TV Reviews

'The Catalina,' Search Homepage summer fun in the sun Alternative media Cable Classifieds Light on fake confrontations and heavy on hearty Magazines partying Media economy New media By Tom Conroy Newspapers May 29, 2012 Out of Home Share | People Rachel speaks Radio Most reality shows about Research purportedly colorful Television workplaces try to provide TV Reviews fun, suspense and conflict. Webinars Media Economy The fun usually comes Find us on Facebook Newsletter across as forced, the suspense as contrived and Media Life Magazine Monday the conflict as unpleasant, Tuesday Like Wednesday and all of it usually seems Thursday faked. 171 people like Media Life Magazine. Friday Last week The CW's new series "The Yearly Archives Catalina," set in a raucous

Miami Beach hotel, feels About us Facebook social plugin Subscribe about as fake as the average Advertise show in the genre. But the Contact us people pretending to have Media Life Write to the MediaLifeMag editor fun seem to be having fun Press releases pretending. Neither the Post a classified MediaLifeMag Broadcast: First hit of conflicts nor the suspense are taken seriously. The combination of summer--NBC's 'Ninja Warrior': sexual innuendo, flirting and carefree hotties in skimpy clothes works 3 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite so effortlessly that it makes one wonder why more reality shows don't simply skip the drama. MediaLifeMag Cable: It's not just CNN taking a hit in ratings. Fox News and MSNBC also see declines compared to last May: In the premiere episode, airing tonight at 8, we meet the staff of the 7 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite Catalina, a hotel on Miami's South Beach. The owner is Nathan, a MediaLifeMag TVThisWeek: No doubt, cable's strenuously casual type who says that the hotel is "basically my pawn-addicted. Latest is Discovery's 'Final personality turned into a rock & roll [bleep] house." Ofer': 10 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite The staffers are equally eager to speak or behave flamboyantly for Join the conversation the cameras. Two of the bartenders at the rooftop pool, Kris and Nancy, who dated "Facebook officially," as she puts it, for three months, now play the roles of bickering exes. As Kris flirts with his bikini-clad customers, Nancy stands by looking peeved. She's Subscribe to Media Life currently angry because he made out with Vicky, a pretty Latin American woman who works the front desk. Latest headlines First hit of summer: NBC's 'Ninja Warrior' A third bartender, David, is a new hire--which in reality-TV terms It's not just CNN taking a hit in ratings usually means someone hired to make the show more watchable. His Tell us, what shows look promising for fall? attempts to flirt with the customers and Dede, a cocktail waitress, are No doubt about it, cable's pawn-addicted

5/31/12 10:39 AM more comical than sexy. 'America's Got Talent' ties a season high Here we go: Another reality singing show Morgan, a no-nonsense Polish woman who manages the hotel's CNN's Wolf blitzes Trump on birther issue restaurant, works her Slavic deadpan effectively. She's usually paired 'Hatfields & McCoys' sets cable record off with her bartender, Eyal, a self-described bisexual who boasts of his service in the Israeli military. She says he was an army Andie MacDowell joins Hallmark's 'Cedar Grove' accountant. Tiffany Rolfe becomes chief content officer at Co:Collective The sex in the show is mostly verbal, but there's a lot of it. Two Ted Lim becomes CCO at Leo Burnett Singapore Alicia Muntzner becomes VP of ad sales at Style Media lesbians try to get Nancy and Dede to kiss, and a heterosexual couple Todd Whiting rises to SVP at NBCU Cable & New seems to be trying to pick up Eyal. Media

Steve Chaggaris becomes executive editor at We frequently cut to interview segments in which pairs of staffers sit on a couch and banter. Though their shtick feels well rehearsed, it's Justin Bieber starring in NBC special often amusing. Tim Daly not returning to ABC's 'Private Practice'

The story lines in the premiere are barely traceable. The hotel throws a pool party for spring break. When two customers get too affectionate poolside, Nathan tells them, "You're exactly the kind of guests we like," and buys them drinks. Then, having decided that the party isn't wild enough, he sprays his staffers and some customers with champagne.

Although Nancy says the party has gone from a 2 to a 10, the staffers seem to be having a better time than the customers. Later, Stephanie, the hotel manager, scolds the employees for goofing off and drinking too much. David tells the camera that he can't take Stephanie seriously because he's always distracted by her cleavage.

Then Nathan makes Morgan play in a promotional beach volleyball game against a team of models. If she loses, he says, he'll send her back on "the banana boat" to Poland. Even the show's producers seem to know we're not going to be sitting on the edge of our seats Reader services waiting to see if she and her team can come from behind. Subscribe to Media Life newsletters Contact us Write to the editor Surprisingly, the montage at the end of the episode that previews Send in a story tip what we'll see in the season contains no scene in which two regulars Send in a press release scream at each other while pointing their fingers at each other's Send in a people item faces. Post a free classified

Media by the numbers Weary reality viewers will appreciate being spared that cliche, not to This week's cable ratings mention all the other phony conflict that drives too many of these This week's broadcast ratings shows. At the beginning of summer, we all could use something light, This week's top movies, songs and books fizzy and forgettable. This week's daypart ratings This week's younger viewer ratings This month's new media traffic data

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© 2012 Media Life Magazine Tom Conroy is a Connecticut writer and longtime TV critic.

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5/31/12 10:39 AM