Dear Families,

Merry in just a few short days! We’ve been looking forward to this day all year long! Can you believe it’s here? The Jewish people had been looking forward to the day when God would finally send His Rescuer as prophesized in the Old Testament. But coming as a baby did not fit in with their picture. They were looking for freedom from the tyran- ny of Rome and hard life they lived.

Mary and Joseph did not dream that they would be part of God’s rescuing plan. Can you imagine Mary’s shock when she found out that she would be Jesus’ mother? And Joseph’s shock when he found out his soon-to-be wife was pregnant with God’s Son? It would have been hard to believe! Can you imagine the shepherd’s shock when a chorus of appeared to announce that the Rescuer had been born? They had been looking forward to this day for hundreds of years – and it was finally here.

Start with prayer followed by watching The Journey Today video lesson with your children, Bible reading and questions. We have also included a worship song, Oh What a Glorious Night by Sidewalk Prophet to remind all of us to prepare room for Him this Christmas.

The Greatest Gift lesson video

Oh, What a Glorious Night -

Here is a snapshot of the lesson details for this week:

Bible Story: The Greatest Gift Big Idea: Jesus is the greatest of all time, so we can give glory and praise to God. Memory Verse: “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son. Anyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life.” John 3:16 (NIrV)

After the video lesson and music, you can use the attached materials to help take your family deeper into the lesson:

Family activity guide Coloring page for kids GO! Home guide for kids Bible verse sign

Christmas is such a wonderful time of year – the trees and the lights and the music and the presents! But as much as we look forward to this incredible season and rejoice when it’s finally here, Jesus is the best part. He is the greatest gift. We hope and pray that this Christmas you’ll take comfort and find joy in the One we celebrate!

For His Glory,

Katherine and Libby GIFTS FOR JESUS

Supplies: Bible, Box with lid, Plain paper, newspaper, or wrapping paper (Use paper you can write on with markers), Markers, Scissors, and Tape.

Instructions: Cover your box with plain paper or wrapping paper. Cover the box and lid separately so you can open anytime. Use markers and write your names on the box and decorate as desired.

Say: Jesus is the greatest gift of all. Jesus brings us love and the chance to become God’s children. Open your Bible to 2 Corinthians 9:15. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 9:15, “Thank God for this gift too wonderful for words!”

Let’s show Jesus how much we appreciate what He gives to us by giving gifts to Him. Your gift could be a willing heart. Ask God to help you to show more love to your family or help you stop a bad habit or to start reading His love letter to you, the Bible, more frequently. Your gift might be to remember to thank Jesus for coming to earth, or just promising to tell Jesus every day that you love Him.

Talk together about possible gifts. Next, take turns telling what gift each person would like to give Je- sus. Write or draw picture of the gift down on a card. Pray for God’s Holy Spirit to help you keep your promise. Now place in the box. The box goes under your . Open your box on Christ- mas day to remind you of the gift you’re giving to Jesus. You could keep your box out to remind you throughout the year or even add more gifts.

PUTTING THINGS IN ORDER Supplies: 1 clear large glass or vessel and smaller clear cups (1/family member), Honey, milk, dish soap (preferably not yellow) and vegetable oil

Say: Jesus is the best gift ever. Sometimes other gifts might seem better especially to people who don’t know much about Jesus. What’s a gift someone might think is a great gift?

Say: But Jesus will always come out on top because Jesus is the best gift ever. When we are friends with Jesus, we know He’s always with us, He gives us peace and joy, and we can live forever with Him in heaven one day. That’s a pretty great gift! Hold up the vegetable oil and say: Let’s pretend this liquid represents Jesus. Have each family member pour the vegetable oil into their small glass. Ask: What do you think will happen if we pour another liquid into the cup? Have another child in each group choose and pour a second liquid to pour into their cup. The vegeta- ble oil will rise to the top. (It may take a few seconds.) Repeat with other liquids. Regardless of the order you pour in, the liquids will end up in four distinct layers in this order (from top to bottom): vege- table oil, dish soap, milk, honey.

What do you think will happen if we combine all of our cups?

Have children pour their liquids into the larger glass or clear vessel. Within a few seconds, the oil will create its own layer on top. (The other layers may combine a bit, but the oil will remain separate.) • Why do you think vegetable oil always stayed on top? How can other people see that you think Jesus is the top gift?

Say: Sometimes people make Christmas wish lists, starting with the things they want the most. Those are probably really awesome gifts! But we’ve already gotten the best gift ever— Jesus! Any other gift will sink below Him because He’s the best gift ever!