COMMITTEE REPORT CalCOFI Rep., Vol. 46, 2005



CALCOFI FIELD SEASON shore and farther north (north of Point Conception) The 2004 CalCOFI field season was highlighted by than previous years. four successful quarterly cruises that included additional projects beyond the existing CalCOFI survey structure. CALCOFI ICHTHYOPLANKTON As was the case in 2003, the spring survey was conducted The 2004 CalCOFI ichthyoplankton database has aboard multiple vessels enabling more extensive cover- been completed and a data report prepared. Interesting age of the Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax) spawning range. trends in the data include continuing declines in larval In addition, the SWFSC was able to charter the fishing incidence and abundance of Pacific sardines off south- vessel Frosti to sample adult sardines within the survey ern California (CalCOFI lines 77–93); incidence peaked region with guidance from the NOAA ship David Starr in 1998 and abundance in 1999, and by 2004 both had Jordan and the R/V New Horizon from SIO. The F/V declined to their lowest level since 1984. Although the Frosti completed nineteen surface trawls in which four- winter and spring surveys indicated increased incidence teen were positive for adult or juvenile sardine. Aboard and abundance off central California (CalCOFI lines the R/V New Horizon, CalCOFI began a partnership 60–73) from 2003–04, it was not enough to offset the during the April survey with researchers from the LTER decline in the combined areas. Average larval abundance group at SIO. Measurements of trace metals, dissolved of northern anchovy peaked off southern California in and particulate organic carbon, and particulate calcium 1987 and subsequently declined substantially, but at an are now added to the extensive suite of CalCOFI mea- increasingly slower rate in recent years. In 2004 it in- surements. A new project measuring recorded marine creased slightly. Preliminary examination of the winter mammal acoustics, led by Dr. John Hildebrand of GRD and spring 2005 CalCOFI samples suggests that larval and MPL at SIO, also began during the spring survey. anchovy abundance may be higher again this year, which Coastal sea surface temperatures (SST) remained sea- might be interpreted as the beginning of an anchovy sonally average from the beginning of the year through resurgence, although it is too early to know. March of 2004. April displayed positive anomalies of SST in the northern region while the Southern PACOOS California Bight remained within seasonal averages. In Participants of the 2001 CalCOFI Conference recom- May, positive SST anomalies were observed throughout mended the development of a comprehensive observ- most of the coastal areas from the Mexican border up ing system for the entire pelagic ecosystem of the to the Gulf of Alaska. These positive SST anomalies per- California Current, built upon the foundation of the sisted through October with the largest anomalies seen CalCOFI survey program, but expanded to cover the in August at approximately +2.5˚C. Illustrating the ef- entire system by adding new partners. This was a tough fect of these positive anomalies, the usual Baja California time (2001–02) to begin planning such a project since resident, the Humboldt or Jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas), the existence of CalCOFI surveys was threatened and was collected as far north as the Gulf of Alaska. the GLOBEC plankton-based hydrographic surveys in During the March–April survey, both the R/V New Oregon and Washington, an important potential part- Horizon and the NOAA ship David Starr Jordan collected ner, were soon to be discontinued. In 2005, however, very few Pacific sardine eggs in the Southern California the system envisioned by the 2001 conferees may soon Bight. The majority of the sardine eggs were collected become a reality under a consortium known as PaCOOS, north of Point Conception with the bulk of the egg Pacific Coast Ocean Observing System. The CalCOFI distribution centered on Monterey Bay. While the ab- survey program has been stabilized, and the survey lines solute numbers of Pacific sardine eggs collected were in Oregon and Washington have been continued under significantly less than those seen in previous years, PaCOOS. Central California survey lines discontinued Northern anchovy eggs were distributed farther off- by CalCOFI in the 1980s are now regularly occupied

5 COMMITTEE REPORT CalCOFI Rep., Vol. 46, 2005

on a quarterly basis under a cooperative relationship es- samples and age-length distribution can be used to infer tablished between NOAA and the Monterey Bay movement patterns and stock structure. Aquarium Research Institute, the Navy Post Graduate Our current proposal specifies a coast-wide (U.S. EEZ School, and the University of California, Santa Cruz. A off the states of California, Oregon, and Washington), historic gap in marine observations on the Pacific Coast near-synoptic (two-ship) survey of Pacific sardines to be occurring in northern California may soon be filled as conducted during April 2006. Tentative plans also in- well. A NOAA fisheries position was recently filled at clude complementary surveys by Mexican and Canadian Humboldt State University (HSU) to aid HSU in im- scientists of waters off northern Baja California and plementing PaCOOS surveys in northern California. southern British Columbia. The objectives of the sur- When HSU begins their part of the work, the coast- veys will be to describe the spatial distribution of eggs, wide ecosystem observing system, based on plankton- larvae, and adults, obtain measurements of egg produc- based hydrographic surveys as envisioned in 2001, will tion and adult fecundity required for an estimate of be established. Other PaCOOS events in 2005 included: spawning biomass, and to collect environmental data that adding two additional NOAA organizations to the Board may be useful for describing spawning habitat. The sur- of Governors (NESDIS and OAR), thereby strength- vey design will consist of regularly spaced stations along ening the participation of NOAA in PaCOOS; initia- a series of inshore/offshore transects following an ex- tion of long-term planning of data integration and access; tended CalCOFI pattern. Primary station observations and planning of a coast-wide demonstration project will include: a) pelagic trawl samples of adult fish; b) focusing on climate and the dynamics of the coast-wide plankton net samples of eggs, larvae, and zooplankton; stocks of sardine, hake, and euphausiids. and c) vertical profiles of temperature, salinity, oxygen, and chlorophyll. Primary transect observations will in- MOLECULAR ROCKFISH LARVAL IDENTIFICATION clude: a) continuous egg pump samples; b) continuous Russell Vetter and staff at SWFSC have continued multi-frequency acoustic samples of adult fish; and c) con- to make genetic identification of fish eggs and larvae a tinuous measurements of sea-surface and meteorologi- priority. To this end, John Hyde (Scripps Institution of cal conditions. Other observation protocols may be added Oceanography) has been developing genetic markers as time, space, and personnel allow. for the identification of larvae. In conjunction The data collected on this coast-wide survey will serve with Cynthia Taylor (Scripps Institution of Ocean- a variety of purposes. Egg data collected from CUFES ography), all of the Sebastes spp. collected during the and temperature data can be used to examine the spa- 1999 CalCOFI cruises have been processed. Using the tial distribution of eggs of pelagic species with sea sur- new molecular method, the number of identifiable face temperatures. Preliminary estimates of biomass of species has increased from five to 28 with only 2% of Pacific sardines can be computed based on data from the larvae remaining unidentifiable to the species level. trawl and acoustic surveys. Spawning biomass, as well as Interestingly, the samples are dominated by two species, size and age distribution of Pacific sardines off Mexico, S. hopkinsi and S. ensifer, which together comprise >60% the U.S., and maybe British Columbia, can be obtained of the larvae. from egg and larval data plus adult reproductive speci- mens from the trawls. Estimates of absolute total bio- COAST-WIDE SARDINE SURVEY mass and spawning biomass of Pacific sardines would A Baja California to British Columbia coast-wide sur- greatly benefit the stock assessment. Spatial distributions vey was first proposed at the 2000 Trinational Sardine of eggs, larvae, and adult populations, together with Forum (TSF) held 29 November–1 December in oceanographic conditions, would contribute to a better Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. The initial goal of understanding of population dynamics. The size distri- this survey was to obtain estimates of total biomass of bution, if different between inshore and offshore, could Pacific sardines off of the American continent from north- be used to estimate availability to the fisheries in the ern Baja California to British Columbia. Routine bio- stock assessment. Finally, determining stock structure mass estimates conducted in April off California and through genetics is essential for updating fishery man- Mexico and those made off the Pacific Northwest in agement strategies. July may be double counting sardines as they are a mi- gratory species. A synoptic survey would prevent such SIO HIGHLIGHTS double counting and was proposed again at the 2004 CalCOFI cruises are near capacity with ancillary pro- TSF on 18 November 2004 in La Jolla, California. The grams, several of which were initiated this year. All of data from this coast-wide survey can be used to evalu- these programs broaden our understanding of the ecosys- ate not only Pacific sardines but also other pelagic fish tem far beyond that provided by the CalCOFI time- populations off the western American continent. Genetic series itself.

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Professor John Hildebrand of Scripps Institution of A strategic effort in preparation for PaCOOS has been Oceanography has received four-year funding from ONR the development of a “white paper” that provides a com- to make quantitative observations of cetaceans in the prehensive review and summary of the vast and disparate CalCOFI region, both with moored acoustic recorders data now collected by CalCOFI at Scripps and a plan and acoustic and visual observations from CalCOFI ships. for an information management approach that will facili- The intent is to relate cetacean location to mesoscale tate integration of the CalCOFI dataset into the larger oceanographic features. This is a graduate student project, PaCOOS system. CalCOFI provides a spectrum of the and shipboard observations began on the April 2004 cruise. data-management challenges that will need to be ad- Funding from the Southern California Coastal Ocean dressed by PaCOOS, and it is anticipated that identify- Observing System (SCCOOS) allows CalCOFI to ex- ing, articulating, and addressing these collaboratively on tend surveys toward the coast. Since the July 2004 cruise, the CalCOFI scale will inform the development of the seven inshore stations (20 m depth) have been occupied, more complex federated system. one at the end of each cardinal line and one midway be- tween. Data from these stations will provide a bridge CDFG HIGHLIGHTS between the offshore observations of CalCOFI and the The Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) was rein- nearshore observations of SCCOOS. SCCOOS fund- vigorated with the combined efforts of the CDFG and ing is also supporting the development of a bio-optical the Resources Agency coupled with private donations approach to estimating primary productivity. through the Resources Legacy Fund Foundation (RLFF). CalCOFI 0411, on the R/V Roger Revelle, marked This new initiative will build on the progress and lessons the initiation of research of the California Current learned in the earlier efforts. In 2004, the MLPA initia- Ecosystem/Long-Term Ecological Research Program. tive named an eight-member Blue Ribbon Task Force Funded by NSF in five-year, renewable increments, this (BRTF) to serve as the principle body for making rec- program has three interdependent components: time- ommendations to the Department of Fish and Game series observations (CalCOFI), experimental process Commission. In support of the task force, a Science cruises, and modeling studies. CCE/LTER adds several Advisory Team was named that included distinguished new measurements to the regular CalCOFI cruises. marine biologists, oceanographers, and socioeconomics Recently, a Moore Foundation award was received professionals from the West Coast. A steering commit- by Mark Ohman and Russ Davis to enhance the reso- tee populated by CDFG staff and task force staff hired lution of the quarterly surveys with two new instru- on through the RLFF also aids the task force. In 2005, ments. Autonomous ocean gliders along two CalCOFI the BRTF will define a region along the central coast lines would “fly” continuously, providing ecological in- to serve as the first stage of Marine Protected Area (MPA) formation from the upper ocean between cruises. Spatial implementation in California as mandated in the MLPA. augmentation during cruises will be provided with a Once the central coast region is defined and accepted shipboard free-fall Moving Vessel Profiler that will pro- by the CDFG Commission, a Central Coast Regional vide nearly continuous spatial coverage of the upper Stakeholder Group will be named to represent major ocean between stations. These two instruments will sig- marine interests in the region. This group will work nificantly improve our ability to resolve changes in hydro- with a sub-team from the Science Advisory Team to graphic structure and plankton communities. Deployment draft alternative MPA network proposals. This first phase is expected to begin this fall (2005). of establishing a network of MPAs along the central coast As always, the quarterly cruises serve as research plat- is slated to be complete by mid-2006 with the rest of forms for graduate student research. Two ongoing stu- the state completed in stages until the final completion dent projects in addition to the whale project are a study date in 2011. More information can be found on the of dissolved organic carbon cycling and a study of the MLPA initiative process at . Southern California Bight. In the legislature, FGC 8494 was passed in 2004 and In anticipation of the Pacific Coast Ocean Observing requires that any vessel using bottom trawl gear in state- System (PaCOOS), Scripps has continued to advance managed halibut fisheries shall possess a halibut bottom our data processing procedures with the final goal of trawl permit. It also specifies a minimum landing re- a quasi-autonomous computer-based system that quirement and qualifying period, transfer guidelines, and maintains our traditional high standards of data quality. fee levels. This will make CalCOFI data more quickly available Each year, the Commission adopts state regulations that and more easily communicated. All cruises from 2004 conform to the federal regulations for commercial and are currently available online at . groundfish. There are also annual regulations cycles for

7 COMMITTEE REPORT CalCOFI Rep., Vol. 46, 2005 commercial herring and herring roe on kelp. Additional end closures; 4) gear restrictions requiring light shields Commission 2004 regulation changes were for bag lim- and wattage limits during fishing; 5) a restricted access its for rockfishes, and greenlings fishery clo- program; and 6) establishing a seabird closure in the Gulf sures, restricted access fishery for spot prawn, retention of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary. This plan of black rockfish, spot prawn trawl conversion program, outlines how management decisions will be made while season, size and bag limits, cabezon total allow- allowing for adaptive management to stochastic fishery able catch and cumulative trip limits, nearshore fishery conditions. In addition, the Commission can react quickly trap gear limitations, use of dip nets in the commercial to volatility within the fishery without the need for plan nearshore fishery, and marine protected areas. amendments, which can slow response time. It will also Implementation of the Nearshore Fishery Manage- provide the Commission specific guidelines for making ment Plan (NFMP) focused on efforts to increase our management decisions. knowledge of plan species through formal stock assess- The Department completed analysis of the Tanner ments, refining methods for monitoring landings, imple- crab experimental fishery and produced a summary re- menting the restricted access program, and determining port including recommendations for management of an the amount of appropriate habitat for plan species in ex- emerging fishery. The report included biomass estimates isting Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). UCSC, CDFG, and harvest guidelines for the emerging fishery. After and NMFS staff completed the first-ever, peer-reviewed the sale of the Stornetta property in northern California, stock assessment for California sheephead (Semicossyphus an assessment was completed comparing abalone/inver- pulcher), a state-managed, protogynous hermaphroditic tebrate resources there with those at Moat Creek in species that occurs primarily south of Point Conception. spring 2004. Commercial sea urchin management con- When this unusual life history characteristic is accounted tinued with the market sampling and logbooks programs for in the assessment model, and biomass of both ma- and production of an annual fishery report. The spot ture males and females is considered, the stock is deter- prawn trawl to trap conversion program was completed mined to be at 31% of the unfished level. Managers in 2004. developed management measures (e.g., seasons, trip lim- The Cooperative Research and Assessment of Near- its, etc.) for nearshore species for 2005–06 that provided shore Ecosystems (CRANE) group, with funding from more fishing opportunities, while protecting overfished the California Impact Assistance Program, completed species, using information from stock assessments and surveys of fish and invertebrates at 68 kelp bed sites from constituent input. The Restricted Access program has Monterey to San Diego and at the Channel Islands in been fully implemented and permit appeals have been the summer of 2004. We are now compiling the survey completed. The first year of the full-restricted access data and historical data, some of which goes back to the program has experienced an attrition rate of about seven 1970s. We expect to have a descriptive report of the data percent in the number of permittees fishing for the shal- and a manuscript for submission in 2006. low nearshore species (cabezon, California sheephead, In the past two years, we have been developing pro- greenlings, California scorpionfish, and black-and-yel- tocols using Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) to low, China, gopher, grass, and kelp rockfishes). The quantitatively measure fish populations in areas beyond Deeper Nearshore Species Fishery Permit was first re- diver depths. We are now using our methods to collect quired in 2003 to take black, blue, brown, calico, cop- data for the Channel Islands MPA Monitoring Program. per, olive, quillback, and treefish rockfishes and has had In November 2003 and May 2004 we did exploratory an attrition rate of nine percent. Knowledge of appro- surveys of 14 sites, and in September 2004 we quanti- priate habitat in existing MPAs will further efforts to tatively surveyed five sites. We are now seeking funding base management on methods using fish densities in ref- for a survey of 10 additional sites in the summer of 2005. erence areas as described in the NFMP. Cataloguing of Aerial surveys of kelp bed canopy on the mainland appropriate habitat has been initially directed toward coast and the Channel Islands were completed in the southern California nearshore areas and will expand summers of 2002 through 2004, and a survey is planned northward in 2005. for 2005. The 2002 and 2003 data are posted on the The Fish and Game Commission adopted the Market CDFG web site. Data from 2004 will be posted in Squid Fishery Management Plan (MSFMP) in 2004, September 2005. which went into effect in March 2005. The MSFMP was The Ocean Project (OSP) estimates ocean drafted to be flexible enough to adapt to changes in both salmon harvest and fishing effort by major port and half- the environment and economic conditions yet ensure for month periods. In addition, the program collects 20% the long-term sustainability of squid populations. Key el- of the catch to estimate the coded-wire-tagged (CWT) ements within the plan include: 1) seasonal catch limits; salmon contribution rates to California ocean salmon 2) maintaining an active monitoring program; 3) week- fisheries. In 2004, the ocean salmon fisheries were closer

8 COMMITTEE REPORT CalCOFI Rep., Vol. 46, 2005 to shore than in 2003 and were centered on the San KUDOS Francisco port area (60% of all estimated landings). Esti- The seagoing personnel of the SWFSC’s Fisheries mated commercial landings were similar to 2003 (approx. Resources Division, SIO’s Integrative Oceanography 500,800 salmon), but the recreational landings estimates Division, and CDFG’s Marine Region all contributed, almost doubled from the 2003 estimates (approx. 220,200 through their dedication and diligence, to the success of salmon). The estimated recreational harvest was greater CalCOFI’s quarterly fieldwork. The CalCOFI Com- than the effort (approx. 215,700 angler days fished) in mittee thanks the officers and crews of the research ves- 2004. OSP collected and processed heads from approxi- sels that have served us well as platforms for our mately 17,000 adipose fin-clipped salmon for CWT’s. observations during the past year: the NOAA Ship David A joint NMFS and CDFG nearshore groundfish log- Starr Jordan, the F/V Frosti, and the University of book program was initiated in 2004. Nearshore fishers, California’s R/Vs New Horizon and Roger Revelle. industry representatives, and agency personnel collabo- We also thank the reviewers of contributed papers in rated during a workshop to plan the voluntary program. volume 46: Steve Cadrin, Francisco Chavez, Dave A pilot study was initiated in phases starting with one Checkley, Miguel Cisneros, Ray Conser, Stewart Grant, port in each of the four management regions (Crescent Kevin Hill, John Hunter, Larry Jacobson, John Largier, City, Fort Bragg, Morro Bay, and Santa Barbara). Invi- Bertha Lavaniegos, Daniel Lluch-Belda, Nancy Lo, Jerry tations were sent to all nearshore fishery permit holders Norton, Kevin Piner, Ruben Rodriguez-Sanchez, inviting them to participate in the program. Gretchen Rollwagen-Bollens, Jake Schweigert, Paul The Aquaculture, Disease, and Aquatic Nuisance Smith, Chuck Trees, Russ Vetter, and Cara Wilson. We Species mandate continued efforts in 2004 to assure erad- are especially grateful to Sarah Shoffler for her profes- ication of the invasive algae Caulerpa taxifolia from two sional work in editing this volume of CalCOFI Reports. California lagoons and eradication of the abalone-in- festing sabellid polychaete from abalone farms and dis- The CalCOFI Committee: play facilities throughout the state. Disease control at the Anne Allen, CalCOFI Coordinator Ocean Resources Enhancement Program’s white sea bass Roger Hewitt, NMFS hatchery allowed the release of over 240,000 juveniles, Elizabeth Venrick, UCSD a new record number, this year. Laura Rogers-Bennett CDFG