1985 KMT Program (Pdf)
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•Special Additional Award L ~~j~•;f:L~~:'f {:.::.:~_.,;:~;\•~. ~:-,~~;,§;,-~:}~::~: ·.\~x>.~ ;'~·;~~::::~;:~-_,:,:::·." ;: :'.\? _:;~::·.::.~.: ~>'..!:'j(Z;.:~~t;_·r-_.XY£~~5-;IJ;/~,~.::._:f/L:L~·:;~);~)n:~~1t::~;:_>;{~}1:~~~K:t ·· A wards Program 1981 Mary Chase, Andover 11 a.m. "Memories of Yesteryear" - One-Room Rural School Mary Lou Davis , Dodge City Carl Livingston, professor emeritus, is the host Marguerite Flick, Winfield Don Miller, Fon Scott Noon President's Luncheon - President's home, 1522 Highland Deloris Jean Osger , Eureka Chester Peckover, Buhler 2:30 p.m. Seminar: "Recruiting the Best for Teaching" - Educational Byron Smith, Anthony Administration Conference Center, Visser Hall Dr. Stuart Ervay, Emporia State professor of education, is the 1982 moderator Dorothy Arensman, Dodge City Frances Kohrs, Fon Scott 4 p.m. Reception for Master Teachers - Atrium, Visser Hall Bill Saunders, Garden City Students, faculty and visitors are guests of Kappa Delta Pi and Marjory Pease Sharp, Pittsburg Patricia Tippin , Manhattan SNEA Kenneth T rickle Jr. , Salina 6:30 p.m. Master Teacher Award Dinner - Social Lecture Hall, Elizabet h Voorhees, Emporia Memorial Union 1983 Toastmaster: Dr. John Ransom, professor of biology, Emporia Catherine Ann Brown, Emporia State University Elaine Fowler Bryant, Pittsburg Invocation: "The Lord's Prayer" by Martha Berry, soloist , Betty Holderread , Newton Lois McLure , Kingman and Professor Paul Moore, pianist Barry L. Schartz, Ki ngman Address: "Teacher in a Free Society" by Dr. John King, Sally McCabe Shipley. Kansas City, Mo. Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of South Doris Velen, Manhattan Carolina, and former president (1953-66) of Emporia State University Award Presentations: Dr. Robert Glennen, president, Emporia State University, and Dr. Jack Skillett, dean, College of Education, Emporia State University Decorations: Butcher Children's Laboratory School fourth grade, Lori Mareska, art teacher . .. .... ~ . .: Master Teacher Award The Master Teacher awards were others were involved in establishing 1972 1975 established in 1954 by Emporia State policies and procedures. Davis added Joseph L. Bournonville, Pimburg Vern University (then Kansas State "Kansas" to the name. Rich had sug Robert Burnett, Colby J. Pa Teachers College). The awards are gested "distinguished," but that word Gerald Goacher, Topeka Ka presented annually to teachers who *F. Floyd Herr, Topeka. State Dept. Betty was changed to "master." Ray of Education Iram have served the profession long and Cremer, business manager, sug Carl A. James. Emporia Mari well, _and who also typify the good gested a money award for the -recip Catherine Johannsen, Kansas City Ernes qualities of earnest and conscientious ients, but King believed watches were Margaret Parker, Pittsburg, PSU Roze' teachers. Leona Velen , Manhattan more appropriate so the watches 1976 The Kansas Master Teacher pro were awarded. C.O. Wright, ex 1973 Chari gram was originated in the early ecutive secretary of the Kansas State Mildred Barber, Concordia Harry 1950s and was developed by the Teachers Association. was responsi Elton W. Cline, Pittsburg. PSU Glenn l;niversity Administrative Council. ble for the suggestion that nomina Marie Hieger . El Dorado *James Dr. Everett Rich, former chairperson Anna Hurty, Hutchinson Franc tions be made by local teacher Rachel Leist. Fort Scott Richa of the English department and a associations or similar educational Allen L. nruh, Ottawa council member, was the driving groups. Rich was responsible for the Marjorie Vieux, Atwood force behind the program. publicity the awards received across The program was first discussed in the state. 1974 1977 Wanda Franzen, Emporia 1952. Because of the illness and Jean Candidates for the awards are Arlene Garrett, Hugoton Fred subsequent death of President David nominated by local teacher associa Ruben Grose, Hutchinson *Willia L. Macfarlane Jan. 3, 1953, nothing tions and school faculties. In early Louis Hayward, Eureka Joan was done until the following year. In March, a committee selects the win Clyde Johnson, Leavenworth Shirle 1954, with the support of Dr. Don Esther Overman, Columbus Co ners. The committee members repre Norris Sayre. Ensign Davis, chairperson of the division of Marth sent educational organizations from .. Gene education, and the approval of new across Kansas. Dan 1 president John E. King, the first The 1985 selection committee in awards were made. cluded: Fern Wood, Cherryvale, A number of faculty members and president of the Kansas division of ,~/_/::;;·:://.;~:~:~:\~~~J~~j;/i~f~(ii>f·(~\tf-f~;'.:~.:\f\·:\/>"i;:t:~/r/t}:·:.)/j~~1}·::~·;:? the American Association of Univer Stuart Ervay, Dave Eldridge, Paul sity Women; Ernie Goerend, Salina, Kincaid, Marjorie Schmidt, and Dr. vice-president of the Kansas Congress Daryl Berry, chairperson. of Parents and Teachers; Warren The committee is grateful for the Bell, Lawrence, director of state and cooperation of the Endowment federal programs administration, Asso ciation, · Alumni Association, Kansas Department of Education; .Butcher Children's Laboratory Nancy ·Lindberg, Topeka, president School, Kappa Delta Pi, Student of the Kansas-National Education NEA, conferences and special events Association; Donald Herbel, Law office, office of photographic ser rence, president of the United School vices , and i\Iemorial Union dining Administrators; Dr. Leonard Chaf service in connection with the Master fee , Wichita , president of the Kansas Teacher award program. Association of Colleges of Teacher Emporia State University and the Education; Jacque Oakes, Yates Master Teacher program are also Center, president of the Kansas grateful to Emporia's Citizens Na Association of School Boards; and tional Bank and Trust Co. and Mrs. Florence Gatsche , Manhattan, presi Marea Black of Broken Bow, Okla. dent of the Student-Kansas National In 1980, Citizens Bank pledged Education Association from Kansas $50,000 to permanently endow the State University. Master Teacher award program. In A committee of Emporia State 1984, Mrs. Black established the faculty and administrators is in William A. Black Kansas Master charge of local arrangements. This Teacher Endowed Chair in memory committee includes: Dr. Robert of her husband. More information Glennen, Dr. Jim Meyer, Dr. Jack about the Black Endowed Chair can Skillett, Dr. Judy Hample, Dr. J.W. be found in this program. Brinkman, Dr. Virginia Moxley, Dr. --------- .. ---·· ··~ -.~:.~_.:_:i~-~-·---~~--.--,· .:.._.-:_·~~~,~;:_·.;;:__ -_:; _~_-t:_:__ ---~ --~·.·-_;__ · __,_-,.. ~_-_··.~-·-..._· ,.:::.·.: ___~.... --~,:_-_-.-.:,·.-.:_._-_- ~..:_~.·-_:;_:.,:?- .-·,·)__ : _·,·__ :-.·t_;.~~._'. ...,:_· -_ -;_·~,-_;_~_'_:_,_-.·~-~.:_:.~.r_-:~,-.---~--- --- ~-.-,.• ( -_--,'.-.~-·--·_~_:_ .-.----,-_) --~_,._,_.,-.-__. ,-,·:_:.. :_. -_·.-~------.-_-._~_,_--_:~~~---~--.··.-_".:.~--:-·~_:_!_-~::·_---_:__ -_ -___, ~_ -. - .... · - · - .., . ·_. ·- · · · , - · · · ·- · · - · · - · · · • · · -. · · .. '~ - - .. r - ' ~ • • 1 - ..- ' - ,-. '-"°: - ~ -• ' ~ M J;:f,.. ' - - ,-r - - ._' r - •. - - ,1' - - < ~-~:_, - r: ..~ -.... ·~~-~-~/.\~};~:-~~?-.~~_! -~./-~).\~2~::\t~{\1:i::·~~-~ -~.7:: ..'{{)/i~/~~.:s·~:-:;~::,i~:::,(~~~--·:{~/}_:./,:~-:J. William A. Black Kansas Master Teacher Endowed Chair In 1984, the Black family of Broken from Emporia State University. He 1960 1963 received his Ph.D. degree in phi Eula Bridger, Kansas City May Bow, Okla., established an endowed Mary Louise Gritten, Bird City Alta chair for Kansas Master Teachers. losophy, education and psychology Lena Carl, Holcomb Walt Each · year, this permanently en· from the University of Colorado. Owen E. Hodgson, Salina <lowed fund will provide the salary Black was nationally known for Opal Jayne Kennedy, Lawrence for a Kansas Master Teacher to establishing junior colleges and for Pauline Shockey, Wellington hi-s work in school finance and cur· Blanch Smith , Pinsburg spen·d a summer, semester, or entire •c. 0. Wright, T opeka , KSTA academic year at· Emporia State ricula. 1964 University. During his career, he served as 1961 Dan president of the Pueblo (Colo. ) Reba Anderson , Hutchinson, Mary The Master Teacher selected will Erdm Junior College, director of junior col Hutchinson Community College teach cl asses and work with students George D. Caldwell , Iola Loma who plan careers in education . The leges and curriculum for the state of Lydia Haag , Dodge City Bern endowed chair will provide a Washington, and head of the depart· Larry Ling, Li beral Lillie Dewe valuabl e experience fo r Emporia ment of education and psychology at Dorothy McPherson , Coffe yville Pim burg State University. In 1962 , Jane E. Raether, J unction City *Ruth State students and a.meaningful op· Ruth Socolofsk y, Manhattan portunity for Master Teachers. while at Pittsburg State, he received 1965 The William A. Black Kansas the Kansas Master Teacher award. 1962 Rebe Master Teacher Endowed Chair was Black married Marea Belfield William A. Black, Pinsburg, PSU Bryce Mabe established by Marea Belfield Black Nov. 7, 1920. The Blacks' son, Eunice McGill, Sterl ing College William Vincent Black, was born Nellie McGuinn , Kansas City Hazel to honor the Black family's lifelong Owen R. McNeil, Peabody Floyd dedication to public education. The March 31 , 1922. The family moved Ell a C. Shearer, Beloit Dorat endowed chair is named for her hus to Broken Bow March I , 1973. Dr. Marie Therkelsen, Independence Ethel band, Dr. William A. Black. Black died