The NCAA News
The NCAA N ews February 6,1985, Volume 22 Number 6 Offkial Publication of tional Collegiate Athletic Association IO coaches selected for football preview LaVell Edwards, coach of national- 25. Each coach will preview his team champion Brigham Young University, and conference, and the media then and nine other coaches have been will have a chance to question the 10 selected to participate in the College coaches. Approximately 60 sportswrit- Football ‘85 Preview February 24-26 ers are expected to attend. ~- at the Vista International Hotel in NCAA Executive Director Walter Kansas City, Missouri. Byers will address the sportswriters Other coaches who will participate before the preview adjourns February in the ninth annual NCAA-sponsored 26. Joseph L. Kearney, commissioner preview are Bill Amsparger, Louisiana of the Western Athletic Conference State University; Jack Bicknell, Bos- and chair of the NCAA Public Rela- ton College; Archie Cooley, Missis- tions and Promotion Committee, will sippi Valley State University; Hayden serve as moderator for the preview, Fry, University of Iowa; Pat Jones, which is designed to generate interest Oklahoma State University; Joe Mor- in the 1985 football season. rison, University of South Carolina; The nation’s top sportswriters will Jim Walden, Washington State Uni- have an opportunity to meet with versity; George Welsh, University of coaches from different parts of the Virginia, and Bill Yeoman, University country, in addition to those from of Houston. areas they normally cover. Charles McClendon, executive di- Following are capsule summaries rector of the American Football of the 10 coaches selected for this Coaches Association, also will attend year’s preview: the preview.
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