Wednesday, September 10, 2003

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Wednesday, September 10, 2003 2001 F150 SUPER CAB 4X4 XLT Stk.#7004A - 5.4L V-8, A.T., air, cruise, tilt, power windows/mirrors/locks, box liner, running boards, bug deflector, trailer hitch, AM/FM/CD. A GREAT TRUCK - A GREAT SALE PRICE Dingwall Ford Sales Ltd. Monday-Friday 737-3440 8AM-6PM 737-3440 Sat. 8AM-Noon Volume 12, No. 40 Wednesday, September 10, 2003 Kenora-Rainy River Candidates step up to the plate for Provincial election Michael Pelham also public health care and educa- STAFF WRITER tion, Hampton is a harsh critic of privatizing power. He said the HE Provincial election was issue is an important one for those called on Sept. 3, sending living in the Northwest because Tlocal candidates for of the many mills, mines, and Kenora-Rainy River MPP through other industries that rely heavily the gates and into the election on power. race. “My first priority is to prevent With voting scheduled for Oct. the privatization of our hydro sys- 2, the three contenders have only tem,” Hampton said. “It’s impor- a short time to sell themselves to tant that we can receive power at voters in the region. Watch out for an affordable price, that we’re Liberal Geoff McClain, Progres- able to rely on it and not have to sive Conservative Cathe worry about blackouts.” C Hoszowski, and current MPP for Hampton said the economy of Kenora-Rainy River Howard the Northwest is actually being i Hampton. Each runner has a rea- hurt because mills like the one in son for wanting to represent the Dryden are taking more “down Northwest, and a reason why they time,” when the company cuts think voters should support them. down on production to compen- Bulletin photo/Michael Pelham When contacted the day elec- sate for rising hydro bills. Hamp- tions were called, Hampton made ton said mills in the region are Cruising on Bikes it clear the biggest priority stand- complaining that power costs have ing out in his platform was the doubled since the privatization of Constable Troy Carleson (centre), from the OPP in-service training unit in Kenora, came to Sioux Lookout to give officers here a training session on patrolling the streets via bicycle on Aug. 29. Members of the issue of public power. An advo- Ontario hydro systems. community have been calling for OPP bike patrols to help stop crime and vandalism in the streets. See THREE, page 6 cate of not only public hydro, but Carleson taught techniques involved in riding safely while being aware of the surroundings. Local woman ventures Hudson school taps Net with new tower to OPP Bound Michael Pelham open, it is investing technology technology. STAFF WRITER into the school to ensure the The tower was raised on Aug. Laura Cooper and long days became the routine. pupils have the same benefits 20 and stands 110 feet tall. To STAFF WRITER “It was physical right from six in UDSON Public School as other kids across the district. mark the occasion, grade 4-5 the morning until the time we went opened its doors Sept. “This gives students the abil- teacher Sheila Flesher placed IOUX Lookout’s 24 year to bed.” She mentioned that 12 H3 for yet another school ity to learn to their maximum four 2003 minted coins at the old Char Nestrovich was women from Northwestern On- year, this time with high-end potential,” said Principal of site. A penny was placed in the Sone of 102 chosen from tario attended, including herself technology that will help kids Hudson School, Chris Conquer. centre of the tower, along with nearly 3000 applicants to partici- and Helen Littledeer from Lac Seul. learn. He said the 20 new comput- a fifty cent piece at the right- pate in a recruitment camp for “They want more women to A tower was erected at the ers and new Internet tower also hand edge of the base to display women interested in careers with join the force. This was a taste of school that allows the reception make it easier for teachers to do the Canadian coat of arms, a the Ontario Provincial Police. what life would be like. We got a of high speed Internet service. their jobs because of the better loonie to represent the Hudson OPP Bound, the Orillia based chance to try everything,” she said. A new computer lab will also technology. wilderness, and a toonie to dis- program proved to be both chal- A series of drills, testing the mind increase the learning experience “From the teaching end, play the Queen. lenging and rewarding for Sioux and body, plus a crime scene sce- of students cruising the net for we’re very excited to have 20 “The school board has given nario where “you have to put Lookout’s representative after a information or researching new computers that are fast,” us what we need to be a things together and find a solu- rigorous week of training. school projects. Conquer said, explaining this good school,” Conquer said. Nestrovich said, “If you weren’t tion,” were most memorable. Last year, the question of creates a more efficient learn- “This is a sign they won’t let the physically fit, you couldn’t have Nestrovich said, “It was extremely whether or not the Hudson ing environment. school stumble along until it made it. Everything was fast paced. rewarding. I felt very confident. I put school would stay open was a Conquer described the mood closes.” There were a lot of people puking, my mind to it and I did it.” question that plagued staff, stu- of returning students and teach- He said getting the new dehydrated (from exertion), and Encouraged by the experience, two dropped out after the first day.” she said, “I will pursue this. Not dents and parents alike. Now ers to be exceptionally jubilant computer lab and tower reflects Endurance, aptitude and per- for awhile, but when my daughter that the Kenora-Patricia Dis- this year because of the school the board’s policy of equality fect push-ups were requirements gets older.” trict School Board (KPDSB) board’s commitment to keep for all schools, small or has decided to keep the school the school open and upgrade its large. Page 2 - Wednesday, September 10, 2003 News Sioux Lookout Bulletin First Nation community alarmed race.” He firmly countered the narrow-minded tone of by malicious message the letter and asked, “How Laura Cooper An Aug. 29 meeting in with the community of dare anybody have the STAFF WRITER Mishkeegogamang at- Pickle Lake, ourselves and nerve to cast that stone?” tended by Chief and Coun- technical services with Despite the encourage- NONYMOUS, cil, Nishnawbe Aski Nation Nishnawbe Aski Nation. At ment from locals, and Pickle racist hate mail Grand Chief Stan Beardy, this stage we will continue Lake Mayor Roy Hoffman A directed to the Mayor of Pickle Lake to look for the writer of the expressing regret and offer- Mishkeegogamang First and police interests proved letter. The OPP are look- ing commitment to work Nation has shocked the re- to be a positive step toward ing vigorously for the au- with Mishkeegogamang on Wedding mote community and addressing the issues that thor and that is our wish.” the issues, Chief Roundhead Announcement prompted police and lead- continue to create barriers A long time resident and is still fearful. ers to come together in among the people of both business owner in Pickle The penman included Claude Beaulieu and search of solutions. communities. Lake was adamantly op- something in his letter that Kimberly Likely would The nameless author im- “We all agree that the posed last week at the letter left the Chief deeply dis- like to announce the plicates a neighboring com- letter was racist and hurt- author’s suggestion that, turbed. It read, “Someone marriage of their munity, Pickle Lake, as “sick ful. There are statements “Everyone around here has suggested to start shoot- daughter and tired of you people,” that are sweeping and ugly, had enough.” ing. Perhaps that would April Beaulieu-Likely and continued, we “should painting everyone with the Kelvin Schmeichel said, send the message across.” to Damien Swanson, not have to fear what might same brush,” related Band “As a business, we think Chief Roundhead re- son of Maureen Oakley happen because of the drunks Councillor Connie McKay. whoever is writing this is solved, “We have to take and David Swanson. all over the place.” The letter Mishkeegogamang ignorant. If you have a things cautiously. The con- The ceremony took place further spells out a warning Chief Ronald Roundhead problem with drunk peo- cern that we have now is at St. Mary’s Anglican for the First Nation people to explained further, “We are ple address that. It has noth- the safety of our people, Church August 2, 2003. stay on the reserve. going to develop a strategy ing to do with culture or and everybody.” Sioux Lookouters brace for winter, look forward to Entertainment Series Michael Pelham Sioux Lookout for the sec- here,” Wood explained. “It haven’t yet visited Sioux STAFF WRITER ond time to kick off the gradually expanded.” Lookout, but the exception season. The group also per- Now the Entertainment is sometimes made for F WINTER draws out forms choreographed Series, run entirely by vol- groups like Barachois. this year to be a little dance numbers to rhythms unteers, sends two people to “Sometimes we’ll de- Ilonger than expected, played out by cardboard Toronto every year to a con- cide something is just won- don’t worry – the series box drums, steamer trunk, vention put on by the On- derful,” she said.
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