PROGRAMME AS OF 17 JUNE 2021 (Work-in-progress draft. It will be updated on an on-going basis.)

CO-HOSTED BY: Member State Global Champions for the High-level Dialogue on Energy CO-CONVENED BY: Dialogue Secretary-General and Dialogue Co-Chairs

IN PARTNERSHIP WITH: Co-Leads of the Technical Working Groups



Table of Content Programme Overview…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 Member State Global Champions and Co-lead organizations of the Technical Working Groups……………………………….. 4 High-level Dialogue on Energy Leadership at the United Nations………………………………..……………………………… 5 Ministerial Thematic Forum on Energy Access, 21 June 2021………………………………..…………………………………. 6 Ministerial Thematic Forum on Innovation, Technology and Data, 22 June 2021………………………………………………. 12 Ministerial Thematic Forum on Energy Transition, 23 June 2021……………………………………………………………….. 17 Ministerial Thematic Forum on Enabling SDGs through Inclusive, Just Energy Transitions, 24 June 2021……………………. 23

Ministerial Thematic Forum on Finance and Investment, 25 June 2021………………………………..………………………... 29




High-level Dialogue on Energy leadership at the United Nations



CO-HOSTED BY: China, the , Japan, , Malawi, Netherlands, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia

CO-CONVENED BY: Dialogue Secretary-General and Dialogue Co-Chairs



Monday 21 June

Theme 1: Energy Access 06:00 – 07:00 SDG 7 ACTION ZONE SIDE EVENTS SIDE EVENTS: Promoting actions from Member States, youth, business, academia, CSOs, local governments and other stakeholders (List of side events is made available separately on the website for the Ministerial Thematic Forums) 7-05 – 7:15 DAILY PROGRAMME OVERVIEW Mr. Minoru Takada, Team Leader, Sustainable Energy, Division for Sustainable Development Goals, UN DESA (confirmed) 07:15 – 08:45 GLOBAL MULTI-STAKEHOLDERS DIALOGUE (parallel sessions) ACHIEVING UNIVERSAL ACCESS ACHIEVING UNIVERSAL ACCESS TO CLEAN COOKING SOLUTIONS TO ELECTRICITY

7:15 – 7:21 7:15 – 7:18 Call for Action: Opening Remarks by the Co-Chairs: Principles for priority actions on clean cooking for all Ms. Carla Montesi, Director, Directorate-General for International Paul N. Mbuthi, Deputy Director of Renewable Energy, Ministry of Partnerships, the European Commission (confirmed) (3 min) Energy, Kenya (confirmed) (3 min) Representative, China (3 min) Mr. Frank van der Vleuten, Policy Coordinator, Climate, Finance and Energy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands (confirmed) (3 min) 7:18 – 7:45 PANEL 1: Decentralized energy systems for clean electricity access 7:21 – 8:00 Moderator: Action Commitments [1]: Creating enabling conditions Ms. Dana Rysankova, Global Lead Energy Access, World Bank (confirmed) Moderator: UNDP Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion) Action announcements: (2 min announcement per panelist) - Senior Technical Expert, China - Mr. Marcel Raats, Team Manager, Energy and Climate Change, RVO, - Mr. Stefano Signore, Head of Unit, Directorate-General for International the Netherlands (confirmed) Partnerships, the European Commission (confirmed) - Mr. Harish Hande, Co-Founder, SELCO Foundation (confirmed) - Mr. Koen Peters, Executive Director, GOGLA (confirmed) - Ms. Sheila Oparaocha, Coordinator, ENERGIA (confirmed) - Mr. Ignacio Perez-Arriaga, Professor, Instituto de Investigacion - Ms. Jillene Connors Belopolsky, Chief of Staff, Clean Cooking Tecnologica (IIT), Universidad Pontificia Comillas (confirmed) Alliance (confirmed) - Mr. Emile Schmitz, Innovation and Training Lead, Global Distributors - Mr. Guangqing Liu, Director, China Alliance for Clean Cookstoves Collective/ Managing Director, Bopinc (confirmed) (confirmed) Q&A Session (5 min) - Ms. Heather Adair-Rohani, Technical Officer, WHO (confirmed) Q&A Session (5 min) 7:45 – 8:12 PANEL 2: Sharing knowledge and good practices Moderator: Mr. Kikuchi Nobuyuki, Director, Resource Security Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan (confirmed) 7

Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion) 8:00 – 8:39 - Mr. Vijay Modi, Professor, The Earth Institute at Columbia University Action Commitments [2]: Creating markets for innovative solutions (confirmed) Moderator: - Dr. Andrew Jones, Director, Geoscience Energy and Maritime Division, Mr. Yabei Zhang, Senior Energy Specialist, Lead, Clean Cooking Fund, PCREEE (confirmed) World Bank (confirmed) - Ms. Mafalda Duarte, CEO, Climate Investment Funds, World Bank Action announcements: (2 min announcement per panelist) (TBC) - Senior Technical Expert, Malawi - Ms. Mary Swai, Programme Manager for Sustainable Energy and Climate - Dr. Walid Mehalaine, Function Head, Strategic Planning & Economic Change, Tanzania Traditional Energy Development Organisation (TBC) Services, OPEC Fund (confirmed) - Mr. Mohamed Adjei Sowah, Mayor of Accra / Board Member, Global - Ms. Deborah Cornland, Program Manager, Energy Specialist, Unit for Covenant of Mayors, Ghana (TBC) Global Cooperation on Environment at the Swedish International Q&A Session (5 min) Development Cooperation Agency (confirmed) - Ms. Sinead Walsh, Climate Envoy/ Counsellor, Ireland (confirmed) 8:12 – 8:39 - Mr. Ed Brown, Research Director, MECS (confirmed) PANEL 3: Advancing electricity access leaving no one behind - Ms. Katrina Pielli, Senior Energy Advisor, World Food Programme Moderator: (confirmed) Ms. Heidi Schroderus-Fox, Director, UN OHRLLS (confirmed) - Mr. Yongping Zhai, Energy Sector Chief, Asian Development Bank Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion) (TBC) - Senior Technical Expert, Russian Federation - Ms. Chebet Lesan, Founder and CEO, BrightGreen Renewable Energy, - Mr. Thomas Fohgrub, Team Leader, Coordination Unit for the Global Ltd. (TBC) Action Plan of Action for Energy in Displacement, UNITAR (confirmed) - Ms. Mariam Iddrisu, Mayor of Sagnarigu Municipality / Member, - Mr. Hafeez Rehman, Director India, VITO Arabia LLC (confirmed) Global Covenant of Mayors, Ghana (TBC) - Ms. Jacqueline Kimeu, Coordinator, Alliance of Civil Society Q&A Session (5 min) Organisations for Clean Energy Access (ACCESS) (confirmed) - Ms. Rutu Dave, Senior Energy Specialist, Team Leader, Leave No One 8:39 – 8:45 Behind, World Bank (confirmed) Conclusion and way forward by the Co-Chairs: Q&A Session (5 min) Representative, Malawi (3 min) Mr. Fareed Alasaly, Senior Advisor to HRH Minister of Energy, Saudi 8:39 – 8:45 Arabia (3 min) Conclusion and way forward by the Co-Chairs: Mr. Kikuchi Nobuyuki, Director, Resource Security Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan (3 min) Representative, Russian Federation (3 min)



09:00 – 09:30 Master of Ceremonies

ー Mr. Matthew Bishop, Senior Fellow, Brookings, and Former US Business Editor & New York Bureau Chief, The Economist (confirmed)

Special Guest

ー Mr. Mihskakwan James Harper, Clean Energy Leader, Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation, Treaty 8 Territory, Canada (confirmed)

Opening remarks by the High-Level Dialogue on Energy Leadership

ー Mr. António Guterres, Secretary-General, United Nations (Video Message) ー Mr. LIU Zhenmin, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs and Secretary-General of the High-level Dialogue (confirmed) ー Mr. Achim Steiner, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UN-Energy Co-Chair and Dialogue Co-Chair (confirmed) ー Ms. Damilola Ogunbiyi, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All, UN-Energy Co-Chair, Dialogue Co-Chair and Dialogue High-Level Champion (confirmed)

Energy Compact Showcases

ー Dr. Rajiv J. Shah, President, The Rockefeller Foundation (confirmed) ー Mr. Per Heggenes, CEO, IKEA Foundation (confirmed)

Special Address

ー Mr. John Kerry, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, the United States of America (TBC/ pre-recorded)



9:30 – 9:33 Master of Ceremonies

ー Ms. Damilola Ogunbiyi, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All, UN-Energy Co-Chair, Dialogue Co-Chair and Dialogue High-Level Champion (confirmed)

9:33 – 9:37 Our Vision, Our Future: Special Remarks from Youth Advocates ー Mr. Mohamed Alhaj, Founder & Director, Clean Energy 4 Africa (confirmed)

9:37 – 10:10 Opening remarks by Global Champions

ー H.E. Mr. Charles Keter, Cabinet Secretary for Energy of Kenya (confirmed) (4 min) ー H.E. Mr. Newton Kambala, Minister of Energy of the Republic of Malawi (TBC) (4 min) ー H.E. Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Minister of Energy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (TBC) (4 min) ー H.E. Mr. Frans Timmermans, Vice-President of the European Commission (confirmed) (4 min) ー H.E. Mr. ZHANG Jianhua, Administrator of the National Energy Administration of the People’s Republic of China (TBC) (4 min) ー H.E. Mr. WASHIO Eiichiro, State Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan (confirmed/pre-recorded) (4 min) ー H.E. Ms. Kitty van der Heijden, Vice Minister for International Cooperation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (confirmed) (4 min) ー H.E. Mr. Anatoly B. Yanovsky, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation (confirmed) (4 min)

10:10 – 10:30 Official Launch of Theme Report on Energy Access by the Co-lead Organizations of the Technical Working Group 1

Moderator: Mr. Matthew Bishop, Senior Fellow, Brookings, and Former US Business Editor & New York Bureau Chief, The Economist (confirmed) Panel Discussion: (Davos-style interactive discussion)

ー Mr. Achim Steiner, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (confirmed) ー Ms. Fekitamoeloa Katoa 'Utoikamanu, Under Secretary-General and High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (UN OHRLLS) (confirmed) ー Mr. Pablo Fajnzylber, Acting Infrastructure Vice President, The World Bank (TBC)


10:30 – 10:40 Fire Side Chat An Energy Compact conversation with Ms. Kate Brandt, Chief Sustainability Officer, Google (confirmed)

10:40 – 11:27 Remarks from Ministers and global leaders

Remarks by: ー H.E. Mr. Abdessalam Ould Mohamed Salah, Minister, Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Mining, Mauritania (TBC) (2-3 min) ー H.E. Ms. Janine Alm Ericson, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sweden (confirmed) (2-3 min)

Leadership conversation (Davos-style interactive discussion) Moderator: Mr. Matthew Bishop, Senior Fellow, Brookings, and Former US Business Editor & New York Bureau Chief, The Economist (confirmed)

Panel Discussions: ー Ms. Dymphna van der Lans, CEO, Clean Cooking Alliance (confirmed) ー Ms. Jacqueline Kimeu, Coordinator, Alliance of Civil Society Organisations for Clean Energy Access (confirmed) ー Ms. Reema Nanavaty, Director, Self-Employed Women’s Organization (TBC) ー Ms. Chibunna Ogbonna, Youth (TBC)

11:27 – 11:30 Closing remarks by Master of Ceremonies

11:30 – 20:00 SDG 7 ACTION ZONE SIDE EVENTS SIDE EVENTS: Promoting actions from Member States, youth, business, academia, CSOs, local governments and other stakeholders (List of side events is made available separately on the website for the Ministerial Thematic Forums)



22 JUNE 2021

CO-HOSTED BY: Finland, Mauritius, Morocco, Russian Federation*

CO-CONVENED BY: Dialogue Secretary-General and Dialogue Co-Chairs


*Supporting role


Tuesday 22 June

Theme 4: Innovation, Technology and Data 06:00 – 7:00 SDG 7 ACTION ZONE SIDE EVENTS SIDE EVENTS: Promoting actions from Member States, youth, business, academia, CSOs, local governments and other stakeholders (List of side events is made available separately on the website for the Ministerial Thematic Forums) 7:05 – 7:15 DAILY PROGRAMME OVERVIEW Ms. Bahareh Sayedi, Senior Sustainable Development Officer, Division for Sustainable Development Goals, UN DESA (confirmed) 07:15 – 8:45 GLOBAL MULTI-STAKEHOLDERS DIALOGUE (parallel sessions) DATA SYSTEMS ENERGY INNOVATION ENERGY INNOVATION FOR SUSTAINABLE ENERGY AND TECHNOLOGY (I) AND TECHNOLOGY (II)

7:15 – 7:21 7:15 – 7:18 7:15 – 7:18 Opening remarks by the Co-Chairs: Opening remarks by the Co-Chairs: Opening remarks by the Co-Chairs: Mr. Riku Huttunen, Director General of Energy, Mr. Mustapha Bakkoury, Director General of Mr. Oleg Zhdaneev, Deputy Director General of Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment MASEN (Agency for Sustainable Energy) of the the Federal State Budgetary Institution, Russian Finland (confirmed) (3 min) Kingdom of Morocco (TBC) (3 min) Energy Agency (confirmed) (3 min) Representative, Mauritius (3 min)

7:21 – 8:00 7:18 – 8:00 7:18 – 8:45 PANEL 1: Digitalization’s role in leading the PANEL 1: Innovation and Technology in the PANEL 1: Innovation and Technology in the transformation Food sector Industry sector Moderator: Moderator: Moderator: Mr. Alois Mhlanga, Chief of Climate Mr. Zitouni Ould-Dada, Deputy Director, FAO Mr. Tareq Emtairah, Director, Energy Technologies and Innovation, UNIDO (confirmed) Welcoming remarks: Department, UNIDO Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated Ms. Ute Collier, Head of Policy, Renewable Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion) Energy Markets, IRENA (confirmed) discussion) - Mr Jussi Matilainen, Head of Technology, Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated - Mr. Oleg Zhdaneev, Deputy Director General Fingri, Finland (confirmed) discussion) of the Federal State Budgetary Institution, - Ms. Reyna Ubeda, Project Officer, ITU - Senior Technical Expert, Morocco Russian Energy Agency (confirmed) (confirmed) - Mr. Arnold Simwaba, Director, Ministry of - Mr. Robert Stoner, Deputy Director of the - Mr. Mark Howells, Professor, Loughborough Energy, Zambia (confirmed) MIT Energy Initiative and Director of the Tata University and Imperial College, London - Mr. Ravindra Dolare, President Ecozen Center for Technology and Design (confirmed) (confirmed) Solutions (confirmed) - Mr. Wei Huang, Director of Division, - Ms. Melanie A. Kenderdine, Principal, - Ms. Natalia Zhukova, Director Agribusiness, Department of Nuclear Energy, IAEA Energy Futures Initiative (confirmed) European Bank for Reconstruction (confirmed) (confirmed) Q&A Session (5 min) 13

Q&A Session (5 min) - Mr. Juha Erkkilä, Vice President - Group Sustainability, Excellence & Reliability, 8:00 – 8:42 Outokumpu (confirmed) 8:00 – 8:39 PANEL 2: Innovation and Technology in the - Mr. Bah F. M. Saho, Executive Director, PANEL 2: Better data for low carbon energy Urban sectors ECREEE (TBC) Moderator: Moderator: - Ms. Shay Bahramirad, Vice President of Mr. Leonardo Souza, Chief, Mr. Vincent Kitio, Lead Urban Energy Solutions, Climate and Resilience, Quanta Technology Energy Statistics Section, UN Statistics Division Urban Basic Services Section, UN-HABITAT (TBC) (confirmed) (confirmed) - Ms. Cate Hight, Principal, Rocky Mountain Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated Institute (TBC) discussion) discussion) - Ms. Elvira Lutter, Program and Energy - Senior Technical Expert, Mauritius - Mr. Matthew Jordan-Tank, Director, Manager, Austrian Federal Government (TBC) - Ms. Heidi Krohns- Välimäki, Research Sustainable Infrastructure Policy & Project - Mr. Dan Dorner, Head of Secretariat, Clean Manager, Smart Energy and Built Preparation, EBRD (confirmed) Energy Ministerial (TBC) Environment, VTT Technical Research Centre - Mr. Feng An, Founder and Executive Director, - Mr. Arunabha Ghosh, CEO, Council on of Finland (confirmed) Innovation Center for Energy and Energy, Environment and Water (TBC) - Ms. Nithya Ramanathan, Chief Executive Transportation (iCET) (confirmed) Q&A Session (5 min) Officer and Co-founder, Nexleaf Analytics - Mr. Svante Myrick, Mayor, City of Ithaca (confirmed) (confirmed) 8:42 – 8:45 - Mr. Michael Wilkinson, Chief Product - Ms. Rohey Malick Lowe, Mayor of Banjul, Conclusion and way forward by the Co-Chairs: Officer, Utopus Insights (confirmed) Gambia (TBC) Mr. Oleg Zhdaneev, Deputy Director General of - Mr. Mikhail Gitarskiy, Head of the Divison, - Representative, Basque country (TBC) the Federal State Budgetary Institution, Russian Department of Sustainable Development of the Q&A Session (5 min) Energy Agency (confirmed) Fuel and Energy Complex, Russian Energy Agency (confirmed) 8:42 – 8:45 Q&A Session (5 min) Conclusion and way forward by the Co-Chairs: Representative, Morocco (3 min) 8:39 – 8:45 Conclusion and way forward by the Co-Chairs: Ms. Helena Sarén, Head, Smart Energy Business, Finland (3 min) Representative, Mauritius (3 min)


9:00 – 9:03 Master of Ceremonies

ー Ms. Ann Mei Chang, Former Chief Innovation Officer at USAID (TBC) 14

9:03 – 9:07 Our Vision, Our Future: Special Remarks from a Youth Advocate ー Mr. Vijjasena Sugiono, Chair, US National Student Energy Consortiu (confirmed)

9:07 – 9:20 Opening remarks by Global Champions

ー H.E. Mr. Mika Lintilä, Minister for Economic Affairs of Finland (confirmed) (4 min) ー H.E. Mr. Georges Pierre Lesjongard, Minister of Energy and Public Utilities of the Republic of Mauritius (TBC) (4 min) ー H.E. Mr. Mohammed Ghazali, Secretary-General of the Department of Energy and Mines, Morocco (confirmed) (4 min)

9:20 – 9:40 Official Launch of Theme Report on Innovation, Technology and Data by the Co-lead Organizations of the Technical Working Group 4

Moderator: Mr. San Rahi, Executive Vice President, Growth & Innovation, Sid Lee (confirmed) Panel Discussion: (Davos-style interactive discussion)

ー Ms. Maimunah Mohd Sharif, Executive Director of the United Nations Human Settlements Programmed (UN-Habitat) (confirmed) ー Mr. Li Yong, Director General of the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) (confirmed) ー Ms. Ismahane Elouafi, Chief Scientist, of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) (confirmed)

9:40 – 9:50 Fire Side Chat A conversation with Mr. Franz von Holzhausen, Chief Designer, Tesla Motors (TBC)

9:50 – 10:05 Energy Compact Showcases ー Ms. Arantxa Tapia, Regional Counsellor for Energy, Basque Country, Spain (confirmed) (2-3 min) ー Mr. Eric Garcetti, Chair of C40; Mayor of Los Angeles, United States of America (TBC) (2-3 min) ー Representative, Ultratech Cement (TBC) (2-3 min) ー Representative, JK Cement (TBC) (2-3 min)

10:05 – 10:57 Remarks from Ministers and global leaders

Remarks by:


ー H.E. Ms. Aminath Shauna, Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Technology, Maldives (confirmed) (2-3 min) ー H.E Mr. Raymond Ghajar, Minister, Ministry of Energy and Water, Lebanon (confirmed) (2-3 min) ー H.E. Dr. Ith Praing, Permanent Secretary of State, Ministry of Mines and Energy, Cambodia (confirmed) (2-3 min) ー Mr. Salvador Handal, Executive Secretary, National Energy Council, El Salvador (confirmed)

Leadership conversation (Davos-style interactive discussion) Moderator: Mr. San Rahi, Executive Vice President, Growth & Innovation, Sid Lee (confirmed)

Panel Discussions: ー Dr. Angela Wilkinson, Secretary- General and CEO, World Energy Council (confirmed) ー Ms. Karoliina Loikkanen, Head of Sustainability, Nokia, Finland (confirmed) ー Ms. Kayla Choi, Youth (TBC)

10:57 – 11:00 Closing remarks by Master of Ceremonies

11:30 – 20:00 SDG 7 ACTION ZONE SIDE EVENTS SIDE EVENTS: Promoting actions from Member States, youth, business, academia, CSOs, local governments and other stakeholders (List of side events is made available separately on the website for the Ministerial Thematic Forums)



23 JUNE 2021

CO-HOSTED BY: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Germany, India, Nigeria, Poland, Spain, United Kingdom

CO-CONVENED BY: Dialogue Secretary-General and Dialogue Co-Chairs



Wednesday 23 June

Theme 2: Energy Transition 06:00 – 07:00 SDG 7 ACTION ZONE SIDE EVENTS SIDE EVENTS: Promoting actions from Member States, youth, business, academia, CSOs, local governments and other stakeholders (List of side events is made available separately on the website for the Ministerial Thematic Forums) 7:05 – 7:15 DAILY PROGRAMME OVERVIEW Mr. Martin Niemetz, Sustainable Development Officer, Division for Sustainable Development Goals, UN DESA (confirmed) 07:15 – 08:45 GLOBAL MULTI-STAKEHOLDERS DIALOGUE (parallel sessions) SCALING UP RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS AND PARTNERSHIP AND COOPERATION FOR INNOVATION ON RENEWABLE ENERGY THE ENERGY TRANSITION AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY 7:15 – 7:21 7:15 – 7:21 7:15 – 7:21 Opening remarks by the Co-Chairs: Opening remarks by the Co-Chairs: Opening remarks by the Co-Chairs: Mr. Indu Shekhar Chaturvedi, Vice-Minister Ms. Jennie Dodson, Head of Secretariat, Mission Mr. Asser Berling, Head of Department, Centre for of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Innovation, United Kingdom (3 min) Global Climate Action, Ministry for Climate, India (confirmed) (3 min) Mr. Francisco Javier Lopez, Undersecretary, Energy and Utilities, Denmark (confirmed) (3 min) Representative, Germany (3 min) Ministry of Energy, Chile (confirmed/ pre- H.E. Mr Goddy Jedy Agba, Minister of State for recorded) (3 min) Power, Nigeria (confirmed) (3 min) 7:21 – 8:00 PANEL 1: Harnessing renewable energy 7:21 – 8:02 7:21 – 8:02 potentials worldwide for socio-economic PANEL 1: Opportunities & challenges for the PANEL 1: From Coal to Clean: Energy resilience and equity acceleration of energy efficiency expansion transition strategies to match short term actions Moderator: Moderator: with long-term objectives Ms. Elizabeth Press, Director of Planning and Ms. Gabriela Prata Dias, Head, Copenhagen Moderator: Programme Support, IRENA (confirmed) Centre on Energy Efficiency (confirmed) Mr. Michael Williamson, Section Chief, Energy Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated Division, UN ESCAP (confirmed) discussion) discussion) Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated - Senior Technical Expert, Germany - Mr. Gabriel Prudencio, Head of Sustainable discussion) - Mr. Dinesh Dayanand Jagdale, Director Energy Division, Ministry of Energy, Chile - Ms. Ida Krabæk, Head of Global General, International Relations, Ministry of (confirmed) Sustainability, Ørsted, Denmark (confirmed) New and Renewable Energy, India - Mr. Kofi Agyarko, Director, Renewable - Mr. Mele Kyari, Group Managing Director (confirmed) Energy, Energy Efficiency and Climate of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation - Mr. Daniele Agostini, Head of Low Carbon Change, Ghana Energy Commission (confirmed) and Energy Policies, Enel (confirmed) (confirmed) - Dr. Bill Hare, CEO, Climate Analytics (TBC) - Ms. Rana Adib, Executive Secretary, REN21 (confirmed) 18

- Mr. Jeff Prins, Head of Renewable Energy, - Mr. Ricardo Ranieri Bernain, Professor, - Mr. Xunpeng (Roc) SHI, Principal Research IKEA Foundation (TBC) Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Fellow, Australia-China Relations Institute, - Ms. Judith Franco, President, Argentine (confirmed) University of Technology Sydney (confirmed) Association of Renewable Energy and the - Ms. Jennifer Layke, Global Director, Energy - Mr. Jie Tang, Practice Manager, Energy and Environment (TBC) Program, World Resources Institute (TBC) Extractive Industries, World Bank (TBC) - Ms. Safiatou Alzouma, Director, Africa - Mr. Richard Gomes, Shell Foundation (TBC) Q&A Session (5 min) Renewable Energy Initiative (TBC) Q&A Session (5 min) Q&A Session (5 min) 8:02 – 8:42 8:02 – 8:42 PANEL 2: International cooperation and 8:00 – 8:39 PANEL 2: Emerging technologies for a regional integration to advance the energy PANEL 2: Capacity building to accelerate sustainable energy future: offshore wind and transition renewable energy deployment in industry green hydrogen Moderator: and transport Moderator: Mr. Mark Radka, Deputy Director, Economy Moderator: Mr. Scott Foster, Director, Sustainable Energy Division, UNEP (confirmed) Ms. Rabia Ferroukhi, Director - Knowledge, Division, UNECE (confirmed) Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated Policy and Finance Center, IRENA (confirmed) Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion) Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion) - Senior Technical Expert, Spain discussion) - Senior Technical Expert, Poland - Mr. Vladislav Kaim, Member of the UN - Mr. Julián Antonio Rojas, Head of - Senior Technical Expert, United Kingdom Secretary General’s Youth Advisory Group on Regularoty and Entreprenurial Affairs - - Ms. Ngụy Thị Khanh, Executive Director, Climate Change (confirmed) Ministry of Mines and Energy, Colombia Green Innovation and Development Centre, - Mr. Youba Sokona, Vice Chair, IPCC/The (confirmed) Vietnam (confirmed) South Centre (confirmed) - Dr. Plinio Nastari, Founder, IBIO Institute - Mr. Miguel Ángel Muñoz Rodriguez, Head - Mr. Edmond Alphandéry, Founder and and DATAGRO, Brazil (confirmed) of Climate Policies and Alliances, Chairman of the Euro50 Group, Chairman of - Ms. Sheila Watson, Director of IBERDROLA (confirmed) the Task Force on Carbon Pricing in Europe, Environment and Research, FiA Foundation - Ms. Faye Alhersh, Technology Specialist in Former Finance Minister of France (confirmed) (confirmed) Strategy, MASDAR (TBC) - Mr. Tjisse Stelpstra, Regional Minister, - Ms. Rana Ghoneim, Chief, Energy - Mr. Qin Haiyan, President, Chinese Wind Province of Drenthe / Spokesperson on Energy, Systems and Infrastructure Division, Energy Association (TBC) Council of European Municipalities and UNIDO (confirmed) Q&A Session (5 min) Regions, Netherlands (TBC) - Mr. Jamshyd Godrej, MD & Chairman at Q&A Session (5 min) Godrej & Boyce, India (TBC) 8:42 – 8:45 - Ms. Kaisa Hietala, Former Executive Vice Conclusion and way forward by the Co-Chairs: 8:42 – 8:45 President of Renewable Products at Neste, Representative, Poland (3 min) Conclusion and way forward by the Co-Chairs: Finland (confirmed) Ms. Laura Martín Murillo, Director, Just Q&A Session (5 min) Transition Institute, Spain (confirmed) (3 min)

8:39 – 8:45


Conclusion and way forward by the Co- Chairs: Ms. Faryde Carlier, Director of Economic, Social and Environmental Affairs - Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Colombia (confirmed) (3 min) Ms. Agnes de Costa, Senior Officer, Ministry of Energy, Brazil (confirmed) (3 min)


9:00 – 9:03 Master of Ceremonies

ー Mr. Achim Steiner, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UN-Energy Co-Chair and Dialogue Co-Chair (confirmed)

9:03 – 9:07 Our Vision, Our Future: Special Remark from Youth Advocates ー Mr. John Leo Algo, Deputy Executive Director for Programs and Campaigns, Living Laudato Si’ Philippines (TBC)

9:07 – 9:47 Opening remarks by Global Champions

ー H.E. Ms. Teresa Ribera, Vice-President and Minister for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge of the Kingdom of Spain (confirmed) (4 min) ー H.E. Mr. Bento Albuquerque, Minister of Mines and Energy of the Federative Republic of Brazil (confirmed) (4 min) ー H.E. Mr. Juan Carlos Jobet, Minister of Energy of Chile (confirmed / pre-recorded) (4 min) ー H.E. Mr. Diego Mesa Puyo, Minister of Mines and Energy of the Republic of Colombia (confirmed) (4 min) ー H.E. Mr. Dan Jorgensen, Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities of Denmark (confirmed) (4 min) ー H.E. Mr. Gerd Müller, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic Germany (confirmed/ pre-recorded) (4 min) ー H.E. Mr. Mohammad Mahmood Abubakar, Minister of Environment of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (confirmed) (4 min) ー H.E. Mr. Michał Kurtyka, Minister of Climate and Environment of Poland (confirmed) (4 min) ー H.E. Mr. Raj Kumar Singh, Minister of State (Power, New & Renewable Energy) of the Republic of India (confirmed) (4 min) ー H.E. Ms. Anne-Marie Trevelyan, Minister of State for Business, Energy and Clean Growth of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (confirmed/pre-recorded) (4 min)


9:47 – 10:10 Official Launch of Theme Report on Energy Transition by the Co-lead Organizations of the Technical Working Group 2

Moderator: Mr. Randall Lane, Chief Content Officer, Forbes Media (TBC) Panel Discussion: (Davos-style interactive discussion)

ー Mr. Francesco La Camera, Director General of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) (confirmed) ー Ms. Inger Andersen, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programmed (UNEP) (TBC) ー Ms. Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP) (confirmed)

10:10 – 10:20 Fire Side Chat A conversation with Mr. Francesco Starace, CEO, ENEL (TBC)

10:20 – 10:35 Energy Compact Showcases ー Mr. David Lecoque, CEO, Alliance for Rural Electrification (confirmed) (2-3 min) ー Representative, RELAC, IDB (confirmed) (2-3 min)

10:35 – 10:57 Remarks from Ministers and global leaders

Remarks by: ー H.E. Mr. Udaya Gammanipila, Minister of Energy, Sri Lanka (confirmed/ pre-recorded) (2-3 min) ー H.E. Mr. Nqobizitha Mangaliso Ndhlovu, Minister of Environment, Tourism and Hospitality Industry, Zimbabwe (confirmed) (2-3 min) ー H.E. Mr. LEE, Seong-ho, Deputy Minister for Economic Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea (confirmed/ pre- recorded) (2-3 min) ー H.E. Mr. Darío Martínez, Secretary of Energy, Argentina (TBC/ pre-recorded) ー Mr. Rafael Mariano Grossi, Director General, IAEA (confirmed)

Leadership conversation (Davos-style interactive discussion) Moderator: Mr. Randall Lane, Chief Content Officer, Forbes Media (TBC)

Panel Discussions: ー Ms. Tasneem Essop, Executive Director, Climate Action Network (confirmed) ー Mr. Edwin Huizing, Executive Director, HIVOS (confirmed)


ー Mr. Amit Sinha, Group President, Strategy & Sustainability, Mahindra Group (TBC) ー Ms. Helen Watts, Senior Director of Global Partnerships, Student Energy (confirmed)

10:57 – 11:00 Closing remarks by Master of Ceremonies

11:30 – 20:00 SDG 7 ACTION ZONE SIDE EVENTS SIDE EVENTS: Promoting actions from Member States, youth, business, academia, CSOs, local governments and other stakeholders (List of side events is made available separately on the website for the Ministerial Thematic Forums)



24 JUNE 2021

CO-HOSTED BY: European Union*, Iceland, Honduras, Nauru, Panama, Portugal, United Arab Emirates

CO-CONVENED BY: Dialogue Secretary-General and Dialogue Co-Chairs


*Supporting role


Thursday 24 June

Theme 3: Enabling SDGs through Inclusive, just Energy Transitions 06:00 – 07:00 SDG 7 ACTION ZONE SIDE EVENTS SIDE EVENTS: Promoting actions from Member States, youth, business, academia, CSOs, local governments and other stakeholders (List of side events is made available separately on the website for the Ministerial Thematic Forums) 7:05 – 7:15 DAILY PROGRAMME OVERVIEW Ms. Bahareh Sayedi, Senior Sustainable Development Officer, Division for Sustainable Development Goals, UN DESA (confirmed) 07:15 – 08:45 GLOBAL MULTI-STAKEHOLDERS DIALOGUE (parallel sessions) EMPOWERING PEOPLE: ENHANCING PROSPERITY: PROTECTING THE PLANET: ACCELERATING SDG7 ACHIEVEMENT ACCELERATING SDG7 ACHIEVEMENT IN INTEGRATED PLANNING AND CROSS- IN SUPPORT OF HUMAN HEALTH, SUPPORT OF JUST, INCLUSIVE SOCIETIES SECTORAL COORDINATION FOR GENDER EQUALITY, AND EDUCATION SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 7:15 – 7:18 7:15 – 7:21 7:15 – 7:18 Opening remarks by the Co-Chairs: Opening remarks by the Co-Chairs: Opening remarks by the Co-Chairs: Representative, Nauru (3 min) Dr. Eloy Fisher Hogan, General Secretary of the H.E. Mr. Leonardo Deras, Vice Minister, Ministry of Economy and Finance of Panama Secretary of Energy, Honduras (confirmed) (3 min) 7:18 – 7:46 (confirmed) (3 min) PANEL 1: Energy and Health Representative, Iceland (3 min) 7:18 – 7:46 Moderator: PANEL 1: Pathways towards Net Zero Dr. Maria Neira, Director, WHO (confirmed) 7:21 – 7:48 emissions Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated PANEL 1: Energy and Jobs Moderator: discussion) Moderator: Ms. Roula Majdalani, Lead Climate Change and - Representative, WHO Mr. Moustapha Kamal Gueye, Coordinator at Natural Resource Sustainability Cluster, - Dr. Ligia Castro de Doens, Former Minister ILO (confirmed) UNESCWA (confirmed) of Environment and current Advisor of Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated Ministry of Envrionment of Panama discussion) discussion) (confirmed) - Mr. Ricardo Espino, President of the Panama - HRH. Princess. Noura Al-Saud, Partner and - Ms. Habiba Ali, Managing Director and Future Energy Leaders (confirmed) co-founder AEON Strategy, Saudi Arabia CEO, Sosai Renewable Energies Company - Mr. Roberto Suarez Santos, Secretary (confirmed) (confirmed) General, International Organization of - Mr. Massamba Thioye, Manager, Mitigation - Mr. Kweku Koranteng, Professional Employers (confirmed) Division, UNFCCC (confirmed) Officer, ICLEI Africa Secretariate - Mr. Chuck Hookham, Executive Director, - Ms. Roberta Boscolo, Lead of Climate & (confirmed) CMS Energy, United States (confirmed) Energy, WMO (confirmed) Q&A Session (5 min) - Ms. Rabia Ferroukhi, IRENA (TBC) - Ms. Hajar KHAMLICHI, President, The Q&A Session (5 min) Mediterranean Youth Climate Network, 7:46 – 8:15 Morocco (confirmed) 24

PANEL 2: Energy and Gender - Mr. Grammenos Mastrojeni, Deputy Moderator: 7:48 – 8:15 Secretary General of the Union for the Ms. Seemin Qayum, Chief a.i, Economic PANEL 2: Promoting the diversification and Mediterranean - Energy and Climate Action Empowerment, UN WOMEN (confirmed) framework of a circular economy Division (TBC) Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated Moderator: Q&A Session (5 min) discussion) Mr. Mark Radka, Deputy Director, Economy - Senior Technical Expert, Iceland Division, UNEP (TBC) 7:46 – 8:15 - Ms. Soma Dutta, Senior Technical Advisor, Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated PANEL 2: Water, food, ecological systems and ENERGIA (confirmed) discussion) biodiversity: Role of renewable energies - Ms. Irene Giner-Reichl, Chairperson, - Senior Technical Expert, Portugal Moderator: Global Women’s Network for the Energy - Mr. Mohammed Alsayed, Manager Economic Ms. Radia Sedaoui, Chief Energy Section at Transition (confirmed) Infrastructure Division Economic and Social Climate Change and Natural resource - Ms. Reema Nanavaty, Director, Self- Infrastructure Department Islamic Sustainability Cluster, UNESCWA (confirmed) Employed Women’s Organization Development Bank Group (confirmed) Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated (confirmed) - Dr. Bassam Fattouh, Director Studies, Oxford discussion) - Ms. Sawsan Wa’el Gharaibeh, Chairperson Energy Studies Institute (confirmed) - Mr. Miguel Figueroa, Director, Electricity Rasheed for Integrity and Transparency, - Mr. Ayman Shasly, Board member & Co- and Markets, Secretary of Energy, Honduras Jordan (confirmed) Chair, Green Climate Fund (TBC) - Ms. Leena Srivastava, Deputy Director Q&A Session (5 min) Q&A Session (5 min) General, IIASA (confirmed) - Ms. Debora Ley, Economic Affairs Officer, 8:13 – 8:42 Energy and Natural Resourcess at ECLAC PANEL 3: Energy and Education 8:15 – 8:42 (confirmed) Moderator: PANEL 3: Private Sector and Entrepreneurship - Mr. Tomas Gomez, Director of the University Dr. Jon-Hans Coetzer, Team Leader, Online Moderator: Institute for Research in Energy Engineering, Learning and Education, UNITAR (confirmed) Ms. Anna Kruip, Manager, Environment and Technnical University of Valencia (confirmed) Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated Climate, UN Global Compact (confirmed) - Mr. Ariel Scheffer da Silva, Head of discussion) Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated Environmental Management, Itaipu Binacional - Dr. Behjat Al Yousuf, Executive Vice discussion) - Brasil (TBC) President for Outreach and Engagement, - Mr. Nazmul Haque, Director (Investment) & Q&A Session (5 min) Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Head of Advisory, IDCOL (confirmed) Intelligence, UAE (confirmed) - Ms. Shefali Kothari, Strategist and Investor 8:15 – 8:42 - Ms. Rakshya Thapa, Climate and Energy Relations, Village Data Analytics (confirmed) PANEL 3: Sustainable Cities and Communities Specialist, UNICEF (confirmed) - Mr. Adam Kendall, Partner, McKinsey (TBC) Moderator: - Ms. Asma Rouabhia, Sustainability Young Q&A Session (5 min) Mr. David Koranyi, Senior Energy Expert, UN Arab Leader for UNESCO (confirmed) DESA (confirmed) - Ms. Hazir Farouk Abdelraheem El Haj, 8:42 – 8:45 Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated Assistant Professor Sudan University of Conclusion and way forward by the Co-Chairs: discussion) Science and Technology Khartoum, Sudan Representative, Portugal (3 min) (confirmed) 25

- Ms. Joan Carling, Co-Convener of the - Mr. Eero Ailio, Deputy Director-General, Indigenous Peoples Major Group (TBC) Directorate-General for Energy, European Q&A Session (5 min) Commission (confirmed) - Mr. Kazuhiko Takeuchi, President, IGES 8:42 – 8:45 (confirmed) Conclusion and way forward by the Co- - Ms. Cherop Soy, Thematic Focal Point, Chairs: UNMGCY SDG7 Youth Constituency H.E. Dr. Nawal Al-Hosany, Permanent (confirmed) Representative of the UAE to IRENA - Mr. Rohit Sen, Head of Climate & Energy (confirmed) (3 min) Action Team, ICLEI World Secretariat, Germany (confirmed) Q&A Session (5 min)

8:42 – 8:45 Conclusion and way forward by the Co-Chairs: Mr. Pedro Ballesteros, Senior Administrator, Directorate-General for Energy, European Commission (confirmed) (3 min)


9:00 – 9:03 Master of Ceremonies

ー Mr. Kandeh Yumkella, CEO, TENN (confirmed)

9:03 – 9:07 Our Vision, Our Future: Special Remarks from Youth Advocates ー Ms. Kervelle Baird, SDG 7 Youth Constituency (confirmed)

9:07 – 09:35 Opening remarks by Global Champions

ー H.E. Mr. Roberto A. Ordoñez Wolfovich, Minister of Energy of Honduras (confirmed) (4 min) ー H.E. Mr. Gudlaugur Thór Thórdarson, Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Development Cooperation of Iceland (confirmed) (4 min) ー H.E. Mr. Rennier Gadabu, Minister for Climate Change of the Republic of Nauru (confirmed / pre-recorded and live) (4 min) ー H.E. Mr. João Pedro Matos Fernandes, Minister for the Environment and Climate Action of Portugal (confirmed) (4 min)


ー H.E. Mr. Abdullah Bin Mohammed Belhaif Al Nuaimi, Minister of Climate Change and Environment of the United Arab Emirates (confirmed) (4 min) ー H.E. Mr. Jorge Rivera Staff, National Secretary of Energy of the Republic of Panama (confirmed) (4 min) ー H.E. Ms. Kadri Simson, European Commissioner for Energy (confirmed) (4 min)

9:35 – 9:55 Official Launch of Theme Report on Enabling SDGs through Inclusive, just Energy Transitions by the Co-lead Organizations of the Technical Working Group 3

Moderator: Mr. Kandeh Yumkella, CEO, TENN (confirmed) Panel Discussion: (Davos-style interactive discussion)

ー Mr. LIU Zhenmin, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) (tbc) ー Ms. Rola Dashti, Executive Secretary of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN ESCWA) (confirmed) ー Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO) (confirmed/ pre-recorded)

9:55 – 10:10 Fire Side Chat A conversation with Mr. Omran Hamad Al-Kuwari, CEO, Qatar Foundation International (confirmed)

10:10 – 10:25 Energy Compact Showcases ー Mr. Svante Myrick, Mayor, City of Ithaca (confirmed) (2-3 min) ー Representative, GOGLA (confirmed) (2-3 min) ー Mr. Ivan Vera, Senior Energy Advisor, on behalf of the Global Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions Network (facilitated by UN DESA) (confirmed) (2-3 min)

10:25 – 10:57 Remarks from Ministers and global leaders

Remarks by: ー H.E. Mr. Eamon Ryan TD, Minister for of the Environment, Climate and Communications, Ireland (confirmed) (2-3 min) ー Representative, Ghana (TBC) ー Prof. Petteri Taalas, Director of the Cabinet Office, WMO (confirmed/ pre-recorded)

Leadership conversation (Davos-style interactive discussion) Moderator: Mr. Kandeh Yumkella, CEO, TENN (confirmed)


Panel Discussions: ー Mr. Hans Olav Ibrekk, Special Envoy for Climate and Security, Norway (confirmed) ー Mr. Miguel Stilwell de Andrade, Interim CEO, Energias de Portugal (confirmed) ー Ms. Sheila Oparaocha, Coordinator, ENERGIA (confirmed) ー Ms. Kristina Skierka, CEO, Power for All (TBC) ー Mr. Shakti Ramkumar, Youth (TBC)

10:57 – 11:00 Closing remarks by Master of Ceremonies

11:30 – 20:00 SDG 7 ACTION ZONE SIDE EVENTS SIDE EVENTS: Promoting actions from Member States, youth, business, academia, CSOs, local governments and other stakeholders (List of side events is made available separately on the website for the Ministerial Thematic Forums)



25 JUNE 2021

CO-HOSTED BY: Dominican Republic, , Netherlands*, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia*

CO-CONVENED BY: Dialogue Secretary-General and Dialogue Co-Chairs



Friday 25 June

Theme 5: Finance and Investment 06:00 – 07:00 SDG 7 ACTION ZONE SIDE EVENTS SIDE EVENTS: Promoting actions from Member States, youth, business, academia, CSOs, local governments and other stakeholders (List of side events is made available separately on the website for the Ministerial Thematic Forums) 7:05 – 7:15 DAILY PROGRAMME OVERVIEW Mr. David Koranyi, Senior Energy Expert, UN DESA (confirmed) 07:15 – 08:45 GLOBAL MULTI-STAKEHOLDERS DIALOGUE (parallel sessions) LEAVING NO ONE BEHIND: FINANCING THE GLOBAL CLIMATE AND ENERGY GOALS INCLUSIVE AND SUSTAINABLE RECOVERY 7:15 – 7:21 7:15 – 7:18 Opening remarks by the Co-Chairs: Opening remarks by the Co-Chairs: Representative, Saudi Arabia (3 min) Dr. Sardar Mohazzam, Managing Director, National Energy Efficiency and Mr. Nicola Bazzani, Deputy Head of the Office for Energy, Environment Conservation Authority, Pakistan (confirmed) (3 min) and Sustainability, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Italy (confirmed) (3 min)

7:21 – 8:01 7:18 – 7:46 PANEL 1: Advancing SDG7 through sustainable COVID-19 recoveries PANEL 1: Financing for Adaptation Moderator: Moderator: UNDP Mr. Jean-Paul Adam, Director, Technology, Climate Change and Natural Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion) Resources Management, ECA (confirmed) - H.E. Mr. Alfonso Rodríguez, Deputy Minister, Energy Saving and Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion) Efficiency, Ministry of Energy and Mines, Dominican Republic (3 min) - Ms. Teddy Mpinganzima Mugabo, CEO, FONERWA (confirmed) - Mr. Filippo Berardi, Coordinator – Climate Change Focal Area, Global - Ms. Ishita Yadav, Climate Action Buddies, India (confirmed) Environment Facility (confirmed) - Ms. Leslie Labruto, Head of Global Energy, Acumen (confirmed) - Mr. Irfan Tariq, Director General, Environment and Climate Change, - Mr. Abyd Karmali, Managing Director for Climate Finance, Bank of Ministry of Climate Change, Pakistan (confirmed) America (confirmed) - Mr. Espen Mehlum, Head of Knowledge Management and Integration - Mr. Riad Meddeb, Director, UNDP, Climate Investment Platform Energy, Materials and Infrastructure Platform (confirmed) (TBC) - Mr. Jay Koh, Co-Founde & Managing Director, Lightsmith Group - Ms. Anunya Bahanda, Policy Analyst, Savo Project Developers (TBC) (confirmed) - Mr. Hussain Mogaibel, Global Lead Energy Specialist, ISDB (TBC) - Ms. Hong Paterson, CFO and Director, Support Services, Green Climate Q&A Session (5 min Fund (confirmed) - Mr. David Arinze, Program Officer, Off-Grid Energy Program, Diamond Development Initiatives, Nigeria (confirmed) Q&A Session (5 min) 30

8:01 – 8:42 7:46 – 8:14 PANEL 2: Investment in clean energy technologies PANEL 2: Accelerating sustainable finance through international Moderator: cooperation and capacity building Mr. Tim Gould, Head, Division for Energy Supply Outlooks and Moderator: EIB Investment, IEA Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion) Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion) - Senior Technical Expert, the Netherlands - Senior Technical Expert, Saudi Arabia - Ms. Valeria Termini, Professor of Political Economics – Università degli - Mr. David Kuijper, Manager Public Investment and Blended Finance Studi di Roma Tre (confirmed) FMO, the Netherlands (confirmed) - Ms. Hela Cheikhrouhou, Chair and Executive Officer, Nithio - Mr. Luca D’Agnese, Chief Energy and Digital Officer, Cassa Depositi (confirmed) e Prestiti, Italy (confirmed) - Mr. Ruben Contreras, Economic Affairs Officer, ECLAC (confirmed) - Mr. Shah Jahan Mirza, Managing Director, Private Power and - Ms. Stephanie Akinyelure, Engagement Manager, Group Sustainable Infrastructure Board Pakistan (confirmed) Finance, HSBC Group Management Services Limited (confirmed) - Mr. Sumant Sinha, Chairman and CEO, Renew Power of India - Ms. Shorouq Abdul Ghani, Director of Planning and Institutional (confirmed) Development, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Jordan - Ms. Cecilia Tam, Head, OECD Clean Energy Finance and Investment (confirmed) Mobilisation Programme (confirmed) Q&A Session (5 min) - Ms. Surabhi Visser, Head of Investments, SunFunder (confirmed) Q&A Session (5 min) 8:14 – 8:42 PANEL 3: Setting a global carbon price 8:42 – 8:45 Moderator: Conclusion and way forward by the Co-Chairs: Mr. Marcel Alers, Head of Energy, UNDP (TBC) Ms. Laurien Berkvens, Senior Policy Advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Panel Discussions: (Davos-style moderated discussion) the Netherlands (3 min) - Senior Technical Expert, Pakistan - Ms. Stefanie Fairholme, Lead, Power & Climate, Rockefeller Foundation (confirmed) - Mr. Rigoberto Ariel Yepez-Garcia, Energy Division Chief, IADB (confirmed) - Ms. Najada Kumbuli, Head of Investment, Visa Foundation (TBC) - Dr. Bright Okogu, Chief of Staff, Office of Director General, World Trade Organization (confirmed) Q&A Session (5 min)

8:42 – 8:45 Conclusion and way forward by the Co-Chairs: H.E. Mr. Alfonso Rodríguez, Deputy Minister, Energy Saving and Efficiency, Ministry of Energy and Mines, Dominican Republic (3 min)



9:00 – 9:03 Master of Ceremonies

Mr. Selwin Hart, Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Climate Action and Assistant Secretary-General for the Climate Action Team (TBC)

9:03 – 9:07 Our Vision, Our Future: Special Remarks from Youth Advocates ー Ms. Cathy Yitong Li, Foundraising Officer, COY16 (confirmed)

9:07 – 09:27 Opening remarks by Global Champions

ー H.E. Mr. Antonio Almonte, Minister of Energy and Mines of the Dominican Republic (confirmed) (4 min) ー H.E. Mr. Roberto Cingolani, Minister of Ecological Transition of Italy (confirmed) (4 min) ー H.E. Mr. Hammad Azhar, Federal Minister, Ministry of Energy of Pakistan (confirmed) (4 min) ー H.E. Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Minister of Energy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (TBC) (4 min) ー H.E. Ms. Yoka Brandt, Permanent Representative of the Netherlands to the United Nations (confirmed) (4 min)

09:27 – 09:47 Official Launch of Theme Report on Finance and Investment by the Co-lead Organizations of the Technical Working Group 5

Moderator: Mr. Hubert Danso, Chairman, Africa Investor (Ai), African Green Infrastructure Investment Bank Advisory Board (AfGIIB) (confirmed) Panel Discussion: (Davos-style interactive discussion)

ー Mr. Werner Hoyer, President of the European Investment Bank (EIB) (Confirmed / pre-recorded) ー Ms. Vera Songwe, Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UN ECA) (TBC) ー Mr. Makhtar Diop, Managing Director, IFC (TBC) ー Ms. Mary Warlick, Deputy Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA) (Confirmed)

9:47 – 9:57 Fire Side Chat A conversation with Mr. James Mwangi, Group Managing Director and Group Chief Executive Officer, Equity Group Holdings Plc. (confirmed)


10:00 – 10:15 Energy Compact Showcases ー Mr. Matthew Jordan-Tank, Director, Sustainable Infrastructure Policy & Project Preparation, EBRD (confirmed) (2-3 min) ー Representative, Power Africa (TBC) (2-3 min)

10:15 – 10:57 Remarks from Ministers and global leaders

Remarks by: ー H.E. Mr. Oumar Torbo, Minister, Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, Chad (TBC) (2-3 min) ー H.E. Ms. Hala Adel Zawati, Minister, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Jordan (TBC) (2-3 min) ー HE. Mr. Gesler E. Murray, Minister, Ministry of Mines and Energy, Republic of (TBC) (2-3 min) ー H.E. Mr. Charles I. Obichang, Minister, Ministry of Public Infrastructure and Industries, Palau (confirmed) (2-3 min) ー H.E. Mr. Nidal Karmousha, Deputy Minister of Electricity, Syria (TBC) (2-3 min)

Leadership conversation (Davos-style interactive discussion) Moderator: Mr. Hubert Danso, CEO, Africa Investor (confirmed)

Panel Discussions: ー Ms. Hela Cheikhrouhou, Chair and Executive Officer, Nithio (confirmed) ー Mr. Wiebe Boer, CEO of All On, Shell (confirmed) ー Mr. Yannick Glemarec, Executive Director, Clean Climate Fund (confirmed/ pre-recorded) ー Ms. Cristina Duarte, Under-Secretary-General and Special Adviser on Africa (confirmed) ー Ms. Oluwadabira Abiola-Awe, Youth (TBC)

10:57 – 11:00 Closing remarks by Master of Ceremonies



Moderator: Mr. Alexander Trepelkov, Officer-in-Charge, Division for Sustainable Development, UN DESA (confirmed)

ー Mr. LIU Zhenmin, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs and Secretary-General of the High-level Dialogue

11:00 – 12:00 ー Mr. Achim Steiner, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UN-Energy Co-Chair and Dialogue Co-Chair

ー Ms. Damilola Ogunbiyi, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All, UN-Energy Co-Chair, Dialogue Co-Chair and Dialogue High-Level Champion

For further information, please contact:

The Secretary for the High-level Dialogue on Energy 2021

@ Division for Sustainable Development Goals Department of Economic and Social Affairs

United Nations

[email protected]