20 - KVENINK HERALD. Tues , Oct 28, 198ti z Meadows Auxiliary GOP cheers, boos created by MACC mark^final stretch MANCIIESTKR - The Meadows MACC, is in the midst of a drive to Maurlifatpr won’t Ulk about a $160 tax rise,” .Auxiliary, a volunteer ^roup at the recruit volunteers to work In the con­ By MARY KITZMAN!^ and he touched several areas. For Meadows Convalescent Homes, has valescent home. There will be a tea, the first time in the campaign which Zinsser charged. been formed as a branch of the hosted by Mrs. Chase, at the Herald Reporter began in full force a little more than Zinsser noted the two have Clear Manchester ■ Area Conference of Meadows for old and oew volunteers MANCHESTER - A week from a month ago, an incident from Mrs. scheduled a debate for Thursday Clear and cold tonight. Churches. on Nov. 18 from 1 to 3 p.m. For more election, the GOP Town Committee Jackston’s five-year tenure on the evening. He mentioned he would like Serving as the auxiliary's first information contact Mrs. Chase at concentrated Monday night on cam- town Board of Directors surfaced. to discuss the school equalization for­ > A ( E A T H E R Details on page 2. president will be Mrs. Paul Chase, 647-9432. paign strategy, cheers for Von Deck recalled Mrs. Jackston's mula, and the 2 percent tax on oil 138 Cooper St, Mrs. Chase was a Republicans and heavy criticism for resignation in the wake of a conflict companies. The presidential race coordinator. social worker at the Meadows for Democrats. of interest controversy over rezoning YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER Since 1881 • 20u; two years. She has a bachelors Meeting at GOP headquarters in an office building she owns on Maple Smith, said the town committee“ had degree in Sociology from the Univer­ Historical Society the former House and Hale Depart­ Street. to bring home the top of the ticket, sity of Massachusetts at Amherst. ment Store on Main Street, state "She resigned saying she was too and along the way everybody She has particip^ed in the Big VERNON — The Vernon Historical senate candidate Carl Zinsser used busy with her business to run again,” benefits.” Sisters programs: and is now in­ Society will meet Nov. 6 at 7:30 p.m. the opportunity for yet another blast Von Deck said. “How much less is Millions watch debates volved with the JayCec Women and in the community room of the First at his opponent. Campaign coor­ she doing now that she has all this He held a yellow “price tag” and the Quilter's Guild. Federal Savings, Park Place. dinators Althea Potter and Curtis free time to run for the general explained the cost of a Democratic Mrs. Chase will be organizing Smith were equally hard criticizing assembly? State office will take up control. “We've had 12 percent infla­ auxiliary activities including Photographer Ellery Kington will Democratic opponents Congressman more time than the board ever did.” tion and 8 percent unemployment,” monthly support meetings, orienta­ present a program entitled, "Sept. 21 Mrs. Paul Chase William Cotter, and the Carter ad­ Calling Mrs. Jackston a he said. “Young couples can’t afford tion session, and a telephone sy,stem. —The Hurricane." The public is in­ ministration. resurrected candidate" he asked to buy a home with the high interest Mrs. Chase, in conjuction with vited. Two candidates, Walter Joyner, "how we can afford to cut her loose rates. We have a vacillating foreign seeking re-election to the state on the state budget of hundreds of policy and weakened defenses.” Vote bids contrast sharply assembly, and Elsie “ Biz” millions of dollars?” Smith said the key to bringing in Swensson, a candidate in the 13th “ I ’d like to know why the Republican candidates was hard CLEVELAND (UPI) - President on ly '“very useful,” But Hamilton and disturbing thing,” Carter said of Republican would have to cut federal Board condemns bombing Assembly District, took a different Democrats resurrected this can­ Jordan, his deputy campaign chair- Reagan’s opposition to the SALT II spending $130 billion to finance his work, and that it was being done. Carter warned millions of undecided approach. Joyner, the incumbent in pian, claimed jubilantly, “We 'won.” agreement. tax plan and balance the budget. ^ The assumptions included a belief The cutback in the State Aid for didate?” Even as the town committee met, voters Tuesday night that Ronald MANCHESTER — At its meeting the election race in the 12th District, Reagan did not make an outright Reagan asked why it was in­ that enrollments would continue to Disadvantaged Children program, Other heavy criticism was directed two women quietly, talked on Reagan majj;,foster nuclear arms “ I’m not talking of scrapping the Monday ni^ht. the Board of Educa­ focused on the U.S. Senate race claim to victory either, saying, “I flationary to let the people keep their currently being protested by parents, at Abraham Glassmam, Zinsser's op­ telephones on the sidelines. proIiferatioOteagan, saying he is a treaty,” Reagan replied. Saying the tion verged off its usual education decline: the special education.costs between James Buckley and feel very good about it.” But i-eturns money rather than letting the the local board, and the Connecticut ponent for the Fourth Senatorial man of peace, urged Americans in­ United States had been repeatedly track to condemn the firebombing of will increase at a slower rate than in Democrat Chris Dodd, tying in his from an ABC network telephone Conference of Municipalities,, was District. Zinsser, visably angry, stead to look at their wallets and “outnegotiated” by the Soviet Union, government spend it, and contended a local black family's home. earlier years due to increased “We have the footsoldiers,” Smith straw vote gave the former (Califor­ also considered. own effort. ‘We're attacking," he waved a copy of a Glastonbury said. "I peek in the Democratic their pride. he said, “I’m talking about taking the he could cut government spending On a motion by Board Member federal aid: and that the lack of nia governor an edge of about. 2-to-l. treaty and going back and talking said. “ We're confident and we're newspaper. "He's saying one thing in headquarters around the corner and In their 90-minute nationally broad­ enough to increase defense spending Eleanore Coltman. the hoard voted program improvements “cannot con­ and cut taxes and still balance the The board acknowledged that local poised.” Glastonbury and another in it’s empty and phones are silent.” cast debate'only one week before the Carter was a grim attacker during with the Russians.” .unanimously to condemn the Oct. 2 tinue without seriously eroding the budget by 1983. funds will have to be budgeted to sus­ As usual Mrs. Swensson shied from M anchester,” Zinsser said. He This will result in "slippagb” tightest presidential elections in much of the meeting, while Reagan The candidates painted a vastly /bombing of the 11 Brent Road home district's ability to stay abreast of different picture of the energy situa­ new developments and respond to tain the remedial reading and Head any direct personal criticism of her referred to Classman's position that Smith said, slippage that's measured d^ades, the Democratic president retained a relaxed and usually genial The candidates did considerable of the Bruce Meggett family. opponent Phyllis Jackston, and com­ the HUD Community Development style. tion. Carter said he .expected fuel The board praised the speedy ap­ priority needs." Start programs. in the “thousands, not dozens.” and his Republican challenger made bragging. Carter brought up his role mented on her positions and cam­ Block Grant is a non-issue, but called Odd man out in the show was in­ costs to rise more; Reagan said he prehension of suspects by police, and During the last budget session, a More “hard work” is planned for sharply contrasting bids for votes. in the Egyptian-Israeli peace and the In other business, the board paign progress. She left the attacks for a meeting with state con­ Carter accused Reagan of getting dependent John Anderson, who took wasn’t so sure about that. expressed hope that the Meggett no-improvements budget was the weekend as the party prepares to part by having his comments in­ Carter said his administration had increase of 9 million jobs while he extended an agreement for on Mrs. Jackston to Robert Von gressional leaders. ready to throw the SALT II strategic family would continue to live in town. adopted. drop about 27,000 leaflets throughout cluded in a taped broadcast shown by put in place a program that would was in the White House. Reagan Manchester Community College to Deck town committee chairman. "He keeps bringing up HUD, but arms limitation treaty in the dustbin In other business, the board Other assumptions included a Manchester. develop new energy sources for the spoke highly of his record as two- rent rooms in Bennet Junior High and put Reagan on the defensive the Cable News JSetwork from accepted the budget constraints and belief that the tight job market would nation and make millions of new jobs term governor of California and said School. The board also approved an about what Carter said is Reagan's Washington. his credentials as a working man assumptions for the 1981-82 year. The provide a low-turnover except in the The panel of questioners got few in­ while Reagan wanted “to put all his areas of science, math, industrial authorization for Superintendent of willingness to see non-nuclear coun­ were demonstrated by the fact he preliminary step inciuded a recogni­ cisive answers as both men sought to eggs in one basket and give that basket tion of basic guidelines for the budget arts and vocational education. These Schools James Kennedy to sign tries build the bomb. had been the president of his union agreements for the Head Start Reagan denied the charge. He turn their responses to ireflect the to the oil companies.” (the Screen AetdTS Guild) for six adoption process, which will continue education specialties are in demand themes of their campaig.ns. Carter Reagan called that a from now until the spring. in business. program. pointed to double-digit inflation, strong as we were?,” Reagan asked. night. With the usual margin for terms. urged a congressional investigation Officials of both campaigns error, major pollsters are not yet came back repeatedly tO’ his claim “misstatement” of his views and of the Tehran hostage crisis and told claimed victory in the debate after predicting the outcome. Reagan’s opposition to the Strategic said the country was “energy rich” And each also made statements Region__ viewers to lodk at the nation's the candidates, questioned by a panel Urging the nation's larger number Arms Limitation Treaty w.as war­ and could develop its resources if that had to be taken on faith. Reagan economy — then vote for him. of reporters aqd editors, covered a of Democrats to get out and vote. ning of a saber rattler, and Reagan only the government would remove said he had talked to unemployed “Ask yourseV: Are you better off wide range of subjects from energy Carter said he has been a president in lost no chance to remind the obstacles such as limitations on oil black teen-agers who told him that than you werertour years ago? Is it to women’s rights. They collided the “mainstream” of both his party audience both inflation and un­ drilling on the outer continental shelf they couldq’t get jobs because of the easier to go and'buy things at a store sharply on nuclear arms limitation. and his White House predecessors. employment had soared with Carter ' and in the public lands. ’ federal mininum wage. Carter said Residents urged to back his teen-aged daughter Amy had told than it was four years ago? Are there Polls show Carter barely edging Carter left Cleveland’s Convention in the White House. Carter called Reagan's proposals him that nuclear weapons control more or less unemployed? Is ahead in popularity ^ut Reagan Music Hall after the 90-minute con­ “When a man who hopes to be for 30 percent tax reductions over America as respected in the world? threatening to win enough electoral frontation saying he expected to win president says take this treaty, dis­ three years “highly inflationary” was the most imporUnt problem in new Bolton fire truck Is its security as safe? Are we as votes for election next Tuesday the election, and calling the debate card it — that is a very dangerous and “ridiculous,” saying the the world. . By DOINNA HOLLAND department more efficient and The new pumper is being sought to capable of handling emergencies in replace the 19M pumper which has Herald Correapondent the Town of Bolton.” been plagued with numerous MPOA opposes BOLTON— James Preuss, The department expects the truck mechanical problems for at least five Bolton Volunteer Fire Department to have an average life of 20 years. years. Chief, urges residents to attend the Statistically that means the truck Preuss said it's getting harder ana bonds for MHS Town Meeting Wednesday and to sup­ will cost each^ household $3.07 per about 400 parishoners and friends. After 15 port the purchase of a pumper for the year over the 20 year period for harder to purchase parts for the 1964 The Rev. Robert Cronin, former pastor of years at St. Maurice Church, Father Cronin MANCHESTER - The have said all the proposed fire department. protection, according to Preuss. pumper and the department has had St. Maurice Church in Bolton, is greeted by Manchester Property Owners renovations are ‘necessary im­ The>new pumper will cost $142,661 The cost per person over the 20 to improvise because some parts are Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sidur, parishoners, at a was recently assigned the pastorship of St. Association today formally an- mediately, and further delay will and support equipment will cost $12,- year period will be $1.80 per year. obsolete. Agnes Church in Niantic. (Herald Photo by C reception in his honor Sunday at the church only push the estimated cost higher. 000. The Town Meeting is at 8 p.m. at The ^department now has five nounqqd its opposition to a bonding When asked why the 1961 pumper parish center. The reception was attended by Sandy Ruel) Tlie MPOA urged a “no” vote on the Community Hall. pieces ot equipment. They include a referendum for renovations to wasn’t being replaced Preuss said, Manchester High School. the fifth referendum question, Preuss said he “thinks the new 1961,1964, and 1972 pumper, a rescue "It's still a sound truck and hasn’t which is the high school renovations, piece of equipment will make the truck, and a forestry truck. The MPOA board of directors caused the problems the 1964 has.” criticized the town elected officials on the ballot. Preuss said the 1972 vehicle was Reception fetes pastor for “ignoring the rights of the p^ple “We believe the people should say the last piece of apparatus purchased to make a chCiice” on the $5.5 million no to this and' make the Board of New library program by the town for the fire department. Godspell. BOLTON — A reception past 15 years. mond Cocconi, The Rev. bonding.approval. A single question, Directors come back with a bonding He said, “In the last ten years Ralph Kelly, first pastor of Father Cronin said question the people can support,” the T in honor of The Rev. After the reception a bondfiig for $3.5 million of town assessments for homes in Bolton Robert Cronin, former dinner in Father Cronin's St. Maurice Church on jvhenever he looked at the funds, and the remainder from state MPOA said. will begin Wednesday have increased 177 percent. With in­ painting he received he pastor of St. Maurice honor was held at Fiano’s Hebron Road, William aid, is on the Nov. 4 ballot. Mrs. Sadloski said She doubts vestments in property we have a would remember St. BOLTON— The first session of State Library. Church, was attended by Restaurant. It was Cronin. Father Cronin’s The MPOA favored, during lengthy whether the referendum will pass. great deal to protect.” brother, Claire Landrey, the Bentley Memorial Library The program is being coordinated more than 400 parishoners attended by about 200 peo­ discussions-in summer, splitting the speaking for the Ladies Maurice Church and the "Terrific Twos" program will be by Monica Reed and Linda and friends. The reception ple. Spinach crop project into two questions on the According to Preuss the total Altar Society, and Boylan. way is appears on the knoll Wednesday from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Chamberland. was held Sunday at the Dr. Bernard Sheridan ballot. In expressing its opposition to property value in Bolton is $68,582,- Glenn and Carol Miller as “ a jewel in an It may seem like winter but the Hartman Tobacco Co.’s appealed Monday to be well-acclimated to’ the colder the library. The first session is for About 40 parents of preschool church parish center. After was the main speaker. the single question on the ballot, the Chrysler 064. Ethiopian's ear. " spinach crop off Pleasant Valley Road in South Windsor temperatures. (Herald photo by Pinto) parents only. Future sessions will be children attended a lecture by Dr. 15 years of service. The Other speakers were Ray­ sang two selections from statement from Betty Sadloski, for both parents and thejr two-year- Frank Self, an early childhood expert Rev. Mr. Cronin was MPOA president, maintained its old children. from St. Joseph's College. The lec­ He said the department has a lot to' stand. TTie MPOA would like two loses again protect — there are about 3,944 recently assigned the About 14 families have registered ture was held recently at the library. questions one bonding for the roof DETROIT (U PI) - Chrysler Corp. residents in Bolton, 1,250 houses, 692 pastorship of St. Agnes for the orientation session. and energy efficient measures, and today re^Tted a third-quarter loss of outbuildings, 39 commercial Church in Niantic. No CD strings in other towns Monica Reed, librarian said. "We Mrs. Reed said the program was another for the new industrial arts $490 million, bringing the auto in­ buildings, churches, schools and Father Cronin was plan to talk about what two-year-old well received and people seem in­ laith effort to meet the goals of the locally- wing and general refurbishing. dustry's deficit to $1.7 billion for the public facilities. presented with a repeater HUD’S fair housing requirements by preparing children are like and what we hope to terested in having the library sponsor MAL By LAUREN DAVIS SHEA dqsigned housing plan. Without the choice, the MPOA o p t^ three-month period and $3.6 billion watch by George Maneggia literature and holding sessions with realtors, in­ accomplish." A film will be used as a programs for their children. Herald Reporter to oppose the entire question. for the year thus far. He said there are also a lot of out of on behalf of the church surers, and bankers to encourage it. To prepare the plan, Enfield did a local census. point of discussion. Parents of tw ^ear-old children trustees. He also received MANCHESTER — Enfield and Vernon have "The people at HUD are reasonable, they’re It surveyed the types of households among its "In all good conscience, we cannot Chrysler said the' figure was a vic­ The program will utilize library who would like to attend the free town residents who commute support the package at this time," tory. through Bolton on highways and local a painting of St. Maurice used federal Community Development funds ad­ everyday folk,” Bruckner said. Loringer added residents, such as how many were single parent resources and, is being funded by a program Wednesday are asked to Mrs. Sadloski's statement said. ‘The No. 3 automaker, which went roads. Church and rectory. The vantageously, without ever hearing a demand to that in his three years as Vernon's planner and homes, how many headed by a woman, and how $985 grant through the Connecticut call the library to register. painting was done by Viola BARLOW change local zoning or otherwise diminish local current position as a planning consultant, be has many contained elderly residents. "The needs should be taken care of to the edge of bankruptcy last year, Sdbol and included Father autonomy .^according to officials of those towns. never seen the federal HUD office countermand Then it determined what shape the existing and tbe wants done at a later time w as. the only member of the Big Cronin's cat Sarah and a Enfield’s director of community development, what the regional office determined. apartments were in, and what die vacancy rate when the economy improves.” Three U.S. automakers that parishoner's home. ISSUES A CHALLEN8E Richard Bruckner, and the former Vernon town Anti-HUD persons here have claimed HUD will was. From these factors, the town determined the Mrs. Sadloski said the MPOA managed to trim -losses from the Discussion will continue planner, John Loranger, made those comments at needs it had to meet the housing demands of local recognizes the energy measures and severely depressed second quarter of James Boylan, parish force the town to build 150 units of lower-income council chairman, a well-attended Tuesday night meeting, of the housing, although the regional HUD official residents. the roof were very necessary, but this year. "many items belong in the yearly Chrysler's second-quarter deficit presented Father Cronin On Sept. 51 Invited the Republican Incumbent Walter Joyner to a series of - ' I Manchester Citizens for Social Responsibility. recently said the town was doing all that was When CD funds were used to meet the locally budget and not a bonding questiijn ' was $53^illion. Its losses so far this with a beautiful cake baked five debates. They were to be held In the four voting districts to give each “Some household income has been freed for the necessary —making a goqd faith effort to bmld the delermmed housing goal, the resultant new or purchase of .retail goods and services, thus in­ "With the greatly increased water year are $1.47 billion. 2 on appointed vs. elected special for the occasion by housing. Other opponents have^onderedlf the reliaMuated housing stock was used by people neighborhood a chance to see the candidates together. The fifth and last was to Carol Zapadka. directly benefiting Rockville's commercial enter­ regional office had the autlTofity to speak for who were already residents of the town. "People bill, and the yearly increase in laxes Severe cost-cutting steps helped shouldn't reduce democracy in town for appoined appointed boards. be In a central place. BOLTON — A lengthy discussion Father Cronin also prises." Loringer said. HUD. think you have to iook to other communities, but dues to the phase-ity.and the decline the No. 3 automaker reduce its any further and there hasn't been a Joseph Licitra gave a report on the about whether the positions of town received a scrap book that But my opponent declined Sept. 11 saying there were several "Meet the Homeownership increased because when elderly The citizens group is leading the drive to re­ we found people within our own borders,” of the purchasing power of the losses clerk, tax collector and treasurer contest for the positions in a long Planning and Zoning Commissions. Candidate" appearances set up for both men. moved out of older, single family homes to live in Bruckner said. paycheck makes/this unnecessary “While our third-quarter net loss is He said the two boards feel strongly included spiritual enter the Department of Housing and Urban should be changed to appointed in­ time. thanksgiving cards, old the CD-funded'elderly housing, a pool of moderate­ Development's CD program, countering the Loringer said the CD housing funds w#re used in spending tgj/TTmeh to carry, ' the large, we are encouraged by this im­ The commission eliminated some they should remain separate as they I am disappointed because a debate gives a far better chance for the voter stead of remaining elected news clippings, ly priced "starter homes" for young, first time program's opponents who charge the federal the Rockville section to reverse a decline in the MPOA saj provement in our operating results nonessentiai transitional language are now and they don’t want to be to study the candidates and their views. highlighted the Charter Revision parishoner's pictures and homebuyers was created. money comes with too many strings attached. area. He said of four new or rehab projects which Town commission members and over the second quarter. " said and corrected some errors in chapter combing into one board. Commission meeting Monday night. church functions of the On Oct. 8 1 asked Walter Joyner again to hold at least one debate. "There CD funds were also used in both towns to provide Archibald Stuart, who chairs the citizen group's used CD money, three were for elderly housing, the renovation advisory committee Chrysler Chairman Lee A. lacocca. 3 of the charter. In chapter 7 it Commission members were unable Both (commissions are apparently do appear to me to be a number of Issues a debate could make clear to the sidewalks, street repairs, drainage im­ subcommittee on re-entering the program, said and one for family housing. to reach an agreement as to what eliminated the requirement that having trouble with alternates and 9 voter," I wrote him. Joyner has Ignored the request as of today. provements', lighting, recreation improvements, outside experts had to be brought into the deb at^ Opponents have also said the tojvn should use its should be done with the positions and vacancies on appointed boards have would like those seats to be ap­ and a senior citizens center. “The locals have done all we can. It's getting to be budget surplus to provide housing, thus the matter wilt be discussed again at to be filled by a person of the same pointed. I want to know what my opponent's real stand Is on a state Income tax. Joyner promised In his campaign In 1978 to oppose more taxation. Loringer said the CD money can help a town’s our word against theirs. People are thinking we eliminating the need to make plans for the benefit a future meeting political party. The selectmen should The next meeting of the commis­ tax base increase. “In the long term, when a have an ax to grind.” of a federal agency. sion is on Nov. 3. Members will dis­ Thomas Manning, commission have the rigtit to fill vacancies with But Joyner voted for an Income Tax of 3% on April 19, 1979. sliding area stabilizes, the town can earn a tax The out-of-town experts backed up the Loringer and Bruckner said both towns accepted tueeJneodoy— cuss the Board of Fire Com­ chairman, said members discussed whomever they choose. I want to know if my opponent still Is opposed to the property tax phase-in revenue increase because, revaluation will take arguments of the HUD proponents. They said the CD funds during years when town budgets had sur­ Manning said the minority missioners, the Plannings the recrea­ several options including if the plan adopted by Manchester. The five-year phase-in In Manchester Is saving into account the rehabilitated area," be said. town prepares its own housing assistance plan, pluses, and said town leaders shouldn't plan on Connecticut Cable TV ■ representation requirement will still tion. the Zoning Commission, and positions are technical they should be the taxpayer many hundreds of dollars and my opponent is still silent. Loranger and Bruckner said their towns met and then HUD expects the town to make a good having surpluses to provide housing. appointed , if they are policy making be in effect so here will be no chance narks department. West Hartford residents are A Bolton selectmen thinks his. they should be elected: the voters in to "Stack a board." I'd like to examine any bills my opponent wrote and got passed. fighting like cats and dogs over a town should be annexed to cable town should be able to elect the peo­ In chapter 8 the commission Record check town ordinance requiring dog television service in Manchester. I will sponsor two bills Immediately. They will be a Bonding Incentive Fatal crash ()wners to clean up after their dogs. Page 19. ple they have to deal with: you eliminated the transition language Program tq, help towns build more elderly housing faster and the creation of a Meadows strike likely is completed Hockanum River Park System. Also, I plan In RedistrIctIng, to make General spills beer By MARTIN KEARNS whether to strike the state’s largest low-level staffing, according to Mils­ "^e Communist Party accuses inside today ( Assembly district lines support neighborhoods, not divide them. The entire nursing care facility. BOLTON — The annual town TOLLAND (UPI) - Two trucks Herald Reporter tein. sUte election officials of “dirty 7n.r> Eighth Utilities District belongs in the 12th Assembly District. I’ll fight to make The Meadows is one of 19 private William Fiochetta, Meadow’s ad­ tricks” in barring their presiden- clerk's records check for the period collided on Interstate 86 early Teacher elected to board that happen! Mr. Joyner puzzles me. What does he plan to do? He has not told MANCHESTER-Contract nursing homes across the state to be ministrator, could not be reached tial candidates fromthci Connec- ...... i Sept. 1.1979 through Aug. 31,1980 has Thanks to today, killing both drivers and us what he did himself nor what he ’WIII do. spewing thousands of containers of negotiations held Tuesday between threatened with a workers’ strike. today for comment, and was BOLTON— Susan Murray. scholarly presentations. been completed. All indices and ABE QLASBMAN A debate would satisfy the voters' right to know. In fairness. Mr. Joyner, beer over the roadway, state police the Meadows Convalescent Home The NEHCEU announced last week reportedly away from the institution. Bolton High School Latin teacher, The report of the Ad Hoc Com­ volumes were found to be in and the health workers union Howell Cheney Tech that 1,8(X) workers would strike next Fiochetta had said last week that ■ ...... was elected a member of the mittee on Guidelines for the Ar­ excellent order. A total of seven reconsider my challenge and meet your responsibilities to the people of the said. ln>port$ Details were sketchy but state representing its employees brought month unless its demands for sharp negotiations had only recently begun Executive Board of the Classical ticulation of Secondary School and minor errors were found —five in the will be expanded district. Blast Catholic wins HCC soccer People/Food...... 13 police said the empty truck and the little hope that a threatened strike wage increases were met. and that he expected an agreement Association of New England She will Collegiate Latin programs was dis­ day book and two in the grantee in-^ would be averted. title while Catholic gir’is complete Peopletalk...... 2 Elect Abe Glassman truck carrying cases of beer At th^ Meadows, the issue of staf­ before the strike was called. Workers be working to coordinate State Latin cussed Mrs. Murray is a member of dex. There were no eri^rs in A union organizer today termed as fing has again become the focus of at the Meadows have bden without a perfect cross country record ... Sports...... 7-9 Day at Trinity College, scheduled for the committee. the grantor index or tlw volume-of- collided in the westbound lane 7. * Television ...... 10 ' ToThe MAL BARLOW about 4:30 a.m. likely the possibility of a strike in the attention. The union is attemptiqg to contract since Sept. 30. March 1981 was agreed the report would records. The errors will W corrected Flyers win wild brawi in NHL ... TownTalk...... 6 Names of the two truck drivers near future. Merrilee Milstein, increase staff levels above the A top official in the state Health further aid a student entering a Democratic Candidate for the 12th Assembly District Spurs boast best record in NBA ... U pdate...... — 2 Mrs Murray recently attended the by the town clerk. The\check was State Senate ^ were withheld pending notification organizer for the New England minimum required by the state, and Department today said health ser­ annual meeting of the association in college Latin program as well as the CommHtt to «toct OlMwnM. Pages. Weather...... ) ...... 2 done by Nanev Silvessteimqnd Donna NM tor br ttto Comm, to tto d Mol Bortow • Itoymond P. Domoto, TroM. of next of kin, police said. Health Cire Employees Union, said to secure increased wages for vices would be monitored at the West Hartford There were several teacher Holland . .. ^■i^^fl2L2ll5LZl221SEL workers would vote next week on workers on duty during periods of Meadows in the event of a strike EVENING HERALD. Wed . Oct 29, 1980 - .1 2 - EVENINtf HERALD. Wed., Oct. 29, 1980 Ubdote^ Emergency fuel program to Ke rendy by Nov. 10 ...... , , . „ fnr thp n osition has enrolled in the fluoride mouth rinse program. About families havingHaving difficulty paying the fee, Ms. Gustafson hundred yards from Peking’s main downtown district and MA>U1KST$;RMANCI1$:ST$;R -— The town expects to have its Nov. 12 1°to s e le c t ®_ ----- * thrpp.r»r 8 4 * separate brush fires in the Los Angeles area. “Cats are a constant threat to It was soprano Beverly Sills’ big night — the very WEST HARTFORD (UPI) - the first offense and $99 for a second, on condo zoning last of her fareweil performances on the operatic Residents are fighting like cats and wildlife. Too many times I have CHICKEN GIZZARDS . 6 4 * chased them from behind my are also “deadly serious.” stage. New York’s Lincoln Center was a blaze of dogs and yelping discrimination over M ANCHES TER — The Planning and Zoning Commis­ LIAN MIATY PATRICK CUDAHY CHICKEN THIGHS 8 8 * Nine children die in fire kleig lights, banners, balioons, ticker tape and con- a town ordinance requiring dog shrubbery and have had to dispose of the birds they killed and then dis­ She said there was a “tremendous sion took no action Tuesday evening on a zone change SPARE RIBS CANNED HAMS ROAStlNG CHICKENS > {etti. , owners to clean up after their pets. CHICKEN DRUMSTICKs 9 8 ? S Irasm S ThlpAi ■] Wlnft- ) DrwmtHeki 9 CHICAGO (UPI) — A fire gutted a two-story frame carded,” Mrs. Guglielmo said. response” before the law was passed request to build condominiums near the Manchester Sills fans paid $250 to $.1,000 a ticket to attend the “Let me be the first to cry woof,” •Pin WfTH SACKS ■ NO WP90S A ^ 8 LOT8-0-CHICK1N ri apartment building on the city’s South Side, killing nine and took effect Oct. 5. The letters Country Club. CHICKEN BREASTS <» « • ! seven-hour cocktail, dinner, concert and dancing Dee Guglielmo wrote in a letter to Brown said the Hartford suburb’s children and injuring four other people. Arson was were almost entirely in favor of the The, commission deiayed a vote until obtaining a legal the Town Council. “We have been dog litter ordinance should include party in a block-size blue and white tent. ordinance and the intensity of the opinion on whether a two-thirds vote is needed to approve suspected...... , Beverly made her debut with the New York City told how unhealthy dog feces are. all household pets. Authorities said the victims of the blaze, which broke anti-dog contingent was “extraor­ the zone change, and whether the town can require a Opera 25 years ago as Rosalinda in “Die Fleder- What about cat feces?” “I live in an area where there are WESTERN n A D l ^ out about 10 p.m. Tuesday, had no means of escape. dinary,” she said. Ms. Glass also said developer to increase an off-site se^er line. maus” and she bowed out in the same role, singing The ordinance discriminates six or more cats roaming around I CORN FED M r\jRM M k “It (the fire) totally burned out the stairs and hall, she had been^'.‘expecting some kind^ The commission deiayed the decision until its Nov. 10 the second-act bailroom scene with such celebrity “against dogs and dog owners,” dropping their wastes wherever and TNURSOAYONLVt said Fire Commissioner William Blair. “One of the doors of uproar” and obtained a copy of a ' meeting. m w 't MIIMO guests as Ethel Merman, Mary Martin, Placido growled W.B. Brown. whenever they choose,” he said. ITALIAN SAUSAGE FRESH LOBSTERS njSDAlBEEF CUT to one of the bedrooms was totally consumed. That's a lot But Town Clerk Ann Glass said cat litter ordinance in a Midwest The zone change, sought by First Hartford Realty for SALE! Domingo, Eileen Farrell, Zubin Mehta, Renata Botli took the opportunity to rail of fire.” Tuesday supporters of the ordinance, town just in case. about 25 acres, would be from a single-family zone to an WhHi CHOICE FROM CHC/CKI Riair said it had not yet been determined definitely Scotto, Dinah Shore, Kitty Carlisie and Joan Mon­ against cats. M zone, a floating zone for construction of group Thty Lssll $ 0 9 9 whether the fire was deliberately set. dale. dwellings. The area streches along the sixth hole of the Manchester Country Club to Fern Street and South Main Grasso repeats tax stand Street. The corporation, an associate of Green Manor Care package Corp., plans about 108 luxury condominiums, selling at When Mayor Webb Hubbell of Little Rock, Ark., coming year total $3.1 billion. That’s about $100,000, for the area. Weather forecas^-^ HARTFORD (UPI) - Gov. Ella “We have to look at all the op­ visited the Big Apple last summer. City Council compared with the current $2.7 Nearly 100 residents opposed the zone change at the Grasso says she remains firmly op­ tions,” said the governor, who was at President Carol Bellamy gave him a guided tour. Carter-Mondaie Committee billion budget. Oct. 7 public hearing. Area residents hired an attorney, Partly sunny and cool today with high temperatures 45 posed to a state income tax to Not one to let northern hospi tality go unrewarded, headquarters to open a day of cam ­ “I think they’re going to have to John LaBelle Sr., to represent them, besides having four to 50 or 7 to 10 Celsius. Clearing tonight with cold with balance next year’s budget and added particuiarly in a city with money troubles like New paigning by eight women appointees make some adjustments,” Mrs, others speak. lows 25 to 30. Partly sunny Thursday with highs around state agencies are going to have to York, he sent Miss Bellamy “an Arkansas Care in the Carter administration. Grasso said. Reasons for opposition to the plan included a lowering 50. Probability of precipitation 10 percent through make do with less. package.” Asked if she’d changed her long­ Rep. Gardner Wright, D-B“istol, of the property values of the single-family homes in the ^Thursday. Winds westerly 10 to 15 mph today and tonight. Mrs. Grasso said Tuesday she Included whs a six-pack of Razorback beer, a jar tim e opposition to a state income co-chairman of the Legisiaturc’s Ap­ area, poor visibility for traffic*, and a detrimentai impact BEEF CUT won’t begin debating what if any tax LEAN S I I I LOM.lRa-3 CENTER Northwesterly 10 to 15 mph Thursday. of honey, a can of tomatoes, a package of white propriations Committee, slid he on the nearby Globe Hollow water reservoir. LaBelle increases she’ll propose or what tax, ^ s . Grasso said, "No.” I FROM ROUND SMRTnStFKIf ib*l ASS88TB POM CMPS rice, a bag of oatmeal cookies, three bottles of expects the shortfali in the ltBl-1982 also noted the sewer line to service the proposed complex CENTER CUT < 9 1 Long Island Sound program cuts she’ll order until she Anthony Milano, secretary of the 4MSa» Arkansas wine, a miniature key to the city, and a Office of Policy Management, has budget will be $200 million, bised on was too small and would have to be replaced. He IIBSRAIKF0RS88P ib*l Long Island Sound to Watch Hill and Monlauk receives preliminary budget data E l KAU PMK BOAST ja r of kosher dill pickles. said agency budget requests for the' built-in costs such as school fhance. questioned whether the taxpayer should pay to benefit a CENTER CUT < 9 4 Point: Northwest winds 10 to 17 knots today diminishing Nov. 15. “Just what 1 need,” Miss Bellamy said, "a jar of private development. HBMSffiW.*!'* aRKKS11AKS«rR0ASn*1 MNOISS PMK emUTS to less than 10 knots tonight. Westerly about 10 knots 'kosher dill pickles made in Arkansas.” 'The PZC directed the question to the Town Attorney’s •ONE IN $ 9 ( Thursday. Visibility generally 5 miles or better. Mostly Office for an opinion. r a v s i e i e ItPH Alt SIIAKS lb I IMH iuLI PMK RtASTS sunny today. Clear tonight and mostly sunny Thursday. Jury to null indictment •MUSS SMMI S 4 M M aaiC R T CAUFORNU S V Wave heights 2 to 3 feet today and 1 foot or less tonight Bedford retorts RB PMK C4ENTIT STTU She told police she had fired be ri­ TVSTIARS Ib M SIIAKS «r ROASn »> I and Thursday. Dustin Hoffman predicts in 1(1 years Robert Red- Mrs. Papuga also was charged 410 SIbt. NEW HAVEN (UPI) - A grand fle into the air to scare off the ywths. GOP plans contest Lwt ____ $ 1 8 4 ford will be running for president against Warren with woun^ng Brady’s companion, 8R88N8 CMCK PATTIS «> I O S li a v n N t K M ASfS jury will convene Dec. 10 in Superior The same rifle was used by the Smsam Extended outlook Beatty. Miscasting, says Bedford. “I don’t like Joseph Nastri, 15, now in good condi­ EXTRA LEAN $ 9 TENDER MEATY ____ Court to decide if an elderiy East woman a year ago when she fred fo r political essay conn cif mik CMfs Extended outlook for New England Friday through myself in that role,” he replies in the December tion at Yale-New Haven Hospital. 8IW ni!S 8HF FOR smiib I Haven woman should be indicted in THtCK CUT • FOR STUFFMQ c into the air to scare off youths vho Sunday: issue of Penthouse magazine. Police said they had been called to ..EBB$ ISP „ the shooting death of a teenager. had pelted her house with B B ’s ind EAST HARTFORD — The Republican Town Com­ s t ia k s cam vn pmk ours MassachuseUs, Rhode Island and Connecticut: Fair Bedford thinks Ronald Reagan’s career has made Mrs. Papuga’s home repeatedly over RO M S ROASTS M K U S S e w a «!^2 The jury will consider a murder in­ cailed her names, police said. Rrs. mittee will sponsor an essay contest on the subject "Do RNVSTIARS QUICK FRYI N G ____ weather Friday, Saturday and Sunday with high it more difficult for actors to spe.ak out politically. the last three years because of com­ LEAN dictment against Emily Kruger Papuga is free on $20,000 bond jkI We Need a Strong Two-Partv Svstem?” The contest will ■ lE n m BSTTSM $ 0 1 4 FIRST CUT TBKR C88I STIAKS ib A COITIi Cif N tK CMfS bM“ temperatures will be 45 to 55 Friday and in the 50s Satur­ Everyone suspects they’re running for office. plaints that groups of youths' Papuga, 70, who was charged in the her home was placed under 24-lMir be open to all high school students in East Hartford and the R O IN i ROASTS ib A TW $494 BONELESS $ A day and Sunday. Lows will generally b<; in the 30s. '“Being an actor isn’t synonymous with giving up harassed her by calling her names Oct. 21 death of John Brady, 15, of winner will receive a $100 Savings Bond. I — LHI _ $ 4 3 4 STIAKS Ib A TOP BLAB! STIAKS ib A Maine and New H am pshire: Chance of a shower citizenship papers,” Bedford said. “1 think 1 have a and throwing things at her house. police guard. SERVICE DELI East Haven, officials said Tuesday Judy Graff, chairman of the party's action committee, R M IP ROASTS lb Friday. Fair Saturday and Sunday. Lows in the 20s in the right to speak out.” M N B IS S FOR LONDON BROIL T said the contest, designed to promote interest and in­ ISEBI$$flUM $434 SKOBUa STIAKS » i S S S S i M M U uco.M . 9 T northern sections and the 30s in southern sections. Highs He admitted fans will accept anything from a volvement in’government on the local, state and national TV RtASTS lb A near 40 in the north to near 50 in the south. favorite on the screen. “But step off and step into . * 3 " level will be judged by the East Hartford League of MSIB$ITISr_ $464 Verm ont: Partly cloudy F rifey. Mo.stly cloudy with the role of a public citizen, and there’s resistance.” Panel OKs redlining ban GROUND Women Voters. ROWD ROASTS ib A ( ■ m M U UiCIO chance of showers Saturday. P ^ l y cloudy Sunday with regulations go into effect buy coverage for more .*r HARTFORD (UPI) - A DiSanto said he expected Mrs. Graff said the rules of the contest are that essays ROUND MIW VOMIK WHni U CiO highs in the 40s and 50s. Low mainly in the 30s. than 80 percent of the es­ AMMCAN OMBI .42*V.-^a. .» r legislative committee has the new rules would soon. are to be 1,000 words or less and must be typewritten, and ISnSMBSMi ANY SIZE PKG Weighty problem timated cost bf rebuilding, $ 2 > 4 LOHOACM DUTCH FAHKT approved regulations require insurance com­ The new rules also forbid papers must include author s name, address, phone STIAR ROASTS THHliW RBU ELicio .* 2 ” known as “ replacem ent Robert DeNiro would rather experience life than against so-called redlining panies to change some of companies from deman­ number, school and grade. Entries should be submitted RAYIM TfNOEKJUCV $1 «9/b« $|49 s a u s s r u M s 9 I f m mtn A ■ The Almanac fake it, so he gained 60 pounds for the roie of aging by insurance companies their practices when the ding that any homeowner cost value.” by mail to Mrs. Judy Graff. 24 Overbrook Drive. East TSPBSSiB $444 R A W a n 8i AAWS By United I^rees International middleweight boxer Jake LaMotta in the fiim selling urban homeowners’ Hartford, 06118. The entries must be received no later STIAR ROASTS ib A Today is Wednesday< Oct. 29, the 303rd day of 1980 with “Raging Bull.” insurance. IhdD IS 63 to follow, __ , "1 reached the point where I couidn’t tie my The Legislature's Mrs Graff said the winner will be notified by maii and ’The moon is approaching its last quarter. shoes,” DeNiro told Life magazine. ” 1 was huffing Regulations Review Com­ HMTFORD ROU the award will be presented at the January 1981 meeting The morning stars are Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. and puffing, and my breathing sounded strange. 1 mittee agreed unanimously D a irii of the East Hartford Republican Town Committee. ’The evening stars are Mercury and Mars. got a rash on my inner thighs from their rubbing Tuesday to approve the Those bom on this date are under the sign of Scorpio. together and my heels hurt from the weight.” rules designed to prohibit Q u e e n American statesman ’Thomas Bayard was bom Oct. 29, DeNiro, who ballooned up to 212 pounds for the the setting up of standards DHRYOUEEN 1828. ' role, described the final straw: “My daughter got or restrictions fo,r On this date in history: so she was terribly embarrassed for her friends to providing coverage based QUARTZ In 1618, Sir Walter Raleigh wa^execu'ied in London, see me. After all, 1 looked like an anim al.” on geographic locations. charged with participating in a tmasonable plot to oust Insurers would be barred MEALSKLE King Jam es I from the British’ throne. from denying coverage In 1901j Leon Czolgosz was electrocuted for the Quote of the day soiey on the basis of a CRISP HADDOCK I TJ assassination of American President William McKinley. building's location, age or CHICKEN HLIIT KB001 NBC’s David Brinkley, talking about television $49.50 In 1929, pandemonium reigned on the New York Stock the nature of its surroun­ iC newsmen in general and anchormen in particular: FILLET Sweet Ufa dozen SANDWICH i( . . . ..n T r .. JM*'-F OAUONv- ^ E lxch^ e as collapsing prices set the stage for the Great “ I think what we do is the only thing done by human dings. TOP N®TC" I HOOD \ T - Waldo R. DiSanto, chief & FRIES Depression of the 1930s. beings who are always on time. Any other job, you & FRIES ASSORTED $400 M IL K I ic k c r k a b Y * ^ In 1974, former President Richard Ninon went into of the rating division of the call it on time but you can be a few seconds early or shock after surgery to combat a potentialVy lethal blood state Insurance Depart­ DONUTS a minute late. Television is exactly on time.” 2 clot and was pronouncetT Tri critical condition. He ment, said the reguiations TAKE HOME SPECIALS 29^99* recovered fully. for the first time define Glimpses redlining as a prohibited D.II. SMDWICHES ...... 'LOO 4ol Reg. 1.M A thought for the day: American novelist. Willa Gather practice. SWEET LIFE J said, “I like trees because they seem more resigned to Antllbny Hopkins and Robert Fox are in Athens to The regulations aiso 9.1): may miRS ‘u® t m m u M m a loo. n the way they have to live than other things do.” work on the Universal-CBS production ot “Peter makes it clear the denial or D.(t WS. Freien (kilj...... 2 dlS. ’1.25 Reg. 95c q l and Paul,” a religious saga about the founding of restriction of coverage to The LC Diffltal Quartz loot FKQ 4 Christianity. Hopkins will play Paul and Fox will do homes in certain areas is SUBIURM raiKAS i Lottery numbers SWEET LIFE # Peter ... Claire Bloom has completed a five-part an unfair trade practice, he RunnersWhtch. •■•CCiU SPIAIS loot PKo i 9 serialization of "Brideshead Revisited" for PBS ... -ABOVE-SreCULS GOOD THURS.-FRI.-SAT. Numbers drawn Tuesday: said. Gene Kelly is in Paris taping a television special I'ijwyou can prove “ t o t PRO 4 Connecticut 245 SW mURFtBKiHIKS^ with French singer Mireille Mathieu ... .James Lawyer group CUT A SAVE Maine 555 8 PACK Sot PKO. i Michener is touring to promote his latest book, 1“ COUPON s PK ia l COUPON SPECIAL just how fest you are. New Hampshire 9688 backs Carter swoiunwAmis * “The Covenant” .... I DOUBLE BURB.K FRIES DOUBLE CHEESE BURG Big easy tocewstrol buttons let you top to Rhode Island 7924 BRIDGEPORT (UPI) - start timing when you start running and ' W A AAa Massachusetts. 2906 A committee catling i tap stop at the finish line The liquid crys a e PKO I tal display shows you how fast you ve run. QUARTERS “Connecticut Lawyer^ S W E E T L IF E Evming Htrald an Independent J ^ * • 1.39 You can time laps for yourself and a . To Advartlsa To Report News 1 .4 9 REQ.'i:44 ‘ BUTTER USPS 327-500 says only under President REQ. 1.84 friend with the dual counter. A n d time For ii classified advertisement, call To report a news item or stoiy idea:: WITH COUPON Pablisbed dally except Sunday and cer­ Carter could the con WITH COUPON events v

I - EVENING HERALD, Wed . Oct 29, 1980 Quote/ Town fights MACC explains CD stanff . i_t_-hlack -1- andI .JUUU,.. vChite -rich nnel and poor-to in ference said. r Editorial — Unquote sewer halt MANCHESTER-’The secure safe, decent and affordable M anchester Area Conference of In the 18 months since the town withdrew froin the CD program, no shelter for themselves and their “1 don’t want to have them put a ^ MANCHESTER - The town has Churches last week released a families.” brochure explaining its support for funds have been invested to continue plaque over my grave, saying ‘Here’s appealed the sewer moratorium im- ’The conference also said the CD Zinsser for Senate p o ^ by the state Department of En­ the federal (^immunity Development those housing programs started un­ the guy who couldn’t beat Notre der the federal program, according program requires participating We favor Republican Carl agreements in conference vironmental Protection, Jay Giles, program. towns to assess their own housing Dame.’” public works director, told the Plan­ According to the statement, the CD to the conference. At the same time, Zinsser for the seat being with those of the majority — Bear BryanI, 67, Alabama’s town vacancy rates for both rental needs and to design a plan to meet ning and Zoning Commission program will benefit low and those needs. Public input is required vacated by David Barry in party. head football eoaeh, talking about moderate income families, and aid units and single homes have Tuesday night. remained below one percent, con­ before the grant is awarded, the con­ We have known Zinsser to a series of elose loses by his team The appeal is the form of a public the prevention and elimination of Connecticut’s Fourth Senate dominium conversions have claimed ference said. to the Fighting Irish. hearing before department officials, slums or blight. District. be a highly visible figur^, about 400 housing units and interest 'n e department then makes a final During the four years in which the taking time to go put into the rates have placed homes beyond the The town will vote ’Tuesday on Zinsser has mounted an im­ “If women are sleeping their way determination, according to Robert town participated in the federal whether to recommend to the Board pressive record in his service community ttr^isten and to the top, they must be having in­ Moore, DEP commissioner. program, about $527,000 was reach of low and middle Income families, the conference said. of Directors a re-entry Into the to Manchester town govern­ reflect on the issues that somnia, because they’re not g^tfing The moratorium was scheduled to allocated for housing Improvements. federal CD program. In a similar Of that figure, $251,000 went for According to the statement, ‘"rhe ment. He has shown the have faced him as the to the top ... There is a kind of v m take effect Nov. 30. By then, the town Manchester Area Conference of referendum held in April 1979 the faintly veiled hostility toward dtiy Is supposed to phase out new sewer housing rehabilitation loans and town voted by a 3 to 1 margin to courage to stand for what he people’s representative in another $116,000 for the purchase of Churches is vitally concerned with customed to having their kind of successful woman.” system Installations. The withdraw from the program. town government. is an experienced legislator. land for elderly housing, the con­ the need of all Manchester residents has thought to be right, even moderation in state spending opinionsr heard and — Ellen Goodman, journalist. moratorium was requested by a We have no reason to think Classman and Zinsser both group of Manchester lawyers though he has consistently respected. (ABC) Zinsser’s basic approach will and taxation. are thoughtful, intelligent, representing residents living on the been in the minority. We have found Zinsser to Whoever serves them in Manciiester-South Windsor border, change if his peers place him articulate candidates. Career seminar set He apparently has best be studious and independent the state Senate must be “ (They’re) gloriously mad.” 'Ilie object of the moratorium was to reflected the interests of the in the state Senate. — Prinre Charles of England, delay construction of the mammoth in thought. His will be well B ut Classman has willing to listen to the needs MANCHESTER - The Manchester High School citizens of Manchester There are many vital^ referring to friends who are J.C. Penney warehouse. The order thought positions based on represented a portion of of the constituency. from DEP said Manchester sewer Guidance Department will hold mid-life career change . treat because he mounted the issues facing Connecticut traveling around the world by what he thinks is right for the Manchester for several years We think Zinsser is best treatment plant exceeds its capacity seminars on the evenings of Nov. 6, 13, 18 and 20. second-highest vote total in that require a conservative crossing the North and South These workshops will be held in the Guidance Career ( candies? towns in the Fourth Senate as a state representative. He suited to do that. Poies. add polluted the Hockanum River. his last run for town board of mind. Zinsser is the more The appeal should push back the Center in Room 110 from 7 ;30 to 9 p.m. w wa have a wondarful District and for Connecticut has been a representative of Zinsser will make a Discussion will focus on the process of career change, directors. conservative of the two can­ ”1 was very nervous posing for my deadline of phasing in the ) assortmant of mini packa at-large. We doubt Zinsser relatively low visibility in capable, competent voice as moratorium to January, if the appeal employment opportunities, and’ interviewing skills. didates. first photo session without my for trick and traat. Zinsser has been able to Manchester. Because of his the state grapples with the is unsuccessful, Giles told the com­ A panel presentation by successful individuals who will be one who will wait to makeup on. The photographer told have made a mid-life career change will be included. present viewpoints that have State taxation is a threat to mission. 2 hear the party-line on every low profile, we Have doubts many issues vital to the me to just be myself — but I’d every individual, family and He also suggested the commission Enrollment is limited to 15. Call the Guidance Office at been the catalyst for com­ on his ability to stay in touch future of Connecticut. forgotten how! Remember, I spent 10. employer in Connecticut. issue and cast his vote accor­ approve future subdivisions requests 647-3532 for further information and registration by promise in Manchester. years with Kiss posing as the cat.” dingly. with the views of constituents We think he is the best for sewer installations on a con­ Twirler at the baton Friday. “every ^ Although he has been on the We think Zinsser will have — Peter Criss, former member Zinsser’s opponent. in the district. choice for the office and we ditional basis, pending the l i ^ g ot Like ballet dancers at the bar, some baton twirlers take little V minority siJe of the board, he the courage to stand up to the of the rork group Kiss, which the moratorium. Sewer instVations Jhirn Democrat Abraham We think the people of the enthusiastically endorse his their skills seriously. Smiling as she does so is Manchester l i the tnifoele of mo5*^C thing” •) has been effective in bringing big spenders of Connecticut never appears in public without which are approved but nm com­ DO IT DAILY - SAVE MONEY by.clipping the coupons Classman of South Windsor, district have grown ac­ effort to reach the capital. High School tenth grader Ginger Zeidler, who performed a solo iR dowdtawn inttntMRer about a number of and present a view for eiahorate makeup. (People) plete, will probably be allowed to use in Evening Herald’s leading grocer’s ads. the system, Giles said. routine at her school’s first home football game this year. She 9 Letters is also Connecticut Junior Miss. (Herald photo by Pinto)_

Parking • • • on question Facts reviewed and digested HUD ban set ...and Lucky you... taxes. Of course if your house is the additional approximately $20,000 CDBG money. ’This contract imposes To the editor: living. Senior citizens could suffer light of HUD’s insistence last year to complete the project. Yet that just say‘S.H.A.’ assessed for a higher amount, you additional obligations on our town. Hi! I’m Having attended the HUD debate great harm in future years because that a certain percentage of rental ygar the town budget was under­ Nov. 1 on Oct. 15, and having reviewed and of the increased tax burden in- subsidy allowances in Manchester be are carrying a great deal more of the Any failure by our town to perform Gladys Conroy, ► Shopper’s Holiday expended by $500,000 and Mr. Penny those contract obligations could MANCHESTER - The digested the facts as Mr. Faucher evitably resulting from the CD con- reserved for people from outside tax load. Manager of Worth’s, Mr. Faucher referred to the and his team refused to give any part result in court action to enforce those winter all-night parking *. Account calls the. 1 reiterate what I said in a tract conimitments. Manchester. ban in Manchester will downtown Manchester housing rehabilitation program. If he of the $500,000 to the senior center to obligations...... ___ . Playing up to the rental group, Mr become effective Nov. 1 Mr. Faucher praised the tax drives around Manchester he will complete the job. In fact, the $500,000 The CDBG funds are definitely tied ‘m X ' ...hurry in to see the Shop now previous e er o Kancher Faucher refers to the problem of ren- revenue received from the HUD sub­ surplus would have been more than according to Capt. Henry biggest bargains we’ve nothing has changed. Mr. Faucher ty> conversion to con- find that for every house renovated into HUD requiring additional R. Minor of the sidized lower income Squire Village adequate to take care of the senior :Pay In February, 1981 and the small but vociferous MCSR with CD guaranteed loans there are housing directives. The HUD rules Manchester Police Depart- > ever had In-store apartment complex and Mr. Sweeney center renovation costs without any group are still trying to sel the CD many hundreds of homes (ap­ and regulations are very specific, yet ment. for you! CD support. Also the following year program by implying that senior ^ bearing on the subject? demonstrated that each rental unit in proximately 1,000) that have been Mr. Faucher and the MCSR group The ban. Is as follows: the town budget had a surplus of citizens will profit by Manchester s people may be evicted due to Squire Village would be the renovated since 1947 by the owners refuse to acknowledge any un­ Any vehicle found parked about $1.3 million. at any time between 2 and 6 o ' re-entry into the HUD program, condominium conversion but these equivalent of a house assessed fot ap­ without any government or CD sup­ favorable aspects of those port. A very limited few -families regulations. a.m. or on any public Not so, Mr. Faucher. Many of our people are not likely to be considered proximately $9,600 after full phase;in Again, we probably would have have benefited from this program Rqmember, Mr. Faucher, highway or designated senior citizens are retired and are for any subsidized low Rental units of revaluation. been able to provide all the amenities • • compared to those who did the Mephistopheles (i.e. HUD) never municipally-owned, leased currently trying to meet the tax bills which might be constructed if we re- A private home of equivalent size claimed by Mr. Faucher with our or operated off-street renovations on their own. gave Anything without demanding his on their , homes with dwindling enter CDBG. If 150 units of sub- would probably be assessed for about own tax dollars—including custodial parking area shall be sub­ pound of flesh. resources. Their pensions and other sidized housing were available today, $18.000—almost double. Thus Squire Further, Mr. Faucher claims that service which the senior center ject to a $15 fine. there is not enough money in the Citizens of Manchester vote NO on sources of income are not keeping 1 question how many would be Village is paying only about one-half requires. Minor said the ordinance the referendum question number six * pace with the increased cost of available to Manchester residents in what the private home owner pays in local budget to accomplish all the Is designed to facilitate the programs supported by the MCSR on Nov. 4. removal of ice and snow group and referred to the $200,000 in Finally. Mr. Faucher and company during the winter months CDBG program supported CD money used for the renovation of refuse to recognize the "contract” and will be in effect until ^^'u n g I the Green School Senior Citizen aspect of tlfe situation. As Mr. Russell Smythe, March 31, 1981. 48 Strawberry Lane, The Police Department To thd editor: A major use of CD money in the are and set goals. Then the communi­ Center. Sweeney pointed out. Manchester Manchester requests the full DERS()N Qaddafi - who even lived for a plex. In private, he has planned Qad- ‘Trousers Up’! Cotton/polyester priority if a family needs money for them, and what procedures must be camel corduroysl Fully lined. other sources. WASHINGTON - A deadly two- time in Sadat’s home - came to dafi’s assassination. knits. Lady bugs^ butterflys, food, clothing, fuel bills and other es­ followed at the required public "President Sadat,” says one of Fahey THUR8., FRI., SAT. Sizes 9-18. Great gifts! Senior citizens benefited greatly man game has been going on for believe that Sadat had betrayed the tronq the CD money. In the first four sentials. hearings so that everyone in the corn- several top-secret CIA reports, “has fruit, flowers, more on white and years in Middle East — and both Nasser dream and the HARTFORD - Gov. sports' years ^ C D participation $116,000 munity has the opportunity to make pastels. S-M-L. the junior place. players are men who should know cause. Even before Sadat solidifi^ ordered the Egyptian intelligence Ella Grasso has endorsed OCT. 30, 31, NOV. 1 was used to purchase land for elderly The CD money offers an opportuni- their views known. service to draw up plans jo the re-election effort of ty to get a low interest loan to rhe Housing Assistance Plan is better. The participants. President this suspicion by making peace wito housing and another $93,000 was used Israel, the two Arab rivals indulged overthrow Libyan President Qaddafi Sen. Marcella C. Fahey, D- for site improvements for elderly families who wish to rehabilitate another requirement. This plan en­ Anwar Sadat of Egypt and Libyan ... Sadat reportedly stipulated that East Hartford, their housing but cannot afford to do sures that a community has studied strongman Muammar Qaddafi, have State Department analysts i In making the endorse­ housing. Two hundredThdugpnd described in their reports as 'bizarre the coup should appear to originate 3 fsvorlte stylesl surs-grip, llnsd formfit rogsrs so at the higher rates. the type and quantity of housing it been trying, by one means or ment, Gov. Grasso said, dollars was used for the new senior adventures" aimed at each other’s within Libya, and that care be taken all famous brand ^ I've heard people say they don't needs. A knowledge of the condition another, to remove the other from "M arcella' is totally ' sosmioss knit brss citizens center. throat. to conceal Egypt’s hand ... Sadat is misses shstlsnd swsstsrsj psimsr glovss of present housing in the community the playing field i » dedicated to public (ser­ want Community development In actual numbers, Qaddafi has apparently going about the planning misses fashion robes* Renters benefited from the housing money because of the regulations. enables the town to plan the types "with extreme f vice. probably planned inore violence with some caution.” “The diligence and Ibng | code enforcement program that was and- amounts of housing needed so prejudice" — by ^ 1 3 i d 8 r e g . $10 and $181 reg. *111 I’ve read the regulations and 1 am un- against Sadat than the other way One of many Qaddafi plots against hours she has devoted to ^ values to *151 funded by over $63,000 in CD funds. able to find any regulation which that it may set realistic goats for the assassination or ^ around. But Sadat has done his share. Sadat is described-in a top-secret her work with, the General 20% oH Choose from crewneck solids, The seamless doubleknit bra Neighborhoods also benefited from causes a problem for me. The future. violent Pile and knit lined palmers with In public, Sadat has called his State Department report. It tells of a AssembKs-Gommittees on that molds to your body. Ideal many various projects which regulations spell out exactly what 1 urge you to investigate the facts overthrow. Entire stock of wonderful, warm front cables and all-around leather palms for carefree desert neighbor crazy, childish and meeting between the Libyan dictator Apprdpn^lons, General under clingy fashions. White, received CD money. projects and activities are eligible about the Corrimunity Development This updated Law and Program Review fleece, velour, chenille and quilt cabled v-necks. Washable driving. Newest fashion colors. suffering from a Napoleonic com- and George Habash champagne, black. Sixes 32- CD money was used for rehabilita­ for CD money. The regulations also Block Grant program for yourself version of "The are clear evidence of this robes. Vanity Fair! Evelyn Pear­ wool/acrylic blends. Plenty of Save up to $6 on each pairl tion of Verplanck and Globe Hollow state what projects and activities are and vote "yes ' on Question 6 on Nov. Most Dangerous dedication. Her selection son! I. Appel! Kayser and morel colors. Sizes S-M-L. Great gifts! accessories. 36A, B. Save $31 underfashions. swimming pools. Charter Oak Park Ineligible for CD funds. 4. Game” has been followed with some Thoughts______as vice chairman of the Sizes S-M-L. lingerie nervousness by the American in­ Senate Appropriations sportswear. improvements, Nathan Hale The regulations call fo f^ three- Elizabeth F. Tonucci. Jesus knew our relationship to our tribution of wine. That would be their *8orrv sale robes not IncludecL telligence community. U.S, hopes for Committee was an unusual playground, handicapped playground year plan to be submitted. The com­ 21 Croft Drive, money and our possessions had a gift, a large keg of wine, which equipment and fire equipment. Manchester peace and stability in the region tribute to her expertise and Junior rsvsrsmks munity must first see what its needs tremendous potential for good or evil everyone would contribute to. her concern for the needs S8V6 on wondormsid missss born froo ssvo up to *15 on would blow sky-high if either Sadat But when the day of celebration in our life. When we remember that of our people. down-fmod vests 2 or Qaddafi succeeded in rubbing out the most important things in our life came, and they opened the wine keg pull-on psnts misses ski jsekots I- “Marcella’s record of full slips ‘Whose money is it?’ his rival. have been given to us freely, our to present the first glass to their legislative achievement The seesaw struggle between the brains, our breath, our bodies, this retiring mayor, it was water. They and her participation in reg.$35l To the editor: It helped materially in reducing ur­ clouded up with contorted equations two leaders is chronicled in U.S. in­ earth, then as we produce goods and dipped in to try again; but again, it many civic and community j u s t 6 b9B *13valuesl 3 91.99 i s r a *50 and *55 value It seems to me that there is a very ban blight. It has given the small about added school costs and such telligence files. The falling-out began services with our gifts, we will surely .was water. And again, a bit deeper, activities eminently Save $5 on these lightweight Gefset to surround yourself basic and pragmatic question that home owner access to funds for other strained logic. There is little nearly a decade ago. Qaddafi, a want to return some of what we but it was water. Everyone in the qualifies her for re-election Antl-cling, static-free nylon Save *3 on poly ponte favorites village had said to themselves, “I’ll vests ..." 50% down/50% with unbeatable warmth and each of us should ask ourselves as we repairs and maintenance. It provides that is realistic there. Rather, let us young pan-Arab zealot, was an ad­ produce to the Giver, and to those in to the State Senate.” Sen. fabrics. White or beigel Great in black, brown, navy, plum, need. Sometimes we say “Oh, let the let the. other guy give a portion of feathers for super warmthi approach the HUD referendum next money lor sidewalks, for elderly keep our eye focused on our com­ mirer of Sadat’s* revolutionary Fahey Is seeking re- for yourself, for gifts! Sizes 34- hunter or berry. Sizes 8-18 fashion. Big selection! Many other guy take care of my part.” This wine. I’ll put in water just so they’ll election In. the Third Pockets on both sides. 9 Tuesday. facilities, for playgrounds, for munity’s well being and as we reach colleague and predecessor, Gamal details! Nylon with poly fill. New is what happened in one situation. see me contribute. It won’t m atter... 40. Discontinudtl styles, Petite, Average, but not every Putting aside the moral or Senatorial District. Red/blue, navy/green, sewers, for day-care centers, for fire for the lever on question 6 ask Abdel Nasser, the charismatic Once there was a village that was lingerie. color In every size, sportswear. colors. S-M-L- coats. ideological attractions that may in­ apparatus', and a dozen other ourselves, "Who’s money is it military man who masterminded the extremely grateful to its mayor, who How often do you discount the im­ Turkey Bingo blue/beige. S-M^-L. the junior duce us to one decision or the other anyway?" ouster of Egypt’s playboy King necessities that Manchester, like had served the community all his portance of what you can contribute MANCHESTER - A j l a c a ^ as individuals: shouldn't ,we be most other communities, just can’t Farouk in the 1950s. Nasser at one to the well being, of your neighbors William H. Sleith, life, with grace and compassion. It ’Turkey Bingo will be held girts’ 4-14 warm j; asking ourselves "who's money is it scrape up the funds to take care of, point tried to unite Egypt and Libya was a pdor village, and yet they and your community? If old number 32 Wyllys St., at East Catholic HigK ‘chic’ denim Josns missos pHnt crops anyway? " ' r from local taxes. as a first step in creating one great wanted to give him a gift in return one Is first in getting, old number one S8V6 up to *12 on flannel sleepwaar Manchester School Nov. 11 from 7 U |f The simple answer, of course, is One other point, let us not get all Arab nation. for all he had done for them over the can also be first in giving. It is a p.m. In the school vinyl Imndbsgs snd corduroy psnts tunic blousss that HUD money is our money. years. They could not afford to give matter of life and death for our cafeteria. So, why not take the funds and use him much money, so they decid^ to spirit, and our communities. A donation of $1 will be put a large keg in the village square, 7.99 to 9.99 them to help meet the needs of our Rev. .Iiihn Holliger [accepted. lvalues to *271 20% otl reg. *181 and for weeks before their All parents and friends of reg. *11-*13I community; and. then, if we have High school vote St. George’s Church JuniorsI Save on pinwale, wide Pretty floral print poly/rayon serious objections about "strings at­ thanksgiving celebration, the ast Cajholic iHlgh School A big selection of styles, sizes Famous^ maker print gowns, villagers were to put in their con­ Bolton wale and no wale corduroysl crepe. Flattering sweetheart tached" doSor objecting through the gim juia bovs are invited. and colorsi Shoulder bags, pajamasas and footed pajamas. Jean and watch pQCljet styles in neckline. Rope belt. Gathered democratic process both on the state To the editor: • comply with safety and fire code If we put off making these necessary double handles! Black, wine, Poly flannel prints with lace and and federal level. denim or cordfliroy. Entire stock bowed sleeves. Save $5! Sizes Manchester’s only high school is requirements. improvements, it will end up costing iHaurliratrr Euniimj Hrrali^ Endorsed earthtones. Great for yourself embroidery trims. Cuddly! That is the way our system was now 25 years old us more due to inflation and rising in­ from .‘chic’. 5-13. the junior 8-18. sportswear. • make the facility accessible to MANCHESTER - and gifting, accessories. Warm! Sizes 4-14. g!r!s’ shops. designed to work; but It cannot work After so many years of continuous terest costs, Manchester — A City of Village Charm place. ______or respond to our needs if we object use by Manchester people, no one the handicapped. Elsie Swensson, Founded Oct. <, 1881 by simply copping out should question the need for • make energy conservation im­ Republican candidate for 1 urge all Manchester voters to election to thq state House The Community ^ Development renovations and improvements. provements. vote yes on Nov. 4 for the renovations, Published by the Manchester Publishing Co., Herald Square, from the 13th Assembly Block Grant program was designed The roof has leaked for many Some of the costs for these needed to Manchester High School. ''"^^Aanchester, Conn. 06040. Telephone (203) 643-2711. District, has been endorsed for the gener^ good of the cities and years. It must be repaired properly requirements will be reimbursed by Mcn-bar. Audit Buratu ot Circulation ..MamOar. Unllad Prata Intainallonal by the Steering Committee towns of this countrv. It has many gnd as soon as possible. In addition, the state. That means that the tax of the Connecticut flaws as alt social-minded efforts do, (q bi-jn^ this school facility up to pre- Slavan Harry. Exacullva Editor burden on the local property owners William J. Diana - Cualomar Sarvtca — (147-9946 Frank A. Burbank. 'Managing Editor . Women’s Political Caucus. but it has accomplished much and .sent day needs, me tolluwing must be will be minimized. The town's bon­ Director. Raymond F. Roblnaon. Edilor-Publlabai Harold E. Turkinglon. Editqr Emarltua promises more. • jone. ding position is excellent at this time. Town of Manchester h - EVENING HERALD. Wed., Oct. 2>, IWO EVENING HERALD, Wed., Oct. 29, 1980 - 7

Spurs't ’ win Tri-Town League of Women Voters residents have rebuilt lawn walls “ It’s hard to find foot soldier when cil’s procedure of sending different Flyert fo p ■AN ANTONIQ skein eight ToumTolk and the Vernon Jaycees. She com­ items to subcommittee. Spencer Page 9. The Prospect'Street area in Blast shaken and shifted by the heavy you're bacUng a losing sid«,’ ' he wild brawl Claire Connelly of Coventry, In­ plimented both groups and added, in NBA play Hartford has been looking better traffic. said. “ We know, we've had some had just proposed that a commis­ with Calgary dependent candidate for state "The Jaycees do good work but Page 8 since residents received total en­ losing years too,” he understated. sion subcoinmittee be set up to representative from the 53rd boys until you let the women in Page 8 forcement this summer of a night­ The Democrats don't seem to SCOREBOARD your organization....” The League time ban on trucks. Besides new study the possibility of a dispatcher Assembly District, and a very have much life at campaign “ I d ^ s t the way the Town Coun- of Women Voters had announced curbing installed along the length for the Dlal-A-Ride program. strong advocate of women’s rights, headquarters, Curtis Smith, ciLdo€s this” — Glastonbury Com­ was one of the guests on a can­ the organization is open to men and of the street, that replaces .^ b s Manchester Reagan-Bush coor­ mission on Aging member Gilbert didate's debate sponsored by the women. destroyed by heavy trucks, several dinator, mentioned Monday night. Spencer commenting on the coun­ Catholic soccer champs Obituorie6. Town may bypass ZBA for tank Ayer firing a right-footed 19-yarder ditions were you had to prepare for Achieving its second of two goals. East did all its scoring in the first Sidney Greenberg half to upend the visitors from West past Northwest keeper Keith Lysak. the worst,” remarked Malin, “ A David T. Niesen By MARY KITZMANN East Catholic captured the Hartford team outskilled is able to take advan­ VERNON — Sidney Greenberg, 64, Giles appeared before the PZC regulation change to provide for exception. After the pubUc hearing, Hartford, who are now 1-6 in HCC Sophomore Colin Doran set up the VERN O N - David T. Nissen, 33, of the PZC examines the meriU of the County Conference (HCC) soccer tage of playing conditions, score and of Rockville, died Tuesday at Herald Reporter explaining the need for the water public constructions such as the water play and 3-10 overall. score as 23:42 by saving the ball from 565 Hartford Tpke., died Tuesday at championship yesterday with a 3-2 hope to make it hold up.” Rockville General Hospital. MANCHESTER - There's more tank, which is to provide fire protec­ tank. The change in the regulations application, like any other zoning Midfielder Kyle Ayer set up the in­ going over the end line and sending it Rockville General HospitaL He was victory over Northwest Catholic at East outshot Northwest, 44-6, with than one way to construct a two- tion and smooth water distribution would make public facilities a application. Special exceptions are itial Eagle score by dribbling down back to Ayer, who took two dribbles the husband of Sharon Small Nissen. He leaves his mother, Mrs. Nellie wet and soggy Cougar Field. Callahan making three saves and In­ million gallon water tank in the problems. The problem, Giles told special exception use for specific those uses which are permitted in a : the left wing. He launched a high, ar­ and fired. It was Ayer’s 14th goal of He was bom in Waterbury and had Kaplan Greenberg and a sister, Mrs. The Eagle hooters finish^ 7-1 in dian keeper Lysak 26. zones. The commission discussed zone, with approval. cing pass to the opposite wing where the campaign. lived in the Bunker Hill section for Louis (Betty) Weiner, both of West northeast sector of town. the commission, is locating a site, as conference competition to nip defen­ residents of any area will probably putting the special exception for The PZC members noted there Terry McConville ran onto it and Doran got what proved to be the many years before moving to Vernon Hartford. After a critical Zoning Board of ding titlist St. Paul, which had to set­ public construction in several should be a specific regulation . game-winner at 35:15 as he took a five years ago. He was a member of Funeral services were held today Appeals denied Monday a variance protest the construction of the 115- tle for runner-up honors at 6-1-1. East perfectly one-timed it into the cage fdot diameter tank. residential and business zones. The governing public facility construc­ at 19:13. It was McConville’s team­ short pass from Mike Ahn and booted First Congregational Church of Ver­ at the Weinstein Mortuary in Hart­ request to construct the tank at 608 is 12-3 overall for the season and Lamson explained the town PZC controls special exceptions. tion, and the water tank construction leading 21st goal of the season. it into the short corner. It was the Riding champ non, the Town of Vernon Fire ford and interment was in Paterer Vernon Street, town officials have winds up its campaign today against presently has no regulation gover­ For the ZBA to grant a variance was an example. The lead lasted only 23 seconds as striker’s seventh goal of the season. NEW YORK (UPI) - Ian Miller of Department Co. 1, and the Travelers Verein Cemetery, Wethersfield. suggested zoning regulation changes Bulkeley High in Hartford at 3:15. ning construction of any type of from the zoning regulations the appli­ The zoning change will probably Northwest took advantage of a mis­ I*^rthwest added its second score Canada won the overall riding cham­ Men's Club. He was an underwriter Memorial week will be observed at to bypass the commission. Alan Lam- “ We’re proud of the strides we’ve public facility, including fire cant must prove sufficient hardship. have a public hearing in January, as take by East sophomore goalie Dave at 28:20 of the second half with Bob pionship of the four-day International with the Travelers Insurance Co. the home of his sister, 263 Griswold son, town planner, and Jay Giles, made in our soccer program and es­ it must also be routed though the Lysak getting credit for the goal off a Equine Olympics which ended Mon­ Besides his wife he leaves his Drive, West Hartford, through Sun­ public works director, Tuesday night stations, police stations, or even ZBA members said the town had pecially in capturing the HCC title Callahan. He was unable to control a Capitol Region Council of second East miscue. day at Aqueduct. ' parents, Richard D. and Beverly day, Memorial contributions may be discussed drafting a regulation town office buildings. These failed to prove hardship in requesting for the first time,” voiced a happy long boot with the wet ball coming Governments. After the possible “ The score wasn’t an indication of Miller, who won the speed competi-' (Tompkins) Nissen of Simsbury; a made to a charity of the donor's change to give the' Planning and buildings exist by a variance of the the water tank, when it denied East Tom Malin, “ A total out of his jrasp . Northwest’s Kurt revision, plans for the water tank the lopsided advantage he had in the tion Friday, rode Saskia to a second- son, Nathaniel M. Nissen and a choice. Zoning Commission control of public zoning regulations, which the ZBA the application. team effort throughout the years has Peterson was on the spot to jam it would proceed. Giles said several op­ game Kilt anything can happen in a place finish in the Big Apple Grand V facility construction, rather than the grants. However, hardship is not a require­ \ resulted in profitable returns and into an empty cage. daughter, Stacey M. Nissen, both at Kenneth H. Warner I Colin Doran 7RA Lamson proposed drafting a zoning ment for a the PZC to grant a special tional sites could be considered.. Kyle Ayer meeting the desired end results.” TheThe Eagles Eagles cam came e back back quickly* quickly* witn with g agame m e ana and me the way way me the ui=.u, (field) con­ rrixPrix monaay Monday m to ciincn clinch me the uue. title. home: a sister, Diane N. Lawton of SOUTH WINDSOR - Kenneth^ meeting the desired end results.” Setauket, L.I., N.Y., and his mater­ H. Warner, 65, of Ellington Road, nal grandmother, Mrs. Clifford died Monday at Hartford Hospital. Tompkins of Waterbury. He was the husband of Alice Helm Funeral services will be Thursday Warner. Personalities surprise local pols n.. HM A D \ / a iktiki ...... JiL at 11 a.m. at the First Congregational He was born in Hartford and had By MARY KITZMANN the president, who came out lower Hcfolcl Carter looked and sounded like the . . „ .. _ . . . . Green rates A-minus Church. Burial will be in Middlebury lived in the South Windsor area all of Herald R eporter than Gerald Ford had. stronger, younger and more confi- Cemetery at 1:30 p.m. Friends may his life. Before his retirement he was MANCHESTER -^It was the per­ “ Many undecided Voters will be dent candidate,” Cummings said. i »iii call at the Ladd Funeral Home, 19 a toolmaker in the Hartford area for sonalities, not the positions drawn to Reagan,” Von Deck "Reagan seemed to be mor^general « « « ' ^Wch Cummings will Ellington .\ve., Rockville today from and nirtpp ” attract voters, he was “pleased the many years. expressed during last night’s predicted. “ Reagan came down to By 7 to 9 p.m. Memorial donations may Besides his wife he leaves a presidential debate which surprised the working man’s Issues.” As the camera lingered on the 69- manager: Schmidt be made to the Vernon Fire Depart­ daughter, Mrs. John (Pete) Callahan local leaders. But to hear Cummings analyze the year old Reagan’s features. Cum-'f n in t hi Ralph Houk Earl Yost ment Co. I. or floral tributes. of South Windsor; eight debate Carter projected a firm, mlngs said he noticed Reagan’s age thought.’ “ Sure, I’d like to have him back,” The attacks of Republican Ronald NEW YORK (UPI) - Mike handled the media very well and, in a grandchildren; four great­ strong, personality “ with a better Sports Editor.. Schmidt said he hoped Green would said Schmidt. “ But, you know ine, no Reagan on President Jimmy Carter’s for Uie first time. not answer Schmidt has come up a little short of city like Philadelphia, that’s a very grandchildren. grasp of knowledge.” “ I was surprised the differ— difference, between the two. return as manager next season in­ matter who is managing I’m going to record were expected by both Robert giving his manager, , a important job. No decision Funeral services will be Thursday stead of returning to his old job as play the same;” Von Deck, Republican chairman, and to problems perfect grade for leading the “ He did things his way and didn’t at 10 a.m. from the Callahan Funeral It has been speculated the Phillies Ted Cummings, Democratic town t .- - care what the rest of the team director of minor league operations. l i to the world will do some house cleaning in the on hostages Home, 1602 Main St., Blast Hartford chairman. Carter’s defense of pain­ WUH 4 championship. off-season, but Schmidt is counting with the Rev. Alva G. Decker of- ting Reagan as too conservative and many was of the highest accord. By United Preas Inlernalional Bowing to p r e ^ r e from ------... . The Phillies’ third baseman. on the club to make few personnel Iran’s legislators, back from a one- * unrealistic also has been heard MODELS quarters the Boston Red Sox front of­ Some of his decisions, in crucial i,onored Tuesday for being named the throughout the campaign. But it was McBride raps changes. fice finally made its long-awaited .^ituaOojns, and the handling of Valuable Player in the World day pause for a religious holiday, mn aM hl’ “ Naturally, 1 would hope we would went behind rinsed dmrs tndav tn call at the funeral home today the images, not the information, the pitchers, helped make his exit from series, said Green’s ofttimes candid weni oeninu ciosM doors today to from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m change in sacking Don Zimmer as keep the team intact,” said Schmidt, men projected which Cummings and HSI»MITQI WAU, the Boston scene enviable. comments to the media about his discuss the American hostages who ” field manager. “ but one thing we do. have plenty of, Von Deck believe will sway un­ have been held four days short of a While the former infielder had a In Houk’s favor is the fact he players cost him a straight A. which we haven’t had in past years, decided voters. MVP choice Cops thwart ATGREItT knows the league. " { think an A-minus is a pretty year. MUflYl winning record, he couldn’t produce is pitching. In my opinion, I think we Von Deck believed Reagan Houk heard from the Fenway Park grade,’’ said the Phillies’ third PHILADELPHIA (UPI) — Philadelphia Phillies oultieider Bake McBride Three more hours of debate ap­ an Am erican League Eastern have the best pitching staff in projected a strong image which wolves when he brought in his baseman, whose .381 average and says teammate didn’t deserve to be named Most Valuable parently brought the Iranian Majlis, burglary try SAVMGS HANL Divisional champion and that’s the baseball. It’s a luxury we’ve never or parliament, no closer to a decision voters will appreciate.He also name of the game today - win, or Yankee and Tiger clubs in the past, j^gj y,e Phillies to a six- Player of the World Series. had before.” than three earlier secret sessions thought Reagan won the debate Now he’ll learn in a hurry how they gg^ie victory over the Kansas City “ If anybody should get it, it ought to be (catcher) or (shortstop) MANCHESTER - Police early TO YOU! else. One thing that rankled Schmidt this did. Members took a half-hour break, this morning thwarted an attempted through continued attacks on the ad­ non The front office, which means treat the hometown skipper. Royals and earned him the un- ,” McBride said in an interview published Tuesday in the season was the press’ image of the then resumed — at 3 a.m., EST. burglary at Nichols Manchester Tire ministration’s record. CLISED Haywood Sullivan and associates, With a two-year contract in his animous choice as the Series’ MVP. Philadelphia Daily News. “ They contributed more than anybody on the Phillies’ players as “ smug and over­ “ Carter couldn’t come back and pocket, Houk really believes that “ i bad to take something away team.” . Tehran Radio said Tuesday a U.S. Inc., 295 Broad St. T irO R S D A T T rL l iO ilLN NERD pulled a replacement out of the hat in paid.” While admitting there were answer for his record,” Von Deck Boston will be a contending club next because I don’t think he was tactful Schmidt, who batted .381 in the series with two home runs and seven RBIs, confession of “ crimes” in support of Patrol Officer Richard Busick bringing in Ralph Houk who retired some members of his team that were the late shah of Iran is part of the observed two men enter a door on the said. The “ big bit” according to the once before after failing to produce season. enough when it came to handling the was honored Tuesday in New York as the series MVP. , . u , » t , i, koi ™ non-negotiable demands for the building’s west side, police said. Two was Reagan’s To iiim ra lor the M im t in Detroit. New England baseball fans hope press and his players.” “ I ^ e s s the reason Schmidt got it was the last game,” McBride said of the ‘‘ .“"u upoillse o ^ th e _ _ 1 ______eAi a .* t . ______ii._ix_i_____i_ llOtnoo*using a “ misery in/lav*index” * /laira1ana/ldeveloped kviby he’s on the right track in his assess- overall, however; Schmidt felt third baseman’s two RBIs in the series’ sixth and deciding game. the entire club because of the release of the American hostages. officers were then called to back-up Can Houk bring the Red Sox back behavior of only a few. Carter four years ago, and scoring McBride also indicated he felt Schmidt, who hit 48 homers and drove in 121 But the radio said Iran does not in­ Busick, police said. to respectability? m®nt. _ Green graded out very well as a Schmidt said he will travel to tend to hold the 52 ca p tiv es INVEIiTORY CLEAhniCi The feeling here is that it will take runs'during the regular season, should not be the automatic winner of the Police entered the building and ap­ manager. Japan next week, along with team­ “ forever" and denied a deal has been more than the cigar-smoking Houk to National League MVP award. • .j j .. .u prehended two men who reportedly iw . _ / / “ 1 thought Dallas Green did an mates and , Woman’s body turn the ball club into a serious Notes OJJ the cuff excellent j6b,” said Schmidt. “ 1 “ A guy leads the league in homers and RBIs, he should be considered, the struck to free the hostages in a possi­ entered the building by using a pry to participate in a series of baseball ble swap for spare military parts. bar to force open a lock on one of the challenger. Hartford Whalers entertain Detroit c a n ’ t e v a lu a te w hat he did Phils’ right fielder said. “ But just because he leads the league in homers, that now identified doesn’t mean he should win automatically. clinics. The hostages, now in their 361st doors there. Houk had success in New York to n ig h t a t th e C i v i c strategically, but it looked like he did " I t ’ ll probably be about “ Consistency to me, that’s the key thing. Schmidt wasn’t consistent. He hit day of captivity, were seized last James F, Ley, 31, of 88 Essex St., when the material was abundant.- Center...Although the Army jayvee an excellent job with the pitching Thanksgiving before I can sit back GLASTONBURY - The body dis­ in spurts. You’d have to check how many homers Schmidt hit came with men Nov. 4. and Richard F. Cameron, 36, of 110 When the stars faded, so did the football team droppM a 35-14 deci- staff. He handled the pitchers as well and relax and think about what’s covered in a car found on the bottom slon to Yale in the Yale Bowl last gs you can do it. And. I felt he on base. How many really meant anything?” Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini met George St., Hartford, were both • 1 club’s record under Houk. happened to myself and the of Globe Hollow Reservoir Monday'' The Tigers, minus the talent of the Saturday, former East Catholic stan- _ - _ . . . . x the legislators on the occasion of the arrested and charged in the incident Phillies,” Schmidt said. Shiite holiday Eid-Eghadir but did afternoon has been identified as Bet­ better clubs, did no better under douts Mike Freiheit and Gregg Kane Road KOCC entry hst nearing i , ( / ( / ( / with third-degree burglary and Schmidt received a $9,000 gold not mention the hostages, restricting ty R. Andrews, who was reported Houk, who acquired a first sergeant’s enjoyed good days for the losers. * • n r possession of burglary tools, police watch and a $5,000 scholarship in his himself to a religious ceremony of missing Sept. 29, 1979. *“ tough attitude because of his service Freiheit caught six passes for 102 said. Both were arrested at 2:12 name for winning MVP honors. He Manchester police are in­ record. yards and scored one touchdown. the holiday, which commemorates a.m., handcuffed and taken to police will donate the scholarship money to vestigating the incident as a fatal Ball players, who performed under He’s the squad’s top receiver. Kane, the nomination by Prophet Moham­ headquarters. his alma mater, Ohio University. mad of his successor. Busick observed the suspects enter motor vehicle accident, Glastonbury Houk, in the minors as well as the a comerback, was credited with 11 Bare-footed runner Khomeini also did not mention the the building while conducting routine police said. majors, had high praise for his tackles and blocked one hostages during a speech to the na­ patrol of another business located Manchester Water Department OPEN handling of men. punt...Former Manchester High tion later, French reports said. But near Nichols Tire, police said. Police workers' noticed the car and found THURSDAY 12:00 NOON Tough guys don’t always win, not athlete, Mary Neubelt is a member Tough road the Iranian strongman attacked the report a pry bar was found leaning the decomposed body while sur­ even when they are in control of the of the UConn varsity basketball United States and the Soviet Union against the building near to the door veying the area. Red Sox. squad this season... Paul Toomey, Doc Robbins entered for their “ bestial appetite.” where entry was made. Police said Police said the state medical Dick Williams proved that. After former Coventry High standout and to playoffs examiner’s office made the iden­ The only mention of the hostages to the boiler room had been broken into. NEVER BEFORE...... AND NEVER AGAIN, WILL '.Winning one pennant, internal now with the Hartford Hellions’ pro marathons at Yonkers, N.Y., a dis­ Robbins has played a big part in tification through the use of dental emerge from Tehran* Tuesday was The suspects were searched and problems of a major proportion^ soccer team, will have a dual job this «y EARL YOST tance of 26 miles, 385 yards. the success of the Five Miler over the records. for Bears from Tehran Radio, which said the handcuffed before they were taken to developed and it was either Williams season. 'B ell host the live post-game Spo|;tg E ditor Robbins gained national titles in years, provided the local flavor it Police said the white. Dodge PRICES BE THIS LOW. WE GUARANTEE IT ! nation “ never intended to keep the headquarters, police said. Bond for or the 25 players who would go. radio show .on WINF after each Most familiar face in the annual the 20 kilometers (12 miles), 25 needed when revived and playing a hostages in Iran forever.” the two was set at $500. They are to Monaco that she was found in, was It was easier to fire Williams. Hellion home game from the Civic Five Mile Road Race in Manchester kilometers (15 miles) and 30 big part in being a crowd favorite CHICAGO (UPI) - The Chicago her car. Center. The club opens Nov. 8 against appear Nov. 17 in Manchester Zimmer wasn’t a tough guy, but Thanksgiving morning will be kilometers (18 miles) during the with the passing of years. Bears made the playoffs in 1977 and Mrs. Andrews was reported mis­ firm and his knowledge of the game Cleveland. 1979 despite getting off to 3-5 starts Superior Court. Charlie Robbins. period from 1944 thru 1955. Five com­ Today, he’s an institution in con­ Hqlloween party sing 13 months ago by her husband, The 60-year-old semi-retired physi­ ing in the 20 two each in the 25 and 30 nection with the race. but the schedule was easier than the BOLTON — The Bolton Woman's Herschel, after a shopping trip with a cian filed his entry yesterday. kilometer runs. one the 1980 3-5 Bears must face. Club will sponsor a childreiiis Manchester fire calls friend. He has appear^ in 34 previous In 20 Boston Marathons, Robbins Chicago won seven of its last eight Tuesday, 3:04 p.m. —gasoline Reports indicated she told a friend Halloween party Friday at 1:20 p.m. Landry pleased holiday trots through the paved roads best placement was third in 1944 games to post a 10-6 mark and qualify washdown, intersection of Center she intended to go for a ride since she at the Bolton Elementary School all­ in Manchester, the last 29 coming in while stationed in the Navy in as a NFC wild card team last year. In and Winter streets. (Town) did hot feel like going home im­ 1977, they won their final six contests purpose room. All children who live succession. Brunswick, Maine. Tuesdsay, 11:14 p.m. —gas leak, mediately. in Bolton are invited to the party. Competing barefooted has been his Only in 1951, while attending to reach the playoffs via the wild David Tabasky, Doobee the Clown, 180 Center St. (Town) Andrews said his wife had been SALE! card route. with Dallas play style for years, doffing running shoes Medical School in Philadelphia, was will perform for the children. Wednesday, 6 a.m. —water call, 40 despondent the last time he saw her. But comerback Allan Ellis said the in all kinds of weather. Robbins among the absentees on race Olcott St. (Town) Police did not suspect foul play at the Will Hadden, general chairman for day in Manchester since ‘45. difference between those years and time. dry said. “ We played, really, the DALLAS (UPI) - Ddllas coach the sponsoring Nutmeg Forest, Tall Robbins is a product of Manchester 1980 is the scheduled EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD softest part of our schedule as it Tom Landry gave his state of the Cedars of Lebanon, reports the entry High and the University of Connec­ “ 1 would have to say the road is turned out during t^e first half. The Cowboys report at midseason list is nearing the 1,000 mark. ticut and for years ran under the tougher this year because of the Tuesday and his assessment was that schedule during the'second half will Deadline for entrants is Nov. 16. colors of the New York Pioneer Club. teams we have to play,” Ellis said. EVERY COLOR TV - B & W TV ...must be SoM! be tougher and we will naturally have 4i ” 1 don’t know why this happens to us Flu clinics scheduled things were in pretty good shape. Once agiain Robbins will have the He has been on the staff of the Considering the fact that his team to be better. ^ honor of wearing No. 1 on his running Middletown State Hospital for two every year.” MANCHESTER - Flu sons over 65 have a in- EVERY STEREO & HI-FI ...must be sold! reaction. ble complications. is only a game behind Philadelphia in “ But I think we can*win the East. decades. Ellis admitted the odds of Chicago vaccination clinics will ^ creased risk of adverse togs. Influenza vaccine is not Parents, acting on behalf the NFC East and seemingly a cinch That’s what we will try to do. We Robbins won the Five Miler the Last year the slender, bespec­ winning-seven of eight against sponsored next week by the consequences when they EVERY REFRIGERATOR ...must be sold! won’t give up the East until they tell recommended for in­ of children, and pregnant to make the playoffs, it is easy to see first year after it was revived in 1945 tacled Robbins, weighing the same Cleveland, Washington, Houston, Manchester Public Health suffer lower respiratory us we’re out of it. But wje want to be dividuals with sensitivity women should also consult why Landry is pleased. after a 10-year lapse and repeated 117 pounds that he carried on his 5-8 Detroit, Green Bay, Cincinnati, Tam­ Nursing Association in con- tract infections. in the playoffs, however we get to eggs. This includes per­ a physician on whether a EVERY WASHER - DRYER ... must be sold! He is even willing to chat about the the success the following November. frame 36 years ago was timed in pa Bay and Atlanta are not as good as junction with the The clinic will also be there.” sons, who upon eating vaccine is necessary. Super Bowl. During his peak period, he cap­ 27:55 in 221st place in a field of over they were last year when Chicago Manchester Health available to high risk, non- Although the Cowboys were a pop­ eggs, develop swelling of High risk adults who are EVERY ELEC. & GAS RANGE...must be SOld! “ Our team is where I hoped it tured 11 National AAU long distance 4,000. The 1979 finishing time was just had an easier slate. Department. elderly adults. This in­ the lips or tongue, or who younger than age 27 may would be at this point,” Landry said. ular choice to fade from the playoff ^^pionships, including two Last year, Chicago played and beat On Monday, the clinic cludes those with chronic 1:45 slower than in ’45. experience acute need two doses of vaccine EVERY DISHWASHER...must be sold! “ Defense was my major concern scene this season, Dallas has put San Fransisco,' Detroit. Los Angeles, will be held at the Squire heart, lung, or kidney dis­ respiratory distress or for protection, and should before the season starteid. We had a together a surprisingly tough defense J the New York Jets, Tampa Bay, Village housing unit for the ease; diabetes mellitus; collapse. see a personal physician lot of questions, almost impossible which has helped the Cowboys to a l^rOSS C O U n iry reCOrU 14-0 Green Bay and St. Louis. 'Ihe only elderjy from 10:30 to 11 and chronic severe EVERY MIGROWAVE OVEN ...m ust be sold! Infrequently, influenza for this. questions, to begin with. league leading plus 13 in the turnover — — — loss came to the Lions on a m. It will be at the anemia, cancer, or vaccine may be associated “ The whole secondary was gone. department. Thanksgiving. In the 1977 playoff neuromuscular disorders. EVERY VACUUM CLEANER...must be sold! Mayfair Gardens complex with fever, muscle pain But those guys back there keep “ I think enthusiasm has a lot to do year, when the Bears went 9-5. their The clinic will serve from 12:30'to 1 p.m. and a feeling of tiredness. THANNSGIVHK working and keep hustling. They with turnovers,” Landry said. “ The final eight games included wins over these persons at Town Hall Nov. 7, the senior center These symptoms may start And during this sale, w ell give you the don’t stop everybody, but they seem young people have given us a new Unbeaten season Kansas City, Minnesota. Detroit, bus will be at Spencer on Monday from 9 to 9:30 NOVENA TO ST. JUDE six to 12 hours after vac­ same fine service we always give. Free, fast to do the things they have to do to spirit defensively. Dennis Thurman Tampa Bay, Green Bay and the New Village at 10 a.m. so those a.m. It will also be cination and may last up to 0 W| SI M l. airtir. keep the other teams from scoring." (safety), Steve Wilson, Aaron York Giants. The ^one loss was to residents can be seen at the available for town two days. Serious adverse I* iVM M iW Ii i M m: mr UnM delivery. And a choice of paying with yourj And, after seeing his club end the Mitchell (comerbacks) have just Houston. •I km M l. MM Uratw H Si Senior Center, where the employees at the same reactions to influenza vac­ first half of the season with a wide kept going. It is encouraging to ^ •'1 look for us to win every game M imki M MdS M w w k Sm BankAmericard, Master Charge, or Monthiv for Eagle girls flu clinic will be held from location from 8:30 to 9 a.m. cines may include •I m i Ti |M IMt nnmikM m ' open win over San Diego, does he see p^ple like that who play with that but that’s the way I am,” Ellis said. 9 to 11 a.m. The clinic will Influenza vaccine for Payment Plan. Gruillian-Barre syndrome, MIk il a, kwt M MM) M k M a Super Bowl potential in his team? kind of enthusiasm and iiftensity “ But remember, we’re only two also be held at the Westhill 1980-81 will consist of three Completing its dual mi^t, cam­ Elast with an 18:10 clocking for 2.8 a form of paralysis that M ku iM ndi imt Mil k CM ti “ There are ingredients there and if games out of first place and if we inactivated influenza ■r mklim. lik M k M m M M paign unbeaten. East Catholic girls’ miles. Kathy Kittredge was second in Gardens complex Friday may be observed within 10 we can improve in some areas we Illing triumphs beat Cleveland next Monday and viruses: A/Brazil/78, kiM pcttkR. k rM i I inikit k kSk cross country team blanked Far­ 18:22 with sister Teri Kittredge third at 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. weeks after vaccination in have a chance,” Landry said. ‘ *I Detroit loses, we’re only one game MIMkNMMcMIMkkik. ming jayvee soccer team downed mington High, 15-50, yesterday at in 18:58. Alice Charest was fourth,' Seniors who do not live at A/Bangkok/79-,. and approximately 10 out of nkii think after Sunday night (the win out.” Vernon, 6-2, yesterday at the Rams’ Wickham Park, Ellen and Mary Evans fifth and any of these locations may B/Singapore/79. . every million persons vac­ over San Diego) we have a definite Tight end Robin Earl also said the call Phone-A-'Ride to A $1 donation is te a m ‘t k Man, n»M M iki*' A l field. The Eaglettes finished 14-0 for the sixth, Maggie Sullivan seventh, cinated. M Oakt-hkickln ant kiirakHi n w r n . a i r chance for the Elast (eastern division tougher schedule would be a factor arrange transportation to a requested to cover the cost Bob Blake scored three times and season along with the Hartford Coun- Felicia Falkowski ninth and Arlette Adults who are not high SI M i a q fa a M i l ka knki M sfA i 445 HARTFORD RD. l/l/MANCHiSTER Hmrrtffm title) because we are playing at a working against a Chicago com­ flu clinic. of supplies. All thn«P Steve Logan, Steve Kelly and Kyle ty Conference championship. Next Hoch 11th for the Eaglettes. risk should contact their k t Mk Tkk turn ka nnr Jqa nm m good level.” eback. , The elderly are being receiving vaccination are h aa k M. I kaa kil M n p a l Bockus one each for the young Rams, action for East is Thursday, Nov. 6, physicians for advice on Landr^^saia he would be happy to “ When you’ve got those teams in stressed in the flu vaccina­ request^ to remain for 20 MbN., THURt., M l. TIL • now 8-0 for the season. at the state Class L Championship at “ 1 am very pleased with the entire whether to risk the benefits tiiatch his team’s first half record the AFC Central coming dovm at you minutes, in case of any TUI8., WID., RAT. TIL 8 Phil Fedorchak, Mark Paggioli and Wickham Park where it will be one of team and the way our dual meet tion program because per­ of vaccine against its possi- during the second half of the season. it’s going to be difficult ouV it can be Tony ’Laurenitis played well for the favorites. season went,” intoned Eaglette “ I would take it (a 6-2 record) right Coach Sal Mangiafico. Charlie Robbins done,” Earl said. now and not even suit up again,” Lan- Illing. Linda Reddv took top honors for

- i H - EVENING HKfULD, Wed . (X-t 29, I960 EVENING HERALD. Wed.. Oct. 29. 1980 — 9 __ ( a Sports Parade . Steelers Flyers win brawl, gam^ Astros hide reason for firing outscored 14-1 in the last nine to Plett and Holmgren and issued goals for the Flyers at 19:46. HOUSTON (UPI) — Beleaguered a victim of the championship season, fired Smith Monday without con­ half of what Nolan Ryan got." NEW YORK (UPI) - One more minutes of its nine games and 21-7 in interest in the franchise, we are all move “clearly was not favorable. double game-misconducts to Wilson again scored at 1:39 of the Houston Astros owner John fight and the fans might have been its nine third periods this season. which bathed him and Manager Bill outraged over Tal’s firing,” said sulting any of the limited partners. Lefevre said options appeared “It’s not easy and it's not pleasant still team Calgary’s Pekka Rautakallio, Paul second period and Propp connected McMullen Tuesday hid his Reasons asked to suit up. Five of Detroit’s six losses have Virdon in praise but which eluded David Lefevre, a New York lawyer ‘‘John went out totally on his own limited to suing McMullen for abuse Reinhart and Jim Peplinski and on a rebound at 18:55 to make it 5-OT for firing • General Manager Tal and I'm not trying to say it is and I'm Nine players were ejected and 21 McMullen, the team’s owner for only who owns the second largest shai;e in to sign Ryan,” Lefevre said. “Tal of trust or dissolving the partnership not having a good time doing it," he Philadelphia’s Behn Wiison, Tim Barber scori^ his goals at 8:11 and come in the last period. Smith and a band of angry minority to beat penalties were called in the third Islanders 6, Canadiens 4 15 months. the Astros. and I had to convince him that J.R. and replacing McMullen, which he said. 1© Kerr, Brian Propp and Terry 11:43 of the third period and Jim Wat­ planned to investigate a franchise was the outstanding pitcher in period of Tuesday night’s “hockey Clark Gillies and Bob Nystrom "We were siiccessful too early. Lefevre said there was sentiment said they could do without meeting McMullen reacted strongly to By MILTItICHMAN I distinctly recall Ralph Houk Murray. son closed the scoring at 17:05. takeover. baseball. He ultimately signed for McMullen. gam e" between the Philadelphia scored during a two-minute span of Had we had a third-or fourth-place to check McMullen’s action before he published accounts of the limited saying he was all thrtjugh managing “Nobody likes to have ‘‘The Flyers played a strong, And Smith labeled as “artificial” a team this year, I would still be “It’s behind his back only because n e w 'YORK (UPIl - Sometimes Flyers and Calgary Flames. ’The the second period and Mike Bossy partners’ criticisms. things get so bad. you can t cry for good when he voluntarily left the bench clearing brawls,” said Quinn. physical game and outworked us on handful of minor issues McMullen employed,” Smith said. he’s turned his back on us,” Lefevre Flyers coasted to an 8-0 victory and the boards,” said Flames coach AI added three third-period goals to help “I bought the ball team before I anymore, so all you do is laugh Or Detroit Tigers two years ago and raised with reporters who were Smith said McMullen in June, 1979, said. only one question remained when thd* MacNeil, who didn’t choose to dis­ New York snap a four-game losing had a limited partner. I certainly makA jokes. here he's back managing the Boston allotted separate 15-minute inter­ told him not to re-sign All-Star pitcher He added that in a letter McMullen festivities came to a close. cuss the ugly mess at the end of the streak and a six-game winless can’t afford the manner in which In the team bus carrying the Red Sox. Which makes me wonder views. J.R. Richard, who would become a told limited partners the firing was What has happened to all the new third period. “We didn’t work hard streak. ^RBP explained several of the* limited partners are beaten Pittsburgh Steelers to the air­ how long it'll take before John rules that the NHL said would stop McMullen, available for comment free agent at the end of the year. done without their knowledge “for Madden also changes his mind and enough to make any kind of a Blues .5, R(ingers 4 for the first time since Monday’s HOUSTON (UPI) - Before champion. carrying themselves," he said. port, one of their black players lifted this sort of nonsense? Jorgen Pettersson scored his third ( “ He (McMullen) said we didn't obvious reasons.” returns to coach |some team in the showing. We’ve had tremendous sudden firing, refused to disclose his Houston Astros owner John Smith said he believed he was vic­ the pall and eased the pain a little by “We're defeating our own purpose goal of the game with 4:04 left to need Richard, who he kept calling • “ I have no idea what those obvious Drollinger injured NFL. Madden said he'd never coach peaks and valleys and we have to reasons. McMullen fired his general manager, tim of the championship 'Reason piping up from the back: when things like this happen," said send St. Louis to a victory over New ‘Robertson,’ because ^ll we needexj reasons are,” Lefevre said. DALLAS (UPI) — Dallas’ Ralph "We have found the enemy — and again when he left the Oakland become more consistent. We didn’t “Every once in a while you see a to do was get Nolan Ryan,” Smith he had him explain what an “RBI” which bathed him and Manager Bill In an interview with UPI, Flyers coach Pat Quinn. “We’re go after the Flyers enough and the York;; Pettersson scored on a power Drollinger Tuesday was placed on they is us." Raiders in January of last year after trying to fill the rinks everywhere in “Calgary initiated the brawl and the situation where it’s a matter of said. was. Virdon in praise but which eluded McMullen gave only one specific 12 years with them, but he looks referee didn’t help things by calling play after the Rangers’ Mario Marois From other sources in the time McMullen, the team’s owner for only the injured list and Maverick of­ Despite those three losses in a row, the country and you-can’t do it when referee throws out Wilson, Kerr, received a double-minor penalty with philosophical approaches to things, The Astros subsequently re-signed reason for the firing: Smith’s high ficials said the reseve center might veterans like Terry Bradshaw. Joe better than he ever has and I cheesy penalties.” and Fthink my responsibility is to do Richard and signed free agent Ryan since the millionaire shipbuilder 15 months. salary. players are going to be tossed out like Murray and Propp and that’s not fair In other NHL games, Chicago and 4:20 left. It was the first hat trick of not be able to play for as long as four Greene. Jack Lambert and Jack wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the best I can to make sure the team . for $1 million a season. acquired the baseball team in July ‘‘THb season seemed to cause a Smith said, “All these things he’s this,” to our fans who pay money to see Detroit played to a 2-2 tie, the New Pettersson’s NHL career. -c to six weeks. Ham all say the Steelers are still the he said yes to the right coaching offer them play.” wins." McMullen said. Asked "tuesday if he ever 1979, he learned the “Sporting News” greater breach,” Smith said. “It was now bringing up were artificial. Our The fun began at 5:41 of the third York Islanders downed Montreal 6-4, Kings 8, Rnekies 4 Drollinger, plagued by tendinitis in team to beat. Green Bay figures to that might come along. ... Poor, innocent Flyers. Former -New York Yankees Presi­ recommended not signing Richard^ published baseball information, J.R. ironic. It was selfdestructive. The differences over the designated period when Calgary’s Willi Plett and St. Louis edged the New York Dave Tqylor scored three goals and his right knee, played three years find that out next Sunday inasmuch Philadelphia’s Paul Holmgren Wilson and Bili Barber each scored dent Al Rosen was'hired Oct. 14 to McMullen said,“ That’s the first I’ve Richard was a good pitcher and more acclaim the team enjoyed, the hitter is artificial. The money is ar­ 's biggest job with the Rangers 5-4 and Los Angeles Gene Hopkins and Marcel Dionne with the Athletes in Action before as Bradsahw. Franco Harris and collided near along the boards and two goals to spark the rout. Al Hill replace Smith, two days after the eiid ever heard of SUch a ridiculous Nolan Ryan could not start every worse it got.” tificial." signing as a free agent with Dallas next spring could trounced Colorado 8-4. added' two goals apiece to help Los Bitterness tiiiged Smith’s com­ Lynn Swann, who were sidelined in Holmgren struck his head. Holmgren opened the scoring at 4:17 of the first of the West Division champion statement.” third game. Smith said during the Monday and has seen limited playing time be persuading Ken Singleton into Black Hawks 2, Red Wings 2 Angeles extend its unbeaten strCak to ments for the first time since his last Sunday's loss to Cleveland, went after Plett and began fighting period when he slid the puck pakt Astros most successful season, UPI Several of the Astros’ limjt^d As yet unexplained, however, m eeting, when he was fired", since the season began. becoming the club's regular Reg Kerr and Denis Savard scored six games. Charlie Simmer, the despite a day of interviews he Monday firing as he talked from his report they'll be ready to go against as other players joined in. goalie Dan Bouchard. Kerr made it has learned. , ■ ■ , partners said they were investigating McMullen told him he “had not Dallas signed Scott Lloyd, a 6-foot- designated hitter. Singleton would 14 seconds apart in the third period to league’s leading scorer, registered arranged Tuesday, was McMullen's office in an area of the Astrodome the Packers. ... Referee (iregg Madill threw out 20 at 12:16 on a five-footer and Wilson "Success during the season seemed action to rehire Smith or oust looked at the existing contract until a 10 center who has played with four much rather play the outfield. Now give Chicago the tie. Detroit has been his ninth goal in eight games. firing of Tal Smith, a career baseball separated from the office where nine players, gave game misconducts scored the firc t of two short-handed to cause a greater breach between McMullen. few days ago,” more than one week NBA teams, to fill Drolllnger’snjace Tal Smith, the Houston Astros' that Lee May is gone, though, the Mr. McMullen and me." Smith said. “ Speaking on behalf of the limited executive who put together a McMullen welcomed reporters in­ after Rosen had been hired. Oroiles are looking around for a solid on the roster. Lloyd was cut by deposed president and general Smith indicated he believed he was partners, who represent a majority National League West Division dividually. McMullen said the reaction to>his Milwaukee last week. manager, already has gotten a couple DH. if they can get Singleton to take Best bench in years l i f f of feelers regarding other baseball the job, that would mean they'd also jobs. Still stunned over his firing after be in the market for another regular ( the Astros won their division '^nd outfielder. ...-) came within only six outs of nailing Spurs on spree 6coreboQrcl down their first pennant, Smith says How come so many clubs keep overlooking Billy DeMars in their' I’im.ADKLP)IIA019l N Y. Rangers 013-4 SIXTH A 9/16 r i m. Labitir he wants to take a few days to SI’OHTS ON T\ Krvmi! 9 711 Z. C Jonts 1 r-6 13. St. Louis 023-f< Plainfield 9mU« CikBWis search for a new manager? Ask Oawklns 4 119. Chwlis 7 00 14. Collins First period-none Penally--Hospodar. M Chaev SIvar ^ "assess" his situation. NY. 18:10 Who Am I? lay Irsaaiai fellows like , Bob Boone EVEN)NQ 3 OO 6. B Jones 8 641S . Hollins f. 04110. Tuesday Matinee Results hlMSgscU The conontation now shaping up with new coach Curelon 1 (M) 2. Mik 4 II. Tonev 2 (W Second penod-1. New York. Silk 3 Vs Samy EiOHTH C YC 6:30 6 b te between John McMullen, the Astros' and Pete Rose how much the f. Kldurdsonlf 16. Mic.Johnson460 -Greschner. NY. 40. Norwich. Sll. 1 .S2. '^rtfacta: 1-46 N 23$Si6 3 p.m. Blazers. “This team can run. We can while Mike Mitchell led Cleveland ~ *•■80 14. Lanier 6 OO 10. Buckner 6 2-2 14. LaPomle. Stl, 10 Ifi. Connor. NY. 14 21, IJ. Ill N 24166 FM UM tir E i i y - South Windsor al Suf- hold another 8 percent. Controlling 33 minor league manager in the n SportaContor Winters 4 2-2 10. Bridgeman 7 3-4 17. Zuke. Stl. 14 21. Marois. NY. double blOri come from behind and we can now with' 23. THIRD RACE: 9/16 (M): TENTH A 9/16 field percent of the club, substantially Baltimore Orioles' organization from ~ 8:88 Catchings 2 1-1 f. Moncrief 2 2^ 6. minor, gross misconduct. If 40. Turnbull 4 Tm U■ C'm '1.66 1666 4.40 IflS y lM rsJmasP make something happen on defense. ” Jazz 104, Mavericks 96 (B) NHLHockoy Elmore 1 00 2. Cummings 4 24 10 Stl. 17.21. Greschner. NY. 19:38. 32Slsciiabi 3.46 XiO TVsR* Rockville al Ellington more than any of his other partners, 1958 until 1968 and comes from the Totals 42 a-24106 MdiMCMi TasTNa In other words, the Spurs can do it Darrell Griffith, who sparked a _ 8:80 Shotsongoal-New Yorkl2-7-lf-34 St iOnUiDNn 2JI E sL a a S M same general mold as Dallas Green CHICAGO i99i L o u i s 12-11-1^3T Yeah, I was brash and TM:31J1 CTilMyllM Rollon al Cromwell gives McMullen pretty m u ^ the all. And, so far this season, they have IB) FloldHoeliov Greenwood 6 f-fi 17. Kenon 8 S-f. 17. SmpaelSat streak of 16 straight Utah points in' Goalies-New York. Davidson St cocity. I'm still the only MMs: 364 N 224.66 NINTH B 9/16 Crasi af CUry Rham at Killingly, 3 p.m. right to run it any way he likedfSmith and Jimmy Frey. ... y Gilmore 7 f-9 19, Theus II 2-2 S. Louis. Liut A-10.344 Trifactc 4-M H 2144.66 been doing just that. Traditionally an the third quarter, scored 33 points W'ilkerson3 0O7 Lester 03-4 3. Jones 0 pitcher in nearly SO years rvTa^b Lyman Memorial al and McMullen had some differences offensive powerhouse led by two- 1-2 I. Worthen J OO 4. May I OO 2. ^icago 002-2 FOURTH RACE: 9/16 (E): U'l ft. Ntc* and NBA leading scorer Adrian to do what I did. Yet my Z1J6) 7i0ih S.46 NM Covenirv, 3 p.m. before this and the event that During the NationI League piayoffs DietrickOOOO. Wilkes 12-2 4 ToUls37 Detroit ; I o_2 10-year career record was time NBA scoring champ George Dantley added 28 points to help Utah 23-29 99 First period—1. Detroit. Thompson f I PwfKtT« 11.66 5.60 ELEVENTH B S/16 CROSS c o i ;n t r y triggered the firing was merely the between the Phillies and Astros, Milwaukee 28 30 24 24-106 just 131-91. As an ex-star, I 76«llMrica 1.66 TVs taaiUg Gervin, San Antonio has added a few to its fourth victory of the season. B aske tb all 'Foligno. McCourti. 4 26. Penalties- TM: 31J9 last straw. Nolan Ryan personally thanked his Chicago 28 23 22 26- 99 MurrayV Chi. 0 39, Lvle. Del. 2 04 played for the Senators (I TaMlin Chenev Tech al Stafford new tricks under the tutelage of its For Dallas, Geoff Huston had 24 Three-point goala-Wilkerson. Theus BM a: 461 N 211X46 ttirslady All this agitation among the Houston teammates for their treat­ McCourl. Del. 9 11 Sutter. CTii, 10 SJ lost 22 games in 1971), Ath­ Trifwia: 44-7 N 21.4SL36 FIELD HOCKEY new coach Stan Albeck— defense and points, Tom LaGarde added 15 and Fouled out—None. Total foula-Milwrauke< Korn, Del. major, 13 37. Mulvey. Chi, letics and Braves. Astros' owners reminds me of the ment of him all season long. “I 2f:.C'hicago26 Techmcal-Buckner A - 13 37: Lyle. Det. misconduct, FIFTH RACE: 5/16 (0): Manehesler al Windham, bench-strength — to open with an Abdul Jellani 14. 7J» . . ^ tte r , Chi, misconduct. 13 37, 1 SSFmAFvHi U6 iOO X26 OpMMt 3:30 heated argument Dan Topping and wanted the guys to know how I felt astonishing 9-1 record, best in the Jolv. Det. 14 ff. Vasko. Det 14 33 I IrM T « h f 3i6 X46 Mbai ll about them,” he explained. “I was Bucks 106, Bulls 99 LOS ANdELES (1311 Robidoux. Chi. 16 27 4 TVs fn t Fma 160 GIRLS VOLLEYBALL Del Webb once got into when they league. TM 3143 Marques Johnson scored 8 of his 18 .NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOC CTiones 4 3-411. Wilkes 7 OO 14, Abdul- S ^ n d period-2. Detroit. Vasko 3 SMUtI 09 Otis 0) K ll TWELFTH D YC Manehesler al Fermi were co-owners of the New York the first free agent they ever had and Feastem Conference Jabbar 7 2-2 16. Nixon 7 OO 14. Johnson 'Thompson. Larsoni. 10 48 Penalties- u| utaa XzxKl MUft jatjnq tuf) ». 2 08 4. Los Angeles, M Pruitt, Cle NINTH RACE: 9/16 (C): Thursday Matinee f o o t b a Ll Manchester High girls' swimming 200 IM: 1 . M. MacDonald (Ml, 2. day. “ When you come off a game like Pacific Division 119 4S2 4 1 22 3 3 Urastar 121 140 X40 election but really doesn't cluding 24 in the second half, to help W L Pet H ockey Taylor 6 1 Halward>.f:34 f . Los Angeles Armstrong. Den 101 4fJ 4f20 4 Post Time 1 p.m. Fermi al Manehesler, 2 team splashed past Fermi High, 121- O'Brien (Ml. 3. Dugan (F) 2:29.8. l^hoenu 7 1 87f ..Dionne...... -f . (Simmer...... ^...urphvi,LMurphvi. 8 09 fhinlmg I Sly lay X40 XIO LA — the epitome, the world cham­ Atlanta snap a three-game losing S f t M U XM FIRST D 9/18 think it makes much 50 free: 1 Scott (Ml, 2. Boulanger (Fl. Successful block Los Angeles 8 2 800 • Penaltie»-Mcewen. Col, 1.06. t ’nger. LA no Ig avg p.m. 45, in CCIL competition yesterday at pions — you are fearful of a letdown streak. Kansas City, which trailed by (ioldenSiale f 4 fW 1 3f. Ramase.Col.7 16, Colorado oencl Hamsev. N Y T M 31:11 difference who occupies 3. Prior (Ml :28.7. M U : 3U N 226J0 East Catholie at Somers the Indians' pool. Portland’s Calvin Natt, left, tries to score over outstretched and I feel we did let down in the first as many as 13 points in the third Seville r 6 €! served by Eaulour),9 43, Goldup. LA. Prestndge, Den the White House. Diving: 1. Bayer (Ml, 2. Welch (Fl, 3. Portland 3 f. .37T. 13:48 Guy. Oak Tftfacta: X6S N 2SI4.M Coiiard al Penney, 1:30 The Silk Town natators are 6^3 for arm of defender Lonnie Shelton of Seattle in NBA action. Shelton quarter. But Olberding and Gale San Diego 2 6 2TO TENTH RACE: 5/16 (A): In a news conference Kellog (Ml 111.85 points. quarter, fought back to 105-101 with Roberts. Mia TaPrtn East -Hartford al the season and wind up their regular was successful in blocking shot. (UPI photo) provided the spark and this is what 6:05 left before Atlanta went on a 14-8 Tuesday s Results NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE iDagne, McDonald). 47 7, Colorado. Partridge S D 1 R s M Pmta 14.20 120 X26 StyMJm Tuesday at Carter's foo fly: 1 . Dugan (F), 2. Darna (Ml, 3. Atlanta 119 Kansas Cilv. 106 Campbell Conference McIVinald 2. i^enneville. Ramagei Ihint Returns S M H i i i f t 1116 XIO Sinishury, 1:30 schedule Friday afternoon against Keller (Ml 1:17.2. we’re looking for. spurt. The Kings were led by SCott Philadelphia 119. Cleveland 101 Patrick Division 3 fl 8. Colorado. Quenneville2 i Hughes no vds avg Ig td 7TVskMfa« F M M Chicago campaign Pierce). 4 36 9. Los Angeles. Taylor 7 T M 3111 PmTaffiw South Windsor at Windham High in Willimantic at 100 free: 1. B. MacDonald (Ml, 2. “Our bench beat LA and they ob­ Wedman with 34 points^and Otis Bird­ Milwaukee 106. Chicago 90 W L T P u GF GA Bell Pitt 12' I4f. 12 1 27 0 2My 's Sftaa headquarters, Ali said l lah 104 Dallas 96 Philadelphia 7 3 0 14 41 2f. 'Simmer Dionnei.7 3f 10, Los Angeles J.Smilh.KC 18 217 12 1 26 0 M U 165 N 269.66 Glaslonhiiry, 1:30 3:30. Boulanger (Fl, 3. Gurnev (Ml :58.5. viously played a big part tonight. song with 24 while Dan Roundfield San Antonio 120 Portland 112 NY Islanders 4 4 3 11 40 42 Simmer 9 iTavlor. Dionnei. If IB 11 Fulier. S D If 163 10 9 31 0 Trifacta: 1-5-7 N 2310.16 SECOND D 9/16 Carter is “the right white Scott took the 50 free and 100 Catholic spikers win big When everyone is contributing that’s Los Angeles 131. San Diego 101 Calgary 4 4 2 10 J7 39 Los Angeles. l(opkins3 lUngen. If M Havnes, N E 9 97 10 8 X u MTsMii had 27 points and 13 rebounds for the Seattle 119. Golden State lOB Washington 3 3 2 8 27 22 12. Los Angeles. Dionne 6 tLMurphv). Upchurch, Den 21 204 9 7 34 0 UcaUalimy for the presidency” breaststroke to pace the Indiatts what makes a good basketball team. Hawks. Wednesday s Games NY Rangers 3 7 0 6 M 47 17 34 Penallies-Dionne. LA, 34, Hala- KickoR Returns Saiimi Jaa But he said he will not be while Beth-^lacDonald secured the 500 free: 1. M, MacDonald (M), 2. And right now, this is a good basket­ Milwaukee at New Jersev Smvlhe Division word. LA. 3 27. Dionne. LA. 4 16. no vds avg Ig tj Wednesday Entries ftrtiuft Bowling East Catholic girls’ volleyball season, wind up their regular season Lakers 1.31, Clippers 101 • Chicago at Philadelphia V W L T Pts GF GA Ramage. Co). 4 16 Ivory,N E ■■■10 331...... 33 2: 961 I FIRST D 9/16 concerned if Republican 100 and 200 freestyles and sister Mar- Fournier (M), 3, Hunt (F) 5:48.2, ball team that’s going to get better Boston at Detroit St Louis 6 2 2 14 37 40 Shots on soal-Los .Angeles f-7-12- 24 l^wis. Sea 10 261 26 1 f>4 0 team overwhelmed Newington High, Friday at home against Rockville Earvin Johnson scored 29 points Colorado 9-7-14-30 challenger Ronald Reagan BLOSSOMS- Lorraine cy ann^ed the 200 IM and 500 free. too back: 1. O’Brien (ML 2. Tomlinson and better.” New York at Indiana Vancouver 6 3 0 12 40 28 Wright. Cle 20 487 24 4 fO 0 15-12, 15-9 and 15-7, yesterday in High at 3:15. East has qualified for and had 10 assists in leading Los Dallas al Houston Chicago f 4 2 12 40 <2 Goalies-Los Angeles. Graham Colora­ Harper. N Y 22 fl3 23 3 3T 0 wins. Peterman 137-145-370. Sandy Prior and Jerry Tucker also (M), 3. Campion (M) 1:15.5. The Spurs led 56-55 at the half and Portland at Kansas Citv Colorado 4 4 1 9 27 2f do. Smith A-62M Bessillieu. Mia 18 414 23 0 87 0 100 breast: 1. Scott (M), 2. Stauffer Newington. post-season play. , Angeles to its eighth victory in 10 San Antomo at I'tah hldmonton 2 4 2 6 26 30 Scoring performed well for the locals. held a 91-89 advantage after three San Diego al Hiuenix Montreal I I THIRD M 9/16 (Ml 3„:Bolanger (F( 1:18.9. The Eaglette spikers. 11-6 for the Pam Cunningham played well for games. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar added Winnipeg | 4 2 4 ?7 33 Touchdowns Results: periods but couldn’t put Uie Blazers llenver at (^Iden Slate Wales Conference NY Islanders 12 3-6 td rush rec ret pis ci'i iJ I 400 free relay: 1. Manchester (Samp­ East. East also took the jayvee tilt, 16 points for the Lakers, who led by Thursday s Game Norris Division First penod-I. New York, D Potvin2 Cnbbs. Bui lU 200 medley relay: 1 Manchester away until Griffin sparked an 8-2 Atlanta at New York ' Persson, Sullen. 6 CO 2. Montreal Shuti Smith Pill son. M. M acD onald. T u ck er, B. Morton appointed 15-9 and 15-10. as many as 45 points. For San Diego, W L T Pts GF GA SECOND C 9/11 SMM k iFogg, Scott. Mumlord, Jordani. 2 Fer­ spurt that gave the Spurs a 117-107 lx)s Angeles 6 2 U 13 41 23 f (Savard, Acton), 6:27 Penalties- Jcllerson S D •mMi TM MacDonald), 2. Fermi 4:06.3. rookie Michael Brooks scored 24 KANSAS CITY lUOi llartlord 4 3 2 10 8 37 Wickenheiser. Mon. 410. Bourne NYI (.'handler. Oak Oust Oil In mi 2:17 8 DENVER (UPI) — Denver Bronco King 2 00 4. W'edman 17 0-1 34. 7 36 . Gillies NYI . 16 43 Km CM SlvnO edge with 1:34 remaining. points and Phil Smith had 18. Pittsburgh 3 0 6 3f 44 McCullum Sea riJMk quarterback Craig Morton ’Tuesday iXHiglasS 107. Birdsong88-10 24 Ford Monlreal 2 6 1 f 30 31 Second period--3.') Montreal. Acton 2 Winslow. S [) FaMM M M hc “ They played well and their SuperSonirs 119, Warriors 102 4 60 14. Lacev I 2-2 4. Whitney 2 00 4. Dftroil 2 6 1 f 31 42 ■ unassisted).3 29 4. New York. Gillies4 Kicking Fftiiw Osatt announced his appointment as Menwealher 2 4-7 8. Grunfeild 2 3<4 7. )J Potvin. Goring).7 (B f. New York ftw't ftwii GM forwards are doing a good job,” said Adams Division ep-a fg-a Igpts FOURTH D 9/16 Colorado chairm an of a group Whiiel 1-23 Totals 42 2f-33 IQB W L T Pis GF GA Nystrom 3 i Merrick i. 8 .“O Penalties- Siiiilh. N K 2f-J If-17 41 70 h it Rft nmiM Portland coach Jack Ramsay, Fred Brown, who hit his last 11 ATLANTA ill9i Toronto 6 3 0 12 4f Aclon. Mon. 1 21. Ungwav, Mon. 4 Hi FWi l«k SViCaM Bibby to Clippers Drew 10 12-16 S. Kuundlield 10 7-9 27 40 Benirschke, S D 28-29 11-16 f:3 61 backing the GOP presidential ticket Bultalo f 2 1 11 8 21 Trottier.NVI.4 ra. Acton! Mon.8 21 I) Bahr. Pm SbMfttry k« M'sNUn “Restani and Griffin especially.” shots from the floor, scored 27 points Pelham 2 OO 4. Hill 2 OO 4 Johnson 4 4- Polvin. NYI. 12 17! Tonelh. NYI. 19 29 24-27 m-l6 3f M Eagle harriers of Ronald Reagan and George Bush. SAN DIEGO (UPI) - The San Minnesota r 1 I n 31 21 Steinlort. Dc>n If-lf 13-16 f7 M SiftMi AUTO - 4 12. Collins 12-2 4. Rollins 3 OO 6. C rlu Calvin Natt paced the Blazers with and John Johnson added 22 to lead six Boston 2 6 1 f 26 31 Third period-6. New York. Bossv 6 Fntsc-h. Hou iHfRTfti Morton joined the effort .with Diego Clippers say they are not 6 6-7 18 McKlrov2 00 4. McMillen4 0O ID. Potvin. Troltier i.6 38.7. New York. 14-14 13-14 46 fi3 24 points and former Spur Tom Seattle players in double figures. Quebee 1 6 2 4 31 46 Passing UtftI CmtOwt 8 Totals 44 31-3^ 119 Tuesday s Results Bossy 7 (Trottier. Kalluri. 9 28 . 8 lIvTrw Roger Staubach, former Dallas Cow­ trying to unload Freeman Williams Kansas City 30 Z7 31 21-109 att comp pci vds td int . . rack Owens added 18. Golden State was led by Lloyd Free’s New York IslandersB. MonireaH Montreal. Tremblay 6 1 Acton. Lambert i. SIpe. Cle 277 163 f6 82l61 16 f ImMilnh kOaUm boy quarterback, who is the national but. just in case they do trade him, Atlanta r 29 30 2^-119 17:44 9. Montreal. Larouche3 i Napier In other games, Philadelphia 20 points, but Free fouled out with f*htladelphia 8. Calgarv 0 Hradshw. Pti 190 106 fA 9 1790 If 9 FIFTH D S/1S ^ REPAIRS close with win they have obtained Henry Bibby. Fouled out—None Total foul»-Kansas Detroit 2. CTucagof i tie i Shutti. 19 08. 10. New York. Bossv 8 Plunkett. Ok 113 .61 MO 881 10 f Oaaara Iftt chairman of the national organiza­ defeated Cleveland 119-101, Utah seven minutes left. Vinnie Johnson, ClivZ? Atlanta 2f> A-4.78B .St Luuisr,NcwVorkRangers4 (Trottier) 19 30 Penalties - Gingras Griese. Mia lOD 61 61 » 790 6 4 tion of Athletes for Reagan-Bu'sh. Bibby, a free agent guard waived Los Angeles 8. Colorado 4 Mon, 4TO. Lambert. Mon. 12 T9 D Fouls. SD an 16B f7.724ifl9 16 topped Dallas 104-96, Milwaukee who had 18 points for Seattle, had to Potvin. NYI. 14:47 Fnt OiMr Catholic boys cross country sophomore Steve Kittredgd was I'TAH il04) Wednesdavs Games Rating based on pet compnavg vds. SM taF IM “Homs of Mr. Qootlwroneh" . Other Coloraclo athletes in the by Philadelphia three weeks dgo, Washington al Los Angeles Shots on goal-Montreal I3B-12-33 NY bested Chicago 106-99, Atlanta leave the game with 30 seconds to go Bristow 2 (H) 4. Dantlev 12 4<4 28. pt't Id. pit int FOURTH C S/16 FMlNksTia m closed out its season with a 24- runner-up. one second behind. group, Morton said, were former Tuesday signed with the Clippers. PoQuette I OO 2. Gnfiith 14 3-4 33. Detroit al Hartford Islanders 6-12-13-31 Pass Receivers Goalies -Montreal. Herron NY Island­ Raiastra ftvA if Im Rm downed Kansas City 119-109, Los after getting poked in the eye M(-Kinnrv3006.1)urenl002 Hardv3 Pittsburgh al Bulfalu Receptions GVs Oastnetar • Complete Mechanical Service g Dean wae fourth. Chuck Bronco Floyd Little, former New The eight-year veteran, who earned Vani’iiuver al Quebec ers, Smith A- 14,5f/. T a i B t i t e f Angeles routed San Diego 131-101 and blocking a shot. 117 BtHme f OO 10 (m per 6 OO 'l2 no vds avg td CR't Ebftatk t?'’ 'J>cl double game misconduct, f .lf. phi I oDiracts. pl.ici'd widi' rect'iverkick | and Lathrop Insurance in the Registration for Juniors (ages 13- “These are people who are con­ Mauti N 0 29 740 2f f ^ 0 M-lurner Waflv llenrv on mjunsl ri'serve The right-haaded hitter was bat­ Shumate 2 2^^ 6. Olberding 10 3-4 23. bench < served bv Morrison i. f 41 Cal I) Mill I. A 18 iffi 24 3 » I 1229 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER Dates for basketball clinics at the cerned that Georgetown is unable to. 1972. He was Big East Conference G Johnson 2 (Ml 4. Silas 8 2-3 18. Gervin bench 'served bv Sm ithi.f 41. Dailev' ll(N'kev OfU MONTH S Ml - S:30 p.m FUSTICS M STOCK A m ericar^ague and North Enders, 14-15) is still open and are being ting above .300 for the first four (ireen. Sll If :W 24 0 37 0 N Y Islanders CalUsI up go.iltendi>r Community Y have been set. coach-of-the-year last season as the 11 8-9 a . Moore 2 2-f. 6. R Johnson 1 04) Phi. 9f7. Smith, Cal. 9f7. Hill. Phi ■I .lones Wash 17 30? 23 4 41 0 UT TU 12 NOON .100-!4’’-3,'l6"-V.’’ Lloyd’s ^ t o Parts, Elconomy Elec­ accepted at the East Side Rec, Mon­ months of the 1980 season, but a match the high salary offers that 2. CorzincIM S. (;ale4 04)8. Restani 6 10 Bridgman. Phi. II f2. Smith. Cal .lim Park Iroiii Indianapolis ol the Schedule: Pee Wee (8-9 years old) Hoyas went 26-6, winning the con­ 16 07 Nelms. Wash 10 232 23 2 29 0 GM QUALITY tric, Tierney’s, llling. Dean Machine, day thru Friday, there is a |3 recrea­ tender right shoulder sidelined him other larger universities are able to 2 2 14. Griffin3 04)6 Talalsf020-Z7120 Scoring < eniral llmkey league to replace Ihe , Nov. 3 and 10 from 6:15 to 7:30;. ference tournament and advancing to Portland 28 27 34 23^-112 goal-Calgary 7-44-22 Touchdowns iniiirtnl Glenn ile.sca 54 M

TV World EV EN IN G HERALD, Wed.. Oct. 29, 1980 — 1 1 TV tonight. Yale to sell discoveries d )O 9 0 N«wt ( C O Elflhtla EnouphThaBrad­ QD Movie HCom edy)** "Q o rp " Maude Manchester hospital •tartkyAnd Hutch ford houaaholdlathrownlntolurmoll 1080 Dennis Quald. What crazy SportaCenter Have Gun Will Travel NEW HAVEN (UPI) - Yale patents could be applied to commer­ chairman of Yale’s research and Johtr’iWHd whananautomobilaaccidantaanda ahenanigana could possibly erupt Dick Cavett Show PartfM « Famtty Suaan to lha hoapllal during har at a Jewish aupimer camp in the NBC plans forelection University has announced plans to cial uses in the inxpenslve production development committee, said any 0 aavanth month of pragnancy. heart oftheCataklllmountaina?The JMorecambe And Wise TV Community CoH*o«: Am«r> 11:30 commePRalize some of its dis­ of any naturally occurring rare drug money that coud be earned from the appoints supervisor ICMHIttofy ^aaaon-Pramlara) counselors of Camp Oakamo will NEW YORK (UP!) - The most and it will loom like a Las Vegas computer in Cherry Hill, N.J., mixed 3 ) Campaiqn '80: Pre-Election coveries from research into gene­ such as interferon and insulin, of­ ventures would bolster university O 3>2-1Conloct ( ] ) Baakalball Indiana Pacara va a ho ^o u . (Rated R) (00 mlna.) Special heroic graphic display of Americans billboard behind Chancellor and with raw vote totals from the S What’t Hopponing Naw York Knicka 9 9 Movie Of The Week 'The splicing to help the institution raise ficials said. finances and lessen its dependence on 3 ) Kojak MANCHESTER - Mrs. Lee Paul ® Jim Hocktord: PrlYCto ® ThaSportaExparlanca Omen' 1076 Stars: Gregory Peck, exercising their franchise at the polls Brinkley throughout election night. National Election Service, for ul­ Third Central, Obstetrics, Special GD Morecambe And Wise money. Recently, Yale doctors successful­ federal grants)’ InvMtIgolor 9 0 9 RaalPaoptaTonlght'a LeeRemlck.Tohlahorror,theAmer- Nov. 4 will rear its flashing lights at has been appointed day supervisor in (3D Professional Football From The 50 states — Alaska and Hawaii timate display on the big map. Care, and as a floating nurse. 6:30 aagmanta includa a viait to a wad­ icanAmbaaaadortoBritainrealizea Yale officials said Tuesday they ly transplanted foreign genes into ^ ^ a Edmonton vs Calgary NBC in the format a wall-siz^ elec­ have been added to the “ lower 48” NBC claims that In calling ap­ the Department of Nursing Service Since 1976 she has served as a part- Tic Toe Dough ding with a monatar motif in which that hla only child, who was substi­ have yet to develop any specific mouse em bryos- the first time an But unlike Harvard University, 1 M 0 Intomattonol Roequot-thagroomladraaaadaaDraculaand tuted at birth for his own atitiborn 9 9 9 The Tonight ShowHost; tronic map of the United States, but this year — are lit by 7,324 tiny in­ proximately 650 gubernatorial, which is considering forming its own at Manchester Memorial Hospital, time assistant evening nursing super­ tha brida ia draaaad aa tha Brida of son. ia poaaesaed by evil spirits. (2 JohnnyCarson. Quest: Larry Gatlin, patents that are financially lucrative animal’s genetic composition has bon ToumomonI Woman't Vice President and Executive candescent bulbs in 1,831 clusters of Senate and electoral college races genetic engineering company, Yale Sandra Muller, assistant director of visor. She assisted in the FTogram Sai^FInili Frankanataln. a viait with Dan Poat hrs.) ^mins.) but the school has some patents pen­ been fundamentally altered. S 9 ABC Captioned News the hospital, announced. Producer Gordon Manning still 0 0 9 NBC Nawt of Burbank, California, who makaa 9 PubHcFlle red, white and blue. As states are between 1964 and 1978, only six were fa hesitant to go that far, preferring Development of Nursing Care Plans 9Mo^e-(Drama)**^ "Guns at ding in genetic engineering. These Professor Frederic M. Richards, O O Ovar Easy Quattc: SIngar fanlaatic maaka, a look at a flying 0:30 ' ' betting on his people. projected for President Carter, called wrong. instead to develop commercial A graduate of the Newport and completed the Management Connia Hiinac and fiinaaa axpart iawnmowar. and a apin with a Naw ( £ 9 Soap AngelBea Arthur has a Bataal" 1064 Richard Attenbor­ Hospital School of Nursing in New­ York atockbrokar who rollarakataa devil of a time convincing Jessica ough, Jack Hawkins. In a British In the process, he sounds a bit Ronald Reagan or John Anderson, That translates to a margin of techniques for others, said Richards. Development Course in Motivational Jack LaLanna. Hoala;Hugh Downa port, R.I., Mrs. Paul served in the and Frank Blair. waaringabridalgownandcallahim- that heaven really can't wait. (00 A m y camp, inivnewly independent more like a football fan than the man they will light up — red for the error in the neighborhood of 1 per He said Yale did not want to set up Dynamics at Hartford Hospital. She minsj African nation, a rigid sergeant Judge considering suit goaad-Captionad aal^ollarana. (60 mina.) upon whose shoulders will fall the Democrats, blue for the Republicans cent — which isn’t bad in anybody’s United States Air Force, attaining received an associate’s degree in OOThaPlumbarShaopanadhar 8 S t Natural Hlalory Of Tha refuses tohandoveranative officer a situation where a faculty member Nawhart Show whole complex business of running bail club. the rank of first lieutenant. She later 6:S6 door to tha plumbar, and what fol- Water Cloaetlnacreativecombina- to aqroup of Rebels. (2 hrs.) and gray for Independent Anderson. would have to chosb between doing science from Manchester Communi­ lowad wara fiva daya of mantal tor- tion of documentary, animation and 9 ABC News Nlghtllne network coverage of a presidential C ^ and NBC will lean, in part, against designing 1*84 an academic job and simultaneously served as head nurse in pediatrics at ty College in 1977. mant that would changa har Ufa. original mualc, this musical *• 11:35 7:00 election. upon ’ ’exit polls” — surveys of voters Zambarano State Hospital in Wallum In the past year, Mrs. Paul has Judy Morria.RobanCoiaby and Ivar documentary offers a survey of 3 ) M.A.S.H. In-service days HARTFORD (UPI) - A federal the design work was premature have a strong commitment to in­ Kanta atar In thia brilliant man's ingenious attempts over the 11:60 "I don’t dismiss the map,” he said, as they leave the voting booth — for Lake, R.I. HEBRON — Rham Junior and judge has taken under advisement a because federal officials have not yet dustrial development. assisted with the in-service educa­ I ABCNawa paychological thritlar diractad by )^ara to deal with human waste. 9 Love Boat-Polloe Woman "but no graphic is worth anything their projections. NBC will base its She joined the staff of Manchester PatarWalr. (OOmina.) ^ 9 Bax|era Love B oat-'EI Kid' A husband and Senior high students will. be dis­ suit by environmentalists who want tion of co-OD nurse aides and new nur­ wife return to the ship with an or­ without the reporters, and with the projections strictly upon the Richards’ committee is preparing Memorial Hospital in September ) S^rteCantar 9Movla-8 free-oim machine with 12 clothes-money. The question Bawltchod ^ Young And Tha Raattaaa fad) 7th we will be having our flu will be having our first MEN a WOMEN 6*30 MtkaDouglaa Howell Cheney Tech MW modernized oMc* with 24 hbur sntwsrtng tst' built-in F^ion* and Flen-Stitch* here is, how much will it ( D 9 FNntotonut 3 j MvThraa Bona Domata shots from 9 to 11 a.m. tryouts and meeting on patterns. Ruse built-in .Rompor Room 3 ) 9 AllMyChlldran PTL Club-Talk And Variety JWtWMItfMCA cost ifyou miss it? i ) MyThTMSont They are free but if you will be expanded vIm . buttonhoier and front drop-in )N«wt ' lortaCantar Gp Movla Buga Bunny And Frianda Sunday Nov. 16 from 2:30 CONTINUIS 64M167 A complete line of business bobbin. NOW ONLY S259.99 I BuNwInklq LaaVagaa Gambit (iD Varloua Programming (Exc. 9 Saaama Street want to donate $1, it will p.m. to 4 p.m. If you are in­ Appointmonts 22Altvo T u ^ * ^ r . ) and personal Insurance. THE SINGER STORE I Vartout Programming Movla help defray the cost of the AvaHabta Beet Abe Oassinaii 9 Rompar Room Tom Laraon Show 9 9 9 Daya Of Our Uvaa Bewitched WHERE SAYING IS ALWAYS IN STYLE I Lova Lucy vaccine. Also, as far as the Tub*. Thru FrI. ^ 6:55 9 ln-8chool Programming BlgVallay(Exc. Wad.) 0*" To The _ 10:24 1:30 4:30 bus route is concerned it p AmarIcanTraH 9 WaatharVlaw W alk-lna GP Addamt Family ^ ^ B u d y Bunch will be the same as usual Oct, L Four conventeni cicdti pUns avaiUbk lo quUlhed customcn 10:30 (3D Profaaalonal Canadian Foot- 3 ) 9 Aftarachool Special on State Senate, t *Albdemark oflhe St^r Company. Prices and credii plans optional at parttcipating dealers 7K» ^ AHca J Morning CThur.) (Wad.) with the exception of the CommMe lo Wkeet QtaMmon; QD ILqvoLucy _SaliirdB]|^ P P ^ y a And Bugs Bunny Jaka Haas Qoapal Tima 9 Chrtat Tha Uving Word pickup at Squire Village 2 4 L ««li Du08. Tweeuff Q r a S Blockboalora ln-8chool Programming 9 Bewitched p 9 Good Morning Amarica ® In-School Programming which will be at 10 a.m. p Richard Sknmona Show 9 One Day At A Tima 8 Bullaayo 3 ) ABCNawabrIaf 2 5 ^ P SpgrteCantar f 5:00 and Arthur's Drug Store at ta „ 10:50 2:00 ^ I Lova Lucy | 9 9 Today S Now* 10:15 a.m,. then the return 1 Batman ^ At Tha World Turns op Ironakfa 3 0 4 i _ 10:58 7:26 0 Oat Smart GD Varloua Programming (Exc. trip will be after lunch. 3 ) Nawabraak d ) l ^ 9 One Ufa To Uva Mpn..Frl.) , Also, bipgo and exercise 11:00 (S) Profaaalonal Football Prom ]3/a 7:30 9 Davay And Goliath class will be cancelled. 'ScfiCDl I) FIntatonaa D S lta u d * Canada (Tua.) > Happy Oaya Again 1} PTL Ctub-Tatk And Varlaly Midday 9 i ^ ^ n t On Living (Mon.) >9 MlatarRogara On Saturday, Nov. 8 at 8 D 9I Lova IBoat i BcoobyDoo 9 9 9 Another World Staraky And Hutch p.m., there will be an 6 pm ) BtralghkTalk 9 You Bat Your Ufa Jokar'aWlld rx Evening of Performing P Captain Kangaroo D Varlpua Programming ^ 2:30 * 5:15 to 9 pm > 9 9 WhaalOfFortuna GD UttlaRaacalt 9 Harmano Pablo Arts which is sponsored by FREE P Woody Woodpackar 11:30 GD U8TA Junior Boy'a Tannia p Varloua Programming ^ *=30 the Manchester Area Coun­ j Mary Tylar Moora Show l^amplonahlp (Tua.) OD Barnay Millar MANCHESTER STATE BANK CHRISTMAS CLUB GIFTS i Porky Plg-B^a Bunny > 9 9 PaaawordPlut ^ B:30 9 Domata 3 ) Walcoma Back, Kottar cil of Churches. This will »» > Richard SImmona Show p (UlNgan'a Island 9 Varloua Programming GD M.A.S.H. be hold at East Catholic ^^Add charm and grace to your holiday with one of four free Manchester State Bank club gifts. l) In-School Programming 9 Nanny And Tha Profaaaor P Varloua Programming 9 NCAA Water Polo (Mon.) High and the tickets are $2 PONDEBOSA ■ 9 ln-8choolP^rammlng Ifi) Maggie And Tha Beautiful 9 Movla (Exc. Tua., FrI.) B Cartoona AFTERNOON Machine 9 Or. Gena Scott On Habrawa and $1 for seniors and announces 9:00 _ 12KX) 2:56 <241 3-2-1 Contact students. We have tickets *.-1 ; >41 D (£ 3 ) Nawa 3 ) 9 FYI 9 Lottery Show (Thur.) 2 new menu additions! P Tom And Jarry available here at the P frady Bunch D All-Star Soccar (Wad.) ^ 3:00 9 Nawa p 9 PhH Donahua Show D uvtng Faith ® Guiding Ught 9 Electric Company center. The Sunshlners will P Joa FrankHn Show >99CardSharka 0 Woody Woodpackar ^ 5:35 be performing as well as 0 I D rn jifii O f > Varloua Programming 3 ) 9 Qanaral Hospital 9 Movla Continuat (Thur.) other groups and in­ YOUR 50th CHOICE ‘I AM NOTAN ANIMAL! Wicked witch I AM A HUMAN BEING! due at UConn Y A W E MEALS I...AM...AMANr Christmas Club STORRS — Margaret D a irg Hamilton, the Wicked THB Payment Free Witch of the West in the Q u e e n SALE ClwpTOd original "Wizard of Oz” Oct 30, 31 eD^Ih ^ movie that starred Judy Beet Free Sbtin Ornament with $5.00 club. Garland, will make a Nov 1, 2 Dinner return visit to the Universi- Colorful Christmas scenes to dress up Thurs-Sun. Free Blanket with $20.00 club. Warm Main Office Hours: ty of Connecticut Mon.-FrI. 9 A M -3 PM Spencer St. Branch your table or tree. Thursday. up winter nights with this large 72x90 Drive In - 5 PM Mon-Thur Only 242 BROAD STREET Mon & T ubs - 9 AM— 7 PM.^ She will be back again to deluxe plaid blanket^ Thurs - 6 PM-e PM MANCHESTER Spenal dinners feature Sat - 9 AM— noon Wed to FrI • 9 A M -8 PM take part in the pre- choice of Chopped Beef or Sat, - 9 A M -S PM Halloween festivities of Fish Filet, and both include Dr. F.rancelia Butler’s All You Can Eat Salad Bar. SPECIAL Baked Potato and Warm children's literature class. HOT FUDGE HOT Single Burger Roll u)ith Butter Her talk to the class, and the question period that BMWMEDOKHT DQ DOQS ^ Filet of _ follows, will be open to the cone TneArmylras~ Manchosler public, without charge, to Fish Dinner no laughing the extent of available seating. 59 « •hnekaitar lM SiMONr S I matter until ra g . 9 8 c 39 « ( S ln r lM ) NWTIMf —Judy Beniamin rcg. 40c each Slate Bank The program will begin TVTUST I rag. $1.24 •hrtfirCfti Prasaact km. ^ joined it. at 12:30 p.m. Because of (•a* Had aatlk *( n^i) the expected public in­ WatartanUM Oh m Si *. Cmnol b* uasO In comblnailan 1041 Main St. terest, it is being moved to With other diecounte. A^tceMe PR IV A TE FREE D.Q. TOY AIRPLANE INut *1 WHartwyHMi) text* ool Included. Al ffiilcl- a larger i-oom, the Andre peting SteekhouMe. B E N JA M IN I Downtown Mancheator Shenker Lecture Hall FOR THE KIOS WMsor SN NM mt h t . 646-4004 (Room 55 .of the Social ^ RiHMr Staapiil Caalir) PIXW ECAgngATBF Sciences Bldg.). FREE WITH A 50c PURCHASE FREE ranSCflEENTMES Free Hot Plate with $10.00 club. K-Mart Plaza Decorator style hot plate, Ideal for Spencer St., Mancheater "Hava A Nice Day 1961”, linen hanging holiday entertaining. wall calendar, free with $3.00 club. 12 - EVENING HERALD, Wed , Oct 29, 1980 Communist Parly says Buckley^ Dodd Forensic experts state has *dirty tricks^ attack records BRIDGEPORT (UPI) — Republican James say Garter won HARTFORD (UPI) — The Communist She said the actioTi "disfranchises" Buckley and his opponent for the U.S. Senate, People/FoocT" Party has charged Connecticut election those who signed the party’s petitions. Democrat Christopher Dodd, are zeroing in on each By United Press International Nicholas M. Cripe, former president of officials with playing “dirty tricks Joelle Fishman, Communist Party can­ others defense record In the last days of their cam­ President Carter and Republican the American Forensic Association an d , numbers games" in barring its presiden­ didate for Congress in Connecticut’s 3rd paigns. challenger Ronald Reagan fought a head of the Department of Speech at tial candidates from the state's Nov. 4 district, won’t be affected by the decision Buckley and Dodd, in back to back appearances dignified debate on nationwide television, Butler University, Tnd., called the debate ballot. since she has achieved ballot status by vir­ Tuesday night, one week before election day, ac­ but Carter nudged Reagan into a defensive in Carter’s favor. Claiming 187 petition signatures had tue of three previous campaigns, cused each other of poor defense voting record in posture, giving the President a slim vic­ "Had this been a college debate decided been wrongly invalidated by election of­ Ms. Dlugin said the party was dis­ the Congi;ess. tory, forensic experts say. on points for evidence, organization, ficials, the party Tuesday demanded a cussing further legal action to get its Buckley, a former senator from New York, also Of a nationwide group of forensic analysis, refutation, delivery, why then, o spot on the ballot for Communist presiden­ presidential candidates on next ’Tuesday’s questioned Dodd’s credibility in his campaign experts polled by United Press Inter­ you would have had to go with Carter,” FEASIBLE FESTIVE FARE FOR A tial candidate Gus Hall and runningmate ballot but admitted, "Our problem is that stance versus his record in Congress. national after Tuesday's Cleveland said Cripe. Angela Davis. we may win this verdict after Nov. 4.” ’The two answered questions from editors and debate, eight gave Carter a victory, two Dennis Winfield, executive secretary of "The Communist candidates have been The party already has gone to Hartford reporters at the 27th annual meeting of the United said the former California governor had the National Forensic League, also gave barred from the November ballot by dirty Superior Court in an attempt to win Press International Newspaper Association of won and one said neither had come out Carter the edge. On a 30-point scale, Win­ tricks numbers games by which some validation of its signatures. Judge Norris Connecticut. ahead. field gave Carter 20 points to Reagan’s 18. town clerks and registrars have wrongly L. O’Neill said a full court hearing Buckley, who has been shown to be trailing in the All of the experts said the debate was “I think the debate did show sharp eliminated signers of our nominating appeared likely. race which will be decided next Tuesday, also said close. differences between the two men, par­ petitions on false grounds," charged Lee Ms. Dlugin also called on the he hadn’t had time to reflect on the way he had run “The debate was very, very close, cer­ ticularly on the ... Equal Rights Amend­ Dlugin, national field director for the Legislature to amend the state’s his campaign. tainly as close as the'polls indicate,” said ment, on the minimum wage. Social Hall-Davis campaign. "archaic, cumbersome and expensive” Dodd, a three-term Democratic congressman Tim Sitz, assistant director of Forensics Security and the Energy Policy,” he said. Town clerks or registrars in 29 Connec­ provisions for third party candidates to from Connecticut’s sprawling 2nd district, said he at Emory University in Atlanta. R o b e rt Jeffrey, dean of com; ticut towns and cities threw out names get on ballots. had consistently put forth positive programs and David Dansky, chairman of the National munications at the University of Texas at based on outdated voter lists and in some hadn’t run a negative campaign. Forensic League for northern California Austin, appraised Carter’,s offensive eases because "there were no middle in­ The charges were made after a meeting Dodd said his opponent this week had decided to The Fall season brings with it many en­ between party representatives and and a registered Republican, gave the posture on the podium as a success. itials," Ms. Dlugin charged. attack his defense record and while he didn’t mind "Reagan was almost constantly defen­ tertaining opportunities. Election parties will Secretary of the State Barbara Kennelly most enthusiastic remarks about the She said almost 11,000 of 24,000 if Buckley addressed certain votes, “to president's performance. ding himself against the Carter attacks,” abound .. .followed by seasonal sports parties signatures gathered had been rejected, to discuss the ballot status. characterize that record as a weak record is "I’d say in general overall performance he said. and Saturday night get-togethers for conversa­ leaving the party 141 names short of the "I can relate with their disappointment something I definitely take exception to.” President Carter did more than hold his 14,089 required to win ballot status in the in not getting on the ballot,” said Mrs. Buckley, who followed Dodd on the podium, said own and kept Reagan on the defensive. If tion or card playing and Sunday morning Kennelly. "But you must remember that state. ' there “happened to be areas where the contrast it was a 15-round championship bout, I ABC poll sees we've had a number of other parties, the brunches. These are just a few of the how’s and “This action is simply another way of between Mr. Dodd’s rhetoric and record are so would give nine rounds to Carter and six to Citizens, Libertarians and others get on why’s of the Fall entertaining trend. rigging the November election on behalf stark as to call his basic credibility into question.” Reagan,” Dansky said. the ballot in Connecticut. It's not just Reagan winner of the old parties by removing from the Buckley also said D t^ 's claim that he voted for James Unger, director of Forensics at voters an important alternative choice," Connecticut. The Communist party hills all defense appropriations during his six years in NEW YORK (UPI) - Ronald Reagan Whether planning for family or guests, there had trouble elsewhere.” Georgetown University, said Reagan took emerged the 2-1 winner of the presidential said Ms. Dlugin. Congress was "meaningless almost to the point of the debate “by the very slightest of is no need to worry about serving elaborate consumer fraud.” noses.” debate over President Carter in an ABC experimental phone-in survey marred by Dodd reiterated his criticism of Buckley for mis­ “The governor exhibited every bit as food, as economy and practicality are the order busy lines and a tape recording mix-up. Reaction to big debate sing crucial defense debates and votes during his much ‘presidential’ quality as be needed. of the day. Food costs seem destined to rise, tenure in Congress. ’The survey Tue^ay night showed 67 He was the equal to the President, and I percent of the ’TV viewers chose Reagan providing us with more reasons for selective Both candidates agreed some form of strategic think that’s what he was trying to es­ as the winner and 33 percent chose Carter, arms limitation treaty was necessary but deferred tablish in this debpte,” said Unger. ■food shopping. - is predictable in state on its form. ABC said. James McBath, communications The viewers in the unscientific survey Dodd said he hoped to be able to vote for a SALT .v professors at the University of Southern What’s more, the U.S. Department of Agri­ HARTFORD (UPI) - Major party of­ that Carter had the upper hand. — the first such nationwide phone "straw II treaty and the government’s failure to negotiate an * California, agreed with Unger, saying ficials in Connecticut predictably gave “There was nothing new or startling poll” conducted — were told to call a culture, Science and Education Administration arms agreement "implies somehow we’re going to Reagan was better inform^ on most their respective presidential candidates a ’ that we have not heard before in the cam­ special number if they thought Carter be able to increase our security while the Soviets issues, was more responsive to the continues to tell us of the importance of select­ good rating in 'Tuesday night's national paign," said Fitzgerald who accused won, and another number, if they thougljt do nothing.” questions and had greater self assurance. ing the kinds and amounts of food for making debate between President Carter and Reagan of engaging in “the old rhetoric” Reagan turned in the better performance. Ronald Reagan. of pointing out the nation's problems and Buckley said the U.S. had fallen behind in the up a nutritious diet. The new five food groups arms’ race and had to restore its deterrent in order Democratic State Chairman James claiming he has all the solutions. to re-negotiate a treaty. are not so different from the old basic four food Fitzgerald said Carter "conducted Republican U.S. Senate candidate himself with dignity” and had "swayed James Buckley, who viewed the debate in groups, though it is interesting to note that in soft Democrats away from (independent his Sharon home, said Reagan “came off the milk and cheese group, the words skim, low- candidate John) Anderson to vote the well.” announces fat and nonfat are prominent, while a group Democratic ticket.” Ralph Capecelatro, the Republican Buckley said he was “appalled” by PtaHxgnHs titled Fats, Sweets and Alcohol is labeled^ state chairman, saw it another way. Carter's attempts to tell voters that all LIFE INSURANCE GIFT SHOP . . • ^ CAUTION. "Governor Reagan clearly won. 'There's was well with national defense and the AGES 6 MONTHS TO A6E 87 newest stoneware pattern no question, the great majority of un­ economy was improving. The route to a better diet is a sensible assort­ decided voters were waiting for a signal— “Here you have Carter look you straight ment of foods from the four food groups ... viz; a good reason to vote Republican—and in the eye and say the world was flat and Mrect from company Folk Art Vegetables and Fruits mainly for their Vitamins they gol it.” expect you to believe it. Fitzgerald said, "No one lost or no one "People don't believe him,” said NO SALESMAN WILL CALL A and C and fibre. Bread and Cereal Croup won the debate” but he felt it was clear Buckley of Carter. I would liko moro Inforiiurtlon mainly for whole-grain and enriched breads and on tlio Homo ctMckod; cereals, which are important sources of B vita­ Lawyer facing charges ‘ QuaranlMd ItMW - No NafuMir Pormonoiii LHo mins, iron and protein plus magnesium, folacin □ Insurmco lor apoo 4« to irjoaro. and fibre. The Milk and Cheese Group con­ will remain a candidate ®P**I*I H3AG NrmononI LHo Inturtnco Poliqr tributes riboflavin, protein and Vitamins A, Bo \ □ M i* paid ago W tor poopto 29 to 48 rows 01 ago. and B,- and some Vitamin D. The Meat, Poultry, NEW BRITAIN (UPl) - AttomeVdohn Sen. Nancy Johnson. Zisk couldn’t be V. Zisk, charged with larceny and extor­ reached for comment. Apodal W,000 Pormanani Ufa Inauranea PoHey Fish and Beans Group is valuable for protein, tor chHdran agaa • Awntha to 24 yoart. tion in a grand jury probe of alleged New Britain Democratic Town CJiair- □ phosphorus, iron, zinc. Vitamin Bo, other vita­ criminal activity in Hartford County, will man Thomas Domizio has asked Zisk to mins and minerals. remain a candidate for the state senate, withdraw. Check box next to Hama doalrad and mall togoihar with his lawyer said Tuesday. name, addraaa, ago and whathar mala or tomato, to; While adhering to these government guide­ Zisk, 51, a former Democratic state Zisk turned himself in to state police li tll6 Sfcitcll senator, appeared ioNew Britain Superior and was charged with first degree larceny LIFE OF AMERICA INSURANCE o i.'D yourself how lines and standards, food can be festive, yet by false pretenses and extortion Sunday jj ef. pretty it is. Court 'Tue^ay, where his case was con­ GIFT SHOP practical and easy-to-prepare. Here is a fine tinued until Nov. 19 in Hartford Superior - after a warrant for his arrest was issued CORP.OFROSTON iridal Registry Welcome, Ck)urt. Friday. example of a feasible, festive, fall buffet with 40 OroMl S t, lo tiM i, M a u . 02100 Ogpl 064IH 077 MAIN S TR U T OOWNTOWN His lawyer, Harold Geragosian of New Authorities have refused to discuss the the recipes for creating it. The basics have been or CAU TOU IKE; I00-22B.1780 Moik-Sat « SdO; Thura. M A Britain, said Zisk indicated he would stay nature of the charges, based on grand jury built-in ... especially with the cheese product in the race to unseat Republican State hearings begun last month in Hartford. BMOaeOMMMMMOOO* ... processed with lower fat and cholesterol to OVER 80 YEARS OF DEPENDABLE SERVICEI meet the demands of modern consumers who atlas bantly WOODSIDE ANTIQUES BUYIN6 are aware of the ways of better health. r ^ • 24 Hour Emergency Service The fabled Jack Spratt who ate no fat and his buxom wife who ate no lean might go hungry S2BIO GOLD,. SILVER C wiyV • S100 with this meal. We ll wager the average Amer­ WE PIT IISTim T IR TIE SPIT ican will he thoroughly satisfied and happy with 7^^ 649-4595 o Clm Mnit o hnlni • Clin the hot sherried bouillon,- Po’Boy* sandwich I Call Us for Your Home Heating »An«i|ltoMWMRW sliced into pieces for eight, a nifty spinach salad A M UhI m SHm A2 0 IO And Air Conditioning Needs ... $90 and a tasty zucchini, cheese and carrot combi­ TOP PRICES PAIDII ZMSSER nation. Fresh fruit for dessert balances the menu. ★ w A 10% bonut on dau rbiga wMi Ods ad ★ * ★ 110PINE ST.(MANCHESTER PHONE 643-4839 fo r arnar of HTFD. RD. AND PINE ST. (OLD KINGS BLDG.) HOURS 9-5 ELEANOR'S PaBO Y ANDY'S HARVEST . SUSAN'S SPINACH SALAD STATE SENATE (Makes 8 servings) (Makes 8 servings) If* VEGETABLE MEDLEY 1-1/2 pound* lean ground beef (Makes 6 to 8 servings) 4 cups tom lettuce or other salad greens 4 ounces (about I cup) fresh mushrooms, 1 (8-cunce) can tomato lauce 4 cups tom fresh spitrach sliced 8 ilicei Skim-American Pasteurized Process 1-1/2 pounds zucchini, sliced I (Il-ounce) can Mandarin orange I small red onion, sliced and separated Cheese Product I pound carrots, pared and sliced secliotu, drained into rings Bottled low-calorie Italian or other 1/4 cup chopped green onion I small onion, sliced 1 (8-ounce) can water chestnuts, drained and sliced salad dressing As your State Senator.I will... v 2 teaspoons Wyler's’'’ Beef-Flavor Instant Bouillon 1 tablespoon chicken-flavor instant boMlon 6 slices Skim-American Softly Tculored... OR 2 Beef-Flavor Bouillon Cubes OR 3 chicken-flavor bouillon cubes ^ 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder Pasteurized Process Cheese Product, Fight a State Income Tax 1/8 teaspoon pepper cut into strips Is The Tbwn and Country Look I (I-pound) loaf French bread 2 tablespoons diet margarine In large bowl, combine all ingredients except dressing; chill until serving time. Toss I medium tomato, sliced 'k Vote to eliminate the 2% tax on oil 8 slices Skim-American Pasteurized with dressing. Refrigerate leftovers. Fashion's newest silhouette: soft I medium green pepper, cut into rings * Process Cheese Product, cut into small companlea. NOTE: Prepared as directed and without dressing, provides 2.7 grams of fat,-and 90 suede or supple leather on a distinctly pieces angled natural wood heel Decidedly Preheat oven to 400'^. In large skillet, brown mpat; pour off fat^ calories per serving. Values by product analyses and recipe calculation. uersallle . . . disarmingly sophisti­ R e^ce government spending. Stir in tomato sauce, 3 slices cheese product (cut into pieces), cated ... and oh, that Incredibly soft k onion, bouillon and garlic powder; cover. Simmer 5 to 10 min­ Preheat oven to 350°. In large covered skillet, leather! Thn or wine In either smooth utes or uptil bouillon dissolves, stirring oc&liM6nally. Mean­ over low lieat, cook zucchini, carrots, onion, leather or suede. Save to 47% thru Vote to remove the party lever from while, slice off top of French bread and scoop out center bouillon and pepper in margarine, stirring occa­ DAVID'S SHERRY BOUILLON Election Day. k voting machine. section (use for making bread crumbs or croutons); place on sionally, 10 to 15 minutes or until carrots are (Makes about 1-1/2 quarts) large sheet of aluminum foil for wrapping. Spoon meat mixture tender. Reserving about 1/4 of the cheese prod­ 6 cups water 1/3 cup dry or cocktail sherry Our regular into bread loaf. Cut remaining cheese product slices in half uct, stir remainder into vegetables. Turn into 3 tablespoons beef-flavor instant bouillon 1 tablespoon lemon juice low price to $27 k Vote against legislation that endangers diagonally; layer alternately with tomato slices and green lightly oiled 1-1/2-quart shallow baking dish ( lOx OR 9 beef-flavor bouillon cubes Lemon slices, optional local autonomy. pepper on meat; replace top of bread. Tightly wrap in alumi­ 6-inch); top with reserved cheese product. Bake num foil. Bake 20 minutes or until hot. Slice into 8 servings. 20 to 25 minutes or until hot. Refrigerate leftovers. Refrigerate leftovers. In large saucepan, bring water to boiling; add bouillon, stirring until dissolved. Re­ move from heat; stir in sherry and lemon juice. Serve hot garnished with lemon slices VOTE Nov. 4 for New Leodership NOTE: Prepared as directed, and using ground beef with 10% NOTE: Prepared as directed, provides approx­ if desired. fat, provides approximately 12 grams of fat, and 320 imately 5-4 grams of fat, and 100 cal­ in the 80’s calories. Values by product analyses and recipe cal­ ories. Values by product analyses and NOTE: Prepared as dir

( ^ ' 14 - EVENING HERALD, Wed., Oct 29, I960 44 Honey^' of a spice cake KVKNl.Nt; IIKKALD. Wed . Oct. 29 1980 - l.» The delicate aroma and California wine milk. But save enough 2 cups rice and rye flakes wooden pick inserted near savory flavor of Spice Cake cereal to make this almost come alive jOst by cereal with raisins center comes out clean. "honey" of a spice cake */i cup margarine or reading the ingredient list. Cool completely. Serve soon. butter, softened with whipped topping. Let this cake recipe tempt Yogurt lovers will be in­ Take it from Brother Tim: ^It^s going to be a great year ' your imagination. Then try ■k cup sugar ■Yield: 9 servings, 3x3 In­ trigued by Yogurt Muffins, Vt cup honey ches. it and see how right you ST. HELENA, Calif fog moving in from the technology industry. over to Pinot Chardonnay “There’s not a tremendous “We are able to predict to help her.” before and during Prohibi­ also made using rice and 1 tablespoon sugar Yogurt Muffinii were. (DPI) California's “vin- coast and retreating back Because white wines from Cabernet Sauvi^on, difference between the more accurately and con­ ’*We’d be out of business tion, when the Brothers rye flakes cereal with Ml teaspoon ground cin­ 1% cups dll-purpose flour The perfectly blended "tage '80,” now fermenting on a daily schedule that proved to be more popular for example, in two years average wine being trol more accurately," if we had not continually came to Monte La Salle to raisins. Serve them warm namon 2 teaspoons bakingv combination of cinnamon, with butter and jam. in the tanks, promises to be cAn be figured to the hour. than reds, the vintners instead of the five or six it produced here and the said Gleeson. “We can now upgraded our wine and im-' build a school and found cloves and ginger in this Whipped topping powder a corker. . Hot, sunny weather 'in learned how to graft white would take to rip out the super wine.’f’ proved our product,” said 1. Stir together flour, detect early in the growing themselves with a honey-sweetened cake Spice t;ake Vk teaspoon baking soda “It's goirig to be a great autumn. varieties on the rootstocks vines, plant new ones and The Brothers -did not season what the grapes are Brother Timothy. “Wines vineyard on their property. makes it worth the an­ 1 Va cups all-purpose flour baking powder, soda, salt, '(k teaspoon salt year," said Brother They brought in cuttings of vines that started out wait for them to bear fruit. “vintage date” much of today are better than they the 1 teaspoon cinnamon, going to be like and how to They crushed the grapes in ticipation. But the hear­ 1 teaspoon baking Vi cup milk Timothy, the 70-year-old of the best families of wine with red grapes. “ We don’t have really their wine until recently. handle them. We used to have ever been before.” the cloves and ginger. Set a wooden trough with a tiness of rice and rye powder 1 cup plain yogurt * cellar-master at Christian grapes, and they made This means that a good or really bad years They still put dates on a leave a lot to Mother Brother Timothy heavy tree branch they aside. flakes cereal with raisins V4 teaspoon baking soda 1 egg Brothers. grape farming a high- vineyard could be changed now," said Gleeson. relativelv small share. Nature. We now do things reflected oh the days called the “mule’s leg." makes it even more en­ Ml teaspoon salt 2. In small mixing bowl, M l cup shortening It is Brother Tim's 45th ticing. 1 teaspoon ground cin­ beat egg slightly. Stir in 1. Stir together flour, year supervising the vats ALL FOOD MART STORES OPEN SUNDAY 9A.M .T04P.M . The flavors of rice and namon milk and cereal. Letstand baking powder, soda, salt and oaken barrels of Monte rye, plus raisins galore, Ml teaspoon ground about 5 minutes or until and sugar. Set aside. La Salle Vineyards in the are combined in this new cloves cereal is softened, stirring 2. In large mixing bowl, Napa Valley — California’s occasionally. No need to hug the butcher ready-to-eat-cereal. You'll Ml teaspoon ground crush cereal slightly. Stir classiest wine producing ginger 3. In large mixing bowl, in milk and yogurt. Let want to try this cereal region. • • from Kellogg Company the 1 egg mix margarine, the (k cup stand about 5 minutes or You can’t really judge Food Martas meat is supposed to be better usual way, topped with % cup milk sugar and the honey until until cereal is softened. yout'^Vine until it is aged, PRICES EFFECTIVE THROllGH SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1 smooth. Add cereal Add egg and shortening. gently uncorked and mixture and flour mixture, Beat well. Add flour r r 0 poured into a crystal glass. U.S.D.A. CHOICE mixing well. Spread batter mixture, stirring only until C a p ric c io New twist But this year's crop of in greased 9x9x2-inch combined. Portion batter grapes looked so good that BONELESS BEEF iIwoict baking pan. Sprinkle with evenly into 12 greased 2Vk- Brother Timothy has a mixture of the 1 tablespoon Fat^liioii inch muffin-pan cups. decided to bottle some of it sugar and the 'k teaspoon for potatoes 3. Bake in oven at 400° undur a label giving the cinnamon. SIRLOIN J e w e l rv F. about 25 minutes or until vintage year. That way. if Potatoes are a mainstay 1 package Shake'n'Bake 4. Bake in oven at 350° golden brown. Serve Salt It Is as good as he thinks, it of almost every meal in F. about 35 minutes or until warm. Yield: 12 muffins. f g S a v e u p many countries. Pare potatoes and cut will bring a higher price TIP Dining the holidays they into strips (as for french than the regular wine. to 5 0 % do yeoman's work since fries). Soak in cold water. "It was the coolest FromRegultr . they are whipped into all If desired, use a crinkle growing season in'50 ^ RtUil Price* years,” Brother Timothy ROAST Opais JJJ<> ».;».■ kinds of nutritious and cutter to make strips. Mix lAtP STORE COUPON " • V 5ari''-.- j-1 "aAfvs hearty dishes at small 'water and pepper sauce in said. "The cool growing %3» O a-rii.-o*. Pi-di.' . a *.-K . With Thli Coupon and a S7.S0 Purchaao* (j*. a-v » pr •> .{ H'4* ’ • H ->i expense for each serving. pie plate. Drain potato season helped the grapes . • A q-pa’ s p f. f .• f„ t . v . .. ^ Week after Week.. retain their fruit-acid con­ «. ..S - H- • I P",Jd.'« ; H4” ■ Baked potato slims will strips, a few at a time, and FALL CIDER SPECIALS! put pepper sauce mixture tent, and so the grapes PICK UP YOUR SAVER CARO NOW fijneal to the most OUR OW N AND START COLLECTING TODAVI - in pie plate. Swish around lOOCt. have a very nice tartness. •2.09U S D A CHOICE - BEEF BONELESS pemickety eater and im­ You’ll Always TEABAGS box WALDBAUM’S SWEET U S D A CHOICE ■ BEEF BONELESS press the most recent to moisten on all sides. Put This generally means the ! Limit OfM Coupon Par Fwnlljr Whole Untrimmed London Broil ^ lb S2.49 gourmet dining at your about 8 moistened potato •< kWIIM I'l* R'>(* '» MlX I EichMNngnomaProhiWtodBvlt* fermentation* will be LEAN MEAT - IDEAL FOR POTTING or SOUP AkP ••CRPI *1 *»•<•••< cat xolM-n •« |. VolMOct.2a-Nov t.1tlO APPLE CIDER New York Style Deli! ^ table. strips at a time into plastic better.” Sirloin Tip lb bag with Shake’n Bake. Do Better at A&P! At the end of September GALLON GLASS CONTAINER (WILL CUSTOM CUT INTO Beef Short Ribs .7 9 Our Best EIxperiment with these __( BUTCHER SHOP )y )^ BUTCHER SHOP J ) ) - ^ ROAST^ &' STEAKS) Salad Sale! to see how crisp you want Shake to coat well. and early October, Califor­ ------Fresh Pork Sale!------^ Lean POTATO - Remove and place in rows nia had several weeks of them when served. They go BEEF CHUCK FRESH-READY GROUND FRESH PORK LOIN ASSORTED Cooked COLE SLAW - well with the breakfast on foil-lined baking sheet. hot, sunny weather — “just • 1 . 9 3 MACARONI or eggs and the most sump­ Repeat with remaining right for bringing up the • 1 . 7 0 PORK CHOPS Roast Beef BONELESS GROUND US EXTRA FANCY • 2V^ MIN WASHINGTON STATE U S D A CHOICE ■ BEEF BONELESS ?.1.49 GERMAN POTATO sugar content." f r e s h p o r k LOIN BONELESS » . _ _ tuous filet mignon. potatoes. Bake in 325- Lean Meaty Baked Potato Slims degree oven 1 hour. REEF Brother Tim and other Red & Golden Q O d Rib End Portion lbM.9 9 Sprinkle with salt and STEAKS Napa Valley winemakers Whole Briskets LB 3 medium baking FRESH— U.S.D.A. INSPECTED potatoes serve immediately. This are always enthusiastic Delicious Apples ^ LBsC#%/ TRIMMED ■ OVEN READY COLONIAL LEAN , FRESH ATKINS and DERBY S ’ ;G A L Sirloin Cutlets lb ^1.99 V4 cup water kitchen tested recipe about their wine. They COOKED HAM AOd I o V2 LB Ik teaspoon pepper sauce makes 4 to 6 servings. compete ferociously in the Sweet Apple Cider CONTAINER 9 9 LONGACRE ■ SLICED TO ORDER Shoulder • 2 . 1 9 Center Cut Chops lb^ i .9 9 Vi •WHOLE FRYERS tastings at the county fairs FIRST OF THE SEASON FLORIDA INDIAN RIVER SEEDLESS Steaks H l H lb WHITE CHICKEN ROLL LB . and in the marketplace, r but they get together once White Grapefruit aosze 5rof1. Fresh Frying Fresh Frying Fresh Frying OLD FASHIONED JACK & JJLL • BOX-0- Your Choice! a month to talk sugar con- Chicken Legs CHICKEN WIDE BOLOGNA Cheese sparks Salad Specials! ^ HANSEL & GRETEL BEEF nOQNO-WHOLE 1 0 1 0 12-lBS. tent, acidity and BQX O’ CONTAINS: t CCNTCR CUT. I R « END ROAST 1 1 COM END ROAST 3 LBS. OR MORE viticulture. COOKED SALAMI ’/2 LB J U T ' Boneless Pork California Large Fresh BREAST California vintners in CHICKEN c IMPORTED ITALIAN GENUINE Sirloin Tip Toord.f CHICKEN Combination Pack » i (SPLIT LB *1.49) PECORINO B K F BOUND general have been carrying W LB. appetizers PORK LOIN ROMANO CHEESE LB *3 .1 9 Boneless Bach Package Contains: on a high pressure public • 3 Breast Quarters (with back) Rib Side or i3 9 TOMATOES DRUMSTICKS n n o HANSEL » GRETEL relations and advertising LB. LB 9 9 ^ Siiloin Tip Steaks • 3 Leg Quarters (with back) . 8| THIGHS f 1 . 3 9 Whole Pork Loin irZ I POLISH LOAF '/2 LB ' 8 9 * CRY-O-VACPACKAOC-APPROX IL B PIECES campaign to boost their When it comes to cheese Cheesy Pretzel • 3 Necks RECIPES JIMMY DEAN , .wire Canadian Style • 3 Wings ( A t P SEAFOOD SHOP ) ) ) product versus “imported’’ COLONIAL GLAZED uioriK n. in appetizers, you have a Appetizers NOS 51 & 52 ' LB. PORK SAUSAGE p a A ^ e^s ' p k g ^ 1 » 7 9 ‘ COLONIAL • 3 Giblet Packets wine. They conc^e the OSCAR MAYER COOKED HAM '^Sm^E* Vj LB *1 .6 9 wide choice. Serve it 1 cup all-purpose flour Bacon BAHEBOlPPtO-FBOZEN battle isn’t over. But they 1 LB MAPLE CURED perched atop thin rye toast 1 cup (4 oz.) shredded A&PHsbSbcks LEAN SLICED BACON PKG M .9 9 Judea Kosher Beef Hebrew National BREAKFAST FAVORITE |il9 CHICKEN-SPLIT OR OTRD 3 'r FRESH U S D A INSPECTED I FRESH-U.SO .A. INSPECTED BATTf B 0IPPE0-FB02EN 49W say international wine OSCAR MAYER JUMBO or REGULAR BACON M .6 9 FRANKS, or crackers or dip a chunk Cheddar cheese Ann Page Sliced Bacon Fresh Crisp Deli Sale! A&PHsh&Chips experts now regard MEAT FRANKS i B E E F LB,M79) l b ® 1 . 6 9 of bread into melted 2 tablespoons grated GREAT VALUE KNOCKWURST, • ROASTERS-- BREAST CHICKEN BAHENDIPPCO-FBOZEN U S California as the place BEEF FRANKS, KNOCKWURST, cheese (fondue). Maybe Parmesan cheese HEAD 1 l b MIDGET SALAMI MIDGET SALAMI A&P Meat Franics A&P Hsb Portions ” Green Leaf Lettuce TOP FROST FRESH FROZEN STORE SLICED where good wine is PKG you’d like to shape creamy teaspoon Italian • LEGQTRS. QUARTERS LEGS AVAIL. W ED -S AT . _ S S S FRANKS M .7 9 or BOLOGNA or BOLOGNA happening. 1-LB cheeses into an ap­ seasoning Calves Liver 1“ 3-LB PACKAGE OR MORE Fresh fillets :S r FLOUNDER PKG They want to make us all Long Green Cucumbers 5 for 1. POLISH propriate mold. Ml teaspoon garlic OR TOP FROST BREADED 9 9 FROZEN ) ) wine drinkers. The United FRESH CRISP r % f \ ^ Etet there's more: You powder FISH PORTIONS ” k°g" RINGS 5 2 . 0 9 States presently consumes can blend two or three Ml teaspoon onion powder MINUTE MAID Chicory & Escarole lb 39^ FINEST QUALITY 69t ^79! M 9 ' a paltry two gallons of MEAT GARLIC O f GERMAN SLICED OUR BEST BREADED kinds of cheeses with com­ V« cup (Vi stick) butter LOX Nova or Regular '/4 LB *2.29 wine a year per person, 6 oz GEM BOLOGNA < lb p k g M . 4 9 CHICKEN plementary seasonings for 5 to 6 tablespoons milk \BAGS ‘ b a n a n a c h ip s , ORANGE ANN PAGE compared to 26 gallons for Fresh Red Radishes 3 4 9 '^ •GEM 1 LB PKG ^ ^ ALL NATURAL . PINEAPPLE RINGS a dip or a spread, as in Combine flour, cheeses FRESH LOCAL GROWN PATTIES PKi NES $• a Frenchman and 24 SLICED COOKED SALAMI M . 5 9 DRIED FRUIT oreSrs^EARs PAPAYA SPEARS LBlI1 .9 9 Cheesy Apple Spread. and seasonings in a large ^ JUICE . MARGARINE gallons for an Italian. 4 ’ . OZ BAG GEM CHUNK 1 lb pk g HERQLI STROMBOL' Another way with cheese is mixing bowl. Cut in butter Alfalfa Sprouts 4 0 SNOW KING Some of the best Napa WALDEN FARMS ALL VARIETIES BOLOGNA or LIVERW URSTM .19 to include in it dough, until mixture resembles DELICIOUS AND NUTRITIOUS FARM FRESH-CALIF. PREMIUM VEAL SANDWICH HEAT & SERVE o zM .59 ■ v > Valley winemakers, Sandwich shaped as pretzels, twists coarse crumbs. Add milk, Lo Cal Dressings '?O Z b o t t le o 3 TORRONE ■ GIFT BOX however, could care less SHOULDER CHOPS lb ® 2 . 5 9 BOX OF or as desired. a tablespoon at a time, just GOLDEN RED RIPE LOVELY LARGE ITALIAN CANDY 18 PCS whether they make a 4*. Steaks *3.29 Almost everyone has until mixture bolds BREAST o t VEAL s - | . 3 9 3 9 ^ RANANASDMTIF TOMATOES profit. Fifty new wineries Diffenbacia Plants pot ea ^3.99 FROZEN • 2 LB. PKG. AGED OVER 1 YEAR - VERMONT heard of quiche, that together. Gather dough (EXCEPT BERLIN & ROCK t h i l l . . SPECIAL PRICE NO LIMIT m have opened up in the VEAL RIB CHOPS ^2.89 CHEDDAR CHEESE lb *3 .6 9 classic made with a single into a ball. Wrap in waxed valley in recent years, Produce Item ot the Week! pie crust, Swiss cheese, paper and chill 1 hour for SEALTEST-ALL FLAVORS 4 S Q LIGHT N'LIVELY ^ ^^oz. SEAFOOD SPECIALS! U.& NO 1>aWMJ "These are the cream and eggs. That ease in handling. Preheat Ice Cream 1 ' cups Fresh Green Spinach 3 lbs^1 . SeattestYogurt 30*;:^” ‘boutique’ wineries,” said M . 7 9 custard-like pie has over to 425 degrees F. TOASTER READY YBlOMf SEALTEST-UGHT N'LTVELY9ELY ^ An excellent source nl vilamms A & C as well as FRESH COD FILLETS u. Fresh Frozen Foods! OUR BEST FROZEN ONMMS Jerry Gleeson, Christian potassium and magnesium Try some raw. include m limitless Ingredient Divide dough into 12 FRESH PERCH FILLETS lb M . 8 9 Tropicana Swanson Eggo Waffles Cottage CheeseI coni. 79^ Brothers’ promotion man. your salad Recipes Numbers 26 & 36 SLICED variations and may be pieces. Roll each piece on STOUFFER'S 4 | | 0 WHITE OR YELLOW-CHEESEV-CHEESE SLISLICES f “These guys do it for a hob­ D u e ^ 0 f r e s h s i s s u * 3 lb ® 2 . 5 9 Orange Salisbury 48°. ^ ______SOME itE M S NOT A v a il A f l i t ’ iL T u E S D * ’ FRESH SOLE FILLETS LB served cut in small pieces lightly floured surface into BEEF LIVER 99' or wedges for an appetizer. thin 8-inch ropes. Shape Cheese Pizza Ched-O-Bit pkg. by, for prestige. It is an ego GREEN QIANT-SWEET PEAS OR MeINTOSH. RED OR OOLDEN A&P Juice Steak Dinner Cut in larger, pie-shaped into pretzel shapes on trip more than anything else." 12 OZ. CAN 11 Vj oz PKG. slices. It’s a good main cookie sheet. Bake 12 to 15 NiMetsCom X' 5JP Delicious Apples 5,.»1 Orange Juice ctn. course. 15- OFF LABEL-LAUNDRY DETEROENT READY FOR THE POT TOPS IN VITAkMN "A *' He mentioned an in­ The Quality Leader - The Price Leader... Food Mart saves you more everyday. ] minutes, or until golden. CRISP-POTATO The Appetizer Quiche Cool slightly on wire racks. dustrialist who is building Fresh Spinach b a g 79^ GoMen Carrols Food Mart given here is nnade with the Serve warm as appetizers. Wisk two wineries in Napa Coun­ Snow’s CRUNCHY . s t ic k s or f il l e t s . _ ACORN-BUTTERNUT 80UASH OR * 4 FOR BAKINO-PREMiUM QUALITY f’s Ragu Keebler smoky-flavored Italian- Yield: 12 qt. ty, one for each of his sons, Grade ‘A’ Fresh GORTON’S FISH 'Jozpkg s i .4 9 Liqu id coni. “I told him there is no "Way New England CHOPPED type cheese called Note: FTetzels may be Yellow Turnips 5itil Walnut Meats .2” TownHouse I^volone. It also contains frozen. Thaw, uncovered at either. of those wineries Spaghetti BIRDS EYE SPINACH 3 p k g I * 1 . can make a profit. He told Large NEW ENGLAND. WISCONSIN. SAN FRANCISCO spinach, chopped, thawed room temperature. To DISPOSABLE DIAPERS GRAPE JAM OR REGULAR OR DIET Clam (if frozen) and well- me, I don’t care." Sauce BIRDS EYE VEGETABLES’p“k°g'^79« reheat, wrap in foil and PLAIN • MEAT C rackers drained between several place in preheated 350 PAMPERS WELCH’ S KRAFT The boutique international BIRDSEYE 5 v a r ie t ie s SIX-PACK winemakers, although they MUSHROOM ■ MARINARA Chow der layers of paper towels so degree F. oven for 10 to 12 DOZEN QUART JAR 12 OZ. BOX VEGETABLES 79^ that the custard filling bottle only 10,000 to 20,000 1 5 OZ. CAN BIRDS EYE COMBO - PEAS WfONlON FRENCH GREEN minutes. OVERNIGHTS GRAPE JELLY DRESSING PEPSI-COLA BEANS TOOZ C Q C keeps its firm consistency. cases a year, hire the best VEGETABLES W'ALMONDS PKG O a Plus Deposit enologists and Cheeses which are used Appetizer Quiche inCt. 0 9 in these recipes provide One 9-inch unbaked pie (■■"tCOHOUYSMO^ viticulturists from the un­ 1 SINQLt".Y jl variety you may not have shell BMWOOM I 149 iversities, and' buy the best Fresh Dairy Foods! I MHUCU equipment. thought possible; Cheddar, 2 cups (8 oz.) shredded 1 Foo. Tissue entnats Muenster, Parmesan, Provolone cheese I tooct « I 12ct. I VMP I] “A lot of effort is being 25' OFF LABEL DOWNY REGULAR - 6 6 0 - SOUR CREAM Florida Citrus W aldbaum’s I roil* K ir I 64 oz Del Monte rrovolone and cream I inpkg _\ I Dka. I tu a Ip® put into quality.’’ said 1 package (10 oz.) frozen I 1^ Fabric Softener BOTTLE VEGETABLES Lays Potato Chips e oz pkg 6 9 ^ Orange Sour cheese. You may have chopped spinach, thawed, 69t: Gleeson, “and this benefits 591 APPLE & EVE PEAS • WHOLE KERNEL or the whole industry. Not even more variations if you well drained CREAMED STYLE CORN Juice Cream try some other cheeses. 3 tablespoons flour many European wineries Apple Juice' 64 OZ BOTTLE Cheerios Cereal 15 OZ PKG M .1 9 64 OZ. CONTAINER 16 OZ. CONTAINER ChecMy Apple Spread Ml cup chopped green HBA AND GEN. MDSE. are making wine for fun.” 100 COUNT PKG M7 OZ. ALL VARIETIES REGULAR or INSTANT ALL VABlETlES-SPAOKfTTI ANN PAO E-AU VABIETKS SERVICE DELI' 2 cups (8 oz.) shredded onion Ragu Sauce “The guys who came into ICANS I Oieddar cheese U-CIFFLABEL-WITHMFP FLUORIDE , Spaghetti Sauce ? .9 r ^ e Napa Valley originally Red Rose Tea Bags Royal Puddings 'pk°g 3 FOR 89^ IMi cups light cream or ALL PUBPOSC-ENBiCHFO ANN PAGE * » H a m Colgate Toothpaste s r 3.ib. t2 9 . 2 " were not great wine Nabisco Oreo ARM & HAMMER - 1 LB 2 cups (8 oz.) shredded half and half Gold Medal Hour box COTTAGE CHEESE CONTAINER 79* 4IP OFF LABEL-FOR FRESH BREATH Bbow Macaroni Muenster cheese KBAFT DELUXE ANN PAOE-CBCAM OF CHICKEN OB L ^ 4 Salad .a 55^ technicians. Later on, the Nestle’sQuik ^ lb box l^ndwich Cookies 3 eggs, beaten [lOVi-oz Baking Soda gozbox 39^ BREAKSTONE 0 OZ CONTAINER Vi cup apple juice Uslenne Mouthwash Macaroni & Cheese people from the university 3 VARIETIES Vk teaspoon salt Chicken Ndodle Soup 4 '°cca nY s *1 Nee Pudding » 89^ PINEAPPLE GRAPEFRUIT DENTURE CLEANSER til FL»VO«S LAYte-IHC W H IM C4KE . , , ANN PAGE came in looking to see why TEMPTEE CREAM CHEESE 89* 1 package (3 oz.) cream Vk teaspoon pepper 9B-CI. Ib O Z 15 OZ. bans CAN KRAFT INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED. PASTEURIZED cheese, softened Preheat oven to 375 Efferdent Tablets pkg. Betty Crocker "p Tomato Soup Ifbhin___„ l e P grapes did so well in the Hormei Chili '^ PKG. Del Monte Drink ^bozcan 69^ AUOBINOS-OBOUNO FLEX CONDITIONER OR ANNPAOE-DBY OIIVB Napa Valley They studied ORTEGO p u r p l e or WHITF SWISS SLICES T oPpkg° ®1.29 2 teaspoons caraway degrees F. Place spinach 2^*oz. ^ 10 COUNT Folger’s Coffee p k g . ¥oNn*s Loaves^.LunchBon lb. seed between layers of paper Rex Shampoo cont. Onion Soup Mix “ w ifw vom^B the temperature, the soil, 4 OZ PKG Cottonelle MAZOLA SALTED OELICIOUS-COfFEE ANN PAOC-ALL FLAVOftS Taco Shells Welch’s Grape Juice b Ot u e 93^ 2 teaspoons Dljon-style towels; pat dry. Combine REYNOLDS 7*Ax12>itx3 HB Folger’s Instant American Cheese the weather patterns." Bathroom Tissue CORN OIL MARGARINE pk' g 69* prepared mustard • Largo Gelatin Desserts 3 j£ » 1 The ^’technicians dis- TRADITIONAL. PEPPERONI. MUSHROOM or SAUSAGE v a a FOOD CLUB cheese, spinach and flour,; RoasbngPans • .8,.v Oval «ch THOMAS ANN PAO E-ALl FLAVOBS WHITE or ASSORTED '■ covered what the Christian Pizza Quick 14 o z PKG 7 3 18 Oz JAR 1 te a sp o o n mix well. Place cheese eitflsh Muffins Fruit Drinks * AvallablB At Storas With S«rvlca Otlis Only. Grape Jelly or Jam 5 3 SUMAMtHC ".r79* Worcestershire saqpe mixture in bottom of pie BEEF. CHICKEN. UVEB-OOO FOOD Brothers had learned from V FOOD CLUB 14 COUNT OVERNITE 12 COUNT TODDLER or WF. RH KEEPING THE COST OF A U n i 23V4-OZ. $1 ROLL Sliced apples GOOD EDUCATION DOWN « Krispy Crackers ' experience. For example, shell. Sprinkle green onion Alpo Chunks cans I COPPER CLAD Tomato Paste 6 0Z CANS 4 FOR o9 V PACK e pkg Shred cheese; cover and CWNAMON TBEATS OB HONEY MAK> l100OFFLABEL>BEEFFLAVOBC0-DBY 2 C M STAINLESS STEEL 1 one variety of grapes Huggies D ia p e rs S ' ^2.49 over cheese mixture. Com­ Funk&Wagnalls ^ 9 V .______allow to come to room bine cream and eggs; pour Nabisco Grahams Alpo Dog Food ’^ , 5 ” Homestead lO-inch thrives on one side of the temperature. Combine all ^ S C O -C H O C . SWISS. M DOUeiE STUFF THE ECONOMY SHOP-LAUNOBYPOWOEB M O 399 hill while another variety over cheese. Sprinkle with Encyciopeflias #4ch Oreo Cookies^;;:::; 1“ ingnKllents, except apples salt and pepper. Bake 40 to Dry Detergent V, .Cookware " r . may thrive on the other. - 25* offT-25“ofri >3 Arm & ' ALBA Cling Free "fir” w'isK ^ PERSONAL in a large mixing bowl. Wipe gowers, like all M minutes, or until a knife TOWARDS I 3 8 OZ. CUPS I Hammer Fabric {Liquid Laundry Beat until smooth and well farmers, complain when it INSTANT ACCESSORIES inserted near the center PURCHASE OF i- I OVEN Softener Detergent blended. Chill, covered, 2 comes out clean. Let stand rains and complain when it ' ‘2.00 OR MORE j W - s I d b a u m S MILK CALDOR PLAZA BURR CORNERS, MANCHESTER CLEANER Sheets 15' OFF LABEL WITH FOOD MARTS to 3 hours to .allow flavors 10 minutes before serving doesn’t. But the fact is that 8 QUART PKG. PBICESEFFECTIVE OCTOBER 2S-N0VEMBER 1,1910 HALLOWEEN Natural 16 OZ. CONTAINER 36 COUNT PKG. 32 OZ. JUG to blend. Let stand at room WE RESERVE THE BIOHT TOLIM il SALES ANO TO CORRECT TYPOORAPHiCAL ERRORS weather patterns in the GREEN REGISTER TAPES warm as an appetizer. Cut ITEMS FOR SALE NOT AVAHABIE TO WHOLESALE OR RETAIL O f ALSRS temperature 30 minutes into 16 pieces or thin Napa Valley are so consis­ CANDY > YOGURT ! Choose Irom 0 diMerent styles Pretty and I (IN DAIRY) 9 9 * * 2 . 5 9 *1-49 I *1.39 before serving. Spread on wedges. tent and reliable that this s practical Lmen TvYeed accessories are yoijfs Good thru S«l N o. 1 ^""‘1■ ' dBfdSi I J'.rr.? | SaI N o. t | Oootl 1f«u S j1 No. 1 I ' JC SB I I tree Alien you trade m ouf g^een register sliced apples. is the secret of its success. lim .l one coupon oe- I i . n 3 B . «- „ e . f T I T T f ! < ‘T»iI one one ! Lim.t o n , u N one I l-m - .,ne one Makes 16 servings. tapes Stan collecting today Lots of rain in the ^ u a io fT in I j coupon u eicullom ei | rouponoeicuvon>e' ^ r .m,nn (jpi (uitornei J

winter. Little or no rain o m e '.gh| iti TYi.t se'e sio 3 fi»qs.oi j n , >ieme»cepi e n e 'e iim fri.isenaied Hems(iiit.»e(jio» seie not a.e-uM e -nt j-.p i( (s n ' lo o 'tir' '»*'b - dejier* o ' »»no'es4ie'S Noi 'e%pon»'t)ie fo' ifPOQ'apHif eie»»n»» from April to October. Cool 419 WBBT MIDDLE TFKB. MANCNHBTBR EVENING HERAm, Wed., Oct. 29, 1980 — 17

Id K V E M V i IIEUAl.l}. Wi-d . OH 29. 1980 Shopper's triple-value coupons (almost) set register on fire

or lOO-tablet Dristan with three back-t0:school My heart stopped 36 Tide coupons? Kankakeef 111. 60901. This Offers may not be Science Today By MARTIN SLOANE purchases (pens, pencils, Baked stuffed beating. At the same mo­ offer expires June 30,1981. available in all areas of the Decongestant Tablets plus DEARSUPERMARKET When I telephoned her, And write to the country. Allow 10 weeks to a register receipt witfi the paper, etc.) circled. SHOPPER — When I heard ment, my husband con­ she gave me the following receive each refund. purchase price circled. Expires Dec. 31, 1980. that a nearby supermarket veniently decided to take a breakdown: seven came Hollowing address to S u p e r Expires June 30, 1981. TYLENOL Refund. Food can be addicting for the fat onions was offering to triple the walk. from neighbors, four from receive the form required ANACIN $1 Coupon by this offpr of up to $1.25 Offer. Receive a $1 refund. NOVAHISTINE Multiple Receive a refund of up to $2 produce a passive, relaxed million Americans who are value of manufacturers’ What could be wrong? relatives, 14 from trading I'HIhADELl’ MU iL'I’ I) endorphin “ lies dormant "They feel that if they some kind of drug, so we M a r k e t for the purchase of Per­ Send the required refund Vitamin Offer. Receive a on a. Tylenol purchase. state," said Margules, who coupons, f grabbed my hus­ Had the coupons .expired? with members of her - The (lumpy dowager and is only called upon in don't eat they will perish,- connected the tw o," he overweight. They spend $10 sonal Touch Panty Hose: form, the entire outer car­ refund of up to $3 on the Send the required refund founded and heads the new­ band qnil my coupon collec­ Were they counterfeit? coupon club and eight from gulping another chocolate- special circumstances." which is a painful, psy­ . said. billion on obesity Baked stuffed onions are centers. In skillet, cook I Shopper j Panty Hose Refund, P.O. ton from one package of purchase of muHiple form, the complete carton ly created National Obesi­ tion and headed for the Just as I was about to trading by mail. She coated cherry or the portly "It looks as if hunger and chological emdtion," In preliminary research treatments that fail and up easy to do, yet so few of us bacon until crisp; remove Box 9711-S, St. Paul, Minn. 100-tablet Anacin plus a vitamins. Send the from 30-tablet or 24-capsule ty Research Foundation. store. sink through the floor, the couldn’t remember the businessman tucking away starvation can bring it out. Margules said "Famine is on rats, Margules found a to now there has been no take the time to consider and crumble. Cook 55197. This offer expires register receipt with the required refund form, the Extra-Strength Tylenol "Many of its actions help Among my purchases manager arrived. Pointing origins of the last three another plate of mashed and "stress can bring it- very threatening and pain­ high incidence of beta- national foundation them as a main vegetable - chopp^ onion in drippings July 31, 1981. purchase price circled. ingredient panel from any with the retaif price intact / us to conserve energy so were three boxes of Tide, excitedly to the register, coupons. ixrtatoes may not consider out," he said. ful. and you eat under this endorphin in obese devoted to obesity course. Expires Feb. 28, 1981. Novahistine Elixir, plus a register receipt with * we're less likely to be ac­ untir tender. Stir in soup, whjch were priced at 89 the cashier exclaimed, “ I “ What are you doing Clip ‘ n' file_ refunds themselves food junkies — How the hormone fits in eircustance because it animals. It also was dis­ research,” he said. canned goods to the back of DRAMAMINE JUNIOR Tablets, Sings Tablets, the price circled. Expires tive when this morphine­ Certainly, individuals spinadh, brown sugar, cents each. When I handed think it's on fire!” with all that detergent?” I (Week of Oei. 26) but they might be the chain of events awaits relieves that pain. " covered that Naloxene, your, kitchen shelves and Cash Refund. Receive a 75- DhK, Cough Formula or Dec. 31, 1980. like hormone is working," who have problems vinegar and bacon. Fill the teen-age cashier three I quickly directed their asked her. Health Products (File 11) Research by Temple to be determined by Margules said he which counteracts the bring older cans forward. cent refund. Send the Cough and Cold Formula, a Bonus! This offer doesn't he said. digesting fried onions wi)l onion shells with spinach 30-cents-off Tide coupons, I attention to the woman “ My husband and my son Clip out this file and keep I'niversity's i)r. David research, said Margules. suspects the food triggers effects of morphine, stops Do the same for foods in required refund form plus price sticker from multiple require a form: Once the passive state is “ We know what has to be appreciate their favorite in mixture. Arrange in 2- got the three boxes for behind me who was puffing" both give me baskets full of it with similar cash-off Margules' indicates that a but apparently it is the release of beta- mice from overeating. The your freezer. Canned and the picture of three vitamins plus a dated OXY WASH Refund past, he said, “ then we get done,” he said, "Eat less a new edible guise. Serve quart shallow baking dish nothing. X on a cigarette. The air con­ dirty work clothes,” she coupons — beverage re­ hormone called beta- triggered by food con­ endorphin. the tirst natural action of the drug is frozen foods may lose children from the front of register receipt with the Offer, P.O. Box 3836, su m -, and exercise more. But ditioning was blowing the laughed. "And I have been fund offers with beverage sumed in response to stress opiate discovered in , the withdrawal symptoms, and shortlived and has not been these with all your major (12-by-8-by-2-inch); cover flavor and nutritional value vitamin price circled. ford. Conn. 06905. Receive endorphin, which acts like After I deposited my smoke right at the cash, thinking about taking in coupons, for example. one Dramamine Junior or hunger. body, which acts in a way when it's gone we get more tested on humans, he said. some people cannot do that meat, fish or poultry with foil. Bake at 375 Expires Jan. 31, 1981. . a $2 refund. Send the top an opiate, may be closely register. as they get older. Start collecting the needed package. Expires Dec. 31, It also appears,to be es­ morphine might. cravings — like alcohol." Obesity, Margules said, and we have to find out courses 'during the degrees for 30 minutes or purchases in the trunk of some laundry.” panel from one 1-fluid- connected to obesity. As she put out -the Refund o f the day proofs of purchase while 1080. Topex $1 Refund Offer. pecially active in cultures “ It will produce con­ "W e’ve known for many is b ecom in g a m a jor why it is so difficult." holidays. until done. This kitchen the car, my husband and I Incidentally, Gladys was ounce Oxy-10 carton, the Margules said in a recent aigarette, the manager Write to the following ad­ looking for the required re­ DRISTAN $1 Coupon Send the required refund where famines are stipation. It will also slow years that obese people medical health problem. Beta-endorphin, he said, tested recipe makjes 6 ser­ headed back to the store fortunate in her choice of front panel from one 4- interview [hat beta- retreated toward* the dress to receive the form fund forms at the super­ Offer. Receive a $1 refund. form, the words “ helps prevaleiit down breathing. It will talk about food as if it were “There are 40 to 60 could hold the key. They also make an vings. with 33 more Tide coupons. supermarket. Many stores fluid-ounce Oxy Wash car­ produce section, shaking required by this offer: market, in newspapers and Send the required refund clear and prevent excellent buffet vegetable. would have limited the ton plus the register As the cashier rang up Goixl Seasons Free Mayon­ magazines, and when form, the entire outer car­ pimples" from one Topex And, again, baked stuffed his head in disbelief. number of boxes of Tide on receipt. Expires March 31, box after box of free Tide, I naise Offer, P.O. Box 4065, trading with friends. ton from one box of 24-, 50-, box plus a register receipt onions are so easy to do, Fat & happy My thoughtful husband which she could have ob­ 1981. smiled with satisfaction. returned just in time to ■Diet is not the cure you'll kick yourself for not tained her triple discount. n o t a m y th But suddenly she stopped carry out my 33 free boxes So don’t try to freat having included in them in You may be suffering ipcluding stroke, heart dis­ over 80. " Although the are acceptable. Once your doctor has and slammed her hand- of Tide. — Gladys T. from TIP FROM THE yourself. , your repertoire all these from high blood pressure ease and kidney failure. average blood-pressure But once the blood prescribed an anti­ UNIVERSITY, Ala. down on the bell to sum­ Howard Beach, N.Y. SHOPPER: Be sure to Even medical science is years. and not eVen be aware of it. It is important to have reading fur adults is 120 80. pressure goes above this hypertension drug, you (UPI) — An associate mon the manager. How did Gladys get her move newly. purchased your blood pressure far from knowing all> the Som e 60 m illio n a slightly higher or lower level, notes the Public will probably have to con­ professor of romance monitored regularly by a answers about hjgh blood Savory Stuffed Onions Americans l% e high blood reading for cither number Health Service, some form tinue taking it for the rest languages says the belief medical professional. is not necessarily abnor- of treatment should be con­ pressure. But it does know 6 large onions (about 1 Vz that fat people really are pressure Of the popular- of your life. The dosage lion (iver age 66. about 40 Don’t rely only on those do- mal-or unsafe"' sidered. that the disease usually is pounds) happier may not be pure may be reduced, but the perednt ol whiles and more it-yourself machines for .Somewhat lower best controlled with cer­ 6 slices bacon myth. Unique small-scale tvidespread opinion to medication will seldom be than 60 percent ol blacks measuring blood pressure readings — 110 70. for the contrary, a change of tain drugs that must be ad­ 1 can (10% ounces) con­ eliminated entirely. Gregory de Rocher of the example — are considered ministered by a doctor. densed cream of suffer from some lorm of that have recently begun diet or other nutritional This is a small payment, appearing in public places. High blood pressure is a mushroom soup University of Alabama this disease. safe for most people. And measures cannot cure you you'll agree,-for a longer IMCl In older people, high Blood pressure readings for older people, many of this disease. condition that requires 1 package (10 ounces) reached his conclusion in holiday feast and healthier life. lfR> are given in two numbers, Exercising, losing excess careful medical supervi­ frozen chopped spinach, translating a book by a 16th blood pressure can lead to experts believe that For more information on such as "120,-80" or "120 pounds and reducing salt sion over an extended cooked and well drained century French physician. Holiday feasts come In chop apricots. Combine roasting pan. Roast in 325 many serious conditions. readings as high as 140 90 this subject, write to the intake may l\elp loWer period of time. Don't 1 tablespoon brown sugar Laurent Joubert, in his all sizes. There is no gravy and syrup. In degrees for about 2 hours High Blood Pressure Infor­ blood pressure in certain decide you are cured after 1 tablespoon vinegar "Treatise on Laughter," reason why a single in­ saucepan, cook celery and 30 minutes (18 to 22 mation Center,' National cases. But at the most, a few months and then' stop Cut tops off onions. says laughter warms the dividual or a couple onion in butter until tender. minutes per pound or until Institutes of Health, Menu. taking your pills or Scoop out, leaving Vi-inch without children cannot put Add stuffing mix, apricots, internal temperature they will only aid in con­ Bethesda, Md. 20205. blood, so those who laugh ALL AMERICAN trolling the disease. following vour diet. thick shell. Chop onion easily become fat. on a small spread tor their water and 1 cup gravy reaches 185 degrees). Manchester puffs, stewed tomatoes, french fries, cake with top­ favorite dining com­ mixture. Toss lightly. Remove turkey to serving coleslaw, rice pudding, ping. panions. Spoon into a butter^ 1%- platter. Spoon off fat, Cafeteria menus which wheat bread, margarine, Wednesday: Italian The holidays also are a quart casserole. Cover. reserving drippings. On top ★ MEALTICKET^ will be served Nov. 3-7 at skim milk, coffee or tea. spaghetti with meat sauce, time for a newly married During the last 30 minutes of range, in roasting pan, Manchester Public Schools The menu is subject to buttered green beans, hot couple to entertain in-laws of roasting time, bake stuf­ stir remaining gravy into are as follows: change. garlic bread, applesauce. ..without destroying the fing mixture and brush reserved drippings. Heat, Monday: Cheeseburger Thursday: Fruit juice, budget. roast frequently with stirring to loosen browned on a roll, potato sticks, Vernon meat and cheese pizza, For example, a succulent gravy mixture. Remove bits. Serve with turkey and buttered green beans, milk All schools tossed salad, gelatin with pork loin rib roast or roast tor serving platter. stuffing. This kitchen- and chilled pears. topping. turkey breast serves six to Spoon off fat, reserving tested recipe makes 6 to 8 Monday: Pork and Friday: Tomato soup, Tuesday: Election Day gravy, buttered noodles, eight easily. Both are drippings. On top of range, servings. — no school. double decker cheese stuffed. An apricot stuffing in roasting pan, stir Harvetl Vegetable Salad broccoli, bread and butter, sandwich, chips, iced Wednesday: Vegetable AmessE^etousers sets off the pork while a remaining gravy mixture 2 envelopes unflavored peaches. carrot cake with topping. soup, chicken salad on Tuesday: Hamburg on zucchini, carrot, onion and into drippings. Heat^ -gelatine sesame roll, cranberry roll, low-salt potato chips, pumpernickel bread stuf­ stirring to loosen browned 1 cup water sauce, whole kernel corn, tomato wedges, Hebron fing makes the turkey bits. Serve with stuffing 1 can (24 fluid ounces) milk and orange juice bars. applesauce (at Sykes only, breast servings something and gravy. This kitchen- cockUil vegeUble juice ‘ Thursday: Spaghetti fresh apple.) Rham very different from what tested recipe makes 6 to 8 V4 cup prepared with meat sauce, garden Wednesday: Meatloaf, Monday: Dough boys, of Rely tampons most restaurants and the servings. horseradish salad, bread, butter, milk gravy, mashed potato, baked beans, carrots, neighbors are serving. Stuffed Turkey Breant 1 package (10 ounces) and chilled pineapple tid­ buttere peas, gelatin with pears. Don't forget a harvest 1 cup chopped zucchini frozen peas and carroU, bits. topping. Tuesday: No lunch vegetable salad and your squash cooked and drained Friday : Cranberry juice, Thursday: Grape served. favorite pecan pie or % cup grated carrot 1 package (9 ounces) toasted cheese sandwich, juice.meat and cheese piz­ Wednesday: Veal pat^ pumpkin pie for dessert. % cup chopped onion frozen wax beans, cooked, carrot and celery sticks, za, green salad, green ties, tomato sauce, mashed It’s all much easier to do % teaspoon ground mace drained and cut up milk and bionic bars with pepper, ice cream. potato, corn, frosted cake. irom than serving 30! 2 tablespoons butter or In saucepan, sprinkle topping. Friday: Frankfurt on Thursday: Lasagna, Roaal Pork Loin With margarine gelatine over water -to Elderly roll, french fries, cole green beans, homemade Apricot Stuffing 2 cups pumpernickel soften. Place over low slaw, orange wedges. roll, peaches. 5 pound pork loin rib bread cubes heat, stirring until gelatine Menus which will be Friday: Hamburger on roast 2 cups rye bread cubes is dissolved. Remove from served Nov. 3-7 at Mayfair South Windsor roll, french fries, cole 1 can (about 16 ounces) 2 cans (10% ounces each) heat. Add juice and and Westhill Gardens to All schools « slaw, gelatin with topping. Procter & Gamble. apricots in heavy syrup turkey or chicken glblet horseradish. Chill until Manchester residents 60 or Hebron & 2 cans (10% ounces each) gravy slightly thickened. Fold in older, are as follows: Monday: Hot dog on roll, mushroom gravy 5 pound turkey breast remaining ingredients. Monday: Chicken baked beans, carrots, Gilead Hill % cup chopped celery In large saucepan, cook Pour into 6-cup mold. CTiill vegetable soup, chili con canned fruit. Monday: Pork chop pat- % cup chopped onion zucchini, carrot and onion 4 hours or until firm. Serve came, rice, tossed salad, Tuesday: No school, tie with gravy, mashed % cup butter or with mace in butter until on salad greens. This election day. potato, green beans, Women who use Rely' lampons Hut on September 1.'). CDC group concluded that the available dressing, apricots, should stop using them and return announced a new study. It compared data were still fragmentary, hut c' margarine, melted tender. Add bread cubes kitchen-tested recipe saltines, margarine, skim Wednesday: Pork pattie, applesauce. 5 cups herb-seasoned and V4 cup gravy. Toss makes about 6 cups, 6 ser­ the unused product to Procter & womej) who had foxic Shock Syn­ advised that the results of the latest milk, coffee or tea. gravy, mashed potatoes, Tuesday: Hamburg piz­ stuffing mix lightly. Fill neck cavity vings. Tuesday: Baked chicken, corn, bread and butter, za, toss^ salad, orange (iainl)le for n refund. drome with women who did not. The CDC study should not be ignored. % cup water loosely with stuffing. chocolate whipped dessert juice bars. gravy, buttered shells, red (iovernment studies show that studv confirmed that 'I'oxic Shock Therefore, on September 22, Arrange roast fat side up Truss. Place breast rib- with nuts. Wednesday: Grinders, beets, ice cream, wheat tampons are associated with an in­ Syndrome was associated with Procter & Gamble announced it was on rack In roasting pan. side up; fold ribs back. Fill bread, margarine, skim Thursday: Meat and chips, tossed salad, fresh tampon use. It also indicated that Rely Roast at 325-degrees for cavity with remaining stuf­ DO IT WEDNESDAY - cheese pizza, garden salad, apple. creased risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome suspending sales of Rely and that it milk, coffee or tea. was apparently involved with more about 2 hours 30 minutes fing; cover with heavy Find out how to save fruit juice bar. ^ Thursday: Lasagna. (TSS). This is a newly-discovered would refund money to consumers money by clipping coupons Wednesday: Pork Chops cases tl'.an any other brand. Here are (about 35 to 40 minutes per duty or double thickness with pan gravy, mashed Friday:Fish, tartar peas, peaches. disease that affects mainly women who had Rely in their homes. pound or 170 degrees on aluminum foil. Fold ribs by reading and Super­ sauce, french fries, cab­ Friday: Grilled ham and the kev data availalile to date: potatoes, green beans, v\ ho use tampons during their periods. The h'ood and Drug Administra­ meat thermometer). back in place to hold foil in market Shopper column in applesauce, rye bread, bage and pineapple slaw, cheese, french fries, Meanwhile, drain place. Arrange breast rib- your Wednesday and Satur­ whole wheat bread and vegetable sticks, choice of Toxic Shock Syndrome can he tion offers this advice to consumers: margarine, skim milk, DEFINITE TSS CASES REPORTED TO CDC apricots, reserving syrup; side down on rack in day Evening Herald. coffee or tea. ^ butter, tanned fruit. dessert. very serious and is believed to he re- "The current evidence indicates Thursday: Turkey roll, s|)onsihle for a number of deaths. that women should stop using Rely. ^ B o h o n DO IT SATURDAY - \yin candied sweet potatoes, Almost all women who have had the Brands Used m oney by solving the Women who want to reduce their risk mixed vegetables, whole Elementary Prizeword puzzle in your disease have recovered. Olher of toxic shock even further may want Monday: Orange juice, ldentitie(|, Brands cranberry sauce, fresh Saturday morning Herald. Some recent studies indicate that' to consider not using any tamixms at fruit, snowflake roll, turkey grinder with = Cases Rely Tampon Uniden- Involved Brand Brands tilled all, or using napkins part of the time shredded lettuce, potato DO IT FRIDAY - Plan Rely was apirarently involved \\;ith margarine, skim milk, during their periods, coffee or tea. chips, peanut squares. your weekend with the Toxic Shock Syndrome to a greater Friday:- Breaded baked Tuesday: Cheeseburger, Weekend pages in your extent than other tampon brands. CDC Study = 1 "Women using tam$K)ns who fish, cocktail sauce, potato carrot and celery sticks. Friday Evening Herald. f (Completed Toxic Shock Syndrome was first June 20i 52 17 43 2 develop a high fever and vomiting or ’ reported in November 1978. It is diarrhea during their periods should CDC Study ~ 2 believed to he caused by a toxin pro­ ♦completed stop using tampons and ^ee their *0 MT. VBINON duced !)>■ a bacterial infection September I2i 50 35 22 0 doctors right away." (Staphylococcus aureus). In June 1980. Olhir cases The FDA and CDC have said they McCHICKEN CHOPPED BEEFSTEAK reported to CDC 24 DAIRY STORES the II.S. Center for Disease Control 140 19 too will continue studying Toxic Shock M SANDWICH SANDWICH (CDC) lirst linked it to tampon use. No Total CDC cases Syndrome to find out what causes it Present the' coupon below when buying Or present the coupon below when buying a 244 Broad St. 690 Hartford Rd. one yet knows how or why tampons ilhtougn and why it is associated with tampons. September 23i 242 76 64 t02 a McChicken Sandwich and get another Chopped Beefsteak Sandwich and get Manchester Manchester are associated with this disease. A i Procter & Gamble will participate McChicken Sandwich free ... solid chicken another Chopped Beefsteak Sandwich, free ■■IhliTlIMl with the government in this important In June, based on research con­ Brands used totals mote than the number ol cases reported served on a toasted sesame seed bun with ... a rather liberal beef patty served on a MOSER FARMS SAVE ON HALLOWEEN ducted up to that point, CDC said that because some women used more than one brand effort. tasty McChicken sauce and a chunk of crisp, toasted French roll with slivered onions and tampon use alone was itot sufficient In the meantime, Procter fresh, honest lettuce. steak sauce on the side. GRADE A White, Fresh CANDY! to cause the disease. CDC also said On Scptcmlicr !21. IV'tO convened Gamble advises women not to use LARGE EGGS that no'particular brand of tampon avja^'ientifie advisory group to review Rely tampons and to return unused was more involved than others. a'll1ini>ui{*i of Our producu and ittoM ipacilicaiiy Q authorized by us may ptaatntcoupoa for radarnption Anyotherusaconatituios 1 fraud Coupon not assignable aru} Mo«d « ^ ra prohibited, taxed or rts'itcied L im it one coupon pei p u rchase C b sto m e r m u lt pay sales lex C ash valu e t/20« VtiidonlyinU SA Expires 12/3U81 M iittoqilletle B oi301.Kankakee.IL60901 NOTE: You may .set' liety (uhvrtiscment.s in the Noivmber issues of various u'omen’s I magazimm. Unfortunately, these issues uere already printed when the decision to suspend sales 8 oz. stick [ 1 ^ ____ STORECOUPON 1 5 c ’ *1.28 of Jiely was made on September 22,19S0. w pound : * S r i m m U U SAVE TO 10c A POUND *2.38 •' r i w I’ m h I p i Hi ( liim h li- SALE ENDS SAT.. NOV 1. 1980 ^6o*-P^cHage »»:fT f f v

18 - EVENING HERALD, Wed., Oct. 29, 1980 •M il* 1 • 1 LVENING KLHALO. Wed.. Pel 2!>. 19BU - l«> Cookie recipes today have jjid-iashioned flavor Selectman in Bolton Steele endorses ' ...... -til delicious as they are ver­ together flour, baking soda Bake 25 minuteS-.or^ until What's ice-cold and ab­ ,donp..Cool; cut into bars. Frier candidacy solutely essential to the satile, these bars are moist and nutmeg. In large b o ^ with electric mixer, h e « Makes 75 bars (2x1 in­ wants cable TV link success of the.winter with coconut, crunchy with ches). holidays? walnuts and delicately shortening, brown sugar He said he was told the reason cable Former U. S. Republican Rep. Robert Steele, has an­ To Freeze; Cool bars By DONNA HOLLAND Children will holler: lemon flavored. Their base and vanilla; add eg/s and •television has not expanded to the rural nounced his endorsement of the candidacy of Claire F. c o m p le te ly . W rap In Herald Correepondenl snow. But every cook is condensed cream of soup. Gradually blend in communities is a matter of technology but Frier, as Republican candidate for state Senate from thd* freezer wrap or foil. BOLTON — Selectman John Carey knows that the answer is: a mushroom sojip. flour m ixture. Stir in he thinks “it’s a matter of economics 35th District. Spiced Apple Cookies are remaining ingredients. Freeze. believes that the Town of Bolton should be because of the involvement of big “In these most difficult times, inflation, cost of state freezer. Why? Because a annexed to the existing cable television- freezer can be stocked with slightly dlffm nt. They are Drop about V4 cup for each business.” government, bureaucratic'waste, and increased taxes to be prepar^ now, frozen, cookie on greased cookie •• Spiced Apple Cookies franchise in Manchester. threaten to devour us. It is essential that we elect people Qiristmas goodies that are 3 cups all-purpose flour Carey attended a meeting recently at The Division of Public Utilities Control leisurely and lovingly then baked for holiday sheet. Bake 20 minutes or now who are committed to a return of economic respon­ until done. Makes about 2 ^ 2 teaspoons baking'sflda which boundaries for cable television is and will be having hearings with the \ i ' . sibility,” Steele said. prepared well in advance eating and gifting, They IVz teaspoons ground cin­ may, of course, be mixed dozen cookies. franchises were discussed. ' overall intent of setting up franchises for He said that Mrs. Frier’s candidacy gives the voters of of the holidays. That takes namon and baked in one cooking To Freeze: Cool cookies He said he got the impression there was cable television that are compatible with the 35th Senatorial District the opportunity to elect such much of the pressure off 1 teaspoon ground cloves session. A medley of completely. Place in interest in annexing Bolton with Vernon, the interest of local communities. a person and I urge her election.’’ the cook and ailows him or 1 teaspoon ground her to enjoy the merriment spices, chopp^ apple and plastic bags;'freeze. Ellington and Tolland. Mrs. Frier, a resident oT Ellington, and her husband, Coconut Crunchies allspice Carey said he believes Bolton should be Carey said he thinks there’s a “lot of p 'f i of the season. raisins are mixed into the owned and operated an area business for many years and 2W cups all-purpose ■4 teaspoon ground anne'xed to Manchester for two reasons politicing” with the DPUC —“so much Cookies, for example, cookie dough that is Mrs. Frier has served during the last two sessions as a cloves —it’s the most efficient way to do it and politicing that the smaller communities are as much a part of moistened and rosy-hued flour staff member in the state legislature. She is running (4 cup butter or Bolton has more in common with won't see cable television until someone Christmas as' gaily with condensed tomato 2 teaspoons baking against incumbent Democrat Michael Skelley. , margarine, softened Manchester than the other towns. thinks it’s economically feasible to do so.” decorated trees. And the soup. powder 1 teaspoon ground cin­ 1>4 cups packed dark Carey said he thinks it will be a long Carey has written to Gov. Ella Grasso more kinds there are, the Created for today’s fast- expressing his opinion about cable televi­ Holiday bazaar planned namon brown sugar time before the franchises are set up and merrier the occasion. How paced lifestyles, all three sion and the franchises. of these recipes yield (4 cup butter or 2 eggs people can actually get cable.television. VERNON — The United Methodist Church Women of reassuring it will be to 1 can (10 % ounces) con­ have them already baked cookies with that old-time margarine, softened Rockville United Methodist Church,142 Grove St., will good flavor and oven- 1(4 cups packed light densed tomato soup r. < sponsor the annual Holiday Bazaar on Nov. 15 from 10 and in the freezer, or 1 cup chopped apple freezer-ready to be popped freshness of holidays past. brown sugar Fire hoard elects two a.m. to 3 p.m., at the church. ” ' 1 cup raisins The fair will feature unusual Christmas gifts, food, fan­ in the oven for serving and 1 tablespoon grated an inventory of the major contents of the lemon rind Preheat oven to 350 BOLTO.N— Stanley Klekota and John cy work, a boutique, good used clothing and luncheon. giving as gifts. Chocolate Chip Blizzards Daly were recently elected chairman and firehouse that should be ready for the cups all-purpose 2 teaspoons vanilla degrees F. In bowl, stir The luncheon menu will include vegetable beef soup, Yuletime carolers never together flour, baking secretary of the Board of Fire Com­ commissioners at their November flour extract clam chowder, an assortment of sandwiches and seem to get enough soda, cinnamon, allspice missioners. meeting. chocolate chip cookies. 2 teaspoons baking soda 3 eggs desserts. 2 and cloves. In large bowl The commissioners are reviewing an H e re ’s a re c ip e for W teaspoon ground l.can (10 % ounces) con­ For more information call Mrs. Robert Sugalski, chair­ with electric mixer, beat agreement between the Bolton Volunteer The commissioners were told by the fire Chocolate Chip Blizzards nutmeg densed cream, of man, 872-3122. butter and sugar; add eggs Fire Department and the Town of Bolton marshal that the firehouse fire escape is that can be baked right 1 cup shortening mushroom soup and soup. Gradually blend that should be signed in November. rusted and should be taken care of and the now and hidden in the 2 cups packed dark 1 cup toasted flaked Aloysius Ahearnlleft), Democratic candidate in the 55th Assembly in flour mixture. Stir -in James Preuss, fire chief, is compiling boiler room door should be replaced. freezer. No one will believe brown sugar coconut District, appears surprised to have his picture taken at a recent Meet Police probe burglaries 2 teaspoons vanilla 1 cup chopped walnuts remaining ingredients. that condensed Cheddar Drop by tablespoonfuls on the Candidates Night in Bolton. Appearing not to notice were William VERNON — The Vernon Police Department in­ cheese soup is the key to extract Preheat oven to 375 Collins (center), former legislator and Norwalk mayor, and Abraham vestigated 15 burglaries and one attempted burglary degrees F. In bowl, stir greased cookie sheets. Subdivision planned their rich flavor, con­ 2 eggs Bake 10 minutes or until Classman, Democratic candidate in the Fourth Senatorial District. during the period of Sept. 26 to (7ct. 16. 9 venience and stability. The 1 can (11 ounces) con­ together flour, baking done. Makes about 8 dozen. BOLTON— An application for a sub­ from Jerome Walsh, town attorney, on the All but two of the reports involved private homes. batter also includes old densed Cheddar cheese powder and cinnamon. In (Photo by Daniel Harris) To Freeze: Freeze division on Route 6 and South Road was use of a private road rather than Breaks were reported into homes on the following fashioned oats, dark hrown soup large bowl with electric streets: Brooklyn Street, Gaynor Place, West Street, Mt. mixer, beat butter, brown cookie do.ugh. Preheat submitted to the Planning (Commission by driveways. sugar and other in­ 3 cups old fashioned oats, Klar wanted answers to questions such Vernon Drive, Grier Road, Route 30, Talcottville Road, sugar, lemon rind and oven to 350 degrees F. Lawrence Fiano. The project would con­ gredients along with uncooked sist of 13 lots and would be called Mark as whether it would prejudice the town in Dem candidates* night W. Main, South Street and Park West Drive. vanilla; add eggs and soup. Drop frozen batter by chocolate morsels and 1 cup semi-sweet the future and whether the town was set­ The breaks into businesses were on Windsor Avenue Stir in remaining in­ tablespoonfuls on greased Anthony Estates. chopped walnuts. chocolate morsels Fiano, who does not want to build a ting a precedent. and Route 83. 1 cup chopped walnuts gredients. Spread batter cookie sheet. Bake 20 Coconut “Crunchies may, public road for the rear lots, plans to have The commission voted to approve be baked in a jelly-roll pan, Preheat oven to 350 evenly into le a se d jelly- minutes or until done. a nice, friendly event Anthony and Elizabeth Roads in the Fiano roll pan (15x10x2 inches). Makes aboyt 8 dozen. four large lots with one outlet onto Route cut into bars and frozen. As degrees F. In bowl, stir 6. Fiano plans to conserve the area where Heights subdivision. The engineering firm BOLTON— The recent Democratic has been in office. Three presented awards the terrain is rough and where there is a of Fuss and O’Neill said both roads appear Meet the dndidates night had a “nice tur­ Harris urged people to vote in VERNON — Three members of the Vernon Junior Nmc York wine brook. to be okay. nout of residents and politicians.’’ November and said, “If’s particularly im­ Women’s Club have been presented with "Service to the James Klar, commission member, Daniel Harris, Democratic Town Com­ portant this year when there’s not much (im m unity’’ awards by officer William Yetz of the Ver­ Social Security The roads will need Town Meeting ap­ enthusiasm. No matter how you vote, go objected to the proposed private road. He mittee chairman, said, “The politicians non Police Department. suggested the commission get an opinion proval. weren’t really campaigning.it was just a out and vote.” Janice Cormier received an award for her organization Quttffing the blancs detracts from rouge nice, friendly evening.” He said, “Unless politicians get the Q. Right now, I am hospital for at least 3 days of the Hike-Bike held last May to aid the Tolland Area receiving Social Security in a row. Medicare may William Cotter, candidate for re- message_ .people . will vote, they Association for the Retarded and Handicapped; Mary help pay for skilled nursing buying about 40 percent of problem is this year’s juice. School planning raffle election as U.S. Representative, reminded (politicians) will not be responsible. P e^ Angeli, director of the 1980 Spfety Town, an annual benefits while I attend ROCHESTER, N.Y. to industry officials. Grape Grower S i Winery New York does have care if you are transferred the crop, but growers who favorable crop forecast. If Glastonbury, a 12-pound turkey, a five- those in attendance of the benefits in pie have to show where the real power is program for preschoolers, also received an award; and- college. I am thinking (DPI) — Many grape Most Finger Lakes News, a bi-monthly some native white grapes, BOLTON - The Children’s are members of the predictions prove correct, pound ham. a $10 gift certificate at A&P terms of a return of money to the district — in the vote.” jean McDermott, was honored for her work as a Safety about dropping a course within 14 days of your growers in the Finger wineries have greatly magazine. “The trend has but most popular whites Cooperative Nursery School raffles to Welch’s cooperative the 1980 harvest will be the raise money for the school is now under in Manchester and a $10 gift certificate at since he has been in office. A1 Ahearn, candidate for state represen- instructor, and working part-time and hospital stay to a skilled Lakes region and western reduced the number of red been quite shocking to are in the vlnefra class,, going to school part time. nursing facility because New York state face a varieties they are many people.’’ earned from 13 percent to third consecutive good way. The school meets at St. Maurice Top Notch in Manchester. Harris said one of the benefits of having tative for the 55th district, and Abe 15 percent less but year for crop. Many wineries and which Is grown in the Prizes for the raffle are still being a president and congressman from the Glassman, candidate for 4th district state Will I still be able to get you need and actually large loss on their red wine purchasing from area “Wine before dinner is warm climates of Elurope Church parish center. each ton they produced. processors are already Raffle 'prizes include a cord of wood, received by the school. They will be same party is they work together for the senator, spoke briefly on what they have Social Security benefits? receive skilled nursing or crops this year because of growers and are paying making an enormous and CaUfomia. A. No. You must be a rehabilitation services for the trend to white'wines. depressed prices for them, difference,’’ said Mark Compounding the filled to the brim with dinner for two^at Gordie Howe’s awarded even though they are not shown benefit of the town. done in the past. full-time student in order a condition which was The Empire State’s*, ^ n y growers, in turn, are Miller, owner of the small Restaurant in Glastonbury, two tickets to on the tickets. He said many items don’t always make DO IT DAILY - KNOW WHAT'S ■AGWAYI to qualify for Social Securi­ treated in the hospital. If grape farmers produced unable to find adequate but successful Benmarl a Whalers home game, four-week Tickets sell for $1 and may be obtained the news but federal contracts and a ty student benefits. your stay in a skilled nur­ 165,000 tons of grapes in markets and will let some Winery in the Hudson Fall planting is still better membership at American Lady Fitness by calling Tori Escott at 742-8806. The return of tax dollars to the district have HAPPENING IN TODAY’S SOCIETY - Q. My son is severely sing facility is covered by 1979, a distant second to of their crop rot on the Valley. “It’s more usually Center in Manchester, two hours of indoor drawing will be Dec. 8 at 8 p.m. at the really improved since President Carter read Dear Abby in the Evening Herald. mentally retarded and will Medicare, your hospital in­ California’s 1.82 million vine. agreeable to have a chilled tennis at the Manchester Racquet Club, a parish center. Winners need not be pre­ RALEIGH, N.C. (UPI) ticulture at North Carolina 'hay, straw or bark — to in­ DIRECT surance will help pay for wine before dinner and 25 gift certificate at Town and County in sent to win, never be able to support tons, but 124,500 tons of “There’s definitely a glut hibit evaporation of water all covered services for the those New York grapes white wines are more — Don’t let the regional State University. himself. Even though 1 of the wrong-colored from the ground. If they earn 820,000 a year, it is first 20 days and for all but were Concords, making grape," said Howard Kim­ amenable for chilling.” droughts keep you from The professor says bulbs FROM get enough moisture, be difficult to pay all his ^.50 a day for the 21st New York the nation’s ball, director of the New In the Finger Lakes and fall planting of spring­ should be planted as soon PTO schedules meeting says, bulbs will begin special expenses and sup­ thru the 100th day in each leading producer of that York State Wine Grape grape belt along Lake Erie, flowering bulbs, even in as the soil cools. That BOLTON - The Bolton cuss the reorganization of review the reorganization Due to the theft of our 1974 Ford Utility Van, tools and areas where water conser­ means from mid- rooting when the FLORIDA port the rest of my family. benefit period. many growers sell their 1 Worthington compressor, PF and Associates is variety. Growers Association. temperature drops below Elementary Center School the Bolton school system. status. Do^s my son qualify for Q. Since I was disabled grapes to the Coca (}ola vation measures are in September onward in Unfortunately for New "Some farmers are tearing 65 degrees F. If the drought Parent Teacher Organiza­ All school board accepting only residential accounts for snow plowing SuppIemenLil Security In­ over 20 years before I York’s $38.6 million-a-year out their vineyards, but I Inc.-owned Taylor Wine effect. northern states and mid- School Superintendent members have been in­ Bulb specialist August October on in the South. continues, he says, tion will .have a special and will honor those commercial accounts accepted _ TOYDU come benefits? started receiving disability Co., the east coast’s Raymond Allen, Joseph wine industry, the think a lot of them are ig­ supplemental watering meeting Tuesday at 8 p.m. vited. Those attending the A. That question cannot benefits, can I begin prevalent grape varieties largest winery. De Hertogh says newly Depth of pbuitlng varies noring the trend and hoping should be provided Iqter in at the elementary school Haloburdo, Board of public meeting will be able and quoted thus far. be answered without receiving Medicare protec­ harvested this fall remain “We have restricted our planted bulbs and bulbs according to bulb type and it will disappear.’’ the fall. all purpose room. Education chairman, and to express their views and knowing more facts. The tion right away? Concords and other red But, said Kimball, intake of reds to parallel still in the ground don’t geographic location. State The participants will dis­ Richard Packman, will need immediate watering. extension service ask questions. number of people living in A. No, you must actually varieties at a time con­ “White wines will be on the what the sales are,” said The architect's proposals Their root growth will be specialists and garden FwshCftrus the household and their in­ be en titl^ to Social Securi­ sumers are buying more rise in the foreseeable Thomas Chadwick, direc­ for structure changes, Any information leading to the apprehension and con­ delayed if they are not supply centers can provide comes and resources will ty disability benefits for 24 and more white wines. future and continue that tor of grower relations at ZB A sets hearing compiled after conferring watered promptly, but the advice locally. DO IT DAILY - BE be taken into consideration months before you can be Nationally, white wines way.” Taylor. with the appropriate town viction of thieves or thief related to the above should Order now— satisfaction bulbs themselves will not After bulbs are in place, SMART and read the BOLTON — The Zoning property located on Route in deciding whether or not entitled to Medicare account for more than half “Growers are caught In Welch Foods Inc., maker officials, will be on display. be damaged, De Hertogh De Hertogh suggests Almanac in the Evening Board of Appeals will have 6. be phoned to the is guaranteed with Agway’s . your son qualifies for SSI. protection. of wine sales, with reds a bind that no one could of Welch’s Grape Juice and a public hearing to hear says. He is chairman of the covering them with at least Herald. Beginning in October, once and roses accounting for foresee,’’ said Richard Welch’s Jelly, is a big two requests for variances ARE YOU INTERESTED IN- 5-point Quaiity program Department of Hor­ 3 inches of mulch — leaves. West Hartford Police Dept. - 523-5203 ORDER D EAD lTwE NOV. 1ST— a child reaches age 18, his the remainder, according Figiel. editor of Elastem purchaser of Concords, Nov. 5 at 8 p.m. at the Passive Solar. Energy or her parent’s income are Community Hall. 1. Money back if you're not satisfied ' no longer considered in French Wines Judaism 2. You check the fruit before you take it home determining the child’s Ancient System Eva Morra of 1 Clark 3. It's shipped in.refrigerated li ucks to keep eligibility for SSI. Road is requesting a French Impressionists it Florida fresh The first known system for Tobin’s boneless fresh Pork Rolls, featured at $ i.n id., are a uvonie wiin looae MANCHESTER Q. I was in the hospital Operating a Business 4. Packed and shipped under Agway delivering water to cities was variance to build house on COMMUNITY ir *580.00 REWARD ★ who like easy to slice, lean boneless Pork Roast. Sorry we dW not have Veribeit Supervision to assure quality and size for several weeks. Since I built by toe Phoenicians. The back land. Plans are to use Grant Writing COLLEGE The biggest sale Sausage Meat last week because of late arrival of Veribest seasoning. Plenty of 5. It'r'tresh-from-lhe-tree fruit! live alone, my doctor now Greeks copied the system of a right of way which is not wsrfRs me to spend a couple digging tunnels to bring water ;e meat this week at,tt>- ___ part of the parcel. You don’t have to wait, Non-Cradit Fall courses to their cities, and the ok months in a nursing are still available. Romans develop^ it with HAUNTIM SAVIIMS TOSlN’80] 4 to 5 lb. Lawrence Fiano, 266 home before returning to aqueducts SO to 100 feet high on contacts from Call the . my house. Will Medicare that brought water to Rome Boston Turnpike, is navel oranges pay for this? from mqre than 60 miles scon BONELESS $ 1 8 9 requesting a setback MANCHESTER Olvlaiofl of • rich flavor and away. - variance for construction PF and ASSOCIATES A. Since you were in the the biggest seller COMMUNITY Community ServIcM evening deep color M. POIR ROLLS. of a single residence on ((203) 646-2137 649-0022 day6 Evening 5 4 7 -6 2 4 1 recording • easy to peel GOUEGE 4/5 l)U. • good hand eating TOWELS 80 bushel (4 h| fruit of contacts. U.8.DA. CHOICE FRESH 720 BEEF SHORT $ 1 4 B SIx-Wssk Principles and Practices REAL ESTATE COURSE Botti's FruH Farm BHURPINE VOTE YES ON QUESTION 6 r stsw so RIBS.... - ■ IN MANCHEDTER Probate Court is open for JUICE For HallomM ParUes: TomatobM 1ST CUTS conferences with the judge CD fundI 2 16 fz. cant CHUCK ROAST* Monday and Wadnasday Evenings at TPM from 6:30 P.M. to 8 P.M. Sweet Apple Cider ClassBS start Mon.. Novambar 3,1980 on Thursday nights. Ap­ CHUCK STEAKS . pointments suggested. IMPROVE MANCHE8TER ORANGES Apples for Bobbing 990 EAST CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Night telephone number: SEMI BONELESS U.S.D.A 647-3227. • ideal for fresh juice Pears for eating or cannlnj CHOICE CENTER CUT WITHOUT *7.99 FLA K O PIE 115 New State Rd., Mandiester Room 130 William E. FltzGbrald • gpod eating too CRUST Jwdkie of Prpbgte 4,5 bu. • few seeds BotH’s Fruit Farm^ REQI8TER 1st evwilng st 8:30 FEE 899.00 (Textbooks INCREA8ING LOCAL TAXE8 00 bushel 14 51 260 Bush Hill Rtf. ROAST . . * i « not inc.| This course meets the minimum Manchaolar 3 { $ ^ o o Orders are starting to come in for Thanksgiving requirements of the Connecticut Real Estate Com­ • Spenenr St. to Hillstown Rd. approx. 2'4 mUes' third BAUSpH^ LOMB OR AMERICAN OPTICAL SOFT LENSES fresh Turkeys and Capons. In response to de­ m ission. Bolden firapefruit left to Bush Hill Rd. Call lor early registration. PiAk IsrapefruH Includes lens care kit and “Love ’em or Leave 'em”'“Plan. • Harttord Rd. to Kaeney St. to top of hill to Bush Hill onV Gold Medal mand, we will have fresh SWEDISH KORV for Eyeexamination not included. & Thanksgiving, but please place advance orders. CONTINUOUS PROGRESS EDUCATIONAL CENTER jia H L ______Insbiictor: Rtehard Hsvimon 528-9704 Now you can get quality Bausch & Lomb or American FLOUR JUMBO HEADS .1 *8.49 *7.99 " Optical soft contact lenses for just $79. That price includes a ICEDERG PURPLE TOP and • our largest sdlling fruit a M ars‘1 Seedless variety BE THINNER BY lens care kit and the PEARLE VISION CENTER “Love 'em YELLOW GLOBE of the season • excellent for juice im ucE • ideal for e a tin g - or Leave em"'“ Plan which gives you 30 days to decide 51990 TURNIPS halves. sections, salads THANK80IVINQ about contacts or we ll refund the cost of the lenses. Eye Rent The Rug Doctor. Drrtlla Popping Com exam is not included. The best thing is you're getting Tt» The original “steam" carpet clean­ t’ ri-ces and availability are subject to change m Orvlllo Butter the event of a crop tailuie. freeze or other crop AND SKINNY BY er with the Vibrating brush. contacts from the experienced people at PEARLE who Pop OH 6010EN CAimOTS..... > .2 B c conditions beyond Agw n^ control______CHRISTMAS have sold more contact lenses.than anyone in the nation. Mnlli Balto Cleans upholstery too! So hurry in tor our $79 soft Moth Plakaa DELICIOUS APPLB8 8 >. Bag 99C BUCKLAND contacts. Otter expires rP E fiP L E ^ Start the program today Inside Outlet wnth the lisip Of Dec. 31,1980 No other vision cepter^ 1161 Tolland Turnpike discounts apply PINEHUR8T 6R0CERY INC. UE GLASSMAN AGWAY ASEARLE COMPANY 302 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER 6434151 Redneld Rental Center MANCHESTER 540 NEW STATE RD. . 11 Tolland Turnpike COMMUNITY COLLEGE H MANCHESTER MANCHESTER will have a The Community Development Progrem It e Why don’t you phone? Parkade Shopping Ctr., 330 Broad St., Tel. 643-4259 i _ l4* Manchaatar Wallpaper and Paint permanent campus 18S W. Middle Turnpike Mencheeter Town Plan adminietei ed by our Board 643-S I a a For other localions call lolMree 800-331-1000^ Elect Abe eiassman OPEN THUR8. TIL 6:30 528-0283 of DIrectora. The role of the Federal Government ie M ON.-FRI. 6;30-S:30 i9a0SesrieOpi>caHnc Dallas TsaatUSA Taylor Rental Center S27 MIMSK AVL, EAST HARTFORD :a Oregon h « the reatett U J . tMttve of mndins thnter to aepopt or re|oct plane aubmitted. 156 Canter 6t. PaMlof by Mieclmlf Citimw lot tocl«l awporwUillHy - 4o«nii« MIkoUH-Tiw..

\ EVENING HERALD. Wed , Oct. 29, 1980 — 21 20 - EVENING HERALD, Wed , Oct. 29, 1980 f j Nafp Wantad $ Halp Wantad ■It HalpWanta f j M alpW m ^ . 1 0 * ^ 6 ' - The World A bnanac* FULL TIME THIRD SHIFT - Zoning laws said SALESWOMAN for retail Part time second shift. Apply fabric store. Part time with PART TIME Cash, Fun A Prises 7-Eleven on Onter Street, some experience necessary. between 7 and 3. Retail experience preferred. phoning our customei’ii WANTED Apply So-Fro Fabrics, Burr. from home. Choose your EXPERIENCED wrong in Rockville PART-TIME HELP VOLKSWAGEN Comer Shopping Center, 1151 own hours. Tolland Turnpike, NEEDED - Control Desk. SALESPERSON said. CALL Must i>e neat In appearance ALL INTERVIEWS By BARBARA RICHMOND Manchester. HELD CONFINDENTIAL ClASSIHED ADVESnSim > Armentano asked Mrs.'Merk if she was 241-7773 or and mature. CaU for appoint- -'I Herald Reporter NURSES AIDES. Experience m ent,. Holiday Lanes, 39 CONTACT; arguing against zoning. He said the 643-7QM S^ncer Street, 648-2126. P 4 T BARRY VERNON — Assistant Town Planner preservation of the historic value of Can you match the following preferred. Full or part time. Immediate openings on 3:00 to, Tolland County Francis Armentano doesn’t feel zoning states with their two-lhtter SUBWAY NOW HIRING part PHONE 643-2711 Rockville is one of the factors to consider. postal abbreviations? 11:1)0 p.m. and 11:00 to 7:00 Volkswagen laws., combined when the town He said he would Include construction of a.m. shifts. Contact Mrs. CLERICAL TYPIST. Small time help. Apply between 2 1. Massachusetts and 5 p.m., Monday thru 649-2638 •••••••••••••••••••••••••# governments were consolidated in 1965, housing for the elderly projects in his 2. Missouri Ferguson, DNS, at 2894573. busy office In Hartford. Diver­ Household Goods 40 MELISSA sified position. Typing, filliu, Friday, 288 Center Street, are right for the Rockville section of town. plan. 3. Montana - - Manchester. Must be 18. Armentano spoke to the Northwest 4. Missinippi DIETARY AIDES - We are billing, and order desk.-* PLEASE READ AOVERTISlNG REFRIGERATORS Armentano said he feels that the Zoning accepting applications for Benefits. Call for appoint­ Rockville Neighborhood Association 5. Michigan Congratulations on NAVY VETS. Career Oppor­ Washers/Ranges, used, Commission is very wary of using its a . MT employment, full time and ment. 2494591. TRAINEE YOUR AD OEADLINE Tuesday night and explained a town plan your Induction Into the tunities available. (Jail guaranteed and clean. New powers. “ I don’t think members want to b . MS part time. No experience Service Company in­ shipment damaged, G.E & of development he will propose which National Honor Society. PART TIME - Earn extra collect, (518) 4624321. 9:00 Claitlfltd ad( .ara 12:00 noon tha day put too many restrictions on developers,’ ’ C.M1 necessaiy. Ideal posftipn for volved in a labor inten­ a.m. to 1:00 p.m. FRIGIDAIRE. Low prices. would make most of the Rockville section housewives who wish to money while the kids are in sive Industry. Will train lakan avar tha phona bafora publication. B.D. Pearl & Son, 649 Main ..he said. school. Telephone Solicita­ a "m ixed'use” district. supplement their famUy in­ a High School PART TIME - Financial aa a cohvanlanGa. Tha Street, 643-2171. He said the sub-committee working with Love, come. Some weekend work Is tion. E. Hartford company. A Doadllna lor Saturday Armentano explained that the mixed ood telephone voice and dic- Educated, aggressive Institution located in Ekist HaraM la raaponalMa him on the plan of development would like ANSWERS______Dad 3 Mom required. Good starting Hartford has a part time arsf Monday la 12.’00 30” TAPPEN GAS RANGE - use zoning would be controlled by Issuance salary. Located on busline. lon a must. Houss 9 a.m. to 1 person for Mid- for only ona IncorracI to include strict regulations about signs in 6 teller’s position available. Avacado. Excellent condition. of special permjts and through publjc OS q » r j a i p i Apply: Riverside Health Care p.m. and 5 to 9 p.m. .Call Mon. Management position. biaarllon and than only Noon Friday. the plan. Teller experience helpful. Must sell! $90. Days 2894073; hearings that would especially involve the Center, 745 Main Street, East through Fri., 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., One years service time lo tha alia of |ho after 6. 6494245. Robert Hurd, -chairman of the ^ (n e w s p a p e r ENTch P iu sE assn.) Hours: 10 to 2 p.m. Monday, Hariford, • Mrs. Williams, 5694993. and effort can provide a original Inaartlon. advartlaamantadvortlaomant urill not neighborhood groups concerned. neighborhood group, said he’d like to see a Thursday & Friday. Send 411 permanent position resume to: Box UU, c/0 Errora which do not He said by designating areas as MELISSA NURSES - RN Substitutes lor ba corrgdioiHifanfa n ad­ Articles for Sole 41 lot of that done by “ friendly coercion” Happiness Is having a starting at $15 to $16,000 Manchester Herald. Equal lamn tha valuo of tha “ Planned Neighborhood Developments” Coventry Public Schools, MACHNST s annually. Write Box V, ditional Inaartlon. rather than by regulations. sister like you. Opportunity Employer. (POD) zones, it would give the town Coventry Conn. Contact: Dr. ASSISTANT roUMAN c/o Manchester Herald. Another group member. Dr. Howard Donald J. Nicoletti’s Office, greater flexibility in making the best use Opening e iliU in- a 30 operator LAUNDRY WORKERS. Full Abbott, asked Armentano what the plan is Love, at 742-8913. EOE. of the assets of the Rockville section, general machine shop for an in­ FINANWAL INSTITUnON time includiM every other ALUMINUM SheeU used as Democratic candidates for the overall future of Rockville. And Princoso dividual with leadership ability, and which is a commercial and residential MEDICAL SECRETARY located east of river is seeking week end. Per instutionai printing plates, .007 thick Armentano said he sees it remaining as a a minimum of five years esperience EtipnittgUkralb Abraham Classman, candidate for the WANTED - Busy Medical Of­ a person who has 3-5 years laundry. Apply inperson: 23x28W” , U cents each or 5 area. in tooling and setting-up bridgeporti. Riverside Health Care Center, high density residential area, with some fice is seeking experienced milling machines, and lathes for the solid experience in consumer for $1. Phone 643-2711. Must be Fourth Senatorial District and Rochelle Voters at Gideon Welles SchMl in Glaston Before tha town can adopt new IS 755 Main Street, East Hart­ commercial, the hospital, library and Help Wanlad Medical Secretary, or will manufacture of aircraft parts. lending, Previous lending picked up before 11 a.m. regulations it has to approve a plan of ford. Ripley, candidate for the 31st Assembly bury. (Herald photo by Lavallee) such —“ it’s a mixed use and I’d like to see train person with excellent Please apply in person to; authorityitj and credit collection ONLY. development which systematically sets SCREEN PRINTER - skills. Send resume to: Box S, TIN Lo-MI CorpwiH)Ion experience helpful. Excelllent ’MV District, share a light moment during an open it stay that way,” Armentano said. ADVERTISING Applications are presently DENTAL ASSISTANT - Part Help Wanted f3 Help Wantad 13 aside so much land for commercial, in­ c/o Manchester Herald. 180 TiMMlHoad benefits. Send resume to Box POOL- 24' X 4', 7 ft. deep. “ I think most of the people here would being taken for an opening in time. Elxperience preferred, Perflex filter, 8 x 12 deck. dustrial and residential and Armentano RATES Virnon, CT 08088 U, c/o Herald. Equal Oppor­ like to see it reniain a mixed bag,” Dr. 1 DAY...... 14*iwimN« our ^ reen Printing Depart- tunity Employer. but will train. Call 647-1288, $500.00 or best, offer. 568-7317. said his proposal is geared toward this. ment. Experience is MACmSTS EOE M/F between 9 and 5: Abbott said. 3 DAYS JIB OFOMTOn MMUGER The last plan of develdumenbi^itten for desirable. Excellent benefits. io n HIGH SCHOOL JUNIOR OR Local manufacturer of aircraft parts screen ed loam - Gravel, To a question'Concerning more 6 DAYS MIDBEFORTS-D the town was in 1965/Armentano s » d this Individual must apply in Per­ HOST OR HOSTESSES - Full CUSTODIAL CLEANERS - SOPHOMORE GIRLS for is seeking a production minded in­ Processed Gravel, Sand, apartments going up, Armentano said, iebA Y S ...IV mkbmt son to : QuaUty Name Plate, TIACa OPEMTORS and part time positions Part time evenings. dividual to manage the factory was for the entire to\^n and the problem RNS/LPNS - CresUleld Con­ Waitress work. Part time Stone, and Fill. For deliveries “ Given the economic stiuation I don’t 1SWOHB.H«10aMi 'Fisher Hill Road, East Must have at least 5 years valescent Home. Manchester. available. Good starting pay. Manchester and Ehist Hart­ after school 3 days a week and operations of a 30 operator shop. The call George Grlffing, 742-7886. was they tried to treat rural Vernon area Glastonbury. Apply In person: Ground ford area. Call 649-5334. . position requires thorough think you’re going to see many HAPPY ADS •a.SOn setting up and operating 3 p.m to 11 p.m. Excellent Saturdays.lays. Apply in person to knowledge of precision machining and Rockville as the same. He said benefits for part time and lull Round Restaurant. 3025 Main Brass Key. FOR SALE - Couch, end apartments developed in the immediate experience. BOOKKEEPER/TYPIST - and a minimum of 10 years super­ Rockviile was unique because it was NURSES AIDES WANTED - time employees. Call Mrs. Street, Glastonbury. visory experience. tables, chair, T.V. antenna, Rockville section, unless they’re Minimum starting rate Experienced In Accounts developed and rural Vernon was not heavi­ Crestfield Convalescent Grant DNS at 643-5151. Please mail resume or apply in per­ rotor. $95. 72 West Street. apartments for the elderly.” Home, Manchester. Shift 7 $9.50, if qualified. Payable and Accounts Saturday, 9:00 a.m. bPll:00 ly developed at that time. BRIDGEPORT OPERATOR. Receivable. Minimum typing son to: Armentano said he had had a call a.m. to 3 p.m.; 3 p.m. to 11 THE U-M I COAKNUTION a.m. He said Union Street, in Rockville, from LICENSED NURSE. Some experience preferred. speed of 50 wpm required. SALES REPRESENTATIVE earlier in the day Tuesday from someone pjn.; and 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. TIN Lo-IM Corporation YIQ Tim n IIM. Intermediate care. Residents Full time position. Insurance to call on retail es­ West Road to the intersection of E. Main, ' EkceUent benefits for part Tm im I Rood Call 871-1111. fJH. IQI 23M DARK LOAM DELIVERED - interested in constructing apartments for 180 ambulatory. $8.00 per hour. benefits, paid holidays. Apply tablishments in the fashion Main and Grove streets is all zoned com­ time and full time employees. in person: Metronlcs Inc., Vamea, CT OM N 5 yards, $50 plus tax. Also the elderly but said he wasn’t going to Panona/f Vmimm, CT 08008 Pleasant work. Hours flexi­ IMMEDIATE OPENINGS jewelry line. Experience mercial but there are many residences in Call Mrs. Grant DNS, at 64^ EOE______Routes 6 and 44A, Bolton. sand, gravel and stone. 643- make any information public yet because ble. Call 649-2358. FOR SEWING MACHINE necessary, and commission. iig j I LOOKING “ FOR 5151. 9504. that area. He said all are considered legal it’s in the very preliminary discussion OPERATORS - Will train. Call 528-m , after 4:00 p.m. as non-conforming uses. RESPONSIBLE PERSON(S) Hours: 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.. EIGHTH CONNECTICUT stage. to commute two young girls to VOLUNTEERS will hold SMALL THREE BURNER He said in 1965 they didn't took at the Apply: Pioneer Parachute BOOKKEEPERS ELECTRIC STOVE - K5. the St. Maiy-St. Josem&hool Company, Inc. Pioneer In­ ASSISTANT. RHAM High First Practice on October concept of a mixed use district but he area in Willimantlc. from 30th, 7:00 p.m.. Eighth Color: White. Has Oven. Call dustrial Park, Hale Road. School, Hebron, Connecticut. 646-1194. feels Rockville might as welt be zoned as Route 66 in Hebron. Hours: Manchester, Connecticut, Contact Claudia Meder at 228- District Firehouse. Call 643- VEA studies Semi flexible. Call ^ 3810. 4400 evenings for details. mixed use, but with special controls and SHOW OUR COUNTRYMEN 06040. EEO. 9474. TWO GRAVE LOTS at Rose special permits. UNATTACHED? 'Meet new INSURANCE. Hartford Agen­ Hill Cemetary. Reasonable. Armentano said a special permit would CLERK-CODER NO SALES Call 649-5958 after 6:00 p.m. school plans compatible companions in INDIVIDUAL needed with EXPERIENCE NECESSARY cy requires a Personal Lines mean that in order to obtain the special Manchester area. Lowest good figure aptitude. Must - Sell Avon, earn good money. Person experienced in rating cost, elaborate, confidential homeowners and auto. (Com­ BONTEMPI ELECTRONIC permit a developer would have to go to the have desire to learn wholsale Call 523-9401. CORD ORGAN. Used only a Planning Commission and there would be . VERNON — The Vernon Education and dignified nationwide THAT OUR COMMUNITY CARES 'ocery business. Apply at: pany or agency background system. Free literature. acceptable. Pay and benefits few times. Mint condition. a clause in the regulations that Association is studying the effects of Saer Bros.. 140 Rye Street Call 649-5958 after 6:00 p.m. Dating of Prestige, South Windsor. commensurate with ability. neighborhood groups must be contacted school closing on the students of Vernon. Williamstown,T^83 . 01287. Call F.M. Jackson Associates, T m I'' •A, for input before such a permit was Ronald Burke, president of the associa­ SUBSTITUTE SCHOOL 522-0333. granted. tion, said a special study committee has CUSTODIANS needed, day i r and evening. Hebron Elemen­ The planner said right now there isn't been appoint^ by the executive board. DRIVERS HELPER to learn CAR PLATES MADE TO Republican candidates tary School, 228-9465. . servicing of adjustable beds. one large district in Rockville for any one He said the committee will attend all NANCY h RON FOURNIER ORDER - Large selection to BURBEH KING Must be reliable and have a choose from. Personal Gubs Nina Parker, incumbent candidate for the watch intently during an open forum con- use and a land use plan he is working on hearings and meetings held by the Board want to remind voters to Vote good driving record. Apply in for Elsie “Biz" Swensson a and Organizations. "‘^ s t Assembly District, and Carl Zinsser, ducted Tuesday in Glastonbury. (Herald will show this, he said. of Elducation and will report to a general person: Slumbermatic Inc., 70 Manchester Rubber Stamp. 20 good friend and neighbor. Needs Full or Part Time Tolland Street, East Hartford. Armentano also emphasized that the meeting of the association in November. TEACHER. Learning Birch Street. 649-4489. candidate for the Fourth Senatorial District, photo by Lavallee) District 13. help to work evenings 5 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. week new proposal wouldn’t affect anybody “ It should be noted that the VEA’s in­ Disabilites Teacher for P.M. or 7:30 P.M. to days. CB TRANSRECEIVER - presently living in the area. He said this terest in this matter focuses on student Coventry's Middle School. 10 close. Must be over 18. Connecticut Certification Amplified micrphone and dis­ would remain a non-conforming use but needs and educational programs and not fflsuranc* URGENTLY NEED required. Contact Dr. appearing antenna. Total $35. Apply at DEPENDABLE PERSON Candidates talk issues added he doesn’t like to see this many non- on finances,” Burke said. NicoUetti's office at 7424913. Fumacemat Heat Reclaimer He said the association’s position will be who can work without super­ installed in furnace stove conforming uses because it hinders 467 Cantar SL EOE. vision for Texas oil company made before the Board of Eklucation CLERK/TYPIST pipe. Never used. $50. 643- development. A diversified and interesting Job in Manchester area. We train. It used to be that the Zoning Board of makes its final decision. for a person with good clerk, M a n d ia s t a r Write K.G. Dick, President, at Glastonbury forum Appeals could grant use variances but it The school board, Monday night tjrpijig akUla, in a local office of a Southwestern Petroleum, Box CLARINET. Used one school large insurance company. Plea­ 789, Ft. Worth, Texas. 78101. no longer has that power. He said he decided not to go forward with considera­ TELEPHONE OPERATOR- SECRETARY- season, $125. Ditto Duplicator, sant vrprk venvironment and good RECEPTIONIST. thinks if the Planning Commission adopts tion to close Sykes School, until after benefiis. Prior office esperience RECEPTIONIST - East of electric, $250. 3M Secretary, By DAVE LAVALLEE Legislature really wanted to cut “ It’s easy to say cut 10 percent, but Monday through Friday. 8:00 $95.; makes ditto masters his proposal as part of the overall plan of budget time, which mean^ that school will desirable, but not essential Please The River. Button-Type PBX □ REAL ESTATE spending, it could have.” we are talking about programs. telephone for appointment. Ms E. a.m. to4:30p.m. (Construction transparencies. 633- 3802, HeraldReporler development, the Zoning Commission will remain open for at least another year. Console. East to ^rate. He charged that the Guaranteed Should we cut funding for the elderly Ritchie, S2S-9031. We are an equal Pleasant office. Monday- office. Informal atmosphere. After 8:00 p.m. GLASTONBURY - About 40 Tax Bill, the formula to equalize and education?” he asked. also-adopt it. At a public hearing scheduled for Nov. opportunity employer. M.'F. Friday, 8 to 5. Paid Pension & Vernon area. Call Ralph, 633- Hbmit For Salt 33 5153 or 6464653. Available im­ local residents Tuesday night education in towns throughout the Barbara Merk, a member of the 19 the board will discuss the possible. Insurance Benefits. Apply: SEASONED CORD WOOD. He also said the Republicans were HSHUNci CO. Of lueau mediately. Cut, split and delivered. Cord listened to candidates running for the neighborhood association, asked why peo­ closing of either the Center Road School Hartford Despatch, 225 CAPE 8 ROOMS - 4 state, failed. only able to come up with 638 million 111 F oundm Ftau and W cord loads E. 31st Assembly District and the or the Vernon Elementary School as part e.HtM.N1M Prospect Street, Box 8271, Bedrooms. Rec room with “ It has not reduced the disparity in cuts from the $2.7 billion state ple can't have what they want no matter bar. Den. New kitchen. Yeomans. 742-8907. Fourth Senatorial District discuss of the plan to cope wi^i declining nt-SNi Ekist Hartfrod. Please do not between school systems in six budget. where they live. “ If they want a little phone. EOE. Aluminum siding.2 car gar- issues such as state spending and enrollments. LIVING ROOM COUCH. years,” Zinsser said. He argued that Under the league format, Zinsser business in their home, why not?” she MASSEUSES. Full or part ^ e . Handy location. $63,m. programs during a forum sponsored (Troup I, Philbrick Agency, Fireplace set. Slide projector. the cities benefit from the bill. also had an opportunity to respond. ASSEMBLER. Full time posi­ time. Good steady clientel. Call after 5:00 p.m. 643-8601.. by the League of Women Voters. Ms. Ripley said state spenijing is a “ Not only did the Democrats not tion. Paid holidays. Excellent' Windham area. Open every Democrat Abraham Glassman and □ EMPLOYMENT insurance benefits. Apply in day 11:00 a.m til midnight. priority for everyone. Responding to cut the budget, but they increased it 40 INCH d o u b l e o v e n . Mrs. Lamb challenges person: Metronics, Inc., 423-7519. MANCHESTER. Unique Republican Carl Zinsser, candidates past charges that state spending has $38 million over wtet the governor English (kitswold three storv Westinghouse Electric Range N*lp WantMl 13 Routes 6 Si 44A, Bolton. with clock timer and storage for the Senate seat, opened the dis­ increased greatly during the last six requested,” Zinsser^id. Colonial on (Comstock Road, cussion. Republican incumbent Nina YODifnsnRnoEiSF near Ckmntry Club. Must be drawer. Price negotiable. 649- years of Democratic control, Ms. “ They could have cut anything they The Le-Ml Corporation if leeking a 0279. Parker and Democrat Rochelle Morgan's statements INDIVIDUAL NEEDED to Quality Control Manager with seen to be appreciated. $125,- Ripley said the Democrats have wanted to because they had an Ripley, candidates for the Assembly transcribe orders from tape experience In developing and im­ 000. Lesperance Agency. 81^ spent less per annum than during overwhelming majority,” he said “ Now, here’s what happened to the recorder to Invoices. 7 to 9 BOOKKEEPER TYPIST. plementing in-proceas and final in­ 0505. District encompassing al|,of Glaston­ All four candidates then resDonded VERNON-Jane Lamb, Republican spection m etb(^ and procedures former Republican Gov. Thomas All tour canuioates men respond^ candidate for state representative from sales tax. Research has turned up the fact a.m. Monday thru Friday. Experienced in accounts bury, followed with brief statements. Call 649-8438. payable and accounts Applicgnts mutt ba^ea working MANCHESTER. Two Family. Meskill's administration. to a on where they would District, issued statements today that on the day on which the Finance Com­ COLONIAL COUCH. 90 inches In his opening remarks, Glassman receivable. Minimum typing knowledge of govefTiment and air­ Five room and tliree room long. Excellent condition. IW She argued that unemployment has mittee met to approve or disapprove craft ipecifications, at i|Ionial. Double garage. Gas CONVECTOR TYPE. 22x48. Mrs. Parker wound up the opening addition, she said, the state could fant 1r .Manchester or East unlM^'"nhappy anniversary— '------marks------tl)s atari ol a i.__ He also said as the chairman of the making two statements in the past days- lor the hcsiages. . . and our pride in this great ■heat. Only $64,900. Pasek statements saying that under the the sales tax. Then when the vo'*l®i2...J’jp HarUord area. CaU 2894)668 aar lor 52 Americans, sale In the arms ol their Used three months. $60 each. ^ " " " " Which She said she has to answer, nation and all it stonda lor. Realty 289-7475. Legislature's subcommittee on Democrats, state spending has on the floqr he piously voted against fun­ after 6:00 [i.m., or weekends. loved ones again. Two aluminum storm doors telephone system. “ First, he keeps bringing up the fact PART TIM E TELLER S complete. $20 each. 649-5996. education, he is pleased with the grown four times the inflation rate in ding the spending he supported.” Em I Hartford locaUon expansion of Howell Cheney Ms. Ripley said she would like to | attend his public hearing on GLASTONBURY. Three the last 10 years. see duplication of services Mrs. Lamb, who is a member of the Hartford National Bank has the following newly created bedroom Split Level with two Regional Vocational Technical She criticized the two-year eliminated. Vernon Town Council, questioned how permanent part time teller positions available at our East full baths, appliances, acre that mean that if I had attended he would The Evening Herald will publish this School. Glassman said with the registration plan for motor vehicles someone can be for spending and against Hartford Office located at 1085 Main Street In East Hari- wooded lot, screened summer expansion, 300 more students will be “ I would encourage more effective ^ g „hen he did not listen ford. house, walking distance to TWO WALK-IN COOLERS. 7' as a measure to gain money by the spending,” she said. funding. X 10” . Three display doors able to attend the school. to his Democrat town chairman and his The schedule lor these positions are as follows golf course. $76,900. Peterman Democrats. She said no public “ The incumbent bas displayed a special dedication as a full page honoring Agency. 649-9404, 649-4844. each. 649-0591. In his opening remarks, Zinsser Zinsser rewmmended a cap on the Democrat mayor?” Mrs. Lamb asked Schedule §1 mon. 9 a.m. — 1 p.m. hearing was ever held on the c^nge. hiringiring of state employees and cuU in penchant for being concerned with how he immediately attacked the She said she also takes exception to Thurs. 9 a.m. — 1:30 p.m. “ We will have the income this welfare. He said the state is second appears to the voters, rather than with Democratically-controlled General Morgan’s claim of non-support for the in- the hostages on Tuesday, November 4. FrI. 9 a.m. — 6 p.m. year, but what about next year?” in the nation in welfare benefits. He what he actually does,” Mrs. Lamb said. To pfovtd> IlMUlin Cara Assembly. ooia ho .OO..M 0,1,1 f o o jio o crease in the sales tax. She said the claim Schedule ||I2 Mon. 12 noon — 4 p.m. Mrs. Parker said. “ The people of Vernon deserve better In privala bonwa and Wed. 9 a.m. — 5 p.rri. He criticized the Democrats for in­ said he would a d d /u n d in g to represents the utmost in deception to his Madhial FadMaa. Part If they are still being held. The Herald Following the brief statements, the programs that would tram and re- constituency. than this from their representative. The -»---- ^ ------a-a----- Thurs. 11:30 a.m. — 5 p.m. creasing the budget and taxes and he candidates responded to questions. people of Vernon should have a represen­ iiM onw* Fri. 1:30 p.m. — 6 p.m. charged them with “ pleasing special train persons. • , “ My opponent supported the Democrat Han Qhfan lo pralaranqa • Glassman was asked why the Glassman said reorganization of spending package. He voted against all tative who will take stands and not be will sqnd copies of the page to the embas­ Schedule #3 Mon. 10 — 3:30 p.m. interests.” ol>— Loeallon and Haura. Tues. 8:30 — 5 p.m. Legislature could not cut more than higher education would save money. R*;publi’can a ttem p ts to cu t that afraid to explain those stands to her party He spoke against the 2 percent tax NO FIK - WIIKLY PAY Thurs. 1 p.m. — 5 p.m. $15 million or 10 percent from the He also said the Ugislature has ^ .. „ „ said as well as to her constituency,” she said. on oil profits and said “ If the rOT WnOnnMIQfl wMII sy In Iran to' show our support. Fri. 9 a.m. — 2:30 p.m. budget. passed law requiring each agency to ® M 3-M 1S. ‘ Candidates must posess good mathematical 6 clerical justify its existence every five years. skills 6 the ability to deal well with the public. Cashiering In response to Zinsser's suggestion Library makes changes AlbAASSiRTMKi' If your family or business would like to experience si plus. , Waste oil pact awarded to cut welfare, Glassman said “ The o l N irtli Em m Cm We offer excellent starling salary as well as good only way we are ever going to cut Aid ANDOVER — As of Nov. 1, most adult day for books and five cents a day for 387 Eaat Cantar t t participate, please call The Herald’s Classi­ working conditions. s VERNON — The Vernon School with data from Saybolt Laboratories to Families with Dependent Children and children’s books at Andover Public records. There is a book drop in the base­ Applications will be accepted lor these positions Thurs., I system has awarded the contract for of Kenilworth. N. J. which proves is to establish day care centers and Library may be borrowed for four weeks. ment door for returning books when the Oct. 30,1980 between 9 a.m. — 3 p.m. at our East Hartford I that the new refined product waste oil to the Connecticut Waste allow women to get out of the house All magazines, records and new books library is closed. HOUSEKEEPERS. FuU time fied Advertising Department at 643-2711 Office. Apply: Oil Cot again this year. Charles superior to No. 4 oil. I to work. I defy Mr. Zinsser to cut this may be borrowed for two weeks. The library is open Monday, Tuesday Including some, week-end Hartford National Bank ■ SMA8HIN6 CONTEMPORARYI The company guaranteed a firm work. Mature and responsible Brisson. administrative assistant and live with himself.” Renewals by telephone will be allowed Eait Hartford Otfica price of 55 cents a gallon for the en­ and Friday from 7 to 9 p.m. and Tuesday, individual. Apply Riverside before 12 noon, Monday, November 3, for reported to the Board of Education In response to a question on state except for books less than a year old. 1085 Main 81. ! tire 1980-81 heating season. Friday and Saturday from 2 to 5 p.m'. Health , ^ e Center. 528-2167. Monday night. funding for Medicaid abortions, only The changes are an effort by the EOE ______! Built With all quality materials! A unique floor plan Brisson had told the board that Zinsser argued against it. library’s Board of Directors to improve Preschool story hours are held each NURSES AlDES.Positlons details. ■ designed for modem day living! 7 rooms, 2tk baths, negotiations were in progress con­ Brisson said the school system^is “ Abortions should only be per­ the overdue book situation. Thursday from 9:30 to 10 a.m. Joan Abbott available on 7-3, 3-11, )l-7 O all thermopane windows, natural cedar exterior, shifts. Good starting wages cerning the pricing and supply of presently paying about 73 cents a formed when the health of the is the librarian. large deck, double garage, prime Forest Hills The overdue charges are threecentsa^ and benefits. Excellent oppor­ Hopefully, our package and the hos- waste oil for heating at Rockville gallon for No. 4 oil. He said while the location! Builder will hold a second mortgage at 8% mother is being threatened or in the Joint meeting P T O Council tunity to learn nurses aides High and the Middle School. difference doesn't seem to appear case of rape or incest,” Zinsser said. skills. We will provide you _ interest for fifteen years. Call today on this excep- He said the price increase as substantial, the cost of the No. 4 oil is The other candidates cited the VERNON — Vernon Grange 52 and VERNON - Dr. Bernard Sidman, with complete orientation in I tages will cross In transit. for H tional financing offer! quoted by Connecticut Waste 1979-80 based on the New Haven tank car mother’s right to choose and the Tolland Grange 51 will hold a joint 94th an­ superintendent of schools, will be the your position, as well as on the O' and 1980-81. was 24 cents a gallon. He price which will go up as the heating niversary celebration on Nov. 7 at 6 p.m. guest speaker at meeting of the PTO job training. Apply: Riverside Prospect Street eree ability of more affluent women to Health Can Center. 528-21(17. said he thought that was excessive. season progresses, making the 55 pay for abortions themselves. in the Vernon Grange Hall, Route 30. Council tonight at 7:30 at the Vernon He said during his discussions with cent per gallon price for waste oil, Elementary School, Route 30. MECHANIC - Experienced iih In Rockville , BLANGHAW&ROSSEnO firm officials (that firm was the only more attractive. Commission meeting The evening will start with a potiuck Following a business meeting. Dr. Sid­ all phases of truck and auto R8ALT5K8 one to submit a bid) they stated that He said, in addition, because of the BOLTON — The Recreation supper. Those attending should bring food man will speak on “ Data for the Criteria repairs, gat and diesel. 189 WEST CENTER ST. COR. MoKKK what they were offering for 1980-81 improvement in the quality of waste Commission will meet tonight at 8:30 for the supper. Dessert and beverages will on the Closing of a School or Schools.” A Minimum 5 years experience. C a ll 647- 9946, be provided. Must have own tools. Start at was a refined oil and not simply a oil, the board will be able to increase at the home of Gil Boisonequ, rec discussion session will follow. Fringe 648-2482 Ihe first and second degrees will be con­ {7.00 per hour. All purified crankcase oil. the mix ratio with No. 4 oil and director. The commission will The public is Invited to attend and par­ Benefits. For appointmeiitment o r 647-9947 ! Equal HOuatng Brisson said the firm provided him therefore save more money. review a|l rec programs in town. ferred on a large class of candidates. ticipate. call 688-7596. ■■■jSiifUee j ( 22 — EVENING HKRALD. Wed.. Oct. 29, 1980

N. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ir^-k-k-k-k-k-k-k € k k k i ...... " " Poanutt — Charlaa M. Schulz e v e n i n g h e r a l d . Wed.. Ocl. 29. 1980 — 23

50V0U6W5ALLU;ENT UIOU)!I60E55IHEARP INTO TOWN, ANP60T IN WWRON6..nH006HT Call 643-2711 flbby A BRAWL...WHATAB0in- ,‘<0U5AlC!‘'IN JAIL," ACROSS 2 Aaian Answer to Previous Puzzle peniniula 7 7 m [T T i ANP 50 Ah'EARS WENT UP 1 M t id im ii 3 Makes happy m _ ★ call 643-2711 ‘ MARWET?( IH£R£'5 HARRIET? 10 N A H A By ADigaii van Buren (Bbbr.) 1 ANPM HAT FLEW OFF. 4 Aquatic sport I a a T M H 1 a 5 Grabbed 5 Compata [ 7 0 T Z | | 1 L 1. kS., 12 Marsupial J point L 1 T H t L v 13 GrBiiy arat 6 More scarce 0 C T I a 14 Pormtr 7 Wicked • e X Frank A ErnasI DEAR ABBY; You have stated repeatedly that men can □ candidata 6 Lustrous D T a 1 Business? & Service be sexually active at 80, and I wish you would cut it out! You Stavantbn 9 Explotiva P Cl I'l n are wrong, but you seem to have an obsession about this 15 Longhand (abbr.) s 1 n n n subject. 16 Partly 10 Compass A L □ □ • f f I am an honest 60-year-old man who begs to differ with 18 Samual'i point UQDU T 0 N ■ n n T e T 1 N you. A man is no stud at 60. In fact, most men are on the Priscilla’s Pop — Ed Sullivan tabchar 11 Actor Dailey QDCICI C D n u ^ » r d o e j n ' T 1 . 0 0 1 C □ D D D i " A e 1 □ □ □ decline starting at about 40. Some even before that. I 19 Caustic 12 Sunflower , * •ubatanca suppose there ore a few exceptions, but very darned few. The state (abbr.) 29 Normandy 46 Brownish O o • • • e* a O o D ... ‘tOU KNOW WHAT? 20 Organ for tr y men who write to you saying they are just as good at 70 as i/MXK'/PATS- J E O /W iP V j 17 Arab country invasion day purple “ • " • ____ — SOU ei?INP SOUR hearing _ they were at 30 are ejther lying or kidding themselves. 21 Sharp-sighted 30 Ore deposit 60 Skeleton part TEETH A LOT UKE 22 Grabs 23 Official ' ^ A r t £ d P u O n i M f t The next time you consults gerontologist, please pick an A B s is r A N r NW TEACHER POe 26 Total! 31 Greek letter 61 Prohibition records honest one and make sure he’s inform^ on sexology. SHERIFF. 28 Circuit 33 Inch along 62 Compass i A A •" i 24 Radar Krean t The cemeteries are full of men who tried to prove they 20 Damilltariiad 39 Attendant point JfAN'PAuL 5 AR R £ . imaga ^ S p u T u i were just as good lovelfs ^t 6() as they were at 30. Thank you. 2ona (abbr.) 41 Muckier 53 Author of y 25 Sown (Fr.) 'T h e Reven" M P A if T d J ^ I •• * ' SIXTY AND NO STUD 32 Two-maitad 43 Weird aiiters vttael 27 Hawaiian 45 Dancer 64 Wagon track Sarv/cai OHtrad 1hAv*J lo a l instruments 31 Servlcet Offered DEAR SIXTY: I did say that men can be sexually 34 "Chrittmaa Jeenmaire 55 Swift aircraft 31 PetnUng-Peperlng 32 O'Mviw’tf* M( >U Mif u • on 28 Sonny's ex Building Contracting 33 active at 80, which is true. Much depends on their A Carol'* charac- 46 Sows (abbr.) B&M TREE SERVICE, tar PETER’S TREE SERVICE - ••••••••••••••••••••♦»««*# attitude,, the state of their general health, and 1 2 1 4 5 9 7 1 9 10 I t where TREE-MENDOUS ser­ Apartments For Rent 53 ***•••••••••••••••••••••• 36 Depart thii Peter Morana, a Licensed INTERIOR PAINTING FARRAND REMODELING - Wanted to Rent 57 A utof For Sale whether they have an interesting and interested vice is guaranteed, now 81 Motorcyclet-Blercles 64 life IT Tree Surgeon, No. 1813. All AND WALLPAPERING Cabinets, Roofing. Gutters, partner. “ 13 offering FREE STUMP Ifeom Additions, Decks, All VERNON. Three room apart­ 3 6 Accustom types of tree work, and we Quality professional work at I did n ot say that all men are just as good lovers at 14 15 GRINDI.\G . with tree types of Remodeling and ment in modern four family 37 Circus animal make it affordable. Many reasonable prices. Fully in­ 60 as they were at 30. All are not. Some are better/ 7/4 Sufflgunwi removal. Free estimates. Ful­ Repairs. Free estimates. Ful­ house. Convienent for shop­ 38 Wagers Outstanding References. Call sured. Free estimates. G. L. O N E C A ^ G A R A G E ★ 14 17 15 ly insured. References. Senior 649-2456. ly insured. Phone 643-6017. ping and commuting. VOLKSWAGENS FALL 4 0 Fixed time Citi'X' McHugh. 643-9321. UTILITY TRAILER. 16 inch Citizens Discount 643-7285. A ppliances included $200 WANTED. The downtown c l e a r a n c e SALE. 1974 Captain Easy — Crooka A Lawranca period 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 wheel. Metal body. Very good monthly plus utilities. 647-1113 Manchester area preferred. Ghia. $1,795. 1973 Bug, real 42 Chtart LEON CIEZSYNSKI condition $200 or best offer 27 21 R E W ^ A V IN G BURN after 6:30 p.m Please call between 6 and 9 sharp. Save! 1972 Bug, DEAR ABBY: The letter asking whether marriage 43 Charge * BUILDER.' New homes, ad­ p.m., 643-4810. 871-1243. BL6ZE6'. IMA&(ME LIVIN' GTILL, I RECKON THE ttUSTACHB HOLES.. Zippers,Zipper umbrellas______★ DAN SHEA PAINTING & ditions. remodeling, rec automatic. Tim Moriarty^ between a Republican and Democrat could ever work ALL BV V0UK6ELF IN A GHOST KIP’S NO FOOL AT THAT1...NO 44 Tax agency 29 30 31 32 33 34 repaired. Window shades, FOR PROFESSIONAL FALL DECORATING. Interior and rooms, garages, kitchens Silktown Motors, 643-6217. interested me because my marriage was also "mixed." My TOWN LIKE 9ILVEIZ CKEEKi MUGGERS, NO PROPERTY TAX... (abbr.) ROOM WANTED BY 47 Accountant 39 Venetian blinds. Keys. TV CLEANUP call 649-9437 Exterior. Also: Wallpapering. remodeled, ceilings, bath tile, husband was a devout Republican and I a dedicated 39 37 g e n t l e m a n . Near corner (abbr.) FOR RENT. Marlow’s, 867 Lawns raked? Shrubs Quality Craftsmanship! Cali dormers, roofing. Residential Democrat. NI.CE, CLEAN SIX room of West Middle Turnpike and 49 Strained 31 35 40 41 Main Street. 649-5221. trimmed and cartered away. 646-54(4^or 646-1305. or commercial. 649-4291. Every election day we'd both go off to the polls and cancel duplex, three bedrooms, bas% Adams St^et. Call 649-7630. FOR SALE. Used non-slate 52 Buds Reasonable rates. pool table with assessories. out each other’s vote. We talked about it. argued about it'and 42 43 44 45 45 CERAMIC FIRING, Discount mept, attic, no pets, ••••••••••••••••••••••«*** V O L K S W A G ^ . We buy, 56 Clipper PR^ESSIONAL PAINTING DESIGN KITCHENS - Good condition. $150, 643-2230. even laughed about it. In spite of our political differences, references. Call 742-6373. $365 MIsc. for Rent 58 sell and repair. 1973 Converti­ 57 Springs 47 45 49 s n 51 rates. Quick service. Call 643- Interior and exterior. Cabinets, Vanities, Formica we had a wonderful 40-year marriage. 2543. monthly plus security and ble, New paint, radial tires. 58 Hard up Commercial and residential Counter Tops. Display, He's been dead for three years, and I'm certainly going to 52 53 54 55 96 “ ★ Free estimates. Fully in­ utilities. Save! 1970 Convertible. Real 59 Dampest Storage Si Bookcases. Kitchen miss him this November. 60 Here's son LAWNMOWERS FALL CLEAN UP & LEAF sured. 646-4879. sharp. Save! Tim Moriarty’s 57 56 Cabinet Fronts. Custom ★ VOTING FOR CARTER REPAIRED. 15% Sr. Citizen RAKING - Fertilize Si Power Silktown Motors. 643-6217. M O TO RCYCLES. 1978 Woodworking. 649-9658. LARGE GARAGE FOR DOWN 59 60 Discount! Free pick up and Rake Your Lawn Now' PAINTING - INTERIOR AND HARLEY DAVIDSON, lower ★ « RENT. Downtown DEAR VOTING; So will Mr. Reagan! delivery! Expert service. Reasonable. Call 649-2728. EXTERIOR; Paperhanging. -U FIVE ROOM APARTMENT. Manchester. 649-5639. rider, 1200. Immaculate; 3,000 1 Example ECONOMY LAWNMOWER Experienced, references. I r ­ Second floor, two family miles. $3950. 1974 KAWASAKI 647-3660. ^ENSED- DAY CARE ving Willimantic, FES Industries, Inc. KZ • 400. Immaculate. 4,000 home. Wall-to-wall carpeting, 1968 MUSTANG. Excellent HOME - Has openings for any Manchester, Bolton, Coven- offer you miles. $775. 633-2304 ; 247-3247. stove and refridgerator. Heat condition. 95% restored. New age children. Pleasant Valley [■"y' Columbia, Tolland areas. □ AUTOMOTIVE DEAR ABBY: After a miserable marriage and traumatic Alley Oop — Dave Graue QUALITY HOME not included. %m monthly. paint, brakes; too many new briclqc Apartments, South Windsor W. J. Grille. 423-6582. divorce, I married a woman so wonderful that it made REMODELING 528*0483 after 3:00 p.m. EAST HARTFORD Call 644-1168. parU to list. AM-FM tape everything that had occurred previously seem like a bad B-B UPHOLSTERY. Custom 247-3218 Auto Parts For Sale 60 deck. Spoke caps. $2,200. Call PUBLIC SCHOOLS ‘ HAS THE NO, M'SIEUR ANPRE, WlAT IT.' AND WE'RE p a i n t i n g b y C R A IG dream from which I had finally awakened. She has given ER, EX- \ AHA! THERE/"^:^ YOU'LL FIND TOUR UNI- Hartford, CT SIX ROOM APARTMENT 6461538 after 5 N E W W A IT­ r HAVE NOT ' SHORT-HANDED TD- Work. Free Estimates. Will OGDEN. Interior and me faith in myself, joy beyond description, inspiration, and CUSE ME...) TOU ARE.' ( < a ip f FORM IN THERE) CHANGE pick up and deliver. Please $400 monthly. Security. For RESS SEEN HER! DAY, TOO.' COULD y a x A E w it h I ' IMMEDIATELY------AND ------BE IN ______Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Exterior Specialist! Fully In­ the kind of love I thought existed only in romantic novels. UPY call 64^2161 after 4:00 p.m. further information, call 526 Trucks lor Sale 62 YOU... / ME.TOUNG THE DINING ROOM IN NEED HELP? Instant and ac­ sured. Free Estimates. Call 4219. «> ★ INVITATION My two little ones (I have custody) adore her as she does FIVE MINUTES.' anytime, 649-8749. CHEVY MOTOR FOR SALE - BRICK, BLOCK, STONE - curate bookkeeping and tax them. Sane and sensible bridge Heating-Plumbing 35 Valves completely done over. 1977 FORD F 150 PICKUP - 6 T O B I D Fireplaces. Concrete. services. Quarterlies and t h r e e b e d r o o m " PEuadise, right? Wrong! She has one habit that drives me $200 or best offer. Please call cylinder. Clean. Deluxe. Call CTimney Repairs. -N o Job financial statements. Feel EXTERIOR PAINTING APARTMENT, Available up a wall. She is NEVER on time for anything. If she says' diate raise (o three clubs NO JOB TOO SMALL - Toilet 643-9340; keep trying. 688-8679 after 3:00 p.m. BID 1I1554 Too Small. " Call 644-8356 for free to call anytime. 646-4350 experienced college student November . 1980. Parkade "a few minutes." it can mean an hour. An hour can mean would guarantee a much bet­ repairs, plugged drains, 1 FUEL CONVERSION estimates. Quality work. Very area. Call 6461749. three. kitchen faucets replaced, Autos For Sale si 1972 FORD PICK-UP BODY. NORTH 10-2 ter hand than his 14 HCP 5-3- reasonable prices. Call Mike Information may be obtained Abby, I cannot count on her to be on time for anything. 3-2. 569-3458 or 569-4945. repaired, rec rooms, 1175. Can be seen at Hulls 4K S C iM TREE SERVICE. Free TWO BEDROOM, TWO from Kate True, Assistant Nor can anyone else. She is always behind and running Today, the three-club rebid ★ bathroom remodeling, heat WE PAY TOP PRICES for Auto Body, Bolton. Or call V lO M estimates, discount senior modernization, etc.. M & M BATH furnished apartment. 646-1337. Director of Business Services, late. It is an exasperating fly-in-the-ointment of what would merely shows that he wants to EAST SIDE ROOFING. Built LEE PAIN'TING. Interior Si wrecked and junk car$,>A-& B ♦ A»3 citizens. Company plumbing Si Heating. 649-2871 For details, call 633-0000 or 110 Long Hill Drive, East otherwise be a union made in heaven. Can you, or any of 4 A J984 support clubs. It may show a up roofing, slate, shingles, Exterior. "Check my rate 633-0190. Auto Salvage, used auto parts. much better hand but in that Manchester owned and 1 ^ DODGE W TON PICK Hartford, Ct. 06106 until bid your experts, suggest a cure? WEST operated. Call 6461327. gutters and roof repairs before you decorate." Depen­ Call Tony 6466223. EAST case he will take strong action dable, Fully insured. 6461653 UP - Good condition. $350. opening on November 10,1980 BEWILDERED IN BUCKS COUNTY ♦ JI074 ♦ »3 Satisfaction guaranteed. 566 M a n c h e s t e r , t w o later. ______4380. «MLV Call 643-5671, after 6:00 p.m. at 2:00 P.M. VA85 VKS72 North's next bid of three bedroom Condo for rent. Maid DEAR BEWILDERED: Not unless the lady wants to ♦ Q1074 THE EAST HARTFORD The Fllntetones — Hanna Barbara Productlona ♦ KJ85 diamonds is just a forcing bid. service and utilities included FORD TRACTOR, 1978. CL be cured. By your own account, she has five virtues 4 lot ♦ 753 It may be the start of a slam $700 monthly. Call Westledge 9000 with 400 Cummins. PU BLIC SCHOOL IS AN In Home (guarantee and only one fault — exasperating as it may be. Many SOUTH sequence; meanwhile, hll it •k -k ROLL OR BRUSH Chip Repair Associates, 633- 5241 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY T s h o u l d Diesel. Sleeper. Call after ‘^unions made in heaven** have worse tradeoffs. N ag I C O U L D N 'T ♦AQ8«2 does is tell South that North p o r c e l a i n & Evenings, Chris Schipani, 633: EMPLOYER PAINTERS. We handle any 5:00 p.m. 643:6581. her — but count your bleuing, initeqd of the minutea. HAVE NE\/EK TOLD GOING IN AND ♦ QJ4 can stop diamonds. size job with your satisfaction Fiberglass, Spray , 2067. ^ 06610 59 YOU TO MEET CHECKING OUT *63 It also is just the bid South a must. Please call Ken Appliances & 643-1201 evenings. Reasonable TnLTn ^nd small Cabnets Display al __ M E O N THIS THE NEW CARS. ♦ KQ2 wanted to near. He doesn’t Kubachka. 6467517. TERESA APARTMENTS C O R N E R ! rates. "Split \^ur Wood The B lis h 8 H IG HLAND ST , E.H Two bedrooms. 1 Main Street. Vubierable: North-Soulh have much of a hand, but he Easy Way!” ™ S^fset. Looking tor a |ob> Be Lure lo tedtl the GNU TUB or NEW ENGLAND does have a heart stopper and Avaifable in November on the Do you wiih you had more friendi? Get Abby’a Dealer: South Help Wanted art$ in today's Classified 1203) 5 ^ 2 0 0 Public Notice bids three notrump. SKIiOti first floor. Ideal for elderly booklet, "How to Be Popular; You’re Never Too Wees North East This bid cools all North’s person or couple. Located on Town of Bolton Young or Too Old." Send gl with a long, aelf- Soilh slam interest. North is happy busline and in walking dis- addrea*ed, etamped (28 cental envelope to: Abby, 14 Pan 24 Pan 34 to p ^ at three notrump. of shopping and banks. ■^e &ning Commission of the Town of Bolton will hold a Popularity, 132 Laiky Drive, Beverly Hilla, Calif. Pen 3* Pan 3NT The diamond lead holds $320 m onthly, plus heat. Community Hall on Tliursday, November 90212. TAG SALES 48 Rooms tor Rent Pass Pan Pan South to three notrump, but he 52 Apartments For Rent 53 Includes carpeting, 13, 1980 tegiiuilng at 7:30 p,m, on the proposed revisions of the has no trouble collecting five appliances, air conditioner, Zoning Regulations which will provide: /v : THE PACK RAT- Antiques & clubs, three spades, the ace of b a z a a r Collectibles. f e m a l e R O O M M A T E storage and coin operated Opening Iead;44 diamonds, game and rubber. S a tu r d a y . r,--- QP®" Sunday 12 CA November 1st. 10 a.m.-7 p.m lo 5. 40 Flora Road, o il Route WANTED - Non-smoking, 20- laundry. No pets. Domato 1. Increased restriction on the keeping of animals. There- are lots of bidding All Saints Church, 205 Scar­ 85, Bolton. 25 Manchester Townhouse. Enterprises, 646-1021. 2. Provision for the temporary use of trailers as dwellings. sequences that would also UNFURNISHED ROOMS $150 monthly including heat borough Street, Hartford, available November 1st. $50 PstroQfQph The Born Loser — Art Sansom lead to three notnunp, but WANTED JUNK AND LATE 3. Revision on wetland restrictions consistent with Federal Conn. and hot water. 649-1312. GLASTONBURY (SOUTH). By Oswald Jacoby even more that would land the WANTED. Antique Furniture, per week. Kitchen priveleges M ODEL WRECKS - Cash Flood Insurance Rate Map. Half of exceptional new and Alan Sontag partnership at a spade Glass Pewter, Oil paintings All utilities. No pets or Paid. Call Parker Street Used PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) iwngRE’$iiC Taes6ore? MANCHESTER - Condo for Duplex. Features carpeting, 4. Revise the fee for requested revisions of the town zoning contract. A diamond lean will t h e EASTERN CONN. or Antique Items, R. children. Secuirity. Call 646- Auto Parts, Inc. 6463391. There is ample opportunity lease. 2 Bedroom Townhouse. excellent closets, dishwasher, regulations. * hold any spade declarer to m a r k e t is still open Harrison, Telephone 643-8709. 1316, Carol. C fo u r about you today to strengthen In old-fashioned standard till November 23rd! Plenty of New carpeting, applicances dispose- aB^ self cleaning your position in a situation that American, South would have nine tricks. and decorating. IVi tjaths. oven, private basement with 1974 SUBARU - Good condi­ A copy of the full text of the proposed revisions is on file at the deals and dealers, every Sun­ LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ^ r t h d a y has an influence on your work or DON'T to rebid two spades. An imme- (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN) Slider. Deck. Full basement. laundry hookups, I'/z baths, tion. Front wheel drive, $1800 office of the Town Clerk of Bolton. career. Be alert. day ( 9 a.m.-3 p.m .) Jet. 31 & ROOM. Kitchen priveleges No pets. $425 monthly. Homes deck, neighborhood setting negotiable. Telephone 643- ARIES (March 21-April 19) HFFPOUe 32 Mansfield. Washer/Dryer. Parking. 643- 6785, or 6561723. Philip Dooley l a c e , LINENS AND UnliThited^ The Henry minutes to Hartford. $525 Check with friends in regard to 5600. Chairman Octob«r 30. I960 TDUKzpHT. l o v e l y THINGS. Fur­ Agency,644-2525. monthly 633-4566. Broker. events you are planning. This will Extremely fortunate circum­ niture. frames and fancy 1968 DART, 1969 CHARGER . Bolton Zoning Commission avoid any conflict in schedules SOU d'U Dogs-BIrds-Pets 43 318. Three speed. Posi rear 06610 stances could put you in a posi­ and something extra-good will things. Come see at. Red VERNON - Near 86. luxury Homes lor Rent 54 tion this coming year where you end. Needs some work. Best be added IT Goose Farm Antiques, Goose Apartments For Rent 53 C ondo, A p plia n ces. $345 will have the opportunity to A nnie Oakley could s p lit with a bullet a play­ SOUTH WINDSOR KENNEL offer over $400. 871-7385 TAURUS (April 20-May 20) ing card held edge on at thirty paces. CLUB offers 8 Weeks Lane, Coventry. Open monthly.. Secuerity, BOLTON. Rent with option to achieve a secret desire. You'll Favorable conditions having an WTH IK ' Handling Course, in Breed Si „weekends m 10:00 a.m. to 5 00 118 MAIN STREET - "The references. Sail 423-127 486- buy. Seven room home with have to apply the effort, but the effect upon your finances are at p.m. Phone 742-9137 3923. BANK REPOSSESSIONS - . payoff is big. UAKEP . Our Boarding HoUm Obedience, beginning October Gables” 3 Room Apartment. three bedrooms I'/j baths. W arning of Slate Election work for you today. They look 1977 Plymouth Sport fW v , SCORPIO (Ocl. 24-Nov. 22) This ^Ist and 2nd.cost $25. For Heat and hot water. $320 good enough for you to be able , eVE. J 0M5 Agency. 646: $2300. 1976 Dodge Charger Town of Bolton should be a good day for you to build a more solid foundation further information: 5663010 monthly. Security and Tenant M A N C H E S T E R - F iv e ^ cia l Edition $2500, 1973 where attainment is concerned. for yourself WInthrop — Dick Cavalll 563-0128, 678-0254, 289-8188 Insurance required. Call 646- Rooms, garage, large porch, 2 Novem ber 4, 1980 CMC Jimmy Utility Truck You're going to get a levy, breaks QEMINI (May 21-June 20) You'll PROFE55(7l? ALFREP-NDRTri STORIES? AWPF-SPUT-TT 684-5191 and 8769127. 2426, 9 to 5 weekdays. bedroom s, $340. Available which, if taken advantage of. will DOLLS WANTED by private $2300. 1969 AMC Ambassador be luckiest today In situations BLM4KHEAP CHE^KEP IN I November 1st. No*pets achieve your goals. Romance, that deal In the realm of ideas. PIP VOU READ IN THE . AND T H E K IP S S T A Y E D I WOULD HAVE TAKB^ MV YOU PON T UNPERSTANP collector. Any collectiable Security. References. Call ★ $500. The above may be seen travel, luck, resources, possible KE'$ ON SPECIAL ASSIGN- t h a t we GREAT IVE F R E E K ITTEN S - Born FOR RENT. November 1st. 1 ^ f i r ^ y*ii‘’^ ” Tuesday. November 4, Concentrate on matters requir­ RAPERS AEOUr THE TOWN IN-SCHOOL. RDR CHANCESWITH TH ERCCa a^ntique Madame Alexander, after 7 p.m.. 643-1570. e a s t HARTFORD HOME at the Savings Bank of I980t lor the following purposes, to wit: pitfalls and career lor the coming l^tN T FOR AARON BURR PEOPLE REQUIRE PIALOGUE August 31st. 1 female black Vernon. One bedroom. Fully ing either verbal or written t h a t w a s THREE DAYS BECAUSE IT Ginny, Composition, et Carpeted three bedroom. All Manchester, 923 Main Street. months are all discussed in your eommunication. RuDOOeO... UNIVERSITY,SOT PONT WITH OUR PEERS IFO U R Tiger, 3 male orange Tigers carpeted. Dishwasher, $280 cetera. Cash paid. Also VERNON IMMEDIATE modern. Today 300*s. 236-5646 «nd Vice-Presidential Astro-Graph which begins with CANCER (Jur>e 21-July 22) WAS ON HIQH (SflOUND"? W ANT YOU b o t h e r in g WORK IS TO PROGRESS' Litter trained. Call 644-3042. repairing done. 6460057 monthly. Plus security. 871- electors, Unlt^ States Senator, Representative-in- T OCCUPANCY. Brand new one Locators. Fee. PLYMOUTH FURY II - your birthday Mail $1 for each to There's an excellent chance you HIM WITH YOUR THE WRIGHT BROTHERS 8460. Astro-Graph, Box 489, Radio could profit from two different ONYX bedroom apartment. • Excellent condition! Must be S "^ t e w Senator, State Representative, Registrar ^ O R l E 6 l , CORRESPONPEP WITH I l f WANTED. Antique Furniture seen to Iw appreciated. Call City Station, N Y. 10019. Be sure sources today. Keep all avenues week „ Dishwasher, self cleaning to specify birth date.' INVENT0R5 ALL OVER 643-9729; if no answer please for gain open and be ready to act oven, wall to wall carpeting H. To vote on the foUowing quesUona for the approval or dls- lood home. 342-0571. or 633- o r A n tiq u e I t e m s % return call. SAQITTARIU8 (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) upon them THE 81. heat and hot water included! Others will understand and Harrison.n. TelephoneTel 643:8709. VERNON HOUSE. King size amendmenu to the Constitu­ LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Exciting W(0RLD,' VERNON. Heat paid. Four $345. One child accepted 871- accept your Ideas today, so or stimulating news could revive 8399; 643-4953. thre6( bedrooms, with base­ 1976 FORD LTD, Wagon tion of the State o f Connecticut, a vote of "Y E S " being a A D O f^ A DOG - Protectors rooms with carpets don't be reluctant to let them your enthusiasm for something Wanted to Buy ment, carpet laundry Automatic transmission. Fuli know what is on your mind. Be of Animals has several dogs ^Appliances. lia n c e s ^ Pets 0.1O.K. Won't you've laid aside. This may facilities... plus more. $375. power. Roof rack. Excellent ‘ *0^ positive and assertive involve your social life In some available as pets. Call 636 Locators. ~ Fm ^ ® 2 3 ^ " 5 ^ I 2365646. Locators. Fee condition. 43,000 miles. Best CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) manner. 5 ^ . after 5:00 p.m. or 342- 1. For the constitutional amendment concerning admis­ offer over $1900. 633-3296. You can profit in some manner VIRGO (Aufl. 23-8ept. 22) Every­ ( a ifiu sion of electors after removal from the town of today through the good auspices one seems to be on your o l d p o s t C A R D S OF Onices-Slores lor Rent 55 residence of one very fond of you who is in PORTER STREET AREA - 1972 FORD F 250, 4x4. Over- bandwagon today, treating you Levy’s Law — James Schumeiater MANCHESTER - Will buy one a position to help you. You might with extra consideration. You Three room apartment. Heat sized tires. Sunroof. Carpeted. 2. For the constitutional amendment concerning pre- or more. Have car, will r OFFICE AND STUDIO. be asked to keep it a secret may even be the recipient of a utilities, parking included Stereo, Best offer. 633-3984. travel. Please call 646740S; if ROCKVILLE. Extra large Excellent location. Good traf­ registraUon of seventeen year old citizens as electors AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) gift. 1 TAKE IT, MB’. R X e -V O T W FOR five roomer. All modern Security depsoil. No pets 649- You're under excellent aspects HIMILAYAN KITTNES no answer, please keep trying. 9092, 643-1827. fic exposure surrounded by LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) You’re 6BUPP5 KING WBOLE, TVKO AMINSr Cuddly balls of love. Seal kitchen. Kids and pets O.K. four banks. Rent includes CHEVY IMPALA 1969 - Great for working out agreements. A at your best today dealing with PAEOLEP AND ONE HELP OUT point, blue eyes, and long fur. ^00 s) 236-5646. Locators heat, parking and janitor. Call second car! Good motor commitment can be made today those who think in large or gran­ UT h a l f l o a d o f c o w FbEFLOGGINe. Uiampions in family. Call 646 Fee. 649-5334. Clean interior. 83,500 miles which could benefit and please diose terms. What you collective­ SH E D D E S MANUER deliverdd to 801 FIVE ROOM APARTMENT. all concerned Don't put things 0743 after 5:00 p.m $500. Call M9-1837. ly accomplish could have u n d e r s t a n d - Main Stfeet Manchester. Three bedrooms. Modern off extremely large benefits. 1 0 -V f (Rear) Call 6469879. kitchen and bath. Central. No The full text of such proposed amendments with (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE A SSN) ONE ADORABLE BLACK & MARK IV 1972, Excellent con­ pets. $325 plus security and OFFiCr SPACE explanatory text printed in accordance with Section 2-30a WHITE KITTEN looking for a lease. 646-7268 dition. Must sell. $1,200. Call 8kl« QIancM — Oil Fox good home. Please call 646 MANCHESTER. Sunny three FOR R ENT Manchester, M3-9557. of the General Statutes is available at th T tow T dert’s ^ «8 0 after 11:00 a m roomer with basement. Major fice for public distribuUon. '‘""'-inces Near buses * RENTALS In Manchester. Central EOR SALE - Fiat, 1978 Model Bugs Bunny — Helmdahl & S to ffc l Under $170 236 -5 6 46 . ^ e vote on such proposed amendments is taken under Locator-s. Fee, location. Air con­ IM, 2 door, 21,000 miles. Front THREE BEDROOM . wheel drive, regular gas, good r **'® CowUlutlon of the Sporting Goods 46 Rooms lOr Rent ditioning. 52 DUPLEX. Stove mileage. Rust proofed, under- ®®r "J ? "® “ ® Reaolution 92 of the ASK ABOUT W 9 session of the General Assembly Senate Joint t w e n t y t h r e e f o o t refrigerator, dishwasher, ivi coateo, glazed, one owner. $3 - OUR HEPE COME THE NATIVES, 0JSHIN&^ MATURE MALE ROOM $15 baths. Yard. Garage. Nice 400. 8762193. ^ u U o n 69 of the 1979 session of the G ener^ Assembty PENN-VAN Sport Fisherman Fem ale, mature $20, Non- Caii643-9SS1 ikiWDAYiiocomri KWM TD THE BEACH TD 6BE£T US. Sedan.Hard top. Excellent neighborhood. Manchester House Joint Resolution 69 of the 1979 session of the Bhort Ribs — Prank Hill jo k e rs. Live-in. References. MANCHES^R. Newly- condition.New electric trim decorated one b^room . No $425 per month. Tenant pays ^ e r a l ^ m W y , House Joint ResoluUon 103 of the 1979 ow$n«A5cu»s|l One must have-license, plus IP IT WEieENT M I G H T H A v e n i YtOU AAISMT HAVE tabs VHF CB. Cutty Cabin , Just $100 a month. 236 gas heat and utilities. s ^ l o n of tae General Assembly and House Joint Resolu­ r i P I T W E ^ I ' few errands and meals, 649- OFF STREET PARKING ★ WCATION Cliws,/ POfZ YOU... ' P D R A A H - teEN A UOe IlY with head Owner bought 5646. Locators, Fee References required. Call 646- tion 3 of the 1900 session of the General Assembly EDOCflTldNRjNo [ — A STAI^ . 5459. space, for one car. Summer HORNET. Four door sedan f ^ b c y a l f i k ^ A c e . larger boat. Call 742-8537 after 6609 after 4:C0 p.m. Available 5:00 p m. .November 2. Street, Manchester or vicini­ Body fair condition. Rebuilt FURNISHED ROOMS FOR ty. Call after 5:00 p.m. M3- engine. 35,000 miles. $700 or tatwsl* " ' ® ' “‘Nl P>0“ as RENT - Ladies only. All 2334. Garden Products 47 reasonable offer. M3-1M1. utilities included. Security SOUTH WIl^SOR. Bryre and references. 644-0383. NATIVE APPLES AND Wood Luxury Condo. Two SWEET APPLE CIDER bedrooms, bath, one floor. All MANCHESTER. Large six GENTLEMAN wishes to rent amenities. Security room Duplex, m baths. First ■ ★ • ★ - ti s Fruit Farm. 260 Bush Hill 1966 CORVAIR. Two door ^ r o o m near eornor of West References. No pets. $520 plus floor laundry. New gas hot approximately 400 Manchester. Dated at Bolton, ConnecUcut, this 20th day of October 1980. Middle Turnpike and Adams utMities. After f:00 p.m. M3- water heat. $375 plus utilities SQUARE FEET. Center automatic with extra engine Street. Call 6467630 5oo2. Street location. Good Asking $595. 1961 CORVAIR Catherine K. Lelner P Immediate occupancy Call Charlie. M6-2482, M9-8989 exposure. Suitable for office Asking $195. swie 0^ Bolton or store. M9-6985 Udo-10 Flatchar’a Landlno 9 c m fbaniicd; OOC l doit like th e F e iE N P L V LOOKS OF THAT WELCOME W A 50N . A F0RlbN£,fe.LLtR.l TPaTS DO '/OU G A Zt INTO ACR'/S'TAL “...BLfcNCi OF m Fi n e s t A<;RfcAT HAaOLJttN GiALL OR. P R A C T ic e - c HeR&S. DlSTRieoTtO (?/...• ENOUGH. SH P ”Z C06TUME, tOlNONA. PALHISTIJSI? >n NeiTHtR. 1 0 RLAOTEA0AQ5. — ^— i n

"Aren't there any accounts to save c o m p a r e ! Just for the heck of It?"'

0 2 ■ O '—

■9 .