Birkhot HaShahar and Pesukei DeZimra ​ ​

1. Hineh Mah Tov

ִהנֵּה ַמה טוֹב וַּמה נִָּעים ,How good and pleasant it Hineh ma tov uma na'im is for brothers & sisters Shevet ahim gam yahad. ֶשֶׁבת אִָחים ַגּם יַַחד to sit together.

2. Birthday of the World

Happy Birthday! Yom Huledet Sameah יום הולדת שמח!

TODAY is Rosh Hashanah, the first day of the Jewish New Year. TODAY we have a chance to start again. TODAY we can think about last year and all the things that have happened. We grew taller and stronger. We learned new skills. We made new friends. We celebrated birthdays and holidays. TODAY we can thank God for all the wonderful things that happened last Rosh Hashanah. -Taken from “Rosh Hashanah: A Family Service,” Abrams and Kahn

3. Modeh/Modah Ani

I offer thanks before you, Modeh/Modah ani מוֶֹדה/ מוָֹדה ֲאִני ְלָפנֶיָך ֽ living and eternal Ruler, le’fanekha melekh hai ​ ​ ֶֽמֶלְך ַחי וְַקיָּים. ֶשׁ ֶֽה ֱחַֽזְר ָתּ ִבּי for You have mercifully vekayam she’hehezarta bi ​ ​ ִנשׁמ ִתי בחמלה ַרבּה ,restored my soul to me. nishmati be'hemlah ְ ָ ְ ֶ ְ ָ . ָ ֱא ֽמוּנָ ֶתך׃ .Your faithfulness is great. rabah emunatekha ֽ ָ

4. Birkot Hashahar ​ ​

ֹ ָבּרוְּך אַ ָתּה יְיָ ֱאל ֵֽהינוּ ֶֽמֶלְך ,Blessed are You, Adonai Barukh Atah Adonai our God, Ruler of the Eloheinu Melekh ָהעוָֹלם... Universe... Ha’olam...

ֹ ָבּרוְּך אַ ָתּה יְיָ ֱאל ֵֽהינוּ ֶֽמֶלְך ָהעוָֹלם… Who enables God's creatures to distinguish between night and day.

1 ֹ ָבּרוְּך אַ ָתּה יְיָ ֱאל ֵֽהינוּ ֶֽמֶלְך ָהעוָֹלם… Who made me in God's image. ֹ ָבּרוְּך אַ ָתּה יְיָ ֱאל ֵֽהינוּ ֶֽמֶלְך ָהעוָֹלם… Who made me a Jew. ֹ ָבּרוְּך אַ ָתּה יְיָ ֱאל ֵֽהינוּ ֶֽמֶלְך ָהעוָֹלם… Who made me free. ֹ ָבּרוְּך אַ ָתּה יְיָ ֱאל ֵֽהינוּ ֶֽמֶלְך ָהעוָֹלם… Who gives sight to the blind. ֹ ָבּרוְּך אַ ָתּה יְיָ ֱאל ֵֽהינוּ ֶֽמֶלְך ָהעוָֹלם… Who clothes the naked. ֹ ָבּרוְּך אַ ָתּה יְיָ ֱאל ֵֽהינוּ ֶֽמֶלְך ָהעוָֹלם... Who releases the bound. ֹ ָבּרוְּך אַ ָתּה יְיָ ֱאל ֵֽהינוּ ֶֽמֶלְך ָהעוָֹלם... Who raises the downtrodden. ֹ ָבּרוְּך אַ ָתּה יְיָ ֱאל ֵֽהינוּ ֶֽמֶלְך ָהעוָֹלם... Who creates the heavens and the earth. ֹ ָבּרוְּך אַ ָתּה יְיָ ֱאל ֵֽהינוּ ֶֽמֶלְך ָהעוָֹלם... Who provides for all my needs. ֹ ָבּרוְּך אַ ָתּה יְיָ ֱאל ֵֽהינוּ ֶֽמֶלְך ָהעוָֹלם... Who guides us on our path. ֹ ָבּרוְּך אַ ָתּה יְיָ ֱאל ֵֽהינוּ ֶֽמֶלְך ָהעוָֹלם... Who strengthens the people Israel with courage. ֹ ָבּרוְּך אַ ָתּה יְיָ ֱאל ֵֽהינוּ ֶֽמֶלְך ָהעוָֹלם... Who crowns the people of Israel with glory. ֹ ָבּרוְּך אַ ָתּה יְיָ ֱאל ֵֽהינוּ ֶֽמֶלְך ָהעוָֹלם... Who restores vigor to the weary.

5. Barukh She’amar

This poem praises God for creating such an amazing world just by speaking. We are reminded of the power of the spoken word and urged to use speech wisely and sensitively. ָבּרוְּך הוּא - Praise God ָבּרוְּך ְשׁמוֹ - Praise God's Name

ָבּרוְּך ֶשׁאָ ַמר וְָהיָה ָהעוָֹלם ָבּרוְּך הוּא. .Barukh hu ָבּרוְּך עֶֹשׂה ְבֵרא ִשׁית ָבּרוְּך ְשׁמוֹ. .Barukh shemo ָבּרוְּך אוֹ ֵמר וְעוֹ ֶשׂה ָבּרוְּך הוּא. .Barukh hu

2 ָבּרוְּך גּוֵֹזר וְּמַקיֵּם ָבּרוְּך ְשׁמוֹ. .Barukh shemo ָבּרוְּך ְמַר ֵחם ַעל ָה ֽאֶָרץ ָבּרוְּך הוּא. .Barukh hu ָבּרוְּך ְמַר ֵחם ַעל ַהְבִּריּוֹת ָבּרוְּך ְשׁמוֹ. .Barukh shemo ָבּרוְּך ְמ ַשֵׁלּם ָשָׂכר טוֹב ָבּרוְּך הוּא. .Barukh hu ִליֵראָיו

ָבּרוְּך ַחי ָלַעד וְַקיָּם ָלנֶַֽצח ָבּרוְּך ְשׁמוֹ. .Barukh shemo ָבּרוְּך פּוֶֹדה וַּמִצּיל ָבּרוְּך הוּא ,ָבּרוְּך ְשׁמוֹ. Barukh hu, barukh shemo. ​

6. Psalm 145:

אַ ְשֵׁרי יוֹ ְשֵׁבי ֵבי ֶֽתָך, עוֹד ,Happy are those who Ashrei yoshvei veitekha dwell in your house. od yehalelukha selah. יְַהְלֽלוָּך ֶֽסָּלה.

ֹ אַ ְשֵׁרי ָהָעם ֶשָֽׁכָּכה לּוֹ, אַ ְשֵׁרי ָהָעם ֶשׁיְיָ ֱאל ָהיו. ְתִּהָלּה ְלָדוִד, ֲא רוִֹמְמָך ֱאלוַֹהי ַה ֶֽמֶּלְך, וֲַאָבְרָכה ִשְׁמָך ְלעוָֹלם וֶָעד. ְבּ ָכל יוֹם ֲאָבְרֶֽכָךּ, וֲַאַהְלָלה ִשְׁמָך ְלעוָֹלם וֶָעד. ָגּ דוֹל יְיָ וְּמ ֻהָלּל ְמאֹד, וְִלְגֻדָלּתוֹ ֵאין ֵֽחֶקר. דּוֹר ְלדוֹר יְ ַשַׁבּח ַמע ֶשׂיך, וְּגבוּרֶֹתיך יִַגּידוּ. ֲ ֽ ָ ֽ ָ ֽ ֲה ַדר ְכּבוֹד הוֶֹֽדָך, וְִדְבֵרי ִנְפְלאֶֹֽתיָך אָ ִֽשׂי ָחה. ו ֱֶעזוּז נוְֹראוֹ ֶֽתיָך יֹא ֵֽמרוּ, וְּגֻדָלּ ְתָך ֲאַסְפֶּֽרנָּה. ֶ זֶֽכר ַרב טוְּבָך יִַֽבּיעוּ, וְִצְדָק ְתָך יְַרנֵּֽנוּ. ַח נּוּן וְַרחוּם יְיָ, ֶֽאֶרְך אַַֽפּיִם וְּגָדל ָֽח ֶסד. טוֹב יְיָ ַלכֹּל, וְַרֲח ָמיו ַעל ָכּל ַמע ָשׂיו. ֲ יוֹֽדוּך יְיָ ָכּל ַמע ֶשׂיך, וֲַחִסיֶדיך יְָבְרֽכוָּכה. ָ ֲ ֽ ָ ֽ ָ ְכּ בוֹד ַמְלכוּ ְתָך יֹא ֵֽמרוּ, וְּגבוָּר ְתָך יְַדֵֽבּרוּ. ְל הוִֹֽדיַע ִלְבנֵי ָהאָָדם ְגּבוּרָֹתיו, וְּכבוֹד ֲהַדר ַמְלכוּתוֹ. ַמ ְלכוּ ְתָך ַמְלכוּת ָכּל עוָֹלִמים, וּ ֶמְמ ַשְׁל ְתָּך ְבָּכל דֹּר וָדֹר. סוֹ ֵמך יְיָ ְלָכל ַהנְֹּפִלים, וְזוֹקף ְלָכל ַהְכּפוִּפים. ְ ֵ ֵֽע ינֵי כֹל ֵאֶֽליָך יְ ַשֵֽׂבּרוּ, וְאַ ָתּה נוֹ ֵתן ָל ֶהם ֶאת אְָכָלם ְבִּעתּוֹ. 3 פּוֹ ֵתַח ֶאת יֶָדך, וַּמ ְשִׂבּיַע ְלָכל ַחי ָרצוֹן. ֽ ֽ ָ ֽ ַצ ִדּיק יְיָ ְבָּכל ְדָּרָכיו, וְָחִסיד ְבָּכל ַמֲע ָשׂיו. ָק רוֹב יְיָ ְלָכל קְֹראָיו, ְלכֹל ֲא ֶשׁר יְִקָר ֻֽאהוּ ֶב ֱא ֶמת. ְר צוֹן יְֵראָיו יֲַע ֶשׂה, וְֶאת ַשׁוְָע ָתם יִ ְשַׁמע וְיוֹ ִשיֵעם. שׁוֹ ֵמר יְיָ ֶאת ָכּל אֲֹהָביו, וְֵאת ָכּל ָהְר ָשִׁעים יַ ְשִׁמיד. ​ ְתּ ִהַלּת יְיָ יְַדֶבּר ִפּי, וִיָבֵרְך ָכּל ָבּ ָשׂר ֵשׁם ָקְדשׁוֹ ְלעוָֹלם וֶָעד. וֲַאַנְֽחנוּ ְנָבֵרְך יָהּ, ֵמַע ָתּה וְַעד עוָֹלם, ַהְללוּיָהּ.

7. : Halleluyah!

ַהְללוּיָהּ, ַהְללוּ ֵאל ְבָּקְדשׁוֹ, Praise God in the sacred Haleluyah, halelu Eyl sanctuary; Praise God in be’kodsho, halelu-hu ַהְלֽלוּהוּ ִבְּרִקיַע ֻעזּוֹ. ֽ .the mighty heavens. birki’a uzo ַהְלֽלוּהוּ ִבְּגבוּרָֹתיו, ַהְלֽלוּהוּ Praise God for vast Haleluhu bigvurotav, ֹ ְכּרב ֻגְּדלוֹ. .power; Praise God for haleluhu ke’rov gudlo ַהְלֽלוּהוּ ְבּ ֵֽתַקע שׁוָֹפר, ,abundant greatness. Haleluhu be’teyka shofar ַהְלֽלוּהוּ ְבּנֵֶֽבל וְִכנּוֹר. Praise God with the haleluhu be’neyvel ַהְלֽלוּהוּ ְבּתֹף וּ ָמחוֹל, ַהְלֽלוּהוּ .sound of the Shofar, ve’khinor Praise God with lute and Haleluhu be’tof umahol, ְבִּמִנּים וְֻעָגב. lyre. Praise God with haleluhu be’minim ַהְלֽלוּהוּ ְבִּצְלְצֵלי ָשַׁמע, ֽ .drum and dance, Praise ve’ugav ַהְלֽלוּהוּ ְבִּצְלְצֵלי ְתרוָּעה. God with strings and Haleluhu be’tziltze’lei כֹּל ַהְנּ ָשׁ ָמה ְתַּהֵלּל יָהּ flute. Praise God with shama, haleluhu ַהְללוּיָהּ. .resounding cymbals, be’tziltze’lei te’ru’ah כֹּל ַהְנּ ָשׁ ָמה ְתַּהֵלּל יָהּ Praise God with clanging Kol hane’shamah te’halel cymbals. Praise God yah, haleluyah! ַהְללוּיָהּ. everything that breathes. Kol hane’shamah te’halel Haleluyah! Praise God! yah, haleluyah!

The Ruler HaMelekh ַה ֶמֶלך .8 ֽ ְ

9. Hatsi ​ ​

יְִתַגַּדּל וְיְִתַקַדּשׁ ְשׁ ֵמהּ ַרָבּא. May God’s name be Yitgadal ve’yitkadash exalted and hallowed she’mey raba. Be’alma di ְבּעְל ָמא ִדּי ְבָרא ִכְרעוּ ֵתהּ, ָ throughout the world ve’ra khir’uteh, ve’yamlikh

4 that God created, as is malkhuteh be’hayeikhon וְיְַמִליְך ַמְלכוּ ֵתהּ ְבַּחיֵּיכוֹן God’s wish. May God’s uvyomeikhon uvhayei וְּביוֹ ֵמיכוֹן וְּבַחיֵּי ְדָכל ֵבּית sovereignty soon be de’khol beit yisra’el, יִ ְשָׂר ֵאל, ַבֲּעָגָלא וִּבְזַמן ָקִריב, accepted, during our life ba’agala uvizman kariv וְִאְמרוּ אָ ֵמן. .and the life of all Israel. ve’imru: And let us say: Amen.

יְֵהא ְשׁ ֵמהּ ַרָבּא ְמָבַרְך ְלָעַלם וְּלָעְל ֵמי ָעְלַמיָּא. Congregation and leader: Ye’he sh’meh raba May God’s great name be me’varakh le’alam praised throughout all ul’almey almaya. יְִתָבַּרְך וְיִ ְשׁ ַתַּבּח וְיְִתָפּאַר .time וְיְִתרוַֹמם וְיְִתַנ ֵשּׂא וְיְִתַהָדּר Glorified and celebrated, Yitbarakh ve’yishtabah ​ וְיְִתַעֶלּה וְיְִתַהָלּל ְשׁ ֵמהּ lauded and worshiped, ve’yitpa’ar ve’yitromam ְדֻּקְד ָשׁא ְבִּריְך הוּא, ְלֵֽעָלּא exalted and honored, ve’yitnase ve’yit’hadar extolled and acclaimed ve’yitaleh ve’yit’halal וּלעלּא ִמכּל ִבּרכתא ו ִשׁירתא ְ ֵֽ ָ ָ ְ ָ ָ ְ ָ ָ may the Holy One be, she’meh de’kudsha be’rikh ֻתּ ְשְׁבּ ָח ָתא וְנֶ ֱח ָמ ָתא, ַדֲּאִמיָרן praised beyond all song hu, le’eyla ul’eyla mikol ְבָּעְל ָמא, וְִאְמרוּ אָ ֵמן. and psalm, beyond all birkhata ve’shirata tributes that mortals can tushbe’hata ve’nehemata ​ ​ ​ ​ utter. And let us say: da’amiran be’alma, Amen. ve’imru: amen.

Shaharit ​ ​

10. Barekhu

ש"ץ :Leader: Sha”ts Let’s praise Adonai, the Bare’khu et Adonai ָבְּרכוּ ֶאת יְיָ ַה ְמבָֹרְך. one who blesses! hame’vorach

קהל, ש"ץ :Cong. then leader: Kahal, sha”ts ָבּרוְּך יְיָ ַה ְמּבָֹרְך ְלעוָֹלם וֶָעד. Praised be Adonai, Source Barukh Adonai of all blessing, forever. hame’vorakh le’olam va’ed

11. First Blessing after Barekhu

ֹ ָבּרוְּך אַ ָתּה יְיָ, ֱאל ֵֽהינוּ ֶֽמֶלְך ,Praised are You, Adonai Barukh ata Adonai our God, Ruler of the Eloheinu melekh ha’olam, ָהעוָֹלם, יוֵֹצר אוֹר וּבוֵֹרא universe, who forms light yotser or, uvore hoshekh, ​ ​ 5 ֽחֶֹשְך, עֶֹשׂה ָשׁלוֹם וּבוֵֹרא ֶאת and creates darkness, oseh shalom uvore et who ordains the harmony hakol. ַהכֹּל. of all creation.

12. Ahavah Rabah

אֲַהָבה ַרָבּה ֲאַהְב ָֽתּנוּ...... With abounding love You Ahavah rabah ahavtanu have loved us...

Imagine a world without love, in which we cannot care about others, in which we are each locked up only in ourselves.

We praise You, God, for being able to feel happy for someone else, and to feel sad when another person feels sad.

Imagine a world where there are no guidelines and no one knows how to act towards one another, where people don’t treat all people fairly, or look after those who need help.

We praise You, God, for giving us the Torah, a set of Your Teachings and laws to help us be better people, and help us live our lives as better people.

One way we can show our our love to God is by doing what the Torah tells us to do:

By loving God, by caring for each other and by taking care of the world God gave us. - Adapted from the “Family Service Mahzor for Rosh Hashanah,” North ​ ​ Shore Temple Emanuel, Sydney, Australia

13. Shema and Ve’ahavta

שׁ ַמ ע ׀ יִשׂר ֵאל יְיָ ׀ אלֵֹהינוּ יְיָ ׀ אח ד ְ ְ ָ , ֱ ֽ , ֶ ָ . She’ma Yisra’el Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Ehad ​ ​ Hear, O Israel, Adonai is our God, Adonai is One

Quietly: ָבּרוְּך ֵשׁם ְכּבוֹד ַמְלכוּתוֹ ְלעוָֹלם וֶָעד. Barukh shem ke’vod malkhuto le’olam va’ed.

6 Praised be God’s glorious sovereignty for ever and ever. ֹ וְאַָ֣הְב ָ ֔תּ ֵ֖את יְי ֱאל ֶה֑יָך You shall love the Adonai Ve’ahavta et Adonai your God with all your elohekha, be’khol ְבָּכל־ְלָבְבך וְּבָכל־ַנְפ ְשׁך ָ֥ ָ֖ heart, with all your soul, le’vavkha uve’khol וְּבָכל־ְמאֶֹֽדָך׃ וְָהי֞וּ ַהְדָּבִר֣ים with all your might. Take nafshe’kha uve’khol ָה ֵאֶ֗לּה ֲא ֶ ֨שׁר אָנִֹכ֧י ְמַצוְָּך֛ these words which I me’odekha. Ve’hayu command you this day to hade’varim ha’eleh ַהיּ֖וֹם ַעל־ְלָבֶֽבָך׃ וְ ִשַׁנְּנ ָתּ֣ם heart. Teach them asher anokhi me’tzave’kha ְלָבנֶ֔יָך וְִדַבְּר ָ ֖תּ ָבּ֑ם ְבּ ִשְׁב ְתָּך֤ .diligently to your hayom al le’vavekha ְבֵּבי ֶ ֙ת ֙ך וְּבֶלְכ ְתּ ֣ך ַבֶ֔דֶּרך children, speaking of Ve’shinantam le’vanekha ָ ָ ְ ,them when you are at ve’dibarta bam וְּֽב ָשְׁכְבָּ֖ך וְּבקוּ ֶֽמָך׃ וְּק ַשְׁר ָתּ֥ם home and when you are be’shiv’tekha be’veitekha ְלא֖וֹת ַעל־יֶָ֑דָך וְָהי֥וּ ְלטָֹטפֹ֖ת on your way, when you lie uv’lekhte’kha vaderekh ֵבּ֥ין ֵעינֶיך ׃ וְּכ ַתְב ָתּ֛ם down at night and when uv’shokhbe’kha ֽ ָ you rise up in the uv’kumekha. Uk’shartam ַעל־ְמזוּזֹ֥ת ֵבּי ֶ ֖תָך וִּב ְשָׁעֶֽריָך: morning. Bind them as a le’ot al yadekha, ve’hayu sign upon your arm, and le’totafot bein eynekha. let them be a symbol Ukh’tavtam al me’zuzot above your eyes. Inscribe beitekha uvish’arekha. (Devarim 6:5-9) them on the doorposts of your homes and on your gates.

The third passage of the Shema is taken from the Book of Numbers. It teaches the commandment to tie tsitsit (specially tied fringes) on the four corners of our garments. We do this because the tsitsit symbolize God’s commandments, and looking at the tsitsit helps us to remember our obligation to observe the commandments. It is customary to wrap the tsitsit around one or two fingers and kiss them gently each time we say the word “tsitsit.”

God said to Moses: “Speak to the Children of Israel, and tell them to make fringes on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, including in the fringe of each corner a cord of blue. When you look upon the fringes, you will be reminded of all of God’s commandments and obey them. You will not be led astray by the inclination of your heart, nor by the attraction of your eyes. Thus will you be reminded to fulfill all My commandments and be consecrated to your God. I am Adonai your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt to be your God. I, Adonai, am your God.” (Bamidbar 15:38-41) ​


14. Mi Khamokhah

ִמי ָכ ֽמָֹכה ָבּ ֵאִלם יְיָ, ִמי ָכּ ֽמָֹכה Who is like You, Adonai, Mi khamokhah ba’elim“ among the mighty? Who Adonai? Mi kamokhah נְֶאָדּר ַבּקֶֹּדשׁ, נוָֹרא ְתִהלֹּת, ֽ is, like You, glorious in ne’dar bakodesh, nora ֽעֵֹשׂה ֶֽפֶלא. .holiness, revered in te’hilot, oseh fele praises, doing wonders?

ִשׁיָרה ֲחָד ָשׁה ִשְׁבּחוּ ְגאוִּלים At the shore of the Sea, Shirah hadashah shibe’hu ​ ​ ​ ​ ְל ִשְׁמָך ַעל ְשַׂפת ַהיָּם, יַַֽחד which they crossed in ge’ulim le’shim’kha al safety, the redeemed se’fat hayam yahad kulam ֻכָּלּם sang a new song to You. hodu ve’him’likhu הוֹדוּ וְִהְמִֽליכוּ וְאְָמרוּ: :Together they all ve’amru gratefully proclaimed Your sovereignty: ֹ יְיָ יְִמלְך ְלעוָֹלם וֶָעד. Adonai shall reign for Adonai yimlokh le’olam“ ever and ever.” va’ed

RISE Na LaKum נא לקום Rock of Israel, arise to the Tsur yisra’el kumah צוּר יִ ְשָׂר ֵאל, ֽקוּ ָמה ְבֶּעְזַרת help of Israel. Fulfill Your be’ezrat yisra’el ufe’deh promise to deliver Judah khin’umekha ye’hudah יִ ְשָׂר ֵאל, וְּפֵדה ִכְנ ֻא ֶֽמָך יְהוָּדה ֹ and Israel. Our Redeemer, ve’yisra’el. Go’ וְיִ ְשָׂר ֵאל. גֲּאֵֽלנוּ יְיָ ְצָבאוֹת ,Adonai of Hosts, is the Adonai tse’va’ot she’mo ְשׁמוֹ, ְקדוֹשׁ יִ ְשָׂר ֵאל. .Holy One of Israel. ke’dosh yisra’el ָבּרוּך אַ ָתּה יְיָ ָגּאַל יִ ְשָׂר ֵאל. Praised are You, Adonai, Barukh ata Adonai ga’al ְ .Redeemer of Israel. yisra’el


Open my lips, and my Adonai se’fatai tiftah ufi ֲאדֹנָי ְשָׂפ ַתי ִתְּפ ָתּח וִּפי יִַגּיד mouth will speak Your yagid tehilatekha. ְתִּהָלּ ֶתך. ֽ ָ .praises

Bend knees at "Praised*"; bow at "You**"; straighten at "Adonai our God"

ֹ ָבּרוְּך* אַ ָתּה** יְיָ ֱאל ֵֽהינוּ Praised* are** You, Barukh* ata** adonai Adonai our God and God eloheinu velohei of our ancestors, God of avoteinu, elohei avraham,

8 ֹ ֹ Abraham, God of Isaac elohei yits’hak velohei וֵאל ֵהי ֲאבוֹ ֵֽתינוּ, ֱאל ֵהי and God of Jacob, God of ya'akov, elohei sarah, אְַבָר ָהם, ֱאלֵֹהי יְִצ ָחק וֵאלֵֹהי Sarah, God of Rebecca, elohei rivkah, elohei יֲַעקֹב, ֱאלֵֹהי ָשָׂרה, ֱאלֵֹהי God of Rachel, God of rahel, velohei le’ah. Ha'el ֹ ֹ ִרְבָקה, ֱאל ֵהי ָר ֵחל וֵאל ֵהי Leah. The great, mighty hagadol hagibor and awesome God, ve'hanora, el elyon, gomel ֵלאָה. ָה ֵאל ַהָגּדוֹל, ַהִגּבּוֹר exalted God, who hasadim tovim, ve'koneh ​ וַהנּוֹרא ֵאל עליוֹן גּוֹ ֵמל bestows bountiful hakol, ve'zokher hasdei ְ ָ , ֶ ְ , ֲח ָסִדים טוִֹבים, וְקוֹנֵה ַהכֹּל, kindness, who creates all avot, umevi go'el livnei things, who remembers ve’neihem le'ma'an וְזוֵֹכר ַחְסֵדי אָבוֹת, וּ ֵמִביא .the piety of our she'mo be'ahavah גּוֹ ֵאל ִלְבנֵי ְבנֵי ֶהם ְלַמַען ְשׁמוֹ ancestors, and who, in ְבּאֲַהָבה. love, brings a redeemer to their children's children, for the sake of God’s Name.

זכֵרנוּ לַחיִּים מלך חֵפץ ְָ ֽ ְ , ֶֽ ְֶ ָ ,Remember us for life, Zokhreinu le’hayim ​ ​ ַבַּחיִּים, וְָכ ְתֵבנוּ ְבּ ֵסֶפר ,Sovereign who desires melekh hafets ba’hayim ֽ ֽ ֹ life; inscribe us in the ve’khotveinu be’sefer ַהַחיִּים, ְלַמַעְנָך ֱאלִהים ַחיִּים. Book of Life, for Your hahayim, le’ma’ankha ​ ​ sake, living God. Elohim hayim. ​ ​ ֶֽמֶלְך עוֵֹזר וּפוֹקד וּמוֹ ִֽשׁיַע וּ ָמֵגן. ,O Sovereign, You are a Melekh ozer ufoked helper and Rememberer, umoshi'a umagen. ָבּרוְּך* אַ ָתּה** יְיָ, a savior and a shield. Barukh* ata** adonai ָמֵגן אְַבָר ָהם וּפוֹקד ָשָׂרה. Praised* are** You magen avraham u’foked Adonai, Shield of sarah.

Abraham and Rememberer of Sarah. אַ ָתּה ִגּבּוֹר ְלעוָֹלם ֲאדֹנָי, You are mighty forever, ְמַחיֵּה ֵמ ִתים ֽאַ ָתּה, ַרב ,Atah gibor le'olam adonai Adonai; You resurrect the me'hayeh metim atah, rav להוֹ ִשׁיע ְ ֽ ַ. .dead; You are powerful to le'hoshia save. ְמַכְלֵכּל ַחיִּים ְבּ ֶח ֶסד, ְמַחיֵּה ֽ ֵמ ִתים ְבַּרֲחִמים ַרִבּים, סוֹ ֵמְך You sustain the living Me'khalkel hayim ​ ​ נוֹפלים ורוֹפא חוֹלים וּמתּיר through love, give life to be'hesed, me'hayeh ְ ִ , ְ ֵ ִ , ַ ִ the dead with great metim be'rahamim rabim, ֲאסוִּרים, וְּמקיֵּם ֱאמוּנָתוֹ ַ mercy. You support the somekh noflim ve'rofe ִלי ֵשׁנֵי ָעָפר, ,falling, heal the sick, holim umatir asurim ​ loosen the chains of the ume'kayem emunato bound, and keep faith lishenei afar. with those who sleep in

9 ִמי ָכ ֽמוָֹך ַֽבַּעל ְגּבוּרוֹת וִּמי .the dust Who is like You, Mi khamokha, ba'al ֽדּוֹ ֶמה ָלּך, ֶמֶלך ֵמִמית וְּמַחיֶּה ְ ֽ ְ ,Almighty, and who can be ge'vurot umi domeh lakh וַּמְצִמיַח יְשׁוָּעה. compared to You? - melekh memit ume'hayeh ֽ Sovereign, who brings umatsmi’ah ye'shuah. ​ ​ death and life, and causes salvation to flourish. ִמי כמוֹך אַב הַרחִמים זוֵֹכר ָ ָ ָ ֲ , יְצוָּריו ְלַחיִּים ְבַּרֲחִמים. Who is like You, source of Mi khamokha av compassion, who harahamim, zokher ​ ​ remembers with ye’tsurav le’hayim ​ ​ compassion Your be’rahamim. ​ ​ וְנֱֶא ָמן אַ ָתּה ְלַהֲחיוֹת ֵמ ִתים. ?creatures for life ָבּרוְּך אַ ָתּה יְיָ, ְמַחיֵּה ַה ֵמּ ִתים. Faithful are You in V'ne’eman atah le'hahayot ​ ​ bringing life to the dead. metim. Barukh ata adonai, me'hayeh hametim. ​ ​

16. Unetane Tokef

וְּנ ַתנֶּה תֶֹּקף ְקֻד ַשּׁת ַהיּוֹם ִכּי We lend power to the Unetaneh tokef kedushat holiness of God's day, for hayom, ki hu nora הוּא נוָֹרא וְאָיֹם it is tremendous and awe ve’ayom. filled.

ְבּרֹאשׁ ַה ָשּׁנָה יִָכּ ֵתבוּן, וְּביוֹם On Rosh Hashanah it is Be’rosh hashanah צוֹם ִכּפּוּר יֵָח ֵתמוּן. inscribed, and on Yom yikatevun, uve’yom tsom Kippur it is sealed. kippur yehatemun. ​ ​

וּ ְתשׁוָּבה וּ ְתִפָלּה וְּצָדָקה But repentance, prayer Uteshuvah ute’filah ַמֲעִביִרין ֶאת רַֹע ַהְגֵּזָרה. and righteousness utse’dakah ma’avirin et temper the severity of the ro’a hage’zerah. decree.


17. ֹ ָקדוֹשׁ, ָקדוֹשׁ, ָקדוֹשׁ, יְיָ ְצָבאוֹת, ְמלא ָכל ָה ֽאֶָרץ ְכּבוֹדוֹ. Kadosh Kadosh Kadosh Adonai Tse'va’ot Me'lo Khol Ha'aretz Ke'vodo Holy, Holy, Holy, Adonai of Hosts, the entire world is filled with God’s glory. (Isaiah 6:3) ​

ְלדוֹר וָדוֹר ַנִגּיד ָגְּדֶֽלָך, וְּלנֵַֽצח To all generations we will Le'dor vador, nagid declare Your greatness, godlekha. Ule'netsah ְנָצִחים קֻד ָשּׁ ְתך ַנקִדּישׁ, ְ ָ ְ and for all eternity ne'tsahim ke'dushate'kha ​ ​ וְ ִשְׁבֲחך, ֱאלֵֹהינוּ, ִמִפּינוּ לֹא ,proclaim Your holiness. nakdish. Ve'shivhakha ָ ֽ ֽ Your praise, O God, shall Eloheinu, mipinu lo יָמוּשׁ ְלעוָֹלם וֶָעד, ִכּי ֵאל ֶֽמֶלְך never depart from our yamush, le'olam, va'ed, ki ָגּדוֹל וְָקדוֹש ֽאָ ָתּה. lips. For you are a great el melekh gadol ve’kadosh ָבּרוְּך אַ ָתּה יְיָ, ַה ֶֽמֶּלְך ,and holy Ruler. Blessed atah. Barukh atah Adonai ַהקּדוֹשׁ. .are You, Adonai, the Holy hamelekh hakadosh ָ .Ruler

18. Oseh Shalom

עֶֹשׂה ָשׁלוֹם ִבְּמרוֹ ָמיו, הוּא ,May the One who makes Oseh shalom bimromav peace on high, make hu ya'aseh shalom, aleinu, יַע ֶשׂה ָשׁלוֹם עֵלינוּ, וְַעל ָכּל ֲ ָ ֽ peace on us, and all ve'al kol Yisra’el, ve'imru יִ ְשָׂר ֵאל, וְִאְמרוּ אָ ֵמן. .Israel. And we say: Amen. amen

11 19.

Our Parent, Our Ruler Avinu malkeinu, honeinu אִָֽבינוּ ַמְלֵֽכּנוּ, ָחנֵּֽנוּ וֲַענֵֽנוּ, ִכּי be gracious and answer va’aneinu, ki eyn banu ֵאין ָבּנוּ ַמע ִשׂים, ע ֵשׂה ִע ָמּנוּ ֽ ֲ ֲ our prayers, though we ma’asim, asei imanu ְצָדקה וֶָח ֶסד וְהוֹ ִשׁיֵענוּ. have little to commend tse’dakah vahesed ָ ֽ ֽ us, deal kindly and gently ve'hoshi’einu. with us, and save us.

Torah Service

20. Ein Kamokha

ֹ ֵאין ָכּ ֽמוָֹך ָב ֱאלִהים, יְיָ, וְֵאין There is none like You, Ein kamokha va’elohim God, among those Adonai, ve’ein ְכַּמע ֶשׂיך. ַמְלכוּ ְתך ַמְלכוּת ֲ ֽ ָ ָ acclaimed as divine; there ke’ma’asekha ָכּל עָֹלִמים, וּ ֶמְמ ַשְׁל ְתָּך ְבָּכל are no deeds like Yours. malkhute’kha malkhut kol Your sovereignty is olamim, Umemshalte’kha דֹּר וָדֹר. יְיָ ֶֽמֶלְך, יְיָ ָמָלְך, יְיָ ֹ ֹ ֹ everlasting, Your be’khol dor vador. Adonai יְִמלְך ְלעָלם וֶָעד. יְיָ עז ְלַעמּוֹ ,dominion endures melekh, Adonai malakh .יִ ֵתּן, יְיָ יְָבֵרְך ֶאת ַעמּוֹ ַב ָשּׁלוֹם through all generations. Adonai yimlokh le’olam Adonai reigns, Adonai has va’ed. Adonai oz le’amo reigned, Adonai shall yiten, Adonai ye’varekh et reign forever. May God amo vashalom. give strength to our people; May God bless our people with peace.

Merciful God, favor Zion Av harahamim heytivah אַב ָהַרֲחִמים, ֵהיִֽטיָבה with Your goodness; virtsonkha et tsiyon, ִבְרצוְֹנך ֶאת ִציּוֹן, ִתְּבנֶה ָ rebuild the walls of tivneh homot ​ ​ חוֹמוֹת יְרוּ ָשָֽׁליִם. .Jerusalem. ye’rushalayim For in You alone do we Ki v’kha le’vad batahnu ִכּי ְבָך ְלַבד ָבּ ָֽטְחנוּ, ֶֽמֶלְך ֵאל trust, Exalted God, our melekh el ram ve’nisa ָרם וְִנ ָשּׂא, ֲאדוֹן עוָֹלִמים. .Sovereign, God of the adon olamim universe.

12 וַיְִהי ִבְּנ ֽסוַֹע ָהאָרֹן וַיֹּֽא ֶמר Whenever the Ark was Vaye’hi binso’a ha’aron carried forward Moses vayomer moshe: kumah מֶֹשׁה, קוּ ָמה, יְיָ, וְיָֻפצוּ ֽ would say: "Rise up, Adonai ve’yafutsu ​ אֹיְֶֽביָך, וְיָנֻֽסוּ ְמ ַשְׂנ ֶֽאיָך ִמָפּנֶֽיָך. Adonai! May your oyvekha ve’yanusu ִכּי ִמִצּיּוֹן ֵתֵּצא תוָֹרה, וְּדַבר יְיָ .enemies be scattered; me’san’ekha mipanekha may your foes flee before Ki mitsiyon tetse torah, ִמירוּ ָשָֽׁליִם. ָבּרוְּך ֶשׁנָּ ַתן you." For out of Zion shall ude’var Adonai ​ תּוָֹרה ְלַעמּוֹ יִ ְשָׂר ֵאל go forth the Torah, and mirushalayim. Barukh ִבּקֻד ָשּׁתוֹ. the word of Adonai from shenatan torah le’amo ְ .Jerusalem. yisra’el bik’dushato ​ Micah 4:2/Isaiah 2:3

21. Thirteen Attributes of God (Exodus 34:6-7)

;Adonai: compassion before a person sins יְיָ .1 ​ ​ ;Adonai: compassion after a person has sinned יְיָ .2 ​ ​ El: mighty in compassion to give all creatures according to their ֵאל .3 ​ ​ need; ;Rahum: merciful, that humankind may not be distressed ַרחוּם .4 ​ ​ ​ ​ ;VeHanun: and gracious if humankind is already in distress ו ַחנּוּן .5 ְ ;Erekh apayim: slow to anger ארך ַאַפּיִם .6 ֶ ֶ ְ ;VeRav hesed: and plenteous in kindness וַרב-חסד .7 ְ ֶ ֶ ;VeEmet: and truth ואמת .8 ֱֶ ֶ ;Notser hesed la’alafim: keeping kindness unto thousands נֵֹצר חסד ָלאָלִפים .9 ֶ ֶ ֲ ;Nose avon: forgiving iniquity נֵֹשׂא עוֹן .10 ָ ;VaFesha: and transgression וָפ ַשׁע .11 ֶ ;VeHata'ah: and sin ו ַחָטּאָה .12 ְ .VeNakeh: and pardoning ונַקּה .13 ְ ֵ

22. Shema (Leader first, then congregation) ​

שׁ ַמ ע ׀ יִשׂר ֵאל יְיָ ׀ אלֵֹהינוּ יְיָ ׀ אח ד ְ ְ ָ , ֱ ֽ , ֶ ָ . She’ma Yisra’el Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Ehad ​ ​ Hear O Israel, Adonai is our God, Adonai is One

ֹ ֶא ָחד ֱאל ֵֽהינוּ, ָגּדוֹל ֲאדוֹנֵֽנוּ, ָקדוֹשׁ וְנוָֹרא ְשׁמוֹ. Ehad Eloheinu, gadol Adoneinu, kadosh ve’nora she’mo ​ ​ Our God is One, our God is great, holy and awesome is God's Name

13 (ש״ץ) ַגְּדּלוּ ַלייָ ִא ִתּי, וּנְרוֹ ְמ ָמה ְשׁמוֹ יְַחָדּו. ​ (Sha”ts) Gade’lu LAdonai iti, une’romema she’mo yahdav ​ ​ (Leader) Exalt Adonai with me, let us extol God's name together ​

23. Misheberakh Prayer for Healing

Mi sheberakh avoteinu Me'kor habe'rakha le'imoteinu May the source of strength, Who blessed the ones before us, Help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing, and let us say, Amen. Mi sheberakh imoteinu Me'kor habrakhah le'avoteinu Bless those in need of healing with re'fuah she'leimah, ​ ​ The renewal of body, the renewal of spirit, And let us say, Amen - Debbie Friedman

24. Shofar Service

Blasts TE'KI'AH - a long blast with one note. ​ SH’VA'RIM - 3 medium blasts, two tones each. ​ TE'RU'AH - 9 short, staccato blasts. ​ TE'KI'AH GE'DO'LAH: an extra long single blast. ​

Shofar story A story is told that a native villager, born and reared in an obscure rural environment, came to a big city for the first time and obtained lodging at an inn. Awakened in the middle of the night by the loud beating of drums, he inquired drowsily, “What is this all about?” Informed that a fire had broken out and that the drum beating was the city’s fire alarm, he turned over and went back to sleep.

On his return home he reported to the village authorities, “They have a wonderful system in the big city; when a fire breaks out, the people beat their drums and before long the fire burns out.” All excited, they ordered a supply of drums and distributed them to the population.

14 When, some time later, a fire broke out, there was a deafening explosion of beating of drums, and while the people waited expectantly for the flames to subside, a number of their homes burned to the ground.

A visitor was passing through that village, when told the reason for the earsplitting din, derided the simple natives: “Fools! Do you think a fire can be put out by beating drums? They only sound an alarm for the people to wake up and take measures to extinguish the fire.” Musaf


יְָבֶרְכָך יְיָ וְיִ ְשְׁמֶֽרָך. (קהל-ֵכּן ,May God bless you and Yevarekhe’kha Adonai watch over you. May this veyishme’rekha. יְִהי ָרצוֹן) be God’s Will. Ken yehi ratson יֵָאר יְיָ ָפּנָיו ֵאֶֽליָך וִי ֻחנֶָּֽךּ. May God cause God’s face Ya'eir Adonai panav to shine upon you and be elekha vihuneka. (קהל-ֵכּן יְִהי ָרצוֹן) gracious to you. Ken yehi ratson יִ ָשּׂא יְיָ ָפּנָיו ֵאֶֽליָך וְיָ ֵשׂם ְלָך ,May this be God’s Will. Yisa Adonai panav elekha ָשׁלוֹם. .May God lift up God’s veyasem lekha shalom (קהל-ֵכּן יְִהי ָרצוֹן) face upon you and grant Ken yehi ratson you peace. May this be God’s Will.

26. Sim Shalom

ִשׂים ָשׁלוֹם בעולם טוָֹבה ,Grant peace, goodness Sim shalom ba’olam and blessing, grace, tovah uv'rakhah, hen וְּבָרָכה, ֵחן וֶָח ֶסד וְַרֲחִמים, ֽ kindness and mercy, vahesed ve'rahamim ​ ​ ​ ​ ָעֵֽלינוּ וְַעל ָכּל יִ ְשָׂר ֵאל ַע ֶֽמָּך. to us and to all Your aleinu ve'al kol yisra’el ָבְּרֵֽכנוּ, אִָֽבינוּ, ֻכָּֽלּנוּ ְכּ ֶא ָחד people Israel. Bless us, amekha. Bare'khenu avinu our Creator, all of us kulanu, ke'ehad be'or ​ ​ ְבּאוֹר ָפּנֶֽיָך, ִכּי ְבאוֹר ָפּנֶֽיָך together, through the panekha, ki ve'or panekha ֹ נָ ַֽת ָתּ ָֽלּנוּ, יְיָ ֱאל ֵֽהינוּ, תּוַֹרת light of Your Presence. natata lanu, adonai Truly through the light of eloheinu, torat hayim ַחיִּים וְֽאֲַהַבת ֶח ֶסד, וְּצָדקה ֽ ָ ,Your Presence, Adonai ve'ahavat hesed ​ ​ וְּבָרָכה וְַרֲחִמים וְַחיִּים our God, You gave us a utse'dakah uve'rakhah Torah of life — the love of ve'rahamim ve'hayim וְ ָשׁלוֹם, וְטוֹב ְבֵּעינֶֽיָך ְלָבֵרְך ֶאת ַעְמּך יִ ְשָׂר ֵאל ְבָּכל ֵעת kindness, justice and ve'shalom. Ve'tov ָ blessing, mercy, life, and be'einekha le'varekh et וְּבָכל ָשָׁעה ִבּ ְשׁלוֹ ֶֽמָך. peace. May You see fit to ame'kha yisra’el be'khol et

15 bless Your people Israel uve'khol sha’ah at all times, at every hour, bishlomekha. with Your peace.

28. B’sefer Hayim

ְבּ ֵֽסֶפר ַחיִּים, ְבָּרָכה וְ ָשׁלוֹם, וַּפְרנָ ָסה טוָֹבה, ִנָזֵּכר וְִנָכּ ֵתב ְלָפנֶֽיָך, ֲאַנְֽחנוּ וְָכל ַעְמָּך ֵבּית יִ ְשָׂר ֵאל, ְלַחיִּים טוִֹבים וְּל ָשׁלוֹם. ברוך אתה יי, עושה השלום

Be’sefer hayim be’rakha ve’shalom ufarnasah tovah, nizakher ve’nikatev lefanekha, ​ ​ anahnu ve’chol ame’kha beit yisra’el, le’hayim tovim ule’shalom. Barukh ata adonai ​ ​ ​ ​ oseh hashalom.

Inscribe us for life, blessing, peace, and prosperity, remembering all Your people Israel for life and peace. Blessed are You, Adonai, Source of peace.


ֲאדון עוָלם ֲא ֶשׁר ָמַלְך. ְבּ ֶטֶרם ,Sovereign of the world, Adon olam, asher malakh who ruled before any :ָכּל יְִציר ִנְבָרא .be'terem kol ye'tzir nivra creature was created. At Le'et na'asah ve'heftso ְלֵעת ַנֲעשה ְב ֶחְפצו כּל. ֲאַזי ,the time they were made kol, : ֶמֶלְך ְשׁמו ִנְקָרא all was according to God's will, and then God's name azai melekh she'mo nikra. was called "Ruler". ואַחרי כּכלות הכּל ,Ve'aharey kikhlot hakol .ְ ֲ ֵ ְִ ַ And after everything was :ְלַבדּו יְִמלך נוָרא .finished, God alone ruled, le'vado yimlokh nora ְ ,awe-inspiring. God was וְהוּא ָהיָה וְהוּא הוֶה. וְהוּא ,Ve'hu hayah, ve'hu hoveh is, and will be with ve'hu yihe'yeh be'tifarah. :יְִהיֶה ְבּ ִתְפאָָרה .splendor

God was first, with no וְהוּא ֶא ָחד וְֵאין ֵשִׁני. ְלַהְמ ִשׁיל .Ve'hu ehad, v'ein sheni second, to rule over God ​ ​ or to collaborate; with no Le'hamshil lo, le'hahbirah. :לו ְלַהְחִבּיָרה beginning and no end, בִּלי ֵרא ִשׁית בִּלי ַתכִלית ולו ,Be'li reshit, be'li takhlit ְ ְ ְ . ְ God has the strength and העז וַהִמּשרה .ve'lo ha'oz ve'hamisrah : ָ ְ ָ .the right

Adonai is my God, my .וְהוּא ֵאִלי וְַחי גוֲאִלי ,Ve'hu Eli, ve'hai go'ali redeemer is alive; the ​ ​ :וְצוּר ֶחְבִלי ְבֵּעת ָצָרה .rock who sustains me in a ve'tsur hevli be'et tsarah ​ ​

16 .וְהוּא ִנִסּי וּ ָמנוס ִלי ,distressful day. God is my Ve'hu nisi umanos li banner and refuge, the :ְמנָת כּוִסי ְבּיום ֶאקָרא .me'nat kosi be'yom ekra ְ portion of my cup on the day I call out. בּיָדו אַפקיד רוִּחי In God's hand, I safeguard .ְ ְ ִ .Be'yado afkid ruhi my spirit; when I sleep, I ​ ​ :ְבֵּעת ִאי ָשׁן וְאִָעיָרה .will wake. And with my Be'et ishan ve'a'irah ועם רוִּחי גּוִיִָּתי ,spirit is my body; God is Ve'im ruhi ge'viyati .ְִ ְ :ה' ִלי וְלא ִאיָרא .for me, and I will not be Adonai li ve'lo ira afraid.