Encompassing: Merton, , Thompson Encompassing:Encompassing: Merton, Griston, Neatherd, Thompson , , , Great All Saints & Caston,Withburga, Little Ellingham, oftwood Rocklands, Great All Saints & Ellingham, , , Dereham Ellingham, Stow Bedon, Wretham, Hockham , , Shropham, Snetterton, Quidenham Wayland

Date:Date:Date January May: January 2019 2019 2019

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce my new Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) Message from made up of 6 Officers. The team is based out of Watton Police Station but will be engaged in Chief Inspector proactive activity across the entire District. The team have a wealth of experience, coming from specialist departments and will bring a multi-faceted approach to problem solving Lynne Cross any emerging issues in the district and will very much complement our community based Safer Neighbourhood Teams. The NPT have really hit the ground running and are already producing some great results. In their first week the team joined the local SNT and our partners in HMRC, County Council Trading Standards and Licensing in where over 14,000 cigarettes were seized from one shop alone, while in Watton they made their first arrest after stopping a male found to be in possession of suspected drugs, swiftly followed by a second arrest for breach of a court order. In addition, they have carried out extensive foot patrols, both during the day and night, of the area in response to concerns of ASB in the town. If you have any concerns contact my colleagues either by using our website, www.norfolk.police.uk, twitter @BrecklandPolice and Breckland Police Facebook page or by calling 101.

What is happeningHappening inIn yourYour area Area

Officers covering the and surrounding parishes area have been busy, mixing proactive patrols with community engagement events. Attleborough Safer Neighbourhood Team Beat Managers, PCs Andy London and Damion Wicks have been out and about in the community, attending the Feline Care Open Day at Roudham as well as a visit to the Attleborough Beavers who had the opportunity to learn about police work, try on uniform and look around a police vehicle. They have also carried out footbeat and reassurance patrols of the cemetery and so really needed that Coffee with a Cop engagement surgery! Our response officers have also been out patrolling the areas during both the day and night.

Neighbourhood Priorities Beat Manager

Attleborough SNAP: Next Meeting Your Beat Managers are here to engage with the local communities & work to solve local issues & Tuesday 25th June 2019 at 11am priorities within your neighbourhood. The Beat Attleborough Town Hall. Manager’s aim is keep your neighbourhood as a Current Priorities: safe place to live, work and visit. Your local Beat 1) Speeding across the Attleborough area and Vehicle Managers are PC Damion Wicks and Pc Andy ASB London. You can contact them via 101 or email [email protected] Your Engagement Officer is here to provide communications & updates regarding your neighbourhood as well as co-ordinating Community

Engagements, Volunteers, Police Cadets, Special Constabulary, Neighbourhood Watch & Community Speed Watch. You can contact the Breckland Community Engagement Officer via 101 ext 2132, mobile 07766990802 or email at [email protected]. Message from Your Engagement Officer

With the lighter evenings and (hopefully!) better weather upon us we are mindful of reports of anti- social behaviour coming in. Anti-social behaviour can seriously threaten our quality of life and Norfolk Police are committed to tackling and not tolerating such behaviour. We work closely with partners such as the Operational Partnership Team, Council and Housing Associations. Did you know that if you, a family member (including a child) or a visitor commits crime or ASB in the area it can have an impact on a Tenancy Agreement? If you see or are concerned about ASB please contact Police.

PC 898 Paula Gilluley

Crime Update (April 2019) Crime Statistics are provided for the preceding month. The data relates to the cluster of Parishes as detailed overleaf. Further statistical data (including offences & location detail) can be obtained from www.police.co.uk

Offence Numbers What This Could Entail Arson 0 Damage caused as a result of fire.

Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) 0 Harassment, alarm or distress is caused in a non-crime incident. Burglary Residential 0 Residential Burglary will encompass entry to any building within the curtilage/ boundary of a residence, e.g. garden sheds and garages Burglary Business and Community 2 Business and community Burglaries will include shops, businesses and other property. In general, the purpose for which a building is designed will determine whether it should be classified as ‘Residential’ or ‘Business and Community’. Criminal Damage 0 A person destroys or damages property belonging to someone else. Domestic 3 Domestic incidents where a crime has not occurred. Parties are aged 16 or over and have been intimate partners or family members regardless of sexuality. Hate Incident 0 Any incident where a crime has not occurred which the victim, or anyone else, thinks is based on someone’s prejudice towards them because of their race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or because they are transgender. Race or Religious aggravated public 0 Any crime determined to have a hate element as per above. fear Possession of controlled substance 0 Unlawful possession of a drug classified in class A, B or C.

Possession of weapons 0 Unlawful possession of an article used as a weapon. Public fear, alarm or distress 2 Public order offences e.g. from a verbal altercation to offences just short of violence.

Robbery 0 Includes a range of offences where force is used, threatened or the victim is put in fear. Theft from a motor vehicle 1 Any item stolen that was in, on or attached to a motor vehicle.

Theft or unauthorised taking of a 0 Any motor vehicle including those abandoned. motor vehicle

Theft of pedal cycle 0 From a public place, if stolen form a shed or garage this would be a BOTD.

Theft from a person 2 Purse being taken from a handbag, or a mobile phone from a shopping basket.

Point of Contact Partner Contacts

Follow us on social media

Environmental Health www.crimestoppers.co.uk 111 NHS www.norfolk.police.co.uk County Council [email protected] District Council