Av«nig» Dally Net Prns Rna The Weather' Vor Ih e Week Ended.. FMr tonlghL Low 5 bo. 10. Deoenber SS, 1M7 Tomorrow Mr, MoonUna manrli^fit^r lEurnttig ll^ralh cloudy tot afternoon. Hlati In Ma. 15,563 Manchetter— A City of VUiage Charm (OInaalfted Advertlsinc on Pace Jl) VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 72 (TWBNTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMDER 26, 1967 PRICE SEVEN CENTS W orld Fatal Explosion Rips Returns T o W o rk Moscow Apartment By PA1BI0K E. O'Keefe Aaaoetoted Preaa Writer MOSCOW (AP) — An facing Krasnokhlmsky Street, a turned home from a Christmas The eilent, holy hours of explosion shattered a six- *"aln traffic artery that circles dinner. They live In a bniKUng Story apartment building d°wntown Moscow, it stood at for nonmmunl8t foreignera. Christmas over, the world the end of the Krasnokhlmsky Finding the apartment build­ went back to work, war Monday night. And in an bridge over the Moscow River ing's smaU parking lot fuH, and worry today. unrelated incident, a bomb about 2 miles southeast of the Bradsher parked the car in an American troops in Vietnam, blast damaged the empty Kremlin. alley Just around the comer with a hot turkey dinner under car of an American cor­ Police Investigating the bomb­ from,the sentry box of a ptdlce- their belts, took up their weap­ respondent. ing of Bradsher's automobile man assigned to the building. ons for more clashes with the Tass news agency said today seemed perplexed, and veteran The explosion tore off the Viet Gone and North Viet­ nine persons were killed and ^ foreign ■ correspondents could right front fender, sending It namese. As soon as the 24-hour, several injured in the apart- not recall an attack like It In flying 15 feet, and extensively allied truce ended Christmas ment house explosion. But a wit- Moscow. damaged the under side of the nlghti U.8 . waiidanes streaked ness at the scene said a police' car. Bradsher said he did not be­ over NorBi Vietnam to attack man told him more tihan 20 per­ The blast was of such force lieve the bombing was directed 2 supply convoys which the U.8 . sons were killed. Another by­ that it smashed the windows of against him or his family. He Command said the Oommunlsts- stander said 10 or 12 bodies apartments for at least four said he assumed someone had ruahed south during the cease­ were removed from the wreck­ floors above the car. picked out a handy foreign car age. The gas tank, although full, fire. as a target. Amid the war in Vietnam, en­ Police blamed a faulty gas did not explode, however. The explosion occurred about during crisis in tile Middle Bast main for the apartment house A hole In the snow-covered 26 minutes after Bradsher, his and tension along the frontier in blast but said a powerful bomb pavement Just under the right wife, Monica, and their two South Korea, Christmas 1967 oc­ wrecked the auto of Henry 8 . sons, Keith, 3, and Neal, 2, re- v3ee Page Twenty-Three) casioned prayers for peace from Bradsher, Associated Press bu­ Pope Paul VI and many others. reau chief in Moscow. No one was Injured In the ckr explo­ 6 After celebrating midnight Mass in the Sistlne Chapel and sion,sflvllf andU-liU it3b hadriau noJlv apparentapp&AcTll 8 V two more Masses on C^iristmas connection with the other blast 4 v U t ^ l T l S Kj OTOIS morning, the pontiff spoke from 10 minutes earlier on the oppos- ■ ^ the front balcony of St. Peter’s Ite side of the Moscow River. Basilica. Looking tired but with The apartment house blew up an unfalgg^ voice, he told a about 0:20 p.m., - bystanders Christmas in a Gym crowd of 20,000; ' said. About 100 persons were be­ “ Our wish today is united in­ lieved living in the building's 24 deed with the renewed wish for apartments two miles southeast For Florida Evacuees peace...Let it now be our prayer of the Kremlin. for you and for the world, as Rescue workers with search-^ JACkSONVILLB, Fla. (AP) hired chlorine tanks at a nearby even in these days our anxiety, lights hunted in a heavy snow­ — Four hundred refugees from chemical plant, our cares and our hopes ^have fall for victims while dozens o^ a chloijne gas scare sang carols Children carrying unopened ambulances, fire engines and centered on peace." In an undecorated gymnasium Christmas presents were bun- th e Pe -did not mention police cars gathered at the Chrlstmas Day as a woman and died In warm coats against a Vietnam nor his visit Saturday wreckage. ,.1 * . her 2-week-old daughter eat as night so cold they could see with President Johnson. Most of the residents were be- centerpiece of a nativity ta- their breath —unusual In Florl- lleved at home because it was The President celebrated bleux. da. • South Vietnam. Soldiers were participating in com­ an -ordinary weekday night. Christmas at the White House A trooper of the U.S. let Cavalry Division reads let­ Until' Monday afternoon, when Adults toted, blankets. One bined Operation Wheeler-WaUova in 1 Corps Tac­ Russians celebrate Ckuistmas with his family. The early-rising ters and books during brief rest stop near Phu Son the all-clear was posted for 800 man took hte holiday turkey to on Jan. 7, according to the Ju­ Johnson clan exchanged gifts Phuong village a few days before Christmas in tical zone. (AP Photofax) families roused from their the car In an open roasting pan. lian, calendar. around a five-foot Norway Gas exDloslons are not rare in **®*” ®“ police late Christmas fsym, . about two mllea spruce, with a gold cross from the Soviet«~-n«t capital, although they J o1 o i “*®me attcoted aiieoiea Pope Paul going to 6-month-old Immediately After Christmas Truce arearc not publiclypubUcly reportX and of- V K S o^ “ '® ***** Patrick Lyndon Nugent, the flclals refuse to disclose Infer- Robert B. Lee High School or as_gg an gn _omergonoy emergency ah_elter.shelter. President’s grandson. maUon on their frequency. The ****^J!*®^ di. **“ "* In a Christmas radio and tele­ same general area was hit by a « *‘“®^ ****’P*® *“ *“ *^*® “"** vision message, Johnson U.S, Planes Hit Convoys in pforth tremendous gas explosion last patient were mattresses arrived In the early conceded that to say “ M eny , “ ”, told to stay away from the mnmtnvmornlng hour. hours. J^ u ary that kno^ed out tele- neighborhood, h o w le r , Christmas” in wartime is not SAIGON (AP) — American Tonldn Gulf-reported one con- Acting on intelligence from Farmer south, near Vinh, Two doctors volunteered help 100-truck convoy was bluted. phone communications tw in an 8- eaisy. nvpp North voy of 160 trucks and another of reconnaissance planes which —one an eye speoiallst \riio “ But when you think of the warplanes sv^t over No^ maintained the vigil over the The ferry south of Vlnh was days This was never pubUcly by.io block section four miles iii^ated eyes s U i S ^ m tte bravery of the human spirit— Vietnam immediately after the anotogr rirlke a ierry fiax- north, t^urtag^ p e tp^qe. Jljft,,U>S.. 01tJust bgfpra sundown, PlloU ^ southwest o< downtown Jackson- ^crld gas and the other a gener- and the power of life to triumph allied Christmas truce *'«nidod ryiiig'tracks Was blown up Jets were airborne on ‘ strike said as It went to the river rive bot­ The Soviet preaa and radio yjlle waa emptied because dan- .i nraotitioner over pain and dukness—you and wreaked havoc on Commu- and sunk.-. mUsluns alnoost lipmedlaUly tom with eight trucks, a mas­ maintained a blackout on the serous fUmee wore drifting to- are thankful," he said. "Tour after the stand- down ended. sive explosion sent smoke shoot- dlaaater Monday night alao, and them from 91 fire-rup- (See Page Tliree) nist convoys trying to complete The ground war also resutpod police, troopa and barriera own spirits are lifted high; and a massive movement of supplies after the trace ended at 6 p.m. *The recon guys had done 3,000 feet in to the air you say it—and mean it—as I do their Jobs well," a spokesman The war communiques made blocked off the maas of r u b b le ------started under the umbrella of Christmas night but only scat- and tom walls. now: Merry Christmas." said. no mention of any planes lost on the cease-fire. tered actions were reported. Hundreds of Russians -gath­ In Vietnam, Michigan Oov. the raids over the North, but a U.S. headquarters reported The Viet Oong had announced The fighter-bombers were di­ ered thia morning to stare as a Oeorge Romney, who seeks the Marine F9J Cougar observation about 100 trucks destroyed or that It would observe a 72-hour rected to targets as soon as they huge crane worked behind a GOP nomination to oppose plane was shot down In South Fireman Describes damaged in the heavy strikes (^irlstmas truce, imtil 1 et.m.. reached the major supply routes board fence thrown up over­ Johnson in next fall’s election, which began Christmas night Wednesday (noon tx)day EST). stretching down the North Viet­ Vietnam and a Marine photo-re­ connaissance Phantom crashed night. The poUce and aokUera shook hands with American and continued unabated today. ^ Oong defector led namese coast. Although scat- due to a landing accident as It refused to answer questions and troops from Saigon to Da Nang Headquarters reported that troopg of the U.S. 196th Light In- tered clouds blanketed the area Ship Fire in N. Y. returned to Da Nang Monday, would not allow Western news­ and said over and over, “ Merry Air Force, Navy and Marine ,^ t r y Brigade to an enemy and the celling dropped to about reiu^nea m ^ monuay. men to enter. Christmas, fellows. Merry Jets spotted more than 300 ^ c a c h e In the Chu Lai area. 3,000 feet, the U.S. airmen kept ^ " o p l l o t and critically NEW YORK (AP) — “We son River anchorage off 87tti Injuring the pilot. One p(riiceman led a weeping, Christmas." trucks, one of the biggest trans- 340 miles northeast of Sal- boring In. could see the fire In all the port- street. , The Cougar was the 218th middle-aged woman behind the In the Holy Land, the Israelis port targets of the war. Planes troops reported they Only a few minutes of light re- f e l l ; ^ ' ' j s ^ n u r * r h l d tolTt *«»1®® ««> way u? to the au- At Oatrica. La., a Mlsaiaaippl American plane shot down in were in control of l^thlehem for from two Navy carriers In the g^ijed two 67mm recoilless rl- mained when the first planes relativea^tnTthe exDloei

WABHINGTON (AP) — Inves­ Air Capabilities tigations by the Senate-House Economic Committee and the General Accounting Office of the controversial F ill war­ By JOHN PEABOE use of government equii»nent Asaodated Preea Writer plane.’* ' by contractors will result In sav­ In a statement tssueB hew, JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — Sen. ings of millions of dollars. Sen. Stennis said the probe yrould be John O. Stennis, D-MIss., said William Proxmire predicted to­ p ^ of a "thorough and overall today his Senate Preparedness day. Investigating subcommittee look into U.S. abUty to wage The Wisconsin Democrat, conventtonal w ar." He Is at ^ would begin a study of Air clialrman of the Joint congres­ hcane In DeKaM odtile Oongross FCice end Navy tactical air ca- sional committee, said It will pa:Wttes, Including a look at is in recess. make public next month a list of Stennis eald the investigation defense contractors who “were woutd Indude a study of air­ using government equipment craft now under devdopanent most of the time for their own and of plans for future air- commercial gain rather than on BuUetiii idanes, all with a view toward defense work.” keeping American tactical 4^ “ The government has been forces strong enough to counter losing Inestimable millions be­ the Soviet Union-and Commu­ cause of such abuses,” Prox­ N.Y. Train Craahea nist China. r -T', mire said In a year-end state­ OHUBCMVILIiE, N. Y . It was the second investiga­ ment. (AP)—Sixteen persons were tion Stennis hao announced this “ The Pentagon initiated ac­ injiiw^ today when 18 cars of month. On Dec. 11 he ordered a tion at year’s end to stop the a New York Central paseen- full-scale inquiry into American shocking misuse of some of the ger train left the tradu near strategic weapons and weapon* 815 billion worth of govern­ «ii« village west of Bodies- delivery systnns, both aircraft ment-owned property In the ter. A cook scalded by hot and miaslleB. Its puipooe, he hands of private contractors un­ liquid tbMt eplllod in the din- said, would be to compare the 0 covered in a GAO study request­ ing-onr Utdmn was believed U.S. nudefur striking force to ed by the committee,” he said. the most eeriously hurt. The that of the Soviet Untan. New regulations were issued > Injured were taken to Roches­ Stennis’ announcement linked by the Pentagon, said Prox­ ter hospitals. Eleven persons the investigation do*dy to tbe mire, to "halt widespread and war in Vietaam. He said he were ndmitted. Five wero_ dis­ costly noncompUance with the thought both Oilna and the So­ charged* The 15-car train. No. vital Truth in NegottaUonz Act, viet Union were watddng tbe at, en route from Buffalo to the taxpayer's only defense war carefully, and would start t o against blatant overcharges," Now York City, carried 810 trouble In otoer parts of the passengers and n crew of Another committee Investiga­ worid if they thought tbey ooitfd tion, he said, resulted In Penta­ dgfat, n ranroad spokesman catch the United State* uiq^re- said. Engineer W. B. Bobln- gon action to Improve acouraoy pared. A Variety of Fashions of records on the Defense De- son said he thought the track “We are forced to spend |26 had expanded. The noddent (Bee Page flN ee*) occurred shortly after • n.m. (See Page Six) New York’s Fifth Avenue, a center of fashion, was treated to hair styles by these anti-war. demonstrators who mingled with shoppers.


police said, on the charge of "conapiracy to cauee Injury to But Below 1965 Count nIANCHESTBR jrV'ENING HEBALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1967 Mishaps Kill Police Silent PAOBTWO Fireman Describes {lersons and property by meana :r NOW. . . rOOI^IRRlXSl- . . . • I of explostvea." ntng eyatem o t your own and Ha'S a crook. anembsnlsr n w « Six in State In Plot Case Brooks, Russell and Belton Traffic Deaths on Holiday ^ coo man, a forgar. It will add Immeasurably to Sheinwold on Bridge Ship Fire in N. Y. were arraigned thla morning In your enjoyment. Many people On W eekend NEW HAVEN (AP) — Local circuit Court on charges of con- Top Toll of Last Year lose interest in ipoonled nni- UORT OPBNINO BID Weft dealer VANDYKE (Continued from Page Une* authorities were keeping mum spiracy to cause Injury to per­ sic because they c ^ t fbal the liOCATBS mOH OABDB North-South vulnerable late Monday in the case of five sons or property by means of and remained aboard. Two of By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS weekend of equal length to the “TH E W A Y record they want at the time have been 300 or 800 empty cam men edio are facing charges of exploslvflj. M NORTH Heavy travel during the three- Christmas holiday traffic CSirUtmaa span logged 484 tr^ - they want It. By ALFBBD SHBINWOLD of beer there.” the 29-member crew were on conspiring to use exploelves to 4 Q106 day Christmas weekend was ac- Catherine Roraback, the at­ deaths topped the toll of a year fic deaths. This count was made Finding a filing systepi that Three women crew memben shore leave when the fire broke destroy property and cause per­ A light opening bid helps' you O AQ 106 com{)cmled by six fatalities on torney for Brooks and Russell, ago but fell short of the record between 6 p.m. FYlday, Dec. 16, I H EARD I works Is rather difficult, par­ were among the Injured. The out. sonal injury. 0 Q42 Connecticut roads — twice the asked Judge Martin Mostyn to set In 1966. and midnight Monday, Dec. 18. ticularly since the flip side sel­ steal some close hands from toree klHed'in the fire, all found H ie Dianet arrived in New The five, Including the organ­ ♦ KQ3 number recorded during the co- reduce their bond from 8100,(X)0 The traffic tolls for previous dom has much to do with the the opponents and tells your In their cablne, were Torbjon York on Dec. 17 and had been at izer of a federally supported Motor vehicle fatalities; m by John Gruber WEST EAST res{x>nding {leriod a week ago. to $2,8(X). She pointed out that holidays this year w ere: New front side. My own system partner what to lead If an op­ Oarten first officer; Magne anchor In the Hudson waiting make-work project, were arrest­ the period that began at 6 a.m. 4 K852 A AI943 Four of the {lersone who died the maximum penalty for the Year’s—469 In three days; Me­ won't help you much. I file the Nellsen, a deckhand; and FJalar for a berth at Yonkers; Just ed Saturday at a local motel Friday and ended at midnight A ponent becomes declarer. BtlU, <5 74 <7 952 in traffic mishaps between 6 charge is a $6,000 fine and 16 morial Day—608 In four days; albums chronologically by com- Llndres, a eecunan. north of the cKy, to discharge and held in lieu of fi00,(X)0 bond. Monday, numbered 666. The to­ Gn If an opponent does play the OAJ73 0986 p.m. Friday and midnight Mon­ years In prison. Independence Day—732 in four poaeih; usually the flip side la Tw*i of the Injured—one In her 8,020,ton cargo o f sugar. Police said they also seized tal compared with 484 for a drt( hand he w ill usually know A A92 A 64 day were pedestrians. In addi­ Mostyn did not make a deci­ days; Labor Day—604 In three in the same general period as _ erttical condition—remained In Tlie ship fa oiwned by Christian "explosive materials" at the ho­ nonhollday weekend of equal, WO Here It is, the day after book of directions tells how v^ere all the high cards are. SOUTH tion, a Bridge{mrt youth was sion on tho request and the days; Thanksgiving—666 In four the front side, and I don't have -- Roosevelt Hospital today. The J. Reton of Pngrunn, Norway. tel but refused to give further three-day length. A Christmas and the season to be to remove lt)i, for there are Opening lead — two of ♦ 7 killed on the highway in Lex­ three, who appeared in court FataUties mounted to 661 in a days. too far to search. I other 16 were treated and taken In the fire, Richard description of the arrest. Lin thinking about New Tear's re­ hundreds of different styli stnd spades. O KI83 ington, Mass. handcuffed and chained togeth­ count that began at 6 p.m. F ri­ This system presupposes that * to the Norwegian Seamen’s Bell, 43, of Galveston, Tex., and Also discovered in the motel M r solutions. Some of you tindoub- the man at the store wMt’t have East won the first trick with 0 K 10 5 RESTAURANT Philip Barnhill, 16, of New er, were taken back to Jail. day and ended at midnight Mon­ • House. Felix Glbzales, 48, of Port Ar­ ------M. according to an account Hei ^ rg^ ’ sle;:; ^^uTpment T^m me Idea which one you y®** "‘""J the Jack of spades and return­ A 3 1087 5 London was fatally Injured The other two suspects. Cot­ day. J The Captain, I.J, AvUgavlego, thur, Tex., were listed in serious I f C I S l\Jn \xTant printed by the New Haven Jour- ______Mailbox Broken IS I S * a a u s . Wh*? L make It need.T you can't get the old ed a lowspade to make South West North East South Bouta « and 44A, Boltaa ter and Johnson, were arrested since few people do, my system j and 6 crewmen esca{>ed Injury condition. Christmas night when struck by The record Christmas death risi a resoluUcm to read the book stylus out, bring him the make ruff. South read the location of Double 1 A 7 ^ Is not very helpful, In general. 1 0 a car as he crossed Main Street. T nr.1 ipao-i io f " M^***^**^’-* ^ ^ u On Supeitor Court Warrants and rate for a three-day period was By Firecrackers Klc of directions that come with It? and model of your equipment the ace-Jack of spades and knew 3 ^ Pass 4 ^ J. Bmce E a s l e y . 19. son of w h lrt ro p o r t^ y Itated officials g ^ o r Court. But it works for me. I have 2 ♦ The driver of the car was later Mr.r. and Mrs. WHliam J. Eagle- slated for "execution” and a 720 in 1966. In the three-day ob- A Do even better than that; not and pickup cartridge. that West had all of the other All Pass BMt WIsliBs for tho HoHdoy SooEonl A mailbox was Mown, up in four shelves, each devoted to a Ohambertala photo arrested and charged with mis ­ son o f 59 Spruce St., has been number o f this city’s public Slnce Saturday, when {lollce servance last year the toll was M r only resolve to read It but ac­ missing high cards for his open­ You might also resolve to different century. I Just checked Opening lead - 0 2 conduct with a motor vehicle. awarded a $400 Edward L. buildings which were to be disclosed the arrests, authorities b84. The all-time Wgh for any Lromt Of 176 Gardner St. Fri- Lai tually do read It until you ing bid. — Please N o t e T h e a e C h a n e e s — get your record changer one and counted 144 records on Engaged He is Stephen Harmon, 23, a have refused to comment on holiday period, 784, was set In a <*®-y night albout 10:30. The AUi South knew he would have no Peking Again Silent Pouech Memorial Schoianshlp blown up. understand it. cleaned and lubricated once a It. NO DANaNG THIS SATURDAY, crewman aboard the U.S. sub­ specific facts in the case. Po- lour-day Thanksgiving observ- owner of the mailbox, Gladys Clu trouble If West were forced to tens shoidd make up for one by Instructors of -the Handi­ The alleged plot was designed This stuff is complicated year, too. You get your fear Operatic albums are stored in The engagement of kCss Vir­ S nEC. 30th. 1967 marine Blenny In Groton. lice Chief Francis V. McManus ance ip 1966. Majtu^ak, told police heard erii take the first or second club missing point capped (lOH). to "break the back of law and equipment that took numerous lubricated regularly; why not a separate cabinet, but are like­ ginia Ann Pease and Bldrldge A {ledestrlan accident in Guil­ said in a tersely worded state­ It’s a sad commentary if we the noise o f the explosion, but Del trick. The problem was to cope Copyright 1N7 The schotarahlp was estab­ order,” according to an "in ­ engineers many hours to de­ your changer? It needs It, and wise filed chronologically by About Test Report ford took the life Saturday night ment that toe investigation lead­ have to take consolation from thought it was a car backfir­ M r Stetson Small, both of Vernon, Make Your R«em itlons Now ^ lished in August 1965, In mem­ formed source” which the paper sign. You can't get the most it's no Job for you to attempt with A-x-x of clubs In the West General Features Carp. of Pascual Capales, 33, of Clin­ ing to toe arrests was "toe most the fact that we didn’t set a ing. She 'toid {X)lice this was the composers. Miscellaneous al­ has been announced by her par­ i S w y e a k « e v e P A R T Y I ory of Spec. 4 Edward L. Rd out of it without reading the yourself. Oil In the wrong hand. TOKYO (AP) — Peking kept great enough to endanger hu­ ton. Police said he was struck did not identify The ^ llc e sta- reaching conducted during record this year,” a s{X)kesman third time in the p>ast two years bums with mixtures of numbers Pouech, foil-owing ihls death In tlon, several schools, banks and Lit! Instructions and recommenda­ places or too much oil will only ents, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Declarer led a heart to dum­ Phone 643-2342 silent again today about a re­ mans. by a car driven by a minor, my tenure of office” which be­ for the National Safety (Council that the mailbox has been dam­ are filed separately from both, Introduced Resolution a motor vehicle accident, while RP tions of the designers. If you gum things up, and may lesul Pease of Dobson Rd. my's ten and ruffed dummy's However, the government whose name was not released. "m any other public buildings” gan In 1966. aged with firecrackers. 2 and here I have to search, when port from the U.S. Atomic Ener­ serving with the U.S. Arm y in said. riel last spade. Then he overtook Richard Henry Lee Is best re­ were marked for destruction, the already have some equipment, to permanent damage. I want some particular short Her fiance is the son of Eld- said the radioactivity was the Authorities are still searching __ He said Americans apparently The cloth headliner of a car Ra; membered because he In­ gy Commission that the CWneoe Germany. paper alleged. Mayor Richard Lee, recently 2 the king of hearts with dummy's you might resolve to get a new Then there's the matter of number. The same Is true of my ridge L. Small of Dart Hill Rd. second strongest ever detected for the operators of two cars returned to toe puMlc'^ilghV^ter have forgotten toe national fer- belonging to James Homyk o.! cle ace and drew the last trump troduced the resolution, in the Reds had set off their seventh The youth, a former lO H in­ stylus for it. records. These should be stored jazz records, but I haven't too and the late Mrs. Ruth Stetson coming from Clhina, exceeded which caused fatal injuries in One of toe men under arrest two-month bout with viral vor about traffic safety that en- East Hartford, was damaged Elr with the queen, discarding a Continental Congress In Phila­ structor, was the son o f Mrs. There is no such thing as a edge, In their Jackets. Try many of them, so they don't Small, nuclear test ex{Josion Sunday. only by that of China’s third separate mlsha{)s. Gordon L. is Ronald Johnson, 26, a leader pneumonia "decHne^ any com- Sulfed toe Christmas season last sometime Friday night as the Git delphia In 1778, that tho 18 Antonina Pouech and the late permanent needle; they all need and store them In a place that's present much of a problem. Miss Pease, a graduate of ^«>m his own hand. The silence heightened s{>ecula- nuclear blast, an A-bomb equal MacLachlan, 21, of Orange died of toe Hill Parents------Association, Monday night, year during a time Congress car was parked at George for As1 colonies should be lnde{>endent DONT MISS IT! Eknil Pouech, then of Lake­ to be replaced every once In a dustfree, a regular record cabi­ Tackles Clubs to more than 200,000 tons of Monday in Milford Hospital aft­ a militant Negp"o group. He was considering the subject. Teens off Tolland Tpke. Keep your recordings away Rockville High School, Is em- of the mother country. tlon that something went wrong. The Hill Parents Association, I while, file diamond ones last net If possible. They should be Declarer next tackled the TN T on May 9, 1966. side Lane, Bolton. Mrs. Pouech helped organize toe local make- If toe {xipular concern with Seven decorative CJhristmas from heat. Don't store them {Joyed as a clerical assistant at TONIGHT Official boasting and reports er being struck by a car Friday ter longer than the others, but even close together, held that way near a radiator, for example. W. T. Grant Co., Vernon. Mr. clubs, leading the king and then Peking announced its previous night as he walked along the now lives at 39 Charter Oak St. work project called "Operation which lists Johnson as a leader, safety showed up during lights were taken from in front Jd I AM SPIRIT OF XMAS of celebrations in the streets fol­ Eagleson,__ a _ ^freshman__a______at Bry­ _ ...... Inis involved 4inm MMltFlMAlpolitical, econom­ •' ___ . ® a diamond can fracture, due to by a heavy bookend or .some This is obvious to most people. Small, also a graduate of Rock- the queen from dummy. West nuclear tests within 10 hours Boston Post Road In Milford. Breakthrough,” which receives toe last 12 months were still in of 14 Deepwood Dr. sometnime son CHATTAN(X)OA, Tenn. (A P ) DEC. 26 lowed each of Red China’s six ant OoHege, Providence, R.I., ic and civil rights activities. The Its crystallne structure. If you similar device. Even so, you Not so obvious Is a bad place vUle High School, Is a 1967 grad­ refused the first two clubs but after detonation. But Ja{>anese A second hit-and-run Incident federal funds. effect, toe total this holiday last week. Police say a witness M o — A bearded hippie startled the previous blaste. But a Radio P e­ Is the first recipient of the Hill section of New Haven is don't believe me, you can ask will eventually get some warp- frequently chosen either for re- uate of Wentworth Institute, took the third club and return­ correspondents in Peking re- took the life Friday night of Also being held In New Ha­ probably would have been to- saw some boys take the bulbs, B ol congregation attending a Oirlst- king broadcast Monday made award, given to a former lOH ‘Jie largest of four predom- 6 Prof. Bernhard Wuensch of age. cordingB or reproducing equip­ Boston, Mass. He U taking a ed his last spade, forcing dum­ {xirted that there was no official Mrs. Lois Klein, 38. She was ven Jail are Chirtlfi Belton, 26, ward Of below the low end of and the boys have been report- 6 Fn mas Eve midnight service when no mention of the reported- inently Negro areas where loot­ MIT, one of the world's great post-graduate course at Went­ my to use up the last trump. word there Monday of the test. injured fatally on the Old New member. a former employe of Communi­ our estimate,” he said. ed to thetr parents. Speaking of warpage, the m ent This is underneath a win­ he rushed to the front of Grace Christmaa Ehre ex{»loslon in the ing and fire-setting broke out oh« crystalographers. He's also an dow on any side of the house worth to obtain his associate's South threw another club. A Japanese military writer London Turnpike in her home­ A graduate of Manchester ty Progress, Inc., toe local anti- The safety council, with head­ worst thing you can do Is shut Eplsco{>al Church here and de­ Lop Nor testing area of central last August. 1 authority on wines, but that the equipment off, leaving some bi!it the north. During the sum­ degree In architectural en­ Now South showed why he Tadao Kusumi, said the latest town, Marlborough. High School’s Class o f 1966, he {MDverty agency; Alonzo Russell, quarters in Chicago, estimated son clared, " I am the Spirit of Asia. Instead it reviewed the A spokesmsm for toe state’s Changing Shapes doesn't enter into this discus­ records up on the spindle where mer, the sun wlU come in and gineering technology. had saved all of his diamonds. Oilnese test was believed con­ Lester Burr Jr., 20, died at served as an IO(H instrvx^tor 27; Willis Brooks, 31, and James beforehand that 626 to 728 per­ Mk) Christmas.” first sbe blasts and touted the Clouds constaiiitly -change In sion. , they haven't yet been played. heat the air in your cabinet as No date has been announced He led a low diamond from nected with experiments with about 2 a.m. Christmas Day three years and was club presi­ Cotter, 28. attorney’s office said Monday sons would lose their lives on te r The Rev. Leon C. Balch said thought of Mao Tse-tung. sha{>ei because parts of j them When you go for a new stj^, ^ the "reject hot as In an unfinished attic. for the wedding. dummy and played the king FOR low- yield nuclear weapons. The when he reportedly fell from a dent in 1965-66 during hls sen­ All are from New Haven ex­ that toe five men under arrest toe nation's highways during dei Featuring The AEC declined to comment may a{>pear in Superior Court the Christmas holiday period, evaporalte -when they come In take the old one with you (That button until they're all on the Naturally the records will from Ws hand. West had to win i f I UNDER low-yield of the explosion could moving car on Route 147 in Dur­ ior year. cept Cotter, who lives in Guil­ I the trick since otherwise South with full beaid arid lonF on the Chinese silence and said corttact with warmer olr that turntable before you go to bed. warp. If you have a crystal 21 indicate the bomb was carried ham. E ^ leson Is majoring in mar­ ford. here on Jan. 2 to plead on toe a s a comparison. The Asso- Mki would lead another diamond to was a "very sincere is not saturated with moisture. It would stand by Its original by ^ medium-range missile, ex­ The o{>erator of the car, Philip keting at Bryant, where he also Each was arraigned Saturday, charges. dated Press on a nortiollday If you don't every suspended type of pickup in your tone arm, Jew8 Will Mark dummv's oueen '^m a fine family In Virginia," die this may very likely defOmr; ‘BREAKERS^ statMnent, which reported the perts In Washington said. W. Dills, 23, also of Durtiam, tutors In Its Youth Guidance STANLEY WANNEH record will be warped by morn­ dummy s qu ' but did not Identify him further. Au location of the Mast and said the told {olice that he let go of the Program for underprivileged ing. the dynamic types are not sub- But this forced West to lead Tho Rev. Mr. Balach said the Dancing AND Kusumi said it was also possl- Do Feast bf Lights Each explosion equalled roughly children. Warped records will skid Ject to this problem. And speok- a diamond from his J-7. If West service continued after the out­ Me the timing was political ,as steering wheel and tried to grab iMr Night 20,(MX) tons of TNT. That would Following his graduation TAT when you play them. Moreover, ing of heat, be siure your equip- Hanukkah, the Jewish Feast led the jack, dummy would win burst and that he talked with Mao’s 74th birthday Is today. Burr when the victim 0{>ened OO they'U make any records that ment has plenty of ventilation, with the queen, and South would 8-12 p.m. be similar to the first atomic Kusumi recalled that Commu­ the car door. from high school, he served six BAtKlWO ilKM IT, WAt-Or TNIiTB of Lights, will begin this evening the youth later. "THE GSiMIPr Oh land on top of them skid as The megailnes devoted to take the last trick with the ten bomb, dn^iped on Hiroshima in nist China set off its fifth nu­ A one-car accident in Walling­ months’ axstive duty with the MftnchMter Ph. MS-78tt "I talked with him at great 1946. Ou well. You con read suggestions home-making frequently show and will continue for eight days, of diamonds. West actually led clear device last Dec. 29, or Just ford resulted in toe death of USAF Reserves at Westover length,” he said. “ He’s not any 65 T O L L A N D T P K E . — M A N C H E S T E R Carter Annual Mr as to how to remove warpage, equipment built into a wall of through Wednesday, Jan. 3. The his low diamond, and South let more disturbed than some oth­ Japanese air force planes de­ after Mao’s birthday. George A. Wrenn of that com­ AiFB, W-esrtover, Mass. He is W but I've never had any luck some sort. Don’t do this unless name Is derived from the fact the trick ride around to his ten ers in the congregation.” tected imusual radioactive fal­ The sixth test was carried out munity. Police said the 38-year- currently an airman in West- SO with any of them. It is, how­ to make sure of his contract. lout over Japan Tuesday, but last Jiuie 17. It was Red China’s old motorist apparently lost, over's 21st Medical -Service ,M A T T H E IM you can provide ventriaiiion, or that on each evening of the holi­ Ha ever, {xisslble to play a warped the government said It was not first hydrogen bomb ex{il lon. control of his car and it plunged Squadron. else ex{>ect to pay M g repair day, small candles are lit in Daily Question 08 na record Individually. The felt or down an embankment. bills. 8U1 eight branched menorah As dealer, you hold: Spades, u rubber matting on the turntable Outside toe state, Lawrence GRADS MIND NOISE MORE End-of-Year Used Car This advtce holds good fOr T V (lam p), the number of lights In­ Q-10 6; Hearts, A-Q-10-8; Dia­ NO will prevent skidding, but you'll sets as well as for stereo and monds, Q-4-2; Clubs, K-Q-S. W. Broderick, 19, of Bridgeport ANN ARBOR ,Mlch. — Teste creasing by one each day. 21 still get a certain amount of hi-fi equipment, radios, and'so VHiat do you say? 400 Sing Carols died Saturday In an Arlington, by University of Michigan re­ The festival Is observed to re­ stc "w ow .” on. Heat Is inimical to all of Answer: Bid 1-NT. Even If , H O W A R D „ Mass., hospital. He was fatally searchers indicate that noise call the victory of Judaism over Ba Radio stations play records them, your notrump promises 16 to 18 Injured in a two-car collision disturbs college graduates more n n i i i i i w Hellenism In Judea In the year (Mk individually so warpage is not And wWle you're making re- points, this hand Is ivorth an early Friday night, {X>llce said. than toe less well-educated. Bn ^ TECHfMCOLOR* 166 B.C. Judea at that time was CLEARANCE SALE the {iroblem with them that It solutions, resolve to go to some 0{>enlng bid of 1-NT. The two Christmas in a Gym a part of the Greek empire and atv WlU be in a home where a live concerts as well. You’Ui be Hh 'King of Blades" her Inhabitants were subjected Jounson) changer la employed. Neverthe­ surprised how enjoyable they to tyrrany and oppression. The Lfi less, many stations have ajiealal can be. Then you’ll have a Hap­ fltl WED. B THVB8. BIATINEE practice of Judaism was pro­ For Florida Evacuees llM record file cabinets that press py New Year. W< hibited and the {>agan rites of (Conttnued from Page One) the recordings flat, every time EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT Kh GBUMircniis.. the Greeks were enforced. Un­ MANCHESTER the drawer In which they’re wm thwarted efforts tb stem the J der the leadership of old Malta- NOW, ALL DAY WCDNESDAY One little girl was asked if she kei>t Is closed. drive-in flow of gas. First, firemen Lai These are not practical tor Story Hourg Set thlas and his five stalwart sons, was worried that she might not fltB iM S get any gifts away from borne. mixed It with ammonia fumes, Te( the home. They’re heavy and the people rose In rebellion and, i In an attempt to neu tral!W -t^ BUY NOW n « At 2 Libraries "No, I’m hot woriled,” aihe E they’re homely; much like the after a prolonged guerrilla war, gas, but toe chlorine was over­ at ordinary four-drawer filing ca­ expelled the Invader and won said gaily. "Santa Claus has THIS WEEK ONLY miteiiQW A vacation story hour will be whelming. CHr binet you see In offices. With a their Independence. The Temple TONITE probably been evacuated, too.” held tomorrow at 10:80 a.m. at Then, forklift driver Carl Jot proper filing system, they In Jerusalem, which had been “ Valley of the DoUs"—8tSQ The Rev. Charles King, an in­ plus COLOR CARTOONS "L u v " ------b 8;4B Dickey, 18, and Willie Clarence TUESDAY thru SATURDAY O r do make It {loeaible for you to the Junior Room of the M ary desecrated by the pagans, was terdenominational evangelist, "FIlm-FIam Man" 18!4k FISH FRY Williams, 20, worked through RV find Ihe record you want wtth Cheney Library for children cleansed and dedicated anew told many among toe 400 Christ­ toe night upending toe torpedo­ 1T< THE BIBLE’ relative ease. four to eight years of age. to the worship of God. This ded­ All You mas refugees, "There will come shaped tanka Into tubs of caue- Ar clpiroTs™;OOB8;M If you have many recordlnga, Extra Special Sov/ngs On IWIIIIsianllc/ *•' Stories of the season wUI be ication lasted for eight days and worse catastrophes than this tic soda, but In the early morn­ Mk you might resolve to set up a told by Miss Marion Jesseman gave rise to the eight days fes­ ^ o f “ Can Eat one. One ought to be ready.” ing hours toe soda froze. at and Mrs. Dorothy M iller of the tival of Hanukkah. The Rev. Mr. King read toe Wooden arrows were cut to 1967 Chevrolet Executive Cars Junior Room staff. Members of In addition to the home ob­ r » o : Biblical story of toe first Christ­ peg length, sharpened and driv­ Girl Scout Troop 601 who are servance, the festival Is com­ 1.19 mas, toe second chapter of en with hammers into the leak­ SAM PLE BU Y n COLOR by OELUKB SAM PLE BUY THEJmtEEAST studying for a story - telling memorated In the Synagogto®' PANAViSiON WONDERFUL BONELESS FILLETS Luke, verses 1 to 20, end then he ing valves but the chlorine ate Ax badge will also participate. organized toe singing.' • S4fi-S491 with s{>eclal Psalms expressing through toe wood in an hour. 4111 Friday from 2 to 3 p.m., the gratitude to <3od for His power Frtod to a crisp goldon brown Rosa Mae Porter, a Negro Warming temperatures allowed del Acres of Free Parking — Luxury Cinema third annual doll and toy story of redemption which brought M R I W M I l i Fim li Friod Potatoes # Colo Slow who lives In the predominantly them to finish the work Monday. 1967 Chevrolet Impale Sport Sedan 1967 Chevrolet Bel Air 4-Door m hour will be held at the West about the ancient victory. This lunofl white neighborhood, and her in- Three firemen were felled by WALT DISNEY'A Side Library. Girls and boys Is emphasized by reading from Ttotor SoBce # Rolls and Butter fuit daughter sat at toe center toe gas Monday, joining 18 tak­ Bi o V-8, auto., power steerinj:, V-8, auto., radio, four and over may partlci{>ate Zachariah "Not by might nor of toe carolers as King directed. en to hospitals for treatment of Fun P rice B e and are reminded to bring a GEO radio, heatw, whitewalls. Full Price *2545 heater, whitewalls *2345 by {lower, but by M y spirit, iCUMiA PCTURtS Presents Cocktails Served will Among them was a paralyzed gas inhedaUon during the origi­ ac Christmas doll or toy. Mrs. salth the Lord.” Mil. woman In a wheelchair. nal fire Saturday night. Gertrude Spiess, librarian, will The rebellion of the Judeans JJMaUlMMN Meanwhile, at the Apperson All were home Monday night 64 Chovroiot $1225 tell Christmas stories. Punch marks the first recorded strug­ VERNON Chemical Co., bitter cold when toe emergency was ended. 67 Valiant $1795 66 Cimvrelot $2075 65 Chovroiot $1875 n O w C M f IN A MARTIN MANUllS'PRODUCTigN Impala 4-Door. 6-oyl., stand­ pessieoLe- and cookies will be served. gle for religious freedom. In ON TOLLAND TURNPIKE V-lOO 2-Door. 6-cyl., stand­ Impala 4-Door. V-8, auto., Impala <3oupe. V-8, 4-st M wet radio, heater, power si ard, radio, heater, white- ard, heater, whitewalls. power brakes, radio, heater, OJ OHHJIREN—THIS SHOW ONLY—81.00 observing It today, the Jew be­ Ing, whitewalls. walls. SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS whitewalls. Tuesday—Wednesday—Thursday—Friday—Sat. comes strengthened In hls faith 66 Chovrolot $2345 A f MIAMI, Fla. (AP) — Ameri­ and encouraged to strive for re­ MANCHESTER 64 Chovroiot $1475 M "Jungle Book" ll;00-l!85-4:16-0:80-0!SO MNAVlSIOrr EASTMAN COLOR. Impala Super Sport Convert­ 66 Pontiac $2145 65 Plymoiifh $1695 “ Lonesome Cougar” 13;lB-8;BlMl:80-8ilO can citizens returning to the ligious freedom for everyone. V4 MILE OFF OAKLAND STREIT. Fury m 4-Door. V-8, auto., n ible. 4-speed, 826 hp V-8, ra­ LeMans Sport (2oupe. OHC ' m 4-Door. Impala 4-Door Hardtop. V-8, United States from Cuba may power steering, radio, heat­ auto., power steerlng-hrakea, at dio, heater, whitewalls, buck­ 6-cyl., 4-speed, radio, heat- have a share of |1 million in un­ et seats. er, whitewalls. radio, heater, whitewalla. M OTSElSEiESElSEl paid Social Security benefits e^'^whltewiEdlB,’ bucket seats. awaiting them. 66 Pontiac $2395 65 Chovroiot $1825 63 Chovroiot $1345 BURNSIDE Tonight GTO Sport Coupe. V-8, 4- 65 Chovroiot $1975 Payments to qualified U.S. Avi I Impala Super Sport Ck)upe. Impala Convertible. V-8, au­ Impala Super Sport Coupe. At 7:05-9:10 speqd, {X)wer steering - to.,' power steering, brakes citizens living In Cuba have \ I CAi- ' 'M'. YEAR END SAVINGS AT SINGER brakes, vinyl roof, bucket V-8, auto., power steering, V-8, auto., power steering, A wine windows, radio, heater, been withheld since 1063, but the seats, whitewalls. radio, heater, whitewalls. radio, heater, whitewalls. CELEBRATE money has b ^ n piling up in an m uIiL 1 A 'lim iriiiLU A iii whitewalls. escrow account awaiting their 66 Oidfmobllt $2195 65 Pontiac $1295 return to this country. ♦ I CuUass Holiday Sport Coupe. Tempest 4-Door. 6-cyl., 64 Chovroiot $1195 standartl, radio, heater, Bel Air 4-Door. V-8, auto., Marshall Wise, director of the V-8, 4-speed, radio, power to ■ ■■ FLDOR steering - brakes, heater, whitewalls. radio, heater, whitewalls. TRUCKS -Miami Social Security Office, bucket seats, whitewalls, says the fund covers 173 ac­ * \ MDDELSAND 65 Chovroiot $1645 64 Ford $1195 66 Chovroiot $1995 counts for 200 to 280 Individuals 66 Dodgt $2295 Impala 4-Doqr Hardtop. 6- Galaxie Sport Ck>upe. 6-oyl., l-Ton Panel. V-8, 4-apeed, among the estimated 000 Ameri­ DEMDNSTRATDRS Polara Sport Ck)upe. V-8, cyl., auto., radio, heater, standard, radio, heater, heater, signal lights. cans still in Cuba. auto., power steering, radio, whitewalls. whltewalis. Wise rushed through appllca- SAVE OP TO $50 OFF heater, vinyl roof, white- 65 Chovroiot $1495 itUofu, to make the payments in walls. 65 Ford $1795 64 Chovroiot $1045 XL600 Sport Coupe. V-8, au­ ^-Ton Pickup. 8’ Ckistom time for Christmas, for three REGULAR PRICE WHEN NEW 66 Chovroiot $2195 Bel Air 2-t)oor. 6-cyl., stand­ Fleetelde Body, 6-cyl., stand­ to., power steering, radio, ard, radio, heater, white- citizens who returned to the Impala Sport Coupe. V-8, heater, bucket seats, white- ard, radio, heater. IN OUR (Ik k jAMEt Coburn auto., power steering, radio, walls. United States in early Decem­ Join the great '*$ave4n” on walls. ber aboard a Mexican airliner. BEHOLD this package of 19^8 with its mysterious heater, whitewalls. 63 Chovroiot $1095 floor m o^l and demonstrator 64 Corvoir $995 contents. No one k knows r what it holds in store for us 66 Chovy ii $1945 65 Comot $1175 V4-Ton Pickup. 6' Fleetelde BEEFEATER TAVERN Model ‘202’ 2-Door. 6-cyl., Monza Ck>upe. 6-cyl., 4-speed, till we unwrap it. Day by day we are certain of some sewing machines at SINGER Nova Station Wagon. 6-cyl., radio, heater, bucHet .seats, Body, 6-cyl., standard, ra­ § GODFREY CA M BRID G E m auto., radio, heater, white­ standard, radio, heater, dio, heater. joy, some grief, and excitement that this wonderous whitewalls. whitewalls. 9 P.M . t o ? SEASON’S OREETINOS now, including the walls. world holds. One other thing we at Cavey's know for 66 Chevrelot $2395 65 Romblor $1395 64 Chevrolet $1445 62 Intomotional $1345 to all our wonderful % u ch & S ew * sowing certain is that it will only cost you $35 per couple to Impala Station Wagon. V-8, aassic ‘650’ Station Wagon. Impala Sport Cou|>e. V-8, Model 1600 Cab A Chassis. friends and customers! 840 Per Couple auto., power steering, radio, 6-cyl., auto., radio, heater, standard, power steering, 6-cyl., 4-speed, heater, signal spend New Year's Eve with us. m achines by SINGER. lights. , R estaurant heater, whitewalls. whitewalla. radio, heater, whitewalls. Includes Dinner, OocktaRs, Dsneinsr, and Lounge This entitlestitles you to a complete dinner consisting COME EARLY FOR BEST BUYS ' Noisonakers, Tax and Tip Open Sun., SAVE— THE THRIFT CORNER— SAVE of appetizer,r, (including shrimp cocktail if you wish), U P T O O F F For Reservations Dec. 31st, 12 Noon 67 WINDSOR AVE. on Route 88 IN VERNON celery, olives,s, radishes, filet mignon _ or broiled ______live_____ Maine $545 62 Chovroiot $725 TeL 643-1415 to 3 A .M . Mon. lobster with walnut dressing. Fresh tossed ganden salad, 4S Old<. $1695 65 Chovroiot $1495 63 Studo. 6AU NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY Starflre Sport Ck)upe. V-8, Impala Super Sport. V-8, Model F-4 2-Door. 6-cyl., Impala 4-Door Hardtop. Bring The Family vegetable, potato, hard rolls and butter. Your choice Naw SINGER* Mwing nucMnos start at $89.95. auto., power steering - auto., radio, heater, buck­ standard,'* radio, heater, V-8, auto., power steering, of dessert and coffee, tea or milk. This plan also includes Floor modal and damonitrator tawing machinat carry brakes • windows, bucket et seats, whitewalls. whitewalls. radio, heater, whitewalls. O ut F o r A FROM 8 P.M. to 3 A.M. S 1 2 J 0 P E R PERSON O P E N H O U S E all your drinks from 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. tha aama guarantaa at naw SINGER taaring machinaal seats, radio, heater, Fine Dinner! ^ o ROAST BEEF DINNER whitewalls. 62 Chovroiot $295 o CHAMPAGNE 62 Morcury $395 62 Chovroiot $545 UPSTAIRS 62 Chovroiot $495 Blscayne 2-Door, 6-cyl., ★ o NOISE MAKERS—PARTY HATS Your whole evening is complete for just $35 par A credft plaa dotigiMil to fit tYMy budget Bel A ir 4-Door. 6-cyl., au­ Bel A ir 4-Door. 6-cyl., standard, radio, heater. Meteor 4-Door. V-8, auto., o O A N C IN O T O T H E M U SIC O F P A U L M cG E AR Y 868 BIAIN STREET whitewalls. radio, heater. to., radio, heater. NEW YEAR'S EVE Tradithm ai couple including hats and noisemakers. W e will have a standard, radio, heater. AND HIS ORCHESTRA band to play for your dancing pleasure from 9 p.m. to MANCHESTER No Reservations Needed Open House • MASTER OF CEREMONIES \Vhat$ new for tomorrow aV S i N C E R today!* o VOCALS BY VUANKIE ROBERTS FORMERLY FROM 3 a.m. W hy not take advantage of this superb plan and TEL. 848-8888 N e w Y e a r’s Eve. greet this new year at Cavey's Log Cabin? THE DUNES IN LAS VEGAS And AD Other FunI FunI FunI o COMICS CHEVROLET Singer Centers SINGER j FEATURE ATTRACTION •A TredtuiMb of THC SiSCCS COMPANY C O ., m e . FRANK’S CAFE EXOTIC DANCER—B f POPULAR DBBIAND KM OlYBttelU . J The Family Restaurant WE BRING BACK — LEE TAILOR 1229 M AINCARTER ST.— OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9— THURS. TILL 6— MANCHESTER THE QUEEN OF THE TAS8LE TAUSSBRS t e l 423-025^ Cavey CORNER MAIN APPEAI^G —FRL, SAT. and NEW YEAR’S EVE e P E A R L ROUTE 87 4S E . C E N T E R ST. Legal Beverages DOOR PRIZRS w o r t h f 8 M $ WQ CAE9 IN LEBANON. CONN. Tel. 848-8544 C A IX FOR RESERVATIONS EARLY—87*-888l lO U B MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER.3 a CONN.. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1967 BIANGHESTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1967 P A O E i m iBoltcn; 'Mrs. BStaoheth Abni- Hospital Notes tiamson, M Franklin Park W., V e m o n GOP Gains nackvHle; Mrs. Oail OuiHofxl, Rusconi-Wylie TV-Radio Tonight hold an enroUment session Jan. as Bpiacopal Church, about a V W ^ hMN an S to S p.m. T o lla n d Uuim Dr., Hebt«n; Parley Far- 12 at the Town Hall from 2 to LBJ Spends mile from the White House. Liver Transplant Patient New England's Laading I ■■ mrmM mecfttoir nwtor* ’rlngton, RPD 3,' Vemon. High School F o re ca st 6 p.m. The session is held to Joining them at the services I ■if wiMie toef are StM to 4 Also, Mrs. Barbara Downer, permit those voters already re­ were the Johnson’s daughter CO il m . mmi 7 to • p.m. aad pri- Yule Spirit gistered but noi affiliated with Lynda and her recently wed Two-Year Profassianal Elaet Hartford; Carol Molde, For 1968 T e le v is io n Christmas in Spends Christmas at Home Hto laenie where they. are LocsniB Rd., BoKon; Virginia Sets Banquet a party to do so in time to Marine husband, (Capt. (Charles M aja. to • p.in. Vlelton are WASHINGTON (AP) — Re­ 6;^» ( S) Mo'rie _ ^ pai^clpate In party caucuses. Robb. PUEBLO, Oolo. (AP) — Jifiie JuUe has to be doubly careful. School of . . . , 27 Scarborough Rd.; ( B4M 0) JOke Douctas (mSKsasafir*"*’' MoSda? Navy Prevails in Bagley, 53 Union PI.; publican control of the House (10) Perry Megon The next enlbUment session will White House The White House lawn still Rodiiguez, 23 monOia, Who has She underwent an operatiOR last lOinSe wo more wmih ^ ___ __ a__ For Athletes (>I8) fUctnrsy Petrol Donna Scniton, 149 Deepwood plus deep GOP inroads into tha not be held until June. had traces of snow from a flur­ spent five months of relative week for the removal of an ab­ twa visitors at one time per pa- a m 'Big Pteture WASHINGTON (AP) —Stock­ quiet in a hospital since her his­ scess from her liver. Dr.; Mrs. Minnie Miller, 537 A banquet to honor high school Democratic Senate majority is (M> OOrterDiers Neighbor­ Homes., Jail The Bulletin Board ry late last week as the faunily hood ings hung at a fireplace, a tur­ toric liver transplant, returned The trip was the cUmax to e ACCOUNTING Center St.; J. Harry O’Brien, students who participated in forecast by a self-styled nonpar­ The Board of Selectmen meet gathered around a decorated 5- (99) Oombet (SU9-9O) I Dream 'ot Jemrie foot Norway spruce to exchange to her home Oirlstmas Day and Julie’s holiday season. Mrs'. Fatteato Today: IM 31 McGuire Lane; Mrs. Flor- sports will be held Jan. 6 at 6:80 tisan group, the National Com­ (40) rontstanes CtoritomaB hi TdUand revolved tonight at 7 :S0 at the Town Hau. key dinner, a visit to church and The Pilgrim Fellovfthlp Of­ gifts, some of them stored in was awed by tMro family re- Rodriguez said gifts have been HARTFORD INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTING ______^ enee D’Ajddario, 313 Hilliard p.m. at the Vemon Center Jun- mittee for an Effective (Con­ S:30 (40) (Peter Jenntnge (C) (S) Becrat Agent •Found the faamea and the lots of attention showered on a gress. (» ) B cttte (09) (DaJoM (C) ficers will meet tomorrow af­ seven large, red velvet stock­ unibns, presents and noisy pourllpg Into the hospital from ADMITTED SATURDAY: gt,; Mrs. Maria lavecchia. Hart- lor High. grandson marked President 66 Forest S t, Hartford—TeL 247-1115 In the year end analysis, the churclieai Ihmaitea at ithe TW- ternoon at 2 at the home of Lar­ ings. youngsters. all across the nation. "She got Grepiry Bradrtiaw, 25 E. El- James Oiace, 103 Hamlin , Arrangements for the banquet Johnson’s first White House ob­ organization predicted "a very S:00 (9 -1 04 0) New*. Bporto. tond JoU partook or a tradltion- ry Anderson. The chief executive called it a ,'.‘Sbe Is acting so han>y,” Ju­ so many things,” Mrs. Rodri­ Jeffrey Hdntz, Ellington, are being made by Richard servance of (Christmas. close’’ race for the presidency weather al CSictolinas dinner and re­ "wonderful, wonderful” (Christ­ lie’s mother sedd. guez said, “ but I think her fa­ Also, John Walker, 208 School Tlngley, director of athletics for (90) MCHole’s Naivy ( io n Red Skeltm (C) Like millions of Americans, In 1968. ceived |Hta dhdributed by the Manchester Evening Herald mas. Mr. and Mm. John Rodrlguei vorites were the musical toys.” A D M n ^ D SUTOAY: Mre. g^.; Mrs. Lorraine GUbert, 33 the school system. Ticketa may the First Family rose early to "The possibilities are wide (SB) ftnnmer*IBgMigMa (C> M vatlon .^ m y end ttie Jail ad- Tolland correspondent Bette had not bebn sure if they would Since her operationr July 23, M ^ : Michael Dr., Vemon; Charles be purchased at the school atlet- (18) lle r v Oiimn gather around a tree and ex­ open, and the political waters ( S) Newewlre 9:30 '(*^19) Good Morning World ndntotratora. quatrale, telephone 676-2648. SKATES. BREAKS LEG be allowed to bring Julie home Julie has been out of the hospi­ W h e n you want tt)n ha-.t, t>uy Gouletite, Shoddy Mill Rd., An- ic office, members of the Boo­ change presents Monday. The are boiling," said the commit­ (94) DtocovMTT An three churches held spe­ for (Christmas Day. At noon, tal only four or five hours at a (90) (Man and Oiallenge Johnsons 6U‘e expected to leave BILLINGS. Mont. (AP) — rs ri Mtiiinnii'ni • iTAwarH Hnrl Harriet Zatursky, club or any of the players, tee. It called the Vietnam war cial Ghitotmaa services and however, doctors decided to let time. She' has survived longer 8:06 (40) Combat , „ today for the family ranch near Santa, the weather man and rison RFD 2 Tolland- Norman St.; Bruno Lcnhardt, Players to be honored include "the symbol and principal man­ 6:80 (100900) Huntley-Brinidey i gaShered gifts for sltut-4ns and her msdte the 120-mUe trip from than any other liver transplant (C) San Antonio, Tex., where it’s be­ city officials all combined to KleinaohmldL' M Walla' St Charter Oak St.; Mrs. Mar- j j goccer players who won ifestation of the real question (90) (Social p u r it y MaTsomoIhlag Bwwlal (C) mlaskma. the hospital in Denver to her patient. B O Y S C O U T lieved they’ll stay until after bring 16-y e a r -o 1 d Elaine ir ir o -rinDt-.Atr Soucicr, Broad Brook; jbe Central Valley Conference facing America.” (94) What’s New? (R) ’The United Congregational home, provided she be returned "We are so grateful to medi­ ADMi'iTED Y E S TERDAY: Henry Baranow.ski, 272 Main ,be football team and the ( 3 ^ Walter CronkHe (C) New Year’s Day. Schmidt just what she wanted " ’This issue Is whether the ( 8) Peter JenningB, News Church aeat about 300 gifts to Notes and News for (Christmas. Santa brought to the hoepital by 10 p.m. cal science and almighty God A ^ m s 110 S t; Mrs. Gertrude Hamel, ^„„„try team. United States is to seek its desti­ (C) Johnson, who returned early 6:46 (90) Local Newa the Avery Nursing Home and the ice skates, the weather man In Pueblo, she attended fam ­ for prolonging the life of our Lake Rd., Andover; Mrs. Linda stmrs. At 7 o ’clock tonlirht the alum- ® ) Tbm BweW Show Sunday from a globe-circling ny as arbiter of the globe, or 7:00 ( 3) After Dinner Movie dsHvered ttaskets to shut-lnB. A obliged with snow and freezing ily reunions at both her grand- daus^er,” Rodrigues said. AUen, Mansfield; Mrs. Malvina Also, Mrs. Karen LaPolnte , basket- 11:96 ( 9) TXieaday BhuttU (C) Cub Scout Pack 91 trip, brought back with him C.AXDIKS whether It will live by the cardi­ (19) Truth or Consequences 11:30 |(1IMM930) ’Tonight »o * r (C) sgiedal package was sent to a temperatures, and city crews iparents’ homes. "Julie was en­ Chagnon, 204 Broad St.; Fred- and daughter, Storrs; Mrs. Pa- b a ir a r t h ^ h gh s“ S nal rule of the post-imperial (C) ( 6-40) Jo^ Blafim hro spt q. ^naa Har\ey ann suji. ou nuu Former players to take world; ’That a nation must first (19) CBS Nears Sptelal (O of Manchester Green School grandson Patrick Lyndon Nu­ Big Earthquakes ( 8) TwlMght Zone Women’s Feitowahlp. 9t. Mat­ But while testing her first pair Oirlstmas trees,” Mrs. Rodri­ SEE SATURDAY’S TV WEEK f o r o o b ip l e t e u s t i n o s sang Christmas carols at Crest- gent, son of daughter Luci and find its salvation at home," said thews’ Church sent baakeits to of skates, Elaine fell and broke gues said. ’The world’s greatest retxirded rdfo-;rwSrRd?r the group. field Convalescent Hospital last Patrick Nugent. undecprivlleged famines in the her leg. The shiny skates now Julie wlao wanted to run out- earthigpuikes occurred in Jan­ LENOX PHARMACY But while viewing Vietnam as week. They also made Christ­ , Johnson told newsmen he S;U.rwrbt.rHaroSMe"ss' ^s Z ^ n l l ^ - t h y Bel/til, lla n PuU. Jo^ R a d io paitah. hang on the back of the closet sMe and play In the snow with uary, 1906, off the coasts of the overriding 1968 campaign is­ mas centerpieces for the home picked up the jersey and red RFD 1. Manchesier; Mm. H ar and dau^ter S Oudenhove. Jim Martello, news broadcasts of 16 or IS A tradKiional oandleligivt serv­ door while' Elaine goes about on >the other children, but her par­ Ciolotnbla and Ecuador, and in 299 E. CENTER STREET— 649-0896 sue, the committee said Repub­ (Thla listing Includes only those and served homemade cookies and blue pants for the baby at a riet Mitchell, 553 E. Center St.; Coventrv'* Mrs Y\'ette Kellner, Wayne McCoy and minute length. Some stations carry other abort newacatto.) ice wets held Sunday night at crutches. ents refused. March, 1933, in Japan. lican chances to gain control of the Congregational Church, and to the patients. After the visit military post exchange for $1.58. lUymond M u^hy, 37 Nike Clr- Jfu ijan? and ' d ^ t e r 541 WDBC—1164 6:56 Phil Rizxuto 2 the House—which would take a they gathered at the home of The cross was a personal gift cle, Paul Phlnney III, 126 N. gt^ South Windsor; Mrs. Student Cited 5:00 Dick RoUnaon 7:00 The Worid Tonight a midnight Maas was held at gain of 31 seats—depends on the 7:16 Frank G W ^ . their den mother, Mrs. Robert to the infant from Pope Paul VI Elm St.; Barbara Poeppelmelr, charlotte Bcrk.shirc and daugh- Donald Robert Langlois has 6:00 Joey Reynolds 7:30 Alexander Kendrick S t Matthew's, in axkHtian to the popularity of the GOP preslden- 9:0OJCen Griffin 7:36 Speak Up Hertford Butterworth of 92 Vernon St., whom Johnson visited In Rome Glastonbury; David Tupper, 76 148 Park St. won the annual Bausoh A Lomb l:05’«ew s, regular Mass mbedule yester­ Honorary Science Award at 'tlal nominee. 8:00 Nows day. for refreshments. on the hioinewand bound portion Ashworth St. omCHARGED Y E S T E R* 5:00 Hartford Highlights 8:10 Spe^ Uji Hartford A committee spokesman said 12:16 Sign Off The PNgrim FeUowBhJp mem­ Those visiting the hospital of his trip to Australia, South BTR-ms SUNDAY:A daugh- daY- Don Segal, 202 Mountain it hasn’t taken a stand on any of 7:00 News WTIC—1686 ter to Mr. and Mrs. Howard rh . Mrs KaUileen Young, 176 the 1968 winner. Prin- 8:00 Gaslight 6:00 News, Weather, Sports bers o f the OongregaiUonal were Robert Butterworth, Brian Vietnam, Thailand and Paki­ next year’s House races but has 12:00 Quiet Houm 6:36 Afternoon Edition Church went oaroUng on the Sisco, Thomas Fruessner, Wayne stan. The baby’s parents are Jchison, 561 Bush Hill Rd.; a Bissell St.; Kathleen Johnson. d l » l Martin P. Fagan saW the endorsed 10 senators for re-elec­ WiPOP—141# 7:00 AmehteM* son to WLr. and Mrs. Stanley 233 Center St • Alan Greatorex, fl-ward recognizes the outstand- 5:00 Danny CJayton Show 7:26 Devkl B rk^y Green, and the traditional Kuehl, Spencer Moore and Peter (Catholics. tion. It said Republicans may 7:00 Lee "B a b i" Slmma Show 7:30 News of the Worid Chfistmas Carol Sing epon- Gaudreau. For Mrs. Johnson, the Pope MicFarland. 266B Lyman Rd.. wolcott: Kule’sa baby boy. 20 pick up as many as six Senate 12:00 Gary Girard Show 7:46 Joe Geraglola Bolton; a son to Mr. and Mra. Knox St.: Mrs. Constance Gray Wghest sdiolasUc standing in WINF—Its# 7:50 Stag Along (Kred by the Girl Scouts was The boys also made (Christ­ sent along a 16th (Century Ma­ seats. 5:CO News 7:66 Bmphnala 6 held the''latter part of last mas candles and fluff balls, and donna and (Child. Frederic Norton, RFD 2, Man- and daughter, 27 Ridgewood science subjects. Those the committee backs, 5:16 Speak Up Sports 8:06 Pop Concert 5:30 HaiTy Reasoncr wieiek. sold (Christmas candy for a Pack After opening presents— Chester. gt ; Mrs. Marie Rys and twin *• he is eligible to among them seven Democrats 5:35 S p ^ Up Sports 9:06 Nlghtb^ ^ SMILING SERVICE 11:00 News. Weattier. Sporta Elpedal Chitotmaa services trip in the spring. "m ore than you can count,” ac­ BIRTHS YESTERDAY; A sons, Cables Dr.. Bolton. compete for a BAL Science and three Republicans, either 61OO News . . 11:36 Sporta BVial . . 6.15 Speak Up Hartford :36 3 3 ier Side of the Dgy were held at the Seventh Day A (Christmas party was held cording to the President—he son to Mr. and Mrs. E. Samuel Also, Mrs. Kathryn Court- Scholarship at the Unlrversttiy strongly oppose or give only 6:46 Lowell ftiomaa 11 Dec. 19 with games and a grab Mtoeeley, 50 Clyde Rd.; a daugh- right and daughter, 168 Main of Rochester, lukewarm support to President Adventist Church for Children, and Mrs. Johnson attended holy ter to Mr. and Mrs. Elwood An- s t.; Mrs. Lura Butt and son, Orange Seta Party Johnson's Vietnam policies. and a vesper service was held bag. communion service at St. Thom­ derson, Aby Dr., Hebron. Amston; Mrs. Delores Funk and ^ Christmas party will 'be They are: Democratic Sens. Saturday evening with Mia. DUSCHABOED SATURDAY: son, East Hartford; Mrs. Hen- held by BUlngton Grange 46 at J. William Fulbright, Arkansas; We REP.AIR BmesUne Finley’s ctoss from Mins. Fern Legault, 409 E. Mid- rfetta Safranek and daughter, « s regular meeting on Wednee- the Seventh Day Adventist Joseph S. Clark, Pennsylvania; BUY d e l^ k e .; August Ki-vimee, 256 Ellington. day at 8 p.m. in Town Hall. John Haley photo School of Hartford presenting Frank C3hurch, Idaho; George aiMJ. VOLKSWAGENS O R D E R TODAY... Autumn iSL; Mrs. Miaigaret Members are asked to bring 50 MRS. ROBERT C. RUSCONI McGovern, South Dakota; Er­ ttie program. Doyan, 21 Hansen Dr., Vemon; cent exchange gifts. Mr. and nest Gruenlng, Alaska; Wayne COMPLETE VW REPAIR SERVICE Members of the Adventist Mils. Wesley Schlude will be in iMra. Ouasie WoUman, Crestfield The marriage of Miss Dianne Rusconi is a graduate of the Morse, Oregon, and A. S. Mike chuRdi ooUected over their goal charge of the program on safe­ In the ansMial ingathering, a Convalescent Home; James B O Y S C O V T Wylie of Revere, Mass, to Rob­ University of Connecticut where Monroney, Oklahoma, and Re­ REBUILT VOLKSWAGEN EMGINiS OMcahv, 14 Fulton Rd.; Sarah ty. he was president of Lambda publican Sens. George D. Aiken, house to house canvass for Rockville Hospital Notes ert C. Rusconi of Manchester Oose, Brewfifter 9 t , Coventry; Notes and Netvs Chi Alpha fraternity. He served Vermont; Thomas H. Kuchel, fund) between Thanksgiving LOSE WEIGHT BY FRIDAY Visiting hours are 12:30 to 8 was solemnized Saturday, Nov. Mrs. Beth Bertha Reichesibach, two years In the Army and Is an (, and Thruston B. MORIARm CHEVRON SERVICE and Christmas. The money is WARHER... p.m. In all areas except ma- 18 at St. Maurice (Jhurch, Bol­ 384 Paitc St.; Diane Penuase, officer In the Army Reserve. Morton, Kentucky. used fo r nvedlical and eduication- Just take a liny 1.0SB WaiOHT Cub Pack 2 teraity where they are 2 to 4 ton. Tim Moriarty. Propri«tor . . . StaCtond Springs; Mrs. Mkry He is a communications man­ al sendees overaeas. HungKx tabiM before T H B H IR S T OAVI "Concantrata" girdks Cub Scout Pack 2 of Second and 4:30 to 8 p.m. ’The bride Is the daughter of Katkaveck, HUMard Dr., Ver­ ager with the Southern New The golf tee was patented in The Tolland Volunteer Fire meals...end banish those Admitted Thursday: Darryl Mrs. Anne Perkins Wylie of 270 HARTFORD ROAD • 643-4217 Thousands now lose non.__ Congregational Church had a Revere and Dr. Samuel B. Wy­ England Telephone Co., Meri­ 1899 by George P. Grant of Bos­ Depaxtment collected toys and hated extra pounds as Aitoo, Mrs. Miarion Suhie. 66 Christmas party Dec. 16 at the ton, Maas. cMbes for needy families, and you banish hunger! Why?^ weight who never thought •8.99 to 910.99 ^ lie of Shrewsbury, Mass. The den. they could...report N«W 8L : Mrs. EUxabeth Miner, -hurch ^ewicz 79 West Rd., Inez Tay- bridegroom is a son of Mr. and the Women’s Community Chib Because Hungrex b y values toglSJtO 21 Bentnn St; Timothy Dun- ^ Z \ ^ , a ^ ^Z\ ^ Co^dt^e" Sr., Mrs. Ervin E. Rusconi of 28 M ot gifts to the IMansfiedd State the most powerful I remarkabYe weight losses aeon, Sam Green Rd., Coventry; ^ on mi, Training School reducing aid ever of 7 ...2 0 ...even • Lycra spandex, bumpleBS garters Bart Peruse Jr., Eaat Hartford; ceremony. Den 7 won an Inspec- D isch a rg ed ’T h ^ a y ; Ensign St. ’The Rev. Ernest J. McLean Santa Claus came to town a tcicasedfor public use 41 pounds in a short (Mia Marv WWtriwuse Broad ‘™Phy- Charles Thompson. 46 Charter week before Christmas for while. So if you're tired •W hite. . . sizes S, M, L M Salvalor. « c M v « l jd .; 1 ^ 1 01p«>n, Vemon O .r- performed the ceremony. wittiout prescription! The bride was given in mar­ prtvate consultations with his Suppresses hunger pangs ^ of half-way measurea young admirers. ..on den mad. riage by her father. She wore so effectively, it actually j and want really cffccUv* Hhztford; Patrick Carroll, 104 The Green sported de­ decorations tor a Christmas ---- -— a full-length gown of ivory peau limits the ability of help in reducing Lake St, Wapping; Bonita Mof- corations on the Town Hail for tree, which was donated to the Advertisement: de sole, designed with alencon your body to produce ...send for Hungrex fitt, Wtodham; Louis Larro, the first time in several years, church. The Rev. C. Ronald Wanted: Newsboy or Newsglrl lace, wedding ring neckline and gnawing hunger today. Hungrex will limply Westfield, Mkss.; Mrs. Agnes at the Savings Bank of Tolland FORMFIT-ROGERS... Wilson, associate pastor, ac- for the Peterson Road area of sleeves. Her veil of silk tulle amaxe yOu! You'll be Khikas, Coventry. and the State Jail across the sensations! Result? You cepted the tree on behalf of the vemon. Route Available Imme- was arranged from a floral don’t feel hungry... down slimmer next week or your Also, Reginald ESlsworth, cluster, and she carried a cas­ street, as well as on the num­ money back. No "Short sklrfw’" long log Lake Rd., Coventry; James church. dlately. Call Herald Circulation erous homes lining both sides goes your calorie intake, Santa CTaus distributed pres- ogpt, Mr. Graff or Mr. Wilson, cade of gladioli. •lid down goes your preKription needed. N .79 • 10.99 TadTord, 27 Watson Rd., Ver Mrs. Charles H. Garabedlan of the street. ents to the boys. Mrs. WBUam _____ weWit. reg. 16 reg. |14 n«; to. E ttelS^ 46 Hale p,^t, ,ed a caml Jr. of Stoughton, Maas., was ma- • Odb Soont Awards The Herald’s Vemon Bureau The Cub Scouts held their E St Ext, Rockvdle; Ronald sing. tron of honor. Mrs. Denis "WDbt Girardin, 147 Broolcflekl S t ; is at 38 Park 8 t, tel. 87S-S1S4 or Christmas meeting last week, mcrtehlng gIrdIo John Hayes, cubmaster, re­ 443-2711. News Items may be J. Dowling of Rocky Hill was John Howhmd, Love Lnne Rd.. with Den 6 opening the cere- whltHor” ceived a leader’s jacket from mailed to P.O. Box 327, Rock­ bridesmaid. They were dressed Ooventry; Edward Harrison. alike in rust silk faille gmriis mcHiies and Den 1 closing the the cubs. ville. Bobcat awards were present­ 96.99 ««• *» reg- IS I«FD X ToUand; WBItom THpp. Refreshments were served. and matching headbows, and ed to George Hunt, Joeeidi Rze- 174 Wetfacren S t ; Mrs. Leona Glenn Banavlge, bugler, they carried cascade bouquets wuskl, Robert Cacciatom, Da­ Aichamault, 774 ’Tolland T ^ e .; played taps for the cloaing cere­ a gold and rust chrysan­ Graduation Custom vid Zlmmermann, John Olender Mitry Ann ICner, 74 Florence mony and the cubmaster re- themums, wheat sprays and ITito Mm i PoiMr/uf Sodutlng Atd and Michael Morosl. a t; M ia Jeannette Votwril and the cub scout promise The graiduatlon custom of lemon leaves. /Boor Jlefwwed fo r FuMie Vaef • J __ son, Merrow Rd., ToUand. ^ selectfeig a "color girt" w«s in­ PhiUp J. Rusconi of Manches­ A W<^ badge was presented n...V 9arner Also, Mrs. Marie Bartel. 10 N. augurated at the U.S. Naval ter served as his brother’s best to Mark Smith and Gold Arrows COUNTRY DRUG CAN YOU RAISE COUNT were given to Gary Young, EUtfieM at; John Adamy, 15 VIRGINIA BEACH. Va. (AP) Academy in 1871. The first man. Ushers were Carl P. Ohlln w m West Middle Tpka. James Treat, Antoony Treat Academy fit ; Samuel Kravitz. —If you think you can raise ycung lady so honored was the of Springfield, Mass., cousin of I Maaohester, Conn. Tric-o-losric Uttio FIbbor 4(10 Bl Center S t ; Leo Schen- the city'of Viiginla Beach superintendent’s daughter. the bridegroom: Robert D. J. and Mark Fluery. Silver ar- Oliad aw tegaiif ttday sapgly e( Hsagna nM PJ*A tor b ra del, 218 Main a t; Mrs. Sandra lutg to talk with you. ------Jamaltis of Ansonla and , rows were given James and •nb IS. Anthony Treat. » 3 . Y 9 Kktnanand son, 283 Center S t ; ^he city wanU stmeone to PANIC AT OVEN Richaix) E .Kostek of Wethers­ □ Stfld IM tceneuFSita 4^day supply tot only |S. « 2 . 4 9 t o . linda Cyr and daughter. ^ 53 4 -a ^ farm it MILWAUKEE. Wls. (AP) — field. A one-year pin was present­ leg. | i ed to James and Anthony Treat; reg. IS East Hartford; Mre. Miangaret bought last August from neigh- Mrs. Eugene Lee panicked After a reception at the Man­ • 84-40, B, C Bowmian and son, 66 Wendy Dr., boring Norfolk for $640,800. The when she opened her oven to chester Country. Club, the Deimer Stripes to Matthew Ses- • Fiberfill, white South ’Windsor. gt the time was to develop check Oiristmas dinner. couple left on a trip to Puerto paniak and S(x>tt Howe, and as­ eW h ite • 82-86A, 82-88B DiSOHAROED SUNDAY: the land as a major recreation Mrs. Lee was kept in a state Rico. They are living In East sistant Deimer stripe was pre­ Mm. Prances Demers, 86 fgcuuy. of frenzy for about an hour be- Harttord. sented to Joseph Baker and Ota.. — _ 11^ airt. • Falifield 8 t ; Mrs. Frances De- kow the city says It cannot fore her neighbors cmifessed Mrs. Rusconi attended the John Perry. □ Payment Tncloaed -t- 2So for hanelmg ; Martin, 45 Westminster Rd.; immediately start developing they had substituted a 16- ounce University of Massadiusetts. Enndlment Session ft ••####•##•••! Xiodh D’Antonio. 1 Ellington the land, so It Is Inviting bids for Cornish game hen lor her 12- She is a service representative The Registrars of Voters will Alvc., Rockville; Mrs. Moriha a one-year lease from prospec- pound gobbler while the Lees with the Southern New England VENUS... MarMiall, 189A E. Middle Tpke.; tive com farmers. were at church. Telephone Co., Hartford. Mr. Bknnk VIgnooe, 303 Buridiam / \ ' ...... Zippor locy nylon toffoto St; Ehner WWis, *5 Lilley St.; - 3ba. Miuto Gove, Watrous Rd., Brood St. n IflUIICIIMIVI ♦ 1 1 . 9 9 " ^ ’ “ JANUARY CLEARANCE s OPEN • double elastic sides X 5A ^W Sim Resolve • white. Sizes 26-84 MLP-flRVICI DIPT STOM 10 to 10 to put yoilr savings' a to work in ’68 2 MAIDENFORM... "Coneortlno" girdhs 2 Go ahead. Keep that 1968 resolution with a savings pro- gra^n that will earn 4 '/i per cent this coming year. Because 9739- I values to |12 there are nb strings attached to a Manchester Savings & Loan savings account, you can deposit whatever is con­ • average and regular M& OABY m s s NANOY venient, whenever it is convenient. Your sayings. begin \ • white. S, M, L, XL If you ore going on a south­ earning 4'/2 per cent the day you deposit and dividends land vacation, we might ceui- are compounded quarterly. 6 tlon against too much aun lest of famous brand shoos your nalr becomes dry and straw-Uke. If thU does occur, for tho onriro family . It's the money-growing way to build up cash for future a go^ oil treatment Is a must. needs . . . a new car, new home, education for the young­ Another problem arising from PHANTOM... over-exposure to strong sun­ sters, retirement. So don't let another day pass. Begin OOSSARD... light is the Ukellhood that hair Men's Shoes earning 4'/2 per cent tomorrow. may streak or color may lift ftU waist Flair bra long log xip girdio by several shades. Also swim­ "Pedwin" ming In chlorinated water with­ ZEREX ^ 0 regular f 10.96 out a cap may be Inviting in­ Rcffularly 15.00 to 17.00 Regularly 10.99 to 15.00 9 1 1 .9 9 9 3 .9 9 teresting, if not disastrous re­ MANCHESTER'S FIRST reg. 114 teg. 15 sults. Natural blond or olond- NOW NOW M a n c h e s te r 7 FINANCIAL INSTITUTION AiiH-Reeze • firm control tlnted hair has been known, to e inner bands • lacy ifiberfill turn green under these condi­ 9.90 *o 12.90 • white, 27-84 tions. 6.9C to 10.90 1007 MAIN STREET, NEAR MAPLE e white. S, M, L • 82-88. A, B,C STREET - TEL 649-4588 For proper hair care under Odd Lots Of Ill SAVINGS and Coolant all conditions consult the styl­ 'Roblee" ists at SPELL OF BEAUTY, Caldor Shopping Center, Tel. Busier Brown Shoes Regularly 17.99 to 21.99 COVENTRY OFFICE - ROUTE 31 649-2806. Open: Mon.-Tues.-Wed. A L O A N TELEPHONE 742-7321 Burton’s Downtown and Parkade . . . where the fitting’s the thing . . . of course, please charge It! 4Bat. 9-6, Thura.-Frl. 9 - 9... NOW NOW Private Coloring and Wig Flt- Association ESTABLISHED 1891 Htiy Rooma • • • Connecticut 9.90 1o 16.90 Charga nates Welcome ... . 5.90 to 7.90 High styling . . . Permanents .. . Manicuring . . . Revlon (>>s- King's Low Price metlcs. Gustafson’s Shoe Store HELPFUL HINT: 705 M AIN STRE^fST Permanent type, can be used In any car anywharo . . . protects yow c o o ^ Before painting doors and syatomtor a * ^ year. Dependable product of Dupont research. Safe high windows, smear locks with rvMrve alkalinity protecU against corrosion. ^ VESBllne, 80 surplUB paint will ba easy to remove. CORSET SALE \ ■ PAG E S IX BIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN- TUESDAY, DEX3BMBER 26, 1967 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. BfANCHESTBR, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1967 PAOB8BVIN

Administration has already lis Announces Vernon Tha^s Yiddish for Nerve adopted one of his proposals, to After Xmas Dinner give pilots Immunity to testify about near mlseee, and is con­ Little-Known Congressman sidering two others—thinning Senate to Study out air space over congested Riot Breaks Out. areas and increasing the profi­ A- f f i * W ill Attend Is Using His ‘Chntzpah’ ciency of pilots, including those of private planes. In Ohio Prison a s k By CARL P. LEUB8DOBF awareness. He Is a refreshing A ir Lapablllties Session Asaoolated ProM Writer Rosenthal said he expects the dNCINNATT, Ohio (AP) — and transferred'the iiunatas to difference from the ordinary new cells, (be prisoners jeered Presents an Exciting Annual Event - Our entire question of health to be WASHINQ’TON (AP) — Can a junior congreasman who tends Christmas dinner at the county Bird watching in the winter- aOwr wouU make your ’%nn- (Continued from Pare One; Representatives from the Ver­ aired next year in hearings by at the pcriicemen, an official little-known congressman with to hlfi committee work and jail was followed by a riot that 'time is becoming a favorite chali^’ Mnd w atobliv oomplete. the intergovernmental relations said. Police stationed canine non schodl system will attend a little seniority have an impact waits for seniority. brought out 100 policemen to MUion a year and to tie up, and subcommittee on which he corps units in front of the area. paafime for young and

the sleek "ufislde- full advantage of its opportuni­ trict, thinks so. a bird feeder of some kind and ’ iwttutinh, the fearless tat- ing with the children with learn­ even No. 2,” he said. Ho said that, as a result, a su­ Inmates smashed furniture, Taken by ty." "One congressman with a fair Booner or later even the most with bis jaunty onest? Building permits issued since ing disabilities—that of identify­ permarket trade group has sent tore up bedding and set a fire In C A R TE R ’S millione Stennls also said that more amount of chutzpah can awaken The New York Democrat then disinterested will succumb to 2 “® 5""* sparrow Janary White early October show an Increase ing them. letters to all of Its members a trash can during the three- than 700 American aircraft had the public conscience,” says Ro­ displayed statistics showing the V iT T L E for over. the excitement of a "new " bird * ’‘*1 the tm » s(>aiyow who Albert Kerkin is Vernon’s warning them against raising hour disturbance outside their been lost over North t^etnam, over last year, according to zon­ senthal, using the Yiddish word United States ranks 21st in the 75 yarn at the feeder. raraners hi the Hudtoon (Bay chairman of Special Services. for nerve. life expectancy of Infants, and prices and providing - inferior cells. and that his subcommittee had ing agent Donald Tedford. He No one esc^ied and there inhomoe The Luts Junior Museum has eraa. o f OanadaT And iwhat He points out that learning dif­ 18th in Infant mortality. Others merchandise In poor neighbor­ 1 ^ found four months ago that both notes that most of the permits A lawyer who maintains the were no Injuries reported. llkoyoure many, many calls from people the evening grosbeak, ficulties are of many different showed the number of fam ily hoods. the Air Force and Navy were arc for houses, rather than for average citizen is frequently ov­ Police armed with shotguns a s k i^ identification of these Junoo, and puiple finch who also types and said the program is doctors in the United States has " I f you walk Into any super­ short of pilots. additions or out-buildings. erlooked In the governmental surrounded the Hamilton Coun­ “new" birds. Unfortunately, us in (the wlnteuUnwT If so new that there are no clear- dropped from 94 to 60 per market In the poverty areas of Stennls said the F i l l was The permits went to Ronald process, Rosenthal has in the ty courthouse, which houses the most of them are not aware Y*’** would Hke a firee co|>y of cut guide-lines for the class­ 100,000 people in the past 85 those three cities," he said, ' ’It scheduled to be a main part of Maynard for seven-room colon­ past few months launched cam­ jail, while others entered to that there are definite field “Bight Basic FVeld Marks room teacher. years while reliance on foreign looks a lot better than it looked We*re as the tactical air power of both ial in Tanglewood, $19,000; An­ paigns for greater aviation safe­ force the prisoners back into marks—or "trade marks of na- Baiker Bird MentdOcatinn,’’ At the four workshops, the doctors In this country is in­ six months ago.’’ the A ir Force and the Navy, and ty, Improved medical care in­ their cells. The trouble was In near as ' ture”—to Ipok for in order to *t»|> in at the iMta Junior MU- drew Ansaldl for two six-room first to be held Jan. 4, members creasing. L u xu rio u s Perma Press Cotton would therefore have to be in­ raised ranches on Tunxls Tr. at cluding a shift away from the an area of the cellblock outside make positive Identification. A - 2 ceptional children and tech­ tion for the consumer’s view­ war, the beginning of a (Con­ mon Gatimu, a Portland State telephone Percale Sheets be a purple finch and an eve- dow feeding tray and for those No-Iron Percale Sheets 2 tigators had already fanned out lingering effects of the tear gas, ling on Tunxls Tr., $2,500. niques for describing and iden­ to Navy and Air F'orce posts to point. gress, the results of an election College student from Kenya, the prisoners were transferred n li^ grosbeak, but not neces- lookhig ahead to suilng direc- Also, Richard Rose for a tifying disabilities will be pre­ begin gathering facts. A series of hearings by a spe­ or any other Irrelevant event. captured a holdup suspect Mon­ to a previously empty cell foundation on Steele Crossing sented. F R F F bhiehhd The F i l l —Originally chris­ cial House subcommittee he Tliey. demand presidential and day. block. ’Die jail has about 250 Roger Tory Peterson and houses Rd., $1,600; U&R Construction The other sessions will be held tened the TFX, for tactical flgh- heads spotlighted higher prices congressional action now.” Gatimu, 32, was walking near prisoners, many of them await­ other authorities agree that T»r ^ ‘ Co. for a six-room raised ranch Jan. 9, 18 and 23. TWo, those DELIVERY t e r, experimental—is the and inferior merchandise in the His news conference, held downtown Portland, when he ing transfer to the Ohio State there are eight things to ob- „ 72 X 108” Flat or 72 X 108” Flat or on Hebron Rd., $14,000; Law­ on Jan. 4 and 23 will be held swing-wing glamor plane of the poverty area outlets of super­ shortly after Congress ad­ saw a man running from a Penitentiary in Columbus. serve before tryinTto make ^ ® New Year! rence Fiano for an eight-room from 4 to 5:30 p.m. and the market chains. And Rosenthal positive Identification: ESastic Fitted Twin Elastic Fitted Twin nation's arsenal. Its wings are journed this year, was similar small grocery store. The store’s About 400 persons gathered Your order for drug needs colonial on Laurwood Dr. at $19,- other two will be from 7 to 9 ea. designed to swing almost is now Investigating the sale to to one three months ago during owner, David Berez, 69, was around the building during the. and oosmetlos will be taken t. Breast: Is It jdain (un­ 000, an eight-room colonial on p.m. 1.99 2.19 straight out from the fuselage the public of millions of dollars the congressional Labor Day re- calling for help. disturbance despite freezing oaie of Immedlatoly. marked), spotted, streaked or Rosewood La. at $19,000, a sev­ striped? for low-speed flying, landings Attendance at the workshop of Hems manufactured for the cesr at which he publicized his The Kenyan caught the man temperatures. 81 X 108” Flat or Pillow Gases X 6 6 en-room ranch on Rosewood La. 81 108” Flat or PiUow Cases ~| ~| 4 ^ will be limited to 25 per session. government and rejected as In­ concern with air safety over the and took him back to the store. Authorities SEtid the men re­ 2. Wing: Does it have wing and takeoffs, and sWeep back at at $20,000, and a six-room raised Elastic Fitted FuU Pkg. of 2 . 9 9 Elastic Fitted Full a steep angle for supersonic It will be open to all school adequate. nation’s cities by citing evi­ Berez said he was the man who fused to enter their cells as the bars (one or two?) or are the 2 . 1 9 2 . 4 9 Pkg. of 2 ± o ± ^ ranch on Rosewood La. at $17,- wings plain? flight. personnel. Reg^tration arrange­ Rosenthal is a firm believer dence of more than 80 near-col- took two bottles of wine from lock mechanism on ' the . main ii)s d d D jn X 000. V f 8. T all: Does It have a band The plane heus spawned a ments may be made by calling that "government responds Ip llsions over New York City In him at gimpoint. cell door jammed after they 767 M A IN 8X^-648-58X1 Also, Valentino Fiano for a at the tip, bands across It, white Worth W e’re proud to offer yon these first quality sheets and pillow eases, made hy St. Marys, one of America’s storm of controversy, culminat­ the project center. the public’s awareness" but that thk^past three years. Berez called police, who ar­ were returned from dinner. ranch on Birch Mt. Rd., $35,000; Frescrlptloa Pbonnaoy ing recently with charges that Vernon for many years has It Is first necessary to stir that H ^ sa ld the Federal Aviation rested the gunman. After police halted the rioting sides, or spots In the comers? Wesley Alvord for a foundation Is it short or long? finest mills, and known for snpeih quality, always! All St. Marys sheets are woven from sdeeled long estimated costs per plane had proivHdod special education for Knowing on Williams Rd., $2,500; Willard 4. Rumip: Does It have a oon- mushroomed from $2.8 million tnainalble and educahle children Grennon for a tool shed on his 44>iicuous rump patch? 'What staple eotton for smoothness and durability. Fitted sheets have elastic comers for easy nse and are rein­ in 1962 to $S million for the A ir at the TalcoibtvUle School. 11113 property off Brandy St., $500; oolor? Force version and $8 million for year work has been started Andrew Ansaldi for a founda­ forced at points of strain. Stock up now at our IqW low prices! the Navy version. The plane is with the perceptually handl- 5. Head: Does it have ja) a tion on Mohican Dr., $2,500; stripe over the eye; (to) a ring An article said that care­ presently undergoing flight ' capped children and next year 5 DAYS ONLY... DECEMBER 26-30 less driving, especially "tail- lefts. Frank and Carla Volpl for a the state will require that edu­ around the eye; (c) etilpea on gating,” has become more lean-to shed on their bam on the crown; or (d ) a patch on Secretary of Defeilge Robert cation be provided fo r the emo- dangerdus than ever with the crown? S. McNamara awa;rded a devel­ Volpl Rd., $800, and John Daly Uonally hwdicapped. the cblaing of improved 6. Stze: Oompare size with brakes and better tires. Sup­ pick a pairl opment contract to General Dy­ for a five-room ranch on Shady Kerkin said he sees this pro­ fabulous values! Room Size-full 9x12 ft. a fomlUar (Mrd. pose the car ahead of a namics Oorp. in 1PC2. He said $1 La. in Knollwood, $16,500. gram as a never emhng one. 7. BHl: Long, ehurt, thin, "tallgater" has such superi­ billion could be saved by build­ The foundations arc for houses The Board o f Education, last heavy? or brakes and/or tires, and 100% continuous ing an airplane that used inter­ being moved as a result of Rt. week, agreed to hire a special 8. Ooloratlon? ha has 'to make a sudden changeable parts. r relocation. person to handle it. stop. The "tallgater” fre­ Plump Bed Pillows filament Navy test pilots said at a Seamen End Training The board also voted to hire They guarantee that with an quently is a fellow with over- actturate oservation o f eaich one congressional subcommittee Seaman Recruit Louis P. a part-time psychological ex­ confidence In his reflexes. hearing in July that the F lllB Georgettl Jr., son of Mrs. Bar­ aminer. T o date, the town has of the above, anyone with a He thinks he can always re­ Nylon act so fast he'll avoid that —ilie Navy version —w a s bara E. Georgettl of Sunnlng- had the services o f such on ex­ good B ird hook can possKhrely dale La., and Seaman Recruit identdty any bird. serious accident. But fast plagued by 283 deficiencies. aminer, one day a week and this reflexes won’t stop him from 8 They classified 100 of them as Raymond C. Warren, son of la not enough the board was Three books we enthuslastt- Tweed Rugs cally recommend as exceilleint plowing into the car ahead mandatory for correction. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Warren told. if his brakes doA’t hold as of South Rd., have been gradu­ referenoes for the IdenUficatlon for In October a Navy spokesman well as the better braked 5 Our Reg. 29.97 said the Navy was satisfied that ated from nine weeks of Naval and enjoyment of the birds are: car. Police tell us we just Basic Training at Great Lakes Roger Toiy Petareon’s ‘‘Fleid cannot write too often about 2 the plane’s "basic problems Guide to the Birds’’ (Elaatem "taUgatlng," it is becoming have been solved." 111, * Dacron & Foan/ Blend more and more dangerous. Bulletin Board Land and Water Birds), T. OU- $ Sen. John L McClellan, D- 'Fabulous 400’ Don’t suffer the danger of Ark., chairman f the Senate The Public Building Commis­ toert Pearson's “BlrdB of Amer­ Choose just the right pillow tqi * 100% Foam Rubber CANDIES ica,’’ and "A Natural IBstory not not getting the most for ^Permanent InvestigatUMi sub­ sion wlU meet tomorrow at 8 your money . . . see us now! serene sleep! All are large size committee, charged that the p.m. in the town office confer­ ' NOW AVAILABkil AT ^ t ♦ V* J>*V A ' A ^ of Aknetlcan Birds of Eastern with fine cotton covers. * Wash ’n’ Dry Feathers Navy version had weight prob- ence room. and Oentral Ntorth Amarioa" by 22 Jaans that made it unsuitable for PINE PHARMACY Hldward Forbush and John May. Dilkm Saks and Service, Fabulous nylon pUe that resists shedding and pilling! Space dye .1;. * ' 'I * . J it' ■ '6iM CENTER ST. 649-8814 use on aircraft carriers. He Manchester Evening Herald Hm first is a pooket-slaed vol- Ine. tweed tones on heavy Jute, with a sure-grip rubber harfring that inne and is the standard book dubbed the plane multl-bllllon- Bolton correspondent, Clemewell eliminates need for lad in g. for fM d tdeounoatlon. The oth­ Your Ford Dealer dollar blunder." Young, tel. 643-8081. RAAAAAAAAAAI SEAMIESS lOOt^ White Goose er two are larger with more Matching Runners 319 Main St., Manchester i elaborate oedor plates and writ­ • Gold • Avocado ten materled. A oopy jo t Fet- 643-2145 Feather Pillows 2 4 x 7 2 ” s i a e ...... 3.49 enoo’s book and one of the 4.44 • Brown • Red Jumbo size 22" x 28" Our Reg. 8.97 ) • Blue/Green 2 4 X 144 else 6.99 i NYLOHS Begins today ) &>rduroy Comforter Quilted. Dacron* Filled Cannon Woven Terry ) to Print Mattress Pads . Kitchen Towels NOEL SHOP'S ) (IN WATKINS WINDOW-9 3 5 MAIN ST.) ) s' $ ) 1 ) Reversible Kodel* fill­ T w in Size ed comforter, covered ) Reg. 57c pr. with solid color cor­ FnU S iz e ...... 3.99 Fine terry woven check duroy backed with towels in red, green, fine cotton provincial Dupont’s miracle Dacron polvester filled, soft id or blue cheda, ) print. 72 x 84” . nged ends. 'k Run-rtitilanl mtih and durable. Elastic anchor bands. S ) HALF "k Runguard top and to# Newest fashion shades k Chatham Screen Print Cannon or St. Marys ^ '1 Deluxe Towel Ensemhles Stcxikings that really deserve their n am e ... Miracle Thermal Blanket ‘fabulous’ fpr fit, sheer beauty and long life... . B great values at this low-low price! Reinforced heels and toes for practical wearability. Stocky B l « B a lk .up now and save! 9 to u •is n TnwnI 2 PRICE ; r 4 . 9 9 1.29 Teunl . 6 9 S S . 3 4 Thermal construction gives ' warmth Choose from exciting colors . . . solids, prints, without tiring we^ht. Chatham means sheared Jacquards, velours, for a glamorous quality! Attriuitlve floral prints, satin bathroom! bound. Grants-own Vsis*

,51i*leh »iro|rt * * Panty girdUs with Self-Aflhesiye Decorative Heavyweight Flannel Heavy Gauge Vinyl Backed Vinyl Tablecloths Embossed ■i- tummy trimming panel f ^ Luxury Vinyl Linen-look tablecloths in marvelous Window Shades wipe-clean' vinyl. Select from 8 beautiful . C t t Y T Y soud colors.

RiO. $3.99 The biggest, busiest Christmas in our history has left us Sale lA. with a collection of one-of-a-lcin(J and shopmarked sam­ Sole 2 7 4. .99 ea. ples^ from Your Gift Gallery . . . and odas-and-ends of It’s great to be ‘taken in’ by the girdles with 28 to U la. wUe Christmas merchandise which you can pack away for next . Polyester Aft • W hlflM You’ll find hundreds of special tummy control! Lycra® spandex ^ * II. leog Christmas much better than we could. So . . . everything a B lendolD acw "', waist or ways to use this fine qual­ i^fyStex /nylon/ 32 36A. 32 power net with diamond shape lastex front waistlino V| ttyia ity, washable vinyl I Wipe clean vinyl with y<)u see in "the Noel Shop . .. Watkins big M^in Street panel, detachable garters. S -M -L -X L . 7 % c TOtton in 38B, 34-380. Choose from a wide vari­ the look and feel of window . . . is HALF PRICE. You'll find in addition to ety of colors and patterns. Christmas decoratjons and cards, gifts that you con lay 88^, 82-38B* Villaigc Inc. cloth. Snow white. away for next ymert-t birthdays, showers, anniversaries, and "W h a n Propsr W t Oomea F lrrt” weddings. Don't miss these savings of O N E HALF. Sale Do you hova a Grants craJit account? Bt SS TaloottTille, OomseeUtnt •' continues ^11 week, but come in early for best choice. Manchester Shopping SALE: TUES. thru SAT. It only takti a mlnula to apply. W . T T . G R A N T C O Next TW ne Opw Than. - IM. TDD. 9 P Jf. MANCHESTER ~ 1145 TOLLAND TURNPIKE Aik any sol.t porton. V f . . . f rtiriM ■* BEcrkade T n a t Shop. at. Sf Maia, Toeo., Wed. TIB e P J I. EXIT 93, WILBUR CROSS PARKWAY OPEN LATE EVERY NIGHT I to Iknit quantMot. Taleatotvllle. Cam, xiu awe rwa. I A 0 - H J V


E v i m t s MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1967 In World HUmri^pBtrr pay-off, who ia prealdent of a Long la- land City local of the Bakery and Con­ Connecticut PLO, Arabg Meet OAIRO (AP) n ia PalasUiM fectionary Workers Union, head of the Ettiptnns l^r«U i Ubaratiaii OiganlitHon (FIO) Non-Partisan Labor League In Queens, Yankee " la moating saoretiy in Cairo f u b u b h e 3> b y t h e : hnd a resident of Greenwich, Conn. But H£RAU> PRJOmNG .. INC. wMh ropnHNBtattvaa of Antt U BtaeU SlTMt perhaps the most tantalizing detail about guanrUU graupa ” to ooovttnata Hanchester. Coin. Bjr A»H»0» " THOMAS F. rtgUHJSON Mr, Motto is that he Is a member of the and ewBolaita' ttaa annail rsala- 986 MAIN STREET IN DOWimiWN MANCHESTER - TEL. WAL.TER B. FEnCWSON executive board of the American-Itallan The Wg crusher argument for - tanea" to lanMl’a oooqpotioB of 648-6171 - OPEN 0 A J I. TO 6 :80 P .M . - CLOSED M O K D A W PUbUahera OF yVSANCHESTER Pounded October 1, Iffll Anti-Defamation Council, which cam­ hiring an out o< state Arm to do * tarrltotjr stead tat tta Jtme wan - MUSIC STORES: 17 OAK STREET, MANCHESTER, AMD 241 ASYLUMwMw STREET,rase—atmeew weHARTFORD a e»mevxw»wx TWfwATioNS-wiarr A IMP I paigns against public identification by a survey of the ConnecOcut'j the authoritative atmpapm A1 PubUihed Every EveidiiK EErcept Sundays Legislature has now appeared* FUNERAL SERVICE • 142 BAST CENTER STREET, e»iA HoUdays. Entered at the Post OCtce at law agencies or news media of crimi­ Abram said today. Manchester, Octin.. as Second CUas Mail on the seme. In this oomer’s Itaa paper said the guarrUU MANCHESTER - TBL. 040-71M nals of Rallan birdi or ancestry as Matter.______Jaundiced opinton, It is Just - repreawitatiyaa arilvsd last 8UBSC3UPTION RATES members of the Mafia. Fayahie in Advance about the only valid argument" waok during frleUon within tte One Ytar ...... <3X00 Such the cast. which has been produced. * PLO whldi andad with tha xo- Six Mooths ...... U-00 % Hiree Months ...... 5.60 It is the argum ent that the|’ signatlon Sunday of flai^ AQne Month ...... LM Why and how could such a thing hap­ state can get such a survey half; Ahmed gfatakatary, tte organtea- H BM BER o f pen in the reform administration of the free, since half o< tte fS0,000 tion’s leader. Hls oiltlos wttttai THE ASSOCIATED PRESS tha tanortet outfit aoeuaed him The AasooMted Press in exdUBlvely entitled clean young Ivy League polittcal hero. total cost will be picked up by’ to the uae of rejtubHcaoon of all news dis- Mayor Lindsay? a national organlxation eaUlng of being "invUtelve, Irrasponsl- patnfaee credited to it or not otherwise credit­ bla and a pubUelty aeoker.” ed in this paper end also the local news pub­ itself tte Citizens Conference on* lished here. Well, grreed and unscrupulousness do State Legislature. ' Tdite Hammouda, who led AB rMas of republlostian of special dis­ the move to oust Bhukolry, be­ patches nerefai are alao reserved. not draw many social, racial, or politi­ In such situations, tte cai> cal lines. No administration Is ever rot and the sttok motivations; came PLO leader peodiag an The Herald Printing Company Inc., as- eleoUoin. sumen no fhianclal respanstUltty for typo- are combined. iT'Oh can’t help completely safe. The FLO’S egaeutlve oommlh ersfAloal erroiiB af>pcarinx h> advertisements wanting to reach out aitd get, and other reading; matter in The Msinchester tee laauad a atatoment Monday Ehrentnc Herald. But there was one circum stance- that $16,000 carrot for Connect!- ^ calling on Palestinians on the glaring in the aftermath, of course, but Ftm service client of N. E. A. Service Inc. cut. And you would feel com-, occupied west bank of tha Jor­ Publishers RcpresenlaXtves — The Julius subject to discovery and alarm In any pelled to reach back and baat^ Mathews Special Aaency — New York, Chi- dan River to take 19 ama ca^o. Detroit and Boston.______administratlcm which really took Its re-' yourself if, by not claiming that. against the laiadli auttorlllea. MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF OIRCULA- sponslbllities to Itself and to the people $16,000 fo r your own state, you TTONB.______seriously—which opened the door to the let it escape to some other I$rael Population 2 Dinlay advertlakie closing hours: whole mess. state. TBL AVPf (AP) — Thera are w Fbr Monday — 1 p.m. Friday. Only in private life, and then ’ 1,982,800 Arabs in Israel and the For Tuesday — 1 p.m. Saturday. Fhr Wednesday — 1 p.m. Monday. The circumstance was simply this; for certain only when It Is a > sections of Jordan, Syria and FYjr TJutraday — 1 p.m. Tuesday. For FYHny — 1 p.m. Wednesday. Commissioner Marcus possessed the le­ case of a simple, unkicorporat-' Egypt oect^led In the June war, Today, Tomorrow, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Only For Saturday — 1 p.m. Thursday. gal authority to let out the contract In­ ed individual trying to deal with' while the Jewish population te CtaasUM dcadUne — 6 p.m. di^ before publication, 6 p.m. EYiday for Saturday volved — an $835,000 deal to the Fried the financial necessities of his' 2,871,100, Israel’e Central Bu­ and Monday pCMlcation. reau of Statistics announced to­ firm for cleaning out Jerome Park situation, does (here linger much certainty that anybody day. Reservoir In the Bronx — without first Upholstered Chairs must pay the whole cost at The bureau said the Arab po­ Bedding obtaining any public bids or private esti­ For tlic last five days of 1967 . . . including Thursday and Friday anything he is going to get. > pulation of Jordan’s West E . J. Holl mates from anybody else. 6 Everywhere else, somebody* territory te 060,000, Egypt’s Sin­ Ref. values to $76.00 (22) Stearns & Reg. $119.00 ’Traditional lounge, foam No one ever did more business in one ai Peninsula and the Gosa Strip until 9 p.m- . . . here are some of the biggest savings you've The existence. In any government any­ is willing to pick up part of the ’ Foster Bedding. Choice of 8 full size inner- rubber cusMon, kick pleats, olive green community over a greater number of tab for almost anjrtiiing. Is 880,000 and of the Golan where, of any such power to spend that spring mattzeeses, 7 full size box springs antique sa tte ...... 4 9 . years and retained more friendship and There is practically nothing; Heights of Syria U 6,400. More much public money without going than 00 per cent of the Arabs in and 7 twin size box springs...... 3 8 . seen all year. Every department has come up with sensational respect than E. J. HoH, for more than leR that a state government Reg. $124.00 (Contemporary lounge, foam through the process of competitive bid­ can do without finding the fed-' those areaa are Moslems. .Reg. $219.00 King Size Steams & Foster rubbw cushion, walnut legs, olive green half a century, a creator, in Manches­ Israel itself has an Arab popu­ ding Is always certain d3mamlte, even eral government looking over^ once - in - a - lifetime savings on one - of- a - kind items, discontinued ter, of homes for people. lation of about 887,800, the bu­ Posture Supreme (h itflt ...... 1 4 9 . textured upholstery ...... 79. though the individual who holds such Its shoulder, ready to pick up reau reported. Reg. $184.00 Swivel tub chair, foam rub­ There was an honorable reciprocity authority seems to be a charmer, or part of the expense.' The report aald the average ptterns and odds - and - ends. Warehouses have been scoured, too, have an educated toe on the fields of ber cushion, box pleats, olive-blue-and-beige between E. J. and his community, In And aivy city or town which Arab woman gives birth eight Bedrooms that both helped each other grow, with touch football. undertakes to pave a street,. Early American print cover ~ tim es. a results that were pleasant and remuner­ build a sewer, erect a school, for merchandise. If there's anything here you can use (and tear down a slum, venture Into R ^. $868.60 2-Pc. Drexel modem wal- ative to both. He did not like to put his Injured Man Diet Occasional Pieces land, or that which came under his man­ housing, improve lbs water sup­ ROM E (A P ) —*Li^aid«i P®“®* of 5 The Location Of The Victory (Irawers ...... 1 4 9 . there are more things not listed) you can be sure of un­ agement, to cheap use. He built and de­ ply, or protect its own greenery • Clmino, wounded when police Units of the Queen’s Cobra Regiment would have to be accused of captured him nine months ago Reg. $806.00 8-Pc. Drexel <3(dlege m odem signed and sold as if he intended to be Reg. $169.00 Drexel commode table, con­ from Thailand, newly arrived In South gross negligence iif it didn’t be­ after a nationwide* manhunt, butternut; fuU/Queen size headboard, forgettable savings. But hurry . . . all pieces and groups are able to live with his own transactions temporary antique butternut, inlaid neo­ Vietnam, had their first action the other gin by finding out how much of died Monday night In a Rome triple dresser with mirror, door type chest- for a long time to come—and he did. the prospective cost it could hospital. night, and General Westmoreland limited to one - of - a - kind unless otherwise noted and subject slate i^astic top, 27-in. square, two Along with the privilege he exercised of drain down out of the state and He was so badly hurt In the on-chest with four drawers ...... 4 9 9 . promptly congratulated them on their d oors...... 1 1 9 . doing business In Manchester, he ac­ federal governments. gunflght with police that he was Reg. $218.00 (4) 8-Pc. Modem walnut, victory. cepted civic responsibility, and he held It is a rare thing when any never brought to trial for the paneled headboard, triple dresser to prior sale. Where more than one item or group is noted, Reg. $184.00 Drexd contemporary com­ The victory was described, by the As­ mode tw le, hexagonal shape, storage space to this even after he himself had estab­ govemmmtal unit, anywhere, t t l ^ 5 drawers .... 1 7 9 . lished himself across the town line, In sociated Press, in the following lan­ has to calculate that it Itself with door, 28-im diameter, antique Bolton, In a setting which could remind guage: will have to raise tte money was panl^. Reg. $679.96 4-Pc. Founders modem oil price is for one, b u tte r n u t...... The March for Ctanlno began walnut ^U/Queen size peneled headboard, him of his native England. The civic "A small bivouac of the Thai Queen’s for the full coat of the project Reg. $109.60 (Contemporary commode after two brothers In the Jewel- double dreeser with mirror, cheet of 6 contribution he offered was distinguish­ Cobra Regiment about 16 miles north­ It Is undertaking. W e are In an table, 28-in. octagonal shape, parquetry ry bu^ess were ^ t down drawers and commode table ...... 3 9 9 . ed by a willingness to-help as well as to east of Saigon was hit Wednesday night age when nobody — nobody above the status of the poor in­ near their Rome residence on top, pecky pecitn ...... 7 9 . lead. by a heavy mortar barrage, and then $174.60 King size Drexel modem walnut nocent unincorporated Individ­ the night of last Jan. 17. Their Reg. $106.00 Italian Provincial console perhaps 300 guerrillas tried to storm the father told police he saw two headboard ...... 1 S 9 . He was a courteous, reasonable man, ual, that Is—^has to find hls own tal^, cherry in fruitwood finish, 87 x 18- perimeter In several waves. men fleeing with hla eons’ sam­ 5 days . .. this week only total financing for what he $66.00 Twin size Drexel headboard, who liked the getting together of good ple case of Jewels. inch t o p ...... 5 9 . "When the fight was over—the heavi­ PolMcai FtortroSture By Sylvlui OOum wants to do. fellows in mellow companionship, who Police combed Italy from Sici­ rococo rattan in bright green ...... 2 9 . est yet for the recently arrived Thai With so much money avail­ Reg. $188.60 (Console table, bamboo appreciated the flowers grown for him, FIRST LADY OF CALIFORNIA: Nancy Davis Reagan ly to the Alpe. On March 7 Clmi­ able from other sources. It be­ $69.60 Full/Queen Size spindle head- turnings, open shelves and storage cabinet who named his streets after his friends, troops—04 guerrilla bodies were counted no w as dtaKtovered hiding out comes folly not to reach out for b o ^ Mediterranean style...... 4 9 . 9 S with door, fruitwood fin ish ...... -9 9 . who remained unbelievably tall and and 30 weapons captured. The Thais with a friend, Francx) Torreg- it, and undertake as many proj­ Sofas - iLoveseatis erect and keen and Interested far be­ said they had four dead and eight glanl. In an Isolated house on Reg. $96.00 Full/Queen size modem Dining Room Reg. $129.60 Drexel cocktail table, con­ wounded." ects as one can, whether ttey the edge of Rome. headboard, pecan ...... 5 9 . temporary antique butternut with 54 x j^ E yond the biblical allotment of years. A nioafht for Todair are needed or not. And the key Clmino tried to fight it out Reg. $169.00 Oontemporary Loveseat, The business he did was good for Man­ This was indeed a victory, of the kind Reg. $79.50 Pennsylvania H<>use twin Reg. $398.00 7-Pc. Knotty Pine with 42 x in. inland to p ...... 9 9 . Inside Wpn— BTito by the Mandwstsr questimi is not whether you can with the police surrounding the we have won many times over In South By Rowland Evans Jar. Oounen at Ohurcitas 64 X 76-in. irfank top table, two Duxbury two foam rubbw cushions, walnut legs, chester. He was a good cltlsen, and a afford the project In question, house. When he finally stag­ size hekdboeupd, Colcmial blue fin ish . . 4 9 . Reg. $189.00 Beak solid maple cocktail Vietnam, during the nearly three years Windaor arm chairs, four side chairs 3 2 9 . red-and-Kilive print co v e r ...... 9 9 . good friend, and an Inspiring example but whether you can afford to gered out, he was wounded In Reg. $79.50 Full size figure 8 Fr«ich table, magazine shelf and two of that best In Manchester's yesterday of our own direct heavy Involvement. Then Jehu said, “ You people pass up the tree money that Reg. $229.00 Contemporary sofa, three Rdbert D. Novak an arm, a leg and In the face. proviroial bed, white and g old ...... 4 9 . Reg. $288.00 54-in. Hutch and china top d ra w e rs ...... 3 9 . are always complaining about may be available for it. foam rubber cushions, walnut logs, oMve which, logically enough, offers the firm­ But one Incidental detail in the news Report The case against Torreggianl to match knotty pine group above, bottle Reg. $69.96 Modem 68 x 20-in. cocktail what you have to do and what The Ctonneotlcut Legislative Reg. $99.00 Full size fig ^ 8 French est footing for Manchester’s future. It story reached out and grabbed the is still pending. g la ^ d o o r s ----- ...... 1 9 9 . tweed cover ...... 1 5 9 . table, pecky pecan with parquetry top WAiSHINGTON — An exer- you CEin’t do. You sound like Council, the other day, came to provincial bed, fruitwood finish .... . 5 9 . 55. was a good day for Manchester when he reader’s attention. This action took the Senate today (witness his would lose to his chief challeng­ Reg. $219.00 (2) 80-in. (Contemporary else in internal' Senate poiitlos mice in a box or pigs squealing unanimous agreement it could Reg. $179.00 66-in. Buffet to match came here, a sad day as he leaves. place "about 16 miles northeast of Sai­ speed in passing the recent So­ er, the highly respected and Raite for Emperor Reg. $46.00 Full size oak bed with brass was ployed out several weeks cial Security bill while liberals in a pen. Aren’t you men? Don’t not afford to pass up the $16,000 TOKYO (AP) — The Japa­ sofa, foam rubber cushions, (1) green-and- gon.” Saigon is the capital of South liberal-backed Senator Edmimd knotty pine group above...... 1 1 9 . 'Sgo when a Uberai Demioorat wanting to amend It were mo­ Muskle of Maine. y ^ have the power to decide - ^ ^ nese govenunent plans to give bindings, campaign design 1 4 . 9 5 blue nubby texture, (1) olive, green tex- C a i p ^ Vietnam, and the great center of the about Reg. $159.00 36 x 72-in.' Knotty pine ifound hlhiaeU in the dileinina of mentarily absent from the But the Democratic side of the your own Uvea?" firing experts to tell it Lw to Emperor Hirohlto and hls fami­ Reg. $79.50 Drexel coat tree, rococo rat­ t u r e ...... 1 5 9 . American military presence In Vietnam. The people looked down but trestle table, matches group above .. 1 1 0 . The Clean Reservoir Scandal wonting to make a roJi-call floor), his aberrations as Whip Senate aisle will probably look reshape the Connecticut Legis­ ly 28.6 per cent more a year to tan in bright b lu e ...... 3 9 . 9 5 Reg. $289.00 84-in. Contwnporary sofa, Reg. $6.96 Broadloom (Carpet, 12 ft. wide, » This small piece of military geography vote at the risk of miilssing a have caused the Southerners to they were beginning to (hsUke live on, raising their annual liv­ considerably different after the lature. We are, by some logic, Reg. $277.00 Group of 6 knotty pine wahiut base, royal bhie textured hl-lo textiuod 501 Nylon, Avocado color, The story of corruption now open bi sticks like sin annoying bur In the side vital plane trip home. drop him as their putative can­ 1968 election. A half-dozen or this Jehu. He didn’t have the already $16,000 ahead of tte ing allowance to $288,888. It has Reg. $79.50 Drexd modem walnut cor­ chairs to match pieces above ; 2 ladderback 1 8 9 . 2 r o l l s ...... Square Yard 5 . 9 5 New York City may not be the most of all those reports from Vietnam which Senator Mike Mansfield at didate for Leader and turn to more Democrats may be de­ humility that reUgious people game. been $188,889 sin ce 1964. ner deck ...... 4 9 . cover ...... are supposed to have. They arm chairs and four side chairs .... 1 9 9 . serious In that city’s history, but it al­ speak of progress both on the military Montana, the iSenate Mjadority Byrd. As fbr the liberals, Long feated, most of them liberals. One prediction is safe. That The allowance, which must be Reg. $199.00 Early American Loveseat, Reg. $6.95 Broadloom Carpet, 12 f t wide, has no base left there. dicin’.^ fed comfortable around approved by Parliament, pays Reg. $104.60 Drexd modem walnut cor­ ready can claim the distinction of hav­ and the pacification fronts. Leader, was solicitous 'but im- Thus, the Democratic caucus will Jia .as far ahead as we get. Reg. $55.00 66-in. Knotty pine trestle wing model, foam rubber cushions, box tip^heared 601 Nylon, Antique The possibility of Byrd as convening In January, 1969, him. Perhaps he was a heretic for the emperor. Empress Na- ner desk ...... 4 9 . ing the most fascinating cast of char­ heitiful. Help did oome, how; For we have yet to witness any bench to go with table above ...... 4 4 . pilots, g(4d tweed cover —...... 1 4 9 . G (d d ...... Square Yard 5 . 9 5 Leader would have seemed lu­ could well be the most conser­ . . . maybe even a commiuilst. gako. Crown Prince AUhito, hls acters. ever, fiTom elsewhere. A polkce streamlining or modernization Reg. $89.60 (6) Modem walnut student’s Reg. $824.60 60-in. Maple hutch . .* 4 9 . Reg. $6.96 Broadloom (Carpet, 12 f t wide, escort to catch the plane •was dicrous a year ago. An ex-Ku vative in a decade and more at­ Jehu spoke on, "D o you know wife and their two children. Reg. $889.00 96-in. Early American wing why God loves me? Because I of government which didn’t desk 4rith plaice top ...... 5 9 . W hy The Motorist? lamanged by a man soancely Klux Klansman with an anemic tuned to Byrd than Muskie. The Imperial Household Agen­ Reg. $155.00 Gateleg dropl^ dining sofa, foam rubber cushions, box pleats, hi-lo textured 501 Nylon, Avocado Leading the list is, of course, James lay down my life. No one takes wind up costing some taxpay­ known beyond the cci^^es of liberal voting record, Byrd had Nobody questions Byrd’s abll- cy said the royal family needs Reg. $79.60 Modem walnut bookcase top, gold-and-red (Colonial cov er ------. . . - 2 5 9 . ton e...... Square Yard 5 . 9 5 L. Marcus, the debonair fellow who In the past few yecure, Connecticut haa ers — those unincorporated in­ table, matches hutch above . . \ . .1 1 0 . Oapitol Hill. H© is the Sen­ distinguished himself since his ity, and his ldek>logy may be my life from me. I lay it klown. more money chiefly because of fits desk above ...... 4 9 . married the daughter of a former Con­ resisted efforts by various law enforce­ I give my life where I choose dividuals who never find any­ Reg. $889.00 Junior size sofa, poly- Reg. $6.96 Broadloom Carpet, 12 f t wide, ate’s newest power: Benator- 1968 election mainly by hound­ more flexible than is generally the increase In commodity Reg. $89.50 Maple Duxbury side ment agencies to have a "stop and to give it. I have to power to body picking up the tab for hi-4o textured 601 Nylon, walnut color necticut governor, who did the punting Robert C. Byrd o f West Vir­ ing Negro welfare chiselers in Imagined. One high Administra­ prices. The government plana to Reg. $65.00 (6) Modem walnut 30-inch c h a ir ...... 1 4 M Dacron® cushions, kick pleats, red-olive- them—more than ever before. Square Yard 5 . 9 5 for the Lindsay tou(^ football scrums, seardi” law enacted. Those legislators ginia, the District of Columbia. tion official who has had his to give it I have the power to pay three brothers at H irohlto bachelor’s chest, plastic to p ...... 3 9 . and-green phdd cover ...... 2 5 9 . and who, as Commissioner' of Water opposed to such a measure have argued But last January he cam­ problems with Byrd describes take It up again. God loves me and the widow of a fourth Reg. $42.60 Maple Duxbury arm The fact that Byrd pentorms Reg. 886.00 $82-in. Lawson sofa, seml- Reg. $6.96 Broadloom Carpet, 12 f t wide, that to stop and search a private citi­ paigned relentlessly for the Job him this way: "Without con­ because I use this power which $122,000 a y ea r, an Increase at chair ...... * 7 J f O Supi^y,. Qas and Electricity in the re­ such fa'vore Is one reason why hi-lo loop textured, Gold-and-Tan zen on the street merely on the "sus­ of Secretary of the Senate Dem­ science, without principle, and ho gives to all men. 'Why don’t H erald 16 p er cent. attw l^ pillow backs, rubber cushions, form administration of the clcEui and this conservative-leaning neo- Dinettes Reg. $87.60 Maple spindle side picion’’ that he Is up to no good Is a vio­ ocratic Conference and won; one of the smartest men in you stand up like men and not kick pleats, gold antique satin ...... 2 9 9 . tw eed...... Square Yard 5 . 9 5 handsome Msyor John Lindsay, is now segregationist may be the next c h i ^ ...... IIM lation of his constitutional rights. Unlike his predecessors, Byrd Washington.” live like pigs?” Yesterdays Red China Conditions Reg. to $89.00 (20) 9 x 12 Rugs, chirfee Democratic Leakier of the Sen­ Reg. $886.00 82-in. Lawson sofa, semi- alleged to have taken a "kickback” Given the principle that the private took the Job seriously, spending What bothers this offlciail, and Some of the men glanced at 2S m p Ago TAIPEI (AP) — President Reg. $117.80 6-Pc, Daystrom, 80 x 40 x Reg. $48.60 Maple Spindle arm ” ate—much to the chagrin of lib­ Y * of Red, Blue, Gold, Cocoa, 'Tan, finished from a contract he himself let. citizen has the right to go his own way long hours on and Just off the many liberal Democrats in and each otter and grunted their Carl E. Bolin is elected'chan­ Chlang Kai-shek aald Monday 50-in. lindenwood p^ tic top, beige vinyl s^reii-at^hed pillow backs, foam rubber erals generally and the John­ chair ...... 2 7 . 5 0 e n d s ...... 5 9 J W without fear of arbitrary harassment by Senate floor, being helpful to out of the Senate, is whether anger. cellor commander at Llnne that conditions In Red China are u p h olstery ...... 3 9 . cushions, kick pleats, green antique satin Then there is Henry Fried, the chief son akkninistration specificaiUy. Reg. $129.00 Mediterranean style dining the police, it Is difficult to understsuid ooUeagues. The power void in this tough little conservative Earle R. Custer, Pastor Lodge, Knights of Pythias. growing worse and Mao Tse- cover ...... 2 6 9 . R e g .tto $16.96 27 X 54-inch Scatter Rugs, owner of the contracting firm Involved, The liberal Senator whom Byrd why the same right Is not extended to the Senate created by Mans­ from West Virginia Is the man North Methodist Church tung’a days are numbered. Reg. $181.80 6-Pc. Daystnxn 86 x 50 x table, 44 X 63 X 76-in...... 9 0 . 5 0 assoited~ colors and weaves ...... 4 . 9 5 who looks like a self-made man who provided 'with a police escort field’s long, quiescent tenure to lead the Democratic party af­ "We are ready to deal a fatal 60-in. fruitwood grained plastic top 1 1 9 . Reg. $489.00 Lawson sofa, poly-Dacron* the citizen when he Is.a motorist ratter probably never 'wiU support him 10 Yomn Ago Reg. $417.50 Set of 5 Drexel Collage Save $26.00 to $60.00. Over 100 Mill-End roee, by the sweat of his brow and the was being partially filled for ter an election that could prove Four Msmehester policemen blow to the Chinese Communists cushions, kick plea’ts, gold-and-brown out­ than a pedestrian. fCr Leader, but neither will he On This Date Reg. $191.80 5-Pc. Daytsrom 42-in. modern dining chairs, 2 arm chairs, 8 side Rugs, sizes 12 x 9 to 16 x 18 feet, finished expertness of his contract figuring, to In many Instances motorists are the first time since the depar­ to be catastrophic. t begin three-month course of ih- when the opportune time ar­ line-quilted co v e r...... 3 3 9 . vociferously oppose him. ture Lyndon B. Johnson and round taWe, e x ^ ^ to 42 x 59-in. plastic chairs, s e t ...... 1 9 0 . be the owner of the largest farm for stopped by police Intent upon perform­ Also in 1941, British Prime struction at the new Hartford rives, the president of National­ erH&, ready to u se ...... 79. t o l 4 9 . Indeeid, the cHatant day 'when the death of Robert S. Kerr. In 1941, in the Pacific war, Reg. $409.00 86-!n. Eariy American wing breeding race horses In the whole state ing roadside "Inspeotlon’’ of automotive Minister Winston Churchill Institute of Criminology. Patrol­ ist China told the National As­ top ...... 1 3 9 . Reg. $529.00 7-Pc. Modern walnut plastic Bobby Byrd becomes Demk>- Even so, if an election for sofa, extra high 40-in. back, foam rubber of Pennsylvania. Before ' he received Gen. Douglas MacArthur de­ made a wartime speech before man Walter Cassells Jr. com ­ sembly. ■).. top table, two arm chairs, 4 side chairs, equipment. Sometimes summonses are cratlc Leakier of the Senate Senate Democratic Leader were 2 clared the FhiUipplne capital of a Joint session of the U.S. Con­ ‘We •WT. have bothuwtu the«« materialr-im-r-— $149.00 5-Pc. DaystTom 85 x 50 x cushions, box pleats, red-ollve^and-gold a little notoriety once before, as a gen­ issued for violations which would not pletes the first course at the burnt ambw finish, gold upholstery 3 4 9 . Lam ps could be as close as January, held today, Byrd probably Manila an open city. gress. . and aplritual strenstt necaasary 60-in. oil walnut grained plastic top; t>la^ seem to obtain. It ia legal, for example, institute. ]^riy American print cover...... 2 9 9 . tleman who put a New York City coun­ 1966, If an elaborate sequence for a counter-attack.’’ ribbed upholstery; chrome le g s...... 9 8 . cilman on his firm's payroll about the to give a motorist a ticket for having c f events comes to pass. > Dual Purpose Reg. $62.60 (2) Table Lamps, large an-e tlm ethe Council passed a bill permit­ ing in the daytime? Too often, triien no These events would begin in K«.»129.M 6.Pij2x42rt9.ta.™ .nd tlque bronze and wood, fabric/parchment ting the use of one of his products in a defective headlight vdien he Is drtv- Aitansos where Senator J. W. My, said the struoture of the walnut grained plastic top, beige vi^l Upholstered Qiairs shfule 3 7 . 5 9 defects are found, the poU om aa tiMM PMlbright is fighting for sur- Reg. $889.00 Simmons Hide-A-Bed mod­ the mixing of construction concrete, Mr. ChlncM Communist Party te tot- chidr upholstery ...... 7 9 . Reg. $28.60 (2) Table Lamp, weathered to the motorist hlmaeU, poring over his vllval. Fulbright is favored over Fischetti em sofi^ walnut wood arms, foam cushions, Fried had been, by appointment of license and registration in an effort to former Governor Sid MicMiath, full size innerspring mattress, goM tex- Reg. $52.60 Boudoir chair, button tufted bronze ctmdleetick, pcuvhment Governor Averell Harrlman, a member ^ ^ ^ ^ <7 ^ S in fir^ efK ’ hara Reg. $124.00 6-Pc. irith find a technical reason to issue a tick­ his moat Ukely challenger, in A O been split into many seementa marfole-and-walnut grained IHaroC top, tu i^ cover, discon'tinued...... 2 7 0 . seat and back, shirred skirt, avocado cor­ s h a d e ...... 1 9 . 5 9 of the State Correction Commission et. The other day, for Inetance, we read the Democratic primary. But If * ^ ^ o o and the economy has broken chairs w ith beige tapestry vinyl duroy cover — ...... 8 9 . 9 5 6 0 V- Reg. $28.60 Table Lamp, weathered which supervises and Inspects the New of such a driver being given a wiMiens fiormer Governor Orval Faubus o ^ 0 ^ Reg. $419.00 Simmons Hide-A-Bed 84-in. o i^ d e, walnut grained on backs ...... 8 5 . bronze, chim ney ...... 1 9 . 5 # York state prison system. for violating the optical restriction on tuna Instead o f MdMath, BXil- ^ ^ a O , 6 6 ..<1 tra^rional sofo, 65-in. oversize innerspring Reg. $79.00 Lady’s small lounge, loose his license. bright would be a decided un­ O " ** O o d Reg. $69.96 8-Pc. Ice Cream set; white ^ mattress, foam cushions, green textured pillow seat and back, rust-and-oUve small Reg. $62.60 (2) Junior Tray, pompeian The alleged plot would never have o " ri " ^ a ' CHURCHES JOIN EFFORT AdmltteiUy, stoiq;rfng automobiles la a derdog. SEATTLE (AP) — Seven cover, discontinued ...... 3 5 9 . patterned plaid ...... 3 9 . bronze with fruitwood tra y ...... 8 7 . 5 9 oome into existence at all, one Imagines, plastic top table; black base, white md good way to keep a check on known If Fulbright ils defeated, the West Seattle churches of differ­ Wack houndstooth vinyl upholstery on ^ o if It had not been for a real life repre­ next in line as ciiatrman o f the Reg. $460.00 Simmons Hide-A-Bed tux­ Reg. $129.00 Queen Anne wing, fruit­ Reg. $87.60 Apothecary jar in antique criminals and on those persons who are ent denominations are Joining In edo sofa; 80-in. with overoize 66-in.' inner- sentative of the Mafia, a gentleman driving Illegally while under suspen­ FVirelgn Relations Commilttee is ch airs...... wood legs, foam rubber ctishion, brown- white with faucet, blabk trim. Mack erative effort, led by Reg. $299.96 Simmons Hide-A-Bed Eariy a bank, haa been robbed, or wbeh there Banking interests, fearing the Rev. James T. Reyitolds, Reg. $688.60 8-Pc. Country French fruit­ Bamboo turned, cane back, mahogany fin- Reg. $28.50 (2) Modem orange ceramic maverick Senator WllUsm Prox- American vring sofa, foam cushions, kick Tlien, In the sub-cast, there Is one is evidence that apedflo laws have been minister of education at Faun- wood; table, btiffet, two arm and 4 . ish, pumpkin-and-oUve stripe cushion 7 9 . jug b^e, fabric/parchment shades 17.75 violated. But there Is no need to stop mire o f Wlscxmsln os Spark­ tleroy Community Church, Is pleats, full size irnierspring mattress. Dis- Carl D’Angelo, a lawyer who is the son man’s successor, would urge chairs ...... 499. Reg. $26.60 Twin aim student floor, automobilea indiscriminately. aimed at keeping the High Point (xmtinued brown-olive-and-copper plaid Reg. $99.00 Contemporary lounge, wal- of Armand D’Angelo, who was CommU- Sporiunon not to change. A separation of functions la needed. Ckiristten Church, near a low-in- fggg ()o 54-in. Breakfront china to cover ...... * 4 9 . nut legs, foam rubber cushion, olive mustard, hand deixirated with gold 1 9 . 7 5 atoner of Water Supply, Gn and Elec­ That would put Mansfield in We have long felt the need for blanket come housing project, aUve and '-roup a b ove...... * 4 9 . t w e ^ ...... 5 9 . tricity under Mayor Robert Wagner, be­ line for the Foreign Relations Reg. $429.96 Simmons Hide-A-Bed Early R ^ . $19.761*81)10 Lamp, Mexican cer­ inspection of automobiles, not conducted BTOwlnir. * • 1 fore Marcus came along. Lawyer chairmanship, a Job the schol- American wing sofa, three foam cushions, Reg. $99.00 Contemporary lounge, foam amic, gray and blue, fabric/parchmNit at the side of the road by state or local {he Rev. Mr. Reynolds' $218.80 5-Pc, ItaKan Provincial oriy fornier prafessor of Astatic box pleats, full size innerspring m atto^. shade ...... 1 2 . 5 9 D'Angrio is a former assistant district police, but at garages or inspection sta­ church, five other Protestant table, arm chair and three side rubbw cushion, walnut legs, red-and-olive Hlatory, wouM particularly en­ churches and a Roman CathoUc inuiwooa, ««««, ...... DisciHitinued copper cover attorney in the office of District Attor­ tions authorized by tte state. Official • 3 7 9 . contemporary print cover ...... 5 9 . Reg. $19.76 Table Lamp, modem olive ney Frank Hogan, whom the FBI kept joy. BeaMes, It 'woUKI 'enable church are taking part. Five of chairs ...... inspection of automobilea at the driv­ him to lay down the burdens bottle-shaped hydracal, fimrio/parch- In the dark regarding this investigation. er’s convenience would eliminate tte the narticlpating churches al­ Reg. $268.70 (2) 7-Pc. French Province o f the MatJority Leaklemiii|> that o - m e n t...... I t M present hlt-or-mloa operation. It would * ^ ready have {dedged $6,000, he fruitwood; table, arm chair and m e si^ Herbert Itkln, a lawyer speclallaing in halve grown ever more ob­ said. Reg. $14.50 (2) Table Lamps, matte relieve police of unpleasant duties wfatoh noxious over the past seven O' o " . *• e chairs ...... 159. Open Thursday and Friday to 9 p. m, lobm: relations caaes, but currently un­ tight olue modem ceramic, fabric/ only serve to irritate the Innocent driv­ yeara. der indlotment for larceny for his role in Bedouins of the Sahara still Reg. $189.00 48-in. China to matc^h parchiment...... <9JW er and which often $nlsa the guilty one. The nominal heir apparent of ^ . <3 ©IWIChicafoDsilyNewi prize salt as if if were gold and a mortgage deal, is another dlstin- It would free police to pursue ttssa who ^ ^ FvUigWrt-Hfill S/adkale Frmch Provincial group above...... Mansfield as Majority Leader use it as currency. 88. gulAed member of the cast. actually have broken the law, ratter is the Majority Whip, Senator than tboee who may or may not be sus­ Russell B. Long of Louisiana. Ftatally, there ia one Daniel J. Motto, pected of doing so. — WATBRBUR,^ Although Long is probably the m M m m ikfsrIN My m/* allegedly one of the reclpiente of the REPUBLIOAN shrewdest parliamentarian in


The Baby Has Been Named Don’t Feel Bad About Not Getting ANDERSON-LITTLE

0 « s u y , Karen Beth, dau«:hter of Noel E. and Donna Za> doromy Oesaay, 69 East St., Rockville. She waa bom Dec. 6 ■WftWF at Rockville General Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are YEAR-END Mr. and Mrs. Reno Daigle, 7 Lynn Dr., Vernon. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Gessay, 34 Snlpslc St., Rockville. She has a sister, Marcella Ann, 1%. That Color TV Set for Christmas! * * • * Hafford, Margaret Evelyn, daughter of Herman William and Maryann Lech Hafford, Reservoir Ave., Broad Brook. She was bom Dec. 8 at Rockville General Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Lech, Ellington. Her pa­ ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, Herman Hafford, Lower Butcher Rd., Ellington. •. • • *1 McCue, Christopher Kenneth, son of Kenneth Roger and Laura Gardiner McCue, 68 Vernon Ave., Rockville. He waa CHEER U P ...Here’s Good News! winter bom Dec. 9 at Rockville General Hospital. His maternal grand- CLOt-, parento are Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gardiner, Belfast, Maine. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Datvld McCue, Brooks, Maine. ^ *1 thi Hampton, Blllle-Jo, daughter of William John and Mar­ W( garet Steams Hampton, 76 Prospect Hill Dr., Warehouse,PI. Ce She was bom Dec. 7 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her Ce 2 maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steams, 10 Laurel St. Her paternal grandparents are Mrs. Alyce Burnett, Lake View Terrace, Coventry, and Harry Burnett, Manchester. She has a sister, Alyce Louise, 2 ^ . W dd< Gerbe, Craig Roberts, eon of Clifford ETT and Janice Rob­ Ni erts Gerbe, 114 Henry St. He was bom Dec. 13 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn C. Roberts, 122 Summer St. His paternal grand­ A1 mother Is Mrs. Anna Gerbe, 478 Circular Ave., Hamden. His R< maternal great-grandfather is Oliver R. Roberts, 14 Arch St. H i vil 6 He has a brother. Jay Clifford, 1V4 and two sisters, Lisa Mae, 7 and Denise Anne, 6. til R< Freeman, Blake Stlmson, son of Kenneth B. and Sandra Hi Stimson Freeman, 2392 New London Tpke., Glastonbury. He at was bom Dec. 7 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His ma­ ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Stimpson, 301 Mi Deming St., Wapplng. His paternal grcmdparents are Mrs. 90 Henry Vogt, Groton, and G. Bradford Freeman, Glastonbury. R. He has a brother, Bradford Curtis, 1^ . da * at Pattenaude, Alyssa Marie, daughter of John Joseph Jr., rx and Gloria Cervantes Pattenaude, 406 N. Main St. She was bom t e Dec. 8 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grand­ se parents are Mr. and Mrs. Santos Cervantes Jr., Kerrvllle, an Texas. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John J . . Pattenaude Sr., 140 Hollister Dr., East Hartford. Hi € to • • • * • SPORT COkTS 8. BUZWS vU i f Masur, Shannon, son of Henry and Nancy Tomasek Ma- R< sur, 182 Prospect St., Rockville. He was bom Dec. 6 at Man­ ofi chester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Hi Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tomasek, 182 Prospect St., Rockville. His ^ hlnul 0®^ paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Masur, 96 Mil­ Jr. Sixes W lard St., Rockville. EH

Miner, Sandra Lois, daughter of Norman H. and Lois Frosch Miner, 10 Old Pinnacle Rd., Farmington. She was bom BO’fS ’ OU TERW t^ siodiom coots. Dec. 2 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grand­ kii parents are Mr. and Mrs. William Frosch, 120 Crestwood Dr. Sa Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Francis Miner, wi 198 Wells St. She has a sister, Andrea Lois, 6. '■<1' Oi #) * ^ Croaby, Robert Allen, son of Ernest A. Jr. and Kathleen HOT 6“ “ tw DuBaldo Crosby, Crystal Lake Rd., Stafford Springs. He was th bom Dec. 1 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal u grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. DuBaldo, 6 Irving OUR R E ® - dress s l a c k s m' St. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cros­ t a i l o r e d D*'®- j charcoal Bl by Sr., 37H Apel PI. .1 ,®*/30% wool wor Q — a R Bi E M Sellers, Lisa Marie, daughter of Earl and Carol Dono- 495 ««i 5®® Sa frio Sellers, 386 Burnham St. She was bom Dec. 7 at Man­ Bt chester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. OUR REG. $75 to $85 H( and Mrs. Raphael Donofrio, 336 Burnham St. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Sellers, Oallvants Ferry, 8.C. She has a brother, Peter, 2V&. OUR .11 ViEATHER COftTS l u s t r o u s m in k t r im m e d c o a t s Exciting and elagant coots, ''' *( • * • *1 PILE c o o .. Mc4)uade, Michael Lee, son of James L. and Karen lavishly trimmed with mink. Mitchell M(^Quade, 2191 Hebron Ave., Glastonbury. He was H O W 1 4 bl bom Dec. 17 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal W grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Roger Mitchell, Lake Shore Now *58 Si Trail, Glastonbury. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and OUR REG. $40 to $45 Mrs. Harold McQuade, E. Lake Shore Trail, Glastonbury. «*!*•*< w »>"* c OROUROT SlACRS WARMLY LINED UNTRIMMEO COATS t< Godfrey, Susan Lynne, daughter of William F. and Lynn FASTBkCK C Brooks Godfrey, 129 Cannon Rd., East Hartford. She was bom Fashion favorite dressy and casual coots for misses, juniors and petites. n Dec. 17 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grand­ ,„ .w .w o Y . ( l o w 2 ®* U parents are Mr. and Mra. Alfred Brooks, 26 Greenlawn St., OUS SPORT OORTS h East Hartford. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. a James Godfrey, 120 Ctovemor St., Hartford. She has a sister. a Robin Ann, IVi. \ 0«RRr« «„..,30 Now 299* * • • • * b LADIES’ PILE LINED OUTERWEAR A Potts, Michele Ann, daughter of Kenneth E. and Peggy R o w 3 3 C Elliot Potts, 820 Burbank Ave., Suffield. She waa bom Dec. worm pile lined outerwear in wools 6 at Rockville General Hospital. Her maternal grandmother novelty tweeds, velours, corduroys'ond is Mrs. Edna Ball, Jacksonville, Fla. Her paternal grandpar­ cotton suedes. 6.-18 ents are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Potts, Middletown, R.I. She has two brothers, Timothy and Stephen; and a sister, Sharon. d r e s s «) « *1 *1 ous SLA®,'^® T M L O R ^ ® ,7aroAcri'on / Now 10®® to 21*9 Sllcer, Amy Elisabeth, daughter of Herbert and Gail Hastings Sllcer, 661 Hartford Tpke., Vernon. She was bom OUR REG. $9 to $12 Dec. 16 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grand­ S .-* -."- H0« «” mother is Mrs. Hazel Hastings, 677 Forbes St., East Hartford. WOOL SLACKS Her paternal grandmother is Mrs. Helen Sllcer, 11 Lewis St., All wool slacks in chocks, plaids East Hartford. She has two brothers, Freuik, 6, and Carl, 10; and tweeds. 8—18 and a sister, Linda, 16. Now 6®® OUR “ i's g. KlilT SHIRTS h o w 39’ ® OUR REG. $10 "h o t » • « ” FULLY BDNDED SKIRTS P' 2 A ll wool skirts in flannels, homespuns and tweeds. 5-15 end 6-16 MEN'S SWEATERS IClU ldM lCl doo» assortment ® bo,bon co g a Q 9 5 Now 4®® HOW 6®® to 29 4»® 't o 9 ®® OUR REG. $8 to $20 COUNTRY DRESSY OR CASUAL DRESSES 6 FARE BUY NOW ON THE Quolify dresses in wools, bonded “'TPILEe tWfiv U H E O .»• ^ A wide selection of fine food in a pleasant atmosphere «•*»» ’“S" Now 3®® to 11®® EASIEST TERMS ■•r: 1100 BURNSIDE AYE., EAST HARTFORD H o w 2 1 ® ® WERE TO $12 ALL WOOL SWEATERS •k Luncheon Specials .99 k ANYWHERE... 9^ OPEN ^ Foshionoble cordigons or slip-ons in latest > EVERY NITE; toshion styles with special details. 34-40 to— . by®y Franks and Beans Mon thru ‘ * A ery"' . pupont Home style potato salad, brown bread .99 V ,' 3 VEARS TO PRY Sit 4 VM.PoW**’ *’ Now ®® You’ll come back for more Plan Fried Liver, Bacon $ 1.45 NO PAYMENTS till MARCH King Crab Newburg It’s delicious, treat yourself, Fri. only $ 1.85 CHAIHM IT WnH.

A t r e a t m A* 'Y'' IN MANCHESTER FOR EACH /-'S';'*' '■ X*'- (Manehfister Parkade) West Middle Tuinpike-BtxMud Street MEMBER % n u d M f t Phone 647-9775 NOMOWCOUm OF YOUR ^' r | I 1 I ^ Welcome Here THUStCOMMNV FAMILY

Open 7 A.M. to 11 P.M.

' MANCHESTER FVENINO HERALD. MANCHESTER CONN.. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26. 1967 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1967 Pages 13 io 24 PAOB TWELVE Section Tujo TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1967 ^laurtirstrr iEwnitts llrraUi BrlUin, at 8;4S. Burial will b« I^lIMral Home, 21S W. Center In Sacred Heart Cemetery, Hew St., at the eonvenienoe of the State News Haircut Price RUee Hartford Aide Asks Britain. • ‘ famUy. Burial win be In Bath. The 82.28 man’s haircut is World Friends may call at the fu­ now extinct. It has gone the State Police School BoardTerms Change neral home tonight from 7 to 9 Mrs. Lenora Baber Roundup Shea Rules Pension Rights Andara Sennlkaen ______way of the dodo. and tomorrow from 2 to 4 and Mrs. Lenora Bober, 78, of 92 Starting today, haircuts are Returns Busing Within City Anders Sonnllcsen, 78, of 185 ^ T p.m ! Amott Rd., widow of William Recruiting Expected to Face Opposition . Crash Victim Dies 82.50 for an adiilt, and a Subject to Bargaining Law Center St., husband of Mrs. Bober, died last night at Man­ Hartford should bus non-white pupils to its predomi­ WATBRBURT (AP)—Bilurlea child’s haircut is 83. All Sat­ Martha Finnegan Sonntksen, chester Memorial Hospital. nantly white city schools as well as to the suburbs, Su­ A poll of 17 former school equal responsibility with great- Frederick C. Steiger Sr. suffered in an auto accident Dec. urday haircuts are 83.60. Manchester Town (Jbunael 1966 Joint House and Senate died early Sunday morning at Mrs. Bober was bom Jtme 81, To W ork perintendent of Schools Medill Bair said in a M fwt Auxiliaries board members reportedly ROCKVILLE — Frederick C. 18 claimed the life of 10-year-oId This has been the price set John Shea has ruled that state Labor Committee. The chair­ a local convalescent hospital. 1894 In Poland, emd lived in (Continued from Page One) ^ is limited to two-year, non-stag- Staiger Sr., 64, of 25 White St. Nancy Clock of Watertown Mon- by the Manchester Barbers yesterday to the Hartford Board of Education. man of the House Labor Com­ A recruitment program ffgf shows an unanimous stand Mr. Sonnlksen was bom Aug. Manchester for about 68 years. Bair recommended that e v e r y ------statutes concerning collective died Sunday night at his home. day. Association, and so It is. broadcast of the Ctolstmas Eve mittee wasi and still is, Dom­ state police auxiliaries In this against a proposed charter subject of the pro­ 25, 1889 in Manchester, son of Mr. Staiger was bom In Broad Many years ago she operated a Hartford elementary school with K^ot upon regionalization In bargaining by municipal employ­ Nancy and an 11-year-OId Apparently the only way Mass In the Church of the NaUv- inic Radalato, state representa­ Sonnik and Carolina Hansen Brook, Oct. 28. 1903, and lived In general store In the north end ______a non-white pupil populaUon of a„y form, but upon cooperative es’ organlsatltms, include bar­ area has been started by Lt. change for two-year, non-stag- mandatory, capital kn- friend, Roberta Temple, were you can get the same tive from New Britain and bus­ Sonnlksen, and lived here all of yjjg area many years. He was, oh Manchester. She was a cpm- ^ driven by Albert ity but was qulokly repaired 10 per ceni or less should take ^fforta between Hartford and gaining for pension rights. iness manager of local 961. , Wilfred J. Bellefleur, command- le^ed terma for Board of Edu- piovement tax, the Detnocrallc his life. He was employed for retirement, a weaver munlcant of St. Bartholomew’s Hresko, also of Watertown. Ro- money’s worth now is by ask­ ’Ihe bleak prospect of domes- m at least 25 children from the suburban areas.” He bases his ruling on state Ing officer of (Jolchester Troop, cation members. opposition is based on the fol- ing the barber to cut some Among several changes re­ more than 50 years as a pattern in Rockville woolen mills. Church, and a member of the peita was reported In good con- tic belt-tightening In Britain to schools of the North End, com- itressed 8hat such efforts statute provisions (or collective quested by the union In Man­ and Frank Avery, anxiUary unit The poll was conducted by kwlng airgumiemte; maker at the J. C. Barrett Oo.. extra off the dome. Survlvors Include his wife, Senior Citizens Club. dltlon at Waterbury Itespltal, make devaluation a success led posed mainly of Negroes and "must preserve the integrity of bargaining in questions of chester’s pension benefits is one I®««*®r. ^ Dr. Walter Schardt, Democrat 1. The P ^ x t ai uitoermlnes Hartford, when he retired about Mrs. Catherine Schanel Staiger; Survivors Include a daughter, vvrhere Nancy died Monday, Queen Elizabeth n to call h*ordep which Impeded the marred by scattered tragedy, than compensates for the addl- be opened to v o iu n t ^ p ^ c i - bargaining, prevails. re-negotiating. tion of several pupils to a class-, pants from surrounding towns. servlce. If the applicant has Because Dr. Senardt 4*111 be pjied to school board needs as died yesterda>’ at a RockvBle Joseph Broderick and Mrs. Manchester MemoriaJ Ho^ltal. t<, commit murder In the shoot- STOwth of children. ’The vitamin violence and death, including: The effect of the statute is Thus, shotdd the agreement Bair said Hartford should as- served with the armed serv- unable to attend tomorrow as municipal, would stop Mary Blazinskl, both of Man- Mr. Saukaltis was bom April of his stepdaughters. formed In plants and animals _ a total of 118 shooting "incl- room. to nullify actions of the Pen­ contain added pension benefits, NuTs&ing home. sume leadership In providing Ices, he must have been dls night’s hearing, the individual the escalation o f neceBsary Mr. 'White was bom In St. chester, died yesterday at Hart- 4^ 1903 in TerryvUle, son of Mrs. Killed In the domestic disturb- when they are exposed to the dents" reported by the U.S. and "Other towns have found this sion Board and the Board of the Pension Board is by-passed programs to upgrade teachers charged under honorable con­ results of his poll will be pre- acihool repairs and renovaiOofia. ford Hospital. She was the wife Aima Salokas Saukaltis of Bris- an^e Saturday was Belle Simms, South Vietnamese commands to be an entirely suitable ar­ Directors regarding Manches­ and the Board of Directors Albans, V t, and lived in the and administrators. ditions. sented by Beldon Schaffer, also Rockville area most of hia Mfe. Of Andrew Broderick. tol and the late Peter Saukai- 28. ’The other woman, 31-year- In an exhausUve 16-year labo- during the truce In Vietnam. rangement,” he said, adding ter’s Pension Ordinance, if those must either accept them or He also sold Hartford should The applicants will be put a Democrat member of the He was employed at the Rock­ Survivors also Include another tls, and lived In Manchester for o ij Grace Woton, was reported raitory search for on element to The two commands said a total that the program of busing actions are contrary to terms signify its opposition by reject­ through a ten weeks course of AM (FI*Q Tt/1_ AA TT a aaaAa. A m a AIm A#! . • A. • a >••• • MS m m A. — — A. I—1 . _ Z.— —1- __ A# Aa»A A m AA m I a A M A A * « a .aalAlalaA a I 8 z V I t O A fA be ready to parttcdpate with ville Wooden Mills until his re- «>h. a brother, and seven grand- 20 years. He was a retired chef, jn critical condition at Stamford treat rickets, Steenbock as- of two Americans, one South within the city should have "the o, a union agreement. ing the entire packaga—wages, school board. 6 surrounding towns In building Intensive training. This will re­ Xerox Copy Service tiremeoit. He was a member of children. Survivors, besides his mother. Hospital with an abdominal sumed that the disease was Vietnamese soldier and 64 C3om- highest priority” and should The state statute was adopted hours and "oUier conditions of The proposed change in the new schools, with the cl^ bear­ quire class attendance at the Rockville Methodist Church and The funeral will be held include a daughter, Mrs. Carl- wound. caused by a deficiency of a vita- munist soldiers were killed. take effect next September. after recommendations by a employment.” method of electing Board Manchester ing a share of construction Colchester Troop at least one Hockanum Banrooks, Veterans Thursday at 8:15 a.m. from the Crane of Macomb, lU.; a Police said the shootings cll- min necessary to regulate the —A toll of more than 600 per- “ For too long we have re- of Education members is be- Blueprint and Supply, Ine. costs "commensurate with the night a week. at World War I. Maple Hill Chapels, 382 Maple brother, Vincent Saukaltis of maxed an argument between chemistry of calcium and phos- sons killed on U.S. roads and treated behind 'the arguments Upon satisfactory completion ^”3 opposed by the four mlnori- 690 Hartford Rd., Monebeater number of Hartford pupils who head and abdomen os FBI Survlvors include Ws wife, Ave., Hartford, with a Maas of Brigtol; five sisters, Mrs. AUce Wilson and his wife over who l^orous. He used thousands of highways, many sllckened by oversized classes and too llt- o’ tive course, trainees will then D ^ o cra ts on toe nlne-mem- 649-8698 would attend." Girouard Mends, agents approached him In Bos­ Mrs Grace Denley White; two requiem at St. Michael’s Ukra- Boys of Detroit, Mich., Mrs. should get the groceries. rate In his experiments and re- raln, over the Christmas week- yg space,” he said. be appointed State Police Aux- CHiarter Revlrion ^ in m ls- Rockville Exchange Ent. 1496 Control of such schools would ton’s South Station several soins Grin C. White and Edward "Ian (Jhurch. Hartford, at 9. MUdred Kovltch and Mrs. Olga search. end ’The superintendent recom­ rest entirely with the suburban IsTransferred days after the robbery. Mrs. iliaries to augment toe present (CHU) and by toe throe R Wmite both o f Manchester; a Burial will be In^Mt. St. Bene- Melnlck, both of Bristol, Mrs. -Twenty-five persons killed mended that the program in­ auxiliary force at Colchester minority Democrats on toe Honorai Degrees Set Steenbock established stand- town, Bair said. Menard was also picked up at daughter, Mrs. Robert C. Chase Cemetery. Bl^mfleld. Anne Scares of Bermuda and BRIDGEPORT (AP) — Sen. arda for use of Vitamin D in hu- in six house fires on Christmas clude only children from the To U.S. Hospital and assist the r'egfular troopers Hoard of Directors, Eve and Christmas Day in the He said Hartford’s "pairing” that time. of Crystal Lake; a stepson. Friends may call at the to- Mrs. Rita Green of Sacramen- Abraham RlWcoff and Housing man and animal food products. first through the fourth grade. Mrs. Menard was presented in patrol and emergency duties. The CRC’s minority report op- neral chapel tonight from 7 to of white and black schools Donald F. • Denley of Manches­ to, Calif.; and four grandchll- Secretary Robert C. Weaver will Royalties from his patents went United States. ’The U u e s Hartford’s five elementary Frederick Oirouard, 24, of for plea in U.S. District Court, ------poses one other proposed char­ 9 and tomorrow from 2 to 4 . ^ ed 1 inm 174 ElkI.1v Grove 174 Village,i1a «va TilHI., should be expanded to include ter; a stepdaughter, Mrs. iRus- dren. receive honorary degrees at the to the university through the schools that are more than 90 Manchester, has been dis­ Hartford, on Dec. 18:-Her case ter change, backed by toe GOP and 7 to 9 p.m. 'There will be Greenup, Ky., Burlington, N.C., schools in the suburbs, so that sell Sonjtag of Middletown, N.Y., The r funeral will be held university of Bridgeport’s Ur- Wisconsin Alumni Research was continued at that time and majority — a not-iess-toan-one- Jonesboro, Ark., Youngstown, per cent white and would be children from the towns could charged from Boston City Hos­ Circuit Leader aMd sixteen grandchildren. a Panahlda to m o ^ w at 7 p.m. Thursday at 8:15 a.m. from the ban Affairs Conference. Foundation. The funds played Atty. Arthur Spada of Hartford mlll mandatory annual tax for Ohio and Watertown, Com. eligible to take children .from volimteer to exchange class­ pital where he has been re­ Funeral services will be held at the funeral chapel. Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Riblcoff will deliver an addres an Important part In the unlver- was appointed her counsel. The capital improvements. ■’Three crewmen of the Nor- the North. End are Burr, Nay- rooms and teachers with Hart­ At Kingdom Hall tomorrow at 2 pm . at Rock- Maln St., with a Mass of re- at the conference Jan. 16 on the slty’s research activities in cuperating from wounds re­ tentative date set for both to Mrs. Sarah Wrisley wegian freighter Ddanet klUed lor. Batchelder, Kennelly and ford children "for brief periods The opposition of toe Demo- viUe Methodist Church. ’The qulem at St. James’ <3hurch at subject '"The MWdleSizcd City; many other fields. ceived in a gun battle with FBI be put to plea is Jan. 2. Mrs. Sarah Wrisley, 81, o* and 18 injured In a fine on board Webster Schools, of lUme.” Carl W. Stelnhart, circuit su- crats to the proposed two-year, Rev. WilUead E. Conklin will 9, Burial will be in Bolton Cen­ Is it Obsolete?’ agents last month. Windsor, sister of Mrs. Steenbock was on the Wiscon­ six hours after a Christmas par^ Besides recommending a city Bair termed his suggestions pervlsor of Jehovah’s Witnesses non-staggered terms (or school officiate. BuriaQ will be In (Jrove ter Cemetery. Oirouard, the U.S. Marshal’s Gertrude Ingraham of Man­ sin faculty from 1916 to 1956 ty as the ship rode at anchor In counterpart to Project Concern, "Just _ a few examples of co- In tills area, is visiting mem- board members is based on Friends may call at the fun­ Mass for Reverend office said today, has been Hfll Cemetery. chester, died Saturday at Hart­ when he was made a professor Hudson River at New York. Bair also suggested several co- operaitlve efforts which might bers of toe Manchester congre- three (actors: F’rieinids may call at the eral home tomorrow from 7 to . HARTFORD (A P)-A mase of transferred to the federal hos­ 12th Circuit ford Hospital. emeritus. Eight crewmen were burned— operative efforts with other be Investigated,’’ addiiqg ■that gation today through Sunday. 1. The change from toe pre- 9 p.m. requiem will be celebrated pital at Lewisburg, Pa., for Wlhite-Gilbeon Funeral Home, 65 Survivors also include a none fatally—in another ship towns. strong emphasis siwuld be He will be at meetings at King- sent method of three-year, stag- Thursday for the Rt. Rev. Msgr. further medical treatment. A Elm St, tonight from 7 to 9. daughter, tiiree grandchildren, fire aboard an 18,000-ton Gulf He said any serious efforts placed oo “the mutual benefit Court Cases dom Hadl tonight and Thursday gered terms would disrupt con­ Joseph Flavell George M. Grady, who collapsed Boston Hospital spokesmeui, and a great-grandchild. Oil Co. tanker at the Mississippi toward integration which in- that can accrue from ooopera- st 7:30, a!nd Saturday at 8 p.m. tinulty of policy and would pre- Mrs. Eva Sienkiewicz J o s ^ Flavell, 74, formerly and died at St. Justin’s C3iurch though, said he would only need Funeral services were held About Town Ffiver port of Ostrica, La. volve other towns must depend tive efforts.’’ A native of Pennsylvania, mentation of long - range Trust his skill, of 689 Main St. died Friday on Cihristmas Day. outpatient treatment. EAST HARTFORD SESSION HEBRON— Mrs. Eva Sien­ this afternoon at the F. W. Gar­ Temple Chapter, Order of —’The bloodiest Christmas Stelnhart served as presiding planning. ' and precision! kiewicz, 65, of New Britain died night at a local convalescent Monslgnor Grady was strick­ He m d Mrs. Mary Menard, mon Funeral Home, 6 Poquo- Eastern Star, will have a short ever in Mexico City. Forty-one Roliert ^rodesir, 27, of no cer­ minister for many years in 2. The change would prevent Saturday night at her home. She home. en, apparently by a heart at­ 21, were Indicted by a federal tain address, was fined 8160 Instructions Just Before Ordination I nock Ave., Windsor. Burial was business meeting tomorrow at died and 837 were injured in one Mir. Flavell was bom in Lur- tack, In the church vestibule af­ TV Directing grand jury Dec. 11 on five Shamokin and Danville, Pa., this school board from having was the mother of Mrs. Edwin in Palisado Cemetery, Windsor. 8 p.m. at the Masonic Temple. 24-hour period. The police said this nuoming for driving a mo­ The Rev. Stephen M. Price, left, curate of St. M ary’s Episcopal Church is receiving Instructions Years of training go gant, (tounty Amargh, Northern ter the 8:15 Mass. He was 80 counts in connection with a and before coming to Connectl- toe benefit of persons with pro­ Cwirka of Hebron. Officers are reminded to wear 12 persons were murdered, 2 tor vehicle while Uoense under from toe Rt. Rev. Dr. J. Warren Hutchens, Suffragan bishop of Connecticut, Saturday morning Ireland; and lived In Manches­ years old. holdup on Nov. 16 of the Wap- cut he was a circuit supervisor vious and longer experience, Survivors also Include a son. Mrs. Ernest C. Davis street-length dresses. committed suicide, 16 were kill­ suspensioin, and Judge Nicholas before his ordination at St. Mary’s Church. The bishop was assisted In toe ordination ceremo­ into the making of o A founder of the Catholic ping branch of the South Wind-' for four yeai^ in Northern New 3. The change would subject two daughters, a brother, and ter for over 50 years. He was ed In traffic accidents, 10 (lied Aimenteno remitted the fine, nies by toe Rev. Douglas E. Theuner, vicar of St. George’s Church o(,.^Bolton, chaplain to toe VERNON — Mrs. Esther Red- employed as a bookkeeper for Youth Organization In Connect! Fess Parker Bags sor Bank and Trust Co. York and Vermont. toe Board of Education to ex- thirteen grandchildren. Richard L. Schauster of 22 of exposure and 1 was killed by 'Brodeur was aircnted on a re- bishop; toe Rev. Byron D. Stuhlman, curate o f Christ Church Cathedral of Hartford, preach­ qualified pharmacist field Davis, 69, of Windsor, sis­ cut, he served In Windsor Locks ' »» The supervisor and mem- cessivei, local, partisan control, ’The funeral Will be held to­ 35 years at (Cheney Bros, before a senior at a firecracker. Oirouard was shot in ttie arrest warrant Saturday night. er; toe Rev. Ronald E. Haldeman, perpetual detcon of St. M arf% gospeler; Louis F. Heard, ter of George Redfield of Ver- and Wethersfield before becom- St.. bers of toe congregation will The Republicans claim that morrow at 8:15 a.m. from the he retired 12 years ago, Fairfield University, recently —Seventeen persons burned to On O ct 80, Brodeur was lay reader of St. Mary’s, epistoler; toe Rev. James W. Bottoms, assistant minister at St. like your own. And his , ,. non, died Stmday at St. Francis He was a member of the ing pastor of St. Justin’s in 1989 visit Manchester homes this the change would make school Blogoslawskl Funeral Home, 126 Hartford, after a long M J received a finaneltd scholarship death and 35 seriously injured In EKhedpled. to apfiear in Oircuiit Mary’s, litanist and master of ceremonies; and the Rev. George F. Nostrand, rector of St. British American Club and Another Career week to encourage Bible study board members more resjxvn- Broad St., New Britain, with a was the wife of » « « « the Connecticut SocKrty of a store fire in Formosa, Argen­ FOR RENT Oxirt 12, Mhnchesfter, for evad­ Mary’s, presenter. Steven C. Lowry was organist, and St. Mary’s adult and junior choirs sang. experience showsi Washington LOL. late in 1964 by Pope Plus X n . In toe home. sive to toe wishes of toe elect- Mass of requiem at 8 :46 at Ernest C. Davis. Certified Public Accountants. tina. Flames broke out after a By GENE HAND8AKEB 8500 million la Orookatt clothes, le mm. Movte Pro- ing res|)i6n9lbfltt.y. He did not (Herald photo by Pinto.) W rM o ii Drug Co. Survivors include a brother A public talk Sunday at 6:30 orate. Sacred Heart Church, New Survivors also Include three MoMlgnor Grady, a ctiv e of ^ a^^krds* ^ 7 g iv e n '''^ Iia l‘- woman accidentally touched off Asoootetod Preta Writer guns, toys, etc. Parker's and 16 iii sound or silent, also aippear. A rearrest warrant 648>0Sn . in Ireland and several nieces New Haven, is survived by two ------a.m. at Kingdom Hall will cll- They claim, further, that toe Britain. Burial will be In Sacred daughters, three other brothers, a fireworks display. ^ other recordings of the theme mm. aUde projeeton. was issued; the 8300 txMid Bro­ 761 Main, Manebestor and nephews. brothers, Robert of Hartford and to encoi^age studet^ to en- ing reepoiKibility was lodged ly hit a utility pole and knocked Brotleur called a wrecker and max toe week’s activities. The arguments for continuity cannot Heart Cemetery, New Britain. ^ sister, her stepmother, a step- iuuiciB, xw/wriui nw uvru tuiu public occounting field. —A______wild and rowdy______Christmas HOliiY WOOD (AP) — “ Good 3uug eight million copies. deur hod posted was reduced to Plenty of PhtkBut Funeral services will be held James of New Haven, WELDON DRUO CO. against Brodeur on Got. 1 after down a fence off Hilliard St. had the car towed away without topic Is "Science, toe Bible and be supported. TOe ^ a r d of Dl- Space Friends may call at the fu­ sister, and seven grandchildren. Eve in Saigon. There were 260 luck on a brand-new (jareer,” crowds up to 260,000 in Detroit 8200 and It was forfeited. tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. at 161 Mate 8L —TeL 64S-0S81 the car he was driving alleged- After the accident, police said, reporting the accident. Your Faith.” rectors, they claim, haa at least neral home tonight from 7 to 9. Funeral services will be held lo n a n A utomI ^Ilss Linda ViUemalre of 470 motorbike accidents and 20 reads a telegram thumbtMked besieged him on tours of U.S. 'The original charge o f evad- Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Woodbridge St. recently was youths were collared by the po- to a wall In Fees Parker’s d re^ cities and 18 foreign countries. tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. at the Main St. Burial will be In East Albert Stanley nuiW HAViJiN ur. recording secretary of lice. Ten girls complained to po- Ing rm. "Hope this Is the first Parker tried to escape the F. W. Cannon Funeral Home, Cemetery. » « « « . « Ttarlln.. n# fh» V«1« ------Albert Stanley, 81, of Glaston­ 6 Poquonock Ave., Windsor. There will be no calling hours. Medical School has become the bury, father of Mrs. Marie University of Connecticut, toms and threw firecrackers at Parker’s new career—that of Goes to Washington,” 26 televl- Burial wUl be In Windsor Vet­ first American to receive the SU' Whatley of Manchester, died erans Memorial Cemetery. ^ where she is a sophomore. The them. directing as well as starring In sion episodes he now says "were- Saturday at his home. There will be no calling hours. Funerals fn , ^ OouncU ot 21 mem^rs is the co------a segment of Ills Daniel Boone n’t too gon at St. apanlsh name he gave it was tion. Darling, a professor of human a director,” drawled televlsliMi’B script that three major studios a solemn high Mass of requiem _____ Mlary’s Episcopal! Church, Man- ‘iPascua Florida," meaning ecology, is currently on leave S to le n C a r onetime Davy Crockett. are considering. His company, at St. Paul’s Church, Glaston­ Mrs. Dorothy Malone cheater. The Rev. Douglas B. ‘Teasit of flowers.’’ from Yale. ______Parker. nt»w 43 and a mlUlon- B^erpriaes bury, at 9. Burial will be in St. Mrs. Dorothy Malone, 73, of 15 Theunea-, rector of St. George’s A nnecUon F. Ihorpe of 166 Lydall St. screams was arrested Monday —a series can open up new vls- Harley Dimmick Sr. deceased, were Cllflford Ste­ After a 10- or l3Jiour work her life. She came to Manches­ wlth a weekend jewelry theft. Andrew Wayland of 62 Deer- by police who said he then bat- tas. Harley Dimmick Sr., 78, of phens, Victor Jones, David L. ter about 11 years ago to make The jewelry, valued at about fkld Dr. reported the car as tied with them. " I ’d Uke to continue as an ac- day, Fariter changes from GIANT Stafford Hollow, father of Mrs. Jones, Trevor E. Jones, Oliver buckskins and lxx>ts to sports her home with her niece, Mrs. 81,000, was taken from Mason’s bolng parked across the street capt. Robert K. Adair said tor the rest of my life, but I Donald Kessler of Manchester, Jones and Alfonso Glglio. clothes from a 80,000 wardrorbe R. James Ross. Before her re­ Jewelry Store. The window of from his home on Sunday morn- van Dyke Russell, 24, was upset think these other tltings give me Famous Brand of Child's and Misses' Shoes died Saturday morning at John­ tirement, she was employed for the store was smashed. hig- Police say the car was tok- because his sister, Leah Larry, a ^ tte r bite Into m y craft,’ " that Includes 826(i-BUlt8 and 850- son Memorial Hospital, Stafford Albert Tedford many years at the Torrlngton Peridlo was arrested at 1:80 en Sunday morning. 9, was screaming for her moth- Six-foot-six Fess Elisha Park- Springs. Funeral services for Albert Co. er after falling three stories er Jr. has been finding new vis- XidhSI Tedford of 171 W. (Tenter St. Sunday morning. ------’— Induding MISS SANDLERS Survivors also include his Survivors, besides her niece, from an apartnent balcony, tas ever since he came out of JANUARY were held Saturday aftenwon Continental sedan with saddle Brokon Shot wife, three sons, another daugh­ include two brothers, George Russell thought the fire depart- the University of Texas to spark at Watkins-West Funeral Home, Thieves Damage leather bucket seats specially ter, a brother and sister, six Perkins of Riverton, N.J., and ment rescue squad was not act- a fanatical huo worship amtmg S E .9 9 142 E. Center St. The Rev. Public Records grandchildren, and several nie­ H. James Perkins of Torrlngton; ing properly as they splinted U.S.w w nttimtM small fry»./ in«. A.V.-WW1960-06 as tracked to accommodate his George P. Nostrand, rector of Bowling Alley ces and nephews. two sisters, Mrs. Arnold ThuUn Warrantee Deeds her broken bones, Adair said. Davy ~ Crockett, king of ttie wild , . _ . SAVE UP TO 40% Rag. to $11. Funeral services were held St. Mary’s Eplsc;i:rl Church, Edward R. Koch to Joseph C. frontier Parkers’ Newport Beairii of Thomaston and Mrs. Randall The Holiday Lanes Bowling Russell was charged with as SALE today. Burial was in Stafford officiated. Sydney MacAIpine and Harriet W. Levesque, prop­ Gerard of Torrlngton; and sev­ was organist. Burial was in Akeys Building at 39 Spencer sault and battery on a poUce- Kids wore so many coonskln !fL Springs Cemetery. erty at 37 Doane St. that pi^Te / / i eral other nieces and nephews. East (Temetery. Bt. was broken into sometime man, The William H. Yost Funeral Franklin G. and Dorothy M. ig a police officer, creat- of raccotm fur quadrupled In Funeral services will be held Bearers, all members of Man­ last night or early this morning, structing mute 100 miles by hello(q)ter to Funeral Home, Stafford Springs, Welles tot Talcottville Develop tweves galn^ entry to the I"* ^ disturbance and resisting four months, tomorrow at 1 p.m. at the chester Lodge of Masons, were the 8000,000-Spanlsh adobe he’s Famous Brond^—Women's ond Teens' Shoes wa-s in charge of arrangements. ment (3orp„ 16.6 acres off Rt. 16 rlnplne a' lawre hole arrest. Merchandisers grossed nearly Holmes Funeral Home, 4(W Main WUllam Reichert, Richard SplU- buUd^ on 10 beadtfront acres St. The Rev. J. Manley Shaw, er, Harold V. Hubbard, Norman and Rt. 83 in Manchester, Ver- the metal r o o l f . ______^______Frank Kowaiczyk at Santa Barbara. including SANDLER and SMARTAIRE 2 non and South Windsor. ^ number o f vending mn- pastor of South Methodist Pierce, Norman Bakh and Ihat city 1s where he owns a SOUTH WINDSOR ^ Frank Church, will officiate. Burial will Qultclaim Deeds chines In the place were pried ■ '/.C ■ Kowaiczyk, 76, of Cromwell, James Stratford. be at 3:30 in Hillside Cemetery, Fred O. Slawson Jr. and open with the use of a csowbar French Bid Seen Unaffected plans to build another.^ He’s ^ bn brother of Mrs. Frances Wllczyn George T. LaBonne Sr. to Fred heavy screwdriver. Torrlngton. “ OyniB L. Tyler I Tfc T o • , rri* __ / V 2 1 “the ® board “of regents of Santa ski of South Windsor, died Sun^ G. Slawson Jr. and Evelyn C. The heavy tools used to lip $ ^ .9 9 , Friends may coll —at the—- — fu- Fimeral services tor Cyrus L. . — ------^ ------Clara university. For relaxation day attemoon at Middlesex Me- tonight from 7 to 9. Tyler I of Wethersfield, former- Slawson, property off Bunce up the roof were appareniUy Ky lraCf-l5k>Viet lie s on U ll la v e $ 1.00 VYinriQl 8-4/\Qrtira1 Aif irfriiAt/zaim » ___ ... _ .... _ ^ he sails a 83-foot yacht and morlal Hospital, Middletown. The family suggests that those ly of Manchester, will be held D r dropped through the roof, guug- ^^^^^Rog. to $13. Survivors also include his PARIS (AP) — Negotiatl<»)s The area covered by the So- ***li?P*. * •**^®*ln* * o tm f l u a . SALE "L iv in g "* Stretch Bra only Ronald W. Vernier to James wishing to do so make memorial tomorrow at 2 p.m. at West " “ - . ' "Each area you move into,” $3.95, reg. ^ . 9 5 . Adjustable, wife, a stepdaughter, a brother, F. Vernier, property at 66 Mil­ nnd the Cte. FrenciOM dee vtet-Imql agreeraeirt, eccordlhg Save $1.00 6 contributions to the Book of Me­ minster Presbyterian Church, remarked the many-faceted S a vo B St ' and three grandchildren. stretch straps; sheer back mories at Trinity Episcopal West Hartford. Burial will be at ford Rd. Parker, "takea you one step far­ and sides. 32A-40C "L iv in g "* Long Line Stretch The funeral will be held Thurs­ determined. ^ government over the North Ru- elude an extension of tile South- Playtex "Soft-line" Padded Church, Torrlngton. the convenience of the family. Manchester Properties Inc. to ther into the n ext” ("D" sizes $1.00 Bra only $6.95, reg. $7.f~ day at 8:16 a.m. from the maila oil concession are not ctf- em Rumaila and Zubai conces'- Bra with semi-stretch straps, The Holmes BHmeral Home, Henry A. Doming Jr. and Mary Police are still investigating. Adjustable stretch Blogoslawskl Funeral Home, 126 fected by Iraq’s decision to en- slons, both formerly granted to PEDWIN. Men's and Boys' Loafers only $2.84, reg. $3.50. more) Also— Save •Si. EUas F. Clay 400 Main St. Is In charge of er- B. Doming, property at 1-3-6- straps; sheer back ter a production, marketing and the Basrttii Petroleum Oo., a With stretch straps, only 660 on "Living" Bra with Broad St., New Britain, with a COVENTRY — The funeral of rangements. 5% Walnut St. Boy Electrocuted and sides. Also % Length exploitation agreement with the subsidiary of Iraq Petroleum. $3.34, reg. $4.00 bias-cut elastic side panelSj solemn high Mass of requiem Elias F. Clay of Grant HIU Rd. There will be no calling hours. Foreclosure By Sale Lower Life Expectancy Long Line only $6.95, reg. Soviet Union, a spokesman for The objective of last month’s HARTFORD (AP)—David M. only $3.29, reg. $3.95 at Sacred Heart Church, New Joel M. Ellis, under author­ was held this morning from the ------7 lAfe expectancy in the trop- the French company saldtoday. Frenrti-Iraql oil agreement is to Jacobs, 16, of West Hartford 3 2 A 4 2 C (“D " sizes $7.95.32A44C("D" sizes Holmes Funeral Home, 400 JamM P. Martin Sr. ity by Hartford (Tounty Superior $1.00 more) its, which aotwunt for alknoet The Iraq-Soviet agreement in Insure France renewed sources was electrocuted Friday when $1.00 more) I Main St., Manchester, with a The funeral of James P. Mar- Court, for Peter D. Dufresne half o f the world’s population, principle, annou^ed Sunday, of crude oil at a price capable of he stepped on a live power Personal Notices j Mass of requiem at St. Mary’s tin Sr. of 11 Oliver Rd. was held and^ to Henry A. Demlng Jr, , ..1“ lower than la northern cll- provides that Russia give Iraq sustaining international oompe- line which fell from a utility Church. The Rev. Bernard Fos- Saturday morning Rag. $14.00 'A* I Church. The Rev. Bernard Fos- Saturday morning from the **^°«*Jw Jnates due to the prevalenice,.af technical assistance In ex- tltlon, ERAP’s monthly bulletin pole hit by a car. ter was celebrant. Burial was In John F. H om ey Funeral Home, Save $2.00 In Memoriam diaease and unsakittfCry conidl- change for payment In crude said today, PoUce said a car driven by Stonington Cemetery. 219 W. Center St., with a Maas In loving nicmory of Edward Walnut St. tkns. In some areas, fewer oil. It said the area to which It Martin Zebda, 17, of West Hart- Playtex "Firm 'n Flatter"® Save $2.00 Vercelll, ■who paused away Dec. 06, Bearers were Robert Cotton, of requiem at St. Bridget CertUtcate of Condemnation I Lycra* Girdles only $7.95, . than half o f the childron raeuch "We have no reason to beUeve was granted rights includes tort hit the ptke and Jacobs 1002 Ludwig Klodzlej, Kenneth Whit- Church. The Rev. Kenneth J. Save $ 1.00 State of Connecticut versus age IS. we have been squeezed out,” about 800 square mUes offahwe. went to look at the car when he , ^ J reg. $9.95. Hold-in power Playtex “Magic Always a silent heartache. ford, Albert Clay, Albert Bar­ FrisMe was celebrant. Mrs. ^ . Stanley Bray, Gladys Bray, ------the CFP spokesman said. ^ No proof of oU has been found, stepped on the wire. "Living"* Long Line ' / / that won’t wash o u t - Controller"* Girdles with Many a sOerit tear, ton and (Tlarence Edmundson. Bui always a beeutUul memory Harold W. Garrity and Ariyne SHOdONG SOLUTION said If the North Rumaila field but i^iecialists consider tiiat the —------Bra only $5.95, reg. machine washable. Girdle fingertip panels only Of the one we loved so dear. ist and soloist. Biurlal was in $5.95, reg. $7.95; with God solve us strength to bear it, M. Garrity, 18.3 acres off Spen- SALINA, Kan. (AP) — Don had been included In the agree- area contains "interesting prob- SANTA TURNS IN PHX1OW $6.95. Bias-cut side only $7.95, reg. $9.95. Mrs. Ethel M. Oastaer Mt. St. Benedict Cemetery, zipperonly $7.95, reg. Apd oourace do t a o e the Mow, cer St. Dean proposes a shocking solu- ment, his firm, would have been abUltles," the bulletin said. GREAT FALLB, Mont. (AP) ^cm ardf^skS ' panels. Also % With zipper only $12.95, But what It meant to lose you Mrs. Ethel M. Castner, 76, Bkwmfleldr The Rev. John J. rqg. $14.96. P"ntyj)njjt $9.95; pull-on pan ty only No one will ever know. Building Permit tion to keep motorists awake. informed by Its delegation now According to a nuqi published — A man who has played Santa Length Long Line of Bath, Maine, died Saturday Delaney read the committal 8.9b, rog. 10.90. Long $7.95,4.eg. $9.95, with Albrook (Tonstructlon, new Dean, a 56-year-old Sallna au-. negotiating in Baghdad. in the bulletin, tiie agreement C9aus to three generations of only $5.95, reg. Wife and FamUy morning at Manchester Mbmo- service, zipper dnfy $9.95, dwelling at 39 Carman Rd., tomoblle salesman, has wired Following confiscation of coven four separate areas: one youngsten over the past 60 THIS SA IF AVAILABLE ONLY AT THE NAfICHESTEII SHOfPINB PARKADE k$6.95)32A-44C("0’' Legfanty (snown) only fn M em nrinm Hospital after a short HI- Bearers were James Griffith, reg. $11.95 817,000. his steering wheel so it gives the some concessions previously as- approximately 125 mUes south- yean has turned in his pillow, sizes $1.00 more) $10.95, reg. $12.95 m m S ^ r o u r S^e had been vteitiiig her WUUam G r l f ^ . I ^ a driver a mUd charge of electric- signed to the Iraq Petroleum east of Baghdad, another about He is Tom Oorbally, 87, a Jus- *i DouKte r jaokBon, who panM daughter, Mrs. Richard f3. Mitchell, Jstmes Mitchell, (Thes- \ oiway Dec. 26, 1960. Wooley of 216 Wootkand 8t„ ter Wariawskl, and Ignatz Was- Ity at irregular intervals to^ re- CXy.', controlled by British inter- 30 raUes northeast of Nasiriyai a tice of the peace. OturbsUy put r Population Center vent Mm from falling asleep. ests, BYance signed an agree- third about 10 miles nortfaeart of on the beard and red suit for the AS SEEN ON TV Uke falUng leave* yean drift by slnce last month. lawski. Open Wed., ThurSi end Fri. til| MO PJIL (DAL, Foandattoos, all 4 otorea) I But the memory of you wHl never The nattolx’B center o f - pop- “I have used it on several ment last month through its Bassorah, on the Iranton fron- first time In 1917. Through the All Bra* and Glrdl*«-Whit* All GIrdI* *lz **-X S , S, M, L. (XL *lz**-S1.00 mor*> die, Survivors also include a 16% rayon, 10% apandax. Crotch; 100% nylon. Exclu- In our heait* ymi'H always stay. Bruce Lee Onim of Doroheater CaUfornla can claim the ulaiUon is the potat upon whteh lo"F IHps in the post four state-run concern, BRAP, to tier, and the fourth between yean he has relied on a set c f •DuPont’* reglitared trademark. Elaatib aid**; 80%. nylon, 2 0 % apandax. Back panel: 7 4 % acatat*. Loved and rememtoered more each ' woritPs oldest trees (BrUtlecone the United aSiitU would bel- mnnlthB,’’ Dean said, “and I seek oU and develop any depos- Kwatt and Ian, soutii of Bumai- sleigh bells which were *pur- iiV of OthUr •iBttlC...... ,r«TWTmmmimua>lMMaaaaaa*MMM*^ day. Privato funeral servies wlU olnea). tallest (coast redwoods) ance If aU the people were of havenrt had any trouUe staying its found In an area of some la and Zubolr, ^ OOnUnoes tdiased in Fort Benton by his fa- Sodiy tnlued by, be hrid at the John F. Tlemey ^ largeet (Sequoia glgontea). equal wedg*^ awake." 4,000 square mUea. into the Persian GuU. ther in 1877. iMom, Dad, Bm uier Bob

V 3 M O H


flame. She told him she was ad­ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1967 ruary, 1909, and worked three Husband, Four Children Dead justing toe unit when some of Proxm ire PAGE FOURTEEN State High Court Rules weeks at another state Institu­ toe fuel appeuantly spilled and tion, receiving unemployment was not able to work while hos- — -m a- -s ^ k the locM ofBcas. The rural exploded. ttw sendees. Men of the church one couple as guests as long as compiensatton. route patnMM at the and of the Watertown Mother Critical She was reported on the dan­ Hehron vdio would hke to pasflclpata lanervatinns hold out Reinstatement Is Error Four years later, SulU'van cha- ger list at Waterbury Hospital. Predicts Poet Ootnnaander Whiter Hebron run did not get ddfvery are requested to contacts Oea- lenged the state for dismisring payroll after his vacation and Besides receiving serious bums, X A R GA*ElC* Donald reports that the 1967 until after 7 nightly for almoet EIARTFORD (AP)—The Con­ SuHivan was charged with ar­ -Br CLAY H POLLAN- oons Mason Bekkn or Neil him without what he called prop­ slfk pay was used up. Following Christmas Fire police said, her face and hands membership wound up at an two weeke badoce Chxhtmae be- son in April, 1908, after a two- ZB A Allows Wakeman. necticut Supreme Court hae or­ er notice, according to the su­ The decision also said ttie were cut when she went through y4 Yovr Ooi/y Actvnfy Guith all-time high of 121. The 1968 oauee of the bulk of matt. year eerles of flree at the etate Savings n r According fo fh* Sfor*. OCT. 23t The Hebron Church Oouoctl dered a new trial In the c m preme court. Judge was wrong in ordering WATERTOWN. Conn. (A P ) — his bed in toe four-room house a window to escape the flames. wfll meet in the amith-Oellert membership quota is 106. ‘Rte COMPLETE inatttutlon, the high court eald eight-years’ back pay since Sul­ where he died of asphyxiation, a (Conttamed from Page One) Judge Leo Parskey of the Ehi- A S2-year-old mother remained The house was destroyed by |f^ 2- 8-2»^ To develop mes*oge for Wedncsdoy> 2^-47-52/ Two Trailers goal of the p ^ is to go over of a former mental patient who in a ruling released Monday rood words corresponding to ntmoers W-72-78 N Lounge af 8 tonight. perior Court upheld the chal­ livan was employed after Ms in the hospital with serious medical examiner said. the fire. A station wagon con­ the 1967 total of members which Hebroa OS ereig indent Mra wua relmtated to hie poeltlon night. partments’ $87 billion Inventory of your Zodioc birth sign. Legion Party release frtxn the hospital and bums today following a Christ­ Two of toe couple’s children taining a load of Christmas gifts ^ TMiaui The Zcsvlng Board of Appeals would attain an all time high Marjaila Porter, teL tISW t. Inetead of being prosecuted, lenge, saying StdUvan was not to avoid unnecessary purchase 61 On The Jones-Keefe Poet Amer­ ae a state employe and' allowed received unemployment benefits. were also found dead in their AML JI 1 You 31 Your MSURANCE given the (diance to defend him­ mas morning house fire In was among toe few family be­ 62 Meditote tor the fifth oonsecuUve year Sullivan entered the etate hoe- of items already In stock. 2Hond1« 32 New has approved the requests of ican Legion 95 will be host to a eight-years’ back pay. Sullivan’s mistake, the court beds, authorities said. One I V MAY Jt 63 Check self or protect his rights as a which her husband and their longings untouched by toe blaze. Other achievements Proxmire 3 Lov« 33 W ill New Year’s Eve Party Sunday and put the post in a pooUlon The high court ruled that a pital at Middletown and three child’s body was near a window, ?-12-27^ 34 Sex 64 And 1^17-21-30j^ two residents to use trailers to permanent employe In clasel- said, was in taking four years four children perished. 4 Arid 65 Brtghten for State and National recog­ months later was dropped from claimed were changes to In­ '65-735y0 SSonworw 35 Ahd 38-51-87 ^ with dancing to a hve band Superkn- Court Judge wae In er­ to challenge the Mate aofion. another near an outside door. g», 66 Messoge . house pensoiw as provided in Miwpriiit SorvicM fled service tor toe state. He Jeannlne Green, was toe only 6 Money 36 Keep SAOrTTARIUS nition. SERVICE ror in granting the ■ reinetate- ithe atalte payroll. But SuUivqp They were Clifford Jr., 11, Eliz­ Deep Mines crease competitive bidding, ad­ from 9 pm . to 3 p.m. The $10 37 Of 67 Todoy Aitide 8, saotkm 8.1 of the He­ ssiid t o l l dismissal was ineffec­ member of the family to survive minister mere efficiently Inven­ , MAY 22 7 Foscinote 68 Fovored NOV auhnlsslon per couple will in­ As of the end of November, ment and back pay to TRUliam was not notified about the ac­ abeth, 9, Craig, 6, and Lelsa, 4. World’s deepest mines are 8 Youf 38 In tive. SANTA CLAUS HUNG the blaze which burgj. topm a 69 Fuming dec bron Zoning regulatfonB. 71 members had paid 1968 dues sadkl to be near JoRianneSbuig', tory that deteriorates unless { iUNE 22 9 An 39 Hove ' clude party favors, noise mak­ Btoeprlnt and Supply, iae. F. EkiUlvan, 66, of New Britain. tion until 10 days later, when space heater and fed on the The town fire marshal, Avery 10 Talk 40 Work 70 Now The supreme court, however, ROANOKE, Va. (AP) — Po­ used promptly and Improve gov­ O v 3- 4-19-33 71 For 18-39-43-^#^ H ie first request was recsefved ers, egg-nog, an evening long and 4 new appticalionB had been 690 Hartford B,f 1 WHEEL ALIGNMENT—WHEEL BALANCING 5-11-25-32 on Bumst HIU Rd. ROBERT J. SMTH, k )Good (^Adverse ^jN cu trjl '5 3 ^ 1 -8 M 5 41-56-68 Both appUcatione were ap­ RADIATOR REPAIRING A N D SERVICE £ proved and became effective COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE MSURANSMim SINCE 1914 Dec. 19. SEE V isit 2 Church Ushers 649-5241 The Board o f Deacons o f the LiggtH Drag Hebron Congregational Church M 3 m a i m STSIIT, MANCHISn* 2 Events in Capital CURKE MOTOR SUES (Gesetd Fhw Nest to Haaia » Hals) AFTER CHRISTMAS CLEARANCE! has set up an ushering commit­ RT. 6 and 85, BOLTON— 643-9521 project. Funds are provided un­ tee so that ushers will be avail- at the Parkade Latin America Groteth der the 1965 Federal Aid to Edu­ ^ l e each Sunday to as slot with WASHINGTON (AP) —"A cation Act. 20%-30%-50% AND MORE OFF OUR REGULAR LOW PRICES AND COMPARABLE VALUES! steady growth In development in Latin America—a reasonably Capital Footnotes good year,” has been reported Sean Michael EUlot has been by the State Department's man appointed director of the inter­ Festively Delicious! Happily Thrifty! "Super-Right Meats! in charge of U.S. aid under the national home finance office of w e care 6 Alliance for Progress. the Federal Home Loan Bank 6 Oovey T. Oliver, assistant sec­ Board. He succeeds Jack Carter U J . 8 «v’l. taspMctMl-T OvMT 12 Ib f. — Mb WatMT JUMm I retary of state, acknowledged in who has been named secretary SIME PIITIM i n T P i i m i an Interview that much remains to the board. to be done. But he reported pro­ New orders for machine tools POOL TABLES! gress In many areas. increased 1 per cent during No­ He said he was concerned that vember, the National Machine Tool Builder's Association re­ tr'"' Congress reduced appropria­ COOKED HAM 49 tions for the alliance at a time ports. puacuT e UOK FM im INAHK HALF >------when "the summit conference Mrs. Georgia Neese Clark WIm Im or Eifhor HoH:|No SB—4 Roioovo4)* fc. WITH THI tUM TOM •■••• ■•■•••■I of hemisphere presidents last Gray, former U.S. Treasurer, M April expressed the urgent need has been named an at-large for increased effort In^ZAtln member of the Small Business QUAR¥IR LOIN fUCID **iUPIR-RIOIir ’ QUAUTT (HOCK RIMOVID) ' America and in crease assist­ Administration’s national advi­ ance from the United States. sory council for the Midwest. Oliver said that under the alli­ ance fewer people go hungry be­ Everyfear, 7 FT. NOW S2.41 cause the "serious challenge of PORK CHOPS FRESH HAMS Our regular 69.88 Increased food production is FUEL OIL being met.” “SMpor-Right” Qvollty Wbolo 8 FT. NOW 74.91 Our regular 99.88 He said the year was good for pack«t« cMitaim an or Eilliorl private Investment "with Brazil we make ■w rtimiit M 9 la II chef*. bouncing back and good adv­ Canlar aad tad Cal Holf 8 FT. DlLUXl ance In other countries.” Tax NOW 119.91 reforms, he said, have In­ fillf 0«*k*4—8«atw Cita 6Ara M Nit U4. MUTT. l*$KeTI9-4M9I a Our regulor 159.88 creased the tax revenues of PER eight nations by 60 per cent and Ham Steak or Roast 99,! Shrimp 3 I.OO Tariceys ”»t"29' “ S"33* GALLON the same .11 >h.ld. 6 *7. SUPie DII.UXI in five others from SO to 60 per O.O.D. “SiMf-RIlM" aitlity iMl rasiu io»Lf$$ ‘toiywIUghr’ Qiililr cent...... We Guarantee . . . $1,000 Re­ He noted there were no vl- Chuck Fillet Steak 89,‘ Swordfish Steaks 79! Chicken Legs 59! Our regular 199.88 ward If proven that the oil ta n joNrs-fiwM $Map Uip w •’Si h '-siiM" tiiiny cAent changes of government in you buy from us not equal "SlMf-SIlM’' iMl ' the last W months and conclud­ or superior to any other on Blade Steaks ^ 99*Up. Oyster Stew 275* Chicken Breast V.‘!.!:r 6 9 ! ed; "Despite Communist Cuba’s the marketl! resoliitiinis! RXCITING CAFl AND ICE SKATE8I 709 OUaiITT—UlUO extraordinary efforts, subver­ ■’SiHf-RltM’* 8IIF ears Mwrt-nMna Because every year, no matter Loom Stri^ CHRISTMA8 TIER SKI8! MESSES' sive plans and guerrilla activity COOPERATIVE Stewing Beef 6m4 CttWt 89.: Noddock I ’.C S S ’’ Allgood Bacon 69* CURTAIN8 8 KI MOPTS! suffered serious setbacks.” how well we did the year before, DECORATIONS PVUUIVEBS end "Sipw-SIlM" QialHf sam tsHat—n w iu $«y«r-6l|lri—$1161$«yw-6l|M—UI6ID—SUDT TO UT CHRISTMAS AND ALL-OCCASION PUiR or Olivo Lo«f A 4 •$. A A e OIL COMPANY our objectives are essentially the same. Teacher Training Italian Sausage ilT 89! Perch Dinners 2I«V:.85* Bologna-I %r Ltocktoii L—f a pAft. t O % GARDIOANS E WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. Office of Education an­ 643-1553 Tb make A *P a friendly courteous store for you. “ SiNr-mcht" QisHtf-Frssbly «ro«Bd “ SaMr-Right" lONELESS REEF nounced today the start of a five-year project to develop new Give 24-Hr. Delivery Notice ways of training elementary 316 Brood St., Manchester lb be fair and honest in our pricing and labeling. ROAST & STiAK SALE! r ' BBTIiniMBIIS GROUHD MEAT.SALE! Tremendous variety includes: Boxed and solid pock Christmas Cords, Birth­ and preschool teachers. Regular 1.99 OFF Colleges and universities long day, Get Well, Baby Congratulations, Sympathy, and rnemy all-occasion To sell only quality products we can fully guarantee. have been under attack by lead­ TOP or BOnOM ROUND, cards. Embossed, glittered, gold bronzed, more. Valances — 65g You'll enjoy win­ ing educators for the way they TOP SIRLOIN, CROSS RIR No-iron Cottons, ter sports more, Compare at 1.50-2.50 ea. box train all teachers. To do everything possible to bring you or BACK RUMP Trees, orna- Fiberglas®, after you've ta­ Ooragam at 4.99-6.99 o Officials said new model sheer Dacron® ken 20% off our teacher-trainlril programs wlU the most good food for the least amount of money. I—f. ¥••! 404 PorA M IN E PUCE! ments, novelties, polyester. 30" regular low akuMlc ‘‘V ”-neck PuU- stress the classroom skills of Meat Loaf Mix 79 lb. wreaths, from and 36" lengths. pricesi . overs end Oardlgens, the teacher. Included would be our Trim-A-Tree plue ribbed ”Pom* the ability to lecture and con­ To prove we care about you. Shop. Boys” and caeuel Jewel duct demonstrations in front of FHoliday-Priced! A&P’s Fine Groceries! ! ❖ Ne61os. 32 to 88. large audiences, to diagnose We think we did pretty well in ’67. such problems as reading defi­ aar irssf trsfi a \ ciency and to teach small We’ll be trying even harder in ’68. ' a m n iA i m i u s .,, RIGHT O’CLOCK groups effectively. Tomato Juice 31.00 The programs also will in­ Ni-6 irssf aiiaittf Flivsrt Here’s a prediction: I Iq f.M fl. clude training on an educational M EN’S CX)TTON ] PROPOIITIONED BOYS' NO-IRON approach—Individualized learn­ Fruit Drinks 3' •t. —Hi 8 9 * JR., PETITE, MI88B8 GIRLS' When ’68 comes to a close, we still won’t be satisfied SNACKS MstrHIssi Isitsat COFFEE MISSES' ing In which each student works WOMEN'! SWEAT SHIRTS STRETCH PANTS SHIRTS on hlB own much of the time. and we’ll try harder in ’69 and *79 and ’89 and 1999. Bagl8676L ^ M ^ % c SNOW Colleges, universities, educa- Tong " ;r i.3 9 PANTS «M8tl66S8L .^ L W W a k i IsslntIsslast ORLON wonai organizations and local We don’t think we can ever be good enough for you. Bal6y't4AiZ. 8 ^ 0 JW ” 3 & 1 d « 9 schools are to take part in the Yukon Coffee ';i.3 3 k COPYRIGHT t IH7, THE GREAT ATUU4TIC 4 PACIFIC TEA CO.« INC. s 6rsM lltsl—KIMms Sllsef a il h|s IM 2 " r s 5 ‘ Cempar* at NEW SYSTEM ureen Beans Mayonnaise i!!;59* I Compare at Fresh, Festive Pro(duce Buys! Ssitass—Is rt-sukis 6Ism ' 9.99-15.99 OHAME YOUR IfS M lint—ir S N IT ALKA-SELTZER' Compare up Regular 2.99 Regular 5.99 1.99-2.99 LAUNDRY i^ M Regular 2.49 Warm quilted or cuddly pile Save 50%l Orion® acrylic, Col- REI—RIPE Wax Beans ^'s*. 2 “.t"'49' Stuffed Olives X49* to 10.94 PRESCRIPTION AND DRY CLEANING CUIFinU-MKl Z 5 .A .5 9 snow suits, many 1 of a kind. oray® Rayon AcrilanD acrylic, 6 colors. Petite 8-16, Average Long sleeves. Solids, plaids, fan­ Irtss Mist Mayts Haaay Flararaf Contrast trim and sewn-In mock ON HABBISON ST. (44) Eaty-caro Orion® acrylic, bond­ Not every size in every style and AAoMe Jersey, Acetate Pants. 8- 10-18, Tall 12-20. Not every size cy Sport Shirts, and fine Acrilan® M6UU6 w IU66 76 H616 ORANGES TOMATOES Sweet Peas Ann Page Syrup ' "7,." 55* ed to hold its shape. Not every, turtle neck dicky, in coordinated color. 3-6X. 14a Acrylic Knits. 6-18. Off East Center^St. In every color. wans tkM N f Naaity aaf VIpraM third color. S-XL. Opposite the Cemetery UR6C Fiaa ftr Salads 12 iz. AAP Hair Spray 1759* size in every stylo and color. SIZE irSliciai 19‘ lumsu For Pick-Up and Delivery 10-69 Green Giant Com 1.727* Our Own Tea Maiwall Maaaa CaU 649-7763 tHieORT tr LOHB IBtti FBftH trsse 6ltri Aspirin 1007, 59* A m . MBN,'BSHIB6 AND AT WMi OrIm . MISSSS' NO-IRON e ie u ' se u i MISSSS' eU lU ID BranchM at 2 - 2 5 . CucumlMrs S'-aS* Sweet Pm s Instant Coffee 89* 601 Hartford Bd. iscarole laity last PINE PHARMACY and Pine Cleaners $w99t, SHIRTS COATS DUSTERS SOCK SETS Or99H Le Sour Peas 2 ’»739* PANTS 2 664 Center St. 949-0014 686 Center Street Peppers 25! Orson Cabbage 9! A N N P A G E AAP-WHITE 2 % S Thrifty FlolicJay Suggestions! SwMtPeas luV 5 ..7 89* $ S loeo BrooE TORN CLII iUe^ Flaysrs sH ^ aCELRRARI BEANS a TUNA Tomatoes 5 89* Compare at wttk Taeats Regular 2.99 Regular 4.82 Compare at 1.99 12.99-19.99 Regular 1.99 GINGER A LE Saeaaar Regular 2.49-2.99 Ban-Ion® nylon, cable stitch. Not laatasityla Better wools, some pile lined Cardigans and Pullovers, Solids Choice of Nylon Tricot or Acetate-^ Hi Ritiri i n - 12 $ | t0 0 fRCIIM 141 2 : 2 2 9 * Green Beans *" 6 ' .i" 1 .00 3 ’-: 1 . 0 0 In sizes 6-16: No-iron cotton-ny­ Roll-up sleeves, Bermuda, con­ every size in every color. Attrac­ Corduroys. Not every size in ev­ and stripes. Orion® acrylic and Tricot quilted Dusters, with lace, HO I RttUss sz.btU. I FACIEI lon Corduroy, Ivy model. In sizes vertible, Italian collars. Solids tively boxed. S, M, L, XL. HEHBBR. THB ORDBK OF THB OOUOBN RULB blends. Sizes 2-4 and 3-7. pom pom or lurex trims. Pastels. 6 6-12: Flannel lined Corduroys. and prints. Sizes 32-38. ery style and color. 4-6X, 7-14. 6 MK NIK IMNO Aim PABC Frozen Foods! Dairy Values! Jane Parker Buvs S, M, L. 6 Immediate Assistance Potatoes Strlny 3 1.00 Thin Mints t::!:: -r45‘ Eol! f oIh! BtohJ 4^1 •$. J | JA g A4P VEGHABUS AAP CREAM CHEESE POTATO CHIPS FOLDING Shrimp Tbf^-CUoHoJ C9H Jr AAPiggNog V769< MISSES' FASHION MISSES' ORLON MISSSS' PCaLCOMw ^ nesa i4aL KEo T o e e u e s' a n d j r . eeva MEN'8 BBtTBR Lomidry Cart The hour at which our service is VALUABLE COUPON pairiMHia SWEATERS IR0CC9U Rradi A dK 2 J 3 9 * ’£2 9 ‘ CMD hw SLACK SSTS UHDERWEAR SKIRTS SHIFTS With This C archate ef $5.00 er Mere required is the hour at which it begins. aap iM Si-iM si a Mll-S-SIT MHJ aMHHtaH PUMPIR6IIKII ar M SFRAY Grape Juice 2 .'.7 39* Cheese Slices^ '17 i CUANIR 1 pL • 9Z. bOL SourRye 2 :t 4 9 * Day or night, yob'ro assured immedi­ AJAX aap taaoi a^-**Tiw i m tmsc** aaTtNUU. BOMtSTM IILY ■afitar I” Siia PsAvi To*"! Orange Juice 4 69* -h 5 3 * ate assistance when you call us. ' 7777™ ™ J with "lo* Off' Swiss Slices . Dutch Apple Pie at49* Regular 2.99 Regular 3.99 Compare at 3.99-4.99 Mamn i m s i Ksarrs—PAiTiMuna peasoa I I I I paeuwt 4ia. Regular 1.99 Regular 2.M I Cawpan Par Pamlly—iipiras Sal., Oar. lOrii and 2.99 choose Orion® acrylic bulky Wool bonded and acrylic. >'A"- Top-fashions, with jewel or cowl Ic e C r e e m “XO** 2 99* Long sleeve, plaid and check^ Save 25%i Choice of Tee Shirt, Oonq)are at 2.01 Cardigans or Chanel Jackets. Yelveeta ** M^ Glazed Donuts 8 X 31* lines, sheaths, slip skirts. Many necklines. In stunning solids and Priras affartlva Ihiaveh Sahirday, Oar. aoih In Hih Cammwnlly and VIrMq,. shirts. Lined and unllned slacks. Boxer or Brief. In white. Brief With sanforized hnar and ctotoes- Novelty or cable stitch. 34-46.. popular colors. 10-18. pin pocloet. Cart on 2-inich oabters. prints. Sizes 8 to 16. ' AAany one of a kind styles. Red, and Boxer, 30-44, Tee Shirts, S-XL. Alumhim Indoor _____ loumim blue, green. 2-4, 3-7. taWANCt Dryer ...... Sa9 7

'Thank you for saving Tlaid Stamps iMDDIE TURNPIKE WEST >, OpM Mon. thru Sot. 9t30 A iA . to 9 P.M. ... and thank you for shopping at A ieP during 1967. Plaid Stamps arc one of the extra values we offer to show our appreciation for your patronage. All Toliaim Pnidun. and Alrohniir. Itnrrrapw rxrtnpl from Piaid Stamp Offrr. Reaatt. the Ptoli l-tirfsK IVM-V

'400 MAIN STten • MANCHESna, CONN.

. i

V PAGESDCTEBN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1967 PAGE SEVEMTBIM MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDA^ DECEMBER 26, 1967 V We Wish Yon A F ir s t " W r N m , i T e o , 1^ N a tio n a l With These Super Savings S tores ALL FLAVORS Sou Sea New Years Party-Time Favorites! H AW AilAN SHRIMP Snack Varietiesct^:riot:2 PKGS 7 5 * PUNCH COCKTAIL Sunshine Cheez-its 2 pkgs65< Keebler Club Crackers 2 75< m l 2 4-O Z Toasties 2 'pk°s49< iWONTE JUICE DRINK JARS Brookside Topping cmam c°n 49< p in e a p p l e Kraft "* aSSI"'^ Cheese 33< 6 SEALTESY Kraft Cheese Dips Bacon N'Horseradish PKG 5 1 GRAPEFRUIT FREilCH ICE CREAM


rr< FANCY 40-0Z a p p l e JUICE BUS J I NEW YEAR S BREAKFAST BONUS! — WHin at COUNIS JUICE • BACON • EGGS • MUFFINS FIRST O’ THE FRESH $ Fresher There Isn’t! JUMBO TOMATO JUICE JUMBO Paper Tow els ROLLS Finast 4 °’ $ 1 0 0 USDA BTLS I CHOICE roast beef } i/ 'i / / TOP RUMP ROUND To Greater Health and Beauty! ROUND ROAST Excedrin Tablets (ROUND) ROAST MacINTOSH rOR THE REUEF BTL OF MINOR ACHES of 36 « 7 9 ‘ AND ______5 PAINS 7 *

Hair Color Kits APPLES Loving Care All Shades b o n e l e s s U S. No. 1 - T/ a" Minimum ■ABY MAQIC CHUCK S Mennen LOTION ROAST LB ^ Ac 7-OZ BAG Mennen SKM B R A C n BTL O c e o o * ffO«nyirtltE CELERY \S CRISP and CRUNCHY FROZEN FOOD FEATURES! CALIFORNIA FINAST GRAVY WITH 2 ■LB Slices » » > • « s »*» TOMATOES VINE-MATURED OR TURKEY SUCD f i « e t BA9 SECOND BIG WEEK . _ ^ l E S s e i D t U ^ CUCUMBERS 0»»t* £jfTs SOLID FIRM HAWAIIAN PUNCH p/S®' 4 LIULE c h ees e PIZZAS CHEF BOV-AR-DEE ic « r o mUST - SUOD ■ neiCHHI - Hew 3 a id ^/aai 5-LB LB W tJepsrtman' WHITE BREAD 5 o Frozen Foods by RED-L OoV>ca»*»‘*‘' UNITS PINEAPPLES 7-OZ PKG 89c PUERTO RICAN Seafood Whirls ’<>2 '«° 89c I OieMa Whirls Raisin Bread29* Shrimp Whirls 89< I Frank WWris 6<2Z nCG 89c Assorted W hirb 89< You Cake Si|uarew!»uw“49‘ You come come first Resolved to Brin^ You More Super Savings on Quality Foods In ’6 8 ... Because You Come First first r TO LIMIT QUANTnitS PriCRt liNRciiTO’ONtpSRtaicav* DtcumORr isj, i^o/ «i lint Nahonot MaA«t» Only ClgarcttCE* B««r and Tobacco Products lAompt From Stamp OHor W i RiSCftVC THC RIGHT TO UMIT QUANTITUS Prices Wtecuve i»»u heNroay. i O lh t Og«M iM , Cm > w>C TchM C I i Uempl fion S»«-P

I f MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 19(T7______PAGE N P iW W Pro Football Showdowns Slow-Starting East Finishes Fast And Trounces Naugatuck for No. 4 Slated Sunday Afternoon Hv R im DYER ifiark, os well as the reserve • took m quick Mx p oin fs h y R *y- Deepite the fa ct that throe o f ■ «.* CiUfc.iie ^ ^ p la y o t Pete QuMi and Dan noUk, a basket by Klnel, and a Its starters stood over 6-8, Nau- 3 Raynoid...... 10' 4.6 94 Stalled in the first quar- D^y." froe throw by Kennedy all tn the gatuck dropped the rebounding » ...... » ^ ^ geles but reboimded with a dev­ liams started only because inju­ NEW YORK (AP) — season knowing it would be in a Granger ripped Dobabln de­ ries had sidelined Jim Orabow- ter but com ing on like PVW the second atrolght game, perioda ftoel two minutes, to cut bat^ to th ^ ^ les by a 86-81 aMttodyi:.;;;;;;:;: « M if UUe game next Sunday. The fenses fo r 160 yards ■ 21 ca r­ astating defensive effort that With 21 other professional beat the Ram s 28-7. ski and Elijah Pitts. gang buaters after that, Skst’a oo-oaptelns dominated the host’s lead to 14-11 at the 5 ^ i y 0 6 ? 5 Raiders, who finished their sea­ ries and finished the season The incredible speed of Bob with 1,194 yards gain^ rushing, Green Bay had dropped two football clubs finished for son with a 18-1 record and 10 Hayes made the difference for m a U a lle d f^ m ’teammate. Daly and Tim S 0 00 0 only 22 less than Boston’s Jim straight games—one of them to the season, the Green Bay straight victories by dropping Dallas as the Cowboys routed n ^ e i t fou r the ^ e e in a second quarter Kearns. East’s control of the g 0 0 B uffalo 28-21 Sunday, had Nance, who won his second the Rams—but with the NFX.’s urday n ig h t and downed onskm^t that put East in con- board was partlcularty evident 0 Jukm* ...... a 44) 8 Packers, , Western crown on the line, the Cleveland 52-14. clinched the AFL's Western straight rushing crown. Hayes set up two touchdowns Nau^tuck of the in the second half. Touto ^ H Houston Oilers and Oak­ ’The Jets, who had dropped Packers won convincingly. atuck. The Eagles had trafled O t e e e e U ^ B ogle p la 3W . T ^ ^ ^ bockcourt pair spHt One point made all the dlf- ^ ... crown two weeks ago. with punt returns o f 68 and 64 land Railers start working three straight, snapped out of "We heard that theirs was a Houston, needing a victory to yards and caught an 86-yard by as much as eight poktto ^ 14*^ints and came throi^h with ference in the J.V. game as p (47) ^ the slump against San Diego, better‘defensive line than ours,’’ Ing the opening frame before ban eight each. .©me timely assists as the East squeaked by Naugatuck, 6 Stkf ...... 4 69 14 today in perparation for clinch the Eastern title and eli­ scoring bomb from Don Mere­ minate any chance of a {layoff but it was too late to save the said Henry Jordan, one of the coupling a sturdy defense and^ Tall Roy Stiff Wt 14 points at the break. 68-57. The Eagles didn’t lend' 3 9 oto 1 S u n d a y’s championship dith. against New York, romped to a Eastern lead they had held al- Packers’ veteran front four. “It keen-eyed shooting to take the for Naugatock, which Uke IBa^ Naugatuck never recuperated, until late In the fourth quarter, a gwyney ...... 1 « 6 . games. glves you something to play for Meredith was close to perfect, The Packers meet the Cow­ 41-10 ro u f o f M iam i Saturdfty most all season. completing 10 of 12 passes for game well In hand by the half, had gone Into the game unde- •phair guest’s wdl gynchronUed and It took,some dosing second J M^ermatt''!!!!!!!! 1 M 4 Joe Namath threw four touch­ when you’re only second best.’’ boys at Oreen Bay for the Na- night. That m ade the Jets’ 42-81 212 yards. "He called an excel­ wM a sDod team win. '“ ***• offense worked with precision foul shots by Jack HuH to nail 3 SereUa 1 g o 2 down passes and set a pro pass­ Jordan 1^ a Packer pass rush Uonal Leaigue crown in a re­ victory over San Diego Sunday lent game," said Dallas Coach mnrdefendve ef- Naugatuck ran ua> 10 In the final 16 minutes, scoring down the win. Tom JuknU had © ISuo ...... 1 00 2 ing mark, running his ysuds for that dumped Ram match of last year’s Utle game meaningless. Tom Landry. “I would have to the season to 4,007. He com­ five times. won by Green B ay 84-27. The Hoyle Granger and Woodle rate it as good if not better than Bums saM. ’’Again I do have opetdiv baskot by Klnel and pointe. 11 by Mel1 points helping m akers, Fred Rose 20, Don Dalekan 19, South Windsor High (4-1), Bol­ grind. begin workouts today at Miami Association victories Mon­ Eastern Division hit nine for 10 on the charity would carry its score. knee was placed in a cast and Cincinnati vriilp Seattle. The Boston’s top scorer Is Sam Broce White and Jehn Brown Gary Palladino, former Uni­ ton High (6-1) and CSianey Tech To the ’Trojans the Rose Military Academy: day night. W. L. Pet. G .B. line. D ick Cobb Is n ext In Una "’The Jerseys and helmets," he was flown to Boston, where Royals won it at the fold line, Jones, who Is 14th In the had 18, and Frank Pearson versity of Hartford basketball (0-3). Bowl is hardly unique. Most of "Football games are decided In Cage P oll Foul shots made the differ­ Boston 26 7 .781 — with 86 points and a 12-polnt wrote Meeboer, “will also be he entered Sancta Maria Hospl- cmivertlng 42 of 58 attempts end league. But the Hawks and downed 17 to round out the star, will make his professional Moving toward the end of the Coach John McKay’s team only on the football field and I ence as San Diego topped Los P hila’ phla 26 9 .748 hi average, shooting elgljt tor 16 accompanied by an approprl- Flve members of college bas- tal in Cambridge, Just a short overcoming Seattle’s eight field the Celtics are on top and soaring. debut with the Hartford Caps week, Friday Is slated to.carry played in Its last New Year’s, feel our squad will give a good A ig e le o 104-101, Pblladelphia D etroit 20 17 .641 7hi foul throws. Ray KeUy ( qUoivs agely engraved plaque indicated ketbalTs Top Ten, headed by distance from his home field, goal edge. who can argue with successr against the Wilmington Blue the bulk of the action. Man­ losing a tough one to Purdue, account of themselves.’ nqiped B altim ore 106-105 and Cincinnati 14 18 .438 11 hitting an 11.1 average for 84 the presentation of these Jerseys UCLA, place unbeaten records Fenway Park, Dlerking led the Royals to an The black-footed ferret Is one Bombers, at thp Hartford Pub­ chester High travels to Platt 14-13. Clncinnatt downed Seattle 118- New York 15 21 .417 12 points and a six for nine free and helmets, such as: won by in Jeopardy this week in touma- News of the injury was re- early 23-polnt lead and then hit Dry heat can kill a mosquito of America’s rarest and least lic High School at 8:80. Gary High of Meriden In a league Cotton Bowl 112. W ayne B m bry m ade the Baltim ore 13 20 .394 12% throw mark. Wyo. Alumni Assn, from L.S.U. ment play all over the country, ported in a copyrighted story by five quick points near the end as because Its body cannot ef­ known wild animals, leading a did quite a bit of playing this meet. Bast Catholic (4-0) en­ R o s e B ow l difference as Boston thumped Team wise the Indiana hava DALLAS, Tex. (AP) — Texas Alumni Assn, in wager on the And Tennessee, whose 4-0 the Boston Globe, Cincinnati held off a late Seattle Western Division ficiently control loss of moisture. solitary life and emerging from last summer with the Gulf team tertains Weaver High of Hart­ But the lads from Blooming­ New Y ork 184-124. 25 9 .736 — thus far hit 44 (or 71 charity A&M’s football team comes in 1968 . Wyo 38 L.S.U record vaulted it from ninth last "From what we’re told, Jim surge. St. Loula This h why most mosquitoes its underground den malidy at which toured five European ford at 8 o’clock. Area schools ton, Ind., are frankly delighted In the only American Basket- .684 1 today to complete the setup for O” week to fourth this week, ap- tried to execute a certain ma- San Fran. 26 12 will not fly In hot, dry sunshine. night. countries this past summer. have Coventry High (2-1) boat­ tosses fo r a 62 p er cen t m ark. to be here as their schot^’s first baB Asaodation game played, Bmbry came off the bench ^e7B T g\en“mpVe7entaUve in the biggest "family’’ squabble in Evans immediately accepted pears to have the toughest task, neuver on skis," Red Sox physl- Loe Angeles 18 16. .629 7 Kentucky defeated Oakland 112- when Celtic Coach Bill RusseU O U cago 11 26 .297 16% the famed bowl gam e history of the Cotton Bowl, the wager, but replied to Mee- ’The Vols are in the Los An- clan Dr. ’Thomas ’Tierney said, ran Into foul trouble and scored geles Classic, the same touma- "He has a cast on his left knee 98. Seattle 10 29 .266 17% Coach John Pont, who since , Dave Oambee dropped In six 24 points to help Boston to its San D iego 10 29 .256 17% the team arrived here last Ooach Paul "Bear” Bryant hav- "Your Idea of a wager on the ment top-ranked UCLA 1s in. and there are reports of tom seventh straight victory. Thursdav has won a warm host ‘i** kind words for Texas Sugar Is as clever Tennessee opens against ligaments free throws In the final 69 sec- ABA onds, seeding the Rockets’ victo­ Sam JotKB led the Celts with of friei^ exDlalned his attl- because he once coached as anything I ever heard of, but Thursday after the Bruins 5-0, "We won’t know unUl we take 27 and Watt Bellamy had SO tor Etoetern Division tude ' ^ Gene Stallings at AAM and had your idea of the score has to be play Minnesota Wednesday. X-rays in the morning what the ry ov er LOe A ngeles. W. L. P et. O.B. the Knlcks. Of the other unbeaten teams, damage is. A prognosis cannot AIRBORNE— Cleveland end (42) and Dallas Hnetoacker Dave The Lakers had wiped out a 22 10 .688 — "I want the team to see and tuwtotant at AJabema a typographical error" Louie Dampier’s 28 points and M innesota second-ranked Houston, 10-0, be made at this time. We’ll Edwards both leap high in air on pass play which went incomplete.______San Diego lead late in the fourth Pittsburgh 21 12 .636 1% do things out here, but I also And Stallings now is coach of Meeboer and Evans also have R ubin R u s s o ’s 27 p aced Ken­ plays Bradley in the Rainbow know better after we can look at quarter. Then four fod shots by Indiana 19 15 .669 4 want them to keep their minds the Agj^es. a pe^nal bet on the game - tucky past OaUand. Levem Classic at Honolulu ’Thursday; the pictures. He didn’t arrive Oambee made it 102-99 and aft­ New Jersey 14 18 .438 8 on the game to be played." « aU may be a MtUe albeit a small one Thrt, the ABA’s leading scorer, I will wager one silver dol- Indiana, 6-0, takes on Western here tmtil nearly midnight and Didn’t Turn Out to Be Fun for Rebels er Elgin Baylor’s basket had Kentucky 11 20 .366 10% Aonarentlv neither Indiana J®t> thou hit 22 and Jim Hadnot 24 fo r nor'^S^em Cal has a major “ke to lose f^ball lar, minted in 1887 the year of Kentucky in the All-Sports Clas- Dr. Eugene Sollovleff of San shaved the Rocket lead to one Western Divtsion point, Oambee iced It with two Oakland. Iniiirv nmblem or at least one Fames anymore than giving up the founding of Wyoming Uni- sic at Dallas ’Thursday and Francisco applied the cast.” Son Francisco beet Seattle W. L. P et. O.B. P • _ _ two arm s. verslty, against a silver dollar iTfaKUtah, a.n 8-0, v,affiaabattles or-AimnOregon in the T^nhrbnrLonborg, whnwho tnnktook imup skskiing more free throws. that is of recent development. 24 9 .727 — . Far West Classic at Portland seriously as a conditioning pro- Baltimore led Fhilade^|hia tw ice ov er the weekend, 181-124 The Trojans lost an outstand­ But the w ay these two coach- m inted in 1860, the founding North Stampedes South Stars Dallas 18 18 .500 7% es are helping each other out, date of LBU," challenged Mee- ’Thursday. gram this year after hurling the 104-101 with 1:25 to p la y when <» Saturday and 127-118 Sunday. ing sophomore defensive end, In Saturday’s other NBA game, Denver 16 17 .485 8 you might think each wdhited bder. Utah is the only new member Red Sox to the pennant, signed Billy Cunningham scored and 11 Jimmy Gunn, in'the last g;ame it was Detroit 128, Son Diego Oakland 18 20 .894 E of the Top Ten this week. Jump- a 1968 contract recently calling was fouled on the play. His free of the season against UCLA. the other to win In the big game "Silver dollars minted in 1860 Houston 11 20 .365 12 ing into seventh after defeating fo r about $50,000 a year. Before Disappointing Turnout throw tied the score end then 119. But his injured leg spoiled the next Monday in the cavernous had so little value in this section Anaheim 12 22 .363 12% He pitched in winter ball last Hal Greer dropped in a pair of Ill the ABA Saturday, N w end of the line for this post­ C otton Bow l where 76,6(>4 bug' when they were produced end San Jose State, Southern Cali' fomla and Denver last week. year, but after his terrific sea­ MIAMI Fla. (AP) __ period after Coyne half and ralUed the Bufteloes season engagement. eyed tans will be trying to fig- by the time those coins were ____ ure out which team is which, distributed here, the 'coin of the B radley slipped out o f 10th son on the mound he elected to The Hooslers’ starting tackle turn to other matter, eepeclaJly woA et^ of Southom^M^wJw'^ In aU. he ran for touchdowno on offense Bob Kirk, ^suffered Alabama is, crimson and white, realm’ was a high grade of place a lter losing to UCLA 109- r e n m ^ n ft yarn.» the houm 3*^! o bn.o Iniiirv in the second A4M is maroon and white. paper, and confederate money 73. 13 Utah could lace possibly its England to the West Coast. Central and UConn Hosts pra!^ce o^ ^ bowl condiUon- Everybody's talking aboi^the would be much easier for me to short.” Although he could not take the pleted five of 10 passes for 49 in nrorram teams resembling each other, come by,” replied Evans. toughest task this week in the ------That’s what All American South in tor a score, Ehckey led more yards. 60 He d K t make the trip with Neither has a good ground at- The LSU alumni presWent Portland tournament. North UP UGBin the team but underwent knee tack but each has a fine pass- also claimed that "our football Carolina, which ‘^ 7 p e d from* Qrahaill to Coach chandler of Gew- all passers in yardage with 135 “Anderson made the option In College Court Events gla said: last week as the South ©n nine completions in 17 play go,” said Miami Coach Ing game. Each team’s quarter- players are so skirmy that I’m fourth to fifth in the rankings, surgery last week. tesun prepared lor the Cc^ege throws. Landry hit eight of 11 (Tharlie Tate. __ - . . K#--* a A O a IIAB bock .is the fceyman and each not sure we can put all those also is in the tourney, playing by, Worcester Tech playing Tri' City Bowl at Garmon OoUege in W est in P ro Bowl All-Star game with the North for 99 yards. The rest of the bowl program b o s t o n (AP) — New has a great passing comblim- digits on one of our Jersles but Stanford ’Thursday. * nlty, Springfield facing aark Erie, Pa. The WUdeats wlU Orange Bowl CSiristmas Day. But it didn’t in the only other weekend begins Satiirday with two all- En{(land college badwtbaU meet Gannon In the opening tlon that resembles the other, ooach Charlie McClendon has Two other Top Ten teams con- LOS ANGELES (AP)—Coarfi end Assumption 'taking on MIAMI, Fla. (AP) — The Ok­ turn out to be fun lor the Re- bowl game, Colorado outslugged star games, the Bast-West at Wlth Alabama its assured me that we can find a ceivably could clash in the Sug- teams will scatter in all di­ T utts. round Friday. , who lifted the bels. Miami, Fla., 31-21 behind the San Francisco and the Blue- niHEHRim iH lahoma Sooners begin practice Holy Cross launches play Ui ^ ^ M V o,.. to All-America , double-size Jersey suitable for ar Bowl at New Orleans. David' Washing^ton Redskins out of the rections for annual Christ­ The Lowell Tech Tournament Scorii% in every qiwlrter, the running and passing of Bob Anr Gray at Montgomery, Ala., ihe the Itodak (Jlwsic Friday, meet­ ^re ^ y With Texas A4M it’s Edd Har- boxcar numbers.” which tumbled from sixth doldrums this season in the Na­ mas week tournaments. is scheduled for Thursday and North stampeded the South 24-0 derson. Gator Bowl between Penn State ing CorneU air Rochester, N.Y. On December 4, a new wage Increase went into effect at Pratt Day Orange Bowl footl^l game Long. Both are q u i t e ------to eighth, plays Memphis State, tional Football League, was Boston OoUege, which sUpped Friday. Lowell State will play with Tennessee, and Ooach Other tournaments scheduled sensaitixmal wlttv the big plays. n P<>ri1 and Vandei-blU, No. 9, takes on ^Je”sd“ay to pitot"the Ewt In an unexciting game played The quarterback ^ k off an ^ Florida State ^ t t e Sim to loth In the national poU de­ Suffolk In the opener, with Sal­ & Whitney Aircraft. But wages are only a part of the benefits (Jbuck Fairbanks is determined Michigan State, both Friday. Tn ^ e S ^ a g ^ the West before 17,400 fans-the second ^ e i^ury entered the g ^ Bowl ^tween Mlsslasdppl and UiU w eek Include the Babaon Bryant needed to do some re- u rt: spite two convincing trlurntths in em State taking on Inwell Tech you’ll find in a job at the Aircraft. For example, if you’re not to steam up the Vols. crulting and didn’t want to take l OS ANGELES (AP) — Vauiderbllt was No. 3 last (he Pro Bowl here Jan. 21. smallest crowd in the history of Just before the end of the first Texas-Eli Paso. the Boston Garden Tournament In the nightcap. Invitational In WeUeaioy, Mass., Tennessee arrives this after­ and the Hat a ty Classic In Dan­ unskilled you'll be trained and paid while you learn. If you're ex­ time out to scout A&M, so he vVatch out, this Christmas time week but lost to Florida 74-72. Graham starred for years as the Shrine series for the benefit last week, got the post-Christ­ The University of New Hamp­ noon. asked Stallings if he’d Just get holiday cheer, for flying Indiana moved into the third quarterback for the Cleveland crippled children. mas festivitlea under way today shire is entered in the Gem bury, Conn. perienced, you can step right into an excellent job. And because Both team s have 9-1 records Bom teams nave w-t Coach Darrell Royal of Texas champagne corks. spot from fifth, Browns and became coach of Quarterback of Louisville After Fast Start in a first round meeting with Pratt & Whitney Aircraft is growing fast, you can grow too. The i” to ggnd him his scouting report For they pop with "the impact Kentucky climbed from sev- the Redskins two years ago. He Massachusetts led the Yaidtocs Penn State in the ECAC Holi­ for the annual classic Is 8 p.m chances for advancement have never been better. And don’t on the Aggies. In exchange, of a mine blast,” warns John W. enth to sixth and has only one will have his own assistants, on two touchdown drives and day Festival in New York. (EST) os the finals to an ail-day Bryant had Auburn send its perree, executive director of game this week — a non-tourna- Don Doll, Mike McCormick, the other toudidown came eaal- In Garden Holiday Festival The Eaglea, New Ent^and’0 ISorth Stars Reverse Piny overlook the many other attractive benefits: medical and life round of nationally televtsed scouting report on Alabama to (be National Society for the Pre- ment affair with Notre Dame Ray Renfro, Ed Hughes and ly after a pass interception by undisputed power after a rout of bowl games (NBC). insurance plana, retirement program,' recently expanded educa­ Stallings. ventlon of Blindness. f Saturday at Louisville. Boston Mike Scarry, for the Pro Bowl. Dennis Coyne deep in South ter- NEW YORK (AP) — Louis- Dave Newmork, who has been Providence in the Boston cham- Fairbanks didn’t want to tional aaaiatance program, paid sick leave, nine paid holidays ’They are studying each "borks have been known to (College, which fell from eighth ------ritory. vine’s CardhAls, dew to Jell in-and-out thus far after being plonabip finale, caxm d a S-1 And Lose Three Straight downplay the diances of Ten­ other’s films—when they can get cause serious vision impair- to lOth, played Penn State today Coyne a quick 190-pounder this season despite the torrid sidelined all last season with on record into New York In a bid and up to four weeks vacation. Come to where the growing ia nessee as his team arrived in To Clear Damage The victory gave New York a around to it. ment," Ferree said Friday. in the Holiday Festival in New from Northwestern, won a press scoring of All-American Westley injury. Newmark scored 29 tor added prestige. Their lene Turnabout to fair play but the good . . . get a better job now at Pratt & Whitney AircraftI Mini"! on Christmas Day. And do you know who re- He suggests opening cham- York. POPLAR BLUFF, Mo. (AP) box...... vote. „as the North’s most Unsold, hope to get a flying points, however, in the Ltoos’ Minnesota North Stan ore 10-1 mark against expanaion loss was a one-point overtime cdube. Tennessee is a recruited Homan for Alabama? pagne bottles by wrapping them The Top Ten, with first-place _ seventy youths at the Poplar valuable player after Intercepb start tonight in the ECAC HbU- 71-66 loss to Fordham last Fri- decision to St. Jehn’e. carrying that old adage s Wt team,” said the rookie h ^ ,( stallings, when he napkins pointing them votes in parentheses and total j^i, c©rps Training Center w three passes. A 285-poi^ day college basketball Festival, day nlg^it. far, wouldn’t you sayT Andy Bathgate and Gene Providence headed tor the FREE TRAINING WITH PAY ooach. "And they get even i»t- assistant to Bryant at fr©m the face and, if poa- points on a 10-9-8-etc. basis;, (^ potosl. Mo., today to help defensive end from Tennessee- The Cardinals, one of the pre- “We have trouble handling Ubrtooo scored two goals apiece Quaker City HoUday Tounia- Impressed with three etzaight tor when they’re playing the Alabama. slble, while one ia wearing safe- 299 “clean up the damage - caused------by Mhitin, -Gordon - - Lambert, • • -was - - tourney------* favorites,------•- in the 16th the bigki„ man,” Waters — said; as Pittsburgh tripped Los An­ IF YOU DON’T HAVE SHOP EXPERIENCE — you may be given 120 1. UCLA (29) ment in Philadelphia. The shutouts by their gooUe, Oesere tougher opponents. ___ j© y©y lo^ow who recruit- (y googles. 263 Thursday’s tornado. chosen the best of the South. annuail Madison Square Garden ’The survivors of tonight’s geles. The victory moved the hours of Instruction and training on the machine you have been hired 2. Houston (1) Friars meet Temple in the first Menlago, and the most spectac- ’"Hiey might have beat some ^ stabler? WeU, it was Dee 181 About 200 are enrolled at the But the favorite of the crowd classic, take on LaSalle in the twin blU advance to Thur^^ Penguins into third place in the 3. Indiana round of the elg^t-team competi­ idar string at National Hockey to operate. Instruction will be in our own machine training school. ' of the other people worse, but I vvho was on eiaslstant at 167 c4hter, and officials said the 70 was Eldridge Dickey, who nightcap of an evening double- night’s semifinals agalnek the League goaltendliig In 12 yean West Division, five prints bask New Bruin Goklie 4. Tennessee tion starting Wednesday. was more impressed by their y^abama and now is an assist- 164 are those who will not be going passed for 6,541 yards during header that also pairs potent winners of the St. John’s, N.Y.- of both FhUadelphla and Loe NEW*YORK (AP) — Tlia Bos­ 5. North Carolina On the home front, American tost week, the North Stan have ADVANCED TRAINING APPLICANTS may be given courses ranging rising to the occasion against ^ (^j gtalUngs at Texas A&M. 187 home lor Christmas. his career at ’Tennessee A and I. West Virginia with slumping Syracuse and Penn State-Bostm Angeles. ton Bruins are expected to 6. Kentucky International is host to ita third com ^tely revened themselves from 22 weeks to 93 weeks in Machining, Jet Erigine Sheet Metal, such tough, capable opponents 99 The group la making the trip Dickey’s running and passing Columbia. College games played this after- Chicago ran Its unbeaten Andre Gill, a2 6-year-oid goall^, 7. Utah annual tournament with first and suffered three ooaseouttre Tool, Die and Qage Making, Machine Repair and Pipe Making. 2 as Alabama and LSU,” he said. gy

THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY SHORTEN md WHIPPLE Hdp Wotifd Mull 3« Artklw N r llil 4t SALES AND Service on Arlena, (30NTROL deak operator, PREPARE tor winter, pMMow Hahn BcUpoo, Jaooboon lawn e d gravel end tra p fOOk MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1967 mowera. Aloo HomeUto rfialn Ronald j . melihshi n r i _ r nighta. Inquire in peraon Holi­ OFHtLWAUNEE.WK., f r e "■ *"'• day Lane, 89 Spencer St., drivewaya, aand tor wnlta, flfl, CLASSIFIED aawa and Intematlcnal Cub Mancheoter. loam, and atooa. Ohll MSdWI. OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE Cadet Tractors. Rental equip­ WANI^TD NNOW b u g g s b u n n y ment and aharpenlng eervlce HONfCUMttf-' LOFTY PXLiL Fraa lim n a o « / WHO’S TRVIN* TP ACT m . HANS SOME 7H IN S on all makoa. !■ A K Eiquip- Wt)EMMieC»ffllE LOOKS la the carpet cleaned with HOW ABOUT^ r I THINK ^ SMART T I’M SIMPLV TRVIM’ , ELSE ON yOUR SHAPE 1 ADVERTISING ment Oorp., Route 88, Vernon. Lll£ AOAKeAGESCON, DEAN MACHINE Blue Lustre. Rent riect^ ■J* TO a s s u m e "jOUR SHAPE— T H A T ’L L S E T S O O P RE aC E R O l LETTiN' ME I'LL JUST SULTS AND STRAISHT- 876-7809 Mandiootor Exchange TUEGAGGIKnoll 9CH& ahampooer gl. The Sherwbi- LEAVE'EM = 1 MEAKJ STAND MORE U l ^ An*w*r toPr»vteu« P » » ^ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS 102 Colonial Rd., Mancheater HAk/E VER / ' A LAPy. fS ALL/ MOJ EN you UP IN A HURRY — Bntorprlao. 1946. EXEiaoeE A sTKicr W llliam s 0(7. ______'^HELLO,'^ HAT AN' ONi HAMO A PRESS ON M V F YOU DON'T CUT Seasonal 8 AJL to 5 PJL MANDS-OFF V O U C H - PROCESSED gravel tor drive­ BUG 6 i EARAAUFPS? 7 SHAPE AND EXPECT lO OUT THAT SILLY SHARPENIMO Sorvtce — Saws, Has immediate openings G E T 300Z> RESULTS... POSTURING/ 6 Yards (ab.) ways and parldng areas. Also ACBOa knivoo, axea, hhean, ekatoa, days w d nighta: ith is It • tMtOB 6 Zoo critter COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. rotary Uadea. Quick Mrvlce. bank run gravel and fin at our u i a s i O T 7Dovoteta • to bo — 6 P3L DAY BBFOBE PDBUGA'nON Capitol Equipment Co. 88 Main screening plant or delivered. SExcbanfo — tFoatiral Turret Lathe Operators ^ wlthtriHidt 9 8 tory ' DesteUinn for Saturday and Monday la 5 pjn. Friday. S t, M ancheater. Hoiura daUy Tm. hif. U. t. Dm. Off.-^UI fl|iM6 fwomnd . George H. Qrlfflng, Inc., 742- UM oaoiaia lOPeduDcla 7:80-6, Thuraday 7:80-9, Satur­ by United Nntem lynAcnte. Inc. 7888. 13 Asterisk Hardlnge Chucker Opeid^ra nymphs day 7:90-4. 848-7968. 13 Remove from 13 Unsightly REMINOTON standard type- logUlotivo It Noun timU PLEASE RB7U> YOUR AD General Machinists *= [B 20 Pinto, for u t v heh he w rlter, excellent condition, |78. potiUoa Claaalftrd or "Want Ada** an taken over thn phone aa n •-B / 14 Advocoto of instenco oonvenlenon. The ndvnrtlMr ihoiild rend hla ad w FIB8T COMMERCIAL and RealdenUal PRWES STRAIGHT a MUllng Machine Operators CaU 649-2582. ______cmeltjr 21 Looks fixedly 22T«n>-wbeded DAY IT APPBABS and BBPOUT BBBOBS In tlina tor the anow plow ing, ca ll 849-8119. FWOMTWECAR UGoraandbo Braxnian Drill Press Operators BLUE LUSTRE not only rlda 16 Winter Toblclo vehicle 32SiM of shot 44 next Innnrtton. The Herald In reaponalbln for only O in iBMr- WASH, AND HI6 23 Plane surfaco 33 Y w ^ . ) macaws . . m t or omitted famertton for any ndvnrtloement and then only carpets of soil but leaves pile 17 Bo sick 45 Wintry wind Timekeeper 19 Appear 24 Tatters to the extent of n "nmkn good” fanertlon. Cnon wMdi do Homshold SmrvkM aiGGV LOOKS LIKE soft and lofty. Rent electric 26Natlva metals 40 Preposition 47 Poker stake sham pooer $1, P aul’ s Paint BY V. T. HAMLIN 9D SuppUcatet for 46 Notion not leooen the valno of the ndvertteemont wSI not bo eoireeted A MILLION, IME Cost Clerk A L L Y O O P 22 Seaafloal to o f 27 Wolfhound 41Blbfi^ weet by “mnko good” InooTflnn Offm wd 13-A and Wallpaper Supply. 26 Small camflo 26 Cushions 42 Recorded 40Suppoaa clean-up ajUAP ■Are RIGHT-.AN' AW, COME OFF MAYBE NOT BBItORE 80 Weaponry REWEAVINO OF buma, moth m s A P LA C E SlBIbUeal mount 52 Streets (ab.) 16 OUT IN FULL Experience in Job Shop SEWING Machines, brand new WHERE -THERE'S BV«eVBOOYCAN r r o ^ G u v a , NOV^BUT W ET« nXIN' ■32 Summer holea, alppera repaired. Win­ THERE AINT O N E UPI sm 64 East (FT.) FORCE — * P referred zig zags, slightly scratched In NO RULES OR DO JUST AS HB aauaafea. 30 A ^ (pU 643-2711 87 -3136 dow ahadea made to meaaure, REGULATIONS ■y^PLBASES.* SUCH PLACE 24'aovemor . I II ii 'fi' i n IT 1 IS 10 |l( S shlppli«, »99 value now $44.96. '36 Mohammedan iBoekvIIle, ToU V n n ) all alMa Venetian bUnda. Keya A-1 Stores, 24 P ark St., Hart­ ' mler’a decrees made while you wait. Tape re- New plsmt, completely alr- 28 Armor apUnt IT oondiUoned for summer and ford, 622-0981. ^ 37 Follow after cordera for rent. Marlow’s, 867 38Horaf'a(ait Main St. 64941221. winter, all benefits. BEST OFFER — AlUa Chalmer BORN THIRTY YEAR* TOO SOON Troubit Reaching Ovr Advarttttr? Model B-10 riding tractor with 42 I&aert nomad An Equal Opportunity 42” S-blade cutter, 86” anow 46 CoUoctloa of BuRdlng— bayin£a H-Hoar Aniwaring Serrica R oot Hnishlng 24 Hsip Wantsd— HsIp Wanftd—Mote 34 E m ployer blower, half ton dump cart. 47 Verdian op en Centraetlng 14 Fwmols 35 PRODUemON hands with some 742-7168 after 6 p.m . BY J. B. WILLIANS 61 We are a BTW FLOOR SANDINO and reflnlsh- OUT OUR WAY oelebratlag the Fraa to Herald Raadan lathe and milling machine ex­ 2 NEWTON H. SMITH A SON — ing (specializing In older MAN with lathe and Bridgeport DELUXE EVEREST Jennl]^ • birth of — RN or LPN , 11-7 shift, fuU or perience, also Norton Hyprolap Want Information on one of onr advmtIoomenteT Remodeling, repairing, addi- floors). Inside painting. Paper- wheel chair, $85. CaU 742-8906, .-iJiT-LU-JA., THEY KEflDRTjf BY THE TIME TDU 63 unto part-time, room and board and Fellows gear shaper oper­ experience, able to work to raeaar. • No anower «t tlm tnleplioao Betedf Simply noD the Uona, rec rooma, garagea, blueprints. Interesting work anytim e. ITA SA B I© r GET WHAT TOU < hanging. No Job too amall. Jumished, 649-4519. ators. M etronlcs, In c., 640 H il­ i/«2, a -a a .65 Browns bread porchea and roofing. No Job John V erfallle, 649-6760. and good opportunity for cap­ a -a c ACCORDiNGtO ]/ WE'VE GOT H SAVING UMEEDTOOOTME by heat too am all. Call 649-8144. liard St. SOW S on, the rug that Is, so MY STUDIES, AV THAT AT ytoKK.'iTHEN C H A K G ^ 66 Hold in regard able man. Harper Buffing Ma­ clean the spot with Blue 57 Onagers EDWARDS RN OR LPN, 8-7 p.m. or 7-11 CENTRAL A 'iOUORDER/7 YOUR dBEEN FIRED FOR chine Co., 289-7471. BY LEPF and McWILLIAMS 56 Groups of CARPENTRY — concrete steps, p.m . CaU 849-4619. Lustre. Rent electric shampoo­ W Bonds— Stocks— D A V Y J O N E S p u r ch a sin g Y A STONE' //DEPARTMENT / iNOT GETTING playert, la 43 U i 48 IT ANSWERING SERVICE floors, hatchways, remodeling, MALE ACXXIUNTANTS — Tax Prepar- er $1. O lcott V ariety Store. TH A T WAS A SHORT , HAVE YOU I KNOW... BUT OFFICE/Tcrci/"C. VloaDluJ/nII nl /"RilRUCRCRUSHER I l|0 PERCENT.^/ Y—^ IT DONE .V aborts porches, garages, closets, ceU- Mortgogos 27 KITCHEN AIDE 7 a.m. —2 p.m. HEY.' WAIT WE'VE GOT TO em — E xperienced In in- LET'S FACE IT, OAVY, A MINUTE. 1 DIVE, ANVTHING WRONG? BLOWN VOUR SANE ^ AMD t h e y DOWN ings, attics finished, rec Monday through Friday. Ver­ m i n d , o l ' p a l ? FIND THAT FIOWER- 6494)500 875-1519 SECOND MORTGAGE —Un­ Production Workers divldiud Income tax returns. WE'LL NEVER, FIN D THINK I'VE IBryopbytic rooms, formica, ceramic. Oth­ non H aven, 876-2077. Boots and A ccessories^ DISCOVERED W E'VE GOT 5ELLIN6 LADY... THOUSANDS)) BUY A plant. s r limited funds available for sec­ Full time and part-time. Salary 6 O UR MISSING AGENT. KCAL QUICK’ er related work. No Job too SOMETHING. P LE N TY OF fo r t h e J S led g e 2Epochal and leave your nieoooge. Yen’ll hear from onr ndvertloei ond mortgages, payments to CASHIER — clerk for retaU Openings on aU three shifts, plus bonuses. Manchester of­ 14 FOOT fibreglas, StarcraJt LE T'S GO Slnterpriat 6T 6T small. Dan Moran, Builder. HAMMER/ In Jig time wltbont eponding nil evening at the telepboao. suit your budget. Expedient clothing outlet, immediate em­ starting rate $2.42 per hour fice to open January 2. H ft R Sailboat. Leftover, never been UPSTAIRS.' 4 Predatory Evenings 649-8880. Incuraiao service. J. D . R ealty, 648-5129. ploym ent. CaU 875-6758. and up. EbcceUent fringe B lock, 627 Farm ington A ve., In water. Sale priced. Regular ^ • rsom is HOMES, OARAGES, porches, benefits Including Major H artford. 286-1081. $096, closeout p rice $496 plus rec rooms, room adiUtlons, Medical Insurance 100% transportation and tax. 649- kitchens, roofing, siding, gen­ Biisliwss Opportunity ^ paid premiums, 10 paid holi­ 8747. M cB ride’ s Sport Spot, HERALD BE A DISC JOCKEY. For in­ days, generous 'vacation 639 Center St. eral repair work. Financing PHILLIPS Petroleum Co. has a Stenographer a a - « - a.- ■ ------■ - form ation ca ll, 248-5418. available. No down payment. plan. Applications accepted BnOW Qi FmNBV ft# modem 8 bay service station dally. Apply to— BOX LETTERS E conom y BuUders, In c. 648- for lease. Ebcceilent opportu­ PERSONNEL DEPT. HAIRDRESSER — manager, to Diamonds— Watches AutorndbRcs For Solo 4 6169. nity, paid training program. manage beauty salon, ex­ CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER F«r Your Exciting position In busy Jeweiry 48 WES ROBBINS Carpentry re­ CaU 286-8770 aftei 6 p.m . or cellent wages Inquire The NEED CART Cre(Ut very bad? office, In'volves Interview­ ROGERS CORP. WIggery Beauty Salon, or call InfomiatJoD modeling specialist. Additions, 1-201-877-8100. mTCH AND JEWELRY re­ Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ ing, light steno, maintain­ Mill and Oakland 8U. 1-228-0604. pairing. Prompt service. Up BY KEN MUSE est Douglas accepts lowest rec rooms, dormers, porches, ing records, compUlng re­ WAYOUT THE HERALD will ‘not cabinets, formica, buUt-lns, Miuichester, Conn. to $20 on your old w atch In disclose the identity of down, smaUest payments, any­ Holp WcHitod— ports and many varied du­ WANTED achcMl bus drivers, bathroom s, kitchens. 649-8446. ties. men o r wom en, 7-9 a .m ., 2-4 trade. OoMd Mondays. F.E. M rNsufht SjmdMAlc. Inc. any ndverUaer using box where. Not emaU loan finance ______Fom ete 35 I'M NOT SURE....THE Or ca ll M iss B anister, 1-774-0606 p.m . 044-1902 after 6 p.m . H. B ray, 787 M ain St., State Thea­ PROM THE letters. Readers answer* company plan. Douglas ADDITIONS, remodeling, gar­ MATURE babysitter for 2-year- Company offers competitive A. Frink Inc., Wapplng. tre Building. SPACE AGENCY BO TTO M = Ing blind box ads who M otors, 848 M ain. ages, rec rooms, bathrooms desire to protect their old very active boy. Your starting salary, 8:30-4:80 DOESN'T APPRECIATE tiled, kitchens remodeled, ce­ Identity can follow this 1987 OLDSMOBILE 442, 4- home or mine. Call between hours, excellent benefits, JANITORS —PART-'nME eve­ MATURE woman or man to PRACTICAL JOKES.' ment work, cellar floors, pat­ Fuei and Food 4 9 ^ procedure; speed, bucket seats, tack and 7-8 p.m . 647-9839. f free parking, subsidized nings. (>iU 643-4403, 3-6 p.m . do light office work, full-time. ios, roofing. ,CaU Leon Ceis- cafeteria, congenial co- 640-0108. S H O R T R IB S BY FRANK O’NEAL gauges, posltractlon, 20,000 only. f i r e p l a c e w ood, clea n , $16. Etodoee your rqily to Um zynskl. BuUder. 640-4291. workers, excellent working VmjDi mUes, $2,600. CiaU 646-1024 a f­ a pick-up load. Phone 282- box in an envelope — JOWNEYMAN electrician. Im­ EVER WONDER WMAT'S ter 8. conditions. 2 AW addressed to the ClaaM- HIGH SCHOOL mediate steady employment Dogs—Birds Pets 41 0060. ______UNDER THAT HOOD? fled Manager, Manchester Spucicri SurvicM 15 Wilson Electrical Oo., 649-48i7. Evening HersM, togetlwr 1966 CHEVROLET B el A ir — 8 SENIORS APPLY BASSET and Dachshund pups. iiioH (Quality seasoned hard­ 3q3H with a memo hating the cylinder, automatic, exceUent w ow plowing — Driveways, AKC registered, pet quaUty, wood, cut to any length and compaioles you do NOT condition, 648-9021. lots, sidewalks. Reasonable BE HIRED NOW FIRST NA'nONAL $60.; select stock $76. WUl hold spUt, stored Inside. Leonard want to see your letter. rates. CaU 048-4686. STORES fo r Christm as. CaU 742-7102 a f­ OlgUo, B olton, 040-8818. Your letter win be de- 1967 CHEVROLET — 4-door se­ W O R K L A T E R D M o o n p o h m PAPER ter 2 p.m . ■trojred if the advertiser dan, 4 barrel carburetor, SNOW Plowing — Commercial Park and Oakland Aves. Is (me you’ve menU(med. 8 speed on the floor. CaU 649- paridng lots. Free estimates. Why not tqlk about a job East Hartford DACHSHUNDS —AKC, mlnla- SC i l i not It will be bandied 4246 after 6 p.m . 048-8811. now — while you have time MAKERS turs and standard, 0 weeks to FOR BY ROY CRANE In th e ususJ m anner. BUZZ SAWYER 1969 CHEVROLET Im pala — 8 during your vacation. We’ve 0 months, both colors, guaran­ « o - got a variety of . . . pro­ teed at a fair price. Also Wel- cylinder, powergUde, radio and Roofing and RN or LPN — 8-11, fuU or TO START A WAY THEN HE ISA , ON THE CONTRARY, IT COULD grams for you to consider. Fine paper mill locat­ m araners. 1-628-0073. w a i. VLZU heater. A real good car. Best pail-O m e. Call 649-4519. Cosmetics BETWEEN THE CRACKPOT. EASILY HAPPEN. WASHINGTON Lost and Found 1 Chhnnoys 16-A Be hired now and . . . HOW WAS / WOULD NEVER DREAM THE MISSILE o ffe r ov er $100. 872-8864. OROOMINO ALL breeds. Har- UNITED STATES SUCH A WAR (COUNTER GIRL for evening ed in central Copn., ITS COULDN’T WAS FIRED BY A fANATlCAL NAZI. LOST — $60. In white envelorji ROOFINO — Specializing re­ m ony HUl. H.C. Chase, H ebicn AND RUSSIA. HE -BUT I GUESS 1967 F IR E B IR D 400, pow er • Work after school until shift, 7 p.m. - midnight. Please THINKS THE U.S. HAPPEN.' THEYD BLAME RUSSIA AND START with personsU papers. Please pairing roofs of all kinds, new has immediate open­ R d., Bolton, 648-6427. E steering, radio, air-condition­ SHOOTING. ' OND/ HIS HAIRDRESSER ’ ca ll 1-429-6817. June, then full-time. apply Mister Donut, 265 West WILL BELIEVE THE ing. Reasonable offer accept­ roofs, gutter work, chimneys MISSILE IS RUSSIAN. KNOWS FOR SURE.' Middle Tpke. ings for machine tend­ Liggeits ed. C all betw een 7-9 p .m ., 648- cleaned and repaired, 80 years’ • Work Saturdays (8:16-4 experience. Free estimates. ArticiM For Sate 45 6184. A p.m.) until June, then CLERK TYPIST — some exper­ e rs, back ten d ers, AtThaParkade Announconwnts 2 CaU H ow ley 648-6861, 644- full-tim e. ience In payroll preferred. Ap­ ROAD RACE set. hardly used, 1967 SUNBEAM Alpine and T ig­ 8888. ply Dean Machine Products, beater engineers and Strombeckar, S lanes, all parts MANCHESTER BLBXTTROLUX vacuum clean­ er — leftovers. Save now. e Report for work June, or 102 Colonial Rd., Manchester. Included plus extra trai^ 4 ers, sales and service, bonded Herb's Oarage, Junction Route July. I2.-2 y Moving-—! rucking— finishing hands. Write cars and extra acceaeorlna, representative. Alfred AmeU. 6 and 6A, Colum bia, 1-288-9028. $80. CaU 648-8819. (P m r Ly NU. lac. TM tag U i M . OH. Box M, Manchester 647-1719 or 648-4918. Storago 20 Starting dates for after Why Not Work Locally? 1960 MOA, good shape, new top, school and Saturday work “ No, the reason I don't have a date isn’t because MANCHESTER DeUvery—light m with 7 w ire w h ed s, $875. firm . are flexible. No appoint­ Switchboard Operator H erald. Jimmy is broke . . . it's because I am!" trucking and package delivery- 648-0674. ments needed. Come In any­ Wanted Part - Time Ptrsonols Refrigerators, washers and time. BY LANK LEONARD 1968—CH EVELLE Super l ^ r t - stove moving specialty. Fold­ 25 Hours Per Week LICENSED Journeyman elec­ M I C K Y F I N N WANTED ride from Manchester Omvertlble, 4 speed, tan. Part HELP WANTED ing chairs fo r rent. 649-0752. Experienced PBX switch­ trician, experienced electri­ r THEI nc. ANSWER IS NEGATIVE/ ■ v to Pitkin St., East Hartford, o f w arranty left. CaU 649-9468. I SAID THAT I DIDN'T KNOW BY WALT WETTERBERG - t ------— ------board operator wanted by cian's helper or apprentice GAS STA'nON ATTENDANT IF THERE WERE ANY GROUNDS AND FURTHERMORE, I DON'T THE WILLETS w orking hours 8:80-4:80. 649- - n i E electrician. CaU H. O. Schulze, TO JUSTIFY A REGHJEST FOR AN THINK you REALLY W ANTED 0866 a fter 8 :80. 1962 V O U raV ^O B N — good Painting— Paporing 21 Manchester Memorial Hos­ HELLO, MR. NORRIS' WHAT'S J THERE TO WIN THE CUSTDDy OF O m; k, Mi\ he. T». «.* ui. re. o«. r - pital for rewarding. Inter­ In c., 876-9707. F U L L OR PART TIME— DAYS THE GOOD WORD? ^ IS NO APPEAL.' WELL, I STUDIED THE OME CMRISTMA6 6 IPT l'’s TH A T W AS condition throughout, radio CONNBCnCUT MUTUAL IL VDUR SON, MR. BARD.' esting part-time position. AND <5000, , TRANSCRIPT OF THE HEARING— OOM'T INTEKJD TO C L O S E ] and heater, $600. CaU 648-2640. mTERIOR and exterior paint­ SMALL electronic plaitt needs APPLY WORD.', ing and papering. Call PhU LIFE INSURANCE ExceUent salary and fringe first and third shift male work­ BARRY SHARE WITH ANY'BOOY •MY Companion Pillows BARD 1961 RAM BLER classic, 4-door, Denoncourt, 742-6178. . benefits. CaU Personnel ers as trainees or experienced 1$ COMPANY ARE WHITE rebuUt engine, $560. CaU 648- Dept., 643-1141, E xt. 243. In the plating and m achining DON WIUJS GARAGE PAINTINO Interior and exte­ IN THE MOUSE J 7420. — departments. Good opportuni­ OFFICE 2936 rior, very reasonable, free es­ 140 GARDEN ST., HARTFORD 18 MAIN STBEET— MANCHESTER OF THE ty, good working conditions. timates. CaU Richard Martin, CLERK-TYPIST — to perform Ask for Mr. George Smith, 80 LAWYER, Motoreyelus— Blue Chip In All Regards HARVEY 640-9285, 049-4411. diversified duties In Purchas­ Harrison St. BicyelM 11 Since 1840 ing Department. Gkxxl typing NORRIS. JOSEPH P. Lewis custom skills, able to use adding 1966 YAM AHA, twin carbure­ painting, interior and exterior An Equal Opportunity machine. Dynamic Controls tors, oU Injection, 1,900 mUes paperhanging, waUpaper re­ E m ployer Corp., 8 Nutmeg Road, South since new, very clean. 876-6680. moved. WaUpaper books on re­ W indsor. 289-6808. quest. FuUy Insured. Free es­ ' BY RCLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY tim ates. CaU 649-9668. MR. ABERNATHY 1066 HONDA 806 Scram bler. 649- OIRL to work In smaU office, ~Help W anted—Mote 36 SIGN UP NOW 2000. PAximNO —Interior and exter­ typing essential, some know­ ior. Papering and paper re­ ledge of bookkeeping' CaU 289- WANTED — Man for Janltoriai p in n e r 8408, ask fo r bookkeeper only. work, fuU-time, rent and oal- HHt BOUM ML MMNlirS BY DICK CAVALLI moval. FuUy insured. CaU Ken MORTY MEEKLB BuDinon SorvicM a fy . 048-2068. OueUette 648-9048 o r 649A826. WAITRESSES and Hostess. s e r S ed O fforad 13 PICK INSIDE-outelde painting. Spe­ Part-time nights, no experience JIG BORE OPERATORS, third al BuUding pUcatlan and Job de­ et al — Scale l”-80*-Dec. ID ASSIMILATE ey COMPUTER. \ COMPUTER IS ELSeVOU jlHANKS- AUVE, AND HERE-- handling for eock pattern. scription apply to p e r s o n ­ 1987—Lajsrence E. Hughes, MOIZNIN&/J MIND, I'M ) SLIGHTLY OUT WANT ^ TO <30NT)?DL TWG Aims Oabot (Manchester Excellent working conditions in fully air conditioned n e l OFFICE, Municipal BuUd­ Reg. L. S. Vernon, Conn.” NOT W0(2RIE£>/ I OF K IL TE R FINANCIAL O aO PU S Evening Herald) 1166 A Y E . OF ing, 41 Center Street, Manches­ AU interestod persona may plant. Top wages and fringe beneflts. Liberal over­ BOSSLAtiVr A . ID N IS H T-' B Y R O U S O N AMERICAS, NEW YORK, N.Y. Boland Oil C6^ r.ITTLB SPORTS ter, Connecticut attend. 16686 time schedule. Start working now or after the holi­ AppUcaUens must be return­ Planning and ESTAtLISHEO 193S Print Name, Address with Z)p days and still be digible for full vacation. PER O A U O N ed to the General Manager’s Zoning (Commission Gods and Style Number. too Oalsi. or M on 9 m Office, Municipal BuUding, 41 M. Adler Dobkin, 369 CENTER STREET 643-632D 60c wUl bring you a copy of Chairm an our new '67 FaU ft Winter Al­ Center Street, Manchester, Con­ APPLY 121 ADAMS ST., MANCHESTER necticut, not later than January Clarence W. Welti, bum! FlUed with dozens of love­ S ecretary ly designs. 9, 1988.

C«et. 'A3 Cent Fsnturee Cary. HWWariti enkte Ased. I l - a * nwwmAun — t - BAOB TWENTY-TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1967 MANCHESTEat EVENINO HERALD. BfANCHBSTER. CONN- TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1967 PAGE TWENTY-THREE Wcmttd— To lay II Dusinoss LoeoHons H o u s m For Sate 72 Hooftt For Sate 72 Housos For Sate WE BUT AND SELL antiques, For Rant 64 MANCHESTER — 4-4 two MANCHESTER — Immaculate MANCHESTER — Waddell Out Of Towu 7-room Raised Ranch, with 2 School area. Owy 6-room 8TAFFORDVILLE Lake — Wonted Red Retoto 77 Tolland and uaed fumltul«, china, STORE FOR RENT — down family, nice condition, large U.S. Planes CLASSIFIED ftaaa, silver, picture frames, lot, only $10,900. Mitten Agen­ full baths, bullt-ln oven and Cape, 2 full baths, wall to wall furnished cottage, lot 100x160' For Sate 75 HOMES — ... land, 'In'vestment "8 Accidents town Manchester, State Thea­ range, 9 rooms, large living carpeting, large paneled full price, $8,900. Call days, Greek King Seen old coins, guns, pewter, scrap tre Bldg. Inquire Manager, cy, Realtors, 648-6080. BOLAON Center — 6 room property urgently needed to J room with fireplace, 8 bed­ kitchen, birch cabinets, buUt-ln 289-6459, evenings, 64^2882. gold, watches, old Jewelir, hob­ State Theatre, 648-7882. Randi. 1-oar gantfe, 4-bed- meet our evergrowing demand Over Holiday Hit G>nvoys State Trooper^ His Face Cut^ SIX ROOM overslsed Cape, 2 rooms and a heated family range, one ear garage, ame- 1 by Mdlections, paintings, attic nooma, IH bathe, family size of qualified clienta. Call' Paul ADVERTISING TAVERN for sale -“-Inquire full baths, trees, large lot, room, 2-car garage, $25,500. slte drive, shaded lot, approxi­ Returning Soon Ml contents or whole estates. Fur­ kitohen, one acre lot with hoiee J. Correntl, A' ency, 843-6868. Over the holiday weekend, po­ $23,000. Phllbrlck Agency, Wolverton Agency, Realtoni, mately 70x800. Owner leaving After Truce Shoots Fleeing Jail Escapee Wl niture Repair Service, 648-7419. Birch St. Tavern or call 6t9- Out Of Town bam and paddock. Bxeellent lice Investigated eight motor CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS Realtors, 649-5847. 649-2818. state, $18,900. No agents. Call g u a r a n t e e d Bale! We wlU ATHENS (AP) — A close changed Christmas greetings by wi: 8110 or 648-9605. 75 oonditlon. Selling tor $32,600. 8 A JL to 6 P Jl. 649-9381. ^ Sate guarantee-’'in writing to buy vehicle mishaps Involving a friend of King Constantine, cable over the weekend. (C o r V ^ r i L m S ^ <>t religious services, the tradl- 184 Ashley St., policejwllce said. That'Diat incidents. President and Mrs. Musical Instruments 53 has lots of cabinets, and a rooms each apartment. A CONSERVATION COMMIS­ oven, range, refrigerator, Manchester 649-5306 tlons who eUe had sent congrat- as It was stopped on Spruce St. attached to the car before stitot for further examination. turkey dinner, presenU resulted In a charge of viola built-in oven and range, attach­ must to see. Inexpensive Johnson were In Washington. SION, establishment of SOUND AMPLIFIER — 45 watt parking. Call 527-9238 between ulatory messages. The The plow plow truck truck was was driven driven by by ** was parked. It 1 ^ ^ e n In w - They refused to comment on home and thoughts of tdnn o f dflie atate narcotics ect. ed garage, very private yard. MANCHESTER — 2-famlly, 5-5 DOUBIE EARLY WEEK living for owner. A real Ho’s greeting was reported by A Conservation Commission with tremolo, one big 15" 9-5 p.m. 647-1871 alter 5. Francis H. Hill, 29, of Andover, wiploslon w w In- Q ^ ^ es also faces charges of Wolverton Agency, Realtors, Christmas Present For ap­ is hereby established. Said Con­ speaker, excellent condition, convenient to bus lines, per Hanoi’s Vietnam News Agency. and had no apparent damage. Irt under poUcc o b s e ^ a ^ f ^ volved. the gM tank waa Intect helicopters took breach of the peace, aggravated MANCHESTER — convenient 649-2813. manent siding, aluminum com TOP VALUE, pointment call Mr. Lewis, servation Commission shall be 643-8121. It said toe 77-year-oId Ho A car driven by TTieron R. ^ prerio^ three h ^ rs and and the blaat appwenUy had hot turkey dinners to toe men In aaaault, carrying a revolver location, roomy VA room first binatlons, 2 new heating ays 649-6306. wished Mao a long life on behalf before that was sitting on a ^me from ^und leva under ^ f^^ Qjg ^fhout a permit and attempted composed of five electors and SIX ROOM Ranch, breezeway, Parlin, 33, of Broad Brook back­ LieBETT DRUe floor apartment, heat and ap­ terns, good investment, $24,500, of toe government and party of busy downtown Moscow street. the front right corner of the car. taxpayers to be appointed by 2-car garage, paneled recrea­ ed Into a parked car driven by the most remote areas were left burglary to connection with to- PARKADE Antiques 56 pliances included, $145 month­ Wolverton Agency, Realtors, STJUNFS North Vietnam. the Board of Selectmen of the tion room, large treed lot, $22,- W Dallas G. Senna, 42, of 81 Pio­ out. The soldiers gave Christ- cldents early today, police MaJ. ly. Hayes Agency, 646-0131. 649-2813. The broadcast was monitored OPEN Town of Bolton. WANTED TO BUY — a n tiq u e s ,______000. Hutchins Agency, Realtors BARROWS and WALLACE Co. neer Circle In the pfu'king lot mas parties for young and old Thomas Hankard said. Bond for In Tokyo. Grimes was set at $10,0 STARTS DEC. 26 vllle Circuit Coiurt 12. ggn Robert and hie wife Don- Chamber of C o m m e r c e . ______■ Low dally, weekly or month*niont Two Vernon men were chaxg- na, and eon Douglae, a etudent The tribesmen peeeented Rom- ^ nitoi on new Merourya or ed wtth^ operating imder the Hamline Unlvenrity In 8t. ney with one of their croaabowa FftS LECTURE MON., JAN. 8. 8 P.M. Oometi! 1*X*S year lenalng leaali •vnlinble for all make* Influence In two separate accl- p^ui. and arrows and other gifts. The denU over the weekend. ------governor delighted toe audience and all iimmM i ! All Xmas Boxed Cards POTATOES Edward W. Flnnerty of 68 r e d PRAISE FOR BIBLE when he presented a single red RESERVE A CAR CALIFORNIA—SUNKIST SEEDLESS Skinner IWL. drove off the side MOSCOW (AP) — A Commu- rose to each of the Montagnard NOW. . .CALL of the road and struck a tree nizt literary critic, A. Kashdan, womenfrom a large bouquet of and Frederick J. Rlcclo, Jr., reviewer for toe Soviet atheist roaea he had been given imi PLjlZA MANCHESTER, CONN. card reoMved by R M ^ version m a "break ta Vietnamese r e li^ . He da- tag without obligation. Attend a FREE FIRST UBCTURE M l OENTEB 8TBEBT TOMATOES \ IgUvle was at 8 P.M. on Monday, January i at the Morse ^ too conspiracy of sUence" which cltaod to talk about what was ~ NQ INDIVIDUAL CHRISTMAS CARDS INCLUDED “ PiWEldent, (bounty Board. Ann 8L; Hartford.[artford. You------will receive a free copy of ‘ ‘How . To OPEN EVENINOS had previously relegated the discussed at the meeting, aa he Missing were the street address, Choose Your House," a 270-page booklet containing 104 cotor Tlunn.) Old -riMtament to obUvKm to haa about bR private convoraa-* city, state and sip code. pbntrm Write OT pbone tor free brochiure and guest tickets Russia. The volume quickly be- tions on hla worid tour, The sender was Howaxxl w. MORSE COLLEGE, 18$ Ann Street, Hartford, 633-2261 came a top aeUer. Romney, a candidate for the mcOee, Chicago poetmaeter. ^ 'V;V-

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1967 PAGE TWENTY-POUR Avanice Daily Nat Praaa R u The Weather For H m Week Ended Cloudy tonight. Bnow likely , Deoendber XS, 1667 toward monting. Ixnr tonight In Manchesiter WATIBSS has can­ Aviation Machinist Mate 8.C. to e the second oonseoutlve year, vUe, was chaiged wMh reck­ 20e. Snow tomorrow. High In up­ celed its meeting scheduled for Richard A. Soblelo of the Navy, Contract Let will be distributed door-to- less driving last night, after he 120 iHanrhFfitrr Eumitig IlFralb per 20e. About Town door, to all town househcMi. tundgM. Ttie executive boaid of son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. was observed driving a car wMh 15,563 Robert C. VarvelU, son of the ^grcKp wUl meet Friday at Soblelo of 226 School St. is For Printing Mancheeter— A C U yof Village Charm Mm. t«n a C. Varvelli of 162 no Mgbta on Center St, was CG 8 pjn. at the home o t Mrs. Ted serving aboard the anti-sub­ (ClMMlZied Advertlstng on Page SB) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Wells St., recently fired expert Zimmer, 472 Mfdn St. marine warfare support aircraft Town’s Report pursued and atopped at Center VOL. LXXXVIL NO. 78 (TWENTY-EI6HT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1967 with the M14 rifle during his carrier, USS Bennington, as a A contract has been ownarded Police Arrests and Stone Sts. Ourless also re­ Army basic training at Ft. Dlx, Memorial Temple, Pythian member of Antl-Submarle Fight­ to the Technical Press of Wajp- ceived a written wttming for N.J. The expert rating is the ping (o r printing 1S,000 copies having defective equipment on Sisters will celebrate its 4Sth er Squadron One. His squadron Arthur F. Bralnard, 21, a Ma­ highest mark a soldier can Manchester's 1966-67 Annual 'his motor vehicle. You’ll anniversary at its regular meet­ U based at the Naval Air Sta­ rine stationed at Camp Le- achieve on his weapons qualifi­ ing Friday at 8 p.m. at Odd iRepoirt. The company Is a dl- David M. Wolienberg. 16, o f ^ ‘iS f < J f ^ tion, Alameda, Calif. }eune, N.C.; and Penelope L. Koffi-Ste rram we jrtve j w cations test. Fellows Hall. Members are re­ vision olf Jay Bengren Associates. 164 HlUiard St. wan charged E xplosion Rychllng oif Coventry were l u t b l y f r e e . * SiJD 300 Dentures from Ocean minded to bring a grab bag gift. Technical Press, at Wd open­ wttti speesUng, failure to obey a for your cpnem. We fVSh**” M a ^ e Pvt. Michael P. Lind­ charged with breach o f peace you have developed. It s ^ freeb- Manchester and Friendship ings last Wednesday, offered a stop sign and failure to obey a W e d and top quality and Ko- say, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sunday about 1:30 am. after a Lodges of Masons will meet to­ The Senior Citizens Club will price o f |3,513 and was the traiffic control signal on two , dak. too. Quk3c prooesstnc . . . Fatal in. H. Lindsay of 62 Oxford St. re­ disturbance at 152 Charter Oak I M hiour aervice tor Teacher Has Toothy Problem gether tonight at 6 :30 for a meet tomorrow at 2 p.m. at the lowest bidder among five print­ counts, Saturday morning. Po­ I black and white (Jurt cently completed two weeks of St. Table Lodge celebrating St. Senior Citizens Center, Myrtle ing companies. It promised de­ lice say Wolienberg was, ob­ ' a little bit longor for two cents to anyone else except the training under simulated com­ color). By FRANK MDRHAY John the Evangelist Day. A hot and Linden Sts. livery within 30 days and its Anthony McAlHater, 26 o f no served passing a stop sign at B. H anover Associated Press Writer . owners." plate dinner will be served at bat conditions in the fundamen­ price InchideB all necessary certain address was charged Center and Goodwin Sts., was MO Comito got most ot the dentures last HANOVER, Maas. (AP) — MIAMI, Fla. (AP) — Matthew Comlto 6 ;30, and the Table Lodge speak­ The executive committee of tals of day and night patroling, type setting. It had submitted with intoxication after he was chased, passed red lights, and mm summer from lifeguards at Miami B ea^ Fire and exploaion today ripped has a problem with thousands of teeth er will be the Rev. Russell B. the American Legion will meet employment of infantry weap­ an alternate price of 63,276, al­ found staggering along the side­ was finally stopped at the Cen­ who had picked them up after they AT THE PABKADE a frame building at the Atlantic in it. Camp of 41 Walnut St., Prot­ tonight at 7 :30 at the post home. ons, survival methods and as­ so low, fo r printing camerar walk at 44 Pearl St. early Sun­ ter. floated ashore over the years. d r u g 404 MIDDLE TPKE. WE8T| Research Oorp., manufacturers Comito has a jug filled with 300 estant chaplain at the state pri- The regular meeting of the post sault tactics, at Camp L«Jeune, reaxfy materiaL day morning. All accused are scheduled for lu e e r r T "Some people go out fishing and do of antt-personnel mines for use denture plates, most of them flotsana •son in Somers. scheduled for tonight will not N.C. Manchester’s annual report. James B. Curiess, 24, o f Rook- court appearance on Jan. 8. more drinking them fishing," Comlto In Vietnam, killing one perstm picked up along Miami Beach in past be held. years. explained. "If they’re swimming, they and injuring at least 14 others. get a mouthful ot water and lose the The small wooden structure He’d like to return some of them to Seamen Recruits Francis J. teeth." was used for mixing explosives, their owners but In spite of correspon­ McCaughey, son of Mrs. Fran­ police said, and a small fire dence, telephone calls and one public Comlto said each of the approximately cis McCaughney of 24 Goslee touched oft the explosion. showing of the dentures, Comlto has yet 30 million denture wearers in America Dr., and James J. Murphy, son NOW GOING ON! Twenty seven persons were to find a single right mouth. should have his name ground into the of Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. reported in the building. "It’s quite a challenge to find some­ plate for identlflqatlon and return. Murphy of 176 Hackmatack St., Elouth Shore Hospital in South one,” he said. He said most ot the plates floating recently graduated from nine Weymouth received 12 vic^ms Comito is an instructor in dental ashore in Miami probably were lost weeks of Navy basic training GREAT ANNUAL SAVINGS EVENT! and at least 10 were held^for technology at the Lindsey Hopkins Pub­ further south, perhaps In the Florida at Great Lakes, ill. Training treatment. One mah was report­ lic Adult Education Center. TTie Jug of keys. 2 2 Center. ed in critical condition. false teeth is on his desk in the class­ "Anybody who lost their plates in the Two persoiu were taken to room. Miami area might look for them up In Brockton Hospital from the "They cost a minimum of $160 each," Fort Lauderdale or Palm Beach," he plant located some 25 miles Comito said, "but they’re not worth said. EVERYTHING south of Boston. TO CELEBRATE The explosion tore off the roof o i the building, one of several in THE NEW YEAR! the sprawling industrial com­ plex. ARTHUR DRUG Reporters were denied admit­ 6 tance to the area, all being 7 stopped at the main gate about Copter Rockets, Soldiers WINDOW half a mile from the damaged Richard E. Mitchell, an exec­ CAMERA utive of Atlantic Research SHADES Oorp., said the plant was a sub­ Kill Haifa Red Battalion sidiary of Susquehanna Oorp., Made to Order RENTAL Alexandria, Va. The comjUex SAIGON (AP) — South Viet­ al roads, rails and canals from Vietnam rose with the arrival of Bring your old rollers In and REPAIR formerly was occupied by the below Hanoi to the demilitarized 600 men of the Royal Australian nave 8So per shade. former National Fireworks, Inc. namese soldiers and rocket- Have a problem? zone. Navy pilots reported 20 Regiment’s 3rd Battalion. There An employe who was passing spewing American helic»s- U 3.99 resentatives of the South Viet­ continue in 1B68. sepcu-ately were 55-gallon drums ing (Jhristtnas Eve on a runway Associated Press Writer are actions outside the military namese government, including It was the first major battle lobbed tear gas shells Into one The commander of U.S. forces Authorized agent in Man- For rare American beauty—ihapet and curvet at no other bra of raw lead azide, primary ex­ at Gen. Mitchell FiehL field, and there the enemy are E. A. JOHNSON SAIGON (AP) — Presidential President Nguyen Van Thieu after the 24-hour Christmas part of the defense ring but In Vietnam estimated that the ^chester for all Airlines, can . . . weighilettly. Bra hat nylon Crepetet cupt lined with plosive for the mines, and RDX, The plane’s pilot saiw the car winning some substantial victo­ hopeful George Romney said to­ and Premier Nguyen Van Loc truce proclaimed by the South failed to follow up with a ground enemy lost about four times as Railroads and Steamship' secondary explosive. They are on the runway and was aWe to ries. PAINT CO. Lines. thin fiberfill, tha rett it nylon and Lycra power net. #3380. day that "military victories are He was asked about a report Vietnamese. The fighting began attack. kept in subfreezing tempera­ anroid a cradh by veering onto "We have no way of measur­ more than 12 hour« before the Allied troop strength In South (See Page Fourteen) 723 MAIN ST. tures. being won" by the United Statq/i ing the military victories from from Robert L. Plsor, the corre­ another strip. and Its allies In South Vietnam spondent In South Vietnam of end of the three-day cease-fire rag. $ 14 The blMt apparently occurred Jacobson told the Judge he the standpoint of the enemy's B. ''A n s w e r " Panty 11.99 but the Communists are winning the Detroit News, that U.S. Ma­ ordered by the Viet Cong. In an area where the two explo­ had Intended to get onto a free­ objectives. I personally am not The battle flared early Tues- The antwer to your figure problem. Midriff to thigh—all under sives are mixed. the so-called other war. imprgased with the body count rines stationed Just, outside Da way, but made a wrong turn. Nang had been brieifed ”*“> * *” “■ control in thit cuff-top long-legged pontie girdle. Satin vertical "Our mlUtary vicborlea are m eth^ of meastulng success. iw Starts Get Tough Policy (See Page Fourteen) being won without correspond­ id-destr6y operation northeast ttretch back panel. S, M, L. #485. "It’s such a big and complex fore the governor visited them, ing victories In the political, ^Quang Trl city. The South situation and so few people un­ Plsor reported that an enlisted economic and social fields," derstand it." lamese caught the Red Romney told a news conference man told him after Romney’s Miami Police Chief Foreign Cars oi Hanchesler The Best of Romney said he felt that force in the coastal flats and at the end of a three-day visit. visit; "We were talked to ahead “ generally” he was treated with pinned it to the coast as a sec­ Romney also criticized the FORM FIT ROGERS F^iir Navy Deserters candor by U.S. military and (See Page Twenty-Seven) ond government beittallon was 174 WEST CEMTEB ST. proportion of the U.S. effort In rushed up with armored vehi­ Aims at Hoodlums* South Vietnam, saying "there 'Curvelling" Contour Bra 2.79 cles to block the enemy’s escape MIAMI, Fla. (AP) — Police wante to ohmlnte our crime remains the problem of the regularly 3.30 routes. Chief Walter Headley says that problem,” HeatUey said. "But Repairs on A ll Foreign Cars ‘Fed Up with Russia’ United States tending to do too 'C’ a A l i U l f l l U T A Artillery and Jet planes much of the Job themselves." HiaCIl 3 1 0 6 8^ iaim 8 Y ICtU l IC& community relations programs 10 per cent are young hoodlums Soft young rounding, ingenioutly detigned to do the mott for pounded the Viet Cong, and then In the city’s Negro district have who have taken advantage o< MOSC»W (AP) — Four U.S. sas, said only: "We have no you. Smooth and uncluttered Tricot— perfect under knitt. 32- The Michigan governor said the helicopters whirled in with failed so hU officers are under the clvl rights campaign." Specializing in Navy deserters who came to news of them.” again that he had been misled rockets and machine guns blaz­ 36 A, 8. White. #219. Tlie young sailors chatted __ orders to combat with riiotguns Headley, chief of the depart- - i Moscow to protest the Viet­ on his previous visit to South ing. They were credited with a and dogs "young hoodlums who ment for 19 years, said he took openly In M os(»w’s ( ^ k y Park more than two years *68 Seen Showdown large part of the enemy casual­ VOLKSWAGENS namese wax told a cheuice ac- with an ElngUsh-speaJdng mem- ^ ^ ^ ^ eotten a have taken advantage at the his action after toe CSiristmas D. "S h o rt S k irto r" regularly 6.00 4 .7 9 ties. civil rights campaign." holiday weekend in whirti there quaintance Wednesday they are ber <,( the diplomatic communl- ^ rounded view tWs time Heaxy flix© radined "Felons wUl learn that they were 66 violent crime, to toe Fomout web ttitching and double-layer Lycra give thit young "fed up with Russia,” a mem- skaUng on one of the j In Vietnamese War jViet Cong throughout the day can’t be bonded out from the area, tocludlng toree murdero. tmoother unique tieek power. P, S, M, L. White. #1830. and into the night, with flare- CHARGE IT WITH .. w L “ a S S K u M a ^ ^ Editor’s Note—What changes Both sides claimed numerous morgue,” Headley told report- ®**iy ^®®i white crlmG lumued sailors, all sporting 8**** time and that this did mislead taken place In the Vietnam victories this year. In the terms ships lighting the battlefield. By PHONE ’Ibe deserters, who ------'* ers at a news conference; were Involved; toe ar said approached the woman nxe,” he said. He expressed an- this year, and what is the of reference both used, both t a.m. today the enemy had evl- CrlUclsm from civil rights were Negro men," Headley ^ :iter th^;; heard her speaking 649-0005 Waloemo Hero they are anxious to get to Swe­ ger over the criticism of his ouUook? Here Is an appnUsal were right. f® "«y Buy BESTFORM English to friends leaders was swift even as ^ » den and settle down with steady statement In a television inter- ^ Associated Press re- American commanders tend leaving 42 riiies ana su ma- nutrola in the Central "iJOininumiy"Community retauonsrelations anaand au all ■ARTVORD NATIONAL She said they trt of thing h a. faUed," E. "Showcase" Long-Lino Bra 2.49 Jobs. ’They said they hope to go were being kept In a private In a week or two. ivate tary and diplomatic officials had ^ ^ ^ y six years and seen the World War U. The Communists the^ty^i “ rton^Sd frirfc" ^ Headley said. "W e have done regularly 3.99 house about two miles outside of ''brainwashed" him on his conflict grow from one involving see the war In terms of the fight everything we could, sending As of May 20, Shop Hours: 8 A 18", 26-38 (odd to 35). sorted from toe aircraft carrier measurements of our military ty of bigger and bloodier battles The other strikes raked coast- population is law abiding and said. #5635. T axpayer Intrepid “because they had had men—we’re winning toe mill- ahead, (See Page Twenty-Seven) Headley’s statement vms to 1 5 " length 6.99; reg. 8.98 enough of navy life amd toe ______contrast to recent comment by By JOSEPH R. COYNE war." (See Page Three) Associated Pres# Writer But since they arrived In Moo- 2 WASHINGTON (AP) — New cow in early November, die 2 Year’s day will bring both good said, they have begun to feel and bad news for toe American "The Russians are fed up with A PLAYTEX CIANT ONCE-A-YEAR SAVINGS IN JANUARY taxpayer. One tax will be us, too, and don’t know what to Egypt May erased from the government's do with us." books on Jan. 1 while another The sailors are Craig W. An­ will be increased for many per­ derson, 20, of San Jose, Calif., JANUARY SALE John M . Barilla, 20, of Catons- Set Free sons. ' Higher Social Security faxes viUe, Md., Richard D. Bailey, to be paid during 1968 wlU more 19, of JackaonvlUe, Fla., and than offset toe repeaf o t toe fed­ Michael A. Lindner, 19, o( 15 Ships S a n $1.00 eral stamp tax on real estate Mount Pdcono, Fa. They have Western newemaa YOU CANT HND A PIN^ SavG68« sales which was votedBd toIp 1®®® CAIRO (AP) — Hgypt may "Living"* Long Line but doesn’t take effect: iunol next since their arrlvaL soon release toe 16 ships strand­ HEATING OIL PROGRAM THAN*" Pliytex "Soft-line" Padded Stretch Brare onT)only r"' The Soviet Peace Committee, ed in toe southern half of the Bra with semi-stretch $6.95, reg. $7.95, That tax amounts to 66 cents which has been handling them, Suez Canal but toe waterway straps, only $2.84, reg. Adjustable stretch straps; for each $800, or fraction, of a ^ will not be cleared and reopened FOGARTY'S INSURANCE $3.50. With stretch sheer back and sides. real estate sale and m ean be- toe explanation toat they did not to international shipping unless straps, only $3.34, Also 44 Length Longiine tween $60 million and $70 mU- want to meet V^tem Journu- Israel evacuates Its troops from reg. $4.00 only $6.95, reg. $7.95.32 Uon esich year to toe Treasury ids. TOie U.S. ^ toe Sinai Peninsula, an offlelsl BUDGET PAYMENT PLAN 446 ("0” sizes $1.00 more) Department It is one of the fees niod a meeting wlto them oo Egyptian spokesman said today. collected from the home-buyer similar grounds, Dr. Mohamed Hsssan el Zay- when he signs Ms settlemwit As they skated in Ot® yait told a nemrs ccaferenco the • Level, economical payments. " M ila d y 's C a rn iv a l's Cupid's peqpers. their Russian escort kept them government is studying a ptau "Moasurette" imwnigh toe Social Security to view, although he was not to remove a sunken ship from Diamond III" "Secret Form" tax rate won’t Increase for 1968, skating, toe woman said, the southern portion of the canal • Payment protection for you and your Power Not Girdle CONTOUR BRAS POWER NET GIRDLE toe amount of salary oo which it "Where can we buy some com to allow toe trapped vessels to family in event of accident or sickness or Sava $1.00 is levied wUl—from $6,600 to records?” she said one <* leave. But he said the canal death. Save $1.00 $7,800. This wUl mean an addi- asked her. Another complainea would remain closed to shipphtg "L iv in g "* Long Line Bra tlonal tax of $6.80 for a person shout his Russian cloUiea a m 4.99 ^ 3.99 "Livin g"* Stretch.Bra only only $5.95, reg. $6.95. until Israel pulls back. 1.99 $3.95,...... reg. $4.95. Adiustab-ible esoidng $7,800 or more during ssdd he. had rtartod wearing ms “ We cannot reopen the canal AT NO COST TO YOU! reg. $5 i r«g. 3.50 stretchch straps; sheer back and toe year. navy trousers again. under the shadow of largell 5.99 '•s- V Teniion-eze control panel of ny­ isida$.32A-40CrD" sizes Prealdent Johnson has not yet "They were so {deased to And guns on the east hank of toe ca­ Phone: 649-4539 1$1.0Q more) Also-Save 66C on aigned the SocUl Security bill aomeooe wlto whom they coula nal," he said. Regular, long leg, knee lengthi. Lightweight zepholra botitta Da­ lon theer over totln for maximum Fatented dlamond-thaped front cron/cotton bro. Inner lined with abdominal control. Downtireteh /^'Living" Bra vrith bias-cut but is expected to do so aborOy. apeak EngUkh," aha aald. "They The semiofficial newspaper A1 panel for flawlett control. Vor­ polyeilei fiberfill to odd curvet Lycra totln lottex for complete ' elastic side panels. onN $3.29, Increased Social Security tax- are tired at talking through to­ (AP rtiolioau) Ahram had Indicated earlier to tical elottic bock, criii-crott ono exciting thope naturally eote In walking and tlttlng. reg. p.9S.32A-42C("6'^size$ es and mpeal of toe Federal terpretow, and toey fael their toe day that Egypt would under­ Fogarty Brothers, Inc. woltibond. Lightweight Lycra without tllHnatt. 32-36A, 32-38 Short, overage, toll. S, M, L, XL. ^$1.00 more) stamp tax on read estate are the words are not always translated take toe project to free toe White. No. 416. A Spondex. S, M, I, XL. While. B, C. White. No. 672. oidy two rtumges to toe tax law accurately." Derailment at ChurchviUe, N.Y. ships. FUEL OIL s BURNER l^lUiES A SERVICE which take ^ect Jan. 1. They tdd her toey have bean Rescue workers reinove p&ssengers frozn a car of the New York Oenti^l train that derailed yesterday. Nine persons were hurt. (•ae Page Thiea) 319 Broad Streot # Manchester, Conn. Downfovm Main Ste, Manchester • Open 6 Days— ThurSe Nights till 9 # Charge Accounts Inviled (Sea Bage Tirarty-S«v«) (See Page Fourteeia)

I A- it