inc.GST $7.05 2013 February 2, No 85 Vol [- = | [=] [m = a [&] _- Vale Peter: Taylor -_ ( uid dic a DIGITAL E DITION NOW AVAILABLE i e ngineers australia «C >4 ' >, & F ING WEED"? «< L IFE Read y our Engineers Australia magazine on your tablet, laptop or desktop ADpED I NTERACTIVE FEATURES LOOKUT O FOR THESE SYMBOLS ON THE ONLINE VERSION 0 [ t ere Ful, JBJ cateroun alt row EBBC VIDEO (popup) & uyrerLink eee o VIDEO (play on page) l— IMAGE CALLOUTS ©§ RSS FEED A> caLLOUTs 9 MaAPs ¥p 4 SHARE &, ONLINE FORM ‘ TWITTER FEED To v iew the online magazine log on at, then go to "Resources and Library", then "Online Library/Engineers Australia magzine". FROMHE T PRESIDENT a ENGINEERS A USTRALIA Our r egulations Marlene K anga under review
[email protected] I n r ecent years, the summer holidays in Australia have Council a nd Congress will seek feedback from been d isrupted by natural disasters with sobering our learned and leadership groups, and hold further regularity. This year, the bushfires burning in four states, discussions at a mid-year Congress meeting in May. This extreme heat, monsoonal rains, cyclone Oswald and floods is an opportunity for contemporary governance in keeping have been cause for concern. Our thoughts are with those with our times, enabling everyone to make a contribution who have suffered loss in this and previous years. to Engineers Australia and the profession, to the level that I have personal experience of such events, having lost they desire. part of my home in the Sydney bushfires of January 1994.