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£coL- yA^:^ THE LAND! TRE LA2W!! J F ovfyemittgi go on. Every ne«r audt ni«party, which called forth tire •anivenml execra- MR:Divocr "Win te*w$1tt tb.e City of London symptom of outbreak . tions of tbe meeting. A vote of thanks was carried Political and Scientific Institution, on Sunday even- gratifying intelligence of your pecuniaryprospects its bold upon yon loosened. We have already seen After the defeat of Iriarte, General Cotonor, debt and every Dew extravagance will be covered I for the present year, and your ability to purchase the apparent change produced in the temper of the having arrived:- with a new issue of paper money, to avoid the alarm to Mr. Mitchell and Mr. West, and the meeting sepa- ing next, at seven o'clock precisely. at RedoiidelJa, prepared to attack rated. On Monday evening the discussion on tbe 1 Ionour to T. Duncombe, Esq, M.P.—A.n ad- delay, from the proceeds of a national contribution, Vigo, when the insurrectionary Junta, perceiving which loans and taxes would create ; and thus a Attorney-General after his consultation with great national debt wil be created before the Com Laws was resumed, and afier speeches from journed inpeu'ng of the electors and non-eleciors of I was presented with a Bill of Costs amounting to Sngden ; but we have seen nothing to lead as the envira defeat of its adheren ts, requested the to a Consuls of Eugl&nd and country is aware of it. Thus it ia now. Every Messrs. Brings, Djrson, Reystoa, and West, tha f ollow- FiVbury wiil be held at the Rad Lion Tuvora, £569 Si 2d. for a very short period,—in addition to belief that he baa Portugal to serve as medi- ing resolution, moved by Mr. Royston, was carried una- Rosamond--fcreet, Con me by a Tory GoTermnent. men, and all interested men, that your destruction coasts of Spain, At Seville many new arrests had been made, national gold currency ; the old Federalists are espence of tha blood j and sinews of the industrious A Lscture will bo delivered on Sunday, Nov. more of that, Sir. I merely mention it as a and upon the persons of the sergeants classes of England j But BO is indispensable to the tranquility of Ireland ; while of the Regiment del Rei, imprisoned for endeavour- for . a national paper currency. The old Federalists .' 26t,h, at the Golden Lion, Dean-street , Soho. angle item of that persecution 10 which I have been they cannot meet Parliament without being able to ing to effect a demonstration against the Provisional were for a bank to issue this currency ; the ntw Halifax —Mr. S. Kydd lectured here on Monday Nlw Hall, Blackfriars-Road.— A. meeting of exposed by a Tory Government on the one hand, give a better account than total defeat in the Queen's Government, was found 200,000 reals in gold. The Federalists, of the Webster and Tyler school, aro for night lust to a vt>ry attentive auilienee, on the,Charter shan holders will be held on Sunday eve0ing next, the Government to ifsue it; and oi the two, we deem at six o and by your unjnst insinuations on the other. Bench, increased contributions, and increasing en- disturbances at Algesiras, like all others, had led to and the means to geii it Some new members were the 26.h of November, 'clock in the nothing. the old Federalists the most honourable and the enrolled. Mr. K. lectured again on Ttu sday evening evening.. I shall nowiefer to whal I consider the most im- thusiasm as a set-off against the alarm, anxiety, At Lisbon all was quiet, aud the Cortes were least dangerous." on the Repeal of the Legislative Union. A large Mr. Stallwood will lecture at the White Horse, portant question for yonr consideration at the present expenditure and risk incurred in the suppression of opened as the packet left. Lynching in Mississippi.—Tho South Western number of Irhh Repealers were present, and were St. Mary 's-street, White Chapel-road, near the moment. As long ago as June last I told ( highly delighted with the way workhouse, on Sunday evening next. The chair to you that the Bepeal agitation. I shall not now further tres- UNITED STATES The new plan of the Ame- Farmer Raymond, Mississippi ) of the 6th inst. says in which Mr. Kydd the Irish Arms Bill would be the signal for trans- pass upon you —" We have before us a letter from Brandon, dated handled bis subject ; and some more new meml ?r« took be taken at half-past seven o'clock. . than once more to implore you to take rican Executive for issuiu^ 5,000,000 dollars in paper Bolton—Tho members of tbe Association are ferring ths power of the Executive into the hands money is the subject of 28ch ult., giving an account of an outrageous act of out their cards. At the conclusion the following reso- your own position into your most serious considera- angry comment on the part lynching committed in that neighbourhood on the lution was unanimously adopted. Moved by a Sjotli- requested to attend next Sunday evening at seven of the Irish Orange faction. Tnat law cam6 into tion ; and while you are fencing with the law, be of the democratic press, who refer to it as pregnant with future mischief, 27th. A black fellow, named Dave Gridley, had man, seconded by an Irishman, with an Englishman o 'clock , in their meeting room. operation a fortnight since; and from the simultane- prepared to meet the next step, and compare it to the issue of many depredations in the chair— — A general meeting of Charfciafcs of which will be the assignats and man data during the French revolution. been for some weeks committing " That in the opinion of this meeting, th* ous demand of the Orange party for more troops, suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act, if you beat upon the property of the citizens, when he was at Ireland is fully entitled to a Repeal of thfc Legislative this town will be hoiden at the house of Mr. Wm. The measure is ascribed to the influence of Mr. Web- evening ¦whether Tegular, militia or yeomen, to proteet the ster, who, though he has length caught, with the assistance of dogs, and de- Union ; and tbat we express our sympathy wi-h that Haldcn , HeileyVsquare, on Monday next, the Government : and to justify which the Orange quitted the Administration, livered ^o a guard. Subsequently,he was taken from portion of the Irish people who are agitatinc; for tbat at &even o'clock , on business of importance, Irish Protestants, yon may learn that, as I pre- faction will get up a riot of their own, by concert is said to retain bis influence with its present mem- Ashton-undeb-Lyke—Mr, Wm» Bell, of Hey- bers. The wiiole plan, indeed , is affirmed to the guard in the night , dragged into the woods, and measure, and believe that Ireland will never be con- dicted, the Irish Arms Bill would be the standard and conspiracy, which they ttonld be better have y was then thrown into an old house, tented tilt tbe Legislature concede their request, wood will lecture in the Chartist Association Room, paid for bc&n concocted between him and his former col- hung. His bod and round ¦wMcIl the Protestant party would rally, not keeping secret than divulging ; for believe me that league which was set on fire and burnt, together with the the Irish constitution be the reflyx of tho will of the Cavendish-street, on Sunday, 26ch inst. at six o'clock , Mr. Spencer, duriDg a recent visit to Wash- Irish people ; we therefore call upon every in the evening. only to secure rrotestaat ascendancy, bnt also to the very same spirit which actuated those ruffians iugtoD. A better idea of the subject cannot be given body. It is not known who the perpetrators of this lover of bis outrage were." couutry, and the Irish (people generally, to use evory Ilkeston.—The Chartist Association of this towa ensure a market for Protestant butchers. The in 1798 jb still to be found amongst their represen- than by quoting some of the remarks of the Oppo- sition journals upon influence in their power to induce Mr. O'Cuuaell, tho will commence their weekly meetings on November signal fire? may or may not have been demonstra- tatives of the present day. it. The Marrisburg Democra tic Assassination.— Last evening, about six o'clock, leader of tbe Irish people, to invite Mr. O'Connor to 27ch , at seven in the evening, and every subsequent Union has the following :— Mr. W; G. Beoham, brother in-law of the senior tions of yonr triumph over the cantankerous \ I learn that our Griffin, who swore against' the "¦ an amicable discussion of their respective opinions, Monday, /or the purpose of reading the Northern We observe that the Secretary of the Treasury editor of this paper, was stabbed at the White bo as the energies of these great men may be brought Star, Nottingham Review, Chartist Circular, and Attorney-General. If they were intended as such, : Chartist3 at Lancaster, is ono of the witnesses is about to issue 5,000,000 of Government paper Mansion , corner of Market and Third-streets, by they were 'not only justifiable, but praiseworth to bear on one object-ffor England, Ireland, and Scot- other democratic publications, jin their Boom, at Mr. y. i to be produced against you ; but you may rely upon it money, under the name of fifty-dollar Treasury Tulbot Oldham, eon of Judge Oldham , of Jefferson land their legitimate rikhts. Stocks, Bath-street, Ilkeston. The faction wonld have triumphed over Ireland ; and that the Tosr Chaktist3 of Manchester will take notes. The rate of interest on these notes is to be county. Some slight quarrel having taken place, M acclesfield.—A. dinner party will be held ia merely nominal, and they are to be redeemable oh Oldham stabbed Mr. Benham twice with a bowie MANCHBSTEB. Carpenters' Hall.—A lec- "why should Ireland not triumph orer them ? But good care to send a deputation to recognise him, in ^ the Chartist Room, Stanley-street, on Thursday, before I answer the charge of concert and con- demand in the banks of New York and New Orleans. knife—once in the aim, near the shoulder , severing ture was delivered in the above Hall on Sunday last, Nov. 30th, at eigh t o'clock in the evening, to com- ' order that our friends, the Tories in Ireland, should The intention is. openly avowed of making them a a large artery, and once in the back. Mr. Benham Nov. 19th, by Mr. William Jones, from Liverpool. Tho spiracy, of which the English Tory press assert memorate the liberation of Mrs. Walker and Mr. not ** run the buck" upon you under another circulating medium, instead of bank-notes ; and this died about midnight. We dp not wish at present spacious Hall was densely crowded in every part. Tbe Biarnett. Mr. SarauBl Bentote will be liberated the those demonstrations to be proof, I would now ; name. barefaced violation of the Constitution is to proceed to detail all the circumstances of the OCOUtrenoo ; lecturer gave satisfaction to all present;. At the close same day, and will address the party after the cloth caution yon -against permitting their coprinna pce ; I am, Sir, &c, from an Administration which glories in the fact but, if they have been truly detailed 10 us by eye- of tbe meeting fifteen new members were enrolled. is drawn". Ladies' tickets one shilling each ; gentle- Jad for this reason i no further demonstration can that its chief has twice vetoed bills to establish a witnesses, the act was as atrocious a murder as ever men's, one shilling and threepence ; may be had of 1 Feabgcs CConnoh. bank of the United States . was perpetrated. Mr. Benham was entirely un- SAWORD.—The Chartists of this place held their he required of Irish devotion to their country's ' weekly meeting on Sunday last, when a lecture wna John Warren, Crompton-road, or Mr, Hargreaves, " Treasury notes have been often issued by the armed. The assassin, who even before this act had Waters-green. cause than has been already nnmistakably mani- Government ; but such notes are as unlike those , immediately mounted a delivered by Mr. William Dixon, of Manchester. The TO THE W ORKING PEOPLE. an infamous notoriety here room was well filled jby a respectable audiencs, who • Bury —Mr. Christopher Doyle, from Manchester, fested by the whole people ; while they furnish the of Mr. Spencer as a bond for money loaned, beariug hor.se and fled from the city. The sheriff subse- paid great attention to (the sentiments advanced by the will deliver two lectures in the Garden-street Leo- trap for leading the unarmed people into a Mt Fbiknds,—You have now had time to deli- an interest of six per cent., and payable in one year quently ! went in pursuit, but we have not learned ture Room, on Sunday (to-morrow), at half-past two Tery best after date, is nniike a bank-note payable on demand. lecturer. j the dead hour of the night with their berate upon the address of the Executive, published whether lie succeeded in catching him.—Louisville o'clock in the afternoon , and at six in the evening. conflict in in last week's Star. Since then I hate been to The Constitution gives to Congress the power *to Journal *. Northampton.—Mr. m Grath delivered an assailants. Therefore Royton.—Mr. Taylor, of Royton, will oeliver a armed , if those nocturnal Leeds, and witnessed the most cheering and inspir- borrow money on the credit ot the United States ;' excellent lecture on Monday evening, in tbe large room 29jh , at the Saracen's Inn, lecture here on Wednesday the inst, at eight illuminations si e to be continned let them hence- ing reviT&l of Chartism in that -once apathetic town and this power has some times been carried into exe- Head; to a good and attentive o'clock in the evening. forth be the sport of faction, rather than illustrative town. The Chartists have taken the largest hall in cution, by borrowing for one year, instead of a longer Cfcatrtt jB SEutelK snw andienca. At the close of the lecture upwards of fifty England, for which they pay sixty guineas a year; term, at such a rate of interest as could be agreed on cards wete tuken out. Mr. M* Grata promised as another Oldha.m-—On Sunday (io-morrow) Mr. F. A of nationalieeBDg. and in justice to the leadera, I may say, that never by the parties, and issuing Treasury notes to the visit on his way back to London. Taylor, of Royton, will lecture in the Chartist was there a more united band. . You will see an lender or creditor of the Government for the amount. Mb. M'Giuth's Tour —On Monday morning last, Room, Greaves-street, at six o'clock in the evening. Depend upon it. Sir, that whatever precautioH I left London for the purpose of commencing the work BRIGHTON—A public meeting of the Chartists of Mr. M'Grath's Route for the ensiling week ;— those fires will never ihele3- be cod tinned account of the proceedings for the two glorious These Treasury notes have neYer heretofore been Brighton was held at! the Cap of Liberty, Portland- j/outake, night's in this week's Star. redeemable at any bank before they were due ; and of provincial agitation. On Monday I arrived at Sunday, Stock port ; Monday, Wimslow ; Tuesday, as a means of arousing ike Protestants and the of Northampton, and found that the Assembly Room of street, on Monday , Nov. 20th. llr Boniface in tbe Northwich ; Wednesday, Middlewich ; Thursday, Two of your Executive have started on their mis- it is this redemption them on demand, before they chair. Moved by Mr. Page, Government to a sense of their duty ; and you sion You have read our proj ect ; we wait your have reached maturity, together with the mere the Saracen's Head, Abingdon-atreet, was engaged for seconded by Mr. Lawis— Nautwich ; and Friiiay, Congleton, Stockporfe. me to lecture in. The audience was not numerous " That a public meeting be holden at the Cap of Liberty Sheffield.—On Sunday evening, Mr. West w?U should caution the people against even attending response, in order that nine others may be added to nominal rate ot interest they bear, which changes on Monday, at half-past eight o , the agitating corps. The whole exp-nse of your them from a Government lo&n into a Government (about three hundred), but it was composed of sterling 'clock Nov. 27th, to deliver his second lecture in tho room, Fig Tree-lane-, those fires ; and for this reason : the times are earning, Charti3t material. Mr. Cherry, a man of the tight sort, sympathise with our Irish brethren in their struggle for on " The Wrongs of Ireland." The lecture will machinery, Executive and all, will then amount to paper circulation. The secretary in this manner tbe Repeal of tbe legislative onion. Carrie i unani- when nightly domiciliary visits will be made to the no more than £15 JO3 a-week ; while the weekly sub- expects to evade the provisions of the act of Congress, was appointed to the caair. He opened the procted- " embrace tho following subjects :—The nature, cause, and wrien to be absent, lured by a inga in a neat speech, stating that as freedom of dis- mously. Proposed by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. and origin of various outrages, absenteeism, land- poor man's hovel? scriptions paid by the nnmber of members that I and to escape the censure of the Detnocratio party Page—" That a concert be holcltffl at the Cap of Liberty bash,*3 lit by some Protestant hare enrolled myself would and the country. But the attempt, will be uuarai)- cussion was the Invariable characteristic of Chartist 1 lordism, the clearing system, the jury system, the sop of straw or " fnrzi , amount to between £8 should feel disposed on Monday, Nov. 29th , to assist in liquidating the dele- , may subject the Tictim and £9 of the money. If you impose duties upon us ing. So hostile were the Demociatio party to a meetings, if any person present t'J sub-letting act, and fixity of tenure. To commence yeoman seeking employm=nt controvert the arguments of the lecturer, ot invalidate gate fund debt." Carried unanimously. at half-past six o'clock precisely. Admission, one severer punishment ; and reqaire the fulfilment of them, we have a right Government paper circulation, that when the inde- to transportation, or some performance of your own pendent treasury law was before Congress, ahhough any facts adduced by him, that at the termination of IiONDON.—Mr. Mknrz lectured to the Boot and penny. On Monday evening, there will be a, public to demand the full a clear wbile a sanguinary cocfhcc may lead you, in igno- duties ; while not a single locality, with the excep- the right of the Treasury to draw draughts upon its the lecture ho would guarantee the disputants Shoemakers, Golden Lion, Djan-street, Soho, on Sun- meeting ; several friends will take part in the pro- stage and no favour. I was then introduced to the : rance of the real cause, to the fulfilment of your tion of Coventry, has transmitted the one-fourth agents in payment of the public debts was unques- ¦ day evening last. ceedings* , the people." For these reasons of their weekly collections to the Executive. I now tionable, yet to avoid the possibility that these meeting. I addressed them for an hour and a quarter Clithuroe.—The concluding parfc of the lecture ihre&t " to -abandon upon general topics, and concluded by an earnest The Executive have appointed the following per- upon " Christianity and Chartism" will be delivered dissuade the people from call upon you by all that is sacred, by all that is draughts might become a circuiaung medium, it was sons to the National Chartist Association Council :—Mr, it becomesyour duty to you, to arouse, expressly enjoined on the Secretary of the Treasury, appeal tor my audience to come forward and join the in the Chartist Room, York-street, at six o'clock ia righteous, and by all that is dear to National Charter Association. Having concluded, I was N. Conner, 25, Baker-street, Commercial-road ; Mr. the continuance of eucb a practice. I presume that sud by your exertions enable the Executive so to by the 23d section of that act, to provide for iheir , the»v en/ng. . honoured with the unanimous thanks of the meeting. George Hall, 1 Ely-place, Globe-fields ; Mr. G. Ramstid. The Nuk'ih Lancashire delegate meeting will be you are thoroughly acquainted with the mode and perform their duties as will ensure the success of speedy presentation land payment at the differen t 25, Star-street ; Mr. Wto. Goodwin, Chathain-nrB«'». got up by the Yob have no right to impose duties depositories. We next commenced the work of enrolment : sixty- h^'d in the Social Institute, Padiham, on Sunday, manner in which evidence is your cause^ three cards of membershtp were disposed of. On the Limebouse-fields ; Mri T. Purkina, 5, Biker-strt et ; l> . -iv>mbflv 3rd 1843 upon men and to withhold from them the means of Djc). , , at twelve o'clock precisely. Crown whereon to ground an application for whole , I am much pleased with Northampton : tfiey Mr. W. Shaw, 16, York-street ; Mr. William rty. Ma.vch..stek.—Chartist Painters.—A lecture discharging those duties. The Executive seek not " No Government on the face of the earth has ever boot-maker, 25, Baker-atreet, Cummercjial-road . »vi ':- powers, beyond the law : but as a few facts paper are most anxious for a visit from Mr. O'Connor u-,r. bt (i -iivcred in the Chartist Painters' Reading to touch your local funds; but they demand their resorted to the miserable expedient of issuing would be the result, Trtasurer ; Air. T. H. K iowies, ladies' shoe-niakt-r . < have come to my own knowledge may while I think that my long money without suffering from the experiment. It feeling tbat much good Ron si. Watt-on-street, Peter's-street, by Mr. James which own share as a right; are determined sedulously Windsor-street, Bishopgtite, sub-Treasurer. Mr. 'A' even to you, 1 shall here relate standing and perseverance and nnremunerated ser- is created so easily, that it produces unbounded ex- The enrolled members L'-i' -h , on Wednesday evening next, the 29th inst* be serviceable, to exert themselves in promulgating 'the prin-. H, Bain, District Councilman. Chair to be taken at eight o'clock. of 1833, after the Irish vices justify me in makiDg this appeal to yourselves travaganco in expenditures, as well as the mont '¦ ihem. In the reeess ciplts among th«ir fellow working men. From Cambsbwell—At a; numerous meeting held at the The Shareholders of the Chartist Hall, Man- been enacted by the v> hig3 upon upon your own behalf. corrupt peculation. It has made a bankrupt of every Coercion Bill had Now, working men, I have never deceived you ; Government which has resorted to it extensively ; Northampton I proceeded to Birmingham. The Cock Tavern, Camberwell Green, on Tuesday even- chester, are requested to attend a meeting, to be the tesiimoiiy of policemen, police Serjeants, and aud the people themselves have always had to suffer Mechanics' Institution was taken for me to lecture iu. ing, November 21st, the following resolutions were hfild in the Chartist Painters' Room, Watson-strc 3t, and trust me that if yon enable us to prosecute our The audience (owing I believe, to the stormy state of , on Tuesday evening next policecommissioners , the following fact came to my object by the moderate contributions we require, you the loss. The assignats of the French Revolution, unanimously carried amidst great applause—" That Peter-9treet , tho 28ch tbe nifcht, for It blew and rained dreadfuU y) w»» not of inst., for tho purpose of electing directors for the , and under the following circumstances. will see Chartism in such a position when the forth- an d our own continental paper money, ace the most this meeting, in common with their millions fcnowiecge so good as one would expect from democratic Bnining- Radical brethren in iEogland, are fully convinced ensuing t welve months. present Secretary, Mr. O'Neill Daunt rode to eoroiiig ConTention meets as it never occupied bolore. memorable examples of the truth of this assertion. Your woEK. In one day Irishmen ran The framers of the Federal Constitution warned by ham, and from the perftction of the arrnngfnients for of the right of the Irish people to govern themselves Carpenters Hall.—A leoture will be delivered prest-uce was Now thes to the , upwards of an hour, and my houte. Shortlyafter his arrival,my subscribe £40,000 ; while every week they cheerfull y the fate of this paper currency, and having it the meeting. I spoke for through a domestic j legislature—they therefore in the above Hall, ou Sunday (to-morrow) ; chair required at Ckmakiliy ; and 1 said to him, "Daunt, wisely withheld from Congress the having concluded the Cfaairmon respectfully r< quested determine to render their best efforts in . eff ecting a to be taken at haif-past six o'clock ia the eveniua;. contribute between a thousand or two thousand before their eyes, different from mine to as my horses are watered, 111 ride jour's to Go- toivard8 the sopport of their cause ; and, more than power of ever again issuing it. They thought the those who entertained views Repeal of the Legislative thiion, and the establish- Salford — A lecture will be delivered in the come forward , and that he would guarantee them ment of a domestic Parliament elected b Charter Association Room, George's-Btrect, Chapel- 2JaMlty f to which he assented. On my way, the that, there are few towns in England wherein the old example ough t for ever to be shunned ; and, y the people." few Irish resident in each town do not ol themselves therefor*-, the only power over the currency which 'a fair hearing ; whereupon Mr. Mason came forward " That all personalities and angry feelings against, in- Btreet, Salford, ou Sunday (to-morrow) ; chair to ba horse stumbled and fell upon me, and so far injured and put several questions touching the conduct of the dividua s be henceforth burk d in oblivion ; and that taken at six o'clock in the evening. contribute more than you are called upon to furnish they conferred upon Congress was that * to coin enrolment of me, that I was obliged to hobblenp to the house of as a nation to carry out your own principles. It money, and to rega'ate the vaiue thereof, and ot Executive in their efforts to ptoelie the the English and Irish:' do henceforth press forward Bukv —Two lectures will be delivered in tha Captain Davis, a friend of mine, who very kindly to say morp than merely to re- foreign coin.' They were emphatically hard-money the Organizition. I replied to Mr. Mason's queries, hand in hand in the glorious cause of justice, liberty, Garrien-ftreet lecture room, on Sunday (to-morrow), would be insulting . nnd had . tbe pleasure to elicit from him a distinct le Manchester, gent me home in his gte, driven by ore of his mind you that CHARTISM BEQUIRES EVEBY men. But why should Mr. fetcrei ary speucer regard humanity, Repeal fort Ireland, and the adoption of by Mr. C. Doy , of The afternoon's MAN TO DO HIS DUTY. those things 1 The Constitution is now but an anti- avowa: of his entire satisfaction. We then began to the People's Charter for the United Kingdom. lecture to Commence at half-past two o'clock, and servants. Upon the road the following conver- enrol, and succeeded in disposing of forty cards of mem- the feveaings, at half-past six. Your faithful Friend, qaated scroll; and the exposition of n by the Virginia OLDHATVI.—On Sunday last Mr. W. Boll delivered sation occurred. The man was aware'tnat I had Feaegus O'Connor. and Kentucky resolutions, and Mr. Madison 's report, bership. I regret to say that there exists a pnltry feel- Rochdale.—Two lectures will be delivered in the upon charges arising out ing of jealousey between the two localities existing in a very energetic lecture in tbe Chartist Room, Greaves- Charter Association Room, Rochdale, on Sunday, been tried in 1B32, in Curk, anonymou s letter is entirely out of date. The modern uiira-lati;udina- street ; the room was crowded, and tha audience u P.S. I have just received an ria n construction by the ' God like' l>anu ;l hasbupur- Birmingham, which prevents tbat oneness of action, (to-morrow), by William Dixon, of Manchester. of the Tithe agitation ; and be said to me, I hope from Oldham, asking me something about £20, that , intliapensible to success. I liatenod -with great attention. At the conclusion, ys5U seded these mus'y records." that cordial co-operation Chair to be taken at half-past two in the afternoon , an d trnst in God, your honour take care whal I borrowed, or got from, or owe to, the widow of the sinaerely hope that the men of Birmingham will rise a number of individuals were enrolled and took out and half-past six iu the evening. yon do for the future ; for believe me, yon have a lave lamented John Knight, of Oldham. My cor- The Missourian s&ys:— superior -to those petty brawls ; that the existing cards sf meratsrship. } On Monday, the 27th, Mr. Dixon will address power of enemies against yon." I replied,** I know respondent says that the Cobbettites are making a " AH the details of the new paper currency of the ill-feeling 'will so»n subside ; that Birmingham will AT' a weekly meeting of the members on Monday an open air meeting ot coal miners, to be hoiden on. great handle of it. I trust they'll make as gTeat a Federal Government are now before the country, become the centre of the movement ; that we snail Crankey Shaw , at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. I hare, bnt 111 beat them all." " You might," he which is this : John Knight evening last, tbe following resolutions were unanimously tt handle of my answer, and it now turns ont to be a naked issue of pape r havo the satisfaction to see a locality there established, DtwsBimY.—A pubJic meeting will bo held rejoined, if you knew them ; but you don't." I passed—" That tbis meeting recommend to the Exe- on had no widow. I never got £20 or twenty pence ; money npon the credit and revenues oi the Govern- which shall become a terror co tyrants and a powerful cutive that the whole of] the lecturers' expe&cea be paid Sunday night at six o'clock, Nov. 26, in the Large asked him what he meant 3 and the man wept and nor do I owe twenty farthings, direct'y or indirectly, ent 's , 15 m . The notes are still to be called Treasury auxiliary in the Godlike work of effecting a nation from one general fund."' " That we tba Gaartiata of Room ovfir the Co-operative Store Market Place, said, "I am ashamed to tell your honour. How- to any one connected with John Knight ; and never notes, but have all the characteristics ol bank notea. political and social regeneration. Oldham recommend to {the Executive Wljliam Bell of D.-ws> bnry. the following story :— u God did. 1 am wholly at a loss to understand even the Like bank notes, they are to bear no interest, for ; Philip M'GnATH. Halifax.—Mr. Flinn will lecture here on Snnday ever he did tell me meaning of this lame fabrication Nothing ever oc- Heywood, a? a fit and proper person to be engaged as , its little I thought when I "was forced to the l-10th of 1 per cent, is nothinjr, and is only in- lecfcnrer. '' i evening next at six o'clock. know? curred, not any one circumstance, that could, in tended as a fraud npon the act of Congress, Birmin gham.—"We have received from Mr. Cmlton Mb, Kydd cne that it would be the means whioh which we regret we Working Man s Hail.— On Tuesday evening last, Route of , of Newcastle, for next ton ^>ut night, the most remote degree, give rise to it. I shall requited them to bear interest. Like bank notes a report of Mr. M'Grain's leeiure. week:—Monday, Bradford ; Tuesday, tut I was foolish shortl , and see what ihe CobbeUites . cannot find room for. Mr. Chiltoa says:—"M r. a general meeting of tbe shareholders ot the Working "ieighley ; of injuring you or Ireland ^ y be in Oldbam they are payable to bearer ; but bfre another fraud Wednesday, Bradford, in the Temperance Rooms; agiiation, I say then. M'Grath,: in my opinion, is a really talented young Man's Hall Association took place in the Cbarttat and didn't think. During the Tithe is perpetrated to cheat tho act of Congress, which Room, Greaves-street, to take into consideration Thursday, Dewsbuiy; and Friday, Birstal. F. O'C. required Treasury notea to bo pay tble to order; and mun—his style is good, and his language correct, and ibo Bari —-The thareholders of the lad our facesblacked , and went out in the country they are intended to pass from hand to hand, to be and vivid—and the lecture was Longton Working Men's Hall and Scientific* Insti- re-issuable, ciap-traps too often resorted to, even by Chartist lec- agreed tbat the shares should extend to seven hundred- tute are requested to attend a quarterly to severalhouses, and took arms and powder where- and: to constitute a paper-money cur- turers, for the purpose of catching tbe prejudices Tbe plans and estimates will be received by the D.ree- meeting oa e-rer -pre ccmld fcid them, and money in some cases FHAKCE. -PkePaRaI WS FOR CONTBOLLIKG THE rency. The amount now to be issued is 5,0o0,000 tors in tbe above room on Wednesday eveninys, com- Tuesday evening, Dec. 5th , at Beven o'clock, on im- Pabisiahs.—" The municipal guard," says La Re- dols., the new deficit in the revenue amounting to and tickling tbe senses of their hearers. Good sense portant business, at the house i© bny more ; and ire swore them to be true to the aud unshakable arguments were the beginning, the mencing on Wednesday the 29th inst. The meeting of Mr. John Hamnett, forme , "have just taken possession of the small that sum, and the wholt) to be payable at New York. New Inn , Church-street, Longton. caufe, and to abolish toe tithes." I asked the man 1 middle, and the end of Mr. M'Grath's discourse ; and was then adjourned to jTueaday evening nest, at eiqtit bastile' erected in 1843 on the site ef the citadel These are the features of the new liovernment , when it is expected that all the shareholders Bradford.—On Wednesday evening, a public why he had not communicated those facts to a magis- demolished by our fathers in 1789. This edifice paper-money ; and the first thing that strikes us is the most talented opponent of the lecturer's princi- o'clock discussion will take ples must have fel t convinced of the ultimate success will attend. Persons wishing to take ont shares art place between Mr. Kydd, of trate! and his answer was, that " he might as well being no longer concealed by the planks which its utter unconstitutionaiity, its gross perversion of Newcastle, and Mr. Greenwood, of Bradford, i public view^ of a cause expounded and defenled by working men requested to do so immediately, as upwards of 500 u the xbooiliimself; for he would never get another place hitherto had it from the , the people may the act of Congress f or issuing Treasury notes, and shares are taken already. Temperance Rooms, Cheapside, on the following now judge how admirably it is fitted out to support the boldness of thus putting into operation the main of the stamp of the Executive's president" subject:—"Is drunkenness betrayed the gentlemen. him the greatest preventative if 2\e " I then asked a siege. The walls are massy and well built, and part of the Exchequer Bill, which Congress so pe- SHEFFIELD.—Fio Trbb Lane.—On Sunday DUBLIN.— Irish Universal Suffrage Associ- towards the people getting the would swear to the facts Charter !" Mr. if he- and give evidence, if the loopholes are chefs cTamvres of the kind. The remptorily rejected , and of which the main object evening Mr. West delivered bis first lecture, viz , " ire- ation, Sdnday 19th fjtov .—The Association met at Greenwood, the affirmative; Mr. Kydd, the nega- I eBg ured him protection ? He told me he wonld. arch ot the gateway, under which two pieces of was toiesnea Government paper currency. l and's Wrongs and Ireland's Kemedy," to a numerous usual. The atteuaaneo was considerable, and the tive: to commence at half-past seven o' is adorned with very powerfully addressed by several clock in the I comnnnicated the whole zSaxr to Mr. Littleton, artillery may be planted, sculptures ** The Constitution knows nothing but a hard- and attentive audience. Mr. James Mitchell, of Stock- meeting was evening. representing muskets, pistols, cannons, poniards, money currency port, in the chair ; who opened tbe business in an speakers. Many strangers wfao were present admit- The Irish Secretary, and asked him to prosecute for the Federal Government; and Chartists of Little Horton will meet in the the then sabres, swords, cartridge-boxes, shakos of the muni- all Administrations up to the present day have re- appropriate speech, observing that these lectures had ted the soundness of ] the political doctrines they bnow Room, Park Place , and to ensure the man protection , on Snnday morning, at the parti ee j but cipal guards, epaulets, uniforms, and drums ; there jected a federal paper currency, not only as uncon- been got up for the purpose of creating a more kindly heard, and more than admitted it, looked conviction . ten 0 clock. The members of the grammar class with him i* has rested up to the presentmoment. are«ven among the emblems cocked hats, like those stitutional, but as the most fatal and dangerous of feeling towards the Irishmen resident in Sheffield and The Repealers however, are so certain that Dan are rcqaeBtcd to attend in the afternoon* at two worn by the town Serjeants. This arch is closed by all the descriptions of paper money. Mr. Tyler's their English brethren. It was indispensable to the will accomplish the abrogation of the Act of Union, o clock, a writing class will dwell further upon his solemnly and be formed, and meet I need not this case; but shall a strong iron railing. Workmen are now occupied in Administration is the first to do it: and in doing so. attainment of tha liberties of both countries, that a according to publicly recorded de« every craning,from eight to ten o'clock. now put you in pesseseion of a circumstance that encirclingthe little * bastile' with another railingnine has committed a violation of the Constitution, and cordial union for mutual advantiga Bhottld exist between claration, before the 23rd of April next, that they Thb Chaktists faai ike of , of Bowling Back Lane will meet occurred in 2S23fdanng the Whiteboj riots. A feet tight leaving between it and the edifice a spaw m ^ * uP»a act the Congress for issuing Englishmen and Irishmen ; and notwithstanding that are resting on that oft-defeated hope for the pre- in their room, on Sunday morning, at ten o'clock, or ten or twelve feet to facilitate the movements of Treasury notes. In doing this he has cancelled the interested parties laboured bard to keep up division Bent. We have, however, been bold enough to pro- jnsnof tie wans of ?efceen, Tha wasknown to have M and two in the afternoon. the municipals." The ICaister of the Interior last feeling of regard which anybody felt tor the two amongst them, be bad a well-grounded hope that tbe phecy that they will be made April fools of; and Ths Chartists s Houses will meet a private stfll , £seei*ed » letter sigaed " Bock," the Chatter and if they are, delusion will certainly of Thompson' and the Minister of War," sajs the Commerce, bank vetoes; for Government banking is certainly tlay was not far distant when both lose some of its on Sunday morning, at nine o'clock, in their room. eoBUBjujding him, onder seTere penalties, to meet " are now at rariaoee respecting thejprojeoting worse than corporation banking, bad as the latter Repeal would be obtained, and tbe principlesof hatnan faaoinatioD, as both the spirits and the pockets of Svndbbland.—Mr. Thomas Dickinson will lecture ** Captain Boek" at * given plaee, xipooa certain pavilions of the P*l*eaof the Institnte. Tea Minis- is. He had nearly cancelled the debt of gratitude liberty triumph over pretended frienda and open and the people have been thorougbJy drained. Mr. n Sunday (to-morrow) morning, at the New Town, l to be demolished, in order which some felt, avowed enemies. Mr. Mitchell sat down warmly O'Higgins has a notice of motion . night, ¦with two: gallon* of * singlingB," or " first ter of War wishes them by proposing the Exchequer scheme, on this subject for Bishopwearmoutb, close to the Railway, St half- to dear ihe quay, bo as to remove all obstruction in bat now he has put the worst part of that scheme ; cheered. Mr. West then com menced hia addiesato. em- next Sunday, and altogether the Chartist world p&St ten o'clock. In the afternoon, at haltpasfc shot," TsMfh means ihe best description ol illicit and of the passage of ihe into operation, after Congress had rejected it ; and bracing an historical sketch of Ireland ^own toe may rely on it, that by our bantering ^ the way of the artillery* ^ Dan on two o'clock, at Hylton Ferry Boat. InjKgwrorv ¦whisky. Feheen obeyed the ordar, bni iook the pre- troops. Neither the Minister of the interior, who w thus Shows that he was governed by no principle period of! the Union, and exposing the ignorance of his want of sincerity and Wbis predilections, we are 'clock, in the thelnstitnte as regards Irish at half-past six o £j4rj |g£~s&5irf\ rantion. to take & neighbour with iim j and i© Ms guardian of historical monuments, nor , whatever in giving his vetoes. Unconstitutional English bookmakers, styled historians, a great means of promoting the present serioas Clarke's Passage, opposite RobinSfj^Sr]mS6>. 1 2 wings of the Palace to be des- and fraudulent as this paper currency, , manners and customs. He compared ancient institu- looking agitation m Ireland , so by astonishment, ne recognised the Captain of a will allow those two is it is sub- the close watch- street ; and in the same place on M©5d»»fltoa|feMSSJf r * C troyed. We offer to bet, however, that they will ject to all the objections of a local currency ; for, tions that had for their object the maintenance and fulness of the Irish Universal Suffrage Associ half-past seven. 9% Yeomanry Corps in ike person of Captain Bock. T ones that have ation .f J3i?S ^ 56 lose their cause." M In less than three weeks, ob- being payable at New York, it will all centre there support of the poor, with the modern we shall take care that no new betrayal of the Bristol.—On Monday next, the ^S3^W«2MfefflH G now pBES on 10 consider "Bhethtr er. no thoseHgnal eerves LaReforme, " Louis Philippe has visited the and will require a concentration of specie at that created two million and a half of beggars. He showed people's confidence shall take place wit Clarke, of the Executive, will lectate ~*S > r * destroyed, and hout an ex- ¦;¦¦ «Mkjjb0^v» fires fnraiEh jaiy proof of concert, or »»5piracy. fortresses of Mont Talereiu, St. DcDW.Auberviiliere- point to redeem it. hew trade and manufactureshad been posure, as caustic as it will be deserved. named piaee. ft pj |f ^_f mm ^^ <3J THE NORTHERN STAR

©fcarttjEit 33mjUtaniCf . BhadFORD. — On Sunday, at two o'clock in the cotton-Bpinnen», Jar. 16. al twelve, at tbe Court of BLAIR'S GOUr AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. STIRLING REES ' ESSENCE. BETTER FROM MR. WM. HICK, NOB. afternoon , Mr . Kj dd, of Newcastle, lectured " on the Bankruptcy, J>)anchiB>dr—-ThomaB James Whidborne, rpHE high encomiums bestowed on this unriva lled THERN STAR OFFICE, LEE^E Charter , and how to get it" There was presen t a great of Liverpool, cheoiisf, Dso. 12, at eltven, at the Court Case communicated by Mr; Lloyd, Chemist and Drug gist, Richmond , Surrey, to Mr '£. T. Prout X Preparation by the most eminent Surgeons, as XiOKJJON —ItEPJJALi REPEAL!] BlPEAL!! !—A number of the middle classes. Thos. Drake, ef of Bankruptcy, Liveip^ol-—Owen Jones, of Liverpool, . , Patients who "»• ¦* Lejd on Friday Evening lest, at the My. 229 Strand, London. well as ihe strong recommendations of pn Mlc -meeting - Tnomton , in the chair. Kydfl reviewed the vari- draper, Deo. 26, at twelve, at tbe Conrt of Bankruptcy, ' Effeots , ar Office , Leeds, March S3ek o* Prussia. Fiir-strect , TooitT-street ,.Southwart , ous uostrnma now before the public, and eloquentl y ^ have experienced its Salutary and Beneficial " Northern St 17th , 1842. Liverpool—John Cassen, of Liverpool, corn-merchant, J May 3, 1842 and the great and increasing demand for it from to i>snra ieetsre from Fergus O Censor, E.*q The combatted the arguments of the claptrap agitators of D?c 12, at one, at the Court of Bankruptcy, Live pool entlemen,—You will oblige by forwarding,ij iCK-jn afciected. silfcuugb. olfer&bly -spacious , -was not the day. Ha then dearly : SIR,—The wife of a persoa residing in St John's all parts of the World, prove its decided superiority ttfl ' proved to tbe entire eatis- —Joseph Parry,;of Havetfordwest, draper, Due. 14, at in this place for the \7 your earliest convenience, the same quantity isr- a eEv-agh for tie purpose , and was consequaitly facti on of tha meeting, tha t the plan proposed by Mr. Green, , came to my shop a little over every other Medioine in present use, eleven, at the Court of Bankruptcy, Bristol—Henry time sinoe, for a box of your Pills for tier husband. speedy and effectual Cure of that particular ola?s of of PARR'S LIFE PILLS aslast sent. While! Ec t incoDT ^iueiitsy crowded ; the jKoplfilhtraliy being O'C o-noT, in the Slar-of the 16th cf September , of Yeatman, of Leachlade, Gloucestershire, chemist, Dec. 8, upon the oil ?r. Tbe pro ceedings commenced at She told me that previous to his taking them he had Diseases for which those dangerous, nauseous, and am writing I cannot refrain from communicating tha on»- exclasivs dealing, would be a sure and safe method of at twelve, at the Court of Bankruptcy, BrktoL 1 gignt predstly. 31 r. D»ayne was called to the chair , a violent attack of the Gout, which sometimes laid uncertain Medicines, Copaiva and Mercurials, have flattering intelligence of the graat good your pills aje compelling the shopkee pers to become Chartis ts, and certificates to be granted, unless cause and its neighbourhoods It is cleanly am. passed an high ruli-g itim on "wha t he Btyled.the th ereby nil the House be shown him up for weeks and Jmonths together, but since hitherto been too frequently resorted to. It gener- doing in Leeds of Commons with Chartist to the contrary on the day of meeting. takin g them , the last six years he has never been ally effects a perfect Care'in the short epaoe of three a greafc error to find fault with a medicine merely jDt-tnoc a House of O'Connor, and said be would con- members. Mr . Kydd concluded a very argumentative ; aud more especiall himself ey calling on ibeir lins ^ ! dej CEndtnt to Charles Chambers , of Peterborough , Northamptoa- laid up, and oaly requires one dosa of Pills to set him or four days, and in j recent oases sometimes sooner, because it is & patent one y ter- s add ress by calling on those who who were not mem- ha» contributed so largely to the public scc^&zi tthem— {chetrau 3lr. O C-nnor tiitn rose and ta rs, to eome forward attire , liquor-merchant , Deo. 11—Joseph Rob son and to rights. I have seen the husband since (yesterday, without danger of a] return, whioh so often occur* since its use and eErol themselves CbatttstS. — May 2nd, 1842), and he told me the same exactl &o.. for a cure. It con- health. The fact is, however, predjudice is faafc sai l—I coins lot licrelo *P t-aK of o»c cati on, bat both Mr. Kydd lectured in the Large Boom, Butterworth- Thomas Richard .Robson , of St. Martin 's Line , organ- y after trusting to Copaiva, j and moreover says, he never takes any other all the efficaci ous parts giving way, as it always must where the pills are ob *. -i2s, E* gIaEd and Ireland. Tse qn*xtion of Bepeal Tsuildinga . on Sunday evening. Snr-ject— Ireland for bui lders, Dec. 11—James Gilson Forster , of Aldgate medi- tains, in a concentrated state, than at any former " tailor cine. , combined with other well-tried and tried. A few oases in point may serve to confirm is i ' lisors iiBportascen o^ period— tb e Irir-h , Repeal of the Legislative "Union ; l> Mr. Smyth High-street , City, , Dec. 11—Andr ew Allen and of Sarsaparilla (loud chvei*). 2f o matter what the condition of Wales WiUiam Allen , of South Shields , Datbam , dtapeis , This, I can assure you, is not a solitary instance. approved alteratives whioh make it an excellent and illustrate what I have asserted. in the chair. A great nun.ber of Irishmen were pre- I invariably find them do good whenever I have sold * symptoms pains of the bones, —to HJSitcr -what tie condition of Scotland . Ireland is sent. Mr . Kydd very forc ibly enumerated the wron gs Dec. 11—John Sykes, of MUlbrid ge, Yorksh ire, coru- remedy for secondary * prt- esiEent—(bear , hear ). H e had made Ireland bis miller, Deo. 14—Charles Clark , of Liverpool , wool- them. The parties say they shall be happy to give glandular swellings, chronic rheumatism, scrofulous " A young female oame into the shop to-day for a and oppres sion wbieh at at al! times were unsparingly any information in their power, as public benefit. blotches and pimples, and ail box, who stated that they had done her immense Btn-^y; he irew her histo ry aa wrii as say man. Talk awarded to the sMer country : he Bhowed the evils of dealer , Dec. 8— Josbua Hottoa and Joseph H urt on , late scorbutic eruptions, G-jvenj s , , W enlock Basin I am, Sir, yours respectfully, disorders originating from Impurity of blood. In good. She had been troubled with a hoarseness so of paternal ent and Imptiial Legislation ! a stats church , both in a religions and social view : and of 29, Wharf Road , ani* of K'ngs- hear her speak ; but having Irel and had a paternal G-svernnien t , and imparted the winford , , iron-m anuf acturers , D c. 12— E. LLOYD. cases of debility, attended with lassitude, nervous bad that no one could called on tbe EDglish Chartists to render every assis- Chemist, Post Office, Richmond, Surrey. , ]and loss of vigour, brought oa taken a few boxes of PARR'S LIFE PILLS, she Tnciiaieiita of knowledge to sarroDndiDg a&r jons, trading tance in their power to thsir Irish bre thren , to obtain John Miliington and Thomas Salter , of Manche ster , aDd depression of spirits ¦With ;improper , long residence was completely restored, as was evident by the way all the world before Ssgland Tfaatnown. Htr just ice for alL At the conclusion of the lecture Mr. of Low Mills, near Chorley, calico- ptintera , Do 28— by early imprudence, habits kj s The testimonials of the astonishing efficacy of in hot or unhealthyiclimate3, and other causes, it she spoke* rn bad tried ta blot out her name from tb e map of Kjdd moved ths following resolution— " That in the Robert Caldeeott and John Calriecott , of M anchester, - ; ¦ Blair's Gout and Rheumatic P'lls are universally has been found to fqaickly produce a beneficial Enr ep. . and caoss ber to become a nonen tity but , opicion of this meeting, Ireland is fully entitled to a silk-mer cers, Dsa 11—James Wood , of Hea thfieiria , accompanied by tbe fact , that no inconvenience of many case of extraordinary cures have 'k woollen-manufacturer , Dsc g , restoring heaitu, energy, and vigour through- " Very ZbiLt- Gsd, she had afain rtartd her head acd -would Repeal of the Legislative Union ;' and we therefore «jt- Torkshire , 13—Saml. Oliver , any sort attends' its administration, but that the chan e occurred among the aged workpeople, both male and ere lorg be a option Egsin—(loctichests). He bad Of Hollingworth , Chester , atd of Dinting , Derb yshire , out the whole system! For weakness and obstruc- pr egs oui Ejmpathy with that portion of the Irish patient, without feeling the operation of the medi- it has in numerous oases female. In one mill, an aged couple, enfeebled by bet B ISTilfid by his atm eousib -ymen j yet he hid been p.-ople, Who are agitating for that chaage. We ther e- paper-m anufacturer , Dec. 12. tions peculiar to Females, debilitated by premature old age, Bepea l cine, is universally left in a stronger and better proved invaluable. disease and had an allocate for a *f that Union , as lonx cs any fore call on men holding similar opinions, to' give them Certificates to be granted by tbe Court of Review state of health than experienced previous to being 1 become almost past work ; they were persuaded to maa ; he bad BrivccslHl the cause of his couEtry for publ icity through the medium of the press , public unless eauBti be shown to the contrary on or before affl oted with this disease ; and in all cases of acute Prepared only by the Proprietor, J. W. Stirling, try a few boxes of PARR'S LIFE PILLS, and in npvFiiii3 ef Vwtu ty ytars, ten of tbein in Irel and , meetings , ic. <3ri ; snd hope that the Irish people ge- De& 8. Buflwriug, great . relief ia obtained in a few hours, Chemist, No. 86, High-street, Whitechapel, in Bot- a week were restored and strengthened thai they sa * more thaa ten in Eagb.nd —ifeear, heir). and 203. each, from nerally will perceive the necessity of using their ener- George Allison, of Darlington , Durham , and a cure is generally effeoted in two or three days. tles, at 2s. &d.% 4i. 6d., 10a., could pursue their employment with pleasure and H e had seise good nesrs for thtra. The Times of that scrivener— any part of the world upon gies to tffeet a reconciliation between Mr. O'Conn ell, JohnKui ght , of Pre ston and Lancaster , h See Testimonials of Lieutenant Masters (of Hawley, whom it can be sent to profit ; so much to, that from being unable to work day brongh t the news that the Atlomey-Gcueral had mercer—Jos ep inclosing the amount! tfee leader of the Repeal movem ent , and Mr. O'Connor , Boyd, of 189 and 190, Piccadilly, pu blican—John Lith- near Bagshot), late of the Royal Newfoundland at their calling more than two days in the week, sod! matte another blundtr. The plea of abatement is ac- so as to bring to beaT on one point the talent and in- Veteran Companies, who was invalided home, by a this with great physical difficulty and languor, they cepted , and thtt3 the case is likely to till throu gh goe, of Liverpool, cooper—William Paine , of Stoney and flatnee of those great men for the purpose of destroying Stratford , Buckinghaiushire , baker—John Mease , of Garrison order ; the Rev. Dr. Blomberg ; the Che- PENNY!'! can now not only do a fnll week's work, but over- Coursell and travers ers obtain sn WONDERS !F0R A O the Test of the syrannieal factions , and gaiEing for England , Ireland, , valier d© la Garde ; Mr. Cosher, Beacons&eld ; Mr. hours besides. Bad as trade is here, the old people aeqaittal ^-Vlcud , less, aafl contJEUtd checrir g Huiton , Yorkshire fliX-splnner—Horatio Huntley Hoa- CHE APEST ALMANACK I Tor some and Scotland their legitimate ri ghts," The resolution Richard Stone, Luton ; Mrs. Chamber*!, Maidstone j THS BEST AND being favourites with the mill owner, are enabled to tiBej. Se lrtirced ojso that signal firta HleZ3g i* Proiesiani laso gsTe the fran chise, the , , Old Jewry, wine-merchant , to Court of Bankruptcy, London. Solicit»rs , M essr s. Jobn- Ask for Blair's Gout and Rheumatic Pills, and surrender November 29 he bought a few boxes, which have completely re- inoBstriots Citholics of Ireland Tronld ret derive any , at half- pas t two o'clock, and son and Co., Temple ; and Messrs. Cole and Co., Bising- observe the name and address of " Thomas Prout , Jannary 5 at half-past eltven 229 MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT, moved his disease, and enabled him to return to his bene£t ironi mare Bepeal— ^cheers). Hence the seces> . , at the Court of Bank - stoke ; Mr. Turquaud, official assignee, Old Jewry , Strand, London," impressed upon the Govern - rup tcy, London. Solicitor work, whero be was seen a few days ago by Mr. Bty of Xb& people being^the law-makers , instead of the , Mr. Edward Guillaume, 26, Chambers. ment Stamp affixed to each box of the Genuine Bncklersbury ; Mr. W. Whitmor e medicine. 13, Trafalgar Street,Leeds. Hobson, (it being dinner hour) eating beefrsteaka land. When man himself possessed the vote, •• his per- , officia l assignee, 2, , tai lor, St. George's Place, Hyde Patk " Basinghall-street. John Ball with great gusto ; and to whom be recited with plea- son being his title deed" —then , and then only, be Corner , December 1, at eleven, and Jan 9, attwelve, at IT may be stated as;a fact , that there is no disease sure and gratitude the cause of his then healthy con- would re respected, and his interest protected. If Thomas Hall Wood, of Penton-street , Pentonville, the Court of Bankruptcy, London. Mr. Green , official which has demanded more, or received less, , Messrs. Perry and Co have removed their Estab - dition, together with a long history of his past Ireland had no other grievance, that of the church alone draper November 39, at half-past one, and January 5, assignee, Aldermanbury. attention from the Medical Profession generally, than at two Bertiers-stree t affliction was a mocster. Oaly think of the perso ns en the seventh , at the Conrt of Ban kruptcy , London. Solici- George Zichariah White, builder, Southampton , Dec. lishment Jrom Birmingham to No. 19, Lues Venera. From this cause alone , it ia allowed day, damn ing ihose who fed them the preceding six— tors , Messrs. Eeed and Shaw , 2, Friday -street ; Mr. W. 1 and Jan. 5, at ore , at the Conrt of Bankrnptcy, I«on- Oxford-street , London. to sweep away hundreds of victims annually. By the " Should the above three cases of cures be worthy Whitmore , official assignee, , (lond cri&a of shama, shasie ). We xnigfr s isaid Mr. 2 BaSing&ail-StreeL don. Solicitors, Messrs. Osm. Pooley, and Co., I/m- application of proper remedies, ninety-nine out «f of your notice, you axe at perfect liberty to make O'COLDOt) file A till Oi indictment Against her rolera William Htj ward and J ^hn Jennings , of Wal brook i cola's Irn Fields ; Mr. Johnson , official assignee, Basing- every hundred of these might be saved. But to at- what cse of them yon think proper. City, comndssioB agents THE THIRTEENTH EDITION . for incompfctBncy - They bAve jnst sent men ovemo-w , November 24, at twelve, and hall-itreet . . tain this, it is necissary that a Medical Practitioner J«nuar v 1, at half-past twelve ' , yours, respectfully, to ask what was the mat ter. They ought k> have done , at the Court of Bank- John Donaiger Hinxman , wine-merchant , H arley- .Just Published, Prico 2i. 6d M in a sealed envelope, should devote his time almost exclusively to the con- I am, Gentlemen rup tcy, London. Solicitors this -fi/ity-ikreB - yean aga They (the Conanissioner *) , Messrs. Reed and Shaw, street , Cavendish Square, December 1, at two. and and sent Free to any part of tho United Kingdom sideration of this most insidious and dangerous " WILLIAM HICK. will teil « cock sod a hall story about improvements of Fr iday-street ; Mr. George John Graham , official assig- Jan. 12, at half-p»st twelve, at the Court of Bank- on the receipt of a Post Office Order for 33. 6d, disease. It appears under so many varied forms, and lands, anil the breeding of caitle ; bnt not a word about nee, 25, Coleman-street ruptcy, London. Solicitor , Mr. Watts, Bsdford Row ; assimes so many different aspects, that nothing but To Messrs. T. Roberts and Co., 9, Crane Court Tkomas Thorps, now or late of Chertsey , and of THE SILENT FRIEND, «Jas s legislation—the xeal caasa of all tfea mischitf— Mr. Edwards , offi cial assignee, Frederick 's Place, Old constant experience can enable even the moat de- Fleet-street, London. " {cheers;. The Chartisa with -ehom be had tbe honour Wtkin g, Surrey, and of Feltham , plumber , November Jewry. voted student to detect and eradicate it. When a S3, at one, and December 21, at eleven, at tbe Court MEDICAL WORK on the INFIRMITIES general practice of the to be associated tad been slandered and villined — Cullum Dade Lseder, cattle-dealer , Btllingfor <^ Nor- A of the GENERATIVE SYSTEM, in both Medical Man abandons the {load cries of hear, hear)—Irat in advocating cf Bankruptcy, London . Solicitors , Messrs. Allen and folk. December al ose, and Ja n. 12, at twelve, at Profession, and devotes his studies entirely to this Q , 9^ sexes ; being an enquiry into the concealed cause j nd Sgitr.Hrg f or tberr om xizhts. the y hud ntra X:c:l. 'sen-street CJ uaps 'de ; .Mr. Qeorge James the Court of Bankruptcy. Solicitors , Meiata. Ciarfca , particular branch, then he at once looses caste, and UIRACULOC9 CURE FROM THE USB OF PARR ' S MFB Graham, uficial assienee, Coleman-stMek. that destroys physical energy, and the ability of fcrgotwai tceir Iriso brtXiiicli, and tliej t»uuld be Metcalfe , and Gray, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; and Mr. is branded bv his colleagues as a Quack. In defiance TILLS. Richard Collier, of Hythe. and of Polkstone, Seat, manhood, ere vigour has established her empire :— of this contumelious epithet. iboo ^ smonij Ire JaccTa Btsunchut fripuda— (hear, hear >. Taylor, Norwich ; Mr. Groom , official assignee, Ab- with Observations on the baaeful effects of SOLI- Tears ago, he looked -on Englishmen as the natural draper, November 24, at half-past twelve, and December church Lane. Copy of a Letter just received by the Proprietors 21, at two, at the Court of Bankruptcy, London. Soli- TARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION ; local WILKINSON AND CO., enemies of Irel and. 2? ow his prej udices were dissipated. Edward P»yneBe8t , win e-mercbant , Crutched Fr iars , and constitutional WEAKNESS, NERVOUS from Mr. Wm. Moat, 3, Cobbett-street, Shaw's After the present favourable introduction he had had , citors , Messrs. Reed and Shaw , Friday-atre et; Mr. City, D^cembbi - 9, at twelve, and Jan. 12 , at eleven , at Beg to state that they continue to apply all their William Tmquand , official assigne e, 13, Old Jewry IRRI TATION , CONSUMPTI ON, and on the hfi should pay them more frequent virita. He -vras quite tbe Court of Bankruptcy, London. Solicitor , Mr. partial or total EXTINCTION of the REPRO- knowledge and experience to the eradication of this Brow, Salford. rare no Irishman ¦was here "JoJuntariJy. 2*o , they -were Cfcam Urs. Peschey, Salisbury Square ; Mr. Edwards , official assig- baneful Disorder, finding a sufficient recompense in Joseph Geor ge Poett, of 3, 'Cmveraity-street. surgeon , DUCTIVE POWERS ; with means of restoration : " To the Proprietors of Parr's Life Pills. too fend of ihe land of tfcsrr birth. I*t but the green nee, Frederick 's Place, Old J ewry. the deBtruotivo effects of Gonorrhsea, Gleet, Stricture. the happiness which they have been tbe means of rer Sag be but oe«s hoisted and they would fl >ck hack November 27 and December IS, at eleven, at the Court Arthur Ath erley Newman, saddler, Hi#b-street , and Secondary Symptoms are explained in a familiar storing to thousands' who would, in all probability, " Gentlemen,—I have the utmost pleasure in for- agaii>—tloud cheers ). of Binkinptcy , London. Solicitor , Mr. Buchanan, S, Whitechapel , Dtcamber 1. at twelve, and Jsn . 9, at oae, have otherwise sunk prematurely into tbe grave. warding you this my own case of cure, effeoted solely BaJntghall-street ; Mr. George Green, official assignee, manner ; the Work is Embklusukd with Enobav- ill. O Coehdt then retired is consequence of the heat at the Court of Bankrup tcy, London. Solicitors , M essrs. wds, representing the deleterious influence of Mer- by the persevering use of your Pabr's Life Pills. of trse xoem. 18, Aldermanbury. Weir and Smith, Coopers' Hall ; Mr. Green , official This Establishment has now been open upwards of Before having recourse to them, I had been for up- J oseph P;eice, of the Gulden Lion , Dean-street , Soho, cury on the skin , by eruptions on the head, face, and Three cheers la ving been given for the Chsfter : assignee, Aldermanbuty . body ; with approved mode op cure for both sexes ; seven years, during which period , thousands of cases wards of five years afflicted with a most distressing three for Bepeal; ifcre * for Dinlel O'Conntil ; and three licensed victualler, If ovemfetr £7, at eleven, and Dec Samuel Jones, jeweller, Cbeap side, ' Dpc. 5 , at eleven, have been treated, and in no one instance has the malady, which the different medical men who at- 19, at two foiiowed. by observations on the Obligations of groans fot tha Attorney Gteneial , the meeting then , at the Court of Bankrupt cy. London . Soli- and Jan. 10, at one , at the Court of Bankruptsy. London. patient been disappointed of an effectual cure. In tended me all pronounced to be a serious case of citor ilr. Atkinson MARRI AGE, and healthy perpetuity ; with direc- separated , the ConuEirtee tvaitisg to enrol men-beis in , , Carey-stree t; Mr. George Green , Solicitor , Mr . Randell , Birchln L*ine ; Mr. Liekington , most instances, a few days have sufficed to eradicate hydrocele (or dropsy of the scrotum), and declared trnViai assignee, 18 Aldermantury. tions for the removal of certain Disqualifications : th e ISitionLi -CiiaiteT Association. , official assignee. Coleinan- *treet Buildings. the whole pointed out to suffering humanity as a the Disease ; but whei-e the disorder has been allowed there was no other chance of either relief or care Toomas Bayley, of the Bell public-hon *e. West Jokes Conlson and Harry Phi pps, Bhi pping-ironmon- " SILENT FRIEN'D " to be consulted without to make serious inroads by delay or unskilful man- than undergoing a snrgioal operation. I Yf&B thus DHAHiTlC ESIEBTA15J£E«I FOB THE BESEyiT SaiithfiUd , licensed victualler , November 25 and Dec Clements Line , Cit y, Dtx?. 1 , »fc k<»o, and Jan. 10 , agement, more time has necessarily been required to driven almost to despair ; aud consulted the treatise o? ihe if atiosax y: ¦ gers. expoBure, and with assured confidence of success. cni Ptsd —Tfc e memfcers of 23. at hilf-p ^st one, at the Court of Bankru ptcy, at twelve, at the Court of Bankr uptcy, London. Solici- complete the euro. W and Co., know of no instance written by Sir Astley Cooper, wherein he states that the Losdoa AnKSeur Uram atlC Society gave their firit London. Solicitors , Messrs.Teesdale and Co., 31, Fen- tor , Mr. Adcock, Copthall Buildings ; Mr. Lackington , By R; and L. PERRY, and Co., Consulting where any establishment devoted to the care of the the operation is generally attended with considerable pnollc rsrf prmance in aid of the above fund , at the cLar ca-st reet ; Mr. E-iward Edwards , official assignee, official assignee, Coleman-street Buildings. Surgeons, London. same class of disease, has maintained so long a danger. I therefore determined not to risk so pain- Boyal Standard "Theatre , High-street, Shoreditch , on 7, Freceiick's Place, Old Jewry. H enry H olmes Fisbpr. tailor , BnTV-street. St Jaroes 'a, standing, which must be regarded as a conclusive ful and uncertain an experiment, but rather chose to Thursday evening, 2fov. 16th. The ptrformancfcs se- Published by the Authors ; sold by Heaton, and George Wheidcn , of Dudley, Worcestershire , clothier, Dec 1, at twelve, and Jan. 12, at one , at the Court of proof of their integrity and ability. leave the result to nature and Providence. Fortu- lected were thB Ti«loGz3iLa of " Ella Bossaoerg ;1* Buokton, Bri£t;ate, Leeds ; btrange, Paternoster- the Novem'ver 27, at half-past twelve, and December 21, at Bankruptcy, London. Solicitor s, Messrs. Cook and nately, I heard of the great fame of Pabb's Lwb fourth act of »? T«oiice Preserved " and the farce of of row ; Field, 65, Quadrant , Rogent street ; Purkis, Long experience ha9 enabled them to produce a ; t-srelve , at the C^urt Bankruptcy, BirmiDgham. San ders, New Inn , Strand ; Mr. Groom , official assignee, Pills, and resolved to give them a fair trial. I con- " Tbe Wealhtrcoci. " The anatenrs were aided by Compton-8treet , Soho, Loadon : Guest, 51, Bull- remedy which is applicable to almost every stage of Solicitor , Mr. "W. Fellowes, jun., Derby ; Mr. Thomas Abchurcb Lane, Lombard-stre et. sequently took them for some time without perceiv- several inember j of tiie " Sandaid Company, *' and by street, Birmingham ; and by all booksellers in town the disease. Their : Bittieston , vfficial assignee, Birmingham. Juhn Woolland Bake , currier, Bristol. Dec. 5 , and ing any benefit , but still kept persevering; and I Ux. Cnffiy . whose singing was SMmJy ei.cored. The Rjbert Hale, of Margate , bookseller, November 24, and country. twelve boxes, and to my great joy Jan , 2, at one, at tbe Bristol District Conr4. Mr. PURIFY ING DROPS have now taken perfermances gave general satisfaction to a uouse tolfr- -at two, and Junnary 9, at eleven, at the Court of Bank- Morgan offiei.il assignee , Bristol. Solicitors, Mr. Smith, OF I am perfectly well, the dropsy is entirely removed, abJy -a-el- filied by a 2agh }y respectable aadience. , THE CORDIAL BALM SYR1ACUM. ' We rup tcy, London . Solicitor , Mr. H. B&iiy, 4, TnJaigar Briatol : Mr. Clark e and Co., Liucoln 's-inn , London. Have been used in thousands of cases, and with the together with a scorbutic affection, which I bad been hope i&£ tbe patriotic intention * of the projectors sriil Square ; Mr. George Green , official assignee, 18, Alder- H-nry Harris , shoemaker, Lanaravon , Monmou th- Is a gentlestimulant and renovator of the impaired most signal success. .(Perhaps no Medicine was ever much troubled with since my return from India ia be fsily Teaiized bj icsTin g ' '-** and is exclusively directed scmethiDg lot lh« Tictims niinbui v. shire, Dec 7, at eleven, and Jan. 3, at one, at tbe funotionsof life, to the cure offered to the Public,| which has been so efficacious 1827 ; and now there is not a vestige of disease left exchequer. of from to and Richard Trier Milbanke , of 8, Barwood Place, E3ge- Bristol District Court. Mr. Acraman , official assignee, such oomplaints as arise a disorganization in restoring the Ir. Rwieridt Whit- Sunday evening, Nov. 19 Ji, CourK Mr. Hope , officia l assi gnee, irregularity, obstructions of certain evacuations, edition of this valuable Work has been disposed of, M Gentlemen,—I am happy to inform you that we sod BepEalers. Hz. Predton was called to tbe chair, more, official assignee, Birmin gham. Lseds District Leeds. Solicitors , Messrs. Peacock and Wilkin , Bar- total impotoncy aad barrenness are effectually re- which will be a sufficient test of its importance. It are daily hearing accounts of the good effects of and 2lr , A. Sharp ~tvx, when a consiflerabls num- Joseph Cri sp, of Liver pool, and Liscard, Cheshire, moved by this invaluable medicine. is a Practical Treatise on the Prevention andof Cure tholomew-close , London . ¦ Parr's Lif e Pills ;, to enumerate the cases world ber of tcssts and sentiments were given and ably auctioBeer , Decembe r 1, at one, and December 22, at ' 4&* of the Venereal Disease, and other affect^ns the responded to. be a task too formidable for me, and which has pre- eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy, Liverpool. Solici- KO TJCE9 OP INSOLVENC Y. Sold in Bottles, price 11s. each, sr the quantity ol urinary and sexual drgans, in both sexes, with a vented my Writing to inform you before, as I cam TTHB Tj sited Bool a>d SHOXMakers held theb Mfc3ET8. Maples and Co., 6, Frederick' s Place, Old four in one Family bottla for 33a., by which one 11s, suooeBsful mode of treatment in all their tors, , builder, Astky, Worcestershire—J Hinch- mild tmd , hardly tell where to begin. One man said he wanted nenal weekly meeting at the Cannon coffee house, r. George Frederick Fairclougb J . Harpe Old- Jewry, London ; and 2J , , Kirknarton , Yorkebiro—J. Russell , chain bottle is saved. forms and consequences j especially Gieet, Stricture, a box of Life Pills for Life Pills they were to him on Sunday Nov. 19th. when the question , cliffe. clothier street, " Do Liverpool ; Mr. Jofen Falisft , G&cial assignee, Liver- Staffordshire—A. EvaDs , par kman , affections of the Bladder, Prostrate Glands, Gravel, they had done him ia much good, ia relieving him of the peopls possess information to exercise the elective maker , Walsall , Prepared only by Messrs. PERRY & Co., Sur- &c. ; shewing also the dangerous consequences of pBol. , S^mera '-town—C- Contes , Walnnt- an obstinate cough and asthma. franchi se ten&nciaUy fot themselves " Claiendon-s quare geons, 19, Bernera-street, Oxford-street, London. , was opened by Alexander Wsstmor e, of W«st Darby, Xancashire , Lamb eth—M. Gill , farmer , Hooton-hil ls, Mercury, such as eruptions of tho akin, pain in the Hfy_ H^G&ithy Tnavn fr.TTiing tc© sSrniatrTe. SeT&rai tree-walk, None are genuine without the signature of " Another said they were worth their weight in »lKer , Noveaber 30, at twtrlve , and December 29, at Leicestershire— &: Crowther , maltster, Easthorp-laim , body, &C-, with plain directions for a perfect restora- ntemb&T S g^rt olhezs dfilivtrad tb&ir sentimeota in a 3 gold 1 as he was not like the same man sinoe he had eleven, at the Cour t o! Bankruptcy, Liverpool. Solici- Schoitfklit , innkeeper , Stock's-bank , tion—embellished with Engravings. An ample con- XEutnnei which it£z«tid great credit on them. This Yorkshire—H . R. and L. PERRY and Co. tors, Messrs. Norrifl and Co., Bartlett' s Baildings , Hol- Yorkshire—W. Tu ner , plasterer , Hali fax, Yorkshire — sideration of the disease of the woman ; also nervous taken them. locality numbers 69 membeis, and bids fair to became born , London ; and Mr. Thomas Toulm in, Liverpool ; g , S^utliwart- equare . Surrey— J. impressed in a stamp on the outside of each wrapper debility ; including a comprehensive Dissertation on " Another said his wife had had a bad leg for very numerous. Tn^ question wob again adjourned to J. Brown, fishmon er Mr. Charles Turner, offic ial assignee , LiverpooL Holloway, batcher. Ravo nstone, Buckinghanisbire ^—J. to imitate which is felony of the deepest dye. The the anatomy of marriage, im puissance, celibacy, years, but after taking one small box, which was Sunday, Ifevember 26tb, ana will be opened by Mr. J. Th omas Barlow , of Sfctffield , gracer , November 28 Cous6n8 , farmer, Thorrington , Esstx—F. Serle , br ick- Five Pound caaes, (the purchasing of which will be sterility or barrenness, and other various interrupr recommended by his Class Leader, her leg was much Clark. , and December 19 at elsven , at the Court cf Bank- layer, Somerset-st reet. Aldgatts—A. Szlunipe r , tailor , a saving of one pound twelve shillings ;) may bo had tions of the laws of nature. Also observations on better, and when she had taken the second box? is BE-OBGASIZATJOS 0? THE METROPOLIS A5D ITS ruptcy, Leeds. Solicitor s, Mi. Dotcan , Chancery Lan e, S^bo—T. Pollitt, attor Tiey-at-ia ^v, Man- as usual at 19, Bdrnerj-streec, Oxford-street, London , tho Secret Sin of Youth, which entails such fearful was quite as well as the other. Garard-street , consequences on its viotims. This invaluable little Estiboss—All persons oesircus of aiding tbe above LoEdr-n ; Mr. Ferr ell, Sheffield; and Mr . Blackburn , chester—E. A. K. Edgar , cleik , Ruyal-p 5a< e, G/ e.;n- Patients in the country who require a course of this " A very respectable female said her husband had object by Tsnoering tmeipnt ssrvicas as local lecturers , Leeds : Mr. Charles Fearns , official assignee, Leeds. Lovelesb , auclioneer, Little Ciiarlotte- admirable medicine, should send Five Pounds by Work , together with their Purifying Drops and wich—J. G. R. , may be had of W. & Co.. at their been afflicted above two years, and had tried many are requested to forward their names and address James Hndson acd James Broaa bent, jun., of Gale street , Biackfriars- roa d—T. Tytherkigh , bu t cher, Theo- letter, which will entitle them to the full benefit of other Medicines ' 13, Trafalgar Street, Leeds j or of things, but since he had taken Pabb s Life Pills to Mi. T, M. Wheeler , 2431, Temple Bar, without and Manchester , Lancashire , calico-printers , November bald 's-road , Red Iiion square—H. Booth , licen ced vic- such advantage. Establishment, he was quite a new man. delay. 28 and December 28, at eleven, st the Ctmrt of Bank- tualler , Chester—J. K^ lsey, grocer , Lydn ey, Glouces- the following ; M anchester. Solicitors, Messrs . Makinson and KiilderniinBt er—S- May be had of all Booksellers, Druggists, and ; AGENTS. "You will please send immediately, by Deaaon'a BKlSTOIi .—3Ir. Grcnch. cf Kiddermin ster , de- ruptcy, tershire—G CafiVt-11 , uccanntant , Patent Medicine Venders in town and country waggon, 36 dozen boxes at 1b. 1-id., and 6 dozen livered alcctnre in ike Democratic Chapel, Bear-lane , Siniers, Elm Coart , Midu le Temple , Lond on; and Wray .'Sbot maJcfcr , Ripim— W Cork , fruiterer , Peerless- Leedf Bookseller, 7, Briggate, Mr. John St. throughout the United Kingdom , the Continent of .—Mr. H catoa, and at 2s. 9d. Templc-streei , on Sunday tossing last - te an atteniiva Messrs. Atkinson asd Saaoders , Man chester ; place , City-read— J. Lceaon , clerk. Cadosan- street , at the Times Offide. 1 Stoke Ferry, NorfoIK Europe and America, of whom may be had the aadoence. Holt Stanwaj, official ayisnee. Leke'a, Cbelser.— F. Hart , grocer , 41 Silent Frikni»." Liverpool—At the Chronicle Office , 25, Lord-atreet. ** I am, Gentlemen, yours, respectfully, Thomas Spink, ol Hillasn , Yorkshire , farmer , Nov. T. Green wiy, charter master , Wu«t Bromwicb , Staf- CABLISLS .—V eeti ^g of the Cotkcil of tbx Manchester—Mr. VVatkinson, Druggist, 6, Mar- "JOHN HEATON. 27 and Dac-inber 20, at eleven, at the Court of Bank- fordshire—G . Htather , engraver , Philadel phia-terrace , Messrs. PERRY expect when consulted by letter, ko» j CHAB.I1ST i ssociATlOS.— ibe above-named body mil f ee place. rupt cy, Lsfcds. Solicitors , Mr. William Mosley Per- Lambeth— G Oiggs, Harrow Wea J d, M idaie»ex -S the usual one pound, without which, 00 notice r. Harrison, Bookseller, ** 7, Briggate, Leeds, Feb. 9fch , 1842. at their roam , , John street , Caldewgate on Sunday Lower R'pon—M Market-place. 6 , fect, PoHtt fract ; and Messrs- Upton and Glapham , Richmond , Rayleigh , Essex—J. S. Best, Gros- whatover can be taken of the communication. Wakefield—Mr. Hurst, Bookseller. last, for the purpose of arranging the bnsiBeaa of the p;nce, Wigan , road-su rveyor. Ra ^e- on as be Leeds ; Mr. George William Freeman , offi cial aesignae , venor- Pimlico—F. High- Harrogate., and Knaresboro'—Mi* Langdale 'To Messrs. T. Roberta and Co., 9, Crane Court, As^odai and taking such steps might deemed ley, 3ujffor,1sbire ^-W. Cressley, beer-seller , Collyhurst , Patients are requested to be as minute as possible Etcvassry to faiward the new plan of Organiza tion. Lted s. in the detail of their cases. Bookseller. j Fleet-street, London. *' DIVIDENDS DECLARED. Lancashire—W. Meaden , beer-seller , Salford , Linca- Barnsley—Mr. Harrison, Bookseller, Market- Sines 2dr. O' Connor s visit to this place, a considerable oliir-—J. Walker, Bt one-nmson , Manchester—G. Ij. [ extraordinary case of eure, com- rumfetr of cards of members hip hare been taken out of West Bromwich, Stsffordshfre, PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS, place. Another most Richard Pitt , jan- , Aruistroac , sclioolmaster . Kirkdale , Lancashire—J. H. York—Mr. Hargrove's Library, 9, Coney-street. munioated by Mr. Moxon, of York:—Mrs. Mathers, in addition to -upw&nia ol three hundred which that batte r, first diviaend of 41. in tbe pound , payable at 27, tinm an Liverpool —A. Watkins , watch- genUemjn Thompson, , Price 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and Us. per box, Sheffield—At the Iris Office. of that city, had for many years been affected with . dispohta of on the ev=ning of his lecture, W&terloc-street , Birmingham , on Nov. 23, aad any bud- maker , Jnd d-streefc , BruD swick-square—A. Bresler, and we have no Beverley—Mr . Jofrnsoa , Bookseller. a most inveterate disease, which her medical atten- doubt but ihose who have taken ost «qnen t Thur sday. . fnTrisr , lAttle Carter-la ne, Doctors Commons— B. F. (Observe the signature of R. and L. PERRY and orisiBatedin her cards will fcini tl_c dnties tfcna imposed apon them. een., cf fflasgo-w , ana WiUiam , Halifax—Mi\ HartW, Bookseller. dants pronounced to be cancer It "Williatn Bsntley, Barton, lime-burner'fi clerk, George-street Hackney— Co. on the outside of each wrapper) are well known Huddersfield—Mr. iDewhirst, 37, New-street. breast, and continued to spread nearly all Over her T0L the Bentley, jun ., of Liverpool, xcereb&nts, third dividend G. Fowler, brewer, Banwell Somtrsetehire—R. Barratt, throughout Europe and Amerioa, to be tbe mest cer- iJ ^f "~-t Cbj i ^smber of Executi ve,] Bradford—Mr. Taylor, Bookseller, near to the body, defy ing every effort of surgical skill. Parrt t ^ 16 ^ wxoifihiR «> anaoua' cemtnt of nine- sixteenth sof a peony in the paund , payable at bu tcher , Cberivel l. Oxfordshire^—1 . an il W. Kiivingtoa , tain and effaotual cure ever discovered for every she resolved on Monoay, Kov. i Sweeting-st reet, Castle- Post-office. f Life Pills being recommended to her, 20£fi , it the D.Tn--craUc Cnapel, Bar-lane. . : Baraed' s Baiidings, North cabinet-make rs, Norton-street , Portlaud-p lace, Si Mary- stage and symptom of a certain disease, in both Nottingham—At tfifl Review Office. to give them a trial ; and, speaking of the result, she s>reet, Liverpo ol, on November 23rd , or any subse quent lebon e—A. Uglow, Harts ' Cj ffi e-hou se, Aldersgate- sexes, including Gonwrhsea., Gleets, Secondary advantage A 2 ~Co oPKHAT10 5 D^illey, W orcester- Newark—Mr Bridges, Bookseller. say she cannot express the inconoeiveable t>^ ^ i??vCha«« t —011 Monday lasl ,; Thursday. Ptreei—J . 3jtheway, shoemaker , Symptoms, Strictures, Seminal Weakness, Defi- Pontefract—Mr which she has already derived from them. She far* ttsHa ^ck Pwraion Store Society Lid Jub a William Horen d, of Paradi se-street , Lambeth, Dai-ling, Triangle, H ackney—J. Terrell , , Fox, Bookseller. q^terly »e«rBgto , ite shire—D. A. ciency t and all diseases of the Urinary Passages, Gainsborough—Mri R. Brown, Bookseller. ther states, that she ia now almost well, and ascribed -«iun, from tbe report of the anfli- ! builder , fi rst dividend of 7.VA- in Ust pouDd , payable Bt shipwright , Ciarence- street, Rotherhithe—J. Slater , without loss of time, confinement , or hindrance from t«s ap co^ted max«u *e the ' Mansfield—Mr. S. Dobson, NewB-ageat, 519, Bel- her convalescence solely to the persevering u|e«* was * bocks, it appealed that : 25. Cole-nan-sirfeet , City, on any Wednesd ay. traveller , Brun swick-street , Hackney-r oad—C. J. Burn- business/ They have effected the most surprising N.B. Ihe B^ieiy floaris hing eondMoV com- Covent Bo-wtell , vedere- svreet. 1 that sovereign medicine—Parr's Life Pills. h j J ohn Andrew Stirten , 0? 15, Chand or-street , ham, dtnngist '8 assJ Btant , Olnej. Backs—B. cares, not only in recent and severe oases, but when Noble Any one deufeting the accuracy of the above state* menced operations gust fonrto jam «o with' ovlj first dividend of 5s. 6d. in the poun« , Lambfcth—G . Saiwyn , cattit- Boston—Mr. , Bookseller. 61 £13, - Gh*rdec, grocer, fcootseller , Bria ort of Baakru plcy, Leeds-Robert Thompson Ships, fs»m Liverpool for New York, , T.Xi Robertsxhuueru andsou Co.,\j o., 9t>t, wouo-Crane Courtw«» , FloeMrej*• j«mt and ike necessity of a permanent and effectual ; sure, after all other writipfe a description of their symptoms. A remit- ^ tb« pre sent position of Chartis m Oirtwnght , t.f i^th . LiucotoBhir e, woollen-dra per , Month ; London j and sold wholesale by their ^ppwn jW Plan ," Mr. sailing punctually on the 7th and 19'b of each mean s have proved ineffectual. tance of £\ is required before medicine and advice Orgwifcst ion according to the " New G. l ele'fen - *t the Con it of Baukinpt ^, I^&ds— for by E. Edwards , 57,St. Pa ula, Alsoby Barc lays wj legislation Tnsinaa™- ~ they haTo al&o other firet-rate Amerioau Ships can bo sout ; but parties may rely upon the most conncfe aeed Jby: aho wicg tfeat it -ins daof sa Tomiins on, of WiaX etton, Lincsolnshire , com- 25th of each uir/ntb, N.B. Country Druggists, Booksellers, Patent Sons, FarringdoB-street , and Sutto n and oa» of \Xe piessnt state thin sSi and me-.chant , Sac l3 New York, on the let, 13ib, or Me- prompt ar*d faithful]attention. Medicines are in- ^ r ^ . S5iBat ^ , at eleven, at tb.9 Cuv t of B^k- PHILADELPHIA , BOSTON, dicine Venders,&c. cau be supplied with any qaantity Churchyard ; Seld by Jo shua Hobsoic /WfSJJ : pWloi s V&s made the law of tie Isnd we rsptey, I^eds-Jobn Kin g, acd occasionally to variably sent off the day after receiving the remit- Walk* , « ¦ ihe Ch&fel tf E.ngstocnpon-Hull , BALTIMORE, and NEW ORLEANS. of Perry's Purifying Specific Pills-, and Cordial they are so securely packed ?tar Office , Leeds ; and at S, Market bett er oar condition. He showed the pro- rnsreer, D» 13. at ri evm, at the tance, and as to ensure agent ioew could never Conitof Bankruptcy, Balm of Syriacuia , wiij} the usual allowance to the thsir safe transit, and escape observation. dersfield ; and retail by at least one priety of naili ng; for witbout s 2=aloti3 d. termina tion Leeds—Robert Ouldecott and Jo hn CaJd fcott, of llsn- TO QUEBEC AND NEW SOUTH WALES. by most of iht princi and by most "»§*«** j Chester , Ei-:k-ni (4rccrs, Dec 12 Trade, ple Wholesale Patent town in the United Kingdom. ¦ot to be led" astrs f ift any political fsction we never , at one, at the Cour t of Applications, personall y or by lttter, will be Medioine Houses in London. All patients at this Establishment are under the dealers in medicine. P«°e ls- lid/.> object ;. 5ir. Gamma ss' a leehirs gave Bankrupt cy, ?i.iachtster— Jchn MiiliEfcu-n and are™ «"«vefl tronld gain ourftj ThoBias promptly attended to, ana the lowest rates and etery caro of; regularly cheated memt-STS of tho Pyo< family boxes l la, ea.<&, Full directions gff *at aat^rf^ ow. • Siltw , of Macchest vr r, and of Low iiills, Lan n^ute, information given. Sold by Mr. li baton , 7, BjisKate, Lkv.ds, fusion. ! with each box. THE NORTHERN ^TAR .

himself " zerland were /tfseK ^ofirij. and his friends. The prevalence of these horrid voluntary or state paid, and you have theoockatrice's very little Interfered with. The prosecu . Murrain .—In the northern circuits a viru lent aad A Whale in the Dow.ns.—Ds.icg the laBt tioa came oar rites coaateraclcd all tko humanizing and sefcening egg, which, in due season will produce its terrivle too late , and was too little assisted by tht faint disease exists amon ? the cattle. One farmer has one of these mongers of tue deep has teen visitip *' an d was effects of all their social institutions, and their progress brood of giant crimes atainst humanity. All priests Other Canton s; it did nothing at a-i for the deatraotiou losi nineteen milch cows and a fine bull Ths disease coast in search of barring s, its favouriie food, QOB HELP THE POOS. of Communism . Dawns send- in the arts. Their manners became more ferocious as must have been originally supported by the voluntary , and was even favou rable to it , is ir-fl immation j of the heart , of which the cattle die distinctly seen on Sunday mornin ? in the , God help Hie poor, who on this wintry morn they advanced, until tfee barbarity of their actions contributions of their dupes; aad man's history by the great Interes t it produced in all countr ies of ttu ing up its natural fountain 's. Yesterday it was seen off within eight hours after they are attacked. va 9 Come forth of alleys dim, and courts obscure} greatly exceeded those of the savage state." tells the hideous result. The author appears German tongue. CommuniBm was almost unkn own k The crimes of horss and sheep stealin g have been Diver from the shore , and some mea wno were American Chiis- Germ any, but became nar row eBSipe God help yon poor, pale girl, wko droopsf orlom, *' The priest-ridden-condition of Egypt is> known to too to be greatly in love with " by t&ifl an object of genera! considerabl y on: the increase late'-y ia Sussex, and several boat , just as it wai appr oaching, bad a jLXtd.meeXTj ber affliction dotb encore T all readers of history. Lord S&aftejbnry Calls it, ' the tianity" where the " voluntary system" flourishes j attention. ofan up«st; but tney luckily got oh board ¦*¦. galhot , mottierlana of su there is more formers have been great sufferers. Odd help ike onbc&sb lamb! she tremb ling studs , perstitious.' So oompletBly had the hut, what is the truth ! Why that FHIL OSOPHJ CAL COMMVNISM. Chines e Lan guage is France— With a prom pt wh ich was passinc at ;he tima , am i saved tbet o^Jvas irsn her priesthood contrived, t e j ^ H lips, and frozen red ber tiaadB ; here to fix themselves on the priestcraft in the United States; that ib, tha th Besides thi s party there exists another in Gey-many , wisdom and ready foresight a royal ordonuance has beon frotn ,•» watrry ar.iv e. The ttany giant is supps s* . to Her sunken eyes are modestly downcast; shouldera of the people, so completely to debase and priests of the several sects have a greater influence which advocat es Communism. The former , bein issued in 'France , establishing a professorship of tke bs upwafil s cf sixty teet in length. Tha her ring-fi nery s up f Her night-blackh&ir streams'on the fitfnl blast j t ify them with an abundance of foolish veneration, over the minds of their followers than even in this thorou ghly a popular -party, will no doubt very soor Chinese lan guage In the schoo! of the livisg-oriental is progressing very slowly on this part of thB C02it.— Her bosom, passingfair , is htlf reve&Td; that tke couBtry swarmed with temples, gods, and country. Even in that land of " civil aad religious unit e all the wor king classes of Germ any. Toe partj tongues, and appointin g M. Bazin to the chair. . Surely Dover Telegraph. creatures, which in themselves prosecutions for blas- And, 01 10 cold, the saow lies there eongeal'd ; most noxious or loath- liberty," there have been " which I now refer to, ia a philosophical one, uacon tk e study of the Chine se ought to ba sedulously i ur- Instan t Death fro m Swallowing a Pea .— some, were objects of adoration, phemy"! And it is a well known fact that no nected in Hex feet benumVd, her shoes all rent and worn : " its ori gin wiiih eithar Fr«uch or Eoglist aued in England. Youn g men intended for mercantile On Tuesilay last , the inh abitants of Kfrkalady wera " The popular theology of Greece , though it had the priest&axa the States, pros- Communl8ts God help thee, outcast lamb, who stand'st forlorn ] more venal than those of , and arisin g from that philosophy whi ch, pu rsuits would jdo well to thin k of ifc. thrown into a state of extre me excitement by a report same ori gin as other mythologies , by passin g , mighty influ- Gtod help the i>oor ! , assumed tituting their power* of mind and the for the last fifty years , Gbrmnny has been so proud of KNiiriN G and SHIRTIN G—Tt is in contemplation that Aaue Henderso n, a fine gwl of about sik yea.ra of through the glorio us minds of Hesiod and Homer , all to the up- ence they wield through their " orift" THE to establish societies for the distri bution of prizes to suff;cat«d swallowing a pea. It appear * God help the poor ! An infant' s feeble trail th gse slavery , by HEGE MAKS. r.j ?e, was by ckaracters of grace and beauty which they con- holding of that accursed system of farmers ' wives J and daughters , for profi ciency ia shirt with her " 'dusa-m ^tea, and. •v^'^U9t Comes from yon narrow gateway ; and, behold, ferred on their literature tbeir poisoned , and : The political revolu tion of Fran ce wsa aceompatue< that she wa3 playing , philo sophy, and all the which the American atmosphere is Huking and stockin g knitting, and other accomplish- bad thro wn a psa "in t>» her A female crouching there , so deathly pale, aits and embellishments disgustiug by & philoso phical revolution in Garm.iny. Kant began i rucnfBg fomewha t smart ly of life. her boasted liberty rendered a cruel and ments more useful than pr 'z;d in tho aa degenerat e entere d the wind r.ipe. Sad dling her ctald, to screen it from the cold J by overthrowing the system of Luibnitzian metaph ysics mQuth , wb.ich unfortunately " But beautiful as the system was made to appear by mockery in the eyes of all rational men and true da ys. : bu t it became too 6vi« Her Testure scant , her bonnet craah'd and torn ; the e M Which at the end of last century was introduced in al Ertry assistance was rendere d. , mbellishments of ; their immortal poets, the democrats. That " American churches" are "the fust, and that Uh' ia- A th in ahawl doth her baby dear enfold : - Grecian s Univer sities of the Continent. Fichte and Schellin ! HOUSE MaSURE. —Mr. Whitley, a writer on the dent that the tide of life waa ebbinc to celebrated the same mysteries, offered the bulwarks of American slavery" is " as noto- ant pea wis not too insignificant pro ve tbe in- And there she bides die ruthless gale of morn , same hnman wo infer commenced rebui lding, and Hegel completed the i;&v application of geology to agricu lture , states tha t ri car- s^niflc sacrifices, aad were eontauiinated by the rious as the sun at noon-day." What do ? p ireuts were scuccely TPhjch almost to her heart hath sent its cold I same Phalli c system. * The Young Hegelians Of 18i2 wer ^ case of a hor se | is equal to at least ten times its weight strument of death. Her distrac ted abominations , as all the other pagan from this ! That priestcraft is now what it . was only five minutes be' ore And now aha -sodden dart s a ravening look, nations." destroy declared Atheists and E.*{jublicaus ; the periodical . o of farm yard manure , aud would pr ove much more on the spot ere she who was in the days of Socrates : and that to - numbered w;tQ the it !ad. Ai one with new hot bread comes paz i the nook J In India the party, the •• Garman Annuls ," was more ra iica valuable to thej farmer , if convsrttj d into a compost , all life and harmless itlee was " , priestcraft assumed its mo3t determined the power of the priest you must annihilate his Drs. S;i;ith aud Toung arrived on the spot sot long And, as the temptin g load is onward borne, and fearl ess and open than before • a political paper was esta than if sold for:the kennel. air. In other lands , it placed itself in the " craft." Still, despite these objections wa can most after the occ«renc «, bat coaUl do notbing. The l-'ttet weeps. God help the e, haplesj one forlorn l first rank of horror and power. In thia it vent a step excellent one binned , an d very soon the whole of the Gstmat RaTaFIA—deriv ed Lorn res raia j i.d - let the matter She cordially recommend this work as an gentseman yeuteni ay made an incision in tb.9 windi'ipe, Sod help the poor 1 farther. Its chains ap pear t& be indissolubl e xivetted on u the reader liberal press was entirely in out hands . ' We hac bo ratified. When the ancients concluded a fc&rg&in , for young beginners." Having read it, th ey were in the habit of openin g mid found the fatal pea had lodged there ; it hac not the mind of this mighty empire. The perfection of its have done, when friends iu al most every considerable town of Gh»r the bts t wiu« in tho God help the poor ! Behold yon fwaish'd lad ; will be nearly sure to ask as we collar, and as they qu-iftlid the nectar descended very deep. It was a boiled one, and ;f a craft and the selfish ness of its spirit are exhibited in priests of all many ; we provi ded all the liberat papers with th( , of! pronouncin g Jfo shoes, nor hose his woHnded feet protect ; closing the volume: " how is it that the the words ; the last two of which, very 8T.au s'zs — S . millions on millions bousd in chains: of the most slavish maiutam necessar y matter , and by th is means made them oui to -with a tnfl-.nst cotsman With limping gait , and look s so dreamy Bad , ages have been enabled to atquire and change, are ne^ used desi and soul-quellin g castes, and tke servility of a subtile question can only oriiau s; we inuDdat ed the country with pamphlets gnate a iiquture couipoatd Econ omy.—rEc rtnomy shoul d be practissd in all He wanders en ward , stopp ing to inspect their terribly-used power f" Such an d soon of brandy, sueair , and fruits. - religious aeed. India has its triad of gods, its doc- be solved by inquiring into the systems of belief governed public opinion upon every quistion t.'.iinti s, bu r. moiB partinulariy in matt rs of mod i me. Each wicdow BtcrM with articles vt food. A temporar y Lead Mink ^—A valuable lead min e has lately bee u b; ir- tri ne of metempsychosis , its practice of the Phallic ha.vc espouuded. relaxation of the consurshi p of the presi T he restoration to health baa generally en , H e yeama but to enjoy one cheering meal ; which under so many names they added a discovered on the eaU o of Mr. Col e Uamiliou couniy licentiousness, its horrors of human sacrifice and self- there is no fear but that he great deal to the energy of the movement , cc.asp.d at a cos'l y priw ; and certa inly if h<- • to ©! to his hungry pala te, viands rode If the reader gets so far, qui te novel Tyrone. We have seen a specimen of the ore w& ch - immolatio n. "We need not specify the bloody rites of will u fully i " the to a considera le par t of the Gdrmai , could not be procure d at any other rate , a c< j-ly Would yield a z^t the famish 'd on!y feel . progress," until be understands pub lic. is the sulphuritof lead , and may produce , pc-rhips ' J aegernatb . the barbarous burning of widows, or the frauds smd false- Papers , published under the authoriz iticn o , price si.cald nut bo s,-\ o^j-'O t. of scru ple. ! >ut He now devours a crust of mouldy bread -, History of Priestcraft" with all its a gavHjnment Beventy per cent of tliu pure metal. Tiiis is much .i!-ovt) id- unnatural immolati on of children. Throughout con- hoods censor , contained t hings which, even ii whore is the wi-sdom , where is the ecouomy in ep^ With teeth and hands the precious boon is tor n , horrors and crimes. France the usual avera ge, ani t we hope that it may prov« ' , tinental India, we have an exam pl e of prietscraft in its , would have been pun ished as hi gh treason it ing vast suras on a ph y sician s attendance , vr^ea Unmindful of the storm which round his head t er mine ef wealth to the country us wtli aa to t&e pos- most decided, undi sguised , subtle , and triumph ant and o h thines which could not have been pr o eound heal th and lac l> *o may be ensured by jhe Impetuous sweeps. Goi help tiee/thild forlorn ! to press of engagements we nounced in sessor — Dubt in Literary Journal. ^ ' character , at once in full flower and full fruit ; in that B^Owing a have England , without a ttf il for blaspbein j cheap, safe, and simple remedy of Parr s Life Fills. Gad help the poor ! Mothers .—jH uw liui« do wo appre ciate a mother 's state at which it has always and everywhere aimed , btau unable even to look at the works noticed laat buing the const q lance of it. The movement was si Robbeet at Halstead Chub gh.— On Thurs xiay up sudden , so rapid tenderness while living ! How heedless are we in bnt never attained elsewhere. It h^s bere sta mped week aa received for Review. We will bring , so energetically pursued , that thi ttsoraiii fj some persons broke into Ha (stead Chu ^oh i God help the poor ! Another hare I found, arrears next week. gOTern jient OS wtll as the pubH c childhood of all hsr anxieties and tvinUnces. But When A bo Wei 2nd venerable ma is be ; itteZf on toe heart of a great nation , in its broadest and were dragged ali>nj and droke open several boxes contain ing small sutib m With it for aoine time. But , this violent character o she is dead and gone ; when tne cares and coldness of Bis llonehed hat With. &dsd crape is bound ; most imperisDabie style; in all its avowed despotism , Pcblicaticks Received— An Essay on the Tra- of monty, whi ch they took away. A panel at ibo v the agitation proved that it was aut founded upua i the world come withering on our hearts ; when we Bis ©oat is grey, and threadbare , too, I see ; its aelfistineBs , imperturbable pride , au d cool ar rogance gedy of Hamlet ; Temperance Herald ," &c, &c. back ot the al tar was also forced down by tK-ra , strong party aniomj tho public lear n how hard; it is to find tvua sympathy, bow few " The rode winds" seem ts " mock his hoary hair of fanatical power. " , and that its pawe their search bi in g evidentl y for ihe communion was pr oduced by 'surprise and coasttrn ition onl; love us for out8b1«i.s ; how few will befriend uh in His shirtless bosom to the blast is bare. "The avarice of the Bacerdotal tribe in IndH kept the plate. of its opponents. The governments , r?ei>vcring thui our misfortune ; thtm it ia we think of the mother we Anon he turns, and casts a wistful eye, pace with the same passion in the priesthood of otbur ^Literature havet lost. I Hkal Heioism.— An extraor diuary in^tan c of parts of tbe world. Immense quantities of wealth were 86U83S, put a st'^ p to it by a moat cfespotiu opprvs And with scant napk in wipes the blindin g spray ; Glasgow Univkksity.—The election of Lord R ctor pr ew:i ce of miud , latel y occurr e d a- the quarrit in made to fljw into their coffers. Their pagodas ¦were slon of tho libei ty of speech . P.vmphlels , newppap ^ra And loeks again , as if he fun would spy PROG RESS tot th o Glasgow University took pLce on Wednes- tho Ross of Mtt U , Ar ^ylebhire; now wrought for the " adorned with the richest metals ; the alta rs and s&cred OF SOCI A L REFORM ON THE perio dicals , scien tific works were suppressed by d< z;ns Friends be fcati feasted in his better day : day. Lord Eglinto i .iud Air. Fox Maule wtre the can- pier in conn exion with tho Skerryvore ligh th-'iisa vessels of the temp' es were of massy gold ; and their CONTINENT. - No. Ji. aud the agitated state of the ountry soyu subs.deil. Ah ! some are dead, and some hare long forborne didates. The latter v?ns elected by a larg e majority. by- Vip Cotnmissi i>ners of Nor thern Lighthouses. On statues , numerous and large , were made of the same To know the poor ; and he is ltf i forlorn ! GERMANY AND SWITZERLAND . THE COMMUNISTS. THE AMEKi CAJr savy c/nsistB of ten ships of the the 17ih alt as Mr. Chari es Barclay, th e fore m iJ» ot material ; or that next to it in value, silver. " j ; God help the >oor J [The following extracts are from a continuation of The princes and ruler s of G rmany, at th e verj line, all bu ile and neariy finished, fourteen frigatts of the quarries , was engaged in removing a spJintt of " Mr. O/rne (in his History of Hindostan) tells us:— this interesting snbjtct, in the A'eu> Moral World of moment when they believed to hnve put down for ever. the flrat-class , tpo o£ the second , aevevi^en sloops, eight s'.ono fr om the face of a block of len tons W' -i uHt , God telp the poor , who in lone valleys dwell, that tbe BrabminB slumbered in tbe most luxurious : Nov. 18:h, 1843 ) Rep ublicanism , «uw the ri.se of C iiutnunum from the brigs, nice schooners, i.ad six steamers nf war carrying which lay on aa inclined ledge, above h m, the bl oek Or by iar hills, where whin and heather grow .' repose in thbir splendid pauodaa , where the numbers ashes of political agitation ; and this now doctrint immensely lon^gunp. slid forward and oncloeed his lof t hand , which *as Theirs is a rtory sad, indeed, to tell ; accommodated were astonishing ; that p LBTHBS AND THE ilgrims came MUNSTER ANABAPTI STS appears to them even more d»nacrous and formid- "Jac ks the Lad !" — I left my old friend tTVieting brui sed in such a manner that two of his miJ "-Ie Yet Jittte tares the world, and less ' twould know , from all par ts of the Peninsula to worship at that of rs Germany bad her Social Reform ers as early as tbe Re- a ble than tbat in whose app&re 'it destruction they his hemp (who ' iuaat me a bow at parting that would fiii^ were destroyed , aud the sharp points of r ,cfc About the toil and want tbey undergo. Seringbam , but Done without an offering of money ; formation. Soon after Luther had begun to proclaim rejoiced. have done no discredit to the Court of Louis le Gran- :,) came in contact at the palm of the hand , so tha t ifc Tie wearyiBg loom must £avc them "up at mom ; that a large part of tbe revenue of the island is allotted church reform and to agitate the people against epiri- As fciirly na autumn. 1842, some of the party con- and strolle d ag'iiu u< ihe harbour , where I saw Li was held complettl y fast, as in a vice. In t ru» Tfeey work till worn-cut natu re will have sleep ; for tbe main tenance of the Brahmins who inha bit it; tual authority, the peasantry of Southern and Middle tended for the iHttimViency of political cbange , and Feine Amelu-f-the p/eiiaure yacht of the Qa tn of dreadful sitaa ^ton . Air. Barc lay's great presenc e of They taste , bn t are not fed. The snow drifts deep and that these , with their families, formerly composed Germany rose in a general insurrection againet th«ir decla red their opinion ro be , tbat a Social revolution France—a beautif ul little f>ch.ooiier of most ek-jant mind and strength of nerves proved tho meaiu of Around the Sreless cot, and blocks the door; a multitude less rb rmsand , not in number than fort; temporal lord s. Luther always stated Mb object to bo bafiod UpoD Common property, was t t:n onl y state o( ana pe , all saiinwuou and Rikling, manned by some of saving his life and those of tha men that were along 3*he Bight-storm iurarl3 a aixge across tbe moor. souis, suppor ts Without labour , bj the liberality of to reto rn to original Christianity in doctrine and prac - Uiacki&d agreeing with tbeir abstract princi ples. But the finest and mo3t sailor-Miss looking fello ws I ever wish him. The first impulse of the rasn was to And gh*H they perish tirns, oppress 'd acd lorn ? superstition. tice ; tbe peasan try took exactly tbe same stan d ing, and eveu the leaders of thei party , such ;\s Dr. Bruno Bauer , saw. One of her cu >v ca'.itd out to an E smlish sailor fetch a lever to raise tho stone and liberate the pri- fjWa!l toil and iaxnine hopeless still be borne ? 41 Having thus seized tbe reins of o&Iimited power , , demanded , therefore , not only the eccleaiaatieal , but Dr. Ft-uerbach , and Dr. Ra ?e, w«-re not -then prepared on tbe quay, who v.ds eyeing tho craft with .a critical soner ; and had Mr. Barclay's presence of miud 2f« 3 Gad will yet arise , a: ;-d help ihe fooh ! the Pr iests had enly to command and nuke an empire aUo tbe social practice of primitive Christianity. Ttiey for th' ia decided step. The political paper of the party, an d somewhat jconteiuptuoua air. " I say, meesfca'ra , deserted him, or had he fainted under the excru- of slaves. And such was tbtir course. The Brahmin SAMtEL BAUTORD conceived a state of villainy and Bervitu -le, such as they the Rhenish , Gazette , publis hed some paptn advocat- you Quin , has she tt shi p's iikesees V My 'Q-'.essc ? J ciating torture he endured , this rash purpose won Id wieidtrd both " tbe empire and the monarch. He stood lived under , to be inconsistent With the doctrines of ing Communism , but without the wi-hfi-fur effect, sa?d Jack , " "Vy, I Rhid be B-^hatned of her M ^jesty if have he^n executed, and tbe stone would h .ve in the place of ceity ; the will of heaven was thought to ' tho B-.ble. Tney were oppresse d by a sqt of baugbty Coiniiiuuis in bswever , was such a necessary cor.se- fbed spit iu such n ltdai ',:' —J Trip to Havre de launched him forward and crushed him and his co>n issue from his lips, and his decision was reverenced as WHAT ARE BEPE A LERS ? barun * and earls: robb ed and treated like their cattta quenoa of New Hegelian , philosophy, that no oppos '.. Grace —Illuminated ilayas>ne , rad«s beneath its mas3. He, however, wa3 enab; id , the Indian Qoy^rnvieat is • ?- th e fiat of destiny. In fact every day. Tfley had no /aw to protect them , and if ti on could feecp it down ; and , iu th« course of thia To Preven t beer fiiom being Turned bi to direct their proceedings with a wonderful dejrr-ie " ?apa ! what are Repealers —3! T SOS jusUy considered as a tbeecracy—a theocracy tbe more th ey had th&y found nobody to enforce it Such a state present year, the ori ginators of it bad the satisfaction TilUKDEJt .—Having asj ertained t 'hiit it is perfectly of composure, and, after fruitless attempts to raise " Tippcrary, OP ' te , because the name of God was perverted to Am— rrible con trasted very much with the communities of early of seeing oue republican after the other join their good , draw off] entirtly in pint pots. Then having tho bioelr. Mr. Barclay resolved to cut out the stone sanction and support the most dreadful species of des- Mimos s who've given their gage, my boy, christ -ians, and the doctrine * of Chris t as laid down in ranks. Besides Dr. Hess , one of the editors of the now collected an equal number of ra ilway navigators , dis- round his hand as the ouly means of escape Tkia content with subju- Pierce war with oppression to wage, my boy, potism—a despotism which , noV tha Bible. Therefore they iTose and began a war ^Suppressed Rhenish Gazelle, and who was, in fact , the tr ibute accordingly . Tola will answer in the hottes t painful operation occupied aboat twenty minutes^ , Till Erin once more gating tbe body, tyrannised ovflPbe prostrate faculties sgauut their lords , which could only bo a war of exter - iBr8t Communist of the party , thtre are now a great summer. — Pandh. durioff which time the torturea he endured did not of tbe enslaved mind." Shall shine as of yore, mination. Thomas Mur zsr , a preacher, whom they many others ; as Dr. Ruge , editor of German Annals, War.—In a ( speech of a Becbnano chief , he says— prevent his working wiiin. the remaining hand ia " The land of thfc hero and sage, my boy I A short, chapter on " The Jewish Priesthood" place d at tbtir bead , issued a pioclamation , full , of the scientific periodical of the Youn;,' Hege.'aus , which Wha t is war ? .jW .-tr builJs no te wns — p :ants no gar- effecting his liberati m from his exraor.!iu»ry cap- follows, and then, under the head of " The Popish course , of tbe reli gious and superstitious nonsense of his been suppressed by r esolution of the German D.ot ; dens—rai3es no {children—his no j'»ya- What is war ? tivity. Mr. Barclay afterwards walked without The land was all Europe's pride, my boy, Priesthood," is given a capi -al no masking of the 2£e ; bnt containing aleo among others , princi ples Dr. Marx , Bnother of the editors of tho Rhen ish Ga- It iB the World' s destruction —it breaks in pieces tho assistance to the neighbouring village of Buness»a , Its glory and fame vr&re "wide , ray boy ; like Vht 'e : That according to tke Bible, no Christian is xalle ; Gsorge Herwegb , the poot , who«e letter to the hear ts of mothers , and caused the orphan to moarn . two mi les off, where Dr. Diannid , a gentleman wtio CHRISTIAN P2IE ^TCR1! >T. of was Ana Roman and Bine, entitled te hold any property whate ver exclusively for K;n^ Prussia translated , last winter , by most Pbejudice-^I r emevaber a man corairj j to me with had lately returned irom the Arctic expedition 'd , from which we can only finu room lor the following Who offei the chain himsel f ; that community of property iB t&d only pro- ot tbe English papers , and others : an-i we hope that a dolefu l countenance , putt ing himself into many under Ross, removed the shattered bones. Next By \h& sword of its extracts :— her oes died, my boy .' per state for a society of ohristiamB ; that it is not the remainder of thts Bepulflican p^rty will, by-and-by, lamentable postures, gaping as wide as he could , and day Dr. Campbell, who acts as surgeon to the " Having thus pro strated tbe human mlad , they allowed to r.ny good Christian , to have authorit y or come over too. pointing to his mouth , &9 though he wouLd say he ,could Serryvore works, arrived from Tyree, aiid conveyed Her chiefs wax'd faithkss and proud , my boy, VVorkyari And discord' s hosrse voice grew loud , ay bay ; lorded it over the people with insolent impunity. Tbe eommand over other Ch ristians , nor to hold any vfike of CHARAC TER OF THE GERMANS. not speak. I enquired of his companion what was the his patient to the barracks at Hynish , And, rteord of shame , Bann was adopted , and its terrors became felt through- Governnifcnt or hereditary power , but on tbe contnr y The Germans are a very disinterested nation. If in matter ? And jwas inform ed , " he bad fallen into the where he is fast recovering. The stranger then eame, out Christendom. Was a king refractory—did he re- that , as all men are equal before God , so they ought to Germany princip le cornea into coliision viith interest , ba nds of the Turks , w j o had used him in a barbarous A Muprain.— As a proof of tho alarming nature fuse the pontifi cial deman d of money—had he an be on earth al so. These doctrines were nothing but manner, and cut out his tongue by the roata. " I c> And libeny tod in her shroud , my boy 3 ce to principle will almost always 8il« nce the claims of of tho disease among cattle and of its extent in .r opinion of his o^n—a rcpnguau comply with conclusions drawn from the Bible and from Lutbev 's interest. The same love of abstract pr inciple , the same believed him. But when the man bad bad a cfteerful neighbou rhood , we may siate—and we haT9 _ the That land red rapine leng swept , Hiy boy, papal influence in his affairs ? The thunders of the own writings; bat the Reformer was not prepared to ro disre gard of reality aad self-iiiCercst. wliich have brought cup, he could {find his tongue as well as another. I statement on unquestionable author'ty — that, in a And mercy and truth long slept, my boy ; Vatican were launche d against him ; his kingdom was as far as the people did. Notwithstanding the courage the Germans to a state of political nonentity; the&u rt fl>. cted , how is it I cuuid so readily believe that tale ? district of ei£;ht or ten miles round Darby, the low Oi could yon tmt know laid under the biBn ; all people were forbidden , on pain he displayed against tbe spiritual authorities , he had very aame qualities guuraoted the sacce.ss of philosu- Tne answer was| ea^y— •• beoause it was tol d of a Turk. " of cattle from this cause has been something like 5ucb tyrants—sneih woe, of eternal damnation , to tra.le with his subjects ; all not freed himself from the political and social preju- phica.1 Comniunism in that country. It will appear — J ohn Wesiey.l £2,000 within the last year or fifteen months. Of Tonr young eyes with mine bad wept, my boy churches were shut; the natie n was on a sudden de- dices of his age. He believ&d as firmly iu tbe right very singular to En glishmen , th at u pnrty which aims iwo Children Buknt to Death. —Mr. Payne , course, th« whole Joss cannot be ascertained; but prived of ali txterior fxurciws of its reli gion; the altars divine of princes and landlo rd s t , j»quests But in the despots' despite, my boy, , to trample up on the at the destruction of private property, is chiefly may, as if they were fact, on the eve of confinement. Medical assistance sy.ergj refused to marry, hapr ' . or bniy ; tbe dead be began bia career as a man of the people , he was now bourhood of Btruiinghiin. z* prin ted in that count ry itself. AM ptfrswutioDs an: , in this case, as in all similar cases, was required Ere this tow be unsafe in thy keeping, boy, were esst into ditches, or Irt ] utr efyin* on the ground ; entirely iu tbe service of their oppressors. The insur- ' AiiiBOROUGH Tkillok , tue Murderess. — This prohibitions have proved ineffectual , and wilt ever do and, of coarse, soon obtained. Oa the arrival of May your father bemota your sleeping, boy, till the superstitious per .ple, locking on their children rection , after a most bloody civil war . was sup- UDhappy woman , on whom sentence of death was Where green -willows "wave so; the Germans are a philosophical nation , and will the doctor the good lady was assisted to turn out and who died withou t baj-ti»ni , as gone to perdition , and pres>£d , and the pea sants reduced to their former passed by Mr. Jusuctf E skine , at tbe Hereford Summer stand up, , as if by magio Above your "yoiHssr jrrave , those dead withont Christian bn nal , as seiz-d on by the serv itnde. not , canaot abandon Communism , us m> >n as it is Assizijj , 1842 , for the murder uf he? infant iaas had her when , and to the astonish- And rone to-console his weeping, my boy .' devil , rose in rebellious fury , anrt obli gsd the prince founded upon sound philosophical principles ; chi< fly sentence commuted to transportation for 1 fe. ment of all present, not excepting the doctor, *he if it is deprived as an unavoiaahle conclusion from was delivered of two very clean picked geese. Tne Xation to submit a: ;d bumble bin.srii before the prund priest M0DER.N COMMU.NISTS.—WEITLI.NO. Dreadful Accide.vt. — Oa Sfiturday evening an their own philosophy. business was soon over, and the patient immediately of Rome." It was among the working class of Germany that inqaast was hold at the sign of the Green Gate , in the of Notwithstanding the persecutions of the G Tin in go- became convalescent, aud was enabled on Monday, " Bnt the most potent and friehtful engine of the Social R^urm has been late mad e again a topic of City-road , before Mr. Barker and rt jury from the neigh- £*For " Papa" read Fa ther. Surel y the Editor of: vernments (I understand that , in B&rlin Mr. E igar (prepared we presume, papacy, was ths luqmsition. Its history is one of the discussion. G-rman y having compar atively little nianu - , bourhood , on the body of James Hurren , age<1 67, who , for another confinement She Nation was in a fit of ihe " lackadasical" wben he Bauer is prpseoate d for a Communist publ uiuon ; though of a very * most awful horror that can affright the human soul. /ac'.uring industry, the mass of tbe workiat; classes is carried on business us a wholesale clothier in Worm- differen t nature, in company wit!i put such a milksop word into the mouth of his poetic an d in Suttgart another gentleman bus I'ean committtit! her husband), « Its boly office—its ffficeaof ir.ercy, as tl^y were called ma de up by haudierafc&men , who prev ious to their wood-street, Bishopi*fue , As James Harrod , porter to to pay a visit to the honourable bench Toung Hannibal" I] j for the novel crime of " C laimunist correspondence ! ' i of magiserates at Chard, to receive ta' cfr C in that spirit of devilub abnse of Christ ianity in which establishing th-jnselves as tittle masters , travel for Meiers, C.itor and Woods , lii:«n dMpers on Finsbury j ongratlUft" — " — i notwithstandin g this, I say, every necessary step is tions on this wonderfai delivery. they •were ctn>eei-»f>d, -were ppw»dily to be fotind in var:- s-me jeara over Girraany, Switzerland , and Very often pavement , was j standing «t his . employers ' door , at I —Sberborne'Journal. taken to brtn s about a bnccessfnl nijitation for SJCial OUS Countrie s of Europe , jisia. and America, bnt dis- over France also. A great numb er of German WOlk* balf-past eight jo 'ciocfe on Friday evening, he saw a ' VVab Against Knowledgs .'— Serial publications Reform ; to establi sh a new periodical ; and to secur« 3 tin guished most fearful} it S ain. Toeir horrors have mrti is thus continually going to aud from I^at is, cart laden with two tons of brewer 's grains, and draw n < of a literary and scientific nature cannot now be sent .- the advoca ting Com- be€n made familiar to the publie miDd by the writers and must of course , thtro become acquai n ted with tho circulation of all publications by i wo horses , who wwe in it :;allop, coming at a rapid by post, without tha full charge, even it stamped. munism. A POPULAR HISTORY OF PRIESTCRAFT, of romance, especially by Mr * Ritcliffe ; bnt all tbe political and social movements of the French work- pnee from the City-road t) wards Chiawell-street , fal- Au experiment tvas recently made which sets tha overcome the ing classes. One of these men, William Weitling, a l.iwtjfi in the rear , at the ciistince of eight or ten yards question at rest. A new literary periodical, printed abridged from "Wiliiam Howirfs work. Lon- powers of romance have not been able to , , don : Cieavej Shoe-lane, Fleet-street. reality. Spain bas always gltjried in the supremacy of native of M&dgeburg in Prussia , and a simple journey- " A NIGHT WITH BURNS." by tan driver , jwho was endeavouring to overtake it. on a stamped sheet, similar to the regular now.-- her ini qrcisition. She fees stre nuously contended with men tailor , r esolved to establish communities in his own The following under the ab ove head is from Ains- At tiiis tiu mentj the deceased was crossing the end of papers, passed through the post tMae f or two suc- This is a new editon of a work which has been the Pope fer it; an d hasdetmed it so jrreat an hononr , country. worth 's Magazine. A certain Andre w Homer Cniswelt-street fur F.nsbury-squar« f when the horse s cessive weeks, when its transmission was inter- some years before the pnblic, and which to our as to parade the aulo-da- J e, as one of the most fascina- This man, who is to be considered as the founder of tuiurt.i sharply jinto the street ; the deceased , seeing dicted, the Postmaster-General conceiring that tha certain knowledge has been productive of no small of Carlisle, took it into his head tl ai he was a poc. privilege derivable ting spectacles. Her k ings, ber queens , her princes , German Communism , nf ter s few years' stay in Paris , He wro te, and he would print. To carrv Ins iauda. them coming against Lira , hesitated , as if about to turn from the stamp is to be con- amonnt of good in laying bare the enormities of apd ber nobles, have assemb led with enthusiasm to wit- went to Switzerland; and , whilst he was working In biick , and held up his hands to stop the horses ; but he sidered as applicable only to newspapers."— [A. corruption ; and awakening ble design into execution , he took a-j ni ru oy to and jasfc priestly domination and ness them. So great a trea t did the Spaniards formerly Eorue tailor 's shop in Geneva, preached bis new gos- Glasgow , and agreed wiih a printer ana publisher. w^s insiaatly knocked clown , aiid the near wheel went JBse Government would aid the circula- the too long blinded classes to the real nature of a consider them , that Llorente Elate s, that on February pel to bis fellow-workmen. He formed Communiet In re turning from Glasgow he found himself upon an over the miilf1le|of hia fcoiy, crushing in Wb ri bs. - He wfmi of knowledge, aud the consequent mental cut- B eraft^ which for ages npon ages has been .employed ' "tare of the people by every means at its command 25-h, 1560, cne was celebrated by the inquisitors of As>ociatioiia in all the towns and cities on tbe Swiss evening in the ancioiH town of Ayr , ami in th e com- was raise d from the ground bj the witness and other " . and perpetuated to keep mankind in ignorance and Toledo, in which several pers ons were burnt with side of tbe lake of Geneva , most t-f the Germans who mon room of tho iun he for gathered with some half- persons and carried into the shop of Ms. Alfred Mid- Our Government is neither ; hence it trammels by darery. some frfBifes, and a great number subjected to penances ; worked there becoming favourable to hia view*. Hav- " roarin g,, dashin g young feliowtf itlctou , a surgeon in Finsbury-place , on his passa ge to stamp acts, pos-t-office regulation?, &.c, the circu- qu doz:n ranting, , As is expressed in the title page , this work iB an and ihis ^ras performed to entert in the r.ew ^en ing thns prepared a public mind , hf issued a periodical , fond of tljeir «lasa «nd their juke." " Tne night which he move<$ slightly, but expired the moment be lation of mind's productions--. But we " sbrid geirent of the famed " History of Prie-craft , El-z.beth. <1au?ht custody, by poiicsmun laus ; shine conspicuous on the historic page as tha t 1 and to the best of our power aid in the annihilating , plet«-ly may pri estcraft brot r.' -'z a nati on , and so com- I eeiunin K betn superior to most of the French C -m- lad wai introduced , arid—bu t we will let the writer Hain ys, 155 G, tha lu cart being stopped and of a '* system" which " lovech darkness rather than of one of ihe &niigh iencrs and benefactors of the pletely has thifl devilish institution stamped the munist publication ." , even to Fatlj er CUbet' s Populaire tell tie rest :— taken to cue ^ree pyar- .I. G^b^ y sabst qnently under- light," aud keeps in ignorance the enslaved ** many," inman race. Bn: thou gh an abridgement , the pub- , naturally ardent ted cnivairic , with It shows that its editor uinst huva worked vry hard , went an u at vVorhni p-ptreet Police-court , on Spanish cbaracter '"* An epj ^rsm was the subject chosen , because , as as the only means of uphol 'ing the " privileges" of lication before us contains the pilh and spirit of the glo=arsy horrcr , tb ^t both 1' orente aimap>1t2d for further examina- The Queen's Visit to Sib R. Peel. men end women exp sol rrd that his otv u merits shouid suppl y the theme. —It ia her publi shed vfss placed beyond rhe reach of the work- delight" the sam e time , tbut Weitlinj i was always struggling to tion . After several otber witnea ^ex had been examined , Majosty 's intention to honour Sir Robert Peel with ing classes. All who can ?ffor d to purchase tie " We h2ve net jpace to detail the atrocities com- unive liis various idt as and thoughts oil society into a " He commenced— the Cjiouer char ^eit ti«> j-jry, and aft« Half an hour 's a visit at his residence at Dray ton Manor on Tues- larger and complete work "sriii of coHrse do so; but Hiitted by this ofiioua institutn >n. Limborch has given complete system of Cun iruuDism. The Young Gene}a * In seventeen hunder thretty aine'— dcl ibtrati on they relumed n verdic - of *' Accidental da y, the 28Mi inst. Her Majesty will proceed from those who cannot, Trill find in this abridgement an tbe followinc vivid summary of its operations :— ' In iion was firs t published in 1811 ; in the following yunr apd he- paus ed- He then said , * Ye seo, I was born death , caused by the c irt (t"'iug over the deceased ; but Windsor Castle to Watford, and thence by railway excelleEt substitute. The following extracts will eonntriea where the irgoiskioE has existed, the bare YVfcit>.!D2 published a work : Guarantees of Harmony in 1 739, [ho rtal date was some y«jars earlier] so that thr ;ru was uo evi lei ce Lo ohow how that catt wes to Drayton Manor, to remain till Friday, the 1st of : tell a thousand-fold more in favour of the work idea of its progress dampe d the most ardent mind. an d Liberty, in which be gave a review of the oWl I . niak tnat the cotriu: ^ucemen '.' put in motion ." I December, when her Majesty will go on a visit than anything -we could pen. the rap.ici- .u 9 ti ger, who BO&ial syateui and the outlines of a new one. I ihall. to his Grace the Duko of Devonshire, On Formidable and ferocious as ( " H e thcu took pun in hand , folded his pa per with Civilisatio n! of the Gr eeks —The Times having PAGAX PBIESTCEAFT. from the gloomy thicket surveys bis un&uspecting prey, perhaps , some time give a few extracts from this a conscious air ot authorshi p, squar ed him-elf to Moaday, the 4f.h of December, the Qaeea asserteu that " the Gru pks had made more rapid Rutland with nutil the favoured moment arriv es in which he may book. the table , like one who consider ea it no irifia nven pr ogress iii educa tion , ci vil; .asiwi and >7ealih, ttian will honour the Duke of " When we recollect over "what an immense extent the-in- Havin g thus esta olisbrfl tbe nucleus of a Communist , and return to Wind- pinn ae forward and consumm ate its dt-stTuetion. to write a lutttr , and slowly put down in good round couid have boo n rca souaoi y exptcted ," a corres - a visit at Belvoir Casde, of country, and thre sh -what a cumber of ages, in silence its horrific pro- p arty in Geneva and its neighbourh ood, he wtn t to sor Castle on the 7th. Her Afajssty will be accom- qmsi tion meditatesin secret ^nd hand , as if he had been making out a bil l of parcels , pondent , who spent the iao:»i!i a of Februa ry "and idolatry extended itseli , what a terrible turn of miseries propou nd s where , as in other towns of Northern Switzer - ghness Prince Albert ; and jecta. In thedt *-T-rst seclusion the calumniat or Zurich , t he line— March las t in that country, confirms tho assertion :— panied by his Koyal Hi Erns t we tee to hav e been iifllstcd on ter race , by the his cbaree ; witb aEXicna vigilance the creatures of its land , £ume of bis friends had already commenced to wo learn that her Majesty the Queen Dowager has diabolical zeal and cupidity cf priestcraft ! From the ' In seventeen hunder thretty-nine ;' " I can especially bear witr.ess to their proereas in power rtg p-rd its ur-happy victim. Not a whispe r is operate upon tho minds of tbe working men. He ;ow Unary Iqve of leatning . I pignified to bir Robert Peel her intention to join tha temple of Bnduh and Jaggutrath in India , to the stony but beyond thia , aft er repeated attempts he was education , and their extr ^yr heard , cr ths least hint of insecurity Eive-.i , uctil at bejiin to orgsE -.&i his patty in tbxse towns. Under the , Ojopius ' ieo Royj.l party at Drayton Manor on the 29t,ti inst. ; circles of DrnidiioD xd Europe ; Irom the snowy wastes unable to ad vance. second iino wad the Rubi- shail never forget henr iDg Pi ofes?r>r s ture on the dead cf night a bar.d of sav---ge monsters snr roucd nam e of Singing Ciabs , associations were formed for the The Q nsid to Greeks , in the so that the Premier will have the distinguished of Siberia and Scandinavia in ibe north , to the most con he could net pas?. Grecian an 'iquities , in >:ek , . receiving in his house at the same time the dweiiiE ?. They demand an entrance. Upon tbe ir- discu&ion ' of Smii!! re-organiz ition. At the tame tiinu uuiversity of Athens. Not that I understood much h onour of southern lands in Africa and America, the fires of his iattntion to publish a ' •* At last, when Andrew Homer rolupUntly admit- Sovereign and her illustrious Consort, and quiry, by •wtom is that riqaiie<3 ? tbe answer is the Weitling adv ^-rUseA book ,— uf what be said ; but it was the deep aud eager - atten- his her Koody deities have rejoiced the demoniac priests , and * holy effice. " In an instant eII th ^ ties «f nature appear The Gospel of the Poor Sinners. But her e the police ted that he was not quite in the Vein , the pen , ink , Majesty the Queen Dowager, with their respective the people." tiou of tbe immense audience of ail ages anA classes, consumed as if dissolved ; asd either through the complete interfered with the proceeding * and paper, were banded to his antagonist. By him suites and attendants.—Standard . The unbri dled sensns5ity of the pagan worship Did and youne , from the vetornn warrior with bis white " dominion of scp&rstition , or the conviction that resist- they were rejected, tor te instantly &a>ve tha follow- added gre atly to its attractions and power ol mischief. AKHEST OF WEITLING— PERSECUTION AND ' moustache , down to m»>re boys—ricb and poor; from A Bkacs of Fools —Dpel.—A hostile meeting ance would be Tain , tbe master , partn t husband , is ing, viva voce •— 1 ' Assyrian Baal was made the seape- foat of the gentlemen of the! modern school, and chieftains in their took place on the sand near Haverfordwesfc, da Ihe resigned. Fiom tte bosom of bis famny, anil bereft .of PROGRESS. 1 , under the pretext of In seventeen hunder thretty-nine, ' picturesque dresses , down to tho bare-footsd peasant— , Tuesday se'nnight between Captain B -^y, an sensual ity of the prit sts, wbo all domestic comforts , he enters the itquisHion housi ; swine 1 deity, salected the In June last , W eitling was taken into custody, his : The Poil gat stuff to mak' a , maoy taking notes, and all intelligently listening—it bfficiT who very gallantly distinguished himself in pr oviding a sacrifice of btsu*y to the its ponderous doors are closed , asd bopt -cJ excluded— ( ; a papers ai.d his book were seized, before it left the press. And pit it in a corner ; was thut which j surp rised and delighted me. And I j the wars in Afghanistan and Seinde, and a Mr. T. most lovely women of the nation for themsel ves perhaps for ever. Imnmrrf in a noi some vaul t, sur- have Tne Executive of the- Republic appoiuttd a committee But, fahortl y after, changed his plan, waB told that this was the case with nil the public ; J-^ s, in consequence of some language spoken species of det estable deception -rfuch seems to rounded by impenetrable waUs he is left alone ; a prey times to investi gate thv matt er , and to report to tho Gran d Made it to ?omeihing like a man, lectures, which)ar e open to every body gratuitous ly. by ihe latter highly derogatory to the most illustri- been carried on to an ecorisoas extent in aiscient , to all the fma hours caaae on to four•' taking ttte m as a body. Tr.ere are several booksellers | there submit to prostitution with whoever first chose den cy of all pTie-5>cr jift Is it leader t-f th e party, of the grate, when ' ' ' modern Melancholy Affaib.—On Tuesday, a rumour such is the inevitable ten reports of progress ; that ho was in correspondence with in tho morning. Ay his poetic rival then, kindly I shops iu AtLen sj ful l of the cUssica and a rising her . The price of hsi dame tras paid into the said we Bse coining so bail no'?? ! Ar.ct tibj ? Because ecverai news- ¦ obtained extensive circulation in Marylebone that trea sury, 7 similar associations of Gern ans in PariB and London ; roiled up the hearthrug, in a quiet corner of the< literature. They havs magnzlnes and to swell the revernes of the prieJls. ' man has got tte upper tor.fi cf bis tyrant , and keeps Mr. Joseph Hume, M.P., had on Monday made an and that all these societies, bein g composed of men who room, to serve as a pillow for the vanquished rhyme- papers admirably conducted. " ' " If we turn to Enro pe, we shall find that What ever him in awe—not because tke nature of priestcraft is al- attempt to commit suicide, by precipitating himself ¦was the came, very often changed their reaidencs , were so many Btor— tlieu literally a carpet knightr—t he old man, Nile drink whih the languag e, or rise goTernment of the tered ; and yet, let us turn but our eyes to Catholic l • The Dog.—The dogs by the from one of ihe windows of hi& remdeneei Bryaii$ton» differe nt countri es seminaries of " dangerous and Utopian doctrines ," better prophet than poet, exclaimbd , Hoot, mou, crocodile?. When those vt , the religion was essential ly the countries , Spain, Portug al , Italy, and tbe scene is ' running, t« csoape the jquare. During the latter part of that day and same. There wa« sending out their elcier mtinbsrs to Germany, Hun- but ye'll be a greater Roe*, yet !' cross the Mississippi, they bark , first, an ordtr of priests ; secondly, lamentable ; and even in cur o. n country, where free Navv Orleans wish 10 the whole of yesterday che house of the Houoarable garia. an d Italy, nnd imbuing with their spirit every " Answer, (3 nations, whether the prediction waa1 edge to attract the alligators, , wb.o an order of military nobles ; thirdly, a snbjnrated institutions check presumption , and - the presa terrifies at the river's Member was literally besieged by the calls of his multitude; and insUtnUens workman who came within their reecb. Tho report fulfilled ? In a few months after, a volu me of poems from their scattered haunts aud , th e spirit of which, is many a monster from the light of daj— we bthold I are no sooner drawn political as well as personal friendB. The ramour, ti at of tinnstiiig the vras drawn up by I>r. Biuntschli , a man of ari stocratic was published from the press of John WiWu, of spot, than the dogs set off it full lower orde r* from all place and things which make our hearts throb with indignation. " concentrated on the as regards Mr. Hume himself, proved erroneous ; authori ty, and systematically dooming them to an unal- and fanatically Chris tian opinions ; and the whole of it Kilmarnock—the autiiot was a pettsaut by birth, a' e aed, aud plunge in the water higher up the stream. but an occurrence of 1 p had taken place of an equally tBrabl ^state servile depression. * The " Second Part," and by far the larger portion therefore is wiiiten more like a patty denunciation , poet by inspiratioa. Coarse was the paper on which An Esquimaux jdog, that was brought to thiB coun- serious and afflicting tibaraotex to the Honourable " The priests often unired the sacerdotal and sovereign of the work is tsken up with an exposure of the than like a calm , cfiisial report. Commu nism is de- these poems were printed, and worn was the type.' try, was-given to artifices which are rarely seen, in Gentleman's son-in-law rare class1 , Mr. Charles Gubbins, who power in their own persons ; and where this was not ** English CbnTcb" and the " Church of Ireland." nounced as a doctrine dangerous in the extr eme, sub- But the poems themselves .wore of that the native Europeans, whose subsistence does not is the brother of her Grace the present Duchess of portion is far too lengthy for versive of all existing order , and destroy ing all the which the world does not willingly let die. The1 resources—strewing his food the ease, they exerdsed a power superior to that of This most important depend on theiir own St. Aiban's. Ob.' Monday inprniug, shortly before gs. They itfiicted pains and ¦as into ; we must refer t'se reader to the work sacred bonds of society. The pious doctor besiBes, is fame of their author has flown , far and wide,1 , and feigning sleep, in order to allure kin penalties, exacted the to dip 1 round him five o'clock, the screams of Mrs. Gabbins atroka nto st abject submission , and as , promising iim thai he will find such reveala- at a loss for words sufficiently strong to expre ss his throughout the world. His genius and his fate have fowls and rats, iwhich be never failed to add to his wag the pretended inter- itself reproach of Scot- Mr. Joseph Hume and his family, and it pre ters of the divine will, xiared even to demand, in tionfi therein as will exhibit in its true light the real feelings as to the frivolous blasphemy with which become ' at once the glory and the ' store.— Blair' s Hittory of '. the Dm. then discovered that the nnfortnnate gentleman had thy wnM of heaven, the blood the self-styled " Poor Man's Church" U) these infamous and ignorant people try to jus tify the ir lauo.' Tbat author was the same who, in a sportive vrindow, of kings. This they ob- character of Homer. ] MARATHON. thrown himself from his bed-room on th« tetoed.- We Bar observe that at the commencement wicked sad revolutionary doctrines , by passages from mood, made an epigram upon poar Andrew Groat king remember Athens 1" From this day third floor , on to the payementj Hstyjug been con- ^ party are , in His name was ROBERT BURNS. " "The great and long-bidden continent of America tie writer denounces all priestB because they are the Holy scriptures. Weitling and bis " Thy cionching slaves, each; mom, shall need no mere veyed into the house iu an insensible state,ad Dr. WaSj Trhen discovered , found to hav e been anb jected to pri-sts; whereas at the close he appears to denounce thia respect, just like the IeatiauB in France , and con- To bid thee thick of her. By the seashore Arnott, of Bedford-square, Jlr. Listpa^, » SeTeral fitf Hme roperBtitions, ths same dominant sphit of priests only when they are connected with the state. tend that Christianity is Communism. ) on the fl isbing sunbeams play emineut members of the medical profession, g all ques- to eatisfy PnooHESs of Literature in Italy.—Daring the Of Marath other priesthood, and the tame terrible systems of worship." To ns thiB appears inconsistent. Wavin The result of Weitling'a trial did »ery little 3 On golden arms, the pomp of thy array, were sent for, fend promptly arriyedi when it waa particular creeds, we pro- the anticipations ef the Zarich Government. Although year 1842 there have been printed in Italy ,042! " Of theii Tiloody sacrifices the Spanish writers are tions as to the troths of 1841 was 2 999) : off The gorgeous ranks that Dates leads to war. discovered that Mr. Gubbins haa sustained a com- tdSL v Par is described to have been the soul conYiction that any body of men set Weitling and his friends were sometimes very incau- books (the number printed in of one of his^thigh*in two places, of the claim it as our these 3,042 1769, or about three-fifth?, were pub- Hark 1 drowsing in their battle shout the roar pound fracture MfritaTT worship. They never approached their altars apart for the offices of a priesthood, whether paid tious in their expressions, yet the charge of high treason j Of the »ib, fiercely to tho fray, ' . and that his other lfg was broken.^ Mr.^ Gnbbins offerings of their and conspiracy against him could not be maintained ; lished in tho Lombardo-Venetiari kingdom ; of the ^E. without blood, drawn from their own bodies. Of all by tbe state or by the Tolnntary 235^ in thei With fiery speed, rush, t'wards their glittering foe, was visit-'d two or three times thronghont yesterday offerings, and they were for shearers!), is an en the criminal eourt sentenced him to six months' impri- remainder, 508 appeare d in Piedmont ; and but very faint hopes feeir numerous, human sac- " flocks" (fit victims ; 216 in the papal states ; The iron ranks of Athena: on they pour by his medical attendants, rifiees were deemed to be the most acceptable. Every conviEced of the truth of sonment, and eternal banishment from Switzerland ; grand duchy of Tuscany entertainftd of his ultimate recovery. The sad —a enrse. If men expelled 174 in the kingdom of the Two Sicilies ; 19 in the> Like ocean's billows when the north winds blow. are »ptiTe taken in war was sacrificed, with horrid their respective creeds would pay their adoration as tbe members of the Zurich associations wero Thy Persians swept, event has thrown the family of Mr. Buine and his not inter er- Ihe Canton; tbe report was communicated to the Go- duchy of Modena, and 11 in thu state of Lucca. ,! like their foaai, are before state of great «rueltifi3, at the temple; the head and heart being de- each ibcnjjtt.proper, each for himself, erable portion were trans- The charge. Rejoice, thou everlasting sea, Grace the Duke oi St. Altai's into a |he gods, would be well : but allow vernments ef ihe other Cantons and to the foreign Of these works a consid is Toted to and the body appropriated it ¦ to the ing -with his neighbour, lations. Ye heavenslift up your toice^fhe eaiih free. affliction.^ warrior ij sbmthe captive had been taken, to least of &e existence of & priesthood, do matter whether ambasjsies; but the Communists in other parts of Swit- THE NORTHERN STAR,

" their opinions on the subject to me; and I will lay Union to be inevitable, we come to a consideration of declamation for that period , the weekly reports of out of bia wage*. Mr. Richard Tatterahall wished Mr. owner, respectively, and on that of thg operatives REBECCA" MOVEMENT tbe Central Committee of the above body, former employs. The former Se " j them before those means, apart from any accompa nying political his social compilation , delivered in the Conc iliation Baron to be examined ; but the Mafistrates replied, whom th^ finds, that of for tbe purpose of consideration. Secondly, the plan that he being one of the party, although not connected the capital to rested ia his works, such or such pro- s Star measure, by which alone the change can be made Hall, will, without committing himself, or even * JJ XEIIJ fG OF TSPSTEES OF THK CAR ^AiTHKH j as advertised in last week' , is another effectual with the shop, he could not bo admitted as a witness. portion is devoted entirely to wages. Hi* first care ia A meeting of t& above Trustees was : mode of assisting ourselves. I mean the Operativa beneficial to the people. mentioning Repeal, feed the fl ame, and nurture the Mr. Wbiteheadcalled a number of the workpeople who to reduce tho rate of these as low as he can, so as to JL&1K TbCsT.— , held on Friday last in ths Talb&i Inn, Ht. Morris in j Tailors' Association and Joint Stock Clothes' Com- We pass over the most irritating questions , be* desire for such a rule as will produce such a boon ; are now engaged at the defendant's mUl, and diminish tbe aggregate per centage which they repre- of the gates at j pany, established for tbe purposeof giving employment were paid in sent, or the cost (to bim) of production. He" finds the chair. The subject -of the removal lieving that they are but emanatious very publication they all declared that their wages that XlanSovery andJPentrebach, to be replaced by another j to its members, by uniting their small means, to en- from the while the of a compendium of his money. Some of them bad seen complainant draw the difference between this cost, all incidents included in a centralsituation , was brought again before the meet- able them to open establishments in various parts of gre at source of political inequality ; and we come at labours would bring him in more money than the money ; but none of them would speak at to the 4th of (with interest on tbe plant, buildings, and maehinery ing ; when Sir. Stephen J»ses stated that be had an.' London for the supply of clothes, to the working once to the question of questions, the means by national tribut e. Seeing his power to effect good, it August Mr. Royds said it was a gross case of the of the concern, *c), and the returns he realises, ex- on Bis property, classes and others. The design of this Association is profit—bebj! objection to^v toll-house beinu erected j to which alone the foundation ot future shall be our stud y to Truck System , and the Bench had decided on convict- hibita an average a certain per centageon teswere , parties of loose cha- • create a home market for oar own labour ; to bring into happines s oan strengthen rather than to tbe capital se invested. It ocean to him, that by pay. »s, if the ^a discontinued be laid. We shall not here ing Defendants in the penalty of £10 and costs. Mr. racter might become tenants cf the house, and damage : active co-operation all trades, such as shoemakers, deal with the question weaken him ; while, by way of caution, we would Hunt said his clients would not press tbe other charges ing a given proportion of the wages of his worka«a might be done to his woods iu the neighbourhood,j batters, bake rs, builders, sempstresses, ice.; to effect of the Protestan t Church or ot the inequality of the now remind him, that O'O onneu/s self oan only on condition that the expences were paid and the shop (whicb form so large an item to the cost 01 production instead of money, he may He tfatrefore declined the proposal which had been ; an exchange of produce through the present circulating law. Those we leave as questi ons to be hereafter destroy O'Conne ml. We shall contin ue the subject given up. Mr. j Richard Tatteraall - replied, that his in stores and supplies, make ; medium. Let all of the above tradesand oihexs assist a twofold profit ; that is, that be may purchase the made to feim. The Clerk stated that he had no doubt disposed of by a people rendered politicall until all shall learn who do not father formerly kept the shop, and had been in the ^Sodfirieh ^wonld bstte no objection to the toll- tbe tutors, by becoming Bnueoolden in the above con- y stroDg wish to remain turning over ,000 per annum, by wholesale stores and supplies wholesale, and at first hand, with a that ilii | by Bocial improvement. Lord habit of £5 house being ereeted on r 1** i&nd, and it -waa ordered j cern ; and the tailors Id return will assist the aboe- Dunfbrmlinjs, late ignorant. and retail. His [father was now dead, and they could considerable profit from the discounts the dealers will Accordlnsl y; the land to be paid for on valuation. \ makers, &&; eacn and all having an interest in each Speaker of the House of Commons, when auditor to not draw the concern to a close in a hurry, bat they allow him tor bis ready money or his short bills ; and Joint Stock Trading workmen at some advance Mi- Bulicn , toll-contractor , presented bis kill for the Company. By these means we the Irish EstateB of the Duke of THE ROBBING TRUCK SYSTEM. were intending to do so. Mr. Whitehead consulted that be will sell them to his , in consequence of shall become customers te each other. There will be Devonshire, agreed to even on the retail prices which they would have to lose ho had sustained in this trust asked a Mr. Swanton, one with the defendants a tew minutes, and then the Bebeeca" outrages; "be had added the whole an identity of interests ; it will be the meansef keep- of the Duke's under On many occasions we have brought to tbe notice the conditions. jMr. Royds said, as the complainants pay to tbeir tradesmen. But by this mode of proceed- " agentB, * amount of tbe receipts together, and compared them ing a portion of that capital within onr grasp that is if he could devise any mears for the tran- of tbe public the foot that several statute laws, passed appeared to be sickly persons, it was ultimately agreed in* he puts it out of the power of the operative to go ¦with those of the previous year. He found that the now tiBed by the moneyocracy to perpetuate that quilization of Ireland, and as a mode of suppres- that they should] have one-half of tbe penalty ; and the to tbe best market for any commodity he mar waut ' baneful and awful system of competition which ostensibly and avowedly f or the protection of the He puts it out of the man's power to dispense (as he deflcitney in the present year amounted ta £314 12s 4d, sing the frequent outbreaks in that Association established for putting down the Truck and he claimed that thia sum, therefore, be aUowed ¦ is fast sinking the working classes of this conntry. country. " Yes," working population, have been openly set at nought ; Syiem-fcha othe»rlj?J*» may desire to do, with the view of hoarding up a little him. The Chairman was of opinion that this was not . The anti-Corn Law League say their opposition to leplied Mr. Swankw, " a very easy one. Whenever their provisions disregarded by the employers of pittance for some contemplated purchase or deposit, Laws, After giving the case, our correspondents exclaims : end) with any such commodity a fair method of making the calculation, and tkat tbe | the Corn arises from a desire to break the an outbreak takes place, hang the nearest landlord, labour, without, ae it would appear, either fear or say at the year's more common coarse would be for Mr. B. to have right arm of the landed aristocracy: onr object should " There! Mr. Editor : what think you of the reli- altogether. For if tie have consumed it one week, ag the nearest parson, the nearest magistrate, the nearest care as to the consequences ; and indeed, judging stated Che length of time that the gates were down, > bg to break the right arm of the moneyocracy,the greatest gion of this Methodistical Sabbatarian Saint Dickt the truck book at the store will show in every man's and jjo Ulla taken ; then to have ascertained tbe tyrant of all. Here is a wide field for all. Our female solicitor, and the nearest p olice Serjeant vpon the from the impunity which has been accorded to the case to the manager or overseer, he dares not to dis- : Tattersall ! He is a beautiful specimen of the amount taken during the same periods in tbe former friends should unite together upon the same principle, nearest tree ,' and J pledge myself that you will not tramplers-upon the positive requirements of law, it continue it in another. There would be an inference year, and te have claimed this sum as compensation and establish a company of their own, making the hear of another outbreak in that district." This genus of land sharks, who, under tbe specious mask created against him, immediately, that he had supplied price ef the shares come within their means; the males would seem that there was not much reason why other quarter. And here we for bis loss. So few trusteesbeing present, the matter opinion was of cant, and the garb of Methodistical sanctity, (with himself with it io aome was left over to the next n-eeting. Sundry small bills ; also taking np shares for the purpose of assisting them. , no doubt, founded upon the belief they should either fear or care ; for the " conse- may leave what would be tbe result of such a simple, that those five parties were an appetite ten times more voracious than the a private were presented and oidered to be pmd. The meeting ; Where is there a man amongst us who would not be the instigators to out- quences" hitherto have almost invariably been, not every day exercise of his own free will in glr.d to purchase his shirt, or any other article that Pharisees of the olden times), devour the houses matter of this kind, to the labourer or artfz in con- •was sdjtrarned to Friday, the 20th of December. break : and therefore it shall be our present busi- only exemption from punishment, ISCEXDJAKT P1B.K. Tuesday morning last, they may have to dispose of, instead of their being but a pooketting of the pooh ! j a sample ' of the snivelling crew, nected with a concern thus managed. ' There is/ —On ness to deal with the mode of destroying, firstly, of about half-past four o'clock, the out-houses of a farm compelled, as at present , to make shirts for capitalists the " plunder" that; could by these means be who are constantly crying for * cheap bread, while says the writer la the Halifax Guardian, ' a colliery at three halfpence and five farthings each? Why not their interest in creating, aad, secondly, their capa- in the neighbourhood of Hey wood, near Bury, where «alled LiwyngynEcngra, in the parish of Llaneg^ad, wrung from tbe lap of ill-requited industry. SERFS OF 84 PER about two milts irom Brecbia, were set on fire, when the glovers of Leicester, who are now on strike, com- bility to create, those periodical disturbances. THEY ROB THEIR POOR WHITE the manager kefcps a shop, and all the hands who work The law against Truck affords a remarkable in- CENT. OF THE SCANTY WAGES OF THEIR TOIL f Such pr ovisions at the the -wbelewere entirely destroyed; luckily, the dwell- mence for themselves, and send their produce to the Ireland, being a wholly agricultural country, and at the colliery are f orcedto purchase id companies of London; also the stocking makers, stance of tbe disregard to which We have alluded. shop kept by the manager \ or they must have no work. ing-b.6use escaped the coufitgration, consequenceof *a In no laws being in existence for the monsters ought to be branded in the forehead with farm- fact, let us adopt the general principleof tradingfor , and developement The requirements of that law are positive, plain, Some of the operatives reside two miles from the shop, &e wind blowing from the north. 11 appears the the words 'Factory Cheap Btead Thief: and had I arepai d go»ds lisnse wai unoccupied, but a new tenant was expected with each other. I rejoice that the tailors have set tbe of her agricultural resources, we shall firstly, palpable ; the penalties many, and easily enforced : and yet nearly the whole of the wages in % to take possession on the followingday. It is Bnpposed first example. They bold their meetings every Tuesday grapple with the Landlord and Tenant question. the office of branding committed to my trust, I at about f ifteen or twenty per cenL higher than at any evening, at the Hope Coffee Heuse, Parringdon-atreet, and yet it is notorious that this said law is set at would take care] the characters should be as- deeply shops in tbe same neighbourhood. The above system that Beeca and ber daughters thensht proper to have The poverty, the rebellions, the heart-breakings, the colliery recourseto this mode of revenge npon tbe in-coming City. D:> you follow it, both political and social Re- nought, trodden under foot, every day we live. In seared as hot iron could makd them : * for the is carried on to an alarming extent, both among murders, the dissensions, and the expenses arising masters and manufacturers.' Yet, in the face of facts tgnttntj becausebe became tbe xncce&Ecr of another who formers. By wnw arrangements this can be carried into several extensive districts of the country the prac- land stinks, so numerous is the fry. had given bis landlord notice ol qiaiti»g ; and accord- ¦ effect. It will be the means of crippling the resonrces out of the present system of managing laud in Ire- '" like these, there have been found advocates of thia tice of Truck is almost universal. There is no even within the walla ingly did leave the place on ths 29ih of September last. ; of the tyrants, as well as securing to ourselves the re- land, must be dealt with by the Government with a Of all the sickening hypocrisy that can even be con- atrocious and grinding device The out-bouseswere set fire to in four different places; ward of eur industry. secret, no disguise, about the matter. It is ho- ceived, that of an Anti-Monopoly-bawling, "" free- of Parliament, wbo would have persuaded the public, ( firm and resolute hand. It is folly to talk of the manufacturers, or mine snd Bome-person in the neigbbonrhocd passing at that j The third and last proposition, but not least, Is that toripus ; known to all ; and the parties practising trading, cheap-bread" demanding Employer if they could, that no we iboold never lose sight ot the necessity of obtaining inability of a Government to interfere with the " " owners, ever enconraged the truck system, except out time, bxw a man with a light in his band on the pre- : it not only dare to look their fellow-men in the face, pursuing the thieving practise of Truck, is surely he was the new i political power ; for,without it we should never be Landlord's title to the raw material, while year of a desire to accommodate their workman with, mues, but passed on naturally thinking but also regularly appear at church or chapel ; supplies at the cheapest prices. Amiable tenant. There can fee donbt that this disgracefulont- j able to proect oar labour—without it we shall continue after year it deals so capriciously and injuriously the mo3t hateful ! Is it possible to imagine of the beat to be what we are—slaves of the worst description ; snivelling there as loud and as long as the rest of solicitude of amiable men .' Thus act the des- rage is tie work of that midnight marauder, Beccs and i with the title of him whose capital is expended upon deeper disinflation, or more wicked insincerity, of her offspring, as win be seen by the following threaten- ! without it our liberties will never be respected. In the canting tribe ; and sit and hear, composedly pots of the East, from the most enlightended short we require political power as a means. Tbig pie land, and the labour of him by whom it is made than for & man to affect great interest on behalf of them, tbe Pacha of Egypt, who first sets bis own prices ing letter, Bent to tbe in-oomisg tenant, which is and undismayed, the denunciations of God himsel , , evidently the production of that Lady or one of her ; National Charter Association have already agreed to valuable. Government must interfere ; and that f the working people ; and evince an uncommon on all the growing crop* of corn or millet or cotton in go upon the land as soon as practicable. Where should fulminated against the men that " defraud the M his dominions—then declares by Jf/mdun that he is dsnehtrrs :— i right speedily; whether under a Legislative Union anxiety to procure for them cheap bread,'" at the Srx—¦Inasmuch as we have tak<=n in hend to take thoae wbo go upon the land seek for a market for iheir labourer of his hire." < the only dealer in such commodities, and will pay all produce bat among those who have a direct interest in or a domestic Legislature. The interest of the very time that he is forcing them to take his bread men for them, and at such prices; and, lastly, sets an view of those burdens which eo hP-avOy Gppress ua, as a In the perfor mance of our duty, as advocates for cent, { country and neighbourhood, we have thought fit to ' keeping them there ? The trading companies will re- t enant, and the interest of the labourer cannot bo some thirty per above the market price How army on foot to ' superintend' the bringing into his the toiling and the toil-worn , we have often had granaries and warehouses of the Stores of all adopt some measures in order to remove the cause of 4aire their prodace; they from the trading companiesin served without equally serving the interest of the sickening to hear a man bawl for " FREE-Trade," Hichsess's such oppressions. We dsss among the number cf return. to expose and drag to the blaze of day the in- when he will not leave even his workmen fhee to reluctant or refractory contributors—down to the petty In submitting these propositions for yon* considera- landlord , and therefore it becomes the duty of the Sultaans and Rijas of Pidor, or the Soloo Archipelago, hardships wvth which we have to contend, the enor- j ' famous practices of infamous thieving men, in the trade with the legitimate shopkeepers of his vicinity ! moxis rents ire hsrs t* pay, an oppression ivbictl seta- ' tion, 1 am actuated but by one motive—that of assist- Government and Legislature to look into the causes or Sumatra—who being bent on trading with European ing and protecting ourselves, by placing qb in a better matter of Truck. We have bad to give remarkable How sincere must be the loud professions of Anti- , issue their mandates, with their own auto- iDy reduces ns to rnin ; and when any farmer applies ; which tend to create dissatisfaction in the minds of 1 captains to hislandlord that he declines holding his tenement at ¦ position to demand political freedom ; for, rest assured, instances of peculiar oppression and fraud ,; and Monopoly from the mouth of such a wretch cratic prices annexed, requiring their people to dispose those two parties. The uncertainty of tenure, ' , without the customary rent, with a view of obtaining a reduc- i if the day of our redemption takes place, it must be have more than once showed the means that exist And yet, we grieve to say there are many such. ,We tojthem, tbe Sultauns and Rajas in question tion in bis rent, in order to save himself from ruin, | by eur own means. The working classes most work out and the legal expence of establishing title, even to put the practice down. 1 the least delay, of their bales of pepper, their .betel must proclaim it as our firm conviction ; a conviction , chank, gold dost, edible birds' nests, or any other another shameless devil comes forward and proposes to . their own ralvatien, by, as R. Peel bas said, " taking under lease, or aocepted proposal, as well On the present nut their own affairs into their own hands." _ occasion we have to put the'reader forced from the { actual cases that have come under commodity, the trade of trafficking in which they are give morefor the said tenement than the apparent out- j as want of capital, aie tbe three great in possession going tenant. We "have been informed teat you are 1 I am, fellow-workmen, youTs respectfully, of a case, where the law has been made our own observation ; that the majority of Truck - willing and prepared to take entirely off tbe bands ef evils that mast be boldly met, and instantly independent subjects ! Thank God ! the day for guilty of the self-same transgression, which is virtually j J. W. Paslxbr, to reach the guilty parties.- That case is vastly im- stebs in Yorkshire and Lancashire will be found to their prohibitedin the Bible, and reason also loudly proclaims j Suffolk Coffee House, Old Bailey. destroy ed, as regards the tenant. To effect portant. such transparent humbugging (we know of no other term It teaches the working people how to go be arrant Free-Traders ; mouthing advocates of in all the languages that would express our idea; is against such conduct In consequence of your coveting ' the first object—namely, certainty of tenure, tbe to work, to get "justice." The uw is there: , LlaimfFynonynedd, in the parish of! " .Cheap BreadjjHiGH Wa«es, and plenty-to-do." past in England. Truck-system capitalists may talk of * farm called THE LAXOaSTEK . TS.1AL8. Government have a power to give immuuitiei to and wherever there being actuated, ia this sort of scheme for making the I2ane?wsd, now oecnpjed by Richel Jsnes, we deem it j is a case of truck, the work- Take the following as a specimen :— advisable to inform yon that we do not allow yon or ' tcnants-at-will, or with short leases, which would man who is made to suffer, ought to take advantage workman disgorge a portion of his wretched wages be- TJARTIES desirous to perfect their sets of this In the parish of Saddleworth the practice of fore be has lef t the pay table, by kindliness and charity any other individual to be so daringly audacious and X valuable Work, will do well to apply imme- render the practice disadvantageous to the landlord . of it. , impudent, as to make any proposal or offer to the land- : him to grant such lease as Truck is in extensive vogue. Many masters pursue on their part and a desire to consult his private in- diateltft as there ia bat a limited quantity of some and thereby compel It ia also manifestly the interest of the general terests alone—to their steam boilers or their furnaces. lord of the said tenant, and thereby precipitately cart ; of the numbers sow on hand. it: but by far the greater part of, them are " Free , would ensure the full expenditure of the tenant's phopkeepers to unite, as at Rochdale, to aid and Such professions are not more substantial than the oat the said person iti., the present tenant). Be so \ Chartist ought to be in possession of this Traders." One ease ia deserving of special notice. ive Rachel thorongh fairplay ; and we JSTery labour and capital. With regard to the second evil protect - the working man in his vapour of the one or the Bmoke of the other. But the kind as to g Record of the great Chabt/st T&idhph over the appeal to the There is a " master" in that parish, known as same provincial journal from which we have been quot- desire also to put you in possessionof this, that we do ' that of establishing title, even under a lease, against Bench. Tbe Truck system must be injurious to Tory Government. It was the best and most sue- " Lord Lotherdale." He is crammed up to the ing, supplies us with one other illustration of the re- sot believe that you wOl escape the chastisement of ee&slul legal figh t the Movement party ever had. The a landlord wbo h&5 all the law upon his side, and all them. It supersedes their business altogether. If suits which the comprehensive truck * system' includes, Becci. , " i throat with " sympathy for the poor ;" would " go fairplay. ; example then afforded may be followed, nith advan- the means of barrassing at his dispossl, there is the men were not tied to the master's tommy shof , that we shall leave to apeak for itself, as an instructive I am one who uphold tage, by the Defendants in Ireland. almost through j fire and water" to procure for the suggestion of the moral and domestic benefits it must ¦ but one remedy ; that of giving an equitable juris- and!forced to take from him shop-goods at twenty- The CossTABtLABT Force «I Carmarthenshire , A few Copies of that excellent Work, toiling millions the inestimable blessing of a "¦ cheap infuse into the social circles of tbe most hard-working, (exclusiveof the boroushtown of Carmarthen, which ! diction , in all such cases, to the Assistant, Barrister fi ve per cent, above the market value, the men and the worst paid classes of onr labouring poer ;—' A loaf:" and yet; this contender for " Free Trade/' , does not pay towards the county polices rate) consists of , THE STATE OF IRELAND , at Quarter Sessions ; and who shall bo bound to would have their wageg, small though they may co'/t'ei-j/ master, sear Rochdale, has now a number of j , and- fifty »T ABTHTTB O*COJfH 0B who ties his own workmen to his own counter ; this «ne chief eonstable six Knperistendeots ; , decide upon ths equity, and not upon tho law, of the be, : to spend among the legitimate shopkeepers. /kmalesworking at the bottom of the coal-pit. The police aetjeaoia and constables: t£e BUDCH f XP&DSS charged in : be had in two Numbers, denouncer of " Monopoly," has had men in h\s em- have been made acquainted with it.' remain on hand, and may case ; the evide/ice for his governance to bo fur- As it is, they are not able to go near them. Thus tbe comity rats fcr tbeir support is about .£4.800. at Fourpence each. ploy who havQ not touched a single shilling (in " Anil we, for our parts, shall not lose sight of this Ot thvsam ount, no less a sum than £1,37* is swallowed , nished by the clerk of a County Court, where all remarkable and unqualified statement. It will doubt- No Man can nnderstand the position of Ireland, deprived of custom, they are cheated out of their money) from him, for wages, during a whole twelve up in the salaries of the chief constable and super- . of Irish Questions, who is not con- leases should be registered at the landlord's expense, less call for future comment." proportions :—chief or the bearing profits ; robbed of the legitimate means of living. month ! 0, the blessings of fr eedom Q intendtnts. and in the following versant with this perfect picture of Ireland's Con- and who should be bound to attend with notice of ! , the eenstaVie, jE-150; superintendents, ^g 15* each, exclusive . How slavish then muat they be; how devoid of sweets of " anti-monopoly" ! To this it is scarcely necessary to add another dition ; the causes of her degredation, and the Reme- the case? to come on at every Quarter Sessions : the of clothing, travelling allowances, 4c Thus we have . dies for her manifold evils. public spirit; how cowed; how broken down to the Not long ago word. The " points" respecting Truck are strongly a superintendent to every ei-jM constables. • , a workmen in the employ of this j Manchester, Heywood ; Leeds, Barrister's judgment, if iu favour of the title, to very earth, are they, when they quietly permit put by the Sun. We truBt his readers will duly op ' London, Cleave ; same " Lord Lotherdale" applied to his landlord, The Cosonssios l>Qnsi is prosecuting its Hobson , Northern Star Office ; and all Booksellers. be conclusive ; and if against tbe title, the tenant themselves to be thus treated, why do not they weigh and profit by them ! If so, some ot the labours. What maybe the result of the ii quirieemode and begged of him to take a piece of cloth in ' shall nave a right to appeal to a Jury, to be then lay informations I Wh humbugg ing forcibly describes, and BO is scarcelyjet even matter of speculation ; but one good "spirit 011" the mou to y do payment for rent ; for he could not procure " " he so ¦ summoned, for the purpose of adjudicating upon an look out for cases will be pat an end to. will be at aU events effected—the removal of a " plunder j not: they , and get all the particu- money to pay {with. He showed the piece that earnestly denounces, station, erected witbuut even the semblance of law. STAR. the Barrister. In cases of por- " THE NORTHERN issue submitted by lars in legal train ? Why do not they unite amongst he had been obliged to take from " Lord Lotheh- Last week we intimated, in a Note to Correspon- The head Commissioner, Mr. Pxai/kland Lewis, has ad- , NOVEMBER 25, 1843. tions of rent being paid upon account, a mere themselves, »nd form a fund to defray expences in dents that this thieving practice of Truck had dressedthe following letter SATURDAY dale" ; and stated that it bad been valued to , upon unstamped paper should be case of defeat ; and to render support in particular acknowledgment him at 14s. a-yard ; and he desired tbe landlord manifested itself in a most unusual and unlooked-for TO THE TBTTSZEZS O? THE K.IDWELLT TBCST. IREL AND AND THE IRISH. the right of dis- admitted as proof 1 and in all cases, instances of master's vengeance, evinced in tho "turn- to take it from him at that price. The landlord place ; on the Railway belonging to the North Mid' Gbxtlesek,—I have been Informed by 2tlr. Stacej, j and tbe landlord, like Justice-seeking workman ! If the The latest intelligence of which we can avail treB3 Bbould be taken away, ing-off " of tbe happened to be a maker of cloth, and knew land Railway Company. Such is the fact. It has <3rrk to the KSdwelly Trust, that the renter of the Gate • thrown upon his action shopkeepers bad an atom of public spirit ; nay did at PoTih-Bhyd, which23 in thB Three Commotts 3vrnst, onrselTes from Ireland leaves tbe dispute between all other creditors, should be something of its worth. lie told the applicant that been introduced there ; thongh not by the Directors of his rent ; and, fair dealing being they know and care for their own duty to them- taa pat & eirain scrota a road not in that Trust, but in Mr. T. B. C. Skith and the Irish, nation in for the recovery he would furnish him with a far better piece at of the Company. Still it is theee ; and if the tbe Eid-ireUy Trust, at the point wfcera the two roads the object, he should have as prompt and inexpensive selves, they could sooa rid as of the Truck system» statu f uo; and having littla to add on the subject of 10i. a-yard ; and the man had to carry the Directors, after this public " direction" of their intersecteach other. as is accorded to tho tenant. root and branch. Mr. Siac?y informs me, that, m Trustees of the Kid- thesqnabble to what we Ijave alreadysaid , we now a mode of redress piece into the neighbourhood of Oldham, and part attention to the fact, do not interfere to p ut it distraiuing cattle, of impounding, The following case, which shows both shopkeepers welly Trust, you have made no order, and given no travel out of the mazes of the law and leave the The practice of with it at 8i. a-yard, to get money to enable him to down, they will, they must, be regarded as sanction- authority,to establish a Gate, or Bjt, i\ that place ; > ing them id , by the and workmen their duty, was transmitted to us by a political labrynth for the purpose of considering the selling them by auction , and buy live and " pay hw way." There's " Free Trade !" ing, aiding, and abetting it. and that tbe rentes of the.tolls is in no way justified in very frequently not a twentieth of correspondent. Ho accompanied it by a fewjremarks, obstructingpassengers , or in demanding tolls thereaf . people. In truth, it is high time that some thonght middleman, for This workman was '* free" to sacr ifice nearly one The facts of the case are these :—The repairing of ealo is ever from which we give the following:— The Commissioners entertain no doubt that tbe be given to the nation, even though the legal tools their value, while no account of the half of his earnings before he could command the the North Midland Line, from Leeds to Masbro', is disturbance, and Trusteei ef the iidweDy Trust, wBl, Tritboot delay, : and political irons be allowed to cool the while. rendered, leads to more extensive " Blethering Dickey Cobden, and Bright John necessaries of life ! contracted for by one Joseph Pickering, who ascertain whether Mr. Stacey has, or has not Seen cor- : other griev- ^ We have ever &Tgoed the justice, the propriety, the subsequent evil results, than almost any with their whole clan of mock-humanity mongers, That there many " Lord Lotherdales" in the resides at Oakenshaw, near Wakefield. His contract rectlyinformed. And if the fads turn, tin investiga- ; all unusual for a middleman, ton, to fee as staled, that they will take steps to pre- necessity, the expediency,and the indispensabiiityof ance. It is not at may shed rivers ef crocodilian tears over the mise- manufacturing districts, is proved by the following is for seven years ; two and . a half years of which j of under-tenants, to drive off vent the existence of an illegal obstruction to tbe free : repealingthe set of Union. accompanied by a host ries of.ihe " bread tax'd'* white slave victims ; they article, which we extract from the Sun; a " vree- are now expired. He employs at the present time passage of a publichighway, which ought not any time ] stock of some unfortunate tenant to a the Apart from 001 well-known opinions upon the the whole may pluck a quill from the sooty wing^of arch- " trading" journal. We give giie it entire; for.it will about 200 men, as plate layers and labourers. As to be endured, fax lsas so in the present excited state of \ pound in the dead hour of night ; while the the publicmind in their district?. grand principle of democracy however, we are distant fiend himself, and dip it into the bile of his satanio be found deserving of attentive consideration. It is a matter of oourse, they are on all parts of the linei , to protect himself against the aggression of hi3 take. Mx. Stacey informs the Commissioners that the toll : bound to enter the field of general discussion with tenant liver to write their abueeB, and maledictions of the valuable, not only for the facts it contains, but alSO from Leeds to Masbro', tke extent of " " taker, gives a ticket of the Three Commotts Tract to, the middleman, has paid Ms rent to, and holds the those who, apart from politics, Bee the wants of landlords ; they may denounce them with the ma- for the general reasoning on the general question. These men, whea in employ, earn 2s. 6d. a day. That those who pay at the Chain -which he sets up in the \ receipt of the head landlord. Thus situated, the KidireTlyTrust ; and tilis t;ct«, wben Ireland, and are prepared to sdminifite* ¦wh&t they lignity of fiends, and call to their assistance the It is altogether rnost admirable ; especially when we is the rate at which they are paid ,* but as they presented tA \ poor tenant has no alternative but to replevy the ths EHireUy Sate, ia properly beW to be of SO &MJL j call practical remedies. We regret that this class whole of the press-gang ; they may expend five times reflect that it is from a League Organ. Here are not allowed to ork in rainy or frosty weather The Comniissiotsera are fully pers a great expense ; while he is compelled to uaded that thi ^Kos-• , i8 unrepresented in feeling: because stock at ' a hundred thousand poumV in lying corn- it is:— •! their earnings will not reach more than 10s. a week tees will gladly exert themselves to pn«niTia into an,though numerons for double the value, until the case powerful give security craik tracts, and travelling pedlars * expenoes' to on the average. alleged wrong,wbieh is stated to be exercised under \ the whole value of the squabble to tbe two s Court. If, " Under the heading of ' Truck System Extraordi- shall be disposed of in the Sheriff' preach up tho ' virtues' of the cotton-lords, and the nary , in a late number of the Halifax , we colour of their authority. j parties in the state consists in the political uses to " Guardian Well, this Pickering, not content with the profits I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, upon tbe other band, he cannot procure the required excellencies of the factory system ; but who can fi nd a moat instructive exemplification of the eVils and which they can respectively turn them. Hence we accruing from his contract, has determined to Tonr faithful servant, j security, his cattle are allowed to stand in a cold wish to ameliorate the oppression connected with a system which we thought procure find the Whig portion of the press palliating, if not believe them sincere is their had Io:>k since been e that the wages the mea earn under THeMxS Fba>klasd Lewis. pound until the oay of auction, when the pound- xploded. The voice of Parlia- him shall be Carmarthen, 2fov. 20, IS43. •^ commending in 1843, acts, to suppress which they condition of the toiling millions, when such startling ment has bton aiways so strong against it—the ap- spent at his TOMMY SHOP keeper presents him with an enormous bill for , that he may get the profit ComtITTAL OF TW-E5Tr-SlX KEBE CCilTES —The ; passed a Coercion Bill in 1833. Indeed, nnless we facts as the following nieet the eye of the British peals of tbe present Lord Hatherton (when Mr. Lyttle- fodder never nstd. Will any man say that a tenant toni, and other members of tbe House of Commons, which of right belongs to the numerous shopkeepers following is the result of the apprehension of Use R&- can make a strong legal distinction between a rich public ! And this is, alas ! but one solitary case ; beccaitesfor palling do-sra tbe cates and destroying tbe : so treated, and thrown for protection upon expen- elicited so prompt and decided a response from the at all the places where the men live. He hia and a poor man, we are at a loss to know one isolated proof of the hypocrisy, cant, and blar- Legislature, discountenancing toB-booaesat ParVamarfa and Tlshguard on the 11th of man law, which he'eannot procure, is and discontinuing the accordingly issued a list of articles he deals in, hav- or pretext the Whigs, in 1843, can sive and dilatory ney, of the grasping, icy-hearted /avarice ; of the system altogether, that, notwithstanding rumours September last They were examined bfcfore Mr. H. O- • with what colour ing opened a store at Oakenshaw ; which list he has , Tice-LlentenaEt of the county, and 3 full bench not justified in taking the summary law into barefaced , wholesale robbery of that horde of thieves which have from time to time reached us of its still Owen censare M inisterial stringency in the Law Conrts, had distributed amongst " his men of magistrates, at Fisbgusrch William Owen (the Lady bis own hands ? la many oases, he does do long Chimneys. lingering in particular manufacturing localities, where " on all parts of while in 1833 they substituted Courts' Martial in —The Lords of the " the wealth of the great masters or empl the line, Bebecea),James Gwynne, and Thomas Gwynne, were \ so : and many is tbe man who has been hung oyers was all as far as his " take" extends. One of theao the next , but were held to bail, ' their stead. Ro«hdale.—On Monday the Court was crowded to powerf ul, and the remonstrances of the operatives lists is in our possession committed to ese'Zss olden times, and many is the honest man now Clement ; and it seta forth the prices themselvesin £100 each, and two sureties in £50 each, ia excess. The Ma gistrates upon the Bench were futile as to tbeir effect, unless, indeed, in the mult of per stone ' We did not reserve our strictures for the purpose ¦workingm chains, for having STOLEN his own pro- Kuyds, We Chadwick, Geo. Ashworth, and James entailing their dismissal—?wecould not induce ourselves , per pound, and per ounce, of teas, of coffees, David John, William Thomas, Thomas Griffiths, i of trampling upon the conquered. We used them in of sugars, of soap, JEmlyn Griffiths, Owen Jenkins, 3a.Tn.ea Morgan, Win. perty from tho thief who stole it from him in the Taylor, Enquires. Samuel Kershaw and Mark Hey- to give credit to such allegations. But at Oldham, a of tobacco, of fruit, and of spices ; GriffihJ, Wm Barzsy, Thomas Williams, Edward their palmy days as warnings of what would come. •¦ wood, powerlooin fustian weaver*, summoned Messrs. summons taken out by one of the coal-miners of Mr, as weil as of " sundries ;" the latter comprehensive; \ dead hour of night. Is this, we would ask, a prac- Tattersall , •p%rA*n John Phillips, William John, Tbos. -Nicholas, We had reminded them, time after time, that their John Baron, Richard Tattersall, and James William Whitehead, a large colliery proprietor in that head including all sorts of things, from flour and tical grievance"? and are the family of the expa- fustian manufacturers, of Bamford, near Beywoixi, fur neighbourhood , against this gentleman, has ascertained William Boberts, Xbniel Havies, William Jen- ] acts while in office would render their opposition to bacon down to black lead and epsom salts. kina, James Owen, James Phillips, David Phil- ' triated victim likely to be admirers or voluntary having paid their wages in goods of various kinds the fact of the existence of the ' Truck System' beyond Tory domination valueless, unavailing, factious, and instead of paying them in money. Mr. Richard Hum, all doubt or question, throughout a large fange lips, George Morse, Thomas Edwards, Thomas i obeyers of those Jaws by which ruin and desolation of When the lists had been distributed, the " clerk of Morse, and David Griffiths, were fcOly committed, and ' pointless. It is even so. Not an act, however cruel solicitor, appeared on the behalf of the complainants, manufacturing district. The nine shillings claimed by has been brought upon them ! , solicitor, on behalf of the defend- the miner bad been deducted the works" went round to the men, to " seek for held to bail, themselves in £50 each, and two sureties j or anti-democratio that may be proposed by the and Mr. Whitehead by the employer Irom the in £25 each. Tbe excitement in the town was very j As it would be impossible to discuss these all- ants. It appeared that defendants have a cotton mill wages of the complainant, on account of rent for ' a orders." Cunning, Isaac ! No breach of the law ! Tory Government, to which Whig .opposition may at Brauiford, besidbfl which they are partners in an ex- house which complainant had never occupied, nor ever great, particularlyas regarded the informants, Thomas important subjects in one or two articles, wo shall there ! Pickering thinks he is driving a coach- , who were obliged to be guarded , not be thus met and silenced : " the measure is a tens've colliery in their immediate neighbourhood. Been , nor been offered the key of.' It had been taken WfllianiB and his wife upon those great social saop near the and-six through it in fiae style ; or rather a " heavy day and night from the barracks to the Commercial! modification of pour own. Wo now leave the field continue to auimadvert Messrs. T<ersall ft tso keep an extensive from this complainant, Brierley, at the rate o! one , magistrates sat. The prisoners were which are indispensable to the very salvation works. Thia case caused considerable excitement; shilli ng per week, ' although he had to pay rent for luggage train." " Seek for orders" indeed ! The Inn where the of faction, and turn to a consideration of those changes association established confined in the Market-house, Eurronaded.by a treble j would direct the more so, perhaps on account of an another house, under another landlord, at which it was poor ien-shilling-a-week men knew tbe meaning of means by which, even after a Repeal of the Union, of the Irish people. Meantime we at Rochdale for the purpose of putting down the Truck more convenient | for him to live.* Now, the houses guard of marines. The Commercial Inn was also \ O'Consell to that course which is -which known to be carried on to a Jfreat that dodge. No " prog," no work ; no work, no strongly guarded during the time the magistrates were ' the condition of the Irish people can be alone im- attention of Mr. System, is well Which Mr. Whitebead was tbns indirectly forcing tbe : English Chartists; namely extent, amongst some ot the manufacturers and Coal complainant and others, bis fellow miners living : so " orders" were given. Now for the •itting. proved. Ireland has not more reason to complain now being pursued by the j , to occupy, familiarizing the public mind with those salutary Kings, in the vicinity. Mr. Hunt read tbe Act of wer« upwards ofj a mile and a half from the colliery result :— "^ of the anti-national than she has of the anti-social the rliament against the Truck System. He stated that where they worked . Pa ' The Hali/a * Guardian assures SirJ—We see by your valuable CG-OPER&TION—TJNIOIs IS STRENGTH. , evils consequent upon the Legislative Union. The changed to be produced by the achievement of their Kersbaw had two distinct casts against the defendants ; us ttiat ' there are hundreds of cases at Oldham, Asbton- journal that you have , and the other for the 18th of August. umler-Lyne, got scent of the truck shop on the North Midlaud great and crying evil arising out of the act of Union political principles. The Chartists dealt in declama- one for the 4tb Rochdale, and other vicinities, where the Railway. Knowing TO JOCSKITMES TAILOBS AKD OTHiES. On ~ the former date he had been paid a fortnight's opprativea are forced to pay rent that you are an enemy to tyranny, tion until they had created a public opinion against for houses, whether we send you the particulars is, that the weak nation was neglected, and kept wages in goods instead of money, and had been they occupy theri or not.' The magistrates severely of the barefaced robberj FBiiOW-WOBKMES,—Ha-nny for some time pa*t ' those wrongs endured by tho working people. That rged thirty-five per cent, higher than any other remountmed with practised on us. taken an active part-in the Metropolitan Tailors' Pro- , weak; vrbilethe strong nation was strengthened and cha the colliery-owner, Whitehead, in On the 9 th of ¦ opinion being created, they are now engaged iu shops in tbe same neighbourhood. Kershaw having the case immediately before us, on his unreasonable this month we were requestedto order teetion Society, I venture to offer an opinion as to what madd stronger at its expence. Being bound by a ' from the clerk of the works what we wanted from the 2 toncerre to directing attention to the advantages calculated to been sworn, stated that he commenced working in the conduct, and ordered tbe wages claimed to be paid to be the best mode of protecting ourselves - legislative bond, the representative body,—cousist- cotton mill belonging to the defendants about Christ- Brierley immediately. Truck .ahop. Against our will we ordered a little; Irom unjust competition. Xarge public meetings have ' flow from a change to their projected system. Mr, ' knowing if we did *beea ing foi the most part of Englishmen wholly mas last, He wove fuati&n on the power loetns, and " The conduct of master-manufacturers, colliery and not we should have no more work. nBid from time to time, of the trade; all ha-re has the advantage of more enthusiastic The goods were ' ordered' on the 9th inst. and received agreed in denouncing the aggression of the money ^' ignorant of the history of Ireland, tUe character of O'Conneix was paid at the rate of 2a. lid. per tin. His wages mine owners, and other capitalists, who resort to this w&titd average about 9s. a week. His wife worked in nefarious system on the lith. When the goods came, we found to our tjrantE; but we are at sea aa to the means of securing her people, her resources, and the meaDS of develop- and confiding disciples ; he has a whole natiou at his j. of defrauding their labourers, and surprise and fall protection lor the card room , and she had very poor health, and could enriching themselves by the same operation, is one the disinay a larger quantity than toe had givta onr labour. Many iave been the ing them ; and taking their notions of the conntry back ; and in order to strengthen him in hi3 demand orders ftr. As much came as was wages. plan* proposed. Some are for enrolled not earn much. The names of Richard and James social mischief of iphich is fully commensurate with its due for our benefit societies ; from the privileged Irish members of the Protestaut f or political equality, as the source of justice, we TatterBRil were over the!door of the shop ; they sold moral dishonesty^ Surely it is for Sir, you should have seen us poor men trudging otheni for teeming a latge fund to support those -who ' galling enough l&e along tbe line may beeoae the victi party, who were alone eligible to sit in Parliament, would counsel him also to turn from declamation everything that was used by a family ; be seldom got industrious operative, whose destiny is cast, as it were, to£oor homes with bags OD our bac&»« ms of their employe™ j others for numbered, and with Pickbeing s name ia foil «» I - the eeta e 1rMle10 and_ , and to developo to the Irish people, not any. money for wages ; he had occasionally borrowed in ttw class of incessant manual labour, te contemplate ' !S !* ^-A 'S^ ^ "W ^"«P"»1 €mp!oyed- and who were interested in magnifying the vicea of to practice book-keeper : they had a their them. We have to work hard ; bat it ia doubly hud 0 fOT fa the ] injustice they have suffered as the pros- a &hilliuc or two from the hsppier fatflj wbo succeed to. Or have acquired, S^^S^f SSl ™* -^ the Irish character as a justification for their own so much the reckoning every other Friday ; but he always was tbe means of etnpjojing it on a great to have no choice where we shall spend our money. 3£Sff ^£^ *»¦*»*«>.. «> jwa can ever btr and tho abundance they are scale. It is galling We have sampled «AO*b onleswe ^tnra attention to ai three following tyranny j tbe legislature bo constituted, and without perity, the comfort , in debt on a pay day. On the 4th of August, his enough for tbe weary artisan to contemplate the compa- the goods we received, with what we , a general x^ of ^j ^ - , has legislated capable of achieving. To this end let him call to his for tnight's wages were sixteen shillings ; the whole rison which each passing hoar' have bought at other markets ; and according to tho F^^^-rtat m ^ reference to a difference of position s experience forces upon opinion of trade, withent exception, l»a in town and conntry of which were stopped for goods. He did not finger him, between the luxury of their condition, who have other dealers, we are paying front twenty tansilemMWes aau wellireu as mala*male.: IT 3ay fc.~,.i " r__J_^r7 for Ireland as if that country was part and parcel councils men not learned in the law; but informed of five to Uiirty per cent, When • *»* females, because they' > ope single farthin g. He had a wife and three small only the task of \ looking on,* in order to watch the above the market price. form a larf* ingredient in Ore labW » of England. Thus they have committed the error the capabilities of the country and the people j and children ; he was charged 4s. for 201bs. of flour, while well-arranged processes We bought our own goods previous to this Truck Shop. Jj»« mfortanately, S^ » by which their capital is made it was an through the present state of thin»T i of governing two people,—diametrically opposite in let kirn draw up such a digest (which he can do) as Jack Bell, another shopkeeper in tbe neighbourhood, to re-produce and] multiply itself, with their own doom advantage to as from one to two abiHinfi" become op greatert competitors; , ,*«,, „ sold it for 3s. ci, tho fiaroe quality and quantity. This (consequent pw week. *» tte^;their pursuits, their characters, Iheir manners and will coavinoe not only Irishmen but Englishmen, per lb. the though it be on the eternal and inevi- of onr rttompttng to brinronr wage*np to the original ' Candles were 6.^4 ; soap same ; meal Is. 6d. table inequalities of tbe social condition} Please, Sir, give thU publicity, and yon will oblige, Mudud, -while there *re tbonsaad* of ; their customs—by the same laws. England being for that there i3 yet the '.meanB of enriching the poor is, shortly, to females who tot lSlba ; old batter lid. per lb.; brown sugar 9d. toil from morn till night, under many sordid aggrava- THOSa WHO ARK SUFFERING FROM THE MKD jm eoapellfid to make valsteosts from lourpenoe sach, I the most part a manufacturing country, and a large without trenching on a single privilege of the rich. Mr. Hunt said he could purchase the same quality Oppr aad teosaen from 6(3. per pair. Indeed, j for tions of want, distress, and despondency, in the wrap, of ession. uitiee de- ' portion of hex people having been hastily trans- We will be bound to say that with one fortnight's 6d. Mr. Whitehead cross-examined Kershaw at con- ing together thei? lesser pittanceof the aiandi that tbey shall be protectedaa ¦well ai tiur- i same talismanio Come that ia pretty good ! One or two shilling* formed from an agricultural to a manufacturing and assisted by such men, Mr. O'Conneix siderable length, but elicited nothing favourable to commodity, money, which, being necessary for theexi. ¦elves. To eairy into effect this object, a national' labour, clients. The complainant said a-week, men em- life, is now demanding a in favour of new his : he was never genciea of their i bare subsistence, disappears—by a bobb ed out of ten I and that from delegatemeeting of the trade should be called, to zi\ great organic change in •would exhibit a balance sheet the present when other persons were paid belieW at Birmingham, u the centreof JEEgland", -as early as consequence , and he disastrous inversion of the principles that govern tbe ployed on the Nortb. Midland Railway. We of the inapplicability of ancient statates against the old system, which would turn Iri6h always took a book : with him to the shop, larger masses of st possible, to agree upon a plan of onion, such as the and customs capital—with a rapidity that affords no the representa tion to be perfectl y correct . The " li to its present position. Irelan d is Agitation iuto a universal demand, before which which was furnished to him by defendants, and Mr. opportunities for increase or expansion. Bat Miners' Association, for instance, who bare set a doing Tattefsalt or his daughter always he feels Of prices sets flour forth at 2g. 5d. per stone : the also shonld nothing more. Ireland has been legislated the strongest government should quail and bend. wrote in the book ; this disparity with tenfold bitterness and force when he splendid example to their brethren. We lor, he seldom drew or paid, money ; however, on the 27th sees that best is selling is set forth take np onr positionin the ranks of labour, in opposi- precisely as thongh 6be had gone on question is sufficient to excite the those very exigencies, those very hardships in Leeds at 2s. 2d. Bacon » " p *n The political of July, he received a fortnight's wages, amounting to bis despondency, his distress, his want at J go°* tion to all tyranny. We, too. should hare oar legal pa uu in the maicn of improvement wftli , , are converted U. per lb. : in Leeds it can be had at 4£d. j onr JSoferfa. ¦We«sn bare the northern Siat England • democratic mind of England ; fcut the financial 17s 4d; aud on the 4th of August his wages amounted into engines, in the hand of his employer, tot weoan adviser whereas the laws b, which, 6a, and it was stopped by Mr. decreaa. at 5d. ; and " shoulder-pieces " at 6d. So tha t U ess s&&>nal organ ; asd, if the Miners can do tbese manufacturing England features must be developed, in order to ensure the to 1. Rich&;dTattersan ing even that modicum of wages, already so fraotionsl should be governed have for goods. He (Mr. Ktchard Tattersall) always readily believe from 23 to 30 per things, who are as much oppressed as ire are, surely ire been enacted wholesale for co-operation of the middle and monied classes. Let took care as to have subjected him to these painful and humili- that the things are tie government of the two to have him by feimself when he settled with him. The ating influence)?. J cent, can do the ike. Therefore, I than take it as a f&vcur countries. But vre turn Mr. O'Conkel short signed for ' above the market price. l then try his hand for one book-keeper Messrs. Baron and Tattersall, for " Lut us consider whaf the operation of the « to *' if any individuals in the kingdom will communicate from byegoaes : and now seeing the Repeal of the gooia to him, the payment for which Truck' But how are the Dibectobs of the Railway month in the Cabinet ; and without requiring any had beea stopped syste m is, ou the case of the mill, colliery, or ' ! mine terfere ! What faave rt ey to d» with Ito "»*** NORT HER N S TAR g = Ih>yrsr8&eyio^pre yent it j or how are ihej mixed* On the trial, the witnesses who appeared against THE CONDITION OF ENtfLAWP. might be inconvenien t to be forced to " teJl all one np ^>i&it xiaJU . —as exhibited towards me,—I should have done this. . Paxebsoh consisted of policemen, Sheriff' s officers , With shame and with attent ion whioh ould be proposed and " — (laughter and cheers) * But there was Borrow do we call Sit iftLWto " , knows But I did not do so. I did that which it waa my We wall show them. Kiej; know, in the first asd " informers who formerly belonged to the iltoem listen attentively to the gentlemen another objection I then urged. I told him that he du ty to do : and which : again, I to the BURNING BECOBD of ENGLAND 'S UTTBB DBGBADA- «K d t0 , if it were to do place, thai the practice is unlawful ; and therefore police." These wretched tools admitted that they whfahXft 1W ihm' The first toast to had attend ed two meetio£;s of a Board , of which would r epeat. Let me ask, if I had not paid twent y tion, contained in another page, under tha above ld draw,Jltt?lit'on WM to which I was a member . He was also a member. He was an 1 they are bound to discountenan ce It , and to adopt had purchased the books because they were instructed WwiRl^*Kh£ 011° shillings m the powd , whether " taste" or ^feelin g head. There the reader , if he be an Englishman , SL»£ £ f Toald *11 hearty respond-" The Im prov ement Commissioner , ex officio\ by virtue of his would have prevented- the caiiva3ser9 of my *' re- jn eans to put It down, if needbe : for. being prac- to do so by the Sheriff: i. e., the Sheriff , by his P ho .onlyr MinuteTo eoarce bf all power. office as a magistrate. He ought to have attended ail will have enough ! He will need no more to tell ?(S. T t 1 toast he " spectability " from tellin g me of it., even thoug h it tised on Their Hne they irill be sore *nis should oall npon the meetin gs,' ha only attended two ; and then it was s to be mixed np tools and " secret service " money, encouraged the him the condition that his once highly-favou red Mr TiVviH R ^O8S had been of twenty years standing 1 And when M »i Z - *° WBpohd. for the purpose of illegally voting away the people 's with refer- with it in pnblic estimation , ana their character , circulation of blasphemy " ! One of the witnesses , 8 speaking of the couducs of Mr. Baines , country has been brought to, by high taxa tion ** "fc^M *»* loud app laHse. He money—(hair , hear). The Whigs did not like being of Mr. Cobbett 's ban k- sad poaablj thB interests of it s, shareholders , against Paisbsok , callin g himself Geor ge R. D. H. saisaWd hehXi!r felt incompetent ence to the raking up * Infernal Paper Money, " Results of Machin ery," and to the task which had been reminde d of this. It was to them as bitter a pill to ruptc y, and pliiDly 'cailingJ him aa " uncertificated wHl suSer. Mackekzib Sed Upon him« 8 mPly because the people them- swallow as even. " H&lb cok" , Esq., admitted, in the course of his " Free Trade. " The detail s are horribly sickenin g! S We , ' was ; and amongs t all bankrupt ," I ough t to have told you that he would In .the second place, they know tha t this is a syste- rf,w If °' *<> «»«ch su peri or importance to their the spc el-.: - which they mad e upon the subject not cross-exami nation by Pat ebsom, " that his motive We are as degrad ed pirit as we are At th fcstfral a not contradict it, until Mr. Cobbett entered an action and cowed in s , ffi f of the great , it wa* the one of them at: all attempted an answer to this There was matised bosbeb y committed by one over whom they for purchasin g the books was to get him impr isoned, fashion *to app laud those at law against him to compel him. degraded in condition , or we should not permi t , for who had been raised to char ge—(hear , hear). 1 did not hesitate to tell them " taste " " for you ! His " taste " was hare both control and influence; and it is their dut y " " In act- tifhould be his and " feeling for he thought he deserved three years. one single hour , such things to . »° speak of the foundation that that money was voted for an illegal purpose. also exhioited on another occasion. Mr. Bainc i w be : ™ Lt- h B06iety was to nse both control and influence to pbotect the ing as yon hav e done ," said Patkbson , did yon «n»o t nf ,,. based. He wou 'd At the time \ I opposed its ap plication ; and " insulted" another good friend of the poor man , u " And overcome us like a summer 's cloud e !e as ne found ^em in th at I was ri ght was proved to be true ; for men from the rapacity of their law-breaking em- consider you were doing your duty I" Yes," said tne?K, straw i -that*w \ ched P °P by taunting him with , bia misfortune in busi- Without our special wonder cottage , where were to be found before the Commissioners went out of office,, they pure taunt ; ployer. " J a mo a ex u ness ; and in that case it was a this puny soul, " as a citizen and as a Christian " hf^i « il f » ^ ™tue3 than wer e exhi- took care tO pay] back that money, because they knew ungrateful. He Time was, when a tithe of day bited m the palaces of prince a and as cruel as it was In the third place, he has to depend on their aid Patebsoh , of course , thanked him for this candid what we record to or the mansions of tha t It3 payment could have been compelled put of taunted the aristo cracy ; he SDok« of th *m a« th« eo Mr. Rich ard Oastler ; and the cheeks of an d issistance to ** carry out" hi&nefariottS scheme. admission. would have been sufficient to nerve the arm and iu th7 on™™J their own pookets , had any one take n their accounts Mr. Bain es ought to have burned with very tfham e, 1 ade ?a«1^ great field and the into the Queen 's Bench. Not the slightest explana- Se has o vans wiicil h.B travels on the lias from Patbbsow also asked this witness how he recon- bare the br east of every Englishman , to rescue his oceauKan ;. where? they4 when he so tauntld thai gentleman : for it is to had fought for what had never tion has been given of this part of Mr. Stansfeld' s bis father , Xeeds to M&sbro' : and. as we understand , t ciled his oath-swallowing with the injunction in the country from the hands of the despoiler of her 1 1 Mr. Rober t Oastler that Mr , Baines is a the °a I "* Pks,* benefitof art « He would point to the public condu ct ; and my conviction ia, that any mainl y indebted for his success in life—(loud cheers). M honour and her fair fam e: and had their degenerate ^a and science expense of the Company. This Tan is employed to New Testament, Swear not at all 1" bnt was inter- Tw . ^ th , and the seats man , be he who he may, who would load himself Leaving this portion of his subject , and referring g which e country transmit the goods to all parts of the line j each rup ted by the Court telling him they could not allow offspring bnt one atom of spunk in the whole mass, 3,«ih T!? ii^ abou nded , to an act of this kind , is unworth y to ihl any again to the real triumph gained at the election . ha aI1 been erected by them , bu t of thn ute even thaj of Mayor— (laughter they would ra beneath 7}} v l office , and cheers ). Mr. Hobs on concluded by proposin g the healths of man's being put into s numbered bag, and delivered such a qu estion to be put : " They sat there to ad- ther sink the whole Island and benefi ts to be deriv ed from which they had But there were other matters which cime been deprived . x before the the 570 electors of Holbeck , and the 445 electors of out to him minister law " Most consistent defenders of the the ocean, than suffer the hideous enormit ies that In spite* of this, however , knowledge Council on that day upou which I must beg to be , instead of wages. Now, the Dibbctobs had gone abroad ; the West Ward , who had by their free and unpu r- " gospel !" If to *• now surround ua to exist. the people had been told of their allowed to maka a few remarks. M y friends wished chased votes return ed can say whether ihi3 trarelling Tommy-Shop shall bring the Bible into contempt " ri gai3, and were now convinced himself and Mr. Jackson to the that they must have me to h ave beenjp laced upon the Watch Committee , Council , aud resumed his seat amidst thunders of travel on their line or not. - They can interfere here» be " blasphemy, " let us ask whether the Lord- political power withou t which they were as a ve because there they thought I might have been of applause. at all events ] They can refnse " power " to carry Justice CiEBK , and Lords Mkdwtn and Cockbubn , Co 2$eayer0 mtfr <8orve0povtoent& ssel wuh out a helm ; as slaves bound down £.oni8 service. { The members of that com- by the mercenary Mr. Councillor Ja ckson then rose , and was re- the scheme ont Thi3 th ey can do j and (" the Court ," ) were not guilty of tha t offen ce when mill-owners of the country , mittee have a great deal of power . They havg ^he if they do DD. 5W AIL0W —The parties can have the Star sent and tramp led upon b ceived with deafening shouts of applause. He said direct from the office, by sending a quarter 's payment y a despotic oligarchy , care of the police ; and you know how that fijree he felt highl y flittered by the enthusiastic manner aot do it, to say nothing of the other jneans by which th ey so shamefully spit upon the injunction of their 0 W er Btrivin t0 disijnite th requires keeping in check. They in advance , and the address of the party to whom it ord er that,w !u S en>. in have the power in which he had been received , aud thanked them they could interfere , it will be evident to all that they " Lord and Master ;" giving Patkbson to under stand "S they might continue their bondage . to spend £8000 a year. They give the police their is to be Bent. He would speak of most sincerely for the complimen t. He was not ac- trink at Ae practice. that they cared not a straw for the " gospel ;" they the people , as the body by whose orders. They suspend , dismiss, and appoint them. y The Coventbt. Mubder— A correspondent writes ub labour all thing s were created ; from whmh nil fW customed to public speaking, and should be ver that the verdi ct of the Leicester Jury, given in our To them complaints against the police ate preferred. sorry to allow his farthing rushlight to twinkle in We shall keep an «ye on this matter. It is rather sat there only to administer " law"!! waj> ™h and grea t had emanktid ; by whose skill My friends thought I could be very useful 7th page has caused great excitement in the city of the re ; the pre sence of the bri ght luminaries by whom he a noTel case. It is one of the most impudent and We gave of Pj ltebsoh 's defence , which occupied and toil all thmgs had arisen .aUPwho, nevertheless , they thought I should listen to the complaints of Coventr y. Bills trere issued by the Guardians call- had nothmij th at was surrounde d. He could not forb ear saying, how - shameless cases of Tru ck tha t we ha *e heard of. nearly eight hours , all that the reports in the Edin- ing a they could call their own. Their the poor men , and be as ready to believe them , " Public Meeting " of their body for Tuesday loreiatners had been ever , that he had beeu taunted by the Whigs Generall y burgh papers enabl ed us to give. We are informed lut, to consider what steps much happier than they ; but as 1 should the statements of the police—(hear , that he had neither a right the practice has ihmk into waf ers and should be taken " In this he did not wish on that accoun t , nor auy pretensions to " a highly most painful and melancholy affair ;" when, ac- that they should hear , hear). Ij thought myself I might have been represent the large West ward , for which he almost unheard-of places : hebb it is interwoven by a corre spondent that it was finished go backward . No ! " onward" was the motto ; and , useful on that ^committee ; and for these reasons breathing the purest spiri t of cording to our correspondent , the following resolu- by the spread of had had the honour of being returned. Ha into a great pnblic undertaking, in &e full blaze piece of composition , tlon was agreed to knowlege they would obtai n the many wished to see me placed there. But not so. The would remind these carpers tha t he did not :— " That thfs meeting recom- victory. In conclusion he hoped the time was not of day. Will it be tolerated , or connived at* We humanit y and philosophy ; containing many pro- mend that the directors of the Coventry Workhouse secret conclave (determined that I should ?.ot be on send himself into the Council Chamber— distan t when the people of every town would have a t a o t y the motion that I should be found and valuab le thoughts on the folly and do allow the medical men and other officers of the i ; nd c nsequen l (hear , hear). He had been strong ly urged shall see. temple equal |to the one in which they were then appointed was not even seconded. Now mind ; all wickedness of prosecuting for opinion 's sake." workhouse, an opportunity of rebutting the charges assembled to allow himself to be put in nomination ; and by , and in which they might learn their the members who thu3 met in private were not the honest votes of the electors he had been placed Since the above was in type contained in the verdict of the Leicester Jury, before ri ghts , and knowin g, £T , we have learned Yet the "liberal " papers of Edinburgh have the Guardians of the city. " be able io maintain them . Mr. alike. Mr. Hornb v did his duty there ; for . he in the position which it was his pride to occupy. Ross resumed his seat amid st loud oheers . of another case of Thtjck, in Leeds , which we deem sneeringly remarked :—" That it was cha- Ccmbebxand Colliebs. —We have no room for their moved tha t I should be on the committee ; Mr. Jack- Since he had been in the Council , he had seen a vote The Ch airman said the nex t toast was one in son also did bis) ; but when he found the determina- of that body introduc e Mr. Baines into the chamber it necessary to expose, in the hope that either racterised by a pompous display of learning address this week. The following sums have been which they would all coincide and received , deducting 3s for tho Percy Main .r rjoice to hear . tion of the major portion of the Whigs and Shams, on two occasions. [Mr. Hobson— "I 'll try it on public indignation, or actual prosecntion , may for ce and gros3 mispronunciation. " So muoh f or the £1 men :— It was— he left the room King Pit 17s ; Hsbburn £2 is 4d j Terpeth l'Os 6d; , and gave me the icfor with a wor king man next time," —laughter and It ont cf existence. liberali ty of such papers as the Edinburgh Chronicle, " Tho healths of mation— (hear , hear , a nd cheers). And now I will cheers.] The Whigs had told him that he was a Walker £l 14s ; Bedttngtou £1 17s 8d; Spittle- Messrs. Hobson and Jacksou , give you one of {the reasons adduced for not putting About a mile out of Leeds, on the Bradford road , the organ of the Sidbgite' s the Chartist councillors recentl y returned at the very useful man on committees ; but when hp got up , and advocate of tongue £l 17s ; WiQington £5 3s 3d; Kibbles - mo on that committee. You know Mr. Yewdall . Ho stands a large newly-built Machin e-making esta- u religi ous liberty. " We have not seen the Witness, worth 18a 6£d; South Hetton £2 is 4d; Wash- Municipal Elections." to speak , he found out that they did not like him. ington £1; " Wallbottle WoodaMe 18s IOj is a great Economist. He has, it seems, been sen t They found faul t with his election this time , because blishment , belonging to a firm trading, we beliefs, the OTgan Of the Ron Intrusionists ; but we are £i; ; The toast was dran k with thre e cheers and one Sagbill £7 16s lOd ; North Elswick , into the council to play the Economical piddl e ; and they said he was a joint of Jos 'a tail ; he was the 1 15s 9d ; West cheer more , and great applause. he said underihe designation of " "WhitiaJI , Brothers.' A informed that a more foul and brut al spirit was Stanley 8s id; Walkeod £1; EastHolywell £1 2s 2d; , "It will never do to have Hobson on first joint ; and they said Dr. Cra ven was the second Mr. Councillor Hob son was received with tre- that committee. ! You know we have occasionall y little fur ther on, on the opposite side of the road , never exhibit ed by any apologist of priestcraft. See West Holy well 16s 3d; Beaton Burn £2 0s 9J. —(laughter). They tell me (said Mr. Jackson ) mendous applause , and wheu the cheers had sub- periods of grea t excitement , £uch, for instance , as Mr. Hobson woul d is a Grocery and Provisio n Store p y p the consistency part y sided he addressed the meetin g that if I bad not got in this time, , ke t b a erson of this , who whine abou t the John Murdoch , Sheffield —His letter arrived only as follows :—Mr. occurred in August last year ; Hobson is a have bad nobody to second him. All tnat I can say Ch airman—It is usual for individuals occupy named Hobskha*, bro ther-in-law to the Whjttams , persecution they suffer at the hands of the Scottish on Thursday too late for us to make any use of it ing the very dangerous person ; and in such periods is, that I will alwa ys second him in anything that this week. position in which I now find myself, to say, ?' this is of excitement itj will not do to have men like him on lie hating married their sister. It is unders tood aristocracy I Bat all sects are the same. No the proudest momen t of ho may brin g forw ard for the benefit of Nottin gham Framework Knittebs. —We could my lite." I shal l not com- the Watch Committee , to have the ordering of the the public ; but if he brings questions forward of ihat Hoesbh ak has been " helped" into his shop by mat ter how fiercel y they may denounce persecution not possibly find room for their address this week — mence with any suoh hackneyed phrase ; but I shall Police." Thi s was the reasoning of Mr. Ycwdall , say that the return of the Char tist ¦ ( a purel y fac tious na ture , I shall desert him. the Whttxucs ; he having been in low water , and when they are the sufferers , they immediately turn we will give it next. candidates at the the Economist. Hear , hear.) I am too dangerous a (Mr. Hobsou— " I hope you will." ) I did diff er -dependant on them for a long time. J5ay, persecutors of Mb. Geor ge White. —Received by the committee in last election was a triumph of which wo mayjwell be man to be on the Watch Committee , because there , if his others the moment they have tha proud ; and ou that account I with Mr. Hobson , with regard to his proposing Mr. Birmingham , per Mr. W. Ball , from the Chartists of do most sincerely may be another period of excitement. Just attend a s as Mayor ; and I should not have done, own declaration s are to be believed , it would appear power , or discover that there are any who differ rejoico ; not certainly on account of the men who M r hall , Oldbwry, 8s.; per Mr. George Freemen , from the to me here. I will relate to you something that I think , as he did , with respect to Mr. Stansfeld. ihat the shop actually belongs to the firm : for he from them in opinion. Chartists of Coventry , 5s. fid. were r eturned , bu t on account of those came und er my ;own knowl edge, which will show who returned them. (Hear I admi t Mr. Hobson 's right to ask the question for has been heard to say, that he derives no profit from We now come to that pracious " piece of com- Mb. John: West is unavoidably compelled to post- , hear. ) To the worthy you what kind ! of men have been on the Watch the workin g men of Holbeck and to his own satisfaction , if he had a doubt that it ; bat that he his to account every week pone his visit to Sontb Lancashire until Mr. O'Con - , the worthy work- Commi ttee. You all remember the Strike of last election would be illegal ; but having been unfor tu- , position," the Lobd Justice Clerk 's address in ' ing men of the West Ward , ar e our thanks in the nor s visit to She ffield ; but he will give due notice to year , when " the | plugs were drawn " ; when we bad nate in business myself, I should hesita te long ere I taking his books to the Counting Home of sentencing Patebson , in which the speaker stated the men of Bury, Dukcn&eld , Mossley, Oldham, and fi rst instance due ; and to them let the honour be soldiers parading the town in all directions ; special H reminded others. But I can. assure you thai alt the Concern * every Monday ; where, among that it was " a satisfac tion to the Court indeed to the other places he Intends to visit Any of the given. (Cheers.) Who, I should like to know , constables sworn in ; and policemen armed with cut- Mr. Hobson 's other measures were most business- localities wishing to correspond with Mr. West will would have said only gome three years a30, looking lasses on duty night aud day , und er the control of Other th ings, it is ascertain ed . whether , or find that the panel in his defence had shown not the at all the circumstan ces like ; and I hare been told by others that they were address , 20, Lambert-street , Sheffield. of the case ; who would hava the magi strates * Y>. u will also remember that an of that opinion. Mr. Jackson referred at some not, each one in their employ . has com- least trace of tales *" I Whether this be a f air char " JONA THAN PaEKS , BUTTON .—We fear tha t he can be said then , that the working men of Leeds would so Hon. Member of the House of Commons offered to or leng th to the manner in which business had been plied -with the obdeb s grren, and " traded '' at Acter of Pjltrrs p^s defence not j it will sho w made to pay. soon sen d two men of their own into the Council prove , if a committee were granted to him , ' Committee ; and after Chamber ? Who would have transacted by the Str eets the Tommy-Shop for iia B prog." An instance oc- that there is no thing his " Lordshi p" dr eads more Man y communications we are unable even to ac- been bold enough , tha t that Strike originated wi'h the Anti- stating they had been served with uotiee from the knowledge , at the present. Will try what next week three years ago, looking at the state of the Wiiig Corn Law League. Ha stated that he had iu Aire and Calder Company, to restore a dam in curred very recently, of a man who did not go to the than that men of Paiersoh 's stamp shoul d be pos- ¦will and Tory parties in the borough do. at the time, to have his possession abundant proofs of this ; and when Sheepscar Beck to its original state , which had cost shop for gtods : and he wa3 waited on by one of the sessed of talent. It shows tha t the high and predioted that evea now the working men would he had called jfor such commit tee, a respectable was pos- K u about £80 in removin g, he inquired if it Brothers " and given to understand that if he mighty are as much as ever in love .with ignoranc e GLORIOUS PROGRESS OF CHARTISM IN have had to meet in celebration of their triumph \ tradesman of this town , a master machine-maker , sible that either himself or Mr. Hobson could make (Hear , hear.) But what had been done , was only an wrote to the Hou. Member in London ; and in his constituted teas employed in their concern. Tie mcst go to the as an engine of perpetuating slavery—" loving dark- LEED S. worse Councillors than tho se who had earnest of what they would do in future. (Loud letter he stated that he was ready to make oath at at the head of whom was Dr. p ness ra ther than light th at Committee , Ao ? , be caus e their deeds are OPENING OF THE NEW CHARTIST HALL. cheers.) They had only got in the small point—the the bar of the House, that an Alderman ef Leeds , Baker. Iu fac t, the whole mach inery of the Im- thin end of the wedge ; but so sur e as that thin end ; and In thi3 case, asm almost all the cases of Tbcck , evil." His Lordship not content with inflicting The Leeds Chartists , having for a long time past a member of a late Watch Committee , provement Act, whioh had cost the borough , had been got in, so sure would the wedge be driven also a member of the Anti-Corn Law League , between seven and eight thousa nd pounds , the goods supplied at the Tommy-Shop are charged immedia t e punishm ent, threatened Patebeox that if being much incommoded by the want of sufficient home. Yes ; the point is in lsce of ; and through it must go. know of th e Strike a fortnight before it took place. was declared now to be not wort h so many far above their market value. The evils of the he resumed his " trade " on the expiration of his im- room in their late p meetin g have been on ( Cheers.) It is not only in the Town Counci l the look out for one more Sited For the incr eased and The writer of that letter state i he was Bent for to shillings : in faot the Town Cierk said it would not Tbcck system would be unendurable, even did the imprisonmen t " either in Scotland or any ether part that we must be represented , but in another council , his counting-house by the Alderman , who then told hold water ; and Alderman Peasa said it would be M growin g strength of the democratic party ; and at the great council of the nati on as it is called to TEt rcKSTKBS supply their things " at thejreal price: of Gre at Britai n " " there teas no extent of punish, length happily succeeded in obtaining a place, , him that the Strike was contemplated : and told him absolutely necessary to get another act of Parliament which we will yefc send a member for this also that who n it took place , he was to turn out the passed to amend it. Mr . Jackson then avowe d him* for still there would be the absence of fre edom ; the ment by imprisonment andjine, which it would not be which , if ought can silence the fil thy lies of our local borough. (Hear , hear.) And hovr lo». will # will men in his employ, as they would be exceedingly aelf in favour of all the six poiuta of the Charter , tying np of a man' 3 hands ; the chaining him down the duty of the Court to award-" Now we beg to lights of Whiggery and Sham-Radicalism , it be befor e we shall meet to celebrate ihat useful (hey surely effect such a consummation * and convince feven , because \ knew where the plugs were but confessed that he was obliged to differ with to one counter , ihafc a prof itmay be made of his r emind Joss Hots that he is not Lord Justice ' ' triumph !—How long shall wejhave to wait before we situated , and would know how to draw them. Nay, them on their conduct respecting the anti -Corn-Law the Balnea s and. Smiles s that Chartism is neither celebrate tho return of a eanuP£9, over and &bora the -profit accruing from •* leeping thou gh Chartist candidate to Par- he said more ; he said , if it was necessar y, the League; bu t so far as the whole Char ter went , he Clerk on this side of the Tweed ; and God forbid dead" nor s ; we confess we ar e liamen t !—(hear , somewhat doubtful as to such a result hear ). Will it be three years MEN WOULD EVEN KMOW HOW TO BLOW THB BOILERS wont , and he would go with them for its enactment. the application of his labour: bat when, as is almost tha t such a personification of cant and cruelty ever , when we before we have to do that !- (ories of "No ") up. remember the old adage— , no. W bea the jHon. Member received that letter , The wickedness of our present rulers have made the invariabl y the cases and certainl y so in thiB in- should be. I t is going a little too far to threaten us in Will any oae venture to predict , that if, in conse- nut knowing the writer , aud conceiving it possible goodness of God of non-effect. In conclusion , he " A man convinced against his will quence of a dissolution of s&nce, advantage is taken of the necessities and Eng land with the terrors of his puritan inquisition. Is of the same opinion still," Parliament , or from that the letter had been sent by some one of the again thanked the meeting for the pat ienca with (but any other cause by which a vacancy may League , to get him into a mess, by making use • of which he had been heard , and for the honour which position of a dependant workman ; dependant on Thank God, they ar c but " empty words ," or we Lar ge placards , not quite so large very near) occur, an election should take place ; will he sent it to me to inquire as a church door , posted through Leeds , announced unauthorised statements , had been conferred upon him, and sat down loudly the Employer for should be tempted to raise the cry of " Repeal ," not any one say that in such case we should not into the credibility of the writer , and into the truth appl auded. that the " Bazaar /' a lar ge building in Briggate , had haye to meet in this room " Leave to toil f alone with Ireland , but with Scotland. Let Joh *Hopb been taken by the Chartists for the holding of their , or in a larger of his statements. When I read the letter I was The Chaibhan said the next toast was " the Cnar- place, for this would scarcel y then hold us—to cele- amazed. I did inot personally know the writer ; so ter; and the health of the persevering and patriotic when advantage is taken of this, to force upon him " keep his breath to cool his porridge ," and no t pre. meetings, and would be opened on Sunday, Nov. brate the triumphan t return of a vid Ross in the after- Chartist Member I inquir ed of ano ther master machine-maker , whom Fear gus O'Connor , Esq." things at full 25 or 30 per cent, dsabeb than the sume to meddl e with us on this side of the border- Ifith , by a lecture from Mr. Da for this Borou gh ?—(hear , hear cheers ), , gus O'Connor , Esq., in the , and fiut I do know well if he knew any thing of him ; and Mr. O'Coshor immediate ly ro se, and was re- dood , and one from Fear I will again revert to the present triumph I r eceived for answer , " that there waa not a market price, the system becomes one of If he does he will only be langhed at for his pains . evening. This ann ouncement immediatel y follow- , the more ceived with deafen ing shouts of tumultuous ap- His H Lordshi p" stated that he considered it " a triumph of the working men , who have succeeded , honoura ble or truth-te lling man in the whole town of plause. In one of his most eloquent speeches , deli- Dowxeight Robber y ; ing th e Holbeck triumph , create d no litt le sensation ; in spiie of all infusing new life into the hearts of all good patriots the opposition which has beea arrayed Leeds "—(hear , 'and cheers). I then sent for the vered in his happ iest manner , he completely rivetted most pTope r and fit prosecution ;" and he had no , against them ; in spite of all those means and ap- and the parties practising it are, to all intents and snd a corres ponding amount of dismay amongst the gentleman himself ; I put the letter into his hand , the attention of his audience for upwar ds of aa doubt of the effect that would result. Nor have we factions of all names and colours. pliances which our enemies knew so well how to and inquired if he was the writer of it. He said he t pt y by repea ted bursts of ap- purposes , use hour , in erru ed onl The effect will be to more widel y diffuse the prin- On Sunday afternoon Mr. Ross delivered his lec- , and have so mu ch at comman d ; in spi te of all was. 1 then inquired if the statements it contained plause. It would be impossible for us to fur- Heastless Thieves. - these things , they hav e succeeded, to the great chagrin were true. ••' Ti*ue ! aye," sai d be, " every word of ciples and opinions for which Patebson is now Buf- ture , whi ch was, as usual with that gentleman , a nish even a moderate outline of of his excellent H of the whole body of Whi gs an d sham-Radicals — them ; and I have more revelations to make still " — to which Let U3 hope that Justice" Trill soon overtake where , in sound and ; excellent discourse. The room , which address , embodying, as it did , every point fering. In many a Scottish village (loud cheers ). The chagrin and disappointment (hear , hear). And jet I am objected to because I he could extend his comprehensive mind , as con- them I It shall, if we can be at all instrum ental in is estimated to hold comfortably fifteen hundred " adangerous man " —(laughter). Just the local papers , the villagers will rea d the persons was crowded ; a lar ge portion belonging to of these parties has manifested themselves in nu- am contrast nected with the movement. mending her pace . , merous instan ces both at the election and since ; my conduct with the alleged conduct of account of these prosecutions , for the first time, the fair sex. An excellent choir filled the orchestra , , this Alder- The CHAiBMAN jgave the next toast ," The Northern performances added much to the and none mor e bo than in the Council Chamber , at man and Watch-Committee-man. While he was Star and the democratic press. " will the young and en quiring ask : What is this and their harmony our fir st J meeting. that , and eclat of the proceedings. Previous to that meeting, procuring men to be turned out , in order they Mr. Julian H abne y, in risin g to res pond , was " FRE EDOM OF CONSC IENCE" blasphemy 1" •* What are those books for which 'Connor at which there was much and vtrv importan t might dra w plugs, and if necessary blow up boilers , receiv ed with great cheering, and made an excel- As noticed above , Mr. O was announced to bu siness to trans act HEATS Patebso jj is condemned to a felon ' B fate— % felon's evening. Half-past six was the hour , the Whigs and sham-Radicals I was persuading the working men all I could lent speech , which was throughout well received , lectur e in the mot in secret, in a small back room in the Com- against the Strike , as many here present could tes- THAT CONSCIENCE SHOULD BE FREE. fare, for fifteen months ?" It has often been re- notified ; but long before that time the Hail was and gave much satisfaction. At its conclusion , mercial Buildings , and there they determined that tif y, if need be. } Which of ua was the most danger- Mr. Hobson proposed the following resolution :— filled in every part; and finally when every one had 2—(hear). I marked that blasphemg-VTOsecntionB, instead of possibly find standing room " the Councillor for Holbeck" should fiud his level— ous man of the two have related got in that could , no (laugh ter)—that this fact here for the first time. I had intended to " That as the Anti-Corn Law League profess a S A2TD PEN ALTIES " ON IKE putting a stop to the demand for the interdicted matter where cramme d to, many hundred s he should not sit on any of the com- 33BmS H " PAIN ' had to mittees under the Municipal Act; but only on those have done so at the council meeting, before the Al- perfect readiness to discuss the question of a jrepeal increased that demand. turn back , wholly unabl e to gain even a glimpse of EXPBESSIO2J OT THOTJGHT. works, have invariably uuder the Improvemen t Aot, where it was well derm en 's face. I was prepared to have done this ; of the Corn Laws, and to main tain thai , their Public curios ity is stimula ted ; an anxiety is felt the interior. Wo have been in many crams of the 'should have had an opportu nity re peal would be of immediate benefit to all classes of Oca readers will have read in last Saturday 's y never in one equal to this. The known there was a great deai of work , and no for I expected I of sor t ; but certainl power : and after thus agreeing ; after thus doing it. I expected when my name was propos ed BOci ety, but particularly to the workin g classes ; ar the of the of to clutch the forbidden fruit , which ib eagerl y te e streams of moisture covered the Feargus O'Connor has now had a ^t report trials Paiebsos and heat was in ns , appointing the members , and constituting all as a member of the Watch Committee , in the council and as Mr. devour ed. Experience proves that the best method walls and ceiling, and descended in huge drops that Mr. Councillor Yewdal l would have challen ge to Messrs. Cobden and Bri ght , the agents Sobissos before the High Court of Justiciary at appeared as if they were the committees , they came and sat as demurely chamber , of giving pnblici ty to a book is for the clergy to upon the audience , who in the Council chamber, as if the business was then urged his objections to me there , as he had done in of the Anti-Corn Law League , to discuss this very Edinburgh , on a charge of " blas phemy." it fixed in a vapour bath. We believe we are under unaccepted ; and as it is it; the best plan to procure for it a cood being done !—(Hear and laughter. )—But this nice private and behind my back ; and then this would question, for many months -priB 1» TecoHected , that these prosecutions were denounce the mark when we say that a room three times the of the last importance that all means should be sale is to prosecute its auth or or publisher. That little plot was rather spoiled ; they were not per- have come out-- (cheers). But though 1 had not originated in consequence of the publication of a size would not have been too large to have comfor t- mitted to have every thing tneir own way. My that opportunity!gi veil to me, for he held his tongue , afforded to the people to form correct opinions , this has ever been the ca-e, the writings of Thomas ably held those who could not get admission. Hun- more especially upon a question of such confessed ¦work by Robissox , entitled " The Bible an immoral frien d, Mr. J ackson , was present at that private I hope the press will take notice of it, and tha t signa l example. dreds of the fair sex crowded the orchestra , int er- it will come under the Alder- import : for these considerat ions and these reaao ns dangerous to the easily excited brain ™ Paise are a meeting ; and after having got an understand- through that medium book, This mingled with the vocalists and band , and filled the plainl y 's notice As these " liberty loving" gentlemen this meeting, composed as it is of a great number of We now come to the cream of the Lobd Justic e rows of seats facing the platform ; and ing of what they were about , he told them man book we have never seen. It may bs a piece of numerous th at he would be no party to any such method of have det ermined tha t they will not have me on the the inhabitan ts of Leeds, REQUIRE of Meaars. when the vocal and instrume ntal performer s struck that they meet in , free , profoun d criticism and well-sustained argum ent ; Clzbk 's address, when, after sentencing Patebtso jv doing business , but would lay the whole matter Watch Committee , I hope every working man , who Cobden and Bright , /air up their glorious strains of harmony in praise of the or insult at the hands of and OPEN discussion , Mr. Fear gus O'Connor , in or it may be trash and nonsen se. To us, as regards to fifteen month' s imprisonment , he proceeded : we felt that never had we witnessed before the man they had maligned. Mr. Jackson may receive any injury the " good old cause ," will take care to pen down an authenti c Leeds, in the Cloth Hall Yard , and that this resolu- -what so noble a spectacle in connection with the Chartist did so—(cries of "T hat was honourable ," and loud police, £he right of free discussion , it matters not which. " Whatever you may think of I now say—I «ay cheers). It was honourable. Nay more , it was a statement of the facts , with the number of the officers , tion be transm itted to th ose two gentlemen , by the "We proclaim that men have a right to publish ts you, that in the prospect of the solemn and serious cause before- with them. I know ther e Chairman , on behalf of ithe meeting. " having again taken the chai r— proof of great a oral ccmrage , of one in Mr. Jack- and make me acqua inted duty of pronouncing jud gment en a fellow-creature , I Mr. Bbooke son' y to respect him are force , who deserve to be flogged This was seconded ,, and carried unanimousl y, iheir thoughts en all questions of moral3, religion , , " Lo we answer , see we come, s position , and wo ought greatl bru tes in that prayedto the AlmightyGod in tchom I believe tint in for it—(cheers). Mr. Jackson had acted thus , j An instance has come to my know- amidst applause , and politics, no matter even though the embodi- infinite He would yet vouchsafe to you the Quick at freedom 's hol y call" ; out of the town his compassion. and that was the key to my conduct in the Council led in which j Child ,— uot very child-like in his The Chairman then gave the! concluding toast— and the peaceand the hope, and the joy of was sung in full chorus by the performers in first- ge, ment of sach should be the vilest trash ever penned. comfort, , chamber— (hear A Rteat deal has been said nature —but in! which Child , J emmy Chil d, I " The speedy return- of Frost , W illiams, Jones , and believing in thai adorable Redeemer, uhese mercy you rat e style. , heat). . , If falsehood and folly find an outlet from the press p e , and in the newspa pers about my believe—(cries of " Yes; we know him" )—met with all patriots. " , have hitherto so contemptuously reeded." Some impatie nce being manifested for the appear- in many lac s conduc t on that occasion ; and therefore , as this is two little lads in Kirkgate; and because one of To which Mr. Pitkethley, of Hudd ersfield , bri efly- Je t trnth and reason be hrou eht to their correction. ance of Air. O'Connor , Mr. H obson came forward ' There , " gentle reader ," what thiak you of that f tnc first occasion on which I have since had the them , quite by accident , touched some part of the responded ; and it being now half-past eleven o clock The only safety against fraud ia to allow of the and entre ated their patience for about twenty ' he struck thorn both , io enrol names, and sat train would have pleasure of addressing you, I will take the oppor- grea t mail s coatj, most limner- Mr. O'C onn or? went to work speech * Now look on this picture. minutes , by which tinw the hay been said the heavy sticfe which ho generally car- time longer at this work. Ma ny cards unfettered, unlimit ed exercise of thought , arrived. In the meantime he would address them— tunity of setting myself' ri ght- Much cifuJJ y with for some and publieation - Paxebso s wished to know what sort of treatment in the newspapers , and especiall y in th e Leeds ries with him ;j and to such an exten t was were taken , sod it was turned midnight before the (a pplause). Mr. Hobson then an great length t , that their. he was to have in jai l 1 and the Lord Justice entered into a luminous exposition of the value of Mercury, abou t my " feeling " ; abou t my " mau- his violence towards hem carried work was conclud ed. xfae appearance of the billg announcing the. pub- " " "' the expostulations of Cleek replied that the Court had nothing to do labour , as proved by the facts " eviden ced" by Mr. ners ; about my " modesty " ; and abou t my ta ^to, screams called ! forth lication of the above work , immediately led to as for having exercised my right as a Councillor , those who happened to be passing along with the prison regulati ons. He sai d :— John M arshal l of Leeds, before a commi ttee of the OASTLER 'S LIBERTY FUND. outrs geons a violation of " the liberty of the subject ," and asking, in a caso where I had been given to un- the street— (cries of shame, shame). I have another H ouse of Commons. We are compelled to omit Mr. same individual' s child-like pro- The meetin g we announced ia our Second Edition " If you wish to make any application on the sub- but in another shape our readers may derstan d thsbta legal disqualification existed, whether instance of the! as we have ever (at any rate of late years) heard tell the Directors of the General H.' s speech ; doing .so I pensities. A poor Jittle girl was one day standing of last week , as arranged to be holden in Hudders- ^ ject, it most be made to depend upon having Mr. Marshall' s evidence laid suoh was the fact , or no. It is true that iu of. Stirred up by the clergy, the harpies of the law Prisons in Scotland , of whom J am one ; bnt "with regard had to relVr to a bankruptcy of some years standing ; in Urinate with a f ew boxes of JuciJer matches fiel d, took place on Wednesday night , when there- before them. While Mr. Hi>b&Gn was speaking Mr. and most enthusiastic proceeds ent ered Robixsok 's shop without any notice or to any application you may make ior the relaxation of but in doing so, I onl y did my duty : for having for sale. She had her war es in a basket suspended was a goodly, muster , O'Connor arriv ed , and with some difficuliy procured and when Child saw her , he swore at ings. There were present , Joh n Fi elden , Esq. warning ; seized his person ; and carried off discipline in the priEon , or foi exemption from the only an impression that the proposed election would be fro m her nectt , of -will be permitted to have. I can a passage through his enshusiastic and delighted 'basket fiercel y with his stick , by M.P. ; Bubfeild Ferrand , Esq., M.P. ; John Wal ter , his goods. instruction which you frieacs to the platform. At the conclusion of Mr. null and void fr om legal reasons , I had a. ri ^hi , as her , swuck the -abont £150 wor ^h Here, let us tell you that you have nef the least chance for getting any befor e which ail the lucifers were driven into the street , Esq., Berkshire ; W. Walker , Esq., of Bradford ; 's addres s, Mr. O'Connor , who appeare d to one who was to elect, to satisf y my own mind atk , was this conduct of Protestan ts in ac- relief." Hobson I exercised my power. I did so. I put the questiou and the poor child , frightened out of her wits, dare William Pollard , Esq. . Bradford ; J. Scholeifcld,. be almost astound ed by the magniftcient sight before them up, bu t was glad to run Esq., Ra3triok ; Mr. T. S. Brooke , Dewsbury ; Mr. cordance with the princi ples of " civil and reli- " O for a forty-parson power to our lega l adviser ; and with his answer I was not stay to gather him , cam e forward and delivered an address o But I am told off, leaving the only sourc e of her livelihood mixed W. Cooke ,. Hudder sfield ; and a host of others.. 1 ? e e t that it is one of To sdz thy praise , hypocrisy J" about an hour 's duration. satisfied , and expressed myself so. gions liberty ' W ar old I ought not to have raked up this bank- with the dirt— (renewed crieaot shame). Were I on The speaking was nios$ cheering ; particularly the The length at which we have given the proceed- Ferrand. At the close of the the fundamental princip les of Prot estantism His " Lord ship" had jnst been praying to " Al- ru pjey of twenty years ' date ; and my doing thu Watch Commit tee, I would take care of such speech of Mr. meeting Now " ings of the Soiree held on the following evening pre- of good taste ," cases as tlsis—(hear , hear) ; and al thou gh I am not the followiug subscriptions were announced ir- io read the Bible and jndj ?e iot thems elves. 5 mighty God"|f er his " compassion and " MEBCY" vents us giving even an outline of Mr. O'Connor ' s so is represented as a pr oof mj " " " Sir , I am not the on the Committe e, I will take care they shall not J. Fielden , E«q , £. a. d. &.> s d "we suppose the author of the book above-name d towards the prisoner at the bar. But wh en that speech, suffice it to say that it was in his usual forci- manners," and " feeling. oniy one that has raked up old bankruptcies. I get rid of such oases. I hope when you , any of you * MJSi 30 © O Mr. Bryaaa ... I f 0 O had done so j and arriving at certain conclusions , prisoner applied to the " praying " Ju dge for " com- ble and eloquent style. late William witness them , you will let me have thefti , and. then J. Walter . Esq.. 10 0 0 S-uauel QUnden- The proceedings concluded by the perform ers am old enough to remember the boldiy stated the m to the world. "What was there pass ion," the rep ly was :—" Yes I I'm the party to Cobb ett being returned to Parliameut I re- they »h»ll hear of them in the Council Cnaniber itself, — Pollard , Esq. 5. ft 0 ning ...... 1- 0 ft, giving in full chorus , the anthem— canno t compel the Watch in this inconsistent with the spirit of Protestantism I whom you mn&t apply for any alleviati on of Buf- member that Mr. Baines put into bis paper , the ana we will see [if we W. Hulke ... 1 0 0 J. Ha bergham ..^ 10 0. r could not take his Committee to take cognisance of them—(hear , hear). Gt-o. Mitchell ... a 10 0 Jonathan Sena * Th e Author ia >c!7tenced to imprisonment for fifteen calendar the judicial defender of religion and *' morality ' the addre sses which would be delivered , he was " their full dividends. Had I pos- ' sure he should be spared making a Hamer Stansfeld will know where I ah ; aud it tes&ed tlis '* taolie " feeling" of some people , Woman , BOEihs, and RoBtNsoif to twelre months . answer these queries ! W« pause for a rep ly I the necessity of . and " TflE NORTHERN STAR

¦ - v . -l x t_ j. xl_ 1 1 ¦* "T-v I 1 A T A Tt If t\Tn Tl¥ T» T7 The Vatican, in the " Eternal City ," is more than ¦• General Iri arteand the insurgents under hiB ordei a peninsula,: but because that the ultra or real Demo- ALARMING FIRES. ff it val intelligence * " tfoveigp ipBkfctfmenig. | 32,owJ m? ne 1,090 feet long, nearly 80O feet i»ide—cont ains eight baTe sought refuge in Portugal. " cratic party refused to concur in it. The reason On Satur day last, about eight o' clock, an alarming grand staircases and 200 smaller ones, 20 tontts, , ; given for this holding back is, and " Perplgnin Not. 15. that the Republicans fire broke out on the premises belong ing to Mr. George Tuesday last, 4 ,422 apartme nts ; and a library of 387,000 prin ted of says, r baa repaired to the would not aid in a movement suggested by Russia . IiEEDS.—Hocsebreakinq — On FBAKCE.—The London Times Saturday 1 * The First Alcalde of ^Barcelona Salmon , timber merchant and veneer dealer , carrying on Jackson and William Har- volumes, and 23 ,000 rranuscripta. exceedingly-well-written, though of course ] bead- quartert of- Qraoia , and proposed to enter into Everything was, it seems, prepared for a general business at Nos. 15 aad 17, City-basin , Macclesficld - two men named William —"An gre&ves, both 'notorious housebreake rs, were tally merthtk. —dreadful Accipent.—Great alar m ultra Republican, article on the state and prospects > uegotiatloDS , in the same of the city. The Gaptain- Italian insurrection. The movement was to com- stireet , City-x *ad. The premises were of great extent , (6t at the next J CtzUoTtalof Wednesd ay-, big , mence in Naples, where it was expected committed to JYork Casfcle, trial prevailed in this place on Monday mornin g last, la of-Spain , appesrs in the GreDer al made fenown conditions to the insurgents a portion of and compri sed sundry departm ents. Tbe fire occurre d broken into the ridicules the declaration of the (Jueen's! aod granted them » delay of forty-eigbt a- ur» to come the urmy would lead or immediately enter Assizes, on a; charge of having consequence of a report havin g reached the inhabitan ts 5P£e writer into it. in what la termed tbe veneer-bouse , situate on the ' George Walker, butcher, ty, assumed by the commentators, as the t to a decision upon them. He then publfchsd an order Upon the knowledge of that revolt, Lombardy, western side of the yard dwelling-house of Mr. that ssTen of the colliers had been burnt in a shocking major, , and which communicated with ' Leeds, on Sunday even- Cwoi Bargoed colliery, panacea for all the eiils of Ihat country, and pre- i of the day, announcing that hostilities should be sus- Piedmoat, aud the' Romagna would rise; and an several other buildings ; the Bituate near Timble Bridge, manner at the property of Sic whole having a frontage of iMra. Walker had gone out after tea, est, Every attention was paid them diets that the dirisions that hare so long existed, 1 pended from this morning, " Italian-empire, the ruler over which would, be the nearl y 100 feet , arid a depth of Bome AO or 60 feet ing. Mr. and J. J. Gu B*rt by Spain will become more i Duke de Ltuchtenberg,son of leaving the house securely looked up. A little the surgeon of the works , Mr. Whi te, and his as- and which still cxis', in The following appears in some of the French ihe Viceroy^ijpltaly, The flimea from tbe building, though l«w^ being almost Hartley and decided under the administration of the Council of i Eugene Beauharnais-r-and, bear this in mind; son- whoUy of wood, gained a before seven o'clock, police-officera sistant , which we hope will be the means of saving papers— rapid head , and in less than York-street, when they saw fellows' lives. Many of them have larg e "Ministers ; and with this additional inconvenience— : in-law of the Emperor Nicholas. L'i Jcutic llalie, ten minutes after tbe discovery of the -fire it had pene- Stubbs were walking up the poor ; " The Spanish refugees residin ? at Nantes have just , would not - the two prisoners proceeding in an opposite ^lireo- families depending on them for sustenance.—ifon. that lie Qaeen, who has noi hitherto been regarded like la Jcunc France promot e the mon trated three other buildings used as cbaiae-h QUSQB, as * Knowing them connecte d with -polities, will hereafter necessaril y i been informed , that Charlt-s "V., anxious to remove archial yiewa of any man ; and consequently the -well as s0veral more tion on ihe other side of the street. ¦mvihshire Merlin. *3 of , h&a resolved departments. The two pariah , they contrived he id^ntifitd vrilh th&aelfi her Government. The j every obstacle t© Ibe pacification cf Spain revolt in Italy miscarried. engines were tho first to arrive , followed by well, and suspecting their intentions The Ministry.—Sir Robert Peel arrived in town to abdicate id f&vow of the Prince of the Asta rias , ¦wbo the brigade unobserved along York-street and ¦writer deduces from these facts & oomrictaon that i engines from Whitecross -street and Watling-stre et The to follow them this morning from Windsor, to attend a Cabinet and Portugal will iiiumately resolve into a i is to reign under the name of Chailes Tl. The young POXiAND.—M oaE Kcssian Tybanny.—Letterc Dake-street ; they, however, lost them near "Timble held at one o'clock this after, Spain the fron .ierB of Poland announce flames stil l progressing, the firemen exerted tbemselvea suspicious Council, appointed to be Pederal Republic ' ) prince will marry his cousin , who is to preserve the from ' that the Em- ill saving a large building over the sawpits Bridge, and in searching for them saw a the Foreign-office, Dawning-streefc The Duke ed Isabel II. peror of Russia intended shortly to publish an ukase , aud a ra nge Walker s house, and being noon; afc The Weatheb has "beea exceedingly cold at Paris. j title of Qaeen of Spain , and to be call of sheda at the side of the canal. Although sort of light in Mr. ' of Wellington and the other members of the Council Gaailea Y. and CbTistina will be at liberty tc» return cnmmaudiDg tb.3 Catholic inhabitants of Podolia, the heat ed h e were thieves therein, the one . At six o'clock on Tuesday morning the thermometerof te ! was most oppressive , yet the firemen continued to convinc t at ther arrived about the appointed time.—Sun, Monday. (Fahrenheit) marked only 57^ degrees mpera- ; to Ssain. Don Carlos, by his abdication and the Volhinia, and the Ukraine, either to embrace tho took the back-door and the other the front, upon ion or quit tbe eounfcry, labour without intermission until half-past nine o'clock, Shop Reform.—Upwards of 270 highly respectable ture. On Wednesday morning it was still colder, j assumption by his bod of the Dame of Cha rles VI., Greek relig and allowing at watch fiour the conflagration which the prisoners rushed oat by the back, at which ¦vrili tho principles of them only two years to comply with that order. began to yield beneath both, but firms and individuals in Manchester have agreed to close The "weather was, howevei5j£eBiarkably fine. j pr eserve inviolate the ri ghts and tbeir exert ions, aud in the course of another half-hour Hartley was situated, and he seized them legitimacy. " At the cxpiratiou of that delay, tJie property of the could only secure Jackson, who immediately their places of business at one o'clock every Saturday The Weather.—At hx o'clock, on Wednesday j Catholics is to be confiscated. mea- jt was extinguished , but not before the buiidiu cs above- in the afternoon. r SWEDEN.—Stockholm , Not. 7th>— A dreadfnl refractory This mentioned were a mass of rui ns. dropped a tin' cash-box. Hargreavea ran morning the thermometer < centigrade) marked three ; eure will afterwards be applied to the king, om of The total damage direction of Garden-street, and then escaped, but Desperate Conflict between two Tigebs.— degrees 3 lOths below z^ro {about 2C of Fahrenhp'?); fire at Wixia broke out on this day se'unight , n the roust amount to a considerable sum. Fortunately Mr. most densely inhabited part of the town , during a Poland. Toe Emperor Nicholas wishes to Musco- was taken the pame night. On searohing the houso, The Zjological Society has recently experienced a severe at twelve o'clock. 7 lOths abave zsro (or 34 of Fah- Salmon wus insured in the County Fire-office to the , collection of carnivorous animals. violent svorm till the subsiding of which ii could not viz3 th3 Polish nationality. The idea is character- amount of £2 600. Not tbe it was found 'to have been thoroughly ransacked loss in their On the renheit). After an extremely cold night a heavy , age, of least idea can be formed complet ion of the hew range of dens just erected in th e be check ed. In eighteen huurs it destroyed four- istic of a barbarous and an auttquated des- sb to the origiu of the flre. and in addition to tho cash-box, a number of silver fell of snow set in in Paris on Thursday morning, potism , but it ia not unworthy of the Emperor spoons, &c. had been taken. These were found the gardens of the Kegent' s-park , three fine Benga l tigera winch combined throagh the greater" part of the fifths of the town ; so that of the new houses built FIRE AT MESSR S- BRAKAH ' sinca the iasi fire only eight rema in standing ; and Nicholas. S MANUFACTORY . PlM- fame night in a soil-hole by which Haxgreaves were turned into one of the cages, "where they lived day. ' iAco — Ou Monday morning, shortly before four o'clock , All these circumstances most amicably together for two or three days, until the one ihoar--and fotir hundred persons are burst out. UUSSIA—A Company hap been formed in St. had passed injhis escape. Accounts from the departments announce that a most destructive fire bro ke out upstn the extensive were proved, and the prisoners were committed to tigress sudden ly conceiving some cause of offence agains t 5 The dih edral is saved. The insur ances are to the Peter->bui;h for constructing a railroad which will priimiss8 batongi ng ' the riTei ?, winch wore swollen by the late rains, are thou?snd dollars. A reliel f to Messrs. Branmh and Presti ge, York Castle for trial. one of her male companions , se eed him by the throat amount of three hundred unite the Don with the Voi^o. This undertuking fhg ineer8 and patent l*-ck»nii>kers. Bslgravu Placn , gradually falling. The Rhone has nearly rc-entexeiL Spomm.uee has been formed , and a deputation arrivr d Pim- with her powerful jaw * and held him firmly, in spite , will be:of immense benefi t to tbe countries through lico. The manufactory ia wbich the crui.flignition Fatal Accipent.—On Saturday evening, an in- until the poor beast expired in its backs and ihe Dsrsnee has altogether done sdp jesitrdav and imcn diatel y had an audience of the 1 House, before of his fearful struggles , Fortunately, those inundations have been nf short which the road will run , for they aro very fertile ; originated was upwards of one hundred and eighty quest was held at the Leeds Court that deadly embra ce. It was with great difficulty that ci the King, who assured them that he bad alread y called but agricul ture languislies in them f rom ths excessive feat in length , aurl was one of the most unique John Blackburn, Esq., on the body of a married duration, ^hicb renmsissce lessened amount and obtained a in a keeper , who came np at the time and endeavoured to a Council oi S>ate en the subject , cost and delay in trausporting its produce. Europe , tbtre beiuy every titling and necessary for the woman, sixty -one years of age, named Maria Gled- , x>f damsge, though FtHl the iff-cts of the disaster remiuance of thirty thousand dollars , winch had Wellington-street , Leeds. The prevent the catostrophe could extricate the mangled are very considerable. The road between Aries SOTJTK AMERICA—The diplomatic relation8 completion of the locks for which they ar e so celebrated. iiill, who resided in carcase from tbe gripe of the ferocious beast. been immediately sent by-ihe courier to the governor the Iu less than half an the whole of tbe engine- deceased on the Wednesday evening previous, had and Taraseon remains broken up in not less than informe d that bttwtcn BriM^and Banda Oriental 11' public b*ur Heartless Bru talitt. —On Saturday an Inquest of that province, who has also been room , with its valuable machinery, was destroyed , and been mangling some clotnes at the house of Mr?. deTen ^places. The loss occasioned by the carrying his Msjestv is inclined to grant a general aid by way have been sgaBRlaced upon an amicable fooling. ; own was held on board the Thames East Indiaman , now away of ihe wooden bridge at Aries is estimated at the whole of the pile rapidly took fire. Air. Braid wood , Sarah Hutton, in Castle-street, not far from her of loan.—Hamburgh paper , Nov. 14. The following are extracts from the "New York residence, and after ascending the steps from the lying in the East India Docks, on the body of a "Lascar 40,000f. The chief pan of it stopped at the little with tha W atling -strtet engine , avrived by five o'clock seaman , named Mamarie , aged thirty-six , alleged to ITALY.—It was repor ted on the Paris Bourse, on papers : Water having been pr ocured after some little delay, ceilar kitchen of Mrs. Huiton'i* house, itj oa vrere ionnd in Lia house. A. done ia very great. began lO >ubsids just at &e xcoiaeiii -when the concerned. ters , were examined before the magistrates at the tain on her reaching Margate , without providing me- danger appeared most imminent. The handsome barber , -who was accused of pu tting ap a treasonable Tho yellow fever was committing greaf ravages A nother Fire. — Between fonr and five o' Leeds Court House, on a charge of having, on Friday placard at & cafe was also arrested. Baptista. clock on dical treatment for any of the crew who might be sick. br idge of tlhelle -was carried away, when on the among the troops stationed in San Juan Saturday morning, a flre broke out upop the extensive last, near the (Lloyd's Arms Inn, in Dulte-street, The Lascars lived on fish , rice, and split peas , bat bad poini of bt:ng completed. In ihree dajs more the The disturbances were still far from being put The state of Toba go, at the last sitting of its Junta premises in the occupati on of Messrs , E igington and stolen fro m thd person of Samuel Fox, the eiun of down. Several of the insurgen '-s had taken refu ge had proclaimed for Santa Anna. " the no meat The deceased had been ill about four days , last stone wonld have been put on. Fortunately no departmental , Sons, tho rick-cloth makers in tbu Old Keut-road. The three sovereigns and a half, and some silver. Tne and on Friday was found dead in bed. Several lives were JosS in this Kei&hbonr bood . -The cam- in Malts - and Corsiea , and it wa? said ibat lhe well dc-erviati of his couutry . the virtuous ana fire was first noticed by the priva.se watchman , parties, with another man not in custody, had been ltaiisu estiies had applied to have them removed. t cio of Vera Cruz ana Taaipico bur ning of the Jury severely animadverted on the treatment mune of Lancbre , and several others of the canton talented man , the , with considerabl e fury, in a shod at the rear of the drinking at the Lloyd's Arms, and the robbery was It is by no jweans liKeiy that tbe Eng lish Govern- their choice for President of the regenerate d Mex- the Lascar seamen received , and the Coroner said of Tauves, have been much dama ged by the late- a* building s, used for the store of manufactured goods. committed on their leaving it. A chain of evidence owners to provide medi- ment will accede to this request , tut t he French ican Republic. " it was tbe duty of the Tains , as well as by the hi«h wind which afterwards Assistance being speedily procured , thb fire was fort u- was produced [clearly identif ying the prisoners as cal assistance , and should death ensue in consequence arose. The navigation of the Allier has been inter- Governmen t has alread y so far complied with it as nately two of the parties, and after a long examination to remove all Ital ian s fri>m Corsica * to i he interior o) Lifk is Cin*A.—Ex tract of a letter , dated A i>ril extinguished with little destruction of property. of cot having it, they were guilty of mansl aughter. rupt , d by ihe melting of ihe snow in the mounta ins China The fire is supposed to have ori ginated by the rain falling they were botM committed to York Castle f or trial have been ; France. The two br othrri- , M aratori , the Count s 17, 1843:— "Things are going on very well in The chie f mate , in reply to the question, said there were Of Clerffion t. Aboai twenty coal-lighters present. The mw settlement at Hona K jng into a burrol of lamp bl ick. Water mixed with lamp at the next assizes, aad the witnesses were bound twenty Lascars now ill oa board without medical wrecked aloag its b-iaks.—GalignanVs Messenger. ,¦ Beucoli and Righi, the Marquis of Mellara , and a'- black will generate over to prosecute. several oth er refugees have been ordtre d to Chattu is ypringing up as ii" by mag ic, and the place (wn.cre combustion. attendance , and it was not unu sual for a great , many The Imphisoxtd Eepi:buca xs.—During several Rouge. tiv o yt-ars ago I was on shore with many otlievs of Fire in the Borough On Mond ;iy morning be- Summary Conviction.—Ou Monday and Tuesday Lascars to die dur ing the voyage. They have ho ham- tlays the .Republican prluts of Paris have been : h rr Majesty 's loyal subjects to hoist the unioi: jauk , tween ten and eleven o'clock an expensive fire broke laBt, the sitting magistrates at the Leeds Court- mocks to lie upon, but only rugs , which they find them- appeaiir g against the species of imprisonment to . Paleumo , October 24. — The troops in tho fi nd Tvh:c- ; was the sf-->i>> sida of a hill) is uow tull of out upon tne premises m the occupation of Mr. f. house, committed two young lads, named Henry selves. Mr. H. Bloomfield , sturgeon , said he had been which tLe 5ts.te prisoners are subjected , and which , garriso n here are kept in tons aut exercise, particu- handsomt st style. We have Lewis, marine store dealer , Bj ard 'a-buildings , Kent - Lord aad John J.tckson , for a period of three months , aa d bad seen tbe body. He was to of larly at night. At such an exej eise aud sham-fij; h:s fine stpn " buildin gs of the on board the vessel is -d& ^cribed as a remra - all ihe horrors the ; been cr.uisui g np and down , t he Chinese coase for the etreut . Borou gh. Upon the spot weie housed , omon S resp ectively t6 the House of Correction , to hard of opinion that consum ption was the cause of death. feudal times. Tne National- has the following , several sr-ldiers had loiaexi ir.tir muskels secretl y las; inree months—ma? is to say, we bud a spell a t, many other miscellanea us articles , a considerable quan - labour , for ha ving been found on premises with He had examined all the crew, but theie waa . no evx- article en the political prisoners at 3Iont Saint wi;h b^ill cartridges , smd B.Yaiied themselves of tlio and Chu-^an , at which laucr tity of hemp and flax. iutent to commit a felony. bein g prevalent on board. With darkness oi the night to get rid of some of their Hor.g Kon n, Amoy, By spontane ous combustion , it denee of dysenter y iJichel ^— ™ TheminiEiers persist iff keepin g silence place we are now , but how long to remai n is un- appears , this portion of the stock ignited , setting fire Sudden Death.— On Monday last, an' inquest the exception of about four , nearly the whole were suf- on the "barbarities inflicted upon the prisoners at most unpopular officers. .No less than ten t-fiicers through the summer , for having to the other goods , and destroying property four or five of them so bad that he are mentioned as having become the victims of certain—1 hopo not to a consi- was held at iho Rock Inn, Brainley, before John fering from scurvy, Mon t St. ilicheL As they are obstinate in holding had th>? experience of two summers here before , it derable extent. The fire was not quite subdued , before B/aokburn , £ijq., coroner lor the borough of Leeds, could remove their teeth with the greatest ease. Thia, their tongues, we are pquali y determined to speak their men, but the full truth will never come to at; it is twelve o cl«>ck. The by diet. The inquest was light. 13 one of the last places I wish to remain damage is considerable. Tbe oc- ou the bocy of a man named Joseph Pickles, who he should say was caused on. No one mast be sraered to remain in doub t as . intensely hot , but tho worst of it is to think what cupier is insured. resided near the Rock Inn, and who expired in his adjourned. At the adjourned inquest the follo wing to the illegal and abominable acts of violence com- ; " The reports ," fajs the Commerce. " which got a burial- plare it has beeu to so many hundreds of chair, after eating his dinner in his usual health, on verdiet was returned— " That the deceased had died a frightful More Fires —A flre also brofee out on Monday in mitted in this abode. Public indignation ; into circulation relativ e to disturbances in Sicily on our poor fellows employed in this Chinese warfa re. the houye of Mr. Roberts , of H«ralock-court , C;irey- Suuda,y last. [Verdict— ** Died by the visitation of natural do.ith . by the visitation of God; but the jurors must bewailed to the relief of violated law and in- i the arrival of the Keapolits n steamer Neituuo at up a part y for a trip to Ntng- God. \ considered there was a great degree of inattention on the Wo are about to make street , Li icoln 's-inn-fielJs. The cause of alarm ori gi- " ng of sal ted humanity. The Deputies must be enlightened ; Tculon are likewise mentioned in a letter from Leg- Po, which ia only thirty miles from Chusan , and tho nated ia a the night Monday part of the managers of the ship, in not providing the cellnlar ' cellar containing household furniture , &c , BuRGLAUT. ^-Dun last, by irccniesubJ e facts ca the resnlta of liorn of the 9th instant. Tue Government wa»? mak- mandarins are ver y civil and attentive to all but owing to the prom pt assistance of neighbours , and the d welling-house of Mr. George Parker, in Little medical .attendance on the arrival of the ship at the system, as applied 10 political prisoners. Th ese facts ; ing preparations to seud reiaforcemeiits to that visiters now, and give a * lurn-out ' to all parties. East India Docks, and also a place distinct from the and " , the quick arrival of the parish engine , the tire waa scon Queen-street, iWollington-road, Leeds, was entered Iistb slreacy bren siared by 05. Tejseated by Lslacd. Some demonstrauone were apprehended iu No end to shark-fin soup, seaweed stews, baked pup- arrested in its prog ress. The building is damaged. by thieve--, by means of skeleton keys, bo souuc part of the ship occupied by the deceased and other several journals , We return to them again , and Calabria and the Abruzzi , where tbo events of pics, &c. I dined with a rich old mercha nt at Amoy asleep were the inmates, that though the robbers Lascars , which was found to be in an unwholesome and shall contisne to do so until our voice has resounded Bologna had produced a deep impression. The (it being their "Now Yvat 's-day on the A FiflE broke out en Monday, in the upper part of filthy state. " last January the Pi oenix public housu , Union-street , Lisson-grove. entered the bed-room they wore not disturbed ; the tkreng hont the whole world. Scarcely {pur year? accounts from the Rcmsn Sinies," observes the same 8th of that menth), when we had all sort s of play- beoty obtained consisted of five sovereigns, fifteen iave revolved since the prison of Mont Saint jourEtl , " are of a painfu l nature. Among ihe per- (au\i either) It happened during the absence of the plumbers at acting, called by them not a bad name , shillings iu biWer, and some expensive articles of Michel received about thiny yonng mai, all full sobs latel y amsicd at Bologna is M. Barbetti , ef the entirel by beys, and some of dinner \*h<> had been at work mending the roof. Se- MARKET INTELLIGENCE. sing-song, performed y veral of ihe C section engines of the London Establish- wearing apparel, of which no trace hus beeu since of life and health. At the ei»d of this shori period , Legation of Ravenna , for pome years a resident at them made verv pre:t\" girls, mu ch belter than any obtained. j Tvhat , we £5>, 13 ihe result of the treatment they Bolt gua. Arm3, ammunition , papers said to be and the whoie ment, undei the foreman of the district , -Mr. Exchan ge, Monda y, Nov. and real female 1 have seeu in China , Fogo , were in early attendance ; but although well sup- Cruelty to U. Horse.— At the Leeds Court-house London Corn 20— liave been made to under go ! C^fB-ial returns £7t e of importance, w«re tiiseoTercd in hia possession. aff air went off very well indeed. At dinner I ex- , Tbo returns of English Wheat in the past week shew ¦us the foIIcTriBg ,answer : Sitcble ha3 rut his throat Also & fireman , who was the beareT <--f a number of plied wSfc& wate r the root was entirely consumed. on Tuesday last, Caleb Hargreaves, or' Worney, pected as Hsual to have thirty or fortyat dishes laid : milk man, was fined 104. aud costs, on the complaint very moderate arrivals , while the supplies of nil other with a tsZ 'T i BezeDaut ias hang himself in his revolutionary pro claciations. We are as-ured thct cut , and had bcrn pracas in^ myself chop-st ick for FiNE3 $R THE Countr y.— Oldhau. — About a Grain have been limited. The number of samples of <*hmge on ; Jabasse has twice attempted to poison the Militar y Commission wnl shortly sit on the trial t s p , quarter past four on Th ursday morning, the 16th, ofa policeman, for having unmercifully fljgged a a few hours to j>et my hand in , when, o my ur rise horse which he was driving in a milk home-grown Wheat fresh up from Essex^ Kent , and himself ; Ansten, Bard nn, Charles , and Bcudiii , uf ihe political pris ouero. " (who was togged out very Th pni.i s Ackroyd , the watchman biap loyed ou the cart. Suffolk, being comparatively trifling, and the attendance 1 fouud the old follow Cruelty bare all since their confinement here become mad- GREECE .—The Greek Observer cf th *> 30th ult. gay with; a tail five feet Ion*;) had everything in our premises of Mr. John Lees, Primrose Mill , Olrt ham , to! Calves .—At tho Leeds Court-house, of both London anA countr y millers good ; the demand men. Tho osiers have fallen into a stare bordering -; and there was no end of beer and pott wine, observed a fire ia the lowest story of the will , in the oa Tuesday last, three cattle dealers frem Otley aad for that article , particularly for selected qualities of ¦opon publishes an address of the Miniver. of Kmg Otho lashiou , idioiism. Thus the first rssuls L-, nine of tbtse to the Greeks , in which they inform them of the roast pi^s, and capons , and English potatot s, to say card ioom , about the centre of the building. The Bre tho neighbourhood , were charged with ill treating both red and white (which formed but a small portion prisoners bars &een driven to suicide, or lost ia nothing of knives and (oi ks. We drank the Qaeen , engine of Messss. Jones , of K ng- street , and the sub- calves, ou Friday last, whicn they were bringing of the supply) waa steady, at prices fully equal to, measures th ey bad adopted for insuring public dispose mental alienation. There are others who have no; order in the capital , where the deputies wire about and then the old gentlem an propose d the Emperor scri ption fire engine from Gretnacrts Moor , wore to Leeds to[ of, by crowding them iu but at nothing beyond those obtained on this day jei fallen, but who are afflicted with diseases that to meet and to deliberate of Ch ina , and hoped a'l the ' fightin g pigeon ' speuiily on the ground. Strenuous and successfu l numbers iu carts which were too small to contain ae'nnight , and at which nearly the whole waa disposed on the constitution which , will adhere to them throughout their lives. These was intended to guarantee the rightB of the nation would be over, as he thought wo knew a great i fFj rts were ma4e to rescue the warehouse from dange r thena. The offence was in each case proved by Leeds of. The few transactions in fine foreign Wheat were diseases wonld have qmckly terminated their exis- deal more about it tha n his countrymen did , as least and similar , dangerous but fortm.at e Services wero ren- policemen. Wm. Harrison, of Odey, was fined 10d. concluded- at late ra tes ; but that in bond was a mere anJ of the thr one. Thedeputief rare called upon ;o set aad costs 13i ; Ely Delve?, of Draughton tence if they had not b?en taken from this horrible the example of respect for the law, and not to bring a: present. " dt red iu saving the other . portions of the mill from , near drug, though not cheaper. The supp ly of Barley being pr ison. Thus the govern ment has btea ^oblig. d to with injury. The entire hiili is Beveuty-bix yards in length , Skipton , was ifined 10a. and I83. costs ; aud James more than adequate to meet tha Wants of the dealers , them armed servants , according to an old prac- apture Slavf.r. — Extract of a lofter dated transfer Barbes to Nismes ; Petre -i ana , Yi' coq, auo tice, littlo in accord wiih the liberty awd dignity of C of a and tweiity yards in breadth ; aad the portion con- Singlei.cn13, ofis. Otley, who had two carts, was fined the sale for all kinds was heavy, and prices had a down- Fomberteau , to Doulkns ; Dnbocrdtau , to Bor- H. M. S. Fisguard , K10 , September .11 ih :— " Tho sumed form the two highest stories of the norther n 20^. and costs. ward ten d ency. The Malt trade was again inactive, yet tntir deliberati ons. ght .-.iaver she had deaux ; Dupour , to Paris ; and Hubert , first to a Frolic arri ved here la-t. ni , with a half of the mill , which ia ttiirt y-eighfe yards in leugth Mr. Oa.9tlek 's Liberation. — A pr eliminary mcet- we can notice no alteration in the quotation. From all &o5pva!, acd afttr waras w> St . Pebgic. Snch is The Gcnn?. TV Cmr-maf Gvzelle gives a letto capture d; off Cape Voio, having on board tVir re hun- by tvpenly in breadt h , co/nprLsini j tweive windows in fng ot the Short Time Committee and other frtcuds quarters , especially from Ire/and , the arrivals of Ostsr frc m the banks ol thr Sprte , uf the 9.h November , This slaver the balance sheet of Mont 5i. >I:cheL For s-oma, d red slaves, men , women , and children. leugth by tLree in height ; the whole mill contains of Mr. Oa sller was held in Leeds, on Mj nday even- have betn scanty. Good Corn was in demand at fall which sta.ve3 thst the EmpeTor of Ru-ns 'ii was not deaib sufi m£Cpi.^s—for oth ers, diseases -waifh was only about double tiie fiizs of one of our launches , twenty four windows in leiigth ond throe in height. ing last , to take into consideration the best means pridis , but other qualities commanded very little atten - tbrea *en their existence , and which arc fcr the mosi cout<=ut with refusing his Facciion to tbe Eew ftate aud the poor unfortunate beings wer e packed in her The property destroyed eonnUts chu fly of a number of to be adopte d for procu ring tion. New Beans moved off freely; old qualities slowly, of 2ffii rs in Greece , ad the liberation of that part incaritle. And all this in less than four years I but 1 bat he propo5ed to ?s like as many herrings would be in a cask. It mules , aud carding eug iaes. The entire durnaij e may gentleman fr om the Q ieeu' e at late rates. Peas aud Flour ware dull , at last week's zn energetic protest against the revolution of Sep- stowed in like this for s B nch, an d for securing The Ttrants * Feab s.—The French Government appears that they had been amount to upwa rds of £5.000. This u;.fo r tunate "is personal services at the pres ent critical juncture. figures. tember , to all the Europe an powers. Tne letter tho space of forty-five day s. Death had happ ily eveut will thro w about eight} hands out of ctuploy- Tho followingiresotiitioiis were appears to be incessaai and as active in its prepara - adds that it is not suppos ed pr ott-s- unani mousl y adopted. London Smithfield market , Monda y 20.— ihat this - will release d a great many of them from their torture. Qiuut. Moved by Kider , and seconded tions to resist internal enemies. ** The only reason lead to a war in Europe. The Augsburg Gazelle masses of corru ption V^m. by Mr. J. Notwithstanding tbe atteedance of buyers wag, on the «ngj:e3-ed for this empresiement ?say our pr ivate But oh , the sight of the living : Bur y —About a quarter past twelve o'clock on Tues- O'R >uke :—1st. "Th at a public meeting , of the says that the Bavarians still in Greece are dy ing strike terr or into thu most flinty whole , numerous , the beef trade waa in a very sluggish letitrs, ** is that a movemen t, or perhaps more than wa3 enough to day evening last , the larj.;e woolle n mill , at Openshaw friends of Air. Oastler , resident in Leeds and its state , and the prices declined quite 2d per 8iba ; the of hunger , and tba: money is to be sent to their re- heart , as they were covered with seres from head to one miVdnent , icay be expected to take place on tat ; lief. Fold , near Bury , the property of Messrs. Openstuw , vicinity, be convened on an early day to aid in the highest figure obtained for tnt » best Scots not exceeding demise of ills 31s jesty £mg Pnillippe. The foot. They were as soou as possible relieved from woollen manufacturers , was disuuvered to ba on flre. collection of funds to procure his liberation Ref orme being taken out , and from the 3i iod per 8lbs, and much difficulty was experienced meLtions that the Palace of t&e Tnilleries would be Gkeece.—A letter from At hens, of Oct. 31, ssys thtiir fon y-five day region , Nearly the whole of the factory was destroyed. The u njust and disgraceful imprisonm ent he is now board the receiving ship for that j urpo ^o. in effecting a clearance. The sun>oer of Sheep amounted guaidfd Ecxt Trinter by sixteen ' military posts, " Geiier.ii Cvletti entered the port of the Pu acis at Dbced on mill was sixteen xvindpv78 in tt-ngth , and three stories undergoing. " I Moved by Mr. Ward , seconded by to a full average , but there was a scarcity of really half-past nine o' clock this morning, Yi»u can more easil y imag ine than I can desetibe fiixty-fife ctu:inels , tvro pickeis of reserve s aiii-ned under salutes high, and the amount of the loss is understood to be up- Mr. Lowery :—2ad. " That Messr s. Fotrand aud prime old Downs amongst them. That description sold, in the g&l!eri-_3 of the Pavilion from ihe Greek , French , English, Russian , aud the skeleton frames of thebo pgor wretches , when I £10 000. Walter with de l'Horloge , by a m were wards of . , | other known friends of *lr. Oa,stler , though slowly, at last Monday 's' quotations , of from 4a pest of aides-de-camp i'-ieamped ai the Austrian .=hips of war. He was met ou land ing by tell yon tha t two hundred and twenty of tht be invited to attend the proposed ' ng. entr ance of and conveyed to the Incend iar y Fire and Murder— Oar Teaders meet " After to la 41 per 8!bs; but ail other breeds were 2d per 81bs the King's private apa rimenis , and by fif;y an immense assembl age of the people, sham ing t aken at once into our launch , the transaction of other necessary business the pebe * p. Our men reaJ Jy sickened at the are nirend y aware that .several fires havt» occurred in the , lower. Calves came rather Brmiy to h.iaci, while; the agents, dres.-eil in plain clothe?, -who are to be re- ' Long live- Coletti; long live the good P&trioi !' The receiving shi r meeting ad jouraed. Veal trade ruled dull at a depression of 24 81b&. they had to behold iu tho thapo of pariah of Mad ley, and v,e have now to mention one , per newed dall y, 3&=i they sktraid bs xemarttd or following is the result , of vhe elections :—Oat of the spectacles accompanied by tne loss of feuman life, in tbe unjoining Prime sm all Porkers were in demand j but &U olhe* of about 90 are Napista humanity ; and I was glad when tbe last, had been CAKiisiiS,—Sudd en Death of Mr. John Scott , Tecogniz^d. IndepeEdeudy ihat great military 225 Members of the Assembl y, plttsh of EV-Ott Blbhoj *. On Thursday morning last me ' * kindB of Pigs were ameriSiHg. Nearly 180 large Hogs the t axar -is iRttHbian pajtvY. and 1X5 Consiituii analisu , of tabeft out , for I ueve* beh eld such a. s' ght balore. IfiNKiitsPER , Backhouse s Walk.--Coron.bu s In- display, of llie Qii d'Orsay, o! the childre n waggoner of Mr . Bennett , of Wormhill , six and a half quest on the ; Body.—Oh Thursdayj were received from Ireland via Brist ol. It being now -'Asaxnption , and Carro ufel, winch i-Brr ouna ai-d w hom at least 80 acknowledge General Coletti as There were among them forty female , the 16th inst., d to be unde r seven year s of age , and forty- miles from this city , waa awoke by a strong glare of a coroner 's inquest was held at the New Inn , Back- proved , beyond a doubt , that foreign stock cannot be aidjoin the Tuilierics, are night and day to hold 5or- tiieir leader. " suppo pp profitably imported , in uuder ten."— Hants Indepe ndent. light in his bed-ro om. - IJ e called up hie fellow servant house 's Watk| Carlisle , on view of the body of the the attention of those en trusted ^nidable deiachments readines s to take arms at fi ve males was on tire , they gave the in the market is now scareo ty ever the first signal of TCM SEY — CostjlNtisople, Oct. 28rH. -M.de and , thinking the bouse late Mr. Joun Scott , the landlord of the above inn , directed So such ca^er. Bourqaeiiey has ceLv- rec a note to the Porte , con- TJnITED STATES. —Th e efforts in favour of the alar m, and ran down stairs with their clotnea boxes , who had died very suddenl y, and it was generally imports. We may remark , ho wever, that a few sheep The Par is Commerce contains along article on ibe v. ying in the strong est terms the sentiments of his Irish Repeal movement in the United Stat us , says a but upon getting out of the houae they discovered that believed in consequence of certain injurie s which he and beasts have arrived since our lost, from Spain and decay of Freiick commerce , which that paper con- C"V. rument upon the execution of the Armeniau. New York paper , appear to have slackcnd very the ricks and farm buildings were on fire. On the had received. [ It appeared , from the evidence given Germany, but they have been mostly deposed of in len ds will end in the total la?s of all the ff-rei j; ^ Why did not SI. de Bou . quency present his " note " much of late. Just before the elections, by way arrival of the engines it was found that four bay ricics on the inquest that on the Sunday evening pr e- some of the country fairs. We have not seen a single we had expected a ^ . trade of Fr2 1.ce, and «Q;sag upon Ministers to ap- or use his dip lomatic influence in conjunction with of conciliating tho Iris h voters , and four corn ricks wer e on fire ; the cow-house , cider- viouy, there had been some quarrelling between the head here for some weeks. , , bu t with the exception ply an instantaneous remedy to the evIL Sir S. Caching, before the Armenian 's execution 1 very genera l demonstration house , aud mill , and the barn , with its contents , burnt deceased' s housekeeper and ner son , Thom as Buli- Borou gh Hop Market. —The sup plies of yearling *• we have seen n othing SPAIN, His note " h pnre humbug now . The Journal de of au isolated effort in Albany, down , and the etable destroye d . By ten o'clock in the man , wh o had come into the house about tau o'clock Hops arti etill totarabi y extensive —The Press. —Several arre sts took place no- , yet the demand , on the evening of ta-s 14th . A C3ii-*e-house Constantinop le has endeavo ured , in a ser ies of worth s of .icc. morning the fire was subdued , and then it was dis- iu a slate of intoxication , when he and his mother owiug to th& low duty officialiy declared , ia active , and , keeptr . arncles jo was most extensive. A implicated in the msrder of General Qnesada , in , enc-ours ffethe Turks in th eir anti-Chris- The New York Hera ld of the 1st inst. concludes covered that tiie destruction quarrelled very seriousl y, ia consequence oi which in Home instances , further advanced ra tes have been 1835, was amoiig the iucs viduals asains 1. -whom arr. -s: tia n pfr- ^esutions. Sultan Mahmoud had laboured a brief ar gument on the subject of repeal ol the most deplorable sight too met the eye in some remains a watchman nfvued Robiason was called in , and the ob'.air-ed for fine coloury samp les. Old Hops are in ¦warrants had been i-sued, as compromise d in the -uc cc-tefHily to rnnovc ike fana '.icfsm and prejudices Iri.-h Union , in which the war ning interest i:i tJia- of 0, towelling tinker , named Pere grine Morgan , an ofa mother gave ihe sou in charge for striking her ; stead y irqairy at full pr ces.—Wea ld of K^nt Packets , -attem pt against the life, of Gener al Karvat z. The which , dari pg a^s, bad drawn au impassable bar- j-ubjc'ci is accounted for by reference to the alleged, man commonly cille i " Tinker Pjrry ," who having but tne watchman, not wiahiug to interfere betwixt £5 123 to £6 12 ; iMid K.-mt , £8 103 to £2 7s; East ' rier bcnvpei! the '.ianommedan world and Christen - h-.ju-iice of O'Connell towardb the states , with the been permitted to sleep in tho mitbttildtig, was bur ,,ed the doctrine of caaiplic ie moral e had been invoked with rt m, r«.quosVed tue mother to call up tbe landlord , K^ut , £G to £7 ; choice ditto , £8 te ,£10 15a; Sus- respect to the -0?pcs«ioB j jurnansts. Thre e wriiers dom. During his Ion-; rei gn Christiaus "were no following va^ue statement :— We have every reason to death. It was some time btfor>± it could be ascer- who it appeared had retire d to rest. On heaTiii ^; thu acx di-^o, £5 5s to £5 16s ; Yearlin g Kont8 , £5 to loader persecuted for their reli gion. Bj the in-.ro - therefore that some general organi zation tained whether the remains were thcBe of a human Of ih? Eco det Comado, and th ^ pr iseipalis editors of to believe , , disturbance he ias j urnal coal a not &cc-nd- ' was in me jngly ba psbiisned on ih- 15 h. Tdose writ ers had ality of sediment. The best proof of his success tional reform of all the Governments of Wosteru btiug iefc ; these were found nea r the p:&s , which , to act of strikin g her son, the deceased seizei hold of p.ituiots at the wator-sida since Monday last have been been reinu ved w a barrack , wi-ere they wer e provi- was tne interest which tbe state of Turkey suddeuly Enrt pe. " Here will proba bly be the grand centre tin! amount of ttn , Were likowise destroyed , aad it her , but sho threw horatlf out of his grasp, and aeasonabiy good. Tao best samples maintain thait sionallv confined. created in tbe public tnici in Europe , and the earnest , ol a grea t revolutionary movement , equall y embr ac- appeared as if the unfortunate old man , on being threw him down on the swab aud struck him with previous value ; but all other qualities command little desire which was display.; Oa this, tne Mernxng Chronicle remarks :— K Thus d by :he most enlightened ing England , France , Italy, and Spain . Such , at aroueed by the fire , had endeavoured to escape in that one of her haiids violently on tlie head. Tiie auar- attention. of governments to afford her proper protection and ini' " direciion. On Friday an inquest was held upon the the ksi vt ^iige lioeny which remained to the least , is our rtceui ormikUon . relliug continuing, the deceased tried to hold his Tallow.—This market continue s firm , although the Spaniards has been swepi awiy, and ihe liberty of support. Iu a fow years public opinion , with r egard body, and tLe jur y, after some deliberation , retur ned housekeeper, [but she broke from him, and seiziug to this country, was t-cnipiui ely changed. By a rash Th e Elections. —The paper? conta in much of the Murdor against some person 01 damand is n it very encourag ing. There are buyers , for the prsss irodden unser the hoofs cf its dra goon " ft . verdict of " Wilful . hod of something at the fire-place, struck deceased and imprudent act—sn act both uncalled for and speculation on tho coming elections. The friends of , in having fclaiiiously set fire to cer- all the yesr , at 41s 81 on tho spot , and 52s for Feb. Ty lers, as its municipal, electoral , an d pr oviucial meeting "New persons unknown with it on thoj head or face. After some evidence utaec-sary—th ^ preH-nt govern ment has endangered Mr , Clay had had ^ in York , and taiti buihliuss , thereby causin g the deat h of the said ani March at 42i 9J. The stock is heavy, but this liberties have been Jr- ^dd 'n down before . Whilsi, in ea ch party were loud in the pra ises of their respec- had been given the inquest was adjourned to tho arises from the circumstance of the vessels, generality, the face of this, the in^mt Qnc-en L- brought forih in the position Saltna Mahmosd had so earnestly en- Pcrecriue Morgan. "— Hereford Journal. next day, to afford time for a pot >t mortem exami- deavoured to assum e. And this act is accompanied tive candidates. having ma'W a quick passage. Tae shi pping season 'procession, csde tc take as niimeania ^ oat h, promis- Incendia rism.—A serious fire , which there it no nation. Ou ] Friday, the adjourned inquest took was nearly cEosed at St. Potcrsihurgfi ou the 7th instan t rights by other instances of p< rsEcuiion and fanaticism , A " Gentleman " (?)—A Mr. Henry S. Ballard , a incendiary, broke out in plaee, when some otner evidence ing slid quHj ^snTi; ccn^tuntional in a couniry ano has doubi was ihe work of an was received , but The quantity of Tailow actually o.t board vessels to Uiis .governed afi-er ix.-e sjsi«m of > erdmand. Tnat served t:> awaken a spirit of intolerance merchant of .Nevp York , was stabbed in tho public aek yani of Mr. Cook Faulkner , ac the Catitie- not of a, satisfactory nature. The Jury then wlJch will^ lead unles? speedil the bt came date was 120 191 casks , agaiust 102,817 last year, and monarch 2nd hi.- councillors nevtr swayed a sceptre , y repressed , to even street , and his life endangered , by a female with larm, Tattersall , on Saturday inj>hl Ia9t. The fire to the following verdiot :— " That the deceased's more serious results. Thof e, therefore , who would ' 128.661 in 1841. Town fallow i8 plentiful , and ths with mere treachery, crsehy, an 1 .contempt of the whom he was in conversation , and whom, i t i s said, \vas discovered about half-past eleven o' clock , and ii death arose froni erisipalous, brought on by a wound net piice for cash is 43s. encourage the Tur kish Government , by their ap- he had seduce d ou the ni ght oi the 1st ol November. that two or three stacks iu different parts above one of ligVs of the citizen and the freemau ,ihau iSarvaez , proval is suppo sed ria eyes; but how inflicted the evidence Oloziga, and consorts. " , to persist in a eonree which must end in The wound was inflicted with a dagger , and aimed of the yar d wero fired at tho same utne , as tho wnole did at make out." Wool iMAKKETS. —Very limited imports of either in the the destruct ion of this empire , are no true friends at his heart , but the poiut struck against his rib , foreign or colonial Wools have take n place in ths part The Spanish offices Baseti , who t<^s car- Were in a blsze at once. Ther e was a large concourse HA77ICKL—The annual winte r puWic riages with .Nsrvaez when the shots were ' fired , has of Turkey, bnt are serving the caase of her most and probably saved his life. The affair had caused of people, who rendered all the assistance in their fair was held wetfe. We are without the declarati on of any dangerous enemy. here un tfc e ath of the present mouth ; as it 13 kept sales ; ¦while the demand , by private contract , is flieadfr Hnca died of Ms wonnds - a great sensation in Now York. It i3 stated that power ; but in spite of their rtaBish moaarRhv prom ulgated Prince Bibesko quitted Constantinople on the 33:h ing, the 25th , a considerable leak was discoveied in hands double frame rent for that week they did not also au improved inquiry for Oatmeal without at 31idr jd of Winter Assize,—Humours are again rife as to of Irish on the 2S:h Ju ne, 1857, andto bethai I He has obtained a firman from the Porte to limit tho her hold. All the pumpa were set to work ; but work ; and , in spice of all , robbed them of one in value. At our market this morning, holders will respec t the law.^ and cause them r?s- they were able to keep her free for a short time only. the probability of thero being a general gaol delivery Wkeat demanded an advanca of Id to 21 per 701i*» peeted duties upoa all isports and exports in Waliachia to in the couree of ncx5 moiuh. Circulars from tho Sfiilli ug ot £ii6ir hard earnings. Where can Work- , wit hou t haTin ^ any other view than the fi?e per cent., excepting npou salt which. ;s declared At nine o'clock a.m., when about 75 miles from Gai- in g uit' which was gener ally complied with. There was ft bit Jl&uo nal weliars. , Horae-offico have been eeiit to the various gaols in U lot- k for justice , when tho very men wno if 1 gaould act contrary to what free f rom 6wj. veston, it having been found that the water was ar o appointed- and sword to administer the laws- im- dtmzud for Flour , at former prices, which could n^ 1 nave i.-ar orn , or to any the kingdom to ascertain the number of prisoners however , be cxeaeded a moder- part of it, I ought not to Ik- The moon of the Beiram was ushered in on Tu*sday gaining on the pumps, and that both wind aud sea committed for trial partially between man and man , will perpetrate . In Oits and Cutmeal ^oejed . and mj zc_s shall 03 nail ssd void. Thus were increasing, the captain determined to run her already , which ia presumed to ate amount of business was done , but the ex:reK 3 rat # evening by the usual discharge of artiilery. The few be a preparation step to the issuing of a commission. such ban faced robbery as thia ? They wiil never " ^ me ** oAepwise 1 should be ac- d.-ys that have interven ed have been devoted to into the Sabine river. But believipg the accomplish- have ju .->iicii *| previou sly quoted wer e not obtainable. Beaas insy ^ -ewmZnZrable vi u> Bim lor" m - Globs. uiitil they, by the enactment of the eoadast. " feasting iLnd amusement. On Wednesday morning ment of even this doubvfui, from the rapid manner Char ter , hxve ajpice in the making of the laws by noted Is per quarter dearer . 0 1 12li in which the leak increased, he concluded to run her Laughable RecoSihe.—On Thursday night, at ihe^f^ ? ^"^ 0^^ ». Baconnee that the Sulisn visited , as is customary, the mosque of which thevanRov^ 'erned. Liver pool Cattle Market —Mowoa t, Not. d tender d their resignations to the Sultan Achmed , accompanied by Riza Pach a, the on the nearest shore. He directed her course iKensington, as police-constable Mott, T 57, was on —Tae supply of Cattte at market to-day haS-fcae affl!**^ . SJe^Kw^.aeen, t>nz tn- t sae. | according ly, the whoie of the erew and passengers ' 'tunty, about nine o'clock , in Pembroke-square, he aad rcfassdof o aceept them. ministers of state , and .all tho great officers of the calle tne eame as last week , tbe greater portion of iaf ?**® 1 W CS :>TsniOr C*^ being iu the meantime engaged in baling her out. wa^ d by a lady at No. 19, who appeared in peril* a^drssscd, on empire. This procession ia one of the most remark- 1 ang, and to save their 1 then pro ceeded to the larder, and on opening the The Water Cuke. —The Earl of , who , loads of Oatmeal , with a good supply cf Floar , a o°* ssa»» of aggression by the Kurds oa the Persian frontier, •»¦ lives became the concern of all on board. They j door thou gnt tney 8aw what appeared to be a man has been long suffsnag from au attack ef a the gout , j derate quantity of Wheat and Oato; frem Irela nd near Suleimaniyah. ' Q» It is reported that Mehemet Ali Pacha has then £et about making rafts of the cottoii bales—four i asleep at u}e back of some things placed there. The has beeu under the care of Pnessnitz , at Graff ;n- J coastwi se. Ther e are reported from Canad a 877 renewed proposals baleB to a raft—and lashed together tome spars for . pohcedan a ccordingly called out,—" What do you burg. ! . . I Wheat, 4768 brls. of Flour, and 170 brls. of Pe*>. *J for the marriage of his grandson, * !when The 'lRACTARii.Jis.-Mt. Gladstoue , President of! Abbas Pacha, with the Sultan's sister, and that other rafts. She was now sinking rapidly ; the lead j want there I' v a strange grunting noise was the eavly part of the wsok the Wheat trade rera wo^ SssaaSiTjfSs SS was heaved, and there were found six fathoms of] heard, and the' jpolioeman entering the building a the Board of Trade , has authorised the Homing Herald ; dull , bat at Friday 's mktket we had a good aUen^™? is not dearly explaked, something astb \ SS %rrangem.fcni8 hare been made for the marriage, ' . «"" ihe attempt on ike life of Jfarrw j which will take place In water. There was no confusion or complaining;!large bow, which.* had broken through the garden to " deny, is the moat distinct terms , that he is a of town aud country mlllars , and a fift extent ^- Iha f«£ W ~ the spring of next year. her lod Tractarian. " ] IrUh of¦ tTHWM, that both those j aposliad t«!d all seemed to be impressed with their perilous posi- ' fenoe and taken PP gings in the larder, . i neaa waa tra nsacted, principall y^ new,; «^ wme 4te. Es-rpT—Tha dates from Alexandria down to the ; rushed at him * {aI7 with her IMPOETANT .—Qaick lime ia the beat remedy foe j inferior ^ f >> •gree^le trnihB. TTDich it wib noi altogether tion, and to save their lives was the object which with £*6*i mouth wide some parc el* ^wera taken for the eon- i>ih of October inclusive, state that Mehemet Ali Orders were given to open. The polioen*>o and the servants insta dispersing black uamp iu -wells and pits, A bucke t- 1 Wh advanca on 0«*d Teaient for the GoTerameni to hear uttered ; and to aad engrossed their attention. ' ntly ich Id topper bashel ?! 1^ r prevent & repetition of the offence abandoned all hope of the rotura of the Pasha oast off the boat's painter, and while doing this she ; took to their heels, i,f latter .towards the kitchen fui throws into the well ia au instantaneous aad suxe was obtained. ; Foreign Wheat steady in value^ , M£~ , either by the or boudan to his *& individualsin question, or any other, it was neees- allegiance, and that he was conse- sank, it being then forty-five minutes past four i and the policeman into " e garden, followed by the remed y. j i par cels of the best brands of Cinadifin Floor;wWj£ quently re-organiztog his fleet, and placing hiB sow, who chased him 'eral times round FJeOT has ro« «arx to make an example, aad h was doDe ac- land forces o'clock in the afternoon. There Were on board ; so the garden , More Pensioners— A pension of £200 a-year haa ! aold at 31s. per 196 lbs. Sack »p^ serdingly. oa the war establishment. altogether thirty souls—of these eighteen went oil and at longth, to get rt '& of bis assailant, he raa beeu granted ] to Sir Wil.iam Hamilton , Afctroaem er more inquiry, and ia beid at previous rate s. A *** 11 as ^ : "Bayocne , November 14. ** TALU IXSCBR ECMON FAILED. —It the rafts, and twelve took the boat. Of the former j down the kitchea stairs, a nd to doiug so fell down, Royal in Ireland. J of Oats b»ve bsen taken on cjuntry acconnS f Wonj fLif / ? ; the sow rolliu g over hn "* *¦<> the bottom. t« 2« Rirt t» p.T .15 \bi. fn? hast W&h mealing • ^»" ..., "Tba Qaeen, b j pr o about five were saved, after drifting about three Tne " Plain Joh« '—Lotd Campbell is devoting bis lei« j a decree of l~e lOib, uiaiutaiiiS policeman was, however ticker on hia legs »ure »ry been sold at 4euip6re (por -ahoraj. tee pressd CaKn- .t- I-ntt e sii- days and three nights. Two o.f them landed ou 1 , qt than to a ie^p-liter worK— " The Lives of the ! fair aaaitity of Oatmail has W%%.risr; ihe tfce Galreston Island, and the other three on Boldvair 1 tho sow, soizad a hair broo W. which was stand- Lord Chancellors , from the Norman Conquest to the per 240 lbs. The market baaContinued bare**£ % ^isg el llib , Hxe Congress declared t^nt Tioti- ing near, attacked ' /with' malting, a&easl Government had diEtrred vrel! of faa r=aticn, end Poiut. Of the latter but three perished—who were j¦ the animai much vigour, Present Tiuie.f' a little IriBfe new, suitable for t".^. of SSS passeDgers, two males and a female—and they until he drove her uprstairs and oa*1 of the gavatsu- The British Association has, 60 lbs. No change as wg"3 tfuA the mesi^rs the exlsfe^ Cibfa?* erjoyf d the ESS IP since its first 4s 6d per " "g^States -^flotf were lost in the breaker?, iu landing from the boat I ga,te, ' whoa she immediately ran l/wne as faao as she establishmen t expended £38 000 in « Peas. A few hundred brls. of United confidence of the Cbambsr, . scientific investiga- Ciper Dane on the 265b,—New York Sun. I could. tion. I ' have been seld in bond at 22a to 22s THE NOR THE RN STAR; oaJ §&rimte antr &t t, and Telford stated , in thetr evidence delivered before the inquiry into lb,2ir conduct v?aa appointed for a W 3 because had ao woman and told the London Bridge Committee, " that there weresever al future day. iLShten^^ * ¦°*&*& he was deceased, who was dyin^ : I received order , together privatel y, we sent f or the thousand tons of the most valuable manure runni ng y hia being then too wag , I went without her it was useless her going to Leicester , unless UGHTDfe BY TBE SLECTRIC YLTJID: Mr. Norton received the tall owing donat ions fo? the trBf?ni fTte?Ml H^e ill btit , hear ing the case] urgent into tbe Thames from the metropolitan sewers every poor -box :—w. x. r., £20 ; Sir jtreS8 » Mrs. Palmer.)^-At din- one. I found deceased at his father ' d house , insensi- they conld earn their living. They said they could fjromihe Paris Correspondent*>f Die Globe hour , thereby Jo hn Txevelyan, £5* nerK H % y ' .) poliaOng the water to that excessive An Old Soldier , £i; Mr. Samuel Martin , p , -T* » wy husband got up, and ble and speechless : a great quan ti ty tof matter was do so, and were determined to leave. degree, that it was fast approaching an immense Liver oel S£«!?Vi£n in tbie di put by Mr. I nave mentioned to yon the discovery of the mean s ditch, £5; H. R. G-, £&; A Noble Lord , £1; A Lady, ofTtri,wn i° "ing room ; bnt ho was all discharging from a| woun d in his shoulder— Amongst other replies to questions , and so excessively filthy that no tea-kettle C.H.* d Bcci edU . id not be- •of rendering conSanonS j asd fixing at a given "point labora tory half of £10} Lor d Alvanley, £10;—making altogether g '*«? fe !r ? Wto walk ;: he went his shirt was satura ted with it. His pulse Staine3 , the foliovriDff wera given ' —It d , could preperly filter the water so as to be fit for lnn6r bu he could not 4t had money the electric fluid, and maKn f it appli cable to the gene- domes* XfO 7. intvly «S .k f ^ ^ it-he was scarcely porceptiWc- ^hia extremities wert come me to inquire whether these people of lighting. : It is tic purposes. " 4s to the capa bility of the &»il,—"it *° $"* «« P°tatoe, and gave all the rest to cold—and he was evidently dy ing. I ordered him to carry them to Leicester. Tho local act does apt nl purpose s now four years Bines is HOfiBIBLE BISTKESS. S 811118 the she iirat " experiment on ibis anbje ct " (says Sir George Stephenson, the eminen t en- SPk* **^ doctor saw Rob- hot br andy-and- water } th rough the ni ght , and 8onv perm it us to advance money or anythin g in snoa the was marie in pri - gineer) my decided convicti oB Thames Policb,Thubsdat — 2£Zl? 8t W 3 ¦rate ; feat the discoverer ¦was not able to induce " , founded upo n close The following case waa th? PA ! i ? i m befbre him- Meat is given arrow-roo t—hot bricks to his feet and bottles of hot cases : we hava power to give relief in certain any and extensive personal obaerntlon, that of Elizibe tb Morris, of 2, Ja biiee-place; Stepney, 1M a week r on per son to advance even l ,000t for an apparatus on a that the soil of S Ppe meat days, too,, there is water to his stomach and- arm?. I wished to kuow case?. England, if properly treated , will prod uce four times also the mother of b!x childre n, ana whose husband is ,5nd at•¦wp'peMime he got up what was the injury to his After Forao more questions had been put to this luffiriBntl y large scale for a pn&i e experiment Yei-- confined in the S of ^ shoulder , and therefore in - the amennt of huma n food that it yields under the House of Correctio n for some offence ^ troduced ' a probe , whioh went in a considerable ' ¦ gentleman ," who in his replies exhibited a total ter day evening, ft puelic experiment took placee at the against the Court of , prese nt system." Upon the most moderate supposition , Chancer y. K/a--and he save it ta me : he depth. Fr omthe symptoms, he appeared to be dyiag want of the common feeli ngs of humanity- Place de la Concorde in the presen ce or Beveral oT the by adopting these Douglas, one of the tookS«fc Tlwnothmg » VMthat and from four to five thousand of sub-sewers , there would be an actual warra nt officers, stated that he taaht On W^nes^ mnrmno from downright inanition?-want' of'food. There was Mr. J ohn Palmer (Sovernor of the Workhouse) sath oriUes, the in- saving was-employ ed on Taoad ay » W« breakfast Paris. On one of the bases of the sta to th9 country annually of upwards of two mil- morni ng to execute a warrant ; but the Governor got no-cough or appeara nce of other disease. 0b8 of was called but not sworn. He staged , in reply to habitants of tnea lions of tons of the most Taluible of ejectme nt agains t the poor OT m fi 3t and " the Pavfflion de Lille, a glass globe manure, containing woman and her children , h£h%A> T l > 8lapped the d0M> in °>? his- bro thers had died of consumption six months questions , that deceased would be in those parts of called of all the mates (animal salts), fcc, which and he never in his life had so painful a duty to perform. husband»face :-ft ia a rale , app arently twelve or thirteen inches diameter , with a , if sold to the th«e that ali the pau- before, but I do not think this was the case wit h th e house where he ought not to be ; he was very land-holders and farmers at 10s, per ten, would mate- When the poor creatur e was turned out of her home P^S?% 6 m befw tbet0 Governor, or nofc in ; deceased—I sioveable itSsctor, was fixed in connection ¦with a into the r ° my fio cannot speak certainly, however. He obstinate. He came down to breakfast on two oc- rially aid them to meet any pr essure of the times. cold, damp fog, she stood in the atreet In the husband, You are died at seven o'clock iho next (Saturday) , morning, casions after the door was shut ; the fir3t time hi3 Toltaic feaUery, and, at a little before nine o'clock, the Bssidea, thB iron-trade of m er children utterly SS-t«o late STniand " thro -wn into it by this great nation ia in a de- i » j . bewildered , not knowing he^^had no breakfast. I saw him and they sent to tell me of it. His case was one bre akfast was sent upao him , the second it was not. electric fluid "was a conductor. At press td state , at all times fluctuating ; the wtuit *to do or where to go. Pitying d ta the gas 15ghb of the PJace , abont 100' government , her deplorable con- ZTnZtSLP* jo ?-womi and he told ine he vtfsich must have demanded good diet for some lime: H e ( Mr. Palmer) understood the doct or had said it th is tiiae all in by constructing these sub-sewers, would permanen tly dition , and seeing that she waa utterly , Doug- k 8t* had "»ere bum ing. As soon as the electric fluid destitute £u nnr te? Cie none that morning at I should have ordered[ihis. £ cannot speak precisely would do him good to come down ; had heard it number, raise the price of iron ; because Bristol , Hnll, liTerpool , las adv ised her to come to the court and make an appli- hadjmy the previous morning. as to the , the near est gas lights had the same dull , cation. Wh«T » f - immediate cause of death without an ex- repeatedl y said by the matron he was to have no app eared and other towns wonld at once adept similar sewers, The worthy magistrate directed that the imuie- When we went to the Board, I led my husband amination ot the body. beer. Qiick, and heavy appearance as oil lamps fcavs by 4or husbanding the manure. Prom a roug h calculation mate wan ts of the appli cant and her down to the board-room afterwards the gas lights were , children Bhould be We , where the toBireotors The Corone r said he thou ght this was a case in By Mr. Staines—I aca eonSden t deceased received the side o! gas. Soon I presume these metropolitan sub-sewers would cost provid ed for, and in quiry made into her 0/0 thei aPPlied electric light shone forth case. "^p > ^ sent which a precis e opinion ought to be given , ot h h;s breakfast whea he did not come down. I did extinguished, and the about seven millions sterling, and the revenue derivabl e _ Douglas has since made the inquiry, and the woman 's hom?,^lTi and I told^ them my husband would be brffliaE cy. Within one hundred yards was obl had. had uo unfair to the parties mentioned , and who not shut the diniug-rooia door in his face the second ia all its therefrom would amount annually to upwards of one stateme nt having been found correct , provision has been breakfast for two mornings ; my husband was so cer tainl ' know it "vra» easy to read the smalie&t print.; made iged y wor e implicated by the Wife s evidence. — time. I do not .that he had none on that occa- of the light million. And if the whole of the Commissioners of for her until her husband' s liberation. &:w£,° n "^^talk-rl to speak The poor man had 3poken of being better after he sion : there were plenty of people in that room who it was, in fact, as light as day. The astonishment Sewers were merged or consolidated into one boa rd , •The SHiHT-MAK Eas. 80 0 the came to Leicester assembled multit ude -was -very .great , and —Union-Hai l—On Thursday, bHr^^^een in the < same who had ,.and of going to work a^ain soon. would not eat all' their allowance , if he had none of the as they ought to be, and not to remain irresponsi ble Mary White , the peor Sick-roo m) SDOke'^ un." and said "nh it One of the sent up. The matron attended to the siek. * ht as stron g as their astonishment The shir t-maker who was remanded a ^ Jurors- fThat is an idea which dying the ir delig bodies without aay head , hi the receipt of enormeus on Frid ay, on a charge of pawning f«"o^, whe would not get up to men oft en entert ain. By the Coroner—Deceased was ordered to the sick- estima te made by scientific persons -who "were pr esent some shirts intrusted Shi s breakfastx- iS? ? :"» thi ^ s ' sums of money, not accountable for the same, and con- to her to mak e up. by a woman named Davis, who Director's name, I think , was Another Juror —It! is clear to me that hia death r oom, because he would go to the other room and ¦vss, that the electric light 'was equal to twenty of the tinually fiebting at cross purposes with each other , the works for the Watts. I mad e answer, and said my husband had slopseMers, was brought up for re-exa- never been idle has been caased by downri ght cruel ty. He down ®n the bed with his clothes oa. gas lamps, and consequently Vhat. five of these lights present rates that are collected would amply suffice to mination before Mr . on the m his life ; told them how long he The Coroner—It By Mr. Siaines—Robson was treated as one -whole Co^tlngham charge. had becB ill ; and would be unfair to say so^ with who -would suffice to light the Place most brilliantly. liquidate the construction thereof. It iB not within the In conseque nce of the publici ty tkat he liad never applied to the ont an examination of the body, what ever we may di d not work. As regards the expense of production , nothing positive given to this distres- parish but once before. scope of calculation the immense benefits that would Ing case, Mr. Cottingbam has had transmitted to- him One Director then looked think. I . By the Coroner—Deceased icas of an unhappy dis- has tra nspired. The electric light gives out no bad result from the government or country ado pting these donations from several at my husband , and saiJ * O! ho does not look able The Jury all p osition benevolen t individuals , to a to work. They expressed a wish that Mr. Tosswill , and so was his wife : she was worse than smell; It emits none of those elements which, ia the sub-sewers. very considerable amount , in aid asked why I wished to come home should examine the bod y. he ; and he would not have been as he was, if it bsraing of gas, are so injurious to health ; and explosion of the accused j and when he _could not w In Edinb urgh , the watchmen, at six o'clock in the amongs t them the following sums from the writers , who ork ! for they should Hot give Mr. Wi lkinson (Believing Officer) said every had nut been for her. would be impossible. Internal lighting would be as morning, turn on the fire , or rather water , cocks in t express ed a desir e mei anything I said I wished to get him into the attention had been paid he that they might be acknowledged in Infirmary at ^ to deceased from the time he By Mr. Jarrom—Deceas ed was an idle man and practicable as external lighting ; for, by conductors , the streets , and sweep all before them down the gra UBgs; the newspape rs :—A. £1 lOs- J. Leicester , for if he stopped ther e (Co- reached Leicester ; and his wife was- idle also.% M. C, £1; H. W. ventry ) I thoug ht he finid 'would be convejsd to every part of The house. why cannot the same be done by the able-bodied poer 2s. fid.; A. B.^ 10a.; F., £l: J. ?., loa.; U-, 10a ; S. would die : my husband told Mr. Tosswill having said he shoul d examine the A diet-table was here produced which presented a> Tbe experiment perf ormbd last night was -with a voltaic dirt y metropolis ? which might be R., £1; P. E. T., 10a.; them the same—h e said the place did not agree with body early to-morrow (Tuesday) morning, the decent bill of fare f or-aworkhouse. of this great made R. H: A., 10a. ; M IX, 10a; W. hita , and ho coald latter y of two hundred pairs , composed us follows:— the healthiest and cleanest city in the world, and its W £2 ; Y., 10s.; H. B., 10s.; W. J.. 10s.; H. A., 16s.; not stay. They wan ted to know inquest was then adjourned to six o'clock that The evidence being now concluded , Mr. Roth er- -1st, an outer glo&e of glass ; 2ndly, in tins globe a cylin- -vast expansive rive r rolling through it kept free from E. E., 10s.: what I should do with mv familv while le waa in evening. I ham made some remarks upon the case. The " A Lover of Justice " £l. the Infirmary der of cha rcoal, open at both ends, and plunged in the all impurities polluting it, by the legislat ure compell- Harriet Davis now said that ? I aaid I had friends at Lei- ' Directors -had sent persons over to give evidence , in she did not wish to press cester , wno SECO ND DAY S 1NQ.UHSX (TUESDAT.) nitric acid contained in the outer globe : 3d]y, in the ing the water companies to erect (tree)again st every gaa the charge ; apon hearing of whfco, Mr. would take me in the short time order that all the infor mation might be given which , a porous porcelain rase , containing CotMngham he was ther e. They sai d they The inquir y was cylinder of charcoal lamp-post a water or fire-plug, the same to be kept observed that Bhe had chang ed her mind , for on the must have a {resumed this evening at six was required. He spoke of the prejudice of the acidu lated water. The pile was on the Pavilion de always charged {the water companies wonld previou s examination she let ter from ay friends t<> that effect ; and my o'clock ,, when j family against the Directors , and contended that the above get had express ed a very strong hu sband palled j . Iffl e; the two copper conductors from the two poles, an equivalent in the shape of pure water) ; an enact- desire to follow np tho pros ecution. out a letter which he bad got Mr. H. Toss will said , hfrhad made a post mor- strict letter of the law had been observed with refer- and pointed TFita charcoal , lead to «n empty globe from ment to compel every house, manufactory, Davis acknowledged from his father on the Monday before . The letter tem examination and found the body to pr esent ence to the case of the deceased. or premises that the makera bad only ihree- waa left ¦which the air has keen exhausted. The two fiolds on to have a good and sufficient shoot from their privies balfpence formaking a shirt ! at Coventry : we did not ask for it agai n. externally a very emaaiated appearance. On mov- The witnesses , reporters , and strangers were then The letter said that his father waa very uneas y ing tne arm in tbe sackot , a distinct grating coul d jSEstiBg produce a sol t but most intense light I under and drains into the common sewers ; all the streets tt> be Mi. Cottingha m then made some inquiries into the at nailed u pon to withdraw , whilst the Coroner and stand tha t ths experiment -was considered highly sne- thoroughly washed everyjt wenty-four hour s charac ter of the The result of heavin g he was so ill, and they wished to have him be felt , indicating diseabo , and which examination jury Wfre in consultation. More than half an hour ; the grave- accttsed ^woman. these home again : my eessful by the anthoriUes who were present , and that ii yards of tbe metropolis to be for ever closed, and seven inquiries showed that the poor woman husband had been an oui-pa tien t at had prored to be pr esent.—Externally beneath the ela psed before they were re-ad mitted : when they on a larger scale. Should the thing hod been suffer- the Infirmary before collar bone was an opening, ii to be -repeated feet of clsy laid thereon , and planted with trees. ing very great distress, that she was , and it seemed to do him a great int o which a pr obe was were so, the verdict Of the Jury , as follows, was an- well in a general way ts it did last night , considerably in deal of good. The letter t , and trork as and Biibop Litimer , in his days, said : " That it was an arrear of rent to the woman with whom she lodged , did not say anythin g mor e. in roduced which opening communicated with nounced:— " That George Robson came to his death Ies3 than that of gas, -which it must he, The Directors read the letter tue joint , allowing the cost be there eternal disgrace to tbe clergy to allow the burials to go who, although in great poverty herself , having a siek over , sent us out of the probe to touch tho bene, On through irritation,broug ht on by disease of the shoui- -will be a drea dful revolution in gas-works. A company on in a lirge crowded town," as they were than increas- husband and child the room , and then called us in again : they then laying open the shoulder joint , a great and long der-joint and effusion of water in the chest. That to maintain by her own labour , yet ask ed me if I had standing disease for the .supply of the electric light wonld realise a hand - ing to an alarming extent ; what would he have said at had contributed all in her power to assist not made up my mind to stay wai foun d to have existed ; the his death was accelerated iby the inattention of the on charging only a sixth of what is sow the accused there—Mr. Watts asked head of the arm bouo being found to be some profi t this time of day, mixing np 45,000 dead anr .nally by pledging her things and keeping ber and the twu me this. I said I could not alinost de- medical men of the Coventry House of Industry * paid for gas. amidst the living ? By washing the streets once every children from starving. think of doing so, as I knei» mv husband was not nuded of car tilage , which had been destro yed by and for want of proper nourishment while in that used well. ulcera tion.—The hollow of the shoulder Abtssisi j l—Amongst the many -wonderful disco- twenty-four hours there would be no necessity for , Mr. Cottingha m then addressed the accused , and Mr. Watts then said if I was deter- , on which House." veries made by the mission to the court of Shoa, in scavenger's carts , or nightmen , or watering carts. directed Mr. Bdwin , the chief clerk mined to have my discharge , ho would write one, the head of tho bone rests , was also deprived of ear - At the conclusion of tho inquiry a large crowd , , to liquidate ' the and he did so ; but tilago b y ulceration. r-An Abyssinia, one of the most extrsordintry is that of a These sub-scwers ought to precede the Thames embank - rent the accused owed to the poor woman Maryfeown , ho sai d / should net have any- opening was also found (says the Journal ,) which were waiting the issue, thing to take me home. My bu& band was extending from the joint downwards to the inner gave vent to their feelings in yells and hootings. On Tn»Enf«.-^nt salt lake, some distan ce inland. It is -seven ment. They might be constructed nearly the whole who stood in so much need of it, and money was given too ill to , feet below the level of the nearest sea by Winch , say much. The discharge -was given to the Governor. portiou of the blade bone , whioh prevented the probe th e Governor of the Coventry House of Industry hundred , of extent without erecting any ctffer-dam , which will an officer of the Court , to purchase bqihb y a which it has at one time obviously formed a por tion— appear dear on a casua l survey ; if they are commenced articles to furn ish a room for Mary M husb nd wished to go home, and he told from penetrating further. On laaying op«n the making his appearance , he was assailed with a White , the mag is- the doctor bo chest , the lungs presen ted having been cut off by the elevation of an enormous at the terminus and brought up the Tiver, all the water trate informing her , that if Bhe obtained work from a , after we came out of the a healthy appearance , but voliey of abuse , and the attitude of the people who board-r oom. This doctor (a new one general and considerable adhesion was found mass of volcanic matter which sow seporates it from accumulating on excavating will pass thr ough the reser- shop, and not thro ugh the intervention of a •• middle * , who exist- rec ognised him was so threatening that he was fain The shores are covered "with one thick o , had attended my husband all the while he ing between the membran e covering them , and th at to re t reat within the house. He twice essayed to the brine . sheet voirs. Lastly, it would form a legitimate source of w man " Becnrity would be given at that Court to the was of erystalised salt The depression of its surfa ce person who employed there) was named , I believe, Barton ; and he lining the inside of tho chest—both of long-standing make his escape, but was compelled to seek safety in ap- revenue of upwards of one million sterlin g annnally ; her , fer which purp ose a portion saw my husband pears to have been occasioned by evaporation ; aad it is and if tbe government neglect doing it, it might be of the money contributed to her aid about ten minutes after we same form ation and of recent date. —No evidence of shelter each time. So infuriated were the mob, that would be retained , out : the Miatress called my husband to tubercular disease was presen t. probable that , In a few years more, its waters -will established through the means of a public company. in order to remunerate her employer for any loss he the doctor , There was a con- many said they would break the windows if he were disappeared—it sbasin forming an might sustain on who attended , I believe, three times a week. I did siderable quantity of fluid in the cavity of the chest not surrendered to them , whilst others thrust open tha have immense mass Richaud Rowed , her account no t go till I of rock salt. Though Shoa is six or seven degrees The accused , who shed tears of heard the doctor and the mistress amountin g from two; to three pints. The heart , door , and exclaimed , ' Turn ont the murderer ! turn Promoter of the Heaith of Towns. gratitude , expressed making a sad noisp at him^-they liver , and stomach !' At Sergeant Wright , south of Bombay, the temperature is so mild, that fires her " everlasting thanks ' to those chari table and kind were "j awing " , presented a healthy appearance ; out th e murderer ! length No. 7, Stanhope-place , him because of what I had said at the Board— the latter was nearly empty, containing only a who empannelled the jury , sent for the police : and were always used, and the travellers slept under Southwark Brid ge-road. persons who had contributed to her assistance in the blankets. The capital is upwards of 8 hour of need. " Th at he was not well done to." I knew ho could greenish coloured fluid. The bowels were generall y even then it was found impossible to get the CrO* .000 feet above not spe;ik an d so I t , the level of the ita. MORE MISERY. , went in 1 but on speaking in his heal hy showing in only one or two esses any inter- vernor away, excepting in a vehicle. The fly drove behalf I was ordered off by both—the doctor saying I nal indica tions of inflammatory action , and that but off amidst the exercratfons of the assembled multi- HODESX JBasbasisic —The Ymven remarks :*' The " &)? <2fontrttton ni dr nglantr Marlb orou gh street. —Since it has become ksown had nothing to do with it. I heard the doctor say, of a very trifling character. The chief disease was tude , the ir curses being both load and deep." government , at great pains and expense, brought from that the funds of the poor-box at this cenr t have been " You aro a good-for-nothing dissatisfied fellow : I effusion of water rnj tho chest , aad the extensive ANOTHER HUMAN BEING STARVED TO DEATH. Silonica ^and Ephes&i a magnificent Pagan sarco pha j,us increased by the donations of the benevolen t , ther e cau.Eee it in your face." I do not know what they disease of the shoulder joint. The conclusion he before Mr. Higgs and the entire fries * of ths Temple of Diana. These have been many appli cants for relief. The majority of said after this, came to At an inquest on Monday night , , " Laws grind the poor , and rich men rale the law !" as I was ordered off to my work. , fro m the exami nation , was, that disease on the body of Morris Keaiing, the "wife of deceased lelics of Grecian art, so valuable in the illustration of applicants are females, widows, or wives with large M y husband soon after came out to me, and said— was worn out by constitutional irritation , effusion of history, onght to have found grace in the eyes of the families , and husbands either sick or out of work , and said—During the time the theatres are open X go " Get my clothes aired — I will go as soon as I have water in the chtst , and exposure to cold. Tne jour out a charing to Mr. Simpson 's, of the Albion Hotel , conservators of our museums ; bat they have been suf- APPALLING DESTIICT10S. tbe amount of destitu tion and suffering which these had my dinner. " When he had had his dinner—( he ncy from Coventry I to Leicester would doubtless Bry d j»e8-street t from eight o' clock in the morning fered to lie for stx months rotting Bt the foot of the Thursda y, cases occasionally disclose would be pronounced fabu - had srnhe rice-pudding, of which he eat two or th ree accel erate death. The only chance for deceased 's colonnade of the Louvre, on the groun d On the 16th inst , Mr. Carter , the Coroner until twelve and one o'clock the next morning, for which served as for Surrey, went into a very protracted inquiry at lous, were the statement s not corrobora ted by evidence spoonsful , and gave the rest to me)—I w?nt and got recovery was perfect quietness. It was a case re- the burying-place for the victims of Jaly. Since their the which I receive 53. per week. On Friday morning Mm , Snow-fields , Bemondsey, respecting tbe death of that cannot be . disputed. Two cases which , at the his clothes, put them on him , and we th en went into quiring good and nourishing diet. arrival in the inhospitable climate of Paris , they have desire of the magistrate , had been investi gated by tbe the town bo see last , my husband had been ill for some time, I left Ann (Jalw ay, aged forty-five. if the waggon would bring us to Lei- A Juror— Is it possible that the medical attendant 'clock and did not return until endured more fog and rain thaa dnriDg their long exis- constables, were on Friday reported upon to Mr. cester. We begged at Coventry could have been ignoran t of tho exist- hom e at eight o , The deceased resided at 3, White Lion durt , the waggoner very hard to bri ng between one »nd two o' clock the next morning. I tence in their nafiva sofl. When the frost attacks Bermondsey-street , where she, her husband Hard -wick. us, telling him wo would pay him when we got to ence of the disease of, the shoulder join * ! them, nothing will remain bat , and son, was let in by the landlad y, and on pr oceeding np lamentably degraded aged about nineteen , lived and slept in a small room. The first case was that of Emma Stamm ers , the wife Leicester ; we had no mon6y then. It was a tilted Mr. Tosswill—Am| I bound to ans wer that ques- fragments of -what have cost several hundreds of thou- of a stable-man out of employ, with three young chil- ' stairs / found the two children huddled up in bed There was no bed nor bedstead in the room, nor furni- cart—we bad a waggon the next morning. We tion ? ! by the side of my husband , who was qdite bead sands ef francs and the lives of seven men, amongst dead , dren , one lying dead , and one sick. Her application prevailed upon the waggoner to take us. We got Coroner—Yes ; I ihink po. whom -we have to lament ture of any kind. When found she was lying and stiff : there was no fire or light in the the nnfortnnate . painter , with her Bon in her wretched abode on a heap of was for some relief , to enable her to bury her child , she to Hinckley that (Wedneeuay ) night , and whore we Mr. Tosswill—/ perceived it, and therefore imagine Ciemont Bonlancer. " having applied to the parish in which she resided for a for his room, and the children said they had tried to feathers , which had been strewed over her almsst stopped 'first, my husband a^ked hat , to go others must have done so. wake their father , but could no t make him hear. -Elect&oit ped Flowxrs. —At a late meeting of naked person , for neither eo-»erlid, sheet , nor blanket coffin, and had been refused , on the ground that she out , and the landlad y said to me,. " Your husbaud By a Juror—Deceased coald not pump ; and ex- the Xinnean Society, 2f. Brown did not belong to the parish. seems in a very When I left home, there was nothing but two cold , Esq., in the chair, could he found. From the wretched state la which the queer atate—very ill." I said, "Ho posure to cold was as bad for him. potatoes in the house, which the children told me P-Tofssser Parbes exhibited aome specimens of orchida- ¦woman was, the feathers had become so fastened over Police-constable Qibbstt deposed to the slate of ex- is." —She then said , " I am afrai d he is dying : I Several of the Jurors expressed themselves in treme destitution in which their father had given them for their tea; and all ceous Rowers -which had been electrotyped , and Which her person that the pa rish-surgeon could make no ex- the family was involved and d are not have him here : you had better go and get strong terms of indign&tioH at the conduct of the ' fead a Tery pleasing and the good charact er of tho applican t. they had had on the prevtovs day was a piece of dry attra ctive appearance. This amination until she had been cleansed, and thsn the lodgin gs." I did bo ; and the landlad y, before we Governor of the House of Industry, of Mr. Watts , which my husband could not eat. I had process, however The youDg woman said her husband had been in tbe wen t to th em, gave of the Mistress bread , , had sot ths effect ol altering the body presented a most extraordinary appearance. It my hudband a glass of brandy- , and other s ; and it was determined applied to St. Giles's pari sh for relief when we lived shapsor characteristics of the specimen s submitted to was considerably emaciated , and actually covered from service of Mr. Hope, of Spri ng-garden s, as stableman , and-water , and a man fr om her house brought him that these parties should be summoned to attend an it, as they an retain their formation In a remar kably but when his master left England in June , he lost his down to the lodging—B&y ' in it , but only received one loaf of bread; on appl y- tiie bead to the feet with numberless small red spots , ing as he went , " My poor adjourned inquest , at two o clock on Thursda y. ing a second time their answer was, that we must perfect manner. place, and had been unable to procure another situa- man !' think of your soul , for I am afraid yeu' re in where vermin had been preying upon her. Altogether THURSDAY. come into the workhouse; but being able to obtain a it was a scene never before, perhaps , witnessed in a tion. a bad way." My husband was very ill all night: TH2 Sea.—The mean depth of ths sea is, according - Mr. Hardwick —How partial livelihood at Mr. Simpson's, I declined the to 1a Piacs hnmin dwelling-place. have you maintained your - in the morning I begged two cups of coffee and some The Coroner and ithe Jury re-assembled at two , from fonr to fire miles. If the existing selves since June ? Applican ' offer of the parish , and I afterward s removed with waters were increased only ons-fourth , it would drown Mr. J. Slow, one of the relieving omeera of Ber- t—God only knows. whi te bread tor him : we then went to the waggon o clock to-da y. Shortly after the proceedings had Sometimes we have only bad one meal in three days. (a commen ced a large crowd assembled in front of the my family into Drury-court , when my husband con- the earth , with the exception of some high mountains , mondsey parish. —The only article of furniture in the tilted one) and we stopped no more till we got to app lied for as- My husband has walked ail over London to get work ; the Half way House public-house where the inquss t was held. tinued to get still worse. I had not if the -volumes of the ocean were augmented only by deceased' s room was the carcass of an old chest of (nea r Leicester), where he got sistance to this paridh thinking all parish es alike ia he has not a bit of shoe to bis feet now. All we have a su p of hot rum-and-w ater. Elizabeth Robson j who had been brought from the , one-eighth, considerable portions of the present conti- small drawers. There were two piece* of breaJ and a We then proceeded their practice , and be:.»g afraid of being parted from basin of coffee mixed with the feathers. There was no had to live upon is what my husband has been able to on towards Leicester : on the way thither he said Coventry House of Industry, wa3 the first witness nents would Be submerged, and the seasons would be earn by holding horses , my husband and children. Out of my week s wages of changed all over the glebe. Evaporation would be so bedding of aay kind , and she was quite dead. They or by getting a job now and he felt : better , the rum-and *water having nourished examined. From herj evidence , as gi ven in the Leices- then. I can do nothing myself, ter Chronicle , 5s. I have to pay 2s. 9d.Jor rent, and I have parted much extended, that rains would fall continually, de- had never applied for parish relief, nor dhl be know because one of ray him, We got out at the Fox in Hum berstone gate ; it is evident that she had been tur- children is now ill at home, and the infant ia my arniB but after I had gone * niahed with a good talo to clear the Dire ctors and with nearly every article of furniture to get neces- stroy the harvest, and fruits , and flowers, aud subvert them. : a little way, on the saries for my husband and children. The Co- , of 23, Magdalen-court , Tooley-street , cannot be left. road to his fath er 's, I turned back to see if ha was Master. What tho jury thought of her evidence will the whole economy of nature. There is, perhaps , .Margaret Shea Mr. Hard wick—Have bo seen in their verdict. roner , in remarking to the Jury the nature of -whole deposed teat the deceased was her sister. The last you applied to the parish ?— coming on with the other children : he was stagger- nothing more t>eautifol in car Bysfcen than th e App licant—I went to the parish ' , Margaret Hall , th e nurse—an old Iris hwoman the case before them , said this waa one whioh re- process by -which the fields are irri gated from til e skies ; time she saw ber sister alive was on the 19tb of Sep- of St. Martin s to ask ing from one side of the road to the other. I said for a comn to bury my child in, bnt I was told thoy to him , " I am afraid you are very was next examined. According to her there was quired their serious consideration. Although ther e the rrren j srs fed from the mountains—and the ocean tember , when she was in excellent health , but very bad ; can' t you was nothing in the case to impugn the conduct of the could do nothing for me, because I did not belong to get on V Ho said , o e a 't. excellent treatment given to all tbe inmates of the restrained within bounds, which it never can exceed bo badly clad. Tfce room was in the same state in which "No, my w n h, I c n " I parish officers , he did think that if they would more the jury had jort seen it She was th en lying in a the parish. said he had better stop at the Waggou and Hor ses, Coventry Hall ; she made , however , eoiae rath er loag aa that -process continues on the present scale. Mr. Hardwi ck—1 do not understand this. Do you startlin g; admissions. She said , " His arm was bad : generall y gran t out-door relief , it would ba to the Tne vapour raised Dy the sun from the sea floats corner of it Witness came from Ireland at Easter 12 and I would go and fetch his father. We got home interest of the parishioners as well as the poor. The months ago, acd lived with them till February last mean to say yon told them your distressed situation , about twelve o'clock. His father sent for his sister , he was bad inside too, and had a cough. He wished Whewyet It is lighter than-tbe atmosphere ; cond ensed, and they refused to help you at all ?—Applicant—They always to be down in bed all day, Jur y fully concurred in the Coroner 's remarks , It falls upon the earth in water ; or attracted to the year. When Bhe went , there was no bedstead nor fur- Mrs. Spencer , who is rat her bett er off , and she had but the doctor aaid they would Bend a doctor to my sick child , told him he wanted exercise and air for his poor arm and after a short consultation , re turned a verdict of mountains, it gathers on their summit, dissolves, and niture of any sort. There were two basins. A piece some port wine warmed for him. He took this, and u Natural death, accelerated by starvation." The of tick was placed over some feathers , on which the bnt they could not give me any other relief , as I be- went to bed till tea-time. Then he ate some hot and limb?. I t was for his own benefit. One morn- perpetually replenishes the conduits : the fluid is con- longed to Clewer , near Windsor. ing he could not get] down , and he was aot in time Jur y afterwards collected some silver for the poor veyed to the rivers which flow on the surface of the deceased and her husband slept ; there was no sheet cake, drank some tea, and said he felt better : he Mr. Hardwick immediately ordere d £2 to be given ' to get his break fast ; and the master did not send widow, to which the Coroner subscribed with his earth, and the springs which lie deep in its bosom, nor quilt to cover them, and they lay down in any told his father he thought he should be able to wor k accustomed liberalit y. clothes they had. Tee deceased rarel yhad any. The to the yeong woman , who expressed [her grateful that week. His father slept with him that night , ir. He (the master) has told me to day he sent it by destined to supplymas with a purer element If ws thanks , and retired. the cook. ] , son slept in a corner of tbe room, and had one blanket, and the next mornin g (Friday) I went to see him. suppose the sea, the n to be considerably diminished, Tbe second rase was that of a decent-looking elderly By Mr. Staines—This convers ation took place in the Amazon, and the Mississippi, those inland seas of bnt what he slept on " was only the name ef a bed." He had some gru el, an d afterwards some cake and woman , repo rted by Polio Constable Tice. The woman 's tea for his breakf ast ; he said he felt better Leicester—not in Coyentry . IRELAND AND THE GOVERNMENT. the western world, would become inconsiderable brooks : When witness went there , the son slept in tbe corner , and holden at the National Hall, character was very good. She had hitherto get her asked what I should get for his dinner ? I said I By the Coroner—That day he came down for his A public meeting was ths brooks would wholly disappear , the atmosphere with his mother and father , and she had his pla ce, High-Helborn , on Monda y evening, for the purpose of f he had brought from Ireland. living by going put as charwoman , and by taking care thought his sister would send him some, and I dinn er. This was about seven days bbfore he left. would fee deprived of its dae proportion of humidity ; and put there a mattr ess He could not eat anything ; all he wished for was taking into consideration the conduct of tae Govern- They had somethin g to eat mornin g and night , bnt so of empty houses. Owing to ill health , she had not then went to get a recommendation for the parish all nature would assume the garb of desolation ; the been able to do any work , drink. He had no beer allowed him , but his wife ment in their attempt to etifld the expression of public bini -would droop os ita wing, the lower animals dinnar , and sh2 did not know bow they had iived since and she had been Indeb ted doctor. He had some gruel for dinn er, but for existence to her nieces—themselves in a ttate ap- I ' saw that his features gave him her share , and she was mobbed (we under- opinion in I reland. ¦srould -perish on Uie barren sou and man himself September. While she was there she had Been the were then greatly ' Wat son was called to the chair ; proaching to wan t changed , and that his speech was worae. I stood) for it. Heard tho mistress tell deceased 's At eight o clock Mr. would -wittier away like the sickly grass at bis husbsnd and son frequently beat the deceased becanse the whole of the Liberal" metropolitan Membe rs wer e she wonld not get ont of tbe feathers. II then was The applicant was relieved with tt n shillings. ran and got an orfer f or the parish doctor. The wife about ber giving her husband her beer . I often " feet beer . Deceased had medicine invited , but none attended. 3 anything to eat she wonld get up and eat, and then get A gentleman walked into court , and pat down £5 doctor was not to come till next morning; but on gave him some of my , A " 2tRW Light. " —Monday week a private exhi- for the poor -box , which he desired might be entered as but they gave him no wine. It was very hard to Mr. Hetherington stated that a deputation bad into the feathtrs. She neglected her person , and seemed Talbot (Reheving-officer 's assistant) coming down who informed them tnat bition took place, at the Adelaide Gallery, of Bunsen's the donation of Anonymous. and seeing the state my husban d was in make him t ake hia medicine. He had nothing bjtt waited upon Mr. Buncombe , careless about everything. 8he never went from the , he went laying-dangerously ill at Nottingham ; carbonic batter y. The novelty of the principle upon and brou ght the doctor immediatel y. We had what was allowed on 'the table—no tea nor nothing- he had a relative which this battery is constructed is this , that plates of room. A part of the flooring of the room had been he expected to be called thenca to attend his dying forced up. When the witness was questioned absnt it, MURDER ! written to his father first to say how bad he was; only gruel. If he did not go down he had no break- carbon are used in conjunction with the zinc in the fast. [" Gentlemen,1 that is my parish and my home, moments , or he would have been most happy to have she gave an answer which drew exclamations of sur- H ELLISH TREATM ENT OF THE P00B IN THE COVENTRY ami the father had sent «i some post office orders, cheers). jars, instead of copper as in the ordinary battery. By BASTILE. which the Governor had kept for some time— one for and J don' t wish to be deprived of it," said the wit- attended— (loud prise and horror from every one present The witness, The following resolutions which were ably spokea to, this means a much s&onger current of electric fluid is *ix weeks : indeed, we should have known nothing of ness, in this place , and she sobbed while saying so.l obtained, and being brought to bear (through the a?ency who bed evidently misunderstood the nature of the (Abridged from the Leicester Chronicle.) were adopted unanimously : — sensatioa3 her statement produce d, cried— " O, do not the order having been sent, but for some man coming I gave him breakfast unknown to Mr. Palmer (fhe of a thin wire) upon quick lime place-i in an exhausted Governor) several times. He was not allowed a bed 1. That the right of petitioning the Legislature for ianrh : this goes to my heart" An inquest was held on Monday nigh t la?fc , at oter from Leicester and telling us. 1 then told the , or the repeal of any Act receiver, a light is evolTed far more white and intense Directors, who asked Mr. Palmer (tho Governor) to lie on: not by the doctor . The doctor said he a redress of public grievances The Goroner. —No one has laughed at this frightful the Sir Thomas White public-house , Russell-street , deemed inimical to the welfare and than any which has yet been obtained by the oxy- Gent., what he had to say about the matter! Mr. should not lie in bid in the daytime. Deceased lay on of Parliament hydro gen or ether supara tus. Previousl y to the bat- tale, and no one shall, with impunity. before John Gregory, jun., Coroner , on the liberty of the people, is sacred and inviolable ; and any .d be observed that the witness was very body of Geor ge Robson , a framew ork-knitter , aged Palmer made a rambliu * kind of tal e. We tho bench . After the doctor had put the silver tery' s being put in operation Mr. Jones delivered a fit ahon' arm , and it spurted out , he attempt to subver t that ri ght by military foree, des- neatly and respectably dressed, and evidently not an thir ty-two , whose death was sai d to have been oc- at last got the letters ; but not tilt the Directors " poke" [probe] into his , or civil prosecut ions, should call short lecture os the best mode of making the carbon had told the mistress they must be found—that was so weak he was obliged to lie dozen. There potio proclamations ignorant woman , j casioned by starva tion . ^ forth the marked indignation and constitutional re- for the plates in order to prevent its being too friable —The Mason that the bob The Jury proceeded to view the body, poor peopl e must not lose their lu.ters because they was no change made in his diet. A few days x>t loo prngni3 j and stated that although Hub inTeD- Examination resnxnfcii - which lay i' sistance of every man wiio values p olitical f reedom. sister and his mother was, because the in the house of deceased 's father , close by; it pre - were in the poor-bouse. The tetters were opened before he left ha was measured or a new pair of Bon was claimed by BunseB, hs belis-red it -would be Henry beat ber atter. None 2. That the recent conduct of the Gover nment In landlad y of ihe house had t»ld him t» do b@. When sented a painful picture of the effects of suffering when we got them—(this is a rule of the house) — shoes, and had them about four days found that ws were indebted for the discovery of the fi t him his legs were swelled interdicting the CJontarf meeting, a few hours only she died in the room she had no clothes on. Her hus- and want. but the post-office orders were ia them: I do not in the workhouse would , , after havin g for principle to an Englishman, Mr. J. T- Cooper. In con- so. The day he came out , his wife came to him and before it was to have been boldan band when in work got 2a. 6i 8-day, ont of which he Ca therine Robson , wife of tho deceased, was t hen know who had opened them. I had written to my u months allowed monster meetings to assemble in all firmation of his statement , he referred his auditory to pworn husband' s father to ask for a little money , as I sai d, Mf.lad , come with me to the Board. " He the Philosophical Transactions for 1840. The pris- had to pay 2s. a-nreek rent : she deposed as follows :—My husband was w parts of Irela nd , indicates a recklessness and incaoaei ty add itional evidenee had been given, tbe a framework-knitter , and was aged thirty-two thought a little lea ami sugar would do my husband sai d, 1 can 't speak , I am so ba d." She replied , matic rays were projected upon the ceiling, a photo - After some , I I'll ," He on the part of the Irish Executive, which imperatively coroner said , the inquir y was of paramount importance believe. Hab last residence waa at Coventry , where good . The secon d letter was in answer to one I had " Never mind , my lid , speak for you gra phic portrait "was taken , and other interesting ex- went to tho Board , and she told me she had told fhe demands our severest reprobati on. periments were performed by means of the new light, to tbe public , as a human being bad been found in tbe he belonged ; and in the House of Industry there , we written to say we had just sot the first. 3. That Dmiel O'Counell , Esq.. M.P., and his col- most abjsct state destitution. It was due to the parish had all (deceased , myself, aed four children) been In an swer to several of the jury , tho poor woman Board she would have him home ; she would not all with perfe ct sneoess. have him there to be murdered. He was in the leagues , now under prosecution for havin g exercised that it should be ascertained whether starvation had for the las t four or five mon ths. We bad lived at said her husband was put to work at the pump while their undoubted right of meeting to Pe tition against an yEW Fixe Esmss.—A mechanic at Bristol of the cauBe of death ; and it was also due to the he was so bad : the doctor -saw him , and said he was laundry having a little beer , when he had left the been the Leicester before ; but he having had a bad ar m, t» go to Act of the Legislature , and *vhe have uniforml y con- gums of Bacon , has invented a pump and fire engine, husband and son to ascertain that poison had not been so th at he could not work, ' able to work at anything he could do with one arm : Board-ro om, and the mistress orde red him St. Margare t s the sick-room to take ducted large public meetings in a peaceful ana con- which, for compactness and power' is unique. It administered , or that they had, in any way, been the parish had sent us home by the waggon. His and the Master said he would make him ivork ! tho doctor. He came up to surface , and with j him, and his w;fe said to me, stitutional manner , are eminently entitled to publi c draws water at twenty two feet from the cause of the unfortu nate woman's death. He under- arm was injured many years ago by a manjile ; but This was under tho first doctor (not Mr. Barton , his few thioga ; and this meeting heieby distance , Its cost is £20, and it bye. / said * Ifyou take him home, it is sympathy and support cor- throws it to a great stood they were both in custod y, the husband raving he thou ght it was again injured by a wrench while who was doctor now) ; he did not care about the poor, " Good , thanks for tho possesses an hydraulic power equal to a large engine as much as I expect: " he was so bad , he trembled dially tende r them thsir best JB'ii'nient mad , a&d tbe son alinost an idiot carrying sacks of corn ; it was his right arm ; and and gave them noth i ng. My husband had no shoes and humanit y they have shewn in preventi ng a collis- worth £170 or £186. An experiment was made in The inquest was then a^jouraed. fit to go to the pigs in tho field whsr , ha was sent like au aspen leaf. His wife said to him, " My dear , waa hurt fir st eighte en years ago ; but it had but sion between the people and the military. the presence of several scientific men, and gave general never failed him at work till two years ago. Tho there because he could not work at the pump. The you feel worse." He said , "/ am—I am all Poor Law Buffiajj ism. ef him. 4. That while we acknowled ge, in the most uoequi satisfaction * wound was a fracture, Eut appeared to have healed ; second doctor gave him medicine direct ly he gone." I saw no more grievances and lais-sovernmens under By Mr. Staines—/ asked the master for his break- vocal manne r tbe Lambeth-stbeet. — On Thursday, Mra Clayton , a the arm was always stiff and wea&. He was saw him ; but it waa a fortni ght after he which Ire land has suffered for centuries ;—the in- , bceam e doctor my husb and fast when he could not come down, but he would hot heaith op tottns, ' ; yenDg married -woman whose father Dad been for many quite unable to work at Coventry this hat time, and before he saw Robson equali ty of her political aad municipal franchises ;—the i t, because the Master used to send him send it. He said the doctor had ordered years a ratepayer of the parish of Wnit«c Qapel, applied we left the ¦workhouse [House of Industry] because fim breakfast up, shameless cruelty of htr alien landlords to their wretched PROPOSALS FOB C05STRC CTIKG SUB-SEVEBS AS A ; to Mr. Norton for as order to see ber sister , who was my husband was used so ill. He could not et U p out to the pigs every day. He had a piec e down , and he would not send his JfECESSABT AXTX1I.1AKY TO THE PB.ESBK T SEVBUS i *, not fit to' come down. We may do little, tenant ry ;—the sectarian distribution of government and cither confined , or on tbe point of confinement , in White- to breakfast , but the master sai d he could , and teld of br ead and cheese given him each day, bu t he used Robson icas local patronage ;—and above ail the infamy of ths Iris h, , to brin g it home to me because he could not thin gs ourselves sometimes, but not with doctor s These sewers may be constructed of cast-iron ribs , chapel workhou?e. It will be recollected that on the the .Directors so ; and they said my husband was to we di not God help Church Eatab lishmant ;—yet we we are deepl y con- ¦W-gip -week , the applicant had, in the first eat it. He left off going to the pi#s, about two orders. [In a low voice— // d . g into a cast-iron keelson , having on a cast-iron \ morning of that day be kept on slops as he would not get up. He seemed y ' there long } Mr. Watts was vinced that the only hope of obtaining politics] justice- crown plate , tna whole bo form ed as to key into ont ! instance, made application at the -workhouse , and re- to get worse after he went into the House, and the months ago, becau se he had no shoes. He came to em-they wouldn t be visiting directo r that week ; ttob son was m the for England , Ireland , Scotland , ancl Wales; —the aboli- another without screws or bolts. * qa&ated to Bee her sister , but the gate-porter refused her food was so coarse he could not take it* The work me once or twice at the wash-house. I had some tion of all monopolies , and the permanent prosperi ty J h us- room on the Tuesday he came , but nothing was said of The 'sub-sewers are to run along and beneath the ! admittance . Tbe gate-k eeper perceiving her intentiom, was pumping, and he was also sent into the {fields, beer for washing , which I kept for him, and my our country ; is by a cordial union of all ciass-^a of ¦ th violence band said tha he could not live. north and south sides of the shores of the river Tham es, sei33d and forced her back wi , and in doiag where he took cold. Palmer was the name of the t but tor this sup, said he would make Reformers to secure tha Legislative adoption of the The mistress was told of this last Mond ay by some Mr. Eead—One day the maste r a little a¥ove low water maik, and pro ceed down the ! so tore her cloak. Governor of the House of Industry, and he behaved j principles of the Peopled Charter , wbioh will confer lewer parts of Essex TJpon that ecc-oBion Mr. Norton advised Mra. Clayt on very unkindly all the time we were there ; my hus- of the women ; she told the doctor , who said my him work. . liver to the and Kest into recap- ! By the Coroner—He was pumpin g one day when upon every man the right of being represented in th e taeles or reservo irs formed of cast- to go before the Baa> d of Guar dians on the Tuesday band , therefore , wanted to come out. and when I husban d muK go into the sick ward. The mistress iron plates {something ; 1 1 he was very ill. S Commons House ol Parliament ; and this meeting em- irrnHar to gMometers ), and with psrtitionB havin a gnt- j following, acd Biike a formal eomplaint to them of the found he was so " badly, * I wished him to leave, " jawed' me for giving him the beer ; said my hus- phatically declares ita conviction , that never , till the- ¦ treate d. band was an idle fellow ; that he Bhould do some By Mr. Staines— Men with one arm or one leg are ings or meshes of sisos proper for the purpose of manner in which she had been too : he said he wished to come home to die. We ap- pump. It is very hard work; they must do whole population are faithfully represented , will, their from the li to s3j , this orde r was treated with indif- plied to the Board last "Wednesday to come to Leices- work that week if she could hel p it. I sai d " Indeed , set to the separating the filth quid, which will ran into j Singula r it; they must fill the copper. He was aot ea iil when rights be respected , their interest consul ted, or their Jhe last chamb er, and be allowed to stand to settle. ! ference , and it was not tintil the deput y chairman him- ter.—The bread was coarser than he was used ma'am , he will soon die then ;" on which she said, only have to get he went to mind the pigs. He was called idie when happ iness promoted. Now, if a column of pulveEBed quick-lime is run into ] Belf had pere mptori ly desired, that the applicant was to eat at Leicester ; hin appetite get worse: and the "A good jobt 1oo, for we shall then only in the presence him a cojftn." The rule was for the women to dr ink he would not pump. J , the sewer at aay given point previou s to its exit from j permitted an intervie w, and then doctor would not let him have the beer—they said cknell, sur geon, Coventry, depossd workhouse . he was to work the beer in the room , but I used to put it on one Mr. Edward Bi confined m New- thence into th e reserroirs, everything that is held in | of the m&8te r of tbe for it. He wanted some white bread , tha t he took it in rotat ion to visit the Poor House , R»HiEVB.-^The German n*w liquid will be chemically Mrs. Clayton stated, that on going before but they would not let him have it. On the Tuesday side, and to bring It out for him, under my baby a gate, under sentence ofdeat>,and who was to n&va solatJon in the thrown down Yesterday of this, she came his evidence only tended to confirm ,, though evideitly tthe theor y of the process of which is, the conten ts of the Board on Tuesd ay, and relati ng what-had passed , morning, the nurs e of the sick ward asked the clothes. Whtn the mistress was told the testimony of the de- been executed on Monday last, has fesen reprieved allowed to see her and seeing my beer {a better kind of table-beer) m not deBir ous of so a>ing, '* the fewera ge bemg highly charg ed with -carbonic acid, she was told that Bhe would be Governor for his breakfast , saying Robson was much s widow. He said, in conclusion—/ " untjl her Majesty's furthsr pleasure. applying at the work- worse, and =ke wonld tak e it np him : the master th e tin , she made me drink it up, saying I should ceased' did not immediately th e polverlEsd lime comes in contact thsre - sister on th e following day; bnt on any alteration in his diet nectssary : it was ACCIDKNI AAD L0S3 OF LlVK IK A LSAB MlNE— Sie; liquid is chemically acted said he would not give him any—Robson was an idle not keep it for my husband ! consider with, tpo n, and what ! honBe she was refused. .,. .,. to he re- wholesome and good . He was dissatisfied nothing A few days ago a series accident, which was at- was held in aolution immediately falls down), thereby Mi. Norton expressed his surp rise and astonishment fellow, and should get up for it; I heard these Mr. Staines here said this case ought occur red in Howgill lead Qemmissioners : the law was done to his shoulder. I injected into the sinus tended with loss of life * separating the wat er, which may be turned off, and > at the extraordinar y conduct pursued by the master of word s myself. The Governor did not send my hus- ported to tho Poor Law , Ysfustmo re&ud . John Thomp- ! officer to reque st the band any. After breakfast never intended that people should bo pined in this of his shoulder a email quan tuj of an astringent mine, near Bro ugh leavin g the residue , which may be passed through a the workhcuss , and despatched an , every Tuesd ay, the young man , who telonged to the Tillage well as the gate- directors go round every room ; and the nurse told way ;—and some conversation followed , in the course solution—su lphate of zinc. It woald do neither fcon , a fine powerful mill in order to pnlveriaa and thoroughly in- • attendance of that faactionar y, as good. I did so three times, , of Staintoss, near INjurith , and another miner of me their conduct He me the mistress had said to them " This is Robson of which it appeared that Coventry had a Local harm nor togetner , •orporate it, after -which it can be put into an hydraulic : keepsr , to have an explanation of , te several questions h&& been, put name of Campstoa , were working ia a shaft constabl e to eali npon —the idle felloW, "who won 't got np |for hia meals:" Act ; still, Mr. S. said he thon ght tha Commis- Af r to this very bore wita an press and formed into blocks of any shape or sizi best < (Mr. Norton) also desired the interfere in such a considerate docto r j and were in t'ae act of stemming. -a. fitted for conveying to any parts of the empire. A ' Mr. Brashfield , tbe chairman , and Mr. Wa llace, tbe on which they said, " O / then keep him on slops till sioners would have power to pre par atory to making a blast : the powder be ¦ to re quest he gets up.** shameful case and the jury : expressed a verf stron g Mr. Brow ett (who was chairman of the Board of iron tool isolomn of sea ^attr ruight advantageously rua into depat -.tbairman , c.f the Boar d of Gasrdis sa, I asketi the nurse what reply my hus- , unfor tumae '.y exploded , and iho effeot was sucb , and. might bear all that band made; and she sai d be was too bad to make any opinion as to the conduct of all the parties con- Directors when Robsorv came up) said tha t they gave severs fee sewers, the Ealine portions of which would pr ove | their aitcE 6.=oce r ^so, that they Rab son and his witfa tho injur y wnich Thompson sujtaised was so , to the manure. • "Mr. Brushfiel d, et- reply : this iretted me very much , asd I wad auxious nected with the Coventr y House of Industry. their di&char Ke upon ihdr ap- the highly baiefic ial ' transp ired. Only tfce ehairmsn, plication for them , that he dkd a shor t lira * after wards in grea test The Chinese are particularly ingenious in their magistrate. HayiBg to get him home. The nurs e is an Irishwoman , and Mr. Joh n Holman Tosswil), sur geon to East Mar- j [Mr. Browett here gave a dreadf ully mangled trsdtd t» tbe summons of the similar statemen t, wito ot' what a»ony.. Camps tun vras ilso taott , manures : bnt 1 question -s-hether the proposed aimix- • ¦B-a , and neither th2 master c-f the has been there many years. My husba ud waa shifted garet 's division , was then sworn —I was called on to tha t of deceased' s fexpected.| iirf fur s me tim- took plac e before tho Boaro.] After cJutuliiB g and fiid recovu rj ii etarcdj to b? iare would sot be superior to &bj. Messrs. Rtsni e ¦ ¦fforkhouse nor gu't-keepfe? Bating ttiei r appe arance , int o thi s Sick iloom. on tho Monday , He bad boea (he said) at half-past nine en Frida y night to see T HE N O RjT T-l Is jcv N . - S T A R. _J~_ .^— m — ' The Court immediately rose, the Chief Justice bavi ng profoundest respect , andand the mostmoRfc finHfnidutiful acqniercenceBnnnioniiat ,»a , Grftaaoneen . ISalSq 7d:TA • BlackBiOCfe Lion ,. BurulemBurslem 3s3a 8d ; Prince XSfibSO—Mr. B. Q. Gam mage lectured here on Fri- HOBSON S POLITICAL ALMANACK, Intimated that the flest thing In tbe motning would be the resolutions ' adopted at) the meeting of our venerated Albert, Tans tal l&s 3zes and the Clerk ofthePeaceat QuarterSessions , O'Connell ? Are the means sufficient for the ends ? With resp ect to the Catholic clergy of Ir eland (conti- here. '' The Secretary stated the increas e scriptions for the turn-outs and look-outs of Ashton. 1660 to 1843.—The POPULATION BETDBNS , from the their deptdy,shall endorse npon the back of for the last or hit or Are the tools suited to the work ? Nay, some there ba nued Mr. O'C onnell), this was emphati cally the time to fortnight to be 400 members. Messrs. Lomax Parliamentar y Pape rs just published ; setting fort h indictment the name or names of the wit- j and STALYBRIDGE .-Mr. Bayley's weavers of each bill of who go the length of doubti ng whether—supposing a j speak out—they had chosen tbe perio d, and had spoken Swallow have had very enthusiastic meetings during the entire Population of tbe three Kingdoms ; tha ness or witnes ses for the crown in support of such bill, Stalybri dee, turned out. on Friday week, for an ad- Houses inhabited , conviction to be the result of a trial—a trnckling and j out manfully. They had declared their intention of the past fortnight. vance of Id. per cat, number of , , un inhabited , and build and send the same so endowed to the Grand Jury ; and follow. These are They are all out. The Bay- ing; the nurator of Males and tne number of Females nnworthy compromise may not j re fusiDg any Government allowance : that which people Meetin g of Miners was leys have 1,100 looms. Tnere is , the foreman , or other member of tbe Grand Jury, twelve ! A Pum -ic held in the not one loom going. under , and above, twenty yean of age ; the Coun ty dangerous and damaging questions—these are Berious refused least was a monied provision, bat tbey Would Hazle grove School Room , which was densely The weavers cannot get a room to meet in, members of the Grand Jnry being there at the time, feeling which hi- } crowded . neither of Birth , showing the number bom in England and an d awful doubts • and the state of not have any of it. (Cheers.) What had religion to A working miner was called to the chair the Temperance Room nor any other. .shall, previous to the txaminatioa of any witn ess whose daces the one other , Is ruinous to the , and the The publi- Wales ; in Schotland ; in Ireland ; in the Bri tish , or generates the do with the mammon of the world ? W hat connexion meeting was addressed in a very able manner by cans dare not let them meet, for fear of their came shall appear endorsed , administer to rath witness Governme nt, and may prove fitai to the country .— Messrs. licenses, Isles ; in the British Colonies ; and the number in Holy Writ , and the traditions of the Fathers , be- Lomax, Price , aud Birrell. The resolutions , which as all the magistrates are manufacturers. the oatb or solemn affirm ation required to be taken by Dublin MoiL tween mammon and religion ? Yes, there was a con- of Foreigners and British subjects bora in foreign such witness.* were of a similar nature to those passed by the BRADFORD—The Woolgohbbhs—In conse- parts. The Number of Persons living in England and THE PREPARA TIONS. j nexion , but it was tbe connexion of an tagonism —the miners generally, passed without a single dissentient Now, it will be perceived that no mention what- ; quence of an intimation on the part, of Mr. Pearson, Wales, distinguishing males and females, under five " Her Majesty 's steamship Tolcano has arrived in | opposition of one to tbe other—the warning voice and , at tbe conclusion, a vote of thanks to the editor of ever is made, in the above clause, of the Court of Queen' s never to be stained by tbe foul lucre of gain. (Hear , mill owner, that he would reduce the wages of the years of age ; five and under ten ; and from ten up to Kingstown harbour , havin g on board 600 cases of ball j the Northern Slar was carried by acclamation . The wooloomberg in his employ, unless tha hands em- one hundred , ris ng five at a time —Number of yearly JZer.ch; and this omission, it is signed by the Cooasel with suitable ! bear , and loud cheers). ' . cartricge and two light field pieces, delegate meeting commenced immediately after ; Mr. ployed by Mr. Addison , Prospect mill, would obtai n committals for Workhouse Offences, * in every County for the Traversera , is fatal to tke Bill of Indictment , ammunition. They will be deposited in the ordnance Mr. O'Connell having been called upon , left the asso- Wm. Mellin g, of Aspull , In the chair. The chairman becanse the witnesses shonld have been sworn in open j ciation , and proceeded to the Court of Queen's Bench , an advanoe equal to the sum he then paid for comb- fa England and Wales , from 1836 to 1842.—Retur n stores . j opened the business by calling upon tbe delegates to ing wool, a meeting of wooloombers in the employ of of the number of Acts of Par liament passed from . Court , as provided by the 56th Geo. III., c 87—the The most formidable preparations which have yet where bis presence was required. pay ever tbe monies in their possession. The following subsequent Act of Victoria mating no allusion whatever J The amount of Repeal Rent was announced as Mr. Addison, was; held on Monday evening ia the 1834 to 1842, Public , Local , and Personal ; setting ' met the eye are to be seen at Richmond BarrackB , j sums were then paid: ^GENERAL Contribution s— Large Room, Butterworth Buildings. A deputa- forth the number passed in each year for England and to the Qaeen s Bench , situate on the south side of the city, a little beyond £932 13b. 6d. Aspull District , No. 1 Lodge, nothing ; 2—lls 4d; •• Shonia the Court decide with the Traversers , the | tion of Mr. Peareon's hands attended the meeting, Wales , Scotland, and Ireland. —Taxes on Land, com- Kilmainham , which are being put in a state of the most 3_6s; 4—£1 ; 5—2s 8d ; 6— 4s 10d ; 7—8a 8£d ; of Indictmen t will thereby be quashed , and th? whole jJ THE FINNOE TRAGEDY. who stated that "the foreman Mr. Pearson in- pared with tbe Taxes on P veiling Houses, Mills, and complete fortification , with portholes , loopholes, em- ; 8—43, 4jJ' 1 ; Grapes In n , Ringley , £1 11h 41; Hors e Paofcories. —Amonnfc of Military -proceedings rendered null and vuid—if, however, the The following rather satisfactory account of tbe stftte formed them that unless Mr. Addison would and Naval Forces ; br&saxvs, breastwor ks, and all the other works deemed i! Shoe, ditto , is 10d ; Blue Bull, Little Hulton , advance the wages of his combers, h«, Mr. Pearson, with the number of Ships of all classes of the Royal deeMaoa Jbe in favour of the Crown , then the Tra- reqniaiU by the science of war for successfully resisting I of tbe sufferers ia given in an evening paper :— £1 14a 5d; Bowling Green Inn , Halsha w Moor , 'Vexsers will have to plead to the Indictment forth- ¦j would be obliged to reduce to the same amount -as Navy, and a Return of the Number of Officers and the attacks of an enemy. Prevention is no doubt ; " Mr. Waller sustains bis injuries with coura ge, calm- 9i 10A ; P/csce Lodge, Bolton ; £2 6"i 3d ; Mother Mr. Addison, as there was a competition in the Men in each class.—Quantity of Foreign Wino and with ; bnt we understand that they have other motions better than cure ; but really, after the experience of ness, and fortitude , worthy of all admiration. Iu uiind , Lodge , ditt o. 18s 5.^(1; Hall Lane , Little Lever , 5a id; in leservB." jI market, and Yarn was Hold at jtwopence per gross Spirits imported during tha year ending January 5 th, some few weeks, and when it was made as clear as ., be is as calm and composed as iu the tla>B of youth and Farmers ' ( Arms , Darc y Lever , 83 lOd ; Queen less than he could sell for." On this a deputation of 1843, distinguishing the quantity from each country; PEOCEED15GS 15 COCST. noonday that the mere ordinary powers of the law, if j] health , and bis wounds are progit-asively yielding to Anne , Little Lever , 4i 93; Colliers ' Arms , do. —Population of Ireland , France , , six men were appointed by the meeting to examine and United Slates of Dablin, Nov. 28 th. only asserted with dignity and firmness, were quite i skilful treatment and the &trenglh of a constitution 2s 4d; Black Horse , Darcy Lever 3s 3d; Pad iham , tha " sorts" of both) masters; the result was that Mr. America.— Return of tbe Average Prices of Wheat , in comply sufficien t to repress any overt act ot sedition, whethe r j naturally healthy and robust Mrs. Wa ller , though £1 t Chorleydis. No. 1 Lodge , 5a; 2— 10s; 3— lsll^; ' the months of Jane and July respectively, as compared This being the last day for the traversers to -monster , or within the <: from the mental anguish of witnessing Pearson "s proved the " best." The deputation there- with the order of the Court to joi n in the demurrer pot made manifest at meetings j snfferir> much * — 6s 8d ; 6— 7a. St. Helen 's district . No. 1—2a 7d; fore waited on Mr. Addison : he received them in with those in tbe months of August and September , m naked walls of the Conciliation Hall , these very im- . the sufferings of her husband and sister , is gradually 2—83 ^ 4 *5 BE5CH— CRO "WS SIDE. an attached and faithful servant—but of such reward White Ha/t , ditto , 17i 4d ; Rope and Anchor , , and the amount of depo- the Protestants of that neighbourhood were alarmed by Maccles- paid by the other Jpartiea ia the town. A public sits, on the 20th November , 1842. as tbe publ ic munificence should confer on singular fleld . 21s. Bur y district , Lodge , No. 1—43 ; 2—3s meeting was held in the evening —Number of Waste And the said Cbarles Gavan Duffy sa5th that tbe Baid the appearance of signal fires on the surrounding hills, i 6^d. in the Committee Land Inclosure Acts passed during every ten yean plea of him the said Charles Gavan Daffy by him in merit , fj r the encouragement of such principles and 3—4sK i d; 4—7s 4d ; 5—G s ; 6—26s lOd; 7—42* 24. Room, which was iuroerously attended. Mr. Peter as far as the eye could discern. The Protestants of the : conduct . We thro w out this hint as a feeler , and shall Hoey occupied from 1800 to 1840 —Rental of the Metr opolis as manner and form aforesaid above pleaded and the mat- town, deeming these signals as only a prelude to a' Special Contribution s for Men out of Work. the chair, and Messrs. Barnctt, assessed to the Police Rate. —Number and cost of the ters therein contained in manner and form as the same ; take other occasions to improve it The recovery of —Aspull District , No. 1 Loam— £2 3a i<\ ; 2— Grimshaw, and Shaw, addressed the meeting, and general attack , assembled and prepared their fire arms , , Metropolitan Police.—JusticA Tindal' s Judgment on tbe are above pleaded and sat forth are sufficient in law to Mr. Braddell we understand , progresses slowly but £2 12s 6<1 ; 3—£2 28 101 ; 4— 18m 61 ; 5—16« ; 6— communicated the result of their interview with Mr. questi on op whilst these in the country barricaded their houses, , satisfactorily. '' , of Church Rites. —Statistics Crime tot preclude cur said lady the nff as before the aid oT a brace of war steam ers, in addi tion to the £l 16a 6J -, Victo ria ditto—15s ; Rabbit Hole Staly- be aome time befor? the whole of the men will get danied the same tJre f otherwise. " : assistance of tiorce , for the , , end a Comparative Table , showing the Number of the add indictment may fee , foot, artillery, and police brid ge— 8s 3d ; Littleborougb— £1 Is 9d; Bury District , their work, and that none of the weavers should be pays judgment and thil In Cork, aeeordlnr to the Constitution :— purpose of enforcing the collection of tbe poor-rate , Persons Committed for Trial or Bailed in each of tha quashed and so forth. No. 1 Lodge— £1 it; 2—£1 Oi 3 I; 3—£1 7s 3d; 4— sufferers in consequence of their strike." Several of affi rds prernan t proof of the ' admirable worki ng' of the weavers last four years ; and distinguishing the num bers for Thomas OIQais. " Fires were again lighted in several parts of the £1 3ij 5-£l 5s (id ; Chorley District , No. 1—15s j get their work on Tuesday, and more or each County. county on Thursday night. At Cirri gtwohill the prepa- this most obnoxious measure : 2— £1. ' 3»;'4—£l Is; Wigan District No. 1—£l 7sj less every day since. The weavers of this town are Patrick 33'Evo y Gsrt lan, Attorney. ' , The whole compiled from authenti c that the parties rations appea r to have begun as earl y as one o'clock, " Her Majesty s war steamers tbe Dee and Comet 2—£.rs *6J ; 3— l OsfiJ; 4—£i 0a 6.1 ; 5-l(ii 6cl; more than ever detetermined to resist every attempt sources The Attarney-Gareral—I apprehe nd arrived here in port on Tuesday night last , and have ought to appear here in person , snd not by attorney . at which hour the Temperance Bond ' struck up, ' and C—4 s 6d; 7—17s; 8—Us ; 9—15s ; 10—5* 6i; 11— that is made by makters to reduce their wages^ and By Joshua Hobson. important , and I cannot continued playing about the neighbourhood for the been detained making arran gements for taking on £1 ; 12—12i 81; 13—18* ; 14—123 lid ; 16— who are continually striving to enrich themselves These proceedings are most board the following formid able forct , for tbe protection Only Three Pence ! Only Three Pon ce ! take upon myself to allow anything to take place with remainder of the day. The first fire was lighted about £1 St 6 dt 17— 10s 7d; 19—£1 5s. at the expense of the poor working man. ' of tbe collectors of poor-rates along our western coast London : J. Cleave , Shoe-lane ; Manchester , Hey- regard to them that app roaches to anything like irregu- half-part four o clock behind the bouse of the Rep eal Special Contributions —St. Helen 's District- Henky Revell Reynolds, Esq , Chief Commis- wood, Oldham.stree t , and the signal was Immediately ans wered and pai t of Onnemara:—Captain Duff , RM. ; a com- . ; Birmingham , Quest ; Leeds and larity. There is no gentleman, except the parties imme- Warden No. 1 LodRel5s 6dl; 2—£2 10s ; 3-£l ls ; 4—£2 3s; sioner, and the other Coramis&ieners of the Court HuddersSeld , J. Hobson ; Newcastle from the surrounding hills. Orer towards Agtada , and pany of the 61st Regiment , and forty of the indefati- , France and Co. j diately concerned , authorised by the records of the , under the command of Sub- 5—£1 4< 6d; 6—£l 6s 6d ; T—16a; 8—18s ; 9— 17s ; for Relief of Insolvent Debtors, have been pleased Glasgow , Paton and Love. to hand in any documents of this nature. They along through Cloyne down to Yr-ughal , they arose in gable, or police force cour t Inspectara Coffey, from Dunmore , aud Cloon , from tbe 10— £3 ; 11— men out; 12—17s ; 13—16s 6d ; to give and grant unto Mr. Battle, of iselby,solicitor, may be handed in debene esse now, and let the parties thick succession, and in the line of- view between 14—I6s 6d; 15-lOa ; 16—£1 ; 17—13s 6d: 18— full powerand authority to take and receive the recog- Middleton and Coik a gentleman residing within a few Outerard station , which , with thirty marines already attend in person to-morrow morning , and let it be on board , are to administe r and dispense tbe blessings £1 111 6d ; 19-9s ; 20—43 (!J ; total amount Of Con- nizances of Buretiealin the said Court pursuant to the THE LEAGUE , to-da y. Aud now I apply to miles of the city counted at the same moment no t?ken as if they appeared of the Poor Laws , being one of the recent enactments tributions £177 Us lid. After the financial business Acts of Parliament passed for tbe Relief of Insolvent THE OFFICIAL JOUR NAL your Lordshi ps that the demnrrei may be irgned to- fewer than forty-five. They seem lo have consisted of was dispensed with , several minor resolutions were Debtors in England. straw, lor In tea minutts after be bad counted them the of the Legislature for the amelioration of I reland. So OF THE morro w. - much for Saxon laws aud British protection " submitted to, and sanctioned by the delegates. The Mr. Torde (solicitor to the parties)—My lords , 1 am blaza died away, and they were extinct The police Secretary then gave in a report of the arrangements bo NATIONAL ANTI-CORN LAW visited six in his neighbourhood , but found only embers , SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED BY MR. quite taken by surprise by the application of the bad made for securing accommodation for the parties LEAGUE, Attorne y-General, and I submit that the course he and a few straws. Everything was quiet , the houses attending the forthcoming Conference , and a resolution ¦' CLEAVE. wishes aboold be adopte d is opposed Xo the rale of the closed, and the people apparent ly in bed. Wo have Qftz CoIU'W $ao&ement. was agreed to, approving of the steps he had taken. PUBLISHED EVEK.Y SATURDAY MOENING , court . In the case of the Qaeen v. BagneH and others , heard that the fires on Saturday night were ordered in Tbe Secretary wno the n ordered to make known to tbe FOR EXECUTIVE. AT 67, FLEET STREET, LONDON. ght preTiously, but that the people i £ s. d in which I myself was the aeent . and which was ar gued the eiiaptls & fortni various branches , throu gh the medium of the Star , that UNDER THE TITL E OF , »n orde r was made for were ecjoined to secrecy. We cannot Bay how this may WORXI SGTOS . NOV. 13—A meetin g of the brave Almondbury ... ._ ... 0 3 0 oathe 2ad of November, 1842 new for the future none of the Lancashire lecturers would jo in 5n demurrer within four days. On be, but it is regarded as singular that the Temperance sous of tbe mine of this place was held in the the parties to , wbtsn M eaws, Hunter be allowed to attend public meetings in connection with FOR :THE VICTI M FUND. " the lfith of November -following it was ordered that Bands , which in man ; places bad been silent for four or lodge room , Washington-street . , THE LEAGUE." and HollidBy atten ded. The meetin g was one of the tbe Miners ' Association unless such meetings had the isjne should be joined, snd the can *e set down for fi?e weeks, were very generally out on that evening {in sanction of a general delegate meetin g. It was then J. C. ... !...... 0 2 0 <( A WEEKLY Advocate of Free Trade, and in the meantime books et Innoth&nnon , for instance , where , about seven o'clock, rigUt sort , every ene b+ing resolved to do all in their Mr. T. Bradley, Holmfirth 0 2 0 ix the total and immediate argnment in the uat term ; what it ought to be. AH agreed that Henry Birrell ehould go into tbe Worsley repeal of the Gom proceedin gs to be furnished to the jud ges at the they sallied forth playing Garryow en !) and it is stated power to makein tbe Unioa to Aldmondbury I...... 0 3 0 Laws." Thia Journal contains a record of all the the i^ive their names become subscribers for district ; Dannett into the Aspull and Chorley districts ; joint expense or the pa rties. That was the order of tbat the first fire lighted in the pariah of Billinadee was present Price fnto the Bury district ; Auty into the Oldham Operatives' Hall Ch/artists, Brighton ... 0 10 0 proceedings of the Anti-Corn Law League, and is ' the Miners ' Journal , and notice was Riven that the the Court of Qaeea' fc Bench in this case, and I appre- in the priest s lawn." anil Diikenneld districts ; and Ramsey into the Maccles * RECEIVED FOB MR. O' CONNOR. the vehicle for communication between the Council that rule in rooms of the Association would be open every Satur- hend your lordshi ps will not depart from MCRDEROUS ATTACK. field district. After some desultory conversation upon and its friends, throughout the kingdom. It will defendants have a right to com- day nigbt for the purpose of reading tbe Ratue to Somers Town Committee (for Victims) 0 5 0 give copious accounts of all Free Trade the present case. The Star. Tbe meeting then tbe best means of promotin g the interests ef tbe As- proceedings, the books of proceedings , rs they aie bound by Mr. John Byrne , one of the coroners for the county ' others , with the Northern aud reports in full of the speeches at the pare Saturday evening. sociation in this part of the country, and the beat for mr. m'douall. great them . of Irouth , held an inquest at Toorus , on the Carrickma - adjourned to the next method to be adopted for securing permanen t support Covent Garden Meetings ; also Lists of Subscribers: cross-road , which was Part proceeds of Concert, held in es- Mr. Justice Barton—H ave you no counsel in court , adjourned to Tuesday, the 14th GlLLC Rfx , Nov. 15—The miners of this plac3 to the victims of coal king malevolence , it was unani- to the Fund, &c. inst , U. be held in the town of lonth , upon the body of teem of Mr. i M'Grath, Tower * Tne League Mr -Pcrde? met as usual iu Mr.Scott' s long room. Mr. Juh r> Cowen mously resolved tbat none but those who were able Hamlets ...... 0 4. 4 " la un der the management of as Mr , Furde—We nave had no notice to have counsel Nicholas Byrne. Mr. O"R=illy, magistrate , and Mr. in the chair. Mr. H unter addres sed the meeting. The to furnish the most satisfactor y proofs of their having Editor of established rep uta tion and ability ; tho (a Xrittle , chief constable, were presen t at the inveetiga- Mrs. Wilkinson ...... 0 10 5n attendance , roy lor d langb ). meetings are opened by reading portions from toe become victimised for their advoeao y of , or adherence Balance of Concert at City Political Rft views will be from the pen of a gentleman well JLr - Justice Perri n—Why, I see several cf your counsel Uoa. After a respectable jury bad been sworn , several purpose. Tbe glove to, the principles upon which the Association is founded known in the Literary world as a critic and scholar ; witnesses were Northern Star selected for that Institute :...... 0 7 present, i see Mr . WhUesMe , and Mr. M' Doneu gh, examined , when it appeared in evidence hands strike in lieicester has shown us bow the work should be entitled to relief from its funds. Thanks 3^ —and the departme nt of Agriculture will be exelu- tbat the house of the deceased was attacked by a body F OJl MR, PEDDIE. and several other s—slaughter ). ; should be done ; we are much delighted a; the triumph were then given to the chairman , and the meeting se- sirely contrib uted by a practi cal agriculturist . The lord , I have not been instructed of men on the night of ibefirst ^f November last , when A friend Brighton '¦ League is the size of an Mr. M'Danons fc—My ) of our brave brothers. parated. The Lancashire Secretary has secured , at a , „...... 0 0 8 ord inary London Weekly appear here on the present occasion the family were in bed (having previously broken the , [Mr. Peddte will favour Newspaper ,— price 3d., and can in this matter. I W0RK1 NGT0N . Nov. 16.—A delegate meetin g was very l easonable expence the spacious bu ilding called Mr. Cleave with his be had through aU quite by acciden t. windows of several houses in the neighbourhood). The | Carpenters ' Hall , for tbe use of tbe delegates who may address.] the News Agents in town or country . deceased and his son got up to defend their house, when ' held bere. The delegates were from Cleaton Moor , Mr. "W hiteside—M y lord , I tin in the same posi- , Harrin gton, W or kiogton , Qreen - attend tbe Conference of miners about to be hel d in MONIES RECEI VED BY MR. O CONNOR. All Subscri bers of *1 and upwards to the he -was knocke d down by a blow of a stick , which i Whitehaven . Parten £100,000 League Fund tion—ia lasgh). gill, Dearham , Gillcrux. Onghtirside , Bolton , and Stand Manchester ; he will communicate further particulars , will be entitled iot and to call the recollection of fractured his skull, of which he lingered until the 11th ' FOR EXECUTIVE . receive , a copy weekly of this Mr. Shell said he wished ingBtone. Mr . Joseph Palmer , from Bolton , was moved next week. He also wishes to inform the -miners ge- publication for twelve the fact , that to-morrow tTuesdsy> bad insL , when he died. After receiving the blow of the ; nerally, and the Whitehaven men in particular , that 1 £ 9. d months , fro m the date of their subscription. It is the court to stick to the chair. The collieries were called over , and the been fixed by thei r lordshi ps for proceed ing with the , another person made a stab with a knife at him, nearly fifty pounds per week has to be appro - Mr. Price ... i...... 0 1 0 requested that all subscribers will send their ad- wfeich , however , he escaped , the knife having only camber of men out of employmen t ascertai ned to be case of lord H&wardea v. Dnffy. proprietor of the Notion We earnestly appeal to our brethren priated towards relieving the men in Lancas hire , Mr. Clark ...... 0 10 dresses , as well as their name s, to Mr. A. W. eral had ic struck the door.} Dr. Gartlant and another medical reduced to 137. From Dewarton Paulton newspaper; and surel y the Attorne y-Gen in the 2outh to rouse to our assistance. The number on who have been sacrificed because they have dar ed to , Scotland ...... 0 2 6 , Offices of the League , 67, Fleet Street, right to displace that case, it havin g been -fixed foi gentleman , who had previously attended the deceased , denounce the tyranny and injustice so long practised by From Lewisham ;...... 0 5 0 London. deposed that the fracture was the cause of death. The strike is fast decreasing ; since our last meeting 77 have heariBE. t the Coal Kings and their Minions. The enormous sum FOR VICTIMS. Any person forwarding 3s. 3d. he not cf Jury, , returned a et of Wilful : obtained employmen t We appeal to you to do your in postage stamp?, Ths^A-ttomey-Gs neral said could course at- after deliberation verd ' above alluded to is paid with a c beer ulness which or by Post Office order, to the Publisher Murd er against Thomas Hincby and two other persons ,. part manfully , and we shall succeed is establ ish i ng tbe ^ From Brighton, per! Wm. Flower ... 0 10 0 , 67, Fleet tempt to dictate to the court what should be done on the o! Cumber- dues honour to the Miners of this great mercanti le Street, London, will have the numbers of " THE respect for the court , whose names it would not be prudent to mention at Union amongst the poor enslaved miners Part proceeds of a Concert, held in the present occasion ; bnt with every land. county. They have also subscribed upward s of £80 f or Tower Hamlets, ia esteem of Mr. LEAGUE," for one quarter, forwarded by post oa he claimed it as a right thst no case shonld be heard initij present. Hinchy was committed by the coroner. We their Cumberland brethren , whiob. has been faithfully the days of publication. ' N v. 18. meeting of the miners M'Grath ...... 0 4 i the argnment tn the demu rrer was hear d to-morrow aTe informed tbat two of the persons engaged in the Whiikha tes, o —A tran smitted to the proper quarter. -wooiO. not "be said Uiat it was impos- said -murder -were arrested , and bailed , an d of course took place this evening, John Harmon in the chair. Council of tho Towei- Hamleta ... 0 4 5 He trotted thai it ' Barnsle y.—The colliers of this tow n are pro- brin g forward a cose ot this importance at tbt have absconded .'—DroohedaConservative. ! MBSsrs. Hunter and P. M. Bropby addressed the meet- Bear Lane, Bristol ;...... 0 5 0 sible to gressing with grea t success with their Organization. N. B., LOCAL MARKETS. earliest period . It tbsre -was an error in copying the ' ing. Letters must be addressed to " J ohn Hunter , Bristol ;...... 0 10 " THE LIBERATOR S "W ELFARE. " ' Mr. T. Davi s visited this town and neighbourhood paper books, it would-be discovered when the argumen ] opposite the Ship Inn , Washing *on-street , Workinj- FOR CARDS. Leeds Corn Market, Tuesday , Nov. 21.—The but be apprehended the re was none. And It "was announced some months since, says tbt Times, ' ton." b y Bpecial request , previous to his tfoing into Scot- ' time on; , From Hanley ...... 0 16 2 arrival of Wheat ta this day's market has been, he trusted that th e coart -would not be a party to delaj that it was tbe intention of the beads of the Roman ' la nd He lectured to tho Barnsley men on the Delegate meeting.— A delegatemeetingcf miners Kith From Sowerby ;...... 0 5 0 smaller, Barley and Beans larger. The demand for these proceedings further . He denied that there was church to have the name of Mr. O'Connell inserted in , and on Saturday tho 18th , on which night will be holden on the 1st of Dsceniher , for the counties above forty members entered their names.—He also From Preston, for 60 Cards...... u 10 0 Wheat not quite as brisk as last week, very little any order of the tourt which rtqnired any joining ii the Book of Common Prayer , immediately after tbat of alteration in prices. Barby bas been heavy sale ; of Northumberland and Durham , at the houBe of Mr. visited the men of Crane moor , who gave him a PROCEED S ¦expenses for papezs or books. The book3 which it was Hei Majesty. Whether the design has been actually Wm. Morrow , Black Lion Inn , Silver-street , Durham . OF (WEEKLY CONTRIBUTIONS. the finest qualities rather lower, other descriptions necessary should be laid before the Judges were ready, carried into effect or not there are no means of ascer- hearty welcome. He visited the men of Silkston , j and opened a new Association. From Coventry \...... 0 2 1 Is. per quarter lower. Oats and Beans no altera- and would be dtlivered to their lordsbipB this evening, tainins ; but the following paragraph , extracted from Bolton District. —Mr. Birrel l has addressed a The sum of 3s. 4d. from Coventry has been an- tion. Mr - Jostles Barton said , in reference to what bad tbe Freeman ' s Journal , would imply tbat such was • series of meetings i. < tbe course of the last week. The Sooth Staffordshire Miners. —A number of nounced twice ; it should only have been announced , that the court did orde r lord really the case, and the more so as a similar announce- long-oppressed miners are rapidly joining the Asso- successful meetings have been held in this district , ; Bradford Markets, Thursday, November 23.— -fallen from Mr. Shiel once. : Wool.—There is hardly so much animation iu this Hawsrden 's c3se to stan d for Tuesday, bnt they made ment was made in a late number of a Queen 's County , ciation. of which we have received a report , but so badly ' trade as a f ew weeks past, and bayers are timid to no rule that it should be heard first , and , of course , it pape r:— : wri tten as to render its insertion impossible. We operate at the postponement if there was a crown Scotland. —Mr. Benjamin Watson has been hold- cannot decypher it. present high prices. Yarn.—Yarn* must be subject to " On last Sunday the holy and adorable sacrifice of ing a number of meetin gs at the collieries in the neigh- WEST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. remain without any alteration in demand or prices. crce ironzht forward. the mass was offered up in the parish church of Bal- bourhood of Dalkeith , with very good success. Piece.—The demand for goods has not been very Ml Justice Cras npton said tinl&ss ike court was tied lintra , by the Rev. Maurice Tunney, county of Donegal, j ' ADJOURNMENT OF THE MICHAELMA S extensive • indeed, the weather haa been BUOh as up iff Eome mle it wonld fce tlitir dnt y to heir the ar so- H'juuii Catholic clergymen , for tbe spiritual and . M essrs. Hold gate and Toft lectured last week ci;aw0t EuteUurence. SES- to deter the merchants demur rer at the earliest moment ; at the followin g places, >"ov. 13th , Bir stal ; NOV. 14-t h, SIONS FOB TriE TRIAL OF FELONS from attending, and may ment -apon this temporal benefit at the liberator. The .Rev. Gentle - , &c in some measure account for the slackening. Prices Mi. aoore, QC, said lie was instructed \oat then m&n was joined by the entire congregation , who ; Stai nctfff ; Nov; 16th , Weetwood ; Nov. 17tb , Newton ; BRISTOL. — On Monday evening, the Chartists of are firm. wj3 »>posit3ve rnle of the court wherethe demurrer was seemed, on that occasion, to redouble their fervour sod Nov. 18th, Astley. the City, or St James 's locality , met at the Society the traverser s joined in it t OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tbat th» State op Trade—Owing to the period of tha argued ihs term afte r devotion. " ' Mb. W. Holdgate will viBit the following places Room , Cannon-street , when Mr. Ja cobs delivered his N Mich aelmas GitKEBAL The Attorney-General— Sj the rule appl ied to guc Quarter Skssions of year, and perhaps, in somo degree also, to the un- Respite. next week :—Monday, Nov. 27th , Halifax ; Nov. 28th , second lecture on the effects of Free Trade. the Peac e for the West Ridin g irarranUi applications , but tad no reference to the pre- ; j of the County of favourable state of the weather, the market yester- u Elland; Nov. 29th , Clifton ; Nov. 30tb , Heckmond- On Tuesda y evening, Mr. Marriot delivered his York , will be holden by Adjourn ment, at Bradford , day was dull sent -Cose. The Limerick Reporter says :— We have to an- ' wike, Dec 1st, Batley. , especially for yarn, which is at present nounce, and we do so with feelings of tbe utmost satis- ; first lecture on the Charter , Machinery, and tbe Land. on Monday, the Fourth Day of December ne.vi, at in very limited demand , and generally declining ia 3fr. Sh&l said to-morro w would be the last day of thii MR. J. Da vies lectured at the following places last Half- pas t Ten o'cloc k in the Forenoon ;—and b infurmations j faction , that the unfortunate men now lying in our j DE.WS8URY. —At a meetin g of the Chartists of y price. This is particularly the case ia those quali- •I-srm fer showing cause anal yst criminal week with good success. Sllkston , on Wednesday , fviTthcr Adjournme nt from thence will be holden ac ties usuall he thoagbt ilieii lordshi ps ought to allow lord county gaol , under stntence of deatfe , have been further • this place , held on Sunday last , Mr. Hey ia the y taken by the German buyers, who have *o where twenty-eight enrolled their names. Thursday, , tho following; resolutions were unani mously Sheffield, on Thursday, the Seventh Day of tht been for Hawarden 's case to be beard the first thing in the respited to the lBth of ApriL Indeed we may Bay, ] chair some time past very inactive ; but the although not on authority, that the sentence will never [ Barasley ; Friday, Crane Moor , when many new mem- passed :—" That a Committcee of five persons be same Month of December next, at Half-past T«n higher numbers of mule yarn have been in somo morning. bers gave in their names. Saturda y, Barnsley , wher e o'Clock ia the Foreno on , for the TRI\L OF reqaest for the Indian market?, The Attercey-Gsneral would not give up bis Tight ic be carried into tffect ; and that prob&bly j in the end , j appointed to consider the propriety and practicability and have fully main- their fate may be far different from what every one a very large number were assembled . The union is of esta blishing a local fund , for the purpo se of FELONS AND PER SONS INDICT ED FOR tained their price. In goods there was little change fcars * the demaner argu ed before any other matter was progressing in the Barnsley district. MISDEMEANORS , when all Jur ors .gone into. expected. " placing irs members upon the land." " That Messrs. , Su itors , to notice—the demand being generally limited, ~ J. H. Dewhirst, R. Pearson, William Robshaw, Persons who stand ! upon Recognizance , and other s except for low shirtings and printing (which ill. SbJfcl eusrasseil his readiness to go an Twlb bis IMPORTATION OP ARJia. AiBDRiE—A "well attended delegate meeting was g cloth held here on Friday, the 17th , when the following sums J. House, and J. Hey, be elected to compose the havin business at the said Sessions, are require d to last is somewhat influenced by the prospect of a CPie-on Weonetday n.omiiss. , on the part of the Customs , applied to the ! atten d the Court, Tie att orney Mr. Carte were paid in—Balochueg No. 5, Is 3d 1 Balochneg No. Committee." The Committee met on Tuesday, when i general turn-ont of weavers at Ashton-ander-Lyne). tScnera' said be entirely objected to sny magistrates for a summons , under the new Arms' Act, day in-ihe-itrm i>cing fixed that would interfere vilh 2, 2s 6d; Stone Ridge , south pit 3s 7d ; Dykehead No. it was agreed to open books to enrol members on Prosecutors and Witnesses We are glad to learn that there is, at present, a against the master of the ship William Frazsr , fromLon- Sunday evening next, in the Co-operative in casea of Felony and very extensive its case in wMcii.he Uie Altointj-Gineral) was pro- 1, 3s 2d; Chapelside 2s; Stone Eidjj e No. 7, 1? 7.^d ; Store Room, Misdemeanor from ; the Wapontakes of S:atncliffe demand for grey mousselines de seesting. don, now under seizare for having concealed in that , Airdrie Hill -Is 3d; No. 16, Park 2s lQAd ; Burnbrae Market Place, Dewsbury. laiuc, which have now almost supplanted the hand- vessel some guns, swords , suri piBtols, and importing ; and Ewecross, Claro, the Ainsty, Agbri*/? and Tie Sdidtor- Ges-eral said thii was a mere pretext 6s 3d ; BawyardB No. 1, 2s 6d; Holehifl 7J -i ; Qoven MANCHESTER—Tho Chartist Painters of this Morley, Skyrack and Barkstonash loom calicoes formerly manufactured in the neigh- the same without the necessar y license. The application > " , must attend the bourhood of Colne , on the -pait of the caveisaa. It -km quite idle tc BouSer Is 3d ; Ko 13, Goven 2a 7^d; Stone Kidfie No. town held a member's meeting in their room, Watson- Sessions at Bradford ; and those from the Wapon- , and are become, when printed sty thsi J4ia was granted. —LimerickReporter. \ Qoven , 2s Id -, a very important ar snmest had ccme uponr them by sor- 10, 6l 3d ; No. 12 Stone Ri KK No. 6, stxeet,:Peter 's-streot, on Wednesday evening last, takes of Strafibrth j and Tickhiil, Osgoldcross and article of export to Germany and prixe. ' Dublin , Nov. 21. i 2s 6d; Goven No. S, Is; Goven No. 14 , £1 ; Qreenga rds to elect a new council, and transact other the United States, as well of domestic consumption. cf business] Staincross, being the remainder of the West Riding, Mt Moose iaid the ^dsieu ce the mle to whichbe This Say the long " argument" was heard between I Is 3d; Gabb le is lOjd ; Meadowhead North 8d; No. 3, when they came to the determination of opening mast attend at the Sessions at Sheffield. —From the Manchester Guardian of Wednesday. had already jrferred - tbsr lordship s, was sufficient to the lawyers, as to the suffi ciency or insufficienc y of the : White B:gg 7Jd ; No. 2, White Rigg Hid. the above room to the public every Wednesday Richhond Corn Market, Saturday, Nov. 18.— shew that the traversers «ere all the day ; and ; C. H. ELSLEY, sot impera tively called " Plea in abatement " It occupied Bqlt town—a delegate meeting was holden here evening, when a lecture will be delivered in con- \ Wo had a very thtn supply of Grain in our market opon to ar goe tfce demurrat insUutler. was uncommonly dry. The Court took time to con- i nection with the Chartist movement. Chair to be Clerk of the Peace. to-day, particularly "Whaat sold. Hi. Jastiee Fecrin \to j at on the 18th inst. Tbe following sums were paid in— \ , which was soon all JB oOnie>—is there any such •ider ; and was to pronounce judgment on Wednesday Jarvisto n Is; Stevenson taken each evening at eight o'clock. Discussion Clerk of Wheat sold fro m 6a to 2s 3i to 33 3d; xnle would be Thankerto n 11s 9d; No. 5, pit, the Peace's Offi ce, : 7s 6d ; Oats, ^ morning. It was surmised that the decision 6b Id; Carfin 2s; invited. ' Barley, 4s to 4s 6d ; Beans, 4s 9d to 5s 3d per Mr. Bourne ra i nndeKtoad to reply j was expected £1 6s lid; Dalziel Newart bill 11s Id; Wakefield, Ibth November, 1843. a the nsgative against the trav ersers ; and if bo, it tbat 2a; Stevenson No. 2, 2s 2d; STOCKPORT .—On Sunday last, Mr. Doyle bushel. The Attarne j-Goee ral saici th ai in crimin al cases they would plead in bar ; that is, say they were " Not Legbranock Cbapelknow , o! tlien \ Is 6^d ; Stevenson No. 6 , 2a 6d. Manchester, delivered a very instructive lecture on the was no such rule. Guilty," and thu« pat the question to the " issue-" It was ! all-impbrtant subject of . " The Land and its ANCER , Mi. Jnstioe Cta&ffen said tfci even in civil ' also expected would seek to capabili- p FISTULA, PO LYPUS, and every Leeds :—Printed for the Proprietor, FEAR (JUS to cases that tha Attorney-General j North Staffordshire. —A delegate meeting was ties." The audience vas very numerous, and \J variety of Tumour extirpated ibt court freqoenUyordered the ^eaurret b« argued j have an early day fixed for the trial; probably in tbe ! , Hanley, on Mon day were without the knife, O'CONNOR , Esq. of Hammersmith, Count! held at the Plough Inn last, at highly gratified : Us. was collected at the door. This by & system of treat ment not known to any class of iattacter. : sittings after term -. thou gh no doubt this pointwill be i ten o'clock, Mr. Booth in tho chair. The following is a proof tbat Chartifin ia Middlesex, by JOSHUA HOBSON, at fata Vnbb took* fe for granted conte sted ' neither dead nor dying Medical Profe ssors. ! The Chief JusticeSS&& fce that stzongly with him, on the ground of insnffl- snms of money were paid in :—Cock at Foley Lane here. ing O , Nos.12 and 13, Maiket-«tMet, Brfgpt«l j &Ajtogo on withtkt demurrer dent time ; , Broncho cele, all dwellings of the Neck, and evory ffices fi» parties woald be to prepare the defence. Ends £1 5« 7d; Wild's twdge do. J5s 7d; Lovett'l sort of Scrofulous BOBSOif, to-lzOTTO-w.- -- - - ROYf ON.—A lector© -was delivered ia tbe Chartist malady that resist the common and Published by the said Joshua lodge, do. £1 U i dj Old Oak , Cheadle 12a 8d ; Bayle'a , modes of treat ment Jit Po*d§--My Xo*A- w« baxa ntt a single brief id; Plough Inn, Hanley room, Royton on Wednesday, the 15th inst, by Mt. , are also effectually cured by (for the said Feargus O'Connor,) at hU Pwel- REP EAL ! Lodge, Burtlem 13* 15s 9d ; David Boas, of Leeda. The prepared. (Iingbter.) Vfe wosld not be able to ASSOCIATIOlf -—MO3TDA7, NOV. 20. Sneyd Green 6s 6d; Prince Albert, Tunstal 8s Id; lecturer gave general aatfo ling-house* No. 6, Market-rtreet, Briggate* '«» aUj The faction.: f.jX.. WAT1D, bare them complete even U w« were to *Uy np .. , »eekly meeting of this body was held to-day in j Crown and Anchor , do. 14s 9d; Bradley Green internal Communicationexisting between the »H - - - - toe Conciliati on 18, Trafalgar-street, Leeds and 38, Bight. , - - - HalL Thomas Meagher , Eiq., son of I £1 15sSi; Kinglesly 8s 8d; KnuttenHeath £1 12s 6d; Nottingham.—The female Chartists , Oldfield-road No. 5, Noa. 18 »* Chief Ju stice—Yon taa &ni daya' aBowed you, , the Mayor ef Waterfo rn", was in the chair. The at- ! Harris Head £3 13s 3d; of Nottine- Salford , Manchester. Market-streek, and the said &?& c*11 tendance Norton 102 lOi; All Sayes ham and triends teok tea at Mr. Rollett's Room tbfl dnring which yon- have ^one iiothin g ! •^ ; was -rery num erous. Mr. O'Connell , who ' 5a 2d ; Audley 4s Id; Small Thome 5s lid ; 13, Market-street. Briggate, thus constituting entered the Hall Bank £1 Queen-street, on Monday evening, the 20th instant' The number of afflicted who may be seen under {laughteej , », at sue o'clock, moved the following total for Genera l Fund £16 12s 3d. For men out of Several patriotic songs were whole of the said Printing and Publishing QB# Viat I n»Te- .' resolutions in refer ence eung. The most perfect treatment at the above Establishments, will be iound Mr. Gartlan—My Lord , I can asnire yon to the Catholic hierarchy and employ—Cock at Foley Lane Ends £1 Is 2jd ; Wild's harmony and good feeling pervaded amply sufficient proof of the pre-eminence one Premise*. , prepared for Connse l, ; clergy of Ireland :— * , the meetine of Mr. to BOt a Bingle brief Lodge, do. 7s. 4£d. ; Lovott'fl Lod ge do. 16s 4d; Old The Treasurer was instructed to pay the following Ward's modes of practice. All Communications must b© addressed, Poat-paid, . Chief Jn sKcfc—It is entirely your own feuU tttf 7°° ! '• Resolved—That we, the Catholic members of the Oak, Cfceadle £2 15s Id; Bayle'8 Lodge, , sums .—Mr. Sweet, 2s., f Leeds. Loyal National or Mxa. Cooper, Mr. Jaefc Attendance in Leeks on Tuesdays, and in Mr. Hobson, Northern Star Office, l»»9 Sofe {laughter [ Repeal Association, have read with the [ £2 la; Plough Inn , Hanley £l 10s 7J d ; Snyed son, 2$., Mr. Cott on, Is, Salford on Thursdays and Saturdays. (Saturday, November 26, 1U3.)