. The indigenous Reds have ethnic links to Chinese, Indonesians, Arabs, and Indians, all Following independence in 1960, the Red of whom settled and traded on the Island at some Government sought to secure the new nation’s period in its history. There are significant independence through the raising of a National Chinese, Indonesian and Bengali minorities, as Army and alliance with powerful nations. The well as a small minority of Europeans. various groups of guerrilla independence fighters, as well as veterans of the British-led World War Red was colonised by Germany in the late 19th Two militia Brigades were consolidated into the century. During their short rule, German colonial new Republic of Red Army (RRA). This was governors established a sound infrastructure, expanded through the introduction of compulsory economic and administrative system and ruled the militia service for two years for all male citizens. colony efficiently, but brutally at times. The Republic of Red Navy (RRN) was raised around the nucleus of the small militia coast The colony was captured during the First World guard that existed under British rule, and was War by the British Royal Navy, and was held as a initially equipped with half a dozen patrol vessels British colonial outpost until the 1950’s. gifted by the British Government at independence. The Republic of Red Air Force During the Second World War, the British (RRAF) was raised in 1963. colonial Governor had only a Battalion of Infantry with which to defend the Island, and During the 1960’s the Red government aligned invasion by the Japanese was seen as a real threat. itself with The USSR. This was a logical Because of this, the British authorised, armed and extension of Red political links, and Soviet desire trained a “Red Defence Force” of militia to for allies during the Cold War. The Soviets had defend the colony, numbering four Brigades in supported Red fighters during their independence total. During the war, due to lack of attention and war, providing training, military advisors and resources from the British government, the equipment. Alliance with the new Republic of colony became reasonably autonomous in Red increased Soviet influence in the Indian managing the people’s affairs. Ocean and South East Asia. A treaty was signed in 1962 between the USSR and the Reds, Following the war, the British government promising Soviet assistance if attacked, as well as attempted to re-assert its authority over the supplying Soviet economic assistance, arms and colony, leading to dissent amongst the training for the Red armed forces. In return, the population. Red leaders looked abroad and Soviets gained the use of the harbour at the town gained inspiration from post-colonial uprisings of Redport. This quickly developed into a occurring elsewhere in the world. Some Reds significant naval and air facility from which to travelled to China, Russia and Vietnam and base forces in the region. The ongoing presence at returned to lead a popular uprising of the people Redport of visiting Soviet ships and aircraft against colonial rule. further guaranteed Red independence through their deterrent value. 7 | P a g e Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia region. This includes material support and With Soviet economic and military assistance, the training to Islamist separatists in the Southern Reds built a formidable military, equipped and Philippines and Thailand, and ties with Islamist trained along Soviet lines. By the late 1960’s the elements in Indonesia and Malaysia. Their policy standing army was established at its current level, has drawn condemnation from the Philippines with two Armoured Divisions, eight Infantry and Thailand, as well as Australia, Britain, the Divisions (most became Motor Rifle or USA, and other nations who fear the Motorised Divisions), and a Capital City Defence strengthening of Islamist separatist movements in Division, as well as special forces and other their own countries. supporting elements. The Navy and Air Force also became the equal of (or superior to) most in The Reds see Australia and the US as a hindrance the region in both strength and equipment. to their aims for primacy in the Asia-Pacific region and seek to redress this imbalance through The Reds maintained close ties with the Soviet diplomatic, economic and military means. Union into the 1980’s, until the collapse of the USSR (the Soviet war in did put Red fishing vessels have made repeated some strain on the relationship). incursions and carried out illegal fishing activity in the Australian Maritime economic zone. With the decline of Soviet power, the Reds Australian boardings of, and clashes with, developed closer ties with other nations. In the increasing numbers of Red-flagged vessels has 1990’s, stronger ties with China were established. led to the withdrawal of the Red Ambassador The former Soviet Naval facility at Redport was from Canberra, and an embargo on Australian taken over by the RRN, and now welcomes exports and visits to Red. regular visits from ships of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN). The Reds have Red continues to strengthen its diplomatic, also maintained strong diplomatic and military defence and economic ties with China. Like many ties with Vietnam, who they supported nations, the Reds see China as a regional (and diplomatically during the Vietnam War. world) leader. Chinese equipment has been ordered by the RRAF and RRN, and major joint Current Strategic Situation Sino-Red exercises have been conducted in recent The year is 2025. years. Whilst the Reds recognise that Australia is a significant trading partner with China, they feel The Republic of Red seeks to claim its ‘rightful’ that their relationship with China would ensure position in world affairs as a ‘middle power’ and Chinese neutrality in any potential confrontation. leader in the Asia-Pacific region. A recent “Defence Cooperation Treaty” with China has also emboldened the Reds. Tensions between The Republic of Red and Australia have been escalating over the past The Red Government is feeling the pressure of decade or so. The Reds’ foreign policy has been economic ‘growing pains’, with high criticised as a destabilising influence in the Asia- unemployment and rising cost of living for its Pacific region in the UN and in western media population. Combined with the increasing (by Australia and other Western nations). Islamist pressure on his leadership, the Red President is eager to deflect attention from his Radical Islamist elements have gained influence government’s poor political performance. A in the Red government, seeking to replace the confrontation with Australia provides this President with ‘one of their own’ to further distraction for the Red government. extend this influence. The Republic of Red has actively supported Islamist movements in the As a pretext for conflict, the Reds have used a long-standing territorial dispute with Australia 8 | P a g e Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia over the ownership of Christmas Island. They Australia. Although a vast geographical area, the claim it as a traditional territory of the people of area is sparsely populated and rich in mineral and Red, citing documents dating back to the 16th agricultural wealth. With massive Iron, Gold, Century which make reference to the Island as Diamond, Uranium, Oil and Natural Gas deposits part of the ancient ‘Kingdom of Red’. (as well as others), West Australia and its offshore gas and oil fields represents a huge The Reds also claim parts of the Australian portion of Australia’s economic prosperity. On Maritime Zone. This claim has become top of this, it includes vast tracts of agricultural increasingly important in recent years with the (grain and livestock) land. This land has become increased importance of commercial fishing to an irresistible target for the poor and over- the growing Red population and economy. The crowded Red nation. commercial exploitation of the ‘North-West With the not-too-distant and unpopular memories Shelf’ oil and natural gas reserves off north- of military commitment by Australia and other western Australia has also prompted increased western nations, the Reds calculated that the demands for Red ownership of parts of this area. political will and public support of the US and other ‘Western’ nations to stop their actions As a further justification for their actions, the against Australia would be badly undermined. Reds cite Australian and US “provocation” to the They also push for other regional nations being Islamist cause, through their participation in the supportive (or at least neutral) in their actions1. “War on Terror” in and Afghanistan (2002- Furthermore, they believed that control of the 2015). They also cite Australian “attacks” against mineral resources of Western Australia would their people and other Asian and Pacific nations further increase their bargaining power at the (the boarding of fishing vessels, and detainment negotiating table, with nations like China that had of illegal immigrants and fishermen). They hope become so dependent on these resources. to unite their Islamist and Asian neighbours in support of their actions against Australia. The Reds intended to gamble all on a military action to rapidly strike and seize as much of Western Australia as possible. With control of important sites, they hope to be in a strong position to negotiate an embarrassing settlement with the Australians, retain at least some of their gains and force acceptance of the new status quo on the world. The plan relies on a strong and rapidly concluded campaign, suited to Red doctrine with its roots in Soviet doctrine.

The “ANZAC Day Invasion” In one of the most brazen examples of naked aggression in the modern age, the Republic of th Red invaded continental Australia on the 25 of April, 2025. The Red Plan Diplomatic relations between the nations had The Red plan centres on the strategic objective of deteriorated over recent years, but the securing the resources of Western continental international community still underestimated the

1 In actuality, the Chinese, Indonesians, Vietnamese and offer direct support, although Indonesia does allow RRAF Russians all refused to condemn Red actions. None will over-flight and RRN passage through its territorial waters. 9 | P a g e Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia Reds’ resolve to use such a direct military and Airborne Troops at Port Hedland, Karratha approach in solving their dispute with Australia. and Broome. Efforts during this phase were focused on defending the beach head from The Amphibious Lodgement Australian Defence Force (ADF) operations Although launched by a ‘modest’ military power, aimed at countering the lodgement. the Invasion was one of the largest amphibious As it became clear what had occurred, operations since the Second World War. Red International condemnation of the Red’s actions amphibious capability is described in detail in the was strong. Unfortunately, however, the ADF section on the Republic of Red Navy (RRN). was unable to respond forcefully enough. Several Despite escalating tensions between the nations, battalions were able to be deployed within days, the initial Air-assault and amphibious operation however could do little to contain the Red build- was a complete surprise to the Government of up. The remainder of the ADF, plus reinforcing Australia, and to the international community. contingents from a number of allied countries, was deployed, as available, between D+7 to The beach-head selected for the lodgement was D+15. Coalition forces during this stage were Port Hedland in north-western Australia. With the able to do little more than containment. capacity to service Bulk-Ore carriers transporting bulk minerals out of north-west Australia, the “Plan A” port facilities proved to be more than adequate for handling large quantities of men and heavy Once all assets of the REA were concentrated in equipment. their starting positions, the second (expansion) phase of the operation commenced, known to the The Reds initiated their attack just before dusk on Red Army as “Plan A”. the 25th of April2. Red special-forces patrols of the 99th Raider Group had landed clandestinely in Plan A requires the REA to secure the whole of the weeks before, and simultaneously secured resource-rich Western Australia. To do this, the port facilities and airstrips at Port Hedland, REA identified three routes, to capture primary Karratha, Broome, as well as the RAAF Curtin transport routes, as well as important regional ‘bare-base’ facilities. population centres and resource sites. The three Mechanised Divisions were tasked to advance on The following morning, the 1st Naval Infantry independent axes, to achieve this: Regiment landed from RRN amphibious ships at . Broome  Derby  Fitzroy Crossing  Port Hedland, securing the town and approaches.    Concurrently, the four battalions of the 6th Hall’s Creek Kununnurra Katherine Airborne Infantry Regiment reinforced the Darwin elements holding the Curtin, Broome and . Port Hedland  Tom Price  Newman  Karratha airfields. The following weeks saw Meekathara  Leonora  Kalgoorlie  ongoing lodgement of a full Red Expeditionary Esperance Army (REA) from RRN vessels and Red-flagged . Karratha  Exmouth  Coral Bay  commercial shipping, which had been forced into Carnarvon  Geraldton  Moora  Perth service by the Red Government. The sustainability of the campaign is limited due The REA comprised three regular Mechanised to the political, economic and logistic pressure Divisions of the Red Army, supported by various the Reds expect to face as a result of their actions. army-level units. During the build-up phase of the International condemnation has been strong, Red lodgement, troops were successively pushed out to secure the beach-head, relieving the Marine

2 a significant day in the Australian calendar, being Gallipoli in 1915. Given this was an Amphibious operation, ANZAC Day, commemorating the landing of the this is somewhat ironic… Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) at 10 | P a g e Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia however diplomatic negotiations and ploys will ADF forces and capture of significant economic buy some time. or population centres. Commander, Combined Red Expeditionary Army RED Starting Dispositions (CCREA) has been ordered to conclude his campaign within six weeks (the lodgement The REA starting dispositions are as below: process has already taken six weeks). This is the Red government’s assessed duration for which . Broome (2 MD, 6 AIR) they can sustain operations before being forced to . Port Headland (5 GITB, 1 NIR) commence negotiations for peace. After that, it is . Karratha (1 GMD) likely to be forced to withdraw due to flagging public support and the economic pressures of . Newman (3 MD) anticipated sanctions and cost. BLUE Mission CCREA must therefore make the maximum possible gains, to enable the Red government to At the time of the invasion, ADF units were negotiate from a ‘position of strength’. dispersed around the country in their peacetime locations. Whilst the Red attack was a surprise, To achieve this, CCREA is to attack as far as the formations of the regular army had at least possible into Australian territory, securing been put on an increased level of readiness due to resources and infrastructure. Destruction of the recent tensions and intelligence. As a result, one ADF’s military units would also, of course, limit Battalion from each of 1st Bde and 3rd Bde was the ability of Australia to defend its sovereign able to move within 24 hours (D+1), and the territory or exercise any military counter-option. remaining units of those Brigades deployed It is considered that this would break the political within 72 hours (D+3). The remainder of the will of the Government of Australia (GOAS), ADF’s assets deployed from D+7. which would be forced to sue for peace on unfavourable terms. Coalition contingents deployed piecemeal from D+7. Task Force Pegasus (UKSI Brigade) was Plan A is the context of this wargames campaign. formed from UK and Singapore deployed The REA has successfully lodged on the elements at D+12. Task Force Bison (USCANZ Australian mainland. The Players of the campaign Brigade) was formed on D+15, from US, represent the Red Division Commanders within Canadian & New Zealand elements. The core of the CREA, as well as the ADF and Coalition this formation was the USMC Marine Brigades (and above). Each commander has his Expeditionary Unit (MEU) stationed in Darwin. objectives and seeks to cover himself in glory by Additionally, a US Stryker Brigade Combat Team achieving them. The Red Commander who (SBCT) arrived in Darwin on D+25. achieves his objective can expect to be proclaimed a hero of the Republic and awarded Starting dispositions for the Coalition are: the Order of the Red Diamond (the Red’s highest military honour), with similar glory (and the all- . Derby (1 AS Bde) important book deal!) to any victorious Coalition Commanders. . Halls Creek (3 AS Bde, TF BISON) . Carnarvon (US SBCT Bde) RED Mission . Meekathara (7 AS Bde) The Political outcome sought from the operation is to embarrass Australia politically and weaken it . Perth (TF PEGASUS) economically and militarily. This will be The overall aim for ADF and Coalition forces is achieved through successful lodgement of the to delay the REA advance, inflict losses and make REA on Australian soil, significant defeats of the continuation of the war untenable from an 11 | P a g e Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia economic and political perspective for the Reds. For every day the ADF can hold out, there is Destruction of the Red beach-head at Port more likelihood of arrival of more allied troops, Headland would make the sustainment of their and a political settlement through economic and deployed forces untenable. diplomatic pressure from the international community.

12 | P a g e Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia

Mission Phase GENERAL CAMPAIGN RULES The players’ formations move in accordance with the Orders they allocated in the Planning Phase. Campaign Turn The campaign is played in Campaign-turns, each (Units allocated in the planning phase to reserve of which is divided into phases. A Campaign orders can be utilised for Reaction movement). Turn represents a 24-hour day, commencing at 0000 hours each day. Reserve Phase The players roll for initiative (high roll wins). The Campaign Turn Sequence initiative player may move un-used units The Campaign Sequence is as follows. The detail allocated to reserve orders in the planning phase. of what happens in each phase is covered in Then, the other player does so. These units use subsequent rules sections: Reserve Movement.

Planning Phase Admin Phase Both sides record planning aspects for the turn: Various administrative functions, including:

. Determine supply status . Check to see if formations are shattered . Attach supporting assets to formations/units. . Converge units . Allocate Command status for Artillery . Campaign-turn marker is advanced. Groups, Aircraft Missions & Load Time . Allocate Orders and Route for Formations Time is measured in Campaign Turns, and . Determine Weather for the turn Tabletop Turns:

Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia South of the Tropic of Capricorn7, the weather . Players give their formations orders for a becomes more variable – use the table below to Campaign Turn (24 hours). determine the weather effects. The starting . Within the campaign turn, when forces meet, weather (ie. Turn 1) is randomly determined play transfers to the tabletop and uses FFT using the first column (d6). Tabletop turns (of 15-20 minutes). Start Weather Effects . When play switches to the tabletop, randomly 1 Rain Visibility: Day – Bad determine the commencement time of the first turn of the game. Encounters can occur at Terrain: After two successive any time of day or night3; Roll 4d6 to give a campaign turns of Rain, flash start time between 0400 and 2400.4 flooding occurs. Any off-road terrain becomes Bad Going. Any Daylight, Night, Dawn & Dusk Turns River/Canal become Impassable

The time of day that battles occur determines the 2 Drizzle Visibility: Day – Bad visibility effects for tabletop games. Day/Night visibility distances are specified in the FFT rules: Terrain: Nil

. Day turns are between 0600 – 1900 hours. 3 Overcast Visibility: Day – Moderate Day visibility is generally Moderate, but can be Bad, depending on weather or terrain Terrain: Nil conditions.5 4-6 Fine Visibility: Day – Moderate . Dawn and Dusk turns occur during the first and last hours of the day respectively (ie. the Terrain: A Campaign-Turn of turns between 0600-0700 and 1800-1900). Fine weather reverses any rain These count as bad day visibility. effects in play.

. Night turns are from 1900-0600 daily. Roll a d6 at the start of each Campaign Turn. From the current weather condition: Weather Weather conditions are determined at the start of . a roll of ‘1’ worsens the weather (it moves each turn. The campaign starts in early June, and ‘up’ the table - eg. Overcast to Drizzle); will conclude in July (see campaign background). . This is the middle of the winter ‘dry season’ of ‘6’ improves the weather (it moves ‘down’ the table - eg. Overcast to Fine); and North-Western Australia. In Winter, north of the Tropic of Capricorn, it never rains6. . ‘2-5’ is no change.

3 Modern armies conduct 24-hour operations, assisted by Night Vision Equipment. Operational tempo is limited only 6 A massive generalisation, but achieves the effect required by rest, replenishment and maintenance requirements, to with minimal book-keeping. avoid fatigue and attrition. 7 Not entirely accurate, but close enough for campaign 4 The laws of probability mean that most battles will occur purposes, to represent distinct ‘Wet’ and ‘Dry’ seasons in in daylight, but some night turns will occur. the monsoonal areas of northern Australia. In the north, Summer is Nov-Mar, Winter is the rest of the year. 5 I generally only use Good visibility conditions for open desert, since most areas have some form of vegetation or undulating terrain that limits visibility. 14 | P a g e Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia

Unit labelling for campaign map-movement PLANNING & MOVEMENT should be clear and unambiguous.

Campaign Planning Most campaign map movement is likely to be for The high-level objectives, starting dispositions, Brigades, but some will be by independent and intelligence on the enemy are provided for battalions and smaller independent units (like both sides in the Background section. recon units).

Campaign Map Each campaign move (day) is covered by a single set of orders for that period. Should something The Campaign Map is overlaid with a 100km occur during that 24-hour period, action is hexagon grid. Forces move from hex to hex transferred to the tabletop8. during each turn.

Campaign Movement When occupying a hex, the precise battlefield Campaign Movement is conducted for meeting location of units within the hex is generated (see Generating Tabletop Terrain, units/formations on the campaign map, either on 9 a printed map, or on a computer or tablet below) .

8 If players don’t wish to resolve small or insignificant contacts on the tabletop, use an agreed method to determine 9 Units may not necessarily be occupying a major feature the outcome without playing a tabletop battle. Players (eg. a town) within a hex, even though it is present on the should use their judgement, however, since some small campaign map. actions can be interesting and important (eg. a recon battle, a company air-assault onto a key objective, etc).

Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia

Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia

THE MISSION PHASE Formations & Units During the Mission Phase, the players move their Formations are Brigades. formations or units. The owning player decides which mission type each formation or unit will These are in turn comprised of a number of Units: perform and allocates appropriate orders in the . Units are the formation’s elements that can be Planning Phase. tasked with independent missions.

There are five mission types: . Units do not have fixed strengths. The players decide how each formation's strength is 10 . March: permits rapid movement; divided. . Assault: permits intensive attacks; . The size, number, and dispersion for each formation’s units is limited only by the . Hasty Attack: allows a little of both; command system. . Defend: optimises defensive dispositions; and Formation HQs are assumed to be co-located with . Reserve: allows units to react to the enemy. their largest sub-element. If there are multiple sub-elements of the same size (eg. three

10 Having said that, it is usually a good idea to move troops around in their battalions, which are designed as fighting units, with the necessary organic support elements. 17 | P a g e Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia battalions in separate locations), the owning Additionally, higher HQs (Division HQ or player can choose the HQ location. higher) may also have CPs to supplement the orders of their subordinate Brigades. Each formation HQ has one or more Command Points (CPs), used to issue orders to its subordinate units each campaign turn.

18 | P a g e Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia

. RED HQs generate one CP each. HEADQUARTERS . Each RED Brigade, Division and the CREA Design Note: Headquarters units are the nervous have a HQ. system of any army - combined arms co- ordination is the key to combat effectiveness on . BLUE HQs generate two CPs each. the modern battlefield. In the campaign, HQs . allocate combat units with the support, supplies Each BLUE Brigade has a HQ, plus and planning they need to fight effectively. Headquarters Joint Australian Theatre (HQJAST) is a HQ.

The number of CPs generated per turn by the Command Points various HQs is summarised below:

HQ units spend command points (CPs) to assign HQ Type CPs per turn missions to formations and units. BLUE Bde HQ 2 The location of the HQ is not important, due to BLUE HQ JAST (Theatre) 2 the use of modern digital radio and satellite RED Bde HQ 1 communications. 11 RED Div HQ 1 RED HQ CREA (Army) 1 Each HQ generates a number of CPs each turn to spend on its subordinate units (only).

11It is assumed that the Signals troops of each side know enemy Electronic Warfare is another matter, however, and their jobs, and can overcome terrain and range limitations is covered in the EW rules. to maintain effective communications. Interference by

Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia Activation Missions CPs are used to activate a Brigade, or part thereof: There are five mission types: march, hasty-attack, . Each time a player assigns a hasty attack, assault, defend and reserve. These are explained assault, or Reserve mission to a brigade or in more detail later, but here is a brief summary: unit, he must spend one CP. . A march mission is an order to move as . No CPs are spent to assign march or defend rapidly as possible, and assumes that no missions (ie. they are free). significant contact with the enemy is likely. The assigned units move in column, following If no CPs are available to spend on a Brigade / the road net as much as possible. As these Unit, it can only be assigned a march or defend formations are optimised for movement, with mission, or none at all. compromised march-security, so they cannot move into contact with enemy units. Design note: . A hasty attack mission is an order to attack or RED command doctrine is more centralised and penetrate enemy positions with a maximum of less flexible, represented in the game through speed and a minimum of preparation. Hasty fewer CPs. BLUE brigades have additional CPs, attacks are characterized by high mobility but providing them the flexibility to operate in limited concentration of forces or fire support. smaller, more numerous elements. They are an excellent way to advance-to- contact, quickly clear outnumbered or under- During play this generally manifests in RED prepared enemy positions, or infiltrate past manoeuvring in larger units than BLUE. enemy positions into their rear.

Unit Reorganization . An assault mission is a fully-prepared attack During the campaign, a player may combine or upon an enemy position. It sacrifices speed split units, subject to the following restrictions: and sometimes surprise, but allows additional planning and coordination of overwhelming . Troops may be moved between battalions firepower on an objective. Assaults are within a formation, but transfer must be: especially useful when more than one formation must be brought to bear in an attack  conducted by whole Company; and on a stubborn position, or when extra artillery support is needed.  between units of the same nationality.12 . A defend mission is an order to hold the . Battalions may be transferred between unit’s current location, denying it to the formations, by using a CP from a higher HQ. enemy. The commander can select his optimal defensive terrain and dispositions. It also . During each campaign turn, a formation may provides the time and resources for engineers move as several sub-elements. Simply divide (and other troops) to prepare defensive the companies between the new units any way engineering works. you wish, allocate CPs to the new units and move them as per their mission orders. . A reserve mission is an order to delay a unit’s movement, sacrificing some movement for

12 So the multi-national Brigades (ie. the UKSI and USCANZ Brigades) cannot transfer companies between their Battalions. 20 | P a g e Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia the ability to react to unfolding events. Such Independent Units reaction could allow reinforcement of a Independent units are Divisional or Army-level friendly unit under attack, conduct of a units. counterattack, exploitation of opportunities, or pre-positioning for subsequent actions. . If operating independently, these units activate using CPs from higher HQs13. A player performs a mission by assigning a mission type to a Brigade or its component units . Alternately, they can be attached to a Brigade in the planning phase. The mission type restricts or unit and included in its mission group. how the units may move and fight. Example: RED Naval and Airborne Infantry The players may conduct any number of Regiments can hasty attack or assault missions, as long as there are sufficient CPs. independently if they are allocated Command Points from the HQCREA. A unit is never required to perform a mission.

13 ie. Divisional level or higher. 21 | P a g e Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia

MOVEMENT . A non-mechanised unit14 cannot move out of the hex it occupies. Units can move during missions, in reaction, and during the reserve phase. . Subject to terrain and movement allowance restrictions, units may move in any direction. How Units Move Units do not have ‘facings’. Movement follows different rules, depending on when and how it occurs. However, some rules Hex Capacity always apply: Any number of units, up to a Division15, can occupy a hex (hexes are, after all, 100km2!!). . When a unit moves, it spends movement Units may move through each other. points (MPs). It may move a variable number of hexes, as long as it does not spend more Road Movement MPs than its movement allowance. Units using march, reaction, and reserve movement can use road movement. Units on . A unit’s movement allowance is always either hasty attack or assault missions may not. 1 or 2, depending on its orders.

If a unit is eligible to use road movement, and moves in a hex containing a marked road:

14 ie. leg-infantry – usually parachute or air-mobile infantry logistics, and support elements, so it is simpler to limit the hex capacity in this way. 15 Arguably, more than a Division could occupy a 100km2 area, however this area is also considered to contain the

Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia . They can conduct more concentrated and . it doubles (2x) its movement if it is coordinated attacks in tabletop battles (see predominantly tracked, and deployment).

. quadruples its movement (x4) if it is wheeled. Defend Missions Units chosen for a defend mission: . A unit is tracked or wheeled if 75% or more . costs 0 CPs; of its stands travel in tracked (t) or wheeled (w) vehicles. . have a move allowance of 0 (ie. they stay in the same hex); Units may combine road and off-road movement. . They gain better choice of locations and dispositions for deployment (see Units eligible for road movement cross bridged deployment); and rivers at no additional movement cost. Every river crossed by a road (of any kind) has a bridge . They can use deliberate engineering works (unless the bridge is destroyed). (eg. Barbed Wire, Minefields, Deliberate entrenchments, Anti-Tank ditches etc.) March Missions Units chosen for a March mission: Reserve Missions Units given a Reserve mission can conduct either . Cost 0 CPs (ie. movement is free); reaction or reserve movement. Reserve missions:

. have movement allowances of 2; . Cost 1 CP; . can use Road movement; and . Have a move allowance of 1; . cannot enter a hex containing enemy. (If . road movement is permitted. movement would otherwise take them into an occupied hex, they must stop). . Reaction movement:  Units may use reaction movement, in the Hasty Attack Missions mission phase, to reinforce battles that Units chosen for a hasty attack mission: occur as a result of hasty attack and assault missions; and . costs 1 CP; . have movement allowances of 2;  Reacting units must end their reaction in a hex where a battle is occurring. If they . are not permitted to use Road movement; and cannot reach, then they may not react; and . may enter enemy-occupied hexes. . Reserve movement: Assault Missions  Units may use reserve movement, in the Units chosen for an assault mission: Reserve phase;

. costs 1 CP;  At the start of the Reserve Phase, roll off . have a move allowance of 1; for initiative. The player with the initiative may move all of his eligible un-used units . are not permitted to use Road movement; on Reserve missions, using the same rules . may enter enemy-occupied hexes; and as for March movement; and  Then, the other player may move eligible unused units on Reserve missions. 23 | P a g e Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia Sequence of Movement Movement rates per campaign turn are average The campaign controller / referee moves Units on distances per campaign turn (24 hours), in hexes the map to determine where they meet. of 100 km each. This figure incorporates rest breaks of 15 mins per hour, plus six hours of rest As players recorded their movement in the (and/or maintenance) per day. planning phase, movement is simultaneous. However, it is plotted on the map by the The rates approximate the maximum move controller 1 MP at a time: distances given in the FFT rules for the various troop types. They also assume that units out of . All units with 2 MPs remaining (ie. those on contact use Strategic movement for some moves. Hasty Attack or March orders) move their first MP; An Activity and Movement summary is below:

. Then units with 1 MP remaining move. Units MOVEMENT SUMMARY on Hasty Attack or March orders move their Road Enter second MP, along with those on Assault Move? Enemy CP Move. orders; then Activity (x2 track) Hex? cost* Allow. (x4 wheel) . Following all other Mission Phase movement, Reaction movement is conducted by units with Reserve missions against enemies Hasty Att. 1 2   conducting hasty attack or assault orders. Assault 1 1   Campaign Movement Routes March 0 2   Units / Formations can move either on or off Defend 0 0   road. Campaign Movement will generally be Reserve 1 1 along roads to facilitate rapid movements, and to   facilitate logistic and artillery support (see the *CP cost for orders to fatigued units is +1 sections on Logistics, and Artillery). This is reflected in the Movement Rates and terrain Key: modifiers. “CP Cost” is the number of CPs a player must spend to assign a mission to his units. Due to the scale of the campaign map, only significant roads are depicted. Minor roads are “Move. Allow.” is the movement allowance each everywhere within each hex, however, and are unit performing the activity receives. also reflected in the movement rates for “cross- “Road Move?” indicates whether road movement country” (ie. non-road-movement) campaign is permitted or not during the activity. Road movement. They also appear on battlefields due movement is at double (2x) MPs if tracked, and to the terrain generation system, and therefore quadrupled (x4) MPs if wheeled. play a role in the tactical battles. “Enter Enemy Hex?” indicates whether units are Campaign Movement Rates permitted to move into enemy-occupied hexes during movement? (note: units on Reserve The movement rates that troops will use are missions can enter friendly hexes also containing determined by formation orders and type, plus the enemy – ie. battle-hexes). type of terrain being traversed.

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Therefore, units that fight a tabletop battle during REST & FATIGUE a campaign turn must Rest the following complete turn, or will suffer fatigue effects.

Units cannot operate indefinitely without rest - Fatigue they become fatigued and/or suffer mechanical unreliability if pushed too relentlessly. The following mechanisms represent this for the Units suffering from Fatigue: campaign turn durations and distances. . count as one Quality level worse in any Operational Routine tabletop battles whilst fatigued; and Rest periods are factored into the campaign move . require an extra CP to allocate orders during distances above. Periods of rest are standardised the Planning Phase of the campaign turn. for simplicity, as 6 hours of rest within every 24- hour campaign turn. This period incorporates re- Fatigue continues until units are rested. supply and maintenance (see the Logistics section). This is the minimum routine rest, Recovering from Fatigue resupply and maintenance requirements for Units lose their fatigued status after a full simply moving around and operating. Campaign turn of Rest. No actions (movement, Rest (After Battle) engineering works, combat, etc) may be taken during this turn. Higher intensity clashes with the enemy take an additional toll on fatigue and supply levels.

Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia

. RED Divisional Recon Battalions and INTELLIGENCE, SURVEILLANCE Australian Armoured Cavalry Regiments. & RECONNAISSANCE . Australian Reconaissance Helicopter Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance Squadrons (Rotary-Wing Aviation) (ISR) are important elements of modern warfare. To a large extent their effects are represented and This is represented in the Campaign by allowing factored into the system in the Campaign in an players to move these units separately as indirect or abstract way. Independent Units, with their own Mission.

Satellite & Air ISR They can be used to ‘screen’, the path of enemy The Strategic-level ISR capabilities provided by movement. This is useful forward or to the flanks Satellite and fixed-wing air assets are factored of friendly formations, forcing enemy formations into campaign map movement. The fact that to deploy and conduct attacks (ie. assign either players know the location of enemy elements (the hasty attack or assault missions). presence of formation / unit markers in a hex) represents this level of ISR. Specialist ISR units are a finite resource, often lightly armed and not suitable for heavy combat, The limitations of these systems are represented so should be used sparingly. Helicopters also by the fact that precise battlefield deployments have to contend with enemy Air-Defence assets. are not known until ground troops (and helicopters) can conduct closer reconnaissance. Integral Ground Recon These are the ISR units organic to formations and Long-Range Ground Recon units. They operate within the 100 km2 hex radius Divisional and Corps/Army level specialist long- of the parent formation, so they are not treated range Recon assets commonly operate independently of their formation.16 independently and up to hundreds of kilometres in advance of other friendly troops. On the tabletop, these troops are more useful than other troops at spotting enemy stands, and can Examples include: call artillery, as per the FFT rules.

16 Integral Ground Recon includes tactical UAVs (like of-earth). Due to their low signature, they are -1 to hit for Reaper, Predator or Shadow). These are treated as AA / SAMs. Their armour rating is ‘s’ (soft). helicopters, but can only fly High (ie. they cannot fly nap-

Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia

FIGHTING TABLETOP BATTLES Basing Basing of miniatures is flexible, and aims to The Miniatures provide aesthetically pleasing platoon-stands. Players represent military units with 1:600 Some guidelines are provided below: wargames miniatures17 on the game-table. These allow for close to a 1:1 representation of units18, . Platoon (stand) frontage is approximately and give a good feel for the scale of the action 10mm per vehicle or squad in the platoon. portrayed in the game. Depth is similar.

A tank platoon base will contain about 3-5 tank . Vehicles and infantry are based separately, as models. An infantry platoon base will contain per FFT. about 20-50 infantrymen, with their transports on Examples: a second base of 3-5 vehicles. . A 4-vehicle tank platoon would have a 40mm Strength and composition of units are determined frontage; prior to the game, and allocated in the TO&E. A system to keep a running tally of unit strengths . A mechanised infantry platoon (3 squads) and composition is recommended. would have 30mm frontage;

17 Players could actually use any scale of miniatures. However, due to the level of action represented, 1:600 18 The principle fighting elements anyway… (3mm) miniatures are recommended.

Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia

. A mechanised infantry platoon, with the CHQ 1. Place towns: d3 towns, each d3 hexes in size and ATGMs or SAMs attached, would have a are placed, each in one of the six sectors (d6). 40mm frontage (4 squads equivalent); and If the Campaign Hex contains a major town, then one of the towns is d6+3 hexes in size. . A 4-vehicle tank platoon, with a fifth CHQ

vehicle attached, would have 50mm frontage. 2. Place roads: d3 roads are generated. If the Campaign Hex contains a major road, then Battle Location also add a highway. Each road connects the table edges of two sectors (roll 2x d6 to Transfer of forces from the Campaign Map to the determine which sectors), with the long table Tabletop to fight a tabletop game should be kept edges preferred. Also connect any towns as simple as possible. (from step 1) to each other.

When units enter the same campaign map hex, 3. Place Rivers: A river is present on a d6 result this provides a battlefield for the clash. The of ‘1’. If the Campaign Hex contains a River, tabletop battlefield (6’ x 4’ table) is effectively a it is a major river. If not, then the River is a ‘zoomed in’ section of the 100km2 hex. Use the minor one. If a river is present, roll 2x d6 to rules for determining table-top terrain, below. see which table sectors it links. Bridges are present at any road crossing of the river. Generating Tabletop Terrain Other crossing points may also be available. Generate the terrain randomly using any system 4. Place other terrain: that is agreeable to both players. One example system is provided below. 4.1. Roll 6d6 to determine the number of hexes containing terrain in each sector. The system described assumes the use of Hexon® This will provide between 6-36 hexes terrain, with 10cm hexes (1km in the ground worth of terrain per sector (each hex must scale) to generate the random terrain, and a 6’ x be at least half covered). 4’ table (1800 x 1200 mm). For a larger table 4.2. Players roll for each terrain piece within size, add more zones. the sector, determining in turn the size (d3) and type (d6). Players alternate in Divide the play-area into six zones (each 2’x2’): placing the terrain pieces.

(Terrain can be super-imposed on other terrain - eg. a hill on top of another, producing a higher/ steeper hill, or 1 2 3 woods on a hill):

D6 result Terrain type 1,2 Light woods 4 5 6 3 Heavy woods 4 Fields 5 Hill

6 rough / bad going19

19 swamp if next to river 28 | P a g e

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share the outcome of any battle occurring in 4.3. Generate terrain until the total amount is their hex (ie. they withdraw or advance with reached for the sector (from 4.1). the rest of their formation, as applicable). Small elevation changes (hills), copses of trees Defender Deployment etc should be placed as well, since these are used A defender is the force on defend orders. for cover by Infantrymen and AFV crews. If neither force is on defend orders, the defender Orientation is the side with the lower Move Allowance (MA). For forces entering the table (moving deployment in FFT), the direction of entry is as per the Example: diagram below: A unit on assault orders (MA 1) would be the defender if contacted by one on hasty attack orders (MA 2).

Defenders use On-Table Deployment.

. Once the tabletop terrain is determined, the defender chooses a base table-edge (either long or short edge).

. Defenders can deploy anywhere in their own two-thirds of the table.

. Forces using Reaction movement enter using

moving deployment from the table edge that Fighting the Battle corresponds to the hex they are approaching When forces enter the same hex as an enemy, a from (see diagram above). battle occurs. The strength of the opposing sides . Defenders on defend orders can place is determined by the forces the players have deliberate entrenchments for any of their committed to the hex through campaign infantry. Additionally, they may place three movement. deliberate vehicle entrenchments or 1000m2 Forces of either Mines or Wire, per Engineer stand in the unit. Engineers with mechanised mine- Forces for tabletop games are determined by the layers can double the amount of mines. players: . Defenders not on defend orders have had less . Up to the whole strength of any formation / preparation time (ie. hasty defence). They can unit in the campaign map hex can be used. place Hasty Infantry Entrenchments for their infantry (only), plus a section (100m) of road . Players are not obliged to use the whole of the craters per engineer stand only, as per the formation in a battle. If the whole formation is table at para 25.3.1 of FFT3. not used, the players must record this before deploying for the tabletop battle. Attacker Deployment . Forces that are within a battle-Hex but not An attacker is any non-defender force. Both sides committed do not take part in the battle. They can be the attacker if both move into the same hex, with the same MA. 29 | P a g e

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Battle Duration Attackers (usually units with Hasty Attack or Assault missions) use Moving Deployment. A tabletop battle is played until one of the following conditions forces one side to withdraw . The Attackers deploy from the edge opposite from the battlefield: the Defender’s base table edge. If both are attackers, dice off to choose base table edges. . Concession: A player (or both) withdraws voluntarily; or . Attackers may use flank deployment (see FFT3 para 25.3.2). . Casualties: One side suffers a collapse of force morale (over half of its units have been . Forces using Reaction enter using moving destroyed, failed quality checks, or failed deployment from the table edge that unit-loss quality checks); or corresponds to the hex they are entering from (see diagram above). . Breakthrough: One side exits over half of its units from the opposing player’s baseline. The . Any Reaction movement units utilising Road formation is considered to have broken Movement must enter via a road. through into the next hex; or

Battle Objectives & Outcomes . Supplies: after 12 turns (~ 4-6 hours in real- Objectives for individual battles will be set by world time equivalent), ammunition and fuel players within their wider campaign strategy. is critically low and in need of re-supply.

Some examples could be: Withdrawal A force that loses the battle Withdraws into an . To inflict casualties / destroy opposing forces; adjacent Hex (player’s choice) that is not occupied by enemy. . Possession of the battlefield (the Hex) – either attackers capturing it, or defenders halting If no withdrawal Hex is available, the surrounded enemy advances; troops will either fight on, or surrender (see below). . Moving through the battlefield to enter subsequent hexes (attack reserve formations If the loser cannot withdraw, and has lost less and cut supply lines); than half of its units, another battle is fought.

. To delay opposing forces and allow other Surrender elements to defend elsewhere. If the loser cannot withdraw and has lost over half Possession of key terrain features will often of its units, his most senior HQ must make a dominate a battlefield, forcing stalemate or quality check: enemy withdrawal. . If the QC fails, the commander surrenders the entrapped forces; or

. If the QC passes, another battle is fought.

Surrendered troops are lost to the campaign.

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background). An example follows the description of Orders, below.

Orders are allocated by unit – usually battalion for both sides, however BLUE can issue orders to individual companies (in the FFT rules, western style forces use Companies as Units)20. Some support units acting independently (eg. recon units, Brigade support companies and battalions) are given orders as if they were a battalion.

Defend orders: mark their position, either by drawing Unit ‘goose-egg’ boundaries or by marking the key HQ locations. The units defend that location. They can only change facing to react to spotted enemy, maintain cohesion distance with their HQ, or conduct local counter attacks by moving to fire positions.

Attack orders: mark a “Command Arrow”. This is basically the unit’s axis-of-advance - the HQ element “rides the arrow” and all other stands in SPECIAL TABLETOP RULES the battalion remain in cohesion with the HQ. Players must specify the movement method using Tabletop Command & Control Rules the arrow graphic:

As the FFT3 tabletop C2 rules are limited, the . A solid arrow indicates combat movement - following system is borrowed and adapted from Attackers must move at least half of their the Modern Spearhead rules: normal movement speed along the arrow until they spot the enemy (when they can stop to Orders fire, adjust position etc). Stands within the unit may be placed on Overwatch if desired. Both armies record their orders pre-game on a . A dotted arrow indicates March movement. map of the battlefield. Troops on March movement must move their

full march speed, utilising road movement if The easiest way to do this is to set up the tabletop possible. No stands may use Overwatch. terrain and then take a digital photo of it. To allow the game to progress quickly when players . An Attack Order arrow may combine the two get together, this can be emailed prior to the game movement types - for example a dotted arrow for pre-formulation of orders. indicating an approach march, which then changes at some point into a solid arrow for Orders are then recorded on the map (I use an more tactical movement. iPAD App that allows you to draw onto a photo

20 It is recommended to keep the number of orders to a number of individual orders during the game, as described minimum, to avoid the requirement to change a large in the Orders Changes section. 31 | P a g e

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When units reach the end of the arrow (ie. the are modifiers that may make an orders change arrowhead), they switch automatically to Defend more or less difficult: orders at that location. Factor affecting unit modifier Timed orders: are a variant of an Attack Order, Unit is under fire or firing -2 delayed until a pre-specified turn. (eg. the arrow EW interference -1 is notated with “from turn 3”). Poor or Marginal troops -1 Excellent or Outstanding Troops +1 Flank attack: is a variant of an Attack Order, Higher command attached +1 specifying entry of an off-table force from a (a result of '1' always fails, '6' always passes) specified flank-edge entry point and specified turn. The other restrictions from the FFT3 Flank Deployment rules also apply: The advantages to this system are that it removes the omnipotence of the players and forces them to . Entry is subject to a die roll, depending on the pre-plan, use recon, use reserves, use flank table quarter of the flank edge; protection etc.

. The flanking force is limited to up to 25% of Electronic Warfare the total force. Electronic Warfare (EW) is an important aspect of modern warfare. Reserve Orders: Up to a third (33%) of each side’s units can be held in Reserve - these are Each Brigade HQ on the TO&E (for both Red activated automatically when an orders change is and Blue forces) has an EW detachment. Each allowed, at which stage, their command arrows turn, the EW detachment needs a 2+ on a d6 to are drawn. Once activated, they are moved and target one of the following: ordered like any other unit. . An enemy HQ: The targeted unit suffers an Orders Changes EW modifier of -1 to Order Change attempts (see Orders Change modifiers, above). Troops follow their orders until they spot the enemy or are fired upon, in which case they are . An artillery battalion: The targeted unit permitted to change orders. Only one orders suffers a -1 artillery availability. change is permitted per turn, per formation (Battalion for western style forces, and . An enemy EW detachment: The targeted EW Brigade/Regiment for Soviet/3rd-World types). detachment cannot perform its EW mission (ie. you cancel it). An orders change is not automatic - units roll against their response number. Additionally, there

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LOGISTICS Logistics units are reflected in the Rest & Fatigue and Campaign Movement rules.

There can be no debate how important Logistics Formation Supply Limitations is in warfare - just ask a Tank Battalion Units split off from their parent formation have Commander with no fuel, or an Artillery Battery only limited logistics support. If they are further with no ammunition! However, as this campaign from their main formation than the adjacent Hex, is aimed at tabletop battles, the rules deal mainly they are out-of-supply (see below). with the manoeuvre and fire support elements, and not with the intricacies of logistic support. Supply Routes & Logistics Bases

To this end, the following Logistics and Re- Higher level supply units and rear echelons are supply rules aim to reflect the effects and represented through the establishment of Supply limitations of Logistics, as they impact on the Routes and Logistic Bases: supported Manoeuvre Commander(s). . Logistic Bases: Supply & Maintenance  A Logistic Base represents a rear echelon Formations have their own organic Supply and supply and maintenance area. It is Maintenance units. These are not represented in represented on the campaign map with a the TO&E, or on the tabletop. They are assumed marker, just as if it were a formation. It to operate within the 100km2 hex, supporting serves no other purpose than to provide a their parent formation. Operations by this level of logistics node for Supply Routes to run to. 33 | P a g e

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 Players may establish a maximum of one Logistics Base per Division (per three . Fatigue (refer to the Rest & Fatigue rules for Brigades for BLUE). a description of effects).

 A Logistic Base is unable to perform its . An Artillery Availability modifier of -1 is function if an enemy unit occupies its hex. applied to all artillery in that hex, to represent The rear echelon units are too busy low ammunition supply. defending themselves to bother with resupplying the front line! (Attacking . Any vehicle stands suffer a Friction penalty logistic bases is an un-glamorous, but of -1, representing poor reliability due to lack very useful role for airborne and special of spares and low fuel. forces troops) Air Resupply . Supply Routes: Units that are otherwise out-of-supply can be re- supplied by transport aircraft allocated for this  A Supply Route exists if a unit has an mission (see the Aircraft section). The effects of unbroken line of hexes back to a Logistic Air Resupply apply only for the duration of the Base, of no more than three hexes. turn it is conducted. Otherwise, the unit is out-of-supply. . Each cargo aircraft squadron (C-130, A-400)  A supply route is unbroken if no enemy can supply one battalion. units are adjacent to the route. . Each heavy cargo aircraft squadron (C-17, Out of Supply An-124) can supply one brigade. An out-of-supply unit suffers the following effects:

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CASUALTY RECOVERY . 25% of stands that suffered losses due to a failed quality check from fire remain permanent casualties; and Units recover some of their battle casualties in the day(s) following a tabletop battle. Units do not . All stands removed as a result of a failed 2/3 always become ineffective during a tabletop losses quality check are returned to play (ie. battle due to permanent casualties; there may 0% of them become permanent casualties. have been a temporary retreat due to morale or casualties. Temporarily incapacitated personnel Casualty recovery fractions are rounded up for or equipment casualties may be treated or the winner of a battle, and rounded down for any repaired, allowing them to return to action shortly other circumstance.21 after the battle. Examples: Casualty Recovery . A 6-stand Red tank battalion lost 4 stands to The rules for casualty recovery are derived from fire QCs and the remaining two stands to a those in the FFT rulebook (section As 2/3 losses quality check. It would have 5 the Campaign turns are 24 hrs, only the lasting stands return in the Book-keeping Phase at effects after that period are applied: the end of the Campaign Turn: all 2 from losses QC, plus three-quarters of 4 (ie. 3) . 50% of stands that suffered a destroyed result from fire QCs. remain permanent casualties;

21 ie. the loser of the battle, or both sides if it was a draw.

Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia

. A 3-stand US tank company that lost 2 stands Reinforcements destroyed, would have one stand return in the Formations are reinforced in accordance with the book-keeping phase (ie. 50% of 2 = 1). reinforcement roster below. The roster uses A+n days (turns) after commencement, where n is the Shattered Units number of days after commencement of Plan A: Units that are at 50% or less of their starting strength are considered shattered. . A+21: One company of infantry reinforcements per ADF Brigade (both Shattered units must either be converged (see carriers and dismounts). below), or withdrawn from action, either to Darwin or Perth (for Blue), or to Port Headland . A+28: As Above. Additionally, one company for evacuation to Red (for Red). Withdrawn units of tanks arrive for both AS and US Brigades are lost for the remainder of the campaign. to utilise as replacement for losses. These can be distributed as required (even by platoon). ‘Converging’ Units th Units within a Formation can be “converged” . A+35: 5 (AS) Brigade arrives in Darwin or th with other units permanently to bring the Perth (Coalition player’s choice). 5 (AS) converged unit back up to strength sufficient to Brigade is a reserve formation, equipped as th avoid becoming shattered. Units cannot be per 7 (AS) Brigade. However, it has no ACR converged to greater than their starting strength. only the Lift Squadron (with M113AS4). Quality is Fair.

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specified as accompanying one or more of the ARTILLERY subordinate Brigades).

Artillery units Corps or Army level artillery groups can be allocated and dispersed amongst a number of Artillery Units accompany their parent formation hexes. They must either: HQ for Campaign Movement: . accompany one or more of the subordinate . Brigade or Divisional artillery is located in formations; or the same hex as its formation when the whole formation is in one hex. . move independently to support multiple other hexes. This really only works if the artillery . Where units from a Brigade or Division are in has sufficient range to effectively support separate hexes, the Artillery Group(s) are other hexes (see below). assigned to one or more of the hexes containing the formation’s subordinate units. Artillery Groups cannot be split.

Example: Where the Brigades of a Red Artillery Range – Campaign Level Division are in separate hexes, the Artillery Artillery range is as per the FFT3 data sheets. Groups of the Divisional Artillery must be

Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia

Artillery within the same Hex as a formation or player’s desire to use the artillery in an on-table unit is always considered to have sufficient range role (eg. for direct Area Fire). to support tabletop battles within the hex. Artillery Command & Control Artillery can attempt to support a tabletop battle When Battles are resolved: in an adjacent campaign hex, but must roll to see if the guns are within range: . The Optional Artillery Command Level rules are used (section 15.11.1), however only if an . Roll for availability of ‘out-of-hex’ artillery, artillery unit is supporting multiple tabletop prior to deployment for the tabletop game. battles in a single campaign turn.

. As the hexes are 100km2, the artillery range . Each Artillery Fire Group has one of the three (in km) becomes a simple percentage chance command levels by default: of them being within range of the adjacent hex. The artillery is available if the percentile  Brigade artillery, and other artillery die roll is under that range. attached specifically in campaign orders to a Brigade, is always Dedicated. It is . Example: the 2S19 SP Artillery Battalions in only useable by that Brigade, unless it is the RED Mechanized Divisions have a taken away (in campaign orders) and maximum range in FFT3 of “247” (ie. 24.7 allocated to another. km). Each of these battalions in an adjacent campaign hex to one where a tabletop battle  Divisional artillery is in Direct Support is occurring would need to roll under 25% on for all units of the Division. This is a percentile dice roll to be determined as automatic for units in the same hex, unless being in range of the battlefield. the artillery unit has been allocated to support a specific Brigade (in which case, Artillery Range – Battlefield Level use the dedicated artillery rules above). For units of the Division in an adjacent Artillery range is as per the FFT3 data sheets. hex, first roll to determine whether they are in range (see above). If not, the Off-Table Artillery. Artillery can be located off- artillery cannot be used to support units in table, as per the FFT rules. Off-table artillery is that hex. considered to be one-third of its maximum Indirect Fire range to the rear of the players’ base  Army / Corps level artillery is considered table edges. in General Support for any unit, unless allocated to dedicated or direct support Example: (see above). For units in adjacent hexes, first roll to determine whether they are in an Artillery stand with an indirect range of 15km range (see above). would be considered as 5km to the rear of the player’s base table edge. It could therefore . The following status changes (only) are engage targets on the table out to 10km from the possible, but must be recorded at the start of base table edge. each campaign turn, in the Planning Phase. Possible options are: On-Table Artillery. Artillery stands can also be deployed on-table, as per the FFT rules. This may  Specified Divisional (or higher) artillery occur due to an insufficient Indirect Fire range to groups can be allocated in Dedicated provide Indirect Fire Missions from off-table, or a support to an Individual Brigade. Groups 38 | P a g e

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allocated to Dedicated Support of one Counter-Battery missions are unavailable Brigade are then unavailable to other for other fire missions. Brigades. Counter-Battery Fire  Specified Army-level artillery groups can . Counter-battery Fire effects are built into the be allocated in Dedicated support to a FFT tabletop rules system (in the Area Fire specific Brigade, or in Direct support to a Problems and SNAFU rules). specific Division. Groups allocated to Dedicated Support of a Brigade are then . However, for a Counter-battery Fire result to unavailable to other Brigades. Groups be applied, an eligible artillery Fire Group allocated to Direct support are then must have been assigned to a Counter-battery unavailable to other Divisions. mission, and must be in range. Otherwise, the counter-battery result on the Area Fire  Specified Divisional or Army artillery Problems and SNAFU tables is not applied groups can be allocated to Counter- (re-roll the result). Battery missions (see Counter-Battery Fire, below). Groups allocated to

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AIRCRAFT . Combat Air Patrol (CAP). These are aircraft assigned to establish air-superiority: Aircraft units Each side receives aircraft22 at the campaign’s  The player with the most CAP aircraft (in start. Aircraft are allocated by Squadron. Each flights) assigned to a hex has Air Squadron can generate up to three flights of Superiority under the FFT rules, for the aircraft per campaign turn, each of which is an purpose of subsequent Airstrikes in that Airstrike in the FFT rules. Therefore: hex (by aircraft on CAS missions). each squadron = 3 airstrikes per campaign turn  If neither player has CAP assigned to a Hex, ignore the Air Superiority modifiers Aircraft Ranges for Airstrikes in the Hex. Aircraft units have a range limitation. They can designate any hex on the campaign map that is . Close Air Support (CAS). Aircraft are within range for their missions. Ranges and loads assigned to support ground troops: are provided in the table at the end of this section.  Aircraft conducting CAS missions follow Aircraft Missions the normal FFT Airstrikes rules. . Strike / Interdiction (SI). Aircraft are assigned Aircraft can be allocated to one of several to interdict enemy supply bases (and routes) Missions in the Planning Phase each Campaign or airfields: Turn. Missions are allocated by Squadron, for a designated Hex, during the Campaign Orders.  An SI mission against an airfield cancels The missions available to each aircraft are listed one random enemy CAP mission (the in the TO&E:

22 Aircraft units are fixed-wing aircraft only. Helicopters are treated as Ground Units 40 | P a g e

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aircraft have been forced to defend their All-Weather & Night-Capability base). If no CAP mission is available to Aircraft can only operate at Night or in Rain if be cancelled, then no CAS or TR missions their listing identifies that they are all-weather may fly out of that airfield. and Night-capable.

 An SI mission against a Logistic Base Aircraft Loads negates its ability to function efficiently. The optional FFT Aircraft Load Capacities rule is One randomly determined formation used (section 20.6). The aircraft load (armament) supported out of that Logistic Base is for aircraft conducting CAS missions is selected considered out-of-supply for the turn. from the available options in the FFT Data Charts, and is specified in the Planning Phase.  SI missions can be cancelled by a SAM unit positioned in the target Hex. Aircraft Range Para Role Cargo Role . Transport (TR). Aircraft can transport troops Type (hexes) Range (load) Rng (resup) and supplies. The load capacity of the various F-35 10 - - aircraft is provided in the table below. F-15S 12 - - Transport missions can: A-10 4 - - Hawk 12 - -  Conduct parachute drops23 in any hex C-130J - 25 (12) 25 (Bn) within range, as per the FFT rules (use the C-27J - 20 (3) 15 (Bn) Para role range and load). C-17 - 50 ([12]) 22 (Bde) CH-47 - 4 (3) 4 (Bn)  Conduct air-landing of troops in an MRH-90 - - 4 (Bn) unoccupied24 hex containing a town (and MiG-29 7 - - therefore an airstrip). Use the Para role J-20 8 - - range and load. Su-25 4 - - A-400 - 31 (16) 22 (Bn)  Conduct air re-supply of a hex that is An-124 - 60 ([16]) 16 (Bde) otherwise out-of-supply. Use the Cargo Mi-26 - - 9 (Bn) role range and load. Mi-17 - - 2 (Bn)

 A transport mission cannot be conducted Airstrikes into an enemy air-superiority hex. The Airstrike rules are used in table-top battles, as  When conducting Air operations, load per the FFT rules. capacity is listed in terms of the number of infantry stands able to be transported The number of Airstrikes generated for each per squadron. If the load is in square battle is determined by the players’ allocation of brackets [eg.], then heavy equipment can Squadrons during the Planning Phase. be carried – use the FFT values provided for amphibious operations (Chapter 22) to Example: find heavy equipment load value. A battle occurs in a hex where both sides have allocated Aircraft. BLUE has allocated more

23 Troops dropped must be Parachute trained. just an alternative transport method for Campaign Movement. Troops do not have to be Parachute trained. 24 Air-landing missions cannot be conducted into occupied hexes (as parachute missions can be). They are effectively 41 | P a g e

Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia aircraft to CAP, therefore has air superiority. Under-strength Squadrons of the same aircraft Additionally, BLUE has allocated a Squadron to type with permanent casualties can be combined CAS in the Hex. This allows it to use up to 3 into a fully effective one (ie. no modifiers). Airstrikes during the table-top battle. Special Aircraft Types Aircraft Casualties Some aircraft have special rules to reflect their Aircraft casualties are determined at the end of capabilities or specialist roles: each Campaign turn. . 5th Generation fighters (F-35 Lightning II and Unopposed missions suffer no casualties. These J-20) are more effective than earlier are aircraft that: generation fighters, therefore each aircraft allocated to CAP counts as two aircraft. . conducted a CAS mission and were not subject to an AA or SAM modifier during the . The EA-18G Growler can conduct Electronic strike (even if they suffered an Attack missions. This has a different effect abort/destroyed result in the game); or depending on the aircraft’s mission:

. provided an un-opposed CAP or SI mission.  When accompanying a CAP mission, enemy CAP aircraft count only half. Aircraft flights that were opposed in their mission may suffer permanent casualties. These are  When accompanying a CAS mission, aircraft on: radar-guided enemy Air Defence stands (usually SAMs) reduce their modifier by 1 . CAS missions that suffered an (ie. SAMs modify by -1 instead of -2, and abort/destroyed result, and were subject to an AA Guns modify by ‘0’ instead of -1). AA or SAM modifier during the strike roll; or  When accompanying an SI mission, the . CAP missions encountering enemy CAP; or effect of enemy SAMs is ignored (ie. the enemy SAMs do not cancel the SI . SI missions that were cancelled by enemy mission). SAMs in the target Hex; or . The E-7A Wedgetail allows the Coalition to . TR missions that were cancelled due to re-allocate one squadron assigned to a CAP enemy air-superiority. mission, after RED aircraft mission allocations are revealed (it must still be Opposed aircraft missions roll a d6 for each of assigned to CAP). their aircraft Flights: on a d6 result of ‘1’, the Flight is destroyed permanently. . Tanker aircraft (KC-30 and IL-78) allow any one squadron to increase its range by +50%.

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AMPHIBIOUS OPERATIONS Craft Move Armour Capacity

Lebed 12v S [6] Amphibious operations may be conducted, as per Gus 8v S 3 the FFT amphibious operations rules (Chapter 22). Players should make note of the capacity of Tsaplya 12v 0 [3]+3 their amphibious ships to carry troops and Aist 8v 0 [12]+3 equipment, as well as to land them either by Zubr 11v 0 [30] helicopter or landing craft. Helicopter and LCAC 8v S [12] Landing craft capacities for both infantry and LCM-3 4s 0 3 heavy equipment are provided in the FFT rules, LCM-6 4s 0 3 and are summarised below for ease of reference: LCM-8 4s 0 [8] LCU-1600 4s 0 [21] LCU-2000 4s 0 [20]

Cost to carry various heavy-equipment is below:

Transported Stand Type Cost to Carry Jeep, Hummer, etc 1 Towed Gun 1 Prime Mover for Towed Gun 2 Light IFV/APC (BTR, BMP, M113, etc) 2 Heavy IFV/APC (Stryker, CV-90, etc) 3 MBT or SP Gun (M1, T-90, 2S1, etc) 6 Heavy MBT (M1, Leopard 2, etc) 7

Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia


Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia

. Three Infantry Battalions25, mounted in ADF & COALITION ALLIES Bushmaster Protected Mobility Vehicles (PMVs).

By 2025, the Australian Regular army has . A Combat Engineer Regiment, mounted in continued its modernisation program, and its re- Bushmaster PMVs. structure under Plan Beersheba. This has involved the formation of three identically structured . An Artillery Regiment, with towed M-777 guns Combat Brigades, each with: (one Regiment, in the 1st Brigade, is equipped with K-9 SP 155mm guns). . An Armoured Cavalry Regiment (ACR), comprising: . Signals, EW, ISTAR, Combat Service Support (Logistics), and other supporting units.  a Tank Squadron with four troops of Main Battle Tanks (MBTs); Key equipment introduced by 2025 has been:

 a Reconnaissance Squadron, equipped with . A new family of digital radios and Battle Cavalry Reconnaissance Vehicles (CRVs); Management Systems has provided the Army with modern C4ISR equipment26;  a Lift Squadron, with capacity to transport an Infantry Battle-group (a Battalion, plus . A new logistic soft-skin vehicle fleet; attachments such as Combat Engineers) in Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFVs). . Commencement of the delivery of a new family of armoured combat vehicles, to replace

25 This requires the raising of two additional regular Infantry 8th/9th Battalion, RAR into its two former component units Battalions for the army. It is assumed that due to the (both remain within the 7th (AS) Bde). deteriorating relationship with Red, the Australian Government would authorise the raising of these two 26 Resulting in FFT terms as the IVIS (“v”) equipment ability battalions. I have represented this through the (re)raising of 4 across the units. RAR, as part of the 1st (AS) Bde, and the de-linking of the 45 | P a g e

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the ADF’s ASLAV Recon vehicles and (ABVs), M1 Armoured Engineering M113AS4 APCs: Vehicles (AEVs), and M1 Heavy Assault Bridges (HABs), providing Assault  The Goanna CRV has been delivered (from Breaching and Bridging capabilities. 2020) to fully equip the Reconnaissance Squadrons of the three ACRs27;  Enhanced Combat Bridging equipment has been delivered, including Rail-Launched  The CV-90AS1 Waler IFV has been and pontoon line-of-communication bridge delivered to the Lift Squadrons of two of systems. the three ACRs (1st & 2rd). The third ACR’s vehicles had not yet been delivered when . Indirect Fire capability has been enhanced the war broke out, so the 3rd ACR is still through: equipped with M113AS4 vehicles28;  M-777 Lightweight 155mm towed  The ADF’s M1A1 AIM SA Abrams Main howitzers with new ammunition natures, Battle Tanks have been upgraded to M1A2 equip the artillery regiments of the 3rd and SEP standard, although they still carry the 7th Brigades; A1 designation. I have called the upgraded version the M1A1AS2.  The Artillery Regiment of the 1st Brigade is equipped with AS-9 Self-propelled 155mm  The Bushmaster PMV remains in service, Howitzers.29 providing protected mobility for the ADF. The weapons mount has been upgraded to . Army Aviation: accept 12.7mm HMG or 40mm AGL. The PMV has been supplemented by the  The Eurocopter Tiger ARH (Armed procurement of the PMV-Light Reconnaissance Helicopter) remains in (PMV-L), providing a light utility vehicle service, providing Attack and Recce roles; with similar protection levels to PMV.  The Eurocopter MRH-90 multi-role . The capability of the Combat Engineer helicopter is fully introduced into service Regiments (CERs) has been improved through: by 2025, replacing the UH-60 Blackhawk.

 Procurement of a small number of M1  CH-47G Chinook remains in service. Shredder Armoured Breaching Vehicles

27 A “Goanna” is a large Australian monitor lizard. The this vehicle is the Swedish CV9035. However, I have given it vehicle used as the basis of the CRV in the campaign is the a common gun with the Goanna CRV – the Anglo-French French VBCI, modified to accept the Anglo-French 40mm 40mm CTAI cannon. This would approximate an off-the- CTAI cannon and Spike-LR ATGM. This approximates an shelf solution to the ADF’s publically released requirements. off-the-shelf solution to the ADF’s publicly released And (importantly), again, because a 1:600 scale CV-90 requirements. Most importantly as well, a 1:600 scale VBCI model is available to use. model is available to use! 29 An assumption here is that the worsening strategic environment, results in the Australian Government reversing 28 A “Waler” is a breed of wild Australian horse (like an its 2012 decision to cancel the acquisition of SP howitzers. American “Mustang”), used by the Australian Light Horse These are an Australian version of the Korean K-9. Plus, I Regiments during WW1. The IFV I have used as a basis for wanted to try some SP guns! 46 | P a g e

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ADF & COALITION FORCES30 (near future 2025)

ADF MCBs: Quality: Average, Artillery Accuracy: 2+, Friction Response: 2+ US Army SBCT: Quality: Good, Artillery Accuracy: 2+, Friction Response: 2+ USMC MEU: Quality: Excellent, Artillery Accuracy: 2+, Friction Response: 2+ UK Para Brigade: Quality: Good (Infantry: Excellent), Artillery Accuracy: 2+, Friction Response: 2+ Canadian: Quality: Average, Artillery Accuracy: 2+, Friction Response: 2+ New Zealand: Quality: Average, Artillery Accuracy: 2+, Friction Response: 2+ Singapore: Quality: Average, Artillery Accuracy: 2+, Friction Response: 2+

30 This Order of Battle is for combat units only - Support & Logistic units are not included. Their functions are, however, represented in the game and campaign rules. For Example, each Brigade contains a Signals Regiment and a Combat Service Support Battalion. Signals functions are incorporated in Game C2 mechanisms and HQ Quality. Logistics functions are incorporated in the Campaign logistics rules. 47 | P a g e

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1st (AS) Brigade Troops Composition HQ: 1x Commander, in Bushmaster PMV 1x RBS-70, in Bushmaster PMV 1x EW Troop, in Bushmaster PMV 1x UAV (Recce), in Bushmaster PMV

8th / 12th Artillery Regiment: AS-9 SP 155mm Artillery Group (3 stands)

1st Armoured Cavalry Regiment: Tank Squadron: 4x M1A1 AS2 Abrams

Recce Squadron: 4x Goanna CRV 1x ADF Infantry (Recce) 1x Goanna CRV-M

Lift Squadron: 12x Waler IFV31

4th, 5th, 7th Battalions, Royal Australian [1x 81mm Mortar, in Bushmaster PMV] Regiment, each with: [1x ADF Infantry (Pioneers), in Bushmaster PMV] [1x ADF Infantry (Recce), in Bushmaster PMV] [1x ADF Infantry DFSW, in Bushmaster PMV]

Rifle Coy (x3), each: 2x ADF Infantry, in Bushmaster PMV 1x ADF Infantry w/ATGM, in Bushmaster PMV

1st Combat Engineer Regiment: CER Squadrons (x2), each: 2x ADF Infantry (Engineer), in Bushmaster PMV 1x M1 Shredder Armoured Breaching Vehicle (ABV) 1x M1 Heavy Assault Bridge (HAB)

31 Provides lift capability for the Infantry Companies of one of the MCB’s Infantry Battalions (complete), plus one Squadron of Engineers from the CER. Substitute the IFVs for the PMVs of this Battalion Group when operating in this manner. 48 | P a g e

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3rd (AS) Brigade Troops Composition HQ: 1x Commander, in Bushmaster PMV 1x RBS-70, in Bushmaster PMV 1x EW Troop, in Bushmaster PMV 1x UAV (Recce), in Bushmaster PMV

4th Artillery Regiment: M-777 Towed 155mm Artillery Group (3 stands)

2nd Armoured Cavalry Regiment: Tank Squadron: 4x M1A1 AS2 Abrams

Recce Squadron: 4x Goanna CRV 1x ADF Infantry (Recce) 1x Goanna CRV-M

Lift Squadron: 12x Waler IFV32

1st, 2nd, 3rd Battalions, Royal Australian [1x 81mm Mortar, in Bushmaster PMV] Regiment, each with: [1x ADF Infantry (Pioneers), in Bushmaster PMV] [1x ADF Infantry (Recce), in Bushmaster PMV] [1x ADF Infantry DFSW, in Bushmaster PMV]

Rifle Coy (x3), each: 2x ADF Infantry, in Bushmaster PMV 1x ADF Infantry w/ATGM, in Bushmaster PMV

3rd Combat Engineer Regiment: CER Squadrons (x2), each: 2x ADF Infantry (Engineer), in Bushmaster PMV 1x M1 Shredder Armoured Breaching Vehicle (ABV) 1x M1 Heavy Assault Bridge (HAB)

32 Provides lift capability for the Infantry Companies of one of the MCB’s Infantry Battalions (complete), plus one Squadron of Engineers from the CER. Substitute the IFVs for the PMVs of this Battalion Group when operating in this manner. 49 | P a g e

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7th (AS) Brigade Troops Composition HQ 1x Commander, in Bushmaster PMV 1x RBS-70, in Bushmaster PMV 1x EW Troop, in Bushmaster PMV 1x UAV (Recce), in Bushmaster PMV

1st Artillery Regiment: M-777 Towed 155mm Artillery Group (3 stands)

3rd Armoured Cavalry Regiment: Tank Squadron: 4x M1A1 AS2 Abrams

Recce Squadron: 4x Goanna CRV 1x ADF Infantry (Recce) 1x Goanna CRV-M

Lift Squadron: 12x M113AS4 APCs33

6th, 8th, 9th Battalions, Royal Australian [1x 81mm Mortar, in Bushmaster PMV] Regiment, each with: [1x ADF Infantry (Pioneers), in Bushmaster PMV] [1x ADF Infantry (Recce), in Bushmaster PMV] [1x ADF Infantry DFSW, in Bushmaster PMV]

Rifle Coy (x3), each: 2x ADF Infantry, in Bushmaster PMV 1x ADF Infantry w/ATGM, in Bushmaster PMV

2nd Combat Engineer Regiment: CER Squadrons (x2), each: 2x ADF Infantry (Engineer), in Bushmaster PMV 1x M1 Shredder Armoured Breaching Vehicle (ABV) 1x M1 Heavy Assault Bridge (HAB)

33 Provides lift capability for the Infantry Companies of one of the MCB’s Infantry Battalions (complete), plus one Squadron of Engineers from the CER. Substitute the APCs for the PMVs of this Battalion Group when operating in this manner. 50 | P a g e

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Taskforce Pegasus (UKSI Brigade)

Troops Type HQ: 1x Commander, in Bushmaster PMV 1x EW Troop, in Bushmaster PMV 1x UAV (Recce), in Bushmaster PMV

7th Regiment (Para), Royal Horse Artillery (UK) Towed M-777 155mm Artillery Group (3 Stands)

2nd & 3rd Battalions, the Parachute Regiment [1x 81mm Mortar], in Bushmaster PMV (UK)34 [1x UK Infantry (Pioneers), in Bushmaster PMV] [1x Jackal 2 Pathfinder]

Rifle Coy (x4), each: 2x UK Infantry, in Bushmaster PMV 1x UK Infantry w/ATGM, in Bushmaster PMV 1x Starstreak SAM team, in Bushmaster PMV

Singapore Battle-Group [SPPH 1 Primus 155mm Artillery Stand] [Recce Singapore Infantry, in Bionix II IFV]

Tank Company (x2), each: 3x Leopard 2S

Mechanised Infantry Company (x2), each: 3x Singapore Infantry, in Bionix II IFV

D Squadron, Household Cavalry (UK) 4x Sabre Scout vehicle

23rd Engineer Regiment (Air Assault) (UK) Combat Engineer Squadrons (x3), each: 3x Combat Engineer, in Bushmaster PMV

Attack Helicopter Squadron AH-64 Apache Longbow

34 These are Parachute (light) infantry battalions, usually with little to no integral transport. On arrival in Australia (by Air), they have been supplemented by ADF Reserve Armoured units, equipped with PMV Bushmaster, to provide mobility. 51 | P a g e

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Taskforce Bison (USCANZ Brigade)

Troops Type HQ 1x Commander, in JLTV 1x EW Platoon, in JLTV 1x UAV (Recce), in JLTV

Light Armored Reconnaissance Company 3x LAV-25 1x LAV-A2-M SP 120mm Mortar

Light Armored AT Coy 3x LAV-A2-AT

Artillery Battalion (Towed) M-777 155mm Artillery Group (3 Stands)

USMC MEU (Infantry Battalion) [2x LAV-A2-M SP 120mm Mortar] [2x LAV-AD] [2x Stinger Team, in JLTV] [3x TOW Team, in JLTV] [1x Marine HMG, in JLTV]

Marine Rifle Company (x4), each with: 3x Marine Rifle (2x Companies in JLTV w HMG/AGL) (2x Companies in AAVP-7)

USMC Armored Company 3x M1A1 SEP

1st Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (CA) [1x Recce LAV-III) [2x 81mm Mor, in LAV-III]

Infantry Companies (x4), each with: 2x Canadian Infantry, in LAV-III 1x Canadian Inf. w/ATGM35, in LAV-III

1st Battalion, Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment (NZ) [1x Recce NZLAV36] [1x Pioneer NZ Infantry, in NZLAV] [2x 81mm Mor, in NZLAV]

Infantry Companies (x4), each with: 2x NZ Infantry, in NZLAV 1x NZ Infantry w/ATGM, in NZLAV

USMC MEU Attack Helicopter Squadron 1x AH-1 Super Cobra

35 Note the Canadian Infantry with ATGM in the Data sheets have Javelin ATGM. This is an assumed replacement for Eryx ATGM.

36 NZLAV is a LAV-III 52 | P a g e

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USMC MEU Utility Helicopter Squadron 3x UH-60 Blackhawk USMC MEU Medium Helicopter Squadron 2x CH-47 Chinook

US Stryker Brigade Combat Team (SBCT)

Troops Type HQ 1x Commander 1x EW Platoon 1x UAV (Recce)

Artillery Battalion (Towed) M-777 155mm Artillery Group (3 Stands)

Recon Battalion: 3x Stryker Recon Company, each with: 1x M1129 Stryker SP Mor 3x M1127 Stryker RV

AT Company 3x M1134 Stryker AT

Engineer Company 3x Engineer, in M1132 Engineer SV

1st, 2nd, 3rd Battalions (Stryker) [1x M1121 Stryker FO]37 [1x Avenger AD, 1x Stinger Team] [1x M1129 Stryker SP Mor] [1x M1127 Stryker RV]

3x Stryker Infantry Company, each with: [1x M1121 Stryker FO]38 [1x M1129 Stryker SP Mor]39 3x US Infantry, in M1126 Stryker ICV 1x M1128 Stryker MGS

Armor Companies Armor Companies (x2), each with: 3x M1A2 SEP TUSK

Attack Helicopter Squadron AH-64 Apache Longbow

37 Represents the HQ, FIST, Medical

38 Represents the HQ, FIST, Medical

39 This stand represents a section of mortars. As there are less tubes firing, these always fire at reduced effectiveness in the FFT rules, to represent the reduced terminal target effects they have when compared to normal artillery groups. 53 | P a g e

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Coalition ‘Theatre’ Assets

Troops Type MLRS Battalions MLRS Battalions (x2), each with: 2x MLRS

1st Aviation Regt (ARH) Eurocopter Tiger Squadron (x2), each with: 3x Tiger ARH

5th Aviation Regiment MRH-90 Utility Helicopter Squadron (x2), each with: 3x MRH-90

CH-47 Medium Helicopter Squadron, (x1), with: 2x CH-47

173rd Surveillance Squadron Fixed Wing Recon / FAC (x2)

Special Air Service Regiment40 SASR Squadrons (x3), each: 3x SASR Patrols, in Special Operations Vehicle (SOV)

2nd Commando Regiment Commando Company (x3), each with: 3x Commando, in Special Operations Vehicle (SOV)

Special Operations Engineer Regiment41 Special Operations Engineer Squadron (x2), each with: 2x Commando (Combat Engineer / CBRN), in Special Operations Vehicle (SOV)

21st Construction Regiment Construction Engineer Squadron (x2), each with: 2x Construction Engineer, in trucks 2x Engineer Plant Equipment 2x LOC Bridges

22nd Construction Regiment Construction Engineer Squadron (x2), each with: 2x Construction Engineer, in trucks 2x Engineer Plant Equipment 2x LOC Bridges

F-35 Lighting II 6 Sqns (CAS, CAP) (RAAF, RAN, USMC, USAF) EA-18G Growler 1 Squadron (EW) A-10 1 Squadron (CAS) (USAF) BAE Hawk 1 Squadron (CAS) F-15S 1 Squadron (CAS, CAP) (Singapore)

40 SASR and Commandos use various ‘insertion’ methods. If inserted by air (parachute or helicopter) or water, they are foot infantry. If inserted by vehicle (Special Operations Vehicle, SOV), they are Motorised.

41 This is a specialist CBRNE unit. 54 | P a g e

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C-130J 2 Squadron (Airlift) (AS, US) C-17 2 Squadrons (Airlift) (AS, US) C-27J 1 Squadron (Airlift)

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service by 2025. The government decides in ROYAL AUSTRALIAN NAVY 2015 on the addition of a fourth ship, to be named HMAS Melbourne.

The Royal Australian Navy (RAN) has continued . The six Collins class submarines remain in procurement initiatives already identified in by service. Although a decision has been made on 2014. the Collins replacement program, new submarines are not due into service until 2030. Some assumptions have been made about the solutions and completion of current projects, where . For the ANZAC Frigate replacement program, a they have not yet been selected: decision is made in 2015 to purchase additional Hobart class, without the Aegis air-defence . The two Canberra class LHDs (HMAS combat system, in a multirole general-purpose / Canberra and Adelaide) are in service by 2025. AWD / ASW configuration for the ANZAC Frigate replacement program. These ships are . A decision was made by the Australian known as the Australia class. By 2025, the first Government in 2015 to purchase a squadron of four ships (HMAS Australia, Newcastle, F-35B STOVL variant, for the RAN to operate Townsville, and Darwin) are in service. Four from the two Canberra class LHDs. Six aircraft ANZAC class frigates remain in service (HMAS are carried on each LHD. Parramatta, Toowoomba, Ballarat, and Perth).

. The three Hobart class Air Warfare Destroyers . The NH-90 Helicopter is in service on RAN (HMAS Hobart, Brisbane, and Sydney) are in ships by 2025 (LHDs, LSD, AWDs, Frigates).

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Name Type Class & Origin Notes Canberra LHD Canberra Class

Adelaide LHD (Juan Carlos class - Spain) Choules LSD Bay Class - UK Hobart AWD Brisbane AWD Hobart Class Assumes decision to build 4th AWD (Melbourne) in 2015 Sydney AWD (AWD - Álvaro de Bazán class - Spain) Melbourne AWD Australia Frigate Assumes ANZAC Class replacement commences in 2022 - 8 Platforms to be procured. Newcastle Frigate Australia Class Assumes additional Hobart class ships, but (commonality) with different combat (Multipurpose - Álvaro de Bazán class - Spain) Townsville Frigate systems. Darwin Frigate Parramatta Frigate Ballarat Frigate ANZAC Class - Australia (MEKO 200 ANZ - Assumes first 4x ANZAC Class Frigates are replaced with these ships Toowoomba Frigate Germany) Perth Frigate Collins Submarine Farncomb Submarine Waller Submarine Collins Class - Australia New Submarines not due in service until 2030 Dechaineaux Submarine Sheean Submarine Rankin Submarine Armidale Patrol Boat Larrakia Patrol Boat Bathurst Patrol Boat Albany Patrol Boat Pirie Patrol Boat Armidale Class - Australia Maitland Patrol Boat Ararat Patrol Boat Broome Patrol Boat Bundaberg Patrol Boat

Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia

Wollongong Patrol Boat Childers Patrol Boat Launceston Patrol Boat Maryborough Patrol Boat Glenelg Patrol Boat Kembla Replenishment Ship Assumes replacement of HMAS Success and Sirius. Cantabria Class - Spain Plenty Replenishment Ship Guess at one of the contenders.

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ROYAL AUSTRALIAN AIR FORCE (RAAF) The RAAF continues its modernisation process between 2014-2025. Major capabilities in service by 2025 are:

. Three Squadrons of F-35C Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), capable of CAP, CAS and Maritime Strike;

. One Squadron of EA-18G Growler EW / ECM aircraft;

. One Squadron of E-7A Wedgetail AEW&C aircraft;

. One Squadron of Airbus A-330 KC-30A MRTT (air-to-air refuelling);

. One squadron of Boeing P8 Poseidon aircraft (Patrol, Surveillance, Maritime Strike);

. One Squadron of C-17 Globemaster heavy-lift aircraft;

. One Squadron of C-130J Hercules transport aircraft;

. One Squadron of C-27J Spartan transport aircraft.

. One Squadron of MQ-4C Triton broad area maritime surveillance aircraft.

. Additionally, due to the invasion, an ad-hoc Squadron of BAE Hawk training aircraft has been re- assigned to CAIRS missions.

Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia



11th & 12th Guards Motorised Brigades Quality: Average, Artillery Accuracy: 3+, Friction Response: 2+

Troops Composition HQ: [1x Commander (Red Infantry w/SAM in BTR-80)] [1x EW Platoon] [1x UAV (Recce)]

Artillery Battalion43: DANA (ShKH-77) 152mm SP Artillery Group (3 stands)

1st, 2nd & 3rd (Motorised) Battalions: [1x HQ (Red Infantry w/SAM in BTR-80)] [3x 2S23 SP 120mm Mortar]

Motorised Infantry Company (x3), each: 2x Red Infantry, in BTR-80 1x Red Infantry w/ATGM, in BTR-80A

4th (Tank) Battalion Tank Company (x3), each: 3x PT-91R MBT

Engineer company 2x Red Infantry (Engineer) in BTR-80 1x AEV 1x AVLB

Reconnaissance company 2x Recce Tigr 2x (Recce) Red Infantry, in BTR-80A

Anti-Tank company 3x BTR-90R

42 The 1st (Guards) Motor Rifle Division is the RAF’s ‘premier’ Combat Formation. It is the best equipped, trained and experienced formation in the army. All units within the Division are “Guards”. The 1st Motor Rifle Regiment are mounted in IFV’s (instead of APC for most MR Regt Units).

43 These are named for their parent formation, so are the 11th and 12th Artillery Regiments respectively 60 | P a g e

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Anti-Aircraft company 2x 2S6M Tunguska SP SAM / AAG

13th & 14th Guards Mechanised Brigades Quality: Average, Artillery Accuracy: 3+, Friction Response: 2+

Troops Composition HQ: [1x Commander (Red Infantry w/SAM, in BMP-3)] [1x EW Platoon] [1x UAV (Recce)]

Artillery Regiment44: 2S19 SP 152mm Artillery Group (3 stands)

1st & 2nd Tank Battalions: [1x HQ T-90 MBT] [1x Red Infantry w/SAM, in BMP-3] [2x 2S9 Nona SP 120mm Mortar]

Tank Company (x3), each: 3x T-90 MBTs

3rd & 4th Mechanised Infantry Battalions: [1x HQ (Red Infantry w/SAM in BMP-3] [2x 2S9 Nona SP 120mm Mortar]

Rifle Company (x3), each: 2x Red Infantry, in BMP-3 1x Red Infantry w/ATGM, in BMP-3

Engineer company 2x Red Infantry (Engineer), in BTR-80 1x AEV 1x AVLB

Reconnaissance company 2x Recce Tigr 2x (Recce) Red Infantry, in BTR-80A

Anti-Aircraft company 2x 2S6M Tunguska SP SAM / AAG

44 These are named for their parent formation, so are the 13th and 14th Artillery Regiments respectively 61 | P a g e

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1st GMD Divisional Assets Quality: Average, Artillery Accuracy: 3+, Friction Response: 2+

Divisional HQ [1x HQ (Red Infantry w/SAM in BTR-80)] [1x Defence Pl. (Red Infantry w/SAM in BTR-80A)] [1x EW Platoon] [1x UAV (Recce)]

Artillery Brigade 152mm SP Artillery Group (x3), each with: 3x 2S19 152mm SP Artillery

Heavy MRL Group (x1), with: 3x BM-27 Uragan

Aviation Battalion Attack Helicopter Company, with: 1x Mi-28R Kestrel Attack Helicopters 1x Gazelle-R Recon / Attack Helicopters

Utility Helicopter Company, with: 3x Mi-17 Hip Transport / Attack Helicopters

Air Assault Company, with: 3x Red Infantry (2x w/ATGM, 1x w/SAM)

Air Defence Battalion Air Defence Company (x3), each with: 2x 2S6M Tunguska SP SAM / AAG

AT Battalion Anti-Tank Company (x3), each with: 2x MT-12 ATG 1x Red Infantry w/ATGM, in BTR-80

Reconnaissance Battalion Recon Company (x3), each with: 1x (Recce) T-90 MBT 2x (Recce) Red Infantry, in BTR-80A 1x 2S23 SP 120mm Mortar

Engineer Battalion Combat Engineer Company (x2), each with: 2x Red Infantry (Engineer), in BTR-80 1x AEV 1x Minelayer 1x AVLB

Assault Crossing Company, with: 2x Bridge / Ferry 2x Assault Craft / Ferry

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21st & 22nd Motorised Brigades Quality: Fair, Artillery Accuracy: 3+, Friction Response: 2+

Troops Composition HQ: [1x Commander (Red Infantry w/SAM in BTR-80)] [1x EW Platoon] [1x UAV (Recce)]

Artillery Battalion45: DANA (ShKH-77) 152mm SP Artillery Group (3 stands)

1st, 2nd & 3rd (Motorised) Battalions: [1x HQ (Red Infantry w/SAM in BTR-80)] [3x 2S23 SP 120mm Mortar]

Motorised Infantry Company (x3), each: 2x Red Infantry, in BTR-80 1x Red Infantry w/ATGM, in BTR-80A

4th (Tank) Battalion Tank Company (x3), each: 3x PT-91R MBT

Engineer company 2x Red Infantry (Engineer) in BTR-80 1x AEV 1x AVLB

Reconnaissance company 2x Recce Tigr 2x (Recce) Red Infantry, in BTR-80A

Anti-Tank company 3x BTR-90R

Anti-Aircraft company 2x 2S6M Tunguska SP SAM / AAG

45 These are named for their parent formation, so are the 11th and 12th Artillery Regiments respectively 63 | P a g e

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23rd & 24th Mechanised Brigades Quality: Fair, Artillery Accuracy: 3+, Friction Response: 2+

Troops Composition HQ: [1x Commander (Red Infantry w/SAM, in BMP-3)] [1x EW Platoon] [1x UAV (Recce)]

Artillery Regiment46: 2S19 SP 152mm Artillery Group (3 stands)

1st & 2nd Tank Battalions: [1x HQ T-90 MBT] [1x Red Infantry w/SAM, in BMP-3] [2x 2S9 Nona SP 120mm Mortar]

Tank Company (x3), each: 3x T-90 MBTs

3rd & 4th Mechanised Infantry Battalions: [1x HQ (Red Infantry w/SAM in BMP-3] [2x 2S9 Nona SP 120mm Mortar]

Rifle Company (x3), each: 2x Red Infantry, in BMP-3 1x Red Infantry w/ATGM, in BMP-3

Engineer company 2x Red Infantry (Engineer), in BTR-80 1x AEV 1x AVLB

Reconnaissance company 2x Recce Tigr 2x (Recce) Red Infantry, in BTR-80A

Anti-Aircraft company 2x 2S6M Tunguska SP SAM / AAG

46 These are named for their parent formation, so are the 13th and 14th Artillery Regiments respectively 64 | P a g e

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2nd MD Divisional Assets Quality: Average, Artillery Accuracy: 3+, Friction Response: 2+

Divisional HQ [1x HQ (Red Infantry w/SAM in BTR-80)] [1x Defence Pl. (Red Infantry w/SAM in BTR-80A)] [1x EW Platoon] [1x UAV (Recce)]

Artillery Brigade 152mm SP Artillery Group (x3), each with: 3x 2S19 152mm SP Artillery

Heavy MRL Group (x1), with: 3x BM-27 Uragan

Aviation Battalion Attack Helicopter Company, with: 1x Mi-28R Kestrel Attack Helicopters 1x Gazelle-R Recon / Attack Helicopters

Utility Helicopter Company, with: 3x Mi-17 Hip Transport / Attack Helicopters

Air Assault Company, with: 3x Red Infantry (2x w/ATGM, 1x w/SAM)

Air Defence Battalion Air Defence Company (x3), each with: 2x 2S6M Tunguska SP SAM / AAG

AT Battalion Anti-Tank Company (x3), each with: 2x MT-12 ATG 1x Red Infantry w/ATGM, in BTR-80

Reconnaissance Battalion Recon Company (x3), each with: 1x (Recce) T-90 MBT 2x (Recce) Red Infantry, in BTR-80A 1x 2S23 SP 120mm Mortar

Engineer Battalion Combat Engineer Company (x2), each with: 2x Red Infantry (Engineer), in BTR-80 1x AEV 1x Minelayer 1x AVLB

Assault Crossing Company, with: 2x Bridge / Ferry 2x Assault Craft / Ferry

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31st, 32nd, 33rd & 34th Mechanised Brigades Quality: Fair, Artillery Accuracy: 3+, Friction Response: 2+

Troops Composition HQ: [1x Commander (Red Infantry w/SAM, in Direwolf IFV)] [1x EW Platoon] [1x UAV (Recce)]

Artillery Regiment48: DANA (ShKH-77) 152mm SP Artillery Group (3 stands)

1st, 2nd & 3rd Mechanised Infantry [1x HQ (Red Infantry w/SAM in Direwolf IFV)] Battalions: [3x Direwolf FSV]

Rifle Company (x3), each: 2x Red Infantry, in Direwolf IFV 1x Red Infantry w/ATGM, in Direwolf IFV

4th Tank Battalion [1x Recce Direwolf IFV]

Tank Company (x3), each with: 3x T-90R MBT

Engineer company 2x Red Infantry (Engineer), in Direwolf APC 1x AEV 1x AVLB

Reconnaissance company 3x Direwolf IFV 1x Direwolf FSV

Anti-Tank company 3x Direwolf AT

Anti-Aircraft company 2x 2S6M Tunguska SP SAM / AAG

47 The 3rd Mechanised Division has commenced modernisation, with new equipment and organisation. The 1st GMD and 2nd MD are also intended to move to this structure and equipment in coming years.

48 The 31st, 32nd, 33rd & 34th Artillery Regiments, respectively. 66 | P a g e

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3rd MD Divisional Assets Quality: Fair, Artillery Accuracy: 3+, Friction Response: 2+

Divisional Commander [1x HQ (Red Infantry w/SAM in Direwolf APC)] [1x Defence Pl. (Red Inf w/SAM in Direowlf IFV)] [1x EW Platoon] [1x UAV (Recce)]

3rd Artillery Regiment 152mm SP Artillery Group (x3), each with: DANA (ShKH-77)

Heavy MRL Group (x1), with: 3x BM-27 Uragan

3rd Aviation Battalion Attack Helicopter Company, with: 1x Mi-28R Kestrel Attack Helicopters 1x Gazelle-R Recon / Attack Helicopters

Utility Helicopter Company, with: 3x Mi-17 Hip Transport / Attack Helicopters

Air Assault Company, with: 3x Red Infantry, (2x w/ATGM, 1x w/SAM)

3rd Air Defence Battalion Air Defence Company (x3), each with: 2x 2S6M Tunguska SP SAM / AAG 1x Red Infantry w/SAM, in Direwolf IFV

3rd AT Battalion (BRDM-3) Anti-Tank Company (x3), each with: 3x Direwolf AT

3rd Reconnaissance Battalion Recon Company (x3), each with: 1x (Recce) T-90R MBT 2x (Recce) Red Infantry, in Direwolf IFV 1x Direwolf FSV

3rd Guards Engineer Battalion Combat Engineer Company (x2), each with: 2x Red Infantry (Engineer), in Direwolf APC 1x AEV 1x Minelayer 1x AVLB

Assault Crossing Company, with: 2x Bridge / Ferry 2x Assault Craft / Ferry

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5th Independent Guards Tank Battalion (5 IGTB) Quality: Fair, Artillery Accuracy: 3+, Friction Response: 2+

Troops Composition HQ: [1x HQ R-2 Jezzail MBT] [1x 2S6M Tunguska SP SAM / AAG] [1x (Recce) R-2 Jezzail MBT] [1x (Recce) BMP-3 IFV]

Tank Company (x5), each with: 3x R-2 Jezzail MBT

Engineer company 2x Red Infantry (Engineer), in BMP-3 1x AEV 1x AVLB

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6th Airborne Infantry Regiment (6 AIR) Quality: Good, Artillery Accuracy: 3+, Friction Response: 2+

Troops Composition HQ & Brigade Troops: [1x HQ Red Infantry w/SAM] [1x EW Platoon] [1x UAV (Recce)] [Reconnaissance company: 3x Tigr] [Engineer company: 3x Engineer, 3x Light Plant equip]

6th Airborne Artillery Regiment: 2S9 Anona SP 120mm Mortar Group (3 stands)

61st, 62nd, 63rd & 64th Airborne Infantry [1x HQ Red Infantry w/SAM] Battalions: [2x 82mm Mortar]

Rifle Company (x3), each: 2x Red Infantry w/SAM 2x Red Infantry w/ATGM

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1st Naval Infantry Regiment (1 NIR) Quality: Average, Artillery Accuracy: 3+, Friction Response: 2+

Troops Composition HQ & Brigade Troops: [1x Commander] [1x EW Platoon] [1x UAV (Recce)] [Reconnaissance company: 3x BRDM] [Engineer company: 3x Direwolf APC, 3x Engineer]

1st Naval Infantry Artillery Regiment: D-30 122mm Towed Artillery Group (3 stands)

1st, 2nd & 3rd Naval Infantry Battalions: [1x Direwolf FSV] [1x Recon Direwolf IFV]

Rifle Company (x3), each: 2x Red Infantry w/SAM, in Direwolf IFV 2x Red Infantry w/ATGM, in Direwolf IFV

Tank Company, with: 3x PT-91R MBT

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Other CREA Units

Army HQ 1x Commander

HQ Defence Company, with: 3x Red Infantry w/SAM, in BTR-80

CREA Heavy Artillery Brigade 130mm Towed Artillery Group (x3), with: 3x M-146 130mm Towed Artillery

CREA Heavy Rocket Artillery Brigade Heavy MRL Group (x2), with: 3x BM-27 Uragan

Ballistic Rocket Group (x1), with: 3x FROG-7

CREA Aviation Regiment Attack Helicopter Battalion, with: 2x Mi-28R Kestrel Attack Helicopters 2x Gazelle-R Recon / Attack Helicopters

Transport Helicopter Battalion, with: 2x Mi-17 Hip Transport / Attack Helicopters 2x Mi-26 Halo Heavy Transport Helicopters

CREA Engineer Brigade Construction Engineer Battalion, with:

Construction Engineer Company (x2), each with: 2x Red Infantry (Engineer), in BTR-80 2x Plant-equipment Platoons

Bridging Battalion, with:

Assault Crossing Company (x2), each with: 2x Bridge / Ferry 2x Assault Craft / Ferry

Air Support Assets 2x Squadrons of Chengdu J-20 (CAP) 5x Squadrons of MiG-29R / KR (CAP / CAS) 1x Squadron of Su-25 Frogfoot (CAS) 3x Squadrons of A-400 (Transport) 1x Squadron of An-124 (Heavy Transport)

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and re-naming / numbering them to fit in with the RED ARMY GENERAL nomenclature for their new Brigade. The naming of these is therefore fairly consistent. INFORMATION The Battalions of a Motorised or Mechanised Command Structure & Disposition Brigade are simply named the ‘1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Battalions’ of their Brigade. These are abbreviated The Republic of Red maintains a large standing using the Battalion followed by Brigade designation. army, largely through the use of Militia formations. Every male citizen of military age (17-25 years old) Example: 1/31 for the 1st Battalion of the 31st is required to undertake a two year period of service Brigade. in the armed forces. Following this service, they remain eligible for call-up (until age 40) in Brigade level units are simply known by their parent circumstances of national need. Formation’s number, followed by their type / designation. Whilst the bulk of Red Formations for homeland defence are comprised of Militia conscripts, the Examples: Reds also maintain some ‘Regular’ formations. Regular units are comprised of volunteers (either The “33rd Brigade Reconnaissance Company”, the career soldiers, or militia who voluntarily extend “33rd Brigade Anti-Tank Company”, the“33rd their enlistment). These formations have a higher Brigade Air Defence Company” etc, are all Brigade level of élan, experience and training, and are the units of the 33rd Brigade. formations that are generally deployed off-shore by the Reds in an expeditionary capacity. Unit Markings Unit Naming Conventions Red tactical markings follow a fairly simple system. The Reds have raised, reorganised and disbanded Markings are usually in ‘low-visibility’ matt-black, many units over time. Some retain historical but may also be in olive-drab, tan, red, yellow or designations and others have new ones. Naming / white on occasion, depending on the vehicle base numbering conventions cannot always therefore be paint colour. relied upon to determine which Division a Brigade belongs to. Vehicles are marked with a tactical Symbol to indicate their parent Division. This is usually a The focus of Red military tradition, however, is at simple geometric shape, located on the left-rear of the Divisional and Brigade level. They have no the vehicle. Symbols for the various Red divisions problems with moving battalions within Brigades, are shown below:

Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia

The lower-level unit tactical identification markings third battalion the bottom quadrant, and the fourth are displayed on both sides of the vehicle, usually on Battalion by the left quadrant. The Brigade Artillery the side of the turret or hull (for fighting vehicles), Regiment has none of the quadrants blocked-in. or on the door (for logistic vehicles). The marking comprises the ‘Red Symbol’ with one of the four The bottom quadrant contains the company number ‘quadrants’ blocked in. (1/2/3 Coy, ‘0’ for HQ), platoon number (1/2/3 Pl, ‘0’ for HQ) number, and vehicle letter (A/B/C/D/E). The location of the blocked-in quadrant identifies which battalion of the Brigade the vehicle is from. The top quadrant usually contains the number of the This starts with the top quadrant, and moves Brigade. clockwise: the first Battalion is indicated by the top quadrant, the second Battalion the right quadrant, the Examples of this system are shown below:

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Design Notes: Brigade retains two Tank Battalions, and each Motorised Brigade retains a Tank As well as modernising the ADF TO&E to Battalion to support the Infantry represent new equipment and organisations to be battalions. All tank units have moved to a implemented by 2025 (including some western 4-tank platoon structure (so get 3 assumptions), I also decided to modernise the full platoons per company under FFT3). fictional enemy.  The REA has an over-strength It didn’t make sense to leave them as a 'vanilla' Independent Tank Battalion, with modern Soviet-based cold-war style army, since armies western-style tanks. all around the world have evolved to meet their security threats. Therefore, I've made a few  Other than this, the Tanks I selected to use changes, drawing on global and regional trends for the Reds are: to hopefully make them a more realistic near- future OPFOR: - the PT-91 (Polish upgraded T-72 “Twardy”, as procured by Malaysia). . I've switched the naming of their formations I figured the Reds would have lots of to western nomenclature, substituting older T-72s that they could upgrade to "Brigade" for "Regiment", and "Mechanised" equip their tank units within or “Motorised” Infantry for "Motor Rifle". Motorised formations; and

. The number of tanks is less than seen in a - T-90. A relatively cheap and effective Soviet Combined Arms Army. modern tank, suitable for the tank  I've dropped the Tank Division from the units in the Mechanised formations. Expeditionary Army entirely. The REA now comprises 3 Mechanised Divisions  I wanted them to have reasonably capable and some Independent Brigades. and modern tanks, so these fit the bill. They're not as good as Western tanks, but  There is no Tank Brigade (regiment) in since they are cheaper and simpler to each Mechanised Division. Mech train crews on, they are more plentiful Divisions now comprise 2 Motorised and and have respectable capabilities. 2 Mechanised Brigades. This follows the trend of Russian reorganisations since the The Reds also have some new western equipment. Cold War (as I understand it), where a Although the majority of their equipment remains 2:2 (BTR:BMP) organisation was Russian supplied, they have branched out and favoured in a number of their divisions purchased some Western equipment, to (ie. dropping the tank regiment). modernise and augment their capabilities. They have even made a foray into indigenous tank  Like many armies, the Russians also now production: operate more in Brigade organisations (instead of Division), but I have retained . The 1st and 2nd Divisions remain largely the higher level Div structure for the REA Russian equipped with BTRs and BMPs, as an anachronistic differentiation from although they do have modern versions of the Coalition. these, including BTR-80, BTR-80A (with 30mm cannon), and BMP-3. Similar to the US  The Mech Divisions still have significant SBCTs organisation, indirect (and direct) Tank strength, however. Each Mech fire-support platforms can be pushed down as low as company level, with three 4-gun

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platoons in both Motorised battalions production – the Jezzail MBT. The Jezzail is a (2S23SP 120mm Gun-Mortar on BTR-80) and ‘western’ style modern MBT, designed and Mechanised battalions (2S9 Nona tracked SP built by the Reds. Its stats are based on the 120mm Gun-Mortar). Korean K-2 Black Panther MBT. . The 3rd Mechanised Division is the first of . The Naval Infantry Regiment (since it is a the divisions to move to mostly western new formation) also uses similar structure equipment for the Reds. Its Brigades are and equipment to the brigades of the 3rd Div. structured similarly to US SBCTs, and it is . The Israeli Spike family of ATGMs has been equipped with the Finnish Patria AMV family introduced by the Reds in various forms. The (used now by a number of countries). It also Spike-SR and MR equips all the Red Infantry includes wheeled SP guns (Czech Dana companies. Spike-ER equips the Red Attack 152mm). and Recce Helicopter fleets (Mi-28 and . The 5th Guards Independent Tank Battalion is Gazelle), making their AT capability quite an elite unit, and has been equipped with the potent. pride of Red military engineering and

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. the development of Joint doctrine; THE REPUBLIC OF RED NAVY . the formation of the Headquarters Combined Red Expeditionary Army (HQCREA) to command off-shore Joint operations; The Republic of Red Navy (RRN) has been modernising since the start of the 2000s. By 2025, it . the raising of a specialist Brigade-sized is a capable and modern blue-water navy. amphibious unit, the 1st Naval Infantry Regiment (1 NIR), within the RRN. As well as fielding modern ships capable of defending the Red home islands, a significant . the expansion of the specialist airborne Battalion emphasis has been placed on the capability to into the 6th Airborne Infantry Regiment (6 AIR), conduct offensive offshore operations. within the RRA. Additionally, the RRN and Republic of Red Air Red Amphibious Capability Force (RRAF) were modernised and equipped for The Red Amphibious capability was developed over force projection. Major purchases of new equipment the two decades prior to the Invasion. have focused on the formation of a carrier battle The Reds recognised their deficiencies when an group, plus an Amphibious Assault Group. Major insurgency broke out on part of their territory, in the new equipment included introduction of: Summer Islands chain, in 2006. In the ensuing . Amphibious Ships: operation, the Reds discovered that they were unable to lodge even a Brigade in an opposed situation.  Originally, Red amphibious aspirations were for procurement of three Amphibious ships, The Red Government therefore set about rectifying to include the capability for operation of their deficiencies. A modernisation program has helicopters and VSTOL aircraft. been relentlessly pursued, updating doctrine and capabilities to ensure they had an amphibious  The RRN put their requirement for projection capability when (and if) required. Amphibious vessels out to international Modernisation competition in 2010. Three options were shortlisted in 2012 - Spanish Juan Carlos The modernisation program included: 78 | P a g e

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class LHD, French Mistral class LHD and . Aircraft Carrier: Korean Dokdo class LHD.  In 2013, the opportunity presented itself for  However the opportunity to buy the future the purchase of the former Spanish flagship, RRNS Kraken aircraft carrier arose in 2013 – Príncipe de Asturias, decommissioned from an opportunity too good to miss (see below). the Spanish Armada (due to funding issues Following the expense and the additional following the GFC). The Spanish retirement capability offered by a better fixed-wing of their carrier was a very timely opportunity carrier-based aircraft capability, RRN for the RRN and they pursued this procurement plans were re-shaped. The opportunity enthusiastically. It offered the amphibious ship requirement was reduced to RRN a carrier capable of supporting fixed- two ships, and due to the lower cost wing aircraft carrying a reasonable payload (compared to the other options), the Korean and with decent range, to support their Dokdo design was selected. This was amphibious and strike aspirations. modified to suit RRN requirements, enlarging the ships slightly to a 20,500 ton  Despite rumoured interest from Angola (?!), displacement, to provide capacity to carry a the ship was sold to the RRN in late 2014. full Naval Infantry battalion (850 pers), with Between 2014-2019 the ship was re-fitted for their equipment (up to 200 vehicles, RRN use. In particular, extensive including up to 40 MBTs). The ships can modifications of the flight deck occurred, to also carry 12x Helo (NH-90 for troop-lift and make the vessel capable of Short Take Off ASW), as well as two Landing Craft Air but Arrested Restraint (STOBAR) Cushion (LCAC) for rapid landing of troops operations. Following successful sea-trials in and equipment. Armament was also boosted 2020, the ship was commissioned into the by the addition of two Harpoon SSM RRN as RRNS Kraken. The Kraken operates launchers. The two ships, RRNS Hydra and a squadron of twelve MiG-29-KR multi-role Manticore, were produced in Korea from aircraft (capable of CAP, CAIRS, and 2015, and commissioned in 2019 and 2020 Maritime Strike). The carrier also operates respectively. six NH-90 ASW helicopters.

 Following commitment to purchase the two . The RRN has replaced other major surface Hydra class LHD in 2014, the Chinese combatants between 2005 and 2025. Major government offered additional amphibious procurements have principally been from ships as part of a Naval assistance package Chinese ship-builders, with some from France. (along with Type 54A and Type 52C The fleet now includes: frigates). The cost for the package was too  Seven ships of the Pentos class (Type 054A attractive for the RRN to refuse. Two vessels Jiangkai II - China), multirole frigates of the Type 071 Yuzhao class of Amphibious capable of ASW and Air Defence; Assault Vessels were delivered and introduced into RRN service as the RRNS  Four ships of the R'hllor class (Type 052C Gorgon and Harpy, in 2017 and 2018. These Luyang II - China), configured for the Air ships have the capacity to carry 500-800 Warfare Destroyer role; troops, plus 15-20 Armoured Vehicles and four Helicopters (NH-90), greatly increasing  Six ships of the Redport Class (FREMM - the already enhanced Red amphibious France), four for multipurpose roles capability. (FREMM configuration), and two fitted out

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with AWD combat systems (FREDA Battalion Group, with heavy equipment, could configuration). alternately be lifted. . The RRN deployed a reinforced Amphibious Other REA Naval Elements Task force. This provided: . The RRN submarine fleet has been modernised, with replacement of older Soviet-supplied  Sea-lift of an (assault) Regimental Group submarines with modern conventional using RRN assets, submarines. Eight boats of the Dragon class  Sea-lift of (follow on) Mechanised Divisions were delivered from Korea between 2021-2024. 49 These are built to the ROK Improved Chang using Red-flagged Commercial Shipping. Bogo class (a variant of the German Type Divisions were landed and supplied over the shore relatively rapidly. Divisions were 209/1200), capable of launching torpedos, mines 50 and Harpoon SSM. lodged by D+2 , D+8 and D+26. . The sixteen fast attack ships of the Unsullied . The RRN and RRAF were capable of class (Chinese Type 021 Houdong class, based maintaining air and sub-surface security for the on Soviet Osa class) have been incrementally operation during the lodgement periods, and for modernised, but do not have the range to conduct the convoy(s) when embarked. operations in Australian waters. In defence of

their home waters around Red, however, these  The RRAF maintained air-superiority for the duration of the amphibious assault. Aircraft small but capable ships provide a significant deterrent. operated from Red territory, then from Forward Operating Bases (FOB) following 51 Red Capabilty Demonstrated Point of Entry (POE) seizure. Australian Intelligence estimates had (correctly)  RRN naval aviation assets provided assessed Red amphibious capability improvements, additional Close Air Support (CAIRS) and but had (wrongly) assessed these as being relatively Combat Air Patrol (CAP) for the amphibious benign, focused on avoidance of repeating the assault. Summer Islands difficulties. As it turned out, Red intent was less than benign and A summary of RRN ships is provided on the the following Red capability was displayed: following page: . The RRAF could combat Air-Lift / Air-Drop a Regiment in one lift, less heavy equipment. A

49 Red-flagged commercial shipping used included: Passenger equipment followed from D+8, with the second and third Ships (for troops), container ships (for stores & equipment), Mechanised Divisions, which arrived by ship. and car-transport ships (for combat and logistic vehicles). Additionally, tankers were sent to provide the vast quantity of 51 In a clear display of intent, due to range limitations, Red fuel required for operations. Additional fuel was captured at aircraft were flown to Australian airstrips (after their seizure by Port Headland. SF and airborne units), with only sufficient fuel for a one-way sortie. The Reds were reliant on sufficient fuel being carried by 50 The personnel and light equipment of the initial Mechanised transport aircraft, and being captured in-situ, to enable Division (1 GMD) was transported by air, to operate as an subsequent operations. Infantry Division in a defensive role initially. Their heavy 80 | P a g e

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Red Naval Ensign

Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia

RRN Major Combatants

Name REA? Type Class & Origin Notes Ex- Príncipe de Asturias, decommissioned 2013, sold to Red 2014 Kraken Carrier Kraken Class (Príncipe de Asturias - Spain) Re-fitted from 2014 - 2019 for STOBAR capable operations.  Operates: 12x MiG-29-KR, 6x NH-90 Modified Dokdo class Amphibious Assult Ship (Korea). Hydra Enlarged to 20,500 tons. Capacity for: Landing Helicopter Hydra Class (Dokdo Class - Korea) 850 pers, 200 veh (incl up to 40 MBT), 12x Helo (NH-90), 2x Dock Manticore LCAC  addition of 2x Harpoon SSM launcher. Gorgon Amphibious Gorgon class (Type 071 Yuzhao - China) Capacity: 500-800 troops, 15-20 Armd Veh, 4x Helo (NH-90), Transport Dock Harpy  Pentos  Andalos  Braavos  Pentos class (Type 054A Jiangkai II - Volantis Frigate  China) Xaro Xoahan Daxos  Myr  Titan  R'hllor  R'hllor class (Type 052C Luyang II - Firelord Destroyer  China) Flameshade 

Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia Red Priestess   Redport  Red City  Multipurpose variant of FREMM Rouge  Multipurpose Frigate Redport Class (FREMM - France) Rotburgh  Braavosi Sealord  FREDA - AWD variant of FREMM Norvos  Dragon  Drake  Wyrm ? Wyvern ? Dragon class (Chang Bogo Type 209/1200 Submarine four produced in ROK, 4 produced under licence in Red - Korea) Drogon ? Viserion  Rhaegal ? Balerion  Unsullied  Unsullied class (Type 021 Houdong class - Qohor Missile Boat  China) Summer Islands 

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Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia Walano  Omboru  Jhala  Lotus Port  Serenei  Ebonhead  Khoj  Salladhor Saan  Sunset Sea  Summer Sea  Lysono Maar  Serra  Jalabhar Xho  Sturgeon  Oiler Sturgeon class (Qiandaohu - China) Admiral Xhao 

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Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia

RRAF flag RRAF Aircraft ‘roundel’

THE REPUBLIC OF RED AIR FORCE  Two squadrons of Chengdu J-20 5th Generation air-superiority fighters (CAP);

The Republic of Red Air Force (RRAF) has also  Four Squadrons of MiG-29-R (CAP, CAS); undergone modernisation, although not to the extent of the RRN. The focus of RRAF procurements has  One Squadron of MiG-29-KR (CAP, CAS, been on air defence of the Red home islands, plus a Maritime Strike); This squadron is stationed secondary role to support RRN operations and on board the RRNS Kraken for carrier- conduct Joint amphibious and strike operations. operations. Of note, however has been the purchase of three th  One Squadron of Su-25 Frogfoot (CAS / squadrons of Chengdu J-20 5 Generation fighters Maritime Strike) from China. Two of these squadrons have been deployed in support of the REA. Rotary Wing

Air Lift Rotary Wing (helicopter) capability in the RRDF is centralised in the RRAF: The RRAF has upgraded its air-lift capability through procurement of: . Three Squadrons of NH-90 naval helicopters (ASW and Lift) are dispersed amongst the RRN . three squadrons of Airbus A-400 ships (on the Carrier, LHDs, and Frigates) . a squadron of Antonov An-124 heavy lift aircraft provide air-transport and parachute-drop . Two Transport Aviation battalions, with Mi-17 capability; Hip medium helicopter, and Mi-26 Halo heavy transport helicopters, provide troop lift for the . A squadron equipped with four Ilyushin Il-78 REA. One of these battalions’ companies is air-to-air refuelling aircraft. dispersed across the three Mechanised Divisions.

Air Superiority / Ground Attack . Four Companies of Mi-28R Kestrel attack The RRAF operates a number of multirole aircraft, helicopters operate in support of the REA, at many of which have been forward deployed on the Division and Army level. These have been Australian mainland, in support of the JREA: modified with new avionics, and the ability to . RRAF air assets deployed forward to Australia fire Spike-ER ATGM. to date have been:

Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia . Four Companies of Gazelle light multirole achieve limited Air-Superiority for short helicopters (Recce / Attack). These have also durations (30 min or less). been modified with new avionics, and the ability . The RRN and RRAF have so far been capable of to fire Spike-ER ATGM. logistically supporting the deployed REA RRAF Capability throughout the operation. . The RRAF competes for air-parity with the RAAF and coalition aircraft. Both sides can

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OZ INVADED! - BLUE Roster (ADF & Coalition Allies)

Ind Ind Name Move Armor Gun Pen Gun ROF Gun Rng AI Msl Pen Msl ROF Msl Rng Equip Cap Msl Notes Rng Ammo ADF M1A1 AS2 (TUSK) 11t 16 D 10 18 3 24 0 - - - - - ss,2,n,c,v - Upgrade M1A1 AIM SA to M1A2 SEP standard, 120mm/L44 SB (US) Goanna CRV 9w 6 F 4 10 4 16 0 14h3† 1 2-40 - - ss,n,2,v 1 Spike-LR (Gil); 40mm/L70 R (Sweden) Goanna CRV-M 9w 6 F 4 13h 3 10 - - - - 100 hs n,I,v - 120mm AMOS (Finland) CV90AS1 Waler 10t 7 F 5 10 4 16 0 14h3† 1 2-40 - - ss,n,2,v 1 Spike-LR (Gil); 40mm/L70 R (Sweden) M113AS4 9t 5 C 4 1 1 6 -1 - - - - - n,I,v 1 12.7mm HMG M125AS3 AM 11t 5 C 4 ------56 hs n,I,v - 81mm Mtr (US) Bushmaster PMV 7w 1 C 0 1 1 6 -1 - - - - - s,t,v 1 12.7mm HMG / 40mm AGL Special Operations Vehicle (SOV) 10w s 1 / 3he 3 / 1 20 -1 / 0 - - - - - s,t,v 1 12.7mm HMG / 40mm AGL USA M1A2 SEP (TUSK) 11t 16 D 10 18 3 24 0 - - - - - ss,2,n,c,v - 120mm/L44 SB (US) M1126 Stryker ICV w HMG/AGL 9w 6 F 4 1 / 3he 1 / 3 20 -1 / 0 - - - - - s,2,n,v 1 12.7mm HMG / 40mm AGL M1127 Stryker RV w HMG/AGL 9w 6 F 4 1 / 3he 1 / 3 20 -1 / 0 - - - - - s,2,n,v - 12.7mm HMG M1128 Stryker MGS 9w 9 E 6 15 3 24 -1 - - - - - ss,2,n,c,v - 105mm/L51 R (US) M1134 Stryker AT 9w 6 F 4 - 1 20 -1 15h2† 1 1-38 - - s,2,n,v 1 TOW-2B; 7.62mm MG M1132 Engineer SV 9w 6 F 4 1 1 20 -1 - - - - - s,2,n,v 1 12.7mm HMG M1129 Stryker SP Mtr 9w 6 F 4 1 1 20 -1 - - - 72 ghs s,2,n,v - 120mm Mtr (US) Avenger 9wap s 1 1 6 -1 2A 1 2-32 - - s,t - u FIM-92 Stinger; 12.7mm HMG USMC M1A1D 12t 14 D 9 18 3 24 0 - - - - - ss,2,n,v - 120mm/L44 SB (US) LAV-25 8wa 5 C 4 7 4 14 0 - - - - - s,t,n 1 25mm R (US) LAV-A2-AT 8wa 6 F 4 - 1 16 -1 15h2† 1 1-38 - - t,n - u +1 to terrain save; TOW-2B LAV-AD 9wa 5 C 4 3 3@ 24@ 0 2A 1 2-32 - - s,t,n - u FIM-92 Stinger; 25mm AAV-7A1 (LVTP-7) 8ta 4 F 4 3he 3 8 0 - - - - - i 3 40mm AGL M1114 HMMWV HMG 9wp 1 - 1 1 1 6 -1 - - - - - n ½ 12.7mm HMG M1114 HMMWV AGL 9wp 1 - 1 3he 3 8 0 - - - - - n ½ 40mm AGL M1121 TOW HMMWV 9wap 1 - 1 - 1 6 -1 15h2† 1 1-38 - - n - TOW-2B; 7.62mm MG LAV-A2-M 8wa 6 F 4 - - 16 - - - - 72 hs t,n - 120mm Mtr (US) Canada / New Zealand LAV III 25mm uparmored 9wa 5 D 4 7 4 12 0 - - - - - s,n,t 1 25mm/L80 R (Switzerland) LAV III TOW uparmored 9wa 5 D 4 - 1 6 -1 15h2† 1 1-38 - - n,t 1 TOW-2B Singapore Leopard 2S 14t 16 C 10 17 3 24 -1 - - - - - ss,t,n,c,v - 120mm/L55 SB (Germany) Bionix II IFV 9t 4 A 3 8 4 14 0 - - - - - s,t,n 1 30mm United Kingdom Sabre (FRES Scout) 10t 6 E 3 10 4 16 0 - - - - - s,n,t 1 40mm CTAI (UK / France) Jackal 2 Pathfinder 10w s 1 / 3he 3 / 1 20 -1 / 0 - - - - - s,t 1 12.7mm HMG / 40mm AGL Striker 14t 4 A 3 - 1 6 -1 14h2 1 2-40 - - n,i - u +1 to terrain save; Swingfire 4 Spartan w/Milan 14ta 4 A 3 - 1 6 -1 17h2 1 1-20 - - t,n - u Milan 2/3 Stormer Starstreak 11ta 4 A 3 - - - - 2A 1 3-46 - - n,i - Starstreak

Oz Invaded!! - The Battle for Australia

LAW MAW SAM Infantry Stand Type Move AI ROF Rng LAW Pen LAW Rng MAW Pen MAW ROF SAM Pen SAM ROF Equip Cap Notes ROF Rng Rng ADF Infantry 4 0 2 / 7 4 10h 1 2 13h 2 3 - - - t 1 M72 LAW/Carl Gustaf ADF Infantry w/ATGM 4 0 1 / 2 4 10h 1 2 16h3† 1 1-25 - - - 2 ½ M72 LAW/Javelin RBS 70 Team 4 0 1 / 2 4 2he 1 C 8h 1 1 2A 1 1-52 - ½ Improvised/M72 LAW SAS / Commando 4 0 3 / 7 4 13h 2 3 16h3† 1 1-25 - - - 2 ½ Carl Gustaf/Javelin US Infantry 4 1 2 / 5 4 13h 1 2 16h3† 1* 1-25 - - - 2 1 M136 (AT-4)/Javelin US TOW Team [w/TOW-2B] 4 0 1 / 2 4 2he 1 C 15h2† 1 1-38 - - - 2 ½ Improvised/TOW-2B Marine Rifle 4 1 3 / 6 4 11h 1 3 16h3† 1* 1-25 - - - 2 1 SMAW/Javelin Marine HMG 4 1 (3 / 4) 8 8h 1 1 12h2 1 1-10 - - - t 1 M72 LAW/Dragon Marine TOW Tm [w/TOW-2B] 4 0 1 / 2 4 2he 1 C 15h2† 1 1-38 - - - 2 ½ Improvised/TOW-2B Stinger Team 4 0 1 / 2 4 2he 1 C - - - 2A 1 2-32 - ½ Improvised/None Canadian / NZ Infantry w/ATGM 4 1 2 / 5 4 10h 1 2 16h3† 1 1-25 - - - 2 ½ M72 LAW/Javelin Canadian / NZ Infantry 4 0 2 / 5 4 10h 1 2 13h 2 3 - - - t 1 M72 LAW/Carl Gustaf Singapore Infantry 4 0 2 / 7 4 10h 1 2 13h 2 5 - - - t 1 M72 LAW/Matador Singapore Infantry with ATGM 4 0 2 / 7 4 10h 1 2 14h3† 1 2-40 - - - t 1 M72 LAW/Spike LR UK Infantry 4 -1 2 / 6 4 2he 1 C 14h3† 1 0-6 - - - t 1 Improvised/MBT LAW UK Infantry w/ATGM 4 -1 2 / 6 4 2he 1 C 16h3† 1 1-25 - - - t ½ Improvised/Javelin Starstreak Team 4 0 1 / 2 4 2he 1 C - - - 2A 1 3-46 - ½ Improvised/None Ind Ind Artillery Move Armor Gun Pen Gun ROF Gun Rng AI Msl Pen Msl ROF Msl Rng Equip Cap Msl Notes Rng Ammo AS-9 SP 155mm How 10t 2 - 0 7he 2 8 0 - - - 300 hsi - - 155mm/L52 R (S.Korea) M777 155mm How 0x s 7he 2 8 0 - - - 180 hsciml f 1 155mm/L39 R (US) M777 w/ Excalibur 0x s 7he 2 8 0 - - - 350 ghi f 1 155mm Excalibur (US) M109A6 SP 155mm How 7ta 2 A 2 7he 2 8 0 - - - 235 hsciml n - 155mm/L39 R (US) M109A6 w/Excalibur 7ta 2 A 2 7he 2 8 0 - - - 350 ghi n - 155mm Excalibur (US) M270 MLRS 8t 0 - 0 ------75-300 im f - Very Heavy, 2 fire units M270 MLRS w/GMLRS 8t 0 - 0 ------150-600 ghi f - Heavy, 2 fire units HIMARS 10w s ------75-300 im f - Vry Hvy, 1 fire unit HIMARS w/GMLRS 10w s ------150-600 ghi f - Hvy, 1 fire unit SPPH 1 Primus 9t 1 A 0 7he 2 8 0 - - - 235 hsi n,i - 155mm/L39 R (Singapore) Load Cluster MG Cannon A-10 Aircraft GP Bombs Rockets Missiles Armour Used By Rating Bombs Strafe Strafe Strafe F/A-18 Super Hornet 8 x x x 1 Australia, US (Navy / USMC) F-35C Lightning II 6 x x x 1 Australia, US (USAF / USN / USMC), UK, Singapore Hawk 3 x x x 1 Australia A-10 Thunderbolt II 6 x x x x 2 x US (USAF) F-15SG Strike Eagle 12 x x x 1 Singapore Ind Ind Helicopters Move Armor Gun Pen Gun ROF Gun Rng AI Msl Pen Msl ROF Msl Rng Equip Cap Msl Notes Rng Ammo Eurocopter Tiger ARH 26n 0 4h 4 12 0 20h3 2 1-90 - - 2,c,v - 4 Pods; MG / 30mm Cannon / Hellfire-L / Rockets MRH-90 26n s ------2 2 Pods; Rocket CH-47 Chinook 22n s - 2 6 -1 ------3 AH-64D Longbow 26n 0 4h 4 12 0 20h3 2 1-90 - - 2,c,v - Rocket, Hellfire, Hellfire-L, Stinger (Can carry 2 Pod Stinger + 4 Pods) V-22 Osprey 32n 0 - 2 6 -1 - - - - - t 3 AH-1Z Supercobra 24n s 2 4 10 0 15h2† 1 1-38 - - 2,c,v 4 Pods; Rocket / TOW-2B / Hellfire-L (See AH-64 data) UH-60 Blackhawk 20n 0 - 2 6 -1 ------1 2 Pods; Rockets / Hellfire / TOW-2B / Stinger

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Ind Ind Name Move Armor Gun Pen Gun ROF Gun Rng AI Msl Pen Msl ROF Msl Rng Equip Cap Msl Notes Rng Ammo T-90R 9t 15 E 9 16/15h 2 16 -1 15h2 1 1-50 - - s,t,n - Red vers. of T-90A. 125mm/L48 SB; ATGM def: +1 to save; AT-11; PT-91R w/ERAWA-2 10t 12 D 8 16/15h 2 16 -1 15h2 1 1-50 - - s,t,n - Red T-72S rebuilt to Polish Twardy standard, 125mm/L48 SB, AT-11 Jezzail MBT 10t 16 D 10 17 3 24 -1 16h2† 1 1-80 - - ss,t,n,c - LAHAT; 120mm/L44 SB (Israel) BMP-3 14ta 5 B 3 5he / 6 2 / 4 12 / 14 -1 / 0 16h2 1 1-55 - - s,n,i 1 100mm gun / 30mm cannon (Russia), AT-10 9M117M1 Arkan BTR-80 9wa 1 - 0 1 1 8 -1 - - - - - n,i 1 14.5mm HMG BTR-80A 9wa 1 - 0 6 4 12 0 - - - - - s,n,i 1 30mm R (Russia) BTR-90R 9wa 1 - 0 5he / 6 2 / 4 12 / 14 -1 / 0 16h2 1 1-55 - - s,n,i 1 BTR-80 w/BMP-3 turret (100mm gun / 30mm cannon, AT-10 Arkhan) Direwolf IFV 9wa 5 B 3 8 4 14 0 - - - - - n,i 1 Patria AMV IFV (Finland), 30mm R (US) Direwolf APC 11wa 2 - 0 0 1 6 -1 - - - - - n,i 1 Patria AMV APC (Finland), 12.7mm HMG Direwolf AT 9wa 5 B 3 8 4 14 0 14h3† 1 2-80 - - t - Patria AMV IFV (Finland), 30mm R (US), Spike-ER Tigr 8wa 1 - 0 1 1 8 -1 - - - - - n,i - 14.5mm HMG MT-12 AT Gun 0x s 12/11h 3 12 -1 16h2 1 1-55 - - f 1 AT-10 9M117M1 Arkan 2S6M Tunguska SP SAM / AAG 11t 1 - 0 3 8@ 24@ 0 2A 1 1-52 - - s,n,i - SA-19; 2x30mm

MAW SAM Infantry Stand Type Move AI ROF Rng LAW Pen LAW ROF LAW Rng MAW Pen MAW ROF SAM Pen SAM ROF Equip Cap Notes Rng Rng Red Infantry 4 0 2 / 6 4 17h 1 1 14h3† 1 2-8 - - - 2 1 RPG-28/Spike-SR

Red Infantry w/ATGM 4 0 2 / 6 4 17h 1 1 14h3† 1* 2-25 - - - 2 1 RPG-28/Spike-MR (Gil) Red Infantry w/SAM 4 0 2 / 6 4 17h 1 1 14h 1 3 2A 1 5-34 - 1 RPG-28/RPG-29

Ind Ind Artillery Move Armor Gun Pen Gun ROF Gun Rng AI Msl Pen Msl ROF Msl Rng Equip Cap Msl Notes Rng Ammo 2S23 SP 120mm GMtr 9wa 1 - 0 13h 3 8 0 - - - 87 hs f,n - 120mm Gun-Mtr (Russia) 2S9 SP 120mm GMtr 14ta 1 - 0 13h 2 8 0 - - - 87 hs f,n - 120mm Gun-Mtr (Russia) Direwolf FSV 9wa 4 - 3 13h 3 10 - - - - 100 hs n,i - Patria AMV AMOS, 120mm/L30 GMtr (Finland) DANA (ShKH-77) 8w 1 - 1 15h 2 8 0 - - - 185 hs f,n - 152mm/L? R (Czech) 2S19 Msta-S 10t 2 - 1 7he 2 8 0 - - - 247 hscil n,i - 152mm/L52 R (Russia) D-30 122mm FG 0x s 12h 3 8 -1 - - - 153 hsc - 1 122mm/L35 R (Russia) D-20 152mm How 0x s 8 2 8 0 - - - 185 hsc f 1 152mm/L34 R (Russia) M-46 130mm FG 0x s 11 3 10 -1 - - - 275 hs f,i 1 130mm/L52 R (Russia) Uragan MRL 7w s ------100-350 hcim f - Hvy, 2 fire units

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Load GP Cluster MG Cannon A-10 Used Aircraft Rockets Missile Armour Rating Bombs Bombs Strafe Strafe Strafe By MiG-29R 5 x x x x 1 Red (RRAF, RRN) J-20 5 x x x x 1 Red (RRAF) Su-25R 5 x x x x 2 x Red (RRAF) Ind Ind Helicopters Move Armor Gun Pen Gun ROF Gun Rng AI Msl Pen Msl ROF Msl Rng Equip Cap Msl Notes Rng Ammo Mi-28R Kestrel 24n 0 2 4 10 0 14h3† 1 2-80 - - t 1 - 20mm Cannon, 4 pods; Rocket / Spike-ER Gazelle-R 20n s - 1 6 -1 - - - - - t - - MG, 1 Pod; 20mm Cannon / Spike-ER / Rocket NH-90 26n s ------2 - 2 Pods; Rocket / Spike-ER Mi-17 Hip-R 18n s ------3 - 2 Pods; Rocket / Spike-ER Mi-26 Halo-R 20n s - 1 6 -1 ------9 -

Cost Special Ammunition Hit Pen Notes (Rules 21.4 - 6) per M395 GPS 120mm Mtr Rd 35 2+ 6he Destr. soft stands hit (attacks flank armour on 4+ on 2nd dice roll) Excalibur - SADARM 300 Auto Hit 10 Attacks all vehicles in normal 155mm template Excalibur 100 2+ 15h Destr. soft stands hit (attacks flank armour on 4+ on 2nd dice roll)

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