MINUTES of the meeting of the TOWN PARTNERSHIP LIMITED held at the MANCHESTER SUITE, THE GEORGE HOTEL, HUNTINGDON on Thursday, 20 November 2008.

PRESENT: Dr A Owen-Smith – Chairman.

G Campbell, T Downing, M Ellis, R Heldane, Town Councillors Mrs H Mallett, A Moulton, J Nunn, District Councillor J M Sadler, D Shaw and H White.

APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence from the meeting were submitted on behalf of H Bosworth, J Goldsmith, J Kirby and M Lyons

IN ATTENDANCE: S Bedlow, G Bell, H Donnellan, A Jerrom, B Menzies, R Probyn and K Sismore.


Councillors H Mallett and J M Sadler declared interests as Members of Huntingdon Town Council and Huntingdonshire District Council respectively.


The Minutes of the meeting held on the 23 rd October 2008 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

With regard to Minute No. 12, it was noted that the bus station clock was now operational.


The Partnership received a presentation on the Guided Busway by Bob Menzies from County Council. Mr Menzies explained that the council was in the process of building the longest guided busway in the world, the culmination of a long implementation process that had started in 2001 with a multi-modal study. Due for completion in Spring 2009, the £116.2m busway would provide a reliable, fast and frequent service which would link Huntingdon, St Ives and and include two park and ride sites, St Ives and Longstanton.

It was explained that guided buses would run along a 25km concrete guideway from St Ives, to bypass road congestion and give passengers direct access to Cambridge city centre.

The Partnership was advised that all operational risks would being taken by the operators involved in the busway meaning no costs would be passed on to council tax payers in the District. The services would be run by Stagecoach and Whippet bus companies who would utilise high quality and strenuously tested vehicles that would have open access, Wi-Fi, leather seating, a multi operator ticketing system and realtime passenger information systems. The vehicles owned by Stagecoach are to be powered by bio-fuel, with Whippet Coaches using an extra efficient diesel fuel.

In answer to a question regarding the route of buses through villages between Huntingdon to St Ives to join the Guided Busway, it was explained that at present the operators felt that the operational risk was too high to provide a direct service, however that might change depending on demand.


In updating the Partnership on Business Priorities, the Town Centre Manager advised that promotional space outside Sainsbury’s had continued to thrive.

Publicity received from the Hunts Post regarding Christmas and Sunday trading had been welcomed, with HDC providing an excellent ‘shop local’ supplement. A large tourist information flyer covering all four market towns would be produced in conjunction with HDC.

The Christmas lights ‘Big Switch On’ was planned for Sunday 23 rd November and volunteers were required to help on the day.

Members welcomed the four hour free car parking offer made by HDC for the town centre car parks, available on Saturdays in the lead up to Christmas. It was reported that Shop Mobility was proving popular, with several days recently when every scooter had been loaned.

In respect of the crime reduction priority, it was noted that sadly St Ives town initiative had withdrawn from HBAC.

Following additional planning applications being approved, work was due to start on the Stukeley Meadows skate park with completion due in mid February 2009.

Results of the foot fall survey carried out in the town by HDC were due to be released shortly.

Local projects and events in the District that might require input and assistance from the Partnership were to be reviewed.

It was anticipated that the Town Partnership would move from 10/10A Princes Street on the 11 th January 2009 to a suite of five offices kindly provided by Church Manor in Chequers Court.

The Partnership was informed that the Town Youth Council had given their support to the town’s Fairtrade application and a result was expected in December.

An exhibition regarding the A14 consultation would be held at the Marriott Hotel in Huntingdon in December.

An email had been received from Malcolm Sharp, Director of Environmental and Community Services at HDC, regarding the studies being carried out with regard to the future of the Town Hall.

The Partnership was pleased to be advised that the new nightclub, Level 2, would be opening on 20th November 2008, and Leo’s Funzone, a soft play venue for toddlers and young children had been opened at Huntingdon Leisure Centre recently.


The Partnership received and noted details of a financial report (a copy of which is appended in the Minutes) summarising the Partnership’s accounts to date. In noting the current financial position of the Company, Members were advised that income for the Christmas lights was healthy; however concern was expressed regarding the outstanding membership fees due from M&S, who would be removed from the ‘LIVE’ distribution list. Mention was made of the benefits gained by the appointment of Nicola Foy, Office Administrator and the Town Partnership Manager advised of her intention to meet with HBAC to look at the projects to be supported by the Partnership, through their funding.


R Probyn reiterated the details of the exhibition to be held at the Marriott Hotel on the A14 consultation, which would include discussions on the removal of the viaduct over Brampton Road, he also advised that talks were being held regarding the possibility of increasing the shop content in the town. The Consultation on the Riverside proposals was ongoing.


T Downing advised Members that planning permission had been gained to permit the exterior of the Commemoration Hall to be updated, sponsorship and funding would now be sought. Mr Downing also outlined plans for ‘Operation 50 for 50’ which he hoped to stage in 2009 in aid of heroes.


No meeting would be held on the 18 th December 2008 and future meeting dates were to be confirmed.
