Southern Tidings for 1952

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Southern Tidings for 1952 "Give All to God You Would Keep for Eternity' VOLUME XLVI COLLEGEDALE, TENNESSEE, NOVEMBER 29, 1952 NUMBER 45 Readings for the Home Circle which "Bible Readings" -- Holiday Gifts will give the whole message. We hope V. G. ANDERSON that on December 6 every Seventh- E are gladly recommending that every way: for the Holy Spirit will day Adventist, young and old, will W the special edition of Bible impress minds as they read the books, order some of these good books for Readings, offered right now at only just at He impresses the minds of distribution before the end of the one dollar, be used this year as Christ- those who listen to the preaching of year. mas gifts for our ten nearest neighbors. the word. The same ministry of an- The publishing house has made a spe- gels attends the books that contain Sactqice ad a Zafine cial offer of the complete Bible Read- te truth as attends the work of the ings, in this Christian Home edition, W. A. SCHARFFENBERG for one dollar. The book will go up to the regular two dollar price on HY can't you send someone ?" January 1. "W was the plea of a native broth- Instead of giving useless gifts, or er, a layman who was interested in the sending Christmas cards this year, we local mission sending a worker down invite you to join in sending a copy to his home village to reap the har- of Bible Readings. vest and baptize those who were ready. We are asking that all of the This layman had sown the seeds of churches in the Southern Union, dur- truth which had taken root in the ing the missionary service on Decem- hearts of the people and they were ber 6, take up this item so that the now ready to accept the message. books will be in your hands in plenty The earnest appeal of this brother of time for Christmas giving. touched the heart of the mission di- We believe that Bible Readings has rector, but he had no worker to send. brought as many people into the truth The lay brother continued his appeal, as any other book we know of out- Let us give thanks for heaven's saying again, "Why can't you send us side of the Bible itself. rich supply of spiritual light and someone, just why can't you send us earthly blessings. "I have been instructed that even someone?" The missionary did not where the people hear the message want to offend the native layman and minister." Testimonies, Vol. VI, pp. from the living preacher, . though wondered just how he might reply 313-316. the minister may faithfully present the to this earnest appeal. Right now your neighbors and message, the people are not able to In order to put this lay brother off, friends are susceptible to the truth. retain it all. The printed page is there- he decided to make it as hard for Thousands and thousands of Bible fore essential, not only in awakening him as possible. He reminded him of Readings can be placed in their homes them to the importance of the truth the fact that if a worker was sent there by our people if we will follow this for this time, but in rooting and would be no place in which to hold program. grounding them in the truth,- and es- meetings and no place for the worker tablishing them against deceptive error Recently a doctor chose one of our to live. There was no house and no . Books are the Lord's means of doctrinal books and sent it to hun- room available in the village as it was keeping the message for this time con- dreds of his patients. We would like already overcrowded. So he suggested tinually before the people. In enlight- to suggest that the professional men that the lay brother go back, build a ening and confirming souls in the in our area give these books by the place of worship and home for the truth, the publications will do a far thousands. worker, then come back, and he would greater work than can be accomplished Perhaps you have a relative or friend see what he could do for him. The by the ministry of the word alone. for whom you have wanted to do mission worker thought that this The silent messengers that are placed something for a long time to interest would help solve the problem before in the homes of the people . will him in the truth. This is your oppor- him. strengthen the gospel ministry in tunity. Send this beautiful gift of Bible Little did he realize the earnestness 2 SOU THERN TIDINGS of this layman. The layman returned How many of us would be willing poses and experiences of its students, to his village. Within less than two to sacrifice our time, effort, and means, and to help all to prepare to meet months he was back to see the mission as did this native layman, to establish better the rigors of life and the chal- ti director. A humble meeting place had a similar work? In order to save our lenge of big jobs. been provided and also a native home lives, we must be willing to sacrifice It's big enough to put on seven- for a worker. What could the director our very lives. We give our lives not league boots with the brilliant and say now? There was nothing else for because we want to save them, but ambitious, to take short steps with the him to do but to send a worker. As because of our love for our fellow retarded and deliberate, to rejoice with a result, 25 souls were baptized and men. It is this kind of a sacrifice that the successful, and to share the best of a church was organized. builds up the work of the Lord. education and culture with all. It's big enough to see the individual and Two Big Events at Southern Missionary his needs, and to fit instruction to him College in particular. In 1951 the Home Study Institute H. B. LUNDQUIST enrolled 2,500 new students and re- OUTHERN MISSIONARY COLLEGE Elder E. E. Cossentine, secretary of the ceived many thousands of lessons from S students and faculty received very Department of Education of the Gen- previous registrants. Its students live special spiritual refreshing as a result eral Conference, Elder F. D. Nichol, in all of the 48 states and are found of the Week of Prayer recently con- editor of the Review and Herald, Dr. in more than 30 foreign lands. It's ducted by Elder N. R. Dower, presi- R. L. Hammill, dean of the college, as big as the world's mail systems com- dent of the Texas Conference, and E. J. McMurphy, professor of speech, bined. Elder M. C. Connell, pastor in the and Harold A. Miller, professor of It's big enough to include you! For Georgia-Cumberland Conference. music, assisted Elder V. G. Anderson, help with your particular educational Prayer bands were a very special president of the college board, in the problem, write to the Home Study In- feature of the week and the prayer laying of the cornerstone. The be- stitute, Takoma Park, Washington 12, scroll, which was made up of names ginning of construction on this build- D. C. handed in by those who had special ing marks another gigantic stride in requests, grew in size from day to day. the college program to prepare youth This entire scroll was presented in to give the message here in the South- prayer before the Lord at the close ern Union. of the meeting. Friday evening, October 31, more than 200 students filed by the micro- How Big Is It? phone giving personal testimony to IT spans the rivers, hurries over the what God had done for them through plains, leaps the lakes, crosses the the Week of Prayer. A number from oceans, and even enters the jungle. It's the college, academy, and church as high as the topmost cloud pierced school are now in classes preparing by the plane on its way over the An- for baptism. des. Its long arms reach to the world's Another big event at the college most remote mailbox. was the laying of the cornerstone for The Home Study Institute is as big the new Music building which is to as the world-wide program of the be constructed during this school year. church and is dedicated to the prepar- ation of the members for a more ef- fectual ministry. It's as big as the list M V KIT ....NOTICE and content of subjects offered—from They Knew the Meaning of Liberty Save on subscription now! Accounting to Youth Problems, and Your civil and religious heritage will Officially the new rate is $1.50 from Bible Doctrines to World His- become more meaningful if you study: a year. We will, however, in the tory. One course of lessons is actually interest of our young people and offered in three languages—English, • American Constitutional History to co-operate with the MV De- French, and Spanish. • Survey of Civilization partment, accept subscriptions It's big enough to contain, as it • until January 1, 1953, at the old American Government does, children, physicians, farmers, sol- • American History rate of $1.25. diers, travelers, ministers, nurses, Subscribe now and save! teacher, and homekeepers.. It has room Write for a list of courses offered I.
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