4.0 ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF COMPONENTS 4.1.34 Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square Assessment

Of some Victoria Square Thoroughfare ries of six triangular park spaces that aces in the world actually named after that included the re-siting of several ation. As a Square, Victoria Square was (J&E LB.20): a large rectangular space that rmal and decorative scheme of pathways, tree manner. Much of this vegetation remains nity and design professionals since 1966, the nity and design professionals to Light’s Plan, the city and state. r that he envisaged a two-rectangle configured thway reconfigurations and a reduction of the fashionable period tree species, until the Square ined consistent until the next major renovation tes about a space commissariat to the stature of gust Pelzer undertook minor modifications and r George Francis and inaugural City Gardener years the Square has been subject to a major spaces, with an east-west roadway, central ontemporary landscape design ideas of the time; successive suite of design proposals commissioned successive suite of design proposals rectangles and implemented the first recorded Overall Nomenclature : as a place, the Square carries two implemented by the Corporation in late 1830s,

TARNDANYANGGA/VICTORIA SQUARE: 1036 ion, through the assent of the Tarndanyangga ’. Both names are significant in terms of al and aesthetic merit. al and aesthetic merit.

4.0 ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF COMPONENTS by the colonial parliament, enabling division of Square into four equal Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square has been compromised with the creation of a se departed from the original two-rectangularand later four-rectangle series of formal landscape spaces resulting in the present 1966-created spatial arrangement. symbolic, design, historic Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square names: ‘Victoria Square’ and ‘ their designation and the date of design as she and not Queen Victoria (r.1837-1901) named after Princess Victoria (1819-1901) are very few pl ascended to in 1837, and there

™ ™ Significant Components and Places Within Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square, these components include: Overall Spatial Patterns the original design prepared by Colonel Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square drew its form from that created a rectangular road system and park shape in the Square. Conceptually the park shapes within Square, as proposed by Light, remain obscure due to quality of primary information extant today but it was clea park within the Square with a roadway encircling parks and central east-west roadway through the space. This design was largely and extensively planted by landscape contracto O’Brien with conceptual concern to design and was redivided in 1883 by the Corporat Act 1882 roadways dissectingrectangular shapes with central east-west and north-south the Square like a union jack flag. City Gardener Richard Patter son was charged with creating the formal Victorian-style gardens within each of these landscape plan involving a somewhat consistent fo and shrub plantings, garden beds, accent features extant statues in the Square. City Gardener Au improvements to the Square up until 1910-11 whereupon a major renovation was undertaken of infrastructure, tree and shrub plantings, toilet er ection, pathway systems, and statue locations to a master plan prepared by Pelzer. A further major renovation to the landscape of the Squares was proposed in a Edwardian-style master plan and implemented by Pelzer in 1930 including major tree felling, grubbing and replacement, pa labour-intensive garden beds. This design rema of the Square that was prompted by re-alig nment roadway system in the Square 1966 creating the existing dual semi-triangular of mature trees and planting beds removals. pedestrian promenade, changes and extensive felling The accompanying planting design sought to incorporate extant Patterson and Pelzer established trees and was laid out in a simplified Gardenesque today in a deteriorating condition. Despite by the Corporation or pro-offered commu Corporation has failed to resolve and implement a mature spatial design to the Square that resolves any design, planning and political deba the city and spatial importance of the Square Interestingly, since its creation nearly every 50 landscape renovation including new tree planting; thus the Square is a venue of process heritage that enables a regular renovation in line with c and, the next renovation therefore is running behind schedule. In terms of the overall spatial patterns, City of acter of the Square, and al areas of less formal to it are be improved and ccommodation to add further diversity should create vistas linked to connecting formal have been identified on the National Trust blic areas and will provide spaces for civic ceremonies, Precinct will be reinforced by the development of d a key focus of the public transport network. Bus range of casual recreation

adjacent to Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square are ironment’ is described as: ironment’ hese activities. Within the Square, tree planting will attractive shelter, seating and safety. maintained as the civic centre of the State, and focus of its many significant heritage buildings. ic Affairs Commission Building ions. There are opportunities for cultural, community and educational eet, General Post Office on the perimeter, planting (pp. 106-107). Its ‘Env (pp. 106-107). 2-10 Flinders Street, Pilgrim Church 16-20 Flinders Street, Ethn 28-30 Franklin Street, offices 5-7 Gouger Street, Jeffcott Chambers William Street, Electra House 131-133 King William Str 141-159 King William Street, former Treasury Buildings 142-160 King William Street, Local Court 281-299 King William Street, Crown & Sceptre Hotel 308-310 King 17 Morialta Street, Bene volent & Strangers Friend Society 19 Pirie Street, Queens Chambers 181-189 Victoria Square, MLC Building 182 Victoria Square, Reserve Bank of Australia & Harbors Building 199-201 Victoria Square, former Marine 202-220 Victoria Square, Sir Building 261-279 Victoria Square, Supreme Court 262-280 Victoria Square, Magistrate’s Court 11-19 Wakefield Street, St Francis Xaxier’s Cathedral and vitality around the Square. The central City significance of the Victoria Square substantial and imposing buildings that enhance the formal and dignified char respect the scale and detailing of the The Square itself is the most formal of City’s pu cultural activities and public meetings, as well as a activities. The landscaped environm ent of the Square and streets leading designed to reinforce this civic role and allow for t replace senescent trees, while boulevards. The Precinct will continue to be highly accessible an judicial and administrative funct facilities, medical services and for a dditional visitor residential stopes and the tram terminus will maintain DESIRED FUTURE CHARACTER The Victoria Square Precinct will be

™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ Adelaide Development Plan Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square Existing Planning / Development Plan Context Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square exists within the Victoria Precinct CA10 of the There are no components within Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square that are identified on the State Heritage Register, however several components identified in the State Heritage Register, including: No components of Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square of ’s Register Significant Trees.

Of some design, a very open semi-tree-lined roadway reet movement which has remained a

proposed by Light as a two-portion rectangular et of parks that were created. The circulation devices and fencing apart from the fundamental Road System: the first survey of the Square. Of some design, aesthetic and engineering merit. Of some design, aesthetic and TARNDANYANGGA/VICTORIA SQUARE: 1037

4.0 ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF COMPONENTS .1836 enabling through Wakefield-Grote st .1836 enabling Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square system that encircles the Square. Wakefield-Grote Streets Roadscape: a very open tree-lined road expanse constructed in c consistent circulation system since engineering merit. aesthetic and

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Circulation Networks Historically Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square was common encircled by a roadway with east-west roadway dissecting the space. Francis and O’Brien implemented a formal rectangular and diamond-shaped pathway system, and under into a series of formal rectilinear Patterson and Pelzer the re-designed Square was re-crafted series of pathways paralleling the quad-partite s system was extensively modified in 1966 with the re-construction of the north-south roadway and the subsequent major renovations to the internal pathway system. These circulation routes include: Boundary Demarcations No evidence is present of past demarcation road boundaries. Vegetation There are numerous vegetation elements in Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square that possess cultural heritage merit, including:

is a suffix frequently a suffix frequently is

Tarndanyangga derives from the the overall Square has retained its design

kanya ('rock'), - ngga the predominant flat expanse of the space except minor remnant planting mounds in has remained consistently, as proposed by Park Use: Plain: Of some social merit.

Of some geographical and aesthetic merit. (red kangaroo) and Of some design, symbolic and cultural merit. tarnda found in Kaurna place names to denote locati on. During 2004 the City Council adopted the joint cultural designation of Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square as part its Reconciliation commitment. Princess as distinct from her known role Queen. Kaurna word for Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square a central gathering point and passive intent and purpose as proposed by Light in 1836 recreation venue. Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square with little physical topographical feature several of the triangle parks.

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The land use of Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square park or village common. There Light, as a public is one area of significance evident in terms its use and function: Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square exists within a flat expanse. The significant natural features in the Square are: Land Use Responsiveness Natural Features

. Of some Of some ) planted as alba

Populus orientalis

Platanus located in the north-western ) Grove: located in the northern portion of elderly specimen of an Arizona Cypress

) 2: located in the northern portion of

orientalis ns today reminiscence of intensive urban

.2000 to establish a coffee ‘plaza’ space but c

TARNDANYANGGA/VICTORIA SQUARE: 1038 arizonica ) groves established in the City of Melbourne Platanus ‘fastigiata’) Grove: the Three Rivers Fountain, in an elderly and poorly



Cupressus ) dating from the 1880s-1890s period. Probably planted under the period. ) dating from the 1880s-1890s Platanus

Populus merit. . Of some aesthetic arizonica Cupressus ( Patterson planting scheme, or possibly earlier by O’Brien, a specimen in declining and and horticultural merit. poorly condition. Of some aesthetic Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square, a large tall possibly earlier by O’Brien, a specimen in declining and poorly condition. horticultural merit. aesthetic and Arizona Cypress ( triangle, a series of 2 mature and 24 young Oriental Planes ( part of a failed commercial venture in resulting in an intimate grove of specime Oriental Plane ( aesthetic merit. White Poplar ( Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square, two groves of erect White Poplars ( ‘fastigiata’) planted in the 1966-67 tree planting programme associated with the road re- ‘fastigiata’) planted in the 1966-67 tree planting alignment in the Square, resulting two parallel groves of 5 and 6 specimens on the western and eastern sides of condition today North-Western Plane Tree (

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) dating

(J&E TA.30):

Cupressus arizonica ) specimen ) trees by the RSSILA (SA) [RSL] as under the Patterson planting scheme, or located adjacent to Desert Ash ( gan, in conjunction with the planting of a Sir Winston J Dugan, in the northern (J&E TA.31): located in the northern oxycarpa ): angga/Victoria Square to the west of

) 1: located in the northern portion of the state Governor Sir Winston J Dugan, to ) trees by the RSSILA (SA) [RSL] as part of a war Fraxinus populneo-acerifolius oxycarpa ) specimen (J&E TA.31): located alongside the former ) corridor



oxycarpa oxycarpa Fraxinus

Fraxinus oxycarpa Of some aesthetic and historical merit. Cupressus Brachychiton Of some historic merit.

Fraxinus Fraxinus Of some aesthetic and horticultural merit. ) specimen planted by state Governor part of a war memorial planting. Of some aesthetic and historical merit. Wayne Murphy Tree ( memorial planting. inaugurate the series of Desert Ash ( Pink Kurrajong ( located in the northern portion of Tarndany fountain. Desert Ash ( portion of Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square to the east of fountain, and planted on 2 J Du July 1938 by state Governor Sir Winston series of Desert Ash ( north-south roadway in both main portions of Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square, with the first specimen planted on 2 July 1938 by oxycarpa Arizona Cypress ( Square, a large tall elderly specimen of an Arizona Cypress ( portion of Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square, this specimen was planted, with associated plaque, on 1 January 2004 to record theservice of long time Corporation employee Wayne Murphy. Desert Ash ( from the 1880s-1890s period. Probably planted

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Square, Of ) trees planted in located in the north- oxycarpa Fraxinus 1836 except changes in street trees c. ) trees planted in 1938, largely using the ) plaza and the Captain Charles Sturt y that prior to 1966 dominated the Square. corridor of Wakefield and Grote Streets densely tree planted open triangular park

) specimens and a garden bed mound. Victoria. A space that has remained oxycarpa orientalis located in the centre of Tarndanyangga/Victoria

North-Eastern Triangle:

Of some aesthetic and design merit. TARNDANYANGGA/VICTORIA SQUARE: 1039 occidentalis Fraxinus Platanus Celtis

4.0 ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF COMPONENTS located in the southern portion of Tarndanyangga/Victoria located in the northern portion of Tarndanyangga/Victoria ) street-tree plantings. Of some aesthetic merit. Tramway Corridor: Corridor: Tramway with adjacent Oriental Plane ( statue. Square, a north-south dusty corridor occupied by tram lines and the tram waiting area, edged by lines of Desert Ash ( main area of the original north-south roadwa Of some aesthetic merit. Fountain Corridor: a north-south pedestrian promenade space dominated by the Three Rivers Fountain and paving, edged by lines of Desert Ash ( ‘black-and-white’ 1938, and an open expanse that was created1938, and an in 1966 as part of the road re-alignment construction works often used today as a primary gathering point for festivals and protests in Adelaide. Of some aesthetic and design merit. dominated by Hackberry ( some aesthetic merit. Queen Victoria Statue Rectangle: Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square eastern corner of the Square, a somewhat Square, comprising the east-west roadway crowned centrally by the statue of Queen historically consistent since its first establishment in and the installation of the statue. A large bitumen expanse edged with Hackberry ( occidentalis

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australis ) specimens and australis ) specimens, located in the north- located in the south- located in the south- Celtis Celtis Of some design, historical the main portion of Square the main portion of the Square ent n 1966 establishing the present road nsely tree planted open triangular park quare road re-alignment works in 1966 that re-alignment quare road quare road re-alignment works in 1966 that re-alignment quare road open tree planted triangular park densely tree planted open triangular park

) and Nettle Tree ( ) and Nettle Tree ( ) specimens and a garden bed mound.

South-Western Triangle: Overall (J&E LB.20): a rectangular space that has North Quadrant: North-Western Triangle: South-Eastern Triangle: South Quadrant: occidentalis occidentalis occidentalis Celtis Celtis Celtis Of some aesthetic merit. Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square western corner of the Square, a somewhat dominated by Hackberry ( created as a consequence of the Victoria S shapes the character of Square today . Of some aesthetic merit. Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square been compromised with a major road re-alignm and circulation system, with four adjunct triangular park segment, compromising the original large dual-rectangle Square envisaged by Light. and aesthetic merit. Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square a garden bed mound. Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square western corner of the Square, a somewhat de dominated by Hackberry ( Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square eastern corner of the Square, a somewhat dominated by Hackberry ( some aesthetic merit. created as a consequence of the Victoria S shapes the character of Square today . Of some aesthetic merit. Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square


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Several areas are present: Spatial Arrangements


a bronze

Of some design,

a bronze plaque affixed to the Stuart Of some social merit. e statue of Sturt in an open-necked shirt, ber 1978 to 1 January 1988, unveiled by ber 1978 to 1 January ns’ (In Strength Ascend) quartered by lions Of some historic, design, aesthetic and Explorer born April 28 1793 – died June 16 Explorer born April 28 1793 – died

ue Committee, AJ McLachlan on 4 June 1904. erland Camel Expedition Plaque:


4.0 ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF COMPONENTS Street facing south-eastwards. A life-size bronz with the inscription ‘Captain Charles Sturt undertaken by London sculptor Captain Adrian1869’, Jones with pedestal was sourced from Murray Bridge granite and prepared by GE Morgan, unveiled on 21 December Henry Galway and JL Lewis MLC. 1916 by state Governor Sir historic, aesthetic and symbolic merit. Charles Cameron Kingston Statue: located in the southern portion of Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square on the north-west corner opposite Hilton Hotel, A life-size br onze statue honouring ‘ looking north-westwards. Charles Cameron Kingston Patriot and Statesman’, with a the pedestal including a bronze coat of arms inscribed ‘Viribus Scande prepared by sculptor Alfred Drury, and ma son W Laycock to prepare the pedestal of granite with a intermediate strip of marble, that was unveiled by Governor General Sir Ronald Munro-Ferguson on 26 May 1916. symbolic merit. Australian Bicentennial Police Ov plaque, affixed to the Stuart statue, recording the Australian Bicentennial of the Police Overland Camel Expedition between 6 Septem Lord Mayor Steve Condous on 1 January 1988. South Australian Caledonian Society Plaque: statue unveiled by the Chair of Stat some social merit.

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. Of some design,

Of some design, historic, symbolic ite Carrara marble statue, featuring John onze statue of Queen Victoria positioned ctoria RI’ looking triumphantly northwards sculptor James White, unveiled on 4 June 1904

: located in the central point of located in the north-eastern triangular park in located in the north-western triangular portion of

in the north-eastern corner of Victoria Square. and aesthetic merit. (J&E OA.6) Queen Victoria Statue (J&E br Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square, a life-size on a tall and elaborate pedestal depicts ‘Vi across the Square into King William Street, donated by Sir Edwin Thomas Smith in on Saturday 11 August 1894, and cast at Thames & Dutton in London 1894, unveiled from a model by Charles Bell Birch. Restored and renovated in 2005 historic, symbolic and aesthetic merit. John McDouall Stuart Statue: wh Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square, a life-size McDouall Stuart in bush costume, a drapedon top of poorly Union Jack flag, standing ‘John McDouall Stuart Explorer transcribed map of Australia with the inscription Adelaide to Indian Ocean’ carved Sydney Captain Charles Sturt Statue: Street with Flinders Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square on the corner of King William

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There are no structures in Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square of significance. There are numerous elements in Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square that have merit. These include: Structures Small Scale Elements

Of some

) horse hitching posts marginata

Eucalyptus located in the southern portion of anised posts supporting powder coated and d natural concrete coloured square pavers that 2006 as part of minor renovations to the 2006 as part te intricate Copacabana foreshore promenade essed metal sides, and planted with Knobby

l rings, of an unknown age. Of some historical and

.1996 as part of the King William Street South urban .1996 as part of the King William TARNDANYANGGA/VICTORIA SQUARE: 1041 c

located in the northern portion of Tarndanyangga/Victoria located in the southern portion of Tarndanyangga/Victoria Of some design merit.

4.0 ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF COMPONENTS located adjacent to the Hilton Hotel, a slender arc-ed low ). located outside the state government offices in north-eastern flank

nodosa Of some design merit. Isolepis King William Art Installation: Street South Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square, a set of galv laser cut metal forms erected in design project. Hitching Posts: of Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square, two Jarrah ( with chambered tops and cast meta aesthetic merit. Northern Square Paving: Square, a series of black and natural colour ed square concrete pavers that form the paving patterns in this portion, re-laid on Square, repeating the original Mintaro slate and natural concrete pavers and their pattern that was reminiscent of the black and whi in Rio de Janeiro as designed by landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx. design merit. aesthetic and Southern Square Paving: Square, a series of original Mintaro slate an form the paving patterns in this portion, with pattern reminiscent of black and white intricate Copacabana foreshore promenade in Rio de Janeiro as designed by landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx. Probably laid in 1966 as part of the road re-alignment Traffic Median Island: constructed traffic median island, with pr Clubrush (

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Of some a bronze plaque varying lengths, varying lengths, Of some social and affixed to the Stuart statue, a at the northern head of Victoria Of some design and aesthetic Of some social merit. e South Australian Department of Lands in textured concrete of

on to the members of Stuart’s expedition, Of some aesthetic merit. 25 July 1962 and sponsored by the Royal

elaide to Indian Ocean Plaque: ey that occurred on 11 January 1989. a rectangular bronze plaque unveiled by Susan Lenehan ) and stainless steel structure artistically resembling an elderly a circular bronze plaque located located in the footpath adjacent to the Hilton Hotel, a River Red Gum Of some social merit. camaldulensis

Eucalyptus Square recording the direction of true north, unveiled by Institute of Surveyors Australia (South Australian Division) with th State Survey Mark Plaque: 1989 recording the event of Light placing first survey peg to MP on 21 April establish the City of Adelaide surv historical merit. Seating: located in the north-western triangular park in the Square, a series of 7 cubiod seating blocks composed of cream coloured intended as a lineal seating structure, erected in c.2000 as part of the adjacent unsuccessful coffee plaza development. April 1987. True North Plaque: James & John Chambers with William Finke Plaque: bronze plaque unveiled on 4 June 2004 to commemorate the Centennial of Stuart’s recogniti statue being unveiled and giving James and John Chambers, Finke. and William affixed to the Stuart statue to commemorate the Centenary of the Crossing Australia from Adelaide to the Indian Ocean by the John McDouall Stuart expedition, unveiled Bastyn on the state Governor Sir Edic historical merit. Centenary of the Crossing of Ad Geographical Society of Australia (South Australian Branch). merit. Art Sculpture: ( twisted bollard that has been used as a bicycle rack.

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Of some th a purchase of the design Of some historic, engineering, design iginal horse tram No 18 service by the located in the southern portion of ralia, as sponsored by the RSSILA (SA) Messrs Hitchcock Bros., and purchased by

of the renovations to Square.

TARNDANYANGGA/VICTORIA SQUARE: 1042 Of some historic merit.

4.0 ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF COMPONENTS Of some historic merit. two ‘Hitchcock’ design bronze drinking fountains, with ovoid .1925 for about £5 10/- each and wi c located in the southern portion of Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square, a tram chrome-plated basins set on a fluted bronze pillars with curved water pipes associated push buttons, as manufactured by the Corporation in Square following its pattern at £44 in 1925. and repositioned Tarndanyangga/Victoria 1966 major renovation, located in the northern portion near Three River Fountain and in the southern portion at Tram Stop. and aesthetic merit. Drinking Fountains: Square, and generally throughout South Aust following the First World War. Adelaide & Suburban Tramway Memorial: Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square, an aggregate stone rendered memorial structure with a bronze plaque affixed thereon recording the or Adelaide & Suburban Tramway Horse Tram se rvice, unveiled in June 1978 by the state Premier Don Dunstan. Tram Stop: stop that was created in 1966 as part historic and social merit.

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Of ) trees in the ) specimen, as

sthetic and design oxycarpa oxycarpa

Fraxinus Fraxinus . Of some design merit. located in the northern portion of ing the three rivers from which Adelaide aque unveiled by state Governor Sir pavers, which appear to be from the 1920s in the project possibly from paving material in, local Adelaide resident John Dowie. the commissioning, unveiling and ‘narrative’ the commissioning, unveiling and n and ibis, an Aboriginal woman a black on. Turned on 28 May 1968 by the Duke of

Of some historic merit. located in the northern portion of (J&E OA.9): located in the northern portion of

located on the edge of the Three Rivers Fountain, a small bronze Fountain

Three Rivers construction works but given the age of and 30s, are recycled paving materials used laid by Pelzer in the Square 1910 or 1930. Of some historic, ae merit Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square, an aluminium and concrete fountain prepared by artist John Dowie entitled The Three Rivers record draws its water, the Murray, Torrens and Onkaparinga. The three rivers are represented by motifs of an Aboriginal ma swan, and an Aboriginal women and a her Edinburgh during the tour of Queen Elizabeth II some historic merit. The Three Rivers Fountain Plaques: Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square, a aggregate stone embedded concrete cuboid structure with two bronze plaques affixed recording behind the Three Rivers Fountain. Victoria Square War Memorial Tree Plaque: Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square, a bronze pl Winston J Dugan on 2 July 1935, beneath a Desert Ash ( plaque recording the sculptor of founta John Dowie Plaque: part of the inaugural planting two lines Desert Ash (

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Of some design merit. Office, lengths of red granite vehicular

Of some design merit. Of


located in the kerbing of northern side Flinders Street

4.0 ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF COMPONENTS Flinders Street Kerbing: in the Square, adjacent to former Tr easury Building, lengths of Mintaro slate vehicular kerbing dating from the 1870s-80s. Franklin Street Kerbing: located in the kerbing of northern side in the Square, adjacent to General Post kerbing dating from the 1870s-80s.

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Of some Of Of some Of some Of state and Aboriginal flags, of which the

located in the northern portion of Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square located in the southern portion of Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square Of some design and engineering merit. a series of 12 solar powered light standards erected alongside Wakefield- located in the southern portion of Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square, two tall historic, symbolic and aesthetic merit. Solar Lights: Grote Streets as they dissect Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square, erected in 2005 by the Corporation. Excel Loo North: Flagpoles: stainless steel flagpoles normally supporting latter to a design by Harold Thomas was first raised in the Square 1971. on Wakefield-Grote Street frontage, an Excel Loo unit installed in 2005. engineering and design merit. Excel Loo South: on Wakefield-Grote Street frontage, an Excel Loo unit installed in 2005. engineering and design merit.

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Of some Of Of some . Of some aesthetic merit. gs especially the Hilton Hotel, and a blue nt feature of the Queen Victoria statue a wide open treed landscape vista a wide open treed landscape vista

Francis Xaxier Cathedral spire-tower, and a intersection, with a wide open vista, towards

a wide open treed landscape vista presented to ng William Street from the north and enter ng William Street from the south and enter ng William the west and enter Tarndanyangga/Victoria towers of the General Post Office and a wide open treed landscape vista presented to the Adelaide Hills escarpment beyond. Of some aesthetic merit. Of some aesthetic merit. TARNDANYANGGA/VICTORIA SQUARE: 1044 a semi-framed vista looking westwards along Grote Street

4.0 ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF COMPONENTS Vista: ternal North . Of some aesthetic merit. Grote Street West Vista: from its Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square the Gulf St Vincent blue skyline. West Vista: Internal Wakefield Street the traveller as they exit Wakefiel d Street from east and enter Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square, with a domina buildin lost in the roadscape and middle-ground skyline beyond Grote Street Internal East Vista: traveller as they exit Grote Street from Square, with a dominant feature of the Queen Victoria statue lost in the roadscape and buildings especially the St middle-ground blue skyline with the outline of aesthetic merit. King William Street Internal South Vista: presented to the traveller as they exit Ki Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square, with a feature fountain in the centre and faint outline of the Adelaide Hills escarpment to far south King William Street In presented to the traveller as they exit Ki Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square, with a dusty tramline corridor in the centre, with a glimpse of the fountain and the rising Corporation’s Town Hall in the middle-ground, and a blue skyline beyond. aesthetic merit.

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.1872 by the EWS with c : located opposite the Torrens Building Of some aesthetic merit. intersection, with a wide open vista,

intersection, with an open vista, towards eet intersection, with a canyon-like vista, another, and “153.70 height [46.84m]above Of some aesthetic merit. Of some aesthetic guished with the darkness of the distant and installation, possibly the only such

re afford defined views of the landscape beyond, Benchmark

a framed vista looking northwards along King a framed vista looking southwards along King a framed vista looking southwards a semi-framed vista looking eastwards along Wakefield Of some aesthetic merit. Of some historical and engineering merit. is relatively flat landscape encircled by a dominant and tall set

Aesthetic Qualities the reference number 9 on one face, VR LW at Pt A” on another face. An integral surveying benchmark for all city infrastructure planning and construction documentation benchmark extant today. Wakefield Street East Vista: Street from its Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square iron bench installed in in the Square lawns, a 1.1m x 0.2² cast towards the eastern Adelaide Hills escarpment. King William Street North Vista: William Street from the Flinders-Franklin Str William Street from the Flinders-Franklin towards the northern often open blue sky. the southern often open blue sky but distin King William Street South Vista: William Street from the Gouger-Angas Adelaide Hills escarpment.

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Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square of built form edges. Roadways exiting the Squa including: Historical Views and

Recommended: Preparation of a ------Conservation Study

Proposed: National Trust of South ------Australia / Significant Tree Register Y Y

Recommended: Adelaide City ------Development Plan Y Y Y Y Y Y

(g) it has a special association with the life or work of a person

or organisation or an event of historical importance ------

(f) it has strong cultural or spiritual associations for the

community or a group within it. ------

(e) it demonstrates a high degree of creative, aesthetic or

technical accomplishment or is an outstanding representative ------of particular construction techniques or design characteristics

ssessment, in the Main Report, positions (d) it is an outstanding representative of a particular class of

places of cultural significance ------

TARNDANYANGGA/VICTORIA SQUARE: 1045 (c) it may yield information that will contribute to an

understanding of the State’s history, including its natural ------history

(b) it has rare, uncommon or endangered qualities that are of

4.0 ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF COMPONENTS cultural significance ------

(a) it demonstrates important aspects of the evolution or

pattern of the State’s history ------

Recommended: State Heritage Register ------

Recommended: Register of the

National Estate ------

Vulnerable ------

Cultural Landscape Heritage Significance Evaluation The following table summarises the cultural landscape heritage components present in Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square. A separate a Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square’s cultural landscapes in the context of the wider Adelaide Park Lands and Squares. ------Low Significance L L L L L L

Medium Significance ------M M M M M M

High Significance ------

Existing: National Trust of South

Australia / Significant Tree Register ------

Existing: Adelaide City Development

Plan ------

Existing: State Heritage Register ------

Existing: Register of the National ------Estate Park – Tarndanyangga / Victoria

of the Square. A symbolic feature. Of Square Item / Component / Place onally in conjunction with the Corporation’s

a familiar image and vista that has historically been ) specimen ) specimen acerifolius al and aesthetic merit. al and aesthetic merit. - ) 1 specimen ) 2 specimen ) Tree specimen specimen ) Tree ) specimen ) specimen ) corridor x populneo arizonica arizonica


ia Square Overall oxycarpa oxycarpa

Brachychiton Fraxinus Fraxinus Fraxinus some historical, cultur Town Hall tower. Traditionally viewed from within Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square, in the north-eastern quadrant, vista is now only appreciated by photographers, pedestrians using the eastern side of Square and pedestrians using the central pedestrian promenade in the northern portion Post Office Victoria Tower Vista: featured in sketches, lithographs, postcards and photographs since its erection principally as a single architectural feature but occasi


Tarndanyangga/Victor Nomenclature Square Tarndanyangga/Victoria Use Park Square Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square Plain Tarndanyangga/Victoria Tarndanyangga/VictoriaSquare Road System Roadscape Streets Grote – Wakefield ( Pink Kurrajong ( Ash Desert ( Ash Desert ( Murphy Wayne ( Cupressus Arizona Cypress ( Cupressus Arizona Cypress



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------) grove orientalis

erland Camel Expedition Plaque Plaque erland Camel Expedition Platanus ia Square Overall alba ‘fastigiata’) grove

Kingston Statue Fountain Fountain Plaques Populus Three Rivers Three Rivers Three White Poplar ( North-Western Plane Tree ( Tarndanyangga/Victor Quadrant Northern Square Tarndanyangga/Victoria Quadrant Southern Square Tarndanyangga/Victoria re South-Eastern Triangle Squa Tarndanyangga/Victoria re South-Western Triangle Squa Tarndanyangga/Victoria Triangle re North-Western Squa Tarndanyangga/Victoria Triangle re North-Eastern Squa Tarndanyangga/Victoria Rectangle Statue Victoria Queen Corridor Tramway Fountain Corridor Statue Queen Victoria Stuart Statue John McDouall Statue Sturt Captain Charles Charles Cameron Ov Australian Bicentennial Police Plaque Caledonian Society South Australian William Finke Plaque James & John Chambers with Plaque Ocean Indian to Adelaide of Crossing the of Centenary North Plaque True Plaque Mark Survey State Seating Art Sculpture Median Island Traffic Installation William Street South Art King Hitching Posts Paving Square Northern Paving Southern Square John Dowie Plaque The The Plaque Tree Memorial War Square Victoria Drinking Fountains Memorial Tramways Suburban & Adelaide Tram Stop North Loo Excel South Loo Excel Flagpoles Solar Lights Kerbing Flinders Street Kerbing Franklin Street Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square Benchmark Vista William Street North King William Street South Vista King Street East Vista Wakefield Vista West Grote Street South Vista William Street Internal King North Vista William Street Internal King Vista West Street Internal Wakefield Vista East Internal Street Grote




















- Heritage Places Act 1993 , for the

- ee planting species and scales in an for Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square as size statues of individuals instrumental in size statues of individuals instrumental entified vistas and trees/vegetation, above, a contemporary forward-thinking style public citations pertaining to CA10 reflect the all infrastructure placement under existing the overall tree planting strategy, including om a lack of renewal and vision. Accordingly, g, gates, paving, edging, light standards light g, gates, paving, edging, act gatherings, and hosting several important act gatherings, and tegral segment of the overall Adelaide Park votal symbolic importance to the city and state, the history and evolution of the colony/state, e present 1966 constructed design that drew part and layout, possesses a mature aging under Pelzer. As a consequence the Square has 2005

maintenance infrastructure in eterioration and vegetation senescence. or identified in this Assessment; City of Adelaide Development Plan Development Act 1993 above conclusions and recommendations; Seek to conserve the medium significance id in any renovation works for Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square; Prepare state heritage registration nominations, under the Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square Benchmark and statues; Review and reconsider all 1960s-2000s street tr the inner and outer perimeters of Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square roadscape in line with the above recommendation, and seek appropriate implementation actions; Prepare and implement a Landscape Master Pl a matter of urgency that seeks to renovate replacements and new plantings, for the Square, re-considers existing pedestrian pathway system, establishes a policy for any additional memorial plaques statues or similar, enables the addition of only a few life- the colony/state evolution, enables the positioning of fountains as necessary, enables the use of contemporary style bollards, fencin furniture, signage, and which seeks to craft the choice of plantings and detailing; park including As part of the above, seriously consider the adoption and implementation of the 2002 KBR prepared master plan as a feasible redevelopment and renovation strategy; That the Corporation reviews its underground irrigation and infrastructure policy as it relates to all Squares and seeks prioritise pathways and not through lawns or under th e drip-lines of any Significant Tree the Prohibit the erection of Corporation Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square; Remove all overhead wires and stobie poles from Victoria Square; Revise

™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ Post Office Victoria Tower Vista Victoria Post Office Statements of Cultural Significance Tarndanyangga/Victoria Square represents an in Lands and Squares, if not the central pivot point, illustrative of the Light plan for ‘City Adelaide’ that has been subject to successive major road construction and associated major landscape renovations that have in each instance resulted in marked changes to the physical and aesthetic character of the Square resulting in th of its landscape structure from early plantings been severally compromised in its spatial form near-senescent vegetation structure. While of pi an important venue for Aboriginal and post-cont statues representing individuals who influenced the Square has not been subject to the regular renovations to its circulation systems and vegetation structure and is accordingly suffering fr it is a severely compromised version of the S quare as envisaged by Light designed and functional space, and is displaying d Recommendations: