EN US F 2001






Sudhir Kumar Rakesh of the Indian Administrative Service Director of Census Operations, Bihar

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Tolal Rural Urban

Area (in Sq.Km) 1884.00 1014.25 69.75 Population 1296348 1167340 129008 No. of Villages 771 No. of Towns 03 DislanC€ of Elock Headquarlers 10 Slale Headquarlers 361 Krn.







Based upon Survey of India map I'fllh the permission of the Surveyor General 01 India ! C') Governmenl of Indld copYl'iglJl , 2005

Mausoleum of Kadam Rasool Ji Situated on -Khagra road the Mausoleum of Kadam Rasoolji is said to be three hundred years old. People from all walks of life including and come to worship here for three days from the 1st day of Baisakh (April-May) when a Urs is held. It is believed that offering of Chadar here brings relief and prosparity in ones' life.



Foreword Xl Preface xiii

Acknowledgements xv District Highlights - 2001 Censlls xvii

Important Statistics in the District XIX Ranking of C.D. Blocks in the District xxi Statement - 1 to 9 Statement-I Name of the headquarters of district/tehsils, their rural-urban status and distance from district headquarters, 2001 xxiii Statement-2 Name of the headquarters of district/C.D. block, their rural­ urban status and distance from district headquarters, 2001 xxiii

Statement-3 Population of the district at each census from 1901 to 2001 XXIV Statement-4 Area, number of villages/towns and population in district and C.D. Blocks, ::WO 1 xxv Statement-5 C.D. Block wise number of villages and rural population, 2001 xxvi Statement-6 Population of Urban Agglomerations (including constituent units)/ Towns xxvi Statement-7 Villages with population of 5,000 and above at C.D. Block level as per 2001 C(lllSllS and amenities available xxvii Statement-8 Statutory towns with population less than 5000 as per 2001 census and amenities available xxix Statement-9 Houseless and Institutional population of C.D. Blocks, rural and urban, 2001 XXIX Diagrams xxxi Analytical Note (i) History and the scope of the District Censlls Hand Book 3 (ii) Brief History of the District 5 (iii) Administrative Set-up 6 (iv) Physical features 7 (v) Census Concepts 9 (vi) Non-Census Concepts 15 (vii) 2001 Census findings - Population, its distribution 20 Pages

(a) Brief analysis of PCA data based on inset tables 1 to 36 21 (b) Brief analysis of the Village Directory and Town Directory data based on inset tables 37 to 47 42 (c) Brief analysis of the data on houses and household amenities ( Houselisting Operations, Census of India 2001) based on inset tables 48 to 52 49 (viii) Major social and cultural events, natural and administrative developments and significant activities during the decade 55 (ix) Brief description of places of religious, historical or archaeological importance in villages and places of tourist interest in the towns of the district 55 (x) Major characteristics of the district, contribution of the district in the form of any historical figure associated with the district 55 (xi) Scope of Village Directory and Town Directory - column heading wise explanation and coverage of data 55

PART-A: VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Section-I: Village Directory (a) Note explaining the abbreviations used in Village Directory 63 (b) List of villages merged in towns and outgrowths at 2001 Census 66 (c) C.D. Blockwise presentation of Village Directory Data (i) C.D.Block Map showing C.D.Block boundary (ii) Alphabetical list of Villages alongwith location code 1991 and 2001 (iii) Presentation of Village Directory Data in prescribed format 1. C.D. Block Terhagachh 67 2. C.D. Block Dighalbank 91 3. C.D. Block 113 4. C.D. Block Pothia 147 5. C.D. Block Bahadurganj 181 6. C.D. Block Kochadhamin 209 7. C.D. Block Kishanganj 247 (d) Appendixes to Village Directory

Appendix~I Abstract of Educational, Medical & other amenities in villages - C.D. Block level 268 Appendix IA: Villages by number of primary schools 270 Appendix IB : Villages by primary, middle and secondary schools 271 Appendix IC : Villages with different sources of drinking water facilities available 271 Appendix II : Villages with 5,000 and above popUlation which do not have one or more amenities 272 Pages

2. C.D. Block Dighalbank 376 3. C.D. Block Thakurganj 388 4. C.D. Block Pothia 406 5. C.D. Block Bahadurganj 424 6. C.D. Block Kochadhamin 436 7. C.D. Block Kishanganj 454 Vr'ban Primary Census Abstract 470 Annexure r Number of Villages under each Gram Panchayat 485 Annexure II Estimates of chi ld mortality, 1981 and 1991 Census 488 Annexure III Various measures of fertility and mean age at marriage 1991 Census 488 Annexure IV Percentage distribution of migrants by place of birth/place of last residence, 1991 & 2001 Censuses 490 Annexure V Brief account of main religions in the District/C.D. Blocks as pel' 1991 & 2001 Censuses 493 Annexure VI : Marital status of population as per 1991 & 2001 Censuses 497 Annexure VII : Age, sex and education in the district, 1991 & 2001 Censuses 507 Annexure VIII: Distribution of different mother tongues returned in 2001 Census 513 Pages Appendix IIA: Census Towns which do not have one or more amenities 273 Appendix II1 : Land utilization data in respect of census towns/non- municipal towns 273 Appendix IV : C.D. Blockwise list of inhabited villages where no amenity other than drinking water facility is available 273 Appendix V Summary showing number of villages not having Scheduled Castes population 278 Appendix VI Summary showing number of villages not having Scheduled Tribes population 278 Appendix VIlA: List of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes to the total population by ranges 279 Appendix VIIB: List of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges 293 Appendix VIII: Number of Villages under each Gram Panchayat (C.D. block wise) 302 Appendix IX: Statement showing number of girls schools in the villages 302 Section-II : Town Directory (a) Note explaining the abbreviations used in Town Directory 305 Town Directory Statements (I to VII) (b) Statement I Status and growth history 310 (c) Statement II Physical aspects and location of towns 312 (d) Statement III : Municipal finance 314 (e) Statement IV : Civic and other amenities 316 (t) Statement V : Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural facilities 318 (g) Statement VI : Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking 320 (11) Statement VII: Civic and other amenities in slums 322 (i) Appendix to Town Directory - Towns showing their outgrowth with population 326

PART-B : PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT (a) Brief note on Primary Census Abstract 329 (b) District Primary Census Abstract (General) 332 (c) Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract i.e., Urban blockwise figures of Total, SC and ST Population 338 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes 346 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes 354 C.D. Blockwise Village Primary Census Abstract

1. C.D. Block Terhagachh 364 Foreword

"..,he District Census Handbook (DCHB) published by Census Organization since 1951 census, is one j_ of the important publication in the context of planning and development at grass-root level. The publication, which is brought out for each district, contains several demographic and socio-economic characteristics village­ wise and town-wise of the district along with the status of availability of civic amenities, infrastructure facilities, etc. The scope of the DCHB was initially confined to a few Census Table and Primary Census Abstract (PCA) of each village and town within the district. Thereafter, at successive censuses, its scope and coverage has been enlarged. The DCHB published at the 1961 census provided a descriptive account of the district, administrative statistics, census tables and a village and town directory including PCA. The 1971 census­ DCHB series was in three parts: Part-A related to village and town directory, Parl-B to village and town PCA and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, district census tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of villages. The 1981 census DCHB was in two parts: Part­ A contained village and town directOlY and Part-B the PCA of village and town including the SCs and STs PCA up to tahsil/ town levels. New features along with restructuring of the formats of villages and town dire rectory were added into it. In village Directory, all amenities except electricity were brought together and if any amenity was not available in the referent village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such an amenity, was given, Information on new items such as adults literacy centers, primary health sub-centers and community health workers in the villages were provided so as to meet the requirements of some of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Information on approach to the village was provided for the first time in the Village Directory so as to given the details on number of inaccessible villages in each district. In Town Directory, a statement (IV-A) on slums was introduced to provide the details on civic and other amenities in the notified slums of Class I and ClassII towns. The 1991 census DCHB, by and large, followed the pattern of presentation of 1981 census, except the format of PCA was restructured. Nine-fold industrial classification of main workers was given against the four-fold industrial classification presented in the 1981 census. In addition, sex-wise popUlation in 0-6 age group was included in the PCA for the first time with a view to enable the data users to compile more realistic literacy rate as all children below 7 years of age had been treated as ill iterate at the time of 1991 census. One of the important innovations in the 1991 census was the Community Development Block (CD block) level presentation of village directory and PCA data instead of the traditional tahsil/ talukiPS level presentation. It was excepted that the presentation of village directory and PCA data at CD block level will help the planners in formulation of micro level development plans, CD block being lowest administrative unit. The present series of 2001 census DCHBs have been made more informative and exhaustive in terms of coverage and content. The Village Directory has been enlarged in scope by including a number of other facilities like banking, recreational and cultural facilities, newspapers and magazines and 'most important commodity' manufactured in village. Income and expenditure of gram panchayat, wherever possible, has been provided. Apart from these, more details on distance (s) at which basic amenities are available (if not available in the village), are given. This includes educational facilities (namely Primary and middle schools and college), medical facilities (viz. Allopathic Hospital, Maternity & Child Welfare Center and Primary Health Center), drinking water, post & telegraph (post office and phone), communication, bank, credit societies and recreational facilities. In Town Directory, the statement on slums has been modified and its coverage enlarged by including

~) details on all slums instead of 'notified slums'. The information is given in case of alI statutory towns irrespective of their class, against only ClassI and Class II towns in the 1981 and 1991 censllses. The basic amenities available in village and towns are analyzed in depth with the help of a number of cross-classified inset tables and statements. Two other significant additions in the publication are inclusion of' motif' highlighting significant characteristic of the district and analytical notes as annexure. The analytic notes on (i) fertility and mortality and (ii) various measures of fertility and mean age at marriage are prepared based on 1991 Census. Whereas, in the notes relating to (i) percentage distribution of migrants by place of birth/ place of last residence, (ii) main religions, (iii) marital status of population, (iv) age, sex and education, and (v) distribution of spectrum of mother tongue, nature and extent of changes occurred in the district in its basic socio-demographic features during the decade 1991-2001 are analyzed. The eight digits permanent location code (PLCN) 10 all the villages and towns have been assigned keeping in view the future needs. The village and town level amenity data have been collected, compiled and computerized in prescribed record structure under the supervision of Shri Sudhir Kumar Rakesh, Director of Census Operations, Bihar, . Thereafter, efforts have been made to ensure comparability of the information with that of 1991 census data and the information brQught out by the respective state government in their annual reports and statistical handbooks for various years after 1991. The task of planning, designing and coordination of this pUblication was carried out by Sri RG.Mitra, Deputy Registrar General (C&T) and Dr.I.C.Agarwal, Senior Research Officer of Social Studies Division. Dr.R.P.Singh,Deputy Registrar General (Map) provided the technical guidance in the preparation of maps. Whereas, Shri Ani! Kumar Arora Deputy Director of Data Processing Division who worked under the overall supervision of Shri Himakar, Add!. Director (EDP) helped in preparation of record structure for computersation of village and directory data and the programme for the generation of Village Directory and Town Direcotry statements including analytical inset tables. The draft DCHB manuscripts received from the Census Directorates have been scrutinized in the Social Studies Division under the guidance of Shri S.LJain, Deputy Director and Shri R.K. Mehta, Assistant Director. I am thankful to all of them and others who have contributed to make this publication possible

DK.Sikri Registrar General & .Census Commissioner, India

New Dated: 17.10.2006

(xit) Preface

he history of the pub lication of District Census Handbooks goes back to the 1951 Census and these Tare printed in every Census because of their wide range utility. In successive Censuses innovations/ modifications have taken place in the District Census Handbooks in terms of coverage and content of data. This is an important publication district level brought out by the Census Organisation on behalf of the State Government. Its inter-alia, provides data/information on some of the basic demographic and socio-economic characteristics and availability of certain important civic amenities/facilities in each village and town of the district. This publication has, proved to be of immense utility to the planners, administrators, academicians and researchers. It is hoped that this publication will serve the purpose of the ever increasing demand for the micro-level data in this era of planned development. The District Census Handbook project is joint venture of the State Government and the Census organization and is brought out in two parts, viz. (i) part A-containing the village and town directories and (ii) part B containing village and townwise Primary Census Abstracts, pertaining to total population. It also contains the District Primary Census Abstracts for the total popUlation and the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes Population by rural-urban break-up. The present volume of the District Census Handbook (DCHB) in 2001 Census has been made more informative and exhaustive in terms of coverage and content. The village Directory mainly covers educational, medical, drinking water, post & telegraph, banking, credit societies, recreational & cultural and communication facilities and approach to villages available in the villages, besides, population and land use data. The content of Village Directory has been broadened by including additional facilities such as availability of banking, recreational and cultural facilities and reach of newspapers and magazines in villages. For the first time in this volume information on the most important commodity manufactured in village is provided. The Town Directory basically contains growth trend of towns since 1901, physical aspects and location, municipal finance, civic and other amenities, medical, educational, recreational and cultural facilities, trade, commerce, industry banking, civic and other amenities available in slums. In Town Directory, information on all types of slums, whether notified/recognized by respective town authorities or not is provided instead of notified slums for each statutory town. However, during 1981 and 1991 Censuses this information was restricted to class I and class II towns only. The various basic amenities available in the villages and towns are analysed in depth with the help of a number of cross-classified inset tables and statements. A significant addition in the publication is the inclusion of analytical notes presented as annexures on important aspects concerning Census data on (i) mortality (ii) various measures of fertility and mean age at marriage, (iii) percentage distribution of migrants by place of birth/ place of last residence, (iv) main religions, (v) marital status of population, (vi) age, sex and education, and (vii) distribution of different mother tongues, based on 1991 and/or 2001 Census, with the prime objective of analysing the extent of changes taken place in socio-cultural demographic and economic field during the last decade. The eight digit permanent location code (PLCN) has been assigned to all the villages to facilitate the link of data with future censuses. It is worth mentioning that the District Census Handbooks of the Census of India, 2001 are being made available for the first time in electronic format in addition to printed volumes keeping in view the demands of the data users. The village and town level data of amenities have been collected through the Block Development Officers (xiii) and the Vice Chairmen/Executive Officers of the Municipalities and Notified Area Committees, who functioned as Charge Census Officers under the District/Sub-divisional level Officers. The analytical note has been prepared on the basis of the inset tables generated from the computerized data of Village Directory, Town Directory and Village/Urban Primary Census Abstract. It takes note of the social, economic and demographic changes, which have taken place in the districts during the decade. District and C.D. Block Maps containing useful information on many items have also been included in this volume. I am grateful to the State Government agencies for their co-operation in collection of such a huge mass of data. 1 would like to make a special mention of the warm and whole hearted co-operation which was throughout extended by the District Magistrates, the Sub-divisional Officers, the District Census Officers and the Block Development Officers. In my office Shri Phool Singh ex-Joint Director, Sri R.K. Ram Joint Director and K.K. Verma, D. P. Choudhary, S.K. Das Sudhakar and Mritunjay Kumar, Manjul Mayank Pandey and Shri Ramesh Prasad, Assistant Director supervised the project at different stages. District and C. D. Block Maps were prepared in Map Section under the overall supervision of Sri M. Guria and Dr. H.K. Ram, Research Officer (Map). I am thankful to aU of them. The name of other officers and officials who were associated with this project is shown in separate sheet of acknowledgements. I am personally indebted to Sri D. K. Sikri, Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India under whose glJidance project was completed. I am deeply grateful to Sri J.K. Banthia, ex~ Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India and Sri Sudhir Kumar Rakesh, ex-Director of Census Operations, Bihar, Patna for their sustained support and unfailing guidance t1uoughout our endeavours. I am equally indebted to Sri R.C. Sethi, Additional Registrar General, India, Shri R.G. Mitra, ex-Deputy Registrar General (C & T), Dr. I.C. Agrawal, Assistant Registrar General of Social Studies Division and Dr. R.P. Singh, ex-Deputy Registrar General (Map) for spontaneous help and encouragement at different stages of the work of this project. I am also thankful to Sri S.L. Jain, Dy. Director and Sri R.K. Mehta, Assistant Director of Social Studies Division of Office of the Registrar General, India, who scrutinized the manuscript.

Arun Kumar Saxena Deputy Director of Census Operations, 16th Dec.2008 Bihar, Patna

(xiv) Acknowledgements

List of Officers/Officials involved in preparation of DCHB's Census of 2001 in the Directorate of Census Operations, Bihar, Patna

SI.No. Name Designation I. Sri M.M.A. Beg Deputy Director 2. Sri S.K. Sinha Deputy Director 3. Sri Pradeep Kumar Deputy Director 4. Sri P.R. Singh Deputy Director 5. Sri P.C. Coomar Deputy Director 6. Sri K.K. Das Assistant Director 7. Sri Mauleswar Singh Assistant Director 8. Sri Bodha Lal Assistant Director 9. Sri Mritunjay Kumar Assistant Director 10. Sri Subhashis Sen Assistant Director 11. Sri Ramesh Prasad Assistant Director D.C.H.B. Section 1. Sri Manjul Mayank Pandey Assistant Director 2. Sri U.C. Lal Statistical Investigator Grade I 3. Sri Ramdhyan Paswan Statistical Investigator Grade I 4. Sri Basant Kumar Srivastava STA (Ptg.) 5. Sri Shyam Nandan Statistical Investigator Grade III 6. Sri Tarkeswar Chaudhary Statistical Investigator Grade II 7. Sri K.P. Verma Statistical Investigator Grade II 8. Sri S.N.P. Verma Statistical Investigator Grade III 9. Sri Madan Mohan Kanth Statistical Investigator Grade III 10. Sri C.K.P. Sinha Statistical Investigator Grade III 11. Sri Ramchandra Prasad Statistical Investigator Grade III 12. Sri Jayendra Prasad Statistical Investigator Grade III 13. Sri Ram Balak Singh Statistical Investigator Grade III 14. Sri Silas Bada Statistical Investigator Grade III 15. Sri N.D. Singh Statistical Investigator Grade III 16. Sri Rajeswar Prasad II Statistical Investigator Grade III 17. Sri D.K. Mishra Sr. Compiler 18. Sri Ramanand Mehta Sr. Compiler SI.No. Name Designation 19. Smt. Sona Kumari Compiler 20. Sri Akhilesh Kumar Compiler 21. Sri Indradev Das Compiler 22. Sri Asheesh Kumar Singh Compiler 23. Md. Serajuddin Assistant Compiler 24. Md. Asharful Hoda Lower Division Clerk 25. Sri Surendra Mohan Prasad Lower Division Clerk 26. Sri S.S. Srivastava D.E.O. "B" 27. Sri Ranjit Kumar Singh D.E.O. "B" 28. Sri Raj Kapoor Rajak D.E.O. "B" 29. Sri Sanjeev Kumar Srivastava D.E.O. "B" 30. Sri Jagjit Lakra D.E.O. "B" 3l. Md. Shakeel Ahmed D.E.O. "B" 32. Sri Sanjay Kumar Assistant Compiler 33. Miss Shayista Hoda Assistant Compiler Map Section 1. Dr. H.K.Ram Research Officer 2. Sri Utpal Kumar MandaI Senior Geographer 3. Sri Indrakant Mishra Senior Drawing Assistant 4. Sri P.K. Sinha D.E.O. "B" 5. Sri P.L. Kbandait D.E.O. "B" 6. Md. Nasimuddin Khan Draughtsman 7. Sri Ratan Kumar Roy Draughtsman District Highlights - 2001 Census

1. Kishanganj ranks 31't in terms of population (12,96,348) and 28 tl1 in terms of area (1,884 sq.km.) in the state of Bihar. 2. In terms of population per sq.km. Kishanganj is the 30th densely populated district in the state with 688 persons per sq.km as against the state's 881. 3. Kishanganj ranks ph in terms of sex-ratio (936) against the state's 919. 4. There are 41 uninhabited villages (out of 771 total villages) in the district of Kishanganj. 5. Jirangachh (under Thakurganj C.D. Block) is the most populated village (10,208) and Aliganj (under Dighalbank C.D. Block) is the least populated village (8) in the district. 6. The economy of the district mainly depends on cultivation or related work. More than SO% of the total workers are engaged in Primary sector. 7. C.D. Block Kochadhamin has the highest number of villages (150) and C.D. Block Kishanganj has the lowest number of villages (72) in the district. S. Churli (under Thakurganj C.D. Block) has the largest area (1,799 hectare) and Debiganj (under Pothia C.D. Block) and Pirani (under Kishanganj C.D. Block) have the smallest area (3 hectare each) among the villages in the district. 9. Improved drinking water facility figures are impressive - it is available for 97.4 percent Villages.

Important Statistics in the State/District


NUMBER OF VILLAGES Total 45,098 771 Inhabited 39,013 730 Uninhabited 6,085 41

NUMBER OF TOWNS Statutory Towns 125 3 Census towns 5 0

POPULATION TOTAL Persons 82,998,509 1,296,348 Males 43,243,795 669,552 Females 39,754,714 626,796

RURAL Persons 74,316,709 1,167,340 Males 38,594,996 600,300 Females 35,721,713 567,040

URBAN Persons 8,681,800 129,008 Males 4,648,799 69,252 Females 4,033,001 59,756


AREA (in sq. km.) 94,163 1,884

DENSITY OF POPULATION 881 688 (persons per square kilometre)

SEX RATIO Total 919 936 (number of females per 1000 males) Rural 926 945 Urban 868 863

Number Percentage Number Percentage

DECADAL POPULATION Persons 18,467,955 28.6 312,241 31.7 GROWTH 1991 - 2001 Males 9,405,557 27.8 160,564 31.6 Females 9,062,398 29.5 151,677 31.9

LITERATES Persons 31,109,577 47.0 313,488 31.1 Males 20,644,376 59.7 222,795 42.7 Females 10,465,20 I 33.1 90,693 18.6 Number Percentage Number Percentage SCHEDULED CASTES Persons 13,048,608 15.7 85,833 6.6 POPULATION Males 6,784,676 15.7 44,304 6.6 Females 6,263,932 15.8 41,529 6.6

SCHEDULED TRIBES Persons 758,351 0.9 47,116 3.6 POPULATION Males 393,114 0.9 24,176 3.6 Females 365,237 0.9 22,940 3.7 WORKERS AND NON" WORKERS

(I) TOTAL WORKERS Persons 27,974,606 33.7 417,151 32.2 (MAIN + MARGINAL) Males 20,483,003 47.4 352,984 52.7 Females 7,491,603 18.8 64,167 10.2

(i) MAIN WORKERS Persons 21,052,875 25.4 359,819 27.8 Males 17,511,018 40.5 325,667 48.6 Females 3,541,857 8.9 34,152 5.4

(ii) MARGINAL Persons 6,921,731 8.3 57,332 4.4 WORKERS Males 2,971,985 6.9 27,317 4.1 Females 3,949,746 9.9 30,015 4.8

(II) NON" WORKERS Persons 55,023,903 66.3 879,197 67.8 Males 22,760,792 52.6 316,568 47.3 Females 32,263,111 81.2 562,629 89.8


(I) CULTIVATORS Persons 8,193,621 29.3 110,302 26.4 Males 6,457,265 31.5 100,045 28.3 Females 1,736,356 23.2 10,257 16.0

(II) AGRICULTURAL Persons 13,417,744 48.0 240,205 57.6 LABOURERS Males 8,730,251 42.6 197,351 55.9 Females 4,687,493 62.6 42,854 66.8

(1H) WORKERS IN Persons 1,100,424 3.9 8,344 2.0 HOUSEHOLD Males 656,662 3.2 4,093 1.2 INDUSTRY Females 443,762 5.9 4,251 6.6

(IV) OTHER WORKERS Persons 5,262,817 18.8 58,300 14.0 Males 4,638,825 22.7 51,495 14.6 Females 623,992 8.3 6,805 10.6

(xx) Ranking of C.D. Blocks in the District

Serial Terhagachh Dighalbank Thakurganj Pothia Bahadurganj Number In Terms of Value Rank Value Rank Value Rank Value Rank Value Rank 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 iO 11 12 Total Population 107,036 7 152,685 6 222,069 2 196,293 4 205,936 3 2 Total area (in sq. kms.) 193.5 6 255.3 5 392.4 354.5 2 274.9 4 3 Density of population per sq.km. 553 7 598 4 566 5 554 6 749 3 4 Sex Ratio 952 950 2 946 3 943 5 945 4 5 Proportion Urb;ll1 6.9 3 13.7 2 6 Proportion Scheduled Castes 10.3 6.5 4 5.0 6 3.3 7 5.6 5 7 Proportion Scheduled Tribes 2.3 4 6.9 4.9 3 6.6 2 2.2 5 8 Proportion Literates 27.2 5 26.5 6 30.8 2 25.5 7 30.7 3 9 Work participation rate (Main + Marginal Workers) 33.4 3 34.1 33.5 2 34.1 30.9 4 10 Percentage of villages having Primary School 59.7 4 n.8 58.S 5 54.2 7 62.1 3 11 Percentage ofvillages having Primary Health Sub· Centre 7.8 2 11.1 4.2 6 0.7 7 5,8 4 12 Percentage of villages having Well 81.8 6 100.0 93.2 5 97.2 3 97.1 4 13 Percentage of villages having Post Office 14.3 3 11.1 4 15.3 9.9 5 14.6 2 14 Percentage of villages having Bus facility 9.9 8.5 3 8.5 3 2.9 4 IS Percentage of villages having approach by Pucca Road 10.4 7 19.8 6 20,3 5 23.9 3 22.3 4 16 Percentage of villages having Electricity for domestic purpose 2.6 7 21.0 18.6 2 10.6 5 17.5 3 17 Percentage of villages having forest area 1.2 4 2.3 2 2.0 3 18 Percentage of villages having Irrigated area 97.5 4 100.0 98.5 3 99.3 2 100.0

(XXI) Ranking of CaD. Blocks in the District

Kishanganj Serial Kochadhamin Rank Number In Terms of Value Rank Value 2 13 14 15 16 Total Population 226,620 1 185,709 5 2 Total area (in sq. kms.) 286.9 3 181.0 7 3 Density of population per sq.km. 790 2 1,026 4 Sex Ratio 929 6 896 7 5 Proporlion Urban 46.1 1 6 Proportion Scheduled Castes 8.4 3 9.0 2 7 Proportion Scheduled Tribes 0.8 7 2.0 6 8 Proportion Literates 29.7 4 45.2 9 Work participation rate (Main + Marginal Workers) 30.5 5 29.6 6 10 Percentage of villages having Primary School 63.4 2 55.2 6 11 Percentage of villages haviJlg Primary Health Sub-Centre 5.6 5 6.0 3 12 Percentage of villages having Well 99.3 2 68.7 7 13 Percentage of villages having Post Office 9.9 5 7.5 6 14 Percentage of villages having Bus facility 9.0 2 15 Percentage of villages having approach by Pucea Road 33.8 2 41.8 16 Percentage of villages having Electricity for domestic purpose 8.5 6 16.4 4 17 Percentage of villages having forest area 11.1 18 Percentage ofvillages having Irrigated area 100.0 97.2 5

(xxiO STATEMENT· 1 NAME OFTHE HEADQUARTERS OF DISTRICT /TAHSIL, THEIR RURAL-URBAN STATUS AND DISTANCE FROM DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS, 2001 Serial Name of District / Name of District / Tahsil Whether Distance from Tahsil headquarters to district Number Tahsil headquarters Urban I Rural headquarters by road (in km. ) 2 3 4 5

There is no Tahsil in Bihar

STATEMENT" 2 NAME OF THE HEADQUARTERS OF DISTRICT/CD. BLOCK, THEIR RURAL-URBAN STATUS AND DISTANCE FROM DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS, 2001 Serial Name of District/ Name of District/C.D. Whether urbani Distance f)'om C.D. Block headquarters number C.D. Block Block headquarters rural to district headquarters by road (in kms.) 2 3 4 5 Kishullganj* Kishanganj Urban* 0 Terhagachh Terhagachh Rural 42 2 Dighalbank Dighalbank Rural 41 3 Thakurganj Thakurganj Urban* 46 4 Pothia Pothia Rural 45 5 Bahadurga~j Bahadurganj Ul'ban* 21 6 Kochadhamin Kochadhamin Rural 24 7 Kishanganj* Kishanganj Urban* 0

Note: 1. Asterisk in column 2 denotes that the District / C.D.Block headquarters is a rail head. 2. Asterisk in column 4 denotes that the District / C.D.Block headquarters is a statutory town.

(xxiiI) STATEMENT -3 POPULATION OF THE DISTRICT AT EACH CENSUS FROM 1901 TO 2001 Total/ Decadal population variation Rural/ Census District Urban Year Persons Males Females Absolute Percentage 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Kishanganj Total 1901 234,482 119,517 114,965 1911 251,966 128,344 123,622 17,484 7.5 1921 269,059 138.650 130,409 17,093 6.8 1931 291,023 150,356 140,667 21,964 8.2 1941 316,813 162,586 154,227 25,790 8.9 1951 336,235 180,484 155,751 19,422 6.1 1961 459,703 245,393 214,310 123,468 36.7 1971 618,773 324,489 294,284 159,070 34.6 1981 805,333 418,962 386,371 186,560 30.1 1991 984,107 508,988 475,119 178,774 22.2 2001 1,296,348 669,552 626,796 312,241 31.7

Rural 1901 226,811 115,126 111,685 1911 244,403 123,432 120,971 17,592 7.8 1921 261,125 133,579 127,546 16,722 6.8 1931 282,077 144,539 137,538 20,952 8.0 1941 306,389 155,792 150,597 24,312 8.6 1951 320,332 169,809 150,523 13,943 4.6 1961 432,701 229,553 203,148 112,369 35.1 1971 581,880 303,567 278,313 149,179 34.5 1981 725,997 375,289 350,708 144,117 24.8 1991 884,827 455,745 429,082 158,830 21.9 2001 1,167,340 600,300 567,040 282,513 31.9

Urban 1901 7,671 4,391 3,280 1911 7,563 4,912 2,651 -108 -1.4 1921 7,934 5,071 2,863 371 4.9 1931 8,946 5,817 3,129 1,012 12.8 1941 10,424 6,794 3,630 1,478 16.5 1951 15,903 10,675 5,228 5,479 52.6 1961 27,002 15,840 11,162 11,099 69.8 1971 36,893 20,922 15,971 9,891 36.6 1981 79,336 43,673 35,663 42,443 115.0 1991 99,280 53,243 46,037 19,944 25.1 2001 129,008 69,252 59,756 29,728 29.9


District! Total! Area in Population No. ofvillages No. of No. of Population Serial C.D. Block! Rural/ square per square Statutory Census No. of Number UA/Town Urban kilometers kilometers Inhabited Un-inhabited towns towns households Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II 12 13 Kishanganj Total 1,884.0 688 730 41 3 o 257,252 1,296,348 669,552 626,796 Rural 1,814.3 643 730 41 o o 233,354 1,167,340 600,300 567,040 Urban 69.8 1,850 o o 3 o 23,898 129,008 69,252 59,756 1 Terhagachh Total 193.5 553 77 4 o o 22,078 107,036 54,837 52,199 Rural 193.5 553 77 4 o o 22,078 107,036 54,837 52,199 Urban 0.0 o o o o o o o 0 o 2 Dighalbank Total 255.3 598 81 o o o 30,806 152.685 78,309 74,376 Rural 255.3 598 81 o o o 30,806 152,685 78,309 74,376 Urban 0.0 o o o o o o o 0 o 3 Thakurganj Total 392.4 566 118 15 o 44,037 222,069 114,109 107,960 Rural 381.9 541 118 IS o o 41,132 206,769 106,007 100,762 Urban 10.5 1,463 o o o 2,905 15,300 8,102 7,198 Thakurgal\j (NA) Urban 10.5 1,463 o o 1 o 2,905 15,300 8,102 7,198 4 Pothia Total 354.5 554 142 7 o o 39,209 196,293 101,006 95,287 Rural 354.5 554 142 7 o o 39,209 196,293 101,006 95,287 Urban 0.0 o o o o o o o 0 o 5 8ahadurganj Total 274.9 749 103 2 1 o 42,021 205,936 105,871 100,065 Rural 245.7 724 103 2 o o 36,458 177,818 90,974 86,844 Urban 29.2 964 o o o 5,563 28,118 14,897 13,221 8ahadurganj ( NA) Urban 29.2 964 , o o 1 o 5,563 28,118 14,897 13,221 6 Kochadhamin Total 286.9 790 142 8 o o 44,400 226,620 117,462 109,158 Rural 286.9 790 142 8 o o 44,400 226,620 117,462 109,158 Urban 0.0 o o o o o o o 0 0 7 Kishanganj Total 181.0 1,026 67 5 o 34,701 185,709 97,958 87,751 Rural 150.9 663 67 5 o o 19,271 100,119 51,705 48,414 Urban 30.1 2,842 o o o 15,430 85,590 46,253 39,337 Kishanganj (M) Urban 30.1 2,842 o o o 15,430 85,590 46,253 39,337

(xxv) STATEMENT - 5 CD. BLOCK WISE NUMBER OF VILLAGES AND RURAL POPULATION, 2001 Serial Number of villages Rural population Number Name of C.D. Block Total Inhabited Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 Terhagachh 81 77 107,036 54,837 52,199 2 Dighalbank 81 81 152,685 78,309 74,376 3 Thakurganj 133 118 206,769 106,007 100,762 4 Pothia 149 142 196,293 101,006 95,287 5 BahadurgaJ\i 105 103 177,818 90,974 86,844 6 Kochadhamin 150 142 226,620 117,462 109,158 7 Kishanganj 72 67 100,119 51,705 48,414

District (Rural) Total: 771 730 1,167,340 600,300 567,040


Serial Name of C.D. Block Population Number Name of Town+ Urban status where town is located Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Bahadurganj NA Bahadurganj 28,118 14,897 13,221 2 Kishanganj M Kishanganj 85,590 46,253 39,337 3 Thakurganj NA Thakurganj 15,300 8,102 7,198

District (Urban) total: 129,008 69,252 59,756

(XXVI) STATEMENT -7 VILLAGES WITH POPULATION OF 5,000 AND ABOVE AT c.n. BLOCK LEVEL AS PER 2001 CENSUS AND AMENITIES AVAILABLE Whether Whether Serial Name of Location code it is Tahsil it is C.D. Block numher C.D. Block Name of village number Population headquarters headquarters 2 3 4 5 6 7 Terhagachh Matiari 00627000 6,044 No 2 Dighalbank Sat Kauwa 00633700 5,350 No 3 Dighalbank Dahibhat 00634400 6,249 No 4 Dighalbank Mangra 00634500 5,046 No 5 Dighalbank Tulshia 00635200 7,972 No 6 Dighalbank Lachhmipur 00635900 7,734 No 7 Dighalbank Padampur 00636800 6,447 No 8 Dighalbank Padampur 00636900 6,463 No 9 Dighalbank DigbalBank 00637700 5,335 No 10 Dighalbank Dhanola 00638300 6,665 No 11 Thakurganj Bhatgaon 00640500 10,193 No 12 Thakurganj Nazagachh 00641700 7,402 No 13 Thakurganj Churli 00641900 8,205 No 14 Thakurganj Dalligaon 00644700 1,469 No 15 Thakurganj Bhog Dabar 00645100 7,056 No 16 Thakurganj Jirangachh 00645800 10,208 No 17 Thakurgm\i Barchaundi 00647200 5,588 No 18 Thakurganj Pawa Khali 00651100 6,257 No 19 Pothia Bul'hnai 00655800 6,822 No 20 Pothia Koltha 00663600 5,863 No 21 Pothia Jahangirpur 00666700 6,532 No 22 Pothia Sitalpur 00667300 9,044 No 23 Bahadurganj Altabari 00669500 5,434 No 24 Bahadlll'ganj Gangi 00670200 6,278 No 25 Bahadurganj DohaI' 00674600 5,610 No 26 Bahadurganj Palasmani 00674800 6,114 No 27 Bahadurganj Bhatabari 00675100 6,126 No 28 Bahadurganj Bhaurdah 00675500 8,159 No 29 Bahadurganj Bangaon 00675800 6,947 No 30 Kochadhmnin Bisbunpur 00684400 5,415 No 31 Kochadhamin Haldikhora 00685100 6,133 No 32 Kochadhmnin Santha 00688900 8,271 No 33 Kochadhmnin Boaldah 00690400 6.257 No 34 Kochadhamin Najarpur 00690900 5,629 No 35 Kochadhmnin Bhagal 00692600 5,342 No 36 Kishanganj Halamala 00694200 5,046 No 37 Kishanganj Singhia 00695600 7,500 No 38 Kishan~anj Chakla 00696900 5,710 No

(xxvii) STATEMENT -7 (CONCLD.) VILLAGES WITH POPULATION OF 5,000 AND ABOVE AT C.D. BLOCK LEVEL AS PER 2001 CENSUS AND AMENITIES AVAILABLE Amenities available Drinking Communi- Educational Medical Water cation Banking Senior Primary Primary Serial Name of Secondary Health Health Sub- Railway Commercial Co-operative number village school College Centre Centre Tap water station Bank Bank 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Matiari o 0 o o No No 0 o 2 Sat Kauwa o 0 o No No 0 o 3 Dahibhat o 0 o o No No 0 o 4 Mangra o o o o No No o o 5 TlIlshia o o o No No J o 6 Lachhmipur o o No No o o 7 Padampur o o o a No No o o 8 Padampm o o 1 No No o o 9 Dighal Bank o a o a No No o ID Dhanola o o o No No o 11 Bhatgaon o o o 1 No Yes 1 o 12 Nazagachh o a o 1 No Yes o o 13 Churli o o o o No No o o 14 Dalligaon o a o o No No a o 15 Bhog Dabar o a o o No No 1 o 16 .Tirangachh o o o o No No o o 17 Barchaundi o o o o No No o o 18 Pawa Khali o o o No No o 19 Burhnai o o o o No No o o 20 Koltha o o o o No No o o 21 Jahangirpur o o o o No No o 22 Sitalpur o o o o No No o o 23 Altabal'i o o o o No No o o 24 Gangi o o o I No No o o 25 Dohar o o o o No No o o 26 Palasmani o a o No No o o 27 Bhatabari o o a o No No o o 28 Bhaurdah o o o o No No o o 29 Bangaon o o o 1 No No o o 30 Bishunpur o o o o No No J o 3 I Haldikhora o o 1 No No o o 32 Santha o o o o No No 1 33 Boaldah o o o o No No o o 34 Najarpur o o o o No No o o 35 Bhagal o o o o No No o o 36 Halamala o o o o No No o o 37 Singhia o o o o No No o o 38 Chakla o o o No No o o

(xxviii) STATEMENT - 8 STATUTORY TOWNS WITH POPULATION LESS THAN 5000 AS PER 2001 CENSUS AND AMENITIES AVAlLABLE Amenities available Whether Whether Improved it is it is Educational drinking Commu- Location Tehsil C.D. Block Senior Medical water ---nication Banking Serial Name of code head- head- Secondary Health Tap Railway number Town number Population quarters quarters School College Hospital Centre water station Bank 2 3 456 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 This District has no such Statutory Town

STATEMENT - 9 HOUSELESS AND INSTITUTIONAL POPULATION OF C.D. BLOCK, RURAL AND URBAN, 2001 District! Totall Houseless Population Institutional PopUlation Serial C.D.Block/ Rural/ No. of No. of Number UA/Town Urban household Persons Males Females household Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Kishanganj Total 80 254 164 90 294 4,541 3,613 928 Rural 47 122 75 47 177 1,482 823 659 Urban 33 132 89 43 117 3,059 2,790 269 Terhagachh Total 10 74 45 29 Rural 10 74 45 29 Urban 2 Dighalbank Total 7 4 3 28 208 118 90 Rural 7 4 3 28 208 118 90 Urban 3 Thakurganj Total 6 21 9 12 24 184 95 89 Rural 5 18 8 10 20 154 77 77 Urban 3 2 4 30 18 12 Thakurganj (NA) Urban 3 2 4 30 18 12 4 Pothia Total 5 14 11 3 32 239 136 103 Rural 5 14 II 3 32 239 136 103 Urban 5 Bahadurganj Total 2 2 48 798 674 124 Rural 2 2 32 242 144 98 Urban 16 556 530 26 Bahadurganj ( NA) Urban 16 556 530 26 6 Kochadhamin Total 9 40 21 19 42 467 252 215 Rural 9 40 21 19 42 467 252 215 Urban 7 Kishanganj Total 57 170 118 52 110 2,571 2,293 278 Rural 25 41 30 11 13 98 51 47 Urban 32 129 88 41 97 2,473 2,242 231 Kishanganj (M) Urban 32 129 88 41 97 2,473 2,242 231 (xxix)

DIAGRAMS C.D.BLOCKWISE DECADAL CHANGE IN POPULATION OF , 1991-2001 r------.------300,000 i l~~~~~~~O~~

~ 200,000



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100 ,.::,d ...., -= 'ji .....~ 'i,i .... .c:I ~ .c:I ~ = ~ I:J =~ bJ) ..... bJ) a bJ)= ~ ,Q 0 t'I: bJ) ~ .CI ~ "; "" "" ~ ~ = -e .CI= .CI ~ ~ t'I: ....fn .c:I .CI .CI ~ E-;"" ~ E-4 ~ I:J ~ ~ ~ C.D.BLOCK


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~ 900




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[.- MALE II FEMALE I I ~ __ l 60 '

0 ...., ...., ..c:I ~ ....C'lI .S 'j;> ..c:I C'lI ~ C'lI = = = ~ ~ ~ eC'lI ~ ~ =9 ..c:I C'lI C'lI "" £ "" "Cl =C'lI ..c:I ~= "!:I= -e .!:/l C'lI C'lI C'lI ~ -5 Eat ~ -=Eat -= ~ ~ ~ C. D. BLOCKS


1- .------.-- .... - •.--.----- _.-._. ------.-----..--- --I i II TOTAL POPULATION l1li WORKER 0 NON WORKER 1 ______• __~- ______• ______------___



....~ 150,000 ~ ~



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_------_ ------J III TOTAL POPULATION II SC POPULATION 0 ST POPULATION 1-.. --_------~----. -_-----_-_- ---~---- ~-.-- --~------.-- 250,000




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Analytical Note

(i) History and scope of the District Census tables, which was also to be brought out, could not Handbook be published in many States/UTs due to delay in compilation of the requisite material. As far as the The District Censlls Handbook. brought out by state of Bihar is concerned, this Third Part or Part­ the Census Organization, is one of the most valuable C could be published in respect of a few districts district level publications.lt provides, inter-alia, only. For the remaining districts, this volume was kept information on the basic demographic and socio­ in tile office library in mimeographed form. economic characteristics and availability of important civic amenities/facilities in each village and tOWIl of At the 1981 Census, new features along with the respective districts.This publication has proved to restructuring of the format of Village and Town be of immense utility to the planners, administrators, Directory were introduced in the DCBB. These were academicians and researchers. published in two parts for each district. While Part­ A comprised Village and Town Directories, the PCA The District Census Handbook, a joint venture of Villages and Towns (ward wise), including of the State Government and the Census Organization, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes PCA up to is one of the richest data sources, particularly in the CD Block/Town level, was provided in Part-B. To context of planning and development at the grass root illustrate, all the amenities, except electricity, were level. It is rather the only source that gives vi lIage brought together in the Village Directory and if an and town level information concerning several amenity was not available in the concerned village, demographic and socio-economic characteristics and the distance (in broad ranges) from the nearest place also on availability of important civic amenities.This having sLlch amenity was given, Information on some publication was brought alit in the 1951 Censlls for new items such as adult literacy centres, primary the first time. In fact, it is the replacement of 'Village health sub-centres and community health workers in Statements' wh ich used to be prepared in the the village were provided so as to meet some of the Censuses of Pre-Independence period, and since 1951 requirements of the Revised Minimum Needs .it has been published after each decennial census with Programme. Similarly, information on approach to the some innovations/improvements. village was also provided for the first time in the Village Directory so as to give an idea about the Initially the scope of the DeHB was confined to number of inaccessible villages in each district. In certain important census tables on population, case of Town Directories also, keeping in view the economic and socia-cultural aspects as also the requirements of the Minimum Needs Programme, a Primary Census Abstract (PCA) of each village and Statement (IV-A) on slums was provided so as to town of the district. The DCHB published after the enable the planners to formulate programmes for 1961 Censlls contained a descri ptive account of the providing civic amenities in the slums. In this district, administrative statistics, census tables and statement details on civic arid other amenities were Village and Town Directories including PCA (Primary presented for the notified slums of Class I and Class Census Abstract). At the 1971 Census, the DCHB II towns. Apart from this, one column on the was brought out in two parts, viz., Pali-A comprising Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe population and Village and Town Directories and Pati-B comprising another on adult literacy classes/centres were added Village and Town PCA in respect of all the States in Statements IV and V respectively. and Union Territories. The Third Part of the DCHB, comprising administrative statistics and district census The manner of presentation of the DCHB for


the 1991 CenslIs was, by and large, the sal11e as and cultural facilities, availability of newspapers & followed during 1981 Census. However, the format magazines, income and expenditure of Gram of PCA was restructured slightly in the 1991 Census Panchayats and most important commodity (les) for the benefit of data users and nine-fold industrial manufactured in the Village etc. Apart from these, classification of main workers was given as against more details on distance(s) at which basic educational four-fold industrial classification presented in the 1981 facilities (viz., Primary and Middle Schools and Census. In addition to this, the sex-wise population in College) and medical facilities (viz. Allopathic Hospital, the 0-6 age group was also included in the PCA for Maternity and Child Welfare Centre and Primary the first time with a view to enabling data users to Health Centre) etc. are available, if not already compute more realistic literacy rates as all children available in the village, are being provided for the below 7 years of age had been treated as illiterate at first time in DCHB. the time of the 1991 Census.It was expected that the The type and extent of basic amenities available above mentioned modifications would help the in the villages & towns have been analyzed in depth planners in chalking out more effective developmental with the help of a number of cross classified inset programmes. tables & statements. Brief analytical notes/accounts At the country level, one of the most important on important aspects concerning respective districts innovations in the 1991 Census was the C.D.Block viz. (i) fertility, mortality and migration (ii) various level presentation of data in the Vii1age Directory and measures of fertility and mean age at marriage (iii) PCA instead of the traditional TahsillTaluka/PS level percentage distribution of migrants by place of bilih/ presentation across the country. For the state of Bihar, place of residence, (iv) main religions,(v) marital status however, the Community Development Block level of population, (vi) age, sex and education & (vii) presentation of data in the Village Directory and PCA distribution of different mother tongues, all based on had been adopted since 1971 Census itself. During 1991 Census, are being given at the end of the text 1951 and 1961 Censuses the presentation of data was as separate annexures. made at the Anchal level in the State of Bihar. In fact, Anchal and Community Development Block used For the District Census Hand Book of the Census to be more or less co-terminus till 1991 census. ofIndia, 2001, emphasis has been given on the quality However, the situation has changed after 1991 Census of village and town level amenity data. With a view and now AnchaI and Community Development Block to find out erratic or aberrant trends of inexplicable no longer remain co-terminus in all the cases. It was fluctuations in amenity data, efforts have been made expected that the presentation of Village Directory to verify the VD. & T.D. data with the help ofsimilar and PCA data at C.D. Block level will help the information brought out by the State and Central planners in formulation of micro level developmental Governments as also by Government/Semi­ plans, as the C.D. Block is now increasingly being Government institutions. used as the key administrative unit for developmental The processing of data and maps to be planning. In order to facilitate the task of incorporated in the District Census Hand Book th is administrators, planners and researchers intending to time has been done both manually and digitally (with lise Village Directory/PCA data, either from the the help of computer technology). Another innovation magnetic tapesffloppies or from the published records, both computerized and manual codes for each village of Census of India 200 J is that the hard copy of the were provided for the 1991 Censlls along with the maps of the Districts and C.D. Blocks have been corresponding codes of 1981. converted into the digital database. During 1991 census the village wise information/amenities were shown The District Census Handbook of Censlls oflndia, manually in the maps of District Census Hand Book. 2001 is more informative and exhaustive in terms of Bllt during 2001 Census the depiction of the coverage and content. The coverage in Village information/amenities in the maps has been done by Directory has been further broadened by inciliding a utilizing Computer Assisted Cartography. The editing, number of other facilities like banking, recreational annotation, incorporation of amenities and other


concerned work related with district and C.D.Block the State. His successor Ghyasuddin Iwaz extended maps have been done simultaneollsly, as far as the limits of tile territory to include virtually the whole possible, except the incorporation of population size of Bihar. This district (Old Kishanganj subdivision) of the villages which became ready when the Urbani also must have came under Muslim nde in the Village Primary Census Abstract was made available beginning of the 13 th Century. However, since it through Computer Scanner. formed an outlying part of the territory and revenues from it were not easily collected, the control remained (ii) Brief history of the district rather loose. In fact some of the northern portions of Kishanganj district, which was a part of the district continued to be under the sway of the hill district till 1981 Census, acquired the status of an tribes of . Thus vel}' little is known of the history independent district on 10th January, 1990. It has a of the district ti II the 17th Century. The district was rich heritage and close linkage with the district of administered by Mughals through Governors of who Purnia. It consists of 7 community development also combined the revenue powers of amildars. blocks, viz., Terhagachh, Dighalbank, Thakurganj, amildars Ostwal Khan was the first sLich Governor Pothia, Bahadurganj, Kochadhamin and Kishanganj. followed by three others. He maintained very good The district is bounded on the north by Nepal relations with Murshid Kuli Khan, the Nawab of and , on the South by the state of Bengal and managed to bring to book the refractory and of the state of Bihar, on the east local chiefs including Durian Singh ofBirnagar. Saif by the state of West Bengal and on the West by the Khan also recovered large areas of territory on the district of of the state of Bihar. nouthern border of the district and had then cleared the forests. He rendered his full support to Ali Yardi The history of Kishanganj is a part of the history Khan who became the new Nawab of Bengal. Sa if of the ancient kingdom ofAnga and covered the area Khan died in 1750 and was succeeded by his son west of Mahananda. The area to the east of the river Fakhruddin Hussain Khan. The latter proved a poor was under the control of the pundras. remained administrator and squandered much of the wealth an independent kingdom till the 6th century B.C. When accumulated by his father. Fakhruddin Hussain Khan it was annexed by the Magadh Emperor, Bimbisar. prudently surrendered before Saiyed Ahmad Khan, The subsequent history of the district is therefore, the nephew and son-in-law ofNawabAli Vardi Khan. linked with that of the great Magadh Empire. Saiyed Khan proved h imse If as an efficient The district later formed part of the empire of administrator and was held in great esteem on account the Imperial Guptas which in 340 A.D., under of his noble living and appreciated for his just and Samudra Gupta extended right upto . Following fair dealings with all and sundry. He died in 1756, a the overthrow of the Guptas by the Huns, Old Purnia few months before the death of Nawab Ali Vardi passed under Baladitya,the king of Magadh. Hiuen­ Khan against whom he had started an infructuous Tsang, who visited paundra Vardhan (eastern purnia) intrigue. Shaukat Jung succeeded his father as in Circa 640 A.D. found prosperous people and the Governor, and was given the whole of old Purnia as countryside having numerous tanks and groves and a revenue free jagir by the Nawab. Ali Vardi Khan abundant crops. At the beginning of the 7t11 Century was succeeded by siraj-ud-daula who was the district seems to have come under Sasank, the apprehensive of the designs, his cousin, Shaukat Jang King of , was a Shaivite and did his utmost to might have had on the Diwani. So he marched destroy Buddhism. He was followed by Harsha, The towards Purnia, reaching Rajmahal in 1756. But his great Buddhist. From the 9th to 12th Centuries the troops could not be persuaded to proceed further. district was under the control of pala and the Sen a Meanwhile, Sahukat Jang refused to take up arms Kings of the Bengal. and accepted Siraj-ud-daul's Suzerainty. Soon The conquest of Bihar town, then capital of Bihar, afterwards, he was instigated by Mir Jagar Khan the by Bakhtiar Khilji towards the close of the 12th Bakshi at Murshidabad, to try his hand at obtaining Century saw the commencement of Muslim rule in the Diwani. At the same time the Grand Vizir issued


a tirman appointing Shaukat Jang as the Viceroy of of a commercial treaty signed with Nepal in 1792 to Bengal. When Siraj-ud-daula sent a messenger secure a lasting demarcation of the boundary with informing him of the grant of certain Jagir to a Hindu Nepal to prevent further raids but it did not meet Chief, Shaukat retolted tl1at Siraj-ud-daula should quit with appreciable success. the vice-royalty of Bengal in his favour. This naturally The next important event in the district is the infuriated Shiraj-ud-daula. He marched against movement of 1857. The 73 rd Regiment of the Native Shaukat lang with a division under his own cO!1ulland infantry and a detachment of the 11 th Irregular cavalry up to the right bank of the Ganga and sent another were then stationed at Jalpaiguri, just across the division under his Diwan, Raja Mohan Lal along the eastern border of the old purnia district. Although the left bank of the river. MeaJ1while, Raja Ram Narain, administration did not expect any trouble at Jalpaiguri, The Governor of Bihar had also been ordered to nevertheless, a corps of Nepalese, was allowed to march on to Pumia from Patna. Shaukat Jang be raised by Kerr, an indigo planter of the district, in entrenched himself in a strong position at Baldiabari October, 1857. Two detachments of tile II tit Irregular (between and Nawabganj) but the lack of cavalry at Jalpaiguri rebelled on 4th December and any clear-cut-strategy resulted in his meeting litter Yule, Commissioner of learnt on the 9th defeat, he himself having been slain in the that they had passed south of Kishanganj. In the battle(l756). engagement that fo llowed on the 11 th December, the On Siraj-ud-daula's death (July 1757), Nazir Ali rebels retired after fighting bravely and with small Khan took possession of the town, imprisoned Mohan casualties and injuries. Yule later unsuccessfully tried Lal and seized the treasury with the support of Achint to intercept the insurrectionists from Dacca from Singh, holder of four parganas, who was made the intering the forests of Nepal. No further fighting took Prime Minister. place in the district. Mil' Jafar Khan was now the Nawab of Bel1gal. The movement of 1857 led to measures for He sent Khadim Hussain Khan who took over control tighten ing up the administrative system. An earthquake and became the Governor of Purnia. took place in 1897. In the same year a scheme for The whole areas of the then Purnia passed into taming the turbulent Kosi was mooted by engineers the hands of the British in 1770 when Mohammad though it was actually taken up only after the country Ali Khan was the Governor of Purnia. He was obtained independence. replaced by Duccarrel, the first English Supervisor The people of the district also participated in the or Collector of the district. The district was marked agrarian reforms and the congress movement. Many by severe famine in which according to the European prominent lawyers of the district left their practice Supervisor, almost half of the ryots lost their lives. In and joined the non-eo-operation movement of 1921. 1872 the district was transferred from the control of Dr. Rajendra Prasad and Mahatma Gandhi visited the Bihar and Banaras Board of commissionet·s to the old district ofPurnia in 1921 and 1925 respectively. tl1e Calcutta Board of Revenue. With the creation of Over 700 persons from the old district were arrested Commissioner's Divisions in 1829, Purnia was in connection with the Salt Satyagrah, The district included in . In 1834 it was placed like other districts of the State, has thus played an under Rajshahi Division under whIch it continued until important role in the country's freedom struggle. 1893 when it came back to Bhagalpur. It again went to Rajshahi in 1905 and later came back to Bhagalpur (iii) Administrative set up under which it has continued ever since. The district forms a part of the The early years of the British rule were largely Plain and lies in the northern portion of the state of concentrated at establishing law and order and setting Bihar. The district is bounded all the north by Nepal up of the revenue administration on a sOllnd footing. and Bengal, on the south by Bengal and Purnia on Raids and depredations in border villages by Nepali the east by Bengal and on the West by the district Sardars took place in 1788 and again in 1793 in Spite of Araria. It consists of 7 community develop~nent blocks, viz., Terhagachh, Dighalbank, Thakurganj, 6 ANALYTICAL NOTE Pothia, Bahadurganj, Kochadhamin and Kishanganj season commences in October and lasts till February. and 3 Towns viz, Thakurganj(NA), Bhadurganj(NA) January is the coldest month with the average normal and Kishanganj(M). There are altogether 771 villages minimum temperature of about 5° C. March to mid in the district. June form the summer months. The maximum District Magistrate is posted in the district who temperature in April and May reaches about 46° C. is the top most official of revenue and civil Monsoon sets in in the second half of J llne and lasts administration. He often belongs to LA.S. cadre. till September. The district receives higher rainfall than District Magistrate conducts development and welfare many other districts of the State. The average annual works in the district. ADM and other officers are rainfall being 1780.0 mm. Eighty per cent of the total posted in order to help D.M. In the administration. rainfall is recorded during the monsoon period. The district has only one subdivisions Kishangaj which Flora and Fauna is headed by subdivisional officers either from l.A.S. In the past the large area of the district was or B.P.S.C. cadre. S,D.O. is under direct authority covered under forest. These days the forest area ofD.M. There are 7 development blocks in the district almost seems to be disappeared from the district. where B.D,Os. are posted who undertake Some teak, sal, sakhwa, sheeshatn, palas, pipal and development and welfare projects. semal trees are still found. Formerly the district was Judicial Administration: The Judges and Munshif a paradise for sportsmen in search of wild game. magistrates are posted at district and subdivision who Tigers, leopards, buffalowes, nilgai and many kinds administer and deliver justice of different kinds. The of deer used to be common. With the disappearance district judiciary is pmt of Indian judicial system as of forests, however, wild life has all but disappeared envisaged in Indian Constitution and independent of from the district. district administration. Land use pattern Police Administration : The Superintendent of The major part of the district is covered by non­ Police, Kishanganj is the head of the district police calcareous, non-saline soil of recent alluvium administration, The Deputy Superintendent df Police formation; the soil is oflow to medium fertility. Paddy is posted to assist the police superintendent who is and jute are the important crops. Wheat, barley, maize either from the Indian Pol ice Service or the Bihar and Khesari are other crops grown, According to local Police Service. In the subdivision of the district, the classification, different soils of the district are as Deputy Superintendent of Police is posted who keeps follows:- control on police administration. i) Karari and Matiar - Clayey soil. (iv)Pbysical Features ii) Doas or Mansimati - loamy soil, and Kishanganj district is located on the extreme iii) Baluar - Sandy soil. north-eastern part of the state. It is surrounded by Nepal on the 11011h, the district of Purnia in the south, Irrigational facilities the state of West Bengal in the east and This district is one of the districts which due to in the West. Kishanganj district is a part of North various reasons in the past did without much of Bihar Plain. It has been carved out from the old artificial irrigational facilities. The need of a systematic district ofPurnia dllring 1981-91 uplifting erstwhile irrigation had not been felt before as the rainfall was Kishanganj subdivision to a separate district. The generally ample and soil in most parts retained district is divided into two sub-micro regions, namely moisture, and the large number of rivers, rivulets and Parman-Kankai Plain and Mahananda Flood Plain marshes assured facility of water. Still after on the basis of physical factors like relief, drainage, independence, considerable attention has been paid soil, geology, climate and natural vegetation. to the provision of irrigation faci Iity in the district by Climatic Condition means offlood control measures as well as irrigation channels etc. The gigantic Kosi project has resulted The district has a moist humid climate. The winter


in extension ofirrigational facilities in the district. In A good number of cattle migrate to the neighbouring addition to this, various irrigational facilities have been Nepal for grazing during summer months. A provided in the district through a number of medium particular class of people in the village and the towns and minor irrigational scllellles. Surface percolation rear chicken. In order to improve the local breed wells, open borings with strainer, rahat pumps, low poultry Development Centre has devised various lift pumps and hand pumps. schemes. The district has veterinary hospitals and a number of dispensaries and veterinarians in order to Mines and Minerals tackle animal diseases which have shown a decling The geological formation of the district consists trend. The Animal Husbandry Department of the almost entirely of alluvium and there are no minerals State Govt. conducts livestock census quinquennially. of any impOltance in the district. Communications Fisheries The district of Kishanganj is well served by a Fishery development scheme has been network of roads. The roads are classified as the undertaken by the Fisheries department' efforts are National Highways, State Highways, major district being made to collect spawn and distribute fry. The roads and village roads. They are maintained by the demand for fry is increasing and a number of a P.W.D., the Rural Engineering Organisation. The Zila nursery tanks are in use. This district was once noted Parishad and the municipalities. All the 7 Block for piscine wealth and offers excellent opportunity headquarters are connected with pucca roads. for the proper development of fisheries. Railway: The district is served by railways. Industrialisation Kishanganj the district headquarters, itself is The indigo industry was in a flourishing condition connected with both the broad and metre gauges. th th ill the district in the 18 and 19 centuries. But Airways:- The district has a landing ground at gradually the cultivation of indigo went on declining Kishanganj which is suitable only for the landing of and it has now completely disappeared. The district, small aeroplanes. There are no air services available in the past had quite a number of cottage industries at present. like hand pounding of rice have now given way to small scale industrial units such as rice mills. One Trade and Commerce private paper factory is situated at Kishanganj. Several Kishanganj is essentially an agricultural district. medium and small size rice and oil mills are also The trade and commerce of the district have also located in the district. Though Jute is the prominent been affected by its geophysical condition. It has close crop ofthe district, no jute mill is located in the district. commercial relations with the border areas and with There are no mining and heavy industries in Nepal since time immemorial. In Kishanganj district existence in the district of Kishanganj. There are trade consists mainly of export of jute, paddy, rice, potentialities for a number of industries. It is a jute maize, mustard seed, tobacco, bamboos, timbers, and paddy growing area and hence there is enough gunny bags and hides, and of import of cloth, salt, scope for industries based on these two raw materials. kerosene oil, vegetable oil, sligar, cement, lime and other manufactured goods. Livestock Kishangnj is the important trade centre in the Livestock is very important in a district like district - The Chief Commercial Commodity of the Kishanganj with a predominantly agricultural economy. district is jute, the main determining factor of the Cattle are an impOItant article of stock but the one centre of trade. The wholesale mandi of jute is also which are generally available in the district are not of located at Kishanganj. Most of the internal trade is superior breed and are generally small. The cattle carried on in the village hats which are held on fixed are not we 11-fed hence the average mi lk yield of cows days twice or thrice a week, Bhadarpur on and buffaloes is quite low. The expansion of cultivation side is the main trade centre of Nepal with which had brought much of the pasture land under plough. Kishanganj district has regular and close commercial

8 ANALYTICAL NOTE relations. The market or this place is virtually in the materials, namely, grass, thatch, bamboo, wood, mud, hands of the Indian merchants. plastic or polythene.

(v) Census concepts Room

Building A room should have four walls with a doorway with a roof over head and should be wide and long A 'Building' is generally a single structure on the enough for a person to sleep in, i.e., it should have ground. Sometimes it is made up of more than one a length of not less than 2 metres and a breadth of component unit which are used or likely to be used at least 1.5 metres and 2 metres in height. A room, as dwellings(residences) or establishments stich as however, which is used in common for sleeping, shops, business houses, offices, factories, workshops, sitting, dining, storing and cooking, etc., should be worksheds, Schools, places of entertainment, places regarded as a room. An unenclosed verandah, kitchen, of worship, godowns, stores etc. It is also possible store, garage, cattle-shed and latrine and rooms in that building which have component units may be Llsed which a household industry such as a handloom is for a combination of purposes such as shop-cul11- located, which are not normally used for living or res idence, workshop-cum-res idence,office-cu JTI­ sleeping are excluded from the defin ition of a living residence,etc. room for the purpose of this question. Usually a structure will have four walls and a One is likely to come across conical shaped hut roof. But in some areas the very nature of or tent in which human beitlgs reside. [n sllch construction of houses is such that there may not be improvised accommodation, there will be no four walls any wall. Such is the case of conical structures where to a room and therefore, the above definition would entrance is also provided but they may 110t have any not strictly apply to such types of accommodation. In walls. Therefore, such of the conical structures are such cases, the tent or conical hut etc., have been also treated as separate buildings. construed to be a room.In certain parts of the country, Permanent houses particularly in rural areas, the pattern ofhousing may present some problems. For example, a household Houses, the walls and roof of which are made of may be in occupation of several huts put to different permanent materials. The material of walls can be uses stich as main residence, sitting room, store and anyone from the following, namely, galvanized iron even for sleeping at night. By strict application of the sheets or other metal sheets, asbestos sheets, burnt definition each one will be reckoned as a census bricks, stones 01' concrete. Roof may be made of hOllse, but this does not reflect the real situation. from anyone of the following materials, namely, tiles, While huts used as store or cattle shed pose no slate, galvanized iron sheets, metal sheets, asbestos problems, those used as sleeping rooms beyond the sheets, bricks, stones or concrete. main residence, should be counted as rooms rather Semi-permanent houses than separate census houses.If a garage is used by a servant and he lives in it as a separate hOllsehold, Houses in which either the wall or the roof is it should be reckoned as a room available to the made of permanent material and the other is made servant's household. If the servant is considered as of temporary material. a member of the household then the garage room should be reckoned as an additional room of the Temporary houses household. Houses in which both walls and roof are made Dwelling Room of materials, which have to be replaced frequently. Walls may be made from anyone of the following A room is treated as a dwelling room if it has temporary materials, namely, grass, thatch, bamboo, walls with a doorway and a roof and should be wide plastic, polythene, mud, unburnt bricks or wood. Roof and long enough for a person to sleep in, i.e. it should may be made from anyone of the following temporary have a length of 110t less than 2 meters and a breadth 9 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ of at least 1.5 meters and a height of 2 meters. A houses. dwelling room would include living room, bedroom, On the other hand, one may come across cases, dining room, drawing 1'00111, study room, servant's particularly in large cities of multi-storeyed ownership room and other habitable rooms. Kitchen, bathroom, flats. In these cases while the structure looks like latrine, store room, passageway and verandah which one building, different persons own the flats. In case are not normally usable for living are not considered of stich multi-storeyed structures, having a number as dwelling rooms. A room, used for mUltipurpose of flats owned by different persons, the entire such as sleeping, sirting, dining, storing, cooking, etc., structure was treated as one building and each flat is regarded as a dwelling room. In a situation where as a separate census hOllse. a census houses is used as a shop or office., etc., and the household also stays in it then tIle room is Ifwithil1 a large enclosed area, there are separate 110t considered as a dwelling room. But if a garage buildings owned by different persons then each such or servant quatier is used by a servant and if she/ he building is treated as a separate building. There can also lives in it as a separate household then this has be a situation where within an enclosed compound been considered as a dwelling room available to the there are separate buildings owned by an undertaking servant's household. Tent or conical shaped hut if or company or even government that are actually in used for living by any household is also considered occupation of different persons. For example, Indian as dwelling 1'00111. Oil Corporation colony where the buildings are owned by the Corporation but these are in occupation of A dwelling room, which is shared by more than their employees. Each such building was treated as one household, has 110t been counted for any of them. a separate building. But ifin anyone of these buildings If two households have a dwelling room each but in there were flats in occupation of different hOLlseholds, addition also share a common dwelling room, then each such flat was reckoned as a separate census the common room has not been counted for either of house. the households. Sometimes if becomes difficult to apply the Census house definition of census house strictly in certain cases. A 'census house' is a building or part of a building For example, in an urban area, if a flat has five rooms, used or recognised as a separate unit becallse of each room having direct entrance from the common having a separate main entrance from the road or staircase or courtyard. By definition, this has to be common courtyard or staircase, etc. It may be treated as five cenSllS houses. If all these five rooms occupied or vacant. It may be used for residential or are occupied by a single household it was not realistic non- residential purpose or both. to treat them as five census houses. In such a case,'singleness' of use of these rooms along with In certain peculiar situations, the manner in which the main hOllse should be considered and the entire buildings and Censlis hOllses were identified for flat was treated as one census house. On the other numbering in the field by the enumerators is described hand, if two independent hOllseholds occupy these hereunder: five rooms, the first household living in 3 rooms and Sometimes a series of different buildings are found the second household occupying 2 rooms, then along a street which are joined with one another by considering the lise, the first three rooms together common walls on either side looking like a continuous were treated as one censlls house and the remaining structure. These different units are practically I'ooms as another censLlS house. But if each room independent of one another and are likely to have was occupied by an independent hOLlsehold, then each been built at different times and owned by different such room was treated as a separate cenSllS hOllse. persons, In such cases, though the whole structure In case of hostels, hotels, etc., even if the door with all the adjoining units apparently appears to be of each room ill which an inmate lives opens to a one building, each portion was treated as a separate common verandah, staircase, courtyard or a common building and its constituent units as separate census

10 ANALYTICAL NOTE room, as it happens almost invariably, the entire hostel! rural and urban areas. The unit of classification in Hotel building was treated as one census house. but this regard is 'town' for urban areas and 'village' for if such hostels/ hotels have out- houses or other rural areas. In the CenSliS of India 2001. the definition structures used for different purposes or the same of urban area adopted is as follows: purpose, then each such structure attached to the main All places with a municipality, corporation, hostel/hotel was treated as a separate census house. cantonment board or notified town area committee, In some parts of the country, in rural areas, the etc. pattern of habitation is such that a group of huts, A place satisfying the following three criteria located in a compound, whether enclosed or simultaneollsly: unenclosed, is occupied by one hOllsehold. While the main residence may be located in one hut, other huts i) A minimum popUlation of 5,000; may be used for sleeping, as a kitchen, bath room, ii) at least 75 per cent of male working baithak, etc. Though each of the huts was a separates population engaged in non-agricultural pursuits; and structure, they form a si ngle housing un it and iii) a density of population of at least 400 per sq. therefore, have to be treated collectively as one km.(I,OOO per sq.l11ile) building and one census house. If some of the huts are used by one household and the others by a second For identification of places which would qualify household as residence, then the two groups of huts to be classified as 'urban' all villages, which, as per were treated as separate censlls hOllses. However, the 1991 Census had a population of 4,000 and above, if there were also other huts in the compound used a population density of 400 persons per sq. kill. and for other purposes and not as part of the household's having at least 75 per cent of male working population residence such as, cattle shed, workshed, etc., these engaged in non-agricultural activity were considered. were treated as separate census hOllses. To work Ollt the proportion of male working popUlation referred to above against b) (ii), the data relating to On the other hand, in urban areas, where more main workers were taken into account. than one structure within an enclosed or open compound (premises) belonging to the same person, Apart from these, the outgrowths(OGs) of cities e.g., the main house, the set'vant's quarter, the garage, and towns have also been treated as urban under etc., only one building number was given for this group 'Urban Agglomerations'. Examples of out-growths are railway colonies, university campuses, port areas, and each of the constituent a separate census house military camps, etc., that may have come up near a number. statutory town or city but within the revenue limits of Only cases where a structure with roof and pillars a village or villages contiguous to the town or city. has come up was treated as a building. Each such individual area by itself may not satisfy the demographic criteria laid down at (b) above to Village qualify it to be treated as an independent urban unit but may deserve to be clubbed with the towns as a The basic unit for rural areas is the revenue village continuous urban spread. Thus, the town level data, which has definite surveyed boundaries. The revenue wherever presented, also includes the data for village may comprise of one or more hamlets but the outgrowths of such towns. entire village is treated as one unit for presentation of data. In unsurveyed areas, like villages within forest City areas, each habitation area with locally recognized Towns with popUlation of 1,00,000 and above are boundaries is treated as one viUage. called cities. Rural-Urban area Urban Agglomeration The data in tables on Houses, Household An Urban Agglomeration is a continuous urban Amenities and Assets are presented separately for spread constituting a town and its adjoining urban 11 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ

outgrowths (OGs) or two or more physically of Institutional Households are boarding houses, contiguous towns together and any adjoining urban messes, hostels, hotels, rescue homes, jails, ashrams, outgrowths of SLJch towns. In some cases railway orphanages, etc. To make the definition more clearly colonies, university campuses, port areas, etc., may .perceptible to the enumerators at the Census 2001, come up near a city or statutory town outside its it was specifically mentioned that this category or statutory limits but within the revenue limits of a households would cover only those households where village or villages contiguous to the town or city. Each a group of unrelated persons live in an institution and such individual area by itself may not satisfy the share a common kitchen. minimum population limit to qualify it to be treated as Houseless household an independent urban unit but may deserve to be clubbed with the town as a continuous urban spread.­ Households who do not live in buildings or census -For the purpose of delineation of Urban houses but live in the open on roadside, pavements, Agglomerations during Censlls ofIndia 200 I, following in hume pipes, under fly-overs and staircases, or in criteria are taken as pre-l'equisites:-(a) The core the open in places of worship, mandaps, railway town or at least one of the constituent towns of an platforms, etc., are treated as Houseless Households. urban agglomeration should necessarily be a statutory town ; and-(b) The total population of all the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe: constituents (Le., towns and outgrowths) of an Urban Article 341 of the Constitution provides that the Agglomeration should not be less than 20,000 (as per President may, with respect to any State or Union the 1991 Cellsus).- With these two basic criteria territory, specify the castes, races or tribes or parts having been met, the following are the possible of or groups within castes, races or tribes which shall different situations in which Urban Agglomerations for the pll1'poses of the Constitution be deemed to be would be constituted:- i) a city or town with one or Scheduled Castes in relation to that State or Union more contiguous outgrowths;- ii) two Or more territory. Article 342 similarly provides for adjoining towns with their outgrowths; and- iii) a specification of tribes or tribal communities or parts city and one or more adjoining towns with their of or groups within tribes or tribal communities which outgrowths all of which form a continuous spread. are to be deemed for the purposes of the Constitution Household to be Scheduled Tribes in relation to the various States and Union territories. In pursuance of these provisions, A 'household' is usually a group of persons who the list of Scheduled Castes and/or Scheduled Tribes normally live together and take their meals frol11 a are notified for each State and Union territory and common kitchen unless the exigencies of wol"i( are valid only within the jurisdiction ofthat State or prevent any of them from doing so. Persons in a Union territory and not outside.-lt is important to household may be related or unrelated or a mix of mention here that under the Constitution (Scheduled both. However, if a group of unrelated persons live Castes) Order, 1950, no person who professed a in a census house but do not take their meals from religion different from Hinduism was deemed to be the common kitchen, then they are not constituent of a member of a Scheduled Caste in addition to every a common household. Each such person was to be member of the Ramdasi, Kabirpanthi, Majhabi or treated as a separate household. The important link Sikligar caste resident in Punjab or Patiala and East in finding out whether it was a household or 110t was Punjab States Union were in relation to that State a common kitchen. There may. be one member whether they professed the Hindu or the Sikh religion. households, two member households or multi-member Subsequently, In September 1956, by an amendment, households. the Presidential Order of 1950 and in all subsequent Presidential Orders relating to Scheduled Castes, the Institutional household Hindu and the Sikh religions were placed on the same A group of unrelated persons who Jive in an footing with regard to the specification of Scheduled institution and take their meals from a common Castes. Later on, as per the amendment made in the kitchen is called an Institutional Household. Examples 12 ANALYTICAL NOTE Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order 1990, the 23. Turi Hindu, the Sikh and the Buddhist were placed on the Scheduled Tribes : same footing with regard to the recognition of the Scheduled Castes.- 1. Asur

The lists containing the names of the Scheduled 2. Baiga Castes and the Scheduled Tribes applicable for the Census of India 2001 in the State of Bihar are given 3. Banjara below: 4. Bathudi Scheduled Castes 5. Bedia 1. Bantar 6. Bhumij (in North Chotanagpuf and South 2. Baud Chotanagpur divisions and Santal Parganas district) 3. Bhogta 7. Binjhia 4. Bhuiya 8. Birhor 5. Bhumij (excluding North Chotanugpuf and South Chotanagplll' divisions and San tal 9. Bitjia Parganas district) 10. Chero 6. Chamar, Mochi 11. Chik Baraik 7. Chaupal 12. Gand 8. Dabgar 13. Gorait 9. Dhabi 14. Ho 10. Dam, Dhallgad 15. Karmali Ousadh, Dhari, Oharhi II. 16. Kharia 12. Ghasi 17. Kharwar 13. Halalkhor 18. Khand 14. Hari, Mehta!', Bhangi 19. Kisan IS. Kanjar 20. Kora 16. Kurariyar 21. Korwa Lalbegi 17. 22. Lohara, Lohra 18. Musahar 23. Mall!i 19. Nat 24. Mal Paharia 20. Pan, Sawasi 25. Munda 21. Pasi 26. Oraon 22. Raj war


27. Parhaiya economically productive activity with or without compensation, wages or profit. Such palticipation may 28. Santal be physical and/or mental in nature. Work involves 29. Sallria Paharia not only actual work but also includes effective supervision and direction of work. It even includes 30. Savar part time help or unpaid work on farm, family enterprise or in any other economic activity. All Language and Mother tongue persons engaged ill 'work' as defined above are As per the census concept, each language is a workers. Persons who are engaged in cultivation or group of mother tongues. The censLls questionnaire milk production even solely for domestic consumption collects information on the mother tongue of each are also treated as workers. Reference period for person and mother tongue is defined as the language determining a person as worker and non-worker is spoken in childhood by the person's mother to the one year preceding the date of enumeration. person. If the mother died in infancy, the language mainly spoken in the person's home in childhood will Main worl{cr be the mother tongue. In the case of infants and deaf Person who has worked for major part of the mutes, the language usually spoken by the mother is reference period ( i.e. six months or more during the considered as mother tongue. It is not necessary that last one year preceding the date of enumeration) in the language spoken as mother tongue should have any economically productive activity is termed as a script. The mother tongues returned by the respondents in census are classified and grouped under 'Main worker'. appropriate languages according to their linguistic Marginal worker characteristics. A person who worked for less than six months Literate of the reference period (i.e. in the last one year A person age 7 years and above who can both preceding the date of enumeration) in any economic read and write with understanding in any language is activity is termed as 'Marginal worker' . taken as literate. A person who can only read but Non worker cannot write is not literate. It is not necessary that to be considered as literate, a person should have A person who has not worked at all in any received any formal education or passed any minimum economically productive activity during the reference educational standard. Literacy could also have been period ( i.e. last one year preceding the date of achieved through adult literacy classes or through any enumeration) is termed as 'Non worker'. non-formal educational system. People who are blind and can read ill Braille are treated as literates. Cultivator

Literacy rate For purposes of the Census a persoll is classified as cultivator ifhe or she is engaged in cultivation on Literacy rate of the population is defined as the land owned Dr held from government or held from percentage of literates in the age group seven years private persons or institutions for payment in money, and above. For different age groups the percentage kind or share. Cultivation includes effective of literates in that age group gives the literacy rate. supervision or direction in cultivation.-A person who Educational level has given out her/his land to another person or persons or institutiol1(s) for cultivation for money, kind or share The highest level of education a person has of crop and who does not even supervise or direct completed. cultivation in exchange of land, is not treated as Work cultivator. Similarly, a person working on another person's land for wages in cash or kind or a Work is defined as participation in any combination of both (agricultural labourer) is not 14 ANALYTICAL NOTE treated as cultivator.-Cultivation involves ploughing, transport, banking, mining, construction, political or sowing, harvesting and production of cereals and millet social work, priests, entertainment artists, etc. In crops such as wheat, paddy, jowar. bajra. ragi, etc., effect, all those workers other than cultivators or and other crops such as sugarcane, tobacco, ground­ agricultural,labourers or household industry workers, nuts, tapioca, etc., and pulses, raw jute and kindred are 'Other Workers'. fiber crop, cotton, cinchona and other medicinal plants, fruit growing, vegetable growing or keeping orchards Work participation rate or groves, etc. Cultivation does not include the Percentage of workers (main + marginal) to total following plantation crops - tea, coffee, rubber, population. coconut and betel-nuts (areca). Population density Agricultural labourer Population density is the number of persons A person who works on another person's land inhabited per square kilometre of the area. for wages in money or kind or share is regarded as an agricultural labourer. She/he has no risk in the Age cultivation, but merely works on another person's land Age is measured in terms of tile completed for wages. An agricultural labourer has no right of number of years. lease or contract on land on which she/be works. Sex-ratio Household industry worker Number of females per 1000 males in a Household industry is defined as an industry population. conducted by the head of the household herself/himself and or by the members of the household at home or within the village in rural areas and only within the (vi)Non-Census Concepts precincts of the house where the household lives in urban areas. The larger proportion of workers in Improved drinking water household industry should consist of members of the household including the head. The industry should not lfthe household had access to drinking water be run on the scale of a registered factory Wllich supplied from a tap, hand pump, tube well or well would qualify or has to be registered under the Indian (protected or covered) situated within or outside the Factories Act and should be engaged in manufacturing, premises, it is considered as having access to processing, servicing and repairs of goods.- It does improved drinking water.It may be mentioned that sllch not include professions such as a pleader, Doctor, uniform definition may not be valid across all states. Musician, Dancer, Waterman, Astrologer, Dhabi, System of sewerage Barber, etc. or merely trade or bus iness, even if such professions,trade or services are rUll at home by Generally, a sewerage system would mean a members of the household. network of mains and branches of underground conduits for the conveyance of sewerage to the point Other worker of disposal. Sewers that carry only household and A person who has been engaged in some industrial wastage are called separate sewers; those economic activity during the reference period but not that carry storm water from roofs, streets and other as a cultivator or agricultural labourer or in Household surfaces are known as storm water drains, while those Industry is termed as a 'Other Worker (OW)'. The carrying both sewage and storm water are called type of workers that come under this category of combined sewers. However, in some towns which 'OW' include all government servants, municipal are not provided with such underground sewerage employees, teachers, factory workers, plantation system, it is served by open surface drain, box drain, workers, those engaged in trade, commerce, business, sylk pattern drain, etc., in these towns. 15 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ

Type of latrine and Method of disposal of night number of married women or number of women of soil child bearing age. The definitions of tile terminology used in computing different fertility rates are There are three prevalent systems of disposal mentioned below: of human wastes, viz. (i) underground sewerage, (ii) sanitary water flush latrines with individual disposal Crude birth rate(CBR) systems, like septic tank, leaching cess pool and Ratio of the number of live births in a year collecting well, and (iii) dry type of latrines with to the mid year population, normally expressed pel' manual scavenging. 1,000 population. The system of underground sewerage Number of live births during provides for the street sewerage with wh ich are the year connected the sanitary latrines constructed in the houses having water closets and fitted with flushing CBR= ------x 1,000 cistern (or hand flusbing). Through this sewer the Mid -year Population faecal mattcr is transported without the need for scavenging. This system generally exists in cities and Crude death rate(CDR) big towns. Ratio of the number of deaths in a year to the Where the streets sewer does not exist these mid year population, normally expressed per 1,000 sanitary water flush latrines are connected to a local popUlation. septic tank with a sub~soil dispersion system or a Number of deaths during the year leaching pit. Here the liquid wastes from the water CDR =------x 1,000 closet is disposed of locally in leaching pit, a septic Mid·year Population tank with a soil dispersion system is constructed. This Natural growth rate dispersion requires an optimum travel through the pores of the soil which renders the harmful liquid Growth rate is obtained as the difference between bacterially innocuous by the slow process of filtration crude birth rate and crude death rate in the absence through the soil traversed. of migration.

Where the soil is impermeable, collecting Age specific fertility rate (ASFR) wells are constructed and the sanitary water flush latrines are connected with them. These wells are Number of live births in a year to female cleaned at periodic intervals by a suitable device. The population in any specified age group normally expressed per 1,000 women. dry type of latrines are of service type latrines from where human excreta is removed by scavengers frol11 Number of live births in a particular house to house, in most cases carrying it on their age·gtoup heads or shoulders or in baskets with handle or wheel ASFR"'------x 1,000 barrows. These are then collected in bullock carts or Mid-year female population of the trucks or tractors and trolleys for being carried to the same age-group dumping grounds. Age specific marital fertility rate (ASMFR)

Fertility Number of live births in a year to married female In demography, the word fertility is used in population in any specified age group normally expressed per 1,000 married women. relation to the actllal production of children or occurrence of births specially live births. Fertility is Number of live births in a particular a measure of rate at which popUlation adds to itself age-group by births and normally assessed by relating the number ASMFR ""------_x 1,000 Mid-year married female population of births to a full or part of the population, such as of the same age-group 16 ANALYTICAL NOTE General fertility rate (GFR) sex per 1,000 population of the same age group.

Number of live births per 1000 women in the Number of deaths in a particular reproductive age-group (15-49) years in a given year. age-group ASMR=------x 1,000 Number of live births in a year Mid-year population of the same GFR= x 1,000 age-group Mid-year female population in the age-group (15-49) years ql

General marital fertility rate (GMFR) Probabi lity of dying between birth and age I. This can be used as approximate value of Infant Mortality Number of live births per 1000 married women Rate (IMR) which gives the ratio of number of deaths in reproductive age-group (15-49) years ina given in a year of children aged less than one year to the year. number of births in that year. Number of live births in a year GMFR-=------x 1,000 q2 : Mid-year married female population in the age-group (15-49) years. Probability of dying between birth and age 2.

Total fertility rate (TFR) q5 : Probability of dying between birth and age 5. This It is obtained as the total of the age specific indicator is also known as Under Five Mortality Rate fertility rates (number of children born per woman of (USMR). the particular age) for the entire reproductive age span. It provides the average number of children that Infant mortality rate (IMR) will be born to a woman under the fertility levels Ratio of the number of infant deaths (deaths of indicated by the age specific fertility rates assuming children below one year) in a year to the number of that there is no mortality of women till the completion live births in that year. of reproductive period. Number of infant deaths during 4549 5 x I (ASFR) the year 15-19 IMR=------x 1,000 Number of live births during 1,000 the year

Total marital fertility rate (TMFR) Infant mortality rate comprises of two parts, viz., Neo-natal mortality rate and Post neo-natal mortality Average number of children that would be born rate. The neo-natal mortality rate also comprises of to a married woman if she experiences the current two parts viz., Early neo-natal mortality rate and late fertility pattern throughout her reproductive span (15- neo-natal mortality rate. These are defined as : 49) years assuming that there is no mortality of women till the completion of reproductive period. Neo-natal mortality rate (NMR) 45-49 Number of infants dying within the first month of 5xL ASMFR life (28 days or under) in a year per 1,000 live births 15-19 of the same year. TMFR:;: 1,000 Number of infant deaths aged 28 days or under during the year Age-specific mortality rate (ASMR) NMR=------x 1,000 Number of deaths in a particular age group and Number of live births during the year 17 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ

Early neo-natal mortality rate group 15-44 years per 1000 persons of all ages, Number of infant deaths of less than Child woman ratio (0-4) 7 days During the year Number of children in the age group 0-4 years ------.--- x 1,000 pel' 1000 women in the age group 15-49 years, Number of live births during the year Child woman ratio (5-9) Late nco-natal mortality rate Number of infant deaths of 7 days to Number of children in the age group 5-9 years per 1000 women in the age group 15-49 years, less than 29 days during the year .______x 1,000 Migration Number of live births during the year Migration is the third component of population Post nco-natal mortality rate (PNMR) change, the other two being mortality and fertility, Number of deaths of 29 days to less A person is considered as a migrant by place of than one year during the year bilth if the place in which he/she is enumerated during ______x 1,000 the census is other than the place of his/her birth, Number of live births during the year Similarly a person is considered as a migrant by Ped-natal mortality rate (PMR) place of last residence if the place in which he/she is enumerated during the census is other than his/her Number of still births plus deaths within I st week place of immediate last residence outside the village of del ivery per 1,000 births in a year, or town and not simply in another house or locality Number of still births and infant deaths in the same village or town, of Jess than 7 days during the year Certain aspects concerning temporary movement/ PMR ------x 1,000 migration of people has been explained below as these Number of live births and still births are important components concerning migration: during the year (i) Migration of persons in search of job is high Still birth rate (SBR) in the country, In many cases sllch migrants Number of still births during are only seasonal in nature, People migrate to the year other places for work in a particular season ------x 1,000 and come back again to their usual place of Number of live births and still births residence after three or four months, All such during the year workers are treated as migrants, Similarly, if a Maternal mortality rate (MMR) person moved to any other place for attending short term vocational or educational course that Number of deaths of women in the age group lasted for on Iy few months of a year, she/he 15-49 while pregnant or within 42 days of termination too were considered as a migrant. of pregnancy from any cause related to pregnancy and child birth perl ,00,000 live births in a given year, (ii) Where a person had merely gone out to Number of maternal deaths to another place or had been shifting from one women in the age group 15-49 place to another purely on tour, pilgrimage, MMR =------x 100,000 visit to hospital for treatment or for temporary Number of live birth business purposes, such persons are not deemed to have had another residence Eligible coupJe (Couples per 1000 population) different from the place where she/he or her/ Number of currently married females in the age his family normally resides, She/he is not 18 ANALYTICAL NOTE considered as migrant. Civic status of urban units

(iii) A woman temporarily moves into a hospital or Civic Status of a town/city is detennined on the to her parents or other relative's house for basis of Civic Administrative authority ofthe town e.g., delivery and if the hospital or the parents/ Municipal Corporation/Corporation, Municipal relatives houses is in a place different from CommitteelMunicipal council, Municipality etc. usual place of residence, the place where the hospital or parents/relative's house is the place Size class of UA/Town

of last residence of the child but not of the Size-class of UNTowl1 is based 011 the population mother. size of the UNCity/Town UAs.lTowns with 1,00,000 A new response category 'Moved after birth' was and above population are classified as Class I UAs.! added in Census of India 2001 in the question on towns. These Class I UAs/Towns are now further sub 'reasons for migration' to bring out additional classified in to seven sub classes namely Ml to M7 migration patterns. Natural calamities or distress depending on the population size of UA/City/Town. migration as a reason for migration for last residence These are M7(5,000,000 and above); M6 (2,000,000 to migrants included in 1991 Census, is covered under 4,999,999); M5 (1,000,000-1,999,999) M4 (500,000- category of 'Others'. The reason for migration has 999,999); M3(300,000-499,999), M2 (200,000~299,999) been determined as applicable at the time of migration & Ml (100,000-199,999) towns with 50,000 to 99,999 and not in reference to any point of time after that. population are classified as Class II towns, 20,000 to For example, if a person had moved from the place 49,999 population are Class III towns, population with of her/his last residence for the purpose of education 10,000-19,999 are Class IV towns, population with 5000 and subsequently at some point of time got and 9999 are Class V towns and towns with less than employment there only, the reason for migration would 5000 population are Class VI towns. be 'education' and not 'work/employment'. Slum area

Internal and International migration The Slum Areas (Improvement and Clearance) Act, The migrational movements are of three types (i) 1956 which was enacted by the Central Govt. defined slums as a) Areas where buildings are in any respect Migration within the state itself with its components (a) Migration within the district of enumeration (intra district unfit for human habitation; or b) are by reasons of migration) (b) Migration from one district of state to dilapidation, overcrowding, fault arrangement and design of such buildings, narrowness or faulty arrangement of another district of state (inter district migration), (ii) streets, lack of ventilation, light or sanitation facilities, or Migration from one state to another State of the countty any combination of these factors, are deterimental to (inter~state migration), safety ,health or morals. (iii) Migration from one country to another country. The first two streams together constitute intemal migration, Mega city while the last type of movement is called international migration.The present name of the country, state or TIle concept of 'Mega city' is a recent phenomenon district and not the name by which they were known in the Urban Sociology and is defined in term of at the time of her/his birth or last residence were metropolitan city in the form of large size, problem of recorded. management of civic amenities and capacity to absorb the relatively high growth ofpopulation. Indian Census in 1991 Rural-Urban components of migration treated the population size of 5 million and above as the cut off point to identifY a place as the mega city. Whereas, for Rural or Urban status in respect of migrants have the purpose of inclusion in Centrally Sponsored Scheme been determined as applicable at the time of migration for Infrastructure Development in Mega cities the Ministry and not with reference to any point of time after that. of Urban Affairs and emploYment, Department of Urban The flow of migrants consists of four streams viz. rural Development adopted the criteria of 4 miIIion and above to rural, rural to urban, urban to rural and urban to urban. population as per 1991 Census for Mega Cities. In 2001 19 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census, cities with 10 millions and above population have much less in number as compared to the other three been treated as Mega cities. SCs mentioned above with only 11.3 and 7.4 percent of the total SCs population of the district. Note on religion The population of the Scheduled Tribes in the Population of the Kishanganj district during 1991 district of Kishanganj during 199 J census was was 9,84,107 Hindus constitute over 33.83 per cent 34,830.l1umerically the five important STs were (3,32,893persons) of the population in the district namely (i) Santal (ii) Omon (iii) Munda (iv) Mal followed by Muslims 65.91 percent (6,48,624 Paharia and (v) Lohara/Lohram Santal had 28,444 persons). All other four major religious communities population which constituted 81.7 percent of the have almost negligible percentages. Scheduled Tribes population in district .Oraon with Note on mother tongue 2459 popUlation constituted 7.1 percent of the st population. Munda, which were 16,36 in number, Spoken language, which is medium of constituted 4.7 percent of the st population. Mal conversation, is an important attribute of population. paharia comprised 1,457 persons and constituted 4.2 The Census Of India has been the richest source of percent ofST population which loharallohra with 239 language data collected and published during the popUlations constituted 0.7 percent of the total ST successive decennial censuses over a century. During popUlation in the district. The other Scheduled Tribes 1991 census, as in the previolls censuses, the mother were almost negligible in proportion. tongue as returned by each individual was collected. The population of the Kishanganj district during (vii) 2001 Census FindingS-Population and its 1991 was 984,107. As per distribution of different Distribution mother tongues (languages mentioned under 8th According to the 2001 Census, the total popUlation Schedule ofConstitutiol1 oflndia) as returned during ofKishanganj district is 1,296,348 comprising 669,552 the 1991 Censlls for Kishanganj district, , the Males and 626,796 Females and constituting 1.6 main mother tongue of the district was returned by percent of the State population spread over 2.0 53.6 percent (527,550 persons) of the population. The percent of the area of the State in the 7 C.D.Blocks corresponding percentage for the , the second of the district. Kochadhamin is the most populous CD. most prominent language spoken in Kishanganj district, Block where as Tarhagachh is the least populated was 39.6 percent (389,957 persons). Speakers of C.D. Blocks in the district. Tables 1 to 52 based on other Scheduled languages were very thin in number PCA,V.D & Household data give insight into the than the two described above. colour and texture of the population in the district. In 2001 Census decade population growth rate in district Note on important SCs and STs in the district was 31.7 percent. Sex ratio of the district is 936 which of Kisbanganj during 1991 census. is above to the sex ratio of the State Bihar. Butliteracy The popUlation of the Scheduled Caste in the rate of the district is very low i.e.31.1 percent, which district ofkishanganj was 65,157 according to 1991 is below to the state literacy rate (47.0 percent). census. Numerically the five most prominent Scheduled castes in the district were (i) HarilMehtarl Bhangi (21,690) (ii) Musahar (14,356) (iii) Dusadhl Dhari/Dharhi (8,792) (iv) Chaupal (7,375) and (v) Chamar/ Mochi (4,809). While Hari/Mehtarl Bhangi constituted the maximum proportion of scheduled castes popUlation, the percent being 33.3 (more than one five of the total se popUlation). Musahar and Dusadh though numerically second and third in order comprised only 22.0 and 13.5 percent of the SCs population in the district. Chaupal and Chamar are


(a) Brief analysis of PCA data based on inset tables 1 to 36 :

TABLE 1: DECADALCHANGE IN POPULATION OFC.D.BLOCK BY RESIDENCE, 1991-2001 Population Percentage decadal Percentage urban Serial 1991 2001 variation 1991-2001 population number CD. Block Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1991 2001 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Terhagachh 82,982 82,982 0 107,036 107,036 0 29.0 29.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

2 Dighalbank 115,057 115,057 0 152,685 152,685 a 32.7 32.7 0.0 0.0 0.0

3 Thukurganj 170,336 156,747 [3,589 222,069 206,769 [5,300 30.4 31.9 12.6 8.0 6.9

4 Pothia 152,385 152,385 0 196,293 196,293 a 28.8 28.8 0.0 0.0 0.0

5 Bahadurganj 158,348 137,225 21,123 205,936 177,818 28,118 30.1 29.6 33.1 13.3 13.7

6 Kochadhamin 167,932 167,932 0 226,620 226,620 0 34.9 34.9 0.0 0.0 0.0

7 Kishanganj 137,067 72,499 64,568 185,709 100,119 85,590 35.5 38.1 32.6 47.1 46.1

District Tota1984,107 884,827 99,280 1,296,348 1,167,340129,008 31.7 31.9 29.9 10.1 10.0

Table 1 shows decadal growth rate during 1991 35.5 percent. The next highest increase in popUlation to 2001 in district as well as in C.D.Blocks .The is observed in Kochadhamin C.D. Block with 34.9 decadal growth rate of the district was 31.7 percent. percent followed by Dighalbank C.D. Block with The rural popUlation in the district has increased by 32.7 percent. Percentage decadal variation has 31.9 percent while the urban population growth over been observed to be the least in the Pothia the decade has been of the order of 29.9 percent. C.D.Block with 28.8 percent. The next lowest Among the C.D. Blocks, Kishanganj has shown the increase in population is observed in Terhagachh highest increase in popUlation over the decade with with 29.0 percent.


TABLE 2: NUMBERAND PERCENTAGE OF INHABITED VILLAGES IN SPECIFIED POPULATION SIZE RANGES WITH THE RELATED POPULATION, 2001 Total number Number and Population Serial of inhabited Total rural population percentage less than 200 number District/C.D.Block Village Persons Males Females of villages Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Terhugachh 77 107,036 54,837 52,199 4 (5.2) 179 161 2 Dighalbank 81 152,685 78,309 74,376 9 (11.1) 506 534 3 Thakurganj 118 206,769 106,007 100,762 19 (16.1) 1,136 1,048 4 Pothia 142 196,293 101,006 95,287 15 (10.6) 787 728 5 Bahadurgani 103 177,818 90,974 86,844 5 (4.9) 307 269 6 Kochadhamin 142 226,620 117,462 109,158 6 (4.2) 369 334 7 Kishallganj 67 100,119 51,705 48,414 1] (16.4) 496 467 District (Rural) Total 730 1,167,340 600,300 567,040 69 ( 9.5) 3,780 3,541

Number and Population Number and Population Number and Population Serial percentage 200-499 percentage 500-999 percentage 1000-1999 number District/C.D. Block of vi Ilages Males Females ofviJlages Males Females of villages Males Females 2 10 1 t 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Terhagachh 18 (23,4) 3,385 3,211 19 (24,7) 7,311 6,879 16 (20,8) 11,258 10,592 2 Dighalbank 20 (24,7) 3,692 3,452 10 (12.3) 3,875 3,716 16 (19,8) 11,797 11,426 3 Thakurgaf\j 16 (13,6) 2,809 2,603 24 (20.3) 8,842 8,549 25 (21,2) 18,279 17,355 4 Pothia 21 (14,8) 3,765 3,468 37 (26.1) 13,483 12,976 36 (25.4) 26,400 25,108 5 BahadurgEll~ 15 (14.6) 2,726 2,613 28 (27,2) 10,417 10,491 23 (22,3) 16,145 15,226 6 Kochadhamin 19 (13.4) 3,275 3,157 34 (23,9) 13,131 12,102 43 (30,3) 32,960 30,740 7 Kishanganj 9 (13.4) 1,594 1,409 IS (22.4) 5,462 5,002 15 (22.4) 11,520 10,792 District (Rural) Total 118 ( 16.2)21,246 19,913 167 ( 22.9) 62,521 59,715 174 (23.8) 128,359 121,239

Number and Population Number and Population Number and Population Serial percentage 2000-4999 percentage 5000-9999 percentage 10000 and above number District/C,D. Block of villages Males Females of villages Males Females of villages Males Females 2 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Tel'hagachh 19 (24,7) 29,670 28,346 I (1.3) 3,034 3,010 o (0,0) 0 0 2 Dighalbank 17 (21.0) 28,838 27,588 9 (11.l) 29,601 27,660 o (0,0) 0 3 Thakurganj 26 (22.0) 43,006 40,764 6 (5.1) 21,610 20,367 2 (1.7) 10,325 10,076° 4 Pothia 29 (20.4) 42,052 39,265 4 (2,8) 14,519 13,742 °(0,0) 0 0 5 BahadurgaJ~ 25 (24.3) 38,415 36,541 7 (6.8) 22,964 21,704 o (0,0) 0 0 6 KochadhElluin 34 (23,9) 48,515 44,990 6 (4,2) 19,212 17,835 o (0,0) 0 0 7 Kishanganj 14 (20,9) 23,240 21,881 3 (4.5) 9,393 8,863 °(0,0) 0 0 District (Rural) Total 164 ( 22.5) 253,736 239,375 36 ( 4.9) 120,333 113,181 2 ( 0.3) 10,325 10,076

22 ANALYTICAL NOTE rt may be observed in the Table 2 that the vi Ilages and in these vi llages the percentage of maximum number of villages lie in the population population is 20,0 percent of the total rural population, range of 1000·1999 accounting for 23.8 percent of There are 118 villages in the population range of200· the total inhabited villages closely followed by in the 499 accollnting for 16,2 percent of the total inhabited population range of 500·999 accounting for 22,9 villages and in these villages the percentage of percent of the total inhabited villages. The percentage population is only 3.5 percent of the total rural of population in the above two population ranges are population. There are 69 villages in the population 21.4 percent 10,5 percent of the total rural population range of less than 200 accounting for 9,5 percent of of the district,respectively. The villages in the the total inhabited villages and in these villages the population range 0[2000-4999 constitute 22.5 percent percentage of population is 0.6 percent. There are 2 ofthe total inhabited villages and in these villages the villages in the highest population range of 10,000 and percentage of population is 42.2 percent. There are above accounting for 0.3 percent of the total inhabited 36 villages in the population range of 5,000·9,999 villages and in these villages the percentage of accounting for 4,9 percent of the total inhabited population 1.7 percent.


Above table is not applicable in respect of Kishanganj district as there has been no change between 1991 Censlls and 2001 Census


Percentage of vi !lages Range of population density Total number of villages in each in each population' Percentage distribution (pel' square kilometre) popu lati on density range density range Population of population 1 2 3 4 5 0·10 1 0,1 194 0,0 11-20 2 OJ 40 0,0 21-50 6 0,8 299 0.0 51-100 8 I.l 746 0,1 101-200 26 3.6 6,321 0,5 20HOO 56 7.7 25,023 2.1 301-500 168 23,0 216.507 18,5 501 + 463 63.4 918,210 78,7 Not known 0 0.0 ° D,O District Total 730 100.0 1,167,340 100.0 Population Density (Rural) of the district 630.8 The data presented in the above table highlights account for 0,0 percent (in each density ranges) of the fact that maximum proportion of villages in the total inhabited villages, Kishanganj district lies in the density range (per The above table further reveals that the square kilometre) of 501 + with 78,7 percent of the maximum villages which fall in the density range population followed by villages in the density range of 50 I + cover 63.4 percent of the total inhabited of 301 ·500 which account for 18.5 percent, It would villages followed by villages in the density range further be seen that a small number of villages fall of 301-500 which account for 23.0 percent of in the density ranges of O· I 0, 11-20 and 21 ·50 which the total inhabited villages.


State District Census Year Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 1901 1.061 1.064 1,003 962 970 747 1911 1.051 1.056 942 963 980 540 1921 1,020 1.027 886 941 955 565 1931 995 1.005 820 936 952 538 1941 1,002 1,012 842 949 967 534 1951 1,000 1.010 859 863 886 490 1

The sex ratio for the rural areas of Kishanganj 2001 censuses. It shows that the sex ratio for the rural district was comparatively low as compared to the rural areas of the state is comparatively low as compared areas of the state from 1901 censlIs to 1981 cenSLlS. to the rural areas of Kishanganj district after 100 years. However, on the other hand, the sex ratio for the rural The sex ratio for the urban areas of Kishanganj district areas ofthe state was comparatively low as compared was comparatively low as compared to the urban areas to the rural areas of Kishanganj district in J 99 J and of the stale ti II 1981 censlls.

TABLE 6 : SEX RATIO BY C.D. BLOCKS, 2001 TABLE 7 : SEX RATIO BY CD BLOCKS, 2001 Sex ratio Serial Name of C D block Sex ratio Serial Name of number number C.D.Block Total Rural Urban 2 3 2 3 4 5 I Terhagachh 952 Terhagachh 952 952 2 Dighalbank 950 2 Dighalbank 950 950 3 Thakurganj 951 3 Thakurganj 946 951 888 4 Pothia 943 4 Pothia 943 943 5 Bahadurganj 955 5 Bahadurganj 945 955 887 6 Kochadhamin 929 6 Kochadhamin 929 929 7 Kishanganj 936 7 Kishanganj 896 936 850 District Total 936 945 863 District (Rural) Total: 945

In Kishanganj district as a whole there are 936 district are 945 and 863 respectively. The rural sex females for every thousand males.Within the district ratio also varies from 929 in Kochadhamin C.D. (rural), the sex ratio varies from 955 in Bahadurganj Block to 955 in Bahadurganj C.D. Block. The sex C.D. Block to 929 in Kochadhamin C.D. Block. The ratios of Pothia, Kochadhamin and Kishanganj are sex ratio of Terhagachh C.D.Block is 952 while the lower than the district rural average of945. The urban sex ratio of Kishanganj C.D. Block is 936. The sex sex ratio of the district is 863 which is lower than the ratio figures for rural and urban areas of Kishanganj total and rural averages of the district.

24 ANALYTICAL NOTE TABLE 8 : SEX RATIO OF RURAL POPULATION BY RANGES, 2001 Range of sex ratio Number of inhabited Percentage of villages in Population Percentage distribution for villages villages each range 2001 of population 2 3 4 5 Less than 700 3 0.4 98 0.0 700-749 6 0.8 J,549 0.1 750-799 10 1.4 2,115 0.2 800-849 49 6.7 31,866 2.7 850-899 105 14.4 135,999 11.7 900·949 237 32.5 528,733 45.3 950·999 174 23.8 321,420 27.5 1000-1099 112 15.3 125,372 10.7 1100+ 34 4.7 20,188 1.7

District Total: 730 100.0 1,167,340 100.0

Sex ratio (RUral) for District: 945 It is observed from the above table that the favourable sex ratio range of 1100+ and these villages maximum proportion of villages in Kishanganj district account for only 1.7 percent of the rural population. lies in the sex ratio range of 900-949 and these Only 3 villages (0.4 percent) are in the lowest sex villages account for 32.5 percent of the total inhabited ratio range of less than 700. villages of the district. It further reveals that these TABLE 9: SEX RATIO OF URBAN AGGLOMERA­ villages which fall in this sex ratio range account for TIONS/TOWNS, 2001 45.3 percent of the district rural population. 174 Serial Urban status Sex ratio villages (23.8 percent) are in the sex ratio range of number Name of Town+ of town 950-999 and these villages account for 27.5 percent 2 3 4 of the district rural population. 105 villages (14.4 8ahadurganj NA 887 percent) fall in the sex ratio of 850-899 and these 2 Kishullganj M 850 villages account for 11.7 percent of the rural 3 Thakurganj NA 888 population of the district. 49 (6.7 percent) villages Sex ratio (Urban) for the district: 863 are in the sex ratio range of 800-849 and these villages account for 2.7 percent of the rural There is no urban agglomeration in Kishangruli district. population.Il2 (15.3 percent) villages fall in the Thakurganj (NA), Bahadurganj (NA) and Kishanganj (M) favourable sex ratio range of 1000-1099 and these are the statutory towns in the district The sex ratio in villages account for 10.7 percent of the rural Thakurganj(NA) is 888 which is higher than the population.34 (4.7 percent) villages are in the very Bahadurgm~(NA) and lowest to Kishanganj eM), which is 850 according to 2001 Census. TABLE 10 : SEX RATIO OF POPULATION IN THE AGE GROUP 0-6 FOR C.D. BWCKS, 2001

Total! Total population in 0-6 age group Serial Rurall Sex-ratio for number Name of CD.Bloek Urban Persons Males Females 0-6 age group 2 3 4 5 6 7 Terhagachh Total 23,121 11,956 11,165 934 Rural 23,121 11,956 11,165 934 Urban 0 0 0 2 Dighalbank Total 34,986 17,647 17,339 983 Rural 34,986 17,647 17,339 983

~....J.~'~ •....",.:_, 25 g$~~~~ A._ A'lI ...:l ~...:.I_ DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ TABLE 10: SEX RATIO OF POPULATION IN THE AGE GROUP 0-6 FORC.D. BLOCKS, 2001 (Coneld.)

Total! Total population in 0-6 age group Serial Rural/ Sex-ratio for number Name of C,D,Block Urban Persons Males Females 0-6 age group 2 3 4 5 6 7 Thakurganj Total 49,951 25,856 24,095 932 Rural 47,307 24.482 22,825 932 Urban 2,644 1,374 1,270 924 4 Pothia Total 43,035 22,008 21,027 955 Rural 43,035 22,008 21,027 955 Urban 0 0 0 Bahadurganj Total 45,362 23,192 22,170 956 Rural 39,403 20,125 19,278 958 Urban 5,959 3,067 2,892 943 6 Kochadhamin Total 52,047 27,127 24,920 919 Rural 52,047 27,127 24,920 919 Urban 0 0 0 7 Kishanganj Total 39,435 20,113 19,322 961 Rural 23,945 12,182 11,763 966 Urban 15,490 7,931 7,559 953

District Total: Total 287,937 147,899 140,038 947 Rural 263,844 135,527 128,317 947 Urban 24,Q93 12,372 11,721 947

TABLE 11 : SEX RATIO OF POPULATION IN THE AGE GROUP 0-6 FOR C.D. BLOCKS, 2001 Serial Total population in 0-6 age group Sex ratio for 0-6 age number Name of C.D, Block Persons Males Females group 2 3 4 5 6 1 Terhagachh 23,121 11,956 11,165 934 2 Dighalbank 34.986 17,647 17,339 983 3 Thakurganj 47,307 24,482 22,825 932 4 Pothia 43,035 22,008 21,027 955 5 Bahadurganj 39,403 20,125 19,278 958 6 Kochadhamin 52,047 27,127 24,920 919 7 Kishanga11j 23,945 12,182 11,763 966

District (Rural) Total 263,844 135,527 128,317 947

Table 11 shows C,D.Blockwise sex ratio in rural Kishanganj is 966. The sex ratio figures in the age group areas for age group (0-6). It is observed from the 0-6 ofTerhagachh, Thakurganj and Kochadhamin CD. above table that the sex ratio in the age group 0-6 Blocks are lower than the district total and rural varies from 983 in Dighalbank C.D. Block to 919 in averages.Table 10 shows sex ratio in age group 0-6 for Kochadhamin C,D. Block. The sex ratio in the age C.D.Blocks for rural,urban and total.In C.D.Blocks sex group 0-6 of Pothia is 955 while the sex ratio of ratio of rural area is higher than the urban area.



Range of sex ratio Number of Percentage distribution Population Percentage distribution for villages inhabited villages of villages 2001 of population I 2 3 4 5 Less than 700 41 5.6 4,674 I.S 700-749 23 3.2 5.765 2.2 750-799 33 4.5 8.345 3.2 800-849 67 9.2 23.144 8.8 850-899 82 11.2 33,491 12.7 900-949 113 15.5 57.749 21.9 950-999 97 13.3 52.719 20.0 1000-1099 155 21.2 55,767 21.1 1100+ 119 16.3 22.190 8.4

District (Rural) Total 730 100.0 263,844 100.0

Sex ratio (Rural) for District: 947

It is observed from the above table that the population. Again 41 villages (5.6 per cent) are in the maximum proportion ofvillages in Kishanganj district sex ratio range of less than 700 and these villages lies in the favourable sex ratio range of 1000-1099 cover 1.8 percent of the rural population. 67 villages for the age group 0-6 and these villages account for (9.2 percent) fall in the sex ratio range of 800-849 21.2 percent of the inhabited villages. 113 villages and these villages account for 8.8 per cent of the (15.5 percent) fall in the sex ratio range of 900-949 rural population 23 villages are in the sex ratio range and these villages account for 21.9 per cent of the of 700-799 and these vi Ilages account for 2.2 percent rural population of the district. 97 (13.3 percent) of the rural population. villages have sex ratio range 950-999 and these villages account for 19.6 percent of the rural

TABLE 13 : SEX RATIO OF POPULATION IN THE AGE GROUP 0-6 OF URBAN AGGLOMERATIONSrrOWNS, 2001 Serial Urban status Total population in 0-6 age group Sex ratio for 0-6 number Name of Town+ of town Persons Males Females age group 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bahadurgal\i NA 5.959 3,067 2,892 943 2 Kishanganj M 15.490 7,931 7,559 953 3 Thakul'ganj NA 2.644 l.374 1,270 924

District(Urban) Total 24,093 12,372 11,721 947

There is no urban agglomeration in Kishanganj Kishanganj (M). The sex ratio for the age group 0-6 district. It is apparent from the above table that there of Kishanganj (M) is 953 which is highest than are only three statutory towns in Kishanganj district, Bahadurganj (NA) with 943 and Thakurganj with they are Thakurganj(NA), Bahadurganj(NA) and lowest 924 according to 2001 Census.


TABLE 14: NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDVLEDTRIBESPOPVLATION IN CD. BLOCKS, 200] Total Total Percentage Percentage Totall Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Serial Name of Rural! Total Castes Tribes population to total population to total number C.D.Block Urban population population popUlation population population I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I Tcrhagachh Total 107,036 11.070 2,504 10.3 2.3 Rural 107,t)36 11,070 2.504 10.3 2.3 Urban 0 0 0 0 0 Oighalbank Total 152.685 9.882 10,559 6.5 6.9 Rural 152,685 9,882 10,559 6.5 6.9 Urban 0 0 0 0 0 Thakurganj Total 222,069 10,998 10.985 5 4.9 Rural 206,769 9,852 10.251 4.8 5 Urban 15,300 1,146 734 7.5 4.8 4 Pothia Total 196,293 6,507 12.908 3.3 6.6 Rural 196,293 6,507 12,908 3.3 6.6 Urban 0 0 0 0 0 5 Bailadurganj Total 205,936 11,548 4,611 5.6 2.2 Rural 177,818 8.831 4,189 5 2.4 Urban 28,118 2.717 422 9.7 1.5 6 Kochadhamin Total 226.620 19,099 1.787 8.4 0.8 Rural 226,620 19,099 1,787 8.4 0.8 Urban 0 0 0 0 7 Kishanganj Total 185,709 16,729° 3,762 9 2 Rural 100.119 6,435 2,668 6.4 2.7 Urban 85.590 10,294 1,094 12 1.3

District Total Total 1,296,348 85,833 47,116 6.6 3.6 Rural 1,167,340 71,676 44,866 6.1 3.8 Urban 129,008 14,157 2,250 n 1.7 The above table indicates that the percentage of total population, closely followed by Kishanganj , Scheduled Castes in Kishanganj district is 6,6 percent Kochadhamin , Dighalbank , Bahadurganj , of the total popUlation, The highest percentage of Thakurganj and Pothia C.D. Blocks with 9,0, 8.4, Scheduled Castes population is contained in 6.5, and 3.3 percent, respectively, Terhagachh C,D. Blocks with 10J percent of the TABLE 15: NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION IN C.D. BLOCKS, 2001 Total Total Percentage Percentage Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Serial Total Castes Tribes population to total population to total number Name of C.O.Block popUlation population population population population 2 3 4 5 6 7 I Terhagachh 107,036 11,070 2,504 10J 2.3 2 Dighalbank 152,685 9,882 10,559 6.5 6.9 3 Thakurganj 206,769 9,852 10,251 4.8 5 4 Pothia 196,293 6,507 12,908 3.3 6.6 5 Bahadurganj 177,818 8,831 4,189 5 2.4 6 Kochadhamin 226,620 19,099 1.787 8.4 0.8 7 Kishangal1j 100.119 6.435 2,668 6,4 2.7

District (Rurnl) Tutal: 1,167,340 71,676 44,866 6.1 3.8


The percentage of Scheduled Castes population in Pothia, Thakurganj,Terhagachh, Bahadurganj and the district of Kishanganj for the rural area is 6.1 Kishanga11i C.D.Blocks with 6.6, 4.9,2.3,2.2 and 2.0 percent which is lower than the urban area (11.0 percent , respectively, The percentage of Scheduled percent). The highest percentage of Scheduled Tribes Tribes population in Kishanganj for the rural areas is population is contained in Dighalbank C.D.Block with 3.8 percent which is higher than the urban areas (1.7 6.9 percent ofthe total population closely followed by percent) as has been observed in the above table.

TABLE 16: PROPORTION OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION TO TOTAL POPULATION IN Vll..LAGES, 2001 Percentage range of Sceduled Castes Scheduled Castes population to total population Number of villages Percentage Population Percentage 1 2 3 4 5 Nil 226 31.0 0 0.0 Less than 5 231 31.6 15,014 20.9 5-10 132 18.1 22,247 31.0 11-20 95 13.0 20,232 28.2 21-30 29 4.0 9,269 12.9 31-40 4 0.5 1,602 2.2 41-50 7 1.0 1,985 2.8 51-75 2 OJ 682 1.0 76 and above 4 0.5 645 0.9

District Total 730 100.0 71,676 100.0

From the above table, it is apparent that there of Scheduled Castes population to total population is, are 231 villages for 31.6 percent of the inhabited between 5 and 10. There are 95 villages accounting villages in the district where the popUlation of the for 13.0 percent of the inhabited villages, where the Scheduled Castes ranges below 5 percent of total percentage of Scheduled Castes population to total population. This is the largest group of villages in the population is between 11 and 20. There are 29 villages district. This is closely followed by villages where accounting for 4.0 percent of the inhabited villages, the population of the Scheduled Castes ranges nil of where the percentage of Scheduled Castes popUlation the total population and these villages which number is between 21 and 30. There are 7 villages accounting 226 account for 31.0 percent of the total inhabited for 1.0 percent of the inhabited villages, where the villages. There are 132 villages accounting for 18.1 percentage of Scheduled Castes population is between percent of the inhabited villages, where the percentage 41 and 50.

TABLE 17: PROPORTION OF SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION TO TOTAL POPULATION IN vu,LAGES,2001 Percentage range of Scheduled Tribes Scheduled Tribes population to total population Number of villages Percentage Population Percentage 1 2 3 4 5 Nil 422 57.8 0 0.0 Less than 5 127 17.4 7,006 15.6 5-10 69 9.5 8,369 18.7 11-20 54 7.4 13,153 29.3 21-30 27 3.7 8,017 17.9 31-40 7 1.0 2,300 5.1 41-50 5 0.7 2,169 4.8 51-75 8 1.1 1,392 3.1 76 and above II 1.5 2,460 5.5

District Total 730 100.0 44,866 100.0


It can be seen from the above table that there percent of the inhabited villages, where the percentage are 127 villages accounting for 17.4 percent of the of Scheduled Tribes population to total population is inhabited villages, where the percentage of Schedu led between 5 and 10. There are as many as 422 villages Tribes population to total population is less than 5. accounting for 57.S percent of the inhabited villages in There are only 69 villages accounting for only 9.5 the district which have no Scheduled Tribes population. TABLE 18: NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULA- TION IN URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS I TOWNS, 2001 Percentage of Percentage of Total Scheduled Total Scheduled Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Serial Total Castes Tribes population to population to number Name of Town+ population population population total population total popUlation 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bahadurganj ( NA) 28,118 2,717 422 9.7 1.5 2 Kishanganj (M) 85,590 10,294 1,094 12 1.3 3 Thakurganj (NA) 15,300 1,146 734 7.5 4.8

District(Urban) Total 129,008 14,157 2,250 11 1.7

It is apparent from the above table that there is no than the Bahadurganj (NA) 9.7 and lowest Thakurganj urban agglomeration in Kishanganj district. There are (NA) with 7.5 percent. While the percentage of only three statutory town in the district i.e., Thakurganj Scheduled Tribes population to total population is 4.8 (NA), Bahadurganj CNA) and Kishanganj (M). The in Thakurganj (NA) which is highest than the percentage of Scheduled Castes popUlation to total Bahadurganj (NA) 1.5 and lowest Kishanganj (M) with population is 12.0 in Kishanganj (M) which is highest 1.3 percent as has been observed in the above table.

TABLE 19: SEX RATIO AMONG SCHEDULED CASTES are lower than the district average of 946.The sex AND SCHEDULED TRIBES IN C. D' BLOCKS, 2001 ratio of Scheduled Tribes varies from 1008 in Serial Name of C D Block Scheduled Scheduled Kochadhamin C.D. Block to 895 in Kishanganj C.D. number Castes Tribes Block. The sex ratio figures of Scheduled tribes in sex ratio sex ratio Dighalbank, Pothia, Terhagachh, Bahadurganj and 2 3 4 Thakurganj C.D. Blocks are 967 ,944 , 965 , 912 I Terhagachh 953 965 and 956 respectively. The sex ratio figures of Pothi a 2 Dighalbank 929 967 3 Thakurganj 965 956 (944), Bahadurganj (912), and Kishanganj (895) C.D: 4 Pothia 936 944 Blocks are lower than the district average(95 0). 5 Bahadurganj 967 912 6 Kochadhamin 937 1008 TABLE 20: SEX RATIO AMONG SCHEDULED CASTES. 7 Kishanganj 937 895 AND SCHEDULED TRIBES IN URBAN AGGLOMERATIONSITOWNS, 2001 District (Rural) Total 946 950 Serial Name of Town+ Scheduled Scheduled number Castes Tribes It is observed from the above table that the sex sex ratio sex ratio ratio of Scheduled Castes varies from 967 in 2 3 4 Bahadurganj C.D. Block to 929 in Dighalbank C.D. 1 Bahadurganj (NA) 920 1,019 Block. The sex ratio in Thakurganj C.D. Block is 2 Kishanganj (M) 883 923 965 while the sex ratio in Terhagachh is 953. The 3 Thakurganj (NA) 959 902 sex ratio figures of Pothia, Kochadhamin and Sex ratio (Urban) Kishanganj C.D. Blocks are 936, 937 and 937, for the district 896 933 respectively. The sex ratio figures of Dighalbank, Pothia, Kocbadhamin and Kishanganj C.D. Blocks


There is no urban agglomeration in Kishanganj Thakurganj(NA) 959 while it is lowest 883, in district. Thakurganj (NA), Bahadurganj (NA) and Kishanganj(M) .The scheduled tribes sex ratio is Kishanganj (M) are the only statutory town in the highest in Babadurganj (NA) and its lowest sex ratio district.The Scheduled castes sex ratio is highest in is 902 in Thakurganj (NA)


Totall Number of !iterates and illiterates Gap in Serial Name of Rural/ Number o( literates Number of illiterates Percentage of literates male-female Number CD.Block Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females literacy rate 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 Terhagachh Total 22,853 17,947 4,906 84,183 36,890 47,293 27.2 41.8 12 29.9 Rural 22,853 17,947 4,906 84,183 36,890 47,293 27.2 41.8 12 29.9 Urban () 0 0 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 2 Dighalbank Total 31,245 23,373 7,872 121,440 54,936 66,504 26.6 38.5 13.8 24.7 Rural 31,245 23,373 7,872 121,440 54,936 66,504 26.6 38.5 13.8 24.7 Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Thakurganj Total 52,988 37.392 15,596° 169,081° 76,717° 92,364 30.8 42.4 18.6° 23.8 Rural 44.901 32,446 12.455 161,868 73,561 88,307 28.2 39.8 16 23.8 Urban 8.087 4.946 3,141 7,213 3.156 4.057 63.9 73.5 53 20.5 4 Pothia Total 39.094 27.597 11.497 157.199 73.409 83.790 25.5 34.9 15.5 19.4 Rural 39,094 27.597 11.497 157,199 73.409 83.790 25.5 34.9 15.5 19.4 Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Bahadurgal1i Total 49,343 35,460° 13,883 156.593 70,411 86,182 30.7 42.9 17.8 25.1 Rural 39,941 28,975 10,966 137,877 61,999 75,878 28.9 40.9 16.2 24.7 Urban 9,402 6,485 2,917 18,716 8,412 10,304 42.4 54.8 28.2 26.6 6 Kochadharnin Total 5].777 37,939 13,838 174.843 79,523 95,320 29.7 42 16.4 25.6 Rural 51,777 37,939 13,838 174.843 79,52) 95,320 29.7 42 16.4 25.6 Urban 0 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 0 7 Kishanganj Total 66,188 43,087 23,101 119,521 54,871 64,650 45.2° 55.4 33.8 21.6 Rural 21,416 15,432 5,984 78,703 36,273 42.430 21U 39 16.3 22.7 Urban 44,772 27,655 17,117 40,818 18,598 22,220 63.9 72.2 53.9 18.3

District Total: Total 313,488222,795 90,693 982,860 446,757 536,103 31.1 42.7 18.6 24.1 Rural 25],227183,709 67,518 916,113 416,591 499,522 27.8 39.5 15.4 24.1 Urban 62,261 39,086 23,175 66,747 30,166 36,581 59.3 68.7 48.2 20.5

Among C.D. Blocks, Kishanganj has the highest Kochadhamin (29.7%). The literacy rates for proportion of literate population (45.2%) followed by Terhagachh, Dighalbank and Pothia C.D. Blocks are Thakurganj (30.8%), Bahadllrganj (30.7%) and 27.2, 26.6 and 25.5 percent, respectively.


TABLE 22: NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF LITERATES AND ILLITERATES BY SEX IN C. D. BLOCKS, 2001 Gap in Numb"'l' of literate, and illiterates male-female Serial Name of N umber of literates Number of illiterates Percentage of I iterates felT.ale, \ it¢racy rale_ Number C.D.B\\)ck Pcroons Mdes feml'lles Per5\)I\S Ma\es Females Persons Males 11 12 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 \2.0 29.9 Terhagaehh 22,853 17,947 4,c)()6 84,1 &3 36.'690 1',,7,293 272 4\.9 (,6,5{)4 33.5 13.8 24.7 2 Digl:a.oallk 3L24~ 23,373 7,872 121."-40 54.936 205 ?Mj \6.0 21.8 :\ Tha" ur l1

District (Ru rat) Tota!:251,227 t83,7{l967 ,5t8 916, H 3 416,59{ 499,522 2.7,8 :W.5 15.4 24,1

The literacy rates (rural) for Terhagachh, Thakurganj, Kishanganj, Dighalbankand Pothia with Digbalbank, Pothia, C.D. Blocks are lower than the 41.9, 40.9 , 29,8 , 39.0 , 38.5 and 34.9 percent, district average. Male literates greatly outnumber respectively. Kochadhamin C.D. Block has the female literates in all the C.D, Blocks of Kishanganj highest female literacy rate with 16.4 percent district. The highest proportion of male literates is followed by Kishanganj, Bahadurganj,Thakurganj and contained in Kochadhamin C,D, Block with 42,0 Pothia with 16.3 16.2, 16.8 and 15.5 percent percent followed by Teragachh,Bahadurganj respectively, TABLE 23 : DISTRIBUTION OFVILLAGES BY LITERACY RATE RANGE, 2001

Range of Number Percent!lge l)e,'cel~tage literacy rale of itlhabited distribution distribution of tor villages villages ofl-illages PopulMion population I 2 3 4 5 0 4 0,5 832 0.1 1-10 46 6.3 23,259 2.0 ll-~O 156 21.4 236,435 20.3 21-30 25D 34.2 480,212 41.1 31-40 171 23.4 345,577 29.6 41-50 62 8.5 60,777 5.2 51-60 28 3.8 16,386 J.4 61-70 II 1.5 3,684 OJ 71-80 2 OJ 178 0.0 81-90 0 0.0 0 C).O 91-99 0 i).a 0 0.0 100 0 0.0 (I 0.0

District Total 730 100.0 1,167,340 100,0 Literacy rate for District 31.] From the above table 23, it is apparent that there rural population. This is the largest group ofv\l\ages are 250 villages accounting for 34.2 percent of the in the district. This is closely followed by 171 vil­ inhabited villages in the district where litera.cy rate lages accounting fo\' 23.4 percent of the inhabited for villages ranges between 21 and 30 percent and villages where literacy rate ranges between 31 and these villages accollnt for 41 ,1 \)erce\'\t of the district 40 percent and these vi\lages account for 29,6 per- 32 ANALYTICAL NOTE cent of the rural population. There are 156 villages There are 46 villages accounting for 6.3 percent of accounting for 21.4 percent of the inhabited villages, the inhabited villages, where literacy ranges between where literacy rate ranges between II and 20 per­ 1 and 10 percent and these villages account for 2.0 cent and these villages account for 20.3 percent of percent of the population. There are 28 villages ac­ the population. There are 62 villages accounting for counting fOl' 3.8 percent of the inhabited villages, 8.5 percent of the inhabited villages where literacy where literacy rate ranges between 51 and 60 per­ rate ranges between 41 and 50 percent and these cent and these vi lIages account for 1.4 percent of villages account for 5.2 percent of the population. the population.


Name and urban Number of literates and illiterates Gap in Serial status of Number of literates Number of illiterates Percentage of literates male-female Number Town+ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females literacy rate 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 Bahadurganj ( NA) 9,402 6.485 2.917 18,716 8,412 10.3()4 42.4 54.8 28.2 26.6 2 Kishanganj (M) 44,772 27.655 17.117 4().818 18,598 22.220 63.9 72.2 53.9 183 3 Thakurganj (NA) 8,087 4,946 3.141 7,213 3,156 4,057 63.9 73.5 53.0 20.5

District(Urban) Total 62,261 39,086 23,175 66,747 30,166 36,581 59.3 68.7 48.2 20.5

There is no urban agglomeration in Kishanganj rate for Bahadurganj (NA) is 42.4 percent Male distril;. Thakurganj (NA), Bahadurganj ( NA) and literates outnumber female literates as the male Kishanganj (M) are the only statutory towns in the literacy rate is 68.7 percent while the female literacy district. The literacy rate for both Kishanganj (M) rate is 48.2 percent in urban area of the district. and Thakurganj (NA) is 63.9 percent .The literacy TABLE 25: NUMBERAND PERCENTAGE OFSCHEDULED CASTES LITERATES AND ILLITERATES BY SEX IN CD. BLOCKS, 2001 Number of literates and illiterates Gap in Serial Number of literates Number of illiterates Percentage of literates male-female Number Name of C.D.Block Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Iiteracy rate 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 Terhagachh 1.816 1.462 354 9.254 4,205 5.049 21.1 33.3 8.4 24.9 2 Dighnlbank 2.037 1.587 450 7,845 3.535 4,310 26.7 40.1 12.3 27.8 3 Thakurganj 2.367 1,698 669 7,485 3,315 4,170 31.2 44.2 17.8 26.4 4 Pothia 1,097 791 306 5,410 2.570 2,840 21.7 30.1 12.6 17.6 5 Bahacturganj 1,775 1.314 461 7,056 3.175 3,881 26.3 38 14.1 23.9 6 Kochadhamin 3,170 2,471 699 15,929 7391 8,538 21.8 33 10.0 23.0 7 Kishanganj 1,139 872 267 5,296 2,450 2,846 23.3 34.4 11.4 23.0 District (Rural) Total 13,401 10,195 3,206 58,275 26,641 31,634 24.4 36 12.0 24.0

Table 25 shows that literacy rate among the Le. 30.1 percent in Pothia C.O, Block-The female scheduled castes is highest i.e. 31.2 percent in literacy rate among the Scheduled Castes is highest Thakurganj CD. Block, whereas it is lowest Le. 2 J.l Le. 17.8 percent in Thakurganj C.D. Block and the percent in Terhagachh C.O. Block in the district It is lowest Le. 8.4 percent in Terhagachh CD. Block. It observed that the literacy rate among the Scheduled is found that the gap between male and female literacy Castes for the district is 24.4 percent. Both have the rate is highest i.e. 27.8 percent in Dighalbank CD. highest scheduled castes male literacy rate i.e. 44.2 Block where as it is lowest i.e. 17.6 percent in Pothia percent.Thakurganj CO Block, whereas it is lowest C.O. Block. 33 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ

TABLE 26: DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGES BY LITERACY RATE RANGE FOR SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION, 2001 Range of literacy Number of inhabited Percentage distribution Scheduled Castes Percentage distribution rate for villages villages of villages Population of population 1 2 3 4 5 0 38 7.5 764 1.1 1-10 71 14.1 11,746 16.4 11-20 115 22.8 20,802 29.0 21-30 97 19.2 15,934 22.2 31-40 78 15.5 11,893 16.6 41-50 60 11.9 6,271 8.7 51-60 24 4.8 3,215 4.5 61-70 13 2.6 946 1.3 71-80 5 1.0 64 0.1 81-90 1 0.2 33 0.0 91-99 0 0.0 0 0.0 100 2 0.4 8 0.0

District Total. 504 100.0 71,676 100.0

Literacy rate for District (Rural) 24.4 The above table shows that in case of literacy villages are such which fall in literacy range of among the scheduled castes in the villages of the 21-30 percent followed by 15.5 percent vi llages district the highest number of villages Le. 22.8 percent which fall in the I iteracy range of 3 1-40 percent. fall in the literacy range of 11-20 percent whereas There are 4.8 percent villages which fall in the the lowest number of villages i.e. 0.2 percent fall in literacy range of 51-60 percent in the case of the literacy range of 81-90 percent. It is observed literacy among the scheduled castes in the villages that of the total villages in the district 19.2 percent of the district.

TABLE 27 : NUMBERAND PERCENTAGE OF SCHEDULED CASTES LITERATES AND ILLITERATES BY SEX IN TOWNS, 2001 Number of literates and illiterates Gap in Serjal Name and urban Number of literates Number of illiterates Percentage of literates male-female Number status of Town+ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females literacy rate 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 Bahadurganj ( NA) 1,055 693 362 1,662 722 940 48.6 61.3 34.8 26.5 2 Kishanganj (M) 3,855 2,610 1,245 6,439 2,858 3,581 46.5 58.3 32.6 25,7 3 ThakurgaT\; (NA) 382 246 136 764 339 425 42.2 51.5 31.9 19.6

Kishangallj (Urban) 5,292 3,549 1,743 8,865 3,919 4,946 46.6 58.3 33 25.3

The above table shows that the literacy rate scheduled castes while it is lowest in Thakurganj among the scheduled castes in the urban areas of (NA) with 42.2 percent. In case of males and females the district is 46.6 percent of the total population, in the literacy rate among the Scheduled castes is also which proportion of males and females are 58.3 highest in Bahadurganj (NA) with 61.3 and 34.8 percent and 33.0 percent, respectively. Bahadurganj percent, respectively. (NA) has the highest literacy rate 48.6 among the


Number of literates and illiterates Gap in Serial Name of Number of literates Number of illiterates Perc~nt,lgQ of liternles male-temale Number C.D.Block Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Iiteracy rate 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 Terhagachh 183 146 37 2.321 1,128 1,193 9.2 14.5 3.8 10.7 2 Dighalbank 958 790 168 9,601 4,578 5,023 11.5 18.5 4.1 14.4 3 Thakurganj 1,298 973 325 8,953 4,268 4,685 15.9 23.2 8.2 15.0 4 Pothia 1,754 1,331 423 I L154 5,309 5,845 17.1 25.4 8.4 16.9 5 Bahadurganj 335 273 62 3.854 1.918 1,936 10.0 15,4 3.9 11.5 6 Kochadhamin 174 140 34 1.613 750 863 12.6 198 5.U 14.8 7 Kishanganj 304 249 55 2.364 1.159 1,205 14.1 217 5.5 16.3

District (Rural) Total: 5,006 3,902 1,104 39,860 19,110 20,750 14.0 21.3 6.4 14.9

The above table shows that among the Scheduled percent. As regards percentage of male literacy it Tribes the percentage of of literates is highest i.e.!7.1 is highest in Pothia C.D.Block (25.4) whereas it is percentage in Pothia C.D.Block in the district while lowest i.e. 14.5 % inTeragachh C.D.Block. In case it is lowest i.e 9.2 percentage in Terhagachh of female literacy rate among the Scheduled Tribes C.D.Blocks. It is also observed that the literacy rate it is highest in Pothia C.D.Block whereas it is lowest among the Scheduled Tribes for the district is 14.0 i.e. 3,8 percentage in Terhagachh CD.Block

TABLE 29 : DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGES BY LITERACY RATE RANGE FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION, 2001 Range of literacy Number of inhabited Percentage distribution Scheduled Tribes Percentage distribution rate for villages villages of villages Population of population 2 3 4 5 0 46 14.9 1,341 3.0 1-10 115 37.3 16,216 36.1 11-20 80 26.0 18,853 42.0 21-30 27 8.8 5,801 12.9 31-40 17 5.5 1.922 4.3 41-50 11 3.6 576 1.3 51-60 3 1.0 89 0.2 61-70 a 0.0 a 0.0 71-80 2 0.6 32 0.1 81-90 OJ 9 D.O 91-99 OJ 16 0.0 100 5 1.6 II 0,0

District Total 308 100.0 44,866 100.0 Literacy rate for District (Rural) 14.0 35 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ

The table shows that in case of literacy among villages are such which fall in the highest literacy the scheduled tribes in the villages of the district the range of 100 percent. There are 0.3 percent villages hig11est number of villages i.e. 37.3 percent fall in the which fall in the literacy range, Le. 81-90 and 91-99 literacy range of 1-10 percent where as the lowest percent followed by 0.6 percent villages which fall in number of villages Le. OJ percent fall in the literacy the literacy range of 71-80 percent in the case of range of 81-90 and in range 91-99. It is observed literacy among the scheduled tribes in the villages of that among total villages in the district 1.6 percent the district.

TABLE 30 : NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF SCHEDULED TRIBES LITERATES AND ILLITERATES BY SEX IN TOWNS, 2001 Number of literates and illiterates Gap in Serial Name ane[ urban Number of literates Number of illiterates Percentage of literates mule-female Number status of Town Persons Males Females Persons Mules Females Persons Males Females literacy rate 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Bahadurganj ( NA) 44 31 13 378 178 200 12.9 17.9 7.7 10.2 2 Kishanganj (M) 548 340 208 546 229 317 61.4 69.8 51.2 18.6 3 Thakurganj (NA) 142 100 42 592 286 306 22.2 30.0 13.6 16.4

Kishanganj (Urban) 734 471 263 1,516 693 823 39.1 47.4 29.8 17.6

The table above shows that the literacy rate 22.2 percent and lowest Bahadurganj (NA) with 12.9 among the scheduled tribes in the urban areas of the percent. In case of male and female scheduled tribes district is 39.1 percent in case of total population of litel'ates it is highest in Kishanganj (M) with 69.8 and the district, 47.4 percent in case of males and 29.8 51 .2 percent, respectively, where as male and female percent in case of females. The percentage of scheduled tribes literates it is lowest in Bahadurganj Scheduled tribes literates is highest in Kishanganj eM) (NA) with 17.9 and 7.7 percent, respectively, with 61.4 percent than the Thakurganj (NA) with according to 200 I census.

TABLE 31: NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF MAiN WORKERS, MARGINAL WORKERS, AND NON-WORKERS BY SEX IN CD. BLOCKS, 2001 Total workers Persons / (Main and marginal Serial Name of Males / Total Main workers Marginal workers Workers) Non workers number C.D. Block Females Population Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 1 Terhagachh Persons 107,036 30,115 28.1 5.651 5.3 35,766 33.4 71,270 66.6 Males 54,837 27,746 50.6 2,225 4.1 29,971 54.7 24,866 45.3 Females 52,199 2,369 4.5 3,426 6.6 5,795 Il.l 46,404 88.9 2 Dighalbank Persons 152,685 46,526 30.5 5,570 3.6 52,096 34.1 100.589 65.9 Males 78,309 41,706 53.3 2,231 2.8 43.937 56.1 34,372 43.9 Females 74,376 4.820 6.5 3,339 4.5 8,159 11.0 66,217 89.0 3 Thakurganj Persons 222,069 62,203 28.0 12.275 5.5 74,478 33.5 )47,591 66.5 Males 114,109 54,756 48.0 5,335 4.7 60.091 52.7 54,018 47.3 Females 107.960 7,447 6.9 6,940 6.4 14.387 13.3 93,573 86.7


TABLE 31: NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF MAIN WORKERS, MARGINAL WORKERS, AND NON-WORKERS BY SEX IN CO.BLOCKS, 2001(Concld.) Total workers Persons / (Main and marginal Serial Name of Males / Total Main workers Marginal workers Workers) Non workers number C.D.Block Females Population Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 4 Pothia Persons 196.293 54,488 27.8 12.540 6.4 67,028 34.1 129,265 65.9 Males 101,006 47.872 47.4 4,722 4.7 52,594 52.1 48,412 47.9 Females 95.287 6,616 6.9 7.818 8.2 14.434 15.1 80,853 84.9 5 Bahadurganj Persons 205,Y36 56.055 27.2 7.628 3.7 63.683 30.9 142.253 69.1 Males 105,871 51,922 49.0 4.637 4.4 56.559 53.4 49,3 12 46.6 Females 100,065 4,133 4.1 2,991 3.D 7.124 7.1 92.941 92.9 6 Kochadhamin Persons 226,620 61,239 27.0 7.888 3.5 69,127 30.5 157,493 69.5 Males 117,462 56,886 48.4 4,872 4.1 61,758 52.6 55.704 47.4 Females 109,158 4,353 4.0 3,016 2.8 7.369 6.8 101,789 93.2 7 Kishanganj Persons 185.709 49.193 26.5 5,780 3.1 54,973 29.6 130,736 70.4 Males 97.958 44,779 45.7 3.295 3.4 41U174 49.1 49.884 50.9 Females 87,751 4.414 5.0 2.485 2.8 6.899 7.9 80.852 92.1

District Total Personsl,296,348 359,819 27.8 57,332 4.4 417,151 32.2 879,]97 67.8 Males 669,552 325,667 48.6 27,317 4.1 352,984 52.7 316,568 47.3 Females 626,796 34,152 5.4 30,015 4.8 64,167 10.2 562,629 89.8 TABLE 32: NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF MAIN WORKERS, MARGINAL WORKERS, AND NON- WORKERS BY SEX IN C. D. BLOCKS, (Rural) 2001 Total workers Persons / (Main and marginal Serial Name of Males I Total Main workers Marginal workers Workers) Non workers number C.D.Block Females Population Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Terhagaehh Persons 107,036 30.115 28.1 5,651 5.3 35.766 33.4 71,270 66.6 Males 54,837 27,746 50.6 2,225 4.1 29.971 54.7 24,866 45.3 Females 52,199 2,369 4.5 3,426 6.6 5,795 11.1 46,404 88.9 2 Dighalbank Persons 152.685 46,526 30.5 5,570 3.6 52,096 34.1 100.589 65.9 Males 78,309 41,706 53.3 2.231 2.8 43,937 56.1 34.372 43.9 Females 74,376 4,820 6.5 3,339 4.5 8,159 11.0 66,217 89.0 3 Thakul'ganj Persons 206,769 58,059 28.1 12,065 5.8 70,124 33.9 136,645 66.1 Males 106,007 51,008 48.1 5,169 4.9 56,177 53.0 49,830 47.0 Females 100,762 7,051 7.0 6,896 6.8 13,947 13.8 86.815 86.2 4 Pothia Persons 196,293 54,488 27.8 12,540 6.4 67.028 34.1 129,265 65.9 Males 101,006 47.872 47.4 4,722 4.7 52.594 52.1 48.412 47.9 Females 95,287 6,616 6.9 7,818 8.2 14,434 15.1 80,853 84.9 5 Bahadurganj Persons 177,818 49.142 27.6 6,802 3.8 55,944 31.5 121.874 68.5 Males 90,974 45,426 49.9 4,049 4.5 49,475 54.4 41,499 45.6 Females 86,844 3,716 4.3 2,753 3.2 6,469 7.4 80,375 92.6 6 Koehadhamin Persons 226,620 61,239 27.0 7.888 3.5 69,127 30.5 157.493 69.5 Males 117,462 56,886 48.4 4,872 4.1 61,758 52.6 55,704 47.4 Females 109,158 4.353 4.0 3,016 2.8 7,369 6.8 101,789 93.2 7 Kishanganj Persons 100,119 27,746 27.7 3.440 3.4 31.186 31.1 68.933 68.9 Males 51,705 24,932 48.2 1,624 3.1 26,556 51.4 25.149 48.6 Females 48,414 2,814 5.8 1.816 3.8 4,630 9.6 43,784 90.4 District (Rural) Total Persons 1,167,340 327,315 28.0 53,956 4.6 381,271 32.7 786,069 67.3 Males 600,300 295,576 49.2 24,892 4.1 320,468 53.4 279,832 46.6 Females 567,040 31,739 5.6 29,064 5.1 60,803 10.7 506,237 89.3


The work participation rate for total workers is Dighalbank C.D. Block and the lowest (27.0 percent) defined as the percentage of total workers to total in Kochadhamin C.D. Block. Out of 7 C.D. Blocks, population. In a similar way it is defined for main and WPR of3 C.D. Blocks are above the district average. marginal workers. The table 31 and 32 shows tl1<1t for The proportion ofmarginaJ workers is the highest (6.4 Kishanganj district the work participation rate (WPR) percent) in Pothia and the lowest (3.4 percent) in in the rural area recorded 28.0 percent of the district Kishanganj C.D. Block. The proportion of total total population as main workers and 4.4 percent as workers is the highest (34.1 percent) in Pothia and marginal workers. The proportion of non-workers in Dighalbank C.D. Blocks and the lowest (30.5) the district is 67.1 percent. percent in Kochadhamin C.D. Block.

Among the main workers male work participation Am on g the 11 0 n-workers m a Ie wo rk rate in the district is 49.2 percent while that offemales participation rate in the distl'ict is 46.6 percent is only 5.6 percent as per 2001 census. The proportion while that of females is 89.3 percent as per 200 I of main workers is the highest (30.5 percent) in census. TABLE 33: NUMBERAND PERCENTAGE OF MAIN WORKERS, MARGINAL WORKERS, AND NON-WORKERS BY SEX IN URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS / TOWNS, 2001 Tolal workers Name and urban Persons / (Main and marginal Serial status of Males / Total Main workers Marginal workers Workers) Non workers number Town+ Females Population Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Bahadurganj ( NA) Persons 28,118 6,913 24,6 826 2.9 7,739 27.5 20,379 72.5 Males 14,897 6,496 43.6 588 3.9 7,084 47,6 7,813 52.4 Females 13,221 417 3.2 238 1.8 655 5.0 12.566 95.0 2 Kishanganj (M) Persons 85,590 21.447 25.1 2,340 2.7 23,787 27.8 61.803 72.2 Males 46,253 19.847 42,9 1,671 3.6 21,518 46.5 24.735 53.5 Females 39,337 1,600 4.1 669 1.7 2,269 5.8 37,068 94.2 3 Thakurganj (NA) Persons 15,300 4,144 27.1 210 1.4 4,354 28.5 10,946 71.5 Males 8,102 3,748 46.3 166 2.0 3,914 48.3 4,188 51.7 females 7,198 396 5.5 44 0.6 440 6.1 6,758 93.9 District (Urban) Total: Persons 129,008 32,504 25.2 3,376 2,6 35,880 27.8 93,128 72.2 Males 69,252 30,091 43.5 2,425 3.5 32,516 47.0 36,736 53.0 Fern ales 59,756 2,413 4.0 951 1.6 3,364 5.6 56,392 94.4 There is no urban agglomeration in Kishanganj and marginal workers are 24.6 % and 2.9 % district. There are three towns in the district i.e. respectively. Similarly in Kishanganj (M) the work Thakurganj (NA), Bahadurganj (NA) and Kishanganj particapation rate (WPR) is 27.8 percent of the total (M). The work participation rate for total workers is popUlation of the town, in which proportion of main defilled as the percentage of total workers to total workers and marginal workers and 25.1 percent popUlation. In a similar way it is defined for main and and 2.7 percent respectively. The proportion of non­ marginal workers. For Thakurganj (NA) the work workers in the district 72.2 percent. The proportion participation rate (WPR) recorded 28.5 percent and of male and female main workers in the town are proportion of main workers and marginal workers are 43.5 and 4.0 percent respectively. The proportion of 27.1 percent and 1.4 percent, respectively In male marginal workers in the district is 3.5 percent Bahadurganj (NA) the work participation rate (WPR) and that for females is 1.6 percent only. The is 27.5 percent of the total population of the town as proportion of male and female non-workers in the main workers in which proportion of main workers district are 53.0 and 94.4 percent respectively.


TABLE 34: DISTRIBUTION OF WORKERS BY SEX IN FOUR CATEGORIES OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITY IN CD. BLOCKS, 2001 Category of workers Persons/ Total number of Household Serial Name of Males/ Total workers (Main + Agricultural Industry Other number C.D.Block Females population Marginal) Cultivators Labourers workers workers 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Terhagachh Persons 107,036 35,766 12,578 19,552 1,347 2,289 (33.4) (35.2) (54.7) (3.8) (6.4) Males 54,837 29,971 11,603 15,842 507 2,019 (54.7) (38.7) (52.9) ( 1.7) (6.7) Females 52,199 5,795 975 3,710 840 270 (II.I ) ( 16.8) (64.0) ( 14.5) (4.7) 2 Dighalbank Persons 152,685 52,096 14,318 34,417 704 2.657 (34.1) (27.5) (66.1 ) ( 1.4) (5. J) Males 78,309 43,937 13,246 28,047 327 2.317 (56.1 ) (30.1 ) (63.8) (0.7) (5.3 ) Females 74.376 8,159 1,072 6,370 377 340 ( 11.0) (13. I ) (78.1 ) (4.6) (4.2) 3 Thakurganj Persons 222,069 74.478 19,594 44,628 832 9,424 (33.5) (26.3) (59.9) ( 1.1) (12.7) Males 114,109 60,091 17,278 34,352 554 7,907 (52.7) (28.8) (57.2) (0.9) ( 13.2) Females 107,960 14,387 2,316 10,276 278 1,517 (13.3) (l6.1) (71.4 ) ( 1.9) (10.5) 4 Pothia Persons 196,293 67,028 20.172 40,131 1,054 5,671 (34.1 ) (30.1 ) (59.9) ( 1.6) (8.5) Males 101,006 52,594 17,026 30,246 497 4,825 (52.1 ) (32.4 ) (57.5) (0.9) (9.2) Females 95,287 14,434 3,146 9,885 557 846 (15.1 ) (21.8) (68.5) (3.9) (5.9) 5 Bahadurganj Persons 205,936 63,683 17,522 36,332 1,072 8,757 (30.9) (27.5) (57.1) ( 1.7) ( 13.8) Males 105,871 56,559 16,177 32,307 529 7,546 (53.4) (2&.6) (57. 1) (0.9) (13.3 ) Females 100,065 7,124 1.345 4,025 543 1.211 (7.1) ( 18.9) (56.5) (7.6) (17.0) 6 KochadhaminPersol1s 226,620 69,127 17,947 42,642 2,120 6,418 (30.5) (26.0) (61. 7) (3.1 ) (9.3 ) Males 117,462 61,758 17,099 38,081 905 5,673 (52.6) (27.7) (61.7) ( 1.5) (9.2) Females 109,158 7.369 848 4,561 1.215 745 (6.8) (11.5) (61.9) (16.5) (10.1 ) 7 Kishanganj Persons 185,709 54,973 8,171 22,503 1,215 23,084 (29.6) ( 14.9) (40.9) (2.2) (42.0) Males 97,958 48,074 7,616 18,476 774 21,208 (49.1) (15.8) (38.4) (1.6) (44.1 ) Females 87,751 6,899 555 4,027 441 1,876 (7.9) (8.0) (58.4) (6.4) (27.2)

District Total: Persons 1,296,348 417,151 110,302 240,205 8,344 58,300 (32.2) (26.4) (57.6) (2.0) (14.0) Males 669,552 352,984 100,045 197,351 4,093 51,495 (52.7) (28.3) (55.9) (1.2) (14.6) Females 626,796 64,167 10,257 42,854 4,251 6,805 (10.2) (16.0) (66.8) (6.6) (10.6)

39 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ TABLE 35: DlSTRffiUTION OF WORKERS BY SEX IN FOUR CATEGORIES OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITY IN C.D.BLOCKS, 2001 Category of workers Persons! Total number of Household Serial Name of Males/ Total workers (Main + Agricultural Industry Other number C.D.Block Females population Marginal) Cultivators Labourers workers workers J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I Tcrhagachh Persons 107,036 35,766 12.578 19.552 1,347 2.289 (33.4) (35.2) (54.7) (3.8) (6.4) Males 54,837 29,971 11.603 15.842 507 2.019 (54.7) (38.7) (52.9) (1.7) (6.7) Females 52,199 5.795 975 3,710 840 270 (II.! ) (16.8) (64.0) (14.5) (4.7) 2 Dighalbank Persons 152,685 52,096 14,318 34,417 704 2,657 (34.1) (27.5) (66.1) ( 1.4) (5.1 ) Males 78,309 43,937 13,246 28,047 327 2,317 (56.1) (30.1 ) (63.8) (0.7) (5.3 ) Females 74376 8159 1072 6370 377 340 ( 11.0) (13.1) (78.1) (4.6) (4.2) 3 Thakurganj Persons 206.769 70,124 19,329 43.689 763 6,343 (33.9) (27.6) (62.3) ( 1.1) (9.0) Males 106,007 56,177 17,027 33,571 493 5,086 (53.0) (30.3) (59.8) (0.9) (9.1) Females 100,762 13,947 2,302 10,118 270 1,257 ( 13.8) ( 16.5) (72.5) (1.9) (9.0) 4 Pothia Persons 196,293 67,028 20,172 40,131 1.054 5,671 (34.1) (30.1 ) (59.9) ( 1.6) (8.5) Males 101,006 52,594 17,026 30,246 497 4,825 (52. I) (32.4 ) (57.5) (0.9) (9.2) Females 95,287 14,434 3.146 9,885 557 846 (15.1) (21.8) (68.5) (3.9) (5.9) 5 Bahadurganj Persons 171,818 55,944 16,147 32,785 921 6.091 (31.5) (28.9) (58.6) ( 1.6) (10.9) Males 90,974 49,475 14,849 29,080 455 5,091 (54.4) (30.0) (58.8) (0.9) (10.3) Females 86,844 6,469 1,298 3,705 466 1,000 (7.4) (20.1) (57.3) (7.2) ( 15.5) 6 Kochadhamin Persons 226,620 69,127 17,947 42,642 2,120 6.4IS (30.5) (26.0) (61. 7) (3.1 ) . (9.3) Males 117,462 61,758 17,099 38,081 905 5,673 (52.6) (27.7) (61.7) (1.5) (9.2) Females 109,1 SS 7,369 848 4,561 1,215 745 (6.8) ( 11.5) (61.9) ( 16.5) ( 10.1) 7 Kishanganj Persons 100,119 31,186 7,076 19,485 597 4,028 (31.1 ) (22.7) (62.5) ( 1.9) (12.9) Males 51,705 26,556 6,581 15,985 352 3,638 (51.4) (24.8) (60.2) (1.3) (13.7) Females 48,414 4,630 495 3,500 245 390 (9.6) (10.7) (75.6) (5.3) (8.4) District (Rural) Total Persons 1,167,340 381,271 107,567 232,701 7,506 33,497 (32.7) (28.2) (61.0) (2.0) (8.8) Males 600,300 320,468 97,431 190,852 3,536 28,649 (53.4) (30.4) (59.6) (1.1) (8.9) Females 567,040 60,803 10,136 41,849 3,970 4,848 (10.7) (16.7) (68.8) (6.5) (8.0) Note: Percentage of Workers to total workers are given in brackets 40 ANALYTICAL NOTE From the above table 34 the relative importance propOttion of cultivators varies between 35.2 percent of the main spheres of economic activity may be for Terhagachh C.D. Block to 22.7 percent for gauged from the pattern of distribution of main Kishanganj C.D. Block. The proportion of agricultural workers according to the broad four-fold classification labourers varies between 66. I percent tor DighaJbank namely, cultivation, agricultural labour, household C.D. Block to 54.7 percent for Terhagachh C.D. Block. industry and other economic activities. The economic The proportion of household industry workers is only activity of the district is primarily dependent on 2.0 percent of the total workers of the district. The agriculture which is supported by the fact that proportion of household industry workers varies between cultivators (28.2%) and agricultural labourers (61.0%) 3.8 percent for Terhagachh C.D. Block to 1.1 percent together constitute 89.2 percent of the total workers for Thakurganj C.D. Block. The proportion of other of the district. The agriculture sector has absorbed workers varies between 12.9 percent for Kishanganj about three-fourth of the total main workers. The C.D. Block to 5.1 percent for Dighalbank C.D. Block.


Category of workers Persons/ Total number of Household Serial Name and urban Males! Total workas (Main + Agricultural Industry Other number status of Town Females population Marginal) Cultivators Labourers workers workers 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Thakurganj (NA) Persons 15.300 4,354 265 939 69 3.081 (28.5) (6.1 ) (21.6) ( 1.6) (70.8) Males 8,102 3,914 251 781 61 2,821 (48.3) (6.4) (20.0) ( 1.6) (72.1) Females 7,198 440 14 158 8 260 (6.1) (3.2) (35.9) ( 1.8) (59.1) 2 Bahadurganj ( NA) Persons 28,118 7,739 1,375 3,547 151 2,666 (27.5) (17.8) (45.8) (2.0) (34.4) Males 14.897 7,084 l,328 3,227 74 2,455 (47.6) (lS.7) ( 45.6) (1.0) (34.7) Females 13,221 655 47 320 77 211 (5.0) (7.2) (4S.9) (11.8) (32.2) 3 Kishanganj (M) Persons 85,590 23,787 1,095 3,018 618 19,056 (27.S) (4.6) ( 12.7) (2.6) (SO.I) Males 46,253 21,518 1,035 2,491 422 17,570 (46.5) (4.8) ( 11.6) (2.0) (81.7) Females 39,337 2.269 60 527 196 1,486 (5.8) (2.6) (23.2) (8.6) (65.5) District (Urban) Total Persons 129,00S 35,SSO 2,735 7,504 838 24,803 (27.8) (7.6) (20.9) (2.3) (69.1) Males 69,252 32,516 2,614 6,499 557 22,846 (47.0) (S.O) (20.0) (1.7) (70.3) Females 59,756 3,364 121 1,005 281 1,957 (5.6) (3.6) (29.9) (8.4) (58.2) Note: Percent of Worker to total workerre given in brackets From the above table it is obsetved that cultivators constitute (urban) total. The proportion of household industty workers 6.1, 17.8 and 4.6 percent of the total workers in Thakurgat~ is 2.3 percent of the total workers in the district (urban) total.. (NA) , BahadLirgat~ (NA) and Kishanganj (M) respectively. The higi1estproportion ofmale household induSUy workers is The highest proportion of male and female cultivators are 2.0 in Kishanganj (M) and 8.6 percent for female household 18.7 and 7.2 percent ,respectively in Bahadurganj (NA). The indllstry workers in Bahadurganj (NA). The proportion of highest proportion of male and female agricultural labourers is other workers is 69.1 percent of the total workers in the district found in Bahadurganj (NA) with 45.6 and 48.9 percent, (urban) total. The highest proportion ofother workers among respectively. The proportion of male and female agricultural males and females are 81.7 atld 65.5 percent, respectively labomers are 20.0 atld 29.9 percent respectively in the district in Kishatlganj (M). 41 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK; KISHANGANJ (b) Brief analysis of the Village Directory and Town Directory data based on inset tables 37 to 47: TABLE37: DISTRIBUTION OFVILLAGESACCORDING TO AVAILABILITY OF DIFFERENT AMENITIES, 2001 Type of amenity available Agri- Number of Improved Transport cultural Approach Serial Name of inhabited drinking Posl Telc- communi- Credit by pucca Powel' number C. D. Block villages Education Medical water * Office # phone cation $ Banks Societies road supply 2 3 4 5 (1 7 8 9 I() II 12 13 Terhagachh 77 49 21 74 II 8 0 3 7 8 2 (100) (63.6) (27.3 ) (90.1) (14.3 ) ( 10.4) (0.0) (3.9) (9.1) ( 10.4) (2.6) 2 Dighalbank 81 60 15 SO 9 I 8 7 9 16 30 ( 100) (74.1) ( IS.5) (98.8) (II.I) (1.2) (9.9) (S.6) (11.1 ) (19.8) (37.0) 3 Thakurganj 118 79 27 116 18 9 10 7 29 24 24 ( 100) (66.9) (22.9) (08.3 ) (15.3 ) (7.6) (S.5) (5.9) (24.6) (20.3) (20.3) 4 Pothia 142 82 21 141 14 4 15 16 4 34 15 ( 1(0) (57.7) ( 14.8) (99.3) (9.9) (2.8) ( 10.6) (11.3 ) (2.8) (23.9) (10.0) 5 Bahudurganj 103 77 12 100 15 21 4 3 15 23 18 (100) (74.S) ( 11.7) (97.1) (14.6) (20.'1) (3.9) (2.9) ( 14.6) (22.3) ( 17.5) 6 Kochadhamill 142 93 10 136 14 3 0 6 22 48 12 ( 100) (65.5) (7.0) (95.8) (9.9) (2.1) (0.0) (4.2) ( 15.5) (33.8) (8.5) 7 Kishanganj 67 48 14 64 5 19 S 1 11 2S 15 ( 100) (71.6) (20.9) (95.5) (7.5) (28.'1) ( 11.9) ( 1.5) (16.4) ( 41.8) (22.4)

District Total 730 488 120 711 86 65 45 43 97 lSI 116 (100) (66.8) (16.4) (97.4) ( 11.8) (S.9) (6.2) (5.9) (13.3) (24.S) (15.9) Note : Percentages are given in brackets. * Based on the improved drinking water source, drinking water supply has been classilicd as 'lmprowd . or otherwise. If the household has access to drinking water supplied from a tap or a hand pump / tube well situated within or outside the premises it is considered as having access to 'Improved drinking water source' . However, the concept of improved drinking water is state specific and this is to be considered accordingly. # Post oftice includes Post office, telegraph office and Post and telegraph ofJice. $ Transport communication includes bus service, rail facility and navigable waterways.

The above table gives the distribution of villages with medical facility, the percentage being 27.3 according to the availability of different amenities ill percent. Kochadhamin C.D. Block, on the other hand, the district. has the smallest proportion of villages (7.0%) where Educational amenity - There are as many as medical amenity is available. 488 villages accounting for 66.8 percent of the total Improved drinking water - There are as many inhabited villages in the district where educational as 711 villages accounting for 97.4 percent of the facility is available. The highest proportion ofvillages inhabited villages in the district where improved with educational facility is in the development block drinking water facility is available. Among C.D. of Bahadurganj with 74.8 percent while Pothia C.D. Blocks, Pothia C.D.Block has the largest proportion Block has tl1e lowest proportion of villages with 57.7 of village with improved drinking water with 99.3 percent. percent, on the other hand Kishanganj C.D.Block has Medical facility - The availability of medical the lowest proportion of villages with improved drinking amenity in the villages is low and only 16.4 percent water with 95.5 percent. villages have got it. Among the C.D. Blocks, Post office - Postal facilities are available in 86 Terhagachh C.D. has the largest proportion of villages villages out of730 inhabited villages (11.8%) in the

42 ANALYTICAL NOTE district. Thakurganj C.O. Block has the maximum C.O. Block has minimul11l1umbcr of banking facility number of villages having postal facility (15.3%). (1.5%). Kishanganj C.O. Block has the minimum number of Agricultural credit societies - Agricultural villages having postal facility (7.5%). credit societies are available only in 97 villages out Telephone - The availabity of telephone facility of 730 inhabited villages (13.3%) in the district. Among in the villages is low and only 8.9 percent have got C.O. Blocks, Thakurganj C.D. Block has the it. Among the C.D. Blocks, Kishanganj C.O. Block maximum number of villages having agricultural credit has the maximum number of villages having telephone societies (24.6%) while the villages of Pothia C.D. facility (28.4%) while Dighalbank C.O.Block has the Block has minimum number of agaricultural credit minimum number of villages having telephone facility societies (2.8%). (1.2%). Approach by pncca road -This facility is Transport Communication - Transport available in 181 villages out of370 inhabited villages Communication facilities are available in 45 vi Ilages (24.8%) in the district. Kishanganj C.D. Block has out of 730 inhabited villages (6.2%) in the district. the maximum number of vi Ilages having pucca road Kishanganj C.D. Block has the highest proportion or approach (41.8%) while Terhagachh C.D. Block has villages (11.9%) which are connected bus by rail or the minimum Ilumber of villages having pucca road navigable river / canal services. Kochadhamin and approach (10.4%). Terhagachh C.D. Blocks have zero number of Power Supply - Electrified villages in the district villages having transport communication. constitute 15.9 percent of the total number of inhabited Bank - Banking facility is available only ill 43 villages. Among the C.D. Blocks, Dighalbal1k C.O. villages out of 730 inhabited villages (5.9%) in the Block has the maximum number of electrified villages district. Among C.O. Blocks, Pothia C.D. Block has with 37.0 percent while the villages of Terhagachh the maximum Jlumber of villages having banking C.D. Block has the minimum number of electrified facility (11.3%) whereas the villages of Kishanganj villages with 2.6 percent. TABLE 38 : NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF RURALPOPULATION SERVED BY DIFFERENT AMENITIES, 2001 Type of amenity available Total Agri- population Improved Transport cultural Approach Serial Name of of inhabited drinking Post Tele- communi- Credit by pucca Power number C. D. Block villages Education Medical water * Office # phone cation $ Banks Societies road supply 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I Terhagachh 107.036 85.807 37,731 99.432 27.802 14,419 0 4,920 12.147 22,511 4.872 ( 100) (80.2) (35.3 ) (92.9) (26.0) ( 13.5) (0.0) (4.6) (11.3) (21.0) (4.6) 2 Dighalbank 152,685 144,407 61,280 152,280 41,582 7,972 26,489 25,723 41,261 44,145 79,964 (l00) (94.6) (40.1 ) (99.7) (27.2) (5.2) (17.3) (16.8) (27.0) (28,9) (52.4) 3 Thakurganj 206,769 190,643 87,878 206,021 70,939 35,604 38,412 35,019 62,122 75,750 82,297 (l00) (92.2) (42.5) (99.6) (34.3) (17.2) (18.6) (16.9) (30.0) (36.6) (39.8) 4 Pothia 196,293 145,786 24,329 194,202 33.228 7,016 28,149 29,913 13,484 51,6S0 27,824 (IOO) (74.3) ( 12.4) (98.9) (16.9) (3.6) (14.3) ( 15.2) (6.9) (26.3) (14.2) 5 Bahadurgal1j 177,818 160.021 43,743 170.364 53.374 64,503 15.983 8,577 49,040 52,762 58.763 (100) (90,0) (24.6) (95.S) (30,0) (36.3) (9.0) (4.8) (27.6) (29.7) (33.0) 6 'Kochadhal11in 226.620 189,443 26,722 219,363 52.478 11.821 0 25,154 59.486 86,3 19 45.294 (100) (83.6 ) ( 11.8) (96.8) (23.2) (5.2) (0.0) (II.I ) (26.2) (38.1 ) (20.0) 7 Kishanganj 100,119 91.664 39,856 93.773 21.143 53,860 15.216 192 24.840 56,270 35,200 (l00) (91.6) (39.8) (93.7) (21.1 ) (53.8) (15.2) (0.2) (24.8) (56.2) (35.2)

District Total 1,167,340 1,007,771 321,5391,135,435 300,546195,19511,4,249 l29,498 262,380 389,437 334,214 (100) (86.3) (27.5) (97.3) (25.7) (16.7) (10.6) (11. 1) (22.5) (33,4) (28.6)


Note ; Percentage5 arc given in hrackets, * Based 011 the improved drinking water SOlllce, drinking wutcr supply has been classified as 'Improved' or otherwise, If the household has access tll drinking water supplied from a tap or a hand pump/tube well situated within or outside the premises it is considered as havlIlg access to 'Improved drinking water source' However. the concept of IInproved drinking water is state specitlc and this is to he CllllSl(lcrcd accordingly # Pust office Includes rust office. telegrnph office and Pust and telegraph office $ Tnillsport cOl11nlllnicatioll includes bus service. mil facility and navigable waterways, It would be seen from above table 38 that more than the proportion of villages served by medical educational facility is available to 86.3 percent of the facility in the district. rural population of tile district. The proportion varies In the case of improved drinking water facility between the maximum of94.6 percent in Dighalbank also it may be observed that proportion of rural C.D.block and the minimum of74.3 percent in Pothia popUlation served, by the amenity is of the order of C.D.Block. It may be of interest to note that 97.3 percent which is less than the proportion of proportion of viii ages in the district enjoyin g villages served by this facility in the district. educational facility is less (being 66.8 percent vide table 37) than the proportion of population wh ich is In the case of post office also it may be seen as high as 86.3 percent. This may be attributed to that the proportion of rural population served by the fact that villages which possess educational facility amenity is of the order of25.7 percent which is more usually contain larger population as compared to those than the proportion of villages served by this amenity villages which do not 11ave this facility at all. in the district. In the case of medical facility also it can be seen S i mi lar trend can be observed in respect of that the proportion of rural popUlation served by this other amenities also both in the district as also amenity is of the order of 27.5 percent which is in its varioLis development blocks.

TABLE 39: DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGES NOT HAVING CERTAIN AMENITIES,ARRANGED BY DISTANCE RANGES FROM THE PLACES WHERE THESE ARE AVAILABLE, 2001 Distance range ofpJace from the vWages where the amenity is available Village not having the amenity of Less than 5 kilometres 5-10 kilometres 10+ kilometres Total (Col. 2-4) 2 3 4 5 1. Education :- (a) Primary School 258 30 0 288 (b) Middle School 429 181 29 639 Cc) Degree College 46 95 586 727 2. Medical:- (a) Hospital 112 155 454 721 (b) PHC 167 217 330 714

3. Post Office 457 172 15 644 4. Telephone 185 184 296 665 5. Bus Service 205 186 300 691 6. Banks (a) Commercial Bank 265 275 150 690 (b) Cooperative Bank 57 123 544 724 7. Agricultural Credit Societies 372 165 96 633 As regards educational facility it would be seen for 429 villages. For 181 villages within the range of that there are 288 villages in the district (39.5%) which 5- J0 kms and 29 villages within the range of 10+ kms. do not have any primary schools. Blit the facility is It is interesting to observe that 99.6 percent of available at places within 5 kms for 258 villages. For inhabited villages of the district are deprived of college only 30 villages within the range of 5-10 kms. but the facility is available at places situated within 5 There are as many as 639 villages in the district kms for 46 villages, 95 villages within the range of (87.5%) which do not have middle schools, but the 10+ kms. facility is available at Places situated within Skms. There are 721 villages in the district (98.8%)


which are without the facility of hospital and as many 112 villages. There are 714 villages in the district (97.8%) as 155 villages enj oy this facil ity at a distance range of which do not have primary health center. 5-10 kms. The number of villages enjoying this facility at a distance range of 10+ kms is 454 where as the Similar trend can be observed in respect of other same is available at a distance of less than 5 kms for amenities in the district.

TABLE 40: DISTRlBUTION OF VILLAGES ACCORDING TO THE DISTANCE FROM THE NEAREST STATUTORY TOWN AND AVAILABILITY OF DIFFERENT AMENITIES, 2001 Type of amenity available Distance range Number of Agri· Approach from the nearest inhabited Transport cultural by statutory town villages in Post Telc· cOllll11uni- Credit pucca (in kilometre) each range Education .Medical Office # phone cation $ Banks Societies road 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 less than 5 17 14 5 1 3 3 I 3 13 (100.0) (82.4 ) (29.4) (5,9) (17,6) (17.6) (5,9) (17,6) (76.5) 5 -15 258 183 45 33 43 26 10 31 74 (100,0) (70,9) (17.4) (12.8) (16,7) (10.1) (3.9) (12.0) (28.7) 16·50 443 283 67 50 19 16 31 62 90 (100.0) (63.9) (15, I) (11.3) (4.3) (3.6) (7.0) (14,0) (20.3) 51+ 12 8 3 2 0 0 1 I 4 (100.0) (66,7) (25,0) ( 16.7) (0,0) (0.0) (R.3) (8.3) (33.3) Unspecified 0 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 District total 730 488 120 86 65 45 43 97 181 (100.0) (66.8) (16.4) (11.8) (8.9) (6.2) (5.9) (13.3) (24.8)

# Post office includes Post office, Telegraph office and Post and telegraph office. $ Transport communication includes bus service, rail facility and navigable waterways. It would appear from the above table that the table 40 that the proportion of villages having maximum number of inhabited villages 443 (60.7%) educational facility is 82.4 percent for those situated lie in the distance range of 16~50 kms. from the nearest within 5 kms from the nearest statutory town which statutory town. This is followed by villages 258 decreases to 70.9 percent in the next higher distance (35.3%) in the distance range less than 5-15 kms. range of 5- 15 kms. Thereafter it again decreases to from the nearest statutory town. Only 17 (2.3%) of 63.9 percent in the distance range of 16-50 killS from villages lie in the distance range of less than 5 kms. the nearest statutory town. In the case of other amenities (except post office and bank) also more or Interestingly, It can be observed from the above less the trend is similar.

TABLE41: DISTRIBUTION OFVILLAGES ACCORDING TO POPULATION RANGE ANDAMENITIES AVAILABLE,2001 Type of amenity available Number of Agri- Approach inhabited Improved Transport cultural by Population villages in drinking Post Tele- communi- Credit pucca Power range each range Education Medical water * Office # phone cation $ Banks Societies road supply I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ~O II 12 1-499 187 64 12 183 5 7 4 5 11 24 12 ~ I 00.0) (34.2l ~6.4~ (97.9) (2.7) {3.7~ {2. J) {2.71 {H) {l2.81 (6.4) 45 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ

TABLE 41: DISTRIBUTION OFVILLAGES ACCORDINGTO POPULATION RANGE AND AMENITIES AVAILAHLE, 2001 (Collcld.) Type or amenity available Number of Agri- Approach inhabited Improved Transport cultural by Populatioll village in drinking Post Telc- cOll1l11uni- Credit pucca Power rang!! each range Education Medical water * OCt1CI! II phone cation $ Banks Societies road supply :2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 500-999 167 96 23 165 7 10 6 6 13 42 13 ( 100.0) (57.5) (13.8) ('JR.!:!) (4.2) (6.0) (3.6) (3.6) (7.8) (25.1) (7.8) 1000-1999 174 140 23 168 14 10 II 9 26 43 26 (100.0) (80.5) (13.2) (96.6) (8.0) (5.7) (6.3) (5.2) (14.9) (24,7) (14,9) 2()()()-'~, 999 164 ISO 45 158 3!:! 26 16 14 31 53 43 ( 100,Oj (91.5) (27.4) (96.3) (23,2) (15.9) (9.8) (8.5) (18.9) (32.3) (26.2) 500()·9999 36 36 16 35 20 11 7 8 16 18 21 (100.0) (100,0) (44,4) (97.2) (55.6) (30.6) (19,4) (22.2) (44.4) (50,0) (58.3) 1000() + 2 2 I 2 2 I 1 I 1 I (100,0) (100.0) (50.0) (100.0) (100,0) (50,0) (50,0) (50,0) (0.0)° (50,0) (50,0) Dis triet total 730 488 120 711 86 65 45 43 97 181 116 (100.0) (66.8) (16.4) (97.4) (11.8) (8.9) (6.2) (5.9) (13.3) (24.8) (15.9)

II Post office includes Post office, Telegraph office and Post & Telegraph office. $ Transport communication includes bus service, rail facility and navigable waterways. * Based on the improved drinking water source, drinking water supply has been classified as 'Improved' or otherwise. If the household has access to drinking water supplied from a tap or a hand pump/tube well situated within 01' outside the premises it is considered as having access to 'Improved drinking watcr source'. However, the concept of improved drinking water is state specific and this is to bc considered accordingly.

It can be seen from the table that the maximum amenities varies in direct relation to their population number of villages, l.e., 187 (25.6%) in the district range. Generally, the maximum percentage of fall in the population range of 1-499 followed by 174 villages having different amenities have a population villages (23.8%) having a population range of 1000- range 5000-9999 and 10,000+ which further 1999. The lowest number of villages is observed in collaborates the fact that more facilities are the population range of 10000+ being only 2 (0.3%). generally available in larger villages than in smaller The proportion of villages having different ones.


Serial Number of Percentage of cultivable Percentage of irrigated area number Name of C. D. Block inhabited villages Total area area to total area to total cultivable area 2 3 4 6 Terhagachh 77 19,OSO 67.2 44.1 2 Dighalbank 81 25,526 69.7 36.8 3 Thakurganj lIS 37,670 76.7 14.5 4 Pothia 142 34.989 66.8 19.9 5 Bahadurganj 103 24,416 77.5 23.4 6 Kochadhamin 142 28.443 74.7 3S.9 7 Kishanganj 67 14,929 66.4 35.7

District Total 730 185,053 71.9 28.0 Note: Cultivable area = irrigated area + 1I1lirrigated area 46 ANALYTICAL NOTE The table 42 gives the percentage of cultivable with 76.8 and 74.7 percent respectively. The lowest area as also the proportion of irrigated area to total pcrcentage of cultivable area is found in Kishanganj cultivable area in the district and its various CD CD Block with 66.4 percent. Blocks. The highest proportion of irrigated area (44.1 %) [t would be seen from the table that 71.9 percent to total cultivable area is found in Tcrhagachll CD of the total area of the district is utilized for cultivation Block followed by Kochadhamin and Dighalbank CD (cultivable area) and of this only 28 percent area is Blocks with 38.9 and 36.8 percentage respectively. found to be irrigated. Among the C.D. Blocks, the The least proportion of irrigated area is found in highest percentage of cultivable area is found in Thakurganj CD Block with 14.5 percent which Bahadurganj CD Block with 77.5 percent closely indicates that the villages in this block are deprived followed by Thakurganj and Kochadhamin CD Blocks or required irrigational facilities.


-~-~------Per capita n:ceipt Per capita _expenditure From all Puhlic health Sr:rial Clas~.nal1le &urban Through other General and l'uhlic Public number status of the town To III I taxes sources Total administration conveniences works Institutions Other(s) 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 II I III Bahadurganj (NA) n.7 0.4 0.2 0.7 0.7 0.0 0_0 D.O (l.O 2 .II Kishanganj (M) 6.0 2.8 3.2 3.4 2.8 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.2 3 IV Thakurganj (NA) D.S 0.0 0.4 O.S 0,4 0.0 O.1l 0.0 0.0

District Total 4.2 1.9 2.3 2,4 2,1 Q.O 0,2 0,0 0.1 The above table gives the details of finances in (NA). the statutory town in terms of per capita receipt general Administration maximum expenditure and expenditure. There are three statutory town in In is in Kishanganj eM) with 2.8% and the minimum the district i.e., Bahadurganj (NA), Kishanganj expenditure Thakurganj (NA) with 0.4%. There is (M)and Thakurganj(NA). On going into the details 110 expenditure in public health and conveniences. of receipt through taxes Kishanganj (M) with Rs. In public works expenditure occured only 6.0 which is highest and lowest in Thakurganj (NA) Kishanganj (M) is Rs. 0.4. There are 110 Public work with Rs. 0.5. expenditure in Bahadurganj (NA) and Tbakurganj In district total per capita expenditure is Rs. 2.4. (NA). In Public institutuion per capita expenditure In towns of the district it is highest (i.e. Rs. 3.4) in is nil. Only Kishanganj (M) has public expenditure Kishanganj (M) and lowest is Rs. 0,5 in Thakurganj Rs. 0.2.

TABLE44: SCHOOLS/COLLEGES PER 10,000 POPULATION IN STATUTORY TOWNS, 2001 Type of educatiomll institlltion Serial Name and urban status Junior Secondary / Secondary / Senior number of Town Primary Middle Matricu lation Secondary College 2 3 4 5 6 7 Bahadurganj (NA) 4.6 0.7 0.7 0.0 0.7 2 Kishanganj (M) 2.6 1.2 0.4 0.1 0.1 3 Thakurganj (NA) 2.0 1.3 1.3 0.0 0.7 District Total 2.9 1.1 0,5 0.1 0.3

The above table gives the details of different situated in Kishanganj district. There are three statutory categories of educational institutions , per ten thousand towns in the district. Among these towns, Bahadurganj popUlation in the town of Kishangallj district. (NA) accounting for an average 0.7 institution per ten It would be seen ITom the above table that institutions thousand population , in respect of Junior Secondary! like SecondarylMatriculation level school and college are Middle, secondary/Matriculation and college, respectively. 47 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ

TABLE 45: NUMBER OF' HEDS IN MEDICAL TABLE 47: MOST IMPORTANT COMMODITY INSTITUTIONS IN TOWNS, 2001 f,XPORTEDOUTOF AND MANUFACTURED IN TOWNS, 2001 Numhcr of heds in Most important commodity S~rial N ll1l1e and urban medical instltutiolls Serial Name and llrban llumher status of the Town pCI' 10,000 population number status of Town MUllutactured EX/1orted 2 3 1 4 Bahuclul'ganj(N A) 2 Bahadurgallj (NA) .lute Paddy 2 Kishanganj(M) II JUle 3 Thakurganj(NA) 4 Milk Distrct Total 9

2 Kishanganj (M) Ply Board Jute The above table furnishes information regarding Aluminium Leather Pot Ginga availability of beds illll1edical institutions in Kishanganj Paper district-There are three statutory lowns in the district 3 ThakuJganj (NA) Biri Paddy ofKisi1anganj.In Kishanganj (M) the number of beds .I ute in medical institutions per ten thousand population Banana are 1 I, In Thakllrganj (NA) the number of beds in medical institutions per ten thousand population are TabJe-47 presents the most important commodities 4.The numbet' of beds in medical institutions per ten manufactured in the town and exported from thousand population for Bahadurganj (NA) works out Kishangallj district. There are three statutory towns to be 2. Only 9 number of beds of medical institutions in the district.It would be seen from the above table per ten thousand population are available in the that jute is manufactured in BahadLlrgat~j (N A) and district. exported three items like Paddy, Jute and Milk.ln Kishanganj (M) three items are like Ply Board manufactured, Aluminium Pot and paper and expolted also three item Jute, Leather, Ginga. In Thakurganj (NA) only one item Bir! is manufactured TABLE 46: PROPORTION OF SLUM POPULATION and exported three item Paddy Jute and Banana. IN TOWNS, 2001

Slum DatH is not available

48 ANALYTICAL NOTE (c) Brief analysis of the data on houses and household amenities (Houselisting Operations, Census of India 2001) based on inset tables 48 to 52 :


Number of hOllseholds Tenure Numher of dwelling, Total Scheduled Castes Sclledukd Tribe, status rooms Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urhan Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 () 7 S <) 10 !!

Owned No exclusive room 2.71') 2.~15 .104 369 288 81 62 51) 3 nne room 191Ul76 I gO.265 10.61 I 16.073 14.301 1.772 R.953 8.567 386 Two rooms 43.376 38.749 4.627 2.694 2.147 547 1,700 1.628 72 Three rooms 7.834 6J1I4 1.820 374 213 161 211 202 9 3+ rooms 4.212 2.550 1.662 203 100 103 62 57 :\ Median number of rool11S I I 1 I I

Rented No exclusive room 76 33 43 8 2 () 3 3 () One room 2,095 449 Ui46 198 44 154 62 31 31 Two rooms Ll95 237 958 114 38 76 20 S 12 Three rooms 348 57 291 26 8 18 8 4 4 3+ rooms 139 33 106 3 () 3 2 2 o Median 1111!11LJer or roOtl1S I 2

Others No exclusive room 145 128 17 29 24 5 8 7 I One room 1,079 638 441 209 108 101 118 110 8 Two rooms 287 125 162 39 20 19 19 13 6 Three rooms 75 29 46 4 2 2 4 2 2 3+ rooms 35 J4 21 3 2 3 2 I Mediall number of rooms I I I 2

District total 254,491 231,736 22,755 20,346 17,296 3,050 11,235 10,695 540

Data source: Census of India 2001, H- series: "Tables on Houses, Household amenities and Assets."

Ii would be clear from the above table that there accounting for 1.5 percent of the total households of are as many as 249,017 households accounting for the district who are dwelling in rented houses. The 97.8 percent of the total households of the district proportion households is highest (54.4%) who occupy who are dwelling in owned houses. The proportion on Iy singJe room and the proportion of household is of households is the highest (75.1 %) who occupy lowest (2.0%) who occupy no exclusive room. The only single room and the proportion of households, median number of rooms is 2. who is occupying no exclusive room is J.I %. The There are 773 scheduled castes households median number of rooms is 1 for the total households accounting for 9.9 percent of the total households in the tenure status of owned category. There are who are dewelling in rented hOllses. The median 19,713 scheduled castes households accounting 7.7 number of rooms is 1. There are 117 scheduled tribes percent of the total households who are dwelling in households accounting for 1.5 percent of the total owned houses. The median number of rooms is I. households who are dwelling in rented houses. The There are 10,988 scheduled tribes households medif(11 number of rooms is I.Similar trend can be accounting for only 4.3 percent of the total households observed in respect of househo Ids who are dwelling who are dwelling in owned houses. The median in the tenure status of others, number of rooms is 1. There are 3,853 households

49 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK. KISHANGANJ TABLE 49: PERCENTAG E DlSTRmUTION OF HOUSEHOLDS LIVING IN PERMANENT, SEMI PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY HOUSES, 2001 rotal ------Rural Urban SCI' iii I District! Scm i- Semi- Scmi- !1lul1ber C. f)' Block Permancnt permanent Temporary Permunent permanent Temporary Permanent permanent Temporary '2 3 4 5 (J 7 8 9 10 11 Tcrhagacl1h 4.5 39.8 55.7 45 39.1l 557 0.0 n.n ()O :? Dighalbank 7.6 2S 7 6(1.7 7.6 25.7 (16.7 (J.O O.() 0.0 3 Thakurgl.lllj 10.3 3ll.1 5Lh 85 38.3 532 37.0 34.9 '27.8 4 Pothia 8.8 378 53.4 8.8 37.8 53.4 (J.O 0.0 n.o 5 Bahadurganj 8.5 42.7 48.8 7.5 43.7 48.8 15.1 36.6 483 f, Kochadhamin 7.3 41.5 51.2 7.3 41.5 51.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 7 Kisl1anganj 2(\.9 32.2 40.8 12.7 35.5 51.7 45.4 27.9 26.7

District Total 10.6 37.3 52.1 8.0 37.9 54.1 37.0 30.9 32.1

Data source: Census of India 200 I. H-scries: Tables on Houses. HOllsehold amenities and Assets.

Note: I. Permanent: Permanent hOllses refers to thosc hOllses whose wall & roofs arc made of pucca materials i.e where. burnt bricks. G.!. Sheets or other, metal sheets, stones cement, concrete is used for wall and tiles slate. shingle, corrugated iron, .t.inc or other metal sheets, asbestos sheets, bricks, Iim\:! and stone and RBC/RCC concrete arc usee! for roof. 2. Scml permanent: Semi-permanent houses refer to those houses made of other types of materials. 3. Tcmporary : Temporary houses refers to those houses having wall and roofs made of Ku(cha materials i.e. where grass. leaves, reeds, bamboo, mud. unburnt bricks nrc used for (he constrLlction ()fwalls and grass, leaves reeds. bamboo hatch. mud, unburnt bricks, wood etc. are llsed for roofs.

It would be seen from the above table that of the households living in temporary hOllses (66.7%) in rural households, maximum propOItion of household followed by Terhagachh CD Block with 55.7 % i.e.54.1 percent live in temporary hOllses followed by Bahadul'ganj CD Block has the minimum proportion 8.0 percent live in permanent hOllses and 37.9 percent of households living in temporary houses with 48.8%. live in semi permanent hOLlsesJn the case of urban In case of permanent houses, Kishanganj CD Block hOllseholds in the district however, the maximum has the maximum propOltion of total households living proportion of households i.e. 37.0 percent live in in permanent hOllses (26.9%) and minimum permanent houses followed by 32.1 percent in terhagachh CD Block with 4.5%, temporary hOllses and 30.9 pet'cent in semi permanent In case of Semi permanent houses, Bahadurganj houses. CD Block has tlle highest proportion of households Among the CD Blocks in the district Dighalbank with (42.7%) and lowest is Dighalbank CD Block CD Block has the maximum proportion of rural with (25.7%), TABLE 50: PERCENTAGE OF HOUSEHOLDS HAVING IMPROVED DRINKING WATER SOURCE' ELECTRICITY, BATHROOM, TOILET AND DRAINAGE FACILITY, 2001

Totall Number and percentage of household having Serial Rural! Number oj' Improved number C. D. Block Urban hO\lseholds drinking water Electricity Bathroom Toilet Drainage 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Terhagachh Total 21.997 19,856 35 163 652 2,133 (90,3) (0.2) (0.7) (3.0) (9.7) Rural 21,997 19,856 35 163 652 2,133 (91).3 ) (0.2) (0.7) (3.[» (9.7) Urban 0 0 0 0 0 U).()2 (O.D) (0.0)° (0.02 (0.0) 50 ANALYTICAL NOTE TABLE 50: PERCENTAGE OF HOUSEHOLDS HAVING IMPROVED DRINKING WATER SOURCE' ELECTRICITY, BATHROOM, TOILET AND DRAINAGE FACILITY, 2001 (Concld.)

rota I! Number and percentage of hllU~chllld having. Serial Rural! Number of Improved number C. D. Block Urban households drinking water Electricity Bathroom Toilet Drainl1gc 2 3 4 5 6 7 !l 9 2 Dighaloank Total 30,6'+3 2lL475 131 428 881.) J .523 (92.9) (04) ( 1.'1) (2 I)) (5.(1) Rural 30,643 2R,475 131 428 RR9 1.523 (929) (0.4) ( 1.4) (2.9) (5.0) Urban 0 [) 0 0 () 0 (0.0 ) (0.0) (0.0 ) mOl (00) J Thukurganj rotal 43.501 35,565 2.584 1.4!W 3.885 5,969 (81.!l) (5.9) (3.4) (8.9) ( 13.7) Ruml 4(),679 33.207 lJIl4 655 2.326 4.9()4 (Il Ui) (1.4) ( 1.6) (57) (12.1 ) Urban 2.822 2.35S 1.200 825 1.559 1.065 (83.6) (42.5) (2<).2) (55.2) (37.7) 4 Pnlhia Total 39,336 27,321 992 713 :!.

District Total Total 254,491 220,283 ll,338 9,265 21,860 25,669 (86.6) (4.5) (3.6) (8.6) (10.1) Rural 231,736' 199,846 4,159 3,473 11.358 19,772 (86.2) (1.8) (1.5) (4.9) (8.5) Urban 22,755 20,437 7,179 5,792 10,502 5,897 (89.8) (31.5) (25.5) (46.2) (25.9)

Data source: CenslIs of India 2001. H-serics: Tables on Houses, Household amenities and Assets. *Based on the improved drinking water source. drinking ""ater supply has been classified "Improved' or otherwise. If the household has aCl!CSS to drinking watcr supplied (rom a tap or a hand pump! tube well situated within or outsidc the premises it is ctlnsidered as having access I() 'Improved drinking watcr source' .However, the concept of improved drinking water is state specitlc and this is to be considered accordingly. Note: Percentage is given in brackets below the number of households. Bathroom means bathroom within the house. Toilet means toilet within the house. Drainage means closed and open drainage.

51 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Table 50 shows that in total rural , households the district have bathroom facility. The highest total 199,846 households (i.e. 86.2 percent) have rroportion of households having bathroom facility is improved drinking water facil ity. The highest in Kishanganj CD Block with 2.8% whereas it is proportion ofhollseholds with improved drinking water lowest in Terhagachh CD Block with 0.7 %. Only facility can be observed in Kishanganj CD Block with 4.9 percent of the total rural have toilet facility in (93.4%) and lowest is in Pothia CD Block with the district. The highest proportion of households (69.5%).As regards electricity it is found ttwt only having toilet facility is in Kochadhamin CD Block (1.8%) of the rural households in the district have with (6.6%) and lowest is in Dighalbank CD Block electricity. The highest proportion of household with with (2.9%).And 8.5 percent orthe rural households electricity is in Thakurganj CD Block with (3.4%) in the district have drainage facility. The highest whereas it is lowest in Terhagachh CD Block with proportion ofhOLlseholds having drainage facility is in (0.2%). Thakurganj CD Block with (12.1 %) and lowest is in Only 1.5 percent of the total rural households in Dighalbank CD Block with (5.0%).


Total! Coal/ Cooking Serial Rurall Total Fire Crop CowdulIg Lignite gas No number C.D.Black Urban households wood rt:sidue cake Electricity (charcoal) (L.P.G.) Bio-gas Kerosene Others cooking 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 Terhagachh Total 21.997 1.56R 19.027 39D 13 I 14 9 6 924 45 (7.! ) (R6.5) (! El) (0.1 ) (OJ) ) (0.1) (0.0) (0.0) (4.2) (0.2) Rural 2[.997 1.568 19.027 39() 13 1 14 9 6 924 45 (7.1 ) (8(j.5) ( 1.8) (0.1) (OJ)) (0.1) (0.0) (().()) (4.2) (0.2) Urban 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 () 0 (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (O.()) (0.0) (0.0) 2 Dighalbank Total 30,643 1,152 21:l,306 566 8 3 8 0 9 577 J4 (3.8) (92.4) ( 1.8) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (1.9) (0.0) Rura[ 30,643 1.152 28.306 5(j6 8 3 8 0 9 577 14 (3.8) (92.4) ( 1.8) (0.0) (0.0) (O.O) (0.0) (0,0) ( 1.9) (0.0) Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 () 0 () 0 () (O.O) (O.()} (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) ((),(») (0.0) (0.0) ( ().[») (0.0) 3 Thakurganj Total 43.50[ 7.716 32,660 [,499 44 31 267 7 204 1.024 49 (17.7) (75.1) (3.4) (0.1) (0.1) (0.6) (0.0) (0.5) (2.4) (0.1) Rural 40,679 5.821 32,303 1,391 37 8 39 I 37 1.013 29 (14.3) (79.4) (3.4) (0.1) (0.0) (0.1) (0.0) (0.1) (2.5) (0.1) Urban 2,822 1,895 357 108 7 23 228 6 167 11 20 (67.2) ( 12.7) (3.8) (0.2) (O.S) (8.1 ) (0.2) (5.9) (0.4) (0.7) 4 Pothia Total 39.3 36 7.365 30.869 4LJ8 19 0 37 0 39 485 24 (18.7) (78.5) ( 1.3) (0.0) (0.0) (0.1) (0.0) (D.I) ( 1.2) (0.1) Rural 39,336 7.365 30.869 498 19 () 37 0 39 485 24 (lll.7) (78.5) ( 1.3) (C)'()) ((l.O) (0.1 ) (l).(») (0.1) ( 1.2) (0.1) Urban 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 0 (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0. ()) (0.0) (O'(») (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) 5 BnhadUl'ganj Total 41,926 3,656 34,890 1,()76 40 10 191 0 91 1,888 84 (8. 7) (83.2) (2.6) (0.1) (0.0) (0.5) (0.0) (0.2) (4.5) (0.2) Rural 36,382 2,389 31,[ 87 828 40 5 13 0 16 1.871 33 (6.6) (85.7) (2.3) (0.1) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (()'O) (5.1 ) (0.1) Urban 5,544 1,267 3.703 248 0 5 178 () 75 17 51 (22.9) ((j6.8) (4.5) (0.0) (0.1) (3.2) (0.0) (!.4 ) (0.3) (0.9) 6 Kochadhamin Total 43,997 2.030 40.515 778 55 13 101 3 34 436 32 (4.6) (92.1) ( [,8) (0.1 ) (0.0) (0.2) (0.0) (0.1 ) ( 1.0) (0.1) Rural 43.997 2,030 40.515 778 . 55 13 [01 3 34 436 32 (4.6) (92.1) ( 1.8) (0.1) (0.0) (0.2) (0.0) (0.1 ) ( 1.0) (0.1) Urban 0 0 0 () 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0,0) (0.0) 52 ANALYTICAL NOTE

TABLE 51 : NUMBERAND PERCENTAGE OF HOUSEHOLDS BYTYPE OF FUEL USED FOR COOKJNG, 2001 (Concld.) Total! Coal/ Cooking Serial Rural/ Total Fire Crop Cowctung Lignite gas No number C.D.Block Urban households wood residue cake Electricity (charcoal) (L.P.G.) Bio-gas Kero~cl1c Others cooking 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 7 Kishanganj Total 33,091 9,114 17.923 847 18 376 3.331 23 8li2 485 112 (27.5) (54.2) (2.6) (0.1) (I. I) (10.1) (0.1) (2.1i) ( 1.5) (0.3) Rural 18,702 2,094 15,719 516 8 I 22 a 13 316 13 (11.2) (84.0) (2.S) (0.0) (0.0) (0.1 ) (0.0) (0.1) (1.7) (0.1 ) Urban 14.389 7.020 2,204 331 10 375 3.309 23 849 169 99 (4S.8) ( 15.3) (2.3) (0.1 ) (2.6) (23.0) (0.2) (5.9) ( 1.2) (0.7)

District Total Total 254,491 32,60 I 204,190 5,654 197 434 3,949 42 1,245 5,819 360 ( 12.8) (80.2) (2.2) (0.1 ) (0.2) (1.6) (0.0) (0.5) (2.3) (0.1 ) Rural 231,736 22,419 197,926 4,967 180 31 234 13 154 5,622 190 (9.1) (85.4) (2.1) (0.1) (0.0) (0.1) (0.0) (0.1) (2.4) (0.1) Urban 22,755 10,182 6,264 687 17 403 3,715 29 1,091 197 170 (44.7) enS) (3,0) m.ll (I.B) (l(!,;n (O.!) (4.8) (ll.9) (0.7) Percentage in brackets Data source: Census of India 200 I, H-series: Tables on Houses, Household amenities and Assets. Table 51 shows that 9.7 percent of the rural fuel for cooking. Among the CD Blocks the proportion households in the district use firewood as fuel for of households using cowdung cake as fuel for cooking. The highest proportion of households using cooking is highest (3.4%) in Thakurganj CD Block firewood as fuel for cooking is in Pothia CD Block where as it is lowest (1.3%) in Pothia CD Block.In with (18.7%) where as it is lowest in Dighalbank the case of cooking gas (LPG) there are only 3949 CD Block with (3.8%).85.4 percent of the rural households accounting for (1.6%) of the total households in the district use crop residue as fuel for households in the district using it for cooking. As cooking. Among the CD Blocks highest proportion of regards Kerosene there are only 1245 households households using crop residue as fuel for cooking is accounting for 0.5 percent of the total households in 92.4% in Dighalbank CD Block where as it is lowest district using it for cooking. Similar trend can be (78.5%) in Pothia CD Block.Only 2.1 percent of the observed in respect of other types of fuel. rural household in the district use cowdung cake as TABLES2: NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS AVAILING BANKING SERVICES AND NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS HAVING EACH OFTHE SPECIFIED ASSET, 2001 Availability of household assets Total number of Scooter, None of Total! Total ilou~cholds Motor Car. tile Serial Rural! number of availing banking Radio / Tele- Cycle' Jeep, specified number C.D.Block Urban households services Transistor Television ehone Bicycle Moeed Van assets 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Terhagachh Total 21,997 969 5,140 602 73 9,242 307 30 11,343 Rural 21,997 969 5,140 602 73 9,242 307 30 11,343 Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Dighalbank Total 30,643 1,306 4,457 855 67 10,481 273 45 18.677 Rural 30,643 1,306 4,457 855 67 10,481 273 45 18,677 Urban 0 0 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 3 Thakurganj Total 43,501 3,069 8,082 2,415 422 15,764 592 170 24,509 Rural 40,679 2,323 7,489 1,490 240 14,771 417 136 23,117 Urban 2822 746 593 925 182 987 115 34 1392 53 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ TABLE 52: NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS AVAILING BANKING SERVICES AND NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS HAVING EACH OFTHE SPECIFIED ASSET, 200t (Concld.) Availability of household assets Total J1umher or Scooter, None of Totall Total households Motor Car, the Serial l~urall nllmber of availing banking Radiol Telc- Cycle' .ll:ep, specified number C.O.Block Urban households services Transistor Television phone Bicycle Moped Van assets 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 4 Pothia Total 39,336 1,754 7.077 1.374 198 13.386 311 110 23,298 Rural 39,336 1,75'f 7,077 J,374 198 13.386 311 J JO 23,298 Urban 0 0 0 [) 0 0 () 0 0 5 Bahadurganj Total 41,926 3,486 7,949 1,749 283 17.607 770 153 21,842 RuraJ 36,382 2,704 6,584 I.J86 145 15,039 515 J 14 19,344 Urban 5,544 782 1,365 563 138 2.568 255 39 2,498 6 Kochadhamin Total 43,997 2,226 8,905 1,115 225 18.850 577 160 22,650 Rural 43,997 2,226 8,905 1,115 225 18.850 577 160 22,650 Urban 0 () () 0 () 0 () 0 0 7 Kishanganj Total 33,091 5,527 6,826 5,731 1,426 13,891 1.414 264 16,134 Rural 18,702 879 2,976 (172 82 7.459 179 43 10,359 Urban 14,389 4,648 3,850 5,059 1,344 6,432 1.235 221 5,775

District Total: Total 254,491 18,337 48,436 13,841 2,694 99,221 4,244 932 138,453 Rural 231,736 12,161 42,628 7,294 1,030 89,234 2,579 638 128,788 Urban 22,755 6,176 5,808 6,547 1,664 9,987 1,665 294 9,665

It would be seen fr0111 the above table that households accounting for 3. I percent households 12,161 households accounting for 5.2 percent of the rural households of the district who are of the rural households of the districts are possesing television.Amomg the C.D.Blocks availing of the banking services.The highest Thakurganj has the highest proportion ofhouseholds proportion of households can be observed in (3.7 %) possessing television and Kochadhamin has Bahadurganj C.D.Block (7.4) who are availing the lowest proportion of households with 2.5 banking services and the lowest proportion of percent. As regards telephone there are 1,030 households in Dighabank C.D.Block (4.3 %), households accounting for 0.4 percent of the rural There are as many as 42,628 households of the district households accounting for 18.4 percent of the who are availing telephone services. Among CD.Blocks rural households who are possesing Thakurganj C.D.Block has the highest proportion of radio,transistors.Among the C.D. Blocks, households (0.6 %) availing telephone services and Terhagachh C.D. Block has the highest Dighabank has the lowest proportion of households with proportion of households (23.4) possing the 0.2 percent. radio,transistor and Digbabank has the lowest Similar trend can be observed in respect of other speci­ proportion of households with 14.5 %. fied assets also both in the district as also in its develop­ As regards television, there are 7,294 ment blocks.


(viii) Major social and cultural events, natural and t~lctories and is an important centre for export of jute. administrative developments and significant Bishunpur activities during the decade A large village situated at the distance of 10 kms. No major social and cultural events has taken from the block headqualters of Kochadhamin, is noted place in the district during the decade. However, the for its market and believed to be one of the largest district has been famous for fairs and melas held at in Ki shanganj district. It is settled annually by the different places throughout the year. There is a brief Government, bringing a revenue of 40 to 50 thousand lull during the two months of rainy season. rupees . .Jute forms the main item of trade.

(ix) Brief description of places of religious, (x) Major characteristics of the district, historical and archaeological importance in contribution of tbe district in the form of any villages and places of tourist interest in tbe historical figure nssociated with tbe district towns of the district The district is main ly agrarian in nature. It is a Andhasur jute and paddy growing area having potential of The village lies about 13 kms. west of the block becoming important industrial belt based on these two headquarters and Kochadhamin and is noted for its raw materials. The district of Kishanganj has more Shiva temple. A large fair, lasting for a month, is held or less the same characteristics as the district of annually on the occasion of Shivaratri. Purnia since it was a pmi of the district in the form of a sub-division till it was bifurcated and upgraded Dighalbank as a full fledged district. The village is the headquarters ofihe block bearing the same name and is situated on the northern border (xi)Scope of Village Directory and Town of the district with Nepal. It has a semal tree in the Directory - column hendingwise explanation and compound of the police station, believed by tradition coverage of data to be the tree on which the pandava, prince Arjuna, The District Censlls Handbooks are the only had kept his Gandiva(bow). publications which furnish information down to the Jimn Gachll village level in case of rural areas and by the level The village lies in Thakurganj block and is situated of towns/wards (circles) in case of urban areas. This on the Garga-Daljeeling Road, about 9 kms. from facilitates research scholars and academicians to Thakurganj railway station. According to tradition, the analyse data upto the lowest administrative unit. It is pandavas are believed to have spent a part of the of vital impol1ance for the planners also since it offers period of their excite in this village. To commemorate micro-level data and thus enable them to identify the this, an annual fair is held in the month of Chaitra. areas undeveloped in terms of infrastructure and channelise efforts and inputs accordingly so that Thlshia optimum utilization of the resources could be made. A big village, situated about 32 kms. north of Kishanganj town and 6 kms. from the block The present series of the DeHB in 2001 Census hedquarters at DighaJbank, is an imp0l1ant commercial have been made more informative and exhaustive in centre in the locality. It has a temple of Shiva around terms of coverage and content. The content of village directolY has been broadened by including more types which a fair is held annually 011 the occasion of Shivaratri. of facilities such as bank, recreational and cultural facilities, newspapers and magazines available in Kishanganj villages. Information on most important commodity The town is the headquarters of the district of mantlfactured in village and also income and the same name is situated on the Ganga- expenditure of Gram Panchayat, wherever possible Road and is rail head. It has three jute processing are provided. Specific details on distances, in case a

55 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ basic amenity is not available in the referent village which happens to be last as per is also given. These include distances ill respect of procedure adopted for assigning location code number, availability of primary and middle school and college The district cenSllS handbook of 1991 Censlls as well (in respect of the educational facility), Allopathic as updated district and C.D. Block maps and services Hospital, Maternity & Child Welfare Centre and of local revenue officers/officials have been used to Primary Health Centre (in respect of the medical assign the PLCN 10 the villages. The last two zeros facility), drinking water, Post Office and phone, will be used ifnew villages are created out of existing communication, bank, credit societies and recreational villages in subsequent censlls. Before 200 I cenSlIS, facilities. In town directory, information 011 all types village location code number used to change from of slums, whether notified/recognised by the one census to other due to change in jurisdictions or respective town authority or 110t and in respect of all creation of villages or merger of villages in urban statutory towns irrespective of their class as against areas. The district handbook of 1991 Census has been only Class I and Class II towns of the 1981 and 1991 used as basis for filling lip the name of the village Censuses are provided. With reference to the town including the forest and uninhabited villages. But to concerned, the nearest city with 5 lakh and above ensure the accuracy, the list of villages and their population has also been given in addition 10 I lakh names were got authenticated ft'om the respective and above population. The varied basic amenities B.D,O's of each C.D.Block. available in the villages and towns are analysed in Column-3 depth with the help of a number of cross-classified inset tables and statements. Shows the area (in hectares) of the village as indicated by the State Revenue Department. Village and Town Directories included in the District Census Handbook give the list of villages and Columns - 4 & 5 towns, their areas, population and amenities. Gives the population and number of households The details of each column of village directory in each village which facilitate the correlation between are explained as below : the amenities available to the population and number of households in village. Co]umn-l Columns 6 to 9 Serial number of the village is indicated in this column, Deal with the amenities like education, medical, drinking water, post, telegraph and telephone etc. The Column-2 information relating to these amenities were filled by Gives the name of the village and permanent the Patwari of concerned village in village directory location code number (PLCN) assigned to each village booklet which were subsequently cross checked with in serpentine manner from north-west to south district census handbook of 1991 as well as with the direction and is essential for identification of village. information collected from the various departments The concept of permanent location code number has to ensure the accuracy of information provided. In been introduced first time in 2001 Census by assign ing such cases where no facility is available within a eight digit number starting from the first village of village, a dash (-) has been shown in the column and the first tehsil of first district of the state to the last next to it in brackets, the distance from the village in village of last tehsil of the last district. In the state broad ranges viz. lIpto 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ of Bihar first PLCN 00000100 has been assigned to kms. of the nearest place where the facility is village 'KALAPANI' in Sidhaw C.D. Block of available has been given. This will help not only for Pashchim Champaran district and the last PLCN local area planning but in regulating the provisions of 04509800 has been assigned to the last village 'TOLA goods and services as well, so as to minimize the SUNDARI' of the state in Chakai C,D. Block of regional imbalance in the process of development. The abbreviations used to indicate these amenities

56 ANALYTICAL NOTE have been explained separately in the subsequent magazines are received in the village. section. Column-18 Column-lO Gives the information of most important Shows the number of banks - Commercial banks commodities manufactured in the village. and Co-operative banks. In addition to this, the list of Columns-19 to 23 banks procured from the lead bank of the district has also been added in this book. Give the details about land utilization. The land use pattern given in the village directory conforms to Column-ll the pattern of classification of land use as recommended by the Ministry of Agriculture, Relates to number of credit societies, such as . The Ministry of Agriculture, agricultural credit societies, non-agricultural credit has recommended the maintenance of records of land societies and other cooperative societies. lise pattern under five categories. These are as Column-l2 follows:

Shows the number of recreational and cultural i) Forests facilities viz. Cinema/video hall, spolis club, stadium/ ii) Irrigated auditorium facility available in the villages. iii) Unirrigated Column-l3 iv) Culturable waste (including Gauchar and Indicates the type of communications amenities Groves) sllch as by bus, railway or navigable waterway available to the village. v) Area not available for cultivation

Column-14 Forest area shown in colLllnn-19 includes all lands classed under any legal enactment dealing with forests Refers to the state of roads etc. leading to the or administered as forests, whether state owned or village. This is useful in determining as to whether private and whether wooded or maintained as potential the village is approachable both in fair and foul forest land. The crops raised in the forests and grazing weather by paved road, mud road, foot path and lands or areas open for grazing within the forest is navigable water ways. also included under the forest area.

Column-15 Column 20 and 21

Gives the information of the nearest town and Show area irrigated by different sources of its distance in Kms. from the village in brackets from irrigation and un-irrigated area. These two columns the referent village. In case, the nearest town is cover all agricultural land which equals to net cropped located in another state, the name of the state has area sown with crops and orchards including current also been furnished. and other fallow lands. In case of irrigated land, the Column-16 source of irrigation has also been indicated. Relates to the availability of power supply to Column 22 the village with purposes such as domestic, agricultural Culturable waste: This includes all lands use, other purposes or for purposes which are denoted available for cultivation whether not taken up for by the abbreviations. cultivation or taken up for cultivation once but not Column-17 cultivated during the five years or more in succession. Such lands may be either fallow or covered with Gives the information as to whether newspapers/ shrubs andjullgles which are not put to any use. Lands under thatching grasses, bamboo bushes and other 57 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ groves for fuel etc" which are not included under Column 4 is not applicable in case of Bihar and orchards or forests come under this column, All States. While column 5 shows the name grazing lands, whether they are permanent pastures of C.D. block, area of each town in sq. kms. is and meadows or not, village common and grazing depicted under column 6 column 7 deals with the lands within forest area are also included in this number of households including houseless households column. as per the 2001 Census. Columns 8 to 18 deal with population and growth rate orthe towns at different Column-23 censuses from 1901 to 2001. Column 19 of the Area not available for cultivation: This includes statement shows density of towns as per the 2001 land not available for cultivation such as barren, Census. Columns 20 to 22 depict the sex ratio from unculturable land and land put to non-agricultural usc. 1981 to 2001 Census. Land put to non-agricultural use stands for all lands Statement-II Physical Aspects and Location of occupied by buildings, roads and railways or under Towns water etc. Barren and uJ1culturable lands cover all lands like mountains and deserts which cannot be put In this statement data on annual rainfall, under cultivation, except at a very high cost. maximum and minimum temperature are shown under columns 3 to 5. Columns 6 to 8 indicate the name Column-2 & 1 and road distance of the state, district, sub-divisional Indicate the name of the village in Hindi and serial and tehsillsub-tehsil headquarters. Column 9 shows number of village respectively. the name of nearest city with population of one lakh or more and columns 11 to 13 give information Town Directory : regarding name and road distance of the nearest railway station, bus route, navigable river/canal (if The Town Directory is presented for each town within 10 Kms.). Column 10 shows the name of in the district covering different aspects of urban life. nearest city with population of five lakhs and more. Seven statements (I to VII) have been included for presentation of this data. The data contained in these Statement-III Municipal Finance statements are the area, population of200 1 and past censuses, growth rates, density, sex ratio, physical This statement shows the receipt and expenditure aspects of town, communications, municipal finances, of Municipal Finance of individual towns for the year civic, medical, educational and other amenities and 1998-99 under different heads. There are in all 16 trade, commerce, industry and banking facilities. It columns in the statement showing receipt and covers all the towns in the district statutorily notified expenditUl'e under different heads. as well as non-municipal towns. All the towns in the Statement IV Civic and Other Amenities district are arranged in alphabetical order. The statement displays information under 20 The data collected in these statements have columns. The amenities about which information has largely been furnished by the municipal bodies, For been incorporated are road length (with break-up by non-municipal towns, the cantonment executive Kutcha and Pucca), system of sewerage, drainage officers supplied the information. and other related matters such as water supply, fire Statement-I Status and Growth History fighting services and electrification etc.

The statement rUllS into 22 co lumns and is primarily Statement· V Medical, Educational, Recreational intended to throw up a comparative picture of each and Cultural Facilities town in different cenSllses from 190 I to 2001. Civic This statement displays information under 20 administration status of each town is shown under heads and it intends to depict the degree of availability column 2 and Location Code number in column 3.


of medical facilities by type of institutions and number there is likelihood that they are maintaining a list of of hospital beds available in each institution. such areas which are officially treated as slums. The Educational facilities by level/type of courses and intention is that the information is to be provided in recreational and cultural facilities. respect of such localities as are officially recognised as slums, whether actually notified or not. Though Statement-VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and the magnitude of slum problem is greater in class I Banldng and class II towns, it is acknowledged that they are This statement presents information under 11 associated with smaller towns also. Hence the information on slums in this statement has been columns in respect of each town. Columns 3 to 8 compiled in respect of all towns having statutory indicate three most important commodities expOlied bodies. Columns 1, 2 need no explanation. Under and manufactured in the town. Information on number column 3 the names ofslum(s) has been provided in of banks available in the town appears under column an alphabetical order in separate lines under the town 9. Columns 10 and 11 show number of agricultural which they belong. The particulars with regard to and non-agricultural credit societies operating in each status of slul11 whether notified or not has been town respectively. collected under column 4 and recorded as 'Yes' or Statement-VII Civic and other amenities in 'No'. Under column 5 the no. of households Slums (approximate) in the slum pertaining to 1999 has been recorded whereas in column 6 the popUlation figures Statement VII contains information about civic (approximate) based on the year 1999 have been and other amenities in slums of 1999. This is a recoded. Column 7 denotes the road length of paved statement on civic and other amenities in all slums road in km . upto two decimal places. Column 8 to whether notified or not and for all towns having 13 give information about system of sewerage, number statutory bodies, like municipality, municipal of latrines and method of disposal of night soil. Column corporations, Notified Areas, etc. 14 gives information about the no. of tap points/public hydrants as ascertained from civic authorities as well Generally, in cities or towns with slums, the local as through local enquiry. Column 15, 16 & 17 give authority, such as municipality or municipal corporation information about electricity connections. Column 15 or even the development authority notifies the gives information about domestic electricity recognized slums. It is linked up with the availability connections, column 16 gives information about road of funds from the State Government for slum lighting (electric points) whereas column 17 gives clearance/improvement. It is possible that some of information about electric connections other than the states or local bodies have not formally notified collected under columns 15 & 16. slums under their jurisdictions. But in such cases,


Part-A : Village and Town Directory


Section-I : Village Directory

Note explaining the abbreviations used in the Column 2: Name and Location Code Numbe.' Village Directory of Village The "Village Directory" is one of the traditional The name and location code number of the village compilations of the Census. It gives the list of villages, are shown against this column. This also includes the their location numbers, their area, population, number forest and uninhabited villages. of households, amenities sllch as educational, medical, Column 3: Area of the village drinking water, post and telegraph, commercial and co-operative banks, agricu Itural, 110n-agricu Itural and The total area oftlle village in hectares is given. other credit societies, recreational and cultural Wherever the area figures was not furnished by the facilities, communication, approach to village, nearest concerned department the column is left blank. town with a distance, power supply, availability of Column 4 : Total population newspaper and magazines, most important commodity The total population of the village as per 200 I manufactured and land use of each village. Censlls is given against this column. Village is a statutory recognized unit having a Column 5: Number of households definite boundary and separate land records. In case, a complete village is treated as an outgrowth of urban The number of households as per 200 I Census agglomeration, data on amenities for that village, have is given in this column. not been given in the Village Directory but shown Amenities: along with the urban component. The villages wh ich In columns 6 to 23, availability in respect of are considered as a Census Town, the amenities data different amenities such as education, medical, are shown in the Town Directory. For those villages drinking water, post & telegraph, banks, credit which have partly merged in an outgrowth of U.A., societies, communication, power, approach road etc. the amenities data are shown in the Village Directory in each village has been depicted with appropriate for that particular village. codes against the column conceI'l1ed. Wherever the The 'un-inhabited'villages (villages with no amenities are not available in the village, a dash population) have been indicated as such after (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets furnishing details in columns 1 to 3 i.e., Serial number, the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. Name of village & location code number and area of and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility the village against column no. 4 to 18. The land use is available is given. Column wise details are given data for such villages are shown in col.19 to 23 below: The Village Directory format has 23 columns Column 6: Educational and the details given under each column are for the Classes upto class V included in Primary School. village are as follows : This will include nursery school, kindergarten school. Column 1 : Serial Number Pre-basic school, pre~primary school, junior basic Self explanatory. All the villages within the C.D. school upto class V. Block are presented serially in the ascending order Classes from VI to VIII are included in the middle of their location code number. school.

63 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Classes from IX and X included in High (v) Child Welfare Centre CWC secondary school. Classes XI and XII are included (vi) Health Centre HC in senior secondary school. (vii) Primary Health Centre PHC In case of composite schools like middle school with primary school or secondary school with middle (viii) Primary Health Sub-Centre PHS school, these are also included in the number of (ix) Family Welfare Centre FWC primary and middle schools, respectively. (x) T.B. Clinic TB Accordingly any of the following types of (xi) Nursing Home NH institutions ifexists within the village is shown as per codes given below: (xii) Registered Private Medical RMP (i) Primary School P Practitioner (ii) Middle School M (xiii) Subsidised Medical Practitioner SMP (iii) Secondary School S (xiv) Community Health Worker CHW (iv) Senior Secondary School PUC (xv) Others 0 (v) College C More than one institution of a type in the village is indicated by the number within brackets against (vi) Industrial School I the abbreviations, e.g. H(3), D(4), etc. (vii) Training School Tr Column 8: Drinking Water (viii) Adult literacy class/centre AC The type of the drinking water supply sources (ix) Others (specify) e.g. Sanskrit 0 available within the village are indicated by codes as Pathshala, Senior basic school, follows: Navodaya Vidyalaya, Makhtab, (i) Tap Water T etc. (ii) Well Water W More than one institution of a type in the village (iii) Tank Water TK is indicated by the number within brackets against (iv) Tlibewell Water TW the abbreviation, e.g. P(3), M(4), etc. (v) Handpllmp HP Column 7: Medical (vi) River Water R Availability of medical facility within the village (vii) Canal C is indicated by following codes : (viii) Lake L (i) Allopathic Hospital H (ix) Spring S AYlirvedic Hospital HA (x) Others 0 Unani Hospital HU (xi) Summer Source SS Homeopathic Hospital HHom Column 9 : Post, Telegraph and Telephone (ii) Allopathic Dispensary D It is indicated by codes as shown below whether Ayurvedic Dispensary DA within the vi Hage exists the following amenities: Unani Dispensary DU (i) Post Office PO Homeopathic Dispensary D Horn (ii) Telegraph Office TO (iii) MatemHy & Child Welfare MCW (iii) Post & Telegraph Office PTO (iv) Maternity Home MH (iv) Telephone Connection PH 64 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Column 10 : Commercial and Co-operative Column 14 : Approach to village Banks Approach to village refers to the state of road If the village is served by any banking service, leading to village. Tile approach to the village is commercial bank, co-operative bank etc. the same is indicated in following codes: indicated in codes mentioned below along with the (i) Paved Road PR number of banks in brackets. If not available the distance of nearest place where the facility exists is Oi) Mud road MR given: (iii) Foot path FP (i) Commercial Bank CM (iv) Navigable River NR (ii) Co-operative Bank CP (v) Navigable Canal NC Column 11 : Credit Societies (vi) Navigable waterways other If the village enjoys the services of Credit than River, Canal NW Societies i.e. Agricultural Credit Societies, Non Column 15 : Nearest Town and distance Agricultural Credit Societies or Other Credit Societies. the same is indicated in codes mentioned below along The distance is given in kilometers in brackets with the number of such societies in brackets. In case against the name of the town nearest to the vi lIage. the facility is not available within the village the Column 16 : Power supply distance of the nearest place where such facility exists Availability of Power Supply in the village, is given: whatever may be the form of its LIse is given by using (i) Agricultural Credit Society ACS following codes: (ii) Non- Agricultural Credit Society NCS (i) Electricity for domestic use ED (iii) Other Credit Society OCS (ii) Electricity for agricultural use EAG Column 12: Recreational and cultural facilities (iii) Electricity for other purposes EO If facilities such as CinemalVideo hal', Sports (iv) Electricity for all purposes EA Club, Stadium/Auditorium are available in the village, Column 17 : News Paper / Magazhle the same is recorded in this column. If not available the particulars of the nearest place with the facility If village receives any News Paper/Magazines are recorded. The information is indicated in codes the same is noted in this column using following codes mentioned below along with the number of such facilities in brackets: (i) News Paper N (i) Cinema/Video Hall CV (ii) Magazine M (ii) Sports Club SP Column 18 : Most important commodities (iii) Stadium/Auditorium ST manufactured Column 13: Communications The name of three most important commodities manufactured in the village is recorded against this If the village is served by any mode of public/ column. Private transport like Bus, Railway station or Navigable water ways these are to be mentioned as Columns 19 to 23 : Land use i.e. area under follows: different types of land use (i) Bus BS Land lise data maintained by the State/UT Govts. are furnished against these columns. The data (ii) Railway Station RS concerning area under Forest, Irrigated land (by (iii) Navigable Waterway NW source), Un-irrigated land, Culturable waste and Area

65 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ not available for cultivation in the village are shown Appendix II Indicates the list of villages with against these columns. The area figures are given in 5,000 and above population which hectare(s) up to one decimal. Desh (-) is recorded do 110t have one or more wherever the information is not made available by important amenities. the concerned department. The codes used for Appendix rIA Indicates list of Census Towns different types of irrigation facilities available in the which do not have one or more village are indicated below: amenities. (i) Government Canal GC Appendix III It gives the land utilization data (ii) Private Canal PC in respect of Census Towns/non­ (iii) Well (without electricity) W municipal Towns. (iv) Well (with electricity) WE Appendix IV CD Block wise list of inhabited villages where no amenity other (v) Tllbewell (without electricity) TW than drinking water facility is (vi) Tllbewell (with electricity) TWE available. (vii) Tank TK Appendix V Summary showing number of (viii) River R villages not having Scheduled Castes population. (ix) Lake L Appendix VI Summary showing number of (x) Waterfall WF villages not having Scheduled (xi) Others 0 Tribes population. (xi!) Total T Appendix VIlA The appendix shows the list of The village directory also carries the following villages according to propOliion appendices. of the Scheduled castes to the total population by ranges Appendix I It gives the abstract of educational, medical and other Appendix VIIS The appendix shows the list of amenities available in villages CD villages according to propOliion Block wise of the district. of the Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges. Appendix IA Indicates number of villages CD Blockwise having one or more Appendix VIII Number of Villages under each primary schools. Gram Panchayat( C.D. block wise) Appendix lB Indicates number of villages CD Blockwise having primary, lTIiddle Appendix IX Statement showing number of and secondary schools. girls schools in the villages Appendix IC Shows number of villages CD List of Villages merged in towns and outgrowths Blockwise with different sources in 2001 Census of drinking water facilities. There is no Stich village in the district of Kishangal1j· LIST OF VILLAGES MERGED IN TOWNS AND OUTGROWTHS AT 200] CENSUS Name of villages Location Code Number Serial Name of villages identified for Location Code Number 2001 Census number Name of Towns merged in towns outgrowth 199 J Censlls (in case of partly 00) 2 3 4 5 6 There is no such village in the district of Kishanganj.

66 ,-----.------.------

Km 1 o 1 2 Km I I I I

Tolal Rural Urban

Area (in Sq.Km) 19347 1113.47 Population l0703G 10703(l •• "I: No of Villages BI No. of Towns Nil Distance of Block Headquarters to DlStrlCl Headquarter> 42 Km






BoRed lIpon Survey of InOla mup wIlh lhe permisSIOn of lhe Surveyor Generol of India '. C: Governmenl of India CopYright 2005

Alphabetical list of Villages Name of the District: Kishanganj Serial 2001Census location code 1991Census location code number Name of villages number number 2 3 4 Name of CD Block: Tcrhagachh Location code of C.D. Block: 0001 1 Asha 00628700 420010001000100151 2 Babhangawan 00629800 420010001000100162 3 Baigna 00632300 420010001000100215 4 Bairia 00625900 420010001000100077 5 Balua Jagir 00629300 420010001000100157 6 Balliadandgi 006322()O 420010001000100193 7 Bansbari 00631600 42001000100010()187 8 Bdbarigachh 0063030() 420010001000100167 9 Benugarh 00627200 420010001000100136 10 Betbari 00629900 420010001000100163 II Bhag Kajlela 00628000 420010001000100144 12 Bhagjhullki O()626400 420010001000100221 13 Bhnrdhari 00631800 420010001 000 100 189 14 Bhelagllrhi 00626600 420010001000100125 15 Bhelagllrhi 00626800 420010001000100132 16 Bhorha 00624300 420010001000100216 17 Chargharia 00629200 420010001000100156 18 Chichora 00626000 420010001000100078 19 Chilhania 00630000 420010001000100164 20 Dahibhat 00625000 420010001000100068 21 Dak Pokhar 00632000 420010001000100191 22 Deorikhas 00631000 420010001000100174 23 Dhabaili 00629000 420010001000100154 24 Dhokat:ihari 00624400 420010001000100217 25 Doria 00628500 420010001000100149 26 Gamharia 00629400 420010001000100158 27 Gargaol1 00630800 420010001000100172 28 Ghani Phliisara 00631100 420010001000100175 29 Gilni 00630700 420010001000100171 30 Hatgaon 00624700 420010001000]00219 31 Hatgaol1 00625700 420010001000100075 32 Hawakol 00628100 420010001000100145 33 Hawakol Khurd 00629500 420010001000]00159 34 Ihala 00629100 4200]0001000100155 35 Ihunki Musahara 00627700 420010001000100141 36 Kadleta 00627900 420010001000100143 37 Kalpir 00626700 420010001000100126 38 Kamat Hatgaol1 00625600 420010001000100074 39 Kamdti Nankar 00628300 420010001000100147 40 Kanchanbari 00626500 420010001000100124 41 Kanchanbari Istamrar 00626100 420010001000100079 69 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Alphabetical list of Villages Name of the District: Kishanganj Serial 2001Census location code 1991 Census location code number Name of villages number number 2 3 4 Name of CD Block: Terhagachh Location codl,\ of C.O, Block: 0001 42 Khajuribari 00629600 420010001000100160 43 Khaniabad 00625500 420010001000100073 44 Khara Suhia 00630200 420010001000100166 45 Klwrij Klwniabad 00625200 420010001000100070 46 Kharra 00627400 420010001000100138 47 Kharra Belbari 00627300 42001000 I000100 137 48 Kharrakasht 00630100 420010001000100165 49 Khllliia Toli 00625800 420010001000100076 50 Kliari 00629700 420010001000100161 51 Lodhabari 00628400 420010001000100148 52 Mahua 00631200 420010001000100179 53 Mahuu Gachh 00631300 420010001000100180 54 Matiari 00627000 420010001000100134 55 Mianpur 00631400 420010001000100181 56 Mianpur 00631500 420010001000100182 57 Nania 00632100 420010001000100192 58 Panchgachhi 00627500 420010001000100139 59 Pharhabari 00627600 420010001000100140 60 Pharhabari Milik 00626300 .420010001000 I 00220 61 Pbarhabari Nankar 00627800 420010001000100142 62 Phulbari 00624500 420010001000100064 63 Phulbari 00624800 420010001000100066 64 Phulbari 00625300 420010001000100071 65 Phulbari 00631700 420010001000100188 66 Phulbari Nankar 00625100 420010001000100069 67 Pipra 00624900 420010001000100067 68 Pip!'a 00626900 420010001000100133 69 Pokharia 00628600 420010001000100150 70 Pokharia 00628900 420010001000100153 71 Rahmatpul' 00630500 420010001000100169 72 Rampul' 00628800 420010001000100152 73 Sel'ati Kamati 00628200 420010001000100146 74 Sharma Toli 00624600 420010001000100218 75 Sharma Tali 00626200 420010001000100080 76 Simia 00627100 420010001000100135 77 Simia 00631900 420010001000100190 78 Suhia 00630600 420010001000100170 79 Subia Gopalnagar 00630400 420010001000100168 80 Tegharja 00630900 420010001000100173 81 Tokabhansu 00625400 420010001000100072


DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (ifnot available within the village, a dash (-J is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given) ~tn '0 '0 "0 iu ';; 0 .... '" "'§ ,t;! '" '- Q. 0 t: ::: .~ S 00 " , C 0 C- .~ ] a .0 u .:;; " ""5 ti 1ti S :l ca " u " E '" ~ u ... 'c '" '$ '$ E '6" 1n E .!< 'C tl § ~ '0 " 0 o " ~cJ] 0'"'" '" ~ U) til" ~ .:: .:: Z'" I.l.I ::i:" 8 P.. u1:\ ~~ cG u e I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

CD Block: Tel"hagachh (0001)

CHWH«5) Bhorha PM(-'::5) ACS« 5) CV«5) 85« 5) 6510 3,591 735 MCW('-S) HP WSS- PO«5) CM«5) (00624300) C(IOe) NCS(IO+) SP«5) RS(IO+) PHC("5) PH(lO+) CP« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

DhokarJhan H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV«5) 8S(10+) 2 218.0 322 63 P«5)M«5) HPWSS- PO«5) CM(IO+) (00624400) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PH(lO+) CP(IO<) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

Phulban 14.0 ------Uninhabited ------(00624500)

DHCPHC Sharma Tali FWCSMP ACS( 10+) CV«5) 85(10+) 4 18.0 75 10 PM S PUC HPWSS- POPB CMCP (00624600) C(lOt) CI-IWH(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) MCW(IO+) (lCS( 10+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

H Mfl PHC PHST8 Hatgaon PHPO(5- ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 88(10+) 1680 715 164 P«5)M«5) RMP(2) HPSS· CM«5) (00624700) 10) NCS(IO+) SP(5-10) R8(10+) C« 5) SMP(2)CHW CP(.: 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+) MCW(IO+)

MH H(IO+) Phulban PM«5) ACS(10+) CV«5) 88(10+) 6 269.0 3,165 641 MCW(IO+) HP S8- 1'0«,5) CM«5) (00624800) C{lO+) NCS( 10+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PHC« 5) PH(IO+) CP«5) ., OC8(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) "Ji

PM«5) H(lO+) ACS( 10+) CV«5) B8(10+) 7 Pipra (00624900) 56.0 238 52 HP S8- PO«5) CM(5-IO) C(lO") MCW(S·IO) NeS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) 1'1-1«.5) CP(S-10) [,HC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

PHC PHS ACS Dahibhat PM S PO CV«5) BS«5) 431.0 3,580 FWC H(IO+) HP WSS- CMCP NCS(IO+) (00625UOO) 717 C(lO+) PH(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(10+) MCW(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Phulbari Nankar H(lOt) ACS« 5) CV«5) BS« 5) 82.0 443 81 P« 5) M(' 5) HP WSS- 1'0«5) CM«5) (00625100) MCW(10 ) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(IOt) ' 1'1-1(10+) CP« 5) PcIC(10+) OC8(1O+) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

Khnrij Khnniabad 10 106.0 .--•• --- Uninhabiled ------(00625200)

72 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land use (i c. area under different types orland use 111 hectare)

c: 0 E 1il,. g 00 ., :.a0 c: u 0 :.a ~u 1:l 8 U'" .... Ei E ._c:~ '" ,£ .!!l 0 j) "0 u 2 ,. ::J -" " o'(l '3 " .':! e " ~ >. Sl ~ Of) ~ ;!: "0 a 1 B 51 is. ~ ~13 "0 II d) 1:; ';; ..c: ;g g- o. &a e § u OJ" "0 lil ::0 ~ ttl " C 0 c: 0. .5 ~ .':! on ~ ~ c: ""' '" ::l 1;; ::J ..c: 1ll glJ 'E ~ u .;:CB ~ ~ 0 § §" ~ i b a '"2 OJ < z 0.. Z ~ E ~ .§ ::J 8 ~I < Z U"J 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

TW(1627) R(65.1) MRFP nahadurganj (30) 292.9 6S 1 32.5 Bhorha 0(32.5) T(260.3)

TW(20) TK(J.O) MRFP Bnhadurganj (15) R(1.2) 810 39.9 74.0 DhokarJ huri 2 0(18.6) TI22.8)

TW(5.3) .••••••• Uninhabited •••••••••... 2.8 1.6 U.8 Phlllbnri 3 L(3.2) T(S.S)

TW(4.2) MRFP Bahadurganj (20) 57 3.2 3.1 Sharma Toli 4 0(2.0) T(6.2)

TW(32.0) PRMR Bahadllrganj (24) 0(100) 840 25.2 16.7 Hatgaon FP T(42 0)

TW(26.9) PRFP Bahadurganj (30) 0(52.5) 1324 17.3 40.0 Phulbnri 6 T(79.4)

TW(S.6) MRFP Bahadurgunj (18) WF(8.4) 28.5 8.4 53 Pipra 7 T(14.0)

TW(424) PRMR Bahadurgnnj (90) 0(64.0) 2134 46.5 65.1 Dnhibhat FP T(1064)

TW(8.0) MRFP Bahadurganj (30) 0(12.0} 40.4 12.5 9.3 Phulbari Nankar 9 T(20.0)

TW(ID.5) •••••••• Uninhabited •••••••••••• 0(24.3) 52.2 9.3 9.3 Kharij Khaniabad 10 T(34.8)

73 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (ifnot available within the village, a dash (.) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the dislance ill broad ranges VIZ.< 5 kms., 5-10 k111S. and 10+ klns of the -;;;- nearest place where the facility is available is given 'di' :> OJ '" "0 "0 El 0 CJ 'Ul' U" iii ~~ w :> " ';:: C) 11 . 8. ..,"- >. ~ 8: .<:> '~ <.> ] '" :> u 1iI 8 ;:I -a '" .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ] :> ~l)~ c.::~

Plmlbari !-I«5) ACS(S·IO) CV(lO+) 8S«5) II 142.0 636 147 P« S) M« S) !-IP W R SS- PO« S) CM(5-10) (00625300) MCW« 5) NCS(S·IO) SP(IO+) RS«S) C« 5) P!-I« 5) CP(S-W) PHC« 5) OCS(S·IO) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Tokabhansa PM«5) !-I«5) AeS(S·IO) eV(s.IO) 88(5-10) 12 118.0 206 35 HPWSS· PO«S) CM(S.IO) (00625400) C(lO+) MCW« 5) NCS(5.10) SP(IO+) R8(10+) PH(10+) CP(5-10) PHC« 5) OCS(S·IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Khaniabnd P(3) M(S·IO) H(S·IO) ACS(S·IO) eV(s·IO) 8S(IO+) 13 1,053.0 3,785 713 HPWSS- PO(S-IO) CM(S·IO) (00625S00) C(lO+) MCW(S-IO) NCS(S·IO) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) P!-l(5.1O) CP(S-IO) PHC(S-IO) OCS(S·IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Kamal Halgaan 14 134.0 ._ •• -_ •• Uninhabited _._ ••••• -.-. (00625600)

RMP(2)CHW Hntgaon PM S H(IO+) ACS« S) eV« 5) BS(IOf) IS 540.0 4,148 899 HPWSS- PO PH(2) CM«5) (00625700) C(IO,') MCW«5) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) CP(':: 5) PHC('" 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

PHS 11(5-10) Khunia Tali TWWTK PO ACS(S-IO) CV(10+) BS(IO+) 16 220.0 1,518 310 P M C(lO+) MCW(S·IO) CM(S-IO) (00625800) SS· PH(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PHC(5.10) CP(S-IO) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

PHS H(IO+) Bairia MP«5) TWWTK PO ACS(S.IO) CV(lO+) 8S(10+) 17 251.0 1,812 380 MCW(IO+) CM(IO+) (00625900) C(IO+) SS· PH(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(10+) PHC(IOr) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Chichorn PM(10+) H(lO+) HPTWW ACS(IO+) eV(lo+) 8S(10+) 18 306.0 885 175 PO«S) CM(IO+) (00626000) C( 10+) MCW(ID+) S8- NCS(IO+) SP(1D+) RS(IO+) PH(lO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Kllnchanbari P«S) H(S-10) ACS(S-10) CV(lO+) 8S(10+) 19 Istamrar 42.0 70 15 TWWSS- PO(S-IO) CM(5.10) M(S·IO) MCW(S·IO) NCS(S·IO) SP(IO+) RS(IO'l (00626100) PH(5-IO) ep(s·IO) C(IO+) PHC(S-IO) OCS(S·IO) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Sharma ToJi ACS(S·IO) CV(lO+) BS(IO+) 20 \32,,0 270 57 P«S)M«5) H(S·IO) TW W SS- PO(S·IO) CM(S-IO) (00626200) NCS(5-10) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) MCW(S-W) PH(S-IO) CP(S-IO) PHC(5.!O) OCS(S·IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

74 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Villa2e Directory Land Use (As on 19991 I_and lise (i.c. area undcr different types orland use II) hectare)

j 5 .t:' 'B " 0 '" t:: E OJ " ., ~ .~ E ;;; 0 ~ g ::l del 1::'" 0 .s: >, '" Ul Q. ~ .f!"2 B ~ c. OJ ..c .9 ::l c. 8.S e' g 1;1 U) a. .5 ~ 8 '" 'Vi "'" 'Vi %Of, a. ::: 0 ~ a. 0~ '" '"OJ 0 ...: j c. z" ;:;s '"E ;...... § 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

TW(17.0) R(285) MR Buhudurganj (10) 560 12.9 13.8 Phulhari 11 0(14.2) T(597)

TW(113) MR FP BahadurganJ (28) R(23.6) 610 12 (J 10 2 Tokabl1unsa 12 T(3S.0}

TW(IS3.3) R(210.G) MR FP Bahadurganj (35) 362. I 1053 86.4 Khaniabad 13 WF(I05.3) T(499.2)

TW(13.6) ------Uninhabited ------0(20.2) 67.2 20.2 13 1 Kamat Hatgaoll 14 T(33.9)

TW(SI.O) PRMR FP Bahadurganj (21) 0(77.6) 104.0 78.5 229.2 Hatgaon 15 T(128.6)

TW(27.5) MRFP NR Bahadurganj (30) 0(2104) 116.1 417 13.4 Khllniu Toli 16 T(49.0)

TW(27.S) MR NR Bahadurganj (30) 0(45.7) 834 60.7 34.0 Bairia 17 T(73.2)

TW(26.8) MRFP NR NW Bahadurganj (30) 47.50(40.2) 134.0 31.3 26.1 CiJichora 18 T(67.0)

TW(4.0) R(2.0) 4.0 MR FP Bnhadurganj (31) 2.1 Kan~hRnbari 19 0(29.5) Islamrar T(35.5)

TW(8.0) MR FP Bahadurganj (31) R(S.O) 50.0 30.7 39.0 Sharma Toli 20 T(13.0)

75 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 • Amenities and Aillenities available (ifnot available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next (0 it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz,< 5 kms" 5-10 lUllS, and 10+ kms of the on :::l nearest place where the facility is available IS given .,'"C "0 "0" ~ c 0 '"~ :::l U ~~ u c II ;:; '" ~ '" +:J " u 0 5 0 0 '+:J e 1l € '~" ~ .~ '" Z ~ U t!, f;! qg & ..c ,_ o ..c u o, _ ';;;:;: ., ., on § "0 u 0 .... § ":::l C " c:: , £ 0 [j ..c: § c g o :::l '" ,_ ~ ~ '5 ';ij :;: f;! ,..: ~ 1§ E ~ 0 ~o ""' OIl :::l '0 :::l ..... !::! 0 [j 0 .:!l 'fd ..!:::: ~ c '" c:: 0 '" c. .~'" c .9.0 i ::> >. ..0 !l :::l '-' 1ii E ., :.;;; 11) ._ ']I'" u '"E '" ~ E ~ 'I:: E :::l "'0" c to E"'" .~] :::l "0 0 o § ~ cj ] §:: "(I)" ~ ~ ~ Z I.LI ::E'" 8 p... U.o

I'hol'lmbari Milik PMO H«5) ACS(IO+) CV(5-10) B8(10+) 21 111.0 1,945 412 HPW SS- PO« 5) CM«5) (00626300) C(1O+) MCW(S-IO) NCS(tO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(5-IO) CP« 5) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Bhagjhunki PAC 0 H(S-IO) ACS«S) CY(S-IO) 8S(S-10) 22 314.0 1,158 227 HPWS8- PO«5) CM(S-IO) (OO626400) M«5) C(IO+) MCW(S-IO) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH«5) CP(5-IO) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Kanchanbari P M«5) H(lO+) ACS(IO+) CV(10+) B8(10+) 23 462.0 576 113 TWWSS- PO«5) CM(IO+) (OO626500) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH«S) CP(IO+) Pl-lC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

ACS Bhel~gurhi P(5-IO) H(5-IO) CV(10+) BS(IO+) 24 91.0 981 202 HP W SS- PO«5) CM(IO+) NC8(10,) (O0626600) M(S-IO) MCW(S-IO) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH«5) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) C(lO+) PHC(5-IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

RMP(3) ACS Kalpir PM S H(IO+) CY(IO+) 88(10+) 25 405.0 3,602 748 HP WSS- PO PH CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) (00626700) C(10+) MCW(5-10) SP(IO+) R8(1O+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) PHC(5-IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

RMP(3) ACS Bhelagurhi P M(<-S) 1-1(5-10) CY(IO+) 8S(IO+) 26 331.0 832 164 HPW SS- PO PH CM(lO+) NCS(10+) (00626800) C(IO+) MCW(S-IO) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) CP(10+) OCS(IO+) PHC(S-IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

RMP(3) P M(S-IO) H(5-IO) ACS(S-lO) CY(IO+) 8S(10+) 27 Pipra (00626900) 2S2.0 1,766 399 HPW SS- 1'0(5-10) CM(S-IO) C(lO+) MCW(5-10) NCS(10+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(S-IO) CP(S-IO) PHC(S-IO) OCS(IO+) S1'(IO+) NW(IO+)

Matiari H(IO+) PO ACS(IOf) CV(IO+) 8S(IO+) 28 1,261.0 6,044 1,205 PM C(IO+) TWWSS- CM(IO+) (00627000) MCW(IO+) PH(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) CP(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

CHWH{IO+) Sirnia PM«5) I-IPTWW ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 8S(10+) 29 80,0 486 99 MCW(IO+) 1'0« 5) CM(IO+) (00627100) C(IO+) SS- NCS(IO+) SP(IO'") RS(10+) PHC(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(10+) S1'(IO+) NW(IO+)

Benullarh MP«5) H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV(IO'I) 88(10+) 30 279,0 840 179 HP W R SS- 1'0« 5) CM(IO+) (00627200) C(10+) MCW(IO+) NC8(10+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH«5) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OC8(10+) 8T(10+) NW(IO+)

76 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land lise (i.e. arca under different types of land usc in hectare)

c: ]' 0 .~ W) 5 ,.[2 I: "a 'E :; 0 ::l " d) " .5 E '"iJ "'- ~ § 0' E~ ..s ~o 'E ~ ~ .!B '";. :0" <\>l i '" 0 ..!1 ~ ;>, &l" ~ Oil t F' E.... :::"<:1 '05 ~ ..0 .9 ::: '0. d) "0 ;:: "'-

TW(!S.6) MR NC Bahadurganj (29) 0(28.0) 348 12.0 105 Pharhaban Milik 21 '[(53.6)

TW(34,) MRFP Bahadurganj (19) 0(38.3) 66,7 1743 BhaWhunki 22 T(72.6)

1'W(30,O) MRFP Bahndurganj (25) R(20.0) 2617 71.0 79,0 Kunchanbari 23 T(50 0)

TW(42.0) MRFP Bnhadurganj (31) R(12.0) 30,0 7.5 Bhelagurhl 24 1'(54.0)

1'W(lOO.O) TK(4.0) MRFP Bnhadurganj (30) 200.0 32.0 27.1 Kalpir 25 L(42.0) T(146.0)

1'W(44,O) L(40.0) MR FP Bahadurganj (30) 73.7 78,\ 75.2 Bhelagurhi 26 0(20.1) 1'(104.1)

TW(42,O) R(40) MRFP Bnhadurgnnj (32) 80.0 116,0 4.1 Pipra 27 WF(6.0) 1'(52,0)

TW(263.1) MRFP Bahadurgnnj (14) 0(38.1) 451.8 376.5 131.9 Matiari 28 T(301.2)

TW(119) MRFP Bahadurganj (17) 0{7.2) 28.7 19.9 12.0 Sirnia 29 T(19.I)

TW(54.6) MRFP Bahadurganj (25) 0(34.4) 99.6 55.4 35.2 Benugarh 30 T(89.0)

77 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (ifnot available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kills., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the li nearest nlace where the facility is available is given OJ '" 'tl 'tl V3~ 0 ~ " 13 ai li u'" ., .,3 u oJ .t: ... <) "§ '" "§ .. OJ C '" 'tl § .~ ~ ~ .t: § ~ ..g ,.g § d' .w '~ 0 ~ 0- " is '';:::: 0 .c " "1il:>"§ '" ._ E ~ ~ "3 .... "1il ~ ~ '" s OJ 0- 0 ~ :p c ...: ,~ f! .... 0 OJ) ~ ]~ .903 E c 0 ~ 8. ~ " "1il c ]j - ~ § ~ '" .0 'ia ::l " lii E " E i!I OJ ]I ]I u "E "' 'J:: " :a" ~ tf E'" .~~ ~ ~] E :i' S '0 r§ 0 o ~ ~ - 0"" U)" ~ ~ ~ Z ~'" 2:" "- u.<) ...: 0 t:

Khnrra Belbari PM«5) H(IOr) HPTWW ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 31 649.0 3,122 617 PO« 5) CM(S-10) (00627300) C(10+) MCW(lO+) SS- NCS(IO;') SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(5-1G) PHC(IO+) OC3(10+) ST(IO+) NW(5-10)

Kharra P(S-IO) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(S.IO) 8S(5-10) 32 204.0 399 79 TWSS- PO«5) CM(5-1O) (00627400) M(5-IO) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(5-IO) C(IO+) PHC(IO r) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(5-10)

Panchgachhi H{5-10) ACS«5) CV(S-IO) BS(5-10) 33 171.0 389 80 P«5) M«5) TWW SS- PO«5) CM(5.10) (00627500) MCW{5-IO) NCS(IO+) SI'{5-10) RS{IO+) C(10+) PI-I(IO+) CP(S-IO) PHC(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW(5-10)

Pharhabari H{IO+) ACSOCS CV(IO+) 8S(10+) 34 117.0 1.402 277 P«5)M«5) TWWSS- PO«S) CM(IO+) (00627600) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(10+) RS(IO+) C(10+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC( 10+) ST(IO+) NW(S-IO)

Jhunki Musahnra PM«5) H« 5) HPTWW ACS(IO+) CV{5-IO) BS(5-10) 35 443.0 3,302 695 1'0«5) CM(5-IO) (00627700) C(10+) MCW«5) S8- NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PI-I(IO+) CP{5-IO) PHC« 5) OCS{IO+) ST(IO+) NW(S-IO)

ACS Pharhnbari Nankar H« 5) CV(5-IO) BS(5-IO) 36 62.0 485 105 P{< 5) M« 5) TWWSS- PO«5) CM(5-10) NCS(10+) (00627800) MCW«5) SP{5-10) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PH(IO+) CP{S-IO) OCS(IO+) PHC(S-IO) ST(10+) NW(5-10)

Kndleta PM«S) H« 5) ACS(5-1O) CV(5-10) BS(S-10) 37 229.0 984 221 TWSS- PO(S·10) CM(5-10) (00627900) C(lO+) MCW«5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH«5) CP« 5) PHC«5) OC8(10+) ST(IO+) NW(5-IO)

Bhag Kajleta - H«5) AC8(5-1O) CV{S-IO) B8(5-10) 38 65.0 291 59 TWSS- PO(5-IO) CM(5-10) (00628000) P« 5) M« 5) MCW{< 5) NCS(5-10) SP(IO+) R8(1O+) PI-I« 5) CP«5) C(IO+) PHC« 5) OC8(10+) ST(IO+) NW(5-10)

Hnwakol PM«5) H(IO+) ACS« 5) CY(IO+) BS(5-10) 39 502.0 3,018 669 TWWSS- PO«5) CM«5) (00628100) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH«5) CP(IO+) PHC«5) OCS(IO+) ST{IO+) NW(S-IO)

HPTWW Serali Karnati P M« 5) H{S-IO) ACS« 5) CY(S-IO) BS(5-10) 40 95.0 292 65 TKRCLS PO«S) CM(5·IQ) (00628200) C(IOr) MCW(5-IO) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) OSS- PH(IO+) CP(S-IO) PHC(5-JO) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(5.10)

78 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directorv Land Use (As on 1999) Land usc (Le. area lInder different types ofland lise in hectare)

,;;; E 0 ~ ""_g tlJ ;:: :at:' .=: 1l 0 .a" <.J C '" E '0 ~ "c: c-'" ,B .~ E 0:;- '"IJI) .~ 0 - ..., OJ .,!;! -,,;J <.J ~ - Q) ;- 1;1) o 0- .§ ~ ~_ ~u 0 I: !@ :::s.e oj 0;" 0- ..... " ! ! '" " ;: 0- ~ ~ '2 - :;J .. ~ 0 :§ ...

TW(JJ9.4) MRFP Balwdurgal\1 (17) 0{36.1) 230.2 159.9 103.2 Kharra Belban 31 T(1554)

TW(270) MRFP Buhadurgnnj (30) 0(45.7) 749 21.4 34.9 Khana 32 T(72 7)

TW(lS 8) MRFP Bahadurganj (25) 0(25.5) 65.6 43.7 20.2 Panchgachhi 33 T(41.3)

TW(IO.I) MRFP Bahadurganj (26) 0(13.0) 59.9 18.6 15.4 Pharhabnri 34 T(23.1)

TW(80.7) MRFP Bahadurgnnj (68) 0(25.6) 159.5 1329 44.3 Jhunki Musahara 3S T(106.3)

TW(B 5) 7.3 Phnrhaban MRFP Bahadurganj (20) 0(12.1) 23.5 10.5 36 Nankar T(20.6)

TW(2I.7) MRFP Bahadurgnnj (26) 0(14.1) 730 42.1 778 Kadleta 37 T(35.8)

TW(2.9) MRFP Buhadurganj (27) 34.8 07 21.8 Bhag Kajletn 38 0(4.5)T(7.4)

TW(74.S) MRFP Bahudurganj (27) 0(45.9) 180.7 125.5 75.3 Hawakol 39 T(120.4)

TW(IS.S) MRFP Bahadurganj (60) 0(19.4) 33.6 21.0 4.9 Serati Kamali 40 T(35.2)

79 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (iCnot available withll1 the village, a dash (-) is shown 111 the column and next to it III brackets the distance in broad ranges viz,< 5 kms" 5-10 kills and 10+ kills of the -;;;- nearest place where the facility is available is given i!!" "0 "0 -;;;- ""§ ~1 (J I u" ''';:: c:,) ~ to c.. 0 ~ '§ ::l "0 '" - § .... 0 ... OJ) ~ ,9 (a E 0 <1J ,9 .:!::! ~ ~ c.. -au ::I u ~ 8 ::l '~ ~, ..c 11 "a Vl U ... «I" ] " ..r ~ :g:.a " E g .a ~ ~ IS ~ '5 ::l "C" 't:: 0 §~ 'E, .s ,_ '" 0;':::: ::;E" p..'" ,;r:u- Ul ~ ~ ~ Z t.Ll CI U.c -< 0 ~ Ul u e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

Kamdti Nanknr H(IO+) ACS«5) CV(5-10) BS(5-10) 41 32,0 285 60 P« 5) M« 5) TWWSS- PO«5) CM(IO+) (00628300) MCW(IO+) NCS(IOl-) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(5-IO)

Lodhaban H«5) I\CS(IO+) CV« S) BS«5) 42 570 110 P« 5) M« 5) TWSS- PO(5-IO) CM(S-IO) (00628400) 118 ° MCW«5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) PH«5) CP('" 5) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Doria P M« 5) H«5) ACS(IO+) CV«5) BS«5} 43 129,0 1,367 285 TWSS- PO(5-IO) CM(S-IO) (00628500) C(lOt) MCW«5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH«S) CP«5) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO,)

Pokharin H(5-1O) ACS«5) CV«5) BS« 5) 44 205,0 479 101 P«5}M«5) TWWSS- PO« 5) CM(S-IO} (OO628600) MCW(5-10) NCS(10+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(5-10) PHC(5-10l OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

H(10+) ACS« 5) CV«5) BS« S) Asha (00628700) 106.0 746 144 P«5)M«5) HPWSS- PO«5) CM«5) 45 MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) 81'(10+) RS(IO+) C(lO, ) PH(IO") CP«5) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Rnmpur H('" 5) ACS« 5) CV«5) BS« 5) 46 86,0 1.147 215 P«5) M(<'5) HPWSS- PO«5) CM("-5) (00628800) MCW(<'5) NCS« 5) SP« 5) RS(lO+) C(10+) PH(IO+) CP«5) PHC(' S) OCS« 5) ST(lO+) NW(10t)

CHWH(5-10) Pokharia ACS« 5) CV«5) 8S« 5) 47 68.0 685 130 P«5)M«5) MCW(S-IO) TWWSS- PO«5) CM(5-10) (00628900) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) C(lO+) PHC(S-IO) PH(IO+) CP(5-10) OC8(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Dhahaili MP«5) H(5-IO) ACS« 5) CV(5-10) 8S« 5) 48 638,0 4,691 963 TWWSS- 1'0«5) CM(S-to) (00629000) C(10+) MCW(S-IO) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(5-10) PHC(5-IO) OC8(10+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

RMPH(IO+) I\C8(IO+) CV(IO+) 88(5-10) 49 Jhala (Q0629 100) 266,0 2,967 603 P« S) M« 5) MCW(IO+) HI' W SS- PO«5) CM«5) NCS(10+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C( 10+) PHC(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Chargharia H(lO+) ACS(IO+) CV(5-tO) BS(5-tO) 50 221.0 2,164 444 P«5) M«5) wss- PO«5) CM«5) (00629200) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(lO+) C(lO+) PH«5) CP(tO+) PHC« 5) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

80 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land lise (i.c. area under different types of land use in hectan:)

E 0'" ""~ P OIl :.a .5 :;~ " 0 t) " c E .... " ~c- .£ on .~ e .~ '" "os .~-0 0 t:! ~ W " ~" 0~ ::0" ... .;;:= o(! " .:::! >, iil l(I !ii, OJ... .9 15. ~ ill .~ ~ .<:> a. o :; '0 t: .s: ..c ::l a. a.~ e ell S ~ "os -0 :0"'" ..... ::l ~ 0. 'iii" " '0 0 tl '".... .§ ~ ~I to! a a.e ~ tl ;:l " t: "..c 'iii'" ~ '" 0 § g ~ '" " to ::;E ·s ~ g ~ 'ti .'t z" Q.. Z"'" S .§ ::> Q 0'1

TW(7.3) MRFP Bahadurganj (60) 0(8.9) 8.1 36 4.5 Kmndti Nankar 41 T(162)

TW(I1.7) MRFP Bahadurganj (27) 0(23.1) 47.0 189 NR 17.5 Lodlmbari 42 T(348)

TW(12.5) MRFP Bahadurganj (26) 0(19.0) 52.6 25.5 19.4 Doria 43 T(3t.6)

TW(33.6) MRFP Bahadurganj (60) TK(142) 87.8 36.4 32.8 l'okharia 44 T(47.8)

TW(lO.5) MRFP Bahadurganj (30) 0(16.0) 53.8 15.8 9.5 Asha 45 T(26.5)

TW(8.5) MRFP Bahadurganj (30) 0(17.0) 34.0 17.0 9.3 Rampur 46 T(25.5)

TW(6.8) MRFP Bahadurganj (60) 0(13.5) 34.0 6.8 6.6 Pokharin 47 T(203)

TW(87.0) PRMR Bahadurganj (60) 0(191.4) 206.4 84.6 68.8 Dhabaili 48 FP T(278.4)

TW(64.8) PRMR Bahadurganj (5 I) 0(60.7) 92.3 34.8 13.4 Jhala 49 FP T(12S.4)

TW(lIl.7) MR Bahadurganj (48) ED 0(32.4) 37.1 7.0 32.4 Chargharia 50 T(144.1)

81 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the Village, a dash (.) is shown in the column and next to It in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5·10 kms. and 10+ kills of the nearest place where the facility is available is given ~ ~ "d .g " t!- '0 "d 6 ~ lii a"d ':;: ..c:., u ~ .~ "3 .E .= ';:;':;: Q.) c iii "d ot: ._" U 0 ... " -5 ,£ ;::J'" ...... s:: § c g ~ ~ ,.§ o of kJ ~' "-< 1a ..c:0 -"", .;::" 0 _o 0 -;; ~ I:! -;; -:;:] !,\1 '';: ;;: "5 :s OJ)'" E! ;::: c. 0 c .~ ::> "d ~ « ~ E "" 0 011 ,Q 'Oi '" 0 -;;; t: .=! ~ E c '" ~ '0 ~ c. :u .~ ]i'" ;;:J U tti E ::l -;;; .0 ,~ :.;;; '"a (/l § iO' ":§ g t: ..r .~ ~ s :;: " is 'C:; §"§ ~.S ~ '5 ~ '" 011,5 0"'" Ul ~ r-S ~ Z ii3 ~ Cl 0': U..o « 0 ~ ~cn U E! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 J3

Balun Jagir PM« 5) H(10+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 51 531.0 2,708 568 WSS- PO«5) CM«5) (00629300) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH«5) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Gamharia H(S-IO) ACS(IO+) CV«5) BS« 5) 52 453,0 2,710 551 PMC(IO+) TWWSS· PO PH« 5) CM( 10+) (00629400) MCW(S-IO) NCS(10+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(c 5) OeS(lo+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Hawakol Khurd H(IO+) ACS(5-IO) CV(IO+) BS(5-IO) 53 130,0 830 182 P« 5) M« 5) TWWSS- PO«5) CM«5) (00629500) MCW(IO+) NC8(10+) SP(IO+) RS(10+) C(IO+) PH(5-IO) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OC8(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

KhaJuribnri H(10+) ACS(5-IO) CV(IO+) B8(5-10) 54 434,0 2,732 551 P(·: 5) M« 5) WSS- 1'0« S) CM«5) (00629600) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) 1'HC« 5) OCS(lOr) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Kuari P ACM«S) H(5-10) ACS«S) CV(IO+) 8S(10+) 55 225.0 1,365 303 HPW 5S- PO«5) CM(5.IO) (00629700) C(IO+) MCW(5-10) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH« 5) CP(5-1O) PHC(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Babhangawan PM(5-10) H(IO+) ACS(lO+) CY(lO+) 8S(10+) 56 193.0 1,079 233 HPSS- PO«5) CM(5-IO) (00629800) C(10+) MCW(IOt) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(5-10) PHC(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IOf) NW(IOr)

Betbari H{IO+) ACS{IO+) CY(10+) 8S(10+) 57 36,0 385 86 P« 5} M« 5} HPSS- PO« 5) CM(5-IO) (00629900) MCW(lO+) NCS(lO+) 81'(10+) RS(IO+) qIO'r) 1'H(IO+) CP(lO+) 1'HC«5) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Chilhania P M«5) H(JOr) ACS(lO+) CY(IO+) 8S(IO+) 58 342,0 1,120 247 HPSS- 1'0«5) CM(IO+) (00630000) C(lO+) MCW(lO'r) NCS(JO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(10+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Kharmkasht P M(5-tO) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) 8S(l0+) 59 198.0 851 172 HPSS- PO«5) CM(5-IO) (00630100) CCIO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(5-10) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

PHSCHW Khara Sullia PM(IO+) HOO+) ACS«5) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 60 176,0 302 63 HPWSS- PO«5) CM(IO+) (00630200) qIO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO'!-) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(lOI-) CP(IO+) PHC(10+) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW(lO+)

82 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directorv Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.l!. area under different types ofland lise ill hectare)

c: 0 ]: il 0[/ ;:; 5 £ c: 't:l -5 3 " 0 ;J '" <= E '(j ".... .iii" dJ .5 ~' S .~ § ~ OJ "0 U btJ <: :£

TW(228.2) PRMR Bahadurganj (60) ED 0(96.3) 63.1 753 67.6 Balun Jagir 51 T(3246)

TW(84.6) MRFP Bahadurganj (58) 0(24.3) 162.7 135.6 45.5 Gamhana 52 T(I09'(J)

TW(20J) MRFP Bahadurganj (29) 0(109) 46.8 325 195 Hawakol Kllurd 53 T(31.2)

TW(610) MRFP Bahadurganj (25) 0(42.5) 155.2 1078 67.4 Khajuriban 54 T(103.5)

TW(2.6) MRFP Bahadurganj (21) 0(27.2) 35.2 3.5 157.0 Kuari 55 T(29.8)

TW(36.0) MRFP Bnhadurganj (14) 0(9.7) 85.8 21.0 40.5 Babhangawan S6 T(45.7)

TW(7.6) MRFP Bahadurganj (15) 0(5.8) 15.9 1.7 4.9 Betbari 57 T(135)

TW(79I) MRFP Bahadurgnnj (13) WF(16.6) 148,5 80.8 17.4 Chilhanin 58 T(95.6)

TW(19.4) MRFP Bahadurganj (14) 0(21.8) 83.8 43.8 29.1 Kh~rral<~sht 59 T(41.3)

TW(l3,8) MRFP Bnhadurganj (16) 0(25.8) 77.4 20.6 38.4 Khara Suhia 60 T(39.6)

83 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Censns of India 2001 - Amenities and Amemties uvtulable (ifnot aVailable within the village, a dash (-) is shown inlhe column and next to it ill brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms orlhe Vl' :J nearest place where the facility is available IS given

." '" "0 u" § ~~ I -'";:l " :-2 u oJ " J:l '" 0 ~ ~ § ~ C> §" " ~ ~ '.;:3 5 u G. ,.c: .~ a ,!: ti :; ] .g ., on a " o ._ u B '" ;:: § ":J ... ,.c: 2 r:!' ... " .;:; 0 § ol!:2:; § E '- j .<:; ~ C:,2 '.0 0 .n'" .;:: 0 '- ro :;:: ro ] ,4,:: ro> ;:l s 0 .~ ~ ::> .... 0 "0 ~ 'g § " ';j S ::> tii" OJ s ~ t1) ..... S ~ 7l 7l'" ;:l '" 't: " 0 § "E .c; §"§ .~~ " ,S 11 §:-:: '" ~ ~U~ til'" ~ E- ~ :z: ;'il_ ::E o p.. U..o "':0 ~U) U e I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

Belbarigachh l' M«5) H(IO+) ACS(10+) CV(IO+) 8S(10+) 61 80.0 492 113 HPSS- 1'0«5) CM(5-10) (00630300) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(10+) S1'(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(5-IO) PHC(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Suhia Gopnlnngnr H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CY(lO+) 8S(10+) 62 132.0 537 III 1'« 5) M(': 5) HPSS- pO(·d) CM(IO+) (0063040D) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(lO+) C(10+) PH«5) Cp(IO+) pHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW[lO+)

RMPH(IO+) ACS Rahmalpur 1'(2) M HPTWW PH(2) CPCM(5- CY(10;') 88(10+) 63 213.0 1.265 250 MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) (OO63050()) C(10t) SS- 1'0(5·10) 10) S1'(lO+) RS(IOt) PHC(IO+) OeS(lo+) ST(10'r) NW(IOr)

D(3) MCW Suhia PM(5-1O) RMP(3) PH(2) ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) 13S(IO+) 64 169.0 1.553 325 TWWSS- CM(IO+) (00630600) C(lO+) H(IO+) 1'0(5.10) NCS(IO+) SP(10+) R8(10+) CP(S-IO) PHC(IO+) OeS(lo+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

RMP(2) P M(5-IO) H(IO+) HPTWW ACS(5·10) CY(IO+) 8S(10+) 65 Gilni (00630700) 128.0 710 166 1'0(5·10) CM(10+) C(10+) MCW« 5) SS· NCS(10+) S1'(IO+) RS(lO+) PH«5) CP(5·10) PHC(IO+) OeS(5·10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Gargaon PM«5) H(IO;') HPTWW ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S(10+) 66 75.0 429 74 1'0«5) CM(IO+) (00630800) C(IO+) MCW(S-IO) SS- NCS(IO+) S1'(lO+) RS(IO;') 1'1-1(5-10) CP(5-IO) PHC(IO+) OC8(10;') ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Tegharia PM(5-IO) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 88(10+) 67 82.0 758 180 HPW SS. PO«5) CM(IO+) (00630900) C(10+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO!) 8P(10+) RS(IO+) PI-I«5) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Deorikhas 227 P M(S-IO) H(IOt) ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) 88(10+) 68 365.0 1,076 HI' W S3. 1'0«5) CM(IO+) (00631000) C(10+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) S1'(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(10+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

Ghani Phulsara P M(S-jO) H(IOt) AC8(lO+) CV(lO+) 88(10+) 69 279.0 1,025 227 I-IP W S8- 1'0«5) CM(IO+) (00631100) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHqIO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IOI') NW(IOI)

Mahua P MeIO+) H(lO+) PO ACS« 5) CY(IOt) 88(10+) 70 329.0 1,252 260 HP W SS- CM(IO+) (00631200) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) PH(IOt) NCS(IO+) 81'(10;') R8(10r) CP(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lOt) NW(lO+)

84 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directorv Land Use (As on 1999) Land lise (i.e. area under differcnllypcs ofland usc in hectare)

j § 0:: Cl) :.=. i:> ~ dl '6 ..c;" '§ 0 ::l <.J u 0""

TW(85) MR FP Buhudurganj (12) 0(12.5) 36.0 12.[ [ 1.0 Bclbarigachh 61 1'(21.0)

TW(13.4) PRFP Bahudurgunj (18) 0(19.8) 52.7 26.3 20.2 Suh;a GopaJllagar 62 T(33.2)

TW(25.J) TK(7.3) MRFP Bahadurganj (16) N 97.5 27.1 45.3 Rahmntpur 63 R(IO.5) 1'(42.9)

TW(429) MRFP Bahadurganj (15) NM 0(4,9) 55,6 36.0 29.7 Suhia 64 T(478)

TW(lO,O) MRFP R(9.0) Bahadurganj (25) 53.0 9.0 ]2.3 Ollni 65 NR 0(15.0) T(34.0)

TW(8.0) MRFP Bahadurganj (24) 0(10.0) 27.5 14.2 15.2 Gargaon 66 TeIS.O)

TW(9.3) MRFP Bahadurganj (18) 0(4.6) 48.0 8.0 12.2 Tcghana 61 T(13.9)

TW(32.2) TK(16.0) FP Bahadurganj (19) 129.() 65.0 74.8 Deorikhas 68 0(48.0)- T(96.2)

TW(I3.8) MRFP Bahadurganj (18) 0(27.0) 167.0 28.0 43.0 Ghani Phulsara 69 T(40.8)

TW(26.0) MRFP R(S.I) Bahadurganj (16) 148.2 7.9 88.1 Mahua 70 NR 0(50.8) T(84.8)

85 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (ifnot available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and neKt to it ill brackets the distunce in broad ranges VIZ. < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. lind 10+ kms of the v:; ::I nearest place where the facilttv is available is given -8 '[ '"c: '"0 ",.D 0 ti v:; ::I U" iii .~ .au oJ " .<:" ;; c:<> :E u 0 .~ € .~ .S?" :.§., 5 <=> ~ 0 - 1ij U .<:: '§ '" ]" 0 '" c: '0 6 00 '" ei-"e ::I " oli .s: ~ .c:: '"0 u '~ 11 ] .2 ettl c: iii '"0 6o ._ :t- 0 ";:I '"c: " .s" '" tl c: ~ ~ ~ ,@ 0 :;; !' '.g ..c:0 lii _,.", ,D 0 OJ;; 11 ~ 9 ~ ""' '3 '- Ol 1 ~ E! ."!:: .~ §" 0- 0 c: Of' [:! t:: «: !i 0 .... 0 "OIl z"2 c: '" c: 0 0- OJ '"c: OJ ::I ""' ~ .0 'iJ ]" '~r8 S ~ OJ " u .:i S12 '!: " 'S s '"0 ~ 1i ] ~ ~ ~ ~ E :: ::I .g 0 g lii .. ;Z; ::;E ~u;9 0'8 til ~ ~ ~ r.w " 25 Cl.. U.o ~~ ~tIl U .... I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JO 11 12 13

Mahun Oachh 71 14.0 ••.•.••• Uninh~bited --_ •• --•• _-- (00631300)

Mianpur pM(lOr) H(IO,') ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) B8(10+) 72 81.0 818 141 HPWSS- 1'0«5) CM(IO+) (00631400) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) pH(IO+) Cp(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Mianpur P M(lO+) H(ID+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 73 340.0 2,183 430 HI' WSS· 1'0«5) CM(IO+) (00631500) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Bansbari H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 74 60.0 96 18 1'« 5) M« S) HPWSS- PO«5) CM(IO+) (00631600) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PH«5) CP(IO+) PHC(IO"J OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Phulbari H(IO+) ACS«;5) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 75 35.0 99 24 P« 5) M« 5) HPWSS- POe<5) CM(IO+) (00631700) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PH«5) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Bhardhari H(10+) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 76 67.0 403 96 P« 5) M« 5) HPWSS- PO«5) CM(ID+) (00631800) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) CO 0+) PH«5) Cp(IO+) PHq 10+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

PHS H(IO+) Simia PM(IO+) ACS« 5) CV(ID+) BS(IO+) 77 169.0 535 114 MCW(ID+) HPWSS· PO«5) CM(IO+) (00631900) C(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC(IO+) PH(IO+) Cp(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

CHW(3} Oak Pokhnr PM(IO+) H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 78 354.0 2,195 507 HPWSS· PO(5·IO) CM(IO+) (00632000) C(lO+) MCW(IOr) NCS(IO;') SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHq 10+) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Nania H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 79 170.0 701 137 P« 5) M« 5) HP W R S8· PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00632100) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IOI') C(lO+) PH«S) CP(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Baluadandgi PM(IO+) H(lD+) ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 80 423.0 2,124 417 HP WSS· PO(5-IO) CMeIO+) (00632200) C(10+) MCW(lO+-) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) R8(10+) PHeIO+) Cp(tO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

86 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Villa2e Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land lise (i e. area under different types of land usc in hectare)

c i 'g0 g <;> Of) >- -a -a'" .g " 0 :oJ W " E u ... " ~ .~ E ._c Vl ..g ~ ~ " 0 '6 U ~ ~" .- ,g OJ, ::J ;.. .;;: Oil "" "S; - 0 ~ ;..., ii-o :a ~n _g B ~ -0 ~; ;;: ~ C to ..c: El 8:::J 0. ~~ e E '" "0 :0 :: .... ::J 1;1 0. ..."of, 0 0 Iii '" "" .5 ~ C ~ Vl :oJ " e0. ;$ Iii E " " ::: 0 § '"~ &l ~~;:l '"a ·c 0. 0 0 '"~ <:: l !l.. !£ ~ s ] :§ f \j), ~ ~ "" 14 15 16 17 18 '"19 20 21 22 23 2 '"1

TW(3.2) ••.••••• Uninhabited •.•••••••••• TK(O.S} 4.6 0.6 25 Mahua Onchh 71 0(2.I)T(6.1)

TW{16.2) MRFP R(41} Bahudurganj (16) 122 14.2 105 Mianpuf 72 NR 0(24.3) T(44.5}

TW(55!!) MRFP Bahadurgar\i C16} 0(83.4) 99.2 639 38.1 Mianpur 73 T( 139.2)

TW(73) MRFP Bnhadurganj (25) 0(10.5) 22.7 9.7 10.1 Bansbari 74 T(17.8)

TWE(8.9) MRFP Buhudurganj (25) 0(7.3) 14.5 2.1 2.1 Phulbari 7S T(16.2)

TW(14.6) MRFP Bahadurganj (25) 0(8.1) 174 15.8 10.9 Bhardhari 76 T(22.6)

TW(13.5) MRFP Bahadurgarti (14) 0(25.3) 75.9 20.2 34.3 Sirnia 77 T(38.8)

TW(28.2) MRFP Bahadurganj (15) 0(63.4) 250.6 7.5 4.1 Dak Pokhar 78 T(91.6)

TW(l4.6) MRFP Bahadurganj (25) 0(23.5) 59.5 47.8 24.3 Nama 79 T(38.0)

TW(33.5) MRFP Bahadurganj (18) 0(75.4) 180.5 50.3 83.7 Baluadandgi 80 T(108.9)

87 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if 11t.lt available within the village, a dash (") is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5· 10 kms. and 10+ kms oflhe nearest nlacc where tlJe f.1cilitv is available is given

2 3 4 s 6 7 8 10 11 12 IJ

0(3) DH RMP(3) Baigna CV(IO+) BS(lO+) 81 121.0 2,229 441 P M C(IO+) H(lO ... ) HPTWW POPH CM(IO.,) ACS(IO+) (00632300) SS· SP(IO+) RS(IO+) MCW(lO+) CP(IO.,) NCS(IO+) OCS{IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+)

H D(7) DII MeW MII(2) W(63) HC PHC(3) TK(3) P(49) M(13) PHS(6) IIP(52) PO(1I) CI\1(2) ACS(7) Block Total 19348.0 107036 22078 S(4) PliC NW FWC(2) TB TW(31) PII(ll) CP(3) AC(Z) 0(2) DCS RMI>(23) R(4) C L SMP(3) S CIIW(lO)

88 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land lise (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)

]' 5 i::;> 1i ~ "r: S ~ .~ S v- "Oil 0 u :a ~o u :; .;;::£l o, VI .... ;>, ..0 .9 ~ '15. ~(I) ~1l " ..c §- -e E .9 g- 2.B 't:J g tl ....VI 0- .S Jj § 8 ;:l ~ t;;'" (;j 0- "til '";<:: ~ t':! OJ) ;:: 0- 0 la 0 -< ~ "- :z" ~ E .... .§ en" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

TW(121) MR FP Bahadurganj (20) 0(28.3) 54.6 17.0 9.3 Saignn 81 T(40.5)

TW(2988.53) PR(8) TWE(8.9) MR(74) TK(43.24) FP(72) 47 5 R( 403. 7) ED(2) N(Z) M 7296.3 3282.7 2991.3 NC .• L(8S.23) NR(7) WF(136.3) NW 0(2063.62) T(S729.52)





lJ A Ii A Total Rural Urban D IJ l? G A N Arro (in Sq Km) 25532 25532 C. D. PopulatIOn 152680 152665 RIVER AND STREAM No. oJ Villages 8J No. or Towns Nil ©. PS HEADQUARTERS; C. D. BLOCK. POLICE STA1'ION Distance oJ E1llCk Headquarters PO POST OFFICE 10 Dislrict Headquarters 41 Km S HIGH SCHOOL/llIGHE:R SECONDARY SCHOOL/INTER COLLEGE B BANK




Bo,,," upon Survey of InoJa map WJlh lhe permisslOn oJ lhe Surveyor General or India , c': Government of Indw Copyright 2005

VILLAGE DIRECTORY Alphabetical list of Villages Name of the District: Kishanganj Serial 200 I Census location code 1991 Census location codc number Name ofviflages number number 2 3 4 Name of CD Block: Dighalbank Location code of C.D. Block : 0002 J Algacbhia 00639600 420020002000200325 2 Aliganj 00635700 420020002000200430 3 Baijnuth Paisa 00633000 420020002000200087 4 Bansbari 00639000 420020002000200319 5 Banwaria 006J620() 420020002000200129 6 Barbhang 00638800 420020002000200317 7 Bhurli Bhita 00637400 420020002000200303 8 Boaldaha 00634100 420020002000200098 9 Chhota Garumara 00639300 420020002000200322 JO Dahibhat 00634400 420020002000200101 11 Dahibhat Kalan 00635300 420020002000200117 12 Dahibhat Khurd 00635400 420020002000200118 13 Dargah Aliganj 00635600 420020002000200429 14 Dargah kallchanbari 00632600 4200200020{)0200083 15 Dargah Rasulganj 00635000 420020002000200114 16 Deogitja 00633600 420020002000200093 17 Dhanola 00638300 420020002000200312 18 Dighal Bank 00637700 420020002000200306 19 Dighal Bank 00637900 420020002000200308 20 Dighibari 00639100 420020002000200320 21 Doria 00638600 420020002000200315 22 Dubri 00634000 420020002000200097 23 Dubri khas 00633900 420020002000200096 24 Garbhanadenga 00637200 420020002000200301 25 Garumara 00639200 420020002000200321 26 Ghill1gra 00635800 420020002000200122 27 Gurhmurha 00636100 420020002000200128 28 Harhibhita 00633400 420020002000200091 29 Hari Bhita 00637800 420020002000200307 30 Haruadanga 00633800 420020002000200095 31 Hublidenga 00637100 420020002000200300 32 lchmari 00639500 420020002000200324 33 Ikra 00636700 420020002000200296 34 Ikra Milik 00639900 420020002000200328 35 lkra Milik 00640000 420020002000200329 36 Ikra Milik 00640100 4200200020002003~0 37 Jiapokhar 00640400 420020002000200428 38 Kachunala 00634900 420020002000200106 39 Kachunala Milik 00634600 420020002000200103 40 Kllchunala Milik 00634700 420020002000200104 41 Kachunala Milik 00634800 420020002000200105 93 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KHAGARIA Alpilabeticallist of Villages Name of the District: Kishanganj Serial 200 ICensus locatioll code 1991 Census location code number Name oJ'villages number number 2 3 4 Name of CD Block: Digbalbank Location code of C.D. Block: 0002 42 Kalpir Pathar Glmtti 00636000 420020002000200127 43 Kamat 00638500 420020002000200314 44 Kamati 00639800 420020002000200327 45 Kanchan Bari 00632400 420020002000200081 46 Karuamani 00637000 420020002000200299 47 Kast Kamlll Ali 00633500 420020002000200092 48 Kumarkhod 00636500 420020002000200194 49 Kumhia 00640200 420020002000200331 50 Kurbaili 00636600 420020002000200195 51 LachhmipUl' 00635900 420020002000200123 52 Lohagarha 00632500 420020002000200082 53 Lohargfll'ha 00632700 420020002000200084 54 Mahamari 00638100 420020002000200310 55 Maldangi 00639400 420020002000200323 56 Mallllali 00632800 420020002000200085 57 Maltoli 00637600 420020002000200305 58 Maltoli 00638DOO 420020D02000200309 59 Mangra 00634500 420020002000200102 60 Mulabari 00638400 420020002000200313 61 Mustalaganj 00635500 420020002000200119 62 Padampur 00636800 420020002000200297 63 Padampul' 00636900 420020002000200298 64 Pakamari 00634300 420020002000200100 65 Paisa 00633100 420020002000200088 66 Paisa Milik 00632900 420020002000200086 67 Panchgachhi 00638200 420020002000200311 68 Pathal'ghatti 00636300 420020002000200130 69 Patharghatti 00636400 420020002000200131 70 Sat Kauwa 00633700 420020002000200094 71 Satmeri 00637300 420020002000200302 72 Singhimari 00633200 420020002000200089 73 Singhimari Milik 00633300 420020002000200090 74 Suribhita 00638700 420020002000200316 75 Talwar Bandha 00638900 420020002000200318 76 Tanghan Tapu 00634200 420020002000200099 77 Tapti 00640300 420020002000200427 78 Tarabari 00639700 420020002000200326 79 Teli Bhita 00637500 420020002000200304 80 Tulshia 00635200 420020002000200116 81 Tulshia Kasht 00635100 420020002000200115



Census of India 2001 ~ Amenities and Amcnitlcs available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and I next to lt in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and [0+ kms of the -;;, nearest place where the facility is aVaJlablc is given Q;' 0) '0 V)~ 0 -;;, ~ ] ~0) ::l U .~ U ,f Q) 0) t:'" z t: ;:; 'iii t: '" 0 ~~ .~" ~ '~ 8 0 " .~ .3 -=- C!- :3 ~ 8- '" EO' 0- 2- '"0- '" ~ '" ~o <:> "0'" ] 0 .3 '0 "~~ 8 0- '0 .~ .~ ~ ..... '" 0 .9 gp ~ E!i3 .g ttl ~ "

CD Block: Dighallmnk (0002)

Kanchan Bnri PM«5) H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 244.0 886 175 HPW SS- PO(5-10) CM(IO+) (00632400) C(lO+) MCW(lOt) NCS« 5) SP(10+) RS(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(S-IO) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Lohagarha H(tO+) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS(lO+) 2 312.0 2,327 403 P MC(lO+) HPWSS- PO(5-10) CM(IO+) (00632500) MCW(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(lOr) CP(10+) PHC(10+) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Dnrgah H(IO+) ACS« 5) eV(IO+) B8(1O+) 3 Kunchanbari 94.0 405 80 PM«5) WSS- PO(5-10) CM(JO+) C(JOI') MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) R8(1O+) (00632600) PH(IO+) CP(10+) PHC(5-10) OC8(10+) ST(lO'r) NW(10+)

Lohargarha P OM«5) H(10+) PO ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 4 1,011.0 3,107 689 HPWSS- CM(lO+) (00632700) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) PH(IO+) NCS(10+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(lO+) OC8(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Malmali P M« 5) H(IO+) ACS«5) eV(5-IO) BS(5-10) 5 127.0 1,371 253 HPW SS- PO«5) CM(5-10) (00632800) C(10+) MCW(10+) NCS(IO+) SP(10+) R8(1O+) PH(IO+) CP(lO+) PHC(IO+) OC8(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Paisa Milik H(IO+) AC8(5-IO) CV(5-10) BS(j-IO) 6 114.0 489 74 P« 5) M« 5) HPW SS- PO«5) CM(5-IO) (00632900) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(10+) C(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

Baijnath Paisa P« 5) H(IO+) ACS(5-IO) CV(lO+) BS(5-1O) 7 309.0 992 HPWSS- PO«5) CM(ID+) (00633000) 187 M(5-10) MCW(10+) NC8(!0+) SP(10+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(10+) C(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

RMPH(IOt) P(2) M(5-10) AC8(5-IO) CV(IO'r) BS(IO+) 8 Paisa (00633100) 318.0 1,839 353 MCW(10+) HPWSS- PO«5) CM(lO+) C(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC(10+) PH(10+) CP(10+) OC8(10+) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

RMPCHW Singhimnri P(2) M H(IO+) ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) BS(10+) 9 761.0 3,646 724 HPW SS- PO«5) CM(10+) (00633200) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(lO+) SPOOf) RS(10+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(JO+) NW(IO+)

Smghimari Mil ik PM«5) H(lO+) AC8(5-10) eV(IO+) BS(10+) 10 332.0 2,805 521 HPW S8- PO«5) CM(10+) (OO633300) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) RS(lO-r) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW(lO+)

96 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land lise (I.c. area under different types ofland use in hectare)

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

TW(895) MR Bnhadurganj (15) 40,0 15.4 99, I KUlIchan Bari T(89.5)

TW(78.3) MR Bahudurganj (22) 38.8 10.1 185.2 Lohagarha 2 T(78.3)

TW(4S.6) MR Bahadurgnnj (15) 16.3 1.6 304 Dargall 3 T(45.6) . Kanchanbari

TW(3050) MR Bahadurganj (22) 301.2 IW.7 205.4 Lohargarha 4 T(305,0)

TW(52.6) MR Bnhadurganj (30) BAG 30.4 2.0 42.5 MaJmali 5 T(52.6)

TW(36.3) MR Bahadurganj (30) 38.3 17.7 21.9 Paisa Milik 6 T(36.3)

TW(41.2) 8nhadurganj (32) 101.9 92.4 73.3 Baijnath Paisa 7 MR T(41.2)

TW(69.4) MR NR Bahadurganj (40) 106.8 91.8 50.5 PaIsa T(59.4)

TW(99.6) MR Bahadurganj (34) 226.8 108.8 325.6 Singhimnri 9 T(99.6)

TW(n.5) Bahadurganj (34) 85.7 4.8 169.3 Singhimnri Milik 10 MR T(72.S)


Census of India 2001 ~ Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within tht: village, a dash (.) is shown in the column and next to it III brackets the distance in broad rmlges VIZ.< 5 kms., 5·10 kms. and 10+ kms orthe nearcst place whcre the facility is available is given 1c "CJ "0 ~CJ U ~~ ~ '" i '.;:l 0 .c c" '" if! 0 1.l .2: ;.s~ .~ 0 <=> 0 " '-§ 6 v" r::!. e ~8. ~>; <1J OJ 0.. iu 0 0 -8 '" "' ~ ....I 0 0 .~ '" ~ t! "0 l 6 _7il~]~'"' ~.!l 0<1 ;; ii CJ 'P .J3 c § "CJ Co ,_" f1 ~ 'C ';;;"~ ~ Jj 0 ~ 0<1 OJ c" 0 ~ a c g "" ._8 § iii .!!l ..... til .c .~ .g ..0 ~ .,0 ..... 7il i.~ ~>1l "[ 0 ~ .~ .~ f;l 0 ~ OIl 1 Eil .9 ~ P- tl ·c 7il c ] a 1 ~ ~ .c, 01 <\) E.l2 '6 S iii' S '" '6" ~ tr 8 c ~ g .~ § ::I .g '':: 0 o OJ 19 ::;E (.;..0 ~i:J19 <>'l z ~ ~ Z iJ..I " Cl ~ <:~ ~'" ~] I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Harhibhita PM«5) H(lO+) ACS(<:5) CV(<:5) BS«5) 11 538.0 3,163 640 HP W S5. PO«5) CM(5-IO) (00633400) C(IO+) MCW(10+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(10+) PH(5-IO) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Kast Karam Ali H(10+) ACS« 5) CV«5) BS«5) 12 95.0 114 26 P« 5) M« 5) HPW ss. PO« 5) CM«5) (00633500) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) PH(5-IO) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

PAC 0 Deagirja H(JO+) ACS«5) CV«5) BS«5) 13 229.0 1,523 307 M«5) HPW 5S. PO«5) CM«5) (00633600) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP{lO+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) PH(5-IO) CP{IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW{IO+)

PHS SMP Sat Kauwn P(2) M{< 5) CHWH(IO+) ACS« 5) CV«5) BS«5) 14 1,017.0 5,350 1,028 HPW SS. PO«5) CM«5) (00633700) qIO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(5-1O) CP(10+) PHC« 5) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

BS Haruadanga P M«5) H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV«5) 15 23.0 222 52 HPWSS. PO«5) CM«5) RS(IO+) (00633800) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) PII(5-IO) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+)

PHSCHW Dubri Kh~s 720 P(2) M( < 5) H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV(5-JD) B5« 5) 16 813.0 3,641 HPWSS- PO«5) CM«5) (00633900) C(1O+) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(5-10) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Dubri P M«S) H(IO+) ACS« 5) CVeS-IO) BS«5) 17 183.0 484 126 HPWSS- PO«5) CM«5) (00634000) C(10+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(10+) RS(IO+) PI-I(S'IO) CP(IO+) PHC«S) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(lOt)

ACS Bonldaha P OM«5) H(lOt) CV(5-1O) B8«5) 18 365.0 1,541 302 HPW S8- PO«S) CM«5) NCS(IO+) (00634100) CCIO+) MCW(lO+) SP{lO+) RS(IO+) 1'H«5) CF(IO+) OCS(lO+) PHC«S) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

1'HCFWC BS Tanghan Tapu 264 P(2) M CHW(3) CM ACS« S) CV«5) 19 98,0 1,096 H1'WSS- 1'0«5) RS(lO+) (00634200) C(lO+) H(IO+) CF(10+) NCS(10t) SP(10+) PH« 5) NW(lO+) MCW(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(10+)

1'akamari H(IO+) ACS«5) CV« 5) BS«5) 20 64.0 297 68 PM«5) HPW S8- 1'0« S) CM«5) (00634300) CCI 0+) MCW(IO+) NCS(ID+) S1'(10+) RS(IO+) 1'H« 5) C1'(lO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

98 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use {As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types ofland use in ]Iectare)

K .§_ G' 0,) -6 0 § "r: E <> 1;; .~ EO 0 ~J '5 gp OJ s: diJ B ~ ~ ~ ~-g 0, o 3 '5 § g.." c.,~ Vl 0, tl" .5 ~ e0- i:: ~ :;: 0- ~0 o §'"

TW(137.7) MR Bahadllrgnnj (20) ED 231.4 527 116.0 Harhi bhitn II T(!37.7)

TW(16.5) MR Bahadllrganj ( 19) 67.2 4.3 7.1 Kast Karam Ah 12 T(l6.5}

TW(162.8) MR Bahadllrganj ( 17) 27.7 4.1 34 9 Deogirj a 13 T(l62.8}

TW(112.7) MR Bahadllrganj (17) ED 3680 262.5 274.1 Sat Kauwa 14 T(l12.7)

TW(6,9) PRMR Bahadurganj ( 17) EA NM 9.6 6.2 Haruadanga IS T(6.9)

TW(352.2) PR Bah.durg.nj (16) EDEAG 442.4 6.6 12.3 Dubri Khas 16 - T(352.2)

TW(135.4) MR Bahudurganj (19) 26.0 4.1 17.3 Dubri 17 T(135.4)

TW(9S.0) PRMR Bahadurganj ( 17) BAG 242.2 3.1 21.7 Boaldaha 18 T(98,O)

TW(68.4) PR Bahadurganj (15) EDEAG NM 15.3 1.8 12.5 Tanghan Tapu 19 T(68.4)

TW(38.8) MR Bahadurganj (15) EDEAG 14.0 0.2 11.4 Pakamari 20 - T(38.8)

99 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Ameniti~s available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kills. and 10+ kills of the ~ nearestplace where the facilityis available is given

't:I '" '"0 § tfl1 u I '§' u"'" .~ "0 ..c:: 0) " ~ ;; .~ :;:;i'! .§ 0 1l 13 'J:l 's:: Q.. '0 15 ..t: '.... .s ...... 0 0 b1) e ]~ .~ (il 0 '" Q.. :u '" Oi J ~ § § '" ~ ':g ,ad "'S ti E 1 QJ <.J :l2 " E i? ';;:i ';;:i '6 '" E '" ~ " .- E ::: t:: 11 " QJ ,§ ,if §"§ '~ ~ 1 " 0 fda] U)'" ~ ;s t3 z ii3 :2 0 0.. U..o ..t:-g O:::~CI) 8] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

Dahibhat PAC 0(2) H(lO+) ACS« 5) CV«5) 63«5) 21 969.0 6,249 1.288 HPWSS- PO(<:5) CM(<:5) (00634400) M« 5) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) NCS(5-IO) SP(lO+) RS(lO+) PH«5) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OC8(1O+) 8T(IO+) NW(IO+)

BS Mangra P(2) o M«5) H(lO+) AC8(<:5) CV«5) 22 777.0 5,046 1.059 HPWSS- PO PH« 5) CM« 5) RS(lO+) (00634S00) C(10+) MCW(lO+) NCS(5-10) SP(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC«5) OCS(1O+) ST(tO+)

Kachunala Milik - H(lO+) ACS« 5) CV(5-10) BS«5) 23 44.0 430 83 HP W SS- PO«5) CM«5) (00634600) P« 5) M« 5) MCW(lO+) NCS(S-IO) SP(IOj) RS(lO+) PH(S-IO) CP(10+) C(IO+) PHC«5) OC8(1O+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Kachunnln Mllik H(IOt} ACS« 5) eV(5-IO) BS(S-IO) 24 36.0 221 44 PM«S) HP W SS- PO«5) CM«5) (OO634700) C(IO+} MCW(IO+) NCS(5-10) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(S-IO) CP(lO+) PHC(5-W) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Kachunala Milik - H(ID+) ACS« 5) CV(S-IO) BS(S-10) 25 54.0 434 I-IPWSS- PO«5) CM(5-IO) (00634800) 95 P«5)M«5) MCW(IO+) NCS(S-IO) SP(lO+) RS(10+) PH(5-IO) CP(IO+) C(lO+) PRC(S-tO) OCS(5-10) ST(lOt) NW(lO+)

Kachunala P(2) M H(IOt) ACS«S) CV(5-10) BS(5-IO) 26 720,0 2,654 543 HPW SS- PO«5) CM(S-IO) (00634900) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(S-IO) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(5-IO) CP(lOt) PHC(5-JO} OCS(5-1O) 8T(IO+) NW(IO+) " Dargah Rnsulganj H(IO+) ACS«5) CV«S) BS«5) 27 40.0 426 88 P M«5) HPWSS- PO«5) CM«5) (0063S000) 5) MCW(10+) NCS(5-IO) SP(lO+) RS(lO+) C« PH«5) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OC8(5-1O) ST(lOj-) NW(IO'/)

Tulshia Kasht H(IO+) ACS«5) CV«5) BS«5) 28 108.0 615 138 P« 5)M«5) HP W SS- PO«5) CM«S) (00635100) MCW(IO+) NeS(S-IO) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C«5) PH«5} CP(lO+) PHC{d) OC3(5-10) ST{JO+) NW(lO+)

PHSRMP ACS NCS(5- CV Tulshia H(lOr) CM as 29 \,219.0 7,972 I 7?8 P M S(2) 0 HPW SS- POPH(2) 10) OC8(5- SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00635200) , - C«S) MCW(IO+) CP(IO+) 10) ST(10+) NW(lO+) PHC« 5)

Onhibhat Kalan PM«5) H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV«5) BS«5) 30 163.0 1,572 HPWSS- PO«5) CM«5) (00635300) 364 C(10+) MCW(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(JO+) RS(IO+) PH«5) CP(IO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(5.10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

100 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land lise (I.e area under different types ofland lISC in hectare)

]: g .q 1l "'"0 £'J '" a Vl" .~ a a '" 0 ,g 'i5 o

TW(169.2) MR Bahadurganj (18) EAG 577.9 184.5 37 5 Dahibhat 21 T(1692)

TW(323.4) PR MR Buhadurganj ( 15) ED 426.1 6.2 213 Mangm 22 T(323.4)

TW( 15.0) MR Bahadurganj (20) 23.7 2.6 2.8 Kachunala Milik 23 T(15.0)

TW(14.6) MR BahadurganJ (20) 13.3 4.1 3.7 Kachunala Mllik 24 T(146)

TW(24.6) MR BahadurgunJ (20) 22.9 3.3 3.4 Kuchunala Milik 25 T(24.6)

TW(127.5) MR Bahadurganj (20) 499.0 65.5 28.3 Kachunala 26 T(127.5)

TW(120) MR Buhudurganj (10) LO 0.9 25.8 Dargah Rusulganj 27 T(12.0)

TW(24.4) PRMR Bahadurganj (10) ED 61.2 2.5 :W.3 Tulshin Kusht 28 T(24.4)

TW(135.6) PRMR Bnhadurganj (10) ED EO NM TWE(4.5) 840.7 47.0 191.5 Tulshia 29 T(140.1)

TW(67.0) Bahadurganj (14) 73.0 0.5 22.2 Dahibhat Kalall 30 MR EAG T(67.0)

101 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 • Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 killS., 5-10 kms. and 10'1" krns oflhe ~ nearest place where the facility is available is given .~ '" ;::; " .~ .~ .S'" a ] '5~ e:~ ., e U'" C!. " ~8.. u ... " e '0'" ~ tf .~ [l ~ f ., '0 ·c 0 §§ en ~ ~ ~ Z ~ ~ a 0.. U.o ..:11 ~0~ 8] I 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Dahibhat Kilurd H(IO+) ACS«5) CV«5) B8«5) 31 77.0 484 84 P«5)M«5) HP WSS· PO«5) CM«5) (00635400) MCW(lO+) NCS« S) SP(lO+) RS(lO+) C(lO+) PH«5) CP(IO+) PHC(S·10) OCS(S-lO) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

Mlistalagul1j P M«5) H(lO+) ACS«S) CV«5) BS« 5) 32 191.0 1,734 345 HPWSS· PO«S) CM«S) (00635500) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH«5) CP(10·r) PHC(S.IO) OCS(5-10) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

Dargah Aligaru H(IOr) HPWTK ACS(5-10) CV(S-IO) BS(5-IO) 33 21.0 50 13 P«5) M«5) PO(IO+) CM(5-10) (00635600) MCW(IO+) S3- NCS(S·IO) SP(S-10) RS(IO+) C(10+) PH(S·IO) CP(5-10) PHC(IO+) OCS(S-10) ST(5-IO) NW(IO+)

Aliganj H(IOI-) ACS(5-10) CV(S-tO) BS(5-10) 34 40.0 8 P«5)M«S) HP W SS- PO(IO+) CM(5-10) (00635700) MCW(lO+) NCS(5-IO) SP(S-IO) RS(JO+) CClO+) PH(S-IO) CP(5-10) PHC(lO+) OCS(5-10) ST(5.10) NW(IO+)

PHSCHW Ghangra H(IO+) PO PH(S- ACS NCS(S- CV(;-IO) B8(5-10) 35 450.0 4,149 886 P M(5-10) HPW S8- CM(5-10) (00635800) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) 10) 10) OCS(S- SP(IO+) RS(10+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) 10) 8T(IO+) NW(IO+)

PHCPHS Lnchhmipur ACS NCS(S. CV(;O+) B8(10+) 36 1,004.0 7,734 I 509 P(3) M 0(2) CHW H(IO+) HP W SS· PO« 5) CM(lO+) (00635900) , C(IO+) 10) OCS(5- SP(IO+) RS(IO+) MCW(10+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) 10) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

Kalpir Pathar PM«S) H(IO+) ACS«5) CV(S-IO) BS(S.IO) 37 375.0 3,293 674 HP W SS· PO« S) CM(S-IO) Ghatti (00636000) C(lO+) MCW(ID+) NCS(5-10) SP(lO+) RS(10+) PH(S-10) CP(10+) PHC(IO+) OCS(S.IO) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Gurhmurha P OM(5-IO) H(5-10) ACS«5) CV(5-lO) BS(S.IO) 38 269.0 1,351 256 HPW SS· PO«S) CM(5-10) (00636100) C(S·IO) MCW(IO+) NCS(5-IO) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(S-IO) CP(10+) PHC(S·10) OCS« S) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

Banwaria H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV(S-IO) BS(5-10) 39 255.0 1,272 2S1 P« S)M« 5) HPW SS· PO« 5) CM(S-IO) (00636200) MCW(IO+) NCS(S-IO) SP(tO+) RS(tO+) C(lO+) PH(5-IO) CP(IO+) PHC(10+) OC8« S) 8T(10+) NW(10+)

Pathnrghalti P M« 5) H(10+) ACS(S-10) eves-I 0) B8(5-10) 40 224.0 1,599 328 HPW SS- 1'0(5·10) CM(5-IO) (00636300) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NeS(5-10) SP(10+) RS(10+) PH(S-10) CP(10+) PHC(S-10) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

102 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As On 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types oflalld lise in hectare)

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

1'W(29.6) MR Bahadurganj (l'1) EAG 33.2 1.4 13.1 DahibhatKhurd 31 1'(29.6)

TW(546) PR MR Bahadurganj (13) EAG 50.6 14.5 70.9 MustalaganJ 32 1'(54.6)

1'W(66) MR FP Bahadurganj (17) 6.2 0.6 7.6 Dargah AliganJ 33 1'(6.6)

TW(4.1) MR FP Bahadurganj (18) 114 9.2 15.4 Aliganj 34 T(4.1)

1'W(95.1) MR Bahadurganj (25) EAG 2394 12.4 103.5 Ghnngra 35 T(95.1)

1'W(207.2) MR Bahadurganj (24) 323.7 3.1 470.4 Lachhmipur 36 T(207.2)

TW(65.3) I 54.4 Pathar MR Bahadurganj (20) EAG !l8.l 37.4 Ka~pir 37 T(65.3) Ghaltl

TW(55.3) 98.8 4.2 110.7 Gurhmurha 38 MR Buhadurganj (8) 1'(55.3)

TW{48.6) MR Bahacturganj (14) 76.0 2.4 127.9 Banwaria 39 T(48.6)

TW(S8.3) MR Bahadurganj (18) 145.2 8.5 11.8 Patharghatti 40 T(58.3)

103 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is showll in the column and nex:! to it in brackets the distance in hroad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the '§' nearest place where the facility is available is given '0>' t:l '<:l '<:l

Pathnrghatti PM 0(2) H(IO+) ACS(5-IO) CV(5-tO) BS(5-10) 41 628.0 4,125 783 HI'WSS- 1'0«5) CM(5-IO) (00636400) C(1O+) MCW(IO+) NCS(S-IO) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(S-IO) CP(IO+) PHC«5) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Kumarkhod PM«S) H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV(5-10) BS(S-IO) 42 180.0 172 37 HPWSS- 1'0«5) CM(5-10) (006365UO) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(S-IO) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(S-IO) CP(IO+) PHC(5-IO) OCS(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Kurhaili PM«5) H(IO+) ACS(5-1O) CV(5-JO) BS(5-1O) 43 580.0 3,613 726 HPW SS- 1'0(5-10) CM(S-IO) (00636600) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(S.IO) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(S-IO) CP(101') PHC(5-IO) OCS(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

PM(5-10) H(IO+) ACS NCS(S- CV(;O+) BS« S) 44 Ikra (00636700) 546.0 4,693 958 HPWSS- PO{< 5) CM«5) C(lO+} MCW(IO+) 10) OCS(S- SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(S-IO) CP(IO+) PHC(5-10) 10) ST{IO+) NW{IO+)

P(2) 0 Padampur H(IO+) ACS« S) CV(lOi') BS(5-1O) 45 954.0 6,447 1,356 M(lO+) HPWSS- PO«S) CM(5-10) (00636800) MCW(IO+) NeS(S-IO) Sp(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) pH(S-IO) Cp(IO+) PHC(5-IO) OCS(S.IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

PHCPHS ACS Pudnmpur P(2) 0(3) POPH(5- CV(S-IO) BS(5-10) 46 718.0 6,463 1,310 HpWSS- CM(S-IO) NCS(10+) {OO636900} M«5)C(lO+} CHWH(IO+) 10) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) MCW(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(5-IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO'r)

Karuamani P(2)M{<5) H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV(5-10) B8(5-10) 47 603.0 3,808 734 HpWSS- PO«5) CM(S-IO) (00637000) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IOi) PH(5-10) CP(lO+) pHC(5-1O) aCS(s.IO) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

OP«5) Hubhdengn H(IO+) ACS« S) CV(5-10) BS(5-IO) 48 108.0 2.S0 46 M«5) HP W SS- 1'0« 5) CM(5-IO) (00637100) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) Sp(IO+) RS(IO+) C(10+) PH(S-lO) CP(IO+) PHC(S-IO) OCS(S-IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

PHSCHW ACS Oarbhanadenga H(10+) CM CV(5-10) B8(1O+) 49 322.0 1,810 349 P M C(lO+) HPW SS- 1'0« 5) NCS(IO+) (00637200) MCW(lO+) CP(IO+) SP(IO+) R8(10+) PH(IO+) OCS(5-10) PHC(lO-I-) ST(JO+) NW(lO+)

Satmeri H(IO+) ACS«S) CV(S-IO) BS(lO+) 50 66.0 542 106 I' M C(IO+) HI' W SS- 1'0«5) CM«5) (00637300) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) 81'(10+) RS(lO;-) pH(lO+) CP(lO+) pHC(IO+) OCS(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

104 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i,e, area under different types ofland use in hectare)

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

TW(123,9) MR NR Bahadurga'1i (15) EAG 305,2 26.4 172 6 Patharghatti 41 T(123,9)

TW(I42) MR Bahadurganj (20) 84,2 304 50.9 Kumarkhod 42 T([4,2)

TW(129,O) MR Bahadurganj (IS) 346,5 [8,2 86,2 KurhaiJi 43 T(129,0)

TW(212.4) MR 8ahadurganj (13) ED 301.8 4.4 26,9 Ikrn 44 T(212.4)

TW(404,2) MR Bahadurganj (12) 188.4 188.8 172.9 Padampur 45 T(404,2)

TW(182,2) MR NW Bahadurganj (20) 22.3 85,7 Padampur 46 T(182,2)

TW(104.5) MR Bahadurganj (20) 462.4 16,2 19,9 Karuamani 47 T(104,5)

TW(37.4) Bahadurganj (20) 63.3 3.6 3,3 HuLllidenga 48 MR T(374)

TW(97.2) Bahadurganj (25) ED EAG - 168.0 12,2 44.4 Garbhanadenga 49 MR T(97.2)

TW(20.0) 36.5 1.0 8.4 Satmeri 50 PR MR Bahadurganj (22) ED EAG - T(20,0)

105 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 krns., 5·10 krns. and 10+ klns ofthe 'Ui' ::l nearest place where the facility is available is given ...... , '" "0 -g'"' u"'" iii ~1 u Ij! !:l ,~ u oJ' ::; l:! .?:;" :'3 t! .~ § 5 o 0 ] i':;.-.. "§ :E- U -" ~ ~ 8. < ~ .~ E .. ~ OJ) ~ '§ 0 jj a '" l~ .9 <0 '§ '" <= 0 til .8 " ~ '" """ ~ (J '" ;; ~ 'iii E 0) .0 .~ 1i E ~

Bhurli Bhitu H(10+) ACS« 5) eV(S-tO) B8(10+) 51 94.0 494 88 P«5)M«5) HPWSS- PO(5-JO) CM«5) (00637400) MCW(10+) NC8(10+) 8P(lO+) R8(10+) C(IO+) PH(lO+) CP(10+) PHC(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Teli Bhita H(lO+) ACS«5) CV(5-10) B8«5) 52 47.0 385 71 P(<::S)M(<5) HPWSS- PO(d) CM«5) (00637500) MCW(10+) NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PH(lO+) CP(JO+) PEC(5-10) OCS(IO+) 8T(10+) NW(lO+)

Maltoli H(IO+) ACS«5) CV(5-10) BS« 5) 53 151.0 827 187 PM«5) HPW 8S· PO« 5) CM«5) (00637600) C(lO-l') MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(10+) PH(IO+) CP(lO+) PHC(10+) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

DRMP(2) CV BS Dighal Bank P(2) M(5-1O) H(IO+) PO CM ACS«5) 54 5640 5,335 991 HPWSS· SP(10+) RS(to+) (00637700) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) PH(10+) CP(IO+) NC8(IO+) 8T(10+) NW(10+) PHC(S-IO) OCS(IO+)

ACS Hari Dhita P M« 5) H(10+) CV«5) B8«5) 55 23.0 234 HPWSS- PO«5) CM«5) NCS(lO+) (00637800) 42 C(lOt) MCW(lO+) 8P(10+) RS(IO+) PHIS-to) Cr(lo+) OCS(lO+) PHC« 5) ST(tO+) NW(lO+)

RMP(5) CV BS Dighal Bank P 0 M(5-IO) H(10+) PO CM AC8«5) 56 305.0 819 156 HPW S8- SP(10+) RS(10+) (00637900) C(IO+) MCW(IO-I') PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(lO+) ST(IOt) NW(IOt) PHC(5-IO) OeS(lo+)

MultaH P« 5) H(IO+) ACS(S·tO) CV(5-to) 8S(5-1O) 57 62.0 173 35 HPW S8- PO(5-IO) CM(5-10) (00638000) M(5-IO) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(10+) CP(IO+) C(lO+) PHC(1O r) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Mahamari 550 P M(5-10) H(!Ot) ACS(5-10) ev(s-Io) BS(5-10) 58 480.0 2,719 HPW 88- PO(S-IO) CM(5-to) (00638100) C(10f) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IOt) NW(IO+)

Panchgachhi 149 P M(S-to) H(lO+) ACS(5·10) CV(IO+) B8(5-IO) 59 181.0 826 HPWSS- PO(5-IO) CM(5-IO) (00638200) C(lO+) MCW(tO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IOr) PH(IO+) CP{IO+) PHCCIO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

PHSCHW ACS Dhanola 1316 P(6) M S H(lD+) PO CM CV(S-lO) B8(S-10) 60 1,468.0 6,665 HPWSS- NCS(IO+) (00638300) , C(lO+) MCW(JO+) PH(10+) CP(JO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) OCS(lO+) PHC(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

106 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directorv Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land lise III hectare)

]' .~'" ,.'" 5 ;0;' bJJ a <1l .a .;:; "3 '-' 0 '":::l U 8 U .... [(l 50 .!'! .?;> ~] :::.", @ ::l ] B ~ P- ~ 't:I [:0 .s: ;3 §" " 8.2 .!d (;i ..... § g g: ~ ..0 15 1;; ....'" .5 .M OIj til 0 e ~ :::l 'E OJ P- "til ~ ~-5 '" " P- ~ :!l § '2 :; :::l 0 "~ '5'" «. :Z! :Z! :2 EO ::;. U '"oJ) «. ~ r/l 14 15 "'"16 17 III 19 20 21 22 23 2 I

TW(28.J) MR Bahadurgunj (24) ED EAG - 477 11.7 6.2 Bhurli Bhita 51 T(28.3)

TW(18.1) MR BahadurganJ (22) 78 46 164 Teli Bhita 52 T(18.1)

TW(55.7) MR Bahadurganj (20) 101 56.9 28.7 MaltaH 53 1'(55.7)

TW(988) PRMR Bahadurganj (20) ED EO NM 267.4 162.1 35.8 Dighal Bank 54 T(98.8)

TW(9.6) PRMR Bahadurganj (J 8) ED 1.5 1.1 10.9 Hari Bhita 55 T(9.6)

TW(62.4) PRMR Bahadurganj (20) EA NM 1990 24.0 19.8 Dighal Bank 56 T(62.4)

TW(42.7) MR Bahadurganj (22) 10.8 1.0 7.8 MaltaH 57 T(42.7)

TW(98.8) MR Bahadurganj (25) 160.8 152.4 68.3 Mahamari 58 T(98.8)

TW(38.8) Bahadurganj (28) 30.9 56.5 55.2 Panchgachhi 59 MR T(38.8)

TW(J,48.4) PR MR Bahadurganj (23) ED EAG - 730.7 441.4 147.3 Dhanoln 60 T(148.4)

107 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to It 111 brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest J1lace where the facility is available is given '6 ~ l:l i9 !3 j" -g" V ] '-' " ~ " '+:! (,,) oJ c:: ..c:'" '"c:: ;; > .>! " .~" ~~ .9 6 U'" _g ] i::~ -:;; §, "0.. ~ 8- t\) l? CJ ! ~ C/)"~ ~ ~ ...... ) '2 .;;~ C!.-'" '0 6 50'" - ~ § '" " <>(l .., .<: ] OJ %.£ '3-"t:: e~ "on -0 ~ _g ,g -$ .S" 0 -" § ~nl ... j t! .s:: ~ g "-'0 '" co;>] '" ._ II .;;: '3 :ill g e """'0 .. I s '" g. § § til c:: :u til ~ ~ l~ .§ ~ i 15 0.. '" ~ .!:> '2 '3 " -:;; IS OJ N .~ liJ ]I ;;;) ~ o ._ ..·c '$ f·c ~ ii t.S] §i <;I)'" ~ ~ ~ ~ iii ~ 0 Il< U.o ~.g ~8t1l U E! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Mulabari H(IO+) ACS« 5) CY(5·IO) BS(5-10) 61 107.0 334 70 P«5) M«5) HPWSS· PO«5) CM«5) (00638400) MCW(10+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PHeIO,) CP(IO+) PHCC5·IO) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Kamat PM« 5) H(IO+) ACS«5) CY(IO+) BS(S.IO) 62 57.0 538 101 HP W SS· PO« 5) CM«5) (00638S00) C(IO+) MCW(10+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(W+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Doria P M«5) H(IO+) ACS« 5) CY(IO+) BS(S·IO) 63 204.0 384 86 HPW 88· PO« S) CM«5) (00638600) C(JO+) MCW(10t ) NCS(IOt) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PI-I(10+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IOt) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

Suribhila H(IO+) ACS« 5) eY(lo+) BS(5·10) 64 125.0 758 167 PM«5) HP WSS- PO« 5) CM«5) (00638700) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(lOi') SP(10+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) 8T(IO+) NW(IO+)

Barbhang PM«S) H(lO+) ACS« 5) CY(S·IO) B8(10+) 65 322.0 1,119 223 HPW S8· PO(5·10) CM«5) (00638800) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) I'H(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Talwar BandlJa P M(5.JO) H(lO+) ACS« S) eY(5·W) BS(IO+) 66 201.0 1,111 241 HPWSS· 1'0(5·10) CM«5) (00638900) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(10+) SP(10+) RS(10+) PI-I(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Bansbari P M« 5) H(lO+) ACS« 5) ey(S-W) BS(IO+) 67 53.0 159 34 HPWSS· PO(S-IO) CM«S) (O0639000) C(lO+) MCW(lOt) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(JO+) PI-I(lO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) 8T(10+) NW(IO+)

Dighibari H(IO+) ACS« 5) CY(S-10) BS(IO+) 68 38.0 156 34 P«5)M«5) HPW 88- PO(5.10) CM«5) (00639100) MCW(JO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(10+) PH(IO+) CP(10+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Garumara H(lO+) ACS« 5) CY(S·IO) BS(IO+) 69 257.0 1,264 252 P M« S) HPWSS· 1'0«5) CM«5) (00639200) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO;') RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(10+) PHe(10+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Chhota Gnrumara <. < H(IO+) ACS« 5) CY(5-1O) BS(IO+) 70 27.0 259 I-IPWSS- PO«5) CM«5) (00639300) 60 PC 5)M( 5) MCW(JO+) NCS(lO+) SP(!O+) RS(10+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) C(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Maldangi ... - < H(IO+) ACS« S) eV(S-IO) BS(10+) 71 112.0 38 HPW SS- PO«5) CM«5) (00639400) 10 P( - 5) M( 5) MCW(IO+) NCS(JO+) SP(10+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(lOt) CCIO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

108 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e area lInder different types of land usc 10 hectare)

t:: ]' 0 ~;>- 5 4' OIl .;:; '0 ~ 0 ::>'" u " <1J "i'j ... E _ Vl ~- ~J ;:l " <1J o, :!;-o ~ 1:: ~ "0 :a S ~ El ~ - ..c Et 8,.'3 e § E .9 ;:l §" "0 m :0 " .... ;:l g t; U) 0, EJ2 01) (:! :a g 0 - ;:l '" :::>.e 'E ~ Ci1 e0, OIl u " .;::'" Q., ~ ~ ~ ~ [ii ~,,_ !;! <::. '" a " "- ..,.; ~ ~ '::B E "-< ':9 ::> 5~ ..,.; ~ en 14 15 "'"16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

TW(27.4) 9.2 182 52.1 Mulabari 61 MR Bahadurganj (24) EAG T(27.4)

TW(27A) 16.9 7.1 5.2 Kumal 62 MR Bahadurganj (25) T(27 4)

TW(32.1) 47.3 61.5 570 Doria 63 MR Bahadurganj (26) T(32.1)

TW(42.2) 206 40.1 22.6 Suribhita 64 MR Bahadllrganj (26) T(42.2)

TW(5IA) 161.5 16.3 86.9 llarbhang 65 MR Bahadurganj (26) EAG T(5t.4)

TW(52.2) 84.8 38.9 25.3 Tal war Bandhn 66 MR Bahadurgal1J (26) T(52.2)

TW(11.3) 26.3 4.6 lOA llansbari 67 MR NR Bahadurganj (18) T(Il.3)

TW(6.9) 1.7 3.4 26.4 Dighibari 68 MR Bnhadurganj (18) T(6.9)

TW(105.2) 59.8 5.4 87.0 Garumara 69 MR Bahadurgat\i (24) T(105.2)

TW(S.I) 17.3 1.3 Chhota Garumara 70 MR Bahadurganj (24) T(8.1)

TW(18.3) 9.0 14.1 70.7 Maldangi 71 MR NR Bnhndurganj(23) T(18.3)

109 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 ktns., 5-10 ktns. and 10+ ktns of the ~ nearest place where the facility is available is given § '" 1jC ] i(1-§ '8u 1<1J :::l u '~ U .c 11 § §'" 8 §" .:':" ;;::t! g C> ] g 0 'E ,..._ 'g U !::!. () ~ '3 ;; fr Q. "" "'" M f 0 '"0 ....I j 0 '" ] " rg <1J t!, Ci ~ ;:;]] ~"~ al to Od 's: i.ll ._ ~::: ""il " § ~ o g g ]l .,s" 0'" ~ ... .c § t: g <>'"§i .~ 't '3 ..... :'§ ._e i! ~ a. 0 1! ~ &h g ]~ gO!~ ~ 0 "- .f? on __ ] § V> g "S p. .., c " ~ .0 til "8 :.<;l 11 " ::> " 'iii e § «i ]I ]I u t: ~ ~:a e ~ 'r:: " S :e .\: 1i Il til 0 ~~ 'a ~DlS til" Z ~ ~ z ~ ~ C\ Il-. UoO ..:~ ~CIl 8] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

RMP H{lO+) lchmari ACS«5) CV(5.1O) 8S(10+) 12 95.0 788 15. P('" 5) M(~ 5) MCW(1G+) HPWSS· PO«5) CM("" 5) (00639500) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C«5) PHC(IO+) pH(JOr) CP(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Algachhin H(lO+) ACS(S·IO) CV(10+) BS(5-IO) 73 283.0 2,684 540 PM«5) HP WSS- PO(S-IO) CM(5-10) (00639600) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(5·1O) CP(lO+) PHC{5.!O) OCS(lO+) ST(IOt) NW(IO+)

BS Taraburl P OM(5·1O) H(10+) POPB(S· CM ACS« 5) CV(lO+) 74 194.0 2,026 404 Hl?WSS· RS(lO+) (0063<)700) C(IO+) MCW(10+) 10) CP(lO+) NCS(J(J+) SP(IO+) NW(lO+) PHC(S.IO) OCS(JO+) ST(IO+)

Kamati P 0 M(5-tO) H(lO+) ACS«5) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 75 208.0 1,609 324 HPWSS· PO(<:5) CM«5) (00639800) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH«5) CP(IO+) PHC(5·1O) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

lkrn Milik P M(IO+) H(IO+) ACS«S) CV(IO+) BS« S) 76 83.0 3J9 71 HPWSS· PO(<:5) CM(5-IO) (00639900) C(lO+) MCW(lD+) NCS(IO+) SP(JO+) RS(IO+) PH(S·JO) CP(JO+) PBC« 5) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+}

lkra Milik - H(10'r) ACS« 5) CV(lO+) BS(10+) 77 52.0 17Q 31 HPWSS- PO«S) CM(S·IO) (00640000) P«5)M(10+) MCW(lO+) NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(10+) C(lOt) PHC« 5) OCS(tO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

lkra Milik • H(IO+) ACS« 5} CV(IO+) BS«5} 78 33.0 292 59 HPWSS· PO«5) CM(5-10j (00640100) P«5) M(IO+) MCW(JO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(S.IO) CP(1O+) C(10+) PHC« 5) OCS(lO+) ST(10+) NW(10+) PHSCHW BS Kumhia H(10+) ACS«5) CV(lO+) 79 659.0 3,973 817 PM«5) HPWSS· PO« 5) CM«5) RS(10+) (OO6402()O) C(10+) MCW(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(lO+} PH«5) CP(lO+) NW(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(lO+) S1'(10+)

ACS(5.IO) CV(IO+) BS(5.10) 80 Tap\! (OO~40300) 100.0 301 70 P("';) M« 5) H(JO+) HPW S8. PO(S-IO) CM(5-10) C{lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS{lO+) PHis-tO) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

Jinpokhar 299 P M(S. JD) HOOT) ACS(5-10) CV(lO+) BS(5-1O) 111 153.0 1,412 HPWSS· PO(5·JOl CM(S.IO) (00640400) C(10+) MCW(lO+) NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) RS(lO+) PR(5-IO) CP(lO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

D PHC(3) P(77) M(lO) PIIS(9) FWe RMP(l1) W(81) TK PO(9) BlocII Totnl Z5S:Z6,O 152685 30806 S(3) AC(Z) CM(7) ACS(9) CV(3) BS(8) NW 0(20) SMP Bl'(BO) L PH(2) eRW(l2)

110 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land lise (As on 1999) Land usc (i c, area under di fferent types of land use in hccture)

§ .F 'i':i g G' 0/) 'E 0) :.a " "'3 u 0 -a::l :;j E u '"~ '" ,_,,~

TW(17,5) MR Bahadurguqi (22) 32,0 9,4 362 Ichmari 72 T(17,5)

TW(S8,0) PRMR BahadlirgHnj (18) 184.2 I Lti 29,4 AIgachhia 73 1'(58,0)

TW(82.6) PRMR Bahadurganj (16) ED N 49,1 34.6 27.4 Tarabari 74 T(82.6)

TW(IOS.2) MR Bahadllrganj (10) 590 19.9 21.0 Kamati 75 1'(1082)

TW(42.6) MR Bahadurganj (12) Jute 24.9 2.2 13.3 Ikra Milik 76 1(42.6)

TW(24.9) MR Bahadurganj (12) Jute 19.6 1.5 5.9 IkraMilik 77 '1'(24.9)

TW(IS.7) MR Bahadllrganj (12) Jute 13.2 1.2 3.1 Ikra Milik 78 T(157)

TW(247.6) PRMR Bahadurganj (14) ED Jute 351.7 3,4 56.6 Kumbia 79 T(247.6)

TW(21.4) MR Bahadurganj (25) Jute 54.4 7.6 17.0 Tapu 80 T(21.4)

TW(66.4) MR Bahadurganj (25) Jute 75.6 2.6 8.7 Jiapokhar 81 T(66.4)

PR(16) ED(17) MR(79) TW(6551.52) EAG(lS) N(G) FP(2) 0.0 TWE(4.S) 11246,6 2839.3 4889.8 EO(2) M(S) NR(4) T(6556.02) EA(2) NW










Total Rural Urban Are. (in Sq.Km) 302.38 38192 1046 I1lpuJabon 222069 15:JlO No of V!IIages 133 No. or Towns OJ Distan", of Block Headquarters 10 Distrid Hredquart.rs 46 Km





• fiOO-OD9 1000-4999 5000 AND AllOVE x UNINHABITED VilLAGE; eo"'" upon Survey of India map wllh the permHSlon of lhe Surveynr General of In,", "C Gcv.rIlment of Ind" CopYright 20115

Alphabetical list of Villages Narne of the District: Kishanganj Serial 200 ICensus local ion codt! 1991 Census I()cation code numbc\' Name of vil\\\gcs number miUlber 2 3 4 Name of CD Block: Tllakurgallj Location code of C.D. Block: 0003 Akhra 00641200 42003()OO3000300008 2 Ambari O(J64850{) 420030003000300196 3 Amol Jbm'l O(164S60{) 42{1030(103C')03{)QQ66 4 Babhangaon 00647100 420030003000300182 5 Bllbhangaon 00652500 420030003000300236 6 Bnhadul'pllr 00645400 420030003000300064 7 BalkaDoblla 00651700 420l)3000300G30022a 8 Bandar .Ihula 00649700 420030003000300208 9 Bandar Jhula 00650100 420030C0300D300212 10 Bandar Jhula 00650200 'f20030003000300213 11 Bandar Jhula 00650300 420030003000300214 12 Sandar Jhula 006504()O 420030003000300215 13 Bflllsbari 00650600 420030003000300217 14 Sarah Pathia 00647600 420030003000300187 15 Sarah Pathia 00647700 420030003000300188 16 13nrah Pathia 00647900 420030003000300190 17 13 archalU1di 00647200 4200300030003OOl83 18 Barchaundi 00647400 420030003000300185 19 Besarbati 00640600 420030003000300002 20 J3hagkharna 00646700 420030003000300084 21 Bhata Thana 00645000 420030003000300060 22 B11atgaon 00640500 420030003000300001 23 Bhaulmari 00653100 420030003000300242 24 Bhaulmari 00653200 420030003000300243 25 Bhau1m:art 006533()O 420~3~00300~3QQ244 26 Bhaulmari 00653400 420030003000300245 27 Bhelagori 00651500 420030003000300226 28 Bhendrani 00649200 420030003000300203 29 Bhendrani 00650000 420030003000300211 30 BhogDabal' 006451CO 420030003000300D61 31 Bhota Thana JOM6100 420030003000300077 32 Bidhibhita 00651600 420030003000300227 33 Burhnai Bahadurpur 00646200 420030003000300078 34 Chak Chaki QOMll()O 41OC3(l~G3OC0300007 35 Chapati 00651900 420030003000300230 420030003000300199 36 Chapra Bakhari 00648800 420030003000300062 37 Chhaital 00645200 420030003000300238 38 Chhatar Katharo 00652700 420030003000300014 39 Chllrli 00641800 40 Chtlrli 00641900 420030003000300015 41 Dakpara 00643200 420030003000300028 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KHAGARIA Alphabetical list of Villages Name of the District: Kishallganj Serial 1001 Census location code 1991 Censlis location code numher Name of villages number number 2 3 4 Name of CD B1ocl<: Thakurganj Location code of C.D. Block : 1)003 42 Dalligaon 00644600 420030003000300056 43 Dalligaon 00644700 420030003000300057 44 Dastur 00652900 420030003000300240 45 Deramari 00649600 420030003000300207 46 Dhak Para 006433(J0 420030003000300029 47 Dhakpara 006410(J0 420030003000300006 48 Dhakpara 00641300 420030003000300009 49 Dogachhi 00644500 420030003000300055 50 Dudhaullti 00645900 420030003000300075 S1 Dudhmanjar 00644300 .420030003000300053 52 Dudhmanjar 00644400 420030003000300054 53 Dumaria 00650800 420030003000300219 S4 Fatehjangpur 00643400 420030003000300038 55 Gamhirgarh 00648000 420030003000300191 56 Giddhnikola 00642300 420030003000300019 57 Gilhabari 00649100 420030003000300202 58 Gotllra 00642000 420030003000300016 59 Gual Toli 00646500 420030003000300082 60 Gllnjar Mari 00642200 420030003000300018 61 Harln DLlbal 00645700 420030003000300067 62 Hasanpur 00646300 420030003000300080 63 Hazarigachh 00644800 420030003000300058 64 HUlhuli 00642400 420030003000300020 65 Hulhul! Milik Arllzi 00642500 420030003000300021 66 Hulhuli Milik Arazi 00642600 420030003000300022 67 Hulhuli Milik Arazi 00642700 420030003000300023 68 Hulhuli Milik Arazi 00642800 420030003000300024 69 Hulhuli Milik Arazi 00642900 420030003000300025 70 Hlllhllli Milik Arazi 00643000 420030003000300026 71 Jiapokhar 00649400 420030003000300205 72 Jiapokhar 00649500 420030003000300206 73 Ijo Pokbnr 00649800 420030003000300209 74 .firangachh 00645800 420030003000300068 75 Kachhudah 00646400 420030003000300081 76 Kanakpur 00642100 420030003000300017 77 Karua Mani 00644100 420030003000300051 78 Karua Manl 00647000 420030003000300175 79 Karua Mari O()653700 420G30003Qa030024% 80 Katharo 00652600 420030003000300237 81 Katham 00652800 420030003000300239 82 Khanabari 00652400 420030003000300235

116 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Alphabetical list of Villages Name of the District: Kishanganj Serial 200 I Census location code 1991 Census location code number Name of villages number number 2 3 4 Name of CD Block: Thakurganj Location code of C.D. Block : 0003 83 Kharna 00643800 420030003000300048 84 Kharna 00643900 420030003000300049 85 Kharudah 00646800 420030003000300173 86 Kharudah 00646900 420030003000300174 87 Khaurdah 00653600 420030003000300247 88 Khudra 00652200 420030003000300233 89 Koia 00649300 420030003000300204 90 Kudiachhara 00645500 420030003000300065 91 Kudurbaghi 00640700 420030003000300003 92 Kukur Baghi Milik 00641400 420030003000300010 93 Kukurbaghi 00640900 420030003000300005 94 Kllnjimuri 00647300 420030003000300184 95 Kllri Muni 00647500 420030003000300186 96 Lahugaon Arazi 00643100 420030003000300027 97 Lanclhandara 00643600 420030003000300046 98 Landhandara 00643700 420030003000300047 99 Latkllkllr Baghi 00641500 420030003000300011 100 Malingaon 00648600 420030003000300197 101 Mat~jidinga 00648700 420030003000300198 102 Modati 00640800 420030003000300004 103 Nazagachh 00641700 420030003000300013 104 Nazarpur 00653500 420030003000300246 105 Nikarbari 00647800 420030003000300189 106 Noniatari 00644900 420030003000300059 107 Pabna 00652300 420030003000300234 108 Paikpara 00652000 420030003000300231 109 Paikpara 00652100 420030003000300232 110 Panchgachhi 00650900 420030003000300220 111 Patbhari 00651300 420030003000300224 112 Patbhari 00651400 420030003000300225 113 Patesari 00644000 420030003000300050 II4 Patharia 00641600 420030003000300012 1I5 Pawa Khali 00651000 420030003000300221 116 Pawa Khali 00651100 420030003000300222 II7 Petbhari 00651200 420030003000300223 118 Phatamari 00646600 420030003000300083 119 Rajagaon 00649000 420030003000300201 120 Rajagaon 00650500 420030003000300216 121 Rajagaon Milik 00648900 420030003000300200 122 Rasia 00651800 420030003000300229 123 Ruidhasa 00645300 420030003000300063

117 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KHAGARIA Alphabetical list of Villages Name of the District: Kisbanganj Serial 200 I Census location code 1991 Censlls location code number Name of villages number number 2 3 4 Name of CD Block; Tltakurganj Location code of C.D. Block: 0003 124 Sabodangi 00648300 420030003000300194 125 Sakhuadali 00643500 420030003000300039 126 Salgori 00648400 420030003000300195 127 Sarnikuri 00653000 420030003000300241 128 Satbuulia 00646000 420030003000300076 129 Singhimari 00649900 420030003000300210 130 Sukhani 00648200 420030003000300193 131 'fatpowa 00648100 420030003000300192 132 'feghari 00650700 420030003000300218 133 Udrugori 00644200 420030003000300052


DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and AmelJ1tles available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in tlte column and next to it 111 brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the '§' IIcarest place where the facility is available is given '" -c ~ j § 0 I) U" t1~ "§ E 0 0 0" u € .~ -::-- '" _g U ..c:" .~ .3 0 '~ " U 0. "5 oS 0. u u -aU} ~ ~ 0 0 -J 0 -0'" B" ~ 6 J "0 a~E cl(j U -c u~ ~,~ ..c .2 fE,tiJ 'S: 'ii 6 t) '3 § u a3 15 '" i' " .9 is ... ..c: ] o '- cl(j 'tl.t:: an w ..s " 0 0. ,g ..c: --"VI" g "§i ""' "3 -a ~ on .S! ]I ~

CD Block: Thllkul'gQnj (0003)

PHS RMP(6) CHW(2) Bhatgaon 1'(5) M 0(4) HPTWW CM ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) BSRS 1,463.0 10,193 1,973 H(IO+) POPH (00640500) C( 10+) ss- CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(5-10) NW(IO+) MCW(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) PHC(1U+)

ACS Besarbati PM S H(IO+) HPTWW PO CM CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 2 1,011.0 4,115 858 NCS(IO+) (00640600) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SS- PH(IO+) CP(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(5-10) OCS(IO+) PIIC(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Kudurbaghi MCWH«5) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 1,278.0 4,537 904 P M C(5-IO) HP TW SS- 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) (00640700) PHC(5-IO) NCS(JO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(S-IO) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW(lO+)

Modali P(S-IO) H«S) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 88(101') 4 110.0 231 47 HP TW SS- 1'0« 5) CM«S) (00640800) M(5-10) MCW«5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) C(5-10) PHC«5) OCS(IO+) ST(lOt) NW(IO+)

KUkurbaghi P ACM(S-IO) H«5) HPTWW ACS(JO+) CV«5) 88(10+) 5 S46.0 708 139 1'0(10+) CM«5) (00640900) C(5-10) MCW(<-S) R S8- NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) I'H(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OC8(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) Dhukparn 6 27.0 (00641000) ------Uninhabited ------

ChakChaki 1'(5-10) 1-1« S) ACS(S-IO) CV(5-IO) BS(5-10) 7 42.0 27 4 HPSS- PO(IO+) CM(IO+) (00641100) M(S-IO) MCW(IOf) NCS(10+) SP(5-10) RS(10+) PH(5-10) CP(5-10) C(5-10) PI-IC(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Akhm 1'(5.10) H« 5) ACS(S-IO) CV(IO+) 8S(S-10) & 194 31 HP SS- 1'0(5·10) CM(IO+) (00641200) M(5-10) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(5-10) RS(IO+) 1'],[(5-10) CP(S-IO) C(5-IO) PHC(lO+) OC8(10+) STeIO+) NW(IO+)

Dhakparn H(10+) ACS« 5) CV(lO+) 8S(5-10) 9 137.0 1,265 236 P« 5) M« 5) HI' W 8S- PO(5-10) CM(IO+) (00641300) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) C«5) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PI-IC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Kukur Baghi Milik I'(S-IO) H(ID+) ACS« 5) CV(S-IO) BS(5-IO) 10 60.0 46 10 HPW SS- 1'0(5·10) CM(IO+) (00641400) M(5-10) MCW(IO+) NCS(1D+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(5-IO) CP(IO+) C(5-IO} Pl-1C(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(JO+)

120 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As 011 1999) Land usc (I.e. area under different types of land usc in hectare)

14 15 16 17 18 1') 20 21 22 23 2

TW(21l.0) PR MR Thakurganj (15) EDEAG N 1311.8 6.5 124 2 Bhntgaon T(200)

W(654) PRMR Thakurganj (15) EDEAG N R\135.6} 725.4 11.8 72.7 Besarbati 2 T(201.0)

TW(4.0) MR Thakurganj (21 ) 1080.0 17.8 116.2 Kudurbaghi T(4.0)

TW(16.2) MR Thakurganj (27) 78.7 1.<1 142 Modali T(16.2)

TW(4.5) MR Thakurganj (27) 344.1 436 153.3 Kukurhnghi 5 T(4.5)

-----.-- Uninhabited -•• ------19.8 0.6 6.8 Dhakpara 6

MRFP Thakurganj (14) 21.1 20.2 1.3 Chak Chaki 7

MR FP Thakurganj (22) 0.3 0.1 Akhra

MR FP Thakurganj (21) W(3.6) T(3.6) 92.9 13.8 26.6 Dhakpnra 9

28.5 29.5 2 3 Kukur Bnghi 10 Thakurganj (20) . Milik

121 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (ifnot available within the village, a dash (.) is shown in the column and next to it in bIackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-] 0 kms. and 10+ kms of the ~ nearest place where the facility is available is given ;El "t:l u 0 ;; "CL ~ f " jl 0 " ~~~ -l '0 11 'Iib v> rg " .;;: t!- "" "0 6 ~ .,3 !Xl - <>l! .c u "§] ~ ';;'~ v> ~ c: !:! CJ 0 :5 " c 0 (,) " -s" .8'" 6 :;:; .J: "" ad ~.t:: § d' _g E <... ., .c iii '" 0 ';:l" 0 0 :; '- ru @' " ._ ~ 0 0: OIl @:>~ ,~ 0. C ~~ C :stn § <... 0 ... 0 OIl '"~ .8'Ol ] .:: ~ ::l >. 0 ~ 0. .~ .5 ]l" ::l (,) lii Ei 't:l" ~ or::: C/'J ~ ~ ~ Z IJ.l ~ is ~ U..o <~ ~ Qbl U " I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

Latkukur Bnghi 29 P(S·IO) H« 5) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) II 73.0 153 HP TW SS· PO('" 5) CM(lO+) (00641500) M(5-10) MCW«5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH«5) CP(IO+) C(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IOI) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P(4) AC(3) Patharia 11(5-10) ACS(S.IO) CV(S·IO) BS(5-10) 12 1,300.0 4,703 947 M(S-IO) HPW 8S· POPH CM«5) (00641600) MCW(5-IO) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(S.IO) C(5-10) CP(S·IO) PHC(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(!01') NW(IO+)

PHS H(IO+) ACS Nazagachh P M(IO+) CV(IO+) BSRS 13 90S.0 7,402 1,461 MCW(IO+) HP W R SS· PO(3) PH CM(S·IO) NeS(IO+) (00641700) C(lO+) 8P(1O+) NW(10·r) PHC(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

CWC(2) ACS Churli P AC 0(2) H« 5) CV«5) BS«5) 14 436.0 4,013 TW SS· PO«5) CM«5) NCS(IO+) (00641800) 819 M«5)C«5) MCW«S) SP« 5) RS« 5) PH«5) CP«5) OCS(IO+) PHC« 5) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

FWC(4) ACS Churli I 6S0 P(3) AC(7) 0 H( < 5) CV«5) B8«5) 15 1,799.0 8,205 TWWSS· PO«5) CM«5) NCS(IO+) (O()64 (900) , M« S) C« S) MCW« 5) SP(IO+) RS«5) PH«5) CP«5) OCS(IO+) PHC« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)


PHSCHW Kanakpur P(2) C 0(5) H«5) HPTWW ACS(5-IO) CV«5) B8«5) 17 618.0 4,721 959 PO«5) CM«5) {D0642 I 00) M«S) MCW« 5) S8- NCS(lO+) 8P« 5) RS« 5) PH«5) CP«5) PHC« 5) OC5(10+) 8T(IO+) NW(IO+)

OunjarMari PM«S) H« 5) HPTWW ACS(5-10) CV«S) 8S« S) 18 454.0 1,436 284 PO PH« S) CM« 5) (00642200) C« 5) MCW«S) SS· NCS(IO+) 8P« 5) RS« 5) CP«5) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Oiddhnikola P(2) M(S· 10) H«5) HPTWW ACS(S·IO) CV«5) B8«5) 19 387.0 1,453 285 PO«5) CM(S·IO) (00642300) C(5.10) MCW«5) SS· NCS«5) SP« 5) RS«S) PH«5) CP«5) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) S1(10+) NW(IO+)

Hulhuli P(3) M AC H(S·IO) POPH(S. ACS(IO+) CV(5-10) BS(S.IO) 20 616.0 2.460 475 HP W 5S· CM(5.10) (00642400) C« 5) MCW(S·IO) 10) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(5-IO) CP(lO+) PHC(S·IO) OCS(lO+) 8T(10+) NW(IO+)

122 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Villaf;fc Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land lise (i.e. area under differcn! types aflnnd lise in hectare)

r::: ]: S Cii ~ .€ 51) E '0 ''is "u a 1l u '"c: E ~ E 0) ]r;; .B '6 'fJ 0 I:! ~'" Of, u ::I '" ~ o(:! til 0 £ f5 1,l, .s: V) i(l ~ ~ ;.-, • OIl 'iii :§ t B ~ ~ ~] 'U :::-0 :;; ..0 OJ ~ .e: Si 8:::I '"@- 8..3 € ~ fa E u V) '0 10 ::I til 0.. Ill) 0 a .... .§ Jl .!l ~ a r::: """ c: 8 ~ ::I ,;; ::I.e: <> !1 E ~ u oj OJ "- ~ :::'" is § i'! ::I ,Z_ a '2 "3 !:! \j -~ & ~ :2 8 U. r ::> u 1;'n «. ~

TW(3.6) MR Thnkurgnnj (27) 54.5 4.1 I() 7 Latkukur Bnghl II m.6)

TW(113.0) MR Thakurgullj (8) Tea 1064.5 108.2 14.1 Pnthana 12 T(113.0)

PRMR TW(IS2.6) Thakurganj ( 14) ED NM 683.4 13.2 55.7 Nazagachh 13 FP T(152.6)

20 TW(J52.6) Thakurgallj (2) ED 214.8 Churii 14 PRMR NM . T(1526) 13.2 53.7

TW(227 I) PRMR Thakurganj (3) EDEAG NM 2.0 TWE(I 0) 1253.5 20.8 294.4 Churli 15 T(228.1)

TW(IIJ.J) PRMR Thnkurganj (2) ED 1706 21.6 122.7 Gothrn 16 T(113.1)

TW(223) PRMR Thakurganj (4) ED R(t.9) 294.5 1553 144.1 Kanakpur 17 T(24.3)

TW(10.4) 194.5 38.0 211.2 Gunjor Mari 18 MR Thakurganj (5) T(IO.4)

TW(11.4) 341.1 33.2 1.3 Giddhnikola 19 MR Thakurganj (4) T(II.4)

TW(S.2J 527.6 79.6 4.0 Hulhuli 20 MR Thakurganj (10) Tea T(5.2)


Census of India 2001 ~ Amenities and Amenities availnble (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and nextto it ill brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 killS., 5-10 kms. and 10+ klns of the '§' nearest place where the facility is available is given) Ul OJ "tl "tl ~ dJ § Vl ~' 0 <.> '§' U'" ·3 u .J '-' ,.g ... OJ u § :g :; .::: '"§ OJ 0 0 i3 ~t! .~ ~ e U t!.- .c'" e :; ~ 8. c. OJ -CJ:) ~ ~ C; Ul 0) C. U ~ Rf "CJ ....J 0 (/l :::: 1l ~) g-!'S' o:!~~ ~ t!.- o "tl 6 Oil .s: .c: u ~ .£ -'§] ;l ~'" OJ § "CJ o ._ u 0 .. '" ::: -5" 0'" ~ il .c § § d ... .& .... '~ E t::, ~ ~~~ ',,= 0 1l s; 0 '3 ..... ~ B ., c. 0 ~ ~ .~ ","tl § 0 '§ ~ 0 OJ ~ .9 to E '0 ~ c. ~ .~'"

'-Iulhuli Milik H«S) ACS(IO+) CV(S·IO) BS(IO+) 21 68.0 254 46 P{< 5) M{< 5) HPWSS· PO«5) CM(S·IO) Arazi (00642500) MCW«5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C« 5) PH«5) CP{IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

HulhuliMilik H(S·IO) ACS{IO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 22 87.0 576 114 1'« 5) M{< 5) HI' WSS· 1'0(5·10) CM(S·IO) Amzi (00642600) MCW«5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C«5) PH(5·10) CP(IO+) PHq< 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Hulhuli Milik H«5) PH ACS(lO+) CV(lO+) BS(IOI-) 23 28.0 76 17 1'«5) M«5) HPWSS· CM{IO+) Arnzi (00642700) MCW«S) 1'0(10+) NCS(lO+) SP(10+) RS(IO+) C«5) CP(IO+) PHC« S) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Hulhuh Milik 24 20.0 .•.•.••• Uninhabited _••••••••• _. Arazi (00642800)

Hulhuli Milik P(5-10) H(5·10) HPTWW ACS(<:S) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 25 93.0 299 61 1'0«5) CM(IO+) Arazi (00642900) M{S·IO) MCW(S.IO) SS· NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH«5) CP(IO+) C(5-10) PHq5.10) OCS(lOt-) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

Hulhuli Milik H(5.1O) I-JPTWW ACS(<5) CV(IO+) BS(5.1O) 26 63.0 160 32 P«S)M«5) 1'0(<.5) CM{5·IO) Arnzi (00643000) MCW(5·10) S8· NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C« 5) PH«5) CP(IO+) PHC(5·IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Lllhugaon Arllzi PM«5) H(lO+) ACS NCS(S· CV(;O+) BS(IO+) 27 241.0 1,099 198 HI' WSS· 1'0«5) CM(IO+) (00643100) C(5.10) MCW(IO+) 10) OCS(5· SP(IO+) RS(IO+) I'H(IO+) CP(IO+) PHqIO+) 10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Dakpam P(2)M«5) H(5·10) HPTWW PH 1'0(5· ACS« S) CV(IO+) BS«5) 28 344.0 741 125 CM(IO+) (00643200) C(5·10) MCW(IO+) SS· 10) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

ACS Dhak Para PM«S) H(S·IO) HPTWW CV(IO+) 13S« 5) 29 254.0 2,421 438 PO PH CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) (00643300) C«5) MCW(IO+) SS· SP«5) RS(lO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) PHC(JO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+) Fatehjangpur 30 121.0 •.•••••• Uninhabited .....•....•. (006434()O)

1'(5) AC Sakhuadali HMCW«5) HI'TWW ACS«5) CV(5·10) BS(5-IO) 31 1,153.0 3.321 616 M«5) PH 1'0« 5) CM(IO+) (00643500) PHC« 5) SS· NCS(5·10) SP(5·10) RS(5·IO) C« 5) CP(S.IO) OCS(5.IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

124 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land lise (i.e. arca under different types of land lise III hectare)

" ]: §" 2- 0 OIl ;> 0) .; .;" ~ 0 ::J u c E u .... 0) '" E ,,~ <2 .i 'i;j 0 - til ~ ", ..::! 0) 'is. ~ ~13 ~ !o a B ~ d.l " u ~ ~ ~ UJ" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 I

TW(3S 5) MR Thakurganj (10) 140 11.0 -I 6 HuJhuli Mllik 21 T(38.5) Arazi

TW(410) MR Thakurganj (10) Tea 203 15.5 10.6 Hulhull Millk 22 T(41.0} Arnzi

TW(2.5) 1.0 Hulhuli Milik MR Thnkurganj (10) 21.4 3.0 23 T(2.5) Arazi

-_.-. Uninhabited ._••••••••• 19.1 0.8 Hulhuli Mihk Arazi 24

TW(6.2) 7.5 Hulhuli Mllik MR Thnkurganj (\0) 79.7 0.1 25 T(6.2) Arazi

TW(t.8) 10.0 HlIlhuli Milik Thakurganj (10) 48.5 2.5 26 MR T(1.8) Arazi

TW(OA) MR FP Thakurganj(ll) 215.9 22.2 2.3 Lahllgaon Arazi 27 T(O.4)

TW(4.9) Thnkurganj (12) 305.2 2,5 31.7 Dakpara 28 MR T(4.9)

TW(23.3) Thakurganj (12) 171.6 44.2 14.7 Dhak Para 29 MR T(23.3)

TW(3.1) - ••••.• Uninhabited ••• __ •••• ,_. 1183 Fateltiangpur 30 T(3.1)

TW(41.1) 960.3 144.7 6.4 Sakhundali 31 MR Thakurgnnj (6) T(41.1)

125 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (ifnot available within the vlliage, a dash (.) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 killS., 5· 10 kills. and 10+ kills of the -:.; ::J nearest place where the facilityis available is given)

." ]' ~ ~ :Z~ 0" 5 ""§ '-' '"::J u ':;:: CJ ..<::'" OJ "§ 0 " '"OJ 0 .~" 0" g " 0 0" :l ~ E "~~ Oil u c:!. .g_ r.S g_ ~ ~ 0 u "3 -" 'E OJ d fl ] "0 oC ._'t '" ;:: " .9 '" ..<:: ~ ~ ,g .... .s 1;J '"<::> 2:! 0- fa " g ,~ § OJ 1 .c fIl 0'" "iii:>"§l '" ._ -'" ""'0 "3 .... 'iti 'iti "§ ~ ,S:! M ~ 0 '" § -< § 0. 00 j '8 ._ OJ § ti '" 0 0 ~] E 'E ~ 0. '" 'iti '" 2:! 1tS ::1 1i .~ u E" :l " E IE is' "iii ~ ..r .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ IE ;:: '1::" " 'l'! 'l'! s ::J :.a E"'"'" .., '0 " '"0 o § 5il.,s ~url 0:": til ~ ~ ~ Z'" IJ.l ::E" ~ 0. U..o -< 0 ~tIl u I:! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

Landhandara 32 39.0 •••.•... UninhabIted ••.••.•••••• (00643600) Lnlldhalldnra 33 29.0 •••••••• Uninhabited ...... (006437DO)

Khnrnn • H« 5) ACS(5·IO) CV(5·10) BS(5·10) 34 82.0 106 19 HPSS· PO(S·!O) CM(IO+) (00643800) P«S)M«5) MCW(lO+} NCS(IO'r) SP(10t) RS(5.JO) PH(S·tO) CP(5.10) C« 5) PHC(10+) OCS(10+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

SP CV(S· BS RS(5· Kharna M P«5) H(5·IO) HPTWW ACS«5) 35 93.0 1,207 272 1'0(5·10) CM(S.IO) 10) 10) (00643900) C(5.1O) MCW(S·ID) S8· NCS(IO+) PH(5·10) CP(S-ID) ST(l I') NW(IO+) PHC(S·IO) OCS(IO+) °

Patesari PM«5) H« 5) AC8« 5) CV«5) BS« 5) 36 482.0 3,260 583 HPW SS· 1'0(5-10) CM«5) (00644000) C«5) MCW«5) NCS(IO+) 8P« 5) RS« 5) PH«5) CP« 5) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) 8T(10+) NW(lO+)

KalliaMani P M« 5) J-l(<- 5) ACS«S) CV« 5) 13S« 5) 37 180.0 1,018 190 HPWSS· 1'0«5) CM«5) (00644100) C« 5) MCW«5) NCS(10+) SP« 5) RS« 5) PH« 5) CP«5) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(5·10) NW(JO+)

Udragori P M« 5) H«S) ACS« 5) CV«5) BS RS« 5) 38 246.0 2,100 429 HI' WSS· PO« 5) CM«5) (00644200) C« 5) MCW«5) NCS(] 0+) SP« 5) NW(JO-r) PH«5) CP« 5) PHC«5) OCS(IO+) ST«5)

Dudhmanjar P«5) H«5) ACS(lO+) eV«5) BS«5) 39 163.0 490 91 HPWSS· PH PO« 5) CM« 5) (00644300) M(5·1O) MCW«5) NCS(IO+) 81'« S) RS«5) CP«5) C« 5) PHC«5) OCS(IO+) ST« 5) NW(IO+)

Dudhmanjar H(S·!O) AeS(5·1O) eV(s.IO) BS(5·10) 40 88.0 213 36 P« 5) M« 5) HPW8S. PO(5-10) CM(S.IO) (00644400) MCW(5·IO) NCS(S·IO) SP(5·10) RS(5-10) C« 5) PH(5-IO) CP(5·10) I'I-IC(5.10) OCS(S·IO) ST(IO+) NW(JO+)

DDgllcl1hi P M{5·IO) H(S.lO) HPTWW ACS(S·IO) eV(s·IO) 13S(5-1O) 41 272.0 2,137 395 1'0(5·10) CM(S·IO) (00644500) C(5-10) MCW(S.IO) S8· NCS(JO+) SP(S·IO) RS(S.JO) PH(5·IO) CP(S·IO) Pf-{C(S·lO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(JO+)

DnlJigaon PM« 5) H«5) HPTWW ACS«5) eV« 5) B8« 5) 42 528.0 1.696 321 PO«5) CM«5) (00644600) q< S) MCW«5) SS· NCS(10+) SP«5) RS« 5) PH« 5) CP«5) PHC«5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)


Land Use (As on 1999) Land u~e (i.e. area tinder different types orland use in hectare)

t: 0 j 'iii 01) .i; 5 c S ] "0 "'5 "u :::I t: s u ...." B t:~ ·S" § ._ '" ..s.., " '5'" <.J ~ ~ " ~ :::I ~ E; :g ~:;. o'

TW(29) ------Uninhabited ------25.5 0.4 Q.3 Landhandara 32 R(IIJT(4.0) TW(4.9) ------Uninhabited ------18.5 5.4 Landnandara 33 T(49)

TW(7.0) FP Thakurganj (8) 49.2 9 I 164 Khama 34 T(7.0)

PRMR TW(1O.2) Thakurganj (6) 57.9 8.3 17.1 Kharna 35 FP T(10.2)

TW(S.9) MRFP Thakurganj (3) ED 150.3 3254 Patesari 36 T(5.9)

TW(5.9) MR Thakurganj (5) EA NM 150.3 24.3 Karua Mani 37 T(5.9)

TW(15.2) PRFP Thakurganj (2) EA 124.0 8.4 98.9 Udragon 38 T(l5.2)

TW(6.5) PR Thakurganj (3) 48.3 50.8 571 Dudhmanjar 39 T(6.5)

TW(IO.O) MR Thakurganj (5) 27.4 14.9 36.0 Dudhmanjar 40 T(IO.O)

TWE(IO.3) Thakurganj (5) ED 160.6 37.6 63.5 Dogachhi 41 PR T(IO.3)

TW(4Q.7) PRMR Thakurganj (4) ED NM TWE(16.2) 189.7 70.4 210.7 Dalligaon 42 T(56.9}

127 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz,< 5 kms" 5-10 kms, and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available isgiven) j '0 ~ Vl1 0" 1() ] u i :::I'" .~ '0 ~ "ru § "" ~ 0- §" '.0 'Be 6 W ] 'E '"' 0 "8. E! ::J ~ 8- '" >, C; {l u -' OJ ,_13 '.,JS =s: '0 ~j § 3 0 2 B1l §"id~ c 'c; ~ 8."" ~ '" 0; ?P ]! '3 t) '" .0 '.g :.!2 a'" '~ E 15 a'" ~ E u ~ .... ~ ~ E ::: ] " 1i 1i § ::l 0:;:: IJJ '0 'E g 8~ ~J] ~ ~ ~ :z U.l ~ 0 A.. U.o

Dalligaon P OM(S-ID) H(5-10) POPH(5- ACS(5-10) CV(S-IO) BS(S-IO) 43 1,212.0 7,469 1,425 HPW 55- CM(5-IO) (00644700) C(5-IO) MCW(5-10) 10) NCS(ID+) SP(S-IO) RS(5-IO) CP(5-IO) PHC(5-IO) OC5(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

DCWCRMP ACS Hazarlgachh PAC M«5) 1-1(10+) THPTW CY(IO+) BS« 5) 44 69.0 752 145 PO« 5) CM«5) NCS(IO+) (00644800) C«5) MCW(IO+) 5S- SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(lO+) CP{JD+) OCS(IO+) PHC(IO+) 8T(10+) NW(IO+)

AC5 Noniatari P ACM«5) H(IOI') CY(10+) SSC< 5) 45 357.0 2,951 588 HPWSS- PO«5) CM«5) NCS(lO+) (OOM4900) C«5) MCW(lD+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(lO+) CP(IO+) OC8(10+) PHC(IO+) 8T(10+) NW(lD+)

Bhata Thalla 46 13.0 ------Uninhabited ------.- (00645000)

FWC H(5-10) BS RS(S- BhogDabar P(2) M 0 HPTWW eM CP{S- AeS(S-IO) CV(5-10) 47 836,0 7,056 1,392. MCW(5-10) POlS-l0) 10) (00645100) C(5-10) 58- 10) NeS(S-IO) SP(S-IO) PHC(S-IO) PHlS-l0) NW(lO+) OC8(5-10) ST(10+)

Chhaital H{<5) HPTWW ACS{5-10) CY(S-10) BS(5-10) 48 412,0 2,269 428 P«S)M«5) PO(S-IO) CM'(5-1O) (00645200) MCW{<5) 5S- NC8(10+) SP(IO+) RS(S-IO) C«S) PH(S-IO) ep(5-IO) PHC{< 5) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

PHS RMP(2) Ruldhasn I'M AC(2) H(5-10) HPTWW PO PH(S- ACS NCS« CY(5-tO) BS(5-10) 49 265.0 2,126 414 CM(S-lO) (00645300) C(S-10) MCW(5-10) S8- 10) 5) OCS« 5) SP(10+) RS(S-IO) CP(5-IO) PHC(5-IO) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

P AC(3) 0 Eahadurpur H(S-10) HPTWW ACS(S-to) CV(5-1O) B8«5) 50 514.0 2,290 462 M« 5) PO«S) CM(5-IO) (00645400) MeW(S-IO) S8- NCS(S-IO) SP(S-to) RS(S-IO) C(S·IO) PH(5-10) CP(5-10) PHC(S-IO) Oe8(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

kudinehhara 51 20.0 ---Uninhabited ----.----- (00645500)

FWC AmvlJhllri P M« S) H(IO+) HPTWW ACS(lO'~) CV(IO+) BS« S) S2 127.0 1,072 187 PO«5) CM«5) (00645600) C(IO+) MCW(10+) SS- NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP«S) PHC(10+) OCS(IO+) S1(IO+) NW(IO+)

Harin Dubal H(S-IO) ACS(5-IO) CV(5-IO) E8« 5) 53 31.0 133 29 PC< 5) M(<: 5) HPWSS- PO« 5) CM'« 5) (00645700) MeW(S-IO) NCS(5-IO) SP(5-IO) RS(S-10) C(<:5) PH(S-IO) CP« 5) PHC(5-IOl OCS(5-IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

128 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land usc (i.e, area llnder different types of land usc in hectare)

§ ]: -g r:: :.=- i":' 01) ·f Q) i3'" "'5 '8 :::J OJ .., s u _r:: ~V> ,!!)~ S 0; ~ .., ~ ~ Q) 8 Q) ~ :::J :g" ';;: o'(l 'I 0 rq '"~ .8 is. ~ ~] '" .., ;::.., ~ ';:~ E ~ "" ... § ~ E ..c:: .8 §- 8.3 € :E ._ g p,~ '0 <5 0 r:: 1il ... ,5 Jl ~I 0:: " e '" ::I 1il %J Q) p, ~ !I ~ Of, E ~~ iii 8 § - :::J '" ij .!l Z & z ;:;E E ~ .§ ~ (3 g}, ~ ~ en 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 I

TWE(17,]) MR Thakurganj (5) R(52,5) 570,0 5,0 561,3 Dalligaon 43 T(69,7)

TW(9,6) MR Thakurganj (12) 49.0 3.5 6,7 Hnzangachh 44 '1'('),6)

TWt34,6) MR Thakurganj (11) 152.3 199 15Q.6 Nonlat"ri 45 T(34.6)

•••••••• Uninhabited •••••••••••• 7.4 3,3 26 Bhata Thana 46

TW(28,5} MR Thnkurganj (9) ED R(14.2) 678.6 55,8 59.4 Bhog Dabar 47 T(42,7)

TW(25,8) PRMR Thakurganj (8) 245.7 40,9 99.6 ChhDital 48 T(25,8)

TW(34.4) Thakurgunj (9) 178,1 13,3 39,2 Ruidhasn 49 MR T(34.4)

TW(25,O) 409,0 18,7 61.7 Bahadurpur 50 MR Thakurganj (9) T(25,O)

TW(5.4) •••••••• Uninhabited •••••••••••• 7.4 35 3,4 Kudiachhllra 51 T(S.4)

TW(9,S) 105.6 3.0 8,2 Aillol Jhari 52 MR Thakurganj (13) T(9,B)

TW(3.0) 14,0 4,\ 10,2 Harin Oubal 53 MR Thakurganj (9) T(3.0)

129 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 _ Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the colu111n and next to it in brackets the distance ill broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 k1115. and 10+ kms of the .., nearest place where the facility is available is given j E "0 -g" .., § ~ :a~ 0 ::J U" '.tj (.) .r u '"0 ~ f! i::~ :.S 8 .c'" 'ill" "0 b en~ £1 'iii (Xl!'1 -'" C!- ..c: "0 u ::J ..c: ._§ ~!!l o'd 1= v> :l: VI !ii "0 "::J ~ :~ .2 ~ ..c: ~ ~ .g " 4l '" 0 Q, :a '" 15 ._ 't:l 'E §~ 1 t;j .c: f5 " VI '" ._ .s .s;: ""'0 "3 ro E! .<;: ]>.< .~ 0 ::: ~o ::>'0 1§ 0- ""' '8 § VI .... 0 0 on '" ~ .2," ] 0 0- 0 '" .S " '3 '"t a s ~ ~ .0 'fa ~ 'ill S" Vl S ~ ro g s u .~ a; ~ g:c S il; ·c " ;:1 ~ ""'" tf §"§ g ._ IS ] " :;;; § 0 0"" C/l" ~ ~ z ill Il.. U.o ..:il ~ ~"Il U ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Jirangacl1h P(2) AC 0(4) H(lO') PO ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(10+) 54 1,705.0 10,208 1,996 I-IPWSS- CM(IO+) (O(]645800) M("5)C(IOr) MCW(10+) PH(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(1O+) NW(JO+)

RMP(2) P 0(2) Dudhaunli H(!o+) ACS«5) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 55 916.0 4,802 996 M(S-IO) HPW SS- PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00645900) MCW(10q NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(!O+) C(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

Salbaulia P« 5) H(IO+) ACS(S-IO) CV(IO+) BS(S-IO) S6 15.0 264 55 HPW S8- PO(5-10) CM(lO+) (00646000) M(5-10) MCW(IO+) NCS(5-10) SP(10+) RS(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) C(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(5-10) ST(!o+) NW(10+)

Bholn Thana 57 13.0 ------Uninhabited .. -----.---- (00646100)

Burhnai RMP H(lO+) P OM«5) ACS«5) CV(IO+) BS«5) 58 Bahudurpur 143.0 1,707 284 MCW(IO+) HPWSS- PO«5) CM(IO+) C( 10+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(10+) (00646200) PHC(IO") PH(IO") CP(IO+) OC8« 5) 8T(l0+) NW(10+)

HSSllnpuT H(5-10) HPTWW ACS(5-1O) CV(5.IO) BS(5-IO) 59 89.0 189 38 P«5)M«5) PO(5-IO) CM(5-10) (00646300) MCWe5·IO) SS- NC8(5-10) SP(5-10) RS(5·10) C« S) PH(5-IO) CP(5-10) PHC(5·10) Oe8(5-IO) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Knchbudah P(S-lD) H(S-IO) ACS(S-JD) eV(S-IO) BS(5-IO) 60 91.0 526 III l-lPWSS- PO(S.tO) CM(S-IO) (00646400) M(5-10) MCW(5-IO) NC8(5-IO) SP(5-10) RS(S.IO) PH(5-10) CP(S-IO) C(S-IO) PHC(S·IO) OCS(5.10) ST(5-10) NW(10+)

o P«5) FWCH(5·10) GualToli ACS(S-IO) CV(5-IO) BS(5-10) 61 83.0 611 104 M«5) MeW(5·10) HPWSS- PO(S-IO) CM(S-IO) (00646500) NCS(S-IO) SP(5-10) RS(5-IO) C«5) PHC(5-1O) PH(S-IO) CP(5-10) OC8(5-10) ST(S·IO) NW(IO+)

FWC H(IO+) Phntnmnri PM(·:5) ACS(IO+) eV(S-IO) BS(5·10) 62 41.0 238 42 MCW(lO+) I-IPWSS- PO(5-10) CM(IO+) (00646600) C«5) NCS(IO+) SP(5-tO) R8(5-1O) PHC(10+) PH(S-IO) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(5-10) NW(IO+)

FWCH«5) Bhagkhnmn PM«5) ACS(10+) CV(5-IO) BS(S-IO) 63 (64.0 909 170 MeW« 5) I-IPWSS- PO(S-IO) CM«5) (00646700) C«5) NCS(IO+) SP(S-IO) RS(S-IO) PHC«5) PH(S·IO) CP« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

o P(S·IO) KharudRh PHCB«5) ACS NCS« CV(S-IO) BS« 5) 64 2S.0 297 57 M(S-IO) HPWSS- PO PH« 5) CM(5-10) (00646800) MCW«5) 5) OCS( < 5) SP( 5-10) RS(lO+) C(S-IO) CP(5-IO) ST(S-IO) NW(10+)

130 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land lise in hectare)

s::: ]' 0 00 e. .q .5 ~ ., "0 '3 () '8 C,) 1:J E <:i" ... E ._s:::~ (/) .Q '" §"" ~" ~ Iii, .iii ,g [j ~ 1:: ~ :::", .0 B 0.. ., "0 5; .;;; ~ [if g_a € ... ~ til § 1;; ~ 0.. "0 til '0 0 ., ... .5 .s eo "§ la s::: '"' 1 tl fti '8 "..<: OJ 8- gI)" ~ ~ en 14 15 16 17 I8 "'"19 20 21 22 23 2 1

TW(S4.6) MR Thakurganj (21) R(263) 1349.6 1587 116.0 Jirangachh 54 1'(81.0)

TW(396.8) MR Thnkurganj (13) Jute 431.9 503 37.3 Dudhaunti 55 T(396.8)

TW(1.4) MRFP Thakurganj (14) 6.5 2.5 4.2 Satbaulia 56 T(1.4)

-_------Unillhabited ------9.0 1 J 3.0 Bhota Thana 57

TW(63.7) 25 Burhnai MR Thnkurganj (11) Jute 68.4 8.3 58 1'(63.7) . BahadurpLlr

TW(5.4) MR Thakurganj (7) 59.2 4.7 20.2 Hasanpur 59 T(5.4)

TW(S.4) MR Thakurganj (8) 64.5 13.0 8.2 Kachhudah 60 T(5.4)

TW(3.S) MR Thakurganj (7) 500 5.3 24.6 Gual 1'oli 61 T(3.5)

TW(2.9) MR Thakurganj (7) 30.1 3.7 4.6 Phatamari 62 T(2.9)

TW(19.8) MR Thakurganj (8) R(12.3) 115.2 4.2 12.5 Bhagkharna 63 T(32.1)

MR Thakurganj (25) R(S.O) T(8.0) 16.3 1.2 Kharudnh 64

131 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (ifnol available within the village, a dash (.) is shown in the column and lle~t to it ill brackets the dIstance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ l(J11s of the j nearest place where tile facility is available is given) '0 ." t.'j ~' "0 i " § OJ ~ u" .l5 {) oJ' t: .c;" ,.. u " § 0 ~ " e ;.sf! .~ ~ .9 0 0 .~ B 1;j g u ..c: ;:; .ill 8., u C!- " ~ 0 ;:; 2 .:1 - (/) ." '" ~ ~ ...J 0 " ~ f5' ~ :=" E ~ '0 ill 'f; 0- ..c: ." u6 ~ ~ " 1il" o

ACS Kharudah P M«5) H(tO+) eV(S-IO) BS«5) 65 243.0 1,356 281 HPW8S- PO«5) CM(S·IO) NCS(lO+) (O()646900) C(.-:5) MCW(IO+) SP(5-10) RS(IO+) PH(': 5) CP(S·IO) OCS(IO+) PHC(IO+} 81'(10+) NW(IO-")

ACS Kama Mani PM(5-IO) H(5-10) CV(5-IO) B8« 5) 66 275.0 1,196 229 HPWSS· PO(<'S) CM(S·IO) NCS(IO+) (00647000) C(S-IO) MCW(S.IO) SP(5-10) R8(IO+) PH«5) CP(5-10) OCS(IO+) PHC(S·IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Babhnngaon 67 50.0 .--_ •• - Uninhabited _•• -.-...... (00647100)

Barchaundi PMO 1-1«5) HPTWW AC8(IO+) eV(5-10) B8(10+) 68 830.0 5,588 1,191 1'0«5) CM(IO+) (00647200) C(lO+) MCW«5) SS- NCS(IO+) 81'(5-10) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC«5) OCS(IO+) 81'(10+) NW(IO;-)

Kunjimari PM«5) H(S·IO) HPTWW ACS(IO+) CV(5-10) BS« 5) 69 172.0 461 10Q PO(5.10) CM(lO-.) (00647300) C« 5) MeWeS· 10) SS· NCS(lO+) 31'(5·10) RS« 5) PH(S·IO) CI'(IO+) PHC(S.IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Barchaundi 1'«5) H(S·IO) HPTWW ACS(lO+) CV(S-IO) B8«S) 70 163.0 847 153 1'0«5) CM(IO+) (00647400) M«5) MCW(5-10) SS· NCS(IO+) SP(S·IO) RS(<5) PH« 5) CI'(IO+) C« 5) PHC(5.IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

KuriMuni P M« 5) H(S·IO) ACS(10+) CV(IO+) BS(lO+) 71 367.0 740 168 HPW SS- PO«5) CM(IO+) (00647500) C(JOt) MCW(S·IO) NCS(IO+) 81'(10;-) RS(lO+) 1'1--1(10+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

FWCH(IO+) Barah I'athin P M« 5) ACS(IO+) CV«5) B8«5) 72 346.0 1,296 290 MCW(IO+) HPWSS· PO PH« 5) CM« 5) (00647600) C(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS«5) I'HC(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(1O+) NW(IO+)

p AC(2) Barah Pathia H«5) ACS« 5) CV«S) B8«5) 73 104.0 148 28 M«5) HPW SS. PO«5) CM«5) (00647700) MCW«5) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS«S) C(IO+) PH«5) CP«5) PHC«5) oes« 5) ST(lO+) NW(IO+) Nikarbari 74 54.0 •••••••• Uninlwbited •••• _••••• _- (00647800)

Sarah PatI-,ia • H(IO+) AC8(1O+) CV(IO+) 6S«5) 75 144.0 S5 13 HP W SS· PO«5) CM«5) (00647900) P«5)M«5) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH(5-1O) CP« 5) C(lO+) PI-IC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

132 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types ofland lise in hectare)

0 ..>, S\ ~ ... '" t ~ ~'2 ~: ~ ~ ..0 .9 "is. OJ c ""t:J > ;;: go C>._s € ~ _!,! § ~ fir '0 ..... § Q.. <5'" 0 Wi '".... .§ J2 -e til ::J to ~ ",-<:" OJ" 1Q.. !i ~ § Of) :~ _ " E" ·c Q.. 0 ~ ~ C '"~ ... « ~ 0.. _z. ::;;; S .§ :::;, -U::l ."'" « :z;'" 14 15 16 11 18 ""19 20 21 22 23 2 '"1

TW(80.9) MR Thakurganj (25) 119.2 1.1 42 Khn rudah 65 T(80.9) a

TW(121A) MR Thnkurganj (25) 117.4 3.8 326 Karun Man; 66 T(121.4)

------Uninhabited ------498 Babhangaon 67

TW(404.7) PR Thnkurganj (20) 391.1 3.9 29.9 Barellaundi 68 T(404.7)

TW(20.2) MR Thakurganj (20) 0(14.2) 72.8 12.0 53.2 Kunjimari 69 T(34.4)

TW(101.2) MR Thnkurgnnj (17) 44.1 3.9 13.5 Barchaundi 70 T(101.2)

TW(12.o) MR Thnkurganj (22) Jute R(2.S) 235.3 65.3 51.4 KuriMuni 71 T(15.0)

TW(OA) MR Thakurganj (19) ED TWE(22.3) 222.0 14.2 86.8 Barah Pathia 72 T(22.7)

W(16.6) MR Thakurganj (18) 74.2 5.8 7.0 Barah Pathia 73 T(16.6)

TW(4.8) ------Uninhabited ------42.6 2.0 4.4 Nikarban 74 T(4.8)

TW(2!.I) MR Thakurganj (20) 61.7 8.8 52.1 Barah Pathlo 75 T(21.1 )

133 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (ifnot available within the village, a dash (.) is shown in the column and next to it 11l brackets the distance in hroad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5· 10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facilityis availahle is given <0 ~ '0 j ~ OJ 0 " "" ~ U :a '.;:l~:1 u ... " ., l § '" "§ 0 ffi~r-- ;:g ~ <::;!, 0 6 .:t: -a § o(J ~ § u '~·3 6~ is """!fl "0 § .~ ~ 6 '8 ~ ~o ...... s" ;::J 0 :;:; .c: § ~ ~ ,1: ~ ..... -" " 0",15 '"iii-;;'g .~'" E" ..0'" 'S: 0 ...... c;; g '"iii '"iii~ ._ !l 5 -s 0 c ~ OJ ..; ::l 00 OJ '2 § c 0 :;:; .2 ..; 0 ~ ~cI'l U ... I 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13

FWC H«. 5) Gamhirgarh P M(..: 5) AC8« 5) CV(IO+) B8«5) 76 230.0 938 203 MCW("5) IfP W SS· PO(" 5) CM«5) (00648000) C(IO+) NCS«5) SP(IO+) RS« 5) PHC« 5) PH(IO+) CP« 5) OCS«5) ST(IO+) NW(IO")

FWC(2) 0 Tatpowa PMO H(IO+) CM ACS« 5) CV(!O+) BS« 5) 77 465.0 3,251 621 HP W SS· PO« 5) (00648100) C(IO+) MCW(IO") CP(IO+) NCS«5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) PHC( 10+) OCS«5) 8T(10+) NW(IO+)

o P«5) Sukhalli H(IO+) AC8(10+) CV(10+) 8S« 5) 78 53.0 469 102 M«5) HPSS· PO(5·10) CM«5) (00648200) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(10+) PH(W+) CP« 5) PHC«5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(ID+)

FWC(3) BS Sabodnngi P OM(":5) H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 79 404.0 3,750 796 HP W SS· 1'0« 5) CM«5) RS(lO+) (00648300) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(lO+) PHC( 10+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+)

ACS SalgQri I' o M«5) H(lD+) CV(S.to) BS(5.10) 80 160.0 1,894 424 HPWSS· PO«5) CM(S.IO) NCS(lO+) (OD648400) C(S·IO) MCW(IO+) SP(ID+) RS(lO+) PH(5-10) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) PHC(S-IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

01'«5) Ambari H(lO+) HPTWW ACS(IO+) CV(S.IO) BS(5-10) 81 93.0 679 J34 M«5) PO(5-10) CM«5) (00648500) MCW(IO.) SS· NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PH(5-10) CP(IO+) PI-lC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Malingnon P(2) AC 0 1-1(10+) ACS« 5) CV«5) 8S«5) 82 489.0 2,740 539 HPWSS· PO«5) CM«5) (00648600) M« 5) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH« S) CP«5) PHC(<5) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Mnujidinga P«5) H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV(S·IO) BS(5.10) 83 63.0 777 ISS HPW S8· PO«5) CM«5) (00648700) M« 5) MCW(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(S·IO) CP(IO+) C(5·IO) PHC(S-IO) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(lO+) Chapra Bakbari 84 36.0 •••••••• Uninhabited .-•••••••••• (00648800) Rajaga[)n Milik 85 16.0 •.• -.... Uninhabited •••••••••••• (00648900)

Rajaga[)n PM«S) H(IO+) ACS(5·10) CV(S·IO) BS(5·10) 86 169.0 534 105 HPWSS· PO(S.IO) CM(5·10) (00649000) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(S·IO) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(S·IO) CP(S·IO) PHC(to+) OCS(5·10) ST(IO+) NW(10t)

134 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e area under different types of land use ill hectare)

] § e- .f' 01) ,~ '0 ::; 0 '8'" " E u'" ...'" E "'~ ~ " N ""~ ~ 6 ::0 o E §: " &a ;:l .s fir "0 :E .... til '0 0 al iii ... 0. .5 .M <1.1 ~) ~ lil e ;:l ~ ;;; ",..c "ii3 1;; o~ § .;::'" "'- :;!'" ~ 0 ~ ~ g '" " ~ 0 fii 0 '"~ ~ ~ Z 0- ~ ~ S Ii :5 U::J '""I) ...: Z en" 14 15 16 17 18 ""19 20 21 22 23 2 I

TW(S.5) PRMR Thakurganj (15) R(IO.I) 96.2 6.7 108.4 Gamhirgurh 76 T(186)

TWE(ll.I) MR Thakurganj (16) ED 0.7 R(14.6) 316.2 3.3 117.6 Tatpowa 77 T(267)

TW(6.1) MR Tnakurganj (19) ED 36.3 0.5 9.8 Sukhani 78 T(6.1)

TW(20.1) PRMR Thakurgal1J (20) ED Bricks 290.4 10.6 83.1 Sublldangl 79 T(20.1)

TW(2.6) MR Thakurganj (17) ED 131.6 24.5 1.2 Salgori 80 T(2.6)

TW(0.9) MR Tlmkurganj (16) 83.8 1.6 7.2 Ambari 81 T(0.9)

0(34,6) MR Thakurganj (19) 262.8 91.2 100.5 Malingaon 82 T(34.6)

TW(3.6) MR Thakurgnnj (18) 31.1 19.3 8.8 Maujidinga 83 T(3.6)

"-"--- Uninhabited '--'--""-- 32,8 1.3 2.3 Chapra Bakhari 84

---'---- Uninhabited -----.------0(0.5) T(O.S) 14.8 0.5 Rajagaon Milik 85

PRMR Thakurganj (22) 0(0.4) T(O.4) 112.0 16.1 40.7 Rajagaon 86

135 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if 110t available within the Village, a dash (-) is shown in the culumn and next to It in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the -;;:;- nearest I)lace where the facility is available is uiven) iii <= "0 '"0" i u 0 OJ (..i § ~~ <.I ~ .~ (J .; .c ., "t: ~ S c:: .~" r.:e .~ 0 ] ~~ ·s 6 u" (j, .c '§ 1;j '" 0- '3 Jl 8. " iO' 0 ;; 15. .~ eCll,~ " <:> -l9 ]" ~ ~ .... '0 ::l == S 0:1 !l (j, "0 6 "'- £ u ~.~ -3 ~ ,::I ~ .~ ON > 0.. 's c:: ~ g ",'0 .... 0 00

Gilhabari ACP« 5) H(S-IO) HPTWW ACS(S-IO) CV(lO+) 8S« 5) 87 343.0 1,982 365 PO«5) CM(S-IO) (00649100) M«S)C(lO+) MCW(S-IO) RSS- NCS(S-IO) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(S-IO) PHC(5-1O) OCS(S-IO) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

Bhendralll AC 0 P« S) H(S-lO) ACS«S) CV(lO+) BS(10+) &8 194.0 433 85 HP W SS- PO('" 5) CM(5-IO) (00649200) M«S)C«5) MCW(S-JO) NCS« S) SP(10+) RS(10+) PH(10+) ep(5-10) PHC(5-IO) OCS(S-IO) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

P ACM«5) H(5-IO) HPTWW ACS(IO+) CV(S-IO) BS(IO+) 89 Koia (00649300) 295.0 1.444 304 I'O«S) eM(S-IO) C(lO+) MCW(5-IOj ss- NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(lO+) CP(S-IO) PHC« 5) OCS(IOf) ST(10+) NW(lO+)

Jiapokhar 137 0 M(S-IO) PHCJ-I«S) PO PI-I(S- ACS(IO+) CV(S-IO) BS(5-10) 90 64.0 700 r HI' WSS- CM(5-IO) (00649400) C(10+) MCW«S) 10) NCS(IO+) 81'(10+) RS(IO+) CP(IO+) OeS(lo+) 8T(10+) NW(10+)

Jiapokhar 1'(5-10) H(S-IO) HPTWW ACS(10+) CY(lO+) BS(JO+) 91 11.0 286 52 PO(S-IO) CM(5-10) (00649500) M(S-IO) MCW(S-IO) SS- NCS(IO+) 81'(10+) RS(10+) 1'1-1(10+) CP(S-IO) C(10+) 1'I-lC(5-IO) OeS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(!o+)

Deramari I' ACM(S-IO) H(S-IO) ACS(10+) CV(10+) BS(IO+) 92 161.0 527 104 HI' WSS- 1'0(5-10) CM(10+) (00649600) C(IO'r) MCW(S-IO) NCS(10+) 5P(l0+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(S-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW(lO+)

Banllar Jhuia - H(S-IO) ACS(10+) CV(lO+) 8S(IO+) 93 11S.0 1,055 224 HPWSS- PO«5) CM(S-IO) (00649700) P«5)M«5) MCW(S-IO) NCS(lD+) SP(IO+) RS(lD+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) C« 5) PHC« 5) Oe8(10+) 8T(10+) NW(10+)

Jio Pokhar P ACM«5) PI-ICH(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) B8(5-10) 94 104.0 1,794 364 HPWSS- PO(S-IO) CM(IO+) (OO649800) C(10+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(10+) RS(10+) PH(S-IO) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

Singllimari 1'«5) H(S·IO) THPTW ACS«5) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 9S 30.0 IS9 31 PO(S-IO) CM(5-IO) (O0649900) M«5) MCW(5-10) WSS- NCS« 5) SP(10+) RS(10+) PH(10+) CP(10+) C(IO+) PHC(S-IO) OCS«5) ST(101) NW(IO+)

Bhendrani ACP«5) H(S-IO) ACS«S) CY(S-IO) BS(S-IO) 96 170.0 373 HPW SS- PO(S-10) CM(5-10) (00650000) 77 M« S) C(lO+) MCW(S-IO) NCS«S) SP(lO·c) RS(S-IO) PH(5-1O) CP(lO+) pHCeS-IO) OCS« 5) ST(lO'f) NW(10+)

136 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.I:. area under different types of land use In hectare)

§ ]' .~ on ;. 5 ~ .:::: :<; .S "5 " 0 -g u r: E ;:; ~ ~ " c:: - .~ .§ E ._ '" ..s 0 ..u 0 ." ::::W u 3 '-' '" .;; ', ~ 50 ~ '" ;::'0 'iii ~ 8 ~ 0.. ~ ~1lo 3 -c 1; ';; .r:: .9 go g-" A- e ..!.:! f;j g '0 ~ 1;; 0. .51 .M i '0 ""0 '" ~ 1;l ell " e ~ 01) E a u A " ~ 0 e '" " 0. ~ a" 0 '2 "S g ~ 'ii ;2: :§ t/) « .. ~ &: Z E u.. :::J U on « ~ " 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

W(486) MR Thakurganj (38) 171.8 17,2 105.2 Gllhabari 87 T(486)

W(l6.2) MR Thakurganj (36) 102,9 7.0 67,8 Bhendrani 88 T(162)

W(4.0) MR Thakurganj (35) 0(20.2) 2329 14.3 23.9 K()ia 89 T(24.3)

W(10.1) MR Thakurgalli (39) 32,8 0.8 20.2 Jiapokhar 90 T(IO.I}

TW(1.2) MR Thakurganj (34) 5.8 0.3 3.2 iiapokhar 91 T(1.2)

TW(13.8) MR Thakurganj (33) 126.3 1.2 20.3 Deramari 92 T(13.8)

TW(14.2} MR Thakurganj (35) 83.7 2.1 15 3 Bandar Jhuia 93 T(14.2)

TW(14.6) MR Thakurganj (33) 69.5 1.6 18.3 Jio Pokhar 94 T(14.6)

TW(12.1} MR Thakurganj (30) 11.0 4.1 2.7 Singhimari 95 T(12.1)

TW(l2.1) MR Thakurganj (31) 94.1 1.2 62.6 Bhendrani 96 T(12.1)

137 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column ami next to it ill brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms oflhe ~ nearest place where the facility is available isgiven OJ '"C '0 § '8 "~ '§' U '.0~~ ,j' () § 5 ;; g" " e ~ ~ .~ ~ U o .~ a iii e- C!- ::i ~ R ~ ~ 0 ., -a -aC(J 0 Ul g. u :If' 0 '1:1 ]j" " -'" (;, ~ ~ :;:: t!- '1:1 ~.~ a:g~ al - oJ ;> u 6 "0 "'3 .c ...... ~~ c:: ~;g a '0 o - !',) 0 15 " c:: g oJ {j .~ § c:' j ..s _g ta '~ .Q ] til . '" til - 't:I 'p: '8 ~ -a ~ ] .1::: c: ~ .~ I on '~ ",'tI > g § ""' C Vl '"g. " ,§ <> ~ ~ ,S til] c: 0. n 1j ]j" ""' ~ .c til ~l () - E «l " E '" " ~ ~ ;::: ]l 'El E f:j :0 .J ~ g :0 " 0 §"§ '~_g ~ ;S '" ~ ::;z '" p::~CI)u (/J" ~ I- ~ :z:;'" i1l '" ;5 &: U.c <1: 0 8'§ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Balldar Jhulll PC·d) H(S·IO) HI'TWW ACS« S) CV(S·IO) BS(S.IO) 97 31.0 97 19 PO(S-IO) CM(S·IO) (00650100) M«5) MeW(S.IO) SS· NCS« S) SP(IO+) RS(S.IO) PH(S.IO) CP(IO+) C(5·10) PHC(S·JO) OCS«5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Bandar Jhula • H(S·IO) ACS(IO+) CV(S.IO) BS(5·10) 98 58.0 607 126 WSS· 1'0(5.10) CM(<:5) (OO6S0200) P(<5) M« 5) MCW(S.IO) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO,,) PH(5.fO) Cr(lo+) C(5·10) PHC(5.IO) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW(10+)

Bandar Jhula H(5·IO) ACS(S.IO) CV(5·10) 85(5·10) 99 42,0 141 27 P(<:5) M«5) WRSS· 1'0(5·10) CM(S·IO) (00650300) MCW(5·IO) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(10+) C(S'lO) PH(S.IO) CP(lO+) PHC(5.10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

ACS Sandar Jhula M ACP«S) H(10+) CV(S·IO) BS(5·10) 100 218,0 1,680 J75 HPWSS· 1'0(5-10) CM(S·IO) NCS(IO+) (0065D400) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(S·IO) CP(10+) OCS(10+) PHC(fO+) ST(IO+) NW(ID+)

Rl\iagaon H(S.IO) ACS(JO+) CV(5·IO) BS(5·10) 101 48.0 4S II 1'« 5) M« 5) HPWSS· 1'0(5·10) CM(S.IO) (00650500) MCW(S-IO) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) C« 5) ['H(5·IO) CP(IO+) PHC(S.IO} OCS(IO+) ST(ID+) NW(IO+) Bansbari 102 17,0 •.•••••• Uninhabited •••••••••.•• (00650600)

Teghari PM«5) H(lO;.) ACS« 5) CV« 5) B5« 5) 103 173.0 950 201 HPWSS· PO«5) CM«5) (00650700) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) P1-I« 5) CP(lO~') Pl-ICC1O+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

ACS Dumaria 762 P(2) 0 M« 5) H{< S) CM CV«5) 08«5) 104 404,0 3,797 TWW S5- PO«5) NCS(IO+) (00650800) C(IO+) MCW« 5) CP(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH«S) OCS(IO+) PHC« 5) ST(IO+) NW(10;.)

PAC 0 Ponchg6chbi H«5) AC8« 5) CV«5) B8«5) lOS 49.0 804 173 M« S) TWW SS· 1'0«5) CM«5) (00650900) MCW« 5) NCS(IO+) 8P(10+) RS(lO+) C(lO;.) PH«5) CI'(IO+) PHC«5) OCS(IO+) 8T(10+) NW(IO+)

BS Pawn KhnU P 0(2}M(<:5) H«5) ACS« 5) CV« 5) 106 563,0 1,180 273 TWWSS· 1'0« 5) CM«5) RS(lO+) (00651000) C(IO;.) MCW(d) NC8(10+) 8P(10+) PH« 5) CI'(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC«5) OCS(lOt) ST(lO+)

CV(2) PaIVa Khali 1222 PM 0(3) PHC H(I 0;.) CM ACS(IO+) B8«5) 107 433.0 6,257 TW W SS· PO 1'11(9) SP(IO+) (00651100) , C(lOr) MCW(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) RS(IO+) ST(lOt) OCS(lO+) NW(IO+)

138 VILLAGE DIRECTORY VilIa2e Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (I.e. area ullder different types of land use in hectare)

c 0 j .~ on 6 .f2 :;'E 0 " u "

TW(2.4) MR Thakurganj (32) 26.0 0.4 2.3 Bm)(lar Jhula 97 T(2.4)

TW(1.6) MR Thakurganj (31) 52.3 0.4 3.6 Bandar Jhula 98 T(16)

TW(14.2) MR Thakurganj (30) 21.2 0.4 6.7 Bandar Jhula 99 T(142)

TW(25.5) MR Thakurganj (29) 1402 28 49.6 Bandar Jhula 100 T(25.5)

TW(I6.2) MR Thakurganj (28) 28.1 1.4 2.5 Rajugaon 101 T(16.2)

------Uninhabited ------0(0.5) T(0.5) 15.5 0.5 0.2 Bansbnri 102

MR Thakurganj (22) 0(0.3) T(0.3) 161.3 10.4 0.8 Teghari 103

TW(41.3) MR Thakurganj (28) M 3183 9.7 34.5 Dumaria 104 T(41.3)

TW{lJ.8) MR Thakurganj (27) ED 31.0 2.8 1.0 Panchgachhi 105 T(13.8)

TW(5S.7) PR Thakurganj (22) NM 343.7 155.3 5.3 Pawa Khali 106 ED T(58.7)

TW(21.6) PRMR Thakurganj (25) ED EO N TWE(40.4) 256.6 105.3 9.1 Pawa Khali 107 FP T(62.0)

139 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, II dash (.) is shown in the colullln and next to It in brackets the distance U1 broad ranges viz.< 5 klns., 5·10 kills. and 10+ klus of the nearest place where the facility_ is available is given '"::l ~ '" "0 '" s Ii Iij ~~ 15 _g '§' U ''::; U oJ c:" " .~ .9 5 8 0 " ] ~f! ,§ u .c:'" .~ ::; ~ 8. t~ til !.:!. <1J '@r/J "'" .~ g <; "tl ~ ~ ...J 0 '" ~ 9- ~ "75 0 ~.~ a~]' " .;: !3 c u "3-"'_ r:c." "' Od 6 tJ u 0 ~ ';;'~ c: "'" "" "a o ._ c , 0 "~ .c: c i:l o:d ~ ,g .~ ~ 0 t '"0. til , V> '@ ._ "0 § j ..... 'm ..<: .;; 0 '3 "- "iii "§ .te c;>~ .@ c. 0 ::: ~,'" a .... 0 "'Of) ] 3] .9 OJ ] c "' iC 0 '" '" c ~ 8. jj ~ =' tj OJ ''iii § I': Vl ~ Ill·,.... is ~ 'iii CJ '0 ...I' "' s o ._ E '§ '§ ::l ., ~ V> S'>< .~ t Sg § "tl 0 o til ~0] ]_ -£ ~ r.8 Z U.l ~ Q U-""

Pctbhnri P S 0 M« 5) H« 5) ACS(IO+) CV«5) BS« 5) 108 101.0 1,574 328 TWWSS- PO« 5) CM« 5) (00651200) C(lOt) MCW("5) NCS(IO,') SP(IO+) RS(JO+) PH«5) CP(IO+) PHC«5) OCS(lOr) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

I'ntbhari P« 5) H(lO+ ) CM ACS(lO+) CV« 5) BS« 5) 109 57.0 3$0 80 TWWSS- PO«S) (00651300) M(.:::5) MCW(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(lO,') RS(IO+) 1'1-1« 5) C(lO+) PHC«5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO") NW(10+)

BS Patbhnri P OM«5) H« 5) ACS« 5) CV«5) 110 180.0 1,796 371 TWWSS- 1'0« 5) CM«5) RS(IO+) (00651400) C(tO+) MCW«5) NCS(IO+) SP(10+) PH« S) CP(IO+) NW(10+) PHC«S) OCS(IO+) ST(1O+) BS Bhelagori P OM«5) H(<: 5) ACS« 5) CV«5) III 332.0 1.064 227 TWWSS. PO«5) CM«S) RS(IO+) (O()6SI500) C(lO+) MCW(<:5) NCS(lO+) SP(W+) l'H«5) CP(IOr) NW(lO+) PHC« 5) OC5(1O+) ST(lO+)

Bidhibhita P OM«5) H(5·IO) HPTWW ACS(5-IO) CV(S-IO) 8S« 5) 112 74.0 520 III 1'0(5-10) CM(S-IO) (00651600) C(10+) MCW(5-10) S3· NeS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(5·IO) CP(JO+) PHC(5·IO) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+) NW(JO+)

Bulka Dobha I' 0 M(S.IO) H(S·IO) HPTWW ACS«S) eV(5·IO) BS« 5) 113 84.0 161 31 PO(5.IO) CM(S.IO) (00651700) C( 10+) MCWeS-IO) SS· NCS(IO+) 8P(IO+) RS(S-IO) PH(5-10) CP(10+) PHC(S.tO) OCS(IO+) ST(JO+) NW(IO+)

CWC(3) PHS RMP(2) ACS Rasia HPTWW Cve< 5) BS« 5) 114 852.0 3,431 685 PM C(IO+) H(IO+) 1'0(<5) CMC< S} NeS(IO+) (00651800) S8· SP(IO+) RS(IO+) MCW(lO+) PH«5) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(10+) PHe« 5)

ACS Chapati 210 PM("'5) H(IO+) HPTWW CV«5) BS«5) llS 174.0 1,001 PO« 5) CM«5) NCS(IO+) (00651900) C{lO+) MCW(101') SS· SP(IO+) RS(10+) PH« 5) CP(IO+) oeS(lo+) PHC« S) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

ACS PaikPllra H(IO+) eV«5) BS«5) 116 386.0 2,373 466 P M« 5) TWWSS- PO« 5) CM«5) NCS(lO+) (00652000) C(IO+) MCW(10+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PJ-l«5) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) PHC("5) ST(IO+) NW(IO-c)

ACS Paikpara 69 P« 5) H(IO+) CV«5) BS«5) 117 113.0 343 TWWSS· rO«5) CM«5) NCS(IO+) (00652100) M«5) MCW(JO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH«5) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) C(10+) PHC(.-: 5) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

140 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land lise (i.e. area under different types ofland lise ill hectare)

1 6 € .., "0 .., 0 c S ~ S ., .!a 0 " "0 C) f::! 'i) :::l .;;:~ oa ~ 0 ;>., VI £ ~.., ~~ ;., ]: o :::l -£ .c :::l [if p..~ g ~ "0 1;\ 0- §.E B '" ~ 0- ~ p.. ~ ~ ~ 0 i 0 ~'" ~

TW(IO.9) MR FP Thakurgal1j (25) 0(0.9) 48.2 33.2 7.6 Petbhari 108 T(11.8)

TW(14.6) MR FP Thakurganj (24) 19.8 15.0 7.3 Patbhari 109 T(14.6)

TW(46.4) PR Thakurganj (21) ED 895 29.8 14.0 Patbhari 110 T(46.4)

TW(69.6) PR Thakurganj (20) Tea 210.9 435 7.8 Bhelagori III T(69.6)

TW(9.4) MR FP Thakurganj (23) 55.5 8.0 1.6 Bidhlbhita 112 T(9A)

TW(16.2) MR FP Thakurganj (26) 56.2 9.8 1.6 Balka Dobha 113 T(16.2)

TW(23.5) MR Thakurganj (32) R(0.9) 656.1 141.8 29.S Rasia 114 T(24.4)

R(3.I) 0(0.5) MR FP Thakurganj (31) 127.5 38.5 4.5 Chapati 115 T(3.6)

TW(62) MR Thakurganj (30) 250.0 87.2 40.2 Pnikpara \\6 0(2.9) T(9 I)

TW(1.9) MR FP Thakurganj (29) 92.5 2.2 15.9 Paikpara 117 T(1.9)

141 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities llnd Amenities available (if not Dvailable within the village, a dash (.) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz,< 5 kms" 5·10 kms, and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given iil OJ i "'s::: ] dJ ~n tJ OJ d 'J:' u oJ "8 j u ..c: :g ,;:: ;,;~ § '"o.> § 0 " E~ e- U ..c '§ ~ t .M 8- " ~ C; Vl it " 1U ';;! ~ c:: iii "Cl" o ._ i:l ~.§ c: • .9 ~" s::: j .;;" 0 !;i ..c: 13 c: g ~ ~ .1;:: o E ..c:: 0. . '" '.Q 2 0 ,~ Ol;>"§ ~ ~ "" "3 ';;; '"§ .t:: s::: ...: .§ c. 0 c: ~ ~ ;:J"Cl is ..... 0 Olj ~ S Q '" .9 ;; ,::: ~ .9 "ro S § ~ c:: ~ c. ~ .5 ]" ;:J (.) ::1

ACS Khudra 1-1(10+) CV«5) 88« 5) lIS 83.0 411 61 P« 5) M(', 5) TWWSS- PO«5) CM«5) NCS(10+) (00652200) MCW(lO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO"l C(lO+) PH«S) CP(10+) OC8(IO+) PHC(': 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

ACS Pabna H(IO+) CV«5) 8S« 5) J19 82.0 523 91 P«S)M«5) TWWSS- PO('" 5) CM«5) NCS(IO+) (00652300) MCW(IO+) SP(IOt) RS(IO+) C(10+) PH«5) CI'(10+) OCS(IO+) PHC«5) ST(IO+) NW(lOr)

ACS Khannbllri PM«5) H(lO+) CV«5) BS« S) 120 372.0 2,497 518 TW WSS- PO«S) CM«S) NCS(lO+) (006:52400) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH«S) CP(lO+) OCS(lO+) PHC« 5) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

Babhan,gaon 121 39,0 •• ------Uninhabited .----.---.-- (00652500)

ACS Katharo P(5-1Q) H(IO+) CV(S-to) BS(5-10) 122 22.0 60 12 TWWSS. PO(S-IO) CM(5-IO) NCS(IO+) (006S2600) M(S-IO) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(S-lO) CP(lO+) OCS(IO+) C(IO+) PrIC(5-IO) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

ACS Chhatar Kathnro • H(IO+) CV(S-IO) BS(5-1O) 123 111.0 777 153 TWWSS- 1'0(5-10) CM(5-10) NCS(IO+) (O0652700) 1'«5) M« 5) MCW(JO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH(5-10) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) C{10+) PHC(5-IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

01'« 5) ACS Katharo H(10+) CV(S-tO) BS(S-IO) 124 556.0 1,534 330 M(S-IO) TWW S5- 1'0(5-10) CM(S-IO) NC5(1O+) (00652800) MCW(10+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) C(10+) PH(S·IO) CP(IO+) OCS(10+) PKC(S·10) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

ACS Dnstur 1'«5) H(lO+) CY(5-IO) BS(5-IO) 125 151.0 908 224 TWWSS- PO(5-IO) CM(S-IO) NCS(IO+) (00652900) M(S-IO) MCW(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(S-IO) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) C(lO+) I'HC(S·IO) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

RMP(4) I'SO ACS Sarnikuri H(ID+) PO CY(IO+) 8S(10+) 126 371.0 1,835 423 M(IO+) TWWSS- CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) (00653000) MCW(IO+) PH(IO+) SP(10+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) CP(lO+) OCS« 5) PHC(lO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

Bhnulmari H(10t) HPTWW ACS«5) CY(IO+) BS(10+) 127 59,0 757 150 PM«5) PO(S·IO) CM(IO+) (00653100) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) SS· NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP«5) PHC(IO+) OC5(10+) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

Bbnulrnari H(lOr) ACS«5) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 128 19,0 40 10 P«5)M«5) TWWSS. PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00653200) MCW(IOj-) NCS(lOr) SP(JO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

142 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)

]: ~ '0e 0 " OJ E .t;j E ~ '" 0 '6 OJ .;;:~ cld ~ .Q 0. ~ i13 S ~ a. o 3 -'" .8 ::J " p.~ al '" a .5 Jl 8 1;; ;:! Co ~ C ~ ~0 0 ~ :z: p. :z: :;;z E'" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

TW(8.7) PR MR Thakurgnnj (30) 0(3.3) 45.1 1.2 14.7 Khudra 118 T(12.0)

TW(51) PR MR Thakurganj (30) ED 60.1 2.3 142 Pabna 119 T(5.1)

TW(IOJ) PR MR ThakurganJ (33) ED M 0(0.5) 284.1 21 75.0 Khannbori 120 T(10.8)

•••••••• Uninhabited············ O(6.2} T(6.2) 26.4 3.3 3.4 Babhangaon 121

MR FP Thakurgnnj (35) 18.5 3.2 0.6 Katharo 122

TW(S.3) MR FP Thakurganj (36) 98.7 4.4 3.0 Chhatar Katharo 123 T(5.3)

TW(22.5) MR Thukurganj (38) 396,3 33.3 103.5 Katharo 124 T(22.S)

TW(6.8) 106.5 2.7 34.6 Dastur 125 MR Thukurganj (32) T(6.8)

TW(60.7) 99.6 3.2 207.6 Saraikuri 126 MR Thakurganj (35) '1'(60.7)

TW(IOA) 43.7 0,7 4.4 Bhaulmari 127 MR Thakurganj (37) T(IOA)

TW(3.4) 13.1 1.1 1.5 Bhaulmari 128 MR FP Thakurganj (30) T(3.4)

143 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (.) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 klllS., 5·10 kms. and 10+ kms of the 'V;' nearest place where the facility_is available is ,given iii ~ dJ til "§" 0 " ] u U , .~ C3 J a " ";;. .~ "0 1 0 _g .~ ] ~ ¥! i:<--" .~ e u " ~ 8- ~ 0. dJ "3 ~ ~ 0 ;:; VI '-' ....l j 0 "t:l ]" go !9 ~ ~ '0 "t:l .:, '~,~ ]~~ a'(j .c ~ oj P- o ~ ~ ] .~ 1\1 4-< 0 ... 0 2"2 0 " t:: OIl e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

Bhaulmari H(S-IO) ACS« 5) CV(5-1O) 8S(5-10) 129 27.0 194 37 P«5)M«S) TWWSS- PO«5) CM(5-10) (00653300) MCW(S-IO) NeS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) C(lO+) PH(S-IO) CP(IO+) PHC(5-IO) OC8(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Bhaulmari P 0(2)M«5)H(5-IO) HPTWW PO ACS«5) CV«5) B8(5-10) 130 1,195.0 4,896 895 CM(S-IO) (00653400) qIO+) MCW(5-1O) S8- PH(IO+) NC8(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(5-1O) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Nazarpur 131 28.0 ------Uninhabited -.------(00653500)

ACS Khaurdah P OM«S} H«5} TWWTK PO CV(S-W} BS(<5} 132 399.0 2,145 460 CM(5-IO} NCS(10+) (00653600) C(lO+) MCW«S} SS- PH(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) CP(S-10) OC8(10+) PHe(S-IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

ACS Karua Mari P« 5) H«5) PO CV(S-IO) 8S« 5) 133 371.0 980 192 TWWSS- CM(5-1O) NCS(IO+) (00653700) M«5) MCW«5) PH(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) CP(S-IO) OCS(IO+) C(lO+) PHC(5-IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

HD CWC(IO) T(3) P(9l) M(13) PHC(4) W(llO) PO(lO) IIlock Total 38192.0 206769 41132 S(3) C PHS(5) CM(7) ACS(29) CV(2) SP IIS(10) TK HP(92) PH(17) RS(2} AC(35) 0(50) FWC(JG) TW(62) RMP(18) R(4) L CHW(3) 0

144 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (I.e. area under different types orland use in hectare)

§ ]' 0.g :.:;," p !?§ :B :.a ;:l 0 :.a:::s " '" U bn ~ ~ C/) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 I

TW(6.8) MR Thakurganj (30) 15.3 0.6 4.3 Bhaulmari 129 T(6.8)

TW(282.3) MR Thakurganj (30) 591.7 56.4 264.2 Bhaulmari 130 T(2823)

•••••••• Uninhabited •..•••••• _.• 27.5 Nazarpur 131

TW(16.2) MR Thakurgnnj (26) 317.3 5.3 60.7 Khaurdah 132 T(16.2)

TW(16.2) MR Thakurganj (26) 165.9 7.6 180.9 Karua Mm 133 T(16.2)

W(164.46) ED(22) TW(JS82.65) PR(24) EAG(J) N(9) 47 TWE(119.38 MR(110 25005.6 2851.4 6095.6 EO M(S) • ) R(283.06) ) FP(20) EA(2) 0(84.88) T(4234.43)



Tot,t Rural Urban

Area (m SqJ(m) 354.45 35445 Population 196293 100293 No, of Villages 149 \) No of Tomq NIl DIslnnce of Block HeHdquariern to J)j,tnd Headquarter, 45 Km








Dased upon Survey of Indln map Wllh Ihe permission 01 Ihe Surveyor General of Indl' l, _~ ,; Governmenl 01 Ind" Copynghl 2005

VILLAGE DIRECTORY Alphabetical list of Villages Name of the District: Kishanganj Serial 2001CcnSliS location code 1991 Census location code ____nll_m_b~er ______N_a_m_e_D_fv~i~lla~g~es~ ______number~ ______n~u~m~b~er ______2 3 4 Name of CD Block: Pothia Location code of C.D. Block: 0004 1 Adhikari 00667000 420040004000400266 2 Andabari 00654200 420040004000400034 3 Arrabari 00664700 420040004000400176 4 Bagalbari 00668500 420040004000400281 5 B

150 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Alphabetical list of Villages Name of the District: Kishanganj Serial 2001 Census location code 1991 Census location code number Name ofvillages nuinber number 2 3 4 Name of CD Block: Pothia Location code of C.D. Block: 0004 83 Mahogarh 00664400 420040004000400170 84 Mahsul 00663700 420040004000400163 85 Makhan Pokhar 00656300 420040004000400089 86 Mamubhagina 00655200 420040004000400069 87 Mangur Jan 00660900 420040004000400135 88 Mangul' Jon 00656900 420040004000400095 89 Maria 00663800 420040004000400164 90 Miramani 00664900 420040004000400178 91 Mirzapur 00658700 420040004000400113 92 Mohania 00668100 420040004000400277 93 Molnapara 00661200 420040004000400138 94 Musaldenga 00656600 420040004000400092 95 Nandakuri 00664000 420040004000400166 96 Naribasar 00667500 420040004000400271 97 Naukatta 00659500 420040004000400121 98 Naunaddi 00663300 420040004000400159 99 Naunaddi 00663400 420040004000400160 100 Nimalagaon 00658300 420040004000400109 101 Nimalagaon Milik 00658400 420040004000400110 102 Paharkatta 00667800 420040004000400274 103 Pakamolna 00656700 420040004000400093 104 Pakamolna 00656800 420040004000400094 105 Pakamolna 00658800 420040004000400114 106 Pamal 00660100 420040004000400127 107 Panasi 00660600 420040004000400132 lOS Panasi 00667900 420040004000400275 109 Panbara 00658100 420040004000400107 110 panighatta 00654400 420040004000400036 III Parla Bari 00666200 420040004000400258 112 Parlabari Milik 00666000 420040004000400256 113 Patilabhasa 00659100 420040004000400117 114 Pawakhali 00659300 420040004000400119 115 Phala 00654800 420040004000400042 116 Pharabari 00664300 420040004000400169 117 Phati Pokhar 00661000 420040004000400136 lIS Phulhara Milik 00657500 420040004000400101 119 Phulhera 00658000 420040004000400106 120 Phulhera Gachh 00657900 420040004000400105 121 Piakori 00662100 420040004000400147 122 Pokharia 00659600 420040004000400122 123 Pothia 00659200 420040004000400118

151 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KHAGARIA Alphabetical list of Villages Name of the District: Kisnanganj Serial 2001Census location code 199 J Census location code number Name ufvillages number number 2 3 4 Name of CD Block: Pothia Location tode of C.D. Blocl, : 0004 124 Purandarpul' 00655000 420040004000400044 125 Raipur 00665300 420040004000400249 126 Ramaniapokhar 00659000 420040004000400116 127 Rasiadangi 00664200 420040004000400168 128 Ratanpur 00668000 420040004000400276 129 Ratua 00666800 420040004000400264 130 Sahagi 00663200 420040004000400158 131 Saitlmbari 00662600 420040004000400152 132 Saradighi 00666900 420040004000400265 133 Sarogora 00658900 420040004000400115 134 Satballlia 00655500 420040004000400072 135 SatbauJia Khurd 00655600 420040004000400073 136 Shekhpura 00662400 420040004000400150 137 Singhari Gobindpur 00661700 420040004000400143 138 Singhiamari 00664100 420040004000400167 139 Jhari 00667[00 420040004000400267 140 Sita Jhari 00667200 420040004000400268 141 Sital Gachh 00657700 420040004000400103 142 Sitalpur 00667300 420040004000400269 143 Sonapur 00653900 420040004000400031 144 Taiabpur 00655900 420040004000400085 145 Taria 00666500 420040004000400261 146 Tarni 00654100 420040004000400033 147 Theikalbari 00654000 420040004000400032 148 Thipi .Jhari 00660800 420040004000400]34 149 Udgara 00661600 420040004000400142


DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (.) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is_given 1§" ~ ~~ 'tl I ""§ '" u 0 U '-E 0 <.> .c .~' " - " .i::" "B e:--. 9" g I "" _g 2 "" 2'13 9"Cl1; § 0 til P- OJ ]'" "3 t '" ""' ,.D <;5 u ,,:;l "Ei

CD Block; Pothia (0004)

CHWH«5) Dlibullochi PM«5) ACS(5.10) CV«5) BS« 5) 556.0 2.956 593 MCW«5) HPWSS. PO«5) CM([O+) C(10+) NCS(10+) SP« 5) RS« 5) (OO653800) PHC(d) PH(lO+) CP(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST([O+) NW(IO+)

CHWH(10+) Sonapur PM(S·IO) ACS«5) CV«5) BS(IO+) 2 450.0 1.828 343 MCW(10+) HP WSS· PO(<.5) CM(5-10) (00653900) C(10+) NCS(5·IO) SP« S) RS(IO+) PHC([O+) PH(10+) CP(lO+) OCS(lO+) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

Theikalbari P(<.5) H(lO+) ACS«S) CV«5) B3(10+) 3 202.0 901 182 HPWSS· PO«5) CM«5) (00654()OO) M«5) MCW(10+) NCS(5·10) SP(<.5) RS(IO+) PH[IO+) CP(10+) C(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) 5T(IO+) NW(lO'r)

Tami H{10+) ACS«5) CV«5) BS(IO+) 4 5880 2,312 464 P(<.5) HP W 88· PO« 5) CM«5) (00654100) M«5) MCW(10+) NCS«S) SP« 5) RS(10+) PH(IO+) CP(lO") C(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) 5T(10+) NW(IO+)

Andabari PM«5) H(lO+) ACS«5) CV«5) B3(10+) 215.0 806 173 HP W SS· PO«5) CM«5) (00654200) C(10+) MCW(10+) NCS«5) SP« 5) RS(IO+) PH(lO+) CP(IO+) PHC(10+) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Dubanochi P« 5) H«5) ACS("5) CV«5) BS« 5) 93.0 502 100 HPW SS· PO«5) CM«5) (O0654300) M«5) MCW«S) NCS«5) SP«5) RS«S} PH«5) CP«5) C(10+) PHC« 5) OCS«5} ST(IO+) NW(10+)

CHW H(IO+) Panighatta PM("'5) ACS«5) CV«5) 88(10+) 172.0 1,039 204 MCW(10+) HPWSS· PO«5) CM«5) (00654400) C(10+) NC8(10+} SP« 5} RS(IO+) PHC(JO+) PH(IO+) CP« 5) OC8([0+) 3T(10+) NW(10+)

Gelabari 1-1« 5) ACS«5) CV«5) B5(<.5) 133.0 420 97 P MC«5) l-!PWSS· PO«5) CM«5) (00654500) MCW(IO+) NCS«5) PH«5) CP« 5) SP«5) RS« 5) PHC(<:. 5) OeS« 5) ST(10+) NW(lO+)

CHWH(10+) Bhelagachhi AeS« 5) CV(<.5) BS(IO+) 61.0 254 54 P MC(lO+) MCW(10+) HPWSS. PO«5) CM« 5) (00654600) NCS«5) SP«5) RS(10+) PHC(10+) PH(10+) CP«5) OeS(lo+) 5T(IO+) NW(lO+) Chitma 10 9.0 .--••••• Uninhabited -•••••.... -. (00654700)

154 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)

E § .l< .~ ,g .f2 OIl :> 'C :.0'" ~ 1l 0 <> a c:;'" ... " s "'~ , ~ S ~ ~]o ::; '0 ~: ~ .J:> §: o.~ :e ~ iii ~ s !3 &r" M ::J '"il t;l OJ) .g t\l -0 0 0 '" §~ "",o,! .:: ""' Ul"" iii '6 '" is. ~ 13 [:! gj, .3~ §" ~ ~ 0 '2 1.:'" ] ::;;: ] (/) -<"" ~ ~ z'" E tJ.. ::> 8 ~ -< z 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 I

TW(82) foP Thakllrganj (16) R(49.7) 193.4 48.9 255.3 Dubanochi T(57.9)

TW(42.8) MRFP Thukurganj (15) 272.8 48.9 85.5 Sonapur 2 T(42.8)

TW(37.4) MR FP Thakurganj (15) 30.1 8.4 126.1 Theikalbari 3 T(37.4)

TW(30.6) MR FP Thakurganj(l5) 341.8 41.4 174.7 Tarni 4 T(30.6)

TW(20.8) MR FP Thakurganj (14) 181.9 2.2 10.3 Andabari 5 T(20.8)

TW(lO.8) MR FP Thakurganj(15) 66.3 4.4 11.6 Duballochi 6 T(10.8)

TW(45.6) MR FP Thakurganj (14) 49.2 40.5 36.4 Pnnighatta 7 T(45.6)

TW(S.O) MR FP Thakurganj( 17) 59.3 1404 51.5 Gelabari 8 TCB.O)

TW(lOo4) MR FP Thakurganj(15) 38.1 6.5 6.2 Bhelagachhi 9 T(ID.4)

------Uninhabited ------.-- 8.9 0.4 Chitma 10

155 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the C01UlUil and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms .. 5-10 kms. and ]0+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given

oJ " .~ c ..c" '"c: a " "> "§ ~ t .8 -a 0" .~ E:! Cs:; 1ti e. U" ~ -a '3 ~ 8.- u ;; jl Q. U ttlC/J " " 0 & .1!J "0 3 ....:.~ ~ ~ -l 0 ~ ::I .i':l ~ '0 6 ~.!J ;!:! ttl § fS-1O ~ ,~ 19 8 0 c 1 f:! ::I '" ""... OD .9 iil '8 § '" 3-Q. III .8 ttl c: " il1!;::I ~ E c ""0 ~ .c 'til :;;; '2 " u ttl ttl u c §~ .~ ] ~ ~ ·c E ::I '6" ti ~ .5 ~ og 0 o § ~U~ .. ::E" (;J., U..o ~

Phala PM«5) H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV«5) 8S(l0+) 540.0 2,091 458 WSS- 1'0«5) CM«5) II (00654800) C(10+) MCW(IO+) NCS«5) S1'« 5) RS(lO+) 1'H(IO+) CP« 5) PHC(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

CHWH«5) Chitma ACS«5) CV«5) 8S«5) 141.0 1,004 212 1'«5)M«5) MCW«5) H1'W8S- 1'0«5) CM«5) 12 (00654900) NCS«5) S1'«5) RS«5) C(lO+) 1'HC« S) PH«5) CI'«5) OCS«5) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

1'urnndarpur P M(.:: 5) H(ID+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 13 128.0 512 106 H1'W8S- 1'0«5) CM('::5) (00655000) C(lO+) MCW(5-IO) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(5-IO) PH(IOr) CP(IO+) PHC(5-,I0) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

8arapokhnr P«5) H(lO+) ACS(5-IO) CV(10+) B8(10+) 14 146.0 1,265 259 HPWSS- PO(5-IU) CM«5) (00655100) M(S-IO) MCW(5-10) NCS(IO+) SP(10+) RS(5-1O) PH(10+) CP(10+) CCIO'+) 1'1-IC(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

CHWH«5) Mamubhaginn ACS«5) CV(IO,.) 8S« 5) 15 187.0 32 1'« 5) M« 5) MCW(IO+) HPWSS- 1'0(.::5) CM«5) (00655200) NCS« 5) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PHC« 5) PH(IO+) CP(10+) GCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Dnrigaon H«5) ACS«5) CV(IO+) B8«5) 16 107.0 523 117 PC< 5) M« S) HPWSS- PO«5) CM«5) (00655300) MCW(!o+) NCS«5) SP(IO+) RS(10+) C(lO+) PI-I(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Bhota Thana P SM«5) H«5) ACS«5) CV(lO+) B8«5) 17 391.0 3,185 640 HPWSS- 1'0«5) CM«5) (00655400) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(JO+) PH(IOt) CP(10+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Satbaulia H«5) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 18 135.0 848 197 P« 5) M« 5) HP WSS- 1'0«5) CM«5) (0065550() MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(10+) RS(lO+) C(lO+) 1'1-1(10+) CI'(IO+) PHC«5) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) Satbaulia Khurd 19 4.0 (00655600) ------Uninhabited ------

Debignnj H« 5) AC8« 5) CV(lO+) BS«5) 20 3.0 44 9 1'«5)M«5) HPWSS- 1'0«5) CM«5) (00655700) MCW(IO+) NCS«5) SP(10+) RS(10+) C(lO+) 1'H(lO+) CP(lO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Burhnni P(3) M H(5-10) ACS«5) CV«5) BS RS«5) 21 1,597.0 6,822 1,326 H1' W R S8- PO« 5) CM«5) (00655800) C(lO+) MCW(5-IO) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) NW(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(10+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

156 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types ofland llse in hectare)

§ ]' '.g 6 .£ "t:J ~ " 0 J u E "0 ... ." '0) <::~ <2 j :.aI § :.=.~ .., , <> ~ £ ~ :g o(! 0en " ~ ~ §"d >. ~ ~J ~ l B ~ ]: ~ t:: " ;;: II ..c Co e ] ?; E B " &3 ~ a ;::l g "t:J gj, 0 0 " 11 §~ OJ ~ i3 c ""' ::: '"t; cn t'i 'OJ ;::l..c '" Co ~ on .§ ... Q, ~ ., ~ " " ·c g - " 0 "S "' 1& "'

TW(37.3) MRFP Thakurganj (9) 0(6,3) 465,3 207 10.3 Phala II T(43.6)

TW(3,O) R(8,S) MRFP Thakurganj (14) 55,1 18,6 43,6 Chitina 12 0(11.&) T(23.5)

PRMR TW(34,2) Thnkurganj (12) 28.4 8.2 57,1 Purandarpur 13 FP T(34,2)

TW(23,2) MR Thakurganj(J4) 66,2 6.3 50.4 Barapokhar 14 ~: T(23,2)

TW(8,2) MR FP Thakurganj (20) 105,2 1.8 71.4 Mnmubhagina 15 T(8,2)

TW(5,3) MR FP Thakurgallj (20) 70.6 3.3 27.7 Darigaoll 16 T(S,3)

TW(14.2) ~: MR Thnkurganj (20) ED 205.5 6.5 164.6 Bhota Thana 17 T(14.2)

TW(6,l) MRFP Thnkurganj (20) 93,3 2.8 33.0 Sntbaulia 18 T(6.1l

TW(O.4) ------Uninhabited ------3.1 0.5 Satbaulia I<,hurd 19 T(OA)

TW(OA) MRFP Thakurganj (20) 2.5 0.3 Debiganj 20 T(OA)

TW(422.3) MRFP Thakurganj (10) 874.0 8.3 292.3 Burhnai 21 T(422.3)

157, DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash C-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms orthe 1) nearest place where the facility is available is given) .., '" '0 " Vi' .." § kj :a~ 0 u .;:: C) 5l -a ~ '3 -aU) ~ ~ <3 .., 0..' .... -'" -a ...f"''" g o ::l '" ._ C- o ::: tll) '~ e~ .~ !S ~ ~ 0 .... 0 on 0,) §'"~ c "' C 'S til 0- OJ .~" -a !: i3 " .0 :.;;; 11 " '3 t ~ E S '" ,., g ...r a] E 1'1 " E g -6'" c ~il U~ ._~ ~$!I E ::: '5 0 '"0 § § 0:;:: C/J" ~ ~ f-; Z" Li3 ~ 25 U.o <~ ~uU'l U ~ I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 "'"9 10 II 12 13

MCW Taillbptlr PM«S) ACS« 5) CV« 5) 22 86.0 1,101 220 H(S-lO) HP W R SS- PO PH(5- CM(<:5) BS RS« 5) (00655900) C(lO+) 10) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(S-IO) CP(IO+) OCS[5-IO) ST[IO+)

C!techuabari P M« 5) H(IO+) ACS«5) 23 218.0 2,472 495 HPWSS- PO« 5) CM(d) CV« 5) BS RS« 5) (00656000) C(lO+) MCW(""5) NC3(10+) SP(IO+) NW(IOI-) PH(IO+) CP(10+) PHC(5-1O) OC5(5-1O) ST(lO+)

SPCV(5- Kasba Kaliaganj M P«5) H(5-10) PO PH(5- eM ACS« 5) BSRS 24 399.0 3,809 800 HP WSS- 10) (00656100) C(IO+) MCW(10+) 10) CP(IO+) NCS(10+) NW(10+) ST(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+)

Jalalpur - H(IO+) 25 420.0 1,543 29J ACS« 5) CV(lO+) BS(5-IO) (00656200) P«5)M«5) MCW(IO+) HPWSS- 1'0«5) CM«.5) NCS(10+) SP(IO+) RS«S) C(10,-) PHC(IO+) PH(S-W) CPOM) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Makhan P()khar PM«5) H(lO+) ACS« 5) CY(IO+) BS(5-10) 26 420.0 1,643 344 HPWSS- PO«S) CM«5) (00656300) C(lO'c) MCW(10'1) NCS(IO+) SP(10+) PH(5-IO) CP(lO+) RS«5) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) 5T(10+) NW(JO+)

BirpuT 27 51.0 P« 5) M« 5) H( 10+) ACS«S) CV(IO;·) B3(S-10) (00656400) 545 98 HPW SS- PO«5) CM«5) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO!,) C(JO+) PH(S-to) CP(IO+) RS«5) PrIC(5-10) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+) NW(10+)

Birpur MP«S) 28 266.0 1,186 H(lO+) PO PH(S- CM ACS«5) CV(ID+) BS(S-IO) (00656500) 230 TWWSS- C(lo+) MCW(IO'~) 10) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS«5) PHC(S-IO) OC8(1O+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Musaldeoga 29 H(IO+) ACS« 5) CYlIO+) BS(5-10) (00656600) 178.0 903 181 P(..; 5)111« 5) HP WSS- PO«5) CM«5) MCW(IOi-) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) C(JO+) PJi(5-1O) CP(10+) RS«5) PHC(5-10) OC8(10+) ST(IO+) NW[IO+)

PaklimQlna 30 159.0 492 H(lO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) (00656700) 100 P« 5)111«5) HP WSS- PO«5) CM«5) MCW(IO+) NeS« 5) SP(IO+) RSlIO+) C(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(10+) OCS(lO+) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

Pakamolna 3( 11(10+) 214.0 739 145 P«5)M«5) HPWSS- ACS(IO+) CY{lO+) BS(IOj.) (00656800) MCW(JO+) PO«5) CM«5) C(lO+) PH(IO+) CI'(10+) NC8«5) SP(lO+) RS(lO+) PHC(S-10) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

158 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types ofland lise in hectare)

§ j .~ 0/) .£; 3 .Id ~ '"0 :; u 0 ;::! u " g 8 U ... ~~ ..g .~ 8 "0 ~ ~ 0 v~ '6 u ::: :§ W :;j 2 r:; ~" .s: o ;;::'"0 ~ 1 B Q. ~ '"0 .8 ~ Q. i] ~ ~ .t: ~ ;;J " Q.~ e ~ &i s iir '"0 M c; '+< fIl Q. .S J! OJ) ..g til c: 0 S '" ;;J :;; t;i 2 1;) a~ 'iii Q. ) ~ ~ 0 :~ " Q. 0 iii ~ <:: ::l iil "e 'fi - U OJl -

TW(42.3) MR FP Thukurganj (10) ED 22.7 4.2 17.0 Taiabpur 22 T(42.3)

TW(26.5) MRFP Thakllrgal~ (10) ED 136.5 6.1 48.6 Chechuabari 23 T(26.S)

PRMR TW(J22.3) Thakurgal~ (7) ED 137.S 21.3 117.S Kusha Kaliaganj 24 FP T(l22.3)

PRMR TW(91.1) Thakurganj (10) 153.9 12.6 1628 JalaJpur 25 FP T(91.1 )

TW(J06.2) ;~ MR Thakurganj (10) 137.2 16.2 160.5 Makhan Pokhar 26 T(106.2)

PRMR TW(17.1) 21.6 2.2 10.5 Birpur 27 FP Thakurganj (12) T(17.1)

PRMR TW(16.9) 205.4 18.0 25.6 Birpur 28 FP Thakurgul\j (12) T(l6.9)

PRMR TW(49.6) Thakurganj (12) 89.1 6.4 32.7 Musaldenga 29 FP T(49.6)

TW(21.3) MRFP Thnkurganj (26) 99.9 5.6 32.3 Pakamolna 30 T(2l.3)

TW(28.2) MRFP Thakurganj (26) R(7.0) 125.8 8.2 4S.0 Pakamolna 31 T(35.2)

159 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenilles available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz < 5 krns" 5·10 kms, and 10+ kills of the -;;;- nearest place where the facility is avaIlable is _given) '0)' " dJ ta '"s:: U1.g '"C ;J § u'" oj' dJ - OJ ·15 u " .::: ~ OJ .::: V> " c.; c: .::: (j 1:: <1) c 0 ~ .~" ~ ':::J" g u'" Q '8 eS " -l -C> 11 ·~o til :3=::'8' l '0 % " '"C " a';j .;; C:!- (J .:s ~,~ § '!j ~ :i " 0 .. ~~ .9 ... §

Mangur JOI1 36 MP(5·IO) H(IO+) ACS(5·IO) CY(10+) RS B3« 5) 83.0 222 HPWSS· PO« 5) CM(IO+) 32 C(IO+) MCW(\O+) NCS« 5) SP« 5) NW(10+) [00656900) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PJ-lC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

Gomkhal • H(IO+) ACS NCS« CV(;04) BS(10+) 33 753,0 3,077 617 HP W SS· PO«5) CM(IO+J (00657000) P« 5) M(<- 5) MCW(IO+) 5) SP{< 5) RS«5) PH{IO+) CP{IO+) C(10+) pJ-lC( 10+) OCS{IO+) ST(IO'J NW(10+)

Kalidas P(2)M«5J H(IO+) ACS(5·10) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 34 519.0 2,089 403 HP W SS· PO(5.IO) CM(10+) (00657100) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(5.IO) SP(lO'I') RS(S·IO) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(lO+) OC8(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

JagirGachh P« 5) H(IO+) ACS(S·IO) CV(lO;') 8S(10+) 35 94.0 554 91 riP W 5S· PO(5·10) CM(IO+) (00657200) M(S·lO) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(10+) RS(5.10) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) C(lO+) PHC(JO+) OC5(10+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Knlidas Arazi 36 324.0 •••••••• Unmhabited •••••••••••• Kismat (00()57300)

Kalidas Kismat P(3) M«5) H(10+) ACS(10+) CV(IU+) BS(10+) 37 4.0 1,232 264 HP W S8· PO(5.1O) CM(10+) (00657400) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) NCS(S·IO) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH(10+) CP(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

Phulhurn Milik P«S) H(10+) ACS(10") CV(IO+) B8(10+) 38 34.0 37 HP WSS· PO(5·10) CM(IO") (00657500) M(S·IO) MCW(IO+) NCS«S) SP(10+) RS(S.IO) rH(IO+) CP(IO+) C(10+) PHC(IOr) OC5(1O+) ST(10+) NW(10+J

Jogilmra F(d) H(lOt ) ACS(S·IO) CV(S·IO) 8S(5·1O) 39 40.0 34 HPSS· PO«5) CM(5.10) (00657600) M(S·IO) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS« 5) PH«5) CP(lO+) C(IO+) PHC(S.IO) OC8(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) Silal Gachh 40 34.0 •••••••• Uninhabi ted •••••••••••• (00657700J

Gendllioti P«5) H(10+) ACS(5·101 CY(lO+) BS(IO+) 41 37,0 762 146 HPWSS- PO(IO+) CM(lO+) (00657BOO) M(S·IO) MCW(IO+) NCS(tO+) SP(5.tO) RS(IO+) PH(lO+) CP(10+) C(lO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(10+) ST(lO+) NW(IO-tJ

Phulhera Gachh P«5) H(IO+) ACS(S·IO) CV(10+) BS(S.IO) 42 220.0 1,769 330 HPWSS· PO(S·IO) CM(IO+) (00657900) M(S·IO) MCW(IO+) NCS(S·tO) SP«5) RS(IO+) PH(10+) CP(IO+) C(10+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

160 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directorv Land Use (As on 1999) Land lise (i.e. area under different types of land lise in hectare)

C' '6 0 E '" E .~ 0 u ~J ¥;:l ::E 0 ..0 >::: "' 0.

TW(4.3) MR FP Thakurganj (35) 51.6 27.1 Mangur Jon 32 T(4.3)

TW(148) MR FP Thakurganj (35) 362.9 375.4 Gorukhal 33 T(14.8)

TW(22.4) MR FP Thakurganj (40) 269.2 227.6 Kalidas 34 T(22.4)

TW(l4.3) MR Thakurganj (40) 68.2 1.2 10.6 JagirGachh 35 T(14.3)

TW(O.5) Kalidas Arazi •••• -.-- Uninhabited •••• --.-.-•• 269.5 54.1 36 T(O.5) Kismat

TW(3.6) MRFP Thakurganj (42) KaJidas Kismat 37 T(3.6)

TW(3.8) MR [OP Thakurganj (40) 27.3 1.8 1.5 Phulhara MiJik 38 T(3.8)

TW(0.8) FP Thakurganj (42) 37.1 0.2 1.6 Jogihara 39 T(0.8)

TW(O.8) ------Uninhabited ------.--.• 28.2 2.7 2.3 SitalOachh 40 T(0.8)

TW(2.2) MRFP Thakurganj (35) 24.7 1.2 8.0 Gendaloti 41 L(O.S) T(3.0)

TW(lOJ) 99.5 110.0 Phulhera GRchll MR Thakurganj (35) T(IO') 42

161 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (.) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5·10 kms. and 10+ kills ofllle 'iil nearest place where the facility_is available is given V> "c: '0 '0 ~ § '"0 U ~~ .,; u I '" '" 'r:: u ~ " 0 g g! .s,! § &1 C> .~ ~ ~ t! 'g 3 U t!- _g_ "§ ~ 8- ~~ u gJ 2- u 0 a '0'" !!l E: ....l a ]" .~) '" ~ !::', (3 ~~E o'(l .;; .J:: 't:! £9,~ ~ .£ ~ ~.2 til ] ~;:...... OJ OJ" "§ .t:: 0 ~ bh .~ ;:s't:! .~ $ s

Phulhera P M(5-IO) H(tO+) ACS(<5) CV(lO+) BS(5-IO) 43 950 169 76 I-1PWSS· 1'0«5) CM(IO+) (00658000) C(lO+) MCW«5) NCS«5) 8P«5) RS(IO+) PH{10+) CP{10+) PHC{IO+) OC8(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Panbara P(2) M(5-tO) H(IO+) I\CS(5-1O) CV(lO+) BS(IO+j 44 191.0 954 188 HPWSS- PO(S-IO) CM(lO+) (00658100) C(IO+) MCW«5) NCS« 5) SP(IOt) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IOt) OCS(IO+) ST(IOt) NW(IOt)

Jogi Gachh P«5) H(IOt) ACS(5-IO) CV(lO+) BS{IO+) 45 89.0 134 24 HPWSS· PO« 5) CM(10+) (00658200) M(5-IO) MCW(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(5·10) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(iO+) C(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Nimaingaol1 P«' 5) H«5) ACS« 5) CV{JO+) BS«5) 46 160.0 1,194 244 HP WSS- 1'0«5) CM«5) (00658300) M«5) MCW«5) NCS«S) SP« 5) RS«5) PH«5) CP(IO+) C(lO+) PHC«5) OCS«5) ST(IO+) NW«5)

NimaJagaon Milik P« 5) H«5) ACS«5) CV(JO+) 8S« 5) 47 44.0 670 124 HP WSS- PO{<5) CM«5) (OO658400) M«5) MCW«5) NCS{<5) SP« 5) RS«5) PH« 5) CP(IO+) C(lO+) PHC«5) OC8«5) ST(IO+) NW«:5)

Kuimari P«5) H«5) ACS«5) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 48 93.0 860 195 HPWSS- PO PH« 5) CM« 5) (00658500) M«5) MCW«5) NCS« 5) SP« 5) RS{< 5) CP(IO+) C(10+) PHC«5) OCS«5) ST(lOt) NW«5)

Kalupathaurl' CHWH(lO+) 1'«5) ACS(IO+) CV(lO+) BS(IO+) 49 Koimari 76.0 781 172 MCW(to+) HPWSS· PO(5-10) CM(5-IO) M«5) NCS«5) SP(lO·t) RS(IO+) (00658600) PHC(IO+) PH(lO+) CP(lO+) C(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Mirzaput MP«5) H(IO+) PO ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(10+) 50 521.0 2,413 480 HPWSS- CM(S·IO) (00658700) C{lOt) MCW(IO+) PH(lO+) NCS{< 5) SP(lOt) RS(lO+) CP(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS{10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Pakamolna 1'«5) H(lO+) ACS(10+) CV(lO+) BS(1O+) 51 55.0 226 41 HPWRSS.PO«5) CM(5-10) (00658800) M«S) MCW(IO+) NCS« 5) 8P(10+) RS{10+) PH(lO+) CP(lO+) C(lOt) PHC(IO+) OCS(lO+) S1'(10+) NW(IO+)

Sarogora P(2)M« 5) H«5) ACS«5) CV(10+) 6S«5) 52 512.0 2,122 414 HPWSS· PO« 5) CM«5) (00658900) C(lO+) MCW(S-IO) NCS« 5) SP(10t) RS«5) PH« 5) CP(IO+) PHC«5) OCS« 5) ST(lOt) NW(lO+)

Ramaniapokhar PM«5) H«5) ACS«5) CV(lOt) BS{< 5) 53 124.0 1,405 268 HPWSS- PO« 5) CM«5) (00659000) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS« 5) PH(IO+) CP(lO+) SP«5) RS« 5) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) ST(lDt) NW(lO+)

162 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directorv Land Use (As on 1999) Land lise (i.e. area under different types of land lise in hectare)

§ ]: 'f1 btl > g .~ .S '0 "0 ~ " 0 ..2 <.) e c.> .... .S" ~ ~ e ._"'~ '" <2.., ~ ~o 8 '"~ ~"B 6 .;;:J o(! 0 ~ ~ ...... ::;' ~'O '" ~ ~o ·s ~ .0 B ~ 0.. ~ o '0 ;; .s: " 0.. 13 e: 4) ~ Iii s B g." o..tJ "0 rti .... ;:l fi = a 0 1;; '"... "- s.s .~ .., e'" ;:l ~ %l ~~ '" 0. .5 (.) '" ~ ~" ~ iii ~ .!2fl - g g ~ 0 '3 ~ ~ ~ :1: :z: ::?: E I.l.. ~ ::J'" U OJ) -< 1 CIJ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

TW(4.9) MR FP Thakurganj (35) 85.0 1.2 3.6 Phulbera 43 0(0.4) T(5.3)

TW(9.0) MR FP Thakurganj (35) 84.8 97.2 Panbara 44 T(9.0)

TW(3.3) MRFP ThukurganJ (38) 65.5 198 Jogi Gachh 45 T(3.3)

TW(S.8) MRFP Thakurganj (25) 116.0 5.6 29.6 Nimalagaoll 46 T(8.8)

TW(2.1) MRFP Thakurganj (25) 39.0 0.5 2.5 Nimalagaon Milik 47 T(2.1)

TW(3.8) MRFP Thakurganj (25) 70.1 2.5 16.3 Kuimari 48 T(3.8)

TW(10.5) MRFP Thnkurganj (26) R(3.7) 37.5 3.3 20.7 Kalu~athaurf 49 KOlman T(14.2)

TW(55.2) MRFP Thakurganj (26) R(l6.8) 344.2 24.6 80.5 Mirzapul' 50 T(72.0)

TW(4.5) MRFP Thakurganj (26) 45.9 1.0 4.1 PakaOlolna 51 T(4.5)

TW(21.7) PRMR Thakurganj (26) R(13.2) 386.1 6.7 84.6 Saragora 52 FP T(35.0)

PRMR TW(8.6) Thakurganj (2) 77.8 5.0 32.3 Ramaniapokbnr 53 FP T(8.6)

163 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (ifnot available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 k111S. and 10+ kms of the g nearest place where the facility is available is given) '"c: -0 " 1 § Ul.§ U" '3 u 8 .<::" j u § " ;; .i:: a " " ] i5E .~" ;;:; .~ e U" ., t!. il ::; ea 8. V> OJ OIl" ;; .;g I u - t'Il 0 ] g. E! "~ 3 ~ o 'iro '" a ~ § ~ 6 o(! ;;; C!- -" '0 8 '3 ..c: ._ !ii 't:I u 0 ~ ~~ -;S 0 ~ ~ :~ c(! .... " " 0 Il -§_ § c: g .g._ ,g'0 .g §~ 'fa ..t: ..0" !,. ""'0 '3 '" ._ 5 Q.. 0 $ 8>..:.! .S! ]i ;::l "" 01) ~ 'g 1j ;::l _ '" ... ~ .9," ] " In '0 ~ 8. '", Cii ] '" :; b 1il S " 0) ..c" i3 .;! " "E..l2 s ~ ~ ] ]I s ;::l 't:I ~ Ii E ... il '!:: 0 § @ .~~ g ~] 0:-::: CJl ~ ~ ~ :z:" ~ ~ 0 a.. U..c

Pntilabhasa 343 P AC M(d) H«5) ACS«5) CY(IO+) B8« 5) 54 172.0 1,731 HI> WSS- PO« 5) CM«5) (00659100) C(IO+) MCW«5) NCS«5) 8P«5) R8«5) PH«5) CP(10'l') PHC('" 5) OCS« 5) 8T(10+) NW(lO+)

PHCPHS SP Pothin PM S AC RMPCHW CM NCS OCS BSRS 55 122.0 633 HPWSS- PO PH CY(IO+) (00659200) 120 C(10+) H«5) CP(10+) ACS«5) NW(10+) ST(10+) MCW(!o+)

Pawakhali 318 P M S PUC H«5) ACS« 5) CV(10+) BS« 5) 56 130.0 1,553 HPW8S- PO«5) CM«5) (00659300) C(10+) MCW(5-10) NCS«5) SP« 5) PH« 5) CP(10+) RS«5) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

Chillmmari 157 P M« 5) H«S) ACS« 5) CV(\O+) BS«5) 57 1890 760 HP W SS- PO« 5) CM«5) (00659400) C(\O+) MCW(lO+) NeS«5) SP(lO+) PH«5) CP«5) RS«5) PHC(10+) OeS« 5) ST«5) NW(IO+)

Nauk~!ta P M AC H«5) ACS« 5) CV(10+) 58 532.0 4,226 829 HP W SS- PH poe < 5) CM« 5} B8«5) (00659500) C(10+) MCW«5) NCS« 5) SP«5) RS« 5) CP{IO+) PHC« S) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW«5)

Pokb~ria 27 P« 5) H(IO+) ACS(10+) CV(IO+) 59 370.0 99 HI> W R S8- PO« 5) CM(S-10) BS(IO+) (00659600) M«5) MCW(10+) NCS«5) SP(IO+) PH{/O+) CP(lO+) RS(IO+) C(10+) PHC(10+) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

Bngrani 60 183.0 P«5) H(IO+) ACS(lO+) CY(lO+) BS(IO+) (00659700) 1,073 196 HI' W R SS- FO« 5) CM(S-IO) M«5) MCW(IO+) NCS«5) 8P(10+) R8(10+) PH(lO+) CP(IO+) C(10+) PHqIO+) OC5(1O+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) RMP(4) Kusiari CHW(2) 61 220.0 360 PM AC 0 PH(5) NCSACS« SP 8S« 5) (00659800) 1,639 H« 5) HPWSS- CM«5) C(ID+) PO«5) 5) OC8« 5) CY(IO+) RS«5) MCW«5) CP(IO+) STUO+) PHC«5) NW(lO+)

Dhnngj Pokhar 77 P M« 5) H«5) 62 91.0 380 HPWSS- ACS«5) CV(lOt) B8«5) (00659900) C(IO+) MCW«5) PO«5) CM«5) PH«5) CP(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(<:5) RS«5) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) ST(10+) NW(lO+) Gangnati 63 Arazig3chh 64.0 ------Uninhabited -----...--.- (00660000)

Pamal P M(5-IO) H(S-IO) 64 275.0 2,705 556 HPWSS- ACS«5) CV(lO+) B8«5) (00660100) CCIO,') MeW(5-10) PO«5) CM«5) PH« 5) CP(lO+) NCS«5) SP(lO+) R8«5) PHC«5) OC8«5) 8T(10+) NW(IO+)

164 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (Le. area under different types of land use in hectare)

c: 0 :[ .~ g ,C;, bn :> -B ,§ ~ '"u 0 <.) c E .f3 ... " c~ 0) jJl .~ E ._ '" JZ 0 ~Q) g ~ gjl u e=> - .;; " 8: '" Q....3 e ~ iii ~ ::1 g. .... § '5 Ul 6 u '" Q.. ._ . 0 iii 0 '"~ ~ -< Z'" Q.. :z:" ~ s .... ] § u !lb ~ z CI.l'" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

PRMR TW(22.9) Thakurganj (25) ED 115.0 8.0 26.5 Patilabhasa 54 FP T(22.9)

PRMR TW(8.4) Thakurganj (2) 88.9 3.2 21.4 Pathia 55 FP T(8.4)

PRMR TW(5.6) Thakurganj (2) ED 92.1 26.3 5.9 Pawakhnli 56 FP T(5.6)

TW(42.0) PRMR Thakurganj (5) R(S.O) 44.6 12.8 84.7 Chilhamari 57 FP T(46.9)

PRMR TW(26.1) Thakurganj (25) 359.3 34.7 112.0 Nuukatta 58 FPNR T(26.1)

TW(26.2) MRFP Thakurganj (26) R(D.8) 213.2 17.3 99.4 Pokharin S9 T(40.0)

TW(19,2) MRFP Thakurganj (26) 123,1 11.9 28.7 Bugrani 60 T(19,2)

PRMR TW(IO.2) Basket 169,9 6.7 33.4 Kusiari 61 FP NR Thakurganj (25) T(IO,2)

TW(5,1) MRFP Thakurganj (22) 64,8 2.4 19.2 Dhangi Pokhar 62 T(5.1)

TW(11.8) ••...•.. Uninhabited .•.••.••.••. 44,8 0,6 6,6 Gangnat; Arazigachh 63 T( 11.8)

TW(77.0) MRFP Thakurganj (20) 164,1 2.1 31.5 Pamal 64 T(77.0)

165 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not availabl~ within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-JO kms. and JO+ kms of the '? nearest place where the facility is avatlable is given V) OJ 0:: '0 ... 0 i'-' (J § l'i1 ,;' CJ ... '" ',.:I u .0:: :.::: VI .~ '"~ :; .:::" '0 1:: § CI.l 0 "0 1:~ e (J " 'e ~ ~ g_ t!.. ]. dJ "3 ~ ? N0 ~ ;; {j 0. '-' 'id'" .....l 0 ]l '? !:l-"~ ~ ~ '0 0 '5, '" c(j '" t!.. .c "0 u 9 .~ -3 ] .§ 6~ ~ V) ::: CI.l Vl § 'tl 0:: " '-' 0 .... 0 " o '- tid u .9 § cl' -5 " 0 <; § 0:: g ._'1:l 'tl- ~ ...... ~ .c" 1;S -"", '';:::'" ._0 .8 .;:; 0 "3 "-' ::: 'id g>~ ,S:! :s E 0. 0 1CI.l ~B OJ) 2 ...... '" 0 '"0 .8', "

Oangnati P(2) M(S-IO) H(S-IO) ACS«5) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 65 433.0 2,440 4S9 HP WSS- PO«5) CM(5-10) (00660200) C(JO+) MCW(5-10) NCS«5) SP(IG+) RS(5-10) PI-I(5-1O) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(S-IO) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Bhatkhunda P(5-10) H(IO+) ACS«5) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 66 94.0 37 12 HPWSS- PO(S-IO) CM(5-10) (00660300) M(10+) MCW(10+) NCS«5) SP(IOI) RS(S-IO) PH(10+) CP(lO+) etIO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(5-1O) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

Bhatkhunda P(5-1O) H(IO+) ACS(S-IO) CV(IO+) 8S(10+) 67 107.0 231 40 HPSS- PO«5) CM(5-10) (00660400) M(lO+) MCW(lO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) R8(10+) PH«5) CP(IO+) C(lO~) PHC(5-IO) OCS(lO+) ST(5-10) NW(IO+)

Banasi P« 5) H(5-IO) ACS«5) CV(5-10) B8« 5) 68 89.0 1,191 249 HPWSS- PO«5) CM(5-10) (00660500) M(S-IO) MCW(S-IO) SP(5-10) RS(5-IO) PH(5-1O) CP(lO+) NCS«5) etIO+) PHC(S.IO) OCS(5-IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Panasi P«S) H(IO+) ACS«5) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 69 136.0 874 207 HPWSS- PO«5) CM(5-10) (00660600) M(S-IO) MCW(IO+) NCS«5) SP(IO+) RS(5-1O) PH(5-1O) CP(IO+) etIO+) PHC(JOr) OC8(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(5-10)

Karigaoll Milik PM(5-10) H(5-1O) ACS«5) CV(IO+) BS(5-1O) 70 31.0 165 41 HPWSS· PO«5) CM(5-10) (00660700) C(10+) MCW(S-IO) NCS«5) SP(IO+) RS(S-IO) PH(5-1O) CP(lO+) PHC(S-IO) OC8(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(5-10)

8S RS(5- Thipi Jhad P«5) H(5-10) ACS«5) CV(IO+) 71 202.0 2,208 410 HPWSS- PO(S-IO) CM(5-10) 10) (00660800) M(5-10) MCW(IO+) NCS«S) SP(IQ+) PI-I(5-IO) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) etIO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(5-10) ST(10+)

RS BS(5- Mangur Jan P«5) H(5-10) ACS(5-to) CV(IO+) 72 156.0 219 48 HPWSS- PO«5) CM(5-10) 10) (00660900) M(S-IO) MCW(5-10) NCS(5-10) SP(IO+) PH(5-1O) CP(lO+) NW(IO+) etIU+) PHC(IO+) OCS(5-10) ST(IO+)

Phati Pokhar P M(S-IO) H(5-10) ACS« 5) CV(S-IO) 8S«S) 73 80.0 288 65 HPWSS- PO«5) CM«S) (00661000) C(IO+) MCW(5-10) NCS«5) PH(5-10) CP(IO+) SP(S·IO) RS(5-1O) PHC(5-IO) OCS(5-IO) ST(101') NW(IO+)

Charkhnkati P(S-IO) H(lO+) ACS(5·10) CV(S-IO) 8S(5-10) 74 68.0 329 71 HPW SS- PO(S·IO) CM(5-1O) (00661100) M(S-IO) MCW(5-IO) NCS(5-IO) SP(5·10) RS(5-10) PH(5-1O) CP(lOt) C(lO+) PHC(5-1O) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

166 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Lal1d Use (As 011 1999) Land lise (i.e. area under diflerent types of land use in hectare)

E § ..I< '€I g gjl .=: ~ 'i3 -3 0 ::> (,,) " S .... " ._g~ til ~ .~ 0; '">, ~ tl S ~., ~1lo .... '0 "'.", :a .;; .0 .<: 0.. e .2:l § it; E on g: 1l " '0 0 g tl .... .5 tl t:: " "iii" 0.. ~ "~ ~ 0 i B-n " 0 iii ~ '"5 '"~ '5 ] ;:l .,-: I'/) ~ z" z ~ 6 ~ '" u ~ ~ 14 IS ""16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

TW(80.7) MR FP Thakurganj (20) 303.1 3.7 45.1 Gangnati 65 T(80.7)

TW(13.2) MR PP Thakurganj (20) 68.1 2.5 10.5 8hatkhunda 66 T(13.2)

TW(17.1) FP Thakurganj (20) 76.5 2.2 11.5 Bhatkhunda 67 T(I?I)

TW(138) MR PP Thakurganj (20) 68.1 0.9 6.2 Banasi 68 T(13.8)

TW(18.0) MR FP Thakurganj (20) 99.6 3.0 15.9 Panasi 69 T(lg.O)

TW(5.6) MR FP Thakurganj (20) 22.0 0.8 2.7 Karigaon Milik 70 T(5.6)

TW(26.8) MR FP Thakurganj(20) 145.2 4.2 25.2 Thipi Jhnri 71 T(26.8)

TW(IOA) MR FP Thakurganj (20) 99.9 6.7 39.3 Mangur Jan 72 T(IO.4)

TW(2.1) MR FP Thakurganj (20) 38.9 20.7 18.0 Phati Pokhar 73 T(2.I)

TW(17.5) MR FP Thakurganj (20) 36.4 2,5 12,0 Charkhakati 74 T(17.5)

167 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the 'Ul neares~ace where the facllj!y is available is given ]' "'" "0" " § oo-§ '? U" .~ u 8 ..c&i "f 0: ::; •50! 0 '" ~ " " a 0 iil:1 1:~ .~ 5 U" .~ ~ t!. "3 ~ 8. 1;l ::; g_ <.) (ij .c 'tl u ~J ~ ~] .2 e~ III § ~ 'Z " o ._ " 0 ... '" ;< .:; 5 '" il ..c § c g dd .g ,g Iil g .2" §- .g g' ..0 .s:~ "'"0 ::; , ta " u .~ E Ul " u c: S S E "''t:J ii .~ t ~ g :6 E_E ~ 0 ;:J '0 §§ lib.:; r}l ~ f-< Z t.Q" t ~u5 ~ ~ 8 Il.. U..o

Molnapara PM(5-1O) H(10+) ACS(5.IO) CV(5-IO) BS(5-10) 75 336.0 1,692 360 HP WSS- PO(S-IO) CM(5-IO) (00661200) C(lO+) MCW(S-IO) NCS(5-IO) SP(S-IO) RS(5-IO) PH(.5-IO) CP(IOt) PHC(IO+) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

BS RS(5- Dongra P«5) H«5) i\CS« 5) CV(IO+) 76 147.0 712 141 HP WSS- PO« 5) CM«5) 10) (00661300) M«5) MCW(S-IO) NCS«S) SP(IO+) PH(S-IO) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) C(]()+) PHC(5-10) OCS(S-IO) ST(lO+)

Dhantola P«5) H«S) ACS«5) CV(IO+) 77 102.0 970 198 HP WSS- POOD+) CM«5) BS«S) (00661400) M«5) MCW(IO-') NCS« 5) SP(IO+) PH« 5} CP(JO+) RS«S) C(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Haldn 93 P(5-10) H(lO+) ACS(S-IO) eV(S-IO) B8(S-IO) 78 94.0 429 HPWSS- PO(S·IO) CM(5-JO) (0066IS00) M(5-IO) MCW(S-IO) NCS(5-10) SP(5-IO) PH(S.IO) CP(lO+) RS(5-10) C(lO+) PHC(5-IO) OC5(10+) ST(lO"') NW(IO+)

Udgaru 797 P(2) M(lOt) H(lO+) ACSNCS eV(S-IO) 79 434.0 4,252 !-IP W 88- POlS-tO) CM(5-IO) BS(5-10) (00661600) C(10+) MCW(5.IO) OCS(IO+) PH(S-JO) CP(lD+) SP(S·IO) RS(5·10) PHC(ID+) ST(10+) NW(!o+)

Singhan 466 P M(S·IO} H(IO+] ACS(5-IO) CV(S-10) BS(S-IO} 80 Gobindpur 189.0 2,178 HPW ss- PO(5-10) CM(S-IO) C(IO+) MeW(S-IO) NCS(S-IO) SP(5-1O) (00661700) PH(5-IO} CP(IO+) RS(5-10) PHC(S·IO) OCS(lO+) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

Khatin Pichhla 81 170.0 P M«5) H«5) ACS«5) CV«5) B8« 5) (00661800) 411 87 HPWSS- PO PH« 5) CM« 5) C(IO+) MCW«5) NCS(S-IO) CP(lO+) SP« 5) RS« 5) PHC« 5) OCS(S-to) ST(lOt) NW(IO+)

Chingnon P M« 5) 82 342.0 1,880 H« 5) ACS«5) CV(IOt) BS« 5) (O056]900) 354 HP WSS· PO«5) CM«S) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) NCS« S) SP(IO+) PH« 5) CP(IO+) RS« S) PHC«5) OeS« S) 8T«5) NW(IO+)

Buclhtll PM«S) H«5) 83 6600 2,759 545 HPW SS· ACS«5) CV(lO+) B8« 5) (OO66200(») C(IO+) MCW(S-10) PO«S) CM«S) PH«S) CP(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS« 5) PHC«5) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

Piakori 84 93.0 PM«5) H«5) ACS«5) CV(IO+) (00662100) 406 85 HPWSS. PO«5) eM«5) BS« 5) C(IO+) MCW(5-IO) NCS«5) PH«5) CP(IO+) SP«5) RS« 5) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

168 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)

] 3., :.aC u 0 -. §-o 'a ~ :>-.'" B ~ o. <1J 5 ~ ..c .s ::l 0..2 e- al

TW(28.5) MR FP Thakurganj (23) 59.2 85.7 162.5 Molnapara 75 T(28.5)

PRMR TW(41.9) Thakurganj (20) 79.5 2.1 23.8 Dongra 76 FP T(41.9)

TW(l2.6) MRFP Thakurganj (20) R(6.6) 69.9 3.4 9.8 Dhantola 77 T(19.2)

TW(14.8) MRFP Thakurganj (25) 487 7.5 22.9 Halda 78 T(14.8)

TW(93.2) MR FP Thakurganj (10) 230.1 10.8 99.6 Udgara 79 T(93.2)

TW(26.4) 62 5 MR FP Thakurganj (20) 68.6 31.0 Sing11ari 80 T(26.4) . Gobindpur

TW(36.7) MRFP Thakurganj (20) 569 6.0 70.4 Khatia Pichh la 81 T(36.7)

TW(19.1) MRFP Thakurganj (20) R(21.2) 194.5 8.3 98.4 Chiagaon 82 T(40.3)

TW(67.6) MRFP Thakurganj (20) R(38.7) 322.4 7.3 224.4 Budhra 83 T(106.3)

PRMR TW(6.5) Thakurganj (20) 55.2 5.7 25.3 Piakori 84 FP T(6.5)

169 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it ill brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 k111s., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the ~ nearest place where the facilitv is available is given iil'" ., C "1:1 "0 d.> tn.g 0 I ~ u § ·313 u .. ., .,"u C ..c '"c <5 .t:" '§ ~. .~ g u 0 _g" ] ~~ " t.!- o. ~ "3 ~ 0 bI) ~ :s e "- c bI) 'B :::I'" ..... '" 0 ""'... .9 c .9"liJ '6 § '" a 0 ~ "- ']]" ""3 '"t 1i! E :::l ..0 cl "5 "E - ~ E ~ " u "' ,,= ~ ~ ~ E :;: '" ] E :::I ~ ~ tf E-'< il ._ 2:1 ] ~ ~ ::> "1:1 0 o § tib'" 0:-::: C/) z ~ I- Z "-l ~ 8 p.. U..o ..:13 ..: SVl U t:! I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

PAC 0 Goabari H(<.5) ACS«5) CV«5) BS« 5) 8S 40.0 122 30 M«5) HP W SS- PO«5) CM«5) (00662200) MCW(S-IO) NCS«5) SP«5) RS« 5) C(lO+) PH« 5) CP(IO+) PHC«5) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Barab Kahunia PM«5) H«5) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 86 461.0 1,892 353 HP W SS- PO«5) CM«S) (00662300) C(10+) MCW(S-IO) NCS« 5) SP« 5) RS«5) PH« 5) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS«5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

RMPCHW Shekhpura P OM«5) H«5) ACS«5) CV(5-10) BSRS 87 159.0 502 100 HP W S8- PO« S) CM«5) (00662400) C(10+) MCW(5-10) NCS«5) SP« S) NW(IO+) PH«S) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS«5) ST(IO+)

Haldibari PM«5) H(IO+) ACS«5) CY«5) BS« 5) 88 356.0 1,603 318 HP W SS- PO« 5) CM«5) (00662500) C(IO+) MCW«5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS«5) PH(lO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) ocs(1o+) ST(IO+) NW«5)

Saithabari P«5) H(lO+) ACS«5) CV«5) BS«5) 89 122.0 1,797 361 HP W SS- PO«5) CM«5) (00662600) M«5) MCW«5) NCS«5) SP(IO+) RS«5) PH(lO+) CP(10+) C(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

Galgalia P«5) H(IO+) ACS«5) CY(IO+) BS RS« S) 90 3580 1,573 273 HPWSS- PO«5) CM«5) (00662700) M«5) MCW«S) NCS«5) SP(IO+) NW(IO+) PH(5-IO) CP(IO+) C{lO~) PHC(IO+) OCS(5-10) ST(lO+)

Chhomtia P«5) H(S-tO) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 91 66.0 656 129 HPW S8- PO(5·10) CM(5-IO) (00662800) M(S-IO) MCW(5-10) NCS«5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(5-1O) CP(!O+) C(10+) PHC(5-10) OCS(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

NW BS(S- Bakhonala P«5) H(IO+) ACS«5) CY(IO+) 92 177.0 593 104 HPWSS- PO(S-IO) CM(5-10) 10) RS(S- (00662900) M(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS«5) SP(lO+) pH(5-10) CP(IO+) 10) C(lO+) PHC(IO+) OC8(5-10) ST(lO+)

Baksa P 0 M(S·IO) H(S-IO) AC8«S) CV(lO+) BS(5-10) 93 315.0 2,593 472 HP WSS- PO(S-IO) CM(S-IO) (00663000) CCIO+) MCW(5-10) NCS«S) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(S-IO) CP(JO+) PHC(5-IO) OCS(5-10) ST(IOt) NW(IO+)

Choralladdi P« 5) H(5-10) ACS«5) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 94 44.0 224 39 HPWSS- PO(S-IO) CM(5-10) (00663100) M(S-IO) MCW(S-IO) NCS« S) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(JO+) CP(IO+) C(lO~) PHC(S.IO) OCS(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

CHWH(5-10) Sahagi PC< 5) ACS«5) CY(IO+) BS(5-IO) 95 218.0 941 MCW(S-IO) HPW SS· PO(5-10) CM(S-IO) (00663200) 187 M(S-IO) NCS« 5) SP(IOt) RS(IO+) PHC{S-IO) PH(5-IO) CP(lO+) C()O+\ . OCS(S-IO) SJ{JQ+) NW{lQ+)

170 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)

o '6 o EO § (.)

14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 2

PRMR TW(2.9) FP Thnkurganj (20) 28.2 0,5 8.5 Goabari 85 T(2.9)

TW(64.6) ~: MR Thakurganj (20) TWE(lOS.9) 168.1 11.0 110.9 Sarab Kahunin 86 T(170,S}

TW(11.8) PRMR FP Thnkurganj (22) ED TWE(7.5) 52.0 36.7 51.4 Shekhpura 87 T(19.3)

TW(38,2} Thakurganj (12) 224.3 12,2 81.0 Haldibnri 88 ~:MR T(38,2)

TW(32.4) MR FP Thnkurganj (14) ED 61.0 4.1 24,3 Saithabari 89 T(32.4)

TW(154.S) PR MR Thakurganj (12) 107.0 80.8 15.4 Galgalia 90 T(154.5)

TW(14,2) MR FP Thakurganj (20) 28,6 22 8 Chhamtia 91 T(14.2)

TW(36.5) MRFP Thakurganj (20) 67.3 73,1 Bakhonala 92 T(36.5)

TW(24.3) MRFP Thakmganj (20) 0(8.7) 22S,9 5.4 50.5 Saksa 93 T(33,0)

TW(II.O) MRFP Thakurganj (20) 18,6 14.5 Choragaddi 94 T(11.0)

PRMR TW(26.4) Thakurganj (20) 106,9 84.4 Sahagi 95 FP T(26.4)

171 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the colu111n and next to it in brackets the distance in broad range~ viz.< 5 killS., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the ~ nearest place where the facility is available is given - 0 '" §" e ~~ ~~" '" '" 0 ..t: .~ Z .~ 3 d C!. c. "3 tS 8- ~ ~ u - OJ c. <,l 0 0 '0 "0 ,,'" !!l ~ ~n 0 '" ] '~ til d ....l '0 6 3 S ill ~ .;; C!. ..t: U ~ ·15 "3 JB .~ ~'" '-g 'g .9 .c 0 .... ;- "3 0 ] ~ ~ .~ !S I: "'" c. OJ '8 ~:B '" ..: ..... '" 0 0 gp '" ~ ~ .g OJ ] § '" E! 0 c. ~ i E'" E id' " S I: ~ t{ .~ ~ ~.5 ~ S ::: 'c ::I .g" 'E 0 E~ 0"'" '" p" P:lU~~rFJ en" 1 ~ ~ Z IJ.l ::;E" Cl 8.0 ~~ u l:! I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JO 11 12 13

Nmnmddi P« 5) H(5-10) ACS«5) CV(lO+) BS(5-10) 3900 2,441 49S HI' W 5S- PO(S-IO) CM(S-IO) 96 M(5-IO) MCW(S-IO) NCS« 5) SP(10+) RS(10+) (00663300) PH(5-IO) CP(lO+) 1.;(10+) ~HI.;(S-IO) 01.;::1(5-10) ST(IO+) tl~(10+l CHWH(5-IO) Naunaddi I' OM(S-IO) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 97 68.0 248 46 MCW(S-10) HI' WSS- PO(5-10) CM(5-10) (00663400) C(lO+) NCS«S) SP(10+) RS(10+) I'HC(S-IO) PH(S-10) CI'(IO+) QCS(S-IO) ST(lO+l NW(IO+)

Jhokha Dangi P M(S-IO) H(S-IO) ACS(S-IO) CY(IO+) BS(S-IO) 98 148.0 560 118 HPWSS- PO(5-IO) CM(5-10) (00663500) C(lO+) MCW(5-10) NCS(S-IO) SP(IO+) RS(10+) PH(5-10) CP(IO+) PHc(S-IO) Q~S(S.]Ol ST(IO+) tlW(]O+)

Kolthn P M«5) H« 5) ACS«5) CV SP« 5) BS« 5) 99 1,092.0 5,863 1,081 HP W SS- PO«5) CM«5) (00663600) C(lO+) MCW«5) NCS(JO+) ST(IO+) RS(IO+) PH«5) CP(IO+) PHQ« 51 QQ::l(] 0+) tl~(10+1

Mahsvl P 0111«5) H« 5) ACS« 5) CV«5) BS« 5) 100 361.0 1,948 397 HP W SS- PO«5) CM«5) (00663700) C(10+) MCW('" 5) NCS(IO+) SP« 5) RS(IO+) PH«5) CP(10+) PHQ« ~1 QQS(IO+l H!lO+) l::!W(lQ+l

Maria HMCW«5) ACS«5) CV«S) BS«S) 101 197.0 518 110 I' M C(IO+) HPWSS- POPH CM«5) (00663800) PHC«5) NCS(10+) SP« 5) RS« S) CP(IO+) QI.;S(IO+) ST(l0+1 tlW(!O+) ACSNCS« - BS RS(5- Chhatar Gachh P(2) M S HPHC POPH(5- CM 102 498.0 4,933 978 HPW S8- 5)OC8(5. CV(IO+) 10) (00663900) C(IO+) MCW(S-IO) 10) CP(lO+) 10) SP(IO+) NW(IO+) T 10+

Nandnkuri P« S) H« 5) ACS« 5) CY(IO+) BS«S) 103 205.0 769 174 HP W 88- PO«5) CM«S) (00664000) M«5) MCW(5-IOi NCS«5) SP(lO+) RS(S-10) PH(5-IO) CP(lO+) Q(IO+) l!!:lQ(S-IO) QI.;~(5-10) ST(10+) tl~(JQ+)

8inghiamari P«5) H(lO"') ACS«S) CV«5) B8« 5) 104 130.0 580 liS HP W SS- PO«5) CM«5) (00664100) M«5) MCW(lO+) NCS« 5) SP« S) RS(lO+) PH(JO+} CP(lO+) Q(IO"l l!l:lC(IO+l QI.;!;l(lO+) ~I(IOtl tlW(IO+l

Rasiadangi 97 PM«5) H(10t) ACS«5) CV(lO+) BS«S) 105 159.0 451 HP W 88- PO(5-10) CM(IO+) (00664200) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(S-IO) CP(lO+) PHC(!O+) QQS(IQ+l SI(]Q+) t:!~(]Q+)

Phnrabari 294 P(" 5) H«5) ACS«5) CV«5) B8« S) 106 297.0 1,485 HPWSS- PO«5) CM«5) (00664300) M«5) MCW(10+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) R8(10+) PH(JO+} CP(IO+) Q(IQ+1 PHQ«~l Q~S(lO+) H(10+) tllY(lO+ )

Mahogarh 119 P«5) H(IO+) ACS«5) CV(10+) BS«5) 107 13&.0 579 HP W S8- PO«5) CM«5) (00664400) M«S) MCW(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(10+) RS(JO+) PH« 5) CI'(10+) QOO+) PHCflO+) QC8(lO·~) smo+) NW(10+)

Lodhabari P«S) H(lO+) ACS«S) CV(5-1O) BS« 5) 108 153.0 1,195 261 HP W SS- PO«5) CM«S) (00664500) M«5) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(S-IO) RS(lO+) PH(lO+) CP(IO+) Q!IQ+) £!:lI.;(!O+l QQ~(lQtl ~mQ+) tllY(IQtl

Kharkhari P«S) H(lO+) ACS(S-lO) CV(S-to) BS(IO+) 109 66.0 70 13 HPSS- PO«5) CM(S-IO) (00664600) M«5) MCW(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(5-IO) RS(lO+) PH«S) CP(IO+) co 0+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) Sm-IO) NWOO+l

172 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land \lSe in hectare)

.2'" ]' '\il OJ) :- e. .2 .S 'J:l <1J ." ::; <) 0 "§ <> E "... ~ .~ § 0) ]~ <2 ~ '" ~ .__, <> ,g 'i5 u ::> " j5 ~ 0 ~ 5 .;: c, ~ KI lib '§'" .& !l 'is. ~13 '0 :;::." .D .s 0. 13 t;; ~ -'" ::> §- 8.13 e: tl 'iii ]1 8 .... (J ]1 0- '":;:: tl ~ 'E '" ~ ~ iii '"~ " .'( 0 0 ]: § ::> " il Z _Z ~ S u- OJ)

TW(42.7) MRFP Thakurganj (20) 98.3 249.2 Naunaddi 96 T(427)

PRMR TW(8.4) Thakurganj (20) 21.3 38.3 Naunaddi 97 FP T(8.4)

TW(16.4) MRFP Thakurganj (20) 25.8 105.5 Jhokha Dangi 98 T(16.4)

MRFP 367 TW(87.8) Thakurganj (18) 359.2 322.8 285.8 Koltha 99 NR . T(S7.8)

W 17.1) MRFP TK(3.2) Thakurganj (18) 198.0 6.9 98.9 Mahsul 100 NR R(37.2)

TW(22.3) MRFP Thakurganj (18) R(12.1) 63.1 18.2 81.0 Maria 101 NR T(34.4)

PRMR WE(65.0) Kishanganj (28) ED 367.9 16.9 47.9 Chhatar Gachll \02 FP T(65.0)

TW(41.3) MRFP Kishanganj (30) 128.5 8.6 26.8 Nandakuri 103 T(41.3)

TW(14.7) MRFP Kishanganj (26) 69.4 11.5 34.0 Singhiamari 104 T(14.7)

MRFP TW(9.0) KishanganJ (25) 102.0 1.3 46.4 Rasiadangi 105 NR T(9.0)

TW(22.3) MRFP Kishanganj (25) 84.1 76.8 114.2 Pharabari 106 T(22.3)

TW(4.1) MRFP Kishanganj (24) 39.0 12.2 82.7 Mahogarh 107 T(4.1)

TW(18.7) MR Kishanganj (20) ED 59.1 22.8 52.S LQdhabari 108 T(l8.7)

FP Kishanganj (22) 113 TW(lS.4) 12.5 14.2 10.0 Kharkhari 109 . T(18.4)

173 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms, and 10+ kms orthe ]' nearest place where the facilItv IS available is given 0) ." "0 ., [:~ 0 I u" ., u oj' u " .c:: ,. u " I a " " ~ ~ .~ ~ '"0 .§, lj 0 0" ] § t!. "§.. :i ~ 8.. CJ ~ u ';;;CI) 2A f 0 - _o~ ~ ] .~ t/] !3 rg OJ ...l j '"0 '0 g ';;: t!. ..r= "t:l ro .~ -§ :g .§ erti ~ u 0 .... OJ Of> fii "t:l" co ,-n '" ::: ":s .... Il(! ~ § c" -5" .9" 0 ..r= g ,g [l ~ 1i1 .c:: .Id g- '" g ';;;;;'§ ',p 0 .0 ';; ""'0 ro ro " '" '" .- ., g_ ""'0 ~ bb '§ ,~ S § 4-< 0 0 .§ OJ] 0 n " gf' " ~] S '" ~ Po .D 'f] ro ::J <.J - S Cl) u 'Ii " E ~ ro ]I S E '" .~ [l ~ 1:! .- '" :s " ..a ~ tf E ::: '5 ~ .g 0 §'§ ~u] CI) ~ b ~ :z. \.l.l ~" Ci C>-. U.o -<~ ~CI) 8'§ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Arrnbari P(5-10) H(S.IO) ACS(5·10) CV«5) BS« 5) 110 588,0 2,407 485 HP W 5S- PO('" 5) CM(5-IO) (00664700) M(5-10) MCW(5·10) NCS(S·IO) SP(IO+) RS«5) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) ~(I0+l P!:!~Gi·1Ol Q~S(5-IQl ~T(IO+l tlW(IO+l

Geramari PM«S) H(IO+) ACS« 5) eY«5) 8S« 5) III 379,0 2,032 404 HI' W SS· PO« 5) CM«5) (00664800) C( 10+) MCW(lO+) NCS«5) SP«5) RS(10+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHQ« 5l OC~(IQ+l ~T(IO+l NW(IO+l CHWH«S) Mirnmani P«5) ACS«5) CV(IO+) BS«5) 112 51.0 169 32 MCW(10+) HI' W SS- PO« 5) CM«5) (00664900) M«5) NCS«5) SP(IO+) RS(5.10) PHC« 5) PH(5.IO) CP(IO+) qlO+l Q~:l(5-IOl ~T(IO+l t:lW(JO+l CHWH«5) Indarpur Khurd 1'«5) ACS«S) CY(IO+) BS« 5) 113 193.0 991 227 MCW(5·IO) HPWSS· PO«5) CM«5) (00665000) M«5) NCS« 5) SP(IO+j RS(5·IO) PHC« 5) PH(5-to) CP«5) C(lO+l OQS(5.IOl SI!10+l N~(lQ+l

Indarpur PM(.::S) H(IO+j I-lPTWW ACS« 5) CY(S·IO) BS«5) 114 132.0 821 154 PO« 5) CM(10+) (0066SI00) C(lO+) MCW(JO+) SS· NCS«S) SP(5·10) RS(IO+} PH(W+) CP(/O+) PHQ(lO+l Q~~«5l ~T(5-IOl l:::!~{jQ+l

Bolasnn 1'«5) H«5) ACS«5) CY(IO+) B8«5) 115 68,0 158 30 HP WSS- PO« 5) CM«S) (00665200) M«5) MCW(5·IO) NCS«5) SP(IO+) RS(5·10) PH(lO+) CP(IO+) C(lO+l f!:!C«5l Q!;;S(,i·jOl ~mo I'l NW(IO+l

Rnipur H(lO+) PO CM AC8«5) CY(5-IO) BS« 5) 116 202.0 1,371 344 P M C(10+) (00665300) MCW(IO+) HI' W R S8· PH(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) e!:!C(IQ+l QQS{IO+l ~I(jO+l I::!W(lO+) BS KesoJara P« S) H(IO+) ACS(5-10) CY(lO+) 117 299.0 1,128 227 HI' WSS- PO« 5) CM«5) RS(IO+) (00665400) M«5) MCW(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) PH(JO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) i::{10+) P!:!~(IO+l QQS(10+l ST(lO+l BS Dhobinia PM(5·1O) H(lO+) ACS NCS(S· CV(;O+) 118 285.0 1,222 284 HP WSS. PO(S.IO) CM(S.lO) RS(10+) (00665500) q!O+) MCW(5-IO) 10) OCS(S. SP(IO+) PH(5.IO) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) E!:!C(S.jOl 10) SI(lO+l

Haldagaon 3 ACP«5) H(IO+) ACS«5) CY(IO+) BS«5) IIC) 426.0 2,016 HPWSS· 1'0«5) CM«5) (00665600) 86 Me< 5) C(JD+) MCW(JO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH« 5) CP(IO+) PHQ(jQ+) QC~(I0+l ~T(jD+l N~(lO+)

Chhagalia 1'« 5) HOO+) ACS(S·IO) CV(S·IO) BS(IO+) 120 36,0 360 73 HP SS· PO« 5) CM(5·10) (00665700) M«5) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(5-IO) RS(IO+) PH« 5) CP(lO+) !:;(1O+) E!:!Q«5l Q!:;:l£IQ+l IlIC5·jQl :t:!~(JO+l

Kulthibun PM(S·lO) H(IO+) CM ACS(S·IO) CY(to+) BS(5-IO) 121 37.0 104 16 HP WSS· PO« 5) (00665800) C(10+) MCW(5·IO) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(10+) RS(S.IO) PH(10t-) fl:!QJO+l Q(;;::I()O+l SmO+l ij~£lO+l

Damarbari H(IO+) CM ACS(5.10) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 122 163.0 618 116 PMC(IO+)· HPWSS- PO« 5) (00665900) MCW(IO+) CP(10+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(5-IO) PH(lO+) P!:!C(!O+) QCS(JO+) SmO+l I::!W(!O+l

Purlabmi Milik 1'« 5) H(lO+) ACS«5) CY(10+) BS« 5) 123 32,0 535 115 HP W SS- PO«5) S::M«S) (00666000) M(5·10} MCW(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(10+) RS(lO+) PH« 5) CP(IO+) COO+l PHC(5·jQl QCSOO+l STOO+l I::!WOO+l

174 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (Le. area under different types of land use in hectare)

c ] '.g0 5 .0 gJ' :> :u0 '6 ~ " <> .a <:J c E u ... ~ E ._c~ til .s c " ~ .~ <.l 8 ~ " ::l " ~ o)j "c ;g .:; til gp ..Q ~ ~ c.. ~ .£J .a ~ c.. "C ~! i;; ~ 11c..~ € .E2 fa .a '"~ "C 10" § "'"[;l 1:; " 0. .s Jj OJ) '0 'S c: ..'" S ~ C ·s .8"5 ~ 0. ":;: ~ C § 1! 0. ~ 0 0 "3 @ '"~ ~ ...: z Q.., ~ ~ 8 J .~ u 00 ...: ~- en 14 15 16 17 18 ""'19 20 21 22 23 2 \

TW(57.2) PR Kishnllgullj (24) 2700 99.0 161.8 Arrabari 110 T(57.2)

PRMR TW(37.4) Kishangallj (22) ED 155.8 99.9 85.7 Geramari III FP T(37.4)

TW(6.6) MRFP KishanganJ (30) 33.8 3.4 7.6 Miramani 112 T(66)

TW(35.0) MRFP Kishanganj (30) 146.1 4.3 &.1 Indarpur Khurd 113 T(35.0)

TW(25.3) MRFP Kishanganj (18) ED 70.0 5.0 32.0 Indarpur 114 T(2S.3)

TW(2.5) MRFP Kishanganj (30) 43.8 6.2 15.5 Bolasan 115 T(2.5)

TW(28.5) MR Kishanganj (20) 80.6 21.5 71.0 Raipur 116 T(28.5)

62 TW(26.3) PR Kishanganj (17) ED 118.9 21.5 125.7 Keso Jara 117 . T(26.3)

TW(34.6) PRMR Kishanganj (13) ED 146.0 14.5 90.3 Dhobinia 118 T(34.6)

TW(26.4) MRFP Kishanganj (12) R(4.1) 52.4 69.2 273.6 Haldagaon 119 T(30.5)

FP Kishanganj (15) 4.4 0.2 31.4 Chhagalia 120

TW(7.6) MRFP Kishanganj (34) 10.4 19.2 Kulthibari 121 T(7.6)

TW(90.7) MRFP Kishanganj (35) 39.5 32.S Damarbari 122 T(90.7)

TW(2.1) MRFP Kishanganj (33) 14.2 1.5 13.8 Parlabari MiJik 123 T(2.1)

175 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms ofllle -;;;- nearest place where the facility is available is given ::I : 6' ttl'" ;; " OJ Ei '" .~ [S ~ ~.- E ] E ::I -c'" tf Ei ~ ·c ::I

Kala Singhia PM«5) H(10+) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 124 144,0 1,387 258 HP WSS- PO« 5) CM«5) (00666100) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS«5) SP(lo+) RS(IO+) PH(5-10) CP(IO+) f!:lC(5-IOl QCS(JQ+l SI!lO+) NW(jO+)

ParlaBari PM(<<5) H(IO+) ACS«5) CY(IO+) SS« 5) 125 656,0 2,371 513 !-IP W SS- PO«5) CM«5) (00666200) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS«5) SP(IO+) RS(lo+) PH« 5) CP(10+) P!:I~(IO+l QCS(10+l ST(JO+l l:!~(JO+l

Damal Sari H(IO+) CM ACS«5) CV(IO+) BS(5-10) 126 419.0 3,317 623 P M C(lO+) HP W SS- PO(5-1O) (00666300) MCW(5-10) CP(IO+) NCS(lo+) SP(IO+) RS(5-10) PH« 5) PHC{<5l QQSUo+) STOO+l NW!IO+l

Lukundra H(IOI') CM ACS(5-1O) CY(IO+) 8S(5-lo) 127 93.U 625 12U PMC(lU+) HP WSS- PO(5-10) (00666400) MCW(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(5-10) PH(IO+) PHQID+1 Q~!;l(lO+l SEIO+) l:!~!lQ+l

H(IO+) CM ACS(5-1O) CY(IO+) BS« 5) 128 Tarin (00666500) 207.0 934 184 P M C(10+) HP WSS- PO(5-1o) MCW(IO+) CP(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(5-10) PH(IO+) EJ:lC!IO+j QCS!] 0+1 SI(lQ+l l:!~(jQ+l

8agnlbari Milik H{lO;') CM ACS(5-10) CV(10+) 8S«5) 129 11.0 1,048 121 P M C(lO+) HPWSS- PO« 5) Arazi (00666600) MCW(lO+) CP(IO+) NCS(lD+) SP(1D+) RS(5-10) PH(IO+) P!:l!:::(IQ+j Q~S(lo+l ~T!IQ+l t:!~(10+1

J ahangirpur P(2) M H(1o+) CM ACS(5-10) CY(lO+) BS« 5) 130 1,118.0 6,532 1.400 HPWSS- PO« 5) (00666700) C(1O+) MCW(IO+) CP(lD+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS«5) PH(lO+) f!:lQIO+l Q&;:l(lO+l ::lI(]Q+l l:!~(I0+l

Ralun P M«5) H{lO+) ACS(S-IO) CY(IOt) BS(5-10) 131 529.0 2,693 521 HPWSS- PO« 5) CM«5) (00666800) qIO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IOt) RS(5-10) PH« 5) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+j Q~S(IO+l STllO+\ l:!~(10+1

Saradlghi P«S) H(5-IO) HPTWW NCS ACS« CY(;O+) 8S« 5) 132 70.0 1,592 288 PO« 5) CM«5) 5) (00666900) M«5) MCW(IO+) 88- PH(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS«5) Q(1o+1 E!:lQ(lO+ j ~mQ+) l:!~«5l

Adhikari PM«5) H(10+) ACS«5) CY(IO+) BS(5-10) 133 262.0 1,207 258 HPWSS- PO«5) CM«5) (00667000) qIO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(5-10) SP(IO+) RS(5-1O) PH«5) CP(IO+) PI:K;(] 0+ l Q!;;~(5-101 ~I(lQ+l N~(10+1

Sita Jhari PM(10+) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) B8(10+) 134 49.0 498 108 HPWSS- PO PH« 5) CM(IO+) (OO66710o) qIO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(lo+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) CP(IO+) EI:!Q(IO+} QQS(] 0+) SllIQ+1 t:!~(IQ+l

Sita Jhari PM«5) H(lO+) ACS(IO+) CY(IO+) BS(lo+) 135 64.0 433 80 HPWSS- PO«5) CM(10+) (00667200) qlO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(lD+) SP(lo+) RS(10+) PH« 5) CP(lo+) EI:!!:::(JO+) QQS(JO+l SI(JO+) tl~(jO+l

Sitalpur H«5) ACS(5-10) 136 1,514.0 9,044 1,839 PMC(lo+) HPW SS- PO PH« 5) CM« 5) CY«5) BS« 5) (00667300) MCW«5) NCS(ID+) CP(IO+) SP«5) RS« 5) PHC«51 QCSOO+l STOO+) l:!WOO+l

Kalakachu 72 PM«5) H(10+) CM ACS« 5) 137 150.0 369 HPW SS- PO«5) CV« 5) as« 5) (00667400) C(10+) MCW«5) CP(IO+) NCS«5) PH«5) SP«5) RS«5) P!:lC(10+l QCS(lo+) SIOO+) tlW(10+l

176 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (Le. area under different types of land lise in hectare)

8' . S!'" .>4 ., g ~ OQ ;;:; ;;'S '" 0 ~'" E u ... ~ " <2'" .~'" E ._"'~ '" " 'B'" 0 ~" ,.!,l ., ,. .n ~ Oij '" " ~ 0 .;; '" ~ " .... Fl :>, @'" E B :i!' -a: ~: .n" ~ e ..!l § i; ~ S .c: B g. g- I] B ~ '".... 0.. .S Ji tli, g 0 ~ :l 1;; ., e e " OJ " 0- "~ ~ 01j E 1~ " <1) e :; g s '" 0 '" " 0 :!l ~ ~ Z A.. z ~ E ] § u 01j « _:£ ell 14 15 16 17 18 '""19 20 21 22 23 2 I

TW(4.6) MRFP Kishanganj (12) 85.7 2.7 50.8 Kala Singhta 124 T(4.6)

TW(30A) MRFP Kishanganj (14) R(4.2) 427.3 17 I 176.5 Parla Bari 125 T(34.6)

TW(3.7) MRFP Kishanganj ( 18) 0(10.2) 318.6 65.9 20.8 Dalnal Bari 126 T(14.0)

TW(22.4) MRFP Kishanganj (25) 54.2 16.5 Lukundra 127 T(22.4)

TW(30.4) MRFP Kishanganj (20) 138.4 38.4 Taria 128 T(30.4)

TW(2.1) 2.6 Milik MRFP Kishanganj (22) 58 B~galbari 129 T(2.1) Arazt

TW(83.0) MRFP Kishanganj (30) 675.0 11.7 348.0 Jahungirpur ]30 T(83.0)

TW(78.6) MRFP Kishanganj (32) 332.8 117.1 Ratua 131 T(78.6)

TW(3.5) MRFP Kishanganj (IS) 49.6 17.0 Saradighi 132 T(3.5)

TW(l0.2) MRFP Thakurganj (32) 180.9 10.6 60.5 Adhikari 133 T(10.2)

TW(2.2) MRFP Thakurganj (31) 35.0 2.3 9.6 Sita Jhnri 134 T(2.2)

TW(2.I) MRFP Thakufganj (10) 47.2 2.9 11.8 Sita Jhari 135 T(2.1)

TW(336.l) MRFP Thakurgnnj (25) 576.0 175.7 426.1 Sitalpur 136 T(336.1)

TW(37.8) MRFP Thakurganj (25) 13.6 21.7 Kalakachu 137 T(37.8) no

177 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kIllS, and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given 0) 1 '0 a'j :2~ '0 ]: <:J (.) § 8 ~ " '{j U .; c:: j! VI ;; ;;{g .S! 0 c:: "0 .::" e ;::- " a ..c:" j;j [;l 0 c:~ U .fl "§l oJ p. 0 ~ ~ ;::1'0 .~ :s E oJ) <1J 'Q § VI ;:l 0 s:: .8 Cit ~ c:: 'Ci ~ Q. b .~" ~ ~ 1ii E ;::I .0 ~ 1l E" VI El 6' 'iii II> ] S..I< '': §j 11 tf ~] '0 'Ii ~ 0 o § '~] t §~ til" ~ ! ~ z ::E Ci P.. U.o -< (5 ~ S!..tIl U e I 2 3 4 5 '"6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

Naribasar -______Uninhabited ___ 0 ______138 18.0 (00667500)

Gobillda H(lO, ) ACS«5) CV«5) 8S« 5) 139 31.0 141 24 P«5) HPW SS- PO« 5) CM«5) (00667600) M«5) MCW«5) NCS«5) SP« 5) RS«5) PH«5) CP(lO+) C(lO, 1 PH!';;(IO+] Q!';;~(I0+] ~mQ+] I::llY(JO+]

Lohagara PM«5) HMCW«5) ACS«5) CV«5) BS«5) 140 316.0 1,461 278 HPW SS- PO«5) CM«5) (00667700) C(lO+) PHC(<.5) NCS(5-IO) SP«5) RS(<' 5) PH« 5) CP(10+) QCS(5.10] ST(IO+l I::llY(!O+l

Paharkatta H(IO+) ACS(5-IO) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 141 552.0 4,263 827 P M« 5) HPWSS- PO PH« 5) CM«5) (00667800) C(10+) MCW(10+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) CP(lO+) f!:!!:(JO+ l ' QQS(IO+] S1(IO+l I::!lY(lQ+l RMP H(5-10) Panasi HPTWW ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 8S(IO+) 142 131.0 2,188 438 P M« 5) MCW(IO+) PO PH« 5) CM« 5) (00667900) C(IO+) SS· NCS«5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC(10+) CP(10+) QQS(2-1 0l SI!JO+) NlY(IO+l RMPH(5-10) Ralanpur PM S HPTWW ACS«5) CV(10+) BS(10+) 143 132,0 768 MCW(lO~·) PO«5) CM«5) (00668000) 130 C(IO+) SS· NCS« 5) SP(lO'I') RS(lO+) PHC(10+) PH(IO+) CP(W") OCS(IO+) ST(IQ+) I::!W(] 0+) RMPH(5-10) Mohania PM«5) HPTWW NCS ACS« CV(~O+) BS«5) 144 224.0 343 65 MCW(lO+) PO«5) CM«5) (00668100) C(IO+) SS- 5)OCS(5- SP(10+) RS«5) PHC(10+) PH«5) CP(lOt) 10)

Dhekipara P M« 5) H(5·10) ACS«5) CV(IO+) 88« 5) 145 374.0 1,626 346 HPW SS- PO«5) CM«5) (00668200) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) NCS«5) SP(IO+) RS«5) PH« 5) CP(10+) Pl:lQ(IO+) OQS(5-10l S1(IO+l NW(IO+) Jangiabari 146 5.0 ------. Uninhabited --.------(00668300)

Bagalbari Milik H(10+) CM ACS(5-IO) CV(lO+) 88« 5) 147 26,0 660 133 P M C(IO+) HPW ss- PO«5) (00668400) MCW(lO+) CP(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(5-IO) PH(IO+) ~l:lC(lO+l QQS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Bagalbari 549 P(2) M H(IO+) CM t\CS« 5) CV(IO+) BS«5) 148 431.0 2,769 HPW SS· PO«5) (00668500) C(1O+) MCW(10+) CP(lO+) NCS(S-IO) SP(lO+) RS(5-10) PH(IO+) ~HC!lOtl QCS(5.1Ql H(lO+) I::!lY(!Q+l

Blsani H(lO+) CM AeS(5-10) CV(lO+) 149 130.0 1,005 193 P MC(IO+) HPW SS· PO«5) 8S« 5) (00668600) MCW(lO+) CP(IO+) NCS(10+) SP(IO+) RS« 5) PH« 5) PHCOO+) QCSIIO+) SI(10+) NW(10+l

W(13S) P(S9) M(25) H(3) PHC(2) HP(140) ACS(4) PO(14) 8S(I2) Blocl, Total 35447,0 196293 39209 S(5) PUC PHS RMP(9) TW(6) CM(16) NeS(S) CV SP(3) PIl(S) RS(S) NW AC(6) 0(6) CHW(15) R(6) L OCS

178 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directorv Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e, area under different types of land use in hectare)

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

TW(5.7) ------Uninhabited ------82 4,3 Nunbasar 138 T(57)

TW(7,5) MR FP Thakllrganj (28) 18.1 2,1 3.4 Gobindu 139 T(7.5)

TW(21.1) MR FP Thakllrganj (28) 58.3 862 150,9 Lohagara 140 T(21.1)

TW(30.5) MR Thakurganj (27) 469.8 17,6 33 7 Paharkattn 141 T(30,5)

TW(5,O) ~: MR Kishanganj (29) 91.7 34,1 Panasi 142 T(5.0)

PRMR TW(IO.3) FP KishanganJ (28) 89,0 32.7 Ratanpur 143 T(10')

PRMR TW(14.4) FP Kishangnnj (26) ED 165.4 44.0 Mohania 144 T(14.4)

TW(128) MR FP Thakurganj (25) 264.2 96.5 Dhekipara 145 T(12.8)

------Uninhabited ------4.6 0,7 Jangiabari 146

TK(1.3) MR FP Thukurganj (27) 18,9 6.1 Bagalbari Milik 147 T(1.3)

TW(22.4) MR FP Thakul'ga'1i (30) 326,1 3.7 79.2 Bagalbati 148 T(22.4)

TW(6,2) MR FP Thukurganj (20) 94.8 2,8 26.6 Bisani 149 T(6,2)

PR(34) TW(421l.23) MR(135 TWE(113.43 ) ED(tS) 54.2) TK(4.54) 19067.6 2590.0 9058.1 FP(133) R(242.28) NR(6) L(O.75) NW


• :z:i LO' rn ~:

o • ., •• X


I Alphabetical list of Villages Name of the District: Kishanganj Serial 2001Census location code 199] Censlls location code number Name ofviIlages number number 2 3 4 Name of CD Block:Bahadurganj Location code of C.D. Block: 0005 I Altabari 00669500 420050005000500009 2 Babhantola Laucha 00671600 420050005000500184 3 Baisa 00672900 420050005000500206 4 Baisa Jurail 00675300 420050005000500286 5 Baisagopalganj 00673000 420050005000500210 6 Bangaon 00675800 420050005000500293 7 Bangaon Milik 00675700 420050005000500292 8 Baradenga 00678000 420050005000500352 9 Basbari 00675200 420050005000500285 10 Belbari 00670000 420050005000500014 11 Betbari 00678600 420050005000500371 12 Bhadesar 00677700 420050005000500348 13 Bhatabari 00675100 420050005000500284 14 Bhaurdah 00675500 420050005000500290 15 Bhupla 00677600 420050005000500347 16 Bimia 00671100 420050005000500113 17 Birpur 00672800 420050005000500205 18 Bishunpur 00670100 420050005000500015 19 Bochagari 00673300 420050005000500213 20 Brahmotar Gachh 00670600 420050005000500108 21 Chanallr 00677200 420050005000500343 22 Chanaur Milik 00677100 420050005000500342 23 Chandargaon 00671500 420050005000500183 24 Charakpara Laucha 00671700 420050005000500185 25 Chhota Laucha 00671800 420050005000500186 26 Chikabari 00669100 420050005000500005 27 Ch orkattakurl1ai 1a 00678200 420050005000500367 28 Dabar 00668900 420050005000500003 29 Dahgaon 00672700 420050005000500204 30 Dahgaon 00674900 420050005000500282 31 Dala 00669300 420050005000500007 32 Dala Mohiuddinpur 00669400 420050005000500008 33 Damdama 00670400 420050005000500023 34 Deotar Birnia 00675400 420050005000500287 35 Deshiatoli 00669600 420050005000500010 36 Dharhar 00674100 420050005000500222 37 Dogacchi 00672100 420050005000500198 38 Dohar 00674600 420050005000500279 39 Domohani 00676900 420050005000500340 40 Duadangi 00670500 420050005000500107 41 Dulali 00676400 420050005000500335

183 DISTRICT CENS US HANDBOOK: KHAGARIA Alpbabetical list of Villages Name of the District: Kishanganj Serial 2001 C<:nsus localion code ! 991 C~nsus location code number number 2 3 4 Name of CD Block:Bllhadurganj Location codc of C.D. Block: 0005 42 Dulali 00676500 420050005000500336 43 DulaliMilik 00676600 420050005000500337 44 Durgapur 00673700 420050005000500218 45 Durgapur Bal1gaon 00671300 420050005000500177 46 Durga?ur Sohadi 00671200 420050005000500176 47 Gangi 00670200 420050005000500016 48 Goabari 00678400 4200S0QQ50QQ5QG369 49 Gopalpur Bairgachhi 00678300 42005000500U500368 50 Guabari 00670900 420050005000500111 Sl Gurgaon 00676000 420050005000500295 52 Gurgaon Milik 00675900 420050005000500294 53 Haribhasa 00673800 420D500050005002l9 54 Haribhasa 00673900 420050005000500220 55 Jhilj hili 00674700 420050005000500280 56 JhiJjhili 00678100 420050005000500366 57 Jhingakata 00672400 420050005000500201 58 Jhingakata Istamrar 00672600 420050005000500203 59 Jhingakala Taunr 00672500 420050005000500202 60 Kasbe Anganj UrlKasbaKhodaganj 00668700 42005000500050000', 61 Kathalbari 00676700 420050005000500338 62 Kathalbari 00676800 420050005000500339 63 Kharij Kumhia 00676100 420050005000500332 64 Kharsel 00668800 420050005000500002 65 Koimari 00677300 420050005000500344 66 Koimari 00677400 420Q50005000500345 67 Karat Bangaon 00677000 420050005000500341 6& Kumhartoli 00669200 420050005000500006 69 Kurhaila 00678500 420050005000500370 70 Lahsora 00671900 420050005000500196 71 Laucha 00672300 420050005000500200 72 Lohi~. KandaI' 00669000 4200500Q5000500004 73 Lohia Kandar 00669900 420050005000500013 74 Wahadco Dighi 00674500 420050005000500277 75 Mahammad Nagar 00676200 420050005000500333 76 Mahesh Bathna 00672200 420050005000500199 77 Mohan Singh Gachh 00677800 420050005000500349 78 Muktaram Deori 00671400 420050005000500178 19 M\\m)'i\\a O(670)OI) 420050005000500022 80 Musaldenga 00674000 420050005000500221 8l Netuapara 00677900 420050005000500350 82 Netuapara 00679100 420050005000500381

184 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Alphabetical list of Villages Name of the District: Kishanganj Serial 2001Census location code 1991 Census location code Humber Name of villages number number 2 3 4 Name of CD Block:Bahadurganj Location code of CD. Block : 0005 83 Nisndara 00674400 420050005000500227 84 Pahatgaon 00672000 420050005000500197 85 Palasmani 00674800 420050005000500281 86 Phulbari 00675000 420050005000500283 87 Pipra Gachb 00670700 420050005000500109 88 Rampur 00678900 420050005000500379 89 Rangamani 00669800 420050005000500012 90 Ruidhasa 00673400 420050005000500214 91 Rupni 00673600 420050005000500217 92 Sakaur 00679000 420050005000500380 93 Samesar 00671000 420050005000500112 94 Satmeri 00673200 420050005000500212 95 Sikmi Bangaoll 00675600 420050005000500291 96 Siktihar 00678800 420050005000500373 97 Siktiharuttarbasti 00678700 420050005000500372 98 Singhia 00676300 420050005000500334 99 Sukhani 00669700 420050005000500011 100 Tangtangia 00673500 420050005000500216 101 Tangtangia 00674200 420050005000500225 102 Tangtangia 00674300 420050005000500226 103 Tegbaria 00673100 420050005000500211 104 Tharkachhpur 00677500 420050005000500346 105 Tulshia 00670800 420050005000500110

185 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is sholVn in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms ofthe nearest place where the facility IS available is given) ~Ul OJ C "0 "0 OJ ~~ 0 I 'Vi' U iii () ·M u ~ Ul u C ..t:: C 1:! '" "OJ a '5~ .~" .9 0 .~'" ] - g ..8 ~8. U ~ 0- "3 ~ ~ ttJ 0) <,) () Ul g_ a 0 j ~ 0 't:l ]i '&, ~ ]~E !3 ~ '0 b ill - ~ ..t:: 't:l () .~ "3] .2 o'IJ ~ OJ § o6 ._ U 0 ... ~~ c Ul 't:l c " 0 § c g ~ .s" .~ ~~~ lis ::::; ...... 8" ~ "" " ~ ~ :5 c OJ) 0 ... 0 OJ ~ ~ .9 '

CD Block: Buhadurganj (0005)

PHS H« 5) ACS Kasbe Angal\i CY«S) BS« 5) 3S6 79 P MC(IO+) MCW«5) HP WSS- PO PH« 5) CM« 5) NCS(IO+) U rfkasbakhodagan 40.0 SP(S-IO) RS{IO+) j (00668700) PHC(10+) CP{10+) OCS{IO+) ST{IO+) NW(IO+)

Kharsel P«5) H(5-10) ACS«5) eY(S-IO) BS(5-10) 2 243.0 779 143 HP W SS- PO« 5) CM(5-10) (00668800) M«S) MCW«5) NCS(IO+) SP(5-10) RS(IO+) PH(5-10) CP(IO+) qIO+) PHC(10+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Dabar P OM(5-10) H(IO+) ACS« 5) eY(lo+) BS(IO+) 3 221.0 968 228 HPW SS- PO« 5) CM(5.10) (00668900) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) NCS(lO+) SP« 5) RS(lO+) PH(5-IO) CP(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Lohia KandaI' P OM«5) H(IO+) ACS« 5) eY(lo+) BS(IO T) 4 134.0 936 2!;! HPW SS- PO«S) CM(5-1O) (00669000) C(IO+) MCW(IOI-) NCS(IO+) SP«S) RS(lO+) PH(S-IO) CP(10+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Chikabari P 0(3) M« 5) H MCW{5·IO) HP W SS- ACS« 5) eY(lo+) BS(IO;') 5 507.0 4,446 898 PH PO« 5) CM« 5) (00669100) C(lO+) PHC(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP«5) RS(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST{IO+) NW(IO+)

Kumhartoli P OM(5·10) H(5-10) ACS(S-IO) CY(IO+) BS(lO+) 6 147.0 866 185 TWWRSS PH PO«5) CM«5) (00669200) C(lO+) MCW(IO;') NCS(IO+) SP« 5) RS(lO+) CPlIO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« 5) 1-1(5-10) ACS(5-10) CY(IO+) BS(IO+) 7 Dllia (OO669300) 96.0 300 63 TW W R SS· PO{< 5) CM{5-IO) M(5.10) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP«S) RS(IO+) PH(S-lO) CP(IO+) C(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Dula O(2)P« 5) H(5-IO) ACS(S-IO) CY(IO+) BS(IO+) Mohiuddinpur 103.0 823 179 M(S-IO) TW W R S8· PO« 5) CM(5-1O) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP«5) RS(IO+) (00669400) C(IO+) PH(5-10) CP(IO+) PHC(10+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

Altabari P(2) 0 M(.:- 5) H« 5) ACS«5) CY(IO+) BS(5-10) 482.0 5,434 1,100 HP W SS- PO«5) CM«5) (00669500) C(IO+) MCW(S-lO) NCS(IO+) SP«5) RS(IO+) PH«5) CP(IO+) PHC«5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Deshiatoli P 0(2) M« 5) MeW H« 5) ACS« 5) CY(IO+) 8S(10+) 10 469.0 4,460 915 TWWRSS·POPH CM«5) (00669600) C(lO+) PHC(1O+) NCS(IO+) RS(!O+) CP(IO+) SP«5) OCS(1O+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

186 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)

14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

0(137) 9 Kasbe Anganj PR MR Bahadurganj (20) Jute 23.9 1.2 o T(13.7) . Urtkasbakhodagunj

0(37.4) MRFP BahadurganJ (22) Jute 157.3 7.1 41.4 Kharscl 2 T(37.4)

TK(32.4) PRMR Kishangnnj (26) Jute 0(36.9) 70.7 12.4 69.0 Dabar 3 FP T(69.3)

R(26.0) MRFP Kishangnnj (25) Jute 0(26.0) 42.0 4.2 36.1 Lohia Kandar 4 T(52.0)

R(81.0) MRFP Bahadurganj (24) Jute 0(178.S) 152.1 13.3 SI.9 Chlkabari T(259.8)

0(17.6) MRFP Bahadurganj (30) .1 ute 79.5 21.3 28.5 Kurnhartoli T(17.6)

R(l6.2) MRFP Bahadurganj (25) Jute 0(33.2) 18.1 12.3 16.2 Dala T(49.3)

R(14.4) MRFP Bahadurganj (25) Jute 0(38.5) 27.6 S.3 143 Dala . Mohiuddinpur T(52.9)

0(57.9) MRFP Bahadurganj (14) Jute 261.7 99.1 63.3 Altabari T(57.9)

R(50.S) MRFP Bahadurgllnj (25) Jute 0(92.8) 126.3 57.0 141.9 Deshiatoli NR 10 T(143.5)

187 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the j nearest place where the facility is available isgiven "0 "t:l § ID~ "0 i U" ',p () of u ,. OJ u ..c'" ~ a ~ " "§~ 0" g .. 0 _g ~ 'E ~ u C!- o. :3 ~ 8- '" iO' 'H - ." ~ ~ '" 'Ii "! l;b", ::l " ....I ! §. (3 ,) cO ,Sl E:gS J:: :::l '" ,_ .0 'S .... til ] ~ .t:! .S! " ~ oj :3 ~ !;li "t:l J§ E 0 c '" 1::! :::l C VI ;:!

o P« 5) ACS Sukhani H(lO+) CY(IO.,.) 8S(10+) II 189.0 1,004 188 M(S-IO) HPWSS- PO«5) CM(S-IO) NCS(I()+) (00669700) MCW«5) SP« 5) RS(IO+) C(JO+) P)-I(IO-c) CP(10+) OCS(IO+) PHC(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Rangamnni P OM«5) H(IO+) ACS« 5) CY(IO+) BS(IO'I-) 12 82.0 410 67 HP WSS- PO« 5) CM(5.IO) (00669800) C(10+) MCW«5) NCS(IO+) SP(': 5) RS(lO+) PH(5·10) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(S-IO) NW(IO+)

Lohia Kandar P«5) H(10+) ACS«5) CY(IO+) 88(10+) 13 91.0 361 66 HPWSS· PO{<5) CM(S" I0) (OO669900) M{<5) MCW{<5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(5-1O) CP(lOt) C(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

ACS Belbari P M«5) H(IO+) CY(IO+) BS(5·1O) 14 122.0 688 125 HP WSS- PO{<5) CM(5-IO) NCS(IO+) (00670000) C(IO+) MCW«5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(5"10) CP(IO+) OC8«5) PHC(IOt) ST(\O+) NW(IO+)

OP«5) Bishunpur H(IO+) AC8«5) CY(\O+) B8(IO,') 15 130.0 757 148 M{<5) HPWSS· PO{< 5) CM(S-IO) (00670100) MCW(5·10) NCS(IO+) SP(\O+) RS(lO+) C(lO+} PH«5) CP(IO+) PBC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

HPHS ACS Gangi P(3) M S CY(ID+) 8S« 5) 16 497.0 6,278 1,251 MCW«5) HP W SS- POPH CM{<5) NCS(IO+) (00670200) 0(2)C(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC«S) CP(IO+) OC8(10+) ST(IO+) NW{IO+)

PHS H(JO'r) Murmala ACS«5) CY(lO+) B8(10+) 17 219.0 945 211 P M C(10+) MCW{S-IO) HPWSS- PO«5) CM(S·IO) (00670300) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC(lO+) PH(S-IO) CP(IO+) OC8(10+) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

Damdnma P{<5) H(IO+) ACS«5) CY(IO+) BS(IO+) 18 131.0 521 122 HPWSS. PO«5) CM(5-10) (00670400) M«5) MCW(S" 10) NCS{IO+) SP(IO+) RS(10+) PH(S"to) CP(IO+) C(10+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) 8T(10+) NW(IO+)

Duadangi P o M«5) H(IO+) ACS« 5) BS« 5) 19 193.0 \,478 288 TWWSS. PO«5) CM{<5) CY«5) (00670500) C(IO+) MCW(S-IO) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH«S) CP(JO+) PHC(IO+) OC8(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Brahmotar Oachh P« 5) H(IO+) ACS«5) CY«5) 88«5) 20 33.0 288 55 TWWSS- PO« 5) CM« 5) (00670600) M«5) MCW(IO+) NCS(10+) SP(IO+) RS(10+) PH«5) CP(IO'f) C(IO+) PHC(tO+) OCS(10+) ST(1O+) NW(10+)

188 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)

s:: ]' .2 s:: c.::- i:;- on <~ ,5 :;" OJ -8 0 'g s::OJ S u " ~ S s::~ ~ ,!!l '[ij ._~.., '" " u ~ OJ "" on '" " d) > ;J "" OJ ~ 0 ::c .;; 00 ~ OJ " ;:: ;;>, ::E " :;j g lJ 'i:; ~11 -c; ~ !J .:;: .0 B ::: -a. CI.) :;; .s:: 0. Q. g_~ e'" <\) ,3,! § B ::> OJ '0 § g Q. '0 ~ '" .5 ~ OJ) a 'B s:: 1-'" s:: [ ~ 'E" OJ til ~ ~ §'" 1:!'" on 'j;; ~ g " 0~ ::> OJ ~ § '5 ~ ~ jl., ~ ~ E & :§ :::> U bl)

R(31.4) PRMR Kishanganj (21) 0(28.3) 49.8 26.9 52.6 Sukhoni II FP T(59.7)

R(16,O) PRMR Kishanganj (20) 0(16.1) 27.6 10,2 123 Rangamani 12 FP T(32.1)

R(21.3) MRFP Kishanganj (25) 0(16.2) 31.9 13.1 3.2 Lohia Kandar 13 T(37.5)

R(22.8) PRMR Kishanganj (19) 0(207) 15.1 14.4 48.8 Belbari 14 FP T(43.5)

R(24.2) MRFP Kislmngallj (17) 0(15.8) 48.1 11.6 30.7 Bishunpur 15 T(40.0)

TWE(20.2) PRMR Bahadurganj (12) EDEAG N Jute 0(40.6) 361.8 29.5 44.9 Gangi 16 FP T(60.B)

R(28.3) PRMR Kishanganj (16) 0(26.7) 69.7 25.0 69.2 Murmala 17 FP T(55.0)

R(22.4) PRMR Kishanganj (22) 0(16.3) 47.2 10.3 34.9 Damdama 18 FP T(38.7)

0(65.7) MRFP Bahadurganj (13) Jute 90.7 1.5 35.6 Duadangi 19 T(65.7)

0(11.5) MR FP Bahadursanj (12) Jute 14.4 0.6 6.7 Brahmotar Gachh 20 T(I1.5)

189 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census ofIndia 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5- 10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given) .., } -0 't:l OJ iii ~i 0 I U '';:; u oj u 1? OJ c ..t::" cVl c " .~ 0 <3 0 ] "at! e::~ .~ -'" '~ t.S !. U" ""~ c. "3 8.. ~ ~ u 1,j, u 0 <3 is '2'" ""- ~ ~ ...-l '0 co ~ '" ""~ .c -0 ~ ~.~ E~]'::J ..c ._ ~ ~ OJ c 6 t) ';;;'~ c VI " o ._ " 0 .... 0 ::> "' ] c(j .g ..§! § d' -E" 0 -'" S:n ~ .~ 0 II '-g .c E §" 0;;;;:5 '" ._ .~;;: 0 ..... ro ca .t::! (J ~ ""' "3 0 ~ ~J '§ e C

PipraOachh P«S) H(lO+) ACS«S) CV« S) BS« 5) 21 77.0 335 62 TW W SS- PO« 5) CM{<5) (00670700) M«5) MCW(10+) NCS(10+) SP{10+) RS(10+) 1'11« 5) CP(IO+) C(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(10+) ST(10+) NW{IO+)

Tulsl1ia P« 5) H{IO+) ACS{< 5) CV«5) 8S« 5) 22 191.0 1,043 222 TWWSS- PO{..: 5) CM«5) (00670800) M«5) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) Pl-!« 5) CP«5) C(lOr) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST{IO+) NW{IO+)

Guabari P(2)M«5) H(5-10) ACS«5) CV{<5) 8S« 5) 23 256.0 1,728 373 WTKSS- PO« 5) CM«5) (00670900) C(5-IO) MCW(S-IO) NCS(10+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH{< 5) CP(5-10) PHC{5-10) OeS(lo+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

HCH(5.10) ACS Samesar 1'(2) M CP CY(S·IO) BS« 5) 24 565.0 4,075 886 MCW{S·IO) HI' WSS· 1'0(10+) NCS{IO+) (00671000) C{lO+) CM{lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC(S-IO) PH(S-IO) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Birnia P O(2) M« 5) H(5-1O) ACS«5) eY{5-IO) 8S«5) 25 606.0 3,585 755 HP WSS- PH PO« 5) CM« 5) {0067 I 100) C{10+) MCW(5-IO) NCS{IO+) SP{IO+) RS«5) CP(S-IO) PHC(S.IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Durgapur Sohndi P{< 5) HMCW{IO+) TWWTK ACS«5) CY(IO+) 8S(10+) 26 167.0 446 86 PO« 5) CM(lO+) (O0671200) M(IO+) PHC(IO+) RSS· NCS{IO+) SP(5-10) RS(IO+) PH{IO+) CP(lO+) C{IO+) OeS(lo+) ST(lO+) NW(lOr)

Durgapur Bangnon PM{IO+) H«5) TWWTK ACS«5) CV(IO+) 8S(IO+) 27 195.0 1,277 27S PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00671300) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) R SS· NCS(IO+) SP{S-IO) R8{10+) PH(lO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST{IO+) NW(10+)

Muktnram Deori P«5) H«5) TWWTK ACS« 5) CY{IO+) B8(10+) 28 295.0 2,198 505 PO«5) CM(10+) (O0671400) M(IO+) MCW(IO+) RSS- NCS(IO+) SP{S.IO) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP{IO+) C{IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW(lO+)

Chnndargaon PM«5) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS{lO+) 29 126.0 487 104 HPWSS- PO« 5) CM(lO+) (00671500) C(lO+) MCW(S-IO) NCS(IO+) SP(S-IO) RS(IO+) PH{<5) CP(IO+) PHC{IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW{IO+)

Babhantola Laucha P«5) H(lO+) ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 30 105.0 598 119 HP WSS. PO« 5) CM(10+) (00671600) M«5) MCW{<5) NCS{IO+) SP(5-IO) RS(IO'r) PH«5) CP(IO+) C(10+) PHC{10+) OeS(lo+) ST(IO+) NW{lO+)

190 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory <, Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (Le. area under different types of land lise in hectare)

-'"s ..§, .f' .., "C 0. ~ ::: '§ § 0~ ~ z tl.. Z" ::E E 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

0(16.2) MR FP Bahadurganj( 12) Jute 41.4 4.9 14.8 Pipra Oachh 21 T(16.2)

0(25.6) MR FP Bahadurganj (II) Jute 109.2 15.1 40.8 Tulshia 22 T(25.6)

0(79.3) MRFP Bahadurganj (9) Jute 123.4 3.8 49,6 Guabari 23 T(79.3)

TW(40.5) MRFP Bahadurganj (8) O(ll 5.0) 337.5 5.3 66.3 Samesar 24 T(155.5)

R(20.2) MRFP Bahadurganj (11) Jute 0(65.1) 475.5 3.2 41.8 Birnia 25 T(SS.3)

MRFP R(6.2) 0(0.2) Bahadurganj (12) Jute 132.2 2.1 26.4 Durgapur Sohadi 26 NR T(6.5)

R(4.2) 0(2.2) MR FP Bahadurganj (15) Jute 141.4 2.7 44,6 Durgapur 27 T(6.4) Bangaon

MRFP R(6.2) 0(7.4) NR Bahadurganj (15) Jute 139.1 10.2 131.7 Muktaram Deori 28 T(13.7)

MRFP NR Bahadurganj (13) Jute 0(8.3) 1'(8.3) 92.4 2,6 22.6 Chandargaon 29

12.0 Babhantola MR FP Bahadurganj (13) Jute 0(9.9) T(9.9) 75.2 8.1 30 Laucha

191 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kills. and 10+ kms of tile ~ nearest place where the facility is available is given ii\'" "0 ~.g "C" ~ 0 tl U"'" fa .,g "t5 4)" 0 ... 1! ~c 0 c ",. ! § 0 .~ 2:"", § U _g 13 'fJ '" t:!- o. ca 8. ~ ~ 0 d.l .., 0 ;::; '"0. e 0 'Cl'" ~ ~u:~ ~ ~ ...4 "0 .~.~ .t: ~ CCI l:l E.s;: t!, .c 6u ::l ..c §_ o'd ~ ti ""'~ d.l C ] o ._ u 0 ~ 0 '"3 r: " oS 0 :u ..c: § C g o'd ~.g § iiJ .... .~ ..c 1ii Q, ....:'" '~ .9 .0 .;::~ 0 "g "3 .... ~ e! ';:! C « .~ § os 0. 0 § on ~ ;;> '0 s 0 c 'e .=: ~ .2"«l E § '" c '8 ~ 0. :u .~'" ;;> u 'E a ::1 .0 ] :.g ~ "S III .... s ~ 0; ! E :;: '1=: " ::l 1i 6b,s b.5 ~ d.l 0 o fa ~u~ ell ~ ~ ~ z IE ~" 8 1'4 U.o -< 0 ~(/) 8'@ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

OP« 5) Chamkpara Lauella H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(10+) 31 35.0 271 58 M(IO+) HP WSS- PH PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00671700) MCW(<"5) NCS(IO+) SP(5-IO) RS(IO+) C(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Chnota Laucha P«5) H(IO+) ACS(IOq CV(ID+) BS(IO+) 32 36.0 507 III HPW SS- PO(<:5) CM(IO+) (00671800) M«5) MCW«5) NeS(IO+) SP(S-IO) RS(IO+) PH«5) CP(W+) C(lO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Lallsora P«)) H(5-1O) ACS« 5) eV(5-IO) 6S(5-10) 33 148.0 349 79 HPWSS- PO«5) CM(5-IO) (00671900) M«S) MeW(5-10) NCS(IO+) SP(S-IO) RS(IO+) PH« 5) CP(5-10) C(S-IO) PHC(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Pahatgaon P(2)M«5) H(S-IO) ACS« 5) CV(S-IO) 6S(5-10) 34 169.0 1,300 257 HP WSS- PO«5) CM(S-IO) (00672000) C(5-IO) MCW(S-IO) NCS(IO+) SP(5-10) RS(IO+) PH«S) ep(5-10) PHC(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

OP«5) Dogacchi H(5-IO) ACS« 5) CV(5-IO) BS(5-IO) 35 104,0 745 154 M«5) HP WSS- PO« 5) CM(S-IO) (00672100) MCW(S-IO) NCS(lO+) SP(S-IO) RS(IO+) C(5-10) PH«5) CP(5-1O) PHC(5-IO) OCS(10+) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

Mahesh Bathna li(5-IO) ACS«5) CV(S-IO) 6S(5-10) 36 218.0 2,500 529 P M C(5-10) HPWSS- POPH CM(5-10) (00672200) MCW(5.10) NCS(IO+) SP(S-IO) RS(IO+) CP(S·IO) PHC(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Laucha P 0(2) M«S) PHSH(lO+) ACS(S·JO) CV(lO+) BS(10+) 31 543.0 3,196 615 C(IO+) MCW(5-10) WRSS- roPH CM(IO+) (00672300) NCS(IO+) SP(5-IO) RS(10+) PHC(lO+) CP(IO+) OC8(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Jhingakata 526 P O(2)M«S) H(S-IO) ACS(S-IO) CV(S-IO) 8S(S-IO) 38 279.0 2,530 WRSS- PO PH CM(5-IO) (00672400) C(5-IO) MCW« 5) NC8(10+) SP(5-1O) RS(IO'f') CP(5-10) PHC(5-IO) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

o P«5) Jhingakata Taufir H(5-10) ACS« 5) CV(5-10) BS(5-10) 39 63.0 943 199 M«5) HPW SS- PO«5) CM(5-10) (00672500) MCW(S-tO) NCS(lO+) SP(5-IO) RS(IO+) C(5-IO) PH«5) CP(S-tO) PHC(5-IO) OCS(JO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Jhingakata P(2) M 0(2) H(5-10) ACS«S) CV(S-IO) BS(5-1O) 40 Istamrar 531.0 3,140 722 HI' W SS· PO(5-IO) CM(5-IO) C(5-10) MCW(lO'r) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) (00672600) PH(S-IO) ep(S-IO) PBC(S-tO) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

192 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e area under different types of land lise in hectare)

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

L(1.6) 0(1.4) 79 Charakpara MR FP Bahadurganj( 13) Jute 21.8 2.2 31 T(3.0) . Laucha

MR FP Bnhadurganj (14) Jute 0(0.7) T(0.7) 28.2 0.9 5.8 Chllo!a Laucha 32

MR FP Bahadurganj (7) Jute 0(2.8) T(2.8) 113.6 0.7 30.9 Lahsora 33

MR FP Bahadurganj (7) 0(6.2) T(6.2) 149.6 4.0 8.9 Pahatgnon 34

MR FP Bahadurganj (9) 0(6.I)T(6.1) 83.1 4.1 J 0.7 Dogacchi 35

MR FP Bahadurganj (9) 0(9.1)T(9.1) 185.0 2.4 21. 6 Mahesh Bnthnn 36

R(34.8) MR Bahadurganj (10) ED 0(81.3) 275.4 8.9 142.7 Laueha 37 T(116.1)

0(74.9) MRFP Bahadurganj (9) ED 155.6 6.5 42.0 Jhingakata 3& T(74.9)

0(16.3) MRFP Bahadurganj (9) 39.7 0.2 6.6 Jhingakata Taufir 39 T(16.3)

R(l8.4) 62.9 Jhingakata MRFP Bahadurganj (8) ED 0(22.4) 424.1 3.6 40 Istamrar T(40.9)

193 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms .. 5-10 lans. and 10+ kms oflhe ?i nearest place where the facility is available is given ~ -0 -0 ]' -;;;- OJ "0 a a1~ tJ i:l u ,," ..c; ~ u '":::J 0 1:] :> '" " § 0 " '§ t 0 ..c; '~ ] '1: ""' .~ :5 u (j, ~ 8. " .,0. ~ ~ u ~ 8- 0 - -0'" '1:" :g ~ ....I ,g 8 a 11 l~'E f::!- .c 6u ~,3 ,2 e?rti oll 'S: .., ~:2 V> ~ t:: ~ -0 " 0 ... t:: • ~ 0 rg ... ..c; g'" g" oll ~ ,f] -5" .~ 0 .'!l a ,_ -0 .g § ~ '>-< ..c: '" ,_ ~ ';: 0 :; ~ 1l ,~ ~;> " u 'lii 0. 0 C ~ '~ (;j "'" 01) OJ " -0 ._o S " -.; ~ """' ~ u :.g 11 " " u rtj E ::i E iO' ., 'lii :,; " E '" .c;-a ] ""E §l .;::t:: E-E ~.S ] s il: § -0 .~~ oc= " (:) o '" CIl" Z ~ ~ Z" r..u ~ 1 u"" < 0 ~~(I) u ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JO II 12 13

Dahgnon PM«5) H(lO+) AC8«5) CV«5) BS«5) 41 1990 2,327 457 HPWSS· PO«5) CM(5-1O) (00672700) C(5·IO) MCW«5) NCS(IO+) 8P(5·1O) RS(lO+) PH« 5) CP«5) PHC« 5) OC8(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

ACS Birpur P OM«5) H(lO+) CV«5) BS« 5) 42 321.0 2,315 444 HPWSS· PO«5) CM«5) NCS(IO+) (00672800) C(5-10) MCW(<:5) SP(S·IO) RS(10+) PH«5) CP«5) OCS(IO+) PHC«5) ST(10+) NW(10+)

Baisa P OM«5) H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 43 272.0 2,Q62 461 HPSS- PO(S-IO) CM«5) (00672900) C(10+) MCW(S-IO) NCS(10+) SP« 5) RS«5) PH(5-IO) CP«5) PHC(IO+) OC8«5) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

Baisagopalganj I'M(<' 5) H(lO+) ACS(S-10) CV(lO+) BS(IO+) 44 2490 2,079 426 liP WSS- PO«5) CM«5) (00673000) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(10+) SP«5) R8(10+) PH«5) CP(10+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(10+)

OP«5) Tegharia H(IO+) ACStS-l0) CV(IO+) a8(10+) 45 117.0 742 150 M«S) HP WSS- PO(5-10) CM(5-IO) (00673100) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SI'« 5) RS(10+) C(lO+) PH(5.10) CI'(lO+) PHC(10+) OCS(10+) ST(10+) NW(10+)

o P«5) Satmeri H(IO+) ACS(5-10) CV("5) B8(10+) 46 101.0 521 102 M«S) HP WSS- PO(5-IO) CM(S-IO) (00673200) MCW(IO+) NCS(10+) SP(lOr) RS(lO+) C(lO+) PI-I(5-10) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Bochagari 134 P OM« 5) H(IO+) ACS(5-IO) CV«5) B8(10+) 47 175,0 716 HP WS8- PO«5) CM«5) (OQ6733I}O) C(10+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(10+) PH«5) CI'(IO+) PI-IC(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) Ruidhasa 48 134.0 .-•. ---- Uninhabited ---._ •••• -.- (00673400)

Tangtangia P«5) H« 5) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(S.10) 49 2120 1,130 HP W S8- 1'0«5) CM(S-IO) (00673500) 226 M(S-10) MCW(5-IO) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) R8(IO+) PH(S-lO) CP(10+) C(IO+) PHC(10+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

ACS Rupni 443 P OM(IO+) H(IO+) TWWTK CV(lO+) BS(10+) 50 366.0 2,229 PO PH CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) (00673600) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) R SS· 81'(10+) RS(IO+) CP(IO+) OC8(10+) PHC(10+) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

Durgapur 27 P M(IO+) H« 5) TWWTK ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 51 66.0 125 PO(S-IO) CM(IO+) (OO67370G) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) R SS. NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(JO+) OC8(10+) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

194 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)

~ '"52 on c s:;; 'S '" "3" .f0 -a " <1) t:: S <:i" .8" ~ .~ § <> ._"'~ '" 'El U 2 '-' j :::! " " 0 ~ ~ :g "=:;. ~ ..?:;> ::2: '" ~ 6h '"§ "" o g'n .<" ~ "" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20' 21 22 23 2 '"1

R(6.1) MRFP Bahndurganj (4) 0(20.4) 111.1 10.5 51.1 Dahgaon 41 T(26.5)

R(22.9) PRMR Bahadurgalli (4) ED NM 0(68.2) 165.1 13.3 52.0 Birpur 42 FP T(91.0)

R(S.2) MRFP Bah.durg.oj (10) 0(11.9) 245.0 0.9. 5.9 Bais. 43 T(20.1)

R(26.4) MRFP Bahadurganj (14) 0(27.2) 138.4 14.2 43.2 Balsagopa1ganj 44 T(53.6)

R(16.2) MRFP Bahad urganj (16) 0(23.9) 62.8 2.9 11.6 Tegharia 45 T(40.1)

R(20.4) MRFP Bahadurganj (14) 0(20.7) 42.5 6.5 10.6 Satmeri 46 T(41.1)

R(2S.I) FPNR Bahadurganj (12) 0(32.4) 87.5 4.7 25.1 Bochagari 47 T(57.5)

------Uninhabited ------111.2 8.1 14.2 Ruidhasa 48

R(6.1) 0(4.4) MRFP Bahadurganj (15) 129.1 18.1 54.7 Tangtangia 49 T(10.5)

R(56.7) MRFP Bahadurganj (10) 0(45.5) 105.9 18.4 139.8 Rupni 50 NR T(102.2)

MRFP Bnhadurganj (12) Jute R(S.3) T(5.3) 23.6 19.2 18.4 Durgapur 51 NR

195 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available witl1in the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges VIZ. < 5 killS., 5- IO kms. and 10+ kms of the ~ nearest nlace where the facilitv is available is I!iven ",..6 i'l'" "'"[ij ,,2 -g" iu U '';: u OJ ~ of ..c :g " ., - " " 'E~ .~'" ~ '"0 § '"0 '"0 '~ '~ U £:!. "§. " ~ &. ~(J ~ ~ C) 0 en C!l "0. !9 t: ~n 0 '0 ~ 0 .3 '0 ~J ~ _r:O? ';il " .s: £:!. "0 ~ '';: ~ § ",..c c co;;~ (\J '& '"" § .~ u 2 0 * 0 ::l ~ "'" o(j "0 .:= " "~ -5 .~" 0 a " 15 '';::o" 0'" 1;; ...... c 1il" .. '" iii;>] ..0 FE C .~ :g ] ,t: .. - ;> :5 iii :;: ~ $3 0. 0 1 ","'" § 00 0: = '" <:: '" ..... g 0 i;; 0 ~ ~ .5l.., '"EO ] 0 0. .~'" iii .5 '" ..0 u '£ "EO III '" i6' "iii ..r '" " EO ~ " 7S B EO g '5 'E en §§ .~ jj fJ.5 ~ '}ji ~ -0 0 U (/) z ~ ~ Z" UJ ::E" is U.o <: '0 dl '-' IZl- ~'§ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ""' 9 10 II 12 13

Haribhasa P M«5) H«5) HPTWW ACS«5) eV(lo+} BS(1O+) 162.0 1,380 271 PO«5) CM(IO+) 52 C(lO+) MCW(IO,) TKRSS- NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(10+) (00673800) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IOI,) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Hanbhasa P(<.5) H«5) ACS«5) CV(IO+} BS(IO+) 53 74.0 503 106 HPWTKR PO(~5 CM(IO+) (00673900) M(IOt) MCW(IO+) 55- ) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(10+) CP(IO+) C(JO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Musaldenga P OM«5) H(d) ACS(5.10) CV(lO+) B8(5·10) 54 67.0 798 170 HPWSS· PO«5) CM«5) (00674000) C(lO+) MCW«5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH«5) CP(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

Dharhar PM(<..5) H« 5) ACS(5-IO) CV«5) B3«5) 55 367.0 1.723 336 HPWSS- PO«S) CM«5) (00674100) C(lO+) MCW«5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(5-10) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(lOl) NW(IO+)

PAC 0 Tnngtangia H«5) ACS« 5) CV(S-IO) BS(5-IO) 56 243.0 1,271 256 M(S-10) HPWSS- PO«5) CM(5-10) (00674200) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(10+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PH(S-IO) CP(IO+} PHC(IO+) OeS(lo+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Tangtangia P« 5) H«5} AeS«5) eV(5-IO) BS«5) 57 132.0 1,324 261 HPWSS- PO«S) CM(S-IO) (00674300) M(S-IO) MCW«5) NCS(IO+) SP(10+) RS(IO+} PH(5-10) CP(IO+) C(lO+) PHC(IO+) OeS(lO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Nisndara P OM« 5) H(IO+) ACS« 5) eV«5) BS« 5) 58 185.0 2,070 400 BPWSS- PO PH« 5) CM(5-IO) (00674400) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+} RS(IO+) CP(lO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(W+) NW(10+)

PAC 0 HD BS Mahndeo OiShi PI-J(3) ACS«5) 59 420.0 3,731 708 M«5) MeW(5-10) HPWSS- CM(5-10) CVSP«5) RS(IO+) (00674500) PO«5) NCS(IO+) C(IO+) PHC(IO+) CP(10+) ST(IO;') NW(IO+) OCS(IO+)

P(3) 0(2) Dohar H(S-IO) HPTWW ACS NCS(S- CV(;-IO} BS(5-10) 60 607.0 5,610 1.160 M(S.IO) PO(5-IO) CM(S-lO) (00674600) MCW(S-IO) SS- 10) OCS(5- SP(lO+) RS(IO+) C(S.IO) PH(5.10) ep(s.IO) PHC(5-1O) 10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Jhiljhili P M(5-IO) H(S·IO) ACS« 5} eV(5-IO) BS«5) 61 139.0 1,138 231 HPWSS· PO(5-IO} CM(5-10) (O06747()O) C« 5) MCW«5) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+} PH« 5) CP(S-IO) PHC(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

196 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)

§ ] .~,. e- o i?f OJ '0 'd ~ 0 ::l t..) 1:j s u ... .~ s r::~'" <2 j 0 ._~.., dJ u f:! ,. j ::l <1.) :E :::: o(J ~ " >- §." ~ .£;l ~n 1:; OJ '8 0. ~ ." ~! ,. .;; .8 B '"0...... , .J:: e § B Ra ;:l ~ "0 :0 '" .... g ~ "'" rti'" 15 0 1;; "'-'" .§ .M eo ~ t;; r:: .., c [ :;: 1;; :> gj," 'E El'fl "E ~ "' § - ;:l ·c 0~ ., 0 ~0 'j;; '"~ iii .§ ::;. ::l '" (/) ~ ~ ~ Z ~ S t.>.. U bO ..: Z " 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

R(6.1) MRFP Bahadurganj (10) Jute 0(20.3) 37.7 47.5 50.7 Haribhasa 52 NR T(26.4)

MRFP 0(18.2) Bahadurganj (10) Jute 25.6 4.1 26.5 Hnribhnsa 53 NR T(l8.2)

R(4.1) 0(3.3) MRFP Bahadurganj (15) Jute 43.6 15.9 Musaldenga 54 T(7.4)

R(8.9) MRFP Bahadurganj (15) Jute 0(12.1) 170.9 22.4 153.0 Dharhar 55 T(210)

R(3.5) O(S.I) MRFP Bahadurganj (15) Jute 125.9 20.2 85.1 Tnngtangia 56 T(I1.6)

R(3.5) 0(8.1) MRFP Bahadurganj (15) Jute 60.5 89 50.6 Tangtangia 57 T(l1.6)

R(S.2) MRFP Bnhadurganj (14) Jute 0(27.2) 96.6 12.0 41.4 Nisndara 58 T(35.4)

PRMR 0(19.1) Bahadurganj (10) Jute 304.0 264 70.2 Mahadeo Dighi 59 FP ED T(19.1)

PRMR 0(289.8) Bnhadurganj (8) .lute 209.8 21.6 86.3 Dohar 60 FP T(289.8)

PRMR 0(60.9) Bahadurganj (6) Jute 46.S 7.S 24.4 Jhiljhili 61 FP T(60.9)

197 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (.) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz,< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+kms of the ]' nearest place where the facility is available isgiven ~ '= ~ ..c ._ eta iii '0 " .~ ta c. 0 to ::t'tJ §-ro=::: ~ bl) ~ ._ S § ..... 0 "0 .::: ~ § t-i c: a '" (ij c: " ::> u ~ c. ,I:J 'ca ;.g 'B 1;i S ::> S 16' " u .~ " ,~ t-. e "0 s '" ~ g :.0 6 ;: ..'~ " ::l §'§ or.:: d) ~ '0 " 0 en ~ ~ f-< :z J.J..l ::E 8 e>. U.n ~~ cil~C/l U S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

ACS Palasmani P(2) C 0 Mew H(5-10) PH(2) CV(5-IO) BS(5-10) 62 602.0 6,114 \,185 CM(5.10) NCS(IO+) M(5,IO) PHC(S.lO) HP W R SS· PO(5.to) SP(IU+) RS(IO+) (OU674800) CP(5·IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Dahgaon P(2)M«5) H«5) PH(2) ACS«S) CV(5-to) BS(5.10) 63 134,0 1,543 347 HP WSS- CM(5-1U) (00674900) C(5.10) MCW«5) PO« 5) NCS(IO+) SP«5) RS(lO+) CP(5·IO) PHC(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(JO+)

Phulbari P(2) M H(5.IU) ACS«5) CV(5·to) BS(5·10) 64 191.0 1,272 293 THP SS· PO PH« 5) CM(5·10) (00675000) C(5-IO) MCW«5) NCS(JO+) SP«5) RS(IO+) CP(5.1O) PHC(5·IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P(3) 0(3) ACS Bhatabari H(IO+) CV(10+) BS(IO+) 65 976,0 6,126 1,249 M(5.1O) HPWSS- PO PH CM(10+) NCS(IO+) (00675100) MCW(S·IO) SP« 5) RS(IO+) C(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(lO+) PHC(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

ACS Basbari P(2) 0 M« 5) H(5-10) CV(5.IO) BS(S-IO) 66 116.0 949 1&3 TWWSS· PO(S.IO) CM(S·IO) NCS(IO+) (00675200) C(5·IO) MeW(S-IO) SP« 5) RS(IO+) PH(5·]0) CP(S·IO) OCS(IO+) PHC(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Batsa Jurail H«5) ACS«5) CV« 5) BS« 5) 67 461.0 2,607 547 P«S) HPWSS· PO«5) CM«5) (00675300) M«5) MeW(5-10) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH«5) CP« 5) C«5) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

BS Deotar Bimia P 0(2) M« 5) H(5·IO) ACS«5) CV(5-10) 68 278.0 2,556 567 THPSS· PO PH« 5) CM CP(S, RS(IO+) (00675400) C(S'IO) MCW(S.IO) 10) NCS(lO+) SP«5) NW(IO+) PHC(S.IO) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+)

P(4) AC(3) ACS Bhaurdah H«5) HPTWW CV«5) BS« 5) 69 1,069,0 8,159 1,661 0(4) M(5·10) PO PH« 5) CM« 5) NCS(IO+) (00675500) MCW(IO+) TKRSS· SP(IO+) RS(lO+) C(S.IO) CP(d) OCS«5) PHC("5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

OP«5) Sikmi Bangaon H(5-10) ACS« 5) CV«5) BS(IO+) 70 40,0 110 23 M« S) HP WSS· PO« 5) CM«5) (00675600) MCW(S·IO) NCS(10+) SP« 5) RS(IO+) C(5·10) PH« 5) CP« 5) PHC(5·10) OCS(IO+) ST«5) NW(IO+) Bangaon Milik 71 2].0 -...... Uninhabited ••••• ---.... (00675700) D(3) PHS BS Bangaon I 439 P(3) M(2) H(lD+) ACS« 5) 72 970.0 6,947 HP W SS- PO PH CM«S) CV SP( < 5) RS( 10+) (00675800) , C(lO+) MCW(S.IO) NCS«5) ep(S-IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC(10+) OCS«5)

198 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land lise in hectare)

<= 0 ]' ''§ on 5 ~ <= ..5 .., '6 '6 '3 0 :::l " ~ E u " ~ .., ._<=~ , '" " ~ i;h '@'" $ t B ~ 0. ~ ~1l "Cl .D Q. € 2] it t: 8 .9 :::l "g. &.8 '0 Po. 0 0 ~ tl .... .5 .~ "'" <= 0) '" J1 :;;'" "@11 <= " e I::: () co 'iil Po. til ~ ~ 10o §" OJ) * ~ " 0 ~ '2 - ::> 6 ~ Z Z :::E s ~ ~ :=> 8 gj ~ ~ r/l 14 15 ""'16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 I

PRMR Bahadurganj (5) ED NM Jute 369.9 16.6 215.3 Palasmani 62 FP

R(2.1) MRFP Bahadurganj (8) ED Jute 0(11.2) 109.0 07 11.0 Duhgaon 63 T(l3.3)

R(3.7) MRFP Bahadurganj (7) Jute 0(31.4) 139.1 2.3 14.2 Phulbari 64 T(35.0)

R(4.0) MRFP Bahadurganj (10) Jute 0(230) 752.0 43 192.7 Bhatabari 65 T(27.!)

TW(40.5) MR Bahadurganj (10) ED Jute 68.8 0.4 6.1 Basbari 66 T(40.5)

PRMR 0(69.0) Bahadurganj (2) ED Jute 338.1 2.2 51.7 Baisa Jurnil 67 FP T(69.0)

PRMR 0(50.9) Bahadurganj (6) ED Jute 208.2 5.9 13.1 Deatar Birnia 68 FP T(50.9)

R(22.2) MRFP Bahadurganj (5) ED Jute 0(44.7) 784.7 61.4 155.8 Bhaurdah 69 T(67.0)

R(S.I) 0(8.0) MRFP Bahadurganj (5) Jute 24.0 Sikmi Bangaon 70 T(l6.1)

.-.-•••• Uninhabited ••••••• -.-- 12.1 9.3 Bangoon Milik 71

TWE(83.1) PRMR Buhadurganj (10) ED Jute 0(114.2) 602.8 50.9 119.1 Bangaon 72 FP T(197.3)

199 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amemties available (ifnot available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it In brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the ~ nearest place where the facility is available is given '"<= -c '0 M "til" . B C!- 0, OJ "3 1l '" ._ ~ "'"0 ~ -a ::: biJ ~ e .~ .>! l§ Q. 0

Gurguon Milik P OM«5) H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV«5) BS«S) 73 11.0 519 122 TWWSS- PH PO« 5) CM« 5) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NeS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) (00675900) CP(lO+) I'HC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO,) NW(IO+)

Gurgaon P OM«5) H(ID+) ACS« 5) CV«5) BS( ..... 5) 74 311.0 1.615 321 TWWSS- PH PO« 5) CM« 5) (O0676000) qIO+) MCW(10+) NCS(IO f) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) CP(\O+) PHC(ID+) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

Kharij Kumhia P« S) H(IO+) ACS«5) eV(S-IO) BS(5-IO) 75 79.0 299 S9 I-IPWSS. PO(S-IO) CM(5-10) (00676100) M(S.IO) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP« 5) RS(10+) PH(5-10) CP\IO+) C(lO+) PHC(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(10+)

Mahammad Nagar P(3) 0(2) 1-1« 5) ACS« 5) CV«5) BS« 5) 76 690.0 4,S42 967 HPW SS- PO\< 5) CM«5) (00676200) M« 5) C(lO+) MCW(5-IO) NCS(IO+) SP(5-10) RS(lO+) PH« 5) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

ACS Singhia P(2) 0 M« 5) H( 10+) CV«5) 8S« 5) 77 378.0 3,063 590 HPWSS- PO«5) CM(<5) NCS(IO+) (00676300) C(lO+) MCW«5) SP(S·IO) RS(IO+) PH«5) CP(10+) OCS(IO+) PHC« 5) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Dulali P« S) H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV«5) 8S« 5) 78 no 622 140 HP WSS- 1'0«5) CM«5) (00676400) M«S) MCW«5) NCS«5) SP(S-IO) RS(10+) PH«5) CP(10+) C(lO+) PHC« 5) OCS(10+) ST(lOt) NW(10+)

ACS Dulali POM«5) H(IO+) CV«5) BS«5) 79 257.0 1.365 286 HPWSS- PO«5) CM(<5) NCS(10+) (00676500) C(lO+) MCW«5) SP(5-IO) RS(IO+) PH« 5) CP(IO+) OCS(10+) PHC« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

ACS Dulali Milik P« 5) H(IOt) CV«5) 8S«5) 80 102.0 709 150 HPWSS- PO« 5) CM«S) NCS(IO+) (00676600) M«5) MCW«5) SP(S-IO) RS(IO+) PH«5) CP(lO+) OCS(lO+) C{lO+) PHC« 5) ST(lOf) NW(lO+)

OP«5) Kathalbari H(5-W) ACS« 5) CV(5-IO) 8S« 5) 81 104.0 1.100 232' M« 5) HPWSS- PO« 5) CM«5) (00676700) MCW(10+) NCS(10+) SP(5-1O) RS(IO+) C(lOt) PH(5-IO) CP(lO+) PI-IC(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

Kathnlbari P 0(2) M« 5) H(tO+) CM ACS«5) CV(lO+) BS(IO+) 82 251.0 1,946 382 HPWSS- PO PH (00676800) C(lO+) MCW(S.IO) CP(IO-I') NCS(lO+) SP(5-JO) RS(10+) PI-IC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

200 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Villa2C Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land lise (i.e. area under different types of land lise in hectare)

t:: 0 ]' .~ :5 .2;> b1l > -a .5 ~ "tJ 0 -g S U "... § ~ .'" 5 t::~ E ~ 0 " cld - 0 ~ ~'" ... 's: ..Q '" '<0 ::= ~ ~1l ~ !, ..0 a ~ o !3 l\i 'f; " ..c:: a "g. 0. ~ e ""l:l .2 1ij 1;; ~ c. .5 ~ OJ g}, t;; '0 ~ " ... 1;; "'"(;5 e t:: e'" 1;; :;l 'E ",..c:: 'iii :a'" ~ ~ § ~ bD .:t::: g " "s c. 0 0 0 '" 'ti "" :§ § C/.) -:t: :z'" I>.. ~ :2: E t>. U'" '"OIl ~ ~ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 I

MR FP Bahadurganj (II) Jute 0(0.9) T(O 9) 5.1 0.8 4. I Gurgaon Milik 73

0(109.8) MRFP Bahadurgal'\i (II) 177.7 2.7 20.5 Gurgaon 74 T(l09.8)

R(12.1) MRFP Bahadurganj (18) Rice, Puffed Rice 0(17.4) 40.7 0.9 7.4 Khanj Kumhia 75 T(19.5)

0(140.9) MRFP Bahadurganj (18) .lute 302.8 14.6 232.2 Muhammad Nugar 76 T(140.9)

0(28.4) MR FP Bahadurganj (16) 332.5 2.9 14.2 Singhia 77 T(28.4)

. MR FP Bahadurganj( 16) 0(9.4) T(9.4) 44.5 6.8 16.2 Dulali 78

0(80.2) MR FP Bahadurganj( 16) Jute 152.7 4.3 19.3 Dulali 79 T(80.2)

0(36.7) MR FP Bahadurganj (16) Jute 55.9 1.1 8.6 Dulali Milik 80 T(36.7)

0(19.5) MRFP Bahadurganj (22) 44.1 18.6 22.1 Kalhalbari 81 T(l9.5)

R(46.6) PRMR Bahadurgnrti (22) Jute 0(69.0) 111.8 2.4 20.8 Kathalbari 82 FP T(115.6)

201 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (ifnot available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the collmm and next to it in braclcets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the <6 nearest place where the facilitv is available is given ::> '"c -0 -0" § ~i 0 I j U" '';:: tJ 0" ..c: 0 "C " c 0 "c:: .::" ] 0 0 ~ 13 .~ ~ .~ e u" .80, .:g ~ R t!.. eOJ ill i"' <) In

Domohalli P M«5) H(lO+) ACS«5) CV«S) 8S« 5) 83 72.0 718 160 HPWSS- PO«5) CM«5) (00676900) C(IO+) MCW«5) NCS(10+) SP(5-IO) RS(lO+) PH« 5) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Korat Bangaon PM(.: 5) H(IO+) ACS«5) CV(IO+) 8S(10+) 84 172.0 921 188 HPWSS- PO« 5) CM«5) (00677000) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(5-IO) RS(IO+) PH« 5) CP(5-IO) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+] NW(IO+)

P 0(2) Chanaur Milik H(5-10) ACS« 5) CV(S-IO) B8(5-IO) 85 25.0 162 27 M(S-IO) HPWSS- PH PO« 5) CM« S) (00677100) MeW(5-10) NCS(IO+) SP(5-IO) RS(IO+) C(S-IO) CP(5-10) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) ~W(IO')

Chanaur P OM(5-JO) H(5-10) ACS«5) eV(5-IO) BS(5-10) 86 547.0 4,339 916 HPW SS- PO«5) CM«5) (00677200) C(5-10) MCW« S) NCS(IO+) SP(5-10) RS(lO+) PH(S-IO) CP(5-10) PHC(5-10) Oe8(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Koimari P« 5) H(5-10) ACS« S) CV(S-IO) BS(5-10) 87 19.0 68 14 HPWSS- PO« 5) CM«5) (00677300) M(5-IO) MCW«5) NCS(IO+) SP(S-IO) RS(IO+) PH« 5) CP(5-IO) C(5-IO) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

P 0(2) Koimnri H(5-10) ACS«5) CV(S-IO) BS(S-IO) 88 447.0 3,257 681 M(5-IO) HPWSS- PO('" 5) CM«5) (00677400) MCW(S-IO) NCS(IO+) SP(S-IO) RS(IO+) C(5-10) PH«5) CP(5-IO) PHC(5-10) OC8(10+) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

1harkachhpur PM«5) H(5-IO) ACS(5-IO) eV(5.IO) BS(5-10) 89 132.0 375 74 HPWSS- PO(5-IO) CM(5-10) (00677500) C(S-IO) MCW(S-IO) NCS(5-10) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(S-IO) CP(5-10) PHC(S-IO) OCB(S-IO) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

OP«S) Bhupla H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO'I-) 90 201.0 1,049 215 M«5) HPWSS- PO«5) CM(10+) (00677600) MCW«5) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(10'1-) PH«5) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Bhadesar P« 5) H(S.IO) ACS(5-10) CV(5-IO) BS(5-10) 91 72.0 313 57 HPWSS- PO«5) CM(5-10) (00677700) M«S) MCW«5) NCS(S-IO) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH«S) ep(S-IO) C(S-IO) PHC« 5) OeS(5-10) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Mohan Singh P« 5) H(S·10) ACS(5-IO) eV(S-IO) BS(S-10) 92 48.0 573 101 HPWSS- PO«5) CM(5·10) Oaehh (00677800) M(5-1O) MCW(5-1O) NCS(5-IO) SP(S.IO) RS(IO+) PH(S-IO) CP(5-IO) C(5-1O) PHC(5-IO) OCS(S-IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

202 VILLAGE DIRECTORY ViIla2e Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types ofland use in hectare)

'6 .9 -'" 1iJ'" btl 6 a .5 'i3 '0 0 ;:> ~u " 1:l s u .... .1 .~ § '0 ._"'~ '" ..s '0 u 2 '-' " ::J 2 " ~ Cd ~ i(j 6.... ';> » §'"d :il .~ iii "~ .... ~ t:: ~ » .t:i .9 ~ 0. '0 ~.d ;:; ~ " .9 g- §- 8..a e ..!l § S " ._ u re, ~ z t/) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

0(27.6) MRFP Bnhadurganj (16) Jute 360 1.9 6.1 DOlTIohani 83 T(27.6)

R(20.3) MRFP Bahadurgal1J (10) Jute 0(20.2) 98.3 3.4 29.8 Korat Bangaon 84 T(40.5)

MR FP Bahadurganj (7) .lute 22.4 1.2 l.l Chanaur Milik 85

R(S.I) MR FP Bahndurgal~ (7) Jute 0(23.9) 382.5 28.1 1046 Chanaur 86 T(32.0)

. MR FP Bahadurganj (9) Jute 17.4 1.2 Koimari 87

MR FP Bahadurganj (9) Jute 0(4.4) T(4.4) 370.2 8.9 63.2 KoilTIari 88

MR FP Bahadurganj (8) Jute 0(2.8) T(2.8) 101.6 4.9 22.3 Tharkachhpur 89

TW(12.3) MR FP Bahadurganj(lO) Jute R(16.2) 128.3 10.2 33.7 Bhupla 90 T(28.S)

MR FP Bahadurganj (6) Jute 0(7.3) T(7.3) 36.8 11.8 16.2 Bhadesar 91

9 \ Mohan Singh MR FP Bahadurganj (9) Jute 0(7.3) T(7.3) 24.7 6.6 . Oachh 92

203 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (If not available withm the village, a dash (-) is shown in the coilimn and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz < 5 lans., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given ~ "0 "0 j '" § ~ ~n 0" u U" u ::s " '.0 u oJ " "" ;:; § ";;. ] .:! "'" '" 0 " .~ ~ ~ i:::~ " e- U" ~ &. .~ t!, "'"~ "3 Ii! ~ ~ u ~ C/),,_ 0 0 "0 ,..l 0 'tl'" 1i" ~ !: '0 6 .~ ~ B ~ E G c] '" ._ .D "'"0 ..... Oi "2 " ~ "3 0 :< 6J:, ~ t:: OJ .~ ~;f3 § "

o P«S) PHS H«5) NWBS(5- Netuapara ACS(5.IO) CV(5-IO) 93 317.0 2,749 523 M«;) MCW(S-IO) HPW SS- PO PH CM(5-10) 10) (00677900) NCS(101') SP(IG+) C(5-IO) PHC(5-IO) CP(5-IO) RS(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

Baradenga P ACM«5) H(S-IO) ACS«5) eV("5) BS«5) 94 136.0 933 187 HPWSS- PO«5) CM«5) (00678000) C«5) MCW«5) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH« 5) ep« 5) PHC« 5) OCS« 5) ST(JV+) NW(JO+)

P(2) 0 Jhiljhili H(S-IO) PH PO(5- ACS«S) CV(5-10) BS« 5) 95 235.0 2,690 547 M(5-tO) HI' WSS- CM(S-IO) (00678100) MCW(IO+) 10) NCS(lO+) SP(W+) RS(lO+) C(5-IO) CP(S"IO) PHC(5-l0) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

01'«5) Chorkattakurhaila H(S"IO) ACS(S-IO) eV(S-IO) 8S« 5) 96 72.0 724 137 M(S"IO) HI' W R SS- 1'0(5-10) CM(S-IO) (00678200) MCW(5" to) NCS(S-tO) Sp(tO+) RS(IO+) C(5-10) PH« 5) CP(5-tO) PHC(5·IO) OC8(5-IO) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

Gopalpur P« 5) H(5-10) ACS(5-IO) CY(S-IO) BS(5-10) 97 Bairgachhi 86.0 438 87 HP WSS- PO«5) CM(5-IO) M«5) MCW(S-10) NCS(S-IO) SP(IO+) R8(lO+) (00678300) pH« 5) CP(5-1O) C(5"10) PHC(5-IO) OCS(5-IO) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Goabari P« S) 1-1(10+) ACS(S-IO) CV(lO+) BS« 5) 98 16.0 311 60 HI' WSS- PO(IO'c) CM(lO+) (00678400) M(IO+) MCW«S) NCS(lO+) SP(10+) RS(lO+) PH« 5) CP(lO+) C(JO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

Kurhaila P OM(S-IO) H(5-IO) ACS(S-IO) eY(5-1O) BS« 5) 99 336.0 884 215 HPWSS- PO(5-1O) CM(5"10) (00678500) C(S-IO) MCW(S-IO) NCS(S-IO) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH«5) CP(5-iO) PHC(5" I0) OCS(5-1O) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

Betburi 440 P 0 M(IO+) H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV(10+) B8(S-10) 100 244.0 2,210 I-lP W S8- PO(10+) CM(IO+) (00678600) C(10t) MCW(5-IO) NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) R8(10+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Siktiharuttarbasti 1'«5) H«5) ACS«5) CV«5) BS«5) 101 16.0 III 23 HPWSS- 1'0« 5) CM«5) (00678700) M«S) MCW«5) NCS«5) SP(IO+) RS(10+) PH«5) CP«5) C(5-IO) PHC« 5) OCS«5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Siktihar PM(S-IO) H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV«5) BS«5) 102 224.0 1,878 364 HPW SS- 1'0("5) CM«5) (00678800) C(lO+) MCW«5) NCS«5) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH« 5) CP« 5) PHC(lO+) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

204 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land lise (Le. area under different types of land use in hectare)

0 ]' .~" bJl .:: :.::," .€ .5 '0 '0 -';3 "u 0 ::J U § e ... .~'" IS 0;- ]'(;i' <2 " 0 " -6'" u r= ~ '" ~ o(! W 0 B 6 " .s: ;>. c '" ~ ~J ... '" <:l '@ 1:: '" .0 B Q.. ~<1) l!:! ~: .;; Cl. o ::l ~ " .c g. Cl.~ e: .!:! @ 1 51 '0 "-' ~ al Cl. ,s ~ ~OIl C 0 i:l en ::l tl "§~ e tl 'E CJ u OIl < ~ " 14 15 16 17 18 ""19 20 21 22 23 2 '"1

0(27.5) ;~ MR Bahadurganj (8) ED Jute 186.5 42.5 60.8 Netuapara 93 T(27.5)

0(12.7) MR FP Bahadurganj (4) Jute 98.2 6.& 18.7 Bnradenga 94 T(12.7)

PRMR 0(52.7) Bahudurganj (6) ED NM Jute 153.5 5.8 232 Jhiljhili 95 FP T(52.7)

PRMR 0(24.1) Bahadurganj (8) Jute 29.1 1.4 17.8 Chorkattakurhaila 96 FP T(24.1)

0(12.6) 160 Gopalpur MR FP Bahadurganj (6) Jute 46.5 107 97 T(12.6) . Bairgachhi

PRMR FP Bahadurganj (10) Jute 0(2.1) T(2.1) 10.9 2.8 Gonbari 98

PRMR 0(41.5) Bahadurganj (9) Jute 272.7 2.5 19.1 Kurhaila 99 FP T(41.5)

R(6.2) MRPP Bahadurganj (12) Jute 0(48.6) 183.6 19 3.4 Betbari \00 T(54.7)

MRFP TWE(6.3) Bahudurganj (9) Jute 8.0 0.9 1.1 Siktiharultarbasti 101 NR ED T(6.3)

R(36.7) MRFP Buhadurganj (11) ED Jute 0(40.5) 126.7 2.3 18.1 Siktihar 102 T(77.2)

205 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz < 5 klns., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the ~ nearest place where the facilitv is available is given ""0 '0 ~.g "0 5 fii rE{g 0 0 0 .~ ] 'E ~ '~ :5 U" ..c::" ~ & ~ "'- OJ ;:J ""§l ._~ .;::;£'I ~ 0 c I .~ §

Rampur P«S) H(S·IO) ACS(S-IO) CV(S·IO) BS(5-IO) 103 169.0 1,064 233 HPW SS· PO«5) CM(S-IO) (00678900) M(S.fO) MeW(S.fO) NCS(S-IO) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH(S·IO) CP(S-IO) C(S-IO) PHC(5·10) OeS(5-10) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

PAC 0 Saknur H(IO+) ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 104 180.0 1,473 277 M«5) HPWSS- PO«5) CM(IO+) (00679000) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Netuapara H(S-IO) ACS(S-IO) CV(S-IO) BS(S-IO) 105 241.0 1,270 260 P M C(5-IO) HPWSS- PO«5) CM(5-10) (00679100) MCW(S-IO) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(5·10) ep(s.IO) PHC(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

T(2) 1'(88) M(lO) H(4) ])(4) W{lOO) 1'0(15) Block Total 24571.0 177818 36458 S C AC(7) MCW(2) HC TK(9) CM(2) CP ACS(15) eV(2) BS(3) NW PH(25) 0(73) PHS(6) HP(84) TW(19) R(J6) L

206 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)

c 0 ]: 'iJ t;, OIl g c 'S 'B '5 '3 " 0 :::l u " E '0 ,... .~" E ~ ~ d(j :0" .s: ,., ~ g, ~ ~] ~'" ~ B ~ Ci. ~ "C "0 ;:: ..0" ..c B Cl. "Q. &.3 '"" fa 10 E ~ 0- til '0 0 c '""~ "" § J1 _g c :::l .~ "'"., " e !:2 1;; () 'iii C. ~ § ~ •to: c. ~ 0 ·s '3 ~'" iii ..: z "- ~ ~ S ::J U ~ ..: Z C/)" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

0(10.4) MR FP llahadurganj (7) Jute 100.6 17.1 41.0 Rampur 103 T(IOA)

0(139) MR FP 8ahadurgal1J (10) Jute 109.4 14.2 42.6 Saknllr 104 T(139)

0(13.2) MR Balladurganj (8) ED ]lIte 196.6 10.8 20.6 Netuapara 105 ~~ T(13.2)

TW(93.21) PR(23) TWE(] 09.55 MR(I02 )TK(32.36) ) ED(18) N(4) 0,0 R(858.81) 14618.0 llS1.1 4384,5 FP(lOO) EAG M(3) L(1.61) NR(lO) 0(3320.91) NW T(4416,45)


)[~J~O~1~a--'a------======".J .n= 2 :c: c"" "... 8" 'i3'" E 13

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-6 .Q'" '(3 r.i1 o -;;:; 8 ~ ""t en::> :S'"

~ C>

0 .~'" A VIHVHV ,LJIHLSIQ «: 's [x, 0 it a0" !Oil a ~ ~ x :; ~ E-"" ...:I A b ~ !Oil Z -< f;j :;_g :::: z :j ro Q u ::c: a 0 E-< ::.::s ~ "" ;0 Z ~ ""j:;:; 0 0> .... r:! < « -« « Ol A iii ; gj'" OJ b .s «: JO.. :>-< ~ ;2: "' ...... :::> « 0> (J) 0> « '" ~ ~ I'iI G' a ~ '" 0> (J) « Z a '0 ~ ...:I ;;= (J) ::c: "'" "" ::>"" ~ Q :><: < .... I '"<;r m 0.. E-< ::> 0 I I 0 0 Z .... a z < Ul Z jl, ...:I 0 0 "" 0 "0'" ii7' ~ I'iI 0 a Z ;;> §;l co ~ ::> a « ~ !Oil a 0 a OJ <0 ~ i'2 ::c: 0.. III 0.. 0.. III N <0 S lP ::> p::'" '"2; 15 1§ en ..... ~ ~ 0"'" i£ 'B "0 0 '" <> j$ ~ '" ~ £, ::t: ""'" g '" 13 "t:l 0 '"~ "6 ;::l'" .... '" 8 ~ '"<.> '" ..5! '0 '0 j !S '" "'" '" d d ~ •••• .:e ~ "'" "'" OS .s

VILLAGE DIRECTORY Alphabetical list of Villages Name of the District: Kishanganj Serial 2001 Census location code 1991 Census location code number Name of villages number number 2 3 4 Name of CD Block: Kochadhamin Location code of C.D. Block : 0006 Altabari 00679200 420060006000600427 2 Anarkali 00690700 420060006000600392 3 Andhasul' 00686400 420060006000600250 4 Arugaon 00688300 420060006000600269 5 Asura 00684100 420060006000600224 6 Babhangaon 00682600 420060006000600052 7 Bagalbari 00682200 420060006000600048 8 Bahkol 00687400 420060006000600260 9 Baichakutti 00680400 420060006000600030 10 Balia 00686200 420060006000600248 11 Balubari 00683200 420060006000600058 12 Barahmasia 00683300 420060006000600059 13 Barbata 00687700 420060006000600263 14 Barijan Durgapur 00689300 420060006000600375 15 Barijan Pothimari Jagir 00689600 420060006000600378 16 Bastakolaha 00683100 420060006000600057 17 Bastakolha 00682300 420060006000600049 18 Bhag Baisa 00684300 420060006000600229 19 Bhagal 00692600 420060006000600411 20 Bhagpunash 00688800 420060006000600274 21 Bhaunm 00688500 420060006000600271 22 Bhawanigm\i 00693600 420060006000600421 23 Bhebhal 00688100 420060006000600267 24 Bhebhra 00691800 420060006000600403 25 Birwachurakutti 00680200 420060006000600028 26 Birwakalkali 00681400 420060006000600040 27 Bishunpur 00684400 420060006000600230 28 Bishunpur 00685800 420060006000600244 29 Boaldah 00690400 420060006000600389 30 Bohita 00688700 420060006000600273 31 Burhimari 00682100 420060006000600047 32 Chapra Bakhari 00684600 420060006000600232 33 Charaia 00683400 420060006000600060 34 Chunamari 00692000 420060006000600405 35 Churakutti 00680300 420060006000600029 36 Dahuabari 00684500 420060006000600231 37 Dalia 00692900 420060006000600414 38 Danti 00688600 420060006000600272 39 Daua 00682800 420060006000600054 40 Derarnari 00680900 420060006000600035 41 Dhanpura 00680700 420060006000600033

211 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KHAGARIA Alphabetical list of Villages N arne of the District: Kishanganj Serial 200lCensus location code 1991 Census location code number Name of villages number number 2 3 4 Name of CD Block: Kochadhamin Location code of C.D. Block: 0006 42 Dhanpurakhari 00680600 420060006000600032 43 Dhallusna 00683600 420060006000600062 44 Dhallllsna 00693500 420060006000600420 45 Dogharia 00686700 420060006000600253 46 Dongidighi 00689200 420060006000600374 47 Dopokharia 00683500 420060006000600061 48 Doria 00683900 420060006000600209 49 Duhra 00693700 420060006000600422 50 Durgapul' 00689400 420060006000600376 51 Gangikhurd 00679300 420060006000600017 52 Gauramani 00679500 420060006000600019 53 Ghurna 00680100 420060006000600027 54 Gurgaoll 00691100 420060006000600396 55 Haldikhora 00685100 420060006000600237 56 Haribhasa 00691300 420060006000600398 57 Harkhuguria 00691900 420060006000600404 58 Hal'wadanga 00679400 420060006000600018 59 Hasan Dumaria 00692200 420060006000600407 60 Hatgachhi 00679600 420060006000600020 61 Hatgachhi 00692400 420060006000600409 62 Himatnagar 00693100 420060006000600416 63 Jadhail 00686500 420060006000600251 64 Jhantipal'i Anarkali 00691000 420060006000600395 65 Jhura 00693000 420060006000600415 66 Jiwanpur 00685300 420060006000600239 67 Kabaia 00686]00 420060006000600247 68 Kairhirpur 00689100 420060006000600278 69 K~ilamari 00690600 420060006000600391 70 Kalanagin 00693300 420060006000600418 71 Kalkali 00681300 420060006000600039 72 Kamalpur 00682700 420060006000600053 73 Kanhaiabari 00690000 420060006000600385 74 Karehbari 00681000 420060006000600036 75 Kashibari 00681800 420060006000600044 76 Katamata 00688000 420060006000600266 77 Kathalbari 00684200 420060006000600228 78 Kochadhamin 00691200 420060006000600397 79 Koitor 00691400 420060006000600399 80 Ko1aha 00684900 420060006000600235 81 Konhaiabari 00683800 420060006000600208 82 Kuari 00683700 420060006000600207

212 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Alphabetical list of Villages Name of the District: Kishanganj Serial 2001 Census location code 1991 Census location code number Name of villages number number 2 3 4 Name of CD Block: Kochadhamin Location code of C.D. Block: 0006 83 Kushpara 00685600 420060006000600242 84 Kutti 00694100 420060006000600426 85 Lator 00684000 420060006000600223 86 Lodhna 00681100 420060006000600037 87 Lodhnakhargi 00681200 420060006000600038 88 Mahadha 00691500 420060006000600400 89 Mahiarpur 00689800 420060006000600383 90 Mahua 00692300 420060006000600408 91 Majgaol1 00690200 420060006000600387 92 Majkllri 00685500 420060006000600241 93 Makraha 00687200 420060006000600258 94 Makraha 00687300 420060006000600259 95 Masidgarh Dargah 00681600 420060006000600042 96 Masidgarh Milik 00681700 420060006000600043 97 Masidgarh MohillctdinplIr 00682000 420060006000600046 98 Masidgarh Pokharkona 00681900 420060006000600045 99 Mastalia 00693900 420060006000600424 100 Mehadipur 00685700 420060006000600243 101 Moharmari 00682400 420060006000600050 102 Moharmari Khllrcl 00680800 420060006000600034 103 Molingaon 00687000 420060006000600256 104 Mosangaon 00688200 420060006000600268 105 Mujabari 00682500 420060006000600051 106 Nagri 00687600 420060006000600262 107 Najarpur 00690900 420060006000600394 108 Naranga 00693800 420060006000600423 109 Natuapara 00687900 420060006000600265 110 Nihalbhag 00689000 420060006000600276 III Pachahara 00686600 420060006000600252 112 Parhalpur 00680500 420060006000600031 113 Parhalpur Milik 00681500 420060006000600041 114 Parwa 00687500 420060006000600261 115 Patkoi khurcl 00679800 420060006000600024 116 Patkoikalan 00679700 420060006000600021 117 Phulbari 00693400 420060006000600419 118 Pipla 00693200 420060006000600417 119 Pipra 00690800 420060006000600393 120 Pokharia 00685400 420060006000600240 121 Potkoi Milik 00679900 420060006000600025 122 Purandaha 00686900 420060006000600255 123 Rangamani 00689900 420060006000600384

213 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KHAGARIA Alpbabeticallist of Villages N arne of the District : Kishanganj Serial 2001 Census location code 1991 Census location code number Name of villages number number 2 3 4 Name of CD Block: Kochadhamin Location code of C.D. Block: 0006 124 Rani 00688400 420060006000600270 125 Rasulganj 00691700 420060006000600402 126 Rohania 00687800 420060006000600264 127 Rohia 00690300 420060006000600388 128 Rohonia Milik 00687100 420060006000600257 129 Santha 00688900 420060006000600275 130 Saptia 00686000 420060006000600246 131 Sarai 00689500 420060006000600377 132 Satbhitha 00690100 420060006000600386 133 Sehangaon 00685900 420060006000600245 134 Shahnagar 00692500 420060006000600410 135 Shah pur 00692700 420060006000600412 136 Shahpllr Istamrar 00692800 420060006000600413 137 Singhari 00685200 420060006000600238 138 Singhia Chakandara 00683000 420060006000600056 139 Singhiakhari 00682900 420060006000600055 140 Sirar 00686800 420060006000600254 141 Sukalrani 00692100 420060006000600406 142 Sllndarbari 00684700 420060006000600233 143 Sundarpllchhi 00694000 420060006000600425 144 Surang 00686300 420060006000600249 145 Tegharia 00689700 420060006000600382 146 Thlltipakar 00680000 420060006000600026 147 Titiha 00684800 420060006000600234 148 Titlia 00691600 420060006000600401 149 Topamari 00685000 420060006000600236 150 Topamari 00690500 420060006000600390


DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (ifnal available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms ofille nearl;!st place where the facilIty_is available is given ~Vl .", S U> 5 ~ ~' 0" '"u U "'"Ie ;::; (J c ] cVl C; .i': "§ 1f ., 0" " 'B t! E~ .2 § U .<::'" El tS 10 d 0.. e "3 8. ~ l ....I ]\ 0 1] 9 thY> ~~E !9 " :g"'" 0 cd .~ co j;j dI! ~ e <> ~ 11.: ',;;':;: c "'"l1i "0 § .~ OJ 0 ... .9 ~" ... § c g ~ .g ,g ~)" -5 .'!l .~§ =0 ~ ...... , _g __;:'" "iii>'g Cd ._ ..c .;: 0 ::; ' "is ~ "iii ~ .~ c, ...0 ~ ::>"0 t: <: S § I.lI) ~ 'B .~ ~ Sl 0 ~ e .2", S § 0 ~ iJ "iii t: ::> u ::l ""' "'- .D .~ u U "E 'iii E ~ ~ ] .§ ...r ,~ ~ "E ] -a .t:; b.5 ~ ·c ..g '"0 §~ §~ '"f/J" £ t3 ~ ~ w ~" 0 "'- U..o ~~ ~8C;} U f! I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

CD Block: Kochadhamin (0006)

Altabari H(IO+) ACS«S) CV(ID+) 8S(IO+) 55.0 579 119 P«5)M«5) HPWSS .. PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00679200) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IOt) RS(IO+) C(IOt) PH(IO+) CP(IO'r) I'HC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IOt)

1'« Gangikhurd H(IOt) ACS(S .. IO) CVeIO+) 8S00+) 2 46.0 61 13 5)M(5 .. 10) HPWSS.. PO« 5) CM(5·10) (00679300) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lD+) RS(ID+) CCIO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(10+) ST{IO+) NW(IO+)

Harwadanga I'M(5 .. !O) H(lOt) ACS«5) CV(ID+) 8S(IO+) 30.0 438 117 HI' WSS- 1'0«5) CM(S.IO) (00679400) C(10+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS{IO+) PH(IO+) CP(5 .. 10) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

ACS Guurum,"1 I' OM{d) H(lO+) CV(IO+) 8S(10+) 4 244.0 2,316 485 HI' WSS- PH 1'0« 5) CM(5 .. 10) NCS(lO+) (00679500) C(IO, ) MCW(IO+) Sp{IO+) RS(IO+) CP(lO+) OCS(10+) PHC(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P(<: Hatgachhi H(lO+) ACS«5) cVetO+) 88(10+) 59.0 665 141 5) M(5 .. 10) HPWSS .. PO« 5) CM(S .. 10) (00679600) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Patkoikalan P M(5 .. 10) H(IO+) PO ACS(5 .. 10) CV(IO+) 8S(10,') 6 514.0 2,386 466 HPW SS .. CM(5 .. IO) (00679700) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) PH(IO+) NCS(S .. IO) 3P(10+) RS(lO+) CP(IOt) PHC(10+) OCS(5 .. 10) ST{lO+) NW(lO+)

1'« Pa.lkoi Khurd H(IO+) ACS«5) CV(IO+) 8S(10+) 7 403.0 1,399 240 5) M(S .. IO) HP W SS .. 1'0«5) CM«5) (00679800) MCW(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) C(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(tO+) OC8«5) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

P{< PotkoiMilik H(lO+) ACS«5) CV(IO+) 8S(l0+) 19.0 62 15 5) M(S .. IO) HP W SS .. PO«5) CM«5) (OQ679900) MCW(\Q+) SP(IOt) RS(IO+) C(lO+ ) PH{IO+) CP(lO+) NCS«5) PHC(lO+) OC8« 5) ST(IO+) NW{IO+)

PC< ThUlipakar H(IO+) ACS(S .. IO) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 41.0 479 96 5) M(S .. IO) HP W S5 .. PO«5) CM(5 .. tO) (00680000) MCW(IO+) NCS(5 .. 10) 81'(10+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(S-10) ST(W+) NW(IO+)

PHS H(IO+) Ghurna PM(5 .. IO) ACS«5) CV(IO+) 8S(IOt) 10 535.0 2,274 419 MCW(lQ+) HPWSS.. PO«S) CM«5) (00680100) C(lO+) NC8«5) SP(W+) RS(lO+) PHC(lOt ) PH(10+) CP(IO+) OCS«5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

216 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types ofland use in hectare)

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

MR FP Kishanganj(22) Jute R(2 0) T(2.0) 40.4 3.2 99 Altabari

TW(28.3) MR FP Kishnngnnj (18) 12.1 4.9 OA Gnngikhurd 2 T(28.3)

TW(S.O) PR NR Kishangnnj (20) 5.1 2.1 17.3 Harwadanga 3 T(5.0)

PRMR TW(59.4) ED N 95.0 89.2 Gaummani 4 FP Kishanganj (19) T(59.4)

TW(13.0) MRFP Kishanganj (21) 21..5 1.3 22.9 Hatgachhi 5 T(I3.0)

TW(87.0) MRFP Kishanganj (17) R(62.1) 200.8 405 123.5 Patkoikalun 6 T(149.2)

TW(70.8) MRFP Kishanganj (18) R(20.2} 139.9 111.3 60.7 Patkoi Khurd 7 T(91.1)

TW(6.1) MRFP Kishanganj (17) 6.4 4.5 1.7 PotkoiMilik 8 T(6.1)

PRMR TW(I7.0) Kishanganj (16) 13.2 4.1 7 I Thutipakar 9 FP ED T(17.0)

TW(l31.6) PRMR R(45.1) 288.7 183 51.0 FP Kishanganj (16) Ghurna 10 T(176.6)

217 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the colullln and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms orthe

OJ § .., "0 ~ ~ § ~~ 0 tl :l u" ,~ '"0 ,f Ul u "c l! c '" .~ "§ 8 " 'E e ·E ~ .2 S U" .a F:i c:!. t e ""0 -§ '" ~ ~ ,...I 0 .~ '" ~:=r E :::J '" .;;~ [:!. "0 6 ill - o'cl .c u ~ .~ ~ ~ ,g ~'" c OJ ] "0 '" ~ .£; 0 g ..c:: § c0 u .g § of .~ il 0 ~ ~ il .... .r: §' -1"'" CiI;;"g .~ .g ..0 .;;;:~ 0 ";;J CiI .t: ._ £s '[ 0 ~ .~ ","0e § '""' § 01) 0 OJ .§ '" c: 't5 0. :;; -a c ~ § '" ~ .0 '-g u :g I 8 ~ ~ - i:: E ~ ,~ ~ @l:J .2 "8 ]I ]I E g '5 .;::c t{ '" u._ ] E :: ] 0 :::J 0 §"§ bJl.;:J 0:::: I- Z ~" Cl U.D «. 0 ~u", U f2 ~ ~ ti:l "'"' '"I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

P« Birwachurakutti H(IO+) ACS«5) CY(lO+) BS(IO+) II 69.0 429 79 5) M(" 5) HPWSS- PO« 5) CM«5) (00680200) MCW(IO+) NCS« 5) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) C(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS«5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

ChuralmUi PM«5) H(lO+) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 12 223.0 1,484 265 HPWSS- PO«5) CM(5-IO) (O0680300) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) NCS«5) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS«5) ST(lOI") NW(IO+)

Baichakutti PM(<.5) HOO+) ACS« 5) CY(10+) BS(IO+) 13 49.0 9t8 173 HPWSS- PO« 5) CM(5-tO) (00680400) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(tOf.) OCS{IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Parhalpur PM«5) H{10+) ACS« 5) CY(tO+) BS(IO+) 14 207.0 815 156 HPW SS- PO«5) CM(5-10) (00680500) C(tO+) MCW(IOf.) NCS(tO+) SP(tO+) RS(tO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Dhunpurakhari 15 520 ---.---- Uninhabited ------.- (00680600)

ACS Dhanpura F(2) M H(lO+) CV(lO+) B8(10+) 16 254.0 1,877 362 HPWSS- PO«5) CM«5) NCS{IO+) (00680700) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) PHC(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« Moharmari Khurd H(IO+) ACS(5-IO) CV(IO+) B8(IO+) 17 102.0 230 4;2 5)M«5) HP WSS- PO(5-10) CM«5) (OO6808()0) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO·I·) PH(lO+) CP(tO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

ACS Dcramari 310 P M« 5) H(lO+) CM CV(lO+) BS(10·I·) 18 222.0 1,73t HPWSS- PO(S-IO) NCS(IO+) (00680900) C(IO+) MCW(10+) CP(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) DCS(IO+) PHqIO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Karehbari PM«5) H(1D+) ACS«5) CV(S-IO) BS(lO+) 19 533.0 2,206 425 HPW SS- PO« 5) CM«5) (OO6gI000) C(10+) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(10+) PH« 5) CP(IO+) PHC(10+) OC8(10+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

Lodhna PM«5) H(tO+) ACS«5) CV(tO+) BS(tO+) 20 234.0 1,378 268 HPWSS- PO(5-iO) CM«5) (00681100) C(10+) MCW(iO+) NCS(lO+) SP{IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

218 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)

s:: 0 ]: .~ g .€ OJ) :> '0 ~ "U 0 'g'" U § s::d.l S r.:; ... .~ E .~ 0 0- ._"'~ '" ..s j "C u 8 ...... ::I " ::c o(! ~ 0 '" ... '" ~ >, ~ VI ~ ~ "i:; ~ ~o 'OJ t B 'i5.. d.l ~"8 "C :::.", ..0 0. o 3 ~ ~ ~ go o.~ e ~ Iii ..... E 51 0. '0 ~ '0 0 ~ ~ E.s OJ) ~ a s:: "s:: lil Ul ~ ::I ~ e ;: ~00 '6 3"£ ~ ;: C3 § e:! ::I " 8: 0 0 "3 '"e:! § 'E ~ § '" ..: ~ "'" ~ ~ E Ii u ffiJ ..: :z: 14 is i6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 '"1

TW(lS.O) MRFP Kishanganj (15) 25.7 10.2 15.4 Buwachurakutti II T(18.0)

TW(2?.4) MRFP Kishal1gal~ (15) R(32.2) 159 1.2 146.0 Churnkutti 12 T(59.5)

TW(50) MRFP Kishanganj (15) R(?O) 20.6 2.6 14.2 Balchakutti 13 T(12.0)

TW(31.0) MRFP Kishanganj (18) R(2.8) 120.3 42.2 10.9 Parhalpur 14 T(33.8)

TW(62) ------Uninhabited ------TK(50) 31.1 10.0 Dhanpurakhari 15 T(11.2)

TW(25.3) PRMR Kishanganj (15) ED R(20.0) 182.4 17.9 8.1 Dhanpura 16 FP T(45.3)

TW(19.0) MRFP Kishanganj (13) 80.4 2.2 Moharmari Kh urd 17 T(19.0)

TW(60.2) PRMR Kishanganj (17) L(35.5) 103.0 20.7 2.9 Deramari 18 FP T(95.?)

PRMR TW(93.6) Kishanganj (11) 331.4 80.9 27.4 Knrehbnri 19 FP T(93.6)

TW(64.3) PRMR Kishanganj (13) FP L(50.6) 81.6 32.4 5.4 Lodhna 20 T(114.9)

219 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and AmenilLes available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to It in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5- J 0 kms. and 10+ kms of the ~ nearest place where the facility is available is given e \3 '" $l ""§ ~ ~" 0 u'" '';:: t) '"() " ]' ..t:'" 0 " " "§ '§ ;g .!:! 0 iii 0 0" .~'" "i::~ '0'" ~ u o§. a tS8.. t!- "3 '" f'I g 0 {l 8. u '1il'" '" "" ~o 0 '" 0 .~ ~ ~ ~ -l '0 B 6 E;g~ o(! ';> ~ ..c: ~ '.;:J: "'3..r::: .... e~ ""§ " c .- u C .... '" ;: .9 '"::1 .... " '" dd .g ,g § r;:f " .s " 0 ""§ " g .., 0 :u ..... 1<1 ..c: 1ii" '1il;>"g .D E.;: c "3 ..... '1il ;: 11 i.~ u 1ii 0 1 ::1 "0 " - § 0 on .§ OJ § 1ii '" 0 .... " 0; ~ :!:! ~ ~ 0 ~ '" " 1ii S ::1 "'" .0'" ',g .!:! :;;;" B ::1 " E1 ~ " ] ]'" U "0 .: §.12 .~] e '" .- s ;: ~.., " § ::s ~" o § u .5 'N or;:: ;B '" U.o ~~1Zl U tIJ ~ ~ ~ Z ~ 8 "'" -< 0 e I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

P« Lodhnukhargi H(ID+) ACS(5-10) CY(JO+) BS(IO+) 21 31.0 399 74 5} M(5-IO} HP W R SS- PO(5-IO} CM(S-IO) (00681200) MCW(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Kalkali PM(S-IO) H{IO+) ACS(5-10) CY(IO+) BS{IO+) 22 IS5.0 936 187 HP WSS- PO« 5) CM(S-IO) (00681300) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(W; ) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Birwnkalkali PM«5) H(10+) ACS«S) CY(IO+) BS(IO+) 23 122.0 505 101 HPWSS- PO« S) CM«S) (00681400) C(10+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) rH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« Parhalpur Milik H(IO+) ACS(S-IO) CY(IO+) BS(IO+) 24 17.0 5S8 115 5)M«5) HPWSS- PO« 5) CM(S-lO) (00681500) MCW(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C{IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+}, OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Mnsidgarh Dargah 25 37.0 ------Uninhabited ------(OOb81600) Masidgarh Milik 26 7.0 ------Uninhabited ------(00681700)

Kashibari PM« S) H(lO;') ACS(5-10) CY(IO+) 8S(10+) 27 129.0 1,036 196 HPWSS- PO(-:S) CM«5) (00681800) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IOi') PH(10+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Masidgarh PM«5) H(IOI') ACS« 5) CY(IO+) BS(IO+) 28 Pokharkona 134.0 2,073 376 HPWSS- PO« 5) CM(S-IO) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00681900) PH(IO+) CP(lO+) PIIC(10+) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Masidgarh P« H(lO+) ACS«S) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 29 Mohiuddinpur 197.0 379 70 5)M(S-IQ) HPWSS- PO« 5) CM(5-IO) MCW(JO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00682000) C(10+) PH«5) CP(10+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Burhimari PM(S-lO) H(IO+) ACS«S) CY(IO+) BS(IO+) 30 79.0 2,440 45S HPWSS- PO« 5) CM(S-IO) (00682100) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NeS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(10+) CP(IO+) PHC(10+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

ACS Bagalbari P M« 5) C(5- PHS H(S-lO) PO PH(S· CY(S.IO) as(S-10) 31 289.0 1,967 369 10) MeW(S-IO) HP WSS- CM(S-IO) NCS(lO+) (00682200) 10) SP(S-IO) RS(S·IO) PHC(IO+) CP(S·IO) OCS(IO+) ST(S-IO) NW(S-IO)

220 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types ofland lise in hectare)

8 .9 -'" '" 2, .?2 OJ} '";;. "C '5'" ~ tJ" 0 ::3 U " E U "" ~ .~'" S 0' .5 ~ ..s ~ 0 ~ CLJ OJ .;; ~ - 0 ~ ~ ~ 00 ... f!]'" '" ~ ~ .a B ~ ~ o ... "C :::"" t;; .;; " ..<: .'3 ~::3 "g.. ~a e: ~ § § "0 'iii" (5 .... al '" P- .S ~ 00 '@ til 0 g II 1;; ::3 ~ E 811 '" Q. ~ 0 § ~ i '" " Q. 0 ~ '2 '"

TW(12.1) MR FP Kishanganj (17) 8.7 5.8 4.1 Lodhllakhargi 21 T(12.I)

PRMR TW(IS.6) FP Kishnnganj( 17) 64.8 55.9 16.2 Kalkali 22 T(IS.6)

TW(50.6) ~: MR Kishanganj( 16) 54.2 10.2 72 Birwakalknli 23 T(50.6)

TW(4.5) MRFP Kishanganj (18) 12.0 0.5 Parhalpur Milik 24 T(4.5)

TW(5.0) ------Uninhabited ------TWE(15.1) 15.7 1.1 Masidgarh Dargah 25 T(20.1) TW(6.3) ------Uninhabited ------0.2 0.8 Masidgarh Mil ik 26 T(6.3)

TW(51.5) MRFP Kishanganj (14) 40.3 37.3 Kashibari 27 T(S1.5)

PRMR TW(39.6) 7 5 Masidgarh I 86.4 28 .FP Kishanganj( 0) T(39.6) . PokharkOlla

TW(47.2) 17 ? Masidgarh MR FP Kishanganj (II) 130.1 2.6 29 T(47.2) .- Mohiuddinpur

WE(IS.2) MRFP Kishanganj (14) 39.8 3.1 17.4 8urhimnri 30 ED T(IS.2)

PRMR TW(IS.6) Kishanganj (8) R(51.8) 1900 4.9 26.3 8agalbari FP 31 T(67.4)

221 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities aVailable (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the !:'l nearest place where the facility is available is given) '" r.fJ .g" '"0 ';;) OJ "0 U" § I(ll '.0"- <.> 5l OJ " ..c: :::; .?: 1! :.::: en ."1 0 "0 " g U" 0 ..c:" B tS" t:! "1:~ " t.'- ~ ""S g_ ~ ~ 'g :; Q)"'" "P- u e C/),,_ ~ 0 '"0'" ] 0 ...:I ::: "0 .~ '" ~ 6 " P- 0 ~ ;:>'"0 c:

P« H(5- Bastakolba ACS« 5) CV(5-10) BS(S·IO) 32 109.0 840 162 5) M« 5) CCs- 10) MeW(S- HPW SS- PO«S) CM(S-IO) (00682300) NCS(IO+) SP(5-10) RS(S·IO) 10) 10) PHC(S·IO) PH(5-IO) CP(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(5-10) NW(IO+)

Moharmari H(IO+) ACS« S) CV(IO+) 8S(10+) 33 135.0 1,425 2&9 P M C(IO+) HPW SS- PO«5) CM«5) (00682400) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHCCIO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« Mujabnri H(IO+) HPTWW ACS«5) CV(ID+) BS(IO+) 34 79.0 223 41 5) M«5) PO«5) CM«5) (00682500) MCW(lO+) SS· NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) CCIO+) PH(lO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) STOO+) NW(IO+)

Babhangaon P M« S) H(IO+) ACS«S) CV(W+) BS(IO+) 35 176.0 1,622 284 HPW SS- PO(S·IO) CM«5) (00682600) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH(JO+) CP(lO+) PHC(lO+) OeS(lo+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

PHCPHS Kamalpur 616 P(2) M S 0 PO CM ACS(S·IO) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 36 354.0 2,998 H(lO+) HPWSS· (00682700) C(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(lO+) NeS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) MCW(IO+) OeS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« H(W+) ACS«S) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 37 Daua (00682800) 79.0 94 14 5) M(5-10) HPW SS- PO«5) CM(5.1O) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IOr) C(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(W+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+) Singhiakhari 38 34.0 "."'" Uninhabited •• -----••••• (00682900)

Singhin PM«S) H(IO+) ACS«S) CV(10+) BS(lO+) 39 Chakandarn 200.0 1,647 313 HPW SS- PO«5) CM(S·IO) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00683000) PH(IO+) CP(10+) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(10+)

P« H(5- Bastakolaha ACS«5) CV(S-IO) BS(S·IO) 40 82.0 503 115 5) M« 5) C(S. 10) MCW(S. HPW SS- PO«S) CM(S.IO) (00683100) NCS(IO+) SP(S·IO) RS(S·IO) 10) 10) PHC(S-10) PH(S.IO) CP(S·IO) OCS(IO+) ST(5-lO) NW(IO+)

P« Balubari H(lO+) ACS(S.IO) CV(!O+) 8S(IO+) 41 132.0 178 37 5) M« 5) HPW S8- PO(5-10) CM«5) (00683200) MCW(lO+) NCS(10+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) C(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Barahmasin P M(5-10) H(lO+) ACS(S.IO) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 42 135.0 896 200 HPW S8- PO(S·JO) CM(S.IO) (00683300) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(lO+) PH«5) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(JO+) STeW+) NW(tO+)

222 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land lise (Le. area under different types ofland lise ill hectare)

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

TW(IOA) PRMR FP Kishangnnj (8) R(l5.0) 47.6 15.2 21.1 Bastakolha 32 T(25.4 )

TW(26.3) PRMR FP Kishanganj (13) EDEAG TWE(15.0) 60.1 24.1 9.2 Mohnrmari 33 T(41.3)

TW(18.9) PR NR Kishangar\i (14) 46.0 3.6 34 T(l8.9)

TW(49A) MR FP Kishangunj (16) 108.0 6.3 12.3 Babhangaon 35 T(49.4)

TW(161.9) MR FP Kishunganj (16) 88.3 2.2 101.4 Kamalpur 36 T(161.9)

PRMR TW(29.6) Kishanganj (II) 42.9 3.1 2.8 Daua 37 FP T(29.6)

TW(I1.8) •.•... __ Uninhabited .-._ •. __ •• _. 12.7 9.9 Singhiakhari 38 T(I1.8)

PRMR TW(44.0) ?S 8 Singhin Kishanganj (10) 117.3 12.8 39 FP T(44.0) " . Chakandara

PRMR TW(I8.0) FP Kishanganj (7) 43.0 10.0 10.8 Bnstakolaha 40 T(18.0)

TW(21.2) FP Kishanganj (14) 39.8 21.6 49.0 Bnlubnri 41 T(21.2)

PRMR TW(38.2) FP Kishanganj (13) 65.3 17.2 14.6 Barahmasia 42 T(38.2)

223 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (ifnol available within the village. a dash (") is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz,< 5 kms" 5-10 kms, and 10+ kms of the ~ nearest_place where the facilitv is available is given ;;'" Q) i!J "'(j "'(j tIl.§ 0 ~ (.)" iii .~ '"Q u ~ ~ Q) i!J ;::; OJ "'§ .~ 0 "'" a 0 ~~ c:~ " U ..c" '~ El .g :5 " ~ 0- :; ~ a Q) ~ ~ u OJ 0- u 0 ~ ;:; "tl eV:~ "' '~ r/J rg ~ ...J 0 "E tll [:!_ "0 "C tti ,~ E~§ .'!l o(J a;> ..c:: 6u ~ ~!;' § C: tl ..r.:: ..... OJ !fj o ,~ " 0 .... ~ ~ gt 0 " ...... t: o(J .,s " 0 ] .g ..g 9 d .~ 0- " g ,~ "'(j l:l ::l .... iii" o "' ~ .9 ,.c 0 0; 'iii 'iii :> :::l 'S: "'"0 ::: ffi, .~ 5 § ""' OJ) ~ ,§"ia ~ §

Clmraia PM(S"IO) H(IO+) ACS«5) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 43 286.0 1,660 310 WSS" PO«5) CM(5"10) (00683400) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(101') PH« 5) CP(IO+) PHqIO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Dopokharia 44 74.0 """""""" Uninhabited """""""""""" (00683500) Dhanllsnn 45 16.0 """""""" Uninhabited """""""""" •• (00683600)

Kuari P M« 5) H(IO+) PO ACS« 5) CV«5) BS(IO+) 46 193.0 1.477 279 HPWSS" CM«5) (00683700) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) PH(IO+) NCS(IOI-) SP(1O+) RS(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Konhaiabari PM«5) H(IO+) AC8«5) CV(·< 5) B8(10+) 47 186.0 1,014 206 HPWSS· PO«5) CM«5) (00683800) C(lO+) MCW(10+) NC8(10+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH«5) CP(IO+) PHqIO+) OC8(1O+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Doria OP«5)M« H(10+) ACS«5) CV«5) B8(10+) 48 115.0 940 176 HPW88· PO« 5) CM«5) (00683900) 5) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(10+) OC8(10+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

o P(<: 5) M« HeIO+) ACS«5) CV(S·IO) BS(IO") 49 Lator (00684000) 133.0 1,271 246 HPWS8" PO«5) CM(S·IO) 5) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) 81'(10+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

ACS ASlira PM«5) H(10+) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 50 246.0 2,183 435 HPWSS· 1'0«5) CM«5) NCS(IO+) (00684100) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) 81'(10,) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(10+) OCS(lO+) PHC(IO+) 8T(IO+) NW(10+)

Kathalbari P M«5) PHCH(IO+) ACS« 5) CV«5) ES(IO+) 51 179.0 2,079 408 HPW8S· 1'0«5) CM«5) (00684200) C(10+) MCW(IO+) NCS(lO+) 81'(10+) R8(10+) PH(JO+) CP(IO+) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

1'« Bhag Baisa H(10+) ACS« 5) CV«5) B8(10+) 52 127.0 2,083 406 5)M«5) J-IPW 88· 1'0«5) CM«5) (00684300) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) 81'(10+) R8(10+) C(IO+) PH(JO+) CP(IO+) PHC(5.10) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

AC8 CV Bishunpur PM S H(IO+) PO CM BS(10+) 53 297.0 5,415 1,034 HPWSS· NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) (00684400) C(10+) MCW(10+) PrI(IO+) CP(IO+) R8(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) PHC(S.IO) NW(IO+)

224 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land llse (i e. area under different types 0 fland use in hectare)

]' 5 0 d) -a u 0 <1J 2 E 'ill' ~ .~'" c ::a u 1:: ~ ;:J l.s; 08 1::.", 0 ;>, ~ f! e '" .9 ~ <1J C ;:J ]: o..~ € .<:: E §"' .", g tl '" P- .E ~ Ul ;:J tl ~ §. ~ a: tl ~ 01) 0. C~ 0 &i

TW(910) MR FP Kishanganj(12) R(30 0) 121.0 15.5 27.7 Charaia 43 T(J21.6)

TW(22.7) ------Uninhabited ------448 1.9 4.6 Dopokharia 44 T(22.7) TW(3.0) ------Uninhabited ------5.3 7.9 Dhunusna 45 T(3.0)

TW(46.7) MR FP Kishanganj (43) Jute TK(18.1} 110.0 16.2 2.1 Kuan 46 T(64.7)

TW(63.2) MRFP Kishangalli (43) Jute 106.8 12.3 3. 8 Konhaiabari 47 T(63.2)

TW(30.5) MR FP Kishullganj( 43) Jute 69.7 12.5 2.7 Doria 48 T(30.5)

TW(55.8) MR FP Kishanganj (50) Jute 69.7 4.1 3.3 Lator 49 T(55.8)

TW(121A) MR FP Kishanganj (50) Jute 82.7 24.4 17.6 Asura 50 T(121.4)

TW(2D.5) MR FP Kishanganj (41) Jute 52.7 1.6 104.0 Kathalbari 51 T{20.5)

PRMR TW(54.9) FP Kishanganj( 41) Jute 36.6 33.3 2.3 Bhag Baisa 52 T(54.9)

PRMR TW(90.8) FP Kishanganj (41) ED NM Jute 150.1 3.8 52,8 Bishunpur 53 T(90.8)

225 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the "§' nearest place where the facility is available is given) Ul .." ~ :2~ ." ~ § "0 c..> "§' (.)"'" '.0 (.) (.) (Jl 0) ..t::'" > .~ §'" '.0 ~ 0 g " 8 ] '5 "C;~ .~'" (.)" !;:!, £'! ~ &. . "" ~ .1:> '~ :;;; '" C3 6 '" u .... '"f:! tIJ8 .3 E ~ E :J ~ 8"2 8_ "E '5 ::l " ·c 1if .~£ ".S] '5 ~ '" .,..0 c '" CIl ~ ~ r z ;i3 :2 Cl (.).1:> ~ 0 ~ S::!.'" 8 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Dahuabari PM«5) H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV(10+) BS(IO+) 54 136.0 961 176 HPWSS- PO«5) CM«5) (00684500) CCIO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH«5) CP(JO+) PHCC5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Chapra Bakhari P OM« 5) H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 55 106.0 1,234 247 HP WSS- PH PO« 5) CM« 5) (00684600) CCIO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(JO+) RS(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Sundarbari I' OM«5) H(IO+) ACS«5) CV(lO+) BS(IO+) 56 234.0 2,232 403 HPWSS- 1'0«5) CM«5) (00684700) C(10+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH«5) CP(IO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

P« Titiha H(IO+) ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 57 119.0 811 149 5)M(5-IO) WSS- 1'0(5-10) CM(5-10) (00684800) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(10+) PH(10+) CP(lO+) PHC(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Kolaha - P(5- H(I~+) ACS(5-10) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 58 66.0 437 77 HFWSS- PO(S-IO) CM(IO+) (00684900) 10) M(5-10) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(5-IO) CP(IO+) C(10+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Topamuri P OM«5) H(IO+) ACS(5-10) eV(5-1O) BS(IO+) 59 189.0 1,731 335 HI' WSS- PO« 5) CM(5-IO) (00685000) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH« 5) CP(IO+) PHC(5-1O) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

PHCPHS Haldikhora PMO ACS«5) eV«5) B8(10+) 60 453.0 6,133 H(IO+) !-IF WSS- PO PH« 5) CM(5-10) (00685100) 1,177 ecIO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) MCW(IOI) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Singhari PM8 PHC H(lO+) PO ACS«5) eV(IO+) B8(10+) 61 313.0 2,142 425 HP WSS- CM(S-IO) (00685200) C(10+) MCW(IO+) PH(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(10+) RS(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Jiwanpur P M« 5) H(lO+) ACS«5) CV(lO+) BS(10+) 62 107.0 758 125 HP W SS- 1'0(10+) CM(IO+) (00685300) C(1O+) MCW(10+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(lO+) CP(lO+) PHCCIO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« Pokharia H(JO+) ACS«5) CV(IO+) B8(10+) 63 132.0 346 69 5) M«5) HP WSS- PO« 5) CM(5-10) (00685400) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PR(tO+) CP(IO+) PHC(10+) OCS(IO+) ST(1O+) NW(10+)

226 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land LIse (i.e. area LInder different types ofland lise in hectare)

c S 0 ~ .~ 5 a ~ B I!J '6 '6 0 ._'" c" sS :E I!J E

PRMR TW(32.1) Kishangonj (35) Jute 65.0 25.7 12.8 Dahuobari 54 FP T(32.1)

PRMR TW(26.1) FP Kishanganj (33) Jute 56.6 3.7 19.7 Chapra Bakhari 55 T(26.1)

TW(65.1) MR FP Kishanganj (33) Jute 1324 3.2 32.8 Sundarbari 56 T(65.1)

PRMR TW(40.1) FP Kishanganj (37) Jute 66.1 3.9 9,4 Titiha 57 T(40.1)

PRMR TW(17.1) FP Kishangonj (42) Jute 30,0 4,1 14,7 Kolaha 58 T(17.1)

TW(36.2) MR FP Kishanganj( 41) Jute 99.8 3.3 50,2 Topamari 59 T(36,2)

PRMR TW(70.9) FP Kishanganj (40) ED Jute 244.4 121.5 16,1 Haldikhora 60 T(70.9)

TW(55.7) MR FP Kishanganj (50) Jute 104.0 22,8 130,7 Singhari 61 T(55.7)

TW(2 I. 0) MR FP Kishanganj(45) Jute 70.0 10,0 6.2 Jiwanpur 62 T(21.0)

TW(5S.I) MR FP Kishangnnj (47) 71.9 2.5 2.0 Pokharia 63 Jute T(S5,1)

227 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 krns., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facilitv is available is given) ~

'tl '" " i(.) 'Vi' '" § ~~ ::l U" '.::1 u of 8 J:j ~ '" § .~ -T; 1:: .~ ~ .9" .§. U 0 .c a " t:!- 0, :; ~ 8. QJ ~\ B "3 Cii ~ Sf)'" ] .~ !:d rg 0. "'"0 <= c -< § 0 00 OJ '8 <= on I':!'" 0 .,....

Majkuri P M(5-10) H(ID+) ACS(S-IO) CY(S-IO) BS(IO+) 64 4780 2,887 610 HPWSS- PO(5-IO) CM(5-10) (00685500) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IOr)

Kushpara P M(-< 5) H(IO+) ACS(5-tO) CY(lO+) BS(IO+) 65 196.0 676 124 HPWSS- PO«5) CM(5·1O) (00685600) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Mehadlpur PM(5-10) H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CY(lO+) BS(IO+) 66 38.0 600 119 HPWSS- PO«5) CM(lO+) (00685700) C(10+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IOI) CP(lO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P«: BishunpUf H(IO+) ACS«5) CY(IO+) 8S(10+) 67 1~1.0 1,802 360 5)M«5) HPWSS- PO«5) CM(5-10) (00685800) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(10+) PH(lO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« Sehangaon H(lO+) ACS«5) CY(lO+) BS(IO+) 68 206.0 2,004 360 5) M«5) HPWSS- PO(5-IO) CM(5-tO) (00685900) MCW(IO+) NeS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(S-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Saptia PM(<.S) H(IO+) ACS«5) CY(IO+) BS(10+) 69 106.0 662 126 HPWSS- PO«5) CM(S·IO) (00686000) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(10+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC«S) OCS(IO+) ST(10+) NW(IO+)

P« Kabaia H(IO+) ACS« 5) CY(IO+) B8(10+) 70 80.0 205 56 5)M«5) HPWSS- PO«5) CM(5-10) (00686100) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(10+) PH(IO+) CP(tO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

P M(S-IO) H(ID+) ACS(5-IO) CY(IO+) BS(1O+) 71 Balin (00686200) 262.0 3,215 649 HPWSS- PO«5) CM(IO+) C(IO+) MCW(IOr) NCS(IO+) SP(10+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« Surang H(IO+) ACS« 5) CY(10+) BS(IO+) 72 57.0 257 50 S)M(S-IO) HPW SS- PO«5) CM(IO+) (00686300) MCW(lO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(10+) PH(IO+) CP(10+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(tO+)

Andhasur PM«5) H(IO+) ACS«5) CY(10+) BS(10+) 73 359.0 1,912 390 HPWSS- PO«5) CM(IO+) (00686400) C(IO+) MCW(10+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

228 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i e. area under different types of land use in hectare)

]' a 5 '5 " 0 "[ii "c E '§ .~ § "tj Of! u E ~ .:; ;., '" §-o .s ~ ]: ~ ::J 0. &~ -fi .s " E 0. ~ ~ ~ :g § .!t ~ ~ z'" :::E Ei 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

TW(83.4) MR FP Kishanganj(48) Jme R(l 1 1.0) 250.9 24.8 7.4 Majkuri 64 T(194.4)

TW(80.S) MR FP Kishanganj (44) Jute 1045 5.9 5.0 Kushpara 65 T(8D.S)

TW(20.2) PR MR Kishanganj (45) Jute 14.7 2.6 0.9 Mehadipur 66 T(20.2)

PRMR TW(40.5) FP Kishanganj (44) Jute 48.6 29.1 2.9 Bishunpur 67 T(40.5)

TW(47.5) MR Kishanganj (24) Jute 150.4 5.2 2.4 Sehangaon 68 T(47.5)

PRMR TW(SS.7) FP Kishanganj (43) Jute 43.0 4.8 2.4 Sap!ia 69 T(55.7)

PRMR TW(28.3) Kishanganj (44) Jute 29.2 22.2 Kabaia 70 FP T(28.3)

TW(76.9) PRMR Kishanganj (46) R(22.3) 130.0 28.9 4.2 Balin 71 FP Jute T(99.2)

TW(11.1) MRFP Kishanganj (48) Jute 30.4 11.2 4.8 Surang 72 T(lI.l)

TW(79.5) MR Fp Kishanganj(47) Jute 250.9 23.9 4.3 Andhasur 73 T(79.5)

229 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it III brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5- 10 killS. and 10+ kills of the 'W nearest place where the facility is available is given Ulc: "0 ~ ~ ¥1 ~' 0'" U U § u ., '"[il ';::l 0 .; c: 0 " ",. 11 u § "" 0 .~ 1ie ~ U _g" 3 1$3 'E iii 5 " t!- 0- "S 2- (..) 0.. U (ilt/) ~ fi 0 ~ 0 " 0 "0'" " 0 'i:: tr.I -l' ~ -l ~ '0 1l 6 3 8' 5 'r;: t!- ..c: u :s] .3 eta o~ u ttl a "'"0 1 s-T3 ~ ;:1 § 00 ~ a '- 0 .:!:::! ~ .2"ro S ;:1 0 '" 0- il (il " ~ .0 '~ .5 ]) .... 1ii E OJ .~ "a f;! \U E iO' oa'" U '" .2 ·c ca 1] § "0 ""c: 1;[ 8 ""'" .~] 5..2: 5 0 "0 c 0 o § ~ cj "N o ·s CI)'" Z ~ I-< Z IJ.I'" ~" Ci 0.. U.o

P« Jadhail H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 88(10+) 74 44.0 212 46 5)M(5.10) HPWSS- PO« 5) CM«5) (00686500) MCW(IO+) NC8(\O+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(S·IO) PHC(5·IO) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Pachahara PM«5) H(IO+) ACS«5) CV(lO+) 8S(IO+) 7S 266.0 1,493 308 HPW SS- PO« 5) CM(S·IO) (00686600) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(5·1O) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

PHSH(IO+) Doghnria PO ACS(10+) CV(lO+) 8S(l0+) 76 478.0 2,957 526 P M C(IO+) MCW(IO+) HPW SS· CM(S-10) (00686700) PH(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PHC(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

PM«-5) H(10+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S(l0+) 77 Sirar (00686800) 120.0 943 173 HPW 88· PO«5) CM(5·10) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(10+) RS(IO+) PH(IO") CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Purand~ha PM«5) H(IO+) ACS(10+) CY(IO+) BS(10+) 78 318.0 2,828 523 HP W SS· PO«5) CM(IO+) (00686900) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

P« Molingnon H(IO+) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S(10+) 79 165.0 792 152 5) M(5·10) HPW SS· PO(5·10) CM(5·10) (00687000) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(5·10) OCS(IO+) STC 10+) NW(5-10)

Rohonin Milik SO 13.0 ...••.•• Uninhabited ""'-"""' (00687100)

Makral1a P M«5) H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV«5) B8«5) 81 1100 676 J35 HPSS· PO«5) CM«5) (00687200) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PflC(5·10) OC8(1O+) ST(IO» NW(5·IO)

P« Makraha H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV«5) B8(10+) 82 84.0 628 III 5) M«5) HPWS8" PO«5) CM«5) (006&7300) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) PH(5.10) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(5·1O)

8ahkol PM«5) H(IO+) AC8«5) CV«5) BS(5.10) 83 247.0 1.582 289 HPWSS· PO« 5) CM«5) (00687400) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(lO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) 8T(10+) NW(5·10)

230 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (Le. area under different types of land use in hectare)

c 0 ]' .~ 01) g .J? c: 2: '0 0 'i3 '3 " S ::3 ".... '"<= ~ u NVI .~ E ._<=~ U') U" '"on ~ Z if)'" 14 15 16 17 18 ""19 20 21 22 23 2 I

TW(II.I) MR FP KishanganJ (46) .lute 15.5 6.5 10.6 Jadhail 74 T(l1.I)

TW(662) MR FP Kishanganj (50) Jute 125.4 74.3 Pachaharu 75 T(66.2)

TW(151.8) MR FP Kishanganj (48) Jute 191.1 135.1 Dogharia 76 T(151.8)

TW(25.2) MR FP Kishangallj (52) .lute 61.1 33.9 Sirar 77 T(25.2)

TW(8S.9) MR FP Kishanganj (55) Jute 142.0 90.6 Purandaha 78 T(85.9)

TW(40.5) MRFP Kishanganj (45) Jute 78.7 7.3 38.7 Moiingaon 79 T(40.5)

TW(4.0) 1.9 3.3 Rohonia Milik 80 ------Uninhabited ------0(3.3) T(7.3)

PRMR TW(43.9) Kishanganj (42) .lute 55.5 10.7 Makraha 81 FP 1'(43.9)

TW(28.3) MR FP Kishanganj( 41) Jute 33.0 22.4 Makraha 82 T(28.3)

PRMR TW(80.9) Kishanganj (40) 96.8 7.1 62.5 Bahkol 83 FP T(80.9)

231 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Am~niti~s available (if not available within the Village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kills. and 10+ kms of the 'V> nearest place where the facilityis available is given :l i9 "1:l '

Parwa PM«5) 1-1(10+) ACS«- 5) CV«5) 8S« 5) 84 92.0 623 125 HPWSS- PO« 5) CM«5) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO'~) SP(I()+) RS(lO+) (00687500) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OC8(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(5-10)

P(<. Nagri H(lOt) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 85 8S.0 512 103 5) M«5) TWWSS- PO« 5) CM«5) (00687600) MCW(lO+) NCS(IOI') SP(IO+) R8(10+) C(IO;) PH(5-10) CP(5-10) PHC(S-IO) OCS(lO» ST(IO+) NW(S-IO)

Bnrbata PM«5) H(IO+) ACS«5) CV(ID+) 8S(IO+) 86 86.0 820 152 HPW8S· PO« 5) CM«5) (00687700) C((O+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(1O+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) I'HC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(5-10)

P« Rohanin H(IO+) ACS«5) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 87 130.0 1,189 209 5) Me< 5) HPWSS- PO(,,5) CMe<5) (00687800) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO") PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(5-IO)

P« H(5- Nnluapara 10) ACS(5-10) CV(lO+) BS(IO+) 88 108.0 921 176 5) M«5) HPW SS- PO(S-IO) CM«5) (00687900) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) P!l(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(S-IO) OeS(lo+) ST(IO+) NW(5-IO)

Katamata PM«5) H(lO+) ACS«5) CV(IO+) 8S(IO+) 89 203.0 3,039 573 HPW S8- PO« 5) CM«5) (00688000) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(W;') NW(IO+)

P« Bhebhal He 10+) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 90 64.0 287 51 5)M«5) HPW S8- PO«5) CM«5) (00688100) MCW(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(JO+) RS«5) C(lO+) PH(IO+) CP«5) PHC« 5) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Mosnngaon PM«S) H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 6S(101-) 91 191.0 1,644 307 HPW SS- PO«5) CM«S) (00688200) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) 8P(l0") RS(IO+) PH(10+) CP(10+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« Arugaun H(IO+) ACS«5) CV(IO+) 65(10+) 92 113.0 267 54 5) M(<. 5) HPW SS- PO« 5) CM«5) (00688300) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PH(lO+) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(1O+) NW(IO+)

P OM(S.IO) H(lO r) ACS«5) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 93 Rani (00688400) 290.0 2,243 403 HPW S8- POtS-tO) CM(5-lO) C(10+) MCW(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(5-IO) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

232 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use ill hectare)

c:: E .9 -'" ~ 5 c ~ '0 -6 .a ::; u'" 0 OJ u t: 8 "0 ... '" 8 a~ :0 OJ "d "0 '@" e OJ ;; ::,., ::i OIl ~ -a. "i:: ~~ '" ;,: "0 ~ .0 B ~ 0, -0 ~ ';; " ,.d B ::l "g. 8.a e lii E "d 1;j ::> l;; Po " " '0'" 0 aJ ...'" .§ J! on tii c:: ""' e ::l ti ~ ~ ..c "tii '" ti OIl :§ .a u .;:"iil'" ~ 0 § ~ ::l " IlJ 0 ~ 0 ::; ~ § ~ z CI.. z :::E 8 J,J.. ] :5 (J g}, ~ Z (/J" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 I

PRMR TW(40.5) Kishangnnj (40) ED 45.3 6.5 Parwa 84 FP T(40.5)

TW(40.5) PR FP Kishanganj (39) 284 16.1 Nagn 85 T(40.5)

I'RMR TW(14.2J FP Kishanganj (15) 47.4 243 Barbatn 86 T(14.2)

PRMR TW(61.2) FP Kishanganj (38) Jute 39.7 29.0 Rohania 87 T(61.2)

TW(35.5) MR FP Kishunganj (47) Jute 423 30 3 Natuapara 88 T(35.5)

PRMR TW(82.0) Kishanganj (39) 64.8 50.0 6.3 Katamata 89 FP T(82.0)

TW(21.9) MRFP Kishnnganj (44) 24.3 17.7 Bhebhal 90 T(21.9)

TW(75.0) MRFP Kishanganj (43) LeIO.O) 57.3 45.1 3.3 Mosangaon 91 T(85.0)

TW(32.5) MRFP Kishanganj (38) 51.4 29.5 Arugaon 92 T(32.5)

TW(56.3) 130.0 73.7 30,2 Rani 93 MR FP Kishanganj (15) T(56.3)

233 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash t -) is shown in the column and next tu it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the ['acility is available is given :::J U1 '"'0; "C til ..ci' ~ M ~ dl § .2 ~ 0 U OJ OJ '":::J <.> .r:" E 13" <= ~ a " .~" e '0 € .9 c .. 0 i!'" 1§ a 0 'E 0 U C- '3 ca ::: 00 .~ e .~ 1§ Ol 0 0) :::J"C § c.. 0 01) §.,~ 4-. 0 .... "@ t: OJ ~ ~ § ~ t:: 0 .~'" ] :::J u j;j S S ~ c.. ..0 u OJ '" :.!< E Vl ~ g.2 S [tl' ca E g 'i3 E ;: ::;I .8 1i §'§ u._ ] ] ~ ~ 0 ~] 0:-::: C/] Z ~ f-< Z ~ ::E" Ci ",. U..o ..:: a ~ f::l,C/] U f2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 II 12 13

P« Blmunra H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) 8S(10+) 94 2120 1,141 201 5) M« 5) WSS- PO«5) CM«5) (00688500) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(IO-l') PH(IO+) CP« 5) PHC(.-:5) OCS(IOe) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Danti PM(<.5) H(lO+) ACS("5) CV\I01-) B3(IO+) 95 423.0 3,000 561 HP WSS- PO«5) CM("S) (00688600) C(lOI') MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(lOt) CP(lO,) PHC« 5) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

Bohita PM«5) H(IO+) ACS«5) CV(IO<-) BS(IO+) 96 117.0 417 HPW SS- PO«5) CM«5) (00688700) 77 C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(I()+) 81'(10+) RS(IO+) PH(S-IO) CP(IO<') PHC« 5) OCS(IOr) ST(IO+) NW(10,)

P« Bhagpunash H(IO+) ACS«5) CV(IO+) 88(10+) 97 333.0 1,463 282 5)M("'5) HPW SS- PO(,e 5) CM«5) (00688800) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) PH(S-IO) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OeS(lo+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

ACS Santha PM S(2) H(IOe) CV(ID+) BS(IO+) 98 751.0 8,271 1,615 HP W SS- PO PH CMCP NCS(10+) (00688900) C(10+ ) MCW(JO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) OCS(10+) PHC« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Nihalbhng 322 P M(", 5) H(IO+) ACS«5) CV(lO+) B8(1O+) 99 168.0 \,690 HP WSS- PO« 5) CM«S) (00689000) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) rIl«5) CP(IO+) PHC(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Knirhirpur H(IO") ACS«5) CV«5) BS(IO+) 100 188.0 3,401 703 P M C(IO+) HI' WSS- PO« 5) CM«5) (00689100) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(lO+) PHC(5-IO) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

Dongidighi P OM«5) H(lO+) ACS«5) CV(IO+) 8S(10+) 101 138.0 1,333 276 HP WSS- PO(S-lO) CM(IO+) (00689200) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« Barijan Durgapur H(IO+) ACS« 5) CV(IO+) B8(IO+) 102 339.0 1,533 317 5) M«5) HP WSS- PO(5-10) CM(10+) (00689300) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(10+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(10+) PHC(IO+} OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Durgapur PM«5) H(10+) ACS«5) CV(lOr) BS(IO+) 103 86.0 215 55 HPWSS- PO(5-10) CM(IO+) (00689400) C(10+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(\o+)

234 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under ditTerent types ofland use in hectare)

E ..I< 2- j;:;. ., 'i3 0 ,:: E ., ~ " E 0 'i3'" u 2 ~o ~ :::I o "01) ~ :::: ~ 0 §" ~ 0- ~ 0 ., 0 ..: z 0... Z ~ E ] 14 15 16 17 18 "'"19 20 21 22 23 2

TW(50.5) PR MR Kishanganj (41) 944 10.0 57.6 Bhaunra 94 T(50.5)

TW(IOLO) ~~ MR Kishanganj (40) 302.9 10.0 89 Danti 95 T(101.0)

PRMR TW(36.2) FP Kishanganj (38) 51.2 1.6 28.4 Bohita 96 T(36.2)

TW(IIS.4) MR FP Kishanganj (38) 168.0 11.0 39.1 Bhagpunash 97 T(115A)

PRMR TW(190.6) FP Kishanganj (30) ED NM 484.8 14.9 60.8 Santha 98 T(190.6)

PRMR TW(72.3) 74.2 3.8 17.2 Nihalbhag 99 FP Kishanganj(31) T(72.3)

PRMR TW(68.9) Kishanganj (42) N 92.7 4.5 22.1 Kairbirpur 100 FP T(68.9)

TW(52.1) MR 51.6 3.9 30.0 Dongidighi 101 Kishanganj (34) T(52.1)

TW(40.9) MRFP Kishanganj (26) R(49.I) 163.0 4.0 82.2 Barijnn Durgapur 102 T(90.0)

TW(15.7) 43.2 26.9 Durgapur 103 MRFP Kishanganj (25) T(15.7)

235 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of tile ;g nearest place where the facility is available is given ~ '" '" .0" "0" fi '"§l .~ e .0 'S:b 0 iii j iii ~ .~ E oj 2- ""0 ~ .~ ::s"O " -< .~ !il ::s 0 .... .9 Cll .2 'to E § '" t:: 0 [;:j 0. " OJ " .:: eu "" " .0 1ii 'B ::s tti a ::1 " u .~ ;Q" EJ:j" u .... E 10' E "0 'C It) ~ :g ~ ~ " ::s ::s 5 ~' b1J£ e ] "0 ~ Q_ gj or= C/J ~ ~ ~ Z r..u ~'" 0 ~] -< 0 u '" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

384 I' 0 M(5-IO) H(lO+) ACS(S.IO) CY(IO+) BS(lO+) (00689500) 244.0 1,858 HPW SS- 1'0(5-10) CM(5-10) 104 Sarai C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NeS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO;) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

ACS Bnrijan POlhimari 1'(2) M C(5- H(10+) CY(IO+) BS(IO+) 105 576.0 3,823 730 HI' W SS- 1'0(5-10) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) Jagir (00689600) 10) MCW(IO+) SP(10+) RS(lOr) PI-l(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) PHC(lOr) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Tegharia I' o M«5) H(IO+) ACS('"5) CY(IO+) BS(IO+) 106 194.0 2,807 627 HPW SS- 1'0«5) CM(S-IO) (00689700) C(lO+) MCW(lO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(10+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Mahiarpur 1'(3) OM«5)H(10+) ACS«S) CY(IO+) 8S(10+) 107 226.0 1,887 397 HPW SS- PO«S) CM(<:5) (00689800) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IOI) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OeS(1o+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Rangamnni PM«5) H(IO+) ACS(,,5) eY(lo+) BS(IO+) 108 169.0 1,335 272 HPW S5- PO«5) CM«5) (00689900) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(l()+) RS(10+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+') PHC(IO+) Oe8(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

PHS H(10+) AC8 Kanhaiabari P OM«5) CM CV(5-10) 88(10;·) 109 246.0 2,310 480 MCW(IO+) HPW S5- NCS(IO+) (00690000) C(5-10) PO PH« 5) CP(IO+) SPOOl) RS(IO+) PHCOO+) OCS(IO+) ST(ID+) NW(IOr)

Satbhitha 247 PM(5-10) H(IO+) ACS(S-IO) CY(lD+) BS(IO+) 110 300,0 1,270 HPW SS- 1'0«5) CM(lO+) (00690100) C(10+) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(lO+) OeS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

Majgaon 567 P OM(S-IO) H(IO+) ACS«5) CY(lO+) BS(10+) III 189.0 2,806 HI' W SS- PO«5) CM«5) (00690200) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(lO+) PH(10+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OeS(lo+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

PHS H(IO+) Rohia I' OM(5-1O) ACS«5) CV(to+) BS(IO+) 112 134.0 963 191 MCW(IO+) HP WSS- 1'0« 5) CM(S-IO) (00690300) C(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(10+) PHC(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(lO+) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

ACS Boaldah P(2)M(5-10) H(10+) PO CY(ID+) BS(10+) 113 707.0 6,257 1,310 HPWSS- CM(S-IO) NCS(10+) (00690400) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) PH(IO+) 51'(10+) RS(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) PHC(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

236 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directorv Land Use (As on 1999) Land llse (i.e. area Imder different types ofland use In hectare)

c: E 0 -'" .~ :E- .12 gp ;> d) '"0 -6 :g u 0 ;:l <.> E U ~ " E ~ ~ ..s '" 0 ., ~" J ~ " :5 '",.. ... :::: gp ~ ~ .;;: Cd '" 0 2 Vl OJ) ~ ~D'" ..Q '" '0 t; a. ~ 1:: ~ '"0 'ro .Q .9 ~ a. '"o ::> ~ c: fi; 5: ..c: B " € 1l OJ E u ~ '0 :c" ..... 1;; a .S""- ~ "gh ~ 15 0 g ... "'" 1;; %1 e ..c:: c: " '" '6 to '" "8 ~ '" - ::> ~ Of> El ~ a."'" 0 13 fa 0 ;:: '3 "" ] ...: z" to.. Z"'" :E E f.'-< ] ::> u §h'" ~ z'" CI) (4 (5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

TW(50.6) MR FP Kishanganj (27) L(809) 44,9 10,0 58,0 Sarai 104 T(l31.5)

TW(130.4) MR FP Kishanganj (23) 277.3 7.8 1604 Barijan Pothlmari 105 T(J30.4) Jaglr

TW(69.8) MR FP Kishanganj( I 7) 110.0 3.6 10.9 Tegharia 106 T(69.8)

PRMR TW(67,9) Kishangnnj (18) 140.0 6,2 12.1 Mahiarpur 107 FP T(67.9)

TW(24.8) MRFP Kishanganj (17) 0(5.0) 46.3 32.3 60.8 Rangamani 108 T(29.8)

TW(95.7) MRFP Kishanganj (18) 136,4 3,2 10.8 Kanhaiabari 109 T(95.7)

TW(79.0) MR FP Kishungunj(21) 136.5 5.0 79.4 Satbhithu 110 T(79.0)

TW(59.9) MR FP Kishanganj (22) 111.3 17.8 Majgaon 111 T(59.9)

TW(48.5} 44.2 9.1 32,1 Rohin 112 MR FP Kishanganj (22) T(48.5)

TW(93.5) MR FP Kishutlganj (20) 199.2 24,8 389.5 Boaldnh 113 ED 1'(93.5)

237 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance 1lJ broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the to nearest place where the facility is available is given) :3 ., ~ '0 OJ "'" 0 to § ~1 ~ u '.p C,) ,f u ... .., "a u c ..c:: i!l" a .." 0 - 0 ~t .~ ~ ~ u a ..c:'" .~ 3 'g " !::! 0- "3 C § "0 " a h '" il: 0 "~ h ..c: § c g <12! .g .g g d' h ~ o:S'" '~ a 0...... c ~" _':' til (ij;>,,§ ',g ,Q ..0'" 0 <;... "a :;: ~ "a ~ '3 a IJJJ C <: .~ 5 E 0- § .., 'Q ~~ c V) :3 .... ~ 0 ~n .:=: ~ .9 (U E a '" 0- ~ .~ ro :3 t) :3 .0 t) :.;;; '2 '" ...a! 11)S ,_ 10' " '" u .g EJ;2 .~ ~ S " 'l§ "lil E :3 <:: t:f E il> ~ 0 :3 "0 C 0 § § 0I)..c: :10] a .": " Q.. r:/l'" ~ f-< ~ Z t.LI ~ Ci U.o <: '0 ~~C/) u e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Topamari P(2) M(5-10) H(lO+) ACS«5) CV(IO+) BS(10+) 114 348.0 1,347 276 I-lPWSS- PO« 5) CM(S-IO) (00690500) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) Sr(lo+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(W+) PHC(S-IO) OeS(IO,) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« Kajlamari H{10t·) ACS(<:S) CV(10+) BS(IO+) 115 17.0 157 28 5) M(S-W) lIP W 88- PO(S-IO) CM(5·IO) (00690600) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(10+) PH(10+) CP(IO+) PHC(S.IO) GeS(lo+) ST(lO+) NW(I()+)

ACS Anurkali P(3) OM(S- H(IO+) CY(IO+) BS(IO+) 116 \32.0 970 172 HPWSS· PO(S·IO) CM(S·10) NCS(IO+) (00690700) 10) C( 10+) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(10+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) P!-lC(5·10) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

ACS P« H(10+) CY(lO+) BS(IO+) 117 l'ipra (00690800) 56.0 557 106 5)M(5-10) !-lPWSS· PO(5-IO) CM(S-IO) NCS(IO+) MCW(IO+) SP(10+) RS(10+) C(IOt) P!-l(IO+) CP(IOf) OCS(IO+) PHC(S·IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

ACS Najarpur P OM«S) H(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S(10+) 118 737.0 5,629 1,131 HP WSS- PO«S) CM«S) NCS(10+) (00690900) ('(10+) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) PHC« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Jhantipari Anarkali PM(S·IO) H(IO") ACS«S) CV(IO+) B8(10;') 119 237.0 2,122 414 I-lP W S8· PO(S·IO) CM(5-1O) (00691000) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(10+) CP(10+) PHC(5·10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Gurgaon PM(5-IO) H(lO+) ACS(S·10) CV(IO+) B8(10+) 120 569.0 4,910 1,049 HP WSS· PO(S·IO) CM(IO+) (00691100) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(5-JO) OCS(IO+) ST(JO+) NW(IO+)

Kochadhamtn 1'(3) M 0 H(lO+) PO PH(S· CM ACS«S) CV(IO+) BS(IO+) 121 236.0 4,429 831 HPWSS· (00691200) C(101') MCW(IO+) 10) CP(JO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IOI') PHC« 5) OeS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(10·1-)

Haribhasa P M« 5) H(IO+) ACS«5) CV(IO+) B8«5) 122 122.0 914 168 HPWS8· 1'0« 5) CM«5) (00691300) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NeS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) I'H(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC«5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« Koitor H(10+) ACS« 5) CV(ID+) BS(10+) 123 100.0 647 109 5) M« 5) HP W SS· PO(<.5) CM«5) (0069140D) MCW(10+) NCS(IO+) SP(10+) RS(lO+) C(10t) PH(S.10) CP(ID+) PHC« S) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

238 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Usc (As on 1999) Land lise (i.e. area under different types oflalld lise in hectare)

0: E 0 "'" .'" .§. 0 01) > -a '" u 0 '5" '" §" 0.> E ::l () ~ u ,,~_ til " til .~ E 0.> ~ :Ill 0 -a 00 u ~ ~" .. .;;'" o B c.. o ::l .", ~: > .;;: '" ..c: B 0.. 0. 0.._ e.""' ..!2 fa E g S! " 1;$" " "- 1;5 ... '"0. .5 ~ £ 01) 0 0 !.I til ::l ~ "" ~~ OJ " ~ E u 'iii" ~ ~ :::: 0 § ~ 2 " .;: 0 <1J " 's: -::l .,::l ~ a... ~ " ~ Z" Z'" ::?: E u.. ~ ;::J U 00 ...:: ~ U)'" 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 I

TW(826) MR FP KishungUllJ (25) 127.6 35.8 102 0 Topamall 114 T(82.6)

TW(6.0) MRFP KishanganJ (23) 6.1 4.9 Kajlamnri 115 T(6.0)

TW(40.5) MRFP Klshangal\l (23) R(20.2) 35.2 14.8 21.6 Anarknh 116 T(60.7)

TW(181) MRFP Kishanganj (25) 22.7 5.4 9.9 Pipra 117 T(181)

PRMR TW(3237) Kishnnganj ( 16) ED 201.5 211.3 Najnrpur 118 FP T(3237)

TW(32.3) 25.9 98 7 Jhantipari 119 MRFP Kishangnnj (26) R(IO.O) 70.2 . Annrkali T(42.3)

TW(90.5) MRFP 244.5 37.2 197.2 Gurgaon 120 Klshanganj (28) T(90.5)

PRMR TW(80.4) 122.9 5.7 26.6 Kochadhamin 121 FP Kishanganj (40) ED NM T(80.4)

TW(36.2) 50.7 34.8 0.6 Haribhasa 122 MR FP Kishangnnj (25) T(36.2)

TW(40.4) PRMR 51.2 5.9 2.0 Koitor 123 FP Bnhadurganj (20) T(40.4)

239 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (If not availuble within the village, a dash (-) is shown 1I1 the column and next to It in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the 'Vi" nearest place where the facility is available is given ::I '"C "0 [: -0 ~ ~~ "0 ~u § u CJ" '';::: u oJ ~ ;> ""§ c " [i :; §" " .:'! .9 "" 0 B ~ ~ C:~ 5 CJ .c ''8 ~ 8- 'iil (J P- ;:; " ~ bl) :; P- .,. :;: ~ "0 " -0'" " " "en ...J ~ 0 1i 61 ~ :g ~ 1? " ]i ]i § :::I "-0 -E tf E ::: ~ 0 §"§ OJ)';:; 0:-:::

AC8 Mahndha OP«5)M(5- H(IO+) PO CY(10+) B8(10+) 341.0 3,061 652 HPWS8- CM(5-1O) NCS(lO+) 124 10) C(lD,,) MCW(10+) PH(IO+) SP(10+) RS(IO+) (00691500) CP(10+) OCS(IO+) PHCC5-1O) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Tillia P M(5-to) H(10+) ACS«5) CY(IO+) 8S(10+) 125 127.0 1,291 289 HPWSS- PO«5) CMlS-IO) C(JO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00691600) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHCC5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Rasulganj PM«5) H(IO+) ACS«S) CY(IO+) 8S(10+) 126 22].0 1,779 333 HPWSS- PO(<.5) CM«'5) (00691700) CCIO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PBC(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Bhebhra PM(5-1O) H(IO+) ACS«5) CYCIO+) BS(5-10) 127 19S.0 1,206 267 HPWSS- PO« 5) CM(5-10) (00691800) C(IO+) MCW(10+) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(S-IO) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Hnrkhuguria PM(5-1D) H(lO+) ACS«5) CY(IO+) BS(IO+) 128 204.0 1,628 328 WSS- 1'0«5) CM(5-10) (00691900) qlO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(JO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OC8(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Chunamari PM(5-IO) H(10+) ACS«5) CY(IO+) 88(10+) 129 259,0 2,861 513 HI' WSS- PO« 5) CM(S-10) (00692000) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(10+) CP(IO+) PBCC5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

1'« Sukalfani H(lO+) ACS(5-10) CY(10+) B8(10+) 130 47.0 408 81 5)M(5-10) HI' W S8- PO« 5) CM(5-IO) (00692100) MCW(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) qIO+) I'H(IO+) CP(IO+) PHCCS-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Hasan Dum aria PM«5) H(lO+) ACS«5) CY(IO+) 8S(10+) 131 114.0 508 85 HPWSS- PO(S-IO) CM(S-IO) (00692200) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(10+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHCCI O+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Mnhua PM«5) H(IO+) ACS«5) CY(IO+) 8S(10+) 132 66.0 687 131 HP W SS- 1'0(101-) CM«5) (00692300) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SI'(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(lO+) CP(IO+) PHqIO+} OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« Hatgnchhi H(lO+) ACS(5.IO) CY(lO+) 8S(10+) 133 66.0 794 154 5) M« 5) HPWSS- 1'0(10+) CM(5-IO) (00692400) MCW(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHCCIO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

240 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types ofiand LIse in hectare)

'"0 S". .~ 2- 0 oD .~ ., ::iE'" "'.", ';::; ~ ~ ~ "is. 1:: 1: '" ""Ci ~ ~" .J:> .9 0.. o ::l "0 1; ;> .e ::l 0.. o..~ ~ J';l ..2 fa S u ~ " "0 .... ::l t; Ul '"0.. t;h '§ til 0 '"e lil .~ ~ Ul " E ::l.e " 0.. ~ '" '" c 1: on ;:: "'" §" 0.. 0 o '" 0 " ;:i "iil 1:'" ..: ~ 0..'" Z"'" ::iE E u.. ] :J U- OI) ..: :z; lC/] 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

TW(65.4) MRFP BahadurganJ (20) R(21.6) 105.1 87 139.9 Mahadha 124 T(87.0)

TW(35.4) MRFP Kishanganj (45) TK(20.2) 35.9 21.5 13.7 Titlia 125 T(55.6)

TW(50.6) MRFP Kishanganj (24) R(607) 48.6 14.1 47.0 Rasulgan,1 126 T(III.3)

TW(S46) MRFP Kishanganj (22) 80.8 189 41.2 Bhebhra 127 T(54.6)

TW(38.4) MR FP Kishanganj (21 ) 102.5 29,4 34.2 Harkhuguna 128 T(38.4)

TW(28.3) MR FP Kishanganj (24) 160.3 54.3 15.7 Chunatnari 129 T(28.3)

TW(24.3) MR FP Kishanganj( 17) 8.8 2.9 10.6 Sukalrani 130 T(24.3)

TW(23.2) MRFP Kishanganj (27) 49.3 4.3 37.3 Hasan Dumaria 131 T(23.2)

TW(13.4) MRFP Kishanganj (29) R(23.1) 11.0 15.4 2.8 Mahua 132 T(36.4)

TW(21.6) MRFP Kisilanganj (29) R(S.S) 0(3.0) 27.3 3.1 2.0 Hatgachnl 133 T(33.2)

241 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (ifnot available withll1 the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms" 5-10 lans. and 10+ kms of the Vi' nearestplace where the facility is available is given iil -0 't:I tfl1 '"0 '" iii u I u" .~ 7J oj' u .::: -"" ~ ;; 1.:l "> .::; '" 0 0 0 .~ ] o 1:: 'E ~ .~ g U .c ~ " t.!. 0. "3 & " iO' u .!< 0 ;; -0 " ~ ~ -1 0 '" II ~.;:: t!- -0 "d '~o .~ ~~~., ca ~ o'd -" ~u "3- .c .to: ~> ., § "0 oc: ._ :g ~ 0 ~ .... " o'du 0 " 0 .f5 '" 0 .c iii c: g -ll ._ r:: il N .... .~ %j g. _" on 0 0 -" "@ Oi;>"g iii ;.. "3 .... e .-::; u "" 0 0:: ::: ~ c:

Shahnagar P OM«5) H(10+) ACS(5-IO) CY(IO+) 8S(10+) 134 134.0 1,402 306 HPW SS- PO(IO+) CM(5-1O) (00692500) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IOI') SP(IO+) RS(JO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

8hagal PMO H(IO+) ACS(5-1O) CY(IO+) 8S(10+) 135 532,0 5,342 1,067 HPW SS- PO(5-JO) CM(5-10) (00692600) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

PHSH(IO+) ACS Shahpur PM(5-IO) CY(IO+) 8S(10+) 136 412,0 2,899 540 MCW(IO+) HP W SS- PO«5) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) (00692700) C(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(10+) PHC(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« Shahpur Istamrar H(10+) ACS(5-1O) CY(IO+) 8S(10+) 137 190,0 1,866 446 5)M«5) wss- PO«5) CM(5-10) (00692800) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(JO'r) C(10+) PH(10+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

1'« Dalia H(10+) ACS«5) CY(IO+) 8S(10+) J38 143,0 655 128 5) M(5-10) HP W SS- PO« 5) CM(S-10) (00692900) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(10+) PH(IO+) CP(5-10) PHC(IO+) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« Jhl/rn H(IO+) ACS(5-IO) CY(IO+) 8S(10+) 139 460 151 31 5) M(5-IO) WSS- PO«5) CM(S-IO) (00693000) MCW(10+) NCS(10+) SP(JO+) RS(IO+) C(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(S-IO) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

P« ACS Himntnagar H(10+) CY(IO+) 8S(10+) 140 316.0 3,423 685 5) M(5-IO) HP W SS- PO«5) CM(5-10) NCS(IO+) (00693100) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) PH«5) CP(5-IO) OCS(IO+) PHC(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

141 Pipln (00693200) 18.0 ------UninhabIted ------

Kalanngin P(2) M« 5) 1-1(10+) ACS(5-10) CY(JO+) BS(IO+) 142 219,0 2,393 472 HI' W S8- PO«5) CM«5) (00693300) C(10+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC«5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« ACS Phulbari H(IO+) CY(IO+) BS(10+) 143 306,0 1.173 230 5) M« 5) HP WSS- PO«5) CM«5) NCS(IO+) (00693400) MCW(IO+) SP(10+) RS(IO+) C(IOr) PH(10+) CP(IO+) OCStIO+) PHC(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« Dhanusnn H(IO+) ACS«5) CY(lO+) 8S(10+) 144 181.0 1,483 304 5)M«5) HPWSS- PO«5) CM«5) (00693500) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(JO+) C(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

242 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land lise (i. e, area under di fferent types ofland lise in hectare)

j .g 0,) <.>

jo -a~ ~ d/J .9 ~ .9 g t; ~ ~ ~ ~ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

TW(56,7) MR FP Kishnnganj (29) 50,5 17,6 9,6 Shahnagar 134 T(56.7)

TW(199,1) R(41.9) MR FP Kishanganj (27) 144 a 561 86,2 tlltagal 135 0(5.0) T(2460)

TW(63,1) MR FP Kishanganj (25) 156.6 87.1 105.6 Shahpur 136 T(63,1)

TW(42,3) MR FP Kishanganj (24) , 107,7 33.3 6.5 Shah pur Istamrar 137 T(42,3)

TW(30.2) MR FP Kishanganj (24) lOa, I 69 5,8 Dalia 138 T(302)

TW(12.3) MR FP Kishangnnj (25) 30.0 35 Jhura 139 T(12,3)

TW(71.6) MRFP Kishanganj (25) 150,9 80,0 13, I Himatnagar 140 T(71.6)

TW(7,0) ------Uninhabited ------8.8 2,0 Pipla 141 T(7,O}

TW(136,8) MRFP Kishanganj (18) 40,6 21.6 19.6 Kalanagin 142 T(136,8)

TW(50,5) MR FP Kishanganj (19) 170,6 44,4 40.0 Phulbari 143 T(50.5)

TW(39,3) MR FP Kishanganj (18) 110,] 6,8 25,1 Dhanusna 144 T(39,3)

243 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distancc in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kills. and 10+ kms of the "0;' nearest place where the facility is available is given ::> ., '" '0 '"0 ~ Ul 0 U" tii 'J:: () () I ::> .," s:: II ;; " "> "§ '§ t! u 0 5 0 .~ B .~ >: .~ 2- u C!. ~ '3 t-S&, "- u -en ~ ~ 0 " 0 ""- 0 '" ]i" 0 .~ ~ g '0 ~='? ~ 5 .;;: C!. "" 6 ',;;3 """~ .~ $ § "'" OIl 'Q u III .0" u :.g "E E iii' 03 '" ]I E () -a c E-'" E ::>

ACS Bh~waniganj PM«5) H(IO+) CV(IO+) 8S(10+) 145 110 1,054 205 HP W SS- PO« 5) CM«5) NCS(IO+) (00693600) C(IO+) MCW(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) PHC(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P(", ACS Dubra H(IO+) CV(IO+) B8(10+) 146 74.0 405 91 5)M«5) HP WSS- PO«5) CM(5-10) NCS(IO+) (00693700) MCW(IO+) SP(lO") RS(lO+) C(10+) PH(IO+) CP(10+) OCS(lO+) PHC(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

P« AC8 Naranga H(ID+) CV(lO+) 8S(IU+) 147 1040 1,091 198 5)M«5) [-IP W R SS- PO« 5) CM(5-10) NCS(IO+) (00693800) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) OC8(10+) PHC(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Mastalia PM(5-10) H(10+) ACS(5-10) CV(ID+) BS(IO+) 148 181.0 1,295 256 HP W SS- PO« 5) CM(5-IO) (00693900) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NeS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

P« ACS 8undnrpuchhi H(JO+) CV(IO+) B8(10+) 149 57.0 399 85 5)M(5-10) HPWSS- PO(S-IO) CM(S-IO) NCS(IO+) (00694000) MCW(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) C(1O+) PH(IO+) CP(lC+) OCS(IO+) PI-IC(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

ACS PO M(5-IO) H(lO+) PO CV(lO+) B8(10+) 150 Kutli (00694100) 416.0 2,675 477 HP WSS- CM(5-1O) NCS(lO+) C(1O+) MCW(IO+) PH(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) CP(lO+) OCS(IO+) PHC(IU+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

W(141) 44400 P(I02) M(l2) PHC(4) HP(135) PO(l4) Block Total 28694,0 226620 CM(6) CP ACS(22) CV S(5) 0(23) PHS(8) TW(2) PIl(3) R(2) L

244 VilLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types ofland use in hectare)

.:: 0 .~ bJ'J > E 'J:) 'i3 :; "6 ::l'" :g" ::a'" ;:; 0'" ~ '" ..:::c ~'E '" ;: ~ :a ,g l:i CJ.. "0 "0 ;;: ,!:l o !:I <, ]"" a '" 5 CJ.. ~ ::a E :5 U 0" < :2:

TW(3.0) MR FP Kishangallj (19) 4.9 1.5 1.9 BhaIVaniganj 145 T(3.0)

TW(4.0) MR FP Kishangnnj (22) 530 11.8 5.2 Dubra 146 T(4.0)

TW(22.3) MR FP Kishangm~ (23) 16.3 17.0 488 Naranga 147 T(22.3)

TW(344) MR FP Kishangat~ (22) 85.3 48.0 13.6 Mastalia 148 T(34.4)

TW(lD.t) MR FP Kishanganj (21) 32.3 8.2 6. I Sundarpuchhi 149 T(10.1)

TW(62.7) MR FP Kishanganj (20) 217.7 90.2 45.4 Kutti 150 T(627)

WE(18.21) TW(7405.21) PR(48) TWE(30.07) MR(138 ED(I2) N(5) TK(43.3) ) 13115.4 2285.0 4943.6 EAG M(3) 0.0 R(656.56) FP(136) L(177.02) NR(2) 0(16.29) T(8346.66)





Tolal Rural Urban

Area (in Sq,Rm) 181.03 15091 30,12 PopulalJon 165709 100119 65590 No 01 VIII'gfll 72 No, of Town, 01 Dislance of mock Headquarters 10 Dlslrict Headquarlers 0 Rm










BIlLOW 200 200-499 ,. 500-999 1& 1000-4999 5000 AND ABOVE x• UNINIIABITED VILLAGE

Based upon Survey 01 IndIa map wllh the perm","on of the Surveyor General of India C, GovrtOlnelll of Iud" Copyright 2005

VILLAGE DIRECTORY Alphabetical list of Villages N arne of the District : Kishanganj Serial 200 I Census location code 1991 Census location code number Name of villages number number 2 3 4 Name of CD Block: Kishanganj Location code of C.D. Block: 0007

Andhuakol 00696500 ~20070007000700024 2 Andowakol 00694400 420070007000700003 3 Babhantola 00700700 ~20070007000700081 4 Bairgachhi 00697800 420070007000700037 5 Balia 00700200 420070007000700076 6 Bararo 00700600 420070007000700080 7 Barchuna 00700800 420070007000700082 8 Basantpur 00699600 420070007000700070 9 Basatpur Marua Tali 00699200 420070007000700066 10 Basatpur Milik 00699100 420070007000700065 II Basatpur Pharsadangi 00699000 420070007000700064 12 Bastadangi 00701300 420070007000700087 13 Belwa 00698600 420070007000700060 14 Belwa Kasipur 00694500 420070007000700004 15 Belwa Milik 00698500 420070007000700059 16 Bheriadangi 00696700 420070007000700026 17 Chakla 00696900 420070007000700028 18 Chaundi 00696100 420070007000700020 19 Chhagalia 00695000 420070007000700009 20 Chhagalia 00695300 420070007000700012 21 Chhota SaIki 00694600 420070007000700005 22 Chormara 00698200 420070007000700045 23 Daula 00700100 420070007000700075 24 Dheksara 00698100 420070007000700044 25 Gachhpara 00696200 420070007000700021 26 Gachhpara 00696300 420070007000700022 27 Goaltoli 00695700 420070007000700016 28 Gabindpur 00698700 420070007000700061 29 Halamala 00694200 420070007000700001 30 Janal1'\jai 00700500 420070007000700079 31 Iharbari 00697700 420070007000700036 32 Jia Gachhi 00701200 420070007000700086 33 Kaparporbandha 00701000 420070007000700084 34 Kasipur 00694900 420070007000700008 35 Katahalia 00699900 420070007000700073 36 Katahalia Bhag 00699800 420070007000700072 37 Katmohan 00695100 420070007000700010 38 Kirdah Saluda 00699300 420070007000700067 39 Kalaba 00697500 420070007000700034 40 Lakhimara 00698800 420070007000700062 41 Lalbari 00700400 420070007000700078

249 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK :KISHANGANJ Alphabetical list of ViHages Name of the District: Kishanganj Serial 200 ICensus location code 1991 Census location cocle number Name ofvilJuges number number 2 3 4 Name of CD Block: Kishanganj Location code of C.D, Block: 0007 42 Mahammaclplll' Bhagal 00700900 420070007000700083 43 Mahesh Bathna 00696400 420070007000700023 44 Mahesh Bathna Khas 00697400 420070007000700033 45 Mahesh Bathnakhas Milik 00697300 420070007000700032 46 Majhok 00700300 420070007000700077 47 Meda 00695400 420070007000700013 48 Mehangaon 00699500 420070007000700069 49 Mchengaon Milik 00699400 420()70007000700068 50 Motihara 00694300 420070007000700002 51 Motihara Taluka 00695200 420070007000700011 52 Nania 00698900 420070007000700063 53 Panisal 00695500 420070007000700014 54 Phlliwari 00697100 420070007000700030 55 Phulwmi 00697200 420070007000700031 56 Phlliwari 00699700 420070007000700071 57 Piakunri 00695900 420070007000700018 58 Pichhla 00701100 420070007000700085 59 Pirani 00698300 420070007000700046 60 Puria bad 00700000 420070007000700074 61 Satkhamhar 00696000 420070007000700019 62 Simalbari 00696600 420070007000700025 63 Singhia 00695600 420070007000700015 64 Singhia 00698400 420070007000700058 65 Saiki 00694700 420070007000700006 66 Sultanpur 00697000 420070007000700029 67 Taisa 00698000 420070007000700039 68 Telia Pakhar 00695800 420070007000700017 69 Tt::ngl'amari 00694800 420070007000700007 70 Thallupara 00697600 420070007000700035 71 Thaunapara 00697900 420070007000700038 72 Topamari 00696800 420070007000700027


DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (ifnot available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kIllS., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms ofthe 'Vi' nearest place wherc the facility is available is given) :l -0 -0" ~ Ui' 5 ~~ 0 tl U '" 'P C) (J :J ,," _g ,. '" u '" a ~ " .~ ~ 0 0 0 .~ ] ~ ~ .~" ~ U'" ..t:: tS 8. r:!- 0. "3 '" ~ (J OJ "0- (J C;;Vl '" ~ 0 " a -0'" .~} ~ ~ 0 '2 5 =6' " ~ '0 -0 6 ~ .;; ~ (J tp 'C .2 e1tJ o"'§ ~ 0 J:) .:;: 'Ci ..... 8 ~ '" "3 0 ~ "§~ .~'" '-$ E "'- ~ ~ '" ~ :l ..... 0 ~ c;; bll .E ... ·S1Ci!S § '" 0 '"~ c. il '2 :l (J " .0 '16 u :.2" "EJ2 ¥j E ~ "a E <> ~ 1;;' .~ '"" ~ = E ;;: '': " 'Ii 'Ii .g § § 5b] ~ .5 'g 0-::: ;;: (§" U.D ~ <5 o:::S:?,rj) U E! (/)'" ~ ~ ~ " W ~" t£ J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

CD Block: Kishanganj (0007)

RMP(3) Halamal. H«5) PH(4) oes ACS« CV(;o+) BS« 5) 1,365.0 5,046 1,015 PM C( 10+) WSS- CM(IO+) PO(~ 5) RS(IO+) (00694200) MCW«5) CP(IO+) ~CS(IO+) SP(IO+) PHC« 5) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

RMP(3) BS Motihara P M«5) H« 5) I-IPTWW PH(5) ACS(lO+) CV(IO+) 193.0 2,347 480 CM(IO+) RS(lO+) (00694300) CCIO+) MCW«5) S8- PO(d) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+)

RMI' Andowakol P«5) I-I« 5) ACS(IOr) CV(IO+) 8S« 5) 186.0 518 109 TWWSS- PO(d) CM(IO+) (00694400) M«5) MCW«5) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(IO'I) PH« 5) CP(lO+) CCI 0+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

RMP(2) CHW(2) Belwa Kasipur P M« 5) PH{II) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) BS« 5) 4 312.0 2,466 523 H«S) TWW8S- CM(IO+) (00694500) C(lO+) PO(d) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(104) MCW«5) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IOr) NW(10+) PHC« 5)

NWBS(S- Chhota Saiki AC OP« 5) H(5-10) AeS(S-IO) CY(IO+) 132.0 329 68 TW W R SS PH PO(S- CM(IO+) 10) (00694600) M« 5) C(lO+) MCW(5-IO) 10) NCS(5-10) SP(IO+) CP(IO+) RS(IO+) PHC(5-IQ) OCS(5-IO) ST(IO+)

NWBS(5- P ACM(5-10) H(IO·r) PH PO(5- ACS(S-IO) CV(IO+) 6 Solki (00694700) 332.0 1,655 327 TWWSS- CM(IO+) 10) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) 10) NCS(S-IO) SP(IO+) CP(IO+) RS(lO+) PHC(5-10) OC5(5-10) ST(lO+)

OP(S-IO) RMPH(IO+) BS Tengramari PH(S) ACS(S-IO) CV(IOr) 7 318.0 3,559 686 M(10+) MCW(lO+) TWWSS· CM(IO+) RS(lO+) (00694800) PO(5-IO) NCS(5-IO) SP(IO+) C(lO+) PHCC5·IO) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) OCS(5-10) ST(IO+)

BS Kasipur PM(5-IO) H(10+) PH(2) ACS(IO+) CV(IO+) 366.0 560 99 TWWSS- CM(IO+) RS(10+) (00694900) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) PO(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(lO+) PHC(lO+} OCS(10+) ST(IO+) PHS FWC S P« 5) CHW(3) BS Chhagalia ACS(IO+) CY{IO+) 340.0 3,459 695 M«5) H(IOr) TWWSS- POPI-I(II) CM(IO+) RS(IO+) (OO69500G) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) CP(IO+) NW(IO+) PHC{< 5) OC8(1O+) ST(IO+)

o P«5) Katmohan H(IO+) TWWTK AC8« 5) CV(lO+) BS(IO+) 10 185.0 93 22 M«S) PO«5) CM(IO+) (00695100) MCW(IO+) RSS- NeS(IO+) 8P(lO+) R8(10+) C(IO+) PH«5) CP(10+) PHC(IO+) OC8(10+) ST(lO+) NW(lO+)

252 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land lise in hectare)

iro '1: (/l" 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

R(330.8) PRMR Kishanganj (12) ED 12.1 L(330.8) 13.4 45.7 632.2 Halama1n FP T(661.7)

PRMR 53 TW(46.3) Kishanganj (14) ED 141.0 Motlhara 2 FP . T(46.3)

TW(800) MRFP Kishanganj (10) 1.51'(80.0) 95.3 9.4 Andowakol 3

Ge(83.!) MRFP Kishnnganj (5) ED NM 137.0 84.4 7.9 Belwa Knsipur 4 1'(83.1)

TW(195) MRFP Kishnnganj (10) ED R(4.9) 73.3 14.7 19.5 Chhota Saiki NR T(24.4)

MRFP TW(61.4) Kishanganj (10) ED 184.3 37.0 49.1 Saiki 6 NR T(61.4)

TW(52.0) PRMR Kishanganj (10) EA TWE(7.IJ 177.1 31.5 50.9 Tengramari 7 FP T(59.0)

GC(114.0) MRFP Kishanganj (5) ED 171.1 81.1 Knsipur 8 T(114.0)

PRMR GC(99.4) Kishanganj (5) ED NM 144.1 96.4 Chhagalin 9 FP T(99.4)

GC(20.0) PRMR Kishanganj (13) TW(20.0) 120.2 24.8 Katmohan 10 FP T(40.0)

253 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if lIot available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kll1s., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of tile ,.._, nearest glaee where the facility is available is given) ~ '" '0 '0 -;;;- § ~ ~' " ;;l U'" '';:: u ,l 8 i '" I\) ..c::" '" " > -e :I '" ._ .s; 0 "3 (il til

ACS Motihara Talllka P(2) M 0 H(lO+) HPTWW CY(10+) BS(IO+) II 1,009.0 4,968 937 PH PO« 5) CM(IO+) NCS(IO+) C(IO+) MCW(IOf) TKRSS- SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00695200) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) PHC(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Chhagalia o P«5) H(IO+) ACS(S-IO) CY(IO+) BS(S-IO) 12 189.0 697 132 TWWSS- PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00695300) M«5)C(I01) MCW(lO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PH(5-10) CP(IO+) PHC(5-lO) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Meda H(IO+) AeS(S-IO) CY(IO+) BS(5-1O) 13 204.0 934 193 P« S) M« 5) TWWSS- PO(5-1O) CM(IO+) (00695400) MCW(IO+) NeS(IO+) SP(IOt) RS(S-IO) qIO+) PH(5-] 0) CP(IO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(lO;') ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

RMP H(IO+) Panisal PMO HPTWW ACS(S-IO) CY(IO+) BS(S-IO) 14 448.0 3,696 705 MCW(IO+) PO«5) CM(IO+) (00695500) C(lO+) SS- NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) PHC(5-1O) PH(5-IO) CP(lO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

ACS Singhill P(2) M S H(IO+) TWWTK CY(IO+) B8(10+) 15 911.0 7,500 1,392 PO PH CM(lO+) NCS(lO+) (00695600) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) ss- SP(lO+) RS« 5) CP(IO+) OCS(lO+) PHC(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Goaltoli PO M«5) H(IO+) ACS«5) CY«5) 1l3«5) 16 10.0 21 6 TWW SS- PO« 5) CM(ID+) (00695700) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(lO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH« 5) CP(IO+) PHC« S) OCS(IO+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

Telia Pokhar H(lO+) ACS« 5) CV«5) BS« 5) 17 9.0 37 10 P«5) M«5) TWSS- PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00695800) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) R8(IO+) C(10+) PH« 5) CP(10t) PHC« 5) OC8(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Piakunri H(lO+) AC8«5) CV«5) B8«5) 18 128.0 483 99 P« 5) M« 5) TW WSS- PO« 5) CM(IO+) (00695900) MCW(IO+) NeS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(lO+) C(lO+) PH«5) CP(IO+) PHC« 5) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(lOt)

NHH(IO+) Satkhnmhar I' M« 5) ACS« 5) CY«5) BS« 5) 19 138.0 869 180 MCW(IO+) TWSS- PO«5) CM(IO+) (00696000) C(lO+) NCS«5) SP(IO+) RS(IOt) PJ-lC(5-10) PH« 5) CP(lOt) OCS« 5) ST(IO+) NW(JO+)

OP«5) NHH(5-IO) Chaundi ACS« 5) CY«S) BS« 5) 20 223.0 1,027 166 M(S-IO) MCW(S-IO) TWWSS- PO(5-10) CM(S-IO) (00696100) NCS(IO+) SP(S-IO) RS(5-10) C(5-IO) PHC(S-IO) PH«5) CP(S-ID) OCS(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

254 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directorv Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e area under different types of land use in hectare)

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

PRMR 1'W(I60.0) Kishangunj (12) 460.8 5.3 3832 Motihara II FP 1'(160.0) Taluka

TW(317) MR FP Kishanganj( 15) R(113) 77.7 15.4 52.9 Chhagulia 12 T(43 0)

TWE(26.8) PRMR FP Kishanganj (16) 4.1 R(18.4) 847 10.8 58.8 Meda 13 T(45.2)

TW(423) PRMR FP Kishnnganj (J 6) R(34.6) 176.0 39.3 J56.2 Panisal 14 T(76.9)

TW(IOO.O) MR FP Kishanganj (11) 6J8.2 10.0 182.3 Singhia 15 T(100.0)

MR FP Kishanganj ( I I) 7.5 2.7 Goalloli 16

MR FP Kishanganj (II) 0.4 8.0 0.1 Telia Pokhar 17

26 TW(l9.2) MR FP Kisilanganj (II) 57.6 5.7 43.3 Piakunri 18 . T(19.2)

MR FP Kishanganj (10) 27 TW(20A) 63.5 16.4 35.4 Salkhamhar 19 . T(20.4)

MR FP Kishanganj (9) 4.4 100.1 27.2 91.2 Chaundi 20

255 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 " Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (.) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5-10 kills. and 10+ kms of the -;;;- nearest place where the facility is available is given) til C'" '0 -0 OJ rn .g" a" I ~ U iii ~u "c ..c" c :>'" ca u 0 § 0'" '§ !3 ~t! 'E ~ U 8 ..c .t:: tS " il e C!- 0. jj :;l 8.. ~ fii ..!< u "0 " -0 .",'" '" ~ 0 2:l C/') ....l :W "0 frJ ]~E :> " o'd .;;: C!- ..c: "0 ~ 13 ~ ,;:! ~~ %'~ 0 ... til :: til § '0" o ._ u .;:; § '" .c § C " '" 5 C 15 Cd ._~ .g'0 o '" t r til ..c :;l '~ .~ -" 0 ..... ca "'" ';;J:> ~ ""' g_ 0 C ~ ~o 1·~;::1"0 Of) Q) '2 .s § ..... 0 ... 0 .=:: ~ 0 ca 1 ;:l .§ '" ~ ;::I '" c 0. ]i u ~ ..0 '.g u :.;;; 6 ' E dl '" '" .~ i? '"i3 'i'l E g 'i5 c ...I' 12 tJ U~~:.a _ ,s E ~ :> '0 .c: '" g § 6b.;:; 0'= ~ ~ ~ ~ :z: Ul ;;;:'" 0 .:e U..o

NHH(5·IO) ACS NCS(S- - Gachhpara TWWTK PI-IPO(5- BS(5-10) 21 413.0 4,177 713 PAC M(S'IO) MCW(5-10) CM(5·10) 10) OCS(5. CV(S-IO) (00696200) SS· 10) RS(5-10) C(5·10) PHC(5.10) CP(5-IO) 10) SP(5·10) ST(5-10) NW(lO+)

PHSNH ACS Gachhpara AC 0 P(5-10) 1-1(5.10) CV(5-IO) BSNW 22 197.0 1,260 234 TKRSS· POPH CM(10+) NCS(10+) (00696300) M(5-10) MCW(S-IO) SP(S-IO) RS(S-IO) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) C(5·IO) PI-IC(5-10) ST(5-10)

ACS NCS(5- • Mahesh Bathoa PM(5-IO) 1-1(5-10) CPCM(5- BS(5-10) 23 206.0 192 46 TWWSS- PO(<:5) 10) OCS(5- CV(5-10) (00696400) C(5-10) MCW(S-IO) 10) RS(S.IO) PH(5-10) 10) SP(S-IO) PHC(5-10) ST(5-10) NW(IO+)

Andhuakol PM«5) H(!O+) ACS«5) CV(IO+) 8S(10+) 24 144.0 416 79 TWSS· PO(5-IO) CM(IO+) (00696500) C(IO+) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(!O+) RS(IO+) PI-I(10+) CP«5) PHC(IO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(]Q+)

BS RS(5· Simalbari MP«5) H(5-10) HPTWW ACS(<:5) CV(5-IO) 25 291.0 2,047 391 PO(5·10) CM(S-10) 10) (00696600) C(S-10) MCWeS-IO) SS· NCS(S-IO) SP(5.10) PH(5-10) CP(S.IO) NW(IO+) PHC(5-10) OCS(IO+) ST(5.10)

Bheriadangi PM(5-10) H(5-10) 1'1-1(3) ACS(5·10) eV(5-10) 8S(S-10) 26 1160 523 112 TWWSS- CM(S·IO) (00696700) C(5-10) MCW(5-IOJ PO(5-10) NCS(S·IO) SP(5-10) RS(5.IO) CP(S-IO) PHC(S-IO) OCS« 5) ST(5-IO) NW(IO+)

Topamari H(S-IO) ACS(5-10) eV(S-IO) 88(5-10) 27 70.0 166 37 P«S)M(-<5) TWWSS- 1'0«5) CM(S-IO) (00696800) MCW(5-10) NCS(5-IO) SP(5-IO) RS(5-IO) C«5) PH« 5) CP(5-10) PI-IC(5-IO) OCS{S-IO) ST(S.10) NW(10+)

PHS RMP(3) Chakla PM Tr 0 OCS ACS(5- ev(;-JO) BS(5-IO) 28 472.0 5,710 1,120 CHW H(5-1O) TW W SS- PO PH CM(S·IO) (00696900) C(<:5) MCW(5.10) 10) NCS(5- SP(5.IO) RS(5-IO) CP(5-10) PHC(S-IO) 10) 8T(5-10) NW(IO+)

Sultanpur H(S·10) PH(4) ACS«5) eV(5.10) BS(5-IO) 29 104.0 943 182 P«5)M«5) TWSS- CM«S) (00697000) MCW(5-10) PO«5) NCS«5) SP(S·IO) RS(S-lO) C«5) CP«5) PHC(5-10) OeS« 5) ST« 5) NW(lOf)

PllUlwari P M(5-1O) H(S-IO) ACS(<: 5) eV(5-10) 8S(5-IO) 30 25.0 609 116 TWSS· PO(S·IO) CM(5-10) (00697100) C(5.) 0) MCW(5.IO) NCS«5) SP(5-10) RS(S-IO) PH(S·IO) CP(5-10) PHC(5-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(5-10) NW(IO+)

256 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land use in hectare)

0 ]: til'" .§, c- on ,5 '6 ,5 "u 0 -g -= ~ s::" E (j ".... 1;\ '§ E 'OJ ._"'~ '" . ~ 611 '§ ... '0. ~ '" 3: ", '" ..0 B Q) .", ~ Q. !] t; ~ '" ..c: B ;:l Q. Q..a e ..., ~ § a ", '" .... ::> " '" '"Q. .$ J! on ~ t;; '0 0 II ::J lil til '5 ;:l"<: '" ~ ~ ::: 3:'" "gj ~ on '" " 0. dl 0 " 0 :§ '2 ~ ~ "~ ~ U Oil

PRMR TW{76.6) Kisfmngnnj (5) EO 229.8 40,9 65,9 Gachhpara 21 FP T(76.6)

TW(29,2) PRMR Kislmnganj (5) R(7,J) 109,7 19,0 32.3 Gachhpara 22 FPNR T(36,5)

TW(77.1) PRMR Kishallganj (7) 105.0 14.2 10,1 Mahesh Bathna 23 1'(77,1)

TW(26.5) MR FP Kishanganj(12) 89,2 17.0 11.3 Andhuakol 24 T(265)

TW(82.2) PR Kishanganj (8) 181.5 16,0 10.9 Slmnlbari 25 T(82.2)

PRMR ED TW(22.0) Kishangalli (10) 58.2 13.2 22.8 Bheriadangi 25 FP EO T(22.0)

PRMR TW(12,O) FP Kishanganj (10) 24.7 20.4 12,5 Topamari 27 T(J2.0)

TW(58.4) PRMR 1600(66.0) 181.2 96.2 54.0 Chakla 28 FP Kishanganj (7) ED T(124.4)

PRMR GC(32,O) Kishanganj (4) EO 40.0 8,0 23.6 Sultanpur 29 FP T(32.0)

GC(13.0) MR FP Kishanganj (8) 9,0 3.4 Phulwari 30 T(13.0)

257 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available withm the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance ill broad ranges viz. < 5 kIllS., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the :g nearest place where the facility is available is_given) ~ 11 "0 ~ a) § 0 tl '§' U ~~ u <1.) .;:J " ,f II '" ,;::" .~ § 0- 1 ..!!l 0 0 " E! ''--' co '0 'jili Vl ~ ~ ,..J :§ "0 E t!.. ..c 6u ~=a§ E9.~ <>'IJ '': a) ~ '~ ] "0 o ._ B ~ '§ Vl ~ 0 !!l ... .!:: § <>'IJ .g .';:! gn ... " J:l '~" 0 0. " g .~ .l2" E'" E ~ 'iii" '" E ~ ::0., .5 ..r E"'"'" ,~ t ~ ~ .- EJ:o ,_ 'c § s a ::l ..g '"0 o § 01)£ ",_ ] en" Z ~ ~ Z I.Ll ;;E 0 0.. U.D

Phulwari H(S-IO) PHPO{5- ACS NCS« CV(5-lO) B8« 5) 45.0 1,447 298 P C M« 5) TWSS- CM«S) 31 (00697200) MCW(5-IO) 10) 5) OC8« 5) SP(5-IO) R8(5-lO) CP«5) PHC(S.ID) ST(S-IO) NW(lO+)

Mahesh ACS P(5-10) H(ID+) CV(lU+) BS(10+) 32 Bathnakhas Milik 9.0 22 HPRSS- PO«5) CM(5-IO) NCS(lO+) M(5-IO) MCW(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) (00697300) PH(5-IO) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) C(5-IO) PHC(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Mahesh Bathna PM(5-IO) H(5-IO) ACS(S-IO) CV(5-10) BS(5-1O) 33 233,0 2,263 433 TW W R SS· PO(5-10) CM(5-10) Khns (00697400) C(5-IO) MCW(S-IO) NCS(S-lD) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(5-IO) CP(10+) I'HC(5-IO) OCS(5-IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Kolaha PM«S) H(S-IO) ACS« 5) eV(S-IO) BS(S-IO) 34 47,0 767 118 HPW SS- PO«5) CM(5-IO) (00697500) C{5-IO) MeW(S-IO) NCS(IO+) SP(S·IO) RS(S-IO) PH(5-10) CP(5-IO) PHC(S-IO) OCS(IO+) ST(S-IO) NW(lO+)

Thnuapara H{5-IO) ACS(5-10) CV(S-IO) 8S(5-10) 35 11.0 582 92 P« 5)M(5- HPWSS- PO(5-IO) CM(5-10) (00697600) MCW(S-IO) NCS(5·10) SP(5-10) RS(5-10) 10) C(S-IO) PH(5-IO) CP(S·IO) PHC(5-IO) OC8(5-IO) ST(5-IO) NW(IO+)

Jharbari P(5-IO) H(5·IO) ACS(5-IO) CV(5-IO) BS(5-10) 36 34,0 132 22 TWSS- PO(5-IO) CM(5-IO) (00697700) M(S-IO) MCW(S-IO) NCS(S-IO) SP(S-IO) RS(S-IO) PH(5-IO) CP(S-10) C(S-IO) PHC{S·IO) OCS(S-10) ST(S-IO) NW(IO+)

Bnirgachhi l'M(5-1O) H(5-10) PH PO(5- ACS(5-10) CV(S-IO) BS(5-10) 37 51.0 367 TW8S- CM(S-IO) (00697800) 66 C(S-IO) MCW(S-IO) IQ) NCS(S-IO) SP(5-IO) RS(5-IO) CP(5-lD) PHC(5-IO) OCS(5-lD) ST(5-10) NW(ID+)

Thaunapara 1'(5-10) H{5-IO) ACS(5-1O) CV(5-IO) B8« 5) 38 99,0 40 II WTKSS· 1'0(5-10) CM(S·IO) (00697900) M(5.IO) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(5-1O) CP(S·IO) C(5-to) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(JO+} NW(IO+)

Taisa PM(5-IO) H(S-lD) POPH(5- ACS(5-IO) CV(S-IO) B8(S-IO) 39 309,0 3,214 563 HPSS- CM(S·IO) (00698000) C(5-10), MeW(S.IO) 10) NCS«5) SP(5-10) RS(S-lO) CP(S-IO) PI-IC(S-IO) OCS«5) ST(5-IO) NW(IO+)

Dheksara P M(S.IO) H(S-IO) ACS(5-10) CV(S-IO) BS(5-1O) 40 211.0 1,541 305 HP SS- PO{< 5) CM(S-IO) (00698100) C(S-IO} MCW(5.10) NCS«5) SP(S-IO) RS(5-10) PH(5-IO) CP(5-IO) PHC(S-IO) OCS«5) ST(S-IO) NW(IO+)

258 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e, area under different types of land use in hectare)

0 8' '-§" ,§,"'" ,f' OJ) ,;.: .., ,S -'5 () 0 01 " E "":J ... § 1! ~ U g, E ,_,,~ '" <2 '" § 0 u ~ ., :§ .a Oil "5 :0 ~ " 0 ~ ~ " g, 'S: '" ~ lin ~ ... .Q '" .~ ~ 8 ~ §: ~"B ;::"" .s: .0'" ..c: $l ~ ~ 1if 8.3 e ""t

GC(160) MR FP Kishanganj (5) 24.0 5.4 Phulwari T(16.0) 31

GC(S,O) Mahesh MR Kisnanganj (10) ),0 1.3 32 T(S,O) Bathnakhus Milik

PRMR GC(56.0) 19, J Mahesh Bathna Kishanganj (8) 1280 30.0 33 FP T(56,0) Khns

GC(23,O) MR FP Kishanganj (5) 17.7 3.9 2,5 Kolaha 34 T(23.0)

TW(4.6) PR MR Kishangaqj (5) 5.7 J.I Thauapara 35 T(4.6)

PRMR TW(6.3) Kishanganj (5) 19.0 3.4 5.7 Jharbari 36 FP T(6,3)

TW(9.6) MR FP Kishullganj (5) 28,8 5.4 7.7 Bairgachhi 37 ED T(9,6)

1'1' Kishanganj (6) L(5.U) T(5.D) 6.1 88,0 Tlmunupara 38

GC(140,8) MR Kishanganj (S) 93.9 36 71.0 Taisa 39 EAG - T(140,8)

GC(40.2) PR Kishanganj (5) TW(48.9) 73.4 12.3 36.1 Oheksara 40 T(89.2)

259 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (ifaot available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column nnd next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz,< 5 kms" 5-10 kms, and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given 1 h "tj ]' ~ "0 U" § ~ :a ~ E! '" u u '"O) 0 0 ~~ -9" " ..<::" '~ E! ~~ 'iii e- u !:!- p. "3 tS8, ~ ~ g ;; 0.. ~ 0lC/J ." ~ -I J 0 '" 11 E !:!- '0 '0 ~ a::ig ~; <>"§l ~ 52 ,.c -;;:i 0 ;; ro ::: e ro '"§ .1:: E OJ 0.. 0 " « 0 "" ,g 01) B ,9 ~ E 2 ~ § 'l) If v ~] :J >. M 0.. lil " ro .":! :::l U 'iii E :::l ..0 til ,~ :.:;;" E Vl ro ro g "tj c: ..: E " " E U ::E 8 U..o « "0 ~U'J u ~ I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ""9 lO II 12 13

Chormara P(5-IO) H(5-IO) ACS(S-IO) CY(S.IO) BS« S) 41 89,0 845 m HP W SS- POtS-to) CM(S·IO) (00698200) M(5·IO) MCW(S·IO) NCS(S-IO) SP(S-IO) RS(S-IO) PH(S·IO) ep(S-IO) qs-JO) PEC(5·10) • OCS(S-IO) ST(S·IO) NW(IO+)

Pirani 42 3,0 _•. ,---. Uninhabited .-_ •••••. _•• (00698300)

Singhin H«5) ACS(5-IO) CY(S-IO) 8S« 5) 43 64,0 30 27 P(<5)M(<5) HPTKSS- PO(S-IO) CM(S-IU) (00698400) MCW(IO+) NCS(JO+) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) q< 5) PH(5-10) CP(5-1O) PHqIO+) OCS(lO+) ST(IO+) NW(lO+)

Belwa Milik 44 IS.O -----.-- Uninhabited ----•• --••• - (00698500)

Bclwa 392 P M(S· I 0) H(5-IO) ACS(5-10) CY(5-10) BS(5·10) 45 311.0 2,101 TWWSS· PO«S) CM(S-IO) (0069&600) C(S.IO) MCW(S-IO) NCS(S·tO) SP(S·tO) RS(S· 10) PH«5) CP(5·1O) PHqS·IO) OCS(5·10) ST(5-10) NW(IO+)

Gobindpur 76 P(S-IO) H(S-to) ACS(S·IO) CY(S·IO) BS(IO+) 46 335,0 360 HPSS· 1'0(5·10) CM(5·IO) (0069&700) M(S·tO) MCW(S·IO) NCS(S-IO) SP(IO+) RS(IO+) PH(IO+) CP(5-10) C(lO+) PHC(S-JO) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Lakhimarn 30 P(S-IO) H(S·JO) ACS(S-IO) CY(5·10) BS(5-10) 47 216.0 126 HP SS· PO(S.IO) CM(S·IO) (OO698S00) M(S-IO) MCW(S·IO) NCS(S-IO) SP(S·IO) RS(S-IO) PH(S-IO) CP(S·IO) C(S-lO) PHqS·IO) OCS(S·IO) ST(S·IO) NW(IO+)

Nonia 42 P 0 M(S·lO) H(5.1O) HPTKR ACS(5·10) CY(S-IO) BS(S·IO) 48 50,0 2S1 PO(S·IO) CM(5-tO) (00698900) C(5-1O) MCW(S·IO) SS· NCS(S·IO) SP(5·10) RS(5·10) PH(S·JO) CP(S·IO) PHqS·IO) OCS(IO+) ST(5·10) NW(JO+)

Basatpur o P(S.IO) H(5-1O) ACS(5·10) CY(5·10) BS(S·IO) 49 Pharsadangi 135.0 1,176 231 M(5·to) HP W TK R PO(~.IO) CM(5·10) MCW(5.IO) NCS(S·JO) SP(5.10) RS(S-IO) (00699000) C(5.10) o SS· PH(5-IO) CP(5·10) I'HC(S-IO) OCS(5.10) ST(5·10) NW(IO+)

Basntpur Mihk 40 P M(S·IO) H(S-IO) HPTWW ACS(5·IO) CY(S·IO) BS(5.10) SO 36.0 223 PO(S·IO) CM(5-IO) (00699100) C(5.IO) MCW(S.IO) TKSS- NCS(S·IO) SP(5·10) RS(5-IO) PH(S-IO) CP(S.IO) PHC(S·IO) OCS(S·IO) ST(5-IO) NW(10+)

Basatpur Marua 298 P(S-IO) H(5-IO) HPWTK ACS(5-10) CY(S·lO) BS(5·10) SI 163,0 1,517 1'0(5·10) CM(S-IO) Toli (00699200) M(5-JO) MCW(5-10) SS- NCS(5-JO) SP(S-IO) RS(S-JO) PH(S-IO) CP(5·10) C(5.10) PHC(S-IO) OCS(5·10) ST(S-IO) NW(IO+)

260 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (Le. area under different types of land lise in hectare)

]: e- O) u " 0) ~ §" ~ '6 g,n .~ o'IJ

B ~0) ~ i:0. .c: B ;:l &' " tl V> 0. e'" V> 0.. ~ ~ <- ~ j Z 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

TW(12.1) ~~ MR Kishanganj (5) EA NM 0(29.1) 20.0 20.6 6.7 Choml.ra 41 1'(41.3)

------Unmhabited ------1.2 13 U.5 Pirani 42

TW(32.4) FP KishanganJ (8) 24.7 5.2 1.6 Singhi. 43 1'(32.4)

TW(6.2) ------Uninhabited ------9.2 BelwaMilik 44 T(6.2)

TW(30.4) MR FP Ktshanganj (9) 199.5 80.9 Belwa 45 1'(30.4)

MR FP Kishanganj (10) W(61)T(6.1) 47.3 189.7 91. 7 Gobindpur 46

MRFP TW(114.8) NR Kishanganj (10) 20.0 41.3 40.0 Lakhimara 47 1'014.8)

MRFP TW(lS.4) NR Kishanganj (10) 18.3 9.4 4.1 Nonia 48 T(18A)

TW(54.2) 28 4 Basatpur MR FP Kishanganj( I 0) 11.1 41.5 49 1'(54.2) . PhuJ'sadangi

MRFP TW(3.7) NW Kishanganj (10) 14.5 13.8 3.6 Basatpur Mtlik 50 1'(3.7)

TW(14.0) Basatpur Marua 51 MR FP Kishanganj (10) 87.2 39.8 22 5 1'(14.0) . Toli

261 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (.) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz.< 5 kms., 5·10 kms. and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given d)' ~ I!J '0 t! 0 "0 := e ,9" 0 .c:" 'g! .3 t~ iii <=-" u'" C!- o. '3 J1 8. ~ ~ 0. (J g 0 "0 " "§ (/)"'- ..J 0 '" '2" ? '~ en ~ ~ ~ '0 0 o'iJ ';; C!- .c: "tJ u ~~5" ._ lii "0 ~ :~ u 0 ~ ~~ " ~ ~ .c: ~ ,_..g ,g'0 ,§ d' ~ g" -5'" .~ 0. " g ..c: t;j " " '" 'ii3;>::s 1ij .9 .0" .;; ~ '3 ....'" 'ii3 :i' ] "8 ,<:;:: ,>! 11 § ._ 0- 0 l:! ,,"0 §""~ 0 0 gp ~ ._ ~ OJ" " <.l ~ ..r e '" e B 'i9 ;;JE .5 E'" '~

Kirdah Samda P M«5) H(5-10) ACS«5) CY(5-IO) BS(5-10) 52 325,0 1,776 322 TWWSS- PO(S-IO) CM(5-IO) (00699300) C(5-IO) MCW(5-1O) NCS(S-IO) SP(5-10) RS(5-1O) PH(5-IO) CP« 5) PHC(5-10) OCS(5-10) ST(5-10) NW(IO+)

Mehengnon Milik H(IO+) AC8(IO+) CY(IO+) B8(10+) 53 no 311 51 P« 5) M« 5) TWSS- PO(S-IO) CM(IO+) (00699400) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) R8(10+) C(S-IO) PH(IO+) CP(5-IO) PHC(IO+) OC8(10+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

Mehangaon H(5-10) ACS(S-IO) CY(5-10) BS(5-10) 54 238,0 3,280 643 P MC(5-10) TWWS8- PO(S-IO) CM(5-10) (00699500) MCW(5-IO) NCS(S-IO) SP(S·IO) RS(5-10) PH(5-10) CP(5-IO) PHC(5·10) OCS(S-IO) ST(S-IO) NW(IO+)

Basnntpur H(5-10) ACS(5-10) CY(S-IO) BS(5-10) S5 49.0 263 51 P« 5} M« 5) TWSS- PO(S-IO) CM(S·IO) (00699600) MCW(5-IO) NCS(5-1O) SP(S-lO) R8(S-10) C(5-10) PH(5-10) CP«S) PHC(5-IO) OCS(5-1O) ST(5-10) NW(10+)

Phulwari PM«S) H(S·IO) ACS(5-10) CY(5-IO) BS(5-10) S6 1260 630 TWS8- PO(S-IO) CM(5-10) (00699700) 104 C(5-10) MCW(5-10) NCS(S-IO) SP(5-1O) RS(5-IO) PH(5-IO) CP(5-10) PHC(S-IO) OCS(S-IO) ST(S-IO) NW(lO+) Katahalia Bhag 57 SO.O -""""_.- Uninhabited """""""""""" (00699800)

Katahalia H(5-IO) ACS«S) CY(S-IO) B8(5-1O) 58 93.0 1,042 212 P« 5) M«5) TWWSS- PO«S) CM(5-10) (00699900) MCW(5-10) NCS(5-10) SP(5-IO) RS(S·IO) C(5-10) PH(5-1O) CP(5-10) PHC(5-1O) OCS(S-IO) ST(5-1O) NW(IO+)

Purla Bari P OM«5) H(5-10) ACS«5) CY(5-10) BS(5-10) 59 195.0 1,892 327 TWWSS- PO«5) CM(5-10) (00700000) C(S.IO) MCW(S.IO) NCS(5-10) SP(5-10) RS(5-10) PH(S-IO) CP(S-IO) PHC(5-10) OCS(5-IO) STCS-IO) NW(IO+)

Daula PM«5) H(IO+) ACSNCS CY(10+) 8S(l0+) 60 294.0 1,822 378 TWWSS- PO«5) CM(IO+) (00700100) C(10+) MCW(IO+) OC8(10+) SP(IO+) RS(10+) PH(IO+) CP(10+) PHC(IO'r) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

ACS PM«S) H(IO+) CY(S-IO) BS(10+) 61 Bulia (00700200) 289,0 1,510 311 TWWSS- PO«5) CM(5-10) NC8(10+) C(5-IO) MCW(IO+) SP(S-IO) RS(IO+) PH(S-IO) CP(5-IO) OCS(10+) PHC(JO+) ST(S-IO) NW(IO+)

ACS Majhok PM«5) H(IO+) HPTWW CY(IO+) BS(10+) 62 270,0 587 126 PO«S) CM(IO+) NCS(JO+) (00700300) C(10+) MCW(JO+) SS- SP(IO+) RS(JO+) PH(IO+} CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) PHC(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

262 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land lise (Le. area under ditferent types of land usc in hectare)

t: E .9 <;; "'" tlJl 6 .e t:: ·15 .." -a :; u'" 0 ::> u ~ 6 U ... ~ 6 c:~ <2 0 ~ ., " '6 (j i:! - '" g " ::0'" g, .;; ~ i 0 '" .5! '- 2;' §"C :;.., ~ ~ 'il :§ !I) B § ~ t: OJ '" :::.", .;; .0 o e. ... 5 E .J:l S g." Aua :0 8 ::> g t;; f §~ "tl.., '0 """0 c::

TW(37.0) MR FP Kishnnganj (6) 276.0 1.8 10.2 Kirdah Samdu 52 T(37.0)

TW(10.2) I 2 Mehengaon PRMR Kishanganj (15) 61.5 4.5 53 r(10.2) . Mthk

TW(40.2) PR MR Kishanganj (20) 180.5 6.0 11 2 Mehangaol1 54 T(40.2)

TW(20.3) PRMR KishanganJ (10) 20.1 81 Basantpur 55 T(20.3)

W(3.3) MR Kishanganj (10) TW(O.2) 89,4 8.7 24.7 Phulwari 56 T(3.5)

TW(S.6) _••• -.-- Uninhabited ._.-.-._-•• - 26.0 6.3 S.C) Katahalia Bhag 57 T(8.6)

PRMR TW(l6.0) Kishanganj (9) 48.2 12.4 16.5 Katahaha 58 FP T(l6.0)

PRMR TW(340) FP Kishanganj (7) 101.9 24.7 34.9 Purla Sari 59 1'(34.0)

PRMR TW(51.l) Kishnngnnj (10) 153.3 37.3 52.6 Daula 60 FP T(51.l)

TW(49,6) MR FP KishangarU (10) 154,7 34.0 51.0 Balia 61 T(49.6)

TW(46.4) MR FP Kishanganj (14) 143.8 31.9 47.S Majhok 62 T(46.4)

263 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (.) is shown in the column and next to it III brackets the distance ill broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the Vi' nearest place where the facilitv is available is given iil c "0 "0 ~ \1)1 '" Ul 0 I U" iii ,~ U ] i'§t! 0 c ~ 0 .~ El 1::"" .~ :,::, U .g. ~ g_ e!- ;:; '" iii' <.> CJ «lIZ) Vl ~ 0 ~ 0 "0 §- .....l 0 '" 'Ii" .!ii, '" !:j-"s ~ OJ ~ (5 ,:::ro::l o .c 10 "'"g- 0'" '" ._ .r> ~ 'E ;:; E .~ «l>1l u ~ :s; :l 0 ." ""' § OD & ~ ::l"O '§ ~ '" 0 ... < e til ::l '" ~ !I)._ E ~ ro u .~ ~ ]l ] S ::l :a c tf S .... u.5 ] S :$ 'fa c: 0 o fa " C\ 0.. U..o <0::'0"""'" 8] til ~ ~ ~ Z ""~ ::E P:l8C1l I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

Lalbari P AC M(5-10) H« 5) ACS(IO+) CV« 5) BS« 5) 63 131.0 795 160 TW W R SS POe < 5) CM(IO+) (00700400) C(IO r) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(IOe) RS«5) PH«5) CP(IO+) PHC(10+) OCS(IO+) ST(lO ,.) NW(10+)

Janamjai P OM«5) H« 5) ACS«5) CV«5) 8S« 5) 64 104.0 605 102 TWWRSS PO«5) CM(lO+) (00700500) C(IO+) MCW(10+) NCS«5) SP(lO+) RS« 5) PH«5) CP(lO+) PHC(lO+) OCS(1O+) ST(IO+) NW(1O r)

Bmaro P M«5) H«5) ACS(IO+) CV«5) 88«5) 65 146.0 1,362 269 TW W R SS PO« 5) CM(IO+} (00700600) C(lOr) MCW(JO+) NCS(lOr) SP(IO+) RS« 5) PH«5) CP(IO+) PHC(IO+) OCS(1O+) ST(lO+) NW(IO+)

PHS ACS Bnbhantola PM«5) H« 5) CV«5) 8S«5) 66 113.0 1,355 256 TWWSS- PO«5) CM(10+) NCS(IO+) (00700700) C(lO+) MCW(IO+) SP(lO+) RS« 5) PH«5) CP(IO+) OCS(IO+) PHC(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(10+)

Barchuna 67 52.0 ------Uninhabited ------.--- (00700800)

Mahammadpllf MOP«S) H(S-IO) ACS« 5) CV(S-IO) BS« S) 68 325.0 3,177 585 TW W R 88 PH POtS. CM(lO+) I3hagal (00700900) C(lO+ ) MCW(lO+) 10) NCS(IO+) SP(IO+) RS(5·1O) CP(lO+} PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO,) NW(IO+)

KaparpDrbandhn H(s-IO) ACS(IO+) CV(s·IO} B8« 5) 69 108.0 104 17 P«S)M«5) TWRSS- POts-tO) eM(IO+) (00701000) MCW(IO+) NCS(IO+) SP(lO+) RS(5-10) C(10+) PH«S) CP(IOt) PHC(IO+) OCS(IO+) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

FWC Pichhla H(5-!O) PHPO(5· ACS(S·tO) CV(ID+) BS(5·10) 70 412.0 4,367 875 P M C(IO+) TWWSS· CM(lO+) (00701100) MCW(10+) 10) NCS(5·10) SP(IO+) RS(5·10) CP(IO+) PHC(10+) OCS(S·lO) ST(IO+) NW(lO+) Jia Gachhi 71 38.0 ------Uninhabited .------.-.-. (00701200)

AC(4) 0 l3astadangi P(5·10) H(5.1O) ACS(5-IO) CV(5·10) BS(5.10) 72 150.0 1,930 403 TWRSS- PO(S-IO) CM(lO+) (00701300) M(S-IO) MCW(IO+) NCS(S·IO) SP(IO+) RS(S.IO) PH(5-1O) CP(IO+) C(IO+) PHC(IO+) oeS(S-IO) ST(IO+) NW(IO+)

264 VILLAGE DIRECTORY VillaJle Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types of land lise ill hectare)

8' 0'" ". .~ E- 0/) .2: ~ ~'" -'§ u 0 :l U §" , ~ bb 'OJ j ... 0, ~ :::-0 .;;: .0'" B ~ - 0. 0. € ~ § e: .0 B :l o.t ~ ...... al t. E ;3 u "OJ) -< ~ en 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1

TW(161) MR FP Kishanganj( 16) 339 30.2 50.5 Lalbari 63 T(16.1)

TW(120) MR FP Kishnngnnj( 15) 19.1 26.0 46.8 Janamjni 64 T(t2.0)

TW(1S.0) MR FP Kishanganj( t 6) 160 24.9 87.6 Bararo 65 T(18.0)

TW(300) MRFP Kishanganj (18) 34.0 10.0 389 Bnbhantola 66 T(30.0)

TW(14.0) ----.-.- Uninhabited --.-.-----.- 26.9 10.9 Barchuna 67 T(14.0)

PRMR TW(90.0) Kisilanganj (20) 15.2 101).6 110.6 Mahammadpur 68 FP T(90.0) Bhagal

TW(69) MR FP Kishanganj(21) 0.7 100.9 Kaparporbandha 69 T(6.9)

TW(130.0) MRFP Kishanganj (11) 173.0 52.8 56.2 Pichhla 70 T(130.0)

TW(14.6) 23.1 Jin Gachhi 71 ----.--- Uninhabi ted --'-'-'---" T(14.6)

TW(IS.2) MRFP Kishanganj (10) 84.4 14.0 36.1 Bastadangi 72 T(15.2)

265 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ Census of India 2001 - Amenities and AmenIties available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to It in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz. < 5 kms., 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms of the :g nearest place where the facilitv is available is !!iven '" u"

2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

PHS(4) W(46) 1'(39) M(9) FWC(2) Tl«II) ACS(lt) 1'0(5) BS(6) BlockTotal 15087.0 100119 19271 S(2) C TI' NH(4) np(18) CP NeS PH(56) NW(4) AC(9) 0(16) RMP(14) TW(52) OCS(2) CHW(6) R(14) L

266 VILLAGE DIRECTORY Village Directory Land Use (As on 1999) Land use (i.e. area under different types ofland use in hectare)

.0 '6 o S E o u

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2

GC(642.63) W(9.35) PR(28) ED(11 TW(2052.86) MR(63) ) 48 7 crWE{33.9) FP(57) EAG N(3) 6449.0 1584.5 3431.7 • R(407.26) NR.(5) EO(2) M(3) L(335.86) NW(4) EA(2) 0(95.16) T(3577.02)


APPENDIX 1- VILLAGE DIRECTORY ABSTRACT OF EDUCATIONAL, MEDICALAND OTHER AMENITIES IN VILLAGES - CD. BLOCK LEVEL Educational Institutions Total Matriculation / secondary number of Total Primary school Middle school school Serial Name of inhabited population of number C.D.block villages C.D.block Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Institutions 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I Terhagachh 77 107,036 46 49 13 13 4 4 2 Dighalbank 81 152,685 59 77 10 10 2 3 3 Thakul'ganj 118 206,769 69 91 13 I3 3 3 4 Pothia 142 196,293 77 89 25 25 5 5 5 Bahadurganj 103 177.818 64 88 9 10 6 Kochadhamin 142 226,620 90 102 12 12 4 5 7 Kishanganj 67 lOO,I19 37 39 9 9 2 2

District(Rurai): 730 1,167,340 442 535 91 92 21 23

Educational Institutions (eontd) Higher Secondary / PUC Intermediate / Junior College(graduate and Adult Litracy No Serial Name of college above) classes/cetltre Others educational number C.D.block Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Institutions· facilities 2 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Terhagachh I 0 0 2 2 2 2 28 2 Dighalbank 0 0 0 0 2 2 15 20 21 3 Thakurganj 0 0 I 22 35 34 50 39 4 Pothia I 0 0 6 6 6 6 60 5 Bahadurganj 0 0 I 5 7 53 73 26 6 Kochadhamin 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 23 49 7 Kishanganj 0 0 6 9 16 17 19

District(Rural): 2 2 3 3 43 6] 142 121 242

Medical Institutions Primary Health Centre / Health Primary Health Serial Name of Hospital Dispensary Centre Sub-centre number C.D.block Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Institutions 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Terhagachh 3 8 3 4 6 6 2 Dighalbank 0 O. 3 3 9 9 3 Thakurganj 1 4 4 5 5 4 Pothia 3 3 0 0 2 2 1 I 5 Bahadurganj 4 4 2 4 I I 6 6 6 Kochadhamin 0 0 0 0 4 4 8 8 7 Kishanganj 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4


Medical Institutions Maternity and Child Welfare centre / Maternity Home / Child Community Health Serial Name of Welfare Centre Family Welfare Centre Workers Others number C.O.block Villages Institutions Viflages Institutions Villages Institutions Villages Institutions 2 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1 Terhagachh 3 3 2 2 8 10 11 27 2 Dighalbank o 0 I 10 12 7 12 3 Thakurganj 5 11 10 16 2 3 8 19 4 Pothia 1 o o 14 15 6 9 5 Bahadurganj 2 2 o o o 0 o 0 6 Kochadhamin o 0 o o o 0 o 0 7 Kishanganj o 0 2 2 3 6 II 18

District(Rural): 11 17 IS 21 37 46 43 85

Medical institutions (Contd) Drinking water Source Serial Name of No medical More than No drinking number C.D.Block facilities Tap Well Tank Tubewell River Fountain Canal Others one source water facilities 2 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Terhagachh 56 o 63 3 31 4 52 60 o 2 Oighalbank 66 o 81 o o o o 80 80 o 3 Thakurganj 91 J 110 I 62 4 o o 92 113 o 4 Pothia 121 o l38 o 6 6 o o 140 137 o 5 Bahadurganj 91 2 100 9 19 16 o o 84 102 o 6 Kochadhamin 132 o 141 o 2 2 o o 135 135 o 7 Kishanganj 53 o 46 II 52 14 o o 18 51 o

Distrirt(RlIral)' 61 0 5 679 25 172 46 601 678 o

Post, Telegraph & Telephone Transport communications Post Post & Telegraph telegraph Serial Name of Post Telegraph telegraph Post o1lice office & oft1ce & Bus Railway Navigable number C.O.block office office office & phone phone phone phone service station waterway 2 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Terhagachh 11 0 0 5 0 o 8 o a 2 Oighalbank 9 0 0 1 0 o 8 a 3 Thakurganj 18 0 0 5 0 o 9 10 2 a 4 Pothia 14 0 0 2 0 o 4 12 5 5 Bahadurganj 15 0 0 10 0 o 21 3 0 6 Kochadhamin 14 o o 1 o o 3 o 0 o 7 Kishanganj 5 o o 4 o o 19 6 0 4

District(Rural): 86 o o 28 o o 65 39 7 8 269 ______D:ISTRICTCENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ


Banks Power supply Credit societies Number of commercial and Number of Number of Serial Name of co-operative Not agricultural non-agricultural number C,D,block Villages banks Available available Villages credit societies Villages credit societies 2 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Terhagachh 3 5 2 75 7 7 0 0 2 Dighalbank 7 7 30 51 9 9 0 0 3 Thakurganj 7 7 24 94 29 29 0 0 4 Pothia 16 16 15 127 4 4. 5 5 5 BahadurgaJ1i 3 3 18 85 15 15 0 0 6 Kochadhamin 6 7 12 130 22 22 0 0 7 Kishanganj 1 15 52 11 II

District(Rural): 43 46 116 614 97 97 6 6

Credit societies (contd) Recreational facility Newspaper { Magazine Stadium { Number of Auditorium { Serial Name of other credit Cinema / Community News paper number C,D,block Villages societies Video hall Sports club hall News paper Magazine & Magazine 2 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 I Terhagachh 0 0 0 2 I 2 Dighalbank 0 0 3 0 0 6 5 5 3 Thakurgat,j 0 0 2 I 0 9 8 6 4 Pothia I 3 0 0 0 0 5 Bahadurganj 0 0 2 0 0 4 3 3 6 Kochadhamill 0 0 I 0 0 5 3 3 7 Kishanganj 2 2 0 0 0 3 3 3

District(RuraQ: 4 4 9 4 0 29 23 21

APPENDIX I A- VILLAGE DIRECTORY VILLAGES BY NUMBER OF PRIMARY SCHOOLS Total number of Serial inhabited Number of primary school Number Name of C,D, block villages None One Two Three Four + 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Terhagachh 77 31 44 1 0 2 Dighalbank 81 22 46 II I I 3 Thakurganj 118 49 57 7 2 3 4 Pothia 142 65 67 8 2 0 5 Bahadurganj 103 39 47 1I 5 I 6 Kochadhamin 142 52 81 6 3 0 7 Kishanganj 67 30 35 2 0 0

District Total: 730 288 377 46 14 5 270 VILLAGE DIRECTORY APPENDIX I B - VILLAGE DIRECTORY

VILLAGE BY PRIMARY~ MIDDLE AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS Type of educational insttutions available Total number of At least one primary At least one primary At least one middle Serial inhabited school and no middle school and one middle school and one Number Name ofC.D. block villa!!;es No School school school secondar~ school 2 3 4 5 6 7 I Terhagachh 77 28 36 10 4 2 Dighalbank 81 22 49 10 2 3 Thakurganj 118 47 58 II I 4 Pothia 142 61 56 21 4 5 Bahadurganj 103 39 55 9 I 6 Kochadhamin 142 52 78 12 4 7 Kishanganj 67 27 30 7

Total: 730 276 362 80 17

APPENDIX I C - VILLAGE DIRECTORY VILLAGES WITH DIFFERENT SOURCES OF DRINKING WATER FACLlTIESAVAILABLE Number of villages with diilerent sources of drinking water More than one source Serial Only tube only from tap, well, Number Name of C.D. Block Only tap Only well well Only handpump tube well, handpump 2 3 4 5 6 7 Terhagachh 0 3 5 9 60 2 Dighalbank 0 0 0 80 3 Thakurganj 0 0 4 112 4 Pothia 0 0 4 137 5 Bahadurganj 0 0 0 99 6 Kochadhamin 0 6 0 1 135 7 Kishanganj 0 11 4 44

District Total: 0 13 16 23 667 271 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ

APPENDIX II -VILLAGE DIRECTORY VILLAGES WITH 5,000 AND ABOVE POPULATIONWmCH DO NOT HAVE ONE OR MORE AMENITIES Amenities not available Senior Primary Location Second- Health Tap Approach Commer- Serial code Name of ary Sub drinking Bus by Pucca cial Number Name of village number C.D. block Population School College Centre water facility road Bank 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 Matiari 00627000 Tcrhagaehh 6,044 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 2 Sat Kallwa 00633700 Dighalbank 5,350 N.A. N.A. Available N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 3 Dahibhat 00634400 Dighalbank 6,249 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 4 Mangra 00634500 Dighalbank 5,046 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Available Available N.A. 5 Tulshia 00635200 Dighalbank 7,972 N.A. N.A. Available N.A. Available Available Available 6 Lachhmipur 00635900 Dighalbank 7,734 N.A. N.A. Available N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 7 Padampur 00636800 Dighalbank 6,447 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 8 Padampur 00636900 Dighalbank 6,463 N.A. N.A. Available N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 9 Dighal Bank 00637700 Dighalbank 5,335 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Available Available Available 10 Dhanola 00638300 Dighalbank 6,665 N.A. N.A. Available N.A. N.A. Available Available II Bhatgaon 00640500 Thakurganj 10,193 N.A. N.A. Available N.A. Available Available Available 12 Nazagachh 00641700 Thakurganj 7,402 N.A. N.A. Available N.A. Available Available N.A. 13 Churli 0064 I 900 Thakurganj 8,205 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Available N.A. 14 Dalligaon 00644700 Thakurganj 7,469 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 15 Bhog Dabar 00645100 Thakurganj 7,056 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Available N.A. Available 16 Jirangachh 00645800 Thakurganj 10,208 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 17 Barchallndi 00647200 Thakurganj 5,588 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Available N.A. 18 PawaKhali 00651100 Thakurganj 6,257 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Available Available 19 Burhnai 00655800 Pothia 6,822 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Available N.A. N.A. 20 Koltha 00663600 Pothia 5,863 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 21 Jahungirpur 00666700 Pothia 6,532 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Available 22 Sitalpur 00667300 Pothia 9,044 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 23 Altabari 00669500 8alladurganj 5,434 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 24 Gangi 00670200 8alladurganj 6,278 N.A. N.A. Available N.A. N.A. Available N.A. 25 DohaI' 00674600 8ahadurganj 5,610 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Available N.A. 26 Palasmani 00674800 8ai1adurganj 6,114 N.A. Available N.A. N.A. N.A. Available N.A. 27 Bhatabari 00675100 8ai1adurganj 6,126 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 28 Bhaurdah 00675500 Bahadurganj 8,159 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 29 Bangaon 00675800 Bahadurganj 6,947 N.A. N.A. Available N.A. Available Available N.A. 30 Bishunpur 00684400 Kochadhamin 5,4 15 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Available Available 31 Haldikhora 00685100 Kochadhamin 6,133 N.A. N.A. Available N.A. N.A. Available N.A. 32 Santha 00688900 Kochadhamin 8,271 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Available Available 33 Boaldah 00690400 Koehadhamin 6,257 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 34 Najarpur 00690900 Kochadhamin 5,629 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Available N.A. 35 Bhagal 00692600 Kochadhamin 5,342 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 36 Halamala 00694200 Kishanganj 5,046 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Available N.A. 37 Singhia 00695600 Kishanganj 7,500 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 38 Chakla 00696900 Kishanganj 5,710 N.A. N.A. Available N.A. N.A. Available N.A.



Amenities not available Senior Primary Location Second- Health Tap Approach Commer- Serial Name of code Name of ary Sub drinking Bus by Pucca cial Number census town 11 umber CD. block Population School College Centre water t:1cility road Bank 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 There is no Census Town in Kishangan.1 district.

APPENDIX m- VILLAGE DIRECTORY LAND UTILISATION DATA IN RESPECT OF CENSUS TOWNS / NON MUNICIPAL TOWNS ------_._------Name of Censlis Land lise ( i.e., area under dilTerent types of land lise in hectare) Serial town and C.D. block Irrigated by Culturable waste (including Area not available number within brackets Total area Forest source Un irrigated gauchar & groves) for cultivation 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 There is no Census Town / non-municipal town in Kishanganj district

APPENDIX IV - VILLAGE DIRECTORY C. D. BLOCK WISE LIST OF INHABITED VILLAGES WHERE NO AMENITY OTHER THAN DRINKING WATER FACILITY IS AVAILABLE Serial number Location code number Name of village 2 3 Neme of CD Block: Terhllgachh I 00624400 Dhokarjhari 2 00625100 Phulbari Nankar 3 00625300 Phulbari 4 00626100 Kanchanbari Istamrar 5 00626200 Sharma Toli 6 00627400 Khan'a 7 00627500 Panchgachhi 8 00628000 Bhag Knjleta 9 00628300 Kamdti Nankar 10 00628400 Lodhabari II 00628600 Pokharia 12 00628700 Asha 13 00628800 Rampur 14 00629500 Hawakol Khurd 15 00629600 Kh'1iuribari 16 00629900 Betbari 17 00630400 Suhia Gopalnagar 18 00631600 Bansbari 19 00631700 .Phulbari 20 00631800 Bhardhari 21 00632100 Nania 273 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ

APPENDIX IV - VILLAGE DIRECTORY C. D. BLOCK WISE LIST OF INHABITED VILLAGES WHERE NO AMENITY OTHER THAN DRINKING WATER FACILITY IS AVAILABLE Serial number Location code numher Name of village 2 3 Name of CD Block: Dighalbnnk 22 00632900 Paisa Milik 23 0063300() Baijnath Paisa 24 00633500 Kas( Karam Ali 25 00634600 Kachunala Milik 26 00634800 Kachunala Milik 27 00635600 Dargah Aliganj 28 00635100 Aliganj 29 00636200 Banwaria 30 00637500 Teli Bhita 31 00638000 Maltoli 32 00639100 Oighibari 33 00639300 Chhota Garumara 34 00639400 Maldangi 35 00640000 fkra Milik 36 00640100 Ikra Milik 37 00640300 Tapu Name of CD Block: Thakurganj 38 00640800 Modati 39 00641100 Chak Chaki 40 00641200 Akhra 41 00641300 Dhakpara 42 00641400 Kllkur Baghi Milik 43 00641500 Latkllkul' Baghi 44 00642500 I-llllhllii Milik AJ'azi 45 00642600 Hlllhllli Milik Arazi 46 00642900 Hulhuli Milik Arazi 47 00643000 Hulhuli Milik Arazi 48 00643800 Khama 49 00644400 Dudhrnanjar 50 00645200 Chhaital 51 00645700 Harin Oubal 52 00646000 Satbaulia 53 00646300 Hasanpur 54 00646400 Kachhudah 55 00647400 Barchaundi 56 00647900 Barah Pathia 57 00648700 Malljidinga 58 00649500 Jiapokhal' 59 00649700 BandaI' JhuJa 60 00649900 Singhimari 61 00650100 BandaI' .IhllJa 62 00650200 BandaI' Jhula 63 00650300 BandaI' JhuJa 64 00650500 R~jagaon 65 00653200 Bhallirnari 66 OQ65~3QQ Bhaulmari 274 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

APPENDIX IV - VILLAGE DIRECTORY C. D. BLOCK WISE LIST OF INHABITED VILLAGES WHERE NO AMENITY OTHER THAN DRINKING WATER FACILITY IS AVAILABLE Serial number Location code number Name of village 2 3 Name of CD Block: Pothia 67 00654000 Theikalbari 68 00654100 Tarni 69 00654300 Dubanochi 70 00655100 Barapokhar 71 00655300 Darigaon 72 00655500 SatbauJia 73 00655700 Debiganj 74 00656200 Jalalpur 75 00656400 Birpur 76 00656600 Musaldenga 77 00656700 Pakamolna 78 00656800 Pakamolna 79 00657200 Jagir Gachh 80 00657500 Phulhara Millk 81 00657600 Jogihara 82 00657800 Gendaloti 83 00657900 Phulhera Gachh 84 00658200 Jogi Gachh 85 00658300 Nimalagaon 86 00658400 Nimalagaon Milik 87 00658800 Pakamolna 88 00659600 Pokhal'ia 89 00659700 Bagrani 90 00660300 Bhatkhunda 91 00660400 Bhatkhunda 92 00660500 Banasi 93 00660600 Panasi 94 00661100 Charkhakati 95 00661400 Dhantola 96 00661500 Halda 97 00662800 Chhamtia 98 00663100 Choragaddi 99 00663300 Naunaddi 100 00664000 Nandakuri 101 00664100 Singhiamari 102 00664300 Pharabari 103 00664400 Mahogarh 104 00664600 Kharkhari 105 00664700 Arrabari 106 00665200 Bolasan 107 00665700 Chhagalia 108 00666000 Parlabari Milik 109 00667600 Gobinda 275 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ

APPENDIX IV - VILLAGE DIRECTORY C. D. BLOCK WISE LIST OF INHABITED VILLAGES WHERE NO AMENITY OTHER THAN DRINKING WATER FACILITY IS AVAILABLE Serial number Location code number Name of village 2 3 Name of CD Block: Bahadllrganj 110 00668800 Kharsel III 00669300 Dala 112 00669900 Lohia Kandar 113 00670400 Damdama 114 00670600 Bl'ahmotar Gachh 115 00670700 Pipra Gachh 116 00670800 Tulshia 117 00671400 Muktaram Deori 118 00671600 Babhantola Laucha 119 00671800 Chhota Laucha 120 00671900 Lahsora 121 00673500 Tangtangia 122 00673900 Haribhasa 123 00674300 Tangtangia 124 00676100 Kharij Kumhia 125 00676400 Dulali 126 00677300 Koimari 127 00677700 Bhadesar 128 00677800 Mohan Singh Gachh 129 00678300 Gopalplll' Bairgachhi 130 00678400 Goabari 131 00678900 Rampur Name of CD Block: Kochadhamin 132 00679200 Altabari 133 00679300 Gangikhurd 134 00679600 Hatgachhi 135 00679800 Patkoi Khurd 136 00679900 Potkoi Milik 137 00680200 Birwachurakutti 138 00680800 Moharmari Khllrd 139 00681200 Lodhnakhargi 140 00681500 Parhalpur Milik 141 00682000 Masidgarh Mohiuddinpur 142 00682300 Bastakolha 143 00682500 Mujabari 144 00682800 Daua 145 00683100 Bastakolaha 146 00683200 Balubari 147 00684300 Bhag Baisa 148 00684800 Titiha 149 00684900 Kolaha 150 00685400 Pokharia 151 00685800 Bishun UI' 276 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

APPENDIX IV - VILLAGE DIRECTORY C. D. BLOCK WISE LIST OF INHABITED VILLAGES WHERE NO AMENITY OTHER THAN DRINKING WATER FACILITY IS AVAILABLE Serial number Location code number Name of village 2 3 Name of CD Block: Bahadurganj 152 00685900 Sehangaon 153 00686100 Kabaia 154 00686300 Surang 155 00686500 Jadhail 156 00687000 Molingaon 157 00687300 Makraha 158 00687600 Nagri 159 00687800 Rohania 160 00687900 Natuapara 161 00688100 Bhebhal 162 00688300 Al'ugaon 163 00688500 Bhaunra 164 00688800 Bhagpunash 165 00689300 Barijan Durgapur 166 00690600 Kajlamari 167 00691400 Koitor 168 00692100 Sukalrani 169 00692400 Hatgachhi 170 00692800 Shahpur Istamrar 171 00692900 Dalia 172 00693000 Jhum 173 00693500 Dhanusna Name of CD Block: Kishanganj 174 00695400 Meda 175 00695800 Telia Pokhar 176 00695900 Piakunri 177 00696800 Topamari 178 00697600 Thauapara 179 00697700 Jharbari 180 00697900 Thaunapara 181 00698400 Singhia 182 00698700 Gobindpur 183 00698800 Lakhimara 184 00699200 Basatpur Marua Toli 185 00699400 Mehengaon Milik 186 00699600 Basantpur 187 00699900 Katahalia 188 00701000 Kaparporbandha


APPENDIX V - VILLAGE DIRECTORY SUMMARY SHOWING NUMBER OF VILLAGES NOT HAVING SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION Number of inhabited villages having no Serial Uninhabited Scheduled Castes Number Name of C.D. block Total villages villages Inhabited villages population 2 3 4 5 6 Terhagachh 81 4 77 14 2 Dighalbank 81 0 81 22 3 Thakurganj 133 [5 118 47 4 Pothia 149 7 142 61 5 Bahadurganj 105 2 103 24 6 Kochadhamill 150 8 142 35 7 Kishanganj 72 5 67 23

District Total: 771 41 730 226

APPENDIX VI-VILLAGE DIRECTORY SUMMARY SHOWING NUMBER OF VILLAGES NOT HAVING SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION Number of inhabited villages having no Serial Uninhabited Scheduled Tribes Number Name of C.D. block Total villages villages Inhabited villages population 2 3 4 5 6 ------Terhagachh 81 4 77 49 2 Dighalbank 81 0 81 33 3 Thakurganj 133 15 118 55 4 Pothia 149 7 142 76 5 Bahadurganj 105 2 103 55 6 Kochadhamin ISO 8 142 120 7 Kishanganj 72 5 67 34

District Total: 771 41 730 422 278 VILLAGE DIRECTORY APPENDIX VIIA- VILLAGE DIRECTORY LIST OF VILLAGES ACCORDING TO THE PROPORTION OF THE SCHEDULED CASTES TOTHE TOTAL POPULATION BY RANGES Range of Scheduled Castes population (percentages) Location code number Name of village I 2 3 Nome of CD Block: Tel'hagachh Less than 5 00631400 Mianpur 00626200 Sharma Toli 00629100 Jhala 00628400 Lodl1abari 00625700 Hatgaon 00628600 Pokharia 00627700 .Ihllnki Mllsahara 00625000 Dahibhat 00632000 Dak Pokhar 00628500 Doria 00624700 Hatgaon 00631500 Mianpur 00628800 Rampur 00626900 Pipra 00632200 Baluadandgi 00628700 Asha 00626400 Bhagjhunki 00629400 Gamharia 5-10 00626300 Pharhabari Milik 00627000 Matiari 00629700 Kuari 00627400 Kharra 00630500 Rahmatpuf 00627300 Kharra Belbari 00627600 Pharhabari 00624800 Phllibari 00627900 Kadleta 00625900 Bail-ia 00631200 Mahlla ll-20 00625800 Khunia Toli 00629900 Betbari 00626700 Kalpir 00626000 Chichora 00627200 Benugarh 00626800 Bhelagurhi 00629000 Dhabaili 00630600 Suhia 00625500 Khaniabad 00629300 BaluaJagir 279 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ

APPENDIX VIlA -VILLAGE DIRECTORY LIST OFVlLLAGESACCORDING TO THE PROPORTION OF THE SCHEDULED CASTES TOnIE TOTAL POPULATION BY RANGES Range of Scheduled Castes population (percentages) Location code number Name of village 2 3 00624900 Pipra 00629800 Babhangawan 00625300 Phulbari 00631800 Bhurdhari 00628000 Bhag Kajleta 00630700 GilBi 00627100 Simia 00630300 Belbarigachh 00630000 Chilhania 00631900 Simia 00628100 Hawakol 00632300 Buigna 21-30 00630400 Suhia Gopalnagal'

00629600 Kh~iuribari 00631000 Deorikhas 00629200 Chargharia 00630200 Khara Suhia 00624300 Dhorha 00625400 Tokabhansa 00626600 Bhclagurhi 31·40 00630900 Tegharia 00631100 Ghani Phulsara 41-50

00629500 Hawakol Khurd 00631700 Phulbari 51·75 Nil Nil 76 alld above Nil Nil Name of CD Block: Dighalbank Less than 5

00639600 Aigachhia 00633100 Paisa 00636800 Padampul' 00639700 Tarabari 00632900 Paisa Milik 00635400 Dahibhat Khurd 00639800 Kamati 00633300 Singhimari Milik 00635500 Mustalaganj 00636200 Banwaria 00638100 Mahamari


APPENDIX VITA - VILLAGE OffiECTORY LIST OF VILLAGES ACCORDING TO THE PROPORTION OFTHE SCHEDULED CASTES TOTHE TOTAL POPULATION BY RANGES Range of Scheduled Castes population (percentages) Location code number Name ofvilluge 2 3 00635900 Lachhmipul' 00633400 Harhibhita 00634500 Mangl'a 00640200 KlImhia 00633200 Singhimari 00633700 Sat Kauwa 00637700 DighaJ Bank 00634600 Kachllnala MiIik 00637600 MaItoU 00634400 Dahibhat 5-10 00639200 Garumara 00636900 Padampllr 00635800 Ghangra 00638800 Barbhang 00635200 Tulshia 00638700 Suribhita 00635300 Dahibhat Kalan 00636600 Klirhaili 00632700 Lohargarha 00639500 lchmari 00634900 Kachllnala 00634300 Pakamari 00633900 Dubri Khas 00632500 Lohagarha 00632400 Kanchan Bari 00636400 Patharghatti 00636700 nera ll-20 00638300 Dhanola 00637400 Bhurli Bhita 00636300 Patharghatti 00637200 Garbhanadenga 00637000 Karuamani 00637900 Dighal Bank 00634100 Boaldaha

00633600 Deogi~ja 00638000 MaltoH 00634000 Dubri 00635100 Tulshia Kash! 00638900 Talwar Bandha 00634200 Tanghan Tapu


APPENDIX VIlA, VILLAGE DIRECTORY UST OF VILLAGES ACCORDfNG TO THE PROPORTlON OFTHE SCHEDULED CASTES TomE TOTAL POPULATION BY RANGES Range of Scheduled Castes population (percentages) Locatioll code number Name of village 2 3 21-30 00637500 Teli Bhita 00636000 Kalpir Pathal' Ghatti 00633000 Baijnath Paisa 31-4U Nil Nil 00639900 Ikra Milik 41-50 00637300 Satmeri 51-75 00633800 l-Iaruadanga 0()639000 Bansbari 76 and above 00635700 Aliganj Name of CD Block: Thakllrganj Less than 5 00644900 Noniatal'i 00643100 Lahugaon Arazi 00645300 Ruidbasa 00642200 Gunjar Mari 00652000 Paikpara 00645200 Chhaital 00644100 Kania Mani OQ650800 IJumaria 00645400 Bahadurpur 00641800 Chllrli 00648300 Sabodangi 00647200 Barchaundi 00645600 Amol Ibmi 00643300 Dhak Para 00646400 Kachhudah 00642100 Kanakpur 00651700 Balka Dobha 00650900 Panchgachhi 00642000 Gothra 00644000 Patesari 00648600 Maiingaon 00645900 Dudhaunti 00652700 Chhatar Katharo 00645100 BllOg Dabar 00650000 Bhendrani 00651800 Rasia 00640700 Kucurbagbi




Range of Scheduled Castes population (percentages) Location code number Name of village 2 3 00644700 Dalligaon 00643500 Sakhuadali 00641600 Patharia 00645800 Jirangachh 00641700 Nazagachh 00642400 Hulhuli 00646200 Burhnai Bahadurpur 00651100 Pawa Khali 5-10 00651900 Chapati 00653700 Kama Mad 00640900 Kukurbaghi 00647600 Barah Pathia 00648100 Tatpowa 00651000 Pawa Khali 00646300 Hasanpur 00648400 Salgori 00650700 Tcghari 00651600 Bidhibhita 00648200 Sukhani 00644600 Dalligaon 00653000 Saraikuri 00641900 Churli 00640500 Bhatgaon 00649400 Iiapokhar 00640800 Modati 11-20 00653400 Bhaulmari 00649300 Koia 00652300 Pabna 00653300 Bhaulmari 00653600 Khaurdah 00649900 Singhimari 00644500 Dogachhi 00653100 Bhaulmari 00652800 Katharo 00640600 Besarbati 00652100 Paikpara 00644400 Dudhmanjar 00651200 Petbhari 00649000 Rajagaon 00648000 Gamhirgarh 00646900 Kharudah 00643000 Hulhuli Milik Arazi 284 VILLAGE DIRECTORY APPENDIX VIlA - VILLAGE DIRECTORY LIST OF VILLAGES ACCORDING TO THE PROPORTION OFTHE SCHEDULED CASTES TOTHE TOTAL POPULATION BY RANGES Range of Scheduled Castes population (percentages) Location code number Name of village 2 3 21-30 00642300 Giddhnikola 00652400 Khanabari 31-40 Nil Nil 41-50 Nil Nil 51-75 Nil Nil 76 and above Nil Nil Name of CD Block: Pothia Less than 5 00654800 Phala 00656800 Pakamolna 00668600 Bisani 00657100 Kalidas 00663300 Naunaddi 00664700 Arrabari 00665300 Raipur 00660200 Gangnati 00664800 Geramari 00660600 Panasi 00668500 Bagalbal'i 00656200 Jalalpllr 00657400 Kalidas Kismat 00662400 Shekhpura 00659700 Bagrani 00657900 Phlllhera Gachh 00662300 Barab Kahunia 00661200 Molnapara 00667800 Paharkatta 00658300 Nimalagaan 00663200 Sahagi 00667000 Adhikal'i 00667700 Lahagara 00661600 Udgal'a 00662000 Budhra 00658900 Saragara 00657800 Gendaloti 00667300 Sitalpur 00662500 Haldibari 00653800 Dubanochi 00664000 Nandakuri 00656600 Musaldenga 00666300 Damal Bari 00661900 Chjagaon 285 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ APPENDIX VIlA -VILLAGE DIRECTORY LIST OF VlLLAGES ACCORDING TO THE PROPORTION OFTHESCHEDULED CASTE STOTHETOTAL POPULATION BY RANGES Range of Scheduled Castes population (percentages) Location code number Name of village 2 3 00657200 Jagir Gachh 00661800 Khatia Pichhla 00666700 Jahangirpul' 00659100 Patilabhasa 00657000 Gorukhal 00667400 Kalakachu 00660100 Pamal 00655800 Burhnai 00659400 Chilhrunari 00665900 Damarbari 00660800 Thipi Jhari 00656100 Kasba Kaliagal1i 00659900 Dhangi Pokhal' 00667900 Panas! 00655500 Satbaulia 00663900 Chhatar Gachh 00661500 Halda 00655900 Taiabpur 00663600 Koltha 00658600 Kalupathaurf Koimari 00655100 Barapokhal' 00654900 Chitma 5-10

00658700 Mirzapur 00659500 Naukatta 00656500 Birpur 00654600 Bhelagachhi 00654100 Tarni 00656300 Makhun Pokhar 00663000 Saksa 00663100 Choragacldi 00659300 Puwakhali 00665500 Dhobinia 11-20

00665600 Haldagaon 00668400 Bagalbari MUik 00662600 Saithabari 00656000 Chechuabari 00654200 Andabari 00663400 Naunaddi 00664500 Lodhabari 00654400 Panighatta 00668000 Ratanpur 286 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

APPENDIX VlIA~ VILLAGE DIRECTORY LIST OF VILLAGES ACCORDING TO THE PROPORTION OFTHE SCHEDULED CASTES TOTHE TOTAL POPULATION BY RANGES Range of Scheduled Castes population (percentages) Location code number Name of village 2 3 21-30 00654500 Gelabari 00665000 Indarpur Khurd 00666200 ParIa Bari 00659600 Pokharia 00665400 Keso Jara 31-40 Nil Nil 41-50 Nil Nil 51-75 Nil Nil 76 and above 00657500 Phulhara Milik Name of CD Block: Bahadurganj Less than 5 00677600 Bhupla 00678600 Betbari 00673500 Tangtangia 00674500 Mahadeo Dighi 00677000 Korat Bangaon 00670800 Tulshia 00672400 .Thingakata 00676500 Dulali 00672300 Lallcha 00676400 Dulali 00674400 Nisndara 00675100 Bhatabarl 00668900 Dahar 00671100 Bimla 00672200 Mahesh Bathna 00678300 Gopalpllr Bairgachhi 00678000 Baradenga 00672700 Dahgaon 00670000 Belbari 00678100 Jhilj11ili 00675800 Bangaon 00674600 Dohar 00671400 Muktaram Deor! 00678200 Chorkattakurhaila 00670900 Guabari 00675000 Phlllbari 00669100 Chikabari 00676300 Singhia 00677500 Tharkachhpur 0067470Q Jhiljhili 287 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ


Range ofScheduied Castes population (percerl1ages) Location code number Name of village 2 00679100 Netui:Lpara 00669400 Dala Mohiuddinpur 00671600 Babhantola Laucha 00678500 Kurhaila 00670300 Murmala 00675900 Gurgao:! Milik 00669600 Deshiatoli 00675300 Baisa Jurail 00&79000 Sakaur 00670200 Gangi 00571000 Samesar 5-[0 00670700 Pipra Gachh 00676000 Gurgaon 00677200 Chanaur 00675400 Deotar Bimia 00672900 Baisa 00672800 Birpur 00670600 Brahmotar Gachh 00670400 Damdama 00674200 Tangtangia 00669700 Sukhad 00673600 Rupni 00672600 Jhingakata Istamrar 00678800 Siktihar 00676200 Mahammad Nagar 0067200[1 Panatgaon 00675500 Bhaurdah 00677400 Koimari 00669500 Altabari 00673900 Haribhasa 00673000 Baisagopalganj 00676800 Kathalbari ()0673700 Durgapur 1l·20 00676900 Damahanl 00674800 Pal asman i 00577900 Netuapara 00678400 Goabari 00676700 Kathalbari 00669900 Lohia Kandar 006iS200 Basbari


APPENDIX VIlA - VILLAGE nffiECTORY LIST OF VILLAGES ACCORDING TO THE PROPORTION OFTHE SCHEDULED CASTES TOTHE TOTAL POPULATION BY RANGES Range of Scheduled Castes population (percentages) Location code number Name of village 2 3 00673800 Haribhasa 00671300 Durgapur Bangaon 00672500 Jhingakata Tauflr 00674900 Dahgaon 00674100 Dharhar 00678900 Rampur 21-30 00670100 Bishunpur 00671900 Lahsora 00671800 Chhota Laucha 31-40 Nil Nil 41-50 Nil Nil 51-75 Nil Nil 76 and above Nil Nil Name of CD Block: Kochadhamin Less than 5 00694100 Kutti 00680100 Ghurna 00682400 Mohal'mari 00683200 Balubari 00689200 Dongidighi 00691000 Jhantipari Anarkali 00688900 Santha 00688800 Bhagpunash 00683000 Singhia Chakandara 00687700 Barbata 00682100 Burhimari 00685900 Sehangaon 00692000 Chunamari 00680400 Baichakutti 00692900 Dalia 00682200 Bagalbari 00683400 Charaia 00691500 Mahadha 00688000 Katamata 00690200 Majgaon 00680300 Churakutti 00684700 Sundarbari 00687800 Rohania 00693400 Phulbari 00681400 Birwakalkali 00690700 Anarkali 00689000 Nihalbhag 289 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ


Range of Scheduled Castes Name ofvillage population (percentages) Location code number 2 3 00684300 Bhag Baisa 00684200 Kathalbari 00682600 Babhangaon 00689500 Sarai 00687900 Natuapara 00683900 Doria 00690600 K<\jI amari 00683300 Barahmasia 00684-000 Lator 00679800 Patkoi Khul'd 00689700 Teghnria 00689 I O[) Kairbirpur 00679700 Patkoikalan 00691200 Kochadhamin 5-10 00681200 Lodhnakluu·gi 00690400 Boaldah 00688400 Rani 00690500 Topamari 00682300 Bastakolha 00690300 Rollia 006374-00 Bahkol 00686900 Purandaha 00688600 Danti 00690000 Kanhaiabari 00682700 Kamalpur 00683800 Konhaiabari 00685000 To pam ari 00690100 Satbhitha 00693300 KaJanagin 00685100 Haldikhora 00685500 Majkuri 00692700 Shahpur 00685700 Mehadipllr 00679500 Gauramani 00681900 Masidgarh Pokharkona 00680900 Deramari 00684500 Dahuabari 00681500 Parhalpur Milik 00688300 Arugaon 00681800 Kasllibari 00692200 Hasan Durnaria 00689800 Mahiarpur 290 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

APPENDIX VllA -VILLAGE DIRECTORY LIST OF VILLAGES ACCORDING TO THE PROPORTION OFTHE SCHEDULED CASTES TOTHE TOTAL POPULATION BY RANGES Range of Scheduled Castes population (percentages) Location code number Name ofvillage 2 3 00685600 Kushpara 11-20 00680500 Parhalpur 00686200 Balia 00685300 Jiwanpur 00692600 Bhagal 00685200 Singhari 00691600 Titlia 00681000 Karehbari 00679200 Altabari 00692400 Hatgachhi 00691800 Bhebhra 00691100 Gurgaon 00684400 Bishunpul' 00680700 Dhanpura 00691700 Rasu!gal1i 00684100 Asura 00693000 Jhura 00685400 Pol(haria 00683700 Kuari 00684900 Kolaha 00689600 Barijan Pothimari Jagir 00690900 Najarpur 00686700 Dogharia 00687300 Makraha 00693100 Himatnagar 21-30 00689400 Durgapur 00692500 Shahnagar 00686400 Andhasur 00686600 Pachahara 00691900 Harkhuguria 00684600 Chapra Bakhari 00693900 Mastalia 31-40 00692800 Shahpur Istamrar 00691300 Haribhasa 41-50 00686800 Sirar 00693500 Dhanusna 51-75 00693600 Bhawaniganj 76 lind above 00687600 Nagri



Range ofSchedulcd Castes population (percentages) Location code number Name of village 1 2 3 ]'illllle of CD Block; Klshanganj Less than 5 006955QO PlInisal (10695200 M{)tihara Taluka 00695300 ChhagDha

OOG9~:JOO Taisa Q(}7Ul)4-GO Lu!ba!i 00695900 Piaklmri 00694500 Belw& KasipL1f 006'l9COO Basatpur P harsEldangi 00699300 Kirdah Sumda 00698600 Belwa 00700900 \.1ahammadpur Bhagal 00695600 Singhia 00694800 Tcngraman 00700700 Babr.antola OQ69{)c)OO Chal;!" 00699100 Basatpur Milik ()O701300 Bastadangi 00696200 Gacl1hpara 00694200 Halamala 5·10 OG 6()4-3 00 M(ltihl'.l'a 00694.700 Solid 0069-S·WO Meda 001D! !DC Pichhla OG6950(J0 Chllagalia 00697400 Mahesh Bathna Khas 00699900 Katahalia 11·20 O()li96100 Chaundi (l0696Goo Simalbar: 00699500 \jelJangaoJl 00700100 Daula 00696700 Bheriadangi On69720D PI1Ulwari 0069700[1 SultanpuT 0070020) l3aJia 0069440[1 Andowakol 00698200 ChoDlara 00696000 Satkhamhar

292 VILLAGE DIRECTORY APPENDIX VilA - VILLAGE DIRECTORY LIST OF VILLAGES ACCORDING TO THE PROPORTION OF THE SCHEDULED CASTES TOTHE TOTAL POPULATION BY RANGES Range of Scheduled Castes population (percentages) Location code 11l1mber Name ofvillage 2 3 21-30 00700600 Bararo 00699200 Basatpur Marua Toli 00700300 Majhok 00694900 Kasipur 00698100 Dheksara 31-40 Nil Nil 41-50 00701000 Kaparporbandha 76 and above 00696400 Mahesh Bathna

Note:- Villages having NIL Scheduled Castes Population have been excluded APPENDIX VllB· VILLAGE DIRECTORY LIST OF VILLAGES ACCORDING TO THE PROPORTION OF THE SCHEDULED TRIBES TOTHE TOTAL POPULATION BY RANGES Range of Scheduled Tribes population (percentages) Location code number Name of village 2 3 Name of CD Block: Terhagachh Less than 5 00625000 Dahibhat 00627000 Matiari 00630000 Chilhania 00624700 Hatgaon 00625900 Baida 00630600 Suhia 00624300 Bhorha 00626600 Bhe\agurhi 00631900 Simia 00630400 Suhia Gopalnagar 00625500 Khaniabud 00632200 Baluadandgi 00626900 Pipra 00626000 Chich ora 5-10 00625700 Hatgaon 00631000 Deorikhas 00630300 Bclbarigachh 00625400 Tokabhansa 00628500 Doria 00625800 Khunia Toli 00627300 Kharra Belbari 293 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ


Range of Scheduled Tribes population (percentages) Location code number Name of village 2 3 11-20 00629700 Kuari 00627500 Panchgachhi 00626400 Bhagjhunki 00627200 Benugarh 00630100 Kharrakasht 21-30 00625300 Phulbari 31-40 Nil Nil 41-50 Nil Nil 51-75 Nil Nil 76 and above 00631600 Bansbari Name of CD Block: Dighalbank Less than 5 00634200 Tanghan Tapu 00639700 Tarabad 00638200 Panchgachhi 00632800 Malmali 00634400 Dahibhat 00637100 Hublidenga 00637200 Garbhanadcnga 00634000 Dubri 00637900 Dighal Bank 00634900 Kachunala 00636900 Padampur 00635200 Tulshia 00634500 Mangra 00636800 Padampur 00636600 Kmhaili 00632500 Lohagarha 00632.400 Kanchan Bari 00638100 Mahamari 00635900 Lachhmipur 00637400 Bhurli Bhila 5-10 00640200 Kumhia 00633300 S inghimari Milik 00637000 Karuamani 00638700 Suribhita 00632900 PaIsa Milik 006392DO Garumara 00633700 Sat Kauwa 00633900 Dubri Khas


APPENDIX VIIB - VILLAGE DIRECfORY (CONTD.) LIST OF VILLAGES ACCORDING TO THE PROPORTION OFTHE SCHEDULED TRIBES 10THE TOTAL POPULATION BY RANGES Range of Scheduled Tribes population (percentages) Location code number Name of village 2 3 11-20 00634100 Boaldaha 00634800 Kachunala MiJik 00633000 Baijnath Paisa 00636300 Patharghatti 00633400 Harl1ibhita 00637700 Dighal Bank 00637500 Teli Bhita 00633600 Deogirja 00638600 Doria 21-30 00638300 Dhanola 00634300 Pakamari 00633100 Paisa 00640100 Ikra Milik 00638400 Mulabari 00632700 Lohargarha 31-40 00632600 Dargah Kanchanbari 00638500 Kamat 00639100 Dighibari 41-50 00633200 Singhimari 51-75 00638000 Maltoli 76 and above Nil Nil Name of CD Block: Thakurganj Less than 5 00653400 Bhaulmari 00651100 PawaKhali 00648400 Salgori 00643300 Dhak Para 00641800 Churli 00642200 Gunjar Mari 00651900 Chapati 00652900 Dastur 00648500 Ambari 00645900 Dudhaunti 00650800 Dumaria 00643100 Lahugaon Arazi 00648300 Sabodangi 00647300 Kunjimari 00645100 Bhog Dabar


APPENDIX VIIB - VILLAGE DIRECTORY (CONTD.) LIST OFYILLAGES ACCORDING TO THE PROPORTION OF THE SCHEDULED TRIBES TOTHE TOTAL POPULATION BYRAi"llGES Range of Scheduled Tribes population (percentages) Location code number Name of village 2 3 00652000 Paikpara 00644700 Dalligaon 00645600 Arno! Jhari 00642300 Giddlmikola 00644500 Dogachhi 00643900 Kharna 00641700 Nazagachh ()O6430()0 Hulhuli Milik Arazi 0064.5400 Bahadurpur 00648700 Maujidinga 00641900 Cburli 00645800 Iirangachh 00651800 Rasia 00651500 Bhelagori 00645200 ChhaitaJ 00651000 Pawa Khali 00640500 Bhatgaon 5-10 00647400 Barchaundi 00640900 Kukurbaghl 00649200 Bhendrani 11-20 00648000 Gamhirgarh 00643200 Dakpara 00650000 Bhendrani 00646300 Hasanpur 00649000 R!!iagaon 00647600 Barah Pathia 00644600 Dalligaon 00652300 Pabna 00651300 Patbhari 00652400 Khanabari 00647500 Kuri Muni 00643500 Sakhuadali 00641600 Patharia 21-30 00652600 Katharo 006491O~ Gilhabari O(J64(}700 Kudurbaghi 006464


APPENDIX VllB - VILLAGE DIRECTORY (CONTD.) LIST OF VILLAGES ACCORDING TO THE PROPORTION OF THE SCHEDULED TRIBES TOTHE TOTAL POPULATION BY RANGES Range of Scheduled Tribes population (percentages) Location code number Name of village 2 3 31-40 00642400 Hulhuli 00640800 Modati 41-50 00642500 Hulhuli Milik Arazi 00642600 Hulhuli Milik Arazi 51-75 00641200 Akhra 00642700 Hulhuli Milik Arazi 76 and above 00642900 Hulhuli Milik Al'azi 00641100 Chak Chaki 00641400 Kukur Baghi Milik Name of CD Block: Pothia Less than 5 00656100 Kasba Kaliagunj 00653900 Sonapur 00654500 Gelabari 00664800 Geramari 00654900 Chitma 00667300 Sitalpur 00663900 Chhatar Gachh 00659500 Naukatta 00665400 Keso Jara 00655000 Purandarpur 00653800 Dubanochi 00654000 Theikalbari 00656300 Makhan Pokhar 00666300 Damal Bari 00665000 Indarpur Khurd 5-10 00664700 Arrabari 00656500 Birpur 00661100 Charkhakati 00664300 Pharabari 00662700 Galgalia 00667700 Lohagara 00666700 Jahangirpur 00657400 Kalidas Kismat 00660800 Thipi Jhari 00655100 Barapokhar


APPENDIX VIm - VILLAGE DIRECfORY (CONTD.) LIST OF VILLAGES ACCORDrNG TO THE PROPORTION OF THE SCHEDULED TRIBES TOTRE TOTAL POPULATION BY RANGES Range of Scheduled Tribes population (percentages) Location code number Name of village 2 3 00664600 Kharkhari 00658500 Kuimari 00659300 PawakhaJi 00660100 Pamal 00658000 Phulhera 00659600 Pokharia 00664100 Singhiamari 11-20 00664200 Rasiadangi 00662500 Haldibari 00654100 Tarni 00657000 Gorukhal 00664000 Nandakuri 00663600 Koltha 00656600 Musaldenga 00655800 Burhnai 00666500 laria 00654200 Andabal'i 00659200 Pothia 00657100 Kalidas 00657200 Jagir Gachh 00659400 Chilhamari 00662000 Budhra 21-30 00656700 Pakamolna 00658700 Mirzapur 00663200 Sahagi 00668200 Dhekipara 00656900 Mangur Jon 00663400 Naunaddi 00662400 Shekhpura 00658900 Sarogora 31-40 00662300 Barab Kahunia 00663700 Mahsul 00656800 Pakamolna 41-50 00661000 Phati Pokhar 00664900 Miramani 51-75 00663800 Maria 00661500 Halda 00663500 Jhokha Dangi 298 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

APPENDIX VUB - VILLAGE DIRECTORY (CONTD.) LIST OF VILLAGES ACCORDlNG TO THE PROPORTION OFTHE SCHEDULED TRIBES TOTRE TOTAL POPULATION BY RANGES Range of Scheduled Tribes population (percentages) Location code number Name of village ---- 1 2 3 76 and above 00658600 Kalupathaurf Koimari 00660400 Bhatkhunda 00660600 Panasi Name of CD Block: Bahadurganj Less than 5 00677200 Chanaul' 00674500 Mahadeo Dighi 00673600 Rupni 00672700 Dahgaon 00678600 Betbari 00673000 Baisagopalgal1i 00676700 Kathalbari 00676000 Gurgaon 00675100 Bhatabal'i 00674600 DohaI' 00678100 Jhiljhili 00671200 Durgapur Sohadi 00670700 Pipra Gachh 00678900 Rampul' 00672000 Pahatgaon 00675800 Bangaon 00675300 Baisa Jurail 00672600 Jhillgakata Istamral' 00674300 Tallgtallgia 00679100 Netuapara 00676900 Domohani 00670800 Tulshia 00677300 Koimari 00676200 Mahammad Nagar 00674900 Dahgaoll 00675000 Phulbari 5-10 00675500 Bhaurdah 00671600 Babhalltola Laucha 00678800 Siktihar 00671100 Bimia 00671000 Samesar 00670900 Guabari 00673900 Haribhasa 00670500 Duadangi 00678200 Chorkattakurhaila

299 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ APPENDIX VIIB - VILLAGE DIRECTORY (CONTD.) LIST OF VILLAGES ACCORDING TO THE PROPORTION OFTHE SCHEDULED TRIBES TOTI-IE TOTAL POPULATION BY RANGES Range of Scheduled Tribes population (percentages) Location code numbel' Name of village 1 2 3 00677000 Koral Bangaon 00670600 Brahmotar Gachh 00674700 Jhi\jhili 11-20 00676500 Dulali 00670400 Damdama 00675200 Basbari 00677600 Bhupla 00676100 Kharij Kumhia 21-30 00676400 Dulali 00678500 Kurhaila 00671800 Chhota Laucha 00677100 Chanaur Milik 00668700 Kasbe Anganj Urikasbakhodaganj 31-40 Nil Nil 41-50 Nil Nil 51'-75 Nil Nil 76 and above Nil Nil Name of CD Block: Kochadhamin Less than 5 00691200 Kochadhamin 00690400 Boaldah 00684400 Bishunpur 00682700 Kamalpur 00692600 Bhagal 00679700 Patkoikalan 00683700 Kuari 00683000 Singhia Chakandara 00683800 Konhaiabari 00686200 Balia 00693800 Naranga 00688200 Mosangaon 00682600 Babhangaon 00691500 Mahadha 5-10 00680100 Ghurna 00689300 Barijan Durgapur


APPENDIX VIIB - VILLAGE DIRECTORY (CONTD.) LIST OF VILLAGES ACCORDING TO THE PROPORTION OF THE SCHEDULED TRIBES TOTHE TOTAL POPULATION BY RANGES Range of Scheduled Tribes population (percentages) Location code number Name of village 2 3 00689200 Dongidighi 00684800 Titiha 11-20 00681000 Karehbari 21·30 00682300 Bastakolha 31·40 Nil Nil 41·50 Nil Nil 51·75 00689400 Durgapur 00686100 Kabaia 76 and above Nil Nil Name of CD Biocl{: Kishanganj Less than 5 00695600 Singhia 00695000 Chhagalia 00696200 Gachhpara 00694300 Motihara 00694200 Halamala 00694800 Tengramari 00699500 Mehangaon 00700300 Majhok 00700600 Bararo 00696500 Andhuakol 00698100 Dheksara 00696600 Simalbari 00697000 Sultanpur 00696900 Chakla 5-10 00698600 Belwa 00699300 Kirdah Samda 00694500 Belwa Kasipur 00699900 Katahalia 00696800 Topamari 11-20 00694700 Solki 00696700 Bheriadangi 00697400 Mahesh Bathna Khas 00698800 Lakhimara 00700200 Bali a 301 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ


Range of Scheduled Tribes population (percentages) Location code number Name of village 2 3 00696000 Satkhamhar 00694600 Chhota SaIki 00695400 Meda 21-30 00695900 Piakunri 00694400 Andowakol 31-40 Nil Nil 41-50 Nil Nil 51-75 Nil Nil 76 and above 00695100 Katmohan 00695700 Goaltoli 00695800 Telia Pokhar 00697900 Thaunapara

Note:- Villages having NIL Scheduled Tribes Population have been excluded

APPENDIX VIII - VILLAGE DIRECTORY NUMBER OF VILLAGES UNDER EACH GRAM PANCHAYAT (Co D. BLOCK WISE) Income and expenditure of panchayat / gram Number of villages with panchayat Name of gram Area of location code numbers Total Total ( in Rs.'OOO ) panchayat and gram Location Scheduled Scheduled Serial location code panchayat code Number of Total Castes Tribes Total Total number number in hectare Number numbers households population population population income expenditure 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 II N.A.

Note: N.A. stands for information not available. APPENDIX IX - VILLAGE DIRECTORY STATEMENT SHOWING NUMBER OF GIRLS SCHOOLS IN THE VILLAGES Number of girls school Village Higher Secondary / PUC / Serial Name of location code Name of Primary Middle Matriculation / Intermediate / Junior number C. D. Block number village School School Secondary School college 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 N.A.

Note: N.A. stands for information not available

302 N DIRE T

VILLAGE DIRECTORY Section-II Town Directory

Note explaining the abbreviations used in the (xiii) Industrial Notified Area INA Town Directory (xiv) Industrial Township ITS Statement I : Status and Growth HistOl"y (xv) Township TS Column (2) : Class, name and civic administration (xvi) Town Panchayat TP status of town : (xvii) Nagar Panchayat NP Class has been introduced to facilitate analysis (xviii) Town Committee/Town of town directory data at the state and all India levels. Area Committee TC It is presented according to 2001 Census Population (xix) Small Town Committee ST of the town as follows ; (xx) Estate office EO Population Class (xxi) Gram Panchayat GP 100,000 and above I (xxii) Census Town CT 50,000 - 99,999 II Others columns need no comments. 20,000 - 49,999 III Statement II : Physical Aspects and Location of 10,000 - 19,999 IV towns, 1999. 5,000 - 9,999 V Column 3 to 5 : Physical Aspects Below 5,000 VI In these columns the Rainfall and Maximum and Town with a population of one hundred thousand Minimum Temperature of the town are recorded. (1,00,000) and above is treated as a city. Column 6, 7 and 8 The civic administration statLls of the towns is Name of the State headquarters, District indicated within bracket against the name of the town. headquarters and Sub-Divisional headquarters with The following abbreviations are used to denote civic distance from the referent town in kilometers, is to status of town. be recorded respectively. If the names mentioned in (i) Municipal Corporation M. Corp. these columns are the same as the referent town itself, the distance is recorded as (0) zero. (ii) Municipal Committee MC Column 9 & 10 (iii) Municipal Council MCI Name of the nearest city with one lakh and more (iv) City Municipal Council CMC and five lakh and more population are recorded. (v) Town Municipal Council TMC Column 11, 12 and 13 (vi) Municipal Board MB If referent town enjoys the facility of railway (vii) Municipality M station, bus route facility or navigable river/canaL. Its (viii) Cantonment Board/ name is to be mentioned. If not available, then the Cantonment CB name of nearest place with distance, where sLlch (ix) Notified Area NA facility exists is mentioned. (x) Notified Town NT Statement III : Municipal Finance 1998-1999 (xi) Notified Area Committee/ Item-wise amount of receipt and expenditure in Notified Area Council NAC thousand rupees, relating to municipal finance of the (xii) Notified Town Area NTA town for the year 1998-99 is recorded.


Statement IV : Civic and Other amenities, 1999 Column 13 and 14 : Water supply Column (1 to 5) : Self explanatory. Source and capacity of storage system. The following codes are used in these columns: Column (6) : Road length (in kms.) Column 13 : Information about kutcha / pucca road is recorded separately for the roads within the limits of (i) Tap water T the referent town. (ii) Tube-well water TW (i) Pucca Road PR (iii) Tank Water TK (ii) Kutcha Road KR (iv) Well water W Column (7) : System of Sewerage Column 14 : Generally, by sewerage system is implied the (v) Over Head Tank OHT network of mains and branches of underground (vi) Service Reservoir SR conduits for the conveyance of sewerage to the point (vii) River Infiltration Gallery RIG of disposal. Sewers that carry only household and (viii) Bore Well Pumping System BWP industrial wastes are called separate sewers, those (ix) Pressure Tank PT that carry storm water from roofs, streets and other surface are known as storm water drains, while those The information on major source of water supply are given in column 13 and the storage capacity carrying both sewage and storm water are called against each in kilo-litres (in bracket) are presented combined sewers. in column 14. The codes used for different types of drainage Column 15 : Fire Fighting Service system are as follows : In case the fire fighting service is available in the (i) Sewer S referent town 'yes' is recorded. If the facility is not (ii) Open Surface Drains OSD available within the town. The name of the nearest (iii) Box Surface Drains BSD place having this facility with its distance from the referent town has been recorded. (iv) SylkDrains SD Column 16 to 20 : Electrification (Number of (v) Cesspool method CP connections) (vi) Pit System Pt Different types of electric connections have been (vii) Others 0 shown in these columns, i.e. Domestic , Industrial , Column 8 to 11 : Number of latrines Commercial, Road lighting (points) & others.

Number of various types of latrines both Public Statement V : Medical, Educational, Recreational and Private are given in these columns. and Cultural Facilities, 1999 Column 1 to 3 : Self explanatory. Column 12 : Method of disposal of night soil Column 4 & 5 : The various prevalent methods of disposal of night soil are given below with codes : The data covers all such medical institutions run by or aided by Government/Semi Government/Local (i) Head Loads HL bodies and Charitable institutions or Social agencies (ii) Basket B like the Missionaries. Where the family planning (iii) Wheel Barrows WB centres are attached to hospitals or maternity and child welfare centres or Primary Health Centres, may (iv) Septic Tank ST be treated as independent units and counted separately (v) Pit System Pt using following codes: (vi) Sewerage S (i) Hospital H (vii) Others a (ii) Dispensary D

306 TOWN DIRECTORY (iii) Health Centre HC PUC/Junior College level, Secondary/Matriculation, (iv) Family Welfare Centre FWC Middle Schools/Junior Secondary and Primary (v) T.B. Clinic TB Schools. (vi) Nursing Home NH School up to class V are treated as Primary or (vii) Others 0 elementary schools. These include Nursery schools, Kindergarten schools, Pre-Primary schools, Junior In case of more than one institutions of any type, Basic schools upto class V and Primary schools upto it is indicated within brackets the number of such class IV. ' institution (s) e.g. 0(3), NH(8), etc. The institutions have further been distinguished by providing additional Schools upto VIII are considered as Middle codes within the bracket as given below : school or Junior Secondary. (i) Ayurvedic A Schools upto class X are considered as Matri­ (ii) Unani U culation or Secondary schools. (iii) Homoeopathic Hom. Schools upto XI or XII classes are considered as Column 6 to 9 Higher Secondaly/Intermediate/Pre University/Junior The codes used for these columns are as follows: College etc. This would cover 10+2 classes whether held in schools or college. (i) Arts only A If there are composite schools like middle schools (ii) Science only S with primary classes or Secondary schools with Middle (iii) Commerce only C classes, these are also included in the number of (iv) Arts & Science only AS Primary and Middle schools, respectively. For (v) Arts & Commerce on Iy AC example, if in a tawil, there are two Primary Schools (vi) Combined for all categories- and one Middle school with Primary classes, the Arts, Science and Commerce ASC number of Primary schools in the town is given as (vii) Law L three and that of Middle schools as one though there Column 10 Recognized shorthand, typewriting are only three educational institutions. and vocational training institutes If there are more institutions of a type in the town, "Recognised" should mean recognised by some the number is indicated within bracket along with the statutory authority, like education department, abbreviation, e.g. P(4), M(3). commerce department, labour department etc. of the Column 15 : Adult literacy class/centres government or semi government or autonomous bodies, public sector undertakings etc. This column has been introduced keeping in view the Minimum Needs Programme of the Planning The following codes are used : Commission. There are number of Adult Education (i) Shorthand SH Centres which are included in these columns. (ii) Typewriting Type If an educational facility is not available in the (iii) Shorthand & Typewriting S H town, the name of the nearest place and its distance Type in kilometres from the town where the facility is (iv) Others 0 available is mentioned. The vocational institutions like - Applied Ali/ Column 16 : Working Women's bostels with Painting college, Pharmacy college, B. Ed. College, number of seats Teacher's Training Institute, Music/Dance School, The number of working women's hostel if Nursing School etc. are covered under 'Others'. available in the referent town is mentioned with Column 11 to14 number of seats. If the facility is not available in the Higher Secondary/Intermediate/Senior Secondary/ town the name of nearest place with distance where 307 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ the facility is available is recorded. exported and names of three most important commodities manufactured in the town are Column 17 to 19 : Recreational and Cultural recorded. Facilities Column 9 : Number of Banks Stadium, Cinema, Auditorium/Drama/Community Hall are covered under recreational & cultural Number of Banks available in the referent town facilities. The palticulars of permanent recreational both Commercial and Co-operative banks are facilities are considered for these columns. recorded against this column. Column 20 : Public Libraries, Reading Rooms Column 10 & 11 : Number of Agricultural Credit Number of public libraries and reading rooms Societies and Non Agricultural Credit Societies available in the referent town are recorded in codes The total number of Agricultural Credit Societies as follows: and Non Agricultural Credit Societies in the referent (i) Public Library PL town are recorded against these columns. (ii) Reading room RR Statement VII : Civic and other Amenities in Slums, 1999 Statement VI : Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking, 1999 This is the statement on civic and other amenities in all slums whether notified or not and for all towns Column 3 to 8 having statutory bodies, like municipality, Municipal Name of three most important commodities Corporation, Town area committee etc.

308 STATEME T (I TO VII) DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ STATEMENT STATUS AND Number of households inc!. Class. name and Location Name of District/ hOllseless SerIal CIVIC status elide Tahsil/ Police Name of Area households Population and growth lIumber oftowlI number StallOn/Island elc. CD Block (in sq. km) (200 I Censlls) 1901 1911 1921 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

IV Thakllrganj (NA) 40801000 K)shangm~i Thakurganj 105 2.905

2 III Bahadllrganj (NA) 4080211UO Kishanganj Bahadurganj 29.2 5,563

3 II Kishanganj (M) 408030()() Klshangan_1 K);hangall.l 30 I 15,430 7.671 7.563 7.CJ34 (-14) (+4.9)


Density Class, name and rate (in brackets) of the town at the Censuses of (2001 Sex ratio civic status 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 Census) 1981 1991 2001 of town II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2

10,760 13,589 15,300 1,462.7 809 842 888 IV Thakurganj (NA) (+26.3) (+12.6) 16,786 21,123 28,118 963.9 901 888 887 IIJ Bahadurganj (NA) (+25.8) (+33.1) 8,946 10,424 15,903 27,002 36,893 51,790 64,568 85,590 2,841.6 793 862 850 II Kishanganj (M) (+12.8) (+ 16.5) (+52.6) (+69.8) (+36.6) (+40.4) (+24.7) (+32.6)


Class, name and Ph;rsical as~ects Name of and road distance ill Serial civic status Rainfall Temperature (in centigrade) kilometer(s) from Humber of town (in mm) Maximum Minimum StateJ-lQ. District HQ. I 2 3 4 5 6 7

IV Tltakurganj (NA) 1810 35 6 Patna Kisltanganj (414) (57) 2 III Bahadurganj (NA) 1520 42 5.3 Patna Kishanganj (384) (27) 3 II Kishanganj (M) 1920 40 6 Patna Kishanganj (360) (0)


Name of and road distance in kilometer(s) from Sub·division !Taluk! Tahsil! Police station! Nearest city with Nearest city with Navigable river! Class, name and Development Block! population of one population of five canal (if within civic status IsialldHQ lakh and more Iakh and more Railway station Bus facilIty ten kilometers) of town 8 9 10 II 12 13 2

ThakurganJ Silliguri (Wb) Thakurganj Thakurgallj IV Thakurgallj (NA) (0) (45) (0) (0) (2) Bahadurganj Pumia Kishanganj B ahadurga1li 1II Bahadurgallj (NA) (0) (94) (27) (0) Kishangmu PUl11ia Kishanganj Kishanganj Mahananda River 11 Kishanganj (M) (0) (65) (0) (0) (5)


Revenue derived from municipal Serial Class, name and civic properties and power apart from munbel' status of town Receipt through taxes, etc taxation Government grant Loan 2 3 4 5 6

IV Tllakurganj (NA) 7 20 48 2 1Il Bahadurgallj (NA) 119 20 48 3 I[ Kishanganj (M) 2,369 1.490 299 986

314 TOWN DIRECTORY .II1 1998·99 Receipt (Contd.) (in Rs. '000) Expenditure (in Rs.'OOO)

Other General Public health sources Total administ- Public and Public Others Total Class. name and civic Advance (specify) receipt ration safety conveniences Public works institutions (specify) expenditure status of town 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 \4 15 16 2

75 68 2 70 IV Thakurganj (NA) 187 183 183 III Bahadurgunj (NA) 5,144 2,407 110 14 300 58 2,889 II Kishan~an.i (M)


Senal Class, name and civic Population Scheduled Scheduled Road length System of Water llumber status of tOWII (200 I CeIlslIs) Caste, Tribes (in km. (5) ) sewerage Total borne Service Others 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

IV Thakurganj (NA) 15,300 1,146 734 KR(9) PR(12 OSD 1,700 1,500 200

2 III Bahadurganj (NA) 28,118 2,717 422 KR(70) PR(2 OSD 412 400 10 2

3 II Kishangallj (M) 85,590 10,294 1,094 KR(45) PR(3 OSD 2,855 2,605 250

Note ;- * This f.1cility is no[ available in the [own the l1ame of place with distance is indicated in the table.

316 TOWN DIRECTORY -IV AMENITIES, 1999 Water sUEl~ly Electrification (number of connections) Method of System of storage with disposal of Source of capacity III kilolitres (in Fire fighting Road lighting Class, name and civic night soil supply brackets) service* Domestlc Industrial Commercial (points) Others status of town 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

ST, Pt TW,W OHT Kishanganj 1,241 52 376 115 IV Thakurgan) (NA) (0) (57) ST, HL TW,W N.A. Kishangm\i 25 2 40 III Bal1adurganj (NA) (0) (27) WE, ST TW,W BWP Yes 3,056 259 1,381 1,565 132 II Kishanganj (M) (-)


Arts/ Recognised Science/ shorthand, Beds III Commerce/ typewriting Hospitals/ medical Law/ Other and Class, name and Population Dispensaries/ institutions colleges (of vocational Serial civic status (2001 T.B.clinics noted in degree level Medical Engineering training number oflown Census) etc. column 4 and above) colleges colleges Polytechnics institutions I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

IV Thnkllt'ganj 15300 [I D HC 6 ASC Kishanganj Silliguri Wb Silliguri Wb (NA) FWC NH (57Km) (45KmJ (45Km) TB- Kishanganj (57Km)

2 III Babadllrgal~ 28118 1-1 D(HOM- 6 A ASC Kishanganj Silligllri Wb PUfllJa (NA) 9,16) He (27Kml (100KmJ (94Km) FWC TB- Kishanganj (27KI11) NH- Kishanganj (27Km)

3 II Kishanganj (M) 85590 H D He 98 ASC SiIliguri Wb Pumia SH(2) FWC TB (IOOKm) (6SKm) Type(2) NH Note:- * This facility is not available in the town the name of place with distallce in kilometel'(s) from the tOWl) is indicated ill the tabJe where facility is available.

318 TOWN DIRECTORY -v AND CULTURAL FACILITIES, 1999 Educallonal facilities (Contd .... ) Number of recreational and cultural facilities Higher secondary/ Intenncdiate/ Senior Adult Secondary! literacy Working Public PUC (Pre­ Junior classes! women's Auditorium! libraries university Secondary! secondary centres, hostels with Drama! including Class, name and college)!.Iulllor Matri- and Middle Primary others number of coml1m- reading civic status college level culallon schools schools (specify) seats Stadium C1l1ema nity Halls rooms of town II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

Kishanganj 2 2 3 Silliguri Wb 2 IV Thakurganj (57KIII) (45K111) (NA)

Kishanganj 2 2 13 Silligufl Wb 3 2 IJI Bahadurganj (27Km) (100KI11) (NA)

3 10 22 Silliguri Wb 3 2 II Kishanganj (lOOKm) (M)


Class, name and Serial civic status Name ofthree most important commodities exported number of town 1st 2nd 3rd 2 3 4 5

I III Lalgatli (M) Furniture Tobacco Oil Seeds 2 [ H,\jipur(M) Banana Lichi Guava 3 III Mahnar Bazar Tobacco Onion Colour (M)


Number of Number of non- Class, name and civic Name of three most important commodities manufactured Number of agricultural agricultural status 1st 2nd 3rd banks credit societies credit societies of town 6 7 8 9 10 11 2

Furniture Tabacco 5 III Lalganj (M) Furniture 12 r (M) Colour Tobacco Saline Water 4 III Mahnar Bazar (M)


No, of Poplilatl

IV Thukurgunj Khoprapatti Ye,o 80 300 OSD

Gandhi Nagar Yes 75 300 - 0 Godhara Yes 250 900 0 Chegmari Yes 180 800 - 0 Misll<1n bas Ii Yes no 500 (l 0 FnrE.wari Ye~ 115 gOO 0 Baghmaro Yes 325 lAOO 0 Baslrirnagru. Yes 225 [,000 0 Bhll1lwanis Yes 220 1,000 0 \-1atthana Yes l!{l gClO - 0 'v1a(haba"ti Yes 200 :,003 - 0 Mumidangi Yes 85 40) 0 2 HI Blliadurganj Satalistmarar Yes 120 IE - 0

Son~d[ghi Yes 15 5}1) - 0 Ben! Yes 25[J 1,511) 0 GopalplLt Yes 1~J 61) - 0 :uraiJ Yes 12 80 - 0 3- IT Kishanganj {W,No-l )Khagda Yes 74-1 3,317 Ck 0

(W.No-2)Jula Juli Yes 213 900 - 0 (W.No-3)Msjhfa Yes 440 1,371 0 0 {W.No-4)Majhia Yes 296 &71} - 0 (W,No-5)Purana Yes 511 2,328 0 Khagda (W.No-6)Khagra y~s 665 2,518 0 (W.No-7)Ruipasa Yes 30! 887 - 0 (W.1\o- Yes, 14 98 . 0 8)A t1l,Fatalagra C~1J~[I-"')Dug'1fia YeS 283 98(' - 0 C',\'..N [I-I :1)Rai lwaj" Yes 124 4(,;~ - (J Hata (W.No-l1)Bhagat Yes 71 154 . 0 Toli CW.No-! 2)Kasai Yes 130 186 - 0 Muhalla {W.No-13)Sonar Yes 60 120 0 Patti (W.No-14)Mahabir Yes 4(0 74 0 BlJag (W.No-15)Kerora Yes 54 13 0 0 Patti n.,',No-16)Toti Yes 568 2,042 0 0 Basti (W,:-.Jo-l7)Lohar Yes 375 1,521 - 0 Pc:Ui

322 TOWN DIRECTORY ,VB IN SLUMS, 1999 Number of latrines No.oftap Electricity connections Private points/public hydrants Method of installed for water disposal of supply of Road lighting Class and name bome service others Community night soil protected water Domestic (points) Others of town 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2

ST 40 30 IV Thakurganj 0 50 20 a 100 50 a 80 60 0 80 75 0 70 100 0 100 90 a 50 45 0 100 40 0 70 65 a 75 65 a 40 30 a 20 [I[ Bahadurganj a 5 a 40 a 4 a 4 25 10 ST 21 30 28 II Kishanganj

6 7 ST 17 9 10 5 ST 9 7 5 5 ST 7 3 10 11 8T 8 10 13

7 8 ST 5 5 10 5 ST 8 10 13 2 ST 3 7 5

5 ST 5 5 10 4 3 ST 5 6 10

5 2 ST 7 5 9

10 5 ST 8 3 5

2 ST 2 2 7

ST 2 2 2

2 ST 5 7 10

20 3 ST 15 25 21

5 2 ST 10 9 [0


No. of' Population of' Paved roads Serial Class and name Is it households the Slum (in System of number of'lown Name of the slum notified (approximate) (approximate) kilometers) sewerage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

(W.No-18)Thakur Yes 142 256 - 0 Patti (W.No-19)Dogo Yes 124 141 - 0 Basti (W.No- Yes 758 2,751 0 20)Chamganj W.No-2 J )Plll'ab Yes 319 1,049 - 0 Pali (W.No- Yes 353 1,350 - 0 22)Dilawarganj (W.No-23)Tcdharia Yes 743 2,822 0 0

(W.No-24)Laien Yes 182 592 - 0 (W.No-25)Laien Yes 220 300 - 0 (W.No- Yes 180 783 0 0 26)Laienmaszid (W.No- Yes 289 1,322 0 0 27)Kagjiasmahasa (W.No-28)Churi Yes 235 1,052 - 0 Patti (W.No- Yes 234 1,564 0 0 29)Suyapparsi (W.No- Yes 306 1,310 - 0 30)Mohidanpur (W.No- Yes 502 1,854 - 0 31 )Faringgoda (W.No- Yes 256 937 - 0 32)Fariganhoda

324 TOWN DIRECTORY . VII IN SLUMS, 1999 Number of latrines No. of tap Electricity connections Private points/public hydrants Method of installed for water disposal of supp[yof Road lighting Class and name borne service others Community night soil protected water Domestic (points) Others of town 9 10 II 12 13 14 [5 16 17 2

5 ST 5 8 7

6 ST 3 20 17

30 5 ST 21 30 23

10 15 ST 15 16 20

10 15 ST 5 10 5

15 10 ST 7 10 [3

5 3 ST 3 6 [0 5 2 ST 2 3 7 5 2 ST 3 5 8

10 5 ST 3 10 II

10 2 ST 3 5 5

10 5 ST 5 15 12

13 3 ST 4 10 15

5 10 ST 8 5 5

3 15 ST 5


Serial Population Number Name of the town with location code Population of core town Name of outgrowth of outgrowth 2 3 4 5 Thcre is no outgrowth in any of the towns of Kishanganj District Part-B : Primary Census Abstract


Brief note on Primary Census Abstract

he first census of the third millennium and twenty 1,028 million records were scanned and processed Tfirst century the Census of India, 2001 was the within a span of only 10 months starting October, 14tll continuous and uninterrupted Indian census since 2002. 1872. Thus, 2001 Census wi II provide data on population and its characteristics marking transition Task Fo~ce 011 Quality Assurance from one century and millennium to another. After the data is processed, it is expedient on The gigantic operation of Population Enumeration the part of the data producing agency to satisfy itself (considered by many to be the single largest and about its quality before putting the same in pubJic complex peace time administrative exercise in the domain. This has to be done mainly through the world) was made possible due to the door to door process of internal consistency, comparison with universal canvassing of the Household Schedule by similar data in the past and also through validation about 2 million enumerators and supervisors covering with likewise data if available, from external sources. 593 districts, 5,463 sub-districts, 5,161 towns and Quite often the local knowledge and perception has 638,588 villages. The comprehensive Household to be brought into play to understand both the existing Schedule which replaced the individual slip had three and tlll~ new emerging trends of popUlation distribution parts and two sides A and B. Part I contained the and characteristics. The other very important aspect Location Particulars; Part II related to the Individual of the data quality is to ensure complete coverage of Particulars and Part III contained questions for all geographical areas especially for the population Household engaged in Cultivation/Plantation. The part enumeration phase where the data is disseminated II of the Household Schedule had 39 columns and 23 right up to the village level in the rural areas and the ward level in the urban areas. Thus ensuring the questions all of which were universally canvassed and complete coverage and correct geographical linkage no sampling was resorted to during enumeration. of each enumeration block was one of the major Data Processing planks of the quality control, specially for small area A quantum leap was made in the technology front population statistics. while processing the Census 2001 data both for A very comprehensive check and edit mechanism Houselisting and Population Enumeration. The Census was put in place to objectively examine the preli­ schedules for both the phases were scanned through minary Census 2001 Population Enumeration results high speed scanners in fifteen data centers across and finally clear them for use. The responsibility of the country and hand-written data from the schedules the final clearance of data was with the Task Force were converted into digitized form through Intelligent on Quality Assurance (TFQA), headed by the Character Reading (ICR) software for creation of Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India. ASCII records for further processing. The designing The other members of the TFQA were the Heads and formatting of the Household Schedule had to be and senior officers of the Census Division, Data done very carefully using specialized software so as Processing Division, Map Division, Demography to ensure uniformity, which was an essential pre­ Division and Social Studies Division. The Directors requisite for scanning. The selection of appropriate of Census Operations were co-opted as members state-of-art technology in data processing has made whenever the TFQA disclissed the data for their it possible to produce all the Houselisting as well as States/Union territories. The Directors and their senior Population Enumeration tables on full count basis for officers were required to make detailed presentations the first time in the history of Census. For Census of data for their own state both in respect to the 2001, about 202 million schedules consisting of about quality and the coverage and only after the full 329 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ possiblecleared. at appropriate geographical levels. There has been a major departure in Census 2001 The entire work relating to the data validation from the past in respect of the procedure followed and scrutiny was completed by all the States/Union for finalization of the Scheduled Castes and the Territories under the overall supervision and Scheduled Tribes population. In the earlier censuses, monitoring of the Censlls Division of the Office of the total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes the Registrar General, India with active cooperation populations were fillalized at the time of the manual and support of the Social Sttidies Division, Data compilation of the Primary Census Abstracts (PCA) Processing Division, Data Dissemination Division and at the Regional Tabulation Offices which were Map Division. specially set up for this purpose. The individual Primary Census Abstract Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes population for each state was finalized much later based on manual The Primary Census Abstract which is yet another coding done by the coders. In 200 I Census, each important publication of 2001 Census gives basic individual Scheduled Caste and the Scheduled Tribl3 infonnation on Area, Total Households, Total population, have been coded directly on the computers by the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes population, Data Entry Operators through a process known as Population in the age group 0-6, Literates, Main workers Computer Assisted Coding (CAC) and taken up along and Marginal workers classified by the four broad with the processing of PCA data. The CAC process industrial categories, namely, (i) Cultivators, (ii) involves pulling down, from the relevant dictionary of Agricultural laborers, (iii) Household Industry Workers, the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes, on and (iv) Other workers and also Non-workers. The the computer screen and coding from the dictionary characteristics of the Total Population includes Scheduled by referring to the image of the specific individual Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Institutional and HouseJess entry in the Household Schedule appearing on the population and are presented by sex and rural-urban screen. The CAC of the response on Religion residence. This data is presented at different levels, wherever required, was also undertaken along with namely, India, States/Union territories, Districts and the processing ofPCA. This is because the Scheduled Cities, Urban Agglomerations (Population 1,00,000 and Castes status had to be determined in relation to the above) in three different tables. In addition, Appendix religion of the individual. Two Special Task Forces, of said publication provides Houseless and Institutional one on Religion and the other on Scheduled Castes/ Households and their population by residence and sex Scheduled Tribes were constituted for scrutiny and for 2001 for India, State and Union territory. appropriate classification of these responses. Apart from the India and State/Union Territory The main task of the Special Task Force on Religion volumes for Primary Census Abstract, the District was to appropriately merge or group the new responses Census Handbook contains District Primary Census encmmtered and code it into the appropriate religious Abstract, Appendix to District Primary Census comnmnity based 011 available literature and local Abstract, Primary Censlls Abstract for Scheduled knowledge. The Special Task Force on Scheduled Castes, Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes and Schedllled Tribes examined the different Tribes, Village Primary Census Abstract and Urban Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes entries encoun­ Primary Census Abstract of the concerned district in tered and classified these into appropriate category of the state. the Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes principally It was for the first time at the 1981 Census that based on the Presidential Notification and the available the Primary Census Abstract (PCA) was brought out literature. Thus a very systematic and scientific for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes mechanism was operationalised to firm up the individual separately on the pattern of General Primary Census religion and the individual Scheduled Castes/Tribes Abstract. This practice was continued in 1991 also. returns. The Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled In the 1961 and 1971 Censuses, such data were made Tribes population in 2001 Census, is thus being available in Table C-VIII-Social and Cultural table finalized by aggregating the population data for and to some extent in the series 'Special Tables for individual Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes'. 330 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT The format of Primary Census Abstract has been census abstract of 1991 census was the presentation of restructured slightly in the 2001 Census as compared to data of the population of age group 0-6 is continued in that of 1991 Census. The nine-fold industrial 2001 Census also. This will help the data users in better classification of main workers given in the Primary analysis and understanding of this literacy data. Census Abstract of 1991 Census has been discontinued Level of presentation in District Census Handbooks: and its place, four-fold industrial classification of both 'main workers' and 'marginal workers' are included. In The Primary Census Abstract data in 1981 census only main workers were presented in to differentPCAs are presented at different levels. The four categories. One of the novel features of the primary level of presentation of Primary Census Abstracts are as under: Name of the Primary Census Abstract Level of presentation I. District Primary Census Abstract District/CD Block/UA/City/Town 2. Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes District/CD Block/Town 3. Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes District/CD Block/Town 4. Village Primary Census Abstract CD Block/Village wise 5. Urban Primary Census Abstract Town/Ward level

The PCA Data for villages was presented CD presented at various level in the Primary Census Block wise for the tlrst time in 1991 Census. This Abstracts are as follows: practice is continued in 2001 Census also. The data Area Figures for each CD Block is presented both for rural and urban areas separately. All the villages within the CD The area figures supplied by local revenue Block constitute the rural portion and the Census authorities of the district in respect oftehsils, Police Towns and Outgrowths are shown under the urban Stations and by the local bodies in respect of towns portion of the CD Block. In case a CD Block is are given in square kilometers. The area figures of spread over two or more districts, than portion which the villages supplied by the Tahsildars in acres have falls within the district is presented, the data peltaining been converted and shown in hectares. The area to remaining portion of the CD Block is presented in figures of the CD Block is the total of the village the concerned District Census Handbook. The data areas coming under each CD Block. The area figures in the Urban Primary Census Abstract for each town for the district are the same as adopted by the as well as for town with outgrowths in the district Surveyor General of India to maintain uniformity at are presented. The data for all the wards and the the national level. The total area figures of all the outgrowths of the town(s) are also presented tahsils/CD Blocks within the district may not tally with separately below the concerned town(s). area figures of the district because former represents land use area only. Similarly, the total of all the villages The District Primary Census Abstract is may not tally with the entire rural of Police Stationl presented in 59 columns. The Primary Census Tahsil. The difference may be due to the fact that Abstract for Scheduled Castes and Primary Census while the area covered by hills, forests and rivers Abstract for Scheduled Tribes are presented in 52 etc, have been accounted in the Tahsils and P.S. level columns. The Village Primary Census Abstract and the same may 110t be covered under the area of the Urban Primary Census Abstract are presented in 58 villages. Apart from this it may also differ due to columns. varying methods of computation adopted at different The concepts and definitions used in the column levels. heading are explained under the sub heading 'Census An appendix to District Primary Census Abstract Concepts' in the Analytical Note. The term 'Total has also been furnished showing urban enumeration Population' includes the Scheduled Castes, the block-wise particulars on Total PopUlation, the Scheduled Tribes, the Institutional and the Houseless Scheduled Castes Population and the Scheduled populations. The explanation regarding area figures Tribes Population for each town. 331 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ DISTRICT PRIMARY

Location Districlf CD Block! Total/ Area of Number of Total population (including Population in the code U.A.I City/ Town Rural/ Town! households institutional and house less age-group 0-6 number Urban Ward in population) square kilometre Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

08 Kishanganj Total 1,884.0 257,252 1,296,348 669,552 626,796 287,937 147,899 140,038 Rural 1,814.3 233,354 1,167,340 600,300 567,040 263,844 135,527 128,317 Urban 69.8 23,898 129,008 69,252 59,756 24,Q93 12,372 11,721 DOD I Tcrhagachl1 Total 193.5 22,{)78 107,036 54,837 52,199 23,121 11,956 11,165 RUial 193.5 22,07B 107,036 54,837 52,199 23,121 11,956 11,165 Urban 0002 Dighalbank Total 255.3 30,806 152,685 78,309 74,376 34,986 17,647 17,339 Rural 255.3 30,806 152,685 78,309 74,376 34,986 17,647 17,339 Urban 0003 Thakurganj Total 392.4 41,132 206,769 106,007 100,762 47,307 24,482 22,825 Rural 381.9 41,132 206,769 106,007 100,762 47,307 24,482 22,825 Urban 0004 Pothia Total 354.5 39,209 196,293 101,006 95,287 43,035 22,008 2},027 Rural 354.5 39,209 196,293 101,006 95,287 43,035 22,008 21,027 Urban 0005 Baha~urganj Total 274.9 36,458 177,818 90,974 86,844 39,403 20,125 19,278 Rural 245.7 36,458 177,818 90,974 86,844 39,403 20,125 19,278 Urban I}OO6 Koch~dhamill Total 286.9 44,400 226,620 117,462 109,158 52,047 27,127 24,920 Rural 286.9 44,400 226,620 117,462 109,158 52,047 27,127 24,920 Urban Q007 Kishangaqi Total 181.0 19,271 100,119 51,705 48,414 23,945 12,182 11,763 Rural 150.9 19,271 100,119 51,705 48,414 23,945 12,182 11,763 Urban URBAN 40801000 Thakllrganj (NA) Urban 10.5 2,905 15,300 8,102 7,198 2,644 1,374 1,270 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Urban 29.2 5,563 28,118 14,897 13,221 5,959 3,067 2,892 40B030()O Kisllan~anj (M) Urban 30.1 15,430 85,590 46,253 39,337 15,490 7,931 7,559

332 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Total/ DistricV CD Block/ Rural/ UA/ City/ Town Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates Urban

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3 2

85,833 44,304 41,529 47,116 24,176 22,940 313,488 222,795 90,693 Total Kishanganj 71,676 36,836 34,840 44,866 23,012 21,854 251,227 183,709 67,518 Rural 14,157 7,468 6,689 2,250 1,164 1,086 62,261 39,086 23,175 Urban 11,070 5,667 5,403 2,504 1,274 1,230 22,853 17,947 4,906 Total Terhagachh 11,070 5,667 5,403 2,504 1,274 1,230 22,853 17,947 4,906 Rural Urban 9,882 5,122 4,760 10,559 5,368 5,191 31,245 23,373 7,872 Total Dighalbank 9,882 5,122 4,760 10,559 5,368 5,191 31,245 23,373 7,872 Rural Urban 9,852 5,013 4,839 10,251 5,241 5,010 44,901 32,446 12,455 Total Thakurganj 9,852 5,013 4,839 10,251 5,241 5,010 44,901 32,446 12,455 Rural Urban 6,507 3.361 3,146 12,908 6,640 6,268 39,094 27,597 11,497 Total Pothia 6,507 3,361 3,146 12,908 6,640 6,268 39,094 27,597 11,497 Rural Urban 8,831 4,489 4,342 4,189 2,191 1,998 39,941 28,975 10,966 Total Bahadurganj 8,!!31 4,489 4,342 4,189 2,191 1,998 39,941 28,975 10,966 Rural Urban 19,099 9,862 9,237 1,787 890 897 51,777 37,939 13,838 Total Kochadhamin 19,099 9,862 9,237 1,787 890 897 51,777 37,939 13,838 Rural Urban 6,435 3,322 3,113 2,668 1,408 1,260 21,416 15,432 5,984 Total Kishanganj 6,435 3,322 3,113 2,668 1,408 1,260 21,416 15,432 5,984 Rural Urban URBAN 1,146 585 561 734 386 348 8,087 4,946 3,141 Urban Thakurganj (NA) 2,717 1,415 1,302 422 209 213 9,402 6,485 2,917 Urhan Bahadurganj (NA) 10,294 5,468 4,826 1,094 569 525 44,772 27,655 17,117 Urban Kishangani (M)


Location District/ CD Block! Total! code U.A.I City/Town Rural! number Urban Illiterates Total workers Main workers

Persons Males Females Pel'sons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

08 Kishanganj Total 982,860 446,757 536,103 417,151 352,984 64,167 359,819 325,667 34,152 Rural 916,113 416,591 499,522 381,271 320,468 60,803 327,315 295,576 31,739 llrball (16,747 30,166 36,581 35,880 32,516 3,364 32,504 30,091 2,413 0001 Terhagachh Total 84,183 36,890 47,293 35,766 29,971 5,795 30,115 27,746 2,369 Rural 84,183 36,890 47,293 35,766 29,971 5,795 30,115 27,746 2,369 Urban 0002 Dighalbank Total 121,440 54,936 66,504 52,096 43,937 8,159 46,526 41,706 4,820 Rural 121,440 54,936 66,504 52,096 43,937 8,159 46,526 41,706 4,820 Urban 0003 ThakurganJ Total 161,868 73,561 88,307 70,124 56,177 13,947 58,059 51,008 7,051 Rural 161,868 73,561 88,307 70,124 56,177 13,947 58,059 51,008 7,051 Urban 00()4 Pothia Total 157,199 73,409 83,790 67,028 52,594 14,434 54,488 47,872 6,616 Rural 157,199 73,409 83,790 67,028 52,594 14,434 54,488 47,872 6,616 Urban 0005 Bahadurganj Total 137,877 61,999 75,878 55,944 49,475 6,469 49,142 45,426 3,716 Rural 137,877 61,999 75,878 55,944 49,475 6,469 49,142 45,426 3,716 Urban 0006 Kochadhamin Total 174,843 79,523 95,320 69,127 61,758 7,369 61,239 56,886 4,353 Rural 174,843 79,523 95,320 69,127 61,758 7,369 61,239 56,886 4,353 Urban 0007 Kishanganj Total 78,703 36,273 42,430 31,186 26,556 4,630 27,746 24,932 2,814 Rural 78,703 36,273 42,430 31,186 26,556 4,630 27,746 24,932 2,814 Urban URBAN 40801000 Thakurganj (NA) Urban 7,213 3,156 4,057 4,354 3,914 440 4,144 3,748 396 40802000 Bl.lhadurganj (NA) Uroan 18,716 8,412 10,304 7,739 7,084 655 6,913 6,496 417 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Urban 40,818 18,598 22,220 23,787 21,518 2,269 21,447 19,847 1,600

334 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Industrial catef:!or;):: of main workers Total/ District! CD Block Rural! U.A.I City/ Town Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers Other workers Urban workers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Femalcs Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 3 2

100,812 95,796 5,016 201,816 178,448 23,368 5,344 3,726 1,618 51,847 47,697 4,150 Total Kishanganj 98,264 93,344 4,920 195,466 172,752 22,714 4,704 3,225 1,479 28,881 26,255 2,626 Rural 2,548 2,452 96 6,350 5,696 654 640 501 139 22,966 21,442 1,524 Urban 11,544 11,196 348 15,799 14,207 1,592 774 465 309 1,998 1,878 120 Total Terhagachh 11,544 11,196 348 15,799 14,207 1,592 774 465 309 1,998 1,878 120 Rural Urban 13,576 12,810 766 30,192 26,412 3,780 402 310 92 2,356 2,174 182 Total Dighalbank 13,576 12,810 766 30,192 26,412 3,780 402 310 92 2,356 2,174 182 Rural Urban 17,206 16,212 994 34,840 29,728 5,112 539 428 111 5,474 4,640 834 Total Thakurganj 17,206 16,212 994 34,840 29,728 5,112 539 428 III 5,474 4,640 834 Rural Urban 17,646 16,287 1,359 31,386 26,818 4,568 640 439 201 4,816 4,328 488 Total Pothia 17,646 16,287 1,359 31,386 26,818 4,568 640 439 201 4,816 4,328 488 Rural Urban 14,826 14,134 692 28,410 26,163 2,247 651 420 231 5,255 4,709 546 Total Bahadurganj 14,826 14,134 692 28,410 26,163 2,247 651 420 231 5,255 4,709 546 Rural Urban 16,952 16,383 569 37,529 34,454 3,075 1,254 835 419 5,504 5,214 290 Total Kochadhamin 16,952 16,383 569 37,529 34,454 3,075 1,254 835 419 5,504 5,214 290 Rural Urban 6,514 6,322 192 17,310 14,970 2,340 444 328 116 3,478 3,312 166 Total Kishanganj 6,514 6,322 192 17,310 14,970 2,340 444 328 116 3,478 3,312 166 Rural Urban URBAN 262 249 13 898 753 145 67 59 8 2,917 2,687 230 Urban Thakurganj (NA) 1,285 1,253 32 3,040 2,873 167 108 68 40 2,480 2,302 178 Urban Bahadurganj (NA) 1,001 950 51 2,412 2,070 342 465 374 91 17,569 16,453 1,116 Urban Kishan~anj (M)


Lucation District/ CD Block! Total/ Industrial cateli\orl: code UAI City! Town Rural! number Urball Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

08 l(ishangaoj Total 57,332 27,317 30,015 9,490 4,249 5,241 38,389 18.903 19,486 Rural 53,954> 24,892 29,064 9,303 4.087 5,216 37,235 18,100 19,135 Urban 3,376 2,425 951 187 162 25 1,154 803 351 0001 Terhagachh Total 5,651 2,225 3,426 1,034 407 627 3,753 1,635 2,118 Rural 5,651 2,:225 3,426 1,034 407 627 3,753 1,635 2,118 Urban 0002 Dighalbank Total 5,570 2,231 3,339 742 436 306 4,225 1,635 2,590 Ruml 5,570 2,231 3,339 742 436 306 4,225 1,635 2,590 Urban 0003 Thakurgal~ Total 12,065 5,169 6,896 2,123 815 1,308 8,849 3,843 5,006 Rural 12,065 5,169 6,896 2,123 SIS 1,308 8,849 3,843 5,006 Urban 0004 Potltia Total 12,540 4,722 7,818 2,526 739 1,787 8,745 3,428 5,317 Rural 12,540 4,722 7,818 2,526 739 1,787 8,745 3,428 5,317 Urban 0005 Bahadurganj Total 6,802 4,049 2,753 1,321 715 606 4,375 2,917 1,458 Rural 6,802 4,049 2,753 1,321 715 606 4,375 2,917 1,458 Urban 0006 Kochadhamin Total 7,888 4,872 3,016 995 716 279 5,113 3,627 1,486 Rural 7,888 4,872 3,016 995 716 279 5,113 3,627 1,486 Urban 0007 Kishanganj Total 3,440 1,624 1,816 562 259 303 2,175 1,015 1,160 Rural 3,440 1,624 1,816 562 259 303 2,175 1,015 1,160 Urban lJRBAN 40801000 Thakurganj (NA) Urban 210 166 44 3 2 41 28 13 40802000 Bahadurganj (NA) Urban 826 588 238 90 75 15 507 354 153 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Urf>an 2,340 1,671 669 94 85 9 606 421 185

336 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT of mal'll,inal workers Total/ District/ CD Block! Location Rural! U.A.I City/ Town code Household industry Other workers Non-workers Urban number workers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 3 2

3,000 367 2,633 6,453 3,798 2,655 879,197 316,568 562,629 Total i(ishanganj 08 2,802 311 2,491 4,616 2,394 2,222 786,069 279,832 506,237 Rural 198 56 142 1,837 1,404 433 93,128 36,736 56,392 Urban 573 42 531 291 141 150 71,270 24,866 46,404 Total Terhagachh 0001 573 42 531 291 141 150 71,270 24,866 46,404 Rural Urban 301 17 285 301 143 158 100,589 34,372 66,217 Total Dighalbank 0002 302 17 285 301 143 158 100,589 34,372 66,217 Rural Urban 224 65 159 869 446 423 136,645 49,830 86,815 Total Thakllrganj 0003 224 65 159 869 446 423 136,645 49,830 86,815 Rural Urban 414 58 356 855 497 358 129,265 48,412 80,853 Total Pothia 0004 414 58 356 855 497 358 129,265 4R,412 80,853 Rural Urban 270 35 235 836 382 454 121,874 41,499 80,375 Total Bahadurganj 0005 270 35 235 836 382 454 121,874 41,499 80,375 Rural Urban 866 70 796 914 459 455 157,493 55,704 101,789 Total Kochadhamin 0006 866 70 796 914 459 455 157,493 55,704 101,789 Rural Urban 153 24 129 550 326 224 68,933 25,149 43,784 Total Kishanganj 0007 153 24 129 550 326 224 68,933 25,149 43,784 Rural Urban URBAN 2 2 164 134 30 10,946 4,188 6,758 Urban Thakurganj (NA) 40801000 43 6 37 186 153 33 20,379 7,813 12,566 Urban Bahadurganj (NA) 40802000 153 48 105 1,487 1,117 370 61,803 24,735 37,068 Urban Kishanganj (M) 40803000



Bcundaries of Scheduled Scheduled Tribes L

Boundaries of Scheduled Scheduled Location urban block I EB Total Castes Tribes Code Name of town Name of ward number population population population 2 3 4 5 6 7 40802000 Bahadurganj ( :-.fA) Ward No.2 EB No. 10 663 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No.2 EB No. II 617 35 40802000 Bahadurganj ( :-.fA) Ward No.2 EB No. 12 85 18 40802000 Bahadurganj ( "'IA) Ward No.3 EB No. 13 601 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No.3 EB No. 14 591 24 15 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No.3 EB No. IS 593 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No.3 EB No. 16 376 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No.3 EB No. 17 699 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No.3 EB No. 18 509 47 40802000 Bahadurgan,i ( NA) Ward No.4 EBNo.19 305 2 107 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No.4 EB No. 20 574 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No.4 EB No. 21 232 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No.4 EB No. 22 306 15 40802000 Bahadurgan,i ( NA) Ward No.4 BB No. 23 524 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No.4 EB No. 24 486 68 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No.5 EB No. 25 270 26 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No.5 EB No. 26 611 15 40802000 Bahadllrganj ( NA) Ward No.5 EB No. 27 407 2 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward NO.5 BB No. 28 577 6 40802000 Bnhadurganj ( NA) Ward No.5 EB No. 29 523 8 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No.5 EB No. 30 333 24 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No.6 EB No. 31 701 451 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No.6 EB No. 32 441 192 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward NO.6 EB No. 33 533 46 6 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No.6 EB No. 34 290 271 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No.6 EB No. 35 474 412 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No.6 En No. 36 513 336 40802000 Bahadllrganj ( NA) Ward No.7 EB No. 37 485 24 40802000 BahadurgaI1i ( NA) Ward No.7 EB No. 38 720 11 4 40802000 Bahadllrganj ( NA) Watd No.7 EB No. 39 430 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No.7 EB No. 40 528 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No.7 BB No. 41 644 55 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No.7 EB No. 42 176 10 40802000 Bahadul'ganj ( NA) Ward No.8 EB No. 43 258 51 87 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No.8 EB No. 44 216 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No.8 EB No. 45 515 ! ! 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No.8 EB No. 46 565 18 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No.8 EB No. 47 711 146 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No.8 EB No. 48 659 49 40802000 Bahadul'ganj ( NA) Ward No.9 EB No. 49 73() 97 40802000 Bahacturganj ( NA) Ward No.9 EB No. 50 152 5] 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No.9 EB No. 51 261 17 '40802000 Bahadurganj (NA) Ward No.9 EB t-,·o. 52 622 104 339 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK KISHANUANJ APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


Boundaries of Scheduled Scheduled Location urban block / EB Total Castes Tribes Code Name oftowll Name of ward number population population population I 2 3 4 5 6 7 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No.9 EB No. 53 111 3 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No.9 EB No. 54 631 18 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No. 10 ER No. 55 548 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) W,lrd No. 10 EB No. 56 662 5 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No. 10 EB No. 57 455 10 27 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No. 10 EB No. 58 632 13 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No. 10 EB No. 59 383 35 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No. 10 EB No. 60 211 12 40802000 Bahadurganj ( NA) Ward No. 10 EB No. 61 290 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. I EB No.1 722 220 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.1 EB No.2 297 50 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. I EB No.3 532 101 6 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. I EB No.4 254 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. I EB No.5 434 87 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. I EB No.6 804 128 8 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.1 EB No.7 403 7 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. I EB No.8 521 69 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.1 EB No. 174 577 12 13 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.2 EB No.9 560 71 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.2 EB No. 10 515 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.2 EB No. II 522 70 275 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.3 EB No. 12 219 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.3 EBNo.13 621 295 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.3 EB No. 14 710 179 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.3 EB No. 15 190 58 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.4 EB No. 16 570 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.4 EBNo.17 190 15 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.4 EB No. 18 631 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Wat'd No.5 EB No. 19 1170 14 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.5 EB No. 20 570 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.5 EB No. 21 512 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.5 EB No. 22 891 30 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.5 EB No. 23 189 6 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.5 EB No. 24 612 347 9 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.5 EB No. 25 452 101 9 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.5 EB No. 26 802 266 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.5 EB No. 27 483 15 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.5 BB No. 28 726 6 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.6 EB No. 29 731 70 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.6 EB No. 30 202 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.6 EB No. 31 59 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.6 EB No. 32 73 4 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.6 EB No. 33 785 .194 2 340 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


Boundaries of Scheduled Scheduled Location urban block / EB Total Castes Tribes Code Name of town Name of wurd number populution population population 2 3 4 5 6 7 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.6 EB No. 34 731 226 4 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.6 EB No. 35 358 20 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.6 EB No. 36 378 210 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.6 EB No. 37 222 7 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.6 EB No. 38 145 36 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.6 EB No. 39 390 20 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.6 EB No. 40 602 10 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.6 EB No. 41 117 22 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.7 EB No. 42 279 72 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.7 EB No. 43 355 94 40803QOO Kishanganj (M) Ward No.7 EB No. 44 800 95 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.7 EB No. 45 753 6 7 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.7 EB No. 46 214 3 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.7 EB No. 47 688 8 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.7 EB No. 48 475 14 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.7 EB No. 49 768 )4 13 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.8 EB No. 50 91 21 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.8 EB No. 51 417 225 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.8 EB No. 52 169 6 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.8 EB No. 53 471 61 11 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.8 EB No. 54 488 88 32 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.8 EB No. 55 591 96 13 40803000 Kishallganj (M) Ward No.8 EB No. 56 290 70 3 40803000 Kishallganj (M) Ward No.8 EB No. 57 375 2 6 40803000 Kishallganj (M) Ward No.9 EB No. 58 332 156 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.9 EB No. 59 572 110 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.9 EB No. 60 700 60 6 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.9 EB No. 61 377 8 10 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.9 EB No. 62 813 74 30 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.9 EB No. 63 194 14 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.9 EB No. 64 597 23 7 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.9 EB No. 65 744 32 17 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No.9 EB No. 66 656 91 38 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 10 EB No. 67 306 181 5 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 10 EB No. 68 599 79 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 10 EB No. 69 512 90 3 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. II EB No. 70 682 162 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 11 EB No. 71 408 16 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 12 EB No. 72 654 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 12 EB No. 73 330 62 - 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 13 EB No. 74 496 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 14 EB No. 75 238 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 14 EB No. 76 524 22 341 KISHi\NGAN.1 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK. - APPENDIX TO DISTRICT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT TOTAL, SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION - URBAN BLOCK WlSE

Boundaries of Scheduled Scheduled Total Castes Tribes Location urban block f EB population population population Code Name oftowl1 Name of ward number 6 7 2 3 4 5 554 7 40803000 Kislianganj (M) Ward No. 15 EB No. 77 410 40S030()() Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 16 EB No. 78 679 124 408030{)() Kishanganj (.M) Ward No. \6 EB No. 79 642 19 40803000 Klshanganj (M) Ward No. 16 EB No. 80 \98 129 4()803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 16 EI3 No. 81 442 391 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 16 En No. 82 397 40 40803000 KishanganJ (M) Ward No. 16 EB No. 83 687 40803000 Kishanganj eM) Ward 'No. 16 EB No. 84 123 28 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward 1\0. 16 EB No. 85 626 40&03000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 17 EE No. 86 405 238 3 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 17 EB No. 87 625 9 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 17 EB No. 88 724 108 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 17 EB No. 89 708 16 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 17 EB No. 90 732 19 40803000 Kisha:lganj (M) Ward No. 17 EB No.9] 771 46 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 18 EB No. 92 191 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 18 EB NG. 93 353 5 40803000 Kishanganj eM) Ward No. 18 EB No. 94 585 41 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 19 EB No. 95 371 3 40803000 Kishangar,j (M) Ward No. 19 EB No. 96 248 40803000 Kishangar.j (M) Ward No. 19 EB No. 97 781 23 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. I~ EE No. 93 450 67 4()803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 20 EB No. 99 873 364 4080JO(}O Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 20 EB No. 100 ]32 8 2 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 20 EB No. 101 529 7 40803000 Kishangaqj (M) Ward No. 20 EBNo 102 710 [23 40803000 Kish£nganj (M) Ward No. 20 EE No. 103 115 47 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 20 EB No. 104 451 70 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 20 EB No. 105 709 309 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 20 EB No. 106 424 36 7 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 20 EB No. 107 490 13 40803000 Kishangan~ eM) Ward No. 20 EB No. 108 513 74 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 21 EB No. 109 396 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 2\ EB No. 110 676 260 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 21 EB No. 111 243 83 40803000 Klshanganj (M) Ward No. 21 EB No. 112 596 42 40803000 Kishangallj (M) Ward No. 21 EB No.l!3 636 30 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 22 BE No. 114 472 32 408()3000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 22 BE No. 115 374 8 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 22 EB No. 116 593 162 7 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 22 EE No. 117 755 85 40803000 Kisnanganj (M) Ward No. 22 EBNo.lIS 97 40803000 Kishangan i (M) Ward No 22 EE NQ, 112 312 23 342 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


Boundaries of Scheduled Scheduled Location urban block / EB Total Castes Tribes Code Name of town Name of ward number population population population 2 3 4 5 6 7 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 22 EB No. 120 800 123 11 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 23 EB No. 121 562 277 8 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 23 EB No. 122 302 8 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 23 EB No. 123 403 17 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 23 EB No. 124 502 16 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 23 EB No. 125 843 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 23 EB No. 126 270 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 24 EB No. 127 628 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 24 EB No. 128 122 40803000 Kishanganj eM) Ward No. 24 EB No. 129 298 129 3 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 24 EB No. 130 592 53 6 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 24 EB No. 131 536 48 40803000 Kishanganj eM) Ward No. 25 EB No. 132 247 21 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 25 EB No. 133 151 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 25 EB No. 134 742 129 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 25 EB No. 135 641 290 6 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 25 EB No. 136 297 8 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 26 EB No. 137 594 30 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 26 EB No. 138 733 13 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 26 EB No. 139 84 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 26 EB No. 140 260 17 6 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 26 EB No. 141 627 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 27 EB No. 142 562 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 27 EB No. 143 595 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 27 EB No. 144 768 9 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 27 EB No. 145 454 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 28 EB No. 146 576 115 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 28 EB No. 147 755 14 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 28 EB No. 148 468 60 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 28 EB No. 149 554 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 29 EB No. 150 171 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 29 EB No. 151 837 6 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 29 EB No. 152 268 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 29 EB No. 153 432 9 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 29 EB No. 154 475 33 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 29 EB No. 155 497 58 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 29 EB No. 156 505 14 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 29 EB No. 157 454 91 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 29 EB No. 158 687 55 4 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 29 EB No. 159 583 150 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 29 EB No. 160 239 197 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 30 EB No. 161 348 40803000 Kishangani (M) Ward No. 30 EB No. 162 856 16 343 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOI KISHANGAN.I


Boundaries of Scheduled Scheduled Location urban block / EB Total Castes Tribes Code Name of lown Name of ward number population population population 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 30 EB No. 163 770 6 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 30 EB No. 164 189 31 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 30 EB No. 165 387 68 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 31 EB No. 166 667 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 31 EB No. 167 322 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 31 EB No. 168 462 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 31 EB No. 169 628 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 31 EB No. 170 509 74 3 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 32 EB No. 171 668 37 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 32 EB No. 172 420 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Ward No. 32 EB No. 173 432 42


Total! District! CD Block! Town Rural! Literates Illiterates Total workers Urban

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 2

18,693 13,744 4,949 67,140 30,560 36,580 31,403 23,474 7,929 Total Kishanganj 13,401 10,195 3,206 58,275 26,641 31,634 27,165 19,949 7,216 Rural 5,292 3,549 1,743 8,865 3,919 4,946 4,238 3,525 713 Urban 1,816 1,462 354 9,254 4,205 5,049 4,380 3,162 1,218 Total Te-.rho.(J"o.h I., 1,816 1,462 354 9,254 4,205 5.049 4,380 3,162 1.218 Rural Urban 2,037 1,587 450 7,845 3,535 4,310 4,126 3,020 1,106 Total Dighalbanl( 2,037 1,587 450 7,845 3,535 4,310 4,126 3,020 1,106 Rural Urban 2,367 1,698 669 7,485 3,315 4,170 3,594 2,603 991 Total Thakurganj 2,367 1,698 669 7,485 3,315 4,170 3,594 2,603 991 Rural Urban 1,097 791 306 5,410 2,570 2,840 2,465 1,813 652 Total Pothia 1,097 791 306 5,410 2,570 2,840 2,465 1,813 652 Rural Urban 1,775 1,314 461 7,056 3,175 3,881 2,972 2,323 649 Total Bahadllrganj 1,775 1,314 461 7,056 3,175 3,881 2,972 2,323 649 Rural Urban 3,170 2,471 699 15,929 7,391 8,538 7,186 5,255 1,931 Total Kochadhatnill 3,170 2,471 699 15,929 7,391 8,538 7,186 5,255 1,931 Rural Urban 1,139 872 267 5,296 2,450 2,846 2,442 1,773 669 Total Kishanganj U39 872 267 5,296 2.450 2,846 2,442 1,773 669 Rural Urhan URBAN 382 246 [36 764 339 425 294 262 32 Urban Thakurganj (NA) 1.055 693 362 1,662 722 940 776 689 87 Urban Bahadllrganj (NA) 3,855 2,610 1,245 6,439 2,858 3,581 3,168 2,574 594 Urban Kishanganj (M)


Location District/ CD Block! Town Totall Industrial category code Rural! Main workers number Urban Culti vators Agricultural labourers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

08 I(islulJIganj Total 26,663 21,700 4,963 1,631 1,495 136 18,732 14,883 3,849 Rural 23,001 18,496 4,505 1,595 1,463 132 17,918 14,251 3,667 Urban 3,662 3,204 458 36 32 4 814 632 182 0001 Tearl, 0tlQI!.hI, Total 3,532 2,978 554 367 351 16 2,734 2,320 414 Rural 3,532 2,978 554 367 351 16 2,734 2,320 414 Urban 0002 Digaalbank Total 3,535 2,870 665 271 242 29 2,988 2,394 594 Rural 3,535 2,870 665 271 242 29 2,988 2,394 594 Urban 0003 Thakurg8nj Totnl 2,993 2,400 593 326 292 34 2,160 1,691 469 Rural 2,993 2,400 593 326 292 34 2,160 1,691 469 Urban 0004 Pothia Total 2,0&9 1,667 422 158 147 11 1,399 1,082 317 Rural 2.0&9 1,667 422 158 147 II 1,399 1,082 317 Urban 0005 Bal1adurganj Total 2,5&3 2,192 391 140 127 13 1,781 1,549 232 Rural 2,5&3 2,192 391 140 127 13 1,781 1,549 232 Urban 0006 Kochadhamin Total 6,112 4,769 1,343 257 232 25 5,071 3,932 1,139 Rural 6,112 4,769 1,343 257 232 25 5,071 3,932 1,139 Urban 0007 Kishanganj Total 2,157 1,620 537 76 72 4 1,785 1,283 502 Rural 2,IS7 1,620 537 76 n 4 1,785 1,283 502 Urban URBAN 40801000 Thakurganj (NA) Urban 287 260 27 3 3 52 45 7 40802000 Bahadurganj (NA) Urban 690 625 65 8 8 190 175 15 40803000 Kishan~anj (M) Urban 2,685 2,319 366 25 21 4 572 412 160


of main workers Total/ District! CD Block! Town Rural/ Marginal workers Household industry workers Other workers Urban

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 2

1,161 6]4 547 5,139 4,708 431 4,740 1,774 2,966 Total Kishanganj 1,074 565 509 2,414 2,217 197 4,164 1,453 2,711 Rural 87 49 38 2,725 2,491 234 576 321 255 Urban 201 95 106 230 212 18 848 184 664 Total Tevho..~ac:J....'" 201 95 106 230 212 18 848 184 664 Rural Urban 63 35 28 213 199 14 591 150 441 Total Dighalbank 63 35 28 213 199 14 591 150 441 Rural Urban 85 51 34 422 366 56 601 203 398 Total Thakurganj 85 51 34 422 366 56 601 203 398 Rural Urban 200 114 86 332 324 8 376 146 230 Total Pothia 200 114 86 332 324 8 376 146 230 Rural Urban 241 143 98 421 373 48 389 131 258 Total Bahadurganj 241 143 98 421 373 48 389 131 258 Rural Urban 244 106 138 540 499 41 1,074 486 588 Total Kochadhamin 244 106 138 540 499 41 1,074 486 588 Rural Urban 40 21 19 256 244 12 285 153 132 Total Kishangal\j 40 21 19 256 244 12 285 153 132 Rural Urban IJRBAN 3 3 229 209 20 7 2 5 Urban Thakurganj (NA) 23 7 16 469 435 34 86 64 22 Urban Bahadurganj (NA) 61 39 22 2,027 1,847 180 483 255 228 Urban Kishan£ianj (M)


Location District! CD Block! Town Total! Industrial category of marginal workers code Rurall Household industry Tlumbcr Urban Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

08 Kishanganj Total 195 78 117 3,236 1,224 2,012 590 46 544 Rural 191 74 Il7 3,114 1,160 1,954 520 34 486 Urban .. 4 122 64 58 70 12 58 000:1- TfW),,~Clo.I. "- Total 30 12 18 627 151 476 157 6 151 Rural 30 12 18 627 lSI 476 157 6 151 Urban 0002 Dighalbank Total 22 15 7 535 123 412 17 14 Rural 22 15 7 535 123 412 17 3 14 Urban 0003 Thakurganj Total 71 27 44 446 148 298 41 6 35 Rural 71 27 44 446 148 298 41 6 35 Urban 0004 Pothia Total 17 12 267 118 149 57 3 54 Rural 17 12 267 118 149 57 3 54 Urban 0005 Bahadurganj Total 19 6 13 214 93 121 86 5 81 Rural 19 6 13 214 93 121 86 5 81 Urban 0006 Kochadhamin Total 28 8 20 793 414 379 158 10 148 Rural 28 8 20 793 414 379 158 10 148 Urban 0007 Kishangal1i Total 4 3 232 113 119 4 3 Rural 4 3 232 113 119 4 3 Urban URBAN 40801000 Thakurganj (NA) Urban 2 2 40802000 Bahadurganj (NA) Urban 1 1 37 30 7 8 2 6 40803000 Kishanganj (M) Urban 3 3 83 32 51 62 10 52


Totall District! CD Block! Town Location Rural! code Non-workers Other workers Urban number

Persons Males females Persons Males Females 47 48 49 50 51 52 3 2

719 426 293 54,430 20,830 33,600 Total Kishnnganj 08 339 185 154 44,511 16,887 27,624 Rural 380 241 139 9,919 3,943 5,976 Urban 00"'1. 34 15 19 6,690 2,505 4,185 Total Teul, o..()~ c.'" "" 34 15 19 6,690 2,505 4,185 Rural Urban 17 9 8 5,756 2,102 3,654 Total Dighalbank 0002 17 9 8 5,756 2,102 3,654 Rural Urban 43 22 21 6,258 2,410 3,848 Total Thakurganj 0003 43 22 21 6,258 2,410 3,848 Rural Urban 35 20 15 4,042 1,548 2,494 Total Pothia 0004 35 20 15 4,042 1,548 2,494 Rural Urban 70 27 43 5,859 2,166 3,693 Total Bahadurganj 0005 70 27 43 5,859 2,166 3,693 Rural Urban 95 54 41 11,913 4,607 7,306 Total Kochadharnin 0006 95 54 41 11,913 4,607 7,306 Rural Urban 45 38 7 3,993 1,549 2,444 Total Kishanganj 0007 45 38 7 3,993 1,549 2,444 Rural Urban URBAN 5 5 852 323 529 Urban Thakurganj (NA) 40801000 40 31 9 1,941 726 UIS Urban Bahadurganj ( NA) 40802000 335 210 125 7,126 2,894 4,232 Urban Kishanganj (M) 40803000



Total! District/ CD Block! Town Rurall Literates Illiterates Total workers Urban

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3 2

5,740 4,373 1,367 41,376 19,803 21,573 23,579 14,506 9,073 Total Kishanganj 5,006 3,902 1,104 39,860 19,110 20,750 22,626 13,848 8,778 Rural 734 471 263 1,516 693 823 953 658 295 Urban IS3 146 37 2,321 1,128 1,193 1,277 756 521 Total Terhagachh 183 146 37 2,321 1,128 1,193 1,277 756 521 Rural Urban 958 790 168 9,601 4,578 5,023 5,493 3,327 2,166 Total Dighalbank 958 790 168 9,601 4,578 5,023 5,493 3,327 2,166 Rural Urban 1,298 973 325 8,953 4,268 4,685 5,395 3,135 2,260 Total Thakurganj 1,298 973 325 8,953 4,268 4,685 5,395 3,135 2,260 Rural Urban 1,754 1,331 423 11,154 5,309 5,845 5,862 3,853 2,009 Total Pothia 1,754 1,331 423 11,154 5,309 5,845 5,862 3,853 2,009 Rural Urban 335 273 62 3,854 1,918 1,936 2,318 1,375 943 Total Bnhadurganj 335 273 62 3,854 1,918 1,936 2,318 1,375 943 Rural Urban 174 140 34 1,613 750 863 938 545 393 Total Koehadhamin 174 140 34 1,613 750 863 938 545 393 Rural Urban 304 249 55 2,364 1,159 1,205 1,343 857 486 Total Kishanganj 304 249 55 2,364 1,159 1,205 1,343 857 486 Rural Urban URBAN 142 100 42 592 286 306 368 252 116 Urban Thakurgat\] (NA) 44 31 13 378 178 200 220 133 87 Urban Bahadurganj (NA) 548 340 208 546 229 317 365 273 92 Urban Kishallganj (M)


Location District/ CD Block! Town Total! Industrial category code Rural! number Main workers Urban Cultivators Agricultural labourers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

08 Kishanganj Total 19,431 13,312 6,119 2,498 2,080 418 16,171 10,659 5,512 Rural 18,543 12,708 5,835 2,442 2,040 402 15,546 10,259 5,287 Urban 888 604 284 56 40 16 625 400 225 0001 Tcrhagachh Total 1.027 722 305 87 75 12 918 632 286 Rural 1,027 722 305 87 75 12 918 632 286 Urban 0002 Dighalbank Total 4,728 3,194 1,534 672 524 148 4,024 2,643 1,381 Rural 4,728 3,194 1,534 672 524 148 4,024 2,643 1,381 UrbHn (01)3 Thakurganj Total 4,094 2,678 1,416 427 373 54 3,535 2,224 1,311 Rural 4,094 2,678 1,416 427 373 54 3,535 2,224 1,311 Urban 0004 Pothia Total 4,773 3,582 1,191 1,049 892 157 3,472 2,493 979 Rural 4,773 3,582 1,191 1,049 892 157 3,472 2,493 979 Urban 0005 Bahadurganj Total 1,941 1,245 696 50 38 12 1,869 1,195 674 Rural 1,941 1,245 696 50 38 12 1,869 1,195 674 Urban 0006 Kochadhamin Total 823 498 345 72 60 12 730 417 313 Rural 823 498 325 72 60 12 730 417 313 Urban 0007 Kishanganj Total 1,157 789 368 85 78 7 998 655 343 Rural 1,157 789 368 85 78 7 998 655 343 Urban URBAN 40801000 Thahlrganj (NA} Urban 362 250 112 10 8 2 290 199 91 40802000 Bahadurg1lllj (NA) Urban 213 I3i 82 198 120 78 40803QOO Kishanllianj (M) Urban 313 22.3 90 46 32 14 137 81 56

356 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES of main workers Total! District! CD Block! Town Rural! Marginal workers Household industry workers Other workers Urban

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 2

61 45 16 701 528 173 4,148 1,194 2,954 Total Kishanganj 60 44 16 495 365 130 4,083 1,140 2,943 Rural 1 206 163 43 65 54 11 Orban 11 5 6 11 10 250 34 216 Total Terhagachh II 5 6 11 10 250 34 216 Rura[ Urban S 6 2 24 21 3 765 133 632 Total Dighalbank 8 6 2 24 21 3 765 133 632 Rural Urban 6 6 126 75 51 l,301 457 844 Total Thakurganj 6 6 126 75 51 [,301 457 844 Rura[ Urban 28 22 6 224 175 49 1,089 271 818 Total Pothia 28 22 6 224 175 49 [,089 271 818 Rural Urban 21 11 10 377 130 247 Total Bahadurganj 21 II 10 377 130 247 Rural Urban 21 21 115 47 6& Total Kochadhamin 21 21 115 47 68 Rural Urban 6 4 2 68 52 16 186 68 118 Total Kishanganj 6 4 2 68 52 16 186 68 118 Rural Urban URBAN 62 43 19 6 2 4 Ulban Thakurganj (NA) 15 II 4 7 2 5 Urban Bahadurganj (NA) 129 109 20 52 50 2 Urban Kishan~anj 1M)


Industrial category of mlll"ginal workers l,ncatitm I H~trictl ('1 ) Blo~kl TOWll lot~l/ .::ode Rural/ Household industl)' nllmher lJrban Cultivators J\g,ricultmallahollrers workers

Females Persons Malc$ Fenutlcs l'croolls Mules Females Persons Males 44 45 46 2 J 38 39 40 41 42 43

2,511 58 8 SO (IS Khhslll\:l.lIj TI\ta\ 449 \6l lSi 3.532 961 2,561 5? S 49 nil"») 4~9 162 2117 3,471 9111 61 51 10 1 tlrhan 7 Ton:l 231 29 202 Ill)!) I TCllwg~<.;I"1 7 Ruml (, 231 29 102 Urban 4 4 U!)()2 IJlghalba!lk Total 29 lO 19 729 123 606 4 Ruml 29 10 19 729 ]23 606 4 Urbart 756 4 {lOm Thak'.\r~mlj Total 1&7 36 81 1,117 361 Rural 167 86 81 1,117 361 756 4 Urban 25 OO()4 ('ollila Total 213 51 156 812 20t 621 25 Rumi 2\3 57 156 822 201 621 25 25 Urban ()()Q5 [lallaclrrganj Tout 15 :/, 13 361 128 233 Rura! 15 2 13 361 128 233 Urban OI){)Ii KochadJlamin Total 2 79 27 52 RIlial 2 79 27 52 Urhan O(lG7 Killhanganj Tot~1 16 11 m 41 91 15 6 9 RUral 16 11 132 41 91 15 6 9 Urban URBAN 40&01000 1hakurganj (NA) Urhan 6 2 40802000 13 uhadurgar\l ( NAl Urban 6 2 4 40803000 Klshan~nJ (M) Urban 49 47 2


Total! District/ CD Block/ Town Location Rural! code Non-workers Other workers Urban number

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 47 48 49 50 51 52 3 2

109 63 46 23,537 9,670 13,867 Total Kishallganj 08 106 60 46 22,240 9,164 13,076 Rural 3 3 1,297 506 791 Urban 4 3 1,227 SI8 709 Total Tcrhagachh 0001 4 3 1,227 518 709 Rural Urban 3 3 5,066 2,041 3,025 Total Dighalbank 0002 3 3 5,066 2,041 3,025 Rural Urban 13 9 4 4,856 2,106 2,750 Total Thakurganj 0003 13 9 4 4,856 2,106 2,750 Rural Urban 29 13 16 7,046 2,787 4,259 Total Pothia 0004 29 13 16 7,046 2,787 4,259 Rural Urban 1,871 816 1,055 Total Bahadurganj 0005 1,871 816 1,055 Rural Urban 34 19 15 849 345 504 Total Kochadhamin 0006 34 19 15 849 345 504 Rural Urban 23 16 7 1,325 551 774 Total Kishanganj 0007 23 16 7 1,325 551 774 Rural Urban URBAN 366 134 232 Urban ThakllrgaJ~j (NA) 40801000 202 76 126 Urban Bahadurganj ( NA) 40802000 3 3 729 296 433 Urban Kishanganj (M) 40803000



DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block· Total population (including Loclliion Area of institutional and hOllseless Population in the code Villagc ill Number of ~oeulatioll) a~e·~rouE 0-6 Males Females number Name of Villa~e hect!tres households Persons Males Females Persons 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 10 oflO I Tcrhagathh (Total) 19,348.0 22,078 107,036 54,837 52.199 23,121 11,956 11,165 0001 Tcrhagachh (!turn!) 19,348.0 22,078 1<17,036 54,837 52,199 23,121 11,956 11,165 0001 TCl'hRgachh (UrhalJ) TCl'hngachh (Ruml) 006243IJO Bhorhil 651.0 735 3,591 1,845 1,746 723 350 373 00624400 Dhokarjlwri 218.0 63 322 173 149 51 32 19 00624500 PhuJbari 14.0 ···_-_···-·-·Un-inhablted-·-··-····_·- 00624600 Sharma Tuli 18.0 10 75 40 35 22 12 10 O(J624700 Hotgaoll 1(18.0 164 715 372 343 183 97 86 00624S00 Phulbari 269.0 641 3,165 1,631 1,534 673 350 323 00624900 Pipra SO.O 52 238 122 116 36 16 20 00625000 Dahiblmt 431.0 717 3.580 1,889 1,691 784 409 375 006251QO Phulbari Nallkar 82.0 81 443 221 222 79 34 45 00625200 Kharij Khnninhnd 106.0 •• __ •.••••.•. Un-i nhabited···-·········· 00(,25300 1'IIlIIbari 142.0 147 636 331 305 119 60 59 00625400 Tokah]l,tnsa 118.0 35 206 108 98 41 18 23 00625500 Khalliabad 1,0530 713 3,785 ],914 1,871 856 426 430 O()()25600 Kamat Halgaon 1340 _•••• _•••••• -U11- illhab ited •••••• _••• _.- 00625700 Hatgaon 540.0 899 4,148 2,001 2,147 983 516 467 00625800 KhulliaToli 220.0 310 L518 774 744 301 148 153 00625900 Bniria 251.0 380 1,812 874 938 409 182 227 00626000 C~ichora 306.0 175 885 462 423 244 134 110 00626100 Knnchanburi lstamrnr 42.0 15 70 33 37 18 7 II 00626200 Slmrma Toli 133.0 57 270 145 125 55 28 27 00626300 Phnrhabari Milik 111.0 412 1,945 996 949 400 201 199 00626400 Bhagjhunki 314.0 227 1,158 603 55S 283 153 130 00626500 Kanchanbari 462.0 113 576 294 282 90 44 46 00626GOO Ohelagurhi 91.0 202 981 499 482 198 106 92 00626700 Ka\pir 4Q5 D 748 3,602 1,824- 1,778 790 407 383 0062680() Bhelagurl1i 331.0 164 832 416 416 180 10] 79 00626900 Plpra 252.0 399 1,766 907 859 427 240 187 00627000 Matiari 1,261.0 1,205 6,044 3,034 3,010 1,435 763 672 00627100 Sirnia 80.0 99 486 257 229 119 66 53 00627200 Bellugarh 279.0 179 840 430 410 138 71 67 0062730Q Kbr.na BcJbari 6490 617 3,122 1,639 1,483 633 341 292 00627400 Kharra 204.0 79 399 208 191 83 41 42 00627500 Panchgachhi 171.0 80 389 200 189 79 43 36 0(]6276(JO Pharhabari 117.0 277 1,402 720 682 308 148 160 00627700 Jhuuki Musahara 443.() 695 3,302 1,695 1,607 749 405 344 00627800 Pharhahari Nankar 62.0 105 485 248 237 68 35 33 006279C>fJ Kadlela 229.() 221 984 SOl 483 220 III 109 ()O628000 Bhag Kajleta 65.0 59 291 139 152 71 35 36 00628!DO Hawakol 502.0 669 3,018 1,555 1,453 569 301 268 00628200 Semti Karnati 95.0 65 292 140 152 72 41 31 00628300 Kamdti Nankar 32.0 60 285 149 136 71 36 35 0062&4()0 Llldhabari 118.() 110 570 262 3D8 163 83 80 00628500 Doria 129.0 285 1,367 708 659 291 155 136 00628600 Pokhnria 205.0 101 479 226 253 131 59 72 00628700 Aslm 106.0 144 746 398 348 176 108 68 O(]628800 Rnmpllr 86.0 215 1,147 595 552 234 113 121 00628900 Pokharia 68.0 130 685 348 337 134 51 83 00629000 Dhnbnili 638.0 963 4,691 2,340 2,351 993 482 511 {1062910D lhala 266.0 603 2,967 1,477 1,490 688 343 345 00629200 Chargharia 221.0 444 2,164 1,106 1,058 406 190 216 OD629300 Balun Jagir 531.0 568 2,708 1,398 1,31{) 691 371 320 00629400 Gamharia 453.0 551 2,710 1,425 1,285 613 338 275 00629500 Hawakol Khurd 130.() 182 830 432 398 193 110 83 00629600 Khajudbari 434.0 551 2,732 1,413 1,319 471 224 247 00629700 Kuari 225.0 303 1,365 70S 657 296 140 156


Scheduled Castes eOEuatiolJ Scheduled Tribes poeulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 11,070 5,667 5,403 2,504 1,274 1,230 22,853 17,947 4,906 Terhagnchh (Total) 11,070 5,667 5,403 2,504 1,274 1.230 22,853 17,947 4,906 TcrhagllclJh (Rural) Terhag2chh (Urban) TerhRg~chh (Rural) 887 462 425 102 48 54 791 637 154 Bnorha 21 14 7 Dhoka~ihari ---·---·.·---Un-inhabited---··----··--- I'hulbari 14 II 3 Sharma Toli 29 17 12 14 8 6 88 77 II Hatgaon 237 124 113 737 508 229 Phulbari 36 19 17 61 55 6 Pipr~ J31 63 68 3 3 1,011 786 225 Dahibhat 171 125 46 Phulbari Nankar •..•...•. --.-Un- in h abi ted----·-······-- Kharij Khaniabad 100 55 45 144 73 71 93 79 14 Phulbari 53 25 28 16 10 6 22 18 4 Tokabhansa 503 254 249 142 78 64 829 634 195 Khaniabad -.--.-...._.- Un· in hab ited --_._-._ •.• -.- Kamat Hatgaon 94 45 49 228 107 121 520 436 84 Hatgaoll 153 81 72 126 58 68 358 303 55 Khuvia Tali 169 85 84 39 16 23 336 277 59 Gairia 98 53 45 42 22 20 155 132 23 Chichora 23 22 1 Kanchanbari Istamrar I I 83 68 15 Sharma Tali 101 52 49 300 246 54 Pharhabari Milik 54 29 25 156 86 70 216 173 43 Bhagjhunki 91 70 21 Kanchanbari 267 132 135 28 II 17 260 197 63 Bhelagurhi 372 188 184 1,122 800 322 Kalpir 95 43 52 172 145 27 Bhelagurhi 79 43 36 79 41 38 389 298 91 Pipra 360 182 178 85 41 44 1,155 904 251 Matinri 79 35 44 161 121 40 Sirnia 95 45 50 151 79 72 207 166 41 Benugarh 209 102 107 296 160 136 722 607 115 Kharra Belbari 26 14 12 54 49 5 Kharra 52 25 27 102 82 20 Panchgachhi 100 47 53 263 213 50 Pharhabari 113 56 57 633 486 147 lhunki Mllsllhara 185 163 22 Pharhabari Nankar 87 51 36 411 294 117 Kadleta 47 23 24 95 77 18 Bhag K1tileta 586 298 288 555 435 120 Hawakol 45 34 II Serati Kamati 18 14 4 Kamdti Nankar 6 2 4 73 67 6 Lodhabari 53 28 25 113 62 51 196 155 41 Doria 16 5 II 42 35 7 Pokharia 34 18 16 110 88 22 Asha 51 29 22 171 125 46 Rampur 36 34 2 Pokharia 580 295 285 821 629 192 Dhabaili 23 12 II 591 443 148 Jhala 511 262 249 376 304 72 Chargharia 398 215 183 501 399 102 BalllaJagir 134 68 66 331 268 63 Gamharia 377 196 lSI 174 153 21 Hawakol Khurd 626 312 314 344 300 44 Khajuribari 87 45 42 152 70 82 400 325 75 Kuari


Location Main workers code tlUtemte;:_ T \42 m 119 9 Hit 97 0062..1500 PI\UPJ~r: ·-··-···-Un·lnhahite~ •.••..•.••. - 0062.01600 S,l,T'y,a Tcl!i 61 2') 32 19 19 14 14 2()! 139 \2 UO(J24700 Hutgaun [,2,) 21}S 3}2 252 2117 45 44 0061481l(] Phulbari 2.428 1,123 1,305 924 784 140 786 742 00624900 Pipm 177 67 110 63 59 4- 62 59 \)[)62S001) Dahibllat 2,569 1,103 1,4(>(' ]'098 1..060 38 1,004 983 21 ()()625100 Phulbllri Nsnkar 272 96 176 153 152 1 150 149 1 00625200 Kharij Khaniabad ···_.• ,·····Un·inllabitcd, ....•·•·•••·• (J0625300 Phulbari 543 252 291 184 1&2 2 184 [82 2 (J062S400 Tokabhama 184 90 94 50 46 4 49 46 3 00625500 Khaniahad 2,956 1.2&0 1,676 1,369 :,(l30 339 iJ67 951 216 00625600 Kamat HatgaM ·······_····Un·inhabitcd·······_··-· 006257()O Hatgaoll 3,(,28 1,565 2,063 1.292 I,Oi8 214- 1,124 1,004 120 00625800 Kh\ltlia Toli i,l60 '111


Industrial catc!;'ior~ of main workers Household industry Cultivators A~ricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Pemales Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

11,544 )),196 348 15,799 14,207 1,592 774 465 309 1,998 1,878 120 Tcrbagachh (Total) 11,544 11,196 348 15,799 14,201 1.592 774 465 309 1,998 1,818 120 Tcrhagachh (Rurtl!) Terhagnchh (Urban) Tcrhagachb (Rural) 533 490 43 565 432 133 31 13 18 65 60 Bhorha 21 19 2 SO 78 2 Dhokarjhari •.. ·········-Un-inllabited--···· ...... Phulbari 13 13 Sharma Toli 62 61 132 123 9 7 5 2 Hatgnoll 174 171 J 391 361 30 24 21 3 197 189 g Phulbari 12 11 1 40 38 2 4 4 6 6 Pipra 323 320 3 523 512 11 3 3 155 148 7 Dahibhat 30 30 III 110 9 9 I'hulbari Nankar •• ....•• ....·Un·inhahited· ..··-···· .... Kharij Khaniabad 102 101 81 80 1 1 I Phulbari 25 25 20 20 3 3 1 1 Tokubhansa 534 480 54 564 413 151 22 18 4 47 40 7 Khaniabad -..- ...... • .. Ull·inhabited ..-· ..--- ..• .. Kamat Hatgaon 332 328 4 737 632 105 18 7 II 37 37 Hatgaon 199 19) 8 283 205 78 34 22 12 16 16 Khunia Toli 244 242 2 249 219 30 8 8 33 33 Bairia 59 59 85 84 1 127 59 68 8 8 Chichora 22 14 8 8 4 4 2 1 I 1 Kanchan bari Istamrar 42 42 33 33 ShannaToli 330 326 4 227 212 15 3 3 Pharhabari Milik 140 140 177 159 18 13 10 3 Bharuhunki 41 41 124 120 4 2 2 Kanchanbari 98 94 4 183 153 30 9 6 3 27 27 Bhelagurhi 249 244 404 361 43 65 63 2 295 290 5 Kalpir 88 88 104 103 I 10 10 Bhclagurhi 185 177 8 271 244 27 10 7 3 14 14 Pipra 546 529 17 894 837 57 31 26 5 148 [46 2 Matiari 39 39 99 99 7 6 1 Sirnia 102 101 I 174 139 35 17 5 12 3 3 Benugarh 417 410 7 526 457 69 32 30 2 Kharra Belbari I I 104 104 Kharra 81 81 26 25 2 2 Panchgachh i 88 84 4 193 184 9 34 34 13 12 1 I'harhabari 292 289 3 449 443 6 14 10 4 90 87 3 Jhunld Musahara 77 77 103 102 1 2 2 Pharhabari Nankar 157 155 2 105 101 4 2 2 3 3 Kadleta 29 29 42 42 3 3 Bhag Kajleta 289 285 4 570 461 109 4 3 6 6 Hawakol 17 15 2 28 28 2 2 4 4 Serati Kamati 33 31 2 42 40 2 I Kamdti Nal1kar 61 61 58 5S 3 14 13 J Lodhabari 133 131 2 148 131 17 39 35 4 Doria 24 24 83 82 1 3 2 1 Pokharia 63 48 15 225 128 97 16 13 3 Asha 60 56 4 103 102 1 8 8 25 25 Rampur 108 107 21 12 9 Pokharia 442 423 19 767 726 41 28 23 52 50 2 Dhabaili 311 298 13 475 380 95 30 29 1 100 74 26 Jhaln 219 215 4 372 356 16 64 32 32 8 8 Chargharia 172 171 1 226 216 10 2 2 66 65 J Balua Jagir 212 207 5 409 398 II 5 4 39 37 2 Oamharia 85 84 I 76 73 3 3 3 3 3 Hawakol Khurd 508 498 10 352 316 36 6 6 2 1 Khajuribari 196 194 2 147 139 8 8 2 6 5 5 Kuari


n01l1 'I'~t'ka)!;a~hll (foUl) 5.651 2,225 3,426 1,034 407 627 3,7~3 1,6B 2,118 0001 Ttrllllga~flh ~RlIrlll) S,65! 2,225 3,426 J.03~ 407 627 ],753 1,635 2.118 Of}()1 Tfrhllgachll (t'rtmn) Terllagachh (lbr~l) 00624311(1 HII(1rha 21D 41 jfi') 10]7 15 92 76 19 57 GO,,24JG1O fAIr(;I. 2.cih~ri 2! ,,:."I' J 2 J 24 2:) 4 OOOZ.J5ilO Phulb3Ji -----·---.--.Un-inha~il~d---·-·------ilOIj.24

~, OI}6147(l[J Hllpr.n i~ 33 22 ]? 2~ II 13 0062480(' I'hLJlbmi 138 42 96 2R 4 24 6[1 )0 3U IIO(,249D(, I'ipra 1 I Ol't-~)f)Dr Dalubli KlItJt;hanbari 4 1 -' 4 I J 00026500 B~elftgurhi 63 1[\ S3 2 2 l~ II 2 00525]01) K~lpir 59 31) J\} 8 R 14 10 4 1)0626800 Bhelagllrhi 6 5 1 .Ij 5 1 OD62&90D J>ipr~ M 31 33 16 14 2 30 15 15 00627000 Matimi 389 151 238 82 47 35 285 97 188 00627100 Simia 2 1 1 1 OD6272D() Bellvgarh 50 jJ 37 25 6 19 21 7 14 OO()2730n Klmrm II el~ari 26 14 ~ 12 3 2 t 16 \) J OI}627400 Kharra t02 IS 84 1 1 98 17 81 Oil62750() ]>a~cIlgachh1 22 6 16 I) 5 16 I 15 ~O62760(l Phar:la))ari 4V 28 12 I r 30 26 ~ 0%27700 Jlwnid Mml1ara 15 U 2 If) 8 2 4 4 00627200 Pb~r\1(\bMi NanKnr 3 I :2 .3 1 2. [10627'X)() Kadltla 17 4 )3 :2 2 3 2 006ZgOtiO 31ngK

368 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Terhagachh ofmargillal workers Location Household indust!2: workers Other workers Non·workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVilIa~e number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1 573 42 531 291 141 150 71,270 24,866 46,404 Terhagaehh (Total) 0001 573 42 531 291 141 150 71,270 24,866 46,404 Tcrhagachb (RUl'al) 0001 Tcr'hagachh (Urban) 0001 Terhagachll (Rural) 17 2 15 16 11 2,181 803 1,378 Bhorha 00624300 194 54 140 Dhoka~jhari 00624400 ·············Un·inhabited·············· Phlilbari 00624500 56 21 35 Sharma Toli 00624600 5 2 3 463 165 298 Halgaon 00624700 22 21 28 7 21 2,241 847 1,394 Phulbari 00624800 1 175 63 112 Pipra 00624900 16 2,482 829 1,653 Dahibhat 00625000 1 290 69 221 Phulbari Nankar 00625100 ·············Un·inhabited·····.. ·••···• Kharij Khaniabad 00625200 452 149 303 Phulbari 00625300 I I 156 62 94 Tokabhansa 00625400 16 2 14 12 4 8 2,416 884 1,532 Khaniabad 00625500 •••·•••• ..·--Un·inhabitetl·-······ ....-. Kamal Hatgaon 00625600 20 2 18 2,856 923 1,933 Hatgaon 00625700 20 20 2 2 911 315 596 Klllinia Toli 00625800 3 2 I 4 4 1,262 364 898 Bairia 00625900 9 2 7 587 242 345 Chichora 00626000 33 12 21 Kanchanbari lstamrar 00626100 193 70 123 Sharma Toli 00626200 1,364 446 918 Pharhabari Milik 00626300 2 739 262 477 Bhagjhunki 00626400 405 130 275 Kanch3nbari 00626500 49 49 2 2 601 209 392 Bhelagurhi 00626600 27 7 20 10 5 5 2,530 836 1,694 Kalpir 00626700 624 210 414 Bhelagurhi 00626800 18 2 16 1,222 434 788 Pipra 00626900 13 12 9 6 3 4,036 1,345 2,691 Matiari 00627000 I 1 339 112 227 Sirnia 00627100 2 2 2 2 494 169 325 Bcnugarh 00627200 4 2 2 3 2 2,120 727 1,393 KhaTIa Belbari 00627300 2 2 I 192 85 107 Kharra 00627400 258 86 172 Panchgachhi 00627500 8 8 1,034 378 656 Pharhabari 00627600 I 2,442 853 1,589 Jhunki Musahara 00627700 300 66 234 Pharhnbari Nankar 00627800 II II 700 236 464 Kadleta 00627900 21 21 195 65 130 Bhag Kajleta 00628000 2,037 752 1,285 Hawakol 00628100 227 78 149 Serati Kamati 00628200 206 75 131 Kamdti Nankar 00628300 2 2 429 127 302 Lodhabari 00628400 32 6 26 794 235 559 Doria 00628500 362 111 251 Pokharia 00628600 J 441 208 233 Asha 00628700 7 3 4 637 260 377 Rampur 00628800 556 229 327 Pokharia 00628900 I I 3,362 1,083 2,279 Dhabaili 00629000 5 ·3 2 2 2 2,001 683 1,318 lhala 00629100 6 3 3 2 2 1,464 471 993 Chargharia 00629200 4 4 2,004 716 1,288 Balua Jagir 00629300 1,729 640 1,089 Gamharia 00629400 583 219 364 Hawakol Khurd 006295DO 1,584 545 1,039 Khajuribati 006296DO 49 3 46 3 2 930 350 580 Kuari 00629700

369 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ VILLAGE PRIMARY C DBlock- Total population (including Location Area. of institutional and houseless Population in the emit: Village in Number of EOEulation) a~e·~rouE 0-6 number Nam!.! ofVi!la~e hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 (, 7 8 9 10 OOb298()0 Bablmngawan 193.0 233 1,079 562 517 202 100 102 00629900 Bclbari 36.0 86 385 199 186 66 30 36 00630000 Chilhania 342.0 247 1,120 573 547 262 145 117 00(,30100 Kharrakasht 198.0 172 851 461 390 179 92 87 006302()0 Khanl Suhia 176.0 63 302 165 137 5S 33 22 00630300 Bdbftrigachh 80.0 [ 13 492 260 232 80 38 42 00630,!QIJ Suhin Gopalnagar 132.0 III 537 281 256 108 54 S4 00630500 Rahllllllpur 2110 250 1,265 681 584 253 141 112 00630600 Suhiu 16\l 0 325 1,553 807 746 287 158 129 00630700 (lilni 128.0 166 710 378 332 140 68 72 00630800 Gargaon 75.0 74 429 222 207 114 56 58 00630900 Teghnria 82.0 180 758 418 340 III 68 43 0063100() Deorikhas 365.0 227 [,076 579 497 185 96 89 006][ lOO Ghnni Phulsam 279.0 227 1,025 521 504 232 122 110 00631200 Mahua 329.0 260 [,252 650 602 264 143 121 IJ063lJOO MahliaGachh 14.0 ······-······Un·inhabited·-··········_- 00631400 Mil111pllr 81.0 141 818 412 406 206 95 III 0063150() Mianpur 340.0 430 2,183 1,151 1,032 533 308 225 00631600 Bansbari 60.0 18 96 49 47 22 10 12 00631700 Phulbari 35.0 24 99 57 42 25 17 0063[800 Bhardhari 67.0 96 403 203 200 75 46 29 00631900 Sirnla 169.0 1[4 535 262 273 110 51 59 00632000 Dak Pokhar 354.0 507 2,195 1,124 1,071 414 217 197 00632100 Nania 170.0 137 701 354 347 149 73 76 00632200 Bailiadandgi 423.0 417 2,124 1,093 1,031 54l 277 264 00632300 Bai~lla 121.0 441 2,229 !,ISO 1,079 468 243 225


Scheduled Castes I20Euatioll Scheduled Tribes EOEulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 169 86 83 275 227 48 Babhangawan 39 21 18 155 119 36 Betbari 184 97 87 16 7 9 185 156 29 Chilhalliu 168 93 75 75 69 6 Kharrakasht 74 44 30 125 102 23 Khara Suhia 80 43 37 31 19 12 207 160 47 Bclbarigachh 120 60 60 20 7 13 221 171 50 Suhia Gopalnagar 84 41 43 369 303 66 Rahi11atpur 194 105 89 42 19 23 488 391 97 Suhia !IS 62 53 115 107 8 Gilni 99 76 23 Gargaon 264 144 120 302 236 66 Teghada 248 127 121 65 33 32 317 280 37 Deorikhas 406 198 208 169 136 33 Ghani PIllllsara 118 62 56 239 203 36 Mahua ------Un- i nhab itcd------MahuaGachh 2 I 179 143 36 Mianpur 90 40 50 301 232 69 Mianpur 96 49 47 7 7 Bansbari 49 28 21 51 3S 16 Phulbarj 65 33 32 215 126 89 Bhardhari 95 45 50 18 10 8 133 114 19 Sirnia 83 41 42 689 485 204 Dak Pokhar 108 88 20 Nallia 96 53 43 80 39 41 535 396 139 Baluadandgi 438 226 212 659 504 155 Baigna


Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name ()fVilla~e Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (J0629800 Bab!Jangawnn 804 335 469 359 320 39 340 309 31 00629900 Betbari 230 80 150 182 129 53 110 107 3 00630000 Chilhania 935 417 518 338 300 38 299 296 3 0063()100 K!mrrakasht 776 392 384 332 261 71 258 254 4 O()630200 Khara Suhia 177 63 114 183 96 87 94 92 2 00630300 Bclbarigachh 285 100 185 223 \63 60 \59 159 00630400 Sllh In Clopalnogar 316 110 206 255 178 77 177 171 6 00630500 RalllllatplII 896 378 518 611 418 193 441 396 45 ()()(J30600 Sliliia 1,065 416 649 562 476 86 491 466 25 ()O630700 Gllni 595 271 324 396 :m 159 214 210 4 (10630800 GmgHllll 330 146 184 117 liS 2 117 115 2 00630900 Tcgharia 456 182 274 302 406 96 257 204 53 00631000 Dcorikhas 759 299 460 536 349 187 382 302 80 00631100 Gllani Phulsara 856 385 471 440 302 138 281 279 2 00631200 MalHIa 1,013 447 566 362 362 362 362 00631300 Mahua Gachh ------Un-inhab ited--·-·····-···· 00631400 MiafJPur 639 269 370 219 219 218 218 00631500 Mianpur I,R82 919 963 661 634 27 658 631 27 ()O631600 Bansbari 89 42 47 56 29 27 48 26 22 00631700 PhuIbari 48 22 26 27 27 25 25 00631800 Bhardhnri 188 77 111 124 104 20 117 101 16 ()063 1900 Sirnia 402 148 254 145 131 14 143 130 13 00632000 Dak Pokhar 1,506 639 867 928 667 261 514 441 73 00632100 Nania 593 266 327 160 146 14 152 142 10 00632200 Balu~dandgi 1,589 697 892 678 602 76 591 570 21 00632300 Baill:on 1.570 646 924 640 578 62 582 544 38


Industrial cate~or~ of main workers Household industry Cultivators As;ricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 146 145 177 156 21 9 9 8 Babhangawan 58 56 2 40 39 1 3 3 9 9 Betbari 66 66 224 221 3 9 9 Chilhania 148 147 101 101 9 6 3 Kharrakasht 70 70 21 21 2 2 1 Khara Suhia 91 91 67 67 I Be1barigachh 82 82 68 66 2 II 7 4 16 16 Sllhin Gopalnagar 250 228 22 174 153 21 17 15 2 Rahmatpur 213 212 1 205 190 15 17 14 3 56 50 6 Suhia 119 118 94 91 3 I Gilni 51 51 63 62 1 1 1 2 2 Gargaon 106 106 89 88 1 56 4 52 6 6 Tegharia 123 107 I6 239 180 59 9 6 3 II 9 2 Deoriklms 74 74 196 194 2 10 10 Ghani I'huIsara 129 129 232 232 Maluia ············-Un-inhabited·-········_··· MahuaGachh 82 82 115 115 21 21 Mianpul 252 249 3 371 371 23 23 12 II Mianpuf I3 6 7 35 20 15 Bansbari 14 14 7 7 4 4 Phulbari 72 67 5 30 24 6 15 10 Bhardhari 79 78 57 45 12 7 7 Sirnia 210 201 9 284 228 56 4 4 16 12 4 Dak Pukhar 90 88 2 44 37 7 17 17 Nania 248 248 316 295 21 26 26 Baluadandgi 151 144 7 328 319 9 13 12 90 80 [0 Baigna


Industrial cate!;lor~ Location code Mar8inal workers Cultivators A!;lricuitural labourers Females numher Name ofVilla~e Pcrsons Males Fcmales Persons Males Females Persons Males 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 00629800 Babhangawan 19 II 8 6 4 2 12 6 6 00629900 Betbari 72 22 50 34 11 23 38 11 27 00630000 ClliIhania 39 4 35 7 2 5 19 18 00630100 Kharrakasht 74 7 67 5 3 2 69 4 65 00630200 KIllirn Sullin 89 4 85 3 3 00630300 Bclbarignchh 64 4 60 21 4 17 36 36 00630400 Suh ia Oopalnagar 78 7 71 3 3 13 3 10 00630500 Rahmatpur 170 22 148 105 16 89 64 6 58 00630600 Suhia 71 10 61 41 40 7 2 5 00630700 Gilni 182 27 155 78 16 62 104 II 93 00630800 Gargaoll 00630900 Teghnria 45 2 43 I 00631000 Dcorikhas 154 47 107 14 6 8 94 13 81 00631100 Ghani Phulsara 159 23 136 24 9 15 131 II 120 00631200 Mahua 00631300 MahuaGachh -_··········-Un·inhabited·············· 00631400 Miallpl1r 1 I 00631500 Miallpur 3 3 3 00631600 Bansbari 3 5 8 3 00631700 Phulbari 2 2 I 1 00631800 Bhardhan 7 3 4 2 00631900 Sirnia 2 1 1 00632000 Dak Pokhar 414 226 188 127 59 68 276 163 1I3 00632100 Nania 8 4 4 3 3 3 3 00632200 Baluadandgi 87 32 55 24 18 6 46 13 33 0(}632300 Bai~na 52 34 24 12 10 2 2 2

374 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Terhagachh ofmafl:linal workers Location Household indust!2: workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVillase number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 720 242 478 Babhangawan 00629800 203 70 133 Betbari 00629900 13 12 782 273 509 Chilhania 00630000 519 200 319 Kharrakasht 00630100 85 85 119 69 50 Khara Suhia 00630200 7 7 269 97 172 Bel barignchh 00630300 61 61 282 103 179 Suhia Gopalnugar 00630400 654 263 391 Rahmatpur 00630500 IS 15 S 7 991 331 660 Slihiu 00630600 314 I'll 173 Gilni 00630700 312 107 205 Gargaol1 00630800 44 2 42 456 212 244 TcglJaria 00630900 15 6 9 31 22 9 540 230 310 Deorikhas 00631000 I 3 3 585 219 366 Ghani Phliisara 00631100 890 288 602 Malma 00631200 ------Un-inhabited------MahliaGachh 00631300 599 193 406 Mianpur 00631400 1.522 517 1.005 Mmnpur 00631500 40 20 20 Bansbari 00631600 72 30 42 Phulbari 00631700 2 2 3 2 I 279 99 180 Bhardhari 00631800 2 1 390 131 259 Sirnia 00631900 3 2 8 3 5 1.267 457 810 Dak Pokhar 00632000 2 541 208 333 Nania 00632100 17 16 1.446 491 955 Baluadandgi 00632200 19 19 25 22 3 1,589 572 1,017 Baigna 00632300


Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of ~oEulationl a!?;c-![ouE 0-6 Persons Males Females number NameofVillal.\e hcct~res households Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0002 Dighalbanl! (rotan 25,526.0 30,806 152,685 78,309 74,376 34,986 17,647 17,339 ()oo2 Dighalbank (Rural) 25,526.0 30,806 152,685 78,309 74,376 34,986 17,647 17,339 0002 Oighalbank (Urban) Dig!lalbank (Rural) 0063240() KllllChflfi Barl 244.0 175 886 443 443 226 109 117 00632,500 Lolmgath'l 312.0 403 2.3:27 1,180 1,147 589 290 299 00632600 Oargah kancl1anbari 94.0 80 405 210 195 81 45 36 00632700 Lolmrgarll« 1,011.0 689 3.107 1,600 1,507 683 352 331 00632800 Mn!mali 127.0 253 1,371 691 680 285 125 160 00632900 PaIsa Milik 114.0 74 489 264 225 102 62 40 00633000 BaUlluth Paisa J09.0 187 992 487 505 232 110 122 00633100 Paisa 318,0 353 L839 959 880 377 199 178 00633200 Sillghimari 761.0 724 3,646 !,833 1,813 788 394 394 00633300 Singhimari Miiik 332.0 521 2,805 1,386 1,419 745 364 381 00633400 Hal'hibhita 538.0 640 3,163 1,631 1,532 697 367 330 00633500 Kast Kilram Ali 95,0 26 114 59 55 23 II 12 00633600 Dcugirja 229,0 307 1,523 768 755 304 146 158 00633700 Sat Kauwa 1,017.D 1,023 5,350 2,753 2,597 1,285 663 622 00633800 Harlladanga 23.0 52 222 129 93 53 29 24 00633900 Dubri khas 813.0 720 3,641 1,932 1,709 BG2 374 428 00634000 Dubri 1810 126 484 255 229 113 60 53 00634100 Boaldal1a 365.0 302 1,541 753 788 377 182 195 00634200 Tanghan Tapu 98.0 264 1.096 577 519 233 124 109 00634300 Pakamari 64.0 68 297 141 156 51 21 30 ()(l634400 Dahibhat 969.0 1,288 6,249 3,208 3,041 1,483 751 732 00634500 Mangrll 777.0 1.059 5,046 2,619 2,427 1,097 586 511 00634600 Kaclllllll!la MiJik 44.0 83 430 223 207 124 63 61 00634700 Kachullula Milik 36.0 44 221 99 122 55 26 29 00634800 Kachuna!a Milik 54.0 9S 434 223 211 110 54 56 00634900 Kachunala 720.0 543 2,654 1,365 1,289 608 312 296 00635000 Dargah Raslilganj 40.0 88 426 219 207 88 43 45 00635100 Tulshia Knsht 108.0 138 615 323 292 89 50 39 00635200 Tliishia 1,219.0 1,728 7,972 4,107 3,865 1,670 861 809 00635300 Dahibh81 Kafnn 163.0 364 1,57] 772 800 354 178 176 00635400 Dahibhol Khurd 77.0 84 484 263 221 120 71 49 00635500 Mustal aganj 191,0 345 1,734 88& 846 370 203 167 00635600 Dargah Aliganj 21,0 13 50 24 26 15 6 9 00635700 Aligallj 40,0 I S 2 6 2 I 1 00635800 Ghungra 450.0 886 4,149 2,079 2,070 961 464 497 00635900 Lachhmipur 1,004.0 1.509 7,734 3,937 3,797 1,813 872 941 00636000 Kalpir Pathar On aUi 375.0 674 3,293 1,691 1,602 872 426 446 00636100 GmllnlUrha 269.0 256 1,351 683 668 346 183 163 00636200 Banwaria 255,0 251 1,272 634 638 303 159 144 00636300 PlIthargi1alti 224,0 328 1,599 800 799 342 166 176 00636400 Patharghatti 628.0 783 4,125 2,131 1,994 I,Q3G 5Ql S3S 00636500 Kllmarkhod 180.0 37 172 83 89 35 17 18 00636600 K~rhRiJi 580.0 726 3,613 1,839 1,774 839 397 442 00636700 Ikra 546.0 958 4,693 2,434 2,259 1,126 614 512 00636800 Padampur 954.0 1.356 6,447 3,356 3,091 1,342 688 654 00636900 Padampur 718.0 1,31{) 6,463 3,357 3,106 1,494 790 704 00637000 Kamamani 603.0 734 3,808 1,979 1,829 747 3S{; 3&9 00637100 Hllblidenga 108.0 46 250 136 114 7{) 38 32 00637200 Garbhanadenga 322,0 349 1,810 956 854 405 202 203 00637300 Satmeri 66.0 106 542 265 277 139 73 66 OD6374DD Bllurli EII ita 94.0 88 494 258 236 126 62 64 0063750D Teli Bhita 47.0 71 385 212 173 60 30 30 00637600 Maltoli ISLO 187 827 429 398 194 91 103 006377('0 Dighal Bank 564.0 991 5,335 2,801 2,534 1.269 658 611 00637800 Hari Bhita 23.0 42 234 120 114 50 24 26


Scheduled Castes EOEuatiol1 Scheduled Tribes EOEulalion Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

9,882 5,122 4,760 10,559 5,368 5,191 31,245 23,373 7,872 Dighalbank (Total) 9,882 5,122 4,760 10,559 5,368 5,191 31,245 23,373 7,872 Dighalbank (Rul'al) Digltlilbanl< (Urban) Dighalbank (RIII'al) 83 40 43 32 17 15 149 115 34 Kanchan Bari 201 105 96 81 39 42 360 292 68 Lohagarl1a 131 66 65 32 29 3 Dargah kanchanbari 215 113 102 874 472 402 551 410 141 Lohargarha 14 6 S 114 90 24 Malmali 7 4 3 40 26 14 68 52 16 Paisa Milik 221 106 115 119 53 66 220 196 24 Baijllalh Paisa 14 7 7 429 209 220 278 227 51 Paisa 141 70 71 1,599 808 79\ 609 438 171 Singhimnri 64 35 29 155 75 80 556 387 169 Singllimllri Milik III 57 54 483 238 245 575 446 129 Harhibhita 50 35 15 Kast Karam Ali 219 111 108 257 124 133 134 107 27 Dcogirja 221 114 107 505 266 239 742 546 196 Sat Kallwa III 62 49 83 63 20 Haruadanga 306 158 148 360 176 184 908 738 170 Dubri khas 76 39 37 10 5 5 151 127 24 Dubri 207 108 99 161 74 87 367 271 96 Boaldaha 205 J06 99 3 1 2 472 329 143 Tanghan Tapu 23 12 11 69 38 31 125 76 49 Pakamari 290 155 135 86 44 42 967 783 184 Dahibhat 180 101 79 151 75 76 1.094 858 236 Mangra 19 9 10 99 80 19 Kachunala Milik 33 25 8 Kachllnala Milik 51 23 28 87 72 15 Kaclll1l1ala Milik 191 100 91 59 28 31 447 360 87 KachllOala 119 101 18 Dargah Rasulganj 103 56 47 322 205 117 Tulsllia Kasht 479 234 245 233 117 116 2,231 1,630 601 Tuls]Jia 100 45 55 285 211 74 Dahibhat Kalan 10 6 4 43 36 7 Dahibhat Khllrd 40 22 18 159 118 41 Mustalaganj 2 2 Dargah Aliganj 8 2 6 Aliganj 220 110 110 890 674 216 Ghangra 266 144 122 313 145 168 969 696 273 Lachhmipur 722 389 333 762 597 165 Kalpir Pathar Ghatti 96 68 28 Gurhmurha 33 16 17 162 137 25 Banwaria 184 91 93 208 112 96 224 173 51 Patharghatti 406 212 194 795 608 187 Patharghatti 11 10 I Kllmarkhod 236 130 106 117 58 S9 937 679 258 KlIrhaili 464 230 234 882 652 230 lkra 71 36 3S 202 102 100 1,739 1,273 466 Padampur 342 173 169 144 88 56 1,635 1,166 469 Padampur 500 257 243 269 132 137 730 575 155 Karuarnani 4 2 2 12 II I Hublidenga 219 107 112 37 23 14 465 323 142 Garbhanadenga 269 133 136 125 84 41 Satmeri 53 26 27 24 12 12 210 151 59 Bhurli Bhlta 77 44 33 60 34 26 122 87 35 Teli Bhita 37 21 16 182 138 44 Maltoli 229 115 114 827 443 384 1,229 871 358 Dighal Bank 68 58 10 Had Bhita


LocatiDn code Illilerates Total workers Main workers Males Females number Name ofVmage; Persons Males females ['ersons Mules females Persons 27 28 I 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 46,526 41,706 4,820 !)()()1 Oighalbank (Total) 111,4.!O 54,916 66,504 5l,096 43,93'7 8,159 41,746 4,820 0002 Diglll'.lbank (Rural) 121,440 54,'i36 66,504 Sl,096 ~3,937 8,159 46,526 0002 Digllalbank (Urbf,n) D'lgl!Rlbahk lRlIl'n\) <}9 233 2'21 12 006314lJ\l KUllcl1an Bllfi 7:'1 :m 41'h :l23 224 638 617 21 (J0632500 Lolwgnfh~ 1,91>7 888 I,07S 939 662 277 2 00632600 Dmgah kllnchaubarl 37J 181 m 134. 124 10 !25 123 006J27!lO LQhnrgarha 2,556 1,190 1,366 1,337 890 447 821 7i9 42 JfI6J2!lI:O Mafmali ]257 6ill 65{j 397 344 53 354 335 19 146 142 4 ')0632900 Paisa lY.i1i~ 421 212 2()<} 141 l43 4 13 IJ(J63JOO(J anti;] ~Ih Paisa 772 291 481 40:; 277 i26 243 230 5~i] 5}l 4~ \)~633\OO I'~\,'h 1,5{-;1 132 ~29 fl30 534 % (l(f6332()O Sin giTimar,' 3,037 1,395 1,642 1,539 1,070 469 1,316 1,034 2&2 006333Q() SirlgiTimari /VIilik 2,249 999 1)50 l,130 734 396 749 552 197 ()O631400 Harhibhiw 1,SS8 1,185 1,403 1,111 958 153 1,087 946 14J 00633500 K~s, K,1rlUll Ali 64 24 40 31 27 4 26 26 00633600 Deogirja 1,389 561 72S 596 446 150 596 446 150 00633700 Sat KallWll ~,6()S 2,2(),) 2,4()1 1,955 \,5{lQ 455 1,82'1 1,426 401 OQ6?38()O Hallladanga \39 Ecf, 13 61 ('7 6') 6'] 00633900 Dllbrikha~ 2,133 l,i94 U39 lMO 1.194 2<\6 1,344 J,17I ! 73 (1063401)0 Dubri 333 ,28 205 m 162 121 205 150 55 006341~O Ba~ldalm 1,174 482 692 558 ~24 1J4 47D 396 74 00634200 'Tangllan Tapli 624 248 376 441 359 82 436 356 80 00634300 Pakrunari 172 65 107 132 92 40 132 92 40 00634400 Dahibhat S,282 2,425 2,857 1,779 1,649 130 1,65 [ 1,557 94 (l()634SGO Ma\\ya 3,952 l;H;! 2,\91 \,~3S \,452 &3 i,515 1,449 66 00634600 Kachunala MiIik 331 [43 188 110 110 103 !O3 00634700 Kaclmnala Milik IS8 74 114 411 48 48 48 00634800 Kachllnala Milik 347 [51 196 200 143 57 131 126 5 00631900 )\acl1unruf. 2.207 ],005 1,202 819 775 44 794 753 41 OD635DCO Dargah Rttsiliganj 3D7 m 189 129 126 3 128 125 J (I~6Jj liJO Tl1isll la Kas ht 293 lIS 175 107 Ig3 24 205 181 24 tlJ635200 Tulsbia 5,141 2,477 >'264 2,619 1,370 259 l,S!1! 2,340 230 00635300 Dnilibhat Kal~n ! ,287 561 726 573 443 130 529 43) 98 OD635400 Dahibhnl K)lUrd 44) 227 214 140 m 2 14D 138 2 00635500 Mus wi nganj 1,575 770 805 465 448 17 407 402 00635

378 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Digltalbank Industrial category of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Viii age 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 13,576 12,810 766 30,192 26,412 3,780 402 310 92 2,356 2,174 182 Digbalbank (Total) 13,576 12,810 766 30,192 26,412 3,780 402 310 92 2,356 2,174 182 Dighalbank (Rural) Dighalbnnl( (Urban) Dighalbnllk (Rural) 52 50 2 174 164 10 7 7 Kanchan Bari 154 151 3 475 457 18 9 9 Lohagarha 5 5 119 117 2 I Dargah kanchanbari 288 279 9 506 474 32 10 9 17 17 Lohargarha 93 93 259 240 19 Ma1mali 40 37 3 106 105 I Paisa Milik 70 69 1 156 146 10 17 15 2 Baijnath PaIsa 223 216 7 356 314 42 Paisa 432 356 76 843 640 203 14 12 2 27 26 Singhimari 295 211 84 391 285 106 12 7 5 51 49 2 Singhimari Milik 345 307 38 730 627 103 12 12 Harhibhita 10 10 16 16 Kast Karam Ali 73 72 I 513 364 149 10 10 Deogirja 598 498 100 1,191 893 298 7 7 31 28 3 SatKauwa 18 18 44 44 5 5 Haruadanga 424 415 9 897 735 162 12 11 11 10 Dubri khas 42 37 5 133 91 42 11 7 4 19 15 4 Dubri 139 132 7 295 234 61 4 4 32 30 2 Boaldaha 56 56 217 168 49 15 12 3 148 120 28 Tanghan Tapu 22 19 3 103 66 37 7 7 Pakamari 503 494 9 1,122 1,042 SO 3 2 23 20 3 Dahibhat 479 450 29 989 952 37 2 2 45 45 Mungra 24 24 77 77 2 2 Kachunala Milik 12 12 35 35 1 1 Kachllnala Milik 55 54 I 75 71 4 Kachunala Milik 307 297 10 474 448 26 4 2 2 9 6 3 Kachunala 32 32 69 68 I 21 20 6 5 Dargah RaslIlganj 39 37 2 148 126 22 18 18 Tulshia Kasht 738 709 29 1,597 1,442 155 44 30 14 191 159 32 Tulshia 108 97 II 391 309 82 I 29 25 4 Dahibhat Kalan 7S 74 60 59 5 5 Dahibhat Khurd 181 180 202 200 2 2 2 22 22 Mustalaganj 26 15 II Dargah Aliganj Aliganj 334 329 718 706 12 63 62 Ghangra 495 475 20 1,402 1,207 195 44 39 5 Lachhmipur 276 271 5 753 712 41 13 11 2 Kalpir Pathar Ghatti 36 33 3 365 338 27 7 7 8 8 Gurhmurha 122 122 209 207 2 19 19 Banwaria 76 76 306 287 19 31 31 [7 13 4 Patl1argh atli 363 354 9 832 690 142 5 5 47 43 4 Patharghatti 2 2 45 38 7 2 2 Kumarkhod 353 343 10 808 693 115 6 6 53 51 2 Kurhaili 445 424 21 770 752 18 9 9 126 119 7 lkra 585 573 12 1,276 1,173 103 40 30 10 85 82 3 Padampur 421 413 8 1,181 1,097 84 17 8 9 III 107 4 Padampur 284 253 31 1,209 909 300 15 14 1 Karuamani 10 10 50 50 5 5 I-Iublidenga 147 141 6 282 264 18 75 73 2 Garbhanadenga 35 31 4 137 90 47 4 4 13 13 Satmeri 48 47 1 66 63 3 20 20 Shurll Bhita 66 66 70 62 8 2 2 4 3 Teli Bhita 89 88 I 171 164 7 1 1 Maltali 290 276 14 1,046 819 227 20 17 3 386 350 36 Dighal Sank 49 48 24 24 Han Bhitn

379 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Bloc[,- lndustrial cntc!;\o!): [,uc 5 19 4 J5 00635400 Dnhibhat Khurd 00635500 Mustaillganj 58 46 12 2 54 44 10 006356()O Dargllh Aiiga!1.i Q(J63S10() Alig.nnj r t 1 I 00635S[)O Gl1angrll 58 48 10 41 4(} I 7 6 I 0063590i) LuclJlunipur 7<+7 51) 224 28 18 !O 702 494 208 C10636000 Kalpir Pathur Gl1atti 5 3 2 4 2 2 00636J(J{) Gurnmurha 37 J 34 4 4 30 3 27 006362(JO i3anw"dria 90 23 67 32 12 2() 5B 11 47 00636300 Palhargh~lti 10 J 7 B 2 6 00636400 Pathargh atti 162 11 qt 53 II 42 S6 42 44 00636500 KlimarkhiJd 00636600 Kurhaili 80 43 37 38 24 14 41 IS 23 O(l6367()O (kra 228 51 177 23 2J 2 200 26 174 OOC;36800 Padlll11pur 167 91 76 44 2S 19 gO 47 13 01,1("36900 Padampur 386 III 275 7 6 J 359 103 256 00637000 Kamumani 69 22 47 32. 12 20 37 10 27 O(){jJ7!OO Hublid~nga (}O637200 Garbhanadenga <) 3 6 3 00637300 Sntmeri 2 1 1 I 1 00637400 Bhurlll3hiln 36 [0 16 12 5 7 l'_J 18 00637500 Teli Shita 00637600 Malloli 3 3 3 3 00637700 Digha! Bank 208 74 134 26 7 19 160 58 102 00637800 Had Bhita


of 1l1m'~inal workers Location Household industr~ workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Mules Females Name ofVilla~e number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 302 17 285 301 143 158 100,589 34,372 66.217 Dighalbank (Total) 0002 302 17 285 301 143 158 [00,589 34.372 66.217 Dighalbank (Uural) 0002 Oighll[bank (U.'lmn) 0002 Dighalbank (Ullral) SO 80 563 219 344 Kanchan Bari 00632400 2 2 1,3SB 518 870 Loilagmha 00632500 271 86 185 Durgah kunchanbari 00632600 R7 2 85 14 13 1,770 710 1,060 Lllhargllrha 0063270() 974 347 627 Malmali 00632800 342 121 221 Paisa Milik 00632900 67 66 589 210 379 Baijnath Paisa 00633000 1.209 425 784 Paisa 00633100 3 I 2 2,107 763 1,344 Singhiman 0063320() 4 4 1,675 652 1,023 SinghilTlan Milik 00633300 2,()52 673 1,379 Harhibhita OU633400 83 32 51 Kast Karam Ali 00633500 927 322 605 Deogirja 00633600 2 2 3,395 1,253 2.142 Sat Kauwa 00633700 155 62 93 Haruadungu 00633800 17 17 2 2 2,201 738 1,463 Dubri kilns 00633900 2DJ 93 J08 Dubri 00634000 9 9 I 983 329 654 Boaldaha 00634100 3 2 655 218 437 Tanghan Tapti 00634200 165 49 116 Pakamari 00634300 2 2 28 15 13 4,470 1,559 2,911 Dahibhat 00634400 5 J 4 3,511 1,167 2,344 Mangra 00634500 5 5 320 113 207 Kachunala Milik 00634600 173 51 122 Knchunala Milik 00634700 234 80 154 Kachunala Milik 00634800 2 2 1,835 590 1,245 Knchunala 00634900 I I 297 93 204 Dargah Rasulganj 00635000 2 2 408 140 268 Tulshla Kasht 00635100 2 2 7 7 5,343 1.737 3,606 Tulshia 00635200 7 7 12 3 9 999 329 670 Dahibhat Kalan 00635300 344 125 219 Dahibhat Khurd 00635400 1,269 440 829 Mustalaganj 00635500 24 9 15 Dargah Aliganj 00635600 6 I 5 Aliganj 00635700 1 9 I 8 2,975 933 2,042 Ghangra 00635800 2 2 15 11 4 5,045 1,692 3,353 Lachhmipur 00635900 2,246 694 1,552 Kalpir P

381 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ VILLAGE PRIMARY CD B1ocl{- Total populatioll (including 1.IlCillioll Area of institutional and houscless Population ill the cudc Village in Number of I!°Eulution~ a~e·~rouE 0-6 numher Name ofVillal;\e hCl.:ture~ households Persolls Males Females Persons Males Females 2 :I 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

()O(,37l)()() Digital Bunk 30SJI 156 Rlt} 446 373 158 88 70 (J()(dX(JOO Maltnh h2.0 35 173 91 82 51 30 21 00638100 Mahamari 480.0 550 2,719 1,35l! 1,361 694 337 357 O()(,38200 I'allchgachhi 18LO 149 826 433 393 181 93 88 (lO(.3XJOO Dhanllia IA6S.() 1,316 6,665 3,463 3,202 1,445 723 722 {1063R4JR700 Suribhita 125.0 167 758 383 375 139 55 84 (1(}638800 Barbhang 322.0 223 1,119 569 550 243 125 118 00638l)OO Talwur Bandl13 20LO 241 1,111 563 54R 277 148 129 (JOb.WOOO Bansbari 53.n 34 159 71 88 34 13 21 ()U6Y)lO() fJigbiban 31U) 34 156 77 79 42 24 18 00639200 Garumara 257.0 252 1,264 651 613 298 147 151 00639300 C'hhola Garunmrn 27.0 60 259 136 123 52 32 20 (J063Q400 Mnldangi 112.0 10 38 21 17 7 4 3 (J0639,O() lehman 9,.0 154 788 395 393 161 83 78 00639600 Alguchhia 283.0 540 2,684 1,298 1,386 633 303 330 00639700 Tarabari 194.0 404 2,026 1,009 1,017 519 258 261 ()Ob:W800 Kfl1l1ati 2()8.0 324 1,609 835 774 412 218 194 00639900 IkraMilik 83.0 71 319 159 160 54 29 25 00640000 lkrllMilik 52.0 31 170 78 92 44 20 24 00640100 IkraMihk 330 59 292 142 150 88 42 46 00640200 Kumhia 659.0 1117 3,973 2,093 I,X80 905 475 430 0064Q300 Tapu 100.0 71) JOI 154 147 78 38 40 00640400 Jia~okhar 153.0 299 1.412 698 714 3()S 188 207


Scheduled Castes pOl2uation Scheduled Tribes ~lll2ulation Litt::l'ates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 108 64 44 18 II 7 288 207 81 Dighal Bank 26 II 15 114 60 54 22 18 4 Maltoli 78 38 40 107 51 56 380 295 85 Mahamari 7 2 5 258 212 46 Panchgachbi 689 378 311 1,3(iO 679 681 1,444 1,068 376 Dhnnola 84 39 45 146 103 43 Mulahari 184 99 85 92 70 22 Kama! 76 40 36 132 102 30 Doria 46 26 20 54 29 25 141 114 27 Suribhita 63 30 33 361 271 90 Barbhang 195 !O3 92 282 201 III Talwar Bandha 86 39 47 5S 36 19 Banshori 50 27 2l) 17 IS 2 Dighibad 64 36 28 104 47 57 217 172 45 Garumara 24 20 4 Chho!a Garumara 4 3 Maldangi 56 31 25 Ill) 83 36 Ichmari 15 10 5 620 464 156 AIgacbhia 26 12 14 16 7 9 52S 364 161 Tumbari 34 20 14 387 275 112 Kamali 74 40 34 80 60 20 IkruMilik 64 41 23 IkraMilik 70 36 34 30 24 6 IkraMilik 149 73 76 202 1I0 92 691 S18 173 Kumhia 42 37 5 Tapu 147 lI4 33 Jia okhar


Lucutioll culie Illiterates Total workers Main workers n\llllh~r Name \lfVilla~e Persons Males Females PCI'~()I1S Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 O()(!37900 llighal Hank 531 239 192 257 225 32 256 225 31 O()(,3~()O() Maltnli 151 73 78 60 47 13 60 47 13 OO(J38100 Mahamari 2,339 1,063 1,276 gHO 742 147 824 711 113 ()()(I.~~lO() Panchgachhi Sill! 221 347 264 220 44 234 219 15 {/(1fI.38Jf)l) DlImlPlil 5.221 2,395 2,82(, 2,351 2,()25 326 2,149 1,915 234 O()(,3~·I(JO Mulabari 18S 60 128 127 99 28 121 99 22 O()(J.moo Kamal 446 201 245 327 158 169 326 158 168 O(!(d8(J()O Dnria .152 Il4 168 119 i()1 18 119 101 18 (106J87(IO Surihhita 617 269 348 223 223 223 223 Otl638ROO Bnrbhanp. 758 298 460 392 349 43 370 331 39 00(1]8900 Talwar Bandha 829 362 167 356 330 26 351 326 25 0063QOOO Bansbari 104 35 69 65 44 21 44 41 3 OOfi3QlOO Dighlban 139 62 77 85 43 42 45 38 7 00639200 (iarumara UI47 471) $68 390 360 30 369 360 9 U(l639300 Chhota (jurulliara 235 116 119 77 76 1 77 76 1 0063940(J Maldnngl 34 IS 16 15 14 I 15 14 1 00639500 Ichmarl (,119 312 357 248 234 14 239 228 II 0063960() Aigachhin 2,064 834 1,230 737 695 42 638 632 6 0063970tl Tarabari 1.501 645 856 584 543 41 549 m 17 ()063IJS()(} Kamati 1.222 56() 662 460 442 18 430 418 12 00639900 IkraMilik 239 CJ() 140 105 88 17 105 88 17 00640000 lkraMilik 106 37 69 52 47 5 52 47 5 0064(}I (]() IkraMiltk 262 IIH 144 79 61 18 79 61 18 0064(}200 KUlllhia 1282 1,575 1.707 1,351 1,21>9 82 1,294 1,232 62 0064()300 Tapu 259 117 142 90 ()O 90 90 00641}4()() JiaEnkhar 1.265 584 681 345 334 11 328 322 6


Industrial catc£or~' ofll1ain workers HOllschold industry Cultivators A!;lricultuml labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Fcmales Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Male~ Pemales Name ofYillage 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 69 64 124 101 23 62 5<) Dighal Bunk <) 9 50 3& 12 1 Maltllii 254 245


Industrial cate~or~ Locatioll \:odc Mars;inal workers Cultivators A!:lriculturallabourers Males Females 1l\l11lhcr Name ot'VilIa[;\c Pcr~ons Malc~ Fcmalc~ Persons Males FCll1ale~ Persons 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 f)06J7'J()I) DJglwl Bi!nk {lO(,3$(I(lO Mult(}li (10(,3810(1 MalulJllart (15 31 34 17 9 8 41 17 24 (10638200 I'nnchgachhi 30 29 2 2 28 1 27 (lOll.mOO Dhanllia 202 110 92 3 3 191 103 88 ()()(13$·mn Mulahari 6 6 2 2 ()O(JJ850(i Kamal I I ()()(J.l8(1(1() Dorm I)O(,_,S")()O SlIfibhJla OOr'.moo Barbhang 22 18 4 5 5 16 13 3 ()0638(J(]O Talwar BundlHl 5 4 I 4 3 I ()O639()(lO Dansbari 21 3 18 I 20 2 18 0063910U Dighitlnri 40 5 35 8 2 6 30 29 OD63i}200 GanJmara 21 21 21 21 OO~39300 Chho!iI GaTlIlUara (j(l63<}-100 Maldangi 00539500 lehman 9 6 3 1 8 6 2 (}O(l396(1(J Algachhiu 'n 63 36 7 7 72 55 17 f)O(I.W70() Tarahari 35 IJ 24 2 2 5 2 3 00539S(JO Kama!i 30 24 6 18 16 2 lO 6 4 (JO[13990U Ikra Milik OO&4()OOO lkra Mllik OOG4()lOO lkra Milik 00&40200 Kumhia 57 37 20 22 19 3 21 15 6 OOM0300 Taru 00640400 Jiaeokhar 17 12 11 8 3 5 3 2


ofmar~inal workers Location Household jndustr~ workers Other workers NOli-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Fcmali.:s Persons Males Females Name of Villa~e number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 562 221 341 Dighul Bank 00637900 113 44 69 Malloh 00638000 (, 1,830 616 1,214 Mahamari 00638100 562 213 349 ranchga~hhi 00638200 4 4 4 4 4,314 1,438 2,876 Dhanola 00638300 2 2 207 64 143 Muluban 00638400 211 113 98 Kamal 00638500 265 8S 180 Doria 00638600 535 160 375 Sunbhita 00638700 727 220 507 Barbhung 00638800 755 233 522 'falwar Bandhu 00638900 94 27 67 Bansbari 00639000 2 2 71 34 37 Dighlbari 00639100 874 291 583 Garumara 00639200 182 (lO 122 Chhota Garulllara 00639300 23 7 16 Maldangi 00639400 540 161 379 Ichmari 00639500 17 1 16 3 3 1,947 603 1,344 Algllchhia 00639600 23 3 20 5 4 1 1,442 466 976 Tarabari 00639700 2 2 1,149 393 75(, Kamati 00639800 214 71 143 Ikra Milik 00639900 118 31 &7 Ikra Milik 00640000 213 81 132 Ikra Milik 00640100 11 II 3 3 2,622 824 1,798 KUlllhia 00640200 211 64 147 Tapu 00640300 1,067 364 7()3 Jiueokhar 00640400


Toinl populatio:l (including Poptllation b the j.LIi':,llil111 Arc;, Qf iniitimti()flu[ and hGuseJess l'c,de Villuge ;n :'-illmbcl'of ~OEdationl a~e-~r(Ju~ (>-6 Females Persons Males females llumhcr Nalll~ ul'VilIal1e hectar,", hnuoch\lld, Persons Males ]0 2 :> ,~ 5 6 7 8 9 47,307 24,482 22,825 OO{13 Thakurgflllj (Total I 38,t9Z.0 .I1,m 2Q6,769 106,007 100,762 47,3(17 24,482 22,825 0003 Thakurgani (Runll) 3/1.ln.1I 41,J32 206,769 H16,O{l7 100,762 QOO3 TI!~kurg~nj (lirlmn) Ttmkllrgnnj (Rur~1) 1,098 (,047 1)06<1051)(1 Hhaig~(l11 f ,'/(i3 I) 1.'173 10.11)3 S,27IJ 4,Y23 2,145 'j\\l 0\)(,·11)(1111) B..:mhat' \,\)\) I) 3S~ 4,\\5 2,13> 1.%2 365 336 2,111 4)21)1) Akhw J1 194 /05 89 34 16 18 ()\)64,:\llI) l)I111lqmra 1.'7.0 236 \,265 665 (,00 231 12% 103 O()6·114()() Kukur Hnllhi Mill\, hC).O 10 46 28 IS 11 7 4 16 19 i)()n~ 150i) l.mkukur Hllg!" 7]0 1') 153 SI 72 35 O!)(>,IJ6(~) Pnlharia !..lUlU) 947 4,703 2,45') 2244 1,001 518 483 0064J700 Nwal)ru:hh 90S I) 1,461 7.402 l8311 3.566 1.747 m 872 O(l(,4180D CllUrli 436.() lIl!) 4.013 2,046 1,967 965 471 494 \)\)MI9G~ CllUrli j.7'1'1.1) 1,6~1l a,205 4.258 3,947 1.~8'2 990 892 (l(){)42(10) Umbra +2Uj 517 2,6M 1,40'l ~,255 542 295 247 [)[)6"21O~ K~nclqJlIT MIUJ ')59 4)21 2,4?(i 2,245 1,171 596 575 0064220D (lulljmMan 454.0 284 \,436 755 681 391 19& 193 O()(,·+230U Wfldlillibin 387() 285 1.45.1 WI 7(J5 379 189 190 ~()omoo flulhuli (J 16.1) -115 2AI,U 1,287 1.173 502 261 241 OI)b42~OO Illllhu:l Mlhk Arll7.s 680 46 254 116 138 45 14 31 O[)t,42600 Hulhuli Milik Arazi 87.0 114 576 29'> m 125 66 59 1I01l42700 llull\di Milik i\rl1li 2i\.(\ !7 16 4} 33 19 12 1 I)Ob42800 Hulhuli Milik ArazJ 20 () •.... -· .. ··Un·inllUhiteq··· ....•• .. ••• ()0642'1(.\() Dal1iga()TI 52\lO )21 1,6% 886 810 404 217 187 M644700 Dal!illll 1.082 1,044 577 282 295 006454()(] Bah~d\llp\lr 514.() 462- 2,2':l1l 1,l:H 1,157 509 295 214 0064551JO Kudiachhlirlt 20.0 _·.. ······"un·ill'iabiten··· .... _·_·· OOl>4561l0 Amollhari 127.0 187 1,072 56& 5()4 21~ 145 133 0064570[) Har~1l Dubal J 1.0 29 133 7J 62 5: 28 23 0064580{) ]irnngachll 1,705.0 1,996 10,208 5,~SS 5,153 2,539 1,2(19 1,330 00645900 DlIdhatmti 9J6JJ 996 4.802 2.543 2,259 1,147 628 519


Scheduled Castes eOEuation Scheduled Tribc~ ~()l2ulati()11 Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Maks Fcmales Namc of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

9,852 5,013 4,839 10,251 5,241 5,010 44,901 32,"46 12,455 Thakul'ganj (Total) 9,852 5,013 4,839 10,251 5,241 5,010 44,901 32,446 12,455 Thakurgani (Rural) Thakurgllnj (Urban) Thakurgsnj (Rural) 982 510 472 435 230 205 2,895 2,003 892 Ilhatgaon 512 249 263 IJJ8() 548 532 1,006 667 339 Besarbali 162 81 81 1,028 529 499 1,304 949 355 Kudurhaglu 23 10 13 89 46 43 86 67 19 Moduti 37 17 20 52 28 24 232 183 49 Kllkurbaghi ------lJ II-1111mb itcd------Dhnkpara 27 13 14 1 Chnk Chaki III 59 52 54 40 14 Akhra 351 171 180 512 372 14() Dhakpara 46 28 18 2 2 Kukllr Baghi Milik 46 34 J2 Latliukur Baghi 179 87 92 94() 478 462 1,209 879 330 Pathana 321 162 159 183 92 91 1,849 1,358 491 Nazagachh 56 29 27 16 11 5 758 582 176 Churli 70l) 369 340 265 137 128 1,895 1,385 510 Churli 70 37 33 583 4()8 175 Gothra 117 63 54 1,161 815 346 Kanakplif 7 I 6 7 4 3 324 255 69 Gunjur Man 310 164 146 30 14 16 238 179 59 Giddhnikolu 107 57 50 944 488 456 639 473 166 Hulhllii 103 48 55 68 49 19 Hulhuli Milik Arozi 251 133 118 90 70 20 Hulhllli Milik Arazi 52 31 21 Hulhllii Milik Arazi ·--·-·--··---Un-inhabitcd··--·------··- Hllihuli Mihk Arazi 265 139 126 22 18 4 Hulhuli Milik Arazi 31 14 17 5 2 3 35 29 6 Hulhuli Milik Arazi 4 3 1 11 6 5 195 143 52 Lahugaon Arazi 86 45 41 228 169 59 Dakpara 54 31 23 8 4 4 472 335 137 Dhak Para -----··--·· ..lln-inhabitcd----·--·------Fatehjangplir 126 66 60 641 327 314 876 671 205 Sakhuadali ---·--·_--·--Un-inhabited------Landhnndara ------·---lln-inhab ited·------Lnndhandara 25 16 9 Kharna 28 16 12 478 286 192 Kharna 90 54 36 991 744 247 Patesari 8 4 4 212 154 58 KanIa Mani 389 297 92 Udragori 213 164 49 Dudhmanjar 30 18 12 95 72 23 Dudhmnnjar 250 124 126 4S 21 24 571 223 348 Dogachhi 140 65 75 235 109 126 434 307 127 Dalligaon 283 146 137 130 66 64 1,203 984 219 Dalligaon 146 103 43 Hazarigachh 7 4 3 800 579 221 Noniatari ··_-·-·_-·--·Un-inhabiled·--·--··------Bhatn Thana 236 114 122 102 53 49 1,497 1J04 393 BhQg Dabar 17 10 7 79 38 41 377 296 81 Chhaital 8 3 5 371 261 110 Ruidhasa 28 14 14 73 34 39 305 157 148 Bahadurpllf --·--·------Un-inhabited··-·---_·---·- Kudiachhara 19 12 7 19 10 9 252 187 65 Arnol Jhari 22 21 I Harjn Dubal 394 207 187 340 174 166 1,019 835 184 Jirangachh 151 67 84 46 23 23 1.059 777 2&2 Dudhuunti


r.llcatioll c()de Illiterates Total workers Main workers 1lll1ll0Cr Name Ill' Villal;le l'er~ons Males Fcmales Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

(lO(lJ Thakurganj (Total) 161,868 73,561 88,307 70,124 56,J77 13,947 58,059 51,008 7,051 OOG3 Thal(urganj (Rural) 161,!\()S 73,5M 88,307 70,124 56.177 13,947 58,059 51,008 7,051 OO()3 Thakurgllllj (Urban) Thakurgunj (Rural) Ofi640~OO Bhatgaoll 7,298 3,267 4,031 3,424 2,605 819 3,()36 2,482 554 ()1I64()(JOO Bcsurbati 3,1()9 1,466 1,643 2.089 1,229 860 1,763 1,185 578 fJII1I40700 Kudulnag!!; 3,233 1.417 1.816 1.863 U40 523 891 802 89 OOMOSOO MOlfat; 145 61 84 103 75 28 102 74 28 (J0640900 Kukurbaghi 476 un 2ff5 282 212 70 275 207 68 (1064 I OO() Dhakllar~ •• -••• ·····.·Un·inhabited·········· ••.• (10M I 100 ChakClmkl 26 12 14 14 7 7 12 7 5 OOMI20(J Akhra 140 65 75 78 64 14 2 2 00641300 Dhakpnm 753 293 460 568 396 172 383 379 4 00641400 Kukur Daghi Miltk 44 26 18 16 15 I 16 15 OQ641500 Latkukur Hugh i 1D7 47 60 55 48 7 48 48 006416()(} l'utharia 3,494 1.580 1,914 2,106 1,268 838 1,445 1.125 320 00641700 NazngF.lchh 5.553 2,478 3,075 2,827 2,025 802 1,950 1,555 395 0(1641800 Churli 3,255 1,464 1,791 1,294 1,143 151 1,132 1,023 109 00641900 Churli 6.310 2,873 3.437 2.318 2,219 599 2,223 1,943 280 0064200(J Cillthra J,OSI 1,001 1.080 902 752 ISO 702 650 52 0064l100 Kanakpur 3.560 1,661 1,899 l,306 ],193 J13 J,201 1,127 74 00642200 GunjarMari 1,112 500 612 465 381 84 377 360 17 00642300 Giddhn;kola 1.215 569 646 385 375 10 381 372 I] 00{)42400 Hullt"'; 1,821 814 I,OQ7 99B 697 301 839 655 j&4 00642500 Hulhuli Milik Arazi j81i 67 119 92 73 19 92 73 19 00642600 Hulhuli Milik Arazi 486 229 257 218 16S 53 218 165 53 00642700 f1ulhll!i Milik Arazi 76 43 33 33 25 8 33 25 8 OOM28[)O Hulhuli Milik Arazi ••••• ••• ·····Un·inhabited·-··········· 00642QOO Hulhuli Milik Arazi 277 142 135 165 94 71 130 88 42 00643000 Hulhuli Mllik Arazi 125 53 72 65 48 17 65 48 17 QIJ64ll00 Lahugaon Arll1.i 904 422 482 364 26(\ 98 340 262 78 00M3200 Dnkparll 51.1 215 298 406 238 168 327 237 90 00643300 Ohak Para 1,949 963 986 929 703 226 828 683 145 a064341}O I'atehjangpur ·_·········-Ull-inhabited·············· 00643500 Sakhuftdilli 2,445 1,061 1,384 1,333 950 383 998 863 135 00(4361)0 Lnndhandara ·············Ull·inhabited·······_······ OOM3700 Lanuhandllta ·············Un·jnhabited·--·-·.. _··· 00643800 Khama 81 35 46 47 29 18 47 29 18 00643900 Khllnw 729 325 404 363 340 23 335 322 13 00644000 Patesllri 2,269 983 1,281i 1.236 950 286 1,151 921 230 00644100 Karlin Mani 806 372 434 309 294 15 301 290 11 00644200 lJdmgori 1.71l 799 912 882 604 278 527 m 15 00644300 Dudhmaruar 277 105 172 258 153 105 167 149 18 00644400 Dudhmnnjar 1\8 44 74 115 65 50 32 31 00644500 Dogachhi 1,566 849 717 674 510 164 404 370 34 0064460U DalJigsDn 1,262 579 683 &73 450 223 482 397 85 0064470() DalligBlln 6,266 2,900 3.366 2.589 2,074 S15 2,276 1,909 367 00644800 IIl1zarigachh 606 293 313 331 211 120 194 174 20 00644900 Noniatari 2,151 766 \,385 744 718 26 722 704 18 00645000 I3hala Thana ···········-Un·inllabited·······-·_··· 00645100 Bhog Dab~r 5,559 2.395 3.164 2,174 ],780 394 1,958 1,726 232 00645200 Chhaital 1,892 876 1.016 174 650 124 657 555 102 00645300 Ruidhasa 1,755 821 934 951 600 351 793 547 246 00645400 Bahudurplir 1,985 976 1,009 549 508 41 527 506 21 00645500 Kudiachhara ····-········U Il·inhab i ted···-.· ..·--·· 00645600 Amo1 Jhari 820 381 439 362 307 55 304 278 26 00645700 Harin Dllbal III SO 61 41 34 7 29 28 1 00645800 Jirangachh 9.189 4,220 4,969 3,021 2.721 300 2,719 2,509 210 00645900 Dudhaunti 3,743 1,766 1,977 1.469 1,302 167 1,197 1,097 100


Industriall:atc~ot'~ of main workers Hl)lIs~hold indllstry Cultivators Al:p'icultural labourGrs workcr5 Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 3D 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 17,206 16,212 994 34,840 29,728 5,112 539 428 III 5,474 4,640 834 Thakul'gllllj (Total) 17,206 16,212 994 34,840 29,728 5,112 539 428 III 5,474 4,640 834 Thakurganj (Rural) Thakurganj (Urban) Thakurganj (Rural) 542 48lJ 53 1,750 1,343 407 8 7 1 736 643 93 Bhatg,aon 287 244 43 1.305 835 530 7 6 I 104 100 4 Bcsarhati 299 281 18 535 471 64 7 4 3 50 46 4 Kudurbaghi 44 35 9 34 20 14 24 IlJ Mouatl 140 110 30 122 85 37 13 12 KlIkllrbaghi ·············Un·illhabited·············· Dhakpara 12 7 5 Chuk Chaki 1 I I Akhra 344 342 2 33 31 2 5 5 Dhakpara 16 15 Kukur Baghi Milik 26 26 19 19 3 3 Latkukur Baghi 299 271 28 1,083 817 266 62 36 26 Patharia 558 4SR 70 1,141 845 296 4 3 247 219 28 Nazagachh 363 356 7 461 426 35 3 3 305 238 67 Churli 683 607 76 1,344 1,153 191 9 6 3 187 177 10 Churli 192 lSI II 448 414 34 62 55 7 Gotllra 310 299 II 766 70S e,l 15 15 110 108 2 Kanakpllf 62 61 296 281 15 2 2 17 16 1 Gunjar Mad 208 208 163 155 8 ]0 9 I GiddhnikoJa 241 218 23 540 385 155 5 5 53 47 6 BuIJllIli 27 27 60 41 19 2 2 3 3 Hulhuli Milik Arazi 48 46 2 169 118 51 I HUlJ1U1i Milik Arazi 33 25 8 Hulhuli Milik Arazi ·············Un-inhnbited·············· Hulhuli Milik Arazi 31 28 3 96 59 37 3 2 Hulhuli Milik Arazi 16 16 31 21 10 18 II Hulhuli MiJik Arazi 57 50 7 236 168 68 47 44 3 Lahugaon Arazi 106 97 9 218 140 78 3 3 Dakpara 163 161 2 449 399 50 216 123 93 Dhak Para ·········_···Un·jnhabited·············· Fatchjangpur 322 303 19 660 549 III 1 1 15 10 Sakhuadali ·········-···Un·inhabited·············· Landhandara ·············Un·inhabited·············· Landhandara I I 46 28 18 Khama 78 75 3 188 179 9 69 68 Kimma 358 285 73 758 605 153 3 3 32 28 4 Patesari 84 82 2 189 187 2 28 21 7 Kurua Mani 125 123 2 370 359 11 4 4 28 26 2 Udragori 103 96 7 39 28 11 24 24 Dudhmnnjar 29 29 3 2 1 Dudhmanjar 145 135 10 200 181 19 10 5 5 49 49 Dogachhi 116 III 5 277 198 79 89 88 1 Dalligaon 786 724 62 1,354 1,062 292 7 6 129 117 12 DulJigaon 90 80 10 89 80 9 15 14 I liazarigachh 284 279 5 426 413 13 2 2 10 10 Noniatari ·········_···Un·jnhabitcd·············· Bhata Thana 776 704 72 1,051 899 152 4 3 127 120 7 Bhog Dabar 205 201 4 421 325 96 2 1 29 28 Chhaital 275 215 60 497 313 184 2 t 19 18 Ruidhasa 126 122 4 364 350 14 37 34 Bahadurpur ·············Un·inhabited.·····.······· Kudiachhnra 123 115 8 167 149 18 14 14 Amol Jhari 8 8 18 17 1 3 3 Burin Dubal 655 641 14 2,003 1,813 190 12 10 2 49 45 4 Jirangachh 379 368 II 779 693 86 2 I 1 37 35 2 Dudhaul1ti


Industrial cateBor~ Locatiol\ code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers l1ulllhcr Name (lfVilla~e Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 IJOO3 Thl1kurgllnj (TollIl) 12,065 5,169 6,896 2,123 815 1,308 8,849 3,843 5,006 01H)3 'f'hllkurganj (Rural) 12,065 5,169 6,896 2,123 815 1,308 8,849 3,843 5,006 OO(J3 Thakurganj (Urban) Thnlmrganj (Rural) O()(l40500 Bhmgaon 388 123 265 53 16 37 288 90 198 O()(>4()(JOO flcsllrbali 326 44 282 66 4 62 240 23 217 00640700 Kudurbaghi 972 538 434 79 70 9 866 455 411 OO(J40HO(J MLldali 1 1 00(l409()(J Kukurhaght 7 2 3 4 2 2 001141000 Dhakpara .-.-.--.-.--. Un· illha bi ted·-··--··---·-- DIMllOO Chak Chaki 2 2 2 2 0(10,11200 Akhra 76 62 14 15 15 61 47 14 {)O6413()O Dhakpam 185 17 168 3 3 ISO 17 163 00MI400 Kllkm Bag,hi Miltk 00641500 L.atkukur Baghi 7 7 7 7 ()()()4160() Palilalia 661 143 518 73 17 56 577 120 457 OO~41700 Nazagachh 877 470 407 118 24 94 660 383 277 0()~4H!oO Churli 162 120 42 45 36 9 83 67 16 ()064 1900 Cburl! 595 276 319 95 16 79 301 139 162 00642()OO GOlhra 200 W2 98 25 18 7 170 80 90 00642100 Kanakpur lOS 66 39 13 12 I 86 50 36 0064220() Gunjar Mali Kg 21 67 6 4 2 82 17 65 00642300 Uiddhllikola 4 3 I 1 I 3 2 1 00642400 Hulhuli 159 42 117 40 23 17 115 19 96 00642500 Bulhuli Milik Arazi O(J64260() lIulhuli Milik Arazi 00642700 Hulhuli Milik Arazi 00642800 Hulhuli Milik Arazi ------·--Un·inhahited--···----····- 00642!J()O l-Iulhuli Milik Arazi 35 6 29 15 I 14 20 5 15 006430{)0 HlIlhuli Milik Arazi 00643100 L.ahugaoll Arazi 24 4 20 I 18 17 00643200 Dakpara 79 78 39 I 38 40 40 00643300 Dhak Para J()J 20 81 25 8 17 74 10 64 00643400 Flllelljangpur -···----·----Un-inhahited-··--·------·- 00643500 Sakhlladali 335 87 248 139 41 98 196 46 150 00643600 Landhalldara ---···-_·--·-U n·i nhab iled--·-··-·--·-·- 00643700 L.andhandara ·-···---···--U n-inhab ited--·-····-·-··- 00643800 Kharna 00643900 Khnrna 28 18 10 15 9 6 12 9 3 00644000 Patesari 85 29 56 2 I 72 [7 55 D0644 100 Kama Mani 8 4 4 I 7 3 00644200 4 lJdragori 355 92 263 43 16 27 296 74 222 O{)644300 Dudhmanjar 91 4 87 65 2 63 26 2 24 00644400 Dudhmanjar 83 34 49 52 19 33 31 15 16 00644500 Dogachhi 270 140 130 12 11 1 246 125 121 00644600 DllIligaon 191 53 138 40 4 36 147 47 100 00644700 Dalligaon 313 165 148 60 24 36 230 138 92 00644800 Hazarignchh [37 37 100 30 10 20 67 15 52 00644900 Nonialari 22 14 8 I I 20 13 7 00645000 ShaIn Thana --••• ----.-.-Un·inhab ited·--·-·--·----. 00645100 Bhog Dabar 216 54 162 60 IJ 49 ISO 42 108 00645200 Chhaital 117 95 22 4 4 112 91 21 00645300 RlIidhasa 158 53 105 49 17 32 81 31 50 00645400 Bahadllrpur 22 2 20 (J0645500 18 1 17 Kudillchhara ·------···-Un-inhabited------··-.-- 00645600 Arnol Jhari 58 29 29 26 20 6 29 8 21 00645700 Hurin Dubal 12 6 6 4 4 8 2 6 0064$800 Jirangachh 302 212 90 36 28 8 244 168 76 00645900 Dudhallnti 272 205 67 35 3S 222 160 62 392 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Thakurganj ofmar!1iinal workers Location Household industry workers Other workers Non·workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Villag,c number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1

224 65 159 869 44(, 423 136,645 49,830 86,815 Thakuq~aJlj (Total) 0003 224 65 159 869 446 423 136,645 49,830 86,815 Thakul'ganj (Rural) 0003 Thakuq;:anj (lJrban) 0003 l'hakurganj (Rul'al) 47 17 30 6,769 2,665 4,104 Bhatgaon 00640500 19 16 3 2,026 904 1,122 Bcsarbati 00640600 14 7 7 13 6 2,674 1,()26 1,648 Kudmbaghi 0064U700 128 53 75 Modati 00640800 426 162 264 KlIkllrbaghi 00640900 •••.•..••..•. Un'lllhab i (cd .•.....•••••.• Dhakpara 00641000 13 6 7 Chak Cllak; 00641100 116 41 75 Akhru 00641200 2 2 697 269 428 Dhakpara 00641300 30 13 17 KlIkur Bnghi Milik 00641400 98 33 65 Latkukur Baghi 00641500 2 2 9 6 3 2,597 1,191 I,4U6 Patharia 00641600 26 II 15 73 52 21 4.575 1,811 2,764 Nazagachh 00641700 34 17 17 2,719 903 1,816 Churli 00641800 33 12 21 166 109 57 5.387 2,039 3,348 Churli 00641900 5 4 1,762 657 1,]05 Gothm 00642000 5 4 3,4! 5 1,283 2.132 Kanakpur 00642100 971 374 597 Gunjar Mari 00642200 1,068 373 695 Giddhnlkolct 00642300 3 3 1,462 590 872 llulhuli 00642400 162 43 119 Hulhuli Milik Arazi 00642500 358 134 224 HlIlhuli Milik Arazi 00642600 43 18 25 HlIlhuli Milik Arazi 00642700 ·············Un·inhabited-············ Hulhuli Milik Arllzi 00642800 134 66 68 Hulhuli Milik Arllzi 00642900 95 34 61 Hulhllli Milik Arazi 00643000 5 3 2 735 299 436 Lahllgaol1 Arazi 00643100 335 146 189 Dakparn 00643200 2 2 1,492 595 897 Dhak Para 00643300 ·············Ull·inhabited·············· Flltehjal1gpur 0064-3400 1,988 782 1,206 Sakhuadali 00643500 •·•••• ..·····lJ n·inhab ited·············· Landhandara 00643600 ·············u n·inhab ited·············· Landhandara 00643700 59 22 37 Kharna 00643800 I 844 271 573 Kharna 00643900 11 11 2,024 777 1,247 Palesari 00644000 709 232 477 KaruaMani 00644100 7 8 7 1,218 492 726 Udragori 00644200 232 116 116 Dudhmanjar 00644300 98 51 47 Dudhmanjar 00644400 12 4 8 1,463 562 901 Dogachhi 00644500 2 2 2 2 1,023 436 587 DaUigaon 00644600 7 6 16 2 14 4,880 1,810 3,070 Dalligaon 00644700 40 12 28 421 185 236 Hazarigachh 00644&00 1 I 2.207 627 1,580 Noniatari 00644900 ·············Un·inhabited·············· Bhatn Thana 00645000 2 2 4 I 3 4,882 1,719 3.163 Shog Dabar 00645100 1 1 1,495 522 973 Chhaital 00645200 15 15 13 8 1,175 482 693 Ruidhasa 00645300 4 3 1,741 625 1,116 Bnhadurpur 006454DO ·············Un·inhabited·············· Kudiflchhara 006455DO 3 1 2 710 261 449 Amol Jhari 00645600 92 37 55 Harin Dubal 00645700 5 17 16 7,187 2,334- 4,853 Jirangachh 00645800 3 5 7 7 3,333 1,241 2,092 Dudhatlnti 00645900


Total popuilltion (including population in the Ar~a nf lnstlluthmal and hotlsclcss L,'catillil a~e-l:iro\le 0-6 V\llage in Numner of ~\)E\I\ati()n) cildc Mates remat~s Pcr;ons Males Females Persons NUl1lt Ilf V Hla 'I! h~ctar~, lmuschohb llumDcT 6 7 8 9 10 2 4 142 61 25 36 15.() 55 264 122 ooM(I(I(I() S(llba~li[\ __ -______.·Un_inhilbilcd·--·----.-- 13.0 (j(lr14~lOU Ilh(1t~Tlnlll '1u(\ ~(l, 362 199 163 1l1lJrnllll13ahaompllr m.o 21\4 1J~1 26 (10&41,200 103 86 54 28 ~').I) 3B 181) (f(]M(.300 1!\lS311\1\,r 269 115 57 58 91.11 III 526 257 IiU(l46400 Kachlllldah 29B 151 n 79 fl3.tJ HH hl1 313 1l1J[,4b5()O (']lwlToli 35 19 16 41,11 42 238 [21 117 OtlMb(,O() Phulnnmri 252 135 117 IM,O 17G 901) m 431 1H1(l41>7()!l [llwgkhmnfl 54 33 31 15,(1 57 297 145 152 OO(l4MtOO Klwrudah 301 179 122 H:l.\\ 21:1 1,:.\5(1 7lt 645 (JO(>4(1')()O Kluuuullh 281 201 80 275() 229 1,196 628 568 OU(141(1(j(J l.'i.IlIUll Malli ___ ·_·_·_····Un_inlmbitcd------·-·---· Hullhungallil SO () OOM7HJO 2,743 I,3G \ 6'13 668 l31.~.ll 1,191 5.5BB 1,&45 (10M 72(lO £lur<:halmi1i 60 33 27 Inri I:IU ~61 265 196 110641300 J.:unjimari ~5 93 1(,].0 153 847 357 490 m (lO647400 Bnr~hallndl 174 19 95 .1(17.0 16~ NO 386 354 O[)M?500 Kuri Mllni 260 142 m 3411.0 2')0 1,296 680 611i lHH,416(1() Earah Pati1ia 48 24 :14 104.0 28 HS 78 10 0064'1100 Barah Pathia _. ___ . __ · __ ·Un·iJlhaOllcd······ ..···--- 540 OO(l47f100 Nikarbwi 9 2 7 144.0 1:- 55 24 31 ()()64111()1) [larl'hl'athia 178 89 89 230.(1 203 <)38 499 439 00648000 Gmr.hirgarh 159 420 339 4650 621 3,251 1,667 I,S8t!- OO()48100 "atp()w~ 52 6g S).O 11>2 46'} 234 235 lZl (J()(J48200 Sukhalli 943 461 482 4fJ4.() 796 3,m 1,870 1,880 O(J642300 lll\bod~!\gi 396 l89 I [l(I,() ,>24 1,894 887 1.007 m 00648400 Sufgari 33 134 679 2SR 391 113 SO OO&4S500 Amhari tH,D- )31) 1.,74<1 1,297 1,443 649 2S3 36<} 00&48600 Malillga4~~OO Jil1pokhar lUI 52 1[}4 256 211 9i 41 50 OQ049600 Deramari \hl.O m 534 521 253 138 115 {)OM970il Bal1dar Jhul" 1150 224 l,OS5 901 893 436 206 230 00649800 Jin pokhnr 104.0 364 1,7CJ4 $2 17 36 22 14 ()064990J Sillg\\imari 30.0 )\ 159 189 184 99 52 47 G()650000 Bnclldruni 170.0 77 373 50 47 12 7 5 D(1650101) Bandar Jllula 31.0 19 97 301 306 II7 62 55 DO(150200 Bandallhula 58.0 126 607 141 72 69 2{i 14 12 [j{l6S0300 Bandar Jlml~ 41.0 27 827 853 370 183 187 0065040(} Elal1dur Jiluia 218.0 375 ].680 18 27 11 9 ~ 00650500 RIljag8llo 48.0 II 45 13anRllari I?,Q -·--·---·Un-inhabileQ·-·'····---- 00650600 224 94 130 00650700 Teghllri 173.0 20r 950 475 475 894 437 457 !)urrlorlft 404.0 762 3.797 1,900 1,897 OQ650800 87 63 OQ{>50GOO Pancl1gachhi 49.0 113 804 434 370 m 289 158 131 O()6S1GOO PawaKhali 563.() 273 1,180 609 571 2,969 1,537 804 733 00651100 PawaKIlflli 433.0 1,222 6,257 3.28& 329 226 103 00651200 Pettohari lDl.O 328 1,574 808 166 [59 &3 41 42 {){)6S1:l00 i'atbhllri 57.0 SO 350 191 414 192 222 00651400 Pa(bl1ilIi 180.0 371 l.796 910 886 161 145 006515()O Bilelagori 332.0 227 1,064 558 506 306 75 64 OQ651{)()O 13Itlhibbita ?4.D III 520 266 254 139 17 18 OQ651700 Balka Dobhu 84.0 31 161 86 75 35 4&4 273 0065(800 Rllia 852.0 685 3,43 [ 1,762 1,669 757


Scheduled Castes l2o~uation Scheduled Tribes ~0l!ulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 87 51 3G Satbulltia .----.-•••• --Un- i nh ah itcd·········----- Bhola Thana 75 40 35 4h2 326 136 Burhnal Suhadurpur II 4 7 25 16 ') 44 32 12 Hasanpur 12 4 8 133 61 72 53 43 10 Kachhudah 79 58 21 Gual 'foli SO 60 20 PlwtUlllari 3)3 225 88 Bhagklwrna 120 82 38 Kharudah 259 130 129 259 189 70 Kharudah 170 145 25 Karua Mam ------·-----Un-inhabitcd----·------Bubhangaon 98 47 51 711 548 163 Barchaundi (, 4 2 19 17 2 KUlljinwi 45 22 23 99 78 21 Barchaundi 131 69 62 120 105 15 Kuri Muni 68 31 37 177 90 R7 391 290 101 Rarah Pathia 3 3 Barah Pnthin ----···------U n-inhab itcd •• -.-••• ----.- Nikarbari 15 12 Barah Pathiu 164 87 77 107 58 49 341 274 67 Gumhirgarh 173 89 84 765 531 234 Tatpowa 33 14 19 49 33 16 Sukhani 56 27 29 45 18 27 379 284 95 Sabodangl 114 56 58 6 5 387 118 269 Salgori 6 3 3 130 78 52 Ambari 77 34 43 303 246 57 Malingaon 25 14 11 79 68 11 Maujidinga ----_·_------Un-inhabited-····---·---- Chapra Bakhari .-.-••• --.--. Un -i nhabi ted ..••••• ----..• R[\jagaon Milik 90 41 49 71 35 36 75 64 11 Rajagaon 400 207 193 270 204 66 Gililabari 34 16 18 98 78 20 Bhendrani 154 75 79 343 270 73 Koia 69 31 38 43 33 10 Jiap()khar 47 35 12 Jiapokhar 127 94 33 Deramari 39 33 6 Bandar Jhula 62 48 14 Jio Pokhar 18 12 6 29 27 2 Singi1imari 13 6 7 48 22 26 103 96 7 Bhendrani 28 27 I Balldar JhuJa 2 Banclar JhuJa Sandar Jhula 158 136 22 BandaI' Jhula 13 5 8 Rajagaon ·----····-···Un-inhabited·-·····-····-· Bansbari 59 26 33 221 188 33 Teghari 43 20 23 38 2[ 17 575 426 149 Dumaria 20 II 9 173 157 16 Panc!tgachhi 65 29 36 50 30 20 307 206 101 PawaKhali 292 164 128 11 3 8 1,913 1,303 610 PawaKhali 262 139 123 505 319 186 Petbhari 57 33 24 145 99 46 PlItbhari 151 119 32 Patbhari 37 13 24 132 113 19 Bhelagori 34 18 16 [ 16 92 24 Bidhibhita 4 2 2 33 30 3 Balka Dobha 121 63 58 118 61 57 672 544 128 Rasia


Lm:lItililt cm!c lIIitemles Total workGI's Main workers IIHmher I'hll1~ \\!'vmal.\c l'~rS(ll1g Males Femaks Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 2{) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

HliMWOlJ S~thauHa )77 71 IUb 69 67 2 61 61 ()(16·161110 Bl\,IIa Thall(( •••• ··.·.--.-Un·inhabiled·.-··-.·-····· (lOM(120l) B\l(ilnai !hdlllllmput 1.245 514 671 662 485 177 347 329 13 0!i6463fJ!l Jla,.il1pllr 145 11 74 69 54- 15 56 52 4 OOMMO{) h~cllhlldali 413 214 250 192 147 45 179 142 37 IItlM6500 (illalToli 532 255 277 183 149 34 156 143 13 ()O[)~()hIX) l'Jlatllmnri 1511 61 97 93 63 3() 63 60 3 005Q(17il() IlilagJ,;harna "S% 253 3tG 241 23(J 222 219 3 O[)64(J1l00 Klm[udah 177 63 114 &2 81 82 81 I flOM6lJIJrJ Kharudah LOn 522 575 426 378 4S 423 376 47 !1Of,47[)(J(1 Kama Malll 1,02& 483 543 35) 340 1\ 106 :lOO 6 (10647100 Ilabhangallll -----···-··-Ull·inllahitcd·······--·-·· IlJJ6471IJI) Bardlni/wli ·um 2,297 2.58D 1.101 1.5,)4 is? 1,651 1,514 137 O()h47300 KunJlmilfi 442 24S 194 162 142 20 160 142 III

~, (j{J647400 B.rdlKulIdl 7,;S 279 4[)j 275 251 24 268 245 ~J OOM1500 KuriMuni 620 281 33 i) 274 240 34 210 231 33 (JOM160a (Jarafl Pnthia 2ll0 Sllklluni 42U 201 WI 225 171 54 22$ \71 54 006483()O SalJodaogi 3.371 l,5g6 1.7R5 1,331 1.034 297 1,124 912 212 OOM84[)O Salgoli !.5C7 161) 73& 519 459 70 416 454 11 OOMSSO() Ambnri 54') 21(J 339 226 Wi 77 177 146 31 00648600 Malillgaoll 2.437 1.051 1.386 900 688 2\2 440 420 10 00648100 Ma\ljidinga 698 321 m 400 191) 201 20\ 199 2 00648800 Chapra Bakhari .• -•• -.-••• -Un-inhnbitcd-·····------0064&900 Rajagaon Milik -----·--··lIn·inhahiled-·--·--··- 00641)000 Rajagaon 459 196 26J 201 lSI 50 164 137 27 00649100 Glihabari ),712 807 ~O5 855 603 252 601 533 6B 00649100 Bhendrani 335 128 2()7 163 127 36 152 123 29 00649300 Koia 1,101 461 640 429 4J2 17 428 412 16 00649400 Jiapokhar 657 303 354 223 198 25 160 154 6 0064950(} liapoklJar 239 III 128 96 82 14 84 75 9 00649600 Deramari 400 1112 238 304 164 140 163 135 28 ()O649100 B;\lldar Jllula UHf) 501 515 310 319 I 319 318 l 0064lill()(I Jit) PoJ.:har 1.732 353 879 549 542 7 528 522 6 O()(i4990(} Singhimari 130 55 75 85 40 45 52 36 16 O()(lSO(l{)O Bh~ndrani 2H 93 m 92 86 6 91 86 5 00650100 Ballda! lhula 69 23 46 27 27 24 24 00650200 Bllndar lhulu 605 300 305 207 201 (1 204 200 4 00650300 Bllndsr Jhu1a 141 n 69 SO 50 50 50 M(S(J4(lO ElIlIiIarJhllln L~:S22 (;'" 831 547 4!-5- 82 43!l 418 20 OOeS0500 R1jjagBon n 13 19 18 9 9 9 7 2 DV6S0600 Bansbari ----·····-·---Ull·innaaited-······_-····- 00650700 Teghari 729 281 442 280 241 39 241 228 13 ()(J650~Oa Dllinaria 3,222 1.474 1.74g 1,111 1,028 99 933 923 10 (J06S0900 fllll1ChgMhhi

396 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Thakurganj Industdal catce,or;t of main workers Household industry Cultivators A!;!riculturallabourcrs workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Pcr~ons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 32 32 25 24 5 Satbaulia ------Un-inhabitcd------Bhout Thana 139 134 5 191 179 12 I I 16 15 Burhnai Bahadurpur R 8 36 32 4 [J [, [, [, HaS8npur 52 48 4 121 88 33 I 5 .5 Kachhudah 28 28 127 114 13 I I Gual Tali 26 26 33 32 1 4 2 2 Phatamari 53 53 1411 146 2 21 20 Bhagkharna 28 28 50 50 3 3 I 1 Kharudah 82 81 292 248 44 49 47 2 Kharudah III III 162 156 6 31 31 2 2 Karlla Mani ------LJ n-inhab lIed ------Babhungaon 498 486 12 1.052 948 104 4 4 97 76 21 Barchallndi 37 37 123 105 IS Kunjimari 88 86 2 179 158 2t Barchallndi 133 133 136 t03 33 Kllri Muni 178 164 14 237 212 25 48 45 3 Barah Pathia Barah Pathiu ------Un-i!1h~bitcd------Nikarbari I 19 19 Harall Pathia 95 93 2 269 210 59 1 I 14 11 3 Gamhirgarh 274 257 17 508 414 94 3 3 255 221 34 Tatpowa 15 14 I 186 133 53 24 24 Sukhalli 194 192 2 446 408 38 2 I 482 311 171 Sahodangi 39 37 2 185 178 7 169 161 1\ 83 7& 5 Salgori 80 55 25 86 81 5 7 6 I 4 4 Ambari 145 143 2 257 244 13 8 7 I 30 26 4 Malingaon 46 46 154 152 2 1 1 Matljidinga ------LJ n-inh ab ited------Chapm Bakhari ------u 11-ioh ab ited------Rqiagaon Milik 59 58 I 62 55 7 [[ 1 10 32 23 I) Rajagaon 146 136 10 454 397 57 1 Gi[ilabari 96 85 11 53 36 17 2 I Bhendrani 204 195 9 198 191 7 26 26 Koia 29 27 2 129 126 3 2 I Jiapokhar 40 39 I 42 34 8 2 2 Jiapokhar 65 55 10 90 75 15 7 4 3 Deramari 3 3 316 315 J Bandar JhuJa 56 54 2 463 459 4 9 9 lio Pokhar 22 18 4 27 15 12 3 3 Singhimari 18 18 72 67 5 Bhendrani 21 21 3 3 Bandar JllUlu 2 I 200 199 Bandar Jhula 4 4 46 46 Balldar Jhula 146 144 2 285 268 17 7 6 Bal1dar Jhula 7 7 2 2 Rajagaon ------Un-inhabited------Bansbtlri 91 86 5 141 135 6 2 2 7 7 Teglwi 534 529 5 366 363 3 7 7 26 24 2 Dumaria 67 67 184 183 I 9 9 Pallchgachhi 111 107 4 131 121 JO 32 I 31 69 66 3 Pnwa Khali 313 308 5 929 897 32 41 35 6 400 388 12 Pawn Khali 32 32 180 180 9 9 59 53 6 Petbhari 36 35 63 45 18 1 I 12 12 Patbhari 99 94 79 64 15 2 2 Pntbhari 65 65 95 94 1 130 63 67 Bhelagori 62 62 78 69 9 3 3 Bidhibhita 27 27 31 30 1 I 1 Balka Dobha 341 338 3 422 376 46 26 18 8 41 31 [0 Rasia


Industrial cateB;or~ Location code Muq;l;inal wllI'kcrs Cultivators Agricultural labourers llumht:r Name orVillil~C Pcrs()l1~ Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 ·11 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 O()(!4()(JO() Sathuulia 7 (l 4 3 O()64611l0 Bhota Thana ------Un-inhabited------00646200 Burhnai Ilahadlirplir 315 156 159 103 29 74 196 113 83 0064()O Kachhuuah 13 5 8 2 1 11 4 7 (i064650() (illal Tali 27 (> 21 4 3 23 3 20 006·16600 I'hatamari 30 3 27 30 3 27 O()64()700 llhagkhnrna It) 17 2 2 2 14 12 2 ()064fiHOO Kharudah 0064()<)OO Kharudah 3 2 2 IJ0647000 Karua MUllI 45 4() ;; 45 40 5 ()()6~711l0 Bahhanguoll ------!In-inhahitcd------00647200 Barchaundi 50 3() 20 18 12 6 27 15 12 00647300 Kunjimari 2 2 2 2 006474()O Barchaulldl 7 () I 7 6 00647500 Kuri MUlli 4 3 4 3 00647600 Bareh Pathia 28 2 26 16 15 4 3 00647700 Hamh Palhia 28 2& I 27 27 00647800 Nikarbari ------""--UII-inhab itcd -••••• -•• -•••• 00647900 Barah Palhia 7 7 I I 6 6 0(J641l000 Oamhirgarh 38 6 32 4 4 30 6 24 O()64RI ()(I Tatpowa 18 13 16 II 5 00648200 Sukhlllll 00648300 Sabodangi 207 122 85 26 26 100 62 38 00648400 Salgori 53 5 48 6 3 3 8 2 6 00648500 Ambari 49 3 46 14 I 13 33 2 31 00648600 Malingaon 460 268 192 14 7 7 436 258 178 00648700 Maujidinga 199 199 35 35 156 156 00648800 Chapra Bakhnri ········--·--11 n-inhabi tcd------··-- 00648900 Rajagaon Milik ------Un-illhabi ted------·-·-·--- 00649000 Rajagaon 37 14 23 7 4 3 13 5 8 00649100 Gilhabari 254 70 184 28 9 19 220 61 159 00649200 Bhendrani II 4 7 8 1 7 2 2 00649300 Koia I I 1 00649400 Jiapokhar (13 44 19 63 44 19 00649500 Jiapokhar 12 7 5 II 7 4 00649600 Deralllari 141 29 112 24 6 18 104 21 83 00649700 l3andar Jhuln I I I I 00649800 Jio Pokhar 21 20 1 I 1 12 12 00649900 Singhimari .l3 4 29 18 2 16 13 2 II ()O650000 Bhendrani 1 00650100 Bandar Jhula 3 3 00650200 Bandar Jhula 3 I 2 2 (J0650300 Bnndar Jhula (J0650400 Bondar Jhuln 109 47 62 4 4 99 39 60 00650.500 Rajagaon 9 2 7 I 8 2 6 00650600 Ilansbari ·············Un-inhabited··-··········· 00650700 Teghari 39 13 26 4 3 1 11 3 8 00650800 DUlllaria 194 105 89 24 22 2 163 79 84 00650900 Panchgachhi 00651000 PawaKhali 58 26 32 47 18 29 00651100 Pawn Khali 73 25 48 12 11 33 6 27 00651200 Petl1hari 69 38 31 2 2 36 26 10 00651300 Patbhnri 84 10 74 51 4 47 33 6 27 00651400 Patbhari 262 209 53 259 206 53 00651500 Bhelagori 8 3 5 3 I I 00(j51600 Bidhibllila 3 3 3 3 00651700 Balka Dobha 16 I 15 16 I 00651800 Rasia 15 99 28 71 25 15 10 47 2 4S

398 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Thakurganj of lJ1at'J;':inal workers Location HOllsehold industr~ workers Other workers Non-workerx code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVillali;c number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 J 3 3 195 55 140 Satbaulia 00646000 •.•• · .•.·• ... Un.inhnbitcd.·.-----.----. Bhow Thana 00646100 16 14 2 1.045 415 630 Burhnai Bahaclurpur (J0646200 120 49 71 Hasanpur ()O646300 334 lIO 224 Kachhlldah 006464()0 428 164 264 Gual Toli 00646500 145 SS 87 Plmtamari 00646600 3 3 668 242 426 Bhagkhama 00646700 215 64 lSI Kharudah 00646800 930 333 597 Khamdnh 00646900 845 288 557 Kama Mal1i 00647000 ------.---UIl-ll\hab i ted ---.----.--.-- Babhangaon 00647100 4 2 2 3,887 1,301 2,586 l3archaundi 00647200 299 123 176 Kunjinmri 00647300 572 106 466 Bnrchaulldl 00647400 466 146 320 KlIri MUlIi 00647500 7 7 804 257 547 Barah Palhia 00647600 120 50 70 Barah Pathia 00647700 ··-··········Un· inh ubi ted .• --.-...- •••• Nikarbari 00647800 2& 4 24 Bantll Pathia 00647900 4 4 521 178 343 Garnlurgarh 00648000 2,193 759 1,434 Tatpowa 00648100 244 63 1&1 SlIkhuni 00648200 4 3 77 31 46 2,419 836 1,583 Sabodungi 00648300 39 39 1,365 428 937 Salgori 00648400 2 2 453 139 314 Ambari 00648500 6 5 4 2 2 1,840 609 1,231 Mnlingaon 00648600 7 7 I 377 190 187 MUlljidinga 00648700 -········-·-·Un·inhabited-········--··· Chapra Bakhari 00648800 ·····_------·Un·inhabited········--·--- Rajagaon MiliI, 00648900 5 4 12 4 8 333 109 224 Rajagaon 00649000 2 2 4 4 1.127 408 719 Gilhabari 00649100 I 270 79 191 Bhendmni 00649200 1,015 319 696 Koia 00649300 477 138 339 Jiapokhar 00649400 I 190 64 126 Jiapokhar 00649500 3 2 H) 10 223 92 131 Deramari 00649600 735 215 520 Sandar Jhllia 00649700 8 7 1,245 359 886 Jio Pokhar 00649800 74 42 32 Singllimuri 00649900 281 103 178 Bhendrani 00650000 3 3 70 23 47 Bandar JJ1Ula 00650100 400 100 300 Bandar Jhllia 00650200 91 22 69 Bandar Jhllia 00650300 6 4 2 1,133 362 771 Bandar Jhula 00650400 27 9 18 Rajagaon 00650500 ·-···-····-·-Un-inhabited··-·-·-·-····- Bansbari 00650600 24 7 17 670 234 436 Teghari 00650700 3 3 4 4 2,670 872 1,798 Dumaria 00650800 544 175 369 Panchgachhi 00650900 I 1 10 8 2 779 288 491 PawaKhali 00651000 II 11 17 8 9 4,501 1.635 2,866 PawaKhali 00651100 1 30 9 21 1,225 496 729 Petbhari 00651200 154 88 66 Palbhnri 00651300 2 2 1,354 541 813 Patbhnri 00651400 4 4 766 333 433 Bhelagori 00651500 374 132 242 Bidhibhita 00651600 86 27 59 BalkaDDbha 00651700 11 9 2 16 2 14 2,502 971 1,531 Rasia 00651800

399 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of EOEulatiun) a~e-~rouE 0-6 number Name ofVillulo\c hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 00651900 Clmpati 1740 210 1,001 520 481 194 105 89 ()()OS2()OO Paikpl1fa 386.0 466 2,373 1,248 1,12S 677 360 317 00652IOO Paikpara 113.0 69 343 176 167 90 44 46 00652200 Khlldra 83.0 61 411 225 186 84 42 42 006S230() Pabna S2.0 91 523 283 240 137 68 69 00652400 Khanalmri 372.0 S18 2,497 1,273 1,224 639 327 312 00652500 Bahhangaon 39.0 ------Un - inil ab itcd------00652600 Katilam 22.0 12 60 29 31 15 4 II 00652700 Chhatar Kathnro 111.0 153 777 407 370 187 94 93 00(,52800 Kalharo 556.0 330 1,534 769 765 286 153 133 00652900 Dnstur 151.0 224 908 480 428 130 63 67 OOM3000 Soraikuri 371.0 423 1,835 971 864 403 221 182 00653100 Bhallitnari 59.0 150 757 413 344 175 99 76 00653200 Bhaulmari 19.0 10 40 17 23 10 3 7 00653300 Rhallimari 27.0 37 194 103 91 43 21 22 00653400 Bhaulmari 1.1 95.0 895 4,896 2.521 2.375 1,159 596 563 00653500 NazarplIr 28.[) ------Un-inhabiled------00653600 Khnurdah 3990 46() 2,145 1,092 1,053 444 234 210 00653700 KarunMari 371.0 192 980 511 469 208 103 105


Scheduled Castes ~opuation Scheduled Tribes ro~ulatiun Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Femah:s Name of Village 11 12 13 [4 [5 [6 17 18 [9 2 51 21 30 5 4 229 170 59 Chapati 13 7 (i 36 19 17 752 547 205 Paikpam 46 22 24 119 83 36 Paikpara 73 36 37 Khudra 56 31 25 81 45 36 44 38 (> Pahna 555 284 271 416 212 204 735 498 237 Khanabari ------.-----Un-Illhabited------Bublmngaoll 12 6 6 4 3 I Katharo 25 15 10 261 161 100 Chhatar Katharo 1117 95 92 185 137 48 Kathan) 7 3 4 222 170 52 DaslUr 153 85 6& 468 358 110 Saraikuri 89 54 35 238 157 Rl BhulIlrnari 21 13 8 BhulIlrnari 21 9 12 92 57 35 Bhaultnari 514 256 258 1,700 1,208 492 Bhaulrnari ------Un-inhabitcd-·-··-·_-_·-·- Nazarpur 239 116 123 507 327 180 Khaurdah 51 26 25 174 137 37 Karua Mari


locatillll code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name ofVilla~c Persolls Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 2() 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 O()(15190() Chnp"ti 772 35() 422 3()7 285 22 305 284 21 O()1i52nOO f'aikpara 1;621 701 920 708 603 105 693 599 94 00652100 l'alkpara 224 93 131 103 95 S 97 95 2 0065220() Khudra 33M 189 149 121 120 I 119 119 OOb52300 ['nonll 479 245 234 102 100 2 3 3 (j()fi52400 Khnnabnri 1,762 775 9R7 939 656 283 799 612 187 OOllS2S(JO flabhangaon ·············Un·itillabitcd·············· (J()6S2600 Kutharo 56 26 30 37 23 14 19 17 2 OOb5270() Chhatnr Kathnro 516 246 270 317 220 97 208 203 5 00652ROO Kntharo 1,34') 632 717 481 474 7 481 474 7 ()OIl529(JO Dastllr 686 310 376 277 255 22 261 254 OO(,5300{) SlIrSiikuri 1,367 613 754 589 561 28 570 553 17 00653100 Bhalilmari 519 256 263 230 226 4 209 205 4 006532()O flhalilmari 19 4 15 9 9 9 9 006533()() Bhmllmari 1()2 46 S6 56 49 7 32 31 006534()() Hhaulmari 3J


Industrial cutcgor~' of main workers HOllst!hold industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Nal11cofVillagc 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4() 2 124 122 2 168 149 19 13 13 Chaputi 219 193 26 413 350 63 9 6 3 52 50 2 Paikpma 40 39 I 45 44 12 12 Palkpara 66 66 41 41 12 12 Khudra 2 2 I Pabnu 137 132 533 409 174 9 4 5 70 67 Khunabari •..•..•.••..• \ In-Illhabited·············· Babllllllguco II 10 7 I Katlmro 142 142 60 56 4 5 4 Chhatar Katharo 201 201 265 265 15 8 Katharo 123 122 135 130 5 3 2 D!l~tur 187 187 332 319 13 14 11 3 37 36 Saraikuri 44 44 153 150 3 12 II Bhauhllari 9 9 Bhauhllari 8 8 13 13 II 10 Bhaulmari 397 395 2 633 617 16 7 7 66 61 I3haulnmri ··-----.·---·Un-inhaolted·--···--·····- Nazarpur 261 253 8 327 314 13 79 46 33 Khaurdah 4S 43 2 179 176 3 13 4 9 4 4 Kallm Mari


Industrial cate~Ol2:: Locatiun I:odc Marl;linal workcrs Cultivators Al;!ricultural labourers Illl 111 her Name ofVilla£c Persons Males Fcnmles Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 ,II 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

OOh~Il)()(l Chaj)llti 2 I I I I (JO!JS20IJO I'atkpara 15 4 II 7 6 6 2 4 1J()6S2100 I'aikrara 6 6 6 6 U()(>~220[l Khudm 2 ()Ob52}()O PalInn 99 97 2 5 93 92 I O()(l524()() Khmlllhari I-iO ·14 96 l)() 24 66 35 9 26 (J()(J525()() Baohallgallll •••• ·-•. ·• .• ·Un.illhahitcd·····.··.··· •• (11)(J~260[) Kathnrll IR 6 12 12 6 6 (I()(J52700 Chhatar KUlhuru I W) 17 92 52 4 48 57 13 44 (J0652S()() Katharo 006S2900 na~tur 16 I 15 2 2 13 13 (I06530()O Saralkuri 19 R 11 7 5 2 4 2 2 00653 I ()[) Bhaulll1ari 21 21 9 9 12 12 (J06532()(} Ilhauhnari ()06533 00 Illmulmari 2-i IX 6 9 9 14 9 5 (J0653400 Bhuulinari 200 114 86 66 40 26 102 51 51 OO(J53500 NUlurpur ·········_···Un·inhabitcd·············. ()()653600 Khuurdah 17 9 8 5

404 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Thnkurgnnj of marginal workers Location HUlisehold industry workers Other workers Non·workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofYillase number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 694 235 459 Chaputl 00651900 2 1,665 645 1,020 Paikpara 00652000 240 81 159 I'nikpara 00652100 290 IDS 185 Khmlrn 00652200 I 421 183 238 Palma 00652300 2 13 10 3 1,558 617 941 Khanabari 00652400 ·············Un·inhahitcd·············· Bnbhungaoll 00652500 (1 6 23 (i 17 Kallluro 00652600 460 IS7 273 Chhatar Kathuro 00652700 1,053 295 758 KatllulQ 00652800 631 225 406 Dastuf 00652900 7 7 1,246 410 836 Sarailmri 00653000 527 187 340 Bhauhnari 00653100 31 8 23 Bhaulll1uri 00653200 138 54 84 Bhauhnan 00653300 14 5 9 18 18 3,593 1,327 2,266 Bhaulmuri 00653400 ------.-.-Un-inhahited •.--.------. Nazarpur 00653500 2 2 1,461 470 991 Khaurdah 00653600 I I 717 280 437 Kama Mari 00653700

405 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Sloek· rotal population (including Lm:atioll Arc:llll' institutional Ulld hOliseless Population in the cOlk Village in Number of l2o£ullitionl a~e·arouE 0·6 Females 1I11tllbcr Name (){'Villallc hectares households Persons Males Female, Persons Males 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 21,027 flOO .. Polhia (Tolal) 3Mt7.0 39,209 196,293 101,006 95,287 43,035 22,008 21,027 0004 ('othl:1 (Rural) 35,447.0 39,201) 196,293 101,006 95,287 43,035 22,008 0004 "othill (t Irban) {'(Jlhin (Rural) fJl)b$.18f)1) Dunalludll 556,() 593 2,956 1.531 1,425 705 389 316 OU65J900 SUMPliI ·150.() 343 1,828 913 915 471 226 245 IJO{J54()[)O Thcikalharl 202.0 182 901 442 459 248 125 123 ()(l(J541f1(1 Tnrni 5H8.0 464 2,312 1,207 !,l05 446 229 217 01l6S4111[) Anduhari 2150 173 S06 411 395 150 76 74 OIliL~·I.l[)() Dilhanochl \lJ II H)D 502 270 232 77 37 40 006544()() rllnighultll J72 (I 204 1,039 562 477 227 119 ID8 OOI,S4S0() Gelubari 13H 97 420 216 204 93 49 44 O(l(,54(,OO l~hclagllcflhi (I[ .0 54 254 139 115 42 26 16 (J1)(IS47()() ChltmH '1<1 ·.. ··········Un·inhabited·············· 0(6)'18()O r'hnla 54().(1 45R 2,091 ].097 994 392 195 197 O()(JS49(JO Chitlnu i41.<1 212 1,0(14 536 468 178 101 77 UIl655()()() f'urandarpur 12!1 {I 10(1 512 284 228 88 46 42 OII(JS5Hl(J Bampl1~llar 146 (I 2:<) 1,265 66~ 597 328 162 166 ()()6S52()() Mllrnuhbaginu IS7.0 S 32 17 15 8 3 O()655300 Darig(l('I) 107.0 117 523 260 263 143 70 73 0065S4()() Ahiltn ThanH J91.() 640 ),185 1,633 1,552 707 347 360 f)065S5()() Sathanlia ]:15,0 I')? 1\48 450 398 217 115 102 01l655(,()11 Sntballlia Klttlrd 40 .• _._ •. ···-·U n·inhubi ted-·-·-········· OOb557()() Denigallj 3 (I ') 44 22 22 15 8 UiJ65"WO BtHhn~i 1.5'nO 1,326 (),H22 ),522 J,J()O 1,547 782 765 OOb5,QO() TUInhpur R(l,() 220 1,101 554 547 259 120 139 OOl>5MIOO l 'hechlluhari 2180 495 2,472 1,295 1.177 590 320 270 OM56100 Kasba KaJiagnllj .Jl)90 SOO 3,8(J9 1,941 1,868 895 459 436 00656200 Jalalpur 42[),O 2')1 1,543 792 751 411 211 200 ()06S6300 Makhan Pokhar 42(){J 344 1,643 333 810 465 243 222 00656400 Birpuf SUI 98 545 285 260 155 86 69 00656S()O Birpur 265,(1 230 1.186 603 583 286 152 134 D06566(){) MusllldclIga JiB () lSI ()O3 426 477 171 82 89 00656700 I'llkamolna 159,0 100 492 250 242 107 53 54 00656800 I'akamolna 214.0 145 739 398 341 163 89 74 00656900 Mallgllf JOII 83.(1 36 222 120 102 55 32 23 00657000 Gorukhal 753.n 617 3,077 1.5()O 1,487 630 325 305 00651100 Kalidru; 519,{) ,103 2.()8Q J,MR 1.021 327 161 166 O()6S72Gf) Jagir (iachh 94,() 91 554 279 275 67 34 33 (J0657300 Kalidas Arllli kismat 3240 ••••.•. __ ••.• Un·inhab ited •••.•.••.••••• 006S14()O Kalidas Ki~lnat 4,0 264 1,232 659 573 226 112 114 00657500 Phulhara MUik 34,0 8 37 21 16 7 3 4 O()[1~lr)O() Jogihnrn 40,[J 6 34 18 16 9 4 5 006577()O S ital (iachh 34.0 .. ,··········LJ n·i nhab iled·············· ()()(lS7300 Uendaloti 37,0 146 762 374 388 227 107 ]20 00657900 Phulhera CinellI! 220,0 330 1,769 893 876 334 174 160 006511[)OO Pllulhera 95.0 76 169 87 82 16 9 7 ()O658100 Panbarll 191.0 188 954 509 445 263 145 118 00658200 Jogi Gachh S9.(J 24 134 69 65 40 21 19 00658300 Nimalagaon 160.0 244 1,194 601 593 340 155 185 0065840() Nimnlaga(lll Mihk 44.fJ 124 670 351 319 207 108 99 00658500 Kuimari 93.0 195 860 45b 404 205 109 96 00658600 Knlupathnurf Koimari 7(1,0 J72 781 398 383 160 70 90 00658100 Mirzapuf 521.0 480 2,413 1,232 USI 571 279 292 {)0658S00 Pnkamolnn 55.0 41 226 118 ios 47 22 25 O()658900 Sarogora 512.0 414 2,122 1,105 1,017 451 234 217 00659000 Ramaniapokhnr 124.0 268 1,405 687 718 334 169 165 (10659JOO Patilabhasa 172.0 343 1,731 876 855 423 209 214 ()()f,5<1100 PothiR 122.0 120 633 320 313 155 92 63



Scheduled Castes EOEuatioll Scheduled Tribes po[!ulatioll Literlltcs Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVilIasc 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 6,507 3,361 3,146 12,908 6,(,.10 6,268 39,094 27,597 11,497 l'othin (Total) 6,507 3,361 3,146 12,908 6,640 6,268 39,094 27,597 11,497 Pothia (Rural) !'olhin (Urhan) POlllin (Rural) 56 27 29 82 39 43 860 58& 272 Dllbanochi (J 2 4 340 221 119 Sonupur 33 18 15 171 126 ·15 ThcikillbafJ 141 72 69 244 124 120 481 34& 134 Tami 125 54 71 127 66 61 156 103 53 Andabari 270 201 69 Dllbanochi 196 108 88 365 256 109 pnnighattn 84 42 42 3 2 142 98 44 Gelaburi 15 7 8 132 84 48 Bhclagachhi -•••• _. __ •__ •Un- Inhah Itcd-··------·· Chitma 2 I 527 353 174 Phala 49 31 18 <) 5 4 429 291 138 Chitmu <) 4 170 132 38 PurundarpLir 60 31 29 86 47 39 166 135 31 Barapokhar 3 I 2 Mamuhhagina 57 52 5 Darigaon 573 457 116 Bhota Thana 32 18 14 215 149 66 Satbauha ------"--" Un- inhabitcd----··-"···-·· Satbau1ia Khurd 1 I Debiganj 200 106 94 909 479 430 1,269 981 288 Burhnai 51 27 24 241 160 81 Taiabpur 338 174 164 453 322 131 Chechllabari 139 73 66 3 2 954 627 327 Kasba Kaliaganj 15 10 5 463 330 133 Jalalpur 102 50 52 62 30 32 320 234 86 Makhan Pokhar 96 S3 43 Birpur 68 33 35 60 30 30 268 202 66 Birpur 19 II 8 118 58 60 349 242 107 Musaldenga 102 52 50 143 107 36 PakamolnH 256 130 126 247 190 57 Pakamolna 62 37 25 18 10 8 MangurJon 82 37 45 329 174 155 405 257 148 Oorukhal 5 1 4 389 192 [97 255 180 75 Kalidas 13 8 5 105 47 58 173 114 59 Jagir Oachh --_ •• _--"-"-" Un -i nhahited--·-----_··_-" KaJidas Arazi kismat 12 6 6 80 43 37 405 314 91 Kalidas Kismat 37 21 16 11 6 5 Phulhara Milik 7 5 2 Jogihara -·------·---Un-inhabited-""---"_·--_·- SitalOachil 14 8 6 39 31 8 Oenda1oti 19 11 8 254 188 66 Phvlhera Oachll 14 8 6 22 13 9 Phulhera 76 58 18 Panbara 2 2 Jogi Gachh 16 11 96 82 14 Nimalagaun 85 75 10 Nimalagaon Milik 64 31 33 143 116 27 KUimari 37 21 16 744 377 367 71 67 4 Kalupathaurf Koimari 129 57 72 524 269 255 540 420 120 Mirzapur 42 36 6 Pakamolna 35 24 IJ 632 317 315 431 324 107 Sarogora 390 265 125 Ramsniapokhar 44 28 16 529 349 180 Patilabhasa 102 56 46 122 74 48 Pothia


Locatiun Main workers code lJIitcrMcs Total workers Females Persons Males Females Ilumller Name orVilla~c Persons Mules Females Persons Males 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 52,594 14,434 54,488 47,872 6,616 ooo~ Pnthin (Tottll) 157,199 73,409 83,790 67,028 14,434 54,488 47,872 6,616 OU04 l'nthin (Rural) 157,199 73,409 83.790 67,028 52,594 01111.\ Pnthill (\irtlall) I'ulhill (({Uflll) 0\1(, 53R{IO Dubnn\)chi 2,0% ')4} 1,153 986 767 2t9 75t 686 65 26 (10(153900 Snouflllr 1,·IRil 692 796 602 435 167 413 387 OOIl;,jOW Thcikllll>ari 730 316 :114 271 210 61 144 140 4 1)()(l541{J() Tmli I,Rl0 859 (m 894 619 275 590 539 51 (106S42(JO AJI(Iabari 650 JOg 342 300 262 38 257 254 3 {)(j6543110 [)uhmlllchi 232 69 163 117 14& 29 147 141 6 (I(i1!544()O pallighalta 674 306 368 399 293 106 347 291 56 OOtJS.)501l Oelaban 218 118 1M 126 110 16 111 70 II 006S41l()() Blicluguchhl 122 5S 67 83 7& 83 78 011654700 Chltma ·••••• ..·····Un·inhnbited·· •• ·--·""···· ()()b~480f) I'lmla 1.564 744 820 792 60S 187 584 557 27 O(J654')(lO Chltma 575 245 330 340 288 52 308 257 51 (](l(J:;SClO(l ['llra!1uar[lll[ 342 152 19G 154 153 154 153 t ()(]65510() Barnpokflar I,U'),) 533 ;1M 400 300 100 341 247 94 O()6S52I)1} Matntlbhaginu 1<) If> !j 8 \\ \\ \\ OQ6S53()1) lJarigllOn ,166 20R 258 175 146 29 159 145 14 1l0(,554()D BJwtaThana 2,612 1,176 1,436 916 869 47 883 861 22 006555()!) 5mbaulia 633 JGI 332 2q4 254 40 239 232 7 006556011 Satbaulia ).;)Jurd _••••••• ••• ·.(In·in habiled··-••• ···_··_ OOm7HO D~biganj 43 21 22 14 12 2 13 t2 ()a~558()O Bluhnai 5553 2,541 3,012 1,958 1,764 194 1,753 1,662 91 \lOii5590\) Taiabp\ll RM) 39+ 466 327 297 30 297 278 19 006560(}() Chechuahari 2,019 973 1,046 680 645 35 665 631 34 ()065(1iOO Kasba Kaliaganj 2,855 1.314 1,541 1.068 894 174 972 863 109 00656200 Jalalpur 1,080 462 (118 765 390 375 5&9 329 260 00656300 \I1akh an Pokhar 1,323 599 724 664 408 256 405 345 60 00656400 Birpur 449 232 217 130 129 I 15 15 0065650() Birl'Uf 91R 401 517 401 327 74 353 291 62 {)(l65660(l Mllsaldcllgn SS4 1&4 370 398 247 151 251 222 29 006567()(J Pakul11(1lna 349 143 206 159 151 8 158 150 8 00656800 Paklllllolna 492 208 284 291 214 77 234 204 30 00656900 Mangur Jon 204 110 94 85 71 14 8S 71 14 00657000 (j[)Iukilal 2,672 l,33J 1.339 USS 85~ 297 842 785 57 00657100 Kn]Jda~ LUI 888 946 790 694 96 737 679 58 00657200 Jagir Gachh 381 165 216 208 152 56 114 101 13 00657300 Kalidas Arll1j kismu( _···_··_··Uo·inhabited······_··-···· 00657400 Knlidas Ki"mnt m 345 482 529 365 164 357 315 42 (106S/S00 PhulhllTa Milik 26 15 11 19 12 7 19 12 7 00651600 Jogihnttl 27 13 14 8 8 8 8 00657700 Sitnl Gachh _·········-·-Un·inhabited··-···.······· 00651800 Gendaloti 723 343 380 232 208 24 93 91 2 00651900 Phulhera Gachh 1,515 705 810 503 417 86 430 390 40 OQ658000 PftuHlcra 147 74 n 79 70 9 79 70 9 00658100 Ponbara 878 451 427 262 240 22 260 239 21 00658200 Jogi Gachh 132 67 65 26 25 I 26 25 1 00658JO() Nimalagllon UJ98 519 579 335 312 23 323 300 23 00658400 Nimalagaon Milik 585 276 309 186 160 26 186 160 26 00658500 Kuimari 717 340 377 401 232 169 256 230 26 00658600 KnlupatllllvrfKDimari 710 331 379 269 259 10 266 257 9 00658700 Mirzilpur 1,873 &12 1,061 1,051 689 362 939 656 273 00658800 1>~kalll()lna 184 82 102 65 59 6 65 59 6 00(158900 SarogQra 1,69l 781 9W 820 595 225 638 556 82 00659000 Ramalliupokhar l,lll5 422 593 395 307 88 321 291 36 00659100 Patilnbhnsa 1,202 527 675 478 448 30 425 4j() 15 ()OoS920D Potllin 511 246 165 229 165 64 167 l46 21


Industrial ca\el;\\)['~ of main wllfkel'~ Hou~t:hold industry Cultivators A~ricultul'allabourt:rs workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3R 39 40 2 17,646 16,287 1,359 31.386 26,818 4.568 640 439 201 4.816 4.328 488 Polhia (Totnl) 17.646 16,287 1,359 31,386 26,818 4.568 640 439 201 4.816 4.328 488 PoUlin (Rurnl) I'olhia (Urban) Pothia (Rural) 221 216 5 375 332 43 .) 3 151 135 16 Dubanochi 55 52 3 225 219 6 1 132 !I5 17 Sonapur 26 26 107 103 4 1 10 10 The iknlbari 246 234 12 265 250 15 61 39 22 18 16 2 Tarni 84 84 171 16ll 3 2 2 Andahari 58 57 I 55 50 5 9 9 25 2S Duballochi 103 99 4 152 142 10 70 32 38 22 18 4 panighatta 17 17 32 32 IS 8 10 14 13 Gclabari 46 43 3 11 <) 2 26 26 Bhclagachlll ------UII· in II ahi ted------Chitma 299 294 5 232 22() 12 9 5 4 44 38 6 Phalli 109 J08 I 180 130 50 3 3 16 16 Chitma 71 70 I 83 83 PlIrandarpur 36 33 3 290 199 91 15 15 Barapokhar 3 3 5 Malllllbhagina 51 51 107 94 13 Darigaon 395 388 7 419 404 15 68 68 Bhala Thana 94 94 112 106 6 33 32 Satbaulia ------"------Un-inhubitcd------·--- Satballlia Khurd 10 9 I 3 3 Debiganj 590 572 18 1,105 1,()35 70 7 4 3 51 51 Burhnai 5 5 182 174 8 4 3 I 106 96 10 Tuiabpuf 90 90 425 39g 27 I 1 149 142 7 Chechuabari 195 192 3 554 456 98 2 2 221 215 6 Kasba Kaliaganj 356 149 207 191 139 52 41 40 I Jalalpur 136 131 5 245 190 55 24 24 Makhan Pokhllr 4 4 6 6 3 3 2 2 Birpur 100 97 3 228 171 57 3 1 2 22 22 Birpur 130 123 7 74 55 19 3 3 44 41 3 Musaldenga 82 82 73 65 8 I 1 2 2 Pakamolna 89 85 4 82 63 19 63 56 7 Pakamolna 37 36 30 26 4 18 9 9 Mangllr.Jon 249 240 9 570 524 46 23 21 2 Gorukhal 324 301 23 410 375 35 3 3 Kalidas 75 70 5 39 31 8 lagirGachh ------" Un- i nhab ited------··-·--- Kalidas Arazi kismat 112 106 6 215 181 34 30 28 2 Kalidas Kismat I I 18 11 7 Phulham Milik 7 7 logihara ------·---Un-inhabited-·------·-·--- Situl Gachh 75 73 2 11 11 4 4 3 3 Gendaloti 85 74 It 253 231 22 1 1 91 84 7 Phulhera Gachh 17 15 2 62 55 7 Phulhera 64 61 3 184 167 17 2 2 10 9 Panbara 4 3 1 22 22 Jogi Gachh 150 145 5 164 147 17 2 7 7 Nimalagaol1 45 45 116 92 24 25 23 2 Nimalagaol1 Milik 85 85 158 137 21 I 12 7 5 Kuimari 65 65 200 J91 9 I Kalupathaurf Kaimari 341 273 68 507 334 173 40 10 30 51 49 2 Mirzapur 46 45 1 19 14 5 Pakamolna 168 162 6 426 352 74 7 6 37 36 Sarogom 115 III 4 176 144 32 36 36 Ramaniapokhar 153 147 6 206 198 8 65 64 1 Patilabhasa 59 54 5 75 63 12 33 29 4 Pothia


Industrial cate~0!I Locatinn Cu Itivators A~riculturallabQurers CIK1c Mlltll:inal \~orb!r5 Females Persons Males Females J\umber N~1I1C l)rVilla~1' Persot1~ Mules F~ma\es Persons Mules 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 2,526 739 1,787 H,745 3,428 5,317 0004 Potbill (T()tal) 12,540 4,722 7,H13 739 1,787 8,745 3,428 5,317 ()OO4 "othia (Rllrat) 12,540 ,j,722 7,818 2,526 0004 PoUlin (Urb~[\) PotlJia (Rural) 129 49 80 110653811(1 llubannchi 235 MI 154 5 4 21 \3 :63 38 125 1l0(,S31)On ~onarur 189 411 141 2 ~22 iO 52 IJOh5'iOilO Th~ikalb,tn m 10 57 2 (j 74 183 (1(I(,541111l ·lnlnl 3U~ 80 224 41 35 257 !) 5 2 4 i)O()S~ 201) Anti(lbari 43 8 ~5 3 6 (Hl(lS43()U Dubanllclli 30 ? 23 I 18 3 15 0010(441)1) pumghatta ,0 2 ~O O(l(>,45llO (lc\:\hnn 4~ 411 5 41 38 006::4600 ilhclngnchhi 0065471)(] Chilmll ·----·----·--t)n ·inlmb ited ---.------.-. OOb54S01J Phul~ lOR 43 160 43 I 42 159 44 115 (I[l65490i) Chltma 32 31 I R 7 16 16 0(1655000 l'uranuarpur [J065SIOO BarallOkhar 59 53 6 3 3 49 43 6 0(}655200 MamuhhagiJ1a ()(~6'5.\()(J Darigaon H, I 15 15 15 00655400 OholaThana :n It 25 5 5 27 2 25 ()O655500 Sathaulia ~S 22 33 12 10 2 40 9 3] ()()655 6ClO ::;ulhaulia Kh\lrd ---·--·······Un·in)lahit~u·········-···· ()(l6557()(1 flebiganj j I 1 ()()655800 Bmhnai 2()5 1[J2 1(13 .B 14 19 171 87 84 \1\)(l5:\'1\\1l "TMabput 3\1 11) II I 1 15 6 9 00656000 Chcchuahari 15 14 2 2 3 2 1 tl()(,561()l! Ka\bo Kaliaganj 96 31 (>5 3 1 2 31 14 17 OI)b5tl200 Johlpur 17(, 61 115 52 12 40 121 46 75 1)1)&56300 MlIkh~n I'{Jkhar 25<) 63 1% 30 10 20 227 52 175 00556400 Dirpur 115 114 I 1!5 114 I O!}6565{)() BirpUi 43 36 11 47 35 12 00656600 Mllsaldenga 141 25 122 ]5 3 32 (}~656700 l'ahm()lnl 00656S00 Pakamoll1a 57 10 47 J 46 2 44 ()OM6900 Mangur Jon 00657000 {i(Jrukhill 313 73 240 80 13 67 215 56 159 (10657100 Kahdas 53 15 38 14 13 39 14 25 Oll657200 Jagir Gachh 94 51 4'.' 38 18 20 56 33 23 (](J657300 Kalidl\s Aral.i kismat ••••• ..······l.Jn·;nhabited·······_··_·· 0065740(1 KaJidas Kisma( 172 .l() IZ2 84 26 58 86 23 63 (J06575110 Phu1l1ara Milik OU65761l1l Jogiham 00657100 SiUl! Gael1l, ······-···_·Un-inhS9000 RamaniqlOklm 68 16 51 13 4 Q 55 12 43 Q0559l00 Palilabhnsa 53 38 15 7 4 3 39 31 & OO~59200 Pothla 62 19 43 60 19 41


of mar~inal workers Location Household industrl: workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Femalt:s Name ofVilla~e number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 414 58 356 855 497 358 129,265 48,412 80,853 Pothia (Total) 0004 414 58 356 855 497 358 129,265 48,412 80,853 PoUlia (Rural) 0004 Potltia (Urban) 0004 Potbill (Rural) 19 19 82 31 51 1,970 764 1,206 Dubanochi 00653800 5 2 3 1,226 478 748 Sonapur 00653900 2 2 630 232 398 Theikalbari 00654000 6 6 1,418 588 830 Tarni 00654IOO 21 20 7 2 506 149 357 Andabari 00654200 11 3 8 325 122 203 Dubanochi 00654300 52 2 SO 640 269 371 panlghatta 00654400 2 2 2 2 294 106 188 Oelabari 00654500 171 61 liD Bhelagachhi 00654600 -_···········Un·ll1habitcd··········,··· Chitllla 00654700 3 3 3 3 1,299 492 807 Phalli 00654800 4 4 4 4 664 248 416 Chilma 00654900 358 131 227 Plirandarpuf 00655000 2 2 5 5 865 368 497 Burapokhar 00655100 24 9 IS Mamubhagina 00655200 348 114 234 Darigaoll 00655300 I I 2,269 764 1,505 Bhata Thana 00655400 3 3 554 196 358 Satbalilia 00655500 ·············Un·inllablted·····-·-······ Satbalilia Khurd 00655600 30 10 20 Debigllnj 00655700 4,864 1,758 3,106 Burhnai 00655800 13 12 774 257 517 Tuiabpur 00655900 10 10 1,792 650 1,142 Chcch lIabari 00656000 31 3 28 31 13 18 2,741 1,047 1,694 Kllsba Ka1inganj 00656100 3 3 778 402 376 Jalalpllr 00656200 2 1 979 425 554 Makhun Pakhar 00656300 415 156 259 Birpur 00656400 785 276 509 Birpuf 00656500 54 3 51 57 19 38 505 179 326 Musaldenga 00656600 1 I 333 99 234 Pakamolna 00656700 3 3 448 184 264 Pakamoll1a 00656800 137 4~ 88 MangurJon 00656900 3 3 15 4 11 1,922 732 1,190 Oorukhal 00657000 1,299 374 925 Kalidas 00657100 346 127 219 Jagir Gachh 00657200 ··-·-·------·Un-inhabitcd··---·-·.-···· Kalidas Arazi kismat 00657300 2 1 I 703 294 409 Ka1idas Kismat 00657400 18 9 9 Phulhara Milik 00657500 26 10 16 Jogihara 00657600 ••• -.-.-••• -. Un- inhab ited············-· SitulOachh 00657700 530 166 364 Gendaloti 00657800 II IO 1,266 476 790 Phulhera Gachh 00657900 90 17 73 Phulhera 00658000 692 269 423 Panbara 00658100 108 44 64 Jogi Oaehh 00658200 859 289 570 Nimalagaon 00658300 484 191 293 Nimalagaon Milik 00658400 459 224 235 Kuimari 00658500 512 139 373 Ka1upathaurf Koimari 00658600 15 15 3 2 1,362 543 819 Mirzapur 00658700 161 59 102 Pakamolnn 00658800 2 3 3 1,302 510 792 Sarogora 00658900 1,010 380 630 Ramaniapokhar 00659000 2 2 5 3 2 1,253 428 825 Patilabhasa 00659100 I 404 155 249 Pothia 00659200


TDta! pupulation (includillg PopLllation in the l,\ll:aliml I\rcli or institutional and hOl1sdcs~ age-group 0-6 I!\}{!e Vilbgc in Number of --::--_....l:r.:;.()pt::u7ta~t:..::io::;;.n)I.....;~~:- PefSClnS Males Females I\uRl1x:r hed[lI'C~ Jlllll~el\lllds Persons Males females 2 ,'I 4 56? 8910 32{) 32~ 177 14& mlii,s,t:JI:' 1',l',I3tLII 1 ~I\f' :m 155} 124 &~ 46 41 (~,!(6-J.i(1,:' ('{ 1111\\\\\',,\\; l~rJ.\, 157 7~1:J 381 319 379 (lllll:iW()(/ 1\(l1Ikmw SJ2.U 029 ,1,226 2.121) 2,106 738 m ')9 47 18 13 1)IH,~L}MIIt f'1I~haria 371J,Q 27 52 144 134 [lill,54700 Hagmlll IS,l,O 196 l,n?J 548 525 27& 135 138 1I1J1i5'IHOO Kliliari 2211 (l 360 1,639 1I6() 770 273 36 }O I)lIiJ~(_)lJlm J)h:tll~ll'llhll~r l)l ,(1 77 no Wi 1M 66 1~IIMlnlll\u ij[Ulgnati /\nVl~lIChh b4,ji .--•• ----.·Un.il\luL1it~d-·-·---·-·- 1IIIr,WI(Ul l"mml 275 (J S5h 2,105 [,370 1,335 588 299 289 fIU(l(,mIW (fallt:nmi ·m.1l 45IJ V40 1.267 1,113 510 261 249 :1I,('(,lHllil Ilhill,ll!lIlda <)~ 0 12 J7 19 1& 3 2 Onb/i041111 llhatkhulltill 1117,(\ 40 231 129 !iJ2 62 33 29 5l)() (I()~(I(15I)11 Bill!;!>! X'J,(I 249 l,191 592 298 157 141 illlb(J{){,Oll Pam.>! LJo n 207 n·) 427 447 344 199 145 OO~(l[lI[J(I Kang 1,36() 655 348 307 U{)6611(lO PiaKl'ri <13.0 &5 406 210 J'IO 91 42 49 OOM220(! (,JOObari 40.0 3(] 122 60 62 17 8 9 00602J(l0 Barab Kahunia 461.0 353 1,892 990 902 499 280 219 00662400 Shekhpllra ISl),O I(l(l 502 260 242 147 78 69 00(6251)0 Hnklibari J5liO 318 1,503 788 815 344 165 179 00b626I}O Saitllabmi 122.0 3(.1 J,797 92$ 872 411 203 208 O1l662100 Untgalia 358.0 273 1,573 825 748 403 204 204 XI(iC,28IHl C~\hamlla M,(] 129 (lS() 34& 308 177 85 92 [)[1662"OO Haklii1lJaJa 171.0 104- 593 3[2 281 ll4 57 51 00663{]OQ Baksa JIS.O 472 2,503 1,318 1,275 664 32(] 344 I)C61iJlOO Cbcragaddi 44'{1 224 1('1 47 25 UlJo63200 Sahugi 218.() 137 941 489 452 245 "6 129 00663300 Naunadtli 3(1),(1 495 2,441 1,246 1,195 570 293 277 00663400 Naunaddi 68,f! 46 24S 132 116 S5 2'J 26 OO()(!35(1(1 jIJoklla Dangi 148,(1 11& %0 283 277 107 55 52. /)()MJ60[) Kalwa 1.0920 [,OS! 5,863 3,006 2,857 8G2 439 423 (lOM37DO MallSll1 361.0 )t)7 1.1)<8 I,02fJ 928 363 182 181 00663!!OO Maria 197,0 110 51 R 263 2SS 108 58 50 00663900 Chhatar G~chh 4980 97& 4,933 2,645 2,288 1,146 612 534 O[)664000 Nandakllri 2050 174 769 393 376 190 97 93 006MIOO Singhiamarl 130.0 115 5W 234 296 63 25 38 OO~642.0Q RlISindangi I 59,(j 97 451 23! 220 52 23 29 006643DO Plwrabari 297.0 294 1,485 764 i2I 342 179 163 00664400 Mahogarh 1380 119 579 277 302 49 21 28 00664500 Lldl\abari 153.0 21i1 1.195 616 569 220 111 109 0066450D Kh~rkhMi 66,0 13 70 38 32 22 12 10 OOM4700 Arrab~rJ 588.0 435 2,407 \,273 1.134 451 236 215 O


Scheduled Castes COEliutioll Scheduled Tribes copulation Literates Persons Mules Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVillflgc II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 140 68 72 125 65 60 682 437 245 PawakhaJi 23 13 10 148 66 82 117 76 41 CHilhamar; 233 118 115 55 24 31 559 346 213 Naukatta 25 10 15 9 7 2 46 37 9 Pokhnria 11 5 6 115 88 27 Bagrani 361 254 107 Kusiun 14 9 92 73 19 Dhang! Pokhar _············Un·inhabitcd·····.········ Gangnatl Arazigachh 75 38 37 222 116 106 492 306 186 Pamal 9 :; 4 624 436 188 Gangnati 2 2 Bhatkhunda 226 127 99 51 32 19 Bhatkhundn 174 120 54 Banas; 4 865 421 444 175 97 78 Panasj 20 13 7 Karigaoll Milik 77 45 32 144 80 64 476 362 114 Thipi .fhari 116 74 42 MangurJan 133 61 72 81 56 25 Phati Pokhar 18 9 9 92 59 33 Charkhakati 21 9 12 256 180 76 Molnapara 124 86 38 Dongra 189 132 57 Dhantola 19 12 7 233 110 123 114 73 41 Halda 69 34 3S 531 408 123 Udgllra 295 214 81 Singhari Gobindpur 10 5 5 106 80 26 Khatia Pichhla 43 21 22 462 320 142 Chiagaoo 45 24 21 549 268 281 512 402 110 Budhra 126 93 33 Piakori 32 20 12 Goabari 22 II II 574 298 276 301 221 80 Barab Kalllll1ill 5 2 3 148 75 73 89 58 31 Shekhpura 30 16 14 168 85 83 379 288 91 Haldibari 234 119 liS 309 239 70 Saithabari 89 43 46 287 191 96 Galgalia 67 52 15 Chhamtia 169 112 57 Bakhonala 185 05 90 614 415 199 Baksa 16 II 5 75 54 21 Choragaddi 13 8 5 209 110 99 299 207 92 Sahagi 8 4 4 462 300 162 NUlIl1addi 40 22 18 70 38 32 48 37 II Naunnddi 321 165 156 135 91 44 lhokha Dangi 276 139 137 668 358 310 819 504 315 Kollha 640 351 289 305 236 69 Mahsul 280 140 140 166 103 63 Maria 214 109 105 63 34 29 1,139 791 348 Chhatar ORchil 16 9 7 83 45 38 71 55 16 Nandakuri 56 30 26 80 43 37 Singhiamari 47 25 22 78 45 33 Rasiadangi 82 42 40 170 150 20 Pharabari 95 78 17 Mahogarh 209 108 101 461 332 129 Lodhabari 5 3 2 8 5 3 Kharkhari 8 3 5 121 62 59 539 389 150 Arrabari 10 6 4 17 7 10 276 209 67 Geramari 83 52 31 29 20 9 Miramani 204 114 90 48 24 24 202 148 54 Indarpur Khurd 116 66 50 Indarpur


LOl;ation codc Illiterates Total workers Main workers numher Nam!! llJ'Villuf.\c Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 006:W3()O I'awakhuli 871 31)2 479 502 414 88 473 408 65 ()O659400 ClliIhamun 043 305 338 277 195 82 196 179 17 00(159500 Naukalta 3.667 1.774 1,893 1.174 988 186 1.064 959 105 006Si)6()0 Pokharia 53 15 38 34 34 32 32 O()6S9700 Bagruni 958 460 498 433 278 155 271 260 11 O()(IS!JIiOO KuslUri 1.278 015 663 578 455 123 500 452 48 ()(Ul59900 Dhangl Pokhur 288 143 145 166 122 44 128 121 7 OO(l600OU (iangmlll AHlZIgachh _············Un·jnhabitcd······ ..····•• O()(,('()IO() PUIlHtI 2.213 1,064 1.149 1.004 738 266 789 678 III O()(J6020() (iangnnti 1.816 831 985 777 651 126 723 640 83 (106M3 I)!) Bhatkhunda 35 17 18 15 15 15 15 OO(J604()o Bhatkhunuu 180 97 83 85 46 39 82 45 37 00660501l Banasi 1.017 472 545 417 296 121 313 278 35 ()O66060() Pan3si 699 330 369 303 209 94 269 196 73 00660701J Kariguon Milik 145 68 77 46 39 7 43 39 4 006GORO() Thipi Jhari 1.732 807 925 765 586 179 506 471 35 00660t}OO Mangur Jan 103 42 61 91 63 28 76 58 18 (10661000 Phati Pokhar 207 qO 117 88 73 15 83 72 11 00661100 Charkhakati 237 105 132 102 91 11 94 88 6 OO(!(}1200 Molnapara 1.436 658 778 444 419 25 438 415 23 (lO61l1300 Dungm 588 265 32.1 170 152 18 115 114 0061l14()O Dhnntnla 781 332 449 233 179 54 193 178 15 (10661500 Hulda 315 144 171 198 124 74 112 105 7 00661600 Udgura 3.721 1.796 1,915 1.172 1.050 121 958 899 59 00661700 Singhari Oobindpur 1.883 903 980 657 538 119 579 532 47 00661800 Khalin Pichhla 305 118 187 232 110 122 131 107 24 00661900 Chiagaon 1.418 632 786 680 457 223 469 435 34 00662000 Budhra 2.247 997 1.250 970 720 250 722 642 SO 00662100 Pinkori 280 117 163 205 131 74 177 131 46 ()O662200 Goabari 9() 40 50 64 38 26 29 21 8 00662300 Barllb Kahllnia 1.591 769 822 776 461 315 534 440 94 00662400 ShekhplIra 413 202 211 197 129 68 194 127 67 00662500 lIaldibari 1,224 SOD 724 556 440 116 548 436 112 00662600 Saithaban 1.488 686 802 511 461 50 508 458 50 0066270() Galgalia 1.286 634 652 630 459 171 368 307 61 00662800 Chhamtin 589 296 293 183 166 17 177 163 14 00662900 Ilnkhonnla 424 200 224 173 166 7 171 165 6 00663000 Ilnksa 1.979 903 1.076 936 655 281 823 591 232 0(663101) Choragaddi 149 69 80 126 71 55 52 49 3 00663200 Sahagi 642 282 360 369 250 119 225 219 6 00663300 Naunaddi 1.979 946 1,033 875 686 189 828 671 157 00663400 Naunnddi 200 95 105 [37 81 56 112 74 00663500 Jhokhu Dangi 38 425 192 233 310 158 152 146 125 0066360() Kolthn 21 5.044 2,502 2.542 1.963 1.481 482 1.418 1,249 169 00663700 Mahsul 1,643 784 859 889 653 236 708 635 73 00663800 Maria 352 160 192 116 119 7 125 118 7 OO(i6390Q Chhatar Uachh 3,794 1,854 1,940 1,536 1.255 281 1,406 1,206 200 00664000 Nandakuri 698 338 360 242 202 40 216 190 26 00664100 Singhiamari 500 241 259 110 109 1 101 100 1 00664200 Rasiadangi 373 186 187 143 134 9 143 134 9 00664300 Pharabari 1.315 614 701 579 432 147 576 431 145 O()664400 Mahogarh 484 199 285 [31 127 4 126 125 1 00664500 Lodhabari 734 294 440 336 306 30 333 306 27 00664600 Kharkhari 62 33 29 14 II 3 13 11 2 00664700 Arrabari 1,868 884 984 694 633 61 655 613 42 0066480Q Geramari 1,756 819 937 657 572 85 626 566 60 00664900 Miramaoi 140 70 70 65 54 11 64 53 11 00665000 lndarpur Khurd 789 393 396 339 292 47 335 289 46 00665100 lndarpur 705 345 360 250 244 6 248 242 6 414 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Pothia lnc!ustl'ial cate!!:or}: of main workers Household industry Cultivators A!;\ricultural Inhourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofYillagc 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 65 59 6 143 105 38 6 25H 238 20 Pawakhali 56 55 I 80 76 4 2 58 46 12 Cllilharnari 285 271 14 697 612 85 2 6 74 74 Naukatta I I 2 2 29 29 Pokharia 126 124 2 !O5 98 7 40 38 2 Bagrani 147 130 17 338 307 31 15 15 Kusiari 66 64 2 59 54 2 2 I Dhangi Pokhar ------Un -inh ab I te d------Gangnati Arazigachh 195 182 13 459 384 75 6 I 5 129 111 18 Pall1al 265 262 3 443 363 SO 4 11 II Gangnati 15 15 " Blmtkhunda 20 9 II 55 31 24 2 4 Bhatkhunda 93 89 4 193 170 23 19 12 7 8 7 1 Banasi 142 108 3·~ 116 79 37 I I ID 8 2 Pallasi 20 19 I 20 18 2 3 2 I Karigaon Mllik 166 156 10 256 235 21 34 33 50 47 Thipi Jhari 28 23 5 30 17 13 I I 17 17 Maugur Jan 4 4 32 24 S 16 16 31 28 3 Phatl Pokhar 16 15 1 77 72 5 1 1 Charkhakati 78 75 3 309 291 18 51 49 2 Molnapara 57 57 41 41 16 15 Dongra 44 43 121 108 13 28 27 I Dhantola 11 II 54 50 4 5 4 42 40 2 Halda 268 258 !O 543 504 39 2 2 145 135 10 Udgara 155 lSI 4 333 292 41 10 9 81 80 1 Singhari Gobindpur 74 73 I 28 24 4 29 10 19 Khatia Pichhln 169 167 2 207 180 27 93 88 5 Chiagaon 336 313 23 374 319 55 12 10 2 Budhra 63 52 II 104 71 33 10 8 2 Piakori II 7 4 18 14 4 Goabari 159 144 15 370 294 76 5 2 3 Barab Kllhunia 70 64 6 123 62 61 I I Shekhpura 178 167 II 307 210 97 14 II 3 49 48 1 Hnldlbari 90 86 4 348 307 41 I 1 69 64 5 Saithabari 160 129 31 130 105 25 78 73 5 Gaigalia 54 54 120 107 13 2 2 I Chhamtia 60 60 109 103 6 2 2 Bnkhonala 246 197 49 553 372 181 4 4 20 18 2 Baksa 37 36 1 15 13 2 Choragaddi 62 60 2 152 148 4 11 II Sahngi 225 212 13 572 436 136 2 I 29 22 7 Nauoaddi 33 23 10 69 43 26 2 2 8 8 Nnllnaddi 51 48 3 94 76 1& 1 Jhokha Dangi 553 476 77 829 742 87 20 16 4 16 15 Koltha 158 149 9 533 470 63 1 I 16 16 Mahsul 5 5 III 104 7 9 9 Maria 347 333 14 885 713 172 10 6 4 164 154 10 Chhatar Gachh 75 73 2 136 112 24 5 5 Nandakuri 47 47 50 50 4 3 Singhiamari 47 46 1 90 82 8 6 6 Rasiadangi 121 99 22 454 331 123 I 1 Pharabari 41 41 85 84 I Mahogarh 24 23 225 201 24 84 82 2 Lodhabari 13 11 2 Kharkhari 243 235 8 393 361 32 2 I I 17 16 Arrabari 272 260 12 327 285 42 7 2 5 20 19 Geramari IS 15 49 38 II Miramani 91 89 2 240 196 44 4 4 Inclarpllr Khllrd 43 42 I 205 200 5 Indarpur


Industrial cate~or~ I,l)catioll code Mar~inal workers Cultivators A~riculturallabourers numher Namc nJ'Villalolc Persons Males Fcmales Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 (lOllS!)]!)!) Pmvnkhllh 29 (, 23 3 1 2 3 2 tlO659400 ClIilllal1111n g\ \6 &5 II 3 8 53 8 45 00659S()() Naukatta 110 29 81 3 2 95 25 70 Ot)65(j6()() I'okhariu 2 2 2 2 O()(>5970() B11gflllli 162 18 144 49 11 38 72 7 65 O()(MHOO Klisian 78 3 75 6 6 72 3 69 0065f)I)I)O Dlml1 gi P(1khar 3R 37 I I 37 I 36 (10660000 Cinngnati Anwgachh ------Un-inhnhilcd------(lOMOIO() ['mnal 215 (,0 ISS 58 26 32 150 32 118 O()(J60200 tJallgnati 54 II 43 7 2 5 45 9 36 0066()30() BhatkhulIlla 006604()(} Bhatkhtmda 3 2 3 I 2 006611500 BUllasi 104 IS 86 IS 4 lJ 83 12 71 00660600 Panasi 34 13 21 19 10 9 IS 3 12 0066()700 Karig3llt] Mill!.: 3 3 1 1 0066080() Thlpi Jhari 2SI) 115 144 61 53 173 85 88 0066(1)0() Mangur Jan 15 5 10 3 2 12 4 8 ()O66100() Phali P()khar 5 1 4 3 3 OOb6\ 100 Charkhakau 8 3 5 8 3 5 (106(.1200 Molnnpnra 6 4 2 1 4 3 I 006()1300 DOl1gra 55 38 17 22 15 7 31 21 10 00661400 DI1antola 40 1 39 19 18 21 21 006615()0 Haldu 86 19 67 83 19 64 00661600 Udgara 214 151 63 39 26 13 165 117 48 00661700 S inghan Gobindpur 7S 6 72 7 7 70 6 64 00661800 Khntia Pichhla 101 3 98 79 3 76 19 19 00661900 Chingaon 211 22 189 93 11 82 117 10 107 00662000 Budhra 24R 78 170 89 2 87 156 73 83 00662100 Pinkori 28 28 8 8 19 19 00662200 Ooahari 35 17 18 10 6 4 22 9 13 ()(J662300 Barab Kahunia 242 21 221 103 8 95 139 l3 126 0066240() Shekhpura 3 2 1 I 1 1 00662500 Haldibari H 4 4 4 4 4 4 00662600 Saithabari 3 3 00662700 Galgalin 262 152 110 19 8 11 239 142 97 006628QO Chhamtia (1 3 3 6 3 3 00662900 Bakhonala 2 I I 1 1 00663000 Ilflksa 113 64 49 6 4 2 94 56 38 00663100 Choragaddi 74 22 52 50 17 33 23 5 18 00663200 Sahagi 144 31 113 50 16 34 89 14 75 00663300 Nallnaddi 47 15 32 19 4 15 25 8 17 0066340() Naunaddi 25 7 18 II 2 9 14 5 9 0066350(1 J hoklta Dangi 164 33 131 20 14 6 III 19 92 1)0663600 Koltha 545 232 313 12 4 8 513 224 00663700 Mahsul 289 181 18 163 42 4 38 139 14 125 00663800 Maria 1 I 00663900 Chhatar Gnchh 130 49 81 43 5 38 72 41 00664000 Nandakuri 31 26 12 14 8 4 4 18 8 00664100 Singhiamari 10 9 9 3 3 5 00664200 Rasiadangi 00664300 Pharabari 3 I 2 2 1 00664400 Mahogarh 5 2 3 5 2 3 00664500 Lodhabari 3 3 00664600 Kharkhari 1 1 I 00664700 Arrabari 39 20 19 00664&00 Germnari 37 19 )8 31 6 25 )0 2 00664900 Miramll!li 8 14 3 II J 1 1 1 00665000 1ndarpur Khurd 4 3 4 3 00665100 lndarpur 2 2 2 2

416 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Pothin of marifinal workers Location Household industr;,!: workers Other workers NOIl-wmkers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofViIla~e number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 4 4 ICJ 3 16 1.051 415 636 Pawakhali 00659300 8 2 6 9 3 6 483 186 297 CHilhumari 00659400 12 2 10 3,052 1,132 1,920 Naukntta 00659500 65 18 47 Pokharia 00659600 41 41 64[) 270 370 Bagrani 00659700 1,061 414 647 Kusiari 00659800 214 94 120 Dhangi Pokhar 00659900 ·····------u n-inhabitcd '-"-'-'-'---' Gangnati Arazigachh 00660000 4 4 3 2 I 1,701 632 1,069 Pamal 0066()[00 2 2 1,663 616 1,047 Gangnati 0066()200 22 4 18 Bhatkhunda 00660300 146 83 63 Bhatkhunda 00660400 6 2 4 774 296 478 Banasi 00660500 571 218 353 Panasi 00660600 2 2 119 42 77 Karigaoll Millk 0066()700 25 22 3 1,443 583 860 Thipi Jhari 0066()800 128 53 75 MangurJan 00660900 2 200 73 127 Phati Pokhar 00661000 227 73 154 Charkhakatj 00661100 1,248 419 829 Molnapara 00661200 2 2 542 199 343 Dongra 00661300 737 285 452 Dhantola 00661400 3 3 231 93 138 Halda 00661500 8 7 2 3,080 1,154 1,926 Udgara 00661600 1 1 1,521 579 942 Singhari Gobindpuf 00661700 3 3 179 88 91 Khatia Plchhla 00661800 I 1,200 495 705 Chiagaon 00661900 2 2 1,789 679 1,110 Budhra 00662000 201 79 122 Piakori 00662100 2 2 58 22 36 Goabari 00662200 1,116 529 587 Barab Kahunia 00662300 305 131 174 Shckhpura 00662400 1,047 348 699 Haldibari 00662500 3 1,286 464 822 Saithabari 00662600 3 2 943 366 577 Ga1galia 00662700 473 182 291 Chhamtia 00662800 I I 420 146 274 Bal

417 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including L(1catinn Area of institutional and hOllseless Population in the COlli.: Yillugcin Number of eOEulationj a!!ie-srouE 0-6 Males Females numher Name ofYilla£,e hectares households Persons Males Females Persons 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 16 ()()Iir,S2{){) BobsilIl 6B.!) 3D 158 86 72 32 (]O(>6SJOO Raipur 202.0 344 1,371 761 610 216 124 92 006654(J() Kcso Jara 299 () 227 1,128 550 578 240 120 120 107 IJOI>65500 Dhobinia 285.0 28.1 1,222 657 565 229 122 OO(,65(J(11) Haldllgaon 426 () 386 2,016 1,058 958 409 218 191 00(1[15700 Chhagalia 3(1.0 7.1 360 191 169 75 38 37 006(iS800 Kullhiban 37.(J 16 104 58 46 II 3 8 O(l(!(,5CJOO Damarhan )63.0 116 618 315 303 161 79 82 1)1J6h60l)O Parlabari Milik 320 115 535 272 263 133 79 54 006611100 Kala Singhia 144.0 258 1,387 689 698 207 87 120 0066620() Parla Ban 656.0 513 2,371 1,221 t.I 50 410 192 218 (J06G6300 Daillal Bari 419.() 623 3,317 1,779 1,538 641 318 323 00666400 LUKUlldra 93.11 12() 62S 309 316 182 92 90 00666500 Taria 207.() 184 934 490 444 183 92 91 {)()6M600 Bagalbari Milik Anlzi II II 121 1.048 545 503 258 134 124 00666700 Jahanglrpur 1,118 [) 1,40[1 6,532 3,377 3.155 1,520 789 731 00666&nO RaIna 529'(J 521 2,693 l.369 1.324 557 270 287 00666900 Saradighi 70.0 288 1,592 768 824 385 159 226 00667000 Adhikari 262.0 2Si! 1,207 609 598 199 95 104 0()667100 Sitll Jhmi 49.0 108 49R 247 251 110 53 57 00667200 Sita Jhari M.D 80 433 230 203 67 38 29 00667300 Sitalpur 1.514.0 1,839 9,()44 4,614 4,430 2,129 1,093 ),036 ()O667400 Kalakachll 150.(1 72 369 195 174 88 47 41 00667500 NarillasaT IR.O -.-..••••• -•• Un- inhnb itcd--.-••.•. -.--- 00667600 Gobindn 31.0 24 141 69 72 39 20 19 00667700 tQhagara 316.0 278 1,461 704 757 359 181 178 O()(I67800 Paharkat1a 552.0 827 4,263 2,207 2,056 1,071 543 528 00667900 Panasl 131.0 438 2,188 1,111 1,077 363 179 184 00668000 Rntanpur 132.0 130 768 370 398 194 71 123 00668100 Mohania 224.0 65 343 177 166 97 51 46 00668200 Dhckipara 374'(J 346 1,626 849 777 221 126 95 00668300 Jangiahllli ~.O ·-··_··_-·-·-Un-inhnhitcd------00668400 lJagalban Milik 26.0 133 660 330 330 73 26 47 00668500 llagalbari 43J.() 549 2,769 1,452 1,317 576 302 274 00668600 Bisani 130.0 193 ),(JOS 525 480 226 131 95


Scheduled Castes pOEuation Scheduled Tribcs EOEulatioll Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Fcmales Persons Males Females Name of Village II 12 I3 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 14 14 Bolasan 5 3 2 2(iO 179 81 Raipur 3lO 148 162 19 7 12 126 79 47 Keso Jara 122 66 56 230 164 66 Dhobinia 240 130 110 323 212 III Haldagaon 55 45 10 Chhagalia 23 IS 5 !Zulthibari 19 8 11 154 114 40 Damarhari 56 38 18 Pariabari Mllik 119 74 45 Kala Singhia 513 253 260 310 206 104 Parla Sari 75 53 22 130 II () 14 638 432 206 Damal Bari 137 98 39 Luklll1dra 129 64 65 239 165 74 Taria 189 139 SO Bagalbari Mihk Arnzi 160 86 74 407 200 207 1,517 1,095 412 Jahangirpur 516 388 128 Ratua 295 201 <)4 Saradighi 17 10 270 188 82 Adhikari 141 99 42 SitaJhari 43 29 14 Sita.lhari 167 85 82 115 61 54 1,966 1,379 587 Sitalpur 10 3 7 27 24 3 Kalakuchu ····--·······Un·inhabitcd·············· Naribasar 4 3 1 Gobinda 23 10 13 91 44 47 213 142 71 Lohagara 56 33 23 771 540 231 Paharkatta 82 48 34 310 178 132 Panasi 153 67 86 294 238 56 Ratanpur 13 Ii 2 Mohania 364 169 195 168 139 29 Dhekipara ··••· ..······Un·inhabited·············· Jangiabad 82 37 45 71 35 36 8agalbari Milik 26 15 11 561 421 140 Bagalbari 2 253 165 88 8isani


I.ucation code III iterates Total workers Main workers nlllnbcr Name orViIlultc Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26. 27 28 OOM152()0 Bnla,an 144 72 72 58 47 II 56 47 9 OO(M3()() Rarpur 1,111 582 52!) 389 373 16 347 338 9 ()(l(M4()0 Kcs(l Jam 1,002 471 531 462 288 174 419 273 146 O()M5500 Dhohillia 992 493 499 649 405 244 229 199 30 0061>%00 llu!dagnoll 1.693 R46 &47 574 491) 75 562 496 66 OOt.1l57(}() l'hhagalia 305 146 IS9 123 105 18 123 105 18 OOM5R()O Kulthibari HI 40 41 57 41 16 44 41 3 Oi)6Il5900 [)amnrbari 4(14 20! 263 143 !37 6 107 !06 O()6h6(}OO Parlaban Milik 479 234 245 215 !25 90 73 71 2 (H)M6100 Kala Singhia 1.268 615 653 (,06 384 222 319 287 32 OOM6200 Pari a Huri 2,061 I,OIS 1,046 750 64! 109 690 595 95 OOM(13()0 llama1 Bari 2.(170 \,3·n 1,332 1.271 997 274 1.120 937 183 OOM6400 Lukundra 433 211 277 173 153 20 155 151 4 OIl6665()() Tarla 695 325 370 235 220 15 128 126 2 006(!6600 Bagalbari Millk Aratl 859 4()() 453 559 352 207 458 276 182 Ot}{!667()O Jahangirpur 5.01S 2,282. 2,733 2,286 1,895 391 1,740 1,598 142 OOM6800 RMUU 2.177 !J81 1,196 1.248 S03 445 853 701 152 OOM6900 Smudighi 1,297 567 730 391 374 17 374 361 13 ()\)(ib700() Mhikari 937 42\ 5H, 559 377 182 264 202 62 00667100 Sita Jhari 357 148 209 169 133 36 61 57 4 00607200 Sita Jhari 3'l() 201 189 204 146 58 142 129 13 ()O667)()O Sitalpur 7,07S 3,235 3,843 3,100 2.507 593 2,456 2,273 183 O()667400 Kalakachu 342 171 171 79 68 11 77 66 II 00667500 Nuribasar ------Un-in1Iabited------00667600 Gnhinda 137 66 71 28 25 3 26 24 2 U()6677011 Lohagara 1,24K 562 6X6 550 380 170 469 322 147 00667110() Paharkatta 3,41)2 1,667 1.825 1.385 1,127 258 1.188 1,025 163 006671)00 l'lInasi 1,878 933 945 674 586 S8 624 561 63 00668000 RlIlanpur 474 132 342 337 201 136 136 132 4 00668100 Mohania 330 166 164 84 79 5 81 79 2 00668200 Dhekiparll 1,458 710 748 663 467 196 653 467 186 00668300 Jangiabari -·------·----Un-inhabiled------00668400 Daga1bari Milik 589 295 294 232 187 45 194 180 14 00668500 Baga1bari 2,208 1,031 1,177 843 811 32 832 802 30 00668600 Bisanj 752 360 392 300 274 26 293 273 20


Industrial cate~ory ormuin workers Household industry Cultivators As;ricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofYillage 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 30 26 4 26 21 5 Bolasan 81 79 2 216 20l} 7 24 24 26 26 Ralpuf &6 53 33 315 207 10& 9 5 4 <) 8 J !(cso Jara 93 91 2 53 38 15 83 70 13 Dhobinia 145 142 3 385 326 59 2 2 30 26 4 Haldagaon 89 R6 3 33 1& 15 Chhagalia 39 37 2 4 3 I I I Kulthibari 57 57 47 46 I 3 3 Damarbari 30 30 42 4() 2 I'arlabari Milik 121 lOS 16 194 178 16 4 I 4 2 122 118 4 Paharkatta 173 163 10 323 289 34 6 6 122 103 19 Panasi 76 75 I 42 41 4 3 14 13 I Ratunpur 18 18 62 60 2 1 Mohania 92 92 552 367 185 4 4 5 4 Dhekipara ------Un-inhabited------Jangiabari 62 61 I 114 102 12 18 17 Bagalbari Mllik 281 278 3 495 470 25 4 4 52 50 2 Bagalbari 174 168 6 Ito 96 14 I 8 8 Bisani

421 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial cateSOII 1,(lC:ltioll code Mal'ltinal workers Cultivators A~riculturallabourers Females Persons Males Females numhcr Nmlll: ()rVilla~~ Persons Males Female, Persons Males I 2 '1-l 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 n0665200 Bolul(ll1 2 2 2 2 00665J()() Raipul' 42 35 7 19 13 6 17 16 I (1) (l(l540() KcsoJara 43 15 2& J 9 6 3 O()(l(155IJO lllmhinia 420 206 214 7 4 3 372 166 206 006(J5(IIiO Haldaguoll 12 9 I 9 3 6 OO(l()S7IJO l'hhagaha 006f15X()O Kulthibari 13 13 II II 2 2 ()06f1590() Dal11urbari 3(. 31 5 1 35 30 5 O()(lMOOO l'arluhari Milik 142 54 88 142 54 88 00666IIJO Kala Sillghin 287 97 190 69 15 54 217 82 135 0()(,662()() Parln Bari 60 46 14 4 3 1 55 42 13 ()06(j6300 Damal Buri 151 60 91 9 3 6 137 53 84 006664()() Lukundra 18 2 16 J 1 0066(51)() Tarin 107 94 13 8 8 79 68 11 00(166600 Bagalbati Milik Arnzi 101 76 25 21 5 16 19 15 4 OllM6700 .IahungirJlur 546 297 249 69 45 24 464 241 223 006668()O Ralua 395 102 293 143 15 128 243 85 158 (J0666900 Saradighi 17 13 4 3 1 2 13 12 J O()667000 Adhikari 295 m 12() 11 11 197 97 100 00667100 Silu Jhuri 108 76 32 3 2 78 50 28 1)0667200 Sita Jhari 62 17 45 30 II 22 32 9 23 1)0667300 Silalpur 644 234 410 372 114 258 235 109 126 00667400 Kiliakachu 2 2 2 2 00667500 Naribasar .·.···.······Un·inhabitcd······ ..• ·.--. 00667600 (ioblllda 2 1 O()667700 Lohagara 81 58 23 8 8 37 22 15 ()066780U l'aharkatta 197 102 95 (i4 25 39 113 61 52 [1066790(J l)anasi 50 25 25 8 2 6 19 5 14 00668000 Ralanpur 201 69 132 2 1 1 163 63 IUD 00668100 Mohnnia 3 3 3 3 00668200 Dhekipara 10 iO 10 10 00668300 Jangiabari ·············Un·inhabitcd·············· 00668400 Bagalbari Milik 3S 7 31 2 2 36 5 31 1)0668500 Bagalbari II 9 2 3 2 4 3 J ()O668600 Bisani 7 1 6 I 4 4

422 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Pothia or marginal workers Location Hou~ehold industrl: workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Female::; Persons Maks Females Persons Males Females N!uTIe ofVilla~e number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 100 39 61 Bolasan 00665200 6 6 9S2 388 594 RnipnT 006653(]O 16 16 17 I) 8 666 262 404 KcsoJara ()O6654()0 2 2 39 36 3 573 252 321 Dliobinia 00665500 2 2 1,442 559 RID Haldagaoll 00665600 237 86 151 Chhagalia 00665700 47 17 30 KlIltllihari 00665800 475 178 297 Dumarbari 00665900 320 147 173 Parlaburi Milik 00666000 7RI 305 476 Kala SiJ1ghi;J 00666100 1,621 580 1,041 Parla Sari 00666200 5 4 2,046 782 1,264 Damal Bari 00666300 17 2 15 452 156 296 LukuOI.lTl\ 00666400 20 18 2 699 270 429 Taria 00666500 17 16 44 40 4 489 193 296 Bagalbari Milik Amzi 00666600 13 II 2 4.246 1,482 2,764 Jahnngirpur 00666700 9 2 1.445 566 879 Ratlla 00666800 1 1,201 394 807 Saradighi 00666900 9 <) 78 78 648 232 416 Adhikari 00667000 27 25 2 329 114 215 Sita Jhari 00667100 229 84 145 Sita Jhari 00667200 2 2 35 II 24 5,944 2.107 3,837 Sitnlpur 00667300 290 127 163 Kalakacllll 00667400 ------U n-inhab ited ----_.--.----- Naribasar 00667500 2 1 1 113 44 69 Gobinda 00667600 36 28 8 911 324 587 Lohagnra 00667700 20 16 4 2.878 1,080 1,798 Paharkatta 00667800 4 1 3 19 17 2 1,514 525 989 Panasi 00667900 29 3 26 7 2 431 169 262 RatanpUf 00668000 259 98 161 Mohania 00668100 963 382 581 Dhekipara 00668200 -----•••• -•• -Un- in hab ited--·--·------·- Jangiabari 00668300 428 143 285 Bagalbari Milik 00668400 4 4 1,926 641 1,285 Bagalbari 00668500 2 705 251 454 Bisani 00668600

423 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including j,(lcalion Area of institutional end hOllseless Population in tbe emil! Village in Number of Eoeu [atlon) a!;je-~rouE 0-6 Males Females number Name l)fVilla~e hectares hou~el\o!6t}2GO KU!l1hnrtoli I,H.I) ISS 866 397 469 206 98 108 (lOW1300 Dala l)6.0 1i3 3(]0 134 166 78 36 42 (J066941l0 DlIla MlIhiuddinpLlr lOll) 171) 823 388 435 190 92 98 00669500 Altabari 482 () 1,100 5,434 2,825 2,609 UIO 563 547 OIJ(l696{)O DC$llilltoli 469.0 t}15 4,460 2,302 2,158 1,011 512 499 OI){l(j'J7()() Sukhnni 189,0 LH8 1,004 498 506 256 131 125 00669800 Rallgamam 82,() 67 410 206 2(J4 91 50 4[ 00669000 Loll ia Kandnr 910 M 361 192 169 72 37 35 O()67()O(\O BclbLlri 122 I) 125 688 349 339 145 73 72 OlJ6701()0 [)ishunpur 13Q,() l'lS 757 372 385 166 77 89 00670200 Gangi 497,0 USI 6,278 3.160 3.118 1,463 738 725 00670300 Munnahl 2J9.() 211 945 463 482 234 109 125 O~670400 Damdnma 131.0 122 521 244 277 114 55 59 DI)670500 Duadungi 193.0 28R tAn 771 707 338 166 172 OQ670600 Brahll10tar Cinehl! 33.0 S5 288 152 136 72 37 35 00670700 Pipnl (Jachh nu 62 335 176 159 72 35 37 ()1}67()8()O Tulshm I'll () 222 !,O43 521 522 245 117 128 00670900 Ollaliari 25b [J 373 1,728 902 826 390 201 189 00671000 Sam~sar 565.0 88b 4,075 2" 17 1,958 711 352 359 00671100 Bimia 606.0 755 3,585 1.810 1,775 727 365 362 00671200 Durgapl1r Sohadi 167.0 86 446 217 229 81 38 43 00671300 Durgallur Baugnon 19S.{) 275 ]'277 651 626 242 125 117 00671400 Molctamm Deari 295,0 505 2,19R 1,090 1,10S 4,17 216 231 00671500 Chandargal1n 1260 104 487 228 259 lJO 55 55 00671600 BahllantoJa Lauchu 105.0 119 598 2<13 305 137 74 63 OU6717()O Clmrnkpara Lnucha 35.0 58 271 143 m 56 30 26 O(l67 I 800 ChIlo!s Laudla J6.0 III 507 258 2.49 109 48 61 00671900 Lahsara 148.0 79 349 184 165 60 31 29 00672U()O Pnhotgaoll 169.0 257 1,300 680 620 252 124 128 006721(\0 Ilngllcchi I (l4.0 154 745 386 359 178 88 90 006722DO Mahesh Batlum 218.0 529 2,500 1,226 1,274 617 272 345 00672300 Lauclm 543.0 (\[5 3,196 1.650 U46 728 378 350 00672400 Jhingakata 279.0 526 2,530 1,:i.70 1,260 561 285 276 O[)672500 Jhingakala l'aul1r (i3.(} 199 9'tJ 462 481 187 93 94 O[)672600 Jhlligilkata Istum(i1f 531.0 722 3,140 1,648 1.492 587 303 284 00612700 Dahgllon 199.0 457 2,327 1,186 [,141 4&9 229 260 00672800 Birpur J21.0 444 2.315 1,186 1,!29 528 294 234 0067290[) B


Scheduled Castes ~[)~uati[)n Scheduled Tribes ~()eulatil1n Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 8,831 4,489 4,342 4,189 2,191 1,998 39,941 28,975 10,966 Bilhadurganj (Total) 8,831 ",489 4,342 4,189 2,191 1,998 39,941 28,975 10,966 Baliadurganj (Rural) Baliadurganj (llrban) Bahlldurganj (Rural) 106 56 SO 94 59 35 Knsbe Angunj Urf1


Lm.:mion clltlc lIliterates Total wQrk.en; Main workers Persons Males Females number Namc or ViJlal;Zc Persons Males Females Per~ol1s Males Females 2 :m 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 45,426 3,716 C(lU5 Bllllllc!Ul'glllli (T 360 23 00673900 f-iaribhala 419 186 233 ISO [45 5 147 145 2 00674000 Musaldenga 692 345 347 242 235 7 239 235 4

426 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Bahadul'gnnj Industrial catefi,0r;t of main workers Household industry Cultivators Agricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Maks Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persolls Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3& 39 40 2 14,826 14,134 692 28,410 26,163 2,247 651 420 231 5,255 4,709 546 BalmdurgRllj (Total) 1-1,82(, 14,134 692 28,410 26,163 2,247 651 420 231 5.255 4,709 546 Bahadurgllllj (Rural) Bahlldurganj (Vrlllln) Dahadurganj (Rural) 15 14 96 69 27 14 12 2 Kasbc Anganj UrtKnshaKholiaganj 52 51 1()4 102 2 7 7 Kharsc\ 77 77 118 lOS 13 (0 6 Dabar 90 84 6 147 III 36 14 12 2 Lohia Kandar 409 400 9 651 643 8 80 64 16 Chikabnri 62 61 (16 65 53 52 Kl1mhartoli 27 27 27 27 4 4 Dala 101 101 87 81 6 24 23 I Dala Mohiuddinpur 562 546 16 797 764 33 13 12 187 174 13 Altabari 323 320 3 612 601 II 20<) 202 7 Deshiatoli 76 76 150 127 23 32 29 3 Slikhani 31 30 75 75 30 22 8 Rnngam3ni 48 48 43 43 4 3 Lohia Kandar 48 48 170 167 3 I 2 2 BcJban 76 75 1 79 74 S 50 49 4 4 Bishunpllr 409 389 20 588 537 51 42 39 695 659 36 Gangi 79 79 157 147 10 2 2 24 23 1 MurmaJa 34 33 108 80 28 3 I 2 Damdama 87 87 161 161 4 4 6 5 I Duadangi 24 24 53 45 8 14 10 4 Brahmotar Gachh 37 37 35 30 5 15 13 2 Pipra Gachh 94 92 2 133 113 2(} 21 21 Tulshia 189 186 3 269 238 31 22 22 Guabari 369 361 8 761 687 74 57 29 28 197 165 32 Samcsar 305 301 4 552 532 20 2 2 46 37 9 Birnia 62 61 I 86 78 S Durgapllr Sohadi 150 138 12 257 229 28 8 4 4 11 II Durgapur Bangaon 180 176 4 399 386 J3 10 6 4 29 29 Muktaram Deori 25 25 56 56 I I Chandargaon 61 60 I 99 91 8 3 3 Babhal1tola Laucha 33 30 3 23 23 4 4 Charakpara Laucha 35 34 108 92 16 3 2 ChhDta Laucha 28 28 59 59 I J Lahsora 87 87 350 304 46 7 7 Pahatgaon 22 21 201 198 3 3 2 I Dogocchi 190 189 I 391 383 8 2 2 66 62 4 Mahesh Bathna 333 323 10 579 516 63 3 3 20 20 Laucha 280 200 80 505 386 119 25 23 2 87 82 5 Jhingaknta 23 23 190 190 6 6 3 2 I Jhingakata Talltir 527 392 135 595 434 161 5 28 18 JO Jhingakata Istamrar 226 213 13 489 429 60 " 10 7 3 Dahgaol1 16IJ 153 7 232 229 3 94 60 34 89 73 16 Birpur 121 120 I 207 199 8 20 17 3 Baisa 149 144 5 400 398 2 14 9 5 26 20 6 Baisagopalganj 12 12 171 170 1 Tegharia 43 42 87 85 2 4 4 Salmed 67 67 106 106 1 1 Bochagari --·-----·----Un-inhabited------·---·- Ruidhasa 47 47 242 241 1 4 4 Tangtangia 227 214 13 439 414 25 19 19 24 21 3 Rupni 4 4 35 34 I 4 4 Durgapur 128 123 5 172 158 14 12 11 71 68 3 HlIribhasa 42 42 105 [03 2 Haribhasa 107 106 127 124 3 5 5 Mllsaldenga


Industrial cate~or~ Location code MarGinal workers Cultivators ABriclIlturallabollrers numhcr Name ofYillage Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0005 Ballllllurgnnj (Tnlal) 6,802 4,049 2,753 1,321 715 606 4,375 2,917 1,458 0005 IJaliadurganj (Rural) 6,802 4,049 2,753 1,321 715 606 4,375 2,917 1,458 OliOS Baliadlll'ganj (Urban) Ihlhadurganj (Huml) 0066R700 Kushe Anganj 3 3 3 tlrfKnsbaKllodagunj 00668800 Khnrscl 4l) 14 35 7 42 7 35 00668900 Dabar 59 56 3 22 21 37 35 2 OO(l690()() Lohin Kandar 15 .; II 3 2 12 2 10 O[)669I O() Chikabari 86 67 19 31 27 4 40 37 3 00669200 Kumhartoll 17 5 12 13 5 8 (J0669300 Dahl 9 5 4 4 4 5 1 4 00669400 Quia Mohiuddinpuf 16 6 10 5 5 2 I I 0(J669500 Altaban 149 82 67 31 8 23 79 41 38 006G9600 Deshiatoli 190 134 56 47 35 12 124 89 35 00669700 Sukhnni 42 9 33 6 3 3 34 6 28 00669800 Rangamaoi 00669900 Lohia Kl.llldar 29 19 10 00670000 Bclbari 0()670100 Bishunpur 50 7 43 17 5 12 00670200 Gangi 177 64 113 15 4 11 86 44 42 00670300 Murmala 60 16 44 4 4 56 12 44 ()()670400 Da01dnma 20 8 12 17 6 II 00670500 Duadungi 134 120 14 134 120 14 00(>70600 Brahmotar Gachh 00670700 Plpra Gnchh 4 4 3 3 00670800 Tulshia 53 45 8 2 I 7 3 4 00670900 Guabari 39 39 21 21 18 18 00671000 Samesar 38 21 17 8 8 7 4 3 00671100 Birnia 116 % 20 6 6 106 88 18 00671200 Durgapur Soh ad i 00671300 Durgapur Bangaon 91) 5 94 77 2 75 16 J IS 00671400 Muktarrun Deori 185 44 141 25 1 24 153 41 112 0{)67 1500 Chandllrgaon 14 14 7 7 6 6 00671600 Babhantola Llluchn 2 2 2 2 00671700 Charakpara Loueha 24 24 4 4 20 20 00671800 Chhota Lauchn 29 13 16 29 13 16 00671900 Lahsora 6 5 I 6 5 I 00672000 Pahalgaoll g 23 15 5 18 15 3 00672100 Dogacchi 00672200 Mahesh Bnthna 10 9 1 4 3 4 4 00672300 Lauchu 94 81 13 15 13 2 78 67 II 00672400 Jhingakata 88 41 47 20 5 15 65 33 32 00672500 Jhingakata Taufir I 1 I I 00672600 Jhingakata [slamrar 323 179 144 55 23 32 256 156 100 00672700 Dahgaon 133 62 71 25 14 II 106 48 58 00612800 Birpur 105 62 43 12 12 19 18 00672900 Baisa 1 210 208 2 4{) 39 168 167 00673000 Baisagopalganj 5 5 2 2 00673100 Tegharia I I I I 00673200 Satmcri 00673300 Bochagari 00673400 Ruidllasa ------·······Un·inhabited·········.·.·- 00673500 Tangtangia 20 I 19 20 19 00673600 Rlipni 4 2 2 I I 00673700 Dlirgapur 2 1 I 2 I 00673800 Haribhasa 2 2 00673900 Haribhasn 3 00674000 Mlisaidenga 3 3 3 3 428 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Bahadurganj of marginal workers Location Household industr~ workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 54 55 50 57 5R 2 270 35 235 1136 382 454 121,874 41,499 80,375 Bahadurganj (Total) 0005 270 35 235 1136 382 454 121,874 41,499 80,375 Bllhadurgllnj (Rul'lll) 0005 Bahadurganj (Urban) 0005 Bahadurgnnj (Rural) 228 79 149 Kasbe Anganj 00668700 UrtKnshilKhodaganj 567 241 326 Kharsel 00668800 708 227 481 Dahar 00668900 669 229 440 Lohia KandaI' 00669000 I 1 14 11 3,219 1,113 2,106 Chikabari 00669100 3 3 I I 668 214 454 Kumhartoli 00669200 233 71 162 Dula 00669300 5 5 4 4 595 177 418 Dula Molliuddinpur 00669400 4 3 35 32 3 3,726 1,247 2,479 Altabari 00669500 5 5 14 10 4 3.126 1,045 2,081 Deshiatoli 00669600 2 2 704 257 447 Sukhani 00669700 274 79 195 Rangarnanl 00669800 29 19 10 237 79 15& Lohitl Kandur 00669900 467 131 336 Belhari 00670000 31 31 2 2 498 163 335 Bishunpur 00670100 6 (1 70 16 54 4,367 1.472 2,895 Gangi 00670200 623 196 427 Murmula 00670300 2 356 122 234 Damdama 00670400 1,086 394 692 Duadangi 00670500 197 73 124 Brahmotar Gaellh 00670600 I I 244 92 152 PipraGaehh 00670700 4 3 40 40 742 250 492 Tulshiu 00670800 1,209 417 792 Guabari 00670900 10 9 13 8 5 2,653 854 1,799 Samesar 00671000 4 2 2 2,564 842 1,722 Birnia 00671100 298 78 220 Durgapur Sohadi 00671200 3 2 3 1 2 752 264 488 Durgapur Bangnon 00671300 2 2 5 2 3 1,395 449 946 MuktarUI11 Deori 00671400 391 132 259 Chundargaon 00671500 433 139 294 Bllbhuntola Laucha 00671600 187 62 125 Charakpara Laucha 00671700 332 117 215 Chhota Laucha 00671800 255 91 164 Lahsora 00671900 833 267 566 Pahatgaoll 00672000 519 165 354 Dogacchi 00672100 2 2 1,841 581 1,260 Mahesh Bathlln 00672200 I 2,167 707 1,460 Laucha 00672300 2 2 I 1,545 538 1,007 Jhingukata 00672400 720 240 480 Jhingakatu Taufir 00672500 II II I I 1,662 624 1,038 Jhingakata lstamrar 00672600 2 2 1,469 475 994 Dahgaon 00672700 37 II 26 37 21 16 1,635 609 1,026 Birpur 00672800 2 2 1,504 483 1,021 Baisa 00672900 3 3 1,485 499 986 Baisagopalganj 00673000 558 192 366 Tegharia 00673100 387 141 246 Satl11eri 00673200 542 175 367 Bochagari 00673300 ------Un-inhabited------"--"- Ruidhasll 00673400 817 279 538 Tangtangia 00673500 2 2 1,516 525 991 Rupni 00673600 80 23 57 Durgapur 00673700 2 2 995 364 631 Haribhasa 00673800 3 3 353 110 243 Haribhasa 00673900 556 197 359 Musaldenga 00674000

429 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK; KISHANGANJ VILLAGE PRIMARY C o Block- Tmal poP1llutiQII (i!\cluding l.oratioLl !'I.reaof IlistiMimml and house less Population in the cnoe 'I ill age '111 Numbcrnf ElJl2ulalion) age-~rouE 0-6 Males Femules Persons Males Females number NanlC of Villal!C hectare,; household, Pers()ns ,., 2 3 4 5 6 , 8 9 10 2{'S 200 O[)11141(l{) Lharllal 361.0 336 t.723 909 814 405 135 137 (I(J(i142(f() T~lIg(angJa 243.0 256 1,27 J 671 6QO 272 lI()b143110 Tallgtullgia 132.0 2(11 1.324 673 646 250 136 124 (lO(J744()O Ni.lndara 185.0 40() 2.070 998 1,072 438 217 221 O(i67450\! Mi"~'JO


Scheduled Castes EOEulltion Scheduled Tribes pOEulatioll J ,it!.!fatcs Persolls Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Naill!.! of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 273 137 136 403 295 108 Dharlmr H3 42 41 134 103 31 Tangtangia 44 23 21 106 78 28 Tangtangta 38 19 19 546 356 190 Nisndarn 33 16 17 3 2 755 540 215 Mah~dco Dighi 133 73 60 123 63 60 860 647 213 Dllhnr 40 18 22 110 54 56 2RI 192 89 Jhiljlllii 659 330 329 1,520 1,095 425 Palasmani 208 107 101 75 35 40 391 283 lOS Dahgaon 33 14 19 63 34 29 439 31 I 128 Phullmri 115 58 57 129 71 58 1,721 1,215 506 Rhat~hari 119 56 63 127 65 62 180 150 30 Bashar; 113 54 59 83 41 42 604 482 122 BaisaJuraii 140 65 75 583 429 154 Deotar Sirnia 603 321 282 446 239 207 1,70& 1,256 452 Bhaurdah 2 2 Sikmi Bangaon ····-·--·-··-Un-inhabitcd---·------BU[1gaon Milik 164 85 79 220 110 110 1,023 787 236 Bangaon 22 8 14 173 113 60 Gurgaon Milik 82 39 43 30 15 15 437 317 120 Gurgaon 51 26 25 IO 7 3 Kharij Klirnhia 323 160 163 208 106 102 972 709 263 Mahalnmad Nagar 86 45 41 518 394 124 Singhia II 5 6 128 67 61 84 58 26 Dulali 17 ') & 142 69 73 186 157 29 Dulall 61 54 7 Dulali Milik 128 65 63 17 9 20B 150 58 Kathalbari 182 88 94 440 292 148 Kathalbari 73 34 39 27 16 11 265 171 94 DOl11ohani 10 7 3 73 38 35 41 36 5 Korat Bangaon 44 20 24 63 45 18 Cilanaur Milik 235 116 119 2 I 851 649 202 Chanaur 3 2 13 10 3 Koimari 257 133 124 847 564 283 Koilllari 13 10 3 135 116 19 Tharkachhpur I I 169 99 70 427 285 142 Bhupla 62 45 17 Bhudesar 153 95 58 Mohan Singh Gachh 302 152 150 651 461 t90 Netuapara 21 10 II 65 50 15 Baradenga 63 36 27 60 28 32 795 568 227 Jhiijhili 18 7 11 56 27 29 206 lSI 55 Cilorkattakurhaiia 9 6 83 72 It Gopalpur Bairgachhi 35 22 13 30 22 8 Goabari 36 15 21 229 104 125 186 134 52 Kurhaila 4 2 2 27 14 13 668 504 164 Bethmi 6 5 Siktiharuttarbastj 132 61 71 105 59 46 179 158 21 Siktihar 169 89 80 31 19 12 113 72 41 Rampur 64 34 30 442 299 143 SakaUf 46 26 20 44 26 18 444 299 145 Netuapara


I.OCllliull c(J(le III itcra(c~ Total workers Main workers Persons Females llllmllcr Name llfVilta~1.: I'cnmllS Malcli Females ()croons Mult:s Females Males I 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

1)0(0410(1 Ilh~rlllir 1,32j) 614 7()6 538 524 14 52! 514 :W(,742IJO T3t1glllllgin 1,1]7 5(,8 5()l) 438 402 36 404 392 12 1){)(\U](l() Tallgtai1gw l,2[ & (lOO 1>18 364 331 33 355 326 29 1l(J(,744flO NIsndara LS24 642 8~2 535 519 [6 532 518 14 OOil745(lU Mahndco Dighi 2,')71, \J57 1,619 993 945 43 910 872 38 (I()(,746[)lJ Pohar 4,75G 2.251 2,499 1/,52 1.587 65 1,626 1,566 60 IJO(,1410n JhilJll1h 857 370 487 460 331 129 433 324 109 1\{lb7,~S{I{\ I'alasmullI 4.$1)·1 2,002 2,5\}2 1,(133 1.544 89 !,209 1,165 44 (l0674'1DO l)abgann 1,152 511 6011 449 420 29 429 404 25 00(.75()()[) )'hulhllfi 8J3 336 497 446 40) 4S 376 363 13 O()!,75 lUG Hhuwhari 4,405 1,959 2,446 2,151 [,836 315 1,937 1,695 242 O()67~2()O llasb;lri 760 332 437 295 287 8 294 286 8 (1(){)75:l00 Hai,alllHlll U()3 866 Ll37 1.172 797 375 911 768 143 00675400 !)cotar Biln 1(\ 1.973 88'1 ('084 760 712 48 603 573 30 ()()67550() Bl1~llrdah 6,451 3,004 3,447 2,763 2,368 395 2,473 2,257 221 00675{>O() Siknli Bangaon )l)B (,I) 48 43 43 43 43 00675100 Ea~gaGn Milik -·_·-·····-··UI1-inhaIJitcd ..• .. ··-_····- OQ675800 llUl1gllOl1 5,(j24 2,763 3,161 2,588 1,953 635 1,909 1,771 138' OO(,1590{) GmguQnMilik 346 131 215 165 m 27 1M 138 26 00676000 uurgaon 1,178 5()4 674 467 420 47 409 383 26 00676100 Kharij Kumhia 28'1 131 ISS 83 82 I 58 58 00676200 Mahllnnnad Nag,t\f :l,5?() 1,622 1,948 1,411 1.241 170 1,285 1,160 125 00676:l()O Sillghia 2,':;45 1, I 90 1,355 902 878 24 447 429 18 00676400 Dulali 538 24( 297 199 155 44 141 140 I 00(,76500 DulaJi \.t7c) 543 63(1 416 377 39 416 377 :i9 00676600 PulaH Milik M8 292 351i 190 179 11 190 179 II 00&76700 KatiJnl'Jari 892 406 486 339 298 41 338 298 40 00676800 Kathal~ari 1,S1)6 741 765 %3 531 32 5SR 527 31 0067(JCJOO JJorn(!lmnf 453 137 266 188 172 16 157 153 4- ()0677000 Koral Bangaon 880 45J 427 330 325 5 329 325 4 O()677100 Chanlluf Milik 99 39 {in 68 46 22 60 44- 16 00677200 Chnnaur 3,488 1,535 1,953 1,435 1,189 246 1,216 1,052 164 00671300 Koimari 55 2(, 29 29 21 II 17 14 1 00677400 Koimru-i 2,410 1,1 S4 1,256 1,124 970 154 991 930 61 00617500 Thllrtachh(lur 240 ()4 [46 138 128 10 136 126 10 00677600 Bhupln 622 27i 3S1 422 3()7 115 361 284 77 00677700 Bhadcsar 251 121 130 99 99 1)8 1)8 00677800 Mohan Singh Oachh 420 216 2fJ4 153 150 3 ISO 148 2 00677'10(1 Netllllparn 2,098 W01 1.091 g26 737 89 802 722 &0 00678000 Baradenga 868 437 431 306 306 306 306 0061&100 Jhiljhili 1.895 822 }'073 ?92 729 63 689 655 34 00678200 Chorkattakur~aila 518 22(1 292 227 201 26 220 197 23 00678300 Gopalpur EJairgachhi 355 166 189 97 93 4 90 87 3 0067&40{l GOllbHri 231 143 m 6) 63 63 63 O()67850() Kurhaila 698 26R 430 29& 215 83 177 135 42 O(J678600 Bethari 1.542 605 937 650 627 23 647 626 2[ 0067H70(J Siktiharultarbasti 105 54 51 39 37 2 29 29 0(1678800 Siktihar 1.699 191 908 567 543 24 475 464 II OO(i78900 R~mpur 951 m 476 2&6 ").75 JI 27l 260 lJ 00679000 Sakaur 1,031 437 594 353 325 28 199 175 24 00679100 Nctuaeara 826 366 460 348 335 13 333 323 10


hldustriul cate~Ol'l of main workers Household industry Cultivators A/;lricultufUllabo\ll'crs workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Mall!s Females Persons Males Females Persons I'v1ales Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 161 161 347 341 6 1 12 11 Dharhar 66 66 322 310 12 2 2 14 14 Tangtangin 87 HI 6 265 242 23 2 2 Tangtangm 144 137 7 345 342 3 42 3R 4 Nisndura 197 193 4 475 4(,(, !) 29 24 5 209 189 20 Malindeo Vighi 277 267 10 1,119 1,082 37 II ') 2 219 20S II Dollar 10& 90 II! 280 189 91 45 45 Jhiljilili 372 360 12 4HI 473 8 355 331 24 P(lI~Sl!lani 201 192 9 204 197 7 9 2 7 15 13 2 Dahguol1 201 200 1 150 145 2 2 23 16 7 Phulbari 523 495 28 1.168 I,OJ9 129 79 10 69 167 151 16 Bhatabari 146 145 1 147 140 7 I 1 Basbari 274 240 34 567 462 105 70 66 4 Baisa Jurail 144 1-11 3 278 264 14 22 15 7 159 153 6 Deotar Bimia 673 650 23 1.(i82 1,495 187 2 3 118 110 8 Bhaurdah 29 29 14 14 Sikmi Bangaon ··"··········U n· inha bited •..•.•...... -- Bangaon MiJik 520 520 1,048 945 103 29 17 12 312 289 23 Bangnon 67 63 4 92 70 22 I I 4 4 Gurgaon Milik 160 158 2 204 190 14 7 2 5 38 33 Gl1rgaon 58 58 Kharij Kumhia 347 342 H06 729 77 2 127 86 41 Mahammad Nagar 210 210 168 161 7 9 7 2 60 51 9 Singhia 43 43 88 88 10 9 I Dulali 116 115 I 296 259 37 4 3 Du1ali 49 46 3 141 133 8 Dulali Milik 108 99 9 217 187 30 13 12 I KatJmlbari \6<} \65 4 3S() 321 23 2 '2 31 33 4 Katlmlbari 64 (i2 2 56 56 36 34 2 DOll1ulmni 58 57 1 252 249 3 19 19 Korat Banguon 18 18 39 24 IS 3 2 I Chanal1r Milik 500 414 86 607 562 45 16 12 4 93 64 29 Chanaur 4 4 12 10 2 1 1 Koimnri 230 227 3 531 526 5 31 7 24 199 170 29 Koimari 49 44 5 70 70 17 12 5 Tharkachhpur 140 130 10 116 III 5 104 42 62 Bllupla 36 36 60 60 2 2 Bhadesar 73 73 72 70 2 5 Mohan Singh Gachh 227 220 7 434 369 65 2 139 132 Netvapara 89 89 214 214 3 3 Baradenga 225 214 II 383 364 19 80 76 4 Jhiljhili 69 67 2 110 92 18 41 38 Chorkaltakurltaila 40 38 2 45 44 5 5 Gopalpuf Bairgachhi 8 8 55 55 Goabari 34 33 126 85 41 17 17 Kurbaila 240 240 340 329 II 67 57 10 Betbari 2 2 27 27 S iktiharuttarbasti 84 81 3 326 321 5 6 59 57 2 Siktihar 60 59 193 184 9 18 17 1 Rampur 50 50 III 88 23 2 2 36 35 I Sakaur 141 139 2 170 166 4 22 18 4 NetuaEara


L()~ation A~ricultural labourers ,odo.: Maq;lillal w(1rk~rs Cultivators Females Persons Males Females number Name of Villa::,\! Pers\)ns Males Females l'erSOuS ;.Aules 45 46 47 48 49 1 2 41 42 43 44 4 4 2 2 OD6HIOI} Dhnrhar 11 III 7 7 3 23 8 15 Oil67420(] Tangt.mgia 3,1 III 24 2 2 3 3 (JO (, 74300 Tanglungia ') :; 4 4 3 (1)(,74400 Nisndaw 3 I 54 53 nOb7450(} Malladco Dighi 8.\ 73 10 22 14 8 11 10 1 (I\)674{lOO D"lmr If, 21 7 7 22 4 J8 (J01J74100 Jhi\lhili 27 7 20 4 2 2 314 300 14 006NROO Pulalnillni 42'1 37f) 45 42 28 14 l7 14 3 IJ067'19(1) [)llhgallil 20 16 4 2 I I 31 OOtJ7S00r) PI1UlllllTi 7il 3g 32 4 3 I 66 35 26 (){1(l7SIOf) Hhatahnri 214 141 73 67 47 20 III 8S (J(1(.75;!1)(t Basbari I 1 I I ()(I(J7S3()O Bnisa Jurail 261 29 232 7 1 33 15 18 ()O6754110 DeotHr flimia 157 139 18 8 8 134 123 11 (1(1675500 Bhauru,lh m III 174 102 22 &0 157 70 87 006756()() Slktlll [langaon 00675100 Bangaon Mlilk "------Un-inlmb ited---"------00675S00 Ballgaon 679 182 497 174 6 168 442 172 270 0(:615900 (iurga\Jl1 Milik I I 1 I 0067b()()O Gurgaon 58 37 21 13 g 40 32 8 00676100 Kharij Kumhia 15 24 1 2 23 23 00676200 Mahammad Nagar 126 81 45 21 6 15 78 50 28 4 00676300 Singhi~ 455 449 33 33 398 394 006')0400 Dulali sa 15 43 1 1 51 II 40 00676~OO Dulali O(J676600 Dulali Milik 00676700 Katlialbari 00676800 Kathultari 5 4 I I I 2 2 00676900 Dornohani 31 19 12 4 4 24 13 11 OO(mOOO Korat Ilangaon I I O()677 100 Chanatlr Milik 8 2 6 8 2 6 OOb7nO() ChanoIJr 21\) 137 82 75 46 29 114 72 42 QO(\11:!O(l Kllimrui 12 ., ~ (1 4 2 :I 3 O()577400 Koimari 13] 40 93 2S 18 10 22 II II 00577500 Tharkachhpur 2 2 2 2 00677600 Bhupla 61 23 38 22 21 32 32 (J()(>77700 I3hadesnr I I I 00677800 Mohan Singh Gachh 3 ;! I 2 1 006c71900 Netllap~ra 24 15 9 4 3 15 7 8 00678000 Baradel1ga 00678100 Jhiijhilt 103 74 29 50 46 4 49 24 25 00678200 Chorkattakurhaila 7 4 3 3 3 4 1 3 00678300 GOj)alpuf Bairgachhi 7 6 4 3 3 ()O678400 Goabari (J067850D Kurhailll 121 80 41 I 115 76 39 00678600 Betbnri 3 j 2 2 00678700 SiktiharuUarbasti 10 8 2 10 8 2 006i8800 Siktihar 92 79 13 IJ 13 73 66 7 00678900 Rampur 15 15 8 8 6 6 00679000 Sakauf 154 ISO 4 59 59 94 90 4 00679100 NetuREura 15 12 3 6 6 3 2 1


CENSUS ABSTRACT BuhadurglllJj of mar!!inal workers Location Household industri: workers Other workers NOll·workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVillalo\c number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 5 U85 385 800 Dharhnr 00674100 C) 9 X33 269 564 Tangtungm 00674200 2 2 '160 3-17 613 Tangtangia 00674300 2 1,535 479 1,056 Nisndaru 00674400 6 6 2,7]8 952 1,786 M:dwdeo Dighi 00674500 4 4 4 4 3,95S 1,311 2,647 DohaI' 006746()O 1 67l-: 231 447 Ihiljhili 0067470() 12 8 4 56 43 13 4,481 1553 2,928 Palasnmni 00674S00 1 1 1,094 374 720 Duhgaon 00674900 826 246 580 Phlilbari 00675000 22 21 14 8 () 3,975 1,3311 2,637 Bhatabari 00675100 654 195 459 Busbari O()675200 221 13 208 1.435 551 884 Baisa Jurml 00675300 10 3 7 5 5 1,796 606 1,190 Dental' Bimia 00675400 2 24 18 6 5,396 1,892 3.504 Bhaurdah 00675500 67 19 48 Sikmi Bungaol1 00675600 •••••• ••• -.--Ull.inhabited •• -••••• ••• ••• Bangnon Milik 00675700 17 17 46 4 42 4,359 1,597 2,762 Bangaoll 00675800 354 106 248 Gurgaon Mil ik 00675900 U48 401 747 Gurgaoll 00676000 216 56 160 Kharij KlImhia 00676100 27 25 2 3,131 1,090 2,041 Mahammad Nagar 00676200 24 22 2 2,161 706 1,455 Singhill 00676300 6 3 3 423 144 279 Dliiali 00676400 949 323 626 Dliiali 00676500 519 167 352 DlilaliMllik 00676600 761 258 503 Kathalbari 00676700 2 1 1,383 502 Rgi Kathalbari 00676800 3 2 530 186 344 Domohani 00676900 591 164 427 Korat Bangaon 00677000 94 38 56 Chanaur Milik 00677100 8 2 6 22 17 5 2,904 995 1,909 Chanallr 00677200 3 3 39 15 24 Koimari 00677300 49 48 34 10 24 2,133 748 1,385 Koimari 00677400 237 82 155 Tharkachhpur 00677500 7 2 627 249 378 Bhllpla 00677600 214 67 147 Bhadesar 00677700 420 161 259 Mohan Singh Gachh 00677800 4 4 1,923 731 1,192 Netuapara 00677900 627 181 446 Baradenga 00678000 4 4 1,898 661 1,237 Jhiljhili 00678100 497 176 321 Chorkattakurhailll 00678200 341 145 196 Gopa1pur Bairgachhi 00678300 248 102 146 Goabari 00678400 5 3 2 586 187 399 Kurhai1a 00678500 I I 1,560 482 1,078 Betbari 00678600 72 22 50 Siktiharuttarbusti 00678700 5 I 1,311 406 905 Siktihar 00678800 1 778 272 506 Rampur 00678900 1 1 1,120 411 709 Sakaur 00679000 6 4 2 922 330 592 Netua~ara 00679100

435 DlSTRIC-T CENSUS !iJl,N0800K. KISHANGANJ VILLAGE PRiMARY , CDBlack- Tot a! popLiation (including \1'1 bnl[OD An.\L of instilutional anc housdess Pop-llatinn the ril(\¢ llgc·WO'UP fHi ?ersuns Ma\t~ Females lI\1m~~r 2 467 g 9 10

(10(16 Kndlaul"'min [!'nl~l) ,l.8,u"'.D ll6.6)(\ 111,462 109,158 27,l27 24.910 1'>006 KDc.Il3dbnmill (RUI'lIIJ 28.694,(, 12(.6'(l 111,462 109,158 27,12';' 24.<)2~ \iO()~ Kjldlso~nmin {Url)~I'\ t«(Jduld~Rmin (I(urall (0(\ 11122:! I\lia~a;i 55,0 5,9 2'14 129 67 Wb7~':~Jft {Jangn';,:lll!7f -i6~ (I Jl 13 f. }~, 111110; P! ~ l-lSkrnJ dIIIIg~\ }~.~~ 43~ ll2 7& 43 (1(1(179~110 GaLL!~lnni 244,~ 2,316 _,lOJ 503 25~ L41:' Oor,7~t:)O HlIIg~':llbl 5"_~ ((5 310 ~20 5~ j~ 00570 )[1,1) PJllkaik~Ul~ SH,Q 2,386 ~.!52 $gS 3()s 1.6 Oi!il'J9llOO l'atk01 ,hurd -;r,3 I] [,309 69S 30;' m i-'l4 (lOci9'J(jO Plllk~i Milik i~ (j 62 2& 17 12 5 OIJ fJ BO(J(lO TllUlipakar 41.0 -479 m H5 60 55 ()O{'~MO:I Ghl!m~ 5350 2,274 )J3!t 5~7 294 303 nOb~0200 Eim"


Scheduled Castes EOEuation Scheduled Tribes EOEulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Villa~e 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 19,099 9,862 9,237 1,787 890 897 51,777 37,939 13,838 Kochadhamin (Total) 19,099 9,862 9,237 1,787 890 897 51,777 37,939 13,838 Kochadhamin (Rural) Kochadhamin (Urban) Kocbadhamin (Rural) 67 37 J() 213 149 64 Allubari 15 10 5 Gnnglkhurd 131 86 45 Hnrwadanga 202 99 103 709 496 213 GlIurlllllani 120 98 22 Hntgachhi 116 54 62 26 13 13 471 311 150 Patkoikalnn 63 34 29 348 215 133 Patkoi khurd 10 9 1 Potkoi Milik 53 40 13 Thutipakar II 6 126 58 61l 435 316 119 Ghurna 94 68 26 Birwachurnkutti 44 18 26 366 26() /06 Clturakutti 19 12 315 196 119 Baichakulti 85 45 40 ISO 122 28 Parhalpur ··_·-········Un·lnhnbitcd······-.····- Dhallpurakhari 244 126 118 487 332 155 Dhanpura 76 56 20 Moharmari Khurd IS3 77 76 386 283 103 Dcratnari 252 126 126 380 182 198 527 413 114 Knrehbari 666 474 192 Lodhna 20 11 9 113 88 25 Lodhnakhargi 151 119 32 Kalkali 16 8 215 129 86 Birwakalkali 50 27 23 247 204 43 Parhalpur Milik ·••••••••·• ..Un-inllobited··········_··- Masidgarh Dargah ·-·····_·····Un-inhabited·············- Masidgarh Milik 98 57 41 147 119 28 Kashibari 183 91 92 361 289 72 Masidgarh Pokharkona 88 68 20 Masidgarh Mohiuddinpur 47 24 23 465 327 138 Burhimari 50 25 25 314 233 81 Bagalbari 44 16 28 194 93 101 165 121 44 Bastakolha 7 2 5 418 331 87 Moharmari 2 2 Mujabari 62 36 26 50 26 24 397 321 76 Babhungaon 181 78 103 7 4 3 819 552 267 Kamalpuf 35 21 14 Daua ············-Un·inhabited·············· Singhiakhari 25 14 II 30 17 J3 352 221 131 Singhia Chakandara 88 64 24 Bastakolaha I I 76 50 26 Balubari 40 19 21 351 222 129 Barahmasia 43 19 24 356 259 97 Charaia ········-···-Un·inhabited·············· Dopokharia ·············u n·inhab ited ••••••••••• _•• Dhanusna 256 145 III 25 10 15 349 293 56 Kuari 66 37 29 20 8 12 236 157 79 Konhaiabari 40 16 24 379 245 134 Doria 57 30 27 314 222 92 Lator 307 160 147 645 472 173 Asura 79 39 40 636 456 180 Katha1bari 78 38 40 657 482 175 Bhag Baisa 677 339 338 8 4 4 1,631 1,092 539 Bis!Junpur 85 43 42 385 263 122 Dahuabari 332 172 160 283 210 73 Chapm Bakhari

437 OISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGAI'4J VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- l.ocation Maln workers ("de III iterates Total workers Males Females Persons Males Females num/Jer Nilrne ()tVilla~1! l'cr:mllS Majl!~ F~l\1a1es Perwlls 2S 26 27 28 1 2 20 21 22 23 24 7,369 61.239 56,886 4.353 Ilfl(lr. !\1U'hIHlhlllnill (Tllta') 174,1l4J 7M23 95,320 69,127 6l,15R 61,239 51),886 4,3-5J rO(l{, l":{)(lG K;ldl~(lIl:i1lhin ~llrl1tll} hochadlulinill\Hurnl} 149 4 GO(}7')20n Altnhari 3fl[) 1% 2lll 159 155 4 153 19 ]9 [I(J(J7{))O(l Gnngikhurd 46 21l 26 1<) 19 127 II 0067'14(1(} f [lIfWudanga 307 130 117 138 117 II 138 )2 690 24 1I{)6795111) Gauramanl 1,607 71l) ~3& 125 693 714 2)3 )0 11067%()11 HMfiachhi 545 257 2~8 223 213 \0 223 667 26 U{I(07\)7(lf) Pililwikainn 1,'115 913 1,u<)2 709 618 31 693 OO(,7cMGI) P,IIKOi kbllrd 1Jl.'i I ,139 5(12 390 369 21 177 170 1 12 O(I{1j';'IIiO f'olkni Milik )2 25 27 13 J2 1 12 l() 83 9 O(l68ftO(10 Thull~i1Lar 426 202 224 127 III 92 l 6)0 564 46 006g0100 OllUfJUI I,R3 } 8211 1,019 757 602 155 O()6R020U llirwachllmklllti J3S 167 168 )50 145 5 148 l45 3 OI)68!HOO CllUnkutti 1,118 509 bOg 396 383 13 3&2 373 9 (106K()4()ll llaicllfikulti (,03 303 31)0 367 234 133 356 232 124 [}1)68I)SHO Parhalpur (165 JQO 365 259 243 16 258 243 15 ()(16806()O Dlmnpurakhnri ·_···_·····Un·inhallited-···· ..·-· .. • O{J6S(\7()0 Dlw!1\lura 1.3911 ~II 779 534 4S7 47 530 4&4 % O{l68{18(W Moharmari Kbllr


CENSUS ABSTRACT Kochadhamin Industrial eategorv of main workers Household industry Cultivators Aj;\ril:ultllral lab!lurer~ workers Othcr workers Persons Malcs Females Persons Males Fcmall!s Persons Males Fl!males Pcrsons Males Females Name ofVillasc 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 16,952 16,383 569 37,529 34,454 3,075 1,254 835 419 5,504 5,214 290 Kochadhamin (Total) 16,952 16,383 569 37,529 34,454 3,075 1,254 835 419 5,504 5,214 290 Kochadhamin (Rural) Kochadllarnin (Urban) Kochadhamin (Rural) (,(, (,3 3 77 76 10 10 Altllbari 3 3 3 3 13 13 Gangikhurd 39 3R CJ6 H6 10 3 J Harwadanga 238 236 2 40l) 404 5 30 16 14 37 34 3 Gauramani 56 56 156 14n 10 11 11 Hatgachhi 300 299 26~ 251 17 15 15 ItO lO2 8 Patkoikalan 87 86 80 75 5 10 9 I Patkoi khurd 10 10 2 2 Potkoi Milik 46 39 7 44 42 2 2 2 Thutipakar 137 135 2 417 374 43 3 2 53 53 Ghuma 45 45 91 88 3 12 12 Birwachurakutti 177 174 3 172 169 3 J 32 30 2 C'hurakutti 83 53 30 222 132 90 7 5 2 44 42 2 Batchakutti 101 101 138 123 15 4 4 IS 15 Pnrhnlpur ------Un-inhablted------Dhanpurakhari 130 129 294 254 40 2 2 104 99 5 Dhanpura 13 13 44 32 I2 3 2 II II Mohannari Khurd 131 124 7 363 280 83 13 12 28 27 Deramari 238 233 370 261 109 12 12 99 95 4 Karehbari 140 139 271 259 12 7 7 7 7 Lodhna 32 31 57 56 1 2 2 16 14 2 Lodhnakhargi 59 58 170 169 1 13 13 Kalkali 52 51 82 80 2 2 2 I3 13 Birwakalkali 81 80 85 78 7 I I Parhal pur Miii k ------Un-inhabited··-·-----·---- Masidgarh Dargah -----····--·-Un·inhabited------Masidgarh Milik 57 56 201 195 6 1 1 4 4 Kashibari J09 109 505 366 139 32 32 Masidgarh Pokharkona 46 46 52 51 I 18 18 Masidgarh Mohiuddinpur 147 147 349 347 2 8 8 53 49 4 Burhimari 160 142 18 435 351 84 47 42 5 Bagalbari 24 23 I 156 !O5 51 2 2 69 64 5 Bastakolha 139 134 5 289 228 61 9 9 42 42 Moharmari 6 6 67 57 10 3 3 Mujabari 117 116 216 210 6 2 2 36 33 3 Babhangaon 186 177 9 512 489 23 2 2 95 94 Kamalpur 12 12 19 16 3 Daua -•• _-----.---Un-in hab ited------·--·-· Singhiakhari 140 138 2 260 228 32 4 1 3 41 36 5 Sillghia Chakandara 56 48 8 93 67 26 5 4 48 24 24 Bastako1aha 3 3 46 27 19 16 14 2 Balubari 88 86 2 206 170 36 1 1 8 7 I Barahmasia 164 164 325 305 20 7 7 16 12 4 Charaia -.------.-Un- in hab ited---··------Dopokharia -----·-----··Un-inhabited----·-·_-_·-- Dhanusna 58 57 286 275 11 60 51 9 Kuari 54 54 161 160 I 7 6 33 33 Konhaiabari 64 63 154 153 I 4 4 33 33 Dorin 113 99 14 171 162 9 I I 20 18 2 Lator 166 160 6 359 352 7 26 25 37 34 3 Asura 196 189 7 336 333 3 64 64 Kathalbari 147 145 2 194 187 7 5 4 67 61 6 Bhag Baisa 210 207 3 675 635 40 37 20 17 552 522 30 Bishttnpur 49 48 I 45 45 17 11 6 54 54 Dalmabari S9 58 I 138 136 2 It 11 85 7S 10 Chapra Bakhari


lndllstria! catel:l0~ Lncilliun cndc MHr~il1al \\{If];o.:rs Cultivators A~ricultllral labourers Persons Males Females number Name (lfVillag~ Persons Mab Females P~rS';)JJ~ Males Females 49 :1 ,\1 41 .n H 45 46 47 48 5,113 3,627 1,436 OOOf! l\'lchndhaRlill ('['Mal) 7,888 4,n72 3,(116 995 716 279 3,627 1,486 (lIlil6 I\orhndhamin (nurn!) ,,~3!i 4,872 3,1116 995 716 279 5,113 (K1~6 K(lchndhamin (l'rllall) Kuclinuhamln (Rural) 006?92(lfJ AltHbari li (l 3 {)(\(J7'l1(IO (]angikllurtl 006794(1(1 Ilarwad 1nga ()(](,71)~OO (,auramani II 2 O(U,1%UO lIal!;ilchhi O1l61'1700 l'atKllikulnn HI II S 5 9 1l1167c)S(I() I'ntKllj kllllrtl 21:1 1(1) \4 :l4 )4 179 165 14 n(l67[)q~O l'otk\liM,lik t flO(t!lO()(lO Thutipakur 35 34 35 34 n()(:Rli100 (i'wma 147 3X 10:) 17 12 126 30 96 :1{lr:.f!U2CO Ih'Wachnra~Lllti 2 2 2 2 :; [)D~R030() ClllIm].;uUi 14 H} 4 3 t 10 7 nnrr8040n BaicitakLlul II 2 ') 9 9 n()68~500 Jlarllalpnr I I 1 1 00080600 DhHnpura~hari -·--·-·····-Un-inhnbiled·-······--- 0068~7(1i) Dhonpum 4 2 00680800 ML)harmnri Khllrd 00680900 DeranlUri 39 26 \3 & 8 31 18 13 00681000 Karehbari 74 31 43 26 14 12 42 16 26 OOMIIOO Lodhnu 73 21 52 17 II 6 S6 10 46 ()06\\\Z()() L(Jd\\IInk'lu~gl 23 \\) 13 1 4 :I 1 4 '3 006R1300 Kolkali 3 J 3 0068140(\ Birwaka!kali 3 2 2 006&1500 PlLrhalp~r Milik 0068160D Masidgarh Dargall ··•• ••• ···--Un·inhabited--··--·---·-- 006al70(i Masidgarll Mill'!; ·-·······-···U,I·iJJlJ~hjJl:d-·-·-···-···· C06S1S()ll KllShib~ri 6 2 4 6 2 4 0068190(} Masidgaril t'okl1arkona 148 35 113 121 [9 102 (J06g2000 Masidgarh MohiuddillPUl' (1)5~2100 13urh'lmari 126 121 5 )2 J2 106 104 2 006gmO Bagalbllri 37 18 19 2 22 10 12 00682300 Bast3ko1ha 5 3 2 2 2 00011),:1-00 Mch artIlari ~5 17 68 56 2 54 00682500 M,ljHbnri 4 I 1 QJ6E2('OO Fl abhartg,oon 2411 141 9Cf 22 20 2 9(1 45 45 OObE21{)() Kamnlpur 35 20 15 III g to 17 12 5 00682800 Daua 3 3 3 J 00682900 Singhiakhnri -·--··-"---Un-inhnhited······--··-·-- 00683000 Singhia Cla1kandara 67 20 47 13 I 12 II 3 0068:HOO Bastakolnlla ()06SnOO LMuhari 11 & 4 3 4 0068330[) Oamhmllsin 38 24 14 00683400 Cilarnia 37 6 31 4 4 28 25 006S3S0() Dopol\hlll'iil ··--·-····---Ull-lnh~bited··------···- 006113600 Dhanusna -··········-UI1-iJlllabiled····----·-··- Q0683700 Kuari 48 48 47 47 (J05838()O Konhaiabari 15 10 5 4 7 4 3 005&3900 Doria I 1 I 1 00684000 Lalor 45 34 II 5 4 40 3D \0 0058410{) Asum 81 12 69 19 (I 13 51 5 46 006842~O Kathalbari 12 8 4 4 4 2 2 006843@ Ehng 13nisa 156 147 9 5 4 !44 139 5 00684400 Eish~~pm 158 104 54 28 2S 58 40 18 00684500 Dahuabilfi 103 7! 32 18 17 38 36 2 00684600 Chaprn Bakhnri 17 16 I ) 3 6 6


of marginal workcl'~ Location IlollSdlOld industry workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Mules Females Name of Village number 50 51 52 53 5'~ 55 56 57 58 2 1 866 70 796 914 459 455 157,493 55,704 101,789 Kochadhalllill (Totnl) OO()6 866 70 796 914 459 455 157,493 55,704 101,789 Kochadballlill (Rural) 0006 Kocbadhalllill (Urban) 0006 Kochadhamin (Rural) 2 2 420 150 270 Altabari 00679200 42 II 31 Gangikhurd 00679300 300 R9 211 Harwaduttga 00679400 3 2 () 1,591 522 1,069 Gamlll1lani 00679500 442 142 30() Hatgachhi 00679600 2 2 1,677 556 l,l21 Patkoikalan 00679700 1,01l9 335 674 Patkoi klmrd 00679800 49 22 27 Potkoi Miltk 00679900 352 125 227 Thutipakar 006&0000 4 3 1,517 534 983 Gltuma 00680100 279 90 189 Birwachuraklilti 00680200 I 1,088 386 702 Churakulti 00680300 2 2 551 2(J5 286 Baichakutti 00680400 556 179 377 Parhalpur 00680500 ------U n- in habi tcd ------.------Dhanpurakhari 00680600 1 I 1,343 456 887 Dhanpura 00680700 159 53 106 Mohannari Khurd 00680800 1,157 419 738 Deramari 00680900 4 3 2 2 1,413 501 912 Karehbari 00681000 880 317 563 Lodhna 00681100 6 6 3 2 269 95 174 Lodhnakhargi 00681200 691 252 439 Kalkali 00681300 3.53 116 237 Birwakalkali 00681400 390 126 264 Parhalpur Mtlik 00681500 ------Un -inllalt itcd------Masidgarh Dargait 00681600 ------Un-i nh ab itcd------·_-- Masidgarh Milik 00681700 767 277 490 Kashibari 00681800 27 16 11 1,279 57l 708 Masidgarh Pokharkona 00681900 263 84 179 Masidgarb Mohiuddinpur 00682000 7 5 2 1.757 600 1,157 Bmhimari 00682100 13 7 6 1,288 495 793 BagaJbarl 00682200 3 1 2 584 214 370 Bastakolha 00682300 29 15 14 861 315 546 Moharmari 006&2400 4 3 I 142 38 104 Mujabari 006&2500 134 82 52 1,005 336 669 Babhangaon 006&2600 2,168 745 1,423 Kamalpur 00682700 59 20 39 Dalla 00682800 .------Un·inhablted ------S inghiakhari 00682900 43 11 32 1,135 440 695 Singhin Chakandnra 00683000 301 99 202 Baslllkolaha 00683100 5 5 101 47 54 Balubari 00683200 2 2 36 24 12 555 190 365 Barahmasia 00683300 5 3 2 1,111 355 756 Charala 00683400 ------Un-inhabited------·------Dopokllaria 00683500 ------Un-inhabited-----·-----·-- Dhanusna 00683600 1,025 351 674 Kuari 00683700 3 2 744 251 493 Konhaiabari 00683800 684 229 455 Doria 00683900 921 333 588 Lalor 00684000 4 4 7 6 1,514 575 939 Asura 00684100 5 1 4 1 1 1,471 543 928 Kathalbari 00684200 1 1 6 3 3 1,514 579 935 Bhag Baisa 00684300 8 3 5 64 36 28 3,783 1,297 2,486 Bishunpur 00684400 6 40 17 23 693 241 452 Dahuabari 00684500 8 7 1 924 336 588 Chapra Bakhari 00684600


Tnt~1 pnpululion (including Population in the Lncalinn Ar':U\lf institulional and homeless Village ill Number of ~oeliluti\)nl allc-l;\rou2 0·6 code Females l'erx()l1s Males Females Persons Mules Name [)f Village bcctares 11lW:;cllllldx nUlIlb\.'1' 8 9 10 2 J 4 5 [I 7 285 403 2,232 1.145 1,087 576 291 un(j~~70j) .~undarblBnOO MaKr~lll\ 110 II 135 076 Jl3 :003 129 63 81 OO(1873ll0 Makmha 84,0 III 628 336 292 164 83 151 0068740() Babkal 247.0 289 !,S8l 832 750 321 170 117 60 ()O6111500 P\\!\'iil 1J2,Q 125 613 324 299 57 00687600 Nagri llS,O J03 m 251 261 116 59 57 (J06877DO Barhata 86,0 152 820 420 400 213 113 lOa IS() 00687800 Rohanin 130.(1 209 1,189 599 5QO 303 !53 ()O681900 Naluapara 108.1) 176 921 448 473 240 129 III 00688()1)O Katamata 203.0 573 ),039 1.521 1,518 605 274 331 O()6S8)OO Bhebhal M.O 51 287 142 145 86 36 so 00688200 Mosangaon 191.0 307 1,644 829 BIS 368 186 132 00688300 Arugaon 113.0 54 267 136 131 41 18 23 O()688400 Rani 290.0 403 2,243 1,127 1,116 527 271 256 00683500 Bhaunra 212,Q 201 1,l41 59! 550 328 168 160 00688600 Danli 423,0 561 3,000 1,547 1,453 714 360 354 OO&8S70(} Hohita lI1.0 71 417 199 218 107 S3 54 [)()688800 Bbagpuna.~h 333.(1 282 1,463 766 697 288 156 132 006889{)O Santha 751,0 1,615 8,271 4.28B 3,983 1,917 1,044 873 006S'Jooa Nthalbllag 168.0 322 1,690 862 828 392 ) B4 208 1l0bS9100 Kailbirpur 188.0 ,OJ 3,401 1,746 1,655 809 429 380 00689200 Dongidighi 138,0 276 1,33) 70] 63() 307 164 143 00689300 Barijall Durgapllr 339.0 317 I.m 797 736 327 166 161 006S9400 O\lrgnput &(J.O 55 215 123 92 23 I) 14 0061l9S0Q Sarai 244.0 384 1.~58 952 906 42a 219 201 00689600 Iladjan J'othimrui Jagir 576,0 730 3,823 2,O(J4 1,819 854 462 392 006S9iOO Tcghuriu 194.0 627 2,807 lM1 1,326 635 355 280 00689800 Mahiarr~r 226.0 397 1,887 970 911 429 221 20B 006S9900 RijngullIani !69,0 272 1,335 659 675 319 163 156 OOG90000 KlInhniabari 246.0 480 2,310 \,20& 1,102 515 257 258 OO()90100 Slltbhillla 300.0 247 [.270 655 615 278 !55 123 ODU90200 M~jgaoi1 189,0 56'1 2,806 [.454 U52 5&3 29& 2&5 00690300 Rohia 134,0 191 963 S(}.', 459 212 II S 94 O(]G90400 BQl\ld~!l 7Q7,0 1.3\0 6,251 3,271 2,986 1,347 701 646 O()69050() 'Topnmari 348.0 276 1,347 674 673 314 144 170



ScI](:du led Castes ~llpllati()n Scheduled Tribes Qopulatioll Literates Persons Mules Fcmalcs Persolls Males Females Pcrsmls Males Females Name of Village II 12 13 14 15 lfi 17 IS 19 2 67 33 34 4(.8 335 133 Sundnrbari 79 47 32 207 143 64 Titiha 7& 45 33 101 1!4 17 Klliahu 117 64 53 667 474 193 TO(lalnari 499 276 223 1,515 U24 3<.)1 Haldikhofa 232 112 120 420 321 99 Singltari til 45 36 185 146 39 Jiwunpur 54 30 24 83 66 17 Pllkharia 235 118 117 67& 534 14<-1 Majkuri 67 37 30 152 120 32 Kushpara 52 30 22 145 II7 28 Mchadipur 314 257 57 13ishunplJf 41 20 21 358 284 74 Sehangaol1 124 105 19 Suplia 152 77 75 31 25 6 Kabaia 339 176 163 75 35 40 718 565 153 Balin 68 64 4 Surang 429 26S 161 4()) 3()4 99 Andhasur 21 16 5 Jadhail 341 182 159 207 163 44 Pachuhara 563 299 264 805 587 218 Dogharia 396 206 190 176 162 14 !:Iimf 154 75 7I.J 642 572 70 Purandaha 55 53 2 Molingaon ------Un-inhnbited------Rohonia Milik 133 121 12 Makraha 121 56 65 235 172 63 Makrnba 85 50 35 449 326 123 Bahkal 284 192 92 Parwa 433 215 218 45 41 4 Nagri 15 8 7 J70 237 133 Barbatlj 37 16 21 188 133 5S Rohania 38 21 17 124 93 31 Natuapara 86 38 48 526 374 152 Katamata 18 15 3 Bhebhal 50 23 27 383 289 94 Mosangaon 24 10 14 [40 99 41 Arugaon 115 60 55 296 218 78 Rani 356 277 79 Bhaunra 176 88 88 528 383 145 Danti 105 75 30 Bohita 19 9 10 143 116 27 Bhugpunasl1 106 56 50 2,387 1,630 757 Santha 59 24 35 384 289 9S Nihalbhag 165 85 80 1,000 701 299 Kairbirpur 10 6 4 1[9 62 57 242 181 61 Dongidighi 104 53 51 183 159 24 BaTijan Durgapur 43 24 19 129 74 55 37 34 3 Durgapur 75 41 34 405 310 95 Sara; 706 375 331 824 591 233 Badjan Pothimari Jagir 134 68 66 701 484 217 Tegharia 187 95 92 604 4JO 194 Mahiarpur 296 234 62 Rangamani 138 64 74 648 425 223 Kanhaiabari 96 S4 42 269 191 78 Satbh;tha 80 44 36 807 572 235 M


Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Name afVilla~e Persons Males Females Persons Males Females persons Males Females 2 21) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 110684700 SlIlld[\]"bari 1}64 Sill 954 602 m 31 574 54~ 29 245 23 O()~84S0(J TililiU 604 281 323 26S' 246 23 268 O[)(j84900 Kclalm :\:\6 156 IBG 113 109 4 98 9S 3 OU

444 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kochadhamin Industrial cates;orl: of main workers Household industry Cultivators A~ricllltural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 207 202 5 330 307 23 1 36 35 Sundarbari 45 43 2 214 194 20 3 2 6 6 Titihn 34 33 I 60 58 2 3 3 Ko1alta 220 194 26 162 140 22 22 13 9 49 41 8 Topul11ari 277 270 7 967 959 8 2S 21 4 291 281 10 Haldikhora 255 242 13 306 284 22 17 5 12 58 56 2 Singhari 109 106 3 105 105 4 4 Jiwanpllr 22 22 60 60 2 2 Pokharia 191 186 5 485 456 29 27 27 84 80 4 M!\ikuri 55 55 147 145 2 38 37 8 8 Kushpara 74 74 103 101 2 <)4 94 2 2 Mehadipur 94 93 1 290 282 8 2 2 27 27 Bishllnptlr 116 113 3 278 275 3 22 21 Sehangaon 2 2 76 74 2 2 2 Saptia 105 50 55 5 Kabaia 308 281 27 659 571 88 24 7 17 38 37 1 Balill 12 12 50 50 4 4 SUr8ng 130 123 7 422 338 84 23 13 10 13 12 Andhasur 30 18 12 43 21 22 1 1 Jadhail 97 94 3 284 260 24 2 2 6 3 3 Pachahara 264 261 3 467 40B 59 23 15 8 36 32 4 Dogharia 61 49 12 224 176 48 3 3 1 1 Sirar 248 242 6 339 334 5 91 58 33 23 22 PUfilnauIJa 28 27 203 197 6 Molillgaon ------U n -i nhab ited----..------Rohonia MiIik 67 67 129 126 3 13 13 Makraha 16 15 45 45 4 4 Makraha 166 163 3 195 194 24 20 4 Bahkol 42 42 128 124 4 2 2 24 24 Parwa II 10 1 226 116 110 Nagri 101 88 13 59 54 5 57 54 3 Barbata 88 88 162 160 2 5 4 51 49 2 Rohania 71 68 3 121 119 2 7 6 1 Natu!lpara 173 172 565 551 14 13 13 62 60 2 Katalllota 16 16 32 32 4 4 Bhebhal 195 193 2 176 159 17 5S 54 Mosangaon 56 54 2 22 22 Arugaon 228 223 378 353 25 22 21 Rani 156 156 161 153 8 3 3 Bhaunra 126 122 4 360 337 23 9 9 3S 33 2 Dant; 44 44 36 36 3 3 15 14 I Bo}Jita liS 117 I 290 284 6 31 26 5 Bltagpllnash 537 521 16 1,087 1,075 12 45 26 19 500 491 9 Santha 174 171 3 228 223 5 11 7 4 44 44 Nihalbhag 181 178 3 457 448 9 94 91 3 106 105 Kairbirpur 95 95 305 294 II 3 3 13 12 Doogidighi 165 158 271 261 10 3 3 BaTijan Durgapur 8 8 78 72 6 Durgapur 218 214 4 269 263 6 23 18 5 Sarai 282 269 13 590 549 41 12 10 2 126 121 5 Barijan Pothimari Jagir 156 155 I 326 317 9 4 4 48 45 3 Tegharia 127 126 1 331 297 34 I 1 47 45 2 Mahiarpur 144 142 2 174 172 2 1 1 31 27 4 Rangamani 117 Il7 299 277 22 105 100 5 105 104 I Kanhaiabari 110 107 3 93 93 78 78 Satbhitha 303 302 409 386 23 13 II 2 65 65 Majgaon 113 107 6 233 155 78 24 11 13 12 10 2 Rohia 648 555 93 1,201 1,075 126 19 17 2 66 65 ) Boaldah 74 73 1 312 291 21 1 1 9 7 2 Topal11ari


Ind ustriai cate~0!:i Lociition cede Ma.q~jnal wOlkers Culti vators Allicultura! labourers numbet }lame of Villuj;lc Persons Maics Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 ,11 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 006B410U Sundmlmj 2& 26 2 10 9 17 16 006&480Q TltiJIn 1 1 1 0068:4900 KoJ~llil 15 J4 \ 7 I 7 7 (J0685{JOO Topaillari 214 98 116 99 61 37 46 32 14 006851(J(J Haldik!lOfil 94 7() 24 HJ {) 4 jj 51 4 O()685200 5mghari lii 4 12 4 3 I {lO685300 Jiwanpu! 2 2 I 01)685400 Pokhnriu 30 1I 19 21 [0 II O[)6S5500 Majkuri 73 53 21) 69 53 16 0[)6S5600 Kushpara O[)1i857fJO Mchadipur 9 2 7 2 l (l(l6S5S00 Bishunpllr 28 9 19 7 4 3 12 3 9 00685900 Sel18llgalln 8 4 4 4 4 00686000 Sap/ia 50 44 6 34 31 3 13 13 <)0686100 Ka:'ain 3 2 6 8 2 6 OD686200 B~1ia '14 16 23 17 to 16 g- 00586300 Silrang sa 5S 1 I 1 I 00586400 Andltu,ur 68 22 46 13 8 5 29 10 19 011686500 ladhail 2 1 I 1 I 1 00686600 Pach~hara 1 ! ! 00686700 Doghnria 224 25 199 114 16 98 00&36800 Sirnr 51 7 44 13 \3 16 5 II OOti869W PUr:tJldahn 552 135


of mar~inal workers Location Household industr~ workers Other workers Non·workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVilla~e number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 1 1,630 574 1,056 Sundarbari 00684700 542 178 364 Titiha 00684800 324 131 193 Kolaha 00684900 67 2 6S 2 2 1,064 429 635 Topamari 00685000 7 1 6 22 12 10 4,479 1,599 2,880 Haldikhora 00685100 II II 1,490 518 972 Singhari 00685200 538 203 335 Jiwanpur 00685300 6 6 2 2 231 84 147 Polcharia 00685400 1 3 3 2,027 709 1,318 Majkuri 00685500 428 157 271 Kushpara 00685600 6 6 318 147 171 Mehadlpur 00685700 9 2 7 1,361 521 840 Bishunpur 00685800 1,580 638 942 Sehangaon 00685900 3 3 532 221 311 Saptia 00686000 87 44 43 Kabaia 00686100 10 9 2,142 848 1,294 Balia 00686200 56 56 133 69 64 Surang 00686300 24 2 22 2 2 1,256 529 727 Andhasur 00686400 136 60 76 ladhail 00686500 1,103 457 646 Pachahara 00686600 99 2 97 10 6 4 1,943 841 1,102 Dogharia 00686700 20 20 2 2 603 262 341 Simr 00686800 394 10 384 10 7 3 1,575 717 858 Puralldaha 0068690{) 543 193 350 Mulingaon 00687000 •• •••.•.· •• ·.Un.inhabited.··· •. -.•.•--. Rohonia Milik 00687100 2 2 449 151 298 Makraha 00687200 2 2 I I 501 217 284 Makraha 00687300 17 6 11 1,156 427 729 Bahkol 00687400 2 2 418 124 294 Parwa 00687500 258 118 140 Nagri 00687600 2 2 600 223 377 Barbata 00687700 883 298 585 Rohania 00687800 722 255 467 Natuapara 00687900 16 5 11 2,166 676 1,490 Katamata 00688000 220 76 144 Bhebhal 00688100 8 7 1,205 417 788 Mosangaon 00688200 189 60 129 Arugaol1 00688300 1,614 529 1,085 Rani 00688400 5 I 4 798 263 535 Bhaunra 00688500 4 2 2 2 2 2,189 770 1,419 Danti 00688600 2 I 304 91 213 Bohita 00688700 2 2 1,003 336 667 Bhugpunash 00688800 32 2 30 53 32 21 5,868 2,001 3,867 Santha OQ688900 40 3 37 6 4 2 1,152 390 762 Nihalbhag OQ689000 I I 3 2 I 2,530 896 1,634 Kairbirpur 00689100 2 2 882 273 609 Dongidighi 00689200 968 311 657 Barijan Durgapur 00689300 117 42 75 Durgapur 00689400 5 I 4 2 2 1,333 452 881 Sarai 00689500 3 1 2 IS 6 9 2,641 985 1,656 Barijan Pothimari Jagir 00689600 11 3 8 13 10 3 1,981 690 1,291 Tegharia 00689700 I I 1,305 435 870 Mahiarpur 00689800 25 3 22 906 299 607 Rangamuni 00689900 5 5 1,670 597 1,073 Kanhaiabari 00690000 20 5 15 832 312 520 Satbhitha 00690100 4 3 7 7 1,965 645 1,320 Majgaon 00690200 1 19 6 13 529 197 332 Rohia 00690300 3 2 15 11 4 4,272 1,527 2,745 Boaldah 00690400 2 1 932 296 636 Topamari 00690500

447 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Arca of institutional and homeless Population in the code Village in Number of l2oeulation) ase-groue 0-6 number :Name ofVillase hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 00690600 K.ularnari [ 7.0 28 157 81 76 37 14 23 00690700 Arwrkali 132.0 172 970 517 453 219 113 106 00690800 l'ipra S6.0 106 557 266 291 154 73 81 00690900 N'ljarpur 737.0 1,131 5,629 2,964 2,665 1,191 616 575 00691000 Jhantipari Anarkali 237.0 414 2.122 1,070 1,052 581 318 263 00691 JOO Ourguon 569.0 1,049 4,910 2,459 2,451 1,123 554 569 00691200 Kochadhamin 236.0 831 4,429 2,322 2,107 1,014 536 478 00691300 Hariblmsa 122.0 168 914 470 444 198 103 95 00691400 Koitar 100.0 J09 647 341 306 165 83 82 00691500 Mahadha 341.0 652 3,061 1,551 1,510 770 428 342 00691600 Titlia 127.0 289 1,291 654 637 275 133 142 00691700 Rasulganj 221.0 333 1,779 920 859 405 194 211 00691800 Bhebhra 195.0 267 1,206 6]6 590 282 134 148 00691900 Harkhuguria 204.0 328 1,628 826 802 355 170 185 00692000 Chunamari 259.0 513 2,861 1,461 1,400 685 365 320 00692100 SukaJrani 47.0 81 408 194 214 121 58 63 00692200 Hasan Dumaria 114.0 85 508 279 229 101 49 52 00692300 Mahua 66.0 131 687 329 358 175 94 81 00692400 Hnlgachhi 66.0 154 794 420 374 161 89 72 00692500 Shah nagar 134.0 306 1,402 73] 671 368 214 154 00692600 Bhagal 532.0 1,067 5,342 2.704 2,638 1,267 668 599 00692700 Shah pur 412.0 540 2,899 1,481 1,418 772 405 367 00692800 Shah pur Istnmrar ]90.0 446 1,866 954 912 382 190 192 00692900 Dalia 143.0 128 655 337 318 140 81 59 00693000 Jhura 46.0 31 151 77 74 23 8 15 00693100 Himatnagar 316.0 685 3,423 1,769 1,654 803 410 393 00693200 Pipla 18,0 ------Un-inhabited------00693300 Kalanagin 219.0 472 2,393 1,227 1,166 548 281 267 00693400 Phulbari 306.0 230 1,173 598 575 247 132 115 00693500 Dhal1l1sna 181.0 304 1,483 781 702 331 177 154 00693600 Bhawaniganj 11.0 205 1,054 567 487 248 125 123 00693700 Dubra 74.0 91 405 206 199 89 52 37 00693800 Naranga 104.0 198 1,091 560 531 296 133 163 00693900 Mastalin 181.0 256 1,295 654 641 307 154 153 00694000 Sundarpuchhi 57.0 85 399 204 195 72 50 22 00694100 Kutti 416.0 477 2,675 1,372 1,303 627 322 305


Scheduled Castes EOj2uation Scheduled Tribes j2oEulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 7 4 3 87 61 26 K


Location code Illiterates Total workers Main workers Persons Males Females number Name of Villa~e Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 00690600 K:vlmnuri 70 20 50 50 49 1 44 44 00690100 Allarkali 700 312 388 345 279 66 236 226 10 00690800 ['ipm 443 189 254 142 139 3 140 139 I 006909()O Najarpur 4,334 1,974 2,360 1,709 1,653 56 1,551 1,505 46 00691000 J~antipari Ailarkali 1,939 920 1,019 492 478 14 460 456 4 00691100 Gurgaoll 3,700 1,606 2,094 1,409 1,258 151 1,299 1,208 91 00691200 Kochadlmmin 3,271 1,490 1,781 1,225 1,182 43 1,222 1,180 42 00691300 Haribhasa 627 253 374 294 269 25 284 267 17 00691400 Koitor 539 248 291 138 132 6 114 113 I 00691500 Malmdha 2,582 1,163 1,419 906 839 67 898 833 65 00691600 Titlia 1,082 477 60S 426 394 32' 425 394 31 00691700 Rasu1ganj 1,374 605 769 588 521 67 362 360 2 00691800 Bhebhra 1,109 550 559 428 386 42 427 385 42 00691900 Harkhuguria 1,210 522 688 493 490 3 486 483 3 00692000 CI1Unamari 2,299 1,036 1,263 784 771 13 770 760 10 00692100 Sukalrani 319 119 200 93 93 93 93 00692200 Hasan Dumaria 393 187 206 147 140 7 143 140 3 00692300 Mahua 510 216 294 172 165 7 171 164 7 00692400 Hatgachhi 734 375 359 209 199 10 208 198 10 00692500 Shahnagar 1,265 621 644 434 391 43 418 378 40 00692600 Bhagal 4,638 2,175 2,463 1,614 1,446 168 1,564 1,407 157 00692700 Shahpur 2,396 1,118 1,278 829 776 53 725 689 36 00692800 Shah pur Istamrar 1,501 678 823 760 568 192 525 409 116 00692900 Dalia 459 194 265 209 177 32 207 175 32 00693000 Jhma 117 46 71 63 61 2 63 61 2 00693100 Himatnagar 2,988 1,403 1,585 1,002 989 IJ 740 732 8 00693200 {'ipla ------·-·Un-inhabited------·---·- 00693300 Kalanagin 1,809 766 1,043 607 586 21 592 575 17 00693400 Phulbari 895 420 475 292 284 8 152 146 6 00693500 Dhnnuslla 1,170 548 622 538 438 100 446 391 5S 00693600 Bhawaniganj 956 497 459 468 283 185 436 280 156 00693700 Dubra 283 116 167 106 105 I 106 105 1 00693800 Naranga 994 469 525 297 290 7 21 21 00693900 Mastalia !,lID 511 599 394 361 33 312 280 32 00694000 Sundarpllchhi 313 132 181 86 86 84 84 00694100 Kulti 2,355 I,lIS 1,240 82:2 790 32 792 780 12


Industrial catc~or~ of main workers Household industry Cultivators A~ricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Village 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 12 12 31 31 1 I Kajlamari 84 81 3 112 106 6 2 2 38 37 Anarkali 30 29 I 110 110 Pipra 351 344 7 1.126 1,090 36 7 67 64 3 Najarpur 120 119 I 322 319 3 18 18 Jhantipari Anarkali 395 384 II 792 722 70 5 5 107 97 10 Gurgaon 310 303 7 746 719 27 9 7 2 157 151 6 Kochadhmnin 90 90 181 165 16 13 12 Haribhasa 15 15 95 94 I 4- 4 KoHor 187 179 8 673 616 57 I 37 37 Muhadha 100 98 2 259 234 25 17 16 49 46 3 Titlia 46 46 291 290 I 5 4 20 20 Rasulga[\j 49 45 4 368 330 38 10 10 Bhebhra 90 90 380 377 3 6 6 10 10 Harkhugllria 318 313 5 420 416 4 II 10 21 21 Chllnal11ari 19 19 72 72 2 2 Sllkalrani 65 65 75 72 3 3 3 Hasan Dumaria 71 64 7 93 93 1 7 Mnhun 69 68 133 121 6 6 3 3 Hatgachhi 56 53 3 343 310 33 3 3 16 12 4 Shahnagar 323 312 II 1,112 1,006 106 54 19 35 75 70 5 Bhaga1 279 274 5 405 377 28 40 37 3 Shahpur 34 33 I 354 280 74 110 70 40 21 26 Shahpur Istamrar 77 72 5 120 94 26 10 9 Dalia 18 18 44 42 2 1 1 lhura 170 170 556 550 6 4 10 9 Himatnagar ------Un -i nhab ited------Pipla 179 179 384 369 15 29 27 2 Kalanagin 79 77 2 57 53 4 2 2 14 14 Phlllbari 92 91 302 249 53 52 51 Dhanllsna 16 15 411 256 155 9 9 Bhnwaniganj 27 26 78 78 DlIbra 18 18 1 I Naranga 62 61 248 217 31 Mastalia 30 30 54 54 SlIndarplIchhi 242 239 3 485 479 6 65 62 3 Kutti


Industrial cate!.li0r~ Locatiun code Mar£linal workers Cultivators Al:lriculturallabourers number Name ofYilla!t:e Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 006906(1) Kajlamari 6 1 4 00690700 Anarkali 109 53 56 37 22 15 63 23 40 00690800 Plpra 2 2 I I 0069090() Nlijarpur 15~ 148 10 17 17 139 129 10 00691000 Jhantipari Anarkali 32 22 10 10 9 I 14 10 4 00691100 Gurgnon 110 50 60 23 20 3 47 25 22 00691200 Kochadhamin 3 2 I 2 2 00691300 Haribhasa 10 2 8 I 00691400 Koitor 24 19 5 4 4 20 15 5 00691500 Mahadha 8 6 2 3 I 2 4 4 00691600 Tit1ia I I 1 00691700 Raslliganj 226 161 65 23 23 193 128 65 00691800 Bhebhra 1 1 00691900 Harkhuguria 7 7 2 2 00692000 Chullamari 14 II 3 5 2 3 8 8 00692100 Sukalrani 00692200 Hasan Dllmaria 4 4 3 00692300 Mahua I 00692400 Halgachhi 00692500 Shalmagar 16 13 3 13 12 I 00692600 Bhagal 50 39 II 2 2 21 14 7 00692700 Shahpur 104 87 17 5 4 I 99 83 16 00692800 Shahpur Istamrar 235 159 76 7 5 2 227 154 73 00692900 Dalia 2 2 2 2 006931}1)O lhura 00693100 Himalnagar 262 257 5 8 5 3 251 249 2 00693200 Pipla ••••.... -.-.• Un·inhab ited····.· •• •·· ••• 00693300 Kalanagin 15 II 4 15 II 4 00693400 Phulbari 140 138 2 137 135 2 00693500 Dhanllsna 92 47 45 81 39 42 00693600 Bhawaniganj 32 3 29 32 3 29 00693700 Dubra 00693800 Namnga 276 269 7 8 8 268 261 7 00693900 Mastalia 82 81 I 14 14 68 67 1 00694000 Sundarpuchhi 2 2 2 2 00694100 Kutti 30 10 20 3 2 7 2 5

452 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kochadhamin ofmaq:linal workers Location Household indust!I workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofViUage number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 1 I 107 32 75 Klijlamari 00690600 9 8 625 238 387 Anarkali 00690700 415 127 288 Pipra 00690800 2 2 3,920 1,311 2,609 Najarpur 00690900 3 3 5 3 2 1,630 592 1,038 .1hantipari Anarkali 00691000 29 29 II 5 6 3,501 1,201 2.300 Gurgaon 00691100 1 3,204 1,140 2,064 Kochadhamin 00691200 9 8 620 201 419 Haribhasa 00691300 509 209 300 Koitor 00691400 2,155 712 1,443 Mahadha 00691500 865 260 605 Titlia 00691600 10 10 1,191 399 792 Rasu1ganj 00691700 778 230 548 Bhebhra 00691800 5 5 1,135 336 799 Harkhuguria 00691900 2,077 690 1,387 Chunamari 00692000 315 101 214 Sukalrani 00692100 361 139 222 Hasan Dumaria 00692200 SIS 164 351 Mahua 00692300 585 221 364 Hatgachhi 00692400 2 2 968 340 628 Shahnagar 00692500 20 20 7 3 4 3,728 1,258 2,470 Bhagal 00692600 2,070 705 1,365 Shahpur 00692700 1,106 386 720 Shahpur Istamrar 00692800 446 160 286 Dalia 00692900 88 16 72 Jhura 00693000 3 3 2,421 780 1,641 Himatnagnr 00693100 ------Un-inhabited---·------Pipla 00693200 1,786 641 1,145 Kalanagin 00693300 2 2 881 314 567 Ph1l1bari 00693400 9 7 2 945 343 602 Dhal111Sna 00693500 586 284 302 Bhawanigmli 00693600 299 101 198 DlIbra 00693700 794 270 524 Naranga 00693800 901 293 608 Mastalia 00693900 313 118 195 Sundarpuchhi 00694000 6 6 14 6 8 1,853 582 1,271 Klitti 00694100

453 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block· Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in tbe code Village in Number of EOEulatioil ) a~e-~rou2 0-6 Males Females number NnmeofVi1la~e hectares households Persons Males Females Persons I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0007 Kishangnnj (Total) 15,087.0 19,271 100,1l9 51,705 48,414 23,945 12:182 11,763 11,763 0007 Kistlall~an! (Rural) 15,087.Q 19,271 10tl,l19 51,705 48,414 23,945 12,.182 0007 Wshanganj (lirban) Kislmnganj (Rural) 00694200 Halama\a 1,365,0 LOl5 5,046 2,611 2,435 1,140 582 55& 00694300 Mo(iham 193.0 480 2,347 1,193 1,154 499 241 258 00694400 Andownkol 1116 \) 1\\9 51S 160 258 106 S6 50 00694500 Belwa Knsipur 312,0 523 2,466 1,226 1,240 456 226 230 00694600 Chhota Saiki 132.0 68 329 191 138 26 17 9 00694700 SaIki 332,0 3Z7 1,655 854 801 378 192 186 00694800 Tcngramari 318,() 686 3,559 1,827 1,732,.,,, 965 486 479 00694900 KilSipur 366.0 99 560 283 "'" 142 (i~ 79 00695000 Chhftgalia 340.0 6% 3,459 1,734 1,725 913


Scheduled Castes e012uation Scheduled Tribes EOEulation Literates Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of Villa~e 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 6,435 3,322 3,113 2,668 1,408 1,260 21,416 15,432 5,984 Kishanganj (Total) 6,435 3,322 3,113 2,668 1,408 I,26() 21,416 15,432 5,984 KishangllJlj (Rural) Kishanganj (Ut'ban) Kishllngallj (Rural) 243 119 124 41 24 17 1,210 872 338 Halamala 127 68 59 14 5 9 324 246 78 Motihara 90 40 50 122 63 59 148 101 47 Andowakol 36 18 18 161 81 80 787 510 277 Belwa Kasipur 49 26 23 98 75 23 Chhota Saiki 101 54 47 171 98 73 223 174 49 Solki 118 54 64 37 21 16 694 478 216 Tengramari 156 76 80 188 119 69 Kasiplir 251 122 129 11 8 3 613 429 184 Chhugalia 93 46 47 5 5 Katmohan 46 25 21 962 705 257 Motihara Taluka 7 2 5 255 196 59 Chhaga1ia 61 30 31 181 96 85 151 124 27 Meda 10 6 4 946 696 250 Panisal 245 134 III 15 JO 5 1,475 1,084 391 Singhia 21 10 11 13 8 5 Goaltoli 37 21 16 3 2 1 Telia Pokhar 4 3 112 53 59 200 139 61 Piakunri 172 92 80 129 68 61 190 133 57 Satkhsl11har 109 54 S5 165 128 37 Chaundi 180 98 82 20 12 8 550 398 152 Gachhparn 259 177 82 Gachhpara 167 87 80 22 21 1 Mahesh Ballttle 12 8 4 124 104 20 Andhllakol 295 161 134 68 32 36 594 425 169 Simalbari 80 41 39 S9 31 28 139 110 29 Bheriadangi 16 12 4 SS 41 14 Topamari 191 95 96 260 134 126 1,493 1,024 469 Chakla 147 74 73 32 20 12 108 78 30 Sultanplir 108 77 31 Phulwari 222 118 104 295 241 54 Phulwari 2 2 Mahesh Bathnakhas Milik 175 88 87 268 138 130 269 240 29 Mahesh Bat/wa Kilas 307 195 112 Kolaha 34 21 13 Thauapara 10 9 1 Jharbari 122 83 39 Bairgachhi 40 22 L8 I 1 Thaunapara 40 21 19 614 449 165 Taisa 433 226 207 SL 26 25 318 248 70 Dheksara 166 83 83 97 65 32 Chormara ·------·---Un-inhabited-···.· •. --.·.- Pirani 4 2 2 Singhia •••••••• -••• -Un· in118h ited··-·····-· ..·- Belwa Milik 48 28 20 111 63 48 381 278 103 Belwa 47 38 9 GobindplIf 16 10 6 44 31 13 Lakhimara 52 34 18 Nonia 25 15 10 206 148· 58 Basatpur Pharsadangi 8 7 1 39 36 3 Basatpur Milik 376 191 185 382 278 104 Basatpur Marua Toli 40 22 18 108 52 56 466 281 185 Kirdah SalUda 47 29 18 Mehengaon Milik 474 234 240 67 36 31 495 362 133 Meijangaoll 108 74 34 Basantpur


Loc\\tton code Illiterates Total workers Main workers nllmber Name of\iiUa~e PerSOllS Males Females Pt:.'fsons Males Fema\es Perscms Males Females 2 2(J 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

&1iG-7 j{i!llallg,luj [T


Industrial catesor~ of main workers Household industry Cultivators ABriculturallabollrers workers Other wOI'kers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name of VillaEi;e 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 6,514 6,322 192 17,310 14,970 2,340 444 328 116 3,478 3,312 166 Kishanganj (Total) 6,514 6,322 192 17,310 14,970 2,340 444 328 I1G 3,478 3,312 166 Kishanganj (Rural) Kishanganj (Urban) Kishallganj (Rural) 492 482 10 817 764 53 3 3 86 82 4 Halamala 95 94 322 29] 3] 3 2 52 41 11 Motihara 67 67 54 50 4 6 6 Andowakol 223 22() 3 342 326 16 2 2 91 88 3 Bclwa Kasipur 19 19 53 50 3 51 51 Chhota Saiki 84 84 270 212 58 32 32 Saiki 245 240 5 650 524 126 14 10 4 80 79 Tcngramari 56 34 22 180 94 86 S 3 2 8 8 Kasipllr 279 278 1 579 529 50 15 15 102 100 2 Chhagalia 6 5 1 32 19 13 Katmohan 475 467 8 860 736 124 I) 5 4 116 106 10 Motihara Taluka 82 82 91 88 3 3 I 2 Chhagalia 79 75 4 202 157 45 108 33 ' 75 14 9 5 Meda 213 200 13 670 565 ] 05 10 7 3 39 34 5 Panisal 632 60] 31 1,463 1,200 263 3 3 181 174 7 Singhia 3 2 1 10 4 6 Goaltoli 25 14 II Tetia Pokhar 44 44 133 94 39 S 4 Piakunri 15 15 316 219 97 27 24 Satkhllmlmr 96 96 208 169 39 I 9 9 Chaundi 249 229 20 681 572 109 6 6 64 60 4 Gachhpara S9 58 I 96 89 7 73 73 Gachhpara 1 I 11 II 1 I Mahesh Bathna 56 56 64 64 Andhuakol 122 JI9 3 291 213 78 20 9 II 225 197 28 Simalbari I 1 119 1J8 1 1 26 26 Bllcriadangi 10 10 36 36 3 3 Topamari 299 293 6 631 591 40 59 59 455 450 5 Chakla 9 9 159 118 41 1 113 113 Sultan pur 48 47 I 37 32 5 I 63 63 Phulwnri 63 56 7 184 142 42 I 135 134 Phulwari 3 3 2 2 Mahesl. Bathnakhas Milik 89 87 2 572 430 142 16 13 3 53 53 MahesJl Bathna Khas 126 126 57 55 2 2 2 Kolaha 28 28 107 103 4 10 10 Thauapara 14 14 4 4 Iharbari 38 38 71 71 2 2 Bairgachhi 27 15 12 Thaunapara 220 201 19 492 362 130 28 23 5 220 208 12 Taisa 100 95 5 486 337 149 1 57 52 5 Dheksara 11 II 118 108 10 61 59 2 Chormara ·············Un·inhabited··.. •·•••···•• Pirani 2 2 Singhia ·············UI1· j nhab ited········_···_· BelwaMilik 154 150 4 467 437 30 81 73 8 Belwa 12 12 45 44 42 40 2 (Jobindpur 2 2 28 28 4 4 3 3 Lakhimara 19 19 35 34 I 3 3 Nonia 39 39 267 252 15 14 14 Basatpur Pharsadangi 14 14 49 41 8 2 2 5 5 Basatpur Milik !O3 101 2 303 263 40 73 72 1 Basatptlr Mama Toli 158 154 4 300 254 46 64 61 3 Kirdah Samda 23 22 I 42 42 4 3 I Mehengaon Milik 166 165 1 416 396 20 2 2 66 64 2 Mchangaon 13 13 40 36 4 7 7 BasantpuT

457 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK, KISHANGAN.J VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Industrial Q\lell0!2 _ Locudon code Mar~inal workers Cultivators Aa!'iculturallabourers nllmber Name of Villa~e P~rsQns Males females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 4l 42 43 44 45 46 47 4& 49 MC? I


of mnq~ina! workers Location Household indllstr~ workers Other workers Non·workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVilla~e number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 I 153 24 129 550 326 224 68,933 25,149 43,784 Kishangallj (Total) 0007 153 24 129 550 326 224 68,933 25,149 43,784 Kishanganj (Rural) 0007 Kishanganj (lJrban) 0007 Kishanganj (Rural) 2 1 3.523 1,242 2,281 Halamala 00694200 2 2 12 7 1,777 678 1,099 Motihara 00694300 388 135 253 Andowakol 00694400 3 2 15 14 1,726 526 1,200 Belwa Kasipur 00694500 197 71 126 Chhota Saiki 00694600 15 6 9 23 19 4 1,126 414 712 Saiki 00694700 3 2 1 7 6 2,508 943 1,565 Tengramari 00694800 310 144 ]66 Kasipur 00694900 2 2 2,367 807 1,560 Chhagalia 00695000 38 19 19 Katmohan 00695100 23 22 19 10 9 3,176 1,196 1,980 Motihara Taluka 00695200 460 182 278 Chhagalia 00695300 15 15 3 3 512 206 306 Meda 00695400 67 2 65 37 12 25 2,504 1,015 1,489 Punisal 00695500 1 I 34 17 17 5,120 1,841 3.2.79 Singhia 00695600 8 4 4 Goaltoli 00695700 9 5 4 TeliaPokhar 00695800 300 98 202 Piakullri 00695900 9 9 475 171 304 Satkhamhar 00696000 711 257 454 Chuundi 00696100 3 3 3 2 I 3,032 1,155 1,877 Gachhpara 00696200 26 23 3 900 326 574 Gachllpara 00696300 121 40 81 Mahesh Bathnn 00696400 284 99 185 Andhuakol 00696500 4 4 1,369 510 859 Simalbari 00696600 360 143 217 Bheriadangi 00696700 112 39 73 Topamari 00696&00 38 19 19 3,971 1,443 2,528 Chakla 00696900 659 244 415 Sultanpur 00697000 460 175 285 Phulwari 00697100 3D 29 870 363 507 Phulwari 00697200 16 7 9 Mahesh Bathnakhas Milik 00697300 4 4 1,515 S72 943 Mahesh Bathna Khns 00697400 581 237 344 Kolaha 00697500 431 151 280 Thauapara 00697600 95 36 59 Jharbari 00697700 252 78 174 Bairgachhi 00697800 13 7 6 Thaun3para 00697900 B 12 2,211 &54 1,357 Taisa 00698000 896 331 565 Dheksara 00698100 655 278 377 Chormara 00698200 ---·-·------Un·inhabited--·------····- Pirllni 00698300 26 21 5 2 Singhia 00698400 -···---·-----Un-inhabited------·---- BelwaMilik 00698500 3 '2 20 8 12 1,324 411 913 Belwa 00698600 ] 22 6 16 238 80 158 Gobindpur 00698700 I II 10 73 23 50 Lakhimara 00698800 2 2 192 80 112 Nonia 00698900 2 2 851 275 576 BasatplIr Pharsadangi 00699000 152 67 85 BasatplIr Milik 00699100 1,038 360 678 Basatpur Marua Toli 00699200 1,239 413 826 Kirdah Samda 00699300 242 81 161 Mehengaon Miljk 00699400 2 17 16 2,350 812 1,538 Mehangaoll 00699500 203 89 114 Basantpuf 00699600

459 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ VILLAGE PRIMARY CD Block- Total population (including Location Area of institutional and houseless Population in the code Village in Number of Eo~ulation) ase-SrouE 0-6 number Name ofViIla~e hectares households Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 00699700 Phulwari 126.0 104 630 295 335 196 94 102 00699800 Kataholi a Bhag 50.0 .-....- ••. -•• Un.inhabited ...- ....---.-- 00699900 Katahalia 930 212 1,042 523 519 286 135 151 00700000 Purla bari 195.0 327 1,892 969 923 532 273 259 00700100 Daula 294.0 378 1,822 944 878 390 220 170 00700200 Balia 289.0 311 1,510 792 718 318 162 156 00700300 Majhok 270.0 126 587 330 257 149 88 61 00700400 Lalbari 131.0 160 795 420 375 149 75 74 00700500 Janamjai 104.0 102 605 309 296 135 70 65 00700600 Bararo 146.0 269 1,362 729 633 313 170 143 0070()700 Babhantola 113.0 256 1,355 687 668 260 128 132 00700800 Barchunu 52.0 ----_·_··----Un-inhabited------· 00700900 Mahammadpur Bhagal 325.0 585 3,177 1,660 1,517 766 390 376 0070lUOO Kaparporbandha 108.0 17 104 46 58 26 7 19 00701100 Pichhla 412.0 875 4,367 2,303 2,064 919 501 418 00701200 JiaGachl1i 38.0 ----_·----·--Un·inhabited--·-·-·------00701300 Bastadangi 150.0 403 1,930 1,003 927 389 200 189


Scheduled Castes EOEuation Scheduled Tribes EOEulation Literates Persons Males Female~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofYillage 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 118 64 54 Phulwari ------·-Un-inhabited----·-_···· __ • Katahalia Bhag 81 40 41 96 50 46 210 125 85 Katahalin 328 184 144 Purla bad 268 13!l 130 348 254 94 Daula 240 127 113 209 110 99 263 195 68 Balia 163 90 73 12 7 5 77 72 5 M(\jhok 10 8 2 305 229 76 Lalbari 199 147 52 Janamjai 286 146 140 29 15 14 431 314 117 Bararo 45 27 18 488 327 161 Babhantola _•• _... _--_ •• Un- i nhab ited-······.-··-·· Barchuna 80 40 40 608 496 112 Mahammadpur Bhagal 45 20 25 22 14 8 Kaparporbandha 293 165 128 995 751 244 Pichhla ----·--··-·-·Un-inhabited--·.·-·-···-·· liaGachhi 78 34 44 582 436 146 Bastadangi


Location codc Illiterates Total workers Main workers numbcr Name ofVilInsc Persons Males Females PeJ'sons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 00699700 Phulwari 512 231 281 223 130 93 156 129 27 00699800 Katahaliu Bhag ·············Un·inhablted·············· 00699900 Katahalia 832 398 434 299 259 40 247 236 11 00700000 Purl a bari 1.564 785 779 502 466 36 461 459 2 00700100 Dalila 1,474 690 784 595 503 92 569 482 87 00700200 Balia 1,247 597 650 453 364 89 444 358 86 00700300 Ma.ihok 510 258 252 174 159 15 159 154 5 0070040[) Lalbari 490 191 299 229 225 4 228 224 4 00700500 lanamjai 406 162 244 222 170 52 163 157 6 0070060[) Bamra 931 415 516 414 352 62 308 285 23 00700700 Babhantola 867 360 507 448 389 59 346 338 8 00700800 Barchuna --.-..------.Un.inhabited- ..·.-.·.·· ... 00700900 Mahammadpur Bhagal 2,569 1,164 1,405 824 810 14 803 798 00701000 Kaparporbandha 82 32 50 30 30 30 30 00701100 Pichhla 3,372 1,552 1,820 1,215 1,196 19 1,161 1,153 8 00701200 lia Gachhi -··-···-··-··Un·inhabit~d··········· •• · 00701300 Bastadangi 1.348 567 781 559 542 17 SS8 541 17


Industrial cate~or~ of main workers Household industry Cultivators Al;lricultural labourers workers Other workers Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofYillage 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2 38 33 5 96 84 12 22 12 10 Phulwari ------Un-inhabi ted------Katahalia Bhag 49 48 1 185 177 8 13 11 2 Katahalia 146 145 1 299 298 1 15 15 Purla bari 96 93 3 434 352 82 39 37 2 Daula 53 50 3 367 286 81 3 2 21 21 Bali!! 48 47 97 93 4 14 14 Majhok 28 28 167 163 4 33 33 Lalbari 55 55 99 94 5 9 8 I .Ianamjai 52 52 201 182 19 2 53 50 3 Barara 91 90 238 231 7 17 17 Babhantola --._------U11- in habi ted------Barchuna 170 170 550 545 5 83 83 Mahammadpur Bhagal 2 2 21 21 6 6 Kaparporbandha 204 203 650 648 2 71 71 236 231 5 Pichhla --·------u n-in hab ited------Jia Gachhi 28 28 425 412 13 50 49 55 52 3 Bastadangl



Industrial catc~0!2: Location code Mar~inal workers Cultivators A~ricliltural labourers number Name ofVilla/:l:c Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females I 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 00699700 Phulwari 67 66 8 8 3 3 00699800 Katahalia Bhag ·············Un·inhabited·············· 00699900 Katahalia 52 23 29 6 6 43 16 27 00700000 Purla bari 41 7 34 3 3 36 4 32 00700100 Dania 26 21 5 19 17 2 7 4 3 00700200 Balia 9 6 3 4 3 I 3 I 2 00700300 Majhok 15 10 II 5 6 4 4 00700400 La/bari 1 ] I I 00700500 Janumjai 59 13 46 58 12 46 00700600 Bamro 106 67 39 I 18 8 10 00700700 Babhantola 102 51 5] 39 29 10 61 22 39 00700800 Barchuna ······--"--"-Un-inhabited------"----- 00700900 Moharnmadpur Bhagnl 21 12 9 I I 14 7 7 00701000 Kap arporbandha 00701100 Pichhla 54 43 11 8 7 28 21 7 00701200 .IiaGachhi -·------"----Un-inhabitcd--··--····---- 00701300 Bastadangi

464 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Kishanganj of marginal workers Location Household industry workers Other workers Non-workers code Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Name ofVillu&e number 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 55 54 407 165 242 Phulwari 00699700 ------Un- i nh ab ited ------Kalahalia Bhag 00699800 3 I 2 743 264 479 Kalahalia 00699900 2 2 1,390 503 887 Purla bari 00700000 1,227 441 786 Daula 00700100 2 2 1,057 428 629 Balia 00700200 413 171 242 M~jhok 00700300 566 195 371 Lalbari 00700400 383 139 244 Janamjai 00700500 87 59 28 948 377 571 Bararo 00700600 2 2 907 298 609 Babhantola 00700700 ------U n-inhab ited------Barchuna 00700800 642 2,353 850 1,503 Mahammadpur Bhagal 00700900 74 16 58 Kaparporbundha 00701000 5 4 13 II 2 3,152 1,107 2,045 Pichhlu 00701100 ------Un-inhabited------liaGachhi 00701200 1 I 1,371 461 910 Bastadangi 00701300




Area of Pupulation in the Location Name of Towill Ward Townl Ward Number of Total population (including age-group 0-6 emle in square households institutional and bouselcss nlllnot!r Kllomett·c population) Persons Mal~s Fcmale~ PersDns Males Fema'es 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ID

4{)S{)lO(lO Thllku1wmj (NA) 10.5 2,90S 15,300 S,102 7,198 2.644 1,374 1,27() OUOI WardNll l 143 736 384 352 129 61 68 0002 Ward No 2 355 1.916 1.007 909 388 201 187 (l(lO3 Ward No. 3 266 U71 674 597 283 156 127 O()O4 Ward No. " 570 2,653 1,407 1,246 307 161 146 (lOn) WmdNo.5 156 927 495 432 168 81 87 ODOr. Ward No (1 161 851 457 J94 144 61 83 O()O7 Ward No.7 250 1,436 763 673 304 155 149 O()t18 Wart1Nt.8 211 1,088 jY6 492 190 IO? 83 (lOOt) Wmd Nli. £) 132 689 363 326 96 50 46 0010 Ward No. 10 126 892 465 427 147 69 78 O()ll Ward N,1. 11 46 140 130 110 33 22 11 (J012 Wurd No. t2 14 410 218 192 47 27 2() 00[3 Ward No. 13 56 30) 161 144 4S 23 22 0014 Ward No 14 86 524 266 258 1()2 61 41 (JOIS Wald No 15 273 1.362 716 646 261 139 122

40802000 BahAdurg:mj (NAJ 29.2 5,563 28,118 14,897 13.221 5,959 3,067 2,892 (Jonl Ward No 1 597 2,67R 1,354 1,324 601 315 28& ()Om Ward No 2 446 2.376 1.225 1,151 531 270 261 (J003 W~rd Nll. 3 692 3.369 1.769 1,600 785 417 36& ()()D4 Ward No 4 421 2,427 1,496 931 425 215 210 OOOS Ward No.5 507 2,721 1,427 1.294 593 304 289 0006 Ward No.6 605 2,952 1.546 1,406 555 277 278 0007 WaldNo.7 603 2,983 1,562 1.421 645 317 328 ()OOS Ward No.8 568 2,924 1526 1.39& 652 329 m OO(}Y Ward No.9 497 2,507 1,299 1,208 547 283 264 1)010 Ward No. 10 627 3.181 1,693 lASB 623 340 283

401103000 Kishangallj (M) 30.1 15,430 85,590 46,253 39,337 15,49U 7,931 7,559 DO(\] WardNo 1 875 4,544 2,466 2.,07& 956 490 466 0002 Ward No. 2. 305 1,597 818 779 358 159 19S 0003 Ward No.3 350 1,740 909 831 433 219 214 0004 WnrdNo.4 251 l.J91 731 660 338 170 168 OOOS WaraNo ;; 1,050 6,407 3,681 2.726 1,337 710 627 O(J06 Word No 6 892 4.793 2,590 2,203 826 388 438 0007 Ward No 7 771 4.332 2.318 2,014 755 387 368 (JOOS WarelNo 8 551 2.892 1,685 1,207 37[, 182 194 000'·) Ward Nil 9 933 4,985 2,809 2.176 757 396 361 0011) Ward No. 10 26A 1.411 750 667 187 86 101 ()(lll Ward No. II 180 1.090 565 525 143 75 68 O()I! Ward No 12 161 984 506 478 163 85 78 0013 Ward N(l. 13 81 496 264 232 67 35 32 (J014 Wnrd No. 14 JJ2 762 39ff 364 1()9 62 47 (l(l\S W~Hl No. IS 96 554 286 2M 88 43 45 0016 Ward No. 16 708 1794 1,9~9 1,795 618 320 298 0017 Ward No.17 653 3,965 2.112 1.853 857 417 440 0018 WardNo [8 217 1,129 582 547 151 72 79 0019 Ward No. 19 383 1,850 975 875 251 128 123 0020 Ward No. 20 889 4,946 2,629 2,317 816 432 384 0021 W,lrQ ND. 21 486 2,547 [,386 1,161 418 208 210 0022 Ward No, 22 618 3,403 1,837 1,566 604 311 293 C'023 Ward No. 23 525 2.882 1,496 1386 567 281 286 0024 Ward 1'10.24 383 2,17() 1,123 1,053 358 184 174 0025 Ward No. 25 423 2,078 I.OgS 983 295 161 134 0026 Ward No. 26 381 2,298 1,239 1,059 438 223 215 OD27 Ward No. 27 371 2.379 1.359 1.020 504 299 205


Name of Town! Ward Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males females 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

1,146 585 561 734 386 348 8,087 4,946 3,141 Thalmrganj (NA) 69 36 33 9 6 3 420 275 145 Ward No, I 292 150 142 45 25 20 1,000 613 387 Ward No, 2 22 9 13 331 173 158 452 341 111 Ward No, 3 176 89 87 334 174 160 1,579 921 658 Ward No, 4 30 15 15 10 5 5 536 340 196 Ward No, 5 341 175 166 248 170 78 Ward No, 6 53 31 22 545 349 196 Ward No.7 22 12 10 617 385 232 Ward No.8 67 34 33 5 3 2 468 282 186 Ward No.9 608 349 259 Ward No. 10 196 108 88 Ward No. II 12 6 6 307 [68 139 Ward No. 12 240 136 104 Ward No. 13 335 178 157 Ward No. 14 62 28 34 536 331 205 Ward No. IS

2,717 1,415 1,302 422 209 213 9,402 6,485 2,917 Bnhadurganj ( NA) 79 41 38 848 607 241 Ward No.1 129 66 63 720 507 213 Ward No. 2 71 32 39 15 5 10 706 520 186 Ward No.3 70 39 31 122 57 65 981 793 188 WarelNo.4 55 33 22 26 11 15 1,250 768 482 Ward No.5 1,708 887 821 6 I 5 1,580 986 594 Ward No.6 90 53 37 14 5 9 1,096 699 397 Ward No. 1 275 136 139 87 42 45 834 579 255 Ward No.8 183 97 86 107 63 44 461 367 94 Ward No.9 57 31 26 45 25 20 926 659 267 Ward No. 10

10,294 5,468 4,826 1,094 569 525 44,772 27,655 17,lJ7 Kishanganj (M) 674 362 312 27 19 8 1,633 1,135 498 Ward No. I 141 76 65 275 135 140 416 311 105 Ward No. 2 532 279 253 397 283 114 Ward No.3 15 7 8 478 304 174 Ward No.4 519 262 257 284 144 140 2,012 1,520 492 Ward No.5 605 316 289 220 118 102 2,427 1,532 895 Ward No. 6 303 148 155 23 11 12 2,355 1,419 936 Ward No.1 564 392 172 71 34 37 1,905 1,264 641 Ward No. 8 568 319 249 109 65 44 3,272 2,018 1,254 Ward No.9 350 175 175 8 5 3 929 546 383 Ward No. 10 178 88 90 775 430 345 Ward No. II 62 30 32 685 367 318 Ward No. 12 399 217 182 WarelNo.13 22 14 8 574 313 261 Ward No. 14 7 5 2 394 216 178 Ward No. 15 1,147 588 559 2,455 1,457 998 Ward No. 16 436 230 206 3 2. 1,791 1,118 673 Ward No. 17 46 21 25 862 481 381 Ward No. 18 93 54 39 1,492 810 682 Ward No. 19 1,051 550 501 10 6 4 2,793 1,690 1,103 Ward No, 20 415 209 206 2 I 1 1,657 1,040 617 Ward No. 21 433 213 220 18 9 9 1,770 1,097 673 Ward No, 22 318 150 168 8 3 5 1,195 761 434 Ward No. 23 230 131 99 9 4 1,383 778 60S Ward No. 24 440 238 202 14 6 8 1,463 826 637 Ward No. 2S 60 28 32 6 3 3 1,300 753 547 Ward No. 26 9 6 3 995 626 369 Ward No. 27


Location Name ofTownl Ward Total workers Main workers Godc III iterates number Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons 27 28 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 440 4,144 3,748 396 40801000 Thakllrganj (NA) 7,213 3,156 4,057 4,354 3,914 12 191 182 9 0001 Ward No. I 316 109 207 194 182 484 458 26 0002 Ward No.2 916 394 522 495 465 30 000) Ward No.3 819 333 486 S08 375 133 501 373 128 663 0004 Ward No.4 1,074 486 588 758 673 85 748 85 0005 Ward No. S 391 155 236 238 223 15 210 196 14 0006 Ward No.6 603 287 316 216 208 8 213 206 7 289 0007 Ward NO.7 891 414 477 357 329 28 302 13 0008 Ward NO.8 471 211 260 307 290 17 288 271 17 00()9 Ward No.9 221 81 140 206 183 23 184 167 17 0010 Ward No. 10 284 116 168 261 234 27 255 229 26 0011 Ward No. II 44 22 22 65 58 7 65 58 7 0012 Ward No. 12 !O3 50 53 136 120 16 124 108 16 0013 Watd Nt). 13 65 25 40 81 77 4 81 77 4 0014 Ward No. 14 189 88 101 132 129 3 115 112 3 0015 Ward No. 15 826 385 441 400 368 32 383 359 24

40802000 DalmdUt'ganj ( NA) 18,716 8,412 10,304 7,739 7,084 655 6,913 6,496 417 0001 Ward No. I 1,830 747 1,083 775 710 65 655 616 39 0002 Ward No. 2 1,656 718 938 620 584 36 485 472 13 0003 Ward No.3 2,663 1,249 1,414 1,055 889 166 841 801 40 0004 Ward No.4 1,446 703 743 514 483 31 508 478 30 0005 Ward No.5 1,471 659 812 705 642 63 645 599 46 0006 Ward No. 6 1,372 560 812 816 771 45 716 682 34 0007 Wurd No.7 \,887 863 1,024 805 759 46 771 727 44 0008 Ward No.8 2,090 947 1,143 846 776 70 799 731 68 0009 WanlNo.9 2,046 932 1,114 724 633 91 676 601 75 01110 Ward No. 10 2,255 1,034 1,221 879 837 42 817 789 28

40803000 Kishanganj (M) 40,818 18,598 22,220 23,787 21,518 2,269 21,447 19,847 1,600 0001 Ward No. I 2,911 1,331 1,580 1,424 1,308 116 1,325 1,258 67 0002 Ward No.2 1,181 507 674 540 457 83 477 402 7S 0003 Ward No.3 1,343 626 717 551 469 82 500 457 43 0004 Ward No. 4 913 427 486 376 358 18 374 357 17 0005 Ward No. 5 4,395 2,161 2,234 1,602 1,456 146 1,413 1,285 m 0006 Ward No. 6 2,366 1,058 1,308 1,395 1,207 188 1,312 1,156 156 0007 Ward No.7 1,977 899 1,078 1,067 995 72 996 938 58 0008 Ward No.8 987 421 566 740 710 30 643 619 24 0009 Ward No. 9 1,713 791 922 1,562 1,416 146 1,458 1,347 III 0010 Ward No. 10 488 204 284 397 378 19 364 348 16 0011 Ward No. 11 315 135 180 348 315 33 344 313 31 0012 Ward No. 12 299 139 160 281 252 29 266 241 25 0013 Ward No. 13 97 47 50 165 157 8 155 152 3 0014 Ward No. 14 188 85 103 230 215 15 226 211 15 0015 Ward No. 15 160 70 90 156 ISO 6 153 148 5 0016 WnrdNo.16 1,339 542 797 1,127 1,004 123 1,013 962 51 0017 Ward No. 17 2,174 994 1,180 1,001 921 80 921 866 55 0018 Ward No. 18 267 101 166 331 302 29 311 293 18 0019 Ward No. 19 358 165 193 548 487 61 510 464 46 0020 Ward No, 20 2,153 939 1,214 1,417 1,243 174 1,343 1,193 150 0021 Ward No. 21 890 346 544 794 700 94 710 662 48 0022 Ward No. 22 1,633 740 893 920 825 95 748 684 64 0023 Ward No. 23 1,687 735 952 843 758 85 608 572 36 0024 Ward No. 24 793 345 448 551 482 69 511 456 55 0025 Ward No. 25 615 269 346 574 530 44 524 487 37 0026 Ward No. 26 998 486 512 532 484 48 465 431 34 0027 Ward No.27 1,384 733 651 615 583 32 575 550 25

472 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Industrial category of main workers Name of Townl Ward Household industry Cu Ilivators Agricultural labourers Other workers workers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

262 249 13 898 753 145 67 59 8 2,917 2,687 230 Thukurgllllj (NA) 12 12 19 18 1 2 2 158 150 8 Ward No. I 31 30 1 91 84 7 7 7 355 337 18 WardNo.2 75 73 2 223 141 82 203 159 44 Ward No.3 69 65 4 212 181 31 2 465 416 49 Ward NO.4 14 12 2 2 2 6 6 188 176 12 Ward No.5 43 39 4 - 170 167 3 Ward No.6 7 6 45 43 2 250 240 10 Ward No.7 6 6 115 112 3 2 165 152 13 Ward No.8 3 3 7 7 174 157 17 Ward No.9 14 14 26 20 6 214 194 20 Ward No 10 3 3 62 55 7 Ward No 11 11 10 II 6 6 6 96 86 10 Ward No. 12 I I 80 76 4 Ward No. 13 12 11 102 100 2 Ward No. 14 11 10 132 122 10 5 235 222 13 Ward No. 15

1,285 1,253 32 3,040 2,873 167 108 68 40 2,480 2,302 178 Bahadurg:mj ( NA) 200 195 5 271 258 13 19 13 6 165 150 15 Ward No.1 165 162 3 241 236 1 1 78 73 5 Ward No.2 225 217 8 425 409 16 5 5 186 170 16 Ward No.3 97 95 2 240 231 9 2 2 169 150 19 Ward No.4 40 40 104 98 6 20 ]0 10 48] 451 30 Ward No.5 8 8 54 52 2 11 8 3 643 614 29 Ward No.6 125 123 2 336 322 14 8 8 302 274 28 Ward No.7 97 96 1 495 447 48 3 3 204 185 19 Ward No.8 120 112 8 404 364 40 37 17 20 liS 108 7 Ward No.9 208 205 3 470 456 14 2 137 127 10 Ward No. 10

1,001 950 51 2,412 2,070 342 465 374 91 17,569 16,453 1,116 Kishanganj (M) 50 48 2 259 243 16 20 11 9 996 956 40 Ward No. I 129 115 14 245 186 59 4 4 99 97 2 Ward No.2 117 114 3 345 306 39 38 37 Ward No.3 136 132 4 160 148 12 8 8 70 69 1 Ward No.4 196 187 9 540 446 94 5 5 672 647 25 Ward No.5 25 23 2 20 19 1 79 60 19 l,18B 1,054 134 Ward No.6 28 28 31 26 23 21 2 914 863 51 Ward No.7 2 2 641 617 24 Ward No.8 75 73 2 108 103 5 37 29 8 1,238 1,142 96 Ward NO.9 2 2 1 I 361 345 16 Ward No. ]0 6 5 1 337 311 26 Ward No. 11 I 9 5 4 255 234 21 Ward No. 12 I I 2 2 152 149 3 Ward No. 13 5 5 221 206 15 Ward No. 14 5 148 143 5 Ward No. 15 34 26 8 979 936 43 Ward No. 16 10 9 15 10 5 14 11 3 882 836 46 Ward No. 17 311 293 18 Ward No. 18 1 I 4 4 504 463 41 Ward No. 19 159 96 63 27 25 2 1,157 1,072 85 Ward No. 20 I 4 4 22 19 3 683 638 45 Ward No. 21 7 7 16 ]6 7 7 718 654 64 Ward No. 22 1 I 10 10 48 39 9 549 522 27 Ward No. 23 2 2 5 5 15 15 489 434 55 Ward No. 24 6 6 4 4 13 7 6 501 470 31 Ward No. 25 7 6 2 2 456 425 31 Ward No. 26 7 7 8 7 8 7 1 552 529 23 Ward No. 21

473 DISTR!CT CENSUS HANDBOOK; KISHANGANJ URBAN PRIMARY Industrial ca1e,\loQ:: Locatlrm Name of Tnwni Ward code Marginal workers Cultivators Agl'i1:u!turallabourers rlllll1b~r Persons Males Females Persons Males Femiil<:;s Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

4080]000 Tbakurganj (NA) 210 166 44 3 2 41 28 f3 ~)O(ll Wl\(d No. ~ 3 3 OllO2 WnrdNo.2 11 7 4 4 2 2 aUOJ Ward No.3 i 2 5 6 2 4 OO()4 Ward No. 4 ]() 10 0005 Ward No. 5 28 27 I 0006 WlIrdNo.6 3 2 I 0007 Ward No.7 ;5 40 15 !3 8 5 000& Ward No, H 19 19 6 6 (]O09 Ward No, 9 22 !6 6 00 i[) W"nINo,10 6 O[}II WrtrdNo.ll 0012 Ward No. 12 l2 12 6 6 arm Ward No. 13 [1014 WnnlNo. I~ 17 17 2 2 I [,015 W:udNo.15 17 9 & if 2 2 408(J200(J Bahadurgllnj ( NA) 826 588 238 90 75 15 507 354 153 000] Ward No. I 120 94 26 4J 37 4 32 32 0002 Ward No. 2 135 112 23 8 6 1 IlJ 95 O(lO3 WardNo.3 18 214 ll8 126 G 5 1 194 72 122 0004 Vhrd'-lo.4 6 :5 I 0005 W~rd No.:5 60 43 11 6 6 OO[l~ We're:: i'J{l. is 100 g9 II 5:5 :.=+ OO(}i Ward No. 7 34 32 2 2 2 20 2(1 OOOE Ward No, 8 47 45 2 2 2 38 38 0009 Ward No. 9 48 32 16 :; 4 ! 36 24 12 0010 W~rdNo. !I} 62- 48 14 23 16 7 12 12 408~JOOO J(i~ilang.allj (M) 2,340 1,-671 GG9 94 85 9 606 421 185 0001 Ward No.1 99 50 49 3 3 40 15 25 O(>{)2 \Yard No.2 63 55 8 21 ZI 24 20 4 0003 \VardNo.3 51 12 39 0004 45 7 38 WardNI,l,4 2 I J 0005 Wa;d No. S 189 171 18 34 34 0006 Ward No. 6 126 115 II 83 51 32 2 2 0007 Ward No.7 71 .;-- 7 I 6 ~ I 14 2 0008 2 1 Ward No. & 97 91 6 0009 2 2 Ward No, 9 104 69 35 0010 7 6 WafdNo,10 33 30 3 DOli 'lVilfO No. r j 4 2 2 0012 Ward No. 12 15 11 4 OOB Ward No. 13 10 j 5 0014 Ward No. ,4 4 4 0015 Ward No. 15 3 2 0016 Ward No. 16 114 42 72 0017 Ward No. 17 SO 55 25 0018 4 3 Ward No. 18 20 9 Il 0019 Ward No. [9 3& 23 15 0020 Ward No. 20 74 50 24 (J02! 3 3 W~rd No. 21 84 38 46 O()22 1 Ward No. 22 172 141 31 0023 l 2 12 9 3 Ward No. 23 235 186 49 {}(}24 9 9 lOO 92 8 WnnlNo.24 40 26 14 0025 4 4 Ward No. 25 50 43 7 0026 9 9 Ward No. 26 67 S3 14 0027 WarelNo.27 40 33 7

474 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT of marginal workers Name ofTownl Ward Location Household industry Other workers Non-workers code workers number

Per~ons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2

2 2 164 134 30 10,946 4,188 6,758 Thllkurganj (NA) 40801000 3 3 542 202 340 Ward No. 1 0001 6 I 1,421 542 879 Ward No.2 0002 I 763 299 464 Ward No.3 0003 10 lO 1,895 734 1,161 Ward No.4 0004 28 27 689 272 417 Ward No.5 0005 3 2 I 635 249 386 Ward NO.6 0006 42 32 10 1,079 434 645 Ward No.7 0007 13 13 781 306 475 Ward No.8 0008 21 15 6 483 180 303 Ward No. 9 0009 4 3 631 231 400 Ward No. 10 0010 175 72 103 Ward No. 11 0011 6 6 274 98 176 Ward No. 12 0012 224 84 140 Ward No. 13 0013 14 14 392 137 255 Ward No. 14 0014 13 7 6 962 348 614 Ward No. 15 0015

43 6 37 186 153 33 20,379 7,813 12,566 Bahadurganj (NA) 40802000 21 21 26 25 1 1,903 644 1,259 Ward No. 1 0001 1 1 13 11 2 1,756 641 1,115 Ward No.2 0002 1 13 11 2 2,314 880 1,434 Ward No. 3 0003 4 3 1,913 1,013 900 Ward No. 4 0004 5 I 4 48 35 13 2,016 785 1,231 Ward No. 5 0005 4 2 2 40 32 8 2,136 775 1,361 Ward No. 6 0006 12 10 2 2,178 803 1,375 Ward No. 7 0007 7 5 2 2,078 750 1,328 Ward No. 8 0008 5 2 3 2 2 1,783 666 1,117 Ward No. 9 0009 6 1 5 21 19 2 2,302 856 1,446 Ward No. 10 0010

153 48 105 1,487 1.117 370 61,803 24,735 37,068 Kishangallj (M) 40803000 12 1 II 44 31 13 3,120 1,158 1,962 WardNo. I 0001 2 I 1 16 13 3 1,057 361 696 Ward No. 2 0002 6 5 1,189 440 749 Ward No. 3 0003 1 1,015 373 642 Ward No. 4 0004 29 22 7 4,805 2,225 2,580 Ward No. 5 0005 7 3 4 67 45 22 3,398 1,383 2,015 Ward No. 6 0006 2 2 66 52 14 3,265 1,323 1,942 Ward No. 7 0007 95 89 6 2,152 975 1,177 Ward No. 8 0008 13 6 7 83 56 27 3,423 1,393 2,030 Ward No. 9 0009 32 30 2 1,020 372 648 Ward No. 10 DOlO 4 2 2 742 250 492 Ward No. 11 0011 15 11 4 703 254 449 Ward No. 12 0012 3 2 7 3 4 331 107 224 Ward No. 13 0013 4 4 532 183 349 Ward No. 14 0014 3 2 I 398 136 262 Ward No. 15 0015 30 6 24 84 36 48 2,667 995 1,672 Ward No. 16 0016 10 2 8 66 50 16 2,964 1,191 1,773 Ward No. 17 0017 20 9 11 798 280 518 Ward No. 18 0018 I 37 23 14 1,302 488 814 Ward No. 19 0019 8 7 63 46 17 3,529 1,386 2,143 Ward No. 20 0020 21 21 62 38 24 1,753 686 1,067 Ward No. 21 0021 5 5 lS3 125 28 2,483 1,012 1,471 Ward No. 22 0022 10 2 8 116 83 33 2,039 738 1,301 Ward No. 23 0023 5 :; 31 22 9 1,625 641 984 Ward No. 24 0024 I 1 40 34 6 1,504 565 939 Ward No. 25 0025 2 2 64 52 12 1,766 755 I,DIl Ward No. 26 0026 4 4 36 29 7 1,764 776 988 Ward No. 27 0027

475 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ URBAN PRIMARY Area of Locatioll Name ofTownf Ward TownfWal'd Number of Total population (including Population in the code in square households institutional and houseless age-group 0-6 nUlllhcr Kilometre population) Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

40801000 Thakurganj (NA) 10.5 2,905 15,300 8,102 7,198 2,644 1,374 1,270 0028 Ward No. 28 399 2,353 1,230 1,123 448 225 223 0029 Ward No. 29 933 5,148 2,797 2,351 777 396 381 0030 Ward No. 30 423 2,550 1,358 1,192 604 321 283 0031 Ward No. 31 461 2,588 1,454 1,134 550 284 266 0032 Ward No. 32 279 1,520 806 714 341 182 159


Name ofTownl Ward Scheduled Castes population Scheduled Tribes population Literates

Persons Males Females Persons Malts Females Persons Males Females II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2

1,146 585 561 734 386 348 8,087 4,946 3,141 Thalmrganj (NA) 189 100 89 1,370 798 572 Ward No. 28 613 330 283 4 3 3,400 2,011 1,389 Ward No. 29 121 62 59 [.019 624 395 Ward No. 30 74 41 33 3 3 894 690 204 Ward No. 31 79 44 35 282 220 62 Ward No.32


Location Name of Town/ Ward code Illiterates Total workers Main workers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

4080100() Thakurganj (NA) 7,213 3,156 4,057 4,354 3,914 440 4,144 3,748 396 0028 Ward No. 28 983 432 551 558 509 49 518 480 38 0029 Ward No. 29 1,748 786 962 1,288 1,193 95 1,130 1,047 83 0030 Ward No. 30 1,531 734 797 613 581 32 571 547 24 0031 Ward No. 31 1,694 764 930 721 639 82 557 511 46 0032 Ward No. 32 1,238 586 652 520 434 86 426 410 16

478 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT CENSUS ABSTRACT Industrial category of main workers Name of Town! Ward Household industry Cultivators Agricuitll1'al labourers Other workers workers

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2

262 249 13 898 753 145 67 59 8 2,917 2,687 230 Thakurganj (NA) 10 8 2 15 13 2 12 11 1 481 448 33 Ward No. 28 20 17 3 46 37 9 46 39 7 1,018 954 64 Ward No. 29 28 28 31 30 1 11 II 501 478 23 Ward No. 30 49 48 148 130 18 8 6 2 352 327 25 Ward No. 31 83 81 2 234 223 11 3 2 106 104 2 Ward No. 32


Industrial cate~or~ Location Name ofTownl Ward code Marginal workers Cultivators Agricultural labourers numher Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 41 42 43 44 4S 46 47 48 49

40801000 ThnkUl'ganj (NA) 210 166 44 3 2 41 28 13 0028 Ward No. 28 40 29 11 3 3 0029 Ward No. 29 158 146 12 3 3 29 28 0030 Ward No. 30 42 34 8 3 3 4 4 On3! Ward No. 31 164 128 36 112 85 27 0032 Ward No. 32 94 24 70 10 7 73 14 S9


of mar~inal workers Name ofTownl Ward Location Household industry Other workers Non-workers code workers number Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2

2 2 164 134 30 10,946 4,188 6,758 Thalmrganj (NA) 40801000 36 26 10 1,795 721 1,074 Ward No. 28 0028 14 12 2 112 103 9 3,860 1,604 2,256 Ward No. 29 0029 35 27 8 1,937 777 1,160 Ward No. 3D 0030 50 41 9 1,867 815 1,052 Ward No. 31 0031 10 7 1,000 372 628 Ward No. 32 0032



ANNEXURES ANNEXURE-I NUMBER OF VILLAGES UNDER EACH GRAM PANCHAYAT ( CD.BLOCK W1SE) Name of C.D.Block Nam;! of Gram Panchayat Number ot'villages Remarks 2 3 4 Terbagachh Bhorha 6 Khal1iaIJad 10 Hatgaon 5 Kalpir 6 Jllllnki MlJsahara 7 Dhabaili 8 lnala 3 I-Iawakol 5 Matiati 2 Chilhania 9 Dak Pokhar 12 Baigna 8 DighltlbnllK Singhimari 4 Ld-'i.g~:hEl 6 Lachhmipur 1 P atharghaiti 4 Dhangra <5 Tvlshia 3 Dahibhat 4 MOJ1gra 7 Sat Kauwa <5 Dighal Bank 4 ,Dhanola 7 Karuamilni 7 Algachhia 11 Jagil' Padalllpur 3 Tflrabari PaJampur 3 Ikra 5 14 Tliakurgallj Banaar Jhllh Dalligaon 1 Malingaon 10 Dumaria 6 PawaKhali 6 Tatpowa 8 Rasia 5 Bhatlhnara 7 Kharudah 8 Barchallndi 5 Jirangachh 2 Chhaital S Bh{)gDabar 4 Dudhaumi 8 Patesari 9 Churli 2

435 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KI~HANGANJ ANNEXURE -I (CONTD.) NUMBER OF VILLAGES UNDER EACH GRAM PANCHAYAT (C.D.BLOCK WISE) Name of C.D.Block Name of Gram Panchayat Number of villages Remarks 2 3 4 Kanakpur 3 Sakhuadali 8 Patharia 7 Besarbati 2 Kudurbaghi 9 Bhatgaon Pothin Dubal10chi 6 Phala 9 Mirzapur 9 Gorllkhal 8 Klisiari 13 Kasba Kaliagunj 4 BlII'hnai 4 Sarogora 7 BlIdhra 7 Nallkatta 5 Thipi Jhari II Udgara 9 Bhota Thana 7 Chhatar Gachh 7 Sitalpur Koltha 4 Raipur 8 Paharkatta 4 Panasi 6 Jahangirplir 4 ParlaBari 10 Damal Bari 6 Bnhadurganj DurgaplIr Bangaon 7 Nisndara 7 Laucha 7 Mahesh Bathna 8 Bhatabari 4 Jhingakata istamrar 4 Palasmani 2 DohaI' 2 Jhiljhili 8 Samesar 3 Netuapara 8 Bhaurdah 5 Bangaon 2 Guabari 7 Chandbar 6 Mahammad Nagar 7

486 ANNEXURES ANNEXURE -I (CONCLD.) NUMBER OF VILLAGES UNDER EACH GRAM PANCHAYAT ( CO. BLOCK WISE) Name of C.D.Block Name of Gram Panchayat Number of villages Remarks 2 3 4 Chikabari 6 Altabari 4 Gangi I Deshiatoli 7 Kocitaditalllin Kairbirpur 5 Bishunpur 3 l-laldikhora 3 Ma.ikuri 7 SUlldarbari 7 Balia 9 Kochadhamin 4 Santha 3 Purandaha 5 Katamata 8 Bhagal 6 Modho 6 Gurgaol1 3 Barijan Pothimari Jagir 6 Ml\jgaol1 6 Tegharia 8 Patkoikalan 10 Deramari 9 Bagalbari 13 BoaJdah 5 KamaJpur 4 Najurpur 4 Himatnagar 6 Kutli 10 Kishanganj Halamala 3 Belwa 5 Motihara Taluka 5 Singhia KuJamani 6 Gachhpara 7 Simalbari 8 Chakla 10 Mehangaon 8 Daula 10 Babhangama 10 Total 771


ANNEXURE -II ESTIMATE OF CHILD MORTALITY, 1981 AND 1991 ----.----~~~~~~~~~.:..:::...:::.:..:....------Persons q (5) Statl!JDistnct Year q (1) q (2) q {3} BIhar 1991 75 84 86 89 1981 94 112 125 141

KIshallgallJ 1991 113 120 126 136 1981 117 147 151 162

From the estimates of child mortality (number of An interesting feature which can be noticed from deaths by ages 1.2,3 and 5) given in Annexure II as the aImexure is that the child mortality at the ages q( 1),q(2),q(3) and q(5), it is observed that there is 1,2,3 and 5 was highe!' in the district compared to decline trend in child mortality over decade (in 1991 the state average at the time of 1981 and 1991 census as compared to 1981 census) both in the Censuses. It indicates that the pace of decline in child district as well as in the state. mortality is slower in the district as well as in the state.

ANNEXURE-III VARIOUS MEASURES OF FERTILITY AND MEAN AGE AT MARRIAGE, 1991 CENSUS Various fertility measures for the districts and the state(199t-Census)

State District 2 3 CBR 36.2 38

TFR 5.3 5.6

TMFR 5.9 6.9

GFR 163 172

GMFR 186 221

Child woman ratio 66.6 67.7

No. of children ever born per woman age group(45-49) 4.1 4.7

Mean age at marriage 16.5 17.6

488 ANNEXURES Some other ferti I ity measures for Kishanganj district as compared to the state average in 1991 district and the state are furnished in above Census. The chi ld woman ratio is found to be annexure III. It can be seen from fertility data higher in Kishanganj district compared to the state presented above that fertility measures sLlch as average. Number of children ever born per Crude Birth Rate (CBR), Total Fertility Rate woman in age-group 45-49 in Kishanganj district (TFR), Total Marital Fertility Rate (TMFR), is higher as compared to the state. The mean age General Fertility Rate (GFR) and General Marital at marriage of females is also higher in the district Fertility Rate (GMFR) are higher in Kishanganj as compared to the state average.



.------.. --~~.- Born elsewhere in the district of Born in Bihar enumeration Born in other district of Bihar M F P M F Statl.:1flistricl p M F P 7 8 10 :2 3 4 5 6 2,025,023 18.045,788 14.443,048 953,232 13,489.& 16 5.627.763 1.071,791 4,555.972 2(),070,811 l~ih1U {94.2) (86.4) (95.2) (h7.8) 14-0.7) (71.1) (26.4) (45.7) (24.0\ 22,901 181.316 18,231 163,085 Kis!ianganj 146,340 6,156 140.184 34,976 12,075 (87.0) (74.1 ) (88.7) (70.2) (25.0) (76.3) (16.8) (49.1) (12.5)

Born in Ilther states Born in o(lIer countries Total migrallts Stoite/Distrie( p M F P M F P M F 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2,343,005 18,964,015 Bihar 1.049,969 286,949 763,020 186,240 31,033 155,207 21,307,020 (4.93) (12.25) (4.02) (0.87) ( 1.32) (0.82) (l00.00) (100.00) (100.00) Kisllangal1j 22,019 4.977 17,042 5,070 1,390 3,680 208,405 24,598 183,807 (10.6) (20.2) (9.3) (H) (5.7) (20) (100.0) (100.0) ( 100.0)


Born elsewhcr~ in the district of ellumeration Bom in other district of Bihar Born in Bihal' StalelDistrict p M F P 1\1 F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bihar 13,662,859 1,303.785 12,359.074 4,532,117 585.0053,947,112 18,194,976 1.888,790 16,306,186 (68,4) (62,0) (69, I) (22.7) (27,8) (22.1) (91.0) {89,8) (91.2) Kishallganj 157,680 lQ,724 146,956 36,384 14.691 21M3 194.064 25.415 16&,649 (69,1) (3G,0) (76.4) (16.0) (41.2) ( 11.3) (85.1) {71.21 (87.7)

Born in other states Born in otller countries---_"_--_- T()tal migrants State/Distr:ct p M F P M F P M F J II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Bihar 1.582,339 195,360 1.386,979 211,880 18,501 193,379 19,989.195 2. I 02,651 17,886.544 (7,9) (9,3) (7.8) (LJ) (.9) (1.1 ) (100.0) (100,0) 1100.0) Kishal1gru1i 28,995 8.978 20,017 4,994 1,304- ),69D 228,053 35,697 192,)56 (]2.7] {:i.S.2) (lOA) 12.2\ (3,7) (1.9) (! 00,0) (100.0) 1100.0) \1igrants by place of birth are 213.07 lakh and Cells us, respec.tively. The migrants ill Kishangan_\ 199 ..89 :akh ill Bihar state as a whole duril1g 1991 district comprise 21.2 and 17.6 percent of the tota: and 2001 Cellslls, respectively. The migra:lts constitute population ofthe district during 199) and 2001 Census, :24.7 and 24.1 percent of the total population ill the respective I)'. Male and female migrallts IlCCOlll1t for state acc1Jrding to 1991 and 200 I Censlls, respectively. 4.8 and 38,7 percent, respectively of the totaJ The propoltion of male migrants is approximately 5 population while the proportion of Male at1d Female pecent during botl1 censuses whereas proport1on of migrants to its total population [s 5.3 and 30.7 percent female migrants is approximately 46 al1cl41 percent respectively til 2(JO ( CensLls. in ; 991 and 200 I Census, respectively, In Kishanganj From the distribution of total migrants in Bihar district, the totallllltnber ofmigrallts by place of birth by place of birth it can be clearly seen that females is 2.08 lakh and 2.28 lakh during 1991 and 2001 predominate in Intra district migration while males

490 ANNEXURES predominate in inter district, inter state and marriage from their place of birth and majority of international migration during both the censuses. cases this movement is within the same district i.e. Almost similar trend is noticed in Kishanganj district. the district of enumeration. Migrants born in other This probably indicates that migration offemales from states of India as also those born outside India have their place of birth is generally attributed to the lower proportion of females vis-a-vis males. prevailing custom of the girls moving away on ANNEXURE - IV (B) RURAL AND URBAN COMPOSITION OF INTERNAL MIGRANTS BY PLACE OF BIRTH, 1991 CENSUS Total! Place of enumeration Place of Birth Rural! Bihar Kishanganj Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TOTAL INTERNAL MIGRANTS Total 20,070,811 17,002,880 3.067,931 181.316 161.222 20,094 (I) within the state ( 100.0) (84.7) (15.3 ) ( 100.0) (88.9) (11.1 ) Rural 19,010.120 16,570,646 2,439,474 176,586 160,042 16,544 (94.7) (82.6) (12.2) (97.4) (88.3) (9.1 ) Urban 990.737 375,267 615,470 4,590 1040 3,550 (4.9) ( 1.9) (3. I) (2.5) (0.6) (2.0) (2) In other states 01' India Total 1,049,969 575,484 474.485 22,019 16.117 5,902 ( 100.0) (54.8) (45.2) ( 100.0) (73.2) (26.8) Rural 800,601 512,444 288,157 19,307 15,477 3.830 (76.2) (48.8) (27.4) (87.7) (70.3) ( 17.4) Urban 243,448 60,040 183.408 2,672 610 2,062 (23.2) (5.7) ( 17.5) (12.1 ) (2.8) (9.4)

Of the total intrastate migrants in the state, 82.6 urban and only 5.7 percent were from urban to rural percent were rural to rural, 3. I percent were from for the state of Bihar. Tn case of Kishanganj district, urban to urban, 12.2 percent were from rural to urban on the other hand, of the total migrants, 88.3 percent and 1.9 percent were from urban to rural. In case of were from rural to rural, 2.0 percent from urban to Kishanganj district, of the total intra-state migrants, urban, 9.1 percent were from rural to urban and only 88.3 percent were from rural to rural, 2.0 percent 0.6 percent were from urban to rural. were from urban to urban, 9.1 percent were from The number of migrants in the state who were rural to urban and 0.6 perceilt were from urban to born in other states of India accord ing to 1991 census rural. was 10.5 lakh, While in the district ofKishanganj the In case of migrants from other states, 48.8 corresponding figure was 22,0 19 (twenty two thousand percent were from rural to rural, 17.5 percent were and nineteen) as shall be evident from Annex.ure IV{C) from urban to urban, 27.4 percent were from rural to below: ANNEXURE - IV ( C ) INTERSTATE MIGRANTS, 1991 CENSUS Bihar Kishanganj Percentage to total Percentage to total Place of Birth Migrants Migrants Place of Birth Migrants Migrants 2 3 2 3 Anrlhra Pradesh 20,240 1.9 Andhra Pradesh 40 0.2 Assam 11,670 1.1 Assam 290 1.3 27.270 2.6 Goa 50 0.2 56,100 5.3 Gujarat 40 0.2 Orissa 75,040 7.2 Harxana 30 0.1 491 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ

ANNEXURE - IV ( C) (CONCLD.) INTERSTATE MIGRANTS, 1991 CENSUS Bihar Kishangan.i Percentage to total Percentage to total Migrants Migrants Place of Birth Migrants Migrants Place of Birth 2 3 1 2 3 60 OJ Punjab 20,785 2.0 Delhi 40 0.2 Ri\ia,than 28,353 2.7 Orissa 0.1 322,183 30.7 Tripura 30 West Bengal 418,759 39.9 Punjab 60 OJ Total for nine states 980,400 93.4 Rajasthan ].061 4.8 Other states 69,569 6.6 Uttar Pradesh 911 4. I Total 1,049,969 100.0 West Bengal 19.287 87.6 Total for thirteen states 21.899 99.5 Other states 120 0.5 Total 22,019 100.0

ANNEXURE - IV ( C) INTERSTATE MIGRANTS, 2001 CENSUS BUlUI' Kishanganj Percentage to total Percentage to total Place or Birth Migrants Migrants Place of Bil1h Migrants Migrants 2 3 2 3 Uttal' Pradesh 434,051 27.4 West Bengal 22,697 78.3 lharkhand 339,297 21.4 .lharkhand 2.485 8.6 Assam 133,758 S.5 Uttar Pradesh 1,386 4.8 West8engal 126,499 8.0 Rajasthan 959 3.3 Nagaland 101,267 6.4 Assam 486 1.7 Chhatisgargh 90,469 5.7 Total for five states 28,013 96.6 Gujamt 65,996 4.2 Other states 982 3.4 Uttranchal 63,527 4.0 Total 28,995 100.0 Jammu & Kashmir 43,737 2.8 Orissa 42,215 2.7 38,244 2.4 Rajasthan 20,542 1.3 Hal'ynna 20,505 1.3 Andhra Pradesh 18,371 1.2 Total for fourteen states 1,538,478 97.2 Other states 43,861 2.8 Total .,582,339 100.0 It transpires from the above annexure that during Uttar Pradesh states are prominent state which 1991 Census in case Df Bihar 9 States, namely, contribute 39.9 and 30.7 percent of migrants Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, respectively. In respect of Kishanganj district, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and West of the total 42,019 interstate migrants, West Bengal together constitute for 9.80 lakh (93.4%) of Bengal and Uttar Pradesh states contribute 87.6 the 10.5 litkh interstate migrants, West Bengal and and 4. I percentages respectively.


Again it can be seen that during 200 I Census in In respect of Kishanganj district, we can see that Bihar fourteen states together account for 15.3 8 lakhs out of 28,995 interstate migrants during 2001 Census, of the 15.82 lakhs interstate migrants, Uttar Pradesh 96.6 percent come from five states, namely, West and Jharkhand are major contributors among them. Bengal, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Rajsthan and Assam.

ANNEXURE-V(A) MAIN RELIGION AS PER 1991 CENSUS PI MI Total Other Religions Religion State/District F Population Hindu~ Muslims Christians Sikhs Jains Buddhists & Persusions nol Stated 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Bihar P 86.374.465 7L193,417 12.787.985 843,717 78,212 23,[)49 3.518 1,443,258 1.309 (82.4 ) ( 14.8) ( 1.0) (0.1) (0.0) (0.0) ( 1.7) (0.0) M 45,202,091 37.397,794 6.598.961 420,663 42,650 12,053 1.945 727.319 706 (82.7) (14.6) (0.9) (0.1) (0.0) (0.0) (1.6) (0.0) F 41,172,374 33,795,623 6,189,024 423,054 35,562 10,996 1,573 715,939 603 (82.1) (15.0) ( 1.0) (0.1 ) (0.0) (0.0) (1.7) (0.0) Kishanganj P 984,107 332,893 648,624 858 195 1.217 178 130 12 (33.8) (65.9) (0.1 ) (0.0) (0.1 ) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) M 508,988 172.861 334,783 437 106 637 87 70 7 (34.0) (65.8) (0.1) (0.0) (0.1) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) F 475,119 160,032 313,841 421 89 580 91 60 5 (33.7) (66.1) (0. I) (0.0) (0.1) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0)

ANNEXURE-V(A) MAIN RELIGION AS PER 2001 CENSUS PI M/ Total Other Religions Religion StatelDistrict F Population Hindus Muslims Christians Sikhs .lains Buddhists & Persusions not Stated 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II Bihar P 82,998,509 69,076,919 13,722,048 53,137 20,780 18,818 16,085 52,905 37,817 (83.2) (16.5) (0.1 ) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.1) (0.0) M 43.243,795 36.077,374 7,061.908 26,913 11,057 10,220 8.446 27,336 20,541 (83.4) ( 16.3) (0.1) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.1) (0.0) F 39,754,714 32,999,545 6.660,140 26,224 9,723 8,598 7.639 25,569 17,276 (83.0) (16.8) (0.1) (0.0) (0.0) (0,0) <0.1) (0.0) Kishanganj P 1,296,348 412,995 876,105 2,856 492 398 1,686 1,212 604 (31.9) (67.6) (0.2) (0.0) (0.0) (0.1 ) (0.1) (0.0) M 669,552 215,549 450,204 1,461 276 207 894 606 355 (32.2) (67.2) (0.2) (0.0) (0.0) (0.1 ) (0.1) (0.1) F 626,796 197.446 425,901 1,395 216 191 792 606 249 (31.5) (67.9) (0.2) (0.0) (O.O) (0.1) (0.1) (0.0)


ANNEXURE-V(B) MAIN RELIG ION IN DISTRI CT AND ITS CD. BLOCKS AS PER 1991 CENSUS PI Other Serial. Dislrlct MI' Total Religiolls & Religion N~llnbcr C. [) ..~I1~lu::::d;:___~r_.:...ro~p~u~la~tio~Il,--~H :!!inl!~u~s __;r-~1~us:.:.:1 i~t11:::...S ~C::..:hr:..::.js:::tia::.:l1s:::...' ~S~ik::.:h!_~ .-.::..::.1 a:.::il1:.::~_:B::.:u:.::d::.:d l:.:;li s:::;ts;_:;_:l'e:::_:'rs:.::u:::si:::ol1:::.s _:11.:_::(].::..t ::..:St::::at=ed 12 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Kisiwilganj P \)84.107 332.893 6-+8.621- 858 195 1.217 178 130 12 (33.R) (65.91 (0.1) ((1.0) (0.1) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) M 508,988 172.861 334,783 437 106 637 87 70 7 {34.0} (65.S) (0.1) (0.0) (0.1) (0.0) (0.0) (O.O) F 475,119 16(},032 J 13,841 421 89 580 91 60 5 (33.7) (66.1) (0.1) (0.0) (0.1) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) Kociladhaillin P 167,932 42.236 125.624- o (I 12 58 o 2 (25.2) (14.8) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) M H5.237 2().521i 64.675 o () 8 27 o I (24.1) (75.9) HUl) (O.OJ (0.0) F 82,695 2].710 60,949 o 0 4 31 o I (26.3) (73.7) (0.0) (0.0) (O.Q) 2 Kishunganj P 137,067 59,123 76,392 130 192 1.053 47 130 o (43.1) (55.7) (0.1) (0.1) (0.&) (0.0) (0.1) M 72.210 31.546 39,859 62 Ill] 548 22 70 (I (43.7) (55.2) (0.1) (0.1) (0.8) (0.0) (0.1) F M.SS7 27.577 36533 68 89 505 15 60 o (42.5) (56.3) (0.1) (0.1) (0.8) (O.O) (G. I ) 3 Terhagachh p 82,!f82 39,422 43559 o o 1 o o () (47.5) (52.5) - (0.0) M 42,865 20.402 22,462 o o 1 o o o (,47.6) :52.4) - (G.()) F 40,1 t7 ,9,020 21.ll97 o o 0 o I) (47.4) (52.6) 4 Dighalbank p ! 15,057 44,267 70,790 (J o o o o o (38.5) (61.5) M 59,425 22,948 36,477 o o 0 o o o (38.6) (61.4) F 55,632 21,319 34313 o o 0 o o o (38.3) (61.7) 5 Thakurgnnj p 170,336 67,622 !01,no 728 3 140 73 o o (39.7) (59.7) (0.4) (0.0) (0.1) (0.0) M 88,605 35.623 52,492 375 3 74 38 o o (40.2) (59.2) (0.4) (0.0) (0.1) 10.0) F aU31 31,999 49,278 353 o 66 35 o o (39.2) [6CJ) (0.4) (00) (0.1) (00) 6 Polhia p 152,385 42.966 109.416 o o 0 o o 3 (28.2) (71.R) (0.0) M 78,814 22,437 56,37S o o 0 o o 2 (28.5) (71.5) (0.0) F 73,571 20,529 53,041 o o 0 o o I (27.9) (72.1) (0.0) 7 Bahadurganj p 158.34 g 37,257 12\,073 o o II o o 7 (23.5) (76.5) - (0.0) (0.0) M 8),832 19,379 62,443 o o 6 o o 4 (23.7) (76.3) - (0.0) (0.0) F 76,516 17,878 58,630 [) o 5 o IJ 3 (23.4) (76.6) (0.0) (0.0) 494 ANNEXURES ANNEXURE-V(B) MAIN RELIGION IN DISTRICT AND ITS CD. BLOCKS AS PER 200t CENSUS P/ Other Serial. State/District MI Total Rcligions& Religion Number C.D.Block F Population Hindus Muslims Christians Sikhs Jains Buddhists Persusions not Stated 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 Kishanganj P 1,296,348 412,995 876,105 2.856 492 398 1,686 1.212 604 (31.9) (67,6) (0.2) (0.0) (0.0) (0.1) (0.1) (0.0) M 66,).552 215.549 450,204 1,461 276 207 894 606 355 (32.2) (67.2) (0.2) (0.0) (0.0) (01) (0.1) (0.1) F 626,796 197,446 425,901 1.395 216 191 792 606 249 (31.5) (67.9) (0.2) (0.0) (0.0) (0.1 ) (0.1) (0.0) Terhagachh p 107,036 50,075 56,708 89 5 19 55 7 78 (46.8) (53.0) (0.1 ) (O'() (0.0) (0.1) (0.0) (0.1 ) M 54,837 25,771 28,921 51 3 II 29 5 46 (47.0) (52.7) (0.1) (0.0) (0,0) (0.1) (0.0) (0.1 ) F 52.199 24,304 27,787 38 2 8 26 2 32 (46.6) (53.2) (0.1) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.1 ) 2 Dighalbank p 152,685 53,926 97,633 580 2 32 384 128 (35.3) (63.9) (0.4) (f).0) (0,0) (0.3) (0. I) M 78,309 27,773 49,985 276 I 18 192 64 (35.5) (63.8) (0.4) (0.0) (0,0) (0.2) (0.1) F 74,376 26,153 47,648 304 I 14 192 64 (35.2) (64.1) (0.4) (0.0) (0.0) (0.3) (0.1) 3 Thakurganj p 222,069 81,337 13Y,245 834 16 84 162 322 69 (36.6) (62.7) (0.4) (0.0) (0.0) (0,1) (O.l) (0.0) M 114,109 42,384 70,954 424 9 41 91 163 43 (37.1) (62.2) (0.4) (0.0) (0,0) (0.1) (0.1) (0.0) F 107,960 38,953 68,291 410 7 43 71 159 26 (36.1) (63.3) (0.4) (0.0) (0.0) (0.1 ) (0.1 ) (0.0) 4 Pothia P 196,293 51. 768 143.710 423 30 136 6 103 117 (26.4) (73.2) (0.2) (0.0) (0.1) (0.0) (0.1 ) (0.1) M 101,006 26,972 73,608 212 17 74 4 55 64 (26.7) (72.9) (0.2) (0.0) (0.1) (0.0) (O,I) (0.1 ) F 95,287 24,796 70,102 211 13 62 2 48 53 (26.0) (73.6) (0.2) (0.0) (0.1) (0,0) (0.1) (0,1) 5 BahadtJrgaf\i p 205,936 45,150 160,225 352 34 24 70 19 62 (21.9) (77.8) (0.2) (0.0) (0,0) (0,0) (0,0) (0,0) M 105,871 23,428 82,149 186 20 13 33 9 33 (22.1) (77.6) (0.2) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) F 100,065 2],722 78.076 166 14 11 37 10 29 (21.7) (78.0) (0.2) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0,0) 116 6 Kochadhamin p 226,620 56,692 169,264 33 29 50 68 368 (25.0) (74.7) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.2) (0.1 ) M 117,462 29,709 87.405 14 18 25 35 176 80 (25.3) (74.4 ) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0.1 ) (0.1) F 109,158 26,983 81,859 19 11 25 33 192 36 (24.7) (75.0) (0.0) (0.0) (0,0) (0.0) (0.2) (0.0) 7 Kisi1anganj p 185,709 74,047 109,320 545 376 53 1,325 9 34 (39.9) (58,9) (OJ) (0,2) (0.0) (0.7) (0.0) (0.0) M 97,958 39,512 57,182 298 208 25 702 6 25 (40.3 ) (58.4 ) (OJ) (0.2) (0.0) (0,7) (0.0) (0.0) F 87,75 [ 34,535 52,138 247 168 28 623 3 9 (39.4) (59.4 ) (OJ) (O.2) (0.0) (0.7) (0.0) (O.O)


It may be observed from Annexure V(A) and of the district's population during 1991 and 2001 VeB) that Hindus have higbest population proportion Census, respectively, which is much higher than the 82.4 and 83.2 percent in 1991 and 2001 Census and state average. The proportion of Christians, Sikhs, 33.8 and 31.9 percent of the population of Kishanganj Jains and Buddhists population in the state is very district during 1991 and 2001 Censlis respectively. low (only 1.1 percent). In KishangaI~j district, the The percentage of Hindus in the district is much lower proportion of Christians, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists than the state average. The Muslims came next with population is almost negl igible (only OJ percent). The 14.8 and 16.5 percent of the state's population during same trend prevails in 1110st of the community 1991 and 200 I Census respectively. The Muslims hold development blocks of the district. first position in the district with 65.9 and 67.6 percent


ANNEXURE - VI (A) DISTRIBUTION OF MARITAL STATUS OF POPULATION ASPER 1991 CENSUS State - Bihar Totall Total Population Marital Status Rurall Never Married Married Age Group Urban Person Male Female Male Female Male Female I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 All Ages T 86,374,465 45,202,091 41,172,374 24,512,936 18,613,837 19,729,611 20,517,085 R 75,021,453 39,045,095 35,976,358 20,990,649 16,012,911 17,181,389 18,144,461 U 11,353,012 6,156,996 5,196,016 3,522,287 2,600,926 2,548,222 2,372,624 0-9 T 24,691,732 12,660,698 12,031,034 12,660,698 12,031,034 0 0 R 21,819,922 11,186,118 10,633,804 11,186,118 10,633,804 0 0 U 2,871,810 1,474,580 1,397,230 1,474,580 1,397,230 0 0 10-14 T 10,578,951 5,792,120 4,786,831 5,636,614 4,436,334 147,826 343,847 R 9,10[,350 4,995,994 4,105,356 4,853,504 3,779,359 135,770 320,147 U 1,477,601 796,126 681,475 783,110 656,975 [2,056 23,700 15-19 T 7,318,082 4,029,098 3,288,984 3,360,148 1,455,198 661,300 1,818,956 R 6,186,982 3,392,461 2,794,521 2,768,366 1,112,947 617,285 1,668,124 U I, 131,100 636,637 494,463 591,782 342,251 44,015 150,832 20-24 T 6,822,703 3,389,738 3,432,965 1,477.975 244,771 1,892,423 3,157,657 R 5,837,568 2,845,376 2,992,192 1,119,007 156,460 1.708,829 2,808,712 U 985,135 544,362 440,773 358,968 88,311 183,594 348,945 25-29 T 6,376,012 3,156,949 3,219,063 473,459 51,049 2,654,036 3,129,175 R 5,527,467 2,714,954 2,812,513 343,750 34,730 2,344,245 2,743,469 U 848,545 44 J ,995 406,550 129,709 16,319 309,791 385,706 30·34 T 5,923,397 2,921,859 3,001,538 155,743 26,785 2,724,360 2,91] ,895 R 5,145,133 2,519,038 2,626,095 119,840 21,401 2,360,922 2,548,833 U 778,264 402,821 375,443 35,903 5,384 363,438 363,062 35·39 T 5,216,263 2,700,584 2,515,679 61,144 10,500 2,592,690 2,426,250 R 4,481,020 2,305,500 2,175,520 49,690 8,300 2,213,357 2,097,330 U 735,243 395,084 340,159 11,454 2,200 379,333 328,920 40-44 T 4,511,299 2,426,452 2,084,847 53,284 15,480 2,302,022 1,936,555 R 3,878,131 2,058,850 1,819,281 45,320 12,720 1,949,174 1,689,223 U 633,168 367,602 265,566 7,964 2,760 352,848 247,332 45·49 T 3,563,878 1,889,041 1,674,837 34,213 8,720 1,785,771 1,526,200 R 3,054,846 1,584,219 1,470,627 28,114 7,250 1,494,025 1,340,316 U 509,032 304,822 204,210 6,099 1,470 291,746 185,884 50-54 T 3,102,619 1,774,907 1,327,712 37,038 10,900 1,627,623 1,068,092 R 2,715,020 1,533,916 1,181, I 04 32,238 9,470 1,401,444 948,658 U 387,599 240,991 146,608 4,800 1,430 226,179 119,434 55-59 T 2,010,848 998,193 1,012,655 16,380 4,210 904,533 851,803 R 1,773,773 863,304 910,469 14,200 3,500 778,804 769,367 U 237,075 134,889 102,186 2,180 710 125,729 82,436 60·64 T 2,327,813 1,261,691 1,066,122 26,260 9,520 1,078,618 624,852 R 2,098,461 1,136,429 962,032 23,410 8,270 968,934 563,672 U 229,352 125,262 104,090 2,850 1,250 109,684 61,180 65-69 T 1,162,903 605,126 557,777 8,935 1,870 507,663 336,820 R 1,040,689 539,509 501,180 7,922 1,600 450,494 304,110 U 122,214 65,617 56,597 1,013 270 57,169 32,710 70+ T 1,917,913 1,085,063 832,850 75,984 31,530 781,875 331,781 R 1,712,057 970,309 741,748 65,320 26,980 698,748 297,518 U 205,856 114,754 91,102 10,664 4,550 83,127 34,263 Age not T 850,052 510,572 339,480 435,061 275,936 68,871 53,202 Stated R 649,034 399,118 249,916 333,850 196,120 59,358 44,982 U 201,018 111,454 89,564 101.211 79,816 9,513 8,220 497 DISTRICT CENSLlS HAi'lDBOOK: KISHAHGANJ


State ~ Bihar Total! Marital Status Ut15'jle<:.\fiecl \tnrillf Wid(l\~'Ci DlVorCed or Se1larated Female Male Female Age Group Urban Mole Female Male 13 14 15 I 2 10 II 12 45,424 7,530 4,542 AU Ages T 921),334 1,99\'4Bt'i 31.6BO 6,31() 3.704 R 837,727 1.773,917 28,%0 41,365 4,059 1,160 838 U 82,607 2J7.569 2,720 0 0 0 (P] T a 0 0 () () 0 R 0 (l 0 (J a u 0 0 0 0 2,720 270 10-14 T 3,40{] 4.470 1.560 1,910 200 It 3,080 3.930 1,290 l,720 2.350 70 U 320 540 270 190 370 150 )5-)9 'T 5,030 8,46() 2,260 6,220 360 R 4,480 7,580 2,060 ),740 270 130 L; 550 880 200 480 90 20 20-24 T l5,040 2),728 4,080 8,729 220 80 R 13.620 18,99(1 3,770 7,970 150 6D U 1.420 2,738 310 759 70 20 25·29 T 24,854 31,839 4,350 6,980 250 20 R 22,699 27,934 4,100 6,360 ]50 20 U 2,155 3,905 250 620 SlO D 3()·34 T 37,226 57,265 4,160 5,543 37() 50 R 34.176 50,138 3,820 5,093 2&0 30 lJ 3,050 6,527 340 450 9() 20 3.1-39 43,4]0 75,369 3,l8D 3,560 160 Q R 39,413 66,660 2,900 3,230 140 G U 3,91)7 8,109 280 330 20 0 41}-44 T 68,476 129,762 ;?,42C 3,010 250 40 R 62.016 114,598 2,140 2,700 200 40 IJ 6.46C 15J6'r 23() 310 SCJ 0 45-49 T 67.097 138,147 1,840 :,750 :20 20 R IS0.31 [) 121,43l I,E90 1,6\0 80 2{) L 6,137 '6.,716 15D :4.C 40 ) 50-54 T 107,826 24(),678 2,1/0 1,()Q 250 0 R 97,964 221,)44 2,040 1,832 230 0 U 9,862 25,534 130 210 20 0 55·59 T 76,20(J 155.672 1,050 970 30 0 R 69,350 136,142 920 S6() 30 0 U 6,850 lR,930 130 Il() 0 0 60-64 T 155,193 429,880 I,510 1,850 llO 20 R 142,585 388,380 l,400 1.690 1()O 20 U t2,608 41,500 UG 160 1() 0 65·69 T 87,818 218,327 680 760 30 0 R 30,443 194,790 620 680 30 0 U 7,375 23,537 60 80 {) 0 70+ T 224,834 467,669 1,860 1,760 510 110 R 204,I4[ 415,580 1,720 1,590 380 80 U 20,693 52,089 140 170 130 30 Age not T 3,930 6,220 560 34{l 2,150 3,782 Stated R 3,45D 5,42D 490 29(} 1,970 3,104 U 480 800 70 50 ]80 578 498 ANNEXURES

ANNEXURE-VI (B) PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF MARITAL STATUS OF POPULATION AS PER 1991 CENSUS State - Bihar Total Population % of Marital Status on total population Total! Divorced or Age Rural/ Never Married Married Widowed Separated Unspecified Group Urban Person Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 All Ages T 86,374,465 45,202,091 41,172,374 54.2 45.2 43.6 49.8 2.0 4.8 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 R 75,021,453 39,045,095 35,976,358 53.8 44.5 44.0 50.4 2.1 4.9 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 U 11,353,012 6,156,996 5,196,016 57.2 50.1 41.4 45.7 1.3 4.2 0,0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0-9 T 24,691,732 12,660,698 12,031,034 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 R 21,819,922 11,186, J 18 10,633,804 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 U 2,871,810 1,474,580 1,397,230 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10-14 T 10,578,951 5,792,120 4,786,831 97.3 92.7 2.6 7.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 R 9,101.350 4,995,994 4.1 05,356 97.1 92.1 2.7 7.8 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 U 1,477,601 796,126 681,475 98.4 96.4 1.S 3.5 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15-19 T 7,318,082 4,029,098 3,288,984 83.4 44.2 16.4 55.3 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 R 6,186,982 3,392,461 2.794,521 81.6 39.8 18.2 59.7 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 U 1,131,100 636,637 494,463 93.0 69.2 6.9 30.5 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 20-24 T 6,822,703 3,389,738 3,432,965 43.6 7.1 55.8 92.0 0.4 0.6 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.0 R 5,837,568 2,845,376 2,992,192 39.3 5.2 60.1 93.9 0.5 0.6 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.0 U 985,135 544,362 440,773 65.9 20.0 33.7 79.2 0.3 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 25-29 T 6,376,012 3,156,949 3,219,063 15.0 1.6 84.1 97.2 0.8 1.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 R 5,527,467 2,714,954 2,812.513 12.7 1.2 86.3 97.5 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 U 848,545 441,995 406,550 29.3 4.0 70.1 94.9 0.5 1.0 O. I 0.2 0.0 0.0 30-34 T 5,923,397 2,921,859 3,001,538 5.3 0.9 93.2 97.0 1.3 1.9 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 R 5,145,133 2,519,038 2,626,095 4.8 0.8 93.7 97.1 1.4 1.9 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 U 778,264 402,821 375,443 8.9 1.4 90.2 96.7 0.8 1.7 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 35-39 T 5,216,263 2,700,584 2,515,679 2.3 0.4 96.0 96.4 1.6 3.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 R 4,481,020 2,305,500 2,175,520 2.2 0.4 96.0 96.4 1.7 3.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 U 735,243 395,084 340,159 2.9 0.6 96.0 96.7 1.0 2.6 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 40-44 T 4,511,299 2,426,452 2,084,847 2.2 0.7 94.9 92.9 2.8 6.2 O. I 0.1 0.0 0.0 R 3,878,131 2,058,850 I,BI9,281 2.2 0.7 94.7 92.9 3.0 6.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 U 633,168 367,602 265,566 2.2 1.0 96.0 93.1 1.8 5.7 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 45-49 T 3,563,878 1,889,041 1,674,837 1.8 0.5 94.5 91.1 3.6 8.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 R 3,054,846 1,584,219 1,470,627 1.8 0.5 94.3 91.1 3.8 8.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 U 509,032 304,822 204,210 2.0 0.7 95.7 91.0 2.2 8.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 50-54 T 3,102,619 1,774,907 1,327,712 2.1 0.8 91.7 80.4 6.1 18.6 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 R 2,715,020 1,533,916 1,181,104 2.1 0.8 91.4 80.3 6.4 18.7 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 U 387,599 240,991 146,608 2.0 1.0 93.9 81.5 4.1 17.4 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 55-59 T 2,010,848 998,193 1,012,655 1.6 0.4 90.6 84.1 7.6 15.4 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 R 1,773,773 863,304 910,469 1.6 0.4 90.2 84.5 8.0 15.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 U 237,075 134,889 102,186 1.6 0.7 93.2 80.7 5.1 18.5 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 60-64 T 2,327,813 1,261,691 1,066,122 2.1 0.9 85.5 58.6 12.3 40.3 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 R 2,098,461 1,136,429 962,032 2.1 0.9 85.3 58.6 12.5 40.4 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 U 229,352 125,262 104,090 2.3 1.2 87.6 58.8 10.1 39.9 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 65-69 T 1,162,903 605,126 557,777 1.5 0.3 83.9 60.4 14.5 39.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 R 1,040,689 539,509 501,180 1.5 0.3 83.5 60.7 14.9 38.9 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 U 122,214 65,617 56,597 1.5 O.S 87.1 57.8 11.2 41.6 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 70+ T 1,917,913 1,085,063 832,850 7.0 3.8 72.1 39.8 20.7 56.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 R 1,712,057 970,309 741,748 6.7 3.6 72.0 40.1 21.0 56.0 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 U 205,856 114,754 91,102 9.3 5.0 72.4 37.6 1B.0 57.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.0 Age not T 850,052 510,572 339,480 85.2 81.3 13.5 15.7 0.8 1.8 0.1 0.1 0.4 1.1 Stated R 649,034 399,11 8 249,916 83.6 78.5 14.9 18.0 0.9 2.2 0.1 0.1 0.5 1.2 U 201 018 111,454 89564 90.8 89.1 8.5 9.2 0.4 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.8 499 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ

ANNEXURE - VI (C) DISTRIBUTION OF MARITAL STATUS OF POPULATION AS PER 1991 CENSUS District. Kishnnga1lj Total Populatioll Marital Status 'I()tall Divorced or Age Rural/ Never Married Married Widowed Separated Unspecified Group Urban Person Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 All Ages T 984,107 508,988 475,119 306,888 247,279 194,246 197,827 7,624 29,413 230 600 0 0 It 884,827 455,745 429,082 275,058 223,763 173,678 178,511 6,819 26,348 190 460 0 0 11 99,280 53,243 46,037 31,830 23,516 20,568 19,316 805 3,065 40 140 0 0 0-9 T 291,360 144.618 146.742 144,618 146,742 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R 264,026 130,623 133,403 130,623 133,403 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 27,334 13,995 13,339 13,995 13,339 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 10-14 T 125,237 63,727 61,510 62,807 60,380 920 1,090 0 30 0 10 0 0 R 112,317 56,707 55,610 55,817 54,570 890 1,000 0 30 0 10 0 0 U 12,920 7,020 5,900 6,990 5,810 30 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 15-19 T 87,170 46,799 40,371 45,205 29,670 1,564 10,581 30 70 0 50 0 0 R 78,201 41,720 36,481 40,280 26,940 1,410 9,441 30 70 0 30 0 0 U 8,969 5,079 3,890 4,925 2,730 154 1,140 0 0 0 20 0 0 2()-24 T 76,052 40,531 35,521 29,981 6,160 10,410 28,941 120 280 20 140 0 0 R 68,761 36,601 32,160 26,861 5,380 9,610 26,420 110 260 20 100 0 U 7,291 3,930 3,361 3,120 780 800 2,521 10 20 0 40 °0 0 25-29 T 77.007 37,687 39,320 13,777 810 23,680 37,715 210 66:; 20 130 0 R 69,679 34,067 35,612 12,357 690 21,5 JO 34,202 180 610 20 110 0 °0 U 7,328 3,620 3,708 1,420 120 2,170 3,513 30 55 0 20 0 0 30-34 T 69,252 33,682 35,570 3,530 410 29,742 33,860 360 1,170 50 130 0 0 R 62,052 30,042 32,010 3,110 340 26,582 30,520 310 1,040 40 110 0 0 11 7,200 3,640 3,560 420 70 3,160 3,340 50 130 10 20 0 0 35-39 T 62,503 32,925 29,578 1,040 100 31,466 27,758 389 1,700 30 20 0 0 R 56,347 29,619 26,728 910 90 28,310 25,008 389 1,610 10 20 0 0 II 6,156 3,306 2,850 130 to 3,156 2,750 0 90 20 0 0 0 40-44 T 47,439 26,469 20,970 570 170 25,339 17,830 540 2,930 20 40 0 0 R 42.110 23,250 18,860 460 130 22,270 15,970 500 2,720 20 40 0 0 11 5,329 3,219 2,110 110 40 3,069 1,860 40 210 0 0 0 0 45-49 T 36,335 19,815 16,520 160 80 19,145 13,560 500 2,880 10 0 0 0 R 31,896 17,146 14,750 130 60 16,546 12,130 460 2,560 10 0 0 0 U 4,439 2,669 1,770 30 20 2,599 1,430 40 320 0 0 0 0 50-54 T 32.991 17,950 15,041 450 100 16,560 10,741 910 4,200 30 0 0 0 R 29,180 15,760 13,420 380 90 14,550 9,490 800 3,840 30 0 0 0 U 3,811 2,190 1,621 70 10 2,010 1,251 110 360 0 0 0 0 55·59 T 19,341 10,500 8,841 220 0 9,490 6,071 770 2,750 20 20 0 0 R 17,480 9,460 8,020 190 0 8,520 5,440 730 2.560 20 20 0 0 U 1,861 1,040 821 30 0 970 631 40 190 0 0 0 0 60·64 T 22.728 12,370 10,358 190 80 10,840 4,930 1,330 5,318 10 30 0 0 R 20,298 11,020 9,278 130 50 9,720 4,470 1,160 4,748 10 10 0 0 U 2,430 1,350 1,080 60 30 1,120 460 170 570 0 20 0 0 65·69 T 11,495 6,645 4,850 80 10 5,880 1,930 675 2,900 10 10 0 0 R 10,280 6,060 4,220 80 10 5,380 1,760 590 2,450 10 0 0 0 U 1,215 585 630 0 0 500 170 85 450 0 10 0 0 70+ T 18,320 11,130 7,190 940 450 8,430 2,290 1,750 4,430 10 20 0 0 R 16,450 10,060 6,390 880 410 7,650 2,210 1,530 3,760 0 10 0 U 1,870 1,070 0 800 60 40 780 80 220 670 Age not 10 10 0 0 Stated T 6,877 4,140 2,737 3,320 2,J 17 780 530 40 90 I) 0 I) 0 R 5,750 3,610 2,140 2,8S0 1,600 730 450 30 90 0 0 0 0 U 1,127 530 597 470 S17 50 80 10 0 0 0 0 0


ANNEXURE -VI (D) PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF MARITAL STATUS OF POPULATION AS PER1991 CENSUS District - Kishangavj Total Population % of Marital Status on total population Total! Divorced or Age Rural! Never Married Married Widowed Separated Unspecified Group Urban Person Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS All Ages T 984,107 508,988 475.1 19 60.3 52.0 38.2 41.6 1.5 6.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 R 884,827 455,745 429,082 60.4 52.1 38.1 41.6 1.5 6.1 0.0 0,1 0.0 0,0 U 99,280 53,243 46,037 59.8 51.1 38.6 42.0 1.5 6.7 0.1 OJ 0.0 0.0 0-9 T 291,360 144,618 146,742 100,0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 R 264,026 130,623 133,403 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 U 27,334 13,995 13,339 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0,0 10-14 T 125,237 63,727 61,510 98,6 98.2 1.4 L8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 R 112,317 56,707 55,610 98.4 98.1 1.6 1.8 0.0 0.1 0.0 0,0 0.0 0,0 U 12,920 7,020 5,900 99,6 98.5 0.4 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15-19 T 87,170 46,799 40,371 96.6 73.5 3.3 26.2 0.1 0.2 0.0 0,1 0.0 0,0 R 78,201 41,720 36,481 96.5 73.8 3.4 25.9 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 U 8,969 5,079 3,890 97.0 70,2 3.0 29.3 0.0 0,0 0.0 0,5 0.0 0,0 20-24 T 76,052 40,531 35,521 74.0 17.3 25.7 81.5 0.3 0.8 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 R 68,761 36,601 32,160 73.4 16.7 26.3 82.2 0.3 0.8 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.0 U 7,291 3,930 3,361 79.4 23.2 20,4 75.0 0.3 0.6 0,0 1.2 0.0 0.0 25-29 T 77,007 37,687 39,320 36,6 2.1 62.8 95.9 0.6 1.7 0.1 OJ 0,0 0.0 R 69,679 34,067 35,612 36.3 1.9 63.1 96.0 0.5 1.7 0,1 OJ 0.0 0,0 U 7,328 3,620 3,708 39.2 3.2 59,9 94.7 0,8 1.5 0,0 0.5 0,0 0.0 30-34 T 69,252 33,682 35,570 10.5 1.2 88,3 95.2 1.1 3,3 0,1 0.4 0,0 0.0 R 62,052 30,042 32,010 10,4 1.1 88,5 95,3 1.0 3.2 0,1 OJ 0,0 0.0 U 7,200 3,640 3,560 11.5 2.0 86,8 93.8 1.4 3,7 0.3 0.6 0,0 0.0 35-39 T 62,503 32,925 29,578 3,2 OJ 95,6 93,8 1.2 5,7 0,1 0,1 0,0 0.0 R 56,347 29,619 26,728 3.1 0.3 95,6 93.6 1.3 6,0 0,0 0.1 0,0 0.0 U 6,156 3,306 2,850 3,9 0.4 95.5 96,5 0.0 3.2 0,6 0,0 0,0 0.0 40-44 T 47,439 26,469 20,970 2.2 0.8 95,7 85,0 2,0 14.0 0,1 0.2 0,0 0,0 R 42,110 23,250 18,860 2.0 0,7 95,8 84.7 2,2 14.4 0,1 0.2 0,0 0.0 U 5,329 3.219 2,110 3.4 1.9 95,3 88,2 1.2 \0,0 0.0 0,0 0,0 0,0 45-49 T 36,335 19.815 16,520 0.8 0.5 96,6 82,1 2.5 17.4 0,1 0,0 0,0 0.0 R 31,896 17,146 14,750 0.8 0.4 96,5 82,2 2.7 17.4 0,1 0,0 0,0 0,0 U 4,439 2,669 1,770 I.I 1.I 97.4 80,8 1.5 18,1 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 50-54 T 32,991 17,950 15,041 2.5 0.7 92.3 71.4 5. I 27.9 0.2 0.0 0.0 0,0 R 29,180 15,760 13,420 2.4 0,7 92.3 70,7 5.1 28.6 0,2 0,0 0.0 0,0 U 3,811 2,190 1,621 3,2 0,6 91.8 77,2 5.0 22.2 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 55-59 T 19,341 10,500 8,841 2,1 0,0 90.4 68,7 7.3 31.1 0,2 0,2 0,0 0,0 R 17,480 9,460 8,020 2,0 0,0 90,1 67,8 7.7 31.9 0,2 0.2 0,0 0,0 U 1,861 1,040 821 2.9 0,0 93.3 76,9 3,8 23.1 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 60-64 T 22,728 12,370 10,358 1.5 0.8 87.6 47,6 10.8 51.3 0,1 OJ 0.0 0.0 R 20,298 11,020 9,278 1.2 0.5 88,2 48,2 10,5 51.2 0,1 0.1 0.0 0.0 U 2,430 1,350 1,080 4.4 2,8 83.0 42.6 12,6 52,8 0,0 1.9 0.0 0.0 65-69 T 11,495 6,645 4,850 1.2 0,2 88.5 39,8 10,2 59,8 0,2 0.2 0.0 0,0 R 10,280 6,060 4,220 1.3 0.2 88.8 41.7 9.7 58,1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 U 1,215 585 630 0,0 0,0 85.5 27.0 14,5 71.4 0,0 1.6 0.0 0.0 70+ T 18,320 11,130 7,190 8.4 6,3 75.7 31.8 15,7 61.6 0.1 0.3 0,0 0.0 R 16,450 10,060 6,390 8,7 6.4 76.0 34.6 15.2 58,8 0.0 0.2 0,0 0.0 U 1,870 1,070 800 5.6 5,0 72,9 10,0 20,6 83.8 0.9 1.3 0,0 0.0 Age not Stated T 6,877 4,140 2,737 80.2 77.3 18,8 19.4 1.0 3.3 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 R 5,750 3,610 2,140 78.9 74.8 20,2 21.0 0.8 4.2 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 U 1,127 530 597 88,7 86,6 9.4 13.4 1.9 0.0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0.0


ANNEXURE ~ VI (A) DISTRIBUTION OF MARITAL STATUS OF POPULATION AS PER 2001 CENSUS State ~ Bihar' Total! Total Population Marital Status Rural! Never Married Married Age Group Urban Person Male Female Male Female Male Female 1 2 3 4 .5 6 7 8 9

All ages T 82,998,509 43,243,795 391754,714 24,352,461 18,812,136 17,988,107 19,019,453 R 74,316,709 38,594,996 35,721,713 21,632,574 16,818,123 16,136,664 17,192,869 U 8,681.800 4.648,799 /4,033,001 2,719,887 1.994,013 1,851,443 1,826,584 0-9 T 23,810,374 12,328,543 ,,I 1,481,83 I 12,328,543 11,481,831 0 0 R 21.746,312 11,252,753 i 10,493,559 11,252,753 10,493,559 0 I U 2,064,062 1,075,790 I I 988,272 1,075,790 988,272 °0 0 10-14 T 11,063,777 5,970,201 I! 5,093,576 5,912,248 4,938,677 52,385 145,467 R 9,879,727 5336,752/ 4,542,975 5,282,811 4,397,960 48,838 136,484 U 1,184,050 633, 4491 550,601 629,437 540,717 3,547 8,983 15-19 T 7,190,188 4,028,643j 3,161,545 3,681,082 1,909,586 342,934 1,242,678 R 6,263,105 3,508,25~ 2,754,853 3,178,730 1,582,257 325,263 1,164,274 U 927,083 520,391 406,092 502,352 327,329 17,671 78,404 20-24 T 6,323,193 3,180,063 3,143,130 1,593,664 299,679 1,574,832 2,820,815 R 5,560,017 2,753,122 2,806,895 1,274,174 196,998 1,468,248 2,589,692 U 763,176 426,941 336,235 319,490 102,681 lU6,584 231,123 25-29 T 5,908,308 2,894,706 3,013,602 467,619 45,905 2,406,851 2,932,168 R 5,255.133 2,551,836 2,703,297 339,043 28,069 2,194,049 2,643,689 U 653,175 342,870 310,305 128,576 17,836 212,802 288,479 30-34 T 5,549,787 2,713,871 2,835,916 122,222 20,640 2,561,395 2,756,037 R 4,960,310 2,411,088 2,549,222 88,930 16,555 2,294,237 2,480,079 U 589,477 302,783 286,694 33,292 4,085 267,158 275,958 35·39 T 5,077,935 2,576,089 2,501,846 49,040 15,405 2,488,380 2,403,441 R 4,512,838 2,285,108 2,227,730 39,429 13,095 2,210,029 2,141,323 U 565,097 290,981 274,116 9,6\ 1 2,310 278,351 262,118 40·44 T 4,153,203 2,213,770 1,939,433 24,202 6,399 2,136,574 \,818,123 R 3,685,237 1,956,198 1,729,039 20,530 5,272 1,886,921 1,621,865 U 467,966 257,572 210,394 3,672 1,127 249,653 196,258 45-49 T 3,461,664 1,778,368 1,683,296 14,491 3,484 1,705,927 1,548,833 R 3,063,371 1,562,074 1,501,297 12,478 2,745 1,496,568 1,383,369 U 398,293 216,294 181,999 2,013 739 209,359 165,464 50·54 T 2,711,041 1,543,620 1,167,421 12,874 3,637 1,446,523 972,784 R 2,412,224 1,368,429 1,043,795 11,369 3,000 1,279,758 871,112 U 298,817 175.191 123,626 1,505 637 166,765 101,672 55·59 T 2,069,940 990,01 I 1,079,929 8,366 2,807 907,436 922,936 R 1,849,794 874,482 975,3\2 7,40\ 2,318 799,770 837,304 U 220,146 115,529 104,617 965 489 107,666 85,632 60-64 T 2, I 03,909 1,120,743 983,166 13,754 8,038 970,816 625,740 R 1,904,233 1,015,297 888,936 12,625 7,223 877,354 567,106 U 199,676 105,446 94,230 1,129 815 93,462 58,634 65·69 T 1,354,937 683,656 671,281 11.381 7,172 566,110 423,202 R 1,218,312 613,260 605,052 10,384 6,373 506,281 384,629 U 136,625 70,396 66,229 997 799 59,829 38,573 70+ T 2.042,428 1,117,606 924,822 38,236 22,571 800,438 382,376 R 1,843,379 ],011,762 831,617 34,070 19,946 724,141 349,069 U 199,049 105,844 93,205 4,166 2,625 76,297 33,307 Age not Stated T 177,825 103,905 n,920' 74,739 46,305 27,506 24,853 R 162,717 94,583 68,134 67,847 42,753 25,207 22,874 U 15,108 9,322 5,786 6,892 3,552 2,299 1,979 502 ANNEXURES

ANNEXURE - VI CA) (CONCLD.) DISTRIBUTION OF MARITAL STATUS OF POPULATION AS PER 200t CENSUS State - Bihar Total/ Marital Status Rural/ Widowed Divorced or Separated Unspecified Age Group Urban Male Female Male Female Male Female I 2 10 II 12 13 14 IS All Ages T 882,505 1,887,575 20,722 35,550 0 0 R 807,078 1,680,053 18,680 30,668 0 0 U 75,427 207,522 2,042 4,882 0 0 0-9 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 10-14 T 3,364 7,618 2,204 1,814 0 0 R 3,079 6,904 2,024 1,627 0 0 U 285 714 180 187 0 0 15-19 T 3,196 6,905 1,431 2,376 0 0 R 2,941 6,219 1,318 2,103 0 0 U 255 686 113 273 0 0 20-24 T 9,295 17,257 2,272 5,379 0 0 R 8,632 15,498 2,068 4,707 0 0 U 663 1,759 204 672 0 0 25-29 T 17,551 29,985 2,685 5,544 0 0 R 16,290 26,783 2,454 4,756 0 0 U 1,261 3,202 231 788 0 0 30-34 T 27,536 53,845 2,718 5,394 0 0 R 25,463 47,976 2,458 4,612 0 0 U 2,073 5,869 260 782 0 0 35-39 T 36,369 78,553 2,300 4,447 0 0 R 33,586 69,566 2,064 3,746 0 0 U 2,783 8,987 236 701 0 0 40-44 T 51,037 111,347 1,957 3,564 0 0 R 47,005 98,903 1,742 2,999 0 0 U 4,032 12,444 215 565 0 0 45-49 T 56,675 128,789 1,275 2,190 0 0 R 51,892 113,309 1,136 1,874 0 0 U 4,783 15,480 139 316 0 0 50·54 T 83,128 189,469 1,095 1,531 0 0 R 76,322 168,363 980 1,320 0 0 U 6,806 21,106 115 211 0 0 55·59 T 73.568 153,323 641 863 0 0 R 66,746 134,939 565 751 0 0 U 6,822 18,384 76 112 0 0 60-64 T 135,474 348,345 699 1,043 a 0 R 124,701 313,674 617 933 0 0 U 10,773 34,671 82 110 0 0 65-69 T 105,757 240,422 408 485 0 0 R 96,234 213,622 361 428 0 0 U 9,523 26,800 47 57 0 0 70+ T 278,026 519,077 906 798 0 0 R 252,776 461,904 775 698 0 0 U 25,250 57,173 131 100 0 0 Age not Stated T 1,529 2,640 131 122 0 0 R 1,411 2,393 118 114 0 0 V 118 247 13 8 0 0 503 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ

ANNEXURE - VI (8) PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF MARITAL STATUS OF POPULATION AS PER 2001 CENSUS State - Bihar % of Marital Status on total population Total Population Divorced or Total! Never Married Married Widowed Separated Unspecitkd Age Rural! Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Group Urban Person Male femalc 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I 2 3 4 5 56.3 47.3 41.6 47.8 2.0 4.7 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 All Ages T 82,998,509 43,243,795 39,754,714 56.1 47.1 41.8 48.1 2.1 4.7 0.0 O. I 0.0 0.0 R 74,316,709 38,594,996 35.721,713 58.5 49.4 39.8 45.3 1.6 5.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 U 8,681,800 4,648,799 4.033,001 100.0 100.0 0.0 D.O 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0-9 T 23,810,374 12,328,543 11,481,831 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 R 21,746,312 11.252,753 10,493,559 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 U 2,064,062 1,075,790 988,272 99.0 97.0 0.9 2.9 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10·14 T 11,063,777 5,970,201 5,093,576 R 9,879,727 5,336,752 4,542,975 99.0 96.8 0.9 3.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 99.4 98.2 0.6 1.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 U 1,184,050 633,449 550,601 0.1 15·19 T 7,190,18S 4,028,643 3,161,545 91.4 60.4 8.5 39.3 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 R 6,263,105 3,508,252 2,754,853 90.6 57.4 9.3 42.3 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 lJ 927,083 520,391 406,692 96.5 80.5 3.4 19.3 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 20·24 T 6,323,193 3,180,063 3,143.130 50.1 9.5 49.5 89.7 OJ 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 R 5,560,017 2,753,122 2,806,895 46.3 7.0 53.3 92.3 0.3 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 U 763,176 426,941 336,235 74.8 30.5 25.0 68.7 0.2 0.5 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 25·29 T 5,908,308 2,894,706 3,013,602 16.2 1.5 83.1 97.3 0.6 1.0 O. I 0.2 0.0 0.0 R 5,255,133 2.551,836 2,703,297 13.3 ],0 86.0 97.8 0.6 1.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 U 653.175 342,870 310,305 37.5 5.7 62.1 93.0 0.4 1.0 0.1 OJ 0.0 0.0 30-34 T 5,549.787 2,713,871 2,835,916 4.5 0.7 94.4 97.2 1.0 1.9 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 R 4,960,310 2,411,088 2,549,222 3.7 0.6 95.2 97.3 1.1 1.9 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 U 589,477 302,783 286,694 11.0 1.4 88.2 96.3 0.7 2.0 O. I 0.3 0.0 0.0 35-39 T 5,077,935 2,576,089 2,501,846 1.9 0.6 96.6 96.1 1.4 3.1 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 R 4,512,838 2,285,108 2,227,730 1.7 0.6 96.7 96.1 1.5 3.1 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 U 565,097 290,981 274,116 3.3 0.8 95.7 95.6 1.0 3.3 0.1 OJ 0.0 0.0 40·44 T 4,153,203 2,213,770 1,939,433 1.1 0.3 96.5 93.7 2.3 5.7 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 R 3,685,237 1,956,198 1,729,039 1.0 0.3 96.5 93.8 2.4 5.7 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 lJ 467,966 257,572 210,394 1.4 0.5 96.9 93.3 1.6 5.9 0.1 OJ 0.0 0.0 45-49 T 3,461,664 1,778,368 1,683,296 0.8 0.2 95.9 92.0 3.2 7.7 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 R 3,063.371 1,562,074 1,501,297 0.8 0.2 95.8 92.1 3.3 7.5 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 U 398,293 216,294 181.999 0.9 0.4 96.8 90.9 2.2 8.5 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 50-54 T 2,711,0411,543,620 1,167,421 0.8 OJ 93.7 83.3 S.4 16.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 R 2,412,224 1,368,429 1,043,795 0.8 OJ 93.5 83.5 5.6 16.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 U 298,817 175,191 123,626 0.9 0.5 95.2 82.2 3.9 17.1 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 55-59 T 2,069,940 990,011 1,079,929 0.8 OJ 91.7 85.5 7.4 14.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 R 1,849,794 874,482 975,312 0.8 0.2 91.5 85.8 7.6 13.8 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 U 220,146 115,529 104,617 0.8 0.5 93.2 81.9 5.9 17.6 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 60-64 T 2,103,909 1,120,743 983,166 1.2 0.8 86.6 63.6 12.1 35.4 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 R 1,904,233 1,015,297 888,936 1.2 0.8 86.4 63.8 12.3 35.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 lJ 199,676 105,446 94,230 1.1 0.9 88.6 62.2 10.2 36.8 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 65·69 T 1,354,937 683,656 671,281 1.7 1.1 82.8 63.0 15.5 35.8 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 R 1,218,312 613,260 605,052 1.7 1.1 82.6 63.6 15.7 35.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 U 136,625 70,396 66,229 1.4 1.2 85.0 58.2 13.5 40.5 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 70+ T 2,042,428 1,117,606 924,822 3.4 2.4 71.6 41.3 24.9 56, I 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 R 1,843,379 1,011,762 831,617 3.4 2.4 71.6 42.0 25.0 55.5 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 U 199,049 105,844 93,205 3.9 2.8 72.1 35.7 23.9 61.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 Age not T 177,825 103,905 73,920 71.9 62.6 26.5 33.6 1.5 3.6 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 Stated R 162,717 94,583 68,134 71.7 62.7 26.7 33.6 1.5 3.5 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 U 15,108 9,322 5,786 73.9 61.4 24.7 34.2 1.3 4.3 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0


ANNEXURE - VI (C) DISTRIBUTION OF MARITAL STATUS OF POPULATION AS PER2001 CENSUS District - Kishaganj Total Population Marital Status Totall Divorced or Age Rurall Never Married Married Widowed Separated Unspecified Group Urban Person Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female 1 2 3 4 :5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 All Ages T 1,296,348 669,552 626,796 414,775 337,155 246,200249,993 8,335 38,394 242 1,254 0 0 R 1,167,340 600,300 567,040 372,650 306,668 220,135224,792 7,308 34,506 207 1,074 0 0 U 129,008 69,252 :59,756 42,125 30,487 26,065 25,201 1,027 3,888 35 180 0 0 0-9 T 402,499 205,737 196,762 205,737 196,762 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R 367,578 187,554 180,024 187,554 180,024 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 34,921 18,183 16,738 18,183 16,738 ° 0 0 0 °0 0 0 0 10-14 T 173,096 88,655 84,441 88,233 83,533 354° 784 37 91 31 33 0 0 R 155,464 78,883 76,581 78,503 75,775 321 696 30 78 29 32 0 0 U 17,632 9,772 7,860 9,730 7,758 33 88 7 13 2 I 0 0 15-19 T 116,283 63,068 53,215 61,866 44,460 1,155 8,633 27 72 20 50 0 0 R 103,875 56,063 47,812 55,013 40,129 1,009 7,584 22 63 19 36 0 0 U 12,408 7,005 5,403 6,853 4,331 146 1,049 5 9 1 14 0 0 20-24 T 91,608 48,830 42,778 36,850 8,626 11,876 33,703 74 289 30 160 R 81,326 43,167 38,159 32,484 7,488 10,599 30,275 60 262 24 134 °0 °0 U 10,282 5,663 4,619 4,366 1,138 1,277 3,428 14 27 6 26 0 0 25-29 T 91,352 44,770 46,582 14,304 1,359 30,226 44,295 209 663 31 265 0 0 R 81,749 39,856 41,893 12,432 1,147 27,220 39,925 177 595 27 226 0 0 U 9,603 4,914 4,689 1,872 212 3,006 4,370 32 68 4 39 0 0 30-34 T 86,009 41,630 44,379 3,535 486 37,776 42,334 288 1,328 31 231 0 0 R 77,244 37,242 40,002 2,960 413 34,003 38,190 252 1,198 27 201 0 0 U 8,765 4,388 4,377 575 73 3,773 4,144 36 130 4 30 0 0 35·39 T 83,873 42,716 41,157 957 286 41,292 38,288 442 2,389 25 194 0 0 R 75,087 38,184 36,903 769 240 37,011 34,331 384 2,173 20 159 0 0 U 8,786 4,532 4,254 188 46 4,281 3,957 58 216 5 35 0 0 40-44 T 66,109 35,459 30,650 291 118 34,614 26,952 534 3,438 20 142 0 0 R 59,131 31,503 27\628 228 95 30,797 24,279 460 3,128 18 126 0 0 U 6,978 3,956 3,022 63 23 3,817 2,673 74 310 2 16 0 0 45·49 T 53,411 28,799 24,612 135 56 28,056 20,408 598 4,076 10 72 0 0 R 47,624 25,522 22,102 101 50 24,898 18,284 514 3,703 9 65 0 0 U 5,787 3,277 2,510 34 6 3,158 2,124 84 373 I 7 0 50-54 T 38,423 21,194 17,229 126 98 20,221 12,047 831 5,048 16 36 0 °0 R 34,337 18,792 15,545 91 77 17,953 10,810 737 4,627 It 31 0 U 4,086 2,402 1,684 35 21 2,268 1,237 94 421 5 5 0 °0 55-59 T 27,288 13,752 13,536 86 57 12,890 9,567 770 3,893 6 19 0 0 R 24,288 12,093 12,195 58 46 11,365 8,634 666 3,498 4 17 0 0 U 3,000 , 1,659 1,341 28 11 1,525 933 104 395 2 2 0 0 60-64 T 25,080 12,728 12,352 III 143 11,420 5,733 1,192 6,458 5 18 0 0 R 22,634 11,460 11,174 100 125 10,276 5,185 1,080 5,846 4 18 0 0 U 2,446 1,268 1,178 II 18 1,144 548 112 612 I 0 0 0 65-69 T 15,670 7,557 8,113 lOS 114 6,531 3,617 916 4,369 5 13 0 0 R 13,963 6,698 7,265 91 101 5,793 3,266 809 3,889 5 9 0 U 1,707 859 848 14 13 738 351 107 480 0 4 0 °0 70+ T 22,250 12,202 10,048 522 410 9,281 3,374 2,393 6,248 6 16 0 0 R 19,838 10,963 8,875 450 359 8,412 3,087 2,095 5,414 6 15 0 0 U 2,412 1,239 1,173 72 51 869 287 298 834 0 I 0 0 Age not Stated T 3,397 2,455 942 1,917 647 508 258 24 32 6 5 0 0 R 3,202 2,320 882 1,816 599 478 246 22 32 4 5 0 0 U 195 135 60 101 48 30 12 2 0 2 0 0 0


ANNEXURE- VI (0) PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF MARITAL STATUS OF POPULATION AS PER2()Ol CENSUS Distl'ict - Kisllangall Total Populntion % of Marital Status on total population Totall Divorced or Age RuraV Never Married Married Widowed Separated Unspecified Group Urban PerSOll Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female I 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 All Ages T 1,296.348 66'1.552 626.796 61.9 53.& 35.& 39.9 1.2 6.1 :l.O 0.2 0.0 (J.O R 1,167,340 600.300 567,04(' 62.1 54.1 36.7 39.6 U 6,1 0.0 0.2 0,0 0,0 U 129,008 G-9,252 59,756 60.S jlO 3i 6 42.2- 1.5 6.5 0.1 03 0,0 0,0 0-9 T 402,499 205,737 196.162 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 1),0 0,0 0,0 R }67.578 187.554 180,024 100,0 !(]O,O G.O {l.a 0,0 (J,Q 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 U 34,921 18,183 16,738 100.0 100,0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0,0 0,0 lIl-14 T 173,096 88,655 84,441 99.5 98,9 0.4 0.9 0.0 0.1 0,0 0,0 0.0 0,0 R 155,464 78,8B3 76,581 99.5 98,'1 0.4 0.9 0.0 0.1 0.0 0,0 0,0 0,0 U 17,632 9,772 7,860 99,6 98,7 OJ 1.I 0.1 0,2 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 15·19 T 116,283 63,068 53,215 98,1 83.5 1.8 16.2 0.0 0,1 0,0 0,1 0,0 0.0 R 103,875 56,063 47.812 98.1 83.9 1.8 15.9 0.0 0.1 0.0 0,1 0.0 0,0 U 12,408 7,005 5,403 97,8 80.2 2, I 19.4 0,1 0.2 0.0 OJ 0.0 0.0 20-24 T 91,608 48,830 42,778 75.5 20,2 24.3 78,8 0,2 0.7 0,( 0,4 0,0 0,0 R 81,326 43,167 38,159 75.3 19,6 24,6 79.3 0,1 0,7 0,1 0.4 0.0 0,0 U 10,282 5,663 4,619 77,1 24,6 22.5 74.2 0.2 0,6 0.1 0.6 0,0 0,0 25-29 T 91,352 44,770 46,582 31.9 2.9 67.5 95.1 0.5 1.4 0,1 0,6 0,0 0.0 R 81,749 39,856 41,893 31.2 2.7 6SJ 95.3 0.4 1.4 0,1 0.5 0,0 0.0 U 9,603 4,914 4,689 38,1 4,5 61.2 93,2 0.7 1.5 0.1 0,8 0,0 0.0 30-]4 T 86,009 41,630 44,379 8.5 1.1 90,7 95.4 0.7 3.0 0,1 0.5 0.0 0.0 R 77,244 37,242 40,002 7,9 1.0 91.3 95.5 0./ 3,0 0,1 0.5 0,0 0,0 U 8,765 4,388 4,377 13.1 1.7 86,0 94.7 0.8 3.0 0.1 0,7 0,0 0,0 35-39 l' &3,&73 42,716 41,157 2.2 C.7 96,7 93.0 1.(1 5,3 0,1 0.5 0,0 D.O R 75,087 38,184 36,903 2,0 0.7 96,9 93.0 1.0 5.9 0,1 0.4 0.0 0,0 U 8,186 4,532 4,254 4,1 1.1 94.5 93.0 1.3 5.1 0,1 0,8 0.0 0.0 40-44 T 66,109 35,459 30,650 0.8 0.4 97,6 87.9 1.5 11.2 0.1 0.5 0,0 0.0 R 59,131 31,503 27,628 0.7 0.3 97,8 &7.9 1.5 11.3 D.I 0.5 0,0 0.0 U 6,978 3,956 3,022 1.6 0.8 96,5 88.5 1.9 10.3 0.1 0.5 0,0 0,0 45-49 T 53,411 28,799 24,612 0.5 0,2 97,4 82,9 2,1 16.6 0.0 OJ 0,0 0.0 R 41,624 25,522 22,102 0.4 0.2 97,6 82,7 2.0 16.8 0.0 0.3 0.0 0,0 U 5,787 3,277 2,510 ].0 0.2 96.4 84.6 2,6 14,9 0.0 0.3 0,0 0,0 50-54 T 38,423 21,194 17,229 0,6 0.6 95.4 69.9 3,9 29.3 0.1 0,2 0.0 0.0 R 34,337 18,792 15,545 0.5 0.5 95.5 69.5 3,9 29,8 0,1 0,2 0.0 0.0 U 4,1)86 2,402 1,684 I.5 1.2 94.4 73.5 3,9 25,0 0,2 OJ 0.0 0.0 55-59 T 27,288 13,752 13,536 0,6 0.4 93,7 70,7 5,6 28,8 {l,0 0,1 0.0 0.0 R 24,211& 12,093 12,195 0.5 0.4 94.0 70.8 5.5 28,7 {J,O 0,1 0.0 0.0 l' 3,000 1,559 1,341 I7 0.8 91.9 69.{j 6,3 29.5 {J.I {l.l D,D [I,D 60-64 T 25,{l80 l2,728 12,352 (l,9 1.2 89,7 46.4 9.4 52.3 O,{] 0.1 0,0 0.0 R 22,(;34 [1,46Q 11,174 (l,9 1.1 89.7 46.4 9.4 52.3 O,{] 0.2 0,0 (t,0 U 2,446 1,268 l,l78 0,9 1.5 90.2 46.5 8.8 52.0 0.1 0,0 0.0 0,0 65·69 T 15,670 7,557 8,113 1.4 1.4 86.4 44,6 12.1 53.9 0.1 0,2 0.0 0.0 R 13,963 6,698 7,265 1.4 1.4 86,5 45.0 12.1 53.5 0.1 0.1 0,0 0,0 U 1,707 859 848 1.15 1.5 85,9 41.4 12.5 56,6 0,0 0.5 0,0 0,0 70+ T 22,250 12,202 10,048 4.3 4.1 76,1 33.6 19.6 62,2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0,0 R 19,838 10,963 8,875 4,1 4,0 76.7 34.8 19.1 61.0 0,1 0.2 0.0 0,0 U 2,412 1,239 1,173 5.8 U 70.1 24,5 24.1 71.1 0.0 0,1 0,0 0,0 Age not Stated T 3,397 2,455 942 78..1 68.7 2Q.7 17.4 1.0 3,4 \},1 1).5 0,0 [J,O R 3,202 2,320 882 78.3 67.9 20,6 27.9 0,9 3,6 0.2 0,6 0.0 0,0 U 195 135 60 74.S 80,0 22.2 20.0 1.5 0,0 1.5 0,0 0.0 0.0


It is quite apparent frol11 8nnexures for both the While analyzing marital status by broad age-groups Censuses that Kishanganj district as well as the state one finds that married females out number married have a relatively higher proportions of 'never married' males in the age-group 10-14 suggesting that child males and 'married' females. This may be attributed marriage among females is more prevalent than due to the fact that women get married at younger males. However, the interesting feature which can ages than males in 1991 and 56.3 and 62.0 percent be noticed is that the proportions of married males in 2001 Census. As against 54.2 and 60.3 percentages and females in the age-group 10-14 are comparatively of 'never married' males in Bihar state and Kishanganj less in Kishanganj district than the state in both the district respectively, the corresponding proportions Censuses. among females are 45.2 and 52.0 in 1991 and 47.3 It is also significant that the proportion of 'never and 53.8 percents in 2001. There are considerable married' females in the age-group 15-19 and above have differences in situation in Kishanganj district as been much lower than the 'never married' males in compared to Bihar state as a whole in both the Kishanganj district as well as in the state as a whole during Censllses. While the state has slightly higher both the Censuses. The proportions of 'divorced or proportion of male widowed, Kishanganj district, on separated' males and females have been significantly low the other hand, has slightly higher proportion offemale in Kishanganj district as also in Bihar state during both widowed. the Censuses.

ANNEXURE - vn (A) AGE, SEX AND EDUCATION IN THE STATE, 1991 CENSUS State - Bihar Total Population Illiterate Literate without educational level Age group Person Male Female MAle Female Male Female 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 All ages 86,374,465 45,202,091 41,172,374 26,233,455 33,738,112 3,849,682 2,019,353 0-6 17,764,186 9,065,869 8,698,317 9,065,869 8,698,317 0 0 7·14 17.506,497 9,386,949 8,119,548 3,874,442 5,183,348 2,386,456 1,352,248 15·19 7,318,082 4,029,098 3,288,984 1,404,611 2,161,823 166,546 90,776 20-24 6,822,703 3,389,738 3,432,965 1,352,960 2,627,992 126,553 73,830 25-29 6,376,012 3,156,949 3,219,063 1,471,519 2,603,912 128,335 64,633 30-44 15,650,959 8,048,895 7,602,064 4,280,555 6,448,902 347,108 . 144,940 45-59 8,677,345 4,662,141 4,015,204 2,721,853 3,630,855 231,873 66,489 60+ 5,408,629 2,951,880 2,456,749 2,003,645 2,312,911 168,750 36,675 Age not stated 850,052 510,572 339,480 58,001 70,052 294,061 189,762

Primary Middle Matriculation and above Age group Male Fema[e Male Female Male Female 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 All ages 4,102,695 1,947,777 5,003,429 2,000,085 6,012,830 1,467,047 0-6 0 0 0 0 0 7-14 1,960,605 997,054 [,087,686 540,628° 77,760 46,270 15-19 369,980 204,477 1,011,416 411,605 1,076,545 420,303 20-24 251,133 150,992 490,149 238,202 1,168,943 341,949 25·29 235,997 130,345 445,824 199,387 875,274 220,786 30·44 609,486 272,751 1,073,562 408,954 1,738.184 326,517 45·59 359,777 104,856 556,678 136,761 791,960 76,243 60+ 239,007 43,873 298,694 45,628 241,784 17,662 Age not stated 76,710 43,429 39,420 18,920 42,380 17,317 507 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK: KISHANGANJ ANNEXURE - VII (B) AGE, SEX AND EDUCATION IN THE DISTRICT, 1991 CENSUS District - Kishanganj Total Population Illiterate Literate without educati~nal level Age group Person Ma Ie Female Male Female Male Female 1 ______~2 ______~3~--~~4~--~~5~----~~6~----~A~7------~;8w_-- All ages 984.107 508.988 475,119 375,340 436,553 34,788 15,240 0.6 209.040 105,468 103,572 105,468 103,572 0 0 7-14 207,557 102,877 104,680 65,790 86,750 19,650 10,530 15-19 87,170 46,799 40,371 29,984 35,001 2,130 740 20-24 76,052 40.531 35,521 25,731 32,400 1,520 490 25-29 77,007 37,687 39,320 25,370 36,560 1,510 520 30-44 179,194 93,076 86,118 64,687 80,818 3,998 870 45-59 88,667 48,265 40,402 34,155 38,762 2,360 380 60+ 52,543 30,145 22,398 23,175 21,630 1,410 270 Age not stated 6.877 4,140 2,737 980 1,060 2,210 1,440

Pril11l\ry Middle Matriculation and above Age group Male Female Male Female Male Female 9 10 11 12 • 13 14 All ages 33,498 10,218 35,407 8,450 29,955 4,658 0-6 o o o o o o 7-14 12,277 5,100 4,890 2,110 270 190 15-19 3,900 1,550 6,070 1,680 4,715 1,400 20-24 2,730 590 4,680 1,070 5,870 971 25-29 2,290 630 3,747 960 4,770 650 30-44 6,601 1,500 9,060 1,850 8,730 1,080 45-59 3,210 520 4,440 490 4,100 250 60+ 2,100 248 2,180 210 \,280 40 Age not stated 390 80 340 80 220 77 ANNEXURE·VU(C) PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF LITERATES BY DIFFERENT LEVEL OF EDUCATION, 1991 CENSUS State- Bihar Percentage distribution of literates by different level of education Literate % of Illiterate without to total educational Matriculation Age Total Population population level Primary Middle and above Group Person Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

All ages 86,374,465 45,202,091 41,172,374 58,0 81.9 20.3 27.2 21.6 26.2 26.4 26.9 31.7 19.7 0-6 17,764.186 9,065,869 8,698,317 100.0 100.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7-14 17,506,497 9,386,949 8,119,548 41.3 63.8 43.3 46.1 35.6 34.0 19.7 18.4 1.4 1.6 15-19 7,318,082 4,029,098 3,288,984 34.9 65.7 6.3 8.1 14.1 18.1 38.5 36.5 41.0 37.3 20-24 6,822,703 3,389,738 3,432,965 39.9 76.6 6.2 9.2 12.3 18,8 24.1 29.6 57.4 42.5 25·29 6,376,012 3,156,949 3,219,063 46,6 80.9 7.6 10.5 14.0 21.2 26.5 32.4 51.9 35.9 30·44 15,650,959 8,048,895 7,602,064 53.2 84.8 9.2 12.6 16,2 23.7 28.5 35.5 46.1 28.3 45-59 8,677,345 4,662,141 4,015,204 58.4 90.4 12.0 17.3 18.5 27.3 28.7 35,6 40.8 19.8 60+ 5,408,629 2,951,880 2,456,749 67.9 94.1 17.8 25.5 25.2 30.5 31.5 31.7 25.5 12.3 Age not stated 850,052 510,572 339.480 11.4 20.6 65.0 70.4 16.9 16.1 8.7 7.0 9.4 6.4 508 ANNEXURES ANNEXURE-VH(D) PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF LITERATES BY DIFFERENT LEVEL OF EDUCATION, 1991 CENSUS District - Kishanganj Percentage distribution of literates by different level of education Literate % of Illiterate without to total educational Matriculation Age Total Population population level Primary Middle and above Group Person Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 All ages 984,107 508,988 475,119 73.7 91.9 26.0 39.5 25.1 26.5 26.5 21.9 22.4 12.1 0-6 209,040 105,468 103,572 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7-14 207,557 102,877 104,680 64.0 82.9 53.0 58.7 33.1 28.4 13.2 11.8 0.7 1.1 15·19 87,170 46,799 40,371 64.1 86.7 12.7 13.8 23.2 28.9 36.1 31.3 28.0 26.1 20·24 76,052 40,531 35,521 63.5 91.2 10.3 15.7 18.4 18.9 31.6 34.3 39.7 31.1 25-29 77,007 37,687 39,320 67.3 93.0 12.3 18.8 18.6 22.8 30.4 34.8 38.7 23.6 30-44 179,194 93,076 86,118 69.5 93.8 14.1 16.4 23.3 28.3 31.9 34.9 30.8 20.4 45-59 88,667 48,265 40,402 70.8 95.9 16.7 23.2 22.7 31.7 31.5 29.9 29.1 15.2 60+ 52,543 30,145 22,398 76.9 96.6 20.2 35.2 30.1 32.3 31.3 27.3 18.4 5.2 Age not stated 6,877 4,140 2,737 23.7 38.7 69.9 85.9 12.3 4.8 10.8 4.8 7.0 4.6

ANNEXURE - VII (A) AGE, SEX AND EDUCATION IN THE STATE, 2001 CENSUS State - Bihar Literate without Below Total Population Illiterate educational level Primary Age group Person Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 All ages 82,998,50943,243,795 39,754,714 22,599,419 29,289,513 1,109,731 605,318 4,754,137 3,136,192 0-6 16,806,063 .8,652,705 8,153,358 8,652,705 8,153,358 0 o 0 o 7-14 18,068,088 9,646,039 8,422,049 3,726,031 4,482,669 155,813 108,779 3,432,307 2,360,457 15-19 7,190,188 4,028,643 3.16.1,545 1,230,814 1,620,461 119,187 77,752 258,974 162,054 20-24 6,323,193 3,180,063 3,143,130 1,008,021 1,984,439 116,049 77,583 146,223 111,029 25-29 5,908,308 2,894,706 3,013,602 1,044,780 2,050,645 11 0, 162 70,259 132,771 101,505 30-44 14,780,925 7,503,730 7,277,195 3,283,034 5,463,712 289,216 146,787 359,822 225,043 45-59 8,242,645 4,311,999 3,930,646 1,996,002 3,206,666 171,406 69,431 222,485 107,543 60+' 5,501,274 2,922,005 2,579,269 1,607,825 2,275,150 116,746 44,007 195,609 64,824 Age not stated 177,825 103,905 73,920 50,207 52,413 31,152 10,720 5,946 3,737


ANNEXURE - VII (A) (CONCLD.) AGE, SEX AND EDUCATION IN THE STATE, 2001 CENSUS State - Bihar Matriculation Primary Middle and above Unclassified Age group Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 All ages 5,130,917 3,203,792 3,012,151 1,378,075 6,623,397 2,137,192 14,043 4,632 0·6 o o 0 o 0 o ° 7-14 1,748,790 1,114,575 581,492 354,390 ° °o 1,606 1,179 15-19 684,881 436,1 77 742,937 357,417 990,809 506,981 1,041 703 2()·24 411,640 314,679 349,150 172,368 1,147,169 482,370 1,811 662 25-29 354,771 277,177 253,017 128,337 997,276 385,079 1,929 600 30-44 930,051 628,277 590,380 239,142 2,046,840 573,199 4,387 1,035 45·59 574,565 302,391 323,834 93,987 1,021,321 150,281 2,386 347 60+ 420,299 127,222 168,110 31,060 412,554 36,908 862 98 Age not stated 5,920 3,294 3,231 1,374 7,428 2,374 21 8

ANNEXURE· VII (8) AGE, SEX AND EDUCATION IN THE DISTRICT, 2001 CENSUS District - Kishanganj Literate without Below Total Population Illiterate educational level Primary Age group Person Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 All ages 1,296,348 669,552 626,796 446,757 536,103 21,790 8,275 67,214 36,929 0-6 287,937 147,899 140,038 147,899 140,038 o o o o 7-14 287,658 146,493 141,165 82,716 101,133 4,828 2,814 40,436 26,599 15-19 116,283 63,068 53,215 34,420 39,737 2,536 1,098 5,357 2,975 20-24 . 91,608 48,830 42,778 25,776 34,509 2,160 727 3,438 1,535 25-29 91,352 44,770 46,582 24,868 39,403 1,786 727 3,137 1,371 30-44 235,991 119,805 116,186 71,608 101,971 4,890 1,657 7,967 2,840 45-59 119,122 63,745 55,377 37,291 50,072 2,921 722 4,502 1,065 60+ 63,000 32,487 30,513 21,128 28,525 1,515 374 2,281 506 Age not stated 3,397 2,455 942 1,051 715 1,154 156 96 38·

Matriculation Primary Middle and above Unclassified Age group Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 All ages 64,987 24,817 26,498 9,225 41,666 10,765 640 682 0-6 o o o o o 0 o 0 7·14 14,991 8,424 3,344 1,997 o 0 178 198 15-19 9,692 4,243 5,565 2,271 5,387 2,726 1ll 165 20-24 7,043 2,403 3,408 1,100 6,937 2,439 68 65 25·29 5,914 2,266 2,770 927 6,255 1,826 40 62 30-44 14,772 4,814 6,450 1,926 13,995 2,849 123 129 45-59 8,571 1,935 3,469 779 6,915 749 76 55 60+ 3,917 713 1,466 218 2,136 169 44 8 Age not stated 87 19 26 7 41 7 o 510 ° ANNEXURES ANNEXURE- VII (q PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF LITERATES BY DIFFERENT LEVEL OF EDUCATION, 2001 CENSUS State- Bihar Percentage distribution of literates by different level of t:dueation Literate % of Illiterate without to total educational Below Age Total Population population level Primary Group Person Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 All agcs 82,998,509 43,243,795 39,754,714 52.3 73.7 SA 5.8 23.0 30.0 0-6 16,806,063 8,652,705 8,153,358 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7-14 18,068,088 9,646,039 8,422,049 38.6 53.2 2.6 2.8 58.0 59.9 15-19 7,190,188 4,028,643 3,161,545 30.6 51.3 4.3 5.0 9.3 10.5 20-24 6,323,193 3,180,063 3,143,130 31.7 63.1 5.3 6.7 6.7 9.6 25-29 5,908,308 2,894,706 3,013,602 36.1 68.0 6.0 7.3 7.2 10.5 30-44 14,780,925 7,503,730 7,277,195 43.8 75.1 6.9 8.1 8.5 12.4 45-59 8,242,645 4,311,999 3,930,646 46.3 81.6 7.4 9.6 9.6 14.9 60+ 5,501,274 2,922,005 2,579,269 55.0 88.2 8.9 14.5 14.9 21.3 Age not stated 177,825 103,905 73,920 48.3 70.9 58.0 49.8 11.1 17.4

Percentage distribution of literates by different level of education Matriculation And Age Primary Middle Above Unclassified Group Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female 1 11 12 I3 14 15 16 17 ]8 All ages 24.9 30.6 14.6 13.2 32.1 2Q.4 0.1 0.0 0-6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 7-14 29.5 28.3 9.8 9.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 15-19 24.5 28.3 26.6 23.2 35.4 32.9 0.0 0.0 20-24 19.0 27.2 16.1 14.9 52.8 41.6 0.1 0.1 25-29 19.2 28.8 13.7 13.3 53.9 40.0 0.1 0.1 30-44 22.0 34.6 14.0 13.2 48.5 31.6 0.1 0.1 45·59 24.8 41.8 14.0 13.0 44.1 20.8 0.1 0.0 60+ 32.0 41.8 12.8 10.2 31.4 12.1 0.1 0.0 Age not .stated 11.0 15.3 6.0 6.4 13.8 11.0 0.0 0.0


ANNEXURE -VII (D) PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF LITERATES BY DIFFERENT LEVEL OF EDUCATION, 2001 CENSUS District- Kishanganj Percentage distribution of literates by different level of education Literate % of Illiterate without to total educational Below Age TMal Population population level Primary Cirnup PerSOll Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 All ages 1,296.348 669,552 626,796 66.7 85.5 9.8 9.1 30.2 40,7 (),(J 287.937 147,899 140,038 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7-14 287,658 146,493 141,165 56.5 71.6 7,6 7.0 63.4 66.4 15-19 116,283 63,068 53,215 54.6 74.7 '\ 8,9 8.1 18.7 22.1 20-24 91,608 48,830 42,778 52.8 80.7 : 9.4 8.8 14.9 18.6 25-29 91,352 44,770 46,582 55.5 84,6 9,0 10,1 15.8 19.1 30-44 235,991 119,805 116,186 59.8 87.8 10.1 11.7 16.5 20,{) 45-59 119,122 63,745 55,377 58.5 90.4 11.0 13.6 17,0 20.1 60+ 63,000 32.487 30,513 65.0 93,5 13.3 13.8 20.1 25.5 Age not stated 3,397 2,455 942 42.8 75,9 82,2 63,7 6.3 16.7

Percentage distribution of literates by different level of education Matriculation And Age Primary Middle Above Unclassified Group Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female I 11 12 l3 14 15 16 17 18 All ages 29.2 27.4 11.9 10.2 18,7 11.9 0.3 0.8 0-6 o.a 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 7·14 23.5 21.0 5.2 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 O.S 15-19 33.8 31.5 19.4 16,8 18.8 20.2 0.4 1.2 20·24 30.6 29.1 14.8 13.3 30.1 29.5 0.3 0,8 25·29 29.7 31.6 13,9 12.9 31.4 25.4 0.2 0.9 30·44 30,6 33.9 13.4 13.5 29.0 20.0 0.3 0,9 45-59 32.4 36.5 13.1 14,7 26.1 14.1 0.3 1.0 60+ 34,5 35.9 12.9 11.0 18.8 8.5 0.4 0.4 Age not stated 6.2 8.4 1.9 3.1 2,9 3.1 0.0 0.0 One of the important characteristics of the A proper index to the extent of literacy is provided population on which information is collected in the by the proportion of literate and educated persons to census is literacy. Apati from collecting data on the total popUlation. The literacy rate for Bihar number of literate, the level, nature and type of (excluding the population in the age-group 0-6 years) education attained by the literates are also at the time of 1991 and 2001 Census were 38.5 and ascertained. The concept of literacy adopted in the 47.0 respectively. Male Literates greatly outnumbered census has already been explained in the beginning female literates as the literacy rate for males, of this publication. according to 1991and 2001 Census were 52.5 and

512 ANNEXURES 59.7 respectively while for females the literacy rate educational level shows that 20.9 percent males and were only to the extent of 22.9 and 31.1 percent 27.2 percent females in the state are such who are respective Iy. literate but without attaining any educational level. The overall literacy rate for Kishanganj district 2 1.6 percent and 26.2 percent males and females in according to 1991 and 2001 Ccensus, were 22.2 and the state, according to 1991 cenSllS, have crossed 31.1 percent respectively which is less than the state the primary or junior basic standard, 26.3 and 26.9 average. Male literates in the district accounted for percent males and females have passed the middle 33.1 percent in 1991 and 42.7 percent in 2001 while examination while 31.7 and 19.7 percent males and female literates in the district constitute only 10.4 females in the state are slich who are matriculates percent in 1991 and 18.6 percent in 2001 of the total and above. Almost similar trend prevail during 2001 population. The literacy rates for males and females Census also. in Kishanganj district are much lower than the The position of literates by different level of corresponding figures of Bihar state. education in Kishanganj district, according to 199 I A break-up of literate population by varioLls and 200 I Censlls, are more or less the same as observed for Bihar state as a whole.

ANNEXURE - VIII PERCENTAGE DISTRIBUTION OF MAJOR MOTHER TONGUES AS RETURNED IN CENSUS-200t FOR STATE & DISTRICT Bihar Kishangani Mother Tongue Population Percentage Mother Tongue Population Percentage I 2 3 I 2 3 Bhojpuri 20,372,983 24.5 Urdu 613,877 47.4 Hindi 14,524,035 17.5 Surjapuri 360,888 27.8 Magadhi/Magahi 12,132.383 14.6 Hindi 179,132 13.8 Maithili 11,830.684 14.3 Bengali 42,059 3.2 Urdu 9,457,544 11.4 Santali 41,524 3.2 Slujapllri 928,458 1.1 Maithili 32,793 2.5 Bengali 442,352 0.5 Bhojpuri 13,869 1.1 Santali 382,866 0.5 Marwari 1,344 0.1 KlIrllkh/Oraon 57,952 0.1 Magadhi/Magahi 1,099 0.1 Marwari 27,152 0.0 Sadan/Sadri 1,080 0.1 Total of other mother tongues 12,842,100 15.5 Total of Other Mother Tongues 8,683 0.7 Total Population 82,998,509 100.0 Total Population 1,296,348 100,0

The Census of India has the richest source of Bhojpuri tops the list with 24.5 percent of the total language data collected and published during the population having returned it as their mother tongue. successive decennial Censuses over a century. Hindi has been returning by only 17.5 percent while Annexure VIII furnished above, provides data on Magadhi/Maghi and Maithili have been returned by mother tongue as returned by each individual 14.6 and 14.3 percent of the total popUlation of the irrespective of its status as schecluled or non­ state as their mother tongue respectively in 2001. Urdu scheduled languages during 2001 Census for Bihar in the state has been returned by 11.4 percent of the State as well as for Kishanganj district. total state's population whereas in the district of Amongst 10 major mother tongues in the State, Kishanganj a whooping 47.4 percent of the district

513 population have returned it as their mother tongue and Santali have been returned by only 3.2 percent and it possess first position in the district. SUl:japuri each of the district population except these languages as muther tongue has been returned by 27.8 percent analysed above both for the state and the district, of Kishanganj district's population. Hindi has got third other have been returned by insignificant proportions position with 13.8 percent of the district population of the respective population of the state and the having returned it as their mother tongue. Bengali district as mother tongues as per Census 2001. DATA SOURCE FOR ANNEXURES - I TO VIII ANNEXURE - I: CHARGE REGISTER & COVERAGE FILE OF 2001 CENSUS ANNEXURE - II: OCCASIONAL PAPER - 1 OF 1997 ANNEXURE - IlJ : OCCASIONAL PAPER - 1 OF 1997 ANNEXURE - IV : D - SERIES TABLES OF 1991 & 2001 CENSUS ANNEXURE - V: C - SERIES TABLES OF 1991 & 2001 CENSUS ANNEXURE - VI : C - SERIES TABLES OF 1991 & 2001 CENSUS ANNEXURE - VII : C - SERIES TABLES OF 1991 & 2001 CENSUS ANNEXURE - VIII : C - SERIES TABLES OF 2001 CENSUS