Bibliography of Documents Related to the SNOBOL, SL5, and Icon Programming Languages
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Bibliography of Documents Related to the SNOBOL, SL5, and Icon Programming Languages Compiled by Ralph E. Griswold and Madge T. Griswold TR85-13c July 24,1985; last revised December 19,1989 Department of Computer Science The University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona 85721 Bibliography of Documents Related to the SNOBOL, SL5, and Icon Programming Languages Preface This bibliography is divided into a number of sections according to the subject matter of the entries. These divi sions are somewhat arbitrary, and frequently a document contains some material relating to a variety of areas. In such cases, the area of major applicability has been selected. There are certainly some errors of classification; corrections are welcome. One problem in developing this bibliography has been to determine the relevance and significance of material that might be included. Some entries contain comparatively little material of substance that is directly related to the SNOBOL, SL5, and Icon languages. In the "applications" categories, some entries are included where it is known that SNOBOL, SL5, or Icon was used, even if that is not evident in the documents themselves. Many of the documents listed in this bibliography are not readily available. This applies particularly to the inter nal reports of industrial organizations. Such organizations are usually unwilling to supply copies of reports, and readers are advised not to request such documents. Similarly, we are not in a position to supply copies of docu ments, except some of those authored at The University of Arizona. The format of the entries is largely self-explanatory. In general, information has been recorded as it appears on the document itself (where the document was available). In some cases, an author's name has been "normalized" to facilitate the computer preparation of this document. Information known to the us, but not appearing on the docu ment, is enclosed in brackets. This convention has not been applied uniformly with respect to addresses, which have sometimes been supplied without brackets. For some of the documents authored at Bell Laboratories, the cor porate address (Murray Hill, New Jersey) has been used, although these documents actually may have originated at branch laboratories. We are indebted to many persons, especially those who have supplied documents. Ralph E. Griswold Madge T. Griswold December 19, 1989 ,, »^^***lflP 'TCj*w4|i...—. CONTENTS SNOBOL 1 Language Descriptions and User Manuals 1 Applications 10 Implementation 20 Hardware 25 Miscellaneous 26 SL5 31 Icon 33 Language Descriptions and User Manuals 33 Applications 36 Implementation ;....38 Miscellaneous 41 Theory and Design Issues 44 Related Languages and Language Features 46 -in- —.HC1SNOBOLfor the Macintosh, [User Guide], Human-Computer Interface Bumard, L D.' 'SNOBOL:TheLanguageforLiterary Computing", Association Limited,Cambridge.England, 1988.87pages. for Literary and Linguistic Computing Bulletin, Vol. 6, No. 3 (1978). pp. Abrahams, Paul W. Symbol Manipulation Languages. AEC Research and 268-278.Part2,Vol.7.No. 1 (1979).pp.44-55;Part3,Vol.7.No.2(1979). Development Report NYO-1480-97, New York University, New York. pp.l47-154;Part4,Vol.7.No.3(1979).pp.257-267. June, 1968.119pages. Bums.Bruce. "SNOBOLConquers AW,BYTE, Vol.4.No. 6(June, 1979). pp. Abrahams, Paul W. "Symbol Manipulation Languages", in Advances in Com 220-221. puters, Vol. 9 (Alt, Franz L. and Rubinoff, Morris, editors). Academic Butler, Christopher. Computers in Linguistics. Basil Blackwell, Oxford, Eng Press. New York.New York. 1968. pp. 51-111. land. 1985. 266 pages. Abrahams, Paul W. "Improving the Control Structure of SNOBOL4", SIG- Calise, M. F. [DiskFunctionsforSNOBOU.] Memorandum for File, Bell Tele PLANNotices,V6L.9,No.5QAiy, 1974).pp. 10-12. phone Laboratories, Inc., Murray Hill, New Jersey. February 11,1966. 4 Addyman, A. M "A Language for Literary Data Processing; I—The Choice of a pages. Language", Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing Bulletin, Campbell, J. A. Comparative Survey of Programming Languages. Report CPT- VoL4,No.2(1976).pp.l46-151. 121, Department of Physics, Center for Particle Theory, and Department of Aho, Alfred V.; Kemighan, Brian W.; and Weinberger, Peter J The AWK Pro Computer Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas. October, gramming Language. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, 1971.135 pages. Massachusetts. 1988.p. 186. [Chai, David T.] SNOBOL4 Programming Manual. [The Bunker-Ramo Cor [Alexander, George A.]' 'Programming in Snobol (sic)'', The SeyboldReport on poration, Canoga Park, California.] October, 1967. 6 pages + reprints of otherdocuments. Publishing Syrtemj, Vol. 13,No. 1 (September 12,1983).p. 1-7. [Alexander, George A.] "Snobol (sic) on a Microcomputer", The Seybold Chai, David T. Some Remarks on SNOBOL4 Features. Technical Note, The ReportonPublishing Systems,\o\. 14,No. 12(March 11,1985). p. 26. Bunker-Ramo Corporation, Canoga Park, California. November, 1968. 15 pages. Anderson, Eric R. and Sturgeon, Roger. Anlnteractive SNOBOL4 Systemfor the mS940.DocumentNo.R-34, ARPA Contract SD-185,University of Cali Chapin, Ned. Computers; A Systems Approach. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New fornia, Berkeley. September 6,1968.53 pages. York. 1971.pp.407,411-413,502 Applied Logic Corporation. AL/COM SNOBOL-D (Preliminary) User's Chinlund, Thomas. Introduction to Computing with SNOBOL4. [Columbia University.] Nodate. 71 pages. A/a/ma/. Princeton, New Jersey. July, 1970.46 pages. Arden, Bruce A., editor. What Can Be Automated?; The Computer Science and Code, Ronald. Timesharing SNOBOL. Technical report, Stanford Center for Engineering Research Study. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Information Processing, Stanford, California. January, 1973.21 pages. 1980.pp. 579,593-595. Coleman, Samuel S. Colorado SNOBOL4, Version 3.10. Technical report, Bailey, F. N. SNOBOL 67 Users Reference Manual Errata II. Department of [University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado.] Nodate. 2 pages Electrical Engineering.University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Com-Share, Incorporated. SNOBOL Reference Manual. Publication 9010-1, May 10,1968. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 1967. pages unknown. Revisions: 9010-2, August EiHey.'F.N.andKiin.'R.Y.AnExactDescriptionofaSNOBOLDialect. Techni 15,1968, 55 pages + appendices; 9010-3, May, 1970,70 pages + appen cal report, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Minnesota, dices. Minneapolis, Minnesota. [1968.] 55 pages. Com-Share, Incorporated. SNOBOLReference Card. Document 8011 -687, Ann B arker, Calvin L.R.SNOBOL4 Version3.7. XDS Users' Group Program Library Arbor, Michigan. 1968.6pages. Revision: 8011-681 O.November, 1968. Catalog Number 890823- 11A00, El Segundo, California. December 10, Com-Share, Incorporated. "SNOBOL", Com-Share Response, Vol. 1, No. 5 1973.32pages. (September, 1968).p. 1.55 pages-f appendices. Barkes.Kevin G. "Understanding SNOBOL,Including MACRO SPITBOL", Coppen, Peter-Amo and Salemans, Ben. SNOBOL4 voor iedereen. In Dutch. VAXProfessional. (August, 1988).pp.5-8. SuchtingLOC.TheNetherlands. 1988.264 pp. Barron, D. W. An Introduction to the Study of Programming Languages. Cam Daetwyler, Dan. "SNOBOL4+", Computer Language, Vol. 1. No. 2 (October, bridge University Press. Cambridge.England. 1977.pp.7( 120-123,152 1984).pp.75-79. Berstis, Victors. TheMinnesola SNOBOL4 Languagefor the IBM PC. Technical Datacraft Corporation. Series 6000 SNOBOL4 General Specification. Fort report, Berstis International, Rochester, Minnesota. 1984.58pages; Revi Lauderdale.Florida. July, 1972.6 pages sions: TheMinneso ta SNOBOLALang uagefor Programming the IBM Per Day, A. C. Text Processing. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England. sonal Computer, 1985. 60 pages; Minnesota SNOBOL42 Language for 1984.141 pages. Programming the ICM Personal Computer, Berstis International, Mill- wood,NewYork,[1987],32pages. [De Jong, K.] Introduction to SNOBOL4; Programmer's Guide. Computing Center Memo M285, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. ]Beislis,VicloTs.]FeaturesofMinnesotaSNOBOL42Version2jcxWhichDiffer March, 1969.48 pages. Revision: August, 1974. FromMinnesolaSNOBOLA J.06. Technical report. [June, 1987.] 4pages. Desautels, E.J. and Smith, Douglas K." An Introduction to the String Processing Bimes, William J., ed. Online Programming Languages & Assemblers, A Refer- Language SNOBOL", in Programming Systems and Languages (Rosen, ence. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.,Dateunknown.pp.495-509. Saul,editor). McGraw-HilLNew York.New York. 1967.pp.419-454. Blatt, D. W. E. "On the Great Big Substitution Problem", SIGPLANNotices, Dewar Information Systems Corporation. Macro SPITBOL Program Reference Vol. 15,No.6(June,1980).pp. 19-27. Manual. Oak Park, Illinois. February 6,1978.47 pages. Revision: Rev. D, Bobrow, Daniel G. and Raphael, Bertram. "New Programming Languages for 1980,100pages. Artificial Intelligence", Computing Surveys, VoL 6, No. 3 (September, Dewar Information Systems Corporation. MACRO SPITBOL Version 3.5 Pro- 1974). pp. 153-174. gramReference Manual. Technical report, Oak Park, Illinois. May 1,1980. Brainerd,WalterS.and Landweber, La wrenceH. Theory of Computation. John 82pages. Wiley &Sons,New York. I974.pp.l 18-121. Dewar Information Systems Corporation. SPITBOL370. Technical report. Oak Brothers, Hardin. "SNOBOL: The Literary Language". PC Resource. Sep Park, Illinois. March 14,1984.97pages. tember, 1987. pp. 60-62. Dewarlnformation Systems Corporation. VAXIVMSMaero SPITBOLLanguage Brownlee, J. Nevil. SNOBAU67, A B6700