Euros 2016

England (Group B) Manchester United's 18-year-old striker , who scored on his international debut, makes 's 23, but there is no place for Leicester City Danny Drinkwater.

Goalkeepers: (Manchester City), (Southampton), (Burnley).

Defenders: (Chelsea), (Manchester United), (Everton), (Tottenham Hotspur), (Southampton), Danny Rose (Tottenham Hotspur), (Liverpool).

Midfielders: (Tottenham Hotspur), (Everton), (Tottenham Hotspur), (Liverpool), (Liverpool), (Liverpool), (Manchester City), (Arsenal).

Strikers: (Manchester United), (Tottenham Hotspur), (Leicester City), (Liverpool), Marcus Rashford (Manchester United).

Interesting percentages:  Christians: 2010: 64%,  No religion: 2010: 28%  Muslims: 2010: 5%  Hindus: 2010: 1.4%, Country’s MOTTO  Jews: 2010: 0.5%,  Buddhists: 2010: 0.4% Dieu et mon droit meaning God and my right, is the motto of the Monarch of the United Kingdom outside Scotland. It appears on Daily Bible readings a scroll beneath the shield of the version of the HERE and Thought for the Day clips HERE coat of arms of the United Kingdom used outside Scotland. Pentecost 2- Sacred Time

Euros 2016

Patron Saint of England:

England's patron saint, a fourth century Christian martyr, is also patron saint of Georgia and the city of Moscow.

Very little is known about the real St George. He is thought to have been born into a noble Christian family in the late third century in Cappadocia, an area which is now in Turkey. He

followed his father's profession of soldier and became part of the retinue of the Emperor Diocletian. The emperor ordered the systematic British Values persecution of Christians and George refused to

take part. In 303, he was himself tortured and ‘The values I’m talking about – a belief in freedom, tolerance of others, accepting executed in Palestine, becoming an early Christian personal and social responsibility, respecting and upholding the rule of law – are the martyr. things we should try to live by every day. To me they’re as British as the Union Flag, as football, as fish and chips.’ David Cameron. The legend of George slaying a dragon and rescuing an innocent maiden from death is medieval. St George's Day is celebrated in England on 23 April, reputed to be the day of News of the World George's martyrdom in 303. or watch CBBC Newsround

Lord, we place these people and situations before you and ask you to help. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Pentecost 2- Sacred Time