tepperianum (Sacc.) McAlpine JAN08 Alan Wood ARC-PPRI (), e-mail: [email protected]; Fax: 001127 21886 6479Fax: [email protected]; e-mail: Africa), (South Key Contact:Wood ARC-PPRI Alan 41, 68-77. Control Biological (2007) Morris Wood, 36,100-106. Pathology (1987) Morris Further Reading: This isa successfulbiologicalcontrol agent of recorded on numerous of wattlesinAustralia, destructive beinghighly on at least a number of species. tepperianum Uromycladium Classification: Disease Figs 3-4. South Africa (1). and Flowers fruit (2). Figs 1-2. 12 introduced after it wasdemonstrated that the species consists of host species specific races. SouthAfrica.Wood, ARC-PPRI Photo credits: 1-2 LesleyHenderson, (SAplant invader atlas project; http://www.agis.agric.za/wip/) ; 3-4 Alan Philippines. Philippines. subsp. montana addition, it hasbeen recorded on lophantha 120 speciesof Australian U. tepperianum Host Range: are produced. penetrate the host epidermis. Nobasidiospores dispersive stage, andon germination, directly areduring therainseason.teliospores the The forming abrown powderylayercovering the galls telia. The teliospores are produced in mass, and producingpycnia only species ismicrocyclic galls may be as much as 1.5 kg in mass. This rust depend on the host plant species, and individual as theas well plant part most frequently attacked, witches’ brooms. The shape and size of the galls, species it may alsoinduce the developmentof stems, and seedflowers pods. On some host U. tepperianum The pathogen: : (b). U. tepperianum P. lophantha in Indonesia(EastTimor) andthe is recorded from approximately oninduces galls phyllodes, McAlpine (1906) The rusts of Dept. Agric. Vic.; Melbourne. Vic.; Dept. Agric. of Australia rusts The (1906) McAlpine in Indonesia(Java) and Galls and witches’ brooms of wattles K: Fungi,D: ,C: Urediniomycetes, O: F: . Urediniales, Pathogen ofthemonth Pathogen ofthemonth subsp. lophantha , and subsp. is the most widespreadof the eight species within thisgenus of rust fungi. It is galls onstemgalls (3) and inflorescence (4) of P. lophantha lophantha (Cape Wattle, Crested Wattle, ). Infestation in cape region P. . In . In 3 detailsbelow) with the localitydetails. lophantha P. lophantha Distribution on host species parasitized. are heavily suffer high mortality rates. However,not allrecorded parasitized,plant species heavily and these species Growth and seed production isgreatly reduced on Impact: who finds, infestationsof greatly appreciated if anybody knows of, who or Further localities are being sought. It would be Drive,nearKarridale). (southern end of Boranup rust foundfungus atwas only locality a single surveys for potential agents biocontrol in WA, this A. saligna on the safe and effective use of this pathogen against U. tepperianum in SouthAfrica.control of Biological this plant using Wattle, isan emerging Albizia) environmentalweed in South during Africa. recent However, would contactAlan (seeWood contact subsp. P. lophantha is currently beingconsidered, based in SouthAfrica, whereit was : lophantha Paraserianthes – – lophantha January January subsp. U. tepperianum (Cape Wattle, Crested lophantha 4 2008 2008 on in WA. P.