Skill Early 1st 2nd 3rd 4th N5 Higher

Identify Melody Melody Melody/harmony Melody/ harmony -The -The & time -The time music (sound/silence (getting (changes in pitch (Major/minor, Repetition, -The melody/ signature signature High/low, higher/lower) Ascending/Descending, Sequence, Step/Leap, chord/chord harmony -The beats in each bar -Three/four concepts -The / tempo -The instrument concepts in and Loud/quiet) Major/Minor, Repetition) changes) -The texture/ playing the melody the music, styles Rhythm structure/ form -The name of the from a list of (from Rhythm (Beats/pulse Rhythm/tempo The rhythm/tempo -The timbre/ particular note 10. listening to (Fast/slow) Faster/slower) (Beats in a bar, (2,3,4 beats in a bar, On/off beat) dynamics -The key of the music -The rhythmic a piece/s of slow/walking pace/fast) -The chord sequence -The chord sequence feature music Dynamics Texture/structure/form -Two features of the -The key of (loud/quiet) (accompanied/unaccompanied music the music Repetition/riff) -The instrument -The playing the instrument

Timbre/dynamics accompaniment playing the melody (instruments/group of instruments -The performing) instrumental group performing the excerpt

Identify Identify Identify the Identify the symbols Identify the symbols (3 in total) Use pictorial symbols Identify and use the Identify and music symbols for symbols (2 in total) to show correct pictorial use the loud (1 in total) understanding of symbols and musical correct signs, quiet/fast/slow dynamics and terms in sections of pictorial symbols Loud/quiet 1 & ½ beat notes ½, 1, 2,3 and 4 beat notes notation in music music symbols and and higher/lower beats in a bar (symbol Repetition Identify key musical terms terms Faster/slower only) Dynamics signatures in sections of Time signature Time signature Identify chords music 1 & ½ beat notes Repetition

beats in a bar (with an associated word)

Describe Thoughts/feeli The changes in -The style of music -The style of music -The style of music -The style of music -The style of (from ngs on the pitch/direction of -The playing techniques - The voice type (tenor, soprano…) - The voice type -The texture music listening to music melody and -The performing techniques (tenor, soprano etc) -The ornament -The melody a piece/s of change in (striking, bowing, strumming, -The prominent featured by the solo -The texture music) Respond to dynamics plucking) features of the music, instrument -The timbre others work making 3 points. -The string playing -The playing Step/Leap technique. technique for louder/softer -The vocal style one of the key - The voice type instruments. (tenor, soprano etc) -The names of -The prominent chords heard features of the music, in certain making 5 points. bars.

Compare Two pieces of Two pieces of Two pieces of music and Two pieces of music and two Two pieces of music Two pieces of music Two pieces of music and music and identify identify which piece is similarities/differences and three and four music, finding identify which which one is Major/Minor/identify similarities/differences similarities/differences five concepts one is ascending/descen similarities or differences common to loud/quiet/fast ding/discuss in style both (using a /slow volume changes list to assist)

Insert N/A at this Following lyrics Following a pattern and One missing note, from a list, to -Two missing notes to -The missing notes to - The missing (having level and identifying identifying the missing complete the bar. complete a bar complete a bar notes to listened to where the music rhythm from 1 or ½ beat The Time signature -The Time signature The Time signature complete a a piece of stopped notes -The dynamics -The Tempo bar and music and -The Key describe it. with Following a -A missing notation in pattern of rest front of symbols and you respond when it stops

Analyse N/A at this Topic based Topic based discussions The impact of social and cultural The impact of social The impact of social The impact of level discussions within within class if appropriate influences on a piece of music, and cultural and cultural social and class if with one example. influences on a piece influences on a piece cultural appropriate of music, with two of music influences on examples. a piece of The importance of music cultural identity in the The development of a importance of musical style cultural identity in the development of a musical style