I Tufts' Fund Raising Breaks Record
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C,THEMedford, MA 02155 TUFTSMonday, Septemberl’l, 1990 DAILY?Vol XXI, Number7 I TWO GAMES, TEN GOALS I Tufts’ fund raising breaks record- by PATRICK HEALY so far in the capital campaign has Broome estimated that the Daily Staff Writer been designated for the under- Wessell Library addition will The University raised approxi- graduate colleges. “approximately double the size mately $42.9 million during fis- “There are two areas where of the existing library.” cal year 1990 for the purposes of the fund-raising goes,” Broome The plans for the new sports construction, endowment and explained. “There is the annual facilities include, among other operational support, according to fund, which supplies money for things, an Olympic-size pool, a Director of Development Roger operating purposes like maintain- new field house, a new basketball Broome. ing the grounds, paying for heat arena, and squash courts. This amount is a new fundrais- and electricity, etc. Then there is While the Wessell Library ing record and a 15 percent in- thecapitalfund,wherethemoney extension will be completed as crease over last year’s sum. goes to new buildings, scholar- one major project, Broome said The University began its capi- ships and endowments.” the athletic facilities will be “done tal campaign in Feb. 1987 and Broome said funds raised for incrementally.” A time scale for hopes to raise a total of $250 financial aid will most likely come both projects has not been estab- million by 1992. in the form of scholarship and lished yet, according to the De- Accarding to Bmme, who said prize funds. Money raised for the velopment Office. that the University is “on the financial support of the faculty The fund-raising drive for other cutting edge” of fundraising, the will be used to increase the num- construction projects on campus campaign is ahead of schedule ber of positions and endowed was completed during the fiscal with 20 months and $85.3 million chairs, as well as for research and year 1990. Broome said that the Professors assess Mass. dollars to go. junior professorships. Olin Language Center and the Approximately $16 million of Funds from the campaign are Aidekman Arts complex, both this $ar’s money was for the also being used to suppo> the currently under construction, extension to the existing Wessell received funding from the 1990 vgubernatorial contest Liberal Arts, Jackson and Engi- by ELIZABETH YELLEN threw her support behind neering colleges, and$72 million Library and several new Athletic see Daily Staff Writcr According-to her fo’- of the overall $165 million raised facilities. page The Massachusetts guberna- lowers will probably tollow her torial race has changed so rapidly example for two reasons: they REFLECTIONS ON TUFTS that many citizens are still unsure oppose Silber, and they are com- who they’re voting for, though mittedtovotingeven though their it’s most lilely not their original choice candidate is out of conten- favorites. On the Democratic side, tion. Lt. Governor Evelyn Murphy has Portney believes that Murphy dropped out of the race, and dropped out of the race specifi- Republican WmWeld recently cally to prevent Silber from win- caught Steven Pierce in the polls. ning. Previously, the conserva- The Democratic race, as per tive Democrats supported Silber, Massachusetts tradition, has re- while the liberals were divided ceived more media coverage. With between Murphy and Bellotti. the dropout of Murphy, the first Portney predicts that now, woman gubernatorial candidate Murphy’s followers will shift their in Massachusetts, and the candi- loyalty to Belotti. Political Sci- dacy of John Silber, president of ence Professor Frank Colcord Boston University, the Democratic agrees with Portney ’s assessment race has been especially event- of Murphy’s dropout: “It’s surely ful. going to be beneficial for Be- “It’s been a long time since lotti,” he said. Colcord believes we’ve had such a hotly-contested that Murphy was never a serious Democratic gubernatorial race,” contender, although she could have said Associate Professor of Po- split the liberal vote. litical Science Kent Portney. Despite Murphy’s alignment Now thatMurphy has dropped with Belotti, Colcord feels that out of the election, the race has “they [Mqhy and Belotti] would narrowed down to Frank Belotti, be very different kinds of gover- a Tufts alumnus, and Silber. At Photo by Mara Rieme. her final pms conference, Murphy see PRIMARIES, page 2 Construction on the Olin Center for Language and Humanities as seen in the windows of the Cabot. Gorbachev, Israelis hold summit Eleven arrested in JERUSALEM (AP)-- Mikhail At an airport news conference an interview. Gorbachev’s surprise weekend in Tel Aviv Sunday, the two min- protest at Seabrook meeting with two Israeli Cabinet isters said they were‘carrying a Commented the daily Haaretz: ministers was hailed Sunday by personal message from the “Had anyone dared a year ago to SEABROOK, N.H. (AP)-- Eleven for 1990 this is a good size,” he So- prophesy what would happen this Israelis as an historic event, but viet president to Prime Minister people were arrested Sunday as said. “This isn’t just burnt-out somesuspiciousvoimwereheard, Yitzhak Shamir. They did not weekend in Moscow, he would part of an anti-nuclear protest hippies; this is the new blood.” too. describe its contents. have brought nothing but mock- aimed at White House Chief of The protesters rallied in the ery upon himself. The Soviet leader met for They disclosed little of the ... It shows that Staff John Sununu’s advocacy of morning in a parking lot a mile 24 no political situation, however hours Saturday with Finance substance of their talks with nuclear power and the Seabrook from the plant. Paul Gunter, an Minister Yitzhak Modai and sci- Gorbachev, but said they focused unchangeable it looks, exists for- plant. alliance co-founder, told the crowd ence Minister Yuval Neeman. It on the gulf crisis and possible ever.” The demonstrators scaled the that Sununu needed to take re- was the highest-level encounter trade deals including agriculture chain-link fence at the plant’s south sponsibility for advocating the Maariv’s editorial w& head- gate as about 100 supporters plant’s licensing when he was ever between Soviets and Israelis, and oil. lined: “An Historic Event.” and the most significant since The meeting was hailed by cheered them on, jeering at po- governor of New Hampshire. lice. Seabrook police quickly HealsosaidtheNuclear Regu- Moscow severed diplomatic ties some Israeli foreign policy ana- It came with no warning. Modai with Jerusalem in June 1967. lysts. arrested the 11 people on crimi- latory Commission had circum- and Neeman left without fanfare, nal trespass charges. vented the law to license the plant. “It changes our international sidesteppingprotocol. Their visit map,” said Gideon Raphael, the Bail was set at $135, and po- “The NRC throughout its li- was arranged by a Soviet Jewish lice had not released the demon- censing process has completely veteran Israeli didomat who immigrant, IlyaZemtsov, an aide witnessed the exodis ofthe sovi- strators several hours after their ignored the issue of waste. For Features P. to Neeman. .......................... 5 ets and their East bloc satellites arrest. the sake of energy in our genera- While there won’t be. a computer lab Other protestors, representing tion, we are passing on a legacy in the new Aidelanan Arts Center, they 23 years ago and is now happily Modai said Sunday the talks watching them trickle back. a coalition of anti-nuclear groups, of waste,” he said. seem to be popping up everywhere else. with Gorbachev “covered wide hurled plastic barrels marked to Plant spokesman David TheSoviets,Raphaelsaid,had possibilities of imports and ex- plunged Israel into a diplomatic represent nuclear waste over the Scanzoni said the government had Arts ................................ p. 7 ports,” including the idea of build- gate and held a “Harvest the Sun” the technology to dispose of nu- a that Hany Enter’s Berruyul, potent no man’s land stretched ‘%om ing a Soviet-US-Israeli passen- banner up to passing motorists. drama filled with lies and deception, the Berlin Wall to the Chinese clear waste and would overcome ger plane. Sam Miller of Clamshell Alli- opens at the New Ehrlich Theater. Wall.” They had armed the Ar- political hurdles to its placement ance said that, given the waning before the plant closes. abs, equated Zionism with Na- Asked about a possible ex- of mass protes tsagainst theplant, Sports ........................ pp. 8-9 persecuted Soviet Jews who Scanzonisaidit wasironic that zism, change of Soviet oil for Israeli the demonstration tw-~~utwas protestors were rallying against Men’s soccer smoked the Camels, wished to emigrate. agriculturalproducts,Modai said and women’s soccer caged the Cougan god. nuclear energy the Mideast “Now this no man’s land has it was “a successful guess, but at as as both teams go 2-0. “For 1978 it wouldn’t be, but crisis threatens the US oil supply. - become smaller,”Raphaelsaid in this stage only a guess.” Daze two THE TUFl’S DAILY Monday, September 17,199n rHE TUFTSDAILJ ‘L.A. Law’ takes Emmy for best drama Lauren Keefe PASADENA, Calif. (AP)-- NBC’s legal In the network competition, ABC homicide detective since 1971, told the Editor-in-Chief drama “L.A. Law” won three top honors emerged with 22 awards, followed by Pasadena Civic Auditorium audience it in Sunday’s 42nd Annual hetime Emmy NBC with 18 and CBS with 14. The Fox was his birthday. “YOUknow, to get one of Managing Editor: Anna George Awards show, while ABC’s mysterious Broadcasting Co. won nine awards, and these things at any age is nice, but when Associate Editors: Geoff Lepr, David Saltzman “Twin Peaks,” with 14 nominations, won cable television’s Home Box Office col- you hit 41 .