In Search of a Holistic Music Ministry in the South Korean Context: a Liturgical Investigation
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In search of a holistic music ministry in the South Korean context: A liturgical investigation by Yongjun Kwon Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Theology in the Faculty of Theology at Stellenbosch University Supervisor: Prof. Johan H. Cilliers March 2018 Stellenbosch University DECLARATION By submitting this thesis electronically, I declare that the entirety of the work contained therein is my own, original work, that I am the sole author thereof (save to the extent explicitly otherwise stated), that reproduction and publication thereof by Stellenbosch University will not infringe any third party rights and that I have not previously in its entirety or in part submitted it for obtaining any qualification. March 2018 Copyright © 2018 Stellenbosch University All rights reserved II Stellenbosch University ABSTRACT This research proposes a holistic reciprocity between the work of the Spirit, human activities and the role of music and the dynamic interconnectedness between liturgy, theology, music and Christian lives in the South Korean music ministries. Although studies on the roles of the Spirit, of human beings and of music in the music ministry have been conducted, little attention has been given to reciprocity among these three elements. Thus, this research was begun by examining the holistic relationship of the Spirit, human beings and music in the Korean music ministry. In order to do this, this study, as point of departure, undertook a survey analysis of some problematic phenomena in the South Korean music ministry that result from non-reciprocity between the pneumatological, anthropological, and musicological dimensions. From the survey analysis, it became clear that non-reciprocity in the work of the Spirit, human activities and the role of music in the Korean music ministry occurred due to a combination of some Western ideas that were brought into the Korean church with the modernisation of South Korea (i.e. the Enlightenment, deism, consumerism, mere conservationism, occasionalism, and soul-body dualism) and the particular Korean context (i.e. Mu-Kyo [Korean shamanism]). Among ideas applied to understand the problematic phenomena, were Walton’s notion of ‘make-believe’, Marx’s notion of ‘commodity fetishism’, Beck’s theory of ‘zombie categories’, Ritzer’s notion of ‘McDonalization’ and autistic echolalia. In order to resolve the problematic phenomena, the researcher provides a formula that suggests that the musical elements should be surrounded by the human elements and both the musical and human elements should be based on the work of the Spirit. It is referred to as a holistic music ministry within the pneumatological, anthropological and musicological dimensions. This formula is suggested in the light of contributions from theologicans such as Bohren, Edwards and Begbie. III Stellenbosch University The research study concludes with providing another formula for the music ministry that acts as a hermeneutical continuum with the first formula (a holistic music ministry), namely, a hermeneutical circle of reciprocity between lex orandi, lex credendi, lex canendi, lex vivendi. This formula describes a right correlation with liturgy (lex orandi), theology (lex credendi), music (lex canendi) and life (lex vivendi). The correlation between the four elements is based on the Latin axiom ‘lex orandi, lex credendi’ that describes the dialectic relationship between liturgy and theology. In order to explain this correlation, the voices of some liturgists are considered, for instance, Wainwright, Schmemann and Kavanagh. Moreover, in order to suggest a hermeneutical circle of reciprocity, the voices which distinguish true aesthetics from kitsch aesthetics from the theological perspective are listened to, for instance, Kierkegaard, Cilliers and Campbell. The two formulas may be useful as tools to solve problematic phenomena in the South Korean music ministry and to shape true worshippers, true theologians, true musicians and true believers. IV Stellenbosch University OPSOMMING Hierdie navorsing stel 'n holistiese wederkerigheid voor in die werk van die Gees, menslike aktiwiteite en die rol van musiek en die dinamiese samehang van liturgie, teologie, musiek en Christelike lewens in die Suid-Koreaanse musiekbediening. Alhoewel studies oor die rolle van die Gees, van mense en van musiek in die musiekbediening reeds onderneem is, het wederkerigheid onder hierdie drie elemente weinig aandag ontvang. Hierdie navorsing het dus met 'n ondersoek na die holistiese verhouding van die Gees, mense en musiek in die Koreaanse musiekbediening aanvang geneem. Om dit te kan doen, was die studie se uitgangspunt 'n opname-analise van problematiese verskynsels in die Suid-Koreaanse musiekbediening wat uit nie-wederkerigheid tussen die pneumatologiese, antropologiese en musikologiese dimensies voortspruit. Uit die opname-analise het dit duidelik geword dat nie-wederkerigheid in die werk van die Gees, menslike aktiwiteite en die rol van musiek in die Koreaanse musiekbediening plaasgevind het as gevolg van 'n kombinasie van sommige Westerse idees wat met die modernisering van Suid-Korea in die Koreaanse kerk opgeneem is (bv. die Verligting, deïsme, verbruikersdruk, bewaringsgesindheid, die leer oor God as enigste oorsaak, en dualisme van die siel en liggaam) en die spesifieke Koreaanse konteks (ma Mu-Kyo [Koreaanse sjamanisme]). Onder die idees wat gebruik is om die problematiese verskynsels te verstaan, was Walton se idees oor die verbeeldingspel, Marx se idee van kommoditeits fetishisme, Beck se teorie van zombie-kategorieë, Ritzer se idee van McDonalization en outistiese eggolalie. Om die problematiese verskynsels op te los, verskaf die navorser 'n formule wat daarop dui dat die musikale elemente deur die menslike elemente omring moet word en beide die musikale en menslike elemente op die werk van die Gees gebaseer moet wees. Die navorser verwys hierna as 'n holistiese musiekbediening binne die pneumatologiese, antropologiese en musikologiese dimensies. Hierdie formule word in die lig van bydraes deur teoloë soos Bohren, Edwards en Begbie voorgestel. V Stellenbosch University Die navorsingstudie sluit af deur 'n ander formule vir die musiekbediening te bied wat as hermeneutiese kontinuum met die eerste formule ('n holistiese musiekbediening) dien, naamlik 'n hermeneutiese kring van wederkerigheid tussen lex orandi, lex credendi, lex canendi, lex vivendi. Hierdie formule beskryf 'n regte korrelasie met liturgie (lex orandi), teologie (lex credendi), musiek (lex canendi) en die lewe (lex vivendi). Die korrelasie tussen die vier elemente is gebaseer op die Latynse grondstelling 'lex orandi, lex credendi' wat die dialektiese verhouding tussen liturgie en teologie beskryf. Idees van liturgiste soos Wainwright, Schmemann en Kavanagh word oorweeg om hierdie korrelasie te verduidelik. Verder word idees afkomstig van Kierkegaard, Cilliers en Campbell waardeur ware estetika van kitsch- estetika vanuit 'n teologiese perspektief onderskei word, aangebied om 'n hermeneutiese kring van wederkerigheid voor te stel. Die twee formules kan nuttige instrumente wees om probleme in die Suid-Koreaanse musiekbediening op te los en ware aanbidders, ware teoloë, ware musikante en ware gelowiges te vorm. VI Stellenbosch University ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis could not have been finished without help and support from my God, my supervisor, my friends and my family. It is my great pleasure to acknowledge people who have given me guidance, help and encouragement. Firstly, I appreciate Almighty God for giving me wisdom to complete this work and for guiding all my footsteps in my life. I would like to express the deepest appreciation to my supervisor Prof. Johan H. Cilliers for the continuous support of my MTh study, for his patience, motivation, and immense knowledge. His guidance helped me all the time during my research and the writing of this thesis. I could not have imagined a better supervisor and mentor for my MTh study. I am also grateful to my wife, Ran, and my children, Yiseo and Ian, who have provided me with moral and emotional support in my life. Without their love and support, I would not have made it thus far. Besides my wife and my children, I would like to thank the rest of my family: My brother, Yongsung, mother, Jaehyang, and parents-in-law, Woohyun Baek and Shinhwa Bang, who have supported me along the way. My sincere thanks also goes to my church family in the Cape Town Korean Church, the Ansan- Dongsan Church, the Hanwoori Church, the Bethello Church, and the Gosan-Jungang Church for both spiritual and financial support. VII Stellenbosch University TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 1 1.1 BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION FOR THE STUDY ..................................................................................... 1 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT ...................................................................................................................................... 2 1.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS .................................................................................................................................... 8 1.4 RESEARCH AIMS ..............................................................................................................................................