Federal Register
> 11TTTO& ' FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 3 \ 1934 NUMBER 141 i/AHTED^ W a sh in gton , T h u rsd a y, J u ly 21, 1938 Rules, Regulations, Orders his hand and caused the seal of the De CONTENTS partment of Agriculture to be affixed in the city of Washington, District of Co RULES, REGULATIONS, ORDERS TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE lumbia, this 19th day of July, 1938. T itle 7—A griculture: [ seal! M. L. W ilson, Agricultural Adjustment Ad AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT Acting Secretary of Agriculture. ADMINISTRATION ministration: Page [F. R. Doc. 38-2079; Filed, July 20,1938; Fresh prunes grown in Uma P roclamation W ith Respect to B ase 9:32 a. m.] tilla County, Oreg., Walla P eriod to be U sed for P urpose of Walla and Columbia M arketing A greement and O rder Counties, Wash.: R egulating H andling of F resh P runes Base period for marketing G rown in U matilla County in State Order R egulating the H andling in In agreement and order__1779 of Oregon, and W alla W alla and terstate and Foreign Commerce, and Order regulating handling Columbia Counties in State of W ash Such H andling as D irectly Burdens, in interstate, etc., com ington Obstructs or Affects I nterstate or F oreign Commerce of Fresh P runes merce_________________ 1779 By virtue of the authority vested in G rown in U matilla County in State Mainland cane sugar area the Secretary of Agriculture by the terms of Oregon and W alla W alla and Co ferais, determination of and provisions of Public Act No.
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